#who do we have carrying the githyanki plot
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grapetriip · 4 months ago
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anyone up for bg3 aftg au w dark urge neil
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murfeelee · 1 year ago
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BG3 INSP: Escape the Nautiloid
Githyanki Woman: Abomination! This is your end! Narrator: Your head throbs and your skin tingles. Visions run past: a dragon's wing, a silver sword--and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes. Githyanki Woman: Ugh, my head! What is this? Tsk'va! You are no thrall? Vlaakith blesses me this day! Together, we might survive. Imps block the path forward. You will assist me in destroying them--we must reach the helm before we transform. Ryuu: Transform? What do you mean? Githyanki Woman: We carry Mind Flayer parasites! Unless we escape--unless we are cleansed--our bodies and minds will be tainted and twisted. Within days we will be ghaik: Mind Flayers! Ryuu: We are turning into Illithid? There must be something we can do! Githyanki Woman: We can do nothing until we escape--that must be our priority. Ryuu: I am Ryuu; who are you? Lae'zel: Who am I? Your only chance of survival, Lae'zel. Ryuu: Is the helm our way out of here? Lae'zel: It is where we might gain control of the gh'ath--this Nautiloid ship. Once in command, we will deal with our ghaik captors. We will address the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the Material Plane. Ryuu: Onward then. The ship won't be able to take another dragon attack. We need to get out before it's too late.
-- Baldur's Gate 3
Unpopular opinion, but I LOVE Lae'zel. She's my favorite character in the whole game (EASY #2's my daughter Karlach 🥰). People say Lae'zel's hella mean, but I like her whole melting the ice queen shtick.
My biggest complaint about BG3 is that most of the companions are way too irrelevant--other than Halsin, Lae'zel's the only one closely tied to the actual frikkin plot (unless you count that annoying wench Shadowheart blabbing about Lady Shar all frikkin day. I haven't dealt with her & the Nightsong yet). I was with Lae the whole time: get these nasty AF parasites out of my frikkin body RIGHT NOW. 🤮 To the creche! (Then we got to the creche and I was like jfc. 👀💀)
And her going on & on about Queen Vlaakith was way more interesting than Shadowheart with Lady Shar & her whole amnesia excuse (plus I just don't like her, so.... XD).
The Githyanki were giving me strong Qunari vibes from Dragon Age--but that's not surprising, since Bioware made the first two Baldur's Gate games & DA likely lifted at lot from D&D. Lae's kinda like a way more intense Sten or Iron Bull? And both the Gith & the Qun have dragon-obsessed cultures; these are my people. 💪😤
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- Midnight Hollow lighting mod
- Tank pose w/ 75% OMSP resizer
- Skyrim dragon by me
- Fireextinguisherfailfx is a GREAT Fog Emitter fire-breathing effect, which I realized when I had Ryuu detonate the parasite pool, and the explosion set sim!Lae'zel on frikkin fire! That orange burst when the extinguisher fails is just perfect.
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I was dying when Ryuu just STOOD there while she did all the work putting out the fires, after I told him to put out the fire FIRST! Typical; Dark Urges can't be bothered helping people, I guess. XD
Fortunately for sim!Lae, there was a nifty Restoration Station nearby where she could wash all the soot off:
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- Lae outfit from Dragon Valley, boots & bracers at TSR
- Ryuu Dragon Age staff acc by @greenplumbboblover
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mumms-the-word · 9 months ago
In Fathoms Below - Ch. 2
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Ch. 2 - The Launch
Characters: Gale, Karlach, Wyll, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Halsin, Minthara, Gortash + other OCs; pairing is Gale x fem!Tav Plot: The island city of Nautera disappeared over 4500 years ago, if it ever existed at all. Now not a single, legitimate record of Nautera exists, save for one. The Nauterran Account. Long thought lost, it has recently been retrieved from the depths of Candlekeep’s archives and placed into the capable hands of one Gale Dekarios. With the Nauterran Account in hand and an eclectic team of Baldurians and other allies mounting an official expedition, Gale journeys to find the ruins of Nautera…but hopes to find so much more. A/N: Gale is meeting the team and the submersible is about to launch! For those curious about where a certain pale vampire is, don't worry. He's around here somewhere. Also, have some mood music!
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Lord Enver Gortash. It wasn’t a name that Gale immediately recognized, but the man carried himself with an air of confidence and self-importance that was impossible to deny. Whoever he was to the city of Baldur’s Gate, it was someone of significance.
Gortash straightened from his subtle bow to offer Gale another charismatic smile. “I’m in charge of this little expedition, at the behest of Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard himself. It has been a lifelong dream of mine—and his—to locate the fabled Nautera. When we heard that there was an ancient record of the islands and that there might be a man capable of reading and deciphering it—well, it was practically a dream come true. We wasted no time in organizing this expedition to seek out the fabled city. Rest assured, I’ve gathered only the finest to ensure our success. Including you, naturally. You’ve come highly recommended.”
Gale struggled to keep up. Recommended by who, Elminster? And how did this man know about the Account when not even Gale had been certain it still existed until only a few short days ago? And Ravengard—that was a Baldurian name, if he recalled. One of four Grand Dukes that ruled the city. If this was a Baldurian expedition, why had Elminster arranged for him to join? Then again, perhaps he ought not to look a gift submersible in the mouth...
He set those concerns aside for now. “A pleasure to meet you, Lord Gortash.” 
“Likewise.” Gortash snapped his fingers at the drow woman. “Minthara. Gather the others will you? We can have a little debrief before we launch.”
Gale didn’t miss the withering look Minthara shot at the back of Gortash’s head, but she turned and left even so. In the meantime, Gortash gestured toward the githyanki, who was watching them both with a sour expression, her arms still crossed over her chest.
“This is—”
“I am capable of introducing myself, istik,” she said, cutting her eyes briefly at Gortash before settling her gaze back on Gale. She straightened and lifted her chin. “I am Lae’zel of K’liir. No doubt I will be this expedition’s strongest fighter, should the need arise.”
“Lae’zel is here to offer her people’s expertise on Nautera,” Gortash said, appearing unruffled by her interruption. “The libraries of K’liir contained quite a few tir’su slates with accounts of the islands. I’m sure the two of you will have much to discuss as we draw closer to the city.”
“Truly?” Gale couldn’t help but be intrigued. “I confess, I’ve always wanted to learn tir’su. No doubt time in your company will prove valuable to us both.”
“Save your words, istik,” she said, settling back against the table and folding her arms again. “I offer only that which is necessary, be it in words or with blades. I do not chatter.” 
“Ah…duly noted.” 
Gortash chuckled. “Don’t mind her. She’s like that with everyone. Ah, here we have our healers. This is Halsin Silverbough of the Emerald Grove and Shadowheart, a cleric who has offered her services to the cause.”
“You must be the translator we’ve been waiting for,” Halsin said, nodding to him. “Well met.”
“Funny,” Shadowheart said, looking Gale up and down. “I thought you’d be more…”
“More…what?” Gale tilted his head. “Dashing? Roguish? Elegantly dressed?”
She pursed her lips. “More of a peacock, I suppose. Your reputation precedes you.” Her gaze settled briefly on his silver Mystran earring before returning to his face.
“Ah. I dare not ask which reputation you’re referring to, if that’s the case,” he said, laughing somewhat awkwardly. He could just imagine what the others had heard about him by now, especially if Elminster had arranged for him to join up.
But just as she noticed his earring, he couldn’t help but notice the symbol on the circlet she wore over her hair—a round black disk like a new moon. Any follower of Mystra would recognize that symbol. It was the mark of Shar, one of Mystra’s longest and most relentless divine enemies. The two goddesses absolutely hated each other.
Curious that there would be a Sharran cleric on board. But if she was here as a healer, perhaps she intended to do no harm. Or so he hoped. He offered her his most charming smile and a little bow.
“Rest assured, I’m more than happy to offer my services to the expedition. The discovery of Nautera is not something a man simply passes up.”
“That’s the spirit,” Gortash said, flashing him a quick grin. “Ah, and I know you’ve met Karlach.”
“Hello again, Gale,” Karlach said, giving him a little wave. He waved back.
“And this is young Wyll Ravengard, son of Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard.”
“At your service.” The young man bowed gracefully before rising and offering Gale a smile. Gale noticed that one of his eyes had been replaced with a smooth, stone eye and that there were several scars on his face and neck.
For a young son of a grand duke, Wyll didn’t look the part. This man had clearly seen trials the like most could only find in their nightmares. Still, it was curious that he was here. From what little Gale recalled of Baldurian nobility, Ulder Ravengard only had one son, and this expedition was sure to be dangerous at times.
Wyll's presence must be a hint of Ravengard’s confidence in the success of the expedition...or else there was some other, darker reason no one dared to name. Gale hoped it meant the former.
“And finally,” Gortash said, as the drow woman returned to the table, “allow me to introduce our general, Minthara of House Baenre. She has brought with her a retinue of drow scouts and soldiers that will no doubt be invaluable as we explore any Underdark passages along the way.”
“I also serve as the second-in-command for this expedition,” she said, clasping her hands behind her back. “And I suffer no disobedience of any kind. If you will not listen to Lord Gortash, you will listen to me. Is that clear?”
“As crystal,” Gale said, trying to look sincere. He glanced around the group, trying to match faces with names and names with occupations. Gortash, the lord and leader. Minthara, the general. Karlach, the bodyguard. Wyll, the young noble. Halsin, the druid healer. Shadowheart, the cleric. And Lae’zel, the githyanki soldier and tir’su expert.
An ecclectic group if he ever saw one. He couldn’t fathom why half of them cared about finding the ruins of an ancient city. At worst they would find nothing, save perhaps stone blocks and broken pottery, and at best they’d locate ancient writings, perhaps a rare fragment of the legendary mythallar. Gale knew what he wanted out of the trip—answers about Nautera and its relationship with Netheril as well as the pride in knowing he had proven generations of Candlekeep scholars wrong—but he dared not wonder why the rest were interested.
Perhaps it was better that he did not know…for now.
“Now,” Gortash said, clasping his hands together. “There are plenty more important people to meet but you can make those introductions along the way. We had best be off. Gale, you will be sharing a bunk with Halsin and Wyll while aboard the submersible. I trust they can show you the way?” At Wyll and Halsin’s nods, he continued, “Splendid. Everyone, we will meet at the helm in exactly one hour. If you’re not inside the submersible, you’ll be left behind. And, Gale…” 
Gale paused just as he was turning away to follow Wyll and Halsin down toward the submersible. He faced Gortash again, finding himself caught beneath the Baldurian lord’s dark, unreadable gaze. Gortash’s smile, however, was as charming and practiced as ever.
“Bring your little book. We’ll have need of it.”
The interior of the submersible was nearly all metal. Metal sheets, metal pipes, metal grates, metal bolts. If it wasn’t metal, it was thick glass that peered out into the blue depths beyond. While not entirely unwelcoming, it was certainly different from the creature comforts Gale was used to in his Waterdhavian wizard’s tower.
The bunks, at least, looked passably comfortable, though Gale was a bit disappointed that there was no chance of a private room. Still, Wyll and Halsin seemed sensible, even friendly company.
“How does a young noble and a druid come to join an expedition like this?” he asked them as he dropped his pack onto the only available bed in the room. It was little more than a narrow padded mattress with a thin pillow and a blanket folded at one end, but it was his now.
Wyll, leaning against a ladder-like set of rungs that led to a bunk over Gale’s, gave a light shrug. “It’s a legendary city at the bottom of the sea, like a fairy story of old. What's not to enjoy? I wanted to see it for myself and my father was only too happy to negotiate a place for me...so here I am.”
Gale noticed a shift in Wyll’s voice at his last sentence, but couldn’t quite discern the meaning or emotion. Wyll’s pleasant expression and soft smile were polite, but impenetrable. If there was more to his tale than he was letting on, there was no way for Gale to know it.
“I take it you’re interested in the legends and the history of Nautera, then?” Gale asked.
“Only what I don’t already know. I’ve heard the stories, of course.” Wyll began to gesture with his hands, as if painting the scene. “A fabled city on a distant island, home to a thousand wonders of every kind. Flying ships, walking stone creatures, marvels and magic and more. Only for it to disappear over the span of a single day. One day it’s there, another island in the vast sea, and the next—” he snapped his fingers, “—gone. Not even a rock jutting up from the water to suggest it was ever there.” 
He smiled and dropped his hands, shrugging. “They say the person who finds Nautera will be granted one wish, whatever their heart desires. But I’m not so sure that’s true.”
“Perhaps not, but there are always elements of truth even in the midst of a fairy story or a legend,” Gale said. “Perhaps wishes were granted there, back when it was above water.” 
He turned to Halsin, who was seated on the bunk opposite, his wooden staff resting on his knees. “What of you? I’m surprised to see a druid of the forests showing an interest in an underwater city.”
Halsin smiled faintly. “It is odd, and this…submersible is unnatural to me. But I was told there was a need for a healer, and I have been many strange places in my modest life. To see the ruins of a civilization that predates my own people…such marvels are not to be ignored, I think. I am here to be of service and to satisfy my own curiosity.”
“Then our interests align. Though I hope we will not need to rely on your services too much, Master Halsin.”
“Just Halsin, please,” the old druid said, chuckling. “And I agree. Though if the need arises, I can be useful in other ways.”
Before he could explain further, there was a sharp knock just outside the bunk room. A young man in uniform leaned in through the open doorway. “Saers, you’re wanted at the helm. We’re to launch in a few minutes.”
“We’ll be right there,” Wyll responded, and the young man disappeared. Wyll took a deep breath and turned to smile at Gale and Halsin. “We’d best be off. I hear the best place to witness a submersible launch is at the front.”
He and Halsin ducked out of the room, the tall elf literally hunching to make it through the rounded, low doorframe. Gale made sure to retrieve the Nauterran Account and tuck it carefully into his satchel, alongside his spellbook and a few other supplies, before following them out of the bunk room. 
The helm featured an impressive array of controls, dials, levers, and gauges, all manned by various pilots, including one surly-looking blonde dwarf at the very front. Overhead, bolted sheets of metal made up part of the sloping, dome-like ceiling before transitioning to curving panels of thick, reinforced glass between metal bars, giving them a clear view of everything immediately ahead and above them, and a fair view of the sides too. At the center of the room, a large, curving, mahogany desk and a surprisingly plush chair took up much of the space, looking elegant yet out of place, as if they had been teleported in from someone’s office back in the city. Someone had laid out several maps and navigation tools on the surface. The chair was unoccupied at the moment, but Gortash stood just to the side of it, hands clasped behind his back, watching the pilots work. 
A few paces away, Karlach shifted restlessly on her feet, tapping her fingers against her thigh and turning her head this way and that, as if trying to catch all the action going around her. Minthara, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart stood nearby, with Lae’zel and Shadowheart eyeing each other darkly and Minthara ignoring both of them to stare over the head of a gnome pilot messing with specific controls.
Gortash glanced over his shoulder and noticed the three of them entering. “Ah, good. You’re here, just in time to watch the magic happen. So to speak,” he added, sending a grin Gale’s way. 
Before Gale could respond, Gortash turned away and directed his next words to the blonde dwarf at the front of the room, where a big metal ship’s wheel was waiting. “Redhammer, begin the launch and take us out to the open sea.”
“Aye, saer.” The dwarf pulled one of the levers and took the wheel. “Commencing launch.”
All around the room, various pilots began to flip switches, pull levers, and turn wheels, calling out responses or numbers that Gale could make no sense of and watching various screens and gauges as they worked. He felt the floor beneath him shudder as distant engines roared to life, the dull rumble and vibrations reaching them even there in the helm. The excitement in the room was palpable. Gale’s heart began to pound and his blood began to race through his veins, all in anticipation of the launch. 
All at once the entire submersible gave a downward lurch, as if being dropped or let go, and a flurry of bubbles billowed up against the glass. Gale moved to a free space near one of the windows, out of the way of the pilots, watching as more curtains of bubbles bounced and twirled upward as the seacraft began to lower gently away from the docks. He felt his ears pop as they sank lower and lower and began to turn away toward the deeper blue of the ocean depths.
No turning back now.
“Watch those power gauges, boys,” Redhammer said, directing his fellow pilots. “Steady now. Increase engines one and three and bring them to thirty percent.”
The rumble from the engines louder grew until it was a sonorous thrum in the background, the vibrations beneath Gale’s boots now a constant drone. Outside the submersible, the massive metal fins on either side came to life, frightening and scattering several fish that had ventured too close. He felt the seacraft tilt and adjust before it fell into a steady, subtle rocking pattern, like that of an undulating whale, as it began to move forward. It wasn’t unlike the rocking of a ship on the sea, though perhaps more regulated. 
As they moved away from the docks and out toward the open expanse of the ocean depths, they cut through fronds of thick, towering kelp, sending fish and other creatures fleeing through the waving undersea plants. It was surreal to watch the underwater world pass by them through the windows of the submersible, almost as if he were seeing merely illusion rather than reality.
“Whoa…” He turned to see that Karlach had joined him at a nearby window, staring out of it in wide-eyed wonder. Her glowing eyes were even more alight as she took in the waving plants, the fish, and the bubbles as they moved through the water. “We’re really doing this…”
Her wonder bolstered his own and he offered her a somewhat crooked smile. “Nervous?”
She glanced sidelong at him and laughed. “Too late for that now, soldier. Besides, Gortash doesn’t pay me to be nervous.”
Redhammer’s voice called out again. “All engines to forty-five percent. Take us down ten degrees down-angle and hold us steady.”
Working in tandem, the pilots pivoted the seacraft and maneuvered it downward, increasing the speed until they were moving along at a noticeable clip. The kelp forest quickly gave way to rocky reefs with sparse coral and from there to gray, silty sand that disappeared into darkness the farther they descended. The sunlight overhead grew fainter and fainter until at last they were enveloped by inky blue and cobalt, the waters ahead illuminated only by the brilliant enchanted lights that shone outward from the front of the submersible. 
Beyond the reach of the seacraft’s lights, the depths below beckoned, looking like a vast, empty void of velvet black. Gale held tighter to his satchel, his eyes on the dark waters ahead. He was loathe to pray to any goddess other than Mystra—and even she hadn’t been listening to his prayers lately—but he was tempted to offer a meek prayer to Umberlee, the chaotic goddess of the seas. They were in her territory, after all...
And at the mercy of her infamously temperamental whims. The darkness of the depths was a tangible reminder of their tentative place in her domain, because, as any Waterdhavian knew, the Bitch Queen was more than capable of summoning a creature from the depths to sink a ship.
A massive submersible diving into her depths would only be that much more annoying to her, and that much more susceptible to destruction. Gale could only hope her attention was diverted elsewhere.
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des-no9 · 1 month ago
ask game for fanfic writers:
what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest?
what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written?
tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
From writer asks here
what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest?
Hmmmmmm. Specifically for Van and Voss I'd say for canon, it's probably several threads of how Van, Voss' and Orpheus' relationship develops through the strain and chaos of the rebellion, with the combination of all of their baggage and traumas and discovering each other, re-learning bodies and who we've become, are. It's not easy, it's hard, it's surprising - and there's change. Not all of it good, some of it wonderful. I just really want to explore all of that.
For an AU, probably the cyberpunk AU plot, but we're finally gettting to touch that! Apart from that, Scottish Highlands AU.
Outside of all of that, I just carry with me the eternal plot of doomed immortal/mortal that I want to write always forever. I have an original story in an original world with that plot and now I'm a much better writer I'd love to revisit it at some point.
what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written?
six rounds don't make a right
Probably one of my fav fics of all time still. A tragic canon divergent (as if the canon wasn't already tragic LOL) oneshot of Bruno and Prosciutto's relationship post JJBA pt5 that centres around 6 bullets of a gun.
tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
Man hmm lol. I was thinking long and hard about this earlier. Like, I so often fall for villains or very morally fucked up chars, but there's something in them that speaks to me about them that I can relate to, that I can understand or see of me in that, be that be trauma, pain, a wrong choice, desperation idk. But I'm not some fucked up villain or morally whack, so there's many chars I love creating or writing that are very differnt to me.
One I do like that is quite unlike me is Moira from Overwatch. I love writing her whenever I do, which admittedly isn't much, but she's of very dubious character and very unlike me.
Also ofc all of the githyanki. But there's much more variance in them. Voss goes without saying. But we don't really know a huge amount about him beyond surface level, Prism Motivations, his rank and githyanki things, so I extrapolate a lot from who he is, what he does etc.
Sorry I am WAY overthinking this. Classic Des overthinker anyway.
I think characters like Asriel from His Dark Materials too. Deeply powerful, charismatic, imposing characters whose presence just kind of takes your breath away and whose moral compass aligns with their desires.
Thank you for these asks my love!!! Pleasure to answer xx
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omgshiftercat · 1 month ago
BG3 Blogging: Used Tadpole Salesperson
Some spoilers here, though I'll try to avoid the really big ones.
Now that I am replaying, I must share what I find to be a masterful example of character actions making sense based on the information they have, which isn’t the entire truth:
The PC has decisions to make about how much to trust the Dream Guardian, who, as it turns out, is inside the Astral Prism (that mysterious spiky-D20-like artifact carried by Shadowheart).
Kith’rak Voss speaks favourably about how the being inside the Prism has chosen to protect the PC party. This was the bit that made me think, “Okay, I guess the DG can be trusted.” And I figure it’s where Karlach will become convinced it’s okay to eat some tadpoles.
Neither Voss nor the PC is aware that there are TWO beings inside the Prism. And it makes sense for Voss to be cagey, because he’s not yet certain of the party’s loyalties.
🐇: Not having actually played the game, I understood “The PC has decisions to make about how much to trust the Dream Guardian” and “Karlach will become convinced it's okay to eat some tadpoles.”
Well, “understand” may be a strong word for that second bit... wut?
Me: Not a spoiler: the core companions have some minor illithid powers from having been infected by the modified mindflayer tadpoles. They can acquire more powers by consuming more of said tadpoles.
🐇: Eew!  Good to know. Also, eew!
Me: Since 200 years of horrific abuse have convinced Astarion that power is the only reliable path to security, the challenge with him is not to convince him to eat more tadpoles, but to discourage him from scarfing down every one he can find.
🐇: (Not sure if that counts as not a spoiler in general, but I'm guessing everyone looking at this channel knows that the modified tadpoles are there.) 
Me: I mean, the viewpoint character + Lae’zel + several at-the-time unspecified characters being aboard the nautiloid ship and getting infected was right there in the opening cutscene. And then “hey, we're not undergoing ceremorphosis even though it’s been days, obviously something’s up” is the driver for much of the plot, especially during Act 1.
🐇: I’m sure there are people who would want the premise to be a surprise, but they would presumably not look at a bg3 channel. (And if they do, they cannot be helped.)
Me: Kith’rak Voss is a high-ranking Githyanki and, as a good gith, hates anything to do with ghaikh.
...I must congratulate whoever invented the Githyanki language for coming up with a word that can be spat out with the appropriate levels of hatred and disgust.
I’m thinking that Karlach’s attitude towards consuming tadpoles will be similar to her mindset about using soul coins: she’s nominally against it, but can be convinced that it’s for the best.
🐇: It’s creepy and gross, but sometimes doing creepy and gross things helps you win?
Me: Exactly, and she’s had to do some questionable things to survive in the Hells.
I’ve decided that in this playthrough I’m not going to try convincing Lae’zel to eat any tadpoles. It’s not that necessary, and I think Karlach would respect her Githyanki culture.
...If I were playing Lae’zel Origin, of course, I’d be all, “None of us shall further taint our bodies with these ghaikh larvae! We do not need any-- I SAW THAT, ASTARION! SPIT IT OUT THIS INSTANT!” Turns the vampire upside-down and starts shaking him violently
Unfortunately, this means that every damn time I initiate dialogue with her, the first option to pop up is, “Have you considered making further use of our tadpole powers?”
That astral tadpole the game wants me to keep pushing in Act 3:
Similarly, in Act 3 of my Astarion Origin campaign, every companion dialogue had the option of trying to persuade them to eat the astral tadpole, even though I’d decided not to. The Emperor is lying through its tentacles when it says, “It will not affect your beauty,” and I figured there was no way the pretty vampire would risk his looks.
🦀: Even beyond that, I imagine the way it’s being offered throws up all sorts of red flags.
🐇: “The Emperor spoke true, Astarion. You look fine. I am not lying.”
Me: “Dark grey vein-like lines radiating from the middle of your face make you look totally hot, actually” <- The Emperor, probably
Later confirmed: Astarion is not interested in the astral tadpole. He says, “I don’t want to turn into anything else. I can’t do that again. I can’t watch my body be taken over.”
Hm. It occurs to me that there’s a lot of stuff tied up in Astarion’s obsessive attention to his appearance. Some of it is definitely vanity, and he admits that himself. Some of it’s ingrained habits from having to be pretty bait and meet Cazador’s exacting standards despite being given few resources to help with that. (When I confronted Cazador during my AO run, the first words out of his mouth were, “This is how you present yourself before me? As some ragged adventurer?” When you confront him with Astarion as a companion, he snaps, “Do not slouch before me, boy!”) But also, looking good is one of the few things he had any control over.
Also, looking in the mirror is something that can help with dissociative episodes (for some people, anyway -- for others, it can trigger dissociation), and that’s a tool Astarion doesn’t have.
My headcanon is that when he figured out that the tadpole had negated some of the vampiric banes, he stole some mirrors in the hopes that he’d get his reflection back, and that’s why he’s got them at camp. Also that “dropping broad hints” thing.
🐇: And he keeps using the mirror because he’s hoping that the reflection will start working and that tadpole power just hasn’t kicked in yet? ...hm... also a good reason for nomming every tadpole he sees…
Me: Now picturing Astarion scanning the “manage illithid powers” screen and complaining loudly about the options.
🐇: Fix mirrors is the best upgrade!
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