Random Theorys About Every Fandom We‘re In
3 posts
Bro listen, there is this theory…(this is how it started)
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two-mentally-ill-bitches · 3 years ago
Harry Potter
One Direction
Doctor Who
Good Omens
Sherlock Holmes
One Last Stop / Red, White and Royal Blue
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two-mentally-ill-bitches · 3 years ago
Why are there metaphors everywhere?
So starting my day as usual, I was scrolling through TIKTOK and I came across a certain video (link: In the following post there is the first of two theories that came to me while watching the referred TIKTOK. 
Theorie number 1: (contains spoilers for the third fantastic beasts movie)
Not that it is any way proven or even logically proofed, but how does every good theory start? With a big WHAT IF... So what if Grindelwald, who we all know was all about starting a war between the Muggles and the Wizards and Witches and magical bitches( you know, this is a queer account, we have to include other genders as well), what if the whole thing is actually a metaphor for his suppressed homosexuality? Let’s talk about it. 1920s in America is not exactly a good place to be gay, neither is 1920s England. And because I do not think that the Wizarding World is that more modern than the Muggle Word (I mean they still have slaves, come on) I do not think that homosexuality is an openly accepted thing there either.  So Grindelwald and Dumbledore, both young wizards from respected family’s (of course before all the shit with Albus’ Dad went down and before Grindelwald became a psychopath), fall in love while planning to make the world they live in, a better place for the magical population. In the beginning of “fantastic beast and where to find them 3″ Grindelwald and Dumbledore talk and Grindelwald says, that Albus was making said plans with him because he too believed in their cause. While Albus counters with the argument that he was just in love (I know we all waited for him to admit that for 2 movies and the entire Harry Potter Saga, so yes it was a big big moment). So we have the proof that Grindelwald and Albus were in love (in this scene Albus and come one, the fight scene later proofed that Grindelwald is anything but straight). Now, as I said the time was not the best place to come out of the brooms closet so they probably kept their love hidden from everyone else. Which brings me to my theory. Grindelwald, already frustrated for having to hide his magical self from the outside world, finds himself facing another frustration when he falls in love with Albus Dumbledore and is forced to hide that self from the magical world. Two very important personality traits (magic ability and homosexuality) kept away, from the world he always knew he must hide from (Muggle World) and the one he was supposed to be safe in (Wizarding World). That on the shoulders of a young boy can be a very hard burden. 
Now my point is that the war against the Muggles, which turns out to be quite the radical movement can stand for his desire to express himself in the whole world as a Wizard. But it can also be a representative sort of war against society’s problem with homosexuality. Grindelwald is someone who can not ever be his true self. Not in the Wizarding world or the Muggle one. So projecting his hate about the homophobic wizard population on the hate for Muggles, which some wizards support is, at least in my eyes, a possible metaphor regarding the war he starts. Maybe this is all just the weird thoughts of an old bat. But in my mind, it makes a little bit of sense that Grindelwald might have not only fought because he had to hide his magical self, but also because he found that in this big world, there is not one place where he can be his true self ( A fancy gay wizard with a fancy boyfriend).
This is theory 1. Number 2 you can find on our profile.
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two-mentally-ill-bitches · 3 years ago
If Dean Winchester had a Tumblr account:
1. Content:
-photos of Baby
-my favourite cowboys
-Prank ideas for Sammy
-old movies
-advice for car fixing
-best cowboy movies
-Sammy being a dumbass (secretly proud of him)
-stuff I found in the bunker randomly
-hunters guide
-best pie and burger places on the road
-my top 10 pie recipes
-Dick jokes
-music for the road
-ways I already died
(all of this is subliminally GAY)
2. Blogs Dean follows/likes
-Impalas of the US
-LGBTQ+ blogs
-Recipe blogs
-Movie blogs
-top 10 places for food in […]
-Cowboy blogs
-life action role play blogs
3. who knows that he has tumblr
-NOT ONE SOUL (except Charlie, she introduced him)
-Sam (bc Dean uses his computer and always forgets to log off and delete the history)
-Cas (has his own tumblr account and found Deans account while searching for good pie recipes for Deans birthday)
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