#white collar crossover
puppetmaster13u · 3 months
So Hypothetically....
If I were to make a oneshot or series that's a crossover between Batman & White Collar... But like, cryptid batfamily. What kind of cryptids should they be? (Probably Dick-as-Neal but honestly still in very early idea brainstorming)
Also open to any story oneshot/chapter ideas too lol
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autla · 2 years
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transmascanakin · 2 months
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Saw people making yaelokre ocs and I had a crossover idea i couldnt get out of my head
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lefish · 9 months
Ok, so you know all those cross over fics where one of the bats is undercover as neal caffrey, right?
So the idea is El gets kidnapped by someone and it’s being live streamed to the fbi people and neal!tim says to peter something along the lines of “i can do something to save el, but you’re not going to like it, so I just need a yes or no. Do you trust me peter?” And peter takes a long moment before saying “ i trust you neal”
so tim is like “bet, ima step out to make a reallly quick phone call then ima be right back”. And tim calls jason and is like “ can you go rescue my friend please” and jason agrees cuz he’s not doing anything and is in the area, so like 20 minutes later the goddamm red hood shows up at whatever wearhouse or basement el is in and beats up her kiddnapers and looks into the camera and is like “ ive done my part baby bird, ill be sure to get what im owed” or some shit cuz he’s dramatic.
So obviously peter and el and the rest of the fbi people freak out cuz “holy shit thats the fucking red hood!!” and “neal what the fuck do you owe him???!!?”
and jason just wants tim to take a nap, eat a proper meal and watch all three legally blonde movies with him or some dumb brotherly bonding shit like that.
If someone writes this please tell me :)))))
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the-deadrobin · 7 months
I just realised that Matt Bomer being in the main cast of Fellow Travelers means more people are going to know him and look into his other stuff. Which means that more people are going to start White Collar and maybe, just maybe this fandom can come back to life. Edit: can get more content from fans (mb guys this fandom is very much still alive)
Me to all you Fellow Travelers fans rn:
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I’ve fixed it!! End of White Collar season 3, Neal gets wind of what Kramer is trying to do so he calls up his old friend Sophie Deaveraux for help since he’s heard her team fixes this kind of thing. Then the Leverage team gets involved, digs up dirt on Kramer & publicly shames him, gets Neals sentence commuted, and Neal can keep living in New York and working for the FBI without needing his anklet!
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magicalnicole · 3 months
Suits/White Collar crossover where Neal and Mike meet and Neal immediately begins schmoozing Mike probably trying to con him into doing something (and it's working because Mike is too trusting and doesn't assume people have ulterior motives).
But then Harvey sees this and steps in to rescue Mike from Neal's charms like
"Mike, stay away from this guy"
Then Mike is like
"No, no he's cool.."
And of course Peter sees all of this and is just like
"Neal, don't"
Then Neal is like
"What? 😇"
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indecisivecosplayer · 5 months
I never understood why there was so many (amazing) White Collar / Batfam crossover fics on ao3. Then I watched White Collar.
I understand now.
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allofmytoxicity · 21 days
Could I send a request for Neal Caffrey x reader, reader x ex!Spencer Reid. Where the reader used to date Spencer when in DC but they broke cause he was too focused on work and she moved to New York to manage a company or something and starts dating Neal. But the BAU works with White Collar on a crime and Spencer gets jealous seeing how happy the reader is with Neal
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Pretty Slowly
Neal Caffrey x fem!fianceé!reader
past!Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.3k
a/n: I feel like I need to put this before the summary on this one because when I saw this ask come in I was on a walk and listening to Benson Boone (as you do) and Pretty Slowly, his new song, came on and the end really gave me inspiration for this.
Summary: You and Spencer used to date years ago, but now you're in New York and dating Neal, so when the BAU come in on a case, your stuck in the past wondering how you got where you are.
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5 years.
5 long damn years.
It had been just over 5 damn years since you had last seen Supervisory Special Agent, Doctor Spencer Reid.
And you thought that when you had left D.C. you would only see Spencer again if you were a suspect in a case, but here he was. Standing right in the way of where you wanted to go.
It wasn't as if he could help it, he was just sitting on the edge of a desk, but because of how tall he is, his legs pushed out far enough that if you tried to rush past them, you would trip and fall if you weren't careful.
Now, the whole reason you were here was to give Neal Caffrey, ex-con and your fiancé, a coffee because he had messaged you, pleading you to bring him something better than Bureau crap.
So, here you were, coffee in hand, deciding whether or not it was worth walking across the bullpen to get to Neal who was sitting in Peter's office, looking over a file, or sending him a message saying that you were here and wait in the lobby. And by your judgement, possibly spilling hot coffee all over you and bumping into the reason you don't live in D.C. anymore was not worth it.
That was though, before Neal had turned around and saw you and waved, getting out his phone, and not long after your phone pinged. Getting it out, you saw the message Neal had just quickly typed up.
Hey! Are you bringing that coffee up or do I need to come to you?
You lightly smile at your phone, before firing back a text.
Can you come to me? I'm having a tiny crisis
You look up at Peter's office and watch Neal's shoulders shake slightly with a laugh before he sets the file down and makes his way out of Peter's office, stopping by the shelves of files before making his way towards you.
"Hey." You say, passing Neal the takeaway cup in your hands. Neal takes it and kisses your cheek, finally taking a sip of coffee after he does so.
"Hi," Neal says, swallowing. "What's the crisis that means Peter might kill me for not working?"
You raise your eyebrows at Neal, rolling your eyes as you reply. "Firstly, it's a mini crisis-" and that's all you manage to get out before Neal cuts you off.
"You said it was tiny." He states, a smirk making its way onto his face.
"And you say you totally didn't commit fraud," You deadpan before continuing. "Second, I never said you had to ask about it. I just said to come and get your coffee here because of the tiny crisis."
Neal takes another sip of his coffee and as he swallows, he shakes his head before finally replying. "Very well played Miss Y/l/n."
"It's nearly Caffrey to you." You say, finally kissing Neal on the cheek. "And if you really want to know, ehm, I, uh, nearly bumped into someone today that I thought I left back in D.C."
Neal lets out a sigh, remembering the state you were in when he first met you. You had been freshly broken up with and were barely two weeks into a new job as a museum curator when he and Peter were called to a case of potential art forgery. You, only having been there for a couple of weeks, were the prime suspect, but all they found in the end was a broken woman who didn't really know where her life was headed.
After the case, Neal had manged to get in contact with you to ask you for dinner, just to see how you were doing. You, of course accepted as it kept you from sitting and rotting in bed after work, and after a while of Neal checking in, he finally asked you out and you two had been dating ever since and were now on the way to getting married.
All Neal did was hug you. He didn't know who it was and what effect they may have had on your life, but considering the state he met you in...
He didn't think it was exactly going to be great.
When he did finally release you, you gave him a sad smile before taking a shaky breath, trying not to cry.
"Thanks." You say, taking Neal's free hand and squeezing it for a second.
"It's fine," Neal replies, doing the same action back to you. "Do you want to come and sit in Peter's office with me? I know he might be slightly annoyed but I think if we told him the situation he would be fine."
You softly smile at the gesture and look down at your shoes for a moment, composing yourself. "I would, but I have work."
"You don't have work on a Thursday. Well, at least for now because of what happened." Neal shoots back, sipping his coffee with his eyebrows raised at you.
"I don't, but I do have a meeting this evening though that I need to prepare for." You say right back at him in the same tone.
"You can still sit in Peter's office to prepare." Neal says to you, but the serious look on his face drops then and you sense the relisation just by looking at him, his face full of guilt. "Whoever this is, is in the office right now, aren't they?"
You nod and Neal's eyes start flicking around the bullpen and before long you watch as they land on the ground of BAU agents surround just beside his desk.
"It's the profilers, isn't it?" Neal asks, turning to look at you with sad eyes.
"Yeah." You say in a small voice, not sure of what was going to happen next.
And you still didn't as Neal engulfed you in a bear hug, releasing you soon after before taking you over to the elevators and getting in, where waited until you two were on a different floor to hug you.
Stepping back slightly, Neal still had his arms wrapped around your waist as you dried your eyes slightly.
"Which one?" Neal asked, a worried look on his face.
"The really tall one. Brown curly hair." You say back to him and Neal slowly nods, remembering who it was from when Peter had introduced him to the whole team earlier this morning.
"I'm sorry." Neal says, drying the last of your tears as he does so.
"Neal, it's fine. You never knew and I... I didn't tell you." You reply, a sad smile gracing your face.
"Tell me now then, if you don't mind, because if this guy hurt you, I'm not going to put you in the way of that again." Neal says, holding you just that bit tighter than before, worry clear on his face.
You look down for a moment, smiling softly at the fact Neal wanted to know. That he wanted to keep you safe from things you'd escaped from years ago. That he probably wouldn't let you go until he knew how to help you.
"Spencer nearly died on a case about, uh, five and a half years ago now. After he got out of the hospital, we fought. I didn't want or like to see him like that, and after about two months of going back and forth on the issue, we broke up." You softly say, looking Neal in the eyes. "My whole support system was his team, and because I'd moved to D.C. after college and met Spencer through one of his coworkers, I decided to move here."
Neal nods in understanding ever so often as you talk, your sad eyes looking into his guilty ones.
He knew what you meant. Starting a new life in a different city could change everything for someone, even if it was only moving by a few small states. So, even if it meant not seeing you for most of the day on your day off, Neal wanted to keep you as safe as possible.
"Go home." Neal nearly whispered it was that quiet.
"What?" You ask, asserting your head to it's natural position.
"Go home. Prepare there and I'll check up on you during my lunch break." Neal said, now dragging you once again back to the elevators, before getting you both in one and taking you down to the ground floor.
As you both step out of the elevator you give Neal an 'are you sure?' look and he just nods his head, walking with you through the lobby and towards the entrance to the large FBI building.
Just before you leave, you do give Neal a kiss before walking off, concious in the back of your mind that he's probably waiting until you round the corner of the pavement before he goes back inside.
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It was just coming up to 3 o'clock when you answered the door to your's and Neal's shared granny flat above June's.
And it was just coming up to 3 o'clock when you stared back at Spencer for the first time in 5 years.
You two stared at each other for a minute, Spencer faltering so badly in what would've been his usual ramblings about he and Derek, who was with him, being FBI and that they would like to ask you a few questions that Derek had to take over.
"Miss Y/l/n, would you be able to come down to the local FBI office to answer a few questions?" Derek finishes off, looking at you with his sunglasses still on as you stare back at him, hair in a messy bun with a hoodie and leggings replacing your work clothes from earlier this morning.
"Yeah, just let me grab my phone, keys and wallet and stick on my shoes and I'll be right with you." You say, sticking your trainers on haphazardly while you grab your wallet, keys and phone, shoving them in your pocket as you walk out the front door, locking it behind you.
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As you walk into the White Collar unit, you can already feel Neal's eyes on you, but you don't dare to look at them as Derek and Spencer take you to an interrogation room where you're sat down and left again.
Not for long though.
The silence of the interrogation room was interrupted by Hotch walking in and holding a file, laying photos out in front of you and reading from the file himself.
"You work at a museum, correct?" Hotch asks as you blankly stare at him and the pictures.
"Yes. I do." You reply, keeping the blank stare.
"And there was recently a body of one of your coworkers found in your museum in a new exhibit that had been added that was covered in pig's blood." Hotch then asks, looking up this time, and gesturing to the pictures in front of you.
"Yes, there was. The body was found in the natural world gallery. I'm one of the curators of it." You reply, properly looking at the photos now, seeing someone you worked alongside, especially on that specific exhibit, dead in it, drenched in blood.
"Alright. Now, do you know of anyone acting suspiciously that could've had access to the new exhibit?" Hotch questions, trying to dig a bit deeper still.
Remembering something, you reply, "I think I do actually. One of the interns, Alexandra I think her name is? She's been asking questions recently about museum closing times, when night shift people change over and all that sort of stuff." You reply, a horrified look on your face this time.
"Thank you Miss Y/l/n, you have been very helpful and we'll look into this coworker of yours." Hotch says as she leaves the room and as he does, Spencer walks straight in while you're getting up from your chair.
"I know you left, but you didn't even send me a message saying you were getting married? What the hell Y/n?" Spencer asks, clearly jealous just by his demeanour and snippiness with you.
"Spencer, I don't want to talk just now. I want to go home and go to bed. Let's just leave us where we were when I left." You ask Spencer as he stands there stunned while you walk out of the room and it's not 5 seconds before Neal wraps you in his arms when you walk out of the interrogation room.
"Well done." Neal whispers as he places a kiss to your forehead, holding you as if you were about to break.
You hold on to Neal for dear life as you can feel a set of eyes burning into the back of your skull.
"Can we just go home?" You ask Neal after a while, lifting your head up as you do so to look at him, tears in your eyes.
"Peter said I could as soon as we watched the profilers bring you in." Neal said, and you both walked back home to June's where you spent the rest of the night in bed, not really caring about dinner, just cuddling and ignoring responsibilities for a while.
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The next morning, you woke up to rainy weather and to find that Neal wasn't beside, but a note was trying and failing to replace his body heat.
I've gone to work and I've also called you in sick today. Will be back soon, probably with lunch, but Peter called and said I was working your profilers today.
Love you,
Neal x
You smiled at it, and tracing Neal's loopy handwriting as you read it.
Getting up, you went and took a shower before getting dressed and making yourself breakfast and as you sat and ate the omelet you had made yourself, you got a call from Peter and the only words you didn't want to hear, spilled from his mouth over the phone.
Neal had been shot.
Neal, for as long as anyone had known him, did not like guns, and would actively try to diffuse a situation if it rose to guns.
So, as Peter explained the situation, your mind jumped to the worst, was he dead? Did he at least make it to surgery? What if he went brain dead? All these thoughts rushing through your head, you only just caught Peter saying that Neal was shot in the abdomen, but would be fine by the looks of things.
With the fact that Neal was alive accompanying you, you ran out the house, adrenaline probably the reason you could still sprint after a few blocks in the pouring rain, only needing a short taxi ride to the hospital after most of the adrenaline wore off, not wanting to get completely soaked through. But as you walked into the waiting room and saw Peter, you hugged him, seeing the remnants of dried blood on his shirt that he'd clearly tried to hide from you.
You started to sob in his arms, soaking Peter's shirt with your wet clothes and your tears, not ready to nearly lose another boyfriend to his job.
"It's okay," Peter soothed, smoothing out your hair. "He's out of surgery now and sleeping. The doctors aren't letting us see him because he needs rest."
You lean back and dry your eyes at that, nodding as you do so.
"Say that Neal will be fine Y/n." Peter says, giving you a very dad-like look.
"Neal will be fine." You says back to Peter, sniffling while you do and with that Peter guides you to a seat as you wait for Neal to wake up.
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It had felt like an age when the doctor had finally come through and told you that Neal had woken up as your clothes were nearly dry, and as you burst into Neal rooms, you felt happy tears cloud your eyes.
"Hi." You said from the doorway, tears in your eyes at the sight. The sight of your fiancé awake from surgery with a massive bandage around his middle.
"Hey." Neal replies, giving you his signature smirk. "How you doing?"
"I'm doing better now that you're awake. I heard you jumped in front of Spencer and took the bullet for him." You say as you walk into Neal's hospital room even further.
"I did. I'm sorry I scared you. I promise from now on, to not jump in front of people if they're being shot at." Neal says, taking your hand once you were in arms reach and as Peter chapped the door you both looked at him, and you smiled. You had Neal back.
"I'll let you two chat." You say, squeezing Neal's hand, and Peter gives you a thankful look as you walk out and go straight for the entrance, just to give yourself a breather, even if it was in the rain.
Unbeknownst to you for at least a little bit of time, some of the BAU were there as well, including Spencer, who had a scratched up arm and sprained wrist, but was overall fine because Neal took the bullet for him. He was following you outside and got the fright of his life when you turned around and nearly tackled him to the sodden ground.
Releasing him, you sighed, not wanting to waste to much of your life talking to this man.
"Spencer, why are you following me?" You ask, looking down at your feet and then back up at Spencer.
"Because, I want to know why the ex-convict is not getting broken up with over being shot, but I was. You moved out of D.C. because of me Y/n! You could at least tell me why he's being treated differently!" Spencer rages at you, and you are taken aback by how angry he got.
You shake your head, tears coming to your eyes once again and you finally let them spill, your voice shaky. "Because Spencer, Neal said he wouldn't go out of his way to get himself killed again when I told him I was worried. You brushed me off. You brushed me off and told me that it didn't matter because we all die anyway."
"Well, that makes all the difference doesn't it? What he promised, but I didn't. Y/n, that's the most ridiculous shit I've heard all day." Spencer snaps back and as you cry, you try swiping you under eyes of tears, but that doesn't stop the flow of tears as it comes along.
"I have no idea who this Spencer is, but this is not the fucker I know. You're jealous, Spence. And, I know that we used to be two lovers, but that was all we were and I have no idea who the hell we are now. Because we certainly aren't those two people we knew years ago." You say, holding your ground, making your voice sound stronger than it was. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my fiancé and leaving you here for your team deal with. Have a nice life Spencer."
And with that, you pushed your damp hair out of your face, swiped your eyes and walked back in, and leant against a wall close to Neal's room, holding your hands now over your eyes to try and stop the tears.
After a while if felt as if they had stopped and walked back into the room, to see Peter and Neal talking away animatedly. You felt at peace as you plonked yourself down on the bed beside Neal's legs and complete as you held his hand, reminding yourself about how you two first met and how everything happened pretty slowly to begin with.
So, you sat there, not interrupting Peter and Neal's conversation, but content knowing that the one person that had wormed their way into every aspect of your life once, was finally out and put in his place.
For good.
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a/n: it's currently after 1am my time currently, so I'm going to bed, so goodnight! enjoy this! I certainly enjoyed writing it.
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ao3sbatfamily · 3 months
Long Jason centric pls?
'While You Were Missing' by basil_coffee_and
Author: @caffeinatedbasil
A familiar redheaded child darts across the bullpen with a shout of “PAPA!” and barrels into Jason’s arms.
“Lian—” He breathes, swinging the young girl up and holding her protectively to his chest. “What’s going on? Why is she here?” Jason barks out to the unfamiliar agents who escorted Lian in. She wraps her arms around his neck and starts crying. “Shhh, Little Red. I’ve got you.” He whispers, patting her hair.
“Her dad is their criminal informant?” Someone exclaims.
“I missed you, Papa.” Lian hiccups. Papa? She must have told them I was her father.
“She was recovered from a raid on a trafficking ring,” one of the agents says with glare at Jason. His heart stops and shatters at once.
“I’m sorry,” Lian whispers. “I didn’t mean to mess it up, I just didn’t know where to go. Dad told me if anything happened to me and I couldn’t get him I was supposed to find you. He said you were working in the New York FBI before he left.”
“You did the right thing, Little Red.” Jason assures her, reaching over to pat her on the head. “I’m just glad we found you.”
“You didn’t find me,” Lian protests quietly, leaning over and curling up against the armrest of the couch. “I found you.”
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Re: white collar crossover (and the bats pretending to be cryptids)
You might like this series
Oh I love that series! For those who want the link:
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
thief conference but it’s just the leverage ot3, red notice ot3, and neal caffrey and el burke (peter isn’t there for plausible deniability)
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maidenimage · 8 days
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Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens) have just been assigned as the personal “angel and demon on the shoulder” of one Neal Caffrey (White Collar), an infamous white-collar criminal and con man who recently died under suspicious circumstances. With a question mark for an Afterlife assignment (meaning his soul was marked neither for Heaven nor Hell), Neal has been sent to The Dreaming (The Sandman) as a minor Arcana to determine his fate. Being their first time meeting, sparks immediately fly between Aziraphale and Crowley, and their flirtatious banter distracts them from being effective in their celestial roles of mentorship. Unable to kick his old criminal habits, Neal uses this opportunity in the Dreaming to “heist” the dreams of FBI Special Agent Peter Burke to help him solve Neal’s murder in the Waking World. Hilarity, drama, and (possibly) romance ensues.
This fic is a part of the @fairytalegobang. As the story is set in the world of The Sandman, it is more of a dark fairy tale than the polished vibe you might typically expect from the theme. The mood overall is, however, very light and comedic.
Please see story notes for more details on rating/content/triggers.
Rated: M for language and adult themes/jokes
Chapter word count: 3,904
Includes art from the incredibly talented @commentdismal!
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the-deadrobin · 3 months
Younger Matt Bomer (during earlier seasons of White Collar) could 100% play Dick Grayson and nobody can convince me otherwise.
I'm clearly not the only one that thinks so.
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(Neal Caffrey is played by Matt Bomer, for those of y'all that don't watch White Collar)
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aherowhowashappy · 2 months
okay so i've started to get into batman/the batfamily as a whole/gotham city adjacent heroes + villains and as a born and raised chicagoan (NOT the suburbs) i definitely picture gotham as the DC universe version of that because it seems like the people from outside of gotham think it's this insane crime and death place and the residents are like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ only one robbery, pretty good for a tuesday
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ginaonline · 3 months
As soon as im done re-rewatching Psych i'll get on my White Collar rewatch... it's been YEARS and i know i'll appreciate it in a new light if i watch it with the eyes of the person i am now. Also i have terrible memory so it will probably feel like watching it for the first time.
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