#whipped tommy kinard
emolionsrawr · 5 months
chimney: guys this is tommy, he used to work with the 118 but moved over to air support
tommy: hey
eddie: hey tommy, i'm eddie
tommy: nice to meet you eddie!
hen: tommy my boy how are you!
tommy: i'm good hen, you?
hen: yeah good
buck: hey tommy, i'm evan buckley bu-
tommy: hey evan, i'm tommy, nice to meet you sweetheart
hen: uh, buck you good?
buck: i, i uh, i, i uhm, uhm, i i, hi, hi tommy hi hey hi tommy hi
tommy: oh so you're a bottom, good to know
buck: *squeaks and blushes*
hen: something bisexual just happened here
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kinkleydiaz · 5 months
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i just realized that when tommy does the "fake mouth static" thing, buck is the only one smiling. that's canonically the moment he thought: "i want to suck his dick" "wow that guy is cool, i like that guy"
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weewoo911 · 5 months
Lou saying that he made little choices to show Tommy was checking Buck out prior to the kiss just made me think of Tommy’s decision to go over and apologise personally. Because Lou also said Tommy had no idea Buck was interested until just before so-
He really went all the way over to Buck’s loft just before work because he thinks he Made The Cute Boy Sad 🥺 And he wanted to personally apologise and fix it
Absolutely whipped behaviour Mr. Kinard 🫡✨
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agentmurtsegway · 5 months
I cant stop making these
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bonus Bobby one from the well episode
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tevanbuckley · 24 days
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911 | S07E06 ↳ brat (affectionate)
+ bonus
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princessfbi · 5 months
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Tell Me It's Not Too Good To Be True 
Buck had texted Tommy in their group chat that they were going to be late when the negotiations pushed them into their first hour of OT. Tommy had replied with a quip about the last one home buying dinner. Eddie had pressed down on the message until a little heart popped up on the side. Then the hostage-taker had agreed to let first responders in to rescue a wannabe hero who’d been bleeding out on the floor from a gunshot for over three hours.
BTHB Prompt: Pistol Whipping for BTHB Fics and @badthingshappenbingo
Rated: G | One Shot | Words: 9,690 | Eddie's POV
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daddykinkkinard · 4 months
in solidarity of bucktommy daddy kink canon i too will have hot gay sex with my boyfriend
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
HC Tommy Kinard is secretly fluent in French. Buck is secretly fluent in the sect of conversational Spanish he learned in Peru. They don't understand a WORD of what the other is saying, it's just insanely hot being flirted with in a foreign language. Plot twist when they get into fights they both shout in their designated language until they kiss each other because they love each other too damn much to stay mad.
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callofthecurlew · 2 months
I absolutely need to know Tommy's coffee order :(
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firewasabeast · 1 month
prompt: tommy's dad shows up at the 118 out of nowhere
heads up: Tommy's dad is a homophobic asshole here, and he acts as such. Also contains references to past child abuse (hit with a belt, and knocking a kid)
Bobby was in the middle of cooking dinner with Buck, the rest of the team hanging out on the sofa, when the newest probie, Jones, came walking up the stairs. “Uh, Cap? There's a man here who wanted to talk to you.”
The man followed closely behind Jones, who went right back downstairs to continue with whatever he had been up to.
Bobby wiped his hands off on a towel before walking over to the man. “I'm Captain Nash- Bobby,” he introduced, shaking the man's hand. “How can I help you?”
“Good to meet you, Bobby,” the man replied. His shake was firm, almost aggressive. “I'm actually here looking for my kid. Haven't heard from him in a while and last he told me, he was workin' here.”
As much as Buck was trying not to be obviously nosy, he couldn't help but keep glancing over at the guy. He looked so familiar, but Buck couldn't quite place him. When the man caught Buck's eyes, he quickly looked away and grabbed a nearby can, pretending to fiddle with it.
“I'll help how I can. What's his name?”
“Thomas Kinard. I'm his father, Richard.”
The can Buck was holding dropped onto the counter with a loud thud. Everyone's head whipped in his direction.
“S- Sorry. It, um, it slipped from my, uh, my hand.”
“Uh,” Bobby turned back to Richard, “I'm sorry Mr. Kinard, but Tommy hasn't worked here in about seven and a half years.”
“Figures.” Richard shook his head. “Damn kids'll screw you over every chance they get, won't they?”
Buck hurried over to introduce himself before Bobby could even manage a response.
“Mr. Kinard, hi,” he started, wiping his hand on his pants before reaching out for a shake. “I'm Buck. Evan, um, Evan Buckley. You can call me Evan, or Buck, whichever.”
Richard stared at him in a way that Buck wasn't exactly sure what he was thinking. “Buck's a strong name. I like strong names. We'll go with Buck.”
Buck nodded. “Sure. That- That's fine.”
“So, Buck, did you work with Tom before he left here?”
That's when it hit Buck. If this man didn't even know where Tommy worked, he definitely didn't know Buck was his boyfriend. He could feel himself begin to sweat. Could sense everyone's eyes on him. “Um, no, I- I mean, yes. I work with him, um, sometimes, but not- we didn't work together h- here. So, no.”
Richard snickered. “Cat got your tongue, Kiddo?”
“Why don't you go get your phone, Buck?” Bobby suggested. “Let Tommy know his dad is here.”
“Huh? Oh, um, yes. Yeah, I'll do that.” Buck hoped and prayed to God in that moment that Richard didn't notice the phone in his pocket.
“And while Buck does that, you can have a seat.” Bobby led him over to the table, where the rest of the team was now making their way over. “Once Tommy gets here we'll have lunch.”
Buck skipped every other step as he went downstairs, hurrying outside to call Tommy.
He answered on the third ring. “Hey, Evan. What's up? Everything okay?”
They may have the same job, but it didn't stop them from worrying about one another when they were on shift.
“Hey! Everything's fine, but c- can you come down to the station?”
“You miss me that much?” Tommy joked. “You're off in like four hours, Babe.”
“No, I know. I mean, yes, I miss you, but no that's not why I need you here.”
“What's going on, Evan?” He sounded worried again.
“Your... Tommy, your dad came in looking for you. He's, um, he's waiting here.”
The silence lasted so long that Buck glanced at his phone to see if the call had dropped. “Are you there, Tommy?”
Finally, Buck heard the sounds of Tommy shuffling around. “I'm on my way,” he answered. Any lingering happiness in his voice was long gone. “And Evan?”
“I'm sorry.”
“Sorry?” Buck asked. “Why're you-”
Tommy hung up before Buck could get out the question. He sighed, put the phone in his pocket, and headed back upstairs.
“-it looks like the damn United Nations in here.”
Buck's eyes met Eddie's. It was clear he'd walked in on the middle of a conversation that shouldn't be happening.
Eddie shook his head at Buck. A silent don't ask.
Buck sat down quietly, his leg shaking with nerves and his stomach filled with knots. Tommy wasn't even there, but he already felt terrible for him as Richard happily went into a very depressing story about Tommy crying after a girl kissed him when he was twelve years old.
Tommy steeled himself before walking up the stairs at the station. It took everything he had in him to not turn around and go right back home.
He couldn't do that though. Couldn't leave his father with Evan, or anyone else up there. They didn't deserve that.
“Tom had half the girls in the school chasing after him, askin' him to prom, and he still went with the most unattractive looking thing you'd ever seen.”
“Missy was not unattractive, Dad,” Tommy said from the top of the staircase. Everyone turned in his direction. “She was sweet and my best friend at the time.”
“Girl had braces twice the size of her face.”
Richard made no effort to stand and greet his son, not that Tommy expected him to.
Tommy was met with apprehensive hello's from the team, and a look of nervous concern from Evan.
“Come sit with us,” Bobby said, motioning to the seat beside Buck. “We were about to eat when your dad came in, so I figured we could have lunch together.”
“Thanks, Bobby.”
Tommy sat down stiffly, avoiding any physical contact with Evan. Not that Evan was trying anything either. He kept his hands firmly planted on his thighs.
“What are you doing here, Dad?” Tommy was purposefully avoiding eye contact with everyone else in the room. Maybe if he tried hard enough, they'd all disappear and not have to witness whatever was inevitably about to occur.
“Figured seven years was long enough to go by without seeing ya. Thought I'd stop by and see what you'd been up to.”
Bobby finished setting out the food and everyone began to pass around the dishes and fill up their plates.
“You know you could've come by my house, Dad.”
“Lost your address. You know I'm no good with computers. Plus, thought it'd be nice to see you in action.”
“Oh, well, I'm off for the next two days so... no action.”
“Where are you at now?”
“Harbor Station. I'm a pilot there, but I work ground ops sometimes too.”
“Back to flying, huh?” Richard sounded genuinely impressed. “Good. That's good. Got you a girl yet?”
The spoon Chimney had in his hand dropped loudly onto his plate as Buck choked on the bite of food in his mouth.
“Sorry,” Chimney muttered as Buck coughed.
He grabbed his water and took a couple sips. “Sorry. Sorry, uh, wrong pipe,” he explained, clearing his throat.
Tommy sighed. “Nope. No girl.”
“Well, soon. You're a good lookin' man. Get yourself out there, they'll come running.”
“Running so hard they injure their best friend,” Eddie mumbled, earning him a kick under the table from Hen.
Richard didn't seem to hear the comment, but Chimney spoke up anyway. “So, Mr. Kinard, what do you do?”
“Nothing now, but I did twenty years in the Marines, oil rigging after that. Retired about seven years now.”
“Tough work.” Hen regretted her words the second Richard puffed his chest at them.
“That's right. I always drilled into Tommy's head the importance of hard work.”
"More like knocked it in,” Tommy muttered.
The room quieted.
Richard took a sip of his drink, then opted for a subject change. “Shame I can't see where you're working now, Tom. Guess you were so busy talking about that other thing you failed to mention you were somewhere else.”
“That other thing?” Tommy repeated. “You mean me telling you I was gay and you laughing in my face? Is that the other thing you're talking about?”
“Well, it was all a load of crap, wasn't it? Just another way to disrespect your old man.” Richard looked around the room as he laughed, apparently not paying any attention to the fact that he was the only one laughing. “That was always Tom for ya. Shootin' off his mouth, causing trouble. I told him one day he'd take it too far.”
“Telling you he was gay was him taking it too far?” Hen wasn't even trying to hide the disgust on her face. Richard was too busy being an ass to notice.
“I just knew it wasn't true. He comes to my house all serious, sayin' he's got something he's gotta tell me. I thought maybe he was going back into the army, the reserves or something. Then he tells me he's a queer. I know the world is changing and all that crap, but I also know my son, and that's not my son.”
Tommy felt on the verge of tears now. He hadn't taken more than a couple bites of food, using his fork to swirl the rice and the peas. He wished more than anything he could make himself smaller. So small no one could see him. He was embarrassed and ashamed that all these people he cared about, all these people who were starting to really get to know him for all that he was, were now seeing the disgrace that was his father. That's all they'd be able to see when they looked at him, especially Evan.
Evan who somehow always looked at Tommy like he'd hung the moon and stars. Evan, who made Tommy feel so undeservingly cared for. Who had just swapped I love you's with Tommy a few weeks ago... Now, this is what he'd see. This is what he'd think about. And who could love that?
“Or maybe you just don't know your son.”
Tommy's head shot up and over at the sound of Evan's voice. He sounded angry. He looked angry. Tommy was pretty sure if he could shoot fire, the whole place would be up in flames right now.
“Excuse me?” Richard glared. “Who the hell are you to tell me whether or not I know my son?”
Before Buck even had a chance to make up some lie, Tommy was reaching over and taking his hand, squeezing tight. “He's my boyfriend,” he said.
Richard huffed out a laugh.
This time, he noticed that no one else was laughing. “You screwin' with me?”
“No. Just like I wasn't screwin' with you seven years ago, I'm not now.”
The way Richard shook his head made Tommy feel like he was seven years old again, about to get the belt for bringing a turtle in the house. “My buddy Vic told me his daughter saw you with some guy on Facebook. Called him an ass and an idiot and you're telling me he was right?”
“Is that why you really came here? To harass me and Evan?”
“I never looked at the picture!” Richard replied, his voice rising. “And I had no clue you weren't here anymore. I came here to see you, to get the truth.”
“Well, you got it.”
“That the real reason you quit the army then? So you could be a sissy?”
Tommy's eyes widened, the question catching him off guard. Out of all the ways this conversation could have gone, he didn't expect it to pivot that way. “You've got to be kidding me. Dad, I did not quit the army, I was discharged.”
“And the reasoning never really made sense to me, son, I gotta tell ya-”
“Well it doesn't have to make sense to you, it made sense to the military-”
“-because no son of mine would go crazy in the army. Absolutely ridiculous to-”
“-which is why I got to leave, and I did not go crazy I had a brief-”
“-make up some sort of excuse like that and think it would fly-”
“Okay! Okay!” Buck yelled over them, motioning for them to stop. “I think you proved whatever point you were trying to make, Richard. Let it go.”
Tommy quieted, but Richard couldn't hold his tongue.
“What?” he provoked. “That's what you said it was, didn't you? After some mission gone wrong, you didn't sleep for like a week or something. Went cuckoo so they let you leave? S'what you told me.”
“Okay,” Bobby spoke up, his voice deep and commanding. “Richard, I think you've been here long enough. You should go.”
“If my kid wants me gone he can tell me himself.”
Through his shame, Tommy managed to glare over at his dad. “I never wanted you here in the first place.” He was shaking, his heart racing, but his voice remained steady. He was grateful for that.
An eerie silence weighed heavily around the table. The two men stared each other down until Richard finally tossed his napkin onto the table and stood up, his chair screeching with the motion. “Don't have anything here for me anyway.”
That was Richard. Always had to get in the final word.
Once his dad had descended the staircase, Tommy released a deep breath. “Well, that was fun,” he said shakily, trying for a smile.
He couldn't quite seem to make one appear.
He couldn't look anyone in the eyes either. The silence was driving him insane. He knew they had to be watching him with pity.
His eyes were burning, his lip was trembling. He was so close to falling apart.
He really didn't want anyone see him, but he also knew he was too shaky to stand. He opted for planting his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands.
After a few quiet seconds, Tommy could hear everyone scooting out of their chairs.
A hand rested on his shoulder, giving it a brief squeeze. “Take your time up here,” Bobby said. “Don't worry if you hear the alarm.”
“You've got family with us, Man,” Eddie said as he passed by, giving Tommy a pat on the back.
Chimney was next with a, “Love ya, Bud.”
“Whatever you need,” Hen added as she passed by, “we've got you.”
The gentle touches and words of affirmation as each person went by was what broke him. He pressed his palms hard against his eyes as his shoulders began to shake.
There was another hand on him now. Rubbing his back in gentle, slow circles.
“I'm here, Babe,” he said softly. “I'm here.”
The sob that escaped him at Evan's words sounded more like a whine. Tommy was sure he'd never heard himself make that noise before, but now he couldn't stop it.
Evan pulled him in, wrapping his arms around him tight. Tommy hid his face in the crook of Buck's neck, his hands loosely grabbing at Buck's waist as he continued to cry.
They stayed like that for minutes. Evan continued rubbing his back, holding him, letting him get out all the feelings he'd been holding in for years.
“I'm so sorry, Evan,” Tommy whimpered once he was able to find his voice.
Evan held him tighter. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I didn't...” his breath hitched. “That could've been me. That was... was almost me.”
“No,” Evan disagreed. “No, you're nothing like him.” He turned his head to press a kiss into Tommy's hair. “Can you look at me?”
Reluctantly, Tommy lifted his head and pulled back just enough to look Evan in the eyes.
He sniffed, his breathing starting to come back to normal. He was sure his face was puffy and red. He knew a stray tear or two was still falling too.
Evan reached up and wiped the tears away, his thumbs continuing to brush over Tommy's cheeks so he could keep his attention. “You are not and have never been that man. You understand me?”
“No, I mean it, Tommy. You think Chimney and Hen would ever give him a chance?” He shook his head. “No way in hell.”
Tommy bit at his lip. “This is so stupid,” he said with a wet laugh. “Crying because my dad was mean to me, like I'm some baby or something.”
Evan ran his hands down Tommy's arms until he intertwined their hands on his lap. “Not stupid. Very reasonable, actually. Quite possibly an under-reaction.” He brought one of Tommy's hands up to his mouth and gave it a kiss. “There's only a few hours of my shift left. I'm sure Bobby wouldn't mind if I left a little early. I can drive you to your place, we'll relax with a movie. Sound good?”
Tommy knew he should say no. Knew he should tell Evan that he was a big boy and could handle a few hours alone until Evan got off work. Instead, what came out of his mouth was, “Are you sure?”
“I'm sure.”
“What about my car?”
Evan shrugged. “We'll pick it up tomorrow.”
“Okay... Okay, yeah. I probably shouldn't be driving anyway.”
After wiping away another tear, Evan leaned in and pressed his lips against Tommy's in one of the softest, yet most loving kisses Tommy had ever felt in his life.
“I love you, Tommy.”
“I love you, Evan.”
“And Eddie's right, you know? Everyone here, including me of course,” he smiled, “we're your family. You know that right?”
Tommy nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I know.”
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megalony · 5 months
Okay, as promised, this is my first Tommy Kinard imagine, requested by a lovely anon. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always appreciated I love to know what you all think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17 @zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: After becoming good friends with Eddie, Tommy also gets to know his sister, (Y/n). And when she is in an accident, Tommy does everything he can to look after her.
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"You okay?"
(Y/n) opened her eyes and looked to her left when she felt a hand on her knee and a shoulder bump into hers. She smiled across at Chimney and nodded, but he could see the wince she was hiding and the pain behind her eyes.
"Someone else can go up the ladder tomorrow." (Y/n) moved her hand to touch the left side of her chest. She knew her ribs weren't broken, but they were going to be banged up and bruised by the morning. In all the hustle and bustle trying to get people out of the top floor of an apartment building and onto the ladder, (Y/n) had taken a fall.
It had been a good job she was hooked on a wire connecting to the top of the truck, but it didn't make her landing on the edge of the ladder any easier. All the wind had been knocked out of her and she stumbled down the ladder whilst helping a woman down. And (Y/n) didn't breathe at all until she was almost passing out on the roof of the truck.
She felt Chimney pat her knee with a grin before he shook his head and turned to look out the window. They were almost back at the station now.
At least her shift was over.
(Y/n) could go get a shower, get changed from her uniform that needed a good wash, and then she could head home.
With a sigh, (Y/n) flopped her head back on the headrest and messed with the headphones that made her ears feel fuzzy. She continued to graze her fingers up and down her side, keeping her touch light to see if a small massage might make her chest loosen up and take away the ache in her chest.
It felt strange to be sat in the truck with Bobby, Chimney and Evan but without Hen and Eddie. The pair of them were on their way to the hospital with a patient. The young boy had become so attached to Eddie that he wouldn't let anyone else treat him. So he and Chimney had switched places.
"Alright, who needs a coffee?" A few grumbles came through the headset as Bobby backed up the truck into the station.
(Y/n) whipped off her headset and slumped them on the spare seat on her right while she undid her belt.
Her hands moved to rub up and down her knees and she plastered a smile on her face as she waited patiently for the boys to climb out first. They would be quicker than her and she needed a minute to click her spine into place and make sure her chest wouldn't tighten when she got up.
Her eyes followed Evan as he practically jumped out the truck, and once Chimney followed suit, (Y/n) sighed and stood up. She tilted her head down and clicked her back into place, leaning from left to right to loosen herself up.
The pain in her chest wasn't too bad now she was up and able to stretch her chest and take a deep breath.
"Alright," She murmured to herself. Maybe getting a coffee with the team would be a good idea to loosen up before she went home. And Eddie had given her a lift in this morning. She needed to wait for her brother to get back to the station so she could catch a ride home with him.
Dragging a hand across the scruff of his neck, Tommy clicked his neck from side to side as he walked past the truck that had just reversed into the station. Eddie said his shift ended around this time and they were supposed to be heading out tonight for a quiz night at a local bar.
He knew he was welcome to hang around the station and wait for Eddie and he had just seen Chimney jog towards the stairs to the kitchen. He could always go and have a chat with Chimney while he waited.
A shiver rolled down Tommy's spine and he jumped when a scream broke out from inside the truck.
He barely managed to twist his body to the right towards the open door before a loud thud echoed through the station and a body tumbled towards him.
On instinct, Tommy lurched his arms forward and he braced himself when a body propelled down towards him. A head bashed into his shoulder, hands grappled with his biceps and a small chest smashed into his. He had to deadlock his knees and brace his back as he leaned backwards to steady them both before whoever it was took him down to the floor.
His arms deadlocked around a slimmer waist than his own and his hands pressed flat against the back of their chest.
"Oh," (Y/n) pushed her forehead up off a very hard chest and her chin tilted into the man's sternum as she tried to stare up at him.
Her eyes went wide when she was met with a pair of dark, blown pupils that were locked on her. She could feel herself shaking and her fingers dug into his biceps like tallons refusing to let him go.
The feel of (Y/n)'s chest smushed up against a very hard chest felt like (Y/n) was slumped against a brick wall. She didn't recognise whoever it was that had graceously caught her from her fall. He wasn't in the station uniform. He wasn't in a uniform that read a different station house either. He was wearing a plain white sleeveless shirt and a pair of dark black jeans that looked a little too tight when (Y/n) dared to glance down at him.
"I- um-"
"You look a little stuck."
His words took her by surprise and (Y/n) blinked, parting her lips but she didn't say anything. She could see his eyes finally tear away from hers so he could look behind her and (Y/n) dared to twist her head round to the right.
She had caught her boot in Evan's seatbelt.
He must have flung the belt off and it didn't reel back up into the holder. (Y/n) had stood in the loop and got herself tangled up like a fish being reeled up on a hook. Her chest was leaning heavily on the stranger in front of her, she had her right leg bent and her foot wrapped up in the seatbelt. And her left leg was hanging on one of the steps leading down from the truck.
If this rather handsome stranger hadn't caught her, (Y/n) would either have fallen to the floor or headbutted the steps on the truck. He had saved her from a big dilemma.
"Okay, just hang tight a minute." Tommy inched his right arm a little tighter around her waist and took two steps closer. He braced his chest up against hers and held her weight easily for her while he reached his left hand out to grab her ankle.
He tried to be careful but his eyes kept drifting back to those big doe eyes that were staring up at him like she had never seen anyone like him before. He could feel her fingers grabbing his arms tightly and she was taking short, shallow breaths that panted against his chest.
Tommy lifted her right ankle up and wrangled with the seatbelt which he flung back into the truck once it was uncurled from her leg.
(Y/n) sucked in a deep breath and moved her hands up from his biceps to grip his shoulders when his arm swooped around the back of her thighs. She held her breath as deeply as she could and tried to stay floppy when he stepped back and pulled her along with him.
He lifted her up as if she weighed nothing. His arms stayed tight around her and he suddenly grinned down at her, making (Y/n)'s stomach flutter with adrenaline.
Once she felt him lean forward and her boots suddenly touched the floor, she could have fainted. Her head went light and bubbled up with air and her breaths came out quick and panting, but she couldn't find it in herself to let go of him. Not yet.
"There you go," He spoke so quietly and softly that (Y/n) almost didn't hear him.
All she could focus on was the feeling of his arm bound tight around her waist and his hand flat out against her back. She could feel his fingertips spread out against her skin and each finger began to tap against her like he was creating a rhythm.
"Are you okay?"
(Y/n) felt the way both his hands moved to her hips, but he didn't let go of her. Even though both her feet were now firmly on the floor instead of tangled in the back of the truck. And (Y/n) somehow couldn't bring herself to let go of him, either.
"Hm, thank you." She dipped her head down and glanced at her boots as she felt heat rising on her neck and swarming along her skin.
She gave his tough shoulders a squeeze before she found the courage to let go of him and hold her own weight on her trembling legs. Her hands moved to run up and down her hips and thighs out of anxious habit. (Y/n) had to tilt her head back to get a good look at the man in front of her. He was tall. He was built very sturdy.
Broad shoulders. Thick, tense arms. A chest as hard as rocks and hands that finally left her hips and clenched into tight fists at his sides.
His quirked smile was something to stare at too. He dragged his tongue across his lower lip and danced his eyes up and down her frame while he moved his hands to hold his hips.
"Do you make it a habit, falling onto people?" His tone was light in jest and his voice was quiet but rough and rugged around the edges.
"Not usually," (Y/n) clasped her hands together behind her back and took another glance down at her boots that hadn't even scuffed on her fall. She was a bit of a clutz at times, but (Y/n) had never fallen onto someone like that before. It wasn't one of her better moments, she would admit. And it was a good job he had been walking past, whoever he was.
Turning to the right, (Y/n) gave the truck door a nudge and leaned against it once it was closed.
"Thank you, and I'm sorry I uh, landed on you. I'm (Y/n)," She held her hand out in front of her but her breath caught in her throat when his burly hand locked in hers.
He had such a firm grip (Y/n)'s arm shuddered and she gave his hand a squeeze.
"Don't worry about it, I'm glad I caught you." The way he let go of her hand to drag his hand across his chin made (Y/n) intrigued. "(Y/n)… you're not Eddie's little sister, are you?"
Her smile gave Tommy his answer. He had just bumped into his new friend's sister. The girl Tommy had been rather intrigued and eager to meet. Eddie didn't tell him (Y/n) worked with him at the fire house, Tommy wasn't expecting to walk around the station and bump into her on his way.
"I'm Tommy."
(Y/n) smiled as she sucked in a deep breath and gave him another once over. So this was her brother's new friend. The guy everyone else at the station had bumped into at one point or another. The guy that used to work here before (Y/n), Eddie or Evan ever tranferred here.
Despite what she had heard about Tommy, (Y/n) didn't expect him to be like the person stood in front of her. So tough and tense and outwardly cold yet soft and approachable on the inside.
"Eddie talks about you a lot, it's lovely to meet you. Are you here to see him?"
"Uh yeah, we're heading out to a quiz night when he finishes." Tommy stuffed his hands into his back pockets but he tilted his head to one side when (Y/n) pursed her lips and dropped his gaze. "Something wrong?"
"No, no… he was supposed to be my ride home. I'll see if I can catch a lift with Buck."
She stole a glance to the right but she couldn't see up into the annex from down here. Once she'd seen Eddie when he got back, she would see if Evan would be graceous enough to give her a lift home. They were all used to doing car shares when they were on the same shifts, it was easier than everyone driving in and driving home after long or particularly hard shifts.
Her eyes snapped back up to Tommy when he took a step closer. She felt her chest tighten and her stomach pool with adrenaline when he leaned his arm on the truck. He stood so close (Y/n) could almost feel each breath he took and his quirky smile made her shiver right down to her toes.
"Why don't you come with us?"
"Really?" It was a tempting idea, and not just because being so close to Tommy was making her stomach flutter. She hadn't been out in a while and it would be good to spend some time with Eddie too without being on shift and having to go into burning buildings or drag people out of crumpled cars.
Being around Tommy was a very tempting idea, as long as (Y/n) wasn't going to feel like a third wheel or like she was the little kid tagging along behind her brother.
"Course. And it's free drinks if we win." The way Tommy drummed his fingers on his hip caught (Y/n)'s attention. And she noticed that even though he was leaning against the truck and was stooped over, he still managed to tower above her.
"Well, you did just save me from a broken ankle, so I think I owe you a few drinks."
His smile made her heart flutter. Tommy had just saved her from a harsh landing, the least (Y/n) could do was buy him a drink to say thank you. And she wanted to spend a bit more time with him, even if they would be in the company of her big brother.
"What have we got?" Tommy placed his hands on his hips and took a look around the scene.
There wasn't very much to look at when the road was barely lit by the street lights and the sky was as black as midnight oil. All Tommy knew was that they needed more units. At least four cars were piled up here and Tommy's unit was the first one to get here. They had one ambulance. That wasn't going to be enough to help them. It wasn't going to get everyone out of here.
"I need you all to spread out, check for casualties and direct anyone who can walk over to the side of the road for the EMTs to arrive."
Tommy did his best to refrain from rolling his eyes when a medic bag was thrust into his chest. He slid it on his shoulder and set off into a fast jog.
He wasn't a medic.
He wasn't trained to be a paramedic, he rarely helped out on the medical side of things except for transporting patients to and from the hospital. Even way back when he had been with the 118 and had been friends with Chimney, he didn't take that much notice of the procedures.
He rounded the back of a dark blue Ford only to have one of his team wave him over to the next car along that had yet to be checked out.
Tommy was suppposed to be on the rota for the helicopter ride tonight. He had been switched last minute because they had no available units to a major pile up on the motorway and they needed all the help they could get down here.
"Okay, LAFD, can I-" His words tapered off into the brisk midnight air and the bag on his shoulder slumped to the tarmac when he wrangled the passenger door open.
Oh God.
It felt like all the air sucked out of Tommy's chest and he crashed his knees against the bottom of the car, crouching beside the driver's seat.
It was (Y/n).
Tommy had only seen her two days ago when he went round to Eddie's house for an indoor games night with most of the 118.
When I said I wanted to be alone with (Y/n), this is NOT what I meant!
Tommy wanted a moment, an hour, a day alone with (Y/n). He wanted to be at the quiz night with her or go out for a drink or just sit and have a chat with her without anyone else on the team around. But this isn't what he had in mind. He didn't mean he wanted to have to treat her in an accident on his own. He wasn't a medic. This wasn't his field of expertise.
"(Y/n), hey, are you with me?" He reahed a tender hand out to cup the side of her head while he pushed up on his knees to be level with her.
"Tommy…" The surprise was evident in (Y/n)'s voice, but it was the way her eyes locked on him that had him shivering in his boots.
Her trembling hand reached out and curled around his wrist, holding him with such a grip he almost lost the feeing in his fingertips. He could see the tears in her eyes and the track marks down her face and each breath she took seemed to hitch higher and higher until she was barely breathing at all.
"Yeah, it's me. I thought you told me you didn't do this kind of thing often, hm?"
Her lips quirked into a baiting smile and (Y/n) managed a deeper breath. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes for a few seconds, but she didn't let go of Tommy's wrist. Not until he slowly pulled out of her grip so he could assess her.
"Can I take a look at you?"
"Please, g-get me out."
"I will, don't worry. Just hang in there, I need to check you over first before I try moving you, okay?"
(Y/n) stayed briskly pushed back in the chair and moved her hands to grip the seat to keep herself still. She winced when Tommy trailed his fingertips down her sides and she tried not to let the rush of adrenaline overwhelm her when the heel of his hands pushed into her abdomen. It had been a while since he'd had his training, but Tommy couldn't feel anything abnormal, at least he didn't think he could.
When his hands trailed down to her legs, he winced. That didn't look good.
"Jackson! I need a medic over here."
"Kinda got my hands full with cardiac arrest, Kinard. Give me ten."
That wasn't the response Tommy was hoping for. He needed any medic over here that he could get. He didn't know what he was meant to do. His medical training was rusty. (Y/n) had a major wound in her leg that was bleeding out and Tommy couldn't just wait for her to bleed out on the seat.
"Ah fuck… okay, I'm gonna get some advice-"
"Don't go!" (Y/n) latched her fingers so tightly around Tommy's wrist that she could feel his skin splitting beneath her nails. He couldn't leave her. She had been crying for help since the moment she came back around. Tommy couldn't leave her now when no one else was around or coming to her aid.
His left hand moved to clamp around hers and it was a strange yet thrilling feeling to have his hand engulf hers. His fingers squeezed around hers and his palm was warm yet slightly calloused as he dragged his thumb across the side of her hand.
"Look at me." His hand moved up until his fingers were beneath her chin and she had no choice but to look down at him. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. But I need to call someone so I know how best to help you. And Eddie is the best medic I know."
He wasn't about to walk away from her, Tommy would never do that. (Y/n) needed him and she needed help, he was going to make sure he helped her. But Tommy needed someone to walk him through this and tell him what to do, and Eddie was one of the best medics in the field.
"Don't tell h-him it's me."
"I won't."
He already knew if he rang Eddie and said (Y/n) had been in an accident Eddie would go into a flustered panic. He would make his way down here and risk a crash himself. He couldn't walk Tommy through this if he knew (Y/n) was the one who was injured and needed treatment.
Tommy let (Y/n) keep a tight grip on his right hand while he fumbled around in his pocket for his phone.
"Eddie. Eddie, I've got a situation. We're on a call but I've got no medics around and I need to get my patient ready to transport. Can you walk me through it?"
"Fuck, I… I suppose so. What's the injuries?"
He muttered a quiet 'Brilliant' to himself and set his phone on speaker in the footwell. When his eyes dragged up to lock on (Y/n), she tried to smile down at him and let go of his hand so he could help her.
"Okay, patient is trapped in her car, the bonnet's crushed down on her right leg and she's bleeding out… she's got a cut just below her knee." His eyes darted back up to (Y/n) just as his hands reached out to hold her knee.
Her fingers latched around his broad shoulder and she pushed back straighter in her seat. He didn't say anything. If (Y/n) needed to hold onto something, Tommy was more than happy for her to hold him for a while.
"Is the blood spurting out or is it slow?"
"I'd say slow, that's good?"
"That's a vein so yeah that's good. You need a turniquet, tie it two inches above the cut and do it tight to stop the bloodloss. If there's any metal or anything in the leg, leave it for the doctors to remove."
"Give me a minute."
Tommy rattled through the medic bag on the floor until he found a blue, plastic strap. He reached across and put the phone on mute so he could look up at (Y/n). "Try and stay still for me." His touch was light as he slid the strap beneath (Y/n)'s thigh and pulled it tight. He could feel her trying hard to stay still but her fingers tightened on his shoulder when Tommy popped the pin through the band.
The blue plastic sank deeply into (Y/n)'s thigh like an elastic band and he worried for a moment that it was going to cut her leg in two. But when he looked down and realised the trickling blood flow had started to taper off, he sighed in relief.
"Alright, that's done."
"How's their heartbeat and blood pressure? If BP is rising the turniquet hasn't worked." This was the first time Eddie had had to help someone over the phone like this. It was strange, but it was a new thing to add to his resume and he was glad to help out a friend when he could.
(Y/n) flopped her head to the right to look at Tommy and she let go of his shoulder so he could slide the blood pressure cuff up her arm so it was settled just below her shoulder. The tightening band made her eyes roll to the back of her head and she could feel her head filling up with air.
But her lips parted and a jolt of electricity ran through her nerves when a finger pressed beneath her jaw and she felt Tommy's thumb digging into her chin. He turned her head from side to side and when she managed to focus her eyes on him, (Y/n) had to take a deep breath.
He had moved closer.
He was no longer crouching beside the bed. He was stood up with his knees bent forward and his body hovering over hers.
Tommy's frame looked a little too tall to fit into the car and the back of his shoulders were slammed up against the roof of his car. But it was his face hovering mere inches away from hers that made (Y/n) gasp and feel like she was going to faint.
"Eyes on me."
His words and that tone of voice were so stern that (Y/n) accidentally mumbled "Yes sir," and she wasn't sure if Tommy knew she was joking or not.
The quirk of his brow and the slight smirk on his lips sent her heart racing.
He clicked the mute button off the phone again and slid the cuff down (Y/n)'s arm. "No, BP's starting to reduce now, it's working."
"Good. Heartbeat?"
Tommy swiped his thumb across (Y/n)'s chin so delicately it clearly made her shiver before he pulled away so he could put the stethoscope in his ears. He leaned down a little closer and slid the metal beneath her shirt near her sternum.
He couldn't help but arch a brow when he looked down at (Y/n). Her heart was racing.
Their eyes locked for a few seconds and (Y/n) could see the panic swirling in Tommy's eyes. Surely this wasn't normal. Her heart was worse than a drummer crashing out a beat. If it went any faster Tommy wouldn't be able to differentiate between the beats.
"Nerves." (Y/n) whispered but she realised she was so close that Tommy could probably taste her words in the air.
"What's making you nervous, your injuries… or me?" He couldn't refrain from asking. It wasn't strictly professional but he needed to know whether he had to unmute the phone and ask Eddie what injury could be causing her heart to skyrocket like this. Unless he was the reason (Y/n) was nervous, that meant it wasn't an injury and therefore Tommy didn't have to panic.
Her eyes darted down to his lips that were flushed and parted enough for (Y/n) to see the way his tongue was pushing up against his teeth. While he waited patiently for an answer.
He didn't seem to have an answer for that. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to say or what he should do. He couldn't walk away and leave her and everyone else was busy so he couldn't swap. Tommy doubted (Y/n) would let him walk away from her now. He wouldn't allow himself to, either.
(Y/n) watched the way he tilted his head down to clear his throat and she held her breath to stay silent when she watched him unmute his phone.
"Heartbeat is a little high, but nothing worrying." His lips curled into something soft which was a mixture of a smile and a smirk.
"Good. You'll just need to check for any spinal or nerve damage to find the best way to get the patient out."
Upon hearing her brother's words, (Y/n) clicked her head from side to side and shimmied in her seat. She could move. She could feel and move her hands, she had already proven that. She had control over her chest and torso and she could wiggle one of her feet; although she couldn't feel her right foot from the constricted blood flow. But that was expected.
It felt strange and somehow thrilling to feel Tommy's hands glide down her shoulders, along her arms and press down on her chest.
He felt her push back in her seat when he touched the left side of her chest and he bit his lip, silently apologising with his eyes.
He tried to be careful and keep his touch light as he moved his fingertips down. She had broken one or two ribs, but she had no damage to her pelvis which was a big relief. He could get her out of here easily. He didn't have to wait for help and struggle to ease (Y/n) onto a backboard for any spinal injuries.
When Tommy's hands moved down to check her legs and try to carefully ease them out the car, (Y/n) braced her hands on the bottom of her chair.
Her chest didn't feel right.
She tried to suck in a deep breath and hold it for as long as she could, but a tightening, pinching pain in the left side of her chest made her wince. Deep breaths weren't an option.
She switched to shallow pants that she hoped Tommy wouldn't notice. She was probably feeling a broken rib moving out of place or had a torn muscle that was causing her some discomfort. Her lips pulled into a thin line and she moved her right hand to cradle the left side of her chest while her other hand gripped Tommy's arm when he reached out for her.
(Y/n) tried to focus on the feeling of Tommy's hands on her hips and the way he spun her carefully on the chair so her legs were now hanging out the car and she was facing him.
"Okay?" His voice was nothing more than a murmur in (Y/n)'s ear while his hands held her thighs and he leaned over her. He didn't want to speak too loudly and grab Eddie's attention. He only had Eddie on the line still because he wanted to move (Y/n) and make sure she was truly okay before he thanked Eddie and let him get back to his evening.
His head tilted to one side and (Y/n) knew if she lifted her head at just the right angle, their noses would brush and she would most certainly be touching his lips.
But she couldn't lift her head. All she could do was deadlock her fingers around Tommy's wrist and shake her head.
She couldn't breathe.
"What's wrong?"
Tommy pushed his hands to gently part (Y/n)'s knees to the sides so he could crouch between them. He felt her knees touching his chest and he tried to stay balanced on the heel of his boots. His head tilted back at an angle and his eyes focused solely on (Y/n)'s eyes which were beginning to water.
The tender look on Tommy's face washed away like footprints on the sand when he realised (Y/n) wasn't breathing properly.
He watched her lips part into a look of panic but she was barely pulling in any air and she wasn't exactly breathing out, either. She was wheezing. Her right hand pressed harder into her chest but it only made her cringe and she gave a sharp tug on Tommy's wrist to move his hand near her chest.
Tears began to roll down her cheeks and her wide eyes followed Tommy's movements as he pushed up on his toes so they were level.
"Eddie, she's not breathing!" Tommy tilted his head to the right and rose his voice so Eddie could hear him clearly through the phone.
"At all?"
"She's wheezing and holding the left side of her chest… she was breathing fine a minute ago." Well, Tommy wasn't actually sure whether (Y/n) had been breathing 'fine' but she had certainly had no problems a couple of minutes ago. He thought she was taking quick, shallow breaths because she was panicking. Not because something else was wrong.
(Y/n) snapped her eyes closed as a strangled, hoarse sound tore past her lips. She couldn't breathe. She felt like she was drowning. Why was it so hard to take in a proper breath? What had she done?
"Check her airways for any obstructions." Eddie's response somehow made a shiver crawl down Tommy's spine.
His hands moved to cup (Y/n)'s chin and he tilted her head back while he pressed over her throat and looked in her mouth. Nothing was blocking her airways. They were clear but she was gasping like she was being smothered.
"Eddie, it- it's like she's drowning."
Unease rattled through Tommy's veins as he spoke. (Y/n) was gasping like he was holding her underwater and she was starting to drown. If Eddie didn't tell Tommy what to do soon, she wasn't going to be breathing at all. He couldn't do nothing and watch her starve of oxygen.
He could hear a crackling sound through the phone but Tommy couldn't take his eyes off (Y/n). His hand stayed on the side of her neck while his other hand moved down to try and touch her chest to see what was going on. But he couldn't feel her chest deflating properly; it was like she was a balloon, but Tommy couldn't tell whether she had too much air in her chest or not enough.
"Get the stethoscope and listen to her lungs. If she's got fluid in them it will sound like water sloshing around. If you don't hear anything like that and no static, then she's breathing into her chest cavity."
(Y/n) closed her eyes and tucked her chin into her chest when Tommy let go of her neck. She moved both hands to grip his shoulders and held tight, waiting for him to make the next move.
It was almost a relief that she couldn't breathe when he pressed his chest up near hers and leaned over her shoulder so he could look at her back. She could feel the stethoscope against her back and she could smell Tommy's cologne wafting through her nose, distracting her from her current torment.
"No sloshing or static noises. Eddie I've never treated someone for this before-"
"If you don't move fast she'll pass out and be starved of oxygen. Get her laid flat, find a scalpel and an open-ended needle, the needle should be green."
It felt as if Eddie was stood right over his shoulder, looking through the medical bag. He had a picture in his mind of what he needed Tommy to do and look for and it was comforting.
"Hang on."
(Y/n) wasn't sure who Tommy was talking to but she made herself go limp like jelly when Tommy pressed their chests together and bound his arms around her waist. She tried not to focus on the hand that was cupping the back of her thigh and instead felt the hand that was near the base of her neck.
He lifted her from the car with ease and (Y/n) was shocked with how swift yet tenderly Tommy moved her. It felt like he was laying her down on a soft mattress rather than the hard concrete road.
She batted her hand out until she clenched her fingers around his thigh and she was too panicked to feel embarrassed. (Y/n) needed something to focus on, to ground her and control her panic. And Tommy didn't seem to mind.
He snapped on a pair of gloves, found the scalpel and what he guessed was the right needle. It was a needle for letting air and fluids escape the body, not one with a syringe for injecting anything. And Tommy already knew what he was going to have to do, no matter how hard this was going to be or how badly it was going to make him cringe.
He didn't have time to overthink.
"Walk me through this, Eddie."
He placed the phone next to his leg so he could have Eddie's voice right in his ear. And he sank back on his heels while (Y/n)'s fingers started shaking and tapping against his upper thigh like she was letting him know she was still conscious and believed in him.
"You wanna be doing this on the side of her chest level with her arms, not the top." Eddie wanted to rush through this and reel all the information off but he knew he had to go slow. He had to wait for Tommy to follow his instructions one by one, he had to walk him through this not throw everything at him and wait.
A very quiet "Excuse me," passed Tommy's lips and he saw the way (Y/n)'s arms tensed and stiffened at her sides when he rolled up her shirt. He tucked it beneath her armpits which exposed her bra and cleavage to his eyes, but his focus was clearly elsewhere.
"Find the fifth and sixth ribs and press down on them, the needle needs to go right between the ribs into the chest cavity. As soon as it's in, open the cap and let the air out."
If this were any other situation, (Y/n) would have jumped or felt ticklish when Tommy started pressing the pad of his finger down on her chest, counting the ribs until he found the right ones. He pressed his fingers down until they touched the bone and a bump of flesh pressed out between his fingers.
"Just push it straight in?"
"Yep, about two inches."
Tommy winced and sank his teeth down on his lower lip when (Y/n)'s nails cut through his trousers and sank into his flesh. She clawed desperately at him to try and stay still and tears streamed down her face as she dug her head back into the floor. If she could, she would of arched her back off the floor and screamed. But all she could manage was the gasping sound of her throat muscles rubbing together.
As soon as he got the needle in, Tommy unclipped the green cap and listened to the fizzling sound of air disippating from the needle.
Eddie was right. That had been the problem.
He could see the weight lifting from (Y/n)'s shoulders and her throat tensed as she sucked in a deep breath which made her eyes roll to the back of her head. When he was sure her chest was clear, Tommy clipped the needle again and sank back on his heels with a huff.
He studied her chest, the way it sank down like a weight pressing on her before rising with such deep breaths he was surprised her lungs didn't pop. But she was breathing. She wasn't gasping, she wasn't wheezing or drowning. She was back to taking in proper air.
Before he could stop himself, Tommy brushed his thumb over her chin until he was touching her lips.
"Breathe." His voice was so quiet, so gritty yet soothing and lulling that (Y/n) found herself taking more even, deep breaths without realising. Her chest stopped panting and heaving and aching like her ribs were about to snap. Her breaths became softer and her eyes focused on Tommy's own lips that he darted his tongue across. It was as if he was coaxing himself to breathe deeper as well, not just her.
"Have you done it?"
Eddie's voice cut through the air and as quick as anything, Tommy dropped his hand and turned his head towards the phone at his side.
"Yeah, yeah… she's breathing. Thank you, Eddie." Tommy wiped his sleeve against his temple before he reached down for his phone and clicked it off speaker.
This was the part he had been dreading. This was where he was going to have to tell Eddie that it was in fact his sister who he had just helped save. And that he needed to meet them down at the hospital. Tommy knew Eddie wouldn't be pleased. He would be infuriated he hadn't been told earlier, but Tommy had to have Eddie help him with a clear head instead of one clouded with panic.
"Well, that was a first for me,"
"Eddie, listen… you're gonna want to meet me down at the emergency room. The girl I just got out the car, it's (Y/n)."
(Y/n) wasn't sure what curse words flew past her brother's lips, but she recognised the odd Spanish cursive. And she could see from the way Tommy winced that Eddie wasn't happy. But when she watched Tommy hum, mutter a quiet goodbye and hang up, she was relieved when he smiled down at her. That hadn't gone as badly as she thought it would.
She realised she was still gripping his leg and quickly let go but before she could stop herself, she clamped her trembling hand around Tommy's wrist. She squeezed as much as she could while she tried to get her lungs to keep working and find her voice.
"T-thank you. That's twice, y-you've saved me."
A tender smile formed on his lips and (Y/n) noticed the way his nose scrunched up when he properly smiled like that. She liked it.
She liked it even more when he curled his free hand over her wrist and brought her hand up to his chest. She could feel his erratic heartbeat through his chest, it was almost at the same frantic rhythm as hers. When Tommy leaned his head down and kissed the back of her hand, (Y/n) felt like she was floating.
"How about, instead of me saving you again, you let me take you on a date instead?"
"It's for you."
A grin spread across (Y/n)'s lips and she nodded over at Carla who was stood with raised brows, practically jumping up and down behind the front door she was holding open.
"Be good, wish me luck." She pressed a kiss to the top of Chris's head and gave him a hug before she hobbled across to the door.
With her being signed off work for a few weeks, it made (Y/n) the ideal person to look after Chris after school while Eddie was on shift. She had mostly been staying over with Eddie and Chris for the last week since her accident. It was better because (Y/n) didn't have to climb any stairs here like she did in her apartment building. And it meant Eddie could keep an eye on her.
She looked over her outfit one more time until Carla gave her a thumbs up and squeezed her shoulder.
She made sure to shut the front door behind her just so Carla and Chris couldn't try and be nosy before she let her eyes drag up and down her date.
Tommy was stood on the path just below the doorstep, hands casually tucked into the pockets of his slate grey jeans. His shoulders were slightly hunched up making his biceps tense and it made his frame look even bigger if that were possible, casting a large shadow across the path behind him.
He wore a jet back button up shirt with the collar and the first few buttons undone, exposing his chest and the top of his collarbone to (Y/n)'s prying eyes. But it was his smile that enamoured her. The way his lips quirked up to the right in a slanted grin and the tip of his nose scrunched up and caused his eyes to crease.
"Hey, you look lovely."
Tommy let his gaze fall down to do another once-over when (Y/n) looked down with a bashful smile.
Her dress was a dark shade of strawberry, with a sweetheart neckline and a band of dark rouge ribbon around the waist. It fanned out around her thighs and stopped an inch short of her knees.
He let his eyes fall on her legs for a second, then another, then another. She wasn't wearing tights. It allowed Tommy a perfect view of the row of stitches that slanted along her right leg and disappeared behind the support she was wearing over her knee.
It was a familiar sight. Tommy had seen Evan wearing a similar brace when they went to play basketball each week. He knew from what Eddie had told him that (Y/n)'s knee had taken a bashing in the car, it hadn't been bruised or dislocated but it caused some pain. And with her vein needing to be joined back up, (Y/n) couldn't even her weight out, she was limping and using her left leg rather than her right.
And when Tommy glanced down, his smile widened. She was wearing black and white Converse. Not the typical footwear expected to match her outfit, but again, he could understand why. She could hardly walk properly as it was, heels or flats weren't exactly helpful right now.
Unless (Y/n) wore her Converse in case of a quick getaway tonight.
"I'm a little mismatched tonight." (Y/n) kept her voice soft and quiet as she brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear and took a step closer to Tommy.
"I like it."
His eyes followed her as she leaned around him and realised he had driven here. That meant he wasn't drinking tonight. (Y/n) didn't want him to think he couldn't drink just because she couldn't at the moment.
"No chopper?" Her words surprised him but the laugh he let out made (Y/n)'s heart flutter and she couldn't help but grin.
"And risk you throwing a blood clot, no thank you. I'll save the flying lessons for our next date."
When Tommy held out his left elbow towards her, (Y/n) hooked her hand through his elbow and she couldn't refrain from leaning her head on his arm. She tried to even her weight out between her legs and ignore the pins and needles that felt like sharp scratches cutting up the back of her knee. She had refused crutches from the hospital and made a point of walking up and down the hospital stairs so they wouldn't have cause for keeping her under observation.
She was determined to get back to work as soon as possible, and to make an effort on this date tonight. (Y/n) didn't want to catch her foot in the seatbelt or trip on the curb or lose her balance and crash into something.
The only fall she wanted to make was her heart falling for man on her arm.
But she could tell Tommy was more than happy for her to lean on him. He would take her weight for her if she needed to, all she had to do was slump against him or lean on his arm and he would help her. She wouldn't have to ask.
Her lips curved into a softer smile when he leaned in front of her to open the car door. She was suddenly glad he drove a car and not a jeep like Eddie and Evan. (Y/n) was sick of clambering up into the jeep and sliding down with how high up they were. God only knows what she would be like with the fire truck once she went back to work.
She watched Tommy motion his free hand towards the car, clearly waiting for her to unhook herself from his arm and climb in. But she didn't.
Instead, (Y/n) turned so she was standing in front of Tommy, her heels teetering dangerously on the edge of the curb.
She could see the confusion in Tommy's eyes as he tilted his head to one side, wondering why she was now stood in front of him instead of getting in the car. He didn't move or make a sound, he just watched her with intrigue pooling in his eyes as (Y/n) danced her hands up his chest until she was holding onto his shoulders.
He wasn't quite sure what she was up to but he rolled along with it, curving his left arm around her waist so their chests were pinned together. He wasn't about to let her stumble off the curb and fall into the car.
She took him by surprise. (Y/n) pushed up on her tiptoes, using Tommy's shoulders as leverage so she could take a leap and kiss him. She could taste coffee on his lips and the familiar smell of his cologne flooded her nose and made her feel lightheaded.
But it was the feeling of his palm pressing firmer against her back between her hips that made her breathing hitch. And how he pressed down on her to pin her tighter into his hard chest that froze beneath her touch. She felt his tongue swipe across her lip and when his free hand grazed along her chin and up her jaw, (Y/n)'s knees almost gave way.
Spots danced in front of her eyes when they finally parted, but she watched him intently. Focusing on how his nose brushed against hers and how his lips parted into a breathless grin and his chest puffed out against hers.
And she waited, feeling his hand glide across her jaw until he was gently cupping her chin and his thumb swiped across her lower lip.
304 notes · View notes
emolionsrawr · 5 months
buck: hey babe can you unsleep me at five? i don't wanna nap that long
tommy: yeah sure eva- wait what did you say?
buck: unsleep me at five?
tommy: do you mean wake me up?
tommy: never change you funky lil weirdo
470 notes · View notes
eddiespornstache · 2 months
“probably not on the same day” tommy kinard what are you sounding so absolutely whipped for?!?! a man who doesn’t even know he’s flirting with you?? have some self respect. put those big blue eyes away
152 notes · View notes
diazsdimples · 2 months
Fuck It Friday
In honour of the Olympics (which I don't watch fsdkjdh) I started a new Bucktommy AU, based off this AU post that @aesthetictarlos prompted me for. It's become A Thing.
Tagged for FIF by @inell and @actuallyitsellie thank you friends!
The training gym in Paris is insane. Buck’s never seen anything quite like it. Each country has their own training area – allegedly to decrease the chances of sabotage – and the USA has decked theirs out with red, white and blue banners everywhere. It’s laid out almost perfectly the same as the actual gymnastics area they’ll be competing in, to allow for familiarity. Buck’s aware that he probably looks like a dick, standing in the middle of the floor with his jaw somewhere around his ankles, but he’s excited, okay? It’s his first Olympics. He wants to lie here and soak it all in. “Pretty impressive, isn’t it?” Buck jumps, not having heard anyone come up behind him. He turns and takes in the familiar, broad chest of one Tommy Kinard. His hero, his rival, his most embarrassing crush. Eddie teased him relentlessly when he found out. “H-hey Tommy,” Buck stammers, his face flushing a deep red. “It’s – uh – it’s so big.” Tommy laughs and begins to make his way towards the vault. Buck trails along behind him, shrugging off his hoodie. Much like many of the other athletes, he often opts not to wear a shirt while training. They’re too restrictive and can flop over your eyes, obscuring your vision. Buck knows better than most how dangerous that can be when you’re trying to stick a landing – something he’d learnt after he broke his left leg in 3 places after a dodgy dismount from the horizontal bars. “Ready to get your ass whipped?” Tommy asks, gesturing to the vault. He’s also divested himself of his jumper and Buck’s having a hard time concentrating on much other than Tommy’s nipples, if he’s totally honest. Buck tears his gaze from Tommy’s chest and looks where he’s pointing. Tommy will never admit it, but the vault is the only thing Buck repeatedly scores better at. It’s become something of a joke between them. “You wish, old man.” Tommy tuts and flicks Buck’s arm. “You need to learn to respect your elders. C’mon, show me what you’ve got.” Tommy lines himself up at the end of the track, chalking up his hands. He turns and gives Buck a wink, before turning and sprinting at the vault at full tilt. He’s so fucking beautiful, Buck thinks, when he’s in his element like this. Tommy pushes himself off the vault with ease and pulls himself into a pike position, rotating twice before landing on the mat. He has to stick his leg out to stop himself from toppling over, but other than that, it’s a perfect jump. He turns to Buck with a grin and does a little bow. “Your turn, kid.” Oh, game on.
NP tagging friends/mutuals (feel free to ignore) @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @buckera @watchyourbuck
@bidisasterevankinard @babybibuck @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @bucks-daddy-issues
@wikiangela @loveyouanyway @spotsandsocks @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @thekristen999
@tommysdaddykink @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @monsterrae1 @bigfootsmom
@perfectlysunny02 @half-oz-eddie @agenttommykinard @buckevantommy @evanbi-ckley
Also lmk if you want to be added/removed, I've forgotten who all my bucktommy mutuals are now fdskjds
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hippolotamus · 1 month
Way More Than Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the lovely and talented @kitteneddiediaz @tizniz @diazsdimples @spotsandsocks @inell @wikiangela Be sure to check their works!
IDK this has been rolling around in my brain since I first heard Casual. Sooo… 🦴 🍎 🦷
“C’mon, Luce,” Nat teases from the driver’s seat, poking Lucy’s thigh. “I play personal taxi and can’t even get a tour? Guess I need to up my game.”
Lucy rolls her eyes. Hopefully it’s more annoyed than fond. Honestly, Natalia could ask for a million things and Lucy would readily give them. At least, she wants to. She wants to want to. But that involves levels of vulnerability Lucy plans to keep locked up tighter than Diaz’s Catholic guilt.
“Your game’s fine, Dollenmeyer. I’ll show you around.” Lucy grabs her work bag and exits the car before Nat can gloat and kiss her about it.
Kinard and Thompson are chatting over coffee in the hangar, while Lee checks over the equipment in one of the birds.
“Well, if it isn’t my little ray of sunshine,” Kinard chirps, flashing his stupid, dazzling lovesick smile. God, Buckley’s got him so whipped. She’s happy for them but Jesus Christ. “And who do we have here?”
Tommy, ever the gentleman and charmer, takes Nat’s offered hand. “Tommy Kinard. One of Lucy’s favorite teammates,” he says with a wink.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve heard about you!”
“This is Nat. Natalia,” Lucy interjects. “We were hanging out and she very nicely agreed to drop me off since my car’s in the shop.”
Beside her, Nat stiffens. Tommy raises an eyebrow, shooting a knowing look at Lucy.
This. This is why she tried to resist Nat’s offer and insisted an Uber would be fine. Because Lucy knows she’s fucked up. Knew she would before it happened. What’s worse is Tommy knows — or highly suspects — she fucked up. He was in the closet too long, and with too many shitty partners, to not see right through her. He’s going to give her hell about this.
“Uh, yeah,” Nat agrees, barely hiding the way her voice is trembling. She drops Tommy’s hand and clutches her purse tighter. “So, uh, gonna take a raincheck on that tour. Maybe another time. Nice to meet you.”
Nat doesn’t run back to the car but she may as well. She doesn’t look at Lucy once. Not with anger or sadness or disappointment. Not at all. Lucy bites the inside of her cheek and watches her go despite the desperate clawing thing in her chest that wants Nat to stay. Now. Forever maybe.
She hikes her bag up on her shoulder, turning to walk toward the locker room, only to be met with Tommy still there. His arms are crossed and he doesn’t look at her with any judgement. It would be better than the almost pitying, understanding expression he’s wearing.
“What, Kinard?” She bites out, staring past him. “I have to change for my shift. Just- say it already.”
He watches her a moment longer, rolling his lips in, assessing. “Do I even have to?”
“I have to change for my shift,” she says again, biting her bottom lip, hard. Because she’s not going to get upset about this now. Just like she’s not going to think about waking up this morning, for the very first time, to Nat sleeping beside her, hair sprawled across the pillow while sunlight painted her bare back. How it made Lucy ache.
Tommy sidesteps, making a sweeping gesture to let her know she’s free to go anytime. She nods tightly, unable to meet his gaze as she passes.
“Y’know, I kinda wanted to hate her,” Tommy starts. Because he’s a bastard that way. She hates him. Hates him so fucking much for it that she loves him for being so goddamn forgiving and thought provoking. She swears he went to the Bobby Nash School of Life Advice and Mentoring.
She stops, but doesn’t turn around.
“Evan said nice things about her. Decent things anyway. Admittedly, I wasn’t crazy about why she was into him. But he didn’t have anything terrible. Being his first- I felt a little nervous and wanted to find something. Anything about the people in his past. You know how it can be with exes. Gets messy sometimes.” He pauses, probably sipping his lukewarm coffee. “And then they just- I don’t know, surprise the hell out of you in an unexpected way.” Another pause. “Don’t worry. I won’t hold you up anymore.”
His footsteps echo across the hangar, growing quieter. Lucy tightens her death grip on her bag and marches to the locker room. When she gets there, if she turns on the showers so she can cry in peace, that’s between her and the ancient tile and god.
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @diazheartsbuckley @weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 @dr-shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @dorkydiaz @bi-buckrights @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @beyourownanchor6 @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @shipperqueen6 and anyone else who wants to 😘
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chobani-flip · 4 months
looking for an ocean breeze/so i can fill my mind with ease (8859 words) by newtkelly Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Tommy Kinard, Maddie Buckley Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s07e06 There Goes the Groom (9-1-1 TV), Developing Relationship, First Time Bottoming, Anal Sex, Character Study, Bisexuality, hypermasculinity, Bottom Evan "Buck" Buckley, Top Tommy Kinard Summary:
“Can I top you off?”
Buck’s head whips frantically in Tommy’s direction. “Huh?”
“Your champagne,” Tommy says with a sooty half-smirk, while Buck irrationally feels like his bluff’s been made. Tommy taps a finger twice against the plastic in his hand. “It’s empty. Can I get you some more?”
Maddie gets married in an emergency room and Buck learns how to ask.
it's fucking criminal how little attention and appreciation this mastepiece has got, i couldn't find it rebloggable on tumblr, so i made it a rec post. holy shit this is good.
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