#whip rays
voideupnoea · 4 months
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pocketgalaxies · 1 year
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rubbish78 · 2 years
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Ray Toro and his funky little sunglasses live at Starland Ballroom 2005 (x)
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allthattheycandrink · 2 years
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(the inspiration...)
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thatgirl4815 · 10 months
Every day I think about the complete assault on my sanity that was Ray calling their night together “priceless”
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sunnydreadfu11 · 8 months
Sweet baby yongdae is the only one who could’ve figured out by now that junmo is a cop purely by accident but this man sees junmo or a pretty lady and his brain completely resets
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funeralgreys · 2 years
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neonstatic · 3 months
i'm such a terrible bisexual bc all i ever fantasise abt is dominating men and having threesomes and being in a poly relationship. i am Not beating the allegations!!! in fact, the allegations are beating My Ass!!!!
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syn4k · 1 month
:@(&:@(@:-@/@(@\¥|¥>-@;"('_¥|¥<£~\>_,, LMAO????????,,,..,,,
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chaos-vulpix · 9 months
Maya: Ray, can't you go any faster than 20 miles per hour?
Ray: Why?
Maya: Because we're on an interstate and people are passing us on bicycles
Nelson, biking past: Good morning, Mr & Miss Smith
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 11 months
So do you have some hc for the former EM master? And could you tell us a bit more about Ray and Wu friendship?
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Former Fifth Gen Elemental Alliance HCs GO:
The 4th Gen is where Wu took things over (the FSM "Died" after 3rd Gen), and Morro was technically part of the early 4th Gen, so come the 5th Gen...Wu is feeling shaky about his ability to lead/teach/support all these Masters. Garmadon tries to help him (in a very Garmadon fashion), but it's ultimately Ray that helps beat some confidence back into him.
Garmadon really did try to be a better brother to Wu during this time (especially since this is also after his stint with Chen), but Ray kept beating him to the punch in a lot of situations, leading to some unforeseen animosity, and Garmadon's tendency to distance himself from others (this failed spectacularly in the case of Maya, Aurora, and Libber)
Ray was the defacto leader during his Gen, even despite some Fourth Gens (Brice and Earl) still being in the picture. Like Kai, has a natural charisma when it comes to bringing together and a penchant for rallying peoples' spirits. Like Nya, he's a hardworking and project-oriented individual. He, however, does not give up when frustrated–he doubles down even harder until he's able to get things done. Wu or Maya usually have to pull him out when he gets really stuck (with the exception of forming the Time Blade, because, y'know).
His favorite sparring partner was Lilly, and would always pester Aurora about her visions of the future.
Wu was/is his best friend
Libber was like a little sister to him, and found himself feeling protective of her from time to time. He always did have his doubt about her husband...
Naturally had some reservations about Garmadon, but also had to respect him for having insights that would otherwise go over everyone else's heads, and for saying some of the things that Wu was too "soft" to ever be able to.
Second youngest of the 5th Gen, did not even inherit her powers until well into adulthood, which is why her father had been dedicated to the Alliance for longer than her intended. Attaining her powers so late took a giant negative toll on her body, and is also what caused her sickness later in life.
She met Lou when Lilly was viewing one of his performances in West Haven (and then tried to join in on it herself).
Unlike Cole, she was much more outspoken about how she felt about things, to the point of having next to no filter. This fizzles out with age, but she had quite the mouth when she was young snksnksnk.
Once taught Ray some dance moves in an attempt to impress Maya, but it did not go well (although Maya still remembers the moment fondly).
Was the last one to leave the fifth generation of the alliance, sticking by Wu and Garmadon well into their battles with the Skulkin Army for the future Ninjago City. But it wasn't until Garmadon got together with Koko did Lilly start longing for more time with her own husband (despite being so happy to finally contribute to the cause with her late-arriving powers), so Wu more or less forced her to leave...for better and worse.
Due to being the youngest members at the time, along with neither of them full inheriting their parents' powers right away, Lilly hit it off with Aurora, although the amount of times Aurora's had to stitch Lilly up (both for clothes and for wounds) is immeasurable.
Was the only one to willingly spar with Garmadon during this time, despite his tendency to get stronger during fights—Lilly was never one to back down from a challenge...and Garmadon appreciated someone not being afraid to fight him.
Has her own darn post
The youngest of the 5th Gen, but ironically was also the first to leave it for story reasons we are already aware of~ (OR ARE WE)
Ray had a bad habit of accidentally burning away his clothes, meaning Aurora would be tailoring his stuff very often
Tried to offer Lilly some visions for her future, but Lilly preferred it to be a surprise. (Aurora looked once and immediately had regret)
Aurora wasn't particularly close with Wu, spending most of her time trying to win Garmadon over along with patching up the others + handing out fortunes, but did show Wu the deliciousness that is white tea among other recipes, and made sure he had a calming time/place to gather his thoughts.
Would try to deter Libber from some of her crazier ideas...but then somehow wound up caught up in them anyway. She avoided the consequences easily though, thanks to future vision snksnk
Would drag Garmadon out on more "fun" outings, even if he insisted otherwise (because he never wants to ruin the mood). But, because Aurora could see when things might get dicey with him, she's able to redirect the situation and makes sure that Garmadon can have some good times too
Was such a good fighter, but tended to let it get to her head and left her over-confident
Met and married Cliff between the Serpentine War and the Time Twin incident
Loved pulling pranks on Garmadon with Lilly, and testing how far they could go before making him mad lmao. Garmadon, however, caught onto them quickly and thus stopped reacting entirely tot their shenanigans...which was more terrifying than anything else.
Wu spent a lot of time training Libber the most, as she would often be...very easily distracted, but Wu came to change his approach to teaching her, and from there they began to start seeing progressive results. Libber in turn leaves him little trinkets she finds/buys during their missions as a personal thank you.
During downtimes, would take Aurora and Garmadon out on what she called "mini adventures" to the nearest village and/or city...although nine times out of ten would get them all lost.
Ray was whipped for Maya the moment he met her (not unlike Kai with Skylor, simpery is genetic), impressed by both her fighting ability and genuine care for others. He was afraid that fire and water couldn't mix, until it was Maya herself that got him into blacksmithing, and from there the rest was history. (she was very endeared by his tenacity <3)
Lilly looked up to Maya a lot, as Maya had a sense of direction for herself and Lilly was more of a...rolling stone *ba dum tiss* Still, Maya was Lilly's confidant when it came to seeking advice.
Wu was intimidated by Maya, but could see why Ray was so into her. Admired her for being a fast learner (and willing to help teach others in turn)
Being a hopeless romantic herself, Libber would tease Ray relentlessly about Maya (but, hey, Libber couldn't blame him—who didn't have a crush on Maya at some point?)
During times when Aurora felt down about her inability to contribute more, Maya would be the one the reassure her that she's doing a fantastic job ;w;)/
Was the one to reign in Garmadon when "the evil" became too much...which, Garmadon appreciated having someone that wouldn't let him give into his worse ambitions (if it could be helped)
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shesacinemaniac · 2 years
The Ultimate Chick Flick Movie Night (not the usual suspects)
I love a chick flick, I have so many great memories of watching them with my girlfriends till 3 in the morning! And as much as I love Mean Girls, Cinderella Story, and What a Girl Wants, I love the Chick Flicks that aren’t usual “go to’s”. Here are some of my favs!
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“Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion”
This one is a classic! Two women who were “nobodies” in high school make up new lives when they go to their high school reunion. It’s in my opinion one of the best Chick Flicks because at its core it is a film about female friendships. Also the costuming is FABULOUS!
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Not your usual plot for a chick flick, Saved! is about a teen girl at a Christian School who sleeps with her gay boyfriend to help “make him straight again.” She becomes pregnant and with the help of the school misfits (who she once looked down on) hides it from everyone. A great movie about friendship but also as someone who grew up in the church it’s a refreshing take on “Gods love.” Also hilarious, Mandy Moore plays the Evangelical Villain very well!
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“Sugar and Spice”
If you love a campy Chick Flick, look no further than Sugar and Spice. A cheer squad turns grocery store robbers to help financially support their pregnant cheer captain. Now this is not a necessarily a good movie, but it sure as hell is a good time!
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“Whip It”
Directed by Drew Barrymore and starring Elliot Page, this film is about Bliss who joins a roller derby team behind her parents back and just really finds herself! Such a good film, and made me think I could do Roller Derby 😬… I can’t.
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“Bride and Prejudice”
Ahhhhhhh I love this movie so much! Now 2005 P&P has a had a death grip on me for over 15 years but this is one of my fav Pride and Prejudice adaptations! The music, the dancing, the camp! This Bollywood version of P&P is just filled with so much joy and life, I cannot recommend enough!
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“The Joy Luck Club”
This film isn’t probably what first pops into peoples heads when they think of Chick Flicks, but hear me out. Based off of Amy Tam’s novel, this film is about 4 Chinese American women and their mothers who immigrated from China. This movie has so much heart, its focus is on the complications of mother-daughter relationships but also on the experiences of Chinese Immigrants and children of immigrants. If you watch have a box of tissues close by…
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“Waiting to Exhale”
I have very distinct memory of wanting to watch this movie so bad as a child but not being able to because it’s rated R. But I’m old enough now and wow! So fantastic! This film is about four women, their struggles and how they overcome them. And hot damn this cast is stacked! Whitney Houston and Angela Bassett to name a few, it’s a must watch!
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Jawbreaker was Mean Girls before Mean Girls! Also if the Mean Girls accidentally killed one of their own and were forced to try and hide it from the police. A little bit of a darker chick flick, I would definitely recommend this one to anyone who is a horror camp fan. It’s fun but also a little fucked up!
Tell me your “unusual” go to chick flick!
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Disney Parks Attractions tournament Bonus poll 2
2/3 bonus polls from the original submissions that cracked me up but didn't make it in the tournament 
Cosmic Ray's Starlight Café (I love catching Sonny Eclipse's show there! The performance of him and his Space Angels make eating the standard food there quite worth it.)
dole whip (pineapple. pineapple dole whip)
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sollucets · 11 months
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so this first gif is gonna be a part of a larger set later but to be clear, ray was holding san before he gets up and he's reaching for him, and he does reach for him he grabs him (see back hug scene) and it made me so unwell i screamed about it in 3 different dms
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martilyongabo · 1 year
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I just realized I could compile them all in one post.
Anyway, full images and their respective links under the ‘read more’!
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A Not-So-Little Crush
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It All Returns to Nothing
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“what are boxes for endless beings like us, friend?”
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Musing and Questioning
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“i haven’t told anyone, just like we promised.”
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Theatre Kid’s Little Gift
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augustusaugustus · 3 months
11.89 Whipping Boy
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A nice Jim&Tosh partnership episode, with Tosh getting a bit too emotionally involved in a case involving an ex-school bully and Jim needing to repeatedly calm him down.
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