#tosh lines
augustusaugustus · 24 days
12.91 For Their Own Good
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LINES: Sergeant Boulton’s one-man fight against crime.
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LINES: Monroe’s quoting PACE. BOULTON: Been reading Scouting for Boys again, has he?
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VILLAIN: You think you’re so smart, don’t you? BOULTON: Yeah. I do. 
A clever one, where John seems truly dodgy for a lot of it, only to just be doing his usual rule bending in the end. Alan’s last episode, boo. I’ll miss his brilliant tongue-in-cheek comments.
Some weird blocking here—several scenes have characters standing too close as if for a close-up, but in a wide-angle shot so it looks very bizarre. Might be why the director only did two episodes ;)
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forensicated · 4 days
Favourite CID Era
S4-6 also includes Don't Like Monday (Tosh's family at the bank) and Ted and Roxanne's first appearance together as officer/snout
Series 7-9 inc Viv's death, Dashers guesting after leaving, Frank disappearing without warning for a mystery job and Harry Haines arriving. Danny Pearce, Jo Morgan and Alan Woods also arrive. Jo is promoted to DS after a few eps. Jack is demoted to DCI and returns as a regular rather than guesting as part of AMIP.
Series 10-13 includes Rod being rather chauvinistic to poor Suzi who becomes CID in this series. Jo returns for a guest period and is about to move back permanently before.. ahem. The Target trilogy are a particular work of art in series 11. Don arrives in series 11 when Deakin is promoted to DI after Sally goes. John Boulton arrives not long after too and finally in series 12 Geoff and Liz arrive and Alan goes and Tom Proctor brings up the rear in S13. There is a lot of Alistair and Suzi fun however as she gently teases him throughout.
Series 14-16 brings Duncan and Kerry Holmes with Tosh leaving through sad real-life happenings and Alistair transferring as does Suzi. Series 15 brings Danny Glaze and Claire Stanton as an undercover CIB agent trying to catch Don. She doesn't expect to fall in love with another CID member, however. Unfortunately, we do lose Liz in 15 but she does pop back a few times. Series 16 is a BIG CID-focused series. Rod jumps before he's pushed and the truth about Don comes out after he and John have a fight. We lose John, Don, Kerry, Claire, Geoff, Deakin, Tom, and Tom. We gain Paul Riley, Kate Spears, Vik Singh, Alex Cullen, and Debbie McAllister. A somewhat unfair exchange. Saving the best until last however for series 16 as Mickey also arrives and is at his cheeky scamp best.
Series 17-18 Near the end of series 16 we got a whole new bunch of CID after a mass exodus due to Don being revealed as a dodgy officer. To give them a chance to bed in properly, there were no cast changes to CID in series 17. The new lot featured heavily, Mickey went undercover as a rentboy for a bit and then as a football hooligan. Debbie's snout was her lover and there was quite hoo hah about him, There's a couple of guest appearances from Liz, one of which is a multi-parter that terrifies Kate Spears, Claire follows Don over to Australia to tr catch him and bring him to justice. In series 18 we lose Vik, Paul, Kate and Alex Cullen but gain Eva, Ken Drummond, Phil Hunter, Sam Nixon and Brandon. Series 18 is also the beginning of the numbered episodes and Paul Marquess...
Series 19-21: we gain Juliet for a short time before Rae gets fed up of the sexualised bisexual obsession for her storylines and we also end up with sexist arse, Rob Thatcher whilst losing Duncan, Danny and it's the first exit of Mickey too post-rape and the death of his mother over to MIT. It's not all bad, we also get Terry, Ramani and Neil. In series 20 we lose Rob when he finishes his vengeance against The Radfords by murdering Irene and being shot by CO19. We also lose Debbie and Brandon and Eva transferred to MIT. We gain Suzie in return, however. Series 21 we lose Ken in an explosion and Jim walks away after losing June and Ken. Gary who has been playing in CID for a little while gets short and transfers to the Manchester police. Jo arrives and Mickey returns from MIT. There's a mysterious newbie when Adi Mateen pretending Zain also arrives when it turns out that he's not the annoying gangster that's been buzzing round Sun Hill but has been undercover!
Series 22-24 - In series 22 we lose Ramani and Suzie, however, we gain Stuart and Kezia. THISISNOTAFAIRSWAP. Ahem. In series 23 we gain Grace and also Max at the very very end, Zain reaches the end of his tenure after being drawn to the dark side with Kristen and Phil transfers out rather suddenly as Scott appears to have jumped very quickly over to EastEnders. Series 24 welcomes Stevie and Banksy and we don't lose anyone!
Series 25-26 - I ummed and ahhed about making the last series a stand-alone selection on its own because it's a reboot but given it's only essentially half a year long and that the character changes happen in series 25 I put the two together. So, in this series we lose Jack as DCI because he becomes Superintendent. However we don't gain a new DCI, Neil just remains DI and does both jobs. Jo gets promoted but moves to uniform. Sam, Stuart and Kezia go (Could not have taken Sam being promoted to DCI!) and no one else leaves (other than Will) from CID until the very end. We have Mickey undercover as a homeless man, Max's drug problem and Mickey and Terry confronting him. Grace and Neil get together but Neil's son is diagnosed with cancer and so much more. Finally the entire station works together to nail the rapists of poor Jasmine (Respect 1-2)!
(Yep you guessed it, I meant to post this in the sierra-Oscar comm but got distracted.)
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jimcarver · 5 months
9.106 But Not Forgotten
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Gifset repost from main
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steveloxton · 7 days
12.129 Remote Control
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rodskase · 21 days
12.99 Junior
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reghollis · 2 months
11.126 A Year and a Day
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sgtsteele · 3 months
11.3 Hit and Miss
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inspectormonroe · 4 months
10.106 Instant Response
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derekconway · 4 months
10.86 Public Spirit
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witchofthemidlands · 5 months
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“So when I die some poor sod will be left wondering what's happened to me as all my possessions get carted off & stored in boxes in one of those lock ups? Like we did for Ben Brown?” - Suzie Costello - Long Time Dead
Ben Brown may not exactly be a “real” Torchwood character but he is to me & @searching-for-arcadia
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augustusaugustus · 29 days
12.80 Kick Me Hard
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BEECH: I never had you down as that kind of girl, Polly. PAGE: What kind’s that, then? BEECH: The kind that gets made pregnant in the back of a van. LINES: Especially by someone like D.S. Boulton.
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Polly goes undercover as a pregnant woman to trap a gang of muggers.
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jimcarver · 2 months
12.17 Cold Light of Day
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steveloxton · 3 months
11.19 High Score
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rodskase · 3 months
11.84 What the Eye Doesn’t See
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reghollis · 3 months
11.102 Still Waters
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sgtsteele · 3 months
10.132 Pipped at the Post
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