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cheriesbucky · 4 months ago
ty for tagging me! It was so much fun to do although… wtf, I wasn’t expecting that results i’m a bit disappointed 😭
@puddygeeks @whindsor @itsallyscorner no pressure guys but it’s fun !
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Let's all be in a TV show!!!
> Do this quiz
> do this picrew (Based on urself + quiz answers)
> tag ppl
> profit.
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Tags (/nf ofc):
@mxlilly @circus-of-horror @yourleastfavoriteguyinthechair @microsoupmouse @the-firefly-jar-system @punkrockinchair @theplushiesystem @coded-pup @florasolarsystem + ANYONE else who wants to join
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universalfanfic · 3 years ago
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starcrossedjedis · 4 years ago
hi hello i just started following you can you give me the quick and dirty rundown of your oc's??? pleeeeeaaaase
Oh wow... oh boy... well, first of all welcome <3
Second of all, I am 87% sure you are gonna regret this ask^^’
Quick and dirty you say. I will simply follow my edits tag backwards and see what I’ll find tracing back my hyperfixations ;)
Lyra Stark (Game of Thrones - Robert’s Rebellion Era)
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Lyanna’s older sister. Love interest is Arthur Dayne. They pretend Jon is theirs after the rebellion, to keep him save from Robert. It’s all the classic fake marriage, co-parenting tropes we love about rom coms, but it’s GoT so it’s also mildly depressing x’D Also, this was 100% @perfectlystiles fault, because unfortunately she appears to know my trigger words ^^’
Moira Finnigan (Harry Potter - Marauders Era / Golden Era)
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One true love of one Sirius Black. Her story is simultaneously told in two timelines - one telling the story of her Hogwarts years, the war and how she and Sirius found each other. The other one picks up during POA, when Sirius escapes from Azkaban and then spans the second war.
Nora Black Finnigan (Harry Potter - Golden Era)
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Daughter of Moira and Sirius, is in the same year as Ginny, but forms a close relationship with the Weasley twins - especially George. Even though her story naturally spans the second war, it’s a lot about healing - first it’s about overcoming the pain of believing your father is a mass murderer and the wizarding world’s Most HatedTM and then later about living with the trauma of having fought in and survived a war.
Jay Vendar (Star Wars)
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Star Wars - kinda inbetweeny RotJ and Mandalorian. All Jay Vendar wants is to live the quiet life on Takodana and keep his little sister Ria as far away from thetug-of-war between the Empire and the New Republic. But his plans go up in smoke when Ria and their friends not only buy an old Imperial freighter from Maz Kanata, but also agree to help a Togruta named Ahsoka Tano save a group of very special children from the clutches of the crumbling Empire.
Lady Leila (Narnia)
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Leila grows up at the Telmarine court with Caspian. When his uncle’s looks and advances get too close for comfort, she assigns Caspian’s help to make a match for herself that will take her away from his uncle’s leering eyes and wandering hands. It’s not long until Caspian realises that there probably is a reason that he can’t even stand the thought of her marrying another man, but just as the two of them start to question the nature of their feelings for each other, Caspian mysteriously disappears on the same night Prunaprismia gives birth to Miraz’s son…
Dr. Ellie Taylor (Primeval)
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When Dr. Eleanor Taylor lands her dream job at the top secret Anomaly Research Center, she thinks she’s as prepared as humanely possible when you share your workplace with a bunch of dinosaurs… and a mammoth. But she isn’t prepared for time travelling murderers, the impending end of the world - or for the feelings she catches for the ARC’s stoic Head of Security.
Nyka’a Sundar & Jaren Korr (Star Wars)
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“Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force.” Nyka’a Sundar and Jaren Korr have recited these lines every day of their lifes growing up in the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, but when the young Jedi’s deep bond of friendship blossoms into something more - something beautiful and dangerous and forbidden - they have to decide if living their lives by this ancient code can ever be enough for them again. ( aka. my Star Wars universe romance novel ^^’)
Mila Lebedev (MCU)
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When a young Mila defected from Russia and The Red Room following the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. she never expected that nine years later she’d find herself working, fighting and living with the newly crowned Captain America and a weary hundred year old ex-assassin. (my soft girl I love her so much)
Cassia (Star Wars - Sequel Era)
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When Poe Dameron finds himself on the remote planet of Lok - injured, hunted by the first order and without back up - he is saved by a street thief named Cassia. Realising the young woman could be a dead ringer for the missing crown princess of the Aquilean System, Poe hatches a desperate escape plan. With unforeseen consequences for him… and Cassia.
Tarlesyn Sand (Game of Thrones post!S8)
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(no gif, just manips^^’) When a series of unfortunate events leave Tarlesyn Sand, the only bastard son of Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand, as acting ambassador to the newly independant Kingdom of The North, the young man is less than thrilled. A son of sand and heat is not cut out for the bitter cold of winter and there are hundreds of places in the now Six Kingdoms that he would rather be exploring. But when he arrives at Winterfell and meets the beautiful young Queen, Tarlesyn finds that there might be something about the North that he could love…
Detective Catherine Williams (Titans Prequel)
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Most days he was her best friend. He was the most important person in her life always. And some days… Some days she was almost in love with him. Some days she thought it was enough for her. But laying on the ground with both her hands pressing down on a gunshot wound and looking up at her partner’s masked face she realized just how wrong she’d been. It turned out Cat Williams didn’t know Dick Grayson at all…  
I went “And that should be it” at least three times and then found more I AM SO SORRY T_T I stuck to my fandom OCs too and spared you the army of my original rejects^^’ Thank you for following and for asking and if you really read all this <3
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brokenhardies · 4 years ago
au ideas????
mainly p5 related BUT i have 2;
the first is my big ol arcanaswap au titled ‘runaway’ in which yusuke is the fool. atm its more a concept if anything but im v excited about the whole thing once i can get ideas down. specifically that im changing it a bit to have yusuke be the criminal attic trash and keeping kamoshida and madarame, although i did still love creating two completely unique palace rulers with different backgrounds as well as exploring at lot of the ~trauma~ yusuke wouldve had under madarame
the second is another swap au but WITH A TWIST -- that being that its the p5 cast in the roles of the p4 cast. makoto is the protag, with ann as yosuke, sumire as chie, haru as yukiko, ryuji as kanji, akira as rise, morgana as teddie & yusuke as naoto (mainly bc trans guy yusuke owns my ENTIRE ASS). also having a comparatively lighter story for these edgelords to run around in would be funny for me (i say comparatively considering that p4 deals with ACTUAL MURDER)
ive mainly been rambling about these two to @jokers-boyfriend bc i have no tumblr friends who are into p5 and this is what happens when im waiting for the movie i based my ENTIRE BLOG AROUND to come out :( 
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kashuan · 5 years ago
Do you have a YouTube channel or make videos of your drawing? Your lines are so amazing and your tutorial is great!! I love your art!!
Thanks so much!! As far as instructional stuff right now, besides the little tutorials I post on tumblr sometimes, there’s just that book I linked at the bottom of my recent one :> I am hoping to put out at least one or two more this year tho, which might include video as well, so keep an eye on my gumroad account if that interests you ❤︎ Thanks again!
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ocappreciation · 5 years ago
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We would like to wish Nichole @whindsor a spectacular birthday! Please send them tons of birthday love! 🎂
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cassercole · 5 years ago
Omg. We can all agree that the original leverage is perfect. But if you could recast it...who would you cast??
FUCK how dare you! Okay fine uhm 
Nate: Shane West (??? idk) 
Sophie: Keri Russell 
Eliot: Nathan Parsons
Hardison: Dev Patel 
Parker: Lyndsy Fonseca or Amanda Schull OR Emily Hampshire
But I would NEVER re-cast this perfect cast
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iron-parkr · 5 years ago
@whindsor​ replied to your post: “What should I have been doing today? Actually writing or at least...“
alsdskjdf they’re more like Next Next Gen bc Maggie, Peter, Daisy and them are Next Gen if you think about it but YOURE RIGHT THEYRE AMAZING
I’m not a fan of Steve’s ending in Endgame so he’s def staying in the 21st century. As of right now I have him paired with Sharon Carter but that’s subject to change (may or may not be toying with making my own OC to pair him with bc I can’t help myself anymore lol and it would honestly probs be easier than trying to work with the steaming pile of crap the R*ssos gave us after Winter Soldier with Sharon) but the kids’ names (very Irish haha) would stay the same no matter what:
Twin girls: Sarah Margaret Rogers (one name like Mary Kate) who goes by Maisie, and Maeve Colleen Rogers
A boy named either Connor Brogan or Kelley Sullivan Rogers
Another girl named Cecilia Mairead Rogers
And the baby of the family, a boy named Liam Padraic Rogers
Bucky is totally ending up with Natasha bc I like their relationship from the comics and also there’s no way in hell Nat is dying on Vormir. They have at least three kids, maybe a fourth:
A boy named James Buchanan Barnes, Jr., who goes by either JJ/Jimmy
A girl in the middle named Rebecca Rose Barnes, who goes by Rosie
A younger boy named Seamus Calan Barnes
And the maybe fourth child would be a girl named Eleanor Grace Barnes who goes by Ellie/Ellie Grace
I still have to figure some things out bc I literally just thought of this today but those are the basics so far!! Please come talk to me about them, it helps me develop them more!! I love them all with my whole heart!!
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lozbotwfanart · 5 years ago
1, 10, 15, 16, 41, 42 for the BOTW ask!
1. Favorite Champion?
Birdman of course!! Who doesn’t love a condescending pretentious asshole bird? hahaha
10. Do you actually use a shield?
I do! A lot! I run through my shields quite quickly. I do have the Hyrulean Shield, but funny enough I don’t want to use it because it does eventually break. I know that you can buy another one from special merchant, but.... it’s the Hyrulean Shield! it’s special.
15. What’s one thing you want to praise about the game?
Besides just everything? I think that the physics engine that they made for the game should really put on a pedestal. It makes the world truly limitless in what a player can do, giving every problem as many solutions as there are people who play. And it allows Link to jump! 
16. Did you unlock all the memories?
I did! Even the DLC ones. There was no way i wasn’t gonna comb through every bit of story this game had to offer me. in fact, i think completing the memories was one of the first things that i actually did complete.
41. Do you like an open world Zelda or a more linear one?
This is a tough one. I will admit that I do not like the way they handled the linear model in Skyward Sword, but I can kinda see and forgive because they were trying to create a more focused storyline. Twilight Princess was pretty linear too, and I loved that game. but I think I prefer the non linear model. I’d rather be given a set of choices that I can pick from than be ushered along a path. But i’m not going to snub my nose at either choice. 
42, Something you want in BOTW2?
I’ve gotten this question a lot! Here is the answer https://lozbotwfanart.tumblr.com/post/614483544533876736/what-do-you-hope-to-see-in-the-botw-sequel
Thank you so much for all of the questions! I appreciate that!!
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ceruleanmusings · 5 years ago
at the risk of sounding old...what's a big bang?
Don’t worry you don’t sound old at all! I had no idea what it was myself until a few years ago and I’ve been in fandom for a long time.
Basically, a big bang is a challenge or event showcasing longfic and accompanying artwork.
So fic writers sign up and write stories to a certain deadline and, based on the premise or after having read the story, the story is then assigned a (or more) fan artist who will make art of a scene or based on the fanfic.
But that’s the bare bones answer, you can learn more here which explains it in such a more succint way than I did. It also has examples!
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bobfloydsbabe · 5 years ago
" Why didn't you tell me? " for whoever you want!!
This has been sitting in my drafts for God knows how long and I have no idea which prompt meme it was for or when it was sent but here it is. Enjoy.
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Charlie rolled her eyes. “You heard me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it’s none of your business.”
Peter’s eyes narrowed. “He beat me up!”
“That was your own fault,” she argued. “You’re the one who followed Tony headfirst into a fight you didn’t understand.”
Peter ran his hands over his face, groaning in frustration. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me Captain America’s your dad.”
“It’s not relevant.”
He groaned again. “You’re impossible.”
“It’s not that hard to guess,“ she said and shrugged. “I didn’t get to be part of SHIELD because of my good looks. I was born into it.“
“You look seventeen,“ he argued, his voice dripping with exasperation.
Charlie snorted. “You look twelve.“
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universalfanfic · 4 years ago
hi hi hi i would like to know who would be on sutton's leverage team!!
Oh gosh, oh gosh. I have not watched this show (YET) but I am ALL for the premise. So I absolutely need to. 
Let see, I’m going to do ocs bc that’s more fun: 
Sutton: Grifter  She’s not the most cunning, but she can be resourceful and she’s decent at gauging a situation. Also, what she lacks in some areas, she can make up with her ability of Belief. 
@inkoutsidethelines Star: Hitter Star can brawl with the best and she’s quick on her feet. Also, stronger than she looks which comes in handy. Star’s protective streak would mean no one better mess with her team. 
@whindsor Mika: Hacker Mika has experience with computers and coding, and is a quick thinker. She functions as hacker and the heart of the group that keeps everyone together and running. (Baking when necessary.) 
@princessnefertankh Audrey: Thief  Audrey is always alert, thinking, and good at getting in an out of places. Her youth and earnest demeanor often have people overlooking her or underestimating her, which she uses to her advantage. 
@gracieinanovel Cora: Mastermind Cora is thoughtful and more reserved, but she knows her history and she knows what does and doesn’t work. Her experiences with SHIELD also taught her a bit about strategy and being covert. 
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foxesandmagic · 5 years ago
25 days of Fic Authors
An incredibly supportive member of this community, always ready to encourage others while also doing brilliant work. So many great stories to share, their own and of others’, that it’s always wonderful to see all the new ideas that are popping up. 
Some Personal Favourites: Mika (Marvel); Cassandra (Spiderman); Summer Soldier (Marvel); Nicoletta (Marvel); Catalina (Captain Marvel). 
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arrthurpendragon · 5 years ago
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• OC • Ficmas • 34 •
Come Wind, Come Weather by: @whindsor​
Fandom: Marvel CInematic Universe Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
It was supposed to be a fairytale romance, a soldier and an army nurse. They were supposed to last out the war, then go home and have it all. But Hydra took away everything except for the bond between them. And while this is a love story, it is also a story about pain, and loss, and the ghosts left behind. Peace follows war, just as Summer follows Winter.
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raging-violets · 6 years ago
❛ how many times do i have to say it until you understand? ❜ for whoever you want???
How many times do i have to say it until you understand? / Prompt / Dawn DeHart x Peter Parker
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A/N: This was supposed to be an angst prompt but I got more inspiration as a fluffy one, though it’s sorta angsty at the end, I guess? So here you go.
Dawn rolled her eyes, leaning against Peter’s locker. She watched as he stood at the window on the other side of the hallway, staring at her with wide eyes. “Do you need me to say it again?” She asked.
Peter nodded slowly. “Yeah, I-I think you’ll need to run it by me again.” He brought his hand up to cover his mouth, eyebrows creasing into a ‘V’ to show she had his utmost attention. “I’m listening.
She sighed, shook her head. Her red waves bounced around ehr shoulders. “How many times do I have to say it until you understand?” She teased. Peter made a non-committal squeaking sound, waving his hand about. “Okay.” Dawn stood upright, used both of her hands to brush her hair back from her face. Held her palms out toward Peter. “We’ve got some homework we need to work on, right?”
“Right, yeah, yeah. You know, that…stuff we’re given at the end of every day.”
“And May’s going to be gone later tonight, right?” Dawn pressed.
Peter started to nod, looking very closely to a bobble head. “Yeah, I mean, she’s got this thing, this meeting. This meeting thing. That’ll k-keep her busy.”
“Okay. So, I want to come over to work on our homework.” Dawn raised her eyebrows implicitly, hoping, this time he’d get the point that it wouldn’t take either of them long to finish their homework and they’d have more time for other activities.
“While May’s gone?”
He seemed to be getting it.
“Yeah.” Peter took a few steps toward her. He cleared his throat, folded his arms. “That, that sounds like it’d be okay. Sounds nice.”
“Okay.” Dawn closed the gap between them and gave him a quick peck on the cheeks. “Sounds like a plan.” She looped her arm through Peter’s and guided the two through the hallway, smiling at the still-shocked faces of their classmates as they went, Flash muttering a, “What does he have that I don’t have?” incredulously as they went. She took a peek at Peter, seeing he was smiling.
As they walked, she felt the hilt of the dagger tucked into her knee-high boots rub against her leg with each step she took.
It was one of her good days. They came few and far between. She wasn’t going to ruin it.
Dawn Tag: @cassercole @sgtbuckyybarnes @isaaclahys @ocexnpoet
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Ok! So, he found a place to meet in the middle bc he’s kinda a distance away. And it was this little cafe where you can get coffee while painting ceramics, bc he noted that I like coffee and art. (I painted a shark and he picked a whale.)
Then we just kinda walked around this town’s little streets and docks and made small talk? I thought it was funny/cute bc he made sure he walked on the sidewalk closest to traffic.
And that’s about it. It wasn’t anything crazy or super deep, but it was a fun time and I didn’t feel uneasy. So a win overall haha!
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