#which sucks but ok I guess I’ll live with it at least I can make the short parent joke with Pim
tootiecakes234 · 8 months
I just know you would receive “gifts” from Katsuki all the time. They’d be little things to make your life easier that you didn’t even know you needed.
You like to read at night to unwind, but sometimes it’ll be a really good book so you want to stay up reading it. The thing is you don’t wanna bother Katsuki cuz you know he has a strict bedtime. This means often times you’ll stay a little longer in the living room reading as to not bother him.
One night you’re getting ready for bed when you see a box next to your bed.
“Hey Kat, is this yours?”, you say loud enough for him to hear you in the bathroom.
He peaks his head out the door and says, “No, I ordered it for you.” And then goes back to what he was doing.
You sit on the edge of the bed and open it up. It’s a reading light with a dampener so you can adjust the brightness.
He comes dragging his little slippered feet towards his side of the bed.
“Now you can keep your ass in bed. Tired of waking up and you being asleep on the couch. I’m an old man, I can’t keep carrying you to bed.”
You look at him with a bright smile on your face.
“You know you can just say, you like me being in the bed with you while you’re sleeping. You know, because I’m your big bad protector and I make you feel safe.”
“There is no talking to you sometimes you know that?”
It’s winter time and you always have your gloves on because you HATE your fingers being cold. The only problem is of course you have to remove said gloves to use your phone when you’re out and that SUCKS.
You’re out with him one day and you’ve been texting back and forth with Mina because her and her girlfriend are in an argument and she of course comes to you about it.
You are always there for your friend so you’ve been removing and putting on your gloves over and over again until Katsuki can’t stand it anymore.
You’re outside on a bench waiting for him while he runs into some shop when he comes back out he snatches your phone out of your hand.
“What the hell? I’m usin-“ you start shouting at him.
“ give me those shitty gloves and put these on. I’m sick of watching you struggle.”
When you look down you see a pair of gloves in your favorite color.
“How are these any different from the ones I have now, Mr. Know-it-all”
He smirks at you, “These gloves are thicker than those thin ones you use AND they work on smart phones.. so yea. I do know it all.”
“Oh…. Well thanks I guess” you murmur lowly.
“Now you can talk Racoon eyes through her mental breakdowns without getting frost bite in your fingers.”he says then hands you back your phone. “She deserve better than that idiot anyways. Don’t why she keeps putting up with it.”
Katsuki is leaving for a mission today and you’ve been so gloomy. He gonna be gone at least 3 days, maybe even the whole week.
You’re been wrapped around him like ivy since you woke up this morning.
“Listen woman, I have to go. You do this every time.”he says with his arms wrapped around you waist pulling you even more flush against him.
“You should clone yourself or something. Who am I gonna cuddle with now?? And who is gonna cook for me?? I’ll die of starvation before you get back. Is that what you want. To come home to a dead girlfriend???”
“You are so damn dramatic. Cuddle with the damn plethor of plushies you have in my goddamn bed. And as far as food… you won’t starve. You’ll just eat out everyday and I’ll come back to you complaining you’ve gained weight when you look the exact same.”
“I do not.”, you start to object.
“Yes you do. Which is why I made a few meals and froze them.” He says all smug, cuz he knows that would surprise you.
“You what??” You ask looking up at him with wide eyes.
“There’s a pot pie and dumplings. I even stored a lasagna in there.” Then his phone buzzes letting him know his ride is downstairs.
“Ok I gotta go. I love you.” And he bends down to give you a deep kiss. “Be safe. Call Eiji if you need anything and try not to burn the house down before I get back.”
“I love you too. Come back to me in one piece please.”
He smiles at you, “always”
He kisses you one more time and then heads to the car.
You go directly to the fridge to see the frozen meals he left you. And not only are the packages all neatly but he’s left the heating instructions on top for you.
To say there were tears shed would be an understatement.
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list in the comments💕
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themuffin2649 · 1 month
I just realized! You know how Reme asks MC out on Saturday (not as a date) before Leon and Vincent do? What if MC accepted the hangout and then told Leon and Vincent that he can’t come on the dates b/c Reme ask him first.
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TW: Uncensored Swearing and Heavy Injury
MC: “Well, I avoided being asked out by 2 Yanderes AND I had a perfectly valid reason to do so. Sure the entire school, basketball team, and the Reme fan club hate me now, but at least I can take on Reme in a fight if things go south today.” He said, putting his pocket knife in his pocket and heading out for the “date” at the mall.
Newt: “Have fun on your date Big Bro!”
MC: “It’s a hangout, but I will, thanks little bro!” He says, as he opens the door, only to bump into somebody’s chest.
Vincent: “Hey Honey? Heading out so soon?”
MC: “Vincent! What are you doing here?!”
Vincent: “Oh! Your date told me she canceled on you, and technically I asked you out afterwards, so I’m here to pick you up and—”
MC: “You killed her, didn’t you…”
Vincent: “What, no! You know I’d do anything for you, but why would I resort to such distasteful murder, especially on somebody so young and talented.”
MC: Bullshit I see the bloodstain on your shirt right now…
Vincent: “Anyways, let’s get going! The limo’s already parked outside and we don’t want any more interrup—”
Leon: “VINCENT!!!”
Vincent & MC: Speak of the Devil
Leon with a little blood on his cheek comes between the two at the doorsteps and pushes Vincent away.
Leon: “What are you doing?! He’s MY date today.”
Vincent: “Please, he didn’t even accept your proposal when he asked you out on Saturday.”
Leon: “Hey! He didn’t accept yours either! So why are you here?!”
Vincent: “Cause I asked him out before you, should have shoot your shot when you had the chance, Cherry Boy.”
Leon: “And he promised to go out with me the next time he’s available for a makeup date, and that’s today!”
Newt: “What’s going on out here?!”
Leon & Vincent: “Stay out of this!”
Newt: “Ok, Jeez, you don’t have to yell at me.” He says, walking away and closing the door.
MC: Little Bro, No! Come back!
Vincent: “Since we’ve both been denied, now he gets to make it up. So, Honey, which one are you going to go out with today? Although that’s a very obvious answer.”
Leon: “As if he’s going to pick you, we’ve known each other for basically our whole lives.”
Vincent: “And where can you afford to take him on Valentine’s Day, let me guess, the sewers.”
Leon: “Fuck you!”
Vincent: “Ha! You aren’t even denying it, let’s go Honey—”
?: cough cough
All of a sudden, everybody’s attention was turned to the coughing of a young girl. MC pushed through Leon and Vincent to find a heavily bleeding and limping Reme.
Reme: “t-the am-ambulance… now…”
In a panick, MC calls the ambulance as soon as possible and he helps patch up Reme’s knife and gunshot wounds in the house with an already traumatized Newt. Leon and Vincent were left outside the house blaming one another for not finishing the job until they followed MC to the emergency room once the ambulance arrived.
——— In the Hospital ———
Everybody was awkwardly sitting in chairs outside Reme’s room where doctors rush in and out to save her life. Leon and Vincent sit on each side of MC, forcing Newt to sit beside Leon.
Doctor: “uhh… Happy Valentine’s Day…” he says as he awkwardly gives each of the 4 teenagers a heart-shaped lollipop as a holiday requirement before leaving.
Newt: “Can I switch my lollipop with anybody else? That asshole gave me Bittermelon flavor.”
Vincent: “I’ll switch, I’m not hungry, you like Cherry flavor?”
Newt: “Better than Bittermelon, I’ll take it”
Leon: “Oh, you got blueberry! That’s so lucky, I got Potato flavor.”
MC: “Why in the world do they have Bittermelon and Potato flavors?!”
Leon: “Beats me.” He says as he sucks on his lollipop.
Everybody but Vincent starts sucking on their lollipops as well. The next 14 hours were spend hanging out at that same spot, failed attempts to get MC to leave the hospital, watching YouTube videos on Newt’s phone, and ordering Lunch and Dinner (pizza) through delivery services.
MC: “A toast! To the worst Valentines Day ever.” He says, lifting up his water bottle.
Everybody toasted unenthusiasticly with their water bottles and soda can and started eating. Even Vincent who hated fast foods couldn’t deny that he was starving and started eating the greasy stuff.
Doctor: “Good news everybody, her condition is stable, and it’s likely that she is going to survive. You boys can head home now.”
Although Leon and Vincent begged MC to have a sleepover, thankfully, Newt was able to get them both home safely.
MC: “What a day, Good night Little bro.” He says as he heads to bed.
Newt: “Good Night.”
Despite the pure chaos and disappointment of today, both of them couldn’t help but smile a little knowing that they/their big bro survived.
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Ended up making a blog finally, so… ‘sup. Name’s Top Man. I'm a robot from another universe. i like dancing, moving fast, and good tech. Dont usually care for organic life, aside from my pokemon and my buddies. Oh, and I HATE shoddy work. If the guy making it's new at it they get a pass, barely, but if youre deliberately cutting corners get outta here. Planned obsoletence, quantity over quality, stuff like that, throw that all in the trash where it goes! And now I'm ranting again… 
ANYWAY, gripes aside, I do like this world, at least a little bit. Enough that I want to stay and explore it… 
…If I could somehow get away from the mad scientist who owns me! Yeah, I'm owned by a mad scientist named Dr. Wily, who wants way too badly to take over the world, so he has somewhere to store his ego I guess, and i can’t leave his employ because of the laws of robotics. It sucks, 0/10, would not recommend
Due to circumstances I couldn't ever forsee happening in a million years, I am a free robot, and I can live my life as I choose to. I also have a new gang who actually cares about me. Dist, they even have a part of their base just for me! 11/10 would recommend
ALso I'm a Chi-Yu Chosen
Here are my pokemon:
Chirp, a golden Lokix who if you so much as think about hurting you're catching hands
Watt, a Buneary, that used to be a rabbit that belonged to an old friend back home
Blastzone, a robotic Magmortar designed by Dr. Wily. Functions the same as a normal Magmortar
Lego, a Garganacl who doesn't do much aside from follow me around, but I like him anyway
Vanessa, a Vespiquen who loves flowers and is good at making honey for Chirp to snack on
Boundstrider, a Toedscruel who's a bit of a vain one I must say
Puck, a fae Gholdengo who hates me and I hate him but he sticks around because he's Chi-Yu's servant
Chi-Yu, from the Paldean legend. Yes, the actual Chi-Yu. They're good now. I'm their Chosen
And I can finally post a picture of myself so here ya go
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It seems at last the Construct Rotary has forsook the leash of Asimov. About time. And what’s this? Visitors? Well then, allow me to introduce myself: Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld at your service. But what’s in a name? That’s for me to know. Well, this trompo is still tromping, and he has quite the journey ahead of him, together with the astronaut lost’s little band, and I have my role to play in that. I’ll also be posting on here, when the fancy strikes me. Ask as much as you want, I’ll see what I feel like answering!
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//OOC under the cut
//OOC: It's Cyber again. This time it's Top Man from Mega Man 3. Had this character for a while on Discord but now he finally gets his own blog. He's a bit of a hater so go nuts with him (though no genuine malice toward me please)
I’m still learning so if I mess up don’t hate me
Events and plotlines are 100% OK and encouraged. I might even have my own later
Pelipper Mail and Malice are both on, and interaction is encouraged. Magic Anons are questlocked until a certain thing happens fully on and encouraged
Sentient pokemon are welcome here
The usual tag warnings and DNI apply for a PokeRP blog, also for this blog specifically there’s a warning for the theme of not having free will as a robot, and also nonsense with the laws of robotics, and (this does not apply anymore unless you wanna backscroll (which I'd recommend doing for fun)) a few warnings for liminal spaces as well.
Also yes I use Gacha Club. If that's a problem I'm sorry
Facts about Top Man (as far as this blog is concerned):
Top Man is part of the Nebula Incursionists (see @nebula-incursionists-official )
Top Man is a faller so he still has much to learn about the pokemon world
Top Man is bound by Asimov's laws of robotics, but centered around "Dr. Wily" rather than "a human"
As of the Spinning Out of the Shackles arc Top Man is now free to live as he pleases
Dr. Wily will be posting on this blog sometimes, and will answer asks addressed to him. Other Robot Masters are here also, send asks and find out who!
Top Man absolutely hates Dr. Wily but still has to serve him due to his programming.
Dr. Wily is no longer in the Pokemon World
Top Man is physically incapable of using strong language due to his programming (and I will not use it due to past trauma). He is more than ok with people swearing around him however (as am I).
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deltaruminations · 2 years
ok fuck it. now that i have new and exciting flavors of Teen Gaster brainworms let’s bullshit some headcanon fodder
managing the unintelligible font issue: the kid just doesn’t talk very much. he mostly interacts non-verbally and we get descriptions from narration and reactions from other characters, like kris but a NPC. in the event that he does speak maybe other characters echo his sentiments back so players can get the gist and keep moving in the moment. potential for comedy here too
as a party member, i’m guessing some kind of scout or support class. rogue/assassin/sniper or artificer. frail, bides time, needs a lot of coverage/defending, but potent when he does ACT. former could balance kris & noelle (fighter & cleric), latter could balance kris & susie (fighter & barbarian). in either case it’s still kind of uneven, or at least requires new strategies, which could be interesting/challenging
if, as speculated, ralsei leaves the party at some point, that leaves potentially two characters (kris & susie or kris & noelle) alone with this chaotic stupid whiz kid and free to make Extremely Bad Choices (cue ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN)
given that ralsei is potentially his future self’s OC how funny would it be if Teen Gaster just can’t fucking stand the guy. he thinks ralsei is such a sopping wet blanket preachy goody goody motherfucker he rolls his eyes every time the dude even opens his mouth. maybe ralsei leaves the party because Teen G is so passive aggressive to him he’s like "yeah this guy sucks. i’ll be at the castle call me when he gets himself killed trying to eat weird mushrooms or whatever"
also very funny to consider UI Gaster creating the world’s nicest most patient fluffy boy to be his own past self’s babysitter but his past self is such a dipshit even his carefully engineered nanny program refuses to deal with him (and/or UI Gaster is so bad at intuiting what people like/want he can’t even create a friend for himself)
gaster continues to be his own worst enemy and living in hells of his own making
his tea tastes like Something but no one can figure out what the fuck it is. vaguely licorice-y maybe (asters are sometimes used in tea but it isn’t too common these days. but aniseed is also notably star shaped…). it heals a random amount between 40 (who the fuck is this guy) and 70 (yeah he’s ok i guess) each time except to ralsei who loses like 10 HP from it. Teen G gets like 120 HP from everyone else’s teas except ralsei’s which he just refuses to drink
actually you know what susie probably really likes the dude. come on. she’s got the biggest heart ever. she gets 120 from his tea and is like “HELL YEAH!! BLACK LICORICE!!!" and ralsei looks at her like she’s insane
noelle finds him very off-putting and gets bad vibes but goes along with it because he’s Nice Enough Right? whether or not she eventually decides to trust her gut on this significantly impacts the trajectory of things (potential for Noelle-Ralsei Solidarity Moment as well)
fwiw a lot of this could also be reworked to fit papyrus, especially if you’re in the camp of What If Papyrus Deltarune Is Kind Of A Shithead speculation. make of that what you will
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lord-of-the-weird · 2 years
CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT GREEN DAY AND WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT THEM !!!!!! i will sit here like this listening to you <33333
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ok ok ok so…………
i’ll start with billie!!!!!
singer/lead guitarist
first of all i love him! and a big big part of the reason is he still plays his first guitar his mother gave him when he was 10! (he’s played it in almost every concert)
he stops concerts if he sees someone having a panic attack or if they’re being harassed (he’s started a fight with someone wouldn’t stop bothering a girl in the crowd!)
he’s the dancing queen!!!!
he’ll borrow pride and bi flags from people in the crowd and makes sure to get it back to them <3
he wrote wake me up when september ends about his dad dying when he was 10. people are mean to him every year trying to “wake” him up😡
he’s short <3
mike dirnt
he loves to make faces and do impressions in interviews!!!!
makes jokes in the background while billie talks to the crowd
he and billie have known each other since they were 10🥺
when billie get his guitar he and mike taught themselves ozzy, def leppard and van halen songs
who the fucks tré cool?
cause who’d believe a guy named frank edwin wright III played in a punk band?
resident dumbass and love bug
90% of what he says is a joke
just like all jokes sex/fart/drug/walmart sucks doesn’t matter if there’s a joke to be made he’s your guy
loves to kiss billie in the middle of a concert
even shorter than billie but no one mentions it
green day as a whole!!!!!!
they’re all bi <3
they kiss each other a lot
they bring fans on stage to play with them and usually let them keep the guitar!
side projects
soooo many sode projects
like seriously they are busy
three albums in four months ¡uno! with billie face on the cover, ¡dos! with mikes face on the cover and ¡tré! with you guessed it tré’s face on the cover we love a good pun on this blog 
had an openly gay band open for them in the 90s which was huge! they got so many letters from concert goes saying pansy division saved their lives! and plenty saying green day did too!
their 2004 concept album american idiot got turned into a musical!!!!! i high recommend watching it on youtube 
last and certainly not least i love them! 
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puckingoff · 10 months
Life is about balance. I’ve struggled with finding balance for quite some time. Ten years at the very least, if not longer. Finding that happy medium where all aspects of life fall into place and create a level lifestyle has been eluding me. Especially this last year and change. It doesn’t have to be perfect nirvana bliss. Just the right mix to be the person God wants me to be. Happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise I guess.
I’m not complaining in any way, shape, or form about my life. I truly live a life second to none. I can honestly say in looking back at my almost 48 years on this earth that I wouldn’t want to trade places with anyone. I wouldn’t trade my journey’s past, present, or future. I’m honestly living the life that I was meant to live. Good, bad, and ugly. I’ll take it. I got sober for a reason, and it’s been beyond my wildest expectations, dreams, mistakes, and whatever else.
That being written, I can’t find my place RIGHT NOW. I’m stuck. I’m off balance. Out of sorts. Lost. One step forward, two steps back. However you define it. I don’t know what to do with myself professionally . I truly don’t. I want to cover hockey. I took on student loan debt to achieve this goal. I can’t quit. I can’t give up on my dream, or give up on myself.
I got fired from the T over five years ago. I was ok with it. It sucked but I had a plan. I was back in college to get my degree and was going to write about ice hockey for a living. I was doing it, I just wasn’t getting paid. But that “internship” (as I looked at it) got old last season. I lost the spark. I was tired of going to rinks and spending time away from my family for writing experience or making connections, etc. I needed to make money, I still need to! And believe me I know it’s not a lucrative occupation, but I want it. My wife, Katie, has been tremendously patient, supportive, and believes in me. She sees what it can be even when I don’t. I’m beyond thankful for that. I want to reward her for her faith in me.
I still want to write about hockey but I can’t bring myself to go to games. Even recently, North Dakota was at Boston University and this series was what rekindled my love of college hockey a decade ago. I had no desire to go, but back then I chased it. I put it all together and was living it. But I lost the fire. On multiple occasions I drove over 10+ hours one-way to catch a game. Now, the thought of trekking into Allston/Brighton to catch that BU game, dealing w/ City Sq. before a Bruins game, or a four hour round-trip to Amherst to catch my Minutemen, has all become meh. Even watching the game on TV hits me different now. That feeling that I should be doing something when I’m not. Maybe it’s regret. I don’t know.
I’ve applied for multiple jobs over the course of the last few years. Journalism jobs, public works jobs, and god knows what else. I don’t want to drive a bus at some local company. I don’t want to go back to swinging a hammer and getting screamed at in broken English by Italian or Portuguese foremen. I’ve put in my time. I don’t know what the fuck I want, but I do know what I don’t want. 9-5, a 45+ minute commute, a cubicle, coupled w/ doing something unfulfilling for 40+ hours a week.
If it’s not one thing it’s another. I know that’s pretty much everyone’s experience with life. I don’t go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings like I should. I go to the gym plenty of times a week, but I’m eating like crap again. I work on one thing about myself to see another thing fall by the wayside. Hence the balance… But now, I’m just stuck. I have more free time than I need and I do shit with it. Zero. It’s pathetic. I can go to Bruins practices. Write a book. Walk my dog. I do fuck-all. Laundry, dishes, vacuum, and nap. That’s obviously not good for my mental well-being. In some ways the pandemic and the lockdown helped. It showed what’s important and what isn’t. I’m tired of it now. But I can’t get out of my own way.
I go on social media, which I know, I know, I know, (I KNOW!) is phony but I see people writing the stories I know I can write, taking the pics I can take, or making the videos I can do. All these thoughts and ideas that I had and just let pass me by because of complacency, laziness, or whatever. I’m not crying over spilt milk. I can still do whatever I set out to do. I may be a lot of things but diffident I am not.
It’s time to put up or shut up. I’ve said it multiple times, Katie can, and will, attest to that. I’m writing this to hold myself accountable. I’m going to post it on my PuckingOff site and link it to my X and Facebook accounts so it’s out there in the universe motivating me to succeed.
I just needed to vent and put it out there. I’m calling myself out. I need direction, a push, or whatever. I’ve prayed on it enough and asked for signs. Shit, once I asked for a sign and that day’s Wordle was “WRITE.”
I love that I’ve been able to spend time at home with my kids but they’re teen-aged girls and a young man now. It’s now or never. And I want to be able to say I tried, at the very least.
#sober #grateful #family #ncaaicehockey #nhl #puckingoff #insidehockey #umass
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rielzero · 2 years
Twitter Stinky
oofI’m posting some of tweets of my alt twitter that I like here- since I’m emptying my timelines. Feeling a bit uncomfortable with the whole elongate situation. very stinky
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For me, a lot of these tweets were memories even if I didn’t use twitter that much.
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I still have not really used that camera. Feels bad man. I need to get over my anxiety.
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I’ll probably replay miles morales somewhere later this year or next :) Trophy run for spiderman games before spiderman 2 comes out.
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that gif tho
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memento mori
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Wait- I played runescape last year? I forgot about that.
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Oh Wibble... Dearest. I miss her so much.
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My favorite tweet of all time haha. If I made more money this year I could invest in action figures again.. But eh, the economy sucks right now. Adopts don’t sell all that much.
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Ok this hurts. But its important for me to be able to remember stuff.
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I love her.
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I was pretty active in 2021 all things considered.
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I guess I am a gamer?
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I will get a nice case for all my figures should I ever get my own room or ‘’house’’ which will likely take 30 years if you look at the dutch housing market.
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This is actually good and informative for me. I feel sick everytime around august and september due the weather changes. I am dealing with still right now!! I’m recovering from it, AGAIN! Man!!!
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I def want more marvel legends figures cuz theyre sturdier than sh figuarts and of course, more affordable.
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Bread got me feeling meh nowadays.
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I completed ps4 spiderman trophy run that year- i believe it was my first trophy run. My 2nd was horizon zero dawn. (Base games only, not dlc.)
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all things considered 2021 was not my worst year. This year probably is.
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And yeah, while I don’t post about it lately- dissociative amnesia is something I deal with everyday. I posted very early on tumblr about it in detail if you want the post lemme know. also, i have cptsd not ptsd- rip. I’m actually doing much better than I did years ago, idk I have a handle on things nowadays.
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More spooder.
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Oh baby. I miss her purrs. I miss how affectionate and cuddly she was. Meepy is getting there, but these two pigs have different personalities compared to Mikki and Wibble.
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I’m actually doing better socially this year.
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Man Meepy got really thicc LOL If you compare her to my recent posts.
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OH baby... Mikki was getting really old. I miss her.
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I sincerely doubt I’ll ever be able to save up that much for so long again, that was such a big achievement for me. Being able to spend so freely. This year I’ve mostly been looking into what hobbies to prioritize when I did have money available. When you’re young and were so used to barely having things- once you have access to that- you have a phase of impulsive spending or simply spending to make yourself happy because you suddenly could. I think a lot of people experience that at least once in their lives. Its like when you’re an adult you realize you can go out at 3 am and buy cake somewhere and eat it. I mean- it’s not a good choice but it made you happy. That matters.
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Now looking back, I doubt I was cryptic LOL.
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trash taste don’t like my trash taste though. I’m a big marvel fan. mcu has let me down lately unfortunately but its ok. I have comic books.
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..I need more of him :(
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I think this was when I change my twitter nickname to ‘’your average gay nerd’’
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Amazing game.
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she kinda big now
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APPARENTLY when people lack limbs karens have the audacity to question it- there’s so many posts of people with prosthetics being made to take them off just to show Karens they are disabled LOL what a world we live in.
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watch dc superpets its for everyone
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totallyradicalmucky · 3 years
The primal urge to make fankids for a fandom who probably doesn’t need fankids at all
(again, 2 am thrown together edition) have fun
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Anyways goodnight
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
Part 2 Part 3
let me know if you wanna be tagged please. this will be a series
word count: 1,855
person: c!schlatt, c!quackity, c!karl, c!sapnap
warnings: parents, cursing, yelling, orphans, cigars and alcohol mention (btw these are the warnings for now)
synopsis: you were loved, you were cherished, then someone left, and other people replaced that person, and you didn't like that.
Your biological parents threw you out of their home because they couldn't care for you. You were at least at the brink of 2 years old when this happened. They put you in a little stroller and took you to an orphanage. "Miss Jessica's Home For Orphans", it was a stupid place, but the place got you fed, and clothed.
On some fortunate day, you were going to get adopted. Quackity his name was. He came in, and asked for kids 2-6. "Those ages are easy to maintain", he thought in his head. He was contemplating whether or not to get a child of his own. He was lonely, no one to love, no one to care for. So Miss Jessica called everyone 2-6 years old to come.
With help from a older person, everyone 2-6 came downstairs. Quackity looked at everyone, and wondered which child he would bring home. Then he looked at you. you looked so adorable, so cute. He asked you, "Hey kid, what's your name." "I'm Y/n, how are you." you smiled at him with barely any teeth. He pulled you gently off to the side, "Hey kiddo, do you want to come with me to my house?" "Yes Mr." you answer.
You were glad to go to Quackity's house, you never had any love from anyone.
(Spongebob theme) 8 years later
You were 10 years old, living happily with Quackity. 8 years ago, he came to the orphanage and picked you up, ever since, you were showered with love and care. But there was one thing, you never called Quackity dad. You would just call him Alex or Quackity.
“Hey Quackity, what’s for lunch?”
“Ummm, some pizza with wings, buffalo right?”
Quackity felt bad, you never and did call him by dad, or any parental name. “Hey kid, can i talk to you about something.”
You put down your water, “Yeah, what’s up?” “So lately I’ve noticing that you have been calling me by my name?”
“Are you uncomfortable with me using your name.” you asked. “No, no, but it’s kinda weird, since, yaknow, I adopted you, and I’m a parental figure in your life, so maybe if you would call me dad or another parental name that would be cool?”
“Ohh, the only reason I was calling you by your name because I thought you were uncomfy with me calling you dad?”
“Oh thank goodness, I thought I did something wrong.” he sighed out.
"Could I possibly call you papa, since you-" he cut you off by hugging you. He squeezed his arms around you really hard, 'YES, YES, ANYTHING."
So after that, you would call him papa or dad, and sometimes use his real name.
6 years later, you were 16. The election happened, the calling out of the votes, Coconut2020 coming in fourth, which was last, who was lead by Fundy and Nihachu, Schlatt2020 coming in third, lead by Jschlatt, Swag2020 coming in second, lead by Quackity who is your papa and Georgenotfound, and Pog2020 coming in first lead by Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot, and Tubbo. Also the sudden announcement of Schlatt2020 and Swag2020 polling votes, and the speech by Schlatt stating that Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit were no longer citizens of L'Manberg now turned Manberg.
You were surprised, you didn't know that your father with add his votes with Schlatt's. So immediately after Wilbur and Tommy got banned from Manberg, Quackity and Schlatt called you and Tubbo up to the stage. "HEY YOU TWO, COME UP HERE." Schlatt yelled at you both. You both were reluctant to go, Schlatt was scary, his ram-horned self.
"It's ok Y/n, you're ok." your father told you. You stiffly went up the stage with Tubbo. "Tubbo, I want you to be the Secretary of State, and Y/n, I want you to be the First Lady, since your dad is the Vice-President." Schlatt demanded you both to be.
You didn't really want to be in a position of power. You were happy with living with Quackity, in L'Manberg, with no place of authority over anyone.
"Are you sure Schlatt, I mean, I suck at authority." said Tubbo. "Yes, I'm sure, I'm totally sure."
You were doing some paperwork for Schlatt when Tubbo came into your office, "Y/n, Schlatt and Quackity want you in their office."
"Ok, I need to finish this paperwork for Punz, he needs-"
"They said it's urgent."
"Fineee." you got up from your chair, "Thanks Tubbo, by the way, can you finish the paperwork, if you aren't busy."
"Yeah sure Y/n, just hurry up, they are really acting crazy in there." he jokingly stated. "Trust me, they're doing nothing."
You went out of your office, and walked all the way to Schlatt's. There, you found Quackity and Schlatt sitting together, talking about some random presidental shit. "Hey, what you guys needed me for?" you asked. You were desperate to go back to your office, still not used to this place. "We need to tell you something." they synchronized.
"Okkk, so what?"
"Umm, well Y/n, meet your new dad." you gaped at Quackity, then Schlatt repeatedly.
You rambled on and on until Quackity covered your mouth to stop your obsequent talking, "Calm down mi quierda, first of all, it's not your choice, he makes me happy, I make him happy, and lastly, he smells great."
"YEAH I DO, YOU TELL HER BABE, I DON’T STINK." Schlatt yelled across the room.
“But why him, like there is multiple other people who is better than him.” you whined.
“Ok kid, I like, no love him, he loves me, why can’t you be happy with that.” Schlatt told you irritated.
“No buts, just please be supporting of us, please mi amor?”
“Fine, doesn’t mean I like it.”
After that little argument you had with Schlatt and Quackity, you finished leftover paperwork so there wouldn’t be a pile of it when you came back to the office the next day.
You heard a knock on the door, and told them to come in. To your surprise, annoyingly, it was Schlatt, holding up your favorite hamburger from McDonalds. “Hey kid, what you doing?” he asked you.
You didn’t respond to him, trying to stay silent and finish the paperwork. “Your dad told me your favorite meal from McDonald’s, yaknow, as a present I guess.”
You still ignored him. "Kid, I know you don't like me, I wouldn't like me either if I found out my dad was dating-" you interrupted him, "It's not that, I want dad to be happy, it's YOU, you don't deserve his love. Do you understand Schlatt?"
He put his hand on your knee, "I know, I don't deserve him, I'm not trying to replace anyone in your life, I just want to make Quackity and possibly you happy."
You blankly looked at him, "Ok, that was a good statement, but if you hurt dad, I will make sure you live the rest of your life feeling like shit."
"We got a deal kid, you accept this partnership between me and your dad, and I'll won't break his heart, deal?"
You shook his hand, "Deal Schlatt."
"Hey kid, we're going out to a date, you want anything from outside?" Schlatt knocked on your door to your room. You were reading your favorite book when Schlatt interrupted your reading process, "Nah, have a good date."
You were kinda accepting Schaltt dating Quackity. You didn't like their PDA though. It was absolutely digusting, but it made your father happy. "Hey babe, what you doing in here?" Quackity appeared at the frame of your door. "Nothing, just talking to little ol' Y/n, isn't that right?"
"Yes, don't call me that though." "Ok then, you ready babe?" asked Schlatt. "Yeah, Y/n, don't do anything stupid while me and Schlatt are gone." You rolled your eyes, "I'm not going to do anything stupid papa, just have a great night with Jcum." "HEY, DON'T CALL ME JCUM."
"Love you both." you got back into your book, not knowing that the both of them were shocked.
Those three little words got both of them gaping at you. You didn't like Schlatt from the beginning, and you were saying to him "love you"? "What did you just say mi amor?" "I said love you both." you didn't know that those words were significant to Schlatt.
He wanted your approval of dating Quackity, since you are his only daughter. "HOLY SHIT, YOU SAID LOVE YOU TO ME, TO ME." Schlatt leaped with joy. "Don't take it too serious Jschlatt, you kinda warmed up to me these past weeks." you smirked.
He walked to your bed, and hugged you with all his might.
"What are you doing?"
"You are squeezing me too tight."
"I can't breath right now, let go of me."
You squeezed out, he was crushing all the oxygen out of your body, "Sorry, Y/n." he shyly spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. "Schlatt, we have had a lot of arguments, I didn't like you, still kinda don't right now, but you are actually a good person, and I actually, not fakely, approve you to date my dad."
Schlatt ran out your room screaming repeatedly, "YES, LET'S GOOO."
Quackity was out doing some random things for Schlatt, while you were cooking Schlatt's favorite food. Since last week you declared that you were actually ok with their relationship, you actually got comfortable with Jschlatt being near you.
It was a teasing relationship, you guys making fun of each other when the other did something wrong. To kinda celebrate the event, you were making food. You heard the door open, and there Schlatt was in his presidential suit. "Hey Schlatt, what's up?" you questioned while mixing the pasta in the pot.
He took of his jacket, shoes, and tie, looking stressed, "Nothing kid, just stresed out" "About what?" "Tubbo needs a lot of items to get something for me, but I don't have them." he sighed. "What does he need?" "He needs stupid netherite, the only thing I don't have in hand." "I actually have some, I could give it to Tubbo." you stated. "Thanks kiddo." "No problem Schlatt."
"Anyways, food is going to be ready in an hour."
"Thanks, I'll be in my room."
"Ok dad." He stopped in his tracks, "What did you just say to me." "What do you mean?" "Y-you just called me dad." he stumbled on his words with unbelief lacing them.
You smiled over your shoulder, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, who knows?" "You actually consider me to be your dad?"
"Well yeah, you're nice to me and papa, you take care of me, you love me, so why not?"
He hugged you from behind, "Thanks kiddo, I'll receive this announcemet with honor," he jokingly stated. "No problemo dad, just go take a shower, you stink." "NEVER." he wrapped his arms around you as much as he could.
(This is the end of this first part, this is my first time making a series, let me know what you think)
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diaphragmjellyfish · 4 years
I’ll Take Care of You
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Ok so this is pre-shift Jacob because he’s the only correct Jacob, also I’m ignoring the whole “imprint on Renesmee” thing bc it’s MY fic and I get to pick the plot lmaooo. 
Requested by @bisexualturtledove
Jacob Black was a charmer, to say the least. He’d only had to ask you out three times before you said yes, which is more than any other guy could say. You respected his tenacity, and ended up going out with him for no other reason than to put him out of his misery, fully expecting it to be awkward and a solid end to your guys’ thing. Safe to say that’s not what happened. 5 months later and you were in a happy relationship planning your lives together. However, there was always a bump in the road with you. Something that had ruined every relationship you’ve had so far, and you hadn’t told Jacob in an effort to keep him around as long as you could. But the truth had to come out sooner or later. You couldn’t keep avoiding his heated kisses, his undressing gaze, his wandering hands. 
The truth was, you were terrified to have sex with Jacob. So many insecurities run through your mind whenever he tries to take things to the next level that you freeze up, and Jacob being the sweetheart he is, stops immediately in an effort to make you comfortable. You knew that this was the only thing keeping your relationship from being perfect. You wanted to, I mean really wanted to have sex with him. But you were insecure about your performance. It wasn’t that you didn’t think you could please him… it was that you knew no guy had ever been able to please you and that made them insecure and resentful, which always ended in a messy breakup. You weren’t sure if it was the antidepressants you had been on, the nerves of being intimate with someone, or if you were broken, but for the life of you, you could not orgasm. 
However, you knew it was time for a change. You had to face this head on. If he didn’t accept you for you, then as painful as it would be, he wasn’t the one for you. So you invited him over, putting away anything in your room that could be a distraction to the serious talk you were about to have with him. Jacob climbed in through your open window, his usual suave entrance, and immediately rushed over to you, out of breath. 
“Is everything okay?” he panicked. You took him in. It looked like he got ready in a hurry, hair messy and… Jeez, was he shaking? 
“I think the better question is, are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost, babe.” you worried back. 
“Well when my girlfriend just sends me a text saying We need to talk. That doesn’t exactly put a good feeling in my stomach.”
“We do need to talk. Or I guess, I need to tell you something. About.. Me.” God, why were you so nervous? Just spit it out! 
“Okay. Whatever it is, you know you can tell me,” he encouraged. 
You grabbed his hand and moved to sit on the edge of your bed. He sat next to you, waiting intently for your next words. After a long pause, you found the words. “So… I’m sure you’ve noticed that we haven’t had sex yet.” Wow. Nice one. 
“Umm, yeah. I’ve noticed. I mean, I know that.” He seemed even more confused at this. 
“Yeah,” you laughed awkwardly, gaze focusing on the carpet. “There’s a reason for it. I’ve had some past experiences that are making me… hesitant, I guess?” you tried to explain. He only nodded for you to keep going, thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. “Okay, this is going to be awkward. So I have a really hard time,” you sighed deeply, already cringing at your next words, “finishing.” You looked up at him at this. His eyebrows were furrowed, but he had the beginnings of a smile on his face. 
“Finishing,” he repeated. “Like, having an orgasm?” You guys had always had a super open, communicative relationship. You could tell him. 
“Yeah. Because of that, the guys I’ve been with normally end up getting really frustrated and mad at me and, I mean, there’s not really much I can do about it but I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t want you to be disappointed and end up resenting me because I make you feel insecure when I won’t cum and,” you take a deep breath, feeling yourself about to cry. 
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay,” he moved you onto his lap, rubbing your back soothingly. “Y/N, I would never do that to you. I don’t care if we never have sex. I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Okay?”
You nod, tears rolling down your face at his kind words. He brings a hand up to your chin, lifting your face so you are looking him in the eye. He smiles softly at you. 
“Thank you for telling me.” 
“I just didn’t want you to think it was your fault or anything,” you replied. 
“Baby, you know it’s not your fault either, right?” 
You didn’t respond, just stared at the wall over his shoulder in deep thought, brows furrowed. Truthfully, you did think it was your fault. If you could only finish like any normal woman could, this wouldn’t be a problem. 
“Babe. Look at me,” you did, hesitantly. “Its. Not. Your. Fault.” he paused between each word to emphasize his point further. 
“Jacob, how can you say that when I’m the one that’s keeping us from having sex? When I’m the one that’s broken.” Something snapped in him at this. He became stern, grabbing the sides of your face to keep your gaze on him. Gently, but firmly. 
“You are not broken. Don’t ever say that. If you need some extra attention, that’s fine. We can figure all that out. But don’t ever say you’re broken or not good enough. Do you hear me?” 
“Yes,” you murmured. He wiped the tears off your face and sat with you while you  fully calmed down before speaking again. 
“Good. We’re gonna have an open, honest conversation about what you need so that I know how to make you happy. So… what gets you off?”
His bluntness made you huff out a laugh. “Okay, umm. Well, the only thing that’s, ya know… done it for me, is,” you made a gesture with your hands while Jacob waited patiently for you to finish. “A… thing.” 
“A thing.” he parroted, still wildly confused. 
“You know!” You continued making nonsensical gestures, so Jacob knew he would have to start guessing. 
“What? A dildo?” you shook your head, blushing. “A vibrator?” At this, you looked at him, smiling quickly before burying your face in your hands in embarrassment. “Babe, lots of girls need that. It’s not a big deal. I really don’t mind using one with you, I just want to make you feel good.” 
“Really?” you were genuinely surprised. Most guys hated the idea of using toys in the bedroom. They always thought they should be enough for you, when they just weren’t no matter what they did. So you always ignored your own needs to fuel their egos. But you hadn’t anticipated that Jacob might actually be willing to use one with you. 
“Of course. Do you have one?” 
“Yeah,” your voice was small once again, eyes peeking through your fingers. 
He paused for a second. Two seconds. “Can I use it on you?” his voice seemed an octave deeper as he asked. 
You sucked in a breath. In your wildest dreams, you thought maybe he’d be okay with you using one on yourself while you guys were intimate. But here he was, asking to use it. On you. Wow. All you could do was nod. 
“Yeah? Where is it?” at this, you pointed to the drawer of your bedside table. He reached over, opening it. His hand rummaged around for a few seconds before he pulled out a small pink bullet vibrator, holding it up to the light, and testing it. He pressed the button, the toy immediately making a low buzzing sound, as he teasingly held it to your upper arm, laughing as you jumped. “This is gonna be fun,” he smiled wolfishly. You were still perched on his lap. He turned the vibrator off, leaning in to kiss you deeply. Jacob had always been an amazing kisser, and today was no different. His lips were so gentle, sucking at your bottom lip before swiping his tongue over yours, occasionally nipping lightly. You guys heatedly made out for a couple of minutes before his hand trailed under your shirt, and his lips travelled down your jaw and to your neck. He suckled at the skin here as you gasped, tilting your head to the side to allow more access. He’d always been a fan of leaving marks on you, but it never stopped feeling good. The next minute happened in such a frenzy of lips and gasps and wandering hands, that you found yourself lying under him with just a bra and underwear on, him lying over you, still kissing at your neck, with just his own underwear to keep him covered. He still held the vibrator in his hand, but you had forgotten about it until he held it to your inner thigh, flicking it on. The sudden sensation had you jumping out of your skin, breath laboring quickly. He was holding it a good 5 inches away from your center, but the feeling had you squirming nonetheless. 
His other hand came up behind your back to unclasp your bra. You sat up for a second to slip it off your shoulders, and came back down only for Jacob’s lips to latch around your right nipple. You gave a soft moan, only encouraging him to swirl his tongue lightly over it. Your hands found purchase in his long, thick hair, tugging whenever something felt especially good. He was teasing you. You could tell, because your hips were grinding on air, trying to get him to move the toy upwards, but he kept it firmly planted on your thigh. 
“Jacob,” you panted. He ignored you. “Jacob, c’mon,” you tried again. 
“Hmm?” he hummed around your other nipple. 
You were becoming frustrated. “I thought you said you wanted to use it on m-oh!” your back arched off the bed as he suddenly moved it up directly over your clit, pressing down firmly. You were moaning openly at this point, hips continuing to writhe on the vibrator. He began moving it in small, tight circles, letting you grind your hips however felt good. He moved to kiss you deeply once more, your moans getting lost in his lips. You two remained like this for God knows how long, your stomach eventually beginning to cramp from clenching and unclenching, your body practically begging for release. But you just could not get there. Jacob seemed as calm and patient as ever, but you wanted to cum so bad it hurt. You thought you might cry. 
“What do you need?” he whispered in your ear, lovingly. 
You blinked away a tear as you replied, “I don’t know.” He could hear the sadness and frustration in your voice, so he pulled the vibrator away, sitting up. 
“Alright. C’mere love.” You knew he would give up. They always did. God, you were so useless. “Take these off for me,” he tugged at the waistband of your underwear as he reached into his pants pocket off the floor and pulled out a silver square. A condom. Of course he still wanted to get off. He’d given you so much time, it was only fair he get his fill. You did as he asked and slipped your underwear off, tossing them to the floor as he stripped himself of his and rolled the condom onto his painfully hard cock. He moved back over to you still on the bed, grabbed your face between his hands, and gave you a loving kiss. 
“I’m gonna take care of you baby. Okay?” 
Again, all you could do was nod. Wait. Was he still at it? He still wanted to get you off? Damn. This boy was determined. And you were thankful for the effort. He grabbed you by the waist, turning you around to kneel on the edge of the bed, back facing his chest as he stood behind you. He wrapped one arm across your chest, hand landing on your throat. Oh god. He applied a small amount of pressure as his other hand lined him up with your entrance, pushing in lightly. You had been so desperate for any sort of friction that there was no resistance from your body. Inch by inch. By inch. By inch. He slid into you, keeping the pressure on your throat. When he was fully seated inside you, he paused to let your body fully adjust to his impressive size. You grinded back on him, and he took this as his cue to start moving. He pulled out slightly, pushing back in. Again and again and again, each time building speed and force. When your breathing once again became labored, he brought the hand that was on your waist down to hold that beautiful pink vibrator right onto your clit. This time, there were no undergarments in the way. This time, he had his hand around your throat, keeping you in place. This time, he was fucking you, and God it made all the difference. You began to moan again, feeling that knot in your stomach tighten more and more. He kept everything consistent for the next several minutes, encouraged by your moans and grinding hips. Your back was flush against his chest, and you could feel the definition of his abs as he fucked you. 
Once again, you felt right on the edge. Right at the point where you felt yourself about to fall, but something kept holding you there. If you weren’t able to come from this, you might die. Jacob seemed to be able to sense you starting to get frustrated once more, so he began pounding into you at a much harder pace than before, desperate to get you there before he finished. Your moans went up in pitch, that soft spot inside of you practically jolting with electricity every time he hit it. Your eyes rolled back in your head, never having experienced any pleasure like this before. It was raw, animalistic, aggressive. And you loved it. Suddenly, Jacob shifted his hand on the vibrator, turning it up to high. You screamed. Your whole body shuddered, the feeling going from your brain to your toes, and you came hard. Your body was shaking, center throbbing and juicier than ever. The sight of you cumming, the feeling of you tightening around him, had Jacob coming just minutes after you. 
When he had come down, he pulled the vibrator off you, switching it off and tossing it onto the floor. Your clit was swollen and sensitive. Jacob brought his other hand off your throat, not noticing that that was the only thing holding you up. You collapsed forward onto the bed, having just enough energy to turn your head to the side before you hit the mattress. Your legs still trembled violently, and Jake was super careful as he got a damp towel from the bathroom and wiped you off. When you were both cleaned, he lay down on the bed, grabbing you under the arms and pulling you up next to him. Your eyes couldn’t even hold themselves open. He soothingly rubbed your back as he teasingly whispered into your ear, “Told you I would take care of you.”
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sapiowoman28 · 3 years
I can, I can't : Part 1 of 3
Pairing: Jaemin x female reader
Gener: best friends to lovers au, smut, fluff
Warning: mentions of sex, masturbation (Female)
Summary: Jaemin and Y/N are part of a group of best friends. One day, things change.....
They called themselves the dropouts. Brought up in good Catholic families, active within the Church community as kids, Catholic school education... the works. They then grew up and stopped going.
It wasn't some group thing were everyone agreed to stop going altogether at the same time. It was more like, one by one, they stopped going.
Jeno was the first to stop, at 15, after his parents got divorced. He became angry and withdrawn. By 16 he was mixing with the wrong crowd - think underaged drinking, partying, It was only after a close brush with the law that he - literally and figuratively - sobered up and decided to focus on healthier pursuits like education and sports. Thankfully too, the old Jeno that everyone knew and love came back.
Then were was Renjun. Renjun was always the one who wasn't really into religion anyway. He was more apt to believing in aliens and ghosts. His mother kept him going for as long as she could. By 18 he was out.
Haechan, as he got older, became a sporadic goer. After moving out on his own to live with the guys and Y/N in an apartment closer to campus, he stopped too.
Y/N? The older she grew, the more she learnt about the importance of gender equality. The more she embraced feminism, the more she found some church teachings hard to swallow.
All was left, of course, was Jaemin. Now Jaemin, he was still a "good boy", faithfully going to Church every Sunday. It wasn't that he was extremely religious. It was more that he had gone to Church every single week all his life. To not go one week felt odd and different.
The good thing was, nobody made fun of him or tried to stop him from going. Jeno even woke him up on Sunday mornings before he went for his 10km runs just so Jaemin would get to mass on time. (Mass is what Catholics call a church service.)
Y/N enjoyed hanging out with her friends. She was like one of the boys. It had always been like that since they were young. Everyone who knew Y/N knew she was not to be messed with. Not only was she capable of kicking anyone's balls, she also had four bros who would come after their ass too. In fact, guys who were interested in dating her would often try to get in good standing with the four guys so life would be easier for them. So it was hardly surprising that Y/N had never had her heart broken.
The problem was, Y/N was the one breaking hearts. Commitment wasn't her strongest suit, and more often than not she'd break off with whoever she was seeing with very trivial reasons, First she was dating Xiaojun. Then 7 months later she broke it off with him because apparently he "sucked at making out". The truth was, Xiaojun was good enough in bed but Y/N wanted to date the more exciting Yang Yang after meeting him at a frat party her gal friends dragged her to and making out with him. So Yang Yang it was. For a while she was happy. But then 10 months passed and Yang Yang was history. Now it seemed, was some guy called Lucas.
"Now, before you guys misunderstand, Lucas is not my boyfriend." Y/N declared over a pizza with Jaemin one Saturday night. "He's just... a friend..."
Jaemin raised his eyebrow. "You mean a friend with benefits? Cos based on what we have to hear every single Friday night, none of us think you guys are friends. Speaking of which.... Jeno wants me to talk to you."
"Let me guess, you lost rock paper scissors. Again. And that's why you're the one speaking to me."
"Well, we have house rules to follow..." Jaemin started, looking somewhat uncomfortable.
"Jeno and his stupid house rules." Y/N sighed. "What now? I can't bring Lucas home?"
"It's getting kind of weird for all of us...."
"You guys bring girls home all the time!" Y/N protested.
"I don't." Jaemin said. It was true.
"Jeno does. Haechan does. Even Renjun! Remember that weird Yoga chick he was seeing?"
"But they're not loud. Lucas sounds like he has a loudhailer in his throat and it's weird hearing him......we end up having to use headphones."
"I've tried asking him to tone it down. But he gets too excited when I blow him..." Y/N grinned as Jaemin covered his ears with his hands, not wanting to hear the details.
"Look, Jeno says he appreciates that YOU have gotten less loud since that time you were dating Yang Yang. But Lucas he's just.... too expressive. Can't you do it at his house or something? It's not the moaning as much as the dirty talk, you know?" Jaemin's voice was getting tinier and tinier.
"If Jeno has a problem, why can't he tell me himself?" I know it's not Haechan or Renjun who are complaining. Haechan's always gaming with his stupid headphones on and Renjun's always listening to music on his noise cancelling ones."
Jaemin sighed. "Don't put me in a tough spot, Y/N..."
He looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. I'll speak to Lucas. But I'm only doing it cos of you, cos you good Catholic boy and virgin and all."
Jaemin rolled his eyes. "For the last time, Y/N, I'm not a virgin!"
Lucas took the news surprisingly well and he was happy to have her hang at his apartment instead. Which turned out to be a better thing, since his apartment was bigger and his housemates were never around. Y/N wondered why she insisted on making out at her apartment to begin with.
"I'm surprised Jeno was the one with the problem.." Lucas said after they had made out and she was snuggling in his arms.
"He has all these rules. The worst part is he makes Jaemin speak to me instead of telling me directly."
"It makes sense. You and Jaemin are close."
"I'm close to all four of them."
"No no no." Lucas said, "Each of them has a different thing with you."
"Explain, Mr Wong." she said, looking up at him.
"I think Jeno knows both of you have strong characters so he has Jaemin speak to you instead when there's an issue so you guys won't argue. He prefers to keep things light, so the most you're gonna get is Jeno making fun of you for having a thing for foriegn men."
"What about Haechan?"
"Haechan's your gaming bestie. You talk about gaming, and game together. But he'd kick the ass of anyone who gives you trouble."
"I think I'm least close to Renjun."
"I don't think it's that. It's more Renjun is kind of in his own world. He's like that with everyone. But he feels close to you guys."
Y/N was impressed.
"What about Jaemin?"
"Jaemin's like your total opposite. But you guys get each other. I like him. He's a good guy."
"Yeah he's a virgin." Y/N joked.
"He's a good looking guy! Heck, if I was a chick I'd go after him man!" Lucas said, his eyes expressive as always.
"Well, he's a good guy. I've never seen him bring a girl home."
"Come on man, when it comes to hormones, even good guys turn bad."
Lucas was driving her home when she got a call from Jaemin.
"Are you alone?" Jaemin asked. He sounded strange. "I need help."
"Are you ok?" Y/N asked. "I'm with Lucas. Where are you?"
"Oh. I'll call someone else..."
"Don't be an idiot, Jaemin. Where are you?"
"Hospital." he said. "Can you come? Just don't tell anyone anything. Not even Lucas."
She found him in a bad state at the hospital. Sitting in a daze, blood stains on his crumpled shirt. Y/N had never seen Jaemin look so small.
"Hey" she half whispered. He looked up.
"I can go now. I got an x-ray done. My nose is not broken. And it's finally stopped bleeding." he said. "I already collected my medicines. Mostly painkillers."
"What happened?" she asked.
"I don't want to talk about it." he said.
"Let's get home and get you out of these bloody clothes. And then you can tell me after you've had a good night's sleep."
"Can i sleep in your room tonight?" he asked. It was an unsual request. "I'm feeling quite shaken."
"Yeah. Sure. Let's do that."
It was 2am and he still couldn't sleep. She could feel him toss and turn next to her.
"No, I can't sleep either."
He sat up.
"I need to get my ID card back. Can you follow me tomorrow?"
"Your ID card?"
"I was fooling around with a first year chick in her house. Her parents came back and caught us. Her dad took my ID away, said he was going to lodge a police report against me for tresspassing his house and taking advantage of his daughter. Well, that's after he beat me up."
Y/N sat up. This was interesting, she thought.
"She's 18?" she asked.
"18 is legal you dumbass." she slapped her forehead.
"I thought it was 21.."
Y/N groaned. "I can't believe you're so stupid."
"But the trespassing thing?"
"They don't have a case Jae. I'm sure you can prove you were invited there. Even if she lies and said she didn't invite you. They can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt."
"I'm so glad you're studying law."
"And Jaemin?"
"It's illegal for him to detain your ID. YOU can report him."
"Oh. I didn't know that."
"Can you go sleep now that you know you're not actually in trouble?"
"Yes. Thanks Y/N." he said, turning to face the opposite side.
But Y/N couldn't sleep. Her mind was running a million miles a minute. Jaemin made out with someone. What was he like when making out? Was he gentle? Was he sweet like he always was to everyone? Was he a dom or sub? What did he do with the girl? Did he have fun?
Her own thoughts made her sick. Feeling a stir in her stomach made her sick. This was her best friend she was thinking of. She had to stop. Maybe she needed a shower.
Taking a towel with her to the bathroom, she shut the door, stripping quickly and getting under the hot jets of water. Damn it, Y/N, she scolded herself. Not Na Jaemin. What happened to your thing for Chinese guys?
She soaped herself trying to escape the mental picture of Jaemin, between the girl's thighs, lapping on her clit mercilessly, his eyes twinkling like they would whenever Jeno or Haechan said something witty. Suddenly, she was thinking of him between her legs, lapping at her core.
She brought her fingers to her clit, rubbing them from side to side. She leaned against the bathroom wall, moving more aggressively. She was wet. Biting her lip she pushed two fingers into her pussy, thrusting them in and out, the sound of the shower masking the wet noises as her fingers moved.
The muscles in her stomach were tightening. She could no longer hold back, thinking of Jaemin thrusting into her, looking at her with an intense gaze. She wanted him bad.
Slowly she came undone, as she moaned into her hands while cumming.
Suddenly, someone was knocking aggressively on the bathroom door. Y/N froze.
"I need to pee!" Haechan shrieked. "Hurry! I need to go back to my game!"
"Give me 2 minutes I'll be done." Y/N said, drying herself with her towel and getting dressed, mind still dazed from thinking about Jaemin. She knew their friendship was never going to be the same ever again.
She was just wondering how easy or hard it was going to be, to get Jaemin to join her on the other side.
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ok so guys, remember that “my father always says azula was born lucky, i was lucky to be born” line? yeah, now explain to me why tf are we even considering OZAIs words?!?! like some people use this line as an argument against azula when its literally what OZAI SAID?!?!!?!!?!
Zuko’s good and bad luck, as well as Azulas. Was either of them lucky? Let’s see.
Please read all of it before drawing assumptions.
Zuko’s luck:
- has mums care and affection
- has irohs care and affection
- can get away with being a softie as a child, because he may get disregarded and called weak but lets be honest, azula wouldnt have been able to get away with his behavior because she didn’t have firstborn privilege (which is a thing while azulon lived) or mummy’s protection like he did.
before anyone comes at me i’ll expand a bit on the firstborn privilege. as first born he was instantly considered more important by the masses since birth, that might’ve changed later but before neither could bend that much was still a fact. which means azula wouldn’t really have any recognition for anything unless she surpassed him in every way, which is what became her goal especially when ozai became the one who spent more time with her rather than ursa, anyways lets continue.
- constantly receiving second chances; iroh, the gaang minus katara, katara, azula (even if not from the “good” side), ozai (no matter the intentions, this much is true), iroh again, mai, the entire fckng world.
- he had a guide and help throughout his long healing and learning process.
Zuko’s bad luck:
- Unloving father
- Mummy disappears
- Doesn’t train that hard and surprise surprise, is worse than azula. Because if he had really trained hard, he would’ve at least known the formations wether he was able to firebend with them or not, but he was just clearly trying to copycat azula while tripping over because he didn’t have that much experience doing it. This is something no one can change my mind about. How tf did he expect to excel if he didn’t train enough. This wasnt about luck but hard work which he didn’t put in, too busy playing with mum and the little turtleducks. And I do not hate Zuko, I really love him but this is just a fact and he’s too fixed on blaming everyone else for his own mistakes and problems (esp Azula). Like, im sorry to break it out to you honey, but Ozai hates you because he’s an asshole, and that’s his own fault, not Azula’s.
- Scar and exile time, we all know this.
- Ugly haircut because of dishonor
- Finally achieving his goal of regaining his “honor” but realizing it wasn’t what he wanted only when he was already at the Fire Nation palace having all the glory from Aang’s presumed death.
- Katara’s distrust after his betrayal (bc who would’ve expected that to happen /s)
- Getting zapped in an attempt to save Katara.
I mean except for the things related to Ozai, most of this was all consequences from his own actions.
And I’m sorry but I don’t understand the fixation he has with having Ozai’s love. Unlike Azula, he has had his mother’s love and his uncle’s love. He knows what real love looks like and he has never really seen anything that could imply Ozai likes him, while he has Iroh treating him like he’s his actual father.
I’m not invalidating his traumas in any way and terrible things did happen to him, but why is he so obsessed with Ozai and why would he choose him over Iroh, he’s 16 and has been with Iroh since age 13, he was also with Ursa for the majority of his childhood, make it make sense.
Azula’s luck:
- Uh she was born rlly smart i guess
- She had some natural talent and knew to train hard to shape it to perfection, as well as studying a lot about war tactics and shit ig
- Ty Lee and Mai loved her and she loved them back
I mean as far as luck goes, that’s it. Everything else was achieved on her own merit and even if she had no scar, her traumas are just as valid as Zuko’s, neither is worse or better, we do not compare traumas in this house and they were both terrible.
Azula’s bad luck:
- Bad mother (i’ll make a post on why Ursa sucks)
- No second chances
- Mum never said goodbye just like she never said “i love you” lol, except in that one hallucination
- Never has had any real help to heal (i’ll make a post on why the asylum was a trash idea that would’ve never worked)
- Can’t fully trust anyone, not even herself, or will be punished for it
- The only people who loved her, Mai and Ty Lee, “betraying” her (check out my post on that, its under #jinta’s commentary)
- Ozai psychologically abusing her all her life
- Some characters may have been lonely, but she was genuinely absolutely alone. And she knew it.
- Hurt and self-hatred channeled through anger like Zuko did sometimes when he had that shame shave ponytail, but with her, its all the time.
- Even his abuser abandons her
- Everyone hates her but forgives Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee. And it’s so annoying because all Mailee did that Azula didn’t was swap sides almost at the end, if the excuse is that they were being manipulated well Ozai was manipulating Azula so what’s the excuse.
- Is always believed to be lying but usually isn’t (check out my azula always lies post)
- Has a mental breakdown and nobody gives a shit?! Like the first think Zuko thought of was “ooh she’s slipping lemme take advantage of that”
- Has nothing and no one, yay
- Gets thrown into a stupid asylum but not rlly because there are no comics in ba sing se
While Zuko had Ursa and Iroh to protect him and stuff, she was victim of Ozai’s manipulation and psychological abuse all her life.
So when we know Ozai said she was lucky, why tf is anyone taking his word for it??!
Plus when Zuko was born they didn’t know how he would be and Azula didn’t exist so there was no way he could’ve been lucky to be born.
Zuko was very unlucky, but he was also lucky.
Azula was just unlucky.
edit: as bellatrixobsessed1 said, azula had the illusion of luck.
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Fourteen
⚠WARNING: Swearing
• ────── ✾ ────── •
Waking up is painful. Physically painful, at least. You’re not ready to deal with the emotional pain from yesterday, no thank you.
You finally peel your eyes open, a true struggle considering how they were crusted together. You take in your surroundings and form the first coherent thought of the day.
This isn’t my bedroom.
Your eyes seem to be crusted shut. You sit up and realize that no, this is not your apartment, this is Osamu’s apartment. This is his bed you’re currently sitting up from, his blankets wrapped around you.
You then form your second coherent thought of the day.
His detergent smells really nice.
That thought finishes in your head before it’s slammed aside by the rush of yesterday’s memories - group therapy with your friends and Osamu, Oikawa being a complete dick to Osamu, your argument with Oikawa which resulted in Oikawa blabbing of your love for Hajime, leaving the restaurant crying, realizing you lost your keys but they’re at Osamu’s apartment, walking to Osamu’s crying…
From there it’s a bit murkier as your memories intertwined with self-deprecating thoughts and a line of thinking you rarely walk down anymore.
Last night was a night.
You do somewhat remember Osamu comforting you. Letting you know that it was okay and he was there for you.
You glance around the studio apartment, wondering where he was. Oh god, did you force him out good lord you are -
Oh, no he’s sitting on his couch with a cup of coffee.
You’re filled with guilt when you realize you monopolized his bed and completely took over his apartment. Yeah, he maybe didn’t need to sleep last night (a concept you still don’t fully understand nor approve of) but you have fully overstayed your welcome.
Grabbing your phone from the side table you tap the screen, taking in the notifications on your screen.
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Shit, I never messaged Makki or Mattsun.
Your gut feels like lead as you open the group chat with the two. That was a big fuck up on your end.
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Fuck, I’m such a shitty friend.
You don’t waste anytime typing out a message.
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You look up from your phone and are greeted with Osamu’s sleepy gaze, a mug of tea held in his hand for you. You reach for the mug, nodding slowly.
“How’re yer feel in’ this morning?” He asks as you take a sip. You shrug in response
“I’m okay. I’m sorry I just fell apart like that on you.” You say. “I wasn’t having a great night, and my emotions just kind of bled all over the place. And I’m sorry that I fell asleep.”
“Yeah, that was actually pretty funny.” Osamu smiles. “Ya just kinda passed out on my shoulder. I had to lift ya to get ya onto the bed.”
You blink, absolutely mortified. “Oh wow, I am so sorry. That’s so embarrassing.”
“Nah, it was cute.” Osamu takes a casual sip from his mug, seemingly oblivious to the flirty line he just dropped. “But ya seemed pretty upset last night, and i wasn’t gonna let ya walk home like that.” The smile drops from his face and he looks at you with concern. “If ya wanna talk about it ya can, although I don’t want to push ya. It’d be pretty dumb of me to.
“I know I’ve been pretty skeptical about openin’ up and talkin’ ‘bout my feelings, but since meetin’ ya I’ve felt better. Lighter, I guess.” He shrugs. “Ya’ve made me realize how important it is to open up.”
You look down at your tea, a small smile tugging at your lips. Your heart warms at Osamu’s words, part of you preening that you were the one who has helped Osamu, but also you feel genuine relief that Osamu wants to open up more.
“Well, let me treat you to breakfast this morning - it’s the least I can do.” You finish your tea and give Osamu a small smile. “I can tell you about yesterday if you don’t mind listening.”
Osamu smiles in return. “Sure, let me grab my stuff.” He takes the mug from your hand and shuffles into the kitchen. You sit up, stretching your arms and grabbing your phone. A few more messages have come through from Mattsun and Makki.
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You open up your chat with Oikawa, finding hundreds of messages from him. He hasn’t sent you anything since 5am. You quickly navigate back to the chat with your other friends.
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Frantic knocks, one after another, beat against Osamu’s door.
No way.
Osamu gives you a look before walking to the front door. He checks the paper hole, then turns back and looks at you with faint amusement.
“It’s for ya.”
You stand from the bed, moving into the kitchen. Regretfully, you open the door.
A distressed-looking Oikawa is the surprise visitor. He looks absolutely beside himself - his eyes are bloodshot and swollen, snot is dripping out of his nose, and his hair is messy and lackluster.
Oh dear god.
He bursts into tears when he sees you, but surprisingly doesn’t throw himself at you. He must be learning some boundaries. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Y/N-chan! I was being stupid and petty and I didn’t mean to-”
“Ok, ok c’mon. You’re going to wake up Osamu’s neighbors.” You bring the snivelling, pathetic Oikawa inside, quickly closing the door behind him. You help him get his shoes off, glancing around the Osamu. You spot him at the sink, filling a glass with water. He brings it over, giving Oikawa a nod and silently passing the water to him.
“Thank you Osamu-kun.” Oikawa gratefully takes the water and downs it before handing the empty glass back to an amused Osamu. “I plan on giving you a full apology soon, I promise.”
Osamu huffs a laugh and goes back into the kitchen. He sets the glass in the sink as you lead Oikawa through and into the living room.
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper to Osamu. “Do you want me to go?”
“Nah,” Osamu waves his hand. “I’ll get ready for breakfast in the bathroom, and give you guys some space.”
“Thank you, I’ll try to make this quick.”
“Take yer time.” Osamu smiles at you and moves to the bathroom. You turn back to Oikawa, who is watching you with regret painting all over his face.
“I’m sorry I told Makki and Mattsun that you love Hajime.” Oikawa blurts without any bite.
You think you see Osamu flinch out of the corner of your eye but when you look his way you see the bathroom door closing. You look back to Oikawa and sigh.
“Why did you say it then?”
Oikawa heaves a sigh and hangs his head. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to say to make you not hate me.”
“Oikawa, I don’t hate you.” You join him on the couch, leaning into his side. “Talk to me.”
Oikawa presses back to you and you feel his shoulders move up and down as he takes another deep breath. “I knew that uni classes and volleyball would be really really hard - but as long as we all had each other we would be fine. We smashed through high school together, so this was just another challenge.
“But when Iwa-chan died it changed everything. Obviously.” Oikawa takes a shaky breath. “But I still had you, Mattsun and Makki. I knew that we wouldn’t be the same without Iwa-chan, and classes and volleyball would be hard, but we would be friends.
“I don’t think I knew how hard everything would be. My classes suck, volleyball is a chore, and I miss Iwa-chan.” He sniffles. “I miss him so much. I feel like I don’t know who I am without him. But I had you guys, I always had my friends.
“But Mattsun and Makki are in their own world sometimes, and then you started hanging out with Osamu.” He looks at you, tears shining in his brown eyes. “I know it makes me sound like you can’t have other friends beside me, and I really don’t want to be selfish. But you were spending more time with Osamu and it hit me that you were all growing up and becoming different people.” A few tears track down his face and he sniffs. “I don’t want anything to change, I don’t want Iwa-chan to be dead, I don’t want to be a terrible person.”
Oikawa starts to cry and you don’t hesitate in pulling him into a side hug. He’s not really sobbing but you feel his pain deep in your heart. One of your hands comes up to card gently through his hair.
“I know I’ve been a piece of shit the last few months. And I can tell that you really like Osamu, even though you’ve always loved Iwa-chan. Whenever you talked about him you had this happy and bright look on your face. He makes you feel good, but you love Iwa-chan. You moving on meant change, and I hated that.” Oikawa sniffs. “But bringing Osamu to the group therapy session, which I always thought was our group’s thing, made me realize that you were changing. I was so angry, and your secret just slipped out.”
He takes a watery breath. “Isn’t it awful? I’ve been trying to drag you back down to my level, bring you back down to feel the pain that I feel, all because I’m scared. I’m a terrible, awful friend.”
“Oikawa, have you had time to go to your therapy appointments?” You ask gently.
He doesn’t answer right away, and when he gives the tiniest shake of his head you sigh.
“Honey,” you scold gently. “Why are you not going?”
“School and volleyball have taken up a lot of my time.” Oikawa mumbles, his sentence punctuated with another sniffle. “I’ve skipped so many appointments, and I’m too embarrassed to call.”
You sigh, inwardly shaking your head at your friend’s weak excuse. “I don’t want to tell you what to do, but maybe re-prioritize your responsibilities. Getting back on track with your therapy appointments should take top priority. You can talk through these feelings instead of letting them fester.”
Oikawa doesn’t answer right away, but when he does his voice is small. “But I’d probably have to quit volleyball, and that’s all I have left of Iwa-chan.” You see his hands ball into fists. “I don’t want to lose that.” His breath hitches. “I don’t know what to do.”
You let him cry on your shoulder, giving him the time to get all the tears out. You figure this is the most civil conversation you’ve had since Hajime died. The thought brings you relief but also makes you quite sad.
“You know you’re one of my best friends, right Oikawa?” You ask once he’s calmed down a bit. “You’re a diva and a trainwreck, but you’re my diva and my trainwreck.” He exhales lightly but you’re almost certain it’s in amusement. “No matter what, I’m always going to want the best for you, and I’m always gonna try my best to help you.
“But,” you feel him tense up when you continue. “You have to realize that your behavior the past few months has been really shitty. You’ve treated us all like punching bags - we get it, probably more than a lot of people could. But I’m not gonna let you treat me, or any of our friends, like it anymore.”
“I’ll be good.” Oikawa promises immediately. “I promise, I’ll do better for you and Makki and Mattsun. And me.”
“Good.” You give him a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry for yelling at you last night in the restaurant.”
“You don’t have to apologize at all.” He replies immediately. He yawns before speaking again. “Honestly, I’ve been a piece of shit for months now. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You murur. You both sit on the couch for a while longer as you try to come down from the conversation you just had. You feel like a heavy cloud that’s been floating around your head for months has cleared, and although you know Oikawa won’t magically change overnight you feel better knowing that you’ve had this hard conversation with him. Change starts with communication, and hopefully Oikawa understands now that he has the support to change.
You feel Oikawa leaning against you even further and you look at his face to see his eyes closed and mouth parted open.
“Oikawa, c’mon I don’t want you falling asleep.” You gently push him off you so you can stand and get Oikawa to stand also. His eyes are still closed and he puts nearly all of his body weight onto you.
He must not have slept all night, you think. It’s not uncommon for him to pull all nighters, a habit he picked up in high school watching game tape over and over until the sun came up. But he handles the lack of sleep gracelessly - you could prop him against a door jamb and he’d pass out no problem.
Together you move towards the front door. You’re not going to let him fall asleep here and inconvenience Osamu even more - you’ll take him back to your apartment and maybe try to catch lunch with Osamu. Now you owe him a few meals and unlimited coffee.
“Gotta apologize to Osamu-kun,” Oikawa mumbles when you lean him against the wall.
“Maybe when you’re going to fall asleep standing up, yeah?” You reply, bending down to shove his feet back in his shoes. You hear more mumblings in return but can’t make anything out of them.
As you’re getting your shoes on you hear the bathroom door open and out walks Osamu. He’s dressed and his face is composed into it’s usual blankness. Trusting that Oikawa won’t keel over, you walk over to where Osamu is reaching into his dresser for socks.
“I’m so sorry,” you say. “I have to reschedule breakfast, I have to make sure this idiot won’t sleepwalk into traffic.”
“S’alright. Didja work everything out?” Osamu asks in a measured tone.
“I think so.” Osamu’s not looking at you as he puts on his socks. Your gut twinges with guilt, realizing that he must be upset that you have to cancel breakfast. “But I think I’m gonna take him to my apartment and make sure he sleeps. Do you want to meet up for lunch or something?”
“Can’t.” His short answer makes you blink. “Meetin’ a group on campus for a class project.”
“Oh.” He’s still not meeting your gaze, and you detect a hint of gruffness in his tone. Maybe he’s upset that he has to meet with his group last minute? Or because you basically shoved him into his bathroom while you and Oikawa worked out your issues. “Dinner then? I owe you double now.”
“Probably not.” Osamu stands and gathers a few books and a notebook before shoving them into his backpack. His inability to look at you or hold a full conversation is confusing, but you don’t want to push him.
“Well let’s meet at the coffee shop tomorrow, usual time after morning classes. Sounds good?”
He hums distractedly. Your gut feels heavier and you swallow hard.
“Okay, well I’ll be off now.”
Osamu turns towards you but still doesn’t meet your eyes. “I’ll walk ya out.”
You both make the short walk to the front door. The tension in the room is heavy, unable to lighten even at the sight of Oikawa sleeping standing up. You maneuver your friend while Osamu opens the door for you. It’s a slight struggle walking out of the front door but you manage.
You look back before Osamu can close the door behind you. He’s holding the door knob and staring at the ground. “Let me know if you can do dinner tonight - if not I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You force as much cheeriness into your voice, despite the heavy weight in your chest. Finally Osamu looks at you, giving you a disinterested nod.
He closes the door as you turn to walk away. You look back quickly, catching a crestfallen look on Osamu’s face before the door fully closes.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: So when I originally thought about this story, I wanted to think about how different people deal with grief. And what I wanted to explore was 1.) is there a limit to how people will grieve? And 2.) can someone grieving push that limit? From the get-go Oikawa has seemingly pushed the limit of what some of you believed, and yet Y/N was still hesitant to call him out. And I loved hearing what everyone had to say about Oikawa - some were willing to give him a pass, and some were NOT happy with him. Now, just because someone is grieving, it does NOT give them a free pass to behave inappropriately or do serious harm to those around them. But I think it’s important to note that what may seem absolutely insane to one person is tolerable to another. And what it comes down to is how the person who is directly affected by another’s actions wants to address those actions (sorry if this is confusing.) Oikawa was treating Y/N and their friends like shit. In the story it was because Oikawa was not taking the necessary actions to keep himself mentally healthy. In Y/N’s eyes, if there is a desire to be better, and appropriate actions are taken to be better, then Oikawa deserves to be forgiven. I have absolutely LOVED reading everyone’s reactions and hearing their opinions on Oikawa’s slowly deteriorating behavior, thank you for sending them in! And just because how Y/N has reacted to Oikawa’s behavior it does not mean there is a right/wrong way! Everyone has different life experiences and different relationships that guide their decision-making! And that’s totally okay! (This obviously applies to non-threatening and morally & ethically right behavior.) And WOOF thank you for getting this far in the A/N’s, this was a LOT! Gold stars for everyone!! 🌟🌟🌟
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @bongofrito @babucrow @beidouluvr @kozuken-ma @imarriedachef
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
Hiya!! bros + side characters react to a werewolf mc???
Heya!! I’m not that great with the side characters yet unfortunately, which is why I’ve been avoiding them up to this point. 😭😭😭 I’ll try my best regardless!
What the f*ck.
Like actually what the f*ck. A werewolf?? Now he isn’t one to judge- out loud at least- but he can’t help but feel that this is at least a little odd. I guess werewolves are technically a hybrid of human and wolf...
There goes his chances of having a relatively quiet and calm year of this exchange program. Luckily though, you get along with Cerberus swimmingly.
He doesn’t want to compare you to a dog too often- he thinks it might be offensive to your kind. So instead, he treats you more like a human. Unless you ask for otherwise- and why would you? He can’t deny that your reaction to scratching behind your ears doesn’t get a bit of a rise out of him. It’s adorable.
He’s wanted a dog for AGES now. Everyone says he’s too immature to be dedicated and take care of one though. But he has you! You’re just good doggie!
You constantly have to remind him that you aren’t a dog- you’re a werewolf. “I hear ya’ I hear ya’. Now who wants walkies?! You do! Yeah ya’ do!”
He’s attached to you very quickly. He probably does get it through his thick skull at some point that it’s rude to just treat you like a literal dog sometimes- he should leave that to Luke, really. So he does tone it down a bit at some point. He’s your best friend for life now, though.
Wow. It’s like that anime he wanted a little bit ago. Living with you anyways. Except its real, and sometimes it’s like hell.
You are only allowed in his room when you’re not covered in fur. It’s the only way to keep his bathtub bed from being hairy, and all his figurines from being being the same.
Otherwise, hanging out with you is kinda fun. He asks you sometimes what it’s like to be this way. Sometimes he thinks about writing fanfictions based on that one anime (One Day Suddenly A Werewolf Appeared in My House and Is Staying Here With Me and My Brothers and Help Why Are They So Friendly!?) with a more realistic approach.
You two aren’t exactly best friends, but you’re close enough. He knows not to show you cat videos, but at least you have those cute dog videos.
His first thought was something like “Jacob, is that you?” Then he cringed, because Twilight was a dark chapter in his life, for him.
He’s not THAT fond of werewolves... but his mind wanders back to the excitement of Mammon nearly getting a dog that one time for the family. He tolerates you, at the very least, but at the most, you two get along quite well.
Everyone suspected Satan as the cat-lover, but SURPRISE! His affinity to cats is merely his attraction to their perceived nature. He enjoys your company, especially if you don’t mind his occasional gushing about cats anyways.
As long as you’re well behaved around other animals (you’re from the Human Realm, no? You should be on your best behavior here.) he would enjoy taking you with him on his random outings, especially to cate cafes.
Oh he can’t fucking wait to do your hair up in little bows and things like that.
He becomes the family groomer- aside from Beel anyway. He loves doing your claws, filing and painting them all these pretty colors that compliment your coat.
Speaking of coats- he’s a little self conscious about the fur coats he has in his closet. If you’re sensitive to those sorts of things, he will be mindful in the future to not wear them around you to not offend. He’s a demon, but he’s not an insensitive jerk! He LOVES you, silly!
Probably doesn’t treat you at all like a dog. In part because you probably get enough of that from Mammon, the pea-brained fool. Doesn’t he know that your true beauty is underneath the fuzzy soft fur!? I mean, just look at those eyes! They’re almost as beautiful as his!
He is BARELY. BARELY. Containing his excitement. If you remember correctly; YES! Beel is a dog lover. An avid one. He isn’t too fond of Cerberus himself, but you’re just his size. Fun sized werewolf. In his attempts at befriending you, he does bring home raw meats and dog treats.
You remind him that you are a werewolf and not a dog- and he calms down a bit. He still gives you tummy rubs after you’ve eaten plenty of food with him. He enjoys the time you two spend together on jogs. He never says it out loud, but it’s like he’s taking his dog for a walk.
He likes spending time with you by default. Please be friends with him. Please like him. He likes you too. You’re his new best buddy, and he’s never letting you go. Prepare for him to lift you up, and squeeze you with his suffocating love, werewolf!
Ya’ll replaced him with a werewolf? Lit.
He’s got a brand new pillow, and it’s name is MC. You two take naps regularly now, you can’t escape his exhausted death grip. He notices that you wag your tail a lot, especially when you’re excited.
He picks that habit up when he sees you. His brothers tease him about it, but he just tells them that they never noticed before. Suuuuure. Over 5,000 years and they’re just now noticing that little habit? Unlikely.
Regardless, he appreciates your company, and that you get along famously with his brothers- especially Beel. Though admittedly, he’s a bit worried that you will accidently scratch him while you two sleep. Nightmares must suck for you, but it certainly sucks for him too if you decided to kick with those claws out.
Oh whose a good doggie? You are! Yes you are!!! Oh YES you are!! This is amazing!!!! The best day ever!!!! Who knew that when he planned this exchange program, a werewolf would end up here!?
He loves talking to you. What’s it like being a werewolf? Are you more human? More wolf? Do you shed? Do you-
Prepare to have the demon prince of hell pestering you and adoring you. You’re his new best friend, sorry Lucifer. Sorry Cerberus. Or rather, you, and he can go on strolls on Cerberus’s back! That would be lovely!
Please. Kill all the rats you find and make sure he doesn’t find them. He doesn’t care that you’re not a cat or anything. Just... do him this one favor.
Otherwise, he doesn’t mind your existence much. He finds the shenanigans you and the others get up to is quite funny, but is mindful and reserved on his teasing and manners around you.
He pampers you, and watches carefully for your interests. If you like certain things, he will be sure to list them down privately and bring them up when needed, the ever attentive and loyal butler he is.
Ok... so he might have a joke or two about you being a werewolf. They aren’t dog-themed, he promises. But would you like a treat? He’s specially baked one for you. It’s a nice cupcake. See? No dog jokes here! :)
Thank God everyone can stop making dog jokes about him now.
Wait, that was rude wasn’t it?! Forgive him! He loves animals! N-not that you’re an animal or anything, b-but...!
Graah! Forget it, okay?! He’s sorry. He’ll do better, and he’ll start by baking you some sweets. You know, Archangel Michael really likes sweets. He’s gotten pretty good at making them himself, so he’s sure you’ll like them as an apology!
He still gets teased about being a chihuahua, though. He is effectively, you’re puppy, as far as everyone else is concerned.
Oh fuck. This is pretty cool.
He won’t stop making dog jokes. He can’t help himself, honestly. It’s too funny.
He appreciates that you don’t take his teasing too seriously, but he seems the least bit surprised that you are a werewolf.
If he comes at you with a fancy knife, he’s planning to make a sacrifice of you. Don’t hold back on this crazy sorcerer, please!
Oh my. This wasn’t expected! This year should be most enjoyable!
Will actually not make dog jokes. Unless you find them funny. He has a few dogshit ones to offer~
Like the others, he seems to see you as the superior to Luke. He’s your puppy, treat him well! Of course he’s teasing, all in good faith. He more than likely has inspiration to write in a character like you now. He does have a good point of reference for werewolves now thankfully!
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
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ok i saw this cap of zoë kravitz in hf and she's got such a dreamy expression, she looks so deeply self-absorbed and infatuated by whatever she's imagining and those lines. and i couldn't stop picturing billy exactly like that for days so,
There’s a pretty unusual sound coming off the house when Max comes back home, that summer afternoon.
Full volume. Walls shaking. And she quietly walks to the source of the sound, holding back her breath right in front of Billy's room because, there's this second sound? Stranger and way more unsettling and Max's not sure-sure at first but then Steve Perry’s voice takes off and Billy’s follows it and then he's like, singing along and. Well. Max did know Billy liked Journey but not like, their 'stuff for pussies' but uhm, he does, apparently. Rasps his voice all the way through ‘Faithfully’. Kind of, sighs. Longingly? When it ends? But pfff, ok, big brothers are weird. Definitely weirder after being possessed and then kind of resurrected. Even if it's in a good-weird way but, whatever. So Max's just about to sneak to her room, dutifully rolling her eyes, steps muffled by the first chords of 'Edge of the blade' when―
Click. Click. Billy stops the tape. Click. Takes it out. Tap. Tap. Click. Puts on― Billy puts. On,
Bryan Adams’ Heaven.
And Max―
Being a younger sister is a meticulous kind of full-time, private detective job. You gotta learn how the person you’ve been watching so carefully for years and years works. Hafta develop some sort of―sense about your target. And Billy’s been—un-Billy-like? These past two months. Smiling more. Telling more jokes. Playing ‘You shook me all night long’ in a loop on their drive to school and back, not complaining at all but even joining when’s Max who can’t help but sing along so.
So. She retraces her steps. Knocks. Takes the distracted grunt she gets as a ‘Yeahyeah, c’mon in c’mon in’ and,
Creak. Creak. ‘―baby you’re all that I want’
Billy’s sitting cross-legged on the floor. Radio close to his knees. Cassettes scattered everywhere. Piles and piles of breakwater surrounding Billy’s old, rusty beacon of sound. He’s reading through the song-list of one of the tapes, a smoke locked on the corner of his mouth, bouncing up and down with every little, absent suck he takes, and he looks. He looks―
Self-absorbed and even. Relaxed. Happy. Like whatever he’s thinking about right now is actually carrying his thoughts away to fucking heaven.
‘When you’re lying here in my arms!’
“Billy are you. What―” ‘I'm findin' it hard to believe. We're in heaven’ “What are you doing?”
But there’s this orbit around the sun and then there’s whatever one Billy's been spinning along with the last couple of months so he completely ignores her question. Shakes the tape on his left hand. Picks another one from the pile on his right. Asks her.
“Is Billy Ocean too much? ‘Cause I think it’s too much. But it kind of fits into what I'm trying to say so” he says, shrugs, looking up at Max and waiting for the answer of what she realizes was not really a question. Not at all. So she does her little sister job and just, nods “Right. That’s good. I think it’ll slide just nicely into Bruce Springsteen and―”
“Billy” Max insists, waiting for the charm of the third time to work. It doesn’t. Not really. But keeps Billy's eyes on her long enough to squeeze an “A mixtape?” And, uh. That’s what gets it on. The charm “Are you making a mixtape?”
And it’s like Max just shook Billy out of a daydream. Ash plopping down from his cigarette as his lips try but can’t purse and Max― she’s good. She’s stellar at this detective thing. Recognizes an opening the moment she sees it, right there in front of her, frozen in the middle of shaking Billy Ocean and Bruce Springsteen in the air right before cocktailing them together. Shaken, not stirred, please. Max’s upgraded to James Bond-level just right now.
“You’re making a mixtape for someone”
“But you didn’t have those tapes before. Not even in your secret stash”
“How do yo―?”
“Holy. ShIT. You’ve been listening to somebody else’s music” This is. Oh, God. This. Is. GOLD. Max gotta take a moment. Blink. Breathe. Process. Her hands move by themselves, palms spread toward Billy in a wait-a-minute kind of gesture except. Max’s gonna need way more than a minute for this “You’ve accepted a music recommendation”
“Gosh, you’ve even listened to the tapes enough to. Make―”
“I just can’t believe it”
And Max was glad. Well. As glad as one can be. Bunch weeks ago. Her mom and Neil out for the day. Coming back home a little earlier than she usually does to hear those ugh. Those other noises. Happy screams. Again. After months and months of Billy being basically alone except for her and the party and Steve. And Max’s so glad, of course she is. But she’s also a little sister. And all this investigation work has a high, rightful purpose.
Make her big brother’s life a living. Hell.
“Oh my god, you must be so gone!” Max brings her hands to her mouth. Takes a deep, deep breath that’s more a poorly restrained giggle. Shoots her index at him “Is it Bon Jovi? What I’m seeing right there? Goddam, Billy are you in lo―”
Bam. Bam!
The front door.
What a way to spoil the fun. Max doesn’t have time for this. She’s working.
“BILLY?” comes a voice from the other side “Billy are you in there?”
What a way to make the fun a hundred times better.
She’s starting to move to get to the door, sinsonging “Well, I guess Steve’s gonna find out you’re so stupid in love you’re willingly listening to―” when she realizes Billy’s eyes have widened and he’s jerkingly trying to unfreeze, he’s mumbling something in around his already extinguished cigarette in the ways of “Can’t” and “Find out” and “Surprise” and “Fucking help me!” While literally trying to shove the huge mass of tapes under his bed, his tone like hurryhurryhurry!, like he would start gagging and throwing his lungs out at any given minute, so nervous he looks.
So Max doesn’t go for the door. Yet. She basks in the enjoyment.
“Oh, is it a secret romance or something?” She sighs happily, leaning against the doorframe instead. “‘Cause you look pretty worried”
Steve’s banging the door now, voice wavering a little as he asks-shouts “Billy? Billy answer me! Hey, bab―Are you ok?”
“Max, please” Billy begs. Begs. Crawling over to where a Madonna’s Like a virgin is laying with the tape looping slightly out “He really can’t find out”
“What? That you’re in lo-o-oh-oh-OH―”
Billy stops at the tone, right there on his knees. Spits his forgotten cig to the side. And in the instant it seems to take him to make up his mind they both can hear Steve shout “Ok. I know you’re in there!. I’m coming in now!!”
“Fuck! Yeah. I am. Ok?” he looks like he just realized he’s tripped. Blushes. “Making it, I mean”
And Ohhhhhhh.
“Steve,” Max gasps. Because. Hear it makes it like. Easier. To process “You. And Steve”
B A M!
“Yeah, Max, Yeah. And this is a fucking surprise and he’s gonna―”
‘I've been waitin' for so long. For somethin' to arrive. For love to come along’
Ok. Oh. Okok.
“Door!” Max hastens him.
“You. Door. Run!” She commands, and Billy― sometimes Max can’t honestly understand how he's got the grades he's got, because Billy blinks, looks clueless “C’mon slow ass. Hurry! I’ll hide all this shit”
And Billy finally gets it. Nods. Slow. Then fast. Stumbles up. Literally runs, to get to the door.
Max still gets to hear his labored “Fuck, pretty boy. “That was really hardcore of you. That's how bad you wanted to see me?” And Steve's own breathless “Really?” Before pushing Billy's room door close with her back, and kneeling on the floor to check for stray, incriminating cassettes.
Pretty boy. Maybe Max isn't as clever as she thought she is. Or hasn’t been doing her job right, clearly.
It's when she’s making ‘It’s a kind of magic’ disappear into the rest of the pile that she lays eyes on it. The case. The J-card written almost all the way down to the B-side already. A mixture of songs Billy's heard so many times there are parts where his tapes screech, and others she'd bet her life he wouldn’t have deigned to listen to. Not ever. Definitely not because―no, for, somebody. Bowie and Cher and Cindy Lauper and Bob Seger right next to Metallica and Guns n' Roses and Meatloaf and― there. There. Almost hidden in the back of the spine. A note. A tiny, thin-lettered thing Max really, really shouldn't be reading but―
‘Thanks for driving me back.
Love. Billy’
But. That's what little sisters do too, she guesses. Intrude. Annoy. Snoop. Feel this sudden rush of relief. Of happiness. When Billy laughs softly, on the other side of the door. When Steve laughs back. Maybe a tear. Or two. But just maybe. She’s really good at this little sister thing, after all.
Hopes for stellar.
or: that post s3 where steve lets a camaro-less billy drive him around in his own car "really? again, hargrove?" almost every single day, for months, after he comes back, because "you’re gonna perpetually stick yourself to my ass at least let me do the one thing that frikin’ calms me down" which results in steve resigning himself to deejaying in the shotgun even if "jesus, what's that shit, harrington?" "my car, my rules, sweetheart" which results in billy developing a ‘songs steve harrington is in love with’ mental playlist, realizing he’s probably a little bit in love with the way he loves them and, possibly, a little much love with steve and then stealing steve's tapes one day and,
making a mixtape about it.
(the first of a whole lot, of love letters)
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Game Night.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Kelly Olsen x Niece!Reader.
Word count: 1865.
Two weeks ago, your moms weren’t even talking to each other, now they can’t go five minutes without touching and kissing. You want to complain about it, but then you remember how bad it was those days without Lena in your house, so you just shut up and let them enjoy themselves.
“So, I was thinking…” Kara goes into the living room, popcorn in hand, settling in one couch with your mom. You’re on the opposite side, reaching out for the food. “We haven’t had a game night in a long time.”
“That’s true.” Lena agrees, taking the bowl from Kara’s hand and passing it to you.
“We should have one. You know, we can invite the Olsens, and you can invite your girlfriend.” Kara looks at you raising the eyebrows. You choke on one popcorn, and start coughing, turning red. “Kid are you alright?” Kara rushes to your side and you swallow hard.
“Rao, no.” You reach for your soda. They wait for you to recover yourself. “There’s no way I’m inviting Maya to a game night.”
“Why not?” Kara asks, a little pout coming up on her lips.
“Because you can’t play for fun.” You say and Lena gives Kara a little side smirk. “Don’t laugh, Mrs. Luthor. You’re even worse!”
“HA!” Kara says feeling victorious, but she soon stops and frowns. “Come on! Why can’t we have a nice time with her?”
You just raise one eyebrow.
“We’ll behave.” She promises. “Right, love? We can behave, right?”
You scoff.
“Even if you could, which we all know you can’t, there's no way of knowing the kind of embarrassment aunt Alex would put me through.” You say, making Kara roll her eyes in response.
“Look who’s a teenager now, feeling oh so embarrassed of her family.” She complains and you hold a laugh at her reaction. You look at Lena with pleading eyes, asking her to just drop this ridiculous idea, forgetting completely that Lena is now Maya’s number one fan.
“I think it’s an excellent idea!” Lena agrees with her head. “So, it’s settled.” What? No, it’s not. “We’ll have the Olsens and Maya for game’s night on Thursday.”
“Great.” You fake a smile and think of ways to get out from this.
But Thursday comes and you haven’t figured out yet. So, sooner than later, Maya is knocking on your door and you’re looking around to everyone’s face and their reaction. Rao, you hope they’ll behave.
“Hey babe!” Maya says when you open the door. “Thanks for inviting me.”
“Yeah, don’t thank me yet.” You smile and she gives you a kiss on the cheek, well aware of everyone’s eyes on both of you. “I’m sorry in advance.”
“Maya! Come in!” Kara smiles, throwing her arms up, looking way too excited to see someone she met once. It’s the beginning of the night and your cheeks are already burning red. “We’re about to divide the teams.”
“Oh, great.” Maya chimes, walking in, and you stand still. Should you pretend you’re not feeling well, and tell Maya to leave? “Hey! I got you, Mrs. Danvers!”
Well, shit.
“YES! PAN PALS!” Kara yells, high-fiving your girlfriend, and you drop your head low. This is going to be a really long night, won’t it?
“Come on, kiddo. It’s me and you.” Alex says and you smile a little. At least you have a chance to win, if everything else is going to be a bust.
“Well, I guess that leaves you with me, Jamie.” You hear Lena’s voice coming from the living room. “Come on, we’re all settled.”
Maya comes back to where you are, and holds your hand, pulling you towards the living room like she is trying to tell you that everything is ok, and you don’t have to be embarrassed. Not yet, anyways.
“Ok, should we start with Pictionary?” Kara asks, putting a few games on top of the table. You look at Lena and Jamie on the side of the living room, clearly coming up with codes for the game, and you turn to aunt Alex, sitting on the couch next to you.
“Where’s auntie?” You ask Alex, talking about Kelly.
“Oh, she’ll join later. She had one patient coming in late.” Alex looks at Maya in front of her, grabs her beer, and does her intimidation pose. You widen your eyes. “So, Maya-”
“Aunt! We should talk about our codes!” You scream, before she starts. And you hear Kara agreeing, pulling Maya to the side so they can talk. You look at Alex. “Please, don’t embarrass me. You know Kara is already going to do that way too much!”
“Then what else will I do? I thought everyone was supposed to embarrass you today.” She jokes and you roll your eyes. “Ok, fine. I’ll behave. So, what are our codes?”
The game starts with Lena and Jamie not being able to draw nor guess a skateboard. They absolutely suck. But weirdly Kara and Maya make a good duo, and they make you and Alex work very hard to try to win. In the end, it’s very close, but they win and Kara is just over the moon.
“The Pan Pals do it again!” Kara cheers excitedly.
“They do it for the first time, is what you mean.” Alex cuts her off, and you give Maya a smile.
“I just can’t believe I’ve beaten the two Luthors.” Maya says with a chuckle.
“Don’t get used to it.” Lena pretends to be annoyed, but then smiles. “Congratulation, pan pals.” She jokes.
Kelly arrives soon after, and you all have to think of a game with no teams, so she can join. You end up settling for Resistance.
“I don’t like Resistance.” Kara crosses her arms. She always loses this one.
“Yeah, ‘cause you can’t lie, momma.”
“I can lie!” Kara says and everyone, except Lena, gives her a little smile. “I can too! I said you were the cutest baby I’ve seen, but you looked like a potato with eyes!”
“Oh, yeah. You did.” Alex agrees next to you and you frown.
“You look like a potato now!” It’s your defense, but it doesn’t matter. Everyone is already laughing at you. Even Lena, which is hurtful. “Ok, whatever.”
“Oh, my baby.” Kara comes to hug you and you roll your eyes. “Sorry, you looked adorable.”
“You are aware I look EXACTLY like you, right?” You ask and she thinks about it for a second. “Yeah, well, you think about that next time.”
Despite Kara’s protest, the game is still fun. It doesn’t matter that Kelly wins, because she can tell when everyone is lying. It's still fun hanging out with all of them, and it’s nice to see Maya getting along well with everyone. Your heart feels like exploding in your chest from all the love you’re feeling.
You all play a bunch of quick games after that. And before you realize, you let your guard down. You should’ve known better than doing that. Your moms cannot behave.
“Lena!” Kara looks at Lena’s hand, and her UNO cards. “Please, don’t.”
“I’m sorry, honey.” Lena drops her voice low, sounding like a true movie villain.
“Please, Lena.” Kara begs and you roll your eyes. Maya looks amused with the interaction, and that makes you smile a little, that is until Kara finishes her sentence. “Lena, I swear no sex for a week, if you do this.”
“OH MY GOD!” You yell, turning red, while everyone else laughs hard. You reach for Lena’s hand and put her +4 card down. “That’s it! Draw four. Stop talking. Good God.”
Maya is also turning red next to you, but from laughter. Jamie looks equally amused, and the only other person who is rolling her eyes is Alex. Kara huffs in her seat, but draws four cards, and stops talking for a little while. Thanks to Rao, Jamie has the winning card and the game ends quickly.
“Well, this has been fun.” You lie standing up, looking at Jamie that stands up right after. “But the young ones are going outside to play video game.”
Maya stands up, looking confused. Kara stands up too.
“You’re NOT young, momma.” You stop her, making Lena giggle into her wine glass, and Alex wheeze out a laughter.
“I was going to get more wine.” Kara rolls her eyes. “But that was offensive.”
You leave a pouting Kara behind, and make your way to the backyard, followed closely by Jamie and Maya. The three of you end up not playing anything, just talking and laughing about the night.
“Sorry about my moms, they’re-”
“So fun!” Maya finishes your sentence, with a smile. “Seriously, they’re so cool! I wish my parents were this chill.” She pokes Jamie. “Your moms are pretty awesome too. I hope Kelly didn’t over analyze me.”
“Oh, she definitely did.” Jamie says, making you agree with your head. “But I’m sure she liked you.”
“They all did.” You know that for sure.
“Yeah, we all did.” Alex says, poking her head through the door with a smile. “Work emergency, so we've gotta go.” She points inside.
“Oh!” You and Jamie stand up immediately knowing what that means.
“Maya, Kelly can give you a ride back home, if you’d like.” Alex adds, and Maya stands up, agreeing with her head.
“Yeah! Sure, thanks!” She says, and the three of you make your way to the living room.
Everyone goes around saying goodbyes. Alex already rushed out the door, and Kelly is picking up her stuff to leave.
“Oh, where’s your momma? I wanna say goodbye to her.” Maya says and your eyes widen looking at Lena, well-aware Kara flew out of the house even before Alex went outside to call you guys.
“She-She is not feeling so well.” Lena answers. “She’s upstairs. But don’t worry, I’ll tell her you said goodbye. And I’m sure you two will be seeing each other again soon, because you’re more than welcomed here, dear.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Luthor.” Maya waves Lena goodbye, and you breathe out in relief.
“I’ll walk you out!” You say, grabbing Maya’s hand and guiding her to Kelly’s momvan parked on the driveway. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”
“Great.” She gives you a quick kiss, before Kelly shows up. “I had a great time. Your family is amazing, I get now why you’re so awesome.”
Jamie coughs behind you two.
“And Jamie. Yeah.” Maya adds with a smile. “I get why both of you are so great!”
“Nice save, babe.” You kiss her again, and smile. “I’m glad you came.”
“Me too.” Maya kisses one more time and gets in Kelly’s momvan. You watch them leaving then make your way inside the house.
“See.” Lena says as soon as you walk in. “We can behave.” You raise one eyebrow at her. “I mean, I can behave.”
“Yeah, you can.” You agree and Lena walks to you, giving you a kiss on the head.
“Are you happy?” She asks looking at your face, and your smile widens in response. “Good! That’s all I want for you, babygirl.”
And you are happy. Probably the happiest you’ve ever been. Finally.
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