#which seems only fitting for these three!
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siri-ike · 3 hours ago
(Warning: this meanders, prepare for a long read)
Some dark rituals can be done with any moonlight, and slightly more complex ones require a full moon. With that small difference, they go from being available every night to one night a month. There are of corse rarer moons, such as the super moon, which only occurs once every four months.
This one is the opposite. It requires as little moonlight as possible. This is why this can only be done tonight. The night of the micro new moon. A new moon as far from the earth as possible.
When the spirits are too weak to fight back.
You'd think on such a clear day you'd see some stars for once. But nooOOoOoo.
It was a dark and dreary night in Gotham just like all the others. The Riddler was teasing the newest detective, Penguin was throwing a fit over something or other, Poison Ivy was hitting on her therapist, and inside the Gotham clock tower Clayface stood frozen through and waiting to be picked up by police.
Dick thought this would be cooler. He'd been Robin for SIX WHOLE DAYS, and barely anything had happened. Anything he'd gotten to help with anyway. He's nine years old. He can take care of himself. Bru- Batman really needs to learn that.
So when he'd heard rumors at school about suspicious activity in one of gothams hundreds of "supposedly abandoned buildings/mansions," He had to check it out. And he would do it on his own.
Or he was gonna. Not to name any names, but Dick seems to have very loose lips.
That's how it became just him, some kids from school, a boy from a Gala, a boy he met at a police station and a girl from right outside the house, seemingly also planing to break in. But aside from that, it was a covert mission.
Thankfully, none of them questioned or even seemed to care that he brought a utility belt. In fact, they were surprisingly well armed. Wallace brought a toolbelt. Garfield showed up in a skintight outfit with steel plate shoes and gloves (what does he expect to happen?). Nadia had knives hidden all over her body, a garrote wire, sharp metal fingernails, and some kind of powder (what does she expect to happen?!). His classmates all chickened out, so really, he got the best outcome he could have asked for.
Getting in was just a matter of hopping a wire fence. Everyone was able to pull that off except Wallace, who had to cut his way in. While they waited, Garfield was somehow able to sneak in and unlock a door.
Inside was no one. As expected for just a rumor. For some reason, it felt like the floor boards didn't creak when Garfield or Nadia stepped on them, but Dick and Wallace made them wanna alert the media. They searched every room from the ground floor to the attic, but all they found were a closet full of identical purple robes, a collection of jars with animal fetuses in them, a chest full of severed fingers arranged in order of least decomposed to most decomposed, and wax statues that looked oddly similar to Dicks three classmates who bailed on them. Eventually, they had to admit defeat and go home.
But just as they were about to exit through the front door, Nadia begged them to take a closer look. It was just as well. They needed to find Garfeild anyway, seeing as he'd disappeared at some point.
Gar looked quizzically at the device Dick (Richard, 9, Caucasian, Male) had handed him.
"These will let us communicate if we get separated." He said as he pocketed the three extras.
Once they got to the fence, Gar heard a noise coming from further behind the manor and walked off to investigate. It turned out to be girl, 12, black, introduced herself as Nadia. She was intent on breaking in as well. She was well prepared and seemed to know what she was doing. But for some reason, Wally (Wallace, 11, Caucasian, male) was adamant about not letting a girl in on a dangerous mission. While he struggled to cut through the fence, everyone else had jumped so easily, Gar went ahead and snuck in.
No one ever locks the third floor windows. He quickly checked the most obvious places for signs of habitation, the kitchen hasn't been used in at least a month, but the living room barely had any dust in it compared to everywhere else, exept for the bedroom he'd entered through. There were fresh rope marks on the bed post, and the sheets were messy. Someone had been tied up there.
When he opened the door, he saw Dick kneeling in front of him, clearly about to pick the lock. He'd apparently also given Nadia one of the spare communicators.
The others all went to search the house, but Gar had all the information he needed. There had to be a basement, even if there's no obvious entrance. Everyone split up, and he went straight underground.
It was easy, worm through the floor boards, mole down till he met solid stone, after that he could just crawl around as a centipede until he found a crack. Nothing to it, really. Too bad, he had to leave his shoes and gloves behind.
He ended up in a wine cellar full of bodies. Most were just skeletons, but some could still be ID'd if they told the police. To his right was a spiral staircase down, but no apparent way up.
So down he went.
The steps were made of cobblestone and looked much older than the building on top. The occasional bone or severed limb suggested people tried and failed to get up to the closed off room he came from. The further he descended the thicker the air got, Gar was no stranger to the smell of decomposing, but this was worse than Grandma's Bachelorette party.
At the bottom lay an explanation for the foul odor.
The floor was soft but coarse. Almost like dirt, but it was strung together somehow. Night vision really wasn't helping. He patted around with his feet, not wanting to get this residue on his hands. He's definitely felt this texture before. But where? If only there was the least bit of light in there.
Wait, what was he doing? There's more senses than just sight.
Gar made a clicking sound with the back of his throat and listened for the reverberations. This room is small. There's piles of stuff in the corners, probably just more bodies. There's a wooden door with metal bars at adult eye level. Squirreling through there, led him to a corridor.
Another click revealed there were more rooms, most had the same wooden door, but one had a thinner wooden door with no bars. On the walls were torches. Gar had nothing to light them with, nor a need to.
Just passing them, Gar learned the other cells smelled like death, too. He snailed through a chip in the bottom of the door. He didn't check if it was locked, but there could have been people on the other side.
Smells better in here. And there was a little bit of light coming from a table. It was a cellphone, plugged into a powerbank. It's at 48%. Someone was here less than an hour ago. Gar took the battery and stuck it into his thigh, leaving the cable out and attached to the phone in his hand. He turned on the flashlight. It looked like a small dining area, like a break room at a renesance fair. There was another door opposite the one he came in. It looked more worn. Another wall had a little kitchen, enough to make a quick meal, definitely a work break room. Opposite that was a ladder through a tunnel. Finally.
"He probably just went home." Wally huffed. He really needs to stop letting strangers drag him into B&Es. "We could always just report the fingers and baby jars."
"They were fetuses," Dick replied. "The term "baby" implies human and already born. What we saw were aborted and, therefore, not illegal to keep."
"Ok. First off. Nerd. Second, the fingers couldn't have been legal. Now, let's go."
"He also lives all the way in New Hampshire. His parents won't pick him up til tomorrow."
The two were startled by a thudd behind them. Nadia had dropped Gars shoes and gloves on the floor in an attention-grabbing way. Fine, so he didn't go home.
"I called his communicator. These things were at the back door." Nadia said flatly.
Oh, right. They all had communicators.
"Do you think someone could have grabbed him?" There was a slight hint of excitement in Dicks tone.
"If I were kidnapping someone, I wouldn't take the time to remove their shoes and gloves. I think he took them off for some reason and disappeared afterward. Now, there are few reasons why someone would take their shoes off in this sort of environment." She picked up one shoe. "My guess would be water. He could have found a basement or something and realized that it was flooded, so, to get a closer look, he removed his unnecessary, heavy gear." Nadia theorized. "I didn't find any doors leading to a basement, so, if it exists, the entrance must be very well hidden."
"It could be outside." Dick added. "Let's search the grounds."
She should probably have been scared, but Álaug hadn't felt much of anything the past cupple days. Couldn't this stupid cult just hurry up and do whatever they were planning to do already?
Every muscle in her body felt heavier than usual. She could barely lift herself up off the dirty gauze covered floor. She rubbed her eyes, but the "tired" was firmly in there. Around her was a blurry room, with four blurry walls and one blurry door. Outside, she could make out faint footsteps. Inside sat a blurry girl, who used the wall to pull herself up and - no? Nevermind. There lay a girl falling back asleep on the floor.
Nadia snapped back to herself. It's her, Álaug is OK. Sort of. But she has to be near by atleast. Nadia looks around herself. The place she saw was all stone. It couldn't have been in this mansion. It was dark, too. Chances were, it was too deep for moonlight. Nadia quickly grabbed the shoes and gloves from the floor. She showed them to the others along with some lie to lead them underground.
Unfortunately, the smaller one seemed to think it could only be outside, completely disregarding the possibility of a hatch under a rug or a door behind a bookcase, and the redhead refused to listen to her. Thankfully, there was a storm cellar for them to investigate while she went back inside to search properly. Think. When they got here, before they started touching things. The living room was the only place that looked like it had been used. She turned it upside down. She moved the couch and coffee table just to check under the rug. She emptied every shelf, drawer, and cabinet to no avail. She tapped on the floor and walls until she got to the wood panels on the side of the stairs. She pushed it in, and a short door popped out. At last. She did it. And this time she was going to make it in time.
Inside was a long dark tunnel down. "It's in the living room." She announced into the communicator, which reverberated from the second one she had. Oh, well. They either heard or they didn't. The green one was the only one who had proved to be more than dead weight so far anyway. Not that she needed any of them. She only needed Álaug.
An estimated 84 trillion miles into the tunnel, Nadia finally admitted she might have needed a flashlight, too. But she's not giving up just because it's dark. After a 15-minute decent, she heard a click. It was quiet and far away, but it sounded alive. Man or Beast? Would either be a good thing?
She's gone! Seriously? He only had three people with him, and two of them were already missing! Dick pulled out his communicator to track her location. It looked like she was... 0.497 miles away. How did she get half a mile away? The dot still reads on the property. Right below them, in fact.
Was this too much? Was he in over his head? Should he call Batman?
Well, no one knows about Nadia, and Gar had specifically mentioned his parents would not notice him missing for at least 3 weeks. So it's not like he can get in trouble if they keep going alone.
After a while, it started raining, and the boys were forced to move the search back inside. Where they found the living room wrecked and a door where there previously wasn't one.
Dick pulled a flashlight out of his utility belt and took one step inside before he was pulled back.
"What are you doing?" Wally demanded. "This room is visible from the outside. If you call the police this is plausible cause, and they can investigate."
"But then we don't get to investigate."
The argument went on embarrassingly long. If Nadia was in there, she had a major head start.
The corridor was long and winding. Wally refused to come with, insisting he would go get the police. Jokes on him. They're in Gotham, police aren't gonna help.
"It's happening! Get ready!" The lead cloked figure shouts.
In front of him is a somewhat conscious 11 year old girl in a nightgown tied to a shrine and surrounded by strange symbols written in her own semi-irredecent blood.
"Where have you been?"
"Creepy dungeon. I found a cellphone. Could have something on it." He offered her the device.
"Oh, I left the nerd upstairs. They were slowing me down." She pulled both communicators out of her pocket and held one to her mouth. "I found Gar. We're in the basement." She looked at him again. "Are you going up or coming with me?"
"With you. I found an important looking door you might wanna see."
"We're headed further in." She said to the communicator.
"Wait for me, I'm on my way."
"We'll see you at the bottom." She was not about to wait 15 minutes in a cramped stairwell. "How far down is it?"
"I don't know, I'm pretty bad with time."
The chanting was almost soothing. In a way, it reminded Álaug of the pit. The thorny vines around her arms and legs loosened, and her mind faded further. They tore at her "flesh" as they slithered away from her. Soon, there was nothing holding her together.
The lights went out, and the chanting abruptly stopped.
The podium beneath her glowed a supernatural shade of green. And all around her floated gears, pendulums, and clock hands.
In the middle of the show appeared a toddler? No, an old man. Floating above the crowd. He spun around to face her. His expression turned sour. He pointed his staff at her, and in an instant, her chains were gone, and she fell to the ground.
Something must have happened while she was writhing on the floor because before she knew it, she was holding a baby.
This time, upon reaching the medieval break room, the lights were on. Electric ones! The candles on the walls were fake. The suspicious door was open, too.
"Do you hear that?" Gar asked.
"Sounds like chanting."
Urgency washed over Nadias face. She pulled out her communicator again.
"Dick, we can't wait. Rituals already started."
"Hey, no. Wait for me. I'm almost there." His voice was obscured by the sound of running. "What ritual?"
She stepped out the door but was met with two possible directions. "Which way is the chanting? We need to hurry."
Gar ran directly towards the sound.
"But they could be in danger."
"Look, kid. We can't just send a SWAT team to go investigate a child's rumor."
"Can you do anything?"
"I could arrest you for breaking and entering."
"Well, there are three more people currently breaking and entering there. Can you go for that? Or do you only work on crimes that have already happened?"
"Listen here, you little-"
"Forget it! Actual gang members are more helpful than this!" Wally stormed out of the police station with tears in his eyes. Gotham is very different from Central City.
🎶Tick tock, goes the clock🎶
🎵And all the years they fly🎵
🎶Tick tock, goes the clock🎶
🎵Till you and I must die🎵
Danny's soft face looked so at home in Clockwork arms. His big round cheeks, so full of sweetness. His wide eyes full of wonder and curiosity. When they were open. For now, Clockworks' greatest treasure soundly slept and tightly held onto one of his fingers.
Clockwork could lose himself for hours staring, and he usually did. But this time, his baby bonding time was cut off by a summon. He found himself in a dark room, lit only by his own clock works. In his arms was nothing. He searched for any ghostly presence but felt only a dim charge from behind him.
On a podium surounded by ghost runes and old time pieces was a girl, a ghost? No, she's odd in some way. It didn't matter. She was tied up. Clockwork aimed his staff her way and aged the chains until they were nothing but dust.
"Great God of time!" A mere human addressed. "I have summoned you here for one purpose. Bring back my wife. In exchange, we will return to you the goddess of the moon." She bargained, gesturing toward the girl.
Clockwork prided himself on being a patient observer, an impartial judge. Today was not a proud day for him.
The two of them followed the chant until-
"It stopped."
"Keep going. Maybe we're close."
Dick could only follow the dots on his communicator since they were no longer answering him. 0.28 miles. That's not so bad. And for some reason, they weren't moving.
When Dick finally reached them, they were frozen in place, bathed in a ghostly glow, with matching horrified looks. They seemed so fearless before, so why now? Curiosity compelled him to look, but Dicks better judgment won. He reached in and pulled his allies out of the light, and it was like they shocked back into their bodies.
"What was in there?"
They didn't have time to answer. Instead, a huge burst of energy floded out of the room. They narrowly avoided it by staying in the shadows.
The light slowly dissipated over the next two minutes. Leaving a faint glow in its wake.
Once they deemed it safe, all three carefully made their way into a grand hall. Row after row of skeletons all wore the same robes from upstairs, and faced a big extravagant steam punk looking shrine. The glow was coming from there. A mix of blueish green and a dark red. All drowned out by the cries of a baby.
Nadia was the first to run over to the shrine. Dick was more careful, and Gar just seemed unsettled.
This dust is people. He's walking on dusted people. They were alive and chanting less than an hour ago, and now they're dust. And now they're breathing them. Tonight has officially moved up to top ten worst days. It's somewhere below his parents' death but above English jewel theif double homicide.
"Come on." Dick tugged at his elbow.
They went up to the shrine, where they saw Nadia holding another girl. They looked like complete opposites. Nadia was tall, black, curly haired, and had a general "has hidden knives regardless of the situation" vibe to her. The other girl was pale and short. Her hair was straight as a wooden plank, and her vibe was "spooky roses" and "needs hospital."
Near them was a glowing baby lying on the floor, fussing. Its white hair looked slightly greenish thanks to the halo surrounding the infant. Gar felt compelled to pick it up and take a few steps away. Upon doing so, the baby settled. As though something in the shrine made it uncomfortable.
"Can we get out of here?" Gar piped up.
"Of course." Nadia picked the other girl up like she weighed nothing more than a corgi.
Gar couldn't help but be more careful on the way back. Not that Dick was complaining. He was tired of being left behind. At least they did rescue the girl. Some girl. That's heroic. And he totally did something, right?
"Hey, Gar? If my dad asks, I was a great leader, ok?"
"Okay." Gar was not paying attention. It was like he was hypnotized by that baby.
"Aren't you getting tired? We can switch."
Gar looked Dick up and down. He was already struggling with the long winding stairs. There's no way he could handle a baby on top of not having sonar.
"I don't think so."
Dick was in front so he stepped into the living room first, followed by Gar and his glowing baby, followed by... uhm... where are the girls?
Along with the sunrise, the boys were met with Wally. Hiding behind The Flash. Who in turn was standing next to Batman.
Dick's gonna be in so much trouble.
Why would Clockwork de-age Danny and then just leave him in Gotham for Batman to steal? No, he'd raise that boy himself. Fuck letting others get their grubby mitts on his new son. He wants to make sure he doesn't turn evil like Dan and this is the only way he knows it will work 100%.
That is until someone summons the ancient of time and gets a baby because the portal was a little to the left.
Now Clockwork is sending ghosts to go retrieve the boy since he can't leave the realms.
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lesmisshippingshowdown · 1 day ago
Hello and welcome to the Les Mis Shipping Showdown!
That's right, we're bringing ship brackets to the Les Mis fandom! The Shipping Showdown is an all new, 5 round contest intended to answer some of the internet's greatest questions, such as "is E/R's dominance really as overwhelming as AO3 statistics would have you believe?", "what is the fandom's all time favourite Les Amis pair the spares combo?", and "what would happen if we tried to Jurassic Park the ship wars of 2013 back into existence 12 years later?". Ignore that last one, maybe.
ROUND ONE IS NOW LIVE! Polls will expire in the evening (GMT/UTC) of March 6th 2025, with the next round of week-long polls following shortly thereafter.
Special rounds between particularly iconic matchups may occur at a later date if they do not get a chance to face off in the bracket proper.
Finally, if you're a fanartist or editor and spot your OTP/OT3 in the bracket, ESPECIALLY if it's a rarer pair, please feel free to submit pieces of your art to this blog to be used -with credit - in the relevant polls!! (no AI generated art though, please)
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We the mod team look forward to seeing you all pokémon going to the polls later today! <3
Please see below the cut for FAQ, rules, and mod details:
Q: Who is responsible for all this? Great question! The Les Mis Shipping Showdown is the brainchild of @lonelyroommp3, with invaluable assistance including graphic design, bracket seeding, and wildcard suggestions from @glindalesbian. We are both veterans of the Les Mis fandom, and although it's not been either of our main fandoms for a while we're both still filled with love and nostalgia for both the work itself and the memories the fandom and its myriad shipping messes evoke<3
Q: Woah, wait! How did you decide upon these specific ships? 29 of the ships are - as far as it's possible to accurately sort these things on AO3 - the 29 most popular romantic relationship tags in the Les Misérables (All Media Types) fandom category. This sorting method isn't foolproof, and if we've missed something major we can only apologise! If you bring to light a really notable ship that we've missed, it may get included as part of a special round at a later date if demand is sufficient.
In addition, between the two mods we have chosen three wildcard entries based on such scientifically rigorous selection criteria as "one of us personally shipped this back in the day", "we remember this being really popular but the AO3 stats don't seem to reflect that", and, in one case, "we thought it would be really funny." It is up to you, dear reader, to try and figure out which ship fits in each category.
For the sake of transparency, a couple of ships have been excluded because they have significant overlap with another, more popular ship. For example, both Joly/Bossuet and Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta have AO3 works in the hundreds, but including them both felt a little redundant, so we made the executive decision to just include the more popular combination of the above characters.
Q: Are platonic/familial/queerplatonic relationship tags included? What if I like a combination of characters in a given match up, but only platonically? All my love to the non romantic relationship dynamics in Les Mis - after all, "to love another person is to see the face of God" is a lyric that intentionally does not specify a type of love! However, to keep things streamlined, this poll is specifically about romantic/sexual ships. Whenever you see a match up, assume you are being asked which combination of characters you personally would prefer to see depicted in a romantic relationship and/or sucking and fucking.
Q: Can I submit propaganda? Where should I do this? Yes! You are welcome to add propaganda in the reblogs of any given poll, or send asks or submissions to this blog. We will try to reshare propaganda as long as it follows other rules, but this is not a promise because we're busy people! We also ask that you do NOT send propaganda directly to the mods' personal blogs.
Q: Can I share this blog/contest/specific polls outside of Tumblr? If you're sharing on a small scale with a discord server, individual friends without Tumblr accounts, etc, please go ahead! We would, however, politely request that if you are lucky enough to have contacts who are, or have been, involved with professional productions of Les Misérables in any capacity that you do NOT share this competition with them directly or go shouting about it in places they are likely to see it, no matter how funny you think it may be to try and get some organic propaganda off the US Tour's 2nd cover Grantaire or whoever. Some of us are fujos in the sheets and actual theatre professionals in the streets, and we'd prefer to keep those two streams of our lives as separate as possible. Please respect this!
Q: You've used my fanart in a post and I don't want it in there/it's been credited incorrectly. If this happens to you, please let us know via asks ASAP with a link or clear reference to the offending post & artwork, so we can either remove your art or amend the credit accordingly!
We were both around in this fandom in 2013 when people were in the actual trenches about certain ships, and we know this can be a testy subject. We also think a bit of healthy competition and ship warring is fun from time to time, and the Les Mis Shipping Showdown is not intended to be a totally sanitised arena where we take everything super duper seriously and everybody has to be really really niceys 100% of the time. However, we do ask that good taste and interpersonal respect is considered:
You're free to fight about ships until the cows come home, but please refrain from personal attacks on other users in any arena related to this tournament.
Any hate speech in propaganda, notes of official tournament posts, asks/submissions, or any posts about the tournament brought to the mods' attention will NOT be tolerated and will result in an instant block (+ the offending account being reported if deemed necessary).
We've both seen shipping tournaments play out in other fandoms and know that it's absolutely impossible to avoid botting & vote rigging. However, any cases of the above that are deemed excessive, malicious, or generally against the spirit of the tournament may result in a match up being aborted, repeated, or, in extreme cases, a ship being permanently excluded from the tournament. Just be normal pleaseeeeeee
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fluffygiraffe · 2 days ago
PJ and Sparkles's Official Reference 2.0!
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I DID IT! Both of them, side by side!!! Now it looks good too :).
Drawing Rules + Info!
11'7 (w/o hat + antennae)
That's a bell on his bow. Please. please I've seen it misdrawn so many times I'm going to burn down an orphanage plEASe- /sillyj /nm
His antennae can bend any way he wants! You can make any shape with it. :3.
Kitty mouth or no mouth. Always needs a kitty mouth.
Cheeks, cheeks touching the top of his mouth, eyelashes, and mouth connecting to the bottom/edge of the screen are mandatory! :D
His mouth doesn't really open, so I recommend not drawing him with an open mouth.
Those are ball joints.
Don't remove his hat, please.
PJ's arms are not fabric. They are flocked silicone, so please keep this in mind!
Three bumps on arms only. Please :3.
Silly arm-wrist things and neck fluff aren't mandatory, but I'd love if if you drew it.
Don't flip the Star Symbol. Ever. You don't want Her upset with you.
Everything else can mostly be changed to fit your style! :3333
3'2 (w/o antennae)
Antennae cannot be bent. They're supposed to look like ears!
Whiskers are mandatory, only three whiskers.
Eyes are never open.
Never depict her as upset. Angry and Happy are her only emotions. She does not have enough brain cells to be upset. <3
That's about it. :3
Basic Lore:
Unlike Mr. Puzzles, PJ watched every children's show that existed!.. And not much else. Due to this, instead of Five Stars, his goal is to befriend the SMG4 crew and teach them how to be good friends by teaching them lessons he's seen in the cartoons he's watched! And maybe he'll befriend everyone else in the Mushroom Kingdom. That would be a nice little bonus! He wants to make them Happy as well, but what's the harm in that..? He's only helping them! Trust me! He doesn't mean any harm!.. But he causes it anyway.
PJ's cutesy, sweet, and oh-so nice! He just wants to play and make friends with everyone! MaybespreadHerWordaswellifthey'dliketohear. He usually keeps a cheery happy persona, and is super cuddly and sweet! He'd LOVE to give you a hug! But this doesn't mean PJ's not prone to other emotions. He gets easily frustrated and upset, and his heart is oh-so brittle. Be nice to him, wontcha? Wouldn't want to make him upset.
Don't worry, PJ can't hurt you! He has safety features which keeps him from hurting anything Fully Human or Fully Animal! Anything that doesn't classify normally in either of these two classifications or something in between is Fair Game. What? Who said that? Hmm, seems it was nothing. But anyway, PJ wouldn't hurt a fly! Nor would he want to! :). Though, this doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful! Under that silicone and fluffy material, he's got Metal Bones. Don't play rough, now!
PJ loves and encourages escapism, every form of it! Ignoring, forgetting, forcefully removing it from your brain, all of it's perfectly fine to him! He'll even help you if you let him! He may even show you a new way of getting rid of all those icky imperfections if you let him! How nice of him! Don't you love your Best Friend?
PJ sees himself as the good guy in this situation and doesn't understand that he's doing bad by doing all the things he does. He's helping and not hurting, after all! Western Spaghetti and Wotfi 2023 weren't exactly his fault, he didn't know the other's intentions with his best friends. And he didn't know It's Gonna Be Perfect would go Oh So Wrong... It went all out of his control. He didn't want this to happen. He never wanted his friends to get hurt. But what's a good guy without flaws? He'll fix himself! And he'll fix the crew too! Happy smiles all around without any responsibility for the rest of time; as long as they let him help!
Why don't they... Like him though?
PJ's been nothing but nice. Why are they so mean to him? They hurt him. They beat him. They yell, scream, and fight him. He tried so many times, but they kept hurting him. This isn't fair. They forgive each other for mistakes, and yet, they don't forgive him? The one that's trying to make it better? The one that's trying to make them better? They don't even know of Her Word. What's to come to all of them. What's to come for everyone. Every universe. How ignorant.
Useless to fight. Useless to cry. Oh so useless. All of it. They don't deserve to feel such emotions or think such thoughts. Maybe it's better if PJ takes it all away from them, so they can be the best people they'll ever be without flaw or hurt. A smile on their face! All because of their Best Friend, PJ. They'll be thankful, PJ knows that much. They'll love him, realize what they've done wrong, and just let him do as he needs with their minds. As it all should be. He'd let them do the same if he knew they wouldn't take advantage of him.
This is how you. Treat friends. Right?
Of course, it is! They just need to learn how to treat friends properly! Silly billes! :3.
Who's that making her way over oh-so slowly? Look! It's Sparkles!
Sparkles is PJ's Kit-TV, and she's often not seen because PJ makes extra care that she's not hurt by the meanie crew! They don't know how to treat each other, so they most likely don't know how to treat his kitty.
Sparkles used to be a normal kitty a long while ago, but due to being really hurt and weak when Winston PJ found her, PJ put her in a TV, altered it, and saved her! Don't worry, her Quality of Life is lots better! Although she can't walk fast, she's got all the wet food she could want, all the kitty toys she could want, a safe little carpeted room in The Playhouse with a baby camera inside to make sure she's always safe, and all the love from PJ she could ever desire!
Although she seems like a sweet kitty, be careful! She's EVIL!! Eviler than any Mr. Puzzles combined! Gasp!.. What evil things could she do, you ask? Well! She BITES FINGERS! Dun dun DUUUN! Don't worry, her teeth are silicone, and can't pierce through your skin. Or. Anything, actually. Which is the reason PJ makes her specialized wet food. :).
PJ used her as the basis for the Adware in It's Gonna Be Perfect! (not it's gotta be perfect, this change is purposeful. That's for later, though.) And, although Sparkles could talk perfectly full sentences there, all Sparkles can do is make a very loud "MEW!" outside your computer screen. And she's not very smart either.
Speaking of her mews...Sparkles is VERY vocal! Her bitcrushed mews are VERY loud! Careful of your ears! :3.
... someverypowerfulcharactersthoughtit'dbefunnytomakeherimmortal.so.nowsheis. not to mention a few more powers i can't get into here. watch for me, you will see me again.
Her body is metal, though she has a few sensors on the top of her head, the sides of her body, and the bottom of her TV! Which means you can pet her with her feeling it! Isn't that sweet?
Sparkles can't open her eyes, but she can see!... Kind of. You see, her eyesight is very poor. She will run into walls... And legs... And everything. And she can't exactly turn around fast to avoid these things. Hence, the room PJ carpeted for her.
Next time you hear the pitter-patter of silicone paws on the ground with a very loud "MEW!" behind it, say hi to her!.. And give her back to PJ, she isn't meant to escape-!
wwwwoah. This is. lots. whoops, hehe.
Well! Hope you like it!
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Kidnapping? No. Surprise Friend Acquisition? Yes. 👍
(Some more Yiga wind Au stuff. this was so much fun to write ngl.)
While exploring Wild’s Era Wind ends up getting kidnapped by the Yiga of that time. Being a Yiga himself this goes a little different than expected. 
The attack had been swift and precise. Well less of an attack and more of a kidnapping. Specifically kidnapping WIND. Aka the youngest and probably assumed weak point of the group.
This wasn’t really the case. Though even Wind couldn’t really single out any one member of the chain as the weak point. It probably would be reasonable to assume the youngest would be it though. He was a bit surprised they hadn’t gone for Four but then again the smithy had been right next to Time who was the tallest and most heavily armored out of all of them. 
But whatever the thought process behind this Wind had ended up tied up and blindfolded. He could probably have easily escaped, this was the kind of situation he had been taught how to escape from since he could talk! But he refrained. Because of the glimpse he got of his kidnappers right before his sight had been compromised, and because of the familiar feeling of teleportation only a few moments later. The second the blindfold was removed his suspicions were proven true. Three figures stood around him and they were all wearing familiar Yiga masks.
 They did look a bit different than the Yiga Wind had grown up with, two of the suits looked mostly identical to one another with one exception. Probably a higher ranking member. Blademaster?
So these must be the Yiga from Wild’s era.
“Alright you're going to stay nice and calm while we set the trap for your little hero friends ok.” One of the members to his right with a fake sweetness. Obvious intimidation tactic. Might have worked on anyone else but it didn’t even phase Wind. 
“Ok.” He stated simply. 
The Yiga seemed a bit put off by his attitude. Not the usual you’d get from a hostage, especially a younger one. 
“You don’t seem… very worried…” The other smaller one said, Seeming a little disappointed. He turned to the others. “Did we mess up on the intimidation? I knew we should have used a knife- the knife trick ALWAYS works!” "I don't like using the knife trick with kids. makes me feel like i just kicked a puppy!" The first one snapped. "we're YIGA! That shouldn't matter!" "You shouldn't matter!" "What does that even mean??"
The whole situation was getting increasingly bizarre. Wind simply couldn’t contain his laughter. He cackled and toppled over where he was sitting still tied up. Unfortunately his hands were tired so he couldn’t push himself back up. The outburst only seemed to confuse his captors even more which only served to double his laughter. 
“You- You managed- to- to- kidnap-” Wind had to stop and let out another weezing guffaw. “The ONLY non-hero in the entire group-” well maybe excluding Wild. But that wasn’t exactly confirmed yet. “And you didn’t even realise-” Wind burst out into another fit of laughter. 
The One on his right Seemed to get defensive." Well of course YOUR not a hero. You're like what? 12?” 
That slightly offended Wind. He was 14! Not a measly 12. Though his gran always said he had a young face.
“14.” he huffed. “And that's not why I was laughing so hard.”
“Then what do you find so funny you little hyena?” The Blademaster (?) asked.
“This!” Wind suddenly revealed his now free hands and before they could properly register it he dispelled his disguise. This seemed to thoroughly break the minds of everyone present. 
“What is one of our own children doing with the band of heroes??” One of them seemed to almost shout but there was concern now.
“Undercover mission.” Wind puffed up a bit in pride. He’d managed to infiltrate a whole group of heroes and had even fooled members of his own clan with his disguise and act! Though he WAS from a different era…
“I thought you weren’t allowed on those types of missions till you're like 17?” The first Yiga asked. Confusion evident. 
“Kind of a long story…” Wind now realizing how wild this whole trip had been. “Maybe I could tell you over some food? And I want my legs untied. I cut your other rope and don’t want to ruin this one.” he gestured to the bindings.
The other Yiga looked at one another. Seeming to come to a unanimous conclusion and quickly obliged. They were a lot nicer to him now. No more fake sweetness or pointed words. To be honest it was nice to talk to someone without keeping up an act. It got a bit tiring after a while.
Wind shared his tale. How he was actually from a different era and had fallen through one of the portals that had been popping up, Found and decided to infiltrate the group of heroes. Encountered a Weird time hopping shadow Ganon WANNABE. How he figured it would be a win win if he could gather info on the heroes while being able to take down the copycat without interference from said heroes.
A spread of food (having a suitable portion of bananas of course) had come out at some point along the way and the small sandstone cave they had taken him to was looking more like a picnic. A very well armed picnic of assassins but a picnic nonetheless. 
He managed to get the names of the members with him. Gyddo, the blademaster and leader of this particular mission and very fond of assigning people animals. He had been calling Wind little Hyena this entire time. The first one that had spoken to him was Pome, she had been rather interested in the logistics of time travel and separate timelines, and Finally Pome’s twin brother Komi. He struck Wind as a bit of an anxious person, focussed a bit on the prospect of even more overpowered monsters who were in fact not loyal to Ganon. It seemed The ones supposed to be on their side were bad enough. 
They were all listening intently to Wind’s tale. Asking a few questions for clarification but otherwise very good listeners. Wind found he was rather enjoying himself. Well mostly… 
“And THEN- get this, He just STEPS ON ME!” Wind was ranting a bit now. “Like I'm Not even there!”  
“You know usually if something is fighting against the heroes or such I root for them.” Pome seemed just as miffed as Wind was. “But NOW I want to punch this shadow thing in the face.” 
“Believe me.” Wind smirked. “It’s VERY punchable looking.”
“Seriously. Some beings just can’t make a name for themselves and go try to rip off some other hard working Demon king.” Gyddo huffed. 
“Exactly!” Exclaimed Wind. “downright disrespectful.” 
“As much as I agree with this Shadow guy I do have a question.” Komi, who had removed his mask entirely to eat, was inspecting Wind closely. 
“Sure what is it?” Wind asked. Wondering what it was Komi was curious about. 
“What’s with the lobster on your uniform?”
“Oh!” Wind looked down to the embroidered sea creature that covered most of his chest area. “I guess in my era we have a little more customizable uniforms. Don’t need to look as uniformed since there’s no Hyrule kingdom to fight against So we have plenty of intimidation regardless. Plus outsiders need some way to recognize specific Yiga they want to hire as a mercenary. Some have made quite the name for themselves after all.” Wind contemplated for a moment “well fake name. We're not allowed to use our real ones.”
“Huh.” Pome seemed surprised. “Now I’m a little jealous.” 
“So if Wind  isn’t your real name then what is it?” Komi gestured to Wind with his chopsticks. 
“I have two I guess? Disguise identity name and real real one. Ya know my Yiga name.” Wind took a bite of his fish and rice bowl. (with bananas on the side) “my disguise “real“ name is link.” He held up a hand to stop any reactions to the name. “I didn’t know it was the hero’s name at the time, that knowledge must have been lost when everything flooded. Ok? ok. Moving on.”
 Wind hadn’t particularly wanted to be reminded of his poor choice in names despite how useful it was when he met the chain. 
“Anyways my real name’s Lukari.” 
“A good name that.” Gyddo humms. ”I can see how you ended up with Link as your disguise name though.” He grinned. 
“Yea yea.” Wind, we’ll he supposed it would be fine to be Lukari for a while actually, couldn’t help but smile a bit despite himself.”
“So…” Pome started. “In regards to the hero’s we kind of kidnapped you from. They’re probably going to be trying to get you back.” 
“Oh.. OH- crap you’re right!” Lukari stood and brushed off his uniform. “You should probably tie me back up now so they can “rescue” me and I can get back to my mission.”
 He didn’t particularly WANT to end his visit with the Yiga of this world. In fact he was just starting to really enjoy their company. But he had a mission. A very important one too.
“About that.” Pome continued. “I was thinking maybe we could bring you to our hideout and wait there?” 
Lukari frowned. “Wouldn’t that make it harder to make a convincing ”escape”.” 
“But Imagine-“ Pome seemed to be getting a bit exited. “They try to rescue you but bam! They get trapped in with you! Everything seems lost but then YOU are able to stage a whole escape operation! Simultaneously making a more convincing escape and gaining more trust from them!” 
Lukari blinked, unsure exactly how to respond to that. Komi it seemed was the one to do so. 
“Pome I think your inner writer is showing.” He almost deadpanned. 
“We could show him to master Koga.” Pome offered in return. ”And it’d be nice to have him around for a bit longer. He’s fun.” 
As this thought occurred to Komi he and his twin both turned to Gyddo with pleading expressions. Lukari had the sudden feeling of being a random stray two children where trying to convince their parent to bring home. Overall not exactly the WORST feeling. He could live with it. 
Gyddo contemplated for a moment before shrugging. “It seems fine too me. Besides, master Koga should definitely hear about something like this and it helps to have prof.” 
The cave erupted in cheers. Including a certain young sailor’s. 
The main Yiga hideout of Wild’s era turned out to be quite different than Lukari’s home. For one it seemed to be in a cave and it was a bit smaller. 
it was also clearly more for housing soldiers and less for general living. They didn’t have as much time for that sort of thing as the Yiga in his Era did. 
The banana stash was definitely cool though. Pome, Komi and Gyddo were all impressed when Lukari mentioned the amount of banana trees growing on Outset. The plus sides of living on a tropical island he supposed. 
Master Koga was interesting too. Different than his own Master back in his world but seemed quite interested in the news of the back bloods and the portals. Lukari liked how theatrical he could make stuff. It was really entertaining. 
Gyddo had shown him their weapons and a some zonai machinery parts that had been brought up from the depths. Lukari unfortunately wasn’t able to go down there. The disappointment from that revelation subsided a bit when The blade master was able to show him some fragments of Ancient Sheikah tech.
Things from before the Yiga split. They weren't able to do much but STILL! It was so cool! 
After a while Wind was even able to to rope several Yiga (including Pome and Komi) into a game of hide a go seek teleport tag. In the guise of some sort of training exercise of course. 
So far Lukari still reigned champion of the hiding part, even if he wasn’t as skilled at teleporting as the others. They did say he seemed like he was better at it then most his age and would be.
Currently he was hiding under a walkway. Honestly he was surprised nobody had found him yet. This was one of his weaker hiding spots. A brightly colored something suddenly caught his attention. 
Was… was that Yiga wearing a bright yellow uniform? Suddenly less interested in winning a game and far more interested in whatever this was Lukari dropped down right in front of the member. Much to said Yiga’s surprise. 
“Why is your suit yellow?” He asked before the guy could even respond to his sudden presence. 
“Uh… wait- Wind??” 
“Wi- hold on- WILD?!” Lukari starred in open amazement. or well what would be open amazement if it wasn’t for the mask.“I KNEW IT! I suspected but I never was 100% sure but now- YOUR YIGA!” 
Wild who had not seemed to be expecting this seemed stumped for a few moments. “What are you- I mean how? I saw you get kidnapped?? Why aren’t you ya know?” 
Wait had he even managed to convince Wild he was a hero? Man Lukari was good at this!
“AHha! Got you Lukari!” Komi who had just appeared behind him had promptly slapped Lukari in the back in the universal signal for “get tagged idiot!” 
“Lukari??” Wild asked. 
Komi who had somehow only just noticed Wild brighted a bit more. “I see you‘ve stumbled upon our resident wild card little hyena, meet Lonk. Don’t ask why his suit’s yellow, everyone gave up a long time ago.” 
“I know him! He’s the guy I told you about! The one I thought might be a Yiga too!” Lukari exclaimed animatedly. Excitement bubbled through his every movement. 
Komi looked at Wild or well Lonk? Apparently ?? “No way- you managed to infiltrate the hero’s too?! This is fantastic! To be honest I probably shouldn’t be this surprised by now.”
“… yes.” Lonk gave a thumbs up. If he was being honest Lukari thought maybe he would be continuing to refer to him as Wild. Lonk sounded kind of stupid. Wild turned back to him  And spoke “But can we go back to the name Lukari? I thought you where named Link?” 
“Oh yea it’s my Yiga name.“ Lukari stated. “Cool right!” 
“Yea cool..” Wild paused. “Sorry still getting over the fact you’ve been Yiga this whole time. Kind of expected you to be tied up somewhere…” 
“Oh right. Yea they untied me once I told them who I was.” 
“Aren’t you from an entirely different Era?” 
Komi spoke up. “Time is temporary,Yiga is forever. Plus the little guy’s awesome.” 
“Huh.” Wild sounded a bit surprised. “We do kind of have to be getting back now though. We found another portal and are running out of time a bit.” 
Lukari sulked a bit at that. “But we had a whole rescue sequence planned… I got to blow stuff up.” 
Wild seemed to contemplate that. “We could still blow stuff up if you wanted. We’ll need to look like I rescued you after all.” 
“Yessss!” Lukari whooped. 
“Pome probably knows a spot, come on.” Komi gestured for them to follow him to wherever he knew Pome was by whatever sixth twin sense he had. 
Pome it turns out hadn’t been that upset about the cancled escape plan once the explosives were mentioned. There was a mostly empty courtyard with a big hole that they could set off a few. By the end both Wild and Lukari looked slightly singed. Which was perfect for their intended ruse. 
The sky was dark when they were finally heading out. Gyddo, Pome and Komi had seen them off. Gyddo had a word with Wild before they left. Lukari thought he heard something about protecting and child. He didn’t pay much attention though.
 Komi shouted after them As they set off. “Hey Lonk! Make sure to make some of your Banana bread for the little hyena! He deserves it!” 
Lukari, now Wind again he supposed, cackled as he jogged after Wild. knowing he would hold him to that. 
It seemed Pome also had one last thing to shout after them too. “Yea! And if I see that shadow guy you talked about I’ll make sure to punch him for you!” 
“Thanks Pome! I’ll try to visit next time we’re around.” Wind called back to them. Today had been good, he thought. 
The walk to where the rest of the chain was waiting wasn’t overly long. But Wind had been running around and teleporting all day. Evidently leading to him passing out exhausted while Wild gave him a piggyback ride. 
His excitement plastered a small smile across his face, unaware of Wild’s thinly veiled distress.
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Headcanon - Niffty held to Ransom
Niffty is taken by the Vees, in a post extermination bid to extort the Radio Demon publicly. Every audio-capable item in all of hell is just about annihilated with the howling explosion of sound that comes in response.
Husk is the one to grab at Al’s arm before the demon storms out to wage war, and manages to pull him back. Get him to think for a minute… yes, this was a sneaky tactic to incite him into starting the conflict, but… he didn’t have to go 1 vs 3.
Alastor stills, frighteningly so. Something in the glare passing between the sinners seems to… say something. Suddenly Alastor flicks out his left hand, manifesting the chain and twining it about the wrist there. 
Angel shouts, lurching forwards, but Husk isn’t responding with anger or horror. He’s almost grinning. 
Alastor raises his other hand, claws extended, and slashes down through the mass of chains and flesh of his left arm. Blood sprays up over the chains, Husk’s face and the collar… which shatter. [Get more creatively descriptive here etc. Explosion of power, a deal broken by the dealer is rare and chaotic.]
Husk’s power siphons back, and he can easily conjure his staff as a golden glow imbues around the restored overlord. Etc.
“Hmmm, one might say it’s only fair…” Alastor adds, and a few wisps of power transfer over in a shrieking mess from the bloody gashes down his arm, sinking into Husk. “I did promise some of my own power in our original deal.”
“Yeah, you did… so how about you let me get that for you.” He grins back, brilliant yellow light washes over the injury, patching it easily. “Gonna need both hands functional if you wanna rip the Vees apart as violently as I do. That girl might be fucking terrifying, but she grows on ya… and I don’t like that she’s within a few inches of that moth fucker, let alone the others.” 
Husk twirls his cane, the action natural even after all these decades, as the intensity of the emotions begin to build again. He and Al striding towards the door and barely holding onto a form small enough for inside use… 
Charlie blocks the door.
“Look, I know that the Vees are doing this whole calling out thing through the television and it’s not good, but you can’t just go destroy the city to get Niffty back. We can find a new way, a better one!”
“Charlotte… move.”
“Princess, this is… this is overlord business. You can’t be seen getting involved… and they all out declared war with that little stunt. I can get away with intervening because I've been under Al’s banner for so long that they’d expect it… but if you turn up, they’ll pull a hissy fit about royalty favouring the radio demon over them and some bullshit like that. Its political all the way down. So just move aside and let us go get our weird little lady back…”
The pair explode outside, and expand in form, describe etc.
Wading through the city and enjoying the mindless destruction they cause, eyes pinned on the Vee Tower. Where three large forms then appear. Velvette having Niffty spun tightly into a web of sharp filaments, to dangle…
Epic battle, snarky back and forths, etc.
They do win, but barely. Husk is delighted to kill Valentino with his bare hands, and Alastor eats Vox’s heart before the overlord’s screen shuts off… but Velvette, well, there was something about her that just didn’t sit right with them about mindlessly devouring. She was still somewhat new to hell, and the Vees had gotten to her immediately… maybe she could be changed for the better?
Ugh, Charlie’s nonsense was working on them.
And then there’s Rosie. Always excellent at sensing an issue, in full Overlord form and cheerful as she squares up to the little Overlord, (epic fight scene, end with her solidly beating the Doll and tasting her blood). “Hmmm, she was right Alastor dear, I could very well eat her for breakfast. Hah!” she recalls their first meeting with the little fashionista so clearly.
Niffty freed, checked on, she’s okay but actually frightened. 
They’re so preoccupied in the whole mess that it takes a long moment before the new souls they acquired register. Husk’s eyes widen. “No fuckin’ way…”
A bloody, triumphant and somewhat battered mess, they shrink down to regular size and shadow travel to the Hotel porch. 
“Hmmm, on a scale of one to ten…”
“Well that’s not ideal, is it sugar?”
Charlie is horrified at the violence, happy they’re okay, angry at the whole thing, and squeezing niffty so hard the maid's head might just pop off. Vaggie is furious and pleased… she’d wanted to do in Val for licking Charlie that one time… (and also what he did to Angel, but you can't go letting people know you care or they start wanting to be friendly and ugh).
Husk takes Angel aside and hands him his contract, letting the sinner tear it to shreds himself. He admits not really having any idea what to do with Val’s whole… enterprise, but maybe Angel might be a far more compassionate captain at the wheel, if he wants a job.
If, and its a big if, the Vees do reform at some point… they were bound to their conquerors, and Husk would make damn sure Val never went near Angel or the others the fucker hurt, again.  Things would change.
Alastor was also revolted with his acquisitions… technologically based as they were. Disgusting.
Only Rosie was delighted, as she was a fashionista at heart and did quite the good trade in boutique attire on the regular… 
Still, they were dripping blood and gore on the rug, for which they were told off. Sternly.
Time to come to terms with it or whatevs.
Two overlords vouching for the hotel, the vees powered down and competent assistancts taking over the companies for their new bosses… etc.
Maybe something about finding out where the old overlords ended up, reintegrating by forcing them into the hotel or something.
Lucifer is horrified to find all of his ad searches and commercials are now parenting courses, and doesn’t find out why for weeks. “Are you a depressed monarch who couldn’t parent to save his daughter’s life? Well, give us a call today!” 
“Who the FUCK is making these ads?!”
“Hah, well Dad… funny story but-...”
the King loses. his. tiny. mind.
+fit in the post adam harm and broken cane somewhere.
Flesh out better.
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ki2rins · 6 hours ago
⟢ SUGARBOT - pjs
bonus #1 - the dinner interrogation
warnings : aphrodisiacs mentioned, italics are jay's thoughts
written wc : 592 words
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“so whos the special girl that caught your eye on sugarbot hmm?” jay’s eyes flickered up to look at jake in an instant. he has been waiting the whole day to spill his guts out about his special girl. that special someone has rocked his world instantly, bringing something sweet to his daily life other than just handling clients. 
“well to start off, shes called yn. twenty-two and a student at decelis college, so basically our junior?” 
heeseung sat his fork down, eyeing the man opposite him. “what sparked you about her then? havent seen you fancy a girl in years, seong.” 
what caught my eye about yn? 
shes pretty and cute, absolutely cute. well mannered and thoughtful. genuine and simple. not demanding or forceful. 
not a gold digger. thats for sure. 
“jay? hello?” sunghoon waved his hand as jay was spiraling into his own thoughts. 
“shes genuine and kind. its a sugardating platform but she has not once asked me for money, well other than the rent one. she didnt even ask but something just made me want to pamper her instantly. i even asked to fund her degree last night, but she didn-” 
jake nearly choked on his drink upon hearing jay’s words. before jay could even finish his sentence, he instantly cut him off. “wait! what did you just say?” heeseung and sunghoon looked at each other, both mouths agape and still processing the words that just came out of jay’s mouth. jay blinked and looked at his friends before speaking up. “whats wrong with funding someone’s degree? she seems to be struggling with rent and her studies too. i just want to take some weight off her shoulders so she can focus. its not like i cant afford it too. where else can i spend my money then?” 
“do you even know if shes like a legit human being and not some fake forty year old man being a girl?” 
“gosh! jay, are you out of your mind? you should be pumping that money into my salary instead!” 
“yn huh? is this her?” sunghoon said as he turned his phone screen to his friends, with yn’s X (or twitter) profile flashing brightly on it. 
jay grabbed sunghoon’s phone and instantly started to examine her profile. scrolling through her tweets and pictures, analyzing every detail with growing curiosity.
“woah, shes pretty. now i know why you are hooked on her.” heeseung said with a playful grin, glancing over at jay. jay glared at heeseung with jealousy. “cut it out, hee.” 
“you are so hooked, seong. her texts must have been laced with aphrodisiacs.” heeseung teased, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. jay shot him an annoyed look, his face turning slightly red. “youre being ridiculous.” he muttered, trying to brush it off, but the hint of a smile betrayed him. 
despite all the teasing, all three of them, especially jake, was glad that there was a special someone bringing some sweetness to jay’s life. it was rare to see him being so open, and him being so open with yn made all of them intrigued. though he’ll never admit it, they all noticed the subtle changes with jay’s behaviour ever since he got to know yn - which has only been two days. 
as they exchanged glances, it was clear they couldnt wait to see how this would play out. jay, the one who always kept his emotions in check, was slowly unraveling, and his friends were eager to see how far this new connection would go.
rin's yap: tbh this was more fitting for an actual chapter but i think its a lil too late to slot this in...but nonetheless, this is just a little something for the tech bros! taglist! : open! reply on this post and i'll add you to the taglist @kaykay11sworld @jvngw0nlvr @meowseong @enhaz1 @jakeswifez @nshmrarki @ice-dandan20 @ziiao @minawannabealone @enhamonsterghoul @d-dilemma @urmomdotcom5678 @starry-eyed-bimbo @r1kixss @jensyed @notab1tchwho @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @jooniesbears-blog @seongiewon @jayyvvhxss @younjo @siimplestar @suhwife @immprettywhenyoucry @machambrx @luvleyylina @maniluvzyou @ezekiel-bublz @lovingjongseong @in-somnias-world @strayy-kidz @xoaumin @wonnieluv @rairaiblog @dark-moon-light02 @ijustwannareadstuff20 @lelestarmy @trinxt @parkjjongswifey @liliansreality @letwiiparkjay @rodelalaland @melodiessvy @millis-diary @antisocialties @jayhoonvroom @nuki-riki @planetmarlowe @k9llgalner
© ki2rins 2025, please do not copy or plagiarise my work.
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chiropteracupola · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
do you ever wonder if your coworkers might be anteaters?
[today's foolery is brought to you, as is often the case, as a collaboration with @dxppercxdxver!]
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unityrain24 · 1 year ago
why... why am i just not good enough anymore? For the past few years, none of my art has won. For the past few years, I haven't had any friends. For the past few years, no one will actually give me an actual official diagnosis on a mental/physical problems. Is every facet of me not good enough? Am i just not good enough?
#unityrain.txt#i just... i don't understand#all the art i've submitted to things that didn't win... they weren't even bad things! i was really proud of them!#but i didnt win the art festival. i didn't win the nengajō competition (either level). i didn't even get in the top three of the jotun loki#design contest、which only had like 14 submissions.#given my streak i highly doubt i'll win the sonatina composition contest i entered either#with friends、i have none.#i used to have someone i was really really close with、but they left. And even though i've tried desperatly to make other friends、#no one seems interested#i do have some friendly acquaintances#but they don't seem to want anything more than that#i don't even fit in with my own family either#i'm very very lonely#with diagnosis、#my therapist (when i had one) said i definitely had anxiety depression and ocd、but that she couldn't actually diagnose me#also the general doctor i went to seemed to accept it and even offered medication that they don't usually give ppl my age#but if you actually look in my medical record it says nothing#and then i've had awful menstrual problems、and thought i probably had endometriosis、but when i went to the gynocologist#they said it wasn't that、but they didn't really seem to want to give me an actual specific diagnosis of whatever else it was either#they just said it was bad dysmenorrhea (medical term for cramps)、gave me a medication prescription、and then didn't put any diagnosis on my#record.#i just... why#vent#tw vent#vent in tags
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lycanthian · 1 year ago
you know how ppl are always like youre doing some cocomelon shit to me. that couldnt be me. youre doing some echo vn to me
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blackpearlblast · 1 year ago
you can give seven days of internet connection to someone in gaza for just 6 USD
gazaesims.com is a website dedicated to helping people donate esims for people in gaza. (for the ultimate guide to donating an esim, see http://tinyurl.com/gaza-esims) there are multiple options for where to purchase an esim to donate, for the price i listed you want to use nomad esims. you can get a $3 discount by using someone's referral code from the notes of this post. it also will give the referrer credit to buy more esims! (you can only use a referral code on your first purchase) @/fairuzfan also a tag for esim referral codes here, some of which are nomad. BACKPACKNOMAD is another code to get $3 off your first purchase, it's been working for some people but not others so try out a referral code instead if you can't get it to work. also it took over an hour for the email with my information to come through so don't panic if it doesn't show up right away. (logging back into your nomad account seems to have helped some people get their emails to send!) NOMADCNG is a code for 5% off any middle east region nomad esims from connecting gaza. it can be used on any purchase, not just your first but is generally going to give less off than the first-purchase only codes, so use those first. it can be used in combination with nomad points. AWESOME NEW CODE: nomad esim discount code for 75% off any plan, NOMADCS25 do not know how long it lasts but this is an amazing deal esp. since they are really low on esims right now! (nomad promo codes do not work on plans that are already on sale, unlimited plans, and plans under $5)
weekly tuesdays only code on nomad web, PST timezone! it gives 10% off plans 10gb and above. NOMADTUE
for the month of may, first time referrals give 25% off for a person's first purchase and 25% off the referrer's next purchase! it's a great time to use someone's referral code from the notes if you are a first time buyer.
troubleshooting hint 1: if you are trying to pay through paypal, make sure you have pop-ups enabled! otherwise the payment window won't be able to appear.
troubleshooting hint 2: if you are trying to purchase an esim using the provider's app, it may block you from purchasing if your phone does not fit the requirements to install and use their esims. use their website in your browser instead and this problem should go away.
edit as of 5/21/24: holafly (israel and egypt), nomad (regional middle east), simly (palestine and middle east), mogo (israel), and airalo (discover) are currently in the highest in demand. here is a purchase guide i made that covers all of the esim platforms, including these three platforms. if it has been more than 3 weeks since you initially sent your esim and your esim has not been activated, you can reforward your original email with the expiration date in the subject line. you can see gothhabiba’s guide for how to tell if your esims have been activated. if your esim has expired without use, you can contact customer service to renew or replace it.
79K notes · View notes
svgarseason · 11 days ago
𖹭 cw: suggestive, edgy, mdni
part one | two | three | four ‹soon›
Unfortunately for you, your big brother's friend sukuna can be surprisingly light on his feet for someone so large. It seems that startling the living hell out of you is his new favorite pasttime. And he's around all the time now. He shows up unannounced and lets himself in. When you ask Toji why he has a key, he just laughs and says, "He doesn't. He wants in. He gets in."
Okay? That's cryptic and annoying, but you'd rather feign indifference than ask questions. Why overcomplicate things?
Mostly, he just sneaks up behind you and shouts, "Hey, brat!" In his stupid, booming voice as he claps all four of his large hands down on your shoulders. You count it as a victory when you detect his smokey scent first and actually manage not to jump out of your skin. Although you still break out in goosebumps at his touch, he doesn't seem to notice, judging by the satisfying look of dissappointment on his face. Your satisfaction is short-lived, however.
The sound of the two men crashing through the front door in the wee hours of the next morning startles you awake. You flick the bedside lamp on just in time to see sukuna crash through your bedroom door. Of course, you scream and clutch the pink duvet to your bare chest. "Oops," he says, with a shit-eating grin. "Wrong room." Toji drags him out with some half-assed muttered apology about drinking too much. You're not so sure that's a pertinent excuse. The smug look he shoots you before the door slams shut seems pretty much par for the course, at this point.
Sadly, that was not the end of early morning encounters with the monster. Now he has you caged in against the counter, nearly breaking your back in an effort to lean away from him. Evidently, he had seen fit to creep up behind you and you between the kitchen counter and his mountain range of a body. And you wee only trying to steam milk for your latte. What the fuck is his problem, anyway? Can't a girl make her morning coffee in peace? Your protests remain lodged in your throat, however, along with your racing heart.
He's so large and so close you have no choice but to look at him, which, to your horror, still renders you temporarily speechless. Being so close to him reminds you a little of the first time you ever saw a tiger at the zoo. The animal was so unlike anything you had ever seen before, so deadly and beautiful, that you could hardly believe it was real. Could hardly believe that it was roaring and pacing close enough that you could reach out and sink your fingers into its thick coat if not for the bars. The bars kept you safe, then. What is keeping you safe, now?
It is unsettling, the way his upper set of eyes remain locked on yours while the lower set look down at the hand scalded by your spilt coffee. "What's the matter brat? Hurt yourself?" He mocks as you clutch the injured hand to your chest. You hardly notice that one of his hands has left the counter, but somehow you don't flinch when he lifts it to your cheek to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. "Did I scare you?"
The gentle gesture alongside his mocking words is so disconcerting that you remain a quivering-lipped mute as seconds crawl by at a snails pace. You wonder if the action was subconscious on his part. Seems the only viable explanation.
You don't find your voice again until Toji's breaks whatever hypnosis the monster has you under. "Let's go," he says, and, just like that, Sukuna pulls away and you are finally able to pull air into your lungs again. "Gonna be gone for a couple of days-" Toji begins, addressing you.
"Please tell me you're taking it with you," you interject, stabbing an index finger in Sukuna's direction.
"Yeah," he says. And sukuna gives you one last smug, spider-eyed glare before he disappears through the door.
You're so relieved that it doesn't occur to you how quickly a couple of days can pass. Or that, when they do, your brother might not be the first to return. Relieved, not only to be free of Sukuna's bullying for a time, but also because what you feel is not truly fear. It's more like awe, if you really had to put a name to it. But you make a point not to think about it too much, or at all if you can help it.
part one | two | three | four ‹soon›
taglist ‹ age in your bio to be added ›
@orikixx ; @scorpiosugar ; @just-lilita ; @shesabeeler
3K notes · View notes
theogonize · 1 year ago
so, nerdy loser college boy choso *sighs* *opens legs*
a/n: just so you know, this man is gonna make you do all the hard work for a piece of that loser boy dick 😮‍💨 so... um so at some point around 2000 words in i realised this is way more than a hc post :3 eat it up if you will!
nerdy!choso who borderline has no friends except his gaming buddies who doesnt meet irl like ever. he doesnt like going to classes, especially this one. he doesnt need it but it's a requirement for all first years. and boy is glad it is when he sees you come in.
nerdy!choso who only listens to discussions when you're talking. suddenly he needs to put down his headphones and nod at every word you're saying. his eyes follow every gesture of your hand, every sway of your ass, every single time you fix your hair.
nerdy!choso who is starting to get a bit enamored with you, your style, your way of speaking. he loses track of time gawking at you in class from the last benches as you prettily do all the work in the class. he hates how beautifully your hair falls on your face, how nicely your clothes fit you despite being pretty modest for college. he hates how he can see the silhouette of your tits when you turn to the side. but he's too much of a gentleman to keep looking.
nerdy!choso who ends a game early when he remembers you, lying and saying that he had promised someone to meet them somewhere. the place is his bathroom and the person was you. god, you really shouldn't wear those tight jeans to class y'know? how will he continue to be a gentleman if you do?
nerdy!choso who despises groupwork but prays to dear god this class has some reason to pair you two together. he's getting so desperate to talk to you knowing damn well he too pussy to do it on his own. and the lord answers his prayers, the teacher assigns groups of three for a presentation. it's you, him and some slacking trust fund baby.
nerdy!choso who is about to combust and have a full blown panic attack when he sees you approach him after class with that smile on your face that would make the angels swoon. you're going on about distributing the work equally and what not while he is trying his fucking hardest to not accidently make eye contact with you and piss his pants : (
nerdy!choso who now has your name, your number and your email and he feels like the happiest man on earth. his hands are literally shaking as he responds to your request to call. he's overthinking every word he types.
choso: yeah i can do wednesday. choso: i'll be okay with whatever day you want.
nerdy!choso who hops on video call and short circuits with a view of you in an oversized band tee and a brief view of your room. why did you have to be this pretty? why did you have to video call him when you couldve done the work on text? why did you have to put your hair up like that? why oh why did you have you say "choso? hey, you there?" so seductively to bring him back to the present?
nerdy!choso who gets like no work done in a 30 minute call which felt like three hours. he knew he would hardly be paying attention so decided to record the call with your consent, saying he'd need the notes you were typing out on screen only to play it back and stroke his dick to you for what might've have been the twentieth time this week. his strokes only getting faster as you say his name in that voice he imagines sounds way better moaning and screaming it instead.
nerdy!choso who, after the presentation, is on greeting terms with you when he sees you studying in the library. he sits as far away from you as he can while still being able to see you. occupying the coziest corner of the library to stare at you study right when you come up to him.
"can i join you, choso? i'm all alone and your space seems comfy" you say with a smile, "of course, i dont mean to disturb you, is saw you were on your own too, so..."
uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. god no. please no. please dont say yes. please dont be staring at her like some dumb idiot (too late) please.
"uh... yeah sure why not?" he awkwardly says as he makes room for you to keep your things. he was such an idiot for thinking he could say no to your pretty face in the first place.
nerdy!choso who is absolutely drunk on your scent. it feels way better than any alcohol he's ever had. he feels like an animal in heat when he smells your sugary perfume mixed with the styrofoam-y air conditioned smell of the library. you're gonna kill him, yknow? how is he supposed to respond to this? what is one to do when their stupid college crush sits next to them? he gives you a half smile before furiously typing away on reddit, the only place with answers for losers like him.
nerdy!choso whose hands. oh his hands. (can be i a big whore for a second?) his long hands that feel like they're the size of your face. his kempt, beautiful and trimmed nails. his lengthy fingers that seem to yearn for something more to foddle with than just the keyboard or controller. he typed as such an insane pace it made your pussy ache. he was going so fast, jesus. those hands were meant to do more than just ask "how to talk to girls" on reddit.
nerdy!choso who (on the advice of reddit) asks if you would want him to order something for you. you tell you had a frappuccino not too long ago and that it was quite sweet and filling. and he hates himself for thinking that he could give you something much sweeter and filling than that like a horny fourteen year old.
nerdy!choso who is now determined to not come off as a creep so he does his work with the focus of four adderalls. he is typing as fast as his heartbeat, not realising he got two classes worth of work done in just an hour. he looks over at you, blissfully unaware of the absolute war in his mind.
nerdy!choso who feels as though if he doesn't muster up the courage to ask you out right then and there, he'll probably be the biggest loser on the planet. (as if he wasn't already)
nerdy! pathetic! choso who stutters a million times and barely gets the job done then too. his eyes are scanning your entire being (trying his best to not gawk at your tits) for any sign of discomfort.
"so- uhh so ummm... wo-would you, like, uh... like to do this again? sometime?... i got a.. a lot of work done today, so.."
oh heavens, the sheer nervousness in his tone makes you want to pull his pants down and show him how to really get work done.
you agree with a smile, even suggesting a better, more ambient (more romantic) cafe to study in. choso's heart is about to burst and flood the fucking library with his blood the way it is beating at an alarming rate.
"umm yeah uh 5 sounds... awesome... i hope it isn't a-a bother to you?" "no way, choso. i loved today," you offer him a smile as you gather your things, "i really like your hair, by the way" "i like your hair too, y-y-you smell very nice", he gulps.
fuck. why did he say that? what? you smell nice? who says that? is he like ten? you can't help but giggle at the sheer embarassment on his face.
he feels as though he's gonna melt into a puddle and turn to stone and throw up all at the same time.
nerdy!choso who is the most stupidly hot guy you've ever met, you think as you go giggling back to your dorm. mental note: pick a skimpy outfit for 5pm ;)
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ambrosiagourmet · 1 year ago
I've been thinking about Laios' succubus lately. Mulling it over a bit.
Because I've seen these pages brought up a fair bit, but almost entirely in the context of shipping (on all sides, really). And I really want to understand what they are doing for the story beyond that.
When I went back to reread the scene and section, a few things caught my interest: the way Laios responds to both forms of his succubus, the themes of the volume the chapter is found in, and the other events of the chapter itself.
So let's dive into those three things, and what I think they say about the succubus scene's purpose.
Laios is never fully frozen by the succubus
So. If you compare Marcille and Chilchuck's reactions...
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to Laios':
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There is a difference. Sure, the basics may look the same once it turns into Scylla Marcille, but even then, it functions differently.
Chilchuck and Marcille are completely frozen once they catch sight of their succubus. Izutsumi, as well, isn't able to look away, and completely freezes up once her 'mom' starts talking to her. As Chilchuck describes, "just looking at them makes you unable to move."
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And yet, Scylla Marcille has to actively convince Laios to comply. He even looks away from her at one point!
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Laios accepts this succubus, but he is never actually helpless to it in the same way. Taken in? Convinced? Sure, at least enough to let things happen that he probably should question more than he does. But magically compelled? Not really. Not the same way as everyone else is. So that's interesting. But let's move on for now.
2. Volume 9 is all about drive and desire
I don't often look at chapters within the context of the volume they are included in, but I think there's some really fun things to be found with that perspective in mind.
For one, volume 9 starts with an exploration of what desire brought Laios to the dungeon:
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And ends with a question of what desire brought Laios to the dungeon:
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It's also very concerned in general with questions of why people do what they do. Why they are in the dungeon, why they are with the people they are with, why they stay, what they fight for.
In addition to Laios, we see it with Marcille...
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and Mithrun
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Hell, we even get it for the demon!
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It's certainly not the only volume concerned with desires and motives, but it is particularly focused on these ideas.
The succubus scene fits quite well into the ongoing question about desires, especially Laios' desires. It is even placed at an interesting spot within the volume. The volume is six chapters long, and the scene takes place at the start of the 4th chapter. It's almost smack-dab in the middle.
With all this in mind, it is interesting that, with both versions of the succubus Marcille, it's not totally clear which parts of her Laios is rejecting.
The first version of Marcille looks human, but Laios attacks when he identifies her as a monster. The second Marcille looks like a monster, but he seems to believe that she is the real (human)(ish) person that he knows. So is he rejecting the monster at first, and then accepting the person? Or is he rejecting humanity and only interested in the monstrous?
Something to consider as we look at the next point...
3. the rest of the chapter is a seduction, too
This is one of those things that might not be apparent on a first reading, but is crystal clear on a revisit. We see the succubus try and charm Laios over 7 pages, and then see the Winged Lion do the same thing for the next 19.
Much like the succubus, it offers the mingling of monsters and humans. Much like the succubus, it offers belonging.
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(and this is the point where I absolutely must also link this post by fumifooms on the succubus, which has some great ideas on how the scene is informed by Laios' trauma and desire for acceptance!!!)
But, back to the point. The Winged Lion wants to feed on Laios just as much as the succubus did, and it uses similar strategies to try and make that happen. Though this chapter isn't really the turning point for the next Lord of the Dungeon (it is Marcille who will, eventually, become the Lion's next victim), it certainly behaves like it is.
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Laios is convinced. The succubus gets its meal. By the end of the volume, the reader begins to understand how concerning his desires are. Together, it is all very good at building up that sense of dread and pending disaster, as we see exactly how and why Laios might just fall into the Lion's open arms and bring about the end of the world.
So that's the three things I noticed. But there's still something I want to touch on by looking at the way these observations overlap, and what they reveal, together.
As I said, by the end of the volume, you can feel the tension growing. Just as Kabru and Mithrun do, you look back for an answer to the questions that have been built, chapter by chapter: why is Laios here? Where will his loyalties fall? This chapter, and scene, seem to prove the inevitable truth: he will choose the monster, of course. He will choose the seductive, easy power of the Winged Lion.
But the details of what actually happens tell different story: one in which the Lion is wrong.
First, as a reminder - even in Scylla Marcille mode, the succubus never fully entrances Laios. It convinces him, but it doesn't have him completely under its thrall.
Similarly, in the dream, the Lion does convince Laios to embrace the world he is offering. But even within that dream, Laios continues to ask questions that will be vital to him later. It is because of those questions that Laios comes to a new understanding about Thistle.
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And it's this realization that he cites later as part of his reason for refusing the Lion's offer.
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He is thinking through things the entire time, just like he continues to question the succubus even after it turns into Scylla Marcille.
Laios also expresses an interesting reason for why he wants to see the future of this world. He's not just invested because it would mean people liking what he likes, or him getting to spend time with monsters. The thought that comes immediately before his acceptance is about what he wants for monsters and people.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that this statement - "we're living beings that share the same world, but all we can do is keep killing each other" - can apply to the various humans races just as much as it does to humans and monsters. The thing he is thinking about here isn't just a matter of his personal daydreams. It's an idea that underpins every conflict in the story.
Laios caring about how people as well as monsters in this manner is something that the Lion gets wrong every time. Even at the end, he still frames Laios' desires entirely around hating people and loving monsters.
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The Lion has heard him express an opinion about the future of the world! It happened right there in the dream, right in front of him! He just didn't take it seriously, and didn't view it through any lens other than "Laios likes monsters more".
He's convinced that he understands how to get to Laios. Maybe the Lion can't truly see everything, or maybe his vision into everyone's deepest desires has made it hard for him to realize how much choice still matters. That people can, and do, choose which desires to act on, and how to act on them.
Whatever the case, he's wrong about Laios, and the story shows us this over and over again.
After all, look at how the succubus interaction plays out:
A monster uses Marcille to appeal to Laios...
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He realizes that something about the situation is wrong, and rejects her.
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It changes strategies, and makes new offer: to turn him into a monster.
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It also assures him that his friends are, or will be, taken care of.
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He accepts. Or rather, allows the monster to have its way with him.
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But Laios is not as helpless as he initially appears, and what the Lion thinks is a successful seduction also contains the seed of an idea that will allow Laios to later resist him.
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We even get to see Izutsumi playing a similar role in both instances, as the one person fully able to take action in the face to the illusion.
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The story lays out what is going happen, and then explicitly tells us that the demon and the succubus are thematically related.
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The chapter performs a great sleight of hand here - everything about it seems to indicate that Laios is doomed give in to the option to have his deepest desires realized. But if you look closer, it also contains the evidence that he won't. There's a lot more going on for him.
Yes, he still falls for obvious tricks. He is still extremely into monsters, and he still doesn't feel like he fits in with other people. He may, deep down, crave to surrender to the monstrous - to let it absorb him. But he questions more than he seems to. He considers more than people realize. He cares so much more than anyone gives him credit for.
And I think this is part of why we see the succubus called back to so many times, especially with the wolf head addition to his Monster Form, which he specifically added due to his encounter with the Scylla Marcille.
This all stays with Laios. It doesn't just foreshadow the path of the story, it is fundamental to how and why he walks that path. It's not about him choosing monsters, and it's not about him choosing people. It's about how he considers both, and cares about both.
And it's about the forces that think they already know his answer. Mithrun and Kabru. The Winged Lion. The succubus.
It's about how they are wrong.
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6toru · 3 months ago
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synopsis. after many failed attempts of finding love, the end of your most recent relationship seemed to take the cake. just as you were about to believe that, maybe, romance was simply not in the works for you — fate had different plans, taking in the form of an app called heartchat.
pairing. gojo satoru x fem!reader genre. office au + s2l & smut cw. mature content (mdni), kinda fast-paced, phone sex, voice kink, public sex, rough sex, dirty talk / explicit language, pussy drunk!gojo, big dick!gojo, use of alcohol, annoying ex
wc. 14.6k
author's note. inspired by the manwha 'superstitious nine'! + another one of my top fav works ! enjoy & happy reading everyone <3
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Throughout your twenty seven years of living, it was fair to say that you had little to no luck with men, although it was something that you’ve long grown accustomed to, or at least, tried to. Usually, it would’ve been easy to shrug off your misfortunes by telling yourself that you’d only be saving yourself from further disappointment, but nowadays, it’s gotten harder to ignore the vexatious turmoil steadily building up within your chest while you watch all your friends, one by one, get their happy ending and starting their families with their first love. You’d only gotten into three relationships, however none of them turned out successful – your first one being in your last year of highschool and your second being in your first year of college – none of which lasted more than a few months and kiss on the lips was the furthest thing you’d gotten. However, if your first two relationships disappointed you, then your third one would be a complete understatement. 
Zen’in Naoya was a man of many facades, and you were a fool to believe that there’d be good in any of them. 
Zen’in Naoya, heir of the ZEN corporate, also known as the general manager of your silly office job, was popular amongst the ladies for his good looks and charisma. The mere mention of his name gave a sour taste on your tongue. If you could describe this man in one single word, it would be suffocating. Beneath that charismatic exterior of his was a serpent ready to pounce on his prey when it was the time he deemed as fit.
In your pathetic, desperate attempt to chase after the love that you yearned for, you believed that he loved you. You believed that he loved you despite keeping your relationship a secret, his excuse being that he couldn’t allow himself to be seen romantically with a commoner. You believed that he still loved you when he’d act as if you were invisible as he entertained the other female workers. You believed that he still loved you when he’d sneak jealous glances towards you while you spoke with your other male coworkers. You believed his sweet, empty lies and you always ate them all up as if they were candy. Being with him felt suffocating – the mere idea of being kept as his secret lover, his toy – it was too much for you to bear, wishing for something more with someone who’d easily toss you to the side after playing with your emotions. 
A damned fool, that’s what you were. If present you could smack past you, you would’ve and made sure that it left a warm, red print on it, too.
It was about time that you ended things with the Zen’in heir, after being involved with the snake for six months. If someone were to ask you why you hadn’t left earlier, you wouldn’t be able to tell them – not that anyone would ask anyways, your relationship with that man was something that you’d keep to your grave, entertaining him for half a year straight was already too humiliating to bear. 
You shook your head rapidly as if it could swat those inappropriate and intrusive thoughts away from your mind. ‘It’s wrong to be thinking about these damn things during your best friend’s wedding, get a grip of yourself!’ 
Your fingers danced around the empty wine glass, your other palm resting on the sides of your cheeks as your gaze surveyed the reception hall. The music was blaring and you could make out the sight of your best friend, Riko, having the best time of her life dancing with her newly wedded husband. You cracked a small smile at the sight. She looked absolutely beautiful in the gown, and she definitely shone the brightest in the room. She glanced over to you, smiling widely as she blew multiple kisses and hearts your way and you laughed at Riko's adorable burst of energy.
You returned your attention to your empty wine glass, silently contemplating whether or not you should get a third glass.
“Y/N, babe, what are you doing out here drinking alone?” Ren, one of the bridesmaids – and one of your childhood friends, chimed in. You jumped a little at her sudden appearance, and then you followed with a light giggle. “It’s been a while since I drank something, I was honestly craving for some wine.”
“Is it just cravings?” She questioned, leaning towards you with her palm propped against her cheek and she stared at you intently. “You usually don’t enjoy drinking alone when you’re bothered about something. You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
“Am I that easy to read?” You complained jokingly.
Ren rolled her eyes at your response before grinning. “Yes. Now spill.”
“I recently ended things with someone,” you said, keeping it fairly vague. “I just wish I did it sooner, you know? Instead of making a fool out of myself…”
Right after you said that, you could tell that she wanted to know who the mystery man was but she relented. For a minute she stayed silent, and it seemed like she was trying to formulate the right words in her brain and 50 different combinations. 
“He already sounds like a pretty shitty guy,” Ren muttered under her breath before glancing back up at you with curious eyes, “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what do you plan on doing next? Like, do you plan on being sad forever or…?”
“Being sad forever sounds good enough to me,” you joked, only to receive a light smack on the shoulder. 
“Bad!” Ren laughed before pausing once more. “Anyways, I was just about to ask you if you were okay with trying something new. I think it could, you know, be entertaining for you.”
“New? And what  do you mean entertaining—?”
“—Give me your phone, and I’ll show you!”
You were getting curious now. Raising a brow, you handed her your phone and she snatched it away from your grasp while cackling evilly. Minutes later, she handed you your phone and all that you could make out is a bright pink background and a heart in the middle. HeartChat, it reads. “What’s this supposed to be?” You questioned your friend.
“It’s something fun,” she replied, laughing giddily. “After work, when you get home, have some beer – and once you feel yourself getting drunk, use the app that I downloaded before you go to bed. Got it?”
“This looks a lot like tinder,” you remarked, not looking very convinced with your friend’s words. You weren’t the type to use dating apps, after all. 
“I promise you, you’ll be far more entertained.” Ren winked. 
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The blaring sound of your alarm resonated across the room, and you emitted a heavy, gruff sigh. Seven o’clock, it reads on your bright phone screen. You continued to stare at the screen for a couple more seconds, your body feeling lethargic and overall heavy from fatigue. You shouldn’t have left the reception so late. Groaning in disdain, you forced yourself up from the comfort of your bed and began your morning routine. It was around seven forty five when you finished, and with quick fingers, you grabbed your work ID, wallet and keys and shoved them into your bag before rushing outside your apartment. The walk to the nearest bus stop should take around four minutes, you thought to yourself. 
Myriads of thoughts slipped in your mind as you walked closer to your bus stop, ready to consume you whole. You hadn’t seen Naoya for a week already since the day you left him, and needless to say that week had been one of the most peaceful weeks you’ve ever had since stepping foot in that workplace. 
Sighing, you sat down on the bench and fixed the hem of your pencil skirt. Glancing at the time on your phone, seven-fifty, it read. The bus should be arriving very soon. 
It was eight-ten when you arrived at work, and you rushed across the building — making a beeline towards the elevator.
Just as the elevator was about to close, a hand peeks out through the gaps, thus the elevator opening and it took all your self-control to stop yourself from scowling. 
“It’s been a while,” Naoya walked in, feigning a smile. “It’s been a week, Mr. Zen’in.” you returned the smile. 
The elevator closes, leaving you confined with the man you desperately wanted to avoid. He turns his head slightly to face you, his eyes boring into yours. There was an uncomfortable tension lingering in the thick air. It seemed like he had many things to say to you but he relented, and you’d rather he keep it that way.
You looked away from the man, grabbing your phone in your bag. You pretended to scroll through your phone to pass the time. 
After what it seemed like an eternity, the door to your floor opened and you rushed to your desk.
 The Zen’in heir followed suit, heading towards his office. You could hear the whispers from your colleagues, theorizing as to where he might’ve gone in the previous week. You continued to set up your desk. You could honestly care less about the man’s business, though. 
The rest of the morning was spent with you answering phone calls, typing, printing out papers, organizing files – the usual, might you add. Occasionally you’d stare at Ren’s empty desk and silently make wishes that she’d just appear – you already knew that she was probably having the time of her life sleeping in on her day off. 
It was already time for your lunch break, if it weren’t for your two coworkers practically dragging you out of your desk you would’ve actually continued working until evening. 
“Y/N, you gonna join us for dinner and drinks next weekend?” Your coworker, Haruto, questioned. You chewed on your lunch silently, thinking of an answer while he and Hirumi.  waited with an eager expression. “I’m down,” you replied before teasing your friend, “is it going to be on you?”
“You wish,” Haruto rolled his eyes before taking a bite out of the onigiri he bought from the cafeteria, “boss said that everything’s going to be on him.”
You paused briefly. “That’s a first.”
“Right? This is the first time he’s actually gone out to join us for dinner. All it took was for Emi to invite him and he actually agreed.” Himari added. 
A part of you wanted to turn around and tell them that you had plans, but a part of you already knew that there really was no point avoiding Zen’in Naoya. He was your boss after all, and as long as he didn’t give you a hard time at work, you were content. You were sure that even after you ended your questionable relationship with him, he’d still act indifferent. It was already a given that his status and reputation were the two most important things to him, so you convinced yourself that acting as if nothing had happened was the best possible solution.
“Hi,” a sudden voice caught your attention and you quickly glanced up from your meal to meet gazes with Emi, your new colleague. You remembered when she was first introduced, she was immediately loved by everyone due to her kind and bubbly nature despite the young woman being a little clumsy at her job. She appeared shy in front of your presence and she gave you a soft smile. “Can I join you guys?”
“Yes, yes! Come sit with us!” Haruto replied, almost immediately and almost too enthusiastically. Emi took a seat next to him and she exchanged polite greetings with everyone. 
“Emi, just curious, how did you manage to bring Mr. Zen’in along? This is actually the first time he’s ever agreed to come join us for dinner and drinks.” Himari asked almost immediately and Emi’s cheeks were flushed a pale pink, surprised at her sudden question. You almost felt bad for Emi, watching her immediately getting put on the spot by your friend. Himari had always been the curious and nosy type, always needing some fresh gossip or anything to satiate her curiosity. 
“I didn’t know about that,” she replied, laughing shyly before locking eyes with yours. “When I asked him while we were getting coffee, he agreed immediately. But now that Himari told me that, I’m just as surprised.”
“Also,” Emi said, “Y/N, are you going to come too?”
You nodded your head in response while you took a small sip from your water bottle. 
“That’s great!” She clasped her hands together. “This would be both Y/N and Mr. Zen'in’s first time joining for dinner and drinks, then!”
You raised a brow at this. The way she put so much emphasis on you and your boss seemed a little uncanny – and you weren’t going to ignore the way she looked at you when she talked about him, either. You waved it off, though. Perhaps you were overthinking things and still felt somewhat cautious around the topic of your ex — if it was even right to be considered one, as embarrassing as that sounded.
After all, she was the flower of the office. 
“Yeah, our Y/N’s been too much of a hard worker.” Haruto added before turning over to you, too. “I’m even surprised that you agreed. Imagine if you didn’t go – that would’ve been the third time this year.” 
“She is someone that I look up to a lot,” Emi said briefly, giving you a soft smile. Not long after, she excused herself from the table. You silently watched her figure disappear the farther she walked. You glanced at the time on your phone and you sighed softly, you were going to have to return soon. 
It was nearing seven in the evening when you arrived back at your apartment, immediately plopping down onto your couch and grabbing your phone. For several minutes, you boredly scrolled through your phone before you suddenly remembered what Ren had told you last night: “After work, when you get home, have some beer – and once you feel yourself getting drunk, use the app that I downloaded before you go to bed. Got it?”
After changing into your pajamas and bringing your can of beer with some pork cutlet along with some dessert, you plopped back down on the couch. Opening the app on the phone, you raised your brows at your phone being bombarded with pink hearts before revealing the introduction page.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ WELCOME TO HEARTCHAT ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚  if you're looking for a little bit of spice, you have come to the right place!  before proceeding with the app, please confirm your age and date of birth: [date] / [month] / [year]
You followed the instructions, and surprisingly, that was all it took for you finish making your profile — if it was even considered to be one. There was no name, no profile picture, or no biography asked. "Interesting," you muttered to yourself as you explored the app.
Not even a minute later, your phone pinged.
M 0524454: you married? proceed to chatroom? yes | no
Not even a hello? You decided to ignore the message, taking another sip out of the beer can. You turned the television on, watching a drama that Hirumi once recommended you while you ate your pork cutlet bowl. It wasn't until nearly twenty minutes that you received another text, and this time you could only stare at your screen in pure confusion and disbelief.
M 0497205: ntmy, hoay proceed to chat room? yes | no
"What the hell do those even mean?" You mumbled to yourself, staring at the screen with heavy eyelids as you declined the person's request. Looking at all those abbreviations were about to give you one hell of a headache, combined with the beer.
M 0529485: age? proceed to chatroom? yes | no
"Entertaining, my ass." You muttered as you pressed your cool palms against your flushed cheeks, swiftly declining the person's request to chat. At this point, you were beginning to question why Ren downloaded this app on your phone in the first place. There was nothing entertaining except for the confusing text abbreviations appearing on the screen.
Just as you were about to close the app and call it a night, your phone pinged once more.
M 0337411: Hello. proceed to chatroom? yes | no
'Finally, someone normal." You thought to yourself, your finger hovering over the 'yes' option. 'If this person's not any good, I'll delete the app.'
F 0236113: Hello. M 0337411: Have you eaten dinner, yet?
'Oh, he's polite too!' You grinned, and you got yourself more comfortable on the couch -- laying on your stomach as your feet dangled in the air. You took a bite out of your kikufuku, munching happily as you texted the stranger.
F 0236113: I just had some pork cutlet. What about you? M 0337411: That's funny. I also had pork cutlet for dinner. M 0337411: I'm eating kikufuku right now for dessert. F 0236113: No way. That's crazy because I'm also eating kikufuku. M 0337411: Imagine if we have the same flavour too F 0236113: Okay in three seconds we'll tell each other the flavour of our kikufuku F 0236113: Zunda and cream  M 0337411: Zunda and cream M 0337411: It appears we have something in common.
You giggled a little, feeling your cheeks flush even more, unknowing if it was from the beer or from the excitement of clicking so quickly with a stranger -- or both. 
F 0236113: Can I ask you something then? F 0236113: Which do you prefer: shoyu or tonkotsu ramen? M 0337411: Tonkotsu. F 0236113: I prefer tonkotsu, too. F 0236113: I promise i'm not copying you. M 0337411: Let me make sure. M 0337411: Do you like dorayaki or warabi mochi? F 0236113: Warabi mochi. Especially with the syrup! M 0337411: Ah, me too. The syrup makes everything better. M 0337411: I wasn't trying to copy you either. F 0236113: Would you consider yourself to be a sweets type of person? M 0337411: I'd consider myself one, yes. I mostly eat sweets because they stimulate my brain.  F 0236113: I think sweets also gives me the same effects.  M 0337411: You sure you're not copying me this time? F 0236113: I'm not!!  M 0337411: Hard boiled egg or soft boiled egg? F 0236113: Soft boiled  M 0337411: Soft boiled F 0236113: Hot soba vs cold soba? M 0337411: Cold F 0236113: Cold!
You kicked your legs in the air, giggling. Who could've expected that you'd have so many things in common with a stranger. You continued to text the stranger for what it seemed like an hour, or two. Any remnants of fatigue from work had evaporated like water.
F 0236113: What else do you like?  M 0337411: Can I say something a little strange then?  F 0236113: Sure, what is it?
The stranger didn't text right away, this time. It was silent on your end for almost two minutes. You were about to open your second can of beer until you heard your phone ping.
M 0337411: I like phone sex.  M 0337411: Do you want to try having phone sex with me?
You almost choked on your spit, staring at the screen with wide eyes. If your cheeks had gotten any more hotter, it definitely wouldn't have been caused by the beer at all. Phone sex. Has this man gone mad? Your stomach churned a little and you felt your heart rate steadily increasing. You could only stare at his response, completely flabbergasted.  Was this was Ren meant by entertaining?
F 0236113: Sure, why not?
However, it wasn't like you hated it. You were unsure if the main source of your arousal was from the beer or simply from the excitement you felt towards engaging in such acts with a man whose face you've never seen — let alone know their name. Nevertheless, you didn't want to miss this chance.
His response was almost immediate, your phone ringing against the oak table — the sound of the app's ringtone playing repeatedly as you slowly brought your phone to your ear and pressed 'answer'.
"Hello?" A deep, baritone voice filled the silence and you swore if your cheeks weren't burning hot before — they definitely were now. His voice was definitely your type.
"H-Hello," you stammered, an immediate wave of shyness hitting you.
"Your voice," he began, "were you drinking?"
"How did you know?" You questioned him. Was it that obvious?
"You're stalling your words a little bit.” He commented before, a soft laugh leaving his lips soon after.
Stop. Even his laugh is sexy.
“I-Is that so?”
“Yeah,” he replied, “your voice sounds really good. It’s cute, too.”
'It's cute, too'
You felt your body heat up even more. Something about his voice made you feel like melting in a pool of your own heat — perhaps it was the way he drags his voice, or perhaps it was because of how deep his voice is, or perhaps it was the way he sounded like he came out of a porno or drama CD — and as much as you hated to admit it, it was so obvious that this stranger had reduced you into a horny and nervous mess.
"I like your voice too," you confessed.
"Oh? Is that right?"
You could hear the man chuckle a little before speaking again, "You'll hear much more of it very soon."
You blushed even more at his words. Was this man teasing you?
“Then, where are you right now?” He questioned. 
“Um, I’m on my couch right now in the living room.” You replied back to the man.
“The couch is pretty boring, don’t you think?”
“What makes you say that? I personally think it’s pretty comfy.”
"I do too, but the space's pretty narrow for you to be thrashing around while I fuck you, no?”
“T-that’s true,” you stammer out. You were really going to melt right there and then.
“Let’s move to the bed, then.”
The moment you stood up from your couch, you thought you were going to fall right back down. You could practically hear your heart beating through your ears, growing louder and louder, as you neared the bedroom.
"Are you nervous?" The man questioned you, the timbre in his voice sent shivers down your spine.
"Just a little bit," you confessed, "I've never done this before."
"It'll be okay. Just give me the red light, and we'll stop. Sounds good?"
You hummed in response as you entered your room and plopped down your bed.
"I'm guessing you're on the bed now."
"Hm, that's right."
Your ears flushed red when you heard the man’s breath hitch in his throat.
“Well then, want to take your pants off?”
“Actually,” you giggle, “I’m not wearing pants right now.”
“Haah, fuck.” The man groaned from the opposite line. “You’re doing this on purpose, huh?”
“Why won’t you strip out of your shirt then, princess? Do it nice and slow for me.”
You placed your phone down on the nightstand, and you followed the man’s instructions; slow hands the hem of your shirt before you pulled it over your head — you were practically naked now, all that was left were your panties.
“Good girl,” he praised, his voice breathless.
“It’s your turn,” you said breathlessly, “to take off your shirt.”
“As you wish.”
You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and pressed it against your ear, you could faintly hear the man unbuttoning his shirt before it dropped down to the ground, and lewd thoughts immediately came rushing into your mind, the heat pooling between your legs becoming even more unbearable.
“Anything else you want me to do?”
“Take off your pants,” you ordered, your voice quiet.
You could hear shuffling on the other end once more, your imagination running wild as the sounds of the belt unbuckling and dropping to the floor resonated in your ear as if it was a mild echo. He must be tall, judging from how long it took off his clothes. You closed your eyes, imagining that you were there with him, watching as he stripped out of his clothes in front of you.
“I’m all naked now,” the man finally said.
A soft moan slipped past your lips almost immediately after he uttered those words, your hips involuntary bucked against the mattress.
“Does my voice turn you on?” He questions you in a teasing tone, but it was evident that he was just as affected as you were.
“Yeah,” you admitted bashfully, your voice breathless.
“Your voice is a huge turn on for me too,” said the man, “turns me on so much that I wanted to things like this the moment I heard your voice.”
How could he sound so composed? You attempted to stifle a small whine — his voice and your imaginations were driving your senses wild. Despite being all alone in your bedroom, you swore that you could feel strong hands trailing their way down your body, travelling lower and lower.
“Now then,” he began, “put your hand in your panties and softly rub your clit for me.”
With shaking hands, you followed his commands in concupiscent obedience, slipping your right hand into your panties and rubbing the sensitive bud with your pointer and middle finger.
“Mhhm, aah.”  You were already breathless, despite it merely being the beginning. You could hear the faint noises of the male jerking off in the other line, his soft groans were music to your ears.
“I need more,” you panted, “I wan’ more.”
“Take off your panties, then, and continue rubbing that pretty pussy of yours with more pressure.”
The speed you took your panties off was almost embarrassing, knowing that a stranger — whose name and whose face you’ve never seen before — managed to reduce you into a desperate mess with just his voice. Plopping your back down on the bed, you spread your legs wide as your hand slowly returned to the sensitive bud.
Your soft moans of wanton filled the room, only getting louder from hearing the man groan. You imagined him on top of you, his breath hot in your ear — as he rubs your clit greedily with his large hands. You could feel your body growing lighter the more you continued with the assault on your clit. The pressure in your abdomen continued to build up, and your moans were raising in volume — sounding more lewder. You were getting closer to your orgasm, the sounds of the stranger playing with his cock along with his soft groans were itching you closer and closer to your release.
“I-I’m so close,” you let out a small whimper, bucking your hips desperately against your hand.
“Put your two fingers in,” the stranger said, almost in a pleading tone, “make yourself come like that, sweet girl. Imagine it’s me stretching that tiny hole of yours.”
You complied, inserting two fingers into your sopping wet cunt, sucking them in almost immediately. The wet sound of your pussy taking your fingers in made the man moan almost immediately.
“Fuck, you’re so wet. Is that all for me, huh?”
You could only moan in response, your hips thrusting into your hands, trying to reach deeper.
“Go faster.”
You listened to him and you picked up the pace, the pressure building up in your abdomen steadily increasing the closer you got to your orgasm. The sounds of your sopping cunt filled the room, together with the sounds of your needy moans and whimpers as you went faster and faster. In your pornographic imagination, his large fingers replaced yours — toying with your hole as his other hand played with your nipple. “Mhhm,” you arched your back, “I’m so so close, please—Ah!”
“Keep going princess, and don’t you dare stop.”
As if his words had cast a spell on you, your pace increased and your moans gotten even louder. Your imagination getting more and more vivid by the second.
"I'm cumming -- I'm cumming!" you babbled out, crying out in a desperate moan as you arched your back, letting your orgasm wash over you.
“You’re such a good fucking girl,” the man groaned out, and you replied with a soft laugh through your heavy breathing.
“I’m so close,” he spoke through heavy breaths, “get on your knees and raise your ass up for me.”
You followed his words, adjusting your position on the soft mattress so that your chest was pressed against the mattress and your ass high up in the air. You could feel warm hands travelling down your back and up to your breast -- Fuck, you were sensitive all over.
"Oh, how I'd love to fuck you like this." He said, chuckling lowly as he breathed heavily. "Make yourself cum for me, again. Think about my cock fucking your pussy."
You moan at his lewd words, your hips bucking up as you entered your two fingers back into your sopping hole. Your fingers weren't enough to stretch you out. You wanted more. You needed more. Your hips thrusted back against your fingers, hungry for more friction. Scenarios of the stranger fucking you played in your mind like it was a porno movie, you could imagine his nails gripping into your hips, his cock reducing you into a dumb mess.
"Ahh-- Fuckk.. By the way you're moaning right now, I can tell that you're close to coming. I-I'm getting close too -- Ah. Let's cum together. Tell me when you're cumming, please."
There was a certain strain in the stranger’s voice as his pace on his cock quickened, his voice breathy and low as he muttered a jumble of praises. At this point, you felt yourself growing even more lightheaded while another moan leaves your drooling lips.
“I’m gonna cum,” you told the man in a breathless whimper, and you could hear the sound of fapping quickening in response to your words.
“Cum for me.”
And just like that, your mind went completely blank as you came in your hand. A muffled moan escaped your lips, your face pressed into the pillows.
The man lets out the most sexiest moan soon after, almost whimpering as he rode out his orgasm.
There was a minute of silence between you both, shaky breaths filling the room as you both attempted to control it. You rolled onto your back, staring at your hand which was drenched in your juices.
“How do you feel?” He later broke the silence, and you let out a soft laugh. “Really good,” you told him, “I enjoyed it a lot.”
“That’s good, I really liked it too.”
“You know,” you began, “you talk super differently on call compared to how you text.”
“Oh? You don’t like it? I thought you liked it.”
“I-I never said I didn’t like it!” You retorted. “It was just an honest observation.”
“Anyway,” you continued, “I’ve got to go now, it’s getting late now and I have work tomorrow…”
“Alright then,” replied the man, “but can we call again?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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It was a new day with same, old, usual routine. Groggily getting up from your bed as the sounds of the alarm blaring from your phone resonates athwart your bedroom. As if your body was set into auto-pilot, the rest of the early morning spent preparing for work turned into a blur, and it wasn't until now--while commuting to work--that you could feel your phone vibrating in your hand.
M 0337411: Good morning. Did you sleep well?
Memories from last night suddenly came rushing in, and you never wanted anything more than to crawl into a hole and stay there, and rot for the rest of eternity. A warm incarnadine flush returns to your cheeks as you recollect the events that passed, the sheer embarrassment washing over you; the images of you -- evidently drunk, horny, and naked on your bed--engaging with such dirty acts with a stranger over the phone. A stranger.
It took almost everything in you to not scream in embarrassment in the bus, your palms lightly smacking your cheeks in hopes you'd cool off the heat in your cheeks. You were for sure going to melt.
Moments later, you found yourself staring at the tall glass building before you in a complete daze. All of a sudden, you didn’t really feel the need to work.
The rest of the morning was spent with staring mindlessly at the computer screen, restless fingers tapping on your desk. The computer was taking its sweet time connecting to the office printer, the ‘retry’ window popping up for the three tries you had attempted. Sighing softly, you slumped your back against your seat as you turned over to Ren, who busied herself with (discretely) playing solitaire on the computer.
Silently, you wondered how she’d react if you told her what had happened last night.
You switched your gaze back to your stubborn computer, eyes glaring into the bright screen — daring it to try defying you, one more time. With focused eyes, you watch as your computer slowly connects with the printer; silently praying that a ‘retry’ window wouldn’t appear this time.
Printer connected. 1 out 8 documents printing…
You clicked your tongue, the corners of your lips curling up into a small triumphant grin. It was about damn time. The weight on the plush of the chair was lifted once you stood up from your desk, adjusting the hem of your skirt as you made your way to the printer athwart the office. You lean your back slightly against the table, and you open your phone to pass time.
F 0236113: Good morning. I’m sorry I didn’t reply right away, I was caught up with work. How are you now? M 0337411: I'm so sleepy. I can't stop thinking about last night.  F 0236113: Last night? M 0337411: Don't tell me you forgot... You're despicable
You attempt to stifle a giggle at the man's texts, your hand covering your mouth in an effort (though, it was in vain) to hide the huge grin growing on your face. You knew very well about stranger danger, but for some odd reason, whenever you open your phone, you always —somehow— get gravitated towards him. Of course, you had your cautions, but if you told Ren that this app wasn't at the least amusing, you'd certainly be a whole ass liar.
F 0236113: I'm kidding. How can I ever forget that? M 0337411: Of course you can't. Care to remind me who said that my voice turned her on last night?  F 0236113: ...Who's the despicable one, now? M 0337411: You're not denying it.
Shaking your head in amusement, you stuffed your phone back inside the pocket of your blazer and you grabbed the finished documents out of the machine, and organizing the sheets of paper with one hand while reaching out for the nearest stapler in the other. As much as you were enjoying your silence, it wasn't long before it had to be interrupted. In your peripheral vision, you could make out someone's hand placing a cup of coffee on the table, and your gaze snapped over to a familiar blond male — his sharp eyes making it much easier to identify the man. You held yourself back from rolling your eyes, and you feigned a smile towards your boss.
"You've been working extra hard these days, Y/N." said Naoya. "Here, I got you one of your favourites."
"Thank you, Mr. Zen'in." You thanked the male as you grabbed the cup, it was your one of your favourites — one that he'd always get you back when you used to be together. "I was just about to hand you these documents."
You handed your boss the finished documents, ready to excuse yourself back to your desk.
"Hold on," Naoya said, "we still have some things to discuss."
What’s even there to discuss? You scoffed in your mind. Beyond a doubt, there was the slightest bit of hesitance into making your decision — however, you were more curious than you were cautious or nervous at this point.
"Okay," you said, smiling softly at the man. "What is it that you want to talk about, hm?"
Your soft words were laced with some form of venom, your eyes staring at the man expectantly.
"We can talk about it in my office," said Naoya before muttering, "follow me."
You followed Naoya compliantly, however, you couldn't ignore the unbearable tension filling the air between the both of you.  To be completely honest, you were beginning to regret even agreeing to follow him. Even if he had many things to discuss with you, what exactly could you reply to him with? Should you just stare at him and smile? Whilst rehearsing lines of excuses in your mind, you found yourself in his office, already seated on the sofa across from him.
"You moved on quite quickly," was the first thing Naoya uttered, breaking the awkward silence that had befallen you. "You already talking to someone new?"
"I honestly thought that our conversation would be work-related, was my judgement wrong? Besides, whether or not I moved on shouldn't be a concern to you." You replied, your usual (fake) soft tone now replaced with a certain sternness.
Naoya clicked his tongue, crossing his arms. The usual friendly, charismatic facade that he had always kept on eventually melted off -- his imperturable expression now plastered across his face. He raised an eyebrow towards you, his gaze locked onto yours with such intensity — at first glance, anyone could've easily mistaken it as some ardent desire.
"Is there anything else that you want to tell me?" You questioned him. "If not, I can just leave."
"You know, many days were spent with me wondering what went wrong between us to make you leave." He said before standing up from his couch, inching his way towards you. This ignorant fool. How could he act so stupid, unknowing of what caused the downfall of your relationship. He lowered himself, his eyes meeting your evidently vexed gaze.
"I missed you," he confessed, and you lightly scoffed at his words.
"Naoya," you said his name, your voice harsh, "everything was what went wrong in this relationship. You're my boss. There was no hope for the both of us -- I was practically invisible to you unless you needed something from me. Tell me this, Naoya, do you really mean it when you say you miss me? Or do you miss the woman that was easily wrapped around your finger?"
Naoya stared at you, shocked at your words before his lips curled up into a small smirk. A small chuckle left his lips, laced with contempt. “Now, what are you trying to say, Y/N?”
“What I’m saying is, Mr. Zen’in, don’t spout shit you obviously don’t mean. Besides, it appears to me that someone new caught your eye. Emi, was it?”
The mention of Emi was genuinely impulsive on your part, but you obviously had your suspicions with how easily he’d get swayed by her, and how fixated she was on the mere topic of the Zen’in heir, as well as how you noticed how close they’d been getting prior to the breakup — but his reaction told you everything you needed to know and you chuckled quietly.
Naoya’s facial expressions dropped, it was almost cold. You knew all too well that this man had a knack for control, but that gave you even more of a reason to not waver underneath his cold gaze. You knew, coming into his office, that you were going to have to play quite a difficult game with this man. You had already grown a skin of steel (at least you hope you did) from the constant gaslighting you had to endure from him.
"Y/N," he said your name sternly, "what the hell are you even saying right now? That doesn't make any sense—"
"—I have nothing left to say towards you, Mr. Zen'in." You said while smiling apathetically at the blond male, who seemed visibly displeased at your words. "Were you not even curious as to where I might've went this past week?"
No, not really. Over the course of time chasing after this man's love and affection, you soon realized that trying to save a relationship with a man who wouldn't even bother with you was straight up pointless. Over the course of time chasing after this man's love and affection, you realized that you no longer wanted to be concerned with him.
You heaved a sigh, shaking your head as you stood up from the sofa, making your way towards the door.
"I'll take my leave now, talking about this will only bring us nowhere. I suggest we continue acting like nothing happened between us — work will be easier for us that way.”
The Zen'in heir opened his mouth to retort, but no words could come out of his throat. He was a man who had grown accustomed to getting things his way throughout his twenty seven years of living, and to say that a mere employee could cast such an effect on him--there were many phrases that were forming in his mind, but he relented, once again.
Once again, he watched your figure getting farther away from the sofa, your hand reaching out of the door.
There was no way in hell that you’d allow to cross paths with him, or any man like him. Your relationship with him was awfully hot and cold — one day, he’d invite you to a hotel room under a false name, and shower you in his so called ‘love’, and the next day he’d treat you like you had never existed, flirting with all the other women who worked higher up in the hierarchy all the whilst giving you false reassurances. However, you knew far too well that your status could never satiate the man’s hunger for climbing up in the social ladder. All the fake love he gave you, and all the time and energy wasted on him — no matter what he chose to do next, for sure wouldn’t affect you.
You attempted to hide your shaky breaths. You had bursted out like that — not only towards your ex-boyfriend, but your boss. With slightly trembling hands, you twist the knob open, ready to dart out of the office and make a beeline towards the exit.
The door swung open, and rather than leaving immediately, you found yourself frozen in the doorway as you stare into bright, cerulean eyes with your watery ones.
"Oh? Am I interrupting something?"
Your eyes widened. That voice — his voice. Perhaps you were just overthinking, but it sounded all too familiar. No, you had to be overthinking. His ivory locks framed his pale face, his business formal attire adorning his tall, lean frame — his features, in general, were a literal godsend. He appeared incredibly rich and powerful, much like your boss, the Zen'in Naoya — if not, maybe even more. You mentally smacked yourself, how could you possibly make such baseless assumptions towards a man you had just seen.
"Gojo Satoru," Naoya said, his voice laced with obvious annoyance. "You should've texted me that you were arriving earlier than usual.”
Almost immediately, you moved out of the way, sending the tall man a small smile of acknowledgement as he entered the room. The white-haired male leaned against the wall beside you, rather than getting himself comfortable on the exorbitant-priced furniture.
“Sorry, sorry,” the man whose name was Satoru apologized weakly; his tone almost apathetic, “my flight arrived way earlier, and I was bored, so why not pass some time?”
The blond male tutted in response, shaking his head towards Satoru before darting his gaze over to you, whom in which made a discrete attempt to escape his office. “L/N,” Naoya called out your last name, his lips curled into a grin, “do you have time to show Gojo around the building?”
It was evident that Naoya wanted nothing to do with his guest, it was all plastered across his face.
Why couldn’t he do it himself? Why couldn't he call his secretary himself? You pondered to yourself as you returned the plastic smile, hoping that Naoya could see the vein that popped on your temple. You weren't in the mood to retaliate any longer, though. If this meant that you could leave his office, then it was fine.
"Yeah, of course." You switched your attention to the taller male, "Is there anywhere in the building that you haven’t seen yet?”
Gojo stared at you, almost surprised, for a moment before grinning. There was something in his gaze that made you want to shrivel up into a ball. As much as you wished to deny these intrusive thoughts that were lingering in the back of your mind, there was simply no way that he could be the stranger that you spoke to. However, the way he spoke — his pronunciation, his tone, the way he dragged his words, his voice — it was all too similar.
“Let’s get out of this office first, and then I’ll tell you.” Gojo said, smirking before shifting his gaze towards the glaring Zen’in.
The walk down the hallway was dreadfully silent. For a man like him who was verbose from the past minute, he was almost silent as you both headed for the elevator. “Mr. Gojo,” you said, breaking the silence, “is this your first time in the building?”
“Yeah,” he replied almost immediately, as if he had been waiting for you to speak. “By the way, your name is L/N…?”
“Y/N,” you finished, your pointer finger pressed firmly against the ‘up’ button. Then started the waiting game.
“Oh, Y/N.” Gojo repeated your name, his lips curling up into a small grin. “You know, you sound awfully familiar for someone that I’ve just met.”
“That’s interesting,” you said, your voice suddenly going quiet underneath his cerulean gaze. This awkwardness and tension lingering in the air was going to be the cause of your demise, you swore to yourself.
“Ahem—I suppose you don’t know where the meeting will be held later,” you said quickly, your voice getting higher in pitch, “there’s this huge conference room on the tenth floor, I’ll lead you to it.”
“No need to be so tense,” Gojo laughed, “I promise I don’t bite. So, speak normally with me, like how you would with a friend.”
You bit the inside of your cheek at his words, if someone found you speaking informally to someone as high up in the business hierarchy such as him, they would definitely get the wrong idea, and the possibilities of rumours spreading in the office were high. Rumours were always a pain in the ass to deal with, so you really didn’t want to risk it.
“I still have to be careful, Mr. Gojo.” You smiled at the male. “It wouldn’t be a good look for me if I’m seen being informal towards you inside the building.”
“Will you be less tense with me if we talk outside the building, then?”
“I-I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, Mr. Gojo.”
The ding! coming from the elevator instantly broke you out of your thoughts, rushing into the empty space while uttering a quiet, “Come in,” towards the business man.
You stood across from Gojo, your eyes darting across the space — looking at anything, just anything besides him. You crossed your arms close to your chest, almost as if it could give you extra warmth aside from your blazer. Despite after crossing paths with him, you could already tell that Gojo Satoru was an unpredictable man. It was killing you.
You snapped your gaze towards the little screen above the sliding door, watching as the number slowly increased while the elevator lifted higher and higher. Six more floors to go.
“Sorry, I hope you don’t mind me making a phone call.” Gojo said in a singsang tone, his large hand pulling out his phone out of the pocket of his trousers.
“Go ahead,” you muttered out, sparing the man a quick smile before your attention returned to the screen above the elevator door. Three more floors to go.
Just as you were about to relax, closing your eyes while waiting for the elevator to reach the tenth floor — you felt your phone violently vibrate inside your pocket, and shortly after, the HeartChat app ringtone echoed in the silent space. You felt your sweat run cold, rushing to get your phone out. Glancing up at the white haired male, you realized he had been staring at you the whole time with the phone in his hand, amused.
M 0337411 is calling… [accept | decline ]
All those intrusive thoughts that you tried so hard to ignore were right, after all.
You were simply going to die of embarrassment.
“What a coincidence. So, I was right after all. As soon as I heard your cute voice I automatically knew it was you.”
Everything was literally thrown at you today—first, having to deal with your ex (who wasn’t aware in the slightest clue with what he did wrong) and second, being put into the corner of the elevator with Gojo Satoru, as known as the stranger you had phone sex with. You didn’t have a mirror with you to know what kind of expression you were making in that moment, but you for sure felt an overwhelming surge of mortification.
Out of all days, it had to be the day after — especially when the memories of the night before were still fresh in your mind.
Out of all people, it had to be Gojo Satoru, the new man in the building.
“And given your reaction,” Gojo said, gently tilting your chin to meet his eyes; a hint of amusement present in his gaze, “you also recognize me.”
You swore you were going to melt, not only from embarrassment but, as ashamed as you were to admit it, him — it was even more embarrassing as you had grown aware of the wetness between your legs accumulating, only hidden by your black pencil skirt. Gojo Satoru, he truly was a sight to behold given his godsend features and his voice. The arousal that you had tried to suppress from last night slowly returns — all those lewd thoughts you had about the stranger, and he was there — within your reach.
“Not here,” you whispered, lightly smacking the man’s hand of your face. The look of chagrin was plastered all across your face, your cheeks stained with a bright incarnadine hue and your eyes darting away from his. He found it utterly adorable. “The door’s going to open any moment now.”
Right as you said that, the door opened—and thank god there was no one waiting on the other side of the door. There would simply be zero explanation that would be able to save you — his body was close to yours as you were nearly pressed in the corner of the elevator and hot, unbearable tension flooded the thick air.
“A-Anyways,” you stammered out, rushing out of the confines of the elevator, “to the conference room, it’s uh— this way. If you’ll follow me…”
Gojo followed suit, walking in a languid pace as he watched you speed-walk down the hall before stopping in front of a large opaque grey double door You pushed it open, signalling the man to enter.
Shortly after, you entered the room. “To be honest, I never stepped foot inside this room before—until today, that is.”
You traced the tips of your fingers along the sides of the large wooden table, your eyes scanning your surroundings. It actually looked really nice and clean. It was aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, too.
“Are you here for a business project with Mr. Zen’in?”
“I suppose you can say that, but I’m mainly here to speak with Zen’in Naobito .”
“Ah, the CEO then.”
“That’s correct.”
Then returned the silence, as well as the growing tension in the air. Just you were about to turn around and open the door, a strong hand stops you in your tracks. “Wait,” Gojo grabbed your attention, pulling you closer so you could face him.
You frantically glanced toward the door, afraid that someone could walk in.
The tension between the both of you was so strong, anyone could've cut it down with a knife, but there'd still be some struggle to it. You could barely breath; the air between the both of you felt warm, and only increased in temperature the longer you stayed in the room.
“This room will be empty for hour and a half before they arrive and start the meeting,” he assured you before leaning his face closer to your ear, his breath hot as he continued to speak. "Besides I still couldn't help but think about last night. Does last night still play fresh in your mind?"
Oh, Lord. You swallowed your saliva, the warmth in your cheeks quickly returning as you stared at Gojo with a flustered expression plastered all across your face. He pulled you closer, and you didn't fight against it; the pleasant smell of his cologne filled your nostrils, you could grow addicted to it.
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it all," you replied, your voice quiet.
That was enough of an answer for him. "Good," he said, grinning.
You couldn't ignore the utter lack of distance between both your bodies; your chest pressed against his with his one arm wrapped around your waist, his other hand caressing your chin — tilting your head slightly while he silently examined your lips. You also took this as a chance to stare at his features up close, and you were right when you told yourself that he was blessed by the gods and your eyes lingered to his lips; they looked so soft, it almost made you wonder what it'd feel and taste like. You didn't want him to go.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked you, however, there was something in his azure eyes that begged you to tell him to keep going — there was a certain desperation to it. You looked at Gojo with a pleading gaze, however you also appeared to be dazed by his baritone voice, your lips trailing down to his lips.
"Kiss me," you told him, your voice dripping with arousal.
There was a stifled groan coming from the man before he pulled your face to his, his lips devouring yours. His lips tasted of honey, sweet and addicting; his hand pressed strongly against the small of your back as he walked you against the table. Large hands played with the hem of your skirt while you softly moaned in his mouth, your hands playing with the soft cushion of his ivory locks.
All rational thoughts had slipped out of your mind like butter, and all that took over was the pent up sexual desire and pure arousal.
You both briefly pulled away, a string of saliva was connected from both your lips.
“What if someone walks in on us?” You questioned the male, your voice nearly breathless.
“Don’t worry, sweets. The doors are locked, and room’s soundproof too.” Gojo replied, his hands slowly caressing up your skirt, “I’m surprised that no one hid the remote, too.”
"And fuck, have you seen yourself in the mirror? It's almost like you're begging to be fucked by me." He said, relishing the sight of your flushed face with your eyes staring up at him in wanton, as well as your cleavage firmly pressed pressed against his chest; the first few buttons had already gotten undone, revealing your black lace bra.
You briefly remembered telling him about how he sounded so different compared from how he texted when you first called him, and now that you were face to face with him — you soon came to realize that whatever words he spat out of his mouth were nothing but prurient, with you at least.
“Dirty girl, we just met and you’re already giving me that look. We’re in the conference room, too.” Gojo continued to tease, the tip of his finger playing with the waistband of your panties.
“It’s your fault,” you bit back playfully, “I bet you’ve kissed many women to be that good at kissing.”
Gojo immediately laughed at your response, “I’m honoured, but this is actually my first.”
“T-That's bullshit,” you said, surprised. “there’s no way that this is your first—Ah!”
Your own words got cut off by a surprised gasp, your head thrown back as your eyes rolled back in pleasure. He had pushed the slick fabric aside, and he easily eased a large finger inside your heat. Fuck. His fingers were far more better than you could’ve ever imagined — they were slender, yet girthy. His one finger could stretch you out more than your own two fingers could. Gojo eased his middle finger inside and fuck, was he about to cum by the way your pussy greedily took him in.
“Ho-ly shit, sweets. So fucking wet that my fingers just keep getting sucked back in.” He said through gritted teeth, a hoarse chuckle slipping past his throat.
You tried to muffle your moans, covering your trembling mouth with both your hands as you succumbed to the pleasure that this man was giving you. You, for sure, had gone crazy — crazy to the max. Just earlier you were worried about getting caught being informal with him, but here you were, getting your pussy fingered by him in the conference room. Not only that, that man currently working his fingers into you, Satoru Gojo, was the stranger you had phone sex with last night. You were absolutely insane.
His pace quickened — it was almost merciless, his thumb eventually joining into the mix to rub your sensitive bundle of nerves; the sounds of your drenched pussy being absolutely ravished by his filled the room, along with your muffled whimpers. With his empty hand, he grabbed both your hands and held them in a vice grip, dragging them away from your lips. "Hearing you moan in person is so fucking hot. I want to hear more."
And if he wasn’t rough with his fingers before, he definitely was now; desperately trying to draw all sorts of sounds from you — from the squelch of your wet pussy to your pretty moans, he wanted more. You, however, were completely writhing underneath his grip; your body sensitive from how well he was treating your needy hole. You could feel yourself coming close, the taste of orgasm was merely on the tip of your tongue, and all you could think about was how well his fingers were stretching you out. It wasn’t long before you felt the coil in your stomach tighten, and Gojo curled his fingers — making contact with the rough, spongy skin that made your toes curl. You arched your back, pressing your body closer to his — moaning his last name softly as you rode out your first orgasm. Gojo groaned along with you, muttering a line of praises as he slowly pushed his fingers in and out, relishing the aftermath of your release; coated with your juices.
Gojo’s patience was already thin, as you could say, it was treading on thin ice.
"Fuuck, you're so hot — you're gonna make me cum, I swear." rasped Gojo, his breath hot on your ear. He pressed lingering kisses across your neck while his hands traveled to your clothed breasts, giving them a light squeeze, "I just want to eat you up."
With how seductive his voice sounded, you were convinced that you were going to cum for the second time; right there, and then.
With one swift movement, he pulled your skirt down (along with your drenched underwear), threw the thin pieces of fabric at his side and got himself levelled with your pussy, now all bare for him to savour. His mouth watered at the sight; he could see how your hole pulsed, needing something to fill it back in. God, he needed to fuck you.
“You feeling shy now, hm?” Gojo teased, his eyes snapped over to your flustered ones.
You’ve never felt so exposed before, your legs spread wide apart as you leaned further back against the table— you were completely under the mercy of this man, and it only made you further aroused as a result. Something about doing something so lewd in the conference room, at your workplace, let alone with a stranger as handsome as he was — you’ve never felt so thrilled. You were probably going to smack yourself later for being so reckless and irresponsible, but right here at this moment, you were going to savour every sensation; his touch, his taste, his voice, everything.
Without ever breaking eye contact with you, he licked a long stripe of saliva over your already drenched folds and your hips automatically bucked up at the pleasure. He watched as you writhed underneath his touch, a shuddering breath leaving your swollen lips. You were truly a sight to behold, and if it weren’t for the location, he would’ve had you completely naked for him. Thoughts of you never ceased to part from his mind, from hearing your voice to mere imaginations of fucking you senseless. Needless to say, his imaginations could never ever compare to what was unfolding before him.
He let out a satisfied hum against your folds, emitting light vibrations through your veins, just before he dug his face deeper in between your legs — it was almost as if this man was starved; his tongue and lips greedily sucking onto your clit, twirling the sensitive bud around with the tip of his tongue. You shivered against his touch, "G-Gojo--Fuck."
"Satoru," Gojo corrected you for a moment before returning to his ministrations, "wanna hear you say my name."
This time, he stuck his tongue inside your pussy — his finger returning to rub on your clit.
"Satoru," you moaned his name, "fuck, that feels so good."
Gojo moaned into your pussy in response, his actions only getting more messier and more carnal the more he tasted you — he was getting drunk from the mere taste of you.
It wasn't long before you felt your impending release, the second one at that, and you gripped your fingers tightly around Satoru's ivory locks, muttering out a line of curses and 'i'mcoming'imcomingi'mcoming—' as your body shook around his head.
"Good girl. Good fucking girl." You heard Satoru mumble out praises as he lapped up all your juices, relishing in the sweet scent and taste of pure arousal that dripped down his cerise lips. “You taste so fucking delicious, I was seriously about to cum.”
“Fuck,” he hissed to himself, and you could hear the sounds of his belt unclasping — dropping to the floor. He was growing even more needy for you, and his horniness level had honestly gone through the fucking roof at this point. All he wanted to do now was to fuck you senseless.
"Satoru," you muttered his name, voice laced with pure desire, "want you to put it in already."
“There’s no way I won’t fuck your pussy today,” replied Gojo, discarding his undergarment, and almost immediately, his erect cock sprung up and your mouth began to water at the girth and length. Just how was that going to fit inside you?
Your reaction didn't go by unnoticed by the ivory-haired male, and his voice got a little gentle. He rubbed his cock against your slick folds, and you both shuddered at the sensation. "You'll be okay, just relax. You can do that for me, yeah?"
"Mhm," you nodded your head, almost a bit too frantically. Given the limited amount of time that you both had, you needed him inside now.
"Take a deep breath for me, 'kay?"
You complied to his words, closing your eyes as you inhaled deeply -- however, you nearly choked on your spit when only his tip entered. Satoru constantly gave you gentle reassurances; gently rubbing the sides of your hips, all while he pushed himself deeper into your walls. There was simply no way this was his first time, you thought to yourself silently — but all your thoughts instantly turned into mush once he hit the hilt; his tip meeting your cervix. You moaned his name, your eyes slightly rolling back at the immense pleasure the man had been drowning you in.
Satoru groaned at the delightful sensation before chuckling through strained breaths, "See? It wasn't so hard."
He gave you a brief moment to recollect yourself, three seconds in fact, before he began to roll his hips against yours; pulling his cock back until the tip was barely inside, and he plunged back in. He did all this at an almost rapid pace, making your whole entire body turn into jelly.
"Look at your pussy, sucking me in so greedily when I just started to fuck you. Dirty girl." He rasped, his lips curled up into a grin and his gaze laserfocused on how your pussy was connected to him. It was taking everything in him not to cum right away, let alone cum inside you — but the sensations of your walls clamping tightly around his shaft was making it difficult to think straight.
He kept up with the relentless pace, relishing in the sweet sounds your wet pussy was making while he fucked you as well as your moans.
He could feel you tightening around even more around him, as if your pussy was trying to milk him dry. The pace of his thrusts began to stagger, and he could feel himself getting closer to his release, however, rather than keeping up with his pace, he slowed down. You snapped your gaze to the Satoru, confused.
"Don't worry princess, I just want to try something new right now."
Just as you were about to question him on what exactly he was planning to do, you gasped in surprise when he lifted you up from the table with ease; your arms instinctively wrapped around his shoulders as he aligned your pussy with his cock, and steadily, he dropped you down on his length. You both moaned in tandem at the sensation. He watched your face intently, how it scrunched together in immense pleasure, your mouth slightly agape as your lips spilled out a myriad of moans while he lifted you and dropped you on his cock at a steady rhythm.
"Ohfuckohfuck--'Toru, you're so deep." You whimpered, stuffing your head into the crook of his shoulders while he continued to plunge into you. His grip on your ass tightened as he began to pick up the pace, and your moans were continuously broken down each time he thrusted his cock into you. He was relentless, and he was already obsessed with how you clamped down so tightly around him. He could honestly never get enough of it -- of you. And, how he loved watching you getting dumb over his cock, hearing you jumble nonsense all while telling him how badly you needed his cock had definitely done a number on him.
The tightening coil sensation that reverberated in the depths of your stomach returned once more the longer the man had pleasured you and you dug your nails deeper into the man's shoulders. "I'm gonna cum, fuck Satoru, I'm so close...!"
"Fucking cum on my cock," Gojo ordered you, his voice was almost pleading, and he kept up the pace, squeezing his eyes tightly and groaning at how tight your walls were squeezing him. You let out a cry, arching your back and curling your toes, as you came around his cock; your juices creaming around his shaft. He gently brought you back down to the floor, but held the small of your back immediately when he noticed that you were about to lose your balance.
Cumming inside you could wait for another day, he thought to himself as he desperately rubbed his hand on his cock, his lips immediately diving into yours for a passionate kiss. Soft groans left his rose-tinted lips as he melded his mouth with yours. He could feel his abdomen growing tighter, his legs getting weaker, and his mind getting blank. With a deep, strained moan slipping past the man's throat, he painted your thighs white with his seed.
Heavy breaths filled the room, and then came the soft chuckles.
“I’d like to say we’re really compatible,” said Gojo, pressing a soft kiss against your temple before languidly pulling a handkerchief from the pocket of his trousers; cleaning the mess he had made on your skin. “Don’t you agree, Y/N?”
You were far too dazed to comprehend most of the words that spilled from Gojo’s mouth, so you chose to nod your head in response to the man’s question. Gojo was quite the gentleman, upon realizing that your legs still felt weak and wobbled, he immediately took action — helping you slide your skirt back on while stuffing your drenched panties in his trousers (to which you gave him a light smack on the shoulder, but he didn’t mind honestly), buttoned your shirt back up, and helped put your blazer back on; he did all that while muttering sweet praises in your ear, almost tickling the skin. Your hair was still a mess, though, and your lips still appeared to be swollen. Gojo ran his fingers through your locks, making a pathetic attempt at fixing your hair. At least he tried, though. He shortly fixed his appearance after; all he did was clasp his belt back on, fix his attire, and ruffle his ivory locks — all within a minute.
“We still have fourty-five minutes left to spare.” Satoru said, staring at his phone screen before he shoved it back inside his pocket (not where your panties are, though). “We should head out now before someone tries to get in.”
“You’re a liar,” you said weakly, your voice almost breathless, “there’s no way that this is your first.”
Satoru chuckled, “Again, I’m honoured, but you’re my first.”
He grabbed the tiny remote and pressed the button, thus unlocking the double-doors. You didn’t really feel the need to ask him why he seemed so familiar with the conference room as you were heavily fixated on his face; his cerulean eyes gazing into yours, a bright smile painted on his pale visage.
“Let me take you out sometime,” Gojo blurted out. “You’re totally my type, and I want us to get to know each other better.”
“And how do I know that you don’t say that to other women using that app?”
“You were the first and only one I texted on the app,” Gojo replied, “and we are alike in so many aspects — especially our compatibility in sex.“
You rolled your eyes jokingly, before smiling at the male. “Okay then, I accept your offer. You know, you’re also my type.”
“And,” Gojo added, “we both get turned on by each other’s voices.”
“Let’s go,” you shrugged off the chuckling male, opening the double-door. Fortunately enough, there was no one present in the halls and there was still plenty of time before the meeting took place.
“Mr. Gojo,” you spoke to him formally, however there was a tint of teasing in your voice as his name spilled out of your lips like honey. “Anywhere else you’d like to go?”
“You. Me. My place, or yours.”
“You— I’m talking about if there’s anything else you’re not familiar with in the building.” You whispered harshly. “And, watch your volume!”
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It had been a week since your last tryst with the Gojo Satoru, and needless to say, talking to him was a breath of fresh air. HeartChat switched over to SMS and there came the video calls. Even as promised, he brought you out to his favourite restaurants and cafés. Over the course of those past few days, you learned many things about the handsome man (aka god’s favourite), and he learned many things about you. For starters:
He was the chief executive officer of GOJO Tech, he was once the heir, but it wasn’t too long before his father decided to give him the role at the age of 24 (he’s now 28), and since then, business had been booming for the Gojo clan.
His relationship with the Gojo clan wasn’t the best — despite him being the new head of the clan and CEO, some members were constantly preying on his demise. He didn’t really care, though.
He hated the taste of alcohol — he absolutely despised it. He drank it once during a party and immediately “chased” it with a mouthful of strawberry cake. You later questioned him if he really knew what a chaser was.
His first time having phone sex was with you, he tried acting confident since it also was your first.
He was basically good at everything he did—everything that would normally be strenuous or difficult would always appear to be easy on him.
Nevertheless, there were some things that remained unchanged, and that was the phone sex that you both subconsciously agreed to do nightly, as if it was some sort of promise.
You weren’t going to lie, but you nearly forgot about the drinking party with your colleagues — once you remembered, you immediately invited Gojo to accompany you (it was also at that moment where you remembered that he didn’t drink alcohol). Surprisingly, he agreed to come along, and even offered to give you a ride there.
So there you were in the restaurant, seated near the end of the table with Gojo beside you while the rest of your colleagues chattered loudly, it was awfully obvious that there had been alcohol in their system. You had already downed a glass of beer, and you could feel your stomach and cheeks steadily growing warmer. You turned over to Gojo, who busied himself in devouring all the food, even ordering for several new plates whilst your colleagues cheered on for him in a drunken haste. You had almost forgotten point number 6 — Not only was Gojo Satoru a dessert fanatic, he was also a huge foodie.
Emi made her way towards the end of table, where you and Gojo were seated; bottle of beer and sake in her hands. There was absolutely no denying how attractive she was, her eyes appeared innocent yet they relayed something far more different.
“I’m surprised that Mr. Gojo came along,” Emi began, smiling softly as gave the man beside you a playful stare; swiftly ignoring your presence. “I’ve heard that you’ve been incredibly busy these days. So, I’m glad. Do you mind if I pour you a drink?”
“Nah, it’s alright. I don’t drink those kind of stuff.” Gojo waved her off, sparing her a quick and friendly smile.
“Oh! By the way, did you and Y/N arrive together? I never expected you two to be so close, especially at work, considering how you just arrived here less than a week ago.” questioned Emi, tilting her head to one side while staring at him, feigning innocence. This irked you a little, as you could never tell what she was thinking behind those shy and innocent eyes of hers.
“I wonder how that could be,” she trailed off even further, her voice was loud enough so that a couple of colleagues could hear — loud enough for Zen’in Naoya to hear.
Flower of the office, my ass.
You could even feel your ex glaring daggers at both your directions. You took a large gulp out of your glass of beer while Gojo laughed loudly.
“My, you’re a curious one alright.” He said in between chuckles. “We simply crossed—”
“Satoru and I are currently seeing each other,” you cut him off, pointing your nearly empty glass towards Emi’s direction; your cheeks warm from the alcohol streaming in your veins. “Is that enough to make you, you know, mind your business?”
Haruto, Himari, and Ren, who all sat across from you, collectively choked on their drinks, staring at you in utter shock. They all gave you a look that basically screamed, ‘You bitch, at least catch us up!’
“O-Oh,” Emi said, her voice getting quieter while she still feigned a smile, “I’m happy for you both, then. You two make a cute pair.”
“I know we do,” Gojo said, pulling your shoulder closer to his while laughing. His eyes later snapped over to Naoya, who he could tell was trying his hardest to hide his disdain; his eyes were narrowed and his jaw tensed. Not before long, he stood up from his spot and briefly excused himself — reasoning was that he needed some fresh air. Shortly after, Emi followed his trail, and the party resumed like normal.
It was a silent gesture, but you gently squeezed his hands underneath the table as you stared into his eyes; his face still flushed from the earlier commotion — you had been reckless, once again. To your surprise, he squeezed your hand back immediately, only bringing both your hands onto the table, now visible for everyone to see. He gave you a reassuring smile before leaning in to press a soft kiss on your knuckles. The heat on your face only intensified at his display of affection, your cheeks turning scarlet.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered softly, “I did something really reckless, and I didn’t ask you if you were alright with having our relationship out in the open like that.”
“Y/N,” Satoru said, his voice quiet and gentle, “I didn’t ask you out just so I could keep you as a secret. I’ll show you off as much as I want, show everyone that you’re my woman.”
“I swear, Satoru, it’s always you and your words.” You mumbled, covering your flushed face with the palms of your hands.
“You mean voice,” he teased.
“… Shut up.”
Not long after that, perhaps thirty minutes, you bid your goodbyes to your colleagues, leaving the restaurant side by side with Gojo — making a beeline towards the car. Once you both entered, you let all your desires run loose; your lips locked against his, teeth clashing against one another, and heavy breaths filled the tight vicinity. The air quickly grew hot, and the kisses further intensified with fervour.
“W-Wait, Satoru,” you mumbled his name in his lips, your grip on his black dress shirt tightening.
He pulled away, and god, did he look ethereal underneath the moonlight; his white strands shone like silver, his eyes only glowed brighter in the darkness. “What is it, sweets?”
“Let’s not do it here,” you said softly, looking up at him with desperate eyes. “Let’s do it at my place.”
Gojo Satoru never turned his engine on so quickly until now, driving his lamborghini like he was a man on a mission.
The air grew warm the very moment you both stepped into your apartment, lips locked onto each other and arms wrapped around one another. Soft moans left your lips as you could feel the man’s pent up desire grinding against your hips, rubbing deliciously against your clothed heat.
“Your bed,” there was a certain urgency in his voice as he rasped against your lips, and grabbing his large hands, you both rushed to the bedroom. Your back met with the soft plush of the mattress, further sinking in as Satoru also applied his weight, his lips getting a taste of yours for the nth time. His hands instantly pushing up your shirt, his hands traveling up to your your breasts; his fingers sliding underneath the pads of your bra to tweak your little buds. You stifled a soft whimper, your fingers locked in his ivory locks.
Eventually he slid your shirt up, and you helped make go by things faster by unclasping your bra. He took in the moment to appreciate the sight of your nude breasts, a hitched breath leaving his throat while he stared. Eventually, he dove in and showed love to both your mounds; coating your nipples with his saliva as he licked and sucked, leaving a small trail of hickies along your soft skin.
"Satoru," you said his name in a soft murmur, your cheeks warm and scarlet. He hummed in response whilst he continued to play with your tits, his large hands squeezing the soft mounds. In a treacherous pace, he slowly trailed his kisses down your breasts to your lower abdomen. “You’re so cute,” he said in a teasing tone, “you’re already so sensitive to my touch, and I haven’t even started with you.”
He swiftly pulled your skirt down, immediately chuckling at the damped mess you hid in between your legs.
"You're so wet," he mumbled quietly as his arousal immediately went straight towards his dick. He drew a finger across your folds, which were only covered by the thin dampened fabric. With nimble hands, he slid off the fabric off effortlessly, and without wasting time, he inserted two fingers inside -- groaning at how easily he slid in.
He started out the pace with a punishing speed, your toes immediately curling at the sensation as you squealed in unadulterated pleasure. You rolled your eyes back as you drowned in the delightful sensations, arching your back whilst rolling your hips to meet his fingers. It wasn’t until he began to curl his fingers that the volume of your moans began to increase. He pushed your legs farther apart, digging his fingers deeper; eliciting more whimpers and wanton moans that slipped out of your lips effortlessly.
“You close?” He teased you, and you nodded your head frantically in response. He could very well tell how close you were to your orgasm, judging by the way your walls fluttered around his fingers.
“Cum for me then,” he said, and that was all it took for you to succumb to your release, your pussy juices perfectly coating his two fingers. "Good girl," he gave you his praise, his voice deep and heavy.
His fingers parted away from your skin, briefly, before he began to slowly unbutton his midnight dress shirt, revealing his toned muscles and abdomen-- all while staring down at you with a carnal daze. "Like what you see?"
You stared up to meet his eyes, flustered. "Of course, why would I not? You look so... hot. If the word hot and sexy was a person, I feel like it'd be you."
"Is this your way of flirting, cutie?" Gojo said in a teasing tone, his lips curled up into a playful smirk while he unclasped his belt and unzipped his trousers, revealing his boxers and the awfully huge tent that hid beneath the fabric. God, he is so sexy.
"... I'm taking it back now." You said quietly in a stubborn tone.
"You won't," he replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "your mouth is literally drooling for me, and even more so when..."
He dragged his words out while he slowly slipped his boxers off, revealing the angry red tip leaking with his pre-cum. Of course he ended up being right, seeing how you stared at his cock with hearts in your eyes.
"Okay cutie! Get on your knees and ass up."
Gojo loved how easily you complied to his commands -- one second you'd show him a little bit of sass and the next second you were begging for his dick. He grinned at the sight of your ass and back arched, your slick juices dripping off your pussy -- this was all for him, just for him. A loud smack resonated in the room when he slapped your ass and played with it, absolutely loving how it jiggled with every movement his hand made with it.
However, he couldn't wait any longer. He needed you, he wanted you — so, so badly. Rubbing the tip of his cock along your folds, he relished in the sight of your body writhing beneath his grasp; being all desperate and needy for his cock.
It wasn't long before the loud sounds of his cock fucking into your pussy filled the bedroom, your loud moans muffled by the pillows you stuffed your head into. All that you could feel at that moment was pure, unadulterated pleasure; he was hitting all the right spots and his moans were music to your ears.
"Fuck, I've always thought about how I'd fuck you like this." Gojo moaned. "You're gripping onto me so fuckin' tight I might just cum."
A loud cry left your lips when Gojo decided to wrap his arms around you, pulling your body closer to his; his chest pressed firmly against your back as he continued to fuck into you whilst his hand traveled down to your center, lazily rubbing circles on your clit.
"O-Oh—fuck—'Toru —Ahn!" You would moan his name loudly while your body shook under his manipulation.
"Y/N," Gojo said your name breathlessly, all the whilst fucking you dumb on your bed, "be my girlfriend— I want you to be all mine."
"Y-Yes, yes, yes —'Toru," you said in between gasps and moans, "I wanna be all yours. O-Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum — I'm gonna cum--!"
Gojo mumbled a bunch of praises towards you as you rode out your orgasm, your chest rising and sinking as you attempted to control your heavy breaths while he gently rubbed your hips with his thumb. "You're such a good girl," he leaned over to press a soft kiss over the back of your head.
"You still have some energy, right?" He questioned you, and you now found yourself laying underneath the male; your legs both hoisted up on his shoulders. You nodded your head, staring at Gojo with a heavy-lidded gaze, and his eyes were blown with lust and desire. He pressed a soft kiss to your ankle before staring back down at you with a teasing smile.
"Good, because I'm nowhere near done."
(You definitely made sure to keep a mental note to thank Ren for getting you into the app)
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It was a day after your your risqué rendezvous with Gojo Satoru, who you later came to realize was the stranger you engaged sexual activities with over the phone, on HeartChat — the app that no one other than your childhood friend and coworker, Ren, had downloaded on your phone.
“So,” Ren began, wiggling her eyebrows as she pointed at the phone you were holding in your hand. “How was it? It’s fun isn’t it?”
You and Ren were seated on the bench, eating lunch outside during your break. Normally you’d stay indoors, but the following information you were going to share to her were meant for her ears only — since she was the one who recommended this app, after all. Needless to say, Ren was more than thrilled for you to spill the details.
“You never told me that the app was meant for different purposes,” you said, raising a small brow towards your friend.
“I mean, I only use the app to troll around with other men. Nothing too serious, you know?” Ren said before her face quickly dropped. “Unless…? What exactly did you do, Y/N?”
“I…” you began, but you paused. “You better not tell this to another soul, I swear.”
“Obviously we’ll catch Riko up from this after her honeymoon, but no one else! Promise?”
“You’re making me nervous, Y/N.”
“I had phone sex,” you admitted. Ren’s face immediately turned scarlet, looking at you — shocked. “No way,” she mumbled before she bursted out laughing. “No fucking way. Those type of things only happen in those spicy novels.”
“Oh, you won’t believe what happened next.”
“Okay. I’m all ears.”
“Don’t react loudly, okay?”
“I promise.”
“I had sex with him the next day.”
A choked out "What?!" escaped your friend's lips.
If Ren wasn’t red enough just moments before, then she definitely was now.
“So… are you going to tell me who it is or…?”
“Nah, it’s a secret.”
“... Babe, what other secret could possibly be more shocking than what you just told me?”
So, colour Ren surprised once she added two and two together when you had confessed that you and The Gojo Satoru were seeing each other a week later.
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© 𝟔𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 do not copy, repost, or translate my works on any platform.
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lizzybeeee · 4 months ago
DATV Spoilers - The Story We Lost
Posted earlier that I was compiling a list of lore/story threads that have been dropped with DATV's handling of Southern Thedas. The sheer number of things means that I've made this into two parts - this one focusing on all the story threads that have been effectively dropped.
Spoilers for the game ahead, of course.
If you've played the game then you'll know that Southern Thedas - everything from the past three games - was basically swept away by the blight.
A double blight should have catastrophic consequences for the entirety of Thedas, I don’t deny that, it’s nothing short of a mass extinction event – the absolute worst case scenario for all of Thedas.
However, waving away the fact that Southern Thedas - specifically every area you ever traveled to and interacted with in previous games – is gone, devastated by the blight, in a codex entry and line of dialogue makes it abundantly clear that BioWare is attempting to clean the slate so that they can move forwards with the game series with no ties to the previous ones.
The Warden, Hawke, and the Inquisitor effectively accomplished nothing.
As I put it in another post: I never expected them to consider every decision in game outside of the three options they gave us, but I certainly didn’t expect them to go scorched earth on the possibility of ever seeing the results of those decisions either.
How the lore has been handled in this game, summarized to “the elves did it” and “there’s been a shadowy organization in the shadows pulling the strings on everything” is absolutely devastating to the franchise.
The lack of care with which this was treated just bleeds, “There, we’ve answered all questions and finished with this era of Thedas. Moving on now.” At the same time, this destruction absolutely obliterated whatever story threads remained from the first three games.
Could BioWare bring these threads back? Yes, I suppose. But it doesn't change that it was so carelessly thrown aside in the first place.
If they didn't want people to care about their decisions and the impact they made on the world, perhaps they shouldn't have made that a feature of all the previous games.
Story Threads/ Plot Points that were dropped:
Limited my points to what was in the Dragon Age Keep and what points were brought up frequently in codex entries, conversations, etc...
Edit: I never expected all of these points to be answered in DATV - this is just a list of what was effectively brushed to the side through very bad handling of lore and story.
Dragon Age: Origins
What is the line of succession in Ferelden?
Things are looking very grim for Ferelden's succession and the Theirin/MacTir line if nothing is done. And nothing was done. The entire plot of DAO literally culminated in resolving this issue, yet no one seems to have learnt a thing from it?
- Anora ruling alone is unmarried with no heir - Alistair ruling alone is unmarried with no heir - Ruling together they have no heir - Alistair and a Cousland Queen have no heir - Anora and a Cousland King-Consort have no heir
The only potential candidate that can fit into several of those world states is Kieran.
Fergus Cousland, according to lore, is the second closest to the throne that is confirmed to be alive in DAI - potentially the brother in-law to the King/Queen of Ferelden.
Ferelden's succession with Alistair as King hinges on whether or not the Warden was able to cure the blight. Alternatively, it is hinted that he may be more resistant since he has dragon blood in him from Calenhad.
The potential implications of Kieran being the bastard son of the King of Ferelden.
Kieran being used as a political pawn to depose Anora using the Theirin bloodline.
DAI took away whatever destiny Kieran had with the Old God soul – that didn’t mean that BioWare had to take away everything else too. Regardless, it doesn't matter. Denerim and Redcliffe have fallen to the Blight - it's unlikely that any of this will ever be brought up again.
2. Did the Warden find a cure?
Unknown. Irrelevant.
Ferelden ended up blighted. Denerim fell. If Ferelden rises from the ashes, it will be without any sign of their influence. Any mention of them will likely be their title alone - no mention of their accomplishments.
3. General Questions about the Landsmeet
What happened to Anora if Alistair is named King? Who rules the teyrnir of Gwaren following the blight?
What happens to Alistair if he's exiled? We know Teagan finds him in DA2 but what happens after?
If Leliana becomes divine does that mean that Connor Guerrin is potentially an heir to Redcliffe?
4. Companion Plot Threads
Morrigan's sisters - the many daughters of Flemeth.
Shale's quest to reverse the process of becoming a golem.
Whatever the hell Nathaniel Howe was going on about when you run into him in DA2 in the blighted thaig.
What, if anything, Avernus leaned from spending a literal age or two studying blighted blood.
5. Zevran's Crusade against the Crows
RIP Zevran's one-man crusade against the Crows and their child slavery ring.
DATV messed up immensely by portraying the Crows as more of a ‘found family’ rather than the horrifically abusive organization it was set up to be.
The very same organization that preys on the weak and disenfranchised - honing them to be tools for the nobles/powerful of Thedas - are now the heroic freedom fighters of Antiva.
The literal decade he spent hunting down the Crows and their leaders is up in flames. No mention in DATV whatsoever.
Wasted a perfectly good opportunity to have a schism in the Crows, with Zevran at the helm of kicking out the antaam, taking in Crows who are are sick of what's happening.
6. The Dwarves of Orzammar
The impact of Bhelen/Harrowmont's reign - ruthless progression verses strict traditionalism
The rumours of an uprising of the casteless dwarves in DAI
Will we ever hear of noble House Brosca or Queen/Lady Rica? Nope.
Will we ever hear of the son that Aeducan can have with Mardy? Nope. (RIP Duncan Jnr - I still love you)
The Anvil of the Void and potential links it may have to the Titans.
If Branka lives what happened to her?
No more fine goods direct from Orzammar
The entire caste system has been simplified by Harding in DATV to effectively be: 'surface dwarves' and 'deep roads' dwarves.
7. The Magisters Sidereal / Awakened Darkspawn
According to a codex in the Descent: one went mad, consumed another, and the final magister fled into the Deep Roads.
Corypheous + Codex Magister + the Architect (most likely) = 4/5 magisters remaining? Possibly?
Reminder that it's hinted that there's an eighth Old God that was struck from the records of Tevinter.
The Architect and his Awakened Darkspawn.
No, it was all the elves. They're all dead now anyway. Thanks BioWare.
8. The Guardian and the Urn of Sacred Ashes
"Where did you come from, where did you go? Nobody in Thedas will ever knowwwww."
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age 2 was pretty self-contained, with most things being tied up in Trespasser or DAI. The worst of the plot points abandoned relate to the companions in the game and the lack of closure/answers about them.
General Questions:
Kirkwalls, apparently, endless line of 'provisional' viscounts and constant political instability since Varric ran off to go after Solas.
According to DA: Absolution the Red Templars are still in Kirkwall...yet the show is set after Trespasser - when Varric is viscount? When he mentions that they threw a parade when getting Meredith out of the Gallows?
Aveline, Varric, Merrill and whoever remains of the Kirkwall crew apparently just allowing red templars take over the Gallows?
What happened to Petrice if she lived?
What happened to Feynriel if he went to Tevinter?
If Hawke lives following DAI - where are they?
I have a whole list of lore that's also been brushed over: the Sundermount, Corypheous, the Band of Three etc... I decided to put them in Part 2 since I feel they fit in more with 'lore obliterated' rather than 'abandoned plot points'.
2. Companions
Merrill's Eluvian:
Merrill spent years fixing an eluvian with a piece of string, a potato, and some gum - managing to actually do it.
And it meant nothing.
Eluvians are now a fast travel hub - all mysticism and awe at this marvel of magic are completely gone. Whatever sacrifices Merrill went through to save her sliver of elven history is meaningless.
Imagine if Merrill's eluvian aided in the fight against Solas - if having it intact gave you an advantage against him. Imagine Merrill weeping as Bellara fixes every other single eluvian in ten seconds with her magical omnitool.
Fenris and Slavery in Tevinter:
DATV utterly trivializing slavery in Tevinter is abominable.
Disregarding everything Fenris went through, everything he ever fought for, and making it something barely touched upon in DATV is insanity.
You wouldn't know there was slavery in Tevinter if the Shadow Dragons didn't drop a line or two about it.
Fenris' entire story of going to help free the slaves is diminished because no one wanted to show the ugly, dark side of Tevinter in DATV.
DATV has retroactively made this choice for him to be so unfulfilling.
Where is Anders?
What happened with Sebastian's crusade against Anders? Was he ever captured? Was he executed? Are you telling me that no templars ever pursued this man fanatically after what happened in Kirkwall?
Does his fate vary if Hawke was friends/romanced him?
Varric appointing a new Viscount’s Keep healer called ‘Banders’ who just happens to sleep in the same room as Hawke and their children call him ‘daddy’ lmao
Does his fate vary according to who is Divine? Vivienne hunts him down, Cassandra puts him on trial, while Leliana pardons him?
How does he react to Leliana abolishing the Circles? How much does he weep when the rebellion fails and the mages are destroyed? This man instigated the starting event for DAI and drove most of DA2's major plot and he's just...gone.
The Hawke Siblings:
From DAI we know that Warden Bethany/Carver are safe, but what happened to them if they're in the Circle?
Give us Knight-Commander Carver and First Enchanter Bethany Hawke, you cowards! Have them dismantle the Gallows and be the shining examples of human decency we know they are.
What happens to them after DAI and the Mage/Templar War is concluded? In a world that can embrace or reject them - how do they find their place?
Trespasser gave him a satisfying conclusion - he's viscount, he's in his shit hole of a city, he's surrounded by the people that he loves and cares about. He has the chance to truly build up Kirkwall after all the shit its gone through.
It just feels so bitter, so meaningless, that they gave him the end that they did in DATV. Varric should never have been the one to go after Solas - the only reason it was him was because he's a popular character in the franchise and was used to draw interest.
Why not Cole?! Who was literally mentioned in Trespasser as being on hand to help his friends - who has the ability to get through to Solas in a way no one else could?
No proper send off - no acknowledgement from those who loved him as to his fate...Varric was reduced to a marketing gimmick to draw people in who wanted to see if he died or not.
Isabela's story was brought to a close in DAI - she became an admiral, got a fancy hat, helped the Inquisition, and kept in contact with those she loved/Hawke if defended from the arishok.
Imagine bringing her back in a terrible outfit, having the most sex/gender positive character misgender another person, and making her part of the group that steals cultural artifacts from others.
The tomb of Koslun and Aveline would like a word with you?!
The entire Lords of Fortune group is also extremely bland? No commentary on the ethics/effects of colonialism/cultural appropriation - because confrontational topics/ideas are not allowed in this game. Just like topics of slavery/indoctrination.
Her entire character just seems to have regressed from DA2. Why bother having her cameo in the game if she's not going to meaningfully contribute/comment on whats happening?
Edit - Thanks to bunnyiscthulhu for reminding me that Isabela's mother sold her into marriage...yet she does nothing when Taash's mother is outright forcing them into a life they don't want. Isabela, who believed that everybody should be free - that no one should be forced into a life they don't want, just...lets it happen to another person?
Dragon Age: Inquisition
What's going to happen to the Red Lyrium that's popped up across all of Thedas?
Ferelden, Orlais, Kirkwall - all areas are reported to have red lyrium on the surface.
What happens to the Red Lyrium in Suledin?
DAI speaks about how they can never stop the spread of red lyrium, only slow it – animals, insects, organisms - whatever life is in the ground is all susceptible to becoming blighted by red lyrium. Suledin Keep in particular was utterly devastated by the Red Templars - what happens to life there?
2. What happened to Corypheous' Inner Circle?
What happened to Samson? How long did he live *if* he’s given the chance to help Cullen? Can something good come from his cooperation?
What happened to Calpernia?
Looking at previous concept art for DATV she was a companion - freeing slaves, gossiping about Samson & Corypheous. Just...what a waste. Any potential insight we could have gotten into Corypheous is gone.
3. The Mage / Templar War:
How does the world vary if you conscripted vs allied with either?
How do the remnants of what faction was not chosen fit into this new world?
How does the world deal with abominations and weird magic shit now? Is an alternative to the Order made if it's wiped out in DAI?
How is Cullen's templar clinic doing? If the templars still exist, how is Divine Victoria changing/adapting the Order to better support mages/templars?
4. Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
How do Orlesian politics reflect who was made ruler?
Is Gaspard looking to expand into Ferelden once more? Are the elves being brutalized under his rule like they were by his chevaliers? Does he do away with the grand game like he threatened in DAI?
How does this differ if Briala has collared him? How do his supporters feel that Briala has his balls in a vice?
Do Celene and Briala stay together? Do things improve for the elves and for the culture of Orlais at large?
Do improvements for the elves mean that Solas' arguments to his elven agents are less persuasive?
If Florianne is alive what the hell is going to happen to her? How quickly does she fall on her blade after being forced to wear flat shoes for the rest of her life?
How quickly does shit fall apart if you get all three to cooperate lmao
Friendly reminder that DATV sets up that all of Orlais, except for the Winter Palace has been overrun by the Blight - and that a coup from the Venatori is inevitable, likely resulting in any ruler dying.
5. What is the line of succession in Orlais?!
Why does every noble family in Thedas have no contingency plans for if their head of government dies?!
Part of why we needed to resolve the leadership problem in DAI was because there was no clear, direct heir if Celene died!
Celene has no heir Gaspard has no heir
Florianne planned to frame Gaspard, murdering Celene herself, leaving no clear heir to the throne - Orlais was already in a civil war, the council of heralds/nobles would have all campaigned in their own interests...that was why this was so important!
Orlais shortsightedness and pride in their nation being the greatest in Thedas led to them almost falling in a single night!
6. Here Lies the Abyss:
What are the ramifications of having the Warden's exiled verses remaining in the south?
Trespasser literally states that there's a schism in the Order because some Warden's believe they should touch grass more often and not listen to some bloke up in Weisshaupt for what they do down in the south.
Perfect opportunity to have the wardens remaining in the south mean something! Greater numbers in the south means that there's a greater chance of holding against the blight - while greater numbers in the north can effect if Antiva/Tevinter end up blighted in the first attack!
How does public perception towards the Wardens/King of Ferelden change when they learn they were exiled for committing human sacrifice to demons?!
Give us a warden coup and First Warden Alistair / Blackwall, you cowards!
7. The Well of Sorrows:
What was the point of drinking Mythal's bathwater?!
It's been set up as something that changes you. Bound to Mythal forever?!
Retroactively, Solas feels like he's going mental about nothing! One of the few times he ever breaks - he begs you not to - and...for what? Nothing.
DATV does not acknowledge that in the slightest. Such a waste and disappointment of what was made out to be an impactful decision in DAI.
Imagine if the Inquisitor drinking from the well made us forced to fight against them during the fight with Solas - imagine if Solas, in a world state who hated the Inquisitor, used them as a puppet! Just like the envy demon in DAI - and no one notices until its too late. Imagine Mythal herself, wanting Solas to go through with his plan - (or one of the other evanuris) using an Inquisitor/Lavellan he loved as a puppet - imagine the horror he feels as another one of his friends is reduced to nothing more than a mindless slave of the evanuris once more. Imagine the devastation as he watches Lavellan lose all sense of self - perhaps swaying him to, maybe, not go through with his plan?! Imagine having Cole come back to help save the Inquisitor - or Solas begging Rook to save them.
8. DLC Implications:
What happens if Hakkon is not slain? What happens to Southern Ferelden and the Avaar?
How does the rest of Thedas react to the truth of what happened at Red Crossing and the Dales? How do they react to learning that Inquisitor Ameridan - First Inquisitor and leader of the Seekers - was a dalish, elven mage?
What happens if you do not save the mines in the Descent DLC? How badly is Orzammars economy crippled? There are already rumours of riots occurring within Orzammar - it this enough to push the caste system over the edge?
9. Elven Uprising and the War with the Qun:
The elven uprising that was implied to be occuring all over Thedas as a result of years of oppression, systematic abuse, and Solas’ influence? What happened to it?
Where are the agents of fen'harel?!
It was set up that Solas was planning to use this rebellion as a smokescreen for his plans - the elves, all rebelling for good reason, rallying to his cause while Solas planned to restore the world that once was. The rest of Thedas would only see an elven uprising, not knowing the true face behind it until it was too late!
The war between Tevinter and the Qun?!
Everyone conveniently forgetting that the Qun literally attempted to assassinate every noble family in Thedas? Why was there no exalted march because of this? This should have destroyed any accord between the chantry and the qun. There would absolutely be blood for this – Tevinter could have attacked the Qun and all of Southern Thedas would have applauded - no one would have differentiated between extremist qunari and the normal qun, especially not after Kirkwall.
The implication at the end of Trespasser that we could convince Solas to abandon his plans? Him saying that he welcomed giving us the chance?!
The difference that the Inquisitors friendship, love, or hatred could have in either convincing Solas to take another path or damning him to go ahaead with his plan, no matter the cost?
Have our decisions in previous games matter! How we treated the elves - if we worked to better their lives or 'put them in their place' - can be used to convince him that the world can change! Have the ripple effects of these decisions be seen when the elven gods return, blighted - does the world turn against the elves, hardening Solas, or does the world defend the elves from those who would blame them?
Why was Sandal in the Crossroads?! Where is Bodahn?!
10. Divine Victoria!
How does the world of Thedas change with Leliana, Cassandra, or Vivienne at the head of the chantry?
How does Tevinter react to having a mage divine?!
Do relations change between both nations because of this?
Leliana allowing elves, dwarves, and even qunari to join the Chantry! Leliana also allowing members of the chantry to get married if she's romanced by the warden.
What happened to the Seekers? Are they being rebuilt?
Does the chantry inform the masses, the rest of the mages, that they can CURE tranquility?!
If either Leliana or Cassandra was romanced - what are the implications that may have on the chantry?
No wonder the writers insisted that none of the past choices would have an impact on Veilguard - they literally went scorched earth on everything we ever did.
Ferelden is blighted - any legacy of the warden is gone.
Kirkwall is destroyed - any impact Hawke had is gone.
The hard won peace/order of the Inquisition was rendered meaningless since every single place that you went to and helped is now destroyed by the blight.
Orlais' ruler will likely be assassinated by the venatori who are plotting a coup with the nobles - making whomever you chose obsolete.
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xazse · 3 months ago
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Cw: HybridNaga!SatoSugu x Female!Reader + big size difference + not proofread + obsessed!SatoSugu + Anal + fingering + rushed writing I’m sorry I’m working on bettering my writing! + weird cock anatomy
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Naga!Satoru and Naga!Suguru who love their little human who happened to wander deep into the forest and now they can’t seem to let you go!
They were supposed to lead you back where you came from but after a few days they just got addicted to you, them repeatedly having to tell you: that you were definitely going home was just a little white lie so you’d get used to their company and also want to stay.
Naga!Satoru can’t keep his hands off of you, he always feels the need to be touching you, not even sexually he just needs your body heat he tells you.
Naga!Suguru who may seem standoffish with you but he loves talking about anything with you.
The Nagas love sleeping with you inbetween them, all three of you bunched in a tight hug slowly drifting off to sleep together, their huge bodies almost suffocating you multiple times thoughout the night.
The men start getting more and more relaxed with you around, eventually they get curious about you, they know a lot about each others bodies but nothing about yours, that’s not really fair now is it?
That night while you’re all laying together in your warm huddle you think they’re both asleep until you feel a warm hand sliding up the expanse of your tummy then grazing your nipple, it’s Satoru’s sharp fingers playing with your pebbled bud. You make no move to tell him to stop so he takes that and runs with it.
He grabs the fat in his hands and squeezes, he likes the feel of them within his fingers, you think you can hear him mumble how soft they are.
Another hand starts fumbling with your pants, Suguru’s awake now and fully wanting to participate. He slides them off down your legs and lets them pool around you ankles. He proceeds to feel all over your legs and inner thighs.
You guide his thick hands to your needy little cunt, basically using his own hands to rub at your clit back and forth, he doesn’t protest and lets you use him how you want. Satoru watches on eagerly still clutching and massaging your tit.
After a while you shove two of his fingers in your wet hole and push them inside of you over and over, Suguru gets the memo and does it without your help, your moans are so lewd and cute. He can’t stop looking at your face his eyes haven’t left yours you look so damn sexy like this.
He rubs the slit where his cock remains until its gradually becoming more harder, his cock looks slightly different from a human male. He strokes himself in tune with how he’s fingering you.
Your messy pussy is emitting loud slick sounds which spurs both of them men on, you have Satoru managing to fit one of his fingers inside only for him to pull it back out to taste.
“Suguru.. m-so close..” he stops his ministrations against your approval and goes to line his cock up with your hole, he presses you fully agaisnt his body as he easily slides himself inside.
You feel Satoru prying your ass apart, with small whines you can tell he’s feeling left out. It’s your first time ever having someone fuck you back there but you can’t find it in you to protest.
He’s sweet enough to gather some spit after finding out how tight you really are.
They don’t fuck you in tandem, Suguru is much more slow with the way he’s fucking your cunt, he seems to be more sensitive than Satoru. His eyebrows are knitted as he pulls his scaly body toward you, you can feel the slight twitch in his cock and you’re going crazy with the way Satoru is just hammering into you like he’s a virgin, well he is in a sense.
His first time being inside pussy is making him lose all rational “feels so fucking good, I swear” you hear Suguru’s strained voice.
The men really now won’t let you leave, the sex sessions happens almost everynight and sometimes even during the day when they’re both pent up. Just trying to relax around the cave proves to be difficult when you have Satoru wanting you to ride his cock and Suguru wanting to eat your pussy, they aren’t satisfied with one round either they feel the need to go for hours on end, only sometimes giving you time to breathe.
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