#which often manifests in nausea
motleyfam · 4 months
I get so many comments on my Tim series like “omg it’s so hilarious/unrealistic that he gets sick this often, take that boy to a doctor 🤣” and like, I get it, it seems like a lot if you read the series straight through. And part of it is simply because I enjoy writing hurt/comfort fics, so of course that’s what I’m going to gravitate towards. Gotta spark that joy, etc etc
….but like, you guys do realize that people who have medical issues tend to get more medical issues, right? It’s not like “oh he had three things wrong with him already so he’s hit his quota now and anything on top of that is absurd.” It’s more like… this is someone with overall subpar health from a history of chronic neglect, so yeah, he’s probably going to be more susceptible to illness than most people 🤷‍♀️
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hayatheauthor · 5 months
Creating Fear in Your Characters: A Writers Guide
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Creating authentic emotions is vital for immersive storytelling, which is why I decided to make this series on how to write different emotions. After exploring rage, and sadness it's now time to delve into fear!
Fear is a powerful emotion that can manifest in various ways, from subtle apprehension to paralyzing terror. Here's a guide on how to write fear effectively, covering different aspects of your characters' behavior and reactions.
Facial Expressions
Fear often manifests first in facial expressions, conveying the initial shock or unease. Describe these expressions to immerse readers in your character's emotional state:
Widened Eyes and Dilated Pupils: Show the eyes widening in response to a sudden threat, with dilated pupils indicating heightened alertness.
Tense Jaw and Clenched Teeth: Mention the clenching of jaw muscles or teeth, signaling internalized stress or anxiety.
Furrowed Brow and Raised Eyebrows: Describe the furrowing of the forehead and raised eyebrows, revealing worry or confusion.
Quivering Lips or Lip Biting: Note subtle lip movements like quivering or biting, reflecting nervousness or fear.
Frozen or Stiff Facial Muscles: Highlight moments of fear-induced immobility, where facial muscles become tense and rigid.
Body Language and Gestures
Fear can also be expressed through body language and gestures, showcasing your character's instinctual responses to danger or threat:
Backing Away or Recoiling: Describe your character instinctively moving backward or recoiling from the source of fear, signaling a desire to retreat.
Raised Shoulders and Tensed Posture: Show how fear causes the shoulders to rise and the body to tense up, indicating readiness for fight or flight.
Trembling Hands or Shaking Limbs: Mention the trembling of hands or shaking of limbs, reflecting nervousness or anxiety.
Covering Vulnerable Areas: Describe your character instinctively covering vulnerable areas like their neck or torso, symbolizing a protective gesture.
Fidgeting or Restlessness: Note any fidgeting or restlessness, such as tapping feet or wringing hands, as signs of inner turmoil and fear.
Vocal Cues and Dialogue
Fear can alter vocal cues and dialogue, affecting how your character speaks and communicates their emotions:
Quavering Voice or Shaky Speech: Describe the voice quivering or becoming shaky, indicating nervousness or fear.
Rapid Breathing and Gasping: Mention rapid breathing or gasping for air, showcasing the physical impact of fear on the respiratory system.
Stammering or Hesitant Speech: Note any stammering or hesitant speech patterns, reflecting the character's struggle to articulate their thoughts coherently.
Sudden Silence or Lack of Verbal Response: Show moments of sudden silence or the inability to respond verbally, highlighting the overwhelming nature of fear.
Repetitive Phrases or Vocalizations: Describe repetitive phrases or vocalizations, such as muttering prayers or chanting reassurances, as coping mechanisms in fearful situations.
Reactions and Physical Responses
Fear triggers various physical responses in your characters, showcasing the body's instinctual reactions to perceived threats:
Increased Heart Rate and Sweating: Mention the character's heart rate increasing and sweating profusely, reflecting heightened physiological arousal.
Dilated Pupils and Heightened Senses: Describe dilated pupils and heightened sensory perception, as the character's senses become more attuned to potential dangers.
Muscle Tension and Rigidity: Note muscle tension and rigidity, as the body prepares for action or defense in response to fear.
Nausea or Stomach Churning: Show how fear can lead to feelings of nausea or stomach churning, as the body's stress response impacts digestive functions.
Fight, Flight, or Freeze Response: Highlight the character's instinctual response to fear, whether it's a readiness to fight, a desire to flee, or a state of frozen immobility.
Types of Fear and Emotional Depth
Different types of fear can evoke varying emotional responses in your characters, adding depth to their portrayal and the narrative:
Startle Fear: Describe the sudden, reflexive fear triggered by unexpected events or loud noises, leading to a quick, intense reaction.
Apprehensive Fear: Show the lingering sense of unease or dread that accompanies anticipated threats or impending danger, heightening tension over time.
Terror: Depict the overwhelming, paralyzing fear that arises from extreme danger or horrifying experiences, impacting the character's ability to think or act rationally.
Phobias: Explore specific phobias that trigger irrational and intense fear responses, shaping how your character navigates their environment and interactions.
Trauma-Induced Fear: Address fear resulting from past traumas or experiences, influencing the character's behavior and emotional resilience in present situations.
Verbs and Adjectives for Writing Fear
Here's a list of verbs and adjectives to help you convey fear effectively in your writing:
Verbs: tremble, cower, gasp, quiver, shrink, freeze, recoil, sweat, pant, gulp, shudder
Adjectives: terrified, anxious, alarmed, horrified, shaken, jittery, panicked, petrified
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demonpiratehuntress · 10 months
OPLA!Zoro x F!Reader
summary - majority of your dreams seem to manifest in the real world somehow, so when you have one about your crush and your best friend...things get a little out of control.
warnings - heavy angst (im sorry), hurt to comfort
a/n: when i started writing for this fandom i PROMISED myself i would not make it all angst and no fun, but oh well :))))) idek where this idea came from, i need help
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You woke up from a nap with the sickening urge to empty your stomach overboard. Nausea reared its ugly head, and before you could even try to tame the feeling, you were sprinting to the side of the ship to empty your stomach.
What exactly was the cause?
This would sound insanely ridiculous, and to you it really was, but you had a weird dream. And it didn't sit well with you. Most of the dreams you had often became a reality, albeit with slight changes. There were some that didn't, but almost all of them came true eventually or manifested in a similar way at some point.
And that's probably the reason you couldn't stop yourself from vomiting obscenely before your stunned - and confused - crew.
"(Name), are you okay?" Nami asked worriedly, coming over to you.
You flinched away from her, increasing her confusion, before turning and running off to the bathroom. She exchanged looks with the others who were out on deck - Usopp and Luffy - before shrugging it off and going back to mapping the ship's course.
The truth was, you had a completely unexpected yet maddening dream while napping, one that you prayed to any god who would listen would not come true. You had dreamed of Zoro - the man you had the biggest crush on - and Nami, which may seem an odd coupling and probably was but you couldn't control your dreams. Much like how you couldn't control how you felt about it, despite it only being a fictional idea your mind concocted.
You went straight to yours and Nami's room after cleaning yourself up, setting up the divider that separated your section from hers so you wouldn't have to deal with seeing her if she came in. Your behaviour was unfair to her, since you knew she would never do anything like that, nor did she have any romantic interest in Zoro. In fact, she barely had any interest in the swordsman at all. But according to your dream, that might change.
You curled up on your bed, pulling the blanket right up over your head to shield yourself from the real world. The familiar feeling of something wet running down your cheek informed you that you had started crying, but you couldn't care less. You couldn't move. You didn't have the energy to move, much less bring your hand up to wipe your tears away. So you just lay there, curled up in a foetal position, trying - and miserably failing - to get your mind off it.
A while later, a knock at your door caused you to jerk up in your bed, before you groaned and flopped back down.
"Go away!"
"Nami said you're sick," came Sanji's voice, "So I made you some soup. Please open the door."
You breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't either of the two people you were currently trying to avoid. Slowly dragging yourself out of bed, you had to make even more effort to get yourself to the door. Forgetting that you had just been crying, you opened it and let the cook in, confused when his expression immediately grew alarmed.
"(Name), why are you crying??" He immediately set the soup down and pulled you into a comforting hug - one that seemed to be much warmer than usual right now.
"I-I'm fine," you mumbled into his shoulder, "Just not well."
He nodded, falling for your excuse, before pulling away to hand you the soup, "Here, this should help. If you need more, or if you need anything else, just let me know." He smiled at you, before leaving you alone once again.
You sat back down on your bed and ate the soup - because who can say no to Sanji's cooking, even if you're not really in the mood to eat? And it did help, the warmth helping to settle your queasy stomach and alleviate the nausea if only a little bit. Minutes after you finished it, there was another knock and you frowned, wondering who it was now.
You didn't answer, in fear of it being Zoro.
Just the thought of Zoro had you replaying that dream all over again, and before you could stop yourself or at least soften the sound, sobs were wracking your body and you were burying your face in your hands, crying into their warmth.
The door opened and a familiar set of heavy footsteps reached your ears before the bed dipped beside you. Your entire body froze up, tensing at the arrival of the green-haired swordsman. Your sobs fell silent, hiccups replacing them as you stilled and tried your best to quell your sadness - still keeping your face hidden.
"What happened?" Came that usually-comforting deep voice you loved so much, but that now caused your nausea to return. "What's wrong, (Name)?"
"Please go away," you found yourself speaking, not wanting to push him away but knowing you'd feel even more ridiculous if he found out how you felt about him while you were recounting a silly dream.
Usually the swordsman would leave without a word if you asked for space, or if you told him to go away, but this time he could see you were absolutely not okay and you needed someone. Luffy wouldn't be a good idea, Usopp wouldn't know what to do, and you seemed to be avoiding Nami. And he sure as hell did not want that stupid cook anywhere near you right now, in fear of him comforting you so well that the swordsman would lose you to him entirely.
You didn't respond to that, so Zoro brought his hands up to slowly and gently peel yours away from your face. You let him, shocking yourself, and the sight of your bloodshot eyes and tear-stained face caused his heart to constrict painfully.
"Tell me what's wrong."
He held your hands in his own, not wanting to let go. He had waited so long to be able to hold them, and he was glad for this excuse to. But he was heartbroken seeing you so upset and apparently sick over something he didn't know about yet. He gently squeezed your hands, silently encouraging you to speak. He wasn't good with words, but if comfort was what you needed he would do and say whatever he could to make your pain go away.
"It's you and Nami."
He stiffened. He didn't know what that meant, but just hearing he was part of the reason you were so upset made his heart sink.
"What did we do?"
"It's...um...it's silly," you replied quietly, voice low but pain still evident. "It doesn't matter." You tried pulling your hands away, but Zoro only gripped them tighter.
"It does, if it's making you this upset."
Reluctantly, you relayed to him what you had dreamed about, voice cracking halfway through as more tears fell. You felt even sillier saying it to someone else, especially him, and avoided making eye-contact throughout the entire explanation. When you finished, you shot him a small, brief glance - only to do a double take when you saw the absolutely horrified and disgusted look on his face.
"Me and the thief?" He questioned, distaste clear in his tone. "You've got to be kidding me." He sighed, sneakily shifting closer to you on the bed. "That can't be possible."
"Some of your dreams don't come true," he reminded you, "This is definitely one of those. You want to know how I know?"
You nodded slowly, biting your lip.
You did not expect his next words.
"Because I already dream about doing that with you."
Your jaw dropped. If you were like Luffy, it would have probably dropped all the way to the floor, you were so stunned by his confession. Your formerly slowed heartbeat picked up speed again, heat filling your cheeks as you processed his words.
"Mhm. Only you. Been a recurring dream, actually."
As you stuttered out an incomplete sentence and then stammered through some nonsense, Zoro leaned in slowly and pressed his lips against yours, locking you in a slow but sweet kiss. His lips were warm and soft, inviting you to lean into him and return the kiss. The affectionate gesture had butterflies blooming in your stomach.
"I'm sorry," you whispered once you remembered how to speak.
"There's nothing to be sorry for," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before pulling you into a warm, comforting and secure embrace.
You sat like that quietly for a while, Zoro rubbing soothing circles onto your back while you clung to him, face buried in his neck. He kissed the top of your head every few minutes, in between mumbling sweet words of comfort into your ear - mainly "you're beautiful" and "i'm yours" because he didn't know what else to say. But it was enough for you.
Eventually, he spoke up.
"You should clear things up with Nami. She's upset because you're not talking to her."
"I know...later."
He chuckled and tightened his grip on you, keeping you warm and increasingly happy in his strong arms. He didn't intend on letting go, but that was good because you didn't want him to.
Loud banging and clanging jerked you awake the morning after your confessions, the sound of Sanji's loud exclamation having woken you - but not Zoro - up. He probably had woken up the others as well.
You tried to get up to see what was wrong, but Zoro refused to let go. He was still sleeping, but his arms wound around you even tighter, pulling you back against him. You sighed, knowing you could ask someone else later anyway.
Nami poked her head around the divider and smirked, "He's upset that Zoro finally confessed and ruined his chance to woo you."
You laughed at that, "Give him an hour, max. Then he'll try to woo you."
She groaned, "I'm already dreading it."
The two of you laughed, and it felt good to be back on speaking terms with her. Even though, strictly speaking, you hadn't had a reason not to be in the first place. But oh well.
The power of dreams...
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen deal with your period cramps
requested by anon: "Would it be ok for you to write : How would Seventeen react and help with bad period cramps ? (I am currently on my period and its killing me... I can barely stay up, cramps are hurting as hell, I have nausea, hell I feel the worst...)"
notes: tw for menstruation pain, reader therefore has a uterus
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tbh he's kinda a little bit Clueless, but he tries his best. cannot fathom the amount of pain you're in, but he does his research and immediately jumps up to boil water for a hot water bottle the second you tell him you're on your period. is confused by the idea of pre-menstrual syndrome n thinks that it's very unfair: bc you can be in pain???? even before the actual menstruation itself???? that sounds terrible :((( always has his arms open for a hug
spots its arrival better than you. can tell when your period is coming like some sort of seer. has a cupboard full of chocolates and snacks which he stocks up constantly and allows you to take your pick of whatever you feel like having when you're on your period. insists that you don't have to do anything while you're going through the worst of your cramps, tells you to just lie down w the hot water bottle he made for you n he'll do whatever you need okay? 
you Need to tell this man whenever your period starts bc otherwise he'll get upset that his calendar is all messed up :(( i firmly believe shua is the typa guy to keep track of your schedules for you, even if your cycle isn't regular. does Everything you want. you wanna eat a whole tub of Celebrations? he's rooting for you. need to cry bc the world is just too frustrating? tell him what movie you wanna cry to, he'll stream it illegally if that's what it takes. will probably also end up crying w you, but hey, we love a supportive guy <3
curses the menstruation gods every time you tell him you're having cramps again. is essentially trying to stuff you full of painkillers the entire day bc he hates the idea of you being in pain </3 wanted to buy one of those period cramp simulator machines to see how bad it was for you, ended up chickening out when you told him vv seriously that it was like being thrown into the pits of hell. isn't allowed near the kettle to boil water for you (due to previous Mishaps), so he'll give you a pillow to put over your stomach and hug you in his arms for warmth
is confused for all of two seconds every time you tell him you're having rlly bad cramps (again?? didn't you have them last month??) before it clicks in his head. coos and baby-talks to you, offering his shoulder for you to sleep on if the physical contact will help. builds you a pillow fort to get comfortable in practically every single time. you had a really bad headache one month, and so now he's constantly talking in a hoarse whisper when your cramps are bad
he's not Entirely sure what to do, but he does know that period pain can often manifest itself in mood swings, so he's always extra caring and considerate around your time of the month. will Let himself be yelled at if you do end up getting frustrated, then will hug you and pat your hair to help you calm down after. makes hot water for all the hot water bottles that you're ever gonna need. 
makes sure you take your painkillers on time, and also makes sure you eat. he's heard from his mom that loss of appetite can happen often during periods, especially when cramps are bad, and so he encourages you to eat foods with lots of magnesium and nitrates in it. will hug you if the cramps are really bad and you're practically crawling to him in tears. will probably hug you even if you're only pouting and talking in a sad voice tho, tbh. 
he researched that milk chocolate and white chocolate increase cramps pain, and so now he only ever gives you dark chocolate that's 60% cacao and above. has encouraged you to take up meditation when you're not on your period, saying it'll help strengthen you. you're still not entirely sure it's working, but then again, it's better to try than not. swaddles you in fluffy blankets and cushions bc seungcheol stole the hot water bottle to help with his indigestion or something
he's a lil confused, but he means well. carries you bridal-style everywhere you wanna go. searched up the types of foods best to eat to help with period cramps, and cooks food with lots and lots of spinach in it. regardless of whether you like it or not, because it's good for you and makes you feel better. spoon-feeds you the soup he makes, asks if it's making you feel warm inside with his adorable bright eyes
has a little corner in the bottom of his wardrobe full of sanitary pad packages, bc one time he panicked when you asked him to buy you some and practically cleared the whole shelf of them. also has like 3 boxes of chocolates stacked on top of them bc of that same time where he panicked and ended up buying too many. as a result, always has supplies whenever you need them. is a little clueless too, but he's willing to help w lots of hugs and warmth!! 
Knows your menstruation cycle for you. frets if you're a few of days early or a few of days late. if you have an irregular cycle, then oh god he's analysing everything to see if there's any sort of pattern. ngl he's a little nervous of you when you're on your period, but he's always ready to open his arms for you to draw you in for a hug if you need. starts crying if you end up crying bc of the pain/ mood swings, bc he's an empath okay n he feels your pain so bad
i get the feeling he's like. the hidden pro at dealing with cramps. you tell him that you're hurting, and he's already boiled the kettle to make you a hot water bottle, arms laden with snacks and blankets and do you wanna come into his room to relax and watch the new movie he's fixated on or do you wanna just go to your room by yourself and sleep? big encourager of sleeping through cramps, bc he swears it helps so much and actually. he is so right it really does
went through like five different brands of paracetamol with you during your previous cramps to see which one was the best n lasted the longest. steals the expensive chocolates from mingyu's stash bc really, the guy has far too much and it's more deserving to go to you when you're in pain and also pls share w him as a thankyou for getting them for you. offers to run you a bubble bath to help you relax, often forgets about the bath while he's doing other stuff and almost makes it overflow
request guidelines
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Common Errors in Word Choice
Often when we’re writing, we’re caught up in the moment and don’t necessarily realise when we’ve used the wrong spelling or variant of a particular word.
Their - of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors, agents, or objects of an action
They're - they are
There - in or at that place
You're - you are
Your - of or relating to you or yourself or yourselves especially as possessor/s
Aloud - with the speaking voice in a way that can be clearly heard
Allowed - permitted
Who's - who is; who has
Whose - of or relating to whom or which especially as possessor/s
Lead - to guide someone or something along a way
Led - past tense and past participle of lead
Lose - to undergo deprivation of something of value, or defeat
Loose - not rigidly fastened or securely attached
Steak - a slice of meat cut from a fleshy part of a beef carcass
Stake - a pointed piece of wood or other material driven or to be driven into the ground as a marker or support; an interest or share in an undertaking or enterprise
Break - to separate into parts with suddenness or violence
Brake - something used to slow down or stop movement or activity
Affect - (v.): to produce an effect upon; (n.): a set of observable manifestations of an experienced emotion
Effect - result, outcome
Inquire - to put a question
Enquire - chiefly British spelling of inquire
Peak - a sharp or pointed end
Peek - to take a brief look; glance
Pique - to excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff
a lot/alot
A lot - to a considerable degree or extent; often, frequently
Alot - a common misspelling or typo of "a lot"
into/in to
Into - used as a function word to indicate entry, introduction, insertion, superposition, or inclusion
In to - involves words from verb phrases. Use “in to” if the word "to" is part of an infinitive verb phrase. For example, "She brought me in to train for the job." You can also use “in to” if the word "in" is part of a phrasal verb. For example, "I will plug in to this guitar amp."
Less - constituting a more limited number or amount
Fewer - a smaller number of persons or things
Chose - past tense of choose
Choose - to select freely and after consideration
Then - at that time
Than - in comparison with
Compliment - an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration
Complement - something that fills up, completes, or makes better or perfect
Farther - at or to a greater distance or more advanced point
Further - to a greater degree or extent; in addition, moreover
Nauseated - (v.) affected with nausea; felt disgust
Nauseous - (adj.) causing nausea or disgust; nauseating; affected with nausea or disgust
Sources: 1 2
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alice-after-dark · 4 months
Vox's Death and Electrokinesis
So I'm straight up warning everyone now that this is a super dark take on Vox's death and where his powers of electrokinesis come from. Please, please, PLEASE read the trigger warnings. This has been in my head for a very long time.
TW for homophobia, 1950s mental illness views and treatments, homosexuality treated as a mental illness, sexual assault, gaslighting/victim-blaming, and other canon-typical triggers.
Some time during his career, Vox began an affair with a man who was also from the television industry. When his wife eventually found out, Vox was presented with two choices: a very messy and highly public divorce where the affair would be plastered across every media source in the country, or end the affair and seek psychological help. Not willing to destroy his image, Vox chooses the latter. He ends the relationship and quietly takes a "medical leave" from his career and is admitted to a psychiatric hospital. It's supposed to be the best in the country, with the most up-to-date practices and treatments. He is greeted by a man with a kind face names Dr. Robles, who takes Vox's hand in his and promises him everything will be alright. Vox's wife assures him he will be well and home in no time, kisses his cheek as he is led away, deeper into the hospital.
It is Hell.
Vox is quickly labeled as having a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the form of "sexual deviation" and is considered a curious case as he has positive sexual reactions to both men and women. This makes most standard treatments fairly ineffective as he is already having a positive sexual response to women. So they decide to resort to unmodified electroconvulsive therapy.
The treatments are painful and brutal, often leaving him with nausea, fatigue, headaches, confusion, and even minor memory loss. Worse are the breaks and fractures that result from the induced seizures. Frequently he is left bedridden, confused and delirious and unsure of where he is. His sleep is riddled with nightmares of some horrific creature lurking in the shadows of his room, creeping close and hurting him. It finally ends when the machine malfunctions, sending him into cardiac arrest and killing him.
When his electrokinesis manifested, two decades later, it was...a time. First Vox was afraid, then he started cackling at the irony, before having a complete breakdown and scream-crying for the better part of an hour.
For the first week following the discovery of his new powers, Vox refuses to let Alastor touch him, which is particularly startling for the Radio Demon because he's usually the touch adverse one while Vox is very physically affectionate. Even small bumps and brushes has Vox leaping away from him. He begins to grow concerned that Vox has become afraid of him, which is frustrating because half the fun of Vox is that he isn't afraid of him like most Sinners. Eventually he corned the Tv-headed demon and demands an explanation. This of course leads to Vox panicking and sparking like crazy which in turn leads to even more panicking before Alastor seizes his shoulders, enduring the small shocks as he tells Vox to calm down.
Vox breaks down sobbing and tells Alastor everything he has never told him before: the affair, the choice, the hospital, the treatments, the nightmares, his "mental illness," everything. He's terrified of this ability. He knows what it can do and it terrifies him. And Alastor takes his face in his hands and tells him that his knowledge makes him all the more powerful. Not only can he control electricity, but he has first hand experienced what it can do to a body and that is power. Though Vox is hesitant at first, he accepts Alastor's offer to help him gain better control over this new ability.
It's about three months after the battle with the angels when Vox gets invited up to Alastor's radio tower. He's only been there once or twice in the past to silently watch Alastor with his "guests" as he broadcasts. Though initially skeptical of the invite, his curiosity gets the better of him despite Velvette and Valentino's warnings. When he arrives, he finds Alastor calmly tuning his radio equipment while his latest guest lays strapped to a metal table. It is unusually dim in the tower and Vox can't quite see what poor soul Alastor has plucked from the streets of Hell this time, but he can smell blood, which is even more unusual as Alastor usually likes to save every last moment for his broadcast, but from the wheezing it's clear this Sinner has already been worked over well. The Radio Demon greets him cheerfully as though nothing is amiss, as though it's perfectly normal to invite your friend-turned-rival over for a casual hang out. It's only when he encourages Vox closer that Vox understands what he's seeing.
Inky shiny black skin. Six limbs. Distended jaw. Long curling tongue.
Lying on the table is the creature from his nightmares.
Instantly Vox begins to panic. He feels terror, hands on him, pain, so much pain, he can't breathe, he can't think, why is it here why why why-
Alastor grips his shoulder, grounding him. He's saying something about...introductions?
"Vox clearly recognizes you, Dr. Robles, but I'm afraid you may have a harder time recognizing him. Like you, dear Vincent has gone through quite a few changes."
Dr. Robles. Dr. Robles. Dr. Robles. The name rings in his head like a gong.
Warm hands closing around his. A thumb running gentle circles on the back of his hand.
"It's all going to be alright. I promise."
Vox rips out of Alastor's grip and barely makes it to the wastebasket before he is sick. Because he understands now. He understands and he feels disgusting. All the nightmares...all the terror...all the pain...
Alastor's hand is on his back and Vox has barely composed himself when the doctor finally speaks.
"Vincent? Vincent Haynes?"
Vox didn't know exactly what expression he expected to see when he turns to face the doctor again, but the pure unconcealed hatred takes him by surprise.
"Filthy fucking whore!"
His words are venomous as he accuses Vox of being the reason he's in Hell, of tempting him and luring him into sin, of making him crave his flesh. How fitting Hell has stripped him of his beauty and shown him for the vain artificial creature that he is. Even as he says it though, his eyes rake over Vox's body and the TV demon has never wanted so badly for someone to not look at him. Alastor stops the tirade of vitriol with a simple flick of his wrist and a glowing green thread binding Robles' lips together.
"That's quite enough out of you, sir. I hope you don't mind, old friend, I already took a turn with the good doctor. Had to make sure I had the right wretch after all. It didn't actually take all that long. My goodness does this insipid creature like to talk about himself!" Without another word, the Radio Demon slips past them both to slide into his chair. The equipment before him buzzes to life.
"Salutations, listeners!"
Vox's hand crackles with sparks.
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lefarte · 3 months
Hallo, may I make a soft Levi funger x reader request? 💜
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So polite heheh yes of course. My first request, is it cause he’s my profile picture 👀 ? You didn’t specify if you wanted headcanons or more of a ficlet (is that a word?) so I just sort of did my best I hope this is decent 🩷
Under the cut ^_^ no content warnings, just fluff, gender neutral reader
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When Levi got clingy (which is often) it rarely manifested through physical touch. He’s hardly willing to do any more than tug on your sleeve to get your attention, and even this is a very small action that you could easily miss. More than anything, he liked to watch and guard you. Even if you kept telling him it wasn’t necessary, you always found him awake at the small hours of the morning over your bed.
“…I… I was awake anyway, so…”
He muttered something like that and then turn away. What would he do if not watch over you? Oil his gun? Count the windows in the building, count the entrance and exit points, think about his life up until this point? Since the war, even his mind became something of a problem. Always rearing its head at inopportune moments.
When he looked at you and the way your hair is fussed up first thing in the morning, he could almost imagine… domesticity. Something like this; he wakes up, and your hands are entangled from the night before, and you yawn and rub your eyes. You would eat breakfast together and talk.
“…How long have you been up?” You pulled the blankets off. “Did you sleep at all?”
Levi nodded. “I did…”
“You’re getting tremors in your hands again.”
He looked at his hands, cracked and dirty and covered in dry blood, bitten and shaky. A telltale sign. Within a few hours, maybe less, the nausea would come, and then the cravings, the sweat and the migraine. He shrugged.
You rolled out of bed. The bed squealed as you got off. To his surprise, you came to him.
“Don’t bite it,” You said, looking at his hands.
He blinked.
“You bit so hard you’re bleeding,” You reiterated, touching his fingernails.
He cocked his head, much like a dog. “S…Sometimes I wonder if you’re a… real… person.”
…Or a figment of his imagination. The first time he saw you, he ran away. You must have been some ghost of his past, one of the many dead faces brought animate by the withdrawals. And you kept pursuing. He thought for sure you wanted to kill him for what he did. Instead of that, you gave him heroin. And then you gave him food, and took him in, for absolutely no cost.
He decided that you must not know, and you should never know.
“Don’t be silly.”
You put a bandaid over his finger.
“…No…really… you shouldn’t be here…” Not in Prehevil. It’s a rotten place, for bad people. “And… um… I don’t need a bandage… you should save that.”
“You say weird things sometimes. It makes me want to squeeze you.”
He couldn’t respond to that. “Huh.”
“You need to get some sleep.”
“Stay here...” He croaked.
He had to admit that you were being sensible. The lack of sleep had been getting to him. He was saying things he shouldn’t say. The sun hadn’t fully risen, so… he could afford himself to rest for maybe another 20 minutes. Being generous.
It felt pathetic to beg.
“I’ll keep watch.” You promised.
Swallowing his shame, he slipped under the covers. It was still warm from your body heat. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt the warmth of a human, even if it was just the lingering traces from your pillow. He almost felt excited like a little kid. Its like an indirect hug, he thought.
You sat at the foot of the bed. You had no rifle to polish or any way to keep yourself occupied, except to listen to the soft breathing of Levi next to you. The way he curled up was soft, never like how a soldier should sleep. He left his rifle.
“Sleep well,” you said softly.
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wyrmswears · 3 months
hello hello wyrm!! i mentioned a day or so ago that i’ve been meaning to send you an ask and here it is o7
in your inhuman thundersnow au (which has me hook line and sinkered btw) i know that you’ve said that raijū (particularly lightning elementals) draw strength and power from their lightning. and although jay’s had time to develop his natural lightning, if he was to use shatterspin - a technique that corrupted the soul and by extension the element - would it affect his raijū form? 
and on a similar vein - did libber know that it was mostly the element of lightning that powered her raijū form? did she know that it wouldn’t last and that eventually she’d fizz out? and if she did - did she ever tell the other elemental masters? did they ever know or suspect that one day she would be gone, without anything left behind?
if youre new here, this is about my inhuman thundersnow au
ok, ive been pondering this and i think itd be interesting for it to cause a larger split between his raijū and human identities. the way i headcanon shatterspin’s effects right now is that it makes the element stronger at the cost of stability. jay’s lightning is more potent in his raijū form (since that form is just a better conductor, and i can imagine his natural lightning spiking when hes in it) so i can see him slipping into his raijū form more often, sometimes without even realising it, after performing shatterspin. furthermore, in that form he feels the strengthening effects more, making him more aggressive and reckless, and at the same time prone to losing himself in a completely different way to before shatterspin. in an earlier post about inhuman thundersnow au i mention him losing himself by becoming something lesser rather than something greater. by becoming a part of nature and the natural order. shatterspin flips this on its head and pretty much centres his thoughts on his own being and benefit. this ultimately makes him much scarier in his raijū form as hes more powerful, more aggressive, and acting with intent. im also leaning towards having a longer-term effect of making him sick. if he used shatterspin a number of times, his element could begin to depend on it for strength, meaning when the shatterspin wears out, his functioning largely decreases. he is fatigued and suffers from brain fog and nausea. this is particularly bad in his raijū form, but hes also grown used to being in that form since shatterspin feels better with it. its a miserable feeling that only makes him more eager to further shatter his soul, when in reality recovery can only come after he detaches himself from shatterspin entirely.
in some random tags of another post i remember talking about libber understanding her death after passing on her powers in some instinctual way. she’s knowledgeable on general raijū lifespans and therefore knows that she’d fizz out one day, but she didn’t understand her dependency on her element at first. this ask is really interesting and its made me love the idea of libber realising that she needs her lightning to live one time but not comprehending completely what that means. picture this: the elemental alliance encounters vengestone at one point and libber only so briefly comes in contact with it, but for that brief moment she is dying. she knows that shes dying - its instinctual knowledge that comes with the feeling - and its a sensation that haunts her afterwards. the fear it leaves her with manifests itself as paranoia and for a few weeks she stays silent about the events until ice asks her what happened and she finally discloses it. ice understands what happened, of course he does, he knows these things, and warns her about her dependency on the lightning element. the others don’t find out about the incident, and eventually it leaves libber’s mind completely. she doesn’t foresee her death once jay inherits her element until its happening. the masters that remain after libber passed away don’t know much at all about raijū’s deaths - that information was never relevant enough for libber to share it - and dont know that any attempts to look for a body would fail. they might have even expected libber to have a longer-than-human lifespan, so her disappearance would come out of the left field for them.
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brittlebutch · 11 months
it's actually so fascinating to me that Brennan has created a character that maintains a pretty relaxed and mild-mannered demeanor and has said multiple times that the absolute Core of her is "FEAR" and how often we see this Fear manifest specifically in Avoidance; it really nails a relationship to that mentality where your brain fully Stops recognizing the emotion properly out of like, sheer self-defense from the stress of having to carry it all the time
I think this is also perfectly showcased in the way we tend to see Tula swing so suddenly from 'level and steady' to 'snarling Panic' and then back again - Just because your brain has detached itself from the Conscious Recognition of the emotion doesn't mean it can Actually stop itself from experiencing it. So the Fear is always there and always acting as a stressor, but because of that inability to Identify it there's no way to recognize or address it before that final straw hits and your bodymind jumps Straight into Full Meltdown Mode; but then once again, once you drop even a Little bit below that Peak Terror your brain ceases to process the emotion; it's like the most exhausting form of Poor Object Permanence in the world
And even if Tula is aware of this happening to her, that doesn't really make it any easier to deal with / address. Even if you're able to spot the symptoms Around the emotion -- chest pain, irritation, nausea, whatever -- because the Emotion Itself is basically impossible to find, you can't really Successfully Pin Down what the problem is OR a way to cope with it. If you can't figure out That You Are Anxious, then figuring out What Is Making You Anxious is impossible, which makes Find A Way To Make Peace With That incomprehensible. That's where the Avoidance comes in: you can no longer identify what might be a Dangerous Situation, which means that Anything New has a big potential to be Really Bad in a variety of ways (ranging "I don't Feel Good" to "Fully Lashing Out bc you've entered Fight/Flight and can't get out of it" to "Actual Outside Danger This Time") and that means the Only Way you know how to be Safe is to just Avoid Doing Anything New and Only stick to Familiar Situations, because anything unfamiliar is a monster of a gamble you don't know how to prepare for or cope with
#N posts stuff#one could argue ‘we see tula worry a lot tho’ but that’s bc Worry is an Action that can occur Separately from Recognizing Anxiety#now that I know tumblr will put a hard cap on your tags w/o telling you i'm resigning myself to posting rambling meta in post body#but i'm not happy about it; anyway i love how often life is full of Coincidences bc this is something I've Finally identified in myself#like. This Month. like this is brand new articulation for some of the problems i have in life; again knowing this doesn't help lmao#bc even when you know to look Around the shape of the emotion - like 'oh my face is Snarling rn. i'm probably experiencing Something'#like i said bc you don't know What that something is OR What might have caused it then the only solution you Ever get to come up with#is just 'fully retreat and go calm down somewhere else' which INVARIABLY means that you will wind up in that same situation again#and Still have no idea how to handle it bc you never could figure out what caused it so you don't know how to handle it any better than#'fully retreat and go calm down somewhere else'; so 'be somewhere else' is the ONLY way you can ever think to Help it#which usually invariably turns into 'Just Avoid Fucking Everything just in case'; which doesn't work! bc life doesn't let you do that#so then it's just a cycle of falling into the same pitfalls and feeling miserable all the time; gotta love it :)#if you're like me this also gives you Bad Bad Bad Memory bc your brain will Promptly hide evidence of Scary Situation instinctively#like 3 weeks ago this dude ran a red light and almost t-boned me Full Speed & managed to stop like. maybe 3 feet away.#and i like. Startled Laughed and said 'that was scary' and then within 30 seconds i had Fully Forgotten it happened & only remembered#like 2 days ago. Ha! believe it or not this Does Not Help with 'How can I Address the Problem instead of Avoiding It Entirely?'#dimension 20#d20: stupendous stoats#tula#d20lb
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izvmimi · 2 years
WSB (and WSHB) - Chapter VIII
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cw: medical angst.
It’s been 6 months and Ochaco is grateful to say that she has survived through essentially everything this pregnancy. By now, the nausea and vomiting has subsided, and even if intermittent mood swings have set in, she hasn’t hurt anyone too badly. Her skin glows, and the weight she’s put on looks cute on her, she’s often reassured. The few intermittent practice contractions she’s feeling are manageable, and the baby kicks often, vigorously enough that she thinks fondly that they’ll be a little champion of justice themselves. She has a few names in mind already and can’t wait to discuss them with Izuku.
She’s happy - so, so happy, despite everything.
Rubbing her belly, she tries not to coo at her own stomach while sitting alone at the doctor’s office, waiting for her provider to call her in. Izuku is not here with her for once, which is fine - she understands how schedules, particularly his, can be sometimes. He promises to make the next one, and she trusts him, even if their plans are still up in the air.
The discussion of how they will coparent remains up in the air. Ochaco is aware, even if it’s unsaid, that Izuku loves her but is not in love with her. Yet somehow that’s fine. Love grows, just like the sweet creature in her womb. Love will grow between them, no matter what.
When Ochaco is finally called into the examination room by the ultrasound technician, there’s no trepidation in her heart whatsoever. Her baby - their baby is perfect. Perhaps she notices the extra passes the technician takes with every image and the slight furrow in her brow. However, she could think of a million reasons the tech looks concerned. After all, it is the end of the week and fatigue is probably setting in. Perhaps she has other issues pressing in the back of her mind as she goes through the motions of her job.
Even when the technician doesn’t immediately tell her everything looks mostly okay, and instead opts to have her see the doctor first, it doesn’t click to her that something must be terribly, terribly wrong.
Not when Ochaco confirms that there is indeed no one with her today to hear the results of her scan.
Not until the words finally tumble out of the doctor’s mouth.
“Ms. Uraraka, I am sorry to tell you some bad news. There is a problem with your pregnancy.”
Ochaco’s eyes open and close once, and then she blinks again. She’s stunned.
Something about her body seems to no longer be working. She wants to talk, she wants to heave, she wants to scream, but instead she’s silent, and Dr. Watanabe continues.
“While Quirks manifest later on in childhood, as you know, they’re present from birth and affect a person’s anatomy while they’re still developing in the uterus, which is why we do these anatomy scans in conjunction with fetal testing at this stage in the pregnancy.”
Ochaco nods but her chest hurts. Dr. Watanabe’s face is somewhat stone-faced, making it very clear that she doesn’t want to give this news herself, but as she sees Ochaco’s lower lip finally start to quiver, her face softens and she reaches her hand out to her.
Ochaco takes it because she has nothing else to hold on to. She holds on tightly.
“I know this is a lot to hear at once. How are you feeling?”
Like her whole world is falling apart.
“Will she be okay?” Ochaco asks.
The doctor winces. Ochaco doesn’t know what the baby’s gender will be, not at all, but she’s hoping for a girl. It’s a baby boy, but Dr. Watanabe doesn’t need to tell her that right now.
The woman in front of her is now perfectly still, which means inside she’s shaking. The doctor steels herself to give her awful, necessary news.
“There’s a very high likelihood that this baby won’t make it to term.”
Life is cruel this way.
Ochaco grips tightly at her handbag as she stands in front of her apartment door, wondering if she should go home and sleep the night away or try to find comfort in Izuku’s arms.
But that would require telling the truth - the fact that she and he are in some way unable to produce a viable child. Then again, she doesn’t really know that yet. The doctor said high likelihood, not definitely. There’s hope.
Is there?
Dr. Watanabe had given her some options. She could wait and risk a spontaneous miscarriage or she could terminate the pregnancy early and induce labor.
Or perhaps by some miracle, she’d have a live baby but one that might struggle to take every breath from then on.
The implication that she had control over the situation by making these decisions when she really didn’t have any control at all made her angry. Banging her fist once on her door, she bursts into tears.
I did nothing wrong. I don’t deserve this. It’s not fair.
As she sobs in the quiet hallway, hoping no passerby will catch sight of her, her phone rings.
It’s Izuku and immediately taking the time elapsed between the next few rings to compose herself and swallow her tears, she picks up.
“Hey, how was the visit?”  he asks. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.”
Ochaco thinks quickly and finally decides.
“Everything was fine!” She laughs even though her heart is breaking. “No problems at all.”
“Glad to hear it!” Izuku says cheerfully.
Ochaco feels a painful fluttering in her stomach that is not her baby.
You’re late, and dreadfully embarrassed as you try to make brunch with 2 members of the Todoroki family.
As you squint in the midday sunlight, you can spot Fuyumi off in the distance, standing at the outdoor table and waving enthusiastically as you approach in an awkward walk/jog in your sundress and wedge sandals.
“Heya, we’re over here!” she calls out cheerfully. Shoto’s mother Rei, who looks like a more mature and more muted version of her daughter, also turns to smile and wave, although less animatedly. You find yourself unintentionally nodding politely, hands in your lap as you stand in front of the only empty chair at the circular table.
“Hi, I’m-”
“___, we know! Shoto’s told us so much about you already!” Fuyumi says, as she indicates for you to sit down. Before you, there is already a pitcher of fresh lemonade and a similar one of mimosa, and Fuyumi quickly calls for the waiter to bring appetizers.
“Get anything you want, hun,” Rei finally says, and it’s the first time she speaks. Her voice is soft but surprisingly warm. You remember briefly that she’s the cause of Shoto’s characteristic scar, something he told you at 3 am when both of you were falling asleep on the phone and far too vulnerable. She introduces herself as Shoto’s mother, and you nod politely.
“Sorry to call you out like this. I know you pros can be so busy. I just wanted a chance to get to know you,” she insists.
“That’s definitely understandable. I know you guys are very close-knit as a family.”
Rei smiles while Fuyumi lets out a somewhat nervous laugh.
“Close-knit is one way to put it, but rather, it’s just a bit complicated,” she says. “Shoto’s the baby of the family however, so I always want to get to know whoever he gets close with. I hope that’s not too overbearing!”
It’s understandable, you think. You’ve Googled all of your younger brother’s past partners after all.
“So tell me a little bit about yourself,” Fuyumi grins. She leans in, and you dig deep.
The brunch date should feel like an interview, for all intents and purposes, but by the end, the three of you are talking and laughing. Despite the fact that Fuyumi complains about the spring sunlight, you feel warm and comfortable in it, and comfortable with the questions she asks you.
What’s your favorite food? Do you have any siblings? Why did you choose to be a Hero?
Why do you like Shoto?
This last question would have caught you off guard a month ago. Do you like him because he showed that he liked you? Or is it because he’s gentle and kind and devoted in a way Izuku is not? Should you even compare the two?
“I think he’s incredible,” you start.
Fuyumi raises an eyebrow, and you continue.
“I feel as though I can trust him… to make the right decisions and prioritize the right things. Not just what he thinks is good, but what his loved ones think too.”
Rei takes a sip of her mimosa but her eyes remain on you and they are appreciative.
Fuyumi nods but she seems to want to hear more, and so you offer more.
“I think Heroes are kind but inherently a little selfish even when they do things on the behalf of others. Sometimes they think big and forget those close to them. Shoto isn’t like that. He thinks of both.”
Fuyumi seems pleased by your answer, and just like her mother, her smile is no longer just polite but thankful.
Even if Ochaco hates to lie, she’s not always honest about how she feels.
Not deceitful, or at least she doesn’t try to be, but there’s something about heroism, especially for the type of gentle heroism that is her trademark - sweet, non-threatening and approachable, nurturing - that requires her to deny herself all the time. Constantly even.
She’s done it her whole life - making sure to funnel her earnings towards her parents’ well-being the second she started to make any appreciable money, always smiling at cameras and small children (not that it wasn’t genuine, but it could often be tiring), being agreeable in arguments and debates between friends. Even pretending that she wasn’t envious of your relationship with Izuku all of high school was an act, even if her true feelings shone through the moment she saw the stresses of Hero life fray the red string between you two.
But lying, frankly and unabashedly, is what she needs to do at this point. What will she say to Izuku, who at this very moment is staring at baby bouncers and car seats, who agrees with the name Izumi for either a boy or a girl, with the kanji for ‘harmony’ and ‘peace’? There’s nothing peaceful about the fact that she is lying by omission. Izumi can also be written as ‘fountain’ and ‘progress’, and this is not progress, this will only make things worse.
Ochaco’s spiral is interrupted when he calls her name.
“H-huh?” Her hand reflexively rests on her belly and Izuku watches her carefully.
“Are you doing alright?” he asks. They’ve been walking through this department store for quite a while already and he understands that even if she is strong, there’s a lot of pressure she’s under, both physically and emotionally. “I can take you home if you-”
Ochaco shakes her head quickly.
“No, no, no, just… I think I got overwhelmed by all the safety choices.” She laughs, a forced laugh, then walks down the store aisle, looking animatedly at all the different car seat models. “Can you believe how many options there are?”
He raises an eyebrow at her, but shrugs.
“As long as we get the best quality,” he says. He tries to smile but Ochaco already has a distressed look on her face again that she won’t explain to him.
He sighs then moves closer to her, placing both his hands on her shoulders before rubbing them. It’s all Ochaco can bear not to break down and cry in public, but Izuku doesn’t know this. All he knows is that she requires some comfort, and he will give it to her, even if he doesn’t see the rest of his life loving her.
At least not now.
Izuku stands a few feet before your clinic at dusk, wondering if he should go in. Admittedly, he should have thought of showing up here before - it’s not like you can pretend you’re not around if you’re one of the care providers. But is he really desperate enough to demand to see you here, to corner you as you make your way out of work? There will be eyes, so many eyes watching, and truly, he has embarrassed you more than enough times already. Plus, it’s unnecessary pressure. At home, you can still choose whether or not to let him in, while here in the public view, he’d be forcing you to decide in his favor.
He doesn’t want to be that type of person.
He takes a deep breath in.
HIs mother said decide, and the answer seemed simple then. He’d rather be with you.
But how bold is he to ask you to overlook his mistake? An angrier, pettier part of him wants to say part of this is your fault anyway. If you had just been willing to wait a little bit more, if you had been just a little less insecure, if you had-
No, this is his fault. Entirely. He’d tried to call your bluff, not taken your concerns seriously in the least, and now he was in this predicament as a result of being careless. It’s his burden to bear, so whatever he says to you now has to be carefully crafted and convincing. After all, if you do take him back, he’ll have to do penance for a lifetime. He’d always be the father of someone else’s child, no matter what.
He checks the time on his watch. It’s about time for you to leave, a little after six. When things were good, the way they should be, you would have called him around this time while walking to the parking lot to tell him about your day and all you’ve accomplished and learned.
And as he waits, you do eventually step out, and your phone is to your ear. You’re smiling. It’s not with him or because of him, and maybe Izuku decides that that’s fine, because your smile is valuable no matter who gives it to you, he thinks.
Well, in some cases.
His stomach turns as Shoto emerges from a car parked out in the front of the lot. A car that he didn’t really pay attention to, but was also waiting for you just under his nose. You barely notice Izuku of course, because he’s hidden in shame, but you turn to Shoto, smile and give him a hug. He watches Shoto help you into the car first, then slip back into the driver’s seat. It hurts to know that he has to hide while his friend dotes on you in broad daylight. It’s a pain he’s shockingly unfamiliar with and that he needs to get rid of as soon as possible.
Neither of you notice him, but Izuku’s eyes don’t leave that shiny sports car making its way out of his field of view.
He wants to throw up. If Shoto wasn’t fucking you before for real, he had to be now.
This is his fault. He did everything wrong.
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happyk44 · 6 months
Also, what if Children of Poseidon can invoke Decompression Sickness?
Yesssssss!!! Decompression sickness is more known for occurring with divers, but it can also occur when flying at a high altitude (if your aircraft is unpressurized) - so children of Zeus may be able to invoke it as well.
Decompression sickness is also under the umbrella of decompression illness, which includes arterial gas embolisms and pulmonary barotrauma. The difference between the three is that:
Decompression sickness (DCS) occurs when rapid pressure reduction (for example, during ascent from a dive or ascent to altitude) causes gas previously dissolved in blood or body tissues to form bubbles in blood vessels
Pulmonary barotrauma (PBT) is caused when the compressed air in a diver's lungs cannot freely escape during a rapid ascent and the lung tissues rupture. It's a lot more obvious than DCS (for clear reasons)
Arterial gas embolism (AGE) is a blood vessel blockage caused by gas bubbles in the arterial bloodstream. It occurs when air enters an artery (often under similar circumstances as DCS or due to PBT) and becomes trapped. It's the most common cause of death in underwater divers
For anyone who wants to write about Percy, Jason, or Thalia invoking this on someone else, here's a list of symptoms that can occur!
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[ID: Screenshot of a table from the Wikipedia page on Decompression Sickness. Table is titled "Signs and symptoms of decompression sickness". There are three columns called DCS type, Bubble location, and Signs and Symptoms (clinical manifestations).
Row 1
DCS type: Musculoskeletal Bubble location: Mostly large joints of the limbs (elbows, shoulders, hip, wrists, knees, ankles) Signs and symptoms: Localized deep pain, ranging from mild to excruciating, sometimes a dull ache, more rarely a sharp pain; active and passive motion of the joint may aggravate the pain; the pain may be reduced by bending the joint to find a more comfortable position; if caused by altitude, pain can occur immediately or up to many hours later
Row 2
DCS type: Cutaneous Bubble location: Skin Signs and symptoms: Itching, usually around the ears, face, neck, arms, and upper torso; sensation of tiny insects crawling over the skin (formication); mottled or marbled skin usually around the shoulders, upper chest and abdomen, with itching (cutis marmorata)
Row 3
DCS type: Neurologic Bubble location: Brain Signs and symptoms: Altered sensation, tingling or numbness (paresthesia), increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia); confusion or memory loss (amnesia); visual abnormalities; unexplained mood or behavior changes; seizures, unconsciousness
Row 4
DCS type: Neurologic Bubble location: Spinal cord Signs and symptoms: Ascending weakness or paralysis in the legs; urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence; girdling (also referred to as girdle, banding, or tightening feeling) around the abdominal region and/or chest
Row 5
DCS type: Constitutional Bubble location: Whole body Signs and symptoms: Headache; unexplained fatigue; generalized malaise, poorly localized aches
Row 6
DCS type: Audiovestibular Bubble location: Inner ear Signs and symptoms: Loss of balance; dizziness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting; hearing loss
Row 7
DCS type: Pulmonary Bubble location: Lungs Signs and symptoms: Dry persistent cough; burning chest pain under the sternum, aggravated by breathing; shortness of breath
/end ID]
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[ID: Screenshot of a table on the signs and symptoms of arterial gas embolism from the wikipedia page "List of Signs and Symptoms of Diving Disorders". There are two columns: Symptoms and Percentage, which lists the symptoms of an AGE and the approximate estimates of frequency for each symptoms.
Symptoms and their related frequency:
Loss of consciousness: 81%
Pulmonary rales or wheezes: 38%
Blood in the ear (Hemotympanum): 34%
Decreased reflexes: 34%
Extremity weakness or paralysis: 32%
Chest pain: 29%
Irregular breathing or apnea: 29%
Vomiting: 29%
Coma without convulsions: 26%
Coughing blood (Hemoptysis): 23%
Sensory loss: 21%
Stupor and confusion: 18%
Vision changes: 20%
Cardiac arrest: 16%
Headache: 16%
Unilateral motor changes: 16%
Change in gait or ataxia: 14%
Conjunctivitis: 14%
Sluggishly reactive pupils: 14%
Vertigo: 12%
Coma with convulsions: 11%
/end ID]
And from the same wikipedia page: "Other conditions that can be caused by pulmonary barotrauma include pneumothorax, mediastinal emphysema and interstitial emphysema."
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strayheartless · 1 year
Well here’s a series I thought I had grown out of…
Welcome back (albeit on a new account) to Flo copes! A series where I channel what I’ve just been through into my faves because I’m incapable of dealing with strong emotions on my own!
Todays topic? Panic attacks! And how each character deals with them!:
Sora: simply put, he doesn’t. Sora is incapable of recognising when he needs to stop and breath. Nine times out of ten he thinks a panic attack is his body finally giving up the ghost and he makes himself worse. It usually hits him randomly and any little moments of panic he locks down until it mounts up and makes him cry and throw up and then cry again.
Kairi: Kairi good at managing her emotional well-being, and regularly takes brakes to ensure she’s doing okay. But when it does hit her it usually manifests itself as uncontrollable crying. Usually her panic attacks are more drawn out, their like an all day thing. She will wake up feeling terrible, spend breakfast fighting tears, cry by lunch, then get set off by small stuff like music that sounds sad, cry again around bedtime and end up going off to look for someone to help her calm down (usually Aqua or Axel because they give the best hugs.)
Riku: ah yes, my boy is hyper aware of panic attacks and the minute one presents itself he takes himself off -like a dog in distress- and deals with it alone. It manifests it’s self as intense nausea, swimming vision and shortness of breath. He’s thrown up more times than he hasn’t, and nobody except Ienzo and Even have ever seen him have one.
Roxas: this kid don’t have the time nor the inclination to deal with panic attacks. He knows what they are and that he has them, he just simply refuses to let them rule him. If one starts he goes and plonks himself between Axel, Xion and Isa and stays there until it stops. It usually feels like a overthinking spiral that leads to shortness of breath but he’s never let it get far enough to know if there’s anything else.
Axel: Axel tends to get explosive when he’s having a panic attack -in the emotional sense (although fire has been known to happen too.). He snaps at everyone and starts to get an intense feeling in his chest until he can’t cope and starts yelling in panic. It’s kind of scary to watch him go through it.
Xion: my poor girl shuts all the way down. It’s more like a PTSD episode. She gets this far off look in her eyes and she’ll stay in the same position for a while as her heart races and she tries to focus on coming back. Touching her is not a good idea because she is likely to lash out and then get upset that she’s done it. Which invariably ends in tears.
Ventus: here’s another little fellow who simply shuts down. His ears start to ring, his heart Jack hammers and then he’s somewhere he didn’t remember going and being told he just clocked out. It’s scary because he generally doesn’t know where the time in the middle goes.
Aqua: like sora, she doesn’t realise it’s happening and then it’s on her and she can’t escape. She ends up throwing up a lot of the time, and quite often panic will grip her FAST and then she’s incapacitated by it. Unlike sora however, she doesn’t put it off or try to push it down. She lets it happen and lets people take care of her when it does.
Terra: cries. Uncontrollable, heaving, body wracking sobs, shaking violently, doesn’t know what’s happening, vision goes blurry, the whole nine yards. Terras panic attacks happen frequently and with an intensity that shocks everyone. He ends up feeling literally everything all at once and sometimes he’s been known to start laughing out of sheer fear. Nobody. Likes. Watching. It. Happen.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: The Wyoming Incident
Code Name: The Wyoming Incident
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AEJ has not been reported since its manifestation. Furthermore, those responsible were apprehended but eventually died as a result of the incident. As such, the chances of it happening again and low, but just to be safe, the Telecommunications Monitoring Office - Internet Division and Broadcast Division are to alert Foundation administrative staff in the event of SCP-AEJ or something similar happening again.
Description: SCP-AEJ was an incident where several TV stations were hacked by cyber terrorists determined to cause chaos for laughs. However, what they displayed was not disgusting or disturbing imagery, though it did appear as such, but in reality, was much worse. It's unknown exactly how, but the hackers were able to obtain rejected memetic images created by Group of Interest: PENTAGRAM.
For those that don't know, PENTAGRAM is a division of the United States Department of Defense. While the FBI: UIU was created to investigate anomalous threats within the US, PENTAGRAN was made specifically to combat anomalous threats to the ALL of the US. It has been approved of existence by the SCP Foundation and is funded by the Global Occult Coalition. Unfortunately, PENTAGRAM is not as protected as either organization and thus, was how this situation happened.
The hackers obtained the memetics which were rejected because they failed to do as PENTAGRAM wanted. Instead of proper brainwashing or memory wipe; they often causing seizers, headaches, stroke, nausea, and other forms of mental deterioration. These symptoms easily got worse as time went on often leading to their bodies flying in the air while they entered a comatose state, their eyes glowing in a blinding light, their skin suddenly rotting out of nowhere, or their heads just bloating until they explode. It should be noted that anomalous symptoms are always a risk with exposure to multiple memetics in a short period of time. It's for this reason why memetic training and therapy, though effective, is considered dangerous as it can overload the brain and damage it beyond repair.
SCP-AEJ was discovered in 2006 within [data expunged], [data expunged], [data expunged], and a few other cities, all of which are in Wyoming. The event nearly led to an MK Class Broken Masquerade Scenario had the Foundation not reacted in time.
Mobile Task Force Dionysus-1 "Fake News" was entrusted to feed the media a story of a sudden outbreak of a new pathogen within the state of Wyoming. Afterwards Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" was deployed to distribute amnestics to anyone who wasn't affected but witness the incident. Meanwhile Foundation agents and MTF units disguised as CDC agents found those who were affected and used amnestic treatment on those that could be saved and quarantined the rest. The hackers involved in the incident suffered the same fate as those who saw the broadcasting of the amnestics. They were used as test subjects to see how to properly subside and even reverse the effects before actual treatment was taken to the affected public. This action was approved by the Ethics Committee, "A fitting punishment" in their own words.
The cover story worked with the public believing those that could be saved were cured and those that were mutated were killed by the plague. The incident was unfortunately known forever in history as "The Wyoming Ghost Plague" or as "The Wyoming Incident". Though the Foundation can take pride in knowing that no civilian will ever know the true nature of the SCP-AEJ incident.
Side Note: PENTAGRAM vouched to the ACPA council to take responsibility for the SCP-AEJ incident. However, the ACPA did not listen with Foundation representatives even claiming, "a lesser organization cannot be expected to handle such consequences". Just words but considered quite the insult to those in the anomalous world that desire to protect the interests and innocence of the public.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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I want to ask about Luis and Tape Girl (Kelly).
Yes, they are both security guards, it seems to be clear how they met. But still, I'm interested to know about their first steps of rapprochement.
Oooh, you see, these two knew each other even before working together.
After the Fnaf VR events, Kelly Cawthon, wanting to protect subsequent beta-testers from the influence of Glitchtrap, turned to the company where the unfortunate game was outsourced and found out the names and contact information of people on this position. After contacting Vanessa and learning that a mysterious yellow rabbit decided to visit her and that Afton had already collected all of her tapes, she insists on a personal contact, during which she will explain more. This kind of scares Vanessa, but curiosity makes her give the weird girl a chance.
Kelly saw her quite often after that, studying her condition and trying to find a way to eradicate the parasite (which Vanessa didn’t really complain about) before something bad happens to her too. Once she accompanied her to the place of a new job and, after having already separated, she suddenly felt sick.
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Glitch creature made an attempt to make a Tape girl his new host in the past, but the attempt was unsuccessful due to the fact that Cawthon turned off all devices faster than the process was completed. But it still caused a certain harm to consciousness, which manifested itself in sudden states of disorientation with concomitant dizziness and an unreasonable feeling of nausea, which bothered her in the next few months after that possession attempt. It so happened that one of them took place right on the street, and it so happened that Cabrera, who was heading in the same direction as Afton, saw her and noticed that something was wrong with this passerby. He clumsily tried to help her, bought her a water, and when she convinced him that everything was alright with her now, he fastly left, leaving behind the phone that he took out when considered that it might be worth calling an ambulance.
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Kelly, using his phone, contacts his acquaintances and, well, the guy himself, setting up a meeting at which she will return the forgotten thing to Luis. There, she gets to know him in more detail and, feeling really embarrassed about the incident, insists that she should either return the money to him or buy something as well. He is embarrassed to take anything from her, she is uncomfortable that he does not take anything, and, in the end, Cabrera makes a concession. His new acquaintance buys him something to drink too (maybe his beloved coffee, dunno) and they manage to bright up a conversation when he finds out that she is Scott Cawthon’s daughter, and that she shares the same interest in IT and programming stuff as him (by “him” I mean Luis). The rest is history. I think they chatted online more after this, though had a couple of times when they went for a walk together somewhere and talked face to face.
They seemed to become nice pals. But then “Special Delivery” events happened.
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askanaroace · 2 years
Ask An Aro Ace ASAW Day 2: Being a Non-Favorable Aromantic
Today is another day where I kinda talk about something that's treated as different within and without the community. Today I want to talk about being romance-indifferent or romance-averse or romance-repulsed.
A quick primer for those who might need:
Romance-favorable: generally likes and is open to romance.
Romance-indifferent: generally unbothered by and doesn't think about romance. Doesn't really want it but isn't strongly turned away from it.
Romance-averse: generally uninterested in romance but not especially upset or uncomfortable with it.
Romance-repulsed: generally experiencing discomfort and upset surrounding romance.
This may be in the realm of romantic content to personal outlook on romance and the desire or lack thereof to be in a romantic relationship. And not everyone has to use these or may even feel the scale is useful to them, for example because someone might be favorable to romantic media but repulsed by the idea of personally participating in romance or their feelings may fluctuate over time and be different at different times.
I would say I fall along the lines of being romance-indifferent. In the past, I have been touch-repulsed and sex-repulsed (and now probably lay somewhere along indifferent to averse), so I have general experience with how intense and upsetting repulsion can be and how it can impact your life, though I can't speak specifically to romance-repulsion.
What I want to talk about is the extremely different perspective that comes out about romance depending on if you're looking at things from within or without the community.
When your general allo hears about aromanticism, they are most likely to assume someone completely uninterested in romance and potentially even repulsed by it. You may get gross comments about being picky or immature or afraid of commitment and have it said or implied that the "right person" will "fix" you (as if romance-favorable aros aren't still aro!). Dehumanization is especially common with aros with claims of "love is what makes us human".
But within the community, this treatment by allos has led to a sense of shame surrounding aversion and repulsion, as well as aplatonicism, heartlessness, and lovelessness. There is a tendency to try and defend aros from such judgements by using amatonormative claims like "aros can still want to date!" and "aros can love in other ways!" which leaves out aros for whom these statements aren't true and sets up the prospect that the only acceptable way to be aromantic is to be romance-favorable and partnering (whether that be a romantic or queerplatonic or platonic partnership).
I know very well that romance-favorable aros face their own struggles and often feel invalid and fake due to their favorability. That's a real and valid feeling and struggle. But truth is that I see a lot of validation, positivity, and encouragement for favorability.
And if you run in the right circles, you'll see that same energy given towards indifference, aversion, and repulsion. But overall, it can be very difficult to talk about being repulsed in particular. People treat you like your discomfort is difficult to accommodate, like your feelings are a burden to them. And it's an especially terrible burden for a repulsed person to have to carry because we're the ones dealing with literal repulsion over these subjects. Accommodating us takes a little conscious, thought yes, but when I was repulsed, that could manifest as:
Being unable to stomach watching certain shows/movies
Getting very easily embarrassed and flustered and uncomfortable with such material
An actual, physical sensation of freezing up and my body shutting down
Involuntary flinching
Anxiety and fear over having to face certain situations
People can also experience things like nausea, dysphoria, depression, etc.
I get that accommodating us does take some mindfulness and effort, but I promise that it is easier on you than it is on the repulsed person to go through the above.
And acceptance for this definitely has improved over time. But making room for non-favorable folk means more than us being an after-thought. It means including these experiences in your definition of aromanticism. It means updating your content warnings. It means changing the way we defend our identity.
Humans are defined based off of general biology and society building defined by traits like bipedalism, language, tool-making, foresight, and opposable thumbs. Nothing at all to do with love, which is something we can observe throughout the animal kingdom. All aros are humans because that's the scientific classification we're born into. You don't need love to be compassionate or kind towards other people. Every living creature is worthy of basic respect. Aromanticism doesn't harm people (anti-aro bias and amatonormativity do). Whatever our feelings, those deserve to be respected and considered.
By breaking down these barriers and stereotypes, we help everyone. Because there's a lot of different ways to feel and live, and we deserve to get to explore those options.
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thesharkbaitspellbook · 2 months
happiness, warmth, healing, love, encouragement, prosperity, abundance, fertility, community, diligence, work ethic
Honey is an ingredient I use often. And Honestly, there is too much lore across too many cultures to just list but the history is RICH with information. Obviously a major use it to "sweeten" a working but there are so many other areas to use it in, as listed above. The golden color also plays a huge role in why I use it for so many things and offer it to so many of the deities in my practice. So here is some other things related to it…
Medicinal Uses:
Help with Indigestion – Taking a tablespoon or two will settle your stomach and it won't ferment and cause more trouble.
Relieve Nausea – You can use honey with ginger ale to help relieve nausea
Wound Care – Use as a topical wound care, it can help quicken healing time for injuries such as rashes, burns, and skin abrasions.
Cure Acne – It's a natural face cleaner and is known to help cure acne, and works on all skin types even sensitive skin. Use about half a teaspoon and warm it in your hands then spread on your face like soap, rubbing in circular motions. Let sit for about 10 minutes then rinse with warm water and dry.
Relieve Sore Throat – There is a reason your mom would make you warm tea with honey when you had a sore throat, it can help it feel better.
Sugar Substitute – Use raw honey as a substitute for white sugar
Energy Boost – Take a tablespoon of honey before as a pre-workout.
Moisturizer – Use a spoonful of honey and mix with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice to make an ultra moisturizing lotion.
Cure Dry Elbows – Rub some honey on your dry elbows and it will help soften your skin.
Lip Balm – Use honey to a make a natural lip balm. You will need honey, beeswax, and a few other oils.
Hair Mask – This will help lock in moisture and shine in your hair use one teaspoon of honey to 5 cups of warm water the rinse and style like normal.
Cure a Hangover – Honey will help speed up your metabolism and help your body process the alcohol faster.
Cough Syrup – Use honey to make a cough syrup
Reduce Seasonally Allergies – Use local raw honey and take a tablespoon or so a day. The local pollen in the honey helps build your body's immunity to the pollen which will lessen your allergies during pollen season.
Moisturize Your Skin – Add a tablespoon of honey to your hot bath to help moisturize your skin while you bathe!
Help Get to Sleep – Use a tablespoon of honey at night to help get to bed! Honey has been known to help absorb the compound tryptophan, which makes us sleepy!
Honey Combos
Thyme Honey: the Honey of Courage
Lavender Honey: the Honey of Magic and Healing
Acacia Honey: the honey of Vital Energy
Manuka Honey: the honey of Healing
Pine Honey: the honey of Protection
Flower Honey: the honey of Happiness
Eucalyptus Honey: the honey of Uncrossing
Rosemary Honey, Rose Honey: the honey of Love and Beauty
Mint Honey: Honey of Prosperity
Honey Cakes
Make ritual soaps
Spell jars to sweeten or stick
Healing Workings
Communication Workings
Manifestation Workings
Hexes to make it stick and hard to get off
Make mead lol
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