#which makes him over Vegas and Sales
sailorbryant · 2 years
They say write about what you know, so my head has created a VegasPete office!au.
Aka, all the bodyguards are administrative assistants with increasingly ridiculous title names. The main plot is about Vegas stealing all of Kinns administrative assistants, while Pete has to basically be both of their assistants (Which is not his job) due to the constant turnover, because he's the only one they both trust.
I need about two weeks vacation and I am so writing this.
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jkfanfr · 10 months
Vegas and Pete FF- KinnPorche The Series (BL)
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Let me tell you something real quick, this couple won my heart once i watched the series. Their partnership was incredible and i recommend watching it (sexual content warning, maybe not the first bl you should watch but amazing nonetheless)
It’s my first work on Alpha and Omega stories, so i’m sorry if there is any mistakes, but have fun my lovelies!
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Let me know if you can see the signature line~ 😏
Italics are thoughts 
What does an omega do when he’s in heat, but attending an important meeting with his alpha who is the CEO?
Well, Pete is an omega and his alpha is Vegas. 
Vegas is serious, talented, smug, and always gets his way. Very handsome, with a muscular and toned body
Pete is a caring, introverted sweetheart. Seems weak, but is actually so skilful, strong and athletic 
People were head over heels for that type. When it comes to Pete and Vegas, you’d think people will be awed and obsessed with such a physic and man like Vegas, but no no no. It was true that many were interested in Pete.
His quiet and blunt soul was one which caught many eyes, him being an omega was just a treat in addition to all of that goodness. 
Vegas was not happy about that at all, i mean.. who would want many guys and girls falling over their lover? No one. Vegas wasn’t into sharing either, never was, and never will. 
The omega was all his, belonged to him, devoted to him. Even if they’ve only been dating for a couple of months, his handsome alpha knew he was the one. The one he loved, was whipped for, and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Pete felt the exact same, not wanting to end the beautiful love they shared with each other. It was golden, maybe even magical, and truly never-ending. 
In the meeting room, Kinn was at one end of the table with Porsche beside him. Arm and Pol sat down on one side with Tankhun on the other side. There was an empty seat next to him which Pete made his way to sit in. 
On the way, he saw Kinn’s tail caressing Porsche at the back, making Porsche turn red. Pete laughed quietly to himself, as he sat next to Tankhun, to which, he smiled and bowed to him out of respect.
Vegas was sat at the other end, giving a small smirk to Pete as he sipped on his coffee, his ears looking as fluffy as ever as his tail wagging behind him. 
Kinn- “So Vegas..why are we here?”
Vegas- “Right. I wanted to inform you all on my new business plan for the company. As the CEO, and you as my buisness partner, i have to let you know the changes right?”
Kinn- “Right, so, what’s your idea”
Porsche- “It better not be stupid like that time when you were making Arm and Pol dress up like inflatable balloons.”
Vegas- “Actually, that was was Tankhun’s idea”
Tankhun- “Well, jokes on you Porsche, it worked. Entertainment wise, and sales wise”
Arm- “Not gonna lie, it was fun to do”
Pol- “Baby don’t lie, it wasn’t”
Arm- “Only because you tripped and fell down a block of stairs in front of everyone”
Porsche- “Wait?! You fell?!”
Arm- “Yeah! He did, Pete has the video”
Porsche- “No way..! Pete you better send me that!”
Arm and Porsche burst out laughing, Tankhun laughing too. Pol crossed his arms over his chest, giving Arm an annoyed look. Pete brought out his phone, showing them all the video as he laughed happily with them, Pol sulking a little, but couldn’t stop himself from laughing too. 
Vegas couldn’t help but laugh too, as his omega sat there, turning a little red. He suddenly  was feeling uncomforted for some reason, his body rising up in heat. 
Pete smiled it off though, trying not to make it obvious that he wasn’t feeling his best. 
Vegas- “Ok ok, enough of that, let me show you all my plan then.”
Pete changed his focus to Vegas, his body playing with itself and the heat. He didn’t know what it was, it just wasn’t normal. 
Vegas had eyes of a hawk, he easily could tell something was off about his omega. He didn’t look this red when he entered, that’s because he always looked at the little things when it came to Pete. Vegas loved every part of him. 
Vegas- “Ok, so, to get business booming, i think we should focus on celebrities, maybe them becoming a partner in our company.”
Pete- “Hold up.”
Everyone took an eye on Pete, who was still a bit red, but looked up a Vegas
Arm- “What’s up Pete?”
Pete- “May I add something Vegas?”
Vegas- “It’s Mr Theerapanyakul to you”
Vegas gave his signature smirk, as Kinn scoffed a little with Porsche.
Porsche- “God you’re so extra Vegas”
Vegas- “Shush, let me hear you Pete”
Everyone shushed up at Vegas’ request as Pete stood up from his chair. 
Pete- “Vegas, let me add something”
Vegas- “Call me Mr Theerapanyakul Pete.”
Vegas’ tail swished side to side, as Pete grinned. Pete decided to walk up to where Vegas was. He physically pulled him by the arm, making him sit down in his own chair next to Tankhun. The rest of them laughed softly, as Pete controlled his alpha, something which wasn’t so common. 
Tankhun- “Well done my Pete”
Pol- “It’s the fact that Vegas wouldn’t let anyone else do this”
They all laughed at that, even Vegas himself as he looked at Pete with playful eyes, his smirk sprouting again. 
Pete- “Let me bring an idea to the table”
Kinn- “Show us what you got then.”
Pete stood infront of the table, bringing some of his files with him. 
Pete- “Alright, so Kinn, i think instead of celebrities, influencers would be a better choice.”
Kinn raised his eyebrows, Porsche giving Pete a smile of admiration. Pete was an intelligent man for his kind. As an omega, he has wits and a smart brain, some others were a bit brainless and clumsy, aka Porsche.
Pete- “The reason for this is because influencers have many followers, with many viewers. They upload daily, with many taking an interest in what they do in their life. Celebrities don’t always have this kind of popularity. If this would be possible, our company should reach out to these influencers, so they could advertise our products we provide, and they could give a good rating to possibly thousands of viewers.”
Tankhun stood up, giving Pete an applaud as he smiled nervously. They all gave an applaud, except for his stubborn alpha, who was looking a little salty, but still giving Pete a smirk
Tankhun- “Awh! Pete, you’re brilliant!”
Kinn- “I must say Pete, you’re more smart than you think”
Porsche- “Mhm, i’m fully in with the idea”
Kinn- “Me too, i agree with it all, i think it’s really good”
Arm- “We both agree as well, what about you Vegas?”
Vegas kept quiet, sipping on some coffee as he looked at Pete. His omega leaned over the table, looking at Vegas directly in the eyes, his ears kept high as always. 
Pete- “How was it Mr Theerapanyakul?”
Vegas- “Ok ok, it wasn’t bad. I agree with it”
Pete grinned as he looked at Vegas, becoming a little more red as he sat in his normal seat, Vegas going back to his own.
Tankhun- “Wow Pete, you should come up with the business ideas more often”
Pete- “Haha, thank you Tankhun”
Vegas- “Yeah yeah, alright, let’s go over the people we already have now”
As Vegas, Kinn, Porsche and Tankhun went over some files, Arm and Pol talking amongst themselves, Pete was sitting down quietly. He felt some heat pulse through him, so much to a point it hurt. His abdomen hurt really badly after some time, making him breath heavily and turn red. 
He held into his stomach a little with his hand, feeling like his gonna burst with pain. Tankhun was the first to notice and put his hand on Pete’s shoulder for support.
Tankhun- “Are you alright Pete?”
Pete- “Oh, i’m alright don’t worry”
The omega smiled the pain away, but as everyone continued to talk and as his alpha, Vegas instantly knew something was wrong. His senses kicked in and it was very strong, something he couldn’t ignore. He sniffed a little, and was instantly caught in a sweet scent.. like Pete?
Pete was breathing heavily, his heart palpitating. He tried to hide it as much as possible, by re-reading files over and over again, hoping Tankhun wouldn’t see and question him again. 
Vegas continued to sniff around, the sweet scent getting better and better, to a point it’s intoxicating. 
Kinn- “You alright Vegas? Why are you sniffing nothing?”
Vegas- “I’m not sniffing nothing you idiot. Don’t you smell that?”
Kinn, Porsche and Tankhun started smelling the air a little, shaking their heads, pretty puzzled.
Porsche- “There’s nothing”
Tankhun- “Yeah, what are you smelling Vegas?”
Vegas stayed quiet, the sweet smell of what was the exact same as Pete getting stronger, making him desire something. He looked over towards Pete, noticing he’s covering up his face a little, but had a gut feeling that it was coming from Pete.
Vegas- No..is Pete in? Heat?! It can’t be..
Arm- “Are you guys done yet?!”
Pol- “What’s the point of us being here if you’re not gonna talk to us?”
Tankhun- “Ai! Shut up Pol, i’m trying to focus”
Arm- “Hey! Leave my baby alone”
Arm put his arms around Pol, holding him sweetly. Pol gave him a weirded out expression, but then smiled warmly at him
Pol- “I’m not your baby Arm”
Arm- “Then what are you? My honeybun?~”
Pol- “If i’m your honeybun, then you’re my cutie pie~”
Arm blushed profoundly as they both sweetly smiled at each other. Tankhun looked at them with disgust 
Tankhun- “Ugh, you guys are so in love..”
Pete- “Khun.. Love is a beautiful thing, forever and always devoted to one another”
Arm and Pol nodded appealingly, as Kinn and Porsche’s ears straightened up, meaning he was satisfied. Vegas smirked at Pete’s words, admiring the omega. He was an interesting mixture of things, but all in all, he was perfect. 
Tankhun- “As if! I hear Kinn and Porsche moaning at each other all the time.”
Porsche- “Huh?!”
Porches and Pete nearly chocked on the coffee they were drinking. As omega’s, they were beyond shocked at Tankhun’s sudden words. The alpha’s grinned a bit as the rest of them looked at each other, still stunned at Tankhun’s words
Vegas- “What do you mean by that?”
Tankhun- “They’re always complaining at each other.”
Pete- “Oh.. i see..”
Pete and Vegas made suspicious but playful eye contact at one another before giggling softly. They all burst out laughing expect for Tankhun
Tankhun- “Guys? What are you laughing at? Pete?”
He tapped Pete’s shoulder, as Pete attempted to stop laughing. 
Pete- “It’s nothing, don’t worry”
The omega let out a soft groan out of pain from his abdomen again. This time the pain worsened. Tankhun put his hand on Pete’s arm out of support. Vegas immediately picked up that sweet scent again, becoming attracted to it once more.
Porsche- “You alright Pete?”
Pete- “I’m ok, don’t worry. I just have a stomach ache”
Porsche- “Are you sure that’s all?”
Vegas- “Mhm, if you’re not well Pete, i can take you home.”
Pete was going to decline, but as the pain deepened in harshness and heaviness, he felt his face go red again, his mind filling with desire. His alpha continued to sniff that sweet smell, which seemed to be coming from Pete.
Vegas- i knew it was heat, oh my baby..you’ll be ok, i promise 
Pete- “Actually.. that would be better if that’s ok with you all?”
Kinn- “It’s totally fine Pete, take it easy”
Porsche- “Yeah, let me know when you’re better”
Pete- “Thank you guys”
Vegas stood up from his chair, his tail swishing from side to side as he took his omega’s hand, slowly taking him through the office door and into the hallway, which they walked through to get to their car.
Vegas- “What’s up with you baby?”
Pete- “Nothing, it’s just my abdomen hurts really bad”
Vegas- “Does it?” he’s in heat, his first heat. that’s why he doesn’t know if it is or not. i’ll treat you well Pete, my love
Pete- “Yeah..i feel really hot babe”
Vegas- “Do you want some water?”
Pete- “No..i don’t want water Vegas..”
Vegas stopped for a second, putting one hand around Pete’s waist as he put his hand to his forehead. 
Vegas- “Goodness love, you’re sweating”
Pete- “It hurts..”
Pete held his abdomen again, feeling sweat drip down his forehead and hit his nose. He didn’t know what it was. His ears dropped down out of the pain he was in. 
Vegas- “Baby, i..i think you’re in your first heat”
Pete- “Huh?”
For a smart omega like Pete, he was a little clueless when in came to things like this. Even Pete thought for a bit and realised it as well.
Pete- “Baby..i-What do i do?”
Vegas- “What do you want baby?”
Pete- “I want..”
Pete looked at Vegas’ red eyes, getting a little heated and giddy on the inside. He desires something, or someone perhaps..
Pete- “You”
Pete looked at him, his frosty eyes deepening in red as his ears were pointed upwards, still. His tail swished excitedly but lustily, hoping Vegas would give him what he wants. He’s always wanted Vegas to pound into him as he curled his fingers around his ears, his tail linked with his as they continuously moan at the deep and pure pleasure.
God those horny thoughts tortured the omega, making him growl, and nearly cum in his boxers. He looked at Vegas with desperation, praying that he’d agree. As an omega, he was a pretty horny one, not like Porsche. He’d always masturbate when he needed too, of course, without his alpha knowing, otherwise he’d get spanked. He shivered a little remembering that. Pete would though imagine his first time with Vegas, and it being the best he’s ever had.
Pete- “P-Please baby?~ Na?”
Vegas was lost for words, Pete’s actions and words just made him wanna melt like ice on fire. But damn was Pete hot when he was all desperate and horny, he’d never seen anything like it, but was gonna make sure that it was always seen. Of course, just for himself, he’s not gonna share such perfection with someone else. God he’d never. Vegas would never get enough of Pete, and especially not this side of him.
Pete- “Can you do it for me na?~”
Vegas- God help me..…
Pete brought his mouth close to Vegas’ ear, making him lean back against the wall. Pete kept his hands on the back of his neck as he whispered in a deep and breathy tone, his hot breath hitting the alpha’s ear.
Pete- “Oh please hun?~ I want you so badly, so badly i’m in pain.~”
Vegas growled at Pete, making him grin in victory. Vegas smirked deafeningly, pulling Pete along with him by his hand. They reached the car, as Vegas threw him inside the front passenger seat. He sat in the drivers seat, going to rev up the engine as he hastily put his seatbelt on
Pete- “What’s the rush babes?~”
Vegas- Damn it Pete, you’ve got to stop before i lose my mind
The omega kept on teasing him, having the most amount of fun while doing so. The man loved making Vegas groan with much heat and desperation inside of him. Though the alpha said nothing, his eyes were turning to a deeper red than before as his ears stood proud on his head, you could tell he was impatient and horny, wanting to do the most to his devilish omega. 
Pete put his seatbelt on, as he grinned once more, declaring victory again as his alpha looked at his expression. Vegas just wanted to kiss him so much, make him fall deeper in love with him as he begs for mercy under him as his cock is crashing against his prostate. 
The alpha felt pre cum swirl around in his boxers as he felt his legs twitching, his trousers tightening against his skin. Pete kept that innocent tone and expression on his face, driving Vegas absolutely mental.
Pete- “Don’t drive so quick hun, otherwise you won’t make it home, well, we won’t make it home”
Pete giggled a little, keeping that innocence on the prowl, making Vegas groan softly, continuing to drive at a higher speed. Right beside him, was Pete, taking his shirt off, which made Vegas’ eyes widen.
Vegas- “What are you doing Pete?!”
Pete- “I’m hot baby..~”
Vegas- Which hot do you mean? Both seem correct to me, fuck i’m getting hot inside. Pete you have to stop before i lose my shit.
 Vegas nodded at him, placing his hand on Pete’s thigh as he took his shirt off, feeling the cool breeze of the ac hit his body, as he sighed, satisfied. 
Time skip 
(i can’t wait) 
The alpha grabbed some handcuffs, and a blindfold, throwing it on the bed as he pushed his omega further back, making him lean on the headboard. 
Vegas- “Choose a safe word baby”
Pete- “Umm.. Green”
Vegas- “Lovely, whenever you wanna stop, just say it to me, and i’ll end it immediately”
Vegas talked in a assured tone, putting his deep needy and horny self to the side for a second. He was so infatuated with Pete, wanting to keep him safe and protected at all costs, never wanting to let him go. 
Vegas- “Understood baby?”
Pete- “Mhm, i got it”
Vegas- “Now, i was thinking of taking some chances with you tonight, but only if you’re ok with it”
Pete- “I’m ok with it Vegas”
Pete replied swiftly, making Vegas a little unsure. He didn’t want Pete to regret anything tonight, even if he had a safe word. He wanted to make sure Pete knew what he was getting into
Vegas- “Are you sure baby?”
Pete- “Give me all you got daddy~”
Vegas’ eyes widened, as he growled a bit, his tail caressing Pete’s legs as he stood on his knees in front of him, getting closer and closer. The omega winked at him, his cheeks dusted in a florescent pinkish colour. Vegas gave his signature smirk, grazing his chin with his fingertips, looking at him with love and lustful passion. 
Vegas- daddy huh Pete?
Vegas looked at him, keeping that same smirk on his face the whole time. 
Vegas- “What did you just call me?”
Pete- “Daddy, why?”
Vegas was surprised at Pete’s confidence, but god he was obsessed already.
Vegas- “If you keep calling me that, i can’t guarantee you can walk tomorrow”
Pete- “I wasn’t expecting to be able to anyways”
Pete already had this all planned in his head, his wet dreams, sinful fantasies and stories were all coming true.  
Vegas- “You’re just what i desire, come here hun”
And with that, the alpha pulled Pete close to him, smashing his lips on his, giving force and thrash in the kiss. Though it was intense, it truly showed how much they wanted this, how much they waited for such a moment. Vegas’ hands scrolled down to Pete’s tail, helping them both rock their bodies against each other. Pete moaned in between the harsh kisses they were so devoted too, sending Vegas shivers down his spine. He hadn’t heard anything like it, but god it was gonna be his new obsession
Vegas’ mind was completely full of infinite things and ideas, as he nonstop kissed his lover, shoving his tongue deep within his warm cavern, sending Pete to heaven already. The heat pulsed through their body, as they kept nice and close to each other, basically sharing that burning passion they had alit. 
The alpha spreaded out Pete’s legs, after throwing his trousers to the ground. His eyes glistened with that red glow, showing how ready he was to just obliterate his omega with that pleasure he’s been longing for. 
Vegas- “Let me put those cuffs on you darling” 
Pete raised his hands up in the air, allowing Vegas to cuff them to the headboard, not to tight, enough for them to wiggle around a bit. 
Vegas- “That ok?”
Pete- “Mhm, it feels nice, but i wanna touch you”
Vegas- “You will love, i’ll let you in a bit, but for now..”
Vegas pushed him down onto the bed, laying him down as he rested his chin on Pete’s, making them seal eye contact for a couple seconds.
Vegas- “Let me pleasure my sweet and delectable Pete”
Vegas growled a bit, licking his lips as his ears stood proud and ready. Pete chuckled softly at his words, but it was soon silenced as Vegas immediately started sucking his sweet spot
Pete- damn it feels so good 
Pete’s eyes were shut, consuming all of the pleasure Vegas was giving him. 
Pete- “Love, you’re so quick”
Vegas- “I know you well honey”
Pete- “Maybe a bit too will Vegas~”
Vegas- “I wouldn’t use it to my advantage baby, don’t you worry”
Pete smiled a little, letting out soft moans from Vegas’ touch. 
Vegas- “Now, here comes the fun bit”
The alpha brought out his blindfold, brushing it across Pete’s chest, outlining his pecs with the straps of it 
Pete- “Are you gonna make me wear it”
Vegas- “You don’t have a choice hun”
Pete groaned a little, laughing softly as Vegas put the blindfold on. All he saw was the darkness, and could only guess where his lover was by his scent, and movements. 
Pete sniffed until he could perfectly tell where Vegas was, he had that musky rose scent, one which was flavourful and deeply coated around the man. 
Pete- “Come back here baby~ D-Don’t leave me alone..”
Pete was super desperate, the pain inside his abdomen was returning, he needed Vegas to give him his medicine. Not pills, not liquid, but his hard cock deep inside of him 
Vegas- “Give me a sec love”
Vegas took his clothes off, a smirk sprouting on his face as he crawled on the bed, pouncing on the man with a growl as he shoved his lips onto his, grabbing his nape as he pulled him closer. Pete was stunned for a second, but immediately gave back into it, the same strength, harshness and intensity, though filled with an immaculate amount of love and passion for each other. It seemed no one would be able to get them off of each other, they were glued together tightly, forever. 
Vegas- “You taste like candy baby”
Pete gave a flushed smile, as he continued to kiss his alpha, obsessed with the way he talked, moved and kissed him.  Everything about him was addicting, like a full on drug. The best kind.
Vegas- “Let me prep you, otherwise it’ll hurt real bad”
Pete- “How bad?”
Vegas- “Worse than the pain you have right now”
Pete have a cracked smile with a little worry, he was a bit scared that it would hurt. Of course, the omega knew Vegas wouldn’t purposefully hurt him. His alpha could read the anxiousness on his smile, as he held his cheek assuringly and adoringly.
Vegas- “It won’t hurt baby, and if it does, you have a safe word.”
Pete- “It’s ok, i’m fine. I trust you, it’s just i’m scared it’ll hurt nonetheless. I’ve never done this before”
Vegas- “Don’t worry my love, i promised i would always take good care of you, so i won’t break that promise”
Pete gave a warm smile, as he lifted his head up to give him a sweet kiss. Vegas’ red eyes, which seemed to be a bit more calmer than before, stared at the blinded sweetheart.
Vegas- “Sit nicely for me”
Pete sat up properly, his arms wriggling in the handcuffs. His eyes were seeing pitch black, though his nose sniffing Vegas’ scent and his ears stood up tall and proud. Vegas then put two fingers in Pete’s mouth, making him suck on them. His tongue swirled around his fingers, gasping for breath every couple of seconds.
Vegas- “Good boy, just a little more for me”
Pete continued to let his mouth play around, especially his tongue. His saliva covered Vegas’ fingers as he took them out of his mouth. Vegas played around with his cock, stroking it and getting it prepped with that pre-cum. He then stuffed his fingers up Pete’s hole, as Pete himself half screamed 
Pete- “Ah!~ Ow-Oh!~”
Vegas continued to finger him, adding not 1, not 2, but 3 of his long fingers, till they hit his prostate, sending him to heaven. 
Pete- “Oh god~ That’s so good, fuck!~”
Vegas- “Ready for daddy?”
Pete- “Mmh~ I-I’m ready for daddy”
Vegas- “You sure kitten?”
God Pete nearly growled at that name, though he was a wolf, being called that made him feel some things inside his heart and through heated body like warm blood. 
Pete- “Mhm, your kitten is ready”
Vegas- “Good boy, flip over for me”
Pete did as he was told, having a little struggle as he couldn’t see and move his hands properly. He made sure he did it just right for Vegas. He didn’t wanna wait any longer and deal with the pain, which was getting worse. 
Pete- “Hurry up baby!”
He complained, making Vegas kiss his cheek, ruffling his soft hair adoringly. The alpha knew his omega was in much pain, he also knew the first heat would be the worse with pain and harm to the body. 
Vegas- “I’m here honey, i won’t make you wait for too long.”
Vegas spread out Pete’s legs even further, luckily, he was quite flexible. Who knew it would be so handy when it came to sex?
Vegas aimed his long and hard cock at Pete’s tight looking hole, as he entered him slowly. Pete half-screamed at the pain and suddenness of him entering. 
Pete- “Ah~ V-Vegas!”
Vegas entered him halfway, giving him time to adjust to his size. Pete breathed heavily, his heart racing against his chest as he took the pain. 
Vegas- “You ok baby?”
Pete- “Mmh~ Y-Yeah..Can you move now?”
Vegas nodded, kissing his cheek as he thrusted inside of Pete, careful to go slowly so his omega doesn’t feel much pain. His tail encircled Pete’s foot, his ears low as the pleasure got to him quick. He continued thrusting into Pete, hearing the heavenly moans coming from his mouth. Pete rustled in his handcuffs, only seeing darkness but knowing Vegas was behind it, enjoying it as much as him.
Pete- “Uh~ Fuck Vegas!~ M-More honey~”
Vegas- “Can you take it kitten?”
Pete- “Yeah~ I can take it all my alpha”
Vegas smirked a little, excited to play around with Pete’s desires and fantasies. He bend down towards his lips, sucking on his bottom lip as he pounded into him. Pete was obsessed by now, his moans getting louder and louder, truly showing how much he loved this.
Vegas- “Good Pete?”
Pete- “Mhm~ So good~”
 Vegas kept on pleasuring his omega, feeling the warmth of him get better and better as he continued to pound against his prostate. Their moans, sounds of their skin slapping against each other filled the room with fire-like heat. But damn it was one that they never wanted to put out.
Pete- “Please Vegas..let me see you”
Without hesitating, Vegas took off the blindfold, revealing Pete’s twinkling eyes, little tears streaming down on his cheeks. Vegas melted a little on the inside as he kissed those tears away. He’s never want to experience Pete in tears, it would hurt his fragile heart too much. 
Pete- “I..I~ I’m c-close honey..~”
Vegas- “Cum for me baby, i’m here”
Vegas caressed his cheek, kissing his soft lips as Pete came all over his abs. He groaned at the smoothing and soothing pleasure coming to him as he filled Pete with his cum. Pete felt comforted at Vegas’ words of affection, knowing Vegas was here for him made him feel so cared for. 
Pete- “Mh..that was so good honey”
Pete laid down on the bed, as Vegas took his handcuffs off. Vegas sat opposite of him, their heads close to each other.
Vegas- “Do you know how sexy you are?” 
Pete- “Sexy enough for you”
Vegas- “You’re such a tease, who knew you’d be this good in bed huh?” 
Vegas gave his signature smirk, caressing his cheek as he laid a kiss on his lips. 
Vegas- “Sleep honey, you must be tired”
Pete- “Mhm, my legs are about to fall off”
Vegas- “You’re welcome Pete”
Pete rolled his eyes, though entertained. He rested in Vegas’ embrace, feeling the love taking over the lust that was once in the room. The devotion they had for each other, the passion and admiration was limitless. It’s something that couldn’t be compared too.
Later that night..
Pete- “Vegas..”
Vegas groaned a little as he heard Pete, he stretched slightly, talking in a groggy and tired voice.
Vegas- “What happened love..?”
Pete- “I’m hurting again..”
Vegas- “Need me again?”
Pete- “I know it’s the third time tonight..but..”
Vegas- “I don’t care how many time we do it, as long as you’re well and satisfied, i’m happy”
Pete- “Awh..i love you..”
Pete caressed his cheek, kissing his sweet lips softly.
Vegas- “I love you too Pete~”
Pete- “So..can we..”
Vegas- “Get on my lap and ride the shit out of me babyboy”
Pete widened his eyes a little and the sudden switch up of Vegas. There was two sides of him, one which he loved and one which he desired
Pete climbed onto his lap, Vegas’ hands gripping his waist tightly as they kissed each other’s plump and sweet lips, their bodies against each other and their tongues dancing the night away..
Gosh, a whirlwind, i hope Pete survived that night..
Thank you for reading! Hopefully i’ll be back soon to be able to supply you with many fanfics! <8
P.S- Feel free to request anything you’d like. I do SMUT and FLUFF. BL’s would be preferred though as i’ve watched many, so i’d be able to work on character depth and development better! :D
Thank you once more my lovelies~
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If anon is looking for western AAA games there’s like red dead redemption assassin’s creed fallout franchise mass effect tomb raider watch dogs deus ex etc. most of those are already open world RPGs of different genres. Most rpgs published by major companies go for open world nowadays.
I still suggest sailing the high seas for AAA though unless you’re supporting them for their diverse content or wait until they go like 50-70% sale. In this economy those prices are not worth it for the amount of content they give and the increase in sales doesn’t even really go to the dev teams anyway its more direct to the company. For me its just a metric to tell the companies I want more diverse content. Support Indie devs steam has its own indie tag to make it easy to find!
or if AAA isn’t a necessity open up steam and search by tag. I got 1200 results checking fantasy open world and rpgs on steam.
Some particular suggestions that I haven’t seen though I guess its because its been like 4 years since their release?:
- The Outer Worlds open world rpg scifi shooter is made by a AA company which is known for Fallout New Vegas Pillars of Eternity and SWTOR KOTOR II. The player character doesn’t get a romance but you do get a companion who is a sapphic asexual and you can help her get a girlfriend. Its has choices and relationships in a similar style to FNV
- Tell Me Why is a narrative adventure game by Dontnod who made Life is Strange. It features a trans man as one of the leads and Dontnod had this on their FAQ https://www.tellmewhygame.com/faq/ : “Trans, nonbinary and gender non-conforming staff at both DONTNOD and Xbox have made countless key creative contributions to Tell Me Why, including in character design, narrative and dialogue, building inclusive online spaces for the game, and much more. To ensure that Tyler’s character would resonate with a wide and diverse audience of trans people, the Tell Me Why team worked closely with two of GLAAD’s transgender staff: Nick Adams, Director of Transgender Representation; and Blair Durkee, Special Consultant for Gaming. For over two years, Nick offered foundational guidance on story and character, consulted on casting, and reviewed scripts at all phases of production. Importantly, August Black, Tyler’s voice actor [who is trans], also made significant contributions to Tell Me Why’s dialogue. During recording sessions, August provided edits to the script if he felt a certain line or moment did not do justice to Tyler’s story, making him an invaluable part of the creative process. August’s personal experiences also inspired key moments and lines of dialogue.”
I say why go for a game who names a trans character in the same ignorant way it named Cho and Kingsley when you could go for games that have creators who genuinely care for and listen to the perspectives and rights of the people they’re trying to represent right? In addition to all the other issues.
if magical systems in particular are a need aside from open world rpgs:
- Tiny Tina’s Wonderland – if you’re more familiar with borderlands this is a spinoff but spellcasting instead of guns
- Pillars of Eternity is fantasy from the same studio as outer worlds and is really good. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire was the latest release
the TES games have been mentioned but I wanted to reiterate that there are 5-6 magic schools and 100+ spells for those games. Worldbuilding and roleplaying is very fun and makes it quite repeatable so worth the money. They all also have quite a prolific modding community especially oblivion and skyrim and it isn’t that hard to download mods to personalize the game. But even without mods its still fun to replay and go on sale along with ESO often enough
Most JRPGs in general have magic systems and are largely open world. All of the final fantasy games have magic. Adjacent is kingdom hearts. I’ll just add the Shin Megami Tensei series which is related to Persona. The Atelier series brand is alchemical magic. The “Tales of ____” of bandai namco series allows you to main the magical casting characters if you wish. Ni No Kuni is again fantasy setting. Valkyrie Elysium was recently released. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 too was released last year.
Forspoken is a recent game published by SquareEnix so its technically jrpg but its setting is western with a black main character that was rendered based off the VA who is half black caribbean. The main character is based in New York then gets transported to a fantasy world where she gains magic and mixes that up with parkour style movement. if you can’t afford it yet wait for a sale.
Check out golden week for sales since they tend to really go low for JRPGs during that time more than any other sale
Some indie games that have witchy elements:
Flying Neko delivery – if you like studio ghibli and kiki’s delivery service why not fly around on a broom as a cat making deliviries?
Little witch nobeta – you play as a little witch to explore ancient castles. The magical system is a bit limited but at the price you’re getting it I think its a good deal
Little Witch in the woods – 2d pixel art in the style of old school rpgs you play as a witch and make potions and cast spells, help people and refurbish your house.
Potion craft – not an rpg but its an alchemy simulator
Kena: bridge of spirits – not witchy but it has magic and exploration. Not quite open world in that you tend to travel linearly but you’re free to go back to places you’ve explored before. The gaming company partnered with a vietnamese animation studio and they based the animation on the environment of SEA/East Asia so if you’re from there and find the environmental aspects familiar in a fantastical way like buildings and the way the characters were conceptualized that’s why. from where im frm Kena costs the equivalent of $15 but it seems like its still expensive on steam US though as it costs $40? it tends to get 50% off on epic stores though so you can wait for its sale there
some upcoming indie games aside from witchbrook:
kitori academy – should be coming out this year. You’re a magical apprentice going to school to learn magic.
Lawmage academy – 2d pixel art old school style where you go to an academy to learn spells and craft potions
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sisterspooky1013 · 2 years
Nuptiae Sub Rosa, Ch 25
Rated X | Read it here on AO3
On the one-year anniversary of when we posted the first chapter, we bring you a bonus chapter to this story that means so much to us both. Thank you to every single one of you who has taken the time to read it. We appreciate you more than you know. - @xfmaweezy & SisterSpooky1013
Scully leans her head against the doorframe and closes her eyes, letting the warmth of the desert wind rush over her cheeks. They spend half of the year chasing the sun and the other half avoiding it, criss-crossing north to south with the changing seasons and east to west with the changing months. It’s somewhat arbitrary, but the routine of it makes their nomadic life feel just a little bit predictable. Maybe she doesn’t know what small town they’ll call home this November, but she knows it will be south of possible snowfall and not so far east that they’ll spend more than four days in the car getting there.
Four days in the car, four weeks in one location, four months before they trade in their vehicle for something new. Four years of living her life in sets of four with no end in sight. She pulls in a deep, arid sigh and rolls her head across the seat back to look at Mulder. 
He shaved this morning, which was a pleasant surprise, and he’s been drumming his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the music like he used to when their time in the car took them from hotel to crime scene, or airport to home. He glances over at her and pops his eyebrows suggestively, then reaches across the console and squeezes her knee. 
“Almost there,” he says reassuringly, and she offers him a weak smile. 
Even on the days she hates him for leading her to this life, she still loves him very best of all. Still reaches for him across king size mattresses, still grabs his hand on crowded sidewalks, still chooses him over white picket fences and HOA meetings. He is the only viable choice. 
Las Vegas
Next Exit
She quirks her head and looks back over at him, finding a little smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. They typically avoid tourist attractions after spotting Holman and Sheila Hardt at the Grand Canyon, thankfully too distracted by keeping their boisterous six-year-old away from the rim to recognize the former agents who played a large role in their eventual union. 
“Vegas, Mulder?” she asks him, curious and surprised. 
“Sin City, Scully,” he says brightly, his hair whipping in the wind. “We can take in a show.”
She smiles at him, bemused. They haven’t attended anything more populated than a county fair in years, and she is skeptical that he’d suddenly change his policy now, but stranger things have happened. At least the food in Vegas should surpass their typical fare in quality, albeit also in price. 
She scoots up in her seat as they roll onto the strip, taking in the hordes of tourists interspersed with showgirls and card slappers littering the sidewalks with advertisements for call girls. Vegas during the day is bright and busy, full of youthful charm and holiday novelty. After the sun sinks below the Spring Mountains, however, another side of the city will emerge and bring a more lustful, seedy type of entertainment. Starved for excitement that doesn’t include threat of harm, Scully finds herself feeling buoyant and piqued. 
As the day unfolds, Mulder continues to surprise her in ever-increasing layers. He treats her to an expensive lunch and then sends her off with an envelope of cash to buy herself “something nice to wear to dinner.” She wanders The Grand Canal Shoppes at the Venetian feeling like she’s in a scene straight out of Pretty Woman, though thankfully the sales women are more than happy to take her money and help her find a dress in her size. 
She expects that they’ll be staying in one of the run-down, older motels on Fremont, and when Mulder drives up to the mirrored letters of The Cosmopolitan and hands over the car keys for valet, her jaw nearly hits the concrete. 
“Who are you?” she asks him playfully. He winds his arm around her waist and whispers, “Fox Mulder, FBI,” in her ear, making her heart ache with nostalgia and joy. 
It’s only when they’re standing outside the elevators that she realizes. She looks up at him, her eyes welling with something hopeful that she hasn’t felt in far too long, and he smiles knowingly.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks coyly, and she barks a laugh that echoes off the lobby walls. 
“You can kiss me whenever you want. I’m your wife, aren’t I?” she replies cheekily, and he scoops her up off the floor and kisses her like it’s the very first time. 
They miss the next two elevators. 
Mulder rubs his clammy palms over the tops of his thighs, then checks the interior pocket of his suit jacket for the envelope again. His stomach is in knots, and he’s both delighted and surprised that she can still make him feel this way after so long.
He glances at her over the table, admiring the way the light from the votive candle dances along her cheekbones. She stopped wearing makeup over a year ago, but he supposes she never got rid of it based on the smoky haze around her eyes and the bright berry color on her lips. The dress is—indescribable. Black and tight without being flashy, hugging every gentle curve of her body and falling just above her knee. He knows she isn’t wearing a bra by the way her nipples puckered under the air conditioning when they walked in, and he hopes to find out if she took a similar approach to panties. But those are things to look forward to later���right now he has something more pressing to attend to. 
“I can feel you thinking,” she coos, plucking the olive out of her martini and pulling it off the swizzle stick with her teeth. 
He pulls in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, then retrieves the envelope, which is now soft around the edges from overhandling. 
“Happy anniversary,” he says as he sets it on the table top and slides it across to her. 
She narrows her eyes at him, maintaining a skeptical expression as she lifts the flap and extracts a trifolded sheet of paper. His heart begins to pound as she unfolds it and reads it once, twice, three times. 
“Farrs Corner, Virginia,” she says, her tone disturbingly neutral. “Have we been there?”
He shakes his head slowly. “Not yet.”
“I’m not sure I understand,” she says, reading the document again. “Who is Allen Utke? And why are you giving me the deed to his house as an anniversary gift?”
“Well, technically speaking he’s one of the founding members of MUFON,” Mulder answers, his throat becoming tight with nerves. “But in this case, he’s me. Or I’m using his name as a pseudonym, anyway, to keep mine off the legal documents.”
She blinks at him, looks at the page again, then back at him. Her expression shifts from confusion to realization, then to something resembling fear. 
“You own this house?” she asks quietly. 
“We do. What’s yours is mine, et cetera,” he answers.
“Wh—when, how…why?”
He sees the way that a lack of clear information is sending her into a tailspin, and he reaches across the table to grab her hand. 
“A few weeks ago,” he says hurriedly. “We still have some connections I was able to leverage, and we’ve known for a while that it’s safe for you to live out in the open. And as to why…I want you to have a home, Scully. And a yard, and a dog, and maybe one of those porch swings. Whatever you want, I want you to have it. It’s been too long since you had a home.”
She picks up her napkin with her free hand, dabbing carefully under her eyes so as not to ruin her makeup. 
“I don’t know what to say,” she whispers. “When can we go?”
“We’ll head east when we leave here. We can be there in a few days.”
“Before Thanksgiving?” she asks with a teary smile, charmed by the idea of a real table, and a turkey cooked in an oven, and potatoes that didn’t come from a box. 
“Definitely before Thanksgiving,” he answers. “We can invite your mom to come down.”
She looks at him sharply, her chest heaving as she attempts, unsuccessfully, to quell an onslaught of fresh tears. One ragged sob escapes, and then another, and patrons at nearby tables glance over at them before politely averting their eyes. 
Mulder stands and comes around to her side of the table, kneeling beside her. She immediately threads her arms around his neck, pulling him close and tight as she whimpers. 
“Why did you tell me this in a restaurant?” she admonishes him, but her tone is light and he knows she isn’t angry. 
He pulls away a little, brushing his thumbs over her cheeks, which are now streaked with mascara, and smiles at her. 
“Sorry, I think I forgot how to give good news,” he says. 
She pulls in one more big breath, settling her tears, and pushes her mouth into a closed lip smile. 
“Thank you,” she says, and then leans forward and kisses him once on the lips. 
She tugs on the ties of the hotel-issue bathrobe, cinching it around her waist. She’s nude underneath, having lacked the forethought to buy something sexy while she was out shopping, and lingerie has never been part of her traveling wardrobe. 
Her throat thickens every time she thinks about the house. Their house. A home, finally. The idea of seeing her mom after all these years—it’s the best kind of overwhelming. She knows that if it were up to Mulder, he might just keep running forever out of paranoia and fear. He’s doing this for her, for them, for their future, and while it may be a way of loving someone that’s hard for other people to understand, to her it feels like the purest form of love imaginable. 
She exits the bathroom and finds him sitting on the end of the bed, his belt and tie discarded. He straightens up when he hears the door open, looking over at her with a warm smile. As she walks towards him she catches their reflection in the mirror over the desk, and something about seeing him see her feels like she’s watching them through a looking glass, observing from the outside. She leans against the desk, which is situated directly across from him, and stuffs her hands in the pockets of the robe, crossing her legs at the ankle. She heaves a sigh, and his mouth stretches into a grin. 
“What?” she asks, quirking her head. 
He shakes his head slowly, dragging his eyes from her face to her feet and back up. 
“You were so nervous that night, and look at you now,” he says. 
“You still give me butterflies, Mulder,” she offers demurely, blushing a little at the thought. All the times he’s caught her off guard, surprised her with his possessiveness or his dominance, sometimes his sweetness. 
“Whatcha got on under there?” he asks with a wag of his eyebrows, jutting his chin towards the robe. 
“Under here?” she asks, touching the tie. “You’ll have to use your investigative skills to find out, agent.”
His demeanor shifts, his eyes darkening and his shoulders somehow becoming broader. He reaches for her, grabbing her by the hips and tugging her forward so that she’s standing between his knees. She feels blood rush to her pelvis, the sweet anticipation of arousal swelling in her veins. 
Mulder lays his palm against the side of her neck, brushing his thumb over her throat. He catches her eye and holds it for a beat, long enough to assert himself as the dominant party in this exchange. She sighs raggedly, and he slides his hand down and across her shoulder, pushing the fabric of the robe to the side. 
“No bra strap,” he observes in a level tone. “Could mean no bra, could mean strapless.”
She bites her lip to stifle a smile, and he arches up to press his lips to her clavicle. He kisses a trail down the middle of her chest, nudging the robe aside with his nose as he ventures lower and lower. When he reaches her breastbone, he swipes his tongue across the place where a bra would typically sit, then looks up at her. 
“Unless you’re wearing pasties…” he says, drawing the robe to the side with one hand and exposing a breast. 
Her nipple puckers under the chill of the open air, and he licks his lips, brushing them back and forth across the stiff bud and making her shiver. He pushes the robe off her shoulders, leaving only the bottom half still secured to her by the tie, and then spends several minutes kissing, licking, pinching and caressing until her knees grow weak and she falters, grabbing onto his shoulders for leverage. 
“No bra,” he says, reporting on his findings as he reaches under the robe and rests his hands on the sides of her thighs. 
He watches her face as his hands sail higher, and her breath hitches when they slide back and meet with the seams of her ass cheeks, his thumbs swiping over bare flesh experimentally. 
“Could be a thong,” he posits. 
He runs his palms up and up until his fingers settle into the dimples at her lower back. He smirks, then pulls his hands free and begins to loosen the knot on the tie. 
“Conclusion: commando,” he states, letting the robe fall to the floor around her feet. 
She watches him as he takes her in, just as much wonder in his eyes as there was in those early days. He turns her around, pressing wet kisses to her back and the tops of her ass cheeks. She looks at their reflection in the mirror, his fingertips on her hip bones and the minky crown of his head appearing and disappearing behind her. She sees her own body, the shimmering slivers of stretch marks on her belly and the once-full swell of her breasts, now slightly fallen. 
“Beautiful,” Mulder murmurs, and she sees that he’s peeking out around her, studying her as well. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Scully.”
He tugs her back sharply and she falls against him, sitting heavy on the bed between his legs. He opens his thighs wider to accommodate her, touching the insides of her knees and pushing them out so that she is exposed and accessible to him. She leans back against his chest, her head resting on the front of his shoulder, and again they take in their reflection in the mirror, visible as far as her belly button before the image is cut off by the desk. He runs his hands over her body, his eyes following his hands in the mirror as he palms breasts, belly, thighs. He settles his hand over her vulva, cupping her lightly as he kisses her temple. 
“Do you remember this?” he asks, his eyes on the mirror. “The first time I ever made you come?”
She arches into his hand a little, seeking more pressure. 
“Yes,” she whispers, needy. “I couldn’t help myself.”
“You wanted it so bad,” he growls, and she feels his erection pressing into her lower back. 
“I wanted you,” she tells him. 
Their eyes meet in the mirror and his middle finger begins to tease at her opening: soft, barely-there circles that make her whimper. He slides his wetted finger up over her lips and across her clit, and her eyes slide closed. 
Sometimes she thinks he knows her body better than she does. She rests her hands on the tops of his thighs as he touches her expertly, his mouth sucking at the skin behind her ear and his fingers slipping up, around, down, in, over and over like a well-rehearsed dance. His other hand finds its way to her breast, rolling and pinching and teasing her closer and closer to the edge. To the place only he can take her, no one else. Not even herself. Not like this. 
“Open your eyes.”
He’s looking at her face, at the stitch of her eyebrows and her gasping mouth. She watches the flex of his forearm, feeling but not seeing what those muscles are doing to her. Coaxing, pulling, gathering, bundling her tighter and tighter. One of her arms snakes up, her hand wrapping around the back of his neck as she opens herself up to him, melds her body into his. She feels a telltale tingle, and a low moan rumbles in her chest. 
“Mmm, good girl,” he encourages her, and her eyes slide closed again. 
It’s slow, languid, overflowing steadily like a cresting river. She’s acutely aware of every sensation: his chest warm against her bare back, his breath hot on her ear, his arms encircling her and his hands—god, his hands. Hands that have cared for her, loved her, teased her, saved her, occasionally hurt her. Hands that always catch her when she falls. 
He eases off as she comes down, stroking her swollen lips while she sighs with satisfaction. She opens her eyes again and sees him smiling, proud and coy. She smiles back and they sit like that for minutes, marinating in dopamine and the most exquisitely complicated love. 
“Did I ever tell you that for months after, this was what I thought about every time I touched myself?” he asks, one hand on her belly and the other still resting gently over her vulva. 
“Not the sex?” she asks, surprised. 
Her mind always went first to their middle-of-the-night tryst under the cover of darkness, knowing there was nothing between them. Knowing that a part of him would be left behind inside her. The day after, as they made the journey home to Washington, she forwent a panty liner in favor of feeling the dampness against her skin, getting a little thrill from sitting beside him on the airplane as he leaked out of her for hours. That’s what she thought about when her hand wound its way under the covers in those months and years until she could simply roll over and reach for him instead. 
“Well, that too,” he admits, stroking the tops of her thighs. “But there was something about that, making you come with my fingers. I don’t know—don’t take this the wrong way, but I think I was surprised by how easy it was.” 
She hums, then slowly sits up. He pulls his hands away from her body and rests them on the bed behind him, propping up his torso as she stands and turns around to face him. She reaches for the top button on his shirt, slowly slipping each one out of its slit until she reaches the bottom, then tugs the shirt free of his slacks. 
“I was surprised too, for what it’s worth,” she says huskily, running her hands over his belly beneath his undershirt. “You’re a quick study.”
She pops the button on his slacks, draws down the zipper. His fledgling erection comes back to life, visibly thickening beneath the fabric of his boxers. 
“You’re a fascinating subject,” he says in reply, his hips flexing up off the mattress. 
She takes a step back, signaling him to stand with a barely noticeable lift of her chin. He follows her direction and she peels his shirt off his shoulders, then pushes his slacks down to his feet as he pulls his undershirt off over his head. She runs her fingers around the perimeter of the waist of his boxers, stepping up close and resting her chin on his sternum as she pushes her hands under the fabric and grabs two handfuls of his ass cheeks. 
“Should we turn the lights off?” he asks, and she blinks slowly, rolling her head back and forth in the negative. 
She knows it was rhetorical anyway: he likes to watch, and she likes to see the look on his face when he’s watching. The hypnotized swell of his pupils, the slack of his jaw: his pleasure is her aphrodisiac, a cyclical loop of taking and giving that is prone to leave them both limp-limbed and breathless. 
His boxers land at his feet, and she reaches for his shoulders, guiding him back down to sit. She steps into the space between his legs and he reaches for her, cupping her chin and pulling her lower lip down with his thumb. She sucks his finger into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it as his cock jumps in her periphery. 
She lowers herself slowly to her knees, the change in position shifting her back into a submissive stance. Not that she can’t suck him off when she’s in charge, and in fact she often does. But today, he pushes one hand into her hair along her occiput and grips the base of his cock with the other, bouncing the head against her closed mouth as she slides her hands over the tops of his thighs. She parts her lips slowly, slipping her tongue out to provide a slippery surface for his play. When she tastes the salted slick of his precum, she opens her mouth and takes him in until he butts up against the back of her throat. 
He lets out something between a gasp and a moan, moving both hands to the sides of her head as she bobs up and down. He doesn’t push her, doesn’t force himself deeper than she’s ready for, but it still feels possessive and commanding. She flashes her eyes up to him and a throb sets off between her legs at the look on his face, those lust-drunk eyes and his tongue flexing in his mouth. Her fingernails dig into his flesh and she increases her pace until he stops her, pulling her away gently with panting breath. 
“Too good,” he says appreciatively, and she rises to her feet with a satisfied smirk. 
He stands and moves to the head of the bed, leaning against the padded headboard and stroking himself as he watches her crawl towards him. She sits atop his thighs and takes over, one hand cupping his balls as the other runs slowly from base to tip, her eyes on his face. 
“I’d take a picture of this, if you’d let me,” he says in a thick, syrupy voice. 
She cracks a smile. 
“I seem to recall a few nude polaroids kicking around in one of those boxes in the car,” she says, tightening her fist until he groans a little. 
“Not just naked,” he elaborates. “Sitting like that, like a queen on her throne with my cock in your hand. Way better than any of those movies in my old collection.”
She lifts her hips, scooting up and positioning him at her opening. 
“I kind of miss your old collection, Mulder,” she admits as she sinks onto him. “Now that we’ll have our own place again, we can start a new collection.”
He sighs and touches her hips as she sits on him fully, every inch. Her hands move to his shoulders, running up the sides of his neck to cradle his jaw. She kisses him, softly and sweetly, and she feels him throb inside her when she runs her tongue across his bottom lip. 
“Fuck me, Mulder,” she says pleadingly, even though she is the one on top. 
He groans, his fingers digging into her hips as his pelvis jumps off the bed, rutting into her. She flexes her hips forward and back, and they fall into a harried, desperate rhythm that is somehow complimentary. Just as in so many other ways, they are two mismatched halves of a perfectly symmetrical whole. They shouldn’t work, but they do. They shouldn’t still be here, so many trials and tribulations and pain and heartache later, but they are. Unstoppable, inseparable, inextricably bound: he is hers and she is his. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he professes, pulling her closer such that the peaks of her nipples drag over his chest each time she lifts her hips. His words are ragged, breathless, pushing out in pants between thrusts. “I can’t believe how wet you still get for me. Since day one, Scully. When I touched you that night? Jesus fuck, you were so wet.”
He knows she loves this, when he talks to her. When he tells her how much he likes it, how he feels about her. She holds her cheek against his, stubble scratching her face as he fucks her and his words pour right into her ear. 
“You remember that night, in the dark? You climbed right on top of me, and you were so fucking wet. I couldn’t believe you let me come inside you,” he tells her, and she feels herself clench around him. 
“I wanted you to,” she admits, flicking at his earlobe with her tongue. “The second we got home I got myself off thinking about it. I could still smell you on me.”
“Goddamn,” he growls. “Thinking about that is gonna make me come right now.”
She lifts her cheek off his and kisses him, forcing her tongue into his mouth as she brings one hand down to touch her clit. Every bit of skin where they are joined is wet and slick, and she slips her finger quickly back and forth over her hood until she feels that same tingle again, that point where she’s close enough to feel it in the base of her spine. 
“Come inside me,” she hisses, her body stiffening as the height of it passes over her, sending her crashing over the edge into a sea of delicious waves. Rising and falling and rising and falling, she hears him moan and then feels him quaking inside her. Expletives pour from his lips and he clings to her, their bellies pressed together and their mouths sharing shuddering breaths, and every drop of him is in every corner of her, united completely, eternally one. 
His head thumps back against the headboard and she collapses against his chest, her muscles dissolved to jelly and her heart so full it hurts. 
“I love you,” she whispers tightly, overcome with emotion, and his hands run up and down her back comfortingly. 
“Oh, brother,” he mumbles, and she pinches his side. “I think about that a lot, too, you know. The first time you said that to me.”
She lifts her head, puzzled. She’s not sure she can remember the very first time. 
“After Padgett,” he reminds her. “You said you’d felt it for a long time but couldn’t bring yourself to tell me.”
She nods sleepily. “That’s true, it was a long time before I said it. I think I was afraid of what would happen if I said it out loud.” 
“And what did happen?” he asks, pushing her hair behind her ear. 
She smiles, leaning into his hand. Her eyes fall closed and she thinks back and back and back, so many years. Lifetimes ago. 
“Everything,” she says on a sigh. 
“I love you, too,” he says after a beat. “So much it scares me sometimes.”
“That’s bravery, isn’t it?” she asks, settling back against his chest. “Being afraid, but doing it anyway.”
“I don’t feel brave,” he says, tugging the comforter up over them both. 
“You are,” she says resolutely. “You’re the bravest person I know.”
“Right back atcha, G-Woman,” he replies, and they drift there for a long while, too content to move. 
When she wakes, it’s to the brush of rough fingertips across her forearm. She grunts in protest and the fingers sneak higher, detouring towards her armpit until she opens her eyes and glowers at him. 
“Morning, sunshine,” he says with a smile. “I brought you coffee.”
“What time is it?” she grumbles. 
“Just after 7:00,” he says sympathetically, “but if we maximize on daylight, we can make it home in three days.”
She cracks a smile and sighs, remembering. She finally has something to look forward to, and it’s a feeling she hadn’t realized she was missing. She sits up in bed and he brings her a very decadent cup of coffee that’s far better than any she’s had in years, then tells her about his planned route home as she savors it. 
“It’s completely unfurnished, right down to appliances, so we’re going to need to do some serious shopping,” he warns her, and she nearly laughs. 
“I think I’ll survive,” she tells him, and then they just sit and look at each other, smirking like they share a secret that no one else is in on. 
“Oh, I got you something,” he says suddenly, reaching into his pants pocket. “I know the ten-year anniversary gift is supposed to be tin, but this seemed more fitting.”
He hands her a magnet in the image of the iconic “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada” sign, but the words “Welcome to” have been replaced with “Married in”.
“We don’t have a refrigerator, Mulder,” she says playfully, smiling. 
“We don’t have one yet,” he corrects her. 
“Well, I suppose we’ve never paid much mind to the proper order of things, have we?” she says, and he shakes his head, a look of complete adoration on his face. She leans forward, cradling his chin in her hand and kissing him firmly. “Thank you,” she says against his lips, “I love it.” She then throws back the covers and stands, stretching. “I just need to take a quick shower and we can head out,” she tells him, and he follows her into the bathroom. 
“Care for an escort?” he quips, then makes a show of washing her back to prove his lack of ulterior motives. 
She gets to be the one to slide her slippery fist around his cock in invitation, gasping when he hoists her up against the cold tile wall of the shower. They take advantage of the fact that the hot water will never run out, and her voice echoes loudly off the walls when she comes, too wrapped up in hope and love to care that the residents of the room next door can surely hear her. 
An hour later, they are back on the desert highway. Mulder tunes the radio to a station claiming to play “old school hits,” and they laugh at the fact that many of the songs were new releases when they were still holed up in the basement office, unaware of just how much joy and pain and adventure lay ahead. Even now, she remains acutely aware that the path ahead is never predictable, even when it appears to be. 
She holds the magnet in her hand, its rubber composition growing warm and pliant from the heat of her palm. She turns it over and over, imagining it adorning the refrigerator of a house she can’t yet picture, but will soon become as familiar to her as her apartment in Georgetown once was. She sees a full Thanksgiving spread laid out on a table at which her mother will sit, four years aged and brimming with the relief of having her daughter back. 
She remembers snippets of her dream, of a dark-haired child carefully constructing a turkey from his handprint and holding it up with pride in his eyes. It’s only the latest in a series of dreams that feel like looking through a window, catching a glimpse of the life not led, or maybe the one being lived in a place not too far from some of their four-week stays. 
It all feels so hopeful, so blessedly good it makes her want to cry. And then she does, quietly with eyes cast out the window until she sniffs and he reaches for her hand. She looks over at him, windswept and handsome and so completely hers that fresh tears well in her eyes, making him frown. 
“You okay?” he asks, his eyes jumping between the open highway and her face. 
She nods, pushing her mouth into a smile. 
“Let’s go home.”
Tagging @today-in-fic
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wellthatwasaletdown · 8 months
It will be so weird if he made such a hoo haah of going away for a long time and then is back in not even nine months. It’s par for the course for his team though, they kept saying last shows and adding more shows. They did it to create demand for his 4 shows in wembely stadium and the big Italy one. All artists take touring breaks, his was going on and on for years. Why make such a big deal of a break which is not even a year long? All that sobbing and melodrama!
It was the end of that massively long "Love on Tour" odyssey that spanned across 3 years (2021, 2022, & 2023) and 2 albums. They know his fans are desperate for anything from, so they won't care. Look for him to really disappear around the time of the announcement/tickets going on sale.
A residency in the U.S. will sell out every single night from the same harries going every over and over. They will bill it as a limited engagement to drive up demand. They already tested residencies during HSLOT.
Vegas residencies are no longer seen as places for washed-up artists. Popular artists can go in and basically do a mini tour without the travel. And they still make a ton of money.
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bbqbills2 · 16 days
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For Fathers Day are offering new limited-time savings of up to $2900 on all American Made Grills models such as THE ATLAS, THE ESTATE & HYBRID GRILLS from April 16th to July 16th 2024. Designed for backyard enthusiasts, patio innovators, and endless evenings under the sky, American Made Grills redefines outdoor cooking with premier materials and boundless ambition. https://americanmadegrills.com/collections/buy-american-promo
BBQ Bills in Las Vegas, NV designs and installs custom outdoor kitchens, BBQ island kitchen, fire features, fire bars, fireplaces, fire pits, fire grills, fire rings, pizza ovens, BBQ grills, griddles, smokers, cookers, rotisserie, refrigerators, heaters, sinks, patio covers, outdoor accessories and build as construction contractors.
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Green Mountain Grills Daniel Boone Prime Plus Pellet Grill
Advanced Features of the Green Mountain Grills Daniel Boone Prime Plus
For tech-savvy dads who love grilling, the Green Mountain Grills Daniel Boone Prime Plus Pellet Grill is a top choice. This grill is packed with advanced features, including Wi-Fi control and a built-in meat probe, making it perfect for precise and convenient grilling.
Technological Advancements
The Daniel Boone Prime Plus stands out for its advanced technology. The Wi-Fi control allows your dad to monitor and adjust the grill’s temperature from his smartphone, giving him more flexibility and control over the cooking process. The grill also includes a built-in meat probe, which provides accurate readings of the internal temperature of the food.
Durability and Construction
Built to last, the Daniel Boone Prime Plus features a sturdy and well-insulated construction. This ensures that the grill maintains consistent temperatures, even in varying weather conditions. The durable materials used in its construction also make it a long-lasting addition to any outdoor cooking setup.
Ideal For
This grill is perfect for dads who love the convenience of modern technology combined with traditional grilling. Whether he’s cooking for a family BBQ or smoking a brisket for hours, the Daniel Boone Prime Plus offers precise control and reliable performance. It’s an excellent choice for tech-savvy grillers who want the best of both worlds.
Pit Boss Platinum Laredo 1000 Wood Pellet Grill
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High Capacity and Value with the Pit Boss Platinum Laredo 1000
The Pit Boss Platinum Laredo 1000 is a high-capacity pellet grill that offers excellent value for its price. This grill features a large cooking surface and a digital control board with an LED readout, making it perfect for large gatherings and extended cooking sessions.
Cooking Surface and Capacity
One of the standout features of the Laredo 1000 is its large cooking surface. This grill provides ample space for grilling a variety of foods, making it ideal for family gatherings or parties. The grill also includes a meat probe, allowing your dad to monitor the internal temperature of his food with ease.
Control and Monitoring
The digital control board with an LED readout makes it easy for your dad to set and monitor the grill’s temperature. The meat probe provides accurate readings, ensuring that his food is cooked to perfection. The grill’s design also includes a hopper cleanout system, making it easy to switch between different types of pellets.
Value for Money
The Laredo 1000 offers excellent value for its price, providing a high-capacity cooking surface and advanced features at a competitive price point. This grill is perfect for dads who want a high-quality pellet grill without breaking the bank.
Ideal For
This grill is ideal for dads who love hosting large gatherings and need a high-capacity grill to accommodate their cooking needs. It’s perfect for those who want a versatile and reliable pellet grill that offers excellent value for its price. The Laredo 1000 will help your dad create delicious meals for family and friends with ease.
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Portable Grill Pits
For the on-the-go dad who likes to move where the action is, a portable grill might fit the bill. Gone are the clunky grill pits of your childhood. Today’s grills feature sleek design and built-in prep spaces, all constructed with durable, weather-resistant materials. Technological advances in grilling allow your pit to light and heat faster, and many offer the versatility to do everything from grilling and searing to roasting, baking, and smoking.
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Ceramic Grill Smokers
Ceramic kamado-style charcoal grills are all the rage these days. If your Pops loves aroma and flavor created by natural wood charcoal, this may be the grill for him! Whether he’s doing low-and-slow like a brisket, or “fast food” like burgers, the built-in air flow systems make cooking a breeze. Can’t decide which one to choose? Many outdoor kitchens now do double duty and include both gas and charcoal grills.
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Grill Islands
Make dad the star of the show this Father’s Day with a grand grill island set up featuring a wrap-around bar and plenty of seating for his many fans. Grill islands come with a wealth of optional amenities – from side burners and fridges to prep and serve space. But if you don’t have a shady spot to place it, be sure to include a papa-pleasing built-in umbrella stand to help him beat the heat.
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Outdoor Cooking, Living, and Dining
If your dad’s mantra is “go big or go home” it just might be time to make an investment in an outdoor kitchen and living space. With the plethora of durable, weather-resistant materials – from fabrics to furniture, flooring to countertops – and cooking equipment and accessories specifically designed for outdoor use, you’ll have everything you need to make outdoor living your focus all summer long.
25 Best Father's Day BBQ Ideas for the Grill Master Himself
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Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.
Give Dad a break from his grilling duties and surprise him with a Father's Day BBQ that he's sure to love. He'll appreciate the thought and effort, but he'll love the sticky-sweet ribs even more! You can get creative with cheese-stuffed burgers and bacon ranch pasta salad or keep things simple with skillet cornbread and classic grilled steaks. That's the way the Drummond family likes to honor the special day. "We usually celebrate Father's Day the same way: Give Ladd an extra hug, tell him an extra 'I love you,' and have a dinner of his favorite foods." (Steaks, included!) So, if you're looking to bring the smoky goodness of barbecue to your Father's Day dinner, just check out the recipes on the list ahead!
Just like every good barbecue, these Father's Day ideas include all the grilled meats you could want—and, of course, the tasty BBQ sides as well. There are hot dog recipes and homemade coleslaw, along with spicy BBQ brisket and creamy potato salad. There are also a few different burger recipes that will feed a crowd. Make a big batch of lemonade and a few Father's Day desserts and he'll really feel the love. Want to take it one step further? Give Dad a shiny new grilling gift to go with his BBQ dinner—it's the gift that keep on giving!
Grilled T-Bone Steak
Impress Dad with your steak grilling skills by putting this spice-rubbed T-Bone on the menu. He'll be asking for the recipe by the end of the night!
Get Ree's Grilled T-Bone Steak recipe.
Oven BBQ Chicken
You don’t even need to be a grill master to make this sweet and sticky BBQ dish. It’s cooked right in the oven with Dad's favorite BBQ sauce, peach preserves, garlic, and hot sauce for a kick.
Get Ree's Oven BBQ Chicken recipe.
Hawaiian Macaroni Salad
This creamy and tangy macaroni salad is a no-brainer for a BBQ side. It's easy to make ahead and it would even pack-up well for a Father's Day potluck.
Get the Hawaiian Macaroni Salad recipe.
Bow Tie Pasta Salad
This creamy pasta salad is loaded with tasty mix-ins, like bits of ham, cheese, crunchy bell pepper, and colorful peas. It makes a big batch so everyone can dig in.
Get the Bow Tie Pasta Salad recipe.
Country Style Ribs
Country-style ribs are best cooked low and slow, but they're well worth the effort. The result is sweet, smoky, and fall-off-the-bone good!
Get the Country Style Ribs recipe.
Loaded Baked Potato Salad
For a new twist on steak and potatoes, try pairing your grilled steaks with a loaded potato salad instead! It still has all cheddar, bacon, and green onions that you know and love.
Get the Loaded Baked Potato Salad recipe.
Grilled Okra
Grilling okra is a great way to bring out those smoky flavors. It's quick to cook and bursting with lemon pepper seasoning for that extra zing.
Get the Grilled Okra recipe.
Upside-Down Tomato Cornbread
This gorgeous twist on cornbread will surprise everyone at the table —even Dad. It's tender, savory and slightly sweet thanks to the juicy summer tomatoes.
Get the Upside-Down Tomato Cornbread recipe.
Grilled BBQ Ribs
Ribs are one of those BBQ recipes that you just can't rush, but that's what makes them so good! They're slow cooked, smoky, and fall-off-the-bone delicious.
Get the Grilled BBQ Ribs recipe.
Juicy Lucy
If you thought cheeseburgers were decadent, just wait until you try this burger that's stuffed with a molten center of American cheese! Top with caramelized onions and pickles for the ultimate drool-worthy burger.
Get the Juicy Lucy recipe.
Dill Pickle Pasta Salad
Go big on pickle flavor with this pasta salad that's made with chopped dill pickles, pickle juice, and fresh dill on top!
Get the Dill Pickle Pasta Salad recipe.
Cowboy Steak
Looking to impress Dad? This extra thick-cut, bone-in ribeye steak will do just that! Even the butter on top is impressive thanks to the ranch seasoning.
Get the Cowboy Steak recipe.
Red Potato Salad
There are so many ways to prepare potato salad, but this creamy, dill-filled version is always a hit. The crispy bacon on top definitely helps make it a crowd-pleaser.
Get the Red Potato Salad recipe.
Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad
Pasta salads are perfect for barbecues (or any outdoor cookout for that matter) because they're easy to make ahead. Just be sure to keep the bacon on the side until ready to serve—this ensures it stays nice and crispy!
Get the Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad recipe.
Grilled Flank Steak
You can't go wrong with steak when it comes to dinner for Dad! Try this simple grilled flank steak topped with barbecue sauce, homemade chimichurri, or grilled corn salsa for a kick.
Get the Grilled Flank Steak recipe.
Skillet Cornbread
Ree's been making this cornbread recipe for years and years. The golden crust is perfect for sopping up all the drippings from your plate of barbecue.
Get Ree's Skillet Cornbread recipe.
Classic Cheeseburger
Hearty beef patties, melty cheese, and an endless array of toppings will make any Father's Day menu complete. It's a surefire way to please Dad or anyone in the family!
Get the Classic Cheeseburger recipe.
Baked Beans
This recipe transforms regular ole cans of pork and beans into a miraculous side dish. They're sticky-sweet and topped with crispy bacon!
Get the Baked Beans recipe.
BBQ Hot Dogs with Cilantro Slaw
Take your hot dogs to the next level by slathering them in BBQ sauce and finish them with a crunchy cilantro slaw. It's way more impressive than just plain old hot dogs.
Get Ree's BBQ Hot Dogs with Cilantro Slaw recipe.
Crock-Pot Mac and Cheese
We love making this mac and cheese for summer cookouts because it doesn't require the stovetop or oven! The creamy, cheesy side all comes together in your handy kitchen appliance.
Get the Crock-Pot Mac and Cheese recipe.
Cowboy Beans
Your dad doesn't have to be a cowboy like Ladd to love these hearty, comforting beans. They're perfect for anyone with a hankering for a delicious BBQ side.
Get the Cowboy Beans recipe.
Grilled Corn on the Cob
Use this simple recipe for a side dish for ribs or cut the corn off the cob to make a summery corn salad. Either way, it's a great method for making corn on the grill.
Get the Grilled Corn on the Cob recipe.
Spicy BBQ Brisket
This brisket starts in the oven, but finishes on the grill which makes for the most tender meat we ever did see. All you need are some pickles and BBQ sauce for serving.
Get Ree's Spicy BBQ Brisket recipe.
Classic Coleslaw
This classic coleslaw is a refreshing and crunchy side dish that pairs perfectly with barbecue favorites like ribs, brisket, and cheeseburgers. And it only takes 10 minutes!
Get the Classic Coleslaw recipe.
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recentlyheardcom · 9 months
FRAZIER PARK, Calif. (AP) — A liquor store in a tiny California mountain town reverberated with excitement Thursday after word that the winning ticket for a $1.765 billion Powerball jackpot was sold there.The drawing Wednesday night ended a long stretch without a winner of the top prize and brought news media to Midway Market & Liquor in Frazier Park, a community of 2,600 residents about 75 miles (121 kilometers) north of Los Angeles.“That's the most exciting news ever (to) happen to Frazier Park,” said store co-owner Nidal Khalil.The winner had not come forward to him, he said, adding that he hoped it is one of his regular customers. Most are local retirees, he said.The winning numbers were: 22, 24, 40, 52, 64 and the Powerball 10. In California, winners' names must be disclosed. The store will receive a $1 million reward for selling the lucky ticket.Clerk Janea Herrera at first thought it was a joke when she was told the winning ticket was sold at the store 6 miles (9.6 kilometers) from the nearest interstate, She said she had no idea who bought the ticket but noted that most customers are local regulars.“We're not that close to the freeway so you have to go out of your way to come here,” Herrera said.“It's a tightknit community, everybody knows each other,” she said, describing Frazier Park as "pretty quiet, beautiful, you can see the stars at night."Before someone won the giant prize, there had been 35 consecutive drawings without a big winner, stretching back to July 19 when a player in California matched all six numbers and won $1.08 billion. The latest streak trailed the record of 41 draws set in 2021 and 2022.Final ticket sales pushed the jackpot beyond its earlier advertised estimate of $1.73 billion, making it the world’s second-largest lottery prize. The only top prize that was ever bigger was the $2.04 billion Powerball won by a player in California last November.Powerball’s terrible odds of 1 in 292.2 million are designed to generate big jackpots, with prizes becoming ever larger as they repeatedly roll over when no one wins. Wins in recent months have been few and far between.That didn’t bother those eager to plunk down their money ahead of Wednesday's drawing for a long shot at instant wealth.Robert Salvato Jr., a 60-year-old electrician, bought 40 Powerball tickets at a hardware store in Billerica, Massachusetts.“I would take care of family and give my cat that extra leg that she needs and make her a good kitty,” said Salvato, who got married on Saturday.“I could give her a ring on every finger, I guess,” Salvato said of his new wife.Nevada is among the five states without Powerball, so friends Tamara Carter and Denise Davis drove from Las Vegas to California to buy tickets. The line was so long at their first stop that they went in search of another store.“The line was about three hours long,” Carter estimated. “I was waiting for maybe a half hour, and it didn’t move.”In most states, a Powerball ticket costs $2 and players can select their own numbers or leave that task to a computer.The $1.765 billion jackpot is for a sole winner who opts for payment through an annuity, doled out over 30 years. Winners almost always take the cash option, which was estimated at $774.1 million.Winnings would be subject to federal taxes, and many states also tax lottery winnings.Powerball is played in 45 states, as well as Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.___Antczak reported from Los Angeles. Jim Salter in St. Louis, Rodrique Ngowi in Billerica, Massachusetts, and Ty O’Neil in California, near Primm, Nevada, contributed to this report.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Jessica Priest and Perla Trevizo
ProPublica, Co-published with The Texas Tribune
Feb. 16, 2023, updated May 8, 2023
It has become a mournful pattern. Following mass shootings, lawmakers in many states have taken stock of what happened and voted to approve gun control legislation to try to prevent additional bloodshed.
In Colorado, the Legislature passed universal background checks in 2013 after a shooter at an Aurora movie theater killed 12 people. After 58 people were shot dead during a 2017 concert in Las Vegas, the Nevada Legislature passed a red flag law that allows a judge to order that weapons be taken from people who are deemed a threat. And in Florida in 2018, then-Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill that raised the minimum age to buy a firearm to 21 after a teenager with a semi-automatic rifle opened fire at a Parkland high school, killing 17 people.
But not in Texas.
In the past six decades, the state has experienced at least 20 mass shootings that have killed more than 200 people and wounded at least 240 others. Yet state leaders have repeatedly batted away measures that would limit access to guns, opting instead to ease restrictions on publicly carrying them while making it harder for local governments to regulate them.
As the state Legislature convenes for the first time since the Uvalde school shooting last May, lawmakers have once again filed a slate of gun control bills. If history is an indicator, and top legislative leaders predict it will be, they are unlikely to pass.
An analysis by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune of hundreds of bills filed in the Texas Legislature over nearly the past six decades found that at least two dozen measures would have prevented people from legally obtaining the weapons, including assault rifles and large-capacity magazines, used in seven of the state’s mass shootings.
At least five bills would have required that people seeking to obtain a gun undergo a background check. Such a check would have kept the man involved in a 2019 shooting spree in Midland and Odessa from legally purchasing the weapon because he had been deemed to have a mental illness.
Seven bills would have banned the sale or possession of the semi-automatic rifle that a shooter used to kill dozens of people at an El Paso Walmart in 2019.
And at least two bills would have raised the legal age to own or purchase an assault weapon from 18 to 21 years old, which would have made it illegal for the Uvalde shooter to buy the semi-automatic assault rifles.
A state House committee that investigated the Uvalde massacre found that the shooter had tried to get at least two people to buy a gun for him before he turned 18 but was unsuccessful. Immediately after his birthday, he purchased two AR-15-style rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition, which he used to kill 19 students and two teachers at Robb Elementary School.
“If that law had been 21, I guarantee you he would have continued to be frustrated and not be able to obtain that weapon,” said state Rep. Joe Moody, a Democrat from El Paso who served as vice chair of the House committee.
Gun violence in Texas was again in the news after one person was killed and three people were wounded Wednesday in a shooting at an El Paso mall. The shopping center abuts the Walmart where the 2019 massacre took place; the latest incident came just a week after the shooter in the earlier case pleaded guilty to hate crimes and weapons charges. Though the investigation into this week’s shooting is underway, U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar, a Democrat who represents El Paso, responded to a tweet of support sent by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott by calling on him to enact gun violence prevention legislation during the current legislative session.
A collection of reforms are necessary to help curb the number of mass shootings — and gun violence in general — across the nation, said Ari Freilich, state policy director for the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
“There is an enormous need for states to act, especially in states like Texas, where today someone with a really significant history of violence can purchase unlimited quantities of weapons of war without any kind of background check, where there’s no red flag law in place to give people close to them the tools to go into a court and help be a part of preventing violence, where young people can go out and purchase their own firearms years before they can buy their first beer,” Freilich said.
Abbott has repeatedly opposed legislation regulating guns. “There are thousands of laws on the books across the country that limit the owning or using of firearms, laws that have not stopped madmen from carrying out evil acts on innocent people,” Abbott said in a prerecorded speech to the National Rifle Association three days after the Uvalde shooting.
Since then, the governor has argued against legislation that would raise the age to purchase assault-style weapons in Texas, saying that a federal district court judge ruled last August that the Second Amendment prevents the state from barring 18- to 20-year-olds from carrying handguns. Texas is not appealing the ruling.
Eric Ruben, a law professor at Southern Methodist University, said that the widely held consensus in the appellate courts has been that restrictions on AR-15-style weapons are constitutional, as are age restrictions. Ruben said that a U.S. Supreme Court decision last June, which gave Americans a broad right to arm themselves in public, complicated the long held consensus. The ruling rejected a standard used by most lower courts that weighed whether the law advanced public safety and instead stated that governments should pass laws that are “consistent with this nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”
“The appellate courts have yet to weigh in more broadly on the constitutionality of raising the age to purchase military-style semi-automatic weapons, as Florida did after Parkland, after that June decision,” he said.
Neither the governor nor Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick responded to requests for comment or detailed questions. A spokesperson for House Speaker Dade Phelan pointed reporters to previous statements in which he said he would vote against raising the minimum age to buy a firearm and that he didn’t think the House had the votes to pass such a bill.
Rhonda Hart, whose 14-year-old daughter was killed in a 2018 shooting at Santa Fe High School, said she’s been frustrated by the repeated unwillingness of Texas lawmakers to consider meaningful gun legislation.
“We’ve tried everything with them, but they just don’t want to do it,” Hart said. “I’ve said it, and I hope to God that it never becomes true, but they’re not going to care about fixing gun violence until a member of the family or they themselves get impacted.”
Below are details of selected Texas mass shootings in which at least three people were killed, starting with the 1966 massacre of 16 people at the University of Texas at Austin. The news organizations reviewed more than 700 bills introduced in the state Legislature since 1965, along with legislative reports, news clips, press releases and databases compiled by nonprofits that track mass shootings, including The Violence Project and Mother Jones.
Read more.
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shg-x · 2 years
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Adrian (left) Douglas (middle) Jasper (right)
Douglas, the oldest, is an extreme workaholic and takes his job and reputation very seriously. He and his younger brother Adrian became the principal owners of their parents organization which are interested in investements, sales, marketings and operate in numerous areas. Jasper instead, owns a Casino in Las Vegas, leaning back and watch the money flow by itself. In Douglas eyes, Jasper is seen as the 'lazy and irresponsible one'. Jasper was never interested in taking over more responsibility like his brothers did. Adrian helped him out in many situations, especially by running his own casino and making his life more simple like he wished for. For that, Jasper secretly supports him in his shady business. In fact, he even stayed loyal to Adrian until the end and never lost a word about it. They both have also a hard time being around with Douglas, since they're always getting judged and critizised.
Background information about Adrian and Douglas:
They always hated each other. Since childhood Douglas domineered Adrian, telling him he won't ever be as good as him. On the other hand Douglas always had an eye on him as well because he noticed Adrian's strange behaviour patterns. When Adrian married Sylithia Douglas was appalled by these news. In their family it is forbidden to marry someone who is not a feline. Though, Adrian never cared about traditions and likes to do his own thing. This causes a lot of discussions between him and his oldest brother.
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zentloper-xmas · 2 years
Christmas 2017
Hello all from the “Zentloper” abode,
I’ve always wanted to do an annual Christmas letter. It was a tradition in my family growing up; Dad would round up all our input about what significant events that had happened over the year to include and then he’d type it up and we’d all gather around the table putting our signatures on the cards as we readied them for the mail. In my first marriage, I didn’t have too many friends and family to differentiate myself from the old “Zentler Xmas Letter” and could not justify partaking. But things have changed considerably, choices made, lives rehashed, and this year I find myself in the circumstance where it makes sense to gather a list of people to whom extending a seasonal greeting seems appropriate. Congrats, you made the list. ;)
So where to begin? 2017 has been a rather blessed year for Neil and I, most things considered. We still reside in our little studio apartment on the second floor of a complex in the middle of San Jose, but that may be changing next year. Ultimately, we both want a house somewhat secluded from the grid while remaining in Silicon Valley, but there’s a lot of saving left to do to make that dream a reality. Somehow, I’m confident, we’ll make it work. Until then, our heads are filled with daydreams of home ownership and little do-it- yourself projects– I guess that’s fairly normal for two people embarking on life together.
Of course, it would also be preferable if said domicile had a multi-car garage... Our “fleet” as Neil calls it, has expanded from two vehicles to four over the course of this calendar year. His most recent acquisition– a 1983 Chevrolet Camaro Z28– has been a source of entertaining joy-rides and mechanical (mis)adventures, with the promise of “many more to come.” Early this year, back in February, he also purchased a new motorcycle; namely, a 2017 Indian Springfield, and his old bike, a 2013 Yahama V-Star became my baby. I’ve had my fun decking it out, adding a windshield, repainting the saddlebags, giving it a tank bib, and more. But more importantly, the purchase enabled us to take many wonderful weekend rides together, exploring destinations throughout California: taking in the gorgeous views, reveling in the sensation of freedom as we glide down the road through twists and turns, and enjoying one another’s company. We hit up lots of National Parks and beaches or just cruised unfamiliar stretches of pavement for the heck of it. On our way to Reno in June, we unexpectedly hit snow– very glad we avoided frostbite on our toes. Our year’s capstone ride was Las Vegas in August, crossing the desert in the scorching summer heat. I decided to assemble a quilt of California such that we could document our journeys with patches and pins from each location.
We do wish we had more free time to take advantage of together. Neil has been working with Schwan’s Home Food Service for almost a year now, which has a good salary and benefits but incredibly long hours. Of course Neil, overachiever that he is, has excelled in the role; he’s the second highest Sales Rep in the region or something like that, which is most of the West coast. I’m immeasurably proud of him.
Meanwhile, I’ve been on the path of pursuing my Masters in Business Administration at San Jose State University. Having graduated back in 2010, I was a little nervous about returning to school, but I studied hard and took the GRE sometime in March and got excellent marks and was thus conditionally accepted, pending some required courses, which I completed online. I began my coursework in September and have already learned so much. I find that my brain is much more suited to comprehension and application of concepts than it was when I was an undergrad. Too weird. But then, my background in English and Visual
Arts and profession in the theme park industry has certainly made me stand out from the rest of the business crowd, and it’s fun being a little unique.
I also underwent what should be my last SRS procedure: a hysterectomy in September. Neil took time off work to care for me while I recovered, which was swift; in three weeks I was back to 100%. Transitioning has been more than a six-year process at this point, but I can safely say I’ve never felt more comfortable than I am now, both physically in this body, and emotionally. Neil’s unwavering acknowledgement of and participation in my gender identity, and his love for me for who I am, is truly something I never thought I’d have in a partner.
I hope this message reaches all of you at a happy point in your lives as well. We think of you and the ways you’ve touched our lives often, even if we don’t express it.
Best Wishes, Rick and Neil
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ausetkmt · 2 years
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Nov. 21, 2022, 5:06 a.m. ET
It didn’t take long for Mitchell Binder’s first taste of international success to turn bitter.
About 30 years ago, the jewelry designer went to a major international trade show in Frankfurt and introduced the kinds of pieces he had been making and wearing in Southern California: skulls and crosses, hefty silver rings, a look that screamed motorcycles and rock ’n’ roll.
“It was edgy stuff, especially for a very traditional market,” Mr. Binder, now 65, recalled in a recent video interview. “I was very brazen about it.” He did so well at the show that he registered for the next event.
But, “to my surprise, six months later when I arrived at the show to set up my booth, I saw my designs all over everyone else’s booths,” said Mr. Binder, adding that he had such a visceral reaction, he felt like he had fallen off a building. The knockoffs were half the price of his pieces, he said, and ranged in quality from good to “godawful.”
“I was devastated. I took it very personally,” he said. He finished the show and filled the orders he received, but decided the business was not for him. “The last thing I wanted to do was make jewelry for somebody else to copy,” he said. “I literally put my tools up and quit making jewelry.”
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But after a stint in Hollywood, first in a blue-collar job and then doing some writing and producing, Mr. Binder returned to his first love. He said he had come to realize that “I was born to make jewelry, so I’d better figure out a way that I can live with this problem and not make it so personal.”
In 2000, he introduced a company called King Baby, which now has stores in Santa Monica, Calif.; Nashville and Las Vegas, as well as an authorized dealership in New Hope, Pa. and 13 stores in China, owned by a business partner.
The problem of the knockoffs has never gone away, Mr. Binder said, but he now hires others to handle legal issues and puts his energy into the creative process instead of worrying about potential counterfeiters.
“They can’t get into my mind,” he said. “I have the ability to create new designs.”
A Host of Harms
Counterfeiting across the jewelry industry comes in different forms and inflicts a host of harms — on individual creators, certainly, but also on consumers, companies, even cultures or countries. It is an age-old problem that has intensified in recent years given the ease of online commerce and can involve violations of both trademark, which protects brand identity, and copyright, which covers creative work.
When someone misuses a trademark — a name or logo or some other feature that identifies a brand in a consumer’s mind — the harm can be irreparable, according to Ben Allison, a lawyer in Santa Fe, N.M., who specializes in commercial and intellectual property litigation.
“It’s a theft of someone’s identity, but it strikes much closer to the heart of identity than somebody just using my Social Security number to get money,” he explained. “It’s very personal. A trademark is how the world knows me.”
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In the United States, it is not necessary to register a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or a copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office because trademarks are acquired through first and continuous use and works that are copyrightable by law are covered from the moment a creation is finished. But having that registration provides “better remedies and tools and better protection,” Mr. Allison said.
Infringing a copyright or trademark is not the same as one creator simply taking inspiration from another. Cody Sanderson, a Santa Fe-based jewelry designer (and a client of Mr. Allison’s), said he had seen reproductions of his work for sale online that were not labeled as such — and appeared to have been cast from a mold of his original pieces.
“They use my piece exactly,” he said. “They don’t deviate from it, they don’t change it up a little bit.”
For example, he said, a ring in solid silver that he sells for $450 was copied in stainless steel and advertised online for less than $20, including shipping. His initials and the hallmarks identifying him as Navajo and the piece as sterling silver appeared on the reproduction.
The Spectrum of Fakes
Not all fakes are created equal. Some are well-executed and expensive, others the tawdriest of knockoffs. In the case of quality fakes, the victims include the creators of the genuine articles, who might be losing sales, and the buyers who may think they are getting good deals on the real thing.
When it comes to the cheapest fakes, most buyers know what they are getting. “Nobody who’s buying a $10 Cartier Love bracelet is buying that instead of the $10,000 one,” said Alaina van Horn of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (C.B.P.).
Some may think a fake that was sold openly — even promoted on social media as part of fast fashion’s “dupe culture” — must be legal, said Ms. van Horn, who is chief of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Branch of the C.B.P.’s Office of Trade.
But if the fake violated a trademark, she said, its sale would not be legal. And even if the consumer was not deceived, the sale would not be a victimless crime. “The brand good will is eroded. The strength of the trademark itself is diluted,” Ms. van Horn said. “If everybody’s walking around with a gold-looking bracelet with screw designs, it’s going to erode the value of that genuine product.”
That screw-motif bracelet, the Cartier Love, actually topped C.B.P. jewelry seizures in its 2021 fiscal year , according to Ms. van Horn. Other top counterfeited jewelry items seized included pieces with the Chanel double-C logo, copies of the Cartier Juste un Clou bracelet and items from the Van Cleef & Arpels Alhambra collection, as well as pieces purporting to be from luxury brands such as Bulgari and Tiffany & Company.
A C.B.P. report said watches and jewelry were the fourth-leading category of counterfeit products seized in its 2021 fiscal year, totaling 12 percent of all seizures — but the leading category in purported dollar value. Had the seized goods been genuine, the report said, their total manufacturer’s suggested retail price would have been almost $1.2 billion.
The C.B.P. said its enforcement efforts were focused on federally registered trademarks and copyrights in its Intellectual Property Rights e-Recordation System. The fake jewelry that has been seized usually was ordered online and arrived in small parcels, not bulk shipments, and China was the leading source, Ms. van Horn said.
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More than 420,000 parcels from China are processed every day, according to the C.B.P., and an interagency operation has found that more than 13 percent of targeted shipments contained counterfeit goods or contraband items.
There is no real way, though, to calculate the full scale of imports of counterfeit jewelry, Ms. van Horn said. “We don’t know how much we’re missing.”
Combating the Problem
Companies have been acting on many fronts to combat fakes. In June, Amazon and Cartier filed two joint lawsuits against a social media influencer and eight businesses selling on Amazon, alleging that they had been “advertising, promoting and facilitating the sale of counterfeit luxury goods through Instagram and other websites, infringing on Cartier’s registered trademarks and violating Amazon’s policies,” an Amazon news release announced.
The complaints, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, described a “sophisticated campaign” to sell counterfeit Cartier products — including the Love bracelet — “while disguising the products as nonbranded in an attempt to evade Amazon’s counterfeit detection tools.”
Some of the world’s largest luxury groups have turned to blockchain technology to certify the authenticity of their brands’ products and discourage counterfeits. The Aura Blockchain Consortium — whose members include LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton and Compagnie Financière Richemont — said on its website that the technology had allowed brands “to put a tamper-proof digital stamp of authenticity on any product or component.” And the De Beers Group, which introduced its blockchain platform Tracr in 2018, announced earlier this year that it now was using the system to provide “an immutable record of a diamond’s provenance.”
A start-up called Imprint Registry, which markets itself as “a global art registry built to empower artists,” intends to use blockchain so artists can take control of their own intellectual property and assure buyers of authentic products, according to two of the company’s founders, Dogan Perese and Ruth-Ann Thorn. The company introduced a beta version of its digital registry in August at the Santa Fe Indian Market, an annual juried event.
Mr. Perese and Ms. Thorn said that, eventually, anybody who purchased a valuable piece of jewelry or other work of art would demand a secure electronic record, just as someone who bought a vehicle requires a title.
“It’s just coming, because we live in a world right now where people don’t always know what they’re getting,” Ms. Thorn said.
An Ancient Problem
To some extent, that has always been the case.
“The first people to forge ancient Greek art were the ancient Romans,” said Erin L. Thompson, associate professor of art crime, fraud and forensics at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York. The ancient Phoenicians, she added, made Egyptian-style jewelry, including rings with scarabs or cartouches of pharaohs.
Jewelry has long been a target of looters at archaeological sites, and the demand for such artifacts also created an opportunity for forgeries, Ms. Thompson said. Today there is what she called a “robust” online market for supposedly ancient jewelry — including, she added wryly, identical rings in a choice of sizes that happen to fit modern fingers.
Some buyers apparently are drawn by the chance to get a bargain and do not stop to wonder whether something is genuine, she said. Even if a consumer is not fooled by a forgery, though, she said such practices have a negative impact.
“Who cares if somebody’s knocking off an ancient Greek design?” she said. “It’s certainly not harming the ancient Greek jewelry designer.
“But it does encourage the market for looted antiquities,” she said, adding that it could lead to further destruction of archaeological sites.
Counterfeits of any era also raise concerns about unethical labor and environmental practices that might be associated with producing cheap knockoffs, she noted.
Vulnerable Communities
Native American jewelers are all too familiar with the problem of counterfeits. Fake Navajo jewelry has been produced since tourists first began to visit the U.S. Southwest in large numbers more than a century ago and wanted cheap souvenirs, according to Liz Wallace, a Santa Fe-based jeweler who is Diné (the name the Navajo call themselves), as well as Nisenan and Washoe.
As wrong as it is to copy brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton or Cartier, she said, the people who produce counterfeits of Native American jewelry often are hurting “some of the most vulnerable communities in the country.”
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Ms. Wallace, 47, said she had not been a target of counterfeiters, but she had felt the indirect effects of a market flooded with fakes. Years ago, before she realized the extent of the problem, she would see inexpensive jewelry being sold as “Indian” pieces in shops in downtown Santa Fe and felt bad that she could not make her jewelry for those prices.
“I was getting really insecure,” she said in an interview. “Of course, it was all made in the Philippines by people who were lucky to make $8 a day.”
In fact, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Mexico has prosecuted several people in recent years for producing Native American-style jewelry in the Philippines and marketing it as authentic in the United States.
Ms. Wallace and several other Native American artists testified as expert witnesses at a 2018 sentencing hearing in one of those cases, which involved violations of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. (Under that 1990 law, it is illegal to market arts and crafts as Native American if they are not.)
The two defendants in that case pleaded guilty, one of them to felony charges that resulted in a sentence of six months in prison, followed by a year of supervised release, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. In 2020, two jewelry wholesalers in New Mexico pleaded guilty in another case involving Filipino-made imports of jewelry marketed as Native American. Their sentences included supervised release and fines totaling $300,000.
But for people who make millions with fakes, such fines are “just the cost of doing business,” said Mark Bahti, who owns Bahti Indian Arts in Santa Fe and Tucson, Ariz. He said he believed counterfeiting was more prevalent than it was even in the 1970s — what he called “the disco era” of Indian jewelry — because of the opportunities to sell fakes online and a lack of consistent enforcement of the laws to prohibit fakes.
“You can have the best-crafted law out there,” he said, “but if you don’t have anybody actively, consistently enforcing it, the people who are violating it can tell that in a heartbeat and go on about their business.”
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Mr. Bahti said he saw fakes “all the time” among the pieces that people brought to him for appraisal. In one case, someone had paid $12,500 for a bracelet said to have been made by the Hopi jeweler Charles Loloma, who died in 1991. Mr. Bahti had to break the news that it was a counterfeit worth about $800.
He encourages buyers to do research and shop around. When they do buy, he said, they always should ask for receipts that describe their purchases, the production methods and the makers — so if there are problems later, they will have detailed proofs of purchase.
Consumers need to be more discerning, Ms. Wallace said, adding that some people assume they are protected by law without knowing the law can be hard to enforce. “I want people to really pay attention to the wording of what they’re buying, because it’s so deceptive,” she said. “They see ‘Native-inspired,’ and they just see the ‘Native’ part.”
She also wishes that the government would take the problem more seriously and make more of an effort to protect Indigenous peoples’ economies.
“I don’t know the art market in Europe,” she said, “but I imagine if the French market was flooded with fake Impressionist paintings that were made in China, the French government probably would have stepped in by now.”
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
The money will be back in the United States momentarily and the muto and muto will be in Hawaii and only moments they're going to free them. Destruction like you've never seen and on Hawaii. And then Las Vegas will suffer for years they won't be able to stay there nobody will that's kind of the idea and we're not building it in the desert no. We are building facilities for gambling all over the world and we started building them in the United States we had to stop because they suck so bad here. The governor newsom approved several casinos and we haven't put them in yet because the storm is headed that way and they might be older buildings there were renovating and then not in the path of the store but they're closer to it and they might get ruined and it's too much square foot is to protect the glass is older and it is safety glass but it's thicker so it should do okay. And taping them does something but not much it's just a way of saying hit this one cuz you make a big x literally that's what people do out there and it's going to happen and we'll have to repair it and it'll probably ruin the insides which we have to take out anyways, well use as an excuse.
He's ordering us to buy a buildings and land for dealerships and for sales offices and for office and we're going to buy it all of it it's right before the storm it's a good time. And not too many want dealerships or franchises they're not going to shut the program down but really we only get a few thousand it's really miserable that what people are like we don't want to work for your company and we'll go there though so we get that and we're prepping and we're going to buy buildings all over even on the East Coast and the South tons of them huge buildings some places and they're not very badly damaged some of them on the East Coast and a giant buildings and we're going to buy them up to throughout the South and there's distributors and more and there's a lot of buildings that are ours and I'm going into them now it's a big day for that I'm going to be buying up stuff all over the place. All over Earth too giant giant areas of suffering taking over and or buying and a lot of it is Trump stuff and we're ripping it all out
There's more happening today they show him the 911 number so we're going after some of the police obviously they're the idiots. And Australia New Zealand loaded up again we're preparing a strike it's going on in moments and that would be a huge group of them and it will weaken them severely. After that you have only a few 1000 octillion and if they send them they're not going to be anybody. So the schedule is becoming apparent to people because they see the money is back and they will see that seem to go to Utah even from Mexico and they're going to go down there and the robberies will begin of all of the banks that have our son's money them and they're going to be bringing them North to the FED in Alabama and cheese was taking a beating cuz some of the money was there and he's going to take a severe meeting now and he's going to find out that Trump is going to be getting lettuce from all his jobs. Instead of big force today to arrest them all here to punta Gloria and to kicks about from the government in Florida. They also going after him for his international stuff and trying to get him out overseas as Putin and others and governorships here and other roles in the kick him out of senate Congress, it has an effect and it's not really huge so you keep on trying to get rid of more it's still pretty lame. . Now there's tons of stuff going on and huge layoffs of trumpsters all over Earth by Mac and Company he's letting him out of his factories you can't stand him anymore and there's a giant number of them coming out and they're going to hotspots literally and I'm also trying to take his stuff it got ready for it yesterday it is mowing them down and they're going to court and he's taking them to court huge numbers of them and it's a horrible thing these people are so dumb most of them will be gone by the end of the day.
And we see that there's a question about the schedule they want to know when something will happen and tomorrow should be when the package is taken from Utah and brought to LA and just a few days time it would be delivered back and Guantanamo Bay is only a few days long and there's a lot of other things happening it's exposing Trump while he's here and his reactions are key and tons of people see it and when he goes out there they grab the leadership there and they're not defending themselves as much and they get grab them here. We think that they're going to go out there as prisoners no as navy very soon but we think it might be tomorrow night
Thor Freya
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frontproofmedia · 2 years
Vasiliy Lomachenko to Face Unbeaten Contender Jamaine Ortiz
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Published: September 13, 2022
NEW YORK — Ukraine’s former pound-for-pound king, the man known as “Loma,” is back. Vasiliy Lomachenko, a three-weight world champion, will make his triumphant New York City return in the 12-round main event Saturday, October 29, against undefeated contender Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz at Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden. The 10-round featherweight co-feature sees two-time Cuban Olympic gold medalist Robeisy “El Tren” Ramirez attempt to author a career-best win against former world champion Jessie Magdaleno. U.S. Olympic silver medalist Richard Torrez Jr. (3-0, 3 KOs), who is coming off a 44-second knockout over Marco Antonio Canedo in August, looks to make it 4-0 in a six-round heavyweight special feature. Lomachenko-Ortiz, Ramirez-Magdaleno, and Torrez Jr. headline a card that will stream live and exclusively on ESPN+. Promoted by Top Rank, tickets starting at $56 go on sale Thursday, September 15 at 12 p.m. ET and will be available to purchase at Ticketmaster.com. Lomachenko was set to fight then-unified lightweight champion George Kambosos Jr. earlier this year, but when Russia invaded Ukraine, he put his boxing career on hold to join a territorial defense battalion in his homeland. “Vasiliy Lomachenko is a credit to his country and the sport of boxing,” said Top Rank chairman Bob Arum. “When his country needed him, Vasiliy did not hesitate. We are thrilled that he is safe and fighting once again at Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden, his home away from home. Jamaine Ortiz is a young, hungry, undefeated fighter who understands that a victory over a living legend like Loma would be life-changing.” Lomachenko (16-2, 11 KOs) has a résumé that is unmatched in modern boxing. A two-time Olympic gold medalist for Ukraine, he had a 396-1 amateur record, won a world title in his third pro fight, and became a three-weight world champion in his 12th bout. Lomachenko unified three of the four lightweight titles before a loss to Teofimo Lopez in October 2020 derailed his quest for undisputed supremacy. Last year, he came back with one-sided victories over Masayoshi Nakatani and Richard Commey. Lomachenko is 5-0 at Madison Square Garden Entertainment’s venues, including the win over Commey and his one-sided drubbing over fellow two-time Olympic gold medalist Guillermo Rigondeaux. He arrived in Southern California last month to resume his career and work towards his goal of capturing the undisputed lightweight title, which is currently held by Devin “The Dream” Haney. Lomachenko said, “I love my sport, and I am so glad to be back. My goal is to win the undisputed lightweight title, but I will not take Jamaine Ortiz lightly. Madison Square Garden and Hulu Theater at MSG have been special places in my career, and I look forward to making more great memories on October 29. I want to dedicate this fight to all my Ukrainian people. I wear the flag proudly every time I step in the ring.” Ortiz (16-0-1, 8 KOs), from Worcester, Massachusetts, enters this bout hoping to stun another former world champion on the comeback trail. He last fought May 21 in Las Vegas, wearing down Jamel “Semper Fi” Herring down the stretch to earn a 10-round unanimous decision. Ortiz is a six-year pro who plied his trade on the New England club scene. Three months before the Herring triumph, Ortiz won the NABF lightweight strap with a clear decision win over Nahir Albright. Ortiz made his Top Rank on ESPN debut in April 2021 with an eight-draw against Joseph Adorno, surviving a pair of knockdowns in one of the year’s best action battles. Ortiz said, "I'm excited about this fight. Vasiliy Lomachenko is a great fighter, but I'm here to win. Once I win this fight, I'm targeting a world title opportunity. This is a dream come true." Ramirez (10-1, 6 KOs), from Cienfuegos, Cuba, starred at the 2012 London Olympics alongside Lomachenko. He won the first of his gold medals, while Lomachenko dominantly captured gold medal number two. Ramirez ruled the amateur ranks for another six years before defecting from Cuba. After a stunning loss in his 2019 professional debut against Adan Gonzales, Ramirez has been flawless during a 10-fight winning streak that has seen him avenge the Gonzales loss and crack the top 15 of all four major sanctioning organizations. He authored his most notable victory to date in June at Hulu Theater at MSG, knocking out the previously undefeated Abraham Nova with a left hand in the fifth round. That one-shot knockout propelled Ramirez into the title conversation, and he hopes to get that shot before long. But, first, a former world champion stands in his way. Ramirez said, “It is great to be back at the iconic Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden. I am particularly excited to do so as co-main event of the evening that marks the return of the great Vasiliy Lomachenko, whom I admire and consider one of the greatest talents of all time. It’s rare to have two two-time Olympic gold medalists on the same card, and it is an honor for me. As far as Magdaleno is concerned, he represents an important challenge as he is an excellent boxer, a southpaw, and a former world champion.” Magdaleno (29-1, 18 KOs) ascended to the top of the junior featherweight division in November 2016 with his decision victory over Nonito Donaire. His title reign ended at the hands of Isaac Dogboe in April 2018, but he is 4-0 since losing to Dogboe and subsequently moving up to featherweight. He shook off an extended layoff in May to shut out Edy Valencia over eight rounds. A native of Las Vegas who has showcased his talents at many of the city’s most storied venues, Magdaleno will be making his New York City debut against a recently unstoppable train. Magdaleno said, “I am coming to shock the boxing world. I know what a victory would mean for my career. My goal is to become a two-time world champion, and Robeisy Ramirez is in my way. Just know that I am ready.” In addition to Torrez, three of his Olympic teammates from Tokyo will see action under the lights. Tiger Johnson (5-0, 4 KOs) makes his New York City debut in a six-round junior welterweight bout, featherweight silver medalist Duke Ragan (7-0, 1 KO) steps up in his first scheduled eight-rounder, and Troy Isley (7-0, 4 KOs) tests the junior middleweight waters in an eight-rounder. Cleveland-born lightweight sensation Abdullah Mason (4-0, 3 KOs) will fight in his first six-rounder, while junior lightweight Haven Brady Jr. (7-0, 4 KOs) makes his division debut in an eight-rounder.
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ads62das2565 · 2 years
Natural Blue Resources
In 2009, just two years after Paul went to work for InfoUSA, he was recruited to help set up an environmental investment company called Natural Blue Resources (NTUR). So he entered Pennyland and entered it in the worst possible way. Presumably, Pelosi found the offer he received attractive because, as the SEC said, Natural Blue’s “purported mission was to create, acquire, or otherwise invest in environmentally friendly companies.”
Who recruited him, along with Toney Anaya, a former New Mexico governor? 
Since founding Natural Blue together as a private company, and at all relevant times when it was a public company, [James E.] Cohen and [Joseph A.] Corazzi provided direction to the Company’s board and management. Among other things, Cohen and Corazzi recruited Anaya and Pelosi to serve as officers of the public company, recommended various board members, officers, employees, attorneys, and auditors. Cohen negotiated with third parties (including acquisitions and reverse mergers) on behalf of Natural Blue, participated in board meetings, recruited investors, reviewed and commented on public filings, and had formal authority over Natural Blue’s brokerage account. While Corazzi’s role was not as prominent as Cohen’s, Corazzi also helped to select Anaya (and his successor) as the CEO, recruited investors, handled press releases, managed the Natural Blue website, reviewed and commented on public filings, and negotiated a business transaction with a Massachusetts-based company that resulted in new management.
A few short minutes with a good search engine, or at the SEC website, would have shown Pelosi and Anaya they’d fallen in with a bad lot. Cohen had once been a registered representative who’d worked for a number of brokerages but, in the end, was barred from the profession after a 2004 criminal conviction for attempted enterprise corruption and attempted grand larceny. Pelosi himself had been a broker for about 10 years; it would have been easy for him to check Cohen out.
Corazzi was even more colorful. In the 1990s, he’d served as Chairman and CEO of one of the funniest OTC scams of all time, Las Vegas Entertainment Network (LVEN). In its NTUR litigation, the SEC says only that Corazzi’s old company was “sued by the Commission for fraudulently overstating its assets,” but what really happened went far beyond that. The fun began with a $95 million unsolicited bid made by Corazzi/LVEN for Jackpot Enterprises, a Las Vegas entity. 
It turned out that part of the $95 million would be supplied by a mysterious but fabulously wealthy man called Dr. Fred Cruz. Cruz had his own company, called Countryland Wellness Resorts, which claimed it had sold a mine it owned for $2.7 billion in treasury bills and certificates of deposit issued by… the Dominion of Melchizedek. The DOM was a fake country that did—and still does—describe itself as an “ecclesiastical sovereignty.” Like the Vatican, except that its only properties are some atolls in the Pacific Ocean. We are not making this up:
The Company sold its mining interests in Plumas County, California to a foreign ecclasiastical [sic] sovereignty in exchange for Treasury Bills (“T-Bills”) having a face value of $2,418,000,000.00, issued by the Dominion of Melchizedek (“DOM”). The T-Bills, payable without interest, mature on May 27, 2005.
The Company has booked the T-Bills at face value. As additional consideration, DOM has credited the account of the Company 300,000,000.00 Dominion Dollars (the official currency of DOM), from which the Company has acquired a 5 year Certificate of Deposit issued by the DOM state owned and licensed bank, Bank of Salem. Bank of Salem is not licensed within the United States of America, nor is it associated with any U.S.A. bank. The exchange rate for Dominion Dollars of the Dominion of Melchizedek is one Dominion Dollar to one U.S. Dollar. Additional information regarding the sale of the mining properties is contained in the Company’s Form 10Q filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the period ending March 31, 2000, dated May 15, 2000.
Pelosi and Anaya were, evidently, unable to look that up at Edgar. Nor, apparently, were they capable of finding this article about the scam from the Las Vegas Sun, though in fairness, it doesn’t reference Corazzi. Nor did it reveal that Dr. Fred—he was a podiatrist—Cruz had been jailed four times for fraud, or that he claimed to own $1.1 billion in Indonesian Bank Guarantees that yielded 9 percent interest daily. But the truth is out there, and the new NTUR officers could have found it.
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mikas51 · 2 years
Natural Blue Resources
In 2009, just two years after Paul went to work for InfoUSA, he was recruited to help set up an environmental investment company called Natural Blue Resources (NTUR). So he entered Pennyland and entered it in the worst possible way. Presumably, Pelosi found the offer he received attractive because, as the SEC said, Natural Blue’s “purported mission was to create, acquire, or otherwise invest in environmentally friendly companies.”
Who recruited him, along with Toney Anaya, a former New Mexico governor? 
Since founding Natural Blue together as a private company, and at all relevant times when it was a public company, [James E.] Cohen and [Joseph A.] Corazzi provided direction to the Company’s board and management. Among other things, Cohen and Corazzi recruited Anaya and Pelosi to serve as officers of the public company, recommended various board members, officers, employees, attorneys, and auditors. Cohen negotiated with third parties (including acquisitions and reverse mergers) on behalf of Natural Blue, participated in board meetings, recruited investors, reviewed and commented on public filings, and had formal authority over Natural Blue’s brokerage account. While Corazzi’s role was not as prominent as Cohen’s, Corazzi also helped to select Anaya (and his successor) as the CEO, recruited investors, handled press releases, managed the Natural Blue website, reviewed and commented on public filings, and negotiated a business transaction with a Massachusetts-based company that resulted in new management.
A few short minutes with a good search engine, or at the SEC website, would have shown Pelosi and Anaya they’d fallen in with a bad lot. Cohen had once been a registered representative who’d worked for a number of brokerages but, in the end, was barred from the profession after a 2004 criminal conviction for attempted enterprise corruption and attempted grand larceny. Pelosi himself had been a broker for about 10 years; it would have been easy for him to check Cohen out.
Corazzi was even more colorful. In the 1990s, he’d served as Chairman and CEO of one of the funniest OTC scams of all time, Las Vegas Entertainment Network (LVEN). In its NTUR litigation, the SEC says only that Corazzi’s old company was “sued by the Commission for fraudulently overstating its assets,” but what really happened went far beyond that. The fun began with a $95 million unsolicited bid made by Corazzi/LVEN for Jackpot Enterprises, a Las Vegas entity. 
It turned out that part of the $95 million would be supplied by a mysterious but fabulously wealthy man called Dr. Fred Cruz. Cruz had his own company, called Countryland Wellness Resorts, which claimed it had sold a mine it owned for $2.7 billion in treasury bills and certificates of deposit issued by… the Dominion of Melchizedek. The DOM was a fake country that did—and still does—describe itself as an “ecclesiastical sovereignty.” Like the Vatican, except that its only properties are some atolls in the Pacific Ocean. We are not making this up:
The Company sold its mining interests in Plumas County, California to a foreign ecclasiastical [sic] sovereignty in exchange for Treasury Bills (“T-Bills”) having a face value of $2,418,000,000.00, issued by the Dominion of Melchizedek (“DOM”). The T-Bills, payable without interest, mature on May 27, 2005.
The Company has booked the T-Bills at face value. As additional consideration, DOM has credited the account of the Company 300,000,000.00 Dominion Dollars (the official currency of DOM), from which the Company has acquired a 5 year Certificate of Deposit issued by the DOM state owned and licensed bank, Bank of Salem. Bank of Salem is not licensed within the United States of America, nor is it associated with any U.S.A. bank. The exchange rate for Dominion Dollars of the Dominion of Melchizedek is one Dominion Dollar to one U.S. Dollar. Additional information regarding the sale of the mining properties is contained in the Company’s Form 10Q filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the period ending March 31, 2000, dated May 15, 2000.
Pelosi and Anaya were, evidently, unable to look that up at Edgar. Nor, apparently, were they capable of finding this article about the scam from the Las Vegas Sun, though in fairness, it doesn’t reference Corazzi. Nor did it reveal that Dr. Fred—he was a podiatrist—Cruz had been jailed four times for fraud, or that he claimed to own $1.1 billion in Indonesian Bank Guarantees that yielded 9 percent interest daily. But the truth is out there, and the new NTUR officers could have found it
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Why isn't Nightwing a bigger deal? He has all of Batman's skills and Superman's faith in humanity and is arguably the most beloved hero in the DCU, but most people seem to know him either as the leader of the N̶o̶t̶ ̶J̶L̶ Teen Ttians or just Robin.
Thank you for asking me about Nightwing, I've been wanting to write a piece about him for a while now. The short version is that everyone who claims Dick becoming Nightwing was him "moving out of Batman's shadow and becoming his own man" is completely wrong.
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Dick Grayson is a fantastic character, someone who saved Bruce Wayne in-universe both by forcing Batman to grow up a bit, and the countless times he saved Batman's life as his partner whether as Robin or Nightwing. Dick saved Batman in the real world as well, hard to believe but Batman was actually in danger of being cancelled due to poor sales early on. Enter Robin, a young daredevil audience stand in the creators hoped would get kids interested in reading Batman. And it worked! Sales on Batman doubled once Robin showed up which is crazy to think about, but Dick Grayson has always been a popular character. Cartoons like Teen Titans, Batman: The Animated Series, and The Batman only helped grow his audience.
Character-wise, Dick Grayson really does fill a number of crucial roles in the DCU. For Batman, Dick is proof that Batman is a positive force. Meeting Batman helped change Dick for the better, helped him heal after his parents died. With Dick, Batman can take comfort in knowing that yes, he has made a difference in the world for at least one orphan boy, which is all he wanted when he lost his parents himself. To the wider DCU, Dick is a friendly face who convinces others that Batman is competent and not a complete asshole. He took this kid in, trained him to be one of the best heroes the DCU has seen, and did it all out of the kindness of his heart. That someone like Dick can confront the evils of Gotham and not break means there's still hope for that city. As Robin, Dick has led the Titans and is an icon in his own right as The Sidekick, the original, the one every other Robin is built around copying or contrasting. The one all other superhero sidekicks are drawing on as a basis. As Robin Dick Grayson is very much on Batman's level.
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Just not as Nightwing. As Nightwing, Dick has been a second rate Daredevil which means he's a third rate Batman (fully prepared to get hate for this but I've read and enjoyed the Miller and Bendis DD runs so I feel entitled to my opinion). A typical Nightwing run tends to go like this: Moving to Bludhaven (which is Gotham... but WORSE!), Dick Grayson usually enrolls in a pointless job we don't care about in order to provide some meaningless soap opera drama that doesn't go anywhere. Patrolling the city as Nightwing, he fights a variety of bad guys who are usually rather lame and unthreatening, with his big bad being a Kingpin knockoff called Blockbuster. Villains are fought, long running plotlines are set up, then everything is abandoned because it's Batfamily event time, and Dick has to run back to Gotham in order to play sidekick again. Usually his involvement is completely superfluous and it would've been better if the writer had gotten to opt out. By the time we finally get back to Nightwing's solo plotlines, the audience has usually ceased to care and the run gets cut short.
That's how Nightwing has been since the New 52 at least. Anyone who thinks that's "becoming their own man" is out of their mind. Dick is so thoroughly in Batman's shadow that he got shot in the head and spent a longer time as "Ric" which everyone fucking hated and sold like shit, than he did as Agent Grayson which was extremely well-received. Reiterating: Ric went on longer than Grayson because of a fucking Batman plotpoint Tom King wanted where Bruce was sad and cut off from the Batfamily because of Dick getting shot. Not just calling out King either, how many times was Kyle Higgins Nightwing run derailed because of Scott Snyder's crossovers? Or how about that entire run getting dumped to the side because Johns wanted to out Dick during Forever Evil, a Justice League/Lex Luthor story? DC has repeatedly made their contempt for Nightwing clear, he's Batman's sidekick still in their eyes, and he serves whatever story role the Batman writer wants.
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Hell his best stories tend to have been the ones where he's not Nightwing. He was Robin in a good chunk of the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans run. Morrison really showcased his depth as a character when they wrote him as Batman, their time with Dick under the cowl was actually one of the first Batman runs I ever read, and no Nightwing run has ever matched it in terms of quality in my humble opinion. Scott Snyder's work with DickBats also was a high point for the character, showing Dick as competent and examining his relationship with Gotham and the Gordons. King and Seeley gave him one of the best comic runs with Grayson, a series where he wasn't even a "superhero" technically! When it comes to actual pre-New 52 Nightwing runs that are highly recommended where he *is* Nightwing, there's Chuck Dixon and uhhhhhhh... Tomasi's brief run before Dick became Batman? It's not exactly an overwhelming list.
Look there has been good work done with Nightwing, I'm not claiming there hasn't been. Tim Seeley wrote a great run with Nightwing Rebirth. Seeley fleshed out Dick's Rogues Gallery with cool new ones like Raptor, he brought back old foes like Dr. Hurt (why oh why couldn't you have brought back Flamingo too?), he gave Dick's world some character it solely needed. Bludhaven under Seeley is pretty much the only time I've really felt like it lived up to being Dick's city.
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The problem with fictional cities is you have to put in the work to give them the character of real cities. You have to make the cities feel like characters in their own right. Gotham is the best example of this, it's a character all it's own, one that tells you a lot about Batman and his cast. In contrast Bludhaven is usually one of the worst. Any place that wants to claim to be worse than the city that is built over the gate to hell and gets wrecked every other month by the Arkham freaks has to really put in the work to compete. Simply put, Bludhaven typically fails utterly. There's nothing about it that makes you really buy it's worse than Gotham, I mean does anyone really think Nightwing's Rogues wouldn't get their lunches eaten by Batman's? No, no one genuinely buys that. When Bludhaven claims to be worse, it just comes across as tryhard, an attribute that does end up telling you about Nightwing in unintentional ways.
So Seeley didn't do that. Instead he created a city built for a hero like Dick Grayson. Someone who is bright and flashy, but does have an element of darkness to him. Someone who loves the spotlight, but often uses it to obscure. Seeley turned Bludhaven into Las Vegas, and that was the fucking best concept for Bludhaven I have ever seen, it makes so much sense. Las Vegas is the "Entertainment Capital of the World" and isn't that the perfect city for a hero who got their start working in the circus? Isn't the aesthetics of the gleaming casinos, the glamorous sex appeal of the performers, and the spectacle of the shows, all being used to cover up the seediness of mob bosses meeting backstage perfect for Nightwing? It's so utterly unlike New York City, yet Las Vegas is still dangerous, it's got a crime culture all it's own. Seeley used it to great effect, as did Humphries during his brief run, and I will always be pissed that DC didn't continue to use it. That should have stuck around and been the definitive look for Bludhaven.
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How Seeley's take on Bludhaven was treated feels like a small scale version of how Nightwing in general gets treated. Whenever creators pitched ideas for him, if editorial thought there was potential to break big, they asked for those ideas to be repurposed for Batman instead. Anything big or good gets repurposed for Batman or tossed to the side so Nightwing can go back to his default: having irrelevant adventures in a city that is supposedly worse than Gotham but can't live up to it. Just like how Nightwing is supposedly better than Batman but never gets to show it. Goddamn it's so frustrating seeing his potential get wasted like that.
The Nightwing book should be one of DC's most ambitious books in terms of storytelling. You can go from traditional superhero stories, to romantic soap opera, to spy stories, to crime noir, to horror, to cosmic adventures, and ALL of them would fit because Nightwing is someone who has a foot in both Gotham and Metropolis. He's got friends everywhere on every team, and has been a hero longer than most Leaguers have at this point. No reason DC should still be afraid to let him loose and insisting on hewing close to what Dixon established almost over 30 years ago is only holding him back. At the very least get him some better Rogues, why the hell didn't he get to keep Professor Pyg? That's Dick's villain not Bruce's! Bullshit that they didn't let Dick keep him. Hopefully Flamingo comes back, with a slight revamp I think he'd make a great reoccurring Nightwing Rogue.
Luckily it does look somewhat like Nightwing fans have reason to be optimistic. While Taylor isn't to my taste, DC clearly views him as a "big" writer, and that they put him on Nightwing says a lot. Taylor has been selling well so far, so hopefully he gets to tell his story, hilarious that even he lampshaded having to write Dick running over to Gotham for another tie-in after Taylor's big opening arc was all about Dick committing himself and his money to Bludhaven. Scott Snyder is apparently working on a Black Label Nightwing book which will explore how he's a different detective than Bruce. The Gotham Knights video game has him as one of the main stars, and while Titans is... controversial, it's one of the most popular streaming shows and Dick is the main character. There's a lot of content coming that features him in the starring role, and that will only help his star rise further.
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For the first time in, well, ever it feels like DC may be serious about elevating him. Time will tell if it pays off, but I for one choose to be optimistic that the 2020s will be a turning point for Dick Grayson where Nightwing becomes hugely popular in his own right. Not just as Batman's sidekick.
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