#which make them a target for bloodline thieves
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The Senju have a tradition of a courtship garden.
Well... It's called a "tradition" but that's actually just to hide the fact that it's something their bloodline compels them to do.
When they feel strong affection towards someone, they feel the urge to nurture and grow plants on their behalf. This doesn't actually have to be romantic affection. Expecting mothers are some of the Senju's most prolific gardeners.
Hashirama continues to maintain plants for all of his brothers.
He's also the first person to realize that Tobirama's in love. Granted, it's hard to miss the abundance of flora that have suddenly sprung up around Tobirama's home. He doesn't even seem to realize it himself.
The main flowers are:
Tansy: resilience, a fresh start
Red Amaryllis: pride, splendid beauty, determination, worth beyond beauty
Red Carnation: love, passion, admiration, courage
Red Snapdragon: love, passion, deviousness, grace
Purple Orchid: respect, dignity, confidence, peace and forgiveness
Meanwhile, the Uchiha value something made with one's hands. Something that shows your understanding of the person in question. For example, one could write a song to represent them or paint a mural of a memory you share together. I'd say more, but I really think my ideas for Uchiha courtship should get it's own post.
Either way, it's not like Tobirama is giving Izuna the flowers (yet). He just finds himself compelled to tend to the garden after every time they interact. Surely there's no correlation.
#tobiizu#fanfic idea#in my hc most senju have a minor unexpressed form of the mokudon#just that they can make plants grow a bit faster and healthier#they are actually way too casual with this information (in Izuna's opinion)#because any traits of the mokudon being expressed mean the mokudon's in their bloodline#which make them a target for bloodline thieves#The senju are all 'but only hashirama has the actual mokudon tho'#and Izuna wants to pull his hair out#the tansy's there especially because I think it's likely Tobirama starts the garden after the formation of the village#apparently purple orchids also carry on symbolisms of love in eastern asia#yes I left off the peony one#I found a lot of info on it#or I wouldn't have included it at all#idk I like the idea of Hashirama being clever in unexpected ways#I actually have a lot of headcanons about him as a character#same as madara#but alas#the tobiizu brainrot is real#maybe one day I will elaborate in the tags on how I see him
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Happy Halloween! Go write 100 words of (fantastic communication, guys) and typhoon island~☆
And, if not too much, maybe trick or treat - kagami demands rescuing?
Thank you!
fantastic communication, guys:
When he finds him, Tobirama is standing on a river, arms folded and glaring at him. It’s not the Naka, only a much smaller tributary, but the threat is still very clear. Hikaku drops out of the trees and walks slowly to the bank of the river. “Tobirama-san,” he calls. Tobirama’s eyes narrow. Not very open to being persuaded, then. Still, Hikaku has to try. “Can we talk?” The glare weakens, but Tobirama remains on the water. “Talk all you want.” “I was hoping for a conversation,” Hikaku says, and Tobirama’s eyes narrow again. Hikaku would really prefer not to drown, but he’s fairly confident that Tobirama won’t kill him on purpose. Certainly not outside of a fight. Instinctive reactions, misjudging Hikaku’s ability to dodge or defend, that might happen, but Tobirama probably won’t attack unprompted. So, despite Hikaku’s better instincts, he makes his way slowly out to a rock in the middle of the river and sits down. It’s still a bit far to be called a conversational distance, but close enough he won’t have to raise his voice.
Typhoon Island:
“I’m going to check the bodies,” Izuna says. “Hikaku?” “We’ll help,” Hikaku says. “Ruri, Kagami, can you work together to collect their weapons? Make sure not to cut yourself.” “Their weapons aren’t very good,” Ruri says. “It’s still best to collect them,” Hikaku says. “Lower quality weapons can still be used, and it will keep the weapons out of enemy hands.” Ruri glances in Tobirama’s direction and nods quickly. She grabs Kagami’s hand and pulls him along with her. Going over the bodies is much slower with Kagami and Ruri’s “help” than if Hikaku were working on his own, but this is as much about keeping the kids busy while they wait for Tobirama as anything. It’s not as though it’s a mystery why bloodline thieves targeted Uchiha children.
Trick or Treat: Kagami demands rescuing:
Oh I have so much to ramble about this one, you definitely get to decide if a textwall is a trick or a treat. So it's kind of like... my thing, going all the way back to when I was 15 and writing Death Note fic, to take a Fandom Standard trope/premise and dig into it. Really obsessively think about how it would work, and the consequences and consequences-of-consequences, and so on. I didn't get to do it much in Girl Genius fandom, partly because that fandom was small enough there weren't so many Fandom Standards that had been done many times like that, but BSAU blessed Tobirama is a good example of me doing this with the blessed Tobirama/blessed red eyes trope, and (fantastic communication, guys) is this with marriage hunts. So obviously Kagami Demands Rescuing is this, for the 'Tobirama rescues Kagami/an Uchiha child, thus ending the war' premise. Because I love those fics, but at the same time, I feel like it's not something he'd be very likely to actually do. Tobirama as a character is very... like, what he's Supposed To Do (and Be) is pretty crucial to him, if that makes sense. Hashirama is the Senju Clan Head, but that's just like, his day job. It puts some limits on what he can do but mostly they're practical limits like 'can't run away to the other side of the continent because I have to be here.' Tobirama builds a lot more of himself and his decisions around what's Expected Of Him as a Senju (and later Konoha) shinobi, and what he considers the ideal for a Senju/Konoha shinobi. All of which adds up to: I really don't think that, while they're at war, he'd be likely to save any Uchiha no strings attached. He might want to, walking away from an endangered (Uchiha) child might give him trauma and years of nightmares, but I think he'd still do it, because that's what's Best For The Senju Clan. It is possible for him to think he should do something and not be able to actually bring himself to do it when the time comes, but I feel like he'd still be more likely to just walk away from the situation than to go out of his way to help. (To be clear: I still love fics where he does rescues an Uchiha anyway, there are so many amazing fics with that premise. I just push a little mental 'AU where Tobirama will choose his morals (Save The Child) over his principles (Do What's Best For The Senju)' button in my head. Also shoutout to A Soft Green Glow for pulling off Tobirama rescuing Izuna so well that I didn't even need the button, without even being from Tobirama's POV, it's such an amazing fic.) But he's also very, very smart. And we probably all know that tidbit about conspiracy theories and cults and how smart people can be really, really good at justifying a decision they want to make. So the question becomes how Tobirama would justify saving an Uchiha while they're enemies. One option is for him to save them, then take them home as a prisoner and make the Uchiha ransom them back. The Uchiha owe him for rescuing whoever, the Senju at minimum make a profit, and maybe he can learn some useful information along the way, so saving an enemy is justified. But I like that better with him rescuing an adult Uchiha; when he's rescuing Kagami part of the appeal is them bonding, which is probably not going to happen if Tobirama is also kidnapping Kagami. (Although a fic about them figuring out how to be teacher and student in Konoha afterward would be fun.) So to write a fic about Tobirama rescuing Kagami I needed a different justification. "Hashirama would want it" and "the Uchiha will owe us" both help, as does "we're in a general lull in hostilities right now and I don't want to make the war re-escalate" but I wanted a bit more to nudge Tobirama from 'I will leave the Uchiha alone' to 'I will actively help the Uchiha'. And that's why Kagami is demanding the rescuing.
And while we're at it: boop
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~Black Crescent Bay~
(the mermaid/siren/pirate descendent story, apart of my short story collection 'The Ballad of Hollowfaye' also available to read on wattpad)
Patty Dean (the descendant of a cruel Pirate Lord) is being targeted by a clan of mermaids. They came for his brother last year and would've come for him too if he hadn't already been dragged to the icy depths of Black Crescent Bay by a Siren, Alix Kane. Now he needs to find her again. He needs to understand. But is it too late? Has he already fallen under her spell?
Genre: Past vs Present
Word Count: idk???
(PART 1)
Patty's brother, Elliot, threw a Halloween party every year, and it was always bigger than anything Hollowfaye had ever seen. There were no invitations—you were allowed to come if you brought alcohol or weed. Patty didn't need an excuse to get wasted beyond comprehension, but this party fit the bill every time.
It was the only rule, but somehow he still ended up barring people from entering unless they stopped fucking around. For some reason everyone thought he was going to be more lax with the rule now that Elliot was away at college.
Usually they were the people that insisted on bringing rocks and spices from their kitchen—blessed crystals and charmed herbs, as they usually insisted upon calling them.
The barring wasn't going so well.
Alix Kane, some goth girl that too believed in blessed crystals and charmed herbs, was begging to be let in, and Patty, after he'd drunk a little too many, couldn't stop from laughing hysterically in her face.
His friends were around, so he couldn't help it. He was the funny guy, the one people were always waiting to make an asshole out of himself. When they weren't waiting for that, they were waiting for this party.
So you see his obligation, yes?
Alix, however, was in a foul mood, and she wasn't much up for laughing. She stared at him with narrowed icy blue eyes and pursed black lips—lipstick, he'd hoped.
"Look, it's the same rule it's always been, Al: No alcohol, No entry."
She jabbed the crystal into his stomach with ferocity, and it tickled more than anything.
"I'm telling you, Pat, these crystals will clear your mind; these herbs will release you from evil. All much better prizes than beer."
He was getting annoyed with her then. People with actual party favors were forming a line behind her, all waiting to get on his Uncle's boat. He didn't have time to explain that it just wasn't happening.
"You keep 'em then, if you really care about them that much." He looked behind her, signaling he was done, "Linus, are those brownies I see?" He didn't even know if the kid was Linus.
He was still watching Alix out of the corner of his eye, waiting for her to leave. But she still stood, waiting.
"You think evil isn't everywhere, Patrick? You were born from evil, your father's entire bloodline is filled with nothing but thieves, rapists, and murderers."
He ignored her. He knew what she was talking about. His Great-Great-Great-Great-Great (give or take a few million Greats) Grandfather was Patrick 'Black Pat' Dean, the sailing master of the 'Phantom Queen' before he murdered the captain with his bare hands and became anointed as: notorious murderer, pillager, rapist, and Captain of the Phantom Queen.
He died young, 24, but thanks to his many, many forced conquests, he had a number of children up and down the East Coast.
More children than gold, his uncle often said (he had a lot of gold), and the only reason he and his mother could afford this boat, and Black Crescent Bay and the cabin sitting above it, was because their bloodline was the most legitimate.
Black Pat had married his Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandmother, Lorelai, when she was just sixteen. They 'd had three kids—which in Pat's opinion, was three too many—by the time he abandoned her to write his history in the golden age of Piracy. He'd only returned to her after his legs got eaten off by a tiger shark, with a dead crew and a ship full of gold and jewels.
Patty didn't know what any of that had to do with getting into a party though.
"You're welcome to come next year, Al. Remember to bring some smokeable herbs though."
He turned back to her after letting Linus pass by them after having the slightest whiff coming from his Tupperware in waves. She stood there, stiff and stricken, not staring at him but through him, eyes bulging out of her skull.
The whole thing gave him chills. A second longer of this, and he was going to lose his cool.
But then she shook her head and reached for his hand. He'd been expecting a beg or something. He'd never seen her put on a show, but he figured she wasn't above it, especially for the biggest party in Hollowfaye to date. But she didn't beg. She interlocked their fingers and he lurched forward at her strength.
"Death is all around you, Patrick. You're stained with it." Her voice was misty and colder than the sea breeze around them. Her ice blue eyes glowed like starlight, moved like the pulse of the tide.
Before he could tell her she should leave, she pressed her black lips onto his. They were hot like balls of flame, and they blistered his lips—the sizzling and popping of the skin made him flinch back but it wasn't backward that he went. She pulled him forward and before he could grab ahold of anything, she was tripping him with her barefoot and pushing him off the other side of the pier.
His muscles seized and tensed against the wrath of the frigid water. He sank immediately. His arms stayed flat and straight; his legs side-by-side. With all his might, he tried to fight, but something was keeping him from doing so. Like there was an invisible wall he couldn't force himself through.
And then a voice—a voice he'd heard before— so familiar he knew it like his own, kissed his skin and wrapped him in silk blankets, warming him from within, 'Pat...' he waited, totally and earnestly consumed, '...stop fighting it. Stay here and be free with me.'
He listened for a second, almost as if it was a reflex, but then reality hit him and he shook his head violently.
It took a whole second for him to realize he was going to die. He sank and he sank. But he didn't die.
A shadowy figure pulled him free of the warm silk he was entangled in, and as soon as he was back on the pier—freezing cold and shivering—he sputtered the salty water out of his lungs.
He expected to see Alix, waiting with a stark-white smile and glacial blue eyes. She wasn't there. Only the people waiting in line remained.
"She just tried to fucking kill me." Was all he could force out through his vibrating teeth.
His best friend, Sol, was drenched and shivering beside him, while Sol's girlfriend, Litha was bumbling over swears as she jumped off the side of the boat with a handful of blankets for them. She wrapped a stack around Sol and a stack around him, attempting to wipe away all the salty-water.
"You stupid fuck." Sol was breathless, and the icy waves had beaten his face blue, "What the hell was that?"
This pissed off Patty. He hadn't done it himself. That bitch pushed him in! He could've died, and now he was being blamed for it?!
"Where is she?" He tried to stand, his anger overcoming him, "Al! Alix Kane!" He wailed like a man possessed.
Sol shoved him, trying to get him to shut up, but it didn't work. Nothing worked until he slapped his hand over his mouth and forced silence upon him.
"Dude! Just shut up! Shut up for a second!" Patty did, only so Sol would pull his hand away, but it remained firmly in place. Not until Patty looked him in the eye did he remove it.
He spoke slowly and calmly--as if Patty was a stupid kid, "You tried to push her, Pat, but you fell."
He narrowed his eyes and thickly swallowed the residual sea grime on his tongue, "She kissed me and then she pushed me in—" he turned to the crowd, he was sure she was there, he could feel the lingering chill of her presence, "you psycho bitch!"
Litha hushed him and bundled him tighter with the blankets. "Be quiet." She whispered so the crowd couldn't hear.
Patty glared up at her. She was acting like she was his mother again. He hated when she did that.
Sol shook his head, teeth clattering, lips turning blue, "People are going to think you're crazy, man, so just be quiet."
Patty couldn't believe his ears. He was the victim of an attempted murder! Everyone was acting like he hadn't just been pulled from the icy depths of the bay.
"She pushed me, Sol. You saw it, you were right there."
He stared down at him cooly, shivering and shushing him simultaneously, not giving him any validation, "I was right there, Pat... And that's not what I saw... Just shut up until the police get here."
"The police?" His heart jumped.
His uncle was the chief of police, but that didn't mean things were easier for him. In fact, it made things harder. The one allowance he was given was this stupid party, and that was with the promise that none of the kids would be driving home under-the-influence.
How could he possibly control what these other idiots decided to do?
Patty knew that as soon as his uncle arrived that he was going to flip his shit and then these Halloween parties would be something of the past.
"Where's Alix?" He repeated through clattering teeth.
Sol shook his head, "She ran. You scared the shit out of her. You scared the shit out of me too; you looked like..." He trailed off.
"What?" Patty tried to sit up, but Sol held him down.
"Stay. You could be hurt." Litha, Sol's girlfriend, grabbed him by his shoulders, giving him a gentle squeeze. Patty rolled his eyes and slapped her hands away.
The crowd of students waiting to go inside quickly dispersed after hearing that the police were going to show up. Linus didn't even leave the brownies. Soon the boat itself was empty. The only people that remained on the pier were the three of them.
"I didn't push her." Was all Pat could think to say. He knew he hadn't.
Sol and Litha exchanged a glance before he looked down at him, his eyes flickering between his before he nodded slowly, "Okay..."
He was looking down at him like he'd just hit his head, and he began to wonder if he had. It all happened so fast. When his uncle finally arrived with the sirens blaring and the red and blue lights reflecting off the water and the coastal shop windows, he had to explain what had happened to the best of his ability.
He could feel Sol beside him not believing a word that was coming out of his mouth. It was maddening. He knew what had happened. But that didn't matter. It wasn't what he was there for.
"You think I give two shits about your dumbass falling in the water—something's happened. Your mother needs you home." He gave Sol a stern glare with his black beady eyes. "You two, get home. NOW!"
"Does Elliot know?"
His uncle didn't answer the question. Just lowered his voice, "Don't make me tell you again."
So, he'd gone home... The news wasn't exactly what he'd been expecting. His mother wasn't mentally sound, in and out of therapy and group therapy and meetings and doctors appointments since he and his brother were just kids, and he'd been expecting this to be one of her episodes.
Sometimes she'd unplug the fridge in the middle of the night because she thought the rumbling electricity was a parasitic demon laying eggs in their food. They'd starve until his uncle would stop by after she'd not answered any of his calls. It usually took days... Once, it even took weeks; the only way they'd survived was because Elliot had snatched them double lunches when the teachers weren't looking.
She was put on heavy medication then. Sometimes it worked, other times her morose kept her hostage in her bed.
He wasn't expecting the problem to be Elliot. Nobody knew what had happened and nobody could ask Beth, their mom, because most of the time, she couldn't answer coherently.
What the official police report said—and his uncle later repeated through a vein-strained neck—was that Elliot was drunk, fancied some sexy relaxation with his girlfriend, Freesia or Hibiscus or something, in the hot tub and had fallen asleep. They got into an argument, she left, and he stayed in the water. Mom found him facedown hours later, chlorine-marinated and wrinkled like a raisin...
He was in a coma for a few weeks after that. A part of Pat thought he'd pull through. They'd pulled through so many other things together. He'd stayed at the hospital as often as he could. He wanted to be there when he woke up so he could be the first to tell him how stupid he was.
This wasn't one of those times though. One night while Pat slept, Elliot's brain died and so he did too. Nothing good ever happened at that clinic, nothing. He didn't know what to believe because he didn't trust anyone. He didn't even trust himself, how could he? Especially after what had happened with Alix Kane.
When things were starting to get normal for him at school again—when the teachers stopped pitying him, instead focusing it on the Vespers again because their death cycle was every six months—he decided he'd find her and ask her about what really happened that night.
But nobody knew who she was.
"Alix... Kane...?" Sol had raised an eyebrow at him, "Maybe she goes to Bellevue?"
He rolled his eyes, thinking he was joking, "She sits behind us in Folkore of the Masses."
But he just stared at him.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to like, reblog, and/or comment if you liked or hated it. Spill the tea. Share your thoughts directly with the source (me.)
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Fate and Phantasms #290: Tomoe Gozen (Saber)
Greetings, gamers! Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re building Lord Yoshinaka’s gamer girlfriend Tomoe Gozen in D&D 5e. Hey, if Lasengle thinks letting her name slip is fine and dandy I’m not one to argue.
Tomoe’s a Soulknife Rogue to build her own VR sabers, as well as a Samurai Fighter so she can play all night long. Yep, this intro’s not super complicated, mostly because I have no idea what “VR Shinkageryu” is either.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Summer 5 speedrun no internal organs glitchless 235:6:4
Race and Background
Tomoe’s still a Tiefling like last time, but we’re making her with a Zariel bloodline instead of the original flavor. This gives you +2 Dexterity and +1 Constitution as well as Darkvision, Hellish Resistance against fire damage, and a Legacy of Avernus. You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip innately, and you get more spells you can cast once per day each as you level up- Searing Smite at level 3 and Branding Smite at level 5. While a soulknife is a fun light show, it’s not quite as fiery as we’d like for your NP. That’s where the smites come in.
You’re also still a Noble, but since we’re getting history later you’ll pick up proficiency in Persuasion and Survival instead. I don’t know how someone with a VR headset glued to their eyes is supposed to survive in the wild, but you have a skill all about it, so I assume you’re good at it.
Ability Scores
Your highest score is going to be Constitution. Staying up late is a constitution save, and once again you have a whole skill dedicated to it. After that is Dexterity. Laser swords use dexterity. Bikinis use dexterity. Dexterity is good. Almost as good? Your Charisma. Some would call playing a video game a performance, and at the very least you’re probably good at beat saber. We’re also gonna make your Strength above average, part oni and all that, so your Intelligence and Wisdom are less good. Turns out it’s hard to see what’s happening when you have a VR headset strapped to your head 24/7.
Class Levels
1. Rogue 1: We’re starting off as a rogue for the extra skills and also to get your VR experience going as soon as possible. I know we’re out in the mountains so you’re already getting shakes from game withdrawal, so we’ll make these levels quick.
At first level you have proficiency in Dexterity and Intelligence saves plus four skills like Acrobatics for flashier swordplay, Athletics for oni strength, Perception for twitch reflexes, and Performance for higher scores. You also get double proficiency or “Expertise” in two skills like Survival and Athletics. Oni be strong.
If you’re using a finesse or ranged weapon and you have advantage or a buddy near the target, you can use a Sneak Attack to deal extra damage. Right now it’s 1d6, it’ll get bigger as we go.
You also know Thieves’ Cant, which I guess in this case is just gamer lingo.
2. Rogue 2: A second level rogue can make a Cunning Action as a bonus action each turn, disengaging, dodging, dashing, or hiding with the speed of a child whose mother just came into their room in the middle of a sick gaming sesh on their DS.
3. Rogue 3: At the third level of rogue we finally take a step into the magical world of VR by becoming a Soulknife. This gives you Psionic Power, a.k.a. twice your proficiency bonus in Psionic Energy Dice, which right now are d6s. You regain them all on a long rest, or you can get one back per short rest as a bonus action. Right now, your dice have two uses. You can use them for a Psi-Bolstered Knack, a.k.a. adding them to a failed check you’re proficient in and possibly turning it into a success. You only use the die up if you succeed, so there’s no shame in trying your hardest every match! You can also use Psychic Whispers for some teamchat, rolling the die and setting up a groupchat (telepathically) with up to Proficiency number creatures for that many hours, as long as you are within one mile of whoever you’re talking to. The first shot is free, each use afterwards eats up a die though.
But none of that sounds like VR Shinkageryu, does it? No, it doesn’t. Thankfully we also have Psychic Blades to stand in for your VR sabers. Whenever you take the attack action, you create a laser blade to make that attack with. It’s finesse and can be thrown, and it deals psychic damage instead of piercing or slashing. On top of that, it leaves no trace of the damage it deals, as all the damage happens in VR. Obviously. Included in that damage might be your sneak attack, which is bumped up to 2d6 this level.
Also, you can make an extra attack as a bonus action using a smaller blade.
You could also use that bonus action to take Steady Aim, giving you advantage on your next attack at the cost of not being able to move that turn.
4. Fighter 1: Now that you have the swords, it’s time we got good with them. Pick up the Two Weapon fighting style so you can add your ability modifier to offhand weapon damage, and you also get a Second Wind to heal yourself as a bonus action. Every gamer keeps refreshments on hand for hardcore gaming seshes. It’s not pretty, but that’s just the reality of the life you signed up for.
5. Fighter 2: Second level fighters can make an Action Surge once per short rest for an extra action in a single turn. This doesn’t give you an extra bonus action though, so you can still only make three attacks in a turn.
6. Fighter 3: At third level you become a Samurai, which is thankfully a lot less front-loaded than Soulknife was. You become proficient in History, and you also gain a Fighting Spirit up to three times per day. Spend a bonus action, get temporary HP and advantage on all attacks for the turn. Simple stuff.
7. Fighter 4: Now that we’ve put it off for as long as possible, we can finally grab an Ability Score Improvement for higher dexterity. That’s a higher AC and stronger swords, baybee.
8. Fighter 5: Fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack each action- that’s two per action, up to three per turn with a bonus action attack, four with your action surge, or a maximum of five with an action surge and a bonus action.
9. Rogue 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Constitution for more HP. That’s a +9 bonus this level- remember, HP changes are cumulative.
10. Rogue 5: Fifth level rogues can make an Uncanny Dodge as a bonus action, halving one instance of damage coming your way. Psychic blades have plenty of perks, but you can’t make reaction attacks with them, so at least now you have something to use that reaction on each turn. Thankfully your 3d6 sneak attack should make up for not having opportunity attacks.
11. Rogue 6: Sixth level rogues get another set of Expertise, so your Performance and History checks should be even better than before. You’ve seen it all before, both in terms of games and historical events.
12. Rogue 7: Seventh level rogues gain Evasion, supercharging your dexterity saves. On a failure, you take half damage. On a success, you take none at all. This only works on saves to halve damage- if passing the save already negates all damage, you’ll still take all the damage on a failure. Speaking of damage: 4d6 sneak attack, once per turn. It’s nice.
13. Rogue 8: Use this ASI to max out your Dexterity for the hardest bathing suit around and to make sure your VR sabers burn as brightly as possible.
14. Rogue 9: Ninth level soulknives have Soul Blades, which isn’t a confusing name at all. This gives you two more uses for Psi Dice. You can add a roll of the dice to a missed attack roll to make Homing Strikes, only spending the die of the attack now hits. Alternatively, throw that sword (and that die) around for some Psychic Teleportation, moving up to 10’ x the die roll.
Your psychic blades also become a bit stronger thanks to your 5d6 Sneak Attack damage.
15. Fighter 6: Sixth level fighters get another ASI, and since our dex is already maxed out, might as well grab a feat like the Flames of Phlegethos. This mostly just makes your searing smite a little more searing- whenever you roll fire damage from a spell, you can reroll 1s and take the new roll. Also, whenever you cast a fire-dealing spell you become a little bit of a sun yourself for the round, shedding light and dealing fire damage back to any creature that hits you with a melee attack. It also bumps up your Charisma, which is nice since…
16. Fighter 7: Seventh level samurai are Elegant Courtiers, so you add your wisdom modifier to your persuasion checks. This isn’t a “can” ability, and it also doesn’t have a minimum, so… yeah, you’re worse at persuasion now. At least you also get proficiency in Wisdom saves.
17. Fighter 8: For more save proficiency, grab the Resilient feat with your last ASI for +1 constitution and proficiency in those saves! Staying up late will eventually be a constitution save, so now it’s a bit easier for you. Shame we’re leaving off on an odd number, but oh well.
18. Fighter 9: If that’s not enough, your Indomitable spirit lets you re-roll a failed save once a long rest. Save this for saves you’re good at, like… most of them, actually.
19. Fighter 10: Tenth level fighters get a… Tireless Spirit. Yes, we really picked up this entire subclass just for this joke. This also legitimately helps you stay up late, since rolling initiative with 0 Fighting Spirits lets you gain one back.
20. Fighter 11: Your final level is pretty simple, but effective- another Extra Attack lets you make up to seven attacks in a turn, if you’re using two actions and your bonus action to attack. That’s three per action, if you’re averse to division.
Pros and Cons
With a maxed-out attack modifier, an absurd number of attacks per turn, and the ability to just give yourself advantage at will, you’ve got some consistent damage on the table. I can’t even dock points for range since you can throw these things around and teleport. It also helps that they’re the extra hard to defend against Psychic damage type so that very few builds can block your attacks. Just… ignore the Abby build we just made.
While all summer servants are used to traveling light, you take it to the next level since you need no equipment to work at your absolute best. Okay, to be fair you work better in actual armor, but it’s not mandatory.
You’re not only good on offense either! Your saving throws are also fantastic, with four proficiencies, including all of the big three- Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. Those three make up a large bulk of the saves you’ll make throughout a typical game of D&D, so they’ll definitely help you shrug off some of the nastier effects your party deals with. Plus, you have fighter-tier HP with a rogue’s uncanny dodge, so you can stay up for a while.
Psychic laser swords are cool, but soulknives have some drawbacks. First off, if you’re fighting a creature like Abby, your reliance on psychic damage will hose you completely, unless you have a spare dagger on hand. Also, you can’t use attacks of opportunity with a soulknife, since that’s not an attack action. This seriously cuts into your damage output, since you could sneak in another sneak attack on someone else’s turn. That’s especially bad since…
The only serious damage you’re doing is with sneak attacks. With small damage dice on your soulknives and the limited number of smites you get per day, you’ll only be doing appreciable damage on late-game enemies once per turn no matter how many attacks you land.
Speaking of smites, you have a ton to do on your bonus action, don’t you? Smites, healing, cunning actions, an extra attack… Having options is never a bad thing, but it does mean this is a more complicated character to bring to the table.
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Underwing Challenge Day 3
"Who is your main cast? Describe as many of your OCs as you can cram into one post."
(Event Link) - (Day One) - (Day Two)
As many as I can cram into one post? Whooo-boy, you have no idea what you've asked for <3
Because Stolen is a Fantasy Romance, it's written in Third Person Close/Limited from the points of view of Stella Korazon and Reilly Mosswolf.
Stella Korazon
"Loving someone forever is the easy part, so long as you actually love them in the first place." - Stella
At the start of Stolen, Stella is a young but very talented thief. She was raised by her Da', Colm Korazon in a wagon that they used to travel the East Coast caravan route of Moryann.
Her greatest skills include being able to read a persons body language, and her pick-pocketing. She was taught how to fight, but her preferred reaction is to evade, dodge, run, or a mixture of the three.
Physically she's small. Short, and very slim, and with long blonde hair to her waist/hips and large blue eyes that make her look younger than she is, a look that she often uses to her advantage.
Stella's also a very good mimic, she can copy people's patterns of speech and behaviors as long as she's given sufficient time to study them.
Her biggest disadvantage is innocence. While Stella isn't naive to the dangers of Moryann, or the darker sides of the world she lives in, her Da' always encouraged social isolation. Teaching her to trust him, herself, and no one else. This makes for a strange dichotomy to her character that I enjoy playing with where she might be able to flirt with a mark and fluster them enough to rifle through their pockets unnoticed, but blush and stumble when being on the receiving end of genuine thanks or kindness.
Reilly Mosswolf
"You're in trouble, and I can help. Do I need more of a reason than that?" - Reilly
Reilly's parents were murdered when he was very young. He's elven, so very young for him was around 22 years, the developmental equivalent to mid-teens.
After his parents death, Reilly had his younger sister to look after, so he took to stealing. He was rather bad at it, and was caught. Luckily, for him, but the Guild Master of the Antillune Thieves Guild, Aldune Lamuird.
Instead of turning Reilly over to the guard, he took Reilly and his sister into the guild and looked after them, training both siblings himself when they expressed a desire to learn the trade.
At the start of Stolen, Reilly is 252 years old, and the current guild master having inherited his position from Aldune. Despite that he, and the guild, are in trouble.
For the previous year or two, there has been a rival guild from the Western side of Moryann beginning to encroach on the Antillune Guild's territory and while it hasn't yet escalated to an all out war, tensions are building.
Not least because around 6 months prior, Reilly's sister was found dead, having been clearly tortured. While Reilly is sure that the rival guild are responsible, he has no evidence and won't put the thieves under his protection at risk for a personal vendetta.
Physically, Reilly has the black eyes and sun-burnished skin of his mother's Desert Elf heritage. He also has black hair that he keeps shoulder length, and a scruff of a beard that helps give a messy edge to a face that would otherwise stand out in a crowd. He also has the traditional Forest Elf tattoo's that span from shoulder to wrist along his left arm; His family history written in elven.
His strengths are his experience, and his willingness to listen to opinions and advice other than his own. Reilly is a strong fighter, and Aldune taught him to carefully balance the racial specific talents of both his parents bloodlines, and to use them to his advantage. He has the powerful blows that belong to the forest clans, but the speed of the desert elves, making him a formidable opponent before he even picks up a blade.
Reilly's biggest disadvantage is his fear of losing people. Over the years, Reilly has lost almost everyone he's ever loved or cared for. His parents, Aldune, his sister Eryn, even a lover or two. He has an inner circle of people he relies on within the guild, six people he trusts above all others, but his best friend and the only one truly able to get through to him is Dara Brookor.
Reilly uses nicknames and pet-names to distance himself from his guild members, giving the illusion of closeness, but using the affectionate names to distance himself, and make sure he can't put a real name to a face should one of the people under his protection turn up dead.
It's when Reilly begins to use a person's real name, that they've truly begun to worm their way under his armor.
Stella and Reilly are surrounded by a small supporting cast, each of whom has a very important part to play in either the main characters lives, or the main plot, although that may not come to fruition within the first book...
Dara Brookor
"So you're trying to tell me that, when you realised you were developing a meaningful connection to a person you have known for less than a decade, you didn't panic, pull back, and avoid them like a complete moron?" - Dara
Dara runs most of the administrative side of the Antillune Thieves Guild. She handles all the records, job allocations and thief payments, and is also responsible for pairing up thieves whose skills will compliment each other.
She's also the best friend to Reilly Mosswolf. She met Reilly, and his sister Eryn, when they were attempting to steal from one of her clients. Before joining the guild, Dara ran a brothel in Antillune, and when Eryn Mosswolf tried to disguise herself as an employee to get close to her target, Dara interfered in an attempt to protect her staff.
Once the situation was explained, she ended up helping Eryn and Reilly with their job, and occasionally passing along information on good targets if a client tried to skip out on their bill.
Dara is over six feet tall, and almost half as broad, which is the only sign of her part ogre heritage. She has honey-blonde curls that she keeps cut to her jaw, and dark blue-green eyes.
She made good use of her imposing form to keep her staff protected and her clients in line, but eventually her establishment was set on fire by a competitor, which is when Reilly asked her to work for him instead, in the administrative side of the guild.
The fact that it meant Reilly got out of most of the paperwork was, he swears, simply a bonus.
Dara's strength is her ability to connect with people. While she isn't a thief, her long history in Antillune has given her a network on contacts across the city that feed her a steady supply of information, and Dara can quickly utilise those contacts to seek out any specific leads she or the guild needs.
Her weakness is that she doesn't want to think badly of anyone, and it can cloud her judgement. She doesn't automatically look for deceit and deception, which has often led to her finding herself in dangerous situations.
Thankfully, Dara strikes an intimidating form, can curse like an Antillune sailor, and knows how to wield blades well enough to back up her threats.
Myris Orinan
"I am not the youngest graduate from the college of Wizardry in nearly two centuries for nothing." - Myris
Myris Orinan is, simply put, a genius.
A forest elf in possession of extremely powerful elemental magic, Myris is one of only 3-4 people in Moryann who can control all four branches of elemental magic and manipulate them simultaneously to access the rare Kurro or Healing magic.
He completed his training at the College of Wizardry in less than 100 years, making him one of the youngest graduates to ever complete the training and he is also passable-to-fluent in over ten languages.
Myris is also entirely mute.
Married to Tanar Orinan, the pair met when Tanar had been hired to steal something from the library in the College of Wizardry. Myris discovered the thief, mid-job, because he'd been working late into the night and bound Tanar before demanding an explanation for his presence.
Tanar agreed to surrender the book, and forfeit the contract, in exchange for being allowed to court Myris and the pair were quickly inseparable.
Due to this close association with the Antillune Guild, however, Myris was attacked, kidnapped, and tortured for information on the guild, and on Reilly Mosswolf in particular.
Even though, at the time, he had no knowledge to give, his attackers punished him for withholding information by forcing an alchemical mixture into him that burnt away his vocal chords, effectively rending his magic useless as it's commonly accepted that without the ability to speak a spell, spellcasters and wizards are rendered powerless.
Myris proved everyone's theories on elemental magic wrong however by slowly developing his own language using hand positioning and finger shapes to communicate words and phrases, and with practice and strength of will he gradually taught himself how to cast spells with a non-verbal trigger, instead of a spoken one.
While Myris has physically recovered as well as he can from the experience, and his magic is as strong as ever, despite requiring more effort to cast non-verbally, Myris has been left with a powerful hatred of Vine, and an ever encroaching fear that such an attack will happen again.
After his recovery, and several assessments by the College to prove that he could continue to retain his Wizard title, Myris moved to the Antillune Thieves guild to work as their wizard in residence, providing wards and magical services to the guild in exchange for a modest fee and even working to create unique items to help the guild function better and to keep its members safer.
Myris does not leave the Guild grounds without Tanar by his side, and even then only in exceptional circumstances. If he is required to leave the guild for any reason, it also tends to leave him with nightmares for several weeks.
Honorable Mentions
I had some others I was going to do but this is so long already, and I'm already 7 hours into Day Four that I'm pushing them into an honorable mentions section instead.
Tanar Sotor Orinan, Indre Larieth, Lurall Penrith and Nilion Kurez are all additional members of the guilds Inner Circle.
Tanar is half plains elf and half human, and is married to Myris. He used to be the thief partner to Eryn Mosswolf after Reilly was made guild master.
Indre Larieth is a half-elf who was recruited by Nilion Kurez, but has remained steadfastly loyal to Reilly for many years. Due to her Snow Elf heritage she can appear stand-offish and cold, but she cares deeply for her chosen few, and will go to extraordinary lengths to do whatever she thinks is nessecary to protect them.
Lurall Penrith was once trained by the Ikhari guild of assassins. It wasn't a path he chose, but instead of running her decided to become good enough that the guild would have no choice but to allow him to leave. After he met Reilly, he leveraged the backing of another guild to convince the Ikhari to let him walk away. Lurall now runs the Guild Outpost in the Western Desert, but frequently visits Reilly in Antillune.
Nilion Kurez is a Forest Elf, and has been a member of the Antillune thieves guild since Aldune Lamuird founded it. He helped write many of the guilds laws, and has known Reilly most of his life, having watched him grow up inside the guild, and in many cases been one of Reilly's teachers.
Hawk Denill is the face of Vine in Book One, and the person who hires Stella to break into the guild and steal from Reilly Mosswolf. He is a dark character who I intend to be a thorn in Stella and Reilly's side for at least the first three books. Once a member of Reilly's own guild, Hawk was banished when the guild discovered he was responsible for a series of grisly murders in Antillune. Hawk has returned to the city only recently, confident with the backing of a new guild.
Liandra 'Andy' Jenkin is a bright but brash young thief who Dara partners with Stella once she settles into the guild. Andy is Human, but makes up for the disadvantages this gives her in speed and strength by sheer enthusiasm, and stubborn determination. Andy has a grudge of her own against Vine, since their people laid an ambush on her last job that injured her and killed her previous partner.
Colm Korazon is Stella's Da'. While Colm is also a thief, he's not a particularly good one. He raised Stella in a travelling caravan, using it as a base to sell all sorts of false herbal remedies, imitation magical items, and any other junk he could con people into purchasing. All the while training Stella to do what he could not. By the time she was old enough to blend in with the crowds that gathered around his stall, the items he attempted to sell were merely a distraction to allow Stella to silently search through pockets.
#Underwing Challenge#Writeblr#Underwing Writing Challenge#Ari Speaks#Stolen#A Stolen Story#Writing#Stella#Stella Korazon#Reilly#Reilly Mosswolf#Dara Brookor#Myris Orinan#Tanar Orinan#Indre Larieth#Lurall Penrith#Nilion Kurez#Hawk Denill#Liandra Jenkin#Andy Jenkin#Colm Korazon
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Wyrmwitch (Witch Archetype)

The power of dragons has long been associated with arcane magic, from the bloodlines of sorcerers to the fact that magical writing is traditionally recorded in draconic script. However, one rarely includes the concept of witchcraft with that association. Witches are normally associated with more subtle and tricky forms of magic than the raw power of dragons, but one would be unwise to forget that dragons are cunning and clever creatures with their own capacity for machinations, plots, and the like.
And so, today we are looking at a witch strongly associated with dragons. They might have been taught magic by an actual dragon, or hear the whisperings of a dragon-associated spirit, but their power is undeniable.
What is interesting is how their emulation of draconic power, drawing power from their patron, reflects the lifestyle of a dragon, accumulating wealth and literally sleeping on it as a hoard. As silly an image as that may seem, this is supported by how Pathfinder explains the hoarding instinct, the vast treasures in a dragon’s hoard serving as reminders of their past to help bolster their memory. That connection to the storage and recollection of information could be the key to why these wyrmwitches must do so.
These practitioners might be kobolds, dragon worshippers, or even the wealthy who seek to emulate dragons in their acquisition of wealth and power, but the results are the same regardless.
Rather than a traditional patron, these witches much choose from a smaller list of patrons, each one themed around one of the major groups of true dragons (minus planar dragons or starmetal dragons from Starfinder). Each of these draconic patrons offers spells associated with the powers and behaviors of dragons of that type. Chromatic dragons boast many control and fear spells reflecting their dominance, esoteric dragons offer many information gathering and mind-warping spells, Imperials provide those that bend the elements to their will, some nonlethally, others dangerously, metallics grant their witches various buffs and protections, outer dragons call upon the darkness and cold of space, and primal dragons focus on many damaging elemental spells with a dash of utility.
Rather than possess a familiar, these mystics instead bond to their patron through a collection of accumulated wealth, expensive items that exist solely for the value of their workmanship and materials. In other words, currency, jewelry, art objects, and the like. As they grow in power, these dragon-witches must accumulate more wealth to maintain the connection, and without it to rest on and commune with their patron, they lose focus and have difficulty maintaining spells. The hoard can even absorb spells from spellbooks to add to their arsenal, though this destroys the spell pages similar to how witch familiars destroy wizard spells.
Additionally, similar to a bonded item, a properly rested wyrmwitch can call up their hoard to let them cast any one spell stored in the hoard’s knowledge.
Despite the oddity of having to lug a bunch of treasure items around with yourself, this is a fairly simple archetype which grants access to unique patron themes, and a minor version of the wizard bonded item, allowing them to cast an additional spell each day drawing from their entire list of available spells, useful in a pinch, but such a large quantity of wealth is a big target. As such, regardless of what build you go for, be it buff, debuff, or even some minor blasting, I imagine some of your resources are going to be dedicated to guarding your hoard from potential thieves.
Depending on the type of dragon these witches emulate, they might be exceptionally brutal or cunning, possibly both, while more goodly ones might strive for nobility despite their pride. However, since some of them might in fact be patronized by a living dragon, they might themselves be pawns. To a greater power.
The Dragon-men of Kulvassh are not dragons at all, but a clan of dragon-worshipping gargoyles, the natural mimetic properties of their species reshaping them to resemble humanoid dragons. Their leader is a powerful witch who claims to receive blessings directly from the Kulvassh the red dragon, a deceased great wyrm for whom the mountains were named.
Wearing a cloak of black snakeskin, the bugbear mage Terka has long been a terror of the marsh, emulating a black dragon however she can, befouling water and lashing out brutally at anything in her territory.
Travelling deep underground, the party makes an interesting discovery, cave paintings that suggest that the origin of the draconic bloodlines of sorcerers had their roots in ancient practitioners of the old magics that accepted the patronage of dragons, though for what purpose this occurred is unclear.
#pathfinder#archetype#witch#wyrmwitch#gargoyle#dragon#red dragon#black dragon#bugbear#Legacy of Dragons
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Nevernight x Deltora Quest x Throne of Glass Inspired Prompts
Requested by anonymous.
Person A is from a bloodline of gifted assassins (and thieves, kidnappers, and spies) due a knack for magic and the bloodline is considered a noble family branch/offshoot of the royal family. But when Person A is tasked with hunting down a fairy noble or royal, Person B, they are surprised to discover that their ancestor that caused their family to branch off from the royal family proper and become known for their skills in killing, espionage, stealing, kidnapping, etc. was a fairy, and a high ranking one at that. Person B winds up being related to Person A, and able to prove it with similar magic and because Person A’s fey ancestor is still alive (the one who trained Person A themself and was sort of like a parent figure to Person A) and able to confirm this. Now Person A, who always claimed their loyalty was to the royal family due to blood, is torn since they are closer related to the fairy they were sent to kill, who they are finding they have moral trouble finishing the job after they discovered the truth. But their inability has caused trouble for the royal family, and the deeper Person A digs into their heritage to discover the truth about the many secrets, the more of a target they paint on their own back.
Person A is from a long bloodline of fey-blooded assassins, thieves, kidnappers, and spies, due to the magic in their blood, which aids them in these endeavors. But when Person A’s relative who adopted them when Person A’s parents died (and who claimed to be more fey than Person A and who trained and raised them in the family line of work) goes missing, appearing to have run off, and guards of the royal family come knocking, claiming Person A’s relative commit a terrible crime against the royal family, Person A is taken as a slave to the royal family to pay off the eternal debt of their relative’s crimes. In their enslavement, they meet Person B, a servant of the royal palace with an eerie knack for sneaking off and getting around, and who looks shockingly similar to Person A. Turns out Person A and Person B are twins (or just siblings) and share a very special ability, even among their bloodline. When Person A gets an encrypted message/message in code from their relative, explaining how they needed Person A to enter the palace and meet Person B and now both twins need to get out and meet their relative, Person B helps Person A escape, and the two set out to reunite with the relative who may have all the answers to their questions.
Person A is from a long bloodline of fey-blooded assassins, thieves, kidnappers, and spies, due to the magic in their blood, which aids them in these endeavors. But when Person A’s relative who adopted them when Person A’s parents died (and who claimed to be more fey than Person A and who trained and raised them in the family line of work) goes missing, appearing to have run off, and guards of the royal family come knocking, claiming Person A’s relative commit a terrible crime against the royal family, Person A is taken as a slave to the royal family to pay off the eternal debt of their relative’s crimes. In their enslavement, they meet Person B, a servant of the royal palace with an eerie knack for sneaking off and getting around, and who looks shockingly similar to Person A. Turns out Person A and Person B are twins (or just siblings) and share a very special ability, even among their bloodline. But then, Person A’s relative who they believe to have run off and abandoned them, returns home and goes to the royal palace to demand Person A’s freedom and prove both their innocence for the crime the royal family claims the relative commit. But Person A wants Person B to come along, being their long-lost twin/sibling. But Person B was freely given up to the royal family as an offering for another crime committed long ago, and now Person A is starting to want answers to questions they’ve been asking their relative throughout their life about their own parents and past.
Person A is from a long bloodline of fey-blooded assassins, thieves, kidnappers, and spies, due to the magic in their blood, which aids them in these endeavors and who kill for the fey royal courts – or so Person A has always been told by the servants who raised them inside the royal palace walls. Person A was given to the royal family as payment for a crime they committed against the royal family, supposedly. But when a famed assassin comes to visit the palace in look of work, they see Person A, and recognize them due to a distinctive trait, and offer to train them for the royal family as an assassin. The family agrees and Person A is whisked away with the famed assassin and introduced to their apprentice, Person B, who is reluctant to have to share their mentor with Person A, someone who was born with their skills via magic and didn’t have to work as hard for them as Person B did. But after years of a (somewhat friendly on Person A’s end) rivalry between Person A and Person B, their mentor suddenly vanishes, seemingly kidnapped by the fey. So Person A and Person B set out to rescue their mentor, and perhaps find the truth about Person A’s family and past.
Person A is from a long bloodline of fey-blooded assassins, thieves, kidnappers, and spies, due to the magic in their blood, which aids them in these endeavors and who kill for the fey royal courts – or so Person A has always been told by the servants who raised them inside the royal palace walls. Person A was given to the royal family as payment for a crime they committed against the royal family, supposedly. But then Person A finds out accidentally that they are one of several blessed children, considered a good luck charm of sorts, and a prophecy pulls the children towards one another, and should they all meet, a vital secret will be exposed. So Person A, with the help of one of the palace guards and a close friend of theirs, Person B, who claims they’re only going to drag Person A home once Person A is “satisfied with the pointless adventure” they’re setting out on, set out to find the other children and hopefully find out the truth. But after Person A leaves the palace, a terrible tragedy occurs, killing the entire royal family (except for Person C, who joins them on their journey begrudgingly out of fear for their life), and making Person A very suspicious of what their own specific blessing might be and how powerful it is.
#requests#Mod Poss#plots and prompts#fairy au#fantasy au#assassin au#kidnapping tw#murder tw#death tw#royalty au#family au#TWIN AU#sibling au#adopted au#apprentice au#adventure AU#slavery tw#castle au#plot list#guard AU#bodyguard au#creative writing prompts#writing prompts#thief AU#spy au#fanfiction prompts#fanfic prompts#fanfic ideas#ficinsp#alternate universe
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Building Natasha Irons in D&D 5e
Hello everyone. As I am seeking more job opportunities, including writing ones, I may have to not do these D&D Builds (which I have a number of at this point) as frequently but it may lead to me being able to go back to reviewing comics more. So in the meantime I want to use one last opportunity and give you late Holiday gift and make one more, for a very underappreciated heroine
Goals: Let’s list what we need for this build. We need to be good at making machines and gadgets. Second, we need to be a powerhouse in the strongest armor we can find. Third, we need to swing a hammer with great power.
Ability Scores: Just like the youtuber who inspired these builds, Tulok the Barbarian, I will be using standard points array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8). If you or your DM would rather roll or use different point buy, use those as guidelines, but remember we need high Intelligence, Wisdom and Strength.
Strength: 14, you go to combat in a full suit of armor and swing a big hammer around, that takes strength. No seriously, heavy armor has minimum Strength requirements in this game
Dexterity: 8, armor doesn’t make you exactly agile.
Constitution: 13, wish it was higher, but we need other stats for this.
Intelligence: 15, you’re an inventor and an engineer after all
Wisdom: 12, you are sensible enough to wear full body armor to what most men and women choose skintight spandex.
Charisma: 10. If you find your Traci 13 you will have to rely on roleplaying to hook up with her but then again I believe this is how romancing NPCs should be handled anyway.
Race, which in D&D mean species and I’m too tired of it: Last time I checked Natasha is a human. Sometimes a metahuman but still a human. But we won’t go with Variant Human. I will spoil a bit and reveal we are picking up a class from Eberron and also the one that this build is most likely to end up being used in Eberron as a setting. So we’ll pick something else from Eberron - a Dragonmarked Human. How it works is that you’re tied with one of the Dragonmarked houses and manifest a symbol related to their bloodline. Seeing how Natasha is a niece of another engineer, John Henry, it would be not that far of a stretch to assume on Eberron they’d be from House Cannith and have Mark of Making. This mark grants you +2 to Intelligence and +1 to one Ability Score, pick up Wisdom. You gain proficiency with one type of artisan tools of your choice and gain Artisan’s Intuition, allowing you to roll a d4 and add it to any roll you make for Arcana check or one involving artisan’s tools. Dragonmark will also add extra spells to your spell list as you progress in levels and for the starters gives you following spells at the start:
Mending is an instantaneous cantrip allowing you to fix a single break or tear in an object as long as it’s no longer than 1 foot in any dimension and it cannot restore magical properties of damaged magic items.
You can also cast Magic Weapon once per long rest, granting any single weapon you touch a +1 magic bonus to attack and damage rolls for an hour. Usually, this spell requires concentration but not for this single instance.
ALTERNATIVES: If you do not play in Eberron then I guess Variant Human will do, pick up a feat boosting your Intelligence. If you do not want to be a non-human then Hill Dwarf or Deep Gnome can work as well.
Background: being a member of House Cannith or, as we will call it, continuing family business grants you access to normally dwarf-only background, Clan Crafter. You get proficiency in one more type of artisan tools, one language of your choice and History and Insight skills as well as Respect of the Makers, which means other members of the House Cannith respect you and will always provide you with a free room in any place where you can find them.
Now for the Class progression.
Level 1: We kick-off as a new official class from Eberron, Artificer. The first level of Artificer gives us proficiency in Simple weapons, light, and medium armor, shields, thieve’s tools, artisan tools of your choice, and two skills. Choose Arcana and History. If the campaign setting has firearms, Artificer is also proficient with them.
Artificer gains spellcasting, which works in that you simply know spells and each day can prepare a number of them equal your Intelligence modifier + half your artificer level, minimum of 1, and you spend spell slots available to you to cast these, meaning you cannot cast spells higher than the highest level of spell slots you have. If a spell requires you to make spell attack you roll with a bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. If a spell asks to make a saving throw the difficulty for that save is those two bonuses +8. Finally, Artificer uses their tools to cast these spells and you’re expected to roleplay how you do it, basically asking you to use gadgets or your inventions to create effects of the spell.
Speaking of spells, we start with two Cantrips known, two 1st level spell slots and 3 spells prepared per day. They will be serving as our gadgets so we will try to go for utility that can showcase Natasha’s creativity as an inventor.
Shocking grasp makes you make a melee spell attack against the target, with an advantage if it's wearing a metal armor - on a hit it takes 1d8 lightning damage (increasing by 1d8 on 5th, 11th and 17th levels) and cannot take reactions until the start of its next turn.
Fire Bolts makes you make a ranged spell attack against the target, on a hit it takes 1d10 fire damage (scales with levels like the above spell).
Feather Fall is cast as a reaction on up to five falling creatures, you included, in 60 feet radius, slowing their fall to 60 feet for one minute. If they reach the ground in that time, they take no damage.
Absorb Elements is cast as a reaction when you take damage of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder type and gives you resistance to that type until the next turn and first time you hit with a melee attack on your turn you deal extra 1d6 damage of that type.
Cure Wounds lets you heal you or another creature you touch for 1d8+ your Intelligence modifier.
Artificer also learns Magical Thinking, which lets you imbue limited magical properties on a number of mundane objects equal your intelligence modifier that lasts until you exceed that number (then the oldest one ends) or dismiss any. You can make an object shine a bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light in next 5 foot, emit a recorded message in length of 6 seconds when touched, constantly emit a smell or nonverbal sound you choose noticeable from 10 feet away or cover one of its surfaces with a visual effect of your choice or up to 25 words of text.
Level 2: As good as Artificer is, it lacks heavy armor proficiency. We will fix that with first level of Cleric, or more specific, Forge Cleric. It gives you proficiency with heavy armor and smith tools and a Blessing of the Forge, allowing you to once per long rest and until another give a single suit of armor magical enchantment granting +1 to AC or a weapon +1 to attack and damage rolls. Combined with your once per day magical weapon spell it lets you either have both effects at once or use this on your friend’s weapon while having a spell for your own in need.
Cleric learns to cast spells as well. basically, repeat here what I’ve said about Artificer except you use a holy symbol instead of tools and a Wisdom in place of Intelligence. You get three cantrips and two spells and two bonus spells are added from Forge Domain - you always know and have them prepared in addition to your usual number of prepared spells. Since we’re mixing casters, remember to consult the table on the SRD to see how many spell slots you have available per day. You add your Cleric levels and half of your Artificer levels, rounded up (an important distinction since other half-casters round them down)
Light is a cantrip that allows you to make one object not larger than 10 feet in any dimension shine with bright light in 20-feet radius and dim light in next 20 feet, and if it was held by a hostile creature when you activated it, they need to make a Dexterity saving throw to not drop that item.
Guidance and Resistance grant you or another target a bonus 1d4 on respectively an ability check or a saving throw.
Shield of Faith is a concentration spell lasting up to 10 minutes that grants you or another creature you choose within 60 feet +2 to AC
Protection from Evil and Good also has a concentration requirement and lasts up to 10 minutes, giving aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.disadvantage on attack rolls against the target and making then unable to frighten, charm or possess that target. If the target already is under one of those conditions caused by a creature of this type, it gains an advantage on future saving throws to break free.
Identify lets you learn properties of magic or magic-imbued object, what spell created it, how to use and attune to it.
Searing Smite is a concentration spell up to 1 minute, when you hit next opponent, they’re dealt 1d6 fire damage and catch fire, getting more 1d6 damage at the start of each of their turn until they make a Constitution saving throw or another creature helps them put off the fire.
Level 3: Back to Artificer, on the second level you get to learn Infusions, which allow you to at the end of a long rest touch a nonmagical item and give it one of the properties from your known Infusions, that will last until you dismiss it, unlearn an Infusion used on it for another (which you can do whenever you get an Artificer level) or sometime after you die. You start being able to infuse two items and get to know 4 Infusions.
Enhanced Defense grants a suit of armor +1 bonus to AC
Returning Weapon makes a weapon with a thrown property return to your hand and adds +1 to its attack and damage rolls - light hammer can be thrown so it can serve you for this, while warhammer can be your primary melee weapon.
Replicate magic item can let you make a copy of a magic item either listed on a list in Eberron Rising from the Last War handbook or any common item from Xanathat’s Guide to Everything, but remember if its an item that requires attunement you need to be of race, class and level this item is designed for. Take it twice and make yourself Bag of Holding and Goggles of Night
You also gain Steel Defender - an automaton companion whose form you can choose and describe (but it has no effect on game statistics). It moves right after your turn in combat and you can use a bonus action to command him to help, search, hide, dash, disengage, attack or repair itself (2d8-2 hit points) or another mechanism. If not all it does is dodge. If it dies you can rebuild it by expending a 1st level spell slot, if you are within 5 feet and no less than an hour has passed. When bending is cast on it mending cantrip heals it for 2d6 hit points.
Level 4: Third level Artificer gains a Right Tool for the Job, which allows you to in an hour conjure up any set of artisan tools you need that will exist until you use this feature again. And what’s more important, you get to choose a specialization. Battle Smith gives you proficiency with smith’s tools or, if you already are proficient with them, which we are, any other set of artisan tools, as well as martial weapons. You also can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier whenever you attack with a magic weapon. And you gain bonus spells that you always have prepared and do not count to your total number of spells prepared. Also on this level, you get one more spell.
Grease covers an area of a 10-foot square centered on any point in 60 feet in radius in slick grease for one minute, forcing all creatures who enter it, end its turn standing on it or was standing in the area when it appeared must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Shield lets you as a reaction to being hit by an attack or a Magic Missile spell add +5 to your AC until the start of your next turn and negate damage from said Magic Missile
Heroism lasts 1 minute on Concentration and makes you or another creature you choose immune to being frightened and at the start of each of its turns gains temporary hit points equal your Intelligence modifier.
Level 5: 4th Level Artificer gets you an ability score improvement but how about we instead take a feat. Heavy Armor Master increases your Strength by one, allowing you to wear heaviest armors and when you do wear a heavy armor you all bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage dealt to you from nonmagical sources is reduced by 3. You can now wear full-plate armor, which gives you AC of 18, likely boosted with one of your abilities.
Level 6: 5th Level Battle Smit gets an extra attack, allowing you to attack twice as a part of the same attack action. Artificer also gains 1 more 1st level spell slot and two 2nd level ones
Faerie Fire lets you choose an area within 60 feet and form a 20-foot cube around it in which everything is outlined in dim light for the duration of 1 minute on concentration, including creatures if they fail Dexterity saving throw. Affected creatures cannot benefit from being invisible and all attacks against them are made with an advantage.
See invisibility lets you see invisible creatures for up to 1 hour
Enhance Ability allows you 1 hour on concentration to gain an advantage on checks for one of your Abilities. If you take Strength your carrying capacity doubles for the duration, if you take Dexterity you do not suffer damage from a 20-foot fall and Constitution gives you extra 2d6 temporary hit points.
Level 7: 6th Level Artificer gets to add one more item to have infused, learn two more infusions and gain access to a set of new ones previously unavailable:
Boots of the Winding Path allows you to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 15 feet as a bonus action.
Resistant Armor grants you resistance to one of the following types of damage: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder.
Level 8: Back to Cleric. 2nd Level Cleric learns to Channel Divinity It has 3 applications:
Harness Divine Power lets you regain a 1st level Spell-Slot once per day.
Turn Undead forces all undead within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw and if they fail then for one minute or until they take damage they cannot take reactions and all their actions must be a dash action to get as far away from you as possible, except for actions done to prevent whatever is blocking their path. This is Natasha's new plan if Necron ever comes back, I guess.
Forge Cleric’s Artisan’s Blessing lets you create any nonmagical item worth no more than 100 gp that includes some metal in it. This includes perfect copies of items you have like keys. You need to provide the metal for this.
You also get one more spell - Wrathful Smite was added to Cleric’s spell list in Unearthed Arcana and it works like Soaring Smite except it deals psychic damage on a hit and instead of setting the target on fire makes it frightened of you until it succeeds a Wisdom saving throw.
Level 9: 3rd level Cleric learns two 2nd level spells and gains two more from Forge domain
Warding Bond lets you select one target, like for example your fragile sorcerous girlfriend, and ensure that for 1 hour she gets +1 to AC and saving throws and resistance to all types of damage as long as you two stay within 60 feet of one another or you drop to 0 hit points. But if she takes damage, so do you.
Find Traps reveals the presence and general nature, but not the location, of any trap within line of sight in 120 feet radius.
Magic Weapon you know already, now you have always prepared a version that works on Concentration
Heat Metal is....oh just watch this and see how wicked this baby is, I cannot explain it better than this video anyway.
Level 10: 4th Level Cleric gets an Ability Score Improvement, use two +1 to round up your Constitution and Intelligence. Remember that you gain extra hit points from Constitution increase retroactively as well, meaning 10 extra hit points.
You also get one more spell and one more Cantrip
Sacred Flame forces a saving throw or deals 1d8 radiant damage and scales like all cantrips, so its now 2d8 and next level it will be 3d8.
Silence is a concentration spell lasting for up to 10 minutes and in that time erases all sound within any 20-foot radius from any point within 120 feet you select. Creatures within it are immune to thunder damage and completely deafened and casting a spell with a verbal component within it is impossible.
Level 11: 5th level Cleric gains Destroy Undead, meaning that from now on all undead of Challenge Rating 1/2 or less who fail their saving throw against your Turn Undead ability will be destroyed.
You also get two 3rd level spells and two from Forge Domain
Spirit Guardians lets you summon spirits to guard you for the duration of up to 10 minutes on Concentration, when you cast it you choose which creatures are unaffected and all others in 15-foot radius area from you have their speed halved and if they enter it for the first time or start a turn in it they take 3d8 radiant or necrotic damage, depending on your alignment, or half on a succesful Wisdom saving throw.
Remove Curse lets you remove a curse from a creature or break its attunement to a cursed object.
Elemental Weapon lets you turn one nonmagical weapon into a magical weapon with +1 to attack rolls and dealing +1d4 of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage on a hit, for up to 1 hour on concentration.
Protection from Energy meanwhile grants you or one creature you touched resistance to one of those 4 types for the same duration.
On next level you will get one more spell, so let’s get it out of the way now - Glyph of Warding. This lets you inscribe a nearly invisible Glyph that needs creatures to pass Investigation check against your save DC to detect it. You decide what triggers its activation and you can either make it activate a spell you stored inside it beforehand, of the level of the spell slot you used to cast Glyph, or you can make it explode in a 20-foot radius, dealing to creatures within 5d8 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, half on a successful Dexterity saving throw.
12th level: Our final level of Cleric. 6th level Cleric can use their Channel Divinity feature and Forge Domain grants you Soul of the Forge, granting you permanent resistance to fire damage and +1 to AC when you wear heavy armor.
13th Level: 7th Level Artificer gains Flash of Genius - a number per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier you can use your reaction to add said intelligence modifier to a skill check or a saving throw.
You also get one more spell of 2nd level. Enlarge/Reduce is another concentration up to 1 minute spell, it lets you either decrease or increase something in size, respectively granting advantage or disadvantage on Strength saving throws and respectively add or subtract 1d4 from damage dealt by the target. This is Natasha’s version of getting into her mecha form
14th Level: 8th Level Artificer gets an Ability Score Improvement, round up your Intelligence for a better attack, damage, spell attack and spell saving throw difficulty.
15th Level: 9th Level Battle Smith gets Arcane Jolt, which lets you a number of time equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest either add 2d6 force damage to a hit you or your Steel Defender score with a melee weapon attack or chose one creature within 30 feet you can see and heal it for 2d6 hit points.
You also get access to 3rd level spells and two bonus spells from Battle Smith
Fly lasts up to 10 minutes on Concentration and grants a target flying speed of 60 feet
Dispel magic lets you negate an effect of any spell of 3rd level or lower and of higher-level spells if you succeed an Intelligence check equal 10+ Spell’s level
Aura of Vitality is a concentration spell up for 1 minute that makes you radiate healing energy, allowing you to use your bonus action to heal yourself or an ally within the area for 2d6 hit points.
Conjure Barrage lets you make it rain a type of ammunition in a 60-foot cone, dealing 3d8 damage of a type dealt by that ammunition, half on successful Dexterity saving throw.
16th Level: 10th Level Artificer learns to attune 1 more magic item, can know two more infusions and when you craft a magic item of common or uncommon type, it costs you half the normal time and money.
You also learn two more Infusions and I also say it’s a good idea to replace Enchanted Defense with something else since it doesn’t stack with Soul of the Forge (DISCLAIMER: This is apparently debatable, if I’m wrong here keep this and have them stack and pick only two first of options below). Unless you, of course, use it on someone else’s armor instead. Let us pick 3 new Replicated Magic Items then:
Winged Boots allow you to fly for 4 hours per long rest with a speed of 30 feet.
Ring of Mind Shielding makes it impossible for your mind to be read, determine if you’re lying, know your alignment or your creature type.
Lantern fo Revealing works like a regular lantern but reveals all invisible creatures in 30 feet from it.
You also get a Cantrip - Poison Spray forces a Constitution saving throw or a creature will take 1d12 poison damage. It scales like other cantrips so on this level it deals 3d12 and on the next one it will deal 4d12.
17th Level: 11th Level Artificer can, after the end of a long rest, turn one spellcasting focus tool or a simple or martial weapon into a Spell-Storing Item, make it store one of 1st or 2-nd level Artificer spells you know and able to be activated and used a number of times equal your Intelligence modifier, using said modifier for Spell Save Difficulty or Spell Attack but forces whoever uses it, which doesn’t need to be you, to concentrate if it requires concentration. A lot of your spells do require it, come to think about it, o maybe it’s a good idea to give this to fighter or barbarian of the group.
You also get a new 3rd level spell - Haste has an on concentration duration up to 1 minute, during which you or another target has their speed doubled, gets +2 to AC, has an advantage on Dexterity saving throws and can take an extra action spent on Dash, Disengage, Hide, Use an Object or making a single attack. However, when it end target cannot take any actions or move for the next turn so try to not drop that Concentration.
18th Level: Speaking of which, time to boost up that Constitution with 12th level Artificer’s Ability Score Improvement.
19th Level: 13th Level Artificer gets to lear a 4th level spell. Freedom of Movement lasts for an hour with no concentration and in that time target cannot have their movement impeded or reduced by difficult terrain, spells or other magical effects, and can spend 5 feet of its movement to escape nonmagical effects trying to immobilize or slow it down.
20th Level: Our Capstone is 14th level of Artificer, which akes us Magic Item Savant, granting us two more Infusions and an ability to infuse a total of five items at once and ignore all class, race or level requirements for using or attuning magic items.
Speaking of which, let us pick our last Infusions:
Amulet of Health just sets up your Constitution at 19 and it is the last item we can pick that requires attunement.
Horn of Blasting allow you to blow it to make a blast that deals 5d6 thunder damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone and deafens them, DC 15 Constitution saving throw halves the damage and saves from deafening. Glass and crystal creatures roll with disadvantage and if the damage they take is 10d6.
Overview: Natasha Irons is a Battle Smith Artificer 14/Forge Domain Cleric 6, let us see how good this build is
Pros: For one, you are heavily armored with AC in 19-20 (and if you picked a shield instead of a warhammer it may even exceed that) and a ton of ways to reduce your damage. Second, you use Intelligence to attack and have multiple ways to deal various kinds of damage, meaning you can find a workaround many types of damage reduction. Third, you are a strong utility caster with gadgets to be useful in various situations, not only in combat and your Cleric levels actually grant you access to higher level spell slots than pure Artificer. Fourth, you have a strong amount of hit points, around 160 without any magic item bonuses. Finally, your infusions and spells are ways to enhance not just yourself, but the party, making you a great support.
Cons: We had to invest in Strength and we don’t really use it. As a result, your Wisdom is not as good as it could be, which is why I was trying to suggest mostly spells not requiring save or attack for your Cleric spells. Your constitution also suffered, as a result, meaning your concentration won’t be the best and we won’t be able to do much about it for quite a long time. And yet a lot of your spells do require concentration meaning you will not only worry about breaking it but be limited in what you can cast at any given time. Finally, your Cleric and Artificer and even Dragonmark spells overlap strongly, meaning you didn’t get as much versatility as other multiclassing combinations and you didn’t get higher level spells either, meaning your power is pretty limited.
Ironically what is a curse for Natasha in comics, being stuck in a supporting role, can be your blessing in a game. You are a tank/support character, get in the front line, soak hits, hit back and keep your friends alive and strengthened. The strongest hammer you can drop is the hammer of teamwork
Tbh this team kinda looks like it walked out of a D&D game.
1. Play as Variant human with 13 in Strength, 14 in Constitution and 15 in Intelligence, spend two +1s on Intelligence and Constitution, pick up Heavy Armor Proficiency feat and go with pure Artificer - you will lose on spells and versatility but will get higher level artificer features and still be able to wear the heaviest armor.
2. Drop two levels of Cleric for School of Lore Mastery or School of War Magic Wizard - you will lose some defense in exchange for Intelligence to your Initiative and either a way to vary up types of damage you do or a situational defensive ability.
3. Drop said two levels of Cleric for Fighter to gain action surge, second wind and a fighting style.
4. Drop as many levels of Cleric you feel like but keep at least 1 for heavy armor and still focus on being an artificer
5. Other way around - sacrifice your best infusions to get two more levels of Cleric, 8th level Forge Cleric can add 1d8 fire damage once per turn to attack.
- Admin
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Bone Hunters
The Bone Hunters are the merciless nomadic bandits of Bara Magna. The name has been used for three distinct organisations with only a slight lineage between one another, most recent a a powerful and prolific bandit culture that ruled the wastelands in the millennia between the Shattering and the Reformation.
The Rock Tribe was originally an Agori-Glatorian civilisation like the rest, separate from the Skrall Empire. It was conquered by the Skrall which caused quite the political turmoil. The Great Beings interceded to make peace, a peace which involved legalising the Skrall conquest and christening them the new Rock Tribe. Most of the original Rock Tribe was unhappy with this arrangement, particularly the King and his court. Under cover of darkness the he was smuggled out from under the Skrall’s nose by the military. These escapees formed a resistance group, calling themselves the “Bone Hunters” meant to strike fear into the Skrall. They preformed numerous raids on Skrall outposts, but never successfully liberated their homeland. Over the generations, as the royal bloodline failed, the Bone Hunters degenerated into a bandit clan within Skrall territory.
The Core War dragged on for little under a century. During that time, alliances rose and fell continuously. Soldiers that had fought and suffered fighting a particular tribe were not conducive to suddenly becoming their ally. Loyalty wore thin. The Bone Hunters were having the time of their lives picking off straggling soldiers from battles and stealing their weaponry, but their numbers were slowly growing thin. They managed to find recruits with disillusioned rebelling soldiers, and the Bone Hunter organisation swelled. It ended up a very different organisation though. They weren’t centralised in Rock Tribe territory anymore; they spread across the entire world. Their mission was no longer the restoration of the old Rock Tribe, but taking up personal vendettas soldiers had acquired in the war. The common banner and uniform of the Bone Hunters prevented members originating from enemy tribes from easily recognising and trying to kill one another.
After the Shattering, the bulk of the Bone Hunters were killed. Those that survived had to scratch out a living in the wastelands, with no city to retreat to as nobody would accept them. Those on Bota Magna, despite the better conditions, didn’t last long. Those on Bara Magna, in spite of hardships, managed to survive. The circumstances of this new world forced another change in the Bone Hunter structure. War-time vendettas or the reclaiming of a homeland was no longer as important as the day to day survival. They abandoned their old causes, but retained the Bone Hunter banner as a unifying symbol.
The Bone Hunters of Bara Magna did not start as brutal as they would become. They didn’t always kill those they found, for the most part they accepted those they found into their clans. The Bone Hunters started families, and the organisation became something it had never been before; it became a culture. They were still bandits, killers and thieves beneath it all, so it was a brutal culture, but a culture nonetheless.
Most ruins crumbled into dust within a century, so the Bone Hunters could no longer scavenge amongst them. Most survivors had gathered up into their own tribes and their settlements, so there was no longer anybody to absorb. You were either a Bone Hunter or not now. The city-dwelling tribes, able to produce resources but not all they individually needed, had to trade with the other cities for what they needed. The Bone Hunters took this as their opportunity at living; the raiding of caravans for supplies. While they could hunt and forage for food, they had a chauvinistic dread of “degenerating into savages” so they stole as much modern supplies as they could from the cities.
They frequently raided cities, and when the Skrall migrated south and set up shop in Roxtus, the Bone Hunters attempted to raid them as well. They were completely beaten, though the Skrall held no grudge and allowed the Bone Hunters to trade there. Many Bone Hunter clans made their living capturing and selling slaves to the Skrall. As the Skrall grew ambitious, and with the mediation of an Ice Agori named Metus, the trade agreement between the Bone Hunters and Skrall became a military alliance.
Bone Hunters participated in the Skrall War, and were instrumental in taking Tajun for the Rock Tribe. They also attacked Volcanus but failed to capture it. However, when the tribes united to fight the alliance, it took only a little pressure for the Bone Hunters to abandon the Skrall and flee into the wasteland, picking off fleeing Skrall over the next few weeks.
In the weeks leading to, and after the Reformation, the Bone Hunters found themselves on a rebuilding world with a united populace much better equipped to defend themselves. The Bone Hunters are still managing to pick off a few caravans, but they’re rapidly understanding a change in their ways will be necessary. Many are joining up with the Shadowed One, newly arrived from the giant robot, and his growing legion.
Before the Shattering, the Bone Hunters had guns and cars strapped with guns for their banditry. Only a few decades after the Shattering all ammunition and fuel had run out. Like the rest of the population, they resorted to swords and crossbows, and later on the thornax launcher. Replacing the cars was a bigger issue, but they managed to capture some Sand Stalkers from caravans they raided, and over a couple of centuries were able to tame a species of swift theropod that became their main steeds. They still continued to sporadically use Sand Stalkers and Spikits, but Rock Steeds were their preferred mount.
Originally composed of Rock Tribe outcasts, the Bone Hunters became noticeably a multi-racial organisation. During the Core War they recruited from every tribe but the Earth Tribe, even including Skrall, Vorox, and Zesk in their ranks. When the Bone Hunters became a self contained civilisation, mix-marriaged produced a great deal of mixed-race Bone Hunters. One Bone Hunter of note, Fero, was clearly of both Agori and Skrall ancestry.
As a culture, the Bone Hunters were divided into numerous clans, but all united under a common banner. There was a patriarchal edge to their culture, although the survival situation didn’t allow them to shun a woman who liked to fight or a man who liked to cook. Women fighters were common, and were pressured to adopt the same masculine bravado as the men to earn respect. They were somewhat overcautious about incest, and it was custom to only ever marry and have children with somebody from another clan.
They were nomadic, settling up temporary shelter to sleep before moving on. Due to the desert heat, they preferred to remain nocturnal. One tribe made a permanent stronghold for themselves in a cliffside, but after the Skrall War it became too obvious a target for the united tribes or vengeful Skrall, and it was abandoned. Ironically, the Shadowed One took residence there.
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Chapter 16

Her Prince ✏️Prince Namjoon x OC ✏️ Romance ⚠️ Warning Fic includes: Fighting (sword and physical), blood, kidnapping, injury fighting additional warnings in tags⚠️
<<Previous Chapter
Kaira watched Namjoon as he took his daily walk along the stream and through the woods. She spotted him for the first time last week when she had come to her favorite spot for some fresh air. He reminded her of Yeona. She, too, would go for walks taking in the scenery. It was almost like they took in every blade of grass, every flower, and every tree. As if they were painting a picture in their minds.
She frowned as she watched him. He seemed stressed. The other six men did too whenever she saw them. They hadn't looked stressed and worn out the last time she saw them in Hwen.
"It could be from traveling," She thought. She knew how that could wear down the body and mind. But then she remembered the letter that was on Deu-Sung's desk that came from Yeona's Uncle. He wanted him to keep an eye out for anything strange and help out the men if needed.
Kaira straightened up her back when she realized what he was saying in the note. He wasn't talking about thieves and con artists like Deu-Sung thought. Those seven men had become someone's target like they were in Hwen. She didn't know who was after them, but she was going to help them out the best she could.
"You're good at remembering people's faces, right?" Kaira asked the guard that always accompanied her on her walks.
"That's correct," The man said, stepping closer to her.
"That man who's reading on the bench and the one that is next to the stream reading. They were here the other day, except they were walking the same path as Namjoon." Kaira studied the men to see if she knew them from the village.
"Which one is Namjoon?" Her guard squatted beside her so that his eyes were at the same level as hers.
"The one that's currently watching the squirrel play on the tree," She said, pointing at him.
"Yes. I have seen them follow him a few times. Huh," The guard clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, "You see those two men standing next to each other who are looking at him but trying not to make it obvious?"
Kaira squinted her eyes to look at the two men on the opposite side of the tree. "Yes, what about them?"
"On the days that the other two were following him, those two were sitting in their spots. Something is up with those four," He said, standing back up.
"Have you seen them in the Village before?" Kaira turned to look at him.
"No, not before last week," The guard arched an eyebrow at her, "What are you thinking?"
"I need you to distract them while I have my friend walk me home," She said, standing up and brushing off her skirt.
"I don't think that's a good idea. Especially with your condition." He put his hand up to stop her.
"My condition is I'm pregnant. Have you ever seen an angry pregnant woman?" Kaira crossed her arms and raised a brow.
Namjoon smiled as he watched the squirrel play around on the tree. He envied the squirrel as it ran around the branches and trunk freely. That's one of the few things he enjoyed about this stupid mission. He was able to explore the world freely outside the castle walls. But like the squirrel, he was constantly being watched by someone or something trying to hurt him. It worried about hunters and other animals. At the same time, Namjoon was constantly being watched by people trying to stop him from finding a wife that wasn't part of the Royal bloodline. How far would they go to stop him? He wasn't sure. But they were getting impatient, judging by the four men that followed him on his walks.
"Ouch." Namjoon heard from behind him as a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Ouch."
Namjoon turned to see Kaira behind him with her hand on her belly. "Are you alright?" He asked, concerned about the pregnant woman.
"I think I overdid it on my walk today," Kaira said between her deep breaths.
"Do you need some help?" Namjoon looked around frantically.
"I could use your help getting home, actually." Kaira linked her arm with Namjoon's and pulled him to walk with her.
"Wouldn't it be better if your guard helped you? Where is he anyway?" Namjoon tried to look for the man who was always with her walking, but she started walking faster when he turned.
"He's busy," she said calmly as they turned a corner.
"Busy? Shouldn't he be…" Namjoon stopped talking when he looked at her. She didn't look like she was in pain anymore. "Alright," he said with a deep sigh, "What's going on?"
"You're walking me home," Kaira said, smiling at him.
"I'm not walking you anywhere if you don't tell me what's going on." Namjoon stopped walking.
"No, don't stop walking. I'll tell you." She tugged on his arm again.
"You better not be questioning me like last time," he retorted as he started walking again.
"I’m not," Kaira sighed, "I love my husband. But sometimes, he's not the smartest at catching on to things."
"Okay…" Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
"When Yeona's Uncle asked him to keep an eye out, Deu-Sung thought he meant things like thieves. But you and I both know that's not what he was saying." Kaira felt Namjoon's body stiffen, "You're being followed just like you were in Hwen. There have been at least four men when you go on your daily walks. I don't know why and I don't want to know either. But I'm pretty sure they are following your friends too."
"They are. But we were hoping at least some of them worked for your husband," Namjoon sighed.
"They don't. And neither my guard nor I have seen them before the seven of you came to town." Kaira took a deep breath as they reached her gate, "Please be careful, Namjoon. I know that you and your friends can handle whatever these men have planned. But I'd rather not see anything bad happen to any of you." She smiled.
"We will do our best. Thank you, Kaira," he said with a bow before opening her gate.
"Oh, one more thing," Kaira stopped and turned just inside the gate, "Forget about what I said the other day. I'm still rooting for you as Yeona's future husband."
Namjoon smiled and let out a laugh. As Kaira headed inside, she knew what she had to do. She needed to get a letter to Yeona's Uncle as soon as possible to let him know what was going on.
Next Chapter>>
#BangtanWHQ#Kim Namjoon | RM/Original Female Character(s)#Kim Namjoon | RM#Kim Seokjin | Jin#Min Yoongi | Suga#Jung Hoseok | J-Hope#Park Jimin (BTS)#Kim Taehyung | V#Jeon Jungkook#Slow Burn#Slow Romance#Historical#Fluff#Fluff and Angst#Romantic Fluff#Alternate Universe#Minor Violence#Non-Graphic Violence#Prince Kim Namjoon | RM#Eventual Happy Ending#Romance#Action/Adventure#Adventure & Romance
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English Bulldog Puppies – Finding a High-quality English Bulldog Breeder
You have your heart set on a cute, wrinkly minimal English bulldog pup, so the place do you start?Top quality bred English Bulldog puppies are not affordable and breeders really should be researched thoroughly prior to a decision is created. If you have been on the lookout to order a tv that charges from $two,000 to $four,500 in addition, you would do a little bit of research first. You would browse testimonials, ask inquiries and compare various brand names. It is no various when searching to invest in an English Bulldog puppy.If you have community bulldog breeders, it tends to make perception to start off with them considering the fact that you can easily check out their kennel or household and satisfy the canines in individual. Even so, chihuahua may possibly not have an offered litter, may present bloodlines you will not want or have a long waiting around listing. In this case, the up coming phase would be to glance further afield.The Internet certainly can make hunting for a bulldog pet a lot easier, however, it also improves the prospect of coming throughout uncaring breeders or outright scammers. Although this would seem daunting, there are some typical sense guidelines you can observe that can make your search for the appropriate English Bulldog puppy dog profitable.Do not foundation your decision on selecting the least expensive priced pet you can obtain. It is an high-priced proposition to breed English Bulldogs as most bitches have to deliver puppies by using caesarean segment. Also, about the clock care is wanted in the course of the early weeks as the mom can roll on top of the puppies and suffocate them. Scammers consider to draw in purchasers by thieving pics from reputable breeders and attaching a very minimal price tag tag. Try to remember, you will get what you pay for, which in some conditions may possibly be practically nothing at all.Check with questions! English Bulldog breeders that are passionate about what they do will be expecting you to talk to a whole lot of thoughts. On the other hand, they will also question you questions and explore the “ins and outs” of elevating an English Bulldog pet. A well-informed and caring breeder will want to make absolutely sure their puppy goes to a loving house with house owners who fully grasp the distinctive concerns of the English Bulldog breed.Seem for a breeder that does not just target on breeding for the “bulldog common.” A liable breeder will also breed for wellness and temperament and not just conformation. Make sure you request about the genetic backgrounds of the dad and mom, any well being ensures supplied and which initial overall health care steps will be incorporated (pictures, worming, and so forth.). Also, make sure that they will are inclined to remain in contact and supply life time guidance.Try out to locate consumers who have obtained an English Bulldog dog from the breeder. Straightforward breeders will easily present make contact with information for earlier clients and most likely post testimonies on their internet site. But potentially a single of the ideal approaches is to check out out the Facebook site of the breeder, if they have one particular out there. On Facebook, quite a few consumers will comment and publish pictures and films of the puppies they acquired from the breeder.
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Since everyone seems to be making South Park AUs lately (a practice I wholeheartedly approve of), I decided to expand on my headcanons for the fantasy AU I talked about in these two posts. It’s mostly based on the Phone Destroyer Fantasy set, with some elements from Stick of Truth and even Fractured but Whole basically wherever it happened to suit me.
Contrary to human popular belief, elves aren’t actually any more naturally long-lived than humans. They do, however, have access to a magical potion that can greatly slow down aging, along with other powerful magical remedies. However, since this potion requires some very rare ingredients, it’s only affordable to the royal family and their closest circle. Thus, most elves actually live lives very similar to those of the humans. Since the elves are rather reclusive and stick to their own business, the royals are the only ones the general public would even hear about, so they assume what applies to them applies to all elves.
Cartman is the Wizard King, who invaded and razed the Elven Kingdom prior to the start of the story, after he was made king. Unfortunately, I don’t have any real ideas regarding him, what life is like under his rule, or why exactly he attacked the elves. Only that there was peace between the elves and the humans before, and that he was the one who broke that peace for reasons I’m not sure of myself. Possibly to get to the magic remedies mentioned above?
Kenny is the “princess” of a matriarchal kingdom allied with the Wizard King. He’s actually a prince, but as the people wouldn’t accept being ruled by a king and his mother was too fragile health-wise to survive another pregnancy, it was decided that he would be raised as a girl instead. He lives in the Wizard King’s castle along with his handmaiden Lady Karen, who is one of the few people who know his secret. They grew so close that they decided to unofficially adopt each other as siblings.
Prince Kyle is the oldest son of Queen Sheila and King Gerald of the elves. When the Wizard King attacked his kingdom, he barely managed to escape capture along with his younger brother Prince Ike, his lifeguard and childhood friend Stan, and the Royal Bard Jimmy. He now lives in the forest with a small group of rebels, constantly moving to avoid capture and trying to collect allies wherever he can in the hope of one day ending the Wizard King’s tyranny and rebuilding his kingdom.
Stan is a human who was found abandoned in the woods by Randy and Sharon Marshwalker, an elf couple close to the royal family, as an infant. They took him in as their own and he was raised to be the crown prince’s playmate and lifeguard. He has as his battle companion a wolf-dog named Thunderbolt, whom he nicknamed Sparky.
Paladin Butters is the Wizard King’s right-hand-man, captain of the guards, and enforcer. The King manipulates him into doing his dirty work by taking advantage of his idealism and chivalry to paint his enemies as “villains” who need “smiting”. He’s also starting to grow quite a bit of affection for the beautiful foreign “princess” staying in the castle, whom he was tasked to protect whenever he is not out on missions.
Craig is the biological son of a soldier and a young, naïve priestess said soldier had an affair with on an excursion to a distant land. Said priestess was part of a bloodline said to possess a certain monster-repelling magic... When the soldier returned home, he took the baby with him so he could have a “civilized” upbringing. As you may have surmised by now, dear reader, this soldier was a bit of an asshole, and soon after he came home he found himself targeted by assassins after disgruntling the wrong people. He barely survived the first assassination attempt and gave the assassins after him the baby in return for his own life. Though they originally intended to raise him just as an apprentice, they soon came to see him as their son. Many years later, the elven prince, feeling he needed all the help he could get, used some of his last remaining resources to hire young Craig to steal and fight for him for a year. After the year was over, Craig chose to stay with the group on his own accord, as he was starting to develop a strong bond with a certain archer...
Thomas and Laura are members of a group of assassins for hire who are also trained in the arts of theft and straightforward battle. Thomas is a poisoner while his wife works with blades. As he grew older Craig decided he felt more comfortable with his mother’s way, though that’s not to say he doesn’t know a thing or two about poisons should he need to use them. They grew so fond of their new role as parents that they a few years later decided to have a biological child together. Tricia (or to call her by her code name, Ruby) prefers her father’s methods.
Tweek is the son of a pair of nobles who once got separated from the guards who were supposed to be watching him during a trip to the city when he was a child. He found himself in the poor districts and was shocked to discover how some people were suffering while he was living in luxury. Even after he was found, he never managed to put those images out of his head. Whenever he mentioned his concern to his parents, they just told him he should spend his time thinking about more important things, like the family business. As his teens began and he got more involved in the family trade, he started feeling even more ashamed when he found out his family had an indirect hand in what the people were going through. This eventually became too much for him to handle, and he started secretly making some survival equipment and an outfit modelled after the hero in one of his books. He pretended to take a walk in the garden one day and, as soon as he was out of sight, climbed over the wall and ran away before anyone knew what was happening. After a few very tough months of learning to fend for himself in the wilderness, he started stealing from the rich and giving to the poor as a way of making up for things, staying in the shadows and trees or otherwise hiding his face to avoid being recognized whenever he robbed someone who might have seen him on social gatherings. He eventually came into contact with Prince Kyle’s rebel group and decided to give his services, figuring that it would be a good way to help people on a larger scale. In battle, he still keeps to the trees and provides his friends with support via arrows.
The Tweaks are nobles loyal to the Wizard King, and aid him by distributing a mild mind control serum that makes the people more loyal to him and less likely to rebel. They’re currently working on a new, stronger version, trying to figure out how to make it work without people losing all sense of self and capacity of advanced thought, which is rather inconvenient if there’s no-one to tell them what to do or if they’re needed for learned skills, knowledge, or art.
Jimmy was the Royal Bard at the Elven court, and one of the founding members of the rebellion. He generally prefers staying at camp keeping people’s moral up, though when he does go into battle he can use his lute to cast magical spells to aid his allies and weaken his enemies.
Token is a prince from a distant land (not to be confused with the distant land Craig’s biological mother is from. This is a different one.) trained in both stealth and medicine, working as the Wizard King’s chief assassin after the last one deserted him. However, he actually holds no loyalty towards the King whatsoever. The only reason he works for him is because his wife Princess Nichole is held hostage in the dungeons.
Clyde is the Prince of Dwarves and, as part of his royal training, follows his father to all political and diplomatic meetings to watch and learn. He finds this extremely dull. However, one day he came with to greet a diplomatic delegation there to discuss a possible alliance between the dwarves and the Wizard King. It was there he first laid eyes on Bebe of the Blood Elves, and was instantly captivated by her beauty, grace, and boobies.
Bebe is the leader of the Blood Elves, a splinter group who betrayed the Elven Kingdom and joined forces with the Wizard King, enticed by the promise of wealth of status. However, as she finds herself growing closer to the Prince of Dwarves, she starts to have second thoughts about what she really wants in life...
Wendy is the leader of the Shieldmaidens, an all-female mercenary group in the employ of the Wizard King as his elite battle forces. She once captured Stan Marshwalker, or Stan the Great as he’s more commonly known, and delivered him to the Wizard King. As she guarded him in the dungeons, the two started small-talking to pass the time, and hit it off right away. When the day he was scheduled to be executed came, they had gotten so close that Wendy got cold feet and freed him at the last minute, lying that he must have outsmarted her somehow and escaped.
Dougie is a dwarven engineer who spends much of his free time working on new inventions. During the alliance talks, he struck up a friendship with Paladin Butters and agreed to make inventions for his use exclusively, in exchange for Butters taking care of the potentially dangerous field testing.
Dovahkiin (Dovah to her friends) is the Wizard King’s former chief assassin, who deserted him after Prince Kyle managed to show her all the harm the King really does. She joined the Elven Prince instead and is now part of his “Illicit Acquisition Force” (his thieves) together with Craig and Tweek. She actually possesses an unexplored magical power, unknown even to the King, allowing her to win people’s loyalty through barely any effort of her own. Her parents smuggled her away and raised her as a boy in an attempt to fool a politically neutral group of wizards out to exploit her power for their own means. Whenever she’s part of a big job, she likes to snatch a piece of jewelry or other trinket to take with her as a trophy. She’s childhood friends with Paladin Butters and to this day he’s still the most important person in the world to her (though they have no romantic feelings for each other). She’s very reluctant to do anything that might have negative consequences for him, and wishes he could be convinced to join Prince Kyle like she was. Would probably have a lot to talk about with “Princess” Kenny, if talking was a thing she actually did. She secretly envies Tweek and Craig’s relationship and wishes she could have something like that.
Heidi is the Witch Queen, wife of the Wizard King. Before she was arranged to marry Prince Eric, as he was known then, she had a burgeoning romance with Prince Kyle, back when there was still peace between the elves and humans. He still secretly holds a candle for her. She does genuinely have feelings for the King at this point, but this is mainly because he hides the more morally black things he does, while explaining away the morally gray ones as “unfortunate necessities”.
Ike is Prince Kyle’s younger brother. He’s considered a prodigy in matters such as tactics, mathematics, and art, but couldn’t inherit the throne, being the younger heir (plus some rumors that he may not be biologically related to the royal family). Now, he’s the rebel group’s chief tactician and planner. He managed to save his favorite horse from the attack on his kingdom, and fights from its back with a lance whenever he has to get involved in battle.
Scott is the Wizard King’s Royal Keeper of the Stables, which is a fancy term for “he takes care of the animals”.
Timmy is an old friend of Jimmy, who invents new tools, weapons, and other improvements for the rebel group. He even made himself an old-timey version of a wheelchair that also functions as a miniature catapult, with which he throws spiked balls, potion bottles, and other small projectiles. He also takes care of the more basic upkeep, such as sharpening and cleaning, of the reserve weapons.
#south park#phone destroyer#the stick of truth#au#murder mention#eric cartman#kenny mccormick#kyle broflovski#stan marsh#butters stotch#craig tucker#thomas tucker#laura tucker#tricia tucker#tweek tweak#richard tweak#mrs. tweak#jimmy valmer#token black#nichole daniels#clyde donovan#roger donovan#bebe stevens#wendy testaburger#sp dougie#sp douchebag#heidi turner#ike broflovski#scott malkinson#timmy burch
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Master Kyoto
A young lad from Distort City and specialist in the art of Multi-attack. He travels with the teenage Suki of Act 3 (fresh out of Act 2) and the delusional Grey; baring high resolve to grow stronger, he aides them as Suki attempts to pull herself.
Conflicts with Universe One’s number one criminal Ragna leads him to showcase an immense level of growth, enticing Suki enough to lend a hand in strengthening him.
Around the time Suki was training Kyoto, she possessed the living weapon Mei with her; Damian’s sword, and a sudden abundance of these embodied powers would work as the perfect chance for Ragna to hide and try thieving the materials necessary to become invulnerable. Kyoto around this time was also a trainee cop, so he overhead news about Ragna long before getting robbed.
He later lives onto train Dante and Gane in the Generations Timeline, and occasionally spars with Suki to improve. Though Suki is deemed Aecronia’s strongest, he is deemed their true savior due to his willingness to help despite his hard exterior.
When Suki met him, he was a lot shyer but open about with his desires, not to say he doesn’t like to chat. He loves it.
The ability to turn a singular hit into multiple hits without splitting the an attack apart. Users of the art can delay damage or recycle the attack up to eleven times. Multi-Attack is a very dangerous skill for anyone to combat as it can even be manipulate to accelerate the movements of the user to the point duplicates of one’s attack will appear metaphysically while counting for the one hit, enabling the ability to stack the damage output one to two times over despite it all counting as one strike.
Lightning Devastation Attack
Suki’s signature attack, a tangible energy blast typically used with the lightning attribute to inflict major spread damage on an energy from close or long range. This technique was left unfinished for a very long time due to Suki’s brother never informing her of the missing ingredient to success. Kyoto learns the incomplete version from Suki because he isn’t apart of her bloodline nor excels in lightning. This technique is noted as having the potential to work with any attribute when combing attacks with others.
A stronger form of Lightning Devastation Attack re-purposed to saw threw enemies many times stronger than the user. It is primarily used physically, and is the first step to creating one’s own version of the technique. It takes immense energy control to maintain and is seem as a finishing move for assassination. Experienced users of Laceration can alter the technique in various ways as a means to use less energy throughout a battle.
Maelstrom Marble: Sectioned Devastation
Kyoto’s edit of Laceration; an otherworldly attack that allows the user to impale the foe in a vortex of energy with life-clipping blasts; that forces inversion in attempts to force implosions which result in a type of explosion in most cases. It’s primarily used closeup, but it can be used long range just like the original Lightning Devastation Attack, only every bit of energy that nails the foes body act as mini Lacerations. This technique acts as a combination between Multi-Attack and Laceration, therefore Kyoto can make this attack seemingly hit thrice.
The ability to visibly make his objects disappear, when in reality he only made it invisible. Kyoto can use this power to cloak himself and his energy attacks too, thus heightening his innate stealth, however it’s very useless against enemies who can detect the thin layer of energy masking the heights of his attacks. This leads some foes to mistake his blasts as regular Ki Blasts.
Galactic Code
Kyoto’s (former) last ditch maneuver as a trainee cop. By embedding a small object with his energy, then consuming said item (preferably gum or a pill) Kyoto’s fighting capabilities are enhanced ten-fold for ten seconds. During this time he also becomes unaffected by the laws of time and space, and becomes a living taser or a bullet that targets the soul in a way. It’s meant to be a one time use per day, however official cops are capable of performing the attack three times, and can disable regenerative abilities for that time span.
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Bloodline Lore: Demons
Just a quick thing to get me back into the flow of Drawing and Story-ing.
This is a quick little biography explaining the biology of the demons of Tartarus and Vitaria. I’ll probably do more little things like this to help warm me up for more stories in the future, but for now, enjoy!
Beyond the Southern wastes of Vitaria lies a portal. a massive portal, almost like a gaping maw of raw dark energy, which is a gateway between the realm of Humanity, and the realm of Demons. The Realm of Demons is simply known to the humans as “The Tartarus Wastes”.
The wastes are a massive anarchy fueled wasteland where the demons ride wild in an open wasteland, picking each other off and warring for the soul purpose of Spiting the other demons and proving there dominance.
This Twisted realm has been a target of study for many Vitarian Mages for Generations, but those who leave to study it...Usually do not return to Vitaria...
While there is no known hierarchy or ruling power known in the Tartarus wastes, it is known that in the center of it all is a massive tower with a glowing vortex surrounding it. Inside is a large throne forged from the broken bones of demons and melted weaponry. Whoever sits upon this throne is known to the other demons as “The Demon Lord”.
The Demon Lord acts as a Warden of the wastes. watching as the demons rip each other apart and fight for dominance in order to earn the Demon Lord’s Favor. Those who earn the favor of the Demon Lord are granted a chance to become One of the Lord’s Retainers, the ultimate honor within the wastes! Any who dare oppose the Demon lord must face off against these Retainers in order to gain an audience with them in the first place. If the Demon lord is then slain by the rival demon, That Demon becomes the new Demon lord.
As is stands, Demon lord Mephisto is the Current Lord of the Wastes. Any who have attempted to face him have all met with the same fate of Destruction, Usually only leaving ashes and broken blades in there place...If they’re lucky. He has remained the Demon Lord for thousands of Years, even before the dawn of Vitaria. There has yet been a demon who has come close to slaying him and claiming the throne for them self.
Each demon within the lands of Tartarus are classified under 7 categories...I think it’s pretty obvious what those categories are...
Lust- Demons of lust are frisky, fatuous, friendly demons who hunger for romance and pleasure like no other. Demons of lust are commonly Succubi and incubi, however, there are few beastly demons who also find themselves fitting to this category. These demons are commonly known for there Manipulation tactics and charming nature to persuade unsuspecting victims into a night of pleasure and romance, usually costing the victims a high price of more than just drakes. A Common example of a Demon of lust would be a mysterious woman who Raziel gains information from in a shady Brothel on the dark sides of the Imperial City of Speranza. it is rumored she also has a sister with her in the city as well, but not in the same employment as her.
Gluttony- Obese, Gluttonous, Bottomless pits that eat everything on sight! These demons range from Cannibals to twisted Omnivores, or even being gaping maws that eat everything that comes into contact with it. From Hell boars , to Man-Eaters, to even just fat, unpredictable demons who eat anything that tastes good to them are prime examples of demons of gluttony. They are known to induce uncontrollable hunger into there victims with enough magical power. There is rumors that one such demon used to exist in the kingdoms of Lebenia.
Greed- Whatever you have, they want! Gold, money, Jewels, Weapons, Women, Priceless Artifacts, There is NOTHING a demon of Greed will not take for themselves! These demons come in the forms of Flea-men, imps, and other thieving demons. These demons are known to be great thieves, and will not hesitate to steal anything they desire. Some possess the ability to invoke greed into other victims, to the point where they can even make them do the dirty work for them. Any Demons who try to slip past fort Hades have usually been caught and imprisoned by the guardians. Mostly due to the fact they were distracted by something they wanted.
Sloth- The laziest, most unhelpful demons you’ll come across. These demons are lazy and good for nothing, and are usually the ones used as last resorts for many of the Demon armies. While some show more effort then others, most of them just keep to themselves and loaf around, sleeping for hours upon end. However, when pushed to the limit, these demons are able to manipulate others into laziness as well. One swipe of there hand, or one perfected spell, and one will find themselves waking up hours, or even DAYS later! Though, it is rare to find these demons outside of Tartarus.
Wrath- The most violently brutal demons in all of the Tartarus wastes, These demons are always on the front lines of both the wastes and the outer walls of Fort Hades. Fueled by Anger and uncontrolled hatred, These demons hunger for battles and destruction, and will go to any length to make there Enemies tremble in fear before them. Titans, Cerberus, Hell hounds, and Even Demon lord Mephisto himself, are common examples of Demons of Wrath! They are usually not the kind of demon you want to engage in battle with. Especially if they hold a grudge against you or others.
Envy- Demons who lurk in the shadows and corners of both The Tartarus wastes AND Vitaria. These demons are infamous for there silver tongues, which they use to persuade others to get what they want and do the dirty work for them. They covet and desire that which they cannot possess, and are usually fueled by this desire in order to cause mischief in others who feel the same way. Mimics, Shades, and other common demons are almost always the ones that fit into this category. Venitas Nocturne himself is actually a Demon of Envy. It is also rumored that the great war itself was caused by a Demon of Envy and is what fueled the mad king’s rise to power!
Pride- Courageous, Stubborn, Battle-hardened warriors are almost always Demons of Pride! These monsters strive to prove themselves and further fuel there pride with many victories and deeds that no human dare attempt themselves. It is said these demons possess great power, and like the demons of wrath, are always the first ones on the front lines to go into battle! Nekomatas, Baphomets, And many greater Demons are demons of pride. They almost always meet there opponents head on, never missing a chance to spite those who oppose them. A prime example of Demons of Pride are none other than the Infernus Clan itself! Bellator Infernus is a perfect example of the power and might a Demon of Pride can have. And though Akimoto Infernus is more Human than demon, he too possesses traits of a Demon of pride.
Regardless of the Category, these demons will go alone, or unite as one to try and vanquish the humans of Vitaria. Thankfully, the walls of Fort Hades remain unbroken, and the guardians stand strong to this day, keeping them out of Vitaria, and away from Humanity in any way they can! Demons have tried to push through the walls many a time. And many have come close to succeeding, but in the end, Fort Hades proves to be an impregnable force against the demon armies, usually leading a standstill between the demons and humans, or a full retreat of the invading army. The Guardians have a saying that they hold dear, even on the battlefield...
“When Fort Hades falls...Vitaria falls with it!”
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Fate and Phantasms #37: Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
Have you ever been playing DnD and thought to yourself, “Combat sucks! Why can’t I just trap my enemies in a hellish mazescape, from which they will never escape”? If you have, that’s a little concerning, and also we’ve got a build you’re going to love. Today we’re building the pseudoservant that combines Waver Velvet with Zhuge Liang, creating a masterful magical maze-maker.
As always, there’s a spreadsheet for the build, or you can check out the level-by-level breakdown below the cut!
Race and Background
Waver is definitely human, and we can assume Liang is too. Pseudoservants are always a bit odd though, so let’s make them a Variant Human. This gives you +1 in two stats (Intelligence and Wisdom), proficiency in one skill (we’re going with Sleight of Hand: you did steal that catalyst after all), and a free feat. Tandem Tactician from the new feats unearthed arcana lets you help as a bonus action, and your ability to help attacking creatures increases to a maximum of 15′. That’s the range the creature being attacked has to be in, not the creature you’re helping. Also, your help can work for two allies, if they’re targeting the same creature.
Waver is most definitely a Cloistered Scholar, gaining proficiency in History and Arcana. Learning about servants would definitely fall under both of those categories.
Your highest stat is your Intelligence: You’re a college professor and a famous tactician mixed into one body; you’re really, really smart. Next is Charisma, you clean up so well one of your nicknames is literally “Professor Charisma”. Third is Wisdom, because you can’t out-think your opponent if you don’t know they’re there. After that is Dexterity, followed by Constitution and Strength. You’re either an overworked college professor or an overworked child, and neither of those sound that powerful.
Class Levels
1. Wizard 1: A proper fate magus would probably be a mix between a wizard and sorcerer, but your power comes more from your studies than your bloodline. As a wizard, you have proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saves, Insight, and Investigation. As part of your first level you also get Spellcasting using intelligence as your ability and Arcane Recovery, letting you get back a number of spell slots whose level are equal to half your wizard level.
At this level, you can prepare three spells, but your book has six, plus three cantrips. Grab Gust, Create Bonfire, Absorb Elements, and Earth Tremor for some early elemental attacks, Magic Missile for the obligatory caster balls, Shield and Mage Armor for not dying, and Alarm and Message for tactical spells.
2. Wizard 2: You’re a tactician, and the best school to reflect that is War Magic. This gives you Arcane Deflection, which lets you channel your magic into a barrier to protect yourself. As a reaction after getting hit or failing a saving throw, you can gain +2 to your AC or +4 to that save. This burns through a lot of energy though, so the turn after using this you can only cast cantrips. You also have a Tactical Wit, adding your intelligence modifier to your initiative roll.
This level you also get Snare and Catapult, allowing you to trap your enemies and make the most of your surroundings.
3. Wizard 3: Third level wizards learn second level spells: you learn Aganazzars Scorcher and Warding Wind for more elemental attacks and defense.
4. Wizard 4: Your first ASI makes you a War Caster, giving you advantage on concentration saves, the ability to cast spells while holding weapons, and the ability to cast spells as an attack of opportunity instead of attacking them.
You also learn Control Flames and Maximilian's Earthen Grasp for more elemental fighting, and Darkness to confuse and hinder your enemies. And probably your allies as well.
5. Wizard 5: At fifth level you learn third level spells, like Bestow Curse and Counterspell. The former is technically part of your Noble Phantams, and the latter is just really useful, especially for you.
6. Wizard 6: At this level you gain Power Surges. These abstractions of power can be spent to deal half your wizard level in force damage to a creature or object when you deal damage to them as part of a wizard spell. You finish each long rest with exactly one power surge, and can gain more by ending spells with counterspell or dispel magic. You also gain a power surge from short rests if you don’t have any. You can only store up to your intelligence mod in surges, though.
This level, you get Dispel Magic (that other spell what works with Power Surge) and your first support spell Haste. Haste does a little bit of everything, but we’ll be getting more dedicated support options in a bit.
7. Wizard 7: Congratulations, you’ve got fourth level spells, specifically Confusion to disorientate enemies without blinding your party as well and Fabricate, letting you transform your environment into whatever would be most useful to you.
8. Wizard 8: Use your next ASI for your Intelligence, gaining more and stronger spells as well as more power surges. You also learn the spells Stone Shape, because running through your own maze is for chumps, and Wall of Fire, which is technically the first defensive structure you’ve gotten.
9. You’ve got plenty of firepower now, and even some defensive spells, but we don’t have much to help out the party yet. Fortunately, your servant benefactor was also quite the inventor, so we can fix this by splashing in some Artificer levels. First level artificers get proficiency with proper armor and shields as well as tinkers’ and thieves’ tools. You also know Magical Tinkering, adding sensory effects to small objects, and another layer of Spellcasting using Intelligence as your ability.
First level artificers can prepare first level spells from the artificer’s spell list, and also get two cantrips. You get Acid Splash to throw some potions around and Prestidigitation because most of your spells are about clever usage so why stop now.
10. Artificer 2: Second level artificers can Infuse Items. You can know four infusions, but can only use two at the same time. In this case, grab Enhanced Arcane Focus and Enhanced weapon for more offense, Enhanced Defense for the obvious, and the Bag of Holding if you don’t have one by now.
11. Artificer 3: You never were able to make the elixir of immortality when you were alive, but as an Alchemist you’re free to try again with some Experimental Elixirs. At the end of a long rest, you make a free elixir in an empty vial you have on hand. You can also make more at this time by burning a spell slot for each extra vial you want to fill. On creation, roll a d6 for each vial to find out what it does. A 1 creates a healing potion that heals 2d4 + your int modifier. A 2 creates a speed potion that adds 10′ to a creature’s walking speed for 1 hour. A 3 gives a creature +1 AC for 10 minutes. A 4 adds a d4 to every attack roll and saving throw a creature makes for one minute. A 5 gives a creature a flying speed of 10′ for 10 minutes. A 6 creates a potion that acts as an Alter Self spell for 10 minutes. Potions don’t expire until your next long rest. You also learn to make The Right Tool for the Job, allowing you to create artisan’s tools as part of your long or short rests.
As an alchemist, you also get an extended spell list, including Healing Word and Ray of Sickness as artificer spells for you.
12. Artificer 4: Use your next ASI to maximize your Intelligence.
13. Artificer 5: You become an Alchemical Savant, and can add your intelligence modifier to spells cast with alchemical tools that heal or deal acid or poison damage. You also can prepare 2nd level artificer spells, which for you include Flaming Sphere and Melf’s Acid Arrow. Importantly, this includes one of the best supportive spells available, Enhance Ability. This spell gives a creature advantage on one kind of ability check for up to an hour, as well as extra bonuses if you choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution checks.
14. Wizard 9: Ninth level wizards get fifth level spells, including Wall of Stone. It’s still not really a maze, but we’re getting closer. You also get Passwall because what is and is not “a door” is a social construct, and you’re not about that life.
15. Wizard 10: You now have Durable Magic, meaning that while you’re concentrating you get +2 to your AC and all saves. At this level, you also grab Mold Earth and Immolation for another bit of elemental fun as well as Skill Empowerment to help your allies be all that they can be.
16. Wizard 11: You get sixth level spells here, including Contingency because planning ahead is kind of your thing, and Globe of Invulnerability to go with contingency.
17. Wizard 12: Use your last ASI to become Observant, adding 1 to your wisdom and 5 to your passive perception and investigation. You also learn how to lip-read. You can also Scatter your enemies if they get too close, and Move Earth lets you finally start making a proper maze, albeit very slowly. Or again, you can use this to get into places you’re not allowed by collapsing any wall between you and your goal.
18. Wizard 13: You can now cast level seven spells, and are finally able to use the best maze spells in the game. Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion lets you construct any maze you want so long as it fits within 50 10′ by 10′ by 10′ cubes, though the hard part is getting anyone chasing you to fall into it. My suggestion is building in a secret hiding spot by the entrance, and then trapping your “guests” inside once they follow you in. You’ll only get a day’s head start this way, but that’s still better than nothing. You also get Mirage Arcane, which has a much longer casting time but allows you to make a square mile of maze, anywhere you can see it. This one lasts a full 10 days, so it’s entirely possible anyone who gets stuck in here won’t be an issue for you ever again.
19. Wizard 14: Your last feature from war magic is a Deflective Shroud. Now using Arcane Deflection deals half your wizard level in force damage to up to three creatures within 60′ of you, literally turning your defense into offense. You also get a Delayed Blast Fireball for extra damage and a Wall of Force, in case you want to be sadistic and put an invisible wall in front of your maze’s exit.
20. Wizard 15: Your capstone level grants you 8th level spells. One of the biggest weaknesses of making mazes is that by this point most spellcasters have some sort of flight or teleportation. Maze fixes this by sending those annoying casters into their own separate plane of existence. You also can make a Mighty Fortress, with all the creative liberties of your mansion while also being much easier to force people into.
Pros: You have a lot of spells and abilities that can help on defense, offense, and supporting your other party members. You also have great AC for a caster, thanks to your artificer proficiencies, shield, enhanced defense, and Arcane Deflection. Finally, your unorthodox fighting style (sticking people in a maze and forgetting about them) can turn certain fights into non-issues.
Cons: Making mazes takes forever, both in the sense that they have multi-minute casting times and that you don’t really get the option until 18th level (or 13th if you save the artificer stuff for later). Mixing casting classes also means you miss out on ninth level spells, and you still have really low hp for someone who’s supposed to help out in a fight. Finally, a number of your spells don’t directly do damage, and need to be used creatively to be helpful. Whether your DM allows that kind of creativity can make or break the character.
Just try not to work yourself too hard, and things should turn out alright.
Next time: It’s Cu! Again!
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Brainstorming character ideas because I can. XD
Torek Gro'Val - Half-orc Assassin -
Born in desert wastes to an isolated tribe. His mother was Dulla Gro'Val, a lady-orc warrior, and more or less the leader of the Gro'Val clan. As a strong family clan, Dulla's hand was sought fiercely by other orcs, eager to add to the might of their own clans, and produce an heir with a superior bloodline. Dulla turned them all down, as she being a strong warrior herself had zero interest in anything less than herself.
During the harvest seasons, a band of human mercenaries were discovered attempting to cross the tribe territories as a shortcut, to deliver a rather large load of cargo. This transit was in direct violation of truce between the human empires, and the tribes. Long had this truce been respected by both sides, and so Dulla politely requested the mercenaries turn away. They refused, and this turned into an altercation in which every merc was killed.
The cargo, in addition to silks, gold, and weapons, also included a shipment of human prisoners. Dulla freed the prisoners, gave each a small share of coin, and again politely reminded them of the truce. The released prisoners were more than happy to go, but one such prisoner was incapable. Rellic Damurin, a former thief and gifted escape artist was tied up, chained, and had both of his legs broken so he could not run. While several orcs argued that a thief should be put to death, Dulla insisted that she would uphold her word, and allow the prisoner to leave when he was well enough to make the journey.
Rellic staying around piqued the interest of many in the tribe, who greatly enjoyed his stories or thieving exploits. Dulla herself was quite charmed with Rellic, and the two eventually fell in love. This did not escape the attention of other orcs vying for Dulla's attention, who often subtly threatened Rellic's life if he attempted to woo Dulla. Once he was well enough to walk, it seemed like things would return to 'normal', but Dulla, having gained strong feelings for Rellic gave him a Gro'Val clan title, allowing him to stay without breaking the truce.
This infuriated an orc named Hrogo who had long been the top contender for Dulla in marriage. Hrogo challenged Rellic to armed combat. While Dulla offered to take Rellic's place, Rellic insisted on fighting. Though Hrogo was a brutal and skilled warlord, Rellic's wits, dexterity, and acrobatic talents saw him the victor. Hrogo flew into a bloodrage after the fight was over, and Dulla was forced to step in. Hrogo was exiled from the tribe, and Dulla asked for Rellic's hand in marriage. A great feast was celebrated, and the union was consummated.
Weeks later, while Dulla was pregnant with Rellic's child, Hrogo returned with a small army to contest his exile. Dulla, not in any condition to fight had to remain as bay while Hrogo slaughtered his opposition, and declared himself the new tribe leader. As the new tribe leader, Hrogo no longer recognized Rellic's clan title, and as he was now breaking the truce, executed him on the spot. Dulla's rank and respect was stripped away by Hrogo, who offered to restore it if she married him, and he be allowed to kill her newborn upon birth. Hrogo still considered Dulla good breeding material and would not risk damaging her maternal viability, which gave Dulla a little time.
Dulla opted to self-exile herself for breaking the code. By removing herself from the equation, the tribe would not be threatened, and her clan would not be killed. She gave birth alone in the desert, naming her son Torek, and vowed that one day together they'd restore the noble house of Gro'Val, and kill Hrogo. Dulla offered Torek to the Red Blade Guild, a clan of assassins, in exchange for sanctuary.
Torek was raised with his father's skills and charm, but his mother's ferocity and lust for vengeance. He earned a reputation for being notoriously petty in his social interactions. sometimes pretending not to speak a certain language simply to aggravate people he dealt with. He trained heavily in the arts of stealth and assassination, and excelled in both. While he was much less qualified for front-line fighting than most orcs, he was a dab hand at being a blade in the dark. He developed an extra strong immunity to poisons, and frequently trained with his mother in combat, when not receiving instructions from the Red Blades.
Ultimately, Torek was honed and crafted into a fine warrior, and an expert assassin, but he greatly lacked for an understanding of the social aspects of life. He was not someone you'd want to fight for any reason, but engaging him socially made him awkward, stunted, and generally clumsy. Aside from traditional orcish facial features, Torek had inherited much of his father's handsome face. Coupled with his green skin, midnight black hair, and powerful but graceful physique, people of many raced often flirted with the exotic orc stranger who had absolutely no idea how to respond.
While spending time away from the Guild, doing jobs, or stumbling over himself, the Guild base was attacked and destroyed by a Paladin order seeking to cleanse the world of evil. As the Red Blades were known assassins, they had been targeted for execution. Dulla survived the encounter of course, but having lost a second home became difficult for her. Torek got her set up with a decent but isolated home where she could recover, but she did not stay. Getting on in her years, Dulla renounced her warrior ways (mostly) and joined a monastery.
With Torek's mother happy amongst her peers, Torek finally set foot in the desert for the first time since infancy, and set out to find Hrogo, and plant a knife or two in his throat.
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