#which is why their kids are not very close and didn't really went on a play dates
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sineala · 2 days ago
Hi Sine,
You know comics much better than I do. Where does Bucky and/or Steve reading the Hobbit come from? Is that just fannon or is it from comics?
thanks so much
The short answer is that MCU Bucky has canonically read The Hobbit (as established in the FATWS show), and 616 Steve has canonically been a Tolkien fan since the early Avengers comics. We see him reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy over the course of a recent series.
I brought panels!
The main piece of evidence that 616 Steve is a Tolkien fan is that he explicitly says so. Here in Avengers #46, Pietro has suggested to Steve that they should go to a baseball game and Steve says he'll go as soon as he finishes this chapter of Tolkien. "I always was a sucker for far-out fantasy," he explains.
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This image, which is generally the one you will see circulating, is a detail from this larger panel:
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The Lord of the Rings novels were originally published in the mid-50s in both the UK and US, but -- as various reference sites will tell you -- they didn't really take off in the US until 1965, when Ace Books published unauthorized paperback editions of the novels, which then meant that Ballantine Books went and put out actual authorized paperback versions, which became massively massively popular, particularly among college students; LotR finally hit the NYT bestseller list in late 1966, a decade after its publication. I mention this because this issue of Avengers, as you can probably guess from the slang, is from 1967, which is when LotR would still have been riding the wave of extreme popularity. IIRC, 1967 is about when Marvel Comics also was starting to get popular among college students (as opposed to children), so it makes sense that they're trying to be cool and culturally-relevant to the college kids. So of course Captain America's going to read far-out fantasy.
(There are references in other comics to Steve clearly liking SF/F books and movies -- like, he reads pulp SF in MA:A -- but this is when we see him reading Tolkien.)
So, as far as I know, for about fifty years, this was the only canon reference to Steve being a Tolkien fan, but then Kurt Busiek's series The Marvels came out in 2021. (This is a twelve-issue series that has nothing to do with the 1994 Busiek & Ross miniseries Marvels. Comics names are just confusing.) If you're familiar with Kurt Busiek's comics writing, you know that he is really into putting comics references into his work. Sure, a lot of comics writers do that, but Busiek in particular does it in such a way that you wouldn't necessarily catch it if you didn't know it was a reference, but if you do, you know exactly why it's there. Like, there's bit at the end of Avengers v3 #1 where the Avengers are being magically teleported; the narrator tells us that the last thing Steve thinks is that Iron Man would hate this. The issue never explains why Steve thinks this. But if you're an Iron Man fan, you know that Tony hates magic; "I hate magic" is, in fact, a statement he has repeatedly made for decades. So if this happened to Tony, he would think "I hate magic." And it makes perfect sense that Steve would know Tony would think this. So a lot of Busiek's work has little canon references like that.
So, yeah, in The Marvels, Steve is very quietly, in the background of the series, reading Tolkien.
In The Marvels #1, we see Steve preparing to make a space-jump from orbit. While he's waiting for the green light, he's reading The Return of the King; he then hands the book to the person next to him and asks them to save his place.
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Here's a close-up:
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You might at this point wonder if he's still reading this book later in the series. Actually, this particular scene is set -- as the page tells us -- ten days in the future, so the entire rest of The Marvels actually predates this moment. So as we go through the series, we do see that he is actually reading the whole trilogy!
A little later in The Marvels #1, we see Steve and Carol hanging out in a park eating delicious sandwiches:
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But check out what Steve is reading:
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Yep, it's Fellowship. So here, ten days in the past, Steve is reading the first book. Presumably rereading it; I suspect, given that this is all because of the reference in Avengers #46, that he's supposed to have read it before.
Does he also read The Two Towers, you might ask? He does! Here in The Marvels #5, that's what he's reading:
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He blew through the whole trilogy in, like, ten days. While also saving Earth! Go him. That's a pretty quick reread even if you're not saving Earth.
So, yes, 616 Steve is canonically a Tolkien fan, and a fantasy fan in general. Hope that helps.
I don't know if there's any evidence for 616 Bucky being a Tolkien fan, but MCU Bucky, in episode two of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, has a conversation with Sam in which he references Gandalf; when Sam is surprised that Bucky has heard of Gandalf, Bucky tells him he read The Hobbit in 1937.
As this article points out, this is actually a really weird claim for Bucky to make. While 616 Steve is reading Tolkien in 1967, at the time Tolkien's work became wildly popular in the US -- this was not the situation in 1937. Tolkien was not, at this time, a world-famous fantasy writer; he was a philologist at Oxford, specializing in Anglo-Saxon, and he was a guy who had just published this children's book, The Hobbit. The Hobbit was in fact not published in the US until 1938; 1937 is its original year of publication in the UK, and its first print run was not large. So in order for Bucky to have read it in 1937 in the US, he has to have read an imported copy at some point in the last three months of 1937, since it was only published at the end of September. So make of that what you will. I mean, my guess is that the MCU writers thought it would be a great "gotcha" moment, looked up when The Hobbit was published, and didn't think that hard.
In case you are wondering whether the Tolkien references in The Marvels were inspired by the MCU -- as you can see a Steve & Bucky themed article asserting -- I am pretty sure that Busiek was actually inspired by Avengers #46. The FATWS episode in question was released on March 26, 2021. And while The Marvels #1 was not released until a month after that, on April 28, 2021, The Marvels is actually a series that got pushed way, way back due to the pandemic. The series was originally announced in February 2020, and the announcement included, as a preview, the page of Steve and Carol eating sandwiches in which Steve is clearly reading Tolkien. So this exact page existed over a year before the FATWS release, and was probably created several months before that. So, yeah, despite what clickbait articles will tell you, I don't think Kurt Busiek was making a cute Stucky reference; I think he was being a big ol' Silver Age Avengers nerd.
But, yeah, anyway, 616 Steve has canonically been a Tolkien fan since 1967.
However, some Marvel comics writers don't actually know that. In JMS' recent Cap run, in issue #12, another character makes a LotR reference when Steve hands him a magic ring, and Steve asks if that's from Star Wars:
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This is deeply weird, not just because we now have multiple comics supporting that Steve is a Tolkien fan, but also because it asserts that Steve might actually think it was a Star Wars reference. And that's weird because in issue #8, four issues earlier, JMS has written Steve quoting The Empire Strikes Back and saying it's one of his favorite movies:
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Even if you accept the idea that Steve isn't a Tolkien fan, because JMS clearly did not know this deep-cut canon reference, Steve would presumably know that this was not part of his favorite movie! His favorite movie that the guy who wrote this very comic has just established as his favorite movie! I just. What. No.
So, yeah, the only way this works at all, I think, is if Steve is just trolling these kids by asking if it's Star Wars. It's one of the several things from this JMS run that are dead to me.
In conclusion, yes, 616 Steve is a Tolkien fan, and MCU Bucky presumably is as well.
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iscdisc · 3 days ago
Platonic 2012 Capril rambling-
Because I can't do art today (I'm not at my drawing tablet today- 😔), I'm just going to ramble a bit- Lmao
I know the writers for this series dropped the ball with a lot of relationships / development of main relationships (i.e. Some of the brother dynamics like Donnie with Raph or even Leo to an extent, April with all of the brothers basically, Splinter with his kids, etc.), so I don't know how generous I can reasonably be with this specific topic here, but something I personally think is really neat (Especially if intentional-) is April and Casey's dynamic during the Farmhouse Arc !
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In the first episode of Season 3 (EP 1, "Within the Woods"-), we see this turbulence between Casey and April over the situation that their in upon Casey asking April if something was wrong considering her distance towards him as of late (Mind you, they're three months into their stay at April's family Farmhouse in upstate New York-). She blows up on him a bit, believing he's being unreasonable with this question and asking too much of her (At least, that's my interpretation of her words-). I know I'm very 2012 Casey biased, so it's completely fine if you disagree with me here, but I personally don't believe Casey meant anything malicious or manipulative by this question-?
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It seemed very genuine and implies the two have a close enough relationship for Casey to notice her (mentally / emotionally) pulling away- I can understand his asking personally, since I would probably do the same in his position. It also could've been his way of reaching out, and since he often gets misunderstood despite his good intentions, April took it the wrong way (Not trying to say she was "in the wrong", but it did feel a bit of an overreaction in my eyes. I personally feel like she was just stressed out and shaken up in that moment, as we see in the screenshot above April getting spooked by a tree branch in this same scene scenario, which led her to take it out on him-).
As shitty as this scene is (For Casey specifically, especially considering he was very understanding and didn't make her feel bad for it or even bring it up again at all-), I mention it because of what we see with the two episodes later. In S3 EP 3, "Buried Secrets"-
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Out of everyone April could've gone to about her Mother / the ultimatum she was being presented with by said Mother, she went to Casey about it. Besides S2 EP 9, "The Kraang Conspiracy", April doesn't talk about her Mother much with the Turtles (The Brothers were only exposed to her Mother via Kurtzman as well, not April herself volunteering that information-). The only ones we've seen April open up to about her Mother (On her own accord-) are Karai in Season 1 (EP 21, "Karai's Vendetta"-) and now Casey in Season 3. This felt like such a significant moment given the interaction we see them have in, "Within the Woods". It seems like Casey was proven to be genuine in his concern for April as her friend and April truly acknowledges that better now. Why else would April choose to be so vulnerable with him after having such a shitty moment together episodes prior (Where she felt he was being very insensitive / inconsiderate of her feelings-)?
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I also have a personal theory that these two were testing the waters of a relationship during Season 2 (Which I've mentioned before-), and if my theory is correct, that could also contribute to their closeness and April's willingness to share such personal things with him specifically. Also given this theory, I'm not saying it wouldn't have been surprising if April thought Casey was attempting to "weasel his way back in romantically" when he asked her about whether or not they were okay during, "Within the Woods" (Which feels substantiated by Donnie making such a emphasized point about them being "two teens who like each other going into the woods alone" a scene prior-), but like I said before I really don't think that's what Casey was trying to do at all. I think he was being genuine.
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I just really like this moment that they share here, and it really seems like their dynamic is moving towards a more platonic direction- We can even backtrack a bit to the beginning of this episode when they're having the cleaning montage- Even this had a different energy to it for me personally. I feel like from this episode ("Buried Secrets"-) moving forward, a lot of the "advances" Casey makes towards April come off kind of jokey and very clearly not taken seriously by April whatsoever.
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Maybe I could be wrong, but it really felt like two exes (Or rather two people who were exploring a relationship but then that fell through-)?? Casey's going to poke fun because that's just in his nature, and they both know where they stand with each other now so April's not going to really comment on it and just find these jokes "annoying" (But in a way that you find your friend annoying, you know?).
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It's also the way that April seems to be a lot livelier as a person with Casey, which I think also speaks to their better grounded friendship (And possible implication of romantic closeness, since that past vulnerability could have made it easier for April to really be herself around / with Casey ! Definitely not in the way she can "be herself" around Donnie, since in my personal opinion, it always feels like she's putting on some kind of face for him-). I didn't get a screenshot of it, but the moment between them at the end of this specific episode (S3 EP 8, "Vision Quest"-) speaks to that too in my opinion. The little banter that they're having over April breaking the wood and the finger snaps thing that she afterwards- I'm just saying that we don't get this kind of energy from April outside of her interactions with Casey (In my opinion-). Lmao
Again, I don't know how much I can attribute this to the writing since I'm not entirely sure that this was an intentional thing, but I think regardless it's cool to see their dynamic throughout the Farmhouse Arc !
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I also really like this particular platonic closeness between Casey and April (Especially under the context that they were a relationship that didn't work out but are still super close / have moved on from it-), because I feel like this would be a better way to explain Casey's continued "protectiveness" over April + annoyance with Donnie in relation to her. Not that I'm trying to shit talk 2012 Donnie here, but he is a massive weirdo towards her for a significant amount of time in the series and I'm sure if April and Casey are as close as I'm assuming they are during this time, April has expressed that to Casey before. So it's kind of nice to view Casey continuing to be this way towards Donnie as a means of defending April from uncomfortable interactions with Donnie rather than him still seeing himself as a viable candidate for her "love" or something- You know what I mean?
Although, I know this particular instance (From "Buried Secrets"-) doesn't exactly hold up as well as I would like it to here, given the episode prior (EP 2, "A Foot Too Big"-), April literally kissed Donnie- Like legitimately kissed Donnie. So I can't exactly say Donnie's persistence here "doesn't make sense", cause April really was giving off some weird signals / messages. Again, as always, we can thank the piss poor writing. Lmao
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There's also this moment that I wanted to talk about outside of The Farmhouse Arc when they return to New York City (Specifically from S3 EP 10, "Serpent Hunt"-). Objectively speaking, this felt like kind of a weird moment from April that I didn't really understand? From a canonical writing perspective, this came off as the writers trying to still continue this, "Will they, won't they?" aspect of April and Casey's relationship-?? But maybe this thing can be viewed as April possibly reminiscing fondly about the past (If my theory about them having a failed relationship throughout Season 2 is accurate-) and appreciating Casey still being by her side? I honestly feel like I'm grasping at straws with this interpretation- LMAO
Anyway that's my ramble about those two- They just felt like a lot of lost / wasted potential as far as like having a boy and girl friendship that wasn't weird? Lmao ✨
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class-of-classic-blog · 6 days ago
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Glodie: Tea?
Red: Herbal or verbal?
Goldie: Both.
So i wanna talk about their friendship.
Goldilockes desteny is from a comman background so we can asume that she grow up somewere in the woods and if you're delulu enough you can say that she lived somewere near Red and that they went to the same school and were chiledhood besties.
Goldie is cured with being hopelesly romantic and Red is there to do a background check on the gays she's dating.Even when Goldie was dating King Charming and hang out with royals most of the times she'd still miss Reds company.
They are just normal teenage girls. They got ready for parties together, gossip, had deep conversations on summer nights, help each other prepare for the dates and other stuff.
They talked about games, clothes, school and crushes whan they were little and later about job, marriage and kids.
Even if they don't have much time now and are busy in their adult lives, they still go for a coffee once a month to catch up.
You know that one person you just never stop being friends with no matter what? Yeah, thats them.
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isenkus · 3 months ago
mha reactions to their kid being disrespectful towards their mom ?
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mom! reader, girl dads! tdbkdk, inspired by the newest scenes i had to witness of my little cousin this holiday season. i can't use my childhood because i met 'mr belt' and i never misbehaved since.
IZUKU MIDORIYA as . . . the nice cop.
— izuku would probably be gentle with his parenting, and that's why he's in this situation in the first place. he's the type of parent that tries to reason with his child with a very nice voice, which ends up accidentally raising a manipulative child. even so, he'll never raise his voice towards his child, but he'll definitely get more serious. especially if she's being disrespectful towards his wife.
it was a tranquil sunday afternoon, where you and your family had visited izuku's mother for lunch. excited for the community pool, your daughter went dressed in her green sundress and her little mermaid swimsuit underneath. her smile dropped when she heard the news.
"i'm sorry, sweetie, the pool is closed!" you frowned, to which your daughter started crying. trying to comfort her, you guided her towards the bathroom to change clothes. what you weren't expecting though, was...
"don't touch me! leave me alone, you witch!"
izuku had never sprinted towards you faster in his life, eyes widened in disbelief. he lowered down to his daughter's height, as he called her attention. "hey kiddo, you didn't really mean that, right?"
your daughter nodded, "mommy won't let me go to the pool" she cried. "she's mean and a witch!"
izuku sighed as he patted his daughter's head, ruffling her hair. "the pool is closed, baby. we can come back tomorrow when it opens, okay? but never call mommy that again, yeah? you hurt her and my feelings that way. now, apologize to your mom."
"'m sorry mommy."
"and you'll never go to the pool again" you whispered to your husband, to which he nodded. "and then, maybe, we won't take you to the pool because you weren't nice to mommy. you have to love your mommy and treat her well" he added.
your daughter cried some more because she would never go to the pool again.
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KATSUKI BAKUGO as . . . the restrained cop.
— katsuki would try to be gentle, but with his tone of voice, it would come out horribly. and if. his daughter is an exact copy of him? he would be pissed off and would probably ask you to reason with her first, because fighting fire with fire is horrible. when he finds out your daughter is disrespectful to you, though, he has to control himself not to scream at his child.
trying to teach your daughter to eat different foods was hard. and during the holidays? it was a nightmare.
when you sat beside her trying to spoon-feed her a small piece of turkey, she gagged. "gross! i'm not hungry. mommy made gross food! ew, ew, ew!"
katsuki's head quickly turned to the table where you sat, trying to reason with your daughter. as you fed her the food, she chewed it, and then opened her mouth. she spit. the food. on her hand.
katsuki had a face that read 'i know damn well she didn't, as he stepped closer. when you asked your daughter to please eat and to not waste any food, she snapped.
"shut up mommy!"
"who do ya think yer talking to, kid? huh? that's your mom" katsuki snaps, which earned a sob from his daughter. he realized he should've used a softer tone, but tough love, right? he was raised like that and he turned out fine.
"kid, do you know that mommy's hurt by the way you talked to her? see how ya started cryin' when i yelled? momma feels that way when ya don't treat her well. apologize."
your kid had never apologized quicker.
muttering a soft 'thank you', you turned to your daughter and helped her clean up her hand. katsuki, in the meantime, started wondering.
was the turkey he baked really that gross?
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SHOTO TODOROKI as . . . the traumatized cop?
— shoto would try to do everything he can to not resemble his father. and if he ended up with a troubled kid, he would be very patient. if his daughter is disrespectful to his wife, he'd definitely be upset. he would also try to reason with her. he would pull the 'you wanna know how i got this scar' if things get really serious.
when you and your daughter were arguing upstairs, as you tried to dress her up for another todoroki family reunion. when she didn't want to get dressed, she cried.
"i'm going to tell daddy you hit me."
"sweetheart, please listen to me—"
your daughter threw herself onto the desk to her right, and started weeping more tears as she wailed, "daddy, mommy hit me!"
shoto ran up the stairs to find your weeping daughter and you with the most distressed look on your face. "did you?" he asked, to which you scoffed. "do you really think—"
"—i know you'd never" shoto cut you off, "but i had to ask. she needs to learn about trust, and not to lie."
your husband turned to her daughter, picking her up and cradling her on his arms. "where does it hurt?" he asked, as your daughter pointed at her forehead. his lips placed quick, caring kisses on your daughter's forehead as his expression turned more serious. "i want you to tell me the truth, (daughter's name). did mommy really hit you?"
your daughter looked around, her gaze finally fixating on the ground as she muttered a quiet 'no'.
"then why did you say that?"
she cried some more as she muttered nonsense into your husband's shoulders. shoto's hand cupped her cheek so she would look at him. "do you know how i got this scar?", he asked, to which she shook her head.
"my family was not very nice, and i ended up hurt" he stated, "and mommy is doing everything she can for you to feel loved. is this how we should be with mommy?"
your daughter shook her head.
"your mommy is very caring and nice with you, and we should be the same way with her. now, what do we say to her?"
"...sorry mommy."
"that's much better, my love. let's not do this again."
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copperbadge · 4 months ago
So, I got tagged in a post, and I wrote a bit of a novel in a reblog in drafts, and then I realized that probably it wasn't for the best to post up All That Nonsense when the OP was just making a funny post about Wikipedia's fundraising. And it is a funny post! So I'll link here to the post and where I was tagged but I decided to put my thoughts here. Please take this as a hint to be respectful of OP and the person who tagged me both :)
I will say my initial reaction to seeing Wikipedia selling merch AND asking to be in your will was "Well, they're trying something." It's just such a weird topic to bring up, it's hard to be graceful about it, so I think what they were doing was probably the best you can do.
And the response did make a lot of the points I'd make about making a will and such. In fact, FreeWill is what I made my will with and we recommend them to our donors.
There was a study that came out a decade ago or more, so my numbers probably aren't accurate, but the statistic that knocked me back was that most donors who leave surprise large bequests (gifts to charity in their will) give an average of $17 a year during their lives. So there's likely a reason that Wikipedia is targeting users and not huge donors.
It's an ongoing issue that most people also don't document their bequests. By all means, leave money to charity in your will, they will be happy to have it, but they will be even happier to know ahead of time.
Perfect example, THIS WEEK we got a check for six figures from a woman's estate. It was an eyebrow-raising amount of money for us. My boss, who handles both "eyebrow raising money" and "gifts from dead people", immediately went to look her up in our database.
Which she is not in. We had no idea this woman existed. Never gave to us before.
Had we known she was leaving us this money, my boss would have made sure she understood how grateful we were and like, bought her lunch a couple of times a year, and when she did pass we would have known who to reach out to in order to offer our support.
Instead, he came to me and said, "I have a name and an address," and I set to work to find out why she gave and who we could thank. I found her obit, but she didn't die of anything related to our work. Using information from the obit, I confirmed none of her family were in our database either. I looked up her second husband, mentioned in the obit, and his obit said he died of lung disease, which told me that this gift is because she lost her husband.
This helps because I knew from her obit that they had a blended family; they didn't have any kids together but they each had kids when they married, all of whom are now like, my age. So we want to thank her kids but we want to make sure her stepkids, who lost their dad, get a specific kind of outreach as well. I told my boss their names and he said one of the husband's kids was listed as the executor of the will, but there was nothing (surname-wise) to indicate they were related. I found contact information for that person, and my boss was able to reach out to her. She didn't realize we didn't know about the bequest, and now she and her siblings are talking to us about their dad and their own health while her stepsiblings, whose mother left us this very generous gift, are getting condolences and thanks and getting to say how she will be thanked in our documentation.
And I mean, that's why my job exists, to fill in those blanks. We just...would really like to have told her thank-you while she was alive.
SO! The moral of the story is: please consider leaving money to charity in your will if you can, use FreeWill to make your will (they will also help you document your gift) and let the charity know you're leaving them an estate gift. Not only will you maybe get cool swag but especially if it's a concern close to your heart, you'll get to build your relationship with the charity.
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kisses4reid · 10 months ago
missed it pt.2 | ·˚ ༘ spencer reid ,,
summary - penelope brings a belated cake for you that leaves everyone guilty. what better way to say sorry then a belated party as well?
genre - spencer x bau!fem!reader, barely angst, fluff, forgotten birthdays and sorry’s
warnings - mentions of forgotten birthdays, being sad, crying, umm cake??? y’all not rocking w cake??? y/n uses she/her pronouns
w/c - 1.2k+
a/n - thank you for the request anon! the idea is perfect and so r u for requesting it, i rock w you
request - I was wondering if you were up for a part 2 of missed it???, maybe where someone on the team suddenly remembered that it was readers birthday, and tells the rest of the team about it ( maybe in the elevator, when they’re all heading home & reader left early or smth ). And Spencer’s like yea I went to see them yesterday & they were pretty messed up about it, and they all start to feel really bad, so they come up with a plan to set up reader a berlated surprise b-day party at rossi’s or smth, and reader cries because she’s never felt so loved and appreciated before!!
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Penelope scurried into the office with a leather red bag on her elbow and a large container that covered the lower part of her face. She peered over the plastic and scanned for the one person she was looking for, but instead she was met with a muscular man trying to suss out the tuperware that smelt amazingly sweet. "Hey babygirl," Morgan greeted with a smile, "You baked me a treat?"
Garcia walked further into the bullpen with Derek close behind her, "It's not for you, chocolate thunder. It's for Y/n." She replied matter-of-factly.
She placed her bag and the cake container on your empty desk and furrowed her eyebrows in the search for your presense which seemed to be absent.
JJ and Emily walked by with their cups of coffee in hand, joining Derek's confusion. Emily spoke up, "Why would Y/n need a cake?"
Spencer glanced then. He felt an unfamiliar rush of anger push him out of his chair. He bit the inside of his lip.
Last night, you had poured your heart out to him on the reasons you didn't tell others about your birthday, about much even. Would it be betrayal to expose you? Would it be kind? Spencer pondered as Penelope's mouth went agape in disgust.
She smacked each of the detectives on the arm, recieving groans and gasps from them all. "Are you kidding? It was Y/n's birthday yesterday. I was supposed to give her this yesterday but I was sick so..." Even a person like Penelope could read the subtle signs of regret on the profiler's faces. They screw their lips, glanced at each other - and Spencer - and didn't meet Garcia's eyes. Penelope sighed in anger and she started vocalising the very thoughts that were circling Spencer's mind.
"Are you guys serious? She worked 12 hours with each of you bozo's! And not one of you remembered? Not even a gift? Or a 'happy birthday Y/n'? You guys are unbelievable." She huffed and slapped her hand on the top of the cake container. "Where's Y/n?"
That's when the blonde turned to Spencer. "Uh- She went home early. She finished her paperwork pretty quickly." Emily, JJ, Morgan, and now Hotch - who had been wathcing from his office - all started packing up. Their cups of coffee were poured down the sink, and the sunshine was coming to a close. Spencer's hardened grip on his satchel was turning his knuckles white.
There they all were. Garcia's anger pouring out of her in determined and disciplining paragraphs about care and love and being a team, and Spencer's was pouring into his uneven breaths.
"I can't believe not one of you remembered. Not even Spencer! I mean-"
"I remembered."
The elevator went silent, the digital display counting down quickly. Spencer gulped and fiddled with his bag, avoiding eye contact with anyone at the memories of last night. Depressing, heart-breaking, beautiful. A lot of things happened last night. Some good, most bad.
"I went to her apartment last night with a cake. She was..." There was no lying to a team like this, "devastated."
JJ sighed, "We should do something."
Aaron nodded and brought out his phone, texting Rossi who also left early with you.
This week was full of tears and crying, snotty noses and new boxes of tissues. And today was no different. Though you promised yourself that yesterday was the last day you'd feel sorry for yourself, tears crept to your eyelashes even at the glass of the perfume Spencer had gifted you. It smelt amazing.
Your bed was a mess, your living room desolate and the kitchen long unused.
Today, you would get over it. You've gotten over it for years, why is this one any different? Is it because you thought you had found another family? Is it because Spencer proved people can care, but don't? Maybe it was because instead of wishing you happy birthday, you're father sent a photo of your sister's sports awards and asked why you didn't send her a congradulations text.
Today, you would get over it.
Today, I will get over it.
Your phone buzzed against your kitchen countertop as steam and the smell of onion and garlic filled your kitchen. You glanced, being met with a call from Derek, but being too slow to pick it up. And then suddenly there was a knock on your door.
You shut off the oven, wiped your hands on a cloth towel and tucked some loose hair behind your ears. Not only was this person interrupting a brand new recipe you had been reccomended, but also the reruns of your favourite sitcom. A sigh escaped you as you approached the door, preparing to explain that you were busy, but when you turned the doorknob you were met with deja vu.
Your team was beaming at you, all holding plates and bowls of various sweets and treats, as well as sandwiches and a large cake you assumed was decorated by Garcia.
"Happy Birthday Y/n!" They all screamed, not really in time but close enough to sound rehearsed. A smile slipped out from you as you laughed in shock. You felt your cheeks redden from the attention, feeling slightly uncomfortable and out of place, but you stepped aside to let them in anyways.
They hugged you, quietly and whole-heartedly apologised, and started setting up the surprise birthday lunch with Morgan's playlist filling the apartment. As Rossi passed he whispered, "Did you try that recipe I told you to try, the one I said at your belated dinner?"
Rossi was the only other person other than Penelope and Spencer to know your birthday. In fact, you two had the dinner planned for a week beforehand. You nodded with a smile and he joined the rest.
Spencer stood at the now closed door with a smile. He fiddled with the bottom of his sweater as he waited for you to turn to him, and when you did his hand latched onto yours discreetly. Your eye widdened slightly, gaze meeting his when he bent down slightly to whisper to you. "I wasn't sure if you would appreciate them showing up here but..." He smiled softly, "I think you deserve at least one good birthday."
Tears nearly brimmed your eyes before you heard your friends howl in laughter in the background, "Thank you, Spencer." A tear escaped you and he wrapped his arms around you. He was warm and his hold was tight with care, it made your heart stutter more than it already was. "Sorry," you giggled nervously and wiped your eyes. He gazed down at you and looked at you with confusion. "Why are you sorry?" "I'm crying at a party- A party for me." You said the last word like the scenario was a dream or seemingly impossible and it made Spencer's heart hurt. "That's okay, Y/n. As long as it's happy crying." He held your shoulders and rubbed his thumbs in comforting circles. "Yeah- Yes. I've just never felt this..."
You glanced at the crowd in your kitchen, full of people you loved and cared for. People you thought didn't care enough, but put an effort into a celebration that doubled as a massive and genuine apology for their mistakes. Nobody had ever said sorry to you for missing your birthday before.
"Loved?" Spencer's voice was soft as he finished your sentence. "Loved." You nod in agreeance, beaming at the tall boy so hard you felt like your heart was on display.
taglist (open!): @jeffswh0re @reap3erslov3 @candyd1es
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miange1 · 3 months ago
Dexter, Angel, Brian, and James with someone who has a baby face w/ a deep voice
head cannons, male reader, reader has high moans, brian is a freak, doaks is secretly a freak, being way too curious with someone, they don't realize it's cause they're turned on and have a thing for you, spanish speaking reader on angel, kinda based off me, reader can be shorter or taller i really don't care
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— didn't expect that out of you, by any means. you were the person who had called him to the crime scene, and since he had never really met you, he didn't expect to see that you're the one behind the call.
"There any blood?"
He meant to speak to angel, yet you answered right behind him and scaring the hell out of him.
"It's over here." He caught himself looking around, that couldn't have come from you? Could it? You had the face someone would steal a lollipop from.
"Uh..yeah, lead the way." He was so fixated on your face. Big, doe eyes your pretty soft lips parting at every 'ah..' of understandment. His mouth went dry even looking at you, why hadn't he noticed you before?
— When the two of you got together, it was very clear he had a thing for your voice. Especially whilst having sex, and he surely didn't expect your moans to be so high? Guess something made up for that pretty face of yours.
— Each time he was inside, he loved the way low groans turned into such needy and whiny moans for him. It turned him on when you talked him through, slow sex had him crumbing to you.
"Fuck..Dexter.." He thrusted inside slowly, taking in every single 'yes' and 'so good' Dexter himself wasn't at all a quiet person in bed, grunting and groaning along with you letting your own voices mix. He was so damn lucky.
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— Yeah, you creeped him the fuck out.
— He wasn't one to care on people's voices, but damn did you get surgery or something? He might have called you 'kid' or something if you didn't sound like death crawling from hell itself.
— He was told to go to you for some sort of files, finding you at your desk.
"You the one I'm looking for? I need those files." He couldn't lie, his heart almost melted at the way you looked up at him. Was his voice too rough? Did he hurt your feelings? Damn.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Holy fuck.. nevermind.
— He made a rule for you not to sneak up behind him and to randomly start speaking. Scared the shit out of him when you did that.
"Right, Morgan said the victim had put up a fight before she was hit in the head, and—"
"What happened?"
"Oh my God— never again! Never do that again."
"Hm? What did I do?"
— He weirdly liked your face. Well, the cheeks of your face. If you did something dumb you would feel his fingers harshly punch at the soft skin of them. It was cute, he wouldn't lie about that. Your face stretching out as you whined for him to let go. It made his day, it really did.
— Now sex on the other hand, he would never reveal that to anyone. He was a professional, but on his own he would think of it from time to time. The way you would moan out his name, making that voice of yours crumble just from slipping the tip inside of you. His head would be on your shoulder, his own voice soft and talking you through it. He did that on purpose, so his ear would be close to your mouth. He desperately needed to hear it.
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(he's so glorious i love him.)
— Debra was having another situation in which a witness couldn't speak English well, or understand it too much and he had been busy with someone else. So they called you over instead.
"Entiendo señora, haremos lo mejor que podamos pero por favor debe calmarse." Damn. He got distracted, drowning out the voice of who he was supposed to be listening to. Watching your face go into a look of understanding as the woman in the front of you hyperventilated, your voice so deep yet so calming as you rubbed her back and soothed her the best you could.
— He loved when you spoke spanish, whether it be small curses, or exclaims of excitement. He loved it all. But when you were speaking to him, he went all still. He could admire your voice from afar, yet right in front of him? No, absolutely not.
"Morning Angel," He froze up, snapping out of it quickly so he could at least muster up something back. "Yeah.." Yeah. Yeah? Was that the best he could do, jesus..
— Never had he expected to get with you. Let alone be able to fuck you. He was nervous at first. What was he supposed to do? He knew what to do, but he didn't at the same time. It was mostly a matter of being nervous rather than you being the first guy he's done it with.
"This feel good?" Paying attention to every single sound or movement you made, looking at you as if you were the light of his life. Your little 'Mhm' as he held your body close, going inside slowly and letting his hands squeeze at your hips and waist, soothing them.
"Oh, Angel.." Your accent made him shiver, his eyes fluttering shut and rolling back the more he thrusted inside. "Perfect.." He muttered, kissing your skin softly. "So perfect."
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— Overtime, he would develop a weird liking to your throat. Everytime you spoke, he'd pay attention to your Adams apple and watching it bob as you spoke. He just wanted to choke you.
— Though first hearing you, he didn't know whether or not to be surprised or turned on. He found you weirdly unique, obsessed with your voice and always gave you reasons to talk. He would learn about your interest, just to make you talk even more.
"Oh, and my favorite actor had played in this movie and I feel as if.." and blah, blah, blah..
— He was listening, he swore it! And if he wasn't listening he had gotten some sort of recorder, just so he make use of it later on.
His cock leaked the more he moved his hand up and down. Trying to force himself to be quiet enough so that he could hear your voice clearly.
"Fuck.." Imagining you riding him, moaning like you depended on riding him and like you absolutely needed him. Voice wavering to whimpers and high moans— hell, he needed that so badly.
— Next day, he'd face you like nothing happened. Greeting you with a smile as you walked through the station.
"Morning Rudy!"
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skipper1331 · 3 months ago
Art // Leah Williamson
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You loved playing football yet drawing and painting was your silent passion. A passion nobody really knew about.
It all started when you were a kid. After a bad day, lost match you would be so angry and disappointed that you would draw your anger away. It didn‘t matter if it was with pencils, crayons or acrylic, you didn‘t care if it was on paper or on a canvas. You just had to draw/paint.
Slowly, it not only started to reduce your anger but to become a daily thing. Over the years you got better and better and even sold some paintings.
When you moved to London, transfered to Arsenal from the german league you took your painting utils with you.
In your new apartment was an extra room which used to be a guest room - you didn't need it, so you set it up as a painting room. The floor was covered with foil as were parts of the wall while many canvases and tubes of paint stood on the newly built shelves. Your desk was full of paper, sketchbooks, pens, erasers, etc. everything an artist needed. It was your favorite room in your apartment.
As the weeks went on, you drew everything interesting. Such as the training facility, jerseys, the stadium and much more.
But If someone would have looked through your sketchbook they would‘ve noticed that there was one thing or rather one person which was drawn very often. Arsenals number 6. Leah Williamson. You couldn‘t explain why but she was incredible. Everything about her was perfect; her talent, her personality, her smile. You just could not not draw her. Often you only realized that you had drawn her after your drawing was already finished and when drawing number 12 of Leah was finished you knew you had a crush on her. What you didn‘t realize though was a) she also developed a crush on you and b) your face and hands covered in paint and pencil has not gone unnoticed. To find out why that was the team formed an alliance. When Rosa questioned why they simply didn‘t ask you her head was smacked from Kyra, Alessia and Vic. "It‘s much more exciting this way" Kyra replied mischievously.
Mission Colour had officially started.
On bus rides, plane flights, away games you would always have your 'away sketchbook' and one pencil with you just to calm down or to stay calm. Most of the time you sat next to Manu, your national teammate. She was like big sister to you and of course she knew about your drawing talent but what she didn‘t know was that a few teammates wanted to find out. As well Manu knew about your little crush, not because you told her but because she saw your sketch of Leah and connected the dots.
It was the next day when you came to training with a blue stripe on you forehead and hands covered with many shades of blue. This morning you worked on your current project (a painting of the ocean) and lost track of time. You hadn‘t had the chance to look in the mirror again after you rushed out of your flat to the car.
Fast forward, here you were in the training facility in bright red clothes while your skin was covered in blue.
"Looking like Papa smurf" Katie laughed, gently shoving you towards the mirror in the changing room.
Your eyes widened in horror, "Shit" aggressively you started to rub at the stripe of paint but it was too late. The stripe was already dry. Making your way to the bathroom, you wet the paper towel, not much hope about cleaning your face.
"Hey" you heard a voice beside you, your eyes locking with the blonde defenders through the mirror, "do you need some help?" Leah asked, already concerned by the way you aggressively rubbed your forehead, "hey, lemme-" the girl gently tugged at your wrist as she turned you to face her. She grabbed another paper towel, putting a tiny bit of soap on it before she put it under water. In silence, the taller girl started to clean your face. Her movements were slow and tender as she tried to stay cool while she was so close to you. In the meantime, you admired the blonde, scanned every feature of her face.
"Secretly a Chelsea fan, huh?" the gunner asked, trying to ease the obvious tension in the room.
"Gosh no," you chuckled, "I was working on my new proctect this morning and lost track of time" you admitted, Leah raising a brow in return.
"You must think I’m pretty unorganized, hm?"
"of course not!" She replied immediately, "i was just wondering, project? What project?"
"It‘s nothing much, just a painting project" you shrugged your shoulders, "the ocean."
"I didn‘t know you could paint" she stated, the dots connecting with all the paint stains that covered your clothes and body since you had arrived in London.
"Maybe you‘d like to see some of my works?" your voice was quiet, shy as you nervously scratched your neck.
"It‘s a date" the same moment, Leah dropped the comment, you heard Kim call, "training starts" which let Leah hurry out of the room, leaving you completely shocked and with a mix of nervousness and excitement alone. Was she serious?
"Leah, wait!"
Training had finished half an hour ago, the girls, including you, doing their usual routines, some had physio, some went straight to the showers or others that just changed their clothes happy to finally go home - Leah, one of the girls who preferred to shower at home after a particularly long cardio session.
"Were you serious about the date? Because if not that would be totally fine, but if so, I’d really like to go on a date with you" you rambled, "we could go out for dinner or i could cook for you or not, because I’m not the greatest cook, but maybe take out would be fine too?! whatever you like works for me!"
"Take a deep breath, love" she smiled, squeezing your hand, "i was serious" her cheeks slowly turning red, "sorry, could‘ve been a bit more romantic, i admit, but indeed, I’d be very happy to go on a date with you"
"Oh, really!" you were so surprised, shocked even that the Leah Williamson wanted to go on a date with you.
"Yes, really. What about this: I’ll go home for a shower and at-" she looked at her watch, "at 7, I’ll be at your front door with some food in my hands. Neither of us has to cook and we can have a nice and relaxed evening, how does that sound?"
"That sounds perfect, thank you"
"See you soon" she smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek as she felt brave enough to do so in that moment.
Like in trance, you watched her walk away while your fingers touched the spot were lips had been a few seconds ago. Wow.
On the other hand as soon as Leah sat in her car, she did a little happy dance, finally getting the chance to spend some time with you alone and even better, being able to call it a date.
5 minutes early the defender stood in front of your door, two bags of food in one hand while the other hand held a bouquet of flowers.
With confidence Leah rang the door bell, she felt untouchable. She had a date with the prettiest girl and nothing would stop her from trying to be the best version of herself for you. She really wanted this to work out.
In all honesty, Leah had been crushing on you for quite a while. It all started with an international friendly where you both were captaining your nations. You fell in conversation easily, the blonde friends with some of your national teammates.
Since then the Lioness followed you on your socials, also enjoying watching you play football - something about your technic and brain for the game made her fall in love with football all over again.
When the announcement was made that you‘d join Arsenal, she was excited, overly so. She wanted to talk to you again, be your friend. But soon the thought of just being friends combined with her little crush on you that was getting bigger and bigger day by day was long forgotten. She wanted to get to know you, on a deeper level than just the typical friendly one.
"Hey! Welcome in" you said with a wide smile, stepping aside.
"Hi, these are for you" the defenders cheeks turned slightly pink as yours did too.
"These are beautiful, thank you so much" the bouquet was big mix of multiple flowers in multiple colours, "i didn‘t know what your favorite flower was, so i bought one of each they had"
"I love it and I really appreciate it" shy smiles were exchanged before your attention was brought back, "follow me. So this is my living room and as you can see, there‘s my kitchen. I hope you like wine? I found this one in my cupboard" you pointed at the bottle on your coffee table. "Here let me plate the food, make yourself a home" as you wandered off to the kitchen, Leah admired your home. It was tidy yet looked very cozy. Then her gaze fell to various of pictures and paintings you had in your living room. One in particular caught her attention, it reminded her of something that she couldn’t form in words, an familiar warm feeling filled her chest as she looked at it closely - something about this painting was special.
The night went on with an ease, everything felt so natural. Dinner was great, the conversation flowing, the tv long forgotten as both of your attentions were on each other. Throughout the night the two of you had moved closer, knees already touching as you shared jokes and stories about everything and nothing.
"I must say, i really like the paintings in here. This one especially" she pointed at your favorite.
"Thank you, that‘s very nice of you to say"
"How much did they cost you? They look so expensive!" she admired, quickly realizing what an rude question she asked, "oh I’m so sorry, that‘s not something I should be asking"
"No, don’t worry, you’re good" you assured her, "they didn‘t cost me anything, i did them myself" you said, "well, that‘s a lie, i had to buy the canvas and the paint but other than that i didn‘t cost me anything."
"No way! You really did these? Are you joking?"
You shook your head.
"Wow! These are amazing. Like seriously, you’ve got some serious talent!"
Soon you furiously started to blush, getting all shy as you looked away from the gunner.
"Can i see the ocean painting which you talked earlier about?" she remembered, hoping to get see more of your work.
"Sure, but it‘s not finished yet"
"That‘s fine. I‘d see anything you painted, really, this is so impressive"
"Stop" you buried your face in your hands, your cheeks as hot as ever, the tip of your ears a deep shade of red, "hey, no. Don’t hide that pretty face of yours" taking your hands out of your face, you stared at each other as everything around you fell silent. Both of you were so close, if you would just lean forward-
"Here follow me" you broke the silence, grabbing the lioness’ hand and dragging her to your art room, "don’t mind the mess" you said as you opened the door, showing Leah the inside of your heart.
For once, the defender didn‘t know what to say. Everywhere she looked where painting, sketches and drawings. It was like she not only stepped into your heart but also your brain.
"Wow" she whispered, in utter disbelief at what she saw. You did this. All of this!
Walking around the room Leah felt like she was at an art gallery, heavily impressed about the beauty she got to see in each painting.
"May i look in these too?" she asked once she was at your desk, sketchbooks across the table.
Slowly, you nodded. In that moment, you didn’t even think about the fact that you had sketched Leah too, and that more than once.
Every now and then, compliments slipped out while her fingers traced the lines and shapes of your art.
Then she stopped, silence deafening, "is that me?" she whispered, looking at more pages of herself.
"What? Shit, no, no, no." With a few quick steps, you slammed the book shut. Too embarrassed to even look at her, "you weren‘t supposed to see those" you muttered.
"So it was me?" she asked again, even though it was quite obvious that it was her indeed.
"Yes, I’m sorry. I‘m not a creep i promise! You‘re just- just so-" your brain went blank.
"you‘re… you‘re just so amazing and i- I really like you. And i only realized that i sketched you once it was too late. I‘m really sorry! You weren‘t even supposed to see them. I‘m not a creep, I’m just in love with you and i never thought you‘d like me back and now you‘re here with me on date. Well at least that‘s what you said it was. But it‘s totally fine, if you don’t want it to be a date anymore or if you want leave now or-" in the middle of your ramble, Leah cut you off, with her lips gently pressing against your own, a perfect way to shut you up. Your body relaxed immediately as your lips responded to the new sensation. Leah’s hands fell to your hips while yours laid on her stomach, your brain not knowing where else to put them as it was completely consumed by Leah kissing you.
Here you were in the heart of your art with Leah, the most beautiful girl, who was kissing you, the artist.
And even though, most artist are only known for their work by everyone after their death, you weren‘t most and Leah surely wasn‘t everyone. She was the one.
"Indeed wow"
You both stared at each other in silence, loving the tranquil atmosphere you had created.
"So what should i call you now? Picasso? Van Gogh? Michelangelo? Da Vinci?"
You laughed at her comment, playfully hitting her chest while she pulled you even closer in return.
"While i did like Papa smurf, I’d eventually prefer my girlfriend" she smiled, leaning in once again.
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kuurechr · 5 days ago
Satoru barged into your dorm, no warning ahead of time, so he was surprised to see Shoko on your bed, slathering a face mask on you, as Nanami sat with his back against the bed, on the floor reading as his face mask was drying on his face.
"You guys are having a fun night without me?!" Satoru exclaimed, feigning pain as he held onto his heart. "I thought you were my best friends?"
"Who told you that?" Nanami grumbled, before looking over at you. "Where's Ijichi? He's late, is he on a mission?"
"Ijichi isn't going on missions anymore, I told him not to," Satoru said, sliding next to Nanami, looking over his shoulder to see what he was reading.
Nanami shut his book. "Why would you do that?"
"What're you reading, porn?" Satoru said with a scowl, as Nanami put his book away.
"Answer the question Satoru," you chided, reaching over to your dresser to take out a sheet mask for Shoko.
"He'd die out on missions. He's better off as an assistant."
"Why would you do that to him?" Shoko asked. "He'd already barely gone out on missions last year."
"Duh," Satoru mocked. "Because he'd die if he went out on a mission for a curse higher than a fourth grade. You guys know I'm right."
You huffed. "Yeah, that's probably what's best for him, but you probably didn't put it very nicely."
Satoru shrugged, evading the accusation. "He's probably stuck doing paperwork. Which means there's room for one more today!"
"There's room for you any day," you reminded him. "However, you're rarely here. And I thought you were dealing with a special grade today."
"It was a first grade," Satoru huffed. "But it was in the North Pole, so that slowed me down a bit. It's really cold there, you know?"
"Sometimes I forget you didn't get elementary level schooling," Nanami deadpanned.
"And yet somehow he's about to be a parent," Shoko commented. "How's the adoption process going?"
"Yaga's dealing with most of it," Satoru answered, leaning his head back. "I don't even know if I'll have time to properly take care of them. They're like 6 and 7? They can function pretty well on their own by then, right?"
Everyone in the room instantly glared at Satoru, and he put his hands up in defence. "Okay, okay, I know, I was kidding. You guys think so little of me. But seriously you all better be good at babysitting, especially at random hours."
"Well, you're doing a good thing," you reassured him. "So of course, everyone's open to help." Satoru thanked you, genuinely sincere before quickly switching up and teasing Nanami for what he was reading. As the two argued, Shoko closed her eyes, falling back on your bed, and it made you think.
"Hey guys?" Shoko opened her eyes, looking over at you. The boys both turned their heads to look at you, clearly pondering something. "What are you planning on doing? After you graduate. And for a while after that?"
"What's bringing that question on?" Shoko asked.
"I mean, I don't know. Obviously the adopting part is going to be a big part of it. But what are we going to do?"
"I mean, there's not many options for a jujutsu sorcerer," Satoru reasoned. "I'll just keep going on missions as I'm assigned to them. That should keep me busy till I'm old. Shoko, you're a bit different right? You're too useful to leave as an assistant but your cursed technique doesn't really put you in a fighting stance."
"Yeah you're right," Shoko agreed. "Yaga talked to me about it back when I first got scouted, actually. I'll become a school doctor. I want to get my license first though. Y/N, you're continuing taking missions?"
"Yeah, of course," you answered. "Nanami, you too?"
"I don't know," Nanami scratched the back of his head. "Sometimes I feel like I'm going to quit. This sorcery shit is exhausting. And I've only been at it for three years. How did the two of you survive for this long?"
"Well I wasn't fighting curses at age 3."
"I was." You all glared at Satoru again. "What?! I'm Gojou Satoru! Of course I was kicking curses asses!"
"Alright well, back to the kids," you said. "You've met them, right? I'm sure they're gonna be hard to get along with at first; they've been through a lot, right? God, where were they even living before? What's wrong with Toji, how could he just completely ditch them?!"
Satoru placed a hand on your calf. "Alright, don't freak out. They live in this really crappy apartment. Apparently, they left them enough money for that. But the older girl did all the chores, and helped Megumi with it. Megumi collected water from places he'd found clean water, apparently, because they couldn't pay their water bill. And the lights don't work, so I'm guessing it will freeze or burn depending on the weather. We got them out of there immediately though. They're staying with Yaga right now."
"Why can't Yaga continue to do that?" Nanami asked. "Why does it have to be you who takes them in?"
"It doesn't have to be me," Satoru answered. "It's my choice. They're with us because it was my decision. So it should be my responsibility to make sure they're okay."
Nanami nodded. Shoko chuckled. "I'm surprised Satoru. You're sounding like a good person."
"I'm going to rip that mask off your face."
"Now that sounds like Sato-! No, wait, I have five more minutes!"
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littlewriters-posts · 10 months ago
Phoenix - Damon Salvatore
Part two of the request I got the other day
part one is here
Plot: Y/N comes to mystic falls as a foster kid, knowing nothing of the supernatural world. The catch? Y/N lost all her memories, of the past 150 years.
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Stefan had sworn both Elena and Damon to secrecy.
Damon had come storming in, his usual stony expression riddled with worry, interrupting Stefan and Elena, announcing the arrival of his old love - that somehow she had come back to life.
Elena was sceptical at first "Are you sure it's not just another doppelganger curse?" she asked, a frown on her face. The name rang bells in her head but she couldn't quite place why.
Stefan shook his head "No, she told Damon she had the Phoenix curse. Not too unsimilar from your one actually, apparently she when she dies she gets reborn again from the ashes, all memories wiped,"
"Except when she wore that necklace," Damon interjected "If we could just find it, we could get her memories back!"
And she would remember me, went unspoken.
Stefan sucked his teeth slightly. Part of him wanted to dismiss Damon's hope, but the other half recognized that this was the first ounce of humanity Damon had shown in years.
"What did you say her name was again?" Elena asked
"Y/N, L/N," Damon said "Apparently she's now living with your friend, the Bonnie," he raised his eyebrows at her, as if demanding an explanation.
Elena's eyes widened "Oh my god," she muttered to herself before turning back to Stefan "Bonnie said that her Grams had signed the papers to adopt this girl, Bonnie said it came out of nowhere. But then she died, and demanded that Bonnie's dad do it instead,"
"Y/N, from my time anyway, was very close to the Bennet witches," Stefan mused silently.
"Yeah they spent years looking for her, and failing," Damon added
Stefan then turned very serious "Damon if she is Y/N you cannot go near her. Remember she doesn't know you, and you don't want to scare her away,"
"I won't scare her away," Damon said looking mildly offended "I am the eternal stud, everyone loves me,"
Stefan rolled his eyes "We really need to find out if it is her first, or just some weird coincidence,"
"What so she can fall in love with some boring human?" Damon asked snidely.
Elena stood up, looking sympathetically at Damon, which he hated.
"Look she loved you once right? I'm sure she'll love you again," she reassured and Damon scoffed so she continued. "She'll be with Bonnie on Monday, I'll become friends with her first, then we can go from there,"
Damon grumbled, but seemed satisfied with that answer, and disappeared upstairs without another word.
Stefan walked up to Elena, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"As much as I hate to say it, he's not the same person he was when he first met her, and chances are she's exactly the same,"
Elena sighed "We'll see what she's like on Monday,"
Y/N was terrified. Dressed in her flares and green top that Bonnie had kindly bought for her, she faced herself in the mirror.
The thought of being in the same room as people she didn't know made her feel rather sick.
"You'll be fine," Bonnie reassured, leaning on the door "Come on, I'll drive you,"
Y/N nodded, brushing all negative thoughts out of her head as she followed her new friend out of the door.
She tried to focus on Bonnie's voice as she chatted at her, telling her all the school drama as if knowing that would help her fit in more with the rest of the group.
But all she could focus on was the outside world, and how different yet familiar it seemed to her.
"We're here," Bonnie announced "Come on, Elena and Caroline are meeting us inside,"
Y/N nodded, giving the other girl a grateful smile. Bonnie had already told her everything about the two others girls, Elena was the sweet one who's parents died in a car crash, and Caroline was slightly outspoken, but lovely when you got to know her.
Elena hadn't told her friends about Damon's history with the new girl, for some reason it didn't seem right. She didn't want to taint anyone's view of the girl before they met her.
Y/N hid behind Bonnie slightly, as they approached the two girls who were waving excitedly at them.
Caroline was quick to embrace Y/N in a hug "Oh I am so excited you're here! It's about time we got some new people in this town,"
Elena rolled her eyes with a smile "It's nice to meet you," she said
As Elena studied Y/N she couldn't help but think that she was nothing like she imagined. She pictured someone meddlesome, someone stony faced and cold hearted like Damon not - not this.
Elena watched as Y/N gave a shy smile, her head held high but fidgeting fingers giving away her nerves.
She reminded her of a baby deer...or lamb...or maybe an otter. Something vulnerable.
"How are you finding it? Have you ever been to school before?" Caroline asked. Elena smacked her arm
"Caroline!" she exclaimed and Caroline looked sheepish.
Y/N shook her head with a smile "It's okay, I don't mind answering questions. I - I actually have amnesia, I don't remember anything until I reached about sixteen? Then I was home-schooled by my foster mom,"
Caroline stared at her with wide eyes "So you've never been to a party?"
Y/N shrugged "I mean I might have done, I just won't remember it,"
"Well you're in luck, the founders ball is soon!" Caroline practically squealed "I won Miss Mystic Falls last year, so I can help pick out your dress!"
Y/N hesitated, the thought of entering the hall with yet more people was giving her heart palpations, but she also wanted to make friends.
"Sure, when?" she asked with a smile
"How about Saturday?" Caroline asked and Y/N looked to Bonnie for help.
"We'll be there," Bonnie reassured and Y/N sighed with relief, at least there would be somebody she knew.
"What class have you got first?" Caroline asked, reading Y/N scheduled over her shoulder "Oh no fair! You'll be with Elena and Bonnie," she sighed dramatically.
"ooo History with Mr Tanner, good luck," Elena said, giving Y/N a smile "He's evil,"
Y/N laughed "Surely he can't be that bad,"
Y/N was wrong.
Not only did Mr Tanner sit her at the back in between a boy called Matt Donavon, he also sat her behind another boy called Stefan Salvatore, who was so tall she had very little hope to see the board in-front of the class.
And then he had the audacity to ask her question's in-front of the entire class.
She was quite sure he face was utterly red, and Stefan turned round to face her, making the redness worse.
"It's okay, he did that to me the first time as well, he's a dick," he reassured and Y/N felt the sudden urge to hide under her desk.
"Thankyou," she whispered, her eyes lowering to her paper and Stefan gave her a soft smile, trying not to show his concern.
If he had any doubts now they were sealed. He only knew one person who looked that panicked when talking to people, and he could recognize that face anywhere.
Unfortunate it meant she was still the same person that she was before, and Damon wasn't.
After history Y/N was grateful to Caroline, who talked her ear off on who was hot and who was not, although she found herself growing weary of the constant chatter and found her gaze wandering across the courtyard.
A large crow caught her eye, as it stared at her unblinkingly.
"We're going to the Grill after school wanna come?" Bonnie asked, cutting Caroline off her rant as she did so.
"I'd love that," Y/N said softly, breaking her gaze from the bird.
"What have you got next?" Elena asked
"Er - maths," Y/N replied, checking her schedule.
"Ah shoot, we've all got Biology," Bonnie said sympathetically
"It's okay, Stefan has maths, he can show you the way!" Elena interjected, smiling at her friend.
Y/N grimaced, as much as she didn't have anything against the boy, she'd take getting lost as appose to having to strike up a conversation with a stranger.
"I don't want to bother him," she said quietly.
Elena shook her head, before waving Stefan over from where he sat on the bench.
"You'll like him, he's quiet like you," Caroline reassured and Bonnie rolled her eyes.
"Ignore her," she said smiling apologetically.
"What did I say?" Caroline frowned, but Y/N smiled.
"It's okay, I get what she meant."
Caroline smiled from ear to ear. She often felt out of place, constantly saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or saying it the wrong way and getting reprimanded. But Y/N made her feel understood.
"Do you mind walking Y/N to maths?" Elena asked Stefan as he approached.
"Sure," he shrugged "I'll make sure you don't get lost,"
Y/N smiled gratefully, not quite meeting his eyes before waving goodbye to her friends and following alongside him.
"How are you finding your first day?" he asked eventually, noticing her fidgeting hands immediately.
"It's okay, just a lot of people," she shrugged, glancing around at the people shoving past her and she shrank a little.
"Must be overwhelming," he mused thinking slightly "You know there's a graveyard not far from here - sounds dark but I find it's the only place you can really get some peace and quiet,"
Y/N looked up at him, for the first time meeting his eyes. "Thankyou," she said earnestly. "I've only got a half day today, something about adjusting to school life, so I might go after then - where is it?"
"Turn right out of school, go down the road to the old bridge and turn left," Stefan said simply as Y/N hurried to jot it down.
Someone with her sense of direction had to be prepared.
"Great and er - how do I get to the Grill from there?" she asked nervously.
Stefan didn't judge "Follow the middle path into the woods, keep going and then go left at the second turning. Turn right when you get to the old building. Just follow that path and it'll lead you back to the street,"
She thanked him again, feeling slightly relieved that she wouldn't have to navigate it without help, nor would she have to ask a complete stranger.
After Maths, Y/N bid goodbye to the younger Salvatore brother, before texting the girls where she was going, and that she would meet them at the grill later. With Stefan's direction's written down, she was sure she wouldn't get lost, and too her relief she didn't.
So there she sat, next to a random grave, her head resting against the cool stone.
In her hands lay a notebook, the date marked clearly at the top as she jotted her thoughts down.
Her doctor had suggested a diary, after losing your memory for no apparent reason there was no evidence to suggest it wouldn't happen again.
She didn't notice Damon watched her from the shadows, a pained look on his face. He hated the way she looked so tense, her fingers often pulling at the strands of hair that had escaped the messy braid. He could even smell the blood that came from her bitten lips.
But what he hated most was how she was exactly the same. The same slight crease between the brows, the same nervous fidget patten, the same soft hum as she wrote.
It was like she had never changed, like nothing had ever changed her.
He wanted to speak to her, even for a moment but he stopped himself. She hadn't changed, but he had. Even if she did, even if she could, remember him, would she still love him after learning everything he had done? Everyone he had killed?
Would she be able to see past the scars he's obtained and his bloody hands and still be able to see him?
He didn't know. And that killed him.
So there in the shadows he stayed, watching and praying that she would be kept safe.
Y/N shut her book with a sigh, stuffing it back in her bag. She glanced at her phone and saw that it was time to go, surprised that she had been this long.
But it was nice, the quiet, it made her feel whole again.
"Right, to the Grill we go," she muttered, biting her lip slightly.
She slung her bag over her shoulder and started walking down the middle path. She was unaware the Damon was still watching her with the same pained expression.
She came to the turning and abruptly turning, feeling rather pleased with herself as she did so for not getting lost.
As she walked she took out the slip of paper she had jotted the directions down in, and to her absolute horror the ink had smudged.
"Oh no. Oh nononono," she muttered, looking around herself in horror. She remembered something about turning near a building but what building was that?
She turned, telling herself she would just go back the way she came and ask for help, before realising the path she was walking down was a forked path and she couldn't remember which one she had taken.
"Oh crap crap crap," she whispered.
She felt the air around her grow colder, her lungs fighting for air as she tried not to panic. She'd been lost before, she'd be fine. It's not like Mystic Falls was dangerous.
Behind his hiding place, Damon cursed himself. He looked at her panic stricken face, the face he'd seen a thousand times before when she was forced into social situations, and felt his heart tug slightly.
"You lost?"
Y/N whirled around, her eyes wide and heart pounding, before coming face to face with the man she met her first night of Mystic Falls.
"Damon?" she questioned, frowning slightly "What are you doing here?"
He shrugged, walking towards her trying to look as non threatening as possible. "I like it here, it's quiet,"
Y/N relaxed slightly "Stefan said the same thing - you're related aren't you? Same last name and all,"
Damon smirked slightly "Brothers," he responded. "So are you lost?"
Y/N's cheeks reddened slightly, a slight pout on her lower lip "If I say no, will you save me my dignity but help me anyway?"
Damon laughed "So you've got an abysmal sense of direction, it's not the worst thing to be bad at - come on, it's this way,"
"How do you know where I'm going?" she asked
Damon froze for a second before recovering "Stefan's going to the Grill too, I just assumed,"
Y/N shrugged, falling comfortably into step besides him. She couldn't tell what it was, but she felt more at ease with him than anyone she'd met so far at Mystic Falls. Like she already knew him.
"They go out a lot, I don't know how they do it," she mused, covering up a yawn.
Damon eyed her carefully, not wanting to come off like he was staring but also unable to tear his gaze away from her.
"You could just not go?" he offered but she shook her head.
"I can't, I need to go to the Grill anyway to ask about any jobs they've got going there," she sighed "These girls love shopping,"
Damon frowned "Job? Aren't you a little young to have to work? You should be out their partying," he smirked.
Y/N wrinkled her nose "Plenty people my age work Damon, I'm not a child. Besides, I don't have any family money...or any family and once I turn eighteen I don't get any support anymore,"
Damon said nothing at first. Money had never been an issue for him, he was a Salvatore after all, and his powers of persuasion meant he could get anything he wanted if he was smart about it. But she was just playing a human over and over again, with nothing to fall back on.
"Well I'm sure you'll find something," he said finally "Mystic Falls is fully of rich people, which mean nobody wants to work," he said amusedly and Y/N laughed.
"Alright Miss Y/N, you're here," Damon announced waving his hand in-front of his as if she would miss The Grill building right in-front of her.
"Thankyou so much Damon, that's twice you've helped me out now - I can't thank you enough," Y/N said sweetly, smiling up at him.
Damon swore he felt his dead heart stop.
"It's no problem - just do me a favour and don't tell my brother. He doesn't like me much,"
Y/N didn't question it as she waved goodbye to him and stepped into the restaurant to meet her friends.
Damon watched her through the window, still not wanting to tear his eyes away from her. His attention soon diverted to the bar manager coming out the store for his smoke break.
Within a flash Damon was next to him, forcing the man to look him dead in the eye as he did so.
"You are going to accept Y/N L/N into whatever job she wants, with whatever hours she requires and pay her double for working weekends," he said lowly.
Compulsion really was handy.
In the bar, Y/N was laughing with Caroline, the other two not appearing yet.
"So who's your date going to be?" Caroline asked gleefully, "I mean you don't have to have one, but you also kinda do if you want to go for Miss Mystic Falls," she added.
Y/N shrugged "I don't really know anyone Caroline, I'm quite happy just to watch and support you,"
Caroline's features softened slightly "You're so sweet," she gushed "Elena and Bonnie don't really like it, they think it's old fashioned,"
"Well it is," Y/N pointed out "But just because something is traditionally feminine doesn't mean you can't enjoy it,"
Caroline smiled "See this is why I like you, you just get it. So tell me, any cute guys caught your eyes yet?"
Y/N shook her head with a smile "Is that all that goes on through your head?" she asked.
Caroline shrugged "You'd only say that if you were deflecting!" she pointed out "Spill,"
"There isn't! I've met like, three guys since I've been here, one of the is Elena's boyfriend and the other is her ex!"
"So who's the third?" Caroline asked, her eyes widening.
Y/N blinked - she hadn't expected Caroline to catch onto that little detail. She gulped slightly, the feeling of tightness returning to her chest. Damon hadn't wanted Stefan to know about him helping her - and Caroline would surely tell him. But she also didn't want to lie.
"Oh erm...I met him on my first day. I got lost finding Bonnie's house and he helped me,"
Caroline clapped her hands together "Oh my goodness! What did he look like, was he hot? What was his name?"
Y/N laughed slightly, amused by the blonde's actions "I don't know, he was tall, dark hair. Really sweet,"
"Oh I bet it was Tyler! You know he's been staring at you all day," Caroline gushed and Y/N blinked.
"Tyler?" she questioned the name foreign on her tongue.
Caroline nodded "Yeah he's on the football team! A bit of a douche but when he likes you he's just the sweetest,"
Y/N nodded slightly, her gaze shifting round the bar "Does anyone at school work?" she asked nervously and Caroline's gaze shifted into one of sympathy.
"Yeah, Matt actually works here. And Tyler sometimes helps his dad with Mayor stuff,"
Y/N nodded, the gnawing pit in her stomach growing slightly. She hadn't even considered that people would look down on her for having a job before Damon's tone of voice told her otherwise.
"But don't worry, no one will care. A girl called Vicky used to work here, and nobody picked on her for having a job," Caroline reassured
Y/N then spotted the manager who was heading back to the bar. "Oop - there he is - wish me luck!"
"Good luck sweetie, hope you get it!"
As Y/N walked over, she mustered the courage to actually look the man in the eyes as she spoke to him, hoping that forcing herself to make eye contact would help.
"Hi," she gave a small awkward wave "I'm Y/N L/N, I was just wondering if you had any waitressing jobs going,"
The Managers eyes seem to shift a little, before he responded with a great smile on his face "Of course! Someone just left today so we have an opening. We can fit the hours around you, and you get double when you work on weekends,"
"Oh!" exclaimed Y/N, not expecting it to be that easy. In fact she was kind of upset since she had a whole speech written on how she would be a great worker. "Oh great, when can I start?" she asked.
"How about next Wednesday? Wednesdays are the quietist days, so we'll have plenty of time to show you the ropes,"
Y/N tried to hide her excitement "Great - thankyou so much!" she called over her shoulder as she practically raced back to the table.
Bonnie and Elena had arrived, sitting down in the vacant seats.
"Did you get it?" Caroline asked and Y/N nodded happily. The girls applauded her, giving her hugs and for the first time Y/N felt truly in place.
"What you can still come shopping with us right?" Elena asked worriedly and Y/N nodded,
"Yeah he said I start on Wednesday and I can pick my hours," Y/N said, taking a sip of her drink.
"Nice," Elena said approvingly "Well done Y/N,"
Y/N blushed a little "Thank Elena,"
Non of them noticed Damon, sat in the corner facing away from them, a small smile on his face.
Saturday rolled around sooner than Y/N had expected and she found herself slightly dreading it. As much as she loved her friends, they were richer than she was and whilst they would be looking at the prettiest dress, she would be looking at the price tag that came with it.
But as she entered the dress shop with her friends, all thoughts soon vanished as she laughed at Caroline's dramatics.
"I wish we could of found you a date - you would have had such a great shot at winning," Caroline said sadly but Y/N shrugged.
"I'd rather just sit and watch then have to dance with somebody I don't know," she replied.
"Well still...I'm going to try this dress on!" she announced picking up a blue number.
Elena patted Y/N shoulder "Ignore her, it doesn't really matter," she reassured. "Which one should I try on?" she then asked, holding up two almost identical dresses.
"Both of them," Y/N replied simply "We've got all day haven't we - and Bonnie why don't you try that green one over there, you'd look stunning!"
Bonnie smiled, grabbing the green dress to change.
It was then a dress in the corner corner caught Y/N's eye, it was a dusty purple, the slight jewels encrusting the top. It was beautiful.
She glanced at the tag.
Way out of her price range.
"Would you like to try it on?" The shopkeeper asked gently but Y/N shook her head.
"No it's okay, it's way out of my budget anyway,"
The shopkeeper bit her lip, "You can try it on anyways, no harm in a little dress up,"
Y/N looked at her hopefully.
The shopkeeper nodded with a smile and Y/N's smile brightened, as she rushed into the changing room.
The dress fit her perfectly, hugging her figure in all the right places before flaring at the bottom. The colour seemed to make her skin glow.
Too bad it was too expensive.
"Come on, let us see!" Caroline begged and Y/N sighed, opening the curtain and letting the girls squeal over it.
"Oh it fit's you perfectly!" Bonnie remarked "You need to get it,"
Y/N shook her head with a smile "And buy the first dress I try on?" she responded, not wanting to tell them that it was simply too expensive.
"See - she get's it," Caroline said with a laugh "No go change so we can try more stuff on," she pulled the curtain back over her friend.
She sighed, wriggling out of the dress with difficulty before placing it back on the hanger.
She handed it to the shopkeeper with a smile.
"It was beautiful but I just can't afford it," she said sadly.
The shopkeeper nodded understandingly "We have a sale section over there if you'd like?"
Y/N nodded, before spotting Caroline sorting through many dresses in her arms.
"Got enough there Caroline?" she asked amusedly and the blonde sighed in exasperation.
"I just don't know which one to pick, I wore blue when I won last year, but I've already worn blue," she tutted putting the blue dress back on the rails. "You found anything yet?" she asked.
Y/N thought back to the purple dress, but didn't want her friend to pity her.
"No, I might come back another day," she said softly. Or to another cheaper shop she added in her head.
"I'm starving, shall we go to the grill?" Bonnie asked.
"We go there all the time, I'm sick of chips and the smell of beer," Caroline whined. "Can't we go back the the Salvatore house, they always have great snacks,"
Elena hesitated. Her and Stefan were trying everything they could to keep Damon from doing something rash, and that meant trying to keep Y/N away from him.
"I'm actually kind of tired," Elena said, yawning. "Why don't we go to that smoothie place downtown and then we can all go home?"
That seemed to go down well with the rest of the group, and Caroline quickly bought Y/N's smoothie before the other two could notice, and before she could protest.
"Don't worry about it," she brushed off when Y/N tried to pay her back, so the girl just sipped her smoothie in peace.
When Y/N arrived home, she was utterly exhausted from the full day, and was about to collapse on the bed when she noticed a parcel on it.
She frowned, wondering who on earth would have put it there. She's been with the girls all day and Bonnie's dad was away on business.
Perhaps Elena had Stefan drop it off, or maybe Bonnie had snuck in whilst Y/N was downstairs.
She opened the box carefully and gasped.
Inside it was the same dusty purple dress she had tried on in the shop.
She gingerly took it from the box, looking everywhere for some kind of tag to say who it was from but there was nothing.
"Bonnie?" she called uncertainly, not knowing whether or not to be excited about it.
Bonnie came in, fresh out the shower and drying her hair. "You o - oh you bought it!" she gushed remarking at the dress.
But Y/N shook her head.
"No I couldn't afford it, it was just here when I got back,"
Bonnie frowned "Oh...maybe Caroline bought it for you then? You know what she's like,"
"Yeah," Y/N echoed staring at the mystery dress "Do you think I should wear it?"
Bonnie nodded "I mean it would be rude not to, and it is a beautiful dress. Besides what harm could a dress do?"
Y/N shrugged, putting the dress on the hanger and hanging it outside her wardrobe, admiring it in the light, before a tap on the window startled her.
She whirled around, only to see a crow staring at her unblinking through the glass pane.
"Oh shit," Bonnie muttered, her eyes wide "Y/N I'm just gonna make a phone call okay?" she said quickly, before practically running out of the room.
But Y/N attention was on the bird as she opened her window for it.
"You hungry?" she asked and threw the bird a bit of bread. It just stared at her some more, before flying away. She shrugged, closing the window.
Back at the Salvatore household, Elena and Stefan rounded on Damon with narrowed eyes.
"Tell me why Y/N has just received a dress that she didn't buy, but was trying on earlier today?" she asked with raised eyebrows.
Damon scoffed "I don't owe you an explanation," he said snidely.
Elena shook her head "You need to stay away from her Damon, she doesn't remember you. You're just going to end up hurting yourself,"
Damon shook his head "I didn't go near her did I? I bought her a dress that she wanted, and she doesn't even know it was me. Tell her Caroline bought it, she's always doing stuff like that,"
Stefan had so far said nothing, not even when Elena turned to him for backup. Instead he was looking at his brother with a saddened expression.
"It's okay," he finally said with a sigh "I mean, it's not like he's hurting her,"
Elena pursed her lips, not wanting to admit that she simply just didn't trust Damon around her new friend. But she had to admit, she met Damon when he was at his worst, and Y/N originally met him when he was still human.
Damon said nothing, but carried his bottle of bourbon up to his room.
"Maybe they should meet," Stefan said lowly "I mean, he's not going to kill her,"
Elena shook her head "So he can take his pain out on other people when she doesn't fall in love with him? You said so yourself, Damon's a monster - and Y/N just doesn't seem like the type to deal with that,"
Stefan stared into the fire, a thoughtful expression on his face. "What if they met here? That way we could keep an eye on Damon, make sure he doesn't do anything too rash, but at least he wouldn't be secretly trying to see her without us knowing,"
"Okay," Elena nodded, "But after the founder's ball next week, I can only focus on so many things at once,"
Y/N found herself in two minds over the founders ball. On the one hand, it was quite exciting to be getting dressed up and ready with her new found friends, but on the other hand, it was a long day to be around people.
She tried to push that thought out of her mind until Bonnie said,
"We're all having an after party at the Salvatore's, so I'll drive you there after,"
Y/N tried not to show her grimace "Do I need to bring spare clothes?" she asked and Bonnie shrugged.
"I'm pretty sure Caroline will change into another dress, but me and Elena will be going casual so it's up to you,"
Y/N then crammed a skirt and jumper into her bag, with some joggers in case it got too cold.
After Bonnie helped her tie the corset laces on her dress, the sudden restriction of breath was noticeable but not uncomfortable.
"You look stunning," Bonnie reassured, seeing the fleeting look o nerves overtake her friends face. "Now listen, I'm driving but me and Elena and Caroline all have to go upstairs because of the Miss Mystic Falls thingy, but we'll come find you as soon as we can okay?"
Y/N nodded, deciding against speaking for the fear that the nerves would make her be sick. She was nervous, and she didn't even have a part to play.
She was grateful for the three girls as they all chatted in the car, meaning that she didn't have too, and even as they left to go upstairs, Y/N gave them a small smile and wished them good luck.
Now what.
She glanced around the room, feeling suddenly very small as she realised she didn't really know anybody in there. She settled by grabbing a glass of champagne that she knew she wouldn't drink and settling in the corner, watching everyone go by in their dresses.
She watched and clapped as one by one the elected girls descended the stairs, each one getting an applause before moving to the middle of the room.
"That's a beautiful dress," Came a voice, and Y/N jumped slightly, turning towards the sound of the voice. Her demeanour relaxed slightly as she realised who it was.
"Hello Damon," she said, her smile more genuine. "And thankyou, I'm not entirely sure who got it for me, but I love it,"
Damon said nothing, but a small smile played on his lips.
"You don't look to be enjoying yourself," he acknowledged and she sighed.
"I know, I'm just...I hate crowds," she admitted "I'm so glad you're here, finally a face I recognize,"
Damon stared at her a little, the want to let all of his emotions tumble off his tongue was great, but he knew that it would be a disaster if he did so.
"You owe me a favour, Since I have rescued you what - twice now?" he asked teasingly.
Y/N rolled her eyes "Alright Mr Salvatore, what do you want?" she went along playfully.
"A dance," he replied simply, extending his hand and she laughed nervously.
"I'm a terrible dancer, I don't think I've ever even learnt!" she exclaimed but Damon's blue eyes met her wide ones and she relented a little.
"I'll lead you," he replied gently, taking her hand in his own. "Come on,"
Y/N accepted his hand, gracefully walking to the middle where more couples were now dancing with the original girls.
"This is going to be so embarrassing," she muttered, her eyes darting around as she saw that other people were watching her.
"Hey - look at me," Damon commanded, his tone soft. So she did, his blue eyes staring into her own and she felt her breath hitch slightly. There was something ever so familiar about them, like a safeness that she couldn't quite place, like somewhere she had been before but couldn't quite remember.
And they were dancing, in sync and ever so graceful, neither one of them ever breaking eye-contact with each other.
"Oh my god, is that Y/N with Damon?" Caroline ran up to Elena, horrified and Elena nodded with a grimace.
"It's complicated," Elena whispered back to her friend. "We think Y/N used to be an old friend of his - well old girlfriend - back when Damon was human. But she disappeared, and now she's back. And here's the catch - she doesn't remember any of it,"
Caroline's eyes widened "Y/N a vampire?" she whispered in shock but Elena shook her head.
"No she's cursed, every time she dies she get's born back into the same body, with no memory of the life before,"
Caroline looked at Damon, narrowing her eyes "If I didn't hate him so much I'd feel sorry for him - do you think he still loves her?"
Elena nodded with a sigh "Stefan said he never stopped looking for her after she disappeared,"
Bonnie grimaced "Can we please stop feeling sorry for Mr Killer over there, he's literally killed people Elena. We can't let him have Y/N, we both know he's end up hurting her,"
But as the trio watched Y/N and Stefan dance, even Caroline who hated Damon the most, couldn't help but admit the softness in his eyes when he looked at Y/N. Like a humanity that wasn't there before.
"You're an excellent dancer," Damon remarked, pulling her to the side after the song ended.
"I was only following you," she laughed, "Also why do all these drinks have alcohol in, what's wrong with something that actually taste nice," she said bitterly, setting down a champagne glass with a wrinkled nose.
"I'll get you something," Damon reassured "Wait here,"
Y/N didn't have chance to tell him that he didn't have to, he was already gone.
"I do hope my brother wasn't bothering you," Came the voice of Stefan Salvatore as he walked over to her.
She shook her head "No, he's actually really sweet," she said with a soft smile, glancing back to where he had gone too. "He's actually gone to get me drink since I don't like champagne,"
Stefan raised his eyebrows but didn't comment further on the matter, not daring to spoil her image of his brother.
"Where's Elena?" she asked.
"Gone to find her brother I think," Stefan glanced around to spot his girlfriend who was indeed chatting to her little brother. "I'm driving you all to the afterparty now, but I'm coming back for him because there's no room in the car,"
"I thought Bon was driving?" Y/N asked with a frown but Stefan shook his head.
"She's already drinking," he said amusedly
"No worried Brother, I'll take her," Damon had come back, standing besides Y/N and staring at his brother with an emotion Y/N couldn't quite place. "Got you some orange juice," he said, giving her a slightly smile. She thanked him.
Stefan hesitated, not wanting to start a scene, but also not having an excuse ready.
"Alright," he finally said after staring his brother back some more "We're leaving in ten minutes,"
Stefan then left, and Y/N eyed the que to the toilets with distaste. She didn't fancy waiting in the line just to get changed like many of the other girls were.
"Can we go back sooner?" Y/N asked, and Damon turned back to her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
"And why would you want that?" he asked and Y/N's cheeks burned.
"No - I didn't mean-" she stuttered slightly before gathering her thought's and frowning at him "I just want to get changed," she said defiantly.
Damon laughed "Relax I'm just messing with you, come on before Stefan think's I'm kidnapping you,"
Y/N rolled her eyes, put picked up her skirts so they wouldn't trail on the floor, before picking up her bags that she had left in the cloakroom. Or tried to, before Damon took them from her.
"And who would I be if I let a lady carry her own bags," he asked, raising his eyebrows.
She curtseyed playfully "Well thankyou Mr Salvatore," she said mockingly, a slight blush blossoming her cheeks.
She didn't understand why, but she felt more comfortable around Damon than anyone else she had met so far, except perhaps Elena, and she had been around him the least.
But there was something utterly familiar about him.
He gave her a cocky grin before opening the car door for her.
"How long are you going to keep up this gentleman act?" she asked as he got in the drivers seat. He put a hand on his chest in mock offense.
"What makes you think it's an act?" he asked, and Y/N laughed, which was quickly followed by a yawn. "You're sure you're up for a party?" he asked.
Y/N nodded, her head resting against the window watching the scenery drive by.
"Thank-you for being so kind to me," she said, glancing at him. His fingers tightened one the wheel slightly.
"You're welcome," was all he said. As she turned away, he tried desperately not to look at her, not to wear his heart on his sleeve like she wore hers.
"Welcome to the Salvatore party," he said when he arrived "Bathrooms down the hall, go right then wa-I'll show you," he said, realising that she would probably get lost.
He then noticed the slight frown on her face "What's wrong," he asked, concerned.
She shook her head "Nothing, It just looks really familiar,"
Damon shrugged "Looks like any old museum I guess,"
She smiled at him as he opened the door to the bathroom, shutting it behind her as she entered.
"Be quick, or I'll miss you too much," he called out and smiled to himself when he heard her laugh.
In the bathroom, Y/N was quick to get dressed, the only problem being she couldn't quite reach the laced up corset and she groaned.
Stepping timidly out of the bathroom she spotted Damon who was leaning against the wall, staring into space.
"Damon?" she asked, and he turned to her with raised eyebrows. "Ca you help untie me please?"
He froze for a second as she lifted her hair, turning her back to him.
His fingers danced carefully over her skin, the temptation to hold her almost overwhelming but he cleared his throat and pushed that thought out of his head.
He carefully undid all the silk ties, letting him fall beneath his fingers. Y/N clasped the front of the dress tightly, so not to let it fall down.
"There you go," Damon said quietly, almost whispering. Y/N turned to him, almost bumping noses with how close they were.
"Thankyou," she replied softly, glancing into his blue eyes as they studied her own, before clearing her throat and returning to the bathroom to get dressed once more.
Damon leant on the wall his hands rubbing his head.
He needed to get a grip he decided.
Y/N changed into the miniskirt that Elena had leant her, with an oversized jumper that barely brushed the bottom of the skirt.
"Okay I'm all ready," she announced and Damon smiled lazily at her.
"About time, the party is about to get started." he said, leading her away and to where numerous people were already standing and Y/N felt herself shrink behind him slightly.
"Y/N!" Elena announced, grabbing her friend by the arm and leading her away from Damon with a glare to the man. Damon watched, biting the urge to follow her down.
Y/N looked back to him, looking slightly regretful and giving him a soft smile, which he raised his glass too.
"So you and Damon?" Bonnie questioned, raising her eyebrows.
Y/N felt her skin burn slightly "He's really sweet," she said quietly
Caroline screwed her nose up "But-Damon seriously? He's such a dick,"
Elena rolled her eyes "Maybe he just really likes Y/N," she said pointedly to Caroline, who pursed her lips slightly.
For the rest of the night the girls kept a close eye on Y/N, not wanting her to see Damon but also not wanting her too suspect anything. However as the night drew on, the girls got more drunk, and Y/N remained sober allowing her to slip away.
It's not that she wanted away from them in particular, but the crowds were getting far too much for her.
So she found herself wandering the halls of the Salvatore building, the vague familiarity of it making her head spin a little. Her fingers ran down the walls as she walked, feeling the old wallpaper beneath her fingers.
She came to the double doors, and something in the back of her mind was begging her to open it, so she did and gasped.
A library.
It was beautiful, with even a seating area near an old fireplace and rows and rows of books.
She marvelled at the sheer amount, before picking a random one and collapsing on the sofa that was there. It didn't take her long to get comfy, curling up against the arm, the book on her lap.
Back at the party, Damon was looking for her, the slight worry settling in his heart.
He cornered Elena, frowning at her "Where's Y/N?" he demanded "I thought you wanted to keep her safe,"
Elena looked around "I thought she went to find you," she said, the worry edging into her voice, barely audible over the slurring of her words as she danced with an empty cup in her hands.
Damon glowered at her, if it was anybody else she would have had her throat ripped out, but he stopped himself.
"Guess I'll go find her," he said sharply.
It was then the thought occurred to him that Y/N said she found the place familiar, and he was sure that apart from in 1864, she had never stepped foot in the building.
And where did she go whenever there was a party?
The library.
He almost laughed when he saw her, curled up against the arm of the sofa, a book in her lap and utterly oblivious to the world around her.
"We were worried about you," he said smoothly, trying to mask the dying worry in his voice.
Y/N looked up with wide eyes, quickly shutting the book and scrambling to her feet. "Oh God I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. It's just...you have a library in your house," she said weakly, looking embarrassed.
Damon waved her off "You're welcome to use it any time you like, the door is always open,"
Y/N smiled gratefully at him, sitting back down in the seat.
Damon watched as she read, the uncanny similarity between now and when he first met her almost to real to bare. Yet she didn't know him now, just like she didn't know him then.
But maybe she didn't need to remember him, maybe he could get her to fall in love with him a second time.
Y/N shivered slightly, even her thin jumper not quite enough to protect her from the coldness of the large house, especially since the room itself was so big.
Damon eyed her "You look exhausted, want me to take you home?" he asked sincerely.
Y/N shook her head "I can't, Bonnie has the house keys and god knows where she is,"
"You're more than welcome to stay here," Damon said softly and Y/N looked up at him in surprise.
"I wouldn't want to intrude," she declined but Damon shook his head at her.
"It's a boarding house Y/N, we have tons of spare bedrooms for exactly that reason,"
Y/N bit her lip, her eyes downcast as she considered her options. "Only if you're sure," she said finally and Damon resisted the urge to celebrate.
"Come on then sleepy, up to bed," Damon said smirking slightly, helping out of her cozy position on the sofa. She groaned softly as she felt her joints click, but the warmth of Damon's hand in her own made it all worth it.
"Do we have to go through the party?" she whispered as she exited the library.
"God no, Elena would kill me," Damon said mindlessly.
"Why?" Y/N asked curiously and Damon froze, realising what he just said.
"I can be a dick," he responded after a beat. He didn't want to go any further, unsure on what she already knew, and the fear that she would then hate him was evident.
Y/N shrugged "Well, at least you admit it," she said a smile "First step to recovery I guess,"
Damon scoffed "I do not need to recover,"
Y/N bit her lip to stop herself from laughing, which Damon noticed with a slight smile. He opened one of the doors, allowing her to step inside.
"You should find everything you need in here, there's an en-suite so you won't get lost trying to find the bathroom, and there will be some clothes you can sleep in," he said in mischievous tone, a suggestive joke on the tip of his tongue but for some reason he stopped himself before he could say it.
"Thankyou Damon, really," Y/N said sincerely, after marvelling at the room.
Damon nodded at her with a smile, before going to close the door as he left.
"Damon?" Y/N asked, and he popped his head round the door lazily, his blue eyes never leaving hers. "For what it's worth, I like you,"
Damon felt his heart leap into his chest. It wasn't a love confession, he knew that, but she liked him. She wanted to be his friend, and that was a step in the right direction.
"I like you too sleepy, now get some sleep,"
Y/N nodded with a smile, staring at the door as he closed it behind him.
Part of her wanted him to stay, but the other part was content knowing she'd see him in the morning.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months ago
Patri Guijarro x Hardersson!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Patri teases your girlfriend
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"And this is one of her eating a plushie. And this is one of-"
"Patri," Talia says," Seriously, stop. You're embarrassing me."
"Good," Patri says, nodding her head," As your sister-"
"We're literally cousins."
"-It's my job to embarrass you around your girlfriend." She winks. "And show her just how out of your league she is."
Talia rolls her eyes, arms crossed as she sags on Patri's sofa.
You laugh a little bit, reaching out to squeeze your girlfriend's knee.
"And this is Talia when we went ice skating when she was little. We took Pina with us and she wiped us both out."
Pina yells out her outrage from the kitchen but doesn't come out to defend herself. She's been slaving out the stove for the whole day trying out some new recipe for lunch.
It hasn't been going well and none of you are going to tell her you've already ordered lunch until it turns up.
It's safer that way.
The burnt smell was really taking over the room which is why Patri busted out the old photo albums to distract you.
"Oh! I like this one!" Talia leans over you to point and you smile. "It was when I was little. At one of Patri's matches."
"Frido's there," Patri says, pointing out your aunt to you.
"And I'm there." You point.
The room goes silent.
"What?" Talia sputters.
You frown. "That's me. Right there. See?"
The picture is old but it was captured on a good quality camera so it doesn't look like it's faded at all.
In the foreground is Patri and Talia. Talia's little in it, maybe around four or five.
Patri looks hot and sweaty, straight off of the pitch after a match. She's got Talia up on her hip, both of them doing a big thumbs up to the camera.
In the background is the rest of the team, most of them are blurry but a few of them are more in focus.
Pina stands a little to the left, head half turned as she talks to someone just out of view. To the right is your aunt Frido.
It looks like she's grinning but she's a bit too far away to know that for sure.
Next to her, is you.
You're little like Talia is, still just a kid but you'd seen enough photos of yourself at that age to be able to tell that it's you.
Frido's hand is on your head, ruffling your hair and you're wearing her Barcelona shirt.
It's funny to think that so many years later, she wears your Barcelona shirt instead.
"That's you?!" Talia asks," But...But...What?!"
"Yeah, that's me," You confirm, nodding," What's so shocking about it?"
"But that's you! And that's me!"
"But...We were so close to each other! How come we never met?"
You laugh at Talia's astounded face. "I'm very shy," You tease," I was probably scared. And, you know, language barrier. We wouldn't have been able to communicate."
Talia pouts and Patri laughs.
"Maybe it's better this way," She says," Otherwise you'd have been pining after her since childhood. How many more sappy letters would you have written in that time?"
Talia's face turns red and you grin.
"Sappy letters?"
"Don't listen to h-"
"So many sappy letters!" Patri seems delighted to have more things to embarrass Talia with. "For a moment, I thought she would start writing poetry."
"Shut up! You're so annoying!"
But, of course, Patri didn't shut up. She rarely did when the alternative was embarrassing Talia so thoroughly.
"She didn't know your address so she never sent them but I'm sure she would have. She really poured out her heart."
"Oh, yeah? What did they say?"
Patri clears her throat. "Your eyes are-"
"That's enough!"
Talia launches herself over your body to tackle Patri to the ground, the two of them wrestling on the ground.
"Fuck!" You hear from the kitchen right as the fire alarm goes off.
The doorbell rings. The food is here.
You smile, snapping a photo of the picture, sending it off to your aunt as you pick your way through the carnage to get to the food.
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wileys-russo · 9 months ago
Hi if its not too much trouble can we get a hc of alexia coming back from the meeting and finding pollito with only 1 eyebrow with a smug mapi with the razor
in the pollito universe with stuck, tiny silver flash, the one where the kids go bowling, in hiding barça femeni II the aftermath
"vale. now we're even nena!" mapi got up off of you, ruffling your hair and pocketing the razor as you hurried to grab out your phone, eyes widening in horror as you opened the front camera.
"you really did it! its gone!" you spoke in disbelief, finger tracing the now bare skin where your left eyebrow used to be, mapi grinning happily from the door. "sí pollito. let this be a lesson, the student will never best the master." the older girl winked, retreating quickly as you continued to sit on the floor staring at your reflection.
"lo siento pol-" the voice died off as you looked up, jana's face paling seeing the anger shine in yours, the other girls peeking around her with the same look of shock. "estás bien?" vicky asked timidly, hiding behind cata who was clearly trying to bite back a grin.
"los traidores!" you growled, hurrying to your feet and flicking your hood over your head, shoving past the group of girls and storming off toward the media room, ignoring their calls after you.
"pollito lo siento! come on amiga." jana groaned grabbing your hand when you refused to acknowledge any of them as you tugged your hand away. "you left me there. some amigas!" you huffed with a scowl, pushing open the media room door.
"all of you on time? this is a first." irene chuckled, the captains already seated as well as a few of your other teammates, the others likely still making their way over from the cafeteria.
"hey, not so fast." you tried to scurry off up the back, alexia fisting your jumper and holding you in place as your friends all took their seats sending apologetic looks which you only met with another glare.
"all on my list." you mouthed, finger pointing to them one by one as even cata's grin was wiped away at the very serious threat. "what is this i hear about dye in shampoo niña?" alexia questioned, tapping your shoulder as you turned but kept your gaze trained to the ground.
"mírame." but it didn't last long as alexia's finger found your chin and tilted your head up, her eyes widening as your hood slipped off revealing your new look.
"qué pasó!?" the older girl gasped, hands holding your face in place as a small crowd gathered and your cheeks blushed red in embarrassment, rapid spanish chattering a million questions at you which went unanswered.
but as more of the girls entered the room, looking on in slight confusion at the scene unfolding in front of them, she walked in afterwards laughing at something pina said.
"did you do this? why would you shave your eyebrow pequeña? eres estúpido?" alexia accused as you huffed and pushed her hands off, head whipping around to shoot a filthy glare at mapi which was enough of an answer without needing any words.
"maría pilar león." a few of the younger girls oohed at the full name, mapi pausing and faltering at the murderous look on her captain and close friends face. "you mutilated her!" alexia accused, hands on your shoulders and spinning you around to face the defender, pointing to your missing eyebrow.
"why is she missing an eyebrow!?" frido rushed over now, her hands turning your face side to side as you grunted and pushed them away, sick of all the attention and fussing. "ask mapi." you grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest with a scowl.
"she dyed my hair purple! in case nobody noticed, pollito started it." mapi scoffed pointing to her hair which was pulled back, the once blonde strands now bring purple.
"the purple washes out! my eyebrow won't grow back for-" "three to four months." your mouth dropped open at jana's words, having googled the question out of curiosity herself.
then all hell broke loose.
"te voy a matar hijo de puta!" you roared, launching at mapi who made a strange sort of squeaking noise and tried to hide behind pina who shoved her and darted out of the way as you took her down to the floor.
all sorts of foul language dropped from your lips as you were pulled back and away from the defender, paños easily holding you back with your arms behind you as you kicked and swore and fought to be let go.
frido and ingrid instead begin to lay into mapi, chastising her in their native languages as alexia stood in between you and mapi, warning you to calm down and you'd be let go as chest heaving you fell silent, tapping paños to let her know to release you.
"if you thought the hair dye was bad...you are on my list and top of it maría. espera y verás!" you warned with a pointed finger to the older girl whose smile was all but smacked off her face, alexia shoving you and nodding for you to take your seat with an unimpressed frown.
you did so now squished in between lucy and aitana, alexia taking a seat behind you and tugging at your ear each time your gaze shifted to the tattooed defender a few rows away with a glare, returning your eyes to the media playing up front.
you'd calmed somewhat by the time the session wrapped up, lucy poking at your sides every few minutes with a wink, mumbling some sort of terrible dad joke in your ear until you cracked a genuine smile and settled, tension melting out of your shoulders.
ignoring ingrids demands to go and apologize to you mapi scurried out of the media room the moment you were all dismissed, far more scared of the way alexia's eyes narrowed in her direction the moment she glanced up toward you, her girlfriend following after her with a sigh.
"chica." you turned to look up at your friends who'd gathered in front of you, guilt present in their features as you glared up at them unimpressed.
"i think you should all shave one eyebrow too if you are really sorry." you warned, eyes narrowing as they all exchanged a look having a silent conversation. "vale, we will do it." at that your faux annoyance melted away, grin on your lips as you laughed.
"only joking." you assured, cata hitting you playfully as they sat down, all of you chattering away like normal as you waited for alexia to finish up and drive the pair of you home.
"pollito!" you looked up at the call, finding frido beckoning you over. "where are we going? i need to get my stuff!" you asked confused as the swede draped an arm over your shoulder and lead you out of the room, heading the opposite direction to the changing rooms.
"well lite kärlek if you are not going to have an eyebrow for the next few months, i am going to teach you how to draw one on."
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bayetea · 2 months ago
jason and hazel's beef in hoo was always way more interesting than whatever percy and jason had going on sorry. the differences in gravity and intrigue in the jason/hazel relationship vs jason/percy are only further compounded by the ways they're connected and the ways that their stories are similar
because 1. they have a HISTORY they knew each other before he went missing!!!!! they were in the fifth cohort together!!!! hazel is the ONLY person in the prophecy 7 that was in jason's life before he disappeared and had his memories stolen. yes they didn't know each other well but if you ask me that was just a bad writing choice rick made. can you imagine if they used to be friends/if jason had grown to be a big brother figure to hazel only to go missing for months and then they have a very awkward reunion on the argo because he barely remembers her and then she's even more betrayed because he doesn't wanna save nico initially. the drama. we could have had it all man
2. beef between a son of poseidon and a child of zeus/jupiter from the grace family? yeah been there done that why are we doing this again (and it was way more engaging the first time). god I wish we had gotten a big fight between a child of jupiter and a child of pluto instead
3. their issues regarding nico were way more high stakes than the silly alpha male posturing rick was trying to force between jason and percy especially considering how mega nerfed jason is written in hoo because no one's allowed to be on equal footing with percy
4. the tacit layer of betrayal in jason being hazel's ex-centurion/praetor only to end up preferring chb (to be clear this particular conflict belongs to jason and reyna and is more impactful between them - but since hazel is actually on the argo and reyna isn't she can still be an opportunity for this camp jupiter/camp half-blood conflict to be explored with jason)
5. I'm just gonna say it - I think hazel ought to have complicated feelings about white authority figures in a military camp as a black girl from the freaking jim crow era (not that this would have ever been explored satisfactorily in the books because as far as rick is concerned hazel is colorblind and hardly ever thinks about race despite growing up segregated. which is crazy unrealistic but whatever)
6. something something about the parallels that jason and hazel have about making hard choices about their pasts in order to have a more fulfilling future
7. this isn't necessarily interesting in and of itself but I just think it's neat that they're both big three roman kids with greek siblings that they didn't grow up with. what could have been interesting is jason seeing how close hazel and nico are and feeling some type of way about everything he never got to have with thalia and some exploration into how that impacts his feelings about the rescue mission. I'm starving for more grace sibling content by the way
8. they both have really awkward romantic conflicts in their pasts that intrude upon the present (whether he and reyna were ever even slightly romantically involved or not) because the jason/reyna thing is written as a initial source of conflict/uncertainty for jiper in the same way that hazel/leo (sammy) was a conflict for frazel to grapple with. this is interesting to me because like... hazel is connected to reyna and jason is connected to leo. like there could have been a moment of connection over letting go of pasts loves to wholeheartedly pursue new ones in the way that both of them are (were) with piper and frank
9. they both died. this bullet is a joke but I just thought I should put it here
10. percy is a well-established character and hazel and jason are new in hoo. percy has 50 povs in hoo and hazel has 28. economically speaking it would just be a more effective use of your limited pages to spend more time developing important interactions and conflicts between two new characters (esp new big three kids) who already have a more interesting foundation than the one involving our previous protagonist of 5 entire books
11. beryl grace and marie levesque. think about this for a second. ok that's all
imo hazel and jason are the most weirdly written new additions to the main cast but I strongly feel that rick severely underutilized the way that characters like those two could play off of each other. hazel isn't just a sweet little cinnamon roll she is passionate and contemplative and morose and guilt-ridden and jason isn't just a bland rule-follower he is kind and committed and loyal and conflicted and they're both painfully self-sacrificing and I just think it's such a shame that these two characters with great concepts on paper and so many obvious threads to connect them didn't get as much as attention as.... whatever happened in kansas did
and I mean if you like the jason/percy conflict that's fine, but I think it's worthwhile to compare the merit of them because rick chose to centralize and build up to one more than the other when he had such perfect material to expand on the other instead and I think that says something about his biases. and I think part of the issue is that rick struggles with strengthening tension and applying complexity to conflicts between male/female characters that aren't romantic or onesidedly antagonistic like clarisse/percy. we have several noteworthy conflicts between male characters but when women are involved it's like rick doesn't know how to put them on equal footing and apply platonic depth. imo this is just another reason why big three girls (hazel/thalia/bianca) don't get to be as powerful and transformative in the overall narrative as big three guys (percy/jason/nico). all this world-changing narrative weight is afforded to big three kids but hazel in particular is weirdly excluded from all of that and doesn't get to have much impactful interconnectedness with the prophecy or with other big three kids. what happened to big three kids being super dangerous when put together or when they're on opposing sides of conflicts!!!!!!!! we had impactful percy/thalia and percy/nico and jason/percy and jason/nico conflict where is the fleshed out jason/hazel beef!!!!!!
anyways tldr all I'm saying is that jason and hazel complement each other well and rick was too hung up on the Colliding Of Alpha Male Strong Dudes (that he didn't even write well) to see everything that hazel and jason could have had instead
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months ago
I had a very long Star Wars dream last night. Baffling level of narrative coherency for a dream.
Started out with Obi-Wan Kenobi, our bespectacled thirty-something, going to a university for a Grad Student thing. He's been working for nonprofits for some time, and wants to get a degree to further his work.
He gets to an advisor's office, (which is a Generic Salt-And-Pepper White Man buuuuuut we could probably swap out for an actual AU, maybe make it Mace?) who walks him through the courses and prereqs and so on. Great. All going good. He goes out to some kind of program meeting with his fellow grad students (some straight out of undergrad, some his age) and a sort of team lead person who is… Anakin Skywalker.
And it is. Tense. Like 'everyone can feel it' tense. Anakin's doing something Doctoral, whatever, and his purpose right now is to Program Manage these grad students in another department (Anakin does some analytics and database stuff for the department), and one of those students is Obi-Wan Kenobi and nobody can figure out what the damage is.
They attempt professionalism. They are… cordial. They avoid each other otherwise.
Several weeks in, there's a "we should talk confrontation" and Anakin blows up because the time to talk was years ago, Obi-Wan! Like five to ten years ago! When shit went down!
FLASHBACK TIME: These two were doing crime. It was a team of seven. I don't remember all of whom were involved but it was definitely them two, Rex and Cody, maybe Quinlan? and a few other people. (Not Ahsoka, she was excluded for safety because teenager).
They were probably doing some kind of Leverage stuff but also possibly some domestic terrorism. A job went bad, Cody died, and they all kinda split to do their own things. Partly this was to dodge law enforcement, but partly it was because they were all fucked up and grieving.
Obi-Wan wanted to take some time to himself to grieve, which Anakin was upset about because they're not just brothers in arms, they're basically brothers, at least in Anakin's eyes, and they had a huge blow-up fight about it. They haven't spoken since.
(Rex is in Anakin's life again. He acts as an Uncle figure to the twins. He is also… not in the best mental space, considering his own dead brother.)
Obi-Wan ends up getting pulled aside to talk to someone, probably Mace or Yoda, and a no-criminal-activity version of the story spills out. And it's very 'well what the fuck am I supposed to do with that' because the person pulling him aside was thinking it was like… they had a one-night stand before the program started and now they don't know how to navigate the power dynamic, not grief and distance and family bullshit.
IDK where it was gonna go from there, I think they were still circling each other like feral cats trying to decide what to do when I woke up.
(There was a sideplot about Padme and the twins doing fun things in the basement, but the fun things included a well that they'd use to act out Alice in Wonderland and other insane stuff. Which they loved but was weird. Why do you have a well that's at least ten feet deep in your basement, Padme. Why are you putting your kids in there. Also I had to run away from a bunch of wasps into a pool.)
Rex and Cody! Are just! Background Grief Bullshit! But it hovers over the entire fic.
I think Quinlan should bully his way back into Obi-Wan's life before the plot starts.
And he's the one that angles Obi-Wan into going to This Specific University. That Anakin's at.
He didn't expect them to be that close contact, just wanted them to run into each other in the hall and make amends. In my mind, the timeline is that the crime group broke up for opsec, then a year or two later Quinlan shows up on Obi-Wan's doorstep with intent to Friendship.
Obi-Wan would have done the same with Anakin but their fight was so big and horrible that he doesn't think he'd be welcome.
NGL even in the dream I was like "wow this seems like a really intense Obikin fic concept," but every time I thought about it, the dream would hammer in on the BROTHERS thing again.
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crimsoncandy04 · 3 months ago
Okay so little known fact about me, I'm a shifter and I frequently use both spiritual methods and substances to shift into other worlds, and like when I'm in the world of Genshin Impact I sometimes see the most messed up shit but I never tell anyone cause idk why, and today since my adventure was actually kinda sexy I feel like I should share some of the stuff I learned and experienced.
Especially because you know it involved my favorite man Scaramouche.
Okay so the tea was that basically contrary to popular belief in our world, Scaramouche is VERY much okay with being intimate with humans and it's actually hard to put into words why but it can basically be summed up as this, he secretly REALLY wants a family still. And in his mind, as long as he got someone pregnant (anyone it didn't matter who as long as he found them attractive enough), then he believed he could just make them immortal when he became a god and then have an undying partner and child (which he also never stated openly but it was obvious that he wanted this in particular because he was both curious as to what it would be like to be a husband and because he kinda felt like a woman would be easier to control and shut away from the world because she would have a kid to take care of anyway).
But there was one issue in this lesser known fixation of his, Scaramouche was actually frustrated because he believed he might actually be incapable of getting someone pregnant and was just shooting blanks basically.
My adventure kinda involved seeing what would happen if someone actually DID finally manage to be knocked up by him, and it basically went like this.
Scaramouche had a little bit of a reputation amongst the fatui maids to be someone known for having slept with and then thrown away a lot of different women over the years. And it was kind of an unspoken thing that if he suddenly started giving a girl a lot of things to do and kept trying to get her alone that he wanted to sleep with her.
No one among the staff would DARE say it out loud but it was kinda obvious that the harbinger wanted a baby out of someone because anyone who had been with him before always said that he'd do the same thing and would basically fuck a girl raw for hours almost every day and would also keep her close for about a month or two as he had doctors give her certain medicines and herbs and stuff to try and make her conceive.
If she was a failure after a few months then she was completely tossed out and sent back to the kitchens. And then within days Scaramouche would be stalking the staff again because it was easier to take a maid without anyone knowing than it was a soldier or nurse.
And if he likes someone he'd put on his superficial charm and start trying to lure them into his bed.
Also no one ever snitched because according to his past victims, Scaramouche was EXTREMELY generous in the sheets. However big into overstimulation and watching the faces of the girls he coupled with.
And a LOT of maids secretly tried to look more appealing with makeup and stuff when he was around because who wouldn't want to be spoiled by a hot rich guy who just wanted you to give him a kid in return for the best princess treatment in your life?
And oh my god did he almost seem to actually smile once as the story played out and I watched him get the news that one girl was finally a success.
And was there ever some hating ass bitches when the rumors of his successful impregnation started going around.
So basically this girl was treated like a freaking goddess.
Scaramouche literally paraded her around openly with the best clothes and jewelry and even her own damn mansion in some secret location. Literally she was his everything it seemed.
And it was crazy because he didn't love her as a person whatsoever. She could have been anyone because Scaramouche just wanted a family he could make permanent and didn't care what woman's coochie it came out of. Just so long as it was his and he could keep her controlled and hidden away safely with mora and nice things.
I saw more stuff but my mind is going blank as I recenter my spirit and sober up. I'm sure I could remember it later if I tried but basically yeah.
Scaramouche is very self serving and doesn't care about who he has to use to get what he wants or how. And he secretly still longed for someone to spend forever with him, so unbeknownst to most people, he was trying to get someone pregnant and then immortalize them and his offspring once he achieved divinity and became a god.
I just remembered part two of my shifting journey so let me update.
The story went on to what would happen to the girl after irminsul occurred and it goes as this.
Now feeling immense regret for how disrespectful and borderline cruel he was to some of his past partners, Wanderer actively tries in secret to seek out the mother of his child and learning where she was and what her perception of history had been altered to was heartbreaking.
According to her she was sold to the fatui by her family to work as a cook and pay off some debt, her life wasn't too bad until she was taken advantage of by what she remembered as just one of her male coworkers, after she was proven to be with child she ran away from the fatui and eventually just found herself in Fontaine. Then soon after that, Sumeru.
And that's where Wanderer finds her again. He knows the actual truth and eventually decides to come clean to this girl about what actually happened. She doesn't believe him but Wanderer is adamant about being the real father and vows to the girl to try and do the right thing by helping her with the kid.
At least.
She agrees but only because she needs the assistance and Wanderer knew how to be charming enough to earn her forgiveness.
After that he would finally get the family he envisioned but because he failed to achieve godhood, he knew he would lose them someday. And he personally believed he deserved to feel that loss so he would stay with the girl and actually try to get to know her as a person as a means of atonement and also to punish himself for treating this girl like an incubator at first.
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didishawn · 25 days ago
Can you write about Ruben having a daughter with his girlfriend, but when kid is 2 they separate. But their little girl is totally daddy’s girl so they have to be real close with each other (like going to his games, going on vacation together). Recently the rumors started coming that Ruben is in a new relationship and it put a lot of pressure on their relationship, little one not really getting what’s going on.
Always yours (Rúben Días x reader)
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warnings: none, a bit angsty
Masterlist 2
You damm Ruben's genes for going so hard and making his daughter an exact replica of him.
Each time you look into your precious baby girl's eyes, you see your ex boyfriend in them.
Ruben and you broke up back when Isadora was just two years old. It wasn't a messy break up really, just a series of miscommunication and busy schedules that made it inevitable.
Meaning: there was still love (at least from your side) and it's torturous knowing you can't be together.
Another fact that doesn't help, is that Isadora from the moment she was born, has always been a daddy's girl.
Meaning, the three of you still act as a family while technically not being a complete one.
Games both at home and away are basically a must-you are not prepared for the tantrums Isadora will do once she can't follow daddy all around the world because of school (knowing Ruben, he might as well suggest home school so he can always bring his little girl wherever he goes). Vacations are another thing you can't escape, having to either sleep in twin beds in a same room with Ruben, or a suite in which you either lock yourself in the room or plainly disappear so father and daughter can have some alone time.
You are not sure what Ruben thinks -from the moment you two broke it off, communication has been strictly only about your daughter (a limit you established, as while you could never hate him, you can't be his friend). You wonder if he too, finds the situation way too uncomfortable, or if he doesn't really care as what you two had, is in the past.
But you are on your limit, that's why when Ruben proposes a weekend away to switch things up after City's latest bad run, you refuse.
You make up some work related excuse, but tell him to take Isadora as some time together will do them some good.
You miss Ruben's disappointed look, way too into your own mind to realise what is really going on.
You can't even look him in the eye when you take a sleeping Isadora from his arms to put her into bed, and you are just about to slam the door in his face as he silently begs you with his eyes to let him explain himself.
You had been so happy, just a couple hours ago seeing him post stories with your little girls eating croissants in Paris, and enjoying the videos of her excitedly going up the Eiffel Tower.
It was a mistake, to answer your friend's call, her asking you why you hadn't told her about Isadora's possible step-mother, and the call ended with your own mother calling you to know whether it was true.
Completely lost, you entered one of those wag's gossip pages to be met up with an horrendous headline:
You didn't even know what to say nor think. Ruben had never mentioned seeing anyone, not given signs of it. Much less, has he said anything about introducing anyone to Isadora.
You didn't even have to call him or text him, before Ruben told you they were flying back to Manchester that very same evening.
You only responded with a thumbs up and went on to stalk this "new flame" of his.
A model, of course. Definitely his type, she had a nice smile too.
You can already imagine future vacations: them two in a room and you and Isa sharing in the one next to them. Having to explain to her that Ruben and whatever her name is need alone time and having to handle a fuzzy toddler wanting to be with her dad.
Great, just great.
There goes your heart, any thought you might have had in your child free, drunken nights about you and Ruben ever getting back together now that you are more mature, impossible now.
Also, there goes your trust in your baby daddy, because what the fuck is that about bringing strangers around your daughter without telling you???
Fuck him and his puppy eyes as he looks at you while you quietly come out from Isa's room, crossed arms and glaring his way, waiting for him to explain.
"I swear to God, there is nothing between me and her" he finally says, and you can only grunt.
"I don't give a fuck if you are not with her Ruben. I care about you sneakily bringing some girl around our daughter without telling me in advance. Worse so, having to find out from someone other than you"
"It's not like it was on purpose, I swear! It was pure coincidence y/n, you have to believe me"
He looks sincere, but there is still something fishy going on in your opinion.
"Right, you on pure coincidence crossed paths with some of your situationships on Paris and-"
"She is no one, y/n-"
"Let me finish, because not only did you do that. You were sending me pictures of Isa while carefully making sure I could see her, you were hiding her from me Ruben." you sigh again, already dreading how this is going down. "Look, Ruben, I don't care if you are seeing other girls, I am glad that this is a sign we have both moved on."
You lie, and hope he can tell so. "I am not seeing anyone, I promise."
"...We both know how you are, Ruben, you can't seriously expect me to believe that."
When you met Ruben, he wasn't someone to settle down, it was a miracle he once did with you, but you know it's not in his nature.
"Look, I just ask of you to not go around introducing just about anyone to Isa, I don't want her to ask questions. This whole thing is already hard on her"
You don't remember how the rest of the conversation with Ruben went down, just him giving out excuses that you don't believe.
Of course he is seeing other girls, you are sure of it.
You haven't seen much of him since, asking your best friend to please help you handle pick ups with him with another work related excuse.
Communication is now the bare minimum, every time he tries to speak with you about the whole mess, you just straight on ghost him.
Another child free night, means a nice bottle of wine to drown your sorrows and some romantic com playing in the background to try and convince yourself love might actually exist.
It's almost midnight when someone loudly knocks on your door. You quietly take a sneaky look outside, and open the door confusedly when you see him.
"Where is Isadora? Is she alright?" you worriedly ask and he nods his head.
"Yes, yes, all is alright, she is with my brother, don't worry about it."
There is silence for a moment as you stare at him as he fidgets in his place.
"Then, what are you doing here?" you ask, arms crossed and back to your cold persona now that you now all is ok.
"...You were ignoring me, and I need to speak with you"
You sigh, tiredly. "I was not ignoring you Ruben, it's just that there is no reason for is to keep discussing this topic"
You know that's a lie, everyone knows something bad is going on, it's even affecting Isa, as while she might already be used to mom and dad not living together, she has only really known a life of family dinners, weekly meet ups and movie nights. All gone now.
"That's bullshit and you know it"
He stares at you for a moment, in his eyes the same look he had when you two found out you were pregnant: scared, terrified about what the future holds for you.
You let him in, even offer him a glass of wine which he ignores. You can't really remember the last time it was only him and you in a room.
"...I would never take anyone other than you or Isa to Paris, I wish you accepted that"
Back when you had just started Ruben, he had asked you what was your dream trip, and it might be cliché, but to you it had always been Paris: the city of love.
A week later you had been enjoying a fresh croissant as you walked hand in hand with him near the Louvre.
The last trip you ever made as a couple, was just after finding out Isa's gender, you two in a boat ride along the Sena as you wondered what the future help in hand for your little family.
And it hit you hard, really, rhat he could just go and be with another girl in the city, in the meantime, the mere thought of the city had your heart acting for him.
"But it seems you did, Ruben"
"Y/n, please. You have to believe me. That girl and I just have some friends in common and I couldn't just tell her to get away from me, doesn't matter how much I wish I could"
"That still doesn't explain why would you hide her from me'
"I didn't hide her! She was literally there for about,five minutes, and that was enough for those stupid wag pages to make up stupid stories!"
"...Ok? Just like that?"
"You prefer me not believing You?'
"Just...not used to you not fighting me"
"We can fight if you want to"
"I would prefer not to, afterall, it was a stupid fight that hot us here"
It's quiet for a second, the two of you watching the movie playing in the background but not truly paying any attention to it.
"Are you seeing someone?"
The question has you choking on your wine and stare at him, wide eyed.
"I mean...the other day you said that thing about moving on and..."
"Ruben, you caught me alone at home drinking a Friday night with the lames rom com playing on the background. You really think I am hiding someone from you?"
"...Good point, I guess" he clears his throat, then waits a second. "You might not believe me, but I am really not seeing anyone"
"Is the Ruben Días having trouble getting laid?"
"The only girl I want to get laid with- said no to a trip to Paris I had planned to ask her whether she would ever take me back"
"...That's not funny, Ruben"
"Only jokes are supposed to be funny, darling, and this is not a joke"
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