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wileys-russo · 5 months ago
Hello writer , hope you are doing well
Missing my little star pollito , so a prompt for her pollito with mapi / barca team in team bonding night at mapi and ingrid apartment "move, you're on my side of the couch."
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part of the pollito universe and also a little collab with @woso-dreamzzz OC 'mignon' because i got a few asks for it! my side II barça femeni
you perked up as alexia parked in mapi and ingrid's complex, but before you could even touch the door handle you heard the locks click and groaned, collapsing back into your seat.
"now you two-" alexia began an infamous lecture, your french counterpart sat in the front seat after winning the fight for it even though she fought dirty and hid your phone so she could sneak out to the car first.
"-will be on our very best behaviour, we promise." mignon piped up with a charming smile, alexia glancing backward to look at you and narrowing her eyes at the near identical look on your face as you nodded your enthusastic agreement.
"we ran all of our energy out at training capi." you paused to fake an overly dramatic yawn, stretching your arms backward and exhaling making mignon snicker and alexia hum through pursed lips.
"pollito did anyway after all those extra laps." the girl smirked as your smile dropped and you leaned forward to try and smack her, alexia catching your wrist easily in her hand with a fierce glare.
"this is what i mean! pareja de idiotas." alexia warned as you pulled your wrist away, sneakily using your other hand to dart through the small gap between the door and the chair to pinch your best friends hips as she jolted as if shocked by lightning.
"pollito!" alexia sighed, rubbing her face with her hands as you sheltered your body from the two arms flailing about trying to grab at you.
"oye why do you not stop her! first she is allowed to live by herself and i am not, and now she can hit me but i cannot hit her?" you accused, hissing as the french girl landed a sharp smack on your shin and cursing at her in spanish.
"we are not having this argument again. out! both of you." alexia raised her voice as the pair of you started to bicker, the locks clicking once more as the two of you practically fell out of the car and alexia mumbled a prayer under her breath, locking up and hurrying after the two of you into the building.
she could finally exhale as ingrid answered the door and the two of you shot inside and made a beeline for the other younger girls on the team, the monthly team game night already in full swing as you three were the last to arrive it would seem.
ingrid gave her captain a knowing smile as she welcomed her inside with a hug, closing the door as alexia made her way around with greetings, as she always did as such a natural leader, wanting all of the newer players to feel welcome.
you and mignon on the other hand hadn't bothered, you tackling vicky into a hug which had rapidly turned into the two of you rolling about on the floor wrestling and mignon chattering away to jana.
mapi stood up and let out a piercing whistle which had everyone paying attention and some grumbling with hands over their ears, the zaragozana grinning happily at the mixed reaction she received.
announcing everyone was going to eat before any games started mapi barely finished speaking before everyone was already charging toward the kitchen where ingrid and frido had started dishing up.
not having eaten anything since training you were near ravenous, having chosen to take a well needed nap as soon as you got home, not even making it all the way to bed as you passed out on the couch and woke up to olga telling alexia off for over working you.
to be fair, you'd earned the extra laps she pushed you to do after training, you and mapi having tied everyones boots together when you arrived early before everyone else after mapi took you out for a coffee as the pair of you did every friday.
however your good food fueled mood halted as you arrived back to the couch and found mignon sat in your spot, which she clearly knew given the grin she gave you as your eyes narrowed.
"move, you're on my side of the couch." you warned firmly, cata oohing from where she sat on mignons other side as the french woman shook her head. "no, snooze you lose." she parroted as you pulled a face.
"who taught you that!" you scoffed as the girl nodded toward kika and your eyes rolled. "move, you know thats my side." you repeated again, having claimed the spot as yours from the moment you first came to visit mapi and ingrid.
"no." "déplacer!" you huffed in french now making her grin widen. "no."
"vale." you seemed to give in, sighing and moving to put your plate down on the table as if to sit on the floor, alexia catching your eye across the room and recognizing the look on your face all too well which the girl sat in your spot hadn't quite seen yet.
"pollito-" you heard the catalan call out sternly as she started toward you but it was too late as you let out a war cry and charged, cata's keeper instincts kicking in as she leapt to grab mignons plate milliseconds before you landed on her.
the thump alerted half the team to the scuffle as you managed to drag the slightly taller ex lyon player out of your spot, trying to claw your way back to reclaim it but her hand grabbed the back of your hoodie and yanked you down.
"jusqu'au français!" you hollered in french, teetering on top of mignon before you let out a squeal and she'd thrown you off, alexia's eyes wide as saucers as neither you or mignon had noticed but your head missed the corner of the coffee table by centimetres.
"hey hey capi! my house, i will handle it." mapi appeared in front of alexia who was still charging her way over, dodging and weaving between the multitude of bodies scattered across the floor.
"but-" "no no, you go sit down, eat." mapi assured, patting her best friends shoulder and waving off her concerns, alexia hovering back as the spaniard turning on heel and marched her way over to the pair of you.
you grunted as a hand grabbed the back of your neck, hauling you off of the girl you'd been rolling around with, holding you back as mapi cleared her throat and both you and mignon paused.
"if the pair of you want to fight-" you sighed, bracing yourself to be kicked out or worse embarrassed into a timeout like a nughty child, however the lecture you and mignon expected never came.
"you will do it properly. i will be the referee and keep it fair, which means no spitting, no punching, no arm bars, no biting-" alexia sighed deeply and buried her face in her hands as irene patted her back.
"-now place your bets chicas, fight starts in five! francia contra españa!"
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viejospellejos · 1 year ago
Imagina comprar huevos y que te pase esto:
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welele · 1 year ago
A tomar por saco.
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burbupollito · 9 months ago
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El pollito Gigan
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juanbilly · 1 year ago
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evignonita · 3 months ago
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peliydoritos · 2 years ago
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jukeboxofjellycat · 4 months ago
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hamburart · 6 months ago
Fanart del pollito de 🚲 Can Your Pet🚲🐣
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wileys-russo · 5 months ago
the secret knock II barça femení
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part of the pollito universe the secret knock II barça femení
at the familiar knock you looked up, sending a nod to martina who pulled the door open to reveal a very nervous looking jana who hurried inside. "did anyone see you?" you questioned her with a raised eyebrow at the odd look on her face.
"jana." you raised both eyebrows now as the girl took a seat on the spare bed. "only ingrid! i just said we were having a game night." jana revealed as you groaned. "qué? thats what we said!" jana defended herself with a frown.
"no it was a movie night this time amiga." pina rolled her eyes as you shuffled the cards in your hand. "está bien. we all know the plan if someone comes knocking who isn't invited. everyone is here now, sí?" you looked around the room mentally taking a roll call.
ona, pina, vicky, salma, cata, jana and martina.
but you couldn't miss the look which flashed briefly across your best friends face as your eyes narrowed again. "vicky?" you called it out as her eyes flittered to yours and the moment they dropped downward you sighed.
"who did you tell?" you questioned, cata shoving her with a mumble as the younger girl smacked her back and salma stepped between them.
"kika heard me reminding cata of the password, but i said we were just watching a movie." vicky revealed as your eyes narrowed again. "you forgot?" you directed the question to the older goalkeeper who scoffed. "it changes every time! it gets confusing." cata grumbled with a roll of her eyes.
"sí idiota so we do not get caught! you know the rules, fine money. ahora!" you clicked your fingers, a frightful glare silencing the older girls protests as she shoved her hand into the pocket of her sweatpants and rummaging around as there was another knock at the door.
but considering it was a normal knock and not the password, everyone froze, a nod from you toward martina having her slowly make her way over to the door as the designated lookout for the evening, peering through the peephole.
"kika." she mouthed as you nodded for her to be let in, the new girl wincing as she loudly greeted you all and was promptly shushed, salma tugging her inside as martina peered out to make sure nobody else saw, quickly closing the door after.
"very formal for a uh, movie night?" kika looked around clearly confused as pina grinned. "not a movie night amiga, poker." pina wiggled her eyebrows as the portugese's face lit up at the news.
"do not look so happy, good luck winning with la serpiente over here." ona chuckled with a nod in your direction making you grin as kika took a seat and everyone shuffled around to make room.
"la serpiente and pollito? conflicting nicknames chica." kika teased as you laughed. "not a chicken when it comes to poker." you warned half heartedly, nodding for pina to start dealing out cards once you'd dished out everyones chips.
"mierda, again!" cata groaned, throwing her cards down with a sour look on her face and crossing her arms across her chest. "we warned you not to bet all you had left idiota." pina snickered, a squeal leaving her mouth as the goalkeeper tackled her off the bed with a thump.
"then there were two, pollito." kika smirked, cards held tightly against her sternum and out of sight. "mm, well vamos, newbies first." you gestured for her to reveal with a slight smile, only the two of you left now as everyone else had run out of chips and out of luck, the game going for close to two hours now.
however before the midfielder could even blink there was a series of short sharp knocks at the door causing all of you to fall deathly silent.
on the other side alexia, ingrid and irene stood waiting, cross armed and tapping their feet. the three had been to dinner with a few of the staff, but when they'd returned and the floor was suspiciously quiet, hackles went up.
knocks had sounded among all the doors, a few girls sleepily poking their heads out and irene apologizing quietly for waking them, alexia making her way down the other end of the hallway and humming as each door went unopened, making a list silently in her head.
ingrid suddenly remembering jana mentioning a game night had the trio arriving outside your door, alexias knuckles rapping against the door, sighing tiredly when nobody answered, knocking again and now hearing footsteps.
"hola." your head popped out with an innocent smile, body shoved into the small gap the door created as irene tried to peer over your head and take stock of who was in the room.
"qué te traes entre manos?" alexia asked, unwavered by your charming demeanour and narrowing her eyes. "movie night." you rolled your own eyes and moved aside a little to show the gaggle of girls shoved together on the bed who waved, the poker pieces hidden expertly beneath them.
"jana said game night?" ingrid piped up, raising an eyebrow as you closed the door a little more again, wedging your body into the door. "we played a game of uno, decided to watch a movie. bonding before the match!" you smiled charmingly, irene nodding and seemingly happy to accept that but alexia knew you too well.
"what movie?" alexia asked sharply. "princess diaries." "don't hear it playing?" "just finished." "no snacks?" "already ate them."
"healthy ones of course ale." you added on with a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes, alexia humming with narrowed eyes. "five minutes and everyone is back in their own rooms, i will check." your captain warned seriously, snickering sounding behind you as you gave her a salute and promptly slammed the door closed again.
"míralo!" alexia yelled with another bang against your door, irene tugging her away as ingrid headed off to her own room bidding the pair goodnight.
"que alexia? they are just being young." irene chuckled as the blondes eyes strayed back to your door. "i do not trust them. they are hiding something!" alexia huffed making her friend smile knowingly.
"you will be a great mami one day ale. but rule one? if you think they are hiding something, the more you push to try to find it out, the better they learn to hide it." irene warned, squeezing the girls shoulder and wishing her goodnight.
but still alexia couldn't rest knowing something was up.
"good game amiga, i am impressed." kika slung an arm over your shoulder, grinning and shoving her off as she ruffled your hair teasingly, of course having lost once the game resumed.
"goodnight la serpiente."
you'd all but waved everyone off, just about to step back into your own room when you caught a flicker of movement from the corner of your eye, slowly turning and eyes widening as they did.
alexia had cornered perhaps the weakest link in your chain, jana.
"jana. pequeña, la estrella, we have known each other for years. i feel like i have watched you grow up! you would not lie to me, no?" alexia asked with a soft smile, arm tightly slung over the shorter girls shoulder who faltered, just catching your eye behind alexia where you were waving madly and shaking your head.
"eh...no ale." jana shook her head but alexia noticed the obvious nerves and tension both in her face and body language, and she struck.
"so. did you really watch a movie tonight? since you would not lie to me." alexia asked with a knowing smile, and as you watched jana's face fall, you knew she was a goner.
normally bruna would be there as a buffer, to distract or delay or at very least stomp on her foot with a look, but she was in england and jana was about two shovels away from burying herself.
but as you went to turn and barricade yourself into your room, you rammed right into about the last person you wanted to see right now.
"boo!" mapi grinned, trapping you in a tight hug as you wriggled to get free. "que? no hug? oh tonto how you wound me!" the girl sighed dramatically, iron clad grip not lessening as you practically begged she let you go.
you stilled at that, alexia stiff and facing you with a murderous look from the end of the hall, jana mouthing an apology with a wince and legging it back to her own room as your captain strode toward you.
you gave in with a groan, knowing now there wasn't a chance mapi would let you go, for the sake of her own nosiness and curiosity as to what you'd done now.
"so. you like to gamble?" you were instantly suspicious at the calm smile on the midfielders face as she arrived in front of you, opting not to answer. "maría dame eso." alexia pointed to the hair tie on the girls wrist who raised an eyebrow but slipped it off and handed it over none the less.
"since you like to gamble. which hand it is in?" alexia held up the hair tie before it and both her hands dissapeared behind her back. "but what does-"
"no no, you do not always know the stakes when you gamble. especially in poker! so, guess, and you will find out." her eyes warned you off complaining or speaking up again so slumping in defeat you pointed to her right hand, mapi having now let you go but still stood right behind you.
you perked up as she revealed the hair tie in her palm, but seeing the light of hope in your eyes only made alexia grin.
"muy bueno! you will give me the poker set and your playstation for the next....two weeks." alexia announced as your mouth formed a small o.
"but, but ale that isn't-"
"fair? oh but what is fair in gambling?" alexia smirked and you sighed, throwing your head back with a groan and knowing there wasn't much you could do now to get away with it.
"now go to bed, i am sure when you and your amigas are running laps before warm up tomorrow you will need all your energy to explain to them why they are, la serpiente!"
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viejospellejos · 7 months ago
El pollito enfadado no puede hacerte daño.
El pollito enfadado:
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welele · 7 months ago
Hay veces en que las cosas no son como parecen… pic.twitter.com/REMMupWZEh
— Dilo con perritos (@DiloConPerritos) September 4, 2024
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clickmultifacetico · 6 months ago
pollito inflado
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torto-isemusings · 8 months ago
Somewhat stupid idea: Nicknaming Polo "Pollito".
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deweydell25 · 1 year ago
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(via GIPHY)
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shirkshingatumadre · 2 years ago
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Quise Hacer Otro Dibujo De Ali Chiquita Pero Después De... Todo Lo Que Paso... Anyway... Pollito Pío
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