#which is why some of my other Big Faves aren't on here as well
icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
Ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags.
I was tagged by @rinezha. 💐
Pretty self explanatory: write the 10 things, tag 10 people (or not 💁🏻‍♀️).
Dr. Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Violet Baudelaire - A Series of Unfortunate Events
Isabelle Lightwood - The Mortal Instruments
Cisco Ramon - The Flash
Emily Byrd Starr - Emily of New Moon
Cosmo Brown - Singin' in the Rain
Sybil Branson - Downton Abbey
Shawn Hunter - Boy Meets World
Niles Crane - Frasier
Lily van der Woodsen - Gossip Girl
And I am tagging:
@sscrambledmeggss @frosty-the-killer-doll @ravenclaw-queen @fictionandmusic @thequeenofshebasays @kara-night-light @backslashdelta @galaxy-creationz @ryutabas
And @kittehexpress because why not?
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
This morning, 15 minutes after the break in fighting was supposed to begin, Hamas fired two rocket barrages into southern Israel. This is what we mean when we say that Hamas has broken every ceasefire ever. The only reason why this didn't lead to the hostage deal falling apart, is because Israel chose to "contain" Hamas' violent rocket attack. But remember this when we explain why we can't accept Hamas' existence anymore.
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Israel confirmed that the 13 hostages being released have arrived in Egypt, and there are already Israelis there, taking care of them. IDK when we'll get their names, and images of them safe back in Israel, but as you can imagine, everyone here is holding its breath for that. Still, their well being comes first, they're being taken to a hospital first, to see their families, and only then (and based on whatever they prefer) will there be anything more public. There will not be interviews, however, 'coz something they say might risk the other groups of hostages meant to be released in the upcoming days.
Hamas is also releasing some of the Thai nationals they've kidnapped (I heard 12 of the 23 taken hostage), which are being let go of unconditionally. Before anyone tries to make out this shows Hamas is humane, I'll just point out that Hamas terrorists murdered at least 33 Thais on Oct 7.
Some of my fave commentators recently on what's going on here since Hamas' massacre aren't Jewish, or even Israeli. Here's a few of their tweets:
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Regarding the last one, I just wanna say that most Israelis will continue to trust most Arabs. That's just how we have always lived, despite the on going terror attacks. The day after Oct 7, I mentioned that I went to my hospital treatment. The guard there is an Arab guy. He carries a gun. I couldn't help but think about it. And then I did what I always do, I thanked him for his work (being a guard is difficult), and wished him a good day. He smiled big and wished me the same. He's lovely. What Hamas did on Oct 7 is not his fault. But the mistrust of survivors, and some of those who care about them, is also very human and understandable, as much as I'll continue to call on everyone not to generalize about Arabs, or any group.
Especially when some of Hamas' victims are themselves Arabs. Here's a young Israeli Muslim Bedouin woman, who has been speaking up on behalf of her friend, 17 years old Aisha al Ziadna, who was kidnapped by Hamas on Oct 7.
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A Sky News reporter was particularly shameful the other day. She tried to use Israel's willingness to release 3 convicted terrorist per just 1 innocent civilian hostage to vilify Israel. Here's the reply she got:
Just a reminder, once again, that when you listen to western media, which is supposed to be objective, these are often their info sources on this conflict:
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Speaking of lack of objectivity, an Israeli newspaper found out that the International Criminal Court has appointed a Danish lawyer to investigate the Israel-Hamas war, and it's a man (I'm not sure I'm transcribing his name from Hebrew correctly, but it should be something like Andreas Laursen) who has worked in the past for a Palestinian "human rights organization" which has been outlawed in 2021 for having ties to terrorist organizations, who was involved in 2018 in trying to make the case that Israel had committed war crimes, who has lived in the Palestinian city of Ramallah, and who is married to a Palestinian woman. This Israeli newspaper has contacted the ICC, asking why the person appointed to this investigation isn't someone who would at least appear to be unbiased. The answer was (I'm translating from the Hebrew article): "We maintain confidentiality about anything that pertains to specific subjects that are related to our employees. Every personal decision made by the head prosecutor fits the policy and relevant procedures that oversee the court's human resources matters."
Because there are still people denying the Hamas rapes:
I've spoken before about Liel, and how long it took to identify her body, but this tweet kind of broke me all over again.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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I was reading your tweel analyses posts and came across the little blurb of Floyd and Jade eating octopus in front of Azul and seemingly relishing in it because it might unsettle him and they're little shits. their fave foods having octopus in them makes sense since it's part of a diet of moray eels
here's a question I don't see many asking: does Azul eat octopus dishes? I think everyone is aware that octopus can (and do) cannibalize each other (even self-cannibalize) but he is still an octopus merman. do you think the animal based mers like the octatrio view the animals they share similarities with as a completely separate species from them and therefore not care when eating them? or is it sort of like a human and big ape thing, where it is highly uncomfortable and generally frowned upon?
[Referencing this post!]
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I think Azul refrains from eating octopus himself! The reasoning being that… well, it’s really a gut feeling that’s informed by my observations of the Octatrio’s interactions.
If he looked annoyed watching the twins eat octopus, then that indicates he feels a certain way in that scenario—a discomfort or irritation which would then extend to his own dietary habits. If Azul did eat octopus, then why should he take issue with his peers doing the same? If both moray eels and octopus dine on octopus, why would he only be distressed in one scenario and not the other? Why would Jade and Floyd go out of their way to eat tons of octopus in front of Azul and bring up mentions of how delicious his merform is, if not to tease and unnerve him?
I do think that merpeople view non-sentient sea creatures they share traits with as separate beings in the food chain. This is why the twins can eat regular ol’ octopus without an issue. However, I also think that eating a creature that is of the same “type” as you (ie Azul and an octopus) is seen as morally wrong, as they too closely resemble the merpeople in question. This would be similar to how humans are fine with eating cow, pig, and chicken, but are far less willing to consume primates. It’s the “human” part of them—of us—our consciouses calling out to us and letting us know “hey, this is wrong”. The only thing I can really find to support this is how Jade says his least favorite food is a conger eel. (But his dialogue suggests he has tried it before and doesn't like the texture.) He and Floyd are morays, which is a different kind of eel... So does that imply that eating others is okay (ie other kinds of eels) so long as they aren't your exact species (morays for the twins)?
Merpeople may be part man and part fish, but I believe they are mainly human with additional fish traits and attributes; their thinking and behaviors are still very human, so I feel they share some similarities with humans in their moral and ethical codes.
The difficulty with half human/half animal fantasy races is that there will always be the debate of how much their animalistic side plays into their behaviors and how much of that can be overridden by their human side. For example, just because Leona is a lion beastman doesn’t mean he can’t eat vegetables, he just does not like them. This is in spite of lions being carnivores (ie exclusively dining on meat). We also see (or it is implied) many merfolk and beastmen eating food that would harm or kill their non-sentient counterparts (such as candy and chocolates during Halloween; you’d think they would otherwise express repulsion if offered what is basically poison to them). The “beastial” TWST characters in general don’t seem too strict on their food intake (specialized diets for athletes aside), so my guess is that their intakes lean more toward the omnivorous intakes of humans rather than the diet prescribed by the animals that are a part of them. After all… if Azul ate octopus, bro would be nomming on his own arm or something (since auto-cannibalism is a thing among octopus) 😭
Side note: Azul considers eating squid ink pasta in book 3. This is probably the closest we'll get to seeing him "eating octopus". Makes me think that it's acceptable to eat like... body parts and byproducts of other animals but not of the same species as you (ie chicken hearts vs human hearts).
Imagine walking in on that though????? I’d say, “Sorry to disturb you, sir! I’ll see myself out now,” then slowly shut the door and back away…
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cornyonmains · 3 months
Okay, but Rak going from horrified at first sight, to willing to pay for it, after 24 hours of Mut using the kid gloves on him instead of yeeting him into the unforgiving sea speaks SO MUCH to the transactional nature he's applied to all relationships.
Hats off to Peat's acting, because using logic based reasoning, you can infer that if Rak has such a transactional view of relationships, he doesn't view himself as a person worth valuing, but rather as someone to be tolerated. The choice to look flustered or embarrassed really helps telegraph what's going on in his mind every time Mut is nice to him. He likes Mut being nice to him, but he ultimately thinks it's happening because he's being paid, and he feels foolish when he gets sucked into it. He absolutely can't process feelings of an actual connection, which is why he was so thrown at how much he enjoyed Mut in bed.
I'm more interested in this BL than I have been any in a good long while. It's smarter than it appears on the surface. I also like that it's addressing traumas that aren't based around assault. One of my big complaints with BL is that all the stories are the same, coming of age tales that don't dive into adult topics, or melodramas that center around sexual trauma. A BL exploring the negative and long term impacts of bad parenting and what that can do to a person's ability to form relationships is such a refreshing change of pace. It's simple, accessible storytelling, which is what will allow MAME's studio to succeed. Well, that and her having some of the most unhinged hoes in the game on payroll.
I'm very interested in what this means for Thai television in general. It's a BIG FUCKING DEAL when Asian media makes it to the other side of the globe. A bunch of horny white women with eyeballs on Thailand is more soft power than people might think, and they're starting to post numbers. If Uncle Sam wants to swan in and steal minerals, he's going to have a harder time doing it if a key voting bloc is out here ready to die for their problematic faves, and that's the gospel truth. Art is important. Thailand could really build itself up if they keep upping the ante with their media.
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epickiya722 · 5 months
I think people took the "hey, you should be aware of issues about the way some stories treat it's female characters" and instead of actually going forward and treating these characters as, well, characters that deserve to be fairly analized
they went backwards and put up impossibly high standards for these female characters and made anything remotely sexual about them regardless of context as "it is evil and bad writing" when they wouldn't ever do the same for the male characters.
They don't even bat an eye for the fact that whole fandoms will absolutely ADORE a guy who is either the most vile asshole in the story or straight up a bland nothing as long as he is generically attractive enough.
Like that's just misogyny but "girlbossed" now.
(I kind of went on a ramble here, I won't lie and I apologize for that. I just.. had a lot to say.)
And I definitely agree with you, Anon.
I made that same point that you stated in this point right here in a post I wrote a while back.
The same people who will say "it's bad writing" are the same people who don't take the time out to analyze a female character.
It's not "bad writing". You just don't want to understand her.
A male character can have the exact same traits as her and can be analyzed and "He's just misunderstood" and adored, but the most that female character can get is the bare minimum from the fandom.
I have my male faves, too, that I like to analyze. But don't the female cast also deserves the attention, too?
Everyone who follows me know I am a big Miruko fan. And I love her more now because over the past... 2 years or so I have written posts about her of why she probably acts the way she does or does the things she do. And it came easy to me.
Mind you, she is a minor character. She doesn't have a lot of screen time and we don't much about her backstory unless you have read Vigilantes where she gets a flashback arc. And even with all the little information she has from canon, analyzing her was fun for me.
Analyzing her actually why it's fun for me when I do so for Yuji.
It's just there.
Let's say a female character is comfortable with her own sexuality and femininity. "Slut, whore, oversexualized". But the same people who apply those terms to male characters in a more positive way.
"Such a slutty waist, look at him so sexy, he's such a whore and I'm here for it".
So let me get straight. A woman can be a sexy character, but a man can even those that aren't even all that sexy.
Again, I'm using Miruko as an example.
People will have grievances over her costume but were so quick to be horny over the male characters wearing that same costume. Which, and I know some of you ain't gonna like, some of them did not look good in.
Also, then what about the male hero costumes or the fact that Shigaraki and Dabi are obvious fanservice now? You're telling me you're okay with the fact that Endeavor and All Might's costumes are super tight but Miruko shows some skin and it's a problem?
Oh, I'll give another example of some fandom misogyny.
Maki Zenin. The JJK fandom be pulling some tomfuckery when it comes to her. "She's such a girlboss". Okay, but you feel sympathize or empathize with her? "Oh my gosh, Sukuna is gonna kill her!" So, let me get this straight. Even though others who have been hit with Black Flash has survived, Maki the one female victim of it is going to die from that one blow? Whose body is pretty much a cheat code against cursed energy? That Maki? That one?
Let's not forget, you can bring her up without someone bringing up Yuta! I wrote a post about her and Nobara and someone goes "At least, Maki loves Yuta, right?" THIS IS NOT ABOUT YUTA!! GOOD GRIEF, CAN THIS BE ABOUT THE FEMALE CHARACTERS FOR ONCE? LIKE, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE WITH THAT!!
And Yuki! Sooo... y'all are upset that Gege killed her off, right? Okay, understanding. I like Yuki, too. With that said... um... then why in the fuck did I have to type a Yuki Lives tag for her despite her being dead in the manga since December 2022? Almost 2 years? There are currently 3 fics with that tag and two of them are mine!
Kaori, oh, the fandom doesn't love you enough! I had to type in a tag for her! There was no Itadori Kaori & Itadori Yuji tag! THAT IS STILL HIS MOM?! "But Kenjaku---" Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is still Kaori's body, right? If Choso states he has three parents, then Yuji can, too. Guess what, Kaori is his mother. People love to make sure others know Kenjaku and Suguru are separate people but what about Kaori? You don't think she was her own person?
From Wasuke's words and behavior, I figure she was different than how Kenjaku acted.
Also, with Delicious in Dungeon! I haven't even watched or read it and I have seen so many posts about how that one helmet guy had a lot of panty shots and loving it, yet I hear about people having problems with Falin and Marcille being sexualized? Makes no sense to me, it just doesn't.
It's like people in fandoms want something involving female characters just to bash those female characters.
Complex female characters - insult them
Female characters is written to have a variety of personalities and backstory - boring, shifts focus to more bland male characters
Female character exist with many characteristics - fandom focuses on one trait and make that her whole personality
Female character just exists - labeled just one single word, not worthy of any attention, post about her and someone will make it about a male character
Just... honestly, I feel like before you call a creator a "misogynist", how about taking a step back and observe how you treat female characters and understand the story in which those female characters come from?
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nayeonline · 1 year
my 5 favourite k-pop music videos <3
I love music videos, and in k-pop there are a lot of mildy shitty ones, but there are also some amazing ones that are just as iconic as they are aesthetically pleasing. Obviously budget will come into play here, so big 4 groups will be more prevalent on this list, but I tried to be as fair as possible, within reason. Also, I'm a girl group stan, so don't expect many boy groups. Obviously I will forget some, but maybe I'll make a part two, and you are very welcome to leave your fave mvs in the rbs or comments. This list is in no particular order, lets gaur
1. 'Feel Special' - TWICE (JYP Ent.)
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This music video inspired this list, and for good reason. 'Feel Special' is in my opinion, the epitome of Twice, as they stand today. It encapsulates their more mature concept post 'Yes Or Yes', but it doesn't alienate their debut cuter concept, it rather welcomes it with open arms and celebrates it as a part of Twice's history, something their newer releases occasionally struggle with. Visually its a feast, its decadent and lavish, and positively gorgeous. Each member has her own movie-esque set, employing various genres and aesthetics, and then the members unite in the most glittery set ever concieved, the gold contrasting their raspberry and champagne outfits magnificently, while also referencing the group's official colours, as seen on their lightstick. The whole video is cinematic and opulent, and every detail, down to Sana's dip died pink hair, and Nayeon's stunning ginger curls which I wish she would bring back, is flawless. The only gripe I have is Chaeyoung's unblended foundation in her solo scene, but hey, we aren't all be perfect. My favourite scenes in this video are the afor-mentioned glittery golden arches group scene, as well as Jihyo's rainbow vintage television scene, that was surprisingly ahead of its time in terms of its retro aesthetics. It's a must-watch music video for the history books, and it's Twice's best song too - it deserves no less.
2. 'Why Not?' - LOONA (BlockBerry Creative - ew)
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Note: If you would like to watch this m/v, please stream it from a non official yt channel, in accordance with the boycott. They will usually be marked with 'Boycott Ver.' in the title or something similar.
Loona has a lot of amazing music videos in their arsenal, but 'Why Not?' goes above and beyond. It's one of the most visually striking music videos I have ever seen, and its grasp on colour, composition, and rhythm is completely unparalleled. It's vibrancy is just gorgeous, full of neon lights and shining metallics. The video exists in a constant state of dichotomy: both cool and warm, metropolitan and pastoral, manmade and fantastical. You would assume this would ruin the video's visual message, but the contrast actually enhances it, as well as furthering the group's lore. it's unafraid to experiment with aspect ratio and camera movement, and along with the subversive editing, the final product is unique as well as timeless. Who cares that the last five scenes were neon and retro-futuristic? It's time for Heejin and Hyunjin's black and white minimalist mildly 1920s suited up dance break with a 4:3 aspect ratio of course! As the song itself says, why not? It's as playful as the song, as well as being visually stunning. My favourite scenes include Choerry's upside down mirror moment with the neon lights, as well as Kim Lip in the field with the funky glowing orbs, and of course the cult circle on the moon scene. Fucking iconic.
3. 'Ditto' (Sides A & B) - NewJeans (Ador)
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Note: I have a full review of this song, if you are interested.
Where the other videos on this list are overwhelmingly vibrant or cinematic, 'Ditto' is understated and personal. Arguably one of the most influential k-pop music videos of all time, it breaks every rule of what a music video of this genre looks and feels like, rejecting glamour and high fashion for an unromanticized schoolgirl aesthetic surrounded with melancholy. It's heartfelt and unassumingly tragic, and truly makes the viewer yearn for a time they only half remember. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of cinema I have ever seen, and I am so happy that K-pop stans loved it to death as I did, despite how starkly different it is to most everything in k-pop before it. It does however remind me of f(x)'s '4 Walls' m/v, which isn't a shock as Min Heejin (ew) was their creative director also. It also has vibes of the cult classic (?) Japanese movie 'All About Lily Chou Chou'. It has sparked many trends in the industry, including but not limited to: b-roll interspersions, the typical schoolgirl aesthetic, and the general rejection of the polished, glitzy vibe we expect of k-pop idols. Their impact on trends is notable, but in my opinion, no one has executed this aesthetic to the standard that NewJeans has. The unassuming tragic beauty of 'Ditto' is difficult to put into words, you must go and watch the two music videos for it - they are life changing.
4. 'Kill This Love' - BLACKPINK (YG Ent.)
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Say what you will about Blackpink, but they KNOW how to do a music video, and 'Kill This Love' is one of their best; it is beyond extravagant. The sets are huge and striking and insane - Jennie floats on the heads of two enormous swans and all four girls dance in the middle of a huge fucking BEAR TRAP and its ridiculously cool. The fashion and styling is amazing too - my fave looks include Jennie's Lara Croft moment with the braid, Lisa's big ass fur coat from her cereal scene, and Jennie's gorgeous eye makeup from her shopping scene with Lisa. In a word, 'Kill This Love' is extra(vagant). Even the scenes that are conceptually ordinary - Lisa's cereal aisle, Rosé crying in her car - are elevated into the extraordinary. There is no real storyline or through line between the scenes other than their saturated colour palettes and the members themselves, but who cares? The members look like fucking goddesses, the dance looks amazing, and there are MULTIPLE jaw-drop moments throughout the runtime - what more do you want? Where 'Ditto' rejects the typical k-pop visual aesthetics, 'Kill This Love' epitomizes them. If I wanted to explain to western pop stan what k-pop is about, this is the video I would show them first. My favourite scenes include: the group scene with the exploding statues and the bad bitch combat outfits, Rosé caught in the storm with beautiful lighting, and THE BEST SCENE IN A BLACKPINK MUSIC VIDEO EVERRRR... Jisoo's goddess moment with the sun and the reflections. Nobody does music videos quite like Blackpink.
5. 'What Is Love?' - TWICE (JYP Ent.)
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This music video is so unbelievably special to me. It doesn't break any boundaries with camera movement, editing, or aspect ratio like 'Why Not?', and it doesn't entirely reinvent the typical k-pop music video like 'Ditto' either, but I think it is one of the best music videos ever because it is so FUN. 'What Is Love' is a music video that is a series of references to iconic movies, most of which being about love, as the title suggests. It harkens back to 'La La Land', 'La Boum', 'Pulp Fiction', 'The Princess Diaries', and many more, with the girls playing the characters, on their fictional discovery of what love truly is. It's so special to me because it reminds me of doing exactly what the girls are doing with my best friends and my big sister - trying to learn what love is from the movies is something almost everyone has experienced, and thus the whole video feels nostalgic both for its references, and for its overall concept. It's fun and lighthearted and a memory of simpler times. Oh, to be a 12 year old obsessed with 'The Princess Diaries' again, to be a tween watching 'Pulp Fiction' with your big sister when it's probably not age appropriate, to be young teen watching 'La La Land' right when it came out. What a time to be alive. That's what 'What Is Love?' is, it's a celebration of life, of growing up, of being just a little naive and knowing it. Iconic, truly.
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10thmusemoon · 1 year
No one asked for this but ranking my fave Yue Qingyuan ships.
1. QiJiu
The OG doomed fated lovers, pining from afar and silent loyalty and desire. Would literally die for each other but can’t even have a more than five lines of dialogue before ruining their conversations due to miscommunication that could be easily resolved if they would just talk. However, communication is forbidden in danmei world which is why the fic is always so so good and cathartic. Both are obsessed with each other and want to attic wife each other (YQY would love to be trapped and kept by SJ). When they are not healthy or sane they are at their best because SJ would crawl inside YQY's ribcage to feel his beating heart if he could and YQY would open up the cavity to let him if he only asked. The problem is he'd never ask.
(this is also why omega verse works well for them where yqy is an omega)
2. YueLiu or (LiuQiJiu)
Are you telling me Liu Qingge in canon admires YQY and he is probably the only person in the sect that can defeat him, is a kind big brother figure, and he’s NOT crushing hard on him? PLS be for real!! Also YQY appreciating LQG’s bluntness and loyalty because he doesn’t need to second guess his intentions. In a sect full of noble born fussy cultivators, he appreciates LQG’s willingness to get dirty and do what needs to be done to finish a night hunt.
In a LiuQiJiu scenario it is a love triangle (YQY oblivious ofc) until they realize that hmmm maybe this guy I hate is hot and there has to be some reason zhangmen shixiong is so obsessed with him what IS it until they see the light and start thinking about the other under YQY and being like hmmmmm and the competing with each other turning into competing using YQY (✿◠‿◠) who is just relieved his shidis are finally getting along and a little resigned at their mutual attraction until they’re like HEY! You’re our North star get it together or we will fight each other to the death without your intervening here.
3. YueShang
Working class solidarity formed over long nights going over sect paper work together and shared exasperation at everyone and everything they have to deal with including their martial siblings. Also SQH knowing Everything and knowing when to step around issues and maybe also he doesn't think SJ is the worst which elevates him in YQY's eyes. YQY also being slightly endeared by his little shit behavior because he has a Type and also aren't they all just aspects of Airplane's psyche?? also yqy is unreasonably devoted to a fault and that is something sqh (and by extension lbh) might actually want in moments of feeling undeserving of love??? i also have my long standing headcanon that yqy (and then sj) was the first character sqh made but eventually regulated to the side for the lbh story. Also YQY's big tits and naturally amicable demeanor has screamed out SQH's daddy issues since day 1 i rest my case
Widower4Widower the only other person that stands a chance putting me in the dirt (again) there are no expectations of each other because that has been a recipe for disaster before. Also mapping the scars they left on each other (or at least TLJ-> YQY)
5. YueMoShang or BinggQiJiu
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jupujuu · 1 year
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Being the Ghost Trick lover that I am, I purchased the Japanese limited edition box with all the extra goodies!! It is so exciting and fun to have new Ghost Trick things!! Amazon had a super cute Missile pin as a preorder bonus which I only saw after ordering on eCapcom.. Oh well, I grabbed one off eBay so I'll get it later!
It's such a cool set of items too, the playing cards are my fave and they're super delightful and every card has a character illustration, big or small! I also love the little mystery game, though unfortunately my Japanese reading skills aren't advanced enough for me to be able to translate it well or at least at a reasonable speed. There's probably someone already on it anyway, considering how dedicated the GT fanbase is!
I took way more pictures and you can view them under the cut (DON'T CLICK if you have not finished the game, there will be spoilers)!
(Edit: Oh gosh I had no idea the images don't show next to each other under the cut in the dashboard view so now this post is EVEN LONGER lol, why does it let me arrange them nicely in the editor if it doesn't matter?!)
Let's start with some more playing cards pics! I picked some more or less random ones to show of the 2-9 numbered cards because there was a lot.
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These are legit so neat and I love that even the numbered cards have character images. I picked Masked Muscleman as one of the cards to show bc there's just something really funny about his severed head especially lmao (wonder why that is hmm)
Let's move on to check what's inside the OST packaging! I don't have a convenient way to actually listen to the CD rn unfortunately, but boy if I still don't love owning physical media.
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They're just using existing illustrations for this one as well, but gosh the leaflet is still super nice. Love to see everyone together like that!
Aaand let's check what's inside the big game case!
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Well, the game itself, of course! As well as the super interesting mystery box. :3c
I took some pics of the latter to show the contents, lots of reading there! I didn't dare open the three envelopes for now, but they're numbered 1-3 in the back, Lynne being 1, Kamila and Missile being 2, and Sissel being 3. I'm guessing the story of this mystery takes place after the game considering our Sissy is a kitty here, and they're not afraid to spoil his name as seen in the last pic! They blatantly call him Sissel on the first page of the "story" leaflet.
Well that's about it! If you wanna see more pics of anything (or better ones of the ones I already photographed) feel free to let me know. :>
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fruitybashir · 6 months
okay, gonna infodump about The Wiggles again for a second sorry this is so very long. (also sorry about the links not being clickable. I hope you can copy-paste them as tumblr didn't like linking them but I've also given you the title of each video if you want to look it up yourself. Also I hope they aren't region-locked.)
this is my fave song that I grew up with of theirs that I can so imagine Bojan singing to kids and also the music vid reminds me of Umazane Misli only cause they're like dancing in a studio and look like idiots which is great. This is one of their first songs/ music vids so they don't have their uniforms yet (they all get a specific colour that they wear and are identified with which really helps kids to go "I like the blue wiggle" or "I like the red wiggle").
(video title: Get Ready To Wiggle - Original Music Video, 1991 - The Wiggles)
For the audience participation idea you mentioned like UM karaoke, The Wiggles actually did do this!! one of the members (named Jeff) had it as a character thing he was always sleepy/tired so he would 'fall asleep' during their shows and they would have to get all the kids to scream "Wake up Jeff!" to wake him up. They did it cause Jeff was I think the shyest out of them and they wanted to give him a way to interact with the kids more. Here's this interview where he talks about it a bit and the band in general that's just really good/sweet and shows the band more and Jeff specifically.
(video title: Why purple Wiggle Jeff Fatt handed over the reins | Throwback)
this is their most iconic song called Fruit Salad which like everyone knows at least some of and you have to watch to get the idea of their music.
and just as another thing of how iconic they are one of our big radio stations here is called Tripple J and they have a thing called Like a Version where people come and do live covers of songs. They have some really big and famous musicians do it and the covers are often really good.
Anyway The Wiggles have changed and added members a few times by now but they did have at least 3 og members (plus some new peeps) do a cover of a Tame Impala song and they incorporated Fruit Salad into the song which was just so iconic of them
(video title: The Wiggles cover Tame Impala 'Elephant' for Like A Version)
(that radio station also has a song contest thing called The Hottest 100 every year where everyone votes for their fave song. I believe that cover did really really well, like it either won or was in the top 10)
there's so much info about them if you're interested but something I think is really cute is they're called The Wiggles because "that's how children dance".
anyway their wikipedia page is good if you wanna read about their history and stuff in more detail. I think it's interesting.
anyway sorry for the super long post/rant/thing about something very random but they're a really important group here and they mean so much to me and many others and the idea of Bojan in your fic just fits so well with them. once again sorry for the wall of text/infodump but I hope you find it interesting maybe!
(also I love your fic a lot and daycare dad Bojan has wormed his way into my heart which is why I got so excited to talk about The Wiggles)
omg i loooove this little-not-so-little infodump <3333 i dont really have anything clever to add bc im with company so my thoughts keep getting interrupted by someone talking to me but OFC i know fruit salad and also that audience participation thing sounds so funny and cute fr 🥺🥺💖
i kinda fucked myself over with making bojan work in daycare in this fic bc now i cant stop thinking about himmmm goddd. maybe i DO have to write a short bonus scene of the band performing for the kids. or something. anything. i need more bojan with kids 😩💖💖💖💖
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gwynndolin · 4 months
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Kitschke recs, Hejira by Joni Mitchell
So, funny story, since I think Joni Mitchell was literally only added to Spotify like, a few weeks ago or something like that, I ended up not listening to this until this very moment (The last two albums and a few of the future ones, I actually listened to a few months ago; I'm only just now getting back into writing these reviews 🙃). I actually must've not noticed this actually though, because I ended up listening to another album by a band called Hejira... Incidentally, I found that album to be quite interesting anyway, so honestly I'm not too upset about that mistake. Maybe I'll take a moment to review that album sometime soon LOL
Anyway, I've always known Joni Mitchell to be a pop darling, and admittedly, the only reason I think I put off listening to her for so long is, one, laziness, and two, I think for like, 4 out of the 5 jobs I've worked in my 9ish years of retail service, "Big Yellow Taxi" in some form or another has been on the store's music playlist, and I am so awfully tired of that song. Far too much of an ear worm to be played so often!!
Anyway, "Coyote" is a fantastic intro track. Joni Mitchell's singing is so velveteen and luscious, whoever produced this record really mic'd her up super well. I really enjoy the pacing on this song too, the delivery on her singing is really evocative to me of some of Paul Simon's faster paced song, while remaining super chill to fit in with the rest of the track. I really love how prominent the bass guitar is on this song too! The guitar is mostly kept rhythm and the drums are also similarly understated, compared to the bass which feels like it is carrying the lead here.
Speaking of being "evocative" I have to imagine Jeff Buckley was a big fan of Joni Mitchell's, "Furry Sings The Blues" sounds like a track Buckley would get on to me. The sort of mix of spoken word mixed with singing, the story telling, the almost Shakespearean delivery... It's really interesting to see where these musical fonts tend to come from!
The titular track, Hejira, is a really cool one. The guitar here really reminds me of some of Pat Methany's work. Apple Music's description of the album describes this album as a travel journal, and I feel like this track really hits that most out of all on the album. It's tonally very grounded, yet foreign enough to feel as though you've found somewhere you'd like to move to, if that makes sense.
Joni's lyricism is really quite something too. Her prose is such that I often forget to even really listen to the music; I get too caught up in just feeling it. People often describe certain artist's voices being an instrument in and of themselves, and although her vocals aren't necessarily technically impressive on this record (though its not as though I'm saying her voice is bad, not by any stretch, just that this album is pretty reserved all around, not a lot of room for any particularly belt-y verses or big runs, stuff like that) her voice fits the vibe of it all so well. It sounds silly to say this album was made for her, like she's literally one of the producers of the album, but like. Idk, it's kinda perfect in that way.
Fave Tracks: Coyote, Furry Sings The Blues, Hejira
Definitely a pretty solid 7/10. I can see why this is listed as one of her quintessential albums pretty much everywhere, and I'm excited to dip into some more of her music when I have the time. I think I have always been more of an 80's music fan, and haven't really dipped into much from the 70's. Likely just because both of my parents were born in the 70's, the music they ended up listening to around me was mostly 80's stuff.
I definitely wanna spend more time with this record too. I feel like this initial first brush review hasn't done it nearly enough justice. But I have other stuff to get to!
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e8 rock and a hard place (w. jenny klein)
i had to go look up the dragon episode because i couldn't remember if there were actually dragons. right, dragons that conveniently are human shaped LOL and i've definitely read that wiki article before. brain refuses to retain it 😂
same sam, same.
DEAN You're sick. SAM No, I'm not sick. I'm just, um -- I feel like my battery can't recharge.
*staring at dean*
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okay i was like aww these are some sweet hugs, lemme get screenshots. then when i did i'm like. why is sam grimacing, why is dean glaring, what is happening here lol
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reminds me of some temple buildings i've seen in documentaries about the FLDS cult.
just putting a cut to make these posts less annoying
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LOL the wide eyed earnest but also completely not-earnest face making me laugh. oh padalecki
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DEAN "The A.P.U."? BONNIE Our chastity group... "Abstinence Purifies Us." SAM Oh.
stop making these faces lol i'll never get through this episode
SAM W-wow. You mind if we sit in on that, maybe see if it's for us? BONNIE I'm afraid it's members only. I'm sorry, but it can get pretty personal. SAM Then count us in.
it's like the tumblr post going around about fanfic is putting your guy in situations. this is a very cracky fanfic ~situation~.
SAM "Purity pledge"? BONNIE It's a commitment to your virginity. DEAN I don't think we can really un-ring that bell. You know what I mean? BONNIE [A little taken aback] Oh. I see. Well... If you just ask for God's forgiveness for your sins and make a new vow of chastity, well, then, you'll be born again as a virgin in his eyes. DEAN So, you just hit the "virginity do-over" button, and all is good with the man upstairs? BONNIE [Looking shocked] It's not a button. And...this isn't just a piece of paper. I mean, this is your clean slate, your chance to be a virgin until marriage. DEAN Well, you had me at "clean slate". Let's do this.
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BONNIE Congratulations, Sam and Dean Winchester. You are both virgins. SAM and DEAN Ah.
a) you're such a ham, jackles b) no fake names and aren't they a teeny bit concerned what we know with actual gods and such about signing something like this that they're gonna break?
bracing myself for this chastity group meeting scene. sex scenes can hit weird awkward embarrassed buttons (dunno if it's a me thing or an ace thing) so whatever dean's about to do, just hope to not expire from embarrassment.
(also would like to point out i have no problems reading sex in fic, which i do frequently and enjoy it, but there's something about actually seeing [and hearing but mostly seeing] my faves that freaks me out)
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meanwhile we got meeting leader lady here who is like. 90s era supermodel gorgeous. but we'll make her ~casual~ and ~chaste~ in a green hoodie.
SAM Well, I guess because every woman I've...ever... had relations with, uh...it...hasn't ended well.
LOL cute nod to the trope
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i get that this whole situation IS the point but it would have been a lot simpler to just pretend to be virgins :P
DEAN Uh, hard to say, exactly. Yeah. Sex has always felt -- I don't know -- good, you know? I mean, really, really good. Uh...But, uh... Sometimes, it just makes you feel bad, you know? You're drunk. You shack up. Then, it's the whole morning thing. You know, "Hey, that was fun." And then, "adios," you know? Always the "adios." But, you know, when you get down to it, what's the big deal, right? I mean, sure, there's the touching and the feeling all of each other, my hands everywhere, tracing every inch of her body, the two of us moving together, pressing and pulling... Grinding. [All the women start shift uncomfortably.] Then you hit that sweet spot, and everything just builds and builds and builds until it all just... [DEAN makes a exploding noise. TAMMY crushes her paper with the written verse in her lap.] [SAM gives DEAN the bitchface and clears his throat again.] DEAN Yeah. Uh...But the whole thing was just a little too, uh...sticky. So, uh, I got my "V" card back. [slaps his leg] The end.
appreciate the person who transcribed this episode used bitchface to describe that. i hope people out there enjoyed hearing dean say that. i had to pause about 5 times to make it through :p
DEAN [walking up *grinning*] Guess who's taking the teacher home. [gives a straight face] Research. SAM You really think you're gonna hit that? Dean, she's the chastity counselor.
LOL okay so breaking the pledge gets the dragons-not-dragons after you? so now dean is putting himself and the lady at risk?
DEAN Not now, Kato.
wiki says this which seems... unlikely to me (and different spelling, kato is in the captions too):
Dean: Not now, Cato. "Not now, Cato" is a reference to Inspector Clouseau and his manservant Cato Fong from the 1976 film The Pink Panther Strikes Again.
i assumed he meant kato kaelin but i still don't understand the reference. maybe it's been too long since the trial, my internal record is: kato kaelin, oj simpson trial, guest house, blond
making the church ladies horny was already a lot but now i gotta watch him put the cheesy moves on this lady too 😩 ah cockblocked by the crying. is she also a bad lady? like the last time he had sex
JODY You know, for being born again today, you sure look like crap. SAM Wait a second. Did you...get -- JODY Born again? SAM Yeah. JODY Oh, Sam. I don't make promises I can't keep.
super cute
JODY It's just...I enjoy church. I mean, after...after Bobby, Crowley...I needed something that made sense to me -- you know, comfort, I guess. SAM Yeah, I guess we're all looking for that. JODY Except those that got it. [SAM looks puzzled.] JODY Come on. You and Dean? That's something special, don't you think?
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lol okay, jody ships it. what a funny thing to say. she knows what a mess their lives are, at least in broad strokes. but anyway they know we'll eat that up with a spoon. please outsider pov, tell me more about sam and dean's relationship 🤗 while sam squirms under the microscope
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well that explains the hair and makeup and overall bombshell-ness
okay, cockblock lifted, i'm clearly not getting through this today. back tomorrow. gotta figure out a more efficient way of doing this :S (keeping your trap shut, duh)
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meruz · 2 years
im gonna reply to some asks but not that many bc the last time i tried to type up one of these posts i accidentally closed the tab and lost like several paragraphs so now im scared
lots of heavypaint questions
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its the fan tool on heavypaint!! which is a free drawing app that i love a lot. and the fan tool is my fave its kind of a crutch actually im trying to use other tools gkfdhgsdg but its so fun i can do a whole painting using it exclusively. heres a video of it in action while i mess w the configuration options. u can slide the noise jitter up and down so its more or less streaky hehe ^^
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thank you!!! heavypaint ROCKS!!!!! I love it... its like the only art program ill be a shameless shill for lol
also im flattered you think of my art while playing splat...i should draw more splat i feel like i havent done enough.
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my phone!! I have a samsung galaxy note 20 that I am still not done paying off LMAO.... but I've been a galaxy note user for years. combined with heavypaint its a shockingly good mobile sketchbook.
I'm sorry it's crashing on your tablet... I don't have a tablet so I don't really have an advice. Unfortunately because HP is a small dev app it can be kind of finicky... especially in between updates. I think if you reached out to vaughn ling/heavypoly he'd probably respond though! he seems to keep up with the community pretty well.
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@hellisrealsign nice nice.. I'm glad our tastes match up a little! hopefully that means you don't mind my frequent fandom jumping LOL. I promise to always be true to my homestuck-loving infinity-train-loving self.
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idk is it worth it to read any shounen manga for female side characters?????? (??) HEAVILY DEBATABLE. on one hand the casual observer would say no but on the other hand femslash shippers are the strongest people on god's green earth and will endure great tortures for paltry table scraps.
I think mha is a good manga but it's still a shounen, some of the tropes they squeeze the girls into kind of suck. I can kind of put my annoyance aside because regardless im still a big fan of cool fight scenes and the power of friendship but I think your mileage will vary depending on how much tolerance you have for that kind of story...? There's an awful lot of chapters afterall. I will say this: though toga and ochako aren't the main characters they're not in the background either. the path of their relationship spans multiple arcs across the entire manga and is both plot relevant and relevant to the greater themes/thesis of the story. it's pretty clear that the mangaka and editorial team are dedicated to giving these characters the time and page space to play out. it's not perfect but thats better than a decent amount of big shounen femslash in my opinion? shrugs
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Thank you! for both the compliments and the concern. but I want to assure you that... to be perfectly honest I don't think I'll ever stop posting my art regardless of AI. I don't want to make this into a hot take like this is an entirely personal opinion and I don't expect any other artists to share my position but: Everything about my art that I consider valuable is inherently impossible for AI to replicate and everything about my art that is replicable and monetizable is not something I'm interested in owning or protecting. (this is also why at the end of the day i dont really care that much about art theft, tracing etc. and i think 90% of the time style theft is just silly)
I believe art should be freely shared and to restrict that is to make art into a product which is morally despicable and moreover uninteresting... to me. lol. I DO RECOGNIZE HOWEVER I'm very lucky to have both more of an online audience than I even want + a fulltime job that takes the pressure off any of my other art to make money. it's totally valid for other artists to have differing opinions on this especially depending on personal circumstances. AND also I make art that is primarily a product above all else for work everyday so im a hypocrite but. yeah thats my two cents.
I love posting art online LOL. I do it because its fun for me.
HAPPY NEAR YEAR!!!!!!!!!11111111
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broke-on-books · 1 year
✒️ please!!
Send me a ✒️ and I'll pick a poem I think you'd like
After flipping through my notebooks I decided to go with my first instinct for you, which was "A Toast to the Alchemists" by Laura Gilpin. This poem hasn't been published online officially, so they're aren't a ton of sites that have it that I could find with a quick Google search. However I've attatched photos of a reddit post with it along with my version in my journal.
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I picked this poem because of its themes of time and the passage of time, as well as magic and giving emotional significance to the most mundane and clinical of things (atoms and elements). In other words, taking magic from the world around us, especially through a lens usually seen as lacking wonder or whimsy. Also vibes, I mainly did it based on vibes.
Some other poems I considered in my search/additional recommendations are listed under the cut:
If you liked the writing of this poem, and haven't read it already (or have) I definitely recommend "The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin. It's by the same author and is her most famous poem and is fairly well known and also soooooo good. So good.
Poems with similar themes:
Poems with similar themes to "A Toast to the Alchemists" are
"Dusting" by Marilyn Nelson 💘 (literally cried to this. To be fair it was 10 minutes after I finished the HDM finale so it was mainly because of that but still. Great poem.)
"The Sciences Sing a Lullabye" by Albert Goldbarth
"Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley (90% sure you've read this one its the time theme but inverted and it's great if you haven't)
Rejected picks/Poems that gave me Anu vibes (many for no particular reason):
Poems by Ted Kooser for some reason??? NO idea why they're very different from the ones above but some of my faves are "Selecting a Reader", "In a Country Cemetery in Iowa", "The Constellation Orion" and "Flying by Night" (I'm v much questioning this pick now but I'll keep it up here just in case)
Honestly a bunch of random unrelated stuff was popping out at me ("Listen" by Miller Williams, "Cartoon Physics, Part 1" by Nick Flynn, "Snow" by David Berman) and like a million billion more which I all got from the same anthology (Poetry 180, edited by Billy Collins) so if you want to read a bunch more poetry, based on vibes alone, I'd say look for the book, the website, or the sequel. The poems from that book aren't too similar to the one above but it's really one of two books I generally recommend people right off the bat (it was my lit teachers favorite lol) because it's meant to get young adults and teens into poetry and introduce contemporary poetry in general. Idk how much poetry you've read whatever but even if you aren't new to it it's still a good compilation of late 90s/early 00s poetry that makes you think but isn't super long/totally incomprehensible
Anyways that got WAY longer than I anticipated or anyone probably wanted but poetry is an obsession of mine and recommending poetry is much more complicated and harder that it looks, even for the people you know best in the whole world AFTER interviewing their opinions on poetry, not to mention how difficult it would be for internet friends on tumblr. But anyways there's a couple poems, I got the vibes as close as I could with the poems I had on file. (Although i do feel like I'm missing something big 🤔) Anyways thanks for the ask Anu! Hope you thought my pick was alright!
#and please for the love of god dont feel pressured to read ANYTHING on here i spend hours and hours reading poems so when i rattle off names#like that its very much me bouncing along like a frog eating skittles hopping from poem to poem to poem#based on vague vibes and feelings#also also also i already knew this when i made this ask game BUT. recommending poetry is like trying to juggle with your eyes closed because#you just KNOW you just KNOW there is a group of perfect fall in love poems out there but theres a million factors you have to take into#account to find them. like theres theme theres rhyme theres rhythm theres style theres readability/directness#and you have to try and predict someones opinions on all of that while also trying to gauge their level of patience on topics like#age of poem clarity use of standard language and spelling experimental features and line breaks#when a use of any of those they dont like can turn them off a poem entirely#like we were asoue fans together so youd probably like something with ambiguity and could tolerate a more classical look#BUT then comes in the length factor and also a bit clarity plus we have to remember theme and i cant think of any poems that fit that idea#with a theme you would like that i would feel comfortable recommending (because some poems are good but also difficult)#and i LOVE difficult poems theyre my besties but i always hate them during the first 3 reads at least and who has time for that if you dont#have poetry brain disease like i do#anyways. thats a very long way of saying. i tricked you into asking me to ramble abt poetry mwahahahahahahaha#also if anyone out there feels like theyre someone who rambles a lot about their interests to others and can at times feel a little guilty#abt that the poem “To The Sea” by Anis Mojgani talks a bit about that from an outsider pov#blah#poetry tag#answered#jacobsnicket
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
Hiii I hope you’re doing well! 🤍 1, 2, 20, 21, & 26 for the ask :)
i am doing GREAT, having a lot of fun procrastinating multiple things -- i hope you are having a good day!
so, i answered 2 here!
1. where do you typically get your ideas?
mostly i just wanna put a guy in a situation hahaha. lately its a lot of "i have this belief about andrew and im gonna PROVE it to everyone." so, i guess the real answer to this is i get my ideas by thinking about characters, and then i find the appropriate way to show what their deal is!
20. What is your best piece of advice for writing smut scenes?
i made this post once, which i think is my main advice! i guess my only other thing is just that writing smut is the same as writing anything else, in that you'll have your own way of doing it. i think sometimes theres a tendency to put smut in a different category of writing skills -- and yeah, there are things that make it unique, and there is some universality to sex scenes just bc of like... human biology and anatomy hahaha. but also, it's still just your writing! so there's no need to compare yourselves to others/try to write smut the same way your fave authors do. the best sex scenes, imo, are ones that feel like the author felt comfortable writing.
21. What is your best piece of advice for writing romance scenes?
hmmmm. probably that romance looks different for everyone. romance trademarks are like, big confession scenes and passionate kisses and dates and saying "i love you." and those have their place, but maybe not for every character, and not for every story. romance is also, "i call you when im freaking out," or "i make sure you go to bed on time," or "i tell you this secret bc i trust that u won't turn it against me." these are actually examples of scenes id consider to be romantic climaxes of some of my fics haha. i kind of squeak and hide over traditional romantic stuff, and my versions of characters aren't rly that type either, so i never try to smoosh them into the archetypes.
26. How do you go about world building?
same as everything else -- i just kind of structure it to whatever makes it easiest for me to show the things im trying to show abt the characters. i mostly write in contemporary settings, so i don't have to do that much big picture work, but i try to fill the world around the characters with things that feel consistent and non-distracting. i think that setting is one of the most powerful ways to control mood, too -- like, no turning back is kinda angsty at its core, but the world includes a board game bar, which adds some whimsy to the story lmfao. and i like to think that story is kinda fun overall, because all the emotionally heavy stuff is happening in a fairly upbeat world.
in we can live forever, they're in high school, so the world is populated with things from my own experiences of being a teenager and also being a high school teacher. they have homework, they have parents who give them rules, they have shitty cars that they have to share with siblings. these things build the boundaries that remind the reader that these are stupid, besotted teens, and that's why they are being so foolish bahaha.
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ioannemos · 2 years
3, 4, 7, 10,18
What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
i don't have a writing ritual, which is probably a contributing factor to why i never finish anything. wherever i'm writing, though, i have terrible posture. does that count?
What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
so many... big fan of anything to do with like. things that aren't quite there? intangible. phantom. psychosomatic. ghost. hollow. echo. infinite. vanish. opaque. lost. almost.
What is your deepest joy about writing?
when someone mentions a detail or makes a connection with something i've written and i go YES THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT!!! YOU GOT IT!!!
Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
i'm easily haunted by poetry... here are a few of my faves
stairs appear in a hole outside of town
here, now, gone
fifteen years of spring
the nature of living
rose petal jam
i'm haunted very differently by my own writing tbh, in the "hey remember that story and all the great ideas you had that you never ever wrote down so each day they fade a little more? yeah. still no idea how to connect the necessary dots tho" kind of way
Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
i tried to find something from a published work but instead you're gonna get a passage from my 10k+ prospect wip "victors"
In the meantime, his death has been… a hurdle. A complication. They’ll sell the aurelac and split the money and she’ll figure it out from there. She has to narrow her focus to that or everything starts to spiral. There are job boards; surely there are apprenticeship boards, or something near enough, something she can do while she really weighs her options. She shrugs, a bit frustrated. “I can’t sell the stuff without your help,” she points out. Ezra waves that off like it’s a minor hitch. “Oh, you’re right, I’ll just hop over to the nearest rare gem market. They’d never scorch an ignorant little girl.”
thoughts on it:
i was stuck on how ezra was going to respond to this for, i kid you not, two and a half years. december 2020 - june 2022. i changed two words in april but that was in an earlier section and had nothing to do with moving the story forward. what did help me move forward again? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ don't remember!
it took me a while to figure out a slang term that conveyed "take advantage of" and sounded plausible. i like "scorch" tho
aurelac is whack. they're gems the size of fists, worth tons of points. what are points? what are they used for? what in the heck is the thing they're harvested from?? they're so macguffiny. i want to make resin replicas
it's bleak but i'm gonna say it: damon's life was a hurdle for cee and it's probably for the better he's dead
the seed of my story was inspired by a description of the movie (i don't remember if it was netflix or imdb) that calls ezra an outlaw. there is absolutely nothing in the movie itself that implies anything he does is outside of the law. i'm not saying his actions were moral, just that. y'know. for all we know, they weren't illegal. there's nothing in the movie about him hiding out or running from space cops or being wanted for crimes. again, he very much does coerce, kidnap, lie, kill, etc. but it's a space western and they're on the extreme fringes of society. nobody's even gonna go there after the time limit is up (presumably). everyone who's there is either after macguffins or stumbled over macguffins while there for ~reasons~ and wants in on the money the macguffins will provide. there's no reason to label him an outlaw. there is no law, far as i can tell. so then i was like well maybe he's wanted on some other planet and kinda went from there
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purplefnafpasta · 11 months
Aka, I finally realized that i didn't make an intro yet, so I'll make one now. (Below the cut because I dunno how long this will get)
Gonna put the DNI above the cut though:
Anyone under 16 DNI thanks.
(Also, here is my ToS with an extrended DNI, as well as any other thing you may possibly need to know about usage of my art, designs or fanart, etc)
A little about me:
Hello! My name is Sam. However, I also commonly go by Wolf or Purple online. I am 19 years old, and I am a hobby artist. I don't really do art with the thought in mind to get big and popular with it. I would rather just make art for myself and then post it online for anyone who is willing to look at it.
I am mostly active on Toyhou.se or Discord. However, if you don't have either of those, then I am most likely to be reached on Tumblr. Here are my other socials, though, for anyone interested.
Username origin:
I came up with my username at around 2020.
Purple = one of my fave colors (i have 3 fave colors, purple, brown, and black. However, purple was the one that sounded the best when trying to pronounce my whole username)
FNaF = fave game at the time (still fave franchise, though I prefer Hollow Knight as of right now)
Pasta = my favorite dish at the time (by now, it's ramen)
Nickname Origins:
Sam = is my name, not a nickname lmao
Purple = because people commonly use that for a short version of my user (who tf would wanna say/write my whole username, anytime I am mentioned in a convo, lmao)
Wolf = I can't actually remember where that nickname comes from. I just know that at some point, I always got called Wolf (mostly on Discord), so I just ran with it, i suppose. My best guess is that it happened because my fursona is a wolf.
What kind of art I'll post:
I am by heart an OC artist, meaning I draw and post mostly my own OCs, or art I made of someone else's OC(s). I rarely ever draw fanart, but who knows, maybe ya'll will catch me do some fanart (on rare occasions).
I usually draw animals (anthro and feral). However, recently, i have been attempting to draw more human/oids to better my art skilly for those as well.
I may also draw my spin on what the Warrior Cats look like. Because why not, I love the book series. (meaning i won't stick to drawing realistic cats, since i just design em what i vibe with, but i'd explain that in detail in my first warrior cats design that i'd post)
I may attempt drawing some more complex/detailed chars (like robots or smth). However, i also aren't too great with that, so please bear with me and my (slow) learning progress. (Yes, I am a slow learner)
What can you DM/PM me for?:
Commissions (if they are open, however I prefer taking that to discord after the initial DM where you ask to commission me!)
Trades (if they are open)
Asking for toyhou.se invite codes (if i still have some left, which I do currently btw. please use the codes i send you within 48 hours, or i'll give it to the next person who asks, i don't wanna have to wait months for someone to just make an account- i can see when a code is used and when not btw!)
Asking me about my art or my ocs (be aware that I easily drift off and start to rant though, lmao)
What should you not DM/PM me for?:
Touhou.se coding issues. I give away invite codes. I have absolutely 0 clue how to code, so I can't help with that, you can check in Toyhou.se forums for help though, I am sure there are quite a few who are willing to help you!
Asking me to message someone who had blocked you for you. (I am sure the person who had blocked you had their reason, and I do not feel comfortable acting as an extension for you to message someone who blocked you.)
Venting/ ranting about something. Just do not, please. The only exception is, if I know you already.
Can I send you an ask?
Yeah, go for it. I just can't promise when I'll see it.
How can we find your art easier between all of the reblogs you make?
I will try to implement the "PurpleFNaFpasta's art" tag to all of my art pieces, so if you wanna find my art between the reblogs, you should be able to find them with that (hopefully).
[Edit from March 18th 2024]: i have also implemented a new tag as well, if you are looking for random funfacts about my oc's, this tag is where you will find them: "Purple's Random OC Funfacts" [Edit from September 16th 2024]: Changed my age from 18 to 19 in my intro lol. Birthday moment xd
0 notes