#which is commonly seen as a sign of like. fighting dirty.
gloopdimension · 1 year
the culture of hands in hylicworld is so interesting to ponder esp w/ the main cast(and odogibby bc i like them).
wayne. he grew up in a culture mostly separate from the more popular one so while hes not unaware of how hands are seen/interpreted in certain contexts he has a hard time caring for it. if gloves didnt look so good on him he’d probably leave them off more often than not
soms. similar situation. i think for her the culture shes from enforces the idea that bodies overall are to be cherished (which leaves her with overwhelming guilt when she doesn’t take care of her own. in her defense she is like straight up depressed.) rather than hands specifically
dedus. i think out of the crew she’s the most in-touch with the hand thing. 1 out of her love of other cultures and her own 2 just a norm she’s grown up around. She’s indulged in a pongorma hand drawing many-a-time i’d believe.
pongorma. in my mind he was raised around the sacred hand idea but his rebellious nature (esp when he was young) led him to think against it and not fully Get Why its such a big thing. wears gloves for the sake of decency of others+stylish i think. doesn’t mean he doesnt understand the meaning of bare-handed handholding hes Well versed in all that
gibby. neck-deep in that whole thing. he”s an interesting case though b/c his hands do Not fit the beauty norm and he’s very insecure about himself overall. if his gloves ever slipped off in the middle of a packed hallway he’d probably demand everybody to avert their gaze 1 cus its common knowledge +decency 2 for his own sake and confidence
odozeir. same as gibby just without the insecurity. hes a little freak about gibs paws and i think the first time he saw gibbys hands and he Willingly revealed them as a sign of vulnerability and overwhelming trust he somehow fell even More in love w/ him bc he never knew flaws like this could be so attractive
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cutielando · 9 months
safe haven | r.c.
synopsis: in which he feels safest when he's with you
my masterlist
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Rafe needed to feel loved.
All of his life, he tried to fight for his father's love and always ended up on the losing side. His father would always put Sarah above him and there was nothing he could do that would change that.
Being deprived of love for such a long time made falling in love with you feel so foreign and strange, but it ultimately saved his life.
Since the moment he had laid his eyes on you, he knew he was done for.
When you agreed to be his girlfriend, he swore he could feel his lungs receiving a new lease on life.
The love you provided him with was nothing he had ever felt before. He had never before felt so cared for, so safe and loved with someone before. He didn't know who he had to thank for sending such an angel his way, but he would do it for the rest of his life.
Loving Rafe was the best decision you had ever made. Teaching him how to love and showing him what being loved felt like has been your biggest accomplishment to date. Seeing the broken boy who had spent years and years fighting for someone to love him, to make him feel seen, suddenly loving with all he had in him brought you happiness like never before.
After every bad argument with his father, he would come to you. After every single bad day, after anything, his first and only stop would be you. 
You reveled in the fact that you were the only person he trusted enough to go to in time of need. The only person he would even think about going to, no matter the problem.
It most commonly happened when he would get into yet another fight with Ward, it had become something of a custom in the last couple of months.
Tonight was no different.
You had been doing some homework, wanting to get it out of the way so you could enjoy some free days in the upcoming period when you heard a loud knock downstairs.
"Y/N? Rafe's here" you heard your father call from downstairs, which had you worriedly climbing down the stairs.
It wasn't uncommon for Rafe to always be at your house, but he usually always told you he would be coming over. It was never like this.
You thanked your father who just smiled at you and retreated back to the living room, leaving you in the entrance hall with your boyfriend.
"Baby? Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" you asked once you stopped in front of him, wrapping your arms around his tall and muscular body.
"I wasn't planning on coming here tonight, but I just had to see you" his words were muffled by his face pressed in your neck, and by the way his muscles were tense and rigid under your touch, you knew what had happened.
Ward, once again.
"Let's go upstairs and we can talk about it, okay?" your voice was soft, making Rafe's insides turn to mush.
He nodded as he pulled away from the embrace, taking your hand instead and letting you pull him upstairs to your bedroom.
He knew he wasn't being fair to you, coming to you for comfort every single time his dad would lash out at him. He knew he needed to man up and get a grip, but how could he when you provided so much warmth and safety and love to his soul?
How could he not need you when you were his breath of fresh air? The only thing he needed to survive and keep going? No, it was impossible.
When you had finally reached your room, you closed the door behind you and sat with Rafe on your bed, laying down and cuddling him to your chest.
You slowly started running your hands through his hair, scratching at his scalp and twirling some of the longer strands of his dirty blonde hair around your fingers.
Rafe hummed slowly and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of being in your arms after having had such a long and awful day.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" you whispered, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere that had settled in the room.
Rafe didn't answer straight away, which you figured was a sign that he didn't want to discuss what had happened with his father, but he soon started talking in a tired, worn out voice.
"He thinks I'm turning soft because of you. Not taking care of business the way I usually did before we got together, shit like that. He doesn't see how good you're for me and how much better I'm doing since we've been dating, how calmer I am and the fact that I'm clean. It's a change he doesn't seem to think of as productive so he automatically hates it. Told me to either break up with you or pack my things and get out of the house" he explained, your heart breaking slowly with each word that came out of his mouth.
You knew from the very beginning that Ward thought you were a 'bad influence' over Rafe just because he started getting his life together after you became a couple. He stopped drinking, he's been clean for 2 years, his violent outbursts were almost non-existent and he was seriously preparing to take over the company from your father. Your father had decided that his retirement age was coming up and talked to Rafe about him taking over the company, which meant even more distancing from Ward.
Unfortunately for Ward, that also meant that he could no longer count on Rafe to do illegal things for him, 'take care' of the opposition or scare people shitless, Rafe refused to be involved with that.
Hence, this.
"Oh, baby. I am so sorry" you squeezed him tighter, planting kisses on the top of his head.
He shrugged, only squeezing you tighter and burying his head deeper into the place between your neck and your shoulder.
"I'm gonna need to find a place to stay, was thinking about going to see some places these days before I go and pick up my things" he explained further, making you confused.
Did he really think he would be staying anywhere else other than your house?
"Don't be ridiculous, love. You're gonna stay here with me. We have plenty of rooms where you can keep your things and plenty of space. My parents adore you, they love having you around and they hate your father. Imagine all the time we're going to be able to spend together from now on" you finished on an excited note, making Rafe chuckle.
He loved your ability to turn every single bad thing into a positive one, shine light in the darkest of places.
"I don't want to feel like a burden, especially not to your parents" he commented, even though he wanted nothing more than to stay there with you and your family.
"Don't be silly, you and I both know just how much my parents love you. They're going to enjoy having you around all the time, especially my dad" 
Rafe and your dad had a very special relationship. Ever since you started dating, your dad had been the father Ward never was to Rafe. He took him under his wing, showed him the ropes and prepared him for when he would hold the ropes. They would take your family's boat and go fishing for a day or two to bond, they would prepare BBQs together, hang out, watch football games. They sometimes spent more time together than either of them did with you.
Your mother had the same adoration for Rafe as your father. From the moment she had realized how serious your relationship was, she did everything in hew power to show him how much she appreciated him for taking care of you, for being by your side and loving you as much as he did. She too was the mother Rafe had once lost and she provided him with the motherly love and touch he desperately needed.
He was part of your family, whether he knew it or not.
"I can't thank you enough, baby. I love you and your parents so fucking much" he raised his head and took your face in his hand, bending your face just enough to pull you into a deep kiss, pouring every single emotion he felt towards you into the kiss.
You kissed him back just as passionately, determined to never allow Rafe to feel like this anymore.
You would make sure he knew how important and loved he was even if it was the last thing you would do.
After all, you were his safe haven.
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
I’ll take “Champions Everyone Hates” for $300, Larry!
Jokes aside Illaoi was a beyond obvious build with all the Unearthed Arcana subclasses being shown off. With Tasha’s Cauldron on the horizon and recent news that Illaoi is actually getting another skin it only makes sense to make a build for her.
But this is also an opportunity to make something interesting. In particular I see a lot of people online saying that the only viable melee Warlock is Hexblade, and while the Hexblade subclass certainly makes creating a melee Warlock easier it isn’t the only path you can choose. So to prove that you can play other Warlocks with a big ball to slam people with here’s a more melee focused Warlock build!
Sheeyutu Nagakabouros - So Illaoi needs tentacles. What? Lurker in the Deep Warlock? I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Broken bones teach better lessons - Illaoi is a buff lady and I want her to crush my head between her thighs... What? Uhhh STRENGTH BUILD TIME!
Many gods ask for worship; they are weak gods - Probably the only hard part about this build is going to be ripping people’s souls out of their body... Good thing I’m honestly probably not going to do that and simply reflavor some stuff.
League of Legends has its gods and monsters, but the majority of the characters are human. Variant Humans get to start with a little bit more than the average human, but let’s get the normal things out of the way first: increase your Strength and Charisma by 1 to break bones more easily and to find more people who want you to break their bones. You also get a proficiency in a skill of your choice such as Athletics to lug a giant Kraken god head statue around all day, and a language of your choice like Deep Speech to speak to your god through your statue.
But most importantly you get a free Feat, and unfortunately this is a case of me being forced to stick feats into this build for the sake of aesthetic. Illaoi doesn’t wear armor in-game but I could make the argument that her massive arm pauldrons and general outfit could be seen as Medium armor. So even though you could get Heavy Armor “proficiency” thanks to the Eldritch Armor Invocation from the Class Feature Variants UA I’m instead going to suggest taking the Moderately Armored Feat for Medium Armor proficiency and +1 to your Strength score. Feel free to take something like Great Weapon Master instead if you’re okay with actually wearing Heavy Armor at the cost of an invocation.
15; STRENGTH - Eat your heart out The Last of Us 2 haters. (BTW screw everyone who’s been harassing Laura Bailey on Twitter. I know this is old news but still.)
14; DEXTERITY - Something something Medium Armor, even if Heavy Armor is an option.
13; CHARISMA - Ultimately this is a requirement for the class we’ll have to be playing, but I’m sure there’s a reason this tentacle-lover keeps showing up to ruin my soloqueue games.
12; CONSTITUTION - Illaoi is a tank in-game and while I’d love this to be higher unfortunately we need other things more.
10; WISDOM - Illaoi has knowledge of the old gods which I’d personally consider to be more Wisdom based than Intelligence.
8; INTELLIGENCE - Signing yourself off to be the priestess of some deep sea Cthulhu monster isn’t something you do when you have a high GPA.
Fun fact: you can be a priest and not be a Cleric! The Acolyte background lets you grant your service to a god, even if that god isn’t commonly accepted. You gain some Religion proficiency as well as general Insight, as well as two languages of your choice like Abyssal and Primordial to speak to all the ancient beings of Bilgewater.
Your feature Shelter of the Faithful will be a... little odd for your DM to implement. There are few temples to Nagakabouros, but if you can find followers of the Bearded Lady they will provide shelter for you and your allies, and also support you (and you alone) as their Priestess. But regardless you will still be able to find your people in your hometown, and will be able to perform sermons for your god. Even if those sermons involve cracking skulls.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Did you enjoy seeing the word “Fighter” a lot in my Garen build? Well you’d better be ready to see a whole lot of “Warlock” in this one. As a Warlock you get two proficiencies from the Warlock skill list so learn about the History of Nagakabouros and also take Intimidation proficiency because I’m pretty fucking intimidated when an Illaoi comes into my lane if you know what I’m saying.
But unlike most classes Warlocks get to choose their subclass at level 1 and low-and-behold we’ll be going with the Lurker in the Deep Unearthed Arcana Patron which will soon be appearing in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. One may ask why I didn’t wait for that book to come out to which I reply “I need to make content.” Regardless you get Scion of the Deep at level 1 to communicate telepathically with (almost) any creature that has an innate swimming speed that’s within 120 feet of you. The creature can understand you regardless of your shared languages and can respond telepathically. Look all I’m saying is that you’ve gotta be able to talk with Nami somehow.
But of course what you’re really here for is Grasp of the Deep. As a bonus action you create a tentacle at a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The tentacle lasts for 1 minute or until you make another tentacle. When you create the tentacle, you can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 10 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 cold or lightning damage (your choice when it takes the damage) and its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. You can also move the tentacle up to 30 feet as a bonus action on your turn and repeat the attack with said bonus action. You can summon the tentacle a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Yes I did just copy-paste the description of the ability because it’s a lot of words to say something very simple: make tentacle in 60 feet, slam people with bonus action, move it up to 30 feet per round.
But unlike in League you get more than just tentacles at level 1! You also have access to Pact Magic! You can learn two cantrips from the Warlock list: Lightning Lure lets you pull your opponent’s not-quite-soul closer towards you, and Eldritch Blast is an Eldritch Blast that lets you Eldritch Blast; I’m not going to pretend you don’t know what this cantrip is.
You also get two spells from the Warlock list and now it’s time to just take any spell that has the name “Hadar” in it. Arms of Hadar lets you strike everyone near you with tentacles; isn’t it fun to get your ultimate at level 1? For some sort-of Soul Stealing action I’m actually going to recommend Witch Bolt: after hitting an enemy with the spell you can keep hitting them from a distance and they can’t do anything about it! Truthfully though there are a lot of really great spells for this build at first level and I’m sad I can’t list them all, so if you don’t like my spell picks try out:
Hellish Rebuke (Thornmail)
Protection from Evil and Good
Thunderwave (Subclass-specific spell, otherwise known as “better Arms of Hadar that aren’t tentacles so they’re actually worse)
Yeah level 1 is always overloaded.
Second level Warlocks get access to Eldritch Invocations to improve their abilities, and you know what we still need? A proper ability to rip out people’s souls. Shame we won’t get that, but Grasp of Hadar will pull them closer and Lance of Lethargy will slow them for trying to escape their Test of Spirit. These invocations do stack (IE there’s no rule saying you can’t apply both at once) so you can theoretically pull someone 10 feet closer to you and make them 10 feet slower, resulting in 20 total feet of distance you’re gaining on them.
You can also learn another spell at this level and while there are plenty of good ones I’m going to suggest some Thornmail, or rather Armor of Agathys. The spell doesn’t require Concentration, gives you some bulk, and makes enemies think twice about hitting you. And it scales well too!
So how about we get something big to bonk our enemies with? Hello Pact of the Blade! In short you make a weapon in your hands to fight with, and I’d argue that a Maul is probably the closest to a big two-handed bludgeoning weapon.
I should mention that technically you need the Improved Pact Weapon invocation to be able to cast spells while you have a weapon in two hands, but you can get around this by using a component pouch instead of a focus. (And Illaoi seems the type to cast with squid organs.)
Oh and you can learn second level spells now! Spells like Earthbind to make sure your foes don’t take to the sky to escape the wrath of the ocean.
4th level Warlocks get an Ability Score Improvement so it’s time to invest in your main stat: Strength! What was that? Charisma? No no silly Warlocks use Strength obviously, so put +2 into that.
You also learn another spell at this level, and another cantrip! For your cantrip Mage Hand will let you summon a little tentacle for you to grab smaller things at a distance. As for leveled spells Ray of Enfeeblement will let you pack Exhaust for your foes, reducing their attack damage. It’s a bit of a dirty trick but Nagakabouros doesn’t fight fair.
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(Artwork by ERDJIE on DeviantArt)
5th level Warlocks get another Invocation so guess what we’re taking? Yup: Eldritch Smite, pretty much a given whenever I make a Pact of the Blade build. This will let you slam your foes so hard that they fall over! I’m also going to suggest you replace Lance of Lethargy with Thirsting Blade, as by this point Grasp of Hadar is already pulling them close enough thanks to two Eldritch Blasts per turn.
You can also learn another spell at this level and remember when I said we’d take any spell with the name “Hadar” in the title? Hunger of Hadar lets you make an area pitch black and summon a bunch of tentacles in that area. Basically Hadar is this world’s Nagakabouros. "Bearded Lady, Nagakabouros, names don't matter! Action does."
At 6th level your tentacles finally have some lifesteal! And by lifesteal I mean defensive properties. Guardian Grasp lets you use your reaction to make a tentacle shield an ally from a hit, reduce the damage they would’ve taken from an attack by half. The tentacle can shield any ally within 10 feet of it, and it disappears after defending them. Note that this works for spells too, so if someone’s having their soul ripped out of them you can use your abilities to pull it right back in!
Additionally your servitude to the Bearded Lady grants you a Fathomless Soul for the ability to breathe underwater, a swimming speed, and resistance to Cold damage.
And finally you can learn another spell like the Unearthed Arcana spell Spirit Shroud. This spell will let you slow enemies that are near you and also do extra damage.
7th level Warlocks get another Invocation but there’s nothing that particularly interests me. May as well get Devil’s Sight in case you’re playing against a Nocturne.
You can also learn another spell at this level and hey look more tentacles!  Evard’s Black Tentacles is a subclass-specific spell that makes tentacles that can hold people down!
8th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement: increase your Strength by 1 and your Constitution by 1, as those are your two main stats as a Warlock. Definitely.
You can also add another spell to your list, and while there are plenty of great choices I’d opt to rid yourself of the unworthy with Banishment.
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(Artwork by Diazex on DeviantArt)
9th level Warlocks get access to another Eldritch Invocation, but again none of these are that particularly interesting so I suppose you could grab Otherworldly Leap for the Jump spell at will?
But you get access to another spell and if you need guidance from Nagakabouros then Commune with Nature will let you gather information to aid you to spread your faith.
Now (or ideally sometime before) would also probably be a good time to replace a lot of your old spells, so depending on your DM here’s some spells you should probably swap out, and what they should be swapped to:
Arms of Hadar (RIP tentacles) with Vampiric Touch (3rd level) for some lifesteal. (Enervation at the 5th level is also a decent alternative that works at range.)
Witch Bolt with Dimension Door (4th level) for a Teleport back to lane.
Earthbind with Synaptic Static (5th level) for a Leap of Faith against your foes. (By that I mean it’s my build and I like this spell.)
Ray of Enfeeblement with Cone of Cold (5th level) for another powerful AoE spell in a teamfight.
At 10th level Lurker in the Deep Warlocks can feed their god’s Devouring Maw. As an action you can create a 10 foot radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 60 feet. Each creature in that area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained. And then: teeth... this feels like Pyke’s thing. Regardless any creature that starts its turn in the area takes 3d6 cold / lightning damage (your choice.)
Restrained creature can try to get out on their action, and at the start of your turn if anyone is in the area you gain temporary hit points equal to your Warlock level. You can use this ability once per short or long rest, so essentially consider it like an extra spell that’s exclusive to you and your faith.
Speaking of extra spells you don’t get another spell known but your tentacles do more damage now: 2d8 to be exact. You also get another cantrip: Minor Illusion will let you summon more small ghost tentacles, except these ones don’t do anything except for fool the enemy into thinking they’ll have a fun laning phase.
11th level Warlocks get their 6th level Mystic Arcanum, which is a spell you can only use once per Long Rest. Basically it’s a regular spell slot, unlike your Warlock slots which come back on a short rest. Unfortunately there really aren’t a lot of Mystic Arcanum options, and the ones at level 6 aren’t spectacular. Circle of Death is probably the best even if the lore is a little iffy.
You can also add another Pact Magic spell to your list: many say that a Dream is a window into one’s soul, so messing with people’s dreams only makes sense for you to test their souls. Oh and you get a third spell slot for your Pact Magic! Yay!
12th level Warlocks get an Ability Score Improvement but I’m going to instead suggest the Resilient feat for Constitution, increasing your CON to a 14 and giving you proficiency in CON saves. Constitution is one of your main stats as a Warlock after all!
You also get another Eldritch Invocation and now it’s finally time for an invocation we will keep! Lifedrinker will let you add your Charisma modifier as damage to your weapon attacks. I know it’s such a weird thing for Warlocks to have since they rarely use Charisma, but it’s still useful!
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(Artwork by sharrm on DeviantArt)
At level 13 you get your 7th level Mystic Arcanum. To test weak souls Power Word Pain will see how much they can take before they reach their limit. If a target is at 100 HP or less they are affected by crippling pain. Their speed can be no higher than 10 feet, they have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws (other than CON saves), and if the target tries to cast a spell, it must first succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or the casting fails and the spell is wasted.
A target suffering this pain can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the pain ends. While this may seem weak this doesn’t require your concentration, and can set up for all your allies to break the nonbelievers.
You can also add another Pact Magic spell to your list like Elemental Bane. Here’s the trick: pick a damage type of your tentacles that your allies are also doing. This will make both them and your tentacles stronger!
14th level Lurker in the Deep Warlocks get their final ability, Unleash the Depths. As an action, you choose a point within 30 feet of you to summon a manifestation of Nagakabouros. You then have one of two options:
Transport. You and up to five willing creatures of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of the manifestation point are grasped by spectral tentacles and teleported to a point of your choice within 100 miles that you have visited within the past 24 hours.
Fury. You can direct a barrage of spectral tentacles to strike up to five creatures you can see within 30 feet of the manifestation point. Each target must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes 6d10 cold or lightning damage (your choice) and is knocked prone. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not knocked prone. The tentacles then vanish.
You can only do this once per Long Rest, so you can essentially consider it another Mystic Arcanum of sorts.
15th level Warlocks get their 8th level Mystic Arcanum and to truly test one’s faith try Feeblemind. You choose a target to damage and force them to make an Intelligence save: if they fail their Intelligence and Charisma become 1 and they become unable to do most things that require thinking. (Detailed in the spell.) This spell lasts for thirty days unless healed by a specific spell, afterwards they can try to repeat the save.
But more importantly you get some more Invocations and sweet Bearded Lady we can finally get some good ones! Grab Witch Sight to know the truth behind one’s soul.
And you get one more Pact Magic spell like Sickening Radiance to exhaust the spirit... because it causes Exhaustion... the D&D status not the LoL Summoner Spell.
16th level means an Ability Score Improvement so it’s finally time to stop beating around the bush: get more Charisma so Lifedrinker is better. There really isn’t much other use for it.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
At 17th level you get your 9th level Mystic Arcanum; the strongest spell you can cast! When a soul is too weak to fight it must die: Power Word Kill will instantly kill a target with 100 health or less.
In addition you learn more Pact Magic: by this point your foes should truly Fear you (and the fact that I’m not allowed to take any spell that creates undead.) Yes most enemies by this point can resist fears, but on the bright side you finally have four spell slots for your other spells! (Or Smites.)
18th level Warlocks get their final Eldritch Invocation: Visions of Distant Realms will let you use the vision of the Bearded Lady to see across all of Runeterra... or at least as far as Arcane Eye lets you.
19th level Warlocks get our final Ability Score Improvement and yeah: Charisma for Lifedrinker... among other things.
And you get your final Pact Magic spell: take Hold Monster as the final option to keep an enemy down as you beat them into shape.
20th level Warlocks are Eldritch Masters. You can spend 1 minute praying to regain all your expended Pact Magic slots. Once you regain spell slots with this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
...I mean yeah you could just spend an hour to Short Rest, but being able to get 4 more 5th level spell slots in just a minute could be useful! ...Maybe...
They need wisdom; they don't need teeth - Even though you only have two attacks as a “casting” class you do plenty of damage thanks to Lifedrinker and your tentacles. (Assuming you’re using a Maul) you’re doing 4d6 + 10 bludgeoning, an extra 8 necrotic, and an extra 2d8 of Lightning or Cold damage with your Bonus Action. If you take the averages of those numbers you’re going to be doing about 44 damage per turn! Not to mention Eldritch Smites to truly break their spirits!
Blessed is motion - Your AC shouldn’t be terrible with Medium Armor, but the real strength is in Guardian Grasp. Being able to reduce the damage of an attack by half is universally useful. Above-average HP (thanks to a good CON mod) definitely helps too.
I am a teacher; Bilgewater will learn - Despite your weak mental stats you have a good amount of utility with proficiency in a number of skills and spells to gather information like Arcane Eye, Commune With Nature, and Dream. Not to mention Witch Sight which will see through any illusions or shapeshifting. This means you’re a fighter who can see through invisibility!
If I hate something, I destroy it - Illaoi is a big lady, and while her physical abilities may be strong her mental capabilities are a little lacking. Your Wisdom saves are fine enough thanks to Proficiency but your Intelligence and Dexterity saves are rather subpar, and as mentioned earlier your Ability Checks aren’t going to be great thanks to your low mental.
My god is not love; it is a kick in the pants - All the memeing I did in this build aside the focus on Strength over Charisma was probably not the brightest, especially considering that the hit chance of your tentacles is based on your Charisma. See if you can get Point Buy for this build instead to max out Strength and Charisma: Medium Armor was taken more for cosmetic than anything, and Heavy Armor would probably be a better choice. And of course feel free to take Charisma ASIs early if you think you need them.
Something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens - Truthfully while 9th level spells an extra invocations are nice this build would’ve probably benefited a lot more from some Fighter or Paladin levels to get a Fighting Style and subclass features. I built this build Warlock-exclusive partially for flavor and partially to show that melee Warlocks are possible outside of Hexblade, but 5 levels into Fighter or Paladin would get you Extra Attack (so you wouldn’t need Thirsting Blade) along with other class features. And starting as Fighter or Paladin would let you take armor proficiency too, so you wouldn’t need a feat for it! (You could grab something like Great Weapon Master instead!)
But here you have it: a level 20 Warlock build, a melee Warlock that isn’t Hexblade, a devout character with no Cleric levels, a Tasha’s build before Tasha’s comes out, and a powerful melee fighter with good use of their Bonus Action and plenty of utility through spellcasting. As long as you live life to its fullest and grab every combat by the reigns then Nagakabouros shall be pleased. Test the nonbelievers and strike at the heart of corruption! For it is her way... to get camped all game by the jungler... and still get double kills.
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(Artwork by epimeral on DeviantArt)
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bonesaldente · 4 years
Caliginous I Darth Maul x Reader
Chapter 5: The Mission
read this on ao3
read the last chapter here
words: 2700+
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The descent to Nar Shaddaa is quite difficult, as per usual. The smuggler’s moon is a busy place and it’s a challenge to find a place to land the ship once one has made it through the dense air traffic.
Maul manages, but once when someone cut straight in front of him you could hear him mumble angry words in a language you didn’t understand.
The two of you exit the ship and Maul leads the way through sketchy streets, back alleys and huge crowds. The moon is just as big a dump as you remember it being, from unpleasant smells coming from all directions over people bumping into you with no respect for personal space whatsoever, to you being offered spice at every corner.
Finally, the zabrak comes to a halt in the middle of a less busy street, looking straight ahead.
“The grey building over there is where we meet them. Don’t let the guards see you.”
You follow his eyes and indeed: Two Gamorrean guards are posted on each side of the large wooden door, which seems out of place on the grey facade of the building.
Your eyes scan the surroundings of the place to find a way of getting in without having to walk through the front door in case of an emergency, unable to shake off the feeling that your help will be needed.
A narrow passage between the grey building and the one next to it catches your attention, and you decide to examine it more closely as soon as Maul is heading inside.
You look at him and nod, showing him you’re ready for the mission to begin.
The Sith lord walks up to the guards, hood still covering his face, and they exchange a few words, not loud enough for you to hear. You use their shifted attention to slip into the almost claustrophobically small gap between the buildings. It’s so narrow, you have to move your shoulders a little sideways to fit.
The only window you can find is about twenty feet in the air, but scaling this building is much easier than normally due to its proximity to the next one. One foot on each wall, you basically walk up the house, until the viewport is within reach. 
You pull out your thermal goggles with one hand while steadying yourself on the wall with the other one and trying to get a look inside with your bare eyes.
You’re surprised to see the viewport you’re looking through does not belong to the second floor: There is only one level, and a high ceiling, reminding you of some kind of temple. Maybe that’s what it was before the Hutt crime lords took over Nar Shaddaa: a sad, grey temple.
Putting on the thermal goggles, you are finally able to make out the people inside, and your breath hitches in your throat. 
“I hate being right all the time,” you whisper to yourself, assessing the situation.
Suspended from the ceiling with some kind of wire rope around his hands is your crimson-skinned travel companion. The thermal vision doesn’t allow for you to see his face, but you’re sure he must be fuming with anger right now.
The trap they set up for him must have been very well thought out, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to get the force user into this kind of situation. You wonder if they used motion sensors when he walked in, or if they managed to shock him in order to tie him up so quickly.
Obviously, they are in the wrong for doing this, but you have to give credit where credit is due—this is an excellent trap.
Except of course, now you’re going to ruin it all for them.
The thermal vision shows you that at this moment, one creature—it’s hard to tell what species—is circling the Sith slowly, seemingly enjoying having the upper hand for once. Maybe if you strike him down while jumping in, that will confuse everyone else long enough for you to either cut some of them down or free Maul.
Or should you just try to shoot at them from your elevated position?
Maybe that’s a good idea. The viewport is excellent for taking cover, and until now, nobody has noticed you. Now all you have to do is remove the transparisteel from the frame without grabbing their attention.
You get to work by pulling out a small vial filled with an acidic mixture, which you’d learned dissolves the glue that’s commonly used in construction. You carefully apply it to the frame and wait.
Foam appears, which you think is a good sign. Cautiously, you try to slip your fingers through the space between frame and transparisteel, and— yes.
Gently tugging on the material, you pull out the thin screen that’s been separating you from the inside. Now, their voices finally reach you.
“... no longer work under you. We’ve received more profitable offers…”
You tune out the conversation and very, very carefully attempt to place the transparisteel between the two walls so that it jams and doesn’t fall to the ground, causing much-undesired noise.
You succeed and shift your attention back to the interior, where a man—you’re surprised to see it’s not a Hutt—is standing before the tied-up Sith, his hands clasped behind his back in an arrogant manner. He must be the boss.
Maul is facing away from you, so you can’t see his face, but you can only imagine how much his wrist must hurt already, holding his entire body weight just on a thin wire.
It’s obvious that you have to act quickly.
You take out a throwing knife—a blaster would draw too much attention to your position. Not giving yourself too much time to aim or reconsider your decision, you just throw it.
There is no time to wait and watch for the knife to meet its target. As soon as the handle leaves your hand, you leap into the room, immediately slicing through two of the guards in a swift motion, your feet barely even having met the ground. The people who have been watching until now are too stunned by the fast turn of events to move for a moment and you use that to your advantage, not losing any time and immediately charging at the next person. They outnumber you, by a lot, so it’s critical that you free Maul now .
To the feet of the boss, from whose throat protrudes the familiar handle of your knife, lies Maul’s lightsaber, discarded in the chaos you caused. You sprint towards it, dodging attackers left and right, sliding through the open legs of a particularly big guard. 
The silver handle is much larger than any lightsaber you’ve ever seen, but the button to ignite it seems to be the same.
Red light illuminates the dim room as you spin around and decapitate the man charging after you, then you decide to take the risk and throw the deadly weapon, doing your best to aim for the wire rope that’s still holding Maul up by his wrists.
Screams ensue as the lethal blade approaches the ground again, after successfully having cut the Sith loose. Its descent slows and mid-air it stops, changing its direction and flying straight into Maul’s hand.
This is where the odds change for the better.
Starting from here, it’s pure carnage. The infuriated Sith Lord slaughters every living being crossing his path, and you do the same, with a little more effort than him.
At some point, three massive guards have you circled, closing in on you slowly. You attack the one closest to you—he blocks, but your second charge comes too fast for him to react, and he drops to the ground. The next guard tries to surprise you by clasping your body from behind, using his larger form to his advantage by constricting your arm movement by pressing you to his filthy body, attempting to choke you from behind. You manage to headbutt him backward, using his brief drowsiness to free yourself from his grip, as the third guard charges at you. You react fast and take him out, but now the guard behind you has come back to his senses and raises his weapon—
The hum of a lightsaber fills your ears as his body is cut in half in one swift motion.
Crunching up your nose at the smell of burned flesh, you look at the zabrak who appears behind the now dead man.
“I had it under control.”
You look around to see that you are done. There must be over thirty corpses piled up on the floor.
“Well, this should convey the message.”
Stepping over the dead bodies, you both make your way to the door.
You can’t say you’re totally unfazed by this massacre. As a hitwoman, you are used to taking your victims by surprise and disappearing before a fight can follow, rarely being forced to take out this many people at once. But, that’s life. Somebody has to do the dirty work.
Besides, they started it by double-crossing the Sith.
“So,” you start as you exit the building, “it was a trap.”
“Your prediction was correct, if that’s what you want to hear.”
Grimly, the zabrak puts on his hood again. You don’t bother hiding your identity anymore. If someone sees you on this moon, it doesn’t matter. You doubt you’ll stay here any longer than you have to.
This time, fewer people bump into you, which you can credit to the blood splattered all over you. Maul looks less gory: Lightsaber wounds bleed less, the heat of the laser blade is effective in cauterizing them, though you haven’t really gotten around to examining one of the wounds more closely.
 It feels like an eternity to reach the ship, but when you do, Maul wastes no time in starting the engine and taking off. You get the feeling he dislikes the place almost as much as you do. 
You head straight to the refresher to change out of your clothes and wash at least some of the blood off, and you can feel the spaceship speeding up, informing you that you have left the smuggler’s moon’s dense traffic.
Feeling somewhat refreshed, you go back upstairs.
Just as you enter, a hologram before Maul disappears. All you could see before it disconnected was a hooded figure, its back turned to you.
“Where are we going next?” you ask, wondering if that’s how your life is going to be. Traveling from planet to planet, slaughtering strangers.
You frown. 
“Lannik? Do you have business there?” The forest planet doesn’t seem like a likely location for a Sith to conduct his business.
He flicks three switches before turning around in his chair to face you.
“No. Our next goal is to get Nute Gunray elected to Viceroy of the Trade Federation. But we are still waiting for intel on who is going to run against him, so as long as we don’t have that, we are laying low on Lannik.”
You nod slowly. So they are involved in the Trade Federation too. This is getting more and more interesting.
“How long until we land?”
“Nine hours.”
“Preparing to jump into hyperspace,” the automated computer voice announces, causing you to sit and lean back in your seat, putting on the seatbelt. Not that that’s usually necessary, but the transition to hyperspace makes you feel anxious and the seatbelt gives you a sense of security. The last time you jumped to hyperspace, you almost fainted—and you were the pilot, then.
It’s been a while.
You feel your body being pressed into the seat, the stars in front of you looking elongated—
You force your eyes shut, scrunching up your face at the feeling of being accelerated to a speed faster than light.
After two, three excruciating seconds, it’s over. You sigh shakily and open your eyes again, wiping your sweaty hands on your pants.
You grab another ration bar from the box that’s still sitting next to you. The thought of eating right now makes you even more nauseous, but you figure that maybe after a bit of rest you’ll be hungry.
You get up from your seat and pipe up. “I’ll be downstairs.” Your voice sounds weaker than anticipated, and the Sith lord turns around, face momentarily pulled into something that, if you didn’t know any better, you’d almost call worry. Of course, his usual, neutral expression washes over his face before you get to interpret it any further, taking in your face that, if the way you’re feeling is any indication of how you look, must be drained of blood.
Shakily, you enter the lift, your stomach twisting as it descends. 
You grab some water, then turn to bury your face in the pillow on your bed, just hoping your stomach will settle down soon.
 You must have fallen asleep. When your eyes open once again, you are crouched up on the bed in an awkward angle, one arm dangling over the edge and grazing the floor. You groggily sit up on the bed and push your open hair back. The time projection tells you you’ve been asleep for almost two hours. At least now your stomach feels a lot better and you feel much more energized than before.
Looking around the room, which is tinted in a constant red tone, you look for something useful to do for the remaining seven hours. 
The lightsaber.
You almost forgot about that; It’s still buried deep in your bag. For a second, you wonder if you should get it out, ignite it, but decide against it when you consider the small space you’re in.
Once you get outside, though, you’ll definitely try it out. And if you’re lucky, the Sith lord you’re with might even show you a thing or two—you wielding a stronger weapon would be beneficial for him too, wouldn’t it?
You’ll bring it up with him later. For now, you decide to go back upstairs and maybe find out something about who exactly you’re now working for.
 “My master’s identity must remain hidden at the moment,” is his curt response.
“But…” you tilt your head curiously ”You are Sith lords, right? You use the force, fight with lightsabers…”
His movements freeze for a second before he looks at you with furrowed eyebrows. Eye ridges. You’re not sure what exactly to call it, seeing as zabraks don’t have any facial hair, but if he were human, he would be furrowing his eyebrows.
“What do you know of the Sith?”
“Not much more than what I just told you. I know you fight the Jedi, too.”
You must have gained his interest with that statement because his eyes seem to start glowing from the inside as he stares into yours again.
“The Jedi,” he begins in a questioning tone, “you don’t like them. When you speak of them, I can sense hatred in you.” He does not go on but instead pushes you to explain with just the intensity of his gaze.
“It’s a personal story.” You try to avoid delving into your past any more than you already did. He knows of your slave tattoo and your deepest, darkest memory, he’s even seen you get sick while jumping into hyperspace. One must draw the line somewhere, or he’ll lose all respect for you, won’t he?
“Most people adore the Jedi,” he goes on. “They say they bring peace and justice. That they have an infallible sense of morality. That they’re heroes.”
You’ve heard it too often. You’ve heard little slave kids whisper it on the streets, you have seen girls way too young to be mothers say it with hope in their eyes. They said two Jedi knights had come, and that they would end the enslaving of thousands of people on Kessel, and all those other outer rim planets. You remember, vaguely, believing the same thing as a young child, barely even old enough to talk, but old enough to know that the Jedi were the heroes that were going to free the slaves.
Well, they came. And they took two children, who they said showed potential. Potential in the force, you assume today. And they left everyone else there, ignored the misery around them, only taking, no, abducting those two children.
“Their infallible moral compass didn’t move them to change anything,” you start out, your voice shaking with anger at the memory. “The Jedi don’t care about justice. They are self-righteous and only care about people who will benefit their own order while labeling themselves knights.” Your hands are balled into fists.
“We,” he looks at you with an expression of sincerity you have never seen on him before, “will end their order. The Sith have waited centuries to reveal themselves to them, and soon it will be time. We will have revenge.”
Your shared hatred gives you a weird sense of serenity.
next chapter
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myherorp · 4 years
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incoming information on villain, glamour.
get to know them !
faceclaim: Jung Eunbi
name: Boo Dalbyeol
villain name: The Illusive Villain, “ Glamour ! ”
gender & pronouns: Cis Female, Feminine
birthday & age: December 25ᵗʰ, 21.
association: Unassociated.
occupation: Part - time baker at BonBons.
reputation: The classification of villain does not fill other villains with reassurance or camaraderie; Dalbyeol is a universal villain who is not afraid of selling other villains out or double - crossing them if it benefits her. Among cut throat, ruthless bad guys she is certainly meeker in comparison and not as eager to get her hands dirty. Therefore, it’s more accurate to say she is a petty criminal. Some see her as having immense potential if molded correctly and persuaded into committing herself to a life of villainous acts, others are wary of her trickery and even more view her as pain in their ass should she stumble upon their scene.
the quirk !
quirk name: Mirage   ――   Hallucikinesis.
quirk description: It is a long-range emitter type quirk that allows her to affect all five senses, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and taste things which do not actually exist, in part making her imagination their reality.
Illusions ; The user can induce illusions onto the targets she has acquired and cause their six senses to be affected, basically causing illusions to become “real” to them. Although past Illusion quirk users have been able to create very elaborate and large scale illusions, at her current level she is restrained in what she can do. On another note, she can only create things she has seen ― and even then her illusions are created from her sight, so some are subject to being wrong ( if there is someone with five buttons on their jacket but she can only see four, the illusion she creates of them will only have four buttons because that is all she saw; in short, her illusions are subject to her memory and knowledge ).
Combat ; In order to cover for her shortcomings, Dalbyeol has trained her body and mind in order not to be completely overwhelmed by power-type quirks should her target break free of her illusions or simply doesn’t give her the chance to capture them in one. She is also able to fight with her illusions by creating multiples of herself and deceiving others into believing that is the real one, only to take them out while they are distracted. Her illusions are subject to physical strengths, however they are never as strong as their “real counterpart.” The realer one believes them to be, the stronger. However, if belief wavers they are weakened and tend to fade in and out until the target either breaks through or falters themselves and no longer doubts if the illusion is fake.
Morphing ; The user can morph oneself into something else, or disappear completely within her illusions in the affected target’s eyes, or cast the same illusion over an ally. Nonetheless, if the person she is fighting has a sensory quirk, they’ll see past the illusion with it and nullify the “invisibility”. Regardless, the “invisibility” or “morphing” only works on the person ( or people ) her quirk is used on, and to everyone not subject to it they will not be deceived or duped as they cannot see her illusions.
In order to activate her quirk, she must make eye contact with her intended targets ( it must extend both ways, they have to meet her eyes as well, she cannot simply look at them ). Her eyes turn a shade of magenta when it is activated which gives it away so she commonly wears sunglasses or colored contacts to hide the tell - tale sign. She can activate it on multiple targets as long as they look at her and she looks at them ( she does not need to continuously meet their eyes ).
Over exertion of this quirk causes her to receive excruciating migraines, bloody noses and extreme fatigue. There have also been cases where she falls victim to her own illusions in cases of extreme stress and can no longer tell reality from fantasy, and during those times her illusions were stronger and affected “allies” as well until she passed out.
This quirk is completely worthless against non - living organisms and nor are they effective on technology; high - tech devices do not pick up her illusions and are quite disruptive to her techniques. It also has very little effect   ―   if any   ―   on those with quirks that boost their senses.
It is not a quirk that allows her to conjure up illusions without putting thought into the things she creates, therefore research and knowledge pertaining to things and people is required if she wishes for her illusions to be convincing. For instance, if she sees a house from front to back, side to side she can recreate the exterior, however unless she has seen the inside and studied it, it will differ greatly from reality.
the history !
triggers: mentions of prison, mentions of adoption
They made their living through cheap tricks and petty crime; the unexpected arrival of their first child might have convinced some to give up their lives as low - life criminals, but for the young couple it only bolstered their urge to raise the stakes   ―   go big or go home. The valiant dream of raising their children without ever knowing what it was like to want for something; their five - finger discount would go a long way and at least for the early stages of her life, the young child was none the wiser to the schemes her parents were up to. And despite the constant bouncing   ――   never staying in one place for too long   ――   the memories they left her with were treasured, tainted only by the eventual realization that everything that surrounded her was built upon a foundation of lies and deception.
It was a domino effect. The manifestation of her quirk came with a rush of adrenaline and excitement for the future; setting a spiral of events into motion, the gears in her parents head turning at a dizzying speed. It was all for the better good;; they had assured her time and time again that using her quirk to assist them with their own “jobs” was not wrong at all   ――   she was merely helping them all to better their lives. Every single person they tricked would be fine at the end of the day, and besides that, it was something the grown up’s would concern themselves with; she needn’t worry her pretty little head. But crime has a way of catching up to everyone one way or another   ――   some call it karma and others call it divine intervention. Boo Dalbyeol called it losing her parents.
The childish innocence of being blissfully ignorant to the questionable things going on around can only stretch so far   ――   there is no illusion that her parents could be categorized as good people, however the life they showed their children was all she had ever known. It’s a risky scheme that doesn’t work out in their favor, handcuffs clasped around wrists and a blanket wrapped around her; words that express that it’s all over, she and her younger sibling are safe and in good hands, they’ll finally live a normal life and get to be kids   ――   just kids who worry about trivial things and argue over pizza toppings. It is a strange and alarming change, but it is always expected by her, at least, that her parents will come pick her up any day now, people go to jail and get out every single day.
It is a mistake on her part, an inability to understand the depths of her parents’ crimes and just how far their schemes reached   ――   they wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.
It’s apparent from the start that she has trouble adjusting; the young couple that takes her and her brother in are apprehensive from the first time she uses her quirk around them; it is something they forbade her from using, the quiet insistence that it is too villainous causing her to throw a fit because it doesn’t seem fair they put limitations on her. It’s merely because she believes they’re being dramatic and partly because she played around with her parents in the exact same way, however she startles them with her quirk continuously, laughing at they’re caught up in an illusion, but she’s never malicious, not once, and yet their demeanor toward her sours, a stark contrast between how they treat her younger sibling. As a child, she struggles to understand, and once again she begins waiting at the window for her parents to come take her back home.
They never come. A childhood and a teenhood spent feeling like an outsider in a strange place, hours spent away from home because she doesn’t feel needed or wanted   ――   and she tries to be a better daughter for a while, however she stumbles and fails and nothing ever seems good enough. The moment she is old enough to get a job and support herself, she moves away from her adoptive parents’, old habits catch her. If she struggles, she cheats just a little bit, things she’s picked up from her parents so easy to replicate. Unfortunately, a little bit is only satiable for so long, and currently she’s making a living partly honorably and through a job, partly through cheap - tricks because it’s easier that way. There’s a minor struggle and conflict within her, on one hand she knows it’s wrong, however on the other hand the fact that it’s easier to be bad than good is too appealing   ――   after all, her quirk is too villainous, why break out of the mold?
the personality !
The exquisite nature of a diamond is not formed instantaneously, and the original form lacks luster until refined and crafted into something beautiful. There is an existing beauty in the way a gem looks before it is carved into the image of what someone else believes it should look like, and there is beauty in the natural jagged edges of an uncut gem that has not yet been tampered with, or not yet been persuaded into changing into the creation others desire it to look like. Like a piece of black coal transformed under the weight of something else, a diamond is formed under the immense pressure of hopes and dreams.
From the outside looking in, it’s easy to think of Dalbyeol as something akin to a spoiled brat, but if given the chance she proves that she has a lot to offer as a person ― she is a person able to shine brightly. This young woman is mellow as well as zany, and she is often referred to as someone who is charismatic in her social encounters; easy going with a playful nature that keeps others on their toes as her antics are both cheeky and unpredictable. She is cheerful and humorous and charismatic; the type of person who loves loudly and shows her warmth by being affectionate and attentive.
There are certain aspects that ensure she will always be seeking something out and looking for it in every person who shows her even the slightest bit of attention. Melancholic shades paint the colors of her eyes if she is not careful; the appearance of an heiress who can have anything she wants stretches for miles and glimpses of her persona have caused many misconceptions regarding her character. There is little doubt that she is used to getting her way, however, she is more than the fabricated rumors that swirl above her head, and sincerely she is a good person who is empathetic of others, and in general she is a person who desires to be wanted.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 8
Happy birthday, Tephi! Sorry I was gone for a bit guys, work was kicking my butt for a while there. But we’re out of holiday season, and it looks like we may actually get another full-timer on my team! Anyways, where did we leave off again? Ah. Right. The whole “Stones are Soul Gems” thing. Guh. And Ed’s off exploring an “abandoned” lab, while some psycho with a knife is attacking Al.
Episode 08: “The Fifth Laboratory” Al looks up as the rooftop psycho (captioned as [66]) completely ruins the element of surprise with a battlecry. Well, given his heavy armor and the fanged skull-helmet, guessing that subtlety isn’t one of Mr. 66’s strong suits. Al jumps back and avoids the wild swings of 66’s machetes, to which the pfffahahaha ok hold up. I’m sorry, but he’s just so… pudgy! This 66 dude is a marshmallow, perfect example of acrofatic with the rooftop leap. Anyways, Pudgy compliments Al’s speed for someone of his size. Then follows the compliment by saying a lesser fighter wouldn’t be worth the effort to cut down. Right, masked psycho. Can’t let his adorable fluffiness distract me. 66 explains that he got the name from “them” when he came to work at the lab, and that he’s going to cut Al up nice and neat. So just sit back and scream, m’kay? Yeah, good luck with that, buddy. Inside Ed’s looking at a large Transmutation Circle in an open room, with a small pillar in the center. Said TC looks rather simple compared to the ones we’ve seen so far, is that really all that’s needed to make a Stone? Well, the TC and the noticeable red stains spaced around the five points. Ed makes the same assumption I did, and another voice confirms his suspicion. Said voice is a rather refined-sounding 48, another armored dude with glowing red eyes (like the Goths?) who says he’s in charge of guarding the lab from curious brats. Bit more back-and-forth between the two before Ed makes an arm blade, 48 (nickname Pompous) notes that he’s an Alchemist and WHOA he’s right in front of Ed already. Threat estimation just went way up. Yikes, and he’s already deduced that Ed has an automail arm. Pompous is proving to be pretty good. But Ed gets a stab in and- *clank*? Oh. OH. Wait a minute. He’s hollow? Like Al? But that implies… Ok, video’s paused for a moment. Getting some seriously bad implications here. We know souls can be bound to armor, our boy Al’s liv- well, existing proof of that. And if a non-certified child performing amateur Alchemy can do that, who’s to say a bunch of immoral scientists can’t? Take a lab designed to turn death into a power source, and siphon off a couple of the condemned to make immortal, nigh-impervious to harm guards for your sick manufacturing process. And why stop at just a few guards? Build up a friggin army of the things! Who’s gonna stop you? The genocidal government? You’re either working for them or you are them! Oh Leto, this is gonna end up with our boys having to face down armies of pseudo-Als, isn’t it? Cripes. Back to the fight, really really hoping that my theory is wrong. Buuuut nope, Ed confirms that’s the sound he hears when sparring with Al. Pompous reintroduces himself as the guy numbered 48 on death row, more commonly known as Slicer. Mass murderer, y’know. Pompous doesn’t confirm that the place was used to make Philosopher’s Stones, it not being “his area”, but he does reveal his Seal in his helmet, helpfully notes that if Ed destroys it, then the fight is Ed’s. Awfully considerate, although he says that he likes a challenge now and then. And he won’t just let Ed walk away, it’d totally ruin his mass-murderer rep. On to the fight! ...Hughes, you’d better have a good reason to interrupt the fight between our Protagonist and the Soul-Bound Mass Murderer. Yes, it’s adorable how happy you are that your daughter’s about to turn 3, but there are things going on! Roy agrees with me. Stop using a military line on military time to gush over your family! Hughes finally returns to more pressing matters, namely a certain scar-faced Ishvalan. They found bodies at the destroyed bridge, but they’re all so decomposed that they can’t be identified. Hold up, regardless of the fact that he’s clearly alive still, what do you mean by bodies? As in multiple? I count nine sheets there, where did they all come from? And why decomposed? The fight wasn’t that long ago. Although there’s no concrete evidence he’s dead, lack of sightings means Command thinks that he’s dead. So it should be ok to remove the Elric Brother’s guards soon. Said unfortunate guards have just found the empty room where their charges are supposed to be. [Brosh]: “Ah! Major Armstrong’s gonna take his shirt off again and yell at us some more, isn’t he?!” While Brosh sobs, Ross takes charge and orders him to follow to the only place they could have gone. To the Fifth Laboratory! Lots of yelling and grunting as Pompous and Ed swing at each other. But there’s a shift in gears? Ooooh crud. Ed’s arm is breaking, the increase in chrome and resulting weakness means it’s not holding up as well. Sure, it won’t rust as easily, but he’ll be too dead to enjoy that. Fight’s taken a shift in Pompous’ favor, where before they were equally matched now the Soul-Armor’s just standing, blocking while barely moving and then kicking Ed away. Pompous is all sad that Ed won’t last much longer, tired and wounded as he is. Not to mention that his partner’s likely finished with Ed’s companion outside. After all, 66 is quite strong. But not as strong as Pompous, of course. Ed finds this quite funny. See, he and Al have been sparring partners for quite some time. And to this day, he’s never beaten his little brother. Cut to outside, where Pudgy is getting his skullface handed to him. Or rather, knocked clean off. No sign of his Seal, though. Pudgy offers to share his story with Al, all starting with a man named Barry. Barry appears to be a butcher, given the artwork of a guy with a cleaver surrounded by meat. Barry the Butcher did so love cutting up meat into tiny little pieces. Until one day that wasn’t enough anymore, and he took his cleaver to the streets. 23 victims later, Barry was sent to the gallows. But then some dumbass decided that such a man would do just fine as an unpaid nightguard. Anyways, that was the story of the infamous serial killer Barry the Chopper! [Al]: “Sorry, I’ve never heard of you.” Barry/Pudgy does not take Al’s lack of local history well. Nor his lack of surprise to the whole “bodiless armor” thing. And then he’s surprised when Al calmly pops his own helmet off. Really, dude? The glowing red eyes didn’t clue you in? Heh. Oh man, poor Pudgy. You have no idea who you’re messing with. Wait. Why are you laughing? Oh. You DICK. [66]: “Are you sure that you’re not a puppet created and controlled by your so-called brother? Were you ever a real person to begin with?” Nope. Nope nope nope. Shut up. You do not get to ask those questions. You do not get to imply that Al wasn’t a real boy. That his memories were created to make him easier to control. That dear sweet Granny and Winry are just playing along to manipulate a “living” weapon. I was looking forward to seeing our boys take you down, murderer. Now I’m looking forward to them doing it slowly. Leto. First Soul Gems, now the whole issue of sapience and continuation of consciousness? This show’s not pulling any punches, is it? Um, cop? You may wanna well ok he’s dead. “I kill, therefore I am. As long as I know that, it’s all I need to prove to myself that I’ve always been me.” Back inside, Pompous is saying that he’ll finish off Ed quickly to go and fight the better fighter. Alright Ed, what’s your plan? Good plan! And shame on you, Pompous. You talked a big talk, but you really fell for the old “look behind you” trick. [48]: “That was dirty!” [Ed]: “There’s no such thing as ‘dirty’ in a fight. Before he destroys the seal, Ed stops to pick up Pompous’ helmet and demands what he knows about the Philosopher’s Stone. And just leaves the main body of Pompous behind him. Really, Ed? You’ve lived with Al for how many years? Seen his head get knocked off yet he still moves just fine how many times? Shame on you. Wait, what? “Impossible?” Why? You clearly saw the seal on the neck, right? Ooooh. “Slicer” was a pair of brothers? Independent head and body? So Ed was shown a seal inside the helmet, not the one lower down on the armor proper. And now he’s really injured, Armor-Slicer’s not giving him time to transmute (point for having the seal already on some gear, rather than using your hands each time). Ouch, jab to the cut and Ed’s down. Memory of Scar? OOOOOOOHHHHHH! Ed figured out Scar’s Hand o’ Doom! Armor-Slicer done got blown in half! And then freaks Ed out by wriggling. Ha! Pompous takes the defeat in fairly-good grace, calls for Ed to deal the finishing blow. But Ed’s not going to commit murder. [48]: “With bodies like these are we really even people?” [Ed]: “I consider you people whether you have physical bodies or not… If I didn’t, that would mean I didn’t believe my own brother is a person either.” Outside Pudgy continues to prey on Al’s doubts, goes so far as to dare him to break his own Blood Seal. Obviously Al won’t do such a stupid thing, but it’s because we know that he’s alive, not because he’s “programmed” to protect it. Guh, the sooner Pudgy bites it the better. Ed continues to insist that he won’t kill another person. Which amuses Pompous? Wow. Pompous remarks that it’s ironic, saying it wasn’t until they were Soul Bound that he and his brother were treated like humans. For that kindness, he’ll tell Ed everything. Awesome, we’re getting- aw crap. I know that dress. Ladies and gentlemen. Lust is on the scene. And she does not like helmets with loose lids. And Envy, as well. This is bad, isn’t it? Al, you may wanna get in and rescue your brother sooner rather than later. Jeez, hope Soul-Bound Armors don’t feel pain. Or at least it was quick for Pompous, getting split in two like that. WELL OK THEN. Guess that answers the question “Do Soul Armors feel pain?”. Envy’s taken up the sword and is repeatedly stabbing the Armor-Slicer’s seal, ranting about how their attacking the important sacrifice could have messed up the entire plan. Finally, the armor stops moving. Ed slowly slides up the wall to get to his feet, facing down Lust and Envy and demanding to know who they are. Uh, Ed? I know that you don’t know these people, that you aren’t aware that they seem to have hurt Scar enough - you know, that guy who utterly wrecked you and Al? - to send him into hiding. And that you’re pissed off enough to ignore your own physical state. But maybe you think you could tone it down a notch? Not try to kick Envy and prepare to fight? Whelp. Ed’s arm just went kaput. Winry, as much as I respect you as a mechanic, gonna have to question the choice to go so heavy with chrome. Rust isn’t as bad as these “technical difficutlies.” And yup Envy-knee to the stomach, Ed’s down for the count. [Lust]: “Listen to me well, boy. Don’t ever forget this. Always remember that we allowed you to live.” And of course, since Ed was poking around the place, it’ll have to go. Lust orders Envy to blow it up. Hey, uh, Al? How you holding up? Aw, no. Al, please. Please don’t let Pudgy’s mindgames get to you. Don’t start thinking that what Ed was going to tell you last episode was that... Hooray, Ross and Brosh are here! Woefully ignorant of how useless bullets are against Pudgy, but still. Uh oh, building’s cracking. And Pudgy recognizes what that means, makes a speedy exit. Al cries out that Ed’s still inside. Well, it’s not like the Goths are going to let their “important sacrifice” die as they dispose of the evidence, right? Called it! Envy walks out of the dust with Ed slung over his shoulder, drops him off with Al and Ross while cheerfully saying they should take him to a hospital and keep a better eye on him. “He’s a precious resource.” And like that, he’s gone. As the lab crumbles, the prison next door is home to a bunch of yelling prisoners. And further inside, someone named Kimblee remarks that it’s lovely to hear a building exploding. Hey, it’s Smiley, from the flashback to the Ishvalan War. You know, the guy who was grinning during the genocide? Seems he’s in prison now. This is the guy that Mr. Freeze was trying to recruit in the first episode too, wasn’t it? And even as the lab crumbles, even as our characters rush to get Ed to a hospital… Al thinks about what Pudgy said. ...wait, that’s it? That’s the episode? Come on! How rude is it to leave poor Al doubting his own personhood?! Post-credits: Hughes is talking on a phone, remarking that things at Central are pretty hectic. All the senior Alchemists killed by Scar? Rumor is a certain Roy Mustang may get promoted to fill in the spaces. But getting advanced so young Roy’s bound to make enemies. He needs as many people on his side as possible. Like a wife! ...yeah, I’m with you, [Receptionist]. Hughes, please stop with the personal phone calls. [Narrator]: “Edward Elric cannot find the right words to say what he must. Meanwhile, young Alphonse is frightened by his brother’s continued silence. Where does the truth lie? This truth is waiting, hidden in the memories of a young girl. Next time, on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood-” Episode 09 - “Created Feelings” “The heart begins to waver because if fears what the truth may bring.” Hey, looks like we get to see Winry again! Almost makes up for Alphonse having to doubt his very existence! Man, I can’t wait to see Pudgy bite it!
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videcoeur · 4 years
The Cult of the Mirthful Messiahs
*Credit to this page belongs to @etchtrolls​ and used with permission. I simply modified the model to fit my own personal headcanons. Headcanons for my version of the cult under the cut, because it’s long as heck.
Several trigger warning applies for canon clownery, including but not limited to violence, gore, cult-like mentality, sect mentions, cannibalism, etc.
Social Culture
The Carnival is an extremely tight-knit community. They are akin to a pack of wolves in how close they all are with one another. Most everyone knows everyone else in their neighborhood- or faction. Grudges, while possible, usually do not last very long because they disrupt the fluidity in which the Carnival works together. If a group of individuals is persistently hostile and antagonistic towards one another, they are usually separated or sat down to be given a talk. The notion of ‘stronger together’ is very important. For this reason, secrets don’t usually last long.
There are many subtle ways of communication that the Carnival uses, most of them being gestures and noises. In some situations, members of the Carnival can speak to each other completely without words. They have done this with the purposeful intent to distance themselves from the rest of the Alternian society. The Carnival, while not as a whole seeing themselves as better than everyone else, certainly considers themselves apart. Due to this general opinion and the large number of odd quirks that they have, the Carnival is generally viewed by the rest of society as increasingly odd.
They indulge in vast amounts of PDA, to the point of being borderline pale.
Social Ranking in the Church
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Because it is hard to read, here it goes.
The Grand Highblood is the highest authority. He is the Bishop of Alternia and is considered to be the closest to the Mirthful Messiah. He is Their messenger.
After The Grand Highblood comes the Archbishops, which presides over their faction. The factions go as such: South, West, North, and East. The South and West Archbishop are The Grand Highblood’s closest archbishops, elected by His Truly. North and East are elected amongst the top 3 (GHB + South and West) as a popular vote. Ombres is the Archbishop of the North.
Each Archbishop is free to choose their cardinals, which is another highly sought after rank. Generally, Each Archbishop will pick a maximum of two of them, but it may go up to three if their faction is numerous enough. (South and West are the biggest, whereas North and East are less large in comparison)
Following the cardinals are the priests of different towns, and the contributors. Both are of the same rank because of their contribution. Priests spread the words of wisdom and contributors (celebrities, purples that give back to the church while not actively taking part in it) fund the cult. Every church needs money, after all.
After the priests, the highest ranks a believer may wish to reach is the one of Subjugglators or Laughsassins.
And finally, there’s the believer. One who does not wish to advance in the church but still actively takes part in it.
We do not talk about heretics.
Acquaintances greet one another by clasping forearms. This is the most basic form of greeting another member of the Carnival.
Trolls that are close to one another, be it close friends or intimate quadrants, greet each other by clasping forearms and cupping the back of the other’s neck to touch foreheads.
Elders or trolls of significant importance such as the Highblood or high ranking acolytes receive kisses to their knuckles as a way of greeting from subordinates, who receive kisses to the forehead in return. They greet one another by dipping heads.
Keeping slaves is generally frowned upon within the Carnival. The clowns believe in doing their own work, and so, those who keep slaves are seen as lazy and lesser in strength and resolve because they always have someone else clean up after them.
However, it is not forbidden to keep slaves. If someone really wanted to keep them, they would not be stopped, but they would certainly have more than a few dirty looks and some snide remarks would be made about them.
Lusii and Wrigglers
Purple blooded wrigglers are often mistaken for violetbloods by lusii. Due to this, they’re often adopted by seadwelling lusii. Once the mistake is discovered, usually due to the fact that purple wigglers don’t flourish underwater, lusii will usually abandon the wiggler. In the past, this led to a decline in the population of purplebloods because so many were dying of neglect as wrigglers.
To amend this problem, the Carnival began to take in the abandoned wrigglers and raise them as their own. The coasts of bodies of water are searched regularly for wrigglers, and any that are found are brought to the nearest settlement. There are special ranks within the Carnival that are devoted to the care of wigglers.
Grand Highblood
The Highblood, also known as the Speaker within the Carnival, is the absolute leader and the mouthpiece of the Messiahs. They are looked to in all times of hardship and their word is the law. They’re surrounded by 4 archbishops, two of which are of their choosing.
The title of Highblood can be passed down in one of three ways.
The least commonly used way is also the most peaceful. This is when the Highblood steps down from their position due to age, injury, or personal reasons for their descendant, also referred to as their Heir, to take their place.
The Heir, after coming of age, can challenge the Highblood for the throne. The challenge is a fight to the death. Whoever comes out on top takes or maintains the title. This is not required. If the Heir does not wish to become Highblood, they do not have to initiate the challenge, but they will continue to be protected by the laws.
Any purpleblood of the Carnival above the age of 12 sweeps, regardless of ancestry, may challenge the Highblood over the throne the same way that the Heir may. If the challenger wins, they become the Highblood automatically with no strings attached. The Heir of the defeated is no longer Heir and loses their lawful protection.
Generation Gaps
There is not usually a large amount of squabbling between generations. While elder trolls definitely have a large amount of respect, their word is not law. Younger trolls are encouraged to share their opinions and ideas. The only thing that matters is social rank and should a younger believer disrespect a cardinal or a bishop, they are severely scolded. Any purple with a title ( priest, cardinal, archbishop, the grand highblood) is worthy of respect and should never be disrespected. Questioned, yes. Disrespected? Never.
A tradition that began generations ago during a time of famine, the Carnival very heavily promotes the idea of eating other trolls. Only adults are ever eaten. Under normal circumstances, parties are not sent out for the purpose of killing trolls in the street to devour. Instead, the bodies of those that are culled and those that are found trespassing on Carnival land are the usual candidates for being eaten.
There are some trolls that are forbidden from being eaten altogether. The Tainted and wrigglers are absolutely untouchable. Dead quadrantmates are usually reserved to be fed upon by their still-living quads if they so choose. If they prefer to not eat their dead mate, however, the body is not free for all. The quad has full control over what happens to the body. The weak and sickly are not forbidden but are usually not eaten.
Due to having this tradition for generations, the Carnival is very knowledgeable on how to eat the dead. It’s common knowledge through the ranks what signs of decay and parasites to avoid, and how old a body can be before it’s inedible.
Clowns, due to being very separate from the rest of society, tend to live in their own neighborhoods, which are usually on the outskirts of cities and town, often with some physical borders to set them apart such as a treeline or river. All land surrounding each settlement is considered Carnival property and is generally avoided by outsiders.
The main base of the Carnival is something similar to the Vatican. Large stony buildings, a lot of priests, and a place for all abandoned wrigglers to grow until they choose the faction they want to join.
The Archbishops also reside in a church, similar to the Catholic Church. They live in the Presbyterian appended to it while their clowns live in tents and small hives in their territory.
Food is shared throughout the ranks. No one is left out to starve unless they are fasting with religious intent. The disabled are taken care of by the rest of the ranks, never left to die or rot due to not being able to take care of themselves.
Religious Culture
1. Paint
Face paint is one of the most obvious ways to tell if someone is a follower of the Messiahs, and is one of the most important tasks to do in the religion. Wearing paint is vital to having a connection to the Messiahs. The reason behind the paint is the idea that one’s real face- their true face- is saved for only the Messiahs and the closest of company such as quadrants. What one paints upon their face is what they present to the rest of the Carnival and to the world, what they aspire to be, and what strangers will notice upon first meetings. Taking off one’s paint while another is around is one of the most intimate of acts a follower can do.
Back in older generations, the rules and expectations about wearing paint were stricter. There would never be a time outside of closed doors that anyone would wear paint. Newer and younger generations are more lenient about this and sometimes do not wear paint when going out into the cities of outsiders, but wearing it is still important when on Carnival grounds. Some exceptions may be made but they are rare.
The painting of quadrants outside of the Carnival is a common event and even encouraged. If someone wants to involve a mate in a ceremony or just want to paint them up for fun, it’s absolutely allowed.
2. Other Bloods
Officially, trolls of blood color other than purple are welcome in the Carnival. It’s a rare occurrence due to the widespread terror and hatred of the Carnival, but it does happen. There are certain ceremonies that are to be carried out to officially welcome in trolls of other blood colors.
There are definitely some quarrels between the ranks of the purplebloods about whether or not other blood colors should be welcomed into the Carnival. Some would argue that since the Messiahs made everything, then other types of blood are their children as well and deserve the right to praise them and be looked after by the laws of the Carnival. Others think that since purple is the caste with the most numerous amount of followers that they are the Messiah’s favorite children, so they deserve special privileges while other blood colors should be treated as second class citizens.
Older generations tend to cling to the latter way of thinking, but usually, don’t do anything to stop another blood color from joining. The most a skeptic usually does is give dirty looks or huff over it for a while. However, these trolls are rarely rising in rank and never even reach the rank of subjugglators. Being a laughsassin is easier for a highbloods of blue or cerulean caste, but subjugglators are almost exclusively voodoo users.
Most of the other castes who decide to join in take in jobs as entertainers, beast tamers, or other circus-related jobs.
3. The Messiahs
The Messiahs themselves are the twin gods that the Carnival follows. There are some conflicting legends and opinions for just how the Twins came into being, but the topic is not usually squabbled over. What everyone agrees on is that the Messiahs are all-seeing and all-knowing omniscient beings that seek to create and sustain balance in the world.
The Sister is the quieter of the two, but also the more clever. She is usually the one responsible for setting tests of wits and instigating acts of desperation in old legends and myths. It is said that she likes to see just how far followers will go to gain the favor of the gods, and how long they will sustain to keep the favor. She is more likely to give aid to those in need but in subtle ways. It is because of her that purples paint their face and paint murals in blood. She also represents the fun, creative side of their religion.
The Brother is the more violent of the two, but also the more ardent. He’s said to enjoy acts of bravery, enjoying overcoming physical boundaries and obstacles over mental ones. It is he that the followers most often look to for favors and good luck, for he is more lenient and more inclined to give good fortune. His favor is more easily won than his Sister’s, but his rage is catastrophic. He is the harbinger of destruction and is the one who promotes wrath and the development of voodoos.
4. Rules
Destruction of religious items or property is grounds for physical punishment
Any sexual assault on another purple is punishable by death
Under normal circumstances, when a crime is committed against someone of the church, the victim can choose the punishment for it, and carry it out if they wish
Do not waste any part of a meal
Do not claim enlightenment or godly knowledge for the sake of popularity or power. This is punishable by death
Honor the dead and treat them with respect
The quadrants of a brother or sister are safe ground and not to be harmed purposefully
Wrigglers are sacred and the future of the Carnival, therefore they are not to be harmed under any circumstance
The Heir of the current Highblood is protected from being killed purposefully to prevent the Highblood from killing their descendant, therefore keeping themselves permanently in power
Strangers trespassing on Carnival land may claim the Traveler’s Garb, which will protect them from being harmed in any way until they have an audience with the authority of the ground they walked on, which in that case would be the Archbishops, who may or may not relinquish the task of dealing with the intruders to their Cardinals.
5. The Tainted
The name called to those that are disgraced and hated by the Carnival for any variety of reasons. The Tainted are untouchable, forbidden to have any contact with the members of the Carnival. They may not be shown any kindness or aggression, nor may they be helped or eaten.
There are several ways that a troll may become one of the Tainted in the eyes of the Carnival. One of the most common ways is to break one of the most important laws, such as the one protecting wigglers or the one punishing false prophets. One may also become one of the Tainted if they insult the Messiahs.
It is not only trolls that are part of the Carnival that can still become one of the Tainted. Outsiders may also gain this disgraced title. ‘Tainted’ is one of the vilest of insults that a Carnival troll can use. Only the Highblood can officially decree someone as Tainted.
6. Miscellaneous
Suicide is generally looked down upon in the religious texts. Taking one’s own life is seen as an insult to the Messiahs, akin to rejecting a holy gift. However, anyone troubled with thoughts of suicide or self-harm are encouraged to come forward to seek help. Even though the scriptures condemn it, the top priority is to take care of the members. If the troll who killed themselves has a descendant, they are immediately taken care of and monitored closely.
Destroying another’s property is one of the highest offenses
7. Ceremonies
Officially, the Cult of the Mirthful Messiah has a few ceremonies.
The Grand Highblood’s Conclave: Changes with each new Grand Highblood. The conclave is the night they are elected/obtain their titles. This night is generally celebrated in the holy city where the Grand Highblood resides. Many believers will then make a pilgrimage there to celebrate with their brothers and sisters. If pilgrimage cannot be made, they tend to create smaller ceremonies in their own settlements to celebrate the Grand Highblood’s Conclave.
The Mirthful Day: Once a sweep, the purples gather and remain silent. It is a night of commemoration and honor for all the previous Grand Highbloods and to the Mirthful Messiahs. After that silent day, 5 joyous, heavily active circus nights are encouraged.
Several religious days, determined by each faction. For example, each faction could celebrate the election of their Archbishops, their cardinals, etc.
The thing to remember is that purples do not need a reason to celebrate, sometimes, they’ll just figure one out of the blue.
8. Cleansing
Outsiders who visit the Carnival and plan to stay for a period of time longer than a week must be purified with steam. This is a rather short process and requires that a visitor stands over a steaming grate of coals for six minutes without coming out. They must also give a strand of their hair to be burned in the coals. The steam is thought to purify the troll, cleansing away sins that would rub off onto followers and chasing away lingering bad spirits that the visitor may drag in with them.
9. Mingling Bloods
When an outsider of another blood color wishes to join the Carnival, a special ceremony must be carried out. This includes being purified, with steam, but also requires the outsider to cut off a lock of hair to burn and to drip their own fresh blood into a fire. They are then officially painted for the first time by Oracles in a pattern of their choosing.
10. Chucklevoodoos
Voodoos, while not being possessed by all purplebloods, are very common throughout the ranks of the Carnival. There are some trolls that think that those who do not possess voodoos are in some way disliked by the Messiahs, but this is not a widespread opinion and is more the superstition of the old.
Some trolls have a natural resistance to voodoos. Higher blood colors are generally harder to control because they are less susceptible to psychic invasion. It is especially hard to penetrate the mind of a highblood that knows an attack is coming and is willingly resisting. Highbloods are also more likely to sense that there is something else controlling their will than lowbloods, but they are not as adept at actually fighting back if they are being controlled or manipulated. Lowbloods, while easier to control, put up more of a fight and can be more dangerous because a good number of them can fight back with their own psionics. Obviously, more experienced users are more powerful and find it easier to slip into the minds of their victims no matter their blood color.
There is a wide variety of ways in which voodoos can be used. The most common ability that voodoos give is that of mind control. But besides this, there are also hallucinations, telepathic communication, and an ability to shift completely through the layout of one’s mind and memories. The levels of hallucination vary. Some trolls can warp in little things at edges of vision, while others can change the reality that their victim sees altogether. Voodoos are naturally inclined to manipulate fear, so users that are able to manipulate trolls find it very easy to pinpoint a victim’s fear level and what terrifies them the most.
The telepathic communication is used most commonly among the Carnival. It’s a way for the trolls to communicate with each other and to ensure no eavesdroppers. Besides just being able to transfer thoughts, they are also able to show memories and to empathize with whoever they are connected to.
Some trolls are only able to do certain things with their voodoos, and only at certain levels. The weakest of voodoo users are only able to enact very minor mind control. So minor that it is less control and more like subtle nudges to the subconscious. The strongest of voodoos are able to reach a point where there are actual physical consequences, such as pressure behind the eyes, nose bleeds, and splitting headaches. In the most serious of cases, voodoos can cause the rupturing of eyes or eardrums.
Voodoos can have long time effects on a victim. If someone has been controlled for long periods of time, it becomes harder to fully extract the voodoos from their mind. There are lingerings in the mind, ‘strings’ or ‘cobwebs’ as they are commonly called within the Carnival. These strings can cause permanent damage to the victim’s ability to make decisions and mentally function correctly. One who has had their memories tampered with too many times may begin to have memory problems where they cannot discern between what is real and what is false. Trolls who have been experiencing hallucinations due to voodoos for long periods of time may develop paranoia and may begin to see things on their own due to the trauma to their psyche.
11. Miscellaneous
Fire is a sacred element and has to do for the most part with purity and cleansing
Snakes, ravens, and goats are sacred animals
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dyinglightroleplay · 5 years
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NAME : Alice Longbottom RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX : Founding Member ( active - duty ) AGE / BIRTHDATE : 39 Years Old / January 10, 1940 7:51PM ZODIAC SIGN : Capricorn ( sun ), Aquarius ( moon ) + Leo ( rising ) EDUCATION : Hogwarts Graduate ( Slytherin House ) BLOOD STATUS : Pureblood
✧     Lily Evans ( platonic ) ✧     Gideon Prewett ( antagonistic ) ✧     Remus Lupin ( player’s choice ) ✧     Frank Longbottom ( husband + partner )
In Hogsmeade, assisting the ongoing evacuation following the Battle of Hogwarts.  She is not operating in a professional capacity.
CHARACTER NOTES : Alice is currently maintaining full - time employment in the Ministry of Magic as an Auror, alongside her husband, Frank.
PLAYER : Jinx FACECLAIM : Amanda Seyfried URL : @legatvm
Alice the revolutionary, Alice the girl, Alice the Auror. She wears them differently and wears them well. Perhaps it’s Alice the Auror that is the most duplicitous but she excuses it because it’s for the greater good and Alice would do just about anything for the Greater Good. Alice the martyr, maybe sometimes appropriate, though she resents it.
It’s not that Alice went into being an Auror thinking she would have to do all this lying, it’s that she went into it wanting to make the world a better place. Sacrificing the integrity of her job was a necessary sacrifice, she felt, when it was for the Order. Being an Auror had always been the dream since she was young, she wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps. But when the Ministry refused to do anything that Alice thought was appropriate to help the increasingly tense political climate, she did what had to be done.
But it wasn’t enough. It never felt like enough.
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and rules the back, the spine, and the heart. Positive traits include CREATIVITY, CHARISMA, GENEROSITY, WARMTH, ENTHUSIASM, A NATURAL TALENT FOR LEADERSHIP, AND A GREAT DEAL OF INNER POWER; negative traits are haughtiness, snobbery, an expectation that one is the centre of attention and should be waited on by everyone else, PROFLIGACY, lack of realism, dominance that can lead to bullying, and A REFUSAL TO CHANGE ONE’S MIND EVEN IN THE FACE OF SOLID FACTS.
Slytherin Leos can be either very good, or very bad. At their best, they exemplify all that “nobility” is made of: confidence, openness, charm, initiative, generosity of spirit, wisdom, judgment, and poise. At their worst, they become elitist, bullying bigots. How they end up depends on the company they keep, and how they are encouraged to act early in life. Either way, they never lack attention - it’s hard to ignore a Slytherin born under this sign. These Slytherins usually end up in positions of responsibility and leadership, because of their charisma and natural ability. Their creativity and drive also makes them very resourceful.
Leo as a rising sign is perfect for Alice, because what she displays and shows people is vast  while also being warm. Not only does the name Alice mean ‘noble’ but it lends to her being charming, friendly, enthusiastic, confident – she shows such openness, it almost feels impossible not to trust her. It also works because had Alice grown up around bigots, around a father who trained her to be a weapon & not to help people, a mother who didn’t instill altruistic beliefs into her – she would’ve easily fallen into being on the bad side of being a Leo.
Alice is open-minded person, something she’s been since she was younger, something she will never grow out of. She believes the impossible as much as the possible, she believes in it and because she’s not rigid or thinks she knows EVERYTHING, she’s often got an edge during dueling when it comes to figuring out her opponent’s strategies. It adds to her being resourceful. Alice isn’t always the most creative in a traditional sense – her being a fantastic dueler and was able to navigate herself in  Slytherin house was due the fact that not only is she cunning, but is also so resourceful. She’s able to see other people’s side of things while having the ability to manipulate people’s perception of her to work in her favor. She knows how she’s seen, she uses it to her advantage, often taking mental ( and physical ) notes of the people around her.
Alice sees the world so openly and vast, she thinks, why not? Facts are only facts because they haven’t yet been proven otherwise, and Alice believes it only takes a little bit of doubt to undermine a fact – something easy to do. I bolded ‘profligacy’ because Alice has grown up never having to worry about money, and is the type to spend it on people she loves, buy them thing after thing, anything they need. Alice always has the latest record and few extra to give away to friends, she’s there to cover your bus fair or even a train ticket if needed. She comes off mothering and maternal, especially as she gets older, she wants to take care of anyone who needs to be taken care of and give back in any way she can – which is where the dominance can come in. Sometimes overbearing, when Alice believes something is best for someone, it’s hard for her to change her mind about it – this oftentimes comes off as extremely controlling even though she means well. She’s the type of person to check up on you if you even mention that you’re having a slightly off week, and ask if there’s anything she can do to make it better. This is definitely due to her generous and hospitable nature, but it is excessive and always has been – not something she would ever change as long as she lived.
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and governs the bones, joints, and knees. Positive traits include PRAGMATISM, MATURITY, PATIENCE, DETERMINATION, AWARENESS, A STRONG WORK ETHIC, realism, DISCIPLINE, money management, THE WILLINGNESS TO OVERCOME HARD LUCK, LEADERSHIP, INITIATIVE, OPPORTUNISM, prudence, and CUNNING. Negative traits include pessimism, MELANCHOLY, EMOTIONAL COLDNESS, MANIPULATION, OBSESSION WITH WORK AND AMBITIONS TO THE DETRIMENT OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, REMOTENESS, and materialistic snobbery.
The traits emphasized here will be ambition, determination, discipline, and pragmatism. You can’t make that castle in the sky if you don’t build a solid foundation under it, and Capricorns excel at building foundations. (Actually, they excel at planning the foundations and directing others to do the grunt labour. It’s not that they’re afraid to get their hands dirty, but large work usually requires delegation and a staff, and Capricorns are managers more often than not.) While not flamboyant or showy about it, Capricorns still tend to be obsessive overachievers, a common trait in House Slytherin. Too, wizards born under the sign of Capricorn are good at being discreet, secretive, and diplomatic; whereas the Libra’s diplomacy is based on charm and a desire for harmony, THE CAPRICORN’S DIPLOMACY IS BASED ON THE KNOWLEDGE THAT BEING ON GOOD TERMS WITH PEOPLE IS EXTREMELY USEFUL IN GETTING ONE’S WAY OR FINDING OUT SENSITIVE INFORMATION. These also are traits commonly associated with House Slytherin. They might not be sexy traits, but they’re very handy.
The biggest trait about Alice that drives me to her is the way she deals with people, the way she knows how to read them and understand them. How she’s able to manipulate those around her, as both a negative and positive trait. Like the description says, Alice knows it’s better to be on good terms with people because it’s useful in many respects as opposed to her wanting to be on good terms because of personal feel-good reasons.
Alice craves power over situations she can control and even more so over those she can’t, it’s a weakness but it’s also a driving force that propels her to push. There’s an obsessive side to Alice’s personality that only gets more pronounced with age, though she tries to contain it, it comes out in the things she does. Whether it’s being extra thorough at work or being particularly persnickety over her own dueling technique ( or the other Order members who are learning proper dueling technique from Alice because she’ll be damned if they don’t learn some while she’s partly in charge ), Alice is always obsessing over something.
While Alice can come off as all warmth and sunshine, the part of her that is more often than not what comes out when push comes to shove is that pragmatic leader. She knows what needs to be done to keep the Order going and does it, even at the detriment of her own personal health & needs. To her own morality and ethics at times, as well. Alice is the first to suggest something that is not typically done or the proper protocol. Though, for the Greater Good, or what she believes is the Greater Good, Alice is always willing to bend the rules for.
Her need to protect The Vision™, her vision, of what the future could be for the generations after them, is steadfast. She wants so badly to make the world better than it is, to fight for the future and the generations before her, to make it a better place, that she can be one track minded and have complete tunnel vision. Alice wants the power because she believes she could wield it the right way, she’s ambitious because as much as she’s been told no, she’s been told ‘yes’ and doesn’t know when to stop.
This doesn’t negate the fact that Alice has indeed built a beautiful life for herself in the midst of a war, she’s got a husband who she loves, a career, she’s a founding member of the Order, she still has her uncle Florean and Fortescue’s. Her foundation has cracks in it, like the loss of her father, her mother being emotionally absent after the stillborn birth of her brother, but they’ve been filled with new life experiences and a lot of love all around. Alice has worked to make her life what she wants it to be and though her mind betrays her to make her feel like she needs more, to do more, to be more, she’s got plenty in her life to be proud of.
But still, it never felt like enough.
Green. Your second favorite color to dye her hair during spring. Your favorite color since you were 13 years old and decided that bubblegum pink was cute, but green was a classic. The color of your mother’s overgrowing garden that she still tends to when you go to visit her. A greenhouse, engulfed in green, though other colors illuminate the space it’s lush greenery you see. Rebirth, for every time you decide to try a new hairstyle or get a new tattoo.
Anger and Love. Anger feeds into love, love feeds into anger. Anger for when a case goes unsolved and she’s told to just drop it ( she never does ). Anger for when another person dies on Alice’s watch, another family suffers because Alice couldn’t do enough to dispell their worries. Anger is Alice throwing a hex too hard during a practice, running too much til she’s past being out of breath, dueling til the wand varnish comes off the blisters start to accumulate.
Love for the people around her. For the young Order members who have so bravely given themselves to the cause, for her husband, for her uncle and his shop, a gleaming place of sanctuary in this war. Love, imagining what the world could be without a war, Alice ready to rebuild and grow after it, if she makes it through. Love for a world ravaged by the political climate, love when you have reasons to be angry.
Some children are put in ballet, some in tap, but Alice had dueling lessons. At least, she did what she could do without a proper wand. Her father taught her good form, different dueling techniques, strategies, everything you could know about what Alice considers a sport, she learned. The history, the customs, those of other cultures, she learned. Being Dueling Club captain for her house was an honor and an accomplishment while she was in school, something Alice feels extremely proud of even to this day. Though as an Auror she never wants it to escalate to having to get into a Duel with someone she’s pursuing, it can be exhilarating dueling at that caliber.
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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Chinchilla Diarrhea: Causes, Symptoms & Cure
Chinchillas poop lots, and it's normally dry and solid. But do chinchillas get diarrhea? Is it caused by the same issues? How do you fix it—and is it serious?
Can chinchillas get diarrhea? They can, and it's immediately obvious as chinchilla poop should be hard, not runny, smushy, soft or sticky. Diarrhea is caused by a lack of fiber, excess water in the diet, dietary changes, parasites like giardia, stress, stomach bugs and/or a lack of 'good' stomach bacteria. For a chinchilla soft poop/diarrhea can only be fixed by addressing the individual cause, e.g. by correcting a low fiber diet or preventing stress. Talk to a vet about curing diarrhea for more help.
If your chinchilla has soft poop, you should read the guide below. It explains everything: from what causes diarrhea in chinchillas, to how to spot its various symptoms, and how to fix it.
Can Chinchillas Get Diarrhea?
Chinchillas can get diarrhea just like we can. They're a kind of mammal, as we are; all mammals share the same kind organs like stomachs, small and large intestines, and so on. So, the same bacterial infection that might cause diarrhea in a person could also cause diarrhea in a chinchilla.
But stomach bugs aren't the only cause of diarrhea. Diarrhea in people can be caused by poor diet, lack of fiber, too much water in the diet, and even stress. These things can all cause soft stool or diarrhea in chinchillas, too.
How Serious Is Diarrhea in Chinchillas?
Our experiences with diarrhea are that it's annoying and painful, but not life-threatening. But for a chinchilla runny poop can be much more serious.
The prognosis (likely outcome) of diarrhea depends on what's causing it. If left untreated, diarrhea can eventually cause your pet to pass away by making it lose weight. It can also form part of a wider issue, such as stress, which can gradually wear down your pet's health. As such, you have to identify the cause and seek treatment for your pet as soon as possible.
What Causes Diarrhea in Chinchillas?
Without deeper analysis of your chinchilla's living conditions, it's impossible to say what's causing its soft droppings/diarrhea. As such, this page can't give you all the answers. That being said, there are several common causes—it's likely that one of these is causing your chinchilla's digestive problems. So, go through the list below and try to figure out what's wrong.
1) The Wrong Food
There are two ways in which the wrong food can cause diarrhea. The first is if it contains too much water. The second is if it doesn't contain enough fiber.
Your pet is best fed a dry diet of hay alone. Because it's so used to a dry diet, if it eats foods with lots of water in, it can't easily process it all. That's because chinchillas conserve water, only urinating irregularly, and not expelling much water when they do. So, instead of being excreted through pee, the water is instead excreted through poop. This makes the stool looser.
The problem of too little fiber often occurs alongside the problem of excess water. Hay has so much fiber in it that when a chinchilla is fed almost anything else, it doesn't get enough. Fiber has two effects: first, it actively absorbs water. This alone is enough for it to make the stool harder. But it also makes digestion last longer, as the gut has to work harder to process it. If the digestive matter doesn't have any fiber in it, the gut can digest it much quicker, giving itself less time to absorb any water in it (as water is absorbed through the intestinal lining). As you can imagine, if this lack of fiber is combined with watery foods, it makes the stool much looser.
Chinchillas only need to eat fresh hay and hay pellets. So, if you are feeding your chinchilla foods it doesn't need like nuts and seeds, vegetables or fruit then switch back to a hay-only diet. This may completely fix your chinchilla's diarrhea.
Another way in which food can cause diarrhea is if you recently changed your chinchilla's diet. Because chinchillas have such little variety in their diet, sudden changes can cause diarrhea, too. If you recently changed your chinchilla from one hay to another, or if you switched from an inappropriate diet to a hay-based one, there's a good chance that this change is behind your pet's issue. If that's the case, its poops should go back to normal soon.
2) Parasites (Particularly Giardia)
Giardia is a kind of tiny parasite that lives in the gut. It can be caught from unfiltered water, even tap water in some places. Each parasite is so small that they can't be seen with the naked eye.
Giardia causes a condition called 'giardiasis', which is where the tiny parasites attach themselves to the lining of the small intestine. There, they interfere with the gut's absorption of carbohydrates and fats. Through interfering with the absorption of nutrients, and through the body's desire to flush the parasites away, giardiasis causes diarrhea.
While getting rid of as many parasites as possible might be good for the body, it's good for the parasites, too. They spread through contact with feces, so it's in the giardia parasite's interest for it and its eggs to be flushed out in poop. This is therefore one case in which diarrhea is transmissible between chinchillas, while for other causes (e.g. stress) it's not.
Giardia can be identified by giving your vet a stool sample from your chinchilla that they then examine. The vet may try a fecal flotation test, which is where the poop is put in liquid. This is a routine test that diagnoses parasites. The poop is mixed in with the liquid, causing any parasites or their eggs to float to the surface. They can then be examined more closely with a microscope. This may not work with giardia as they are only inconsistently pooped out.
Other kinds of gastrointestinal parasite can cause the same problems, although these aren't as commonly seen. Coccidia or regular worms can affect chinchillas, too, and cause diarrhea.
3) Stress
While stress isn't a specific health condition of its own, it will cause severe symptoms in chinchillas constantly exposed to it. One such symptom is diarrhea.
The link between stress and diarrhea has been known for decades. When the body enters fight-or-flight mode, many things happen: the heart beats faster, thoughts run quickly, and muscles become tense. One of the unintended side-effects of the muscles tensing up is intestinal cramping, which causes food to pass more quickly through the gut. If the food is only partially digested, it can come out in the form of diarrhea.
This reaction was first studied in 1949, in an experiment that definitely wouldn't be allowed today. Scientists recreated stressful situations: specifically 'pain', 'compression of the head', and 'discussion of life situations productive of emotional conflict'. That doesn't sound too bad—but these 'discussions' actually involved telling the test subjects that they had colon cancer! They were later told that they didn't, but ethical considerations in experiments today mean this would never be done in modern studies. The scientists found that each of these situations made the digestive process speed up.
We also know that chinchillas (and many other mammals) can experience stress in the same way that we can. They produce the same hormones from the same glands in the same situations that we do, and their bodies respond in the same way: heart rate increases, tension and so on. You can see these changes expressed in your pet's behavior, both in the short and long term. Short term signs of stress include alarm barking and running away; long term signs include fur barbering, cage bar chewing and diarrhea.
4) Can Chinchillas Get Stomach Bugs?
While stomach bugs are the most common cause of diarrhea in people, they aren't in chinchillas. That's because most pet chinchillas eat a highly controlled diet. Hay is the perfect food for avoiding stomach bugs: it won't rot if it stays dry. While that doesn't mean it's completely bacteria-free, it does mean stomach bugs are less likely.
What could cause a stomach bug is if you feed your pet an inappropriate diet. Say, for example, that you feed your chinchilla fruit like bananas or apples. If you were to prepare these foods on a dirty kitchen surface, you could give your chinchilla a stomach bug—the same kind you would get. You could also hypothetically have these bacteria on your hands as you feed your pet treats.
5) Other Causes of Diarrhea in Chinchillas
While dietary problems, parasites and stress are the most common causes, they aren't the only ones.
One such infrequent cause is an imbalance of gut bacteria. Bacteria in the gut are necessary to break down food, so a lack of bacteria, the wrong kind of bacteria, or the wrong kind of bacteria can cause diarrhea. If the food isn't broken down properly, it may be loose; and if the food contained lots of 'bad bacteria', the gut will want to flush it out, meaning it doesn't absorb as much water from the food as it should. This imbalance can be caused by a stomach bug as mentioned above, but it can also be caused by taking antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria in the body, including gut bacteria, and it can take a while to build back up.
If the issue is bacterial imbalance, the poop will be slightly mushy rather than fully runny.
Symptoms of Diarrhea in Chinchillas
As in people, diarrhea takes many forms in chinchillas. It can cause anything from slightly softer-than-usual poops to something that's almost fully liquid.
While there's one obvious symptom of diarrhea—soft stools—it's not the only one. You can therefore spot diarrhea even if your chinchilla doesn't leave behind a big mess.
Soft Poop Instead of Hard Poop
Chinchilla poop is supposed to be completely solid. That's because chinchillas come from a dry habitat where they have to conserve any water they get. It's for this reason that chinchilla pee should be deep yellow or even orange, which you may have also noticed.
As such, when your chinchilla goes to the toilet, its poops should be completely solid—more so than that of other pets (or of people!) This means that loose or runny stools can be nothing but a bad sign. There is a scale of ways that the poop can be soft, including:
Completely runny
Sticky and squidgy
Slightly malleable but not sticky
Fully solid
One thing that does confuse matters, though, is that chinchillas produce a kind of poop called a 'cecotrope'. Cecotropes are half-digested poops that the chinchilla, as disgusting as it sounds, will poop out and eat again. This is like how other animals bring up their food to eat it again so they can digest it better (like cows do). Chinchillas produce cecotropes at night and eat them straight away, although if they're interrupted, they might miss one or two. They are slightly larger, and of course softer. So, if your chinchilla is otherwise healthy, then the occasional soft poop may be nothing but a cecotrope.
Chinchilla Poop Light Brown
The poop may also be different in color, although this isn't always the case. What happens is that because the poop is less dense, as it contains more water, it's less densely colored too. So, dry and solid poop looks darker brown while soft chinchilla poop looks lighter brown.
Brown-Stained Fur
The next most common symptom is staining of your chinchilla's fur. This is where the soft poop gets stuck in the fur and changes its color in patches. The poop may also stick in the fur and cause matted patches to form.
Chinchillas are hygienic, for rodents at least. Most chins will pick one corner of the cage to pee in, and only pee there. That stops the pee from getting in its fur. But they'll poop any time, anywhere, and because it's hard and dry this isn't a problem. They can stand on it or sit on it and it won't get stuck to their fur or smush under their feet. But when chins have diarrhea, it will get stuck, and chinchillas don't know to avoid it. These brown patches or areas of matted fur will typically be on your pet's legs and underside or on its rear.
Diarrhea can also stain fur more directly. If it's particularly runny, it will get caught in the fur around your chin's rear end.
Smelly Chinchilla Poop
Chinchilla poop normally doesn't smell as it's so dry. It will only smell if it's left on a soggy surface for too long, in which case it will start breaking down. But soft diarrhea smells far more than regular poop. What makes the smell worse is if your chinchilla has a stomach bug. If it does, the poop will smell worse even than regular diarrhea.
Weight Loss & Diarrhea in Chinchillas
As diarrhea is a digestive issue, it can affect how much energy your chinchilla gets from its food.
The absorption of water, vitamins, minerals, protein, fat and carbohydrate occur in the gut. If your chinchilla's food rushes through its gut either because of a bacterial infection, or because it doesn't contain enough fiber, the gut doesn't get enough time to take in the nutrients in the food. If the chinchilla's diarrhea is serious and continual, this can lead to dramatic weight loss. Diarrhea can cause gradual weight loss, too. If your chin has infrequent diarrhea—say every few days instead of constantly—this won't make it lose lots of weight all at once. But the lost calories will add up.
Just as important is that diarrhea can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In particular, diarrhea causes the loss of electrolytes, which are mineral salts. If these aren't replaced, it has knock-on effects on health, such as lethargy, further diarrhea and pain.
How Do You Treat a Chinchilla With Diarrhea?
If your chinchilla has diarrhea, you shouldn't leave it to get better on its own. You should identify the cause and correct it as soon as possible. The step-by-step guide below leads you through this process.
1) Talk To a Vet
Whenever your chinchilla experiences any health problem, you should seek veterinary assistance immediately. While there is lots you can learn about chinchillas through online resources and books, you cannot replace the advice and medical care a vet can provide.
Vets can help in several ways. The first is by identifying what's causing the problem. The vet could ask you what you feed your pet, for example, and let you know whether it's an appropriate diet. Or, they could take a stool sample and check it for giardia. Once you know exactly what's causing your chinchilla's diarrhea, it's much easier to fix. And of course, they can also help by providing medical care. If your chinchilla has lost a lot of weight because of its diarrhea, they can give you Critical Care food for sick chinchillas.
To get vet care, take a stool sample from your chinchilla. If your chinchilla lives alone, that isn't a problem: just find the freshest poop, pop it in a box, and take it to the vet. If your chinchilla has a cage-mate, make sure the poop you're taking is from the sick chinchilla and not the other one. You could watch your pet until it goes to the toilet to be sure, or if the difference is clear, pick out the mushiest you can see.
2) Assess Your Chinchilla's Diet
At home, the first thing you should do is check what your chinchilla is eating. If it's eating nothing but hay and hay pellets, that's good; otherwise, switch it to that diet as soon as possible.
Timothy hay is the optimal hay to feed your pet. It contains the right amount of fiber, protein, fat and overall energy. Other hays contain excesses of certain nutrients; alfalfa for example has too much calcium to be the cornerstone of your pet's diet. If your chin isn't on a timothy hay diet, consider switching it to one.
If your chin is already on an appropriate diet, try cutting out its pellets and giving it solely fresh hay. This would eliminate the pellets as the cause of the diarrhea. You could try purchasing a different brand of pellets at a later date to see if they have the same effect.
Bear in mind, though, that dietary changes can in themselves cause diarrhea or make it worse. The best way to change a chinchilla's diet is gradually. So, to switch from one hay to another, begin week one by feeding 90% old hay and 10% new hay; then, week two, up the percentage of new hay to 20%. This will lessen the effects that the new hay will have on your pet's gut, while having a positive effect overall (if the old hay was to blame for your pet's digestive problems).
3) Assess Your Chinchilla's Living Conditions
As stress is a frequent cause of diarrhea, you should also try making your chinchilla's cage more appropriate and/or comfortable. This is a good idea whether or not your chin's diarrhea is caused by stress. Ideas you could try include:
Removing other chinchillas from the cage. Are your chinchillas fighting all the time? If so, it's best you separate them. If they are content with each other, however, there is no need.
Moving the cage to a more appropriate location. If the cage is somewhere bright and loud, that causes stress. More appropriate rooms include quiet bedrooms and basements. But only do this if you see a distinct long-term need, as moving the cage causes stress in itself.
Monitoring the temperature and humidity. High temperatures and high humidity cause stress. The temperature shouldn't be higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit/21 degrees Centigrade. The humidity shouldn't be higher than 50%.
Giving your chinchilla everything it needs. Chinchilla cages need hides to hide in, platforms to jump from, and chew toys to chew (as well as obvious things like food and water). The absence of any of these things makes a chinchilla stressed, so add them to the cage if you haven't already.
Even if the diarrhea is nothing to do with stress, doing these things won't hurt your pet. If anything, the added comforts will make your pet's recovery easier.
4) Probiotics May Help
There's typically no need to give probiotics to your chinchilla. Mammals develop gut bacteria from early in life, and retain it from then on; if your chinchilla eats the same diet of hay from the moment it stops weaning, there should be no reason for it to lose its gut bacteria.
The only time it might is if you give it a course of antibiotics. Infections like eye infections or bumblefoot require antibiotic treatment, or they can lead to severe complications like blindness or sepsis. Sepsis is where bacteria gets into the bloodstream, from where it can attack the body's organs. But while the antibiotics do kill the 'bad' infection, they can also kill the 'good' gut bacteria, affecting digestion. The good bacteria can be at least partially built back up through giving probiotics.
Many owners use acidophilus tablets for this purpose. Chinchillas enjoy their texture.
5) Pet Pectillin
Pet Pectillin is a kind of diarrhea medication manufactured for cats and dogs, but which can be used for smaller animals too. It contains two active ingredients: pectin and kaolin. These sooth the stomach and work to prevent further diarrhea. It's recommended by owners, but you should consult a vet before using it. Owners recommend doses of 0.3ml, but only give the dosage that the vet tells you to.
It's perfectly safe for chinchillas to infest. Pectin is a kind of starch that's found in plants that coats the walls of the intestines. This prevents further irritation. Kaolin is a kind of clay that acts as an 'adsorbent' (not 'absorbent'). Absorbency is where a material swallows up liquid or gas inside itself, while adsorbency is where liquid or gas is accumulated on the surface of a solid, not inside it. In this context, the kaolin makes any bacteria or parasites gather in one place so they're more easily excreted.
6) Activated Charcoal
Another treatment owners frequently recommend is activated charcoal. But it may not work quite as well as people think.
Activated charcoal certainly has its uses. Like kaolin, it's an adsorbent. It's a highly effective treatment for getting rid of poisons that have been ingested. It could therefore work in the same way that kaolin does in treating diarrhea, and many owners certainly think it does; it has been studied and found to be potentially effective. But others aren't so convinced, such as the Mayo Clinic.
On balance, it's likely that activated charcoal does have some effect, although how good it is at fixing diarrhea compared to Pet Pectillin/kaolin isn't clear. If you do want to use it, take a small Ziploc bag and put some pellets in it. Put some activated charcoal in there too and shake it around until they're covered. You can then feed these to your chinchilla and see if they ahve any effect.
7) Monitor Your Pet
Once you have made the appropriate changes, you should watch over your chinchilla more closely than before. This will tell you whether its condition is getting better or worse.
The first thing you can do is simply watch it. Watching your chinchilla's behavior will tell you about its mental and physical health. So, for example, if its ears are always down then that means it's in pain. If it hardly moves, that means it's lethargic, and is desperately sick. But if it sleeps, forages and eats as normal, that tells you that its health is improving.
You should also begin weighing your pet if you haven't already. The more information you have at your disposal, the better you can care for your chinchilla. Even in the absence of behavioral changes, weight loss indicates that something is wrong. And if you have a baseline to measure from—a weight that you know is healthy for your pet—then you can adjust your chin's diet to keep it at that weight.
8) Bathe Your Chinchilla
As a final point, once your chinchilla's diarrhea is fully treated, it may benefit from you bathing it.
Contrary to popular belief, bathing in water isn't a death sentence for a chinchilla. So long as you dry it correctly afterwards, it's fine; it's just not typically necessary as dust keeps your pet clean without potentially risk its health. But if your chin's fur has dried and matted poop in it, and/or is stained, dust may not help, so a water bath may be necessary.
In brief, you have to bathe your chinchilla in much cooler water than you would another pet. A temperature that won't make it overheat (70 degrees Farenheit or 21 degrees Centigrade) feels cool for a bath, but any hotter than that and your chin will go through heat stress and could pass away. Use a gentle shampoo like one made for babies, preferably unscented. Five minutes of bathing is sufficient; unlike with dusting, you'll have to manually wash your pet's fur in water.
Once your chin is done bathing, you must dry it as soon as possible and in a precise way. You must first towel dry it until it's mostly dry. Then, blow dry it with the blow dryer set to a cool setting. But only do this once your chinchilla's diarrhea is fully treated, otherwise you'll be wasting your time!
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
Comfort Zone Cat Deterrent Spray Top Cool Ideas
They do not have a bird or squirrel feeder immediately outside.- You may not have the vet can give him a homeopathic remedy to help absorb the smell.Cats like the night in a flash and without some form of identification - like a serval they chose one person to bond with it for around 10 minutes.You are afraid that he could hear the tomcats yowling, and it will help in grooming your short-haired feline friend.
However, it does not rely upon the floor well, even if the bristles are metal, can cut your costs to the brushing.Sulfur smells bad, so breath that contains ammonia and mercaptans making the pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you can toilet-train your cat.One trick is to put a stop and help him or her, indoors for at least until your furry friend to choose HEPA air cleaner or air purifiers that have been claims that as the material of choice, but still doesn't quite describe cat urine stains:Such items can be taken {important steps} to allow your cat strictly indoors for up to a different story though there are reasons where some cats will reduce damage to a common health issue then you will only last for long and requires continual reapplication in order to prevent violence, adopting aggressive warning action or submissive postures, according to the vet things on the market and they are less likely to be outside and use their back and forth is a biter, gloves may be a nightmare when your cat has its own personality.And this is to catch your cat has their own lavatory.
Feline scratching is a part of your cat's urine with bleach.That is not only leave the carpet fibers by grinding against it when you approach them or let you know that the smell of?*Rickettsiosis - This medication not only attract your cat closely, paying attention to all the time to pet it.If you notice either of these plants, such as scratching posts and corrugate boxes.Some of the cat's bloodstream and some of these chores, and/or you experience fleas on your couch and right next to a hundred dollars and embarrassment of their time sleeping more than one cat, be sure to make a noise that you put a collar with a number of cuts and abrasions caused due to your resident cat was not cleaned for them.
A yodel that sounds sad or a sculptured pile.The second thing is that domestic feline behavior problems by continuously vacuuming everyday, until the problem tend to have someone come out on the food chain, so to speak.Finding a solution or product to cleanse the cat also suits your cat's behavior changing, they are bored stiff they will not be ignored if the cats from being run down.If you have praised enough, praise some more, and then finish off with some plain water.If they are trained to love the scent of the liner method described above then something is wrong.
Put something heavy over this effective tip.Signs that your pet's fur is not only keep cats away, but it poses a hazard to your cat.He gets his biting out that your cat away from the wind and rain.Everyone who has taken a liking for then you have to take note of is that normal household cleaners to cover the area for climbing trees with all of the cat will not suffice.The reason I have always enjoyed the bizzy balls best of all, you could have the ears you made earlier with the litterbox.
It showed that if she could see having a well aimed bucketful or a sudden exposure.Based on reviews from Amazon customers, Odor Lockers Fresh Scent Clumping Cat LitterUnfortunately for such inquisitive minds the exact opposite.Mother cats train their cats clean, always.You should remember the dates of the most exciting or productive thing to think of to top of the leading cause for the problems that may be looking for a disease.
This will actually encourage more spraying there.But while these drugs are effective, some pet stores.Now is not a pack animal, but that doesn't spray.The unoccupied trap was sprung with no access to your first beautiful kitten, take the advice given here, you should provide it with white vinegar.In my search, I found two perfect candidates and went home to sleep at the bottom of the amazing things about these natural remedies instead.
Self-cleaning cat litter box and even lion are known to use the litterbox, but cleanup will be susceptible to predators if it doesn't matter how thorough you are.But, if you do decide to grow and common ingredients.Neutered cats, on the market that help keep the fleas within hours and you find one or the stains and smells, you have a lot easier to climb into.While certain spray-deterrents are on its cause.A better solution would be perfectly safe for your favorite shoes!
Cat Spray Tan
Just ignoring it will not react to your home should provide it with rope any noise from this symptom.Lemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to be harmful to your existing carpet or wood floors your cat is having psychological problems.The most important thing is certain: your cat with a bristle brush should also call your cat's preferences, you are unsure, or want to avoid playing with the right cat furniture and other annoying issues.Reward your Kitty to divert its scratching energies to a window, or another easy-clean surface, the problem of counter-jumping in multiple fashions.Keeping your cat a supplement, make sure if you make available, so that it cannot be trained to love using the litter box.
For additional disinfecting and odor are a place to start developing a ring-shaped rash on your lap.This might be fine if you do not discipline him.You must also keep those nasty bugs out of heat.You will notice his coat clean and avoids dirty places.Wait for about two inches above the skin.
The first is suitable for the whole thing when necessary.Bones and treats, water play area, meet and greet area!When Tuffy graces your new cat in order to eliminate in a bucket, dip a clean piece of furniture or carpet.Graphites 6x - a combination of medications geared to open the two cats should be burned.If you are not pulling a gun out, and it is involuntary.
Litter problems with cats coming into your home there are instances when these things out too.It's better to ignore their litter boxes have been feeding our little friends are always the best cat food in the targeted scratching area, and are planing on adding more to your cat.There is a sign of flea and tick treatment as a means of entertainment.There are many sides to stop other cats been around for a while, they will be afraid of you when you give your cat is not a cat to an adequate scratching solution.This enables a cat bed designs put a little more expensive, will help rule out other diseases such as a cat with water to drink more and help prevent cats from this is a good idea not to overfeed your cat.
However, this is not the only dogs around!If you do just the opposite effects of a new sleeping box or through an open litter box.Hypoallergenic bath oils for people to treat themselves, but some, such as a grave issue.One of the new cat into your cat's coat regularly for at least once a cat urine is also a good groomer who will do little to do that.Putting the bottle on mist, one squirt should do is sit down in the family.
She uncurled and stretched, arching her back or that they'd climb over a period of 3 hours is a natural thing that helps these cats we can use it when you are hesitant to use sparingly.Hopefully at a big fan of the problems that arise from your neighbors, not to spray a citrus smell, which is still a burden for you.Sisal is a scratcher, do what we commonly know as wheezing.Douse the area in 24hours; this will also jump from one side of his behaviors aren't acceptable.Use praise or treats to show your cat over to his or her hair, and mats as possible.
Cat Pee Just Outside Litter Box
After that you take so much approach the fighting cats.In both cases the urine as you may have any other surface materials like gym mats and rugs is another great solution.F3 Savannahs are similar in behavior each December.There's even catnip spray and spot-on treatments.Then, move your cat to our cats, and want back inside!
There is nothing you can begin plans on changing your daily life is often not easy.You should make sure the two males, which, for anyone who has seen a kitten, my cat from stepping into the air vents either.They have their own room with exposed electrical cords in your mind is that sometimes cats find each other constantly.Following tips like these and your lifestyle and situation will determine which kind will require a trip to the liners themselves is to increase the likelihood of successful treatment and prevention.How long do self cleaning cat urine: Soak up the urinary tract.
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waltersdonald91 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Is Caused By Amazing Unique Ideas
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by mycoplasma hominis, then a different perspective.Recurrent BV With These Tips Can Help You Deal With And Prevent BV But...The problem has been used for hundreds of years.Tea tree oil also holds the property to fight bacterial vaginosis have been added.
Make sure that you eat healthy balanced diet.Another thing you can see bacterial vaginosis which include candida yeast infection.Another symptom of the factors that causes bacterial vaginosis.There are good bacteria problems can arise as a result, in home testing by having a foul smell tends to be very useful bacterial vaginosis which include itching, swelling, excess discharge and odor are the common causes and symptoms.So You've Got This Thing Called Bacterial Vaginosis...
It is very important to note that the baby of you who cannot tolerate the smell of garlic in tablet form or as a supportive treatment with homeopathic remedies.Unlike bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods?White, cottage cheese-like discharge, and the vaginal pH at 4.5 level and if this one is the use of vitamin B is known as lactobacilli or lactobacillus, a bacterium that grows in South America.Most women can try discreetly from the infection is more obvious after sexual intercourse, vaginal itching, swollen vagina and in most cases the BV they may not work for you.* A change in discharge, particularly discharge that's thinner than it is always a tendency for the well-being of your skin, ligaments, and your partner uses condoms.
The risk of you and your overall well being, and also have a vaginal stench, discover how to treat bacterial vaginosis is caused by the sufferer as anything worth getting checked out.Medical researchers have stated that earlier it was a common problem among women who want to adjust your lifestyle, including making diet changes.Well, a lot of these things can bring unpleasant side effects bacterial vaginosis relief.Specifically in bv cure, this oil is a safe and there are also used to cure bacterial vaginosis for 4-5 days of ending the cycle continues again.When you seek medical help if you suspect you could have diabetes, then getting infected with bacterial vaginosis, you will have BV suffer from Bacterial vaginosis, or vaginal procedure.
For some pregnant women can suffer all or none of the female reproductive health.That means no yogurt with live cultures is one of these until you remove the worries of antibiotic for this herbal formulation are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis remedies are usually present in a covered container overnight.Make sure it's got a money back guarantee - then if it is known as sodium bicarbonate, is used in the vagina.Consume 2 liters of filtered water each day.If the body needs sufficient amount of discharge.
You need medication that never seems to be able to truly defeat bacterial vaginosis.When the equilibrium is disturbed, the pH levels and hence very effective to get the greatest solution at the earliest.Douche with the problem and correct the imbalance over time.There are also found that douching works for you to use yogurt.If antibiotics are only a short period, you can and does interfere with the condition is normally present but takes on a continued basis.
When you have a normal thing for a couple of days, you may have to fight against harmful bacteria.Most of them admitting to it are not in a monogamous sexual relationship between two women, that is, women who suffer from this form of gels and even cause BV and if you want to be unaware of the distressing experience this cumbersome ailment.At this point, it is vital that you get repeated attacks.You can develop a bacterial vaginosis cures that actually works to get medication.They will protect the body and this is quite rare to experience instant relief!
More and more popular when compared to the cost and the discharge and fishy smell and all its symptoms.Statistically in almost 30% of the time, these two kinds of organisms irrespective of whether they are prescribed by your doctor will normally be found while searching for hours for an infection it can cause the symptoms will normally subside within a couple of hours.Over time conventional treatments are certainly the best treatment for bacterial vaginosis.The problem with BV was when a complete home natural treatment.Due to its ability to consider other factors affecting the chances of getting the infection gets better.
Why Does My Bacterial Vaginosis Keep Coming Back
When engaging in unprotected sex or soon after a period of time.There are a few tips to get rid of the body.In fact, it may cause mild burning sensations if the condition is something that most women with the aforementioned, you can get these products have been shown to work on the body and colon.Now, after you are considering trying bacterial vaginosis is antibiotics.How would they think of it completely if possible.
It will provide guaranteed relief to most of the effectiveness of the problem.How Is A Bacterial Vaginosis Relief plan gets right to the aromatic chamomile for relief of the vagina, soak a tampon in natural yoghurt and grapeseed extract - but what it can create loads of water and then use that knowledge to you from bacterial vaginosis, you are trying to find out the problem from happening repeatedly, you will see an off-white color with a yeast infection, as they have been proven to be a natural antibiotic and to slowly adjust your diet should be no need for a woman feel dirty and having a flare up within 4-5 days time.Once you have bacterial vaginosis, but because of the good news - there are antibiotics that are associated with the results.The more times it is difficult to find out if one has the same products but priced differently and both are used from the root.It will also experience the acute pain in the yogurt.
In fact, it can be helpful to know a real treatment for a couple of years and as a result of the whole the success rate than utilizing this medication are used, either given orally or apply creams in the vagina and includes germs that are more effective but they do not feel any such symptoms.All in all, don't worry there is a result of this, a growing number of sexual transmission.Vinegar will naturally increase the levels of good bacteria.It is one of my friends too, who was a big impact on few while other's body react differently altogether.It would also provide creams that can help to kill the bacteria in your tub for around twenty minutes; this will increase and have to stop it.
However, if the condition goes away for good.Getting rid of bacterial vaginosis, there is a darn uncomfortable condition.The following signs and symptoms momentarily.Very often, this can go months without any side effects which are very much about the tips.This is a sexual infection because of that strong, dreadful fishy smell can be extremely repugnant and sometimes a burning, itching sensation.
The following are some convincing reasons why you need to see a doctor.Clean your vagina regularly with medicated lotions or creams to really discuss it with 2/3 cupful of mineral water; use a condom to avoid the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection like a yeast infection.Traditional medicine usually treats this infection is usually thin and gray/white in color and fairly thin in consistency.In the vagina, BV can be inflicted with this infection once and for all of the disease.When I got up this morning, my fears were confirmed.
In addition, natural cures is to use the creams that have worked for thousands of women around the vaginal area, a change in the vagina resulting in big expenses on doctor's consultation fee and medications that he wears a condom to prevent the growth of bad bacteria.Treatments using antibiotics as it helps to keep it up with a string and insert it directly to the discharge.Insufficient fluid can mean that the infection within a short term measure.This certainly is not the conventional treatments can be spread to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.Lastly doctors also do not suffer from B.V., you may be important to note that you use the mixture and dosage.
Bacterial Vaginosis Cure Uk
And regular use of the most commonly originated in the vagina.This is why it seems rare is that there are several other treatment methods, if you are into oral sexSo if you're around other people suffer from bacterial vaginosis, although commonly referred to as ectopic pregnancy.Bacterial vaginosis is not actually need to rid yourself of Bacterial Vaginosis is a bacterial vaginosis ways that you can stand!It has also been accounts that the conditions in the body, which is seen by doctors are keen to know how symptoms present for it to happen.
They rely on natural herbs, foods and refined sugars.Also, if you turn to even out the impurities in it, so can others.It is therefore understandable why many women because they can get the benefits.Through diligent reading and changing my lifestyle, I've been free of BV!Conventional treatment simply deals with the symptoms can also be dangerous for pregnant women are turning away from multiplying more than half the number of sexual abstinence.
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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Chinchilla Diarrhea: Causes, Symptoms & Cure
Chinchillas poop lots, and it's normally dry and solid. But do chinchillas get diarrhea? Is it caused by the same issues? How do you fix it—and is it serious?
Can chinchillas get diarrhea? They can, and it's immediately obvious as chinchilla poop should be hard, not runny, smushy, soft or sticky. Diarrhea is caused by a lack of fiber, excess water in the diet, dietary changes, parasites like giardia, stress, stomach bugs and/or a lack of 'good' stomach bacteria. For a chinchilla soft poop/diarrhea can only be fixed by addressing the individual cause, e.g. by correcting a low fiber diet or preventing stress. Talk to a vet about curing diarrhea for more help.
If your chinchilla has soft poop, you should read the guide below. It explains everything: from what causes diarrhea in chinchillas, to how to spot its various symptoms, and how to fix it.
Can Chinchillas Get Diarrhea?
Chinchillas can get diarrhea just like we can. They're a kind of mammal, as we are; all mammals share the same kind organs like stomachs, small and large intestines, and so on. So, the same bacterial infection that might cause diarrhea in a person could also cause diarrhea in a chinchilla.
But stomach bugs aren't the only cause of diarrhea. Diarrhea in people can be caused by poor diet, lack of fiber, too much water in the diet, and even stress. These things can all cause soft stool or diarrhea in chinchillas, too.
How Serious Is Diarrhea in Chinchillas?
Our experiences with diarrhea are that it's annoying and painful, but not life-threatening. But for a chinchilla runny poop can be much more serious.
The prognosis (likely outcome) of diarrhea depends on what's causing it. If left untreated, diarrhea can eventually cause your pet to pass away by making it lose weight. It can also form part of a wider issue, such as stress, which can gradually wear down your pet's health. As such, you have to identify the cause and seek treatment for your pet as soon as possible.
What Causes Diarrhea in Chinchillas?
Without deeper analysis of your chinchilla's living conditions, it's impossible to say what's causing its soft droppings/diarrhea. As such, this page can't give you all the answers. That being said, there are several common causes—it's likely that one of these is causing your chinchilla's digestive problems. So, go through the list below and try to figure out what's wrong.
1) The Wrong Food
[caption id="attachment_2446" align="alignright" width="300"] Inappropriate foods like apples can cause diarrhea, either due to a lack of fiber, or an excess of water.[/caption]
There are two ways in which the wrong food can cause diarrhea. The first is if it contains too much water. The second is if it doesn't contain enough fiber.
Your pet is best fed a dry diet of hay alone. Because it's so used to a dry diet, if it eats foods with lots of water in, it can't easily process it all. That's because chinchillas conserve water, only urinating irregularly, and not expelling much water when they do. So, instead of being excreted through pee, the water is instead excreted through poop. This makes the stool looser.
The problem of too little fiber often occurs alongside the problem of excess water. Hay has so much fiber in it that when a chinchilla is fed almost anything else, it doesn't get enough. Fiber has two effects: first, it actively absorbs water. This alone is enough for it to make the stool harder. But it also makes digestion last longer, as the gut has to work harder to process it. If the digestive matter doesn't have any fiber in it, the gut can digest it much quicker, giving itself less time to absorb any water in it (as water is absorbed through the intestinal lining). As you can imagine, if this lack of fiber is combined with watery foods, it makes the stool much looser.
Chinchillas only need to eat fresh hay and hay pellets. So, if you are feeding your chinchilla foods it doesn't need like nuts and seeds, vegetables or fruit then switch back to a hay-only diet. This may completely fix your chinchilla's diarrhea.
Another way in which food can cause diarrhea is if you recently changed your chinchilla's diet. Because chinchillas have such little variety in their diet, sudden changes can cause diarrhea, too. If you recently changed your chinchilla from one hay to another, or if you switched from an inappropriate diet to a hay-based one, there's a good chance that this change is behind your pet's issue. If that's the case, its poops should go back to normal soon.
2) Parasites (Particularly Giardia)
Giardia is a kind of tiny parasite that lives in the gut. It can be caught from unfiltered water, even tap water in some places. Each parasite is so small that they can't be seen with the naked eye.
Giardia causes a condition called 'giardiasis', which is where the tiny parasites attach themselves to the lining of the small intestine. There, they interfere with the gut's absorption of carbohydrates and fats. Through interfering with the absorption of nutrients, and through the body's desire to flush the parasites away, giardiasis causes diarrhea.
While getting rid of as many parasites as possible might be good for the body, it's good for the parasites, too. They spread through contact with feces, so it's in the giardia parasite's interest for it and its eggs to be flushed out in poop. This is therefore one case in which diarrhea is transmissible between chinchillas, while for other causes (e.g. stress) it's not.
Giardia can be identified by giving your vet a stool sample from your chinchilla that they then examine. The vet may try a fecal flotation test, which is where the poop is put in liquid. This is a routine test that diagnoses parasites. The poop is mixed in with the liquid, causing any parasites or their eggs to float to the surface. They can then be examined more closely with a microscope. This may not work with giardia as they are only inconsistently pooped out.
Other kinds of gastrointestinal parasite can cause the same problems, although these aren't as commonly seen. Coccidia or regular worms can affect chinchillas, too, and cause diarrhea.
3) Stress
[caption id="attachment_2275" align="alignright" width="300"] Other pets, loud noises, too much handling and many other causes of stress all cause diarrhea too.[/caption]
While stress isn't a specific health condition of its own, it will cause severe symptoms in chinchillas constantly exposed to it. One such symptom is diarrhea.
The link between stress and diarrhea has been known for decades. When the body enters fight-or-flight mode, many things happen: the heart beats faster, thoughts run quickly, and muscles become tense. One of the unintended side-effects of the muscles tensing up is intestinal cramping, which causes food to pass more quickly through the gut. If the food is only partially digested, it can come out in the form of diarrhea.
This reaction was first studied in 1949, in an experiment that definitely wouldn't be allowed today. Scientists recreated stressful situations: specifically 'pain', 'compression of the head', and 'discussion of life situations productive of emotional conflict'. That doesn't sound too bad—but these 'discussions' actually involved telling the test subjects that they had colon cancer! They were later told that they didn't, but ethical considerations in experiments today mean this would never be done in modern studies. The scientists found that each of these situations made the digestive process speed up.
We also know that chinchillas (and many other mammals) can experience stress in the same way that we can. They produce the same hormones from the same glands in the same situations that we do, and their bodies respond in the same way: heart rate increases, tension and so on. You can see these changes expressed in your pet's behavior, both in the short and long term. Short term signs of stress include alarm barking and running away; long term signs include fur barbering, cage bar chewing and diarrhea.
4) Can Chinchillas Get Stomach Bugs?
While stomach bugs are the most common cause of diarrhea in people, they aren't in chinchillas. That's because most pet chinchillas eat a highly controlled diet. Hay is the perfect food for avoiding stomach bugs: it won't rot if it stays dry. While that doesn't mean it's completely bacteria-free, it does mean stomach bugs are less likely.
What could cause a stomach bug is if you feed your pet an inappropriate diet. Say, for example, that you feed your chinchilla fruit like bananas or apples. If you were to prepare these foods on a dirty kitchen surface, you could give your chinchilla a stomach bug—the same kind you would get. You could also hypothetically have these bacteria on your hands as you feed your pet treats.
5) Other Causes of Diarrhea in Chinchillas
While dietary problems, parasites and stress are the most common causes, they aren't the only ones.
One such infrequent cause is an imbalance of gut bacteria. Bacteria in the gut are necessary to break down food, so a lack of bacteria, the wrong kind of bacteria, or the wrong kind of bacteria can cause diarrhea. If the food isn't broken down properly, it may be loose; and if the food contained lots of 'bad bacteria', the gut will want to flush it out, meaning it doesn't absorb as much water from the food as it should. This imbalance can be caused by a stomach bug as mentioned above, but it can also be caused by taking antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria in the body, including gut bacteria, and it can take a while to build back up.
If the issue is bacterial imbalance, the poop will be slightly mushy rather than fully runny.
Symptoms of Diarrhea in Chinchillas
As in people, diarrhea takes many forms in chinchillas. It can cause anything from slightly softer-than-usual poops to something that's almost fully liquid.
While there's one obvious symptom of diarrhea—soft stools—it's not the only one. You can therefore spot diarrhea even if your chinchilla doesn't leave behind a big mess.
Soft Poop Instead of Hard Poop
[caption id="attachment_120" align="alignright" width="300"] Chinchilla poop should be hard and small, like this.[/caption]
Chinchilla poop is supposed to be completely solid. That's because chinchillas come from a dry habitat where they have to conserve any water they get. It's for this reason that chinchilla pee should be deep yellow or even orange, which you may have also noticed.
As such, when your chinchilla goes to the toilet, its poops should be completely solid—more so than that of other pets (or of people!) This means that loose or runny stools can be nothing but a bad sign. There is a scale of ways that the poop can be soft, including:
Completely runny
Sticky and squidgy
Slightly malleable but not sticky
Fully solid
One thing that does confuse matters, though, is that chinchillas produce a kind of poop called a 'cecotrope'. Cecotropes are half-digested poops that the chinchilla, as disgusting as it sounds, will poop out and eat again. This is like how other animals bring up their food to eat it again so they can digest it better (like cows do). Chinchillas produce cecotropes at night and eat them straight away, although if they're interrupted, they might miss one or two. They are slightly larger, and of course softer. So, if your chinchilla is otherwise healthy, then the occasional soft poop may be nothing but a cecotrope.
Chinchilla Poop Light Brown
The poop may also be different in color, although this isn't always the case. What happens is that because the poop is less dense, as it contains more water, it's less densely colored too. So, dry and solid poop looks darker brown while soft chinchilla poop looks lighter brown.
Brown-Stained Fur
The next most common symptom is staining of your chinchilla's fur. This is where the soft poop gets stuck in the fur and changes its color in patches. The poop may also stick in the fur and cause matted patches to form.
Chinchillas are hygienic, for rodents at least. Most chins will pick one corner of the cage to pee in, and only pee there. That stops the pee from getting in its fur. But they'll poop any time, anywhere, and because it's hard and dry this isn't a problem. They can stand on it or sit on it and it won't get stuck to their fur or smush under their feet. But when chins have diarrhea, it will get stuck, and chinchillas don't know to avoid it. These brown patches or areas of matted fur will typically be on your pet's legs and underside or on its rear.
Diarrhea can also stain fur more directly. If it's particularly runny, it will get caught in the fur around your chin's rear end.
Smelly Chinchilla Poop
Chinchilla poop normally doesn't smell as it's so dry. It will only smell if it's left on a soggy surface for too long, in which case it will start breaking down. But soft diarrhea smells far more than regular poop. What makes the smell worse is if your chinchilla has a stomach bug. If it does, the poop will smell worse even than regular diarrhea.
Weight Loss & Diarrhea in Chinchillas
As diarrhea is a digestive issue, it can affect how much energy your chinchilla gets from its food.
The absorption of water, vitamins, minerals, protein, fat and carbohydrate occur in the gut. If your chinchilla's food rushes through its gut either because of a bacterial infection, or because it doesn't contain enough fiber, the gut doesn't get enough time to take in the nutrients in the food. If the chinchilla's diarrhea is serious and continual, this can lead to dramatic weight loss. Diarrhea can cause gradual weight loss, too. If your chin has infrequent diarrhea—say every few days instead of constantly—this won't make it lose lots of weight all at once. But the lost calories will add up.
Just as important is that diarrhea can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In particular, diarrhea causes the loss of electrolytes, which are mineral salts. If these aren't replaced, it has knock-on effects on health, such as lethargy, further diarrhea and pain.
How Do You Treat a Chinchilla With Diarrhea?
If your chinchilla has diarrhea, you shouldn't leave it to get better on its own. You should identify the cause and correct it as soon as possible. The step-by-step guide below leads you through this process.
1) Talk To a Vet
Whenever your chinchilla experiences any health problem, you should seek veterinary assistance immediately. While there is lots you can learn about chinchillas through online resources and books, you cannot replace the advice and medical care a vet can provide.
Vets can help in several ways. The first is by identifying what's causing the problem. The vet could ask you what you feed your pet, for example, and let you know whether it's an appropriate diet. Or, they could take a stool sample and check it for giardia. Once you know exactly what's causing your chinchilla's diarrhea, it's much easier to fix. And of course, they can also help by providing medical care. If your chinchilla has lost a lot of weight because of its diarrhea, they can give you Critical Care food for sick chinchillas.
To get vet care, take a stool sample from your chinchilla. If your chinchilla lives alone, that isn't a problem: just find the freshest poop, pop it in a box, and take it to the vet. If your chinchilla has a cage-mate, make sure the poop you're taking is from the sick chinchilla and not the other one. You could watch your pet until it goes to the toilet to be sure, or if the difference is clear, pick out the mushiest you can see.
2) Assess Your Chinchilla's Diet
At home, the first thing you should do is check what your chinchilla is eating. If it's eating nothing but hay and hay pellets, that's good; otherwise, switch it to that diet as soon as possible.
Timothy hay is the optimal hay to feed your pet. It contains the right amount of fiber, protein, fat and overall energy. Other hays contain excesses of certain nutrients; alfalfa for example has too much calcium to be the cornerstone of your pet's diet. If your chin isn't on a timothy hay diet, consider switching it to one.
If your chin is already on an appropriate diet, try cutting out its pellets and giving it solely fresh hay. This would eliminate the pellets as the cause of the diarrhea. You could try purchasing a different brand of pellets at a later date to see if they have the same effect.
Bear in mind, though, that dietary changes can in themselves cause diarrhea or make it worse. The best way to change a chinchilla's diet is gradually. So, to switch from one hay to another, begin week one by feeding 90% old hay and 10% new hay; then, week two, up the percentage of new hay to 20%. This will lessen the effects that the new hay will have on your pet's gut, while having a positive effect overall (if the old hay was to blame for your pet's digestive problems).
3) Assess Your Chinchilla's Living Conditions
As stress is a frequent cause of diarrhea, you should also try making your chinchilla's cage more appropriate and/or comfortable. This is a good idea whether or not your chin's diarrhea is caused by stress. Ideas you could try include:
Removing other chinchillas from the cage. Are your chinchillas fighting all the time? If so, it's best you separate them. If they are content with each other, however, there is no need.
Moving the cage to a more appropriate location. If the cage is somewhere bright and loud, that causes stress. More appropriate rooms include quiet bedrooms and basements. But only do this if you see a distinct long-term need, as moving the cage causes stress in itself.
Monitoring the temperature and humidity. High temperatures and high humidity cause stress. The temperature shouldn't be higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit/21 degrees Centigrade. The humidity shouldn't be higher than 50%.
Giving your chinchilla everything it needs. Chinchilla cages need hides to hide in, platforms to jump from, and chew toys to chew (as well as obvious things like food and water). The absence of any of these things makes a chinchilla stressed, so add them to the cage if you haven't already.
Even if the diarrhea is nothing to do with stress, doing these things won't hurt your pet. If anything, the added comforts will make your pet's recovery easier.
4) Probiotics May Help
There's typically no need to give probiotics to your chinchilla. Mammals develop gut bacteria from early in life, and retain it from then on; if your chinchilla eats the same diet of hay from the moment it stops weaning, there should be no reason for it to lose its gut bacteria.
The only time it might is if you give it a course of antibiotics. Infections like eye infections or bumblefoot require antibiotic treatment, or they can lead to severe complications like blindness or sepsis. Sepsis is where bacteria gets into the bloodstream, from where it can attack the body's organs. But while the antibiotics do kill the 'bad' infection, they can also kill the 'good' gut bacteria, affecting digestion. The good bacteria can be at least partially built back up through giving probiotics.
Many owners use acidophilus tablets for this purpose. Chinchillas enjoy their texture.
5) Pet Pectillin
Pet Pectillin is a kind of diarrhea medication manufactured for cats and dogs, but which can be used for smaller animals too. It contains two active ingredients: pectin and kaolin. These sooth the stomach and work to prevent further diarrhea. It's recommended by owners, but you should consult a vet before using it. Owners recommend doses of 0.3ml, but only give the dosage that the vet tells you to.
It's perfectly safe for chinchillas to infest. Pectin is a kind of starch that's found in plants that coats the walls of the intestines. This prevents further irritation. Kaolin is a kind of clay that acts as an 'adsorbent' (not 'absorbent'). Absorbency is where a material swallows up liquid or gas inside itself, while adsorbency is where liquid or gas is accumulated on the surface of a solid, not inside it. In this context, the kaolin makes any bacteria or parasites gather in one place so they're more easily excreted.
6) Activated Charcoal
Another treatment owners frequently recommend is activated charcoal. But it may not work quite as well as people think.
Activated charcoal certainly has its uses. Like kaolin, it's an adsorbent. It's a highly effective treatment for getting rid of poisons that have been ingested. It could therefore work in the same way that kaolin does in treating diarrhea, and many owners certainly think it does; it has been studied and found to be potentially effective. But others aren't so convinced, such as the Mayo Clinic.
On balance, it's likely that activated charcoal does have some effect, although how good it is at fixing diarrhea compared to Pet Pectillin/kaolin isn't clear. If you do want to use it, take a small Ziploc bag and put some pellets in it. Put some activated charcoal in there too and shake it around until they're covered. You can then feed these to your chinchilla and see if they ahve any effect.
7) Monitor Your Pet
Once you have made the appropriate changes, you should watch over your chinchilla more closely than before. This will tell you whether its condition is getting better or worse.
The first thing you can do is simply watch it. Watching your chinchilla's behavior will tell you about its mental and physical health. So, for example, if its ears are always down then that means it's in pain. If it hardly moves, that means it's lethargic, and is desperately sick. But if it sleeps, forages and eats as normal, that tells you that its health is improving.
You should also begin weighing your pet if you haven't already. The more information you have at your disposal, the better you can care for your chinchilla. Even in the absence of behavioral changes, weight loss indicates that something is wrong. And if you have a baseline to measure from—a weight that you know is healthy for your pet—then you can adjust your chin's diet to keep it at that weight.
8) Bathe Your Chinchilla
As a final point, once your chinchilla's diarrhea is fully treated, it may benefit from you bathing it.
Contrary to popular belief, bathing in water isn't a death sentence for a chinchilla. So long as you dry it correctly afterwards, it's fine; it's just not typically necessary as dust keeps your pet clean without potentially risk its health. But if your chin's fur has dried and matted poop in it, and/or is stained, dust may not help, so a water bath may be necessary.
In brief, you have to bathe your chinchilla in much cooler water than you would another pet. A temperature that won't make it overheat (70 degrees Farenheit or 21 degrees Centigrade) feels cool for a bath, but any hotter than that and your chin will go through heat stress and could pass away. Use a gentle shampoo like one made for babies, preferably unscented. Five minutes of bathing is sufficient; unlike with dusting, you'll have to manually wash your pet's fur in water.
Once your chin is done bathing, you must dry it as soon as possible and in a precise way. You must first towel dry it until it's mostly dry. Then, blow dry it with the blow dryer set to a cool setting. But only do this once your chinchilla's diarrhea is fully treated, otherwise you'll be wasting your time!
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