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incoming information on hero, hokusai.
get to know them !
faceclaim: takada kenta, jbj95
name: matsuoka taichi
hero name: hokusai
gender & pronouns: he/his
age: 25
sidekick or pro?: pro
type: support
reputation: as a support hero he has never really liked being in the limelight. he’s quiet and rarely takes fame for anything he ever does, simply happy to do what he can to help and give credit to those who want to take it. taichi would not be surprised if people don’t even know who he is because of how little his name appears in public. and because he never really goes out in the first place and most of his work is done locked in his room in front of his tablet.
the quirk !
quirk name: illustrated reality
quirk description: the power to create objects and edit things in the real world from drawings
able to summon objects into the real world from anything he draws. he can also alter the world around him through drawings such as adding or removing doors to walls previously without one or changing the colour of things, for example.
can use any medium he wishes to draw or even paint with, just so long as it’s done by his hand then it will work.
summoned objects will appear completely real and fully functioning and you will unable to tell the difference between them and non-drawn things. this also includes food and drink with correct flavours and textures. though objects will appear exactly as he has drawn them including colour and any other details he might have added to the drawing.
objects will usually appear right next to him if he doesn’t specify a location, but he can pick and choose a location if he draws it into the image. this also includes directly drawing things onto other people such as changing their clothing.
is able to save previously drawn pictures and use them over and over again regardless of how long ago he had drawn it or how many times he had used it previously. it does not have to be a new drawing every time.
must have access to something to draw with and can’t just create things out of thin air. cut off from anything to draw with or with his hands incapacitated he is completely useless and vulnerable.
the drawings must have been created with his own hands and he can’t use things drawn by other people.
it takes time to draw things, there is no way of speeding the process up so it can sometimes take hours or even days to draw one thing completely realistically.
his drawings must be realistic looking and fully detailed if he wants them to function like real their real life counterpart.
it doesn’t work with living organisms like people and animals and it only works on inanimate objects and he also can’t physically alter any living thing.
if editing something about the real world, the drawing has to be completely accurate to the location he wants to change. he has to be able to sit there and look at it for reference or have access to a reference picture to copy from.
spending long amounts of time drawing has taken quite a toll on his wrists and fingers and he can get very stiff joins making it hard to draw over long periods of time so needs a lot of breaks to avoid doing any serious damage to his own health.
the history !
triggers: n/a
matsuoka taichi came from an artistic family, so maybe he was always destined to have a quirk dedicated to art. he is one of six kids born in kyoto, japan. their mother a musician and their father a traditional dancer, though taichi himself never really took much of an interest in either of those things. of course, he was somewhat forced to learn but never really enjoyed it. instead, he always much preferred to sit in a quiet corner with a pencil and paper aimlessly doodling for hours at a time.
he was a quiet kid growing up and never really spoke much, though was always incredibly protective over his siblings. taichi was more than willing to take the fall for any of them and went out of his way to try and protect them like a good older brother. when one of his siblings were in trouble or if they were having trouble at school he was always one of the first to try and help out. family always came first in his life and nothing was ever going to change that. and no differences between them was ever going to change that fact that he was their big brother and was always going to be that.
for the longest of times it seemed as though taichi didn’t have a quirk of his own. it was a little disappointing, but he never really minded that much and was still happy to support the siblings in his family who did. but, it turned out he did and just didn’t know it until he was in his teens and finally took on a more realistic art style than his usual cartoonish one. he soon found out that drawing something realistically would allow it to manifest in the real world as well. and with more experimentation he found he could alter the real world as well with his art so long as it was realistic.
of course, he was thrilled. as was his parents, always joking that if he had never taken an interest in drawing he might never had found his quirk. and it was true, he had just gotten lucky in the end.
when it came to high school, taichi decided to try his luck at hero school on the support course, wanting to put his quirk to use and do some good in the world. and while his quirk wasn’t as flashy and as cool as other people’s, his was rather useful and suited the support role perfectly. and it was during school he realized what he could really do with his drawing. he bought himself a proper tablet, making his drawing even easier and faster and started experimenting what what he could really do. he found he never had to buy anything, he could just draw whatever he wanted and it would appear for him. food, clothing, expensive things he could never usually afford, he could just draw it and there it was. and he certainly saw no problem in doing that, either and didn’t see how it was the wrong thing to do.
eventually he graduated hero school and started life as a support sidekick. and it was alright, he supposed. he was helping do some good in the world and was always happy for the hero he was helping to take all of the credit. the limelight was never really his thing and he didn’t really want any of the credit and fame which came with the job. he was only in it to help people.
then home life became a little difficult when one of his younger brother’s, kenta, ended up getting suspended from school and he became the family disappointment. taichi decided to step up after that, taking extra care to look out for kenta and giving him support no matter what and becoming far more protective over him than usual. so, when kenta decided to move to south korea to start hero training there, taichi decided to go with him without hesitation.
it was not like he could protect him properly and look out for him from another country.
the personality !
taichi is a pretty quiet person by nature. he much prefers sticking to the shadows and letting other people take all the credit and fame for themselves. while he is capable of having a conversation and is actually a pretty funny and friendly person when he opens up to you, it is actually getting him to open up which can be the problem. but don’t think that just because he can be quiet that he can’t be aggressive when he wants to be. friends and family mean everything to him and he will do anything he has to to protect them and keep them from harm, even if that means sacrificing himself in their stead. he is simply a man who will not hesitate to jump into the line of fire to try and protect someone he loves and cares about. even people he doesn’t know, going out of his way to protect and help the innocent – which is why he became a hero in the first place.
though he can look pretty innocent, he does have a bit of a chaotic streak and really doesn’t see the issue in using his quirk to get what he wants for himself and others. when it comes to your birthday you can be assured you will get whatever you want regardless of price. buying anything isn’t an issue for him any more as he can just draw what he wants into existence just for the price of the electricity bill. though he is aware this could make him a target for villains wanting to use that power for evil, so he is careful not to flaunt his quirk too much. just in case.
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incoming information on civilian, jaehyung.
get to know them !
faceclaim: Kim Younghoon
name: Song Jaehyung
gender & pronouns: Male, He/His
age: 23
occupation: Bartender at The Dancing Skeleton
the quirk !
quirk name: Mediumship
quirk description: The power to perceive and communicate with spirits and those in the afterlife
Can see and speak with the spirits of the deceased. Usually spirits who passed on in the area he’s in or those with strong connections to either himself or the people he’s around at the time.
Can physically manifest a chosen spirit so that everyone can see of hear them for a short while and the spirit, in turn, can interact with the living world.
Is able to tell the difference between the living and the spirits of the dead by instinct, even though they look the same at a glance.
Has no control at all. Can’t pick and choose who appears, he’s more of just a living beacon to whichever spirits happen to be in the area.
When physically manifesting a spirit he can only hold it up for about 30 seconds before it becomes too much effort and he runs the risk of passing out.
Never gets left alone. There isn’t an off switch for the quirk so he’s always getting bothered by the spirits of the dead after attracting them from just being in the area.
Runs the risk of getting possessed by particularly strong spirits against his will and there isn’t much he can do about it besides trying to outrun them.
Still has to be able to speak the same language as the spirit he wants to have a chat with. Spirits will simply speak in their native language and if that’s one he doesn’t understand then he’s right out of luck.
the history !
triggers: pregnancy complication, baby death, death
Song Jaehyung had a pretty pressured life from the moment he was born. He was actually born an identical twin, the younger of two boys. Though the boys were born weeks premature and, unfortunately, his older twin was born stillborn and it left his parents devastated.
His father was a pro hero, a man of action. While his wife was completely 100% quirkless and for the longest of times it seemed as though their remaining son was going to be just the same. While he was in and out of hospital a lot as a kid due to some of the complications with his birth, he eventually grew up to be stronger and quite happy as a child. Seemingly completely normal and in the 20% of the quirkless population (much to the disappointment of his father).
That was, until his mother walked in on Jaehyung when he was ten years old and he was seemingly having a one-sided conversation with himself. His mother, of course, asked him who he was talking to and his chilling response was he was talking to his long dead twin brother. Despite the fact he had never even been told that he had a twin brother to begin with.
His father actually took it all quite well, thrilled that his son had a quirk to begin with after years of thinking he didn’t. A late bloomer. His mother was less pleased about it, but she was still supportive even though Jaehyung could see in her eyes how uncomfortable she was with the idea of her precious boy having chats with spirits of the dead.
And the problems surrounding the quirk were soon to make themselves known. Most nights Jaehyung would wake up screaming, scared by voices he heard in his head, freaked out when he opened an eye to find some strange man standing in the corner of his bedroom, some woman standing over him just staring at him sleeping muttering about making amends with her daughter. Most kids had monsters under their beds and hiding in their closets, but he had the souls of the long gone bothering him day in and day out.
Needless to say the weird kid who kept staring at nothing in the corner and could see and hear dead people didn’t really have many friends growing up. And, over the years into his teens, Jaehyung just became pretty desensitised to the whole thing. He became quite good at ignoring the lingering spirits, simply pretending they weren’t there, that he couldn’t see or hear them. By the time he was fifteen he could almost pass as quirkless, if it weren’t for the occasional times his eyes lingered on nothing in the corner of the room or the clear frustration writing across his face as a spirit no one else could see kept talking in his ear.
The only spirit he ever paid any attention to was his brother who, even though he had never had a chance to live, was still quite determined to try and be a big brother.
Being a hero himself, his father always tried to push Jaehyung into learning to be one as well. But Jaehyung didn’t want to be a hero, he didn’t even think that the ability to speak to the dead was even that useful and wasn’t going to help anyone in a dangerous situation. He and his father had many a loud argument about it as Jaehyung got older and it became quite clear he had no interest in doing anything with his life. When he was eighteen he finally had enough of the arguments and the constant disapproval his father gave him and left home despite his sobbing mother begging him not to go.
He found it hard to stand on his own two feet after leaving home. Jaehyung drifted from job to job, from city to city, from couch to couch, never really staying in one place for very long. He didn’t stay in contact with his parents, only seeing his father’s name in the news from time to time after his latest heroic event.
And when he was twenty the news finally reached him that his father had been killed on the job. And he only found out because the spirit of his recently deceased father appeared one evening in his living room. A bit of a shock to come home to, Jaehyung will tell you that. And even in death the man found his own way to complain at his son. Berating his life choices, always popping up at inopportune times to give unwanted life advice or judge him for his actions. Telling him to do better things with his life and stop being such a layabout.
Now at twenty three, Jaehyung is hardly having it much easier with life. He managed to find a job in a bar and scraped enough money to rent out a very small apartment and is still being bothered day in and day out by the voices and complaints of the dead.
Such a great life he has.
the personality !
To put it frankly, Jaehyung is just so incredibly done with life in general. He’s become so desensitised to everything that he legitimately doesn’t care about the human race as a whole any more. In his mind, he has been dealt an incredibly awful hand at life and if that’s all the world can give him then why on earth should he care? He is incredibly deadpan about everything, rarely smiles and is rather sarcastic and blunt. But he is also very distant, refusing to get close to someone or care about someone, quietly scared that one day he’s going to wake up and find their spirit standing there and knowing there was nothing he could have done about it. But it is not a fear he has actually ever expressed out loud, much preferring just to keep all his secrets and issues locked up inside just as he does with everything about his life.
And when it comes to the dead he is hardly much better. He probably treats the spirits of the dead even worse than he treats the living. Jaehyung is just tired of everything, tired of being constantly bothered by dead people and tired of the world which is seemingly out to get him all the time.
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incoming information on hero, archiviste.
get to know them !
faceclaim: hong jisoo / joshua hong / seventeen
name: jasper moon / moon joochan
hero name: archiviste
gender & pronouns: cismale / he him
age: 24
sidekick or pro?: sidekick
type: intelligence / underground information broker
agency: sidekick at company of the knowing
reputation: a quirk with affinity for blood is rarely seen as a good thing in the eye of the public, and thus many hold jasper in contempt. to use his ability, he puts his target in potential danger, and many wonder why he has chosen the path of heroism when he would fare well as a villain. accepted by society nevertheless, only the fewest know that his moral values are just as tainted as he can face prejudice to possess.
the quirk !
quirk name: archivism
quirk description: the ability to obtain knowledge about another person’s memories through drinking their blood.
can see a target’s memories through drinking their blood
usually starts with the most recent memory, but can maneuver his way around a person’s memories
possesses photographic memory and never forgets anything he has seen or any memory he has acquired
can only see memories for as long as he is drinking. if he needs to search for something deep, he has to beware not drinking his target dry
often cannot tell his own memories apart from other people’s because he never forgets anything.
mutation: sharp canine teeth like a vampire
the history !
triggers: blood, murder, bullying and violence
from early childhood jasper has wondered what it means to be a hero and a villain. what is good and what is bad? do these concepts even exist, or are they just a construct of a society that has made a decision against anything that goes against it?
vampires are a work of fiction and do not exist in this mortal realm, but once upon a time a child was born with pointed canines. he had no initial affinity for blood, but through mockery and fear-mongering in a time where acceptance was low he changed. he became known to the world as a serial killer who would drain his victims completely for blood and escape into the dark night until he was finally apprehended as the scum of society. the fewest however knew that that man had a family.
when his child was born, people all around the world were already starting to show signs of mutations and special abilities – quirks – and had the man himself been born just one generation later, he might not have faced the same prejudice as he did then.
this was a tale of ancient past, several generations back, and throughout the decades, through the century, that nonexistent affinity had developed in his descendants always as quirks centred around blood.
thus continued the name-calling. modern age vampires, blood sucking monsters, jasper’s family has been subject to most of such emotions and shunned from society many times. wherever they lived, they were never welcomed, never nationally or never abroad, and thus it was only natural that the family took to villainy.
when jasper was born, his parents were already infamous villains in new york, terrorising the streets at night much like his ancestor had done. he would grow up facing acceptance from his parents when giving into his urges and his fascination with blood, but face fear and get shunned by others around him for simply indulging in the nature of his quirk. at school he was known as a freak and the fact that he could read the memories other people tried to hide as well only made it worse.
not particularly strong by nature, he never had any means of standing up for himself, especially not when the bullying became physical. he never quite enjoyed that: his own blood was somehow not as tasty as other’s. but his father always told him that if he wanted to punish them, he should do so by his own hands, because no matter how hard he wanted to cry for help, heroes only cared about those the world approved of.
so jasper figured that what he needed was not revenge – it was something far simpler than that: approval. when he was twelve he went to the nearest hero bureau and gave them the information they required to take down his parents and put an end to their reign of terror. for some times the local news wouldn’t stop talking about him – the villain child who turned a leaf – and he was taken in by one of the heroes in the office: a just man, a strong man, one who would never falter in the face of adversity.
for many years that suited him just fine. he entered hero school on his new father’s suggestion and graduated, was stationed in korea thanks to his knowledge of the language, lived an honest life. but he would always face the same whispers, the same displeasure, people thinking his ability was disgusting. jasper always expected that much though, and he never held anyone in spite for showing their nature towards him. everyone was entitled to their own opinions and he had no business messing with that – that was why they shouldn’t be upset about him minding his own business and sharing their personal details to whoever wanted to buy them at the highest price.
in the name of gathering knowledge, he has collected quite the database within his head until now, and it is only growing day by day. intelligence worker by day, information broker by night, jasper has found his lot in society, and there is only one rule in hiring him: never ask how he knows.
the personality !
to the general populace jasper is a bit of an enigma – he appears friendly and always willing to talk to people, seems like an overall nice guy until the very moment he bites into your neck and sucks every little dirty secret you have out of you. he always likes to believe it’s not his fault though: he simply has a quirk just like everyone else do, and he simply utilises it just the same. if anyone has anything to be unnerved about, that’s on them, not on him.
he is the type of person who would never try to deny your suspicions of him because he knows that you would be right to beware. he is clever and quick on the uptake, plus he has a whole library of information about others stored away in his head, so he knows very well that people have a good reason to fear him blackmailing them.
however, blackmail has never been much of an interest to him – he is simply intrigued by the very definitions of good and evil having experienced both sides up close. and to him, perhaps the villains who are true to their nature and whims are much more admirable people than the so called heroes who have to hide away their doubts and insecurities, who cannot afford to make a mistake.
if asked where his morals lie, he will laugh and shrug off the question with an ‘isn’t that obvious?’ it isn’t. he enjoys that sense of insecurity he brings up in people, enjoys having the upper hand, and he sees no difference between villain and hero when it comes to having accessibility to his information: whoever can give him the best offer is the one he will abide to. even better if he can sell to both sides as that means double up on the gains.
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incoming information on villain, null.
get to know them !
faceclaim: Lu Han
villain name: Null
gender & pronouns: Male. He/him
age: 26
association: Salvation Order
occupation: Bartender and waiter at The Dancing Skeleton
reputation: Weili is not a typical villain in the sense that he doesn’t share the typical motivations that other villains have of ‘purifying’ or ‘recreating’ the world. Weili has done well to separate his villain and normal personas. He worked hard to separate his real life from his villain life by utilising a form of disguise while operating as Null. Weili’s unique glasses remain active and he wears a hooded cloak that covers his body. As Null, Weili has one motivation: revenge. It was what set him on this path initially. As a villain, Null is quiet and tends to keep to himself. He is mysterious and doesn’t like to linger for too long. Once he gets the job done then he moves on. However, his quirk is enough to strike fear in some people at the sheer thought.
the quirk !
quirk name: Erasure
quirk description: Basically, Weili is able to cancel out other abilities simply by looking at them
When activated, Weili is able to disable a person’s quirk or quirk factor for as long as he concentrates on his target, rendering the quirk unusable.
Weili only needs one part of the target’s body to be within his sights for erasure to take effect.
His ability lasts for however long Weili maintains visual contact on them and it can be used from a distance as long as he can still see the target or part of them.
In addition to his erasure quirk, Weili also wields a capture weapon (in the shape of a glove) on his right arm that he uses mostly as a precaution for mutation-type quirks that are immune to his nullification. The weapon essentially immobilises the target and he’ll only use this weapon in addition to his quirk but never instead of.
To combat his vulnerability while using his quirk, Weili has heightened senses. Basically, this means that while erasure is active, his other senses are slightly heightened so he’s able to hear and sense danger or anything amiss but once erasure is deactivated, his senses return to normal.
He also has enhanced agility which stems from his martial arts training as a child.
Weili has special glasses that change appearance. At the push of a small button on the frames, his glasses turn into thick, black glasses that make it impossible to see his eyes (much like these).
When his mutation is active, Weili’s eyes turn red and his hair darkens in colour.
His quirk is only useful as long as he maintains visual contact. If he loses contact or concentration, then the target is able to use their quirk once again. Closing his eyes also deactivates his quirk, this includes blinking.
His power doesn’t fully work on mutations. Essentially, if a target has a physical mutation (such as added limbs) he can’t null their power, but he can impair their function.
The more he uses his quirk, the shorter the duration length. Repeated use of his quirk within a short period of time weakens his body and can damage his eyes if he’s not careful.
Weili suffers from dry eyes syndrome as a result of his quirk and as such he always carries eye drops.
His vision is also affected. His eyesight is slightly blurry when erasure is inactive and as such he wears glasses. However, his eyesight is crystal clear as long as erasure is active.
Erasure is naturally impractical against groups of surrounding enemies, because it’s impossible for him to keep watching every potential target within a 360º radius. Staying fully outside his eyesight is necessary to avoid erasure’s effects, which can be done, for example, by covering oneself entirely with clothing or hiding behind an opaque structure.
Weili is particularly vulnerable to blinding light attacks, as those are meant to target his eyes specifically. Smoke is also a massive deterrent to his work since it irritates his eyes (if he’s near) and blocks his line of sight (if he’s far away).
It is easy to tell when erasure is active as his eyes turn red and his hair darkens in colour which gives others an advantage.
the history !
triggers: death
Zhou Weili was born in China on April 20th 1994. He was a normal child who had a fairly happy childhood. He was born the middle of three and the family had always been quite close. Both parents possessed unique quirks and the Zhou children would always watch in awe whenever they were used, often discussing with each other and imagining what kind of quirks they would manifest. The thought of being quirkless always lingered within the three children but they had always remained hopeful.
The quirks of the three Zhou children manifested at different ages. For Weili it was when he was he was four. It had started with sore eyes that didn’t seem to ever go away. No matter how hard he or his parents tried the soreness and irritation still remained. Soon his vision worsened, and he was taken to an optometrist who wasn’t sure how to fix his eyes. He was given eye drops and glasses to help with his eyes and sent on his way. The true nature of his quirk wasn’t revealed until later. One day at childcare, Weili was zoned out, not thinking about anything in particular, and just happened to be looking in the direction of a slightly older child who was showing off his quirk when suddenly it disappeared. The kid and the group around him were confused and wondering what happened. Suddenly, Weili’s name was called and he was snapped out of his little ‘daydream’ and the quirk resurfaced in the kid. It took a few more of these incidents before he finally realised that he was the one making the erasure happen. Of course, having others question the sudden changes of his eye and hair colour helped with this. Once all three children had shown signs of their quirks they were taken to the doctor to find out the extent of each of them.
The family moved to Korea when the children were still young due to the family’s business. They seemed to settle in well and the Zhou children were quick to make friends. Weili befriended a young boy around his age and was quick to settle into his new life. His parents were working with all three children to help train them and test and strengthen their abilities. His father organised a special weapon for Weili to wear and use when needed that was easily disguisable. His siblings were also given items from their parents to help them with their quirks.
Everything was essentially sunshine and rainbows with the family for years.
Or so he thought.
Weili was a preteen when it all changed. His whole world turned upside down and his life changed. Weili had been on the right path, had been a happy and upbeat kid, he was making his parents proud. Until one day when he’d heard the news of the accident. His parents were among the few who couldn’t be saved by the hero who had been called to help. In Weili’s eyes, the hero had plenty of time to help but didn’t. That was more than enough for him to change. He no longer saw the world as bright and sunny. Instead it was dark and black. Weili would be forever scared by the loss of his parents and would be set on the path of revenge.
That was when Null was born.
Weili worked hard on fooling the world. Even through school he made sure he separated Weili from Null while working hard on finding the hero he blamed for the death of his parents. From the time of his parents’ death to when he surfaced at the academy, Weili had essentially been a missing person. Even his siblings hadn’t known where he was. That period of his life had been the darkest and something he refuses to talk about.
Weili still has yet to find the hero he resents but he won’t give up until he does and when that happens he will make them pay.
the personality !
When he’s not Null, Weili is upbeat and energetic. He is friendly and smiles often. He laughs frequently and goes out of his way to help others. He is loyal to those he cares about and he values his relationships. He is fiercely protective of those he still holds dear and will go out of his way to protect them. As Null, however, his personality is the complete opposite. He is a mysterious person who barely speaks and when he does it’s only when necessary. He works for an organisation but he follows his own rules. As Null his sole purpose and goal is to take revenge on the person he sees as the one who let his parents die.
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incoming information on u.y teacher, dreamlike.
get to know them !
faceclaim: jung jinsol
name: kang chaewon
hero name: dreamlike
gender & pronouns: she/her
age: 25
reputation: she’s generally liked by the students, as she genuinely cares about shaping the next generation of heroes and wants to make sure they’re as prepared as possible. a lot of her focus in class is working with other people (because it’s what she’s used to) which some students are reluctant to at first. chaewon knows when to push and when to pull back. her class is usually viewed as fun and practical, not overly challenging. she has an open door policy and welcomes feedback, questions, or simply conversation from any of her students at any time. she wants to be the support they need so no one ends up like her brother.
the quirk !
quirk name: slo-mo
quirk description: can slow down the speed of any person, animal, or thing!
slow’s the speed of any moving person, animal, or object to less than 10 percent of their full rate of motion, nearly freezing them in place (though they seem to inch forward, as if in VERY slow motion).
enhanced eye sight, can see twice as far as a human with perfect eyesight and slightly better in darkness than most people.
slightly enhanced agility and acrobatics, a trace of her father’s quirk.
must be focused on and looking at what she is slowing down.
blind her and her quirk is practically useless.
despite seeming to land on her feet more often than not, she still heals at a normal rate and can get hurt easily.
the history !
triggers: death
from the day she was born, kang chaewon has never been alone.
often just referred to as ‘the twins’, chaewon and hyunjin were two parts of a whole. as children they could spend entire days locked away from the rest of the world, creating their own reality. they never needed anyone else.
the kangs were a close family of five who always believed in using their quirks to better society. the matriarch possessed a healing quirk and worked with emergency teams to help after disasters of any sort in the city. their father was a sidekick for the angel agency before retiring, using his quirk of enhanced agility and acrobatics to help heroes rescue those stuck in less than ideal situations. the twin’s older brother inherited their mother’s quirk and followed her footsteps, joining the medical field. the only path for the twins was to help the city of seoul, just like their family did. but they had bigger plans.
they would become pro-heroes.
hyunjin’s quirk manifested itself at age two. neither parents had expected to have a kid who could run faster than they could see, and it proved difficult parenting the boy who was prone to mischief. it was only a year later when chaewon was fed up with her brother that her quirk appeared, nearly stopping her twin in his tracks as he raced around the kitchen. with a frown on her face she slowed him down to a snails pace and her parents watched in awe.
joining the hero department at yeung-ung academy became the joint goal of the twins, and they spent their free time practicing with each other and their father (much to their mother’s chagrin). it was no surprise when both kids passed the entrance exam, working together and placing high on the scoreboard.
hyunjin became known as up-tempo which described not only his quirk but his off-the-rails, upbeat, & mischievous personality as well. chaewon went with dreamlike, a reference to the dreamlike speed she slowed her enemies to with only a glance. while she was a little more subdued than her counter part, both twins made friends easily. they were easy going and supportive of not only each other but their entire class as well.
when it came time for internships, the duo had multiple offers. despite their father being part of the search and rescue agency, the twins had their eyes on combat. together they made a formidable team, one that impressed teachers and agencies alike. they came as a package deal, and they were quickly taken on as interns (and eventually sidekicks) under the cutthroat agency.
being a hero was different from what they were taught in school. the twins improved exponentially in the real world, discovering just how far they could push their powers and the different uses for them. they learned how to balance each other even more, anticipating the other’s thought process and actions with ease. the duo broke apart from the cutthroat agency to step up as pro-heroes at age twenty-two, taking on villains head first. they seemed unstoppable and chaewon felt immortal.
but nothing lasts forever.
a villain destroying the city was nothing new to the twins. hyunjin had told her he’d be alright holding off the villain, that she should focus on getting the citizens to safety from a building that was crumbling. she had never doubted her brother’s confidence before and she wasn’t about to now. but when she rejoined the fight, she found him broken and bleeding out on the street.
she tried to slow down the process with her power but at most it bought them an extra minute together. tears streaming down her face, the public watched as dreamlike knelt next to the lifeless body of her brother, sobbing, her hands covered in his blood.
the kangs mourned the loss of their son, but it was obvious that chaewon took it extra hard. she had never existed without him. they were two parts of the same whole. he was the sun to her moon. together they brightened the sky. what was she supposed to do without him? she was unsure of her next steps. once on her way to being one of the top ten heroes, her career as she knew it was over. they were pro-heroes together, and she was unsure she could carry on like that without him by her side.
it was at her lowest that her former principal offered her a job. she had graduated top of her class and knew better than anyone the importance of teamwork. she accepted the position working with the hero course. if anything, it was a distraction from her current reality and a way to make sure no student met the same fate as her brother.
the personality !
the old chaewon was a light. she might not have burned as bright as her brother, but she always wore a kind smile. she was bold, unafraid to be herself and always willing to stand up for herself or anyone else. even as a kid, she was even-tempered, always the more sensible one of the twins. that said, she was still easy going and didn’t take much too seriously. always dependable, always a good listener, she made friends easily. there was something magnetic about her laugh and her eyes portrayed nothing but kindness. competitiveness came out in school, but it was never anything that caused her to treat her classmates any differently.
ever since hyunjin died, she’s been a shell of the person she was before. she keeps to herself and is easily stressed. permanent dark circles have set up camp under her eyes. it’s harder to make her laugh. she’s still unashamedly herself, but the current her is still burdened by the loss of her brother. she feels empty and incomplete. teaching helps to bring back some of the life in her, and she finds it easier to be around students because their spirit reminds her of her brother.
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incoming information on villain, echo.
get to know them !
faceclaim: byun baekhyun
name: park sejun
villain name: echo
gender & pronouns: cis male, he/him
age: 26
association: the salvation order
occupation: barista @ the red bean on weekdays, host @ seoul host bar on weekends
reputation: enigmatic would be the best term to describe him. his identity outside of echo is undisclosed to the association; face concealed with a mask to ensure anonymity during the villainous heists. quiet but sharp tongued when provoked, he isn’t a force to be reckoned with. albeit his seemingly harmless lean form, the brooding aura he exudes causes people to distance themselves away from him.
the quirk !
quirk name: copy
quirk description: the ability to copy another person’s quirk and utilize it for a short amount of time
retains basic knowledge of the quirk from the target for immediate utilization once physical contact has been made and copy quirk takes effect
owns the ability to control the copied quirks, essentially switching them on and off by will
can copy four quirks at maximum during one occasion and swap between them efficiently
may only be able to use the fundamental abilities of a quirk
unable to use many quirks simultaneously so he has to alternate between them
unable to efficiently use quirks that require storage of energy
unable to copy permanent-mutation quirks or overpowering quirks that may strain his body
each quirk copied will have a twenty-minute time limit before the effect wears off until next physical contact is initiated; time limit will shorten significantly as his stamina depletes
aftereffects (if any) of utilizing copied quirks will take a heavier toll on his body in comparison to the original user’s, as his body is not accustomed to holding such unfamiliar quirks; may even be bedridden if use of quirk has been abused
the history !
triggers: child abuse, physical torture, brief mentions of violence
park sejun was born under unfortunate circumstances. a child with the misfortune of an amalgamation of black cats and cracked tiles, if you will; a mistake created by a lonely widowed mother with an energy manifestation quirk and god-knows-who of a man she met and “fell in love with” in a bar. thrown into an adoption home only after two years of existing, sejun spent about most of his childhood stacking up chipped paper plates and taunting other orphans until he was old enough to have his quirk manifested. he doesn’t realize it, at first, no one does — only after he’s been riled up after rough housing a particularly aggravating housemate with an explosion quirk does his newfound quirk surface upon the eyes of many. extravagantly, at that, if you count catching a room on fire at the orphanage as anything of significance.
it doesn’t stop there. a troublesome child, was what he was known as best at the orphanage — becoming increasingly stealthier as his wits and intelligence grew with his body, sneaking brushes of his fingers along housemates and sitters to test out their quirks. little crimes were committed with such power bestowed upon him for limited amounts of time — invisibility quirks snatched for stealing, eyesight enhancement quirks replicated for peeping, levitation quirks stolen for sneaking; he’s simultaneously dried out and heightened his stamina while filling in time with experimental practices.
eventually, at fourteen, news of his useful quirk floated around town and he’s successfully adopted by new paternal and maternal figures and thrown into an eccentric, unfamiliarly desolate home. scientists, were what his new mother and father called themselves — and they struck him with a deal: that they would promise to provide him a roof and cash in return for… bodily services. what on earth could that mean, you ask? affection-starved sejun didn’t give a fuck. he risked it all anyway — signed the legal contracts, in hopes of not disappointing his new parents.
he should’ve been smarter.
sejun found himself stuck as a guinea pig for desperate heroes thirsting for a chance of recognition. trapped in a desperate trance of craving parental acceptance, he accepted endless demands from his parents’ patrons — touching strangers and testing countless different quirks to their absolute limits — milked every drop of stamina in hopes of sparking inspiration for those commissioning faceless heroes who need new tricks to win the eyes of the public, but didn’t want to drain their energy or risk their life themselves. he got to school, came back and tortured himself, got bedridden while healed by his caring ‘mother’ with a healing quirk, then woken up to torture himself yet again. the scars disappear, but the tug at his heart lingers heavy and dull. rinse and repeat. it continued. as the years pass and go, sejun slowly snapped himself out of his own demise.
the shady business died eventually. sejun started slacking and the taunts of being a disappointment didn’t affect him as much anymore and progress depleted and their patrons found other more beneficial ways to seek attention for better pay, and his new parents slowly gave up on him. after one mistake that caused grave injury to his parents, he fled to the city of seoul, never to be seen again. the condition of his parents remain unknown to the present day.
it was a tough ride, managing alone: juggling jobs found within the new city by day amongst committing petty crimes to stay alive at night. his hatred towards heroes for taking advantage of him grew and took a toll on his already nihilistic personality. way past adolescence and into adulthood, he grew alone.
he settled. poster after poster of glorified heroes have his teeth grating and fists shaking to the point of no return, but regardless, he settled, blended in with carefully structured smiles and replicated charm. he observed those around him and mimicked what seemed to be a normal personality. he was good at copying. it’s what he was born with, after all.
he found himself solid jobs eventually. contrasting ones, at that.
scouted while caught in the act of thievery nearby the red light district at night, he finds himself being deemed as a useful vessel for the salvation order, whether as a spy or to act as support. he shares their ideals and vows to reveal the dirty tricks of so called heroes who claim to be the saving grace of many.
on the other hand, his charms as a cheerful, friendly barista (a persona conjured up after long observation) at the red bean cafe, had garnered attention of mature business women and gained him a career as a night host — entertaining patrons at the seoul host bar during the weekends by offering company while drinking for a price.
the personality !
due to his past, sejun’s an empty shell of what he once was. he copies several mannerisms taken from his surroundings to blend in; unyielding charisma to attract those around him and bring them closer, acts of kindness to deceive the oblivious, and flirtatious charm played out cleverly to lower the guards of those initially wary of him. the fact that he looks ridiculously normal makes his job easier; the quirkless-at-first-sight advantage provides him greater leverage in looking harmless under society’s eyes.
the smugness from the versatility of his ability doesn’t leave him; so his outwardly flippant attitude may aggravate others if he isn’t careful with it. tinges of childlike nature may resurface on several occasions due to his upbringing that forced immediate independence at a young age. temperamental when he’s not on guard with his own emotions — vulnerability seeps out in the forms of a developing inferiority complex and an identity crisis that he vehemently denies when cornered.
as a villain, however, his true nature unfolds by itself. due to the unpredictability of quirks he may copy, a good amount of intellect and quick reflexes is needed to utilise these stolen quirks efficiently while the time ticks away. the lack of empathy towards heroes on his part makes it easier for him to avoid reluctance in chances of strike. he’s sly and cunning when need be, but cold indifference is what usually stays as he defies the law to get back at the heroes who used him for their own benefit.
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incoming information on hero course student, nekomata.
get to know them !
faceclaim: mizuguchi yuto
name: matsuoka kenta
hero name: nekomata
gender & pronouns: cismale, he / him
age: seventeen
year group: second
department: hero
agency: angel agency
reputation: the foreigner, that japanese kid in class b who is constantly seen questioning himself and whether he deserves to be on the hero course. his quirk is kind of unsettling to most as expected of someone who can quite literally invade your personal privacy in the most literal way. a little hard to connect to as he always seems to keep people at an arm’s length despite seeming rather friendly.
the quirk !
quirk name: possession
quirk description: the ability to take possession of and control another living being as if it was one’s own body.
can take possession of any living thing, animal and humans alike and control their body as he quite literally enters it himself
the target has no memory of what has transpired while possessed as their conscious mind is pushed aside
must have eye contact with the target to activate his ability
does not know how to shut off his ability
can only possess one target at a time
his own body is rendered immobile whilst he is possessing another person
can only possess someone for up to five minute before his mind returns to his own body automatically
does not know how to use the target’s quirk whilst possessing unless it is an automatic quirk that cannot be cancelled
mutation: feline grace: born from a mix of a mother with a special cat mutation quirk and a father with no mutations, kenta maintains mostly a human form. he does however possess the two tails that is characteristic of the legendary nekomata as well as cat ears and more pointed canine teeth.
the history !
triggers: suggestions
born into a family of performers kenta was never supposed to step upon the path leading to the life of becoming a professional hero. his mother possessing a full body mutation quirk as a nekomata, she took up the shamisen and played for a performance crew. his father was a professional traditional dancer, and the two met, fell in love and eventually conceived six children over the years, one who would come to be known as matsuoka kenta.
as a boy he was expected to take over the tradition and learn dance from his father, and while he certainly did so, his heart was never with the music. he could dance and act out beautiful, tragic tales from a young age, but everyone who knew what they were talking about could always tell that something was lacking. it was always disregarded as being due to his inexperience.
before his quirk manifested, from he was able to form conscious thoughts on his own kenta had always wondered what it would be like to be someone else; to live another life with different expectations on you. different circumstances. and before he knew it, he had become someone else. it was terrifying at first, looking at his own limp body in his – or rather his mother’s – paws and not knowing what had happened. he remembers crying a lot until he returned to his own body and his mother’s confusion as she tried to console him.
that was only the beginning. from then on out he came to learn of his own quirk slowly but surely and had lots of fun with his friends trying to think up shenanigans in which his quirk could become useful – whether it was getting that popular girl everyone crushed on to embarrass himself or making the teacher give them an early day off, he felt incredibly cool for being able to do it all.
there was always just one problem though – he didn’t actually know how to switch off his quirk and eventually he came to realise how lonely it was to not be able to look anyone in the eyes anymore without accidentally taking over their body.
it didn’t take long either before he went from cool to creepy – especially amongst the girls at school in his middle school years. as a timid person by nature when he wasn’t on stage, kenta had always been an easy victim to manipulation in the fear of getting bullied if he didn’t comply. one incident had him infiltrate the female changing room, but of course it was immediately found out that he had been there when one girl had suddenly lost her memory of the time elapsed. there was no mercy and unsurprisingly no one wanted to support him when he claimed that it wasn’t his own idea, and thus he had to take the fall and get suspended from his school.
becoming the disappointment in a family who lived by the firm idea that quirks should not be used for personal gain and to harm others, kenta decided that he would want to redeem himself. the plan was that starting high school, he would attend a hero school to train his quirk and never again fall down the path of corruption – however, once his classmates figured that out, several of the more powerful individuals who had the same plans as him swore that if he ever dared show his face there, they would make sure to make his life a living hell.
it was his sister who suggested for him to try his luck in korea instead if he really wanted to ‘turn a leaf’ and show his parents that they had nothing to worry about when it came to his morals. he didn’t expect much as he never saw his ability useful for hero activities, but through sheer desperation he managed to enter the hero course and is now on his second year of school, still feeling just as lost as ever when it comes to himself and his ability.
the personality !
always more of a follower than a leader, kenta is a timid boy who tends to put others before himself. he hates disappointing people, which often results in him doing things he doesn’t really want to do because he thinks saying no would be a bad thing. oftentimes he thinks it might have been better if he had just stayed back home and redeemed himself by becoming the best dancer in japan, but that road is long and the competition is hard when your heart is not in it.
if asked what he then wishes to do with his life however, kenta is just as clueless. he will answer that he wants to become a hero, but constantly second guesses himself as he thinks his quirk is not useful for hero activities. in the beginning he didn’t have such thoughts, but after getting accepted and seeing how amazing everyone else is, he wonders what he is even doing in class b and not in the general admittance classes.
his self confidence is low and while he does want to believe in the best in others, he also has a hard time placing his trust in people after being estranged for one mistake back home. he thinks it’s better to keep people at a distance and simply remain that weird kid from japan who rarely speaks probably because he doesn’t know the language well. he does. he has been studying very hard to be able to keep up with classes in korean. for despite second guessing himself a lot, kenta is the type of person to give it his all when he has set a goal for himself. even if that goal is something he does not truly wish for.
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incoming information on quirkless civilian, choi jinyoung.
get to know them !
faceclaim: hwang hyunjin of stray kids
name: choi jinyoung
gender & pronouns: male, he/him
age: 20
occupation: university student
the history !
triggers: bullying, divorce, depression
being born being different from everyone in this world is not something nice if jinyoung is being honest. ever since he was a child, he was very envious of everyone having their own special quirks, while jinyoung is just a mere individual, trying to get along with them. his dad knows how much the kid jinyoung pleaded him to be like them. and only if he could do it, he would. because of lacking something normalized, jinyoung experienced bullying from heroes blessed with talent he wished he have. he went through it all the way long in his childhood. in addition to his remorseful childhood, there was a time where his mom and dad split up because of something he doesn’t have any idea of. it brought so much depression and hatred in his heart. his once outgoing dad became the coldest person on earth. of course, there came one point when and where he grew tired of it, tired of crying for something people do. the once jinyoung who wished to being a hero completely changed.
his teenage life revolved around the bad influence of villains around him, but instead of feeling bad about it, he thought it’s better than before because there, he is genuinely happy. that time is when his dad completely left him for another woman who has a child that is a hero student as well, so he needed something that could get off the pain in his chest. he concluded that the heroes are no better than the villains, as they were way worse than them and at some point, the villains were better. there came a point where a group of villains hired him to be their undercover, which he did not hesitate to agree with, in exchange of money and scholarship to that university. in that way, he won’t work his ass off of something cheap with the salary. and also in that way, he could give justice to the once innocent jinyoung, who just made a dream but was given something he didn’t ask of. there are plenty of reasons as to why he did it. but there’s something he was sure of but would never admit.
he is a lonely soul, longing for love the world have never given to him.
the personality !
jinyoung is a very outgoing and social person. he is a student very dedicated to his studies but at the same time, never misses out the fun. he is a rebellious kid, with so much hatred in his heart. he is in side of the villains, but he doesn’t show it, and comes off as neutral.
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incoming information on u.y teacher, siren.
get to know them !
faceclaim: jennie kim
name: min jungmoon
hero name: siren
gender & pronouns: cisfemale. she/her
age: 24
reputation: students both love her and fear her. while outside of the classroom she’s one of the most understanding teachers, inside the classroom she’s a completely different person who sometimes toes the line of what’s necessary
the quirk !
quirk name: emotional manipulation
quirk description: able to shift the emotions of people surrounding her a certain way
able to make people around her comfortable, leading to them trust her
can calm people down or alternatively make them more angry
when focusing on one person she can be very precise. while she can do groups as well it is more difficult
must see the person to use her quirk on them. talking can drastically help but is not necessary
vulnerability can lead to being susceptible to the emotions of people around her
if she doesn’t use her quirk in a while, it becomes more difficult to control and she can subconsciously manipulate people’s emotions without meaning to
if she uses it too often, she can feel extremely tired both physically and mentally
the history !
triggers: death, mentions of abuse
jungmoon was born to a home that wasn’t the healthiest for her. her mother’s quirk was that she could tell when someone was lying or not. her father’s was that he could block someone’s power. they were an effective duo and managed to get many secrets and plans out of other people. however, at home jungmoon suffered. her father was abusive, in being able to manipulate both the mother and the daughter emotionally. jungmoon didn’t know what was true or not and became dependent on her father’s words. she grew resentful and her own heart was hardened against the world. at school, she used her quirk without restraint. she was clever with it, and was undetected by many that she was even using it. it helped her find the control that she desperately wanted at the cost of manipulating others.
when looking back at it, jungmoon sees that she was on the fast path on being a villain. however, when she attended in UY everything changed. she met four other students there who saw who she was and helped her grow into a better person. her viewpoint drastically changed as she was called out on her problems but was still given support. at the same time, she also helped them with their own trauma. it was a special friend group that could’ve lasted for all of infinity. they made plans of future together, each interning at a different agency but still promising to stay close throughout all of it. jungmoon herself interned at ‘company of the knowing’ starting in her second year knowing that she would be good at extracting information.
it all came crashing down.
death wasn’t something that was unknown to them. it came with the business. you were fighting to save lives and it was dangerous work for a reason. jungmoon could still remember that day of coming back from work and seeing the news. seunghoon was dead. it didn’t seem real. seunghoon was in one of the least dangerous departments, spotlight agency. it didn’t make sense. the events started to blur together. then more news followed. baekyung, another one of the five, had turned to becoming a villain. he was one of the largest suspects in seunghoon’s death.
it broke them. it broke her.
the other two continued to work in their departments, but jungmoon stepped down. she blamed herself from not noticing that baekyung’s allegiance was changing. she blames herself for seunghoon’s death. she enrolled as a teacher at u.y. to try and find those who have the potential to become villains, as well as helping her students be the best they can be.
the personality !
jungmoon on the outside is incredibly kind. she likes making people feeling comfortable around her and presenting herself as trustworthy. however, she knows that with her power that it makes people wary of her, which makes her wary of others as well. it’s hard for her to talk about herself and it makes her appear cold. in the classroom setting, when she is supervising battles she’s extremely cutthroat. it’s like stepping into another character where she allows herself to be manipulative and sassy. she knows that death can happen and so she doesn’t hold back.
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incoming information on villain, glamour.
get to know them !
faceclaim: Jung Eunbi
name: Boo Dalbyeol
villain name: The Illusive Villain, “ Glamour ! ”
gender & pronouns: Cis Female, Feminine
birthday & age: December 25ᵗʰ, 21.
association: Unassociated.
occupation: Part - time baker at BonBons.
reputation: The classification of villain does not fill other villains with reassurance or camaraderie; Dalbyeol is a universal villain who is not afraid of selling other villains out or double - crossing them if it benefits her. Among cut throat, ruthless bad guys she is certainly meeker in comparison and not as eager to get her hands dirty. Therefore, it’s more accurate to say she is a petty criminal. Some see her as having immense potential if molded correctly and persuaded into committing herself to a life of villainous acts, others are wary of her trickery and even more view her as pain in their ass should she stumble upon their scene.
the quirk !
quirk name: Mirage ―― Hallucikinesis.
quirk description: It is a long-range emitter type quirk that allows her to affect all five senses, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and taste things which do not actually exist, in part making her imagination their reality.
Illusions ; The user can induce illusions onto the targets she has acquired and cause their six senses to be affected, basically causing illusions to become “real” to them. Although past Illusion quirk users have been able to create very elaborate and large scale illusions, at her current level she is restrained in what she can do. On another note, she can only create things she has seen ― and even then her illusions are created from her sight, so some are subject to being wrong ( if there is someone with five buttons on their jacket but she can only see four, the illusion she creates of them will only have four buttons because that is all she saw; in short, her illusions are subject to her memory and knowledge ).
Combat ; In order to cover for her shortcomings, Dalbyeol has trained her body and mind in order not to be completely overwhelmed by power-type quirks should her target break free of her illusions or simply doesn’t give her the chance to capture them in one. She is also able to fight with her illusions by creating multiples of herself and deceiving others into believing that is the real one, only to take them out while they are distracted. Her illusions are subject to physical strengths, however they are never as strong as their “real counterpart.” The realer one believes them to be, the stronger. However, if belief wavers they are weakened and tend to fade in and out until the target either breaks through or falters themselves and no longer doubts if the illusion is fake.
Morphing ; The user can morph oneself into something else, or disappear completely within her illusions in the affected target’s eyes, or cast the same illusion over an ally. Nonetheless, if the person she is fighting has a sensory quirk, they’ll see past the illusion with it and nullify the “invisibility”. Regardless, the “invisibility” or “morphing” only works on the person ( or people ) her quirk is used on, and to everyone not subject to it they will not be deceived or duped as they cannot see her illusions.
In order to activate her quirk, she must make eye contact with her intended targets ( it must extend both ways, they have to meet her eyes as well, she cannot simply look at them ). Her eyes turn a shade of magenta when it is activated which gives it away so she commonly wears sunglasses or colored contacts to hide the tell - tale sign. She can activate it on multiple targets as long as they look at her and she looks at them ( she does not need to continuously meet their eyes ).
Over exertion of this quirk causes her to receive excruciating migraines, bloody noses and extreme fatigue. There have also been cases where she falls victim to her own illusions in cases of extreme stress and can no longer tell reality from fantasy, and during those times her illusions were stronger and affected “allies” as well until she passed out.
This quirk is completely worthless against non - living organisms and nor are they effective on technology; high - tech devices do not pick up her illusions and are quite disruptive to her techniques. It also has very little effect ― if any ― on those with quirks that boost their senses.
It is not a quirk that allows her to conjure up illusions without putting thought into the things she creates, therefore research and knowledge pertaining to things and people is required if she wishes for her illusions to be convincing. For instance, if she sees a house from front to back, side to side she can recreate the exterior, however unless she has seen the inside and studied it, it will differ greatly from reality.
the history !
triggers: mentions of prison, mentions of adoption
They made their living through cheap tricks and petty crime; the unexpected arrival of their first child might have convinced some to give up their lives as low - life criminals, but for the young couple it only bolstered their urge to raise the stakes ― go big or go home. The valiant dream of raising their children without ever knowing what it was like to want for something; their five - finger discount would go a long way and at least for the early stages of her life, the young child was none the wiser to the schemes her parents were up to. And despite the constant bouncing ―― never staying in one place for too long ―― the memories they left her with were treasured, tainted only by the eventual realization that everything that surrounded her was built upon a foundation of lies and deception.
It was a domino effect. The manifestation of her quirk came with a rush of adrenaline and excitement for the future; setting a spiral of events into motion, the gears in her parents head turning at a dizzying speed. It was all for the better good;; they had assured her time and time again that using her quirk to assist them with their own “jobs” was not wrong at all ―― she was merely helping them all to better their lives. Every single person they tricked would be fine at the end of the day, and besides that, it was something the grown up’s would concern themselves with; she needn’t worry her pretty little head. But crime has a way of catching up to everyone one way or another ―― some call it karma and others call it divine intervention. Boo Dalbyeol called it losing her parents.
The childish innocence of being blissfully ignorant to the questionable things going on around can only stretch so far ―― there is no illusion that her parents could be categorized as good people, however the life they showed their children was all she had ever known. It’s a risky scheme that doesn’t work out in their favor, handcuffs clasped around wrists and a blanket wrapped around her; words that express that it’s all over, she and her younger sibling are safe and in good hands, they’ll finally live a normal life and get to be kids ―― just kids who worry about trivial things and argue over pizza toppings. It is a strange and alarming change, but it is always expected by her, at least, that her parents will come pick her up any day now, people go to jail and get out every single day.
It is a mistake on her part, an inability to understand the depths of her parents’ crimes and just how far their schemes reached ―― they wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.
It’s apparent from the start that she has trouble adjusting; the young couple that takes her and her brother in are apprehensive from the first time she uses her quirk around them; it is something they forbade her from using, the quiet insistence that it is too villainous causing her to throw a fit because it doesn’t seem fair they put limitations on her. It’s merely because she believes they’re being dramatic and partly because she played around with her parents in the exact same way, however she startles them with her quirk continuously, laughing at they’re caught up in an illusion, but she’s never malicious, not once, and yet their demeanor toward her sours, a stark contrast between how they treat her younger sibling. As a child, she struggles to understand, and once again she begins waiting at the window for her parents to come take her back home.
They never come. A childhood and a teenhood spent feeling like an outsider in a strange place, hours spent away from home because she doesn’t feel needed or wanted ―― and she tries to be a better daughter for a while, however she stumbles and fails and nothing ever seems good enough. The moment she is old enough to get a job and support herself, she moves away from her adoptive parents’, old habits catch her. If she struggles, she cheats just a little bit, things she’s picked up from her parents so easy to replicate. Unfortunately, a little bit is only satiable for so long, and currently she’s making a living partly honorably and through a job, partly through cheap - tricks because it’s easier that way. There’s a minor struggle and conflict within her, on one hand she knows it’s wrong, however on the other hand the fact that it’s easier to be bad than good is too appealing ―― after all, her quirk is too villainous, why break out of the mold?
the personality !
The exquisite nature of a diamond is not formed instantaneously, and the original form lacks luster until refined and crafted into something beautiful. There is an existing beauty in the way a gem looks before it is carved into the image of what someone else believes it should look like, and there is beauty in the natural jagged edges of an uncut gem that has not yet been tampered with, or not yet been persuaded into changing into the creation others desire it to look like. Like a piece of black coal transformed under the weight of something else, a diamond is formed under the immense pressure of hopes and dreams.
From the outside looking in, it’s easy to think of Dalbyeol as something akin to a spoiled brat, but if given the chance she proves that she has a lot to offer as a person ― she is a person able to shine brightly. This young woman is mellow as well as zany, and she is often referred to as someone who is charismatic in her social encounters; easy going with a playful nature that keeps others on their toes as her antics are both cheeky and unpredictable. She is cheerful and humorous and charismatic; the type of person who loves loudly and shows her warmth by being affectionate and attentive.
There are certain aspects that ensure she will always be seeking something out and looking for it in every person who shows her even the slightest bit of attention. Melancholic shades paint the colors of her eyes if she is not careful; the appearance of an heiress who can have anything she wants stretches for miles and glimpses of her persona have caused many misconceptions regarding her character. There is little doubt that she is used to getting her way, however, she is more than the fabricated rumors that swirl above her head, and sincerely she is a good person who is empathetic of others, and in general she is a person who desires to be wanted.
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incoming information on hero in training, firestar.
get to know them !
faceclaim: seo soojin.
name: ahn eunha.
hero name: firestar.
gender & pronouns: cisfemale / she/her.
age: nineteen.
year group: third.
department: hero class.
agency: interning for cutthroat agency.
reputation: since being a part of hero class, there is already a notion of what kind of person she is by those in the other classes. since her entrance exams, eunha has shown that she has a strong power and has increased in her ability to control it. she truly wants to master it and become a pro hero. generally seen around the top of her class as such, there are those who wish to see her fall, those who want to be her friend, and those who can’t stand her often outgoing and especially stubborn personality.
the quirk !
quirk name: pyrokinesis.
quirk description: the ability to create, shape, and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire.
the most basic part of being able to create fire is the ability to melt or burn things, in her spare time, eunha has experimented with different temperatures that are known to man to boil and burn common items.
in it’s most simplest form, the ability to spark a flame as small as her pinky finger to encapsulating her whole hand. the flame does not burn her nor react negatively to her skin, it’s as if it is simply a part of her.
the ability to cast out flames in varying ways, like an arc of fire, balls of fire, sending it out in more controlled ways with growing pinpoint accuracy, to instead letting it out with wild abandon. the ability to use the fire to actually set fires to things or simply burn is something she is continuously working on.
the ability to cast flame almost like a protective shield around herself. can be used to stop incoming attacks and even the ability to burn or hurt an opponent if they come in melee range or close contact with the shield.
propelling oneself with the advent or first creation of flame is something she is working on. seeing others who have quirks that allow them quicker mobility around a combat area has pushed eunha to develop the ability to if not fly with flame, to at least be able to propel herself long distances in a controlled manner.
of course eunha’s emotions are largely linked to her pyrokinesis. extreme emotions can lead to the accidental creation or let go of fire that she may be holding or building up inside her. this has been known to burn things around her and the off chance to accidentally burn someone who was close.
without sufficient oxygen in the air or in her lungs, creation of fire can be weakened or rendered null. this would cause her to be unable to produce or control a flame.
can be overpowered or rendered useless against various forms of ice, water, or cold since it is often the opposite element or feeling versus fire which in itself produces heat. since flame is often producing life, possible that darkness based abilities might be useful against it.
while smoke is a byproduct of fire especially in the sense of burning something, eunha is not immune to the danger that can pose to a person’s lungs if smoke is inhaled.
as with a quirk such as this, the wild nature of fire can be unpredictable and hard to control and eunha is still working to get precise control of her ability create and manipulate fire.
the history !
triggers: kidnapping
ahn eunha is the daughter of a former pro hero and a socialite/model mother. her father was once ranked among the top of the pro heros when she was very little, known the by the name of firestorm. it was obvious whom she inherited her fire creation and manipulation abilities from, while her mother has the ability to control plants and parts of nature. much of her chilldhood was spent with her father since she shown she had a quirk like his own and as such, eunha was never close with her mother. instead that a was situation solely for her eventual younger sister who ended up quirkless but nonetheless because the apple of her mother’s eye.
as such it’s to no one’s surprise that eunha’s father took it upon himself to train her. alongside her schooling at a private academy, considering her parents were actually quite rich from family inheritance and her father’s pro hero career, she spent a lot of time after school working on her quirk. thankfully though, eunha’s father isn’t the type to make working on her quirk the only priority in her life. it’s why he was a good pro hero, considering he was actually quite compassionate and caring especially for his oldest daughter. allowing her to make friends and have extracurricular activities if she wished but still reinforcing the idea that their quirk was strong and could be used for good, it was always his dream for a child of his to be a hero like him.
when eunha was about eleven years old, her father would be on the first step that would be the end of his pro hero career in just a few years. usually eunha would be picked up by a driver that her father trusted when he was not able to personally pick her up from school, but that day after school it seemed the driver wasn’t going to show. eunha being a bit reckless decided that she’d make this a fun afternoon and walk home herself since it was so rare to be out in the city alone. in truth, it had been a plan by a villain, a rival of firestorm who took out her driver and used his goons to kidnap young eunha.
it would be a full week of videos and trying to ransom the young girl until finally her father a score of other pro heroes managed to find the location of the abandoned warehouse in which eunha was being held prisoner. she was lucky, only a few bumps and scrapes since it seemed the villain wanted make more a statement against her father, showing him to inept to not even keep his daughter safe. it didn’t stop a fierce battle occurring between her father and the villain which ended in his being critically injured but the villain taken into custody. her father came through with surgery but in just a few years this injury would lead to his retirement and eventually he focused on transforming his pro hero work into more of a political career. campaigning for heroes and the continued work they do even when the people are in doubt and times are tough. he sits upon one of the top councils in seoul, while still teaching eunha.
there nightmares and bad dreams for a while after her kidnapping, she never went out on her own for a while. clinging to her father when she could, but despite his injuries and eventual retirement he was attentive to her needs. she found strength eventually, and with her father as inspiration, eunha decided to focus fully on her training and becoming a pro hero just like him. she never wanted to feel as powerless and weak and small as she had when she was young and kidnapped by a villain. she wanted to be able to fight back, protect herself, and protect others. when the time came when she was sixteen she took the entrance exam for u.y and passed with a high score, landing herself in the hero class.
in her years at u.y, eunhua has worked hard to maintain her status in the hero class. keeping well enough grades and trying to improve her control of her quirk. she wants it to be more than just fire, more than just something that can destroy but something she can use to help others. it’s obvious with this kind of quirk that she is suited for combat when she becomes a pro hero and after receiving her provisional license in her second year, she started interning for the cutthroat agency. she enjoys her internship because it allows her to do actual hero work when allowed and learning from someone else besides her father. though of course she has been learning from the pro hero instructors at u.y as well.
eunha wants to graduate from u.y and become a sidekick for an agency, hopefully continuing to work with the cutthroat agency and find herself one day being a pro hero just like her father.
the personality !
positive adjectives: adventurous, brave, fearless, passionate, compassionate, outgoing, friendly
negative adjectives: stubborn, fiery, impulsive, emotional, hotheaded, obstinate, reckless
eunha is never the type to fake who she is. she’s not the type to hold herself back just because someone might disapprove, she knows despite trying that not everyone will love her. she genuinely a good person with a good heart and stands by being someone to help others as a pro hero. she wears her emotion and her heart on her sleeve despite the damage it could do to herself or others around her. she can make friends and enemies just as easily as the other but only has a few actual close friendships that mean something to her.
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incoming information on civilian, riyu.
get to know them !
faceclaim: red velvet’s bae joohyun (irene)
name: seo riyu
gender & pronouns: she/her
age: 28 years old
occupation: receptionist at the angel agency.
the quirk !
quirk name: medusa
quirk description: user has a head of living venomous snakes in place of hair.
riyu basically has snakes for hair - said snakes possessing all characteristics and abilities a regular snake would have. she is able to control and command each “lock” of her “hair”, like one would control their limbs. they can wind themselves around objects and lift them (they can lift heavier objects if all snake locks work together). she can also use them to defend herself, like shielding her face from incoming attacks.
when riyu’s sense of control on the snakes is inactive, her living locks slither and wander about her head as they wish. most would just choose to drape lifelessly over her back and sleep, forming a false image of long, regular human hair (in a good ten foot distance, if you squint).
the snakes are venomous. can be fatal once a person is bitten by them and doesn’t receive needed medical help in the following twenty five hours.
the snakes, while idle, reach just below her shoulder blades in length, but are able to extend as far to her ankles if need be.
she has an acute sense of smell that enables her to detect people easier by following their trail of scent; as would a snake would detect prey or predators.
her emotions would affect her control over her hair. the more unstable she feels, the less she’d be able to deliver effective commands to her hair. for example, if she were in extreme distress, her snakes would be almost uncontrollable and high on defense; ready to attack anyone who could pose as a potential threat to them - including herself. luckily enough, the poison wouldn’t affect her physically as her body possesses a self-made antidote that neutralizes its own venom. regardless of the absence of poison - the bites would still injure her. because of this, she would carry around a medical kit of syringes and bottles of antivenom with her, in case her snakes lash out on others.
due to lack of extensive training, the snakes on her head don’t always obey her every command, and behave as if they have a mind of their own. they would occasionally act to their own desires. their behavior is always unpredictable, which puts her on a disadvantage if she wanted to behave in public.
to keep her snake locks at their optimal condition, she would have to consume generous amounts of meat daily, to keep her snakes calm and sated. the snakes get significantly more restless and snappy (like herself) if she doesn’t get her daily dose of meat. nutrients in exchange for strength - nothing different than a human.
while newer snakes can grow from her scalp, once any of the snakes are severed off her head, they cannot regenerate and she would need surgery to amputate them properly. the pain from having any of her snakes sliced in half is equivalent to having a finger sliced off.
mutation: the actual species of the snakes remain unknown, but they resemble slender black vipers, and cover her entire scalp like hair. in addition to that, her pupils are like a snake’s - oblong shapes that peak at the ends like slits. her tongue is forked and jacobson’s organ is located on the roof of her mouth to enable her stereo sense of smell. she’s almost eerily flexible - just like a snake with its flexible backbone.
the history !
triggers: amputation, animal cruelty / torture, torture, blood
she remembers.
she remembers the shriek that miss sejeong had let out when she came into her room to wake her up for school - only to be greeted with slithering monstrosities hissing at her alongside a drowsy face. her hair was already grotesque before - hard scaly locks that draped over her back like chains - and then they’ve decided to make things worse and grow glowering faces and sharp fangs overnight. she couldn’t get herself to scream - voice clogged up in her little throat and fingernails dug harshly into the sheets as she stayed seated in frozen confusion and terror. miss sejeong, stumbling to get up from collapsing on the floor, had rushed away for help. medusa, she had cried then, voice disappearing into the empty hallway as she skedaddled. your child turned into medusa!
she didn’t understand the name, but she definitely understood the fear that dripped from every syllable, trepidation seeping to even the tips of her toes. by the time reinforcements had returned, her little body was already curled up and pressed against the headboard, snake locks hissing and thrashing ferociously to mirror her despair as she warned for them to stay away in between her sobs and hiccups.
she doesn’t remember much of what happened next. however, her dreams do - flashes of paralyzed bodies and bloody crimson coming to greet her for months on end.
at nine, seo riyu insists that she’s beautiful.
she insists that she is, because that’s what her parents and her butlers and maids have always told her - so it must be true. they tell her that what happened wasn’t her fault - and that everyone was just caught off guard. miss sejeong, one of the main maids that took care of her, was fired after that incident, so she doesn’t have to feel like she scares people anymore.
she believes them. even if there would always be a weird look in their eyes whenever she’d approach three steps too close; even if they’d jump if she enters premises without warning them, telling her not to sneak up on them - she believes them.
although her school isn’t as generous with their kindness, she keeps her ground. she doesn’t retaliate despite the derogatory words sent her way. they either taunt her, or stay completely away from her - there is only one or the other. it isn’t even just the students. parents she comes across in school grounds gossiped, too. regardless, she stayed mum. she tells herself that she isn’t the only one with the weird quirk, so they’ll get tired of annoying her eventually. her tutor had told her to stay graceful, as she held the name of the seo family behind her.
so she stays quiet.
she stops staying quiet after two years.
she doesn’t know how, or when, but her temper grew with her. the accumulation of anger she’s suppressed through the months gets to her faster than she’d like to admit - and before she knew it - she started talking back. she grew feister. she doesn’t physically retaliate, but one shouldn’t underestimate the power of spiteful words (and hissing snakes).
“you disgust me.”
she smiles at those. these kinds of insults are one of the tamer ones. “oh - you beat me to it.” she titters, all eyes on them. all of her eyes. “i was about to say that to you, too.”
she gets into u.y.
it’s a dream come true. a typical ambition - as sharp tongued as she is; she likes to help. she wants to prove that even someone who looks as villainous as her could look heroic to others. she does well, as her diligence proves it. it shows on her grades. she makes a few friends - those who share her ideals and are also not too deterred by the snakes that poke them at the ribs every so often.
she doesn’t think her life could progress as well as it did.
the progress stops. if anything, it backpedals entirely.
she doesn’t remember how it started or how it ended - just flashes of memory, of bruises, of malicious laughter, of tears, of blood. she remembers falling asleep. she remembers waking up with blurry vision and restrained limbs. there were faces, but all she could make out was yellowed teeth and sharp toenails as she doubled over, screaming and crying for the pain to stop. the pain doesn’t stop. spurts of blood keep coming, and coming, and coming, each worse than the last, painting red down her face and her shoulders and her back and her feet. the butcher knife shines brightly under the dim light. she remembers voices. they aren’t coming, the voices sneer. it’s been ten minutes. let’s cut off another.
it’s when she wakes up and realizes that she’s at the hospital, that everything ends.
that doesn’t matter. her nightmares continue.
she dropped out of u.y. with the power of money, you can do anything, so she does nothing, for a while.
she watches the ceiling fan spin and spin and spin while she waited for new snakes to grow back. she hated them, but they were also her only company. her mind feels a lot less muddled if a lock is alive to distract her by nuzzling against her cheek.
she finishes her education indoors.
she’s mellowed down over the years, and prefers working behind the scenes.
she wonders if that’s okay.
the personality !
riyu grew to become more reserved as she got older - although she’s now desensitized by weird looks sent her way due to her intimidating appearance. she’s mature and sophisticated, having gone through a lot through a quarter of her life span. despite that, she still holds the habit of assuming the worst when she meets someone new - continuously wary and defensive unless they’ve proven themselves to be deserving of her undivided attention. once the ice around her heart’s been thawed, however, good luck with that - parts of her traits from her adolescence will shine through - allowing you a glimpse of her true, unfiltered personality: just a woman trying her best to stay sane.
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incoming information on civilian, jihyun.
get to know them !
faceclaim: bae suji (suzy)
name: noh jihyun
gender & pronouns: female she/her
age: 25
occupation: hotel pianist
the quirk !
quirk name: precognition
quirk description: the power to perceive future events before they happen.
time-space synesthesia: through playing music she is able to see visions of the future.
astral premonition: sees future events through and out-of-body experience
emphatic premonition:receives precognitive visions when exposed to extreme emotion
ability to see the future of a target is greatly increased through physical touch and emotional connection.
limited control of what types of visions she can and cannot see. largely cannot predict major life events.
visions often are influenced by the level of emotional connection she has with the target. For a stranger she may only be able to see a glimpse into next week, for a loved one she may be able to see years ahead with greater scope.
unable to see visions of herself or involving herself due to precognitive immunity
visions often cause migraines, and generally cause great mental strain. She finds fortune telling largely exhaustive because of this.
fortellings are occasionally unpredictable and unprovoked, meaning she can have a vision at any given time.
as the future is subject to change, precognitive visions are subject to change. yes, she does give a disclaimer with her visions.
the history !
triggers: n/a
eomma goes into the marriage knowing the ending before it even starts. later, she tells jihyun destiny worked against them. love lived and then it died and she clung onto a failed marriage in hopes of changing the inevitable.
in the end, appa finds love in the arms of someone else and eomma and jihyun are left to figure out how to put the pieces back together.
“why did you even bother if you always knew the ending?” jihyun asks “knowing how it all played out made me want it all the more i guess.” eomma answers back.
it’s a stupid answer jihyun never quite understands.
she is not any of the following: a masochist, a fool, her mother, a hopeless romantic, audacious, or curious. jihyun is a scared little girl who hides in the space of routines and a maze of walls built to protect herself from losing everything the same way her mother has. in a word, noh jihyun is a coward.
there are worse names to be called.
her piano teacher’s breath smells of rice candy and makgeolli. her mother tells her beggars can’t be choosers, free lessons are free lessons. she plays the same scales and the same two songs every sunday, “you’re a promising talent,” he always says with his rancid breath. the words always find deaf ears.
there are four ways she sees: in dreams, in song, by touch, and against her will. there are worse quirks to have. a boy in the class ahead of her has a back covered in feathers and lays eggs like a chicken, a girl in her class blows ice and has skin the color of the sky.
it could always be worse.
but jihyun knows endings before beginnings and a sensitive disposition that begs her to protect herself from any potential harm.
it could always be worse, she’s not so sure how.
“i worry about you.”
she doesn’t need the gift of foresight to know what her mother says next.
“i worry about you, you have barely any friends, you never talk to or about boys. young women should have lots of friends and lots of loves.” the story always sounds the same.
“jihyun, don’t you ever worry that you’re missing out? “no. that’s the beauty of seeing the future, i know i’m not missing out in the long run.”
her mother clicks her tongue and sighs,
“that’s not what i mean.” they say in unison. eomma doesn’t laugh.
“did you ever dream as a kid?” he reminds her of a bird with a broken wing. delicate and nervous, something begging to be protected and coddled.
“uh yeah,” her words have a bite that never quite reach her face. she smiles as she speaks, and it feels different. “who doesn’t dream?”
“what was your big dream?”
there’s a pause between words, a pregnant uncomfortable pause jihyun’s lips pull into a wider smile but there’s nothing to smile about, no joy follows her words.
“i always wanted to know if ignorance really was bliss”
life has a sort of sickly pathetic monotony to it. she works, she goes home, she cheats honest people out of money for tidbits of tomorrow, she covers herself in shame, she falls asleep.
the cycle goes on ad nauseum.
is it enough to exist?
her journal reads.
jihyun never figures out what the right answer should be.
the personality !
she forges a new identity somewhere in between her parents divorce and her first heartbreak. she takes a girl, anxious and shy, and makes her aloof and cold, buries any warmth and bashfulness so deep she forgets where she hides it. jihyun calls it her manner of survival, it’s easier to detach herself than it is to invest herself— saves her a world of mental strain and repressed emotions she’s given up on. but loneliness lingers and turns into a certain bitterness that never quite leaves her.
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incoming information on hero, gyeol.
get to know them !
faceclaim: Kim Seolhyun (AOA)
name: Min Taeyeon
hero name: Gyeoul (Winter)
gender & pronouns: Cisfemale & she/her
age: Twenty-four (November 24th, 1995)
sidekick or pro?: Sidekick
type: Search and rescue
agency: The Angel Agency
reputation: Well respected. Calm and collected in action, it’s unusual to see her lose focus. As she tries to mostly keep to herself, arriving to the scene and avoid any contact with the public unless necessary.
the quirk !
quirk name: Healing
quirk description: Ability to heal any external or internal injury as long the receiver is still alive.
Able to restore any living organism to optimal health with a simple touch in seconds.
Can heal any wound/injury no matter their severity.
Can heal injuries and diseases that the current medical field can’t.
Can heal herself to a certain extent, since it requires energy and focus.
Cannot bring anyone back from the dead.
Must have direct physical contact with the receiver.
It can be painful for the receiver if their wounds are severe.
Requires energy for her to heal, feels drained and very tired after, depending on how severe the receiver was injured.
Cannot protect or defend herself from any attack.
the history !
triggers: death and pregnancy
There isn’t bigger tragedy than a woman who loves a man so blindly she believes in every single word that leaves his lips, and Taeyeon’s mother wasn’t an exception. A loyal sidekick fell in love with a villain and the rest, as they say, is history. He left as the weather turned warmer and the spring filled the city with beautiful flowers, and more than just memories to remember him by.
Some people say the first snow brings true love, others swear that any wish will come true as soon the first snowflake is formed, but to a lonely woman, the first snow brought hope in a gentle weight and screaming lungs. The blessing in her arms was a gift she wanted to protect and love, the proof that her feelings had been real and in her heart were no regrets. It was the two of them against the world, and as she looked the snow falling through the hospital window, she promised that she would do everything to give her child a chance.
But wishes and promises are meant to face reality at some point, and for a single mother, it seemed there was no place for her and her child in the world. Dreams and plans were left behind when the hunger walked into the door, forced to leave her hero life behind to work twelve hours a day in a small restaurant that gave them just enough to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. Although it wasn’t much, they still had each other, and it was all they needed.
Barely five years old, Taeyeon found an injured bird in the park. Her mother warned her that there was nothing they could do about it, but the little girl ran a finger along its wing and the bird flew away. Her abilities were kept a secret, as if she should be scared of sharing them with the world, and Taeyeon grew up to be a quiet girl who kept her distance from everyone. Later she realized that all her mother wanted was to protect her until she was ready to face the world on her own.
When she turned sixteen, a teenager that could look after herself, her mother decided to return to the hero life. Taeyeon supported her and couldn’t be more proud, accepting that it was what her mother had always meant to do, and seeing her being happier than she ever had. But it didn’t last long, and one night her mother didn’t return home. Taeyeon wasn’t sure of what happened, the details are unclear, but her mother had passed away and leaving her all alone in the world
Becoming a hero wasn’t part of the plan – too risky, too dangerous, and she would have to give up the life she knew. A teenager with abilities and without anyone by her side didn’t have too many options, either hide it or go to U.Y, Taeyeon knew what she had to do. Joining an agency seemed like the best next step, without a family, she found support in those who were alike her.
Now, as Gyeoul, she does for others what she couldn’t do for her mother.
the personality !
Kind and jolly, Taeyeon always has a smile for everyone. She has a big heart and cares about everyone, in the way no one cared for her when she was younger. She wanted to make sure everyone has a shoulder to lean on if they need one, or an ear if they want to talk. She tries to keep both Taeyeon and Gyeoul apart. Can been quiet when she first meets someone, unsure of what to say, but she’s always open to make new friends.
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incoming information on villain, red.
get to know them !
faceclaim: lee taemin
name: jo kioh
villain name: red
gender & pronouns: male, he/him
age: 26
association: none
occupation: thief, informant
reputation: he’s not all too well known, but that’s something kioh’s tried hard to do. he doesn’t really find satisfaction in infamy. it just seems like a lot of work, but then again, it’s not like his power is incredibly useful. find the right circles, and they might have something to say about red. annoying, with a hood pulled up and half-hiding, too nosey for his own good and with a mouth on him. it’s only when he talks too much, knows too much, and that’s when it’s learned that he’s got a quirk. it doesn’t matter how much you try and rearrange him, he’ll go and put everything back in the right order. it only crosses the line into dangerous if he knows too much about you. and that’s the good part of blending in, nobody cares about telling things to someone they think is unimportant. one might liken him to a rat, and kioh would likely shrug and agree.
the quirk !
quirk name: regenerative healing
quirk description: this mutation allows for kioh to heal rapidly from any physical injury or ailment due to cellular regeneration. it allows for him to recreate lost organs or appendages (such as limbs) without leaving behind a trace of injury (scarring). due to the fact that the mutation is constantly working to regenerate itself if something is wrong or broken, it means that kioh is usually in top physical condition as he is constantly in the process of reverting back to a healthy state.
self repair: all physical injuries are repaired through regeneration of cells. time may vary depending on the severity of the wound or injury.
inexhaustible stamina: since the body is repaired within moments of being broken down, it is near impossible for him to overexert himself or to put strain on himself in a way that would cause fatigue. however, it is possible for kioh to essentially ‘run out of fuel’ and pass out due to the body attempting to repair itself with he does not have enough in way of energy to do so while he is still physically moving.
disease immunity: due to the mutation constantly regenerating and repairing cells, a disease would not have enough time to take effect on the host.
while kioh obtains the ability to heal himself, he cannot suppress his pain and so he is still vulnerable to inflicted attacks despite being able to heal from them. though he does seem to have a somewhat amplified pain tolerance.
the larger the injury, the longer it takes for kioh to heal himself. while a cut may only take a few moments, for a limb to reattach or re-grow it would take a considerably longer amount of time.
despite immunity against diseases, drugs or poisons can still have an effect ( such as pain ) and will not be broken down due to regeneration. however, if said drugs cause damage to his organs, the damage would then be repaired.
while the regeneration keeps him in optimal physical condition, it cannot halt or slow the aging process on his body as a whole.
the regeneration applies only to physical ailments, and not to mental conditions or diseases.
since the mutation took over and replaced his own immune system, if depowered for an extended period of time he is incredibly vulnerable to infectious diseases as he has no way of dealing with them.
regeneration increases his nutrition requirements, and as a result has an incredibly fast metabolism that he has to keep tabs on in order to attempt to maintain his weight.
the history !
triggers: bullying, violence/injury, pain as a coping mechanism
january, 5 —
when he sticks his hands into the snow, they burn. cold searing in past the skin and biting sharp like mice teeth. kioh hisses, curls his fingers, retracts his hands, then repeats the motion. he’s five and doesn’t entirely understand the concept of a coldness like this, or how it can ache like fire. he just thinks it’s pretty when the sun scatters across ice fragments — wants to dip his hands in and roll it into a ball. so he withstands that pain, digs teeth into his lower lip and ignores the wind curling up and under the hem of the ill-fitting jacket sliding down one shoulder. claws out his handfuls of snow.
he’s disappointed later, when it all melts into puddles that leave him bone-soaked and shivering. ignores that gut kick of an impulse to cry over it all while his mother scolds him in the kitchen for making a mess while she tries to scrub warmth back into his hands through the pilled fabric of an old kitchen towel.
it’s the first winter kioh ever remembers.
he doesn’t like the season much anymore.
may, 13 —
his parents fight like it’s their hobby, so kioh decides he likes it too. not in the way of fists and violence, but with his mouth. antagonism pools like acid under his tongue, and it’s around the time of middle school that kioh can’t help but spit it out.
it doesn’t match him well; too gangly with colt limbs and an inability to hold his ground. but he can’t help himself. he can’t just take it with his head tipped down until boredom replaces that sadistic glee of that underdeveloped empathy of middle schoolers.
there’s no bite past his bark, and his status in the classroom matches this revelation. it tuns him into something of a pariah, circling with his sharp-toothed intentions, his classmates drifting off and away. there’s no real blame there, for not wanting to associate. for not wanting to invite that treatment on themselves. for sticking next to the kid inviting in antagonism from boys twice his size.
he was never blameless.
but he was always lonely.
august, 15 —
his house feels hollow.
his parents coexist within the walls of their cramped apartment, but that seems too understanding a term.
it’s always cold, even trapped in the humid swells of summer. they hate interacting, kioh can read it in their posture. stiff at the shoulders and something chilling in their eyes. sometimes it’s tipped out onto him, spills out across the room and drowns out whatever intentions he’d once had of fixing it.
he thinks they regret. they regret each other, they regret their lives, they likely regret him too. sometimes it feels like they’re all acting out a make-believe role to another reality. one where they’re all fractured apart, strangers dropped into the same building.
he sneaks into the kitchen at half past two and eats the rest of the cereal hunched over the sink like it’s a sin. ignores his father and the way he knows he’s drinking soju by the bottle from the smell alone. main characters of their own droll plays, and kioh doesn’t want to disrupt the pointedly settled stagnation that’s grown over their lives.
he feels like if he breaks it, it’ll topple. a ripple effect and finally everyone will pin the blame on him.
so he drifts along like a ghost instead. sneaks out and pretends like his parents might care if they find his bed empty at four in the morning. if they find the liquor stashed in his closet.
it never comes up as an issue.
september, 16 —
there’s something comforting in the way a bruise blooms across his skin. unfurls in petals of black-blue-green; like an imprint of reality. scars are similar, moments left scattered across his body that he can’t forget. proof of existence. and he’s developed this sort of dependency on it, morphed violence into this sense of satisfaction.
the reaction’s better, kioh thinks, when he’s doubled over in pain with a laugh trapped up in a wheeze, tripping over empty lungs on the way out. there’s a sort of bewilderment found there, the way they might forget to grab at his backpack, dig through it to see if he has money or smokes they can take.
he likes that sharp pull of focus, and the endorphins that fizz their way up his spine and explode white and blinding in his head.
he doesn’t really talk about it to anyone. how he intentionally walks himself into situations that leave their marks across his body. doesn’t really talk about how he’s decided it makes him feel more settled, less lost.
and anyway, who does he have to talk about it with?
march, 17 —
and then his self-made reality fades away.
kioh half hates it, his quirk. his skin is too pretty now. entirely smoothed out. can press a bruise into his shin and watch it fade before it has time to form.
it feels like a loss of control at first.
and then he turns reckless with it. like the beating of wings against this proverbial cage, but it doesn’t matter if those bones snap anymore. they just revert. he learns this too as he pushes the limits farther and farther. the sharp, blinding pain of cracked bones before they knit their way whole again. half a day later and kioh’s fine.
a split lip, a gash, landing wrong on a pipe and walking home with a limp. it didn’t seem to matter, his body would just fix itself back up again. like proving a point, that kioh couldn’t even lord over himself. at the whim of something improbable.
was it really a surprise he never grew into a hero?
november, 20 —
at first he tries. his quirk isn’t obvious, and it’s easy to skate under the surface. presumed normal in near-every situation. his family doesn’t have a lot of money, nor the care needed to push kioh into a better sort of life than they had.
he tries to study, ends up at a part time job for a while. then he moves out and into a half-basement apartment for dirt cheap, peeling wallpaper and poorly-covered mold growing near the ceiling. not that he has to worry about his lungs.
he spends too much money on cigarettes and convenience mart food and somehow remains the same despite his penchant to overeat.
it’s when he fails out of his third semester and gets his hours cut that it all starts to tremble, the threat of reality over his good intentions.
and he starts to think.
it’s not like it would matter, really, if someone hurt him on the tail end of a robbery.
it’s not like his body wouldn’t fix itself. put everything back into the right place.
he could deal with the pain. he always had.
december, 24 —
kioh considers himself to be something of a freelancer. willing to walk himself into dangerous situations for a price, and he doesn’t really care what the reason is. money or information or something stolen.
sometimes it’s his own selfish interest. wants money, mostly. isn’t that what it boils down to in the end?
he can pretend like he’s an alright person. might not target someone who looks like they’re in a similar position to himself. but what’s it matter if he lifts an expensive watch off daytrader? pulls a wallet off a man dressed head to toe in a designer fit?
he’s got a decent knack of falling under the radar. as long as the police don’t pick him up, it doesn’t matter too much. the threat of violence poses little deterrent for him. like a cockroach, kioh is able to bounce back, slide himself in through the cracks, insistent and undying.
it’s probably in his own favor. he’d never lost that inclination to use his mouth.
july, 26 —
kioh tries not to make a name for himself.
technically, he’s terrible. the antithesis of a hero, and he doesn’t want to be one. seeks out enough money to make rent on an apartment that’s not a whole lot better than his first. keep his abilities as hushed as he can.
but it’s hard so many years in, despite his best efforts.
more annoying than anything, the boy who refuses to both die and shut up.
he becomes a threat when he starts to get nosy. stows too much information in his head that they can’t knock out of him.
but what’s kioh to do other than turn it into the next best enterprise? finding intel and selling it off to whoever promises to foot the bill.
dead men tell no tales, sure. but that hasn’t been applicable to kioh now for years.
all you have to do is pay him.
the personality !
scavenging for information he can put to good use. the problem with this containment is that it leaves him lonely. residually; something that has spanned and stretched out taffy-thick throughout his life. he’s not so sure he can recall what it feels like to welcomed, wanted, some word lodged in between. everything has been left hollowed out and drafty. and with that came a peculiar sort of coldness. a desire to freeze people out; scathing and biting and bruising in order to keep himself in his hollowed out space of nothingness.
he’s vindictive, and won’t leave things well enough alone. talks too much, and he says it’s because it doesn’t matter, because if someone hits him for it everything will settle back into place. leaving him looking unaffected enough, just an off-kilter smile and red-stained teeth. he seeks it out though, that pain. even if he doesn’t really admit it to himself. uses it like a tool - a way to cope, or some sort of self-punishment. like he’s proving to the world that he doesn’t like himself all that much, either.
so what if nobody else does too?
so what if it’s left him a villain?
at the core of it all, he’s tired. but he’s twisted up so caustic and near-cruel that it’s nearly impossible to wring the admission out of him.
self-defense mechanisms at their finest, and a desperation to keep all the pieces of himself in place.
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incoming information on hero, hellfire.
get to know them !
faceclaim: oh sehun
name: max song
hero name: hellfire
gender & pronouns: male | he/him/max
age: 22
sidekick or pro?: pro
type: combat
agency: cutthroat agency
reputation: double edged hero with the blue flames - the public knows of how dangerous max’s quirk can be, but they have heard and known how much effort he’s put in to use his quirk for the greater good.
the quirk !
quirk name: hellfire manipulation
quirk description: ability to summon and manipulate the cursed fire of hell
Max’s fire is blue and instead of being generated, it is summoned from the depths of hell. This gives an illusion of him pulling it out of thin air. It turns black when he summons the fire out of anger - a clear distinction of his emotional state.
Max wears special gloves made in pyrotex (ignition cloth). It doesn’t completely affect his control, but more of how it feels smoother when summoning hell fire. He uses this to keep from burning other people and things just in case.
Steam / smoke oozes out of him when he’s using his quirk, as hell fire is hotter than normal fire.
A human furnace - his body runs a little hotter compared to most people around him. Science says it helps his body connect more to the element of fire, allowing control. The phrase fire in his veins quite literally.
Max’s control is heavily reliant to his emotions - the more unstable he is, the harder it is to control the flames. This more often than not results in chaos. Anger and frustration fuels his flames and more likely burn hotter. If in some chances, his body starts to get eaten by his own flames (his skin doesn’t burn, no worries! His clothes, however, will burn off)), someone may need to throw an ice bucket over his head to cool him down - literally.
If he summons black fire (summoned out of anger), get away!
The weather also affects his flames. Control is a little impossible extreme negative weather temperature as the fire, scientifically speaking, cannot reach its maximum temperature with the wet air.
Oxygen - Max will need enough of this to control and manipulate the flames more effectively. Not enough oxygen in the air and in his body could diminish the flames (getting choked, being captured in an enclosed area, etc).
Overuse of powers may or may not result in nose bleeding or fainting. 24hrs or more of sleep is needed to replenish his energy
the history !
triggers: fire, violence
I. Sparks, from his fingertips, fly It doesn’t start with a bang or even a spark. It was his first birthday, or so everyone believes, when Max had first shown something related to his quirk. People said blow the candle and make a wish when Max’s chubby hand reached forward, as if reaching for something and suddenly, as naturally as breathing, small blue fires danced off the tips of his fingers. They swirled around in mid-air as young Max laughed, eyes transfixed on the flames before he clapped and almost instantly, the fire distinguished itself. It was only Max’s laughter that echoed in the silent room. there was no mistaking it. the flames of hell. Max’s flames were blue
II. It starts to burn. Slowly. Surely. His quirk comes as unstable as the element of fire. It comes bursting when he’s angry or frustrated, summoned from the deepest parts of hell. Over time, his parents helped him with his control. They’ve figured out just how much his emotions affect the flames he makes. At some point they had a pair of gloves made for him, believed to be useful to gain more control over his quirk. still, his dad always had a fire extinguisher within reach just in case. Learning his quirk and going through puberty was a struggle. A scream was what fueled the flames to burn brighter, stronger. Max remembers being angry, looking for his brother, volunteering, demanding to have him help the search for his brother that fell on dead ears. A split-second loss of control was all it took. He felt terrified to see how the tips of the flames he made licked on the hem of his mothers shirt, eating it alive along with the skin on her arm. He remembers himself screaming, making the fire burn brighter. hotter. for the first time, max’s blue flames turned black. it was terrifying, like it’s ready to eat everything in its path. The hiss of the fire extinguisher reaching his ears is what snaps him back to reality. a bucket of ice cold water washed over him - literally. ‘Honey, it’s okay, it was an accident’ is what his parents had said repeatedly. Like a mantra. Unsure if it’s meant to pacify him or them, but it took him a while before he allowed himself near his mom. Specially when the mark on her forearm keeps reminding him of how dangerous he can be.
III. Make the flames burn for a good cause At some point Max told his parents he wanted to enroll into the academy, to hone his quirk properly. His brother’s reputation adds to his desire to do better. It’s only natural, his father had said, and they had been shocked when he said he wanted to use his flames to protect everyone, images of his mother getting burned engraved in his memories. It scares him, how his own quirk can turn against him in a split-second. It was the horror of their mother taking her own life that fueled his desire more. It pained him to know that as powerful as his quirk is, he had been useless to save his mother. useless to keep their dad from running away. He wanted to keep that from happening. He wanted to make the best out of his quirk. I can help. Even with fire that can burn anything, I can help. Max had been prepared for the onslaught - fire is naturally perceived as a dangerous element, something only a villain can hone and use. And he used hellfire. But he did his best - he worked on his control, figured out how to maximize his capabilities and use them to his advantage. there are still times when his control slips and the black flames returns, but their minimal. for now. he’s hoping there’s a quirk to negate it. maybe someday.
the personality !
Cheerful and jolly (sometimes dumb) is how most people see Max, but he can be a critical thinker too when circumstances call for it. He just chooses to stay in his happy place to keep his quirk in check as he knows what a simple change in his mood can do.
He enjoys mobile games and music the most, as these help him relax.
Max tends to focus on one task instead of doing everything at once, but he does have a habit of switching between hobbies. He’s addicted to CODM at the moment.
Is nervous around new people and crowds, and for that he has purchased a fidget cube to keep himself calm. He keeps it in the pocket.
With his memories of almost burning his mother alive, Max is scared of touching others, even with the gloves he always wear. If really needed, he’ll make sure to only touch the person’s clothes. even then, he’s still afraid of burning them so he keeps his hands to himself.
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