#which is a problem because the nature of her job forces her to make tough decisions and occasionally do objectively bad things
smol-blue-bird · 2 years
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i’ve been writing nonstop for like six hours so here’s a meme that makes no sense to anybody but me
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liquorisce · 1 year
it’s been so long since i’ve hung out here. i miss my anonymous friends, i hope u guys are well and thriving!
since this is still my writing blog, i figured i would write here about my writing and what i’m working on, and what i’m not working on.
i recently posted boy next door, which i am actually really in love with, and have completed 75% of, so for the first time ever i have SOME confidence in finishing it. i feel like it is the type of story that is so natural that there will never really be a perfect conclusion. But some meaningfully literary conclusion is plausible, lol, so i will attempt it. i am also really floored by the comments I’ve received. they’ve been really encouraging and kind, and some felt like I was being congratulated by a group of peers who have grown with me and seen changes in my writing style that i thought no one apart from me would ever notice or care about. in that way, fandom is kind of amazing because it feels like we are all in some sort of cohort together, and even in this vast space of chaos I have found some friends, and some kind souls who I can chat with in corridors, who peep in occasionally and see what I’m doing and encourage me positively in a personal manner. I am able to return this to others too. That’s pretty cool.
i had a tough situation with my health, or rather my inability to handle my health problems in an adult manner, but after many weeks of deleting social media apps and forceful grass-touching (extensive physiotherapy), i am trying to visit the online areas of my life again in moderate frequencies, because this is where I get to feel like a writer. I do not get to feel like a writer in my 40h a week IT consultancy job LOL. There are no artists for miles, unfortunately and it feels like I’m going insane sometimes, being around normies. (jk, maybe… not)
people have asked if i’m giving up on idily and i’m really not, the next chapter is just a tricky one, so it’s taking a while. We are now moving into a really plot-heavy part of the story, which is definitely new territory for me as far as my skills are concerned, so I’m doing a lot of writing ideas and staring at unmoving pages etc. It’s fine, I’m not despairing, as long as I’m still in love with the general story we’ll get somewhere. I will post chap 10 after I have written Chap 11 as well I’m thinking, so that I can be a bit more certain of how we’re moving with this story. Either way, expect rewrites and detail revisions bc I’m unreliable.
Darling - which is largely just a personal project that I envision in the shape of Ymir and Historia (and Rod Reiss) - will also resume. The way Darling gets updated is like so: it feels like a fever dream of craziness, all tinted red and then I get desperate and open my gdocs and blurt out some melodramatic shit. It’s an interesting process and maybe I can make it work bc the whole point is that the story is told through the form of “love letters” from an unreliable narrator. It’s fun, and kind of crazy, and I hope I can finish it this year.
as the life of a fic writer is constantly burdened by wips, i decided to try @/ betts’s method of triaging wips. (her writing advice is amazing, gospel). so realistically these are the three stories i will update this year (and hope foolishly to complete): Darling, IDILY & Boy Next Door. If I finish even one, I’m throwing a party fr. But I will try my best at all 3, regardless. Oh, and I’m participating in a KV Mini Bang (Trigun), so I will be posting an absolutely filthy one shot by the end of the year. But this means ALL other stories are either Rolled off to next year or abandoned. I will make another post about the specifics once I am done with the diagnosis part of the triage. But I feel kinda happy that I am limiting my scope to this for the year (it’s still a LOT, lol).
In terms of original writing: I have quite some ideas floating around… some have made it onto their own google docs, some are flowing via rewrites (bylb for example) and have made moderate progress, another is vaguely brewing in my mind in a way that makes me want to write a short story of it first and try to submit it somewhere first… or post it on ao3 lol, idk. but the idea is exciting: it is an indian sapphic love story which goes strong on the forbidden love themes (and infidelity). it’ll be the first time i’m writing something that is so close to my experience growing up, so i am curious to see how that turns out.
anyway, i’m going to try to do this more often, i.e, at least once more before the year ends :)
(if anyone is reading) see u next time!
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cursedvibes · 2 years
Sukuna looks so ugly in Megumi’s body lmao
Anyway!! Spoilers.
Wtf is going on with Yuji? How is he not dead? That’s interesting. And yup Sukuna is straight up trying to kill the kid.
It looks like Megumi’s is trying to fight back and regain control of his body but I would really kinda hate if he succeeded? Like are you telling me that he just happened to be another character with restrictive vessel potential?? It does feel a lil bit like bullshit so I hope it doesn’t go that route, with Megumi taking control.
Also Gege really said fuck Hana. I don’t think she died at all but huh. These weekly releases are agonizing, so many things happening and you gotta wait weeks until the new web of events weaves itself.
Yeah, idk what it is but I'm not really feeling that Sukuna. Maybe because Megumi makes him look even more like a school yard bully. Good on him for experimenting, but sometimes you have to accept that that dye job is just not working for you.
Well, Yuuji got punched through some buildings before (when being attacked by helicopter guy) and came back relatively unscathed. Even when he had no CE Higuruma called him an "unbreakable doll", that's gonna be even more true with CE. Compared to Shibuya he improved a lot, we just didn't really get to see it before. Besides, Sukuna didn't actually penetrate his chest, the force of the hit just ripped his back. And that punch alone managed to hurt Sukuna too.
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However, while I didn't expect him to die, I was surprised by how quickly Yuuji bounced back. Proven once again, Yuuji's a tough boy and Kenjaku had complete faith in him. I'm sure his anger at Sukuna also gave his natural capabilities an extra boost.
Sukuna might be trying to kill Yuuji or at least incapacitate him, but he's doing a bad job at both. Generally, he's been pretty tame so far except for that Nue attack. As we can see by his point count (or lack thereof), he hasn't killed a single person yet. Terrible Culling Game player He also went oddly soft on Hana. She was right there in his arms and all he does is rip her arm off. He doesn't even eat it. Considering that Angel can probably regrow or reattach limbs, that's not a very consequent method to take care of a problem. It might take longer because she's exhausted after Jacob's Ladder, but it isn't a life threatening injury. Shows he is struggling way more than in Shibuya, which is partially his fault for not properly taking care of the problems that are thrown at him.
Yeeah...I expected Megumi to come into play somehow, but it does feel a bit tired to have yet another twitching vessel. However, even if he did get back full control, I don't know how that could be a permanent state. I still don't think he suppresses Sukuna as easily or well as Yuuji. He'd have to be constantly on the lookout, even sleeping might be difficult because Sukuna is gonna try to overwhelm him. And they have to kill Megumi to get rid of 15 fingers of Sukuna for good. It's not like he can just vomit Yuuji's finger back up. The chances that he succeeds at all beyond hindering Sukuna during a fight are pretty low though. Between Sukuna & Yuuji, Kenjaku & Geto, Toji & Ogami's "grandson" and the reincarnated sorcerers, Yuuji is the only vessel who regained control over his body. But maybe Megumi will be #2, who knows...won't be easy though and as long as Sukuna is inside him, he has to die one way or another.
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andypantsx3 · 11 months
Tw: Misogyny and discourse (pls don't feel obligated to answer this)
Ok soo Andie I feel like you are so good at giving advice and you are just such an amazingly sweet and kind person and I aspire to be like you. That being said I am just stuck in a very uncomfortable situation and I sadly can't talk about this to other ppl close to me (you'll see why).
I have a cousin brother who is staying in the same city as me, because of his Uni he sometimes comes over when he has holidays or on the weekends. There is ofc nothing wrong with that, I like that he can relax here a bit and I get to spend time with him (it's my parents house btw). Everything was fine and well but then sometimes out of nowhere he'll start acting weird (also he's a devoted andrew tate fan so....). He'll just come and say horrible things to me like how I should take care of the house (he says its a girls job to do all the work whereas men should be allowed to laze around) , force me to do his uni work and projects and belittle and humiliate me when I refuse, he lectures me about my weight and calls me a cow, he takes my things without asking and goes through my stuff and messes up my room when I go for my lectures. He's just really nasty to me in general.
My mom doesn't say anything to him and she instead scolds me. She says that he is our guest and I am overreacting. She says he has done nothing to warrant my dislike for him and that I am being very petty and unreasonable even though SHE SEES THINGS HAPPEN RIGHT BEFORE HER EYES?! We also have this very toxic culture in my family where women are expected to give everything up for men's comfort without complaining and it is our job to bend ourselves backwards to keep the peace in the household by not fighting. She says these are just normal sibling things and brothers are allowed to do all this and I am just being oversensitive.
I really don't know what to do Andie. I definitely don't hate him because he's my brother but I don't know how to handle him or my family without getting distant or fighting with them :(
Hello my love!! This is such a tough situation and I am so sorry you've been put in this spot!! I am sending you all my love and support and hoping your family cleans up its act soon, but it sounds like instead you might be waiting a while!!
I am a very direct problem approacher by nature, so I'm not sure that what I would do would work in this situation!! My first thought is that it's your house, and you can welcome him into it while still establishing boundaries. If I was in this situation, I would probably end up telling my brother once he starts in on one of those behaviors again that he can stop right now and still be welcomed in your house, or he can insist on his course of action and will have to find somewhere else to stay. It's his choice.
In his own house he can have his own rules, but in yours, your feelings and your time and your boundaries are to be respected. I would hope framing it like that gives him the idea that he's welcome in general but with options and consequences to consider, instead of him just feeling like he's allowed to be there and do what he wants. But unfortunately it does sound like this approach would still make waves in your family if he chooses wrongly, so you would have to be prepared for that.
I'm not sure if it's best to take a less direct approach (be aware this is not a strength of mine) by doing his projects so badly he does poorly in school and then feels the need to do them himself, by buying a lock and key for your room so he can't go in it when you're not there, or by keeping your house even dirtier or something so that he doesn't like being there. But again this is like, not my strength so idk how good this recommendation is.
Idk!! This feels like such a bad situation to be in and you might just have to weigh which outcome is the most bearable to you; fighting with your family for some amount of time, or feeling shitty for the amount of time you have to see your brother while he's in university.
(Also if anyone else reading this has been in this situation before or has recommendations, please give them in the replies!! I feel like I'm such a bad problem solver because I only know how to bulldoze!!)
Anyway I just want to reiterate that I feel for you and I hope you are keeping your head up! While not exactly the same as your situation, I grew up in a physically and emotionally abusive household with a very misogynistic father and so I know all too well the kind of toll gendered standards (and blindness to/deference to male figures) can take on you. I have been told I was basically born with a stick in hand and all I knew how to do was poke the bear, so that's all I can think to do now lol. But regardless of how good or bad my advice is, I am 100% there with you and supporting you with my whole heart!!
I hope you find your way out of this, and I'm happy to chat/let you vent to me if you ever need it!!!!
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Jaded and Dreaming of the void
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Prompt List: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
Prompt(s): "On a lighter note, I think you need to brush up on your Latin." + "To wake up everyday and do what you do. Expecting nothing in return. You didn't have to help them. You could have just walked away." + "I have nothing left to say, I'm sorry I wish I knew what to say to make you happier about it. But I haven't got a clue."
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: sci-fi / horror
Rating: M15+
Trigger Warning(s):
mention of violence and death
swearing, cursing
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Marianna had the same nightmare over and over again for as long as she could remember. It was the details that stuck with her, details of the people she spied on, killed, and manipulated into giving confidential information and data to her. She knew that these were not just dreams, but memories of her past as an espionage agent, a job she had to keep hidden at all costs. Which stopped after she kicked down a door, which spooked Eddie and the others.
"Not my problem." She paused looking at them. "I'll kick down as many doors as you want. I don't care." Marianna never spoke of that incident again.
"To wake up every day and do what you do. Expecting nothing in return. You didn't have to help them. You could have just walked away." Jim said to her once, after they started building the Starcourt Mall.
"I could say the same about you. You didn't have to help. But you did anyway." Marianna pointed out. "Take me to prison or whatever, I don't care anymore."
"You're not being sent to prison." He told her, which confused her even more.
"It's incredibly illegal for me to kill people as far as I'm aware." Marianna was still weirded out by what he said.
He was trying to explain that he was not sending her to prison for killing someone, because murder is illegal. In reality, he was sending her away to keep her safe from any legal repercussions for her actions.
"Kolya would have done that." Marianna explained. "Just like I have done the same for him. I don't understand why you think you need to do that."
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Marianna had a lot of time for self reflection during this period. She came to terms with the fact that things from yesterday shouldn't have a bearing on what happens today. She realized that the mistakes of her past should not be allowed to dictate her present and future. She had the power to move forward and make decisions from a place of strength and understanding.
"Due to the nature of this experiment the side effects are known to be quite lethal depending on the genetics of the subject. The experiment involves the manipulation of genetic material, which can lead to unpredictable and potentially dangerous results." According to an old man, certain side effects may be more severe based on the subject's genetics.
She was a master at her craft, able to recall even the smallest details that would prove critical to the mission's success. But it came at a cost; she had to remain distant from her targets and never reveal her true identity or purpose. This proved difficult when she was forced to confront Eddie and the others, but her sharp instincts and determination to complete the mission enabled her to accomplish her task. She had to remain emotionally detached from the situation, allowing her to remain focused on her goal and make the tough decisions necessary for success. This level of detachment allowed her to remain composed and confident in the face of danger, enabling her to complete the mission despite the obstacles she faced.
"I wish I had the chance to tell you without the background noise and the large amount of mess everywhere. However, I have something to say to you. It will change how you see me from this point forward." Marianna explained to Eddie, Eleven and a few of the others that were there. "I know you're not going to like it, I can feel it from where I'm sitting right now. You're thinking, this bitch is over there and telling me the truth about why she's here and I have no way of slapping her in the face. But I don't think you understand what you have done and I should have done this ages ago. But it is what it is."
Marianna couldn't hide what she was ordered to do, long after she left Russia and long after she joined a subsection in America. Kolya didn't trust them enough to do the same and he decided to just help her instead of another agency of that type. Marianna had been exposed to the secrets of the Russian agency for too long, so she was unable to keep them hidden. Kolya, on the other hand, was wary of any other agencies he may have had contact with and decided it was best to help Marianna rather than have to trust them.
"I was ordered to kill you Eleven and I decided to take a break. I'll be back and everything will be fine. I can promise you that. As long as I take time away from you, you'll be safe from me. Not so much from the consistent complaints from Kolya. But as much as you might hate me. I can tell you this for sure: it's not as much as I hate both myself and my mother combined."
"Despite my hatred for myself and my mother, I can promise you that as long as I stay away from you, you will remain safe from me. Kolya's constant complaints may still be an issue, but I can assure you that I am far more dangerous. Despite my inner turmoil, I can guarantee that I will not cause any harm to you. Kolya's behaviour may be an annoyance, but my presence would be much more destructive." Marianna continued to explain why she would be missing for a while. "I am the biggest fraud out of all of us. I don't deserve to be friends with you guys at all."
Steve decided to call Marianna to see where she ran off to. Eddie has no idea what else to do about the whole situation. Mike is pissed that she isn't in person to yell at for upsetting his girlfriend. Steve felt like it was the only thing he could do at this point, as he had already asked around to see if anyone knew where she was. Eddie was completely at a loss since he had no other information to go off of. Mike was angry because she had not been available to take responsibility for her actions and apologize.
"On a lighter note, I think you need to brush up on your Latin." Max says to Dustin.
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"I have nothing left to say, I'm sorry I wish I knew what to say to make you happier about it. But I haven't got a clue." Marianna started writing a confession of love and affection, which she had for Eddie Munson.
She was more concerned about the fact that her friend and her major crush wouldn't want anything to do with her. It was like throwing a stone in the dark, with no assurance that it would ever land in the right place.
Dear Eddie Munson,
By the time you're reading this I'm halfway to Alaska and I'm about to make a choice. I don't know when you'll get this and I hope you get it before I get back. I'm going on a journey to reflect and make a big decision. I'm not sure when I'll be back, so I'm sending this message in case I don't have the chance to tell you before I go.
I'm in love with you. I have been for quite a while. This is the only way I knew to confess while I'm also somewhere else. Before you ask what took you so long. I had two jobs and I wanted to spend time with you as much as I could.
Marianna Sokolova
P.S. I love you and I will always love you.
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fruggo · 3 years
the boys x tough f!reader (part 2)
requested by : @dranonymous
i love this idea and i hope you all enjoy part two! :D here’s part 1 with the original request.
warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence, dwight is really cute, danny is an asshole, jake is that cute “stoic man who is actually caring and thoughtful” trope because i say so
you are so cool. like ,,,,,so cool
dwight admires you so much. you just got here and yet you are breaking pyramid head’s ankles—dodging his trail of torment left and right, the killer just can’t touch you.
and how did you feel about everything? terrified, honestly, but nobody would ever be able to tell because you didn’t let it get to you. it was like you had already been here before, because the second you learned how to do something, you had it down no problem. fixing generators came naturally, and you could also run the killer for the whole trial if you had to. teammates could easily rely on you to do whatever needed to be done.
that was what made you and dwight such a powerful duo. from the moment you met, you knew you felt comfortable around this guy. he was sweet, maybe a little timid sometimes, but he knew how to step up and be a leader for everyone despite his fears.
you both knew what to do, and you fit together like a glove. your minds worked in very similar ways, which made communicating that much easier and efficient; the second a decision needed to be made, dwight was on top of it, encouraging the teammates and helping them get on their feet. you were already ahead of them, so dwight would just nod to you, knowing you could do your job well.
of course, there were times when dwight’s anxiety got the better of him, and you had to be the one encouraging him.
dwight hated the hag. despised her. he could not stand her jumpscares when a trap was triggered, he would swear he was about to have a heart attack. he couldn’t admit this at first, but you figured it out when feng min was hooked and dwight stuck to the generator, nervously glancing over his shoulder every few seconds. he always went for the saves, so something was obviously wrong.
“dwight? why don’t you go save her?” you asked, eyeing him from your side of the generator.
he didn’t respond, looking over his shoulder again.
you decided to rescue min, but when you got back, you were going to chew dwight out until he gave you a straight answer.
you crawled up to the hook to avoid triggering a trap and gently lowered min to the ground. the two of you inched away carefully until you were far enough away to patch her wound.
“dwight, get off your ass and answer me,” you demanded (affectionately) once you were back at the generator, which was nearly finished. “what’s wrong?”
his eyes conveyed nervousness in every sense of the word; they darted all around, searching for any incoming danger. this was your first time seeing him like this, so you were confused. was he alright?
“it’s just…the hag,” he started, still fiddling with the wires. “her traps, i can’t…”
oh. was he anxious about the traps?
“i just can’t deal with them,” he finally said with difficulty. that was understandable; when they caught you off guard it definitely made you leap out of your skin.
“dwight, listen,” you said. “you’ve dealt with every other killer in this realm, haven’t you? you’ve bested the nurse, the huntress, micky myers, and even the spirit, who’s a bitch. i know hag’s traps are fucking terrifying, but you’re dwight! you are a leader, and you are good at being a leader. you can get out of here, i promise. and besides, with me here, you have nothing to worry about. i’ll kick that witch’s ass, got it?”
your very inspirational speech got him to smile. you were right, anyways—you could definitely kick the hag’s ass. what could go wrong?
nothing, actually. genuinely nothing went wrong. you took chase for the rest of the trial so that dwight didn’t have to worry about a thing, and everybody escaped with no problem. he didn’t understand how you were so good at evading capture—but perhaps you would tell him about your past eventually. you hadn’t yet decided.
back at the campfire, you and dwight comfortably sat side-by-side, patiently waiting until your next trials.
“thanks,” he said.
“for what?”
“for that very motivational speech you gave me,” he laughed.
you wiped imaginary dust off of your shoulder, giving him a confident smile. “i got your back. and man, that hag lady really is a bitch, huh? i can see why you hate her.”
that comment unintentionally caused one of dwight’s long, angry rants about his least favorite killer, and all you could do was watch him and listen with a soft grin on your lips. you’d never seen him angry before—it was adorable. made you wonder if you should just piss him off for fun sometimes.
this guy has hella respect for you
you’re independent and easy to teach, and that’s everything he could ask for.
now and then, the other survivors basically gave newbies to jake to teach them everything about the realm—they considered him the expert on all things survival. you were one of those newbies he was forced to take care of.
jake normally hated teaching new survivors more than anything, because it was never his choice and they were all so difficult. but you were different. you were responsible, reliable, and smart, and it made his job so much easier. as time went on, he grew to be quite fond of you.
word eventually got out that the new girl had managed to charm jake out of his “hermit ways,” but he insisted that it was not true (he also disagreed about the “hermit ways” part). it was never spoken of between the two of you, but it definitely floated around in the air waiting to be addressed.
it really couldn’t be ignored any longer. anytime you were seen anywhere within 24 feet of each other, the other survivors would give you looks and wiggle their eyebrows or shoot you a thumbs up—all of which were unwanted. it created a weird tension between you and jake that wasn’t there before, and you really didn’t like it.
you missed when you were first starting out, and jake had just realized how competent you are. those days were fun—he respected you a lot; you could see it in his face when he looked at you. you always knew when he was pleased and when you did stuff right, because he would have the tiniest, most subtle grin on his face, but you could see it, and it made you feel accomplished.
you knew he still respected you, but you had basically jumped the learning curve of the realm and quickly adapted to every killer, every challenge, and every task. how you did it, nobody could ever know. but you were almost sad, because there was kind of no reason for you and jake to spend a lot of time together anymore. if you did, then everybody would freak out for the wrong reasons, and it would ruin your friendship.
so what if you had a few small feelings for him? no one gave a shit—you knew jake probably wouldn’t give a shit. to him, you were just another annoying survivor he was forced to teach. besides, you didn’t have time for that kind of thing.
man, were you wrong, though. he really, really wanted to be around you, but you already knew everything, so he didn’t know what to do to spend time with you. his way of initial bonding was sharing knowledge, but that had already been done, so…what now?
then came the one trial that changed everything.
it was normal at first. the killer, blight, was doing well, so you had to step up your game. one generator was completed and he had 4 hooks on three different people—you were the only one not hooked yet.
he was after you, and you were expertly dodging every rush and swing he threw your way. unfortunately, you accidentally ran to the generator that jake was working on, and things got a little complicated.
when the blight rushed at the wall, then at you, jake ran towards you while you ran towards him—you were both looking over your shoulders—and alas, bonk. you crashed into each other.
oh, no!! how terrible!! looks like jake fell on top of you :/ what an unfortunate situation to be in /s /s /s /s /s
wowwww near proximity ! you’d never been so close before and it was awkward but nice (?)
then you remembered there was a crazy drug addict or whatever over there and he was chasing you, and the moment was ruined. jake quickly rose and pulled you up with him, and you went in opposite directions, both nervous and wide-eyed now.
after that, the trial went quite south. everybody was sacrificed. perhaps the loss could be partly attributed to you and jake avoiding each other like the plague. but who knows, right?
back at the campfire, you began feeling overwhelmed by all the weird stuff happening lately, so you excused yourself to the edge of the woods to have some quiet time to yourself. a few minutes later, jake came to check on you bc he is a fucking gentleman and yes i will die for the “stoic man who is actually caring and thoughtful” trope. fuck you
it’s slightly awkward at first, but then you start talking like normal and things feel a lot better. a little bit of the tension eases away, but not completely. what the fuck do you do with feelings like this?????
you simply composed yourself as best you could. it would have to do.
now that you felt a little more normal (lie), you trekked back to the campfire to wait for your next trials side-by-side. there was no one you felt more comfortable with or more respected by than jake. he appreciated you for your competency, and that was one of the best things you could ask for.
and to your surprise, jake actually took your hand and laced your fingers with his own. and it felt nice. never in your existence would you have thought he would be okay with displaying public affection, but you smiled up at him and gave his hand a light squeeze.
maybe the entity gave him drugs.
or he just liked you that much. either one would make sense.
danny hated you. he really did.
you were so unbothered, so calm, so good at knowing what to do. it really pissed him off.
you got so much attention from the other survivors for your skill and that really pissed him off too. it’s not like you cared or wanted it or anything, but how dare they even touch you when you so clearly belonged to danny?
…who knows wtf that even means. so anyways-
when you realized how much time danny spent chasing you in trials when he should have been patrolling generators, you began to get suspicious. especially when he would take you to the hatch and then close it in your face, watching you die to the entity. he obviously had some kind of beef with you.
you were determined to find out what he had against you, so you began to tease him a bit in chases. your favorite and most frequent phrase was something like, "can't catch me? lil baby man? lil baby? lil baby man gonna cry?" you were really testing your luck with that one, and that's why you loved it.
once, you told him his fly was down, and he actually fell for it, making you nearly keel over in laughter. you got moried without even being hooked after that.
despite the horrors that frequented this place, you were never in a crisis about it. you simply learned what had to be done, and then you did it, much to the chagrin of danny. you had skipped the big "useless baby survivor" phase, and that one was his favorite :( he loved trials with new survivors because it was so easy and fun!
but alas, from the beginning, you were always on top of things, always slamming pallets onto his head or saving teammates with a flashlight.
oh, don't even get him started on your flashlight usage. you were the absolute worst to go against--every pallet stun, boom: danny's eyes fucking burned out. every time he picks up a survivor, boom: danny's eyes fucking burned out. you were a bitch with that item.
he finally began to get so fed up with your behavior that he decided you must be taught a lesson. somehow, countless mori and tunneling and camping incidents had not even managed to bother you. you literally did not care. but he had something different in mind this time.
the realm was haddonfield, of course. all of the killers despised this map, and for good reason--you ran danny around the entire neighborhood for three generators. did he have to chase you? no. but he needed to for himself.
he finally caught you in a dead zone, rejoicing to himself as you fell to the ground in defeat. "wow, that was a good chase," you mumbled under your breath, feeling accomplished. one of your best against danny, probably.
you were expecting him to pick you up, but instead he snatched the flashlight from your grasp and chucked it as far away as he could. and before you could protest, he pulled you up to stand again and yanked you towards himself, gripping your wrists so tightly you swore it left bruises.
"what's wrong...lil baby man?" you said with a pout, trying not to laugh. "is baby man angry?"
you were slightly scared if you were being honest, but you couldn't let him know that.
danny sighed. you really didn't know when to stop, did you?
"bitch," he spat, voice dangerously quiet. "cut that shit out."
"what shit?"
he squeezed your arms tighter, provoking an "okay, okay, i get it!" from you.
"do you?"
"sure. what's the worst you could possibly do to me anyways?" after those words left your mouth, you got a weird feeling that the killer was smiling behind his mask.
"listen, uhh, danny, is it?" you said, putting as much nonchalance into your voice as you could. "i just wanna know why you hate me so much. remember that time you closed the hatch in my face? the fuck was that for?"
he frowned at the use of his name but responded regardless, "you're a little bitch, and you deserved that."
you gasped dramatically, feigning offense. "ouch. that one hurt."
"i can make you hurt a lot more," he said darkly. you probably should have been scared, but you just really couldn't take him seriously.
so you laughed. it shouldn't have been funny, but it just was and now you couldn't stop. "you're just--you--i can't--" you wheezed, shaking from the laughter. "i'm sorry, it's really not funny."
danny didn't understand you. anybody else would have been sobbing if he so much as touched them, and here you were acting like it was a joke.
what could he do if you truly were not afraid of him?
perhaps it was time to let it go.
while his guard was down, suddenly you reached above his head and plucked his mask off, revealing his face and continuing your bouts of laughter at his shocked expression.
you threw the mask in the same direction as the flashlight, composing yourself and putting your hands on your hips. "you look pretty nice," you said, nodding.
wow. what the hell was danny supposed to do with you? perhaps the only completely unbothered, completely unserious survivor? he knew you were smart, and you knew what you were doing. he didn't even want to kill you anymore, you were just that fascinating.
that trial ended in you standing at the exit gate, your finger and your thumb in the shape of an L on your forehead. danny couldn’t care less at this point--he was done with your shit. but somehow he still liked you, and this definitely would not be the last time you saw him without his mask.
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IOTA Reviews: Crocoduel
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When you stop and think about it, this episode is really just the world's most intense custody battle.
Let's get into the thirteenth (chronologically the twelfth) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Crocoduel
We start off with the band Kitty Section (composed of Luka, his timid sister Juleka, her “best friend” Rose, and Ivan) performing a concert for the super amazing Zoe and all the peons beneath her greatness (Alya, Alix, Nino, and Mylene). Luka notes its been a while since Marinette came to the Liberty. Because I guess even the show wants to forget the events of “Sole Crusher”.
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Luka is still upset that Marinette hasn't wanted to be around him since their breakup, so after he walks away, the others scheme to force them to spend time together.
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Yep, even though they promised to back off in “Gang of Secrets”, Marinette's friends are once again trying to meddle in Marinette's personal life as well as Luka's this time. Because it's not like they can understand how hard it is for two exes to remain friends after a breakup and give them their space, right? They plan to invite Marinette to Luka and Juleka's birthday party while reminding the audience that they're twins.
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In all seriousness, I do feel like I was a little hard on Astruc for this. Compared to other things he's made canon on Twitter, this is fairly minor, and we only knew Luka was the older brother at first through a tweet. And considering the other retcon we'll see in the very next scene, this isn't as big of a deal as I made it initially.
Alya invites Marinette to the party, but she easily deduces that it's a trap. Alya then tries to convince Marinette to talk to Luka.
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Uh... since when? When did Marinette lose all romantic feelings for Luka? The whole point of the breakup in “Truth” was to show that she couldn't pursue a romantic relationship with Luka because of her duties as Ladybug. She never showed any signs of not loving him, which made the breakup all the more tragic. Yeah, “Mr. Pigeon 72” was an excuse for her to go back to loving Adrien because the writers don't know how to write anything else, but it didn't mean she stopped loving Luka. You know, it's almost like the writers want to make sure the audience knows Lukanette will never happen and the sacred Love Square is the only way Marinette will ever feel love for someone else.
Alya still forces Marinette to go, making her ask Juleka if Luka won't be there. Some people have gone down on Marinette for this, but she does later acknowledge how wrong this was to ask, and apologizes to Juleka for trying to force her to do something she didn't want to do. If only Marinette's friends learned the same lesson.
Juleka goes to tell Luka about the party, but hesitates to tell Luka he can't go there. While he knows Juleka is hiding something, Luka is distracted by the sudden arrival of his father who he loves despite abandoning him for his entire life, Jagged Stone. However, Luka and Juleka's mother, the anarchy-loving Anarka isn't happy that much like his sperm when the condom broke, Jagged came in without her permission.
At the day of the party, Marinette panics as soon as she sees Luka, who in turn realizes she didn't want to see him. Rather than comfort Juleka who just ran away crying, the others comfort Luka, preventing him from being akumatized by Shadowmoth, though he still keeps his Akuma around just to be safe. Marinette apologizes to Juleka before Shadowmoth can akumatize her too (even though she got a Magical Charm in “Guiltrip” so it wouldn't work either way). Then Shadowmoth tries to akumatize one of the guests as they find out Jagged (who just arrived) is Luka's father, but since they're dumb teenagers who don't know Jagged was winning awards and being celebrated as a rock icon while Anarka was working two jobs and struggling to make enough money for rent, they think it's awesome. Very confusing day for Shadowmoth, isn't it?
Marinette also finds out Jagged is Juleka's father and finds out Juleka worries Jagged loves Luka more since they share more interests, which she thinks is true when Jagged gives Luka a guitar case and instructs her to not tell his sister. Marinette tries to call out Jagged for neglecting Juleka over Luka even though Jagged was more of a father to his pet crocodile than either of his biological children, but it's obviously a gift for Juleka, the first bass guitar Jagged ever owned, which calms her down. Funny how nobody acknowledges how Jagged practically abandoned his family, isn't it? Sure, it looks like he's trying to make up for it, but he just acts like he's always been Luka and Juleka's dad and they don't have any problems with their father literally never being in their lives until now.
Jagged's gift to Luka is a record of the first record he made in his band with Anarka before they broke up, Crododuel, but Anarka is naturally pissed he wants to give that to Luka. Jagged and Anarka argue over which one was the Yoko Ono in their relationship while they both grab the record, which Shadowmoth uses to akumatize the two as it breaks, turning them back into Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock respectively, Shadowmoth labeling them as Crocoduel.
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Unlike the other team Akumas like the Punishers or the Gang of Secrets, Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock care more about fighting each other than working together, and they see getting Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous as a competition to help prove who was right in their argument. It's a pretty interesting gimmick, though I don't get how Shadowmoth thinks this will help him and not ignore Ladybug and Cat Noir while they fight.
Alya provides a distraction to help Marinette transform, and after we get Adrien's single scene to remind the audience he's still a main character, he transforms into Cat Noir. The two heroes give chase, but then Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock decide to take their fight to above the clouds.
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Yeah, it's not like you have a form that specifically allows you two to fly, right?
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All they had to say was that Marinette was still making more potions for that form, and it would have been better than ignoring the fact that they can fly.
Much like the hotel room during the night Luka and Juleka were conceived, the crossfire from Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock's fight starts to damage the area around them. Ladybug and Cat Noir get Luka and Juleka to safety, and Luka tells them about what's happening, while Ladybug spouts the lesson about people needing to talk even though they don't love each other anymore, reflecting the situation the writers retconned her into learning.
Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, a roll of scotch tape, and comes up with an idea that involves Juleka. She takes her away into an alleyway and gives her the Tiger Miraculous. The tiger Kwami, Roarr, demands Juleka show some courage, so Juleka yells in her face. Unfortunately, as much as I want to show this scene, the subs I got don't really match up, so I can't really give some screenshots of it. So I guess you can watch this scene from Full Metal Jacket instead to get the gist of things.
So Juleka takes the Tiger Miraculous and transforms into Purple Tigress.
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I think the suit has a pretty good design. I like the striped pattern with the gold highlights around the black stripes, and think the color scheme is visually pleasing, especially the hair. I wouldn't call it one of my favorite hero suits, but I still like the way it looks.
Cat Noir launches Ladybug and Purple Tigress into the air where they split up to steal both halves of the record, but when they break them, no Akuma comes out. It turns out that since the record was broken while Jagged and Anarka were akumatized, they need to put it together again before breaking it in order to free the Akuma.
Purple Tigresse goes to distract Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock with her power, Collision, which she uses to KNOCK CAPTAIN HARDROCK'S SHIP ABOVE THE CLOUDS, TAKING GUITAR VILLAIN WITH HER.
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Why the hell did it take four seasons to break this Miraculous out if it gives the user the ability to go Super Saiyan on the enemy? I think Cat Noir's expression after seeing the power in action says it all.
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Cat Noir Cataclysms the record (because a record is just so hard to break without using the power of destruction, isn't it?), Ladybug de-evilizes the Akuma, uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix everything, Jagged and Anarka somehow weren't killed by their own daughter, the three heroes pound it, and Ladybug gives two Magical Charms to Jagged and Anarka.
Back at the Liberty, Juleka tells the two to forget what caused them to break up and just apologize while they ignore the past, proving the writers really don't get how hard it is to move on from tough events in life. And despite building it up for the entire episode, Marinette and Luka talk in the final thirty seconds of the episode and just agree to be friends, meaning once again, Luka was sidelined in what should have been a focus episode for him.
Aside from the way Jagged and Anarka's relationship was portrayed coupled with the retcons surrounding Luka, this episode was alright in my opinion. Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock are some of my favorite Akumas, so I thought it was nice to see them again, even if we didn't get to see their powers at full potential. I also thought this was a really good episode for Juleka, as I felt like the hero debut really helped her grow as a person and didn't just feel like she was given a Miraculous because the plot said so. She wanted to help her parents, and using the Tiger gave her the courage to symbolically speak out while potentially launching them into the stratosphere.
But the biggest problem to me has to be the way Jagged is portrayed in the episode. Just like with “Truth”, the idea of Jagged being a terrible parent is just swept under the rug and everyone just accepts the fact that Jagged is Luka and Juleka's dad very well. Despite the idea leading to some interesting drama in a show that's no stranger to family drama, they don't really do much with the whole “Jagged abandoning Anarka” thing. Aside from a brief interaction between Luka and Jagged while the former was akumatized into Truth, nobody is really angry at Jagged. Nobody really feels angry at Jagged for what he did, despite the drama being the main focus behind the episode that also had the Lukanette breakup. You would think this would at least lead to some tension between his family, but nothing really comes from it other than an argument that was pretty much played for laughs. But considering this show has a history of teaching kids to love their parents no matter how cruel they are to them, I'm not entirely surprised.
Overall, it's just a decent, albeit forgettable episode. If the writing with Jagged was different, it could have been a lot better in my opinion.
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ocean-blue-whump · 3 years
New Training
For @amonthofwhump Twelve Days of Whumpmas! Day Four-Muzzled
This is Star/501 just after she got her designation switched over to Romantic, but from Handler Hanford’s POV. It’s a little rough and heavy on the dehumanization. Its also a look at how she became a trainee and there are a lot of messed-up implications with that. Heed the CW. 
Tagging @ashintheairlikesnow @whumpinggrounds @whumptakesthecake @justplainwhump (I love and appreciate all of you)
CW: pet whump, BBU, lady whump, facility whump, dehumanization, lots of dehumanization, muzzle, whumper POV, discussion of masochism, vaguely implied future noncon, noncon kissing (nonsexual)
“Yeah, she’s a rowdy one, but look at her. All sweet and dolled up for me.” James Hanford is standing in the doorway of his training room, arms crossed against his chest, leaning against the doorframe. Patrick Dennison stands on the other side, looking mildly bemused. 
“So she’s taking to the new training well?”
James laughs. “Oh, fuck no. She bit someone’s hand so hard she severed one of their tendons. I got to give her one hell of a beating, though.”
“How are you even doing this? Guard Dog to Romantic? When she already had three months of specialized training?” Dennison taps his fingers against his clipboard. 
James shrugs. “We’re trying a few different things. Right now, though, she’s got to stay muzzled. Which is a shame. Could have really gotten somewhere with that mouth of hers. That’s the problem with bad dogs. They bite and ruin everything.”
From somewhere behind the two men, inside the confines of the training room, there’s a low whimper. All of James’s trainees have nightmares about that room. All of them, without exception. He prides himself on it. Makes the pets better for their future owners, if they’re that scared of him. 
Dennison ignores the sound. “When are you introducing the bonded?”
James’s grin grows. “When she’s desperate. When she’s willing to do anything for interaction. 236 is already primed. He’s a natural Romantic, I don’t have to do that much extra work with him. 501, on the other hand…” He clicks his tongue. “She’s a fucking Guard Dog. Nothing else. Fucking feral, too. Maybe, if I had gotten to her before she started intensive Guard Dog training, we would have had a chance, but not like this. Not this bloodthirsty.”
“Well, at least Greco’s doing his job,” Dennison says. 
James frowns and looks down at his shoes, noticing a bright smear of red blood across the polished leather. “You can kiss his ass while he’s getting Employee of the Month. I’m over here trying to make sure 501 doesn’t kill me.”
“Stop bitching. You know what she needs? To be thrown around. Show her that she’s not as tough as she thinks. We’ve been treating her like she gets all this extra shit because she’s oh-so cool and tough. Kick her around.”
“What do you think I’ve been doing for the past week?”
“Try harder.”
James waves his hand at Dennison. “Go fuck off to vanilla Romantic land and enjoy your trainees who don’t actively try to kill you.”
With Dennison gone, James steps back inside the training room and locks the door. He turns to look at the girl kneeling on her floor. 
There’s a pole in the center of the room. Her arms are tied behind it, her torso is lashed to the metal with thick rope. Her calves are tied to her thighs, and each ankle is tied to the pole, forcing them to spread slightly. A thick leather muzzle covers the bottom half of her face, and the bit is cutting into her gums and making small drops of blood slip out from under the muzzle. She growls at James as he approaches. 
James laughs. “Can’t say you don’t deserve this. Don’t try to talk, it’s useless.” He crosses the room and sits down in a chair across from the pet. “You’re a Romantic now. Not a Guard Dog. Nod if you understand that.”
501 pauses for a minute, then jerkily dips her head down. 
“Good.” James leans forward. His phone buzzes in his pants pocket, a reminder to call his mom and thank her for sending over the photo album of their recent beach trip. But for now, all his attention is on the girl in front of him. 
Not really a girl, more of a mutt. An animal. Soon, a pet. She won’t be calling her mom tonight. The only photos taken of her will be from her owner, if he wants. James hopes they’re humiliating. He hopes 501 suffers. 
501 snaps at him, lurching against her restraints. 
It dawns on him all of a sudden, fast and overwhelming and delicious. “Oh, wow.” James taps his fingers against the arm of the chair and smiles. “What’s going on with you, 501?”
She makes a pathetic, muffled noise and lurches forward again. 
“You want me to touch you, pretty thing?” he asks. “Want me to hurt you? Cause that’s what you’re made to do, right? Take punches for your owner? Like a Guard Dog.” This revelation is life changing. She’s a natural, a natural masochist. Wonderful. 
501 nods, trying to yank herself free. 
“Yeah, no. Here’s what’s going to happen instead: I’m gonna leave you here, just like this. I’m not going to hurt you, 501. I’m not going to do anything. I’m just going to walk away.”
The pet’s eyes widen with shock. Her fear is palpable in the room and James drinks it up. He loves his job, man. He loves his fucking job. He stands up from his chair, circling the girl. Each attempt to free herself only makes the ropes tighter. He squats down, studying 501’s green eyes, brown hair. “Hunter was right. You are a pretty one. Guess I understand why he wanted you as a Romantic.”
501 takes a deep breath, as much as she can with the muzzle. Her head tilts to the side like she’s sizing James up. 
James chuckles. “Little natural masochist. That’s so cute.” He gets closer to 501, a mere inch from her face, and 501’s breathing is hitching and growling. “Good thing that’s what your prospective wants. But I can tell, you know. You like it, pretty thing. You like when me or Greco beats the shit out of you, don’t you? Maybe it’s cause you were a Guard Dog, it was your job. Or you’re just my little masochist.”
501 shakes her head. 
James pushes down his anger to study the trainee again. He likes to find out what his trainees are really thinking and use it against them. 501, she’s not the easiest to read, but James is good at his job. She’s confused. She’s scared. And she really, really doesn’t want to be here.
Not all trainees come of their own free will. 
And she only wants to be hit if it’s in a real fight, if she can hit back and go home afterwards. 
She’s never going home. She doesn’t even remember her home. 
James leans forward and kisses her, right on the muzzle. His lips leaves a wet spot on the matte leather. 
501 makes a horrible, strangled sound and thrashes her head back. Her skull makes a hollow sound as it strikes the pole she’s tied to. 
“You’re a Romantic,” James says, standing up. “You’ll need to get used to much worse than that.”
A single tear slides down 501’s face, melting into the muzzle. 
“You can try and be tough as much as you want.” James sits back down at his desk. “But it’s not gonna work. You’ll break for me. I’ll take all that useless anger rattling around in that empty head and turn it into something productive. Only one thing that you’re useful for, pet.” James delights in the shudder that rolls over 501. “You’re gonna sit there until you’re good and ready for me. And then we’ll start.”
James turns his chair to his desk. He likes having a trainee whimpering in the background, no matter how quiet. It helps him focus. He takes one last look at the wet spot on 501’s muzzle before opening his laptop. Fucking perfect. The feral ones are fun to break, 
He opens his laptop to an email reminding him about the confidentiality of 728501’s contract. 
Not all trainees come of their own free will.
And Greco said 501 was dragged in kicking and screaming. 
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Double Hazelnut Almond Milk Macchiato
Title: Double Hazlenut Almond Milk Macchiato
Prompt: Day 2/Meet-Cute
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Rating: General
Summary: Muggle AU. Hermione Granger is new in town, and she has a pretty complicated coffee order.
Trigger Warnings: N/A
It’s seven o’clock on a Monday, and the morning rush is in full swing at The Burrow. Forming a line out the door and around the block are dozens of important, yet fidgety business people with complicated coffee orders, and little patience.
Ron Weasley opens every morning, Monday through Friday, and he handles it well. Most customers are regulars, and he’s already memorized their morning joe specifications.
The majority of the morning crowd has been forgiving of the occasional slip-up. Seven years of working the first shift at the family-owned coffee shop means a history of accidental extra-whipped cream, almond milk instead of soy, and finger-slips on the espresso machine, and the customers always return.
Maybe it’s because they’re too tired to notice their Americanos are actually Flat-Whites. Or maybe it’s the hospitable vibe of The Burrow that makes complaining about bad latte art seem as petty as telling Grandma her muffins are dry.
Every now and then, there’s a new customer, and Ron has to whip out his earnest, people-pleasing attitude to assure that the newbie sticks around. He’ll do what it takes to turn them into a regular, and make them thankful that they chose the local joint over the cookie-cutter corporate shop across the street.
‘Take an interest in their day!’ his Mum would say. ‘Validate their order! Then make sure to ask their name, and use it!’
Monday morning, at seven o’clock, is one of those times.
“Double Hazelnut Almond Milk Macchiato.”
The customer is about Ron’s age, and probably new in town. She doesn’t yet know that at The Burrow, ‘Double Macchiatos’ are simply called ‘Tall Macchiatos’, and instead of ‘small’, ‘medium’, and ‘large’, The Burrow’s sizes go by their family pets in order of mass: Pig, Errol, and Chudley.
“Great,” he says, grinning, “coming right up.”
“Make sure it’s almond milk,” she reminds him.
“And hazelnut,” she adds.
“I heard you,” says Ron impatiently. Have a little trust, lady.
“Okay, just making sure!”
“Can I get a name for the order?”
Ron stares at the girl. Her brown eyes are round and drowsy, her hair is unkempt and wild, which contradicts the clean lines of the business suit she’s wearing. She looks so normal. “Can you repeat that?”
“Hermione. H-E-R-M-I-O-N-E.”
He hadn’t asked her to spell it, and the way she emphasizes each syllable reminds Ron of how adults would read to him when he was a kid. It’s condescending.
“Coming right up, Hermione.”
Ron resists rolling his eyes. He can handle a double hazelnut almond milk macchiato, and if he screws it up, she probably wouldn’t even know the difference. Most customers wouldn’t.
As Hermione paces by the counter checking her watch, he whips up a medium, double, hazelnut, almond milk ...cappuccino. Just to test his theory, of course.
“Here you go!”
He hands the drink to Hermione and watches as she takes a sip. Her eyes narrow, and for a moment, he’s convinced she can tell…
Then her face melts back to a polite grin. “Thank you!”
Maybe she can’t. Ron shakes his head as she turns and leaves, turning his attention to the next customer’s order.
Hermione returns on Tuesday morning at 7 am sharp. Her hair is pulled back into a stiff, tight ponytail that just barely lassos her wild mane, and she probably checks her watch fifteen times while in line. Ron suppresses a scoff—she can just make coffee at home if she’s in such a rush.
“Morning, Hermione!” he says with a forced smile. “Same as yesterday?”
She looks taken aback at first, clearly not expecting him to remember her name. “Um, yes, same as yesterday.”
“Coming right up.”
“Medium, Double, Hazelnut—“
“Almond Milk Macchiato,” he says. “I got it.”
“Okay,” shrugs Hermione, eyebrows raised. “Then do it.”
What’s her problem? “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” she snaps. “I need coffee, not a counseling session.”
Wow. He wants to retort back, but his mother’s nagging voice in his head stops him.  ‘Always be extra-polite to grumpy customers; remember they haven’t had their coffee fix yet.’
“Of course,” Ron says through gritted teeth, in as polite a tone as he can manage. To satisfy his desire to argue, he whips her up a medium, double, hazelnut soy macchiato, only half-hoping she doesn’t notice.
He doesn’t get a chance to see if she does, because she’s out the door before a single sip.
Her Wednesday return is accompanied by a looming dread in the pit of Ron’s stomach. He hates rude people, especially at 7am. Ron spots her impatiently tapping her foot in line, as usual, and prepares himself for their interaction.
“Hello,” he says politely, stopping himself before the natural ‘how are you?’ escapes his lips. “What can I get for you today?”
“Hi,” she says with a sheepish smile. “The same as yesterday.”
“Which is?”
“Erm,” she stammers, her expression confused, “a medium—“
“I’m kidding,” he laughs, “I know your order.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
She pays, and Ron fixes her a medium double caramel almond milk macchiato.
“Sorry about yesterday,” she says when she picks up her drink. “You were just trying to be nice, and I was rude.”
“Oh,” starts Ron, who isn’t expecting an apology. “That’s okay. Happens a lot during the morning shift.”
She smiles and nods before turning around to leave, taking a sip on her way out the door. Ron watches for her reaction, but doesn’t catch it.
She seems to be in a better mood by Thursday.
“The usual,” is all she says when she arrives at the counter, but this time she’s smiling. She looks different when she smiles—pretty. Something else unidentifiable replaces the dread in his stomach. Ron wonders if it’s the first time he’s seen her smile or if it’s just the first time he’s noticed.
But based on the tired circles under her eyes, she’s exhausted, so Ron prepares her a medium triple hazelnut almond milk macchiato. An extra shot of espresso never hurt anyone, and maybe it’ll help her get through the day. Or maybe, she’ll experience a coffee crash and have to return to The Burrow later.
Both good things.
“Just so you know,” she says as Ron hands over her cup, “it’s been a stressful week. I started a new job, and it’s not going well.”
“I’m—I’m sorry to hear that,” says Ron. He looks into her eyes, and for a moment, they soften. There’s more to her tough and professional exterior.
“These have made the week just a little better,” she adds, holding up her macchiato, before smiling softly and turning to leave.
Of course, Hermione requests her usual on Friday, and Ron is quickly running out of ideas for ways to screw with her order.
In celebration of the weekend, he might be able to pass a large off as a special treat. Other than that, he has to stick to the request—a double hazelnut almond milk macchiato. The first of the week. Better not mess it up.
As soon as he pops the cap onto her cup, it looks empty. He reaches for his marker again and scribbles something else—his phone number.
He’s not sure what compels him to do it. Maybe it’s because the larger size leaves so much white space. It could be because the grumpy brunette has been occupying his thoughts all week — he’s never purposely tried to fuck up someone’s coffee five days in a row.
Or maybe, it’s because when she walked in this morning, he smiled, and he just wants to learn more about the woman who thinks she knows what a double hazelnut almond milk macchiato tastes like.
She’ll probably ignore it anyway.
But later that day, his phone buzzes on the counter, and he scrambles for it faster than he’d run away from a mob of spiders.
The text is from an unknown number, but there’s no mystery. It only took five days, but you finally got my order correct!
Ron scowls at his phone. She knew? She was duping him?
Well, Hermione, why’d you keep coming back?
As soon as the message sends, he’s impatient, tapping his foot, pacing, and jittery. Just like Hermione every morning.
His phone flashes and buzzes, and Ron almost drops it by checking too quickly.
It wasn’t for the coffee…
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labomi · 3 years
play by the rules [1]
Nanami Kento is a well-known bodyguard who always adheres to his own set of principles when completing a job. But when his next assignment is protecting you, he suddenly finds himself second-guessing his morals and questions whether or not some rules are just meant to be broken.
pairing: nanami kento x f!reader
words: 2.7k
warnings: none for this chapter, please look at the series masterlist for general content warnings
notes: i’ve been meaning to write a multichap fic for nanami for so long and i finally got around to outlining most of the story and writing the first chapter yay! i’m a little unsure if the plot will actually be good or not lol but i’m hoping it’ll turn out okay! thanks for reading!
series masterlist
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There’s a distinctive knock on your door that pulls you out of your thoughts as you lay on your bed with an unopened book in your lap. You had been meaning to read the story for the past three months after seeing rave reviews about it online, but for some reason, you couldn’t quite find the energy to start reading. Every morning, you pulled the book from your shelf with the full intention of getting past the first page. But every night, it was returned to the same spot on your shelf, remaining untouched.
With a quiet sigh, you force yourself to crawl out of bed, leaving behind the comfortable warmth of your blankets. You drag your feet as you walk over to the door, dreading the imminent conversation you’re about to have.
To be honest, you’d rather he just leave you alone to wallow in self-pity in the comfort of your own room. You knew he had good intentions, but you dreaded his frequent check-ins with you. If he had no good news to deliver, you didn’t want to see him. And there had been no good news for the past three months.
You have no expectations that today will be any different.
With a hesitant hand on the doorknob, you take a deep breath and try to suppress the bitterness you feel towards the person on the other side of the door. Once prepared, you open the door with a wide grin and a bright twinkle in your eyes.
“Hi Dad!” You greet him with a high-pitched, chipper voice.
Your father looks pleased to see your lively expression. “Good morning, princess. Do you mind if I come in?”
You manage to hide your surprise. Most of his visits consist of a quick hello just to confirm you’re alive in your room, but he heads off to go back to work. If he intends to enter your room, there must be something serious he wishes to discuss. You try to ignore the small glimmer of hope that flutters in your chest. 
“Of course!” You waltz over to your bed and sit down, patting the space next to you. Your father sits on the plush bed beside you, twiddling his thumbs idly in his lap.
“I’m aware these past three months have been hard on you, princess,” he begins.
You dig your nails into the palm of your hands and bite your tongue to prevent yourself from spitting out a harsh retort.
Yeah, no kidding.
“They’ve been tough for me too.” He pats your leg comfortingly, giving you a sincere, apologetic look. “I hate seeing you stuck in your room all day, but you know I only do this because I love you and because I want to keep you safe.”
Your father’s words are genuinely heartfelt. There’s no doubt he cares for your well-being and bemoans the unfortunate situation, but you’re not in the mood to be swayed by his guilt.
After all, it’s because of him that you’ve been trapped inside for three long months.
“It’s okay, Dad. I don’t blame you.” You try your best to act like a caring daughter who wants to console her father and assuage his fears that you despise him for his actions. “I know it’s for my own good.”
Three months ago, your father fired your personal bodyguard. 
This also meant that three months ago, your father shredded your only ticket to the outside world.
You can only venture outside the family’s property lines if a trained professional, tasked with keeping you safe from potential harm, accompanies you to pre-approved destinations.
Your father worries about your safety in public, because he often does business with local mafia groups in the area. He is not an influential or well-known member of the underground economy, but in this line of work, it isn’t unusual to piss off the wrong person in a deal gone bad. Family members are the most common targets, so you are a natural choice for disgruntled clients to take their frustrations out on. 
On one hand, you believe it is unfair that you are forced to live a restricted life under the constant protection of a bodyguard because of your father. You have nothing to do with his business, yet you must suffer from the consequences of it.
On the other hand, there is no doubt that you reap the benefits from the success of your father’s career. You had never worked a day in your life and always received any material goods you asked for, so perhaps you do deserve to face at least a share of the consequences.
Your father is insistent that you must have your own personal bodyguard after an incident involving your mother that occurred when you were just a baby. There was an altercation when she had encountered one of your father’s enemies while doing some errands alone in the city.
It hadn’t ended well, to say the least.
So for three long months, you were stuck inside. To his credit, your father had immediately begun the search for a new bodyguard, but his vetting process was so rigorous that it was not a timely process. There had been some mishaps in the past with previous guardians, and your father had vowed to never let those mistakes happen again.
You know you should be grateful that your father cared about your safety enough to have a dedicated group of his team spend endless hours thoroughly investigating each and every potential candidate. You also know you shouldn’t complain about being trapped in a luxurious mansion, but you hate being at home.
You hate seeing your father’s workers around the premises.
You hate thinking about what sort of shady business deals are happening just a floor below you.
You want nothing to do with it. You don’t even want to think about it, which is why you prefer to spend as much time as possible away from home. 
“I’m so glad you understand,” your father says with a relieved sigh. “But I have some good news this time.”
Your breath hitches in the back of your throat. The moment feels almost surreal. You had been waiting to hear those words for so long, you almost thought it would never happen.
“I approved your new bodyguard.”
This time, you didn’t have to fake your excitement.
“Really?” you gasp, looking at your father with wide eyes.
He nods at you.
Unable to contain your burst of elation, you throw your arms around your father with a squeal, giving him a fierce hug. “Thank you! Thank you!”
Your father lets out a hearty laugh, patting your back as he revels in seeing your utter joy. “He starts tomorrow, so you may leave the property again in the morning.”
In less than 24 hours, you are free to once again explore the city, visit popular shops, and stop by your favorite restaurants. You can barely contain your enthusiasm as your heartbeat drums in your chest from the rush of adrenaline after hearing such wonderful news. Pulling away from your father, you continue to beam at him, feeling an unusual wave of gratitude towards the man.
A loud beep disrupts the heartfelt moment.
Your father looks at his smartwatch with a tight frown. “I’m so sorry, princess, but I have to go to a meeting now.” He gets off the bed and gives you a small smile. “I’m glad I could finally give you some good news. I’ll hopefully see you for dinner tonight.”
Before your father can leave, you reel in your scattered thoughts after being almost too excited to think straight. “Dad, before you go, can I at least ask for this name?”
You cannot believe you almost forgot to ask such a crucial question.
“Nanami. Nanami Kento.”
You nod at him. “Thank you! Good luck at your meeting!”
Alone once again, you throw yourself a little celebration which consists of childishly dancing around the room blasting your favorite “good vibes” playlist. Afterward, you grab your laptop and plop onto your bed with a satisfied grin. You crack your knuckles. 
It’s time to get to work. 
In order to maximize your free time tomorrow, you need to have a rough idea about what you want to do and where you want to go. But before you start the task, you need to make one important phone call.
“Hey, Itadori.”
Itadori Yuuji is one of your father’s henchmen, but he’s a sweet boy who had nowhere else to go when his grandfather died. Luckily, he isn’t directly involved in the main operations of your father’s business. Known for his fast feet and powerful arms, he is mostly used as a source of manual labor to move heavy boxes that are brought in or shipped out of the various underground warehouses scattered throughout the property.
The two of you had become friends when you saw him trying to sneak food out of the main kitchen during the late hours of the night. Only your family and your father’s trusted confidants had permission to be in this part of the mansion.
Itadori immediately got on his knees and begged you not to tell anyone that he was stealing food, but you just laughed and showed him where the good snacks were located. Together, the two of you had a mini feast using the leftovers from the culinary staff. It was the first of many secret dinners to be held.
“Hey. What’s up?” he answers.
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Can you sneak into my father’s office and copy a file for me? It’s someone named Nanami Kento.”
There’s a groan. “Seriously? But you know how hard it is to sneak into his office,” he whines over the phone.
“I’m sorry, Itadori,” you apologize. You know you aren’t making his life any easier, but you need him to do this for you. “But I know you can do it. You’ve done it plenty of times before without a problem.”
Itadori sighs. He knows he can’t refuse you, not because he’s afraid that you’ll turn him in for punishment (or worse). No, Itadori genuinely likes you, and he’s grateful for your presence in his life for many reasons. Therefore, he does whatever he can to help you out whenever you ask.
“Alright. You got it.”
“Thanks, Itadori.”
Several hours later, a manila folder is slipped underneath your door. With a victorious grin, you grab the folder and set it on your desk. You shoot Itadori a quick text confirming that you got the delivery and thanking him once again for his help.
Quivering in anticipation, you open the folder and see a grainy, black and white copy of a man’s photo on top of the stack of papers. Even with the image’s poor quality, you can see the man’s sharp cheekbones and styled, light-colored hair. You think he looks rather handsome, but you’re not quite sure with the fuzziness of the copy.
Setting the photo aside, you read his file with an interested hum. Because of your father’s rigorous vetting process, the folder is stuffed full of numerous background reports. You vaguely wonder how Itadori slid such a large stack of papers under your door.
Nanami Kento, huh.
You flip over a page and continue reading.
What an interesting man.
“Did you finally accept a new job?” Gojo asks curiously, craning his neck to get a better look at the papers spread about on Nanami’s desk. He spots a photo of a woman among the various files that catches his attention. “Who’s that?”
Nanami rubs his face with an exasperated groan, wishing his coworker would mind his own business for once. He tries to hide the photo under other papers, but Gojo is too quick. The white-haired man easily snatches the photo off the desk before Nanami can touch it and waves it in front of him in a teasing manner.
“Nice try,” he grins, pulling back to observe the photo up close. “Oh, she’s pretty cute. I’m guessing she’s your new client?”
“No,” Nanami answers begrudgingly. He knows Gojo won’t return the photo or leave him alone unless he partakes in the conversation. “Technically her father is, but she’ll be the one under my protection.”
“Oh, so you did accept a new job then.” Gojo returns the photo with a satisfied grin now that his original question had been answered. “Surprised it took you this long to choose one. How long has it been since you finished your last assignment?”
“About three months. I wasn’t in a rush to start a new job.”
Nanami can afford to be picky about his assignments now. Over the years, he has built a strong reputation as a proficient bodyguard who always follows orders and always gets the job done. Now that he is well-known in the industry with a long list of satisfied clients, Nanami no longer has to scramble to accept any odd job. Plus, as part of Gojo’s renowned bodyguard service agency, he can rely on the secretaries to filter out any scams or seemingly impossible requests before they reach his desk.
Nanami is now constantly flooded with inquiries from influential celebrities, notorious mafia members, and other wealthy figures. These people are always willing to pay big bucks for an extra sense of security as they go about their lives, but Nanami is no longer interested in solely the money now that his multiple bank accounts are flush with cash. Instead, he wants to take it easy with a simple, straightforward assignment that won’t involve a lot of gunfire, blood, or death. 
Being a bodyguard is a lucrative career, but it is also both physically and mentally taxing.
Simply put, Nanami is tired.
This is why he waited three long months to find his next job. With each additional request, he ignored how many zeros were listed as compensation and instead took his time to scrutinize the client, their family, and their motivations in seeking a bodyguard. He had a mental image of what he was looking for in his “perfect” job and much to his surprise, he stumbled upon a request that checked almost every box.
While Nanami was lost in his thoughts, Gojo had secretly snatched your file from the desk and had been skimming through it. He couldn’t resist learning more about this new client.
When Nanami returbs to his senses, he sees the missing file on his desk and glares at his white-haired coworker. Gojo just laughs in response. 
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just curious to see what kind of person would pique your interest after all this time, Mr. Picky.” He purses his lips. “Hmm, she’s not much younger than us. Surprised she’s still single too. Aren’t most women in these sorts of families forced to marry early to strengthen business ties? Oh, maybe her personality is so bad her father can’t marry her off to anyone!”
Nanami rips the file out of Gojo’s hands with a scowl. “None of that concerns me.”
“Aww, come on, Nanami,” the white-haired man pouts. “You’re going to be spending a lot of time with her. What is she’s a demon in disguise? Women are pretty scary, you know.”
Nanami figures Gojo skipped the part in the file where your father had described you as a “bright, bubbly young woman who loves to shop and eat”.
“I think I can handle it,” Nanami responds flatly. “After all, I can reasonably get along with everyone except you.”
Gojo clutches his chest dramatically, acting like he had just been shot. “Nanami, you’re so cruel to me!” He then drops his hands and places them on his hips with a devious grin. “Alright, I’ll leave you alone now. Good luck! And don’t fall in love!” He lowers his sunglasses and winks. Gojo can’t help but get in one last jab to irk his coworker.
“You don’t have to worry about that.”
Nanami is a serious professional, one who always plays by the rules. He adheres to a certain set of principles in order to remain successful in this line of work. Without them, situations can get messy, and he has all too often witnessed other bodyguards make the mistake of deviating from protocol and facing the consequences.
There are three fundamental rules that Nanami always follows without fail:
Never go above and beyond what a job asks you to do.
Once a job is finished, leave immediately.
Never get personally involved with a client.
And under no circumstances would he ever disregard any of these rules.
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mysticpetals · 3 years
Sorry for bothering you, but I had another idea! :D If you don't mind me sending two requests, how about a headcanon (or imagine if you want, you can choose what you like best) where Jake will meet MC's parents and he is super nervous because he is afraid of what they will think of him and if they knew that he is a hacker. But when Jake and MC arrive at her parents' house, they are quite different than Jake thought.
I'm sooooo sorry that this is super late but life got in the way and I just couldn't bring myself to write. And when I did have the time, I was almost ashamed of how long it had been and delayed it even further.
So this is me, finally writing what I should have done months ago. Thank you so much for your patience!!! ❤️
Jake and f!MC headcannons
(meeting the parents)
There aren't a lot of things that phase Jake
In fact, he's seen so much over the years he was on the run, done some illegal things too
But nothing and he meant nothing, could terrify him more than when his girlfriend told him that her parents had invited them over to have dinner together the next week
"next week? Like....like seven days later?"
"yes." she nodded and his brain short circuited.
"oh my god, oh my god."
MC amused herself by looking at Jake panicking about it for a few minutes and then grabbed his shoulders and made him look at her
"relax, babe. You don't have to. I can tell them that you're busy or something."
Jake calmed down for a moment but then he noticed the sad smile on MC's face
And he doesn't like seeing her sad
At all.
So despite his nervousness, he steeled himself to do this
"why don't we go? I think it'll be fun."
MC's face was priceless.
Shocked beyond belief, she cupped his face in her hands and leaned forward, eyes wide
"are you sure, honey? You don't have to force yourself."
She looked so hopeful and excited to hear his answer
And they had been dating for a while. So it was only natural that they meet each other's families
And since MC had already pretty much met his (only the people he considered as one!), it wouldn't be fair if he didn't make an effort too
"yes. We should go," he smiled and MC squealed excitedly, pressing a quick kiss to his lips
"oh my gosh, I'm so excited!! I'll go call them right now!!"
Did he make the right decision?
Wellllll, standing in front of MC's house, he was sweating profusely
He had worn his best outfit, a white button up shirt and black jeans
And they had already been late because MC liked his look a little too much
He was anxious about making the best impression and he really hoped that they wouldn't be put off by his shyness
Or his profession
About which they didn't know
It's fine it's fine it's fine—
MC's hand slips into his, she gives him a soft smile and the world around them fades away
"I'll be with you the whole time. Tell me if it becomes too much."
Jake swears he's never been more in love
Okay, he can do this!! Absolutely!!
He nods resolutely and MC leads them to her parent's doorstep
Jake's heart is pounding but he's ready
The door opens and he's immediately engulfed in a bone crushing hug
He thinks he can't breath and he looks at MC with wide eyes, asking what to do and she just rolls her eyes in fond exasperation
"really feeling the love here, dad. Not like your daughter is here."
And the weight immediately lifts off of him and turns towards his girlfriend who is laughing as her father hugs her to himself
She squeezes him tight in return and Jake feels himself smile
"it's been too long. I wish you'd come by more. And Jake! Welcome home, son!"
Jake is flabbergasted by the warm welcome. Especially coming from MC's father.
Aren't fathers supposed to threaten the boyfriend?
The flashcards he used to prepare for today did not cover this
"Um, thank you," he stammers out somehow and the man laughs
"My daughter here did say you were shy but no matter! Come on in, I won't bite."
He led them inside and Jake just knew that MC was enjoying all this a little too much judging by the amused tilt of her lips
He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw a stern woman sitting on the couch, watching them walk in
"mom! How have you been?"
MC immediately went in for a hug while the older woman kept staring at him and MC's father leaned close to him and whispered
"She's a tough cookie to crack. Good luck, son."
He was so screwed
Jake gulped and watched the smallest of smiles cross her lips as she regarded her daughter, who was talking excitedly
"and this is Jake! My boyfriend!"
Jake literally felt the temperature inside the room drop, when her mother looked him in the eyes
"h-hello ma'am."
She nodded at him and well, that meant she acknowledged who he was, right?
She immediately turned away from him and started asking her daughter how she had been
Well, apparently not
"sorry, Jake. She's not trying to exclude you. She's just....a little hard around the edges."
He appreciated MC's dad because at least one parent didn't seem to hate him
"I appreciate that, sir."
He looked horrified at being called sir
"please don't call me that. Makes me feel old. Call me dad!"
Jake was once again astounded by the man's openness and not wanting to offend him, nodded hesitantly
He smiled widely and Jake was immediately reminded of MC's face when she laughed
"that's more like it! Come on now, the ladies shouldn't be left alone, they'll talk the night away."
MC smiled as soon as Jake entered in the kitchen where both the women were cooking and bringing out the cutlery
"had a nice chat, you two?" MC asked and her father nodded enthusiastically
"I like him! He's very nice, I approve."
"you've known him for two seconds." MC's mom deadpans and Jake smiles nervously
"can I help you with anything ma'am?"
She appraises him for a few moments and then nods
"then please help MC set the table."
Jake literally sighs in relief when the two of them come out from the kitchen
"your mom is scary."
MC laughs and pinches his cheek
"only because you look terrified of her. She enjoys making you squirm."
"well I almost wet myself because she looked at me like I murdered her dog or something"
MC laughs loudly and her father pokes his head out of the kitchen
"alright you two?"
Jake fights off the blush he knows he's sporting and prays that neither of her parents heard what he had said
Table was set quickly, with MC telling Jake about her childhood memories and her parents brought out the food
Jake thought he might have seen MC's mother smile when he made MC laugh but he wasn't sure
Dinner was a loud affair, with MC and her dad competing about who remembers the most about MC's childhood and Jake and her mother listening quietly
He definitely knew where MC got her charisma from
MC's dad was sweet to include Jake in their conversation, addressing him directly and asking him about his own experiences
He slowly found himself relaxing in their presence and telling them about his own hobbies and pet cat
MC's mother gave an approving nod at his choice of pet and asked him to bring him along the next time
Next time
Jake's brain short circuited at the thought that she wanted Jake to come over again
Does that mean tonight was successful?
"so Jake, you didn't say what you do for a living."
Well, it had to go wrong somewhere, right?
Jake froze and looked to MC to see her in a similar state and immediately deduced that she had not told them about his profession
He knew this was going to come up eventually
"I'm a hacker."
Pin drop silence
You couldn't even hear anyone breath over the quietness
MC's mother put down her spoon slowly and opened her mouth to say something but Jake interrupted her before that
"I know you might think it's not a respectful job but it's what makes me happy. And MC supports me every step of the way and I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to honor her confidence in me. Keeping her safe and happy and healthy is my priority and I'll give my all to make sure that she's never unhappy with me."
Everyone at the table looked at him, MC with tears in her eyes and her father looking very proud
Her mother's expression was still unreadable until she smiled at him
The first smile directed at him
"I was going to say that's very interesting. I myself work in cyber security so I've had dealings with hackers. I've found that they're usually very polite."
Jake blinked slowly and MC shifted guiltily in her seat
"haha what a coincidence, right?" She smiled nervously and her dad picked up quickly at her hint
"oh definitely! Why don't you two talk about work stuff and MC and I can clear up the table?"
MC and her father practically fly out of the dining room and Jake and her mom are the only ones left
It was MC's mother who initiated the conversation this time and Jake replied to her questions
He found it quite pleasant to be honest
It was not a regular occurrence that he could chat with someone who knew about computers so this was a nice change
And MC's mom was quite knowledgeable
She even offered to hire him the next time her company had a need of someone to check their software
Jake had no problem agreeing to her wish
He found that she was actually a very kind but fair woman who loved her family dearly, judging by the way she spoke of MC and her father
His heart warmed to know that MC had grown up in such a loving household, even if his heart gave a twinge at never having felt something akin to parental affection
"okay, you two. I think that's enough chatting for today," MC's father said and Jake looked at the time
Holy shit
How is it so late??
MC gave him a discreet thumbs up behind her mother's back and he had to stifle a laugh
"as much as we loved having you two, you should probably get going if you want to reach the city before midnight."
The goodbyes were a little sad and Jake found himself getting a bit emotional too
He really felt like he belonged here and not like an outsider
And MC's parents are so nice and inclusive
No he did not cry
Not at all
To Jake's surprise, MC's mom pulls him into a hug
"take care of my daughter."
And then he's getting roped into another hug, this one much tighter by her dad
"you hurt her, I'll kill you."
And when he stepped back, he was smiling as usual and Jake almost thought that he imagined his words
They are in the car and MC is already planning their next trip
And before he would have been scared but now, after spending time with her family, he knew he had found people worth considering his family
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ac3id · 4 years
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bnha: tomura shigaraki x fem! reader
warnings: suggestive themes
word count. 1k+ 
a/n: based n this req:
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i was gonna keep it short but then i went over 1k words so here it is 😽
tagging: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love​​
“Hey.” Dabi’s rough voice cuts through the air drawing your attention to him almost immediately. He takes a seat beside you on the bar counter of the league’s dingy hideout. Another voice greets you; this time it’s cheery and girlish. You turn to your right seeing Toga take a seat beside you too. It doesn’t take a genius to know you are trapped. “The mission went well, huh?” Toga asks, eyeing your drink, there was nothing special about it other than the fact it was free. Whenever someone returned after a successful mission, Kurogiri always took it upon himself to make them a free drink in a form of praise. “Yes, it went well.” You replied avoiding eye contact with either of them. You knew what they were doing, they did this often. They liked to corner you and make you do things you didn’t like, they liked teasing you until the point tears were pricking the corner of your eyes. Their reason to torment you was always the same, they were taking a test to see how tough you really. A little different from the rest of the pack of criminals, you were a little timid and soft-hearted. Your meekness often perceived as cowardness of fear made Dabi and Toga think you were not the right fit for the group, maybe your quirk was strong but that was all the pros of having you. They’d repeatedly remind you but you knew better, they bullied you just because. The degenerates were no better than highschool bullies, maybe even worse.
“Good to see you are actually making yourself useful,” Dabi remarks abruptly making you shrink in your seat. You want retort but you have to say, he’s right. The majority of your mission ended badly, you were a new villain with no experience, it was not all your fault. “Oh, forget that!” Toga chirped, pulling you by your shoulder, forcing you to face her. “Do you know Shigaraki Tomura?” she asks. You look at her dumbfounded, not believing her question. “You know, the leader? With hands all over his body? Handsy freak?” Dabi encourages making you scoff. Were they seriously serious? Did they just ask you whether or not you knew your own leader, your employer? Of course, you did!
“Really!? I have never seen you talk to him, you always seemed to avoid him. So, I thought you didn’t know who he was,” she pouts explaining herself, “Are you scared of him or something?” Scared? Of Tomura Shigaraki? Of course, you were. You were terrified of everyone in the league but Tomura stood out the most. With his rude and cold demeanor, he intimidates you. The cold, pale hand which sticks to his face at all times adds to his eerie appearance, his vermillion eyes glowing from underneath it, sending death glares to everyone. A glance towards his direction is enough to tell you he's someone you don't want anything to do with. His quirk, his personality all adds to it. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to anyway, your shyness and fear of rejection would never let you open up to anyone else other than your friends. You don’t answer Dabi’s question, “I will take that as a yes,” he smirks cruelly. You try to retort but before you can say anything, he changes the topic.
“Tell me,” He calls out your name grimly, “are you a pussy?” What? “I don’t understand,” you ask nervously. The perplexed expression which scans your face makes Dabi cringe, he clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth before speaking, “It’s a simple question. Are you a pussy? Or you got balls?” You are still confused but get the basic idea, they were here to bother again. You have a bad feeling about this. You know what you should do; give him a reaction he does not want so he can leave alone and stop bothering you but you also know your pride won’t surrender that easily. There is no way you would ever admit to him that you are a weak, pathetic coward. So naturally, you make the wrong decision. “No I am not a pussy,” the word almost feels wrong when you say it out loud. It's not as degrading as when Dabi had said it, the need to drag it down the dirt and toss it back up is missing when you say it and Toga notices as she snickers. Dabi quickly catching on sends you a devious smirk, “Atta, girl!” he pats your head jokingly, you push his hand away annoyed. They liked sending you praises as one would to a kid, you found it revolting but they enjoyed tormenting you. “We have an important job for you,”  toga begins, flashing her taunting canines at you making you shudder. Oh, this was up to no good.
“So here’s the thing,” Dabi begins, “Boss has been kinda’ very annoying recently, if you talked to him you’d understand,” eyebrow twitching at the comment you wonder whether it was necessary. “And it gets hard to work with him so would you mind helping out, ya’ know what I am saying?” You look at him still confused while he just gives you an oblivious look, what was he on about?
“Helping out?” you quote, curiosity ridden in your eyes. Toga snickers before leaning in towards you, her breath fawns over your ear as she whispers a dirty, little secret. “You know, get him all hot and bothered. Help your leader out here,” you almost choke at her words. There was no way in hell you would ever do that! You never even want to stand closer than three feet from your boss, what Toga is asking for is downright atrocious. You push her away from you, creating a safe distance. You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment before you start speaking, “There is NO way I am going anywhere near that man!” you exclaim confidently. Dabi looks disappointed but he’s not given up yet while Toga pouts, “What!? Why not?” she asks and without giving you a chance to speak she continues, “I always catch you staring at him! Do you not like him? I thought you did, so we asked you,” her tone is apologetic but she is not wrong. Often you would find yourself zoning out and staring at your leader. Shigaraki always attracted your eyes. He was like a mystery, there was no wonder you wanted to know more about him. About how he thinks, lives you want to know so much more. Your curiosity about it unfortunately gets pulled out by your fear of him, you can’t imagine staying in the same room as him. Too conscious about his judgemental eyes ghosting your figure and searching for flaws which would make him want to leave you.
“I don’t like him, though.” You finish. At this point, you believe that you have beaten Toga and Dabi at their own game as you watch their faces fall. You feel pride enveloping you for the second time that day knowing that you had the crazy duo speechless. “Okay then,” Dabi still has to say. He throws a  devious smirk, “It’s a dare. I dare you to seduce Tomura Shigaraki.”
You are speechless. “C’mon, you’re not a chicken are you? You do this and I’ll do a dare you give me,” was he really ‘daring’ you to seduce the most dangerous man you have ever met for fun? “I- How would I even do that?” You ask. Your experience in the field of ‘seduction’ was absolutely zero. You couldn’t just walk up to someone and ask them to sleep with you. They have to be mocking you, right? This was a joke- a silly little prank, right? “Aw, c’mon! You don’t even have to go all the way, just kiss him maybe a hand job or something then leave! Shouldn’t be that much of a problem.” Toga spoke sending you puppy dog eyes making you cringe, “You are not going to do it?” Dabi ponders his brow raised, his eyes wait patiently for your answer. You think for a moment if you say no to them; you know for a fact a nasty rumor about you will go around no doubt ruining your reputation and if you say yes..well, you get to kiss your boss and as Dabi promised: you could ‘dare’ him to do anything. Maybe you will make him dance around naked.
“Fine, I will go..” The way their faces light up sends a cold shiver down your spine and your gut kicks in telling you it's a bad idea, but you cannot take your word back now. You reluctantly head into the dark hallway to your leader’s room where he had been locked in since the morning. Probably playing games or making plans for the league, you couldn’t care less. You knock on his door, fidgeting with your fingers while you wait for him to open the door, you didn’t want to barge straight in. It would be very disrespectful to your leader and you’d die before you know it. “He is not going to open the fucking door! Just go in.” You hear Dabi’s faint voice, guess they have been counting your steps. You hesitate a moment before reaching out to the doorknob, you twist it and it unlocks. A nervous sigh leaves your lips as you push the door ajar, stepping into the room and closing it behind you gently, trying your best to not make noise. You find Shigaraki adhered to his devices, his focus is completely planted on the game he plays. The bright screen deceiving shots of violence while he grunts and curses into his earphones. You stand there, next to the door, taking in his entire and it’s a mess. The lights are out, the only source coming from the iridescent screen of Shigaraki’s gameplay. There’s trash everywhere, his bed hasn’t been made. The covers and blanket almost fall off his bed, there are a desk and chair in the room which hasn’t been organized either.
Damn, he really be living like this.
You wait for Shigaraki to notice and you presume he won’t be noticing you until you let him know you are there but you are proved wrong as he glances in your direction, the most astonished expressions falling on his face. Shigaraki sits without father covering his face so you can see his features. Little scars are running everywhere, two significantly larger ones stretching across his left eye and lips. He scans your body head to toe as you shirk back under his heated gaze, “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asks and honestly you wonder the same. You don’t answer his question but move forward towards him changing the subject entirely, “Mr. Shigaraki, there’s something I need to tell you…” You stand right in front of him, your knee touching his as he is seated down on his gaming chair holding his control with his pinkies lifted. Your face heats up in embarrassment as you stare down at him with glassy eyes, your heartbeat picks up with him looking back at you with those murderous, red orbs confusion still written all over. You can get that he has picked up the slightest idea about your here as his cheeks pinken the closer you move to him. Your hand slides up his tight slowly, settling close to his crotch making him grunt. You lean down until your face level with his, “Shigaraki…” you utter softly before connecting your lips with his. The action catches him off guard as his pinkies fall on the controller turning it into dust within seconds, but he lets himself get lost in the feeling of your lips squished against him. Honestly, he has no idea what’s gotten into you but he is so glad he’s getting to experience this. Your lips are soft, and warm against his cold and chapped ones. The comfort he feels when your lips mold against him sends him into heaven, it’s a feeling he could use too, a feeling he wants to keep to himself. As you keep him hungrily, he takes the pleasure of running his hands over your body. With his pinkies raised his hands map across your curves, ass, and end upon groping your tits making you gasp into the kiss. Shigaraki takes this as his chance and nips at your lips, drawing a pained moan from you before pushing his tongue into your mouth. You let out choked gasps as his tongue licks away into your mouth greedily, you try to put up a fight but it’s no use. Your leader is much rougher, he kisses you like it's the end of the world. He is almost feral at the way he used your mouth leaving you no place to strength making you submit to him. When he pulls away from the kiss to regain his breath, he wastes no time in throwing you on his dirty bed and climbing over you. You look up at him, his cheeks flushed, eyes dark and clouded with lust, you remind yourself to thank Dabi and Toga later.
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ranger-rai · 3 years
Alright guys, A lot has happened in the last couple of days so let me catch you all up.
So we have been getting some reports of a "Swarm" of pokemon causing some problems around Sinnoh.
We looked into it and after a couple nights of steakouts, we discovered that our "Swarm" was actually a Purrloin who knew Double Team.
Apparently it had been stealing from alot of small homes, mainly trash.
This Purrloin was incredibly aggressive and seemingly protective of something.
We tracked it down to to a small den just outside of Solaceon Town.
Well we were expecting it to be taking care of its kittens, however we did not expect what we actually found.
We found this Purrloin trying to feed the scraps it stole to a Lycanroc.
The Purrloin was very protective and tried attacking us.
It was surprisingly tough for a single Purrloin, however we managed to restrain it.
However we found it weird that this Dusk Lycanroc wasn't moving or reacting much.
I went and checked it out when it was clear and we found something really unsettling.
This Lycanroc has some spine problems, I know this because it struggled to get up but when it did, it got on four legs, then two legs.
Now a Dusk form Lycanroc is made to be on all four like this
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However its back is arced upwards like it's slouching.
It's also shaking a bit, and is covered in scratches and bruises.
Every time I try and get close the Purrloin starts thrashing and clawing.
We let it go and it made its way back to the Lycanroc, and started to guard it again.
We knew this was bad, so we made a plan to try and help them.
We managed to get Purrloin secure once again and Lycanroc into a cage very carefully, but we kept them close together as we transported them.
Lycanroc was surprisingly docile and just seemed tired and dehydrated, so we made sure it got plenty of water.
Purrloin was on edge the whole time, making sure that Lycanroc ate, and keeping us at a distance, but I caught her eating from time to time.
We had to hold her down once again, but she used her double team to evade us for a bit. She really knows how to use that move.
Eventually we restrained her when we got to the Ranger Base and we had a medical technician look at Lycanroc.
They said that it had some severe spine misalignment, not from an injury but from constant strain.
At some point during our conversation, we noticed Lycanroc trying to get up, and "stand up" again on two legs, like a Midnight Form Lycanroc.
It was really odd to see, and the tech helped put it him back onto two legs, but it almost seemed scared to be touched when in that position.
This wasn't battle damage, this was intentional trauma.
Purrloin was definitely upset, and managed to get free and started scratching at the technician.
Thankfully I restrained her so the technician could work more, and I calmed her down a bit.
The tech said that they would need to run some tests on the Lycanroc to see if they could fix his back, so we had to let him stay for a while.
However we couldn't leave Purrloin there in case she tried to attack the tech again.
I didn't want to seperate them, but I needed her to be somewhere safe while the technician did his job, so I got her into a carrier and took her with me on my rounds.
She was hissing and scratching for a while but I sat and talked with her for a bit and she seemed pretty alert but much calmer.
Most of the day was just a usual trip around my areas, however I started finding alot more litter in some areas.
There was alot of trash on the ground in a park area just outside Veilstone City, and normally I would pick it all up, but there was alot, almost like there was a carnival recently there, but there was nothing planned as far as I knew.
I also noticed Purrloin getting really upset and hissing a lot.
I looked around the trash and found a bunch of flyers for some kind of venue.
"Mister E's Enigmas"
The flyer listed a sort of sideshow of oddities.
Things like:
The Fire Breathing Treecko Brothers, Dancing Donphan, and their star attraction-
"The Were-Lycanroc" a pokemon that could switch between forms.
That's when it hit me, and I knew someone was going to get in trouble.
After bringing this information to the technician and my boss Jo. Me and my Ranger Team decided to attend the show incognito to see if we were right, and boy we wish we weren't.
We attended what could only be described as a shifty, pop up carnival.
There were a few games, a couple food trucks, and a large tent that held the "main events".
There were some "exotic" holding cages that people could interact with like a small cage for two Emolga to live in, they could barely get into the air before smacking into the roof.
There was a small area that had a large heat lamp for "desert" pokemon, but it was mostly a browning Cacnea, a Trapinch with barely enough sand to cover its body, and a Salandit which didn't belong there.
There were others but we already knew what those cages would be like as well.
The show kn the main stage was getting ready to start, so we decided to check it out.
"Mister E" took to the stage, he had your typical big top attire, top hat, long tails, but he had a stripey pattern that made him look like a hypnotic wheel.
He introduced his first act, which was "The Fire Breathing Treecko Brothers". I was worried.
Now Treecko is a Grass Type, and it only learns one grass type move naturally: Sunny Day.
They also don't have any natural immunities to fire types, so this didn't make much sense for normal Treecko.
From what I saw in the act, they learned how to eat fire and pretend they were using flamethrower. However you could tell they didn't like it. Treecko are calm and collected pokemon, but those two looked stressed out, and they were molting a bit in certain areas near their face and tails, probably due to the flames and stress.
After them was the "Dancing Donphan". Donphan is a very heavy pokemon, and it's main skill is rolling like a tire.
This Donphan looked much lighter, like it hadn't been fed its regular amount to keep it healthy.
Minnie also mounted out that the music playing during the dance had a weird sound mixed in. Basically, whenever we heard the sound, Donphan would do a move like jumping or rolling over. The sound was similar to a sort of crash, but it was clear that it was a sound that Donphan was afraid of.
Now came the finale, "The Were-Lycanroc" however that part didn't happen, and instead they brought out some clowns and the Treecko Brothers again.
Thats when we knew what was really happening.
I went back to check on Lycanroc who was sleeping like a log with Purrloin right next to it.
I didn't remember any cages with any feline pokemon in them so maybe it was just a wild Purrloin, but I wasn't going to disturb them to find out.
The doctor told me that it might take some time, but Lycanroc's spine and back legs were forced to move in positions they weren't supposed to for so long, that it would take some time, therapy and equipment to help it.
If there was a chance to help this poor pokemon I knew we would take it, but we also couldn't leave all of those other pokemon to suffer.
We were about to get really busy at the Ranger Base.
The next day, Me and Minnie went incognito one more time and we had to sit through that horrible show once more.
We had Skip with us, helping to send info and let us know of any devices or intercept their communications.
Turns out we didn't know that was happening because they had police scanners to avoid getting caught and they had wireless security cameras inside the tent.
They were prepared, but so were we.
My whole team was on board, both Humans and Pokemon.
We had a plan that began with Kuriboh knocking out some generators by sneaking around and unplugging everything he could.
That caused some confusion for a bit while we got in place. While they went to secure their "precious cargo", we made our presence known.
Eddie was outside the tent, dealing with the muscle and moving crews, his Bewear is very strong and pretty quick too, so we didn't need to worry about them much.
However we still had Mister E.
I told Bliss to keep an eye on him so we wouldn't loose him in the panic, but we had a delay as some of the Treeco Bros fire got out of control and some of the tent started to catch on fire.
Minnie and her Cloyster were immediately ready to deal with it and she was ready to help the Treeco Bros as well.
Bliss was able to keep tabs on the ringleader who was trying to get into his van and split, most likely with his cash.
However, Sylvester doesn't like people who mistreat pokemon, and Jo's Tangrowth has some really strong vines. Strong enough to rip car doors off hinges.
We had caught this terrible man, and we discovered he had been doing this for a couple of years, just now making his way through Sinnoh, and he was looking for some pokemon to add to his show.
We also watched some of his security tapes and we learned that "Were-Lycanroc" was really just a Dusk Form that he forced to stand up and slouch over by constantly whipping with a flexible stick. And with the assistance of red lights, smoke machines and music, hey could make people think it was changing forms.
We also learned that Purrloin was tossed into Lycanroc's cage, possibly as a "play thing" but I guess he actually made a friend either her and hiding her from Mister E, and she had been caring for him as well, stealing food and causing trouble for them whenever she could.
Needless to say, we were able to get them arrested, and we are now in the process of evaluating some of these pokemon, but we may have too many to deal with here.
We might need to reach out for some help.
In the case of Lycanroc and Purrloin, they are comfortably resting in holding, and Lycanroc is be getting fitted for some equipment to help its spine and legs heal.
I'll be checking on them soon, but for now me and my team need to rest after this long day.
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scripttorture · 4 years
Torture and World Building: Avoiding Unfortunate Implications
This started out as one masterpost and then I realised it was a monster even by my standards so I’ve split it into three.
 First I’m going to talk about details in stories that can suggest (or state) that torture is happening when that isn’t the author’s intent. In the next post I’m going to try and talk about the ways genres commonly use tropes that are (or are close to) torture apologia.
 After that I’m going to talk about how the details in fictional torture and abuse scenarios can add to the world you’re creating.
 Carefully considered details can really add to the story and the world that’s being created, while poorly thought through details can end up implying things the writer didn’t intend.
 So what are some common details that might be implying torture when you didn’t intend to?
 Settings and Groups
 Stop me if you've heard this one before.
 There's an off shoot or splinter group of a major faction holed up in a remote region, usually an inhospitable one. They have almost no oversight and seem more or less self sufficient. They have little respect for outsiders and pride themselves on their toughness, independence and ability to ‘get the hard jobs done’. They may have a maverick commander who 'bends the rules'.
 They have a rigid hierarchy, usually one the hero doesn't fit into forcing them to prove themselves worthy. They’re unwelcoming and mostly respect displays of strength, which almost always means violence. They regard their enemies with contempt and disdain.
 They seem both physically and culturally separate to the mainstream which they regard with disdain. They don’t have much time for rules or regulations or ‘going by the book’. They see it as a waste of time and a sign of soft bureaucrats who don’t know how to do the work.
 They’re prone to sudden mood swings or outbursts of aggression.
 I can think of dozens of examples of this sort of setting and these sorts of characters/sub-cultures in fiction. I don't think writers realise just how much it looks like a group of torturers.
 Especially when it’s within a larger military or policing organisation.
 Oversight is important. Accountability is important. And any armed violent group that rejects and belittles the idea of either probably has a reason for doing so.
 Combining this with a remote region sends the message that there isn’t any oversight or accountability for this group. An inhospitable region, such as desert or a remote island, doesn’t just isolate the group. It also isolates any one they’re responsible for.
 In reality setting up barracks or prisons in remote regions, tundra, deserts, tiny islands, has been used to quietly get rid of people. It prevents communication with the outside world. It cuts off access to support.
 It makes it more likely that anyone attempting to escape will die. And their story will die with them.
 The sub-cultures torturers tend to form are insular. They demand that the people they bring in ‘prove themselves’, generally by participating in abusive or otherwise violent acts.
 They pride themselves on their toughness and independence. They tell themselves that they know better then the rules and their ‘gut instincts’ are worth more then evidence. They have a tendency to belittle anyone who isn’t a torturer.
 They definitely don’t regard their enemies or prisoners as people worthy of respect.
 And none of these features in a setting or group are necessarily ‘bad’ things to have in a story. But mixed together they can imply torture.
 Which paints these ‘mavericks’ in a rather different light.
 One of the most important things when you’re writing torture or abuse is to appreciate what you’re writing and treat it accordingly.
 And a lot of authors don’t seem to realise when they’re writing torturers.
 As an example let’s briefly consider one of the most hated torturers in modern children’s fiction. A government official, who uses her position of authority in a school to inflict painful punishments on children. Despite the obvious, scarring nature of some of these punishments she avoids being held accountable because of her government position.
 I’m talking about Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter series.
 I brought her up because discussions of the series often treat her as a ‘bully’, on par with Harry’s abusive peers.
 Torture is defined as an intentional, painful act inflicted by a government official for one of the following reasons:
An attempt to obtain information
An attempt to force a confession
 Think about what you’re writing and what the characters you write do.
 An abusive character in a position of power is not equivalent to an abusive peer. A person in a position of authority can do much more harm to a larger number of people then a private individual could.
 Police brutality is torture. Corporal punishment in a military or prison context is torture. Painful intimidation tactics in a government hospital or mental institution are torture. And so is corporal punishment in a school.
 Consider how bad you want your villainous characters to be. Be honest about what they’re doing and the severity of their crimes.
 Fantasy Violence
 There’s nothing wrong with cartoonish violence or making the decision to show violence as less harmful then it actually is in your story. Fairy tales where people fall from towers and are unharmed by the fall but blinded by the thorns or shows where characters are crushed by anvils and spring up again dazed but unhurt are not sending the message that assault is harmless. Because these sorts of stories create a consistent setting where the audience accepts that injury and pain don't work the way they do in the real world.
 And the key thing there really is consistency. There's nothing wrong with having your story follow rules that don't match with the real world. The problem comes when creators switch back and forth, treating some acts of violence seriously and others as harmless or a joke.
 Usually this is an honest mistake. A lot of creators really don't know how damaging the thing they're writing is. They think they're telling a realistic story. It's important to question what you write and double check things when you're not sure. And by sure I mean 'found this injury/symptom pattern confirmed by several reliable sources'.
 It’s especially important when we're talking 'clean' (ie non-scarring) attacks because the damage these do is regularly downplayed and underestimated both in fiction and (more importantly) in reality.
 These kinds of problems can also come up because of a lack of consistency in the narrative generally. Sometimes you're not quite sure where you want the story to go when you start so the tone and nature of the thing changes as you write. This is a natural part of the process for some writers.
 If that’s how you write take the time to go back and check that you have a consistent story. Edit earlier chapters so that things line up.
 Think your descriptions, plot and the world you’ve created. Think about what kind of atmosphere you want to create and what kind of world/rules you're trying to establish. And don't be afraid to experiment or edit in order to get something closer to the story you want.
 A lot of this boils down to thinking about what you’re writing and what it can imply. It’s a learning process and it gets easier with practice.
 If your unsure what torture is like in reality or how to recognise torture apologia I have a post for getting started over here. You can find research tips over here and sources over here.
 And if you have any questions I’m here to help :)
Available on Wordpress.
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thesquishyrogue · 3 years
Rogue's relationships with the rest of the mercs
Almost like a brother-sister relationship. They're always goofing off together, joking around, getting on Spy's nerves. Just being the chaotic force of the team. Scout constantly convinces Rogue to play baseball with him, especially after seeing that they both use bats as a weapon (albeit Rogue's has nails driven through it).
Scout: "Aw man, sick bat! Say, you ever actually played baseball? If not I could teach ya. Though, you should probably use a different bat. I'll let ya borrow one of mine!"
He's definitely sort of a weird uncle figure to her. She's always giggling at his ridiculous antics, and he's surprisingly protective of her. Although at the same time he's always impressed by her ability to fend for herself, and fight off men larger than her despite her size.
Soldier: "Hell yeah, look at her go! Kicking ass just like a true American! She makes me proud!"
Oh my goodness. These two. Rogue almost always puts on a tough attitude, especially around the other guys. But around Pyro? They're probably the only person Rogue will be a softie towards. They're constantly seen platonically hugging and cuddling, and Pyro loves when Rogue covers their mask in stickers. They always return the favor by covering her face. Once they come off she treasures them. The others will always comment on how adorable the two are, usually followed by Rogue telling them to fuck off.
Rogue: "If anything were to ever happen to Pyro, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."
Pyro: (灬º‿º灬)
Their relationship is quite explosive, to say the least. When Demo isn't trying to get Rogue to try some of his alcohol (which always results in Rogue gagging and choking from the bitterness) they're always assisting each other on the battlefield. Mostly in the form of Rogue catapultng Demo's bombs at enemies with her slingshot. They always share a laugh when a BLU team member is blown to bits.
Demoman: "Boom, right in the head! Look at all that blood! Yer aim is getting better and better, lassie!"
Just looking at these two stand next to each other is almost laughable. With Heavy being incredibly larger than everyone and Rogue being incredibly smaller, he practically dwarfs her. He's extremely gentle with her though, and takes care of her in sort of a protective big brother kind of way. Whenever the team is lounging around, she's often either cuddled into him or resting her legs in his lap. He doesn't mind it. He's also let her beat him in arm wrestling numerous times. She knows he lets her win, but she still take the opportunity to boast to the other mercs about it.
Heavy: "Little girl is so strong. You've beaten me again."
Rogue: 😏😏😏
He's also like an uncle figure to her. But unlike Soldier, he's more of the chill laid-back uncle that she can go to for advice. And she often does. Sometimes when she's bored she'll go into his workshop and talk with him as he plays his guitar or she helps out with whatever he's working on. Even if that help is something as simple as just handing him tools, he appreciates it. He appreciates the company too.
Engie: "Alright darlin', can you hand me the screwdriver?"
Rogue: "Uh... which one?"
Engie: "The Phillips."
Rogue: "Uh..."
Engie: "The pointy one."
Rogue: "Oh! Yeah sure I knew that."
Like with Engie, Rogue will often go into the infirmary to talk with Medic as he works (she also makes sure he takes a break once in a while and doesn't overwork himself). He also does what he can to help with her depression once that's out in the open, prescribing her any antidepressants he can get his hands on. Though when she first joined the team and he gave her her first annual exam, he was astounded by how many fractures and injuries he'd found that were just left to sloppily heal on their own. The sadistic doctor was actually kind of worried for her, though honestly impressed by her high pain tolerance.
Medic: "Goodness fräulein, this is the fifth fracture I've found! How are you even walking?"
Rogue: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Despite having quite good aim from using a slingshot for years, Rogue was quite inexperienced with guns (not including when she killed her old caretaker at the end of her fighting days). So naturally, Sniper took it upon himself to teach her. He educates her on different types of guns in order to find what works best for her, and the two partake in target practice together. Of course, the two end up bonding during the lessons. She tells him all about her life in the ring, and he tells her about what life was like back in Australia. One thing that Rogue wasn't anticipating, however, was how strong the recoil of a gun can be. She was so unprepared she was thrown right onto her ass in shock.
Sniper: "Crikey! You alright there, mate?"
Rogue: "Yeah I'm fine... fuck, what was that?!"
Sniper: "Recoil, love. Did you not know guns did that?"
Rogue: "...no..."
Although she and Spy certainly took the longest to warm up to each other, the two are as close as can be now. Once they finally accepted each other, Spy took her under his wing as his apprentice. He helps her perfect her thieving skills and educates her on how to take tough situations in stride. She really looks up to him, and they almost have a father-daughter relationship. And of course, when her depression comes to light, he's her biggest means of support. He's always available when she needs him and he does whatever he can for her.
Spy: "You make me so proud, mon cheri. You've captured the intel once again, our training has really paid off. Great job."
Rogue: "Thanks dad."
Spy: "Excuse me, what was that?"
Rogue: "....nothing."
Miss Pauling:
Miss Pauling is literally the first woman Rogue has ever been close to in her life. Throughout her entire childhood she's been surrounded by creepy older men, and even though things are different now with the mercs... they're still men. There are just some things Rogue isn't quite comfortable talking to them about. But with Miss Pauling, going to her for help with things like clothes shopping and feminine problems almost feels natural. Hell, there were so many things Rogue didn't even know about periods until Miss Pauling explained them to her. And of course Miss Pauling takes the time out of her busy work day as often as she can to make sure Rogue is stocked up on sanitary items, and whatever else she needs. Rogue is always extremely greatful for it. And while part of her sees Miss Pauling as sort of a mother figure...another part sort of has a crush on her. Yeah, Miss Pauling was pretty much Rogue's bisexual awakening. But she hasn't said anything about it, one because it would just be awkward and two because she knows Scout also likes her, and she doesn't wanna stand in his way (but little does either of them know, Miss Pauling is a lesbian 👀)
Miss Pauling: "Rogue, honey, you don't even know what a pad is? Or a tampon??? What- what do you do when you get your period?"
Rogue: "What, you mean that weird time of the month that I start bleeding? I just... live with it I guess? Maybe put toilet paper in my panties if it gets too messy-"
Miss Pauling: "Rogue. Come with me, I'll get you stocked up on the things you need. And we'll get you some new panties too."
Rogue: "But don't you have things to do?"
Miss Pauling: "This is more important. You shouldn't have to suffer every month just because no one ever properly taught you about periods. I'll help you out."
Saxton Hale:
Rogue thought he was obnoxious upon first meeting him. Called him a "corporate clown" to the other mercs. But, she had to  earn his approval in order to join the team, so Miss Pauling insisted that she be on her best behavior around him. But, even when on her best behavior her spunkiness still shined through, and Saxton noticed it real quick. However, that spunkiness only raised his interest. He commented on how he, "Hadn't met such a scrappy sheila in a long time." Truth be told, she reminded him a lot of Maggie, but he wasn't about to mention it. During their one on one meeting, he demanded that she punch him in the face to test her strength. After a short hesitation, she did so. Saxton was impressed that she actually hit him hard enough to dislocate his jaw and bust his lip, and gave her the job on the spot with the promise that she keep up that energy (and learn to use some weapons, of course). Miss Pauling and the mercs were shocked to see the two of them come back with Saxton's arm slung around Rogue's shoulders and his face dripping with blood, and the two of them laughing with each other. She took back what she said about him being a corporate clown. Although, the only thing she still doesn't like about him is how he treats Miss Pauling, considering how close she is with her. She has a mind to call him out on it, but Miss Pauling begs her not to.
Saxton: "Let's see just how strong a little gal like you can really be. Go on, hit me RIGHT here! Hard as ya can!"
Rogue: "Uh...Mr. Hale, I really don't-"
Saxton: "Oh don't wuss out on me girly, you want this job or not?!"
Rogue: "Oh my god- Mr. Hale! I am so-"
Saxton: "Now that's what I'm talking about! You pack a hard punch for such a cute little thing!"
Rogue: "You're bleeding..."
Saxton: "Consider yourself hired!"
Doesn't trust her. Not one bit. She only respects her because she has to, and even then her "respect" is so shallow that anyone could see right through it. She hates the way she berates, overworks, and oftentimes gaslights Miss Pauling, and the fact that even all the other mercs seem to be intimidated by her concerns her greatly. She knows something's going on with her behind the scenes, and she's determined to figure out what. In the few times she actually saw her in person, Rogue definitely smarted off to her more than once, despite Miss Pauling practically begging her to watch it. The Administrator, however, almost finds it adorable. Almost. She kind of views Rogue as a bratty child. A bratty child with skill and talent that is essential for her team. And for that, she lets the sassiness slide...for now. Luckily these two don't butt heads often though, considering the Administrator is rarely seen.
Administrator, over the loud loudspeaker: "Well done, let's see some more."
Rogue, mumbling: "Bite me..."
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Better Love - cth
part two: the wild and us
summary: Maeve and Calum meet. The rain outside puts on a show. 
author’s notes: I hope you guys enjoyed the first part of this series! This part had one of my favorite scenes I’ve ever written so I hope you enjoy! 
warnings: mentions of drinking, mentions of breakups, mentions of food. 
masterlist || request || join my taglist! 
part one
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Staring in the blackness at some distant star The thrill of knowing how alone we are, unknown we are To the wild and to the both of us
"What are you doing in my hotel?" she asked shakily, her wariness prevalent in the way her voice shook as she stared at the man in front of her. 
The towel she was pulling closer to her body felt like nothing in the room with him. Maeve, who had only made it  back to the cabin an hour prior, had expected to be alone. She'd hadn't expected to walk out of her shower to find a tall man sleeping in the bed she'd rented out for the week. She also hadn't expected the rainstorm to be so bad, her weather app claiming her entire week here would be sunny and perfect for hiking, so finding a man in her cabin hadn't been in her plans either. 
And wow was he a sight for sore eyes. 
"What are you doing in my cottage?" he asked, Maeve's eyebrow raising as she heard the trace of an accent, "Mrs. Bagby rented this place out to me, she never said there was someone already staying here," he huffed, his eyebrows furrowing as he studied Maeve's. 
"Mrs. Bagby? Who the hell is Mrs. Bagby? I'm renting this from Mrs. Baird," Maeve said, "I was here first! You're the intruder!"
Maeve, who had always been prepared to debate with anyone, was not backing down no matter how exposed she was in front of a handsome man. She wasn't going to stand for a stranger barging into her space, she needed this vacation more than anything in this world and she'd be damned if she let this ruin it. She watched as the man in front of her opened and closed his mouth, looking like a fish out of the water as he tried to come up with a solution to the very obvious problem. If Maeve was honest, she had no idea how the confusion had happened or how they'd both ended up in this situation, but she didn't have much time to think about it. 
The thunder outside shook the walls of the small cabin, rattling the jars and the decorations on the walls throughout, and it wasn't until Maeve heard the crack of lightning that she realized just how bad the storm outside had become. The view outside the window had been fogged, the colorful autumn trees disappearing behind the wall of water falling from the sky as the landscape blurred into a mixture of grey and orange with red splotches. Maeve, whose attention had switched from the man in the green hoodie to the raging storm outside, had grabbed the pile of clothes she'd left on the dresser. Without another word, she walked back towards the bathroom and made sure to twist the lock before she let out a breath. 
The man in her bedroom for the week had been, breathtaking to say the least. His eyes, although wide and filled with confusion when Maeve had looked into them, were brown and shone even in the gloominess of the weather His hair was short, the tufts of blonde hair curling near the ends. Maeve guessed that his hair had been a darker color naturally, the roots she'd spotted proving her point. He looked like a kind person, maybe he was like Maeve as well, just another person looking for an escape. 
That's all her trip to this cabin was meant to be, an escape. 
Maeve's life had always been simple if you could call it that. She'd been born on a rainy afternoon, her mother liked to tell her it was because she was meant to outshine the sun itself. Her parents, who'd met in Scotland years before she ever came to take her first breath, had always told her about the magic the country had to offer. They told her stories of the forests so vast and large that even the biggest of problems could shrink down into pebbles that flowed away in the rivers. She'd grown up in a small town, dreaming of the wonders that Scotland had for her when she was old enough to see them. 
Maeve had moved when her time at university peaked when her nose was stuck in books that spoke all about the history and the cultures that made up the world. It had been the first time in her life that she'd been away from her parents, from the only home she had ever known, and it had been so thrilling. She went from only traveling to big cities for concerts or when her father had needed to run errands to living right in the heart of all the commotion. The quiet nights that had been filled with only cicadas singing into the night were replaced by the sound of a city, alive and cheerful at all hours of the day. Maeve had never experienced so much at such a fast pace and her life at her university flew by before she had a chance to slow down. One day she was unpacking her bags in her dorm and the next she was accepting her diploma and applying to jobs around the country. She felt the burnout, felt the way her brain tensed whenever she read through application requirements and the thought of having to pack up her life again. She felt the way her eyes forced themself open while riding the train to interviews. She knew that she needed a break, a few days off to remember who she was and what she wanted in life. To make matters worse, her relationship had been going downhill. She'd met James at a social event the school had put on, both of them were in the same program so it wasn't hard to make conversation with him. After too many history jokes and a trip to the campus bar, Maeve found herself awake in his arms as he slept. She'd laid there that first night, looking out at the stars through his window, wondering why she'd felt a pull towards a different place, a different person.
That feeling hadn't stopped since that night, she'd stayed with James, he was a nice guy who made her laugh and kept her company as they both studied. But he wasn't someone she saw herself spending the rest of her life with. She had a feeling that James felt the same way even if they were both too afraid to admit that the spark that had been there before was fiddling out. The arguments were getting worse, the silence lasting longer as time went on. It wasn't until one night when Maeve had been studying for a final exam that it had all exploded. Words were thrown around, tears were shed, and she was left feeling like something was wrong with her. She couldn't understand why she couldn't love James as he loved her, she'd turn distant and pushed him away until all that was left between them was a broken flower vase and tears.
That's why she'd jumped on the opportunity to fly to Scotland when it arose. She'd been sitting at her desk, scrolling through an endless list of applications and teaching opportunities when the email had popped up. She'd read through it a couple of times, making sure she wasn't imagining the words on the screen. Her professor, who'd helped her in more ways than one could count, had recommended her for a teaching job abroad. She would have to visit the school, make sure that it was both a right fit for her and for the administration, but it seemed like they were more than ready to offer her a spot and helping her make Edinburgh her home. 
Mrs. Baird, the lovely older woman who had driven Maeve up to the cabin and helped her unpack, had told her that she was glad she'd arrived a few days earlier after Maeve had told her all about why she was visiting Scotland at such an odd time of year. She'd been a curious soul ever since Maeve had stepped out of the taxi that had taken her from the train station out to the main residence Mrs. Baird had seemed to be the owner of. She'd asked Maeve all sorts of questions, which Maeve had taken as to her host just making sure she wasn't escaping from anyone dangerous or anything like that, it was a tough time to be a woman traveling alone.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll love the spot you'll be staying in then. It's very private, it'll be good for you to clear your head and relax before your big interview," she'd nodded as she packed up a few bags with groceries Maeve hadn't recalled reading about on the website. 
"Oh, um, I don't think I paid for anything like that, Mrs. Baird," Maeve chuckled and shook her head, "I was thinking of just popping into town and picking up a few essentials."
"Oh don't you worry, darling! It's my pleasure. Plus, the cottage is quite secluded so it'd take you almost half a day to get to the shops and back," she shrugged, "Let's get going, yeah?"
The drive up to the cabin had been slow and gave Maeve a chance to take in the sights. The forest was alive with colors that Maeve's eyes had craved to see. It seemed like everything her parents had told her about the place they'd met was still the same. The trees still sway in the chilly breeze and somewhere in the distance, a river flowed with a power that only came with years of flowing and receiving rain. The drive itself had been plenty enough to get Maeve excited about her days of rest but the second her eyes saw the stone bridge that led to her home for the next couple of days, she knew her life was about to change. After helping Mrs. Baird with bringing in all the bags and thanking her for the candles she'd also brought, telling her a rainstorm was predicted to pass through the next day, Maeve was alone. 
Her first day in the cabin had been spent unpacking and unwinding. Mrs. Baird had been kind enough to bring a bottle of Scottish whiskey, telling her," when in Scotland" and Maeve had sampled the liquor, letting it burn her throat as she stared out at the river flowing outside her bedroom window. Her trip had been going great so far, she'd successfully beaten jetlag, had managed not to burn the small kitchen down during her dinner, and she had taken a nice and relaxing show when the rainstorm had shown up the next day. She'd made sure to light a few candles around the place, not wanting to walk around in the dark if the power did go out. Then, of course, everything took a turn for the unexpected when Maeve walked out of the bathroom and was met by a man sleeping in her bed. 
By the time she'd walked out of the bathroom again, fully dressed and a little more confident in herself, the power had gone out and the whole cabin had been illuminated with an orange glow coming from the candles. The man was no longer in the bedroom, but the storm outside the window was winding up more and more as the seconds passed. She knew she couldn't make him walk out in the forest during the storm, it was too dangerous and mean in general to kick someone out in the middle of a downpour. So she'd let the guy stay until the storm passed and then they'd both walk down to the main residence and sort out whatever the hell was happening. 
"Calum," he mumbled, looking over as Maeve stepped out into the living room, "I'm Calum."
"Maeve," she replied with a nod, "You're not here to murder me, right?"
Calum chuckled and shook his head, which made Maeve warm and sent a shiver down her spine. His smile was nice, a murderer wouldn't have waited for her to get dress unless he was into that, she thought. She'd smiled at him, tugging the sleeves of her sweater down a bit as she looked around the living room. The candles gave the entire room a moody glow, the storm had stopped the sunshine from coming in through the windows and it had felt later on in the day than it actually was. 
"So...tea?" she asked softly as she motioned towards the kitchen. 
Maeve had found out that Calum, which was a very fitting name for the man sitting across from her watching the rain outside, had been in Scotland for a little over two weeks. He'd been traveling on his own, exploring the smaller cities and seeing what the Highlands had to offer. Maeve had told him about her interview, confessing that she wasn't the most prepared and that these few days before were to help her hopefully calm down. To her surprised, she’d learned that Calum was a professor at a university near his town, both of their widening at the confession of just how similar they were.
"That's exciting, what are you hoping to teach?” Calum asked, his eyes meeting hers in the candlelight, “I specialize in Art History.”
“History,” she nodded, a blush on her cheeks, her eyes glancing down to the cup of tea that had been warming her hands, “I’ve always loved studying it and I want to help others learn about it too.”
“Yeah? I get that. The history department at my school isn’t the best Some older man names Rainer runs it like it’s still warm times,” Calum chuckled, “He’s the worst.”
Maeve laughed, shaking her head as she thought about her fair share of professors who had yet to catch up with the times She thought about what kind of instructor Calum was. It was only his second year teaching so was he the one who made his students excited for lessons ahead? Did he use fun activities and assignments to incorporate them into his plans? Maybe he assigned cool projects, where the main point was to gain a bigger understanding of something a student has been wanting to talk about. Calum seemed like the type and from what Maeve had learned about the man in the short hours she’d known him, she knew he was kind and attentive.
“How was your hike up here?” Calum asked as he set the cup of tea down on the table, his legs stretching out as his head leaned on the back of the couch. 
“Hike?” Maeve asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked over at him.
“Yeah, I left around like five and didn’t get here until ten,” Calum chuckled and shrugged, “And somehow you look like you just took a leisurely drive up here,” he teased, sitting up as he saw the look on Maeve’s face, “Oh my god, you drove up here, didn’t you?”
"In my defense," Maeve giggled out, holding her arms up, "Mrs. Baird offered to bring me up here"
"Oh, and she forced me to walk for five hours and fall in the mud!?" Calum whined, shaking his head as he let out a groan, "She's so not getting a good review from me, whatever her name may be."
Maeve laughed softly, watching the way Calum ran a hand down his face and pouted over at her. She was surprised at how easily they both got along, usually, Maeve had trouble getting out of her own head and talking to new people. But with Calum things just felt so carefree. She wasn't sure if it was such a good thing, opening up to a complete stranger who had been booked into the same cabin as her, but the rain outside wasn't letting up and she was more than willing to work out a compromise to share with him until the rain stopped and they could take the quad bike Mrs. Baird had told Maeve about before leaving her in the middle of nowhere. 
"Do you want to go freshen up? I'm sure your five-hour hike up here more than justifies a nice warm bath," Maeve nodded, giggling as Calum glared playfully over at her, "I'll try and mix something up for lunch?"
"That sounds lovely, if the rain doesn't stop soon I'll make us dinner," Calum shrugged, standing up from the couch and walking over to the entrance of the cabin, gathering his bag and a pile of clothes that Maeve hadn't even noticed were on the floor before making his way over to the bathroom. 
The rain had not stopped by the time Calum had gotten out of the bath, much to Maeve’s pleasure since she’d heard his soft voice singing along to whatever song he’d been playing. The rain hadn't stopped while the two ate their lunch, a stew that Maeve had managed to throw together in the tiny kitchen. And the rain had, surprisingly, not stopped while Calum had been bustling around the kitchen a few hours later, making dinner while Maeve read through one of the many books she’d packed with her for her trip If she hadn’t known anything about Scotland before traveling there, she would’ve assumed the Earth was flooding and that her adventure abroad would end before it even started.
It wasn’t until a crack of thunder rocked the walls of the cabin that Maeve realized just how extreme the weather has turned. The window was howling against the windows, shaking the panes with the intensity of it. The power had yet to come back and as the day had gone by, the cabin had only grown gloomier and gloomier. Their only source of light had been the many candles that their host has left them, something Maeve would be eternally grateful for. They crackled and glowed in the darkness of whatever room Maeve would get up to look out the window through. Her shadows mixed with the firelight and danced across the dark walls of the safety she’d come to know in her short stay. The river outside of the house, which was louder now that it was filled with rainwater, had grown taller as Maeve would barely see the giant rocks inside of the river which had caused the small rapids earlier in the day.
It was all terrifyingly beautiful.
Nature had put on a show for her and Calum, letting them in on the secret dance the forest and elements did for one another. The trees danced with the wind, swaying wildly from side to side and switching directions when they pleased. The river water jumped over the stone bridge above it, splashing cold water onto the top and lowering as it sprinkled back down onto itself. The woodland animals, who would be hiding in the safety of their own homes, hidden somewhere Maeve couldn’t quite see but hoped they’d be just as amazed watching the show that the world put on for them. It was all so terrifying and violent, the rain submitting to no one but itself as he disappeared into the river only to come down harder from the clouds in the night sky. It wasn’t until the thunder, which had been singing a song for the forest itself, cracked again that the stone bridge took its final bow.
Maeve watched as the bridge crumbles. It started slowly, one of two big pieces crumbling into the river below as if by accident. But the water was cruel and greedy, splashing upwards and sending more and more stone into its hands. Maeve, who could do nothing more than watch as their only way back out to civilization crumbled and washed away into the river below, gasped and leaned against the window. The glass shook underneath her hands, the wind greeting her palms from the outside and howling in excitement as the once-solid bridge was split into two pieces, never to meet again, as the final act of nature’s show came to an end.
“Did you hear that?” Calum asked as he walked into the bedroom, where Maeve had been watching the show, “Maeve?”
She turned to face the stranger, her wide eyes softening as she was met with the definition of a word she couldn’t place in her brain. Calum had changed into a pair of joggers, the grey material hanging loosely off his hips and only held up by a haphazardly tied knot. His upper half was dressed in a warm green sweater, the color reminding her of the fields of green she’d seen on the train ride to the small town, his board shoulder stretching the fabric a little bit in the candlelight, he looked breathtaking. Maeve knew he was good-looking, it was one of the first things she’d noticed when he’d jumped up from the bed with tired eyes that had been filled with fear. He was beautiful and kind and…stuck with Maeve.
“T-the bridge,” she stuttered out, her cheeks flushing as she realized Calum was still standing in front of her waiting for an answer, “The bridge fell.”
taglist: @hoodhoran​​​ @finelliine​ @moonlightcriess​​​ @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver​​ @calpops​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @notlukehemmo​​ @calumrose​​ @devilatmydoor​ @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop​​  @matchacal​​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​​ @myloverboyash​ @2fangirl4u​​ @multistann​
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