#also Acidalia is just like. genuinely a good person
smol-blue-bird · 2 years
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i’ve been writing nonstop for like six hours so here’s a meme that makes no sense to anybody but me
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spearcast · 8 years
1-5 for the Noble sisters!
!!!!! thank you friend!! under a read more bc hoooooo boi it’s long
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Renee’s full name is actually Sarah Renee Noble- named Sarah after her grandmother- but she preferred to go by Renee (Sarah means princess/noblewoman, Renee means reborn/born again). 
Rosalie’s full name is Rosalie Acidalia Noble (Rosalie means rose, Acidalia is a surname of the goddess Venus and is associated with cares or troubles). Her parents went on a brief vacation in Greece and Italy (specifically Rome) before her dad got into the SEP with Overwatch.
Mallory’s full name is Mallory Candace Noble (Mallory means unfortunate, Candace means pure/sincere). Which, of course, got her the nickname “Candy” and other sweet ones like “sugarcube”. 
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
They all have their “alias” names which came from various things. When Renee started working with Talon, they gave her the codename “Hekate” bc of her seemingly magical abilities. Rosalie and Mallory sort of chose theirs- coming from nicknames they were given as kids (Mama Noble often called Rosalie “little Aphrodite” or “my little Venus fly trap” and Mal was/is often called “sugarcube” and “candy” by Rosalie and Mama Garza) getting them their titles of “Venus” and “Confection”.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Admittedly, Renee had a good childhood. Her parents loved her, gave her a lot of attention, wanted the best for her. Even after her father joined Overwatch/the Soldier Enhancement Program, everything was pretty peachy. She helped her mom with community stuff in center city Philly and was actually gunning to become a recruit in Overwatch’s peace-keeping organization- 
Until Rosalie was born. Because a little after that, Overwatch’s Swiss HQ blew up. It killed their father. 16 year old Renee became a lot quieter and to herself after that. However, Mama Noble (and after a couple of years, her new beau Lucas Carter) still raised Rosalie very happily, often taking the sisters out to the suburbs in the Noble family homestead (since Dad!Noble came from closer to Reading, PA than Philly) and such. AND OF COURSE, this all changes when Mallory is born. Rosalie is 8 and Mallory is 24. One is still a kid, the other getting out of college. There’s the minor omnic uprising in Philadelphia, where Margie Noble and fiance Lucas Carter are killed protecting 6-month-old Mallory and 8-year-old Rosalie.
Both had to go to the hospital, and when child services called Renee, she answered once, with a short (and very cold) “I don’t want them”. She never picked up that line again after that, discarding the phone and essentially leaving her sisters for whatever came their way. (This effectively ended Rosalie’s “childhood”, because an eight year old as smart as her grew up fast when she learned that she and Mal were going into an orphanage.) 
Mallory had a relatively okay childhood, for what it’s worth. The orphanage treated she and Rosalie well, though Rosie was always a little overprotective. They didn’t get adopted until Mal was 5 and Rosalie was 13. That story is continued here, for trying to make a long post a little shorter.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
Renee has the best memories of both of the parents, was really close with her dad; she always low-key had a grudge against him for being away from home so often and not with she and her mom more but she understood. Worst memory had to be getting into a fight with them when both Margie and Stephen told her she was going to have a little sister- which, I headcanon Rosalie to have been a “miracle child”, since the SEP was supposed to make their volunteers sterile after the process was complete. She was pissed because they were acting like this baby was going to be a godsend and she was feeling very... dramatically Over It. She was 15-16, we all know how those years can be.
Rosalie has the best memories of her mom. Her favorite was when they went to Lake Erie for the summer before Mallory was born- her mom was pregnant and happily engaged to Lucas, Renee was even a bit happier that summer (mostly because she was graduating college within the year and could live her life freely after that). Her worst had to be- UH, I MEAN, probably her mom and step-dad-to-be dying right in front of her????? Admittedly, I can’t think of a worse one. (She does have a singular, perfect memory of her father. When she was a baby, maybe 9 months, she can vividly hear him saying “Rosalie” and looking down at her smiling. That’s it. The only thing she has of him, mentally at least.)
Mallory never knew her parents and doesn’t remember them. She only has pictures and holovids Rosalie still has. Sometimes she watches them, but as Mallory is, she doesn’t dwell on it. Sure she would’ve liked to know them, to have had a relationship with them, but she knows it’s not worth it to grieve over people she never knew.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
If you ask Renee- unless the information is needed for a mission- she’ll say she has no siblings. (She generally hates Rosalie, though she also genuinely doesn’t consider Mal to be her sister. It’s partially her way of dealing with the grief of losing both parents. She blames Rosalie for their father’s death and Mallory for their mother’s, even if it’s irrational.)(Fun fact: she also does in fact fear Rosalie. Because after their first reuniting moment, she realizes Rosalie has grown up to be One Angry Motherfucker who has a super soldier’s abilities.)
Rosalie used to see Renee as the coolest older sister. She liked how nonchalant and distant and “chill” Renee seemed. OF COURSE, this all changes after she, at 8 years old, realized Renee didn’t give a fuck about her OR Mallory. This is when that deep-seeded anger in her gut was planted. She’ll admit to having a younger sibling but sometimes outright refuses to call Renee her sister. (She still cares about Renee, especially as she’s gotten older. She knows Renee needs help in some way, shape, or form, because of how horribly the eldest Noble is handling grief and going about her life.)(LMAO HOWEVER, upon their first reuniting, she literally sees Renee and starts seeing red, essentially trying to beat the fuck outta ‘ne. She angery.) Rosalie and Mallory however? My god you’ll never find a better duo. They’re very... Nani-and-Lilo in their sibling relationship, and often have pretty good banter. She can be a bit over protective, but it’s something Mallory genuinely appreciates.
Mallory doesn’t give a fuck about this “Renee” person. (Unless Renee were to say, hurt Rosalie. Then This Renee chick is getting choked out with her slingshot.)(Fun fact: Renee kidnaps Mal at one point and Renee is like “lmao isn’t it fucked up I’m your sister? join Talon w/ me I can teach you shit” and Mal is just like.... “*squints* who the fuck are you again” I love Mal so much.) Rosalie, on the other hand, is pretty much the Best Sister-Mom Ever in Mallory’s eyes. Mal isn’t super great with emotions, but she knows for sure that Rosalie has gone through hell and back to keep her safe and that her older sister would do it time and time again if she had to. 
While Rosalie is definitely the sister you don’t want to piss off, Mallory is one to watch out for also. Hurt Rosalie? You’re getting clocked with a shield and sometimes even a small person (aka Mallory). Mal also will not hesitate to verbally destroy and pick apart anyone who has a problem with Rosalie. Their arguments are really something though, because both are very intellectual (even if Rosalie doesn’t give herself credit for it) and it usually actually winds down into a debate. “Winds down” after the near-screaming match they had moments before ofc.
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