#which is interesting
firelise · 11 months
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Sand: alone, minding his business... Ray: not on my watch Only Friends (2023)
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girafeduvexin · 5 months
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Fifty shades of green.
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
If anyone is wondering what Buck’s “like sea monkeys” comment is about:
Sea monkeys are the advertising name for brine shrimp which were sold basically as a sorta toy where you get three pooches (one of the eggs, one of nutrients, one of dye) and you pour it in and then you get these weird looking creatures
But the reason for bucks comment is that sea monkeys are actually an artificial breed made from hybridisation and they hatch from eggs that can remain dormant for years until exposed to water
So yeah Eddie😌like sea monkeys😌
Let the man cook next time🫡
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blood-orange-juice · 8 months
About Childe and his weird ethics.
He reminds me of what I know of real world medieval knights. Chivalry was a thing only applied to equals.
There was no glory in harming noncombatants and generally you would want to avoid that, but if you absolutely needed to sack a city (or take a city hostage to lure out its patron deity) then no one would blame you.
There was a lot of scheming too.
There's certain irony in wanting to be a fairytale knight and becoming a real one instead.
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the-crimson · 1 year
(Characters not ccs and not negative just an observation XD)
I find this so interesting because this is the second time Forever has accused bbh of a crime with zero evidence then proceeded to treat him as guilty and punish him for it.
First with the furniture in which it makes ZERO sense for bbh to steal it when all that would do is make everyone on the island want to outlaw furniture theft even more - plus he has an alibi as Tallulah/Chayann’s room was untouched and bbh has access. It was such an obvious frame. Forever to this day believes that Bad is guilty (I think? Either that or he’s just being petty about previous theft)
Now with the gun and Bad also has an alibi! Foolish literally broke into the vault and posted a picture of himself in the vault with the suitcases. He could have unlocked Forever’s case and taken the gun and that is 100% something Foolish would do! He stole two of the suitcases it’s 100% plausible he could have stolen the gun before bbh ever even had the suitcase. The fact that Forever immediately accuses bad even tho there is a much more viable (if equally innocent) culprit is telling
It’s both interesting with which the speed and resoluteness Forever blames Bad and the fact that… bbh doesn’t do these kinds of pranks.
Bad will steal valuable items from people then give it back after ten minutes of taunting. Hell steal a piece of furniture or two every once in a while but never steals in bulk and has resisted important pieces of furniture many times - looking at you blue chair in front of Max’s house. His pranks are harmless and if it does unintended harm, he’ll repay the victim ten fold.
The magma cube prank didn’t do any irreparable harm and mostly just gave everyone a heart attack and a moment of annoyance before either killing it or capturing it again. When he tormented Bagi with the cube, he upgraded her frying pan with op enchantments as compensation.
The fact that Forever doubles down on bbh being guilty for the furniture and the gun just goes to show how little he actually knows Bad. He thinks he knows Bad enough to tell these are his pranks but he’s just proving how little he actually knows him and it’s so interesting to me
(Edit: I’ve been informed that forever doesn’t actually think bad stole the furniture or has his gun but that kinda makes it worse cuz Forever treats bad like he’s guilty anyway when he knows he’s not XD never change Forever, keep feeding us the drama u little rapscallion)
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So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Éowyn’s “I won’t be left to burn in the house” speech, and here’s another interesting (I think) line of thought to come from there…
Éowyn goes to battle in Gondor over the objections of her king and father figure because she sees his directive as wrong and unjust. In doing so, she avoids the possible fate of being burned to death alongside the families and other non-combatants of Rohan. Faramir does the opposite — he obeys a directive from his steward and father figure to go to battle in Osgiliath even though he clearly also sees it as wrong and unwise. And the result for him is also almost the opposite, in that he very nearly does get burned to death alongside his non-combatant family member.
I don’t have a whole thesis about what that means or anything, though I think it probably hits in a number of interesting ways on things like the different levels of deference given to monarchical power in Rohan v Gondor, the gender dynamics involved in expectations of compliance with authority, how your life experience influences what fate you would come to see as worse than death, Tolkien’s larger themes about the peril of “just following orders”, and, of course, the underlying parallels of suffering between Éowyn and Faramir that make them particularly well suited to understand each other.
Anyway (*Marge Simpson voice*), I just think it’s neat. And hat tip to the Queer Lodgings podcast, where they talked about some of this in their most recent episode about why Farawyn is a queer relationship.
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Dan's american accent we will always love you
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avnasace · 2 months
corlys trying to name baela heir to driftmark is interesting, it shows his mindset i think, because considering baela is betrothed to jace, she wouldnt be able to be heir to driftmark even if she wanted to.
now that corlys has lost both his wife, brother and his own legitimate children, and lukes death left him without an heir, i wonder if him scrambling to pass driftmark to baela is suicidal ideation? i might be wrong but it almost looked like he was standing where they put the velaryons to rest? it would be easy to think he was grieving his family, also most likely thinking about how rhaenys wont ever join him and their children in the sea, but i also think it must have been him wanting to give up and join them early.
i do also love that rhaenyra told baela that she sees rhaenys in her, again proven by baelas "i am fire and blood" line and her talking about dying a dragonriders death like her mother and grandmother. i havent read the books but hopefully this means she might have given him some hope and reminded corlys why he sided with rhaenyra in the first place. which was because of rhaenys' words and his love for her and his grandaughters.
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elswing · 2 months
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we finally have information on the new elf characters! quality is a bit poor but oh well. selina lo's character is named rían and calam lynch plays a cartographer named camnir. they're both connected to elrond's storyline
the article is here!
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
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Gosh I LOVE how soft Linebeck gets towards the end he’s so sweet
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thosewildcharms · 5 months
i truly do believe richonne would have found each other in every universe. If the apocalypse didn’t happen they would fall in love and in every variation of space and time they would have found one and other
yeah, you know. as much as i've been joking about how ~five pizzas and a wedding ring~ proved that they'd fall in love in every universe, i do actually think there's support for it. if nothing else certainly there is an element of fate/destiny in how they met, and met again after the prison fell. and if anything, the ones who live leaned into that even further. michonne saying she knew rick was alive, despite all evidence to the contrary because she could "feel" him - and being right about it - is soulmates 101, and as @danaredbeard pointed out in a genius reblog, rick felt a similar connection. and if THAT wasn't enough, there was that time michonne just so happened to gain a new bff on her hero's journey who was a self taught expert in explosives, and said bff just SO HAPPENED to shoot down rick's helicopter that JUST SO HAPPENED to be flying right over them almost immediately after both rick and michonne had finally given up on ever seeing each other again. and not only was rick miraculously unharmed, but instead the missile targeted the person sitting directly next to him who also happened to be the guy who was holding rick hostage in the CRM by threatening michonne's life. like, this doesn't just feel like an invisible string tying them together. it feels like the universe insistently shoving these two people together over and over and over again.
all of that being said, i will say i don't think that if the zombie apocalypse hadn't happened it would have happened as easily as five pizzas and a wedding ring. the rick and michonne we met in twd 1x01 and the flashback in 4x09 respectively were living two very different lives and were very different people and michonne in particular seemed pretty content with her life and partner. these two would not have locked eyes in the middle of a crowded room and fallen in insta!love, given their circumstances at the time. BUT. i always felt watching twd that the universe was like, fuck it, if a zombie apocalypse had to happen to get these two people in front of each other so be it. and now after watching towl, i firmly believe if it wasn't that, something else would have sent these two people careening towards each other under the exact right circumstances. so to that end YEAH. i agree. soulmates.
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completeoveranalysis · 11 months
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Oh here it is!
The iconic moment! This time in full colour, even if they never print the colour images for some reason! It’s gorgeous. 
It’s a nice change that the things falling aesthetically around them are clover leaves and not feathers for once. A little less depressing for their first major moment! Less focussed on crumbling souls and encroaching doom, more genuine cuteness!
I was out here wondering if the long sleeves of this outfit are something else unique to this version of Sakura but I'm double checking and we've seen Sakura in Clow Kingdom Long Sleeves at least once before - in the opening image for chapitre 14.
Unless that image was always secretly of these two and not the Sakura and Syaoran we initially thought? Always possible!
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amethystina · 5 months
Girl you're calling that a sex scene? That was the ART OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. You are the best at what you do and I'm sorry I know I'm shameless but your fic got me thinking, understanding the boys as good as you do, how do you think Yo Han would react if he got some indications or evidence that Ga On is cheating on him? Not that I'll ever believe Ga On to be capable of it, but I'm just wondering if some signs pointed that way, what do you think Yo Han would do or think?
I have to say, this ask nearly gave me a heart attack x'D Because the notification only said: "Girl you're calling that a sex scene? That was" before it cut off, so I definitely had time to start panicking, wondering just how terrible that sex scene must have been. A part of me didn't even want to open the ask x'D
It was fine once I did, obviously, but man, I was scared there for a second.
ANYWAY. I think Yo Han's reaction depends on how long they've been together. And also what kind of hints and evidence he's seeing, of course, but his actions depend mostly on how long they've been together and how secure he feels in their relationship.
Like, I think that after a couple of years, once they've gotten settled, gotten better at communicating, and Yo Han has learned that no, he won't actually end up devouring Ga On because Ga On has enough darkness of his own to withstand whatever Yo Han can throw at him, he'll calm down significantly. He'll realise that Ga On doesn't want someone else and, even if Ga On did, he's bold enough to just flat-out say that. He wouldn't go behind Yo Han's back and cheat — he'd tell Yo Han to his face that he's found someone else and wants to separate.
Not that Ga On ever would, but he's too honest and righteous to sneak around and lie, basically.
So, like, after a certain point, even if they ended up in the cliché, dramatic scenario where Ga On comes home with lipstick on his shirt collar, Yo Han's first thought wouldn't be: "Are you cheating on me?" but rather: "Did someone try to assault you?"
Quickly followed by: "Who is she?" and "Where does she live?"
Yo Han, NO.
And when Ga On explains that he was just trying to help a drunk woman get a taxi home and she collapsed against him as they were waiting and must have smudged lipstick on his collar as she did so, Yo Han would just go: "Yeah, that checks out. That's definitely something Ga On would do — and much more reasonable than him cheating on me."
(Partly also because Yo Han kind of expects that if Ga On truly was cheating on him, despite all odds, he would be much better at hiding the evidence. He trained his sugar baby better than that, okay?)
But if it's earlier in their relationship? When Yo Han still thinks that he's going to suffocate or scare Ga On away? And Ga On hasn't learned to open up yet? So he won't tell Yo Han what he's feeling and thinking? Then things might develop differently — and can turn quite ugly, unfortunately.
Like, it can start with something as simple as Ga On being tired. Perhaps work is being difficult — forcing him to stay late a lot — and maybe it's getting close to the anniversary of Soo Hyun's death and Ga On is closing himself off more than usual. But Ga On doesn't want to bother Yo Han with something as silly as him being tired, or reawaken the jealousy Yo Han feels towards Soo Hyun, so he just doesn't say anything. And tells white lies when Yo Han asks if something is wrong. But Yo Han would notice that Ga On starts brushing him off, is home less often, and probably isn't as physically affectionate as he usually would be.
And once the thought that Ga On might be cheating on him appears, it'd be difficult for Yo Han to let it go. He'd probably push it aside at first, with the very reasonable explanation that, no, Ga On is too honest and good for something like that. But it would resurface the next time Ga On brushes him off, and get even worse when Ga On seems tense and a little awkward when he hugs Yo Han — as if he's feeling uncomfortable.
Or guilty.
And Ga On is feeling guilty, because he's missing Soo Hyun and he knows that Yo Han wouldn't like that if he knew. And so Ga On clams up even more, refusing to talk about it. But Yo Han would assume it's because of something else — something even worse.
And, sadly, once the suspicion gains hold, I think Ga On would be guilty until proven innocent in Yo Han's mind. Because Yo Han is never wrong, right? So, clearly, it's just a matter of finding the evidence. And so he'd try to find said proof by invading Ga On's privacy, having him followed and investigated — all that unacceptable shit Yo Han does. Because now Yo Han has something to prove and he'd lose sight of the fact that, in doing so, he might just be causing an even bigger problem that will, sooner or later, blow up in his face. He'd lose himself to the hunt.
Because it's not like there will ever come a time when he goes: "Okay, I've had Ga On followed for three weeks now and he hasn't done anything, that probably means he's not cheating on me." It'd be: "He just hasn't slipped up yet."
On pure habit, he'd start treating Ga On like a target — like someone he has to expose.
And since Yo Han can't exactly talk to Ga On about this — who is now one of the few people who'd try to hold Yo Han back when he crosses the line (R.I.P. K, we miss you) — there's literally nothing stopping him. And so it just becomes a question of what happens first: Ga On figuring out that Yo Han is having him followed for some reason, Ga On catching Yo Han invading his privacy, or Ga On getting unsettled enough by Yo Han's behaviour to ask what the hell is going on.
Because Yo Han wouldn't be able to just keep behaving normally. He's a good actor, yes, but Ga On knows the difference between Yo Han's genuine affection and when he's trying to fake it. And Yo Han has to start faking it after a while, once his doubts grow strong enough. Because it's difficult to keep giving it your all when you think your partner is cheating on you.
And Ga On would be able to tell when Yo Han starts acting weird. But there's also a danger that he might assume that it's because Yo Han has figured out what's going on with Ga On. As in, Ga On thinks that the displeasure he's picking up on is lingering jealousy over Soo Hyun, not this new threat that Yo Han has conjured up in his mind. Because the day Soo Hyun died is a date both of them know, and all that. So, maybe, Ga On wouldn't actually say anything at first, afraid that would just make Yo Han more agitated.
Meanwhile, Yo Han would be so goddamn confused because he really didn't think Ga On was this good of an actor. Because despite a bit of awkwardness, Ga On is still mostly himself, not showing nearly as much guilt as Yo Han had expected. Yo Han is surprised that Ga On can act that well.
(It's because he's not acting, you pickled cucumber)
So, most likely, I'd say that it all comes to a head when Yo Han gets caught snooping. Either because Ga On figures out that, yes, he truly is being followed, or catches Yo Han looking through his phone or something. And the resulting argument would, uh, not be pretty.
Because even if some part of Ga On could probably see that Yo Han's actions are mostly founded in insecurities — Yo Han thinking he doesn't deserve Ga On, being sure he'll scare him away eventually, thinking Ga On can easily find someone better, etc. — it's also incredibly painful to hear that Yo Han thought he'd do something like that. Like, I think Ga On could forgive the invasion of privacy and light stalking relatively easily, but the fact that Yo Han genuinely thought he'd cheat on him? That his trust in Ga On and Ga On's devotion to him is apparently that weak?
That hurts.
And, sure, Yo Han's doubts are understandable to some degree but, as per usual, it's the way he chooses to act on them that's the biggest problem. Instead of having Ga On followed like a criminal, he should have just asked to have an adult conversation about it.
Not at all helped by the fact that Yo Han would, of course, get defensive when Ga On points this out, and insist that he had very good reasons because Ga On was behaving so weirdly. Which of course means that Ga On has to explain why that is, and then Yo Han does end up feeling jealous over the whole Soo Hyun thing again, but also kind of terrible because Ga On has been suffering for weeks and he didn't notice. Like, jealousy and all that aside, Yo Han still loves Ga On with every fibre of his being and wants to protect him from everything that can hurt him — including the lingering grief after Soo Hyun's death. Ga On shouldn't suffer, period.
And it's not until after he's had that thought that Yo Han suddenly realises just how badly he's fucked up. Because Ga On would definitely be crying by then, in between the angry yelling. Like, Yo Han only has to look at him and see how devastated Ga On is, and then he'd realise that's all on him. It's Yo Han's fault.
He did that.
And, in that moment, Yo Han would also realise that he isn't immune to the concept of self-fulfilling prophecies. Since, in all the time he and Ga On has been together, this is definitely the closest he's actually come to scaring Ga On away. Because Ga On would, at the very least, move out of their shared bedroom for a while after that. If he still has his apartment, he might even go so far as to return there, too hurt and humiliated to stay at the house.
(Let's hope Elijah is somewhere else — exploring the world or something — because, otherwise, she would smack the everloving shit out of Yo Han)
And so they would both be miserable for a while and, not so surprisingly, Yo Han would feel terrible. Like, that man would spiral, probably faster than he ever has in his entire life. Because, understandable trauma and insecurities aside, this is his fault. The situation got out of hand because of his choices. And Yo Han can't say for sure if Ga On will be able to forgive him.
Meanwhile, Ga On has the dubious benefit of being the wronged party. Which, in theory, means you'll be hurt and angry, but don't have to take the blame onto yourself quite as much. Or at least it would — unless you're Kim Ga On. Whose abandonment issues run so deep he's rivalling the Mariana Trench. He'd of course begin to wonder if, just maybe, it's his fault. Maybe this happened because of something he did. He must have done something to make Yo Han doubt him that much.
And, tragically, that's probably what will eventually make him reach out to Yo Han again. Because Yo Han certainly won't try to approach Ga On but, for once, it'd be more out of guilt than pride.
And he'd be wary — then horrified — when Ga On comes to him and instead of being angry, Ga On is just sad and subdued and asks what he did wrong. What did he do to lose Yo Han's trust? Should he have been kinder? Less abrasive? Less angry? What can he do to earn it back?
Had he made Yo Han feel unloved? Neglected? Unappreciated?
Or was the love Ga On had to give simply not enough?
Should he give Yo Han more? Try harder? Be less of a burden?
And Yo Han would shatter.
Because there is not a single part of Yo Han that sees Ga On as a burden. And of course Ga On's love is enough. It's literally impossible for Ga On to give more than he already is.
It would break Yo Han's heart, especially since he can tell how desperate Ga On is. That if Yo Han told him that, yes, he has to try harder, Ga On would. Ga On would do whatever it took to try and fix this problem he now thinks he's the cause of. And, what's worse, Yo Han knows he could use that to push the blame away from himself. If Yo Han wants to spare his own pride and come out the victor, all he has to do is let Ga On believe it's his fault. And it would be so easy, since Ga On is already halfway there, all on his own. Ga On wouldn't even argue.
Suddenly, Yo Han has to make a choice between his own pride — his own kneejerk reaction to never admit to a fault, never appear weak, and never surrender — and Ga On's well-being.
And the only thing Yo Han has to guide him is his own sense of morals.
Which, as we all know, are not only questionable but, a lot of the time, entirely optional.
He'll obviously pick Ga On's well-being in the end — he loves him too much not to — but Yo Han hates himself for even considering the other option. Never mind that it's based on childhood trauma and years of abuse, Yo Han hates that his first instinct is to save himself, at Ga On's expense. That realisation, more so than admitting he's done wrong, makes him feel weak.
(... many of these answers are just (unintentionally) turning into various ways to make Yo Han break for some reason?)
And, to be entirely honest with you, I can't say exactly what Yo Han's reaction and actions would be without writing it in detail and following his thoughts more closely. Mainly because there are a couple of options and which one it ends up being will depend on literally the smallest shift in his and Ga On's expressions and mannerisms.
But what I can say is that it would be a struggle for him, both to find his words and keep his emotions in check.
And he would cry.
In that way we've seen him do in the drama, where his emotions overwhelm him to the point where not even he can stop them from spilling over. So not violently or anything — he'd try to talk through it, pretending it's not happening — but he would cry. Because he'd feel so wretched over how far he's accidentally pushed Ga On. Like, forcing Ga On to the point where he'd go: "Should I be less angry? Should I give you more? Will you love me then?" is exactly what Yo Han has always criticised Soo Hyun and Professor Min for. And now he's done it himself.
But, thankfully, that also means he's going to be pretty damn motivated to fix this. Sure, some part of him might feel that, maybe, he should just let Ga On go if this is what happens when Yo Han is left to his own devices, but he's a little too selfish for that. And, deep down, he knows that Ga On wouldn't actually want Yo Han to let go.
So they would Talk.
And it would be awkward and kind of stilted for them both, but, in the long run, they both love each other too much not to. And sure, the pain and doubts wouldn't magically go away, but they'll keep working on it. And, if nothing else, the whole disaster will teach them just how important it is to communicate — even if the issue might seem small at first glance.
Like, yes, Yo Han shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and gone to the lengths that he did, but if Ga On had been a bit more open, maybe Yo Han wouldn't have. That's not to say it was Ga On's fault — Yo Han was the one to blame — but it could have been avoided if Ga On hadn't tried to keep his suffering to himself.
Communication is key, and all that.
Something like that.
There is also a middle option that would probably happen when they are, unsurprisingly, somewhere in between these two scenarios. As in, they've been together for a while so Yo Han feels a bit more secure (and his Abyss tendencies have softened a bit), but not secure enough to just brush it off. Then I think he would be tempted to have Ga On followed and that whole shebang but, after some thinking, he'd realise how much Ga On would hate that. And, eventually, he decides to just ask Ga On instead.
And Ga On will look at him and go: "I'm sorry, what? And give you a reason to start planning another unhinged, ten-year-long revenge plot?"
Which, Yo Han can admit — fair point.
And then they'd actually talk it through, too, and Yo Han can (grumpily) explain why he's feeling insecure and Ga On can (patiently) explain why he doesn't have to. And smother Yo Han with little kissies until he stops being such an idiot.
... at this point, I'm basically writing fics in these answers, aren't I? x'D
AH WELL. Thank you so much for your kind words (even if they gave me a scare) and thank you for the interesting question! Clearly, I had a lot to say on this subject.
Take care! 💜
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rhapsoddity · 5 months
Realized Grimstone has a warden motif uh is it someone switching alignments due to skulk
is grim to do with skulk at all? maybe?? maybe not??
who knows tee hee
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lol the phrasing used by the unsullied reminds me soooooooo much of how the runa speak in the sparrow, but he can't have taken that from mary doria russell bc the first game of thrones book and the sparrow came out within a month of each other in the same year
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asexualbookbird · 16 days
that little sketchbook i made last year is almost full thanks to inktober and swordtember and i feel so proud about it ive only ever finished one (1) entire sketchbook because ive always been so scared to Not Have It Anymore but it feels so good to finish a sketchbook!!
i think the fact i used plain old printer paper helped a lot even though it was hand bound it was just thrown together with scraps to see if i could do it and theres no fear of wasting the Good Paper. in fact ive made many mistakes! and i just turned the page and tried again!! which is what a sketchbook is FOR!!!!!
im having fun this is how art should be
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