#which i think is coming this tuesday btw fingers crossed
bellasmeiia · 5 months
venture getting zero skins upon release besides recolors of their default. AND THENNNN they finally get a new one and its a shop skin. i will give you a billion dollars for venture things Dont play with me but like 😭 omg😭💔
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gothushi · 1 month
gosh your fic (which i LOVED btw) has my mind whirling with all the possibilities of pegging the other boys. luke and simon are a given, obviously, that’s just another tuesday for them, in fact they both wear signs that say “please peg me!!” at all times, but imagine hook or charlie or nikolai? i think all three of them would try to act so tough and unbothered, but the second the action starts suddenly you should’ve soundproofed the walls. ernst? oh my i don’t think he’d even know what to do with himself, he’d be so overwhelmed and nervous, but once you actually start his brain would turn to absolute mush; his tongue rolling out of his mouth with his eyes rolled back. father anthony? oh my lord (harhar)….talk about ruining that man for forever. i genuinely think it would alter (harhar) his brain chemistry. sex in general is probably so overwhelming for him considering how long he’s abstained, so i can’t imagine how mind breaking it would be to be on the receiving end of so much pleasure. seb? i think he’d be so intimidated and hesitant to the idea at first, but he’d quickly loose his absolute mind once things get going. slurring his words, drooling into the pillow.
if we really wanna get into luke and simon though, i think they’re both similar in the sense that in the beginning they’d be really hesitant to the idea of anything inside them. there’s just *no way* they’d like that, i mean….who do you think they are? they like to fuck, not be fucked! but obviously they become absolute sluts to their prostates being played with very quickly. i can just imagine simon begging for u and brendan to put it in at the same time because “i can take it!! i swear i can!! come on….please, please?”
okay luke and simon hard agree fully. especially with simon wanting u and brendan to fuck him at the same time. he’s whining he can take it, he’ll make it fit please he wants both of ur cocks so bad … brendan’s gotta slap him to make him shut up. they both loooove prostate massages, it makes lukes mind melt and he shakes all over until he cums from it, and then he’s all pliant and relaxed, his sore muscles all tired. simon likes when u make him stand, bent over something, and u watch as his legs shake and tremble and he almost falls everytime. he loves u humiliating him.
hook and charlie are the ones who would take like … the longest to convince. even longer than it did with rob. they’re both a bit reserved there like… no i’m in charge? but u’ve just got the cutest puppy eyes and they’re never able to say no to u, at all, no matter what. they’re similar to rob in the sense that they stretch out and let u do ur thing, telling u to be careful, gentle, and they’re pretty calm at first because it doesn’t hurt but it just feels.. odd. yk? but once u’ve got enough lube and u find that little spot, the arousal in his body spikes ten fold and color fills his cheeks. safe to safe they enjoy it and will want to do it again
i think nikolai is more open to the idea, but he wants to be in charge. i see nikolai as probably the least likely to want to be submissive, so he will let u fuck him, but he wants to ride u. growls and groans about ur cock, how deep it reaches, how good it feels, cooing at ur good ideas and asking if u like watching him ride u. ur a mess by the end of it all
ernst is obviously the most likely to enjoy it all. he’s embarrassed at first like.. no that’s dirty! that’s embarrassing! ur not supposed to touch there! but it doesn’t take long with u batting ur eyes and palming over his cock to convince him. ernst is definitely also the one who falls apart the most. he’s practically screaming, his legs kicking, eyes lidded, rolling back, crossing, he’s drooling and panting like an overactive dog, and his cocks making even more of a mess than his mouth
i think before pegging father anthony he’d need to be worked up to it a lot. and slowly. i can picture one night ur just working on stretching him some more, ur up to two fingers, all slick with lube and spit. ur tongues laving over his balls to soothe and distract, heavy moans falling from his lips. ur fingers curl and ughhtht he just falls apart. obscene, pornography worthy moans are sounding from him, head craned back, hands gripping the duvet. it’s so unbelievably intimate for him, and he didn’t know he could feel this good ever. he probably cries, and u nearly stop until he’s gasping ‘my angel, oh, keep going, please’
seb’s another one kinda close to ernst in the way he’d react. he’d be pretty open to the idea for the most part but would take a while to work up to actually executing the idea. once u’ve got started he rivals a woman in a porno. moaning loud, making his throat hoarse, getting himself fucked into the mattress probably surrounded by ur plushies
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chronicowboy · 1 year
temptation tuesday
tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire (i have such a big fat creative crush on you btw) <333
so i am trying to focus on my original fiction (my queer (mainly wlw) pirate novel, my play called GENDERENVY, my sitcom about my evil hellhound of a dog) for my last summer before i graduate but obviously fic is an unmoving parasite on my brain so you can have a little extract of the fic i most want to write but absolutely cannot continue for some reason:
Somebody sits down beside him. A woman of around his age who is beautiful—no other way to put it—and only vaguely familiar like an itch in the back of his skull. She's short, probably wouldn't even reach his shoulders if they were to stand, pale skin and a freckled face, piercing green eyes and red hair so dark it almost looks purple until the sunlight catches it. She smiles at him when she catches him looking, something searching on her face like she's trying to place him just as much as he's trying to place her.
"Oh, you're Buck, right?" she asks with a dazzling moment of realisation. "Christopher's dad?"
"Oh, um, no, not exactly," he mumbles. "I mean, yes, I'm Buck, and I'm here for Christopher." He wrinkles his nose at himself, squinting slightly in the glare of the afternoon sun. "Not, like, here for him here, you know? I'm not, like, kidnapping him. And I'm not-not his dad?" He clears his throat and glances back at the entrance, checking his watch as his leg starts to bounce. "I mean, I'm not his dad. I'm his dad's best friend. And Christopher's best friend too." She tilts her head at him, eyes narrowing with a scrutiny that only makes the words keep coming. "But, uh, not in, like, a no responsibility way. I'm also kind of his guardian? Or, well, not yet. That only ever happens if Eddie dies. Which, um." He swallows loudly, fear bitter as bile and thick as mucus in the back of his throat. "Fingers crossed that that won't happen." There's an awkward laugh as Buck rubs at the back of his neck. "I'm..." He sighs, shoulders drooping. "I'm Christopher's Buck."
When he turns back to her, he's expecting her own awkward smile or amused laugh; that's normally how these things unfold. Although Buck has never quite beefed it that spectacularly before. Instead, when he returns his attention to her, there's a dazed sort of understanding on her face. That's when he sees a glimpse of her with one of Christopher's friends at the last bake sale.
"You're Charlotte's mom, right?" he asks, immediately cursing himself when her cheeks turn red in much the same way he's sure his did at her own assumptions.
(Ass = you and me, Buck thinks.)
"I'm, um, Dina." She introduces herself with a nervous nod, folding her arms over her chest. "Charlotte's mom's best friend," she clarifies with a meaningful look. "And Charlotte's best friend. And, also, a kind of co-parent, I guess?" She bites her lip and looks over at the school doors just like he had. "Legal guardian in the event of Morgan's death too." She nods once again, short and sharp and final, turning to him with something scared and hopeful on her face. "Are you in love with Eddie?"
Before Buck can even splutter in reply, the school bell rings and the doors fly open on a crowd of over-excited children ready to go home and watch TV or play video games until their heads hurt. Buck should probably be looking for Chris, but he can't tear his wide eyes away from Dina's anxious anticipation as she waits for an answer.
"W-what?" he breathes out. For all of these misunderstandings he's been through, even outside of the school, nobody has ever called him out on it before. "I'm not... Why would you... He's not... We're not—"
"Oh, thank God." She sighs happily, a sad grin stretching across her face. "I'm in love with mine too."
tagging my usual lovely legends @shitouttabuck @butchdiaz @diazass @danielsousa @alyxmastershipper if u have anything to share <3
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abra-ka-dammit · 10 months
todays nighttime update was pleasantly uneventful. bojji continues his upward trend and since hes been getting physical therapy and has started moving around a lot today they even finally took out his pee tube to get him back into using the litter box (which is also one less continuing medical expense as well). she otherwise pmuch just said theyre gonna just, keep on keeping on
from the sounds of what she said (she is btw a diff surgeon than before who took bojjis case while the other has her weekend, though og surgeon still came in off the clock anyways to see how her cases were doing ;v; what a sweet vet) bojji prob wont be coming home tomorrow. i had previously been doctor-guestimated a monday-tuesday homecoming so fingers crossed Bojji's body agrees.
I cannot explain how badly i need to hold him in my arms and feel his little heartbeat against my chest again. i cannot put into words how terrified ive been. im seeing a light at the end of this tunnel of horrors and all i can think about is how badly I want to hug my damn CAT
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the-3rd-key · 5 years
Prompt: Queliot, 31. "If you sing that song one more time, I will kill you." Your last one with the Hallmark movie was gorgeous, btw!
Thank you!! I’m glad you liked it. Sorry it took so long to finish this. I got stuck, and then it ended up being twice as long as my last one… so I should probably just throw it up on AO3.
The cottage is dark as Eliot helps a stumbling Quentin through the front door. Eliot wonders why everyone is asleep already, then remembers that it’s three AM on a Tuesday, and it’s not like they have a lot of parties anymore. Even though magic is back and stronger than ever, the cottage smells of dust and cleaning supplies. And when Eliot flicks on a light switch, the warm light does little to change the fact that it feels… empty.
At least Quentin is here, hanging on to Eliot’s shoulders for dear life.
“Shit. Am I putting too much weight on you?” Quentin’s speech is relaxed, but not slurred, as lets go of Eliot and balances himself against the wall. Hesmirks, eyebrows raised.
Warmth floods Eliot, and he can’t tell whether his fingers are tingling from too many Old Fashioneds, or too much Quentin Coldwater. Like there’s such a thing as too much Quentin Coldwater.
Laughing, Eliot takes Quentin’s hand and pulls him away from the wall, but Quentin stops short of Eliot’s embrace.
“What’s wrong?” Eliot asks.
Quentin’s brows stitch together as he looks down at Eliot’s stomach. “I don’t want to—”
“I told you.” Eliot squeezes Quentin’s hand. “Lipson cleared me for most activities as long as I’m careful.”
Quentin smiles, lacing his fingers with Eliot’s and pulling him closer. “Most activities?”
The scent of gin wafts between them and floods Eliot with warmth. “How many Tom Collins did you have again?”
“It was your idea to go to a Prohibition bar,” Quentin mumbles into Eliot’s neck.
Quentin’s lips send shivers up Eliot's neck. God, he needs to stop that.
“I’m just saying.” Eliot takes a step back and grips Quentin’s shoulders. “You reek of Beefeater. Go sit down, and I’ll bring you some water. You’ll keep us both awake if you’re getting out of bed to puke every fifteen minutes.”
With a sigh, Quentin stumbles toward the living room. His foot catches on the rug as he falls face-first into the couch with an “Oof…” 
Eliot rushes to help him, but Quentin gives a thumbs up before he can get there.
“Okay. So you’re… good?” Eliot looks rapidly back and forth between Quentin and the kitchen. “Um. Water. Right. You should sit up.”
Quentin makes a noncommittal noise.
Half amused, half annoyed, Eliot hurries to the kitchen, rummages through the cabinets for the largest glass he can find, and fills it up.
When Eliot returns, Quentin is still lying face down on the couch, head buried in a throw pillow. And he‘s mumbling to himself. No, not mumbling. Singing?
The tune sounds familiar, but Quentin is off key as usual, so Eliot can’t quite place it.
“What are you singing?”
Quentin turns his head, cheek smashed against the pillow so that his lips stick out.
Eliot’s heart jumps. Adorable.
“You didn’t recognize it?” Quentin asks.
Eliot shrugs. Don��t make me say you can’t sing, Q.
Quentin clears his throat. “Just a small town boy…”
Eliot’s laugh is louder and more high-pitched than he intended. Because Quentin is singing Journey. Journey, of all things.
“It’s a small town girl. Not a small town boy.” The laughter keeps overflowing from Eliot‘s chest. “Boy doesn’t rhyme with world.”
“Neither does girl,” Quentin says.
“It’s a slant—”
“I know it’s a slant rhyme. I passed my lit classes.” As Quentin looks up, his hair—which is now as long as it was when Eliot first met him—flops over his face.
Quentin blows a stray strand of hair out of his eyes, and Eliot’s mind is buzzing from expensive cocktails and some long-forgotten feeling from a lifetime he spent breathing in opium and laying tiles and playing tag with Quentin’s—with their son.
Eliot sits cross-legged on the floor next to Quentin. And before he knows what he’s doing, before he can stop himself, Eliot’s hand is moving toward Quentin, and it’s resting on Quentin’s cheek. And his thumb is rubbing at the stubble on Quentin’s jawline. And somewhere in the back of his mind, Eliot realizes Quentin is placing his hand over Eliot’s, and bringing Eliot’s hands to his lips. Pressing his lips to Eliot’s hand.
Eliot’s heart thrums, and he’s certain Quentin knows exactly what he’s thinking. What he’s feeling.
Eliot clears his throat. Tries to sort out the fifty years of thoughts that rise out of his chest like smoke. Fifty years of emotion that twist and whirl as Quentin sing-screeches out the next line.
“Just a city boy. Born and raised in North New Jersey…”
Eliot realizes then… Quentin is drunkenly changing the lyrics of a fucking Journey song to be about them.
“I know I can’t sing, El,” Quentin grins. “But I’m too drunk to care.”
And Eliot says, in a voice that’s bursting at the seams with an affection he doesn’t want to hide anymore, “If you sing that song one more time, I will kill you.”
“I could sing some Tom Petty. About how you grew up in an Indiana town.”
“C’mon, Q.” Eliot taps his shoulder. “You need to hydrate.”
Quentin grins. He’s been doing that a lot more recently. “Since when do you care about hydration?”
Since we almost died like two months ago?
When Quentin concedes and sits up, Eliot hands him the glass of water.
He drinks in seconds and lets the glass fall limp in his hand. “Do you remember?”
Eliot raises an eyebrow. “Remember what?”
Quentin looks down at the floor. Takes in a deep breath. “How we used to sing Earth songs.”
Earth songs. Eliot’s limbs are weak. Shaking. Quentin remembers a lot more than he lets on. They both do. And when Eliot stops and thinks about it for long enough, it all comes flooding back.
Eyes glazed over, Quentin stares off in the distance. Eliot lays his head in Quentin’s lap and takes his hand, stroking his thumb over Quentin’s palm. Memories recollected in intimate moments are the only reminder Eliot has from that lifetime.
Quentin gulps. His gaze flickers to Eliot. “You used to sing Blackbird to Teddy after Arielle died.”
When Eliot speaks, it comes out as a whisper that scrapes against the lump swelling in his throat. “I remember.”
Quentin looks down again, and says in a voice so soft—so unsure—that it wrenches Eliot’s heart, “Do you think we’ll ever have that again?”
Eliot looks around the cottage. It’s theirs, but it’s not theirs. There’s no mosaic to build. No orchards with peach and plum trees nearby. And it’s got modern appliances and expensive booze and cable, not a fireplace and a dirt floor and wooden shutters.
Quentin clears his throat, and Eliot realizes it’s Quentin who’s putting his heart on the line again—like he always does. So Eliot pulls himself off the floor and plops down next to Quentin. Drunk, adorable Quentin, who loves him. Who’s looking down at his feet because Eliot’s already broken his heart once.
Eliot’s working hard on making amends every day, but he’s got a long way to go. When he lays a hand on Quentin’s thigh, Quentin looks at him with some mixture of hope and apprehension. And Eliot brings his hand to Quentin’s neck like he has so many times before and pulls him close. Quentin’s kisses are soft. Careful. Familiar. And somehow, he tastes not of gin, but of fresh juniper.
When they break, Eliot presses his forehead to Quentin’s. “I think we’re already on our way.”
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ac-ars · 7 years
Focus on me
im posting this one, because second mom of this au is having birthday today and i hope she likes the idea, i really really hope
@sky-girls​, all the best for you, because you don’t deserve anything less than the best, i love you very very much barbara, the most mostest 💖
Focus on me
Luna sighs, sitting on her usual chair in this class, doodling in her notebook and wondering who she’s gonna have physics with. She got a mail last night, from her usual physics professor saying that they are starting new semester with ta he picked himself and Luna has been lowkey anxious, because the prof likes her and he is chill, while the new guy can be a psycho, or hate her, or hate everyone.
Brunette bites on her lower lip, tracing today’s date in her notebook with pen for third or fourth time when the door opens. She doesn’t really look up, focused on finishing the month numbers and when she’s done, she writes the date once again under the first one. Valente can see the guy with corner of her eye, but it’s not like she cares much so she gives up on listening to him. All she needs is to pass and listening to some weird snobby physics student after graduation isn’t required to get her grade.
His voice is somewhere in the background and it’s nice voice; Luna likes the sound of it itself, not trying to recognize words. She is by maybe fourteenth date of today when Pedro sitting next to her, pokes her on the ribs and makes her jump.
She immediately looks around, focusing on her friend who just points with his chin towards the desk. Guy leaning back against it watches her with crossed arms and small smirk. His eyebrows are raised slightly and he looks almost amused.
“What’s her name?” he asks someone from first row and when he gets an answer he licks his lips. Brunette is speechless, thinking that she’s fucked; it hasn’t been even ten minutes of the class and the guy remembers her and knows her name, and this isn’t any good in her case.
“Luna,” her ta says, having probably very much fun, judging by the way her name rolled off his tongue. “Did you hear what I said?”
She bites on her lower lip a little too hard when he is waiting for her to say anything. The only thing Luna can do now is shake her head, making her hair bounce around her face, and shrug. “Not really.”
“And why is that?”
“I wasn’t listening,” brunette admits softly, her eyes going straight to him and he smiles widely looking away, shaking his head and she is completely lost.
“Well-” he checks the watch on his wrist. “We don’t have enough time to investigate what was so boring, but for next time I’d recommend listening to me.” He winks at her lazily and turns towards the group, putting his hands into the pockets of his black pants. Luna focuses on his person enough, so she can’t hear anything he says, but she manages to eye up all of his body and she can swear that she sees herself failing this semester. That’s like one hundred percent sure if he will be wearing white shirt like this, and even if he wouldn’t he still has this face; she isn’t able to focus on watching and listening to him at the same time.
“Anyway, you can just call me Matteo, unless the professor comes over, because he would probably kick me out of here.” He chuckles softly, bless the fact Luna catches those words; at least now she knows how to call him in her head.
It would be great actually, but Matteo turns to her with the most smug smirk she has ever seen. “Do you understand, Luna?”
He is hot, yes, yet she hates him already.
Luna runs towards the class quickly. She is late, and fucked and even more late, cursing on the building and her bus and the fact she overslept. This is completely normal for her, but today is Tuesday and it means eight am physics with Balsano, and he is gonna just look at her amused, telling her to sit down and listen. He always tells her to listen, remembering perfectly how she ignored him first day and Luna is still wondering if it’s because he is just mean, or maybe his snobby ego got hurt. Not that she cares, but it’s tiring and annoying and honestly the biggest advantage of the fact he is teaching her is the fact that she can stare at him without being judged. It doesn’t matter if he is walking around the class, if he’s just half sitting on his desk or writing something on the board, there’s always something to look at and Luna Valente isn’t the one to deny herself the only pleasure of those classes.
But damn, she gets most of the shit he tries to teach them and it’s unbelievable. She isn’t sure how, and why, but he actually seems to care about them passing this class and he doesn’t even make it easier, so despite him being an asshole it’s really nice that the prof picked just him.
She takes deep breath before taking the door handle and pressing it softly, hoping that no one notices her entering the class (it happened once during some chem class or something, okay?), yet no, of course she almost bumps into Matteo who was apparently standing by the door. Knowing this asshole he was waiting for her, completely sure that she will be late, but won’t skip, and Luna can’t even open her mouth with excuse when he cuts her off pressing his index finger to his lips and shushing her. Honestly it doesn’t help, because brunette already had no idea what to say and now she is just focused on his mouth, noticing the fact that everyone is busy with their exercises.
Matteo points with his chin at the desk and walks quietly without even prompting her to follow him, but she knows she should. He gives her a paper and starts explaining quietly something about one or two exercises, Luna isn’t really able to focus, so she just watches his lips moving with some words and when tone of his voice changes to asking, she nods or hums with agreement and he seems content with this. Giving her the paper, his fingers brush hers and brunette discovers that they are very cold yet in the way that doesn’t disturb her.
After that she turns around and walks towards her usual seat and ends up copying all exercises from Pedro, because she has no brain for physics today.
The only physics that she is interested in is Matteo Balsano.
She is waiting for him with the rest of the group  in front of the class, watching the clock on her phone, because like he said - if I’m not here for 15 minutes and there’s no mail from me, you can go home or whatever - and even if she likes the classes, no classes is always better and Luna doesn’t feel any bad about it. Girls around her are gossiping around her until one of them throws Matteo in the conversation, taking brunette’s attention. Her head softly moves up as one of them complaining about him teaching them, because if he weren’t, she would’ve already be hitting on him. Luna giggles at this with the rest, who decides to share their favorite parts of Balsano’s body making her laugh a little.
“And you, Luna?” One asks nudging her slightly. “What do you like the most in our hot ta?”
Valente rolls her eyes shaking her head. “I don’t have any favorite.”
Ooooohs sound around her and she’s annoyed already, but neither of them cares. “Is it because you don’t have hots for him at all, or it’s because you like all of him just as much?”
Luna covers her face with her hands. “You all are ridiculous. Leave me alone.”
They want to say something else, but Matteo saves her and for once she is super grateful for his presence. He mumbles some sorry, I got stopped for longer that I wished I were and lets them all get into the room.
Few minutes later Luna is on her chair, her notebook open in front of her as today’s date is in the corner of the page (this time written only once) and actually the class is completely normal. Matteo is walking around while playing with a pen he found on his desk, talking about one of fancier physics thing in casual, easy language, just as if he was talking about the weather.
Luna bites on her pencil slightly, trying to focus on his words and not on his lips when the phone between her knees buzzes. She sighs trying to find a way to be sneaky, but Matteo will probably notice her looking down so she doesn’t try more. Brunette guesses it’s a text message from group chat, wondering if it’s again some meme or one is asking about any test. Apparently it’s Jazmín texting only her, on private, and if it’s on private it must be something important.
he is staring @ you 👀👀👀
Luna sighs rising her head and looking around, but she sees none of the guys watching her. She gives up taking deep breath and asks.
Her eyes move to Jazmín who is grinning excitedly and Luna would find it adorable, if it weren’t for the answer she receives.
Matteo, you silly
She hides her phone quickly between her knees almost under her skirt not sure what the hell just happened. She still can see the letters on the screen in her mind and if it’s not done joke made by Jazmín, it must be some overanalyzing the guy just watching around.
Luna slowly takes her head up, resting her back against the chair and completely lost in her notes, but she needs to check, so she glances at Balsano who handles her look with small smirk and turns away as casual as always.
Her phone vibrates once again and she doesn’t want to know what’s that about, but there’s this small part craving to check the message. Brunette gives up eventually and reaches for the phone. Jazmín.
that’s a bad idea to keep your phone there unless you want him to stare @ your legs which he is doing rn btw
Luna chokes on the air, trying to breathe somehow, but it’s hard as fuck when she has no idea how to sit properly. She throws her phone to her bag and pretends the messages from Jazmín never existed. That’s the best.
She doesn’t touch her phone until she’s home just to see nothing new from her redhead friend, but there’s something on muted chat of her group.
✨✨Jazmín✨✨ guys do you like Luna’s skirt from today? because maTTEO TOtaLLY DOes
That’s it for Luna and her having chill, because she gives up on reading all the answers. And there is a shit ton of them.
She wants to give up today; she hadn’t slept almost at all tonight, trying to study, but it all went to hell since she was just half awake. In Luna’s head there’s already her warm bed existing, no pants, fuzzy socks and fluffy blanket. That’s all she needs in this very moment, it’s almost end of physics for today and it would be beautiful finish if not those assholes sending her to Matteo to ask about their last quiz.
She was always talking to the professor for all of her group before Matteo, and when the latter heard who was handling all group’s business, he got incredibly happy that he has another chance to piss her off. He will probably do the same today, yet she is already prepared and her brain is already ignoring most of things he’s saying today.
They all leave quickly, bless them, giving her chance to ask faster. She approaches the desk he is currently sitting by and smiles awkwardly, hoping that he will notice that she’s here. It’s not even second or third time she comes to him, but he lowkey intimidates her, no matter how annoying and mean to her he is with this smirk and hot body.
Luna is completely aware of the fact that he is the teacher there and despite all times she cursed at him inside her head, she has to be nice. It’s not really that difficult, because he spreads around this feeling of being a little above the rest, he is too confident, too sure, to deny him that, and Luna isn’t one to even try; he would make her tiny with two words before even she’d manage to finish her sentence.
Everyone leaves and someone even closes the door behind and Matteo ultimately notices that she’s standing there, waiting.
“Luna,” he grins, as always when he is saying her name. It seems like the L of Luna is really pleasant thing for him to say with the way he always slides it off his tongue. He straightens himself by the desk, lacing his fingers. “How can I help you?”
She pouts softly, looking for the words. “I wanted to ask about last week’s quiz.” Only leave her mouth and maybe it’s her, but he looks almost disappointed.
“Ah, the quiz.” Matteo quickly moves himself, getting up from his chair, crouching by the desk and taking out off the shelf few piles of papers.
Luna feels like whining, but it wouldn’t be right thing to do next to Balsano who can fuck her up at the end of semester, so she keeps her mouth shut.
“I actually have it graded and all, but I don’t really know where are the papers here. I planned to sort this mess before our class, yet one student asked me how was her final grade.” He shakes his head, a little amused. “It’s barely half of the semester and poor girl is already worried.” Or wants to jump you, Luna thinks without changing her face.
“It sounds a little dramatic,” she dares to say and he laughs, getting up and looking at the papers with heavy breath. “Dramatic indeed, I just told her that I had no idea about her final grade and she looked at me completely offended.”
Luna giggles softly, her eyes never leaving him. His moves seem natural, yet a little nervous and it makes her wonder why he’s like this. Brunette has learned his movements while staring at him class after class and now the easiness is a little gone; he is thinking what he is doing, how he is moving, how his voice sounds and Luna likes neither of them. She can just pout a little wondering what happened and throw small joke.
“Well, I can only hope I am not dramatic.” Her tone is light and sounds just like she wanted to, receiving some sparkles of amusement in his eyes. “You’re not. You seem more judgy right now.” Matteo throws randomly while flipping through papers and searching for her group.
“I’m not judgy.” Brunette crosses her arms.
“You are watching me so carefully, I’m not sure how to act.” Chuckle leaves his lips and Luna shakes her head.
“I’m not-” she starts, but he interrupts.
“Good, then help me with the other pile and you will be able go home and nap. I doubt you got anything from today’s class. You should sleep more next time.”
Luna looks at him surprised, not sure if she’s offended by his demanding tone or if she’s surprised that he noticed her falling asleep. Probably both.
At the end of the day, though, this demanding tone is pretty hot
(In the evening she finds all info from today’s class in one email from him)
Her thoughts are going wild.
Luna isn’t sure what causes this, probably hormones, but suddenly everything Matteo Balsano does is thrice as hot as before.
The way he walks around the class, passing her always with small glance. The way he crosses his arms, makes her want to slide her hands up and down his shoulders and check how his skin feels. The way he smiles when someone asks silly question; he always looks down, grinning widely and after few seconds answers, keeping it all cool. The way he leans against the desk, half sitting on it makes her wonder how it would be to be pressed to it by him.
This all is driving her crazy, causing her losing her mind and making her close her legs together tight as soon as he enters the class. Her breathing automatically speeds up while this damn warmth spreads around her entire body. She’s seen him not shaved, or wearing glasses, rolling up sleeves of his white shirt or ditching the tie. All of them are hot as fuck and if it weren’t for the rest of cool she has, she would’ve already been screwed in her group, because girls decided to make ranking of hot, hotter, the hottest versions of Matteo and when they keep asking her she just shakes her head.
But the truth is that it’s impossible for Luna to go to physics class and remain focused on the subject. This is completely unfair, that they let guy looking like this teach students; teach girls like her, and expect that she will pass with good grades.
Today his shirt isn’t white, it’s light blue and Luna wonders how it’s possible for a color to fit someone so well. She doesn’t even try to cover her staring with care about her grade; but at this point no one cares, they left her alone with her sinful ideas and thoughts, busy with their business while all she needs to do is to blush as little as possible when he winks at her.
She fails.
“Luna, could you please stay few minutes? I have this thing to tell you guys about the grades and there’s the test.” Matteo asks softly, before dismissing the rest when he’s done with the topic for today.
She nods, not sure if she heard correctly, but at this point she would agree for everything.
Pedro nudges her with small smirk and she sticks her tongue out at him, pretending that she’s all great, her mind is clear, and that she doesn’t imagine her hot ta naked in her head.
Brunette takes her time gathering her things from the desk, not hurrying at all. Then she stands up, walking towards him while he is super focused on his laptop.
She wants to be the laptop suddenly.
He makes her sit next to him on another chair and begins to talk about the grades. He says something about how he would like them to start studying for next week already, because despite the fact he has everyone passing, some are really close to lose it if they screw up next test. Luna only keeps nodding and smiling a little, she knows who to tell to get their shit together, and who can lowkey chill (no one).
Matteo sighs opening another excel and brunette moves closer to him, not sure what now, but those are still grades and she’s already lost, not knowing how the fuck he has it all organized. She focuses on his scent, on the way his hair softly curl and how one of his arm is on back of her chair. Luna tries, completely casually, to lean back towards his arm and when she does so, his fingers go to her hair. He starts slowly messing with few curls using his fingers and it’s distracting enough for her not to be able to focus on the grades he is pointing at.
She actually misses the moment he shuts up, looking at her amused and waiting for her to say anything, but Luna wakes up too late for it to be normal.
Matteo sighs softly. “I’m going to mail you this, okay? Just make sure they study.”
Brunette nods, receiving nod back from him and it hints her that she should get up and leave. Not that she wants it, though she has to and she is eighty percent sure she makes it casually.
Yet as soon as she reaches for the handle of the door, Matteo clears his throat. Luna turns to him and he looks almost sheepishly.
“Not that it’s my last one, but you took my pen, Luna.” She looks what she’s holding with her fingers and snorts at herself, before turning to him and walking slowly towards his desk.
He smiles at her when she places the pen next to his laptop awkwardly, because he is watching all of her movements, she smiles back and is about to turn away when he catches her hand and pulls to his chest.
Luna almost chokes, her bag falls to the ground with loud thump while his eyes, too dark to be his usual small brown, are set on hers full of something she can’t quite catch. Her heart is beating definitely too fast to manage this for a long time when one of his arms is keeping her tight to him.
“I hope you won’t sue me for that,” he murmurs in low voice, as if to himself, not to her and before Luna can blink his lips are on hers, hungry and desperate.
She can only kiss him back, letting him take it all when he reaches for it.
She sits down in her desk, trying to cover this hickey on her thigh with her skirt and sighs wondering what this asshole prepared for today. She never knows; he never tells her and she never asks and it works for both of them. Now he is set on making sure everyone has a chance to fix their grades and Luna is mostly done, because there’s so much of this shit, she can’t feel any grateful.
He walks in with his usual easiness, almost like he’s aware of the fact that he’s hotter than all of them combined and without any hesitation takes the papers out of his bag. Brunette growls slightly, hating the exercises and looks at Pedro who nods, and she knows he will let her copy today. Bless Pedro.
Matteo starts with first row, giving the papers around and his smirk is almost suspicious. When he passes Luna his fingers brush skin of her arm slowly, making her shiver and she needs to breathe before she notices what happened. There’s apparently no way she can copy from Pedro, because this ass made different questions and honestly she is gonna hit him with one of his heavy astronomy books this evening.
As soon as Matteo is back to his desk, he takes his phone and Luna isn’t even interested in what he’s doing there now. He screwed her copying plans and he can burn in hell, no matter how hot he looks without his shirt on. Or any clothes in general.
Her phone buzzes and Valente can only hope it’s not Jazmín. She growls again, moving her eyes to him by the desk, and he looks incredibly smug.
Solve your exercises, little lady
Luna snorts at him and shakes her head.
She just types and locks her phone. Matteo seems to have all fun of the world; he chuckles under his breath.
That’s not what you were saying last night
When she’s not answering for few minutes, almost boiling inside he types next message and she just wants him to leave her alone for this class.
Come on, those are easy, and you can always copy from the guy next to you
Brunette shakes her head at him.
you put different exercises so how am i supposed to do it 🙃🙃🙃
Matteo bites on his lower lip, but it doesn’t hide the big grin he has on his face. Smug little shit. Luna snorts and writes her name in the corner of the page, hoping that she can get some points for correct last name and date.
There’s another notification from her phone, and amused face of Matteo makes her even more curious.
Are you sure they are different?
She frowns scrunching her nose, completely confused before she takes Pedro’s paper from his hands without asking. He lets out surprised sound and rolls his eyes at her as Luna discovers that exercises are the same, they are just messed in different order and she glares at Matteo annoyed. She wants to text him, but there’s already message waiting for her.
Stop pouting I’m gonna make you dinner tonight Ps you look pretty today
Brunette almost giggles at this. Matteo is hopeless and that’s all she can think about before startled Pedro pokes her on the ribs.
“Who are you texting?” he asks with frown, probably wanting her to chill her ass for him to focus on exercise two.
Luna bites her lower lip before throwing a glance at Matteo. “No one.”
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i know how much robron being legally married meant to you (and others) and i just want to say i really like how positive your being even tho your disapointed! i was feeling a bit down about it but ppl being so positive has really helped me (: so thanks !
Oh bless you anon, this is so sweet!
I think it’s totally normal to be disappointed about something like this, but I think it’s sort of whether we chose to focus on this one thing we’re disappointed about, vs all the things we have to be excited about?
Like you’re right, them being legally married is something that is personally important to me for a number of reasons. And I’ll admit my tummy sort of flopped when I read the ceremony isn’t legal.
My disappointment is real and valid because we were sort of led to believe that it was going to be official (even if it didn’t seem realistic - more on that later!)
We don’t know all the ins and outs yet. Hopefully more will be revealed on Sunday, or we’ll at least know more on Monday/Tuesday. Maybe there’s some way they will be able to make it legal before Aaron gets sentenced (I doubt it but I also don’t understand how it all works tbh!), or if not, hopefully they will address that it’ll be made legal as soon as Aaron is released (and like I said in another post, I literally don’t care if a big deal is made of it or not (obviously I’d like a big deal to be made lmao but it’s not something I *need*) - they can literally just arrive home one day and be like “btw we signed the papers today, we’re officially married!” and I’d be happy with that tbh!)
The reason I’d like it to be legal is because I want them to be Official Husbands™ lmao, I want if one of them is in hospital or arrested (lmao) or whatever, I want the Important People™ to address them as husbands; “Robert, your husband has been taken to hospital” etc. etc. - I’m just a sucker for stuff like that. 
But there are SO many benefits to being legally wed, which is why people fought so hard for same sex marriage to be legal in the first place, because you get rights being someone’s spouse that you don’t get if you’re “just” a partner (which is.....not right IMO, but that’s the way it is). Like if one of them was really sick, I’d like the other to be the first person notified, to be the person to make the important decisions.
I just love the idea of them being legally bound, so the next time they have a silly argument and threaten to split, it’s like “HAHA it’s not that easy, you’re tied together now!!” LOL 
But honestly....that’s just *why* I want them to be legally married. 
None of this takes anything away from what we will see next week. It is all still just as real and valid. I think some people are sort of mixing up peoples disappointment and reading it as them not seeing the day as “real”. And maybe some people don’t, maybe some people do see it as “fake”.
But I don’t.
Just because they’re not legally getting married Monday/Tuesday, it doesn’t mean it isn’t *real*.
Yes, the legal stuff is important, but it’s not everything.
And that’s what I’m focusing on; I’m focusing on everything else.
The fact that we will see our boys pledge their love and commitment to each other in front of their family and friends!
The fact that we will hear them make VOWS!!!!!! And we know they’re going to get choked up!!!
The fact that, at least now we know the wedding isn’t legal, we don’t have to worry about it not happening, or not being “completed”, or them not reaching “I do”. Because that’s what I was worried about, that they wouldn’t actually complete the wedding/be husbands at the end of it.
But that is sort of invalid now, because in this instance, it’s all about the vows. The legal/technical stuff will have to wait for another day.
And we KNOW they say their vows so....it’s all good?!?? 
So even though I’m disappointed it won’t be legal right now, there are also lots of pluses to it not being legal at the moment.
There’s the reason I just mentioned (the will they/won’t they aspect is gone), and there’s also the fact that it’s realistic?!? Because anyone who has gotten married will know you can’t just knock up a wedding overnight and have it all be legit. (I didn’t actually know this, so I’d have been none the wiser if it wasn’t for people pointing it out).
I half expected ED to magic up some new rules, or come up with a new explanation for it being legal, but I know people would’ve complained about this. So at least doing it this way, it’s realistic.
And at the end of the day, in this moment, the technical stuff can wait. Yes, it would’ve been ideal if it could all be done and dusted there and then, but what really matters is the boys, is Robert reassuring Aaron of his love and devotion and commitment, of giving Aaron the perfect send-off.
It’s a wedding in every sense of the word, and in every way that truly matters for that moment.
So, in a nutshell; yeah, I am genuinely disappointed that this won’t be a legal wedding. But any disappointment I feel is outweighed by the fact that, at the end of the day, OUR BOYS ARE STILL GETTING MARRIED?!?!?!?!
So it’s like....10% disappointment, 90% pure JOY and excitement!
Like we have SO much to look forward to be a be positive about, and I’m not going to focus too much on this one little technicality which will, fingers crossed, hopefully be addressed and ironed out soon enough anyway.
And potentially, it not being legal now could hopefully give us something to look forward to in the future?! Like if/when they do make it official (and honestly, I really really really hope they do, for the reasons stated at the start of this post), hopefully they can have another little gathering afterwards and maybe Adam could even make a best mans speech then :D
So I just really hope that everyone who is disappointed (and honestly, you have every right to be) just....keeps doing what I’m doing (and what others are doing too!) and just focus on all the good stuff instead! :)
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bexsbaxters · 7 years
the one in which chris's music taste is shit
Book: The Freshman/The Sophomore 
 Pairing(s): James x Chris x Zig x MC, Abbie x Tyler, Zack x Brandon, Kaitlyn x Becca (can be seen as either platonic or romantic) 
Rating: PG (besides the occasional use of the word shit ?? is that like even a proper swear word ? idek anymore)
 Summary: in which mc loses her boyfriends, starts her preparation for facemasks friday and gets it up to here with her boyfriend’s hair gel addiction. 
A/N: i lowkey decided to make this poly fic because i love all three of my boy babies, i would’ve added kaitlyn but the way she treated mc was horrible and she wasn’t really apologetic ?? and becca is meh, especially after this new episode. i highkey wish we had the chance to romance abbie 😭😭. btw for future reference, in my fic land, all the original roomates + zig and james, live in vasquez’s old house. —–
mc stood in the middle of the busy supermarket, her basket on the floor as she studied the confectionary aisle, mind lost in thought. she had decided to leave her loose wavey hair hanging, yet when it started to annoy her she ached for a hair tie to be available to put it out of the way.
she had originally arrived there with james, zig and chris but had lost them in the throng of shoppers. she dithered between the sour patch kids or a packet of skittles but being the weak person that she was, she had caved and put them both in.
her weakness was probably the number one cause for her brokeness.
she moved between the shelfs, looking for her three musketeers. she thought she vaguely saw a flash of black leather and slicked hair by the frozen food but it turned out to be some high school student. but she had lost them for over twenty minutes and she was slowly getting desperate.
“zig? james? chris?” she called out, but softly trying not to attract attention, she held on her basket tighter, heart beat quickening when she thought she had lost them forever until she stumbled on them in the cereal aisle.
“i thought i lost you!” she cried out, as they all turned to look at her. hair frizzing, eyes watering and her strong grip had turned her knuckles to white.
yet, she still looked beautiful.
they didn’t know how she did it, was it some sort of cream? a potion? they all made a mental note to ask sometime in the preferably future.
“it’s all zig’s fault!” chris blurted out, pointing at the man with the white t-shirt who held his hands up as if to prove his innocence.
“it wasn’t me, honest”
james was holding a box of lucky charms, eyes rolling at the other two’s antics as they got in a row over who was to blame.
“honestly, without you james i wouldn’t be sane with these knuckleheads” mc said fondly, leaning her head on james’s shoulder, sighing contently.
“we still haven’t finished the list you know, zack is probably going to kill us” james commented, resting his head on top of her’s and snaking an arm around her waist.
she nodded, before moving to grab both chris and zig’s ears. they hissed in pain, even though that mc’s grip wasn’t strong but it was due to the fact she had caught the two burly football players out when they weren’t paying attention. james tried to hold his laughter so he started chewing gum to conceal his giggles at the thought of his small 5'8 girlfriend berating two 6'2 men.
“we need to actually get some shopping done before kaitlyn and zack kill me!” she moaned, the boys nodded not wanting to face her wrath any longer.
“chris and james, you can go get this half of the list” mc said, tearing the piece of paper in half and handing it to james aka the more responsible one. chris had his moments, either on the football field and when he was doing his presidential duties but all the other time, he was very goofy (let’s put it that way).
“zig and i, will get the rest and we will reconvene here in twenty-five minutes” mc stated as the other two nodded, already on their search for garlic bread. mc took out a pen where she had started to cross off certain items she had already added.
“you know i love it when you act all strategic” zig murmured, putting his hand on her lower back as she rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
“babe, this is not a time to get horny, we’re in the dog food aisle, i can hardly see how that’s a turn on” she replied, kissing his shoulder before moving to a different shelf and grabbing some toilet paper.
zig had offered to take her shopping basket for her, so he held it with his left and moved to hold her hand with his right.
“we should buy not another teen movie for facemask friday” zig commented idly, as mc grabbed some milk and butter. “i mean who doesn’t love young, dark haired chris evans?”
“you drive a hard bargain sweetheart” mc laughed before giving the go ahead for zig to put it in the basket. now, zig was holding two baskets and his arms were straining, veins almost popping out against his olive skin.
“you need any help with that?” mc asked, looking worried as zig shook his head.
“nope i’m good!” mc side-eyed him.
“ok, if you say so, it’s your funeral”
she grabbed a packet of cookies and started moving to meet up with her other two boyfriends.
chris ran to her, sweeping her up in a hug as she giggled.
“i missed you so much mc, don’t ever leave me again”
“chris i was literally only two aisles from you”
“i know! the torture!”
mc laughed before motioning him to let her out of his grasp which he stubbornly refused, half-carrying her to the checkout in which there was a cute boy working. his name tag spelt kian in bold lettering, his strawberry blond hair was swept up in one of the latest hair styles and his green eyes twinkled when he caught a glimpse of the foursome.
“how many bags will you be wanting” he asked, his voice had a soft irish accent lacing the words.
“um, about seven?” mc replied, kian nodded and started scanning the items through. zig leant on james, putting his arm around his waist and leaning his head on his shoulder which james responded happily to. they then wandered off to go find where chris had disappeared to, most likely to try and pick some more hair products to sneak in with the shopping.
“you’ve picked a lot of popcorn, you planning on having a movie night?” kian politely intruded, trying to make some sweet small talk.
“yes, i mean my roommates and i usually have a facemask friday in which we all make facemasks for each other, eat ice cream, popcorn and order pizza and watch a cheesy chick flick that zack and brandon will ultimately ignore as they would be too busy making out on one of the beanbags.” mc laughed as kian chuckled appreciatively.
“it sounds fun”
“it is super fun, i mean all of our main friends come around and it’s a time where everyone can just relax you know?”
“yes i agree, i mean my roommates are die hard study geeks and i wish they had that time to take a breather, because they shouldn’t just be focused on work but more about they mental health and relaxation so i might induct this into our roommate time if you don’t mind me stealing your idea?”
“go ahead by all means, i think i lowkey stole it from pinterest anyways” mc giggled as kian smiled, they had finished packing just as james, zig and chris returned, holding a something small in their hands.
“what is that” mc questioned as the boys looked sheepish.
“i swear to god if it’s more hair gel i’m jumping you”
“by jumping us you mean jumping our bones then it is hairgel but if you meant jumping us like attacking us it’s not?” james started out confident then ended up drawing slowly into silence.
“put it through i guess,” mc exhaled, the boys whooping loudly until mc with flushed cheeks told them to be quiet.
“how much is that?”
“$86 dollars”
mc pulled out their house affairs credit card, paying for the items quickly and letting the boys hold them not because she couldn’t but mainly due to fact she wouldn’t.
“i’m driving!” mc called as james threw her the car keys from where they had been safely stashed in his pocket.
“i’m riding shotgun!” chris shouted as zig let out a groan of discontentment, james rolled his eyes before opening up the boot of the car and placing the groceries in, the other two following suit.
“i only agree with this if chris isn’t allowed to play his shitty music”
“james ashton how dare you” chris exclaimed in mock anger, clutching his chest. “my music taste is very well refined”
“well refined where? if big green tractor was a person that person would be you with that ugly green sweater on” zig declared crossing his arms over his chest, chris frowning and james and mc falling about in giggles.
“leave chris’s sweater alone zig, babe your sweater is cute” mc said, wiping the tears from her eyes before starting up the engine. chris leant forward and gave her a kiss as zig grabbed a hold of james’s hand in the backseat, playing with the older man’s fingers.
“so does this mean i can play my music then?” chris queried hopefully after a few minutes of silence.
“NO” came a joint reply as chris moaned and slunk back into his chair like a four year old, sticking his tongue out at his two boyfriends and girlfriend.
“your music taste isn’t any better then mine!”
“um yes it is”
“james just listens to the hamilton soundtrack, zig just listens to 808s & heartbreak and mc just listens to old throwback songs and beyoncé.”
“i dispute that” james said, “i occasionally listen to disney soundtracks i am a very musically cultured person!”
“i listen to other songs! i mean fr example, just yesterday i listened to despacito” zig called out, as mc looked shocked.
“zig, hun, that song and the remix have been out for ages, how is this the first time you’ve heard of them?”
“i, um, well as you can tell, i don’t get out much”
“i can see”
mc laughed as zig pulled a face in the backseat in reply.
“and what’s wrong with listening to throwback songs and beyoncé?”
chris kept quiet, moving to the window so that mc didn’t interrogate him further.
“it’s only tuesday, why can’t this week be over already” abbie moaned as they walked in the house with the groceries, tyler and kaitlyn getting up to help them.
“damn, how much shopping did you guys buy!” tyler asked as they started to put them away.
“blame zack, he gave us the list”
“blame zack for what?” zack said, moving into the kitchen to grab some apple juice.
“blame zack for forcing me to go out with this loser bunch and get shopping” mc said, hip bumping james smoothly to get to the refrigerator.
“hey, i just wanted to give you a little time with your boys, sorry for helping you sheesh” zack replied, smiling as he held up his hands, mc lightly slapped his knee as he chuckled.
“who’s cooking today?”
“it’s kaitlyn and becca’s turn!”
“if they can stop making lovey-dovey eyes at each other for a second to actually make the food” abbie commentated, sitting on the counter and chomping on an apple. “i honestly don’t know what you see in that girl but you should make a move liao”
“i will! i mean i’ll try?” kaitlyn replied sheepishly, abbie smiling fondly at her.
they had patched up their friendship after their falling out and although it wasn’t like before, it was better then it used to be.
the doorbell rang.
“that’s brandon!” zack gasped, rushing to greet his barista boyfriend as james draped his arm over mc’s shoulders, leaning down to give her a kiss as zig and chris were preoccupied with trying to fit as much pizzas into the same freezer compartment.
“i’m actually worn out after today, i’m gonna take a nap, care to join me?” mc asked, a smirk playing on her lips.
“when would i ever deny that opportunity my lady?” james responded, giving her another kiss.
“come on, we’re going in your room because it smells like you” mc said as james nodded, letting mc pull him up to his room and when chris and zig had finally fit in six pizzas, they were fast asleep. —
(nine minutes later)
“so what do you want to do now then?”
“i don’t know, do you wanna have sex?”
zig hesitated before turning to his blond boyfriend with a dimpled grin.
“last one up to your room is a smelly egg!”
— will i return and write a saga about the gang’s facemask friday ?? perhaps i shall, perhaps i shalln’t (which isn’t a word i probably made it up) but feel free to message me so we can talk about the freshman/the sophomore headcanons ! 😋✊🏾
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raysofshadow · 7 years
Wow do I feel great now. A lot better than I did last post. I’ve been terribly bored here my last weeks to be completely honest. All the friends are I used to have here have pretty much moved away. So why would I feel good? Not entirely sure but I think it’s because I have been given some newfound appreciation for what I have back in Montreal. There’s just so much more there. The city is alive and every new person feels like an adventure to meet. This doesn’t mean my view of here has been tarnished. Just given perspective. Everyone here is friendly and warm. But they all feel pretty much the same. Same stories, backgrounds. It’s uniform. Which is fine to an extent. Montreal, however, has more of a haze. A struggle I am starting to miss. 
The Dominican has always felt so easy. I come here to relax and unwind. Sort of fade everything away. My fill has been had. I’m ready to get back. To work and life. 
I have an interview lined up at a fantastic place (if I didn’t mention I did quit Milo’s before coming here but that’s for another post)! It’s french cuisine which sort of intimidates me. I always used to say I hated it because it’s complex for no reason (which I still sort of believe) but I think it stems from both my respect and intimidation of it. It really is an art form. Best of all this place is right downtown and attached to a really high end hotel. It’ll be another fantastic addition to my experience and resume. So fingers crossed. I applied to a few others in case.
4 wisdom teeth taken out of my mouth btw. Hooooo shit has that been great. Eating hardly solid food for 2 days, barely being able to talk up until now. I was given the option to do it 2 by 2. But I wanted them all out. One shot. My recovery though has been fantastic though. I’m almost back to full functionality and my stitches come out Tuesday. Much to my surprise it’s been really painless! The first night after the surgery was a mess though. Stitches popped loose and I was swallowing so much blood because I couldn’t spit lest I pop my other stitches open. Gum meat all over my mouth it was a bad scene. Other than that no, I don’t feel a thing. It’s just sucked not eating properly. It took me 45 minutes to eat a burger which I shouldn’t have done BUT I AM HUNGRY! 
Anyways I’m done rambling. I’m going to miss my family so much. Always do and I’ll be aching to come back by 4 months xD. The city awaits!
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