#which honestly might just make him a better takumi
What if they give him powers, but don't make him a cure (like black pepper) what then?
honestly id consider that a w
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Hello, i am here with a take that people might hate me for but we'll see.
Xander is the worst sibling out of all of the siblings and Ryoma is better in quite a few aspects (keep in mind all the siblings are my favorite characters and both these two are rather low on my list of fave sibs)
Don't get me wrong i don't hate him, i actually really like him, i might out myself saying this but one of my fave ships of Xander is with my favorite sister and one of my favorite characters in the game, Hinoka; it's great support that give actual royal courting vibes and he is very nice with her it's just sweet.
But, besides the fact he becomes obsessed with killing us in Birthright, being Takumi's counterpart, in Conquest he is not really that better. Besides the fact he attacks us in his reintroduction after a (for me, i'm not that great :,v) lowkey traumatic battle just to "keep us in our toes" like bruh read the room.
Like it's a lot more beliveable if we killed Hans in like chapter 10 and being like hey thems the breaks and kill Iago after than waiting until winning the conquest and being like "oh we missed a rogue soldier and killed them" like bruh you are so dumb and Garon would have given literally 0 fucks, maybe bring some new people but if we kill em too he would be like oh i guess my pawns- wait sorry, children are just built different, like honestly-
Which connects to my other point, his speech of Justice is an illusion infuriated me because, taking the upper point in consideration and the fact he does have a lot of power in goverment is a fucking joke, CEO crying when people complain about them without doing anything to make their employes lives better type of pathetic.
He is not a good brother in general, a parentified brother maybe, but not a good brother, everytime he would say "i am always on your side, nothing could ever change that" it just boiled my blood, i was just mentally screaming YOU FUCKING- LIAAAAAAR like that one Kardashian clip everytime cuz WTH that's a fucking lie.
Ryoma's reintroduction is him defending us of a Bully basically (in this case it was Leo and like come on both Leo and Takumi are, they are the same guy) and his interactions in story are just so nice man, he just screams big brother and in Conquest he continues, his sacrifice fucking broke me because he really cared for us.
"Oh but his obsession of bringing us back is weird because we are not blood related" I hear you whine and, my sibling by the gods, you do not understand this family dynamic and that's sad for you; but if you take into consideration that Mikoto was not only married and loved Sumeragi, she most likely loved and married Ikona as well, since both Sakura and Takumi are younger than Corrin. They had a very close knit family relationship and they were, in fact, chosen siblings in a way.
In general people have a lot more empathy towards the Nohr siblings than the Hoshidan siblings which i think it's fucking stupid because not only is all of Hoshido martyred and victims of crimes AGAINST HUMANITY (worse than war crimes) like everyday, their family was ruptured by an assasination and a kidnapping on the. Same. Day.
"Oh but he is very detached from Sakura and Takumi" Of course he is, he is taking care of a fucking kingdom in the middle of a war, as we see he has a lot more responsabilities and say in everything relating to the kingdom than Xander since the beginning AND in their supports he really comes through in fixing his mistakes, unlike Xander that fucking SPAT at Elise's sacrifice when he could have done so much more and in his supports with her he is, honestly, a little bitch that doesn't want to listen until the last support where he sees results and he is still like uh idk if i should choose peace or whatever.
I get yall want to ride this conqueror, rizzless, white man dick, i get it. But don't say he is better than Ryoma, i do see his flaws but also, just like Takumi and Leo, they are the same guy.
Just one is white and the other asian (yes i just spoke of their differences but i know you guys WILL get counterpoints from mine and that will prove this last point, they are very balanced!
They are at most on the same level and honestly I still don't see it, I think Ryoma is just better.
-🧟‍♀️Zombie anon out
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nowis-scales · 10 months
Takumi Birthday Headcanons
December 14th means that it's time to make headcanons for the birthday boy! Hopefully you like them.
‣ Takumi is the first man of the royal family in a while that didn’t have Sumeragi’s stature. Many of the men have tended to take after their fathers, growing especially tall and imposing in build, but Takumi takes more after his mother, Ikona. When he was a younger teen, he was more embarrassed about it, feeling scrawny and unthreatening in comparison to his brother. However, over time Takumi has been able to take some pride in it — especially since rumour has it, he is credited as being the most handsome Hoshidan prince.
‣ Takumi is the one royal child who the public doesn’t have as much of a definitive opinion of. Ryoma is treated with high regard and admired, praised for encompassing everything that a proper Hoshidan king should be. Hinoka is a little more controversial, being an unusual princess, but ultimately her bravery and kindness have made her a role model to many young girls in Hoshido. Sakura is beloved amongst the people, known for her benevolence and gentle nature, the child that interacts most frequently with the common people. Takumi, on the other hand, is regarded as intelligent and… quiet. They hear about his talents, but because of his dislike of things like banquets and general feelings that people regard him as lower than his siblings, they don’t know what to make of him quite the same. He’s “mysterious” in this regard, which makes some people unhappy with him… but some even more endeared.
‣ Part of the reason why Takumi is so cautious and untrusting is because honestly, he overall has a low opinion of people. He struggles with the idea that people are inherently kind prior to the war, because time and time again the conflict with Nohr has proven humanity’s nastiness. Even the brutality that his own soldiers have to stoop to sometimes makes him doubt human goodness. However, over the course of Revelation where he got to know more about the people around him, he learned a lot more about people and their complexities. And while the people he met weren’t always kind or understanding, they were so much different than what he expected… and he learned there’s a lot more to people than just what he has to fear, prompting him to brighten up his opinion of people. I don’t think he would ever stop being cautious, but it strengthens his spirit to realize that people are better than he might assume.
‣ I’ve mentioned before that I think Takumi is gay, but I feel like if we’re going along with this headcanon, he was probably pretty in denial about his sexuality for a long time. For a long time, he kind of had the attitude of “well, if I don’t like girls then I’m just not interested in anybody”. At times he would feel things for men around him, but he usually chalked those up to a warrior’s or scholar’s connection more than anything. It wasn’t until he was much older, just before the war, that he was able to be honest with himself and admit the affection that he felt. He was a little scared to come out to his siblings just because being LGBT+ is not always as accepted in Hoshido, but they were all very supportive and vowed to protect him from anyone who wouldn’t be.
‣ Of all the royal siblings, Takumi has the best hair. It is long and flowing and gorgeous. It almost never tangles, it’s always got a lightweight feel to it, and it’s always silky smooth. He takes a lot of pride in maintaining his hair, too, making sure that it always has everything it needs to look right and that it always smells nice. His philosophy is that as a male royal, it’s tradition for him to have hair this long anyway, so he might as well spend the time it takes to make it look good.
‣ He’d never admit it upfront, but fighting the possessed corpses of the Vallites kinda freaked him out. As we learned in Boo Camp DLC, he doesn’t really like monsters or anything of the sort. He would prefer that they stay like… waaaaaay over there, thank you. As a result, facing off against the Vallites was pretty uncomfortable for him. He did his best to put on a brave face, especially because by then Sakura was in the company and he didn’t want to frighten her by being frightened him… but they are definitely something he would dream about, and definitely something he would avoid looking at where he could. Blegh. Something about them just makes him shiver.
‣ I feel like for the most part, I see Takumi as a jack of all trades. He needs to know a lot of different stuff, considering he’s the second prince, so he takes pride in putting effort into various subjects. However, if there is one thing that Takumi struggles with, it’s visual art. Ask him to draw or paint anything, and it’s just… overly simplistic and quite wonky. He’s an excellent dancer, he does okay at playing music, and his writing is pleasant enough to read — but his drawings are chicken scratch and half the time it’s hard to make out what it’s even supposed to be. It frustrates and embarrasses him to no end that he just can’t get it right, especially since others around him are so talented in the arts. Him, though? Not so much.
‣ Takumi was like, the world’s most mild-mannered baby. Sumeragi had a habit of bringing all of his kids to meetings at one time or another just because he liked having them around and wanted more time with them in a day — and who was going to say no to the king? If the children got too fussy, there would usually be a nursemaid on standby, but interestingly enough, Takumi rarely if ever needed his. In fact, unlike his siblings, he didn’t even need a toy or something to entertain himself. He’d be happy to just sit and watch the people, listen to them talk, note how they moved and reacted. People even tried to encourage him to play, but he just wasn’t interested. It was like he wanted to see the politics go down for himself or something. Sumeragi thought it was absolutely hilarious.
‣ Speaking of teeny Takumi, another headcanon I have about him is that he was probably speaking in full sentences by the time he was one years old. Constantly surrounded by nursemaids and older siblings, there was just so much language surrounding Takumi that he soaked it all up and started talking almost as soon as he could manage. The first word he ever said was “help” — not in a worrisome way, but just in a way that would let Hinoka know he was having trouble with his sandals and wanted her to figure it out for him. His first sentence, on the other hand, was something about one of his dolls… admittedly, it didn’t make sense exactly what he was trying to say, but the family was so excited with his newfound grasp on language that they didn’t really mind.
‣ Though he would never want it to be the case, if it were to happen, Takumi would make for a pretty good king. He’s cautious but kind, strong and intelligent, and he really cares about the people of Hoshido. It would feel pretty daunting, trying to fill Ryoma’s shoes, but I wholeheartedly think he would do a good job — and he likely works hard every day to do it just in case it is ever needed from him. Until then, though, he’ll support the kingdom however Ryoma and the rest of his family need him to.
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honeydots · 3 months
For the prompt game- Leokumi- 1,8,10
OTP ask game
1: Who is the better cook?
im THINKIN takumi. it might even just be that he enjoys it more. i think he's more outdoorsy than leo, too, so the necessity of making his own meals may have come up more often than it did for leo. to be fair they're both princes who usually have their food made for them, so i don't think either of them are explicitly great. but they can follow a recipe! i can imagine takumi getting huffy abt having to cook his own meals sometimes, even if he doesn't hate doing it, hahaha.
8: Who is a morning person? Who is a night owl?
so. technically takumi is a morning person and leo is a night owl. but i think takumi is only a morning person bc his nightmares wake him up and he just doesn't go back to bed. leo probably got in some habits of staying up late to read or research or whatever, and since it's always dark in nohr it's not like he has many visual reminders (like the SUNSHINE) to tell him to go to bed. he probably starts going to bed earlier once he and takumi are together and sharing a room, esp when he realizes takumi has trouble with his dreams. but he's still staying up late into the night and waking up in the near afternoon ultimately LOL
10: Who is always reminding the other not to forget important documents/general things before leaving out the door?
ah hmmm. okay so this isn't exactly the same, but i do think takumi does end up reminding leo to check his collar/shirt/clothes in general before they leave LOL which sorta counts!! but i can see leo reminding takumi of things, too. honestly they both do this, i don't think either of them are especially forgetful over stuff like that. the clothes are like leo's one big exception lmao.
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writteninkat · 3 years
Heyy🦌 May I have any of the MHA/BNHA boys watch/listen to you simping over other anime characters?
you can pick any characters just remember to have fun with it☺
its can be NSFW or SFW which ever you in the mood for🤗
and of course drink some water and eat daily🥰 we love health people here💅🏿😍
w/ Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida, Todoroki
a/n: SORRY THIS TOOK A LIL LONG MY GRADE IS D FOR TIME MANAGEMENT + hope you stay healthy too <33 i had just started working out again and honestly my muscles are begging me to stop 😩
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either you're with me or you're not, there's no in between. this man gets jealous
and no not the [sulks in the corner crying] jealous I mean the "HAH?! I BET IM BETTER THAN HIM AT THAT" jealous, usual katsuki
the character you simp for can cook? Katsuki will cook you ten meals a day to prove to you he's better than said character
the character has an amazing body? he'll walk around shirtless in the dorms when you're around just to show off his body
who cares if Aizawa might put him in detention for not wearing a shirt? he's got a dignity to uphold and no amount of detention hours can pull him back lmao
definitely gets competitive and not the Katsuki kind of competitive
you simp for Sasuke? he will give you a list of a hundred reasons why Naruto is better.
you simp for Oikawa? "I think Tsukishima is better. He made it to nationals."
you think Levi is hot? "We should call him 'Lev' now that he lost his 'I'. Lmao I think Jean is a better partner for you."
no matter how great the character you simp for is, he will mention another character and explain why the character he chose is better
long story short, just don't mention anything about simping for characters unless you want to have a bad day
he still babie tho <3 will watch your fave anime and read your fave manga with you, just don't mention anything about characters being simp-worthy
mf simps with you
nah he doesn't get jealous cause he knows they're just fictional characters and he's the real thing (sounding pretty ironic there, don't ya think?)
"SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TRYING TO SAVOR THE MOMENT" he yells back, a feet away from his TV as his jaw hangs at how Eren looks.
"ugh I'd let Kaneki eat me." you groan, pausing the anime to look at your boyfriend who's smirking lazily at you, fist bumping you. "you and me, babe."
"I don't understand why girls in black clover simp for Asta so much." You frown to which your boyfriend groans at in agreement. "Exactly! Like Captain Yummy out here serving us mommy milkers for free and the girls don't bat an eye at him."
"babe on three, tell me your first anime crush." you grab onto his knee, shaking it to get his attention. "alright, bet." he nods.
"Usui Takumi!"
"WE REALLY ARE MEANT TO BE!" he yells, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
doesn't understand why you do
"holy shit Eren's hot!"
"Why would you think that? He's a mass m*rderer."
"Babe you think Kaneki can like...get it?"
"The cannibal?"
"Fuck, I'd eat Sukuna's fingers too, fo sho."
"He didn't help Itadori save Junpei and left him to die. He laughed while he rejected Itadori's request. He also killed Itadori without hesitation once and I don't think he'll bat an eye for you."
"...Never mind Sukuna. Have you seen Megumi's father?"
"Hon his list of crimes are assassinations, mutilation, attempted murder, attempted child-"
"Okay I'm done with your shit just shut up."
he's the exact opposite of Shoto, he'll definitely back you up.
give him ten reasons why you think Kageyama would be an amazing boyfriend and he'll give you an additional twenty more.
he's actually up to date with all the stuff about what's going on with the anime, and if he comes across a new update, he'll text you the link
whenever he finds merchandise of the character you like, he immediately buys it just to see your excited face <3
"Eij, so there's this convention thing about that anime I'm obsessed with and-"
"Sure, what time?"
"Like what time are we going? I'll need to know so I can clear up my schedule before hand."
he'll let you do his make up and wear the character's costume without a second thought just so you can live out your fangirl dreams <333
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scarletnakazato · 2 years
Kenji - Lonely Love
• Kenji x Reader • Word Count: 1,852. • Synopsis: In which Kenji is a simp and finally gets a girlfriend.
She's so damn gorgeous... why does she have to be so pretty?
"There he goes again. Staring at the waitress like always." Iketani said as him, Itsuki and Takumi watched Kenji hopelessly stare at the waitress by the front counter.
"I'm starting to think we're only coming here more often just so he can stare at her." Itsuki huffed.
"Well, what can you say? The guy looks like he found his soulmate or something. Look at him." Iketani gestured a hand towards Kenji. Completely in a daze, he doesn't even notice the other guys talking about him or anyone else around them. His eyes are gleaming as he watches the girl walk around helping customers and bringing out their food.
"So, you think he's gonna ask her out?" Takumi piped up.
"No way! We're not letting that happen! He's a Lonely Driver like us and he's going to stay that way or so help me...!" Itsuki argued.
"But you're dating Kazumi, Itsuki." Takumi replied nonchalantly.
"H-hey! We aren't officially dating, you know! That means I'm still a Lonely Driver." He hmphed and crossed his arms, facing away from Takumi.
"She's so... pretty." Kenji mumbled with a lovesick smile on his face. All three of the boys groaned and put their heads on the table.
I know I look like I'm desperate, but I can't help it, Kenji thought as he once again pulled into the parking lot of Family's restaurant. This time he might be able to actually talk to the girl since he's by himself.
No guys to bother me and no one to look at me weird. Just as long as I don't mess it up or make myself look like an idiot, I'm good! Walking inside and getting to his table right away, he 'subtly' looked around for the waitress. A few seconds later he sees her walk out of the kitchen doors and to a table, carrying a few plates of food.
When she turned his direction and walked towards him, he quickly looked away and tried to look natural. Key word: tried.
"Hi! I'm (Y/N), I'll be your waitress today. Any kind of drink I can start you off with?" She said with the most beautiful voice he's ever heard.
"You can be mine any day." He said to himself, and it wasn't a whisper.
"Oh, really?" Kenji stopped with wide eyes before looking up at her. Did I really just that out loud? Crap. Luckily, she didn't have a disgusted look on her face but rather an amused one.
"Uh... I, umm." He fumbled over his words, unsure what to say.
"You come here a lot, don't you? I've seen you around a few times with your friends, yeah?" She asked, making the conversation less awkward.
"Yeah, we do. We don't really do anything with our lives unless it involves cars and racing, really." (Y/N) chuckled and Kenji blushed.
"You and your friends are street racers?" He nodded in response. "Maybe you could take me to one sometime? It sounds fun." She gave him a sweet smile as she ripped a piece of paper with something written on it and placed it on the table. Kenji turned his gaze to the paper with a hopeful gleam and mentally cheered when he saw a phone number on it.
"Y-yeah, definitely! That would be awesome! There's one this Saturday night at ten if you're up for it."
"Sounds great! I could meet you just outside the parking lot here at eight?"
"Perfect, I'll see you then!"
"Well, looks like lover boy is here." Iketani said as the boys watched Kenji pull into the gas station.
"Honestly, doesn't he have anything better to do than hang out at a gas station for hours?" Itsuki shook his head disappointedly.
"I'm surprised he's here and not at the restaurant staring at his crush and drooling all over the table." Iketani shrugged.
"Hey! I can hear you, morons!" Kenji yelled as he got out of his 180SX.
"You're one to talk Iketani. You looked just like him when you were drooling over Mako and calling her a goddess." Takumi said as he scratched the back of his head.
"Wha- hey! Shut up, man! You're supposed to be on our side." He deadpanned. All Takumi did was shrug and stare at something as Itsuki and Kenji laughed.
"At least I'm the one who has a date tonight, while you three continue to be Lonely Drivers." Kenji crossed his arms proudly.
"WHAT?!" Itsuki screeched. "You can't do this to us, Kenji! This goes against the Lonely Driver's code, you fool! You're breaking rules!"
"Bold of you to assume I was a part of your sad club to begin with." He chuckled. "Besides, Takumi has a girlfriend and I don't hear you complaining to him."
"Yeah, well..." Itsuki trailed off, not being able to come up with a good argument. "I will when I think of a good time to yell at him!" He piped up.
"Yeah, sure you will." Kenji hung around the gas station for a few hours, talking with the guys before he cut the conversation short with, "Nice talking with you guys, but I have a date to get ready for, so I'll see ya later." He waved as he walked over to his car and left. Iketani and Itsuki were huddled up and grumbling to each other, while Takumi was the only real one working. Yuichi watched the whole ordeal from the window and laughed, saying, "Kids these days."
(Y/N) arrived at the restaurants parking lot on time and Kenji showed up not a minute later. "Hey Kenji, how are ya?" She greeted with a smile as she got in the car.
"Doing great, how about you?" He smiled happily.
"I'm just fine, thank you."
"Hell yeah, you are." (Y/N) giggled at his clever response. They chatted on their way to the mountain the race was taking place on. He was surprised to hear her talk about all kinds of cars, their parts, and how tuning them in different ways would work best for them. He didn't expect her to be this knowledgeable about cars. If anything, this made him mentally fanboy as much as Itsuki does out loud. It almost scares him. Luckily, none of the guys could make it since they all worked the night shift today, so, Kenji and (Y/N) had tonight's race all to themselves.
Finding an empty spot at one of the hairpins, Kenji parked the car and they got out. Kenji decided to see just how much she knew about cars and tested her as they waited for the racers to speed past the hairpins. Least to say, he was shocked how she nailed all of them. She even explained some things he didn't even know were possible to do to a car.
"You're amazing." He said dreamily.
"Thanks Kenji, so are you." She smiled and playfully nudged his side.
"Heh, thanks." He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. The sound of engines and squealing tires pulled their attention to the road. The cars drifted around the corner and once they passed (Y/N) quickly said, "The S15 is going to win."
"How do you know?" Kenji asked quizzically.
"Did you see the way it drifted around the corner? The angle it maintained gave it the advantage of a faster acceleration after coming out of the corner compared to the other car. It put quite a gap between the two. Since there isn't much course left and the hairpins are the same size, he would just repeat the process, putting even more distance between them when he pulls out of the corners and quickly accelerates making more of a gap and winning from it." (Y/N) explained and Kenji's mouth was open in shock as he stared at her.
"Marry me."
"How about we start with the dating process first?" She chuckled. He nodded eagerly with a blush back on his cheeks.
Kenji pulled into the gas station, parking behind Iketani's S13. As Kenji got out, the guys greeted him.
"Hey man... who's that?" Iketani looked back at Kenji's 180 seeing the passenger door open. Itsuki's eyes nearly popped out when he saw who it was.
"My girlfriend."
"Your... what?" Itsuki asked.
"Girl. Friend. It's clearly a word the both of you don't understand yet since you don't have one." Kenji smirked as he leaned against his car. Iketani and Itsuki gave him a deadpanned stare and you could hear Yuichi chuckling in the background. (Y/N) walked over to them and gave a small wave and introduced herself, the guys doing so in return.
"By the way, I am no longer a part of your Lonely Driver club." Kenji added and Itsuki slumped down with a groan.
"Come on, Kenji you can't leave us alone like this! I mean yeah, she's gorgeous and all, but we're the Lonely Drivers! We don't need girlfriends!" He puffed back up, trying to look prideful. (Y/N) looked between them, amused, while Kenji looked completely unimpressed.
"Well, if that's all you got to say, we're gonna head out now." He gave them a smug smile and got in the car, (Y/N) following along, giving the guys a nice smile and wave. Itsuki gave her a dreamy smile and Iketani walked up to Kenji. "Where are you two going?"
"On a date, while you get to hang out with Takumi and Itsuki."
"Kenji, don't be mean." (Y/N) lightly scolded him. Iketani waved his hand,
"Nah, it's all good. I got a date with Mako in a couple days anyway. But Itsuki doesn't have to know that." He smirked.
"You two made up then?" Kenji asked.
"Yep, we're doing great so far. Just don't let Talksalot over there know about any of this. I'll never hear the end of it." Iketani shook his head slightly.
"I gotcha buddy, I'll see you around." They nodded to each other before Kenji drove away from the gas station. "So, those are the guys for you. I'm still not wrapping my head around why you wanted to meet them; they're just a bunch of nerds."
"So are you." She teased.
"Yeah, yeah." He waved his hand aimlessly.
"I was thinking about how you said you wanted to upgrade your car a bit. I came up with quite a few ideas of what you could do to it to make it faster and handle better with a lot more stability." (Y/N) began listing off everything she came up with, still surprising Kenji from time to time with certain things. The rest of the drive mainly consisted of tuning and other car topics. My god, she's perfect. I still don't know how the hell I managed to get her, but damn I'm sure glad I did.
"You know, if you keep it up with all that car talk, I'll have no choice but to marry you. You better watch it." He warned lightheartedly. (Y/N) simply laughed with that beautiful voice and Kenji couldn't help but smile.
She's one hell of a perfect woman.
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Classic shoujo mangas
1.       Skip Beat – ongoing
Sixteen-year-old Kyouko Mogami followed her childhood friend and love interest Shoutarou "Shou" Fuwa to Tokyo to support him while he works toward his dream of becoming a top idol in the entertainment industry. But after finding out that Shou considers her as little more than a mere housekeeper, she swears to enact revenge by entering the entertainment industry herself and beating him at his own game!
However, Kyouko's revenge plan suffers a setback almost immediately when she is rejected by the talent agency of her choice. Fortunately, the president of the agency gives her a second chance, and places her in the newly made "Love Me" section. Kyouko then begins her long journey to stardom, cultivating her skills as an actress and forming relationships with new friends along the way.
! I always loved this one, but it has really REALLY slow-pacing, and its ongoing, so if you haven’t started it yet, I’d wait ‘til it’s done.
2.       Ouran High School Host Club
At Ouran High School, an academy where only the children of the rich and powerful attend, there exists a club consisting of the most elite of the student body: the legendary Host Club. Within the club's room, six beautiful, bored boys spend their time entertaining equally beautiful and bored girls.
Haruhi Fujioka, a poor scholarship student, has no interest in the Host Club—until she breaks a valuable vase in their clubroom. After being mistaken for a boy, Haruhi is forced by Kyouya Ootori to work for the Host Club to repay her debt. Tamaki Suou, the princely leader of the club, eagerly takes her under his wing to teach her the ways of the host. Things, however, are never quite so simple with the Host Club around. Even the most mundane events can turn into huge spectacles with the likes of prankster twins Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, stoic Takashi Morinozuka, and sweet Mitsukuni "Hunny" Haninozuka. The crazy adventures of the Host Club are just beginning, and Haruhi must learn how to survive in the glitzy world of the hosts.
3.       Kimi ni Todoke
Kuronuma Sawako is completely misunderstood by her classmates. Her timid and sweet demeanor is often mistaken for malicious behavior. This is due to her resemblance to the ghost girl from "The Ring," which has led her peers to give her the nickname Sadako. Longing to make friends and live a normal life, she is naturally drawn to Kazehaya Shouta, the most popular guy in class, whose "100% refreshing" personality earns him great admiration from Sawako. So when Kazehaya starts talking to her, maybe there is hope for the friendships Sawako has always longed for. Maybe...there is even a little hope for some romance in her future.
! A bit too long in my opinion, but its sweet.
4.       Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
It's a gorgeous, spacious mansion, and four handsome, fifteen-year-old friends are allowed to live in it for free! There's only one condition—that within three years the guys must transform the owner's wallflower niece into a lady befitting the palace in which they all live! How hard can it be?
Enter Sunako Nakahara, the agoraphobic, horror-movie-loving, pockmark-faced, frizzy-haired, fashion-illiterate recluse who tends to break into explosive nosebleeds whenever she sees anyone attractive. This project is going to take more than our four heroes ever expected: it needs a miracle!
! This is super frustrating. I loved everything, except for the ending. Honestly, I don’t recommend reading it with great expectations, just enjoy the story. 
5.       Dengeki Daisy
Teru Kurebayashi is left all alone in the world after the death of her brother, Souichirou. Well, all alone except for "Daisy," someone that she can always talk to and who never hesitates to cheer her up. However, Teru has never met Daisy, she has no idea what he looks like, and her only means of contacting him is through a cell phone that her brother left for her.
In stark contrast to the kind words and encouragement Teru receives from Daisy, she gets nothing but grief from the rude school janitor, Tasuku Kurosaki, who forced Teru to work for him after she accidentally broke a window. But while Kurosaki seems like a lazy good-for-nothing who only enjoys making her miserable, is there more to him than meets the eye?
6.       Kaichou wa Maid-sama
Seika High School was an all-boys school, but it has since turned co-ed. Misaki Ayuzawa is the first female student council president of the school, eventually earning the nickname of the "Demon President" due to her mastery of Aikido and imposed iron rule.
However, Misaki harbors an embarrassing secret—she has to work at a maid café to support her family. If anybody from her school was to find out, her reputation would be utterly destroyed. And after Takumi Usui—the most popular boy at school—discovers her secret, that might just happen.
7.       Special A
Have you ever known someone who was better than you at everything you did? Hikari does. She's known Kei since they were both six years old and he's surpassed her at everything. Now they are the top two students in an extremely prestigious high school, with Kei holding firmly to that number one position, and Hikari is still determined to beat him, no matter what it takes.
8.       Black Bird
Misao Harada has been able to see demons since she was a child and has vague memories of a boy who protected her from these troublesome creatures, vowing to come back for her someday. Now in high school, Misao wishes she could be normal and have a boyfriend. As she returns home one day, she notices a gorgeous stranger has moved in next door. To her surprise, he introduces himself as Kyou, her long-lost childhood friend and first love.
The next day, on her 16th birthday, Misao is suddenly wounded by a classmate. Exposed as a demon, he plans to eat her in order to gain eternal youth. When all hope seems lost, Kyou saves her, revealing himself as the leader of a Tengu clan. Since making Misao his bride will bring prosperity to his clan, he offers her a choice: sleep with him and become his bride, or endure more attacks from other demons drawn to the power of her blood.
! A bit dramatic to my taste, but overall I really liked it
9.     Last Game
Nothing is beyond Naoto Yanagi, heir to the Yanagi business conglomerate. Idolized for his athletic and intellectual competence, looks and wealth, Naoto lived like a king during his elementary school days—then entered Mikoto Kujou, a plain, gloomy-looking transfer student.
Due to her low financial status, Naoto was initially apathetic towards Mikoto. But despite having just arrived at his school, she completely eclipsed him in everything by consistently scoring top marks in exams and placing first in athletic events. After a brief confrontation with her that left him shocked, Naoto vowed to outdo her no matter the cost.
Ten years later, they are now students attending the same college. Having failed to defeat Mikoto throughout middle and high school, Naoto decides they will have one last game: if he can make Mikoto fall in love with him and then break her heart, it will be his victory. However, he finds himself falling in love with her instead...
! One of my favorites! 
I love this one, but beware, its slow-paced
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Can you do the manager hcs that act like Alice Nakiri from SnS for Inarizaki, Shiratorizawa, Fukurodani, and Nekoma? (like she is BEST GIRL; so confident, adorkable, impulsive, carefree, have a mischievous side, has cute bossy tendencies but at the same time she is really caring, polite, and very very rich (she doesn't even know what a Bento is)
Hello my love!! Ahhh I just love receiving asks from you. You're honestly a psychic, I was actually just fangirling over Alice Nakiri when I saw your ask, because I'm on season two of sns.
I have the HUGEST crush on Hayama Akira omg. Definitely my favourite character from the show, his visuals and character are both just god-tier. Who's your favourite male character from the show? I think Akira, Takumi and Isshiki are such cuties. Although Isshiki's fashion sense is just so questionable oml
@k-sakusa-old (I CAN FINALLY TAG YOU IM SO HAPPY!!) ❤️🖤
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Rich manager headcanons.
Characters: Inarizaki team, Shiratorizawa team, Fukurodani team, Nekoma team.
Warnings: none :))
Manager preferance: as stated, she's adorable, funny, and rich, and an excellent cook! Has a mischievous side, and a curvaceous and beautiful body with pretty features.
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Ahhh alright, it's my little fox babies!! They see you around school with your best friend pretty often, and they're struck because you look so different.
Like they've honestly never seen anyone like you, with your eyes and hair a different colour, and the way you carry yourself with so much grace and class, yet you also have the cutest expressions.
I think they'd all be subtle simps for you even before getting to know you, because they find your mannerisms really cute.
Definitely push captain Kita to ask you to become their manager.
So you're with your best friend, and you're teasing him (REAL SNS FANS KNOW ALICE IS NEVER WITHOUT RYO) and Kita bows and asks if you would be the manager for their volleyball team.
To vex him further, you tease him before agreeing to help, and he looks relieved, albeit a bit traumatized. He definitely wasn't expecting such a sassy girl.
Kita reports back to the team that you've agreed and will be manager starting tomorrow.
Back at home, you remember Kita's face after teasing him, and you decide to cook the team something as a peace offering, also hoping you'll make a good impression.
You cook them something extremely fancy, using your extensive cooking knowledge and effort, and the end result is something worthy of being served at a high-class restaurant. You go to bed satisfied, after asking the butler to prepare and pack the food for the team at school.
After school the next day, you smile happily with your butler by your side carrying the food you've made.
The entire volleyball team is just ":O"
You smile cheekily and tell them to dig in, introducing yourself as the new manager.
They're in a bit of shock, because they never knew you were; a. Rich, or b. So generous.
Flashing them a gorgeous smile, you crack jokes with them and ask them how they liked the food, later revealing you've cooked it.
The team is just so??? impressed?? Like wow she's so adorable and sassy which kinda makes her hot, and she can cook so well?
Please cue Osamu falling in love as he subtly decides what to name y'alls children.
I mean, a girl who can cook better than he can? He'd be so eager to learn from you and cook together with you, he's already getting dizzy just thinking about it.
Atsumu would probably be pretty whipped too, and not just because of the food (he's such a foodie, that's just a bonus point). He totally thinks any girl who can crack jokes and make him laugh has the key to his heart, and he loves how you're unafraid and mischievous.
As you warm up to them and begin attending their practices daily and getting closer, Aran just starts getting more and more impressed about how funny you can be.
Your antics and pouts totally make him laugh.
Suna probably strikes this relationship with you where he plans pranks and you're just gutsy enough to execute them. You're also more likely to get into trouble but whatever. While he's just recording you from somewhere
So he thinks you're really cool :] and you can really just tease him mercilessly and he wouldn't mind.
Kita just finds you so capable and brilliant, but he's also pretty shy by how confident and cool you are.
I think he'd try his best to talk to you and slowly and eventually form a bond with you based on something you both like.
In general, the team is just constantly in awe of you and they find you so exceptionally cool. Extremely blessed to have you as a manager and can't resist but show you off every single chance they get.
Like "in your face Itachiyama we have this gorgeous queen on our side here, alright?"
And you're loyal to them, trash talking their opponents even better than the Miya twins, yet keeping this innocent smile and façade up which makes the entire teams' hearts just squeeze at how hot you look when you do that.
10/10, Inarizaki adores you.
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So this is a school for rich kids, luv I think everyone is rich and unfazed 😭🤚
You become the team's manager because your teacher says it's a "hard position" and "no one has managed to keep it for long" which definitely just fuels your need to be the best at it.
But it doesn't go without careful planning, you wait at the gym to greet the members without revealing yourself as their manager.
You meet Ushijima first, and he's as silent and stoic as ever, which leads you to start teasing him and asking for attention.
Which he doesn't grant you. As you know Ushijima, he's probably gonna get annoyed :(
Ugh farmer boy doesn't know how to loosen up and have fun can someone teach him how to be cool?
So NGL you're a bit disheartened, until you meet your next favourite human being, Tendou Satori.
He just starts cracking jokes and matching your energy pretty well, you guys vibe so well together!!
And you feel like thinks might just be looking up. You plan on telling Tendou you'll be their new manager, when you meet another member of the team.
Goshiki is just a blushing mess when he sees you. I feel like he would not know how to act around girls and his brain just short circuits when he sees someone as BEAUTIFUL as you are.
You probably spot his nosebleed and joke with him, gently wiping his face with a tissue.
Which of course, causes him to faint on the spot, can we get an f in the chat for him?
Tendou helps him up and you're just laughing silently whilst coming face to face with Semi Eita.
So you're totally the type to be vocal about things and if you find someone cute, you aren't beating around the bush, so you're just like “hey I think you're so cute!”
And Semi is just like “omg okay what”
He definitely laughs it off and finds you brave and cool, and you kinda earn his respect for being so straightforward.
And he's pretty happy about the compliment.
You follow them into the gym and introduce yourself as their new manager, and they all promise to work hard and cooperate with you.
You get along well with the whole team, but for some reason, you and Ushijima just don't have the same connection you share with the others.
Like your jokes with Tendou, or your playful and mischievous nature with Semi.
Or even how you tease Goshiki.
You're determined to fix it.
So one day after a match, you round the whole team up and bring them to your house, instructing they wait by the dining table.
And you whip out some really fancy food you've just prepared, calling it a celebration for winning :)
They don't know you've cooked it yet, so you tell them and they're all just so impressed but not surprised, since they know you're capable and amazing at anything you do.
But Ushijima is just like?? Wow??
Because the flavours and way you've prepared the food touches him and he's just so proud to know someone who can make other people happy with their cooking.
And he tells you so, causing you to blush for the first time in your life.
The team is so soft when they see you flustered over something their captain has said, and they're glad you guys are slowly growing closer.
Each of them kiss your forehead and thank you for the meal before heading home, even Ushijima! (Which was super unexpected. You just expected a curt nod of a sort, but he gave you a gentle peck and ruffled you hair)
You smile to yourself because you're finally on good terms with everyone :)
The team totally thinks of you as a little sister, except Goshiki who views you as the coolest senpai ever loves bragging about you to his friends.
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[ Ari's note: Nekoma and Fukurodani will be out in a few hours!! I'm sorry I have a deadline to meet for some reports and although I've done my work my club members haven't submitted some stuff yet so I have to wait till they do😭 it's so stressful, but I'm the president and I'll technically be held responsible if this doesn't go well, so uhh wish me luck? 👉👈❤️ Love you guys! Thanks for reading ]
Taglist: @osamusriceballs @k-sakusa-old
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iturbide · 3 years
If you are still up for character asks, how about Sumia. I was sad no one asked about her yet.
And your latest fan art got me interested in also hearing your thoughts on Takumi. If you feel ok answering since I know you haven't played Fates.
I’ve been sad about that too so thank you for rectifying that situation ❤
How do I feel about this character?
My girl.  I love Sumia so much, she is one of my absolute favorite characters in Awakening and one I will never pass up an opportunity to write.  I love her and how passionate she is about books, how deeply invested she gets in the stories and characters and how she uses them both as an escape from her own life (where she can’t help but dwell on her own shortcomings) and as a source of inspiration and courage.  There’s something intensely relatable about wanting an escape like that, feeling outclassed or useless and getting lost in a book as a way to cope -- and yet she’s so capable, even if she doesn’t recognize it herself.  She seems so used to people looking down on her or criticizing what she does or making fun of her slip-ups that she’s started to really believe all of it, when the reality is that her mistakes have never been her defining trait: seeing her learn to embrace her own skills and talents is so heartwarming and I find myself constantly rooting for her to succeed in everything.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Sully!!  Sully and Sumia is one of my favorite ships in all of Awakening, honestly: I love these two ladies who are so gung-ho about horses and bond over that mutual interest and I love the idea of them getting together and learning more about each other, bolstering one another’s confidence (Sully reassuring Sumia that she’s more capable than she thinks and offering to train her if it would make her feel more assured, Sumia insisting that Sully doesn’t need to be girly to be a woman and gushing about how she admires the cavalier) and falling for one another in the process.  It’s just really warm and I love it a lot, and given how encouraging they are in their supports, I really think they’d be a fantastic match for each other.
Also, I do love her with Chrom, and I feel like she’d be an encouraging influence for him, doing what she can to give him confidence and help him keep moving forward in spite of the obstacles; she’s such a bright and refreshing character and I think they could end up working really well together, leveraging their individual strengths to make the halidom a better place.  And I really enjoy her with Robin, too, considering how they bond over their mutual love of books, and I think Robin would be one of those people who really can see her for who she is, rather than the klutz she sees herself as.  It’s especially good when it’s both of them together with her though (yes I love my OT3).
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Robin and Sully, when I’m not shipping them!  Their relationships are so strong and they’re founded on such deep rooted friendship that even when I have them in other relationships, those bonds remain.  Also, even though she doesn’t have any supports with him in the game (which is criminal), I love the idea of a Sumia and Kellam friendship.  Kellam is someone who struggles to be noticed, Sumia’s someone who often seems to wish she could disappear.  The idea of them coming together and overcoming their obstacles together is really heartwarming to me.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
She’s so much more capable than fandom wants to give her credit for.  Most people seem to write her off as stupid, passing over her as a brainless klutz in favor of the “genius” Cordelia -- but this is such a disservice to Sumia and her character.  She’s a fantastic fighter if given the chance, outrunning and outmaneuvering enemies, and while the game loves to play her off as comic relief, she’s a character with interesting, thoughtful support conversations whose life clearly doesn’t revolve around getting a man’s attention.  She’s her own person with hopes and dreams, hobbies and interests, unique skills and charming quirks, and bothering to get to know her really allows her to shine.
And personally, I don’t think she’s actually that clumsy.  Sure, she can be a little scatterbrained sometimes, but even the smartest and most capable people can be; when she has too many things to juggle she slips up in comic ways, but when push comes to shove she’s incredibly capable; if she weren’t, she never would have been able to rescue Chrom at the Longfort (sometimes I think people forget that she’s the one who swept in and got him clear of the javelins).
(And for a bonus unpopular opinion: I hate Cordelia and Sumia as a ship.  Cordelia is so mean to Sumia in their supports, banning Sumia from telling her flower fortunes because she personally doesn’t see value in them -- she doesn’t even bother trying to understand what Sumia’s doing or why, she just decides that her own way is the only right way, which is not how friends should act; putting them in a relationship is out of the question for me.)
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
Why does she have so few supports?  It’s not fair that she can so easily end up alone because the game limits her options so much; aside from Chrom, she has the fewest marriage options, but unlike him she doesn’t have an auto-marriage after a certain point.  It’s not fair that the game treated her that way, and I wish canon had given her more supports, platonic and romantic both.  Again, seeing her with Kellam would have been incredible, and I really wish they’d bothered to give her a support chain with Maribelle, too, considering how Maribelle treats her early on; it would have been amazing to see them work things out.
and you know I was wondering if people forgot my favorite Fates character
How do I feel about this character?
I have never played Fates.  I know about these games purely through fandom osmosis.  And yet I will say, in no uncertain terms, that Takumi is my absolute favorite Fates character. Fallen Takumi is still one of my very few units at +10 merges in Heroes because I love him that much.  And it’s kind of hilarious how it came to this because it’s kind of Heroes’ fault that I’m in this situation. 
I remember when the game first launched how much of a pain he was in the early Arena before Skill Inheritance was a thing, and how the only reliable counter I had for him was Hector because I’d never gotten Takumi myself.  And then one day he randomly showed up in a summon, and I was so excited I ran off to train him immediately...and realized as I did that this guy has some massive self-esteem problems.  It’s what got me interested in him in the first place, enough to do some digging in the wikis, and I kind of fell in love with his character: he’s smart, he’s capable, but he has a massive inferiority complex since he’s grown up in the shadow of his older brother -- something Corrin’s return manages to make worse, since everyone kind of loses their minds over it and pushes him down and away despite the fact that he’s the only one being sensible and questioning whether they can really trust Corrin after they were brought up in Nohr.  While he has an attitude problem that needs to be addressed (though it’s nowhere near as bad as Felix’s), he can get better and gain confidence in himself and his abilities...but in Conquest, his fate is an absolutely tragic one, where his self-doubt and anger allow Anankos a foothold, something to prey upon, and ultimately lead to his loss of control, loss of self, and loss of life.  His story just really hits me in the heart, kind of like Lyon, and I just want to see him grow and overcome his doubts. 
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Okay so this is probably where my not having played the game is going to bite me but I have no idea. There are so many characters in Fates and I don’t even know half of them.  I know Leo is a popular partner for him but I’ve never really seen the chemistry there so I can’t say that’s for me; I could always cheat and say I ship him with happiness because honestly that is true, I really do want him to be happy first and foremost, but I don’t have an actual character answer whoops.
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Azura.  I love the idea of the two of them coming together as friends, both haunted and hounded by nightmares and terrible thoughts they can’t seem to shake, and finding ways to support one another through it.  I get the feeling that Takumi might have treated Azura with some distrust early on, but despite the fact that she came from Nohr, I honestly think they could have ended up having a close bond in Hoshido growing up as they struggle with their own problems, and it would have been amazing to see them come together to overcome them.  Also, I love the idea of him and Sakura being close as siblings, with Takumi protecting Sakura and helping draw attention off her when she’s feeling especially shy while she tries to encourage him and give him a place where he can relax with and get away from all his issues for a little while, someone he can enjoy himself with and not have to think about his problems.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
I actually don’t know what kind of popular opinions there are about Takumi so I have no idea what kind of unpopular opinion I could have.  Honestly I don’t see anywhere near enough to Takumi in general since he seems to be eclipsed by not only his older brother but the Nohrian royals in fandom-wide popularity; is it an unpopular opinion to want more people to give him a chance, rather than writing him off as just an angry nay-sayer?  Because honestly, he is the only one with any sense, since he’s the only one who thinks to distrust Corrin when they return.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
Okay so this is really really niche but I really wish they’d made Takumi Corrin’s half-brother rather than just a step-brother.  It honestly would have made so much sense?  Takumi’s the only other character who has the same kind of pale hair that Corrin canonically does, even if it’s not the exact same shade, so if that came from Mikoto it would fit perfectly with not only Corrin’s and Takumi’s hair color, but Sakura’s hair being that super pale pink compared to Hinoka’s vibrant red, which is what you’d probably expect from Ikona and Sumeragi after Ryoma inherited his father’s very dark hair.  I get the feeling they didn’t do it because they wanted to make all the royals available as romance options, which is both cheap and gross (and after what they did with Azura in Revelations it’s worse), but I think it would have been a really interesting plot element if they’d taken the time.
Give Me a Character  
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saltlampsasuke · 4 years
Unfortunately, You Are Experiencing Symptoms of Falling in Love
Having your long-term boyfriend cheat on you is pretty bad, but you're lucky enough to have a rich, pro-hero best friend who lets you move in with him until you get a new apartment. Except lockdown happens. And you can't look for a new apartment anymore, and you can't go anywhere anymore, and neither can your best friend, and you think you might be falling a little bit in love with him. Or maybe you've been in love with him all along.
The story of how it takes a nationwide lockdown for you and Bakugou Katsuki to finally get together, part 2!
warnings: Coronavirus mentions
wordcount: 2,009
Here comes part two of my story! Please enjoy it!
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The moment Bakugou hung up the phone, you collapsed on your couch. He had told you to pack whatever you wanted to take, but you couldn’t even begin to think about doing that right now. Yes, you had helped pay for the furniture, but you couldn’t bear to look at it now. What had Takumi done on your counter, your chairs, your desk? You had been so full of rage beforehand that the reality of your situation hadn’t truly sunk in yet. Calling Bakugou had used up all of your strength, and now, the emotions that had been stirring inside you finally boiled over as you began to sob.
You laid sprawled across your couch for what seemed like hours, soaking the cushions with your messy sobs as you mourned the wasted time, effort, and love that you had poured into your relationship. You cried until you began to feel drowsy, your eyelids starting to flutter closed, only to spring open when you heard your door slam shut. Had Takumi come back already.
“Oi, dumbass.” Bakugou had arrived. “Where the hell are you?” Realizing he couldn’t see you lying on the couch, you threw up a weak hand in greeting. You could hear the angry stomp of his boots as he walked over to you and sat on the arm of the couch, your body occupying the rest of the space.
“Hey, Bakugou,” you said quietly, your voice still trembling. He looked down at you from his seat, his eyes appearing softer than you had ever seen them.
“Hey, Shitty woman,” he replied cautiously. “You ready to go?” You slowly pushed yourself up off the couch, eyes red and puffy, hair a mess. You could feel Bakugou watching you carefully. He was uncharacteristically quiet, which you appreciated. There wasn’t anything to be said. Your eyes widened slightly as you processed his question. You hadn’t packed anything to take to the apartment. Would he be mad? Would he be willing to wait? Were you even capable of packing anything right now? You shook your head.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t pack anything. I didn’t do anything after I called you. I just sat here,” you confessed nervously. Bakugou moved so he was standing in front of you, with an unchanging tight frown on his face. The change in position did nothing to calm your nerves. If anything, you were more nervous than you were before. Which was ridiculous. This was Bakugou. Your best friend since high school. He had driven here, to your apartment, calling out of patrol and surely abandoning some fun nighttime plans. He was literally letting you move in with him. He wasn’t going to be mad about your failure to pack. Right? He wasn’t going to change his mind. Right? He put a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“Listen up, because I’m not going to repeat myself. You know I’m bad at this type of shit. Fuck. I mean stuff. You know, the comforting and the making people feel better sh- stuff. I’ve never been good at it. Probably never will be. Honestly, I’m sort of surprised you called me instead of Round Face or someone like that. But I’ll show up. I’ll help you with whatever you need. Hell, if you want to take some time off work that’s fine.” You tried to interrupt him.
“Bakugou, I-“
“Let me finish. I don’t know exactly how you feel right now. Probably not good. And I know I can’t make this better for you. Even heroes can’t fix this shit. Mess. But I’ll help you pick up the pieces. If you need something, I’ll make it happen. So take your time.” Bakugou took a step towards you, and pulled you into his chest for a rare hug. You allowed yourself to relax into him, and for the first time since you walked into your apartment, you felt like you could finally breathe again. How had he known just the right thing to say? You cracked a small smile, and mumbled into his jacket.
“Thank you.” He let go of you gently, a small smile on his face as well.
“C’mon, let’s get in the car. I’ll just give you some stuff from my place. I don’t want to be in this shitty apartment anymore.” You were in complete agreement. There was nothing more you wanted than to leave.
You locked the door easily, and followed Bakugou out to his car. It was sleek and black on the outside, and the inside was full of fancy little dials and gadgets you had never been able to figure out. And you called yourself a support technician. Still, the seats were comfortable, heated and plush, and that was all that mattered. Bakugou had escorted you into the passenger seat, and the sigh of relief you had breathed once the doors had been locked and you had left the parking lot was audible even over the roar of the engine.
“You good?” Bakugou asked quietly. You nodded, then spoke, realizing he was focused on the road and not on you like he had been earlier.
“Better now that we’ve left the building. I don’t ever want to go back there again. I don’t ever want to see him again,” you replied. At the mention of “him”, you saw Bakugou’s hands tighten ever-so-slightly on the steering wheel. He spoke, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Well I can’t promise the first thing, but I’ll see about the second. We are going to have to go back, though. Unless you want to leave all of your stuff behind.” You didn’t want that. Most of the stuff you were more than willing to abandon, too reminiscent of Takumi for your taste, but there were many things back in your former apartment that you loved, and couldn’t bear to part with.
“How long is that bastard supposed to be gone for?”
“He said a few days. That could be anything from two days to two weeks. I couldn’t honestly say.” That was a problem. Running into Takumi again was your worst nightmare. You had said all that you had wanted to say, and now you just wanted a clean break.
“Alright, so we go back tomorrow. You don’t have to do anything tonight, just get used to the place, but tomorrow we’ll grab all of your stuff out of that shithole.” Bakugou turned towards you at a red light. “Is it ok if we ask Shitty hair and everybody to help out?” You nodded.
“Yeah. I’ll have to tell everyone sometime. But just Kirishima, and Sero. Midoriya too, maybe?” You asked carefully, knowing that Bakugou was still sometimes sensitive to mentions of the man blocking his way to the number one spot. Bakugou and Midoriya had made up a long time ago, in high school, and they didn’t fight at all like they used to. Still, you had spent too many nights back at UA in Bakugou’s room, sitting on his bed as he cried quietly over some small perceived mistake, after which he threatened to kill you if you ever told anyone, to not be careful. He had always been, and still sometimes was, afraid that he was a failure. Afraid he wasn’t good enough. He still had a hard time whenever he couldn’t save someone. You had never been able to convince him that you can’t save everyone.
“Why the hell do you want dumbass Deku to help you move stuff? And fucking tape elbows?” You smiled involuntarily again.
“Midoriya is strong, he’ll be helpful. Bakugou. His quirk is tape. I’m moving. He can help seal all the boxes.” You heard a sharp laugh.
“Damn, finally a real use for that dumbass quirk of his. We can call him the fucking moving van hero.” You shook your head, smiling wider.
“You’re terrible, Bakugou. I have no idea why everyone stays friends with you,” you said teasingly. Bakugou’s head turned sharply at your comment.
“The hell do you mean? I’m literally moving you in to my fucking house. And it was your idea to use him for his stupid tape. The real question is why I put up with you!” You knew he wasn’t serious. “And another thing! Isn’t it about time you started calling me Katsuki?” That was a shocker. Bakugou rarely ever let anyone call him by his first name. He would yell at anyone who tried. Yet here he was, all of a sudden demanding you switch, after so long.
“What?” you asked, bewildered and trying to make sense of this sudden demand.
“You’re going to live in my goddamn house, shitty woman! And I’ve known you since high school, it’s fucking weird that you still call me by my last name,” he replied angrily.
“Are you sure it’s ok? You hate when people call you by your first name!”
“I wouldn’t tell you to do it if I didn’t want you to! Just fucking do it!” Bakugou slammed his hands on the steering wheel. Clearly asking this of you had taken him a lot of strength. He was really going to let you use his first name. True, you had always been his closest friend but for some reason that was a line you had never crossed. It was fine for Kirishima to use Bakugou, no, Katsuki’s given name but for some reason it had never seemed right for you to do the same. You showed your bond in other ways. But he was right, you were going to live together. It only made sense.
“Alright.” You paused for a moment, afraid to speak the name. “Katsuki.”
“That’s more fucking like it, shitty woman” Katsuki parked the car outside of his apartment building, after passing through a security checkpoint. His building was so much nicer than yours, befitting the number two hero. You rarely hung out at his house, he wasn’t the type to have friends over that much, more so the type to go over to others or be in public, so you had only actually been inside less than ten times. It was exciting, but you still had questions about the sudden name change policy.
“Wait, if I have to call you Katsuki, you should have to call me something else too,” you stated as you followed behind Katsuki as he walked up to the main doors. He paused, and turned around to face you.
“The fuck you mean? I already use your first name.” You snorted.
“Only when you’re talking about me to someone else. I can’t remember the last time you actually called me by my name. It’s always dumbass, or shitty woman. I want a fun nickname like the ones you give everyone else, like Icy-hot or something! You can’t make me call you Katsuki and not call me something new as well” Your mouth almost slipped into a slight pout.
“Oh, so first I let you move into my house, and now you want a new nickname. What’s next, the fucking moon?” Katsuki grumbled. “I should let you live on the streets for being such a picky brat. You’re just like that dumbass story about that princess who couldn’t fall asleep on all those mattresses because there was a tiny little pea underneath. Maybe I’ll call you princess now, because of how fucking demanding you are.” He opened up the lobby door, letting you inside. You smiled. There was that trademark Bakugou Katsuki bluster. Translation: I’m glad you’re feeling good enough to joke around. You could tell that he was relieved that you were joking around with him again. You knew it would take time to get past Takumi. You had given that man so much, it would take a while. It had been less than two hours since the end of your relationship, and you had barely begun to process your emotions. But maybe it would eventually be ok. But you had Katsuki, your best friend, and the best man you knew. You had time.
“Princess is ok, actually,” you replied.
“Jesus fucking Christ.
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polar-stars · 3 years
☕️ + megumi and hojo?
(Give me a ☕️ + a character/ship and I’ll ramble off whatever thoughts and opinion I have about it)
Oho, interesting! Thanks for the ask!
Megumi Tadokoro
Megumi is a character I love and adore. She has given me no choice in that matter, lol. I cannot possibly dislike a character who portrays such a huge amount of real, genuine kindness. Adding to that, she's incredibly easy to relate to (I know that I am not the only one who does).
In my opinion Megumi has had some of the very best moments in all of Shokugeki, especially in it's earlier parts. The Shokugeki against Shinomiya in Trainings Camp is still my favorite battle in the whole manga after all. Her performance in the Autumn Election Premlins was also really satisfying and sweet to see. (Monkfish Preperation Scene Supremacy)
Tsukuda really did great on making Megumi a character that I really want to see succeed.....But that is where the problem comes in.
The problem is that Tsukuda struggles with the Show, Don't Tell-Rule from Central Arc onwards.
Pre-Central, Megumi's character development was solid in my opinion. It was believable and not too fast-paced. But once focus was shifted to Azami-Drama, Megumi and other characters had to take a little step back from the action. And Megumi's character arc started to stagnate.
Through Training Arc. Autumn Elections and Stagiares, Megumi had visibly gained some more confidence in herself and her stage fright problem from the beginning of the series was ceasing. However there was something missing: pay-off. Her character arc lacks proper pay-off.
You see, throughout all of Central Arc Megumi has not won any single fight on-screen. She was given one victory against Shigemichi Kumai but not even second of that fight was actually shown to the reader. But when it's time for a more detailed fight against Momo, she looses.
In her fight against Momo, the judges do find the time to point out tho that Megumi might hasn't been able to beat Momo however there is quote unquote ✨potential✨.
Thing is that the "potential"-thing has been getting old at that point. It felt very reminiscent to Megumi's fight against Ryo back in the Autumn Elections. Ryo was able to win, however it was made clear through multiple dialogue-lines that Megumi did give him a good fight, defying the expectations the audience had from her. So basically that fight was like: Yes, she lost now. But she is on the right path. There is a lot of potential.
The issue is that time has progressed ever since the AE and it was about time for us, the readers, to see that potential unfold.
But we never got that.
We get a lot, a lot of talking about Megumi's potential throughout Central Arc but never an actual showcase of it. And it does not get much better with BLUE Arc either (I mean, what do you expect from that trainwreck of an arc anyway?)
First off, despite all of her potential and her participation in the Regiment de Cuisine & the retaking of Totsuki as a whole Megumi somehow ends up with the lowest seat in the Neo-Elite 10??? And I'm just: Why??? Why is she the only explicitly ranked below Eizan & Nene (who got a massive downgrade) with everyone else far ahead? (Tho the Neo-Elite 10 Ranking as a whole is one confusing mess and I should probably stop trying to bring sense into it if I do not want to go insane, lol.)
The infamous Hot Spring Fight against a Noir is where we finally see Megumi shine a little on-screen (at least in the manga). And well....I enjoyed seeing that but...
It is still not the proper pay-off she deserves, I'm sorry. Because ultimately that Noir-Guy is some random One-Off we never saw again. And that's a problem.
This character had no time establishing himself to us. We barely know him.
To put it into perspective: Satoshi Isshiki beating Julio Shiratsu in the RdC did not feel like a very impressive thing. Because we have only come to know Julio in that one fight and had absolutely no judgement on how powerful he may be (not to mention, that he was mostly placed in a very ridiculous light). It would have been a lot more impressive to the reader had Satoshi won his later fight against Eishi Tsukasa, because Eishi is a character who we have spent a lot more time with and who has repeatedly been portrayed as absurdly skillful and an actual threat.
See what I mean? As much as I loved seeing Megumi being an absolute badass in that Hot Spring Saga...It was not the satisfying pay-off I want for her.
The few victories she gets are always against random One-Offs while her fights against the more important characters are always a loss for her. Case in point: BLUE. She gets anOTHER off-screened match against some Noir in Chinese clothes, whose name I won't bother looking up if he even has one, where all characters talk about how talented she is but once it's time for her to go up against big bad bitch Asahi she looses. And that sucks.
Not to forget the fact that Megumi always gets strung along to every big event but we never get much justification for her participation (other than the obvious Meta-Reason that she's a main character).
Think about it, her and Takumi got extremely lucky in Train Arc by having Rindou giving them a free pass just for the lulz, while everyone else got expelled. Then a good number of messy chapters later, Megumi and Takumi get invited into BLUE without even a shred of reasoning behind it. Why them? How random is it to invite the 1st, 7th and 10th seat but no one else? Meanwhile when BLUE Arc was first mentioned in the manga they told Jouichiro that it's actually extremely rare for a student in that age to get into this tournament. And Jouichiro was a 3rd year back then, what are those three 2nd Years doing there??
The anime at least addressed that by having Totsuki's students fight for the participation (I appreciated that, if only the episode that covers it wasn't so lazily done)
I'd have much less of an issue with that if they actually gave Megumi something to work with in that arc. But really in RDC and even more so in BLUE, she's mostly just there I feel. She barely really impacts the story meaningfully in both of these arcs, I feel.
And it's one big shame.
As I said, I love Megumi and Tsukuda set her up as someone who I wanted to see succeed and defy expectations. Her journey up till Central Arc was a lot of fun and very compelling but then it just...came to a halt. And her arc never got any real, proper closure I feel. She was instead pushed more and more into the background and she just did not deserve that, man.
Never forget that she is one of the mains after all and she should have been treated as one.
damn I did not think this would get this long ahhdhdf
Miyoko Hojo
When realising that Miyoko's speciality is Chinese cooking, I was super excited for her! I really love Chinese food and I've been waiting for it to be covered in Shokugeki up till that point.
I like Miyoko quite a lot, she's definitely one of my faves from the...well, I don't think "secondary" cuts it...the tertiary cast. Unfortunately we've got to see so painfully little of her.
I like that Megumi, in the most Megumi-ways, made her learn a lesson like "Feminism =/= You can not possibly get along with a man. Ever.", but it was also interesting to see acknowledgement of the inequality of men and women within the culinary business through Miyoko.
Miyoko's friendship with Megumi is something I adore and I would have very much liked more of it please. I enjoy the thought of Miyoko, this tough, unapproachable woman, having her face soften whenever this pure, little angel approaches her. Also 100% sure Miyoko would drop-kick whoever gives Megumi a funny look.
I also would have liked to see Miyoko interact more with Kuga, because I imagine it could have been a lot of fun. From the one, tiny interaction they've had I feel that Terunori actually respects Miyoko quite a bit. Which I think is interesting, because Terunori otherwise seems to enjoy bitching at people.
Honestly? If you ask me??? Miyoko should have been in the Regiment de Cuisine.
I'll never get over how she's shown in the audience, alongside Nao, smiling when the rebels are about to snatch victory. Like ahdhFJG, excuse me Ma'am what business do you have just watching??? You can not tell me that from what we've seen about Miyoko that she would not be up to kick Azami's ass out of Totsuki. I generally think it's stupid for the Rebels to go up against the Elites in a number even to them.
Azami. Explicitly told you guys. That you can bring more than that.
You were up against the Elite 10 Council.
(and Nao as well tbh)
(The Regiment de Cusine could have been a lot better to buy for me if the Rebels had shown up with more participants tbh but that's a different subject)
Anyways, as I said I wish we could have seen a lot more of Miyoko. But it just wasn't meant ot be :( I mean, when characters like Alice and Akira get pushed to the side, what chances does the tertiary cast have?
I'm at least glad that she is sort-off shown being the new president of the Chinese RS in Les Dessert 1? I like that for her.
But yes, ultimately...another criminally underused character. I look forward to write her being a cool mom in my fanfic tho.
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yeonchi · 3 years
Kisekae Insights #24: GJ Club - how a spinon became a spinoff featuring Kyōya and Kasumi Shinomiya
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(Art by 結城辰也)
The Kisekae Insights series has allowed me to bring the spotlight back on Waifu Network animes that I haven’t posted much about in the past due to lack of fanart or lack of interest. Like Hidamari Sketch in the last instalment, GJ Club will be no exception until I continue posting the usual content in my anime posts. Honestly, it was good while it lasted.
While Hidamari Sketch is a fairly popular and notable anime, GJ Club, sadly, isn’t. The anime was adapted from the light novel series written by Shin Araki and it only received one 12-episode season in 2013 and an OVA in 2014. Since it is a slice-of-life series, not much is known about the characters’ histories, which made it very easy to adapt into my personal project. All these factors coinciding with it being the 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who made GJ Club the perfect anime to adapt and expand on.
Background information
For some reason, the light novel has been a bit hard to find. In short, while you are able to read it online, the sources are unfortunately scarce.
From 2013 to 2015, NanoDesu Translations posted translations of the light novel. They published a PDF and EPUB of the first volume (which is available on archive.org) and translated up to Chapter 17 of the second volume. It was then abandoned for two years before Haraguro Scanlations picked it up. As of September 2018, they only finished up to Chapter 3 of the third volume (with the first chapter being translated by Shadowys on Baka-Tsuki) and there are no further updates after that, with the exception of a one-off chapter released in November 2020.
As of August 2021, however, all the original translations by NanoDesu seem to have been deleted from their site. All the translations are available on AsiaNovel, but there are no illustrations because the reader doesn’t seem to support images. If the images weren’t discarded in the code of the novels, then all they would need to do is add support for them and then they would appear.
There are 9 volumes and two special volumes for GJ Club along with 8 volumes and a special volume for its middle school spinoff. It’s honestly telling how popular the series was when the translators have all but abandoned it.
Shin Araki also wrote an additional spinoff to GJ Club, namely GE: Good Eater, and a sequel, namely KB Club. GE is set in a fantasy world with the characters being based off the characters of GJ Club, while KB Club turns everything meta by having both series be the creations of a high school light novel club, with the characters of GJ Club being based off the members of said club, right down to their names. Honestly, I’m not a big fan of that approach given how I’ve adapted GJ Club into my personal project. In the end, I guess we’ll never really know what happens in the novels, but at least we have this.
Watching the anime and listening to the character music was how I first realised that anime was sexist to males because of the female-centric focus in most animes. Kyōya only gets one character song in the series, and even then it’s a duet with Megumi. If that isn’t sexist to you, then I don’t know how I can convince you that a lot of animes are sexist.
In January 2015, I published two posts outlining my idea for an English dub of the series that also fits with GJ Club’s depiction in my personal project. The setting would be changed to London, England, specifically the areas of Chiswick, Ealing and Acton (where their school is located) and the characters would speak with British accents. The images in the original post are dead because I idiotically copied the images from the site instead of saving and reuploading them to the post, but since I’m grubbing for content anyway, I’m going to repost my character details as follows:
Kyōya: The protagonist of the series. When he started Year 10, he was kidnapped by the girls when he walked into an old school building, hoping to find the Culture Club. He moved to London from Manchester just before he started Year 7. His best friend outside the club is someone named Tesshin Yokomizo (横溝徹心) who is a local and not seen in the anime. In the GJ Club, he is nicknamed “Kyoro” and despite his spinelessness, he seems to have talent in dealing with the girls around him. His birthday is December 18. Due to a crisis involving his family during his childhood, he and his sister Kasumi were left in the care of a family guardian just before they moved to London, but she left when Kyōya started Year 10. It might have been that childhood incident that emotionally scarred him and left him spineless…
Mao: The Year 11 president of the GJ Club. Her family is rich and they live in a mansion in Ealing. She has a habit of biting and picking on Kyōya when she is bored or angry. She always reads books and watches shows without kissing scenes.
Shion: The only daughter in her family, Shion is an expert chess player with many brothers, all experts in some kind of activity. She speaks in a Birmingham (Brummie) accent because her mother and a few of her brothers were born in Birmingham. It is unknown if Shion was born in Birmingham herself.
Megumi: The calm and nice middle sister of the Amatsuka family. She likes knitting and she is always seen making tea and cakes in the club room. In the same year level as Kyōya.
Kirara: Born in Swansea, Wales, Kirara is the tallest and strongest member of the club. She speaks English in simple, monotone sentences. Welsh is her first language. Kirara can be seen eating meat, sometimes sharing it with Kyōya, but not with anyone else. She is afraid of spiders and has little tolerance to alcohol.
Tamaki: (voiced by Karen Gillan!) The newest member of the GJ Club when Kyōya becomes a Year 11 student. Like Kyōya, she is kidnapped and forced to join the club. Her nickname is “Tama”. Her family is from Glasgow and they run a Shinto shrine in Acton. She has several younger siblings.
Kasumi: Kyōya’s younger sister, who was born in Manchester. After a visit to the GJ Club, she becomes inspired to start a middle school division when she starts Year 7. She has a brother complex and she mistook Mao for being a primary school student when she met her. Her proficiency in Welsh is better than her brother’s, who can probably speak at a beginner level.
Geraldine: Shortened to “Jill”. She moved to Chiswick from Swansea to be with her sister, Kirara. She first met Kyōya at Ealing Broadway Station when she had difficulty buying a Tube ticket. She didn’t really understand how to use the ticket machine, so Kyōya went to help her. After this, Jill considered Kyōya her “samurai master”. Jill doesn’t speak English fluently, so she relies on her whiteboard to communicate with the others. She is as strong as her sister and she joins Kasumi’s GJ Club when she starts Year 7 in Chiswick.
Seira: The youngest sister of the Amatsuka family. Though she speaks in a typical London accent, she sometimes talks through her cat clip in Received Pronunciation (the Queen’s English/RP) using ventriloquism to state her true feelings to Kyōya, who she has a grudge against.
Mori: The maid of the Amatsuka family. She likes to ride a motorcycle.  A running gag is her twirling before Kyōya much to his pleasure and annoyance to the rest of the club members. Sometimes, her mother takes her place without the family even noticing due to their identical appearance.
Kyōya, Kasumi and Momoka: The Brother, the Child and the Yandere
Normally in previous instalments, I would have described each character separately, but because their backstories are heavily intertwined, I will introduce them all at once in this section. Most of the backstory takes place around the Battle of Koshi Castle in December 2013 and during the Manchester Campaign of 2005-2013, which I have already covered in #15.
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When Hiroki Ichigo’s twelfth incarnation was killed at Koshi Castle, he managed to escape in his TARDIS, where he regenerated into his new prototype, namely a four-year-old Kyōya. The TARDIS crashes outside North Manchester General Hospital on 11 December 2005.
Earlier, Hiroki and Akari’s gametes (along with those of Hiroki’s brothers and their families) were taken by Reona Yukawa and placed in the Progenitor so that they could breed super-soldiers out of them. When Takumi Kamijō and Kyōko Sakura manage to escape from their cells (saving Nodoka Manabe and Azusa Nakano in the process), he changes the destination of the baby about to be released into the Progenitor’s time portal. That baby was Kasumi, one of the super-soldiers grown from Hiroki and Akari’s DNA. She ended up at the same hospital as well and was about to be taken home by a couple when Girl Power killed them, resulting in Kasumi being taken by Akari and Shaun.
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What remained of Hiroki was contacted by the spirit of Walpurgisnacht. Making a deal with her, Hiroki regenerated into his thirteenth incarnation, the female Momoka Mizutani. No, Momoka is not an OC for GJ Club, but she is based on the character of Apple Lam Chung-yan from the TVB drama A Great Way to Care II, played by Tavia Yeung. Momoka takes Hiroki’s TARDIS and heads to Salford, where with the help of Walpurgisnacht, she establishes a cha chaan teng café in the middle of a trading estate and hires a group of red drone Daleks as her workers, hiding their identities by having them disguise themselves as humans.
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Over the next eight years, Momoka gets close to the new Shinomiya family by influencing them through Kyōya’s dreams to come to her café. Eight years later, on 11 December 2013, the Fourth and Fifth Doctors come in with their companions. When the Shinomiya family come in, a confrontation with Ayaka Kikuchi and her army ensues before Momoka transmats the Shinomiya family to a Dalek spaceship, where she prepares to execute them using the Yashio’ori. However, the Yashio’ori is sabotaged by the enemy army so that the laser beam would not charge.
As Ayaka and her army attack the Dalek ship, Momoka uses the Dalek-enhanced machine guns to fend them off. While two Doctors confront the Master, Momoka is killed by Girl Power officers, resulting in Walpurgisnacht taking over her body as she regenerates, maintaining her current appearance. Read #15 to find out what happens after this.
Once the Battle of Koshi Castle and the Manchester Campaign conclude, the Fourth Doctor helps Kyōya and Kasumi move to Chiswick in 2008. Five years later, the events of the GJ Club anime take place. During his time in Chiswick, Kyōya gets a job at the post office there and later, studies a double degree in Japanese Studies and Politics at SOAS in the University of London while also learning Cantonese, Mandarin and Welsh in weekend and evening courses (apparently he also wanted to learn Taiwanese but they weren’t running any courses, but that’s alright, he can always learn it somewhere else, which he presumably did).
On a side note, I volunteered myself to be Kyōya’s English voice actor, so I’ve practiced my Mancunian accent by watching actors like Christopher Eccleston, Stephen Tompkinson, Karl Pilkington and maybe a bit of Peter Kay as well. The only problem was that I’m not even sure that my accent is even Manc because I can’t tell if I’m getting it wrong and sounding like someone from Liverpool, Yorkshire, Newcastle or even Scotland. Oh well, that’s what happens when you really get into things.
I don’t buy expansion packs, I make my own (budget allowing)
So as I said, GJ Club only got one season and an OVA to go with it. Do Kyōya and the GJ Club make further appearances in the series? You bet your ass they do.
After being absent for much of the Next Gen Series in 2014, Kyōya and Kasumi receive a letter from their aunt, Narutaki, asking to meet in Hong Kong after their mother, Akari, went missing following the Siege of Ōsaka, only to be followed by Mao and the rest of the GJ Club, who learnt where he was going and managed to get on the same flight as them.
Narutaki, who had taken her Girl Power friends and established a rogue faction separate from the main group, takes the GJ Club to Nijō Castle, where she explains the background behind the Manchester Campaign and the events of Series 8 and 9. Soon after, Girl Power’s commander, Daniel, sends his brother, Nathan, out to find Narutaki. Kyōya tries to contact Hiroki, but he is unable to get through to him. Luckily, the TARDIS arrives and the Doctor and Hiroki help Angela and the others repel the attacking Girl Power forces. Some more things happen and by the end of the story, we learn that Kyōya and Mao are dating.
That Christmas, Kyōya and Kasumi head up to Manchester, but the Doctor briefly takes them and their friends back to Hong Kong for a picnic with Hiroki and the rest of the Zhuge family.
A few years later in 2018, the GJ Club and Momoka get a cameo at the start and end of the Gokaiger TV movie special. By this point in time, Momoka’s café in Manchester has expanded to many other branches around the UK and in Hong Kong.
The next year in 2019, Kyōya, Kasumi, Mao and Megumi are featured in a four-part adventure in Soulbound Series 3, helping the cast solve the mystery of Parker’s past and Shinbu’s origins. Two years after in 2021, Kyōya and Kasumi move to Hong Kong (along with the GJ Club) and join the Superhero Project as the new ShinkenRed and ZyuohTiger. You’d think Kyōya would be against violence given his harmless tendencies, but I suppose his character has developed over the years despite having abandonment issues.
So this has been the involvement of GJ Club in my personal project. It’s a shame the series wasn’t more popular or it could have gotten a second season, a manga, more (and frequent) translations of the light novel or hell, even a licenced release. This series is just like Sea Princesses in how popular it was, but despite the number of episodes the anime got, at least Shin Araki hasn’t abandoned the series (by putting it in a spinoff no less) unlike Fabio Yabu, who hasn’t made anything new for Sea Princesses since 2010 after getting more animated episodes than GJ Club did. On the other hand though, neglected series with little material has been good development fodder for my personal project as it allowed me to bring awareness to the existence of those series while also developing backstories and afterstories for them.
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asklaytonandwright · 3 years
I suppose I won’t take a break. I want to get done with it. I suspected it might have been Olive... At least they didn’t make her turn out to be horrible... The end of the case was still bittersweet. I love dark chocolate, but still... I cried physical tears about that part of the story and they had to go and ruin it!
I really want cases to end on satisfying notes. The only one so far out of both was Gina’s case. Rei’s was alright, but there’s still the unsolved mystery and the fact that no one who knows anything is willing to trust us with the info... This is going to get long in the tooth...
I’m also a bit upset about something else. I’m docking imaginary points any time the game unnecessarily reuses characters. They made the Great Ace Attorney so they would have a whole new world or setting to work with... what have they done so far?
You have so much potential, but you reuse so many of the characters and gimmicks. (Like summation exams every half hour) It’s like its own little pocket instead of a whole new world.
Let’s see, new characters in GAA 2, not counting anyone who so much as showed their face in the first one, one way or another. Who do we have?
Rei Membami- Lovely girl, took a few bites out of Maya. She’s really just a Maya clone though. Maybe an afterthought because the developers realized that Susato wasn’t “Maya” enough. Which, Susato < Maya, sooo yeah. (Not saying I don’t like Susato in her own way. But I’m head over heals for Maya for reasons.)
She so wants Susato now that she’s seen her cross-dressing though, and I am in full support.
Menimemo - Another racist name, good job. Claims he attempted murder for justice, but didn’t actually kill. Passes it off on a sixteen-year-old girl, but pretends it would have been far less heroic for her to do it. When it’s pointed out he’s just as bad as the murderer he killed, he just says, “I guess.” Yeah, he definitely believes that (not).
Mrs Altamont - Gorgeous and fairly reasonable as a juror, honestly. I love her queen bee motif and really she could be my queen. Ahem, moving on.
Duncan Ross - Really sad to have died so young. He was about to start his career and his marriage. Honestly, if I meet the love of my life now after waiting for so long (about fifteen years I suppose) and lose them just like that... I probably WOULD go out like Olive wanted to. Taking their killer down with me.
Selden - Pretty much like Cece Yew or Deid Mann. One of those characters you forget about not long after because the writers practically did too. Okay, next....
Oh, is that it? Brand new setting, you can use all the new characters you want, no obligations to reuse any, and in the first two cases, you use 5 new characters? Two of which barely count because they’re already dead and have very little characterization. Really, AA franchise, I thought you could do better.
Seems like they try to make up for it by having like 75 percent of them be loony toons. I get it, AA has eccentric characters, it’s like their seal of authenticity. But they still need normies to make the wackos stand out! Like all the rest of AA did!
Like, every other character not only is at least a little eccentric, but they practically have to LIVE that silliness 24/7 in this game! Painters have to paint on the stand (I really thought there would be some purpose, like a reveal of her painting), actors have to prance, dance and quote like that’s the only thing that matters, like lunatics! If your job is radio transmissions you do that constantly, you can’t even take a day to, IDK, pay attention on a jury!!! The doctor has to come to court still wearing the gloves from his latest operation, and might I add, not hear half of the GD trial! The list just goes on and on!
Honestly, I really just want them to go back to Phoenix. I really hope they haven’t abandoned him and all the lose ends they left behind, five years ago at this point. And wasn’t it the original creator, Shu Takumi who made GAA? After not working on it since Trials and Tribulations? I have no idea how he worked on Spirit of Justice slightly after the first GAA, getting SoJ right, but GAA wrong. I know a lot of people hate SoJ, as well as DD, but I love them. The people who say that are probably like the gen wunners of the series.
Either way, I don’t know what to think. Just as long as none of the bad elements make it from GAA to the main series. I guess he wanted to try something new with it. Honestly, the music makes it feel like Prof Layton, but with all the charm of Mystery Journey. Maybe he liked what he saw in PLvsAA. I don’t know what it is, but they just can’t make the story work. Not even for individual cases. Aside from a handful of good things (*AHEM* Iris, Gina, Holmes) I’ve been thoroughly let down with this side series. It doesn’t look like there’s going to be a third and I’m actually glad.
Now where the heck is AA7? It’s been five years! I think we all want Apollo and Trucy to find out they’re related already! I mean, it was mentioned at the end! You can’t not finish that!
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tailsisfluffy · 4 years
Incoming Rant Post
I really needed to write about my conflicting feelings about the SouTaku vs Don Calma fight.
First, the big reason why I love this scene.
If this wasn’t blatant enough, SouTaku is one of my OTPs. I could go on forever about them. This scene appeals SO much to the shipper in me. Once again, I get to see them help each other out, but this time instead with a team they are working completely together. Of course, they are bickering throughout the whole thing, but they still are working together. Unlike with the teamwork with Megumi during the training camp where Soma seems to be working hard as support, and unlike when he and Erina were just outright fighting for the best dish during the battle with Central, he seems to be more in sync and just vibing off of Takumi. It’s pretty impressive since both of them like to be the main chef.
And then we get the montage of them battling out nearly every day, which makes me even happier because I see:
1.     That Soma no longer dismisses Takumi’s challenges like he used to.
2.     That Takumi is the perfect battling partner for Soma because he can keep up with him in both energy and frequency in the Shokugekis. (Ryo might be a good choice in energy but he probably would not be able to battle as much due to helping Alice. Others I presume do not have the energy and/or the will to battle so much.)
3.     That at some point, Takumi taught Soma how to use the mezzaluna and how to properly take care of it because we see them both cleaning it and Takumi is okay with Soma using it.
Once they start cooking and they display how well they are together, two more points came to my mind:
1.     They took time away from their battles and actually practiced working together with the mezzaluna.
2.     Soma learned some Italian from Takumi because he’s over here exclaiming Italian phrases while he’s cooking. I just find that adorable.
I could look into this scene further, but it’s already going into “Why I ship these two” territory and this post is about this one battle.
Now for the reason why I hate this scene.
I hate it because of my obsession with Isami. I really love him. I hate how he gets pushed back with all the other side characters in this season. (Actually, I hate how almost all of the original side characters are nearly forgotten in this season.) I was super hyped for this season because I read the manga and I see him acting like a pseudo-Elite Ten member during the Hot Springs arc and boy was I upset when that arc was not animated…
Anyways, what made me upset was the hype for this fight in both the manga and anime. We know how close Takumi and Isami are. They are a great cooking team. Probably the best team in all of Totsuki and possibly in Japan judging by Erina’s praise. We get all these glimpses of the twins working together in the manga. We get an entire montage of them working together and Mimasaka saying that he cannot keep up with them anymore with his Perfect Trace.
We are even blessed with the hottest pieces of official scenes and artwork of possibly any male on the show.
Not even Soma, the protagonist, got something like that. At least, not in the anime. Maybe in the manga. I have to look at that again.
But we get all that of the twins, and Takumi saying that his brother will be the only one helping him during an important match…
Only to have Isami fucking kidnapped.
I came to an acceptance with the manga. I was pissed with the anime, as they had a chance to avoid that. Especially since Erina did NOT get kidnapped in the show as she did in the manga. (Honestly, she should have stayed kidnapped. A rescue mission would have been a better plot than a repeat of her trying to please her parents.)
However, they still went through with Isami’s kidnapping.
Not only was I upset that my favorite character was kidnapped, but I was so confused. Just…why? Why do all that listed above and not follow through with a twin battle? Was Isami too powerful or something? Was there a serious lack of Soma during that time that they had to do this? Was that one time showing the twins cooking together at their introduction deemed enough for the series?  (I say one because that was the only time their teamwork was detailed. The other times it was only mentioned or showing them together for like two seconds.)
I wanted to see the best teamwork in the school/country, damn it! How dare do they hype all that up and not do it!
I really like to think that the reason why Takumi did not go on a murder spree after this fight is because no one told him what actually happened until BLUE was over. Or he was told and Soma, Isami, and Kuga’s bodyguards had to hold him back and take all knives away from him until the next match.
To sum this rant up:
The shipper in me adores that my OTP got attention. However, the simp in me will be forever salty that my favorite character had to be deprived on what could have been his last big moment in the series. I will forever be torn about this fight.
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Tbh I never got why Fates got so much hate! Maybe it’s because Fates was my first FE game, but... Back when it released I got Birthright, played the prologue, and I ended up getting Conquest too because; 1, I liked Nohr better so that’s simple opinion. 2, I couldn’t imagine betraying the family that raised me, so I ended up projecting onto Corrin for that! 3, it felt like the more “canon” answer because this was before Revelations released haha. But as a more seasoned FE fan now, I personally think Conquest was the best plot for Corrin’s growth as a character (Altho some barely see him as one haha...) (Altho I’m an outlier Anyways since I always liked F Robin with her just being besties with Chrom and Naive Prince Corrin for the trope subversion fhfjgjg). He was the “bad guy” in Conquest; largely self-aware about being the ones invading a foreign nation, having actual consequences for it, not being happy about it but doing it anyways due to loyalty to the family that raised him... Idk, I always thought that could say some interesting things about Corrin, but I know that may just be me reading too deeply into it aha;;; But still, playing as the “Villain” in a FE game definitely feels like a rare treat after SoV, Awakening and FE3H (Minus Edelgard’s route)!
Oh I very much agree that from a character growth standpoint Conquest did more for Corn in my opinion. Corn is meant to be a bleeding heart, naive to the world and forced to come to terms with it (a bit like Eirika in Sacred Stones) and for that Corn being forces to accept that their decision to side with their Nohrean Family is going to result in a lot of innocent people dead, they can't save everyone like they might have foolishly initially thought. I always found Birthright Corn to be slightly.... blinded by their own anger at the detrayal they feel they've suffered, which is why inevitably in Birthright in order for Corn to come to terms with "my actions have consequences" Elise has to be the one to die rather than Leo (who would have been Takumi's natural counterpart), Elise is more innocent, Elise dying protecting you is going to tug at the heartstrings more. Birthright needed Elise and Marxander (I don't like the localised names, well I like some but I need some sort of consistence and I'd rather stick to the Japanese names, call me a weeb all you like, but also I ain't a commie so I don't want my posts to appear in weird places so Marxander it is) deaths to be really tragic because the rest of Birthright was arguably a tad tone death in that regard. Admittedly it makes sense, it's not like it's "out of character", Corn learns they family they knew wasn't their family, they meet their mother and then watch her get killed and are then forced to pick a side of a war both sides claiming to be their real family, I can see why some would feel betrayed by the Nohreans and side with Hoshido and have Corns sort of tunnel vision throughout until they're faced with people they actually know and love dying. I just personally felt Conquest did it better in my opinion. And I actually played Conquest first.
Honestly most of the hate boner comes from the fact there was a lot of misinformation about the game before release (Soleil mostly, she was never meant to be gay, she's based on a Japanese trope that yes is kinda sketchy but she just wasn't a character who was gonna translate well, that being said the localisation arguably made her worse) and the fact that because of shit like Kotaku having it out for the game before it even released in the West the localisation basically gutted a lot of its lore, world building and stuff like that. They also claim to hate the "waifu/husbando" elements "going too far" but most of these people are hypocrites so I don't take those comments that seriously.
But the fact is even if someone despises this game... its like 6 years old... no criticism they could have is unique or relevant now, 2 games have come out since (I mean 3 if you include Tokyo Mirage Sessions which releases the same year initially). Like move on, or at the very least don't tag your hate
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7, 14, and 20 for Ryoali, Akisako, Eishi/ Rindou, and Takumegu!
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
It depends. Sometimes they’ll go shopping (meaning Alice will buy everything in sight and Ryo will carry her bags and wait for her until she’s finished). But other times they might go out and play pool, which they’re both really good at, or go to a rock concert at a music club.  
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
When Alice is sick she tends to be even more demanding of Ryo’s attention than usual. Ryo ends up cuddling with her while she watches her favorite movies and going out to fetch whatever her whims lead her to request (Alice then gets mad at him for having left her in her time of need, and pouts until he cuddles with her again). 
When Ryo has a cold, he usually tries to just sleep it off and mostly wants to be left alone, but leaving him alone is not a concept that Nakiri Alice is even remotely familiar with. Since they were kids, Alice has spoiled Ryo whenever he didn’t feel well. She makes him all kinds of seafood soups and nags Hisako into sending medicinal tea blends. Ryo tells her each time that it’s not necessary, but she never listens, and he low-key enjoys the attention. 
20. Where do they go on holiday?
They usually go skiing/snowboarding in the alps, and spend a week or two at a cozy mountain lodge. Their snowboarding competitions rival their cooking battles in intensity. And naturally they will also take full advantage of the spa and sauna facilities at their lodge to recover from their full days of sport. Couples massages are a constant vibe for these two on vacation. 
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
Most nights, Akira and Hisako are content to sit together by the fireplace, reading books and drinking tea, just generally enjoying each other’s company. That being said, if these two are going out, they’re going out. Date night is serious business! They are going to have a romantic dinner at a restaurant with at least two Michelin stars and then they are going to listen to the local philharmonic orchestra, see an opera or a play, or attend an art gallery opening.
Akira has always taken her on really nice dates, even when they were in high school and he had no money for it, so the fancy date night thing has become something of a tradition for them. They try to do it at least once a month. 
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Given her expertise in medicinal cuisine, Hisako rarely catches colds, but whenever she does she is in total denial about it. Akira is surprisingly patient with her. Over the years, he’s learned to let her denial run its course and then carry her to bed once she burns herself out. Then he listens to her critique his attempts at making medicinal soups (she honestly finds them insanely delicious, if somewhat lacking in their healing properties). 
Similar to with Erina and the god tongue, Akira’s god nose makes him miserable when he’s sick. He can’t breathe and he can’t smell anything to save his life, but he is still going to show up to meetings and get all of his paperwork done. Hisako, being Hisako, always has some miracle tea blend on hand to make him feel better (and a massage if she’s feeling generous). However, even as she’s healing him with her culinary wisdom, Hisako will be scolding him for working himself to the bone and getting himself sick in the first place. 
20. Where do they go on holiday?
Akira and Hisako vacation in the tropics. These two are beach people to the bone, and there’s nothing they enjoy more than sitting by the ocean together and soaking up the sun. A few of their favorite vacation spots are Ocho Rios, Bali, and Bora Bora.  
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
Eishi can be a bit of a homebody, and Rindou basically drags him wherever she wants to go on the weekends. Rindou loves street fairs and pop up carnivals and Eishi finds her too adorable for words when she’s bouncing from stall to stall, buying snacks and playing games. He once won her a goldfish in a carnival game and has never forgotten the happy little noise she made afterwards. 
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
When Rindou catches a cold, Eishi mostly worries a lot. He tends to ask a lot of questions (is she too hot or too cold, is she feeling worse, should they take her temperature again) until she gets annoyed with him and sends him to the kitchen to make soup. He also puts a lot of effort into keeping her warm. In the winter, Rindou complains a lot about the cold even when she’s perfectly healthy, so Eishi monitors the thermostat and makes sure she has enough blankets. 
When Eishi catches a cold...he continues to worry a lot. He’s on WebMD constantly, convincing himself that he’s dying (Rindou eventually takes his computer away). Then he worries that he’s going to get Rindou sick so he tries to stay away from her, in response to which Rindou reminds him that her immune system is stronger than his. All the while, Rindou is cooking for him virtually nonstop, insisting that he needs to eat to build his strength back up (she’s eating too, of course, but only in solidarity). 
20. Where do they go on holiday?
Literally anywhere in the world as long as there are adventures to be had and rare ingredients to be found. These two are big fans of ecotourism and love to go places where they can be close to the wildlife (they love Madagascar). At first these kinds of trips gave Eishi anxiety, but after traveling around with Rindou after they graduated from Totsuki, he developed his own passion for them. 
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
Takumi and Megumi might start the evening with a picnic in the park or a private dinner up on the roof of the trattoria. Next they would go dancing, and then grab dessert and coffee at a renowned Florentine cafe, and end the evening with a walk along the river Arno. 
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Megumi rarely catches colds, and when she does they tend to be pretty mild, but Takumi still fusses over her quite a bit. He makes her call out of work and tells her to stay in bed and that he’ll take care of everything even though she insists that she’s fine. When she’s sick, Megumi can count on a few days of hot soup, massages, and constant attention from her love. 
When Takumi gets sick, Megumi finds him quite easy to take care of. He doesn’t do anything stupid like trying to go to work with a fever (at least not after she told him off for it the first time he tried it). She makes him a riff on his mother’s minestrone soup and cuddles with him to whatever extent he’ll let her (Takumi tries to make sure she doesn’t catch his colds).
20. Where do they go on holiday?
Although they are not city people in general, Takumi and Megumi like to vacation in major world cities.They both enjoy getting to know a place’s local food scene and going on historical walking tours. Their favorite place to vacation is Prague. Megumi adores Old Town and Takumi loves watching her gush over the architecture. They also really like Vienna, Geneva, and Cologne. 
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