#which conveniently broke down during a heat wave
If the landlord doesn’t want me fishing around in their shower vent and cold air returns, then they shouldn’t make them stink like rotting garbage. You painted over the screws so they’re hard to open? Cool. I’ll drill holes into them and get them out with a power tool because the town next to me is having a citywide garage sale and I’m sure there’s some Ryobi in there at a decent price. Your vents are coming off motherfucker, and if I find anything I swear to fucking god I am going to have both your vents and your bank account cleaned out.
#I also have a closet door that glues itself shut every time it’s closed… because they used fucking Mod-Podge to finish it I guess???#And the knob fell off when I pulled on it. So I stuck a hex wrench in there to try to use it as a handle#but I couldn’t grip it well enough to pull it open#so I karate-kneed the door on the side of the knob while pulling and it opened#As I’m talking about knobs… a knob is responsible for finishing this apartment#The cabinets don’t line up. The bedroom closet doors don’t shut at the same time#because they’re too tight in the jam and push the other out when you close a door while the other door is already closed#The cabinets in the bathroom don’t fully close because the hinges were drilled at an angle#The base molding looks like it fell off a cliff and was fractured in three places#SHIT-COLORED CIGARETTE TAR DRIPS DOWN THE WALLS IN THE BATHROOM WHEN THEY GET WET#Fuck you and your lease. If you’re allowed to have irresponsible carpenters and maintenance; I am allowed to responsibly burn incense#If people are allowed to smoke; I am allowed to burn incense#“No candles” fuck you for making me need to burn scents in the first place#Orwellian fucking apartment. Literally 1984. Not because of the rules; just because the apartment is a dysfunctional shithole#and it smells like the rotting remains of boiled cabbage just like the book#And if anyone asks me why I didn’t call maintenance I’m going to respond with my unresolved service request for the A/C#which conveniently broke down during a heat wave#Did it really break down or did the landlords cut it to save money? Like yes A/Cs break during the summer#but I wouldn’t doubt sabotage either. It doesn’t turn on at all.#The site asked what dates I’d like them to look at it. I gave my dates and said I’d be there all day. I waited at home for two days. No one#No follow-up until nearly a month later saying “We’re still getting to all the service requests please bear with us.” Oh thanks#You couldn’t have done that sooner?
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I want to tell you about the Flash arc ever: Rogue War.
We start off in the first issue with a totally normal premise. Zoom had escaped jail and was having a romantic fling with Cheetah. The two of them were running around killing people for fun. So naturally Wally and Diana teamed up to stop this horrifying turn of events. Oh and they're also trying to stop the murders as well. Diana was blind for unrelated reasons and she lassoed Wally so that he could act as her seeing eye dog. It's all very normal.
Anyway, so Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang were all doing in-depth research on the Flash family tree. Boy, can I relate to that. Mirror Master hauled in the Turtle for the crime of being... around? I guess? And Weather Wizard found a note tapped to their door inviting the Rogues to a Rogues fight.
In the next issue the Rogues broke the Trickster out of jail and then they tried to hunt down the corpse of the previous Captain Boomerang. It didn't go so well.
Hartley showed up and kidnapped Zoom's wife which was an ABSOLUTELY BALLSY THING TO DO MY GUY. Speaking of kidnappings, Zoom kidnapped Jay because he wanted Jay to build him a cosmic treadmill.
Then we get our Rogue fight. Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and the new Trickster vs Wally's best friend (Pied Piper), Wally's childhood best friend (Magenta), Heat Wave and the old Trickster. Someone start blasting the John Cena wrestling music because I associate that with massive showdowns and this is one for the century!
But what exactly was the titular character The Flash doing during all of this, I hear you ask. Well. Wally and Linda spent this issue in the doctor's office running tests and finding out that they couldn't have children. It's all very depressing and we're going to move past it because I won't do the scene justice.
Anyway, so the Rogues were fighting each other and we find out that Hartley's team was working for the FBI. They weren't the ones who had sent the Rogues the note inviting them to a Rogue fight. No, they were just a random, convenient grouping of Rogues who happened to have a bone to pick.
Cut to issue three and Wally was at work. He heard on the news that there's trouble going on so naturally he suits up and heads out. He arrived, in the middle of the Rogue fight, and he had no fucking clue what was happening because there were about nine Rogues duking it out in the middle of the street for no reason.
Now there are three teams. The og Rogues, who want to quell the Rogue uprising and find the previous Captain Boomerang's corpse. The FBI Rogues, who have the previous Captain Boomerang's corpse and don't want to give it up for FBI reasons. And Wally, who would really like them to stop breaking skyscrapers please and thank you.
So they're all fighting and causing just an insane amount of damage to the city when all of sudden the Top shows up out of nowhere and is all "Aha! Rogue fight!!" and suddenly there were four teams in this fight. And that's not all! Turns out the Top was the one who left the note and he had his own Rogue team at his beck and call. Girder, Murmur, Plunder, Tar Pit and Double Down now enter the fight.
There were FOURTEEN Rogues all trying to murder each other and Wally was left scrambling to make sure that they a) don't kill each other, b) don't kill him, and c) don't kill any civilians. Wally did knock out Hartley at one point and then Wally brought him back to his house to crash on his couch which was very cash money of him. Wally was like "go sleep off your bad decisions and we'll talk about this over breakfast ❤️"
But yeah, Wally was straight up not having a good time. Captain Cold killed the Top and shattered bits of his body everywhere, fires were raging because Heat Wave decided to go nuts, both Tricksters were battling it out mid air with acid bombs, ect, ect.
While this is all going on, Zoom's wife found Captain Boomerang's body and he was very much a zombie. The FBI wanted a zombie Captain Boomerang for... reasons, I guess? Cap begged for death so Zoom's wife let him die. Terrible timing though because right when he died the new Captain Boomerang barged into the room. See, the new Captain Boomerang was the previous Boomerang's son and he wasn't happy to see what he thought was a random lady killing his father.
So he threatened to kill Zoom's wife.
Not a great idea.
Zoom showed up and took his wife somewhere safe. That safe place was Wally's living room because it's fucking Zoom and he does whatever he wants.
And now we have five teams. The OG Rogues, the FBI Rogues, Top's Rogues, Wally and Zoom. Why was Zoom on his own team? Why wasn't he fighting with a Rogue group? Well, before Zoom was Zoom, he was an FBI analyst who specialized in the Rogues. He hated them with every fiber of his being. Zoom's main goal was to make Wally suffer but killing a bunch of Rogues was irresistible to him. Plus, they threatened his wife.
This was apparently too easy for Wally though. I mean, fourteen Rogues and Zoom at the same time? Pfft. Come on. So naturally Captain Cold called in Dr. Alchemy to distract Wally. Dr. Alchemy apparently thought 'distract' meant 'brutally beat him' because, by god, the man did not go light on the already extremely beat up and tired speedster.
But that's not enough. No, Cold was like "This is still too easy. Call in the big guns." So they brought out Grodd.
16 Rogues and Zoom versus a man who was bleeding out on the floor. Super awesome and fair fight. You love to see it.
Bart ran in at this point and was all "you never invite me to anything fun, Wally". Because Jay's missing and Wally's at deaths door and Bart learned from Wally that you hide your emotions under a layer of sarcasm at all times. Wally genuinely thanked him for the help and, at the realization that this was so serious that they were abandoning snark, Bart responded with a genuine "you're welcome". In one of my favorite blink-and-you'll-miss-it scenes, Bart and Wally stood back to back, surrounded by Rogues, prepared to make their last stand.
Then Zoom swooped in and killed a few. Zoom said his iconic line "I don't give a shit about the Rogue stuff. This is a speedster fight now." (I'm paraphrasing) Zoom grabbed Bart and threatened to snap his neck. Bart said his iconic line "Do it. You won't." (I'm paraphrasing but not as much as you'd think). Zoom then said his iconic line of "SPKFDVL" (not paraphrasing)
At this point Zoom decided that 16 Rogues and himself was WAY too easy for Wally. So naturally he invited Eobard Thawne to the party. Eobard showed up to the fight fashionably late on a cosmic treadmill. One that had Jay chained to the hood like a dead deer.
We still have two issues left people, so buckle up because it doesn't get less insane from here on out.
The Rogues actually had pretty good survival instincts so they took Zoom's whole "speedster fight" thing to heart and they bailed. They got out of there like rats abandoning a burning building.
Wally then showed the world how smart he was and managed to free Bart and Jay. Wally then showed the world how dumb he was and fought Eobard and Hunter on the cosmic treadmill. They then started time traveling with about as much control and finesse as a drunk driver in a snow storm.
They did a hit and run somewhere in the time stream. Poor Captain Boomerang. He got knocked into the arms of Meloni Thawne in the far off future. (And that's how Bart's brother Owen was born)
Hunter's whole plan here was to take Wally back in time to force him to watch Hunter's previous vicious attack on Wally's then pregnant wife, Linda. This attack was devastating as Hunter's attack caused Linda to miscarry the couple's unborn twins. Hunter wanted to make Wally suffer because Hunter thought tragedy would make Wally a better hero.
Eobard's just there cause he likes fucking with people.
So the two of them hold Wally down to make him watch the worst moment of his life when BARRY FUCKING ALLEN SHOWS UP.
You know. The man who has been dead for years.
You see, Barry was also time traveling because of course he was, he's Barry Allen. While Barry didn't have a single clue about what was happening, Barry saw an adult Wally getting beat up and the man went into a rage. That's his KID goddammit.
Barry did his whole best dad thing and gave Wally a pep talk. Wally, for his part, was pretty chill about time traveling Barry because honestly time traveling Barry showing up wasn't really as uncommon of an occurrence as you would think. Barry then dragged Eobard back in time to kill him (not joking).
Okay we're in the end game now.
Wally kicked the shit out of Hunter and threw him in front Linda, shielding her from Hunter's attack. Hunter flipped out and tried to operate the cosmic treadmill but he fucked up and hurled himself through time. Skill issue.
Wally time traveled back to the present where him, Bart and Jay yelled insults at the retreating Rogues because the Rogues were holding them at Turtle point.
The three made a mad dash to the hospital when they heard news that Linda was Not. Okay. Linda went from not pregnant to nine months pregnant in the span of a second because Wally fucked with time. Linda was in labor and EVERYONE WAS FREAKING OUT.
And that's the story of how the West twins were born.
The End.
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jaehotbuns · 4 years
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♡ 2.6k, fluff  =^._.^= ∫
you first met Mark on a Nature Republic photo shoot where your friend was a hair stylist 
she called you frantically because the SM staff caught multiple employees from each department posting on their personal social media stories the location and whereabouts of the members and dismissed them from the site
they were shooting at an island in the middle of nowhere which you were conveniently writing a thesis on different landscapes of South Korea 
you had no experience of styling other people and only did it for yourself but you knew you couldn’t leave your friend deserted so you came to help in any way that you could
half of the staff were fired on the spot so they immediately pushed you towards the members to prepare them for their next shoot after threatening legal action if you decided to act as stupidly as the other stylists did 
you saw your friend quickly adjusting the collar of theHawaiian shirt that was roughly put on Jaehyun and she gave you an apologetic look and mouthed a ‘thank you’
you were assigned at styling Mark’s hair, which you were scared of because you had never styled a man’s hair before never mind a celebrity but you squared your shoulders and hoped for the best
he was already used to the chaos but he was slightly concerned at how well you would perform considering that your eyebrows were furrowed and had sweat rolling down your temples as you scrunched the ends of his hair with mousse to create beachy waves
every stylist that he met was always either professional and stoic or overly friendly to try and get with the members romantically but he tried to suppress his laughter when he saw your distressed face under your medical mask
in such a stressful and hectic situation, he would never talk to the staff to help them focus but he couldn’t help but strike up a conversation with you
you looked younger than him too so he felt more comfortable
“first time?” he asked with a smile on his face as he looked up at you
your hands stopped in the middle of combing the fluffy mousse through his hair and your face dropped slightly, “you could tell?”
Mark covered his laugh with his hand as he didn’t want to discourage you but couldn’t help but chuckle at the cute expression on your face 
“yeah,” he answered but then realized that it came out meaner than he had intended
“but you’re doing a great job! Keep going!” He tried to encourage you by motioning with his hands to continue
you patted his hair into place for finishing touches but you pouted under your mask when you realized, “how would you know? You can’t even see it” 
there were no mirrors in sight except for the hand mirrors that stylists held on their belt
he choked on his saliva out of embarrassment and rubbed his hand awkwardly on the back of his neck
“well let’s see then!” He exclaimed and you begrudgingly gave him the hand mirror to see 
you were bracing yourself in case he thought you made his hair into a bird’s nest and demanded you to be fired on the spot but he let a “wahh” escape his mouth as he admired the hairstyle 
“this actually looks great!” He said a little too excitedly 
“we were both expecting it to look bad then, huh?” You joked but really you were relieved that he thought it didn’t look atrocious 
Mark shook his head to deny but you held his shoulders in place to not disrupt his hair 
his face went pink and you realized that you just touched a client, a very influential client 
you lifted your hands off of him quickly and stepped back so that he could stand up from his chair and go in front of the cameras to prepare for the shoot
“thank you” he said and you both exchanged bows before awkwardly getting back to work 
you stayed on the set with your friend for the rest of the day until the sun went down and the sky turned a bright pink from the previous ocean blue 
luckily, that was the last hair and clothes change that NCT needed and everyone started to pack up after the photographer and managers shouted “thank you for your work” and everyone bowed and clapped to each other 
while each member started to load into their vans to get back to the city for their next schedule, Mark ran up to you and asked if you were apart of the SM staff or were for hire from another beauty boutique
“oh, I just came last minute,” you said 
“I’m not actually licensed for this I came to help”
he let out a disappointed “oh” and decided not to take your number down since it was unprofessional and knew that after the fiasco today that there could be anyone around to expose him if he did 
“good night, see you around,” he said in hopes that he would see you again
you doubted that he would see you around but you repeated what he said and waved at him as he ran into the van 
the other members were confused as to why he ran off to greet you and were ready to tease him since they noticed that you were his type physically 
but he knew that they were about to so he lied and said that he forgot to take a bracelet from you and pretended to fall asleep so that they couldn’t question him further
you thought about that was a once in a lifetime experience until 2 weeks later the campaign was a hit and everyone was fawning over Mark specifically since he looked like boyfriend material in a white button up shirt and blue jeans with messy beach hair 
your friend called to tell you that she recommended you as a freelance hair stylist after they asked her who did Mark’s hair 
as a broke college student living in another country you took the offer but felt guilty getting an amazing job with no credentials so you got licensed at a beauty school within 2 months 
the next time you saw Mark was on the Punch music video set 
he had everything on except makeup and hair 
you were taken aback at how different he looked with the leather pieces, chain jewelry, and overall bad boy vibes
he was sitting in front of the dressing room vanities and his face lit up when he saw you stand behind him with your cart of hair products and tools 
usually he’d stay still in his chair but this time he turned around to face you, “hey! I thought you said you weren’t even licensed?”
“I decided to after getting offered a job” you smiled 
he turned around and looked at you through the mirror’s reflection, “or did you come back because of me?” 
you coughed through your mask and felt the heat creep from your neck all the way to your cheeks and temples
Mark smiled to himself when he saw your bright red face and was even more excited for the music video shoot knowing that the stylist he thought was cute would be doing his hair on a regular basis and could see him act cool on stage
to not let you out of his sights again, Mark pulled his phone off of the vanity table in front of him and went straight to his Instagram search page, “can I have your Insta by the way?” 
you were combing the translucent gel through his hair when you tilted your head out of curiosity of why he would want your socials 
“I send what kind of hairstyles and concepts I’d like to try to stylists on here,” he said 
in actuality Mark wasn’t one of the idols that really cared of how his stylists dressed him like Johnny or Jaehyun but he wanted an excuse so that his interest in you was too obvious
“oh sure,” you spelled out your Instagram handle and you saw him follow you right away
for the rest of the shoot for the two days that it took place, Mark would admire you every time you came up to him between scenes to wipe the sweat off his forehead and to spray his hair with setting mist 
although you were a fan of the group, you didn’t want to make them uncomfortable so you invested all of your focus on making them look their best
Mark appreciated that; you weren’t completely cold and professional but you also didn’t cross any boundaries by asking him about his personal life or interviewing him like some new stylists did 
when you got home you decided to look at Mark’s profile and saw that he was only following his family, friends from Vancouver, idols friends, and a few celebrities that he looked up to 
you were the only staff member that he was following other than his managers
but you didn’t think for a second Mark liked you
even though during promotions he would text you on his time off about your day and ask you about yourself 
“because I don’t want to be to formal” was his excuse to his unofficial game of 21 questions 
even though after promotions when he was on his break, he’d ask you to go shopping with him “to get some inspiration from uh hair stuff” 
at one point he was bold enough to ask you to go to a cafe because he said he felt like you two were friends at one point
behind the scenes, Johnny caught on quickly at how Mark was on his phone more often when he’d usually just use it to play mobile games or listen to music 
“I don’t think you left the bracelet with the pretty stylist,” Johnny would tease Mark one day when he saw him re-reading your texts and smiling to himself 
“you left your heart,” he’d say and slap himself on the knee from laughing too hard at his own joke
“can you get out of my room?” Mark would retort in embarrassment but it was worse for him from there
Johnny told both floors that Mark had a big fat crush on the young stylist and was flirting with them 24/7 
Mark wasn’t really the type to get in his feelings 
sure he’d find different celebrities or employees that he’d work with attractive but he knew it was for business or that they’d just be really good friends in the industry 
but you felt like home 
like he could imagine that if he was back in Vancouver that you two would meet at a library or something and he’d ask you for a coffee after you asked him to watch your bag to go to the washroom 
that was what he’d imagine before he went to sleep at night anyways 
half of the time he’d stay up thinking about asking you out officially and keeping your relationship as a secret and the other half of the time he’d kick his blankets scolding himself for even thinking that because it would put both of your careers on the line and he didn’t want you to feel the burden of dating in secret
you also had feelings for Mark but thought that he was just friendly and flirty 
even if he did have feelings for you, you thought that it would be best to just stay as friends because you didn’t want to get in the way of his career
one day Mark couldn’t take it anymore and went to the convenient store by himself instead of riding bikes with Haechan and Renjun like he originally planned to 
they noticed that he didn’t get embarrassed or annoyed at the teasing anymore and just kept to himself so they followed him to the store and found him outside on a bench with a beer in his hand
both of them sat beside him and Haechan grabbed the beer and took a swig, “just tell her” 
Mark placed his elbows on his knees and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, “I don’t want to ruin it for us… Or for her”
Renjun placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, “if you both have strong feelings for each other then it’ll always work out in the end” 
Mark shook his head although he appreciated the support, “what if the stress gets us to break up? What if I make it awkward for her at work?” 
Haechan stopped him and told him sternly, “I see the way you two look at each other and I know that she’d accept if you asked. If the press or pressure causes you to break up then at least you tried.” 
Renjun added on more gently, “do you just want to continue suffering forever? What if she’s waiting for you too?” 
Mark didn’t want to think about it any longer and as a lightweight, the 2 cans of beer in his system were already giving him courage
if he had another night to think about it, he’d probably never confess to you so he decided in his tipsy state to confess right then 
with urgency, he told you to meet you at Hangang River right away 
“thank you guys,” he said while standing up too quickly 
he stumbled a little bit before starting to walk towards the meeting place, “I can do it!”
“you can do it!” Renjun laughed while holding up too fists to show his support
Haechan on the other hand held up his phone and started to record Mark walking clumsily towards the river, “don’t mess up loser!” 
you were finishing up on your readings when you got Mark’s text 
it sounded like he was going to confess but you shook the thought out of your head at the thought of a global star asking you out 
“probably wants to de-stress with a friend,” you thought before putting on a hoodie and jeans before walking to Hangang
when you arrived you could smell a mixture of beer and mint in his breath
His face was flushed pink which was a result of the alcohol and the 2.2km he had just walked
“why did you call me out all of a sudden?” You asked 
“will you go out with me?” He said a little bit too loudly
you quickly looked around to make sure that no one was within a kilometre near you too and asked in a hushed voice, “what?”
“I like you!” He nearly shouted, not aware of his volume due to the nervousness of the chance of rejection
“I tried not to like you ever since I met you but I can’t get you out of my head,” he avoided your gaze and couldn’t believe how cheesy he sounded
Mark continued regardless, “I know that we have to date in secret if you do like me but I promise to protect you and I won’t regret my decision if anything happens. So uh-”
“yes,” you grinned. “I’ll go out with you”
he was surprised at how you accepted with ease, “oh wow I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you for listening to me talk on haha, I don’t even know what to say I-”
to stop his blabbering you held onto his arms to steady yourself for when you went on your tippy toes to peck him on the lips
“that’s not fair” he pouted
“what’s not fair?”
“that’s it?” He murmured under his breath 
“then get some more” you teased
his hands cupped the sides of your face and bent his neck down to reach your height
your hand wrapped around his waist to pull him into a hug while his warm lips pressed onto yours
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Korekiyo, Ryoma, Kazuichi, and Gundham’s S/O steals their clothes
Korekiyo Shinguji:
·       Given the man traveled a lot for his work he kept some of his clothes at your place. It was just convenient should your apartment be closer to where he was working than his own home, it also made for a lovely excuse to come see you.
·       After double checking everything was prepared at the excavation site one last time and several day long train rides he was finally back in town. The sun still hung high in the sky, its warmth being carried along by the summer breeze. Kiyo felt exhausted. Though it was a perfect day to go for a stroll through the city or an adventure through a park, all he wanted was to collapse on the bed or couch with you in his arms. So he went trudging through the city, the sounds of idle chatter passing by enough to keep his attention so he wouldn’t zone out completely and lose his way, simply walking on and on.
·       Normally he’d warn you of his arrival with a quick text but that slipped his mind. Slipping the key into the lock, then turning it, hearing that distinctive, familiar click sound he was reminded he was home. As much as he loved work, it was nice to just lounge around and relax, to not think of anything beyond what to cook for dinner or what to do with you for a date. “Greetings Y/N.”
·       Slowly he went about placing things away, tossing some clothes into the laundry, and taking a nice long shower. By the time he was finished with everything he was slightly perplexed noticing you were still absent. “Perhaps work is keeping them?” Though unlikely it was a possibility. He decided to wait for you at the balcony, surprise you with a wave from on high as you returned home. Upon opening the glass slider door he finally noticed you, sprawled across the outdoor lounge chair, his hat perched atop your head, shading your eyes as you peacefully napped. “… so cute.” He couldn’t hold in that light chuckle seeing you there when moments prior he thought you were gone. Seemed he was more tired than he thought. “Hmm… Kiyo?” “Ah! I apologize, go back to sleep. Don’t mine me.” He tried stifling a yawn, but you still caught it. Slowly you sat up, then took his arm, laying back down, taking him with you. Laying on your sides, faces only millimeters apart you took off his hat placing it over both your eyes. So a nap in the sun was it? That sounded perfect and before he had even realized it, Kiyo had already fallen fast asleep.
    Ryoma Hoshi:
·       It was your favorite game. At first Ryoma didn’t play along but once he realized what you were doing, he’d indulge you. Now this game, you needed to go about it tactfully, if you played too often Ryome would be prepared all the time and you wouldn’t even get a chance to start, so no matter how often you wanted to play, you had to keep it to a minimum.
·       It was an awful summer day like any other, hot, humid, sticky. The air conditioning broke, AGAIN and the Super High School Level Mechanic was busy fixing other air conditioners, and no one was going to allow Miu around those things again after how she had… “improved” them last time so you and Ryoma were sprawled across the floor in your dorm room both trying to cool the other off with some paper fans you had made. You groaned, flipping over and pulling at the collar of your tank top, even the thin fabric of your top feeling suffocating. Hearing a sign escape our partner drew your attention to him. You had no idea how he could still wear that beanie even in this insufferable heat. You were genuinely worried that with it on it would send your boyfriend’s body over the edge and succumb to heat stroke.
·       And the game began.
·       With the hat clutched between your fingers you dashed through the door, almost knocking it off its hinges and sending it crashing into the wall with a loud clattering sound, there was even enough force to send it bouncing off the wall, closing itself in the process. You almost tripped over yourself, your feet either getting stubbed on the ground or getting caught on your legs several times as you ran, almost falling onto the steaming stone ground. You threw yourself onto the field desperate to save your burning feet. Then you saw it, that blur, and the moment you caught it in the corner of your eye you immediately threw your hand in the air, keeping the beanie out of Ryoma’s reach. Sure this game of ‘capture the flag’ was not the greatest game for such a miserable day, but the moment you thought of taking his hat off you bolted with it as if instinctively.
·       For several minuets this continued till Ryoma finally got the upper hand and took his hat back. Normally your game would last much longer, but the pair of you were already exhausted and out of breath. Ryoma was about to place his hat back on till he abruptly stopped. “You’re right. I shouldn’t be wearing this today.” Instead, he used it to wipe some sweat off his brow as the pair of you made some light chatter, considering going to the school cafeteria and seeing if you could get some bags of ice there.
·       “… Race you there!” Ryoma simply shook his head with a smile chasing after you. Only you of all people could manage to be antsy on a day like this, but no matter how awful the day, he was with you, which made it a little bit better.
    Kazuichi Soda:
·       A sigh escaped you as you glanced out the window, seeing how the snow just kept pilling and pilling. You wondered how much longer this dreaded snowstorm was going to last, with the wind crashing and thrashing about, knocking over near by trees and the like. It scared you honestly, the though of some tree just collapsing through the roof or a large branch to pierce through a window and knocking over a wall in the process. Leaning back in your seat something caught your eye. How your husband could manage to sleep even in this racket was something you could never figure out even after years together. As a yawn escaped your lips you wished you could lull off to a restful slumber like him, but it was just too loud.
·       With a stretch you stood up, opting to find something to occupy yourself with other than looking out the window. Taking Kazuichi’s beanie from the end of the bed, you place it on, leaving the room.
·       Now… what to do during a power outage… without heat… With the snow covering the windows the house was almost pitch black. One could still see due to some soft light, but certainly not enough to read. Sure, you could do whatever on your phone, but you wanted to keep that in case of an emergency.
·       Suddenly you heard a giddy giggle as heavy, warm blankets, as well as a pair of arms were wrapped around you. “I thought you were asleep?” “How can I sleep when you’re gone.” There was a whimper or a wine in the man’s voice as he hugged you tighter. “And what are you doing looking so cute with my stolen hat out here and not our room?” “… You’ve seen me wear your hat a thousand time over, you don’t have to say I’m cute every time. Besides wouldn’t you be used to the sight by now?” “Excuse me, but your cuteness is ever lasting and something I can never ‘just get used to’. Now please come back to the bedroom. It’s lonely without you.”
·       You hugged him, nuzzling into his embrace, adoring how firm his hug was and how warm you felt. “Okay, okay, I’ll come back.” Lifting you off your feet he carried you back, trying to remember if the pair of you had any card or board games stashed somewhere to occupy the time.
    Gundham Tanaka:
·       Gundham awoke with a groan that freezing winter’s morning, his whole body stiff and felt to be on the verge of collapsing. And he felt so heavy. Was the weighted blanket atop him? He couldn’t remember whether or not you placed it on the bed the night prior. Though his mind seemed to be fogged and his ears muffled he could still clearly hear his own heavy breathing and slightly racing heartbeat. Shakily he sat up and looked to the alarm clock that sat perched atop the headstand of the bed. “… How could time escape… escape me so.” Somehow it seemed he got up too quickly, the world seeming to twist, turn and spin in an attempt to knock him to the floor. As he laid back down, desperate for balance he kept thinking of the time, eleven o’ four, almost noon, how could he have slept in so long? “e-even should a curse have b-been place… upon my being…” A cough erupted from him interrupting that sentence.
·       “M-my Emperor… stay back, this… I don’t wish this curse upon you too.” Short of breath he staggered to the bathroom. He leaned against the sink for a moment before washing his face with freezing water, hoping the shock of the chill would at least somewhat make him more alert. He examined himself finding every feature of his simply looked awful and exhausted. No matter how he tried he couldn’t disguise it, not wanting his creatures to see he was weakened. Running his hands through his hair he noticed something glinting in it. He was so completely confused till he realized it was just his engagement ring. He realized just how bad this illness was for him to forget about THAT of all things!
·       Flopping back onto the bed he noticed other things he very much should have sooner. Firstly you were gone, for a moment he panicked, you were always still asleep by his side when he awoke- but… it was the afternoon not daybreak, of course you were gone, probably at work or something. The other was his scarf being missing. His Devas lived in the thing and both his companions and their home was missing. Where were they? He searched and searched but no matter where he looked around the house he could not find any sign of them. It was extremely unlike them to wander far so where were they? Where did they go!? Were they alright!? Did they go outside into the snow!? It’s snowing right now! Where they buried out there!? But why would they go out there in the first place!? But what if they did!? They’d be freezing to death they-
·       “Gundham?” That voice! That soft, sweet, concerned tone- “Gundham! What are you doing up, you need bed rest!” You were already by his side, huddled close. You showed Gundham your hand before slowly placing it on his forehead as to not surprise him, fearing that when sickened he was possibly more sensitive to touch. He had improved a lot in being okay with you touching him, but it was something you were extra weary of in the moment. However, you instead were the one caught off guard, Gundham hugging you. “The Devas, they-” But then he immediately backed up, looking affright. “M-my Emperor! Stay back, this curse-” “Hey, hey, it’s okay. We got you some medicine, just get back to bed, and I’ll make you some food.” Before Gundham could speak more you took off something you were wearing, wrapping it around his neck, quickly dusting off the snow that had collected on it. He trembled, relief overwhelming him feeling all of the Zodiac generals scurrying about in the scarf. “Oh dear, you’re paler than before.” You gently coaxed him back to the bedroom.
·       He simply huddled in bed, holding his dear Generals and their home close. He just barely noticed the creaking of the door, seeing you have come back with a hot soup. “How are you feeling? Is the medicine helping?” Gundham simply stared up to you, his eyes half lidded and watery. He just looked so dazed and exhausted. He reached out, taking one of your hands into both of his own, holding you close. A chill ran down your spine feeling his hot breath against your skin. “… Y/N, please stay… a-and don’t catch this curse either” His eyes fluttered shut as he so tenderly kissed the back of you hand and palm. “never disappear again… don’t... scare me… please… i… need you… now and forever… I love you…” Still clutching you close he finally allowed himself to drift off, knowing all he loved was safe.
·       And you were left feeling flustered, that heat radiating from your cheeks. You didn’t think Gundham could be this unabashedly, and directly lovey-dovey with you. Being sick just knocked down certain sensibilities of his you supposed. “Of course… I am going to promise ‘in sickness and in health’ not long from now, aren’t I?” You laid beside him, giving a kiss to his forehead, gaining a soft, content hum from him.
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nct-jungjaehyun · 4 years
[6:15pm] “and then you go bam and bam bam bam,”crush!jaehyun was currently teaching you the dance moves to simon says.
you copied his movements the best you can. despite your best efforts, your arms flung left and right awkwardly. laughter erupted from the both of you when your left foot hooked behind your right and you fell forward.
thankfully, he caught you every time.
while you gulped down the rest of your water, he turned off the music and leaned against the wall. “i was ten times worse than you when i first started.”
you laughed, “ayy, don’t lie. you probably had it in you from the start.” your hand pointed at him accusingly.
he hit your hand and pushed it down, smirking at your teasing.
your arm brushed against his as you leaned on his right side. “i want ice cream,” you sighed.
he straightened himself, picking at his pockets to find extra change. “i can run and go buy some at the convenience store. it’ll take me like five minutes.”
you nodded and wiped away the sweat on your forehead. your hair was beginning to stick to the back of your neck. “i’ll wait. take your time.”
he jogged out of the practice room. like a spy, you silently crept behind him and watched as his figure disappeared from around the corner of the bright hallway.
calm down, you told yourself. your heart was pounding against your chest. the dancing must have increased the beating. but most of all, it was jaehyun’s fault. to be precise, it was the fault of his beauty, his voice, his every touch. even after two hours of exercise, the sweat only seemed to add a touch of fire to his beauty. when you struggled to pick up on a certain move, he would rush over and hold your arms and lead you through the choreography. the contact kept your blood pumping and adrenaline rushing.
all the times that you saw him, before he offered to teach you some dance choreographies, he always wore a variety of hoodies and the same pair of jeans.
this time was different. he carried a white tee that highlighted his wide torso and basketball shorts that showed off his toned calves. it was impossible to take your eyes off of him, perhaps that was why you messed up so much during the dance.
you shook your head and laughed to yourself. you could not believe that you were doing this to spend time with jaehyun and get him to like you. when he first asked if you wanted him to teach you how to dance, you accepted his offer without thinking. your heart screamed yes. your heart excited when he was around and your mind failed to keep up with your emotions.
indeed, it did not take jaehyun long to get to the convenience store and back. he returned and aside from the bag of ice cream hanging from his fingers at his side, he brought someone with him.
the person behind him had almond hair and carried a black tee and joggers. he reminded you of a teddy bear. he was shorter than jaehyun, but he was still taller than you by, you suspected, a few inches. he waved sheepishly and brushed his hand on jaehyun’s back.
jaehyun handed you the bag and squeezed the stranger’s shoulder, “this is haechan. i ran into him at the store. he said he left something here from last night.”
you smiled at haechan and attached your eyes with his round ones for a mere second. eye contact was always difficult for you. you much rather make eye contact with inanimate things, such as the ice cream in your hands.
however, as haechan walked towards the corner of the room, where he last left his charger, his eyes lingered on you.
you set the ice cream on a chair and backed away for jaehyun to pick one from the many flavors. while waiting for him to choose, your mouth salivated. your body was begging for something cold to wash away the heat burning your skin. to distract yourself, you moved your arms around to remind yourself of the dance movements that jaehyun had just taught you.
out of nowhere, a loud gasp resembling a siren erupted from the corner of the room. your heads spun up in alert and faced haechan, the source of the sound.
jaehyun stomped his foot like a little toddler, “look what you did!”
your eyes followed his finger, which pointed at the floor where his ice cream was smushed against.
haechan ignored his tantrum and rushed towards you, “apple! it’s you, isn’t it?”
you returned his excitement with confusion. “i’m sorry? apple?”
it was haechan’s turn to stomp his feet now, but it was from happiness, unlike jaehyun, who is now finding paper towels to wipe away the milky mess.
haechan leaned forward to smack jaehyun’s back, “your girlfriend is an alumni from my school. she was my upperclassmen!”
jaehyun threw the wet paper towel at haechan, an attempt to shut him up.
after throwing a kick in haechan’s direction, he turned to you. “g-girlfriend,” jaehyun forced himself to smile, “ignore what he said, i-i, i’m sorry.”
he even started to bow in apology, but before you can stop him, haechan did. he pushed jaehyun to the side.
you almost wanted to laugh. they looked like two toddlers trying to get your attention for more candy.
“do you remember me? i’m the one that performed baby shark with you at the main quad.” haechan said, full of hope.
you thought back to your high school days. most of your time was occupied by clubs. there was volunteering clubs, books clubs, and dance clubs. dance clubs.
wait a second. did he say... baby shark?
you jumped up and down. “you’re the one who bought me milk tea. the cup cracked and it spilled all over me.”
haechan clapped repeatedly, hopping with you now, “yes! i gave you my jacket after, do you remember?”
you nod, excited to be reunited with a classmate. your eyes finally adjusted to jaehyun in the background. admist the excitement of reuniting, you forgot about him.
haechan put his hand to his mouth and sighed, “wow, it’s been so long. i never thought i would see you again since you’re a foreigner.”
he turned to jaehyun to explain, “she was like a superstar, i’m telling you. she knew all the dances to super junior and exo. her stage name was apple.”
you laughed loudly to cover his bubbly voice. you get between the two of them before haechan can ruin any more future plans of dance practices with your crush, who looked pretty crushed.
jaehyun frowned, “you two were that close?”
“yeah, from the dance club. she was the president, can you believe it?” haechan answered for you.
jaehyun shook his head, “not really.”
“why is jaehyun teaching you how to dance?” haechan was mentally pushing you into the corner.
rather than toddlers getting your attention for sweets, it was more like demanding it now.
you glared at him, “i, uh, i-” looking around the room, you struggled to find a reason to make up your lie. you attempted to distract haechan first, “the ice cream is melting, haechan, hurry and eat.”
while haechan minimized himself from the conversation, jaehyun grew more dominant.
you looked at your toes, wiggling them absentmindedly, “i’m sorry i lied, okay? i just wanted to get closer to you. i love dancing and yes, i led a dance club in high school, but that’s behind me now. right now, i just want to run my flower shop the best i can and also find someone to spend time with.”
you filled your mouth with air until it was round like a balloon and then released it. right as jaehyun was about to speak, you interrupted him, “that person is you, by the way.”
jaehyun’s expression broke into adoration and fondness. he couldn’t contain his happiness, “so that was why you picked up some of the difficult parts with ease and struggled at the easy moves.”
“it’s not my fault the easy parts are the only parts where you can come close to me...” you said under your breath.
he bit his lip as roses bloomed on his cheeks, “stop being so cute.”
your head flips up at his compliment. this entire time you were too embarrassed to face him, or see the hearts in his eyes. “was what haechan said real? the girlfriend part.”
“do you want it to be?” he grinned shyly, “i want it to be.”
“oh, just kiss each other already! everything is melting from the cuteness, even me!” haechan exclaimed.
*it would mean a lot to me if you can check out my pinned post and give me some feedback!!🥰
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sxfterhearts · 4 years
53. [4:07 pm]
➳ pairing: yugyeom x reader
➳ genre/warnings: fluff fluff fluff, baker!au, baker!yugyeom, exchange student!y/n
➳ word count: 2,040 words
➳ summary: “Sit down, I’ll get it.”
➳ author's note: rach-stop-mentioning-food-in-every-single-timestamp-challenge: failed. just the thought of baker!yugs and bread has me feeling all soft and gooey inside. which is why i whipped this one up! it has been a phat minut since i last wrote so yea :”) (also i should mention italicised are korean!!) regardless i hope this will help brighten up your day a little!! sending many warm hugs xx
Your phone screeched from its resting place on the other side of your room, signalling the start of your day. It was strategically placed atop your wooden, old-fashioned dresser, with the sole purpose of motivating you to get out of bed and turn the damn thing off.
With a groan, you stretched all four of your limbs, releasing a satisfied yawn as your joints popped after a good nights’ rest.
It was late afternoon. The rays of sunshine splattered deep orange and gold as it sneaked past the cracks the half-open blinds, painting your tiny studio apartment with lazy signs of life.
You dragged your sleep-ridden body to the dresser, still reluctant to start the day after what was an immensely taxing Friday night. Having just arrived in this bustling Korean city a mere two weeks ago, you were somewhat proud of yourself for landing a part-time job to support yourself when you started your semester of exchange. The only problem was, it happened to be a bartending job in a rowdier part of Seoul, commonly patronised by sleazy middle-aged men and their younger lady companions.
It wasn’t like you had much of a choice, anyways. Your Korean was still very much at an elementary level, which didn’t prove to be a hindrance in the bar you worked at. Most of the drinks were named in English, and the owner of the bar, a surprisingly kind, motherly lady in her sixties, paid you well above the minimum wage.
Still, it was your second Friday shift ever, and it clearly took its toll on you. Staring at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you cringed. The eyebags under your eyes were so dark it could’ve easily been mistaken as a smoky-eye look gone wrong; your lips were awfully chapped and an alarming shade of red, while a few nasty pimples threatened to break through the surface of your skin.
In other words, you looked like a wreck.
Grabbing your phone, you checked the time. Ten minutes past four. Oh no, you winced internally. You were going to be very late if you didn’t leave your house in the next fifteen minutes. As though an internal switch flipped on, you turned the shower to full blast and stepped inside, sucking in your teeth as the cold water splashed against your skin.
In eight minutes flat, you were tugging on your beat-up sneakers and dashing for the elevator in your only pair of clean, non-alcohol-stained jeans and a plain white t-shirt that you conveniently picked off the pile of dry clothes on your sofa. You jammed the down button a couple of times, all while checking the time on your phone.
“Shit,” You cursed under your breath. 4:19. You couldn’t wait any longer.
Throwing all caution to the wind, you sprinted down the fire escape and did not stop for a single breath until you reached the final destination: a charming little bakery across the road from your apartment.
Rushing to the bakery just before closing time had become a habit for you. Amidst the chaos of moving and finding your feet in this new city, the bakery and its never-ending stream of patrons were your source of stability. Not only was it less busy and crowded during the evening, but it was also much easier for you to snag a couple of good bargains in the form of randomly-packaged, discounted breads.
The fact that the cute baker was the last one in store and in charge of closing up was just an added bonus.
A high-pitched, annoying chime broke him out of his daze. With a groan, Yugyeom straightened his slumped figure and stretched his arms above his head, releasing a satisfied sigh as his backbone cracked.
It was late afternoon. The rays of sunshine splattered deep orange and gold as it flooded through the drawn, white lacey curtains, painting his grandfather’s bakery with calm and relief; a peaceful conclusion. The end of daylight was drawing near.
He wiped a stray trail of saliva off the corner of his mouth before sucking on a mint. Checking the clock that hang above rack upon empty rack which usually contained baked goods, his palms inexplicably grew clammy.
4:27, Yugyeom mused. He shook his head to clear his spiralling thoughts. Keep it together, dummy. Just because she came the past few days doesn’t mean that she’ll come today too. She has her own life, her own friends, maybe even a boyfri-
Just as his mind was about to veer off course and crash into the thorny garden of unrequited love, Yugyeom caught sight of a blurry figure at the corner of his eyes. Intrigued, he stood up straight and watched as you appeared in front of the bakery’s double doors. For a few seconds, you simply clutched your knees and huffed and puffed. Yugyeom could barely stop the shit-eating grin that split across his face and had to bite down hard on his bottom lip to avoid looking like a fool.
Then, you did the unexpected. From the back pocket of your jeans, you pulled out your lip balm and applied it on your lips, using the bakery’s glass window as a mirror. At that, Yugyeom threw his head back in a hysterical fit of laughter.
It was hard for him to explain the feeling in his chest, really. The first time you walked through the doors of the bakery, eyes twinkling with pure wonder and amazement as you browsed the array of baked goods like how a girl would admire a display of diamond rings, he was screwed. You captivated his interest as you fumbled for the right number of coins to pay for your discounted breads, tongue stuck out and head tilted adorably while doing so. He gave you, the damsel in distress, a helping hand, by laying all your coins out on the counter and ordering them from lowest to highest value. Probably not the most helpful of gestures, but Yugyeom liked to tell himself that he was performing his civic duty by welcoming a visitor of Korea through non-verbal currency explanations and an introduction to the locals’ favourite breads, pastries and drinks. That evening, the two of you sat on the high table by the window, slowly savouring melon breads, injeolmi toasts, ang butter or red bean butter breads and an assortment of cream cheese breads. While the breads were wonderfully fluffy and the sweetness was at an acceptable level, Yugyeom instructed you to wash it down with an iced Americano.
Since then, the mere thought of the bakery, going to the bakery, its breads and pastries, its drinks and Yugyeom coated your insides with sweetness. Admittedly, the reason why you kept visiting the bakery was to create more memories with Yugyeom and ride the amazing sugar rush you felt whenever you were around him.
After rearranging your hair for the nth time, you bravely pushed open the doors and walked in at 4:29pm.
“Hello!” You called out in Korean as you waved at him, a wide smile plastered on your lips. There was an obvious language barrier (you with your kindergarten-level Korean and him with his Game of Thrones-standard of English), but it wasn’t obvious. The two of you came up with creative ways to break it down.
“Hi Y/N! Sit down. I’ll get it.” Yugyeom answered in English, emerging from behind the counter with his trusty English-Korean dictionary and a matcha latte he prepared in anticipation of your arrival. He walked towards you with an air of confidence, reminding you of a model in a fashion show despite wearing his typical slacks and white button-up, with sleeves rolled up and cross drop-earrings adorning his ears. Yugyeom quickly set the items down before pulling out a chair, nodding towards it to encourage you to sit.
You muffled a giggle at his gentlemanly actions, but complied, nonetheless. You glanced over to the boy, sipping on the creamy drink as he retrieved two large plates from the cake fridge. Sure, the assortment of cakes should have been the main attraction, but your eyes drifted and settled on the stern look of concentration on his face and his prominent collarbones peeking out of his shirt. Unbuttoned, you assumed, as he was going to be off work soon.
You were halfway through the drink when Yugyeom returned to the table. He noticed this and didn’t pass up the opportunity to tease you about it. “Is it really good?”
“Thirsty. I just woke up.” You admitted, cheeks heating up in slight embarrassment.
Yugyeom’s wholehearted laughter filled the entire bakery.
“H-hey! Bad boy… Mean…”
“No, I…” Yugyeom stifled another round of laughter as he tried to pull himself together. “Cute. You wake up, come to see me in bread house.”
“Not ‘bread house’, ‘bakery’.”
“Ah, thank you. Bakery.” He tested the word on his lips, getting used to the pronunciation. “Bakery…”
“What are these?”
Yugyeom handed you a small cake fork while taking a seat. “Here. This plate is for tarts, and this one is for cakes. The tarts have the same filling – custard. But we use different fruits, like strawberries, berries, grapes and peaches. Whatever’s in season, really. Strawberries and cherry tarts are really popular in winter. Try some!” He reverted back in Korean whenever he was explaining, which was a great opportunity for you to pick up new vocabulary.
It was also a fantastic opportunity to try delicious pastries. You rotated through the entire plate painted in shades of pinks and green, taking a bite of each tart. Yugyeom just sat there, head in his palms, and admired the slight changes in your expression whenever you tried a new flavour. As creepy as it sounds, watching you eat the food he prepared was gradually becoming his favourite pastime.
“Cherry! That one is the best! It’s…” You quickly reached for the dictionary, softly muttering to yourself as you thumbed through the pages. “Here, acid. Acid, not too sweet. The strawberry one too.” Your eyes crinkled at their edges as they met his intrigued orbs, proudly smiling at yourself for learning a new word today.
“The word you’re looking for is ‘acidity’. ‘Acid’ is for chemistry.”
“Yes, that’s right.” Yugyeom reached over, his huge palm caressing the top of your head before ruffling your hair. You pouted and feigned annoyance, all while your heart squeezed and pounded away in your chest.
“Hey…” You protested weakly.
Yugyeom’s hand retreated. He placed it on the table, right next to your smaller ones. The distance between your hands taunted him; tempted him to close the gap and intertwine your fingers with his. Honestly, Yugyeom wasn’t used to this; wasn’t used to feeling like his insides were going to explode. His mouth opened and closed several times as he pondered his next move, wondering whether it would overstep your boundaries.
But then you stared at him in anticipation with your beautiful brown orbs, innocent and confused, as your lips wrapped around the straw of your matcha latte. Your gaze asked him an unspoken question, urging him on.
Yugyeom dragged your chair closer his, eliciting a high-pitched squeal from you. He rested both of his palms on top of your knees, gaining your full attention. “I like…” Yugyeom paused, catching his bottom lip between his pearly whites as the corners of his mouth tugged upwards. “I like this time with you.”
The soft giggle was purely involuntary, you swore to him afterwards. Yet, as you watched his expression flicker into one of panic, you were quick to cast out his worries. “No, no! Don’t get me wrong. Did you mean, you like spending time with me?”
“Ah, I was trying to be romantic. Stupid English…” Yugyeom cursed under his breath in Korean, unaware that you were familiar with the word ‘romantic’ due to the hours you spent (wasted) binging Korean dramas. “Yes, I do.” He said while squeezing your kneecaps in affirmation.
You had to remind yourself time and time again to keep calm in the presence of this charming man and his magical hands. “Me too, Yugyeom. You’re my favourite time of the day.”
Needless to say, your afternoon ritual continued for weeks and months to come.
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
One Little Coyote
Tumblr media
Words: 2k
Pairing:  Hyunjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, some angst
Rating: PG
Warnings: nightmare scene, some arguing, mentions of cigarettes and smoking
A/N; I’m super proud of how this turned out! I’m sorry if it seems rushed, but I thought this was a cute and interesting concept. Banner credits to @oobin​
If the morning sun wasn’t hot enough, then the afternoon sun certainly was. Heat waves could easily be seen rising up from the dark pavement the gray Subaru traveled on. Hyunjin carefully drove himself and Y/N across the desert, even though it was mostly barren despite the occasional car that passed them in the opposite direction. The two had been on the road since eight, and it was now nearing twelve-thirty as Y/N’s stomach began to rumble.
“Are you that hungry?” Hyunjin giggled.
“Hey, you’re the one who insisted on just having granola bars instead of eggs like I suggested,” Y/N shot back.
“I know, I should’ve set the alarm for earlier.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes behind his round, dark-lense sunglasses.
Y/N sighed. “No, I should’ve just grabbed an apple.”
“Baby, we’re almost to a gas station. We’ll stop there and grab a bite to eat.”
For whatever reason, the two seemed to be arguing about something with every other conversation they had since waking up that morning. Was it because one of them slept bad? Did Hyunjin get irritated at her for some reason? Or was Y/N just hangry? They hated fighting with each other, but they couldn’t seem to get along for the first leg of their journey. The heat could be a factor in both of them butting heads, but the air was on full blast.
Y/N stared down at her twiddling her thumbs as the song changed to an old AC/DC tune, and Hyunjin glanced over at her. He felt bad for using a sharp tone at her. For months, the two had been planning a road trip from the Grand Canyon to Las Vegas; but he felt terrible for being in such a crabby mood.
Taking her hand, he laced his fingers through hers and kissed the back of it.
“Why the sudden change in behavior?” she asked with a raised brow.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized as they pulled into the gas station.
“Can we talk about this later? I just want to get some food before my stomach starts speaking in tongues.”
Before Hyunjin could respond, Y/N was already out of the car and beelined for the restaurant in the convenience store.
The gas station had only three other vehicles parked there: a motorcycle on the side of the building, a beat up brown truck at a pump, and a dark minivan at another. Heat from the sun was beating down in the surrounding area, but Hyunjin was protected under some shade at the gas pump he paid at. A snake slithered by, but it didn’t bother him. A rugged looking man exited the building and pulled a brand new pack of cigarettes and lit one up before entering the truck and pulling out, but not before giving Hyunjin a nod of acknowledgement.
When the tank was filled, Hyunjin took his receipt, parked in another spot, and locked the car before meeting his girlfriend inside. Y/N was sitting in a gray booth with an order of two burgers and large fries with two large drinks. She hadn’t touched any of the food on the tray, which she always did when she paid for food if she were traveling with anyone. Hyunjin was about to open his mouth to protest how he should have been the one to purchase the food, but he was done arguing with the love of his life.
“This looks delicious, baby,” he smiled and kissed her head before sitting in the seat across from her.
“I made sure to not get pickles in yours,” she replied.
“You know me too well.”
Once Hyunjin tied his long hair back, he and Y/N began their lunch; and she was thankful they didn’t fight while they filled their bellies with a meal.
“Just think,” Hyunjin smiled slyly, “by tomorrow afternoon we’ll be entering Vegas. The desert and heat will be a distant memory as we feast on delicious food, swim in an indoor pool, and get cozy.”
Y/N chuckled at his attempt at being smooth with his words, which in turn caused him to laugh as well.
“We can’t forget seeing all of the cool shows and counting the slot machines in each casino,” she added. “But I’m happy to just be with you for a few days, even if we don’t get to party like millionaires.”
Hyunjin scoffed. “Who needs wealth when I’m already a rich man just having the most beautiful woman in the world with me?”
“You’re cheesy, dude; but I like cheese.”
“I know,” her boyfriend replied with a wink.
As soon as they finished their meal, the two were back on the road, the surrounding desert brightened more by the afternoon sun. For about two hours, the two drive in mostly silence. The only noises around them were the radio, which would go static in some areas, and the wind outside. A few animals passed by in the sand and among the vegetation, but it was mostly snakes and rabbits.
“Babe,” Hyunjin said after a while, “about me apologizing earlier, I didn’t sleep well last night and woke up this morning in a bad mood. I hate fighting with you, and I was trying to make it up to you.”
He couldn’t exactly look at her as he was driving, but he could see out of the corner of his eye she was half smiling as he spoke.
“I’m sorry, too,” she lightly sighed. “I shouldn’t have snapped back at you. I didn’t know.”
“It’s not your fault. The bed at the motel was too uncomfortable.”
“Hopefully, the hotel bed is much better.”
“It’s Vegas! It has to be.”
A truce was formed during their own little comedy hour, and Hyunjin was happy he was able to make it all up with his girl. Like most couples, they had their arguments some days, but Hyunjin could never stay angry with Y/N, nor could she with him. The last thing either of them wanted to do was hurt the other person, and they both knew words were impactful. Only once had they insulted each other where it hurt the most that they wouldn’t speak to each other for a week until they both cooled off and talked it over.
“I wonder where the coyotes are,” Y/N spoke up as she looked out the window.
“They’re out there,” her boyfriend replied as he glanced around the sandy plains. “We won’t be going anywhere near them, but we’re approaching a bunch of rock formations and hills in a while.”
“Maybe we’ll hear them when we camp.”
“And that one little coyote howling at the moon,” Y/N sang with a giggle.
As if on cue, the radio song switched to the exact song. It was a genie wishing her song request.
The night air was too quiet for Y/N, except for the coyote’s howling at the full moon every couple of seconds. Moonlight illuminated the inside of the car, and she couldn’t fall back asleep anymore. The windows were still cracked open a little to allow air to circulate, but there was no wind blowing. Y/N hated how silent it was, and the coyote’s weren’t exactly singing lullabies to her. Sitting up, she looked over to where Hyunjin was, but he was gone. His blanket remained there, but the man himself had vanished.
Maybe he just had to go pee somewhere, she thought. However, the closest gas station was miles behind them. There was no way he would have walked that far just for a bathroom with a way to protect himself. The possibility of him just finding a small bush to do his business seemed logical, and since it was dark out, anyone who passed by probably wouldn’t see him.
Against her better judgement, Y/N decided to step out and see if her boyfriend was okay. Climbing over the seats, she reached one of the passenger doors and unlocked it. Once she stumbled out of the car, she shut the door and made her way to the back. The little fire pit used to cook their hot dogs was missing, and there was no sign that anyone had made a stop there. Nothing but dry mud and weeds. The air was also freezing, but Y/N didn’t want to go back to the car until her boyfriend was found.
“Hyunjin?” Y/N called in a whisper. No answer. She called for him across the other side of the main road, but still no reply.
“Babe, this isn’t funny!” she called as she turned around to see if he was messing with her.
To her horror, the Subaru was now gone. She didn’t hear the engine turn on, no tire tracks were left, nothing. It was as if it vanished into thin air. Turning back again, the road was gone too. What was going on?
Coyote howls grew louder, and Y/N was starting to panic. Small feet scampered by her, but not a humans’ footsteps. She pulled out her phone light and looked down. A row of jack rabbits were racing by her towards the rock formations, so she decided to follow them to try to find help. She took about six steps before a branch seemingly wrapped around her ankle and tripped her, cutting into the flesh.
“Don’t panic,” YN told herself. “It’s just a bush. You can get out of this.”
However, once she sat up, whatever was holding her had let go and disappeared. It left behind her ankle bleeding, but she had no means of treating it. She could still walk on it, so she kept going.
A few snakes, poisonous ones, slithered by, hissing at her as she walked. It was as if they were threatening her to turn back or else they’ll attack and sink their venomous fangs into her.
“As I rode my pony across the Western plain,” she sang sobbed, not realizing she had been crying. “We stopped and heard a sweet and sad refrain. It filled the sundown skies with a lonesome tune. It was one little coyote howling at the moon.”
RIght at that moment, howling broke the eerie silence from behind her. When Y/N turned around, two red glowing eyes were staring at her. It was a terrible, hungry look, and a deep throaty growl sent shivers down her back. Before she could even blink, teeth flashed in front of her as if the creature attempted to eat her face off.
Y/N screamed as she felt her life ending right there.
“Baby, wake up!” a familiar voice cried out.
Opening her eyes, Y/N realized she was back in the car but in a cold sweat. It was somewhat dark out, but the sky was just barely rising by the deep purple sky fading into pink.
“Jinnie!” Y/N sobbed as she pulled her boyfriend in for a hug.
“What happened?”
Once she caught her breath, she realized everything she had seen and experienced was all a nightmare.
“Bad dream?” Hyunjin guessed as dried her head with a blanket.
“Yeah,” she sighed. She explained everything in detail to him, even checking her ankle for the injury she had sustained. To her relief, there was no cut.
“I’m so sorry you had such an awful nightmare,” Hyunjin kissed her forehead. “I forget how you have bad nightmares one the first night of a camping trip.”
“I’ll be okay,” Y/N promised. “What time is it?”
Hyunjin looked through the suitcases for some fresh clothes. “6:30 in the morning. I was awake because I got too hot in here. It wasn’t long before you screamed awake.”
“I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“No, no. Don’t be sorry. It was only a dream.”
After tying his hair up to keep himself cool, Hyunjin brought Y/N closer to him and cuddled her for a while. Whenever she had a bad dream, it always comforted her to be held or snuggled until she calmed down. His heartbeat was the main composer of her calming, and she loved how warm he felt when he embraced her.
In the distance, a coyote howled.
“He won’t hurt you, my love,” Hyunjin reassured as he held Y/N tighter. “It’s just one little coyote.”
@hongism​ @ethereal-eirene​ @ezralia-writes​
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
orange popsicles | kenma x f!reader
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i wanted to write something cute also i really love kenma (i feel like i don’t talk about him enough but trust me i love him very much). also i miss summer and going outside 
kenma doesn’t necessarily like summertime. he doesn’t like the sweltering heat that makes his hair stick to the back of his neck. he doesn’t like the annoying mosquitos that somehow buzz their way into his room even when he keeps the windows shut. he doesn’t like the fact that the days are much longer and the sun rises way too early in the morning. 
but he just uses ‘doesn’t like’ instead of ‘hate’. for kenma, hate is a bit too strong to describe how he feels about summertime. he does like some things after all: the summer break, the fact that some of his favorite video game sequels are released during the season, and you.
if kenma was going to be particular about things, which he usually was, he likes that he knows you would be coming over to the smoothie shop he works his part-time summer job at, before you even text him. kenma likes when he looks up from behind the counter to see you stepping into the shop. he likes that you always wear the same white shirt over your bright, red swimsuit along with your denim shorts. 
“kenma!” you call to him.
he likes the way you say his name. 
you always linger where he is, arms crossed and placed on the counter with you leaning forward, going on about the kids who’d ignore the ‘no running’ pool signs and young ladies who were always waiting for you to leave because the ‘hot lifeguard’s’ shift is after yours. kenma always has a glass of water, ice-cold, ready for you to drink. his shift always ends at around the same time you arrive and he hopes that it’s intentional.
the two of you walk slowly down the streets outside. the pavement is hot enough to fry an egg on top off but kenma ignores the heat seeping in through the soles of his sneakers. instead, he pays attention to the warmth of your skin when his arm brushes yours as you walk, side by side. 
“another day, another orange popsicle,” you grin, walking beside kenma out of the convenience store, wielding the wrapped popsicle in the air.
“maybe this time you’ll be able to break it evenly down the middle,” kenma says frankly, recalling yesterday when you accidentally broke the other popsicle half horizontally down the middle.
“you do it then,” you pout, handing him the popsicle as you two leave the convenience store. kenma smiles and grips both sides of the popsicle before breaking it cleanly down the middle. he hands you your half and the two of you lick your popsicles contentedly. the dessert is ice-cold, sweet, and acidic. it tastes like the orange juice you always had in your lunch box ever since you were in elementary. kenma knows that it must be why you always buy the same flavor of popsicle. he just chalks it up to one of the reasons why he likes you.
despite how regular your meet-up routine is, the day always manages to take you two somewhere else in the city. this time, kenma finds himself walking past children squealing and playing tag in one of the city’s many playgrounds. you’re popsicle had long been eaten and you wave the stick in the air as you practically skip over to the jungle gym. you sit on one of the lower rungs, swinging your legs in the air and kenma feels as if he’s sixteen again. 
“you’re so slow at finishing your ice cream,” you tease him, pointing at the half-finished popsicle in kenma’s hand. 
“my teeth are sensitive,” he grumbles, sitting beside you on the bar, digging his feet on the ground to keep balance. your hair is still slightly damp from your shower and kenma reaches up to curl a strand around his finger. 
“that’s why you’d always drop your ice cream when we were little,” you laugh. “remember that time we were having a contest to see who could climb up to the top the fastest?”
kenma nods. “i remember,” he says, but lets you tell the story.
“you were so slow at finishing your ice cream but you ended up climbing with the both of us. and, just like i predicted, your popsicle dropped of your hand,” you snickered. kenma watched the crinkles forming on the corner of your eyes. 
“kuroo and i felt so sorry for you, we ended up buying you a brand-new one!” you continued. “and you still took forever to finish that.”
“i wasn’t even particularly upset over my ice cream falling,” kenma mumbled, licking what was left of his popsicle. “but, you were always quick to help others. that’s just the kind of person you are.”
at that, you turn to smile shyly at the ground. “and you’re the kind to always notice and pick up on things.”
kenma knows that many things are just the way they are, that the external world is almost always out of his control unlike it is in games. he can’t help that the summer heat makes his hair stick to the back of his neck. he can’t help that mosquitoes are tiny enough to find their way into his room even after he closed all the windows. he can’t help that his side of the earth is more angled towards the sun, making the days even longer. 
and kenma can’t help that he’s fallen in love with his best friend, nor can he stop his hand from reaching out to where yours is resting on the bar, slowly closing the space between you two. the look on your face is inquisitive enough for him to reconsider his next move, but to kenma’s surprise, you edge closer to him. 
he likes the way you say his name. kenma blames the summer heat for depleting his brain functioning, thus causing him to be slightly bolder, but he doesn’t completely hate it. especially not when you lean in closer to him. kenma knows that you don’t dislike the way he can read you so easily.
so kenma leans in too, his lips meeting yours and his eyelids fluttering shut. he can feel your fingers threading through his and the brush of your eyelashes on his cheek. he can smell the chlorine and sunblock on your skin. his other hand is still holding the popsicle and he swears he can feel it dripping on his sneaker but he doesn’t care because your lips taste like your favorite orange juice. 
when you pull apart, kenma knows that he has found another thing to love about summer. 
“guess what?”
you grin and point to the hand by his side. “your popsicle fell again.” kenma looks down and finds that what was left of his ice cream was now an orange puddle on the ground. he can’t help but smile.
“will you buy me a new one then?”
“if i have to,” you smirk, taking his hand in yours as you resume your walk, this time returning to the convenience store you came from, matching clean popsicle sticks dangling from your hands. 
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart@akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan@therainroguefanfiction@atetiffdoesart@stephdaninja@oikaw-ugh@charliefredb@dramaqueenweeb1469@tremblinghearts@applepienation@doodleniella
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real-fanta-sea · 4 years
If you're serious about the kiss thing...... You should do trikey with 56? Mikey's getting irritated about all the shit in Trevor's house
yep I’m serious, thanks for the request! It was fun to play with it, especially the part of annoyed Michael :D I used some strong language here, just so you know. 
Ok, here we go *cracks knuckles*
Apart from being an exceptional place to hide from all kinds of law enforcement and pissed off gang bosses, Sandy Shores provides another highly valued quality - it's fucking hot. And not that convenient 'oh look it's the first sunny day of spring' kind of wee warm, but the brutal, penetrative heat of working by deep fryer in McDonald's during summer.
Michael smacked his lips, belched and threw an empty bottle over the battered railing of the front porch. It clanked and landed on dusty ground with a satisfying crunch, and the sun dried it in an instant. He lost count on how many of them he has already downed and disposed of, but drinking didn't help no matter what style he tried. Slow, fast, cold, warm. He tried everything. Except feeling a bit sluggish, there was no effect the lukewarm pisswasser could ever have on him after years of self-taxidermy with whiskey and coke.
The street went gradually silent by the time he finished yet another bottle, shadows grew longer, and the sun grilled him from a slightly different angle. A chatter of people was replaced by an out-of-tune orchestra of crickets and the Eagles blasting from a radio somewhere in the neighbourhood, both flowing through the air with the flavour of barbecue.
Another day successfully wasted Michael thought and shifted on the couch. If only the TV would work, he could have spent it watching movies. Or not, because the tin can ramshackle got so hot during the day he could barely breathe there. Fucking Trevor. If it wasn't for him, he could be sitting by a pool full of ice, eating ice cream and slurping milkshakes from frozen tits. Maybe even pay the girl to ride him, so he didn't have to move a finger. Or better yet, tie Trevor up, throw him into his tailgater, lock him there and make him watch them fuck... But did he really want it? Wouldn’t he be the one who would instantly let him out and have a wild make up sex with him?
An annoyed grunt later, Michael lazily tugged on the hem of his, now very rural looking, tank top and dried his forehead with it. Something deep within knew he shouldn't have used the words Trevor and Fuck in one sentence because it awakened a part of him he should better let sleep. That part that supplied his tipsy brain with vivid images of long limbs locked around him, dark hair all over dirty pillows and amber eyes rolled back, set in a very flushed face... No, nope, it wasn't what he wanted to think about, in fact, he just wanted another beer. Yeah, another beer to make that awkward semi go away. And maybe strip off his top to make that damn heat go away? Yup, that was what he wanted. Aaaand a cigarette. Perfection.
Michael's half snore was interrupted by a sound of shutting the car door and heavy boots stomping through the cooling dust. A quick glance from the porch told him the Bodhi was back from where it took off in the morning, and there was a tall figure growling near it, shuffling some boxes in the back. For a second, Michael thought he actually moved back in time, because his back was killing him pretty much the same way it did in the morning with the same taste of beer on lips. The only detail that didn't quite match was that his torso was now naked and pearled with sweat, and there was quite a lot of bottles and cans right below the railing.
Slowly and carefully, Michael stood up and stretched like a fat cat after a good afternoon nap. Trevor was still caught up by the truck, which gave M enough time to step a bit closer to the stairs and lean on a post to regain stability while observing the sight right in front of him. Trevor never was the most ripped guy, but the way his arms bulged when he lifted a box made Michael weaker than he would admit, and the way his jeans perked up his ass when he squatted made his mouth dry. Why the hell did he have to wear that black sleeveless top? Michael thought. He knows whenever he does, we end up fucking...
Just as he lip his bit for thinking about T that way, his best friend turned around for the first time since he arrived and locked eyes with Michael. For a brief moment, he looked surprised, even taken aback by that idiotic drunk grin on Michael's face and the way he leaned against the only solid post of the house, but it soon was replaced by pure fury.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
That was actually an excellent question. Or it would be, if Michael knew the answer to it.
"What? What do you mean?"
"You SLUT!!!"
Trevor charged towards him full speed in a split second and made Michael jump a little harder than he thought it would and jammed his lower back against the table, and both M and table cried in pain.
"What the fuck, Trevor! What's your fucking problem... ouch..."
Trevor leapt up the stairs, grabbed one of Michael's wrists and yanked him towards the door he kicked open.
"You fucking whore, YOU are the problem!"
Michael's brain quit the chat altogether and bailed out on him, leaving him staring on Trevor with gaping mouth and slightly raised eyebrows. He stumbled through the door, unable to free himself from Trevor's grip, and when T shut the door and threw him back first on them only to grab his shoulders to keep him still, all he could do was to stare into his fiery eyes.
"What were you thinking, showing off your tits to all our neighbours, huh?"
Michael gulped when Trevor leaned closer. Over the past few weeks, he learned the smell of gasoline and tobacco meant sloppy fucks on the kitchen counter and hungry kisses with bitten lips. That night, it all was topped with a gun powder.
"you dirty bitch, I leave you home alone for one day and when I come back what do I see? A pair of your slutty knockers right in my face."
His hands suddenly decided to fight his stupor, and as he felt Trevor's breath on his neck, he tugged on T's top and hungrily squeezed waist found there. The only answer was a deep purr and wet tip of Trevor's tongue right where his pulse drummed against the fine skin. With a small moan, he yanked Trevor closer and collided their hips, but Trevor was faster and grabbed both his wrists and pinned them against the tin door.
"You horny bitch, did showing off make you hot and wet? Or are you just happy to see me?"
Trevor's anger was gone, now replaced with his usual horniness, as he ground his hips against Michael's to let him know the thought got him hot too. And god that shit-eating grin on his face when he leaned in and bit Michael's lip, but didn't go for a full kiss... That was the point of no return. That fucking tease! Michael trashed under him and actually managed to get both hands freed just to leap forward and literally throw them both trough the bathroom door, for Trevor to land on the toilet bowl.
Michael could barely hear the sound of boxes and bottles clacking, falling to the dirty ground as he straddled Trevor and grabbed his head to steal that kiss he wanted since he saw him outside. Trevor just did his best to balance them both on the tiny bowl and waved his arms around, trying to grab onto something solid. Just as Michael decided to nib on Trevor's lip lightly and open T up for a nice french action, something hit the back of his head with an annoying accuracy. Then it clanked on the ground, followed by choked laughter and sound of plastic rustling. Michael instinctively shot up and stumbled back, massaging the hit place.
"Ouch! T, what the fuck was that?!"
"That was a shower curtain, cupcake... I must have torn it when you tried to flush us both down the bowl..."
"and you won't even say sorry you prick?"
"hmmm, how about showing you how sorry I am?"
Trevor possessed this strange ability to appear out of nowhere and cover M with kisses and hugs. Michael noticed only then how much taller Trevor really was when he was pinned against the shower wall and two hot hands slid past the waist of his jeans, kissing his lower lip too gently for Michael's liking. At first, he went with the flow, burying his fingers to Trevor's stubble and hair on the back of his head just to push him closer. Still, he set his mind to he didn't want it there, slow and gentle with water running down his back, not that night. Michael knew well when he brushes his tongue against Trevor's, pull back and bite his lip, T would not only let out a needy whimper, so unlike his manly growls, but he would also become weak enough to be pushed back to the kitchen where they could have much more fun. What he didn't count with was a nasty crunch under his foot when Trevor stumbled back towards the sink which immediately broke their kiss. A small moan of frustration made Michael more anxious for a moment than he would ever admit.
"What is it, T? Are you ok?"
"Fuck, Michael, you stepped on my laxatives!"
"How am I supposed to shit without them?"
"Screw them, you won't need them when I'm done with you tonight."
"Gee how hot..."
But there was no way Michael would let Trevor finish that sentence - all he wanted was to pin him to the kitchen counter, tear those sweatpants apart and fuck him. Now it was him who stomped around, holding Trevor's hand and throwing him to the counter. It took him another second to grab a fist full of his hair and yank Trevor's head backwards to relish absolutely delicious silhouette of his throat with adam's apple bobbing up and down in excitement. Trevor's moans only fired him up further and probed the hardened bud under the black shirt - to a promising whimper and a force pushing him aside to which he willingly succumbed and let a pair of lips suck onto his own so hard he hit his head against a tv stand which cried in pain and fell apart along with the tv.
"Fuck Trevor...."
"Not now, Mikey, don't stop."
Michael felt the telltale twitch under his belly that watered down the pain and gave him enough power to roll over a couple of times, french kissing the fuck out of those perfect full lips, drawing nails to Trevor's now naked back and push his head closer. He almost didn't mind when the radio hit the ground and when Trevor threw him onto the table which made their beer spill on the filthy floor. With Trevor on top, latched onto his nipple and running his hand down to his tightened jeans, nothing could stop him from getting what he wanted. As he tried to kick his jeans off, there was a slight sensation on his foot, but nothing very clear. It could have been a cup or something - when suddenly Trevor bolted upwards, and Michael was forced to open his eyes and look into his horrified face.
"Trevor I swear this isn't funny, what is it this time..."
"Michael, we broke the Impotent Rage..."
"T are you trying to give me blue balls or what?"
"No, but you clearly want my home in shambles! Oh fuck look at that! This was a limited edition with a signature of the original cast!"
Trevor just emotionlessly bolted towards the couch, next to which lay a mass of broken blue plastic that might have been anything in Michael's opinion. And it was in the way of reaching destination orgasm which made him a tiny bit mad. Ok, maybe a lot.
"Pardon me, but it was you who put it to the wrong place! Why did you leave it on the shelf with all this trash? Why don't you just throw all this shit out?"
And with just one swing of the arm, he managed to throw the rest of Trevor's memorabilia to the floor where it shattered comfortably.
"And this whole place is a fucking dump! Have you ever heard about wall-mounted TV or glass shower door? When the fuck will you live somewhere normal? Jesus, what do I have to break to make this place look decent? And that stupid action figure? What's so special about it, anyway?"
He wouldn't regret it if Trevor didn't turn around with puppy eyes and didn't tell him in his hurt voice.
"Because it was a gift from you..."
Michael didn't quite know how he managed to pick Trevor up from the ground, bring him to the bed, plant gentle kisses to every inch of him and whisper he's so so sorry. He didn't even have to, because soon enough, Trevor pulled him closer again, rolled over on top of him and gave him a lesson from Canadian french that left Michael breathless. He just let it happen, running his hands all the way down from the back of Trevor's head, to feeling his stuble, chest hair, hard nipples and his raging boner, and his nails draw new tattoos on Trevor's back first and then drawing his fingers into soft inside of Trevor's tights enjoying the view of T riding him.
"Hey M..."
Michael lit a cigarette, just relishing the sweaty and sticky afterglow with Trevor pressed close to his side.
"You broke my impotent rage, gimme that..."
And before he could say or do anything, Trevor snatched his last cigarette and inhaled so deep half of it was gone.
"Hey! Give it back!"
"Make me!"
Michael instantly shot up, determined to kiss that grin off Trevor's lips and lept forward only to bang his head against the headboard again. This time, Trevor didn't even try to hold back and let his bubbly laughter echo in Michael's aching head.
"Fuck you and fuck this damn trailer..."
"aww come on porkchop, you did both tonight - unless you are up for the round two?"
"Hmmm... Make me..."
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★ 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓊𝓈𝓉 || 𝒞𝒽𝑜𝒾 𝒮𝒶𝓃 ★
★ 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: ballet dancer!san x female!reader
★ 𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮: romance, angst, some shitty comedy
★ 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: sexy times (but not too sexy), cringey romance
★ 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 2.7k
★ 𝓘𝓭𝓮𝓪 𝓫𝔂: @starsforten​
★𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮★
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Byeol became an even closer friend than San at some point. A few weeks after the party, you were sitting on San’s bed up against his headboard with the Siamese feline curled up next to you. Her back was facing away toward the foot of the bed and her head was lying delicately against your clothed thigh. Her eyes, blue and bright, were closed as you stroked her side. The white-and-gray fur atop her head stood out against the black material of your leggings, a contrast you never would have thought you’d be looking at. In an instant, you turned your attention to her belly fur, scratching the softness of it and knowingly setting off Byeol’s play-fight instincts. She brought her hind legs up first, pushing your hand away with those before placing her forepaws on your fingers and unsheathing her claws just enough to try to scare you. But you just smiled, moving her hind legs back and forth with your hand.
Then you heard a scoff from the door, drawing your attention to it. San had come back from helping his mom reach a pot from a shelf and was now standing against his closed door, watching you two with a smirk. “내가 경쟁자가 있는 것 같군, 응?” Looks like I’ve got some competition, huh?
Your face heated up faster than if it had been lit with a torch. With a scoff of your own, you moved your eyes back to Byeol and kept annoying her, so much that she gave a small Mmrrrow and rolled away from your touch. She stalked to the edge of the bed and jumped down gracefully, making her way over to San so she could rub against his legs.
“아니,” Nope, he cheeped, bending down to scratch her behind the ears. “우리 별이가 제일 사랑 사람은 나야.” Byeol still loves me the most.
His lip had fully healed, not even the remnants of a wound left on the soft pink skin. You had been, admittedly, staring at them all the while. You wondered when he was finally going to kiss you and end your misery. You wanted to taste him, to know what he felt like. All those weeks of dates and teasing and finally something could be done but nothing had been. You were disappointed but mostly impatient. You swore you’d kiss him first if he wasn’t going to take the leap soon.
San closed the door as he fully stepped into the room, letting Byeol out as he did so. Once trapped, you subconsciously scooted back against the headboard and it made a little click sound as it hit the seafoam wall behind it. San smirked, a small laugh leaving his lips in breathy huffs. “Pfft.” Red hot embarrassment forced one of your hands up to push a piece of hair behind your ear as you averted your gaze. Between muttering things to yourself, you asked San how his family managed to paint the walls of their apartment without getting kicked out.
“우리는 이 집을 소유하고 있다,” We own it, is all he said.
Before you could verbalize a response, he drew closer to the bed, one of his hands trailing along the old sky-blue comforter as if he was just feeling the beat-up fleece for the first time. It was a peaceful blanket, comparable to an old piece of art. Fluffy clouds with shading and depth floated all over the sky. You thought of Studio Ghibli every time you saw San’s comforter. But this time you were only drawn to him. His gaze was on the design, and you could see his deep eyes through his lashes.
You didn’t realize you were staring until he caught you, looking up to return your gaze. Almost like a reflex, you looked away again, convinced you were a nonchalant master. But San knew you too well, didn’t he? “넌 항상 그렇게 해,” You always do that, he mumbled, sitting down beside you.
“음? 뭐?” Hm? What?
He pushed himself up against the headboard as well, only a few inches apart from you now as you sat side-by-side. “너는 내가 너를 볼 때 항상 외면해.” You always look away when I look at you.
You sighed. Of course, he was right—there you were, thinking about how annoying it was that he hadn’t kissed you yet, but you couldn’t even maintain eye contact. Hypocrite. “미안. 무섭다.” Sorry. It’s just scary.
“에? 뭐? 뭐 무서워?” Huh? What is? What’s scary? His eyebrows drew in as he turned toward you now, seemingly determined to get an answer.
Fearing you’d concerned him, you laughed. “아—아니, 아니야. 그런 뜻이 아니었어.” No—no, nothing. I didn’t mean it like that.
“하지만 네가 뭔가가 무섭다고 했잖아. 뭐야? 나에 대한 너의 감정?” But you said something is scary—what is it? Your feelings for me?
The walls began to close in on you two, but you couldn’t shut your mouth, not now. If you had, it would’ve been over. You always had the last word—you had to, especially with San. “아니! 아니라고!” No! I said nothing! You yelled, completely blocking out what he had said. You were sure you’d made it up, anyway. “그래! 좋아해! 그래서? 안 무서워!” Okay! I like you! So? I’m not scared!
San only stared at you as you went on, a smile growing on his face. “자쯩나 진짜! 너…너 일에나 신경써야 한다. 차, 가끔은 널—!” You’re so annoying! You…you should mind your own business. God, sometimes I just want to—!
The feeling of San’s warm lips moving against your own stopped your speech. You still hummed into his mouth for a moment, as you had the entire sentence planned out. It was a bit aggressive at first, like he had made the decision on a whim, and it took a few moments for you both to realize what was happening. Your stomach fell in the most pathetically beautiful way, never straying from the sensation of being at the top of a rollercoaster.
There’s something so artistic about improvised kisses. You were convinced that nothing tasted sweeter than him, nothing felt more like breathing—so natural—than kissing San like this. He moved one delicate hand up to cup your cheek and you leaned into him with need, letting one of your fingers trail down from his jaw to his neck, stopping to fist at the hem of his muscle-shirt. It was soft, the way he sucked on your bottom lip and then your top one, switching back and forth like he couldn’t decide which one he liked better. The only difference between breathing and kissing San was that, unlike breathing, this wasn’t something you could ignore. It wasn’t something that fell in the back of your mind and you could do without realizing. It just felt right, like you couldn’t go on without it.
You imagined that this is what it felt like—those rare stories of people that were born blind or deaf, but technology gave them the gift of sight or sound. You were wandering aimlessly until you met San. You were asleep until you felt him this way, sharing thoughts through the syncing of your body’s rhythms. You had heard something before—To live is to fall asleep, to die is to awake. Death had never felt so lively.
San broke the connection for a moment, probably to catch his breath. He looked at you through a gaze that you thought was lusty at first, but then he smiled, and between each of your heavy breaths that mingled where they met half-way between you two, you knew. You smiled back, moving your finger to trace a heart on the skin of his bottom lip. His smile grew, and he brought his other hand up to the other side of your face. His thumbs, slightly calloused, stroked your skin back and forth. His gaze reached deep into your own, only adding to the irregular nature of your heartbeat.
“마지막으로,” Finally, you muttered, somewhat into his mouth as he dove in once more. This time, you impatiently swiped at his lips with your tongue, red-hot embarrassment crawling up the back of your neck when he snickered through the kiss before granting you access.
“산아! 나와라, 음식이 준비됐다!” San! Come out, the food’s ready!
At the sound of his mother’s sing-song voice, you two practically jumped away from each other with San almost completely rolling off the bed and you knocking his lamp onto the ground. It fell all too quickly and landed with a crash as the somewhat translucent-blue blown glass shattered on the floor. The glass flew across the room, decorating the dark wood with its shiny pieces.
Wide-eyed, you turned to San with a whispered, “오모—어떻게?” Oh my God—what do we do?
At the same moment, his mother called, “다 괜찮아?” Is everything okay?
“어 엄마!” Yeah, mom! he yelled, quickly getting to his feet and looking around the room like he was searching for something. “금방 나갈게!” Be out in a minute!
You ended up having to get the dustpan from the kitchen after eating, and San’s mom only laughed when she discovered the reason (well, half of the reason) why you and San had acted so stiff and awkward during dinner. You apologized about a million times, but nobody was sour over the lamp’s passing.
San walked you home afterward, even though that included taking two buses. The trek was long and mostly silent, but you were grateful. You were still trying to process the night’s events, and it wasn’t uncomfortable to walk alongside him in silence. At one point, San reached over and took your hand in his own. When you looked over at him, he was staring up, above the buildings in the distance with a small smile on his face. You followed his gaze, reminded of an acoustic guitar piece when you saw the orange glow of central Seoul’s lights and pollution that sat just above the horizon. Stars were few and far between as you drew closer to the city, but it was still perfect. You laced your fingers with San’s, taking note of how sweaty his palms had grown in a short amount of time.
When you reached your apartment, you silently wished that you had lived in a more secluded area. But, no, the street noise was deafening, people strode to and fro on the street around you two, and the clerk from the convenience store across the street gave a wave that you could barely see between the passing of cars. You and San had stopped in front of the high-rise building, and his expression fell.
You said, “위층으로 올라올래?” Do you want to come up?
That fixed him because he broke into a grin and nodded. On the way up, he started talking about a group of children that had come to tour the school he was taking classes at, and how this one little chubby boy took a liking to him and kept calling him “Haengnim”. His eyes sparkled with adoration whenever he spoke of children. You silently wondered if he was trying to hint at a shared future and whether or not you wanted kids. An immature thought, but you were technically still a kid. Nineteen-year-olds still have foolish and premature thoughts when it comes to dating.
In front of your door, you stopped and turned to face him. You took both of his hands now, staring into his eyes—you wanted to know what he was thinking. Seemingly reading your mind, he smirked, then leaned down to press his slightly chapped lips to your own. You wet his lips with your tongue, something that made him grab onto your waist a bit strongly, and kiss you with more passion. Consciously or not, San deepened the kiss until you were full-on making out in the hallway. He backed you up against the wall beside your door, and fear overrode any heat invading your body from the way he touched and kissed you. If your mother had come out and seen you two, you would have died. Sure, you were an adult and everything, but it was just weird.
You pulled away, San stealing a few more kisses before you both fully stopped. He just smiled again, moving a piece of hair out of your face. “우리 첫날, 맞이?” This is our first day, right?
“뭐야,” What the, you teased. “우리 몇 주째 사귀는 줄 알았는데,” I thought we’ve been dating for a few weeks.
“근데 지금 나의 여친이야.” But now you’re my girlfriend.
“와, 나한테 물어보지도 않았구나.” Wow, you didn’t even ask me.
“내가 해야 하나?” Do I have to?
“정말 좋겠다.” It would be nice.
“알았어. 제 여자친구가—” Fine. Will you—
“아니. 너무 늦었군아.” Nope. Too late. 
San rolled his eyes, his smile never leaving. “문제아.” Brat.
“울어.” Cry about it.
San went in for a few last pecks before taking a step back, letting go of you. “내일 만날까?” See you tomorrow?
There was something so calm about the way he hung back, cool and unbothered as if you hadn’t kissed for the first time and then borderline went to second base in an apartment building hallway. You bid him farewell, trying to shake off the nerves tugging at your sleeve. He didn’t leave right away, though. He waited for you to go inside, watching you with a small smile and waving goodbye.
The next five months were more like a dream than reality. It was almost disgusting, the way you two paraded around with your affections toward each other. San loved to show you off, though. Friday nights were for getting as dressed up as possible and going to an expensive restaurant that changed each week. Saturdays turned into brunch days that you two attended in sweats and pajamas, both smiling and giddy messes after a night of unbridled lovemaking.
And you loved him.
Oh, how you loved Choi San. You loved the way he looked at you, always staring into your eyes for unnecessarily long amounts of time to see if you could hold his gaze. You loved the way he took the time to see into your heart and soul, acknowledging true intimacy that went past seeing you without clothes. You loved the way he held you when you cried. You loved the way he pulled you into hugs, resting his head on your shoulder when he was upset. You loved knowing that he loved you, too. He didn’t say it often, but you could tell in the moments you caught him staring at you with wonder while you were doing the most mundane things. You could tell when he traced the words “I love you” on your body with his tongue during intimate moments. Besides all that, Yunho was such a shit when it came to hanging out all together. If you hadn’t paid attention to San’s mannerisms, you would still know his feelings for you because of how obvious his friends made it.
Being young and blinded by love and great sex, you thought that it might actually last forever. The way San talked sometimes, it seemed like the sound of wedding bells were carrying you both on the winds of life to a future together.
Then, one day in early August, your phone buzzed urgently in your purse while you were out with a friend. It was San calling. He asked you to meet, but his voice was a bit unstable like he’d been crying. You agreed, but your stomach soured. He sounded off, and he felt off, too. Static overtook every other sound for a moment. You weren’t sure what was happening, but it seemed too abrupt. Things were great. Sure, you had quarrels and events happened in each of your lives that you had to get through, but you leaned on each other for support. This felt different, though. You didn’t think he wanted to lean on you, but rather, ask you if he should save you or himself from falling to an untimely demise. It was a premature thought, but you weren’t too far-off.
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Boomlord's weird adventure
Chapter 14 a salty experience
The chamber was large and circular all of the shelves were covered in bookshelves filled to the brim with books. At the very center of the room stood a ice pedestal with a jet black Crystal hovering just above it. Finn and Dash went off circling around the room with weapons drawn. The two of them carefully made sure there were no hidden golems in the room."okay Twilight this is why we needed you well other than the whole fire thing. None of us can actually grab the crystal if we do we will die fairly quickly as it drains the heat from our bodies."Twilight looked up at him dumb strucked."And how exactly do you expect me to grab it?"she gestured over to the crystal with one hand. Boom shrugged"well I don't actually expect you to grab it I want you to use your magic you know levitate it like you did me."Twilight rolled her eyes at the statement."And how am I supposed to use my magic without my horn because in case you didn't know I'm not exactly a unicorn anymore."boom looked at her like she had just said something absolutely ridiculous although she had a point she wasn't in her normal form."you may be in different shape but you're still a unicorn at heart the portals don't change who you are. If you could use magic back home then I guarantee you can use it here. Oh and in case if you're wondering how to do it I would recommend looking down at your side."Twilight raised a brow before doing as he said looking down at the purple blade at her side 'wait a second both me and rarity were unicorns well I was an alicorn but that's besides the point. Since we were the only two who could use magic and that means...' she reached down grasping the hilt of the blade and pulling it up from her side. She then pointed the blade at the Crystal focusing on it. A purple aura formed around the blade and the Crystal.
2 the crystal began to shake violently as the aura surrounded."I-it's really in there."Twilight pulled the sword towards her slowly as she could feel the pull of the crystal fighting back. The crystal kept shaking as the pedestal under it began to crack. Finn and dash looked over at the scene watching im awe that's Twilight uses her new sword to pull the crystal. However the amazement was cut short by the cracking of the walls the ice itself starting to melt and drip away."boom I'm pretty sure that Crystal was the only thing keeping this place together without the ice King!"Finn called out to boom. Upon hearing this boom started reaching to his satchel pulling out a small glass eye. That I was emerald green with a lighter green pupil and a black slit Iris. "Everyone get close to me!"he pointed his gun up towards the ceiling with his other hand after pulling it out from his side. He unleashed six total shots at a single point on the ceiling from which a ray of sunlight emerged. The shots nearly broke twilight's concentration as she is never witnessed the weapon before but recognized it as the sound from earlier sending another wave of dread through her system. Even with the feeling of dread in her she refused to break concentration as the crystal started to pull towards her and away from the pedestal which was now falling into pieces. With one last mighty Pull of her weapon the crystal flung at her stopping only a few inches from her hovering around the edges of her blade. Upon fully leaving its position the pedestal crumbled into snow and water as large sections of the ceiling started crashing down around them."okay everyone this is going to be unpleasant."Finn acted first grabbing boom shoulder and rainbow Dash his leg startling her while boom wrapped his arm around Twilight with his gun hand and tossed the small glass eye high into the air through the small Gap.
3 A shearing headache wrecked its way through twilight's head and she suddenly found herself no longer trapped in a chamber but rather on top of shards of ice and snow. A arm still draped around her quickly calmed her as she realized she was safe."sorry about that ender magic can be a real pain but it's most convenient teleportation I could summon at the time."he wiped the sweat from his brow looking down at a quite funny scene. The sudden migraine from the teleportation caused rainbow Dash to fall out of the air and land on finn. And their position was rather humorous as they were on top of each other and in opposite directions."I think you two need to get a room."boom smirked as both Finn and rainbow Dash felt their cheeks get red separating from each other. Twilight herself couldn't help but chuckle at boom's joke 'Well they were teasing us the entire time so I think boom deserved this one.'the smirk on boom his face quickly went away as he focused on the hovering Crystal."can't believe this was the only thing keeping ice kings place from falling apart."Twilight blushed a bit noticing the focus look on his face.'crap that look looks cute.'"Hey who even is this ice King."rainbow Dash blurted out grabbing booms attention."oh hes Marceline's friend Simon but it was during a time when he couldn't remember who he was because he had a magical crown that cursed him it's kind of a long story but quite cinematic and well told."This only added to rainbow Dash's confusion ."don't worry about it. We should be getting back to the Candy Kingdom preferably before a random candy citizen bumps into a candy crazed Pinky."the group sure the light chuckle as they began making their way back home.... however unaware to them a danger loomed close waiting for the perfect chance to reveal itself or should I say herself.
(hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I do apologize if over the next few days if my stories post schedules are inconsistent as someone close to me is getting out of the hospital tomorrow and I will be spending time with them most likely so might take away from my postings but I'll try to make sure a chapter goes up every night the best I can like normal)
(also I am now aware that I got ender pearls and ender eyes mixed up . pearls are the ones that make you teleport but in my defense it could have been from a world where the rules are reversed but mostly it stems from the fact that I had not played Minecraft in quite some time)
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
In Fair Verona︱Chapter 6
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Synopsis: Jisung knows he is the Romeo to your Juliet. He could wax poetry about you all throughout rehearsal and even a little after. Except Hwang Hyunjin is the one playing Romeo in the school play, not him. Jisung is just another tech crew member that you don’t know, but he’s determined to win your heart... by any means necessary.
Warning: violent imagery
Word Count: 1.9k
Pairing: fem!reader x Jisung; fem!reader x Hyunjin
Prepare to be baited. Apologies in advance.
updates every Wednesday and Sunday @ 11 PM PST︱chapter list
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In love?
Of love?
Out of her favor, where I am in love.
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He can hardly wait for dinner break. The Pepero box is burning a hole in his pocket. He touches it almost every two minutes, making sure it is still there. When he helps set the stage, it bounces around, its sharp corners poking his stomach through the thin fabric of his hoodie. Every time he looks at you, he imagines how happy you will be when he presents you with your favorite snack. You’ll offer him some as thanks, and if he’s brave, maybe he’ll ask if you want to play the Pepero game with him. He shivers at the thought of your eyes shining with anticipation, your lips being centimeters away from his, the gasp that escapes your mouth when he closes the gap.
When the lights go out for the last time, he helps clear the stage before heading to the dressing rooms. He stands in the hallway, fiddling with the lock on a nearby locker that isn’t his. He tries different combinations while waiting for you to appear, but he always goes back 1-4-3. You finally come out, one hand busy zipping up your too-large sweater.
“Hey.” He drops the lock, and it stops against the locker with a metallic thud.
“Oh! Hi. What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to give you something.” He holds out the Pepero, the pink packaging a stark contrast to his all black outfit.
Your head tilts to the side as you ask, “What is it for?”
Kissing practice is what he wants to say. “Luck? Hard work? I don’t really know. I thought of you when I saw it at the convenience store.”
“Thanks. You sure have a good memory,” you remark, taking the Pepero. “I swear, you remember everything I tell you.”
“Yeah, I get that a lot.”
He follows you back to the classroom. With the exception of the sound of your footsteps, it’s quiet. You make no attempt to start a conversation, and Jisung notices that your fingers are absentmindedly playing with the drawstring on your sweater.
“More jajangmyeon for dinner?” he tries.
“Fried chicken leftovers, actually. My mom bought me some last night after rehearsal. Are you having ramen again?”
“Yeah. I’m practicing being a broke college student.”
You laugh and tap his shoulder with a corner of the Pepero box. “You’ve got until next year before you have to worry. Do you want the Pepero?”
“That’s for you,” he says as he steps into the room. “I’ll be f—”
“Y/N!” an excited Hyunjin shouts. Everyone turns in his direction, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “You’re finally here!”
A wide grin splits across your face. “You’re so impatient,” you say, but you hurry over anyway. You pull out a plastic container out of your lunch bag, and Jisung has to watch as you flash a smirk at Hyunjin.
Meanwhile, Jisung sits at a nearby table, pretending not to pay attention to what is happening just a short distance away. He can’t believe Hyunjin ruined his plans again.
“You’re torturing me,” Hyunjin dramatically sighs.
“Maybe I should heat it up first,” you tease. “It tastes better hot.”
“Cold chicken is good, too. Please?”
“Alright. I’ll stop now.” You open the container, revealing fried chicken. You hand Hyunjin a fork and take one for yourself. “Dinner time.”
Jisung wants to smack the utensil out of his Hyunjin’s hand and possibly Hyunjin himself. He’s taking away your food. Knowing him — or at least, the version of him he has in his head — he probably manipulated you into giving him some. His hands shake as he pours water into his ramen, and he accidentally spills some onto the table.
“You’re an angel, you know that?” Hyunjin says. He stabs another piece and pops it into his mouth. “This is so good.”
Two spots of pink appear on your cheeks. “You are too. Thanks for splitting your lunch with me.”
It’s Hyunjin’s turn to blush. “No problem. I can’t have the girl I drink poison for die of hunger.”
You laugh into your sleeve and shyly look back to Hyunjin, who is gazing at you like he would at the stars. The two of you make eye contact and dissolve into a fit of nervous giggles.
The room suddenly feels too hot for Jisung. He drinks water until his bottle is depleted in an effort to cool himself down and to drown out the growing scream in his throat. He scrunches the thin plastic, and it makes a satisfying crackling noise as it folds in on itself. While the guy two tables down turns back to search for the direction of the noise, you’re still absorbed by Hyunjin. Jisung does it again, waiting for you to acknowledge him.
You don’t.
For the rest of dinner break, he intently eavesdrops on your conversation while scrolling through Hyunjin’s social media, hoping to find some new incriminating evidence. The closest thing he finds is a new self-posted video compilation of Hyunjin failing to do some kind of turn. You would probably find it endearing though. In the meantime, you and Hyunjin discuss the finer points of dying by poison. So, nothing of interest except that he now knows about the many foods that contain cyanide.
Jisung feels barely awake during the second half of rehearsal; it’s like he reverted back to his behavior last week, except he’s no longer dreaming of you. When Hyunjin leans down to kiss you, a flash of anger shoots through him because he should be the only one doing that. It’s only a stage kiss, but he wants to shove him off of you and off the stage. However, when you run your fingers down Hyunjin’s jaw, he feels gray and blurry. It should be him on the floor, feeling your feather-light touch. He sees the way your hand shakes — like his own, he notices — and he wants to wrap you up in his warmth, whisper that you’re safe with him, hold your hand in his, place a tender kiss on your temple. His heart aches for you, and you don’t even know it.
He doesn’t even realize how badly he wants rehearsal to be over until the tech crew is dismissed for the night. His sigh of relief is so loud that Felix comes over and asks if he’s okay.
“I’m so tired,” he answers. Tired of listening and watching to you and Hyunjin flirting and not being able to do anything about it.
“We’re doing the whole play tomorrow, so rest up, Jisung.” After seeing the lifelessness in Jisung’s eyes, he softens his tone. “Hey, take care, alright? We’re counting on you, especially since Changbin’s getting slower by the day.”
Jisung gives him a halfhearted laugh. “Yeah, thanks. See you tomorrow.”
Felix leaves through the auditorium doors, while Jisung goes to the green room to get his backpack. His footsteps make shuffling noises across the linoleum floor. He can hear your familiar melodic laugh echoing down the hall, and he instinctively knows you’re with Hyunjin. It sounds like the two of you are practicing sword fighting based on the smacks of wooden rulers. He lingers outside the classroom, unsure of how to approach the situation. If he’s within two meters of Hyunjin, he’s sure he’ll join the fight, but with an intention to actually hurt him. While he runs simulations in his head, he hears the mention of Pepero. His ears perk up immediately.
“You have Pepero?” Hyunjin says. “Why didn’t you just eat this instead of stealing my lunch?”
“Hey! You got fried chicken later, which is way better than your lame excuse of fried rice.”
“You said it was good at lunch!”
“It was good at the moment,” you agree. “But looking back…”
“Fine, fine. I might have not put enough gochujang, but it wasn’t bad.”
You hum a noncommittal response before Hyunjin asks about the Pepero again.
“Oh, right. I got it before dinner from a friend. I said I liked it, and he remembered, so he got it for me. It was really nice of him.”
Jisung feels miffed at not being mentioned by name. You do talk about him sweetly, so he doesn’t feel as bad.
“Lucky,” Hyunjin sighs. “My friends send me random cat pictures and ask about homework.”
“Minho’s cats are cute,” you protest. There’s the sound of cardboard being ripped and plastic being pulled apart. “Do you want some?”
Jisung can’t take it anymore; that’s supposed to be him, being offered a snack. He strides inside the classroom and does his best surprised expression when you and Hyunjin turn to face him. Hyunjin’s hand comically hangs in mid-air above the open package.
“Y/N, you’re still here?” he says, ignoring Hyunjin outright. “It’s almost 9:30.”
“Yeah,” you reply. “My mom must be running late. It was the season finale of her show tonight.”
“Do you want a ride?” he asks. He picks up his backpack from the floor and pulls his car keys from the side pocket. “I can drive you home if you like.”
You shake your head. “It’s alright. She’s on her way.”
“If you ever need a ride, I can drive you too,” Hyunjin says.
Jisung toys with his keys to prevent himself from starting a fist fight. He’s ready to retort that he’s had his license longer, and thus is a better driver, but you cut in with a laugh and a wave of your hand, dismissing both of their suggestions.
“That’s nice of you both, but it’s okay. I won’t have to sleep at school tonight.”
Jisung and Hyunjin eye each other. Jisung straightens himself up and puffs up his chest a bit. Hyunjin, however, only raises his eyebrows at Jisung’s strange actions. You don’t notice the one-sided staredown happening and stretch your arm out, cheerfully offering Jisung a Pepero.
He practically snatches one from the package and snaps it in half with his front teeth, looking directly at Hyunjin while saying, “Thanks. I’m glad I gave you this today.”
“Great tradeoff, isn’t it?” you joke. “I get a whole box in exchange for letting you have one. Hyunjin?” You hold out the snack to him.
An awkward silence dawns upon the room, and Jisung nibbles the rest of his biscuit, wishing that he didn’t eat most of it. What other reason can he make up to stay? Hyunjin hesitantly takes another Pepero from the box, and Jisung wonders if he should do the same. He would have to walk up to you, and that would feel weird in the current atmosphere. Your phone chimes, breaking the tension hanging in the air.
“My mom’s here,” you announce. You quickly swing your backpack over your shoulder and gather your textbooks into your arms. “See you tomorrow, guys.”
“I’ll walk you to the parking lot,” Hyunjin says.
Jisung curses to himself for not saying it first as he untangles his fingers from his keyring. “I guess I’ll leave now, too,” he says too loudly and too late.
You’re already out the door with Hyunjin by your side. No last look, no suggestions to wait for him, nothing.
By the time Jisung catches up, you’re hurrying to a parked car, and Hyunjin is shouting, “Good night!” from a distance away. Jisung quietly swears and almost considers acquainting Hyunjin with his fist since there’s hardly anyone in the parking lot. One swift punch to his jaw would leave him with an ugly mark on his otherwise pretty face. He needs a way to get out the unrest he’s feeling, he reasons.
Instead, Jisung gets into his own car and aggressively honks at random cars on his way home. He imagines the steering wheel is Hyunjin’s jaw and that each angry honk he receives is Hyunjin’s screams of pain.
~ ad.gray
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yourlocalauthor · 4 years
What Goes Around Comes Around
Pairing: Topper Thornton x Named Oc
Word count: 2.4k
Warning for the entire series: Mentions of alcohol, le drugs (weed and coke), sex, casual sex/hook ups, sometime ill be having Rafe being a total asshole, slut shaming in the future chapters, and daddy issues, also my spelling mistakes and editing errors.
A/N: So this entire series is basically my entire interpretation of what I’d like to have happen in season 2, so pretty much no canon here just me praying OBX goes in this direction :) 
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Josephine Jackson, was basically the Kook princess. Now she wasn’t like Sarah Cameron who was the princess of all Kooks. Josephine was like Rupunzel hidden away in her house. Her father didn’t want her getting exposed too much to the outside world, he wanted his daughter to stay this perfect little angel. He practically forced into her head to stay pure, because no man wanted a girl who wasn’t pure. He made her remember everyday that she wasn’t going to do much in life besides get married and have kids. ‘Just like your mother.’ He’d say. Of course when she was around ten she became a little more rebellious, Jo and Sarah would go leave the house to tag along with Rafe and some of the neighbor kids. Rafe was never happy about letting the tag along, but Ward knew what was going on with Josephine and her family and while he’d never say anything he pitied her situation, so he’d always force Rafe to let them tag along. Those little moments of freedom were everything to Josephine, and eventually that’s where she met Topper. They became fast friends, she actually became fast friends with everyone. All of them were quickly able to bond over the pressures from all their parents.
But Topper, he was different. They spent their time talking about surfing, which she never learned how to but she saw the people at the beach and thought it’d be fun, parents, life, and whatever else their ten year old minds could think about. Months into their friendship, Topper convinced her to let him teach her. He was so confident in it too, it was adorable. They’d meet up on days when her dad was out of town and her mom was too drunk to notice what was going on. The only person she needed to worry about was her older brother, but he didn’t really care what she did. She was a fast learner, she easily picked up how the other people seemed to glide across the waves. She loved it, it was her little moment of peace from life. Everytime her father was gone, she went out to the water, and practiced everything Topper taught her over and over again until it was perfect. She would never accept anything from herself unless it was absolutely perfect. The summer before middle school, she was able to convince her mom to get her a surfboard for her birthday.
Then middle school came. The older she was getting, the more and more she began to hate her father. Everything he did got on her nerves, driving her insane. She was sick and tired of having to stay inside all day everyday, and only going to school. So it led her to sneaking out a lot especially in seventh and eighth grade. On the last day of seventh grade, Topper asked Jo out… if one considered snapping someone, and telling them they thought they were pretty cute asking out. But it was middle school, it wasn’t like it mattered. Their relationship was the type people thought would last a few weeks, maybe less and by the time the end of the school year rolled around everyone would’ve forgotten about it. The type where rumors filled the school, each one getting worse with the longer they were together. They didn’t care though, and if they did no one knew. And then the last day of eighth grade came and they had lasted a year, they managed to survive the rumors, overprotective fathers, and whatever a couple of fourteen year olds had getting in the way of their relationship.
And then the summer before freshman year, one of Jo’s most memorable summers. The summer her father got arrested, the summer she and Topper broke up, basically the summer her whole world was changed. It started off just like every summer before, her birthday on the last day of school, her doing everything in her power to piss off her father, her mom being very drunk most of the time. For the first month she spent most of her time with Topper, her father was on business trips all the time now, and it was easy for her to sneak off especially with her mom. Jo didn’t blame her mom for anything, she knew how hard her father was on her mom. Those late night fights weren't as quiet as her parents thought they were. Jo sympathized for her mom, she knew she was better than drowning herself in a bottle of wine, and while she wanted her to stop, she could understand why. Besides it was easy to sneak out during the day or at night. She spent a lot of time at Sarah’s too, it was easier to leave her house at night, plus it was nice to not be alone.
During the summer, Topper and Jo got closer than before if possible. And while Jo didn’t exactly know what a loving relationship was, or looked like she thought she loved Topper. She didn’t say it though, and she wasn’t sure why. A part of her thought that maybe he actually didn’t like spending time with her, he just felt bad for her and couldn’t find a way to leave. She’d express her concerns to Sarah, who told her she was being dramatic, and how there wasn’t a single girl on the island that Topper looked at like he looked at Jo. Slowly she began to believe it, becoming more confident in their relationship, after all one year was sort of a big deal. It hadn’t exactly registered with her that one year was huge. This entire time it just felt like she was with her best friend, it was like almost nothing was different in their relationship from before, except the hand holding, the pet names, and the one time they kissed on her birthday. But excluding all those factors everything was the exact same since they were kids.
And then the Fourth of July rolled around. The fourth was a huge deal in the OBX, at least for the Kooks. Tons of people came from the mainland, and the figure eight had this huge party at the country club. Typically her dad was in town for the fourth, but conveniently he had another ‘trip’. Jo had begun getting suspicious of her father, but she was also relieved everytime he was gone it was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. So Jo went to the club with her mom, who had been sober for a couple days by now. She planned on meeting Topper there, he mentioned something earlier that day about sneaking out of the party and she was very excited. The thrill of sneaking out of places, just gave her this rush of adrenaline she craved. So when they left, the two teens made the walk home to Jo’s house laughing at whatever stupid thing was coming out of the others mouth. Once inside the house, they quickly made it up to her room and two hours in, they kissed. It was a sweet, nervous filled kiss, the two of them barely knowing what they were doing. And then things got a little heated… as heated as it could get for a pair of fourteen year olds. The next thing Jo knew Topper was hovering over her, and from her lips fell a simple please.
After that everything went downhill. Not even a couple weeks later after Jo had been having basically the time of her life, her and Topper were practically connected at the hip, hardly ever being seen without each other and then August 18th rolled around. Her father had come back from one of his many sudden business trips, and even being home for a full day he had already wreaked havoc. Her mom and him got into it last night, and it wasn’t just any old fight. It was the kind where glasses were broken, plates thrown, and the earth shattering noise of skin hitting skin. Jo’s father didn’t hit her mother often, but he did. And everytime she did she had to fight the urge to stop him, she remembered the time when her older brother tried stopping him, it didn’t end well at all, it was actually what prompted him to leave a couple days after to live with their uncle. The next day she remembered the bruises on her mom, she remembered the exact moment the cops pulled up when she was helping with covering them up. The loud banging, her father rushing down the stairs, him yelling for her mother, and the sight of him being hauled away in cuffs, the neighbors all watching was forever ingrained in her mind.
Jo’s father was arrested for money laundering ten years, with a plea deal. There was a good chance he could leave in five on good behavior, but Jo didn’t care, the damage was done. The state took everything including their house as evidence. The only money they had was some left over money from Jo’s grandpa on her moms side. It was only enough to get a small house on the cut, she of course had to drop out from Kildare Academy there was just not enough in the budget. Jo thought that after that everything would be over, but then her friends had slowly stopped talking to her. Sarah wasn’t texting her as often, and they didn’t invite her to hang out. The only person who kept talking to her was Topper, until two weeks after they bought the house, one day before school started. He called her up, told her to meet her at the beach, and then he broke up with her. At first Jo thought it was a joke, because surely a year together and losing their virginities together meant more to a person then someone's wealth. But apparently to Topper, it didn’t. And when she realized it wasn’t a joke, she left never wanting to see him ever again. She spent the rest of the night crying with her mom, and then later on FaceTime with her brother and cousin. Then the next day Jo had to show up, like a complete fish out of water.
Jo’s relationship with the Pogues was complicated. In reality she didn’t care about how much money someone had, especially now but she was guilty of bullying them especially in middle school. Everyone else around her did it, her boyfriend, her friends excluding Sarah, and her father. She tried her best to not participate in the harassment, but there were times she did and there was no excuse for it. She knew what she was doing was horrible and cruel, and yet she thought it didn’t matter, it wasn’t like she’d ever be in a situation with them and that’s what made her rest easy about it. But now it had come to bite her in the ass, absolutely no one talked to her on the first day, except this one girl in her art class seated next to Jo named Elle. It was also her first day, and they were both able to make small talk over their dislike for art. Jo later found out that they also had English, and Gym together. A few days later they exchanged numbers, and their social medias. But she was the only one willing to talk to her, but Jo tried not to blame the others. She recognized the kids Topper loved to torment, John B, JJ, and Pope. It was extremely awkward when she was placed on the first day next to JJ in math, but she learned to make due with it. She knew how much pressure was on her mom, and she couldn’t bother her with stupid drama, so she was fine with her one friend and was willing to make due with the situation.
By the time her first year anniversary of living on the cut, things were very different from when she first moved in. Now she could confidently say she was friends with the Pogues, she had finally been able to redeem herself and now they joked about her past. She loved her friends, JJ being her best friend besides Elle. He was her stoner buddy, her surf buddy, her meeting each other in the hotel after hooking up with a random touron buddy, they practically had so much in common that they decided it was best to just do them together. She hung out with them time to time, when she wasn’t out surfing, or spending time with Elle. It was easy for all of them to hang out, John B’s house literally being next door to Jo’s. Her mom had gotten adjusted too. She went to AA meetings, worked as a receptionist at the hotel, and even found a boyfriend. Justin was okay, he made her mom happy and that’s all Jo cared about, as long as he didn’t parent her, she liked him. Time kept passing, putting more distance between Jo and her past life and eventually she just stopped thinking about it. Whenever she saw Topper, she ignored him, unless him and his friends would try to start something, then she’d start yelling at him. Her friends knew somewhat of what happened to an extent, but she never really wanted them to know the full story.        
When Sarah and John B went down, everything changed. For a while everyone moped around, and everytime they hung out it was silent, and then Pope stopped showing up, then Kiara, and then it was just Jo and JJ. Then JJ stopped showing, and it was just Jo. She had Elle, and her cousin but it just wasn’t the same. Elle wasn’t one for surfing, and neither was her cousin. But they were fun to go to parties with, and Jessie could easily get into any party on the figure eight, which was pretty much where all the parties were. No one on the cut felt like partying anymore, Jo didn’t either but it was an easy distraction. Besides, two months of summer didn’t deserve to go to waste, if anything John B and Sarah dying just proved to live life to the fullest. So that’s where it started, a kook party with the scent of booze, weed, and sweat in the air, and one certain blonde kook.                    
@sortagaysortahigh @letsgofullkook @spilledtee @jj-iz-bae​ @sguymon21 @obbx-tings @ampanonyg @delightfullynlove
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princessjungeun · 4 years
It’s Normal: Chaeryeong x Reader
Request: hi love, i was going to request a scenario where itzy are your best friends and they comfort you when your parents don't show up to your graduation but i wasn't sure if this topic is triggering or not and i was wondering if it fits your rules?
‼️CW: Family Issues ‼️
So the way I wrote this, I read the ask wrong cuz once again. Your favorite Admin can’t read. So the reader is Chaeryeong’s girlfriend and the rest of the girls are the best friends. As always, I’ll redo it if you don’t like it 🥺
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High school was an incredible four years, especially for you. You came to Korea the summer before high school. Thankfully you were hip to kpop and k dramas so you had a basic knowledge of the Korean language. That and the Duolingo owl that popped in your emails every day you missed a 10 minute Korea. lesson.
On the first day you met Lia, a fellow freshman. She was perhaps the nicest and smartest person you ever met in your life. She also spoke English fluently so you could easily communicate with her. In addition to her, you also met her friends Yeji, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, and Yuna. Although Yuna was two years younger than you all, she was very smart and skipped 3rd and 5th year in elementary school. Hence why she’s graduating with you all. The six of you took on high school together, not letting anything get in your way...kind of.
Sophomore year you realized rather quickly that you had a gigantic crush on one of your best friends, Chaeryeong. Lia and Ryujin told you that Chaeryeong liked you too but you never believed them. In addition to this, Chaeryeong was still quite shy when it came to talking about her love life. As much as she wanted to confess to you, she was too shy.
Until one day your best friends were fed up with the two of you being such chickens. Ryujin and Yuna devised a plan which Lia and Yeji followed through with. They locked you two in a room and didn’t let you out until you both confessed. You both ended up confessing after almost 12 hours, shortly after you fell asleep on the floor with her in your arms.
That was truly the only bump in the road between you and your friends. But now it was graduation day, the day you six looked forward to since the beginning of high school.
“Baby come on we’re lining up.” You pulled Chaeryeong’s arm and led her to her spot in line before finding your spot. The music played and you all walked to your seats. Thankfully the way the students were arranged was by homeroom, so you got to sit right in between Yeji and Yuna. Whereas Ryujin and Chaeryeong were the opposite side from you. Lia on the other hand was Valedictorian so she was in her own section in the front.
You saw Yuna out of the corner of your eyes, she was scanning the crowd for her parents. When she found them she smiled widely then pointed them out to you. Yeji did the same thing but slightly more descreet.
Yuna asked you “where’s your family?” You kept you eyes ahead and answered “don’t know. Definitely not coming though.”
The girls knew you had a rocky relationship with your family. It was best described as disfunctional and chaotic. When you were younger, things were better but as you got older that wasn’t the case. Especially as you started nearing the end of high school.
It was now to a point where you loved your parents, but you did not like them. They didn’t seem to really care anymore about anything you did. The support they once showed disappeared. In place of it was harsh criticism and unkind words that were forever engraved in your mind.
However the only one who knew very well about your current situation (besides Chaeryeong of course) was Yuna. You spent much of your time in her house. So much so you called her mother and father “mom and dad” than your own parents.
It broke Chaeryeong and Yuna’s hearts that there was nothing they could do to fix it. Chaeryeong especially. She constantly voiced that she wanted to help but you always told her not to worry. Always telling her you can’t necessarily fix what’s already been broken, it takes two sides to fix the problem. And one side isn’t even there to think about fixing it.
“And now we will have our Valedictorian speech. Please welcome Jisu Julia “Lia” Choi.” Your principal a moved so Lia was now standing at the podium. She stepped down and pointed at the microphone. “It’s too tall...” Everyone laughed as they moved it for her height. Lia started her speech “Hello everyone-” Yuna shouted to her happily “HI LIA UNNIE!” From that moment forward you and Yeji made sure Yuna stayed quiet.
As they called names for diplomas as well as awards you cheered for your friends. When they called your name, you went up and accepted your several awards. You saw Yuna’s parents smiling proudly at you, waving a taking pictures.
After you all got your diplomas and the ceremony ended you all found your parents. In your case your “parents”. You and Yuna found her mom and dad and greeted them. Her dad and older sister talked to her while her mom spoke to you.
The woman wrapped you in a warm hug “I’m so proud of you sweetheart.” You smiled and said “thank you so much eomma. And thank you for always being here for me...truly it means a lot.” She moved a stand of your hair behind your ear, “of course, and i’m sorry your parents weren’t here...” You responded “it’s normal. I’m just happy you all are here and that’s all that matters.”
You left them so Yuna could have her moments with them, after all they were her family to begin with. Looking around you saw hundreds of other students, your eyes scanning the crowd until you saw Chaeryeong.
Her older sister pointed you out and she immediately ran over, hugging you tightly. You kissed the top of her head and laughed “what’s got you so excited all the sudden?” She interlocked her hand with yours “I just love you that’s all.” She smiled then dragged you over to her family. You knew her family very well, and they adored you at that. However, you always seemed to get just a little nervous around her parents.
“Y/N! Congratulations on your awards, were so proud!” Chaeryeong’s dad congratulated you with a wide smile. You talked to her parents a little bit before meeting back up with your friends. You decided to go home then meet back up with each other in an hour.
You walked into your house, as usual it was pretty quiet. “Hello? Anyone home?” You called out loudly so your parents could hear you. Walking upstairs you saw your dad asleep in his bed, but your mom was awake. “Where were you?” She asked with an attitude. You responded “my high school graduation.” She rolled her eyes and looked back at her phone “so nowhere important”. You sighed, and walked to your room.
You wished you had a better relationship with your parents but you knew it wouldn’t happen. They just didn’t care. They made sure you had the necessary things to live like clothes and a home and access to good healthcare. But supporting you and having an actual relationship with you? That ship sailed at least 5 years ago.
Quickly you yanked off your cap and gown, leaving it in the plastic covering in your closet. You changed into shorts and a cropped t shirt and your favorite sneakers. “Hey I’m going back out.” You poked your head in your mom’s room. She responded blankly “ok tell your eomma and appa I said hi.” You sadly nodded before bolting our the house before tears could leak from your eyes.
Your mom found out long ago that you called Yuna’s parents eomma and appa. It slipped out one day when Yuna’s parents gave you a gift on the last day of your freshman year. Her parents didn’t seem to mind and constantly called you their daughter anyways. When your actual mom found out she didn’t care, as expected. The worst part was she acknowledged the fact that they weren’t your parents but they cared for you like they were. That’s what hurt the most.
When you got to the usual meeting spot for your friend group, a convenience store in between all of your neighborhoods, Chaeryeong was already there. “Jagi?” She hugged you when she saw you looked upset “what’s wrong?” You responded “just family things, the usual.” Quickly you wiped away the few tears that fell before placing a smile on your face.
“Hey love birds.” Ryujin came with Lia on her back, the older girl smiling happily. You all looked around before you saw Yuna sprinting down her street yelling “IS HE STILL THERE?” You all laughed and shook your heads.
The youngest of you all held herself up on a wall as she said “my neighbor’s dog was trying to kill me. Oh my god. Phew.” You asked her “Your neighbor Mrs. Park?” She nodded still trying to catch her breath. You all laughed harder “her dog is a Chihuahua!” Yuna whined “OK BUT HE IS FAST AND VISIOUS.” Yeji finally walked over, already knowing the topic of conversation “oh please Bija is an angel. He loves us.... just not you.” She whined and led you all to your destination, your favorite ice cream place.
As the night started to fall you all sat around a table outside, laughing about memories you made during high school.
“Remember when Lia fell asleep and we drew on her face?” Yuna smiled at the memory of your first sleep over as a 6 friend group.
“And that time Y/N pretended she didn’t speak English so she could get an easy A+ during year 2.” Yeji pointed to you with her spoon.
“Oh! That time Yuna got gum stuck in her hair and had to cut it so Ryujin cut her hair too.” Chaeryeong chimed in.
“When Yeji auditioned for that company to be a trainee because she lost that bet. Then she got in and didn’t tell us until she declined the offer.” You spoke up.
Yeji responded “in my defense I had no interest in being a YG or SM trainee...i’d rather JYP.” You all nodded in agreement.
“Remember when we locked those two in a closet until they confessed. And then they did and are now the power couple of our whole grade?” Lia pointed to you and Chaeryeong.
You looked at your girlfriend, eyes filled of love. Slowly you saw her cheeks heat up, your friends teasing her loudly. She turned her face into your shoulder out of embarrassment. You patted her head and placed a kiss on the top of her head before saying “i love you all so much. Thank you for giving me your friendship.”
All 5 of them looked at each other and shared a collective “awwww” before surrounding you in a group hug. You were always going to be grateful for your best friends and girlfriend. They filled that hole of love that you lacked for so long.
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thesockpuppetmaster · 4 years
The Man As He Loved Me
When I wrote of Gatsby in my published novel, I told no falsehoods, only omitted a few small truths. There were scenes which I felt the world should not be privy to- I say that, and yet here I am, revealing them now. I suppose the time feels right now; time to bare my last kept secrets to the world, so that I may finally be rid of Mr Jay Gatsby.
The first scene actually doesn't concern Gatsby at all; it instead involves one Mr McKee from the party Myrtle held, before I had even met Gatsby. While his wife and the other party goers were busy attending to the blood erupting from Myrtle's nose, he sidled over to me, a look in his eyes that was both familiar and damning. "My wife will stay for another... few hours, I suppose. She doesn't like to leave Myrtle when things like this happen. Would you be so kind as to... accompany me back to my apartment?" He stepped closer, so I could smell the liquor on him, bitter and sharp. His voice was a mere murmur in my ear, "I often find I can't sleep alone." It was rather a shame the elevator boy was with us on our journey down- McKee was too full of whiskey to resist toying playfully with the head of the elevator lever, running his hand down the shaft as though the cold metal beneath his fingers was full of flesh and sensation, and pulsed as his hand caressed it. "Keep your hands off the lever." The boy caught the motion in the corner of his eye, and shut it down. "I beg your pardon, I didn't know I was touching it," he flashed his eyelid at me, so quickly I almost missed it. But I didn't.
As soon as we stepped through the door, he pulled me into a kiss, fixing our lips to eachother, my fingers running through the coarse, black hair at the back of his head, as though I were searching for something golden and tantalising buried within. We undressed eachother, clumsy with drink and blind with lust, fumbling with buttons to remove the clothes that bound our sensuality. I am ashamed to say my underpants got rather lost in the fray, and I have not seen them since. But soon they were no matter, and I felt his skin, sweet and hot to the touch, against my own. I took him then, on top of his wife's choice of cream cotton sheets, causing the silver springs below us to creak luxuriously with each lustful thrust of will.
Afterwards, he showed me photographs he had taken from Long Island, granulated shots of white seabirds and queer looking people strolling through streets, blurred slightly by movement, while some Cole Porter song played on the wireless. "They're lovely." I told him politely. "I could photograph you, if you would want me to. Just as you are, stood there- just over there- by that lamp- the light's much better there..." He got up to gather his camera and, before I could say anything otherwise, had positioned me just where the light caught my naked body best, and, with a sharp click, had forever preserved me for print. "I'll send a copy to you, when I've had one developed." I checked the old clock on the dresser, and, to my surprise, a full hour had passed since my arrival. "Won't your wife be home soon? I ought to be going," I said, beginning to pull on the clothes strewn across the floor in puddles, which I hoped belonged to me. Mr McKee looked up from his camera, startled. "Oh, yes... I suppose you ought to be- here-" He scribbled something on a scrap of paper on the dresser, and handed it to me as I made my way to the door. "Telephone if you ever want your picture taken again, will you?" "Sure," I never did telephone.
I only mentioned in passing where I first really met Gatsby- in the First Division, during the war. At the time, I didn't know he was Gatsby- he introduced himself to me simply as 'Jay', and to him, I was only 'Nick'. There was something of a party held for the men, in the dance hall of a grey, little French village, and that was where we first spoke. "Excuse me, do you have a light?" I turned around at the tap on my shoulder to see him standing before me, holding a cigarette and smiling that same reassuring smile. "Oh, of course- here-" I fumbled in my pocket for a box of matches, and struck one against the side of the box, causing a soft flame to leap into life. "Thanks, old sport." He took a drag. "I'm Jay, by the way," "Nick." He shook my hand firmly. "Have a drink with me, won't you?" "I'd be delighted."
As I have found often happens, it ended up being quite a bit more than just one drink, and much of the night that followed is forever lost to the fogs of inebriated memory that lurk dimly out of sight in the mind, and are never quite close enough to glimpse- mostly the middle section, before we began to sober up a little. Perhaps my knowledge of this is a detriment to my character, but the contents of the war had warped everyone's perception a little, and made a man far more inclined to drink.
We didn't talk about ourselves or our lives; until he asked me if I had a girl back home. "No, no... I was seeing this girl before I left, but I broke it off when I was sent out- I wanted to anyway- all she wanted to talk about was marriage..." He looked at me curiously. "Don't you want to get married, Old Sport?" "Not to her." I replied, and changed the focus of the topic to him, "What about you? Do you have a girl at home?" "I did." Jay's eyes seemed to loose a little light. "What happened?" "It doesn't matter... she married somebody else- look, do you want to get out of here, Old Sport?" His change of subject was obvious, but I let it slide. "And go where?"
As it turned out, 'where' was the wrong question; I should have asked what he wanted to do. But, as I lay beside him, both of us nude from the waist down, I cannot say that I recall being preoccupied with not asking that- I was rather more interested in the lips which touched my body so tenderly, and the hands which explored my skin with such deftness and expertise. Perhaps it was the liquor talking, but I cannot recall ever being so blissfully happy in my intimate encounters than that night. Gatsby showed me parts of my body that I did not know could feel pleasure- but, with fumbling ecstasy, felt more than all of the rest of my body ever had.
When I woke the next morning, my lower half still bared to the cold dawn light, Jay was gone. I wouldn't speak to him again until the party at his house, years later, but I would glimpse him every now and again, as one did in the war. I was so sure I would never see him again, that I didn't really allow myself to think about him. Strange how things really turned out.
At his party, when we met again, I could hardly believe my luck. The only images I could conjure in my mind were of that night, and hearing his voice again brought back memories I wasn't aware I had. We spoke about the party, mostly, and the people there, and every time he laughed, the glistening lights seemed a little more beautiful. Of course, that was before I knew who the party was for.
Gatsby was infatuated with Daisy. We shared only two more intimacies after meeting again, the first on his private beach after the first party I attended. The smell of the brine from the languid waves marinated into his skin with his own, tender scent, and made a heady lovechild that I could only describe as the smell of summer passion. He moved his body more leisurely than before, knowing he was no longer shackled by the confines of military time and duty, but free the share his body as he pleased.
But throughout, I know he can only have been thinking of Daisy, for as much as he loved my body, my passion, and my company, he loved the idea of Daisy more.
The second time was the night of Myrtle's death. He longed for his mind to be taken elsewhere, and I provided my hand to take it, drawing him to feel my wanting for him, pulsing through my skin and milk white bone, and searching for the same in him.
But that night he felt colder than he had before, and in the heat of climax, he cried;
After that I had to bring the affair to a close, knowing he felt married to her.
But I do believe he loved me, at least in his body, for a while. Or perhaps I was just a naive distraction from the tolls his fantasy took on him, waiting conveniently next door, for his next whim to indulge my blind heart.
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canasimagines · 4 years
-Baby Stark- Tony x School Teacher Imagine
Imagine: Being Tony Stark's fiancé and being pregnant while also teaching at the high school in a class that just so happens to hold Peter Parker.
"Alright class, by the end of the block you should be done with this assignment and Peter will pick it up for me. As of now though. I need to sit." You huffed out a breath waddling back to your desk. You rubbed your extended stomach which as of late was causing you grief as you sat aching. "Psssst. Miss (L/N). Psssssssssssst-"
"What Peter?" You snapped feeling slightly guilty as he winced.
"Are you okay? Do you need me to call Mr. Stark? Is the baby coming?" Peter whispered leaning across the desk leaning towards your stomach. Ever since he was betrothed God-Brother by Tony he had been at your side during all school hours even going as far as to holding you by the arm when you walk. "Peter. I'm fine. He's just kicking is all and quite a lot." You chuckled waving Peter away. He watched you warily still throughout the whole period until the bell sounded signaling the end of the school day.
Peter walked up to your desk handing you the packs of papers with a sickly sweet smile, "Miss (L/N). Well soon to be Miss Stark?"
"Yes, Mr Parker?" You laughed taking the papers as you stood putting your jacket on.
"I really must express my concern of you working so close to the due date. Additional stress can cause the baby stress and birth defects-"
"Peter, baby, is there any chance my dear Fiancé set you up for this?" You asked patting his cheek as you waddled through the room turning off all the computers.
"No-I mean yes- but also this is genuine concern from my part too. Ever since Mr Stark said that baby is as good as my brother I've just had these nightmares that something bad will happen to it. I'd feel a lot safer if you were at the Hospital Ward at Shield.." Peter whispered the last part as you turned the lights off and locked the door.
"I appreciate your concern, P-Money. But this baby isn't going anywhere and neither am I. I've always been a working woman and baby has to live with it. He's not budging anytime soon and when he does I'll stay my ass at the tower but until then-" you shrug biting into a candy bar you pulled from your bra, "YOLO."
You walked up to your ride as Happy quickly strode over taking your bags and helping you into the black car.
"Do you need a ride?"
Peter grumbled sighing, "No thanks. See you tomorrow."
You laid on the bed glasses clad and grading papers with a towel wrapped around your head and a heating pad on your extended stomach as you preached to Tony who was brushing his teeth.
"Can you believe this? Students not knowing the difference between a preamble and an anecdote. Kill me now please." You sighed marking a failing grade at the top of a paper.
"Not everyone is as smart as me you know." Tony said poking his head from the bathroom grinning.
"Oh hush." You smiled poking your tongue out at him rubbing your stomach, "Maxwell is going to be smart, guarantee it."
"Whose Maxwell?" Tony asked wiping his face as he sat at the end of the bed rubbing your swollen feet gently, "Cause it sure as hell is not the body living inside of you right now. That's a librarian name."
"I was just trying it out." You grumbles into the stack of papers.
"How about Noah?" Tony asked. "Too white." You murmured groaning loudly, "This is harder than I thought."
"You know what would make this easier?" Tony asked with a small smile.
"Don't say Not Working because it ain't gonna happen. I love my job I love my students and I love this baby. Everything is under control, Mr." You smile sitting up as best you could to reach his lips which he raised a brow at smiling and met you in the middle kissing you gently and holding a hand over your stomach.
"I really wish you weren't so stubborn." He mumbled against your lips as he moved up the bed.
"You love it about me though." You smirked proudly.
He glared playfully and pulled your tight fitting shirt up and tapped your stomach gently, "Alright baby. Let's get one thing straight. If you come out as stubborn as your mama I may have to stuff you back in as soon as you come out."
You rolled your eyes laughing at that, "Oh hush."
You went into a fit of giggles as he attacked your stomach with kisses. He finally moved to his side of the bed to turn off the lamp before curling against you holding your waist with one hand and the bump with the other. You were content.
"And so, class. As you can see the differences between the puritans and the rationalists were uncanny and a great-" you dropped your expo marker rolling your eyes at yourself and leaned to pick it over.
"NO MISS (L/N)!" the class screeched.
But it was too late.
*Splash* Your water broke and you were left in a squatting position with an expression like a deer in headlights as Peter rushed to your side along with a few others.
"Taylor! Go get the nurse! Marcus, go to her phone and dial Mr Starks number and tell him whats happening!" Peter demanded.
"Oh you were prepare-AHHHH" you screamed gripping Peters hand as he helped lift you up along with some football players and take you down the hall.
"You're okay Miss (L/N) Mr. Stark is on his way." Peter said in a calming voice holding your hand tightly in his own. No more than ten minutes later you lay on a bed in the nurses office groaning and screeching when Tony and Bruce rushed in looking around for you.
"What the hell happened?" Tony asked running to you and shoving some students away to get to your other hand.
"I dropped a marker and went to get it and my whole class watched water flow from my vagina." You seethed breathing deeply.
A few students giggled, "Alright that's it. Everyone out. Back to class. Shew shew. A sub will be there shortly." Bruce said waving his arms for them to leave you.
"Peter you stay." You said taking his sleeve before he could leave, "You get to watch your baby God Brother get born if you want."
"Oh sweet!" He did a dance causing Tony to roll his eyes.
"Well no child of mine is going to be born in a high school so let's get this show on the road." Tony lifted you easily as Bruce followed running and checking your vitals. Peter followed quickly carrying his bags along with your purse and such.
"Tony, she's dilating already we don't have much time left before we at least see top of the head." Bruce called to the front as Tony sped through the streets making many illegal turns to get back to SHIELD.
"Well just hold it in or something!" Tony yelled back as stressed as her and laying on the horn as Peter sat holding his knees in the passenger seat the environment filling him with anxiety. That and the fact there was a woman's coochie stretching just behind him in the backseat.
Tony gulped paling from the front seat as he pulled into SHIELD and a whole paramedic team greeted the car with the best surgeons and Gynecologists they could find.
"Mr Stark. She's scary." Peter said running after him as they wheeled her away to get the baby out.
"I know. It's so hot." He breathed running past a vending machine and doing a double take before deciding this was WAY more important.
Peter blushed and as soon as they stepped into the room you were spread eagled and nurses were wrist deep in to get this baby out.
The team and you all looked over to find an unconscious Peter Parker laying on the ground.
Tony rolled his eyes but called for more doctors to get another gurney and wheel him next to you pulling the curtain.
Hours and hours later Peter woke up to silence.
He stood slowly from his spot on the gurney and pushed the curtain aside to see you laying on your bed. Tony laying beside you and a bundle in both your arms.
"Petey. You're up." You smiled happily.
"Pete, first name that pops in your head. Go." Tony demanded.
"Benji." He answered quickly. There was a movie named Benji about a small dog which aunt May and him would watch together.
"Benjamin Anthony Stark." You smiled softly down at the bundle.
"Little Benji Stark." Tony cooed tearing up, "Aweeee I'm a daddy."
You smiled tearfully as you beckoned Peter over with the nod of your head. It was then he got a good look at his "brother". His brown tufts of hair peeked from the blue cap on his head and his tiny hand gripped Tony's finger in a death-like vice. His big blue eyes gazed up at Peter in wonder and he held a hand out for his finger as well.
"Awe hello Benji...." Peter cooed laying on the other side of you as you made room. He took the baby's hand as you passed him over to him.
"Oh I'm going to teach you so much. You'll learn baseball, and bicycling, and bioengineering. All that easy stuff." He cooed as you snuggled into Tony's chest and he held you tightly grinning proud. "Our boys."
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