canasimagines · 4 years
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canasimagines · 4 years
Popular (Bruce Banner imagine)
Summary: Reader was the most popular girl at her high school. Cheer captain, kind hearted and spirited, prom queen, top of her class right under the not as well known Bruce Banner. A decade later their paths cross again. Loosely based off 17 from The Heathers Musical. Once seeing her again without a ponytail and large bow and uniform Bruce almost couldn't recognize her. Her eyes were still kind towards him and not because his popularity, or lack there of, but for the beast within him now. Either way he didn't care.   You looked as beautiful as ever to him. He recognized you on spot as Nick introduced you to the team to work with them on their next mission.   "Um do you two know each other?" Natasha asked Bruce quietly as the two still watched each other shyly.  "She's (F/N) (L/N)..Head cheerleader. Prom Queen. Hottest girl at school." Bruce described monotonously still watching as you sat at the table listening to the mission.   "You're not in high school anymore, big boy." Nat smirked patting his shoulder, "But she's still pretty, I'll give her that."  "No offense, Director. But what does she have to put on the table for us in this mission." Tony asked winking at the girl across from him at the table.   Before Bruce could open his mouth to defend her honor she shrugged her jacket off and stood beside the table, "Well come at me then, Mr Cocky Stark. See for yourself."  Tony rolled his eyes with a smirk, "Are you sure about this, babe?" Her nostrils flared as she heard the words 'babe' so she just hid it by a nod as Tony lunged at her.  She jumped high above his head and flipped across the room with deer like agility and silence. Bruce smirked proudly. She still had it.   "Wow, how?" Tony asked incredulously as he sat back down.  "I was a flyer for Westerburg. Not to mention Texas Cowgirls, also not to mention trained 10 years in agility and gymnastics training. Not to toot my own horn buuuut," she made a tooting motion as the team joined her in chanting 'tooot'.   Nick rolled his eyes, well eye, and left the team to get to know their new recruit.  "Welcome to the team." Cap smiled shaking her hand. "Thank you captain, it's an honor, really. I think my grandma had a poster of you in her room literally her whole life." You laughed at him as he blushed, "I'm (F/N)."   "Hi (F/N), I'm Clint." Hawkeye shook your hand with a grin, "So have you been given a name yet? Like ya know, Hawkeye or Black Widow? Something bad ass and cool??"  "Not that I'm aware of." You chuckled with a shrug, "I don't want it to be cliche. Maybe by my second mission I can have my crap together."  "Well you may not know what your name should be but how about 'mine'." Tony asked with a smirk kissing your knuckles.   "I was thinking more something along the lines of Not A Chance." At that the team laughed as you grinned thumping his head.  "I do not think that would be a Clever name but I suppose neither is Man of Iron so I'm not one to judge. I am Thor. God of -" "Thunder, yeah I read about you in college. I did a PowerPoint about your life for my Mythology class." You chuckled shaking his large hand in your small one.  "Ooh did you discuss how devilishly handsome I am?" He asked flexing making you laugh, "Actually I still have the PowerPoint on a flash drive somewhere you can judge it for yourself." Natasha met you with crossed arms and a raised brow, "You were the kind of person I would've hated in high school. You know that?"  You chuckled tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, "What kind of person exactly, am I?"  "Popular, stuck up, thinks the world revolves around you? Ring a bell?" Nat asked. "First of all, popularity means nothing. Captain here is popular but still saved a whole freaking army. Second off, I came from a modest middle class family that consisted of just my mom and I and a cat. Third, I knew the world didn't revolve around me so I gave back to it as much as I could. Here is my card for my PETA membership volunteer card along with my certified Red Cross member and Military Nurse sheet. Anymore questions on my character?" You asked pulling out your papers and crossing your arms back at her. Her bitch face slowly slid into a smirk as she looked back to Bruce.   "I like her." "Whoa. If she passed the Natasha test she must be pretty good." Tony said amazed. You tugged your papers back in your bag walking towards Bruce with a grin, "Well? No hug, Brainy Banner?" Bruce rolled his eyes at the nickname the jocks would throw at him as he stood up and hugged the girl in front of him. He gasped as the flashbacks came back.   ((flashback~))
 Bruce gasped at being thrown down his books around him scattered across the hall.  "Ha haaaaa, Brainy Banner, have our science project done yet?" Jett asked leaning down to him plucking his glasses off his face.  "Jett stop, it's done and you'll see it in Mr Woodard's class." Bruce pleaded standing up again reaching for his glasses which caused Jett to shove him against the locker.   "Jett Rachel Thomas!" Jett groaned as a young (Y/N) in her uniform came stomping towards him. The hall went quiet besides a few giggles, "Um..." Bruce began, "you're middle name is Rachel?"   "You little-" he drew his arm back to punch Bruce but was stopped by you wrapping your arms around his. "Jett. Punch him and your ass is not starting next week and I'll make it my personal job to see to it. Pick on someone your own damn size." You glared darkly. Jett just rolled his eyes dropping the glasses with a 'whatever' as he walked away. "You really didn't have to do that, (F/N)..." Bruce said quietly shoving his books in his bag as you helped. You tugged his glasses back on his face with a cute grin.  "I know but how else will I make people think I'm a good person." You said sarcastically making him chuckle and blush, "Tell me if he messes with you again. Or anyone for that matter. The football coach and the cheer coach are married so we have connections to make sure the goons don't play a game."  "Thanks (F/N)." "No problem, Bruce." ((End of Flashback))
"Do you two know each other?" Steve asked as Bruce still ogled at you.  "We went to high school together actually. It was great. He played a mean trumpet in the marching band." You teased ruffling his curls. He groaned knowing Tony would use it against him later.   "She stopped many-a-football players from breaking my glasses." He blushed. "And he stopped many-a-preps from grabbing my ass." You smiled blushing along with him.  "It was no way to treat a lady." He said shaking his head remembering.
--Later that night-- "Oh they're in love. This was a match made in heaven. I mean think about it, the marching geek, the prom queen. It's straight out of a Cult Classic." Clint gushed to Natasha who sat on her bed unamused.   "And how do we get them to figure that out. You know how he feels about himself now." Nat said irritated. "Yeah well by the sounds of it she's always been able to protect him from others, maybe she can protect him from himself. God that sounded cheesy." He groaned rubbing his face.   "Very Cheddar. Maybe a bit of Swiss. Okay here's the plan, get them in a room together, lock the door, see what happens?"
"How come no one else is here at this emergency meeting?" Bruce asked yawning "They're coming, you're just the first one I woke." Natasha said sitting with him at the Conference table. "Oh look here they come." Clint shoved your half awake form in the room before grabbing Nat and running having Jarvis lock the doors. "Hey! What the hell is this about?" Bruce yelled banging on the door. Their voices came over the intercom briefly, "Okay so we ship you guys and have a theory so we're testing it. Just act natural. Be you. And Action." Clint smirked eating the popcorn as the duo watched from another room. You crossed your arms over your robe self consciously, "Are they always like this?"  "Unfortunately." Bruce sighed sitting down shrugging, "Might as well make yourself at home." You shrugged sitting across from him. There were minutes of comfortable silence before Bruce smiled speaking up, "You know what this reminds me of?" "What?" You asked smiling back at him. "Senior year. Yearbook Committee." He smirked leaning against his palm, "That was the only class you would actually wear your much needed glasses in. They were cute but-" "I didn't think so." You chimed in smiling with him, "So one day after a comment someone made I broke them in there and threw them away." "And the next day?" He asked with a knowing smirk. "They were back on my desk good as new with a note from anonym-Bruce!" You finally pieced it with a gasp.  "I loved those things on you and they didn't look cheap." Bruce said picking at the table, "I had a huge crush on you back then too so that didn't help."  "You had a crush on me?" You asked holding a hand on your heart. "Yeah me and every other guy in school. You were just so likable. Lovable even that I thought it was just a natural feeling. I thought they went away from my head when the other guy moved in but seeing you again proved me wrong." Bruce chuckled without humor  "I thought I was stupid compared to you. I thought you felt the same but to be honest when the squad would go get snacks during halftime....you were the reason I stayed to watch the halftime show.." You smiled shyly looking at your lap.  "Really?" He asked shocked, "It's a god awful shame. We would've been amazing together. If the stupid social classes hadn't been so strict back then."  "It's horrible. That the guy I loved and who loved me back, we didn't have the guts to admit it until more than a decade later." You said laughing dryly before looking up, "That doesn't mean we still can't be amazing together."  Bruce stood walking towards you but sighed walking back to the window, "We can't (F/N). Not anymore. I can't risk it now that I have someone else in me. Someone with so much rage. I can't risk hurting the one person who fought to keep me safe."   "You can't stop something that's meant to happen from happening though either. Not even the big guy can do that." You said walking behind him wrapping your arms around his waist. He held your arms in his sighing with his head down. "I refuse to hurt you." "Then don't." "It's not that simple." "We can make it simple." You said tugging his arms around so he faced you, "We take it back. All the way back. Back to seventeen. Let's be seventeen again, Bruce."   He smiled softly down at you. That wouldn't have made sense to anyone else but Bruce knew. He knew not to question you and to just live in the moment like he wish he had the balls to at seventeen. He gathered you into his arms. "Let's just be normal and seventeen. Watch Pretty in Pink, drink beer, take off our clothes, dance and shit. Hell I don't know. Don't you want a life with me-" he cut off your rambling with his lips as he spun you around gently like he wished he would have at Prom that one night years ago. For a second.  A split second. He opened his eyes and you were back in the uniform and he was back in his marching outfit. The both of you, young, reckless, and pimply. And not caring.   And so it stayed that way.
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canasimagines · 4 years
-Baby Stark- Tony x School Teacher Imagine
Imagine: Being Tony Stark's fiancé and being pregnant while also teaching at the high school in a class that just so happens to hold Peter Parker.
"Alright class, by the end of the block you should be done with this assignment and Peter will pick it up for me. As of now though. I need to sit." You huffed out a breath waddling back to your desk. You rubbed your extended stomach which as of late was causing you grief as you sat aching. "Psssst. Miss (L/N). Psssssssssssst-"
"What Peter?" You snapped feeling slightly guilty as he winced.
"Are you okay? Do you need me to call Mr. Stark? Is the baby coming?" Peter whispered leaning across the desk leaning towards your stomach. Ever since he was betrothed God-Brother by Tony he had been at your side during all school hours even going as far as to holding you by the arm when you walk. "Peter. I'm fine. He's just kicking is all and quite a lot." You chuckled waving Peter away. He watched you warily still throughout the whole period until the bell sounded signaling the end of the school day.
Peter walked up to your desk handing you the packs of papers with a sickly sweet smile, "Miss (L/N). Well soon to be Miss Stark?"
"Yes, Mr Parker?" You laughed taking the papers as you stood putting your jacket on.
"I really must express my concern of you working so close to the due date. Additional stress can cause the baby stress and birth defects-"
"Peter, baby, is there any chance my dear Fiancé set you up for this?" You asked patting his cheek as you waddled through the room turning off all the computers.
"No-I mean yes- but also this is genuine concern from my part too. Ever since Mr Stark said that baby is as good as my brother I've just had these nightmares that something bad will happen to it. I'd feel a lot safer if you were at the Hospital Ward at Shield.." Peter whispered the last part as you turned the lights off and locked the door.
"I appreciate your concern, P-Money. But this baby isn't going anywhere and neither am I. I've always been a working woman and baby has to live with it. He's not budging anytime soon and when he does I'll stay my ass at the tower but until then-" you shrug biting into a candy bar you pulled from your bra, "YOLO."
You walked up to your ride as Happy quickly strode over taking your bags and helping you into the black car.
"Do you need a ride?"
Peter grumbled sighing, "No thanks. See you tomorrow."
You laid on the bed glasses clad and grading papers with a towel wrapped around your head and a heating pad on your extended stomach as you preached to Tony who was brushing his teeth.
"Can you believe this? Students not knowing the difference between a preamble and an anecdote. Kill me now please." You sighed marking a failing grade at the top of a paper.
"Not everyone is as smart as me you know." Tony said poking his head from the bathroom grinning.
"Oh hush." You smiled poking your tongue out at him rubbing your stomach, "Maxwell is going to be smart, guarantee it."
"Whose Maxwell?" Tony asked wiping his face as he sat at the end of the bed rubbing your swollen feet gently, "Cause it sure as hell is not the body living inside of you right now. That's a librarian name."
"I was just trying it out." You grumbles into the stack of papers.
"How about Noah?" Tony asked. "Too white." You murmured groaning loudly, "This is harder than I thought."
"You know what would make this easier?" Tony asked with a small smile.
"Don't say Not Working because it ain't gonna happen. I love my job I love my students and I love this baby. Everything is under control, Mr." You smile sitting up as best you could to reach his lips which he raised a brow at smiling and met you in the middle kissing you gently and holding a hand over your stomach.
"I really wish you weren't so stubborn." He mumbled against your lips as he moved up the bed.
"You love it about me though." You smirked proudly.
He glared playfully and pulled your tight fitting shirt up and tapped your stomach gently, "Alright baby. Let's get one thing straight. If you come out as stubborn as your mama I may have to stuff you back in as soon as you come out."
You rolled your eyes laughing at that, "Oh hush."
You went into a fit of giggles as he attacked your stomach with kisses. He finally moved to his side of the bed to turn off the lamp before curling against you holding your waist with one hand and the bump with the other. You were content.
"And so, class. As you can see the differences between the puritans and the rationalists were uncanny and a great-" you dropped your expo marker rolling your eyes at yourself and leaned to pick it over.
"NO MISS (L/N)!" the class screeched.
But it was too late.
*Splash* Your water broke and you were left in a squatting position with an expression like a deer in headlights as Peter rushed to your side along with a few others.
"Taylor! Go get the nurse! Marcus, go to her phone and dial Mr Starks number and tell him whats happening!" Peter demanded.
"Oh you were prepare-AHHHH" you screamed gripping Peters hand as he helped lift you up along with some football players and take you down the hall.
"You're okay Miss (L/N) Mr. Stark is on his way." Peter said in a calming voice holding your hand tightly in his own. No more than ten minutes later you lay on a bed in the nurses office groaning and screeching when Tony and Bruce rushed in looking around for you.
"What the hell happened?" Tony asked running to you and shoving some students away to get to your other hand.
"I dropped a marker and went to get it and my whole class watched water flow from my vagina." You seethed breathing deeply.
A few students giggled, "Alright that's it. Everyone out. Back to class. Shew shew. A sub will be there shortly." Bruce said waving his arms for them to leave you.
"Peter you stay." You said taking his sleeve before he could leave, "You get to watch your baby God Brother get born if you want."
"Oh sweet!" He did a dance causing Tony to roll his eyes.
"Well no child of mine is going to be born in a high school so let's get this show on the road." Tony lifted you easily as Bruce followed running and checking your vitals. Peter followed quickly carrying his bags along with your purse and such.
"Tony, she's dilating already we don't have much time left before we at least see top of the head." Bruce called to the front as Tony sped through the streets making many illegal turns to get back to SHIELD.
"Well just hold it in or something!" Tony yelled back as stressed as her and laying on the horn as Peter sat holding his knees in the passenger seat the environment filling him with anxiety. That and the fact there was a woman's coochie stretching just behind him in the backseat.
Tony gulped paling from the front seat as he pulled into SHIELD and a whole paramedic team greeted the car with the best surgeons and Gynecologists they could find.
"Mr Stark. She's scary." Peter said running after him as they wheeled her away to get the baby out.
"I know. It's so hot." He breathed running past a vending machine and doing a double take before deciding this was WAY more important.
Peter blushed and as soon as they stepped into the room you were spread eagled and nurses were wrist deep in to get this baby out.
The team and you all looked over to find an unconscious Peter Parker laying on the ground.
Tony rolled his eyes but called for more doctors to get another gurney and wheel him next to you pulling the curtain.
Hours and hours later Peter woke up to silence.
He stood slowly from his spot on the gurney and pushed the curtain aside to see you laying on your bed. Tony laying beside you and a bundle in both your arms.
"Petey. You're up." You smiled happily.
"Pete, first name that pops in your head. Go." Tony demanded.
"Benji." He answered quickly. There was a movie named Benji about a small dog which aunt May and him would watch together.
"Benjamin Anthony Stark." You smiled softly down at the bundle.
"Little Benji Stark." Tony cooed tearing up, "Aweeee I'm a daddy."
You smiled tearfully as you beckoned Peter over with the nod of your head. It was then he got a good look at his "brother". His brown tufts of hair peeked from the blue cap on his head and his tiny hand gripped Tony's finger in a death-like vice. His big blue eyes gazed up at Peter in wonder and he held a hand out for his finger as well.
"Awe hello Benji...." Peter cooed laying on the other side of you as you made room. He took the baby's hand as you passed him over to him.
"Oh I'm going to teach you so much. You'll learn baseball, and bicycling, and bioengineering. All that easy stuff." He cooed as you snuggled into Tony's chest and he held you tightly grinning proud. "Our boys."
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