#which are also incredibl
variousqueerthings · 1 year
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imviotrash · 5 months
🗡️Edward Midford and Autism coding 🗡️
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During my Hiatus from the Kuroshitsuji fandom, I got diagnosed with autism. It took me some time to come to terms with that and to figure myself out.
I returned to the Kuro fandom last summer, due to (what I now come to recognize as) my longtime special Interest finally getting an anime adaptation and upon rereading some of my favourite arcs, I came to the realisation that I see a lot of my (and my peers) autistic traits in Edward. What's interesting about this character is that he has a lot of autistic traits, that are not really touched upon in media. So lets get into it!
The gentleman extreme (and how everything is taken a bit too literal/seriously):
In his introduction in chapter 52 he is shown to uphold the same beliefs as his mother, scolding his sister for behaving in an unbecoming manner. He's shown to be very close to his family and strictly upholds their values of protection. At first one may assume he is just like his mother, but it is quickly revealed that he is far more ridiculous. His upholding of his gentleman status is often paired with anger, such as in chapter 58, where he scolds other men for not letting women and children go on the lifeboats first (king behaviour) and also being the one to later recommend to look for more survivors. He has a strong code of ethics and upholds it, even if it is seen as ridiculous or even dangerous.
When it comes to clothing, he also upholds strict values and instantly gets flustered and afraid when that standard is not upheld, to the point where he needs physical distance and shields his eyes.
From these tidbits already we can observe that he is ridiculously formal, upholding the social decorum to the very extreme. While autistic individuals are known for their non-conformity, they are also known to accidentally not conform by confirming too much and following instructions to every detail. I fall into both extremes, but I definitely stick to the latter when it comes to social interactions.
I think Edward definitely falls into that category, because he represents how ridiculous the Victorian code of ethics and etiquette can be if upheld at all times. I may dabble into headcannon territory again, but I strongly believe that knighthood and the chivalry connected to it is something like a special interest for him, which contributes to the way he acts.
Aggression and volume:
In his introduction he yells at his future brother in law. A complete overreaction and incredibly ironic considering his previous scolding regarding etiquette. This happens multiple times, especially when confronted with Ciel his gentlemanly behaviour suddenly turns into childish banter. He is usually soft spoken but can be louder if he is simply commanded to do so.
Volume control is something a lot of autistic people struggle with. For me it's especially when talking about special interests or talking to a person who interrupts me A LOT. I am quiet and do not speak often, so when I do I must make the most of it.
Based on cannon evidence, I believe that Edward may struggle with this too. He's loud to get his point across, because he believes that loudness will make others listen to him.
Spiky hair, in this economy?
So we all know Frances and her strict rules regarding men's hair, right? Everything has to be slicked back and she thinks Sebastians hair is atrocious (so do I). So why is it that her son is the only one allowed to run around with this type of hairstyle? Alexis has very nicely brushed back hair, Elizabeths is also nicely done. Isn't it strange that she makes an exception for ONE family member?
So here is where I dabble into headcannons, because I think the exception was made because he has sensory issues regarding his hair. He doesn't like it slicked back in any way and feels uncomfortable with any product in his hair.
Once again, heavily falling into headcannons, so take this one with a grain of salt.
Elizabeth and her influence:
Edward is incredibly attached to his sister. Mainly being protective of her and not trusting other men (especially his brother in law) to treat her with the respect she deserves. He knows and appreciates her skill and knows she's incredibly capable. So...why is he so attached?
Elizabeth is an important catalyst for his behaviour, because it shows the extremes of his gentleman code. His good manners instantly turn into ridiculous aggression as soon as he sees something that he views as a threat to her. Despite his behaviour towards Ciel, he does care about him, because he realises how important he is to his sister. Elizabeth is a person of comfort for Edward. He admires her talent and sees her as a valuable family member who has been through a lot of hurt.
Autistic individuals often have trouble with boundaries and attach themselves onto others quickly, which leads to them unintentionally treating them incorrectly. This is definitely the case here, since he gives little (social) agency to Elizabeth for the sake of her protection. He genuinely cares about her but is unable to set healthy boundaries, because his way of emphaphy differs from the social norm.
Masking and copying behaviour:
What is interesting about Edward is how he copies the behaviour of others. He has a role model and copies their behaviour because he desires to master it. So why does he do that?
My answer is masking. Edward genuinely admires these people, but is unsure of how to adapt their skills in his own way, so he copies them. This is something we can often see in masking. Behaviour that is seen as acceptable by society is often copied by autistic individuals to blend into society. I think for Edward it's a combination of masking and admiration. His strong upholding of the Gentleman code also fits well into this category.
Beyond that, the Blue cult arc also proves that he able to severely alter the way he behaves, if needed. Does he feel comfortable with that? Absolutely not. But he does have the great ability to do so if instructed, which proves to yet be another factor for him masking his behaviour.
Mediocrity in a Neurotypical society:
So Edward had this nice monologue about him being mediocre compared to his prodigy sister and I think it is exactly this scene, which makes me headcannon him as autistic. Because this is the exact trait I do not see often.
In media, many autistic individuals are represented as prodigies and amazingly intelligent and I can't help but hate that stereotype, because it puts unrealistic expectations on disabled individuals. I have prodigy friends who are autistic and I truly admire them, but I need people to understand that autism is a disability and not just "socially incompetent person who is going to revolutionise the world". As soon as one's interest is not deemed useful by society (which mainly includes "feminine" interests), they are not validated. Autism is only accepted by society if it proves to be impressive or useful. It is not seen as a disability, but as something to exploit.
I like Edwards monologue, because I relate and it rounds out his character really well. He accepts that he is not a prodigy, that he sucks in many regards, but that he still looks up to those who fit into the standard. His monologue is something that I've truly taken into heart, because you do not need to be a prodigy to be valid, you should not need to be extraordinary to be accepted as you are. You are allowed to be mediocre. You are allowed to treat your disability as a disability, because that's what it is.
Please remember that most of this is based on my personal expenses with autism. It is an incredibly diverse neuro divergency and manifests itself differently in all sorts of ways. Many of these traits may not apply to you or to anyone you know. This is just a personal observation based on my own and my companions experiences.
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cutieeva · 27 days
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Female reader
Warnings : Love bombing. Power abuse. Threats. Coercion. Molestation. Profanity languages. Slut shaming. Rape. Violence. Framing. Attempt home invasion. Molestation.
❛ ผู้หญิง ❜ Muse and Seduction, it is a well known name of the most Luxurious Adult Entertainment Complexe in Thailand also the least respected profession (Y/N) works in, not aware it will soon turn into a memory of calm before the storm in form of a man.
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Thailand, a country known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and breathtaking landscapes, also has a complex and multifaceted adult entertainment industry. While it's true that this industry is visible and widespread, it's essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and nuance. From bustling cities like Bangkok and Pattaya to tourist destinations like Phuket and Chiang Mai, adult entertainment venues and services are indeed present. These can range from go-go bars and massage parlors to street workers and karaoke bars offering private rooms to many more and despite the shame and stigma associated with these works, many women still engage in this profession due to limited job opportunities and economic necessity. The pay can be more convenient and immediate compared to other respectable jobs, which may require years of education and experience to achieve similar financial stability.
Alike to the above explanation (Y/N) also choose to work in such environment—All for money and did she succced in having what she wanted ? Yes because the place she works in is called Muse and Seduction, one of the top Adult Entertainment Complexes— it's a adult entertainment where almost all of the sexual activities could be done, separately and wonderfully. It has sections of Cabaret : where dancers perform for their male guests. Private room also known as Lounges : where sex could be given if requested and money are fullfilled. Strips clubs : where adult dances or lap dances available. Sex clubs : only available to VIP members for the privacy of their group sex, fetishes activities and message parlor : to offer erotic messages or intimate service and adult theater : to watch porn without shame and more sections based on how well the adult entertainment complexes is going and her complex has it all that even surprised the past self of (Y/N) who didn't had the slightest idea of such things exist—no she wasn't naïve rather in awe to have so varieties like a deck of cards laid out before her. Despite its grandeur, the complex remained hidden from the public eye, accessible only to those who knew where to look letting her past self marveled at how seamlessly it blended into the surrounding landscape, a testament to the discretion and secrecy that shrouded the adult entertainment industry.
Quickly that time she entered not for the sex work she thought could only pay her rents and shield her from her runaway abusive parents rather at the Cabaret where dancers danced contrast to not being the most skilled or pretty, she impressed the manager with her passion and raw talent. Offered a job on the spot, she found a refuge and purpose in the vibrant world of dance and before she knew it she sat on the position of manager of Cabaret section where she once only stared and worked hard.
"(Y/N) !" The (H/C) haired woman turn around at her name call meeting the eyes of the old general manager who's wiping his sweat yet a smile plastered on his lips.
"Yes, sir". Politely she asked having a hint of some excitement news to be heard noticing the uncontrollable smile and fire on his eyes.
The air was electric as he made the announcement, his face splitting into a wide, toothy grin. "Today, a very, very, very special guest is coming!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious yet puzzling.
She raised an eyebrow, her head tilting slightly to one side. VVVIP visitors weren't uncommon in their establishment, but the level of excitement radiating from him was unusual. Whoever this guest was, they must be incredibly influential and wealthy to warrant such anticipation.
Her (E/C) eyes watched him practically bounce with energy, a shiver ran down her spine. She couldn't shake the feeling that this visit might bring trouble, particularly for the women who work here. A nagging sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach, her mind racing with the possibility that someone might be coerced into doing something against their will.
"Understood". She dry chuckle, darting eyes to her pratice hall and to the general manager.
"That's why you also need to perform today". Ah ! No wonder he came to her because despite being a manager she still performs for the double money she is paid.
"So the party is hosted in here ?" Insinuating her sections making the general manager nod.
"Yes, unfortunately they want entertainment to be amused not pleasure". The grin turn into a scoff merely thought of lost profits, his eyes clouding with disappointment.
"They ? Didn't you just said one guest ?" (Y/N) was confused.
"Oh—actually it's group of men from a wealthy company but in mist of that is the golden egg would be". Oh ! She sink the information so rather than entertainment, it's to secure a lucrative deal. The company was willing to do whatever it took to secure success. What a classic tactic.
"Okay, please state the time, date and all the needed details". He nod giving her the paper written all the instruction. "Well then I goona go". Waving gently she enter her dance hall.
Tomorrow at 8:30 pm with Chinese Silk dance theme.
"So, the man is Chinese ? Or have those liking ?" She thought so for better she would single out the Chinese girls just for their safety to not caught the eyes of animalistic men.
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Night descended, darkness enveloped the world, like an inky shroud suffocating all in its grasp. Yet, the moon, now a silver crescent in the sky, cast an ethereal glow, as if to defy the all-consuming shadows. Stars twinkled like diamonds scattered across the velvet expanse, their gentle sparkle a beacon of hope.
(Y/N) stood transfixed, her gaze riveted on the clock's ticking hands, mere moments away from striking 8:30 pm. She inhaled deeply, the air filling her lungs like a promise of new beginnings. "Today has to be perfect" she whispered to herself, a fervent wish born of hope and determination.
In her mind's eye, she envisioned a evening unfolding with grace and harmony, each moment a delicate brushstroke on the canvas of time. No embarrassing missteps, no unwilling participants, just a gentle, pleasant tone that would soothe the souls. The clock's ticking grew louder, a countdown to a symphony of perfection, as (Y/N) steeled herself for the moments to come, her heart beating in rhythm with the night's dark beauty.
"Beauties. Everything has to be perfect and do not worry I am here to protect you okay ?" Once more she reassure the women standing in a row each one a vision of elegance and mystery. Golden jewels encircled their arms, a radiant contrast to their varied skin tones, like sunlight dancing across a canvas of diverse beauty. The traditional Chinese dresses, with their revealing midriffs and flowing slit sleeves, seemed to shimmer in the soft light, as if the very fabric was alive. Their face however remained hidden behind delicate veils, a whispered promise of secrets and allure. The veils, like silken whispers, caressed their skin, casting an air of enchantment and subtle mystery seemed to embody the essence of ancient Chinese beauty, where subtlety and restraint whispered tales of untold stories.
"Yes mam". Each one in unison spoke with confidence knowing their mentor for several years.
"Hey (Y/N) I needed—" A man holding few papers walked in the practice hall when he frozen in his root staring at (Y/N) who turn around giving his amber eyes the look of her dress mirroring the several women however he appeared to be mesmerized by her.
"Oh manager Somchai, is there anything I can help you with ?" Jewels trembled with each her step, unleashing a cascade of sparkling light, like tiny stars waltzing across her (S/C) skin.
"Oh—Ah—I-I-I-I forget". Few laughes escape from the women behind (Y/N) watching the bar manager make a fool out of himself.
"Hush ! It's unladylike". In swept the crowd held their laugh at their own manager's scold yet few roll their eyes knowing it was harmless. "Excuse them". (Y/N) apologies to Somchai who shake his head still unable to part his lips and hide the tip of blush on his ears.
"So, how can I help ?" She repeated holding her own smile, catching his flustered face.
"I-I— it's the list of drinks that the guests should buy for our profits". Quickly he shoved the paper on her hand surprising her and himself at the rough action. "I-I am sorry". Closing his eyes, his tense hands clap together in forgiveness along the rigid fingers intertwined, forming a tight knot, like a prayer offered to the heavens. The sudden, earnest movement was almost comical, yet endearing, making her giggle at the sweet, silly gesture. The contrast between his serious expression and the childish motion only added to the charm, rendering her helpless against the tide of amusement that swept over her.
"W-what happen ?" The way his innocent doe eyes stare at her never would anyone unaware of his profession could assume he works in an adult industry.
"Nothing. You are so endearing". And as she expected his entire face burst into flame creating a teasing ohh from the women who ship them together hard earn a harsh "Shut up". From their senior.
"Thank you". Finally without stuttering he smiled and part his lips to speak when the clock's loud tick reverberated through the air, signaling the precise moment of 8:30 pm.
"Oh—I am sorry I must go". Swiftly she offered apologies, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Don't be". He disagree, silently encouraging her at their eye contact making her smile wider. Without anymore utters she led the procession of women, their golden jewels glinting in the soft light. At the threshold, (Y/N) paused, her slender fingers fluttering as she donned her own veil at the last moment, the delicate fabric whispering against her skin.
"Everyone ready to go ?"
"Yes". They mutter lightly. (Y/N) take a deep, calming breath as she pushed open the door, and a warm, golden light enveloped them, like a gentle caress. The room was aglow with sensual ambiance, the soft glow of table lamps and floor lights casting a hypnotic spell. The guests, already seated on plush, velvety sofas, turned to regard the newcomers, their faces bathed in the warm, golden radiance. Beers chilled on an opulent, dark-wood table, adorned with delicate, crystal glasses, reflecting the soft light like tiny, shimmering mirrors.
Soft, melodic music whispered through the air, weaving a subtle spell of relaxation and indulgence, as (Y/N) and her companions glided into the room, their veils shimmering like moonlit mist, their long, flowing sleeves rustling softly, like leaves in an autumn breeze. The atmosphere was alive with anticipation, the scent of perfume and the promise of mystery hanging heavy in the air, like the whispered promise of a secret shared among friends.
"Thank you for your services. We shall begin". her voice dripped in honeyed sweetness greeted the awaiting men as her eyes swept across the room, scanning for the golden man the general manager spoken of and then, in an instant, her gaze landed on him—an aged man, with a stomach as round as a full moon, adorned in the finest, most lavish attire, from the glittering gold chain around his neck to the diamond-encrusted watch on his wrist.
Her eyes narrowed. "He must be the one". Sighing deeply she bowed gracefully with a subtle, enigmatic smile, her body begin dancing like unfolding a lotus flower, petals of movement swirling around her. The men's screams of delight and admiration crescendoed, their eyes aglow with hunger and desire, yet she remained an untouchable, ethereal vision. Her dance was a masterful symphony of seduction and grace, each step, each gesture, a testament to her skill and artistry.
As she danced, she wove in and out of the tables, pouring wine with a flourish, her hands moving in tandem with the other women, who mirrored her movements with precision. The liquid gold flowed like a river, filling the glasses, as she continued to enthrall her audience, her body swaying, twirling, and bending in impossible ways.
Regardless of the provocative nature of her dance, she maintained an air of detachment, her skin never once touching the eager hands that reached out to her. Her eyes, like a hawk's, scanned the room, ever vigilant, ensuring none of the men dared touch her or her junior companions. The other women, too, seemed to be under her protection, their eyes locked on hers, moving in perfect synchrony, a testament to their trust and loyalty. The men, entranced by the spectacle, remained at a safe distance, their longing and desire hanging in the air like a palpable mist, yet they knew better than to cross the unspoken boundary. She was a queen, a goddess, and they mere mortals, privileged to witness her glory and forbidden to touch.
Soon the music reached its crescendo, (Y/N)'s dance came to a smooth, graceful close, like a summer breeze gently caressing the skin. The room, electrified by her performance, exhaled a collective sigh of relief and admiration. Though some of the men, entranced by her beauty, had attempted to brush their hands against hers, they had respectfully refrained from any further advances, acknowledging the unspoken boundary. The VVVIP guest, too, had maintained his dignity, his eyes never leaving (Y/N)'s face, yet his hands remained clasped together, a indication to his self-control. With a satisfied smile, he raised his glass in a silent toast, and drank, savoring the moment.
As the final notes of the music faded away, (Y/N) and her companions bowed, their movements fluid and synchronized and they departed like a gentle whisper, a soft breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers, leaving the men to ponder the memory of their enchanting performance.
Free-spirited and unencumbered, (Y/N) and her companions walk outside the hallway, sharing laughter and whispers echoing down the corridor.
"Today was fun".
"How amazing".
"Thankfully they knew the rules to not mess even the VVVIP was respectful unlike some of the others".
"This is my first time performing Chinese dance ?"
"Really ? Well I am Chinese but never did I also danced so sensually".
"But (Y/N) was best".
"Of course she would be when she is our senior".
Their joys whispered to one another filling (Y/N)'s ears in relief nothing unfortunate occur to one of the women and god forbid— to her. Wiping the line of sweat from her forehead she walked to their resting room passing through the living hall where main events of dances held.
"HELP ! HELP—". A cry of help echoed the room following with a loud thud alike to a slap making all the women wince.
"What was that ?"
"Isn't it sound like a woman ?"
"Also a slap ?"
"I am scared".
A knot of unease twisted in (Y/N)'s stomach, like a pit of pooling darkness, as her mind conjured the worst assumptions. A envision of woman, desperate and trapped, crying out for help in a place where hope seemed lost. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and without hesitation.
"Girls ! Go !". She commanded her workers to retreat to their quarters, their faces etched with concern.
With a deep breath, (Y/N) steeled herself, her determination burning brighter than her fear. She barged into the lavish hall, the doors swinging open with a soft crash, like a declaration of war. The room, once filled with laughter and music, now seemed tainted, its opulence mocking her. Her eyes scanned the space, searching for the source of her unease, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum.
Until her (H/C)'s eyes fell upon a scene that made her blood boil, a tableau of cruelty that seared itself into her mind. A man, his face twisted in a snarl, sat atop a woman, her body helpless and trembling, her clothes torn and disheveled. He laughed, a cold, mirthless sound, as he cursed with his words coated with venom while the woman's cries, like a wounded animal, filled the air with her sobs as the man rape her in front of others.
The room, once a haven of indulgence, transform into a den of depravity. Some men, seated on a large sofa, laughed and jeered, their faces flushed with excitement, while others watched with a mixture of fascination and disgust. A few, attempting to distance themselves from the scene, silently drank their plain disgust by the beers, their eyes averted, however their presence still complicit.
Red. (Y/N)'s vision was consumed by a sea of red, a crimson haze that fueled her fury. In an instant, she sprang into action, her movements swift and deadly, wordlessly she launched herself at the man, ripping him away from the woman with a strength born of rage. The sound of crashing furniture and shouting men filled the air as she hurled him aside, the group scattering in surprise.
Her eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for something to cover the woman's exposed form. But there was nothing —no cloth, no blanket, no shred of dignity left. So, with a swift motion, (Y/N) grasped the nearest ground mat, tearing it from the floor, and wrapped it around the woman's shivering body, shielding her from prying eyes.
That's when the same man lashed out, his hand closing around her forearm like a vice. (Y/N)'s jaw clenched in pain, her eyes flashing with anger, as she gazed straight into the man's raging eyes, their faces inches apart. "Why is he angry ? No—how dare he is angry ?" Complex emotions once more fueling her brain, hatred spite for the man so far her fingers itch to slit his throat and watch him bleed to death.
"No. No. No. No. (Y/N) you can't do it. Stay calm. Stay calm". Her inner rational self repeated after all the power held is by men not women.
"You fucking bitch ! What do you think you are ! Fucking cunt ? How dare you lay a hand on me ?" The man twisted (Y/N)'s arm only for her to stood firm, her eyes blazing with defiance. Pain was nothing new, and she refused to yield, her silence a challenge to his dominance.
Holding her trembling fist—not from fear rather from anger she calmly utter. "Dear customer, this section is cabaret not private room so please refrain from doing sexual activ—".
"Fuck you woman ! You all are slut what happens if I fuck one of you". Tension weighted heavy on his offensive words suffocating even her lungs by the audacity of this man. How dare ? How dare this man found the chest to spoke about them. This illiterate garbage.
"It seems you are illiterate because the meaning of cabaret is dancers in our complex. Pardon us for not explaining actually, we didn't knew an uneducated person would come to our threshold". Blazing her (E/C) eyes into the man, his grip tighten and she felt the heat of his body underneath the fat meat.
"What did you say you bitch—".
"Or are you perhaps deaf too ?" Her voice not a lace with sarcastism or mock. It's purely fill with rage. Rage of being helpless, useless and shame. Because no matter how this man violented the innocent woman and assulted (Y/N), the fact still stands—he is their customer.
Despicable. (Y/N)'s throat felt dry and cracked at the fact, as if the man's crushing grip had drained the last drop of moisture from her body. The pain was numbed by her revulsion and anger, emotions that seethed like a cauldron as she gazed up at his face, illuminated by the eerie purple and pink lights above. His features, once human, now seemed twisted and grotesque, a stark contrast to the inhumane actions that belied his civilized facade. Tears of rage swelled over her vision, casting a blurry veil over the scene, yet she continued to stare, transfixed by the horror of it all. A twisted sense of guilt slithered in, its dark tendrils wrapping around her heart, whispering cruel lies of blame and shame, as the colorful lights above seemed to mock her, casting an otherworldly glow on the nightmare unfolding below.
The door finally burst open again, this time however by the security guards. They finally trapped the man, even tearing his iron grip that left purple bruises—her eyes stare. This will heal, but what about the innocent woman ? The woman's who crimson blood flow out of her private part in front of so many eyes ? (Y/N) will have her untainted skin back without bruises but can the woman have her virginity back she oh so hard frought only to lose. Sorrows finally slide down mourning the unconsciously woman as she bend down, helping the cloth to prevent her nudity from exposing in process her eyes met a onyx eyes, a depthless pool of intensity that seemed to hold a thousand unspoken emotions burning with a fierce inner fire that she couldn't quite decipher regardless of the black spectacles that meant to conceal, only seemed to accentuate the piercing quality of his eyes. Quickly she avert the burning gaze. "He is no different than that man". Snarling her face, she walk not knowing his sight was set on her from the very moment she step inside.
She find herself sit outside the makeshift medical area, her eyes fixed on the curtain that shielded the woman's privacy. Beside her, the private female doctor, a specialist in treating victims of abuse, tended to the woman's wounds with gentle hands as the moonlight's pear through the window shimmering her unremoved outfit. Suddenly, the general manager burst into the room, his face etched with concern. However, he halted outside the curtain, respecting the woman's privacy. (Y/N) rose to meet him, her eyes questioning.
"What happen ?" she asked, her voice low.
The manager's eyes darted to the curtain, then back to (Y/N). "The security told me everything. Is she g-going to be okay ?"
"Yes but—". She paused, expression somber. "Her clit has tore, virginity is take away that's why it will cause her a lot of trauma". The manager nodded, his face set in a determined expression.
"So, she might not able to work right ?" Before (Y/N) could answer the female doctor pull the curtains closed.
"Yes, she isn't at the headspace to do. I am even afraid that it might also cause a trauma of men which is very much about this job". Discreetly (Y/N)'s fingers curl into fist holding the urge to suffer the perpetrater.
"Gosh ! Why did it had to happen in front of the VVVIP man". The man mutter a curse. "Our reputation and woman is lost face in front of him". A frown ink in between (Y/N)'s brows.
"What ? VVVIP ? But he was entertained and happy. We did our job perfectly". Pluzzed she elaborate. "Also sue the man not the innocent woman".
"I never want to sue the woman. It's not at all her fault rather I am angry at the man because that asshole is the one who last minute came here change the perfect schedule of attending your dance instead went to the living hall dance with completely different setting. A modern one".
"What ?" A grasp lip past her.
"Who was it ?"
"A man with black suit, black spectacles and his name is Wang Ji-Hyuk, he is a Korean man but his entire business is at China that's why we choose a chinese traditional theme also it was said by the asshole but he ruined it !" Fumes smoking out of his ears. "I am goona sue him". Bit his lips, he dial the number of the said VVVIP (Y/N) mistook.
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"Wait ! So that man from before ?" (Y/N)'s mind reeled as a quick flashback assaulted her senses, transporting her back to the living hall mere seconds ago. She relived the moment when her gaze met the VVVIP's, the intensity of his stare still seared into her memory. But before she could even process her thoughts, the general manager's urgent grip on her arm yanked her back to reality.
"He's still outside, we should apologize," He whispered hastily, dragging her toward the door.
(Y/N)'s confusion deepened as she stumbled alongside him. Apologize? For what? She couldn't fathom what she had done wrong. The VVVIP's behavior had unsettled her of how a man so boredly sat and watched a woman get rape is truly inhumane, what apologize does she own to the VVVIP ? For protesting against the rape ? Protecting a innocent woman ? Or causing a scene unnecessary. Her thoughts swirled in a jumbled mix of emotions as she struggled to keep up with the general manager's rapid pace. Why were they apologizing? What part was her fault? None, she believes. Still the questions swirled in her mind like a vortex, leaving her bitter.
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At the reception, they found the said man standing with his back to them, his imposing figure radiating an aura of authority. The soft hum of conversation and gentle clinking of foot filled the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside (Y/N).
Just as they approached, the head manager's voice cut through the calm, "Ah, sir, I see you're still here."
The VVVIP's back stiffened, and he slowly turned around, his movements deliberate and calculated and he faced them, his eyes locked onto (Y/N)'s once more, the intensity of his gaze making her heart skip a beat.
Time seemed to suspend as their eyes met, the air thickening with tension. The general manager's words of apology died on his lips, and the head manager's smile faltered, sensing the changed atmosphere. Pursing his lips, he nudge her hand allowing her to look away.
"W-we are sorry. Extremely sorry for the lack of professional and such unpleasant scenes to be caused". What ? What was her lips utter ? The way her mouth moved, forming words of apology, as if driven by a force beyond her control. Her voice was barely audible, a mere whisper, as she spoke the words she didn't mean to say. Her head bent down, weighed by the shame that wasn't hers to bear.
She felt like a puppet, her body no longer her own, but a mere marionette controlled by invisible strings. Her limbs moved, her lips spoke, but her mind was a distant observer, helpless to stop the charade.
The man's gaze still held her captive, his eyes burning with an intensity that seemed to strip her of her autonomy. She was a leaf blown by the wind, a feather tossed by the breeze, completely at the mercy of forces beyond her control.
"Yes, we are very sorry". The head manager bow respectfully making the VVVIP tilts his head.
His voice was laced with a jaded tone, as he asked "Are you ?" The words hung in the air, a lazy drawl that seemed to imply he already knew the answer.
"Yes we are—" His gaze shifted, those onyx eyes slicing through the manager like a knife.
"Not you". He said, not hiding the disdain as the manager's words were cut off, left dangling in the air like a severed thread.
His eyes narrowed, returned on (Y/N) solely. "Her" He said, the single word a cold, calculated stab.
A gulp pass through her throat fighting the conflict of emotions ranging all together among his gaze piercing through her like a challenge, a dare to deny the truth he already knew and the air vibrate with tension pressuring her to say something against her will even if it's the truth.
"Yes". No. "We are very sorry for the inconvenience". As soon as they passed her lips, a look of disappointment settled upon his face, like a shadow cast by a cloud. His onxy eyes, once piercing and intense, now seemed to regard her with a disinterest that was almost worse than his earlier disdain. He turned away, his movements economical and precise, as if he had already dismissed her from his thoughts.
The head manager's words, a futile attempt to salvage the situation, trailed after him like a forgotten echo. "Sir, please, let us—" However he didn't so care to offer the head manager a face going out leaving a exhausted (Y/N) from the long journey she endured today. Hopefully he never comes back is what she wishes.
A wish that is bluntly ignored by the gods or heavens above after the next day he shown his face once again like a calm before the storm.
"O my gosh ! He came again !" The manager appeared to be in elated mood. "Also he requested for you specially !"
"Alone for me ?" He nod excitedly as if he were to dance in front of the VVVIP. A tangled web of emotions evocated her like : revulsion, obligation, and fear wrestled for dominance as she was asked to dance alone for the same man whose behavior had disgusted her. Her mind recoiled at the thought, her heart heavy with the weight of conflicting emotions. The memory of his jaded gaze at the living hall scene made her skin crawl, her body trembling with the effort to suppress her true feelings. Uncertainty and powerlessness shrouded her, like a ship torn from its anchor, adrift in a stormy sea. "Understood". As common it was such unfortunate things for women to happen in this industry she learnt the past years to forget those memories as soon as possible.
"What is the theme ?" She asked.
"No theme". He answered. "Also he has bring a dress only for you to wear". He added causing a tension.
"What kind ?"
"You will see once you wear". Giggly he answered.
Soon the answer was present as her feet glided into the room, her (slender/plump/bony) figure draped in a flowing, silvery-white gown that cascaded down her body like a river of moonlight. The dress, crafted from the finest silk, hugged her curves with a soft, ethereal glow, its smooth texture catching the light with every subtle movement and the gown's neckline rose to her jaw, framing her heart-shaped face with delicate precision. Around her chest, layers of flowery, silvery-white fabric bloomed like a whispered secret, adding a touch of whimsy and romance to her overall allure.
While her shoulders were cushioned by puffed sleeves that fell to her forearms, leaving a tantalizing expanse of skin visible beneath. The sleeves themselves were a masterclass in subtle drama, with delicate folds and creases that added depth and visual interest to the overall design. As she moved, the gown's silken fabric rustled softly, releasing tiny whispers of sound that seemed to match the beating of her heart. The hem of the dress swept the floor with a gentle, lapping motion, like waves caressing the shore.
"How can I dance in this properly ?" (Y/N) asked noticing the man's eyes glossing over the material.
He ignore her question. "It must be expensive. Because you of course looked beautiful but now you look drop dead gorgeous". A strained smile came to her lips despite feeling the nagging rings on her stomach.
"Thank you". The old man waved his hand.
"Okay, now go ! Go fast". Pushing her back tenderly (Y/N) was faced to face into a private room with Ji-Hyun.
"Thank you for requesting me, Mr. Wang—".
"You look beautiful". His gazed at her, his voice barely above a whisper. "More than I imagined." His eyes devoured her, drinking in every inch of her being, as if attempting to memorize her contours. His gaze lingered, branding her image onto his soul, claiming her as his own. Time seemed to bend, stretching out the seconds as he feasted his eyes upon her like the world around him melting away.
"Thank you". Nervously she thanked. "So, Mr. Wang, what dance would you—".
"Huh ?" She felt her ears misheard. "I said sit". Perhaps not because her sight followed his palm patting the cushion beside him causing her heart sink.
"I cannot".
"Why ?" Almost like an genuinely question he asked.
"Because I am here to dance not to talk if you want to talk, you can go to the host section where women will talk—".
"I know," he drawled, his tone laced with ennui along his face unreadable. Yet, his next words dripped with intention: "But I want you." The phrase hung like a challenge, freighted with unspoken consequences.
She began asking, "What do you—". But he truncated her inquiry.
"Well, I'm not here to talk, rather to propose something only to you". The hidden meaning behind his words sent her heart racing, as multiple worst-case scenarios flashed through her mind like a chilling slideshow. "That's why sit down". She obeyed regardless of her mind commanding the opposite.
"Good". A smile curve finally. "So, I want you to be my girlfriend".
Silence. For few seconds the words pass her mind registering not to process rather how to defy without offending because he isn't the first person to offer such kind of want from her, many did and will in the future for sure.
"You mean, sir. You want to have sexual relationship with me ?" He must be, because no man in their right mind would offer a cabaret dancer to be their girlfriend for romance unless it involves the sexual favors. Right ?
"I do". She bit her bottom lips. "However I want full ownership of yours. Like partners do. I want to be your boyfriend not just a sexual client to satisfy my needs". Ji-Hyuk with straight face explained, his piercing eyes bore into hers.
"Ownership ?" She is at loss. Truly, because men offered their advances for her services she crearly doesn't work for—never confess their love.
"Yes. I crave a bond that goes beyond mere physical satisfaction. I want to own your heart, just as you own mine." The intensity of his emotions left her breathless, his words echoing in her mind like a promise of forever she didn't ask nor want. Uncomfortable flooded her body, confuse to know the right way to react to a VVVIP guest who suddenly profess his love for her when she met twice or more like met eyes twice.
"What if I reject ?" Her own voice whispered in the almost silent room if overlooking the light pleasant music from behind. Her fingers dug in the cloth that isn't belong to her to earn comfort.
"Why would you ? I have everything a woman needs in a partner so you shouldn't have to reject me". His nonchalant attitude was eerie to her and it gave her the answer she needed. She can't reject him. She shouldn't. Because the way his gaze pinned her, heavy with expectation. The dress, a luxurious trap over her body along his weight with unspoken threats with the air thickened seem to have clear his intention. He isn't here to hear no. Let alone from a woman like her who's expected to be impressed, to be grateful, and to accept thoughtless like a doll to buy and show off.
Still she choose to say. "I am sorry but I can't, sir. I am very very sorry". More than the consequences she fears her freedom stolen, controlled and tramped by a wealthy man she is yet to even know.
"Okay," Ji-Hyuk said, his voice flat and emotionless, like a door slamming shut. He turned and walked away, leaving the dancer alone in the private room, surrounded by the suffocating silence. The soft click of the door echoed through the space, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside her. His abrupt departure left her thoughts reeling, anxiety swirling like a maelstrom, as she struggled to decipher the true meaning behind his enigmatic answer.
Was it a genuine understanding, or a cleverly disguised manipulation? The uncertainty hung in the air, a heavy fog that refused to lift. Soon the head manager burst into the room, his face flushed with urgency, and demanded
"What's going on? Why did he leave so abruptly ?" His voice was laced with a mix of frustration and concern. However, (Y/N) was too engrossed in her own thoughts to acknowledge his presence similar to Ji-Hyuk, who sat in the backseat of his luxurious car, puffing on a cigarette, his eyes gazing into the distance. His mind with how first and hard he fallen in love, and the rejection that came with it. The smoke from his cigarette swirled around him dwelling him to how he fell.
Trash. He thought, the moment these Thailand business men invited him to a Adult Entertainment Complex, he already judged them and cancelled the deal in his mind. Because two types of men are pathetic, one if they are consumed by greed lost rationality and another drown in lust lost control by their lower part that's why he doesn't make deals with entertainment industry, with what tragedy did he accepted their proposal. Huh ? Merely thinking of the chaos he is about to witness create a mirgrane however he still decided to go, why ? Because he wanted some relaxment too however his meaning of relaxment wasn't watching a barely adult woman getting rape by one of the trash from the Thailand worker.
"I regret coming here". He thought drinking the bitter beer. Gosh, he should have ordered wine, beer never suited his taste nor his class what father told him and he was right. Dull the mood has transformed and he outstretched his hand to his private secretary when the door bust open by a woman, a beautiful one and clearly from this industry judging from her Chinese theme clothes marched with pure rage towards the trash.
Intrigue fill his interest, he partly expected the woman to be naïve and display her emotions however he was beyond delightful to find her compose yet fierce personality. The way her eyes twitch yet not a wince slip her lips when he twist her arm, the way her delicate jaw clench in anger and those (E/C)'s burn like flames and the light hues from above shone at her so beautifully, gorgeously, he wished right there and that moment to claim her as his especially given his initial disappointment with her timid apology before departed the complex.
But now, Ji-Hyuk's lips curled into a sly smirk, the cigarette dangling precariously from the corner of his mouth, as he savored the unexpected turn of events. "She rejected me". She isn't as timid as he thought who needed a little push to be claimed instead turn out to be a little firecracker, who knew exactly when to withhold her flames, leaving him intrigued and wanting more. Her rejection was a tantalizing challenge, a hint of a deeper intelligence and inner strength that he found irresistible. A smart woman, one who could match wits and defy expectations, was a far more captivating prize than a naive, submissive one.
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"(Y/N)!" The manager's sharp voice cut through her intense focus, snapping her back to reality. She blinked, her gaze shifting from the task at hand to the manager's expectant face.
"Yes, manager? Why did you come?" she asked, her tone measured, but her mind still reeling from the sudden interruption. Lately the manager has been coming to her a lot from the moment that VVVIP's existence came—her throat constricted, memories of the previous day's conversation with Ji-Hyuk flooding her senses.
"What conversation did you had with him ?" Her (E/C)'s eyes stare at his unusual stress expression.
(Y/N) paused, her eyes avert from his.
"So, I want you to be my girlfriend".
"However I want full ownership of yours. Like partners do. I want to be your boyfriend not just a sexual client to satisfy my needs".
"Nothing special". Lies smoothly roll her tongue.
"Is it really nothing special ? Really ?" The manager asked, his voice raising enough for to flinch.
"Why ? Yes, nothing special". In low voice she said, as her palm reached out to placate the middle-aged man. Her hand made contact with his shoulder, a gentle touch that spoke of reassurance. While a quick smile to others who stare at the raised voice.
"Then explain why did not only that Thailand business company cut our services but also all of our Thailand business companies !" (Y/N)'s eyes widened, a mixture of confusion and dawning recognition swirling within them. The manager's words hung in the air like a challenge, forcing her to confront the unspoken questions she had brushed off earlier. Why were there fewer people than usual today ? And now, all of their Thailand business companies? No. It can't be. Why did he leave with such a short "okay" if he was going to take this step ?
"Look ! (Y/N), you are my long term employee, I have watched you from the start of your life in this grey world of lust and men so I know you wouldn't do something to hurt our complex, will you ? No right ?" Immediately she shake her head. "That's why tell me if you said some offense words, we can apologize to him and correct the mistake". Past his calm voice suggesting, (Y/N) could clearly see his trembling hands.
"How did you know it's him. It could be anybody more powerful". She questioned, not want to confront the reality just yet. How could she ? After she rejected him ? If indeed he is behind the work, the cabaret manager can't limit her imagine of how power he has in his palm.
"Because, today every single Thailand client called at the same time, canceling their services. Of course I forcefully asked one of them where he told me the truth that a powerful person ordered them". He revealed. "And Mr. Wang is one of the top business man who has hands all over the Thailand industry even if the companies don't work together, it's easy to pull strings of connection". (Y/N)'s gut twisted into knots, her stomach churning with a sense of foreboding. The weight of the manager's words settled upon her, making her feel like she was drowning in a sea of responsibility. The pressure was suffocating, each breath a struggle as she tried to process the magnitude of the situation.
With a sense of resignation, she nodded her head, agreeing to take the fall for the mistake. "I'll go apologize," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. The words felt like a betrayal, a admission of guilt that she didn't fully understand.
"Then let's go ! We must hurry to seal the deal". Excitedly the manager without sparing a look at her, guide her to outside.
Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? WHY ? like a annoying ring on her head spin around making her unconsciously deep her crescent scars on her skin. Like a holding her inner demons to explode. How ? Why ? How can fate always make her the victim of pathetic humans ? Huh ? Why she ? Wasn't her inhumane father trying sell his own daughter for few dollars enough that fate somehow brought a man to toy her entire meticulous bulit like crumble down. Yes, Roman wasn't built in one day but it sure burned in one day.
A cruel reminder that even the strongest foundations can be razed by the whims of fate.
Clenching her jaw, her heavy feet step towards the destiny she very much fears at the same time loathes. That's when a hand hold her wrist spinning her around and her eyes wide seeing the man.
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"Hello, Mr. Wang. Thank you very very very much for letting us in. The fault entirely lies on us that's why Miss. (L/N) came to apologize with me". Forcing his hand together he plead in front of the Ji-Hyuk who across him sat lounged on the massive sofa, his casual attire—a light blue shirt with white line strips and grey trousers —a stark contrast to the gravity of the tense situation. One leg crossed over the other, his back leaned against the plush cushions, exuding an air of relaxed superiority while his gaze was fixed intently on the woman beside the manager. (Y/N) herself sat rigidly, her posture a picture of tense contrition. Her head bowed, chin tucked in, and jaw clenched in a tight line. Fingers curled into fists, her hands rested on her lap, betraying the turmoil brewing beneath her subdued exterior. A portrait of contained anguish.
Reading the obvious implication of his attention over her. The manager nudged her arm to which she part her lip. "Mr. Wang, please forgive me if any of my words that I didn't knew held much power offend you personally that's why I am sorry". She bow slightly. "Hopefully you can look past my mistakes and still continue to be in our services".
Click ! The soft scratch of the sliver lighter to a fleeting spark, and the gentle whoosh of flame embracing tobacco. Ji-Hyuk's eyes never left (Y/N) as he raised the cigarette to his lips, the tip dancing with each inhale. He smoked with deliberate slowness, exhaling wispy tendrils of smoke that curled around his words. His gaze, calm and collected, held (Y/N) captive as he spoke, his voice low and even. "So, will you finally accept the proposal you rejected?"
The woman swears she doesn't need a glance to feel her higher up head swirl to her side with perplexed written.
"If I do, will you continue to be in our services and spread good words among other business ?" His eyebrows rise in intrigue and the message clearly send to cut the trouble and make it back to normal.
"This". A gleam of satisfy flicker in his eyes. This passion, fire was he expecting from the woman he desires and he wasn't disappointed.
"Yes. Will you be my girlfriend". He asks, a question from his side however a taunt to her after all, 'no' was never an answer.
"Yes". Finally a smile touch upon his lips along his eyes crinkled at the corners.
𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏' 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒐𝒌𝒂𝒚
After the chaos subsided and (Y/N), her boss drove out of the mansion by his personal driver, the air was electric with the buzzing of phones. The screens lit up with notifications, a flurry of activity that signaled the return of Thailand's services—and more. New companies, behemoths in their industries, had flocked to Ji-Hyuk's empire, eager to tap into his influence. The sheer scale of it all was suffocating. (Y/N) felt a wave of disgust wash over her as she realized the true extent of Ji-Hyuk's power. He had effortlessly manipulated the situation, bending the world to his whim. The thought made her skin crawl, her anger simmering just below the surface.
She was nothing but a tiny, insignificant doll in his vast playground, subject to his every caprice. He could trample her, walk all over her, and she was powerless to stop him. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, her resentment growing with each passing moment. Snatching her wrist, she glance at the decorative lights of the cities with moon light donning from above and the next thing she knew she found herself standing in a cramped, dimly lit room, surrounded by the faint scent of perfume and smoke. She was dressed in a revealing theme outfit, her reflection staring back at her from a mirror-lined wall like usual ready to entertain the customer alongside her coworkers, equally dazzling in their attire, bustled around her, their chatter and laughter a cacophony in her ears.
Suddenly, the door slid open revealing Ji-Hyuk and the enigmatic owner of Muse and Seduction she never been lucky to catch glimpse of, stood before her. Mutters ring behind her, reeling her mind and she watched him come near her.
'𝑪𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
"From now onwards you aren't allowed to dance ever again". And her entire world crumble down once again.
"Am I getting fired ?" She swears, (Y/N) swears to not sweep desperation and hurried in her voice however her eyes also betrayed her vulnerably in front of the same man her fate is controlled by.
"No. You are just only allowed to work for me". Ji-Hyuk replied nonchalant as if he didn't taking away her dancing too, the only source of her income and comfort of identity.
𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒂𝒚
"Can I reject ?" She tries but she was aware of the defeat the moment his eyes racked over her figure and the owner of her complex cleared his throat.
Her answer doesn't matter. Never did and will. How unfair as her (E/C)'s in agonizing slow motion as her juniors slipped away, one by one, into the private rooms without her felt fresh twist of the knife hollow her inside.
Never again.
Suddenly the sanctuary, being to transform into a shrinking cage as its walls closing in with oppressive force, squeezing the last vestiges of hope from her lungs. Suddenly every tick of the clock was a countdown to her demise, suddenly the silence seems to be a uncomfortable noise she can't ignore and eyes of his heavy like a death warrant above.
Softly, she breathed: "Are you satisfied?" Her whisper hung in the air, a fragile question mark, as her gaze remained fixed on the empty space where the women had vanished, their absence a haunting echo.
A smirk lift his lip and with a sign of hand Ji-Hyuk command the owner to leave the couple alone to which he obeyed.
"Yes". Anticipation bumble within him as he stare at her waiting for the gaze to be returned.
She looked at him.
Chill. Straight chills ran through his body the way her numbed eyes bore into his, as if she could see right though his soul. Oh ! The taste of breaking a strong woman is like conquering a fire with bare hands. His fingers tremble to touch her.
So he did. Snake his hands around her waist and tighten the hug almost burying her into him.
𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒘𝒆'𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌, 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏' 𝒇𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌.
"How about we spend the night together. Alone, only you and me ?" The question mark lingered, a sly taunt, as if daring her to respond but she knew better. Only humans are worthy of consent or choice, not a pig, even the one who is about to be butchered. No one asks a pig if it wants to be slaughtered so does she that's why she nod lifting a smile.
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The mini city lights twinkled like diamonds from the car window is once again a wonderful sight yet her inside remained heavy with a numbness that suffocated any spark of awe or happiness. Only pumping heart mechanically, a mere reflex before the slaughter.
𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
His tan slender palm, hold hers on her lap that she dared to glance at him finding his eyes already on her. He was about to speak when the driver announced.
"Sir, we have arrived". The master nod, merely going outside on his own before signaling her and her (E/C) eyes saw the familiar mansion like the previous time of her asking to apologize with her manager—not alone making her wonder if she not come, would her fate had been different ? Perhaps—for worse. She likes to delusion.
His palm finds her and almost drag her inside ignoring few numbers of servents bowing to them walked straight to the white stairs. Only noise of her racing heart and heels clicking echoed the eerie mansion until they arrived at his bedroom—she guess.
He released her hand, only to shed his professional armor, his fingers deftly untying his tie and unfastening his cuffs, the soft clinking of metal and rustle of silk. The cabaret steeled herself, bracing for the inevitable prepared to be used as a merchandise and discard at his whim.
As expected he closed in, his chin whispering against hers, their faces inches apart, the air thickened with anticipation. But just as their lips were about to meet, he detected the slightest hint of defiance—her hyoid bone tensed, a tiny rebellion, and her fist, clenched in a secret gesture of resistance. His onyx eyes, burning with intensity, snapped to hers, searching for surrender, but instead found a spark of refusal that turn him on so hard.
As their lips entwined, he was transported to a realm of pure bliss, his senses ignited by the sweet nectar of her mouth. He felt like a man blessed by the gods, granted the ultimate treasure to savor and devour. Every fiber of his being thrilled with ecstasy, his heart soaring on wings of delight, as he indulged in the tender flesh of her lips. The world around him melted away, leaving only the intoxicating taste of her, a divine elixir that left him drunk with pleasure. He was a king, and she was his conquest, his prize, his heavenly gift.
Unawarely he concerned her to the wall, cornered (Y/N) further than she was trapped. A nausea threat to pile over as she was clawed, touched, sucked into the unwanted torture. Tears swell her eyes, she wanted to bite his tongue and shove him away but against her want she continue to let the starved man indulged because the pig is layed, its flesh inspected, and now the blade poised about to slash its throat, mirroring the brutal violation of her own dignity.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
Greedy hands tore at her outfit, exposing her flesh alike the pig's carcass, his onyx eyes devouring the sight of her breasts. His palm fondled one, hunger burning in his gaze, as her fingers instinctively wrapped around his hand, her nails digging deep enough to draw blood, a primal reaction to his violation.
Her breath hitched.
His lustful eyes snap to her.
Oh no. No. No. No. What did she did. She wasn't suppose to protest. She shouldn't be. A mistake—apologize—right she should apologize but why no voice is uttering. Suddenly his gaze burn her bare flesh, shame her.
And to her surprise, he retreat his hand. A displease paint his expression. Not to her intrude as she is thinking rather Ji-Hyuk realize this fire isn't his yet. She still doesn't belong to him.
Body, yes. Mind, yes but heart ? No. A not astonishing information wash cold over him. No, this is not good. No, not at all. He wants her everything. From her body to her fire to her heart—too. He wants her every bit to feast or else she never belonged to him at all.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
That's why he shifted away. Marching to the bathroom leaving (Y/N) with a command. "You are staying the night".
That night, they lay in bed, a chasm of silence and space between them. He had freshened up, and she had too, separately, as if seeking solace in solitude. They faced away from each other, feigning sleep, but (Y/N) was wide awake, her senses heightened. She felt his gaze upon her, multiple times, as he quietly turned to watch her pretended slumber. His eyes lingered, a silent scrutiny, as if seeking answers in her stillness. The darkness was palpable, punctuated only by the soft rustle of sheets, as they both waited for the dawn, their minds racing with unspoken thoughts. The distance between them seemed to grow with each passing moment, a heavy, unbridgeable gap, as they lay there, lost in their own private worlds.
As the sun's golden rays peeked through the window, casting a warm glow on her side of the bed, she quietly sat up on the soft mattress she rarely gets to touch let alone sleep, her gaze drifting to his peaceful form. His sleeping face, relaxed and serene, is a sight to behold, his features softened without the stiff spectacles that usually framed his eyes. Yet, as she beheld his tranquil countenance, a morbid thought crept into her mind. "Would he look as peaceful, as serene, if he were to die with his eyes closed ?" The question lingered.
"This is the first time you are so eagerly sparing me a look," His sudden, raspy voice sliced through the silence, making her jump as she realized he was awake, his eyes now opened to meet her surprised one. "What ? Why so shock ? Can't a man wake up early ?" He chuckle, sitting up and she shifted away as much as possible. Ji-Hyuk notice it.
"Well, good morning ?" He greeted expected to be returned.
"Good morning". (Y/N) replied.
Then he silently rose from the bed and vanished into the bathroom, leaving (Y/N) alone in the quiet morning light.
A soft knock on the door preceded the entrance of a maid, who curtsied and presented (Y/N) with a neatly folded outfit. "It's the master's order," she whispered, her eyes cast down. (Y/N) nodded, accepting the clothes, and followed the maid to a separate bathroom she used yesterday to freshen up and she changed into the new outfit, her movements were quiet and obedient. After finishing, she made her way to the master bedroom, where he awaited.
The moment she stepped into the room, his face transformed, a warm smile spreading across his features, like a sunrise breaking through the clouds. It was a sight she noticed how frequently he is showning alike she recalled the gentle curve of his lips in the morning, and the soft smile he had worn the day before raising a question is he letting his guard down ? Good then.
"It really did suit you. Looks pretty." His eyes crinkled at the corners, and his voice was low and smooth.
"Thank you". Ji-Hyuk stood up, walked near her.
"What would you like to have in breakfast ?" She narrowed her eyes on his caring question.
"Anything". Meekly she answered.
"Even grass ?" He smirked at her clenched jaw action.
"What ? What was funny ?" She wanted to yell yet knew to keep her mask on of compose and said. "I am sorry. No. Rather I do not have much preference as you like sir, order it". Polite and low her voice sounded however to Ji-Hyuk, it sounded distant and cold.
"Well, what country are you from ?" (Y/N) is confuse at his sudden question session.
"Hmm..then order something from your home country". The dancer paused a second to realize why he asked about that and it twist something alike a knife inside her guts of how caring his thoughts might be, it's ironic to his actions and power use he done.
"Ji-Hyuk". He called his name. "Call me by my name".
"Understood—". His onyx eyes burn into her eyes as if waiting for his name to roll out of his name. "Ji-Hyuk". And the sound certainly lighten the mood of the VVVIP due to his wider smile like a boy got his desired candy.
Soon they entered the grand dining hall with they sat at opposite ends of a sprawling, polished table. The long, empty plates stretched out before them like a canvas of fine china, adorned with intricate silverware and crystal glasses. At the head of the table, the private butler from the previous day she seen stood poised, his eyes fixed on her with a silent expectation, his presence exuding an air of refined elegance and discretion.
The butler approached, his eyes inquiring, and asked, "May I take your order?"
She parted her lips to say when under his watch she said her favorite meal from her home country while he opted for the Grilled Salmon. As they waited for their food. (Y/N) felt his gaze without looking the entire until their meals arrived, they ate in awkward silence.
"So, why did you start working in this kind of place". He sliced into the salmon, his knife gliding smoothly as he watched the juice trickle across the white plate.
She paused a quick second to meet his gaze thinking whether she should be honest or lie and as if reading her mind he answered. "I will know about your background anyway". She smiled quitely at his sentence because then why ask her ? It feels like being interrogated by the police.
"To escape my abusive parents". Her eyes then slide to her own meal.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
"Oh, physically or mentally ?" She furrowed her brows, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looked up, meeting his gaze and he simply smiled, seeming to revel in her reaction because he had intentionally asked the question to draw her in, to make her willingly meet his eyes. After all, he had never gone to such lengths for a lady like her— dining together, wasting time, and inquiring about her past, which he could easily access. But he knew that to truly captivate her heart, he needed to understand it first. And so, he watched her, his eyes sparkling with amusement and curiosity.
"Both". He nodded, putting a piece of salmon inside his mouth not averting his own gaze.
"Then why didn't you go to sex work ? It pays more than cabaret do".
"It's uncomforta—it's uncomfortable to be in pain. As a woman, I always have to be in pain at my first period, my first sex and probably for my first birth that I decided not to have the latter two for the sole sake of pain". His notions paused as slow, knowing smile spread across his lips sinking the realization of her touched and in this moment he knew he had chosen perfectly. "Unlike men". She added noting all his reactions.
"Sounds almost to me you want to become a man".
"No". She chuckle bitterly. She wants to crush men. Cutting her meal she missed the way his eyes glowed in astonishment.
𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
"S-She smiled ?" It's the first time she smiled willingly and it's beauty so captivating that his breath caught in his throat.
"Ji-Hyuk, could I ask which country are you from ?" Her question snap from his daze.
"You already have known it".
"Not from you". Ah ! This wit is what drives him crazy. The challenge is to his liking. Too liking.
"Korea but stayed at China my most childhood due to my father being Chinese and his business in here".
"Then your friends must have celebrated birthdays together". (Y/N) smiled in envy.
"Yes. Very happily". Ji-Hyuk answered. "When is your birthday ?"
"(M/D), yours ?" It created a smile at his lips knowing her interest awaken on him.
"Mine at August 31". She nod noting.
"I would like to celebrate my birthday with you". An order it is she understood from his tone.
"And what about your parents ?" She asked something quickly.
"Well, they are dead. Both died in their arms". Smiling Ji-Hyuk said. "What a love. I want that too". Glancing at her he tilts his head making her look down in uncomfortable.
After that he continued to engage her in conversation, asking about her interests and hobbies. However, she responded with brief, monosyllabic answers while also trying to slip some questions about him.
Finally the breakfast ended with her glancing at the lavish clock attached on the white wall. "Ji-Hyuk, then I should go ?"
"Where to ?" He straightforwardly asked.
"Home". Ji-Hyuk clench his jaw. "Can't this be your home ?" He was tempted to say but he didn't, too soon.
"Okay," (Y/N) breathed, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she turned to leave. When Ji-Hyuk next words stopped her in her tracks. "But—" Her heart sank, her lungs tightening once more as she turned back to face him.
"Give me your phone," he said, his hand outstretched, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity.
Finding no excuse to refuse with a sense of detachment, her hand reached into her bag and handed over her phone. The VVVIP's fingers closed around it like a vice, his thumbs flying across the screen with a speed and accuracy that made her skin crawl and when he handed it back, (Y/N) felt a chill shiver her spine. Her GPS and location services were now enabled, her every move trackable.
Holding her phone tightly with a bright, empty smile, she waved goodbye, feeling like a puppet on strings as his personal driver escorted her to the car, and she was driven away from the mansion towards her own home.
The driver's silent gaze met hers in the rearview mirror as he pulled up to her apartment building, the unassuming structure a stark contrast to the opulent villa she'd just left. (Y/N) felt a mix of relief and anxiety as she gathered her belongings and stepped out onto the familiar sidewalk.
"Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the hum of the engine.
With a nod, the driver waited until she disappeared into the building before pulling away, leaving (Y/N) to climb the stairs to her apartment with a sense of trepidation.
As soon as she locked the door behind her, she pulled out her phone and dialed a familiar number. Somchai, the bar manager.
☾ ───────────
𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏' 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏
Three hours of silence. Three hours of utter disregard the woman he waste so much time isn't caring to pick his call nor seeing his messages making Ji-Hyuk anger seethed, simmering just below the surface as he glared at his phone, willing her to respond. But she didn't. She was ignoring him, dismissing his attempts to contact like he was nothing. The thought sent a venomous rage coursing through his veins. Who did she think she was, anyway ? Didn't she know he wouldn't be ignored ? He should have kept her locked away, hidden from the world, where she couldn't humiliate him like this. Now, he have no choice but to confront her by going to her home, hopefully she isn't with a man being a whore. Just the mere thoughts made his skin crawl, his mind racing with visions of her with another man. He couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let that happen.
The business man almost burst out of the car if his driver late to scramble open the door one second and Ju-Hyuk is at this point consumed in rage and jealousy. He reached floor and stood at her door, his hand slamming into the bell three times, the sound echoing through the hallway.
"Bitch ! If there is a man. I will fucking kill him". He swore and the no answer only fueled his anger, he began pounding on the door, his fists shaking with fury. "Open up!" he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. "I know you're in there! You can't hide from me!"
And before he thought to break the weak wooden door, it swing open by (Y/N) herself who's surprise cross her expression finding his disheveled appearance, for the moment his heart skip a beat as his gaze lock into her beautiful (E/C) eyes and his anger falter until a glimpse of an unfamilar man behind her sat on the sofa, seems to be waiting for her.
𝒔𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒎𝒆 '𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰'𝒎 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚, 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔
"Bitch, fucking bitch". He mutter under his breath, staring at the man and snap ! As if the thread of holding his inner demon exploded and all his vision could see was red and his mind the urgue to kill the man alive.
He pushed (Y/N) aside, his hands shoving her away like a mere obstacle. She stumbled, her eyes wide in alarmed seeing him march into the room.
"What is he doing ?" (Y/N)'s confusion dissipated in an instant when the VVVIP's palm curled into a fist, poised to strike her co-worker. Her eyes widened in horror with her piercing screams earning Somchai's attention who now noticed his menacing stance is already too late. Ji-Hyuk fist flew, connecting with a sickening crunch that sent Somchai stumbling backward. The sound of the impact was like a crack of thunder, making (Y/N)'s heart skip a beat on contrast to his satisfaction.
"Stop it ! What are you doing ?" She scream and jumped before him to defense the only man who ever treated her like a human angering him more.
"Move". She shake her head.
"Please tell me why are you doing this ?"
"Because you are fucking having an affair". Flames coating his voice as he narrowed his eyes to her pluzzed gaze.
"What lead you to believe that ?"
"Well, this alone of him being in your room proves that and the reason of not answering my messages and phone calls". She openly for the first time scoff.
"First of all I had no idea of your messages and phone call because it was charging in another room and". She paused, looking at her side. "There are people with me". The table turns and Ji-Hyuk turn to the side with his eyes wide finding two women and another older man standing in horror holding few papers related to work. "They are all managers like me in Muse and Seduction".
His eyes dropped, falling to the floor as the weight of his mistake crushed him. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his breath knocked out of him. His hands, still clenched into fists, now felt limp and useless, painted with the innocent manager's blood. "Fuck !"
The room fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the managers, who were still trying to process the scene that had just unfolded and Ji-Hyuk's mind is a jumble of emotions, his thoughts racing with the realization of what he had done. All his hard work, all the progress he had made in building trust with (Y/N), had been undone in an instant, all his hard work in drain and now start from square one again. What a fucking idiot. Never did he knew one day his emotions overshoadow his logic that he so thinks is pathetic at the same time a newfound realization set in. He can't anymore bear the loss of this woman. How beautiful yet tragic.
"It was my fault. I-I will pay the bills of his medica—".
"Sir, could you please step a bit ?"
"S-Sir ? Step a bit ? What do you mean ?" For the first time in front of (Y/N), he stutter his words, bewildered by the fact she is choosing a random man over him ? Why is she telling him to leave ? "You want me gone ?" His voice accusing and onyx eyes betrayed feeling the regret of letting the man alive.
"No, sir I meant to—".
𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒘𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒕
"What ?" Aggression evade his face and (Y/N) flinch in pain when Ji-Hyuk's grip on her forearm, his fingers digging deep into her skin "Fucking bitch, what ? Cat caught your tongue".
"Ji-Hyuk, I am simple asking you to move so I can grab my phone to call—". He scoff loud to cut her polite request.
"Now you are calling me by my name ? What a clever little mouse you are ?" He twist her arm a little, gleaming to find a hint of change expression.
"Aren't you a fucking whore ?" He twist some more and she clench her jaw brushing off the memories that comes with the pain, bitter memories of the past men repeating the action.
"Aww, is my whore daughter crying ?"
"What bitch ? Spread your leg, why can't you open your legs like a bitch in heat".
"What a little woman we have here ? Listen, woman are submissive, not wild cards".
"Fuck you woman ! You are all slut, what happens if I fuck one of you".
"So, (Y/N) fucking (L/N) talk, do you want to me to leave ?" Bottled anger and resentment simmered, a potent brew of fury and fear the more he speaks. The echoes of past men's condescending voices swirled around her, a cacophony of control and possession that threatened to consume her.
"Talk ! Can't you fucking talk ?" Each word, each phrase, was a drop of water, slowly drowning her, suffocating her.
"(Y/N), answer me !" Her lungs burning, her heart racing, as the weight of their collective entitlement crushed her. And then, something inside her snapped.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP". She exploded and he was silenced. "Yes I do indeed want you to be gone. So please for god's sake go away with your sad excuse of a man". She straight glare at him making him falter a little and without a word he left.
For few seconds she stood silently before Somchai's gently pat on her back bring her to reality.
"I am sorry for the scene". She asked forgiveness to her co-workers who shake their head, brushing off her apologize. "Also I am sorry, Somchai". She said to the man who watched and seen the entire thing and couldn't help feel pride swell his chest.
"Don't be". Shortly making eye-contact he smiled silently telling her it's not her place to apologize.
Gingerly, (Y/N) asked, "Should I call an ambulance or take you to the hospital ?"
His response was nonchalant "No need, it's not my first time." A hint of a reckless past lingered in his words, leaving (Y/N) wondering what kind of life he had led to become a bar manager in this Adult Entertainment Complex along the lines his teenage years, he claimed, were a blur of wild abandon and devoid of serious goals or direction.
The meeting had reached an impasse, with Somchai and the others swiftly exiting, leaving (Y/N) alone to ponder the consequences of her action, sitting on the sofa. She massaged her forehead, trying to ward off the looming headache and speak of the devil, her phone buzzed, a message from Ji-Hyuk, popping up on the screen.
"Make sure to come to my birthday tomorrow". (Y/N) was taken aback by Ji-Hyuk's calmness in the message as she brace herself for anger, resentment, or even threats only to get this ? Her initial unease grew more, scared of unpredictability. When another notification pop. "Or else you have to pay for today". A clear threat despite the indirect words still she felt a twisted sense of relief after all at least she knew he was indeed still mad and have a temper because another one of the lessons she had learned on this job is the unreadable ones were always the worst. It's never known when they would explode or what they were brewing inside the calm facade so, with Ji-Hyuk's overt threat, she could prepare herself, unlike the unpredictable ones who kept her on edge.
"What a headache". She hold her head on her hand and slumped on the sofa not having the strength to move.
Beautiful the color blue is and Y/N looked absolutely stunning in the silk light blue dress sent by Ji-Hyuk this morning. The delicate fabric hugged her body perfectly, and the soft hue complemented her skin tone exquisitely with her hair cascaded down her back like a golden waterfall, with loose strands dancing in the gentle breeze as she stood on the sidewalk, waiting for the taxi to arrive she booked few seconds ago.
"What is going to happen ?" Worried cast upon her face imagining his treatment for talking back at him yesterday. She hated it. Hated being scared of little things, little mistakes makes her reminiscent back to the days of her parents where her mother unnerving, unforgiving eyes follow her around along her father's hating her guts for being merely a female. Her (E/C) eyes stare at the gift she held, a expensive watch—not with much thought she brought but it hurt her to spend her hard worked penny on to someone she doesn't care plus with her finance—the gift is too much for her. Hopefully he doesn't break it into pieces.
She was lost in her thoughts when a sleek, lavish car pulled up beside her, its black windows gleaming in the sunlight caught her attention. "It's his". Shs understood and confirmed more when the window rolled down, revealing the familiar face of the driver, who greeted her with a courteous smile. "Come inside, ma'am."
Wordless she obeyed feeling to step into a world of wealth and power, the scent, the softness, the space all makes the car so much more lavish to sit on, a mix of surprise and curiousity brew inside her soaking on the money she never dreamed to be inside and the door closed behind her with a gentle thud, snapping her out of the admiration.
Soon they pulled up to the grand estate, the driver opened the door, and she stepped out, her smile faltering for a moment as she gazed up at the imposing structure. The familiar mansion loomed before her, its beauty almost painful in its intensity. The sunlight danced across its facade, casting a warm glow that made it shine like a golden palace of the gods.
As she entered, her eyes observed in awe at the opulent interior. Crystal chandeliers refracted rainbow hues, and intricate frescoes adorned the ceilings. The air was alive with the sweet scent of exotic flowers, and the soft hum of classical music whispered through the halls. The decoration certainly more heavenly than before.
And at the heart of this splendor stood her master, his eyes locked onto hers, and she felt the familiar tug of the invisible leash on her neak holding on his hand.
𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
His hand outstretch and she smile like a pretty doll letting him hold it like a prince he is and they walked together towards the private ballroom where faint party noise could be heard and her (E/C)'s glance at him. "Happy birthday...". She tailed off. "Ji-Hyuk". Finally she added making him smile and caress.
"Thank you". He said caressing her hand by his thump. "You look beautiful in the dress I choose".
"Here's your gift". (Y/N) extended her hand, offering the gift bag. "It's not much, but I hope you like it." Ji-Hyuk's eyebrows shot up in amusement as he accepted the bag, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and he opened the packet, revealing a sleek watch with a black leather strap— a luxurious and expensive timepiece indeed, yet to Ji-Hyuk, it was surprisingly plain and almost...tacky.
"This ?" His gaze narrowed, his expression hidden the disdain staring at the color black seemed dull and unrefined to his eyes, a far cry from the sophisticated and elegant accessories he was accustomed to making him wonder about (Y/N)'s taste. Had she really thought this was something he would appreciate? Shouldn't she have at least asked him before bringing something so...pedestrian into his home?
The air was thick with unspoken questions as Ji-Hyuk's eyes met (Y/N)'s, his expression a mask of polite gratitude. "Thank you," though his voice neutral, still his eyes betraying a hint of disapproval. And (Y/N) notice it.
"Your welcome". She look away clenching her fist.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
"By the way you are staying the entire night with me". He commanded leaving no room for argument not like she has a tongue to argue. Once was a mistakes. Twice wouldn't be so she bit her tongue.
Then they stepped into the resplendent golden ballroom, the air was alive with the gentle clinking of champagne glasses and the soft hum of conversation. The room was abuzz with people from all walks of life, each with their own agenda, yet united in their anticipation. They mingled and chatted, forming tentative bonds, their eyes gleaming with a shared desire— to curry favor with the elusive Ji-Hyuk.
However beneath the polished smiles and courteous laughter, a different story unfolded. Each guest harbored a secret hope, a dream they dared not speak aloud. They were all waiting for the host, the enigmatic Ji-Hyuk, rumored to possess the power to make their deepest desires come true and once they spot him, a collective hush fell over the room. Ji-Hyuk's arrival was met with a subtle yet palpable shift in the atmosphere. The masks of civility slipped, revealing glimpses of avarice and longing. Eyes gleamed with an unspoken hunger, as if the very presence of Ji-Hyuk might unlock the doors to their wildest ambitions.
"Terrifying". She mutter under her breath, clearly feeling eyes burn her skin along his as the spotlight is on both of them together.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
As Ji-Hyuk's lips grazed her cheek, a shiver ran down her spine. His gentle whisper, "Let's go, sweetheart". sent a mix of emotions swirling within her. Their steps harmonized, drawing them closer to the crowd, and with each stride, her anxiety intensified. The air thickened, making her feel like she was being slowly suffocated, as if the walls of her lungs were closing in.
The crowd loomed before her, a sea of faces blurring together like a den of hyenas waiting to pounce. Ji-Hyuk's reassuring squeeze on her hand only added to the pressure, a reminder that even the gentlest touch from the most powerful predator could be overwhelming. The thought sent a tremor through her veins, as she felt like a vulnerable prey being led into the heart of danger.
"Welcome, Mr. Wang".
"Oh my friend, long time no see. Happy birthday".
"Happy birthday. Just didn't saw you for few years and you look more younger than before".
"Happy birthday. Mr. Wang, here meet my wife".
"Mr. Wang nice to meet you".
"Mr. Wang, you seem such a busybody ?"
"Mr. Wang, thanks to you the new wine business is going smoothly".
All their voices come mush to her yet when she glance he looks as unaffected rather he looks composed, calm and smiling and answering to each one of them.
"Oh ! Mr. Wang, who is this beautiful lady in your arms ?" This earned her attention holding her breath to hear. A escort ? A girlfriend ? A nobody ? Hopefully he choose one of these.
But her heart sank.
"My soon to be wife". Her eyes wide and breath hitched. Chest racing and almost as if feeling her eyes he slide to meet hers.
What ? Wife ? Wasn't the deal to be his girlfriend ? Why ? What changed ?
As if reading her mind he part his lips speaking wicked words. "And I am proposing to her right now. In front of her".
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
Her body froze, shock and fear rendering her immobile. She couldn't look away, couldn't speak, could only watch in horror the scenario unfolded. A waiter approached, bearing a dark blue box, which Ji-Hyuk opened with flourish as if it's hold a treasure in it, revealing a stunning ruby ring. Without a word, he slid the ring onto her finger, his eyes glinting with triumph.
The room erupted into applause and cheers, the noise almost deafening her. Ji-Hyuk's smirk grew, his lips curling into a cruel smile as he mouthed the words, "You are mine now, forever." Pleasuring from her tears sliding from her eyes the guests that the guests are oblivious to her distress, mistook her tears for joy, or simply chose to ignore them.
Is all she felt. Those negative feelings spread thoughtout her body like a poison bit by the snake in front of her a man, who is smiling so wide, so happy she wish to crush it and watch him suffer, cry, beg. Anything but happiness.
"Excuse me. I need to use the restroom". Without hearing his reply she march toward to the escape, gripping her grown and dug her fingers on the innocent fabric she wish to tore it right there and then. While the business man observed her every single little moments and drowning in her torment after all it's her punishment. Her punishment for humiliating and shaming him yesterday in front of those pest. As much as he urged to rip her head off he also realize she was a wild cat without a leash so as a good master he brought a leash on his name and put the ring of forever to always remind the woman she belongs to him in eyes of law and all and she should be submissive. Ah, the pleasure of breaking her fire.
𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
With arrogance drunk his mind, he mindlessly exchange strings of words to the pathetic men he deems until he frown glancing at his watch to still not find (Y/N) at his side. "Where is she ?" Certainly not ran away because it's stupid and such action from her is honestly disappointing so hopefully she won't sad him. Right ? Right. Because excusing himself he went to their shared bedroom and about to go outside not finding her when his ears perk at the shower water and immediately a smile curve.
His eyes burned with anticipation, his mind consumed by the promise of forbidden pleasure. He shed his tie, his movements deliberate as he walked to find the door unexpectedly open. Sweet, such a two-faced woman. It's really a sign of inviting him isn't it ? And indeed it was beholding a sight that made his heart race because there she stood beneath the shower's gentle caress, her clothes plastered to her body, accentuating every skin, every contour. The water had transformed her outfit into a translucent second skin, making her irresistible. Ji-Hyuk's onyx eyes devoured the sight, his gaze lingering on the way the fabric clung to her, highlighting the softness of her skin that he noticed the subtle stiffening of her shoulders, a whisper of awareness that she was no longer alone. A sly, sensual smile spread across his face as he stepped closer, his movements silent as a predator's. With a gentle, yet possessive touch, he wrapped his hands around her waist, his fingers brushing against her skin.
The water continued to cascade down, creating a sultry melody that accompanied his whispered words "Such a siren you are". His breath caressed her ear, his lips grazing her skin, as he pulled her closer, his body aligning with hers, the heat between them palpable.
Finally she turned, her movements unfolded like a tantalizing dance, each moment a promise of surrender. Her expression remained serene, yet her half-lidded eyes alike to velvet curtains covering her beautiful (E/C) eyes with water continued its gentle caress, dripping down her face, tracing paths of desire and her pink lips, inviting and plump, seemed to whisper a silent invitation, begging to be kissed, to be claimed.
Sending a painful thorb in his pants and without second thought forgetting the party, the people awaiting and everything he descended, anticipating a tender kiss when her grip on his shoulder electrified his body with a sudden, searing pain. She slammed him against the wall, his head cracking against the hard surface, sending a jolt of shock and taken a back through his veins escaping a low groan from his lips yet she showed no mercy, her fingers tangled in his hair, yanking his head back with a fierce cry. His vision blurred, the room spinning around him, as she smashed his head into the wall once more crashing his vision to be lost only seeing glimse of her hateful eyes.
☾ ───────────
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘, 𝒘𝒆'𝐥𝐥 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘
As Ji-Hyuk's eyes fluttered open, a throbbing, sharp pain hit him like a sledgehammer, forcing his lids shut again. The harsh glare of the bathroom light bulb pierced through his brain, making him question his surroundings. Why was he in the bathroom ?
Gingerly, he sat up, and the pain struck again, making his head spin. Memories began to resurface, fragmented and hazy, like a dream. He recalled inviting (Y/N) to his birthday party, proposing to her in front of everyone...and then following her when she stormed off.
The memories came flooding back, and with them, the anger and humiliation widen his eyes. She had pushed him, violently, against the wall. The audacity! How troublesome women could be. She thought she could escape him? Ha! He would track her down, and when he did, he would be polite, coaxing her back with a gentle touch...or else she might flee again.
Ji-Hyuk stood up, shrugging off the stiffness in his shoulders and back. He dusted his already immaculate clothes, a habit born of precision and control. He walked outside to the bedroom, expecting to find her gone, "as I thought". A wry smile twisted his lips as he confirmed his suspicion.
Rolling his eyes, he headed downstairs to summon his butler, intending to order a thorough search of the mansion. After all, no one thought to look for a hiding person in their own home, do they? But before he could issue the command, the servant approached him with a knowing look.
"Master, I think I should inform you...she left last night," the female servant said, her voice neutral. "She took her luggage and instructed us not to disturb you."
Ji-Hyuk's laughter echoed through the hallway, a low, menacing sound. "Ah, how delightful. She thinks she can outsmart me ?" His eyes gleamed with amusement, impressed by her audacity.
𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐, 𝒘𝒆'𝐥𝐥 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘
Ji-Hyuk's expression turned glacial, his voice dripping with calm anger. "Find her right now. I want her in front of me within 24 hours." His demeanor had shifted from amused to menacing, leaving no room for failure.
𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 (𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘)
His butler, usually unflappable, appeared before him with a panicked expression. "S-sir, I-I have something to report..." he stuttered, parting his lips to deliver the unthinkable words: "She's gone forever, sir."
Ji-Hyuk's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions. What? How? What did he mean by gone forever" ? He demand an explanation when the door burst open, and a group of police officers entered, their presence a jarring surprise.
The sudden invasion of his private space, combined with the butler's ominous words, made Ji-Hyuk's head spin. He felt a growing annoyance, his control slipping. "What is the meaning of this ?" he demanded, his voice cold and authoritative.
𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃 (𝒘𝒆'𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘)
"Mr. Wang, you are under arrest for tax evasion, embezzling money from your shareholders and series of crime that are still under investigation". He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his mind reeling with the implications.
"What ?"
𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒎 𝑰 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 (𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐)
The butler's whisper jumbled words added to the chaos "All of the bank contracts, shareholder agreements and those important evidence are missing...and I've got a message from the bank that all of our money is gone, finished." Ji-Hyuk's gaze snapped to the butler, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and shock. "Someone took today early morning verifying it's you, sir".
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆 ?
The butler's voice cut through the chaos, "And I believe it's—" but Ji-Hyuk finished the sentence himself, his voice dripping with venom, "(Y/N)'s work, right ?" The setvant's nod was like a confirmation of the most unpredictable he never imagined.
"And the shareholders are very anger along other companies who's contracts are missing".
𝒐𝒉 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏', 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏', 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝐫𝐞 𝒔𝒐 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆
Ji-Hyuk's laughter echoed through the room, a cold, mirthless sound. "Ha! She was playing the bigger game, huh? I underestimated her...this time." He felt a wave of fury wash over him, realizing he was not only facing arrest but also financial ruin, all because of the woman.
Ji-Hyuk's smile grew wider, his eyes gleaming with a manic intensity as he muttered, "Oh, such a fierce woman cost me my ruin." The police officer's words droned on, a familiar litany of rights and warnings, but Ji-Hyuk's mind was elsewhere. How classic, he deem men pathetic who lost control by their lower part and here he is the same.
"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you and you have the right to an attorney..." The irony wasn't lost on him —he couldn't afford food let alone a lawyer now. The thought sent a fresh wave of complex emotions coursing through his veins.
His mind was else where though while the police's the cold metal of the handcuffs and the police officer's firm grip on his arm. Still Ji-Hyuk's smile never wavered, even as he was led away in disgrace, wondering where (Y/N), who he was ruined by is.
The sky above seemed to stretch out in endless splendor. The white clouds, fluffy and soft like cotton candy, gathered around the plane, casting a serene shadow over the landscape below. The sprawling cities, once bustling and overwhelming, now appeared tiny and insignificant, a testament to the power of perspective.
She couldn't help but gasp in wonder, her eyes fixed on the breathtaking view. She had never been on a plane before, let alone in first class, and the experience was almost surreal. The gentle hum of the engines, the soft glow of the cabin lights, and the attentive service of the flight attendants all combined to create an atmosphere of luxury and tranquility.
Somchai's voice cut through the hum of the plane's engines, his words dripping with genuine interest. "So, how are you liking it?" he asked, his eyes never leaving hers, as if she was the only view worth beholding.
(Y/N) met his gaze, a laughter-filled smile spreading across her face. "Amazing," she replied, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. "I've often seen how it looks from phone and TV, but never in real life...due to financial problems." She shared her truth without hesitation, her words unfiltered and raw.
Somchai's expression remained soft, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled, leaning on the seat besides her. "Well, now you won't have to," he said, his voice low and reassuring. The words hung in the air, a reminder of their shared secret— the plan to steal Ji-Hyuk's money, the plan that had brought them together.
Clenching her jaw, her heavy feet step towards the destiny she very much fears at the same time loathes. That's when a hand hold her wrist spinning her around and her eyes wide seeing the man.
"Somchai ?" The least person she expected to see stood in front of her.
"Boss, can I...for few seconds talk to her ?" He pleaded the general manager who looked skeptical however she didn't wanted because the only bit of dignity of her should be remain at her work place.
"No, Somchai. Please let me go". She tug her hand for him to lose yet not go.
"I am sorry, (Y/N) for holding you wrist against your will. But please, please talk to me". The way his eyes begging and brows frows together she nod getting the boss's permission too "Thank you. Thank you". Then only he let go before apologizing to hold her wrist.
After they went to another room.
She asked. "What is it ?"
"You are not really going to apologize right ? After all working in this industry I know this much first it's not your fault". Her eyes flick clenching her heart at the reality how by little humanity from a man seem like a blessing when it's nothing. "And second your life will forever be trapped once you she step foot into his mansion because he wants you".
"I know". Without emotions she lowered her gaze.
"And you are okay risking it all ?"
"Woman never have choice". Bitterly she said and he realize.
"Then how about create a choice ?" Her eyes confuse.
"What do you mean by that ?"
"The entire reason you are force to do this becsuse you lack financially and even if you did not lack it the man is powerful enough to strip you down until you are nothing so why not steal the reasons of your imprisonment ?"
"What ? How ?" She breathed looking at him as if he had horns in his head. However he smirked telling his plan of her pretending to be with him when in reality she is going to find Ji-Hyuk's all documents and papers of bank to steal his money and fly somewhere he can't find her in case he wants revenge or simply her.
"It's risky". (Y/N) shake her head. "And crazy". She added.
"Well it's better than doing nothing also I want to see you smile and free like you deserve". He smiles. "Like all women deserve.
As soon as she locked the door behind her, she pulled out her phone and dialed a familiar number. Somchai, the bar manager.
"Come to my place immediately ! I have gps tracker on my phone and I am sure people will tail me if I go out so come to my place". After that he went to her apartment where she showed him all the detail bank records she took when he was asleep.
"But there is something else too". (Y/N)'s words earned his attention and his eyes wide seeing even the shareholders and business companies contracts and corruption. "And I think we should leak the corruption and take the shareholders and other companies's money to frame him of stealing money also leaking their private information". Making them plan not only running away but also ruining him for once and all before running away that's why at the proposing day she knocked him out to escape.
"Thank you, Somchai, without you I do not what I could have done".
"It's alright". He simply shrug.
"Well, I am going to my home country where my father earlier transferred from to thailand but—". She side eyed him. "Why are you coming with me ?" And he put a hand on his chest, acting as if he is in pain.
"Ouch ! You wound me. I thought you would be happy".
"I am but..." She tailed off laughing. "You seem to be a romeo helping his Juliet after all. O my gosh ! What am I saying, I do not like that story at all". A disgust expression cast her face.
"Ah ! Why not ? It's such a tragic love story". The bar manager argued.
"Right, love story more like a impulsive infatuation". She roll her eyes.
Somchai chuckled humbly "Also, indeed, I am not a Romeo." He confessed with a sheepish grin, acknowledging his unromantic past. After graduation, Somchai was a free spirit, splurging money with his friends, and living life on his own terms. His days blurred together in a haze of adventure and recklessness until one day he saw a girl, a beautiful girl he swear took his breath and her name is (Y/N) (L/N) and her profession, rather than shocking him, filled him with admiration for her fearlessness and dedication. Unlike his past self, who had been coasting through life on his father's wealth, (Y/N) worked tirelessly, unapologetic inspired him to stop relying on his family's influence, left bad influence and joined the very same complex to protect his secret crush blossomed into love from alongside even if she isn't his, Somchai is proud of her independence as long as he can stay beside her.
"Good because I can't see you becoming one".
"Really ?" Amused he laughed.
"Really". She sweetly said. "Somchai". At her smile his heart swelled with joy, knowing that he was the cause of her happiness making him bliss to simply be near her, to bask in the warmth of her presence, and to watch her shine.
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"You really know how to make a person—".
"What ?" (Y/N) cut him off excited.
Laughing he finished "Enslave".
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⌜ This story is inspired and I thought to turn the lines of song ❛ make you mine by public ❜ into my dark thriller. It was fun and hopefully you like it ⌟
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yinyangcouples · 3 months
Mo Dao Zu Shi Top 10 Fanfics - here there be angst
After reading Mo Dao Zu Shi and watching The Untamed, I went down the rabbit hole of fanfic, as one does. People in fan spaces frequently ask for fic recs, so I wanted to make an easy way to share some of my favorites!
To be upfront, my favorite fics follow book canon, not Untamed canon. My favorites are also pretty much all set in the ancient universe with cultivation. I read some modern stuff, etc, but that is definitely not what I gravitate towards. I also love a long fic. So here it is, my top 10.
Birthday Party by Waffles_4_Breakfast - What if Jin Zixun didn't attack Wei Wuxian at Qiongqi Path and waited until the party to attack? I love this fic the most of all that I have read so far. The author does an amazing job of taking the book canon universe and asking "what if?" I felt like the story was incredibly realistic with the canon version of the characters. High on angst. This story is explicit, but has easy to skip scenes.
Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo - When Wei Wuxian wakes up in Mo Xuanu's body, he doesn't know who he is, but he is drawn to a man in white robes. This is, ultimately an amnesia fic, which I have a definite soft spot for. In this fic, there is a very high level of angst, characters processing grief, and quite a lot of my favorite little marshmallow, Lan Sizhui. This one is rated Teen and up.
Memories are easier when shared by marhalf - Sweet and slow fix-it, beginning after WWX death, on the idea that his soul would answer LWJ's call. Getting people together, healing trauma through love, I can't help it! This one brings the angst. Can you tell I have a type? When Lan Wangji plays Inquiry, Wei Wuxian answers. But not in the way that is expected. I love so much about this fic and can't recommend it enough. It is emotional, beautiful, and Wei Wuxian gets to redeem himself to almost all the important people in the cultivation world that matter to him, through shared memories. This one is explicit.
Turn Left by kianspo - Lan Wangji is kidnapped from the Lan Clan when he's still a small child. He retains no memories of his real identity, and only knows himself as a servant at Madam Ji's brothel. When the clients begin to look at him with interest, he finds someone to curse him and take away his true appearance, and with it any chance of ever finding his family. When I say this one is angsty, I do mean it. But it is so, so good. Will Wei Wuxian fall in love with Lan Wangji, when LWJ has a very ugly face? Will LWJ ever find his family, when he is unrecognizable? Mature rating.
Cultivating immortality by KizuKatana - The Lan sect has been putting pressure on Lan Wangji to find a cultivation partner. They don't like the one he chooses. This one is just fun. Ok, so there is canon typical angst. But what a fun ride. I like that there is an absence of homophobia in the world, due to the "cultivation partner universe" that the author has set up. Explicit.
a star called sun by thelastdboy - “Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying had whispered. “Lan Zhan, you will have to protect me. Madam Yu is definitely going to kill me for real this time around,” he had said jokingly, but something about how he said it made Lan Wangji pause. Later, Lan Wangji would regret leaving Wei Ying behind. Another angsty masterpiece. This one features a character working through becoming disabled. Pretty heavy on the grief. There are crows, a Wei clan, and beautiful poetic language. Not Jiang friendly. Uses Untamed canon. Rated Explicit, but IIRC, that is just due to violence and not sexual content. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Concord by Deastar - Lan Wangji hopes, somewhat frivolously, that his betrothed might find him an acceptable companion. Neither he nor Wei Wuxian are able to bear children, so there will be no need to share a marital bed; that should make it easier for the two of them to reach a natural, comfortable equilibrium. Are we surprised that this one is incredibly angsty?? It deals heavily with depression. Canon AU but in an amazing way. It does use Untamed canon (Yin Iron, WWX's "demonic" cultivation harms him, puppets, etc). My biggest complaint though is that I want MORE of it. at 45K words, it's too short. Lol! Rated Teen.
Flowers Blooming by Ilona22 - Wei Ying is orphaned when he is four years old. Unlike in another world, he does not have to wait years to be found by his father’s martial brother. Instead, he is found by a woman looking for a child to love. This one is so incredibly beautiful. At 35K words, it is on the shorter side of what I normally read. But I love seeing what might have been had Wei Ying grown up with love. Not as angsty as my normal fair. Rated Mature.
SanRen by Kyogre - Leaving YunmengJiang in an effort to curb the tensions in the Jiang family, Wei WuXian becomes a rogue cultivator. Another one I really enjoyed. I love the canon divergence of what might happen if Wei Wuxian had struck out on his own before he went to the Cloud Recesses and met Lan Wangji. It has fluff and angst and all the good things. It was written before The Untamed came out and is novel canon! Rated Teen
All will be well when the day is done by abCEE - The one where Yu Ziyuan time traveled but she thought that it was her visions of her alternate life. So I love the absolutely unique take that this one is. Madam Yu is our time traveller and the only thing she "gifts" Wei Ying is not killing him herself when he gets kicked out of the inn after his parents die. Lots of angst and redemption. Not Madam Yu friendly, as you might imagine. Rated teen.
So there you go. That is my top 10 list of favorite Mo Dao Zu Shi fanfics that I've read so far. Writing this makes me want to go back and reread them all, but my to read list is long and ever growing. If you have any favorites in that style, please drop them in the comments!
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blueiscoool · 1 month
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Very Rare Emperor Constantine Silver Ingots Saved From Illegal Sale
A man allegedly tried to illegally sell three rare Roman-era silver ingots that his great-grandmother reportedly found in her garden years ago.
Three "truly sensational" Roman-era silver ingots depicting Constantine the Great were nearly sold illegally on the internet, a new investigation finds.
An unnamed man alleged that his great-grandmother found the rare artifacts buried in the family's backyard in Transcarpathia (also known as Zakarpattia), a region in western Ukraine. Later, the man reportedly tried to sell one of the silver bars online, according to Public Uzhgorod, Ukraine's public broadcast station.
However, officials from the museum intervened by reporting the attempted illegal sale to local law enforcement. When officers searched the home, they discovered two additional ingots. Because the ingots have "special cultural value," Ukraine's Office of the Prosecutor General has taken over the case, according to a translated statement from the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in Kyiv.
Each of the metal blocks, which are almost entirely pure silver, weighs more than 12 ounces (342 grams) and contains a coin-shaped impression of Emperor Constantine the Great on each side, according to the statement. Constantine, who ruled from A.D. 306 to 337, is known for ushering Christianity into the Roman Empire and moving his capital to "New Rome," which later became Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul).
The ingots would have been used during the minting process to strike coins known as siliquae. The coins with Constantine's likeness would have been issued between A.D. 310 and 313 in Augusta Treverorum, a Roman city that today is Trier, Germany. At one time, the pieces would have been batched together with a thin, silver ribbon, which has since been lost, according to the statement.
"Three ingots fastened together were supposed to be a gift for a very high-ranking person," Maksym Levada, a curator at the museum, said in the statement. "The fact that they were found outside the Roman Empire on the territory of modern Ukraine makes them an invaluable source of our past."
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Experts estimate the treasure's value at 3.5 million Ukrainian hryvnia, or about $84,800.
"But what makes them unique is not the cost, but the fact that only a few similar ingots have been found in Europe to date," Andriy Kostin, Ukraine's prosecutor general, said in the statement.
There are about 90 known Roman silver ingots in existence today, with only 11 containing mint stamp impressions, making the three ingots' recovery even rarer, according to the statement.
Kyrylo Myzgin, an archaeologist and faculty member at the University of Warsaw who initially examined the ingots, said in an email that the finding "can be considered truly sensational."
"It is excellent news that they ended up in a museum rather than on the black market for antiquities," Myzgin said. "Roman silver ingots with coin die imprints are incredibl\y rare and were virtually unknown outside the Roman Empire. It is likely that these ingots reached the territory of what is now western Ukraine as a result of interactions between the local population — possibly Germanic tribes or Dacians [people in what is now largely modern-day Romania] — and the Roman Empire in the early 4th century. However, the exact nature of these interactions has yet to be determined."
The ingots are now on display in the museum's "Salvated Treasures" exhibition, which contains a collection of rescued artifacts.
By Jennifer Nalewicki.
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noveratus · 1 month
I just watched Fairly Oddparents a new wish, and here are my thoughts.
I love this show. Genuinely, this is my probably my favorite reboot/sequel show that I have ever watched along with Fiona and Cake. It is fantastic and if you have not seen it yet, I recommend you do.
The best way to describe this show is that it feels like someone took the concept of Fairly Oddparents and applied it in modern times, and it works so well. The original show was wackier and full of more hijinks, while this show follows the trend of modern cartoons being more mature, with characters feeling more realistic and human. Yes, there are still plenty of cartoon shenanigans, it is very funny, but it is also so good at writing characters. No longer does it need to rely on over the top cartoony satires. It uses its modern setting and its realism in its favor, blending it with the shenanigans and magic that the show is known for.
I have seen some people say that Peri is the only good thing about the show and I couldn't disagree more. Yes, I do think the show is stronger in its second half, once he appears, however, I think he is alright. To me, the real star is Hazel and her relationship with Cosmo and Wanda as well as her own parents. It is so refreshing to see genuinely good parents trying their best, but who sometimes screw up instead of idiots who treat their child as trash. Dev is also a highlight, he is a very deep character for a show like this. But yes, I love that Hazel feels like a character more mature for her age, because that allows her to have issues that relate not only to kids, but adults too. It is incredibly smart. And those are the best episodes, the ones where things that things that are actually important, like dealing with anxiety (which is explored several times in the show), learning to appreciate your age, and accepting who you are are beautiful.
The first part does have the slight issue of having episodes whose main purpose seem to be introducing new characters to potentially explore them later and very little more, but those are just a couple of episodes and they do learn pretty quickly how to mix character introductions with life lessons. It is an overall brilliant show.
There were some episodes that were a little boring to me- or rather random since they didn't really deal with any characters learning anything truly, but if the writers were having fun with their concept I don't mind.
I think that my real biggest issue was the last episode of the show that felt a little rushed with Dev and Irep just taking over Fairy World like that and then getting it back felt too easy, but I won't complain too much. Having Dev lose Peri after he said he cared about him, the only thing Dev really wanted hurt. It does lead to the issue with fairies, because, for Hazel, losing Cosmo and Wanda will be sad, but she still has loving parents and friends, and even her teachers love her. She will be fine when the time comes. But Dev is in a similar spot as Timmy, where their fairy is all they have. That's their entire family and you will take that away from them, potentially leaving them to end up as Crocker.
I wonder if they will explore that at any point. I have hope. Speaking of exploring, I do hope that we see more of the side characters, like I would love it if Hazel took a step back for a few episodes and let Winn shine (fuck yeah, nb rep), or another one of the kids or even Cosmo and Wanda. I do want to know how they feel about their retirement and their relationship since it is so much better than it was before. They are a genuinely great couple in this show and incredibly funny, too. Their love is contagious.
Now, for ships, because so far I have seen some, uh, let's say interesting ships for this show, and yet, I have not once heard the mention of what is my personal favorite ship (which is technically a crackship but shhh) and that is Peri X Anthony. Anthony is shown to maybe be having relationship issues, and I think Peri is incredibly queercoded, not to mention, I think they would really get along. Also, Anthony is the only adult who can't forget fairies. Here is my fanfic: together, they create a place to help people who lost their fairy godparents and have no one left, much like how Timmy was most likely left when we last saw him. As for what happened to Timmy, I'm honestly not too fussed about him. If they want to bring him back, I hope they do with the intent of developing him further rather than just a cameo. And even then, I think that it would be far more interesting to bring back other characters first, like Trixie or any of the female characters who were done so dirty in the original. But if I had to bring him back, I'd do so by having him be working for AJ as a paranormal investigator. Much like crocker, he never grew past his fairies, but he knows how to mask it better. Deep down, he is trying to fill the hole he fills he still has deep down, which stops him from fully growing. That's just my fanfic, though. For now, all that I ask is more focus on the side characters.
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acheronist · 5 months
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disclaimer i am not a scholar or a historian or an archaeologist. i just like vampires in a freak way and read a lot of weird articles + listen to podcasts and think about this a lot.
so the vampire burials that i know the most about were done in the general region of like... hungary / slovakia / romania / poland kind of following along the line of the carpathian mountain range. but also then in like, early america as well for some reason. random ass 1700s vampire hysteria panic swept the nation (all 25 square miles of it).
anyways so this area in europe is notorious for vampire folklore anyways so it tracks that where the european vampire folklore was originating = where people are most frightened of it for real. and so the vampire graves that have been excavated and studied are HONESTLY PROBABLY just the graves of like..... normal people who were ill in some way, and therefore cast into a suspicious light, and then died. but it was a fairly common belief that if someone WAS a vampire, especially prior to dying, then they'd return from the dead and attack and kill their family first before moving onto friends and neighbors and the rest of the community. bad for the community. so after the "vampire" in question died, the living would take extra steps to ensure that the deceased would not rise from the grave again and start killing them because well No One would like that! so one one hand its really kind of upsetting that-- essentially-- the dead were being accused and vandalized without the ability to protect or defend themselves AND THEN ALSO having their burial rites get screwed around with. sure you prevented the vampires but now we've got fucking ghosts. great work everyone.
and then on the other hand morbid freaky trivia is so fascinating to MEEEEEEE so here some of the most dramatic methods that i can recall from the top of my head:
dismembering the deceased's corpse ( with an emphasize on decapitation)
and for the decapitation, sickles or hand scythes were placed over the deceased's neck, so if they lived and sat up again, they'd cut their own throat
also rearranging the dismembered body (pieces) or the body (whole) in specific patterns
padlocking the deceased's feet together
placing bricks or rocks into the deceased's mouth, either breaking their teeth or making it impossible for any postmortem vampire zombie bite damage to be inflicted upon the living
pinning the deceased's corpse into the ground via steel or iron stakes to keep them from getting up. often stakes were stabbed thru the heart which is where the motif in media today comes from
but also sometimes removing the heart from the deceased completely and burning it also happened
burying the deceased with wreathes of garlic and poppy seeds and paprika peppers to act as wards to keep them where they were. which is hilarious also when you take into account how much garlic and poppy and paprika gets used in eastern european cuisine
and i might be making this part up LMAO but i feel like in my heart. and brain. that i remember a colonial american(?) story where an autopsy was performed on a recently deceased girl(??) whose organs still looked "fresh" and functional, as it were, and not like the organs of someone dead. because she was obviously rising from the dead and drinking the blood of the living which we can tell from her remarkably fresh organs. this was another great instance of vampire organ harvesting but i for SURE need to go try and find my source for this again.
and similarly, i also am like 90% sure I've read about exhuming someone who had been accused of being a vampire, and judging how their rate of decomposition was going, and if they looked too fresh and alive then they were a vampire and we can brutally kill them again. obviously differences in burial climates and situations would have no bearing or affect upon the body's rate of decay btw.
but then as we work our way up thru history, illegal body snatching also became an incredibly common thing as anatomists and doctors and surgeons needed the bodies to learn from. and I'm SOOOO so certain that grave cages / mort safes were invented because normal people did not want their corpses to be body snatched and turned into underground med student dissection homework. BUT ☝🏻 i have also seen claims that cages over the graves were put in place to keep the vampires IN the grave, not to keep body snatchers OUT of the grave. and then I went hmm. where have I seen big elaborate grave cages before?
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mother fucking henry ford has a mort safe cage on his shit, so the only reasonable conclusion to all of this is that henry ford was a vampire. amen. my edible is hitting now and i cant think of a good conclusion to this post sorry. someday i will write an essay. or finish making my gay ass zine about this.
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rwrbficrecs · 1 year
August Faves
Monthly Faves are back! Sorry I missed July, it became too much work for me alone 😅 So we've decided to gather recs from the volunteers as well ❤️ Here's what we all read & loved in August, hope you enjoy 🥰
we've been here forever (here's the frozen proof) by @onward--upward (book-verse)
@read-and-write-: This is an AU, where Henry is an author and Alex, after reading Henry's books, starts exchanging emails with him by asking him about his own sexual identity crisis. This fic is cute, it's emotional, it's funny. It has everything you need and more.
@inexplicablymine: Have you ever feen so emotionally fulfilled by a story you want to spoon feed it to all your friends? That is this fic right here, filled to the brim with comfort and care it’s a masterclass in strangers to lovers.
@thesleepyskipper: A fic I couldn’t put down no matter how hard I tried
@indomitable-love: I want to climb inside this fic and live in it.
Going Platinum by @cricketnationrise (book-verse)
@gwiazdziarka: Henry falls in love with a stranger on the Internet and it's camboy!Alex. This slightly ridiculous concept makes interesting things happen and it's hot. NSFW.
Who'd have known by HiguT (book-verse)
@gwiazdziarka: Alex and Henry are friends since Rio and Alex turns to Henry when he has sexuality crisis. Henry helps. It's short, sweet, a little awkward and I absolutely love it when Firstprince become friends in Rio.
The Edge of Glory by @historicallysam (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: This is a really sweet post canon fic, posing the question: what happens when Alex gets tapped to run for office, after he and Henry and their family have been settled in Austin for many years. It really had me by the heartstrings, I love seeing the boys grown up, talking to each other and sorting their stuff out, and this did not disappoint!
muscle memory by @stutteringpeach (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: Is one of those fics where the tension is unbearable between them and you just want to shake them and make them talk, but then the sexy stuff is also excellent
Body Count Baby! by @orestespdf (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: this is a fun look into the boys sexual history, and honestly I’m desperate to know more about Henry’s slut phase, I would read about it endlessly
Things I Cannot Accept by @sprigsofviolets (book-verse)
@suseagull04: An interesting AU where Ellen never became President during the 2016 election and how that affects our favorite prince and would-be FSOTUS and how they get together. If you love slow burn, you'll love this fic!
@read-and-write-: It's a new take on canon, one that doesn't shy away from talking about politics, about Ellen's relationship with her children and Catherine's relationship with hers. It's emotional and it's beautiful, every word is worth it
@inexplicablymine: What if it all happened a little later, a little more realistic, and filled with just as much heart. For those who love Angst+Fluff you will get both in droves. There is a chapter in here that made me cry like a baby it was such a good representation of the tenderness of opening yourself up to another.
Every nation ought to have a right to provide for its own happiness. by @beautifulhigh (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: I love how sweet Alex and Henry’s relationship is in this fic, and the exploration of Henry deciding to exit the line of succession is handled beautifully too!
show me all your seasons by @villiageidiot (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: I don’t know how I managed to miss this fic the past two years – it’s such a lovely gem that deserves all the love. Really loved the way we journey through the seasons with Alex and see him figure out how he feels about Henry.
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest) by @kiwiana-writes (book-verse)
@rmd-writes: From the minute I started reading this Shakespearean actor au I’ve been obsessed with it. It’s not just the inclusion of so many epistolary which makes for a fic that looks pretty. It’s an incredible fic all round - impeccable characterisation, clever use of canon elements, a well-written, perfectly paced plot underscored by so much love and joy (even amongst the angst) that just leaps off the page. It had me laughing and squealing and crying and I can’t wait to read it again!!!
@inexplicablymine: One of my favorite retellings with chapters that made me cry tears of joy. This is the kind of work you pin your hopes and dreams to because it fills you with something you didn’t know you were missing. I can not get enough of it and it leaped to the top of my all time favorites very early on.
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topazadine · 2 months
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Wheatfield With Crows by Vincent Van Gogh
What Painting Style Is Your Writing?
Here's a fun little thing I've been thinking about lately based on a conversation with a friend. While it's not one-to-one, I do think that painting styles can have a bit of a parallel to writing styles, especially when it comes to descriptions.
As a note, these are my own personal categorizations based on writing style. Would the authors themselves agree with these categorizations? Probably not, but that's okay, we're not doing this for them.
I also haven't captured every single painting style in the world here; these definitions are focused primarily on European art, and there are subgenres within each of these. If I tried to do that, we'd be here forever.
Consider this an introduction to the concept of matching your writing style to art movements, a jumping-off point to look deeper and find your perfect match.
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A Village in the Snow by Peder Mørk Mønsted
Key features: Very specific descriptions meant to evoke precise images. May include what seems like irrelevant inclusions in order to give a full sense of place. Real-world settings are often dizzingly specific, whether that is a tiny cafe in Paris or the exact field that's being visited. "Gross" things are depicted with great factualism and an almost dispassionate narration. Dialogue is sharp, and characters are not always likable, but feel very real.
Example text:
His cheerfulness increased, like the creaking of an ill-greased pulley, and ended by degenerating into a terrible spasm of coughing. The fire basket now clearly lit up his large head, with its scanty white hair and flat, livid face, spotted with bluish patches. He was short, with an enormous neck, projecting calves and heels, and long arms, with massive hands falling to his knees. For the rest, like his horse, which stood immovable, without suffering from the wind, he seemed to be made of stone; he had no appearance of feeling either the cold or the gusts that whistled at his ears. When he coughed his throat was torn by a deep rasping; he spat at the foot of the basket and the earth was blackened. Germinal by Emile Zola
Strengths: Creates a very strong sense of place and evokes powerful imagery in the reader's mind, to the point that they feel as if they are actually there. With good realist texts that are based on careful research, the reader gets a strong understanding of the given era or issue being discussed. Great for infusing a text with political, social, or philosophical themes.
Drawbacks: Many times, deep characterization takes a back seat to depiction, leaving readers feeling distant from the characters. There's little internal dialogue. Exhaustive explanations of sociopolitical issues can be offputting to some, as can the careful analysis of things like machinery or history.
Good for: Historical fiction, crime writing, literary fiction
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Double Self Portrait by Richard Estes
Key features: Extremely specific descriptions that go deep, capturing every nuance of the scene. This can get even more detailed than realism, to things like the exact models of cars, the street corners, even tiny imperfections of a person's face. Actions are precise and narrated play-by-play. Dialogue is precise and crisp, and characters are very action-oriented.
Example text:
Almost automatically, Bond went into the 'Parry Defence against Underhand Thrust' out of the book. His right arm cut across, his body swivelling with it. The two forearms met mid-way between the two bodies, banging the Mexican's knife arm off target and opening his guard for a crashing short-arm chin jab with Bond's left. Bond's stiff, locked wrist had not travelled far, perhaps two feet, but the heel of his palm, with fingers spread for rigidity, had come up and under the man's chin with terrific force. The blow almost lifted the man off the sidewalk. Goldfinger by Ian Fleming
Strengths: The precision with which the writer narrates things can be incredibly instructive to the reader when used correctly, making them feel as if they are gaining a tutorial in the given subject. It's also great for stories when tiny details really matter, like mysteries.
Drawbacks: If not done correctly, photorealism can feel procedural and boring. Too much focus on the wrong things makes readers zone out. Plots and characterization can get lost in the need for specificity, though they are generally very plot-oriented.
Good for: Mysteries, adventures, crime novels, historical fiction
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The Dessert: Harmony in Red by Henri Matisse
Key features: Strong, slashing impressions of an entire area that are focused primarily on the emotion evoked by the setting rather than specific details. Twines feelings with descriptions to make the reader envision their own landscape, as well as how it would make them feel. Characterization is often very strong, giving the reader a very powerful connection to the characters.
Example text:
I had been sleeping, curled up in a red plush seat, for a long while when we reached Black Hawk. Jake roused me and took me by the hand. We stumbled down from the train to a wooden siding, where men were running about with lanterns. I couldn't see any town, or even distant lights; we were surrounded by utter darkness. The engine was panting heavily after its long run. In the red glow from the fire-box, a group of people stood huddled together on the platform, encumbered by bundles and boxes. I knew this must be the immigrant family the conductor had told us about. The woman wore a fringed shawl tied over her head, and she carried a little tin trunk in her arms, hugging it as if it were a baby. My Antonia by Willa Cather
Strengths: With such a good focus on characterization, the reader often feels deeply for the characters. Readers may enjoy the freedom provided to make their own assumptions about the scenes and will leave the text with a feeling of motion, as if they have gone through the same trials as the characters. Great for summoning images of wild landscapes without going too far into the details.
Drawbacks: When done badly, the lack of specificity can make it feel like the writer is bullshitting and lazy. Some readers can feel frustrated by the lack of details. The writer may rely on common knowledge that the reader doesn't have, making them confused.
Good for: Romance, adventure, fantasy
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Waterloo Bridge, London, 1903 by Claude Monet
Key features: Similar to expressionism, the writer focuses on a few key details to represent the whole, giving a "blurry" impression that ultimately allows the reader to fill in the details on their own. There is more freedom given to the viewer (or reader) than in other styles, and there's a strong focus given on the feeling evoked rather than the details.
Example text:
So some random light directing them with its pale footfall upon stair and mat, from some uncovered star, or wandering ship, or the Lighthouse even, with its pale footfall upon stair and mat, the little airs mounted the staircase and nosed round bedroom doors. But here surely, they must cease. Whatever else may perish and disappear, what lies here is steadfast. Here one might say to those sliding lights, those fumbling airs that breathe and bend over the bed itself, here you can neither touch nor destroy.  To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Strengths: Great for infusing symbolism into a story by zooming in on specifics while leaving the rest vague. Often used for philosophical discussions, and may include many asides that ponder the nature of life. Often flows beautifully and is very lyrical. Can leave readers feeling 'haunted' by the questions posed and force them to look differently at the small things that make up their own life.
Drawbacks: Can be longwinded and feel more like a list of details rather than a real story. May feel self-indulgent to the reader, especially if they were expected a strongly plot-driven story. Characters may feel more like props for thought experiments.
Great for: literary fiction, flash fiction, poetry
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Ulu's Pants by Leonora Carrington
Key features: Grand focus on unusual settings, with interesting details that make it clear what a strange place this is. Often interspersed with tongue-in-cheek asides from the narrator. Characters are whimsical, vibrant, and distinct, described in bold, sometimes unflattering terms.
Example text:
Great A’Tuin the star turtle, shell frosted with frozen methane, pitted with meteor craters, and scoured with asteroidal dust. Great A’Tuin, with eyes like ancient seas and a brain the size of a continent through which thoughts moved like little glittering glaciers. Great A’Tuin of the great slow sad flippers and star-polished carapace, labouring through the galactic night under the weight of the Disc. As large as worlds. As old as Time. As patient as a brick. Actually, the philosophers have got it all wrong. Great A’Tuin is in fact having a great time. Great A’Tuin is the only creature in the entire universe that knows exactly where it is going. The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett
Strengths: Because of a strong narrative voice, these books often feel like a direct conversation between the author and reader, which creates a very warm, intimate experience. The strange details are memorable and intriguing, making the reader want to delve further into the world.
Drawbacks: When not done correctly, these stories can feel silly, like the author is trying too hard. Details that aren't strange enough may feel melodramatic and overemphasized.
Great for: Fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, YA
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Elegy to the Spanish Republic by Robert Motherwell
Key features: Descriptions are evokative moreso than realistic, and writers may be willing to go far deeper into uncomfortable topics than others. Information may be jumbled, nonsensical, or downright wrong, all to provide a disorienting and, at times, unsettling experience for readers. Unusual depictions of everyday life and fantastical scenarios are common. Stories are rambling and rich with symbolism, but not necessarily with clear themes or deeply fleshed out characters.
Example text:
Then it developed sort of teeth-like little raspy incurving hooks and started eating. He thought this was cute at first and built an act around it, but the asshole would eat its way through his pants and start talking on the street, shouting out it wanted equal rights. It would get drunk, too, and have crying jags nobody loved it and it wanted to be kissed the same as any other mouth. Finally it talked all the time day and night, you could hear him for blocks screaming at it to shut up, and beating it with his fist, and sticking candles up it, but nothing did any good and the asshole said to him: ‘It’s you who will shut up in the end. Not me. Because we don’t need you around here any more. I can talk and eat and shit. Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs
Strengths: Very memorable, impactful, and intriguing. Creates new perspectives and concepts for the reader, showing the entire possibilities of the English language. Forces deeper analysis; many 'abstract' works have become hallmarks of their era that are still discussed decades later.
Drawbacks: The confusing and, at times, offputting descriptions can make some readers check out. These are an acquired taste which, when not done well and with an established following, may not receive much commercial success.
Good for: literary fiction, flash fiction, poetry
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The Women of Algiers by Pablo Picasso
Key features: Laconic style that is heavy on dialogue, not so much on description. Facts are stated plainly and without great adornment. Symbolism is muted but definitely present, requiring close reading to catch. Conversations may be circuitous and written very true to life, including irrelevant details and avoiding the main issue.
Example text:
Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated. "Santiago," the boy said to him as they climbed the bank from where the skiff was hauled up. "I could go with you again. We've made some money." The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him. "No," the old man said. "You're with a lucky boat. Stay with them." "But remember how you went eighty-seven days without fish and then we caught big ones every day for three weeks." "I remember," the old man said. "I know you did not leave me because you doubted." "It was papa made me leave. I am a boy and I must obey him." "I know," the old man said. "It is quite normal." "He hasn't much faith." "No," the old man said. "But we have. Haven't we?" "Yes," the boy said. "Can I offer you a beer on the Terrace and then we'll take the stuff home." "Why not?" the old man said. "Between fishermen." The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Strengths: Can drive deep into the heart of the human condition and depict difficult topics in a way both sensitive and intriguing. The barebones depictions may be incredibly sharp, making readers look differently at their own lives. When the dialogue is written well, it can carry the text fantastically and develop vivid characters without much description.
Drawbacks: Similar to abstract writing, 'cubist' writing is often divisive: you either love it or you don't. Some can be bored or confused by long back and forth dialogues without any description to latch on, especially if the text is too focused on realism in dialogue without considering the bigger picture.
Good for: Crime writing, literary fiction, flash fiction
Pop Art
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M-Maybe by Roy Liechenstein
Key features: Often features many references to contemporaneous media, merchandise, or current events, giving it a strong sense of time. Fast descriptions that rely on common knowledge, often done in a very punchy and fast-paced style. Characters are often vivid and draw on well-liked tropes so readers will quickly empathize with them.
Example text:
I avert my gaze from hers and glance down at my watch. It’s the latest in smartwatch tech from Samsung, a beautiful little thing that connects to my phone and computer, controls the streaming box on our television… Hell, if we could afford smart lights in our apartment, it could handle those, too. It’s nearly 8:00 p.m., which means my Glitch subscribers will be tuning in for my scheduled gaming stream of Reclaim the Sun at any minute. A couple social media notifications start lighting up the edges of the little screen, but it isn’t the unread messages or the time that taunt me. Don't Read the Comments by Eric Smith
Strengths: Very relatable to readers of a given era. When done well, can be both nostalgic and instructive, as they are strongly rooted in a particular time and place. Because they are so relatable, this kind of pop fiction is incredibly easy to commercialize and does well in mass media.
Drawbacks: There may be too much focus on being relatable rather than delving into the human condition. Easily grows dated and may rely too much on tropes and pop culture references for some to understand or enjoy.
Good for: YA, romance, comedy
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Isle of the Dead by Arnold Böcklin
Key features: Focuses on the ideas of images rather than specifically describing things. Often a strong interest in the "unknowable," or the call of the void; much is left to the reader's imagination. A character's reaction to a given thing is often more important than the thing itself, helping the reader see it through the character's eyes and put themselves in the character's place. Mysterious and atmospheric. Like the 'impressionist' style, there may be great detail given to one or two things that represent the whole.
Example text:
Only poetry or madness could do justice to the noises heard by Legrasse’s men as they ploughed on through the black morass toward the red glare and the muffled tom-toms. There are vocal qualities peculiar to men, and vocal qualities peculiar to beasts; and it is terrible to hear the one when the source should yield the other. Animal fury and orgiastic licence here whipped themselves to daemoniac heights by howls and squawking ecstasies that tore and reverberated through those nighted woods like pestilential tempests from the gulfs of hell.  The Call of Cthulu by H.P. Lovecraft
Strengths: The writing is beautiful, poetic, and intriguing, playing deep into the fears of the human psyche regarding the unknown. Atmosphere, rather than understanding, is important here, and leaves readers feeling uneasy. Excellent for creating strong themes without seeming to lecture the reader.
Drawbacks: Can be melodramatic, and readers may grow frustrated by the lack of specificity. When not done well, it can feel cheap and maudlin rather than intriguing or unsettling. It's important to know what to disguise and what to reveal in order to provide 'anchors' for the reader.
Good for: Mystery, horror, sci-fi
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“Roundism – 02-12-14” by Corne Akkers
Key features: This one is more difficult to understand, both literally and figuratively. Descriptions can often be nonsensical, but they are written within a context that the reader does not have a full understanding of. There's most focus on the intriguing possibilities of words, settings, and themes. Things are referenced but not fully explained; the reader gets impressions of the world rather than the full idea. Often a very experimental style.
Example text:
You have been descending long enough on this incline hauling your slate ballast that the churning plane where sea meets sky is as far above you as an oak tree’s canopy is above a woman on a forest path. You watch the dappling of the sunlight with the sting and haze of submarine vision. First, she said, there was Nothing. All at rest. Then came Something, to shake the Nothing out of its peace. Out of Something came Things in proliferation, noise and edges and motion, darkness and light and gloaming, rocks and stars and water and fire and cold. Out of them came muck and slime. Out of that came darting specks. Out of them after a while came trees and birds and us. The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Miéville
Strengths: As with 'abstract' style, there is an immaculate interest in the possibility of worlds and words, often pushing language to its limits in order to depict things otherwise undepictable. The complexities of the style can be very fascinating and demand a second read.
Drawbacks: Readers may be put off by how confusing the descriptions can be and how much the plot wavers. If not foreshadowed enough, plot twists may appear to come out of nowhere, leaving readers frustrated. Can feel self-indulgent and overblown.
Good for: Fantasy, sci-fi, literary fiction
How can knowing your writing art style help you?
Every writing style has its strengths and drawbacks, as well as its own unique applications. Some may be better for certain genres than others, and you can blend different styles to create something original that is wholly your own. Knowing your art style will allow you to draw upon your strengths while minimizing its weaknesses.
Additionally, understanding where you lay within all these extremes will give you an idea about how to expand your repertoire so as to create a more balanced style. You'll have an idea of who to read in order to try out different approaches, which can offer you more depth.
For cross-genre writers, looking at what works best for different genres will help you approach each type differently and better adhere to reader expectations.
As I mentioned previously, these are not discrete categories, nor are they the only ones out there. Every writer is a combination of some of these, or they may not fit any of them However, thinking about your writing in terms of what images it presents can shore up your descriptions to give off exactly the feeling you want, giving you more control over your work.
If you have any suggestions of other art styles that may also translate to writing, don't hesitate to drop them in reblogs or comments! Let me know what you think your writing adheres to (mine is closest to Impressionist, more like post-Impressionist).
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blackwatervial · 1 year
The Pete Show.
For my rewatch of The Pete Show (sometimes and more uncommonly known as KinnPorsche The Series La Forte), I will be noting down time stamps in which the main character Pete (from the Pete Show) makes an appearance. I will also, as a little bonus, add appearances of his romantic interest “Vegas”. Today:
Episode 5
Episode 5 has one of the side characters called Porsche (the tall, tit-obsessed guy) going through a little crisis at 16:50. Pete, kind as he is, becomes emotional-support Pete. He misunderstands some things, but that's fine. He's just too innocent to deal with Porsche's love-drama
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I wish I had an an emotional-support Pete.
At the 20:00 time stamp, Pete is out partying again, which means we get to see another of his black-and-white party outfits! Also, something I forgot to mention before because they are a well-loved and often-mentioned staple in the Pete fandom: Hoop earings. They're the first instance that really make you realise: Yes. Pete is his own person. He has a preferences, things he likes, a life beyond the family. He likes black/white shirts and hoop earings, probably puts them on and thinks 'I might not be special, but I like how these look on me.' Pete, my boy, I love you and you look great with earrings.
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Minute 23:30 sees the return of Vegas, Pete's love interest whose current vision is very Porsche-focussed, which is incredibl dumb, but! It allows a fan favourite to make a reappearance! Blurry foregroud Pete!
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Next, at 41:20, Kinn comes to visit Pete and get relationship advice - about Porsche! Everyone only ever cares about Porsche, wtf! Pete helps, of course, because he's kind like that, but it doesn't change the fact that the Pete of this episode doesn't pass the bechdel test! Not once does he appear or talk without it being about Porsche. CALLOUT POST FOR EPISODE 5!!!
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Previous Pete Show Posts
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1eaf-me-alone · 2 years
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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
Word count: around 1.3k
Summary: You sit down beside Cyno, on a nice, cool evening and you play a game called “13 questions” you each answer 6 questions and the last oneis an action or a dare
Status: early relationship - you two are getting to get to know each other and starting to fall in love
Other: gender neutral reader
Warnings: none
— — — — — — — — —
The trees swayed back and forth, rocking from the blowing wind, intertwining into the branches as it whispered into the budding plants. The sandy desert dust crawled along the pavement as scarabs scuttled, rolling the dung balls along the golden waves of the desert. 
You could hear Cyno’s breath beside you, a small and soft sigh as he lay next to you in the desert sand. He looked up into the sky, but to no avail, as the stars weren't there that night. The evening air was cool and breezy as it blanketed your body - a nice contrast to the suffocating and hot temperatures you had experienced a few hours ago.
You turned towards Cyno as you looked at his face. His ruby red eye gleamed into the dark as his creamy white hair lay splayed in the desert sand. He wore a dark cloak over his clothes, which wrapped and enveloped his body.
“Would you like to play a game?”
He nodded.
You sat up, leaning your back toward the bare tree as Cyno followed your action.
“It’s called 13 questions. We get to ask 6 each, and the last one is an action or a dare. The questions should get more personal as the game goes on.”
A look of interest seemed to have been bestowed upon Cyno’s face, as he raised an eyebrow to look at you.
“And what type of questions would we ask?” He inquired.
“Anything. It’s a game to get to know the other better.”
“So who goes first?”
He seemed to be looking directly at you now, his eyes twinkled yet his whole face seemed completely mellow.
You paused for a moment, trying to think of a question as you looked around for inspiration. Your gaze landed back on Cyno as a question came to mind.
“Are you better at talking or listening?”
“I think I’m better at listening. Although whenever I do talk, a lot of people find it quite intimidating.”
Cyno hesitated to want to add on but then shook his head and stopped. His gaze returned towards you as he remained silent trying to think of a question to ask you.
“Do you prefer mornings or evenings?”
“Evenings. I feel like during the day I’m a brainless human, but during the night- that's when I get my inspiration, that’s when I finally wake up. The cooler air also seems to sharpen my thoughts and clear my head.”
You looked back towards him, waiting for the question to appear in your head 
“Ok. Second question: why do you tell jokes?”
A small smile appeared on Cyno’s face.
“I like to tell jokes because people find me quite daunting and harsh when I try to talk- especially the other mantra. I don't want people to feel uncomfortable - especially when I get to know them better, so I add jokes to lighten the mood- to sound less frightening. Even though I know people don't necessarily find them funny, I can tell it eases the mood of the people around me.”
You looked towards Cyno, it was quite sweet that he sought to make people feel less uncomfortable when he tried talking to them. The fact that be didn't want people to feel on edge that he wanted to make people feel as relaxed as possible was something you didn't expect him to do. 
“Is it my go?” Cyno asked
You nodded.
“In that case... Do you find my jokes funny?”
“..... Umm Yes?”
He raised an eyebrow towards you
“May I ask you another question?”
“Are you telling the truth?”
“....... No”
You looked down in subtle embarrassment not wanting to stare into his eyes. Quickly you tried to think of another question to ask him 
“Um, question three: What simple thing still blows your mind?”
Cyno paused trying to think for a moment before he came to a resolute answer.
“The fact that people seem to think they're good liars, when in fact it's incredibly simple to see if someone’s lying or not- just look at their body movements, it always gives people away.”
He gave you a side glance
— — — — — —
The breeze around you seemed to have become more frosty now, your breath had become visible, forming a small fog around you. You shivered slightly as your teeth shattered a little from the cold. Desert nights were harsh and you had to be strong to endure them. 
Cyno nudged you to move closer, as he silently hung the cape he wore over both your shoulders. Honestly, you were surprised he wasn't cold. The man was shirtless from the waist up, along with no long clothing for his legs either- or shoes for that matter. You had no idea how Cyno wasn't freezing to death by this point. 
You shifted your position a little closer to Cyno as you felt a stronger wind pass by. You paused to stop and consider what to ask next. After a few seconds of silence, you found a question to ask.
“What's something you can’t live without?”
“ Genius Invocation TCG. I adore the game I have a personal and precious designer box for my cards. The longest I’ve gone without playing is two weeks and in those two weeks, I kept thinking about the game. Being able to express so much creativity and variation within a working rule set makes it more than just a game — it's an art form. If you want we could play it sometime....”
Cyno halted to catch his breath and continued.
“In that case my next question to you is... What's your opinion on TCG?”
You leaned back against the tree as you opened your mouth to answer 
“Truthfully? I've never played the game before....”
Cyno gave out a loud offended gasp as you said that.
“But maybe you could teach me someday?”
Cyno nodded enthusiastically as you said that- you could see the glint in his eyes spark as he thought of something he loved. 
“It's my go.”
You heard Cyno’s voice from the darkness as you rearranged yourself to be positioned so you were turned towards him.
“Do you have a nickname? And if so what is it?- I know these are two questions, but they do relate so I hope it counts.”
You shook your head. 
“No. Currently, I don’t have a nickname- and I've never had one in the past either.”
You shuffled your feet slightly as you felt the sand enter your socks, but you stopped fidgeting as you put your attention back onto Cyno again. 
“Where’s your favourite place to eat?”
“I quite like Lambards tavern-although I rarely get the pleasure of eating there because I'm busy doing my duty, but whenever I do go I find the food to be exquisite.”
— — — — — — — —
The night was getting colder, it was no longer an early evening and any speck of the sun had disappeared. The moon wasn't visible as clouds had covered it from sight. 
Cyno looked at you as he opened his mouth to ask his next question:
“May I... call you a nickname I've made for you?”
You contemplated this and then nodded in approval.
“I don't mind if you make a nickname for me.”
Cyno nodded slowly trying to think of something 
“I don't have one now, but when I do I'll tell you...”
You reflected in silence as you heard the rustle of the beetles scuttling in the sand and the sound of the wind flowing by. You thought in the quietness with the darkness of the sky, and finally, your question arrived.
You looked towards Cyno, his crimson-red eye, his white hair fleeing back and his calmness in his stare.
“Are you free this Saturday?”
You thought you saw Cyno’s face go red but you couldn't tell from the darkness of the night. His cape covered half his face and you couldn't see what he felt.
“I wouldn't mind that”
You didn't know what to say now. Cyno broke the silence
“My last question for you is: what is something you're looking forward to?”
It took you a few beats to think of something, as you wrapped yourself closer to Cyno’s cloak. It came to you, the thing you were looking forward to. 
“This Saturday-and I dare you to come with something more than your shorts and a bare chest.”
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dynmghts · 3 months
i've always wondered how to best explain how i interpret katsuki's approach to friendships and bonds in general... and i think the root of it is that he didn't have a lot of that growing up.
and okay before you lynch me, let me explain:
from the way i perceive the progression of bnha, katsuki's only true friend was izuku. they had others in that group of course, like the flying kid who ended up becoming a nomu, and the two other kids who stuck with katsuki even through middle school - but to me, it felt more like they were more like followers than friends to katsuki. izuku always seemed more genuine. he always comes across as someone who did admire katsuki for his strengths, yes, but wanted to be close to him and have his friendship.
which he did for a while! then the river incident happened, and katsuki grew intimidated by the innate heroism he saw from izuku, which in turn made him shove away the only real friend he had. and although we don't have the full picture of their friendship before their falling out, i still think katsuki didn't develop a friendship like that with anyone else before ua.
looking at middle school now, most of the kids dislike his outward behaviour and try to call him out on it, but he's extremely dismissive of what they say. his "friends" still follow him around, but not only do they do nothing to intervene when katsuki goes too far (only to question it later after the damage was done), they seem to disregard katsuki's distaste for smoking at their age. they don't seem so bothered about the idea that a mark on katsuki's record meant that he'd have a hard time getting into ua.
they don't exactly scream out "friend material" to me. and outside of them, katsuki scarcely interacts with anyone else outside of his bullying of izuku. that's why i think he was quite alone there; not in the sense he had nobody around, but in the sense that a lot of those people weren't true friends to him.
on top of that, i think katsuki KNEW that. he UNDERSTOOD that. he's not a stupid kid - i think that he did have a hand in isolating himself, whether it be a way to protect himself from people who couldn't be bothered to understand him... or it was a misguided decision borne from a superiority complex he developed over time, by the many people praising him and his talent. or both.
but when he got to ua, guess what happened?
he made his first friend since he was barely 4: kirishima eijirou.
and this was different because kirishima saw right through his attempts of distance. kirishima took one look past the prickly, arrogant, angry and spiteful exterior, and saw someone that actually had real and honest convictions. someone who did wear his heart on his sleeve, albeit guarded extremely, extremely well. kirishima didn't seek out friendship with him because he was one of the strongest kids in that class - he sought out that friendship because i think he knew bakugou katsuki needed it.
kirishima gave katsuki no reason to shut him out. he didn't feed into his superiority in the way others did - didn't hesitate to call him out, albeit playfully. this was a brand new dynamic to katsuki. this was someone he could trust. someone who was so painfully genuine and liked to hang out with him, even when he would practically give the other kid a headache drilling math into his brain.
his friendship with todoroki shoto is a little more complicated, in contrast. he reiterates they aren't friends, but this is not inherently true; in my opinion, he's just holding a very long, very spiteful grudge for the other "going easy" on him in the sports fest. he also gets his attitude shot down with every interaction he has with todoroki, because todoroki is immune to his antics and it pisses him off. they've formed a strong bond through remedials tbh, and though katsuki keeps giving todoroki a hard time, he's still counted in his circle of newfound friends.
my point here is: the bonds he's made through ua are incredibly new and unique to him, and even when the whole class gives him grief for his outward attitude, they all like and trust him to some degree. this is friendship he didn't necessarily have growing up.
(not forgetting that he did, in fact, throw away the one true friendship he had when he was a kid... but he recognises that now.)
as for his general point of view on friendship: in one of the light novels, katsuki states that friendship is not quantified by the length of time someone knows someone else - he says this in response to todoroki questioning how he and izuku were childhood friends, but don't seem to get along as childhood friends typically do. while this is specifically about izuku in this moment, this strengthens my idea that katsuki does not perceive anyone from primary and middle school as friends... well, eventually, save for izuku.
i also think this is what spurs on his inherent sense of loyalty to all his friends. i think that now he has such a good friendship network, loathe as he might be to admit it, he would defend each and every one of them no matter what.
his new friendships have to be one of the things katsuki is grateful for.
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silencedrowns · 7 months
Comparing Coscraft wig colors to Classe Sara
Classe Sara is one of my favorite fibers, but it’s a bit difficult to figure out the colors without a swatch book and since you need a shopping service, it can be inconvenient to order the swatches first. I decided to compare my Coscraft ring to my Classe Sara book to find the closest colors. Spoiler: while they overlap a lot in the natural tone range, the fun color range is really different!
Why would you want this btw? Because Sara has the least tangly fiber on the cosplay wig market. Period. You cannot get wigs that tangle less than Sara and believe me I have tried.
This chart shows when a Coscraft color has a close match for Classe Sara. When the match is near exact (like I could probably get away with using wefts of one in a wig of the other), I’ve marked this. When there’s a color that’s halfway between two very similar colors, I’ve also marked this. For things where there’s no close match but there’s vaguely similar colors, I’ve listed the closest options after saying no match. When there’s nothing remotely close, I marked it as “absolutely no match”.
Incredibly long list under the cut!
White: SS08 (near exact match)
Misty White: SS01
Silver: SS02 (Coscraft is lighter)
Grey: SS02 (Coscraft is darker: SS02 is the exact midway point between the two Coscraft shades)
Natural Black: SBK02 (Coscraft is warmer)
Black: SBK01 (near exact match)
Darkest Purple: no match (closest is SPP07, which is much more muted and a bit lighter)
Deep Purple: no match at all. it’s more saturated by a lot
Purple: SPP09
Plum: no match (closest is SPP05 but plum is much redder)
Greyish Purple: no match at all. it is far more blue than any of the Sara purples
Glow Purple: no match. Closest is SPP08 but Glow Purple is a full shade lighter
Lavender: no match. Closest is SPP08, which is more desaturated
Lilac: absolutely no match
Blue Grey: SDB06
Darkest Blue: SDB01 (Coscraft is a smidge darker)
Navy: also SDB01 (near exact match)
Midnight Blue: SDB05 (also a near exact match)
Royal Blue: no match (SDB02 is closest but Coscraft is significantly more saturated)
Azure: SBL05 (Coscraft is bluer and more saturated)
Peacock: absolutely no match whatsoever
Cobalt: SBL03
Indigo Blue: absolutely no match
Sky blue: no match (closest is SMB01 but Coscraft is lighter and bluer)
Storm Blue: absolutely no match
Baby Blue: no match (closest is SBL01. Coscraft is less purple and a bit lighter)
Ice Blue: absolutely no match
Pale Olive: absolutely no match whatsoever. Pale Olive is virtually undupeable
Slate Green: absolutely no match whatsoever
Pale Teal: no match (closest is SGR01. Coscraft is bluer and less saturated)
Teal: no match (it’s halfway between SBL05 and SMB01)
Pale Mint: absolutely no match
Lime Green: no match (halfway between SGR03 and SGR04)
Forest Green: absolutely no match. nothing is as saturated
Emerald: SGR07 (near exact match)
Matcha Green: absolutely no match
Midnight Green: no match (closest are SGR05 and SGR06 but Coscraft is more saturated)
Dark Green: SGR06 (near exact match)
Titanium Blonde: SS01 (Coscraft is warmer)
Oyster: SS05 (Coscraft is warmer)
Platinum Blonde: SGD16
Champagne: SGD05
Ash Blonde: SGD13 (Coscraft is lighter)
Pale Ash Blonde: no match (closest is SGD05 but Coscraft is both cooler and lighter)
Wheat Blonde: SS06
Milkmaid Blonde: SGD01 (near exact match)
Pale Yellow Blonde: both SGD04 and SGD15 are close matches, but SGD15 is closer
Primrose Yellow: no match (halfway between SGD10 and SGD12
Gold: both SDG01 and SY01 are close matches. I can barely tell which is closer
Honey: halfway between SGD11 and SGD12 (SGD12 is yellower)
Mango: absolutely no match
Peach: no match (closest is SOR01, Coscraft is pinker)
Melon: SR08 (Coscraft is more saturated)
Ginger: SOR04
Dark Strawberry Blonde: no match (SOR04 is the same undertone but a full shade darker)
Copper: SR04
Peachy Copper: no match (closest is SRB04. Coscraft is less saturated)
Sandy Blonde: no CLOSE match, but feels incredibly similar to SGD05, SGD08, SGD09, and SGD13. They’re all in the same color family.
Caramel: halfway between SBR06 and SBR07
Toffee: SBR04 (Toffee is a smidge pinker)
Chestnut Brown: redder than SYB04 and more yellow than SRB01
Rich Dark Brown: no match (somewhere between SBR01 and SYB04)
Deadwood Brown: SGD13
Matt D Brown: SBR02
Very Dark Brown: SRB02
Brown Black: SBK02
Mauve: absolutely no match
Pink Blonde: absolutely no match
Sugar Pink: absolutely no match. far cooler than any Sara pink
Soft Pink: SPK01
Rose Pink: no match (SPK07 is similar but less intense)
Milkshake Pink: SPK03 (Coscraft is lighter)
Fandango Pink: no match (it’s less saturated and cooler than SPK06)
Fuchsia: SPK06 (Coscraft is more saturated. SPK06 is the midpoint between Fandango Pink and Fuchsia)
Flame Red: SR07
Coral: SPK09
Cherry: no match (it’s a bit lighter and cooler than SR09)
Red: SR05
Muted Red: no match (it’s the midpoint between SR04 and SR05 but those are wildly different colors)
Mahogany Red: SR01 (Coscraft is a smidge lighter and a tiny bit cooler)
Magenta: absolutely no match whatsoever.
Dark Auburn: SR03 (Coscraft is more saturated)
Overall, Classe Sara tends to be warmer than Coscraft, and Coscraft tends to be more saturated. Sara in particular and Classe as a whole is a good bet for you in general if you find most wigs to be overly saturated for your skin tone!
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scotianostra · 8 months
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February 4th 1593 saw the death of Robert Stewart, the despotic 1st Earl of Orkney and Lord of Zetland. He is succeeded by his son, the equally unpleasant Patrick Stewart, 2nd Earl of Orkney.
I really don't know why some Scots still have a love affair with the Stewart Dynasty, to me they were a mixed up and sometimes evil lot, The Albany Stewart's and Alexander, The Wolf of Badenoch, to name but two, then there was James VI and his persecution of supposed Witches, and the subject of this post, one of countless illegitimate offspring to the ruling Stewart's.....
The illegitimate son of James V and his mistress Euphemia Elphinstone, Robert was the half-brother of Mary Queen of Scots. He made his name through his ruthless and despotic establishment of what became virtually a separate kingdom in the Northern Isles
As a child in 1539, Robert Stewart had been granted the income and lands of Holyrood Abbey in Edinburgh. He was a strong supporter of his half-sister Mary Queen of Scots during her reign, and he was amply rewarded when in 1564 Mary Queen of Scots granted him the Royal estates in Orkney and Shetland together with the post of Sheriff of Orkney and Shetland.
In 1568 Robert extended his landholdings in Orkney by exchanging his interests in Holyrood Abbey with the Orkney estates of Bishop Adam Bothwell, in an arrangement apparently forced on the Bishop. Robert’s new properties included a large estate around Birsay which had historically been the site of a cathedral and for some centuries had been used by the Bishops of Orkney as the location of a country retreat. Over the following five years Robert built what is now known as the Earl’s Palace in Birsay.
By 1570 Bishop Bothwell and many others from Orkney were complaining that Robert’s approach amounted to nothing less than tyranny: in effect his using islanders as slave labour on his construction projects. His chief instrument of oppression, especially in Shetland, was his half brother, Laurence Bruce, who he appointed Sheriff of Shetland. In 1575 Robert was imprisoned in Edinburgh. by the Regent for James VI, James Douglas, Earl of Morton: less because of his behaviour towards the islanders than because it came to light that he had offered Orkney to the King of Denmark, an act that amounted to treason. The following year he was also indicted in Edinburgh. for misuse of power in Orkney and Shetland, but never brought to trial.
Instead, Robert was released, and by 1581 engineered the execution of James Douglas, Earl of Morton by convincing his young half nephew, James VI, that Morton had had a hand in the murder of James’ father, Lord Darnley.
And in the same year James VI made Robert Stewart the 1st Earl of Orkney, Lord of Shetland, and Knight of Birsay. The Earldom of Orkney replaced the short-lived Dukedom of Orkney, which had been granted in 1567 by Mary Queen of Scots to her third husband James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell. This was among the titles forfeited by Bothwell after Mary’s abdication. Confusingly, although Robert was the 1st Earl, there had been a previous “creation” of the Earldom of Orkney, bestowed on Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney, by King Håkon of Norway (then ruler of Orkney) on 2 August 1379.
When James III secured Orkney and Shetland for Scotland in 1470, William Sinclair, 3rd Earl of Orkney relinquished his Earldom to the King (he had other titles) in return for estates around Ravenscraig (now on the edge of Kirkcaldy) in Fife.
Further complaints followed about Robert’s treatment of islanders, but he survived to die peacefully in his bed on 4th February 1593. He was succeeded by his, if anything, even less likeable son, Patrick Stewart, 2nd Earl of Orkney. Robert Stewart left an indelible mark on the Northern Isles, both in terms of his impact as a tyrant, and in stone. The considerable ruins of the Earl’s Palace at Birsay still stand, and the ruins of the Palace he built near the southern tip of Shetland’s Mainland now form part of the incredible Jarlshof complex.
Pics are of the villainous man himself, and his Arms, the marks over the Lion Rampant are "Marks of bastardy" These are common marks of illegitimacy. The marks are not always black, so if you see even a single mark through a coat of arms it could indicate a branch of a family that is illegitimate, basically at least half the Stewart line through history, they were a randy lot!
Stay "tuned" for more on this side of the Stewarts in a couple of days time.
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The Lady Vanishes (1938, Alfred Hitchcock)
The Lady Vanishes is a 1938 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
The story is based on the novel The Wheel Spins by Ethel Lina White.
A remake was made in 1979 entitled The Lady Vanishes, directed by Anthony Page, with Angela Lansbury in the role of Miss Froy.
A train is running from the Balkans towards London when an avalanche stops it in a remote village. In the hotel where they are forced to stay overnight, they meet some English citizens: Iris Henderson, the young heiress of a rich jam producer, returning from a holiday with two friends and headed to London to get married to a nobleman; Miss Froy, amiable old lady in a tweed suit, housekeeper and music teacher for six years in that country and about to return to her homeland; Caldicott and Charters, cricket fans, very upset about the forced interruption of their trip which risks making them miss the final phase of a test match in Manchester; Gilbert, a musician with a passion for folklore who records folk songs with a little too much noise, resulting in a lively confrontation with Iris; a couple of lovers whose greatest concern is not to be recognized.
Miss Froy tries to escape into the woods, after leaving a coded message contained in the musical notes of a melody that Gilbert must learn by heart and take to the British Foreign Office in case she fails to save herself.
As promised Iris and Gilbert go to the Foreign Office in Whitehall to report the coded message.
The expiration of the contract that Gainsboroug (subsidiary of Gaumont-British) had taken over from Gaumont and Hitchcock had to complete the second film (the first was Young and Innocent) foreseen by the agreement with Edward Black.
In May 1936 Frank had proposed to Gainsboroug to buy the rights to White's novel, he had worked on the screenplay together with Sidney Gilliat but Roy William Neill, the director who had been entrust with the direction, din not complete the film.
The role of the lovable old spy was entrusted to Dame May Whutty, who would later be cast in a minor role in Suspicion.
In the role of the rich young bourgeois the director used Margaret Lockwood, under contract to the production company; in the role of the penniless musician Hitchcock would have liked Robert Donat, the protagonist of The 39 Steps, who had to give it up for health reasons; Michael Redgrave was the chosen, already famous as a young theater actor in John Gielgud's company, here at his first film test: the director liked him for his detached and casula style.
In the fundamental interview given by Alfred Hitchcock to François Truffaut, published for the first time in 1966, the director said about this film of his: "It was shot in 1938 in the small studio in Islington, on a thirty meter platform and with a wagon on top."
In addition to all his dearest themes (the incredibleity of the truth and the game of appearances, spies, travel, the relationship between a couple and love, humor) there is a strong political connotation, influenced by international current affairs: 1938 is the year of the Munich Agreement, evoked by the white handkerchief waved by the lawyer, an unpleasant neutralist who, regardless of his lover and the other Englishmen, hands himself over to the spies and gets himself killed. Finally, the main enemy of the film, Doctor Hart, alludes to Germany both his surname and in his origin ( in that same year Czechoslovakia also begins to "disappear", with the annexation of the Sudetenland to Germany, a prologue of what will happen in the following year). Hitchcock declares anti-Nazi sentiments expressed on other occasions in his films (The Man Who Knew Too Much, The 39 Steps, Secret Agent, Foreign Correspondent, Saboteur, Lifeboat, Notorious).
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chloe-spade · 2 months
A Rose Sword Act Two: The Day has Only Begun
Silver yawned as he felt the sun's light on his face. It was a beautiful morning for him so he got up and watched the birds also get ready for the day. He sighed as he managed to get ready and walked downstairs to see Wisp making breakfast and it smelled amazing too.
"Good morning, Silver," Elva greeted as she cleaned the table for the table, "You are very early. Normally you would wake up after Wisp makes breakfast."
"Oh, I just felt like waking up," Silver grinned, "It's a good day after all."
"And that means good luck," Holly hummed as they started to put flowers in vases, "if the sun kissed you awake,you will be blessed with wonderful luck."
"Only you would believe that." Lilia laughed.
"Hey, I think it's beautiful, Holly," Wisp praised.
Silver gulped to himself before sitting down at the table, patiently waiting for Wisp's breakfast. His nervousness was caught by Lilia, who looked at his son with a knowing smile.
"Have any plans?" Lilia questioned, "You look very nervous, Silver."
"Not much," Silver stammered a little, "just meeting up with Ruggie, I suppose."
"Oh, you two," Elva giggled. "You two are always together, it makes me think you two are something else."
"Oh? What do you two plan for today?" Lilia pondered.
"It's not much," Silver answered, "just..maybe…going to the village together?"
Everyone went silent for a moment as the faes made eye contact with each other, hoping this was a ruse to get them to laugh. But Silver's face was serious and they knew they had to do something.
"A day in the village?" Wisp asked, "Look, Silver, I think Ruggie is such a sweet boy, but yet a bit mischievous, I worry you might get hurt, get into a bit of trouble, and so much more."
"As I said, Ruggie's part of the guard," Silver protested, "He's well informed about the town, and I think it's useful to know. I can trust him." Silver calmly explained.
"How can you be so sure?" Holly spoke up, "I mean, we trust you to go by yourself or at least with Malleus but with Ruggie?"
"We've been friends for a long time, I knew I should have told you this from the beginning yet I was worried that father might have killed him on the spot," Silver said, as he remembered Lillia's reaction when he told him about Ruggie.
"As I should," Lilia muttered to himself.
"But he wanted to do something for my 18th birthday and show me around the nearby village for the first time, and I couldn't say no…" Sliver stated
"Hmm," Holly hummed, "I understand, you met him, and he was your first friend and later on you fell in love with him, but Silver, don't let him cloud your judgment. Things can go wrong if that happens."
"I-in love?" Silver stammered, "I'm not in love with him, or at least…I don't think so."
"Fufu," Lilia laughed, "I suppose we cannot blame you for wanting to explore more outside the woods and expand, but you must understand that we are simply worried because we care about you."
"And I understand that. But I am old enough to protect myself, and I promise that I can be safe."
"Well, if you can trust Ruggie, so can we," Lilia conceded, "when is this?"
"Uh," Silver stuttered, "today, we were supposed to go today."
"Today!?" Elva gasped before sulking to herself, "Is that why you were happen tgo be happy when I said yes yesterday?"
"Yesterday?" Wisp questioned.
"Ah, It was so early, that I did not understood what he asked…so I said yes.."
Lilia laughed at the commotion and mentioned Silver over. "And here I thought that Silver doesn't pay attention when he's drowsy," which caused Silver to roll his eyes
Silver sits over by Lilia. Wanting to ask him an important question.
"Silver, do you see something in Ruggie?"
Silver nods and looks down, "I think I do."
"You don't think, you know," Lilia corrected, "you seem to sing his praises ever so often with us. I want you to tell me more, the first thing that enters your head, about Ruggie."
"He's very earnest," Silver spoke immediately, "and he can be incredibly nice to people he's very close to, like his grandmother for instance. He always had this odd way of protecting me but I appreciate it and I felt protected whenever I was with him. And he's so sincere about everything he adores."
"Oh, that's love," Lilia grinned, "never had I ever heard about a proclamation of love so profound."
"It's not a proclamation.." Silver pouted.
"It very much sounded like one," Lilia hummed, "you had a smile on your face whenever you spoke of him, even now. A feeling of happiness, pure joy. I wonder how long you have been harboring these feelings?"
"I…I have no clue, Father," Silver answered, "It's not something that I am not used to. And there are so many possibilities and sometimes I find myself thinking of him, even when I…fall asleep.."
"Oh, and you dream about him? How wondrous," Lilia teased, "but regardless of what your relationship is, you two share a beautiful bond that shouldn't be tarnished, even a single lover's quarl."
"Thank you, Father," Silver thanked with a smile, "now I feel more at ease with this."
"Oh, the joys of being a father," Lilia sighed, "to make you happy is my quest."
Silver smiled and hugged Lilia.
"Now go get ready," Lilia urges, "I can hear him coming, and I don't want you to be late."
Silver stood up, ready to go to the village for the first time. After 18 years he'll step out of the enchanted forest for the first time.
"Please return before the sun sets," Wisp asked
"Make sure to cover your face, we don't want you to catch a cold from someone," Elva said, having a worried look on her face.
"Make sure to bring back lots of stories," Holly asked, yet sounding incredibly nervous. "I want to hear about them when you return."
"Make sure you come home safely," Lillia added, sounding like his usual self. "And do please tell Ruggie that I said hi."
Silver looked back and smiled at his caretakers, "I promise."
Silver smiles as he wrapped his veil around his head, his wicker basket, and his sword, to finally depart, looking at the cottage as he walked further and further away, happy to finally meet up with Ruggie and learn about the outside of the forest.
"You'll be gone for the whole day!?" Dew asked, sounding terrified about Amorè's idea.
Amorè knew that this conversation wasn't going to go well, after receiving his letter from Silver and knowing he'd be going to a nearby village before his birthday he wanted to go too. Not only being able to see his friend after a long while but also exploring the great unknown, and finally meeting new people.
"I understand where your concerns are coming from," Amorè said in a gentle tone. "But I'll just be heading to the hills to pick some berries for you all, I just said it might take all day due to me being further away from the cottage, and it's just one day."
He wanted to ask them, he does, yet he knew that their answer would be no. After years of asking them why he couldn't go out of the forest or interact with another person, they would either give him brief answers or in Dew's case, start to panic and immediately shut him down.
"Dew, we have talked about this, Amorè is familiar with the forest so he won't get lost," Lake spoke, hoping to calm down their worried partner. "He at least told us that he'll be gone for a while. And we did promise ourselves that Amore will protect himself.
"I know, I know, it's just what if something bad might happen if we just so happen to let him outside the forest," Dew expressed, "I want this to be a great experience for him, but oh, I can't help my worries."
"Father," Amore smiles, holding Dew's hand, "I understand you are worried about me, but I have your blessing wherever I go. I hope you can trust me."
"Oh, I do," Dew sighed, "but I want you to promise me that you come home safely."
"I promise," Amore nodded.
He knew that they had been on edge for the past month, he didn't want to ask but he had a feeling that it had to do something with his birthday coming up. That's his guess at least. But he got ready, getting his shawl and berry basket.
As he walks out, he turns and waves goodbye to his caretakers and heads toward the woods. As he walked further away, he was met by the birds and squirrels.
"Do you think this is a good idea? What if one of the mistress's guards finds him?" Dew asked, looking scared mentioning the Mistress herself.
"She won't," Lake replied, "It's been almost 17 years and we haven't seen any of her henchmen in the enchanted forest."
"Not only that, Amorè is a smart boy, if he sees danger he'll avoid it," Finch calmly said, understanding where Dew's fear was coming from.
"…I hope all of you are right then." Dew quietly said, looking at the boy he raised going further into the woods.
"Good morning friends," Amore happily said, letting one of the birds land on his hand. "Today is going to be a special day, an adventure if you will," he explains to the little robin who is looking at him confused about this special occasion.
"Oh dear, have you forgotten?" Amorè asked, "I'll be going to the nearby village today," he said, with an excited smile.
The bird looks surprised by this statement, not knowing if this was the craziest idea that his human friend thought of so far.
"Don't worry, the other birds have informed me that they'll show me the way to the trail," he reassured his friend and looked at the rest of the woodland critters. "Don't tell me you also forget as well?" He jokingly asked.
The squirrels shook their heads while the birds twitched along with them.
"That's good to know, now can you show me the way please?"
As Amorè asked the birds started to fly north while making sure that they won't accidentally go too far from the group.
The birds started to sing to each other, with Amore humming along. They continued for them until Amore started to sing along with the birds.
I wonder, I wonder
I wonder why each little bird has someone
To sing to, sweet things to
A gay little love melody
He watched as the birds began to fly away, presumingly going to start a new journey with each other side by side, and Amore waved them goodbye. He rested upon a tree branch and he looked at them again, watching the blue sky above and the castle far up ahead.
I wonder, I wonder
If my heart keeps singing, will my song go winging
To someone who'll find me
And bring back a love song to me
Amore looked at the castle and sighed. "What is it like? At the castle, maybe it'll be fantastic. Or maybe horrid, but that depends. Hmm, maybe with a prince to hold my hand, or a knight in shining armor. Just to dance along with them as we vow to love each other forever."
Amore giggled as he danced around. "Maybe he'll hold me tight, just to protect me. Hehe, my dreams always make me so happy."
As Amore continued to dance, he heard a shout that shook the forest and caused the animals to jump and run for a bit.
He noticed and decided to check out the sound, trying to find the person with the loud voice. He managed to find the location, watching two people in guard-like attire, mocking someone else deep in a pit. Amore gasped as he watched the entire conversation.
Oh look, the all high and mighty Sebek fell into a ditch," one of the armored boys said mocking the poor soul that unfortunately fell. Amore pouted in anger with that person.
"Sebek…" He mumbled to himself, keeping the entire thing.
"Enough with the childish bickering," shouted the boy, Sebek. "May I remind you that we have an important mission to do!? Our lord is missing and you two haven't even been doing anything!"
"You mean a pointless mission, after all, lord Malleus could take care of himself anyways. So we could use this time to slack off," said the second boy, he looked more annoyed than amused by his teammate.
Amorè felt sick to his stomach witnessing this, he had never met anyone else before, but seeing this he couldn't believe that people could be cruel if they wanted to be. Especially towards someone they know.
Then he noticed the boy was trying to climb out of the ditch, he saw what he looked like a bit. Green hair in an odd but nice hairstyle, little visible freckles, and an obvious angry look.
"If we keep wasting our time Malleus could possibly be endangered or spotted by an enemy guard as well," Sebek stated, sounding even more upset while struggling to get out of the steep slope.
"Hey, you want to see something funny?" Said one of the guards, Amorè was able to see what they looked like. One of the boys had a long sharp tooth sticking out of his mouth, while the other had pointy ears.
"Long…pointy ears," Amorè thought to himself, "do the human in the village have pointy ears too?"
Before anything else, the first guard decided to kick some dirt on Sebek's face, making him yell louder than before, then stomping on his hand making the boy fall back into the ditch.
Amore immediately jumped out and rushed towards the two guards. "Hey! What are you two doing!? Leave him alone!"
"Eh? Who's this odd guy?" Chuckled the 1st knight.
"Beats me, but he looks like he wants to protect this loudmouth here." The second knight laughed, "Come on, dear. You should leave us alone, this is none of your business."
"Well, you just let one of your comrades fall into a ditch and you just mock him?! And not offer to help him, you small minded bullies," Amore cursed, his face turning red in anger and walked over to Sebek, "are you alright?"
The first knight grabbed Amore by the arm and pulled him back onto the ground. Amore gasped and tried to get back up, but the second knight kept him down with his foot on Amore's chest, now chuckling at them.
"Little pretty boy wants to be a hero, huh?" The second knight mocked, "Too bad, you can't."
"What should we do with him?"
"I don't know, you got an idea?"
"Who cares? Hey, Beccy's half human, so maybe they can go down the ditch together?"
The knights giggled and they lifted Amore high up, strolling towards the ditch laughing while Amore loudly protested, struggling to be released.
But before they could, he screamed in pain after feeling something sharp bit into him. When he looked at the cause of the pain, it was a squirrel biting into his leg. The first knight screamed, jumping high, causing both Amore and the second knight onto the ground.
"What the hell!?"
"Move away from me, you stupid squirrel!"
Amore got up immediately and rushed to Sebek as the animals threw rocks and bit the knights, causing them to flee away. Amore went back and reached his hand to Sebek, silently urging him to grab his hand and to be pulled up.
"I DON'T NEED HELP FROM YOU HUMAN!" Sebek shouted, startling the young man. "How long have you been watching my group? From the very beginning? Are you responsible for Lord Malleus's disappearance? Who are you!?" He demands, upset that he had to stumble upon a human of all things.
"Um, no I haven't been watching you. I heard your cry for help and I-" he stammered before being interrupted again.
"I did not cry for help," Sebek scoffed, "I was angry and tried to lecture those lazy knights for not helping and didn't care about our Lord Malleus."
"Right.." Amore faltered, "well, you should thank me for trying to save you instead of being upset at me.."
Sebek rolled his eyes at the human before climbing off the ditch all by himself, even when Amore tried to help. Amore sighed and went to follow him as Sebek tried to rush away.
"So, not a thank you?"
"Since you didn't help me,I do not have to thank you, human," Sebek spoke back.
"Well, I tried so I think you should," Amore grumbled, "and I have a name. It's Amore."
Sebek scoffed and continued to walk away, "'m on an important mission to find lord Malleus, so I don't have time for you or you're friends."
"Right, you're a knight who trying to protect your prince," Amore gasped, "I know. You seem very prissy about it."
"Pardon me?"
"Eh, you heard me,"
Sebek rolled his eyes and kept walking, trying to ignore the human that kept bothering him. He knew if this were to continue, he wouldn't be able to find Lord Malleus and he disappeared randomly and no one has found him yet.
"So," Amore spoke up, "Who is this Lord Malleus? Is he just a prince? Or just someone really important?"
"The next air to the throne for Blair Valley? One of the most powerful fae that ever existed!" Sebek demanded, he was in disbelief at this.
"Nope," Amorè answered, now becoming curious about this powerful fae, "But he seems very important."
"I have never met anybody, let a human, that has never heard of Malleus's name."
"Well, I do live deep in the forest so maybe his existence has never been uttered," Amore chuckled, "but I am much more curious about him, to be honest. Also where's Blair Valley?"
"Not that far, accroding to an ordinary fae."
Amore smiles and looks back at the path, just managing to listen to Sebek, while letting the birds land on him.
"You seem to have a connection with animals, which is odd," Seebk started, "I have never seen a human like you. No human has ever had that animal aura, mainly fae have that ablitity, however I do think it is nice to see."
"Well, I did have a pet," Amore admitted, "but I was only 5 and my grandpa helped me return him to his actual owner. He was a baby lizard, who was so cute. And we always had so much fun and he was fond of me, cuddly and needy. Oh, and I did name him, I named him Ziggy."
"Ziggy?" Sebek questioned, halting for a moment.
"Yes, it was because of his little lightning mark on his back…kinda like that your strand of hair."
Sebek blushed and looked down, trying to keep his composure.
"What's wrong?"
"N-Nothing! But I think we should depart," Sebek coughed, "I fear that my lord could be in danger and I need to look for him."
"Oh, then do not let me ruin it," Amore grinned and started to walk away, now humming again.
Amore was stopped by Sebek, who had a look of flusteredness. He looked like he didn't want to speak, Amore just waited patiently.
"I suppose…you can help me find him?" Sebek gulped, "I have… unfortunately couldn't find him when we did earlier and those lazy fae do not give a care about Malleus unlike how I do."
"And I thought I was a mere human?" Amore teased.
"W-well! You are a mere human who seems to care about Malleus much more than some fae do, and that has temporarily earned my respect."
Amore giggled at Sebek's stubborn reasonings but he was glad that he made a friend nonetheless as they continued to walk forward, to the human village.
As Silver enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere in the woods, he was close to the meeting point that Ruggie told him about. The more he got close the more he felt another presence with him. He knew who it was, and he was going to make sure that he wasn't going to get spooked before going to the village.
He started to walk slowly and quietly and made sure that he got behind a nearby tree. Then he waits.
Moments pass, and then he sees the familiar hyena boy, stepping out of his hiding spot, he knows Silver is nearby as well.
So he's going to find where he's hiding.
"Oh, I guess I made it here first," he said out loud, making sure that Silver knew he was aware of him being nearby as well.
"I guess if he doesn't show up in, like, 3 minutes I guess I have to eat the snacks that I bought him," Ruggie remarks, sounding smug as ever, "Shame, I grabbed his favorites too."
Silver rolled his eyes as he listened. What a useless manipulative tactic to lure him, but he was lured before because of it, and he tried not to as Silver began to climb on a tree, looking down at Ruggie walking by.
"Wow, he really improved his hiding," Ruggie muttered, looking around.
Silver undid his viel and quietly got down, before grabbing Ruggie and pulling him towards him. He watched Ruggie try to break free before he burst out laughing.
"You really did improve!"
"I have a general as a father," Silver reminded Ruggie, "I learned about sneak attacks when I was about 8 years old. It was a easy lesson."
"Are you sure you don't wanna be a knight?"
"I'm perfectly fine."
"Well, how about you untie me now? Or do you like me defenseless?" Ruggie teased.
Silver blushed madly and quickly untied Ruugie, putting his shawl back on.
Ruggie laughed and took Silver's hand, "Ready to go?"
"Ah, yes, but we should wait for someone else. I invited him because he's the same as me, someone who has never been to town before," Silver explained.
Ruggie's ears perked up as he heard a nearby commotion and looked around, "Wait you invited someone? Why are they so loud?"
Birds flew and chirped around as two new figures approached, one was talking so loud it seemed like shouting, and the other was patiently listening but had a worried expression.
What came in front of them was a boy who was almost a splitting image of Silver, other than he not so silver hair, replaced with golden locks instead., but they shared the same aurora-collared eyes. The man beside him was quite unusual, with his green hair and sharp yellow-green eyes that stared deep into Ruggie, anger, and doubt in his eyes, but they widened at the look at Silver, probably in the same boat as Ruggie, shocked that the two boys looked incredibly similar.
"Amore," Silver greeted with a smile before he was tackled into a hug by the doppelganger.
"Look at you!" cooed Amore, "You look so mature and so cute at the same time. And you're almost taller than me, and I thought I grew over the years."
Silver chuckled, "You grew as well. But you look much for elegant than I am."
Silver's eyes caught the boy behind Amore and began to examine him. He knew from the attire that he was a fae, a royal guard of Malleus's Grandmother, whom he hadn't met, and had a grumpy expression when in contact with others, especially the way he viewed him up and down as well.
"And who might you be?"
"Sebek, of Malleus's royal guards. I didn't know that I was going to meet more humans as I was leading this one to the edge of town," he announced, his voice making Ruggie's ears start to ring. "So knowing that I'm going to be dealing with more is already making me have a headache."
"And I'm annoyed by your tone of voice. Maybe you should lower it," Ruggie groaned. "Why he is invited?"
"Well, that's one of the reasons I invited him along because we think-" Amorè said, before getting caught off by Sebek.
"You will not tell them about my current mission! You agree on this!" Sebek said, looking a bit betrayed that Amorè almost blew his very important mission.
This caused a bit of an argument between Ruggie and Sebek, Ruggie wanting Sebek to stop yelling and give him answers. While Sebek is shouting at him, leaving Amorè and Silver in the background.
"Should we do something?" Amorè nervously asked
"I got it," Silver responded, before pulling Ruggie back away from Sebek. "Enough, we don't want any arguments when we officially enter the town," Silver huffed, "We should quiet down."
Amore giggled a little and grabbed Sebek's hand, "Come on, Sebek, we should have fun and I think you may need to relax once in a while."
"He can relax?" Ruggie scoffed.
Sebek huffs and looks over at Amore, "Fine! Just because you saved me, human."
"…my apologizes."
Ruggie sighs and begins to lead the way, through the trees and bushes.
The sounds of townspeople grew louder as they stepped closer, and they were able to see the small village.
It looked colorful and welcoming for Silver and Amorè. As for Sebek his annoyed expression just got worse by seeing the many people walking around.
"Welcome to Lillon, the kingdom's most colorful village," Ruggie said, finally announcing the name of the village that he'd been telling Silver about.
"It looks wonderful," Silver responded
"I look amazing!" Amorè shouted, struck by the beautiful fields and the painted village walls.
Due to his excitement, Amorè had a head start and started running down the hill and towards the village.
"Come on Silver! What are you waiting for," he shouted while waving at the group.
Silver walked down the hill while calling out to Amorè to wait for the rest. Ruggie was about to run down the hill as well but noticed Sebek removing his armor.
"Huh, you're smart enough to remove that before entering the kingdom's grounds," Ruggie stated, "after all, the guards would have to smite you down if you didn't take it off."
Sebek wasn't fazed by Ruggie's comment and started to walk downhill. "Of course, I remove my armor before entering enemy territory, I'm not an idiot. And if you're worried that I'll cause mayhem for the villagers while I'm here, you don't have to." Sebek stated
"Then why bother being heard?" Ruggie asked, wondering if he should draw his sword at this moment.
"Because I'm looking for someone very important, nothing more," Sebek responded, walking farther towards Amorè and Silver.
Despite Ruggie's better judgment, he puts his sword away, after all, he wants Silver's experience to be a positive one. And since Sebek didn't hurt Amorè, maybe he isn't a threat to anyone…Ruggie hopes he won't be making a big mistake letting Sebek enter the village.
As the group enters the village, they notice how busy it is, yet that doesn't faze any of them. The day just only started after all.
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