#which again it IS full of issues and those are well-documented as they should be. future portrayals should not repeat those mistakes
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Broke (2016): BBC Sherlock is a phenomenal piece of media and anything that seems like a flaw just hasn't been fully explored yet
Woke (2020): BBC Sherlock is an incredibly flawed series run by an egotistical writer, it never deserved the hype and is actively bad on so many fronts (especially representation)
Bespoke (2024): BBC Sherlock is flawed and bogged down by increasingly poor writing, which many fans refused to see while it was airing, leading to hugely misplaced expectations (particularly for the final series), AND it has the seeds of some compelling characterizations and portrayals, some genuinely solid performances, and touches--albeit imperfectly--on complexities that are still being discussed today (particularly as it relates to the relationship between Sherlock and John). The huge cultural impact of the show has created a massive pendulum effect in its public perception, leading to most people today remembering a caricature of the show (whether positive or negative) rather than appreciating its nuanced merits and failings...that being said Season 4 sucked
#these just sum up my personal takes at the years in question and also what i'm seeing on tumblr/other social media#bbc sherlock#sherlock holmes#and i actually have a lot more thoughts to share on this series#specifically relating to the cultural impact#there is SO much about the show that goes unappreciated in hindsight because of how public perception of it has soured#and i totally fell into this as well--i still regularly rewatch hbomberguy's video absolutely dismantling the series and he isn't wrong!!#but what i'm saying is that i think it's easy for us to look at a piece of media (especially one so massively popular) like sherlock...#with very black-and-white lenses. it wouldn't have become so popular if there wasn't something inherent in it that resonated with people#and that's being buried (and i totally forgot it) because 'sherlock is cringe and problematic. can't believe i liked that'#which again it IS full of issues and those are well-documented as they should be. future portrayals should not repeat those mistakes#BUT being able to impact so many people is a merit in itself. and that's only possible because of other genuinely good things about the show#yes the way they handled the relationship between john and sherlock was riddled with problems YES it was often queerbaiting#AND the way they portrayed that relationship had a deep effect on me. i saw a lot of myself in sherlock and the complex way he loved john#the nuanced feelings he had about john's marriage to mary. the part (in s4!) where john calls him inhuman for not feeling romantic love#there was genuine intention and care put into some parts of this show and it comes through in scenes like those. they impact people.#and because of this realization i'm going to (eventually) do a rewatch of the show. i'm much older and i want to see how i'll view it now#but i want to go into it--and i want everyone who engages with it still--to have an open mind and evaluate it for what it is#not what we expected it to be (secret episode anyone?) or what the cultural drift has turned it into (the tiktok of sherlock's mind palace)#but the messy problematic somewhat-heartfelt massively significant and ultimately meaningful piece of media it actually was#anyway that's my thoughts would love to hear y'all's perspectives#funny how after all this time making a sherlock post still feels like i'm poking a bees' nest lol please be kind!#kay can i just catch my breath for a second#kay has a party in the tags
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On February 13th, the president issued an Executive Order saying that the administration would be establishing a commission to attempt to lower the prevalence of autism and chronic health conditions in the United States. The proposed plan is full of attempts to research thoroughly debunked science, states goals that run counter to the actual actions taken by the administration, and spreads misinformation about autism. ASAN disapproves of the proposed plan, and will be joining efforts to push back against its harmful ideas, as well as the harmful policies proposed by the current administration.
The proposed plan refers to autism and other disabilities as “a dire threat to the American people and our way of life.” This is fundamentally inaccurate. Autistic people have always been here, including before America existed. We aren’t new. The document cites the increase in autism diagnosis since the 1980s as evidence of an “epidemic.” This ignores the fact that healthcare access has changed dramatically in the last forty years.
Historically, there have been multiple diagnostic disparities—a difference in the number of people diagnosed between different categories of people—among autistic people. Women, adults, gender diverse people, and people of color are all generally speaking less likely to get an autism diagnosis—both because testing was modeled off of a very small group of people, and because having access to diagnosis tends to be harder for these groups (due to things like access to professionals able to diagnose autism in these categories, access to insurance, ability to access transportation to get to said professionals, and access to childcare or time off of work, among others). Another reason more people have autism diagnoses today is that what it means to be diagnosed with autism is much different today than it was in 1980. Diagnostic manuals were revised in 1994 and in 2013 because clinicians increasingly recognized that autism is a spectrum. Only a narrow subset of autistic people could qualify for diagnoses prior to 1994, and many conditions that we now know frequently co-occur with autism were considered disqualifying for an autism diagnosis. The result was many autistic people went undiagnosed or got misdiagnosed and couldn't get the supports that they needed.
Both of these facts mean we’ve been underdiagnosing people in these groups for decades. This has only just started to change, as these factors that determine access begin to - Medicaid expansion states making it possible for more people to be insured, for example. That means that we aren’t seeing an increase in the number of autistic people that exist - rather, more of us are getting access to the tools necessary to get a professional diagnosis. It is entirely possible that this is also true of ADHD, which is referenced in a similar capacity later in the order.
The order also refers to autism as a “disease.” Autism is a developmental disability—and disability is a natural part of human diversity. Autism is something we are born with, and that shouldn’t be changed. Autistic children should get the support they need to grow up into happy, self-determined autistic adults. For many people, diagnosis is the first step towards accessing those supports. Increased diagnosis is a positive thing; it indicates the many, often multiply-marginalized, autistic people who are gaining access to autism diagnoses and receiving the supports they need.
In addition to the administration’s focus on autism as a disease, the executive order’s focus on preventing “obesity” presents certain people’s bodies as undesirable or diseased, rather than part of a natural variation and a largely genetic factor. This also ignores the fact that weight loss has both incredibly low rates of success, and that weight cycling (losing and gaining weight rapidly due to diet) has consistently negative overall impacts on health. Weight stigma and fatphobia is often the cause of negative health outcomes, including delayed diagnosis and treatment of actual medical problems. The focus on prevention of the issues this administration considers undesirable, combined with their proposed cuts to Medicaid, will do untold harms to people of the United States, and will result in exacerbation of current disparities in access to high-quality medical care for fat Americans.
People with disabilities are not burdens; painting disabled people as burdens is ableist and presents disabled people as a “problem to be solved,” rather than a group of people who deserve to be fully included in all aspects of society. This focus on preventing disability, rather than providing supports and services to the many disabled Americans already living, so they can access school, work, housing, healthcare and other aspects, are even more disturbing coming from a president who has baselessly blamed people with disabilities and other marginalized groups for the recent airplane crash in Washington DC, and who allegedly said, in reference to his own disabled family member, that people like us “should just die.”
The Trump administration is also currently pursuing policies to curtail the rights of people with disabilities. Trump’s statements about disabled and minority members of America’s workforce mirror his executive orders directing agencies, including the FAA, to discriminate against people with disabilities and other marginalized groups. Trump has encouraged agencies to discriminate against and sideline members of the federal workforce based on their identities and stripped away or suspended government activities that protect against discrimination. There are also reports that he intends to issue an executive order severely reducing or even abolishing the Department of Education, an act that not only violates the separation of powers set out on the Constitution, but also will result in the Department of Education having the reduced ability to enforce the rights of students to accommodations, inclusive education, and to fight discrimination in schools. The president and Congress are also pursuing damaging cuts to Medicaid. People with disabilities rely on Medicaid for essential health care and supports, and any cuts to Medicaid, no matter how the President and Congress say they are targeting these cuts, will hurt us.
Under the leadership of Trump, who has publicly claimed that he believes in the debunked claim that vaccines cause autism, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who has founded an anti-vaccine group, claimed that no vaccine has been proven safe and effective, that the recommended vaccine schedule for children is dangerous, and that “autism does come from vaccines,” ASAN is deeply concerned about the call for increased causation research. Trump claimed in December that he would direct the HHS to investigate a connection between vaccines and autism, which has already been proven to be nonexistent. The executive order also directs the Make America Healthy Again commission to look into the “potential over-utilization of medication, certain food ingredients, certain chemicals, and certain other exposures pose to children.” While some of these things may indeed be connected to or cause other disabilities, such as lead poisoning and fetal alcohol syndrome, they do not cause autism. We also ask the president, why, if he is concerned about links between toxic chemical exposure and children's health, he, in his first term, rolled back many regulations aimed at reducing toxic emissions and, in his second, has cut programs enforcing restrictions on toxic emissions, and pledged to further roll-back regulation aimed at eliminating and decreasing pollutants.
We are deeply concerned at the Trump administration’s commitment to further research thoroughly debunked myths about autism and his disregard for established science and research. We are also deeply concerned about the potential damage caused by President Trump and Secretary Kennedy using official channels and government agencies to promote false “cures” and “treatments” for autism, as well as other disabilities. This will not only decrease American confidence in public health agencies, but also cause real harms, such as the decrease in childhood vaccination in the United States since the beginning of the pandemic and the death of 83 people in Samoa, both attributable to anti-vaccine advocacy and specifically now-Secretary Kennedy. Autism causation research is dangerous, ignores decades of science and research, and ignores the autistic community, which has been insistent that we do not need or want a cure for autism, and that we will fight for the civil rights and services and supports needed for us to fully participate in all aspects of society.
The executive order also targets the health care that many people rely on directly. The order plans to focus on the “prevalence of and threat posed by” prescriptions for a range of medications prescribed to individuals with ADHD, depression, anxiety, and many other conditions. Secretary Kennedy has repeatedly stated his belief that school violence is caused by SSRI prescriptions, an ableist claim that has been studied and debunked. To the contrary, many of these medications are not only beneficial to people with significant health needs, but often life-saving. SSRIs are used for a range of mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. For many people, these medications are an essential part of their health and wellbeing. Similarly, medications for ADHD have been found to reduce the risk of premature death by nearly 1/5th. Rather than making America healthy, these attacks on essential medications directly threaten the health of many Americans. This is hardly the first threat to Americans’ health to come from this administration in the past month; previous executive actions have threatened the ability of transgender and gender-nonconforming people to access health care and attacked any mention or consideration of racial or gender equity across the government, including health equity research. Any effort to “address chronic disease” that refuses to acknowledge the health disparities we experience is doomed to fail before it has even started.
The executive order says that, “There may be public hearings, meetings, roundtables, and similar events.” In an administration where health agencies are already freezing out stakeholders, this vague suggestion is inadequate. People with disabilities must be heard on issues that threaten to directly impact our access to health care and services. ASAN calls upon the administration to carry through on its responsibility to listen to the people, and to listen to the disability community when we say that this research direction is not only wasteful, but will cause harm to countless people across the United States. ASAN and our community must fight alongside the many other communities harmed by this administration to protect our civil rights, the programs that our communities depend on, and our community from these attacks.
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Benchmark Tech Notes
Running the Benchmark
If your Benchmark isn't opening, it's an issue with the executable file, and something not completing properly on either download, or extracting the Zip file. The Benchmark is designed to run and give you scores for your potato computer, I promise.
I actually saved my Benchmark to my external drive, and it still pulls and saves data and runs as it should. Make sure you allowed the download to complete before extracting the zip.
Check your Settings; in Display, it may be defaulting your monitor Resolution to something than you might otherwise use if you aren't on standard 1920x1080.
To check your monitor Resolution, minimize everything on your screen and right click anywhere on your Desktop. Go to Display Settings and scroll down to find Resolution and what it's set at.
You can set the Graphic Settings 1 tab to Maximum, or to Import your game settings. Display Settings tab is where you set it to be Windowed, Bordered, or Full Screen, as well as select Resolution to match your monitor in the dropdown (or customize it if needed). I speak on Resolution as some folks in my FC noted it changed how their characters looked.
The Other tab in Settings is where you can change the text output, or even check a box to disable the logo and score; I do this on subsequent plays, once I have my scores at various settings, to get the clean screenshots.
@calico-heart has a post about fixing graphics settings, with screenshots of the settings tab. Basically, change graphics upscaling from AMD to NVIDIA, and/or uncheck Enable Dynamic Resolution. Also check the Framerate Threshold dropdown.
The benchmark auto-saves 5 screens each playthrough. In the Benchmark folder there is a Screenshots folder to find the auto-images taken of your characters.
Character Appearance
If you want to get your current in game appearance, including non-standard hairstyles, make sure to load up the live game, right click and "Save Character Settings."
Then go to Documents/My Games/Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (this is the default in Windows 10 so mileage varies). The file will have the date you last updated their settings and be named FFXIV_CHARA_01.dat (or however many saves you have/made).
Grab those newly updated DAT files for your character(s) and copy them, then in the same base folder, go to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (Benchmark).
Paste the copied DAT files in there, and rename to FFXIV_CHARA_BENCH01.dat (the number doesn't matter, and you may have more).
When running Benchmark Character Creation, use the dropdown menu.
If you do Create a Custom Character and Load Appearance Data, it will give you default hairstyles again. Meteor's Dawntrail hairstyle is a new default.
In Char Gen I am finding that a very pale hrothgal reflects the green scenery around her, giving her white skin/fur a green tinge. The other zones do not have this problem, or at least not to the same degree.
They added a Midday vs Evening setting in outdoor areas as well to test lighting. The lighting in the Gridanian innroom is better; not as bright as outdoors, to be expected, but not completely useless.
New voice type icons to clarifying the sounds you make.
Remember we're getting a free fantasia with the expansion, so some tweaking may be needed; Iyna I felt like I needed to adjust her jaw. Other colors--skin, hair, eyes, tattoos, etc--are showing differently in the various kinds of lighting.
Uncertain if the limit on hairstyles for the Hrothgals so far is just a Benchmark thing; they do have set styles for different head options. Everyone gets Meteor's hair though, so it may be a temporary/Benchmark limit. But which clan and face you choose drastically alters what hair and facial feature options you have access to.
Check your settings, tweak them a bit, play around with chargen, and remember this is still a Benchmark; they always strike me as a little less polished than the finished game, but so far I'm actually pretty pleased with having defined fingers and toes, the irises in the eyes, scars looking cut into the skin, and other improvements.
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you said in tags once that you were thinking abt a Charlie and the chocolate factory animated series where the other kids get redeemed?? tell me more??? pls??
Gladly! I’m so happy that you’re interested in this! Sorry this answer took so long. I probably should have posted about my ideas sooner, I’ve been sitting on them for a while. But I only started actually consolidating them into a document after getting this ask and then I got really perfectionistic about making it good and finishing each section before I shared it (I am writing a full Season One outline because God help me). I will share the Chocument in its own post soon! The word count is currently over 25k! So look forward to that!
For now, here’s the show’s premise, backstory and some character notes. As concise as I can be (not very). It’s mostly the story of Season One, the book retelling, that I’m still ironing out.
Many thanks to my mutual @cornfieldsrambles for being my supporter and sounding board on this from the start. You’re the best, Corn.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but it's a 2D-animated musical kids’ show called The Chocolate Factory. The foundational twists are that the characters are three-dimensional and the narrative doesn’t always take Wonka’s side. As a result, the tour goes differently. Charlie still wins and the four naughty kids still make mistakes and suffer for them, but this time we actually see them learn; they have redemption arcs and recover from the bad parenting that shaped them. The adults are held more accountable, rather than portraying the kids as innately problematic. Charlie also has more agency, flaws and an arc. By the end of Season One, the Golden Ticket winners all apprentice under Wonka together as a team and start to become friends. My aim is to keep (a charitable, idealistic interpretation of) the spirit of the book intact while applying realistic psychology, dynamic character writing and a deeper, more nuanced approach to morality.
Major themes: childhood and maturity, parenting, morality, responsibility, creativity.
The original story is so mean-spirited and many retellings escalate that even further. Why not try retelling it kinder and fairer?
It all started with my reblog of this post on the 9th of May, 2023.

The arguments were compelling, and inspired me to imagine a rough AU idea in the tags where the five kids become a team under Violet’s lead.

Corn loved these tags so much that they drew fanart(!!!!! ☺️🥰). Completely unprompted.
Then, after I gave some character design ideas, beginning to see this AU as my own continuity from the start despite the original post being specifically about the 1971 movie:
Their enthusiasm and our delightful DM exchanges are why just another one of my countless tag rambles grew into a large, prolific chocolate plot bunny. Many aspects of those character designs are now outdated, but I still like art style.
I have since reconsidered my dismissal of Charlie - the 2013 musical handles him really well, which inspired me a lot - he will be the protagonist of the series. He's also finally black, as Dahl wanted but his editor forbade! He is my precious little boy. I love him. (Though the show often basically has an ensemble cast, hence the title just being The Chocolate Factory because all the main characters are of similar importance and develop relationships with the factory.)
He and Violet are both foils to Wonka, reflecting the two main sides of his personality, the altruistic artist and the shrewd businessman. Each of the kids has something in common with him, but they have the most. Recognising himself in the naughty kids, having his expectations about how the tour will play out defied, seeing the good in humanity again and getting a support system who force him to deal with issues leads Wonka to improve himself to an extent; he never stops being a amazing, unsettling mad genius with an unconventional moral code, but he gets less cynical and self-righteous about it. I don't want to get into loads of detail here, but I'm trying really hard to do his iconic, captivating personality justice while somewhat deconstructing and then reconstructing it. He also doesn't have a backstory. He just Is. But he can Be a better version of himself.
The Oompa Loompas are fairies! Like, traditional folkloric fey. Creepy They're mostly controlled by the time of the story, because they have a deal/debt arrangement with Wonka and are directing their energy to working for him instead of kidnapping or cursing people, but they will cause problems if they're offended. Wonka Gets them. That should tell you a bit about him. Oh, and their magic has nothing to do with why his products are like that. While they use it for their jobs, the actual chocolate making and most of the factory's technology is all him and he says it's just science.
I'll save most information about the kids for later, but I will say that Augustus Gloop is very different. He's always the simplest of them, even across all the adaptations. Just a cruel fatphobic joke. So I'm pivoting his whole character away from gluttony. He does have issues with food, but they're more symptomatic of deeper problems and related to fatphobia and toxic diet culture's effects on mental health, and they're not his defining trait. His real fatal flaw is envy, and he might be one of the most complex and tragic characters? I just. I have to handle him with care, but my vision for him feels worth existing.
Thanks again! I hope that this taste of my project was a sweet one, and that I reach a place where I can share the Chocument soon (oh my God, is this a real pitch bible? What am I doing?).
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Hi Velvet, hope you’re well!
I’ve just spent the past several days going on a mass blocking spree of every transradfem I can find, and I gotta say I’m starting to think that as a community this might be the better approach to take going forward. While I very much understand why people leave these bigoted accounts unblocked and continue to try engaging with them and documenting them, as someone who has been keeping a close eye on this discourse for over a year now, 99% of the time these people have no desire to engage in good faith and are completely unwilling to listen to any opinion they don’t already agree with. I think we have reached a point where continuing to platform these people - even if it’s only to call them out on their BS - is doing more harm than good. I’m not saying we shouldn’t continue to speak out about the issues of radfem ideology in the trans community or pretend like it’s not happening, but I’m tired of seeing every single discussion of transandrophobia get derailed by bigots. I’m tired of community infighting taking center stage, I’m tired of posts needing a million disclaimers, I’m tired of discussion revolving around “proving” that transandrophobia even exists in the first place when that should just be a given, I’m tired of seeing an increase in actual transmisogynistic behavior from a handful of transmascs that comes as a reaction to being constantly exposed to so much transandrophobia from transfems, which just adds fuel to the flames on both sides.
I know this is tumblr discourse and not really an actual united community so maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I do believe if we could start collectively being more aggressive about just blocking all these people who are only here to stir shit, maybe we can actually start making our voices heard by a wider audience. There are still so many people out there who have no idea what transandrophobia is, or are only vaguely aware that it’s some current discourse-related term, and I think our efforts would be better focused on educating and informing those groups as opposed to arguing with people who have already decided we’re evil. Again, I totally get where everyone is coming from and I don’t think the folks trying to engage with bigots are doing anything wrong (in fact I admire their courage and patience), I just think it’s proven to be largely ineffective and maybe it’s time we make a collective effort to change our approach if we ever want to move on from these circular discussions that go nowhere. I think people who are genuinely just ignorant about transandrophobia would be far more likely to engage with the topic if the replies and reblogs weren’t full of arguments, and I think a mass-blocking effort would be the best way to kick TRFs out of the discussion and stop letting them control the narrative.
Anyway, I wanted to send this to you because 1. I know a lot of people involved in these discussions follow you so I thought it might be a better way to get this idea out there than posting from my own blog, and 2. I genuinely want to know what your thoughts are on this, since I know you’ve personally done a lot of work directly confronting TRFs - and again, I genuinely admire your willingness to do so, I’m just concerned that it’s not really getting us anywhere and wondered whether or not you would support a collective change in tactics.
p.s. I don’t really love the idea of public blocklists as I think it’s better for people to use their own judgement rather than relying on the word of others, so I’m not advocating for smth like that. however I’ve found that blocklists aren’t really necessary because it really is a relatively small community of TRFs who all reblog from each other, so it’s very easy to just find a couple popular posts from one of them with a larger following and use the notes as a blocklist. It’s a bit tedious, but after blocking 100 or so blogs I’ve found that the transandrophobia/transmisogyny tags have become far more usable and from there it’s easy to block any bigots that slip through, so this is what I would recommend others to do as well.
TLDR; this is a call to action to stop giving TRFs a place in the conversation and start treating them the same way we should be treating every other group of bigots: block on sight and do not engage
That's not kicking them out of the discussion, it's kicking yourself out of the discussion. You can not engage with them if you don't want to but ignoring bigots doesn't make bigots go away and unlike Christofascists engagement with TRFs actually has a better than zero chance of making a difference to either them, their followers, your followers, or anyone else that sees you deconstruct their arguments.
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Happy new year, Gnostic Hymns! We ended 2024 with a new record of active members and muses, which is absolutely amazing. Whether you're just joining us, or you've been here since we opened, we are beyond grateful. With as rapid of growth as we've had, however, there are bound to be growing pains and reminders to be made. We ask that you please take a moment to read this month's newsletter in full.
The following clarifications have been made to our Rules and Guidelines:
There is a 0 tolerance policy for harassment of any kind, this includes the usage of slurs or any other hate speech within the GH discord server or on affiliated blogs. Gnostic Hymns does not, under any circumstance, condone the usage of generative AI as a means of writing. We approach every prospective member in good faith, however if you are found to be using AI to write your replies for you, this will fall under plagiarism and will be grounds for instant removal.
We understand that it's upsetting to everyone when rules are broken, but it is important to remember that mods are people as well. While we do our best to monitor GH 24/7, things will still slip through. It is important that if you see something, you report it to one of us. Unless action has already been taken, it is always safest to assume that we have not seen it. For urgent matters, it is best to reach any of us via Discord DM.
This brings us to the feedback form, which is kept anonymous intentionally to encourage the voices of members who might not speak up otherwise. The form is intended to provide a space for constructive feedback and thoughts from members to help mods in constantly improving GH, however it is not a complaint box. Remember that what you say is going to be read by us, and that passive aggression under anonymity does not benefit anyone. If you are concerned that an issue has not been handled by moderation, it is best practice to reach out to one of us and ask. Mods are not going to draw unnecessary attention to issues while they are being handled.
Now, we would like to remind everyone again that we cannot dictate who you do or do not choose to write with, however, the deliberate exclusion of or refusal to interact with muses from games outside of your muse’s own will not be tolerated.
We would also like to encourage everyone to regularly make sure that you are following all members. This should be done periodically by everyone. The easiest way to do this is to go to the masterlist's following and go down the list. If you haven't already, do that here.
And finally, on a much lighter note, our combat resources have been reorganized! Character ability kits are now located here, and each have an individually accessible document for easy reference. Several kits have been revamped or otherwise created, so check them out!
And for our routine reminders:
Artifact claims are open for December posts! This form will close at 11:59PM EST on January 7th, so don't procrastinate! Instructions on how to claim are included in the form.
The first feedback form of 2025 is live! Don't forget to fill it out.
New prompts have been added to the Crystallize board! Check those out here!
See you all again when the Lantern Rite begins on the 26th!
-Mod Alina
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Cruising into new life - part 1
I’ve just recently came back from a cruise holiday. One of the things which always upset me with cruises was that typically you cannot join if you reach 24 weeks of pregnancy so here’s a story for if things got a bit turned on their heads.
“Everything looks great” our midwife smiled as she wiped the ultrasound gel from my wife’s belly. Jodie pulled her top back down again – tugging it at the end as it threatened not to fully cover the expanse of her belly, and using both of us as support she managed to get sat up and into an upright position.
“I’ve been asked to hand these out to late term mothers who were looking for an opportunity to have one last hurrah before their baby comes. I’m happy to say that as you appear to be complication free I’m happy to sign off on you attending if you’re interested.” She pulled out a drawer and handed us a leaflet.
The leaflet explained about a cruise which was being hosted by Charles LeGrande a well-known eccentric billionaire who – thanks to their media presence – we knew had been expecting his first child with his wife at roughly about the same time as us. It explained that his wife was a lover of the sea and was not happy that the typical cruises would exclude pregnant women when they were typically the ones who needed the luxury and pampering the most. So he was opening his personal cruise ship to 1000 guests who had to be hand-picked by their medical practitioners as being low risk and willing to enjoy the event.
It promised excellent food, 2 weeks of relaxation, access to an executive team of medical staff to cover any possible risk, and even a helicopter to get you back to the mainland should anything present as an emergency situation. The team knew there was every possibility that several of the mothers to be could give birth during the voyage, and yes, that was even planned for with the entire eighth deck – with pristine sea views – converting their cabins into bespoke birthing suites for the trip.
My wife couldn’t wait to say yes, so that is how we found ourselves, 2 weeks later, 39 weeks pregnant and waddling up to the check in desk at the cruise port, with the view of the most magnificent ship we had ever seen our backdrop as we approached the building.
The staff had everything to hand, each way you looked, all you see were bumps of various shapes and sizes – but all were in an advanced state of pregnancy.
The guests were invited to sit down so they weren’t forced to stand up in queues, whilst the staff came to them one after another to get them checked in and issue them whatever documents they needed for the cruise. We were impressed.
Our host stood with his pregnant wife standing beside him at the end of the hallway as each group in turn left the check in area and walked onto the ship, greeting them personally. As we approached the couple my wife commented on Charles wife – who we later learned was called Adriana, or Adi for short – must have incredible stamina to remain standing for so long in her condition – and believe me I have an eye for beauty in the pregnant form and this lady was pregnancy personified – tight dress accentuating what could only be described as a lithe dancers body, with breasts out to there and a belly to match.
The couple were of course full of smiles and welcoming gestures as we walked up the bridge to the atrium, a magnificent view of crystal chandeliers, gold finishes and guests and crew mingling at what was essentially a meet and greet session. We grabbed some canapés and some (non alcoholic) cocktails and looked around. The guest list looked to be from all walks of life – a few men dressed in very expensive looking suits along with their wives in tailored dresses to accentuate their pregnancy alongside working class people – would say around 80% as a guess appearing to be first timer parents – or at least those who didn’t bring their children with them – and a few who had smaller children in tow. One woman who was heavily pregnant had a younger lady with her who we later found out was her daughter, both ironically due the same day. There was what I presumed was a poly couple – 1 man along with 2 women – both heavily pregnant, and one of them holding a small child to her hip.
We met several crew in uniform, each identifying their name badges but not their role on the ship – they advised that Captain LeGrand was wanting to introduce everyone personally.
Finally all guests were boarded and we were asked to move to an adjoining room – which turned out to be a large cinema – where the captain was to give an address. Everyone shuffled in, groans of appreciation from the pregnant ladies having a chance to get off their feet and take a seat as the staff lined up, one set of uniforms on the left and another set on the right. There was an announcement over the PA system;
“Ladies and gentlemen please welcome your host, Mr Charles LeGrande.” He walked into the stage without his wife to good natured applause from the crowd, and as he waited for the noise to recede, he started to speak.
“I’m sure you agree this is a little unusual, but you have all joined me and my wife for what we hope will be a happy and memorable occasion. As you are no doubt aware, my wife is days away from her due date and wanted to do something special. She always hated that commercial cruises did not allow pregnant women on them – her history was a dancer in a show on board these types of cruises – so she asked if we could do something private and avoid the bureaucracy whilst giving pregnant women like you some much needed pampering time as you approach a major milestone in your lives.” This was met with a bit of cheering and clapping from the assembled crowd.
“For the next 2 weeks, I hope you will make the most of these facilities. I will answer the most obvious question first. We have ladies on board who may or may not go into labour through this cruise – my wife included. To ensure you are cared for during this time we have hand-picked an elite team of midwives, doulas, paediatricians and obstetricians, so please allow me to introduce you to the team on my left”. He offered a flourish of his arm. Generally, there was a round of applause as 2 ladies sat behind us caught glimpse of one of the staff – he was a muscular hunk of a man, probably more suited to a catwalk or movie studio than a medical field, and their content caught both me and my wife off guard, sending us into fits of giggles:
“Oh jeez, hope he doesn’t have to deliver my baby - I’ll be too focused on those guns and I’ll forget to push!”
LeGrande continued “To my right are our customer relations team, our spa team, your dining host, customer service staff and our head of housekeeping.” Another round of applause and waves followed from the team. “If you have any questions at all through the cruise please contact the customer service desk and they will make sure the appropriate team members are informed.”
“Next we have your personal trackers. As each of you boarded the ship, you were given a small device.” I looked at the coin sized puck that was handed to me that I put into my pocket. “This is your room key, and more importantly it offers you a way to get in touch with our crew. The red button summons medical help should you need it and the blue button summons customer support. Please, we know that in the later stages of pregnancy mobility is not the best, so please allow us to bring food and drink to you.” There was a general murmur through the crowd. “Of course please be aware that we cannot be everywhere at once so if you log into out app on your phone on ships wifi you can get an idea if the queue and status of your request – as much as we want to try and make things hassle free, if you want something quick, I’m afraid you will need to fetch it yourselves.”
“To aid your mobility on board, at each lift lobby and in the designated room alongside the atrium are electrically assisted wheelchairs. Please feel free to use them – they are not drivable, but the electrical support should help with whoever may be wheeling you around. Please when you have finished with them please return them to an available charging point, or if that is not possible, please hold the return button for 5 seconds until it starts to flash. That will alert our porter team to retrieve it. If you come across one which you would like to use, simply press the button again to stop the signal.”
“I have 3 more announcements. Sorry I know I have been droning on and you would like to explore the ship, but all are very important. Firstly for your safety, please review the lifejacket procedure in your tv in your room. You will be required today at some point to visit your lifeboat station and check in to confirm you have found it. If you have not done this by tomorrow one of our staff will be required to escort you to it – some parts of the law cannot be avoided to maintain our insurance!” Thankfully the crowd laughed at this as he continued “next will be our adults area – when we are in international waters – which we will announce over the PA system when this is the case – will operate a clothing optimal policy. We must insist on zero attendance in these areas by your children. Access to these areas will require use of your puck to unlock the doors and access to these areas by the lifts.” He continued before the murmuring got too loud at that announcement “and finally my wife has an announcement.”
He stepped to the side as the large screen behind him lit up. Adriana appeared on it, beaming, smiling face in front of the camera. She spoke with an accent which hinted at Latina roots, but was highly Americanised now. “Welcome on board. My husband and I would like to welcome you to watch our birth.” There were gasps and mumbles in the crowd but she continued. “I have a camera crew who will be with me during the voyage. We will broadcast over channel 10 on your room TV sets and also in this cinema. Until my labour begins I will be meeting and greeting people on the ship, and once my time is upon me, I would like to share it with you. After leaving the dancers life full time I have trained as a doula, and feel that birth education is incredibly important. I hope footage of my birth gives those of you who are yet to experience this miracle some confidence that you can do it.”
More applause ensued as the message sunk home. This was certainly going to be a cruise to remember that’s for certain.
Charles brought the meeting to a close. “I thank you all for attending and now please enjoy the facilities on offer in our ship.” He held a walkie talkie to his mouth and announced “ensign please let us depart.” With that there was a rumble as the ships engines powered up, and as started to file out of the cinema we felt the movement of the ship as it pushed off from the docks.
It took a little while for the crowd to move, with a large percentage of them groaning and complaining as they were forced to lift their pregnancy addled bodies back out of the – I must say – very comfortable seats. We took it slow, my hand grasping Jodie’s as we took a leisurely stroll around the deck we were on, it was certain that no expense had been spared in getting this ship outfitted for our needs. We came across the room with the wheelchairs and both of us turned as one to look at each other. We nodded simultaneously and dashed in to give one a go. There were still about 2 dozen left hooked up to charge points, so we uncoupled one and Jodie slowly lifted herself down into the seat. Her groan of appreciation for getting off her feet was heavenly to me. I gave it a test push, and found with the electrical assistance it was almost like no one was sitting in it at all.
She looked at her app on her phone as I pushed her along a corridor, reading out useful bits and pieces to me. “Decks 1,2,4 were crew quarters. Deck 3 is dedicated to the atrium, cinema and customer services. Deck 5 contains restaurants, and the spa area. Deck 6 doesn’t appear to be used, 7 and 9 were guest rooms, 8 was the converted floor for the delivery suites around the outside cabins and a medical centre and nursery inside. Deck 10 was the entertainment deck – an indoor area with the nightclub / activities room, and all the outdoor pool areas. At the rear end of the ship – or aft it says here I guess using nautical speak – is the adults only area. There’s access from there to a deck 11 area which is described as the oasis… now that I want to see.”
I grin as we approach a lift “if that announcement was anything to go by, we’ll see a lot more in the adult area than we maybe should.”
My wife just grinned at me and gave me a sly look. She knew as well as me that since she got pregnant I’d been – to quote her – one horny bugger – and she knew that having the opportunity to spend time almost ogling dozens or more pregnant women would be my own idea of heaven. She had found my porn stashes fairly early on in our relationship, and she certainly embraced my kinks, especially now that we had managed the pregnancy thing for real.
We were broken out of our reverie by a ding as the lift arrived. We had left it for the majority to clear out and head to their rooms before we headed that way to avoid crowded lift areas – after all bumps took up a lot more room than expected inside a lift. We stepped in and felt the sensation as we went up to floor 6 the one designated for us. We got out of the lift, and I trundled my wife and chair down the corridor. We spotted our bags outside the room so swiped out puck against the door lock, shoving the door back to peer into the room.
It was gorgeous. We left the chair outside and my wife walked in to a chorus of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as she looked left and right. I took a step outside and brought in our cases as my wife made a beeline straight for the bed. We noted that alongside the compliment of regular pillows there was a full body pregnancy pillow designed to help support the bump. She flopped down and gave out the most appreciative moan I had ever heard. I offered to take the chair back to the atrium storage area whilst she unpacked, which she agreed to. I headed back out, closing the door behind me and following a walk down the corridor, waiting for a lift ride, taking it down then back up again, and walking along to our room once more, I opened the door to be greeted by the whistling quiet little snores of my wife, deep in sleep, our cases exactly where I’d left them.
I managed to get our stuff unpacked whilst making as little noise as possible and thankfully it didn’t wake my wife. I was constantly amazed at the little smiles and groans she made as I visibly see the movement of the baby inside the bump, encased by the tightly stretched fabric of her top. After unpacking I leave her to her sleep as I shuffle out the room and explore a bit. I run into a lady in the corridor who rivalled any pregnant belly I’d seen in my life, and gave her a quick nod as I noticed she was in the room next door to us. She returned the nod but seemed to be in a bit of a rush to get back into her room. Not that I could blame her of course – strange man in a corridor coupled with late stage pregnancy bladder – who knows what rush she was in.
I walked along to our lifeboat station and registered my attendance (which thankfully also accommodated Jodie as well) – another thing crossed off the to do list, then made my way up to deck 10 to see the entertainment area. I was met with a camera in my face and the beaming smile of Adriana.
“Ahh hello there sir. I can only presume by your flat midsection, you are one of the fathers to be rather than one of our future mothers?” I couldn’t help but smile at her own infectious smile as I replied
“I’m afraid so. Just exploring on my own as the wife has a nap. My compliments to whoever buys your mattresses – she was asleep within minutes of lying down.”
She smiled in return, her hand caressing her large bump which my eye was drawn down to in the process. Realising I was still being recorded I flicked my eyes back up and looked back towards her face. “I’ll be sure to tell our master of housekeeping. Please, enjoy your stay and I’ll look forward to seeing you around the ship.” With that she gave another beaming smile, the camera man gave a nod to signal that they had stopped recording, and Adriana gave me a quick peck kiss, almost on my cheek in the air a few millimetres from actually touching my skin, thanking me for playing along – usually if someone has a camera sprung on them they panic which is really hard to edit live. Two things crossed my mind – firstly – what perfume was she wearing because it smelled good – all fruity with major notes of cherries, and soon after I froze as I realised point two – I’d potentially just been broadcast to the entire ship checking out Adriana’s bump.
Two other people were in the room – the mother and daughter duo. They were both smiling and looking straight at me which was let’s just say unnerving, but I walked towards them and said my hellos. It was here in the small talk that I learned these 2 ladies – Karen and Jess were mother and daughter, Karen’s husband, Jess’s dad – had divorced several years ago. Both ladies had fallen pregnant after an incident at a celebration even after Jess’s graduation from university. The divorce settlement had allowed them to be self sufficient for the duration of their pregnancies but Jess was aware that she couldn’t live from her mothers hand downs forever so knew once the baby was born she would be starting to look for full time work whilst her mother looked after both her own baby and her grandchild.
I gave my own backstory – me and my wife Jodie had finally decided to try for a baby after several years of considering it, and so far everything was going like textbook. We had an opportunity to learn the sex if the baby several ultrasound checks ago, but we decided against it, but had the doctor write it down in an envelope which she kept in her purse should she ever want to read it. All this time that envelope had remained unopened and we had no plans to change that.
After the introductions and pleasantries were over with, Karen – the mother – grinned at me. “So we saw you checking out boss lady’s rack. Hey man I don’t blame you, she looks good” she emphasised the word spending just a little too long sounding it out. “Just don’t let boss man catch you doing that or he may make you walk the plank. Arr!” She emphasised the pirate noises as I almost choked laughing.
“Would you believe that I wasn’t?” I asked. Both ladies shook their heads together. I was actually looking at her bump… to make sure that I don’t bump into her.” The last bit came out maybe a little too fast for my liking.
“Oooh so that’s it” grinned both ladies. “You like the big bellies.” I made an attempt to say no but before I could get the words out, both had lifted up their tops and exposed their bellies to me. I stood open mouthed unable to make a coherent sentence.
“Go ahead, touch em.” Jess offered. “They’re just baby containers. Smooth, stretched out, Shea butter oiled, tingling to the touch baby containers.” Both burst into fits of giggles. No matter what anyone thought of these 2 as mother and daughter, they were definitely more like friends or sisters.. I could also see how their story went how both of them fell pregnant at the same time at the same party. I’d dare say that Karen, when dolled up for a night out could easily pass for 20 years her junior or so.
“Another time ladies” I inwardly shook my head, I mean this sort of situation would have normally been a dream come true for someone like me, but my wife was literal walking distance away from me. “I’m here with my wife and to let you into a little secret… that sort of thing might just go beyond the ‘baby container’ simplicity for me. I’d feel guilty indulging.” The ladies giggled but offered a counter proposal from Karen;
“I’d like to meet your wife. Don’t worry we will say you are the perfect gent. Just we don’t have many friends and it would be nice to trade gyno horror stories.” I laughed but agreed.
“I’ll let her know. Send me a message when you’re going for food and I’ll see if we can meet you?”
With that we swapped messaging details and went our separate ways.
I headed back to the room to find Jodie awake again and rearranging all the stuff I unpacked. “Oh Hi babe” she announced. “Sorry, don’t know what came over me but that bed was good. Thanks for unpacking everything.” I gave her a one of those looks, with raised eyebrows as a response. “I didn’t say you had unpacked it correctly did I” she offered, fluttering her eyelashes in innocence.
After a bit of time spent pulling things from one cupboard and closet to the next, I explained the story of the 2 ladies who Jodie remembered from the port. She of course agreed to sit with them so I texted a thumbs up to Karen who sent back a smiling face and ‘see you in an hour’
Myself and Jodie wanted to get washed up before the meal so traded showers one after the other. We wanted to share one, but one thing is for certain, cruise ship showers were hardly big enough for one person, never mind two and a bump… so we settled for naked cuddles on the bed as we dried off, my hands exploring Jodie’s breasts and belly as I felt our baby kick at the attention. It got to around 20 minutes before we were due to head down and as things were starting to get spicy between us, I pleaded for us not to head down and just stay in the room explore what the bed had to offer. Jodie stared me straight down.
“I’m starving. Both me and this little cherub need a good bit of food. You don’t want hangry sex, believe me.” I laughed and accepted what she said, rolling over with a kiss to her lips. “Now help me up, I’m like a beached whale.” That was it we were both laughing at that point.
We had a slow walk down, Jodie opting to walk rather than me fetching the chair – she insisted she was pregnant, not an invalid - and met up with Karen and Jess outside the restaurant who were waiting on a chair for us. Jodie greeted them with a smiling hug – or at least as good a hug as you could get when both participants jutted out much father than is normal. We made our way in to get our food – greeted at the door by the staff member who would be serving us for the evening and took us to our table. We were seated – us on one side and those two on the other, presented with menus and made our choices. Conversation flowed – my wife the much more sociable one than me, but all 3 women got along fine. I had a retelling of the ladies back story, a bit of information on how we met and other mundane stuff. When asked if they wanted to give birth on the ship, both were very positive on the idea as long as both were together. Karen of course was hoping she could hold off until Jess had delivered as she wanted to be there for her little girl… but both were aware that babies made their own agendas. We both nodded at that.
When we were asked the same question, Jodie pondered a little while. She explained her own mum was a midwife and she was hoping that she could have delivered her first grandchild at home… but she made us promise not to give up this opportunity – as long as we got straight on the ships wifi and gave her a call so she could be there in spirit if not in person.
After a chorus of ‘Awww’s from the other ladies our first course arrived and we enjoyed what must be one of the nicest meals I ever tasted. Clean plates on the first course, and we were well into the second course when a commotion caught our attention.
One lady was dashing out if the restaurant at a pace I didn’t think a heavily pregnant women could manage, one hand clamped on her mouth the other under her belly. Looking between ourselves we presumed she had a bout of sea sickness but I recognised her as the woman who I ran into in the corridor earlier – our neighbour. When she didn’t return for the rest of the meal I suggested we knock on her door to make sure she was OK as she appeared to be there by herself – no one else followed her out of the restaurant.
We finished up the rest of the meal talking a bit afterwards and around an hour or so after the commotion, we said our goodbyes to the ladies and made our way back to the room to do our good deed of the day.
As we got out of the lift and rounded the corner to our corridor, we heard an shrill cry. Stopped momentarily we looked at each other and dashed as fast as we could towards the sound. Our neighbours door was wide open, a mobile crib outside the door. Looking in the room we were met with a sight. The lady from before facing away from us, stripped naked and bracing herself with one hand on the table and another on the back of a chair. One of the medical team was in front of her, kneeling between her legs, hands poised to catch the baby which she was evidently moments away from giving birth to.
She yelled again and squatted down a little deeper, as we both saw the face of her baby appear between her legs along with a gush of fluids. We noticed then that a rubber mat of some variety had been placed down, presumably to catch the mess. The lady from the medical team was telling her that she was doing a good job, that she was almost done, and with another yelling scream the baby slipped out from between her legs and into the waiting hands of the lady waiting to receive it.
The lady dropped down to her own knees to be handed the baby, as she rocked back on her haunches she finally came back to reality and turned to see us standing the doorway. We were caught red faced looking at her in an intimate, vulnerable moment and we were unsure what to do.
Luckily she smiled first. “Oh hi… you must be my neighbours? Sorry about the noise.”
Jodie just shook her head. “Erm… are you ok? We were just wanting to make sure that you were good after leaving the restaurant in a rush.”
The lady smiled. “I am now. Look… come in, can’t have you sitting in the corridor like that.” She was completely oblivious that she was both naked, holding a crying baby to her chest, and inviting strangers to come into her private space. Either way we did as she asked and closed the door behind us.
Over the course of the next 30 minutes or so we watched as the lady from the medical team carried out checks on the mother and baby, everything seemed fine, then cut the cord as the lady – Donna it turns out – explained to us that she had felt a bit off all day but didn’t want to risk not making it onto the boat as she’d been looking forward to it for several weeks. After she had a wave of nausea during the meal, her waters had broken on the way back to the room, and that was when she had felt the first thing close to a contraction. From there she was in full blown pushing for about 30 minutes until we came along – and the rest we knew. She called the medical team but they already announced she was at 8cm when they arrived and couldn’t be moved to the delivery suite – hence the mobile crib being brought along and her somewhat embarrassing predicament.
With that she finally realised she was naked and asked me to pass her over something to cover her up out of her wardrobe. I found a wrap that she draped over her shoulders as the lady from medical rubbed her belly and she groaned a little – giving birth to her placenta in the process. She relaxed into breastfeeding her baby as we said our goodbyes happy hormones fuelling both our spirits as we opened the door.
Just outside was Adriana and her camera team, ready to meet the mother once the medical team said they were able to. She had heard of the first baby being born on board and needed to greet the mother to congratulate her. She met me with a beaming smile and an immediate moment of recognition from when we met earlier.
“Hello again.” She beamed. “We keep on meeting where all the action happens. Maybe you are this ships good luck charm.” Jodie looked at me quizzically. I explained how I came across her and the team earlier. I introduced Jodie and Adriana gave her a similar ‘just off the cheek’ kiss like she did for me earlier. We waved our goodbyes as the door opened again, the lady from the medical team popping out the room to grab the crib and saying 10-15 minutes to Adriana and the team.
As we walked the few steps up to our room and swiped out key to get in we both burst into giggles. That was certainly an interesting day. Jodie grinned at me. “Maybe we should give them some fun noises to listen to when they’re recording?” I looked at her, instinctively knowing what she meant – her hand had been caressing my leg and knee all through dinner. Without uttering another word between us, we threw our clothes into a corner of the room, I climbed (and sank) into the bed and lay back as she crawled on top of me, her popped out belly button tracing a pattern from my crotch to my navel which sent me into a spin. As she lowered herself down onto my erection in a reverse cowgirl style, our frenzied moans and grunts rang out. My eyes following the rhythmic bouncing of her belly and breasts as she oscillated on top of me. Our climaxes were announced with joint moans, echoing within the confined space of the cabin. Who knows if we were ever caught on camera or if the rooms really were well soundproofed – we never got around to watching that interview.
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Oh boy.
I intentionally avoided posting any thing about the allegations against Tenoch yesterday because I require time to process information. I needed time to give my brain a rest. This still feels a bit too soon. I will never be one to say Tenoch or anyone else would, "never do something like that." Because I have no idea. I'm hoping that the allegations aren't true. This post is my way of venting. It is in no way meant to persuade anyone else on what they should think or feel about this situation. And certainly not meant to be proof or evidence of why it happened or didn't happen. I don't know. None of us knows.
1. The framing of the dissemination of this information as "news." My biggest issue is that I've seen a lot of Twitter accounts pick up the same link that appears to be the outlet that first brought the Tweet by Maria Elena Rios to light (reforma.com). I don't know what journalistic standards this outlet follows, so I won't speculate. I did check to see if any well-established US outlets had Tweeted anything (Associated Press, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC), and as of roughly 30 min. ago they had not.
So far, all we really have are glorified Retweets, not a news story. There are A LOT of accounts with well designed pages that have all the hallmarks of looking like "official" news organizations, but they are not. It takes virtually no time or effort to Retweet something and start an avalanche. It's a trend that has bothered me for the last decade or so. Journalism requires independently verifying information you have received. It's going to multiple sources to corroborate the information. It's at the very least attempting to reach out to the involved parties to get their statements. It's reviewing public records and court filings to see what has been officially documented. And not to say that WON'T happen at some point, but it sure as hell isn't going to happen within 24 hours. It will take time and we STILL may never know the full story.
2. We should believe victims. ABSOLUTELY! In this particular instance and from this vantage point, Maria is only his accuser. It has not yet been established that she is his victim. I understand that she is a victim involving another individual, and thank goodness she survived that horific attack. However, as it pertains to Tenoch, I don't think interjecting alleged sexual assault in a Tweet focused on a different issue is enough to automatically leap to saying she was absolutely, 100%, without a doubt victimized by Tenoch. If it happened I would hope Maria would take legal action, given she was comfortable enough to make the accusation publicly under her name. Even then, she is not required to do so (which is why I say we may never know what did or didn't happen). I would imagine navigating the justice system in Mexico is no less stressful as navigating the justice system in the US. There are valid reasons for women not subjecting themselves to (potentially) years of legal struggles. But I also hope she wouldn't be so reckless as to throw out an allegation and not allow Tenoch to formally defend himself, assuming he denies these allegations. Once again, something that requires TIME.
3. To all those I have interacted with over the past few months on this site, know that I luv ya! I value our time together here. Regardless of what you've said or haven't said about this situation, that hasn't changed. I'm choosing to reserve judgement because that's how I am and how I will always be. I respect that everyone is not like me (thank God). Like many others, I will suspend posting here because, if for no other reason, I know how to read a fucking room. Let's all be kind and respectful to one another. To those folks who interact with me regularly, don't hesitate to DM me.
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Getting To Know Me - Part 8
On The Third Day of Fun I present... the continuation to the last piece! Sorry if it feels like a bit of a Debbie Downer subject, but I'm really passionate about the subject and wanted to use my platform to get it all out so that others feel like they aren't alone. Continued from Part 1 I still attended school throughout all of this. However, it was around this time that just having drop in appointments with a psychiatrist like, once every 6 months at my doctor's office was going to fly anymore, so I was referred to a psychiatrist at our hospital's outpatient clinic who could look after my medication full time. The wait time at that time was 14 months, and I waited. Thankfully, it was worth it in the end. I had someone who could balance my medications, figure out why I went through them so quickly, and I could see them as often as I needed. On average I was running through an entire course of a medication (ie: from its lowest to its highest dose) in about a year, and that's unusually high. Well, it turns out I wasn't hyper-metabolizing them, but rather hypo-metabolizing them; My medication, once ingested, wasn't done running its course through my body before I took the next dose, so I was actually (unknowingly) over medicating myself. To combat this I now take my major medications every 36 hours so that they have time to work through my body and stop the over medicating (low dose medications that act as augmenters are taken every day though). It was during university that I had my first major depressive episode (that I medically knew of, I probably had them before but just didn't know), which is a time where my depression is just kicking my ass beyond normal reasoning and, because of this, I actually ended up flunking a few of my courses. I had to petition the dean to drop the courses from my record to due health reasons, which was accompanied by a letter and documentation from my psychiatrist stating what was going on and that it wasn't my fault. I ended up having 2 of them during my 6 years of university, so I had to petition twice. While in school I did receive special accommodations from the student wellness center regarding exams and assignments and such, which is a fantastic resource that anyone with mental health issues should take advantage of at their schools, and that definitely helped make life easier during those trying times (heck, it helped even when I was feeling decent). Near the end of my university tenure my psychiatrist and I actually managed to find a medication that really worked for me. I was feeling great, my symptoms were under control, and I was feeling like myself for the first time in a long time. However, it was another medication that no one told me right away would cause weight gain and, since we had now figured out how to make medications last, I was on it for a few years. I only ended up going off the medication 4 years ago, but by that time I had ballooned to over 200lbs (I believe I was around 230ish). Unlike the last time, the weight didn't come off as I had developed thyroid issues (they sadly run in my family on both sides), so I was now a depressed again, overweight wad who had gone past the point of being able to do what I loved: wear kimono. It's ironic that I was in the process of publishing a book about something I could no longer wear, but that's life for you. However, not everything ends badly (heck, there's positives, or else I wouldn't be here telling this tale!). Within the last year I finally have a concrete date set for my book to come out (June 28th, 2024!), I've lost exactly 49lbs since going on Ozempic (and diet changes) and can wear kimono again (yay!), and I'm working with my psychiatrist, who is awesome by the way, on changing my medications to make them work for me by understanding exactly what they do and their side effects beforehand. So, hopefully my tale has opened up some feelings inside of you to know that you're not in this alone, it happens to everyone, it does suck, but it does get better.
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DigiTimeLines: Document format [pt1]
[AO3 VERSION] [@digimonadventuretimelines blog (outdated)]
Back in November 12 2012 a person asked about Daisuke’s son on the original askblog (ask-daisuke) and I decided to go on a full route of an Alternative Endgame for it. I didn’t do that to spite the epilogue though, I do not enjoy Fix-It culture (I’d rather write my own AU and leave the canon stuff untouched than simply try to “fix” them. Same thing happened with the Hunters arc from Xros Wars, and my own canon-divergent AU based on an old ▽ theory in 2016) so this project was already viewed as some sort of multiverse.
The name Daichi came from an old friend’s answer to my musings on twitter -- they suggested Daichi and Taisuke, but I adopted Daichi for the Daisuke kid, and Taisuke for the other character I designed -- a Taichi’s son OC. The idea of Daichi and his entire plot/story came while doodling him again, for the third time after the name reveal. He would be a space-time traveler based on other medias’ space-time travelers i’ve loved since i was a kid (Future Trunks, Chibi Usa/Sailor Chibi Moon, and Silver the Hedgehog) with a tragic story based on Luke Skywalker (uh, sorta). Daichi would seek for answers in his own journey in order to save his father from a terrible fate -- One where Daisuke becomes a puppet of a greater evil and turns into a menace to the worlds.
Besides this part, Daichi’s (alternate) world has two issues -- an endless conflict between wild digimon who do not want humans to be allowed in the Digital World, so they are trying to close the gates (and this bad guy uses a brainwashed Daisuke-turned-into-a-digimon-hybrid as some general for those troops) … And a force of humans who does not see the digimon as equals, wanting them to be treated as a menace for the human world, having to always be monitored by the police and Digital World’s ambassador Taichi in order to prevent digimon and even human victims.
The goal of the “Neo Chosen Children” is to combat both issues alongside their partners and families. And, for Daichi, to rescue Daisuke from the hands of this new enemy.
As for this setting, space-time travel would be the main theme of it. Daichi and his friends would travel through a special dimension connecting all the worlds and timelines through “doors” and then, they would learn more about the Tokyo Twelve and the Worldwide Chosen, also about other possible worlds. Most of those ideas of “crossovers” came from the crossover chapters in V-Tamer, which were the only thing I read from the manga back in time. And oh, Xros Wars manga’s multiverse theory.
※ This document might have changes from the original chapters 1 to 19 published on the blog & AO3 though.
The main setting: Daichi’s story
While many think the Chosen Children job was over, this was a hoax. With the number of partnerships growing on a large and worldwide scale, the most known Twelve Chosen alongside their Worldwide allies from 2002 started to work harder to make sure the worlds would live in peace and together. But it’s easier said than done -- many issues have been spotted and reported throughout the world. Could Koushiro and Miyako handle a whole community like this? Of course they had the help of the Holy Beasts and the Gennai clones, but they should be sure none of those people would do bad things.
This is where they created a system and an organization in order to catalog and prevent outcomes like a new Kaiser-like enemy. The head and brains of the org was Koushiro, but he also nominated Taichi and Daisuke for co-leaders (Why Taichi and Daisuke? Well, they’re representing their generations after all) and having all the others as part of a council and operations like, teaching the both sides to respect each other, to not treat your digimon as some inferior being and vice-versa, to not be taunted by evil beings… And go on. This org was more likely a school, while a Special Unit force specialized in Digimon cases would work alongside the police.
To keep everything under control, and to know the number of partnerships, Koushiro’s old community list became a registered list -- in which every digivice, human and digimon were registered on a database sooner or later. Non-registered entries would become called “Mercenaries” and if any cataloged Chosen had gone vile for any reason, they would’ve been called “Dark Chosen”. Normal Chosen would just keep their name as it is, or rather “Registered Chosen”. It was like an ID and it could help to keep everything in order.
This went well for a while, but just as you can see… Humans and Digimon are complex creatures, and you can’t get rid of all of the mean spirited ones -- There would exist digimon and humans using each others’ partnerships and power to commit crimes, and others stuff. The Special Digimon Cases unit had always been needed in those cases, in which both digimon and officers had to take care of those bad apples. The Tokyo Twelve’s organization is just a mere big registered database and a “school” to teach and assist the digimon and their partners, not a law enforcer group.
Around Spring 2024, a group of rogue digimon wanting the digimon to be free from the partnership cycle started to move, wanting to separate all of the digimon from the humans. Said enemies managed to lure Daisuke and Ken into a trap… And Daisuke sacrifices himself to save Ken from getting caught -- He opened the gate and shoved Ken and Stingmon with the force of Wingdramon into the gate, and then closed it before those digimon could catch his friend. Ken tries to open the gate again, but it has been locked on the other end. After reporting to the others, the group decided to hide this information from the world… and from their own children.
Daichi’s Destiny
Daichi is a kid born in August 2015, and his personality used to be closer to his parents -- very optimistic and brave, and the only difference is he was the smart aleck of the house. He liked to play games with his dad before school, having to be reminded about his duties by his mother. His little sister -- two years apart -- was also a very lively child. But everything changed when Daisuke disappeared in 2024. While there was a huge effort to keep the world and the group’s children out of it… Daichi’s personality had a drastic change: he became more of a shut-in and spent most of his time studying, making his sister Kiyoko super duper worried and mad at him.
Daichi was so sure that his dad had died that he used to talk in a more depressive tone. Kiyoko used to get extremely furious about it, because she didn’t want to think their dad was dead and the adults were lying to them. It was when, on a normal day in 2029, Daichi and Kiyoko heard a voice calling for help. Daichi tells Kiyoko to go stay at her friend’s house while he investigates it. The voice comes from Daisuke’s office room. He opens the door and sees an old computer on, with a small pink digimon bunny fainted on the floor.
The lights are turned on, and the digimon opens her eyes… And then morphs into her human form. It’s an old acquaintance of his parents -- Natsu (Yes, the digimon girl from Natsu e no Tobira drama CD, you read it right)
Daichi was used to Natsu appearing as an adult human, but this was a big reveal for him -- She’s a digimon!? Is she Daisuke’s second partner? Well, no. Natsu is… An “Honorary partner” for Daisuke. Didn’t she get a human partner before? We will discuss it another day.
Natsu is cheerful and calls Daichi by ‘Daichan’ (Daichi’s nickname) and tells him she needs to talk with his mother or Taichi. The boy says his mother is not around, and Ambasador Yagami is always busy… Then, he wishes his father was still alive to help them. It’s when Natsu drops the bomb: No, Daisuke is alive and she needs help to rescue him. The kid’s behavior changes immediately, and Daichi starts begging Natsu to let him help. If you know Natsu well enough, if you push the right buttons you can make her do or say what you want. So, Daichi’s trickiest smuggest plan was just saying “My father would totally trust you to protect me if I were in danger” which led the digimon girl to agree to taking Daichi to the Digital World.
They went there, and she started getting bombarded with questions from the little kid, things related to what happened to his dad and why everyone was hiding those things from him. While Natsu was still hiding things from him, she managed to slip a few words leading to a battle 5 years ago. A little note: Natsu kept calling Daichi by ‘Daichan’ all the time, not even using his real name at any moment. Suddenly, the big bad enemy showed himself -- Lupinmon, a digimon which was a black wolf warrior, in the same style of the Legendary Hero of Light -- Wolfmon/Lobomon. Lupinmon attacked Natsu and Daichi, and then chased them until a brave and unknown V-mon with the Ulforce V-dramon’s bracelets appeared and repelled a powerful blow from the lupine warrior.
It was when… Something odd happens: Lupinmon steps back, like if he was holding himself to not hurt that human kid… And then in a weaker voice he calls Daichi by his name. By connecting the dots, Daichi realizes Lupinmon was actually his father but this didn’t last for a long time, and then Dai-Lupinmon attacks them again, but this time Natsu’s pendant starts glowing and opens a gate into another place, sucking the kid, her and the mysterious V-mon into a blank space… Quite similar to the dimension Apocalymon sent Taichi and his group once. The difference is, this place does not present the binary code, but has an angel-type digimon guarding it -- ClavisAngemon.
The trio meet a hooded figure with a feminine voice, who gives them some input about that place, its name and why they were there. Daichi was chosen as a new bearer of the power of space-time, but the boy was still in denial about what had happened right now with him: His father tried to murder him. His father, who used to be friendly and kind… Is an enemy of his world now. He couldn’t digest that information very well, and Daichi himself couldn’t bear a high responsibility like that. At first, he refused it… It wasn’t something he could handle at the moment. So, the hooded figure sent them back to the human world.
A few events later, Daichi was involved in an attack on a theater promoting a new movie to encourage the bonds between humans and digimon, in which he had to face Lupinmon’s followers and save them all. Ulforce, the name of that V-mon who was sticking with Daichi and Natsu since their first encounter, ended up being “linked” to Daichi via a special digivice which popped out from nowhere -- the Digivice TimeRune (or D-TimeRune) -- which sent instructions to the boy as “scan the digimon to form a link” and “scan the back of your hand to activate the DigiRune fragment” so he could assist Ulforce in battle. Once Daichi executed all of those instructions, Ulforce evolved into XV-mon (but with the bracelets and the mysterious Holy Ring in his ear) and fought the enemies, which once beaten were locked inside Natsu’s plasma bubbles and left there for the police.
It was when… Daichi realized he could use this power to… travel back in time and prevent his dad from being captured. This means once he and the others return to the Dimensional Space, Daichi informs ClavisAngemon and the hooded figure he’s ready for it. It’s the moment the place reveals an infinite number of doors within the blank space. But one problem was… All of them are identical. This makes Ulforce lose his composure and start whining about this being ridiculous -- HOW CAN YOU KNOW WHICH DOOR TAKES TO WHICH PLACE AND TIME!?
The hooded figure also warns Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu that they should not alter the past, or else their world would’ve been destroyed. This does not make Daichi afraid at all, and he says he would prefer to not exist as long as his father is safe and happy.
Thus… Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu started traveling through space-time.
While some other cases were running amok, Kiyoko and the Tokyo Twelve’s children were starting to get involved with them -- by receiving this same special digivice and forming a link with some digimon involved in incidents and attacks. But one of those kids had decided to form a link with a special digimon… And kept it a secret.
Yagami Taisuke, the Self-Proclaimed Rival
Taisuke is Taichi and Sora’s only child in Daichi’s world. The reason for this strange family to work well is… Taichi and Sora managed to solve their personal issues and became a couple. To make this couple get hitched and be more functional they had to become mature people first. And they did that. Taisuke is the youngest of the Tokyo Twelve’s kids, having 10 years in 2029. Since both parents are important figures -- Taichi because he’s the Ambassador, and Sora because of being the daughter of Takenouchi Toshiko, who’s still the Head Master of the Takenouchi school of traditional Japanese flower arrangement at this moment. But Sora also started to get her own recognition in her own area -- as a fashion designer specialized in Japanese style -- Taisuke is… overshadowed by his parents fame and treated as “The Digital World ambassador’s son” or “Takenouchi Toshiko’s grandson” or “Takenouchi Sora’s son”. This makes him mad every time because he’s not seen as himself but rather as someone’s son/grandson. This explains why he’s mostly mad at everyone not seeing Daichi as “Worldwide famous Ramen Chef Motomiya Daisuke’s son” and why he self-proclaimed himself to be Daichi’s rival.
It can be said that, during the same moment Daichi was facing Lupinmon… Taisuke was witnessing another event: A black Agumon coming from a gate area nearby his house. This Agumon wasn’t normal though, it had been looking for an old acquaintance from the past. Taisuke didn’t know what this meant, but he couldn’t ignore that critter. Once they were facing some evil guys, a D-TimeRune appeared in front of the boy and he decided to accept it, forming a link with that BlackAgumon. The Rune of Courage appeared for both of them -- and thus they faced the enemy digimon together.
But… Taisuke couldn’t tell his parents about that. So, he hid BlackAgumon inside the digivice and kept facing tough enemies in the shadows… As the Brave Tamer.
The more Taichi was involved in this whole mess against this Lupinmon menace, the more Taichi spent times busier and out of his home. This kept making Taisuke feel anguished and revolted, because he wanted his family to be together again. And it seemed like Sora was… acting like her mother when it comes to Taisuke -- wanting him to stay safe. So, she asked Piyomon to watch him for her, as the boy’s bodyguard.
Kiyoko and Captain the Hawkmon (and Others)
When Daichi returned for his first adventure in an alternate year 2002, Kiyoko interrupted his sleep by showing a hurt two head-feathered Poromon who was escaping from the bad guys. During the night, she, Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu were fighting an unknown digimon chasing the girl and the Poromon, until discovering it was a BlackGuilmon via the digimon scan mode of the D-TimeRune. While Kiyoko fled with the bird baby digimon in her arms, she vowed to protect him… And this led her to a digivice which she used to form a link with Poromon.
Poromon evolved into Hawkmon, one with a bandana and two head feathers under it and visible on the side of his head, and then introduced himself as Captain, a pirate of the seven seas. He beats the foe and Natsu traps it inside one of her plasma bubbles, but then they’re surprised by a strange pair of shadows. Daichi and Ulforce go after them, while Natsu takes Kiyoko and Captain back home, where they would just report to Miyako what had happened that night.
During the chase, the human-like shadow shows to have a digivice too, with a symbol of a sun in it. The digimon partnered with the shadow evolved into a Greymon -- But none of them were able to recognize if it was a normal Greymon or some other digimon. The shadow then jumps on the Greymon-like back and disappears in the landscape. Daichi and Ulforce return home, wondering if that human would be a foe or not.
After that encounter with the mysterious kid with a digivice like his and Kiyoko’s… Ulforce mentions about the kid having the Fragment of Courage, and then they got this small talk about what those symbols are and points out Daichi’s flame-like symbol is called Fragment of Tenacity, meanwhile Kiyoko’s paw-like symbol is the Fragment of Determination. Those felt the same words and some connection to the crest of Courage, but they were viewed as their own variants of it according to Natsu.
What are those “Fragments” though? Are they something similar to the crests? They are the core of the crests actually. The origins of those symbols came from the ancient Digital World era, as some clan symbols -- and those digimon created ways to spread those traits through their own clan and the entire Digital World. Powers that enriched the land and planet.
Meanwhile Eiji and Hoshi, the Ichijouji siblings (children of Ken and Hikari in this world) had met their future partners -- a BlackTailmon and a Wormmon, respectively. In the pinch of danger, both siblings got digivices and linked themselves to those two digimon in order to save them from the enemy. Eiji got the Fragment of Kindness, while Hoshi got the Fragment of Happiness, which had a cherry blossom flower as a symbol. Later they would nickname their mons as Kitty and Sting, respectively.
Other children in their circle of friends would’ve gotten digivices and partners too, when involved in a fewer attacks of Lupinmon’s troops. Reika (Iori’s daughter) partnered with an Armadimon and getting the Fragment of Fairness (a burgundy Scale symbol), Jin (Jou’s son) got partnered with a Kamemon and got the Fragment of Reliability, Mike (Mimi’s trans son) got partnered with a Floramon and got the Fragment of Sincerity. Another case happened to Mitsuki (Takeru’s son) and Mirai (Koushiro’s daughter), who were found by their partners Tsukaimon and KoKabuterimon in the meantime. Mitsuki got the Fragment of Hope, while Mirai the Fragment of Knowledge.
Elise, Yamato’s daughter, had a different case and encounter.
Elise and the Mysterious BlackGabumon
Elise is a very refined child -- she’s courteous, calm and has a sweet singing voice. She ends up finding a hurt Gabumon in the playground and then asking her cousin Mitsuki to help her to treat the mon’s wounds. While they spend time together, the BlackGabumon starts forming a link with Elise and later, when she’s in danger… He comes to her rescue. However, that BlackGabumon wasn’t unusual -- he was one of the soldiers of Lupinmon’s troops, but he refuses to take part in those activities anymore and then turns into Elise’s partner. Elise receives a blue D-TimeRune, and the Fragment of Friendship.
Meanwhile, Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu were off town and traveling through space-time again, searching for the event which led to Daisuke turning into Lupinmon and stopping it from happening. But Daichi ended up in another alternative world. Since Daichi was so interested in Daisuke’s backstory… He tried to investigate Daisuke’s past, but Natsu prevented him from learning more about it. She immediately “ejected” them from that world, but instead of going back to the Dimensional Space dungeon, she threw them into a battle between… Lupinmon and Ichijouji Ken!?
Somehow, Daichi’s presence there only proved to Ken that Lupinmon was Daisuke -- as the opponent avoided attacking the kid and the others. But this didn’t last for much time, and then Ken had to retreat and take the trio with him. Daichi had to explain to his mother and to Ken what was happening, but they couldn’t let Daichi risk his life like that. But Daichi didn’t talk about his space-time travel mission, or the plan to go back in time and prevent Daisuke from getting captured.
The captured enemies from the previous times Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu had been involved were sent to a special facility to prevent them from getting hurt. There, Ken worked as the lead of the Special Digimon Cases Unit from the police -- an investigation team. Using his best tricks to make the criminals talk, Ken got more information about what was going on and what were Lupinmon’s goal -- to close the gates connecting to the Digital World permanently, separating both worlds from each other again and forever.
Besides Ken, the mysterious kid fighting against the troops -- who later would’ve been revealed to be Taisuke under the “Brave Tamer” alias -- had an excellent intel team on his side: Mirai and Mitsuki. Mirai is a prodigy young girl, with a tinker-like mind and skills. She might be young, but her interest in technology and building/programming stuff only made her become skilled enough to obtain information and stuff from her own father’s network and database. Meanwhile Mitsuki has the power of gathering information by the power of a strong fanbase watching his videos and forum posts. He also has inherited Takaishi Natsuko’s investigative reporter skills, being able to research and get whatever he needs.
Besides that, Ken and the Tokyo Twelve group were also investigating Daisuke’s disappearance. And Ken had to update them with what he had discovered recently. Their Children weren’t aware of those news, so they kept working to protect innocents instead.
The Unknown Trio
Despite everything, a mysterious duo with a Coronamon and a Lunamon popped into the story. Children with no actual background or database -- Chosen Children unknown to Koushiro and Taichi… Or even to the entire Network. Soleil (FR: Sun) and Lune (FR: Moon) were mischievous kids fighting the enemies without any affiliation to a side. There was one more detail: Soleil claimed to be the “new vessel” of Homeostasis, and that he was chosen to eliminate those who were disturbing the peace of the Digital World.
Something fishy, yes. Hikari and the others knew Homeostasis wouldn’t be this harsh, or act as some punisher. Homeostasis is a gentle teacher-like security system. Not a god nor a warrior.
Lune, on the other side, was the peacemaker of the duo -- She’s a psychic like Hikari, so she used her powers in order to find the best peaceful method to put an end to any fight. She seemed to be the one able to reason with Soleil and make him step back or retreat. With those children involved, the Twelve, and the Neo Chosen had this new issue.
But they weren’t alone -- There was a brain in their team, Étoile (FR: Star), but this one didn’t like to appear in public… So they only would learn about his existence a little later. Étoile has a fellow partner, a purple Pokomon/Viximon named Renard. Étoile works as the technician of Solei-Lune’s operations, always saving them when things go south.
Soleil’s hidden background is that he’s the son of a very rich family, but neglected by parents. His real name is Youta, and he’s a year older than Daichi. His nonchalant behavior combined with a charismatic aura makes him irresistible to form an alliance, but deep down he hides a fierce and vigilante demeanor… Resulting in him being quite terrible if you turn him into your enemy. He likes to think he’s a hero of justice, and his senses are quite twisted at this point…
Lune’s secret story is that she's a very smart and talented girl called Mizuki, who used to be doing favors for others all the time, borrowing her notes, letting them work in group projects… But they also liked to ask her for fortune readings, so she was seen as the most popular fortune teller in town. She had this sixth sense and legit psychic powers, lending her to learn in advance what to do and to solve people’s problems. But she’s unable to stand for herself, and is sacrificial in order to bring order and peace. She crosses her path with Youta’s and then they realize they’re made to be partners in this whole war against the darkness and evil.
Later, they find Étoile (whose real name is Noel) and they form an alliance -- whose objective is to beat Lupinmon and any other enemy in their way, to bring peace back to the worlds.
Soleil is Daichi’s “true” rival, and their personalities since they met. Meanwhile, Lune seems to have some interest in Daichi’s pacifism methods.
Soleil has gotten the Fragment of Light, while Lune the Fragment of Energy (which symbol is a stylized Yin-Yang)
A Brief Side-story: Daichi Meets Akira
One of the worlds depicted in the project… Is an alternative timeline where Daisuke managed to get courage enough to confess his feelings for Hikari, who also had strong feelings for him. In this world, Akira and his sister Amy are a duo fighting evil alongside their older cousin Takara (Taichi’s and Saiba Rei’s daughter), who is the leader of their group.
Daichi accidentally goes to this world while trying to go home, but he realizes the couple of people who also exist in this world did not recognize him, or think he, Ulforce and Natsu are allies of the real villain -- Gokumon/Reapermon.
Akira is the clumsiest sweetpie child in town, also a little fired up, who tends to solve stuff in the most peaceful way. His partner is a Plotmon with an unique Tailmon variant form: a Snowshoe-like cat. But, besides that form, Akira is clueless about which form his beloved Hana (the Plotmon’s name) would take in the future.
Natsu’s pendant is stolen by Shadramon, and they have to search for it. With Akira and Takara’s help, they manage to get the pendant back but they are forced to face Shadramon. It’s when Hana evolves into a Snowshoe variant of Nefertimon and alongside Ulforce and Takara’s V-dramon (Zero) they beat it.
This wouldn’t be the last time Daichi & co. would see those kids…
Lupinmon’s Foggy Memories & Meeting Daisuke from the Past
The encounters with Daichi only triggered Daisuke’s memories, and he started to slowly regain control of himself. Still, this wasn’t enough to make him realize he’s the human those people and digimon are talking about. And when he’s this close to connect the dots, Lupinmon’s boss, a higher rank digimon (Perfect level) -- Papillonmon -- used his powers to keep Daisuke under the enemy’s control. So neither Daisuke or Magnamon could do anything… This vile digimon also has a higher rank master, but this will be left to another time.
With Lupinmon’s troops gaining forces, and some other allies of the vile digimon coming through, the Twelve and the Chosen Network have to take action and prevent more chaos and misfortune. At this point Taisuke, Mirai and Mitsuki are too deep into the battle that they cannot go back anymore -- Taisuke then is caught by Kiyoko and Eiji, who complain of him doing all the ‘cool’ stuff all alone. They don’t know what they could do to help now, though… Taisuke gives all the details of what’s happening and then Kiyoko finally learns that his dad is one of the enemies. The shock does not change her desire to come to rescue him. But the only thing that makes her EXTREMELY mad is that Daichi was hiding that secret from her.
Not that Daichi wanted to hide those from her, but more like he was too focused on his goal he couldn’t tell her anything yet. And he wasn’t in town again… Where did Daichi go?
He was finally in the past. But possibly not from his timeline.
Daichi arrived in the past, meeting a 17 year old Daisuke who was still in High School and working harder on his life goal -- But still clueless about how to make this dream come true. At first, this moody Daisuke treats Daichi with suspicion, as if he could read Daichi’s intentions just by looking into the boy’s eyes. Daichi trying to warn him about some enemy didn’t work either.
Daisuke hated the idea of him turning evil and hurting his own friends, he refused to hear that kid’s story -- he won’t believe it at all. Daichi was losing his patience with this, until they’re attacked by an enemy digimon from Duskmon’s army. It’s then when Daichi sees Lighdra-Glaive and the Lightnimon armor in person. He believes it’s too late and that Daisuke had become a digimon already.
Daisuke/Lightni growls as this kid is definitely going to ruin everything and tries to hide from him. V-mon asks why Daisuke is so nervous about the kid’s warnings and he says it’s because this means he would lose his mind and do something worse. V-mon realizes Daisuke means this whole façade is starting to damage his poor mind, and this brings V-mon the flashback of what Ranamon had said about Duskmon. If Daisuke is going to run amok, then…
But no, Daichi is so sure he can prevent this from happening!! He got there! He will… He will save Daisuke at all costs!! Ulforce wonders if Lightnimon is a real digimon though, it felt more like an armor than a ‘digimon form’ … V-mon explains Daisuke is pretending to be a digimon, but this only makes things worse for Daichi & co. -- This means he’s doing it on purpose right? EXCEPT V-mon denies, and says he’s actually doing those because Daisuke got brainwashed by the enemy, Duskmon. Natsu is concerned about Daisuke right now, but V-mon assures her they’re not doing anything evil or bad, and yes beating the enemies all alone.
All Alone… But why? Wasn’t Daisuke’s group of friends able to beat those enemies? V-mon frowns, saying Daisuke is too paranoid and afraid of getting others hurt to indirectly hit him that he’s pulling this whole façade all alone. Ulforce sighs, because this felt like a bad idea, Daichi and Natsu agree. Daisuke stares at them from a distance, that kid really came to ruin his disguise… Daichi comes to talk with Daisuke again, but the other refuses to believe he would turn into the enemy in the future. Daichi shakes his head, saying he’s not talking about that, but rather wanting Daisuke to go back to his friends. Daisuke snaps, that kid really doesn’t understand what’s happening there. Natsu reminds Daisuke the real Daisuke wouldn’t do that and would fight the enemy alongside the group instead. V-mon tries to stop them before Daisuke could do something harsh, but he just sits here pouting like a kid.
It’s not like he doesn’t want to go back to the group… He then says he had done awful things already, he threatened his own friends… He was lying to them, he was toying with everyone… He believes he’s no longer the same anymore. The trio frown, this feels bad… Until Daichi says his friends wouldn’t judge him and if he explains what’s going on they might understand. This is when Daisuke notices the kid is not a legit nuisance like he was thinking of. But they were attacked by Vulturemon, a bounty hunter affiliated to Duskmon.
During the battle, BurningFladramon and Ulforce XV-mon form face it together, with Natsu and Daisuke (as Lightnimon) as support. Once they beat the enemy and Daisuke is safe to be himself, he looks at Daichi: I don’t want your world to disappear because of me. We can handle this by ourselves. If I turn evil… My friends will stop me quickly!!
With those words, and “Please go back to your time and help future-me there” as requested, Daichi realizes what he must do. Then, Natsu opens the gate to the Dimensional Space dungeon and they vanish. Daisuke then says he will come to talk with the others, but then… He sees Ken seeking for Lightni in the middle of the forest. Daisuke looks at V-mon and says that he can’t go back to the group yet, so he asks the digimon to bear with him a little more.
Another Side-story: Daichi Meets Toshi
While trying to return back to his world… Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu are thrown into another alternative future, one where things are even worse than in their home timeline. In this world they meet Toshi, Daisuke and Ken’s adoptive son, who had orphaned when he was very little -- his biological parents were killed by a menace digimon -- Megidramon -- and he had to grow up in a foster house. He escaped from there countless times until he met Daisuke, told his story and then Daisuke decided he couldn’t turn his back on him. In this world, Daisuke and Ken became a couple, and they tried to have a child by a surrogate mother, but they had no success. Toshi’s adoption came in handy, and their family was all happy until the day ChaosDukemon, the other side of Megidramon, came to eliminate that child and the Twelve Chosen.
Daichi arries in the middle of a battle against WaruMonzaemon, one of ChaosDukemon’s lackeys. Toshi’s partner, Shadow the Impmon -- In his Sorcerimon form -- casts a spell to distract the enemy and teleport everyone -- Daichi & co. included -- to a safer place.
There, they learn more about Toshi’s world and what’s happening with him. Apparently him being the ‘bearer of darkness’ is driving dark-evil digimon into their doorstep, and he cannot leave his new family and friends get hurt. Daichi offers him some help, and then they start making a plan to defeat WaruMonzaemon.
In the meantime, Socerimon evolves with the power of forbidden knowledge into Baalmon, and then they get more advantage against the evil lackey. Not only that, but Ulforce evolves into AeroV-dramon but with the V-bracelets in it. Daichi and Toshi are perplexed, since XV-mon is a purebreed V-mon line while V-dramon line is another kind of line. How could Ulforce be able to evolve into a V-dramon family member!? Who knows…
Once they beat WaruMonzaemon, Toshi says he will protect everyone and everything from ChaosDukemon at any cost. Daichi appreciates that vibe and with this he, Ulforce and Natsu return to their home.
Still this wouldn’t be the last time they would see Toshi and Shadow…
The Enemy’s Plan and the Neo Chosen’s Strategy
While Daichi was out, Ken and the others involved in this fight against Lupinmon discovered the plans of those evil digimon: Their original intent was to bring the Digimon Kaiser back and then force the digimon to distrust humans, forcing them to close the gates and separate the Digital World from the Human World again. But those plans were screwed up by Daisuke and his sacrificial tendencies.
But those plans changed -- They were still going after Ken, of course… But for another reason now.
Mirai kept feeding Taisuke and Kiyoko about the details she could get from her father’s database. Eiji and Hoshi were nervous to learn that their father is a target. They couldn’t let that happen, but their parents wouldn’t allow them to get involved.
It was when Daichi returned. He was so sure he had to rescue his father that he didn’t realize that… Yes, all the worlds and timelines he visited before didn’t disappear -- they only generated a divergent timeline from those events. A new door appeared every time he left a timeline.
But now he had to build a plan to save Daisuke. And this is where the other Tokyo Twelve’s children got in. They were so passionate about their families and friends that they would break the orders of their parents and relatives to protect those bonds. Daichi wanted to go alone, but this would only make him commit Daisuke-from-the-past’s mistakes as well. Taisuke, Kiyoko, Eiji and Hoshi offered to come with him and be his backup.
As they go into the Digital World, the group starts unlocking forms based on their Rune Fragment. Aquilamon (Captain) evolves into Hookmon (one which had the perfect-level power); Stingmon (Sting) into Cannonbeemon, BlackTailmon (Kitty) into BlackRapidmon, and Greymon virus (Draki) into MetalGreymon virus. The more they strengthened their bonds with their digimon, the more they started unlocking more and more power in order to beat the enemy’s army.
Daichi then is stopped by a Gennai clone, who sends a countermeasure against Magnamon’s powers to the boy’s digivice. This Gennai clone says it was an important item borrowed from the Holy Beasts. Daichi checks his digivice and notices it’s a golden Digimental. But why would he need a Digimental?? It wasn’t just a regular digimental -- It was the Digimental of Destiny.
The group started to get divided between enemies: Kiyoko and Captain were left behind to fight Mermaimon. Hoshi and Sting against Ookuwagamon, Eiji and Kitty against Doumon. Taisuke and Daichi, alongside their partners and Natsu, went straight to the main goal -- Lupinmon.
But, in their way there’s a MetalTyrannomon. It’s when Taisuke says he will take down that enemy while he leaves the rest to Daichi. Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu agree, and then they move to the next area, going after Lupinmon.
The next obstacle was Magnamon himself. But Magnamon had a black armor instead of the usual golden one. Natsu then realized the Digimental wasn’t for Ulforce and yes for her. But… Can Daichi make a link with Natsu? A digimon already partnered with someone else? Also, what happened with her partner though!?
Natsu’s Armor-Evolution: Magnabbitmon
Natsu is not a usual digimon. She was linked to that space-time dungeon and not partnered with any human before. Or rather, she was partnered with a person from another parallel world: Daisuke’s counterpart of Warlock’s world -- Lance Duskstella. This kid came from a world where the digimon and the humans were in an endless fight in a world made of magic instead. And this kid studied harder to defend the digimon from the humans, imagining a world where both could co-exist in peace. He believed in the existence of this place, and wanted so hard to open a gate to it. Natsu, or rather, ChibiBunnymon was a small digimon which came with a special power: the ability to open gates into the multiverse.
She was hunted by vile people and digimon, and always afraid of everyone… Until she met Lance. It was the first time she went in contact with someone with a person who lacked malice… She became his friend and partner, and then he learned about the existence of other worlds and timelines, events which happened differently… And events he wished to be part of his life. But unlike the others who were chasing Natsu, he never wanted to use her powers for himself. And when he was assassinated… He left with her a spell to find him again.
Or at least, one of his counterparts in the multiverse.
Was Daisuke destined to find Natsu by sheer accident? Or was it part of that spell? Nevertheless, Natsu went looking for this person… For a long long time ago. But Daisuke, Mimi and Wallace never had found a partner for Natsu. And one day… The egg vanished from Mimi’s house. Mimi, Wallace and Daisuke couldn’t explain what happened, or why the egg disappeared, and they had a little hard time dealing with it.
Until… They met again later.
Was Daichi… connected to Lance? Well, maybe? (I’m not going to spoil my other project ok)
Daichi isn’t sure if he can form a link with Natsu, but he had to try. So he did all the steps like if he had no partner digimon already, and it worked. Natsu now was connected to Daichi, and he used the Digimental on her -- She armor evolved into a Magnamon counterpart: Magnabbitmon.
Magnabbitmon was able to face Magnamon’s power equally, and then left Daichi and Ulforce to face Lupinmon all alone.
But could Daichi fight his dad? I mean, he’s a human, right? What if Ulforce killed him by accident!? The kid wasn’t thinking straight… Lupinmon tried attacking them, But Ulforce protected Daichi. XV-mon reminds Daichi this isn’t the right hour to be hesitant, and keeps Lupinmon busy. Daichi starts to think: How can they bring his dad back to his senses? There must be something!!
Then he looks at the goggles hidden under his aviator scarf. Yes… Maybe that could help!! Now what to do with them? He approaches the battle with them on his head, and then jumps on Ulforce’s back the moment his partner backs off. He tells Ulforce to bring him closer to Lupinmon, and that has a plan. Ulforce nods and flies in Lupinmon’s direction, shoving the lupine-like digimon to the wall, and then pinned him on it.
Daichi, on XV-mon’s shoulder, shows the goggles to Lupinmon and starts telling him to remember who he is. Lupinmon starts wavering… But it worked. Daisuke was able to break the mental control pulled by Papillonmon. A strange butterfly shadow leaves his body (in the Magna vs Magnabbit battle, another one leaves Magna’s body) -- Daisuke and Magnamon immediately destroy those with their powers. Daichi asks what was that thing and Daisuke says it was the bug controlling him and Magnamon.
It was when Papillonmon himself appeared and attacked them, Daisuke shielded Daichi and got hit… But instead of dying he turned into a small baby II-like digimon and fell unconscious. Ulforce and Natsu try to attack Papillonmon, but he leaves an army of brainwashed Manticoremon behind. Magnamon had devolved back to Chibimon form due to exhaustion and now there were two baby digimon in Daichi’s arms. The others come right there and they join the fight, opening a path to the exit.
Now that they have rescued Daisuke and V-mon… All they have left is fighting Papillonmon, right?
… Right?
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Assault rifle is only for military, because it is select fire meaning it is either semiautomatic, burst, or full automatic.
All rifles are semiautomatic. The school shooter used a semiautomatic rifle, not an assault rifle. There are many manufacturers in the USA and the world who make and sell semiautomatic rifles. USA also imports rifles from European manufacturers.
Also, pistols account for more than 50% of all gun crime. Rifles are 3%, shotguns are 1%, and the rest is "other" which means a firearm was not found or could not be determined etc.
54% of firearm related deaths are suicide.
You should also know that the states with the highest firearm deaths are also majority black, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Missouri. Black people commit more than 50% of firearm crime in the USA, with pistols. It's gang crime, related to poverty, and just simple stupidity (dummies commit crimes lol)
Mass shootings, where 1 person goes and targets a group of people, are uncommon - FBI says there were only 38 in 2020. However, gun-grabbing news sites like Every town or whatever says there are hundreds of mass shootings every year. They don't publish any demographics, such as race, age, and gender, because it is ALWAYS gang related violence. Trans ginger people are not under attack lol, kids are not under attack. Black people are not under attack.
Dummies do school shootings because they are truly mentally unwell and desire attention and to make people mad. Like what do you think the trans gendered person's goal was with the school shooting? Do you think she felt marginalized by the world? Probably, because she is unhappy with herself. Very radicalized view of self and the world. She victimized herself so hard that she believed the only way to get her point across was to kill people.
But yeah, look up firearm related deaths from kff . Org, fbi . Gov, Rand . Org, and Pew . Org. Look at demographics, states, ages, etc... Mass shootings aren't statistically a reason for firearm related deaths.
I am sorry if I don't vomit all the FBI and CDC facets into each document where I discuss or theorize the probabilities of mass shootings or smaller scale shootings, such as domestic violence and disputes. Much like the people who unprompted conduct a mass shooting event, I don't pursue a degree in gun. I just analyze the publications of the criminology through the mentioned FBI, and I believe CDC has some tie-ins to these ratios, since they refer to them as well as epidemics - given that mental health falls under the events.
I acknowledge there's a lot to unpack and pack up and unpack all over again. And we can even bake this, or set it aside to ferment for a bit, the point being in America we're supposed to be working on these issues in spite of our failures.
But that is another aspect of the narrative we should look at. Working with gun merchants and enthusiasts regarding weapon sales, understanding better the caliber of weapons sought for these events, and smaller events - is someone has the desire to conduct a smaller scale crime with a weapon, understand the psychology and motives behind it - same as with deranged people who seek the bloat of 5-minute fame with an assault rifle caliber for high death, and inducing terror. In both cases these people are violent, their crimes are violent, but the psychology and objectives for both are different. In most cases, the one targeting the grocery store or the elementary school does so with the acknowledgment they will die.
"Mass shootings, where 1 person goes and targets a group of people, are uncommon - FBI says there were only 38 in 2020."
And studying the website linked to you analysis, approximately 513 (4-deaths per event). The main factor that severs the relation between suicide to gun, gun related violence or gang violence, and then that of the mass shooting event, is that the latter is typically unprompted by the recipient.
Gang violence should not be happening, but those involved are not oblivious to the violence and dangers. Yet again, people who should not have guns have either taken them from a possessor of a weapon, or bought one through a vendor of weapons.
Suicide is a tragedy, and it demands more work on mental health here in the Nation, but a suicide is typically privatized to ones immediate family and rarely involves others.
Mass shooting events - those that factor at least 3 people slain, persist as a tragedy since it involves one person inciting terror onto others. Victims of the shooter are not sought specifically, there is no objective to the event aside from target and kill whatever moves - in this case, children. Or a club full of LGBTQ+. Or a demographic of colored people at the store buying groceries.
The shooter isn't slaying people because it's personal, it's business. It's a process of culling. It's the act of imprinting a message or invisible injury onto the ones who have to receive news that their loved one isn't coming home.
And 513 involved in a violent, terror attack is a lot. People argue, "Oh, the numbers are so low, it won't happen to you or me."
As if the lives loss are just typical collateral, which is a big deal. People are desensitized by numbers, 513 is just a number, it's profits, it's how many guns we sold this month, that's the amount of recalls our store had for inventory.
Mass shootings happen to people who left their house with a grocery list. Or they left their house with a lunchbox, with a note inside that said "Love you sweety". That number has someone's grandma, who was picking out potatoes in the produce aisle. It was someone ordering a drink, and hanging with friends at the end of a long work week. The number was once a picture on the wall. It was once someone trying to pick out a backpack and pencils, for their kids first day of school.
republicans don't care that the numbers were once people, who were out on a mundane errand to buy sugar. It's becoming acceptable collateral - and profitable for the NRA - for people who have no prior association with the murder, to be slain while they are out in their community, just living.
And we can sit here and look at the graphs and the lines, argue about which gun is better in what scenario, or the preferred weapon of a mass shooter, or the caliber, or technicalities among the mountains of guns we piled into a document on some website - none of that progresses towards mitigation. None of that narrates, "We're working on it." The human factor is a confounding wrench in the machine, but rather than take it out and try to patch the damage, we've written 500 schematics on how the machine was not the most profitable in the assembly line.
We're discussing all the ways around a word salad, then don't take the step towards addressing issues. And republicans always blame everything under the sun - religion, fences, vaccines, mental health, a vulnerable youth - then dispense a truck load of more weapons into the capita of the population.
Every time there's a mass shooting, a gunphilic buys a rifle. At this point guns are not manufactured, they're bred.
And the multitude of times the Democrats cave and want to play by the republican prescribed method of prevention - funding for fences, commissioning armed guards for school - the republicans can't vote to budget. They rather ban books and dumb down the learning curriculum, and then make the kids run military style drills. And then the "Thoughts and Prayers" when kids don't make it home.
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Years ago I worked for a BigLaw firm in the DC area. My job involved, among other things, handling cases with large-scale electronic discovery (sometimes entire servers’ worth of documents).
Well, when you’re dealing with docs on that scale, particularly docs from clients that don’t have good data management practices, you get massive numbers of files with the same file names and contents and have to figure out what is relevant, what is privileged, and what should or should not be produced to opposing parties. Some of this stuff can be pre-screened for responsiveness through agreed-upon search terms and automated processes, but once the chaff is gone many of the remaining docs have to be screened for privilege by hand - and if a judgment call has to be made about privilege or relevance, that hand has to be an attorney’s. Nor can you just discard “duplicates” - if 25 seeming duplicates are saved to the server by 25 different people in 25 different directories, they’re never truly identical. It can be highly relevant to know who read or saved or received or ignored those 25 otherwise-“identical” file copies, and when and how each person did so. That means metadata review, and we could not always delegate or farm that out.
One issue in a few large related cases I worked hinged upon this sort of file comparison - cross-referencing contents of tens of thousands of files, of which many were near-identical in all but metadata, all located within deeply nested subfolders. I decided that a particular task could be best achieved by pulling and running comparisons of specific metadata, but this would have been a massive time dump as the software we had couldn’t accomplish exactly what I wanted - and time is the client’s money.
So I did some research and wrote a couple of Powershell scripts to accomplish this myself. I figured the time spent would pale in comparison to the amount of time the task would have taken by hand.
Just one problem: at that firm, as at most large firms of that caliber, Powershell required (as it should) system admin access.
I went down to IT and described what I needed: to please take a look at the scripts and make sure I wasn’t trying to do something monumentally stupid or compromise anything confidential, and if acceptable, to run them. The two IT guys who were in that day looked at me, nonplussed. We’d never spoken before. I don’t think I’d actually ever heard either of them speak more than two words. I handed them my laptop to review the scripts.
They decided they didn’t need to run the scripts for me. They acted like Christmas had come early. They went from silent to freaking out in about two seconds flat. It was really not super impressive scripting work. It only hit me afterwards that the excitement was solely and completely due to me not being the seventy-fifth person that month to bring them something that could have been solved by “turning it off and back on again.”
They ultimately sent me back to my office, gave me full system admin privileges, and said “Godspeed, ma’am.” I later learned I was the only person at this massive firm to have that level of access aside from IT. I highly, highly doubt the partners ever knew.

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Be Alert! The world needs more Lerts! But, really - don't read on if you are sensitive.
SHAME - the ghost of a pain
This song was set to languish in demo state forever. It doesn't fit with the new album which is a vastly different world (first single out early 2025) and it was written after Black Heart, which right scattered my big feelings everywhere, so when the dust settled I just wanted to recalibrate and turn the page.
But then the Royal Commission Abuse in Care Report came out a few months ago in New Zealand and each tale told by survivors for the report were the darkest things I have read - theirs were harrowing stories of survival and betrayal, yet to be brave enough to talk about what happened and where it all went wrong - is to grant a gift to us all, as painful as it is to hear. So I thought about my song Shame and how quietly undone I felt within it - this song is on stolen time and shouldn't even be a thing, I would love to have written about anything else except this. But out of the heart, the mouth speaks. And the words I wrote are a direct reference to how lost I was in the New Zealand justice system - how failed I was and undeniably left with secondary wounding after I reported abuse by my step father. Not a fun space to write a song from.
Quick Overview: I was sexually abused between the ages 8-12. The NZ Police, family and adults who were supposed to protect me, rotated between blaming me (I was a child) and then calling me a liar over and over again, obliterating my trust in the world from then on. I have my file of interviews and police reports and it's a grim document that I wished I hadn't had to read - ineptly investigated, biased, infuriating and very sad - should be filed under: Everything Thats Wrong With The World. As a result, the last few years since obtaining this file I have needed to monitor my rising waterline of sadness before the despair takes over, which is like being thrown into the Swamp of Sadness next to Artax (horse from Neverending Story... you KNOW the scene, it's wrecked us all). This is the impact, the lasting effects of trauma - an enemy of hope, it's a brutal refrain.
So, in between albums my song Shame gets a release, not with the usual PR but a gentle push into the outgoing tide, to be found by people who might need it. And this is the last installment of my *direct referencing* these events. I am leaving the valley of dry bones and have pulled myself back together with parts that were strewn all over the show like Mr Potato Head with feet for hands, but I will be here, there and everywhere mainlining my authenticity, my honesty and fearlessness ...and my massive love for a good song, knowing full well the magic it can do in the right moment.
xo Miriam
Of Note:
*Last year I was extensively evaluated by ACC New Zealand and officially declared 25% permanently impaired from the abuse and following treatment by authorities.
*2 weeks ago I received an apology from the New Zealand Police by the Detective assigned to review my case. I was told they have changed their ways and procedures now surrounding child sexual assault reporting - that I deserved better and that they let me down.
*My ex-step father is still a beloved (so-called) pillar of the community. The Palmerston North press even did an article on his retirement a few months ago on how wonderful he is and how much they will all miss him. This man continues to deny any/all abuse which spanned 3-4 years of my childhood with the most damaging of those times being when, at age 11 with peritonitis he kept me for weeks from any outside medical help for his own unhindered 24/7 access to me - a sick kid, stuck in bed. Surgeons had to remove gangrene from my stomach to save my life. He has faced no consequences for his actions. And I was not the only girl that's reported this man. This is a snapshot of deep systemic issues within my beautiful homeland of Aotearoa, and its unacceptable but no surprise that New Zealand - as reported by the BBC - has by far the highest youth suicide rate in the developed world.
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im not from the states so not entirely sure how much help this will be but from what i can find from some of the different state gov websites the basic process is usually
gather any required documents (gov websites will have list of acceptable/required stuff)
go take written test (+ other non driving tests depending on state, some have vision tests)
possible waiting period? unclear. sometimes this is bc u have a temp licence with required downtime between it and the full one i think
some states seem to require in-car lesson hours but others dont but recommend? again unclear
take in-car test
from what i can see for some states you dont need to get a learners permit and if u prove ur knowledgeable can just skip to the testings. some states u will still have some restrictions for a time period (like BAC limit being hard 0 or not allowing driving during certain night hours) but those will i think clear up after whatever time passes or u get the next level licence? not 100% on that so do ur own searchin
searching "adult drivers license [state]" should be able to find you a .gov site with the basic instructions on what ull need :) hope this helps a bit
well yea so that whole bit abt the not needing a learners permit is supplemented with ‘instructional permit’ or idk the name. but you need to get that. and then after a bit you get the probational one. and then eventually the actual license.
i do appreciate the help but i did! i did google ‘adult drivers license’. the basic instructions are there its just- like you said- unclear.
i was unsure where i filed it to or how long i have to do which test or how much it costs (there are costs) and even Where the test could be taken (its actually probably online thank god)
<- those are my issues. i understand the broad strokes. i need to know the details.
#asks#which im not asking you to know btw#im not asking Anyone to do this For Me#i can do this on my own- i was just expressing my frustration
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I in no way want to say you shouldn't try, or excuse those who wouldn't, but let's all be aware that educating yourself is dam hard, and quite time consuming.
A lot of people have mentioned the prevalence of misinformation, to which the counter argument tends to be that by checking sources and using academic materials you can (mostly) avoid bias and prejudice. Whilst this is true, it adds to the fact that research takes time. I am dyslexic, which means I read about 60/70% the speed of other people, and I can't really skim read properly or I don't take in any of the information. I have tools to help, but it is still a problem, particularly with academic sources which can be quite dense. Again, it's tough but still possible.
Recently I was doing some research for a presentation (in college) about AIDS for LGBTQ+ history month, specifically focusing on the art and artists of the period, but I wanted to make sure I had a good understanding of all the surrounding context. For about two weeks, I spent an hour a day researching and I feel like I didn't even scratch the surface. I had great resources and help too, and I learned so much about something I was passionate about and think is important, but there is still so much to learn, researching and understanding topics like this is some people's full time job.
Multiply that by all the range of topics, social issues, history, and keeping on top of constantly changing modern topics and conflicts and that's a lot of commitment, particularly for people who may have had a more sheltered upbringing or lacking education on school, and are learning about all of these topics for the first time and it might take a while. You have to be patient near the beginning, people just can't do everything at once and will get things wrong. It's not your responsibility to teach them (although you can and having support can be really helpful) and if their misunderstandings and lack of knowledge are harmful then you don't have to interact, but just distance yourself, don't treat them like they're bad people, especially if there trying.
You can't forget the emotional effect of learning about injustice and tragedy. There is only so many times you can read about a young, talented queer artist/musician/person and then learn they died in there 30s before you need to take a break. I was writing a debate about why Britain should invest more in the north of England (for those of you who don't know due to a range of factors there is a massive economic divide between the north and south of the UK, the largest geographic decide if any western European country, even Italy) and it got to the point where I would just make up any systemic inequality that would be good for the speech and without fail when i looked it up it would be real, well documented and worse than i had imagined, and that really effected me. I can get why you wouldn't want to sign up for that.
In conclusions, it's hard and people need time, and (in my opinion) the best way you can learn is together. If you have people on your friend group then it's really helpful to be able to talk about the things you don't know, that your learning about and to learn together, spread your knowledge and just be there for support.
(other misc thoughts: this isn't an excuse for the education system either, it is shit both in the UK and the USA and needs to be better. Some people have more serious learning disabilities and resources need to be made more accessible, and they may need more help/support. I didn't mention it because the post was about adults, but I know a lot of teenagers (including 15-18 year olds) who have restricted internet access, either by time or by restricted topics, and so for some people 'you have the internet' isn't valid. The only actually controversial thought which is why it's at the end, I am really in two minds as to if it is actually fair to ask everyone to do that amount of labour, both in terms of time, energy and emotions. Sure some people have the free time and should absolutely, but for people working hard jobs or long hours, or raising young children, that's a lot of work. But as said, I don't know)
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Contextualising Remembrance.
I was born into a military family. My Dad served. My Mum served. My Grandfathers, both. My Great Uncle. Their fathers. Most of them were involved in conflicts, well documented. Battles etched in history. All of them would honour Remembrance Day, attending services wearing their medals, wearing berets, side caps, and the regalia of service. Remembrance for them, was exactly that. People they knew, and served with. They knew their names. They knew who they were, perhaps in a more intimate way than their own families. Brothers in arms.
Full disclosure: I didn't serve in the armed forces. My health excluded me.
Today, for many of us. It's a generation, or even the previous generation removed from experience. There will be those who lost loved ones in Suez, Aden, Northern Ireland, The Falklands, The Balkans, both Gulf Wars, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan or anywhere where British Armed Forces boots hit soil, as the British Empire violently contracted after WWII.
But the sheer visceral loss of two World Wars, especially after 1914-1918, focused the minds of my parents and grandparents, into a single phrase: "NEVER AGAIN." A phrase printed on the first paper poppies, given by the Royal British Legion, as the traditions of remembrance coalesced. Remembrance was in the pursuit of peace; an end to war. A hopeful pursuit, long since politicised and utilised as a form of propaganda, for geopolitical adventurism, for colonialism, for religion, for the glorification of war, for the status quo.
There is a strong argument, as the years march on, 105 years after the guns fell silent on 11/11/1918, at precisely 11:11am, that we have lost focus on the reasons why we remember. There are those who call Remembrance day "sacred." Sacred to whom? We remember in our own ways, not just this day. We respect our veterans, don't we? Unfortunately many veterans find it hard to adjust. Survivor's guilt, PTSD, and countless other factors often marginalise our veterans, who turn to drink and drugs and end up homeless. The right wing saw that we should look after our veterans before we care for immigrants, is one egregious argument that simultaneously dehumanises both groups.
Who'd argue that veterans don't deserve our care? Of course they do, but who, with the power and ability to do so, has re-homed and rehabilitated these veterans? And when contentious issues like immigration have been used as a wedge to divide the nation by the right wing, while we see our weapons being sold to regimes that destabilise regions that create refugees, heading to the comparatively peaceful and prosperous West...who would blame them in their desire to escape conflict?
When you can't escape, though...what then? I speak of Gaza, and the latest conflagration between Israel and Hamas. It's in the interest of both, that this is portrayed as an ongoing Holy War between Islam and Judaism. However, Palestinian civilians are trapped in Gaza. As you read this many hundreds of thousands flee south, away from the encroaching IDF. Slingshots vs tanks are the stories of the past. Guided missiles and white phosphorus are the weapons of choice, today. Hamas is well armed and prepared for a siege, emerging from a network of tunnels beneath Gaza City. The civilians caught in the blast radius of Israeli bombs are wholly unprepared. It is for them, that many marched from Hyde Park to the US Embassy, today. In fact, there have been pro-Palestinian marches every Saturday, in London since the Oct 7 attacks by Hamas, which sparked this latest conflagration. Supporters of Israel too, have held vigils for the kidnapped. It's an overarching desire for a peaceful solution, that largely motivates both. The pro-Palestinian movement, appalled by the government's and opposition's support of Israel's disproportionate response, march for a ceasefire. And it's not just here, but the US and Europe, across the board, many have been horrified by the hatred demonstrated by both Israel and Hamas. But these latest incidents have not come from one single event. The histories of Palestine and Israel, which I can't go into here, suffice to say, are steeped in blood. Some would argue with the birth of modern Israel, carved out of what was Mandatory Palestine, which the British Empire oversaw, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, saw the Nakba atrocities as the beginning. Zionism, as in the right for Israel to exist as a nation, has not sat well in what is the Holy Land for 3 competing faiths. Zionist extremists call for death to Arabs. Islamist extremists call for death to Jews. Christians in the region (1% of Gaza's population) suffer under both of these extreme ideologies.
World Wars leave long shadows. It's entirely appropriate, that on this day of peace and remembrance, so many marched for peace and remember what this world has lost, and could lose again.
How could any soldier, who has fought and served, argue?
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