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hesperidia · 1 day ago
i feel like i need time to process everything but you can NOT tell how happy i am that this is a canon scene that this scene specifically was the trigger for Akutagawa remembering himself no one talk to me DO NOT TALK TO ME
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birdricks · 1 year ago
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i love the stars (j'adore les etoiles)
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iambicpentagram · 2 years ago
God literature is so fucking primal
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justlemmeadoreyou · 1 year ago
a misfortune | (mechanic!harry part 1)
Okay, so here is my version of the grumpy!harry x sunshine!yn trope. I had midterms so this got a bit late! Sorry! I don't rhink you waited for my shitty writing, but here it is (forcefully)
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Summary: Harry is a grumpy asshole, but he is also a mechanic that you are in desperate need of. Sunshine!reader x Grumpy! harry trope
Word Count: ~2k
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8 hours.
That's how long you've been in the backseat of your car, and chewing on your already swollen nails. All your belongings, from clothes to your oversized makeup bag, toiletries, blankets, bedsheets, and even your electronic gadgets, are crammed beside you on the backseat. Your life has spiraled into chaos because your landlord has kicked you out.
Tears well up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you recall the moments that have led you to this bleak situation. It isn't fair, which is something you think. That isn't true though. You haven't paid your proper rent in nearly six months, frequently stumbling home at obnoxious hours, blasting loud music when you were drunk and high, and you hadn't even bothered to check the 15-day eviction notice that arrived almost 20 days ago. So, yes, your landlord had every right to kick you out.
You were irresponsible, reckless, and didn't give two cares until you became homeless. With your car serving as an unwelcome shelter, you realize you should have been more responsible. You should have cared more about your living situation before it all came crashing down on you. If only you had taken your life more seriously, you wouldn't be stuck in your car on this cold, lonely night.
It was the beginning of November, and you had so many plans about decorating your small apartment. You had fetched out the Christmas lights too, planning on hanging them out the following weekend. The memory of those festive plans, the warmth of the holiday spirit, now feels like a distant dream.
You wipe away your tears, but they keep flowing. You shift some of your stuff down on the floor of the car to make some space to sleep in. You curl up into yourself in the small space, and after a few more tears, you're finally asleep.
You're woken by harsh knocks on your window. You try to open your eyes, but the sunlight pouring in through the window is so blinding that you have to squint and shield your face with your hand.
It's a man, who looks angry at you. You roll down the window a bit so you can hear what he's saying.
“Could you move your car out of here, please?”
You rub your eyes and finally get a look at your surroundings, and you see that you've basically parked at the entrance of a house.
“Yeah-yeah. I will. Sorry,” you grunt with a raspy voice, and he goes back inside.
You quickly fix your clothes and your hair, and grabbed the car keys from your pocket. Opening the door, you got out of the backseat and got back out front.
Pushing the key in, you turned it, but the engine didn’t start. You tried it again and again, biut all in vain.
Just fucking great.
Now even your car had given up on you.
You felt like crying all over again, this was all so heartbreaking. You had to get the car checked almost two months ago, when the check engine light had started to blink first.
You pulled out your phone and searched for a nearby garage. Hopefully, there was one that was 2 blocks away. But that meant you wouyld have to push your car two blocks.
You could also call a tow service, but that would take money, and money was something you were running short on.
With a loud sigh, you switched the handbrake on, and got out of the car.
Rolling up your sleeves, you started to push it. The car was so heavy, and you managed a good 200 meters, before you were sweating profusely, and almost gave up, putting your hands on your knees and breathing loudly.
A kind man offered to help, and thank lord he did. With lots of struggle and a good 15 minutes, you were finally able to reach the garage.
Quick Fix Auto
You read the garage name, before lockiong your car and walking in. It was still 8 pm, so you doubted getting any help at this hour.
You called out tentatively as you entered the garage and walked further into the shop, past the cars and vehicles scattered out front. Hopefully, a second voice would call you back, or you would have had to wait for someone to come in.
“Yeah, I’m a bit busy. Be out in a minute,” the voice replied. It sounded British and thickly laced with an accent. You couldn't help but think that now a gorgeous British guy would see your horrible car, which was also your home, all wrecked up and messed up due to negligence. Bonus points to you for not even washing your face after waking up.
You briefly contemplated running away and finding another garage with an old mechanic. However, you realized you physically wouldn't have been able to do that. So, you took a deep breath, preparing to face the embarrassment and potential humiliation.
After a few moments, he came out, and boy, was he gorgeous. A white headband held his thick hair back, and below that was a beautifully shaped face with green eyes. His tan hands were covered in a bit of grease, and he had tools hanging from his upturned waistband.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, and you gulped hard, snapping back to reality from admiring his physique. Boy, was he pretty.
“Oh, um... I tried to start my car this morning, but it won’t start.”
“And what’s the issue? The battery is out, fuel is down?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I came here.”
“Jeez, your breath smells terrible. Alright, let me have a look at it. Keys?”
He extended his hand to take your keys while looking into your eyes. You squinted at him for his rude remark, then handed him the keys.
“You don’t have to be so rude, you know.”
He kept walking, ignoring your comment. As he reached your car, he stopped in his tracks when he saw your belongings inside it. He turned back to look at you, and you frowned. Eye bags, dark circles under your eyes, a sad face, and you hadn't even washed your face; you had to rush to get your car fixed. You were in bad shape.
He decided to draw a line and not throw questions at you. He opened your car and took a look inside, noticing that the check engine light was on.
“How long has this been on for?”
“Oh, that. Yeah, about... 2 months?”
He slumped his shoulders and came back out, walking to yhe front and opening the hood of the car. As soon as it went up, a big cloud of smoke escaped.
“Fuck. What did you do?”
He coughed a bit, taking a step back to let the smoke dissipate. You felt even more humiliated than before, but he seemed more focused on the issue with your car than making further remarks about your condition.
“Alright. So, this is not going to get fixed in a short while. It’s going to take atlest 2 days.”
“No! Where will I live?”
You exclaimed loudly, and his eyes widened.
You could book a hotel?”
“I don’t have money.”
“A motel?”
“How will I reach one? Most of them are out of town.”
“Right, so you could still sleep in it at night, but I lock the garage at 11. So, you will have to park it outside.”
She nodded her head, and he still felt bad for her.
“I’m Harry, by the way”
He extended the same grease-stained hand again, and she complied, shaking hands with him.
"I'm Yn." she said.
"There’s a bathroom at the back. You can clean up there if you want to. My staff comes in at 9, so you still have about half an hour."
She smiled at his kind offer. He might be rude and grumpy, but he wasn't a bad person.
"Thank you, Harry. I really appreciate it."
"Oh that's okay. But, you do have money to pay for your car, right?"
You did a quick calculation in your mind, and quickly came to the conclusion that you didn't have even that money.
"No, but- listen to me! My payday is here, so I'm gonna get paid soon. I have to buy few supplies first, and then I promise I will pay you as soon as possible. I'll borrow money from my friends."
"As long as I get paid, I don't care where you get the money from."
And the grumpiness was back.
"Okay! Can I go in?"
"Sure. Be my guest."
You got some stuff from the car and went inside the garage. walking all the way to the back, and finding the washroom. You locked the door and cleaned yourself up.
Meanwhile, Harry took a look at your car.
It was in a bad condition. it hadn't been serviced in over two years, and the engine oil hadn't been replaced in so long. The battery was old too. A lot of work had to be done. and he had no idea how he would manage when you literally lived in the car.
Meanwhile, you were happy to have gotten a place to brush and bathe. Initially, you thought you would have to go to a cafe or restaurant, and brushing and bathing there would’ve been embarrassing. Even though embarrassment and humiliation were your best friends now.
You walked out in clean clothes a while later. and saw your car standing at the same place, with no sign of Harry. You searched for him again, and found him at the back, working on the same car he had been in when you had arrived.
"Why aren't you working on my car?"
He slid out from the bottom of the car, before replying, "I have other jobs too. First come, first serve. Plus, this one paid me in advance."
You frowned and flared at his words, and decided to deal with him later.
"So, can I take it, then? I have to go to work."
"No, I will work on it in the afternoon."
"Then how the hell am I supposed to reach work?"
"Many options, by foot, take the bus, order an Uber, Oh! Sorry! I forgot you didn't have money."
He mocked you once again, and this time, you seriously wanted to punch him across the face. Maybe you would, once your car was done. But right now, you have priorities.
"Alright, fine. But my stuff is in the car."
"Chill. Nobody's gonna take it. They might give things to you, though."
You rolled your eyes again, and went back to your car. Why did he have to be such a dick?
Gathering your bag, you stuffed your valuables, leaving only clothes and heavy articles behind. You shifted it to one corner, and draped a huge sheet to cover it.
"Okay, I'm leaving."
And once again, that grumpy asshole ignored you.
(next part)
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divider by @firefly-graphics
okay, sorry if this sucked, i really don't know how to write l literally finished this at 2am, so really really sorry
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @whoreonmondays @avalentina
let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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asherlockstudy · 6 months ago
The plot hole of Wonderhole (E1)
The Plot Hole
The Flight
The Simulation
The Desert Island
I finally found the opportunity to start my ANALysis of Wonderhole (Rhett & Link Wonderhole compatible joke). If you have read previous posts I have made about their scripted content or even candid conversations they have had, my main object is to examine whether this new content belongs to the same category of the recurring - and treated as a symbolism of their reality by me - Rhink storyline like almost all their previous scripted videos (including stuff from 2015) and creations (i.e TLCOBC); what I have been calling "One Story" for convenience. One Story Masterlist can be accessed here. By the way, I will also not take into account what new thing Rhett IRL may or may not have said in order to mud the water because he has been doing it a lot lately and I am not sure it is 100% reliable.
I will say that I had to watch the First Class Flight more than once to determine whether this episode is actually part of the One Story or not. After a few rewatches I realised that what was confusing me is that Wonderhole so far has a critical difference from the previous videos. The previous videos usually take place in an undefined time or in the present and they are full of symbolisms of their past and present. Wonderhole deals mostly with the future. Therefore, there are two ways we can view this:
Wonderhole so far is not part of the One Story because it only minimally draws parallels from their lived past.
Wonderhole so far IS part of the One Story because even though it doesn't draw from the past a lot, it actually reflects their certainty or expectation for how their future will unfold depending on certain circumstances, so technically it is still part of their true One Story because it is the future that's coming towards them or the one that seems very likely to come their way.
I suppose it's easier for readers to understand this through the obviously futuristic Time Capsule episode, however here I will argue about how this is also the case with the First Class Flight. This episode is linearly distinguished in two great time segments: the present in which Rhett and Link fake a first class flight vlog and the future of them being deserted in an island three years from now.
The Plot Hole
This is the time I should explain the title of this post. There is a massive plot hole in the episode and it is an intentional one. The way we can tell it is intentional is because our attention is drawed multiple times throughout the video towards it. Here are some examples:
"Without ever having to leave Burbank" - Rhett
"Since this is a simulation-" - Link
"...to fake fly us to fake Singapore wearing a fake mustache" - Rhett
"Well, it tastes like it might be juice but it's a simulation!" - Rhett
Link: "We're moving"... Rhett: "Oh it almost feels like it hehe"
"I gotta say, this is the smoothest takeoff I've ever experienced" - Link
"Since Mythic Air flight 138 operated at a real world altitude level of zero feet above ground we're not anticipating any flight safety issues" - Flight Attendant
Get it? They were in Burbank in a simulation of a flight. They never left. They go out of their way so many times to make it absolutely clear they are not moving and they are faking the whole thing. So, how on earth did the disaster and its consequences prove to be real???
At this point we should also acknowledge that there is not any technical evidence, there is no footage - how could there be one after all - that the plane somehow crashed and Rhett and Link survived the fall and were washed ashore to some desert island. This is the general implication but like we saw it is a very faulty one because it makes no sense. Which means that if we want to be precise about what could have happened in those three years between the vlog shooting and them being castaways, there are two possibilities:
It is a fantastical story in which the lie somehow morphed into a truth, it transcended into reality and caused all these consequences or
the technical issue / fall in the flight was just part of the prepared experience by the Mythical Crew, like everything else. We stop witnessing before the fall but it doesn't mean it didn't stop at some point, Rhett and Link continued the vlog, returned home and they ended up as survivors in a desert island after making the real vlog in a later time.
Now, I don't have an opinion or preference on which is the better theory between the two but I think that as symbolisms they signify pretty much the same thing. In order to understand this, we need to examine what each segment of the video stands for.
The Flight
This is very easy. The whole segment of the First Class Flight symbolises Mythical and, most notably, GMM. Everything that happens in this vlog is a conflation of all the most typical GMM formats and running jokes together.
Counting, we have: 1) the Mythical Crew crafting and the attention down to the smallest detail, 2) not consuming alcohol due to youtube rules, 3) their whole experience is curated by the Mythical (Plane) Crew, 4) precautions taken for dangerous Link, 5) Link interrupting the pilot (Stevie), 6) Mythical kitchen outdoing itself, 7) Rhett and Link tasting stuff, 8) Link typically going for what Rhett wants / has, 9) Link being super picky with the food, 10) Link not ceding to compliment Rhett to save his life, 11) Link oversharing and then Rhett making him feel worse for it, 12) Link's sexual but meaningless jokes (coconut in the pants / mile high club), 13) Link being extra particular about getting the perfect angles and shots, 14) Rhett and Link made to do something intimate together with stupid excuses just for the shippers (changing together, touching butts, sleeping together), 15) Link being grossed out, 16) indirect reference to Link's much discussed herpes, 17) Mythical grooming products, 18) doing something physically strenuous but ridiculous, 20) feeding each other, 21) smelling stuff blindfolded, 22) Rhett winning and / or doing something impressive, 23) Rhett winning the prize (here, picking what TV show to watch), 24) synchronizing in everything.
They squeezed in this "vlog" everything they typically do in Mythical episodes. The plane and the flight stand for Mythical, this space Rhett and Link have carved around them and it is what has made them rich and, to a degree, what keeps them secure. Also, the fact that it stands for Mythical is not subtle at all actually:
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And in case you did not realise, THIS IS MYTHICAL.
The presence of their company has not been so emphatically stressed in other videos and it makes sense both at face value and subtextually because this is of course who is behind the making of this supposed vlog according to the plot, however we will see now why this matters a lot as a metaphor as well.
The Simulation
This is actually part of the Flight segment but I really want to talk about it on its own because it is the most essential part of the video. I believe this is why they made that video and this is also why it is the first episode of Wonderhole.
Like they clarify, this is not a vlog. It is a test video in place of the actual vlog they wanted to do but weren't sure the fans would approve of. So, they decided to test the waters by spending budget to frivolous Mythical simulations in order to minimize the risk and check the fans reactions, before proceeding with the actual vlog. I have explained many times that this is exactly what I believe it is happening with all their scripted content, especially the recent ones (TLCOBC onwards) and this is what is happening with Wonderhole too. This is the first episode because it is the warning, if you will, regarding what Wonderhole truly is. In short, this first episode is the shrunk simulation of Wonderhole itself, if not their situation for quite some time. Don't forget that last year Link had said there was a very specific question they wanted to get an answer to in regards to people's response to their scripted videos and by the end of the year they both concluded that aside from the positive reviews they had not received the exact response they wished for. (This is why Wonderhole is also going to be bolder than last year's videos, you are seeing this already. Because there is more despair to get the specific response.)
This explains why it didn't matter whether Rhett and Link survived the plane crash either through a fantastical transcendance to reality or in a later time but we do not see it; because it means disaster ensued either because they danced too close to the fire with their simulations / scripted content and people realised it had to be real or because they ignored alarming cues from the audience, went through with the "real" content and that's when the disaster took place. Both are possibilities and whichever one is the one that happens, in their minds the result is the same: they end up stranded and forgotten in a desert island by themselves.
Before proceeding with the final segment, there are more significant layers to the simulation. There are three times when Rhett and Link hear a concerning noise from the plane: when they touch butts in the bathroom, when there is an implication for Link's herpes and when they are together in bed. So those sobering noises happen in moments of relatively more intimacy. Rhett and Link then watch a trash reality show with a frankly weird premise, hot singles go to underdeveloped countries to perform surgeries as complete amateurs?! Wow. Perhaps there is meaning to it but I couldn't find it. The interesting thing here is that even this reality show has the element of practicing something dangerous through simulation. The show host tells the players they have the chance to perform a surgery in a practice before being exposed to the real thing. This is exactly when chaos unfolds, the show is paused and the pilot screams in panic. And at that moment we have what I think is the most important, the most telling screenshot so far:
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Rhett and Link then embrace, waiting for the end, while they confess to each other things we all know. As they are looking for something super special to confess, Link says Rhett's balls are hanging out at that moment too. I don't think there is a sifnigicance to this unless the implication was that Rhett had removed his pants while we were unsuspectingly looking at the reality show! But, honestly, I don't think we got the equivalent of the announcement this was an allegory for. They didn't push for anything more there other than the notion that it was time for a most pivotal confession.
Lastly, let's also examine Link's quote early in the episode: "We like closing one eye, because it immerses us in something that's not really happening". This can be interpreted in various ways. Does it mean that we close our eyes in order to see something that is not true or does it mean that if we opened our eyes, then we would see what is really happening? These may seem similar but there is all the difference in the world between them.
It is very interesting however that the theme recurs later with the reality show: the participants perform eye surgeries like cutting cataracts, so there is this repeated theme of wanting to improve what one's eyes see. Alas, they are amateurs which means the surgeries are likely to lead to disaster before they lead to the much desired "eye opening".
The Desert Island
Believe it or not, this is in my opinion the least important segment or, maybe, the one least packed with information. That segment expresses their conviction of how they will survive a potential disaster. They appear removed like recluses but they stick together. Of course, their big longing will be to keep making videos, even if they don't have the means anymore or even if nobody cares to watch. This is about their professional life. Then:
"When left alone Rhett and Link exhibit all sorts of strange behaviours"
Aside of hopelessly trying to work and create, we are presented with what their life is likely going to be privately post-plane crash / disaster. Almost everything we see involves a level of physical intimacy; Rhett massages Link, "their" version of poker (which involves nipple stimulation), trying to make wine (like the notorious wine they made in puberty), skygazing together, checking each other for dermatological issues, sharing their thoughts and the classic joke of changing SOS to SEND TACOS, an indication that they are having enough of a good time to not really try to be rescued and return to their previous lives, with their old job and families. Oh, and having sex with the sex bush. This is the boldest imagery in this episode because we see them... uh...rub themselves on the sex bush (at the very least), not only in each other's presence but also while clasping hands. I don't think I have to tell you this but this is canonically engaging in the same sexual activity because it's like they are masturbating while holding hands. Now, if Rhett considers this a wild leap of logic indicative of "us the Rhink shippers", I don't know what to say.
There is also a very interesting lyric in their song. Watch how it is phrased:
"Sharing peanut butter because we are peanut butter lovers, lovers as in, we're both loving peanut butter. Not that we are making love with one another... We got a bush for that."
What exactly does this mean? We are making love with a bush instead of one another or we are using the bush to make love with one another and not the peanut butter? It sounds more like the former one but the imagery suggests the latter. I don't know. It could also mean that they are really tiptoeing around each other while still keeping their sexual life straight. We are not making love with the peanut butter (gay sex), we have a bush for that (straight sex). But then we see that in the bush they are really pushing the limits between them. It could be all of these things.
Bush aside, what does the peanut butter symbolise on its own? Link denies he is aroused by it but he readily admits he wants to "eat it out" and Rhett follows immediately, the more Link opens up. Again, we see once more Link to be the first one to voice his desire and of course Rhett jumps at it at a moment's notice. This is the case also in Digging the Medium-sized Hole, in the Puzzle, in the Brown Diamond. But then we have this strife caused between them as they cannot decide who should take the "first scoop". Like, who will break the seal of the peanut butter? To be honest, I think this is the drama that anal might have caused between two ex-Christian very traditional dudes. Like, who takes one for the team. Both of them claim the position of sticking their spoon to the peanut butter. Link has the argument that he should be the one to do it because he is the guy into peanut butter while "what Rhett really is is a bean guy" (bean is a slang for clitoris, so he's more into female genitalia, more hetero than Link). Rhett on the other hand doubts Link's versatility in sex (has happened IRL as well) so he doesn't want to cede the position of control to him.
Link: I got a lot of novel grill ideas. Rhett: Like what? Link: Like, the grill that uses the heat generated from rubbing your hands together. Rhett: ...And then you place them on the food?! Link:...... Yep. Rhett: So, the Link Neal Grill is just hands?!
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Link is shamed for being too vanilla.
After a lot of talking it out, their eyes are opened to what they wanted all along. Link admits Rhett might like peanut butter just as much and Rhett admits that Link might be as competent in this as he is (find the peanut butter). They decide to each take a scoop from one side of the top and then enjoy it together. I mean, none of this is a great analogy but the most plausible scenario is that in order to overcome their conservative inhibitions and their sense of pride, they had to both agree to engage in this in absolutely equal terms. In short, to switch. Which I totally believe could be the case in reality as well.
The way the sex bush contrasts with the peanut butter makes it all rather confusing because we can also tell this does not proceed in a chronologically linear way at all, let alone that we have a blend of past and future here. But don't worry too much because the result is the same. By putting the peanut butter on leaves from the sex bush and then consuming it, they have canonically exchanged sex fluids. I could have said this from the beginning of this segment and save me of all this struggle.
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pumpkinsy0 · 5 months ago
outsiders characters as events from my silly ahh summer camp. i don't know how i survived for a month at a time there tbh
ponyboy: me going gollum mode over the hunger games book. it wasnt even a joke at that point i was struggling. also the pivotal turn my life took when i read hatchet. like i was reflecting and allat
darry: the DELECTABLE ahh lunches. idk what they did but they were so tasty. like i would have the best nap of my life after muching down on that
johnny: me crying myself to sleep that one time, some girl was like "erm miss counselor!!! i think insert name here is crying under her sleeping bag!!" and my bitch ass counselor who i HATED like she was my arch nemesis started trying to calm me down which made me even more upset. and earlier that day i was trying to feel included in a conversation w a semi friend and some cunt went like "no ones talking to u" when i was Literally just sitting there.
dally: that horse they assigned me that would not do anything asked of him. also one time he like broke out of his stall and was just walking around?? he was an interesting fellow. he was silly tho
soda: me getting sick from eating 2 much cereal. i was writhing around bc tummy ache 2 much later in the day. to be fair i did eat more than 10 servings of cereal.
steve: us having no air conditioning in the cabins. we had to bring our own fans. i had to shower multiple times a day bc I was sweating so much.
twobit: some girl mixing chicken and jello together. also me falling out of a bunk.
cherry: that time during horse and tack when we watched a movie bc it was too hot outside so we went in. but the movie was rlly sad and I cried
that was then… this now… ones
bryon: me almost drowning during one of the swimming performances. like I was lowk choking on water while under the sea was playing in the background.
mark: again that one damn counselor i hated so so much. like i was planning her downfall. why on God's green earth was she singing riptide while we were trying to sleep stfu
m&m: i would start randomly crying so often. i would miss lots of classes bc i would just be in the bathroom bawling for various reasons
angela: girls being so so mean to me. like it was a problem.
curly: me throwing hiking boots at a girl I didn't like
tim: them having to ban making slip n slides in the bathrooms. i didn't ask and i didn't want to know
most of these things aren't too relevant anymor but they kinda funny so here. i mean expand on these if u want. i can't put them on my blog bc it's not a TO blog but they need to be put somewhere
u made me remember this time where i just woke up weak as hell and my aunt had to literally spoonfeed me multiple bowls of cereal, to this day idk exactly HOW i got that weak, that has never happened to me before and it hasnt happened since
BUT ALSO i remember going to this summer camp and somehow someway we got into this gender prank war and im just pushing that onto all of em
and THEN there was this other time i was in this summer?????christian????school camp thing????? and look im an atheist idk what i was doing there i showed zero interest but my cousins and sister was also there, and for lunch we were going out which i dont think anyone else was doing bc my teacher asked “r u SURE u wanna go???” and i rhink she was pushing me to stay but i said yea and left immediately and i giggle at that and i think pony wluldve done the same, i wanted OUT🗣️
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tojiscrack · 3 months ago
since j cannot stop thinking and DREADINGGG the angst, i have theories on how the rest of the storys gonna play out (sorry if this is incoherent i am on my deathbed, and my thoughts are all scrambled so um)
OKAY SO. i think.. k*mo and mermaid will get together. (😐) cuz we know he likes her, and like how IIIII interpreted the tutoring scene and how fast they clicked, is shes gonna develop feelingd for him as well (EVENTUALLY) BUT!!! this is gonna cause distance in mercupines friendship BECASYEEE
i think he has SOME sort of idea about his feelings for her?? maybe not fully come to terms w it? but i think he recognizes that he feels differently towards her then like, he feels towards nobara (and not that shes his childhood friend) but its also the little things, like when they had that movie night, and he was FIGHTINGGG nobara to sit next to mermaid, and in one of the recent chapters w his football helmet.
LIKE theyre both definitely huge idiots but i like to imagine that hes a BITT more in terms w his feelings
(i also think hes BEEN aware of his feelings for her since the middle school chapter i rhink??? whenever it was when he was acting “weird” towards her. BCWUASEE we never found out what was wrong w him, so im just imagining it to be he has like an “OH FUCK I LIKE HER” moment.)
back to y/n, i think she LIKES megumi, but like doesnt really know it?? shes not aware of it, shes CLUELESS!! i just reread the scene w tsumiki and kamo, snd from my understanding, pretty much everyone knows they like each other (💀)
adding on to the “kamo x mermaid” (WHAT is their ship name) i think when theyre together, kamo is gonna get jealous of megs and hers friendship (maybe not JEALOUSSS but i feel like hes gonna be like “can u distance urself he obviously fucking likes you” (perhaps even beinf like “do u like me or him??” 👀)), but idk how she’ll react?? like i could see her being like “no hes my BEST FRIEND and he does not like me like what r u talkinf about” OR “hm okay but im not COMPLETELY cutting him off..”
i also think kamo x mermaid wont be like.. a “serious” relationship?? IDK maybe it will be but they are NOT endgame (mercupine 🤞)
okay this is off topic, but you follow the jjk storyline as close as you possibly can in a “everyone lives/nobody dies au” (WHICH IS RLY GOOD its one of many things i love about this fic and ur writing) but will anything happen to tsumiki?? like (jjk idk what chapter spoilers!!) ik she dies (or her body does at least) but BEFOREEE that she was in a coma (i think thats what it was i need to rewatch jjk). ik shes a huge part of megumis canon character, and im just wondering if itll play a part in this fic
one last thing becayse this was WAYYY longer then intended (i apologize), but i think itll be interesting to see how mermaid is gonna take the angst seriously?? regardless if my theories are close or way off, the only way to resolve angst is by handling it seriously, or by dying but i HIGHLY doubt that will happen, and weve never seen y/n in like a serious situation. the only one off the top of my head is when megs was acting weird, AND EVEN THEN she did NAWT like beinf serious. im just waiting to see her step outside of her comfort zone to resolve this becahse weve never really seen that side of her. IM JUST INTERESTED IN WHICH DIRECTION YOU TAKE WHEN WRITINF HER LIKE THAT
(i also lowk cant wait for the angst so i can assign sad songs to their scenarios 😶)
ooh a prediction? gimme more 😋👍🏽
‘i think… kamo and mermaid will get together (😐)’ — at least TRY to hide ur distaste, damn 😭🤚🏽
but interesting, very interesting. i cannot confirm nor deny, ‘cause you will CONTINUE to go into this story blindfolded (even if i wanna spill the beans so badly) 😋
‘and this is gonna cause some distance in mercupine’s friendship’ — well… it wouldn’t be angst if something didn’t go wrong 🌝 i just won’t say if that’s how it’ll play out or not 🙂‍↕️
‘i think he has SOME sort of idea about his feelings for her??’ — if i speak rn— 🙂‍↕️ all my plans would go to shit so i’m just silently smiling to myself LOOOL 😭 i also like the comparison between nobara and y/n, i think mercupine’s relationship is quite different to their relationships with anyone else in this story, and for a variety of reasons than what you might think
‘i also think he’s BEEN aware of her feelings since the middle school chapter i think??’ — sure! 👀
yeah the scene with tsumiki and kamo was to showcase how other people view y/n and megumi’s relationship 🌝 idk if everyone has thought of them as an item, but yeah, quite a few people have considered it, and they might be lowkey shipping them internally. the only person who’d try his best to do smth about it would be satoru, the instigator 🫣
i propose mermotionless their ship name unless something better comes along lol 😭 but interesting take. quite interesting, for several reasons i cannot reveal (ofc) but we shall see how everything plays out 👀
okay now to answer ur questionnnn:
JJK219 MANGA SPOILERS IN BOLD AND RED: when i put in the tag ‘everyone lives/nobody dies’, it is VERY much factual. like, i understand her character in canon had a major influence on megumi’s own character, but in my story, i’ve changed it slightly so that while what she believes matters quite a lot to him (he has a super small inner circle that she’s a part of, really) not everything he does is for the sole purpose of her living a good life (i mean, it’d be pretty dramatic seeing as it’s a highschool au where curses don’t exist — like i introduced sukuna as a demon LMAOO). that being said, yorozu will NEVER be intertwined with tsumiki like it happened in canon, and by extension, tsumiki will never die — long live our elegant queen! 🥳 the only grief these characters will go through is the grief of more-than-a-decade-long-friendship 👀 which might be sorted out… who knows…? (me, muahahahaha).
i think one thing that everyone as a collective has truly enjoyed so far was the whole ‘serious y/n moment’ (you partypoopers, i love her more when she’s a goof 🤨). all i can say is that you guys win (🙄) you’ll get more of her serious side with the angst (why wouldn’t you? do you expect her to slap megumi’s bum in joy when the angst is at its height? 😭). girlypop is gonna HAVE to be serious then, there’s basically a gun to her head loool
your final sentence will be addressed ‘cause there’s a playlist i’ve already begun making that takes you through all the stages in liar, liar
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toomuchracket · 2 years ago
me omg
my birthdays just gone, and i just rhink he would be so excited to share your birthday with you. like he has been planning for the last year on how to make it even better than the last
oh i hope you had a lovely birthday! mine is at the end of this month lol
if ross is home for your birthday - though i'm CONVINCED he'd fly you out to wherever he was to celebrate if it fell during tour - he's spoiling you, full stop. he's so attentive to you anyway, but for like a month before your birthday he's taking note of everything you offhandedly mention you want to do or try or somewhere you'd like to go. i think you and ross are a very domestic, lowkey couple, so you wouldn't want a huge party every year, but if it's a milestone birthday ross puts his foot down and organises a birthday bash for you (nothing too crazy, just a party in a cool venue with all of your friends and family).
but let's talk about regular bdays at home. your actual birthday i think would be really busy, because everyone loves you and wants to see you lol, but ross still finds the time in the morning to wake you up in a VERY nice way ;) before making you coffee and bringing you your gift. it's always perfect, thoughtful, something you'd either mentioned you wanted, or that ross caught you gazing at lovingly online/in a shop but you never bought. and you're always baffled like "this is so spot on how do u do it" and ross just winks and shrugs before giggling. god he's so cute. anyway, i think the morning would involve you guys seeing family for brunch, then you and ross would spend the rest of the day doing something together - he pulls out the list of everything you said you wanted to do and you get to choose whatever thing you feel like on that particular day. maybe you go to a museum (i did this for my birthday last year it was so fun!) or the zoo or pottery painting (literally my dream thing to do with ross actually)... whatever activity you want, you'll do. although i think there's been at least a couple of times when ross has made it a surprise - he's bought tickets for a matinee of a musical you wanted to see, or just for any sort of event happening on the afternoon of your birthday that he knows you'll love. after that, you'll go for dinner - something kinda fancy but not pretentious, i think, because it's ross and he likes treating you but will not tolerate chefs "taking the piss" lol - and then you'll either meet some of your friends and the boys and their girlies for drinks, or they'll come over for a chill drinking sesh in your house and make you open the (you'd say overly generous, they all say otherwise) gifts they bought you. and ross is buzzing about like a wee bee making sure everyone's got a drink and some snacks, before he brings out the birthday cake he's made you (ross is a secret baker i will hear nothing on the contrary). and you're a little tipsy and grinning so widely in candlelight as your friends sing happy birthday to you in several different keys at once (george and matty get into a tiny argument about what key they both thought everyone was going to sing in, which only stops when you literally shove a piece of cake at each of them), and ross just watches you and gets overwhelmed by how much he loves you. then after everyone leaves, you drag ross upstairs and thank him properly for the lovely day, which really just ends up with him continuing to treat you lmao, before you snuggle up and go to sleep just totally content <3
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lqfiles · 3 months ago
everyone need a karina in their life fr 😓 AND YANGYANG LIVE REPORTING JAEM AND RENJUN IM CRYING??? imagining he followed them around for a while too..
I WAS ALSO RHINKING HOW WE HAD THREE CONVOS GOING IN ONE MESSAGE LMFAAOOO but the school thing like yeah im actively in college but just part time like i really do not gaf 😹😹😹 im taking two first year level classes rn and i know im ab to fail this trig exam in a few weeks and my english class gmfu bc this hag was backhandedly accusing me of using chatgpt bc my essays were “too polished” and “too good to be true” but she praising a boy in the class for writing at the same level as me GIRL FUCK YOU MY VOCABULARY IS FROM WRITING AND READING FANFICTION i am not haechoxo for nothing 😒 anyway i deadass am taking this college shit so lightly rn i have no classes that has to do anything with psychology which is my entire major. next semester i signed up for only two classes again (YOGA AND A SPIN CLASS LMAO) so i can be free most of the week to either get a stupid job OR…. get my drivers license…. 20 yrs old and i cant drive…
hows ur week been bbg 😼 any new ARAB BABES 🙏🙏
yangyang would be so bored and do it just for the heck of it hsjdjdjd that one jobless friend… and yasss ynrina saved and doing well we are #Happy but this also means we’re lowk nearing the end of ptp like DAMN WOAH… just that last bit of angst and all, i genuinely think this might be done in like 10 chapters or smth wowie
GIRL DONT RHINK LIKE RHAT you should be having positive thoughts with positive manifestations like YES i will pass YES i am doing well in school!! and HELPP???? LOWKEY THATS BOTH A COMPLIMENT AND AN INSULT OMG they said that your work is TOO well written which slayyyy but they also said it’s too good to be yours so indirectly calling you a bad writer this is wild 😭 they’re not familiar with haechoxo peakery 🤦🏽‍♀️ and GIRL WDYM YOGA AND SPIN CLASSES WHAT KIND OF COLLEGE ARE YOU GOING TO IM CRYINGGG like why are they lowk chill AF over there omg… should i come over and see this for myself like i’m so intrigued rn and pls ive been wanting to get my drivers license too but i’m soooo lazy even tho my dad is encouraging me to learn it </3 if you do it maybe i will get motivated and do it too
my week was boring honestly, i had no college on Tuesday and friday so i only had 2 and a half days of school and i really did nothing i fear 😭 i didn’t even go and see my arab babe because i didn’t wanna be a beg and make it seem like i WANNA talk to him yk #NonchalantAntics but nothing rlly happened i’m just living life 😂✌🏽 let’s just keep living and love life idk ❤️
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midnighteloquence · 8 months ago
upside down cat plush
small rant roday because i wanna talk about today and stuff
um so straight off the bat im in the bus with C and a friend of ours ill just call D for the time being. and so theyre just talking amongst themselves not really including me which yeah i kinda feel shitty because of that but eh. they get off the bus still not talking to me at all which is kinda unusual because theyll atleast try talking to me
anyways i can already tell that C does not wanna be near me like theyre showing B stuff and not showing me unless i ask “can i see?” which just sounds soooo desperate ugh and they were also just not talking to me only responding with a “ok.” which like okay
um so i go with B walking around talking about mario (and a little bit of C because i wanted to mention that C does not like me) and so he and A are walking around idk what they were talking about mmfao
the most came from my dance lesson where C and D are talking shit about someone which to my overthinking mind im immediately rhinking me so i go to get my bottle in a separate room because its like my only chance to be by myself and chill out so i dont breakdown /nav
um so then at some point C is RIGHT NECT TO ME. with my tiktok up, ahowing D. and theyre talking about me. right fucking next to me. which uh what the actual fuck?? they moved away and i heard D say faintly “shes waiting for you to leave first” which no the fuck im not?? im actively sending you apologies for being distant, im sending you nice tiktoks and you think that?? um so i just get really anxious and panicky (none of this is a vent) like close to tears breathing heavy the whole package!! i go to the bathroom so i can fucking calm down (and apparently they were shittalking me while i was gone) uh im still feeling nauseous
anyways so english is next and i have B in my vlass so i tell them that like “hey i have to talk to you about stuff” and so at lunch i tell them about what happened in dance and i also told them about the fact that C does things that i donttttt like at all (i told her to continue acting normal and not confrontational because i dont wanna cause a rift in the friendgroup)
so end of the day woo hoo im boiling ik nauseous i have a headache im tired overall doing grand and im in the bus and D and C are talking to some guy on the phone and idk why but all of a sudden C starts talking to me normally again??? like you spent all day either avoiding me or shit talking me and then youre just gonna talk about some random cunt i dont care about anymore thats a therian?? like dude and you expect me to act normally the whole fucking day?? its like what
um so i gave him a huge apology since ive been distant recently but to be honest i think that wasnt good of me to do. like he was the one that did me wrong, that insulted me, that repeatedly made me uncomfortable, that bit me, that stole my phone and went through it, that lies to me constantly, that shit talked me infront of me, the list goes on, but somehow im the one who ended up apologising and its just so backwards. it happens so much that i end up apologising to people who fucked me over and i just dont know how to stop i just cant handle people hating me or ignoring me or just ugh.
anyways thats my dayyyyy :3 have a nice one by- AHHHHHH AGHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHELP ME HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *drunken father beats me to a bloody pulp, laughing track plays*
also i was rlly stressed out about the whole kissing thing because idk what if i fuck up and so i asked him and be said like lemme put the screenshot. like soskiejsidhhuhhhhh
istg this cannot be platonic anymore istggggg
Tumblr media
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ultimatebottom69 · 4 months ago
You know.
What truly kills me with the pro-palestine bullshit i can call it bullshit because I am donating money to help. I put my mouth where my money is contrary to many of the pro-palestine.
Hum...I am sorry...You were not in accordance with Madam harris...So you did not vote for her. Because you were unhappy about how the Biden Administration was handling the whole thing.
Ok that's fair. Let's look at the opponenent real quick.
"I will finish the job. I will let them finish the job."
Hmmm....I don't know he seems hum...More likely to be worse. Then whatever Harris is going to do.
"You libs only can say that Trump is worse without giving me a better reason-"
See this is why Hitler got hired. I don't think I am entitled to explain to you that maYbe, you should keep the guy who did a whole ass Coup d'etat on you, all out of the White House.
Like. It's like a tumor, this genocide I mean, that is happening you had the choice between someone who will give pain killers which are pretty useless (Harris) or someone who is going to poison the waters and proudly announce it (Trump)
The patient begged you for pain killers.
And you decided after careful consideration. To take the guy who poisons the water...
I am not saying. You are stupid. I am saying...This didn't seem wise.
And now I see some Gen Z like me talking about "Plans" for the future. The same Gen Z who revealed they did not vote for Harris or Third party in fact. Per choice.
Ok. No no that's good that's good...When will you apply the plans and when will they reach the ultimate goal ? Which is to unfuck at least that problem ? Preferably before Palestine gets wiped out of the map would be so cool.
Oh ? Oh ....Oh...Yeah keeping the people informed...Hmhm that didn't seem to work. At all. Oh ? Forming a community...Ok ok. Yeah seems cool. A 20 step plan to make voting easier. That's great when will it reach the White house ?
Because Again may I remind you. Alll that I am saying is this shit gotta reach the white house. Congress is pretty and all but we all know what kind of garbage is in there so I am not hopeful for the socialist future that we all want to happen within 25 years.
All i am saying is. Why was it so fucking hard. To eat your spinach instead of running head first into the fucking bleach.
We all know how bad he is. Yeah we will survive but I rhink I speak for everyone when i say this :
Everything! Everything this man is saying is so damned true. If you are someone who willingly voted for Trump while knowing what he'll do once he gets in Office again.
Deeply FUCK YOU! If you're a person that refuses to vote against him and didn't do anything to stop him at all than FUCK YA'LL too.
If you are a Muslim or Latino or a Non-Black POC that supported and voted for Trump and are now worried about being deported and banned from the country, I really don't feel sorry for any of ya'll. Some of ya'll non-Black POC countine to showcase that ya'll will always choose White Supremacy and Whiteness at the end of the day while simultaneously voting against your own self interests while still being anti-Black as hell.
You won't get any sympathy from me whatsoever. Ya'll Fuckers wanted this so deal with it.
To the percentage of White Women who yet again let down Black Women & other Women of Color by voting for having less bodily anatomy and less rights than you're great great-grandmother, Ya'll don't deserve any sympathy neither.
Pro-Palestine people, FUCK OFF too. Ya'll are also full of bullshit and have showcased that ya'll truly don't give a Fuck about Palestinians or Gazans lives when you let a raging White supremacist like Trump who have said he'll let Netanyahu " Finish the Job", and will have no remorse or issues Nuking the hell out of both Gaza and Palestine altogether.
Ya'll aren't " activists " of any kind and have shown just how unserious, radicalized, brainwashed extremists ya'll truly are in terms of your so-called " Support ".
To the percentage of brain-dead Black men who also voted for this bastard, I rarely used the N-word in my vocabulary. But ya'll are truly some stupid-ass Nigg*s. You're character as a person is garbage and you are a disgrace to your grandparents and many other Black people of the Civil rights movement who fought and died for your fucking ass and this is how you repay them.
By voting for a White supremacist and beyond racist piece of shit. Ya'll Uncle Tom's or I should say Ruckuses don't deserve any sympathy neither.
The third-party voters and those who wasted their vote on Jill stein as a protest vote, ya'll are the stupidest group of people alive and FUCK ALL OF YA'LL as well.
I've seriously had enough of this shit. I'm tired and sick of being held hostage by the ignorant and stupid and hateful people of this damned country.
I'm just so fucking sick.
Ya'll won't get any sympathy from me if you actually wanted this man in power again or refused to actually vote against him during the election.
You've shown ya'll true characters and how horrible of people ya'll truly are.
Don't expect any sympathy or empathy towards you if you're the one who wanted this to happen.
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asherlockstudy · 3 months ago
What's this about strawberry wine? I'm so curious. Is it actually significant?
Probably. It’s been so long they have properly referred to it, much like they have reduced all mentions of old rhink lore. It’s been so long that I have things in my mind that I found hard to trace back now. What’s certain is that it used to be considered as one of the most significant telling signs of Rhink.
Around the time they turned 16, Rhett tried to make wine from strawberries and bananas. I think he did this without his parents knowing. I don’t remember where they said it but there was this intention of drinking it as an almost “coming of age” celebration. I also seem to remember that it was after Link’s birthday? They waited for Link’s birthday, I think. Then they took the wine and went camping at Cape Fear River. The wine was horrible. Nowadays when they talk about this it’s always only about Rhett making the wine (without specifying the reason) and it being gross.
But some years ago they had a way of talking about this that made fans speculate a lot about it. I can’t explain exactly, it was one of these cases when you know part of the story is not being told. They acted cryptic about it. And it was very strong, all fans felt it, this is why it caused so many speculations. I believe they had defined this camping and wine trip as they “becoming men” but they never explained why. Just due to the homemade wine?
I am adding a video below, a GMM in which valuable insight to the incident was given. Rhett said he was inspired by the song Strawberry Wine for all that ( and then he made this wine and went camping at the river and shared it with Link).
Lyrics from Strawberry Wine:
He was working through college
On my grandpa's farm
I was thirsting for knowledge
And he had a car
Yeah, I was caught somewhere between a woman and a child
One restless summer we found love growing wild
On the banks of the river on a well beaten path
It's funny how those memories they last
Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love, oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
As you understand, shippers started speculating A LOT after Rhett associated their experience with this song. And because the shippers were a more daring bunch back then, there were speculations about a kiss or more. Personally I do not believe this but this allegory of “becoming men” that night made me have a suspicion of my own too but I kinda not feel like verbalising it because they were still minors.
By the way apart from the song insight, in older videos they looked more cryptic and mysterious when discussing this topic, here they handle it better.
PS. There might be a few inaccuracies in my recollection, it’s been so long.
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hormonethief · 6 years ago
god thinking abt how im gonna have to come out to my parents eventually and if i want to be out and possibly transition in college i will probably have to within this next year......Yikes that's terrifying
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year ago
okay so i wanna just talk bout my thoughts with this thing (im gonna do this only for the one i did, it was one based on some mission in space and aliens and shit, very fun)
gillion would be scared as fuck once the door closes, but like he wouldnt say shit. it was already kinda nerve racking because he doesnt just lose his armor and sword for this, but pretzel couldnt join them (no pets or weapons id guess). its just too uncannily like the pearl (no way gill wouldnt have some claustrophobia, not even from the pearl the armor would make tight spaces so bad), being seperate from one of his dearest friends. but he doesnt say that, why would he? its just a game. he'll get out and see her again...right? a lot of it, hes trying to keep calm, but eventually ensa notices that gillion keeps on just staring at random things, just not his normal self (his captains are busy so they dont really notice), and she ends up pressing the button to get gillion out of there, which he does and stays out for 10-20 minutes to calm down.
did you rhink i was gonna be silly and say "oh gillion breaks everything immediately" or smth? sorry, no, angst ♥️
jay would get very frustrated over not understanding the clues. sure, shed be perceptive enough to notice, but trying to piece them together in her head? harder skill. maybe her inability to read comes back sometimes, or thats what the stress does atleast. maybe she puts it together in the wrong way, and gets pissed over being unable to figure it out. isnt she the braincell? how come she cant figure this out yet? chip (and/or ensa) are trying to comfort her, saying how they'll figure it out, but shs can't take the words to heart. she forgets that she doesnt need to be separated, that these arent just friends, theyre closer then that. shes used to not wanting to get attached to them, after all, she joined only to be a spy and avenge her sister. eventually, shes calm enough to work with the crew on solving these things.
chip is helping people stay together, reminding jay its only a game, all that. but the story feels too similar to his life. 10 years ago, some of the smartesr scientists had found a vortex to a planet which could hold life, but it closed and they lost communication, and now the next smartest scientists have found the vortex which reopened, and have to survive and find what happened to the crew before theyre attacked and killed to. eerily similar to the black rose, and chip knows this. thats just stuck in his mind, and it messes with communication. instead of saying this name, he says a different one. instead of saying this number sequence, he says another. while hes pretty chill on it, it still freaks him out inside (to which maybe jay or gill is wearing the bracelet and sees at the end).
ensa is doing great, and being very helpful, doesnt really have much struggle id imagine. in the end, they all together solve the puzzle and win. <- i did not win but i wanted to have happy ending so they did
before i forget thank you @red-might-be-dead for the character suggestion here you go
just finished (well, ran out of time) my first escape room!
i can say with confidence charlies video made it seem a lot sinpler then its meant to be (we didnt do the same one, but still)
also i think the riptide pirates would have fun if they bonded doing one (only thing is the captains might try to actually kill smth lol)
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cellard0ors · 2 years ago
I don’t know if anyone asked you yet but I’ve seen others ask everyone else. Soooo… your top Hackearney fic reqs… pls? 🥺
I HAVE been asked this and I've sworn up and down to do this, but I've just been lazy as f*ck. HOWEVER today is the day!
So, strap in, y'all here are my hackearney fics recs!
Keep in mind, the authors here all have MULTIPLE works in this fandom/ship that are good, I'm just picking the ones I've specifically bookmarked and read.
There are also some I've heard are good and just haven't read yet (looking at you, Garden of Moonlit Grief) and there are others that I'm sure are fantastic, but are not my cup of tea (ie, noncons, fics that might be TOO dark, etc)
In other words, if I don't mention you and we talk I don't mean to hurt your feelings I love all of the Hackearney hivemind omggggg...
(these are also listed in no type of order)
Every Single Edge - E - Skymasters - A week after the events of The Quarry, Laura can't get a certain sheriff out of her mind. She pays him a visit.
So, this was the first fic I ever read with them and it was in character and super hot. It's also one of those fics I envy, because I wish I could convey things this insightfully in a one shot fic as opposed to the Tolstoy novel-length fics I write!
Late Bloomer - M - FanFicReader01 - Travis’ heart felt heavy. Sometimes, it felt like he was the only sane Hackett left and that could be seen as a stretch.
Another one of the first fics I read fics, I found this idea incredibly romantic and creative, but also very sad. It's not a happy ending kind of fic, but it hits well and I enjoyed it a great deal.
I Will Spin You Rose Evenings and Gold Mornings - E - TheWeirdDane - Laura Kearney is at the end of her rope when it comes to managing her finances for vet school. Contemplating various ways to earn some extra cash, she eventually turns to sex work, and goes on to meet with an older guy who will pay for her time and intimacy.
There's something about Sugar!Daddy fics. Rhink got me into it and this fandom is pushing me into it further. I really enjoy AUs - especially ones where Travis is softer but still a firm disciplinary - noice.
Werewolf Bites and Hot Summer Nights - E - winterlilyflowers - An AU in which Laura and Max can’t find Hackett Quarry and end up at the Harbinger Motel, before becoming camp counsellors for the summer. Max is moody and secretive and Laura keeps bumping into the grumpiest sheriff with the cutest puppy dog eyes, and when he gives her his number ‘just in case’ a girl can’t help but drunk dial him one night. Cue overprotective and jealous Travis. And shouldn’t the officer get a birthday kiss? An unlikely start for a badass werewolf fighting duo, but a hot one.
Listen, if you're part of the fandom and a shipper and haven't read this, I don't know how to help you. It's so damn good. I re-read one, ah, scene in particular...it involves Travis's cruiser and being outside and...yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah. 👀
I LEGIT re-read that scene last night! but the entire fic is good. Again, I'm a big AU fan and I like the idea of how the game might have gone with little changes, so, this one fits that bill and then some. The Travis/Laura snark is also there as well, so - love it,
Caged - E - Gaqalesqua - Laura Kearney did not expect to spend her summer locked up by a creepy cop. Travis Hackett forgot that human beings have needs even when they're in prison.
This is one of those fics that has no right to be as hot as it is. I felt like the author really nailed Laura's voice too - they also get Travis, but since a lot of it is from Laura's POV, it's just really spectacular to me how well they got inside her noggin.
Also have to admire a fic that starts out just hot and then gets deep and makes you emotional.
Family - M - Tianasina - Laura sat on the edge of her bed and stared at the number on her phone’s screen. Her hand shook as she held her phone. She glanced briefly at the object clutched in her other hand. She sucked in a panicked breath and looked back at the phone, pushing her other hand out of her vision. Her thumb hovered over the green dial icon before shakily pressing down upon it. Dialing Travis…Laura needs help, Travis is willing to help.
I was legit surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Maybe I shouldn't have been, considering how domestic it gets, but honestly - not usually a fan of baby fics. But Travis with a baby is heart melting and I like how organically his relationship with Laura grows. A fun sweet read.
No Hard Feelings - E - Professional_Creeper - Travis had been having trouble staying hard while masturbating, but it was just stress from dealing with the curse. It was just because his hand wasn't exciting. With a woman as beautiful and alive as Laura writhing beneath him, he would be fine...
Listen, someone was GOING to have to write an ED fic for this ship and I'm glad this person did, because they nailed it and made it so genuine and heartfelt but also still sexy as fuck??? I couldn't pull this off - and I always admire those who can do what I cannot. And boy did they do it with gusto - this is like, give them a prize! fic. I would if I could!
Love Me Under The Neon Lights (If Only For The Night) - E - @spookyscaryscully - Travis could think of a thousand different places he wanted to be on his night off. A strip club was not one of them. AKA: The Hackearney Stripper AU.
Someone who has a LOT of irons in a LOT of AU fires and they're all burn hot, but I'm choosing this one because I just really love the whole solid idea of it. And, again, sucker for a soft!Travis!
There's just a lot of great work here - this idea could have just been sold as a silly thing but instead there's some distinctive depth. Love it.
Warmth - M-False_Mortal - A litter of kittens and their mother were dumped in front of the police station. Travis takes them in because it’s snowing and he maybe has a heart. Laura is a veterinarian assistant at the local shelter, where she sometimes works the front desk.
Travis, Laura, Cats - all things I like and in one place. SOLD. It's also just heartwarming and cute, but still with delectable sexytimes. Also, again, an AU and I adore AUs!!
Dear Friend - M - lovemeforallmyfaults - A new substitute professor settles in at her new job, with the help of a friend she meets in the college forums. A tenured professor tries to open up to someone other than his close relations. (aka - the You’ve Got Mail Set In College AU absolutely no one asked for)
Um - I think EVERY fandom should have a You've Got Mail AU?!? And luckily this writer rose to the challenge! It's fun to see Travis and Laura spar in a completely different environment but still feel like them. Not to mention, I again adore the whole concept of letters and not knowing it was you and so, yeah - love this!
Pass Me The Shotgun (And I'll Hand You My Heart) - E - @norrington-hell - Sometimes the best way to deal with your trauma is to see a therapist. And sometimes it's to find the surly bastard responsible and rock his goddamn world. Laura knows which option she prefers.
I already did a whole post about this, but - shut up. THIS FIC. I both love it and hate it. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING. I love it, because it's probably one of the best written things I've ever read. I hate it. because when I read new chapters or re-read it, I feel this overwhelming seething jealousy towards Norrie and her talent, when I know I should be a good girl!
I - for the life of me - have a hard time writing conflict and super!mean Travis and bratty!Laura and Norrie just strolls up to the bar and is shooting bullseye's left and right and blind folded for it like it's no big thang.
Her world is so rough and real and not at all sugar coated. It's not easy, so, when things go well for these two, it feels so EARNED. UGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH! Take me out of this club, I'm DYIIIIINNNNG.
...in conclusion, I will always recommend this fic forever and always and it's probably a staple of how you should approach writing them.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah - here you are anon and anyone interested! If you follow me and one of these fics are yours and I didn't know your tumblr name because I'm smart-like-that (tm) please let me know so I can tag you properly!
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faerociousbeast · 2 years ago
i skipped through some persons playthrough of the honkai starrails beta on double speed. i dont like hoyo so under the cut will not have anything cut back. Thank you
- woewwwww i cant believe they LITERALLY copied persona 5. thats so crazy. wowww
- lets go lesbians! i dont understand any of the plot rn bc im skipping all of it but. yayy. or nayy. i think. mayhe the worlds ending. I dont know
- wow we a vessel
- bitch doesnt even know cpr!!! 1. you CHEST COMPRESS FIRST you do NOT go straight in for the *RESCUE BREATHS*. and you DEFINITELY do not close your eyes and even if you do you don't do it that fucking slowly or from that angle you rhink the damn pwrsons dying cmon man 😭😭 he was just shooting his shot like hes in sleeping beauty or whatever. hes cute tho and we WERE alive and didnt NEED cpr so i guess i can let it slide. but if we DID need it on the other hand...... walking encyclopedia my ASS. march whyd tou abandon us is it cuz we're a guy
- "cutie" "gonna leave to go save this random dude" so we in a wlw mlm solidarity thing then? i am clearly being baited.
- I LOVE ARLAN HES MT FAVOURITE his skin tone JUMPSCARED ME THO like in a hoyo game?!? he better not be another kaeya. please. Pleeeease let there be more of us dont let arlan suffer this alone
- dan heng JUMPSCARE!!! hello sir. this person immediately switched to him to run around everywhere which is honestly fair if not a little funny
- i like dan hengs... burst. Thing. he just stabs you excspt theres leaves everywhere and stuff
- mc just. batter up! fuckinghdnnf obliberates you
- actuslly why was there even a rucking. Bat just Laying yhere in the dirsr place did they explain that or was i just noy paying attentiok
- yeah i sure HOPE this isnt """indicative of the fimal product""" bc WTF KIND OF ATTACK NAME IS """GIRL POWER""" HELP MENCNSHAHA
- actually im gonna see if i can find a playthrough with the female protag later bc im curious to see if any of the lines change. like the time himeko asks about march
- person chose the neutral option on march and march responded "so now we have two dan hengs on our team...." I KNEW IT HES GAY HAHAHAH
- asta is what kokomi SHOULD HAVW BEEN if they didnt HATE HER
- ljterally copied persona obviously. persona is the only turn based team strategy fighting games where you run around ever.
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