#which :knife emoji:
sennikold · 2 years
current level of insanity is watching da tiktoks as if i lived in thedas myself.
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seeing youtube ads means seeing a ton of grammarly ads & you Know the like "hone the tone of your emails :)" application means envisioning a version that's pitched to one specific ass situation where two high schoolers are trying to make their fake emails even sound like connor
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korattata · 4 months
remind me to never ever read the comments on a game that's in early access ever again
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alectology-archive · 2 years
moiraine is a princess in the tower send post
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godkilller · 2 years
tagged by: i was encouraged to steal it from @maskierd​ tagging: steal it, continue the cycle bold for always applicable, italics for sometimes.
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𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.    being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping
𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.    tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare.   monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑.   furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑.     wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.    constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
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Put a word in my ask and I will write a Headcanon about it for my Muse.
Betrayal – for Gabriel
Betrayal is the moment that he realizes Jack isn’t listening to him anymore. 
He didn’t care that the younger man got the promotion to Strike Commander of Overwatch once the war ended. 
Jack looked more the part of the Honorable War Hero. He looked more the part of someone who could inspire people to be all that they could be with his farm boy demeanor, his unmarred face, and his easy smiles. He was better-suited of temperament to be patient with all of the political finagling that would need to be done in this new era of peace. 
He didn’t care about that.
He didn’t care about any of it, no matter what anyone might have assumed or whispered when they thought he couldn’t hear them.
What he cares about, what hurt is the moment that Jack gets so caught up in his idealism and in what the world could be that he stops listening to Gabriel tell him what it is beyond all the splendor and the sparkle and the pretty speeches, when he starts to tell him that he’s exaggerating or that he’d talk to Chancellor/Prime Minister/President So and So at the next big meeting and get it all straightened out.
It never was. And he never listened. And that was the beginning and the end of everything.
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Betrayal is the awareness beneath the debris, the fleeting and agonizing moments of consciousness wherein he knows that no one is coming to find him. Nobody is going to save him. They had left him to die, to burn and to suffocate, to solve their problem for them so that they wouldn’t have to do it themselves.
They never did like to get their hands dirty.
That’s what they had kept him around for until they realized he wasn’t going to play by their distorted and hypocritical rules anymore.
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Betrayal is the moment that he threw away everything that he knew, everything that he cared for and loved, everything that he once thought to be true that he could survive in this new environment, that he could grasp to these newly inspired––or perhaps simply newly radicalized––convictions. 
Honor meant nothing. Friendship meant nothing. Love meant nothing. 
[ But then why could he still hear that low, smoky voice in the precarious balance between waking and sleeping, feel that comfortable weight, almost as some phantom, on his chest? Why did he still catch himself with an ache in his heart because he knows she would hate him now for what he has become? ]
[ Whatever he might say, whatever he might retort to his colleagues about how he doesn’t care, that his old life is nothing to him anymore, there is one betrayal he never commits, and the symbol of it remains right on his left ring finger beneath his gloves. ]
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orcelito · 2 years
every episode im like 'lol no way this anime's gonna keep being good, it's such an awful anime-' and then i end up on the edge of my seat and im like wipin' my brow by the time credits roll and it's just like. god Damn.
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wettvagina · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS: Jean cheats on you with Mikasa, and Mikasa cheats on Eren with Jean. Subsequently, you and Eren get together. The perfect revenge couple.
WARNINGS: p in v , creampie
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You laid almost lifelessly in the comfort of your bed, in your dorm room. Your mouth was dry and your eyes felt heavy, your hair physically triggered you as you could sense the grease and tangles.
You laid there, bitterly as your phone buzzed repeatedly, you didn't know if you've even processed everything yet, however this pain was like a knife in the heart. It was as if, something you've worked so hard for, perfecting it with every second passing, was suddenly stolen from you.
That pinpointed half of what you were feeling, the other half being the feeling of resentment and a sense of palapbility towards yourself, taking great concern towards your flaws, physically and mentally. You simply felt like an object, something that somebody could chew up, then spit out when they've grown bored, or in your case; chew up and spit you out when they want a new one.
Thoughts; memories, moments, words he said to you, all ran through your mind, toying with your head as you leaned into your pillow, wondering, why?
Just why? Were you not good enough, did you not put your everything into your relationship, were you annoying, or did he not find you attractive. Thoughts plagued your mind consecutively before one thought occupied all the space.
Maybe he was just an asshole.
An asshole; for doing that.
for making you feel this way.
for making you look at yourself in a hateful way.
Or perhaps, you were just gullible, foolish for believing that genuine love could florish between people like you two, you were simply stupid for loving him in the first place, for giving him all of you and him betraying you in the snap of a finger was your punishment.
Pain, anxiety, lonliness was constant in your system, as you fell into the loop; reminiscing the memories you shared with him, painting him as an asshole to get your brain to move on, deducing yourself to be a fool for loving him in the first place, as lastly concluding that you were still in love with him.
You sighed for the hundredth time, turning your face so that your vision pointed up at the ceiling, you extended your hand to grab your phone which vibrated against the wooden nightstand it laid on, providing a small exposure of light in your pitch black room.
Turning on your phone, you see the million notifications from your friends, asking if you were okay, you saw some notifications from boys whom were waiting patiently for you and Jean to break up to slide into your DMs.
Clicking on the Instagram icon, you waited for the homepage to load, your heart begun drumming against your chest as you saw the pink-to-orange gradient circle around Jean's round profile photo displayed on recently uploaded stories.
Impulsively, you clicked the icon, regret coiling in your brain as the story took time to load, upon loading, your eyes widened, seeing Mikasa's face posted to a love song, the red heart emoji captioned the screen as the story, and the music played from your phone.
Your eyes prickled with tears as you slammed your phone onto the bed, you screamed into your pillow, groaning as you stood to your feet, "This won't fucking do.'' you grunted, "Hey y'all, halloween party at my place, pull up if you're free" Floch's voice ringed from your phone, turning your phone screen to face you, you looked at Floch's Instagram story that automatically played, an evil smirk forming on your face as you rummaged through the pile of clothes on your floor.
Grabbing a black bra, a pair of shorts and a pair of black boots which stopped mid-calf, you stripped out of your two-day old clothes, wrapping yourself in a towel before stepping into the shower. "Siri, play some music." you chimed as your hype-music boomed from your phone's speaker.
Stepping into the shower, you washed your hair, shaved every part of your body with caution, muttering "I have to get laid." repeatedly like a crazy woman. Stepping out of the shower, you grabbed a black thong, music boomed in your ears as you danced in your dorm room while slipping the thong up your thighs, followed by your dark blue denim shorts, you grabbed the straps of the thong, raising them so they were visible under your shorts.
You clipped on your bra while opening your minifridge using your feet, you grabbed your emergency bottle of Hennessy, downing a large gulp, scrunching your face as the bitterness settles in your tongue, burning your throat as it enters your system, feeling a slight buzz, you downed a larger gulp, manically searching for your phone in the covers of your bed with your right hand, bottle of Hennessy in your left hand, taking occassional sips, bliss and excitedness pumping through your body.
Turning off the music which was playing, you shoved your phone in your back pocket of your shorts, leaving the open bottle of Hennessy on the wooden side table near your bed as you slip on your black boots, "Fuck where is it." you cursed as you searched your pile of clothes for a vital item for your costume.
"Yes!" you cheered upon finding the black cat ears, adjusting them onto your head before standing onto your feet, looking at yourself in the mirror. "How could somebody ever leave me." you mutter to yourself, touching your corporeal body as you look at yourself in the mirror.
Snatching your phone from your back pocket, you open the Instagram app, swiping to the camera feature, snapping some sexy pictures of yourself in your costume, finding a picture you liked, you put a song by Stunna Girl before posting it, waiting for it to upload before twisting the doorknob which kept you inside your dormroom, sashaying out of your dorm with clicks of your boots snapping from the floor.
"Goddamn!" someone muttered as you made your way through the hallway of several dormatories, upon reaching outside of your building complex, you took a large sniff of the air outside, perceptive of the afternoon breeze which smelled like maple syrup and cold donuts, you watched the hues of the sky, the bright orange to pink gradient seemingly more interesting as compared to other days where you'd immediately rush inside, not even peering up at the sky.
"Taxi." you called out, stepping into the yellow, black-striped vehicle, giving the driver details of your destination. You could hear the music from outside, the low-volume songs ascended its booming as you came closer to the property.
Floch's house was decorated with halloween decor, along with color-changing strip lights which illuminated the porch, displaying all the action of the people whom occupied the area; there were people kissing, grabbing at eachother, dancing, drinking, some even seemed to be getting fingered.
The yard of this frat house was littered with disposed bottles, snack paper wrapper, some tiny ziplock bags, as well as some red plastic cups. Kicking some shards of glass from the concrete pathway, you felt as if the ground was shaking to the beat of the music, your atomosphere synchronised with the sound of the music as you stepped into the porch, feeling the stares on you.
Tightening the straps of your bra and digging your phone even deeper into your pocket, you stepped into the house, the music becoming vivid as your eyes dazed at the disco-themed flashing lights reflected in your pupils.
Upon enterance, you were already pushed into the swaying crowd, dancing to whatever 90s to early 10s mix the DJ created, you heard yells, chants and moans compete with the playing music, you searched the entire room, subconsiously, counting all the people you were familiar with; Floch, Reiner, Ymir and Sasha.
You grinned when your eyes met with Sasha's, a grin of shame and embarrassment pratically, Sasha ran up to you, embracing you with tenderness as you giggled, holding back some tears as you expected the following words to come out of her mouth, "Listen, Jean's an asshole." she started, "Look at you, so beautiful, he should be lucky to even say he breathed the same air as you." she went on, grabbing your knuckles as she spoke, "It's fine, I'm fine and I really don't wanna talk about it." you vocalized, "Mhm, well, drinks are in the kitchen, but I feel like you already pre-gamed." she chatted, "Mhm, thanks." you smile at her before you all go your separate ways.
You pushed through the sonorous, shickered crowd, occasionally making eye contact with the boys whom knifed their gazes at you as if you were a piece of meat. You assumed you were in the hallway, as you passed through the dimly-lit, narrow path, barely littered with maudlin people, you heard voices paired with snickers as you reached closer to the kitchen, the song suddenly faded into a new one, and you heard louder chants and yawps from the distant crowd in the living room.
Both your eyebrows raised as you enetered the kitchen, involuntarily staring at Jean and Mikasa, Mikasa sat on the counter of the island, in the middle of the kitchen, around her jumbled with several alcohol bottles, Jean situated himself between her thighs, hands caressing her skin.
Soon, you saw Jean's perforating stare, his eyes shifted to Mikasa's face, whispering into her ears, soon she looked back at you, giggling when she faced Jean. You clenched your jaw, rage pumping through your veins, you swore your face would turn into rock as your stone-faced expression appeared.
Oh you were going to tell her. you swore to yourself, cursing under your breath as you noticed snickers and giggles from everyone in the kitchen, all of them with eyes pointing at you. "Aye Jean, can I make a move on your old girl." your heard a boy try to whisper to Jean with little effort to conceal his words, Jean looked at him, "Yeah, whatever." Jean ragged, with an I-Don't-Give-A-Fuck expression, all his attention keen on Mikasa, the group of boys laughed as you took a step forward, grabbing a bottle of whatever you were capable of picking up.
Popping the lid off, you turned around, gulping down the substance recklessly, a poor attempt to compress the pain stinging in your chest and the weakness your body suddenly felt. Taking an electrifying gulp, you placed the bottle on the nearest counter top which spanned around the walls of the room of the kitchen, "It'd be so hilarious if Eren shows up." Connie snickered, jabbing at Reiner who stood in a separate corner, before Reiner formed a snarky comment, you felt a presence in front of you.
Speak of the devil.
The entire room burst out in laugher, Eren's eyes meets Mikasa's as she smiles shyly, mockery interpretated from her actions, Jean's eyes lingered at Eren's somehow laid back expression. Was he high?
You thought to yourself, of course you were no dummy, you knew that Mikasa left Eren for Jean, the same way Jean left you for Mikasa, theoretically, you and Eren were on the same boat. You looked up at Eren, who's gaze shifted from Mikasa, then to Jean and then to the other people in the room lampooning on the current situation.
Then Eren's eyes shifted down onto you. You and Eren weren't strangers, you knew him and he knew you. Before him and Mikasa were together, as well as before you and Jean were together, Mikasa and Jean were together.
Mikasa and Jean's relationship were ragged at, due to the fact that Mikasa had been with several guys closely associated with Jean before hopping to Jean, both you and Eren ridiculed their relationship, that was back when you and Eren were colleagues, calling your relationship 'friends' would be pushing it.
However, your companionship with him soon came to an ironic end when Mikasa seemingly cheated on Jean with Eren, and in the next few weeks Eren isolated himself completely, ruining himself for a girl that would soon ruin him.
And well, out of convienence, Jean ran to you.
Everything was all and well, until the equilibrium was broken, meaning; Mikasa got bored of Eren and effortlessly jumped to Jean who was more than gleeful to take her back.
Oh well, end of backstory. Back to the present.
You looked up at Eren, a grin on your face, one that was hinted with slight mockery, you moved to the side, avoiding his figure as you walked out of the kitchen. Not wanting to be in that unbearing environment, you questioned yourself, wondering why you even came to this party. Soon, all your questions came to an abrupt end when the song switched, satisfyingly. You briskly walked to the living room, looking for an unoccupied body to grind on as you felt the sudden buzz of the alcohol.
The crowd ate your body as you found yourself backing it up on a random girl, slurring your words as you sung the lyrics to the song in a maudlin tone, woozy from the alcohol. Soon the music switched, and the lighting suddenly dimmed, you checked your phone, seeing the time was 6P.M, meaning the party had just kicked off.
Smirking when you felt a large presence tower behind you, you purposefully, pushed yourself backwards, poking your ass out as you moved your waist in a circle, feeling the person's large, calloused hands roam over the dip of your waist, down to your hips, keeping a steady hold as he grinded onto you.
You felt yourself getting wetter as you were somehow able to smell him, his colonge which was paired with an innocent whiff of shampoo, with the twist of your neck, you turned looking at who was behind you. Biting your lower lip once you realized it was Eren.
His eyelids were heavy as he looked down at your body, the globe of your ass covered by the denim of your shorts which was pressed against his grey sweatpants. His hands grabbed at your hips, pulling you onto him, you teasingly wriggled your hips, the flesh of your ass recoiling. "Fuck." he groaned, "Stop." he murmured, his raspy voice rang in your ears, and you were sure that there was a wet spot on your panties right now.
At this point alcohol had arrogated your body, impulsively, you pushed your ass back onto him, feeling how hard he was getting under his sweats. His hands housed your hips, you felt his touch tensen as he seemingly pulled you into him, you looked back at him, biting your lip when his eyes met yours.
At this point, the songs started switching more frequently, and more people started piling up in the living room, increasing the size of the crowd. "Holy shiiit, is that Eren?" an unfamiliar voice spoke amongst the loud music playing paired with the noisy crowd of swaying bodies. "Yeah, with Jean's girl." another voice was heard.
Pausing your movements you turned to look at where the interrogative voices emerged from, before you could even turn your head, Eren made you straighten your back, the back of your shoulders pressing against his chest, in one swift motion, Eren spun you around, making you face him.
You looked up at him, his dark green eyes piercing into yours as his hands found their way to your ass, his fingers settling on the curve. You looked at his eyes, then down to his pink lips, he then slowly started lowering his head, you knew where this was going.
Your heart throbbed in your chest, as your pussy simultaneously throbbed in your panties, his lips pressed onto yours in the warmest way possible, you felt his hands grip onto your ass as you maneuvered your hands to grab at his deep brunette hair.
For a split second, everything went silent, and you felt as though every emotion you previously endured had suddenly disappeared, the warmth of his lips somehow spread throughout your body, as you clenched your thighs together, breaking out of the heated kiss, Eren's lips never left the close contact of your skin as he traced down to your ears.
"C'mon." he whispered, before he slightly distanced himself from your face, his hands left your ass as he grabbed onto your hand, dragging you through the crowd, you didn't even notice the stares, paired with the several 'oohs' and cheers of other people, taking notice of the situation occurring.
Eren led you upstairs, which was dark and quiet, the orange murkiness of light which dispersed through the room shone over your head as the heels of your boots dug into the light tuape-colored carpet, the buttermilk shaded walls hung several abstract paintings of fruits.
You suddenly looked down at Eren's larger hand which clasped yours, feeling the torridity in your chest, stopping infront a walnut-colored door, with a silver doorknob, you looked up at Eren, heart thumping in your chest as his greedy, green eyes roamed up and down your body.
"You don't want to?" he questioned, genuine concern imbued into his voice, "I want to!" you confirmed, practically squealing, Eren giggled as he twisted the doorknob, allowing you to walk in first, you examined the umber-brown walls, paired with the same taupe-grey carpets from the hall, the atmosphere of the dimly-lit candle which attempted to illuminate the room echoed with the wall colors.
You felt a sudden whirpool of emotion in your body, to put it simply, greed, you wanted to fuck him so badly that it made your pussy dampen in his mere presence. Eren came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulder, pressing his lips against the shell of your ear, "So fucking beautiful, how could anybody even think of leaving you." he sibilated.
His hand traveled down to the buttons of your shorts, unbuttoning the first loop before sliding down the zipper, his fingers slithered down your pants, rubbing at your clit, upon his sudden contact with your pussy, you held back the moans which arose.
"So fucking wet." he whispered as he let out a chuckle, his chin rested on your shoulder as he used one hand to massage your boobs, and the other to play with your pussy. Everything felt too good, you bit your lower lip as you felt your legs weaken.
"Listen." Eren whispered into your ear, "How bout' we make a little video for your lying boyfriend." Eren suggested, you turned your face to look at him, your lips meeting his in a slow, deep kiss.
"Mm, yeah." you agreed, "Alright, get on the bed, princess." Eren instructed, you walked up to the grey sheeted bed, sitting on the edge as Eren loosened the string on his sweatpants, pulling down the waistband, exposing the large tent in his boxers. You bit your lower lip as you looked at his clothed cock, right in front of you.
"Eren." your voice called out, "Hm?" he looked down at you, walking up to you, caressing your face with one hand, "I want you to fuck me from the back." you stated, you watch Eren's lips tug into a smirk as you got onto your fours.
Arching your back, you felt Eren's large hands around the belt loops of your shorts, slipping the denim fabric off, exposing your black thong which concealed your throbbing pussy. You could feel Eren's fingers slide away the thin piece of cloth which clothed your pussy, "You ready, princess?" he questioned, stroking his dick, coating his shaft with his pre-cum which oozed out of the tip.
"Mm, yeah." you groaned, you felt the tip of his cock, prodding at your wet enterance, "Fuckkk." Eren cursed as he slid his entire length into your welcoming pussy, your walls coating his dick with your juices.
"Shiit." you whined, his slow movements producing moans from you as his extensive, and broad cock pushed in and out of you. "You're so sexy like this." Eren groaned, his hand reaching to hold onto your hip as he buried his cock into you, feeling for his phone, he pulled it out, swiping to the Camera setting and hitting the record button.
"C'mon, show Jean what he can't have." Eren grunted, "Bounce on my dick, baby." Eren encouraged with a breathy giggle as you pushed yourself up and down his length, moaning his name as the friction of your walls against his hard, heavy cock sent a rush of pleasure up your spine, bliss fogging your brain.
Eren used his hand on your hips to pull and push you up and down his cock, his rickety, heavy breaths were heard as his head fell back, groaning your name at the soft, yet intense feeling of your pussy wrapped around his throbbing cock, bobbing up and down on it.
All the times he had engaged in having sex previously, could never amount to this, he made sure to get the way your ass sprung back on his cock with every thrust, pointing his iPhone camera at an angle where you looked best.
Likewise, you never felt as good as how you felt now, Eren's dick was significantly better than Jean's, and the whole concept of Eren recording you on his cock simply made it better, you arched your back as your knees dug into the sheets, you felt a mixture of yours and Eren's arousal drip down between your thighs.
"Oh fuuuck!" you bawled when Eren suddenly slammed into you, hearing your skin slap against his, "Shit, I'm close." he moaned, his pace quickened as he slammed into you, faster and harder, causing your pussy to react immediately by clenching around his cock, as the knot in your lower stomach become undone, you came all over his cock, prompting him to come inside of you.
"Fuck, I'm coming." Eren panted in the midst of your moans, painting your walls white with his come as you felt him pulse inside of you. Your breaths were heavy and unsteady as you felt Eren pull out, you heard several clicks from his phone.
"How bout' you do it?" he offered, displaying his phone screen; the already attached video file of your recent sextape in Jean's chat. With barely any hesitation, you used your remaining energy to click the send button, falling flat onto your chest with an exhausted sigh as you heard Eren chuckle.
"You want the video." he asked, with a soft voice as he laid next to you, sweat coating his forehead. "First ones never come out good, I'll take the second one." you teased, hoping you'd get to have another experience like this with him again, very soon.
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riacte · 4 months
some thoughts about some ren ships:
ren/martyn: it's fine and it's cool until springtime comes and there's a melancholy in the tepid, humid air that clings to your skin and clogs up your lungs. and it's really fine until you start planting carrots again in the way he did and you realise all the small moments in your life have been defined by those few months you spent with him. there's a before and an after. his influence has melted so casually in your daily life that you don't realise it. it takes years for the intensity and absence to sink in even though it's always been there. and you finally understand. what you felt on those carrot fields was love. (note the past tense. note that you're a liar.)
ren/doc: words cannot describe what happened in that damned van. they're not husbands, they're FREAKS. they almost wish they did romantic shit like stargazing and going on dates but it's just a lot of being cooped up in the tiny van and the intimacy of repairing each other's prosthetics and lying in the same bed and staring at each other for hours while listening to nothing but the hum of the air conditioner and each other's breathing. because they're "bros".
ren/cleo: they practice "on and off platonic smooching". whatever that even means. physically affectionate to the point of being disgusting. they can stop and start back again at any time but somehow it's healthy. despite all the intense pda and cuddling and shit, no one emerges emotionally devastated. their dms are just spamming heart emojis.
ren/false: he's been lowkey crushing on her for so long he's genuinely forgotten about it. from her point of view, he's been acting this way around her since forever so she's also forgotten about it. they exist in this miraculous and meticulous limbo in which no one crosses a line because they don't think about it. they have the keys to each other's bases and water each other's flowers. one day they wake up and make each other breakfast and look out at their beautiful mess of a shared garden because it's their sixtieth day of accidental cohabitation and go "how did we get here again".
ren/iskall: i know it's long gone and the magic's not here no more and we can't go back to who we were. maybe i'll joke about "wrong person, right time" but that feels like stabbing myself in the chest with a dull knife. i look at you and from the bottom of my heart, i feel love. regardless of what kind of love it is. when i see you smile, i can still feel it against my lips. so maybe we still wear each other's clothes. so maybe you still drink from that ugly mug i got as a gag anniversary gift. so maybe you still consider sending me a love letter as a joke. best friends to lovers to neighbours. jokes and casual flirtation and even more casual declarations of love. i love you and you love me but we both know it's not the same anymore. still, it was good. for a while, we were good.
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dreamerwitches · 4 days
Wnk trailer analysis TWO!
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Charlotte and Aodamo?
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Pyotr, ? and Izabel
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I think it should be this way around. I cant tell though...
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Elly and Gertrud
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Gisela and Izabel
Excuse me being a picky little whore but I dont like how they're using the magireco sprites... whats wrong with the og art? Also magireco gisela is a little weird looking...
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There are a lot of pages that are just blank like this... dunno if its important or just animation filler ToT
Theres Anthony, Anja, Pyotr, Ulla, Gotz, Sebastian, Daniyyel and Jennifer, Bartels
I can definitely see a few Factor of Despair witches. Man... please keep magireco out of the movie... i just want the main series please ToT
I was really hoping this section would hide a new witch ToT but no dice... (well aside from the first one but i could just be forgetting who it is)
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Oktaviaaaaaa. I think Sayaka's outfit is cute...
The seats remind me of her and madoka seeing kyosuke in episode 12 or, of course, oktavia's labyrinth
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This is nagisa's orange friend maybe in the big lady room sayaka was in because the books look the same as before. Also fuck off kyubey
I wont show the next scene because of the blood (also showing that with no warning was a bit rude...)
A knife (very rusty looking and broken) is stabbed into someone's arm and there's a black lizard on the skin. The arm has a baggy white top. We can see a teacup on the side that matches the appearance of the cafe the green girl was in. It looks like the lizard shrivels up and disappears and blood gushes up to make a shiny, black, semi transparent block around the wound which breaks the blade.
I always wondered if the green girl that resembles the one from the concept movie was itzli and um... if this is the cafe scene...
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Eyes emoji
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White feather turns black oooooo
Okay very tiny thing but why in the american description for the trailer is walpurgisnacht rising crossed out? Weird
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transbunnyboi · 7 months
Hi, hi, hi!! It's ur fav bunnycunt hairy boi again!!! ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ I'm the most insatiable bunny here!! Previously @t4tbunnyboy (still there, but it was a sideblog!!)
My name is Jervi, you all know that. You can also call me Bunny, Hare or something like that !!! Age: 27 Height: 4'11" (I know…) No surgery!! On T, ftm, blond w/ brown eyes!!! Also around my eyes is rlly pink/red and I have an overbite with big teeth sooooo i rlly am a bunny boy i guess hehehe !!!
18+ BLOG!!! Minors DNI (DO NOT INTERACT) !!!!! If you do not have your age in bio or pinned, you will be blocked :3 31+ DNI !!!! Taken!!!! :33333
This acc is here so I can be uhmmmm a slutty fag online!!! HOWEVER!! I don't like DMs aaa I heavily prefer asks and will prolly ignore ones asking for dms srryyyy !!!
Petnames I like: Bunny (obvi), Rabbit, Hare etc., anything with boy in it (good boy, pretty boy yk), prince, uhmmmm uhmmm professor. Oh, also breeding toy :3 (uhmmm i also rlly rlly REALLY like being called a faggot pleaaase call me this hsdgfjhdgf) Names I don't like: Kid/Kiddo, angel, princess, anything with girl in it. that's pretty much it !!
Yes (bold I love); breeding, edging, light cnc, size difference, praise, somno, exhibitionism, intox, overstimulation, knife-play, hypno (either way), primal play, fear (?? Idk i like being scared while i'm getting fucked), petplay, Vampire kink, stalking (which plays into the fear thing I have uhmmm), soft cnc, slight degradation (mainly calling me. a faggot...) ummm there's more but I can't think
NO: feet stuff, anal, misgendering/detrans, ageplay, raceplay, vomit or anything unhygienic (I'm germophobic aaa), deepthroating, etc. I guess I'll think of more to add here but chances are if its along these lines, i won’t enjoy it.
Send asks plsplsplsplspls Ask me questions, tell me what to do, tell me dirty things!!!
i’m extremely horny and I want nothing more than attention pleaseee !! ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
OH I forgot!! Terfs, Nazis, pedos or anyone who is fucking weird/a terrible person will be beheaded if I see them !!! ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝ ྀི꒱ა Emojis that are taken: !!(he/him), ⭐,💜(they/he/she), 🦈, 🐦(they/he/she), 🐱, 🦴, 🧬(he/him),💙(she/her), ⚰️ (he/they/it), ☕ (he/it), 🪻 (he/they), 🫧, 🖊️ (they/them/he/him), ❄️(he/him), 🏴‍☠️(They/them/it/its),🌿 ( he/they), 🐸, 🦇 (any),🍃(any), 🍒, 🗡️, 🐶 (they/them), 🦗, ⚡️(he/him), ♥️ (they/them), 🐾, 🐺(he/they), 👻(he/him), 🌱 (they/it), 🪷 (he/him), 🌷 (she/they), 📋, 🦊 (she/her),🗣️(he/him),🍷 (he/him), 🐭 (he/it), 🐉 (They/He/It), 🪽 (fae•faem), 🦚, 💏, 🫀(he/him), 🇨🇵, 🐏 (she/it), 🌹(he/him), 🌸, 🦷
#puppoy archives is the tag I made for those who wanna read about my uhm. ADVENTURES with my ??? co-worker :3
The discord server for anons is available for those who ask for the link (you have to state your age when you send asks for the first time, and restate it when you ask for server) :3
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clownfessionsofficial · 3 months
I don't care how useful or informative your post is. If it's phrased like "you MUST reblog (or you're a terrible person)" with a fuckton of knife emojis, not only will I not reblog the post, I will also likely block op and possibly even unfollow the person who put the post on my dash. I'm not anybody's bitch and I don't have to listen to anyone who talks to people they don't even know like that. Congratulations, your guilt trip has the opposite effect. Your possibly nuanced and well informed take has been put in the trash with the rest of the aggressive fuckers who think they can talk to people any which way.
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sunriseseance · 3 months
Promo Theory Brain Dump
I Have Thoughts and now I am making that other people's problem.
GENERAL THOUGHTS: I think this season is going to center around the fact that you cannot just paint over the cockroaches in your life and have them go away. They got rid of their powers, they have lives to live, and by all rights they should be happy. They're not, and it's because their trauma still exists, and they are still the Hargreeves (even if they do not want to be). I think being without their marigolds is killing them. I think the universe is probably tearing itself apart in some way or another. I think that's why this mysterious subway exists. They CANNOT escape their pain, they have to actually face it. Which is why I think their powers come back wrong/weird/better when they do get them back. Will they end up in the original timeline? Who knows. But I think they are going to have to actually, materially confront their shitty father and the shit they've gone through in order to save the world. What will that look like? I don't know, but it seems they have a ways to go given that they are still DOING SHIT WITH HIM!!! I am excited to see, and to hear any thoughts y'all may have. Ok, theories under the readmore.
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One last trip to the moon 🌚:
Luther....@anglophile-rin said stripper and that was my first thought as well. HE's got the ones in his pants, he's covering his crotch, he's holding the umbrella in a kind of salacious way. We see the one dollar bills, he is number one, and he is outweighing his space helmet full of cash. Why? It's a deliberate choice that they did not have to make. He sits on a lot of sitting surfaces very normally. They chose for the balance to be off, which I think means it matters. I think it is about internal balance, or perhaps self worth. He is figuring out that he is more than the moon trip, finally unpacking it (as it seems this season is circling back to a lot of life and trauma from season one). I think there is also something to the fact that they used the moon with the face. Personifying it. And maybe he's a stripper.
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One last slice and dice 🔪
Diego is split between two worlds. He has the boxes on his left (packaged up, and mirroring both the box in Lila's and his emoji from the first set of promos). Interesting that the Umbrella is also on his On the left, but it is closed (indicating no current need for it). He only has a knife that he is holding by the blade in his right hand (which makes sense to me). He is harming himself and turning his back on his family and closure by choosing the "right" thing. This is probably the most brilliant one IMO. I wish I knew what the boxes were about more specifically. Interesting that in Lila's, the boxes have baby bottles.
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One last starring role 🎬
STARRING ROLE I KNEW IT. Allison is the answer to it all. She kept her marigold, and she caused all of this (one way or another), and she is miserable, and she has to fix it. She got herself the limelight and she HATED it (more circling back to season 1), just like she hates this world. The detergent is interesting to me. It feels... quaint compared to international superstardom. It also feels domestic, except that it is her face on a bottle that would be in a domestic space, not her. Just her image. I do think the bottles are for Ray and Claire. She did all this for them, and she has to do it again. I think she will be back to stardom, but I think this is more about her being the key. I think she will have to play a part. The first episode is clearly named for her, "The Unbearable Tragedy of Getting What You Want" is literally the story of her life. She has to fix this.
Also she looks so fuckin cute I love her so much.
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One last Cleanse 👻
Klaus knows shit we don't. As @bisexuallilapitts pointed out, Episode 4 is called "The Cleanse" and is about how the world needs cleansing (with sage, not with soap. I wonder if his cleanliness thing ties into Allison's detergent at all). It seems clear to me that he is aware of something and it is terrifying him. In the trailer we see him hung upside down in what looks like a shitty motel (s1 anyone?), and we see him performing a seance, and we see him with his fucked up You Look Like Death tat. Interesting, also, that cleanse and clean are linguistically tied. That would also echo his s1 arc, esp if some part of this is related to Dave (like the gas mask, maybe?). Germophobia/agoraphobia are one thing, a gas mask is a whole other fucking ballgame. I think he is having visions, and that he is going to want to fix this (for selfish reasons), and that as the prince of death he will have a unique part to play in righting wrongs. In addition, the bubble wrap looks more like someone trying to dispose of a body than someone trying to protect themself. Note that he has the ghost emoji again, instead of the sponge (and his goodbye tat). He has to face his new fears and his new troubles, and the old ones as well. I am interested in the fact that he is standing far to the left (farthest of all, in fact!) if we work with the theory that right is heroism/trauma and left is healing, I think that makes sense. I also think he fits into that first ep title perfectly. I want to know what he knows. Whatever his arc is, it will be tragic and wacky and insane and important. Glad to see some color on him.
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One last time jump 💼
Okay so those are commission files, and his emoji is the briefcase instead of the hour glass. Five is finally going to deal with his commission trauma. He got the world safe, now it is time to reckon with what that means. He's also all the way to the right, with the umbrella and the files to his left. The files are open, but the umbrella is closed. I think this will have to do with closure. Five has to work through his past (literally) and find peace. More echoes of s1.
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One last fight 💀
Christmas lights???? OK???? This is the one I am far and away least confident abt. The skull is, I think, a triple meaning. We are going to find out how Ben died (referenced in s1 as the thing that really tore the family apart), but this Ben is also a killer, and their Ben is dead. That I get. We also know that this Ben felt really sad about not getting to be with the Boys for the bachelor party, about not getting to be a part of things, and we know he got arrested. Christmas is a time for a lot of stuff, but it is absolutely a time for family. That is the only meaning I can derive from that.
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One last chance to save the world 🎻
Viktor has nothing to his right, and the umbrella comfortably in his left hand. He also, from the trailer, seemed the most well adjusted to this new life (makes sense, given his old life). He has his bar rag on his person, and he has his closure and his family in his left hand. He looks relaxed, and content. What is left, then? Well, finally righting his wrongs. "The End of the Beginning" is the name of the final episode, which subverts the first season's finale title. He saves the world this time, with his violin (thank you emoji), to bring it all back around again. Closure. Peace. I think his arc will be about accepting those powers back so he can do what he always needed to do. I also REALLLLY hope they address the book, as long as they are bringing back season 1. That said, I am so happy for him.
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One last disguise 👠
Oh fuck! Baby bottles in a box, a map of the multiverse, and the umbrella to her left, her far right. Her emoji is a red shoe (the handler), and her caption references a job she does not want to be fuckin doing!!! She wants her family, she wants her life, but she has to don the shoes in order to save those things. I imagine her arc will be tied with Five's intricately (and Diego's ofc). " I wonder why she was sobbing in the trailer. Has to be something there, right? She wasn't in season one, but she was all red shoes in s2, so I am counting that as her callback. She has to unpack what the Handler did to her, and what kind of person she wants to be moving forward. She started that work, but hasn't ended it.
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One last family reunion 🧐
His item is the marigolds and his emoji is the monocle (do we finally get to learn the secrets? Will Kracken go diving to find the monocle he dropped in the water in s1? Find out in 43 days lol). Clearly, he still has power over his kids, power that they will need to take from him and dismantle in order to heal. Ominous and disgusting as hell that he literally has their essences hostage. I think that their powers are their history, are their trauma, so they have to have them back in order to move forward. IDK what his arc will be, except finally finally finally getting what is coming to them.
Okay parting thoughts. Of course it is releasing on 8/8. There are 8 Hargreeves now. Of course they released this 43 days before the show. 43 children. It is interesting that the numbers change based on who is in the picture. I realy do think this is the season of healing and coming to terms with what happened to you. I think this is the season of finding peace, and taking it. I think this is the season of family and friends and love. I am so excited for this season I love you all so much mwah mwah tell me what you think tell me your theories say hi!!!
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eloquent-edits · 7 months
I'm writing a rivals to lovers office AU and am in need of some inspiration. Can you please do a list of office AU prompts? I don't mind if they get suggestive.
Absolutely! (Also thank you for being the first person to request prompts :3)
Character A and character B have issues with their work computers at the same time, and the poor IT guy has to deal with their bickering while fixing the computers
The printer is constantly breaking and A can’t help but snidely remark on B’s struggle every time it happens
B critiques A’s work whenever they get the chance, claiming A needs to do better if they want to get up to B’s level (the criticism is actually kind of helpful, just poorly worded)
B’s desk is across from A’s, leading to stare-downs when the other seems to be slacking on work and eyebrow raises when personal calls are taken
A leaves anonymous sticky notes on B’s desk about office drama, rumors, and random news stories to see what sort of conversations B likes (B usually looks at these with confusion, throwing them away buT THEY KEEP SHOWING UP WHY)
In the company project group chat, A and B don’t acknowledge each other outside of emoji reactions unless it is necessary
They are forced to work together on a major project with much longer hours than they expected, leading to sleep deprived A actually being nice to B in the mornings (they share a quiet moment at the coffee machine)
B’s ex comes into the office as another company’s assistant, and A can’t help but be concerned at the grimace and pain in B’s eyes
A starts using the printer incidents to ask about B’s history and get to know them better
A celebration at work includes a happy hour, so B dresses up just a little more than usual and A cannot stop staring
B notices A is lingering around their desk more and teases them about wanting to take their spot (A definitely wants to take them in a fight right?)
A’s car won’t start in the parking lot, so B offers to jump it… it’s the first time seeing B less professional (let’s get those sleeves rolled up and a couple buttons loosened from the button-down)
The AC breaks while only a couple people are in office, meaning it’s up to A and B to try and fix it while waiting on maintenance, leading to B on a ladder and A most definitely trying to not stare at their butt
C, an older friend at the office, retires and throws a massive party where A and B get a little too drunk, and B accidentally compliments A instead of criticizing them (A doesn’t know how to process it and B refuses to acknowledge this ever happened)
After A openly disagrees with one of B’s ideas, B confronts them privately, getting a little too close as A is stubborn and standing firm (give me that tension you can cut with a knife, give me that turn away because otherwise one of them will do something they regret)
B finds A asleep at their desk one morning and can’t decide whether to wake them up for the meeting or to let them sleep longer because this is definitely not normal for A
Turns out A worked their ass off to get a major promotion, one that B was eyeing for a while, which makes B jealous and get a little snappy
A is shifted to another area of the office and an annoying coworker, C, takes over the old spot. B finds the change welcoming and unsettling (“They’re not here to bother me anymore…” “That’s a good thing!” “… Yes. I suppose you’re right.”)
B is called into A’s office to discuss another coworkers’ weird behavior, which gives A the opportunity to call B out on their behavior around A
“It’s like on day one of me working here, you put a note in your calendar that said to torment me whenever you could.”
“You’ve gone from criticizing everything I do to actually being somewhat nice and helpful and then right back to being an absolute prick! I don’t understand it at all. What changed? You still seem to hate me, so why be so kind? Why?”
B doesn’t respond with words, just by slowly reaching out to touch A’s hand and swiftly pulling them into a kiss (ideally B would explain more later but that’s up to you hehe)
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Plaga!Leon only has one thing on his mind... infecting you but he doesnt know how to... just knows that it can be transferred by liquids... just doesnt know which one one so... he tries every liquid a human body can produce... (TW. spit,piss,cum etc.) -this might be the most depraved shit ive ever sent as an anon in tumblr can u give me an anon tag/emoji bc i need to remember to come back to this bc how i got here is a complete mystery to me
WARNING!! This may not be for everyone! This post includes rough themes and is consensual between both ends! Please do not continue to reading if you are uncomfortable with roughness, slapping, spitting, and crying. Thank you <3
Disclaimer! This is an 18+ blog! Please do not interact if you are underaged <3
slightly implied afab reader x Plaga Leon
Warnings (Again): Slight manipulation and tricking, choking, roughness, slapping, hair grabbing and arm pulling, spitting, pushing, Leon hurts reader on purpose, crying, lots of crying. SMUT, it’s filthy. Throat fucking, Harsh use of nicknames, bitch, slut, etc. Reader loved it but probably will never admit to Leon.
word count: 2,603
“Come on let me lift you over..”
Poor Leon. Your heart ached seeing your partner lose his energy, and control to his body. You continue to trust him but were so scared how the virus was going to affect him and how long it would take. You stepped up onto his shoulder, his hands holding at your feet as he pushed you up. It was so dark in the room you had climbed into, you reached to your holster to pull your flashlight out so the darkness wouldn’t literally consume you. You clicked the flashlight on just for it to not work, you cursed softly under your breath as you banged it against your hand. Pinching at the bridge of your nose remembering that when you and Leon fell from the mine carts earlier it broke. Your heart almost jumped out of your throat at the sound of Leon screaming, and he’s a grown man, and he always can and has taken care of himself, panic began to rise in you as your hands searched around the room for the lock on the door.
“(Y/N) please!”
Leon yelled with a loud cry of pain, making tears build in your eyes as you threw your entire body weight against the door, the lock breaking causing it to swing open. Leon’s cries had stopped, causing tears to fall from your eyes as you looked around the dimly lit room Leon had just lifted you from.
You sniffled as you went to pull your knife from your pocket. They had to have kidnapped him, it would be really hard to kidnap a man Leon’s size but with the things you’ve seen here nothing is necessarily impossible, you went to run out the door the two of you came from before a strong hand grabbed the back of your hair by the fist, holding onto you tightly causing a loud whimper to leave your lips as you were pulled back. Your eyes shifted to the side seeing Leon’s arm, the black smokey veins invading his once soft skin. He was strong, much stronger than you could ever be. He pulled you back flush against his chest, twisting at your hair causing a yelp to leave your lips are you went to swing your fist back into him. He was so scarily quiet, the only noise in the room was your heavy breathing, and small grunts of pain, your shoes tapping against the wood.
Leon’s hand grabbed at your fist, twisting your arm back to rest against the small of your back before he rushed forward, basically throwing you into the wall with him pressed so deeply behind you, his breath trickling down your neck, down your spine.
“I always tell you, trust your intuition, your gut. And to run if you feel like something is wrong.. and look at you, you came running out here after me like the dumb little bitch you are.”
A scream of pain left your lips once more as Leon twisted at your arm more, a tear rolling down your cheek as you moved your face which was now pressed against the wall as you tried to look back at your partner.
“Leon please, I know the real you is in there fight back.. please don’t kill me..”
Your voice cracked as you pleaded with the man holding you against the wall. But all you heard in return was a laugh from Leon, his grip on you getting loose as he groaned, he was coming back, right?? You pushed back against him, getting free from his grip.
You should’ve known it was to good to be true, his hand grabbing at your jaw, slamming you back into the wall. Your vision was swaying for a few seconds before you finally saw him. His eyes blood shot, and his face covered in the dark veins. Your hand weakly reached up, the backs of your fingers caressing at his cheek.
A groan left his lips once again as his head dropped into your shoulder, his hand slipping down to your throat as he stepped in closer to you. He let out a few ragged breaths before he met your stare once again.
“I bet you’ve dreamed of this.”
He choked out, a scream leaving his lips as his hands dropped from your neck to both your forearms. He was trying so hard to fight it, you know Leon didn’t want to hurt you but this wasn’t him. Leon’s head shook, his long hair dripping over his face as he looked up at you with a smirk.
“Dream of me hurting you, huh?”
Leon spat through gritted teeth, his gloved hand coming up and smacking you across the face. The noise echoing the room as you just stared at him, another tear trickling from your eye as he gripped at your throat once more, his other hand coming down on your already red cheek once more.
“Yes, yes…”
You cried, hoping it would make him stop. But it just made a satisfying whimper leave his lips as he leaned his head back, his eyes squeezing shut.
“Open your fucking mouth.”
Leon demanded as he pulled at your jaw, your lips parting as you looked up at him, your eyes so puffy and your right cheek bright red. Leon let out a raspy moan as the fingers that held your jaw pushed into your mouth before he pulled them out and leaned forward. You gasped as he spit in your mouth, tapping at your face as he pushed your jaw shut.
“Swallow it, then fucking thank me for blessing you..”
Leon spoke before he pushed you down to your knees, staring down at you, his pupils were so dilated. Your hands touched at his calves, trying to maybe ground him again as you looked up at him, shuddering as you swallowed the warm spit that trickled down your throat.
“Thank you, Leon.”
You whispered, your voice shaking as you gripped at his pants. Though you really fucking hated to admit it, your thighs pushed together from the aching in your core.
“You’re scared of me..”
Leon whispered, but this sounded like real Leon, you looked up in desperation hoping that you tugging at him worked but were just met with cloudy eyes once again. Leon smirked at you, nodding. It clicked in your head, it was taking over him and he’s attempting to spread it. Leon reached down, brushing the hair from your face as you blinked up at him.
Leons hands moved from your face to his groin, pushing at his belt. His fingers were so shaky as he tugged at the belt. Your hands reached up, brushing over his shaking hands as you unbuckled the belt for him. A satisfied moan leaving his lips. Your fingers quickly worked at unbuttoning his pants. Leon’s eyes rolled as he pushed your hands away.
“You’re to slow. You should be eager to be receive such an amazing gift, why aren’t you more fucking grateful?”
He was basically yelling, your eyes squeezing shut as you nodded. Leon groaned as he shoved his boxers down, his hand wrapping around his length before his other hand reached down smacking at your cheek again.
“Did I say close your eyes? Look at me.”
Leon demanded as he stroked himself. You just sat there, you knees aching from the hardwood floor but who gives a fuck. You were basically drooling at the way Leon’s arm flexed as he got himself off, and the way the lump in his throat bobbed trying to hold back his moans. You didn’t fight him anymore because you wanted this, the sexual tension between you and Leon has been to much for years. The way you’ve caught him looking at you, his eyes are and were always on you.
Your eyes were hooded, so full of lust. Leon’s gaze finally met yours again, he mumbled something under his breath before he yelled out again, grabbing at the wall above you. His hand forming into a fist against the wood before he stood once again, shaking his head, his forehead slightly slick from sweat as his index and pointer finger tapped your lips.
His voice was much deeper, groggy, like he sounds when he just wakes up and calls you almost every morning to talk about anything. Your mouth opened, making a wide smile spread across his face as he leaned forward, his cock pushing past your lips.
You didn’t even have time to blink before his pelvis hit your nose, your eyes filling with tears as you looked up at him. He was so fucking beautiful, a deep moan from his chest leaving his lips as his hips jolted against your mouth. Your hand reached up tapping at his arm, causing an annoyed grunt to leave his lips as he looked down at you. He laughed at you as he pulled himself half way out your mouth before pushing himself back into your throat. Another hearty moan leaving his lips.
You gave up trying to let him know it was to much, tears trickling down your face as he fucked your throat, but it felt so fucking good. Your hand reaching down to press against your panties, your thighs squeezing against your hand as Leons sped slowed.
“I love watching you take my cock, look at you. Such a good fucking bitch. You want it in your veins, huh?”
Leon spoke down to you, his teeth flashing you a quick smile as he watched his cock push past your lips once more. Leon gripped at your hair, his face twisting as hot strings of cum shot down your throat, your eyes squeezing shut at the feeling of his warmth painting your throat. You coughed around him as he pulled his cock from your mouth. You gasped for breath as you coughed once again, his hand grabbing at your neck before he lifted you up.
“What did I tell you? You should’ve swallowed that before I lifted you from the ground..”
Leon growled in your ear as you nodded, swallowing his sweet taste. You knew you’d crave it again, the way it went so smoothly down your throat.
His hands held at your cheeks wiping your tears away, his thumb running over your puffy lips.
“Don’t cry, be glad out of all people I picked you..”
Leon whispered before letting you go, pushing you into the wall as he pulled his pants back up, struggling yet again to tighten his belt. And he barely did it before he let out a yell of pain. Your face scrunched in fear hoping he wasn’t going to die in front of you. He stumbled away from you grabbing at the chair in the middle of the room, before he fell to his knees, his hand grabbing at his chest.
You immediately ran to him, your hand touching at his upper back. You noticed the pattern of his breathing calmed, his head turning.
He mumbled before grabbing at the chair to stand. You held at his arm to help him and he allowed you too. His gaze turned to you, the veins on his body still prominent but his eyes softer. Your hands reached up to push the hair from his eyes as you sighed in relief nodding at him.
Leon stared at you with wonder, letting you wipe the sweat away from his face before his hands reached up, his fingers tracing over the red splotching on your cheeks before a smirk appeared on his face, even with the thick veins covering his face you saw the deep red spread across his cheeks.
“I thought I was dreaming..”
Leon couldn’t help but laugh as he looked over at the wall the two of you were at. You smacked his arm, rolling your eyes as you grabbed the knife he threw from your hand. He was aware? He knew what he was doing?
Leon cleared his throat as he waited for you to turn to him. He could tell you were slightly annoyed as you turned back to him.
“If it helps, the only reason I stopped fighting back was because the only thing keeping me sane was the view of my cock in your mouth..”
Leon mumbled, watching your cheeks glow red before you pushed passed him.
“Shut the fuck up, Let’s go.”
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rookthorne · 11 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 𝑯𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑵
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》 𝐀 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
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It had come time for the final chase. Halloween had loomed in the back of your mind, until the night finally came. The Soldat’s promise from your first encounter rang true as you prepared — a promise that terrified and excited you in equal measure.  Time would only tell, and you had to hope you were ready for the final hunt.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 》 Scare Actor!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 》 3.2k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 》 Fluff, consensual stalking, primal, knife play, implied spice, use of a mask in an unorthodox situation, possessive behaviour
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 》 The conclusion to my first published multi-chapter fic and it has been some of the most fun I have ever had. 》 Thank you all so much for the love and interaction. 》 Happy Halloween, my chaos kittens!
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂 》 @smutconnoisseur
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 》 @rookthorne's Fright Night — Masterlist
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》 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
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Halloween night loomed, rushing closer and closer as you worked feverishly. The hours flew by faster than you could catch them, and you were growing desperate to gain a semblance of control over the chaos that was your costume. 
The moniker of kitten had inspired the last minute changes to your outfit – soft, fluffy, white ears sat on a headband, while the rest of your outfit followed the theme, too. 
By some miracle, you had found gloves that resembled white paws, and white boots that shone under the light of your bedroom. It was a comfortable fit – easy to move in, which would serve you well, and you had a very strong feeling that Bucky would love it. 
Since he had dropped you home that morning, you had texted one another non-stop to the point he had to put his foot down and tell you to switch off your phone to sleep. You had cursed him out with numerous, foul emojis, and said goodnight. He had laughed and wished you sweet dreams. 
Later that morning, when you finally awoke, you found he had texted as he prepared for that night’s celebrations. There were photos of his costume, stripped and cleaned, hung up on a coat hanger to dry with the caption attached: battle ready, it’s going to be insane tonight. I can’t wait to hunt you down.
The words had made the butterflies in your stomach roar and pitch such a fit you had to sit on the edge of your bed to get your bearings back. Texts followed on from that promising threat, and he said that he would not be wearing kohl that night, but he would be carrying more prop weapons – his favourites, as he so giddily stated. 
It was an odd situation to sit back and think about. With such a fast connection, unlike any you had developed before, you had grown to crave his presence and his touch. Bucky was a man that had his head on straight, prioritising respect and kindness – a feat most couldn’t even be bothered to achieve. 
With that thought, and realisation, a strange, foreign feeling settled in your stomach – the butterflies that fluttered there seemingly becoming lighter, as though they would take flight and carry you with them. 
Nightfall arrived quickly once you had finally sorted and dressed in your costume, and the moon was high in the sky as you journeyed to your haven.
The sheer amount of people that crowded the entrance of the park was astonishing. Every single visitor, of all ages, were dressed head to toe in costumes that ranged from expert to home crafted. Colours, props, and contrasts made few stand out amongst them. 
An hour prior to your arrival, you received a text from Bucky – he was on shift and he was now in costume. Since his suit had no viable pocket for his phone, that meant that he would also be unreachable from that point on. With that announcement, he had also doubled down on the threats of being hunted from the moment you would step foot in the park. 
If you were honest, you weren’t sure whether he was given help to find you via a comms device in his ear, or if he truly was that skilled in tracking and finding you in the crowd. 
Music blasted from the numerous speakers that lined the entryway and fogged billowed from machines as you neared the entry booth. It was almost unrecognisable from the first night of your visit, and compared to the night before, the decorations were even more intense. 
The park pyrotechnics lit up the fences and buildings in beat with the music, a song you recognised to be a tune similar to something resembling Rob Zombie – though it was hard to tell over all of the yelling and screaming from those already in the park. 
You watched as actors stalked up and down the lines, jostling visitors and riling up the try-hards, when a familiar face came into view. 
“Ah, there she is,” they said, and your eyes widened as they approached. If you weren’t mistaken, this was Bucky’s best friend, Steve – the man clad in black that you had bumped into the night before. “I was told a little lamb would make it back tonight. A certain Soldat has passed on the message that you were to…” He looked up and down the line, gesturing boredly. “Skip the crowds. C’mon, no point waiting out for your slaughter.”
Steve offered his hand, and you hesitated in taking it. “This isn’t a ploy to corner me, is it?”
He laughed, a deep rumble in his chest. You couldn’t help but stare at the blazing red insignia there. “No, no, I think I’d end up dead if I decided to target you myself. He’s a bit ruthless, not to mention territorial over what’s his.”
You blinked and looked at Steve, he only shrugged. “His?” you repeated, walking side by side with him. 
“Yeah,” Steve laughed. He led you between the booth lines and waved to the worker as he walked past. “It seems our Soldat has taken to the little lamb that ventured out of her depth. I can’t blame him, though,” he said, arching a brow as he looked at you from the corner of his eye. “You are sweet–feisty, too.”
“You flatter me,” you deadpanned, and Steve barked a laugh. “So, where is he?”
“Oh, he’ll find you, lamb. Run along–get a head start if you want to make it out alive tonight.” With that last threat, Steve turned and strode off, leaving you in the entryway of the park between the arches of the rides and food court. 
Pyrotechnics and fog plagued your vision – yellow and orange flames followed by glowing green and purple smoke that roiled and rolled at your feet. The lack of any markers like there had been the previous nights left you feeling disorientated; lost and scared for your fate at the hands of the one that hunted you. 
There was a crowd of people moving past you when the first scare of the night overtook you. A middle-aged man pointed up towards the top of a prop building. “He’s there, look!”
Your stomach swooped and your heart rammed against your ribs. The implication of him sent a harsh shiver up your spine, but you still looked to the sky, searching the top of the surrounding buildings. 
A blast of fire silhouetted a crouched man on the building furthest to your left. He was crouched on the edge, perched with a rifle in his hands; the scope was pointed straight at you. Time slowed as you stared, taking in the way the man’s hands flexed over the trigger before there was a shot, not unlike the sound of a cannon blasting off, and the ground at your feet was splattered with red. 
Tendrils of it landed over your shoes and pants, splattering over your white costume and marking it for all to see. You yelled in shock as you rapidly stepped back, treading on the shoes of passersby in an attempt to get away from the scene. 
“Sorry, sorry! Shit-” you hissed, stopping only once you reached a few paces from the splattered red. The state of your costume was alarming – it was as though you had been an extra on the set of Carrie. 
Instinctively, you looked up at the prop building to find that man standing tall on the edge. The gun was pointed down towards his feet, and the strap was over his chest. You watched as Soldat tilted his head, long hair swaying to the side with the movement, and he pointed directly at your chest, then your feet.
The message was clear. You had been marked – marked for the hunt, and he was after you. 
People parted quickly as you rushed off, running in a random direction to get some semblance of a head start against him. Your feet pounded against the pavement in time with the beat of the music and it fuelled your adrenaline – a game of chase unlike any you’d experienced before. “Excuse me, move,” you shouted over the music, shoving the people who didn’t move in time. 
Actors called and whoop after you, the signature bloody mark over your clothes a sign they evidently knew well. 
“And there goes our little lamb,” Widow called as you dashed past. “Run, run! He’s after you!”
“Thanks!” you yelled over your shoulder, and you took a sharp turn towards the amenities. There was a small building to the side, it was shrouded in the dark and considering its distance from the main crowds, you wouldn’t be discovered. At least, not by a bystander – Soldat was another beast entirely. 
The stitch in your chest pulled you up short and you stumbled to the building, putting your back against it with a gasp for air. Muffled sounds echoed from the grounds; screams, music, and pleas to be left alone, but there was not a single sign that Soldat had followed. “Maybe I’m safe,” you mumbled, looking from left to right. No moving shadows, no shrouded figures…
You moved off the wall, stepping slowly and deliberately towards the lights of the overhead spotlights. The pad of your shoes squelched with the wet substance that coated them – of which you prayed was in fact, just paint – and you peered around the corner. No one was there, and you released a sigh of relief. 
“You really must learn to be better aware of your surroundings, kotenok.”
The scream tore from your throat before you could clamp your mouth shut, and you whipped around to find the source – Soldat was leaning against the opposite wall, foot propped up against it while he flipped a knife in his metal hand, ignorant of the glint of the blade as it flashed. “Bucky!”
Soldat tilted his head. “It is not that easy, little one. I promised that by the fall of this night, you would know just who you belonged to–as far as I can tell, you still do not seem to understand that you are in my world now, and at my mercy.”
“You son of a bitch,” you groaned, putting your hands on your hips. “That’s not fair.”
“Not fair?” He pushed off the wall. The graceful way he moved entranced you and you flinched as he stepped in front of you, head tilted the opposite way; grey irises shrouded with shadowed intent. “Oh, kotenok–if only you knew just what I plan on doing to you when I catch you in our little game. You would not be so petulant.”
“Game?” you blustered, staring back at him with indignation. “This is a game to you? Making me run for my life, this act all for fun?”
Soldat leaned in close, his breath hot over your lips again – if he had not been wearing the mask, you would have taken the chance to kiss him. “Run, kotenok, run.” 
The implicit danger of his words made a shudder of fear ripple down your spine. You turned and bolted, not caring as you passed by crowds that stared; pointedly ignoring the whoops of actors that watched your progress with sneers of amusement. 
Your legs ached with exhaustion but you didn’t dare stop for rest. There were shrieks and calls behind you, each of which sounded more exhilarated and fearful than the last: “It’s him! Look!” and “Soldat’s here!”
“You are not fast enough,” Soldat rasped behind you, his voice trailing all the way down to your last nerve. You shrieked and jumped, pushing your tired legs harder, the pounding of your feet on the pavement quickening. “If you concede, little kotenok,” he continued, this time from right next to you, “I will go easy on my prey. Just this once.”
“Bastard,” you huffed, and with all the strength you could muster, you pushed forward and darted between two food stands, forcing him to fall back. “Can’t catch me now!”
Your bravado soared when you glanced back over your shoulder to see he was no longer tailing you. The ache in your legs reached such a pitch that you stumbled to a choppy walk, limping as you panted for breath and frantically thinking of where to run next. 
“Fuck, fuck,” you huffed, and you sat down on an empty bench, careful to not have your back against the shrubbery, lest he surprise you again. “I can’t keep doing this.” 
For a second, you closed your eyes and breathed deeply, collecting your scrambled thoughts, when a hand covered your mouth and another cupped your throat. “You can, kotenok. And you will.”
You jumped and looked up. Soldat was looking down at you, eyes narrowed playfully. A cold, metal thumb brushed against the front of your throat, and to an onlooker, it would appear as though he was adjusting his grip. He bent down so his hair tickled your cheeks. “Are you alright, doll? Do you need to stop?”
The words were quiet, but assuring, especially while dressed in character. You shook your head and looked into his eyes. “I’m okay–promise, you’re just giving me a run for my money.”
He chuckled and stood up straight, the brightness of his eyes completely out of character. “Why don’t you walk with me?” He gestured around at the crowds, and he pulled out his knife to flip it. “I have been told I can make an appearance and stay out in the open tonight–keep the myth alive.”
“Why not,” you replied, getting to your feet with a groan. “I could do with just a walk.” 
“That is fair,” he hummed. “I must admit, our game of cat and mouse has grown to be such a rush. You make it far too easy for me, though.” You looked over at him and narrowed your eyes. He shrugged indifferently and walked ahead of you, still flipping the knife. “Stay with me, kotenok. You can watch these people lose it.”
“Okay,” you laughed, and you kept a steady pace, careful to stay behind Bucky – the distance allowed you an opportunity to stare at his ass while he walked, which led to the discovery that the tactical canvas pants of his costume clung to his thighs just as well as his jeans. “You have a nice butt.”
You heard a snort of laughter that was covered by a cough, and you watched him shake his head. “What? It’s true.” 
“Do not distract me,” he growled lowly – just audible over the pounding music. “Or you will pay for it.”
“That a threat or a promise?” you fired back, and you could have sworn you had flipped a switch in his mind by the tense line of his shoulders and sudden rigid posture. 
The look he fired you over his shoulder made your legs turn to jelly, and you vaguely filed away that tidbit of information away for later – much, much later. 
At a small distance, you followed Bucky as he walked through the crowds. There was one instance where, like you, a man must have signed the waiver to be handled by The Soldat, because Bucky pinned him against the wall and stared into the stranger’s eyes as he stared wide-eyed back. 
Music boomed to the right of you so you couldn’t make out the whimper or the words that escaped his lips, but Bucky pulled back off of the man to watch him slump down onto the floor. 
With his back turned and the stillness of his body, you took the chance to take in his costume. High on his back, between his shoulder blades, a gun was holstered with a magazine attached, while holsters on his thighs and hips were full to the brim with other props. The rifle he had used on you at the beginning of the night wasn’t strapped to his back, but you took note of the large knife strapped to his belt where the scope would have sat. 
The outfit did something to you, something that you couldn’t understand, and you filed that away for further thought at a later time – unable to think with the heat that settled low in your hips at his intimidating stature. “Stop it,” you muttered to yourself quietly, shaking your head once. “Get it together.”
Soldat turned towards you and you baulked at the glint in his eye – on an ordinary man, you would have described it as anger, or fury. On him, while in costume, it looked as though he had been possessed by the Devil himself. As he neared, he arched a brow in question, when you realised you were still staring. “Nothing, nothing,” you rushed, stepping back. 
“No. Move,” he ordered, gesturing for you to walk forward. 
Hesitantly, you stepped forward and started to walk, glancing over your shoulder at him. He continued to stare at you, then flicker his gaze to a passerby and flipping his knife. It sent a rush of power to your head to have someone as dangerous as him walk behind you – seemingly in a guarding disposition, but that went out the window when you felt a knife on your throat. 
“You did not think I would be that easy on you, little kotenok–hmm?” Soldat purred, his mask cold against your ear. Your breath hitched and you moved to pull away, but he snarled and grabbed your throat with his other hand. “Stay where I put you or you will regret it.”
“Nyet. Quiet.” The crowds moved around you, staring transfixed as he manipulated you into standing against his chest, just like the first night. “I think my trophy deserves to be shown off. They need to know that you are mine.”
Fear pulsed through your body, confused with his words, you didn’t know what to expect, when cold, hard plastic covered your mouth. You furrowed your brow as he stepped back from you, then clipped something behind your head. “What–? Buck-”
Your hand moved to your mouth, and your eyes widened. A mask, identical to his own, covered the lower half of your face and it fit perfectly – not pinching or pulling at any point of contact or movement. “You gave me–?”
“My trophy,” he edged carefully, bringing the tip of his knife to your chin and tipping your head up. “Mine.”
The possessive behaviour made a thrill of arousal sing through your every nerve, and you gulped. “I do not think they would dare go after you now, my little kotenok. And, look at that,” he said, directing your face to the sky. The night had lightened and dawn had approached, much faster than you had anticipated. “The final night has now fallen, and you belong to me–just as you should.”
You blinked owlishly, the cogs of your mind freezing and clunking into place. “Is this you- Are you-” The words were muffled by the mask over your mouth, but the glint in his eyes were as knowing as ever – vulnerable and open. 
He stepped closer so he was in your space, his breath coming in slow, deep pulls. Ever so quietly and out of character, Bucky asked, “Be my girl, kitten?”
The world fell away, the music, the screams – all of it fell to the background and became non-existent. You had hoped, after the night before, with how fast you had developed a connection with Bucky over those milkshakes, that this would happen. It felt reckless and otherworldly, saying yes to such a proposition in the middle of a haunted attraction to a scare actor dressed in costume.
But what was a little rebellious adventure?
You looked into Bucky’s eyes – not The Soldat’s, and smiled. “Hell fucking yes.”
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