#whether it's bc of the way it's translated or the fact that they just literally don't make sense to me lol
odetojupiter · 2 months
what if i told you that thea’s raven number - 14 - is an unlucky number because, translated, it sounds similar to ‘must die’/‘will certainly die’ in cantonese, and ‘is dead’/‘will be dead’ in mandarin.
‘her number was 14 for reasons’ - nora sakavic, aftg extra content
what if i suggested that tetsuji gave her that number specifically because he considered a black woman dominating his own sport a threat not only to himself but to his perfect court. not only is tetsuji’s misogyny pretty clear, but we all know the other ravens were killing themselves trying to be given the next perfect court number, but that was never gonna happen because even though the perfect court was actually full of the best players, it was never actually about championing the best players, it was about ownership. so what if i said that tetsuji hated that thea was as good as she was without having any ties to himself, outside of signing on to the college team he coaches. he felt undermined because he couldn’t fully credit himself for her skill, and so he gave her the 14 - on the surface, it’s an achievement to get so close to single digits for the ravens BUT it comes with a hidden threat. you will die if you go too far.
and then what if i suggested that nora also chose 14 because of the way the fandom reacted to thea. i have no idea whether she’d already picked out the number before the series was published but i don’t think it’s mentioned in the original series ?? so i mean…
yes, i’ve seen the list of issues people have with thea but what’s crazy to me is that we know literally nothing about her bar the few tidbits nora mentioned in the extra content, and the few scenes we have in the series. and i know there was probably a full backstory written for her that we never got to see bc of all the hate nora got purely for introducing her, and the subsequent reactions to literally everything we’re told about thea just makes me think that nobody actually learned anything about how people’s trauma can drastically influence how they perceive the world and how they react to things including the abuse of other people - cough. andrew and aaron cough. - her reactions to things are bound to be built off her experiences and she was literally in a cult which would completely rewire her world view so like (even what we’re told in the EC, we don’t meet her until her fifth year of edgar allan so she’s five years deep into this shit guys, and you know tetsuji was physically and mentally abusive to all the ravens u have to know that by now)—-
but anyway this post isn’t supposed to be a defence or a critique of her i just find the number 14 aligns with the way people speak about her as though she’s done something bad enough to deserve death threats, so i just hope you realise when u perpetuate that shit it’s like ur tattooing that 14 right on her face.
oh to add to that, in japanese culture the number fourteen represents imperfection, but specifically beauty found in things that are imperfect. if i say that’s a way of saying no thea isn’t perfect but that doesn’t mean she deserves to die ? what then?
bc no she’s not a perfect person and ill be the first to admit i hated that scene in tsc with jean, but are you really telling me that’s the worst thing an aftg character has ever done?? why is she being branded as the worst when she was literally in the series for like 3 pages?
and do u know what, the fact that she, post graduation, still wears her 14 is 1) a sign of pride that she really is one of the best and 2) a reminder that she is not dead yet, despite the efforts of tetsuji and the literal fandom
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gale-dekarios · 3 months
I think Gale is a touchy feely person who needs to keep his hands on the Tav whilst they make love. He's gotta believe they're real, that they're with him, that it isn't a hallucination or a dream. He strokes their hair, he plants kisses along their neck where the heartbeat is strongest, and feels their breath against his shoulder. Even the simplest act of fingering or stroking them is a way to know they're truly in front of him. Tasting their arousal just to have evidence of their existence. He loves knowing that this is his newfound life. His new purpose. His new reason to live and not give up so easily as he almost had. Mystra wanted him to die for her. Tav wanted him to live for himself. So forgive him if he constantly needs the littlest of reminders to know Tav is truly real, and not just a hopeful dream.
retrospective edit: hi im charlie and welcome to my tedtalk. 50/50 on whether or not any of this makes sense, because i did in fact pop 9mg (prescribed) sleeping aides a half hour before writing this, so i could wake up tomorrow and realise this was all gibberish. or maybe not! i should not be the judge of that rn
regardless of how you or your character feels about the line, i truly believe that gale believes that tav/his romantic partner is a god/dess, and it's the things like this that cement it for me.
when you think about it, (traditional) worship is very much devoting your life to a diety, and receiving some benefit back, which could really be a range of things from feeling comforted and secure about your place in the world, to moreso your clerics with actual divine gifts bestowed upon them, to chosen, like gale, who, (at least in his case) gets to kind of... tap into the wellspring of that god's domain and understand it more than any other mortal could.
this type of devotion is even purer than his devotion to mystra. the reason being is that whilst i dont believe gale ever was devoted to mystra for nefarious self-serving purposes, it would be remiss to gloss over that he did enjoy certain luxuries that he wouldnt have if he wasnt so close to his goddess, and whilst tav offers a lot more than mystra ever could both emotionally and in the service to him living an actually good and normal enriched life, this doesnt translate to any practical benefit that could compare to a literal deity -- (clumsily worded, but again, in this case im referring more to endless knowledge and immense mastery over the weave and recognition of status among his peers rather than curling up on the couch companionably).
which is to say -- i promise there's a point -- a tav, in all of their mortalness, that gale truly worships, with all of his devotion (which is a lot, he practised), must be very special for him indeed.
so gale gets ""nothing"" in return for the same if not a higher level of devotion than he ever shows mystra (i mean, when it literally comes down to it, he completely ignores her, an actual literal goddess's, direct orders bc you asked him to, so theres no doubt who wins that particular fight.) BUT -- and this is the point that i promised -- the real clincher here is that tav ASKS for nothing. well, again, not in the way that a deity asks for something. a deity asks a devotee to give them their life, what tav asks for is that gale HAS his life to do with what he chooses, and for that, gale chooses tav.
devotion, with gale and tav, is both freely given, but also freely taken. not selfishly, but in acceptance. gale had no choice, really, but to follow mystra's orders, but he followed tav anyway. how does that make tav anything less than a deity? that level of blind faith? tav accepting gale's devotion by virtue of just loving him is such a beautifully mundane piece of godhood, and comparing that to something as shallow as the ambition mystra offered is like comparing night and day.
so of course gale treats tav like he caught lightning in a bottle. he spent his whole life in the service to a goddess, devoting his whole life for the celestial equivalent of breadcrumbs -- as awesome (and i use that word as its original meaning) as godly power can be, nothing that was ever given to him truly cost mystra any real exertion -- but with tav, there is no expectation of exchange, only the full weight of one man's worship, and that is what would cause gale to treat them like an illusion. of course it does. gods that ask for nothing but for you to do the things that are in your best interest are not a thing. but tav does exactly that. how wonderful is that? how pure is that? is there truer devotion? so unmarred by any external benefit?
touching divinity is something that gale's had the extraordinary luck of having twice, but that does not make those experiences equal. his deity, that allows him to run his hands through their hair, to kiss their eyelids, and yes, indeed to also have desperate, sweaty, mortal sex with, without ever once asking for anything in return except that he remain whole and healthy? by fucking god will he make sure this is real.
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
Not that it really matters but that should've said "had literally just walked away". All his friends were close but none were paying attention. I agree that the going back in a second time was definitely intentional but I can't decide if him looking around to see where everyone else was first played into it or not.
The fact that he's so good at doing it subtly that people debate over whether or not it's intentional is honestly impressive. That is an actual skill especially since it so often is him taking advantage of in-game mechanics. It's frustrating how often the actual CC gets discredited for that and for using overdramatic reactions and jokes to hide his feelings. Characters overlooking it is one thing but I hate when viewers write it off as bad roleplay. The CC might be bored without create but the character is suffering in a completely different way.
You’re good nonnie, I get what you’re saying bc we’re psychically linked thinking about this. Tbh I can’t tell about the first time either, I think it was genuinely a “whoops can’t pass under here” and then ccTubbo just decided to fuck us all up in the feelings department.
I think the problem is that people just want to attribute his suffering to whatever is the easier option to chose form at the moment. He’s upset? Must be because of Fred, or create being gone, or his hole being pranked, or whatever the flavor of the week is. No one sees the deeper reason behind it bc it’s easier to say it’s something outside of your actions then own up to hurting someone intentionally or unintentionally. Some characters just have no clue that he’s even hurt in the first place and no matter how they act, it is translated to their viewers who take it to the extreme
As far as the fail rp in the fandom… I could go off on this again because it genuinely upsets me in so many ways, especially when people say he shouldn’t be involved in lore bc his style is different *side eye* but the fact that people hold lore and rp to such a specific standard and excuse their favorites of straying from that standard but crucify anyone else for doing the same is genuine insanity
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forbiddentaako · 1 month
Hi, sorry for bothering you and feel completely free not to answer this if you don't want to or aren't interested in it anymore, but I just really like your Devil's Carnival AU and I'd love to know more about it so dropping some questions here 👀 sorry if they're too many!
1. How do you imagine Charlie's and Vaggie's relationship developing? They obviously meet in "After the fall", right after Vaggie's fall from grace, but when did they start dating? How did it happen? Since in canon one of the things Vaggie loves about Charlie is her kindness and compassion towards sinners, how does that translate into this AU, where Charlie is less sunshine-y?
2. Does your idea involve Lute being more like Cora or like the Agent? With this I mean whether she has feelings for Vaggie which she hides because they're "inappropriate and illegal" or if she's courting Vaggie because Adam asked her to as a way to expose Vaggie while she's internally praying for her not to do something stupid and prove Adam right. I think you kind of explained it already in your other post but I didn't fully get it 🥲
3. Slightly related to the previous one but how does Vaggie fall? Is it for the same reasons as June?
4. Have you thought of roles for characters like Husk, Alastor or Niffty?
5. What do you think would happen in this AU in a hypothetical 3rd movie?
Your art style is so beautiful btw! You're such a talented artist :)
You are literally doing the opposite of bothering me don't worry I got so excited seeing this ask in my inbox you have no idea fsgsghskbds i have everything under read more bc it turned out long but thank you so much for the compliment on my art and also for this ask !!!
More or less vaggie and charlie getting together is closer to how it happened in hazbin hotel since i feel like part of it is the similarities of vaggie meeting charlie immediately after her fall and charlie still being kind and helping her which is the start of their connection, and overtime they grow closer and end up falling in love. I do like to think it did take them a while to get together but it was over the course of getting to know one another and their passions/dreams/ect that they began to truly understand who the other was and fall for them.
A little side note off of that which is relevant to understanding a less sunshiny charlie and how it translates to chaggie; with this particular role for charlie it has her mirroring aspects of both of her parents by design, but her character motivations are still very rooted in the fact that she is kind and believes in the good of sinners, heaven has just pushed her too far. Like even tho she's technically fulfilling lucifer's role from the devil's carnival, in doing so she's bearing more similarities to lilith's role in hell in hazbin in that she empowers sinners with her voice (in this case particularly any who've fallen from heaven since it seems like in the devil's carnival this was an occurrence that happened multiple times). And that kind of motivates her disdain for heaven to see how easily they cast out those who don't live up to their standards + with the obvious hypocrisy in how adam acts it makes her more disillusioned with the whole system altogether that heaven stands for and perpetuates (like lucifer hazbin hotel), which is what results in her saying 'fuck it' and just send sinners up there.
originally i was thinking the first movie didn't quite fit for charlie in lucifer's role because it does seem kind of cruel the way the sinners are tormented and it felt like it deviated from charlie's character, but i changed my mind after seeing the second bc i think it could read as a misguided attempt at redemption playing by heaven's rules of shunning what's perceived as sin (which we do see charlie try to do in the actual show) rather than her more trust exercises/team building route she goes for in hazbin. Like for charlie i think she'd genuinely think she's helping to try and get each of them to realize what sin they've committed for redemption's sake but hits her breaking point with heaven by the end. Probably from a mix of not fully believing some of the sins committed warrant eternal damnation (I feel like angel in particular with this one is especially sad because its unclear whether or not tamara ever does get sent to heaven/redeemed?) and being pissed at how hypocritical adam is by engaging in the same sins he's damning people to hell for. Charlie sending trains of sinners up isnt just a passive aggressive thing to do to heaven to shun her role as their torturer but also a statement that sinners and winners are one in the same-like she's completely giving up on trying for redemption within heaven's rules and just showing them that if they continue with this hypocrisy and cruelty, redemption is unnecessary bc these sinners fit right in as flawed as they are. I think this would also make Adam's damage control before 'bells of black sunday' especially insulting to charlie as well.
And vaggie sees that compassion in charlie when they first meet and she is kind to her in her lowest point, but realizes how much deeper it goes the more they get to know one another. In this AU also charlie knew from the beginning that vaggie was a former exorcist, but finding out why she fell was probably something that happened later on. (I do think the idea of them first starting to spend more time together by reading Aesop's fables to one another would be really cute too, like charlie likely reads stories to most new sinners to help with the transition to hell but vaggie shows so much genuine interest that it becomes a routine for them)
(Another side note; I think a scene in the actual film which supports a well intentioned charlie and works well for her character is the one with the devil and the ticket keeper towards the end of the second movie when the ticket keeper confronts lucifer about his plan. Like its vox yelling at charlie that heaven will try to fuck them up because of what she's doing, and him saying that he is the one who'll be standing on the tracks to push her out of the way, but charlie getting angry at this and saying she would never let him do that and that she will be on the tracks with him, and then she tells him her plan finally. I think this scene works well because it not only shows charlie's devotion to her ideas and to those she cares about, but also the disconnect between her intentions and her actions that could allow for the first movie's plot of torturing sinners to be born out of a want to help them. Because in this case she does have a well thought out plan and everything is done with intent, but vaggie is the only one who really knows this so to vox it seems like shes being reckless and impulsive due to how she's been acting, and heaven also isn't really understanding the message in the way she wanted.)
With Lute and vaggie i think i have a clearer idea of what's going on now than when i first made the post in summary because i think lutes role is dependent on if we're talking in the plot or if we're talking in relation to vaggie. I think adam probably still wanted her to get closer to Vaggie and prove she wasn't worthy of heaven/it was a test of loyalty for lute to betray her but the feelings between them that developed were ones that Lute definitely deemed to be 'inappropriate and illegal'. I think they probably could have had their romantic moments between them still in secret but after getting found out and confronted by the watchword Lute realized because she had fallen for vaggie she was resigned to letting vaggie fall so she wouldn't have to deal with the fact that she loved her or get caught having a secret relationship with her. Like externally they present similarly to the agent and june with their respective roles in the narrative, but in terms of who they are to one another it's was closer to what cora and june had going on.
With their plot as well I feel like some of the heaven caste system needs to be examined/adjusted so it better fits them, but I haven't had the time to dig into it as it exists in the film enough that I feel comfortable deconstructing and reconstructing it just yet. Definitely working on it though !
And going off of this I think when vaggie fell Lute took the opportunity to make it look like she had acted calculated and callously this whole time as to maintain adam's respect as well as prove her loyalty, when in reality that was very much not the case and she did really care for vaggie at one point but forced herself to hate her because of what loving her would mean. I also think vaggie's fall would be something tied to kindness rather than ambition because it follows more closely to what happened in hazbin and also would probably endear her to charlie more when she finds out (and make her angrier at heaven), but Im also not 100% sure what that would look like in terms of how it plays out in the film.
So I have thought a bit of nifty/alastor/husk though they are more unsure in who they'd be. I am kind of stuck on the idea of Alastor as the publicist in his more positive sense because I think it fits and i think it'd be cool to incorporate more physical radio aspects into his design in the same way that the publicist has the horn attached at his ear (plus mimzy can be there too as one of the songbirds). I do also like the idea of him playing the role of the watchword to some extent (just keeping it solely to radio) bc he loves drama. Partly because I think it fits to let him be in heaven but still be an absolute menace to the general public, and partly because i think its funny to keep Al and Vox separated like toddlers who will start a fight with one another if left alone for too long. I had thought about having vox as the watchword and alastor as the publicist, but I kind of like the 'charlie works with the vees' plot a bit too much to separate vox from them. With Husk and Niffty I go back and forth on who they'd play, partly bc when i was originally brainstorming this au with a friend we thought husk could be the hobo clown but that was also when we were thinking Alastor as Lucifer's role instead of charlie (and this was before I had watched the second movie so the cast overall was very different) so im not entirely sure. If we're going with carnie roles for them i think husk as the hobo clown or the magician i can live with and niffty as one of the bayonets maybe. But having Alastor in heaven kind of throws off the dynamic so im unsure fully where to put them.
The idea of what would happen in a third movie is SO INTERESTING and I hadn't even thought about it. I think part of this AU deviates from the movie to be more chaggie focussed so I imagine a third movie could focus more on their relationship as well, maybe even delving into them bonding over their shared plan to overthrow heaven and we'd get to see that development of the plan/their relationship in the flashbacks with the present being them actually enacting their plan. Like they are a power couple and share each other's passion, and theyre really the only 2 who actually know what the plan is. I think by this point vox would have been told the plan by charlie in the previous movie so he would have to also help get the carnies organized and on board. There'd also have to be some scenes in heaven with Adam losing it as his control of heaven falters, plus finding out whats going on with the sinners sent to heaven. Really theres just a ton of possibilities since the actual third movie was never made.
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thepandalion · 4 months
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Im so normal about him I promise
!!! Kemi!!!
Last session my beloved boy got a new cardigan and.. well, while I love his cloak (poncho?? idk I made that thing up based on my favorite poncho but fantasy so-) he really does look great in green
anyways, my good friend and dm, Bird, described the cardigan as "green, with leaf patterns on the outlines, and a print of a fey flower on the back". now, I had no clue what a "fey flower" is. like, is there real dnd flowers of the fey realm that have canonical designs or no? So, I googled. and google informed me of a real world plant called the fuchsia fey. which is a puple flower. so naturally I tried to draw that flower... which didn't exactly translate well into how I sketch, so I just. lifted the sketch and put it in the drawing too? the golden and green faint lines around it are literally my sketch for the flower in low opacity. I love the vibe it gives, like its vaguely magical/ethereal. but then I wanted to balance the colors a bit, and suddenly kemi's pondering whether he should even keep his very recognizable cloak when (if my very bad acting somehow evaded notice of that fact) he's trying not to get recognized. it's part of why I had him buy new clothes, too..
anyways. second drawing includes his staff. which I do have a specific design for, its in his character sheet I drew a while back. he also looks so feminine in that one that my mom asked if "she's sitting on that branch" which. yeah kemi was originally designed to be my entire gender (purple with masculine pronouns is literally everything required for my gender to be stolen by a fictional character, and in our local language there's no gender neutral pronouns so I default to she/her for convenience).
the last one is awkwardly placed bc I literally ran out of space and went "oh, shoot, where's my favorite ref pose for laying low" because I unironically used that pose ref picture like three times before for like. my internet avatar character (thats my pfp) and for one of the gachatube ocs I have for my gacha arg series. I'm actually very proud of that one.
also I never drew kemi with his bangles around his legs before. mostly because I thought the shoes would get in the way, which like.. if he's standing upright they totally would, so I stand by that. but I wanted to do both sets of bangles and originally he didn't have shoes and had one on each leg, so. I stand by that one.
also decided to give him extra ear piercings for the one w the long rectangle earring. for flavor and color balancing and stuff. also also the leaves on the front of the cardigan are supposed to act a bit like if the fluff of hoodies and stuff were just. tree.
anyways fun note is that his shoes dont have like. fronts. its boots if you remove the toe caps entirely. weird ass wizard desert shoes.
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@vaporvipermedia Here she is! Yume and Idia's fanchild. Iliana Shroud! (She's 9 years old in this pic) 🔆Fun fact: I didn't choose her name it was randomly assigned by me and @bunnwich sims game when SOMEONE decided to adopt a baby when we went to another house for literally 2 days >:[
🔆 The name Iliana (ill-lain-a.) means ray of light; from Illium or Troy. Iliana is a feminine name of Greek origin. This name likely finds its roots in the Greek word “hēlios”, which means “ray of light” or “sun” and may even be a form of the name Helen, best known in Greek mythology as the most beautiful woman in the world. So her full name roughly translates to "a light in the darkness".
🔆 Pretty chill and well-adjusted kid given the circumstances! Though she has a tendency to come off as a little "creepy". To people given her looks and sharp teeth. (Her happy sweet smile can be unnerving to people just like Idia's)
🔆Traditional gender roles means little to Yume and Idia but for Iliana it almost doesn't exist. She calls Yume mom or dad based purely on how they are feeling that day, and if she's not sure just calls Yume "Dimi" short for the Greek word δημιουργός (dimiourgós), meaning 'creator'.
🔆(I have a running 'joke' that she was accidentally created in a lab when Idia accidentally mixed his and Yume's DNA together bc he was lowkey researching a way to break the Shroud curse.) So sometimes she'll call Idia 'mom' too bc the Greek word for mother (Μητέρα ) literally means "one who gives birth" and in this scenario...that was technically Idia LOL.
🔆Idia 100% has her chipped but its in the form of a pretty necklace that also monitors her vitals/health. All of them have similar matching ones so they can know they are safe, except for Ortho's which checks on his system and functions.
🔆Idia 100% carried her ass around in a baby carrier while doing S.T.Y.X. duty, never letting her out of his or Yume's sight. Even when Yume says they can take care of her while he works, he doesn't wanna miss time with her.
🔆Yume has their own job in the future which makes them have to travel a lot! (Luckily its magic so they can usually come back home to Idia the same day.) But sometimes they have to be gone from work for months. Sometimes they take Iliana with them and other times she stays with Idia and Ortho. Idia gets really sulking during these times, but doesn't ultimately doesn't want his kid cooped up and trapped like he was as a child.
It's a delicate balance but they all still talk every day via voice or video chat wherever they are. For a good half of the year they can all be together, which is the best!
🔆Idia and Yume argue about whether or not she should be homeschooled (Iida pro and Yume anti) eventually Yume wins and on her first day of school Iliana is cool as a cucumber while Idia is on the verge of tears dont @ me. She has to comfort him.
🔆Grim still lives with Yume in the future and as such in his free time is a babysitter. He acts like its a big deal and beneath his amazing skills but he loves her just as much and would 100% kill for her. When she was younger he let her ride on his back. (This made Tiana very jealous bc Grim would not let her do it, bc cats hate each other lol)
🔆 She likes cats but really wants to get a dog in the future and is always trying to convince her parents!
🔆She "Hacked" in Yume's phone to get Uncle Leona's phone number just to ask him to play chess online with her.
🔆Leona doesn't mind spending time with her cuz she's a chill kid and doesn't bug him for much. (This makes Tiana super mad too! lol) 🔆She really loves her cousin Tiana and considers her to be her best friend.
There's lots more, but this got too long already...so yeah.
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drawnaghht · 1 year
I saw your tags in my post!!!! AND I'M SO SURE YUI PARENTS ARE DEAD!!! But they died when he was still really young so he doesn't really remember them. I'm so curious on what other people think about his childhood. In my mind he was a chaotic child who performed tricks for his Aunty.
Oh! I'm glad to hear that bc I had a similar thought over the series ^^
The way Auntie says it in the first episode, it really does sound like... she promised his parents a long time ago, and it is something much-mentioned between the two.
I actually have a theory based on Auntie's appearances and what she says, that she decided to make a kind of larger white lie about herself to Usagi, and that she is actually his grandma and for some reason has asked to be called auntie. So many if us assume that she is literally, his aunt, but the way I understand it as a non-native speaker, auntie in english can mean an elderly woman as well, regardless of actual familial connection.
there's also how the japanese dub has translated her as obaa-chan, grandma, which can be used for any older grandma-age lady too. then also how Stan Sakai calls her Usagi's grandma in interviews.
so where I'm getting to with this is that maybe it's a painful topic for her, whether it was her sibling or her own child who died, but it seems she's gone through a lot and maybe omits details about what happened to Yuichi's parents. In any case, she had made a promise to Usagi's parents and we don't know much beyond that. If we go more into headcanon than theory territory, we could expand on what's implied in the show. What if besides looking after the boy, they also asked her to promise to look after him as her own? And so she became Auntie, instead of only Grandma.
Or it could even just be a personal preference! I have an aunt thru marriage who right-off-the-bat requested to be called by name instead of "aunt" or "auntie" because those monikers felt old to her.
Perhaps for Usagi's auntie, it was similar and she felt that because he couldn't experience having parents, at least he could experience having an auntie, and that's what she asked for him to call. Not an older grandma, but an experienced auntie. Altho that's not what those words have to mean, it is just speculation from me based on how she's written. Also, because she seems to be a war veteran (the prosthetics and experienced skill despite her old age), she might have things to hide. so perhaps she prefers something familial and close what a family member would call her, but not her full or real name, as perhaps the boy's parenrs would have called her.
Just some thoughts!
My theories on what actually happened to his parents range depending on what I take as a jumping-off point for the theory. Easiest and most extreme example; Perhaps the wars were recent and they died there? Maybe they even had more kids before Usagi? Because Usagi's name also includes Yuichi tho, with the meaning of "first-born brave son", perhaps not. Another theory I had earlier in s1, is that they went to the city, related to their farm, perhaps they needed investors or were doing business of some kind. What happens next branches off - it could have been a simple mugging or other crime that left them vulnerable or hurt enough that they couldn't get help anymore.
One of the theories I have is that it is related to some gang wars that took place over 10 years before the events of the series and Usagi's 16th birthday in ep 1. I'm going to use this one in my Neo Edo Idol fanstory because it seems to fit the best there ^^ It's implied by how the three main gangs in the series basically exist in a corrupt way where they can both tell the Shogun what to so, but are also sequestered off into their of territories, that probably things weren't so great before, but under the semi-corrupt Lord Kogane, they exist in a standstill. So maybe Usagi's parents found their ends in whatever went on with the gangs 10+ years ago.
If we tie it with the fact that a big criminal was alao going around the city causing problems, mentioned in Gen and Toshiko's flashbacks about their mom's praxis, we can get another interesting connection. Maybe Usagi's parents were victims of this black wolf. There's even the theory that maybe... this could be related to Jei, known from the comics and that this character is a nod to him. Whether a descendant or a random black wolf possessed by Jei, it is an interesting nod. So 2 things could have happened. Or any number of things really! Mainly I am thinking, maybe Usagi's parents got hurt by Okami, and died then and there; Possibly, they could have been hurt by either Okami or anyone or anything else, but then couldn't get help because the city's only working hospital was closed because of him. It's interesting to think about! I hope someone else makes these connections in their Usagi Chronicles fanstories as well :)
Anyway, this became a whole big tangent answrr lol ^^; but thanks for talking about this! lolol I love talking about this sjow and Usagi's parents and what happened to them, any details about them... they are like one of the biggest unknown mysteries to me haha and it would be really cool to get something like a FAQ or some companion piece/comic where we get more fleshed-out lore for them too ^^
Of course, since the series was made inspired by Senso and Space Usagi, it's likely we'll never find out, but it's fun to think that maybe the writers, storyboarders and showrunners all hax some small ideas about his parents, and that these ideas simply weren't used for time reasons...
Thanks and feel free to ask/talk more!
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rodeodeparis · 2 years
oda headacanons masterlist 
not a mandarin-speaker; maybe hokkien/a wu dialect (ik my friend likes toying with him being wenzhouese) ? regardless his mandarin is shit but he can understand it well enough to get by⁰*
the other guys in the bats speak in similar dialects, they all met through the previous gang they were in, but most of them are considerably better at mandarin than he is
got around to understanding mandarin mostly from work/life experience
tachibana and oda usually speak to each other in japanese, or tachibana will say something in mandarin and oda will respond in japanese
he got to the name “jun oda” because it’s a translation/transliteration of his chinese name
“oda” coincidentally had characters that sound like “weitian”, which in his case is spelled differently (尾田 is a common japanese surname but reads like a japanese name in the same way “pierre” reads like a french name)
also got to “jun” because it sounds like “chen”. his surname (he uses 純 for jun which is “chun” in chinese, chen>chun>jun?)
realistically i’m pretty sure this is just writers deciding on a japanese name before a chinese one and choosing common japanese names for him
generally an insecure person with a tendency to compensate
tachibana has [slightly] more chest hair than him and he’s insecure about it
also has trouble growing facial hair, he can keep his stubble for months w/o it changing much
considers himself to be short despite being like 6′ something because he’s seen a few guys taller than him like once
consistently worries tachibana will stop liking [slash loving] him someday despite the fact that he literally lost his arm to save his life. this got a lot worse after the documentary
tachibana is not very expressive/showing of affections in the way oda is and oda still isn’t 100% used to it
“city boy” who grew up in bad conditions & with abusive/neglectful parents which more or less gave him an easy transition into involvement w/ gangs 
not necessarily a headcanon but he gives me only child vibes in the “your mom died giving birth to you” sort of way
i feel like the attitude he has towards tachibana of “putting him on a pedestal” (for lack of a better term) speaks to some sort of difficulty in thinking about relationships in a non-conditional way
i also think he has this relationship w/ his past, see below
came to japan before 1976 (he was a stowaway, so...) at 17/18
open about his past up to a certain point (and especially not after the documentary). leaves gaps that sometimes tachibana can find out on his own and other times are ominously absent, very contrary to tachibana being 100% open w/ him (& the other bats)
(cw sex trafficking/sexual assault ??? )  the way both he and makoto phrased it makes it sound like it was a deal where he was tasked with finding women & sending them somewhere specific (to put it lightly), sort of a middleman? since he was involved w/ gangs it makes the most sense to me
(cw 2) i’m undecided about whether he continued trafficking with the bats
he absolutely feels remorse for what he did, especially after meeting tachibana, and even moreso after the documentary
i think it was in a similar sort of step to tachibana in that he was repressing the remorse/trying not to think about it but after the documentary he couldn’t ignore it anymore
in our modern lgbt parlance he would be considered “bi”, but if you asked him he would be very confused because he doesn’t think about stuff like that very much. have not decided if i think he’s trans or not yet
was masc 4 masc in the strict proto-instagram gay “hunks only” way before meeting tachibana. his type for women is similarly gendered (big tits long hair etc) but that hasn’t really changed
(if cis) whenever he found tachibana was trans he had the normal cis person questions but it didn’t really shock him too much bc he’d seen and slept with trans women before. ultimately it didn’t affect the way he viewed tachibana, and it’s not like he would reject tachibana in any way for any reason lol
sex wise he and tachibana switch but tachibana is the more “dominant” one with a bad habit (which started mainly when oda started being more distant) of giving into what oda wants bc he likes keeping him close 
like how tachibana isn’t expressive he is also silent during sex. like not a peep. he has to consciously think of things to say. oda isn’t 100% used to that either
not neurotypical. idk how but he isn’t
some sort of writing/speech/language-related learning disability? (dyslexia?)
uh misc
black and white thinker. not introspective at all. nothing is “maybe” with this guy. arguably canon
and tachibana isn’t and his clothes are black and white and oda’s are colorful and
scared of thunder***
the way he dressed seems to me like the equivalent of someone with only 80s clothing at their disposal trying to dress in a 70s fashion. may be inspired by older movies/stars? 
color and pattern-matching tended to not get too out of hand for more mainstream/trendy stuff but was a little more bold-colored and tastefully mismatched in the 70s
if only he’d lived seven more years...
big big big versace guy. if not versace then versace-esque clothes. loves that 80s color-blocking patterns thing
annoying to go to the movies with because he talks the whole way through and asks questions that could be answered by just watching the movie
got a woman pregnant once at a one night stand. not paying child support or anything like that. no interest in being involved in the child’s life at all***
tachibana knows (oda never told him, he found out on his own) and is ambivalent about it
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⁰ - i’m not fluent and can only know stuff through looking it up so please correct me if anything is wrong/weird. for the name thing most of these are based off of mandarin pronunciations so it could be off base
* - taken from chinese fans & friends
*** - taken from fics i read on pixiv
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The Classics mailing list is having another ‘how many languages should People know?’ discussion. (And it is actually a discussion this time! Not to jinx it But it has so far not descended into Oxbridge professors telling postgrad students that if they haven’t spent a year living abroad in specific European countries then they shouldn’t even be doing Classics).
And like, I’m never gonna contribute to that discussion on the mailing list because there is always the chance that you’ll set someone off and I genuinely cba to deal with that, but the discussion so far is missing actual practical solutions of any sort.
Here are some facts:
- Classics scholarship gets published in a lot of languages. It is absolutely the case that the majority of it is in a smaller group of languages.
- it would be super awesome and great if everyone was multilingual!
- Most scholars are not multilingual.
- difference circumstances make it more/less likely that someone will be fluent in a second language. This includes Country, school, class, etc.
- there is literally nothing to be gained from excluding people from the subject for not knowing more than one language.
- everyone would produce better scholarship if we could read everything written on the topic we’re researching.
- there are a not insignificant amount of instances in which something was published in a language other than English and then someone else comes along later and writes the same thing again but in English and it gets all the attention (and honestly leaves you wondering whether the author deliberately chose to ignore the non-English work bc srsly how do you write an entire fucking book and not be aware of someone else’s whole entire book on the same theme??)
- non-native English speakers are more likely to get papers rejected from English speaking journals.
- it is absolutely not reasonable to expect them to be spending so much of their time perfecting their knowledge of the foibles of English academic language.
- searching for Research is a skill. Knowing what terms to use and where to search is a skill. Knowing another language doesn’t actually mean you will be good at searching using that language.
- DeepL and even google translate are pretty good actually.
Here’s some thoughts:
Publishing: I’m currently co-editing a volume and I spent a lot of time working with one contributor bc it’s the first thing they’ve published in English. They’ve been a delight to work with. And honestly, yes, it has taken me more time to help them polish their chapter than for others, but it’s not even the chapter that’s taken the longest. Like, one of the chapters written by a native English speaker has been a way bigger headache for me.
I know everyone is overworked and underpaid and being asked to Peer Review Journal/Book submissions for free in their spare time, but also, some of us are very much happy to help others polish journal articles/chapters for free too. I’d rather do that than peer review shit, tbh.
Sure, in an ideal world we’d get paid for all this kind of work, but we do not live in an ideal world, other scholars can’t afford to pay us to do that and frankly, like, they shouldn’t have to be literally paying more money than others to stand a chance of getting published just because they’re having to write in a second/third/etc. language. Ideally universities or other bodies could fund that cost but whatever. No one is putting me in charge of a university budget anytime soon, so I’ll just be here helping people for free if they need it.
Language learning: I don’t care about what the ideal situation is. I care about what we can actually, usefully do. Sitting around complaining that universities should make x or y language mandatory is useless. And there will always be more languages that it would be useful to know.
What’s actually useful, and far easier to implement:
- teach people how to use DeepL and google translate. Get universities to *subscribe* to DeepL. Teach this as part of standard research methods. Make it clear even from undergrad that there is valuable scholarship available in other languages and that students are expected to Not Ignore It.
- resource share. What’s actually the best place to search for academic research on Y topic in X language? And what’s the word for X person/art style/literary genre in Y language? Even if someone wants to look at lit in different languages, they still have to know what to look for before they start.
- ??? Idk what to call this, but like, it would be really fuckin’ great if we could tag stuff in multiple languages. Like, it would be better if a user could search for, say ‘Iliad animal metaphors’ and have it turn up all Language results rather than having to run 10 different searches to cover a bunch of different languages (also see above, re: knowing how to successfully search is a language-specific skill). But without knowing how to fix that problem, we should still be sharing the knowledge of how to use translation tools + the best search engines per Language / area + reminding people ‘that ‘look up that term in X language dictionary and then search for that’ is something they should be doing.
Like, there are already tools at our disposal that should make cross-language scholarship easier for everyone. Whether you know one or five languages. We’re just shit at using them/teaching them.
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rokso-o · 1 year
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@blueteller this is my sideblog so i couldn’t reply instead 😣 eng isn’t my first language so i hope my explanation will be understandable 😭😭😭 so sorry in advance if it’s not very nuanced. (also i had to like doubletake cause you replied to my post and i thought you were calling me a smartass and a jerk who doesn’t know what they’re talking about 😭⁉️ i literally am so dumb................ [a moment of silence] i was like damnnnn i know im no professional and only translate for... fun?? but i know a little bit jdkdjdkjfkfkff im so sorry unless YOU ACTUALLY ARE CALLING ME ONE???)
i already explained this whole thing multiple times from the reblog from op to couple answered asks about it but yes! but i do believe that the whole argument (if there should be one) should’ve been whether or not the spelling should be /better/ as miru or mireu instead, because they are the most accurate (and if we’re being literal, the only accurate ones for pure korean romanisations.) another new example i would have is when we would romanised surnames like seo or suh, choi or chwe. people use both and can be use interchangeably unless the person put one as their actual government name. nevertheless, they are the same. the only difference would be the easier pronunciation for foreigners who doesn’t speak or know korean. if you consume any korean media and pick up their proununciation and how they romanise/write names, you would know that the ‘eo’ sound is spoken as ‘uh’ and for choi, it is written and pronounced as ‘chwe’ (accurately, though they do let people in western countries pronounce it as choi sometimes... like with lee but it’s pronounced as “ih” literally). of course, there can be exemptions to this rule like no one will romanise a name like eunjae as unjae or eunjeh whereas you can use jaehyun vs jaehyeon. thats why i found it a bit ??!!¥!}¥!¥?_!}_ when i saw them use “mir” and their t/n i was a bit disappointed because they tried to localise a pure korean word. one of my pet peeves and the reason why i learned languages is because i reaaaaaaally disliked it when certain things get lost in translation 😖 and for me, this one felt like it. [as in, it just sounded high and mighty to me the way they worded it but even if you try and google the pure korean word, everyone does romanise it as mireu]. in addition to this, it just makes me a tiny bittttt sad because cale has ALWAYS emphasised the fact that raon’s name is PURE KOREAN so this means a lot to me?!!?¥!}¥!¥ [and tbh, i have translated a few rofan and esp wuxia/xianxia centric novels and manhwas so it was so weird to me when a translator’s thought was to try and romanise a pure korean name like it was a borrowed word. but it’s aight anyways since i do read the raws and just wanted to put my two cents in since a lot of novel readers thought that miru was innacurate] [and like i said before, im not sure if this tl team translate terms like hyung or oppa, etc as is but if they do, i just really don’t understand the type of spite they gotta have for them to try and translate miru/mireu as mir......???]
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[ps. regarding this reply hekdjdkjdkf i jus wanna be delulu bc i can’t express my adoration to cale normally..... i do not know how hkddjkdjdwhat it was a platonic proposal (for his money... and his brain tbh) but if im being honest i do wanna marry beacrox unironically.... although i feel like that’s even more impossible....... sighhhhhh]
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hi don't mean to overwhelm you (or even criticize you personally at all, i appreciate you contributing to the conversation and i'm doing the same) but i think what some people are getting at when we talk about talking publicly about racism in fics is that when it exists in fandom, it ostracizes us from the fandom. and while i do think fandom is a community, it's not (to me at least) a community that supersedes my ethnic/racial communities. preserving a positive fandom space will ultimately be less important to me than criticizing racism. and... to be honest, sometimes i (and a lot of poc) are just seeking to criticize, not educate. dealing with racism is quite literally exhausting and preserving the feelings of those who perpetuate it (even unintentionally!) can be even more exhausting. but like, also, i generally agree with you that most criticisms of bigotry in fics are not always in good faith and like verbally attacking (or the internet equivalent) a fic author doesn't really achieve much. but i do think a lot of us are frustrated, especially in predominantly white fandom spaces, at ignorance constantly being used as a fallback for reprehensible behavior. lmao anyway i'm so not trying to say that You specifically have to have the answer to this--like i don't think anyone has one answer, but i just thought i'd pop in and give my two cents
no worries! i appreciate the conversation.
i get what you mean about feeling ostracized from fandom and how you're not necessarily going to feel like you're in community with a group if they aren't first treating you as like. a member of that community. i've been discussing all this under the premise that the goal is to educate, and so what i've been saying has been centered around what i think is gonna be most effective assuming that goal--obviously, being frustrated with racism + just needing an outlet to criticize is a different situation.
and like...yeah i definitely don't have a perfect answer lol. hopefully i've made it clear in the past couple asks i've answered, but to reiterate: i think it's understandable + valid to just get frustrated when people's ignorance is hurtful. like, regardless of whether it's intentional or ignorant, it still hurts, and i'm not trying to diminish that fact in any way. the point i was making in highlighting the difference between intent + ignorance is just that there's going to be a difference in opportunity for education there--an ignorant person can be educated, an intentionally hateful person usually can't. that doesn't mean it's anyone's job to take on the burden of that education, just that it is a potential avenue to try and fix some of these issues when they do arise. and like i said with the whole two-way street thing, i think this sort of communication is just as dependent on people being called out not falling back on their ignorance as an excuse, even if it's an explanation for why they said/wrote/did whatever.
i think something that might be getting lost in translation slightly with the original post is that like. it was more of a "stop being dicks on the internet" and less "here's a step by step guide on how to address systemic issues like racism," y'know? like, to the extent that i did speak about more serious issues and suggest going to the person first, where i was coming from was anticipating the response from someone who might say "well sometimes there's a valid need to critique fics bc they perpetuate harmful rhetoric!" and going "ok sure if your goal here is to address the harmful rhetoric. then here's how best to do that." and i intentionally included that if going to the fic writer first didn't work then yeah i think it makes sense to post about it publicly, but if the goal is to productively address harmful rhetoric then not in a way that's in bad faith, y'know? in light of the conversation today if i were to remake that post i might modify my language slightly to clarify that going to the fic writer first is not going to be the absolute best option for everybody in 100% of cases, but again, this whole conversation today has not really been the thing that i was trying to address with that post.
so like, if we're looking at things outside that premise of "the goal here is to educate" then. yeah. i mean there's no 100% perfect answer. people getting frustrated with racism and wanting to criticize + vent makes sense, and i do think that the burden in those instances is on the people being critiqued to not immediately get defensive--because getting defensive just creates more frustration, and makes people less likely to go directly to fic writers with issues rather than posting about it publicly, and then the cycle continues, etc. etc. if we want fandom spaces to be a community, then it's not just a situation of "some people are ignorant + others have to educate them"--it's a situation where we should all be trying to educate ourselves independently, while also understanding that none of us are going to get everything perfect + assuming the best in those who do call us out when we fuck up (as in, that they have a valid issue they're bringing to the table and are not just here to humiliate us) while also assuming the best of those we're calling out (as in, they made a mistake out of ignorance and would be open to correcting it if educated). obviously, this is not an ideal world and fandom spaces are not always 100% going to be happy perfect little communities where everyone has the best intentions, and sometimes it is just really fucking frustrating + alienating to see the shit people say. unfortunately i don't have an answer for what the Right or Best thing to do is in those instances; it's gonna be up to each person how they approach + handle it and whether they feel it's possible for them to treat a space like a community if they don't feel they're receiving that same treatment in return.
anyway, i appreciate your two cents! thanks for taking the time to share <3
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lowpolyshadow · 2 years
This is for the Sonic opinion ask thingy (but feel free to answer it privately bc I'm on the shy side) PS. I am sorry for its length:
Do you believe that the hate Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 gets to this day is deserved, and did it ruin Shadow's character? I feel like Shadow 05 gets a lot of crap thrown at it bc of its "edgy" advertising more so than the actual content of the game. The game itself is the Team Chaotix mission style levels from Sonic Heroes but with Shadow, and guns, lots of guns. And... the guns are honestly the best part of the game. Next to Shadow, of course.
Before I played it this year, I was under the impression that the game was terrible as so many ppl say it is and that it's the game that ruined Shadow by making him an edgelord. After playing it and having to beat it 10 times to get the true ending, I was so confused as to how the game has the bad reputation that it has. Yeah, the game is edgy, but Shadow isn't close to being an edgelord. He's a little guy, a little goofy guy who just wants to know his past. Idk... Maybe 2005 was too early for Sega to release such a tonally different type of Sonic game and market it as unSonic like as possible to Sonic fans. One can only wish Shadow 05 gets the Sonic Unleashed treatment: hated on release but gets love and praise years years later; but Shadow 05's less than well received legacy has a tight grip on it.
the in depth-ness of this ask is so (rattles it) that i wanna publish it GJASKLDFDF but if u don't like it lmk <3 but here's my equally long response
i think shth the game is like . not a great game. it's clunky, it's weird, it has literally over 300 "routes" for true 100% completion because of how oddly they made it (each individual possible connection between dark/hero/neutral being its own path with its own name in the credits/game itself meaning you need to do every fucking possibility in existence to get a true 100%) like it's just such an odd specimen of a video game that has the same sort of "issue" most sonic games have where there's not enough polish in certain parts of the end result
i think that + a mix of other factors (the edgy marketing, the gun thing, the fact that this is the first sonic character since knuckles chaotix and tails adventure to get a spin off) made it more susceptible to being criticized, especially because shadow isn't a longrunning character and was equally polarizing in certain parts of the fandom for that reason (he should've stayed dead vs he wasn't that good to begin with vs etc., he's like the most popular character besides sonic but that also means he has plenty of detractors)
this is also during like an awkward time period like following sa2 where people were split on whether heroes is good or not (my beloved), a lot of spin offs or smaller side games that aren't really here or there, and then of course 06 for the real plummet in public opinion, so like. shth was already going uphill lmaoooo
so like. factually. it's a fucking Weird game. adding guns and trying to make it cooler and edgier and let shadow + sonic swear (HILARIOUS) means there's too much room for people to say that the silly series about cartoon hedgehogs is trying too hard, and especially around 2005, trying too hard is seen as lame and cringe and not cool? which also means it's more popular to make fun of its writing than try to actually absorb what the game is telling you (which is hard anyways because the game tells it to you in its weird assbackwards multi-route off translation sonic way)
in my own personal opinion, the game isn't perfect and it's actually just fucking funny especially in like the dark routes (i LOVE dark hero ending), but it's not as awful as people make it out to be and i don't really think shadow's character was "ruined" by it or anywhere close. i'm a little bit on the side of "shadow probably should've stayed dead in sa2" because the impact of his story was just phenomenal with how his character goes, but yknow i'm a shadow fan which means im glad i get to see him stick around and be in future games
edit: also forgot to mention but i think shadow IS a little edgelord, it's just that he's been an edgelord since inception. listen to literally any of his lines from sa2 (one of the first things you'll ever hear from him is literally just "I am Shadow the Hedgehog, the world's ultimate life form. There's no time for games, farewell." among like "It all starts with this ... a jewel containing the ultimate power!") he's just so dramatic he's . he's always had edge. shth is just all about him so it's on full display all the time <3
shth was important because following his new heroes amnesia, this is the game that focuses entirely on heroes' team dark subplot with him trying to find out who he is, and all the routes are formed based on how much he actually learns (a lot of dark endings he ends up with little to no information at all, a lot of hero endings he learns some but not the other), with of course the true ending resulting in him coming to terms with all he is and what he was meant to be and what he will be going forward
he's over the top and dramatic but that's like half the fun of a sonic game i think (also, again, lots of the translation are straight up incorrect or just oddly done so it doesn't help with making things make. sense), like. it is a silly little game about cartoon hedgehogs. that SWEAR now! and use guns !!! !! ! but it's also a game where shadow gets to let go of the past and put it behind him, so that he can just. live. for once. lol
not to be used as a weapon for revenge on humanity, not to be used as a desperate cure for a dying girl, not to be . fucking anything besides a little freak of a hedgehog
it's soooo dramatic but him letting go of that picture of maria and gerald and saying goodbye to shadow is like. ?!??! idk. i think it worked for what they needed and 06 shadow showed the fruits of that labor where he's just so much more in control of like, himself and his lot in life i think .... modern shadow gets a lot of flack and yknow i agree but it's almost like a shadow off the shits level of flanderization lmaooo?? i hope they tone it down for a bit more of a balance between his cool collected reserved thing and his like oddly passionate side (like how amy suffered for. a few years now. with being just 'sonic fangirl' but they're finally bringing it back around to 'kind compassionate girl who loves her friends'), but it's not wrong to say he's a guy who doesn't care about what others think and is just doing whatever the fuck he wants
tldr i think shth the game gets more flack than it deserves, which isn't to say it doesn't deserve any it just. like satbk and secret rings, which are just not fantastic games in terms of actual gameplay, the writing is genuinely not bad at all. i really like shadow in lots of sections of shth even tho they're batshit crazy scenes... and i'm a sucker for . for the ridiculous "this is who i am!" ending quotes in the sense that they're so stupid. they're so dumb. half of them i can't take seriously ("i am the ultimate hedgehog" lmao?!?) but then you get the last story's quote and. yeah.
"I am Shadow the Hedgehog. I've left the past behind me. No one can tell me what to do now! I will destroy you, Black Doom!”
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stray-tori · 2 years
PiB 2 rambles compilation post
hi apparently ctrl+enter sends a post, whoopsies. attempt 2.
*kicks down the door* I JUST WATCHED PUSS IN BOOTS 2. & how can I return to my furry roots without returning to my tumblr roots.
! Spoilers ahoy !
Obviously i knew Kitty was gonna be in it but I was like HOW. WHEN. WHERE ARE YOU. and it was such a smooth and "of course!! of course she'S IN THE BOX" way to show up! I just saw the eyes and was like “:D!!!!” (Also does anyone else remember when DW said Kitty wouldn’t be in a sequel and the whole fandom was like “well then idc” DHSAJS)
ALSO MARRIAGE??! furry marriage is such a funny concept like. what are you gonna do- wear a flowy dress- apparently yes according to the dialog at least. IT'S JUST FUNNY MAN
Fun German Dub Things:
“savage” from one of the two sisters in response to the unicorn horns was translated to “Geiler Scheiß” which literally means “hot/sexy/awesome shit” but I JUST DON’T EXPECT TO HEAR “GEIL” IN CASUAL ANIMATED MOVIES Y’KNOW- then again I think it was also said in Strange World??
“that’s a dog in a cat costume” - “oh yeahhh- you tricky little shitter/fucker” Me: spits
“dogpiles don’t work on cats” -> “what are you doing? sleeping off a hangover” (hangover and puss are the same word in german) The fact that they not only adapted but it also works so well because he takes a sip at the end of that line is so!!!! GOOD JOB
All the "P" signatures were changed to "K" even in the animation?? I can’t prove this but once german ver is on something I’ll def compare the animations!! so much international effort holy shit... I was like "K??? for what does that stand?? KILL???" and then I was like "Kater??? [Puss] NO WAY WHAT"
there were a lot of cool transition cuts but one that stood out to me was after the scene with the lives singing and his silhouette shifted to two cliffs or something of the like-
Obviously the wolf is extremely cool and all his scenes slay so hard, but I also like how they played up whether he was real or not. I was tending to yes bc where he grabbed Puss on his coat there was actually a tear and I just thought it'd be hard to make a fight climax if he wasn't real, but I still like how they played that up BUT GOD THANK YOU I'm a little tired of things not being real (CoUGH IDV COUFH)
friend: Also have a close look at 4:51 [crowd shot of the extended preview] me: HOLY SHIT
HOWEVER, WHEN HE STARTED BEING LIKE "I was always there" i just sat there like. no. no you're not going to make me remember the STUPID EGG FROM THE FIRST MOVIE I WAS SO SCARED THEY'D GO INTO ANOTHER GOOFY MONTAGE!! I do think it's cool they kinda... made a parallel in that but I DIDNT WANT TO REMEMBER!! BEGONE
very fun movie. most fun cinema experience I've had for a while. I'm really glad I went to see it in cinema bc the heartbeat sound in surround sound was def grasping and like. obviously the bass and everything!
Also kinda got kicked by like... nostalgia too? I don’t really think of PiB as often as fondly as I do of KFP so it really surprised me that I got that happy to see them again. It definitely helps that the movie genuinely slayed.
it's what I want to feel for KFP but !! UGH THE CRINGE sahjads
I really enjoyed it, it definitely deserves all the hype it’s getting. go dreamworks!!
I will watch bad guys soon i promise i’ve been meaning to but A
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virmillion · 4 months
rambling to self bc i have a pen but no paper
anyway so the thing where you say “ok now set x equal to twelve” and the kid starts typing the Words “set x…” and you have to correct them to type “x = 12”, whether that’s an artifact of language in general or just a missed translation of the literal phrase
like it might be to do with age, kids start to extrapolate what you mean better and understand alternate phrasings (set x equal to, update x’s value, change x to be, et al). versus when they’re younger, maybe they take it more literally?
or it might not be related to age at all, or at least not completely
- could be due to neurodivergence, if the kid takes everything literally bc of how their brain is wired
- could be that they’re thinking of coding languages as equivalent to spoken languages, sort of how a new learner from english to spanish translates things directly, eg confusion over las vacaciones just being vacation in general
- could be based on home situations, maybe their parents are the type to mean things very literally when they say it, so it’s what the kid is used to? (which would then extend to where the parent gets that from, depending how many layers back it goes)
anyway just generally whether the acquisition of languages is comparable with coding vs spoken languages, not to mention sign language? obviously if a kid starts learning coding younger then it’ll be easier if/when they do it in college, but is it the same advantage a kid would have learning a ‘standard’ second language young? i want to say i’ve seen it be that learning a new language is easier the younger you are, but would that apply to coding languages? even outside the matter of syntax and stuff, since of course you wouldn’t have the typing verbatim words “set x equal” problem when working in scratch. scratch might be comparable to kids using building letter blocks, grabbing each letter and placing it where it goes to form a word? it’s more complicated, since they’re also learning about logic (loops, if statements, broadcasting, movement), but it feels tangential to the unus annus spelling game video
then you might also have to worry about the fact that, similar to how there’s multiple Standard Languages, there’s multiple coding languages, where each of those has their own basic building blocks (usually)
standard languages typically have verbs, nouns, pronouns, infinitives, tenses, et al
coding languages typically have functions, variables, operations, im sure there’s more i’m forgetting, et al
and obviously there’s edge cases, like how that one languages doesn’t have any numbers, and how there’s no native string functionality in C (i think, it’s been a minute since i took that class)
but the same way a kid learning spanish is not the same as a kid learning german, a kid learning python is not the same as a kid learning java. obviously python and java use the same Standard Language, but their syntax and such is different. versus the standard languages, at least with spanish/german you’re still going to be working with the same set of alphabetical characters (plus ñ, ß, accents, …), but it’s the construction and order that differs
eg in standard languages, you might have to worry about if the adjective goes before or after the noun, which extends to the lovely little old green dragon issue in english. in coding languages, python lets you just say “x = 17” and then two lines later say “x = ‘bootypants’”, and it’s fine. in C++, you have to declare x as an int first, and then it’s an int forever
new tangent but it’s a lot harder to just casually learn coding in your down time. you typically need either a huge textbook or an interactive tech device, and usually it’s learned through practice (either specific instructions or general guiding along making whatever you want), at least in my experience. with standard languages, you can really just do that however you want - find books for basically any grade/age, listen to podcasts, watch shows and movies, …
the closest equivalent to that is watching/hearing people talk ABOUT coding, but that’s usually more about quirks and pros and cons of a given language or syntax, and less about actually learning the language itself.
then also the matter of how there’s usually at least three components to standard languages - listening, speaking, and reading. then additional necessities, eg expression and gestures (obviously more significant in sign language) and indirect phrases (sarcasm, metaphors) that are more nuanced
that’s all i’ve got for now i think, tbd if i rb this post or just make a new one every time i have a thought but im gonna give it an organizational tag just in case ✌️🫶
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menalez · 1 year
looking through this dumb discourse and of course chinese women who are friends with fucking biphobic chaofan1968 are losing their minds because you "didn't even mention the rwacism that jesie woman was doing!!" honestly there are just certain groups of people you need to block on sight and if chinese speaking "radfems" can't handle the fact that indian people in singapore would definitely experience more racism than a majority group of chinese people then they're purposely missing the point and just trying to pick fights because they think they're the most oppressed ever. none of these people have any kind of reading comprehension and just pick one sentence you said and run with it to make you seem like you did something wrong when you literally didn't, especially since a lot of these people who are angry don't even speak english so they're probably completely missing the context. also you're not being a very good sinophobe if you're dating an asian lol
uhhhh i think you’re either misunderstanding the situation or potentially fanning the flames here.
as far as i know, chaofan1968 has nothing to do with the chinese-speaking radfems that came onto 1 post and there’s nothing to indicate she (or any chinese-speaking radfem) is related to the shit-stirring anons. i don’t think that’s a fair assumption to make simply bc she’s ethnically chinese too.
i don’t think they complained that i didn’t mention her racism tbh? maybe one anon did but it just seemed like that anon was whining that i was reasserting the point they kept calling me racist for (that not all singaporeans are of chinese descent) instead of jumping to hate on a woman i do not know based on another anon’s word (which doesn’t make sense. ofc if someone is criticising me for something i’m going to respond to what they’re criticising me for instead of talking about some random woman i don’t know ??)
i did not comment on whether or not indian people face more racism in singapore when compared to chinese people. i assume that is likely the case by virtue of chinese singaporeans being the vast majority and malay & indian singaporeans being a minority comparatively, but i would not assert something like that. i’m not knowledgable enough on singaporean politics to make such assertions to begin with. that said, my gf’s best friend (also taiwanese) was living in singapore for years and she did say that brown singaporeans (including malay here) get treated worse than white & chinese singaporeans. i did not talk to the malay or indian singaporeans i know about this tho so.. again, no idea about that so i’m not asserting anything. i don’t think that was a discussion anyone was having?
i also don’t think the chinese-speaking radfems on here were the same as the anons i was getting. the anons were almost all if not all non-asians and non-singaporeans and seemingly even westerners. i agree the ANONS are clearly shit-stirrers with bad intentions. the chinese-speaking radfems may have simply mistranslated or misunderstood the situation due to the anons, which from what someone told me, one of those anons did go to those bloggers to make them believe i’m being racist against asians. i wish they didn’t jump to believe said anons, but i won’t blame them for that. after the way some people on here were actually being racist to east asian radfems, i can understand the readiness to think someone is doing that. maybe they translated what i said and the translation seemed malicious or something, idk, but i’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. that said, it says on my blog where i’m from and it takes 1 google search to find out that country is in asia. so i didn’t appreciate all of them going on my post to say i’m a westerner obsessed with asia etc etc because literally none of it could apply even if they wanted it to.
all in all, i agree that all of this is genuinely stupid and baffling but i think part of the issue is people were jumping to assume the worst about me with little to no basis, and so i think theres a similar issue with your anon here.
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orcelito · 3 years
now, could watching my cat’s slowly deteriorating health for months & then his rapidly deteriorating health in a few days that culminated in me holding his dying body and then watching him actually die 
be considered A Trauma? 
asking bc tally had a coughing fit that almost put me into tears as I was thinking “I Cant Do This Again” 
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