#aftg number analysis
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andrew being in the foster system for 13 years before juvie, his home with cass being his 13th, bee being andrew’s 13th therpaist, the ravens scoring 13 goals in their first match against the foxes on the 13th of october, there are 13 ravens drills, neil’s interrogation with the fbi lasting 13 hours, andrew and neil’s numbers adding to 13
andrew: do you believe in luck?
neil: only the bad sort
13 being the ‘lucky number’ of the series despite it being a superstitious sign of bad luck. mirroring the subversion of expectations within the series that starts with andrew and neil beginning to understand each other after a shaky start, and ending with the foxes beating the ravens.
#andrew minyard#neil josten#idk just the number thirteen shows up a lot#and i like to add meaning to things that maybe don’t have meaning#aftg#aftg number analysis
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Numbers in aftg - MASTER LIST
Links to the posts everyone's been making about Nora's numerical symbolism
(For other types of aftg symbolism see this post by @feelingthedisaster)
Nora numbers games - by @darkblueboxs and @whydamnitwhy
Number symbolism - by @kevrenee and @tiredjustsoverytired
More number symbolism - by @muscatos
Number 3 - by @odetojupiter
Number 4 - by @odetojupiter
Number 13 - by @odetojupiter
Number 13 - by @kevindavidday
Number 13 additional - by @kevindavidday
Number 19 - by @odetojupiter
Numbers for Jean, Jeremy, Kevin, Renee - by @honoragreyskull
Numbers for Jean, Jeremy, Neil - by @dkyla13
Numbers for Jean, Andrew - by @you-know-i-get-itt
Numbers for Nicky, Andrew, Aaron - by @minyard-05
Numbers for Andrew, Neil - by @atlalasassy
Numbers for Neil vs Riko - by @mis-n-the-unwise
Numbers for Neil vs Aaron - by @boatshoesdude
Numbers for Seth vs Renee - by @mis-n-the-unwise
Numbers for Andrew - by @irasthingies
Numbers for Kevin - by @flameheart413
Kevin eleven (which is my new favourite store) - by @you-know-i-get-itt et al
Numbers for Thea - by @odetojupiter
Numbers and Wymack, the Perfect Court - by @you-know-i-get-itt
Numbers and Wymack - by @doodlingstuff
Japanese numerals - by @snazzy-jas-z-is-a-fan-of
Magic numbers - by @high-queen-of-the-court
Nora's extra content (master link provided by @peggyrose19) has a lot to say about numbers
This post on the history of aftg by @coldsaturn provides stats about the growth of the fandom
Neil’s father gave him numbers that kept decreasing; Andrew gave him numbers that kept increasing.
If you can add anything please share !
(I keep a running list of edits in the reblog)
Update - additional numbers post
#I’m extremely superstitious about the number 11 btw#Nora numbers games#aftg number analysis#aftg#all for the game#the foxhole court#aftg tsc#tfc#tkm#trk#tsc#the sunshine court
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i’ll forever be mad that people managed to fall in love with jeremy despite his barely-there appearance in the original series, enough to not only make up an entire personality for him but also a ship that became major enough that it’s literally becoming canon, but they couldn’t possibly think of any reason for thea to be an interesting character to explore despite her actual significance to kevin and the ravens. maybe we’d have learned more about thea if people hadn’t projected so much on to her character and then turned that vitriol back on the author. i’m not saying people have to pick and choose between side characters that they want to focus on, it just shocks me that so many people thought that the pre-tsc canon jeremy was interesting enough to create an entire relationship for him, when thea literally graduated from the nest and was one of the few women players on the us court. they have maybe a similar length of appearance in the original series but thea was a lot more intertwined with the actual plot considering she was part of the cult that was targeting the protagonists, and she was one of the few to make it out. and again, i’m not saying that they aren’t allowed to love jeremy as he appears in the original series, but when i compare the reaction to him vs the reaction to thea, the only reason i can think of that people were able to run with jeremy and not thea is that jeremy was a sunshine-happy white boy and thea was a seemingly angry black woman. nevermind that thea had reason to be angry, nevermind that thea was a cult survivor, nevermind that thea’s only attachments in the nest were jean and kevin, and she lost contact with both of them after graduating. did anyone think about how it would’ve been for thea leaving the nest after being abused and manipulated for half a decade (in which time we can assume she lost contact with her family and friends from home), only to then lose the few connections she had within that time period? like, how do you know that her continued support for the ravens wasn’t born from the same you’re-a-raven-or-you’re-dead mentality that jean exhibits in tsc?
if thea has no defenders then i must be dead 🤷♀️
i feel like i should clarify this is not a comparison of jeremy and thea and im not saying you can’t find original-series jeremy interesting, i just find it strange that despite knowing a lot more narrative-relevent things about thea, people immediately shunned her character even though they clearly had the imagination to create a background and personality for jeremy. if you don’t like thea that’s fine, but why did her meagre appearance in the book motivate people to hatred so much that they harassed the author, when they could’ve just ignored her, or given her the background/personality that we never got to see in canon.
will actually never forgive this fandom for harrassing nora so much about thea that we'll never get to know who she is beyond the few snippets nora did post that you 100% know did not do her justice and show her full character in any regard
#its mad that pre-tsc laila and alvarez showed up in more of the fics i read than thea did#i really want to write a thea-centric fic about what she went through but i’m not sure i can do it justice#just because we really don’t know anything about her#i stand by my analysis of number 14 for her#thea muldani#aftg#all for the game
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wow officially on springbreak...i can finally reread aftg for Big Analysis so here's my list of the things i want to focus on for essay purposes:
- neil and submission vs defiance
- neil's behaviors that only exist due to mary / being on the run
- andrew + the success of andreil vs the drugs and control
- tracking the amount of lies neil successfully gets away with
- tracking the nicknames andrew gives him and how that shows the build of trust / feeling
- Numbers.
#aftg#neil josten#andrew minyard#andreil#save#making this mostly so that i can refer to it when i start rereading#this is Not my first reread however its my first one thats focused on close reading
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Thinking too much about AFTG again and I know we rag on Neil for being oblivious but I don’t think Andrew understands for most of the story that Neil likes him back
(FYI I haven’t read all the extra content, Nora may have said something about Andrew’s mindset that contradicts this, I don’t care it’s my literary analysis and I control my interpretation and the only canon that exists is what’s in the books. Also I’m Jewish, and the number one rule is anything can be true so long as you can back it up textually)
You’ve got the whole “I’m not your answer and you sure as fuck aren’t mine” line. By this point two things have happened recently: Neil has become outwardly more emotionally and physically vulnerable, and Neil has shown more interest in spending time with Andrew as well as interest in Andrew in general. And Andrew’s response to this seems to be the assumption that Neil is having a crisis he isn’t sharing and seems to have decided that Andrew is the answer to fixing that crisis. To be fair he is having a crisis, Andrew is just an unrelated benefit.
Which makes sense, most of his relationships are based, at least in Andrew’s mind, on him providing a service in exchange for someone’s presence in his life due to his belief that people will not be around him otherwise. So if Neil is looking at him in an open, appreciative, and interested way he seems to assume it’s because Neil, the terrified guy on the run from something, has found himself enjoying the stability Andrew provides and is seeing being near Andrew as a solution to his problems. That maybe Neil has tricked himself into thinking he has feelings for Andrew because he likes having someone take care of him and that’s the reason, and we see from Andrew stopping the kiss when Neil is upset that he does not consider being interested in someone while emotionally vulnerable to be real consent, therefore if Neil is interested in him due to being upset and afraid that is not Neil actually being interested. He also is clearly very agitated by this first kiss, seeming to see himself as a predator who lost control and harmed Neil by taking advantage of him.
He also continues to do nice things for Neil after getting back, despite initially seeming to express frustration, disinterest, and distaste for Neil. Giving him keys to the car, buying him a new charger, giving Neil the shotgun seat. Andrew’s habit of feeling the need to incentivize the people he cares for to stay with him, as well as what appears to naturally be his love language of giving gifts and acts of service as a replacement for verbally sharing emotions. I’m not saying that when he’s doing nice things it’s for personal gain, but I think part of him feels good doing it and part of him believes this is all he has to offer this person. He got back and didn’t say nice things to Neil because he can’t, but he can quietly take care of Neil in a way that says “please stay with me, I want you to be ok” that he verbally can’t. He knows Neil values the ability to leave upsetting situations, that Neil reacted positively the last time Andrew gave him keys, gives Neil a way to charge his phone ie have a lifeline to safety and Andrew when needed, and he’s saying that he still implicitly trusts Neil with things that are important to him. And of course shotgun means “I want you to be the person who is nearest to me”. He similarly starts making a habit of sitting next to Neil when the team is together. Andrew very much is a cat, he’s going to swat at you but also glue himself to your side
There’s also the various moments where Andrew states out loud that he has an attraction and growing emotional attachment to Neil that he has already written off as impossible. He calls Neil a pipe dream, says he knows nothing will come of having an interest in Neil without having made any attempts to see if Neil is interested. If you follow up a confession of interest with a statement that nothing will happen, you can’t be hurt by rejection because you didn’t give the person a chance to reject you.
And it doesn’t seem like it’s because Andrew is purposely avoiding attachments to people. Most of the effort he puts into his life is in his relationships, specifically into giving people reasons to stay near him. He makes the deals with Kevin and Aaron, he could have gone to a school with a more competitive Exy program but went to one where Nicky and Aaron could come and be on the team and in fact made that a requirement, he proves to Kevin that he made the right choice in making Andrew his shield by attacking anyone who hurts Kevin and putting a target on his own back. Before the start of the books we know he went out of his way to connect with Renee and do things for her that meant a lot to her, things that again seem to represent “I am doing her a favor, therefore she will be more likely to stay.” And anything else could be written off as born again Christian charity rather than acknowledge she has love and care for him.
He doesn’t see an attempt at connecting with Neil to be useless because he has no interest in building relationships with people, if there’s anything Andrew is passionate about it’s building and maintaining relationships with people. He sees it as obviously useless because there’s no way Neil would legitimately want to be with Andrew in the same way that Andrew wants him, that it is impossible to consider Neil reciprocating the way he’s feeling because all he wants is Neil himself and he doesn’t think anyone could just want him and think it’s enough.
Neil says he allowed himself to be abused by the Raven’s for two weeks on the chance he could help Andrew, that he wants to care for Andrew even without any personal benefit, and that is when Andrew calls him a pipe dream. Neil has just said that he, the guy who previously was so terrified for his own safety that he put it above all else, would willingly sacrifice his safety for Andrew. When Neil says this Andrew covers his mouth to make him stop talking, which to me suggests that this revelation was an absolute gut punch to him, that what happened to Neil was not only for his sake but accomplished nothing. Andrew’s reaction to Neil saying this is to say that Neil was supposed to be a side effect of the drugs. Meaning what Neil just said made him feel so strongly for Neil that he previously assumed it could not possibly be something he naturally has the capacity to feel.
(And he stills says that he doesn’t think he could ever have from Neil what he wants. So yeah Neil isn’t the only one who can hear a heartfelt confession and come to the conclusion that the other person is completely uninterested)
Also the whole “there is no this” conversation they loop through a few times. Again, Andrew loves building relationships, but they all are ticking clocks in his head, most of them graduation unless he can come up with something to convince them to stay. And then Neil keeps trying to say that there exists a relationship between them that has not been carefully negotiated with a clear end date, which is probably terrifying to a guy who doesn’t think he can trust anyone unless he is providing them something that makes him more useful around than not.
What Neil is proposing is that Andrew has intrinsic value and his presence is all Neil wants, and that probably seems terrifying and untrue. If Neil isn’t getting a tangible benefit that outweighs any perceived inconveniences, and if there is no point where they “re-up” their contract, then at any moment Neil could change his mind and take this thing away from Andrew. He’s had people he loved decide he’s not worth it, he knows it can happen and how terrible it is to experience. He willingly dealt with Drake and harmed himself to keep Cass, and he still lost her because he in and of himself wasn’t enough to be kept and loved because he wasn’t easy enough to love, he was broken, he was damaged. There can’t be a non transactional relationship between them because Andrew can’t see himself being enough and thinks losing it would be too painful to willingly risk
(Nicky, Kevin, and Aaron also seem to have this same view as Neil in their own way of Andrew’s inherent worth to them. Nicky really deserves more recognition for clawing his way to happiness then willingly giving it all up and upending his life and doing things repeatedly that make him unhappy because he cares so much for Aaron and Andrew, aligning himself against possible friends who could make him happy because he will always choose supporting Andrew over himself. And you have Aaron showing that he will fight Andrew tooth and nail if it means they can have a good and lasting relationship, and we see Kevin form genuine love and affection for Andrew outside of their deal, but again Andrew seems to view the relationships at the time as transactional or obligatory on their ends)
Or my favorite, the scene where Andrew makes a comment about Neil’s “neck fetish.” Neil has kissed his neck only about two times by that point, and both times it has elicited what is clearly a pleasurable response from Andrew. But Andrew can’t accept the idea that Neil is doing something with no benefit to himself and only a benefit to Andrew, that he is choosing to take time away from his own immediate pleasure to do something solely for Andrew’s enjoyment of the moment
Neil responds to the comment by saying “You like it, I like that you like it.” Neil is saying that he cares enough about Andrew to have paid attention to what pleases him and wants to take the time when they’re together to make Andrew feel good in a way that Andrew makes him feel good, that he knows Andrew has trauma with physical touch on most of his body but this is a way he can reciprocate that has no negative connotations for Andrew and serves solely to make him feel good. And Andrew does not or cannot let himself see it that way because it’s too vulnerable.
The sex is supposed to be transactional, this is what Andrew has to offer to make Neil stay with him, uninterrupted time of Andrew making him feel good and asking for nothing in return. Neil is breaking the rules, he’s making it reciprocated, if he is making Andrew feel good then Andrew doesn’t have that safety net of being the one with something to offer. So it has to be something that secretly benefits Neil, it has to be that Neil is getting something out of it or Andrew is back to not having anything special that he offers to make Neil stay with him. If it’s just Neil sitting back while Andrew gets him off then Andrew is automatically the most convenient sexual partner for Neil and he won’t look for someone else. If it’s reciprocal, then it stops being a favor Andrew is doing and takes effort on Neil’s end, as well as means the sex includes Andrew knowing what it’s like to be loved and cared for, which means he will feel it’s absence when Neil inevitably leaves because Andrew isn’t convenient enough.
It honestly seems like the turning point is his conversation with Aaron about breaking their deal, Aaron making him choose their deal or Neil. Because it A. Forces Andrew to see that Aaron intends to stay in his life without the deal, meaning that yes one of the most important people in Andrew’s world loves him without a contract. And B. It forces Andrew into a position where he has to take a leap of faith that Neil isn’t going to just walk away, that Neil sees Andrew the way Andrew sees him. And I wonder if Aaron brought up the conversation he had with Neil, that Neil said he didn’t think Andrew would fight for him, and he realized that Neil not only has been thinking about him the way he was thinking about Neil, but that he had this person in his life that he cared about and he was acting in a way that made that person not feel valued and it could probably cause the very thing he wants to avoid by pushing him away.
So you finally get the very end of the last book where Andrew doesn’t deny it when Neil says Andrew likes him, which is for him incredibly vulnerable. He’s shown that he will always protect Neil without their deal of protection, and Neil has shown that he sees everything about Andrew that other people don’t like and he loves Andrew anyway.
Because the story is from Neil’s point of view we see his internal growth as he learns to recognize and accept love and care from others but Andrew has been doing the same, realizing and trusting that Kevin and his family will still be there even if he has nothing tangible to offer, and accepting that someone could genuinely know and understand him, all the things that make him inconvenient, and still want him with no extra incentive because even as broken as he sees himself to be he still has value to others and he can trust Neil in the way he wants Neil to trust him
#long post#this got so much longer than I intended oh my god#this was supposed to be like 3 paragraphs max#I have a lot of thoughts about Andrew desperately wanting love without thinking he can have it#even though he has people who love him#aftg#all for the game#tfc#andrew minyard#neil josten#andreil
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6, 12, 13, and 23 for the aftg ask game!
- @you-know-i-get-itt
Already answered 6!
12. Favourite narrative foil?
I don’t know if I have this right I haven’t studied English/literature stuff in…like 8 years and I’m kind of stupid academically so. Forgive me if this analysis is absolutely wrong and not what that means but
I think Andrew/Renee, maybe. Renee who went through a bunch of the same things Andrew went through, becoming kind through her pain. Seeing how ugly and terrible and bad the world can get and just… being so determined to not be that person anymore. She acknowledges the horrible things she’s done with regret and doesn’t feel proud of her actions, she hates the person she used to be, she found light and meaning in life and turned her hatred of the world into smiles and positivity and spreading love like it’s her life’s mission.
And Andrew became bitter. Andrew became angry, and resentful, and lost any blatant outward kindness that he might’ve had. Andrew became violent and hateful and intolerant to bullshit and unkind people. The lessons Andrew learned from his trauma was not that he was the victim of terrible people, but that if terrible people wanted something from him, they would just take it. Renee sees the bad day someone might’ve had, while Andrew sees an asshole who has wronged him. Renee fought back against her abusers when Andrew never could. Andrew took Renee’s knives from her. They’re not true foils of each other, I know that really, but I just love seeing the different responses to the same kinds of trauma. How they started on this path that looked the same and both ended up two totally opposite kinds of people. IDK! that’s not a great analysis rly but yeah!!!
(Neither of their reactions to their trauma is wrong or right btw - just because Andrew’s sounds more insulting and negative, it doesn’t make it a bad response. Renee deserves to be angry and bitter and resentful too. They both rightfully deserve to be pissed at the life they were given. Renee just decided not to outwardly be that way.)
13. Favourite narrative symbolism?
(Was it intentional that number of this q was 13??) The number 13 and the keys I think!!
23. Something you are very sure will happen in TSC2
Kevin and Jean facing off on the court. The jerejean pottery class of course. An argument with Jeremy’s family. MAYBE Jean having the water boarding conversation with someone:
(Things I would like to see that are not so certain: Lukas blaming Jean for Graysons inevitable death, Jeremy losing his cool, Jean gets a sex toy, Ichirou cameo, the Ravens implode from the inside)
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Dear Cap-senpai, how does one come up with a cool, original and cohesive AU idea for AFTG? I want to write for these characters, but I have no idea where to even start. - Sincerely, a struggling writer
I am really honoured that you ask, because I see myself as mess I am just very devoted mess Making any sort of story is always the same no matter if you do fully original work or something based on pre existing IP You need to pick topic you enjoy this way you will have fun developing it it will make it feel like fun activity not work or effort. Ok lets take the Rikoi au as example bc my brain is right here right now general idea is ,, Riko as mermaid" now the question is how do i make the concept of mermaid tie into his family history i tie it into his design, i try to consider his background and possibly how his culture could tie into it - rikos family backstory - Japanese koi - i could read up some Japanese stories about koi to get even deeper - swamping number from arabic 1 to japanese to fit the theme bit more - moving moriyamas all the way back to Japan to have more traditional looking garden/pond environment for him so this is Riko but every universe and story need supporting cast [your cast can be 1-2 character it can be 5-20 or more how much you can handle but having more character makes your world and story feel more alive ] so now we have renee who because of her canon background witch charity becomes part of meer rescues team foxes who are half way house become meer sanctuary aaron and andrew who are the most different twins ever become 2 different species neils father who is piece of shit is still a piece of shit! <3 ilu nathan it's all about finding loose parallels! you don't have to tie things that way but finding things that tie your new AU yo canon even slightly will help other people understand the new dynamics and find something to relate to taking into account their love for original work when designing a story even for 1 character try to spend at least a bit to think of the world around them - aftg is actually great example of this - our main narration is made by neil who spoon feeds us very limited amount of information but in EC nora explained in much more detail how the whole world around him functions and motivations of other characters- we wouldn't knew those informations but nora wrote those books taking them into account this is why the relationships character formed have so much depth I also watch a lot of youtube videos about story analysis for video games and enjoy listening to essays about characters motivations !
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Also -
parallels / exy positions by @atticusfinchismydog
posts about Numbers in aftg
list of AFTG essays
Plot and structure:
plot in aftg by @kimkhimhant
plot, characters, pacing by @denizenhardwick
dialogue structure by @scarletfish
'that' first paragraph by @palmettoshenanigans
aftg is well written by @sharkszone
aftg writing analysis by @afurtivecake
aftg as Shakespearean tragedy by @palmettoshenanigans
Edgar Allan Poe symbolism by @muscatos
even more Edgar Allan Poe symbolism by @odetojupiter
character development by @cringeblogname and @elara-in-the-sky
why Andreil is unique by @lorasx
Jean's abuse shown through his inner voice by @fandomtrash-whataboutit
impact on reader by @gonnabeawriter
Parallels and symbolism:
moriyamas as allegory by @bea-l-t
chess symbolism for final game by @ultimate-marysue
perfect court convergences by @deeppenguinstudent
symbolism in Neil character design by @0bnoxious0range
perfect court characters as parallels by @odetojupiter
perfect court as a family metaphor by @deeppenguinstudent
more parallels by @broken-heart-raven-queen
Neil / Riko parallels by @lifeofbrybooks
Neil / Riko strategy parallels
Kevin / Neil parallels
Neil / Kevin parallels by @you-know-i-get-itt
brother parallels by @aftgsucks
Andrew / Neil parallels by @the-siren-queens-lover
Neil / Aaron symbolism by @mmmercuryy
Jeremy / Neil parallels by @inafieldofstarflowers
Neil / Jean parallels by @notlacrosse
Neil / Jean parallels exy
Seth / Neil parallels by @the-fox-with-no-name
Andrew-Aaron / Jean-Neil parallels by @so-brave-about-my-tummy-aches
Andreil / Jerejean parallels by @saintofsacrilege
Jeremy / Kevin parallels by @dustisus , plus Jean (in reblog) by @redpanda-mouse
Jean / Andrew parallels by @kimkhimhant
Elodie / Thea parallels by @afurtivecake
Mary / Abram by @dykekarkat
Mary and Joseph symbolism by @saintofsacrilege
psych ward parallels by @sirius-duck17
fire / water parallels - by @jeanmoreaue
more fire/water parallels by @you-know-i-get-itt
repression/censure/denial by @aledethanlast
exy racquet / weapons parallels
keys symbolism
parallels in Jean's instinct for home by @purpleelephantsocks
Tilda/Mary parallels by @6kate1bishop6
Aaron / Andrew protectiveness parallels by @lochenfreh
the symmetry of Riko's downfall by @darkblueboxs and others
Notes to this post by @jo-sleepycrow

AFTG is Well Written: a Masterlist
Many people have said the book series All For The Game by Nora Sakavic is badly written. However, I believe it is not. To prove this, I made a compilation of posts that explain why the books are meticusly crafted and amazingly written.
*disclaimer: I'm not claiming the books are perfect or have no mistakes, it is impossible for any book to be that way, I'm just saying that it's not even half as bad some people claim it to be
Why The King's Men's plot structure is genius
In defense of AFTG crazy plot
MCs and trauma responses by @skydaemon
Mirrors of eachother by @sirandking
Riko and Neil parallels by @notlacrosse
Jean: Number, name and the narrative by @owlarchimedes
Characters and their respective chess metaphor
Number symbolims in AFTG by @darkblueboxs with additions by @whydamnitwhy
Writing style
Conveying feelings by @lochenfreh
Here by @joejhang
The reason for the simplistic language by @afurtivecake
Neil/Nathaniel switch by @obsessing-over-fictionn
Here by deactivated account
The reason why people tend to think the book are bad by @thetamingofspike
Here by @the-foxhole-clutter
If I'm forgetting something or you know a post that could fit in this masterlist, share it pls!
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howdy. i'm dangerous advantage, but you can just call me danger.
i. about me !! as stated in my bio, i'm neurodivergent (ADHD/autism-haver) and queer (bi/nonbinary). i use primarily they/them pronouns, but also carry a special love for neos of all kind. if you want to mix it up, feel free.
my brand is red (yes, the color). proud primary-color enjoyer or whatever. shout out to my fellows in the primary color community <3.
my style tends to lean punk/gothic.
i'm a huge writing nerd, and love talking about it and collaborating with other writers. i especially enjoy themes and symbolism. it should come as little surprise, then, that i am also a slut for critical and literary analysis.
not a tumblr veteran, but i have been here since late 2017/18 (somewhere around there).
in other news: entering my cowboy gothic era. this cannot be stopped
ii. blog/fandom interests this is primarily a fandom blog, but i try to keep a balance of regular tumblr shenanigans on here as well. i do reblog stuff about politics on occasion, especially when trying to boost awareness, so be aware of that.
i tend to jump around a lot interest-wise, but there are hyperfixations/communities i'll circle back to more than others.
such fandoms include:
- atfg || 'all for the game' by nora sakavic (kevin day my beloved <3) - - danmei titles || thousand autumns, guardian, sha po lang (stars of chaos), mxtxs' works - - dcu and adjacent || mostly batfam, lol - - tma || the magnus archives - podcast by rusty quill - - tmnt/usagi yojimbo - - tts || 'the tarot sequence' by kd edwards - (...and probably some others i am forgetting.)
in interacting with fandom, i am largely a writer. you can find my ao3 here. i also do a fair amount of critical analysis, especially when it comes to written media.
iii. warnings i have been cursed with the miserable quality of inconsistency. i can spend several months or even years being pretty consistent on here, and then just one day drop off the face of the earth. i haven't gone for good yet, though, so if i've been inactive for a while, there's a fair chance i'll find my way back.
i tend to trim my following count fairly often. i rarely unfollow mutuals, so if you've decided to become my mutual, you're probably in it for the long haul. that being said, if you're ever sick of my shit, feel free to unfollow me. promise i won't take it personally.
i try to be vigilant about bots. if i end up accidentally blocking you and you are a real person, it's probably because i mistook your account for a bot account.
this account may contain explicit or suggestive content. though i try to be discerning when tagging, please be aware of that.
iv. random trivia break no clue how other people perceive me or my work (so if you'd tell me, that would be great /lighthearted). however! i do be enjoying shit (:<
i first got into the fandom scene with aftg, but it wasn't my first experience with fandom. my favorite season is autumn, and my favorite holiday is halloween. i like cards and dice from a purely aesthetic standpoint, and collect the former! ballroom dance is my favorite type of dance, of which i actually took classes in for around three years. i am a cat person. my favorite instrument is the hurdy-gurdy, then the cello, then the bari sax. i keep a document called 'new and interesting words' full of words recently discovered and update it semi-regularly. my favorite number is '4.' i don't drink coffee and only occasionally drink tea. my favorite drinks are raspberry lemonade and (specifically) milk-made hot chocolate.
v. standards of morality a lot of people have a dni-list. i don't really rock that way (though, no shade to those who do).
the cornerstone of my beliefs lies in radical acceptance and seeking out others' perspectives. basically, do as you wish -- as long as it isn't hurting others or yourself, why should i care?
ultimately, i'm a believer in cultivating your own online experience. i block pretty liberally, and try not to interact with things i don't like. i'm also a supporter of minding your own business. for my own mental health, i avoid drama like the plague.
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vi. tagging system thank you, brave soldiers, for carrying on all the way to the end. you are stronger than you know /silly.
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anyway!! xoxo, danger (:
#version ii of my intro post#the other one is still up it's just buried in obsolescence#intro post#dangerous advantage#updated: 02.03.25#technically still a wip
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uhhh so the number four is associated with death in certain cultures, including japanese, which is fitting for the butcher’s son, yes but just remember neil was supposed to be number three and jean was supposed to be number four ,and in every draft but one jean dies. he is symbolically saved from that fate by dodging the number four (being given, instead, the number three which represents REBIRTH of all things - i made a whole post about that if ur curious) because it means he was never marked for death. so in this draft, where he’s number three, but was supposed to be number four, he comes so close to death - to the point where renee doesn’t know how he’s still alive - because he was supposed to die, doomed by the narrative, but that number three saves him. that number three represents resurrection, and so he doesn’t die like he was supposed to. because he’s not number four, he’s number three. he comes back. he transforms, he heals. he becomes number 29 (i will eventually make a post about jean and the 29)
neil, though, was marked for death. he had the number four tattooed on him, and he goes through his own narrative believing he will die by the end of it. his survival, however, is foreshadowed in the very moment neil thinks he’s about to die - when he is kidnapped. lola burns the number four - the signifier of death - off his face, leaving him scarred, yes, but not marked for death anymore. and so he lives. and guess what: the number 10 represents the start of a new chapter, that one cycle is coming to an end and a new life is starting, one that you’ve worked hard for. so for the number four to be burned off of neil, that tells us neil is going to live. and when neil becomes neil legally, he settles into the number 10 properly. and his new life begins.
#god this was difficult to write bc i have so much more to say about this but i just can’t word it#like i can’t make myself make sense#so i’ll leave it here lol#aftg number analysis#number 4#number 10#neil josten#jean moreau#aftg#all for the game#the number 10 also represents completeness which is seen as neil completes the team allowing them to get to championships#and the number four also represents balance which neil attempts to achieve on the team#by uniting the upper class men and the monsters#i still have so much more to say but i’ll leave it here#stay tuned for more unhinged number analysis#i have to say when i first read the books at 16 i got SO HAPPY when lola burned the four off neil bc HE NO LONGER IS MARKED BY DEATH SO#HE’s GOING TO SURVIVE THIS#but i’ve not seen anyone else point it out
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Add this to the list @darkblueboxs :
The symbolism of numbers in All For The Game
Although numbers generally play a large role in the progression of AFTG, such as the importance of dates or Neil's countdown to his kidnapping in Baltimore, there are a few standout instances, rich with symbolism, that tend to go unnoticed.
4: The number four is deemed unlucky in japan, so much so that it’s often skipped when creating hospital rooms due to the intense negative stigma, this is because the number quite literally translates to death; a fact that definitely wouldn’t go unnoticed by Riko. The idea that Neil was quite literally branded with death and his life only officially beginning as Neil Josten once the 4 was removed after Baltimore therefore signifying his freedom. This number being removed by the thing supposed to kill him no-less is a twisted form of irony, leaving scarring to forever remind him of this near-death experience and the final run-in with his father, A man being the literal personification of Death in Neil’s eyes.
13: thirteen is presented as Andrew lucky number, with Betsy being Andrew 13th therapist, finally leaving the Spear household at 13 as well as moving in with Aaron being his 13th and final household. Andrew and Neil’s jersey numbers add up to 13 also, suggesting the idea of the two are inherently parallels of one another, destined to meet. This plays on 13 inherently being an unlucky number, creating a contrast to defy expectations; as per the norm with Andrews character of whom revolves around defying boundaries and breaking stereotypes.
3: Andrew's jersey number, three, is deemed as lucky in Japanese culture along with 4, representing culture, time (past, present, future) and the three elements of the mind, body, and spirit being connected. This idea accurately represents both Andrew and Jean through the number; both of which seeming to be the most effected by lost time and have the most growth by the last books in this respect, with Andrew and Jean having more security in their futures and a willingness to discuss it, (a particular struggle to both as their futures were deemed uncertain, with Jean committing suicide in all drafts of the books but the final one, and Andrew refusing to discuss the future or 'live' for himself.) along with finally having a connection between their mind and body, both of whom have historically been known to have their bodies not belong to themselves, manipulated and forced to stay in such a situation for the benefit of others (jean in the nest, Andrew in the spears,) the escape of this toxic cycle, both the mental scars in Andrew case and physical ones in Jeans, represent the lucky nature of the number and their future.
#all for the game#aftg#the foxhole court#tfc#I like this tag:#all for the analysis#Nora and numbers#nora sakavic
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therefore i am but make it kevin day
alright here’s another song analysis for y’all. it’s kind of a jumble of thoughts, but maybe you’ll get joy outta it.
the song we are evaluating is ‘therefore i am’ by billie eilish. i think it’s a really good song for kevin @ riko. listening to it, i’m sure you’d get why, but i’m going to be extra and explain.
WARNING! will contain spoilers to the series (obvs)
let’s start from the top:
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
according to genius lyrics, this chorus means: “Billie confronts the people who want to control her and makes it clear that she has no regard for other people’s opinions about her.”
so it’s kevin after he’s finally escaped and if riko hadn’t died right after the game. it’s kind of like, a ‘what if’ of if they’d had to continue interacting.
he isn’t rico’s friend, brother, pet; anything. he is no longer forced to be tied to riko. “you think that you’re the man” could also be construed as everyone, including riko himself, seeing riko as ‘the king of the court’.
“i think, therefore, i am.” this part, again according to genius lyrics, is coined from Descartes. Descartes argued that even if we are skeptical about the existence of our physical body and environment, the self-conscious of mind still inevitably exists as “we cannot doubt of our existence while we doubt.”
to me this is a strong reminder to kevin that without riko, he is still someone. he still matters. he doesn’t need riko to succeed. he’s been part of a team for so long i’m not sure he remembers how to be his own person. but he’s learning. he belongs to this earth as the earth belongs to him.
Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha
Get my pretty name out of your mouth
We are not the same with or without
Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
Top of the world, but your world isn't real
Your world's an ideal
i have no doubt that riko would spit countless bullshit to kevin to try to manipulate him into coming back, (he does it in the books and also most likely would have if he lived afterwards), not to mention lots of rumors would be spread by riko to try and tear kevin down. for instance, the fact that kevin’s hand was broken in a ‘skiing accident.” since we come from the perspective of neil, we know this isn’t true. however, the rest of the world doesn’t know that. so it’s like, “stop. what the hell are you talking about? literally none of this is true.” ie when he says he’s never gone skiing, but would like to someday. “get my pretty name out of your mouth and stop spreading rumors. with or without exy, we are not the same person. don’t talk to me like you understand how i feel, because you don’t.” (like at the interview). “you’re caught up in your own delusion. you’re on top of the world, but your world isn’t real. your world’s an ideal.” the “perfect court” that riko is striving for is simply that; an ideal. something he wants but would never in reality happen.
So go have fun
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
he is finally letting go of the power riko had over him. he is letting riko go. he couldn’t care less what riko does, says, even fucking thinks anymore. the ‘and you can give ‘em my best’ could refer to him saying “oh ya say hi to the mafia for me’ lol, like a jab. sassy queen, we love him.
I don't want press to put your name next to mine
We're on different lines, so I
Wanna be nice enough, they don't call my bluff
'Cause I hate to find
Articles, articles, articles
Rather you remain unremarkable (Got a lotta)
Interviews, interviews, interviews
When they say your name, I just act confused
obviously this whole “splitting up the two exy stars” thing has spread all over the media; that’s why the ravens are able to switch districts. everyone wants to see them ‘fight’ one another on the court. but kevin LEFT. he isn’t a part of riko anymore. “dont want press to put your name next to mine.” the whole point is that kevin day is not #2 anymore, he is his own person. he is no longer defined by a number. #2 is no longer his personality but a number on a jersey; that’s it. “we’re on different lines,” they’ve always been on opposite sides even on the same court, always battling to be the best (yet it always falling to riko by default) but they’re finally on different teams. they have always been on metaphorical different lines, but this time, it’s actual different line ups. “so i wanna be nice enough, they don’t call my bluff” he acts so civil on kathy’s show even though he is literally shaking in fear because he was terrified more of what would happen if news got out. he wants to be nice and polite enough so that the audience doesn’t catch on that something is wrong. he hates to see articles written about them, hates to answer questions about them, because he wants to let go of riko. he doesn’t want his abuser haunting his recovery. “rather you remain unremarkable,” it would be so much easier, though, if riko wasn’t so popular. (then he dies but you know how it goes.)
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
i love love LOVE this part. i think it could be such a powerful line to kevin’s growth. riko is now insignificant to him. riko has no part in kevin’s life anymore. kevin can finally heal and become his own person. the ‘i don’t think i caught your name.’ strikes me as a sassy way of saying he doesn’t even remember riko, because riko is that forgettable. he can’t even remember that dumb man’s name.
so that’s it really, lmk ur thoughts!
btw, here’s my kevin playlist if ur looking for more songs i associate with kevin (: make sure to check my pinned post if u want more aftg character playlists!
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Do you have any headcanons on the kandrew dynamic? There’s such a dearth of analyses on the interactions between Kevin and Andrew and it’s a shame because their behavior with each other is so deep, peculiar and fascinating :O
Did you mean hc or analysis? i’m gonna add a bit of both just in case ;) Buckle up because this got... so long...
- See the thing about kandrew is... they’re so complex
- I mean it’s just. At first glance their personalities just completely clash, you know?
- Kevin lives and breathes Exy, he pushes himself beyond his limits, and he has this single-minded obsession with his game being flawless
- While Andrew couldn’t care less about the sport, has absolutely no drive besides the promises he makes, no ambition
- So like, when I learned all this and realized they were practically attached at the hip I went ?????
- However we later learn about the promise Andrew made Kevin, that if he stayed at Palmetto he would keep him safe
- (and this hurts a whole fucking lot because Andrew thinks the only way of keeping people from leaving is by binding them with a promise and that just BREAKS MY HEART!! but that’s a topic for another post)
- We also learn that Kevin promised him a future if he stayed by his side
- So this was basically a “I want to be with you but you wouldn’t be with me in normal circumstances so here, I can offer you this” from both of them
- They’re a disaster
- Anyway so they have a tumultuous relationship from the start
- God listen here LISTEN
- Andrew refused to go with Kevin to the Ravens because he didn’t want to follow someone who was satisfied with being second best
- Like he just hated Kevin for that
- But when Kevin went to Wymack after Riko broke his hand, Andrew must have seen there was some courage in there he could work with
- Otherwise I assure you he wouldn’t have made a deal with him, he wouldn’t have found Kevin interesting enough
- I’m crying thanks
- At this point Andrew becomes Kevin’s rock
- (I like to compare this with a concept I learned in two TJ Klune’s novels, wolfsong and the lighting-struck heart (even though they exist everywhere else)
- In the sense that Andrew is Kevin’s cornerstone, a link that keeps him from despairing and succumbing to darkness
- And he’s also Neil’s tether, the link that keeps him grounded and prevents him from running away
- It makes me very emo
- “You spend all this time watching our backs. Who’s watching yours?”
- shut UP
- So Kevin heavily relies on andrew
- Let me tell you this: when I first read aftg I went in knowing NOTHING about the books except that there was a gay couple; i didn’t even know it was the main couple; i didn’t even know it was about sports
- And I thought that that couple were kevin and andrew
- I kid you not, I didn’t catch on until halfway through the raven king
- It was just so plainly obvious that they care about each other
- Like sure, they fight a lot, Andrew threatens Kevin and fucking cuts him with a knife at one point
- But that’s how they are; they’re constantly dancing around one another because they both have this huge thing in the middle: Andrew’s future
- And they both know it
- It’s what keeps them together but also what keeps them apart
- There’s an essential part of their relationship that simply cannot work if they don’t acknowledge it
- Which Andrew refuses to do until like the end of the king’s men
- ridiculous, both of them
- So on to my headcanons
- Basically I think they started to hook up a couple of weeks after Kevin transferred to Palmetto
- They were at Eden’s and they were drinking and Andrew was horny and Kevin was hot
- And tipsy
- So they kiss. I can’t decide if Kevin initiated it or if Andrew did
- I think maybe Kevin
- Kevin isn’t familiar with Andrew’s history at this point, so Andrew gathers inhuman amounts of patience and explains, without going into detail, that they’re playing by his rules
- Basically: don’t touch unless prompted and always, always ask first. Or else, knife in your gut.
- It becomes a regular thing and Andrew hates that it’s a regular thing but he also doesn’t
- Kevin is very conflicted because of the public image he needs to uphold
- But he never angsts about it with Andrew because he knows that would only push Andrew away
- A year goes by and there’s feelings in the way that they both kind of acknowledge, only never out loud
- it’s more in the actions?
- in the way Kevin always looks for Andrew first, in the way Andrew is always aware of where Kevin is in the room, never goes too far from him, and
- i can’t stress this enough
- in the way he is unconditional support for kevin
- kevin is a mess; his childhood was traumatizing— so was Andrew’s, and yet Andrew is always there for Kevin whenever Kevin falls into despair
- He knows how to calm him, how to keep him grounded, and is willing to go to the ends of the Earth to protect him
- He doesn’t make deals with everyone, y’all
- Just people he wants to keep close
- Kevin is one of them
- And Kevin... GOD, Kevin
- He never, ever gives up on Andrew
- No matter how many times Andrew tells him no to exy, he keeps pushing and he keeps waiting and he doesn’t. give. up.
- Kevin saw potential in him, but he also saw that the reason he didn’t care was because he didn’t think he deserved it
- And Kevin pushed
- And Andrew pushed back, in his own way
- Between him and Neil they made Kevin realize he was so much more than number 2
- I bet you Andrew used it as a counter argument so many times whenever Kevin brought his exy skills up
- “I’m sorry, I don’t listen to second places”
- It drives Kevin absolutely insane
- They’re constantly pushing each other and grabbing at them at the same time
- It’s why they work
- Their dynamic is just complex and passionate and beautiful
- Hopefully we get to read about them more
#man this was a ride#i have more but im tired#so maybe i’ll add to this some other tome#more analysis than hc but whatevs#this is all over the place im so sorry djdkdkd#excuse my half braincell please#long text#kandrew#kandreil#kevin day#andrew minyard#neil josten#aftg#hc#june answers#mine#ishouldnotbhere#all for the game#my writing
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what if i told you that thea’s raven number - 14 - is an unlucky number because, translated, it sounds similar to ‘must die’/‘will certainly die’ in cantonese, and ‘is dead’/‘will be dead’ in mandarin.
‘her number was 14 for reasons’ - nora sakavic, aftg extra content
what if i suggested that tetsuji gave her that number specifically because he considered a black woman dominating his own sport a threat not only to himself but to his perfect court. not only is tetsuji’s misogyny pretty clear, but we all know the other ravens were killing themselves trying to be given the next perfect court number, but that was never gonna happen because even though the perfect court was actually full of the best players, it was never actually about championing the best players, it was about ownership. so what if i said that tetsuji hated that thea was as good as she was without having any ties to himself, outside of signing on to the college team he coaches. he felt undermined because he couldn’t fully credit himself for her skill, and so he gave her the 14 - on the surface, it’s an achievement to get so close to single digits for the ravens BUT it comes with a hidden threat. you will die if you go too far.
and then what if i suggested that nora also chose 14 because of the way the fandom reacted to thea. i have no idea whether she’d already picked out the number before the series was published but i don’t think it’s mentioned in the original series ?? so i mean…
yes, i’ve seen the list of issues people have with thea but what’s crazy to me is that we know literally nothing about her bar the few tidbits nora mentioned in the extra content, and the few scenes we have in the series. and i know there was probably a full backstory written for her that we never got to see bc of all the hate nora got purely for introducing her, and the subsequent reactions to literally everything we’re told about thea just makes me think that nobody actually learned anything about how people’s trauma can drastically influence how they perceive the world and how they react to things including the abuse of other people - cough. andrew and aaron cough. - her reactions to things are bound to be built off her experiences and she was literally in a cult which would completely rewire her world view so like (even what we’re told in the EC, we don’t meet her until her fifth year of edgar allan so she’s five years deep into this shit guys, and you know tetsuji was physically and mentally abusive to all the ravens u have to know that by now)—-
but anyway this post isn’t supposed to be a defence or a critique of her i just find the number 14 aligns with the way people speak about her as though she’s done something bad enough to deserve death threats, so i just hope you realise when u perpetuate that shit it’s like ur tattooing that 14 right on her face.
oh to add to that, in japanese culture the number fourteen represents imperfection, but specifically beauty found in things that are imperfect. if i say that’s a way of saying no thea isn’t perfect but that doesn’t mean she deserves to die ? what then?
bc no she’s not a perfect person and ill be the first to admit i hated that scene in tsc with jean, but are you really telling me that’s the worst thing an aftg character has ever done?? why is she being branded as the worst when she was literally in the series for like 3 pages?
and do u know what, the fact that she, post graduation, still wears her 14 is 1) a sign of pride that she really is one of the best and 2) a reminder that she is not dead yet, despite the efforts of tetsuji and the literal fandom
#posting this with minimal encouragement bc i can’t be stopped#i don’t really care if you hate thea as long as ur aware morality isn’t black and white especially for abused characters#and just bc you don’t see her abused doesn’t mean she wasn’t#if ur going to act as tho she’s an abuser u can leave tho#aftg number analysis#numbers strike again#or i strike again with numbers i should say#thea muldani#the perfect court#aftg#tsc
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i’m back on my numbers bullshit again - up next: jean moreau. (i cannot say any of this was done intentionally but i know for a fact there’s weight to at least some of the numbers in the series, so if i give all of them weight u can’t stop me)
firstly, the number 3:
obviously there are a lot of biblical connotations for the number three, as important scriptures in the bible are repeated three times. the trinity is also represented by the number 3 (father, son, holy spirit). instances such as jesus’s resurrection on the third day etc etc. the spiritual meaning of the number three therefore includes both wholeness, and resurrection/new life.
relating this to jean - jean’s number represents wholeness despite him being broken down so completely in the nest. he feels fractured, but it’s his place in evermore, in the perfect court, that becomes his lifeline. he tells himself constantly - i am a raven, i belong to the moriyamas - and his place as a raven is signified through the number three. so despite feeling so shattered, the three on his face, representing wholeness, acts as a constant reminder of what he is capable of - i.e. the perfect court. no matter how broken he is, he still has a place on the line, he’s still whole enough to live. (this is not to say, of course, that he should have been playing like that, just that the symbol of the three became a signifier of his worth to him during this time, and since it represents wholeness and complete perfection, it was a way he could motivate himself to hang on to life a little longer. this can be seen in tsc through how much jean genuinely believes the perfect court is a measure of skill, and he does not doubt his abilities or whether he is worth the number).
and then - resurrection + new life. jean finishes his THIRD year of college in a new environment, healing from a near death experience, and is finally given room to become someone other that riko’s property. his complete resurrection is marked through the adoption of a new number - he sheds the number three for the number twenty nine, beginning his new life for good.
outside of the bible, the number three still holds significance: it also represents sincerity, understanding, spirituality, and loyalty. i like to think jean displays all of these traits. and i can’t not mention jean’s complicated relationship with religion when talking about the number three.
now on to mentions of the number three in tsc:
- jean takes three attempts to talk to renee when he first wakes in south carolina.
- abby says it’s another three weeks before jean will heal enough to travel, and three months minimum before he can get back on the court
- jean has three fractured ribs
- jean and zane were roommates for three years
- three remaining members of the perfect court
- after jean hangs up on jeremy the first time, he lets it ring three times before answering again
- riko trapped jean in a box for three days (can i consider his reemergence from the box a reimagining of jesus coming back from the dead after three days, or is that blasphemy? idk im not religious)
- jean had three outfits in the nest
- jean had been on the raven line for three years
- the three housemates: jean cat and laila vs the three friends: jeremy cat and laila
there a lot more mentions of the number three in tsc but i deemed them insignificant cause it’s a lot to do with height and numbers of players
if anyone’s curious i can do another post on the significance of the number 29, since this post is getting long now 😭
#aftg number analysis#it’s like i always say: i am way too good at reading things that maybe aren’t there#jean moreau#aftg#all for the game#tsc#the sunshine court
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this is absolutely random but I got caught up on your tag saying "I'm way too good at reading things that maybe aren't there" and listen. I don't know what you study (I remember you mentioning you take creative writing classes so??? sorry if you literally know this just trying to encourage you) but I study literature and in literary theory there's a lot of discussions about whether what the author wanted/meant/intended actually matters in interpretation and understanding literary works and well, a lot of theorists actually agree it doesn't so if you say it's there it's probably there, no matter if intentionally by the author, so ig please keep going off unapologetically we love to hear it
(also just in general, your analysis of the number three pretty much resonates a lot with Jacques Derrida's formal idea of deconstruction (basically tearing texts apart to the minute detail, and collecting and inter-connecting these details/words with associations of the reader to form a structure of meaning and it's all very abstract (a pain to learn during studies but cool to see in action!) so I just had to think about that)) yeah that's it have a great day
ahhh this is my first ever ask so thank u anon <333
and yeah, i did a joint honours english and creative writing degree (graduating in three weeks :/) and there were literary theory modules each year that were compulsory for single honours english students BUT because i was also in creative writing, i couldn’t actually take them bc they ran at the same time as my cw classes soooo all this to say that even tho i did study literature i wasn’t really able to study that much literary theory - tho of course theory is relevant in all lit modules but i didn’t take a class specifically for that. (i wanted to, cause i love that shit, but i wasn’t allowed) ((annoyingly in first year there was a module that covered not only advanced lit theory but also academic writing that i wasn’t able to take so i never learned how to write university essays? like that’s not inconvenient at all))
that being said, i’m of course familiar with the concept of intention vs interpretation mainly through barthes’ death of the author theory (and it comes up a lot in cw classes because in workshops people share every thought they have about your work and ur not allowed to defend urself!! cause ur intention doesn’t matter if someone interprets what you wrote a certain way!!!) and the thing is i get it, i do - and i love to analyse whatever i can, i tear things to shreds with no mind for intent - but i also know people outside of literary studies love to say shit just isn’t that deep.
im always watching and rewatching shows with one or two of my sisters and one of them especially makes fun of me a lot for analysing everything from the dialogue to delivery to lighting and staging and camera work because she thinks i get way too into it. she either stares at me blankly or tells me to shut up (which happens a lot it’s very annoying let me talk ffs) so i guess i mainly added that in the tags to ensure everyone knows that i know that i analyse a lot so hopefully no one feels the need to tell me?? i don’t know, i just get slightly self conscious about analysing things when i know i could be saying something slightly unhinged lmao.
but, i will of course, keep going off on here about aftg bc that’s what im here for lol (i got sad about not being able to share my thoughts anywhere)
oops forgot to say THANK YOU for reassuring me about my jean number 3 analysis i’m always thinking someone’s gonna say wtf r u on about mate 😭😭
#i would love to be unapologetic about it but i am aware that i am annoying#that never stops me tho dw#am i supposed to tag this with a thing#odetojupiter answers#idk i see ppl do that seems fun#if ppl wanna send me asks that’d be cool
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