#where if one person is the bad guy that must make the other the good guy automatically
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hi ms raven :D i was playing through vil's dream in book 7 and i was wondering if you could explain a little more about his character? i remember struggling to understand his motivs leading up to his overblot. the current understanding i have now is that vil wants to be the best or the most beautiful but is constantly getting blocked by neige probably because hes not perfect and it makes others lean towards him and want to support him while vil has reached a level where hes seemingly flawless on the outside making it hard for people to get close to him the way they do with neige? does he crave the validation from others and is that why there was an emphasis on him declaring that he himself is the most beautiful like in b6 and b7? i dont think i really understand him enough and its just been on my mind for a while now TT
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I think Vil's got one of those backstories and motives that's easy to misunderstand if skimmed. This can lead to misinterpretations where fans assume he's vain and only seeking to take Neige down for shallow attention. It's a lot more complex than that!
The first thing to note about Vil is that he is a child star. His father, Eric Venue, is also a very successful celebrity, but the public does not know about their familial relationship. Vil has worked very hard to achieve his level of stardom all on his own, without relying on nepotism or riding on the coattails of his father. However, that also means that Vil was under an intense amount of pressure and scrutiny since a young age, and that can really mess with one's self-perception.
Since the start of his career, Vil has only ever been casted in villain roles. His post-OB flashback shows Vil asking his dad "Why do I keep getting picked to play the bad guy? Do I really look that mean?"
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And though his father reassures him and calls him cute and charming, the vast majority of other people Vil interacts with judge him and assign labels to him. Children Vil's age "hold [him] accountable for work(s) of fiction", equating him playing villainous roles on TV to him actually being a villainous person off-set.
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Similar things occur in his professional life. Film crew members praise Neige for his friendliness and wholesome vibe, but also express that Vil is just too perfect and hard for audiences to relate to, so Vil apparently isn't suitable to play the hero.
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So on one hand, you have Vil's peers, who assume that he must be an awful person, just like all the characters he plays. Then you have Vil's colleagues, who put him on a pedestal, calling him "special" but also saying he's not relatable. Both viewpoints isolate and dehumanize him. They indirectly tell Vil--a young, impressionable kid--that he's not capable of goodness or of being a normal person. You also have to keep in mind that because Vil always has eyes on him, he has to maintain a cool, mature, and perfectly curated public image. He has had to grow up extremely fast in order to handle himself in the entertainment industry. That's an INTENSE amount of pressure to be under. So how does Vil react to all this pressure? By pushing himself to work even harder to prove everyone wrong. "I would do anything to be beautiful. The most rigorous training. The most tedious hair and skin care regimens. I would shy away from none of it."
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At this juncture, I'd like to point out a vital area where Vil's story and that of Snow White weave together. In Snow White, physical beauty is used as shorthand to indicate the goodness of a character. Snow White is pure, beautiful, and innocent because she has a good heart. The Evil Queen is more accurately depicted in her hag form because of how her jealousy twists her into something hideous. When Vil speaks of beauty, it's also in a similar context. He's using "beauty" as a metaphor for "goodness", hence why he fixates on Neige being the "fairest one of all". Neige is the one always playing the hero, and he is also the one the internet considers the most beautiful--so if Vil can become the most beautiful, then surely he, too, can be a hero.
If beauty = goodness, then the opposite is also true to book 5 Vil: ugliness = villainy. And if he is always assigned the villain again and again and again, then its telling Vil that he's “ugly”, that he is a bad person and can never be anything but that.
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Not only that, but Vil's worries about permanently being labelled a villain relates back to how his peers and colleagues perceive him. "[...] villains never stay on stage for the whole play. Once their role is finished, all they do is watch from the shadows as the happy ending plays out. [...] All I want is to stay on stage until the end of the show." Vil wants what has always been denied to him: the ability to stand on stage and take a bow with the other actors, to be treated like a normal person that's a part of the group, to have that humanity handed back to him. Why should he be the only one languishing backstage while Neige and other heroes get to soak up that spotlight? He wants to be a part of it, too. He wants to be included.
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Let's get back into book 5, present day, now. Vil spends much of this book driving his teammates VERY hard to achieve his vision. To this end, he is imposing harsh restrictions on them, such as new diets, new skincare, new practice routines, and more. This of course garners many protests, but Vil insists on having his way and admonishes those who complain. In these moments, Vil is very much acting like a "villain"--but to him, it's all worth it, because he wants to win against Neige fair and square, earning that victory through his own efforts. "[...] I have no interest in spells that fade when the clock chimes midnight. What I seek is genuine, authentic aesthetic perfection."
Recall that I said earlier that beauty is used as a shorthand for goodness. Because Vil is stating that he wants to win fairly, he is attempting to demonstrate his own beauty--his own goodness--in this bid to triumph over his rival.
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But what ends up happening? Vil sees Neige's practice performance and realizes right away that NRC is destined to lose. He tries to take matters into his own hands by cursing a bottle of apple juice and offering it to Neige. While book 5 is vague about what the consequences of drinking that cursed juice would have been, book 7 implies the worst--that Vil had intended to kill Neige with it. Vil went against his own principles (which he stated earlier in book 5) and used a dirty tactic to get Neige out of his way. He can only win if he harms others in the process. I would argue that what triggers Vil to snap and OB isn't his failure to poison Neige (although that's certainly a part of it), but rather Vil realizing he just... proved what everyone has always said about him right. That he's rotten to the core (ie "ugly") and will never be anything else but a villain.
Vil fixates on the eyes of his teammates, perceiving them to be staring at him and judging the moral ugliness of his actions. Like in his childhood, he derives much of his image from public feedback--from the eyes on him. "Please. Don't look at me... Don't look at me with those eyes! Why? I wanted to be the fairest one of all, so why am I so... so... ugly? Ugly?! UGLY?!"
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Kalim and Rook try to reassure Vil and remind him that Neige didn't get hurt, so it's okay. But Vil only gets more upset and continues to berate himself. "What does it matter who forgives me?! I can't... I can't forgive myself!" This makes sense for Vil, who is a character that has consistently held the people around him, as well as himself, to high standards. He has betrayed himself, and he is ashamed of how ugly his envy has made him.
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After Vil's OB, Rook pretty succinctly states why Vil fails to be "beautiful": because he doesn't believe in himself. Throughout his entire life, Vil has been relying on the words of others to affirm his identity as someone "beautiful", as a "good" person. You can even argue that Vil being so strict with himself is to earn the approval of others, to be seen as the "most beautiful". But Vil never truly believed he was "beautiful" ("good"), and that lack of confidence is ironically what is keeping him from realizing his full potential. "Nobody should believe in your beauty more than you yourself [...] No amount of validation from the rest of the world will ever leave you fulfilled. Even if you wind up old, emaciated, grimy, and stooped over... If you were to truly believe that you are the fairest of all despite that, even the Magic Mirror of legend wouldn't contest your claim. The strength and pride to believe in yourself is what marks the true fairest one of all. Roi du Poison. Fair Vil. I implore you to believe in yourself more than anyone else. Beauty is always with you. At this exact moment, you are the fairest one of all."
In book 6, we get to see how far Vil's character has progressed. When Idia taunts Pomefiore, calling them "wannabe heroes", Vil responds with, "You know, I've always wanted to be cast as a hero, just once. But there are no heroes or villains here. This time I'll be the one who stays on stage till the very end!" He now disregards the notion of labels and is only committed to being the one that puts an end to Idia's machinations.
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This point is even further driven home when we see old!Vil, the result of him diving into Tartarus to pull Idia out. Though his dorm members are shocked to see their glamourous leader in this state, Vil laughs it off and announces, without hesitation: "Even though I'm grimy, withered, and emaciated... At this exact moment, I am the fairest one of all." This parallels the words Rook imparted onto him at the end of book 5. ("Even if you wind up old, emaciated, grimy, and stooped over... [...] At this exact moment, you are the fairest one of all.")
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It's a complete reversal of Vil OBing. Back in book 5, Vil went mad because he realized his jealous actions made him hideous (even if he still physically looks young and conventionally attractive). But now, in book 6, Vil is content in knowing that his heroic actions make him absolutely beautiful (even if he stands there, old and grey). It doesn't matter what he looks like on the outside, or what other people think of him--because Vil has learned to love himself and to stay true to his principles.
He is deserving of standing on that stage with everyone else. He is human, like everyone else. He’s not THE Vil Schoenheit anymore, he’s… just Vil. This also shows in vulnerable moments late game, like him squealing from excitement at the end of book 6 or screaming in fear in book 7. He still has the image of a celebrity to maintain, but he’s now allowing himself to be less of that “perfect” person, at least around his peers. I believe this is what Vil’s dream in book 7 reinforces. I won't get into the details of that dream, since I assume you've played it + it would just repeat what I've already gone over in this post. That’s honestly what most (if not all) of the book 7 dreams do, try to summarize their personal issues, how the dream attempts to placate them with convenient falsehoods, and then have the dreamers confront those falsehoods with what they’ve learned through their own arcs.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 days ago
Wait And See: Tim Gutterson x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @fallmoreinloveeveryday @elenavampire21 @floralfloyd @lamaudite
Companion piece to:
Lucky - Tim's assignment doesn't go to plan.
Stars - Tim's not like the other guys.
The Good Book - Tim makes you a promise you don't think he can keep.
Bad Timing - You and Tim have always had a case of bad timing.
Straight From The Heart - Tim speaks from the heart during a late night phone call.
Missed Call - Tim's world crumbles when he listens to your voicemail.
Stars Align - Things start to go wrong just as Tim and yours stars align.
A Ramblin’ Man - Tim makes you a promise about the future.
A Patient Man - Tim awaits news on your condition.
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That’s what you’re feeling right now. It rises up like a tidal wave in your chest as you stand before the bed in your hospital room, packing up your shit into the duffle bag that’s travelled around the entire world with you. Your eyes sting as you pick up Monty the plush racoon that Tim won for you at the county fair a few years ago, squeezing it lightly between your hands.
“Fuck.” You whisper, cuddling it to your chest the same way you do back in home on the nights that you miss him.
You’re leaving Kentucky today with your ASAC, heading back to New Orleans because that’s where your boss dictates you should recover. They need you on site to run through the finer details of the ongoing investigation. That deal you had, it’s been pulled because the operation crumbled in the aftermath of your shooting, which means you won’t be moving to Kentucky after all.
You can’t express how much it killed you to be given that news, to have your future yanked out from underneath you yet again.
“They tell me you’re leaving today.” Tim says from behind you and you use the back of your hand to wipe away the tears from underneath your eyes before he can see them.
“Yea.” You say, your voice rough as you tuck Monty carefully into your bag. “It’s not my choice, the overlords have spoken.”
“I know, which is we’re gonna make a trip of it.” He says, setting down his own dufflebag down alongside yours. The two of you have some of the same patches from your service, you remember watching him sew them on with that quick, neat stitch of his back in his apartment in Indiana. “You, me and Monty here…” He says, his palm smoothing over the plush racoon’s head. “We’re gonna drive to Nashville tonight, stay in the swankiest hotel we can afford, eat room service and watch TV before we depart for New Orleans tomorrow. I’m gonna stay there with you for a couple of weeks so I can help you get back on your feet.”
“Tim, I can’t ask you to take that time…” You begin but he shakes his head, cutting you off.
“You’re not.” He says, his palm coming to rest on your lower back, his thumb chasing over the tattoo of a geometric lotus flower you’d gotten after the tour where the two of had you met. “I kinda got myself suspended for doing something really fucking dumb.”
“On purpose?” You ask and he leans back against the bed, his arms crossed over his chest as he gives you that smirk.
“It’s a bitch when you misplace your firearm ain’t it?”
Out of every single person on this planet, Tim is the least likely to lose his gun. That thing is a fucking extension of his personality. If it’s not on his hip, he’s cleaning it, and if he’s not cleaning it, it’s locked in his gun safe. Art must know that, which is why you see this for what it is. Furlough. He can’t give him leave to help you with your recovery so this is the next best thing.
“You are fucking terrible.” You tell him, your lips tipping up into a smile.
“Oh I know.” He says, taking up your duffle bag and slinging it over his shoulder before he does the same with his own. “But ingenuity like this, it’s why your gonna marry one day.”
He isn’t wrong, the way this man makes you feel when you’re with him. It makes every single one of those lonely nights worthwhile.
“You’d have to ask first.” You say and he gives you that devil may care grin of his before his fingers link with yours, drawing you out of the room.
“That day is coming Lucky, just you wait and see.”
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ceasarslegion · 1 year ago
The leftism leaving peoples bodies when you tell them that literal terrorist organizations arent the good guys just because theyre against a bad guy
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homunculus-argument · 10 months ago
If I had more money than I'd ever spend in a lifetime, I'd spend my life operating a pizzeria at a loss. Something with the slogan of "it ain't italian but you're hungry" - and a statement of how this is not authentic italian pizza because the owner's estranged aunt's italian ex-husband would not serve pizza in his italian restaurant because as far as he was concerned, a pizza is the "just throw that shit together" dish that you make out of leftovers, and he would not serve that to paying customers even if they wanted it. True story btw.
But I'd just like to run a place where the staff is allowed to tell rude customers to fuck off. And if they're scared to do that, they can summon me downstairs to do it myself (this fantasy involves having my own apartment upstairs of the restaurant), because you don't fucking disrespect my staff like that. Develop a reputation as a place where You'd Better Act Yourself or you get nothing, which elevates the quality of the food in peoples' minds because it's human to assume that more work=more worth, and if a pizza place can afford to simply throw rude customers out, that clearly must mean that the food is just that good that going back is worth it anyway.
Hiring enough people to get the work done in a leisurely pace and occasionally have the time to chat with each other or customers. You just do the job I gave you in the time I gave you, don't steal anything and don't watch porn off your phone anywhere where the customers can see you, you're good. Don't care if you quit school at 16 if you can still mop floor. Don't care if you've been to prison because you killed some guy, as long as you're not doing that here. Don't care if you deal drugs on your free time as long as you don't bring your business to your day job. This place is exclusively for pizza business.
Have an item on the menu called "random pizza" - and if you order that one, they'll just throw in a mix of whatever ingredients we've got too much of, like if the bell peppers gotta be used before they go bad, every single random pizza is going to have them until they're either gone or need to get tossed. If you've got dietary restrictions or allergies, you gotta specify that while ordering, because other than that, random pizza is just whatever ingredients we need to get rid of. Surplus ingredients du jour.
Building a reputation as a place that's somehow simultaneously sketchy as hell but also remarkably high quality, getting five star restaurant customer service from a waiter with blue hair and stick-n-poke tattoos, there's a homeless guy at the back of the kitchen eating an order that nobody picked up, every surface is spotless and no matter how important of a suit-and-tie you are, if you won't behave yourself the owner will personally physically fight you.
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xyywrites · 2 months ago
How to write believable enemies-to-lovers dynamics.
Enemies-to-lovers is a beloved trope, but it’s also tricky to execute. The transformation from animosity to love needs to feel organic, not forced. 
1. Establish the Initial Conflict
Give your characters a solid, believable reason to dislike each other. It could be ideological differences, personal betrayal, or clashing goals. The conflict must be significant enough to justify their animosity.
“You stole my promotion. Do you have any idea how hard I worked for it?” “You mean the one you weren’t qualified for? Grow up, Lena.”
2. Show the Nuance in Their Dislike
Enemies don’t always have to hate each other completely. Maybe they grudgingly respect one another’s skills or admire each other’s dedication, even if it drives them crazy.
“For someone so insufferable, you sure know how to shoot straight.” “And for someone so arrogant, you’re surprisingly not dead yet.”
“She’s the most annoying person I’ve ever met.” “And yet you can’t stop watching her, can you?”
3. Create Forced Proximity
Give them a reason to spend time together despite their dislike. Forced proximity allows them to see past their assumptions and grow closer.
“If we don’t get this presentation done by morning, we’re both fired. So, shut up and start typing.” “Only if you stop chewing on that pen. It’s distracting.”
“You’re bleeding.” “Yeah, and whose fault is that?” “Mine, obviously. Now sit down so I can patch you up.”
4. Allow Their Views to Shift Gradually
The transition from enemies to lovers isn’t instant. Let them experience small moments of vulnerability, trust, or understanding that slowly chip away at their hostility.
“You think I wanted this? That I enjoy being the bad guy?” “I didn’t think you cared.” “Well, maybe I do.”
“You fight so hard for your people.” “You do too. I guess we’re not so different after all.”
5. Use Banter to Build Chemistry
Snarky, sharp dialogue is the lifeblood of enemies-to-lovers. Their verbal sparring should reveal their personalities, highlight their tension, and hint at deeper feelings.
“Careful, you almost sounded like you cared about me for a second.” “Don’t flatter yourself. I care about not dying, and you happen to be useful.”
“If you were half as smart as you think you are—” “I’d still be twice as smart as you.”
6. Show the Cost of Falling for Each Other
Enemies-to-lovers works best when there are stakes. Their relationship should challenge their beliefs, goals, or loyalties, forcing them to make difficult choices.
“If I help you, I’ll lose everything I’ve worked for.” “Then why are you still standing here?”
7. Add a “Breaking Point”
There should be a moment where their growing feelings clash with their existing animosity, leading to explosive tension.
“You lied to me!” “What did you expect? You’re the enemy!” “Not anymore. Or at least, I thought I wasn’t.”
“Why do you care what happens to me?” “Because I can’t stand the thought of losing you, okay? Happy now?”
8. Use Physicality Subtly
Small gestures can reveal their shifting feelings—hesitant touches, lingering glances, or protective instincts.
“Watch out!” He shoved her out of the way, taking the brunt of the explosion. “You idiot. You could’ve been killed.” “Yeah, but you’re okay.”
She caught him staring at her, his usual scowl softened. He looked away quickly, muttering something under his breath.
9. Build Toward a Satisfying Payoff
Enemies-to-lovers works because of the build-up. Don’t rush the resolution. Let their relationship evolve naturally before culminating in a moment that feels earned.
“I don’t want to fight you anymore.” “Neither do I.” “Then come here.”
10. Maintain Their Individuality
Their love shouldn’t erase who they are. They’re still the same people who clashed in the beginning, but now they’ve grown to understand each other.
“I’m still not letting you win.” “Good. I’d be worried if you did.”
“You’re still annoying.” “And you’re still impossible. But I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
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yanderenightmare · 7 months ago
♡ TW: nsfw, noncon, yandere, kidnapped reader, murder of nameless side characters
♡ fem reader
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Thinking about that moment of violent change you’re forced to go through when your loving boyfriend becomes the terrifying man you don’t recognize—and how it completely eradicates the reality you’d grown so comfortable in, realizing it was all some perfectly orchestrated lie.
Rope burns on your wrists and ankles, tears streaking your chunky cheeks, and a poor soul’s blood on your pretty face belonging to some guy who’d gotten a little too close for comfort.
He’d cut him down like it was nothing.
The knife is held still by his side, a shining red murder weapon, dripping on the floor in the growing pond by his feet. He sighs heavily, casts his head back then looks behind him, beholding you through slim eyes, clicking his tongue, “Look what you made me do…”
He wouldn’t be the only one… several victims followed in his bloody path—witnesses who’d seen him struggle with you, kicking and screaming for all your worth, trying anything to get away. You were all too easily manhandled into the car, and could only watch behind the locked door, banging with bound fists on the glass while he gutted other passersby who’d threatened to call the police.
Driving off, he growls at you, first to shut up and then, “That was your fault—if only you’d been a good girl, none of those innocent people would have had to die.” His knuckles whiten on the wheel, wringing it in his stained grip—scarlet on ivory. “If you don’t want any more blood on your hands, you better sit pretty and not cause me any more trouble.”
You sob uncontrollably and inconsolably despite the threat—you can’t stop yourself—you can’t even comprehend his words. None of it makes any sense. You’d seen it all, and yet you can’t understand it—any of it. You’d watched the sweet guy you knew shed his skin and become a monster right before your eyes. It must be some bad dream, some terrible, awful, horrible nightmare.
But even if it is, you don’t want him touching you ever again. It makes you physically sick to your stomach to think you’d ever shared a bed with him—exchanged sweet nothings in the damp heat of each other. No, no, no, it’s not the same person—it can’t be. It can’t be true. What about the smiles you’d shared over breakfast, those times you’d surprised each other at lunch, all the dates, all the gifts, all the kisses, the future you’d talked about?
You’d fallen in love. But you’ve fallen in love with someone who doesn’t even exist.
He makes sure the door to the bedroom’s under lock and a key he stores somewhere you won’t find it. You squirm in your bonds on the bed when he approaches, shivering with whimpers under his hands, flinching at his touch while he unties you, then cringing as he angles your face to look at him—wanting to pry free, anything not to look into those changed eyes.
You hadn’t thought his build was imposing before, it hadn’t struck you as lethal. Naively, you’d thought him cozy—a big chest and a warm embrace he would scoop you up in, a safe place you could live. He’s cold now, menacing and filthy from his crimes—the body of a killer, a cold-blooded murderer. He’s so big it makes the room feel too small for the both of you. Claustrophobic.
He forces your gaze to him, and it’s all you see, those eyes, those unrecognizable eyes, with that look within you can’t understand, beholding you with burden.
“I still love you,” he states, though it angers him. “Even though you broke my heart. I still love you.”
You shake your head, or you try to, but it results in only tiny tremors caught in his hand where he keeps your chin, bloody fingers buried in your plump cheeks, squeezing so hard you wince.
“But it doesn’t come for free,” he seethes with an awful sneer. A type of grimace you’d never thought him capable of, overfilled with disdain. “My love is earned. And after all you did today, you’re in deep debt.”
He lets go of your face with a nasty shove, taking a mean grip on your shirt instead, using both fists to tear it down the middle. You yelp and cover yourself, but that only angers him further—causing him to grab your wrists and pin them to your side. You think you feel your joints popping.
“Test me, and I’ll hurt you,” he growls, his teeth bared at your ear where your face curls to hide itself in the pillow. “I don’t want to, but if that’s what it takes to make you sorry, then so be it. Be good, and I won’t have to take it that far.”
You lie as still as you can muster while he removes the rest—roughly as he goes—your bra, your skirt, your underwear. You only snivel and toil with the sheets in weak little fists, making your joints cramp up—feeling raw under him, at the mercy of those blood-dried hands.
You understand what he’s about to do, and yet it doesn’t really dawn on you before you hear the sharp ringing of his belt buckle being undone. You don’t look, but you don’t close your eyes either—the room is already dark enough that closing your eyes would make you feel too close to death. So, you keep your gaze fixed to the side, to the stale wall.
The bed bounces you as he shuffles. The urge to run bubbles within, but you know it wouldn’t be to your advantage. So your mind spins, thinking of other possibilities, growing ever more panicked when coming up empty.
He spits on your slit, then rears it with his spitefully erect shaft—pushing in without further prep. And you lose all sense of control.
Twisting at the attack, you scream again, “No! Stop—”
Your hands barely touch him before he’s answered the protest with a tightening grip on your neck. Unrelenting, your throat instantly snares, and you choke on any further outburst.
“I told you,” he chastises. “Why do you have to force my hand, huh?”
You gasp for any sliver worth of air, sipping through the cracks of his chokehold, but it’s very nearly sealed completely shut. You try lifting his grip with your own, both hands holding onto his wrist, wanting to pull loose but achieving nothing.
It’s so pitiful that he ignores the effort. Using his remaining hand to continue what he’d set out to do. Planting his tip at your unprepped entrance, he wasted no time before surging forward.
Your vision starts to spot, and your hands grow weak, barely hanging on.
“That’s good. Lie still and take it,” he groans—his lips on your cheek as he bullies through your dry walls, only aided by his spit. “And I might consider once’ enough.”  
You don’t have a choice, feeling your body go numb. He picks your thigh up over his hip and drives deeper—starting a steady pace without letting go of your throat, squeezing the life out of you. Your hands finally drop, lying limp, and still, you feel it deep within—the thrusting as he beats your sorry cunt into an aching mess, then fills you up with awful warmth.
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♡ BNHA – Deku, Kirishima, Hawks ♡ JJK – Nanami, Geto, Naoya
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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sunderwight · 9 months ago
Thinking about how lucky it is that Shen Qingqiu (SY version) never gave Luo Binghe the wrong impression that he wanted a harem.
Like imagine they've having a conversation and Shen Qingqiu makes some offhanded comment about a harem is all well and good, but he thinks it should definitely be of a manageable size, hint hint, with individuals who get along harmoniously and support their primary spouse, hint hint, and marrying almost everyone you hook up with is just bad form because it's inevitably going to cause friction and it'd be nearly impossible to properly look after that many extra spouses, hint hint.
Luo Binghe picks up on the hints but draws the entirely incorrect conclusions. Combined with his previous inquiries into what kinds of women his shizun likes (SQQ, not wanting to ever be seen as LBH's potential romantic rival and eager to free himself of the original's lecherous reputation: I have no interest in any women whatsoever!) and some subtle inquiries about when a person should settle down (SQQ, with unexamined anxiety at the prospect of his dear disciple heading out into the world: not too soon! a man should establish himself well and figure out what he likes first, and take his time!), Luo Binghe concludes that his master has been biding his time and is building up to constructing a reasonably-sized harem of malewives.
Because apparently, Shizun believes that a man in a position of significant power should inevitably want such things. And disciple Binghe isn't thinking of "a position of significant power" as "effective god-emperor of the whole world", his current ideas of such things are more along the lines of "peak lord" really. Also why should Shen Qingqiu make so many comments about how Luo Binghe must surely be anxious to start taking lovers or daydreaming about having a billion wives unless he just thinks that's the standard for everyone? Because that's what he wants?
It was chaotic enough when just one of these guys was bracing himself for the inevitable harem-building, but if Binghe also expected he was going to have to supply Shen Qingqiu with a stable of other men, hoo boy. Binghe telling himself that he's fine with it. As long as he's first wife, Shizun can have others. Getting particularly vicious towards new guys Shen Qingqiu meets, like okay he's resigned himself to Liu Qingge, and probably maybe also Yue Qingyuan, and in those cases definitely having to fight them tooth and nail for primary spouse position (his plan is to become the undisputed master of the domestic sphere and thereby outrank them on that front, even if he can't beat their peak lord credentials), but anyone else is someone he can potentially chase off and Shizun will still have his reasonably-sized harem. If Gongyi Xiao wants into the harem he's going to have to earn it, and he's getting bottom of the pecking order!
Binghe, after they finally get together, trying to have frank discussions about the inevitable harem. Shen Qingqiu putting on a brave face because he, of course, thinks Binghe's talking about his own harem. Getting confused as to why Liu Qingge is suddenly factoring into the conversation. Then reaching entirely the wrong conclusion because oh right, Binghe is gay now and Liu Qingge is extremely pretty. Makes sense! Definitely not what Binghe means but it makes sense!
Actually this would be a hilarious way for bingliushen OT3 to happen. Just a complete comedy of errors where bingqiu are both trying to secure Liu Qingge for each other without ever concretely establishing that either of them wants him, even though they think they have.
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logansdoll · 7 months ago
part two of "cottontail"
CW: SMUT, SMUT, SMUT, heavily suggestive, profanity, bunny mutation + spring = fun times, girl imma do my best, this took forever, might be a little long, etc.
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As much as he hated to admit it, Logan was worried about you.
In his two-hundred years of living, he had never met someone as hot-headed and brash as you—and that was saying something. But as your you-appointed new best pal, he resigned himself to making sure you didn't piss off the wrong people.
Though it was a nice change of role, seeing as he wasn't the loose canon for once, he couldn't help but begin to grow significantly concerned for your safety.
It wasn't that you were a bad person, far from it, in fact.
Always greeting him with a sweet mornin', Logan!
Always checking up on him after missions.
Always inviting him to "sparring sessions", which would inevitably turn into you two striking up conversation about anything and everything under the sun.
Not to mention you were a humongous flirt—Jean called it being "overly friendly".
She noted that you didn't flirt with any other guys like you did him.
You always gave him those cheeky smiles that seemed to irk him to no end, and put that flirty lilt in your voice when you spoke. Not to mention the constant compliments, which would stick with him for days, sometimes weeks.
But that all stopped about a week ago.
After a day of you acting incredibly off—no jokes, no laughter, little talking—Ororo said you suddenly came down with a "spring cold", but that you'd be up and at 'em soon.
Well, soon hadn't come yet, and Logan hadn't heard anything from you in days.
A spring cold couldn't last this long...
Was it the flu? Was it something else?
And why did everyone else seem so unbothered by it?
These thoughts swam in his head every time he passed your locked door.
Until he finally had enough.
The night everyone went out for a field trip to the county fair, Logan stayed back, opting to visit your quarters with a few choice words, and a container of chicken noodle soup.
When he reached your door, he gave it a soft rap.
Nothing happened.
He tried again.
Still nothing.
Only after a third—more aggressive—knock, did you finally answer.
"Yeah?" you called, your voice low and croaky.
He'd never heard you sound so defeated, and almost... pained.
It made something pang in his chest.
"That must be some cold," he quipped, attempting to play off the feeling with humor.
"Logan?" you asked, sounding shocked. "What are you... What do you want?"
"I just came to give you some soup. Jean told me it's good," he answered, glancing down at the bag in his hand. "S'been a while since I've heard from you."
He waited for a response, but when you never gave one, he began to feel stupid.
This was a mistake.
"Look, I can just leave it outside the door if you don't wanna—"
"No," you interrupted, still sounding strained. "You can come in. Just leave it on my dresser."
A little confused by your tone, he entered nonetheless, boots clicking against the hardwood.
And what he found was concerning.
Your room was a mess—furniture askew, clothes and empty water bottles discarded on the floor, a rumpled mess of sheets on the bed.
The smell in the air was thick with sweat and something else. He looked toward the king-sized bed where a heap sat hunched underneath the sheets
"(y/n)?" Logan called, brows furrowed with confusion and worry as he placed the bag on the dresser.
"Don't come over here!"
You sounded so distressed, in such discomfort.
What's going on?
Why did you sound like you were in trouble?
Ignoring your warning, he slowly stalked closer to the bed, taking slow, tentative steps—now able to hear your soft whimpers and grunts of pain.
"(y/n)?" he questioned, firmly.
You stirred, reacting to his voice, breathing raggedly as if you couldn't get any air in your lungs.
"(y/n), what the hell is going on?" he demanded. "Whatever it is, I can help."
But you turned away, the sheets shifting with you.
"You can't," you whined, "You can't."
Patience running thin, Logan stormed over and snatched the sheets off of you. And there, under the covers, he saw you with his own two eyes.
You were curled into yourself, tail significantly fluffier than he remembered, and ears droopier than he'd ever seen.
Through your thin tank top, he could see your nipples were hard and perky, the shorts you were wearing barely covering your ass cheeks.
When you looked at him, your face flushed red, pupils dilated beyond belief as you covered your face with embarrassment.
You trembled in your skin, tail twitching with discomfort and unease.
"I told you not to come over here," you panted, curling further into yourself. "Didn't want you to see me like this..."
You winced, squeezing your thighs together tight, looking to be in complete agony.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I'm in heat," you sighed, the cat pretty much out of the bag. "S'cause of my mutation. I can do everything a rabbit can, and go through everything a rabbit goes through. No matter how fucking stupid."
You wiped the sweat off your forehead, your curly hair soaked in it.
"S'why I've been hiding," you explained. "I've been tryna get through this, but I just... can't!"
Now he understood.
Your absence, your uneasiness, the smell of something in the air.
You were horny.
"How long's it last?" Logan curiously asked.
"Depends. Could be a week, could be a month..."
"A month?" he stated, surprised. "Are you in pain?"
Your face screwed tight, triggering something in his core.
"Yes," you groaned, hugging yourself closer.
You looked away from him, appearing so utterly humiliated and ashamed that it pained him.
He had to help.
"What can I do?" he suggested.
You turned to him, eyes widening. "What?" you asked. "What do you—"
"I wanna help you, cottontail," he cut in, already kicking off his boots and taking off his leather jacket to reveal his sexy, white wife-beater. "So tell me what I gotta do."
You watched him, looking completely stunned and mortified, but your pussy throbbed at the sight of his outfit.
"No, no, Logan," you protested. "Y-You can't... you don't need to do this."
But he stood firm in his decision, refusing to leave you.
"I know I don't need to," he firmly responded. "I can't let you go on like this."
"It's okay..." you assured. "It'll probably be done by the end of the week. You don't—"
Before you could even finish, his hand grabbed your face, pulling you close and squeezing your cheeks, his tone demanding.
"Don't protest. Don't argue. Don't push me away... Just let me take care of you, alright?"
His gorgeous brown eyes, filled with the promises of safety and acceptance, bore into yours.
How could you deny him?
"Okay," you caved, leaning into his touch.
"Good girl," he cracked a smile, lips suddenly swooping yours up in a firm kiss.
You let out a soft, eager moan as he scooped you up in his arms, the man letting out a quiet chuckle when you squeaked, your feet dangling off the ground.
While still kissing you, he sat himself down on the bed and plopped you in his lap. His soft lips and tongue made you squirm in his lap, brushing yourself against his quickly hardening cock in his jeans.
"Can I touch your ears?" he whispered, breathless. "'N' your tail?"
Gently, his hand moved down to your ass, caressing your cotton tail. Your toes curled, your body tingling from the sensation.
"Y-Yes," you shakily replied. "Go ahead."
And when his fingers began to lightly brush and stroke your bunny ear from base to tip, you nearly had a full body orgasm, your pussy growing wetter with each pass.
"Fuck..." you gasped. "Yes, just like that..."
Logan smirked as he watched your face contort in pleasure, his ego growing with each whimper.
"Like that?" he asked, teasingly, his cock throbbing at the sound of your pitiful whine in response.
Over these past few months, he'd had countless dreams about having you just like this. And now that he was, he could say with certainty that it was far better than any fantasy.
Gently, one of his big hands slid down between your thighs to pet your pussy through your panties, while the other continued to stroke your ears.
Your mouth fell agape, pleasure coursing through you.
"Oh, fuck," you moaned, tilting your head back as his fingers ghosted over your clit.
You began to shamelessly grind your pussy into his fingers, turning Logan on even more.
"Needy little thing..." he chuckled, amused. "Adorable."
Under his firm gaze and insistent fingers, you nearly came apart at the seams. But before you could, he pulled away, scooping you up with one arm, much to your surprise and arousal, and sliding himself further down the bed.
With a grin, he dropped his head into the pillows, shifting and forcing you to hover over his face.
"M'gonna taste you, now," he stated, as if it was a fact.
You whined in response, moving to grab the headboard as he pulled your panties to the side, giving your pussy a quick peck before completely dropping you on top of him.
"Logan!" you half-moaned, half-screamed, eyes blown wide with pleasure.
You tried to brace yourself, but it wasn't long before he made you a writhing, whimpering, whining mess.
"Ah, Lo, yes!" you cried. "Oh, fuck! Right fuckin' there! Right fuckin' there!"
You were loud and vocal, much to his enjoyment.
He was having the time of his life, massaging your ass and sucking your wet pussy, your juices dripping down his chin.
He even groaned and grunted into your pussy about how good you tasted, only making you wetter at seeing such a stoic man lose his shit over you.
"You want a finger, baby?" he growled, voice slightly muffled. "Talk to me. Tell me what chu want."
"Please," you whimpered. "Fuck me, Logan! Make me come!"
Logan smiled, slowly inserting one of his thick fingers into your hole while his lips gently sucked on your clit.
You nearly screamed, bawling at the pleasure.
"Oh, my God!" you sobbed. "Shit, Logan, I'm gonna... I'm gonna.."
Your orgasm slammed into you without a second thought, drawing a string of slutty moans out as you came all over Logan's tongue.
"That's my good girl," he smirked into your pussy. "So fuckin' good f'me."
Your orgasm was so strong that you began to tremble, the aftershocks taking over your body.
The release helped with the pain... but it still wasn't enough.
You needed more.
Suddenly, he took hold of your chin, staring into your eyes as if he could peer right into your head.
"Do you want more?" he asked, cockily.
Slowly, you nodded, tears pricking your eyes at how much to needed this.
"Yes, Logan," you pleaded, your arousal making you bold and unashamed in your need to be fucked. "Please give it to me. I don't care how you take me. Just please..."
That was all he needed to hear.
He gave you exactly what you wanted and more. The man fucked you, and he fucked you good. He gave your little body everything it needed to knock out those horny thoughts and relieve you of your heat.
In almost every position, too.
He fucked you in missionary while standing up, his hips pistoning into yours while your feet dangled in the air, his hands pinning your thighs apart and making you take each deep, long, slow stroke that had you seeing stars and frantically rubbing your clit watching his handsome face contort in pleasure. 
He fucked you while standing up, your little body bouncing in his arms as you fucked you up and down on his cock, your arms wrapped tight around his neck, your tits pressed flush against his pecs, and your lips locked with his in a passionate, sloppy, wet kiss. 
He fucked you on your side, his big body curled around yours and his cock nestled between your ass cheeks before sliding inside you again, your leg hiked up to get deeper. 
He fucked you on all fours, using your ears to pull you back on his cock, your back arched and ass stinging from random spanks while he pounded into the deep, wet heat of your pussy that squeezed and griped him for dear life. When you tried to rub your clit, he smacked it away and rubbed your pussy for you.
“Uh-uh,” he growled. “No touching what’s mine. All you need to do is cum. Can my little bunny do that?” 
You didn't even answer—you couldn't. But your loud moans and sobs bouncing off of your walls are all the answers Logan needs as he fucked you faster, harder, making your clit sing and pleasure zip through you.
When you felt your last orgasm of the night zip through you, you let out a broken whimper and came all over Logan's cock. 
Triggered by your orgasm and sweet little sounds, Logan gripped you tighter and pounded into you without mercy, until he finally released, too.
“Oh, fuck!” he gasped, his loud groans and grunts echoing throughout the room, triggering another mini-orgasm that made your pussy quiver and drip down your thighs. 
Logan came deep inside of you, filling you to the brim. He even had enough to give you on your ass, pulling out to spray your perfect cheeks with more of his seed, pumping his cock furiously behind you.
A smile stretched across your face as the aftershocks began, practically melting into the sheets. 
You were sweaty, winded, soaked, tired, and covered in cum...but you’d never been more satisfied or happier in your life.
Logan finally settled down beside you, turning you over to face him. He gave you a small smile, his face hot with stray hairs sticking to his forehead. 
“Better now?” he murmured, gently stroking down your back.
You wordlessly nodded, a small, tired hum leaving your lips. 
“Good,” he nodded, pressing a kiss into your hair. “Get some rest.”
And just like that, you were out like a light, softly snoring into his chest, your body curled into his side.
You couldn't wait for next spring...
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rafesbowbunny · 3 months ago
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𝜗𝜚 bunny!reader has always had a thing for a regular at her bookstore, older!rafe only comes in to see her
c!w; mdni !! older!rafe, dom!rafe, bunny!reader, age-gap (reader is 18+), size kink, rafe gets called 'daddy' a few times, dirty talk, mutual pining obviously, 'unprotected' sex, p in v, creampie, overstimulation (if you squint), cum play, cum eating, oral (f. receiving)
notes; i had such bad writer's block during the making of this so i apologise if this isn't my best work... also its kinda long before the smut but it needed some plot !!
you'd just gotten a job at a new cozy bookstore in town. it was perfect, had rows and rows of every genre of book a person could think of and a lovely little cafe with a cozy area to read in too. you loved working there, and had recently gotten much more comfortable after finally getting the hang of everything.
there were quite a few regulars that would come in for the coffee and a book, lots were mothers with quiet children that would sit down in the children's corner and read, others were just people of all ages that particularly enjoyed sitting in the bookstore for hours.
you were stacking shelves the first time you saw him; tall, gorgeous and smiling slightly under his cute scruffy moustache. he was flicking through the non-fiction books. though he didn't look like someone that read, adorned in workwear and partially grubby clothing, most likely from his blue collar job.
you could tell he was definitely older, around ten years your senior but still so pretty. after that first minor interaction you started seeing him come in a lot more, every other day basically. you'd worked up the courage to say hi to him after a few more times of seeing him and although your face was probably bright red, he smiled wide and started a conversation with you.
after the ice had been broken you would always talk to him when he came into the bookstore, it got to a point where he wasn't even pretending to be interested in the books around him anymore, he obviously had come in there to see you again.
rafe had also started coming in early before work started, he looked so good in his carhartt jacket and big boots, not yet dirty from a days work. he'd make sure you were the one to make his coffee, always mumbling something about you having a secret gift as he grinned, letting his hand linger over yours when he'd take his cup.
the tension between the two of you was palpable, your friends and co-workers would make jokes about how no one needed to read romance books in there anymore, they had a whole story playing out in front of them.
you would always laugh and smile at their comments, smitten over the idea of being with rafe but there was always the lingering thought that it was just friendly flirting. nothing more. he probably had a girlfriend, or a wife or something. he was too old and too gorgeous, why would he actually want anything to do with little old you.
these thoughts had you spiralling significantly on one particular day; what if you were wasting all your time and feelings on this older guy that would never want you? would you ever get over him? would you be alone forever?
you were zoning out - hard - as you slid the last few books of your shift onto the shelf, you nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw him standing in front of you with a grin.
"sorry, did i give you a fright?" he mumbled, steadying you with his touch, "'thought you'd heard me when i said y'name but there must be s'much goin' on in that head of yours."
you took a breathe and smiled weakly at him, not being able to shake your pessimistic thoughts from seconds before as he stood in front of you, handsome and speaking.
"no, sorry- lots on my mind i guess" you shrugged, fiddling with your fingers. rafe's brow furrowed, he'd seen you stressed and frustrated because of work but never like this, anxious and pensive.
he tilted his head a little, "what's wrong hm?" he softly coaxed, looking deep into your eyes as he reached out and rubbed your arm with his thumb.
you looked up at him through your lashes, "nothing.. nothing really..." you mumbled, chewing your lip a little.
his gaze darkened as he watched you, "something you wanna ask me bunny?"
you shook your head after shuddering at the nickname. a nickname only rafe used with you, it never failed to give you goosebumps down your body and cause your thighs to squeeze together a little, "don't worry.. er, i'm about to close up in a minute - you don't mind walking me to my car do you?"
his pursed lips melted into a smile and he looked up for a second before nodding. you smiled at him before finally putting away the last few things and grabbing the bookstore's keys. rafe followed you out as you left the store and locked the doors from the outside.
"cold tonight hmm" rafe remarked, looking out at the dim parking lot and neighbouring streets as he walked close to you. you hummed in agreement, readjusting the jacket tighter around you.
when you finally reached your car you looked up at him with a longing smile before he tilted his head, grinning at you, "you gonna tell me what you were thinking about earlier?"
you shook your head, nerves chewing at your lip again.
"c'mon, 'm not gonna see you tomorrow, 'ts your day off bunny, can't make me just wonder all this time hm?" he playfully whined, inching his body closer to yours. you were a little stunned by his words.
"you remember my day off's tomorrow?" the nerves were rising in your tummy now, bubbling around and exploding.
he smirked, sliding your hand into his, "course i'd know when the only reason i go into that bookshop isn't there."
"rafe" you gushed, covering your face a little and shaking your head. you couldn't believe your ears, you thought you weren't stupid or anything but here you were, hearing that he wanted you the whole time. "i thought you were just.. i don't know, entertaining the idea of me this whole time..."
his lips parted and brow furrowed as if it was completely incomprehensible that he might've not actually wanted you, "bunny... you must be talking pure shit now because i thought i'd made it obvious i wanted you from the second i'd gotten to know you."
you chewed at your lip, heat pooling in your tummy as he instinctively inched closer to you as he spoke. all you wanted to do now was jump his bones, and you kept glancing down at the bulge in his pants as it became closer and closer to you.
he noticed your wandering eyes and laughed a little, throwing his head back before sliding both hands up your arms carefully, "...so you said you don't have heating huh?"
you nodded, feeling dizzy at the realisation of what he was about to ask you.
he scoffed with a grin, "see, i've got heating at my place that works pretty well, and - bunny, with the way you're looking at me right now, i think we're better off going there."
you smiled, staring up at him through your lashes before nodding and in an instant he'd grabbed your hand, leading you to his truck. the drive was probably fairly quick, but it felt like hours of agony to the both of you as you patiently waited. rafe's hand was possessively gripping your thigh and you felt wetness in your panties thinking about where else his hands would trail to.
it was a blur, stumbling out of his truck and into his house, you barely looked at the place before the two of you, sloppy and all over each other, had made it to his bedroom. your body was on vibrate but he took a second to take his huge jacket and long sleeve shirt off.
you breathed heavily, eyes widening when street light through the window illuminated his toned chest, he was built like a greek god and you nearly moaned at the thought of all that being all over you.
he teasingly peeled your clothes off, article by article, grinning all the way. he could see you twitching and heavily breathing at every movement, it only fuelled him more.
finally you were in nothing but panties and a bra, matching of course, which made rafe's eyes go wild, "jesus, look at you." he breathed, running his hands along the side of your body as you lay under him.
you slid your arms around his neck and tried to pull him in but he grinned at your lack of strength and you frowned playfully, squirming at the lack of action.
"you gonna ask nicely bunny?" his lips were centimetres away from yours, he was really enjoying teasing you now.
"please... please i want you inside me so bad" you whined, pouting and running your hands into his shaggy mullet. he smirked and leaned in, passionately pressing his lips to yours, engulfing you in heat.
your hands pulled at his jeans, ripping down the zipper as you slid a palm across his clothed cock, gasping at his lips over how big you found him to be.
he tugged himself out of his boxers before lowering down to your core, you burned with desire as you watched the greek god looming over you, slowly bully his cock into your weeping hole.
you groaned at the feeling, his cock slowly slipping all the way down, filling you to the hilt. your grip around his neck tightened, along with his hands holding you steady at your hips.
he drilled into you at an unrelenting pace, the sound of his cock diving in and out of your wet pussy causing him to groan gutturally, "uhghh, you like this big cock baby? c'mon, tell me you've been thinking about daddy's cock since you met me hmm"
you eyes were rolling back, the pleasure becoming too much already, "mmmh i think about daddy's cock all the time... oh! fuuuck."
you looked down at your tummy, a clear huge bulge poking everytime rafe drove his dick into you, only making you dizzier. he was just so big.
a creamy line of arousal was thick around the base of rafe's cock, your breath all ragged as he continued to drill into you, toying with your clit to overstimulate you.
you were shaking under him, one hand gripping onto a bicep and the other tugging the sheets beside you. the sheer girth of him was splitting you open, rafe grinned at the yelps escaping your lips with every thrust.
"pussy's swallowing me whole, fuck bunny" he grunted into your lips, launching in for yet another seering kiss while his thrusts became sloppy but deeper. plap-plap-plap filled the room along with your pornographic moans.
"nghh daddy, i'm- oh, g'na cum!" you cried, nails digging into his flesh.
he was panting into your neck, "'know baby, can feel your pussy milking me- fuuuuuck" you felt the rush of your orgasm as rafe's thick white ropes coated your insides. he continued to thrust into you a few more times, watching your pussy swallow all his cum before pulling out.
"such a good bunny, look at that shit.." he mumbled, dragging a finger over your wet whole, playing with and pushing his release back into you. "so wet..."
he dipped his head down, lapping up both your juices that had coated your folds. you twitched from the sensation, still recovering from his cock.
"rafeee- oh god- too sensitive.." you whined, hand laced in his hair. he lifted his head and looked at you with a grin, his moustache gleaming with wetness.
"oh bunny now that i've had you, shit, i'm never letting my little girl go."
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museiest · 1 month ago
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PAIRING. ceo!gojo x kindergarten teacher!reader
ABOUT. ceo!gojo discovers he has a son which leads him to the harmony fields kindergarten, where the woman who almost ran into him with her car in the morning is his son's teacher and the cause of his future sleepless nights.
NOTES. it's finally here!! had some trouble with the written part of this smau so that's why i took so long in posting it, this was the winner in this poll. this is a multi-part smau. harmony fields is the name of the kindergarten.
WARNINGS. enemies to lovers ⋆ typos ⋆ ignore timestamps ⋆ english is not my first language ⋆ written part (is sh!t y'all) ⋆ gojo's is insufferable ⋆ utahime's the owner of harmony fields ⋆ written part takes place a day after the incident and it's 1,04k words.
part one | part two | part three | more?
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“Okay. . .remember what we practiced?” the white-haired man immediately asked as he helped the boy out of his car.
The kid nodded slowly and looked up at Satoru, waiting for him to hand over the chips he bought for him on the way here.
“I’ll give them to you, kid, but first, let’s practice one more time,” Satoru warned, “You're going to say that i'm your dad and that your mom is away on a trip, 'kay?”
“But you said that you weren't my dad, and my mom isn’t on a trip,” the boy pointed out seriously, making the blue-eyed man sigh.
“Just say it, please? if you don’t, i’ll take you to the police station and let them deal with you," Satoru threatened with a unsettling smile.
“He’s my dad, and my mom is away on a trip,” Megumi repeated, irritated by the man.
Truth is, he missed his mom and he wished she was there with him instead of the stranger who was taking care of him now.
“Yes! Good boy,” Satoru ruffled the Megumi’s hair like he was petting a dog, he definitely wasn't used to dealing with kids, especially one his age.
How do you even treat a five-year old? Was what had been going through Gojo's head since his son arrived at his apartment.
“Ah, Gojo! Right on time, looks like having a son is finally doing you some good,” Utahime called out as she walked towards the entrance of her kindergarten, where the dad and son duo were.
“Utahime, my least favorite person! it's been, what? two months?" he sneered.
“It’s always such a disgrace seeing you, Gojo," she said bitterly before putting on her best smile and looking at the five-year-old, “And you must be Megumi, right?”
“He’s my dad, and my mom is on a trip,” Megumi stated almost robotically, making the Harmony Field's director laugh.
“Wow, how cool!” she exclaimed, gesturing for them to follow her inside.
“Yeah, his mom is at a seminar in Europe,” the ceo lied smoothly.
“Europe? You must be very proud, Megumi,” the dark-haired woman tried to make some chitchat but Megumi remained silent, walking behind them as quietly as possible.
“’Gumi doesn’t talk much, but it’s something i- we’ve been working on. . .” Satoru excused himself with another lie, though Utahime barely paid attention, too focused on you approaching. It was the perfect opportunity to introduce you to the new dad and the new kid joining your class.
“Yn! Come over here, this is Gojo Satoru and his son, Megumi,” Utahime introduced, making your eyes widen in surprise as soon as you locked eyes with the man you almost hit with your car on your way to the kindergarten.
“You?/You?” you both said at the same time, his eyes sharp enough that if looks could kill, you'd be in a coffin with people saying how good of a person you were; and you just forced a polite smile to hide your annoyance at seeing him at your workplace, such arrogant man didn't seem like a father to you, not even a bad one, he just seemed like the kind of guy who didn't care for kids at all but there he was, putting on his best smile with his son who didn't look like him at all except for his eyes and messy hair.
“You two know each other?” your friend and colleague asked, looking between you both expectantly.
“Yeah. . .turns out this dad likes to go running in the middle of the street in the morning,” you muttered through gritted teeth, making the man scoff.
“Right. And it seems like there's more and more of those crazy drivers these days, dangerous, isn’t it?” Satoru shot back. You barely heard Utahime’s response, too focused on the annoyance bubbling inside you. Who did this guy think he was? He had to be some kind of irresponsible deranged idiot.
You rolled your eyes once more before glancing down and noticing the little boy looking at you curiously.
You crouched down to meet his eyes and be able to speak to him directly, the first impression with children was always the most important to you rather than the one with the parent, “Hi, sweetheart! you must be Megumi, how are you?” you asked kindly, you've loved kids since forever and it didn’t matter that this particular kid belonged to the most insufferable man you'd ever met.
Megumi’s eyes looked sad, distant and lost, as if all he wanted was to be anywhere but here. Still, you tried talking to him, sensing his struggle in interacting with people.
When he didn’t respond, you continued, “You know, in the classroom there's lots of kids your age who can’t wait to meet you. They’ve been so excited ever since we told them a new friend for them was coming. And guess what? Today’s your lucky day because we have a special activity with puppies! How does that sound?” you asked with a warm smile and at the mention of 'puppies,' Megumi’s eyes lit up, an expression of excitement appearing on his face for the first time since he got there along with a soft smile. Even Satoru seemed surprised to see it, he hadn't smiled at all when he was at his apartment and now he does with a complete stranger? not that he wasn't one either but the father (if you could call him that) had tried everything the day before to make the kid laugh and all he got was a 'you're not funny' from him.
“Are there really going to be puppies?” Megumi asked, a special glimmer in his eyes that hadn’t been there before.
“Of course! So what do you say? Want to wait for them with the other kids?” you asked, extending your hand to his smaller one. Megumi glanced between his dad and you before nodding and taking your hand with a small smile still on his lips and that was the first step to make this kid as happy as he could be.
Without hesitation, you led him towards the rest of the class, happy that your first interaction with the boy had been a success. You just hoped things would stay that way, today, tomorrow and hopefully forever.
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• hari fushiguro is megumi's aunt, she's took care of him for two weeks and that was it. she didn't have enough money to raise him and her daughter so she went to gojo's apt since she remembered he had a lot of money when they hooked up and made up a story about her sister and him.
• toji's dead and tsumiki doesn't exist in this one since toji died before megumi was born.
• his mom died two weeks ago but since he's still a kid, he doesn't know how to process it so he thinks his mom left him and that's why his aunt didn't want him either.
• ofc gojo isn't his father but they make him believe he is.
• that's all!! enjoy <3
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enhani-ki · 27 days ago
overthink this, overthink that - reader x ni-ki
warning: cursing, little angst, slow burn, suggestive content.
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flirting was something you were unexpectedly good at, especially to your crush ni-ki... even though you knew you didn't stand a chance.
you love giving him compliments, spamming hearts on his posts, teasing him, staring at him like you're so in-love, sometimes you'll playfully touch him.
ni-ki though, he just ignore you. every single time, because to him, there's no way you're serious about what you're doing... there's no way you're serious about him.
and you knew he gets annoyed and will just straight-up walked away from you but it wasn't like you had any grand expectations.
you just liked him too much to stop.
you and jay were waiting for everyone to arrive, casually teasing each other like always but he was pushing it today, so you decided to bite back.
plus, let's be honest, your friend was looking a little too good right now. "i'd totally kiss you right now if you don't stop." you groaned before rolling your eyes at him.
it's a joke. a normal joke between the two of you.
except, of course, ni-ki just had to walk in right at that moment and the second your eyes met, you froze, eyes widening like you'd been caught doing something you weren't supposed to.
see? it would've been easy for him to believe you actually liked him if it weren't for the way you acted with everyone else.
ni-ki shook his head like he was disappointed in you.
…seriously, why do he always catch you at the bad time?
like that one time you haven't showered and the moment you stepped outside looking like a complete mess, you bumped into him.
and you must've look so bad that he started blushing and chuckling before walking away. you ran straight back inside and swore to never ever leave the house again unless you looked presentable.
though sometimes, it's like "fuck it!" you'd do whatever you want whether he's gonna be disappointed or not. it's not like he's gonna like you anyway, right?
"tsk, tsk. you pissed him off again," jay chuckled at ni-ki's reaction.
"i didn't!" you rolled your eyes. "you know he's always like that when he sees me, i haven't even talked to him yet."
jay just shook his head and if you were a guy, he'd probably smack you for being this dumb.
you went inside and spotted ni-ki sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone and the second he saw you coming, he turned his back on you.
so you sat down right in front of him.
"what are you doing?" you grinned, leaning close.
"get out of my face."
you frowned. "tsk, you've got attitude now?"
he ignored you, pretending to laugh at whatever was on his screen then you tried to peek but he quickly moved his phone away.
"why are you-"
"go awaaay!" ni-ki groaned, trying to push you but you made yourself heavy and slid your head right into his chest.
you grinned, looking up at him. "i don't want to. i wanna be with you."
ni-ki rolled his eyes. "yeah, says the one who's for everybody."
your jaw dramatically dropped, looking around the room and at him like, who's everybody?
"you must be everybody," you shot back, pushing your face way too close to his.
ni-ki's heart started racing uncontrollably, tip of his ear were turning red again cause you were staring at him like he was the only person in the world.
and he hates it. you're the one who likes him yet he's the only one feeling these things... and you were probably just joking.
so he wished you would stop messing with him.
frustrated, ni-ki pushed you away with a little force, enough to make you fall back onto the couch while laughing.
"oh my... where are you going?" you called him out but he just walked away.
and today was just not it.
not enough sleep and you haven't eaten yet.
you were also late, your quiz results were bad, and to make things worse, you just got scolded.
oh, and because the universe clearly had it out for you today you forgot your wallet too, so now you had to walk home and your legs were killing you.
ni-ki was standing with a group of friends when he spotted you in the distance, walking alone with your head down.
you heard the familiar voice even when you were so lost in your thought. how could you not? that's your source of strength after all...
but out of all the days, how about he mess with you instead this time?
just as you were about to call him out, he pretended not to see you, leaning closer to one of the girls beside him as she playfully shoved his arm. his eyes were sparkling, his grin stretched so wide it practically lit up his face.
and you thought, that's definitely nothing like how he is with you.
your heart ached again as you watched, then you felt foolish, your cheeks burning as the weight of your behavior settled in.
you really have been chasing after someone who clearly doesn't feel the same way and worse, you wondered if you had made him uncomfortable.
you felt sorry for ni-ki and... yourself.
so you started to avoid him. you didn't think about whether he noticed or cared, you knew he might but still, you just needed to stop bothering him.
you would leave early and walk longer distances just to make sure you wouldn't bump into him whenever he'll take jogs in the morning. you would pretend to fix your bag or look at your watch so you wouldn't see him if he's hanging outside with others, though your heart still aches after hearing his voice.
sometimes, ni-ki's eyes would scan rooms without even realizing who he was searching for and when he didn't find you, he'd shake it off and move on, assuming you were just busy somewhere.
you became content to yourself staying in your own little bubble, no more hanging out these days with everyone, and no more forcing yourself to someone.
and now, ni-ki noticed because when he walked out of the house and he saw you pass by, your head was tilted slightly down and you were completely immersed in whatever it is you're reading.
and your class ended a while ago, you didn't expect that it'll rain today and had forgotten your umbrella.
the rain was relentless, pouring down heavily as you stood under a little roof near the gate, the only bit of shelter from the downpour but it did not help to keep you dry, your clothes were already soaked. you just hoped that the notebooks in your bag are still safe.
you wiped your face, trying to brush the water off from the wind that pushed the rain sideways but it was useless, the rain kept coming, cold and unforgiving. and despite the chill, you didn't panic or try to shield yourself. you just stood there, staring out at streets, waiting patiently for it to stop or at least slow down.
it's going to be okay.
most of the other students had already left, leaving the school grounds quiet. ni-ki walked towards the gate, then his steps slowed down when he saw you standing there with your figure illuminated dimly by the glow of the streetlights.
and his first instinct was to stop and turn back. the memory of how you used to call out to him, how you'd run up to him with your usual energy, it flashed through his mind.
to be honest, he didn't find you annoying, he was just overwhelmed and shy. a defense mechanism, maybe? he's overthinking, maybe?
he stepped to the side, hiding behind a nearby pillar. he wasn't sure why he hid though. he watched you rub at your nose, visibly shivering as the rain continued to drench you.
ni-ki hesitated for a moment, completely torn between staying hidden and stepping in but when you sneezed, "shit." he muttered under his breath, running a hand through his hair as he let out a sigh, totally frustrated with himself.
finally, he walked towards you. you didn't even notice him until he spoke, "you'll get sick if you stay like this." he said, dropping his umbrella and started to remove his jacket.
you blinked at him, water dripping from your lashes as you hugged yourself. you watched him for a second then slowly, ni-ki handed you his jacket. you muttered "thanks."
ni-ki also studied you for a moment, waiting for something. maybe a look? a word? just anything that resembled the way you used to act around him.
but nothing came, you simply adjusted the jacket around your shoulders with your calm and detached expression as if he's just someone you knew.
"i can walk you home." ni-ki said, his voice was loud enough for you to hear through the sound of heavy rain.
"you sure?" you asked, wiping your face again.
he smiled and nodded.
ni-ki glanced at you as you both hurried down the sidewalk, you were both dodging puddles and rushing towards the nearest shelter. and each time you reached one, you would stop for just a moment to catch your breath before rushing out with him again, running through the rain like you were playing some kind of game.
but you haven't said anything at all. the rhythm of your movement, the way you picked up the pace never looking back, told him that you were just determined to get home as fast as possible.
ni-ki was thrilled, his heart was beating fast as he dashed forward with you on his side. you both stopped just under the roof, he's panting slightly, grinning but it faded when he looked at you standing a little further away like you're not exhilarated by the chase.
he didn't even had the time to dwell on it because soon enough, you were ready to move again to head towards the final stretch before your place.
when you reached the familiar corner near your home, you stopped, ni-ki looked at you. "i'll walk you the rest of the way."
you shook your head, taking off his jacket. "no, i'll take it from here." you said, slipped out his jacket to hand it back to him.
ni-ki opened his mouth to protest, "keep it..." he said quietly but you already turned away.
"thanks!" you said. ni-ki stood there for a moment with the jacket in his hands, watching you as you disappeared into the distance.
next day, at lunch, he was just about to head to cafeteria. his eyes were wandering again when he saw you, you were sitting on the steps with your back pressed against the wall, burying your face in your hands.
you were startled slightly when you heard footsteps, you quickly bowed your head to acknowledge him, hoping he would just walk past, but he didn't.
instead, ni-ki stopped in front of you and sat close enough that his knees were now brushing against yours.
you dodged slightly when you saw his hands reach out. "what are you doing?" your voice was hoarse, weak.
he didn't answer. instead, he gently grabbed your other hand and pressed the back of his against your forehead after noticing how red your cheeks and lips were.
"i knew it." he sighed and held out his hand. you hesitated but he didn't give you much choice, gently but firmly pulling you to your feet. "come on."
he led you to the clinic and guided you to sit on the bed, the bed's height put your legs directly in his line of sight and he stared for a moment, swallowing hard, before looking away.
you watched as he leaned over you, reaching for the blanket folded at the head of the bed and his face came so close to yours that you could hear his breath.
so close...
ni-ki froze for a moment, his eyes locked with yours, he cleared his throat and draped the blanket over your shoulders.
"can you walk home?" the nurse asked as she will send you home.
ni-ki skipped class to take you home, he noticed your wobbly steps so he removed the backpack from your shoulders to carry it instead.
you didn't protest when he took the bag and the two of you started to walk side by side but after a few more wobbly steps, he gently placed your hand in his arm, offering you support.
ni-ki stayed silent, he wanted to be annoyed and he wanna start scolding you but at the same time he can't even seem to stop himself from smiling, and when you got home, he was spamming you with messages.
love of my life: hey, you good?
love of my life: are you alive?
love of my life: oiiiii
love of my life: yeah, stop talking to me.
he threw his phone onto the bed.
you're always like this, right? so, he's done. he's not going to text you anymore. if you didn't even bother replying, then why should he-
a notification sound cut off his thoughts.
you: my head and my body hurts.
ni-ki sat up immediately, fumbling to unlock his phone before getting out of bed in search of jay.
"hyu-hyung…" he called out, clearing his throat.
jay raised a brow at him.
"i heard your friend was sick," ni-ki muttered before looking away.
jay blinked confused, then shrugged. "yeah? and i heard you took her home."
"yeah!" ni-ki forced a laugh. "uhh… you gonna visit her?"
jay shot him a confused look again. "why would i?"
"i don't know…" ni-ki mumbled.
he snorted. "she's got a mom, you know. she'll be fine." he turned back to his phone, already moving on from the conversation.
ni-ki hesitated before speaking again. "remember when you guys freaked out when i got sick? imagine her mom being alone and taking care of that idiot."
jay froze. "oh, shit." he got up from his seat. "okay, i'm going."
"wait, wait, wait!" ni-ki grabbed his arm. "you don't need help?"
jay narrowed his eyes. "do you wanna come?"
ni-ki crossed his arms. "i mean… if you need help, then, yeah, i'll go."
jay forced a smiled, totally done with the both of you. "...right."
you started hanging out with them again, just laughing in the background, blending in, and not standing out like you usually did.
it was weird to ni-ki.
"the hell's wrong with her? is she feeling sick again or something?"
when he saw you alone on the balcony, he didn't hesitate to walk over. he stood beside you quietly, resting his arms on the railing while staring ahead. "so you don't like me anymore?"
you turned to him, confused. "huh?"
his eyes widened slightly like he hadn't meant to say that out loud. "nothing!" he blurted out, immediately annoyed at himself.
you stared at him, completely lost. "what's your problem? so you like it when i annoy you?"
"what? no. hell no."
he pushed off the railing, leaving before you could ask any more questions.
at home, you couldn't help but text him.
you: were you waiting for me to flirt with you today? lmaooo
love of my life: you're full of shit.
you: i was kidding. who said i stopped liking you?
ni-ki read the message twice with a smirk forming at his lips.
you: i just don't wanna make you uncomfortable. lemme move on in peace, okay?
his smirk dropped.
love of my life: so you can flirt with someone else instead, right?
you: stop that.
love of my life: why? cause it's true?
he leaned back against his bed, waiting for a reply, fully expecting you to argue back but the screen stayed blank, removing his smile completely.
ni-ki sighed, tapping the edge of his phone against his palm. did i go too far? he started typing, then deleted it. typed again, then erased it.
you: can you come get me?
love of my life: where are you?
his heart skipped a beat, grabbing his jacket without any second thoughts.
"i can't believe you…" ni-ki muttered, staring at you as you shivered in the cold, wearing nothing but thin layers.
"i didn't know it was gonna snow today!" you protested, rubbing your arms.
he said, slipping off his inner jacket and made you wear it, muttering about how stubborn you were. especially since you'd just recovered from being sick.
your eyes lit up as you spotted something. "can we stop there?" you pointed at a bench near a tteokbokki stall, where the warmth from the steam cleared the air.
ni-ki grabbed your hand and shoved it into his coat pocket as he led you there.
your heart started going crazy. "you're so gonna make me delusional." you murmured. "i'll think i have a chance."
"everyone has a chance with me."
you rolled your eyes, "you're the only one who has a chance with me." is what you wanted to say.
"and yet you say i'm for everybody?" you scoffed. ni-ki pulled your hand away and placed it back in your lap.
"no, no, i'm sorry, hold it longer, please?" you pouted, tilting your head. "just this time? riki?"
"wha-" he was flustered after hearing his real name from your mouth. then he sighed heavily, "fine," he said before taking your hand again and shoving it back into his pocket.
you giggled, and ni-ki smiled while shaking his head, watching you like you were the biggest idiot alive.
"seriously," you sighed, "i don't like it when you keep pushing the idea that i flirt with other people…"
"but you do," he shot back. "and you keep bullshitting me. you don't like me."
your chest tightened. "i like you," you muttered, "i just… i don't know. what more do you want me to do?"
the two of you held each other's gaze, eyes were searching for... honesty? sincerity?
ni-ki's jaw clenched. "forget it," he muttered, looking away.
you pressed your lips into a thin line, swallowing back the words you wanted to say.
jeongseong: really? that's so funny.
you: what's so funny??? guys are so fucking complicated like? i was moving on and he'd just do all that for nothing.
jeongseong: maybe stop messing around so you'll also be taken seriously.
you: i don't mess around.
jeongseong: you don't even know what's his favorite color, his favorite food, what's the name of his pet... you just flirt with him.
you: omg??
jeongseong: yeah... tsk. don't talk to me.
next day, you just stopped messing with everyone.
"y/n, you look good today."
and you walked past them like you didn't hear it.
ni-ki watched as you brushed off the attention you once entertained so easily. you weren't laughing with them, weren't throwing back flirty comebacks.
are you trying to impress him or something?
love of my life: where are you spending your summer break?
you: secret.
he didn't reply so you folded.
you: at my aunt's.
love of my life: alone?
you: yeah. need to relax, too.
love of my life: can i go too?
you nearly choked before replying.
you: i don't know if my mom will allow that…
love of my life: i'll ask her myself.
love of my life: unless you don't want me to come?
"are you crazy?" you muttered under your breath while looking at the screen.
mom said yes immediately, too... and she wouldn't stop talking about ni-ki.
"you're not actually thinking he'll go, right? besides, how could you even allow that?" you asked in disbelief as she unpacked groceries, acting completely unfazed.
"allow what?" she asked, faking her innocence.
"letting ni-ki come with me! i was supposed to go alone!"
she chuckled, clearly amused by your frustration. "oh, come on. it's your chance."
"my chance for what?" you snapped, crossing your arms. "i am moving on from him. that was old news."
"oh, really?" she mused, her smirk growing wider. "sure."
you groaned. "and how could you even think this is a good idea? letting a girl my age go off with a boy?"
she simply shrugged. "i guess i trust you."
ni-ki texted you that same night.
love of my life: so, any updates on our trip? should i bring snacks?
you: please tell me you're just kidding.
love of my life: no, why?
you: because this is supposed to be my trip, not ours.
love of my life: don't care, i'm great company. you'll thank me later.
you stared at his message for a long moment before tossing your phone onto your bed.
why is he doing this?
the train station felt busy, you stood there near the entrance, clutching the train tickets in your hand while waiting patiently for ni-ki.
and like always, he stood out from the crowd, dressed cool in a leather jacket over a tank top that hugged his figure, paired with a baggy jeans and sneakers.
his hair was slightly messy because of the wind but he looked so annoyingly perfect. time seemed to stop when ni-ki smiled andwalked towards you.
you shook your head, quickly turning away and started walking inside without even waiting for him.
ni-ki's smile dropped when he saw you turn your back on him. his steps quickened in panic. "y/n! wait up!" he called out, hoping you're not mad at him for being a few minutes late.
inside the train, the two of you stood a just few meters apart. you leaned against a railing, your eyes were fixed on the view outside the window while ni-ki was also leaning against the railing opposite of you.
your eyes would often meet and each time, you'd both quickly look away, pretending to be deeply invested in the passing scenery, and ni-ki would sip from his drink, as if he was very thirsty.
the train doors opened when it reached the next station. people rushed and the once spacious carriage was quickly filled, making ni-ki move closer to you.
then the crowd surged, pushing everyone closer. "sorry." he apologized when he slightly bumped at you but before he could step back, he was pushed forward again.
you found yourself pressed against the metal railing near the seats. ni-ki's arm shot out, gripping the bar to steady himself but also accidentally caging you beneath him. you gulped, feeling your boobs lightly pressed against him.
ni-ki froze when he also felt it, it's like a soft cushion underneath him.
his face heated as he realized the position you were in. his ears burned and he immediately tried to move backwards.
the crowd behind him didn't make it easy but he also didn't care. he leaned back just enough to give you some space, even if it meant pushing someone behind him.
shortly after, the train swayed again. forcing him to lean into you once more and you placed a hand on his chest. ni-ki's hand slightly brushed your shoulders as he pressed his hands against the door for support.
he quickly grabbed your hand and placed it on his arms instead... hoping you didn't feel his heart that was pounding so hard.
his eyes flicked down to your boobs for a split second before he quickly looked away. just making sure that you can breathe...
the two of you stayed like that, pressed far too close in the packed train car and every slight movement and every accidental brush of your body against his, made you both nervous.
when the train finally reached the next stop and the crowd thinned, ni-ki stepped back as much as he could, exhaling a deep breath through his pursed lips, his cheeks puffing out briefly before blowing air.
"sorry… about that." he muttered, feeling nervous.
you smiled weakly, your own face were still burning. "it's fine." you said quickly right after.
you're aunt was totally pleased by him, and later that night, you wandered into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
and when you looked around, you saw niki leaning against the wall nearby who's towel-drying his damp hair, wearing a plain white t-shirt that has a fabric so thin you could see his body underneath.
he was scrolling through his phone but the moment he noticed you, he set it down and crossed his arms.
"what?" you asked, your voice muffled by your toothbrush.
he didn't say anything, just kept watching you.
feeling self-conscious, you jokingly covered your butt with your hand. "stop staring."
ni-ki's mouth dropped open in exaggerated disbelief. "you actually think i'm checking you out?"
you shrugged, spitting into the sink.
"for your information, i was just proud that you finally took a shower"
you rinsed your mouth and glanced at him with a smirk. "that's unbelievable." continuing with, "goodnight, ni-ki."
he chuckled, running a hand through his hair, watching as you walked past him. "goodnight."
you stirred in your bed, it was midnight. the thin sheet clung to your sweaty skin because of the unbearable heat. you sat up while groaning softly, your damp hair were sticking to your neck.
"auntie?" you called out, voice cracking slightly.
no response.
sliding your feet into slippers, you got out of your room. the house silent except for the faint creak of the ceiling fan spinning. you made your way to the living room, the sliding door to the balcony was open, letting the cool breeze enter the room.
and just as you passed by his room, the door creaked open, a hand shot out, fingers wrapping around your wrist then pulled you back.
you gasped softly, barely catching yourself from stumbling as you turned to see ni-ki standing in his doorway.
"what are you doing?"
"it's too hot in my room." you whispered, "i couldn't sleep."
ni-ki's grip loosened, but didn't let go. his eyes flickered to the open balcony door, then back to you. "sleep here."
you blinked at him, still flustered but nodding slowly. "o-okay…" you mumbled, though in your mind, you had already made a plan. you'd agree for now but the moment he'll let his guard down, you'd slip off to your own room and lock the door.
but ni-ki saw right through you and the second you took a step, he gently grabbed your arm and tugged you back again. "are you planning to escape from me?"
you rolled your eyes, brushing past him and pushing him gently out of your way.
and once you're in his room, you immediately flopped onto his bed, pulling his blanket over you.
the soft fabric smelled just like him, you tried so hard to ignore the way your heart raced at the scent.
"you're really gonna use the blanket? it's also a bit hot in here."
you didn't respond, just pulled the blanket tighter around you.
ni-ki shook his head as he remove his shirt over his head and tossed it onto a chair in the corner.
he likes to sleep naked.
"you're such an idiot." he muttered, half-laughing. "it's already hot and you're over there cooking yourself like a steamed dumpling."
you didn't dignify him with a response. instead, you stayed silent, hoping he'd eventually leave you alone.
but then, you felt the weight of his head pressed gently against your back through the blanket.
"why are you hiding under that thing?" he asked, his voice were soft but teasing.
"shut up, i'm fine." you mumbled, your voice muffled by the blanket.
ni-ki scoffed. "fine? you're gonna pass out in there. what are you even hiding from?"
"i'm not hiding."
"oh, really?" he said, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.
you groaned, peeking your head out just enough to look back and glare at him. "maybe i just like the blanket, okay?"
ni-ki tilted his head, smirking. "or maybe you're trying to avoid looking at me because i took my shirt off."
"no, i'm not!"
"so you did notice... y/n, you're so obvious." he sighed, "if you're so uncomfortable, just say so. i'll put my shirt back on."
"i'm not uncomfortable, take that off."
"right." he said and rolled his eyes. ni-ki still stood up and wore his shirt again.
you removed the blanket in a hurry, "i said take it off!"
soft sunlight shone through the window as you sat at the edge of the bed while stretching your arms above your head with a yawn.
you don't know why but after you finished washing your face and brushing your teeth, you went back to his room.
ni-ki also woke up and did his thing. he went back and threw himself on the bed "morning."
then a knock came from the door before he could tease you further. both of your heads whipped towards it and your eyes widened in panic. "ni-ki, are you awake?" your aunt called out.
you immediately turned to him, your voice a frantic whisper. "she can't see me in here. she's going to get the wrong idea."
ni-ki raised an eyebrow, "the wrong idea, huh?"
"ni-ki, seriously!"
your aunt knocked again, louder this time.
he jumped out of bed, "hide here." he said, opening the closet and gently shoving you inside. giving you a thumbs up and quickly closed the door, leaving you in darkness.
he ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it down before opening the bedroom door to face your aunt, who stood there with her arms crossed.
"where is she?" she asked, her eyes scanning the room suspiciously.
"wh-who?" ni-ki asked, yawning.
"y/n.. she's not in her room, so i assumed she was here." your aunt said, stepping into the room.
ni-ki shrugged, leaning against the doorframe. "i don't know, auntie. i haven't seen her this morning."
just then, your phone started to buzz from inside the closet.
your aunt turned towards the sound. "what's that?" she asked, walking closer to the closet.
ni-ki quickly stepped in her path, his hand resting casually on the closet door. "oh, uh, that's probably coming from her room." he said smoothly. "she must've left her phone there."
your aunt raised an eyebrow. "really?"
before she could question further, ni-ki's phone buzzed in his pocket. he pulled it out and read the text from you:
you: tell aunt i just went to convenience store. i'll be back soon.
he quickly turned the screen toward your aunt. "look, she just texted me. she's at the convenience store. said she'll be back soon."
your aunt glanced at the text and sighed. "thank you, tell her to come see me as soon as she gets back."
ni-ki nodded. "will do."
once your aunt finally left, ni-ki closed the door and hurried to open the closet. you stumbled out, brushing yourself off and leaned against the closet door, pressing your back against it. you hands were tucked behind you, gripping your phone tightly.
ni-ki crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "i just told her you must've left your phone in your room and then you'll text that you're outside? you're lucky she didn't get suspicious." he sighed, shaking his head.
you shrugged, trying to play it cool. "it's fine. thanks for covering for me."
"why did you even sleep here in my room?" he asked, rubbing his temples in mock exasperation.
you scoffed, "you're the one who insisted, remember?"
ni-ki smirked, clearly enjoying your frustration. "yeah, blame me." he took a step closer, his eyes locking onto yours and slowly, he brought his hands up to press against the closet on either side of your head, his smile faded.
and instead of you pushing him, you actually welcomed it, when his lips neared yours, you leaned in to meet him halfway.
the kiss was warm and unhurried, both of you were smiling into it like you couldn't help yourselves.
it wasn't just a kiss, it was a moment just for the two of you. his lips pressed on yours again and again, the smiles were there as if neither of you wanted it to end.
you both let out soft, breathless laughs.
"ni-ki! i need your help!" your aunt called him out again.
he glanced towards the door. "one second!" he answered, then turned his attention back to you with a smile.
"i'll distract her." he whispered, leaning in to steal another quick kiss.
"go." you whispered, grinning against his lips.
he pulled back slightly, then pressed one more before he fully stepped away, running a hand through his hair as he walked to the door.
you couldn't help but laugh softly, leaning back against the closet door, biting your lips while looking down.
you sat at the dining table with ni-ki and your aunt, attempting to follow her story about something that happened at work.
his leg would brush against yours under the table. at first, you thought it was an accident, but when it happened again and his lips formed a smile.
and when your aunt went on about a particularly dramatic coworker, ni-ki boldly held your hand on his lap.
you froze for a second, glancing at him in surprise, but he just gave you a soft smile and squeezed it gently.
luckily, your aunt didn't seem to notice because she's too engrossed in her own story.
you couldn't focus at all. every time you tried to pay attention, your eyes would drift to ni-ki, who listened to her attentively while tracing and caressing your wrist.
you forgot how to breathe as he completely derailed your thoughts.
you looked away and pretended to be absorbed in your aunt's story but it was no use, your heart was racing and the warmth of his touch wasn't helping.
when your aunt finally excused herself to grab something from the kitchen, you took a deep breath and let out a quiet laugh while shaking your head.
if the you from a few months ago could see this, she'd be so jealous.
after saying goodbye to your aunt, you and ni-ki boarded the train home. and just like before, it was packed, leaving no room to breathe.
this time, your back was pressed against his chest, and you held onto his arm for balance while he gripped the handle above you for support.
ni-ki saw a few strands of your hair brushing against your cheek. slowly, he reached out with his free hand and gently pushed your hair to the side, exposing the side of your neck.
he stared at it for a moment and without hesitation, he leaned in closer and pretended to bite your neck, his teeth grazed the air and before you could respond, he leaned in again and pressed a quick, soft kiss to your neck, making your grip on his arm tighten slightly.
now, you were both exhausted, tangled up in his bed, and it's so warm that the room felt even cozier.
ni-ki's arms were wrapped around your waist, his head were resting against your chest as you played with his soft black hair.
your legs were draped over his waist while his hands traced your thighs, caressing your skin absentmindedly.
"have you seen my new post?"
"yeah, i liked it."
"you didn't even comment."
you commented three fire emojis but ni-ki was already happy with that. you were both laughing, whispering stories with quiet chuckles, and were too tired to keep talking but also too content to stop.
ni-ki's breathing has slowed, and just when you thought he had drifted off his sleep...
you hummed in response, caressing his neck.
"…i love you."
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a/n: this might be 7k words or more, sorry :3
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ishipgenfics · 2 years ago
Outsider POV on Somewhere Else Jonathan Sims must be just. so much.
Like imagine. You're part of a support group, and a new guy decides to join. You ask him his name and he says, "Jonathan," and then after a long pause, "Blackwood. Jonathan Blackwood. But call me Jon."
He doesn't like tape recorders. You only know this because the person who hosts the support group is into retro things, and tries to keep a couple around. She turned one on once when someone asked about it, and you noticed Jon clutching his nails into his hands so tight he's nearly breaking the skin. You lean over and whisper, "Do you want me to ask her to stop?" He says, "It's fine," and you nod, but you still try and change the subject whenever people bring up tape recorders from that point on.
He full-body flinches one day when someone says Hello, Jon. Nearly slams into a wall and everything. He tries to play it off, but after that people say Hi Jon, or Nice to see you, or things like that. Anything but Hello.
He says he used to work at a 'non-profit for studying the supernatural'. Someone asks where it was and he says London. You tell your wife about it, and two days later she emails you an article. Magnus Institute Burns Down In 1999. It was in Manchester. You tell her not to bring it up again.
The guy is snarky and blunt and downright rude at times, but when a woman comes in and tells them about being trapped in a empty warehouse for a week, he comforts her in a way none of the rest of them know how. "I believe you," he says, repeats it like a mantra, like a prayer. "I believe you." He says 'I'm sorry' less like he's sorry this happened to her, and more like he's taking the blame onto himself.
He talks about Martin, sometimes. His reason, he calls him. Normally you'd point out that while it's of course good to love your partner, you should have other reasons to live, but you stay quiet. This guy needs all the happiness he can get.
You leave a little late that day, and when you do you hear him on the phone talking to someone. "She'd been touched by the Lonely, Martin!" he says. "Which is bad, of course, but--" he seems to choke up, "Martin, I didn't feel any compulsion for a Statement. A-at all. I think it's really gone."
You just walk by.
You don't know what's going on with Jon, but it really isn't any of your business. You're an anxious queer lesbian and he's a traumatized ace guy, and you aren't going to make his life any harder than you have to.
Just. Jonathan Sims in a support group.
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terastalungrad · 1 year ago
Happiness advice is hard to compose, since we're all born with different brains, producing different chemicals in different quantities at different levels of efficiency.
"Try regular exercise!" chirrups an influencer whose brain has never known a day of depression in its squiggly grey life.
But I do think I've noticed behaviours that poison joy, and I haven't ever heard it as advice. My theory: bullying is bad for your happiness.
Of the four types of bullying, three of them - intimidation, humiliation and harassment - are usually committed by insecure people, trying to make themselves feel more powerful by taking that power from another.
(The fourth type of bullying is exclusion, and I have no citations for any of this, since it's just a bunch of stuff I reckon. I do think I'm right though, for what it's worth.)
The least happy comedians I've met are the ones who smoke weed in their flats while watching and scoffing at clips of their rivals. Their enemies. Their friends.
I'm slightly transfixed by the story of a relatively well-known comedian who became obsessed with the Instagram stories of an amateur comic. The established comic would watch the videos, share them with friends, play them at parties - mocking the comic's lack of self-awareness.
This newer comedian wasn't internet famous or anything. Just a guy starting out, trying his hand.
To operate like this, you must believe that some people have value, and others do not. Once you've decided this, how can you expect your brain to permanently accept that you're one of the worthy? You can make yourself feel powerful in the short term by humiliating another. But in the long term, you curate a worldview where a person's eccentricities are a reason they deserve to suffer.
Good luck enjoying what you see in the mirror.
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thesparkling-diamond27 · 4 months ago
Dancing Through Life
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Fiyero Tigelaar x Reader
Summary: Y/n Upperland of the Upper Uplands, cousin to Galinda Upand, doesn’t have a problem with Fiyero Tigelaar, but that doesnt’t mean that she wants him around. However, after one simple walk with the Winkie Prince, Y/n discovers that he’s not so bad after all.
A/n: hi hi! I’m back with a Fiyero one shot, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten about the second Bridgerton and I. I’ve written two chapters so far over thanksgiving break and I might try to squeeze in one more chapter or at least half of one before I go back to school. I don’t really have enough time to write when I am at school, so the next time I’ll probably get back to writing during Christmas break which is in a couple weeks. Then I’ll finish the Bridgerton and I and I’m thinking about waiting to finish the Bridgerton and I completely before posting any more chapters, so the ff will probably be finished in December. I wrote this one shot because Wicked has been on my mind 24/7 and I can write whatever comes to mind, but for the Bridgerton and I have to sit down and rewatch Bridgerton episodes so that I can make sure I get all the words exactly right. I hope you guys continue to be patient as I try to finish it :).
I have recently seen the movie Wicked and plan to see 10 million more times because it is SO GOOD. Wicked is basically my whole personality at this point. I was already obsessed with Fiyero, but Jonathan Bailey as Fiyero made my obsession worse (but in a good way :)). And with this obsession comes a Jonathan Bailey Fiyero Tigelaar one shot. I hope you enjoy!! I also have a plan to write another one so stay tuned for that!
It was a beautiful day today, so after class I decided to read at my favorite spot: the bench under the oak tree. I loved it here because it was a peaceful place where I never got disturbed. Or so I thought.
I realized he was near when I heard the sound of boots stepping onto grass. It was only when his shadow blocked the words on the page that I finally looked up.
Fiyero looked down on me with curious eyes, but there was still a charming smile plastered on his face. I tried to hide how his smile affected me, but he must have noticed the change in my demeanor because his smile turned into a smirk.
I thought after my cousin Galinda introduced him to my brother and I earlier today would be the last time I saw him for the day. It appears the Winkie prince had other plans.
“Well what is Miss Upland doing under the oak tree?” He asked.
“Reading.” I held up my book for effect before I continued back to where I left off.
I saw him take a seat beside me on the bench in the corner of my eye.
“It’s Friday.” He continued.
I rolled my eyes. “I know. I can read calendars.” Fiyero chuckled at my blunt and snippy responses. He could clearly tell that I was annoyed by his presence, but he continued to talk anyway.
“It’s Friday and you are here reading under an oak tree. You should be out there having fun.” He used his hands to gesture to all the other students hanging out at the courtyard.
“This is fun to me.”
“School work is fun?”
“Well for your information this book is not for school it’s for me.”
“Well I believe you are filling your head with too many things. You’re thinking too much.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Well that’s not surprising coming from a prince like you.”
“A prince like me?” Fiyero gave a feigned pained expression. “I’m hurt that you would think that way about me.”
“Well I believe that you present yourself as self-absorbed and deeply shallow, but I don’t think you are. I think you use that as a front to hide the fact that you actually care and have thoughts.”
“Excuse me there’s no pretense here. I happen to be genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow.”
“Okay.” I said not believing him. I shut my book and stood from the bench. I finished the book I was reading and decided to go search for another one to read.
“Well I guess it was nice talking to you.”
I began to walk back to my room, but he blocked my path.
“Where are you going?”
“Back to my room to find another book.”
“Oh come on. Drop the book for once and have some fun.”
I pushed past him and walked away without looking back. I was hoping he would leave me alone after that, but luck was not on my side today.
“Since you’re going back to your room, maybe I can save you the trouble of carrying your book all the way back.”
He grabbed the book from my hand before I could say anything.
“Hey give that back!”
I tried to grab the book back, but he raised the book above my head, so that I couldn’t reach and jumping up was no use. Fiyero was laughing at me struggling, so I sighed in defeat.
“Fine. You can help me carry my singular book up to my room.”
Fiyero was happy with my response because he was smiling from ear to ear. We were now standing nose to nose and I could feel his breath fan across my face. If I looked down I would have perfect access to his lips. Wait what was I thinking? I quickly backed away from him before I did anything stupid. Fiyero smiled down at me and said, “See now that wasn’t so hard now was it? Lead the way princess.”
I would he lying if I said I didn’t get affected by his words. Butterflies filled my stomach and I probably would have melted if I didn’t catch myself. What is wrong with me?
“Yes princess. It suits you. Princess of the Upper Upperlands.” He said with a dramatic voice.
I was about to retaliate when a certain blondey came to mind.
“Shouldn’t you be calling Galinda princess?” I asked.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you two are a thing.”
Fiyero chuckled. “I just met her this morning and besides I’m like this with everyone.”
My heart sunk at his words. So he was just treating me like everyone else? But why was I so upset about it? Just a few hours ago I wanted nothing to do with him and now I was disappointed that he’s not treating me differently.
“And if I called her princess then I wouldn’t be able to call you princess. Princess.” He said with a wink.
That definitely lifted my spirits. Sweet Oz! He was making feel a roller coaster of emotions. I could tell there will never be a dull moment with him.
I gave him a small smile but I looked down on the floor to hide it from him. I didn’t want him to notice that I started to warm up to him, but he saw the slight upturn of my lips.
“Well who knew that Miss Upland could smile. It’s a miracle!”
“Oh shut up!” I said, but you could hear the grin in my voice.
“Besides reading, what do you really do for fun?” I looked up at Fiyero and could tell that he truly wanted to know my genuine answer. So it seems that my premonition about him not being self-absorbed and deeply shallow was true.
“Umm…spending time with friends, swimming. Oh there’s a lake in the Upper Upperlands that my family and I go to every summer to cool off and it has such beautiful scenery. Not to mention the nearby ice cream shop…”
I stopped after I realized that I blabbered on. “I’m sorry I sort of got carried away.”
I looked up at Fiyero, but he didn’t seem bothered at all with my tangent. He actually seemed rather interested with what I had to say.
“No continue.” He said with an encouraging smile.
“No I’d rather not.”
I know he wanted to hear more, but he didn’t push me, which I was glad for. I was a little embarrassed with my little outburst.
“Well how about you discover a new way to have fun?” Fiyero said changing the subject.
“Come with me to the Ozdust Ballroom tonight. The most swankified place in town.”
“Aren’t we not supposed to be off campus after dark?”
“Yes, but not being allowed to leave after dark makes it more fun!”
“I’ll pass.”
“Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“I left her at home.”
Fiyero paused before he burst into laughter.
“My joke wasn’t that funny.” But I couldn’t help but laugh along with Fiyero.
Fiyero paused again.“Your laugh.”
I took a few moments to recompose myself before asking, “What about my laugh?”
“It’s beautiful.”
I stopped walking and choked on air.
“What?” I asked, but Fiyero ignored me.
“Which way is your room?”
I realized that we have reached the dead end which separated into two hallways.
“This way.” I said as I begin to walk to the right. I walked a little faster to make this walk shorter. I have embarrassed myself way too many times in a such a short amount of time and I just wanted to smash my pillow in my face and scream. The rest of the way was silent until we reached my door.
“Well here we are. My humble abode.” I said. “Thank you for the uh…walk.”
“It was my pleasure. I hope to see you tonight at the Ozdust ballroom Miss Upland.
Fiyero smiled at my response.
“Y/n. I hope to see you tonight.”
I opened the door and was about to walk in, but I turned around instead.
“I know you like to put on the facade that you are this Winkie prince who doesn’t have a care in the world, but you’re also human. Yes you might be self-absorbed and shallow, but that’s not all of you and you have thoughts that should be shared. If you take away your crowd of admirers you’ll be left with the real you. If you want to continue with this role in front of everyone then that’s fine…,but you don’t have to be that way with me.”
Fiyero’s expression was unreadable, but I could have sworn I saw flickers of fear and appreciation.
“Y/n…I don’t know what to say.”
His hands fell to his sides and I realized that he still had my book. I slowly inched towards his hand and pulled the book from his grasp. But before I pulled away I took his hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You don’t have to say anything.” I said with a smile.
He nodded and with one last squeeze I pulled away and slowly closed the door shut.
I laid in my bed, for what seemed like hours, contemplating whether I should go to the Ozdust ballroom or not. I turned to my night stand to see that it’s only been a half hour. I groaned in frustration and covered my face with my pillow. Then I heard a knock at the door. I rose from my bed and opened it to see my brother Ezra.
“You. Me. Ozdust. Tonight.” He said as he entered my room.
“You know about that too?” I said as I shut the door.
“How do you know about it?” He asked curiously.
“I was invited.” I said as I plopped onto my bed. Ezra raised an eyebrow at my words and joined me.
“You were invited?! I wasn’t even invited! Who invited you?”
“So how do you know about it?” I asked avoiding what he asked me.
“I overheard some students talking about it, but don’t avoid the question. Who invited you?”
Ezra’s eyebrows shot up to the ceiling.
“Fiyero Tigelaar of Winkie country? But you hate him.”
“I don’t hate him! Where did you get that impression.”
“When Galinda introduced us to him you didn’t seem to be too pleased with him.”
I thought back to the first impression I had of Fiyero when I first met him.
When he first stood in front of me I took a good look at him and he was exactly what I expected from a Winkie prince. He was dressed to the nines from head to toe. You could tell his blue jacket and pants were made to perfection and the gold accents were sewn with precision. His black polished boots were so shiny that you could even see your own reflection in them. And that was just his clothes.
Fiyero had an aura about him. It was as if he believed he always had to be the center of attention. Reminds me of someone that I know, but I know that Galinda has a heart. It was too soon to tell if he genuinely cares, but by the way he acted and the way the students nearby looked at him, I could already tell that his way of life to everyone else was fake.
Then he approached me later on in the day and I got to know him a little more. I soon realized that he wasn’t all so bad by himself. It was only when he was around everyone else where his walls come up and he acts out his facade.
“I guess I had a change of heart.” I finally answered.
“Uh huh. And how did Fiyero even get the chance to talk to you. The only way that can happen is if you two hung out alone.” Ezra said teasingly as he wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed at his antics.
“Fiyero might have interrupted my peaceful reading time earlier today and I got to know him a little more.”
“And before you say anything else there was nothing else to it. He offered to walk me back to my room and that’s when he invited me to the Ozdust ballroom. On our walk back I got to know him a little better and he’s not so bad by himself.”
“Hmm hmm.”
“Nothing else happened!”
“Hey I said nothing!” Ezra said as he lifted his hands to the sides of his face in defense. “But this means that you’re coming!”
“I didn’t say yes.”
“But I didn’t say no either. I’m still thinking about my answer.”
Ezra looped his arm with mine.
“Now I’m forcing you to come because I’m coming and I’m not going to have you sit pathetically in your room.”
“I’m not going to—“
“Ah uh. I won’t take no for an answer. And don’t say you don’t have anything to wear. Your wardrobe is almost as grand and big as Galinda’s.”
Ezra did have a point. I worried about my appearance and wardrobe just as much as Galinda, but I didn’t flaunt it as much as my cousin did.
“Come on.” Ezra grabbed my hands and pulled me up from my bed. He led me to one of my luggage’s that turned into a closet with the push of a button. Ezra pushed the button and pushed me towards my array of dresses.
“Well go on.” He prompted.
I stumbled upon the rack and begin to flip through my choices until I came across a dress that brought a smile to my face.
Ezra and I missed the boat that Galinda and Fiyero went on, so we arrived at the Ozdust ballroom a little later. I peeked over the corner and was in awe with what I saw.
The entrance of the ballroom had a ginormous staircase which led to the dance floor. At the end of the room was where a band of animals were playing the music. On the ceiling schools of fish were dancing in formation to the beat of the music. That’s when I realized that this ballroom was underwater. That was something I’ve never seen before.
Ezra and I began to walk down the staircase and I began to notice a lot of familiar faces from school.
“Do people come here often?” I asked Ezra. He first attended Shiz last year, so he had a whole year of experience before I came along.
“I would say so. It’s where most people go over the weekend, but this is the first time I’ve ever gone.”
I looked at him shocked. “Really?!”
“Yeah. I’ve never been invited and I’ve always wanted to go, but I never knew how to get here until I overheard those two girls talking today.”
“Well today’s your lucky day!” I said with a smile.
“Indeed it is.” He said with a chuckle. “Oh I see some of my friends I invited over there. Will you be okay on your own?”
“Yeah I will. Galinda should be around here somehere.”
“And Fiyero.” Ezra said with a glint of mischievousness.
“Yeah him too.”
Ezra laughed before he walked over to his two friends. Now I was left alone to fend for myself. I noticed a drink table on the side of the dance floor, so I made my way over there.
I had no idea what was in the glass, but it tasted quite good. I sipped quietly off to the side when I noticed a familiar figure approach me.
“Well if it isn’t Miss Upland.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Alright then. Princess.”
“Y/n.” I corrected him
“Princess Y/n.”
I figured it would be pointless so I gave up trying to correct him.
“I was almost starting to think you weren’t going to show up. What made you change your mind? Me?”
“Don’t be so full of yourself Fiyero. My brother forced me to come.”
“Aww so I can’t go around telling people that you’re my date tonight?”
I nearly choked on my drink, but I managed to regain my composure.
“Not a chance.”
“What a shame and to think I was going to ask you to dance.”
“I didn’t say no to that.” I said with a teasing smile. Fiyero looked shocked and glad that I was finally playing his game.
“Since you say so, I’ll just take this.”
Fiyero grabbed the drink from my hand and downed the rest of it before setting it on the table.
“Shall we?” He extended out his hand for me to take. I didn’t say anything, but I accepted his hand and he led me to the dance floor.
He began to twirl and whirl me around to the beat of the music and I found a couple laughs slip from my mouth. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time and I couldn’t believe that Fiyero of all people was making that happen.
One by one Galinda, Ezra, and his friends joined us as well. It was great to not care about the trivial things in life and simply dance through life as Fiyero likes to put it.
At one point the band slowed down the tempo of the music to a slower one and Fiyero gave me a knowing look. I looked back at Ezra and he winked at me before walking off the dance floor with his friends. I turned back to Fiyero and grabbed his hand. He gave me a beaming smiling, put his hands on my hips and began to move me across the ballroom floor.
“You know I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier today.” He said.
“About?” But I had an inkling about what he was talking about.
“About me pretending in front of everyone else.” I simply nodded and waited for him to continue.
“I guess I started doing it in order to hide my true depth of character. It was a way for me navigate the superficial social circles and get the chance to meet powerful people. I’ve done it for so long that I forgot what it’s like to just be me, but you were the first person to ever see through that.”
I took a moment to take in his words. It must have been exhausting to keep up that facade for so long. I felt bad for Fiyero. The fact that he felt the need to live like that.
“Well like I said you don’t have to pretend with me. I want to know the real Fiyero Tigelaar. Do you think you can manage to do that?”
“I can for you.”
Under normal circumstances I would have collapsed right then and there there, but that would do either of us no good. Fiyero had just finished telling me something he’s never spoken out loud before and I have to be the support he needs.
He twirled me around once more before pulling me right back into his arms. Then he brought his mouth up to my ear and whispered changing the subject.
“You look beautiful princess. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you tonight. I must say that blue is definitely your color. You are hands down the most beautiful one here.”
“I don’t think so.” I said as I looked down at the floor bashfully.
Fiyero grabbed my chin with his finger and brought my face up to look up at him.
“I beg to differ.” He grabbed a strand of my hair and pulled it back behind my ear. I felt his breath against my ear and shivers traveled down my spine. No boy has ever gave me as much attention as Fiyero has and I was at a loss with what to do. But in a strange way I knew exactly what to do, which is why I was bold enough to try something.
“Can I tell you a secret?” I whispered in his ear.
Fiyero looked confused, but he nodded anyway. I stood up on my tiptoes and went up to his ear, but at the very last second I grabbed his face and connected his lips with mine.
At first he didn’t responded, and I got so scared I got the message wrong, so I almost pulled away. However, he soon reciprocated the kiss and placed one hand firmly on my waist and the other framing my face. The kiss started simple, but then it became more intense. I would have kept on going, but then I remembered where we were.
I pulled away and looked around to see my brother looking at me with a knowing look as if he was saying I told you so. He mouthed, “And you said there was nothing else to it.”
“Shut up.” I mouthed back.
“Do you want to take this somewhere else? Away from the public eye.” Fiyero asked.
I looked up at his blue eyes and thought about being alone with Fiyero. Being able to hold him and kiss him to my hearts desire. I nodded with a smile.
Fiyero smiled back and interlocked our hands. Together the both of us walked out of the Ozdust ballroom without a care in the world and we simply danced through life.
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DPXDC: I wanna be like most girls ghosts.
or Danny: What should I do to make my mom happy?
or ~Danny deserves a little teenage rebellion as a treat~
Maddie: I just want this damned Phantom to stop pretending to be a hero! All ghosts are pure evil, who is he trying to deceive? Danny: Oh, really? And Danny took it personally.
It’s not Danny’s fault that he’s a good kid and wants to make his parents happy. But why would he have to be a monster to make them happy? Why must they hate him to be happy?
Danny’s obsession was going crazy.
Well, when your own parents call you a monster in the face, it hurts. Why do they always believe that only their opinion is the absolute truth? They have no idea how much worse things would be if at least some of the ghosts really behaved the way Maddie and Jack think they’re supposed to. If he really is evil by nature, is there any point in fighting his own fate? They want to see him as a villain, he will become one. He will. He just needs a little help and practice. And not bring it to the level when Clockwork has to clean up his mess. Poor guy is without a vacation for how long? Couple of millennia?
Johnny 13: Sup. Danny: F*ck off, Johnny, I’m not in the mood. Busy thinking about world domination. Get out of here or I’ll call Kitty. Johnny 13: What’s wrong? You’re usually so grouchy only towards the end of the week. Danny: Nothing. Just parents. Again. They are wonderful but I can’t help but feel sometimes that they, em… Johnny 13: Suck? Danny: Right…Damn. I’m a terrible son. Maybe something is wrong with me. Johnny 13: What? No, no, dude. You’re just growing up. And you’re a little late, usually teenagers go through that stage before they graduate. Well, you’ve probably been busy with other issues, so just missed it. Danny: I wonder whose fault it is. Aren’t there ghosts who enjoyed to ruin my life in the middle of school day?
Johnny 13: Oh, bother. Anyway, you’re entering a beautiful time of emancipation, where you’re going to shape your own view of life and, along the way, to get drunk on cheap alcohol at parties, maybe to go to jail and to become the greatest disappointment to your family..And then you will be ashamed to remember it for about the next ten years. Danny: Well, it looks like I’ve already done two out of three additional things. Great success. Johnny 13: When did you get drunk? Danny: I didn’t. Johnny 13: Oh. Want to fix that? Danny: What? No. What an idiot wants to add a headache to his problems? Johnny 13: Well, your loss, then I’ll go terrorize the bars of Gotham alone and no one can stop me. Let’s see what your boyfriend will say about it. ~~~~~ Danny: Bartender, another shot of Dead Man’s Fingers, please. Red Hood: Babe, haven’t you had enough? Danny: Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you try, no matter how many sacrifices you make, in their eyes you’ll always be nothing more than a monster? Nothing more than a mistake? Oh, Death doesn’t give people like me a break. Red Hood: …I’ll have what he’s having. *gives the bartender a sign to switch the rum shots to a batburger milkshake for them, and starts talking to Danny so that he doesn’t understand Hood's scams*
Johnny 13: Other people’s kids are growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday he didn’t know how to shoot ectoblast, and now.. Kitty: Stop trying to make me feel bad, we’re leaving. Johnny 13: But the boy needs our support, honey boo!
Danny: I'm fine. Really, I am. This isn’t the first time mom’s called me a monster. She often called me that when she was upset with my behavior in my childhood. Huh, it's even funny. Jason: There’s nothing funny about that. Danny: No, you don’t understand. Looking back, I was really a very active child and didn’t know when to stop. Not surprisingly that I often annoyed my parents. They’re very busy people, and Jazz couldn’t always keep an eye on me. And I was often afraid to go to sleep alone because there were shadows in the darkness of my room. Well, I used to think they were. But I pretended everything was okay to not distract parents from work. Jason: Hey, it’s not your fault. You were a child. Obviously, kiddo requires a lot of attention, they must have understood that. You are the second child in the family, right? Danny: Well, Jazz was different. I don’t know. Anyway, I thought if the monsters behind the curtain and under the bed were just like me, well, according to my mom, you know, then they wouldn’t want to hurt me. And since they look after me, they are friends. So I kinda greeted all the suspicious noises and howls. Huh, I was a strange kid. Jason: If you smile at someone in the dark alley right now that someone is more likely to wet themselves or faint. Danny: Rude! I’m not that scary. Admit that I’m adorable. Do it right now. Jason: Stunning, darling. But still carry a gun and a knife, please. My childhood taught me that what's hiding in the dark is worth beating up. Danny: Come on, what should I be afraid of? Death? Anyway, I want to try this shit. Like, the inevitable one. Being a bad boy, you know? Hood *raises eyebrows*. Danny: Oh damn it man, I'm talking about ghostliness. I want to try to be like most of dead ones. I want to unleash my side of the trickster and the villain. But only a little bit. I have to be supervised so that things don't go too far. Would you help me, honey?
~~~~~2 hours later~~~~
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Goons used to expect a lot of weirdness from working with the boss.
Sometimes Bruce Wayne would go into their base and yell at the Red Hood like he's one of his kids. Of course Wayne's well-known as 'Gotta adopt them all' but the guy must really suffer from insomnia to count the Red Hood into his brood of chicks several times. Sometimes the boss would fight Robin or Nightwing over differences in morals…or for biscuits. It varied from moment to moment. Sometimes the boss caught the local street children, fed them and taught them to steal correctly. And most of the foundlings stayed with them under their protection.
To make a long story short, Red Hood is not the typical crime lord that some of them had to deal with before. Which is a blessing. Thanks Lord for the health insurance. But still the crime lord. Which means he's still scary, and sometimes deadly.
Anyway, when the boss brought in a guy who looked more civilian than any civilian in the whole Gotham and said he was going to be their intern, they thought it was a joke at first. Despite the fact that Hood was not in the habit of joking while working.
The teenager was too well-mannered and sweet to come from Crime Alley. Phil thought the guy was gonna run when he saw the first murder, Jessica didn’t think the domestic boy wouldn’t chicken out at the sight of a fight. But arguing with a boss’s orders in their profession is like asking for a bullet in the head, so these conversations were taking place outside of their boss's sight. God, how can they teach him anything? What do you take from a boy who’s only good to do the coffee run? Fenton will fall if they’ll give him something heavier than 10 pounds. And then boss will yell at them because he treats the new guy like a princess on a pea. Well, at least that’s what they thought until the boss decided to give the new guy his own assignments:
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Red Hood: So, what have you learned during your internship, my young Padawan? Danny: Well, it looks like I’m gonna suck at being a criminal mastermind. I think I may have to find myself some other profession. Red Hood: Come on, you just need a little more practice. Danny: Thank you but I don’t think that’s fit my obsession that good. Don't misunderstand me, I wanna be like most ghosts. But I was wrong to go to hit that goal only base on human stereotypes about my nature. Red Hood: What a pity. The newbies just learned not to flinch when you walk in. But, to be honest, I'm not gonna miss the adrenaline-boosting roller coaster of you at work. Danny: Oh, and I guess to hold on to the concept of humanity was really stupid too. I clearly no longer fit in and I’m finally ready to accept that. So, hopefully, if you get into trouble, you can rely on my ghostliness and call for help. I am the spirit of many talents and of my word. I can haunt your enemies or walk through the walls of Arkham Asylum. Whatever you need, I’ll be here. Red Hood: I’ll bear that in mind.
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mispossessive · 11 months ago
LOST POSSESSIONS - aventurine, boothill, x reader
- in which you lost your wedding band during a conflict with something/someone.
- novas comeback post guys I'm gonna be more fluent with writing I promise. hope you enjoy this though I was gonna add Sunday but my computer is literally at 1 percent sooooooo....
- a lot of crying, minor swearing, besides that all comfort... wc 912
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When Aventurine walked into your shared home to the sight of you sobbing on the couch, he thought of the worst. Are you hurt? Did something happen while he was at work? He went up to you to seek for answers.
“What happened? What's wrong?” He internally panicked, not wanting to allow you to see his current emotions. He kept calm as you sat up, tear stained face poking a hole through his battered heart.
“You’re gonna be so pissed!” You sob, somehow starting to cry even harder. You dove back into the warm cushions of the couch when you felt the part near your shins dip, and a hand running through your hair and massaging the back of your scalp.
“You can tell me anything. I won’t be upset, I promise,” he gave you a sympathetic look before proceeding. “But if you’re not comfortable with it, I won’t push you.”
You hesitantly show him your bare hands, and he takes them in his. You roll over to face him and look at him with a pained expression, and that's when he seemed to realize. 
“Where's your wedding ring?” He said, his words quick. He looked at you slightly wide-eyed before you began bawling again. He began to swipe the tears out of your eyes, his thumb coming into contact with your lower lashes as he quietly attempts to hush you and calm you down.
“Was it stolen? Did you lose it?” 
You bring a hand up to your face before sniffling. “It got stolen. The diamond was too appealing to some bastard on the streets on Golden Hour, and it was swiped right off of my hand!” 
You curl back into yourself before Aventurine comes down to kiss your face. “I’m not mad at you, babe. I’m beyond pissed off with the person who did that. Nobody seems to have even a drop of human decency these days, do they?” 
You slightly shrugged before hugging him close. He returned the hug, and held you there until you quietly whispered a question into his ear. “What are we going to do about the ring?”
He slightly chuckled before bringing his head on top of yours. “I might as well get you a new one. The old one was rather… out of date, if I must say so myself. I could get you a bigger, brighter diamond.”You attempted to protest, attempting to say everything he knew you wanted to say- even something made out of paper would be good enough for me. But he thought you were worth the shiniest, biggest, rarest stone in the world. Worth much much more than that. And this incident wasn’t much of a setback for him, and really didn’t make his wallet cry very hard at all.
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Boothill doesn’t play when his significant other is not doing very well. He’s immediately at your side, stroking your hair and trying to do or say anything he can to make you feel better. 
But in this instance, it didn’t really work. He realized after a few moments that he just had to be patient, and wait for you to come to him,
“You’re going to be so mad at me if I told you,” you hiccuped, before continuing to talk. “Please don’t yell at me.”
“Why would I ever yell at ya’?” He said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet. “Whatever's got your pretty face all stained with tears can’t be that bad. I hate gettin’ mad at ya’, and ya’ know that.”
You nodded, but dug your face deeper into the pillows. Boothill simply put his metal hand on your back, and rubbed up and down. While the sensation felt cold, it seemed to work to help calm you down because you felt more at ease, and he could tell that too. 
“I lost my wedding ring. I don’t know where it went, but one moment it was there and then the next it wasn’t on my hand anymore,” you cut out, trying to hold back more tears. You could see his face change from scared to relaxed.
“Hey, don’t stress it. That’s just a lil’ setback, nothin’ to worry about. We’ll either find it or I’ll buy ya’ a new one,” he says as he picks up your now bare hand, a flash of sadness showing through his eyes. “What’ll make ya’ feel better? Cuddles? If we went out to try n’ find it?”
You shrugged, and he nodded. You buried yourself even deeper into the blankets, giving him the hint that you just wanted to stay inside for now. You felt too bad and your face was rose red from crying, your eyes puffy and your voice raspy. He climbed into the bed with you, wrapping his strong, metallic arm around your covered torso. 
“I’ll do a thorough investigation tomorrow. People don’t usually lie to Galaxy Rangers, but I doubt those adorable cutie pies would know somethin’ like that,” he immediately cringed, realizing how the sentence came out. His stupid synesthesia beacon. 
But he heard you laugh, and the cringe feeling dissipated into a warmth in his metal chest. His whole goal is to keep you happy, healthy, and safe. If he were to fail at one of those things, he’d fail at his own purpose. For now, his only thing is to cheer you up, and make sure you know that he would never be mad at you for a mistake that's not even your fault.
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