#when you're literally frozen dead or going out of control
everyone in succession is just stanley of stanley parable fame
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call-me-starshine · 4 months
HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈🌈🎉🩷❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍
here are some of my favorite AceLu coded songs (with receipts)
Like A Prayer — Madonna (Ace to Luffy)
"I hear you call my name, and it feels like home" (like c'mon)
"I'm down on my knees" (marineford, just go with it)
"in the midnight hour, I can feel your power" (down bad for over-powdered twinks)
"like a child, you whisper softly to me, you're in control, just like a child" (it's Luffy c'mon)
Mary On A Cross — Ghost (both to both)
"all we got was blues / all we got was bruised" (though life, though love)
"but through all that sorrow, we were running high, and the truth of the matter is: I'll never let you go, let you go" (literally them pleeeeeaseee)
"your beauty never ever scared me" (like COME ON)
Clarity — Zedd, Foxes (both?? LUFFY TO ACE)
"high dive into frozen waves where the PAST COMES BACK TO LIFE , fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time" (COME ON)
"hold still right before we cRASH 'CAUSE WE BOTH KNOW HOW THIS ENDS, a clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again" (COME ON)
"'cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need, CHASING RELENTLESSLY, still fight and I don't know why" ( C O M E O N )
The Edge of Glory — Lady Gaga (both, like a duet)
"it's hot to feel the rush, to brush the dangerous" (Ace-coded)
"I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you" (Luffy-coded)
"put on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames tonight" (honestly, either one could say this to the other)
Message In A Bottle — Taylor Swift (Luffy to Ace)
"and I became hypnotized, by freckles and bright eyes" (literally Luffy when he looks @ Ace please)
"'cause now you're so far away and I'm down" (waited three years to find him)
Curiosity — Carly Rae Jepsen (both???)
"break a bone, got me on my knees, you break my heart, just to watch it bleed" (idk AceLu-coded)
"so don't break me tonight, this is crazy love, and you know I'm gonna follow you home, through the rain, 'cause I need your love" (Luffy-coded, idk)
We Found Love — Rihanna, Calvin Harris (both)
"we found love in a hopeless place" (it's just vibes, honestly)
Wasted Summers — juju<3 (Luffy to Ace)
"I wasted like half of my summer tryna hold on your hand" (this one's just vibes)
Your Love Is My Drug — Kesha (both)
"I don't care what people say, the rush is worth the price I pay, I get so high when you're with me, but crash and crave you when you leave" (it's just giving AceLu)
Hot — Avril Lavigne (both🫣)
"you make me so hot, you make me wanna drop, it's so ridiculous, I can barely stop, I can hardly breath, you make me want to scream, you're so fabulous, you're so good to me, baby" (AceLu obsessed with each other 🤭)
Sex On Fire — Kings of Leon (both 🫣)
"all the commotion, the kiddie-like play" (👀)
"soft lips are open, them knuckles are pale" (👀👀)
"I could just taste it, chased it" (👀👀👀)
Can't Help Falling In Love — Elvis Presley (Ace to Luffy 😭)
"wise men say, only fools rush in" (PLEASE)
"shall I stay, would it be a sin?" (OHMYGOODNESS)
"like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are meant to be" (I CAN'T)
"take my hand, take my whole life too" (I'M DONE)
I'll Be — Edwin McCain (Ace to Luffy)
"I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips, instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above" (shoot meeeeee)
"I'll be your cryin' shoulder, I'll be love's suicide, and I'll be better when I'm order, I'll be the greatest fan of your life" (pleaseeeeeeee)
"you're my survival, you're my livin' proof, my love is alive and not dead" (jfc *pterodactyl screech*)
"and I dropped out, I BURNED UP, I FOUGHT MY WAY BACK FROM THE DEAD" (😭😭😭)
Sweater Weather — The Neighborhood (Ace to Luffy)
"all I am is a man, I want the world in my hands, I hate the beach, but I stand in California with my toes in the sand" (Ace would hate sand but STILL GO TO THE BEACH BC LUFFY LOVES IT)
"use the sleeves of my sweater, let's have an adventure" (☺️)
"touch my neck and I'll touch yours, you in those little high waisted shorts" (LUFFY IN HIGH WAISTED SHORTS)
thank you so much for your time😘😘😘
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fairyqueentitana · 1 year
Twilight has issues
Like every other girl, I watched the movies and read the books and now I shall rant.
Isabella Marie Swan is a romantic idiot - Now I get that vampires are supposed to suck in their prey and in a way tend to hypnotise humans so much so that common sense is not that common but seriously who follows a vampire into the woods ALONE. Even with a friend, she would not have a chance but who does that. She finds out that she is a blood singer and thinks oh we can have a wonderful relationship. Sis your blood is his drug of choice you are his literal special walking and talking blood bag. Who chooses the walking undead over their family and loved ones. Mind you ladies and gentlemen I say nothing about money cause we all need money these days can't blame nobody for looking for stability. However, Bella was not looking for stability she was looking for the sparkly disco stick connected to her equals sparkly disco ball of her boyfriend.
Renesme is totally going to hate her mum - So for those that don't know Ragamuffin is the biological demon spawn of Edward and Bella half vampire/half human. She was imprinted on by Jacob Black now what is so off-putting by this is that Jacob was infatuated with Bella throughout the whole series until of course, he made eye contact with Renesme. I should point out he really wanted her dead until the dreaded eye contact happened and the imprint bond formed. Now Reenesme is a bit self-conscious about the fact she does not sparkle and Bella tells her "You're the prettiest" Edward being the dad of the year straight up says "I have to disagree" (those two should not be parents) The kid is obviously going to grow with an inferiority complex towards her mum how will she feel when she finds out not even Her Jacob wanted her initially and that he was in love with her mother.
Imprints - I noted this before with Renesme however I wanted to address something people love to ignore. The bond could be that of a friend, protector,brother/sister or lover so why in the world is everyone letting Sam and Emily off. Yes, Emily is his imprint but he was ENGAGED to Leah her COUSIN and chose to pursue her romantically and no one but Leah is mad at him. Emily tells him no a bunch of times eventually her harsh words cause Sam to lose control and stuff but after that, she starts dating him, They could not have chosen to have a platonic or family relationship no lets eventually date and throw that in Leah's face both of them are in the wrong. Next, if they imprint on a child then that should be an automatic big brother/sister relationship nothing more nothing less.
The Cullens cover story is just awful it is ridiculous seriously Edward, Alice and Emmett could have played their kids and Rosalie and Jasper their significant others who live with them due to family issues or being listed as guardians when their parents died in a horrible crash three years ago. They just had to use the most outrageous cover story out there and it shows.
Bella did one thing right - Bella ensured herself a comfortable future I mean the Cullens are loaded she will never be wanting for anything ever, unfortunately, she will have to continuously attend school for the rest of her immortal life.
BLOODLUST IS AN EMOTION AND SO IS HUNGER - Y'all Jasper is an empath and he lives with a group of vampires to be clear he lives with Edward who is struggling not to drain his blood singer on a daily basis. The Cullens owe him a huge apology that was not his fault.
Esme is the only one with a fully developed brain- Esme is the oldest out of all the Cullens she was turned when she was 26 years old one year after the brain is said to fully develop. No wonder she seems to be the sanest person in that family.
Stuck in time - WHile they have lived for a very long time and adapted the Cullens still maintain many of their learned habits from their times and as they are frozen at that age I would have to assume that they maintain certain thoughts and opinions of their time. I'm slowly hinting at the fact that Jasper was a Confederate solider so he may be quite racist..........
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sizebrained · 3 months
Sam Takes Cob to Their First College Party, Part 2
Sam scares Cob shitless without realizing it. CW: Adult themes & language, drinking, drugs, trauma, ex's and dangerous situations, FEAR.
*** Sam's phone was buzzing as she gripped it. Cob started to wonder if maybe this was a bad idea. "Everything...ok?" They asked hesitating.
Cob had suddenly realized they'd been walking so long that they had absolutely no idea where they were. They were completely dependent on Sam. Even Hazel wouldn't be able to find them if something happened. Cob really wished they could better control whatever was going on with them. It started with being able to visit dead people that they'd known while sleeping. But now they had made a day long journey to their Da's shed in just a second when Hazel went missing.
It didn't work today with the bird even though Cob had tried to think about it hoping it'd happen. They didn't understand what was happening with their mind and body. They didn't like the feeling. The fear right now was worse.
Ben had looked like he was just...going crazy. This felt so different. Cob knew exactly what they was thinking and they hated it. They looked at Sam, they wouldn't hurt them...would she? "Little fucking bitch..." Sam said like there was ice in her veins, furiously hitting the phone with both thumbs.
Cob slowly pushed themself away from Sam's face, hoping she wouldn't notice.
Cob thought of Sam crushing a metal can twice their size like it was nothing. They'd thought it had been cool and kind of sexy. But that was because Cob thought they were safe. They didn't feel safe right now. They realized when Hazel taught them about tigers, she had mentioned they could easily kill a human. Maybe Cob hadn't really thought through staying with Sam. Sam was still focused on her phone, oblivious to Cob's rising fear of her.
She literally growled long and low over something while lost in her texts. Cob was frozen. They stayed still thinking of what they could do. They had no other choice. Cob had to try and talk their way out of this. "You're...scaring...me..." Cob finally whispered and started shivering. They needed to get out of here. Sam froze in place and bent her head looking at the little figure. They were trying to hide in her hood. "What? Oh shit! Shit! Shit!...Fuck..." Sam said fumbling with her phone to put it away. "I'm sorry! I wasn't talking about you..."
Sam offered, then brought up both of her hands holding them flat against the hood. She was hoping Cob would climb on like they had earlier. "It's ok...I'm not going to hurt you! I promise! I wasn't talking about you Cob." Sam said thinking this day couldn't get worse. Cob stayed silent for a long time considering, then finally let out "Oh..." Cob exhaled not realizing they were holding their breath and said, "Then what..." "I can explain, just please come down from there onto my hands so I can see you."
Sam noticed she was next a bench and sat down on it slowly. She kept her hands there waiting and pleading at Cob with her big green eyes.
Cob stayed put, hoping they could still make a break from it down Sam's back. God they looked like the eyes of so many cats Hazel had kept them safe from over the years on a hunt, especially these past few years in the shed.
Sam really was like a tiger. They shuddered and started shaking hugging themselves. "Please Cob? I wasn't thinking, I was just lost in talking to people on my phone." Now Sam was getting scared. "Hazel will be so mad if you tell her I scared you like this...please don't? I promise I will never hurt you or let you get hurt." Sam said worriedly realizing she was promising way too much.
"My ex was just giving me a hard time about getting kicked out of the game and I lost my cool..."
Sam said, "That's the little bitch. Not you. Cob please?" Cob tenatively stepped out onto Sam's palm until they were all the way on their hands and knees. They sat down, their tail curling up close to their body, it was completely still. "What's an ex?" Cob dared to ask Sam. Sam let out a relieved sound. She pulled her legs up onto the bench, so the soles rested flat on it.
She didn't have much room, but now her knees were up over her cupped hands cradling Cob. Sam was hoping this helped.
Sam always relied on her body when she was in a jam.
Cob looked around at their circumstances. There was so much of her. If she had wanted to hurt them, it would have been so easy.
But Sam hadn't. Sam hadn't done anything but keep Cob safe and feel good. They'd just gotten into their own head. Sam began to tell Cob about not just her day but the past several years of her life.
About an hour later, Sam was now laying down taking up the whole bench. Cob was laying flat atop the mammoth girl's chest wishing the sweatshirt fabric wasn't so thick.
Cob's tail was swishing happily as they looked down at Sam's big smiling face. They had lost any fear of Sam ever hurting them. Sam's phone buzzed again and she pulled it out to look. She hit it with her thumb again then looked at Cob. "That was Ben checking that we made it home ok. Hazel was worried about you. I said we're good...We are good right?" Sam asked bending her head up to see Cob. "Yes I'm sorry I got spooked. It's just...you're SO BIG snd strong and cool? I'm worried I'm like not interesting enough to you. I'm worried that I'm easy to forget. I don't even know where we are..." Cob was rambling now. "It's just...Hazel's always been with me, besides the other night when she got trapped. This is the first night I've had without her. I don't think she even realizes it..." Cob explained. "Oh shit for real?"
Sam sat up making Cob slide down her chest, but already had her palm up to catch them softly after a few inches. Then she stood back up and brought her palm with Cob back up to her face. "Well then let me make it up to you and show you a good time for your first night solo. Just need to make a stop." Sam said. Cob looked intrigued swishing their tail. *** End Part 2
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vanosslirious · 9 months
BBS Dialogue Prompts: #304
BBS Prompts & Sentence Starters: [ 9 ]
I promise you if you leave me here, I’ll be here when you get back.
I thought you were actually flying.
Oh shit, the circle, I’m so distracted.
How do I shoot?
Wait, is that you?
Everything seems fine right now, nothing out of the ordinary.
Wow, what a coincidence.
How did you lose your car?
You got what you were asking for.
He has fucking guns...again!
Yes, genius, you're a fucking genius!
You’re blocking the door.
I didn’t do that.
We’re currently at 0 out of 5 at what we’re supposed to do.
I’m going to the helicopter.
How do I put you in there?
I dropped you on the floor.
We're doing the plan we said we were going to do.
I thought we were safe.
10% of the time, your ideas work.
We get this son of a bitch, and then we run away.
Nope, he's running away.
I missed all of my shots.
I'm single, please approach.
Yeah, I'm on it, bitch.
You're so negative around Christmas.
Let's go check out that safe.
Okay, this is definitely not someone from our group.
That marks off a lot of us.
I don't like this man, you're fluent in this fucking game.
Ms. Vixen
Oh God, I'm falling, oh shit.
What the fuck, I'm not!
What do we need to buy, guys, what do we need?
That was really loud, that was very high pitched, I'm impressed, babe.
What the fuck, you guys fucking suck!
How are you not dead, he literally just walked right up to you.
He's dead, thank fuck.
He's back again, oh God, oh God.
I'm dead, I love you!
Do you see what I'm working with?
We should be fine around here.
I’m pretty good with my hands.
Oh, we're stranded!
Somebody sneezed.
Should we take them to the hospital?
What do you mean, it's pretty scary.
Somebody sneezed again.
Guys, the door is locked.
Hey, ghost, are you here?
This might be a trap, she could be possessed.
Where’s the heart?
Is he bleeding?
I’m pretty proud of us for taking this long to make that mistake.
No, I was going to cut his head off!
Aren’t we all nearly thirty?
Don’t push me towards him, bro.
You’re fucking done.
Why are we so mean to each other?
What the fuck did you just do, do it again!
I have no other friends, my friends.
Have you ever thought about just getting off?
I'm stuck on top of you.
I'm so scared.
I really hope they don't check this.
We survived and still got bodied.
They are frozen.
I'm going to destroy things close to us.
Is this small enough?
I'm about to go to war with some bitches!
I think dad's on the motor again.
Have you tried eating a live bear?
The bears aren't keen on being eaten…live.
I'm thinking fifty more days.
It looked like it just laid an egg.
I got bonked in the head by a fucking semi-truck.
What a beautiful day to sit inside to play this shit fucking video game.
Not everyone at once.
Hey, boys, can we step it up here.
I don't care who you are, you're not winning here.
Oh God, I thought I was gonna throw up.
Try smoking now, bitch, see what happens.
I can't believe I'm alive.
You deserve that, bitch.
I'm definitely going to make it.
This is awful.
I just heard a shotgun.
They just ran past us twice, did you not see them?
Did you guys get his ectoplasm?
I'm back, baby!
It's very obvious where we are.
It's not my fault I'm so smart.
You guys used to be cool.
Alright, fuck it.
I'm controlling it with my feet.
You’ll never get me.
This is the idea, are you serious?
Why are you suddenly turning on me, what the fuck happened?
You are one cheating son of a bitch.
You crashed my game.
I heard that thud, bro.
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jamesunderwater · 1 year
But now I need to know your Yellowjackets thoughts.
Oh nooo oh noooo the yellowjackets can of worms I've been stuffing into an old box in my mind 😆 are you wanting my thoughts on anything in particular??
I actually still have 6 episodes left in season 2 so my thoughts aren't fully formed yet, but I just found out Van survived 😭 and I'm so happy 😭 also I was fucking SHOCKED when Jackie died, I was just staring at the screen with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open, goosebumps down both my arms. The actress for young Shauna performed that so incredibly, I felt her shock and pain and desperation.
Other than that....agh I dunno! It's really interesting to me the way they're telling both the past and present stories at once, because at least for me it can be hard to connect the adults to their teenage selves since it's just been SO long. I'm fucking dying to understand what is happening in the present day, too. And to understand if what happened in the woods was actually supernatural shit or just literally a result of trauma and them trying to make meaning of and have a sense of control over what they were going through. Bc if it really is just that, then what's happening in the present with Taissa and Travis and Lottie? I mean...eh yeah it could also just be the trauma. Yeah. I'm hooked and curious.
As for opinions on the characters........ probably Natalie is my favorite in both time periods. When they lost the moose in the frozen lake and she sobs "we need it! We need it!" 💔💔💔 and her heartbreak over Travis. Fuck man. I just think she loves so hard and never gets it in return and that makes me really sad. I love that Shauna's so unhinged in the present, tbh. I'm frankly kinda terrified of Misty and want everyone to just......stay AWAY from her. I love Taissa so much but I'm so frustrated with her older self because girlfriend GET HELP you're a grown woman, a mother, wtf dude go see a psychiatrist why do you think you can handle this with some fucking espresso. Oh and I loooove her friendship with Shauna. It's just sweet how they've trusted each other with their most vulnerable things and even all those years later Tai still felt safe showing up at Shauna's house when she didn't know where else to go. Oh and and. I fucking love Ben and he's currently really losing it and I'm gonna be so gd depressed when he dies (cause.....I don't see how he won't)
Lol sorry it really did turn into a can of worms. 😅 I'll be even more excited to go on and on about it when I finish the season, I'm sure. What are your thoughts???
Omg and I didn't even address the cannibalism 🤦 uhhh well I literally couldn't watch. And it was so freaky how they all sort of hive mind converged. Thought the way the writers had Ben not participate and be so digusted by it was a great way to force the audience to feel that. And. Tbh. I can't blame them. I don't know if I could have done it but like...I can understand how...in some ways...it could have felt like a waste of meat? Idk like if you're capable of separating it mentally then honestly good for you. What was Jackie gonna do with it? She's already dead. So. That said it was obviously the moment that tilted them over the edge into eventually creating traps and actively killing and eating people. So. Not great.
Okay I really am done now 😅
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In cyberverse jettwins au you mentioned that both megatron and slipstream can be the sires of the twins.
How do you imagine their relationship with these two?
I assume you're referring the singular post from the judge jettwins au, yeah?
Um. Well. Given that they weren't born until Starscream has already become The Judge and are half-quintesson abominations like their carrier... I honestly don't knowm it's very possible they'd also be hyper-destructive and bent on burning Cybertron to the ground right alongside their carrier.
But, let's say for arguments sake, that they aren't. That they're more or less normal babies, and something-something-progression-plot-yada-yada happens, and they manage to talk Starscream down and berid of the quintessons. At this point in time Slipstream is super dead, but lets just say she's not. Idk. Bludgeon didn't kill her. Whatever
If she's the sire, uh. Shell shock to the absolute MAX. She probably only slept with her commanding officer cuz he was in heat and she got her name drawn (lucky glitch). His trine were unavailable for one reason or another, so she got to spend like a decacycle fucking Starscream into next year and it was awesome, but it's not like they kept personal contact or anything. Their relationship was strictly professional. She's honestly completely frozen when it comes out that she sired those two little tentacle monster bitties.
She strikes me as the type to maybe have wanted to be a sire before the war, but that was a dream that was permanently tucked away on the backburner when it became clear that the combat wasn't going to end anytime soon. Now... Primus. She has such a weird mixture of feelings about it. The shock, obviously, but... weird excitement? Terror? Dread? An odd desire to be near them and peotect them but also kinda repulsed by them because they're half-alien quintesson abominations. Even she has no idea what feeling is most dominant, she's just so lost.
And Megatron... god. Cyberverse Megatron was so one dimensional. I loved him, don't get me wrong, he was a dramatic ass bitch, seeing him go from gladiator to revolutionary was cool, and his gay af dying-in-OP's-arms will ALWAYS be iconic, but... damn. I don't know what to do with him here. I don't even know if he and Starscream would have ever had a concensual sexual relationship. I hate throwing that out there, and I don't make that statement lightly. But like... all of Starscream's memories of Megatron, primsrily shown right before his major mental breakdown in season 2, were extremely negative. Full of pain and belittlement. Megatron didn't hesitate to literally beat Starscream to death after (what was implied to be) the first assassination attempt. If he's the sire, they very well could have been rape babies. And if that's the case... Megatron might be disgusted by their existence.
He probably never wanted children of his own, and having them with Starscream never would've been something he planned for (unless it was a plot to control his SIC, and we could entertain that possibility if you want). Seeing the two monstrous baby eldritch horrors suddenly just mitosis their way out of Judge Starscream's body is pretty gross, and he likely wouldn't even acknowledge or claim them as his own. He may even wanna put them down like he does their carrier 🤔
Anyway, I'm done spitballing. Those are my first thoughts
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fictionalpeter · 2 years
Wrote out a scene of how I see Stiles reunion with Allison going. Might be part of a larger fic if I can find the time to write more than a few scenes, and if the inspiration holds:
Stiles reaches into the fridge, looking for a drink
STILES: So what you been up to?
SCOTT: Oh, the usual--rescuing people from collapsed buildings, setting up pet adoptions, averting the apocalypse…
Stiles scoffs.
STILES: You're going to have to fill me in on the details of that last one. Also--where was my invitation? Apocalypses are my specialty.
In the next room, Scott looked up from the game console.
SCOTT: Didn't your dad fill you in on what happened in Beacon Hills?
STILES: Radio silence. Haven't called him yet. You are literally the first person I've talked to in months who didn't have an 'agent' in front of their name.
Scott froze, making a beeline towards the kitchen.
SCOTT: Uh, Stiles--there's something you should know…
Just as Stiles closes the fridge door, someone walks out of the bathroom.
ALLISON: Who was at the door?
Stiles slowly turns to the side, eyes wide, frozen like a statue.
ALLISON: (beaming) Stiles?!?
Temporarily losing control of his motor functions, Stiles flings his can of coke into the air, narrowly missing Scott's head as he rushes into the kitchen from the opposite direction.
SCOTT: Stiles listen…
STILES: Who are you? What are you? Why do you look like that?
Scott grabs him by the shoulders, trying to get his attention.
SCOTT: Let me explain…
STILES: (whispering) She looks like Allison. Why does she look like Allison?
SCOTT: Because she is Allison!
Stiles shook his head.
STILES: Allison's dead, Scott. She died fifteen years ago! I was there when we buried her.
SCOTT: She's back.
Allison gave an awkward wave.
STILES: Is she a clone?
STILES: Ghost? Are you being haunted?
SCOTT: She's not a ghost, Stiles.
STILES: Zombie?
Allison crosses her arms, annoyed.
ALLISON: Do I look like a zombie?
He points at her accusingly.
STILES: You could be one of those suburban well-adjusted zombies like Drew Barrymore.
He turns back to Scott again.
STILES: Shape shifter? Parallel universe doppleganger? Time travel?
Scott sighs in frustration, before blurting out…
SCOTT: The Nogistune…
Stiles gives a loud, dramatic gasp, pointing back at Allison.
STILES: You're the Nogistune??? How did you get out?
He turns back to Scott.
STILES: Oh my god--are you dating the Nogistune?
ALLISON:(exasperated) I am NOT the Nogistune!
SCOTT: The Nogistune brought Allison back! Using the Nemeton--he tried to use her as a weapon to kill me. But she was too strong, and we broke his control over her. He's gone now--for good this time. And Allison's alive.
Stiles blinks, trying to process everything he'd just been told.
After a moment he finally speaks up.
STILES: When Peter Hale trapped us in the school with Jackson Whitmore, Lydia offered to make us some drinks to help solve our problem. What kind of a drink was it?
Allison looks confused, but then smirks.
ALLISON: Molotov cocktales.
Stiles chuckles, an amazed smile appearing on his face.
STILES: This isn't some trick? It's really you.
Allison shrugs.
ALLISON: Really me.
Stiles pokes her in the shoulder, causing her to flinch.
STILES: Sorry, just wanted to be sure first.
ALLSION: Before what--
Without warning, Stiles pulls a surprised Allison into a hug, burying his face in her shoulder. Behind them, and grinning Scott shakes his head.
Allison raises an eyebrow when he hears sniffling.
ALLISON: Are you crying?
STILES: (muffled) No…yes.
He lets go, rubbing his eyes.
STILES: This is just--I can't believe you're really here. You don't look seventeen--did you acutally age in the afterlife? That completely blows my mind. Who else knows about this? What are we telling people--are we saying you faked your death or coming up with a new identity?
He turns to Scott.
STILES: See--this is why we need a pack group chat! Keep everyone up to date whenever an old enemy turns up, people get russurected, or the next time Derek desides to do the kamakazie lone wolf thing.
Scott and Allison share a sad look. Something that doesn't get past Stiles.
STILES: What? What's that look for?
SCOTT: He's gone, Stiles.
Stiles looks confused.
STILES: Gone? What do you mean gone? Where'd he go?
SCOTT: Derek's dead.
Stiles shakes his head, as if the very idea is rediculous. He looks at Allison, who nods--confirming what Scott said.
Stiles' face falls, as he turns back to Scott--becoming very serious.
STILES: Tell me everything.
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Constantine: His Rogues Gallery includes Minor Gods! What is wrong with you people?! // Danny: What do you mean? I don't fight Minor Go- *(thinks about Undergrowth, Vortex, and Nocturne)* Okay so I see where you're coming from. But I'm sure you guys have dealt with the type before and tbh Undergrowth just can't handle the cold. So just get a Freeze Ray or get Superman to breathe on him and everything'll be good.
I actually haven't really thought much about the concept of his enemies being minor gods but like you right they are
even if only by legend, the ghost zone is full of natural portals that open up into different time periods, these ghosts may not even be as old as the legends about them are, they've just jumped through enough portals and wreaked enough havoc to make names for themselves among a variety of cultures, they may have even changed forms a few times (as we know ghosts can sometimes do) which gave people the impression that they were different gods
not to mention some of the ghosts were ripped directly out of mythology, Pandora for one, her legend is way different from the real thing, likely due to history's classic game of telephone fucking everything up
then there's the question of if they are actually literal gods or were just mistaken for them, ghosts born from the dead are different than ghosts born of the ghost zone
I like to adopt the concept of poltergeists, spirits created from an amalgamation of emotion verses the independent soul/spirit/personality of someone who died
so the Far Frozen in my eyes was a civilisation created by the collection of human curiosity, they are essentially knowledge spirits who have grown their own culture, there are many of them due to scholars and education systems often relying on the experiences of many, teaching each other and engaging in discussion in order to understand things better, there are likely many different yetis with different specific interests, new yetis coming into being when more humans discover new things, they could all be considered minor gods based on their individual interests, and many have likely travelled through portals in an opportunistic field trip to learn, and due to their appearance and seemingly omniscient knowledge, have been associated as a god of their particular field of study
Undergrowth I like to imagine is a new spirit, born only recently with the rise of general frustration and anger by current generations over the destruction of the planet's environment and ecosystems, he is an amalgamation of the energy that would be produced at climate rallies and protests
Nocturne is also born of a combined human experience, that of course being dreams, he is probably one of the oldest spirits in human existence, his journeys in and out of natural portals would have inspired legends like that of the sandman and the greek god Morpheus, his recent rise to power may have been caused by a gradual incline of insomnia among people, the more desperation for sleep feeding into Nocturne's drastic behaviour
Vortex was also likely to be an old god, born of a time when people believed the weather to be made by gods and not simply a natural event, he's one I like to think has changed appearance many times over the years, he has hopped back and forth through portals, and his personality changes like the weather (ha ha) depending on the people who would pray to him and give offerings for rain to water their crops, in which case he would come and bring rain because it's what people believe he will do, or when an extreme natural weather event happens and people believe the gods to be angry and vengeful, in which case he would become angry and vengeful, in his episode during the show, I believe he showed up destructive because there had been a recent natural disaster somewhere in the world where the culture believed their god to be responsible, it wouldn't matter which god, Vortex would always be the one to embody that belief, as long it was associated with the weather
so I think it would be apt to refer to these native born ghosts created by pieces of human consciousness as minor gods, as they cannot truly be destroyed unless humans as a whole stopped feeling or thinking or believing in whatever initially created them, Nocturne cannot be permanently destroyed because people will always dream, Undergrowth can't be destroyed as long as people still feel fury over the destruction of the environment, but his behaviour could be altered if humans became more sustainable in the future and the general frustration and anger over environmental destruction waned, Vortex may actually have lost much of his power over time as fewer and fewer people blamed gods or spirits for the weather, if that belief ever disappeared entirely, so would he
even regular human born ghosts could even reach minor god status if they become a known figure, Pandora may have been human once, but in death became famous from her legend (inaccurate though it has become), and as a result became quite powerful, I also think she represents more than one deity, I think she likely also is believed to be the goddess Soteria (greek goddess of protection and safety, due to her role as the guardian of the Box), and so that belief also fuels her power, despite humanity believing those two identities to be seperate beings, however I don't believe she would be susceptible to a change in personality like natural born deities are since she already had a personality and a sense of identity to begin with, but her abilities and the power she wields may be altered by public perception
and to leap off of THAT point, we reach the idea that Danny is a very famously known ghost that many people believe in, many people love him, like Pandora he is a protector and a guardian, and so his ability to protect is boosted by that, much like a deity who is powered by worship, he himself has inadvertently become a minor god
and he also happens to be close friends with a MAJOR God, a God with a capital G, one who has existed before humans, existed before earth, he gained a physical manifestation as humans began to understand time as a concept, this, of course, being Clockwork, who happens to be responsible for every minor god's interaction with the human world because he controls the time periods in which the natural portals open, hence why so many portals were opening in ancient greece, because Clockwork had determined that their mythology was important to the future for whatever reason, I mean greek myths are still well known by today's standards and that must have been important enough for Clockwork to ensure it happened that way
he puts a lot of focus on Danny's development because he will become something incredibly significant to history, which is why other superheroes reeeeaaaally need to step back and mind their own god damn business, I can just imagine Clockwork popping in on Constantine and stressing the absolute importance of Danny being left alone
and then Constantine has to go chew out the Justice League because THE LITERAL GOD OF TIME SAID YOU NEED TO S T O P
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
— what you fight about (pt.2)
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙
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𝕙𝕠𝕥 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤: 𝕚’𝕞 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪.  𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕪'𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤. 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕨𝕠 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕡𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣’𝕤 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜 <𝟛 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: 𝕥𝕠𝕩𝕚𝕔 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕣𝕤/𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕤, 𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕥 ℙ𝕋𝕊𝔻, 𝕒𝕟𝕩𝕚𝕖𝕥𝕪, 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕗𝕗 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪’𝕣𝕖 𝕦𝕡𝕤𝕖𝕥 :/
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Tamaki Amajiki:
you love everything about tamaki
all his faults and his strengths
but sometimes…it feels like you’re the only one keeping it together
and to always be the strong one is hard
It had been a difficult two weeks since your last mission.
Perhaps you were naïve to believe you wouldn’t experience a death any time soon. However, you had been bright and hopeful. The hero you worked as a sidekick for rarely got involved in super-high level threats. You dealt with misdemeanors and a few moderate-sized threats.
Maybe you were being stupid. Nevertheless, the tragedy hit you hard. Both physically and mentally.
You were out until you could safely use your quirk again. In the meantime, your fiancé had done all he could to take care of you. But he was worried.
Tamaki couldn’t help but panic. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you better. Honestly, he wanted you back to normal. He just didn’t know how to do it. You were always the strength of the relationship.
He felt so pathetic over his inability to help, spending hours on the phone with Mirio and Neijre crying over the issue. Afterwards, he’d crawl into bed, cheeks wet with tears, and despite your sadness, you’d wrap your arms around him.
You’d comfort him like you always do and it’d make him feel even worse.
You knew he was trying his best and appreciated that. Though, there was a point to which it all got to be too much for you to handle.
Mirio and Neijre came over to help put up some Christmas decorations. You wanted to cancel. Today hadn’t been a good day. However, Amajiki began to worry over your mood again and so you held your thoughts to avoid his tears.
But it seemed like your tears were the ones you should’ve been worried about.
You sat down on a chair and held your head. The world was spinning, and your ears were ringing. Your eyes burned so badly you felt they’d melt out of your head.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed. “I just need a minute.”
“What can I do?” Tamaki rushed to kneel beside you, fear shining in his glossy eyes.
You shook you head balling your fist near your lips to keep in a cry. “I’m fine, baby,” you sniffed, but that was a lie.
Your head was swimming, buzzing, and filled with nothing but noise. No matter how hard you tried to make it go away, you just couldn’t. You couldn’t deal with that or—
“I-I’ll take care of you. Just p-please tell me what to do!” he begged. You could feel his anxiety seeping into your body and it nearly sent you over the edge.
“Tama, please.”
“I can—I can do something. Anything. Anything you want. An-and—"
All you could think about was how you failed the mission, the girl, her parents, your team, your friends, the public, and—
“B-bunny, I know I haven’t been a good fiancé l-lately, but I-I promise I’ll—"
Tamaki jumped, eyes wide and body frozen as he took in the near panic in your eyes.
“I CAN’T—” your voice was shrill before you hiccupped, choking back a sob. You squeezed the air by your head, hoping to ground yourself to something that wasn’t there.
“I just can’t deal with you right now, okay? I-I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Your breaths left in puffs as you silently watched his mind work to process your words, and when it did, you saw his heart visibly break.
He grabbed his hand to cradle it into his chest like it was wounded. When he spoke, it was barely a whisper, not even a decibel above faint.
“N-no, it’s…I—I’ll give you some space.”
He tried to offer a brave smile, but it wobbled too much to do anything. The tears that ran down his cheeks seemed to suffocate him, and Tamaki couldn’t bite back his cry in time before he quickly left the room. Mirio worriedly gazed at you before running after his friend.
Your eyes remained transfixed on the space where your fiancé once stood. It wasn’t until moments later, when you felt Neijre’s comforting hands around your torso, that you doubled over and wept.
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Togata Mirio:
he’s optimistic
too optimistic sometimes
you love the light he brings into your life
but it’s at the cost of him dismissing your feelings and worries
You checked the backseat when the car stopped at the red light to ensure your sleeping son was still there.  
“Two minutes and 20 seconds. That’s a new record babe,” Mirio chuckled.
“Very funny.” You threw an unimpressed glare at your husband before turning back into your seat. “But can you blame me? After the heart attack I had this morning, I wanna chain him to my chest and never let go.”
The blonde hero hummed thoughtfully. “That’s only slightly psychotic.”
“I’m kidding!”
You huffed and looked away. You were a bit annoyed over the nonchalance your husband seemed to have over what occurred today.
Your son had presented with a quirk and, to your horror, it was similar to Mirio’s—if not even more dangerous. When you came back to find your baby fading away before sinking into the ground, you screamed like murder.
Mirio had never phased into a room so quickly in his life.
After getting both you and your kid (mostly you) to calm down, you went straight to the hospital to make sure everything was still intact. They gave you some quirk inhibiting medication for your kid, a quick pep talk, and you were on your way back home.
The hectic morning made your son knock out as soon as he hit the car seat. You wanted to follow suit but were too paranoid to do so. In fact, you wanted to hold him—just in case. But Mirio insisted the medication would hold him until you got home. Then he cracked a joke about your kid turning into tumble weed and laughed like it was the funniest thing he ever said.
And he kept making jokes. Like this was funny.
Forget annoyed. It was pissing you off.
Mirio peeked a quick glance over your stiff figure. A small grin graced his lips, and he placed a comforting hand on your thigh.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I know you’re scared. I’ll chill with the jokes. Just promise not to blow a gasket on me, will ya?” he smiled.
You averted your eyes away from the moving tress to look at him well. “You could take this a little more seriously, you know?” you said.
“I assure you, I am 100% serious.”
He couldn’t even say that with a straight face. You rolled your eyes, groaning into your head tilt.
“Ooou you get on my nerves—”
“Sunshine, it’ll be fineee,” he happily assured. “It’ll just take some practice before [S/N] gets control of it.”
“[S/N] literally turns invisible before he permeates through surfaces. That’s so scary. I can’t do anything for him unless you're there and even then, that might not always work out. We need to figure something out.”
“His quirk is really not too far from mine. And you remember all the funny things that happened when I was a kid.”
You incredulously looked at him. “Yeah, all the funny near death experiences!”
“And I turned out fine!” Mirio laughed.
You wanted to rip your hair out. There was literally no getting through to him.
“Forget it. I don’t even know why I bother.” You scooted away from his hand, crossing your arms in frustration. “It’s not like you take my feelings seriously anyways.”
That last part was meant for your own ears, however Mirio heard them loud and clear. He turned into the neighborhood, brows subtly scrunching together.
“Now that’s not true. I care about that a lot actually.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
Well that was not the answer he expected.
There were a couple minutes of uncomfortable silence before the car reached your garage and was turned off. You two looked forwards for a moment before someone spoke.
“I feel like we should talk about this,” Mirio slowly said, turning to watch for your reaction.
You gave him a glare that caused him to goofily purse his lips. You then got out of the car and went to go unstrap your son so you could hold him until the events of the morning faded from your mind.
As a last resort to make you smile, Mirio permeated his torso through his seat to give you the cheesiest grin.
“I love you, honey bunny~” he sung.
To which he earned a car door slammed in his face.
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he’s selfish
you know it and he does too
yet you still stay around because you love him
but it seems like he couldn’t care less about whether or not you do
You impassively sat on the couch of your small apartment. Your hands were folded across your chest, teeth chattering against the raw skin underneath your nail bed. For a minute straight, your knee bounced in place before you stood up and took to pacing in order to release the energy bubbling in your chest.
It felt like hours before your apartment door opened.
Dabi threw his keys onto the closest surface and shrugged off his heavy jacket. You didn’t realize you’d moved before you took the jacket to hang on the wall.
“It’s cold as shit out there,” he shivered.
“Yeah, there’s supposed to be a blizzard sometime soon,” you replied, yet it sounded distant. However, Dabi didn’t seem to notice.
“Can’t wait,” he huffed. A mischievous glint grew in his eyes as he pulled you into his chest by your waist. Usually that would’ve made your thighs tense with anticipation. But all you could do was stand there like dead weight—and again, he didn’t notice. Did he ever? “But I guess it won’t be too bad if I have you to keep me warm, hm?” he smirked.
You stood stiff as he kissed your lips and tears burned your eyes as he moved to your neck, hands affectionately squeezing your hips. The bubbles in your chest rumbled and popped like angry bees when you realized he hadn’t noticed. He never noticed it. He never noticed anything about you. Just like he hadn’t noticed—
“Dabi, what day is it?”
His lips continued to pepper your skin with licks and nips, mindlessly working to find your sweet spot again. “Mmm…Thursday, sweetheart.”
“I’m being serious.”
“I am too.” Dabi looked up and met your stone cold face that looked angrier by the second. He quirked a brow. “What’s up with you?”
“It’s our one year anniversary, you asshole.”
You pushed him away, stomping towards your room. However, Dabi grabbed your arm, pulling you back into the conversation. But instead of hearing an apology, you received an inattentive eyeroll.
“Don’t be like that, doll-face. It’s really not that deep.”
“Excuse me?” you spat. “You said the same thing ever since our 6 month and I let it go, but now you wanna act like this isn’t a big deal? You know how much this means to me.”
“And you know that’s not my style. I don’t care about shit like that.”
“Well I do.” You moved out of his grasp and put distance between yourselves to help you think.
Dabi ran a hand through his hair, stress in his movements. “Are we really gonna do this right now, Y/N?”
“Yes! Because you don’t get it!”
Fed up with the argument already, Dabi threw his hands in the air, letting his frustration carry the words through his lips. It had been an awful day, his staples were aching from the weather, and this was making everything worse.  
“I already missed the damn thing, what do you want me to do!? You want me to say I’ll make up for it?”
“I want you to care, Dabi!” you desperately exclaimed. “I want you to care about me, about this relationship. Damn it, I want you to care about anything else besides what’s in my pants for once in your life—”
“Well that’s all I wanted until you started asking for more shit and I gave you that. What more do you want from me?” he sneered.
There was a silent pause between you two. You blankly stared at the man you’d come to love despite the hell he put you through. When you observed the honest irritation in his eyes, everything became clear. It was in that moment you realized it wasn’t that he never noticed. It was that he didn’t care. He never did.
That’s when you felt the deep ache of heartbreak nestle between your lungs.
“What more do I want from you,” you repeated, tasting the words. You numbly laughed and nodded your head, silently accepting his truth.
There were no tears, just bitter emptiness.
“Well, uh…you don’t have to worry about that anymore. You won’t be roped into another anniversary with me again.”
It was a moment too late when your soft whisper broke through the angry storm that clouded Dabi’s head. His face sunk with the exhaustion of a man well beyond his years.  
“Y/N, baby, can we just talk about this—"
“Leave the spare key on your way out.”
And before he could utter another word, you shut your bedroom door like it was never to be opened again.
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milqueandsugar · 4 years
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready 🏵
Warnings: mentions of violence, blood, injury
Genre: Angst
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| Hear No Evil, Do No Evil |
After your second kind of a date kind of not a date your very cateful around Techno
Every part of you tells you your being paranoid, but the other knows that theres something he isn't telling you
You know the piglin to well not to know when he's lying
And you care to much to ignore it
Convinced he's done something to upset you Techno doesn't search for your company like he used to
Something both him and the voices aren't very happy about
Being in love is a new emotion for him, he loves Philza sure, he loves Steven but he's never been IN love
He never realized how different those statements were before
Just like when he goes to many days without a kill the voices begin to get louder and louder, only this time he had no idea how to please them
Before he had lost everything he could lose he used to lock himself away during these fits
Know that he knows himself better, and how to control himself, he just goes around slaying any animal that crossed paths with him
Not the most elegant solution but it brought more peace to his mind
Now with no idea how to get the voices quiet he's resorted to quite literally trapping himself in his bunker
He know's your upset
He's convinced himself it's because of him
Theres no way in hell he's going to see you when all he can think about is how good you smell, how your smile makes his frozen heart melt, how soft your skin is compared to his own, how lovingly you adjust his clothes or armour after battle
All the while he scars the stone ground with his claws, chanting mantras alongside unheard voices
It had been a good two weeks since you had heard from the piglin. Not entirely unusual for you, as you rather detested the cool weather up in the arctic. However knowing there was some sort of conflict between you and your best friend made you restless at night, you couldn't keep ignoring him. He didn't deserve that, plus you missed Philza's morning tea, the smell of campfires that clung to everything in his house, the way Steve would bring sticks for you to toss. You missed the magnificent bastards that made up the Antarctic empire. More importantly, you missed Technoblade.
By the time you reached the cabin you had noticed it was unusually still. Steve and Carl were out in the yard, mosing about but there was no sign of Technoblade or Philza. They were both pretty hard workers, stubborn as hell as well, seeing as it was half past twelve you would expect the two of them to be running around doing chores. Surprisingly however it was still, perhaps they had things inside to do? Or maybe they took your suggestion for a lunch break a bit more seriously then expected.
Entering the cabin you call out for them, nothing, looking around you couldn't help but notice how much of a mess everything was. You had only ever seen the house in this much disarray before they traveled, or that time Phil let a creeper into the house and things got fucken wild. But, if traveling was the case why was Carl out front? And why was Techno's sword hung up on the mantle.
And unsettling feeling began to creep over your shoulders as you slowly begin to pick up the clutter. You couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation for things, so you decided to wait until you could come up with one or was given one. The sun had long set before Phil arrived at the house, clearly surprised to find you still sorting through chests. Clearly worried as well.
You turn to greet the man but are quickly cut off, "what are you doing here?" He ushers quickly shitting the door behind him. "I was looking for Technoblade, why is something happening? Is the butcher gang back?" You explain, chest tightening with unease. Something was seriously wrong. "No, no nothing like that we aren't in any danger. Technoblade is having another fit, he's not doing very well at the moment. It might be best for you to leave" Phil warned, his usual cheerful voice dripping with a nervousness you hadn't heard from him in a long time. You wave off the older gentleman scoffing, "Phil you're forgetting I used to go hunting with him I've seen him pretty bad-" "He's locked himself in his bunker. He doesn't even trust himself anymore, he won't eat nor sleep, whatever he has going on in his head is far more then the two of us can handle at the moment" Phil cut you off. You stood in shock, he locked himself away? Technoblade hasn't done that in.. years! What the hell was going on with him.
You wanted to believe Phil was lying to you, that Technoblade was off terrorizing villagers and he was just buying his companion time. But the genuine look of fear in his emerald eyes made your stomach sink. "He's not well Y/N, I certainly don't want him to come back to you dead or injured. He'll come through eventually, just not right now. " The blonde approached you and wrapped strong arms around your shoulders, you hadn't even realized that you were crying until he began to shush you.
"Listen, listen, stay the night here. It's too late for you to travel especially in this sort of weather, in the morning I'll take you back home, I'll let you know immediately when hes better" He assures you, pulling away to cup your face in his hands and wipe your tears with his thumbs. "Let's get you to bed, come on, let's go." Fatherly wasn't something you saw much in Phil anymore, but you couldn't deny how comforting it was, if not a bit embarrassing to have the man tuck you into Techno's sheets before turning out the lamp.
As you lay in the blood God's bed, listening intently to the sound of the howling wind you began to scheme. Something you did best was planning, and this night was no different. You had no idea how long Techno had been like this, if you had the time to curse yourself for avoiding him you would, but for the moment you just needed to make sure he wasn't dead. Slipping from his bedroom and past Phil's you gather a plate of rather light food, knowing he'd get sick if he ate something to heavy.
Stealing one of the Piglins cloaks you shield the food with your arms as you sneak our of the house. You knew Philza only had your best interest at heart, but he should have known better then to tell you your friend was in danger. Especially when that friend was less then a brisk walk away. By the time you get to the false wall your already shivering, the wind nipping at anything it could get at. Your nose was already beginning to run as you hit the disguised button and the wall drops.
At first you see nothing, the darkness and the snow fall blinding you to the scene in front of you. Stepping into what little shelter the cave provided you struggled to steady yourself after stepping on what looked to be the remains of a netherite chestplate. Hung up on the fact that he broke netherite with supposedly his bare hands you don't realize the Piglin lunging at you until your buried in the snow. Plates long discarded and broken you stare the husk of the man you knew in his wild eyes.
Almost like you could read the voices chants of your demise in the pools of ebony fear seemed to strike you harder then his fist. You heard your ribs breaking before you felt them, thank God for adrenaline. You felt nauseous, sick even as you blindly scratch and push at the weight on top of you. Grabbing a tusk by its base you pull left as hard as you can, taking his moment of unbalance to scramble away. Your hands grope for any sort of hold in the snowbank, desperate to get away from the beast on top of you. You dont make it far however before claws tear at the clothes and skin around your ankles, pulling you towards them with little care. Your screams of pain and/or fear are cut short by clawed hands tightening around your throat. Your pathetically small ones meet his, scratching desperately at the exposed hand with one while the other grabs a fist full of snow and smashes it into his face.
The white of the snow falling around you seemed denser then before, you felt cold, to your very bone under him. Under his stare. You've looked death before in the eyes, more then on one occasion, and you had never remembered them being so beautiful. For a split second you swear you hear another voice being carried by the wind, peeling your tear welled eyes from the piglin on top of you the fall towards the direction of the cabin, then at the shards of netherite. You had looked death in the eyes before, and you had yet to die. You weren't going to now.
Grabbing the shard and effectively slicing your hand open in the process you blindly begin to swing. Your chest burns, your skin burns, your vision is beginning to dim to nothing, all you can hear is the wind. Your stabs, or attempts at stabbing does little, with what minuscule amount of consciousness you have in yourself you get one finally blow, to somewhere before you cant feel anything anymore. You had never imagined death to feel so cold.
Technoblade's eyes begin to fall back into focus, pain driving the voices in his head silent as he looks down at the shard of netherite in his arm. More importantly his eyes fall onto a golden ring on the hand belonging to his attacker. A bear etched into its surface. That was Y/N's ring, he had given it to her for christmas. Anger flooding his chest he grinds his teeth, hands tightening around their neck. What right do they have to be wearing your ring? Dark eyes fall back down onto their attacker, bloodied and bruised.. and Y/N. His heart sunk faster then an anvil in a lake, scrambling backwards from your limp body he cant decide whether to look at you or his hands covered in your blood. No, no it couldn't be you, you were.. you were mad at him why would you come up? Why would you attack him?
Crawling to his side he lifted you into his arms, inspecting you closely. This had to be some sort of trick, some sort of lie? No, no you would never attack him you loved him, he loved you! That's why he was like this he was like this because he loved you! Scared lips began to quiver, and tears began to fall and subsequently freeze to his cheeks. No, no, no.
He couldn't think, his mind flooded with the screaming of the voices in his head, begging him to save you, to help you, to hold you. For once in his life he didnt know how, he couldn't save you. He had always been your knight in shining armour, and he cant save you.
He can't save you.
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mrkcore · 4 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: na jaemin x f!reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: jaemin as DC’s nightwing/dick greyson, hero!jaemin
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you’re the one picking him up, piece by piece, even when you’re gone.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, fluff
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): profanity, character deaths, blood, gun use
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.3k (woopwoop!)
𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨: ghost of you - 5sos, lie to me - 5sos, woke up in japan - 5sos, want you back - 5sos, more - 5sos, better man - 5sos, moving along - 5sos, thin white lies - 5sos, red desert - 5sos, lonely heart - 5sos, high - 5sos (just me being 5 seconds of summer trash)
𝐚/𝐧: part of @nct-writers​ collab, the heartbreak hotel (this is probably the longest fic i’m ever going to write, so pls gimmie feedback i will love you forever)
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“imagine you're watching a runaway trolley barreling down the tracks straight towards five workers who you do not know and can't escape. you happen to be standing next to a switch that will divert the trolley onto a second track. here's the problem. that track has a worker on it, too, just one, but they’re not a stranger. what do you do? do you sacrifice that one person to save five?”
jaemin regrets being the hero in the story. 
jaemin regrets everything.
he constantly ponders the situation playing out where he wasn’t the protagonist. people have always said, “a hero would sacrifice you to save the planet, but a villain would sacrifice the planet to save you”. jaemin always thought that was bullshit, but now he knows the despairing truth. 
he regrets, he regrets, he regrets. but regret won’t bring you back.
you seemed so sure when you told him to let you go and it’d be okay, it wasn’t his fault. how was it so easy for you to think and say that? not his fault? he was basically the reason you’re dead. he just found you after so many years, now you’re gone again; but this time, it’s for real, forever.
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jaemin remembers the cold tiny room he was forced to sleep in with the other children in the circus. 
it was a nightmare every single day. with kids screaming, singing, laughing, and running around the room, nobody could get any sleep. what made it worse was that jaemin had no one to talk to. 
none of the other boys liked him, being handsome, dubbed the “face of haly’s circus”, always talking behind your back how the boss always favoured him because he was bringing so many more views in. girls swarming around jaemin ever since him and his parents ever joined, it was so obvious that he was the most popular. jaemin never liked the attention, he was only trying to survive after all.
then, you arrived. 
y/n, the confounding witch, they called you. 
conjuring up little tricks for audience members, brewing up drinks to transform participants into different species of animals, and controlling birds in cages were only a few acts you could do.
the first day boss introduced you to everyone, you seemed so bright and excited to be joining. your unique eye smile, bubbly personality, and caring nature drew jaemin to you. he’s seldomly trying to calm the younger kids down so everyone can rest, but your patience and compassion towards the kids were something they weren’t used to, and eventually caved in.
soon, it became quieter in that god awful room jaemin always dreaded. but jaemin's heart beat louder in his chest than ever.
jaemin was never one to show off. like we established before, the attention jaemin got was not appreciated by him. except, it became different when you arrived.
he was constantly trying to impress you, sway you, hoping the things he did for the crowds of girls that rushed to buy tickets to see him, would work for you too.
however, that was just his wishful thinking.
you were unlike any of the interactions jaemin had with the opposite gender. you were confident, yet humble, witty, intelligent, and easy-going. he is constantly flustered whenever he is engaging in a conversation with you, but tries to act nonchalant whenever he knows you’re nearby.
after shows, girls screamed and bolted towards the entrance where jaemin stood for exit duty, to say goodbye to patrons. he’d always try to be paired with you for it, trying to make you jealous. 
but of course that never happened. jaemin would always be trampled by his enthusiastic female supporters, as surges of them stopped to interact with him. flirting with them all at the same time, they all swooned over your charms. he’d always see you giggle, laughing at his bursts of confidence he’d never have with you by yourselves. 
this continued for a year, until one day, you let something slip.
“ladies, ladies, i’m so glad you could join us for today.” jaemin smiled at the groups in front of him, glancing at you walking an elderly couple out of the tent. “make sure to take good care of yourselves, wouldn’t want anything happening to any of you sweet gals.” and cue the squeals. 
“hope you had fun pretty boy.” you directed to him calmly, as you walked back into the circus. jaemin’s head snapped to stare at your back. he’s stunned, did you just call him a “pretty boy”? 
remembering that the crowd in front of him was still there, he reacted quickly.
“i guess it’s time for me to go, i’ll catch you lovely girls at my next show, i hope.” he leaves with a wink, following your path straight towards you. 
finding you in your little assigned room, jaemin barged in, gaze fixated right on you, not even thinking what to say.
“oh, jaemin, hey.” you say, not even batting an eye, you’re focused on the book in your hands. “what’s up?”
“you called me pretty boy.” he breathed out. 
“yeah i did,” you’re still not paying attention to him. “what about it?”
“you think i’m pretty?” jaemin is suddenly very close to you, his hand caressing your face, lifting your line of sight up to meet his gaze. 
his eyes are sparkling, cheeks a slight tint of pink, with a look of determination. of course you thought he was pretty, anyone who said otherwise would either be lying, or have never seen his gorgeous face.
jaemin must’ve been acting impulsively, because when he realized how close he was to your face, he immediately pulled back.
“i am so sorry,” he says in disbelief. “i don’t know what came over me.”
“it’s okay,” you smile at him, grabbing his hand to where it was before. “i liked it.”
jaemin is flustered again, standing completely frozen as he admires your face up close. 
you’re breathtakingly beautiful. he’s known that you were attractive, but this just created even more butterflies in his stomach. 
“and yes, i do think you’re pretty.” you wink at him.
and that’s where it started.
you and jaemin started spending time together more.
jaemin was still a bit nervous and frenzied at the beginning, but that melted away, and his flirty, outgoing, and annoyingly confident side was revealed to you.
you were also quite popular amongst the other boys in the circus, so when you two were seen more frequently together, they started spreading rumours about jaemin to get you two away from each other.
“oh jaemin’s just trying to use them.”
“jaemin thinks after getting with them, he’s going to cross all of the names off his list.”
“he’s such a player, y’n’s too good for him.”
of course you’d hear them more often than him, the guys would always say these kinds of things around you.
but you know they’re just trying to stir up trouble. so you ignore them. 
just like how jaemin ignores the talk about you amongst his female supporters.
“she’s trying to take him away from us.”
“he’s not as happy anymore.”
“she thinks she’s all that, he’s probably just a new notch in her belt.”
of course jaemin would never listen to them. they’d never know about the secrets you had together, sneaking out of your rooms and sitting on the roof at night stargazing, your note exchanging, late night talks; they knew none of that. 
“i wish things weren’t like this,” you sighed, leaning on his shoulder as you two look at the early sunrise. “i wish we could be free and do whatever we want. this is so unfair.”
jaemin has never really thought about that. every day, his head was flooded with you. but now he thinks about it, it truly was unfair.
jaemin wishes he could take you on on real dates, take you on meaningful trips to explore the rest of the world. not hidden in this awful place where you could barely talk to each other in public. jaemin wishes he could give you more.
“it’s not your fault nana,” you look up at him like you’ve read his mind and know he’s overthinking. “there’s nothing you can do.”
“yeah,” jaemin exhales. “i know.” he tries to smile when you reach up to caress his face, you look at him with so much fondness, jaemin’s worries are almost all blown away. but you know he’s going to be pondering about this for the next week.
“maybe this just how it’s meant to be, our wicked fate.”
but all the gossip got to the point where the boss heard about it, and asked you guys to talk in his office.
“i think we should end it here.” you say one night on the roof, seemingly out of the blue.
“what?” jaemin is speechless, where did that come from? did he hear you wrong?
“he literally asked us to talk,” you’re facing the ground, not even daring to look at him. “it’s serious this time.”
“so you’re going to just throw all of this away?” jaemin asks, slightly furious. “just because of what a bunch of losers are saying?”
“it’s for the best,” you’re still not looking at him. “for the both of us.”
when you finally do look up to see jaemin’s reaction, you see tears in his eyes and you wish you hadn’t looked up.
“fine, if that’s what you want.” jaemin turns around and walks away, breaking that silence.
but what jaemin didn’t know was that it broke your heart to pieces. it took you so much courage to break it off with him, but in the end, you knew what boss haly was capable of. you needed to protect him, so if this is how it needed to go, it’s for the best.
the meeting the next day went smoothly, it was easy for both of you to deny everything since jaemin was giving you the cold shoulder. you didn’t need to pretend. it was for the sake of the both of you.
after the meeting, you didn’t get the chance to talk to jaemin as he rushed to get ready for his special act today. but it’s not like he would listen to you anyways, you couldn’t blame him.
you felt the aura of the circus today, it felt off. very off. 
maybe it was because you were so shaken by you and jaemin's fight. maybe it was nothing, and you were just overreacting. everything was probably fine.
except it wasn’t.  
as all of the spectators settled into their seats, when you tried to peak through the curtain to see the turnout, and as expected, it was packed.
but something catches your eye. a black raven flies in, the ambience in the tent suddenly changes so fast if gives you whiplash. this isn’t good. this isn’t good at all. something bad is going to happen, really bad. 
you’ve never seen that bird in your entire life, and it suddenly hits you.
someone is going to die tonight.
you pray and pray it’s going to be fine, but the unsettling energy gets to you. you need to tell someone.
“jaemin, jaemin!” you call out to him. he turns around, but when he sees you, his face turns sour. your heart sinks, but what you’re about to tell him is more important, so you brush it away.
“what do you want.” he snarls, you gulp back a sob. 
“something bad’s going to happen, i can feel it.” tears are threatening to spill out of you eyes. “someone’s going to die, and i don’t know what to do.”
“oh, so now you care?” jaemin rolls his eyes. “are you jealous that it’s my show tonight and all of those girls front row are here to see me and think they have a chance with me?” you’re shocked by his words, your eyes are wide. you never thought he was capable of saying something like that. “you’re just a little witch, and it’s all just an act. let it go.” tears stream down your face as jaemin huffs and walks away, strutting into the crowd as the ringmaster announces their act: “the flying greysons!”.
and jaemin was wrong. you were right. something awful happened that day.
jaemin watches helplessly as his parents’ high wires snaps and they pummel to their death. 
you were right. and he couldn’t do anything about it.
jaemin runs away that night as he leaves you in that horrible place by yourself, and you never see him again.
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and here jaemin is. 10 years after the incident, a college student by day, leader of a crime fighting superhero team by night.
after the incident of his parents’ death, mr. jung jaehyun finds him on his path. crying, sobbing, and vulnerable. jaehyun takes jaemin in under his wing. providing him shelter, food, and as much support as he could. jaemin slowly realized jaehyun’s second identity: batman. 
jaemin has heard of jaehyun’s street name. but he’d never thought that he’d meet him in real life, and batman would be someone so similar to him. jaehyun saw a reflection of his younger self, the grief of losing your parents, the reality check of the world being a cruel place at a young age, he didn’t want jaemin to spiral in the same way he did. 
so even though jaemin lived a life of normalcy, his past never stopped coming back to haunt him. 
especially you.
jaehyun dug up some information about the circus, and piles and piles of their dark secrets were revealed. so did the truth of jaemin’s parents’ deaths too. how a well-known and feared crime-lord, threatened the circus unless the owner paid extortion money. boss haly refused, and that night someone messed with the equipment for the performance, resulting in the catastrophe. 
you were right all along, and jaemin didn’t listen to you. it was his fault, everything was his fault.
he even left you there by yourself, all alone, and he never got to say goodbye. oh how wishes he could see you one last time, and say all those things he wanted to these years. 
nightmares woke him throughout elementary school, middle school, high school, and even sometimes during his college time.
the same dream over and over, you reaching your hand out for jaemin to grab and save, but he’s too far away. and you fade away. 
inspired by what jaehyun did to help him, jaemin started to do the same. 
with a bunch of lost and uncared for young kids in new york, jaemin took them under his wing like jaehyun did with him.
with help from trusted individuals he met on the street, mark, renjun, jeno, and haechan, they started to take care of chenle and jisung full time. getting them off the street, given proper shelter, food, water, clean clothes, and access to education, this was the start of the dreamies. 
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today was the same as any other.
jaemin’s philosophy and law studies class has just finished up and he’s walking to his favourite cafe to finish up some work.
“jaemin?” he hears a familiar voice behind him. 
he turns around and sees you. you haven’t changed a bit, still as homely and comforting as he can remember.
is he in a dream right now? how is this possible? 
“oh gosh, it really is you.” you laughed, the same laugh you had. jaemin feels this unknown warmth and reassurance with you here, like a weight has just been lifted off his shoulders.
“y/n.” he finally speaks. your eyes glimmer, looking at him affectionately.
“yep, right here in the flesh.” jaemin starts tearing up. “oh you big baby, why are you crying?”
jaemin pulls you in as he hugs your waist.
surprised by his emotional state, you were going to speak up again. but you choose not to. standing there, a bit awkwardly, stroking his soft hair, embracing him.
and you’re back. 
jaemin learns that you recently moved to new york city recently for your journalist job position, and you’re looking for a place to move in to.
he’s quick to offer his place, even though he’s still in college, his apartment is big enough for two people.
“are you sure?” you’re hesitant to accept his suggestion. “i don't want to be a big burden. you’re probably really busy as a student.”
“no, i’m fine.” he responds, enthusiastically. “my schedule is pretty much free since i’m third year now.”
and you accept. saying you’re only going to crash for a while until you found another place.
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cherishing the time you had together, during the day, jaemin went to his lectures while you went to work, but when you got home, you did everything together. to the point where jaemin barely saw the dreamies, his crime-fighting crew.
staying up to watch the stars and sunrise, talking and laughing until your eyes were threatening to close. conversing about literally anything. 
but as time went by, you noticed that jaemin didn’t really want to talk about what happened back at the circus. you understood since he lost his parents that night, but he never asked you about how you left and ended up in new york. but you don’t push it, you understand that it’s a rough patch in both of you guys’ lives. 
“do you have anything that you regret?” you ask one night, you truly were just curious.
“not listening to you that night.” he says, monotone. “and leaving you by yourself at the circus when i ran away.”
“jaemin…” you start, but no words leave your mouth.
“fuck!” jaemin abruptly exclaims, mood crashing, turning furious. “it’s all that bastard haly’s fault.”
you shouldn’t have asked.
“if he didn’t make that fucking circus, everything would have been fine! it’s his fault, all his fault, i’m going to get revenge and kill that son-of-a-bitch one day!” he’s yelling now. “we could have met in normal circumstances, we could’ve gotten married, created a family, enjoyed life like all of these snarky city folk. why?”
you wipe the tears that are rolling down his face as he turns to cry in your chest. 
“i’m sorry i brought this up.” you pat his head as his sobs turn into soft snores, head in your lap. “maybe this just how it’s meant to be, our cruel fate.” 
it’s been a year now. it doesn’t seem like you’re moving out anytime soon, but jaemin’s not complaining. he loves having you here, you’ve become a standard part of his day. 
with jaemin more adapted to your appearance, he has started to become more involved with the dreamies.
helping 10-15 kids each month, the squad has advanced to milestones jaemin never thought it’d be at. he is so thankful to have the group and you there supporting him.
you’ve even discussed marriage. 
“y/n na has a nice ring to it, y’know.” jaemin beams.
“you’re such a softie.” you giggle out, but jaemin knows you like it. 
jaemin knows you want to wait until you have a stable job and when he graduates, but the thought always makes him elated. 
“what song would you play for our first dance at out wedding?” he asked one morning, waking up to the sun shining heavenly on you.
“hmm,” you grin. “best part, daniel caesar, h.e.r.”
“you’re perfect.” jaemin kisses your face as you cuddle into his warm chest.
imagining you in a white dress, walking up to the alter on your wedding day, saying your vows, slow dancing. you’re the only person jaemin has visioned a future with, and the only person jaemin wants a future with. 
the next day, you agree to slow dance with him in the living room.
jaemin is on cloud nine.
but like the old saying, all good things must come to an end. 
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it’s been 5 years now.
jaemin comes home one night to the apartment door open, which is really unusual.
jaemin thinks it might be a robbery, but nothing is stolen, the apartment looked the same as it was when he left this morning.
but you’re nowhere to be found. jaemin isn’t panicked, maybe you went on a walk and forgot to close the door–
there’s a note on the dining room table.
“meet me on the top of the empire state building to see y/n, if you bring someone else, it’ll be for the last time.”
what is that supposed to mean?
was it one of the dreamies’ past enemies trying to get back at them? 
nonetheless, jaemin is bolting out the door.
when he gets there, he sees the dreamies tied up, sitting and struggling at the feet of someone jaemin never thought he’d see ever again. c.c. haly, the owner of haly’s circus jaemin escaped a whole decade ago.
haly smirks as he sees jaemin approaching, but jaemin is scowling. 
“what are you doing here?” jaemin snaps out, carefully advancing.
“i’m here to finish what you started.” haly says.
“how did you even find me?” jaemin snarls, stopping a fair distance between him and haly. “how did you find my friends?”
unexpectedly, haly starts to cackle loudly at his questions. turning around to reveal someone who has been absent, someone jaemin would never have thought of.
jaemin’s mind is internally crashing. why are you with haly? what is going on?
“y/n, do you want to explain to our dear jaemin here what’s going on?” haly finds so much amusement playing with you both, watching this event unfold.
“jaemin, i’m so sorry.” your lips are trembling, tears are starting to flood your vision.
“so it was all a lie?” jaemin can’t believe it. “everything that happened this year, it was just you building up to just stab me in the back?”
“i did it to protect you.” you’re sobbing hard now.
“save it.” jaemin cuts you off, now focusing on haly. “what do you want.”
“i want you dead.” haly says, blankly. 
“so what’s the deal.” the dreamies’ mouths were duct taped, but their muffled cries can still be heard.
haly is howling again.
“i get to kill you,” haly grins sinisterly. “and i let y/n and your little friends free.”
“if jaemin says yes, let me say one last thing to him.” your crying has stopped. “it’s the least you can do.”
jaemin is confused. are you just offering him up to haly with no fight? what are you thinking?
you look at him with pleading eyes, asking him to trust you. 
the same eyes he saw that day his parents died, and he knows to trust you.
“okay,” jaemin states boldly. “i say yes. now let y/n talk to me.”
haly is stunned. how did you convince jaemin to agree so quick? maybe haly was right to use you this time. the least he could do is to let jaemin and you have time to still pretend to be in love. so haly allows you to walk up to jaemin to talk.
“y/n, what are you doing.” jaemin whispers frantically.
“trust me, trust me this time.” you glance at him with weary eyes. “when i’m walking back to haly, when i signal to you, i want you to grab your friends and run. can you do that for me?” 
“what?” jaemin tries not to react to much that haly catches on, but do you hear what you’re suggesting? “you want me to just leave you here again?”
“jaemin listen to me, i’ll be fine. trust me.”
and you turn around, not letting jaemin respond.
there’s nothing he can do but go along with your plan.
and when you signal to him behind your back, jaemin grabs the dreamies and drags them away. everything is a whirlwind and happens in a flash. jaemin looks back and you’re struggling trying to get the gun out of haly’s hand. 
you notice jaemin stopping.
“jaemin, fucking RUN.” you scream at him.
there’s nothing he can do. and he hates himself that he got himself in this situation again. so he runs again, like the coward he is.
jaemin runs, because literally the dreamies’ lives are depending on him. when he gets them to safety, when he unties jeno, jeno pushes him towards where they came from.
“go.” jeno is huffing trying to catch his breath after removing the duct tape off his mouth. “i’ll untie everyone else, go get her.”
jaemin looks at jeno, and turns back for you.
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when jaemin arrives back at the scene, you’re on the ground. he runs panic-stricken to you, finding you bleeding out really hard. 
“y/n? y/n, y/n please, are you okay?” he’s shaking you, distraught seeing you in this state.
“jaemin, i’m okay.” you say, barely any breath left in you. “i have the gun here, haly is behind the big box over there.”
“y/n, what are you talking about, we need to get you to the hospital.” jaemin tries to pick you up but you don’t allow him.
“use the gun and kill him.” you mutter out, quieter than before. “it’s what you wanted, jaemin. and he’ll be gone.” you’re smiling softly just thinking about it.
“y/n, are you insane? you’re going to die i could care less about haly, i’m taking you to the hospital–”
“jaemin let me go.” you mumble, stroking his cheek while you’re examining his pretty face for the last time. “it’ll be okay, it’s not your fault.”
“y/n…” jaemin’s tears are staining his shirt as he holds you tightly, trying to preserve your life.
“i love you, na jaemin.” a tear falls from your dazed gaze and trickles down your cold face. “i’m sorry that this is how it’s meant to be, our cruel fate.”
and you’re gone. 
jaemin screams. tears dripping down his face, he picks up the gun beside you and storms towards haly.
he’s basically sitting in a pool of his own blood and has no strength to get up anymore.
“is little greyson here to get revenge for his parents and little witch y/n?” he cackles even in the last moments of his life.
“yeah i am, they didn’t die for you to see another day too.”
haly is laughing sadistically again as if jaemin just told a joke, but the laughter subsides after the bullets fire through haly’s limp body. 
and he’s dead too. leaving jaemin alone, again. 
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it’s been 2 years since you’ve died.
here he is, waking up. still can’t sleep on your side.
he really can’t sleep on your side, because it reminds him of those times where he woke up to your warm embrace, and now it’s desolately cold.
there’s your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time.
he’s saved everything you had, and hasn’t touched anything. he’s also saved everything you shared, your bed, your apartment, everything. he needs those to remind him of those bittersweet memories of you.
when jaemin was going through your stuff, he finds a piece of paper on your work desk.
my dear jaemin,
when you find this, i’m probably going to be gone. but that’s okay, and i’ll tell you why.
first of all, thank you so much for these past 5 years. thank you for showing me what living life is like, what being a part of a family is like, and what being in love is like. you told me you wished you could give me a normal life, and you really fulfilled your wish. 
you must have so many questions right now, so i’m going to answer them.
i never left haly’s after you ran away. i couldn’t. because he was threatened by so many mobs and gangs everywhere, he had to kill off the other people that were a part of the circus. but he kept me. because i was the key to you. the government started an investigation into him, and he needed to keep a low-profile, but he still was angry that you didn’t die that night too. so he plotted this for years, and i just had to go along with it.
at first, i only agreed because i wanted to see you. i was young and still naive at the time, thinking that he wanted to see you too. but as i got older, i saw what he was planning. he would kill me in front of you and then take you out as well if i didn’t do as he said, so i kept quiet. i really did this to protect you.
i enjoyed every second being with you. you showed me the meaning of life i heard our patrons talk about. you showed me what true love was when i saw those elderly couples walking together as they look at each other adoringly while telling me they’ve been in love and married for decades. if i could choose to stay with you for a lifetime, i would, i would choose it a million times.
but i thought very long about this, and it truly is the only way.
remember when i asked you if you regretted anything that night? you mentioned how you regretted not listening to me, how you left me alone at the circus. and that’s when i realized, it was indeed our cruel fate.
you feel bad for me. you feel bad that you didn’t listen, you feel bad for leaving me at the circus, but it’s been over a decade. i know with me constantly here, you’re never going to stop feeling guilty, you’d never let the past go. we’re too young, too dumb, to know things like love. but i know better now. 
so jaemin, i did what i had to do. the best for the both of us. you got your revenge for your parents, and you’ll stop feeling guilty because i don’t want to hold you back and keep you feeling like this forever. 
i’m sorry jaemin i put you through all of this, and reminder that this is not your fault.
my love, nana, truly, truly, truly, thank you for everything. everything, everything, everything. 
there wasn’t a single day where i stopped wanting you. i want you in the most innocent form, i want to say goodnight to you and give you forehead kisses and say i love you when you feel at your worst. i want you in ways where i just want to be next to you and nothing more or less. i wish i could explain your eyes, oh how i adore your angel eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. how your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time i’m with you, i feel so complete. i swear when our lips touched, i could taste the remaining years of my life. i want you to know that when i picture myself happy, it’s with you.
i’ve looked at you in millions of ways, and i have loved you in every way.
but this is how it’s meant to be, our cruel fate.
my pretty boy, i love you forever.
his tears are ruining the page, and jaemin tries to wipe his tears away to save the letter.
when he turns around, he swears he can see you. and he chases it down, with a shot of truth.
maybe if he dreams long enough, you’d tell him he’d be just fine.
walking into the living room, remembering how you guys would slow dance like it was your wedding. your wedding. 
and he drowns it out, like he always does. dancing through your house, with a shot of truth, that his feet don’t dance, like the way they did with you.
jaemin knows your letter was right, he’s going to slowly get better, but he needs some time. meanwhile, he needs something help him cope, to get him by. 
so he’s dancing through your house, with the ghost of you.
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©mrkcore, 2021.
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lilmissbacon · 4 years
Why Jelsa is Ridiculously Stupid
Let me start off by saying that the idea of this ship was cute at first, I have nothing against it. In fact I have a few ships myself that have nothing to back them up. I am not making this to convince people to be anti, stop the ship itself, or spread any form of hate what so ever.
But this Jelsa fandom has gone too far. And when I say "jelsa shippers," of course I don't mean ALL of them, just about 80% of them.
In fact, I'm very appreciative of the few jelsa shippers who don't go around harassing others because "jelsa is life."
Also, allow me to correct you in saying that I'm not a jelsa hater, I'm a jelsa loather. There's a difference. Most jelsa haters, hate jelsa for the sake of hating it.
I genuinely hate it.
And don't go commenting about, "how do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?" Because you see, that's where you're wrong. I did used to ship it, when I was 11. I was a child, I was new to the internet, I didn't know better. But I do now!
I am writing this so that some who may not know, will now understand why jelsa is bad and because I need to get all of this out of my system. I am slowly dieing inside.
First; I'm gonna go into how all the excuses to ship this are pointless. Next, I'll talk about just how these two would never work out as a couple. Then, will be what the toxicity has done to not just to the ship itself, but to the big four as well. And finally, I'll go into how uncreative the shippers are and just what horrible/stupid things they've done and are still doing.
1) Excuses are Pointless
Excuse #1: They have the same powers.
...Yeah, that's like saying you ship Lavagirl (Sharboy and Lavagirl) and Bolin (LoK) because they can both control lava. That's not a valid reason to ship anyone. There needs to be actual substance and I'll only say that once because that sentence applies to every excuse here.
Excuse #2: They look alike
🤦🤦🤦 First of all: that's also like saying you ship Tiana (Princess and the Frog) and Frozone (The Incredibles) because they're both black. Second of all: no they don't. It may be because I'm an artist so I notice small details, but here's how it is; Jack's hair is white, Elsa's is platinum blonde. Jack has a square chin, Elsa has a round face. Jack is much paler! THEIR EYES AREN'T EVEN THE SAME SHADE OF BLUE!!! Your excuse is null and void. Even so, if characters do look alike, then they're most likely to be related. Especially in animation.
Excuse #3: Jack can teach Elsa to have fun and Elsa can teach Jack to be serious
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This clearly proves the point that jelsa shippers don't know these characters. The job of teaching Elsa how to be social and have fun is already taken by Anna. So if anything, Elsa will see Jack as a younger brother. And Jack wouldn't have been chosen to take on such a responsibility of guardianship if he didn't know when to quit. I don't know what it is about playful characters that make people think they're obnoxious. Jack is an immortal teenager with the heart of a child, that's what makes him a good guardian. But he's been alive for over 300 years, he bound to have the mind capacity of an adult and he does know better. He doesn't play when he's in battle, he's dead serious.
Excuse #4: They understand each other because they were both isolated for a long time
I don't know where you come from but people don't really "bond" over their trauma. Infact, if anything, that would make the relationship more unstable. Plus, Elsa isolated herself for 13 years because she was afraid of her powers. Jack was forced into isolation for 300 years! He has never been afraid of his powers and Elsa could still be seen throughout the day by parents and servants. They would never be able understand what the other went through.
Excuse #5: They both have a sister they love
SO WHAT?! At least half of the population have sisters. Simple as that. It's a horrible excuse.
Excuse #6: They both have an enemy in fear
Bruh, almost every fictional character has to deal with their fears, literal or mental. It's not at all unique to these two.
Excuse #7: Jack can teach Elsa to control her powers
She already has control of them by the end of the movie. And even if you mean prier to that, the reason she couldn't control them was because she feared them. I doubt that even if she could see him and if he showed her his powers, she's be irrational, believing that their powers were different.
Excuse #8: William Joyce says he ships it
Really, you're going to base the possibility of a ship because the writer of the 'books' that "inspired" rotg says he likes it. First: the books and movie are not the same worlds. Two: he most likely stated this in order for jelsa shippers to shut up to him about it. And three: his own canon with the books is a mess as it is. With him adding a bunch on random/unnecessary details on twitter that have no relevance or reference in the books. Even if he does ship it, everything that's going on with Jack's character in the books is weird enough as it is. Plus he's physically 14 in the books. I know age doesn't really matter but Elsa would definitely feel weird about dating someone who looks so young when she's currently 24 by the second movie.
Excuse #9: They could've met before the events of rotg
Not a reason to ship them but whatever 🙄 Even if their stories were based in the same world (which it isn't), Elsa never would've believed in fairy tales. Having to grow up so soon and all. She believes in magic, of course, but you need to believe in the individuals themselves in order to see them. Plus it is very clear in rotg that Jamie is Jack's first believer.
Excuse #10: Now that Frozen 2 is out, they are both spirits who followed the memories of their loved ones. They can live forever together!
Once AGAIN, how does this factor to them being a good couple? Plus the title of spirit is different in the Frozen-verse than the Guardian-verse. Guardian-verse; they are un-aging beings who keep the entire world in balance. Frozen-verse; never confirmed to be immortal (especially since 3 out of 5 spirits are inanimate objects), magical things that keep a single forest secure. The only reason the elements needed a fifth spirit was most likely because the one before Elsa died of old age. Plus the idea of Elsa outliving Anna goes against the theme of sisterly love that both movies strive on. This can be changed in fanfiction but I hate how people lie about her mortality for an excuse to ship.
Excuse #11: They're both single
So what? People ship characters who aren't single with other characters all the time. That's not a reason to ship them. Especially since your statement is false because Tooth is Jack's canon love interest.
It is true that jelsa haters will give reasons to not ship that I necessarily don't agree with.
•Like the age gap — Jack has the mental capacity of an adult, as I've said before. He's smart enough to make his own choices.
•Elsa not being immortal — that doesn't mean they can't still date, even if he outlives her. Plus you can change that in fanfiction.
•They come from different studios and will never be canon — Again, this is fanfiction, we can do whatever we want.
•Elsa is independent and shipping her with someone takes her independence away — for one: most of the world is bound to find love at some point in time. I would imagine that Elsa would want to find love like her sister. Two: Mulan, Pocahontas and Jasmine are very independent and they all still ended up with men. Three: she's not that independent to begin with. Independence isn't relationship status, it's your ability to make it on your own and Elsa is clearly, very dependant on Anna and her safety. Which is actually what pushes her to being a bad sister in Frozen 2. In fact it is because they made her more 'independant' in the sequel that Elsa clearly, no longer loves Anna as much as Anna loves her (you can check out Watso Videos' video on YouTube about how Elsa is a bad sister bc I'm not gonna go into it here).
My god that was ALL just part one. This is gonna take forever 😰
2) How they would never work out
For Elsa, she needs someone who is calm and collected. A rock for her to stand on when she's being irrational. Possibly even someone who is very stoic and straight to the point but with enough sense of humor to lighten the mood. And now that I'm thinking about it, Honeymaren fits that description to a tee. I'm not one to push LGBT+ in anyone's face, but I'm not gonna judge ships on characters assumed sexualities either. Even though Honeymaren didn't have much screen time, her personality still showed through and Elsamaren could very well work.
Jack on the other hand needs someone who would be able to keep up with his playful nature as well as be a rock for him to stand on when he's emotional. Tooth is a good suitor even though I don't really ship it myself. Hiccup, Merida and Rapunzel could also fit in this description.
They don't have the ability to be each other's rocks. They can't be stable if they both need someone to keep them so. If they were to date, the relationship would crumble before it even began.
Plus Jack has to be a guardian and there are a lot of fanfics that go into this idea of Jack being the king of Arendalle? First off: I'm fairly certain that you can't marry into royalty to become king. At least in the real world. Second: Jack wouldn't be able to handle that responsibility with him already being a guardian. And he can't just leave guardianship either, it was what he always was and was ment to be. And Elsa has the responsibility of keeping a magical forest in check, she can't leave to become a guardian.
3) The Toxicity
Oh my God! The fanfiction! As I usually say, you can do whatever you want in fanfiction. But if you have to butcher all the characters so much in EVERY fanfic in order to make the ship work, then there's clearly something wrong here! In every fanfic I've ever seen, the characters are so out of character it's insane. Not just Jack and Elsa, every character.
Olaf for example, is practically in love with Jack first meeting, in every fanfic. If he were to actually meet Jack, he would be apprehensive of him.
It's horrifying in not only that, but jelsa shippers will add Rapunzel a lot, just in spite of Jackunzel. They turn Rapunzel into a needy ex-girlfriend of Jack's when in reality, she's a very sweet and kind soul. Even if she and Jack had dated, they would've split on good terms and stayed friends after. There have also been cases where they do the same but with Tooth. Sometimes even both and it's honestly sick.
And let's talk about the sexism as well HAHA! I swear to God, they will rewrite Frozen but where Jack will save Elsa instead of Anna. They write Elsa as a hormonal teenage girl who falls in love with Jack within seconds.
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This is from an actual jelsa shipper, my dude. WTF!!! They make Jack super dominant as well as a douche who cheats on Elsa half the time. Jack is not that dominant, he's a very emotional guy. And he'd be the most faithful boyfriend on the planet. He was alone for 300 years! If anything, he'd be clingy but not too clingy because he also understands personal space.
And if you like angsty fanfiction where a character cheats on the other, there are literally no fanfics where Elsa cheats on Jack. As if a woman couldn't possibly cheat. This is very sexist towards men and women and is toxic as hell.
If anything, Elsa would cheat on Jack, she's not exactly trustworthy in keeping promises or being loyal.
I swear, half of the jelsa shippers has never even seen rotg and just go by what they read in others fanfiction.
Jelsa shippers have gotten so bad about this ship that they've low-key harassed people for not shipping it, as well as start shipping wars within the big four fandom. That's the reason the fandom truly shrunk after 2013. I've seen posts about people admitting to leaving the fandom because it got so bad.
4) The Shippers
Jelsa shippers have literally threatened lives, not just to other fans but even to the creators of the movies. Literally threatening them into making the ship canon. They've made patitions to make it canon as if that would work. They've even harassed a lot of recent shippers to Elsamaren because "jelsa is canon."
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Oh look at that, they're homophobic too...
... That's great 🙃
Isn't it a bigger sin to love a celestial being though? Therefore the fact that you –as a toxic christian– ship Elsa with a spirit it worse.
THEY'RE DELUSIONAL!!! So many of them have shipped jelsa so long that legit think it's canon!
Not only all that mess but there are literally more jelsa games on the internet then there are Merida games. I'm specifying this for personal reasons (aka Merida is my fave Disney princess)
And let's continue on with what really aggravates me as an artist. Jelsa shippers, stealing artwork, mostly from Jackunzel. This is not just a rumor, it's very much real.
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And it doesn't help when all of their actual original fanart is just them taking scenes from Frozen and adding Jack. Then to add more salt on the wound is that almost all the fanfiction is the same, whether it'd be based during Frozen, rotg or in a highschool au.
There's literally nothing original about or going on with this ship, even after Frozen 2 came out, the shippers and fanfiction haven't changed. If anything it made the shippers spike up again.
The only thing that could say is original about jelsa is the frost daughter fanon. Oh boy! What we have to unpack here.
This is something that I recently heard about...
I am mortified.
Frost daughters is this little thing that jelsa shippers came up with, believing Jack and Elsa (if they could get pregnant) would have nothing but girls. What's scary about it is they're designs. Like they're trying to be original... But it's not really going great.
Most of them are just young!Elsa copies, some are edits of Elsa with Jack's hair color.
For example:
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This is fine, this follows genetrical rules. I'm fine with this.
But what has me low-key petrified are some of the other designs.
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Like... WTF IS ALL OF THIS!!! Where are this colors coming from?!! I don't understand 😭 You can see in the screen shots that these are literally titled as daughters of jelsa.
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The white haired ones are fine. The ginger is understandable. Got it from Elsa's dad's genes. That's okay. A few are wearing pink? They can wear what ever they want. But wtf I'd going on with Nevada? Why is she black? Jack and Elsa the pastiest of white! And you cannot tell me that she got it from Elsa's mom because this was made BEFORE Frozen 2 and her mother is still white as an adult.
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Where tf does the blue and pink hair come from? None of these make sense!
I want to kill myself, just looking at these!
That's gonna be the end of this rant
Now I'll say it again, I really have nothing against the ship itself. I too have casual ships that make no sense. But with ALL the fanfiction and fanart being so unoriginal and most jelsa shippers low-key being dangerous, it's hard for me respect people's opinions about it.
I try, trust me, I do! But it's become so murky in my brain that I can't tell the difference anymore and I'm also just not a fan of Elsa's character in general. And I like ships that actually make sense.
And being that I'm an equalist... it's really hard for me to look at this stuff and not get pissed off. I'm sorry if all of this comes off as aggressive because it kinda is.
I'm just very passionate, okay?
I hope you understand where I'm coming from. None of the pictures I used are mine. And I hope you have a good day?
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Breakthrough' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
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"The following fight you will do is going to be inside of you, Yirina."
Chapter Summary : As her worst fears became real because of Stitch & Freya, Yirina is forced to relive the same implanted memories she was given by Adler but she need to stay strong to win....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3300
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
I couldn't resist, I couldn't fight to avoid this to happen again....my worst fear came to life this day and if it wasn't the CIA this time, it was now much worse with Stitch in command of the whole thing. All he needed to do was to put me on that stretcher, forcing Park to watch me suffer on it while everyone around was witnessing the whole thing : Freya...and also Dedov, Zasha's brother. He was certainly brainwashed by him as he wasn't able to recognize me and Stitch stepped in to avoid me to talk more...until he pronounced the phrase....
My body was in an little pain when I opened back my eyes in an slowly way, my head hurting me behind and feeling that I was something that was reversed. When my eyes were fully operational, I could see that I was in an crashed Huey while sounds of fighting all around me was getting heard all over the place. It was just me...only me in that chopper, the pilots were dead and the others did already left the wreck before me. I removed the belt that was attaching me to one of the seat before my body went almost limp as I got away.
"Fuck, my head." I grunted in pain after that little fall from my seat, holding my left hand behind my head as I crawled to the only opened door of the Huey, finding that I was at almost 5 meters from the ground.
"Bell !" An voice came into my head. As I thought first to be Adler, it turns out to be Stitch himself, he was the master of my actions. "You crashed down but you didn't hesitate any second, you jumped out of the wreck." He said as I was watching down and unfortunately, I had to follow his orders.
"Shit." I muttered before I could jump out of the Huey but I was nearly going to fall with my head first on the ground. I managed however to fall on my feets but I was like pinned down. "Damnit !" I almost shouted after I nearly got killed by that fall.
"Bell, take this !" An american soldier arrived near me, holding an M16A1 in his left hand, another in the right one.
"Thanks." I told him, taking the gun in hands.
"Come on, let's show this viet-congs what are capable of." He nodded at me as he was going to walk back into the battlefield but the first thing he saw was an viet-cong soldier charging at him with an bayonet strapped on an AK-47 and bad for him as he was hit by the soldier at the chest but I shot 3 bullets in retaliation against the enemy but it was too late to save the american.
"You took his M16 and you joined your brothers-in-arms to neutralize the ambush the viet-congs did against you." Stitch spoke up, causing me to move without disobeying his orders as I joined up an cover with another american soldier.
"Heartbeats is fine for the moment, sir !"
"Good, let's continue the memory."
"Bell, good to see that you're went out alive." The soldier I was next to me in cover taunted me, looking at him with curiosity inside of me.....what am I doing ?....."Bell, you're here ?" He demanded, snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Yeah, I'm here." I broke away from my thoughts, regaining consciousness of the situation.
"These viet-congs are blocking the way for you to get to that bunker, help us for that and go for your objective." He suggested, putting his hand on my left shoulder.
"And what about any supports ?" I questioned him, getting out of cover to fire some bullets on an few soldiers that attempted to charge us. "I don't have support ?"
"You got this, Bell." The man told me with an suspicious grin as he fired away with his M16.
I don't know how I could feel about all of this, it was so real but also so fake at the same time as I realize that I couldn't let myself get hit by an bullet or trying anything stupid. Like this american soldier said, I had to help those men to eliminate the viet-congs for me and I did. I could have let them like that but I'm not like that. It took us only 2 minutes to get rid of the enemy presence in the sector and everyone was cheering for that victory...not me....
"Come on, your path is free !" The same man told me and I had to comply but to go alone in that dirt path that was going deeply inside the jungle.
"Good, you're following the orders, continue !" Stitch expressed, hearing his voice through my head as I arrived near an crossroads....the same one I was faced....one to the left leading to the jungle and an village, the middle inside an old temple and the right one, leading to the river. "The russian bunker were on your right by the river, you need to take that path." He ordered as I was staying still in the middle of crossroads.
"Go fuck yourself !"  I cursed, trying to break the control that he has over me as I decided to disobey and to take the left path, going inside the jungle.
"Her heart is starting to go faster, Stitch, what's happening ?"
"She's disobeying the orders, let's inject her again !"
"Sir, we have to let her finish the scenario or it will have bad consequences."
I walked myself inside the jungle at my left but then, I stopped myself  when I saw an white light coming out of the tree and knowing the danger, I fired some bullets in its direction and when I was finished, the light wasn't anymore and the body of an enemy soldier fell of the tree....before someone tried to charge me with their AK-47 but this time, I managed to counter him with my own M16 and to take his gun in my own hands before I could stab him with his own bayonet.
An deep breath and I was back on walking again...until I arrived at that same wooden bridge I could remember this well. The time was like stopped in that part, seeing american soldiers fighting against some viet-congs soldiers that surprised them but then....on the side of the bridge, I could see him....like I did before....Lazar, standing up and looking at me, wearing that same Burger Town shirt.
"Lazar !" I yelled, passing through the frozen soldiers, starting to cross the bridge by running forwards. "Laz', don't go !" I exclaimed loudly as I was seeing him going to the left again, walking very fast. "Lazar." I whispered when I arrived at the other side, looking at my left as I thought to see him again but he was walking too fast.
At my left where Lazar walked, I know that I will have to help another group of soldiers and it was the same thing at my right. I couldn't go back to the bridge, an wooden barrier having literally spawned behind me, making me realize that each step made was meaning that I couldn't make an simple step back behind. I was forced to advance without looking back...I was trapped.
"Let's go....let's go to the left." I chuckled to myself, engaging myself into the path that Lazar took and as I was in the middle of the way, my M16 suddenly disappear from my hands to be replaced by an sniper rifle....an Pellington 703. "What the...." I whispered, discovering the gun in my hands.
"Help ! Over here !" The voice of an man was echoing at the end of the path, urging me to run to its position....to discover an american soldier with an radio near him. "Bell, here !" He said, having seen me arrive....is everyone one knowing me here ?
"What's happening ?" I asked him curious as his men were fighting viet-congs near an house.
"I called an napalm strike, use your rifle and take out all the enemies you can shoot at until our boys arrived." He proposed, making signs towards my rifle, obligating me to use it against the enemies.
I was forced to do but I had no choices but to fire with that sniper rifle against the viet-congs position that was harrasing the soldiers downhill and an few shooting at our position until the fighters arrived at our sector, two F-4 Phantoms dropping their loadouts of napalm on the house, eliminating  every presence of these viet-congs in the sector and again, causing the americans soldiers to cheer in triumph.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning !" The man that was using the radio scoffed around before he look back at me. "Go on, Bell, go check that bunker." He ordered, pointing at the distinctive red door behind the flaming ruins of the house.
"On it !" I complied before I start to go down the hill, keeping that red door in visual until...I could see Lazar, in front of the door. "Lazar, wait !" I yelled again, dropping my sniper rifle on the ground and starting to run towards the red door, traversing through the ruins to join the door.
"You arrived at the bunker, open the door, Bell !" Stitch asked me to do and I took an deep breath as I opened the door but instead of finding an hallway, I was like in an black void with only an torture chair, with me.....Park & Adler near it before the two were getting switched between 5 seconds of Stitch & Freya.
"She's trying to struggle, what does that mean ?"
"She has finished the first scenario but she's not in the bunker, Dedov !"
"Let me find the new injection quick, sir !"
"So, they're doing it ?" I turned around to see Lazar standing just behind me, slowly walking towards the torture chair with me. "The CIA and now....Perseus."
"I couldn't resist, Lazar." I breathed, catching back my breath after everything I've done for the moment. "I'm....losing this fight, you see what they're doing."
"I know but it's not the end !" He exclaimed as the switch of the duos stopped, only showing Freya & Stitch near the torture chair. "I know that you're better than this."
"I want to think about that but...I basically lost any hope now." I expressed, feeling this pain in my chest, trying to look away from him in shame. "I've been told that I'm better than this but at moments, I'm feeling that isn't true at all." I added, holding my left arm, the wound I had in real life....taking form here. "I want help but where I can find it ?" I asked him.
"You don't need help if you already have it, Yirina." He replied, sounding very sure of his words as for me, I was looking at him back with narrowed eyes, slowly moving to get to him.
"What...why ?....where's my help ?" I asked again very curious as I was going to touch him...until he got transported at an few meters behind him.
"Here's the injection for the next scenario, our last one for the day !"
"No time to waste, Stitch, inject it now !"
"Yirina...just....take care of her, okay ?" He demanded from me as he pointed towards me, something getting wrapped around my waist before I realized that it was something hooking me to a rope going up.
"No, no, no !" I raised my voice, trying to remove that rope from me before I got myself ejected away from him. "Lazar !" I screamed in pain as my eyes were forcely closed by something or someone.
"Bell !" Stitch's voice spoke up. "You need to stay focus on the mission, you got to go to the bunker in the jungle." He exclaimed as I could feel him near me in the real world. "Bell, we have an job to do !" He repeated, causing me to blackout and feeling to return back into the beginning.
"Fuck, my head !" I muttered again as I found myself back into the crashed Huey, hanging in the trees but this time, already removed from the seat.
"Your helicopter crashed down, you jumped and you go help the americans." Stitch ordered, sounding an bit annoyed as I moved to get to the only opened door of the Huey.
"Not again !" I muttered before I redid the same landing back on the ground, this time fully-controlled and not even having an scratch or any pain on my body.
"Bell, take that gun !" The same man as before arrived with the same M16 he handed to me....in that...other scenario.....
"Thanks." I nodded to him but as I already knew what was going to happen, I shot bullets towards the soldier that was going to charge him with his bayonet, saving the man's life....and this...it was looking to change something....
"Damn, you...you saved my life." The man was looking surprised and shocked by that, thinking that he was going to die, needed to die. "How...how did you know ?" He asked me.
"Just...thanks me later !" I told him before taking his own gun to give it back. "Now, go help your friends." I suggested with an grin.
"Yeah...I will...thanks, Yirina." He expressed, sending chills inside my body...my real memories are looking to interfere with my implanted ones.
"Something's wrong here, there's things that shouldn't be happening !"
"Sir, her heartbeats are fine, they're nothing wrong !"
"She's making good progress, Stitch, continue your orders !"
"Bell, you took that rifle and you go help your 'brothers-in-arms'." He repeated again in an clear voice and no longer annoyed tone and by that, I started to move to the same cover I used before, with the same guy as before but now, also with the man that I saved an few seconds ago with him. The situation were looking more better, Stitch becoming less present in my head each time I was firying my M16 and then, looking at the direction of the dirt path....I could see...
"Park ?" I whispered, seeing her standing from afar at the beginning of the dirt path, like if she was awaiting for me.
"We're progressing good !" The saved man exclaimed, peaking his head towards the paddy fields. "Yirina, did you see Park over there ?" He questioned me, making my eyes go wide....everyone in the implanted memories were starting to know my real me.
"She's at this dirt path, you need to get to her quick before they started all over again." The other man told me as we were both seeing Park slowly leaving the path and the terrain behind me, disappearing.
"If we don't do anything, he's going to inject her, man !" The saved him expressed, looking worried as an little tear came out of my eyes, this was becoming so real to me....
"Let me think..." The other man started to think while the bullets were flying above our cover before he reloaded his M16. "Ok !" He breathed before he looked at everyone on the american side. "Everyone, at our mark, we charge to let Yirina pass to the dirt path, we're doing this for her !"
"Understood !" Some americans soldiers said in unison as the two with me were putting their knifes as bayonets on their respectives M16s as for me, I was getting to run towards the path.
"CHARGE !" The other man yelled, launching the suicidal assault of every americans soldiers towards the viet-congs position and me, receiving an nodding of the man I saved before I started to run to the dirt path.
"Thanks"  I saluted the men quickly for their courages as I arrived near the path, an tears on my eyes before I started to run through it. "Park !" I shouted her name as I arrived at the crossroads, seeing Park going to the left.
"Bell, the bunker is in front of you in the temple, enter it now !" Stitch ordered in an strict voice but Park went right down the river and there were no red door in front of me so...fuck his orders !...
"Like I said, go fuck yourself !" I repeated my insults to him as I runned to the right path, going down to the river.
"Her heartbeat is going off the charts but...she's following the orders !"
"I asked her to go in the middle, not the right path !"
"Sir, you have confused the future scenarios for her, she needed to go to the right !"
"No, I was clear and she disobeyed, let's inject her again !"
"I'm not letting you do this, Stitch ! You can kill her because of you !"
"Park !" I continued to yell as I arrive in the level of the river but then, multiples red doors were starting to fall over from the skies.
"Bell, you need to open this door, NOW !" Stitch proclaimed loudly but I couldn't enter any of this doors, I needed to continue to find Park.
He was certainly controlling some parts of the implanted memories like Adler did but he wasn't able to control the real piece of it....me ! I navigated through the river, avoiding the multiple red doors from Stitch until I could see Park entering one red door at the end of the river near an fall, meaning that this one were the right one to take but Stitch was persistent, he was still ordering me to enter one of these fake red doors but I fought...I struggled...I avoided his traps and I managed to reach the real red door and to open it.
When I entered, I was back into that same black void I faced earlier but this time, it was just an vision of Park herself with nothing around her....nothing and just her in front of me. I slowly walked towards her, exhausted and my arm wound reappaering again like if I was making an real discussion with her. I couldn't know what to think right now.
"I know that you were going to do this !" Park started, sounding very positive as I was troubled.
"Did I ?" I asked her, worried.
"Of course, you won, Yiri !" She turned around to look at me with an smile...something I was able to do for the first time inside those implanted memories.
"How...how did I won, Park ?" I demanded, curious, still moving to get to her.
"You didn't see ?" She whispered with an grin. "You managed to control those implanted memories from Adler, judged impossible to do." She explained, joining her hands together. "The people you saw first, they were adressing you as 'Bell' but then, they realized....that you....you were more than just that." She added, also moving to me.
"What does that mean ? I won but my situation....." I stopped myself, falling on my knees, completely exhausted by everything, my both hands on the ground.
"They're thinking that they won you back for the moment." She revealed to me. "They thought that controlling you after having faced MK-Ultra was going to be child play but you proved them wrong." She continued, kneeling in front of me.
"I proved them wrong." I said in an low voice, looking down at the invisible black ground.
"I gave you the means to fight the MK-Ultra, Lazar also did, Bell too." She told me, getting slowly my attention on her face as I slowly realized what 'Bell' in my dreams was trying to do....give me hope...."You won that fight, Yiri." She expressed, putting her right hand on my left cheek, causing me to install comfortably my head in it.
"The scenario is finished, now is time to await for her to wake up !"
"Good ! Wraith, call me back when she's back in our world !"
"Listen, we don't have much time but hope isn't lost." Park make me listen as we both feel that this moment were going to end soon enough. "Our way to leave this hell...will be in the inside, you will get us out of here."
"I will do it, Park, I promise." I promised her, starting to slowly cry before I moved my arms around her to hug her and she quickly reciprocrated the move with me, holding each other as my body were starting to go limp, meaning my passing out was here....
"We will escape this hell together....like we both promised !"
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lokihzra · 3 years
My Heart’s On Fire For Your Love
Chapter 5: you're the sun and i'm the moon because when you rise i fall
May 16th, 2012
Loki was marching through the living room, on a mission clearly but Thor stops him, turning him around by his arm “brother you know you can not go back to Asgard” Thor reminds him in Norse, like it wasn’t overwhelming Lokis’s thoughts every day, he remembers the hatred in Odins eyes, but he doesn’t care.
“I want to go home Thor, I want to see mother, I need answers” Loki says desperately, making Thor frown and step closer only for Loki to step away.
”answers to what?” Loki’s expression hardens and Thor frowns even harder once he realizes “your blood family?”
Loki nods instantly. He wasn’t going to mention the soulmate thing, not to his brother. “ I need to know who I am ”
“you’re my brother” Thor says harshly “adopted and blood” Thor was so sure of it that Loki was envious, he wished he could still call himself Thor’s brother
“a cut and a sad excuse for a vow means nothing”
“Loki you can not go” Thor sighs “I’ll ask them to provide you with what you need, if you promise not to kill anyone while I’m gone” Thor sends him a look and Loki sighs while rolling his eyes.
He hates when Thor looks at him like that, like the older brother he tries so hard, and fails, to be “ I don’t like killing, i don’t find it enjoyable so remember that because next time I’ll throw you out the window too” Loki glares but it doesn’t affect Thor at all, not after a thousand years.
Thor nods “so do you agree?” he asks, switching back to english to hopefully distract Loki from him already inching towards the helipad.
“no” Loki spits instantly, Thor stopping dead in his tracks at Lokis cold tone “I need to do this on my own and it doesn’t involve you”
“you are gullible to their lies. I am not, you’ll take the first answer you get and I do not. Do you see the problem I’m having here?” Loki says quickly, not caring about the hurt in Thor’s eyes.
The hurt quickly shifts though “I don’t have a lie detector like you” Thor snarls
“no, you can control thunder and lightning, you’re the golden child , the firstborn and first picked” Loki saunters forward, Thor stands his ground “the stable brother, the kind brother, the one destined for the throne” Loki hisses quietly, centimetres between the brothers, so close that Loki can see the resolve breaking in thor’s head “the saviour of the nine realms , the hero” Thor’s gaze hardens, trying to hide his breath shaking and his fists clenching.
Loki asks lowly “and what am I?”
“my brot-“
Loki interrupts before he can even hear that bullshit again.“what more than that?”
“hey you guys-“ Natasha tries to interrupt as well but the brothers don’t hear her at all, they completely forgot about their audience.
“you are my brother”
“what more than that?” Loki roars and Thor flinches away from him, his breath getting caught in his throat at Loki’s sudden yelling.
“what do you want me to say Loki?”
Loki scans him for a moment “the truth”
Thor’s tongue starts moving without his permission, spitting out complete lies “you’re a frost giant, a monster loved by no one, a runt left to die, the bastard son of an affair, the outcast, the weird little brother, the pawn for war, the last choice, the villain” Thor tries so hard to stop himself literally slapping his hands over his mouth, biting his tongue but nothing works “the one born just to die”
The silence was suffocating, Thor felt like passing out as he sees Loki's eyes water over, Bruce and Steve staring in shock, Natasha and Tony looked like they were ready to freak out and Tony nearly does “what the fuck Thor?” Tony roars, but he blames it on his chest suddenly weighing a thousand pounds of pain, Loki’s pain.
”nonononono” Thor says quickly “he can make people lie or tell the truth, I didn’t- I don’t mean any of it- I did not want to say any of that-“
“I asked for the truth”
“that was your truth, not mine” Thor says without missing a beat “do it again and wish for my truth” Loki wants to, he really wants to know Thor’s true thoughts of him but he can’t bring himself to do it so instead he punches Thor in the face so hard that the skin over his knuckles break and a couple tiles of the marble floor crack with the force of Thor falling.
“what was that for?” Thor groans as he props himself up on his elbows, his cheek already bruising and turning a dark red.
“go to hel” Loki spits before walking away but as he walk by Thor the latter swings his arm and Loki falls flat on his face.
Tony flinches as his own ribs and head start throbbing in pain, the two men fighting on the floor distracting everyone from Tony holding his face in pain.
He can’t look up to watch as Thor hovers over Loki and starts throwing punches, he doesn’t need to look to know because he can feel it . “you guys-“ he stops as another hit causes a wave of pain to shoot through his nose.
“wait stop” Loki begs as he notices Tony hunched over but Thor doesn’t listen, hitting Loki again and making Tony groan in pain. “Thor fucking stop!” Loki yells as he catches Thors hands. “Tony?” Loki asks in concern as he watches the man stumble, catching himself against the couch and shaking his head lightly.
“I’m fine” Tony utters but his voice shakes as he blinks quickly, Loki’s concern morphs into guilt as Tony gulps and he fights to keep his eyes open.
“Tony?” Thor’s voice shakes as he quickly gets off of Loki and walks over to the billionaire. Good thing he does because Tony eyes close and he drops, Thor catching him just before he hits the ground.
“It appears that his heart is slowing down” JARVIS says and even he sounds concerned, without missing a beat Thor picks up Tony’s limp body walking by Loki and the other Avengers who are frozen in fear, but they quickly snap out of it and follow Thor into the elevator.
“JARVIS tell the doctor there’s an emergency” Natasha says and the last thing Loki hears before they disappear behind the elevator doors is JARVIS’ smart ass replying “I already have miss Romanoff”
Loki snaps out of it once he can hear the elevator head to one of the lower levels. He sighs loudly and he runs his hand through his hair, his heart beating 100 miles an hour the complete opposite of Tony’s condition and he immediately knows it’s the bond, the bond is doing something.
Maybe it’s from the fight, or maybe Tony’s mortal body is finally giving out. Either thought makes Loki sick.
“JARVIS I’m going to use my magic” he says and before the AI can reply he disappears in green and shows up on the medical floor, quickly heading down the hall and finding them in one of the rooms.
“what the fuck?” Clint whispers as the heart monitor Tony is connected to starts to beep slower when Loki walks in.
“Move” Loki demands pushing Steve aside and without hesitantly he hivers his hands over Tony’s chest, a green light extending from his hands and covering Tony like a blanket. He focuses as hard as he can, pushing back the that voice in his head screaming at him and only stops when the warmth running through his veins fades and he hears the heart monitor beeping steadier with every second.
You’re going to kill him.
“L, what does that stand for?” Clint asks with a frown as everyone looks at the mark on Tony’s wrist, Loki wants to fucking disappear but he just gave almost all his strength to Tony.
“Loki” Thor’s voice is low as he turns his attention to his brother sitting in the uncomfortable seat “that’s a soul mark” Thor states as he marches over to his brother and Loki doesn’t even bother reacting, he’s fucking tired. Thor stops in front of him and holds out a hand “I want to see your wrist”
“No” Loki spits and tucks his hand under his arm to protect his wrist
“give me your wrist” Thor demands lowly and when Loki starts to shake his head Thor grabs his arm. Loki pulls back making Thor step forward and Loki kicks him in the stomach so hard he hears Thor wheeze.
Instead of letting go Thor pulls Loki down with him, ignoring Steve and Bruce yelling at them to stop. Loki hits the ground with a thud and he feels his muscles ache as Thor pins his hands over his head “brother please don’t” Loki begs, too tired to fight back but of course Thor ignores him like he has for the past 1000 years and pulls his sleeve down revealing the mark.
Loki sighs as he sees Thor’s face drop, the colour draining from it and Loki closes his eyes. He pants as he catches his breath and he keeps his eyes closed because he’s fucking tired and he doesn’t want to see anyone’s reaction. Doesn’t want to see the disgust and fear.
“what the hell does this mean?” Loki hears Natasha ask from his left and even if he wanted to look at her he wouldn’t be able to, his eyes so heavy he would think there’s tiny mjolnirs holding them shut and he doesn’t feel a tear fall from his eye as he slips into darkness.
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The first thing that clicked in his brain was that he needed water, his tongue was so dry, his lips cracked as he groaned and sat up only to freeze feeling all the tension in the room.
Loki was on the floor, Thor, Natasha and Steve standing near him while Bruce and Clint were standing at his bedside.
“nobody kissed me right?” he mutters only to have angry and shocked faces staring at him “what’d I do?”
Steve’s face turns cold “the mark on your wrist” Tony’s expression falls as he sees Steve look at his wrist, the mark hidden from their view thank jesus “why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“tell anyone what?” he asks innocently as he tears the wires off of his chest to avoid looking at anyone, he doesn’t want them to see his emotions.
“don’t do that not now Tony” Bruce nearly begs but Tony ignores him and jumps off the bed as he gets the last wire off, he couldn’t care for their worries or whatever they wanted to yell at him for.
“what happened?”
“your soulmate was draining your energy” Thor says lowly as he stares down at Loki.
“ah fuck” Tony grumbles and runs a hand down his face, his stomach churning and he has to repeat to himself don’t puke don’t puke don’t puke . Tony peeks through his fingers at Steve, Thor and Loki “so why is he conked out?” Tony asks, his hand dropping from his face and he ignores the pressure in his heart.
“He did something to help you” Thor says, still staring down at his brother.
“so you’re just going to leave him on the floor?” Tony hisses as he moves to help Loki “jesus you guys are assholes” he doesn’t know why he wants to help Loki, he likes helping people but this person is Loki.
Loki did help him though. Cared for him while everyone else didn’t, while they were sound asleep. Tony probably woke Loki up that night- No, Thor said that Loki sleeps during the day but, he hasn’t been, he’s been up and walking around.
“he didn’t tell-“ Steve tries to justify leaving Loki passed out on the floor like some lowlife drunk.
“I didn’t tell you either!” Tony roars making Steve and Natasha freeze, Thor looks impressed while Clint and Bruce look afraid?
Tony lets out a huff and walks over to Loki “Thor help me” Tony demands as he pulls Loki up by his arms and Loki's head falls back, Tony winces at the crack he hears but quickly forgets about it as Thor instantly is behind Loki, tucking his hands under Loki's arms and pulling him up to his feet.
“so what’d he do to help me?” Tony asks as he stands up. God Loki would not stop helping him and for what? What did Loki want?
Thor moves to one side so Tony could support the other as they bring Loki over to Tony’s previous spot on the gurney “probably gave you some of his strength, he passed out before I could ask”
Tony can’t help but ask “that isn’t dangerous?” it would fucking suck if Loki kicked the bucket before Tony could repay him for the help.
“it depends on how much of his strength he gave you”
“well how much?”
“never got to ask him” Bruce says as he moves out of the way, he did not want to be in Tony’s way when he was pissed off.
Tony groans as they finally get Loki on the gurney “all of you act like this is nothing” Tony grumbles.
“my soul is going to bond with his and what happens if we don’t fall in love?” Tony asks nobody as he fixes Loki’s leg so it’s not hanging off the bed.
“No one knows” Thor says. How bad could it be? Thor has never heard of anyone dying because they don’t love their soulmate. But then again Thor has also never heard of soulmates that didn’t love each other.
“One of us will die” Tony says lowly “I almost just did and it’s only been three weeks so what happens in three months?”
“don’t talk like that” Steve spits.
“it’s not that hard to figure out cap”
“we’ll find a-“
“ It's our souls Rogers” Tony repeats slowly to get it into Steve's thick head “you wanna make a cure for soulmates? they can’t even cure HIV, how would you cure this?” fuck, Thor and Loki don’t even know what else the bond will do so how in the fuck are they supposed to whip up a cure for this? Tony could barely stop himself from dying a couple years ago.
“Tony” Steve breathes out, obviously not wanting Tony to think like that.
“just forget about it” Tony grumbles as he walks out the door. His mind set on a drink so he goes upstairs and drinks until he can’t anymore.
He was going to die anyways.
It’s what you have wanted for years. At least this way you’ll have a meaningful death.
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cockabeetle · 5 years
Haunting, chapter 2
Ended up writing a second part
We'll see where it goes
AO3 link here,
Lev winced, waiting for the princess to yell at him. She'd frozen; stock still, eyes closed, seemingly even holding her breath. He was... waiting for her to blow up at him. For being difficult, for being useless, for failing his missions... for anything, really. Instead, after what felt like eternity but was probably only just a handful of minutes, Talia took in a breath and sat down heavily in front of him.
"Report for me, one last time." That... wasn't what he expected. He sat up a little straighter, crossing his legs properly and fixing his posture. Losing that teasing turn to his expression.
"...His majesty was controlled into believing he was freed, and I was given contact with him without knowing that. I... believed his orders overrode those of your sister, and went to Iris to follow through on them. I... thought the spy might have been her aunt, if I were being honest. Gramorr had figured out I was a spy, myself, and... when the plan with Iris failed, he killed me after I got Iris back to earth. I woke up on earth, and at first I thought he banished me here. And then I looked down, and realized I wasn't solid, and... well." Talia snorted.
"I assume you told Izira anything pertinent you found out about Gramorr or the Twins?"
"Of course I did. Praxina can't read well, by the way. She has to be given orders verbally or she won't bother learning them. I think she's got Luestum."
"Loo... what?"
"Loo-ez-tuhm. It's uh. A voltan word for when words dance around the page without a spell? It's some kind of brain problem. There are spells to cure it, but only if it's caught before you hit shanila." Talia blinks at him, before shaking her head slowly.
"Thank you. Alright. So... you died after protecting Iris? I... thank you. We..." she trails off, and Lev holds up a hand.
"You'd be lost without her, I know. You need her for the gems and to win the war and end this. I know. Plus she's..."
"Almost sickeningly sweet? The nicest Melzor you could meet?"
"Uh, no? Have you met her? She's got a worse bark than Li'l Jank! She talks so much smack, it's impressive!" Talia laughs, head thrown back. It's full-bodied and loud and <em>real</em>. Lev hasn't heard anything like it in years.
"She's a Melzor! Of course she's snappy! But... she's so startlingly nice, Little Lion. Haven't you noticed?" If he could, Lev would flush at the old nickname. He ducks his head, smiling a little.
"I guess." Talia grins at him.
"So, all we have to do is figure out what you feel you didn't accomplish. Did you have any life goals you never met? Some expectation you fell short of?" Lev blanched, head whipping up to stare at her.
"Don't be embarrassed! I can't exactly help you if you're too shy to tell me anything!"
"Oh, that's <em>real reassuring,</em> princess!"
Talia pouts at him. Lev holds firm, arms crossed, looking away. He's not going to just! Spill his secrets, his insecurities, his life's shortcomings. Hell no. Not happening. He will not just... roll over and make himself vulnerable. He's dead! He's as vulnerable as he's willing to get right now. Talia groans, and reaches out to flick his arm. It connects, but it doesn't feel like... like a touch. It feels like a jolt of magic or lightning across his skin. He jumps. Talia sticks her tongue out, clearly thinking.
"If you won't tell me, how am I supposed to help you? Don't you want to move on?" Her hair has fallen into her face, eyebrows knit together as she worries her lip between her teeth.
"I don't know, Princess. I. I don't even know what 'moving on' means! Why would I want to risk that, when this seems fine enough right now?"
"Because-!" Talia pauses, eyes flicking around to try and put words to her thoughts.
"Because if you don't move on, you'll start to wither away! Deteriorating without your magic to keep you grounded. It... it could happen so fast, on this planet... there's no ambient magic for you to pull from..." Talia trails off, hiding behind her hair now. Lev thinks.
"Well. That's not entirely true? I can sense a little magic around, coming from something that isn't you or the other princesses. And... if I skim a bit off of Iris I'm sure no one will notice. She leaks magic constantly, I could almost see it before, and now..." it's like a blazing inferno of energy around her. He'd been disgruntled and annoyed by it when he first woke up, it had been much too bright! Talia shrugged.
"That's only prolonging the inevitable, Largitio. You should be able to figure that out." She's still hiding. Lev huffs.
"Maybe it's a good idea to prolong things a bit! I can't just-!" He flounders, trying to think of a proper phrase, still a little flustered from her calling him 'treasure' in xerin. Or had she called him 'spoiled'? He's not good with that language, okay?
"I can't just open up to someone I haven't spoken to in literal years, Talia! I've spent so long keeping all of my thoughts, opinions, and plans close to my chest. You can't expect me to just... bare my heart now, when I've just died for it." Talia looks up then, still clearly insecure, but also hopeful.
"Then... we get to know each other again, and I'll figure out how to help you as we do?" She sounded so small. Lev huffs, turning away.
"Sure, whatever, let's... let's start over, Miss Imperiata." Talia gasped, offended.
"I am not bossy! Or imperious! Take that back, you snake!"
"I thought I was a lion!" He laughed, grinning as she smacked his arm, the same lightning-tingles following each brush of her hand to his arm and shoulder.
Talia groaned then, mirth lost almost as soon as it appeared. Lev didn't pout at the loss, he was just... confused.
"How am I going to keep from getting distracted around you? Auriana and Iris are going to come back soon..." Lev blinked.
"I'd have thought you'd tell them outright?"
"Well... if it were just Auriana and I, it might be something I'd bring up. But she's got a terrible track record of blabbing about my sight and acting like I'm really as creepy as those rumors said. And Iris..." Talia trails off, biting her thumbnail in thought.
"Iris might not know you died, and definitely wasn't aware you were our spy. If I brought you up... I don't know whether she'd be distraught or not. And she definitely wouldn't be happy to hear about you." Lev grumbled a little.
"You fake betray someone <em>one</em> time..."
"Loyalty is important to her, don't pretend it isn't important to you." Talia frowned at him. Lev frowned back.
"Isn't loyalty important to you, Princess?"
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