#when you are close to a medical professional for most of your life you become hardwired to tell that person when ur hurt or feeling off
mrs-stans · 6 hours
Sebastian Stan Talks Career Interests And His ‘A Different Man’ Film
By Jeff Conway
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Sure, you likely know him for his many Marvel film appearances as Bucky Barnes, but actor Sebastian Stan has often taken “the road less traveled” when it comes to his career, having built quite the unique repertoire of memorable performances in far less conventional films.
That observation has arguably never been more visible than with his involvement in the new A24 film, A Different Man. Written & directed by Aaron Schimberg and co-starring Adam Pearson and Renate Reinsve, it tells the story of Edward (Stan), an aspiring actor who undergoes a breakthrough medical procedure to transform his facial appearance, but soon regrets his decision when he becomes obsessed with reclaiming what he has lost.
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I sat down with Stan, Pearson and Schimberg to uncover the origin and the creative thought process that went into this new project, which is now playing in select theaters in New York and Los Angeles - nationwide come October 4. For filmmaker Schimberg, this purposefully uncomfortable narrative and the overall project hits rather close to home.
Schimberg said, “I mean, for me, it’s sort of a personal story. I have cleft palate and it’s just sort of me thinking about how it’s affected me in my life and others’ perception of me and my perception about myself. My previous film [Chained for Life] also dealt with the subject in some ways, so that’s sort of what I am always thinking about when I am starting to write a film. I was also thinking about Adam because I had worked with him previously and he played a shy character in Chained for Life, my last film, and he’s not shy at all - and yet, people I think sort of thought that he was playing himself in my movie because they sort of assumed that he must be shy. So, I was inspired to write something that was closer to who he is - taken to a comical extreme, maybe, and I wanted him to show off his range, but I also just wanted to work with him again, so these were some of the starting points.”
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Pearson, a British actor with neurofibromatosis, which is a rare genetic disorder that typically causes benign tumors of the nerves and growths in other parts of the body, went on to share what it was about A Different Man and his Oswald character that most intrigued him to want to make this his next film.
“Well, I enjoyed working with Aaron the first time, so when he said, ‘Would you consider working with me again?’ Straight away, I was like, Ding Ding! Round two - let’s rock and roll. Then the script - all the words have weight. There’s very little wasted motion in the script. The end result of the film is quite challenging and holds up a mirror to an audience. I’ve never been a fan of hand-holding or sugar-coating. I think audiences can be a lot smarter than we often give them credit for. A good film will change what you think for a couple of days, but a great film will change how you think for the rest of your life. We’re certainly trying, at least, to be in the great film business.”
With Stan not only acting in A Different Man but also an executive producer, I wondered how he has perhaps noticed his interests and priorities towards the stories that matter most to him as a professional and human being evolving as time goes on.
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Stan said, “Well, you get a little older and the questions get a little scarier. A few years ago, I just decided to kind of just be a little bit more aggressive about finding specific work that was interesting and different and kind of challenging for me than what I was getting to do. Eventually, you find yourself in conversations that are in the development of certain things and that might lead to a producing kind of aspect. I think in this [A Different Man] situation, I was involved before A24 came on, which never really happens for me. Not only because of obviously how I felt about the story and so on, I felt really brought in by Aaron and [producer] Vanessa [McDonnell] into their journey with this film and like what they were wanting to do. So, I felt a much bigger attachment than I usually do as an actor in a way.”
When it came time to film A Different Man, Stan recalls the production not having much time, which he actually found to be helpful within his producer role “because when you’re involved in some capacity beyond acting, sometimes you can kind of go, Hey, let’s continue shooting or something. You can help add more to the making of it in some capacity and that was big for us, given our time - that we didn’t have a lot of time.”
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In fact, during one particular scene in the film, Stan remembers while everybody else was wrapping up the production trucks for the night, he decided to head out on the streets of New York City with his A Different Man director of photography Wyatt Garfield and Schimberg to grab additional footage. “I just kind of took one of his other little cameras and then we started going up and down Columbus Avenue. It was Friday night and we just got all these shots. Maybe you don’t always get to do that, so that was helpful.”
As I began to conclude my conversation with these three gentlemen, I wondered what Pearson and Stan would say to their A Different Man characters, Oswald and Edward, after seeing their stories play out on-screen and understanding their wants out of life.
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Pearson said, “I’d be like to Oswald, Maybe turn it down a little bit. Be nicer to [Stan’s character Edward] because he might not say it, but he loves you and he needs you right now.”
As for the message Stan would tell Edward, he said, “Listen to me! I’m here - I’m telling you. I don’t know how I feel about this. Just hear me out.”
He then added: “It’s very interesting because we all have these moments in life, big or small, where you make a decision or you even say something because you’re with other people or you’re supposed to say something the right way, but you know your reaction in the moment or the decision you’re making is not what your gut is like really telling you. Then, you feel kind of like you’ve abandoned yourself, but then you just quickly deny that - that can kind of like spiral down. We’ve all kind of not owned certain things in the moment and that’s sort of what happens. He kind of drowns out that voice.”
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arkhavens · 2 years
i see the fandom wide "obi-wan avoids medbay like its an olympic sport", and i raise you "obi-wan goes to medbay immediately after every single mission specifically because hes been conditioned to by bant's incredible willingness to hunt him down and drag him there if he doesnt"
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pucksandpower · 8 months
Lessons in Anatomy
Charles Leclerc x medical student!Reader
Summary: studying can be hard … good thing your boyfriend is more than happy to let you get some hands-on experience
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You let out a heavy sigh as you flip through the anatomy textbook in front of you. As a first year medical student, you’ve been spending most late nights recently trying to memorize every muscle, nerve, and blood vessel in the human body.
Lately you’ve been completely absorbed in learning about the upper limbs — the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers — and it’s all starting to blend together.
Closing the textbook, you stand up and stretch your arms above your head, feeling the pull in your deltoids and biceps. You’ve read so much about the muscles, it might help to actually palpate and feel where they are on your own body.
You lift your right arm out to the side until it’s parallel with the floor, palm facing down. Gently, you place your left hand on your right deltoid and feel the round contour of the muscle. You trace your fingertips along the borders, visualizing how the muscle attaches on the humerus bone.
“What are you doing?”
You jump at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice behind you. Lost in thought, you didn’t hear him come home.
“Oh, I’m just, uh, palpating my deltoid muscle,” you say sheepishly as you drop your arm back to your side. “Trying to get a feel for where the muscles actually are.”
Charles grins, his bright green eyes twinkling with amusement at finding you in such an odd pose. “My talented girlfriend, always studying so hard,” he says.
You can’t help but smile back at him. The two of you met in school years ago, long before Charles became an F1 driver and your life became a whirlwind of travel, media attention, and hardly getting to see each other when coupled with your own studies. Moments like this — relaxed, easy, normal — have become few and far between.
Charles walks over to you and surprises you by taking your hand and placing it onto his upper arm.
“Here, feel mine instead so you don’t have to contort yourself,” he offers. “I’ll be your anatomy model.”
You laugh lightly and begin palpating the hard, defined muscles of his arm through his thin t-shirt. You locate the boundaries of his deltoid, impressed by the athletic development.
“Very nice delts,” you say teasingly.
“Why thank you, I work out sometimes,” Charles replies with a cheeky wink.
You roll your eyes but can’t hide your smile. His playful arrogance is one of the things you love most about him.
Slowly, you map out the contours of his shoulder, mentally labeling the muscles — supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor. Charles watches your focused expression with affection.
“How’s it going so far?” He asks. “Am I a good model?”
“Mmhmm,” you murmur absently, engrossed in your exploration.
You move down his arm, wrapping your hands gently around his biceps. You note the two distinct heads of the muscle.
“Can you flex for me?” You ask professionally.
Charles obliges, flexing his bicep and causing it to bulge up under your hands.
“Excellent, thank you,” you say, impressed by the muscle definition. Your fingers drift down his arm to his forearm, tracing the brachioradialis.
You are hyperaware of Charles’ eyes following your every movement. There’s an intimacy to having your hands on him like this that makes your heart beat faster. You try to remain focused, but with him standing so close, his warmth radiating onto you, it’s difficult to think clinically.
When you take his hand in yours, turning it palm up to examine the tendons along his wrist and fingers, you’re struck by its elegant beauty.
His hands may spend most days encased in racing gloves, but they still hold such graceful strength and capability. You find yourself tenderly tracing along the lines of his palm, the indentation at the base of each finger.
You look up to see Charles watching you, his expression soft and affectionate. Impulsively, you lift his hand to your lips and place a kiss along his knuckles. His eyes widen slightly in surprise before he smiles.
“I don’t think that’s part of the medical curriculum,” he says, his voice low.
You grin. “Just conducting some independent research.”
Charles lifts his other hand to lightly trace his fingertips along your jawline, leaving a trail of tingles along your skin.
“Well in that case, I think you need to continue your in-depth examination,” he murmurs.
Your pulse quickens as his fingers trail down your neck and along your collarbone. Gently, he turns you around so your back is to him and sweeps your hair over one shoulder. You shiver pleasantly at the feeling of his hands gliding along the slopes of your shoulders.
“It’s important to know the trapezius muscle,” he says close to your ear. His fingers skim down from the base of your neck, tracing the borders of the trapezius down toward your shoulder blades. You close your eyes, focusing on the sensation.
“Mmm yes, very important,” you breathe.
His hands span across your upper back, gently kneading into the muscle. You let out an appreciative sigh, the tension you’ve been carrying in your back dissolving under his touch.
Charles places a kiss to the curve of your neck as his hands work their way down your spine, counting each vertebrae.
“The vertebral column is quite elegant, don’t you think?” He murmurs against your skin. You hum in agreement, eyes still closed.
When his hands come to rest just above your waist, your breath catches in anticipation. His touch is driving you crazy but you don’t want him to stop.
Slowly, he slides his hands around your waist to your stomach, splaying his fingers possessively across your abdomen. He pulls your back against his chest until no space remains between you.
“How am I doing as your study partner?” He asks, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
“Mmm, top of the class,” you reply a little breathlessly.
He grins against your skin. “Maybe we should move this study session somewhere more comfortable.”
You turn around to face him, draping your arms lazily around his neck. “I’ll have to clear my schedule. My boyfriend’s this really busy, important Formula 1 driver, you know.”
Charles smiles, leaning in close until his nose brushes yours. “I think he can make time for you.”
He closes the remaining distance, bringing his mouth to yours in a kiss that curls your toes. You melt into him, all thoughts of anatomy and studying dissolving from your mind.
In this moment, it’s just the two of you, wrapped up in each other. The chaos of life fades away and you’re reminded why you endure the challenges of his demanding career.
Because at the end of the day, you have this — your love, steadfast and true. The rest of the world falls away and you’re home.
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ᰋ  ׅ࣪   ꒰  pac reading detailed ♡︎ the realistic energy of your future spouse, who are they for real?  ꒱ 
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01. 02. 03.
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keep in mind that the physical appearance is collective one and it may indicates that not all the parts is totally alike of them which is based on the reading. it may tell you as well that there are some of parts of them from the description that is closely similar for your future spouse's physical attributes for example, the nose, eyes, moles, skin color, height or freckles.
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1.) physical appearance
you get the impression that this person is a hem and haw. a pair of brown eyes that resemble almonds, eagerly watch over the wilderness they've long guarded. their coffee-colored, fine and a short-straight hair that's styled in a way that makes you think from the eras 1900, combed perfectly at the back which is revealing their sad and bony face. a body that's in between of curved, lean and mascular types despite having that type of body they will tower the rest of people around them. a skin complexion which is in the light tones. they have long fingers and a big full mouth while most of their clothes are professional.
some freckles spread mesmerizingly around their nose and cheekbones, leaving charming memories of their happy childhood. this is them, your future spouse - a true romantic (dreamer) among the rest. perhaps of maybe having an unhappy moments and hurtful past or maybe it's just a sense of security towards others, there's something misleading about them from people, perhaps it's their sense of humor or perhaps it's simply their kindness. but nonetheless, people ask them favors and tend to wish to get to know them better, while trying to avoid and secretly training to become more like them.
2.) positives
protective, tough, knows how to stand on their own ground, charismatic, great decision maker, optimistic, the best planner, have a great childhood memories, not easily to get fooled, sociable, suave, a trustworthy, loves unique people, liberal, knows how to appreciate the richness whether it's big or small, broad-minded, friendly, looking for true love and soulmates, good communicator and consistent.
3.) negatives
feels detached easily when they don't get the attention they want, inner sadness(/sadistic), felt inexperience, likes to stick around probably 24/7 (super clingy), immature, over critical, fanatical, doesn't take care their health most of the time, restricting themselves to achieve more, prefer to live in a rose-colored glasses but may lack of action to do it, careless and maybe someone who is lack of discipline.
4. love/dating history
considering this individual values sincere love. most of the time, they flirt as well as having flings but usually thinking they'd like to get settled down with someone who is right for them. they usually refer and more preoccupied with their own self-improvement and less about their own romantic life right now. they possess the ability of realistic love and person and if they stumble upon the right one, they think their prayer have been answered. they are willing to sacrifice everything for the person of their dreams, their devotion, their exceptionally high lifestyle, along with everything they were entitled to, nevertheless the chronology of every single one of the aforementioned actions are somewhat a sign that you ought to shower your love on them.
5.) career and money
they akin to having to work solo almost all their times, and therefore can be recognized pros. someone who makes greater than the bare minimum amount of salary. they were able to function in any of the areas that follow: animal care, the dental profession, guiding people, medical professionals, or in general, someone who looks after the mental well-being of others, which might involve a psychologist, psychiatrist, or simply any mental healthcare worker, writing and reading, and defending people from harm. they prefer to develop their own money by means of their own hard work and hands.
6.) home life, family and friends
they feel playful around it. from their household life to their companions. they genuinely closed with a manly vitality here, your future companion highlights a gigantic respect for this person maybe they can be a parent of them. and besides i picking up here that they customarily feel an entire person with all of these people, they genuinely appreciate being included by these individuals. they maybe born in a family which is able as of presently fulfill a money related security. their household life and people who included them in their presence are outstandingly optimistic, they can genuinely depend with these people when it comes looking at their personal issues and circumstances since these individuals are unfaltering and reasonable. the only issue is that this person really don't slant toward sharing it with others since they don't want to be called as "weak". so they as frequently as conceivable allowed themselves to discussion various negatives alone. they can be an only child person or maybe they belong to a family where children are opposite-s x like they conceivably feminine or masculine among their kinfolk. it can be that this person has one companion or they are regularly meet or surrounded by unused people that they may not considered buddies at all.
a channeled song dedicated to you from them based on your future energy "foolish heart" by steve perry.
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🐰ada says: "I picked up 2 different energies from this pile, one is masculine and the other one is feminine."
1.) physical appearance
1.1 if they were masculine
standing 5'9 tall, this red-brown skinned person has a moody feel about them, their short, brown hair, currently dip-dyed half way with shades of blue or orange, is neatly braided. they have a short goatee/mustache that is a shade browner than their hair. they might even have a messy beard. they have slender hands, spindly legs, straight hips, and average-sized feet, they have multiple tattoos on their lower legs, neck, right foot, hands, stomach or upper back. they have big, hazel eyes, a flat-wide nose and smooth cheeks, if they were someone who wears make up, they wear an obvious foundation, light eyeliner, subtle blush and light eyeshadow, they look eternal. they often wear masculine clothes that are mostly light-coloured, they are usually seen wearing a certain style of kerchief.
1.2 if they were feminine
they have a wide shoulders, this brown skinned person has a very worldly feel about them, and they have a distinctive mark on their right leg which causes offense if they are asked about it. their perm, black hair is very short. they have mysterious, large, light brown eyes, a long face and very thin lips, large hands, small feet and muscular legs. they have a uniquely styled and they are usually seen wearing a traditional jacket.
2.) positives
casual to every people they encounter, generous, charming. free-spirit, sociable, honest, trustworthy, very private person, believe that everyone is not perfect and usually make mistakes, loves to bring joy, knows how to take care of themselves, doesn't use much of social media, they know how to protect their inner peace, independent, know how to debate, luck is on their side always, smart, learn from their mistakes to re-learn and someone who is educated.
3.) negatives
hot-headed sometimes, not really committed about someone and something, way to blunt, cold, obsessive/possessive, hold grudges, maybe someone who has an addction, may like to control other people, may like to party a lot, kinda feel lonely sometimes, sexu I?(maybe this one is neutral), may act most of the time being unconcern, heartbreaker, can be bitter about their past, way to logic, they have dark side that won't tell to other people or might be with neither you and most of the time they follow their head rather than their heart.
4.) love/dating history
your future life partner may had one partner some time recently, your future companion is somebody who may be from a long-term commitment or somebody who is separate from their partner before assembly you. they possibly have a child with this individual or arranging to have one with them. there's a genuine strife that has been happen with this individual which can lead their relationship to ended up a toxic way. this individual is giving me, a really overwhelming vitality, exceptionally dull. it also looks like adore is so favorable for them, they get what they needed for a accomplice. but within the conclusion, indeed in spite of the fact that this two individuals chosen to part up, they will attempt to mend each other's to begin with some time recently completely clearing out and moving absent from one and another, individuals may percieve their relationship as culminate and full of cherish but the truth is- it's not, their sentiments for each other's aren't the same as some time recently, the start is as of now gone after this two break, they gonna attempt to work for themselves and attempt to go alone as person to begin with some time recently letting. themselves to go for the another relationship.
5.) career and money
self-made. they are somebody who utilized to have different occupations to bolster themselves fiscally. they are skilled and somebody who is able to rapidly get a handle on modern concepts, they can offer sand in desert, that's how great your future life partner or future spouse are, they can be somebody in the field of I.T analyst, medical treatment and field, bodyguard, actor, art trading areas, artist, musician, singer, commerce examiner, judge, business analysis and somebody who works in promoting and craftsmanship exchanging ranges. anything or what kind of work they closes with, it bringing them up into the highlight or spotlight, victory and triumph is made out from their claim hardwork, individuals at their work calling them frequently for help or simply adore how they work, they will be reliable at their work and they aren't narrow minded when it comes to cash or maybe on the off chance that they think there's surfeit almost it, they ordinarily giving or giving it to others. they aren't that much centering on their accounts and money but they know they come to this solidness they accomplishing for themselves for financial, they aren't centering much on their cashes since they appreciate living the minute, after all, this individual accept "money can't purchase happiness",
6.) home life, family and friends
i think this individual doesn't have kin at all and possibly they were only child but they do have numerous companions and connection. they ordinarily amicable individual and likes to form association with individuals. they appreciate their social life and they kinda ruined as well from their guardians when they were a kid but i think it's gone when they gotten to be grown-up. they guardians adore them exceptionally much and they appreciate that kind of cherish they've encountering from their domestic and social life, they think they are the foremost fortunate individual. well, little things makes them upbeat presently not at all like some time recently. they may live in a house which is outlined and great for atleast 3-4 family individuals, with two rooms. this house can be colored in white, gold and green.
a channeled song dedicated to you from them based on your future energy "your still the one" by shaina twain.
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1.) physical appearance
a fine, lived-in face is revealed by a tight pulled ponytail. they have light tones greasy hair. this native, you gonna felt at home with for so long are guarded by bloodshot light earthy colored eyes that are securely anchored in their sockets, an enormous ears, extremely flimsy lips and a straight nose. their eyes and hair are beautifully complemented by a glisten visual, leaving a pleasant memory of their fortunate appearance. despite of their fragile frame, they perceived themselves as everyone else. they exudes an unrestrained aura despite of being medium-tall and svelte. their special striking element is their white, shimmering teeth. they (maybe) have moles completely covering their left thigh, right hand, chest, stomach and right lower arm (anywhere in these areas). they frequently wears opulent, spectacular garments that are generally pastel-hued, golden or dark colors. they typically seen wearing an unmistakable and undeniable shroud.
2.) positives
intuitive, romantic, mysterious, sympathetic, a true leader, tidy, responsible, quite and carefully listening to what the other person sharing to them, goal-oriented, influence others in a good way, sociable, easy to get liked by many, faithful, committed, have a strong inner strength and they usually attract many admirers.
3.) negatives
blunt, argumentative whether they're wrong or right, trouble maker, self doubt, anxious, rude and bossy.
4.) love/dating history
they as often as possible discover themselves in this viewpoint while in case they gonna proceed finding adore or proceed working on their possess objectives like goals. i can say this individual is single since birth and do not really have a dating history but they drop in cherish once however they knew this love is one sided which other individual doesn't cherish them back as the way they do. i also think usually a crush that turned into love, i do have this feeling that they confessed to this individual and this person turned them down since they preferred somebody else. right presently, they attempting their best to discover and adjust between these two angles of their life (love and career) whereas attempting to figuring out what truly their reason on the earth, you might meet them through your social associations.
5.) career and money
this individual is exceptionally decided to attain their objectives to gotten to be what they needed to be, they need to win and succeed in life. truly, they will accomplish much advance in their career life and will have flexibility from obligation and will be able to achieve security and steadiness. i am moreover figuring out that after marriage, the money will bloom and will accomplish more. fair an counsel for you to not spend as well much of all their cash since they worked difficult for it and it is no joke the work they put in for this security to realize. they may be from a family that incorporates a huge trade running or fair basically a family part of a proficient (a big family business). anticipate that individual to be proficient, they may be somebody who works as a chef, specialist, ceo, attorney, property speculator, genuine domain proprietor and fire fighter or firewoman.
6.) home life, family and friends
i knew it. they are from a family that appears proficient, they are ordinarily private and share as it were a number of viewpoints of their life with others. their family claims tons of properties but as i'm getting here, they may be living within the farmland. they live in a reviving house with their family, i too think that they met companions since of schools and with their family associations. they might do sports at school and it's so well known. i too think that their family itself is well-known in their community, as i talk here, perhaps their guardians have a part of associations and engagement with other greater individuals. they sentiments appears distant absent from their family, they might see these individuals scarcely or most exceedingly bad few times in a month. when we talk about their guardians, they are strict, rules and routines individuals.
a channeled song dedicated to you from them based on your future energy "all i ever need" by austin mahone.
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© thecelestialperiwinkle
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nocturniashifter · 1 month
𝓦hat is your friendships like in your dr? | pick a pile
Hello, my angels! After a long time without posting any PAP, here I am. I really hope you like it and that it resonates with you ;) ♡
┈─★ Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken seriously or used as a substitute for medical and professional advice. It's also a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you.
┈─★ How to choose: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the image that catches your attention the most – trust your intuition.
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── .✦ PILE 1
Shufflemancy: Hippies - flipturn, Picture Frames - rei brown, Knight - Maddox, I Love You But I Need Another Year - Liza Anne, Persephone - The Tragic Thrills.
It's funny because from the first moment you started your friendship, you and your friends are “the weird ones” together – you might have a more alternative style or you just don't fit into the boxes that society tries to put you in/don't follow the expectations that society imposes on you.
In your friendship, you accept and love each other exactly as you are and since there is no judgement, you can let your weirder sides out because there is this safe space in your relationship lol. But although you may be judged as “the weird one” by other people or even by yourself jokingly, your friendship is very beautiful!
You really are there for each other whenever one of you needs. If one of you is going through dark periods in life, the other will not abandon you in those difficult times and will reach out to help as much as they can – you are like each other's knights in armor. I say this not only metaphorically, but for those who are shifting into a DR that involves a lot of action and is more dangerous, your friends will really be there to protect you because they want to keep you safe. They would even risk their lives for you if necessary – and they wouldn't do that for just anyone but you. It's so cute, you are always in their hearts 😔💗
You and your friends really love each other. But, one of you is facing mental health problems – you may not even have a diagnosis yet because this person is avoiding therapy, if it's you go now or I'll pull your foot when you're sleeping 🤨 – and you don't want to become a burden to the other person in friendship.
Because of this, this person who is facing this problem may end up distancing themselves from other people because they don't want to drag them into this situation even if all they want is for someone to be present in their life supporting them during this difficult time. Be there for that person just like they were there for you when the world was falling apart.
Demonstrate through words and actions that you care about that person's well-being and encourage them to seek profissional help because it will be beneficial for them - and if you are the one going through this, be there for yourself, take care of yourself and, above all, seek professional help. Know that, regardless of what happens, your friends love you very much and will always be here for you – when the world is falling apart or when everything is fine.
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── .✦ PILE 2
Shufflemancy: Five Foot Tree - Flannel Graph, She Sings in the Morning - Pierce The Veil, The Fall - half•alive, What the Heck - Tried to run away, Ultimately - khai dreams.
Your friendship is so beautiful, pile 2! Your friends love you so much that if they could, they would take away all the suffering you have and leave you with only the best that life has to offer.
Your friends may think that they don't have many material things to offer you, but they give themselves completely to you and hope that that is enough.
In your friendship, your friends are not the type of people who tell you what you want to hear – no, on the contrary, they tell you what you need and often give you reality checks or make you wake up/open your eyes for a certain situation that you weren't seeing things right or lying to yourself, but they do it for your good.
Due to negative experiences in previous relationships – whether platonic or romantic – you or your friends have developed trust issues and therefore do not feel safe opening their hearts and being vulnerable with other people for fear of being stabbed in the back like It's happened other times. But, it seems that little by little you or your friends are learning to open your hearts, to share your thoughts and ideas and to trust each other despite the fears and insecurities you feel and that is very good.
You're the kind of friends who can talk about literally any topic or sometimes just make small talk – one moment you can be talking about the silliest, most idiotic things, making jokes, and the next moment you're having deep conversations about serious and important topics.
You and your friends are learning and growing together over time and through your experiences. You love and accept each other exactly as you are – including all your flaws. When you make a mistake, you admit it and always do your best to keep your friendship working. You support each other, care for each other, respect each other and generally bring out the best versions of each other. This is very beautiful, pile 2!
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── .✦ PILE 3
Shufflemancy: Corpses - Saint Sisters, Cocoa Hooves - Glass Animal, To Love Someone Else - Avery Lynch, Tesselation - Mild High Club, new skin - VÉRITE.
You and your friends have more than just a friendship. Your friendship goes far beyond that: you are each other's family and you are truly there for each other in the worst and best moments you face in your lives.
Your friendship is so strong that you will spend your entire life by each other's side and will remain friends until old age. You've been through a lot together and will continue to be by each other's side whenever one of you needs it, until death.
Just like in pile 2, you or your friends have difficulty opening up due to negative experiences in previous relationships – be it trust issues, fear of judgement, fear of rejection or their own insecurities – and may end up trying hide parts of yourself. But all this effort to try to hide who you really are is in vain, because your friends can clearly see through you.
As I mentioned earlier, your bond is so strong that your friendship will last until old age and your friends know you better than you know yourself, so there is no need to try to be someone you are not because they love you exactly as you are. It is. Your friends really love you and you make them feel great, so stop thinking you're not enough.
For some of you reading this pile, one of these friends is your s/o and they really love you but they need to keep it a secret because they don't know if you reciprocate their romantic feelings and they're afraid of rejection or ruining their friendship with you.
Although you and your friends have many things in common, you are still completely different people who share world views that are not the same as the other person – and in your friendship this is not a problem, on the contrary, you end up learning a lot with the other person, gaining new perspectives and experiences. You take yourself out of your comfort zone and, thanks to you, your friends feel like they are different people than they were before and even better.
That was all, everyone! I hope y'all liked it. Until the next PAP! ♡
© nocturniashifter – don't copy, redistribute or edit my content | dividers
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ᰋ  ׅ࣪   ꒰  pac reading detailed ♡︎ the realistic energy of your future spouse, who are they for real?  ꒱ 
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01. 02. 03.
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♡tarot commission♡
keep in mind that the physical appearance is collective one and it may indicates that not all the parts is totally alike of them which is based on the reading. it may tell you as well that there are some of parts of them from the description that is closely similar for your future spouse's physical attributes for example, the nose, eyes, moles, skin color, height or freckles.
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1.) physical appearance
you get the impression that this person is a hem and haw. a pair of brown eyes that resemble almonds, eagerly watch over the wilderness they've long guarded. their coffee-colored, fine and a short-straight hair that's styled in a way that makes you think from the eras 1900, combed perfectly at the back which is revealing their sad and bony face. a body that's in between of curved, lean and mascular types despite having that type of body they will tower the rest of people around them. a skin complexion which is in the light tones. they have long fingers and a big full mouth while most of their clothes are professional.
some freckles spread mesmerizingly around their nose and cheekbones, leaving charming memories of their happy childhood. this is them, your future spouse - a true romantic (dreamer) among the rest. perhaps of maybe having an unhappy moments and hurtful past or maybe it's just a sense of security towards others. there's something misleading about them from people, perhaps it's their sense of humor or perhaps it's simply their kindness. but nonetheless, people ask them favors and tend to wish to get to know them better, while trying to avoid and secretly training to become more like them.
2.) positives
protective, tough, knows how to stand on their own ground, charismatic, great decision maker, optimistic, the best planner, have a great childhood memories, not easily to get fooled, sociable, suave, a trustworthy, loves unique people, liberal, knows how to appreciate the richness whether it's big or small, broad-minded, friendly, looking for true love and soulmates, good communicator and consistent.
3.) negatives
feels detached easily when they don't get the attention they want, inner sadness(/sadistic), felt inexperience, likes to stick around probably 24/7 (super clingy), immature, over critical, fanatical, doesn't take care their health most of the time, restricting themselves to achieve more, prefer to live in a rose-colored glasses but may lack of action to do it, careless and maybe someone who is lack of discipline.
4. love/dating history
considering this individual values sincere love. most of the time, they flirt as well as having flings but usually thinking they'd like to get settled down with someone who is right for them. they usually refer and more preoccupied with their own self-improvement and less about their own romantic life right now. they possess the ability of realistic love and person and if they stumble upon the right one, they think their prayer have been answered. they are willing to sacrifice everything for the person of their dreams, their devotion, their exceptionally high lifestyle, along with everything they were entitled to. nevertheless the chronology of every single one of the aforementioned actions are somewhat a sign that you ought to shower your love on them.
5.) career and money
they akin to having to work solo almost all their times, and therefore can be recognized pros. someone who makes greater than the bare minimum amount of salary. they were able to function in any of the areas that follow: animal care, the dental profession, guiding people, medical professionals, or in general, someone who looks after the mental well-being of others, which might involve a psychologist, psychiatrist, or simply any mental healthcare worker, writing and reading, and defending people from harm. they prefer to develop their own money by means of their own hard work and hands.
6.) home life, family and friends
they feel playful around it. from their household life to their companions. they genuinely closed with a manly vitality here, your future companion highlights a gigantic respect for this person maybe they can be a parent of them. and besides i picking up here that they customarily feel an entire person with all of these people, they genuinely appreciate being included by these individuals. they maybe born in a family which is able as of presently fulfill a money related security. their household life and people who included them in their presence are outstandingly optimistic, they can genuinely depend with these people when it comes looking at their personal issues and circumstances since these individuals are unfaltering and reasonable. the only issue is that this person really don't slant toward sharing it with others since they don't want to be called as ''weak''. so they as frequently as conceivable allowed themselves to discussion various negatives alone. they can be an only child person or maybe they belong to a family where children are opposite-s💗x like they conceivably feminine or masculine among their kinfolk. it can be that this person has one companion or they are regularly meet or surrounded by unused people that they may not considered buddies at all. 
a channeled song dedicated to you from them based on your future energy ‘‘foolish heart’’ by steve perry.
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🐰ada says: ‘‘i picked up 2 different energies from this pile, one is masculine and the other one is feminine.’’
1.) physical appearance
1.1 if they were masculine
standing 5'9 tall, this red-brown skinned person has a moody feel about them. their short, brown hair, currently dip-dyed half way with shades of blue or orange, is neatly braided. they have a short goatee/mustache that is a shade browner than their hair. they might even have a messy beard.
they have slender hands, spindly legs, straight hips, and average-sized feet. they have multiple tattoos on their lower legs, neck, right foot, hands, stomach or upper back.
they have big, hazel eyes, a flat-wide nose and smooth cheeks. if they were someone who wears make up, they wear an obvious foundation, light eyeliner, subtle blush and light eyeshadow. they look eternal. they often wear masculine clothes that are mostly light-coloured. they are usually seen wearing a certain style of kerchief.
1.2 if they were feminine
they have a wide shoulders, this brown skinned person has a very worldly feel about them, and they have a distinctive mark on their right leg which causes offense if they are asked about it. their perm, black hair is very short.
they have mysterious, large, light brown eyes, a long face and very thin lips, large hands, small feet and muscular legs. they have a uniquely styled and they are usually seen wearing a traditional jacket.
2.) positives
casual to every people they encounter, generous, charming, free-spirit, sociable, honest, trustworthy, very private person, believe that everyone is not perfect and usually make mistakes, loves to bring joy, knows how to take care of themselves, doesn't use much of social media, they know how to protect their inner peace, independent, know how to debate, luck is on their side always, smart, learn from their mistakes to re-learn and someone who is educated.
3.) negatives
hot-headed sometimes, not really committed about someone and something, way to blunt, cold, obsessive/possessive, hold grudges, maybe someone who has an addction, may like to control other people, may like to party a lot, kinda feel lonely sometimes, sexu💗l?(maybe this one is neutral), may act most of the time being unconcern, heartbreaker, can be bitter about their past, way to logic, they have dark side that won't tell to other people or might be with neither you and most of the time they follow their head rather than their heart.
4.) love/dating history
your future life partner may had one partner some time recently. your future companion is somebody who may be from a long-term commitment or somebody who is separate from their partner before assembly you. they possibly have a child with this individual or arranging to have one with them. there's a genuine strife that has been happen with this individual which can lead their relationship to ended up a toxic way. this individual is giving me, a really overwhelming vitality, exceptionally dull. it also looks like adore is so favorable for them, they get what they needed for a accomplice. but within the conclusion, indeed in spite of the fact that this two individuals chosen to part up, they will attempt to mend each other's to begin with some time recently completely clearing out and moving absent from one and another. individuals may percieve their relationship as culminate and full of cherish but the truth is– it's not, their sentiments for each other's aren't the same as some time recently, the start is as of now gone after this two break, they gonna attempt to work for themselves and attempt to go alone as person to begin with some time recently letting themselves to go for the another relationship.
5.) career and money
self-made. they are somebody who utilized to have different occupations to bolster themselves fiscally. they are skilled and somebody who is able to rapidly get a handle on modern concepts. they can offer sand in desert, that's how great your future life partner or future spouse are. they can be somebody in the field of I.T analyst, medical treatment and field, bodyguard, actor, art trading areas, artist, musician, singer, commerce examiner, judge, business analysis and somebody who works in promoting and craftsmanship exchanging ranges. anything or what kind of work they closes with, it bringing them up into the highlight or spotlight, victory and triumph is made out from their claim hardwork. individuals at their work calling them frequently for help or simply adore how they work. they will be reliable at their work and they aren't narrow minded when it comes to cash or maybe on the off chance that they think there's surfeit almost it, they ordinarily giving or giving it to others. they aren't that much centering on their accounts and money but they know they come to this solidness they accomplishing for themselves for financial. they aren't centering much on their cashes since they appreciate living the minute, after all, this individual accept ‘‘money can't purchase happiness’’.
6.) home life, family and friends
i think this individual doesn't have kin at all and possibly they were only child but they do have numerous companions and connection. they ordinarily amicable individual and likes to form association with individuals. they appreciate their social life and they kinda ruined as well from their guardians when they were a kid but i think it's gone when they gotten to be grown-up. they guardians adore them exceptionally much and they appreciate that kind of cherish they've encountering from their domestic and social life, they think they are the foremost fortunate individual. well, little things makes them upbeat presently not at all like some time recently. they may live in a house which is outlined and great for atleast 3-4 family individuals, with two rooms. this house can be colored in white, gold and green.
a channeled song dedicated to you from them based on your future energy ‘‘your still the one’’ by shaina twain.
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1.) physical appearance
a fine, lived-in face is revealed by a tight pulled ponytail. they have light tones greasy hair. this native, you gonna felt at home with for so long are guarded by bloodshot light earthy colored eyes that are securely anchored in their sockets, an enormous ears, extremely flimsy lips and a straight nose. their eyes and hair are beautifully complemented by a glisten visual, leaving a pleasant memory of their fortunate appearance. despite of their fragile frame, they perceived themselves as everyone else. they exudes an unrestrained aura despite of being medium-tall and svelte. their special striking element is their white, shimmering teeth. they (maybe) have moles completely covering their left thigh, right hand, chest, stomach and right lower arm (anywhere in these areas). they frequently wears opulent, spectacular garments that are generally pastel-hued, golden or dark colors. they typically seen wearing an unmistakable and undeniable shroud.
2.) positives
intuitive, romantic, mysterious, sympathetic, a true leader, tidy, responsible, quite and carefully listening to what the other person sharing to them, goal-oriented, influence others in a good way, sociable, easy to get liked by many, faithful, committed, have a strong inner strength and they usually attract many admirers.
3.) negatives
blunt, argumentative whether they're wrong or right, trouble maker, self doubt, anxious, rude and bossy.
4.) love/dating history
they as often as possible discover themselves in this viewpoint while in case they gonna proceed finding adore or proceed working on their possess objectives like goals. i can say this individual is single since birth and do not really have a dating history but they drop in cherish once however they knew this love is one sided which other individual doesn't cherish them back as the way they do. i also think usually a crush that turned into love, i do have this feeling that they confessed to this individual and this person turned them down since they preferred somebody else. right presently, they attempting their best to discover and adjust between these two angles of their life(love and career) whereas attempting to figuring out what truly their reason on the earth. you might meet them through your social associations.
5.) career and money
this individual is exceptionally decided to attain their objectives to gotten to be what they needed to be, they need to win and succeed in life. truly, they will accomplish much advance in their career life and will have flexibility from obligation and will be able to achieve security and steadiness. i am moreover figuring out that after marriage, the money will bloom and will accomplish more. fair an counsel for you to not spend as well much of all their cash since they worked difficult for it and it is no joke the work they put in for this security to realize. they may be from a family that incorporates a huge trade running or fair basically a family part of a proficient (a big family business). anticipate that individual to be proficient, they may be somebody who works as a chef, specialist, ceo, attorney, property speculator, genuine domain proprietor and fire fighter or firewoman.
6.) home life, family and friends
i knew it. they are from a family that appears proficient, they are ordinarily private and share as it were a number of viewpoints of their life with others. their family claims tons of properties but as i'm getting here, they may be living within the farmland. they live in a reviving house with their family, i too think that they met companions since of schools and with their family associations. they might do sports at school and it's so well known. i too think that their family itself is well-known in their community, as i talk here, perhaps their guardians have a part of associations and engagement with other greater individuals. they sentiments appears distant absent from their family, they might see these individuals scarcely or most exceedingly bad few times in a month. when we talk about their guardians, they are strict, rules and routines individuals.
a channeled song dedicated to you from them based on your future energy ‘‘all i ever need’’ by austin mahone.
© thecelestialperiwinkle
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readychilledwine · 8 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
If you're looking to add danger to your sex life, look no further.
Erotic asphyxiation, or breath play, is one of the most dangerous kinks in the BDSM community. Breathplay is the act of cutting off air supply during sex with the goal of achieving a more intense orgasm. There's mild forms of breathplay (hand or elbow around throat, closing partner's nose off during oral), less mild (forcing head into pillows or objects, hoods specifically designed for breathplay), to extreme (use of plastic wrap or plastic bags, waterboarding, forcing your partner's head into a body of water) and none of them are 100% safe.
Breathplay is dangerous for anyone, but if you have an underlying health condition, especially one involving your heart or lungs, it's best to possibly avoid this form of play. You can enjoy a hand necklace without the pressure, don't worry.
This form of kink play is not recommended by any medical professional nor sex therapists.
Please play safely💜
💕Peep the Valentine's Day list here💕
As always, NSFW below cut.
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Rowan Whitethorn x Reader
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Warnings - I picture Rowan as a mean daddy dom with a masochistic streak, oral m receiving, p in v, reader passes out, references to her being passed around the Cadre, references to forced submission, hints of degradtion, unedited because I was running a little behind today 🫣
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Rowan’s head fell back, a soft grunt falling from his lips as he seated himself all way into your throat. One hand had you back the back of your neck, forcing you where he wanted you for as long as he wanted you.
Breathing was becoming difficult, vision blurring slightly as you did everything you could to take a deep breath with your air way constricted the way it was. “Struggling whore?” You felt yourself clench at his words, at the deep graveled tone of his voice.
Rowan was never gentle with you. He was strict, demanding, and a masochist. He enjoyed watching you struggle, seeing you in pain and begging. He loved watching you cry as he pounded into you withholding orgasm after orgasm until you were so over stimulated you could do nothing but lay there, pliant to his pleasure.
You knew he cared for you, but you were his small fraction of peace in this fucked up world. One he so desperately was fighting tooth and nail to make better.
You weren't a warrior, you weren't blessed with healing magic. You were just a simple fae female. Well, as simple as a female capable of shifting into any form could be.
You were his spy. A spy damn near useless for anything but scouting, but still a spy.
Besides, he found use for you. So many uses actually.
His personal lap pet.
His personal whore.
His personal toy he could loan out to his brothers when they needed stress relief.
Right now, though, your biggest use was being his.
He pulled out slightly, grip on the sides of your neck tightening as his other hand came to hold your nose shut. “If you are struggling this early, how am I supposed to have fun with you?” The lack of air was getting to you. You knew you could tap his leg twice, and it would stop, but you wanted to desperately please him, to be of service. “Such an eager slut. You are lucky I can tell you need to breathe, y/n.” He pulled out completely, letting go of your nose. He forced you up, hand moving to the front of your throat as you gasped for air.
Precious life giving air.
He pulled you to his lips, a messy harsh kiss cutting air back off for a second as his grip tightened again.
This wasn't fully what you had in mind when he said he wanted to try something new, something Fenrys told them he had tried recently.
You would have to talk to the wolf about his reckless endangerment of himself later.
Rowan turned you, letting go long enough to force you down on the bed, forcing you hips up slightly. “Such a pretty cunt,” he slapped your core, watching in sadistic glee as as you screamed and wiggled, wetness now spreading and dripping. “All mine, isn't she?” He shoved your head into the pillow, forcing you into shocked silence.
Forcing you to be unable to answer him. “I asked you a question. Is this pussy mine?” You could hear the smirk in his voice, hear him planning on how he'd punish you.
You felt the slaps land. Three consecutive slaps right to your aching needy center.
Your moans were muffled by the pillow. You tried taking a deep breath to still your body and calm back down, but your airways were mostly blocked again.
4 more slaps came before two thick fingers plunged into you. Rowan growled behind you. “Wyrd, you are so tight. You'd like after this long we would have ruined your holes by now.” He began pulling them in and out at a blinding speed, hand still holding you in the pillows.
Your vision was going black again, mind racing as it pleaded for oxygen.
His fingers curled, and out of nowhere, an orgasm tore through you, ripping a scream of his name and the rest of the oxygen from your lungs. Rowan was silent behind you, hand moving to your hair to pull you up.
You shook your head, throat so sore and body needing air so badly you couldn't answer. You tapped the bed once, a code you normally only used when your lips were wrapped around his throat to indicate you needed him to slow down.
“I figured. You have never done that. You have never come without my permission.” Rowan removed his fingers from you, wiping them on the bed. He went behind you, holding your hips in his hands.
You knew he'd be gentle for a bit as his cock entered your soft walls slowly inch by inch. He took you slowly, a finger playing with your clit until you were calm again, body welcoming and swallowing him.
You relaxed, enjoy each roll of his hips as it sent a wave and wave of pleasure through you. Of the Cadre, he would always be your favorite. His length filled every inch of you so perfectly, so snugly, sex with him felt more like a puzzle finally finding its last piece than it did the obligation you were actually sent to them to fulfill. "Daddy," you moaned out, hips meeting his in a practiced dance. "So good, Daddy."
He groaned behind you. "I know, princess. Daddy's cock always makes you so wet." His hand found the back of your neck again. "Take a deep breath, princess."
He was pounding into you with in second, head forced back into the pillows as he did. You felt your hands curling at the sheets as you writhed moaning and crying below him.
It felt so fucking good. Better than normal, actually. It was as if your body was too lost on where to focus, fighting for air or relaxing and enjoying the way Rowan was ripping you apart.
You felt yourself becoming lightheaded, body softening. Rowan, misunderstanding, smiled, thinking you had fallen into his favorite overestimated dick drunken state. Your vision was filled with black dots, mind focusing on the sounds of him above you. Of his moans, his groans, the growls.
Rowan felt the moment he lost you, pulling himself out of you and flipping you as quickly as he could. "Fuck! Princess, I need you to come back to me," he started rubbing your sternum, eyes wide as he took in your face.
Your beautiful face where blood vessels had ruptured as your body struggled.
Struggled because of him.
He had almost killed you.
And you had almost let him.
He didn't know if he was angry, aroused by your complete trust in him, or just scared, but that first breath, that gasp you took before your body shook in his arms, tears falling. He laid you back down, hovering above your face and stroking your hair back. "Deep breath, y/n. There you go. Good girl."
You were met with light and green eyes staring down at you. "What happened?"
Rowan kissed your brow. "You did not use our fucking safe word or tap system is what happened. I almost fucking killed you."
You smiled below him, eyes closing again. "Felt so good. I wanted you to keep going."
Rowan’s forehead fell to yours, a rare full smile on his face. "Only you would pick dying with my cock inside of you over having to take a quick break."
He heard you moan, lips tugging up at the idea. "I would die a happy female if I died on your cock. Seems like the best way to die, actually. You buried so deep inside me, using me, body spent from pleasure."
He kissed your temple. "You will be punished for this later. Rest, my love."
"Are you sure you want to wait?"
Brows went up as he shook his head at you. "I will be bringing help with me to keep your mouth shut. Rest and prepare, princess."
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
Valentines Day Taglist :
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @azriels-shadowsinger @amygdtjhddzvb
@justasillylittlegoofyguy @avajustreads
@littlestw01f @azriels-shadowsinger
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runicarbiter02 · 4 months
could you do an enemies to lovers type thing with keegan. like the reader and him never got along since the reader joined the ghosts. if not that completely fine 🫶🫶
I'm so sorry it took so long to get to this, darling! Uni has been kicking my ass this year, but I'm moving back home tomorrow, so I'll have a lot more time to answer requests! Requests are open if any of you wish to send anything in, and I love you all very much! <3
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You'd worked your ass off to become a part of the Ghosts. Years of training, busting your ass, standing up for yourself, and proving yourself were so, so worth it when you found out you'd be transferred onto the team.
Or... so you thought.
Keegan doesn't take kindly to new members. The Ghosts are a tight-knit group who've been through a whole lot of shit together. They'd bled and screamed and cried and grieved together. They're brothers. And you're an entirely new variable that throws his meticulously and perilously balanced routine and norm off kilter.
It doesn't matter if you're masc, femme, something in between, or not anywhere near: you're an unaccounted for and uncalculated variable.
He's standoffish and condescending with you, especially if you're ranked below him. He is extra hard on your during drills and training, and he always shuts down your ideas, never giving you the chance to shine.
Overall, he's a major ass.
Hesh constantly chides him for it, while Logan ends up being a silent pillar of support for you. He knows Keegan is just wary, not wanting to see another get killed, and he knows Keegan is also afraid that you will get one of his brothers killed.
Logan and you grow quite close. Keegan hates it. He always fears the worst.
Eventually, however, he begins to sing a whole different tune. He's not sure how the mission had gone wrong, but it did. Their intel had been way off, and they had met far more enemies than expected. At exfil, he's taking a head count and he feels his heart leap into his throat when he realizes that two are missing: you, and Logan.
When he sees you finally lumbering to exfil, his first instinct is to tear into you, chew you up, and spit you out. But, he stops when he sees you're practically dragging a limp body with you.
He races over, helping you support Logan's injured body, and he looks at you as if seeing you for the first time. You had gone back and put your life on the line to protect one of his brothers, one of which he's most protective of. He sees the terror in your eyes, not for yourself, but for Logan. And it's like a switch flips.
He knows when he needs to own up for his mistakes. He stops at your bunk that night after everyone had been to medical, had showered, eaten, and had time to wind down a bit. He apologizes; a genuine, honest apology. He explains himself, not to justify his actions, but merely with a hope you'll understand.
He begins to watch your back. He searches for you in every room he walks into. Sees flickers of you in the smiles of his brothers, in their warm eyes when you make a joke. He sees you.
He's never one to hesitate, and when he realizes what he's feeling, he knows it's better to lay it out then let it fester like an untreated wound.
He sits down with you, looks you in the eye, and tells you everything he's feeling. Whether you return those feelings or not, he'll respect your decision. He can be professional, and all he'd really like is for you to be safe and happy.
But, when you give him that sweet smile and admit you feel the same, the look of relief upon his face is immediate. All he can do is smile, boyish and shy, and he gently takes your hand.
He'd lean in and press the gentlest kiss to your forehead, far gentler than he thought himself ever capable of.
"Never heard better news in my life, sunshine."
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Snitches Get Stitches: Prologue
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: Jake Seresin, golden boy of the NHL and Captain of the Dallas Stars makes headlines when he unexpectedly signs with newly-formed San Diego Dogfighters. When your future seems at the verge of crashing down, you receive the opportunity of a lifetime to become the team physician for the Dogfighters. You never expected to be working directly with your favorite hockey player. Jake has a secret and you have a job to do. Will he be able to trust you enough to help and will you be able to trust him with your heart?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, car accident, suggestive language, medical inaccuracies, hockey inaccuracies etc. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: This is a repost of my completed series, Snitches Get Stitches. It was originally posted in October-November 2023, and was lost when my blog was deleted.
Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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Two weeks out from the end of your fellowship should have felt better. Fifteen years of work and you were so close to the finish line that you could taste it. You’d worked your ass off, topped your classes over and over, sacrificing every bit of your social life, sleep, and general welfare to guarantee that you’d have your choice of job once you came out the other end, and you had. That was at least until three months ago when everything came crashing down. A misunderstanding, a miscalculation, something that felt so far beyond your control and the past fifteen years had been swept out from under your feet. Now you refreshed your email in desperation instead of excitement. You were sitting on a dragon’s hoard of student loans and not a single job offer. The downside of being at one of the top fellowship programs in the country was ironically the same as the upside, they were extremely well-connected. As a result, you were basically blacklisted by every potential employer.
Anyone else would question how you did it, getting out of bed like nothing was wrong and going to your fellowship with a professional smile plastered on your face as if everything was right with the world and you’d be on your way to the first day of your dream job in just two short weeks. It turns out that delusion is highly motivating. You’d refresh your email every morning as if an offer was going to suddenly appear, then go about your day as if maybe this evening something would show. At least that’s how most days went. Today everything that could have gone wrong, had. Your alarm hadn’t gone off because your phone was dead, your charging cord seemingly having given up its last breath sometime over the last twenty-four hours. Then the hot water had been out, for the third time this month, so you were shivering like a drowned sewer rat as you hauled yourself into your car, running too late to make your tea.
Even the Anaheim sun couldn’t seem to warm you as you pulled onto the highway toward Los Angeles. Not even five minutes later a piercing chime sounded through the vehicle and your dismayed gaze fell on your gas light, shining bright since last night, when you had been far too exhausted to brave a seedy gas station in the dark, relegating it as a “tomorrow problem.” Tomorrow was here and you swore defeatedly as you made your way to the next exit, issuing irritated commands at your phone to find the nearest gas station. You swore your whole attention was on the road as you did your best to follow the monotone directions from your speakers as you pulled into the gas station when the motorcycle flashed across your field of vision, fast but not fast enough. You screamed as your brain caught up to the sight in front of you. You don’t remember putting the car into park in the middle of the entry to the gas station and vaulting out of the vehicle, burying your panic as you go into doctor mode, rushing to the aid of the driver sitting up on the asphalt.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, sir are you alright? I’m a doctor.” You sputtered as he turned to look at you, a rueful smile on his face.
“Oh, no worries, Doc, I’m all good.” He scratched the back of his neck as he looked over to his motorcycle which lay abandoned a few feet away. “I need to remember I’m not twenty-five anymore.”
“Sir I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist that I check to see if you have a concussion.” You glanced around, searching for something. “Especially since you weren’t wearing a helmet.” You couldn’t help the annoyed purse of your lips. He chuckled, nodding as you squat down next to him, fiddling with your phone to turn on the flashlight.
“So, you’re a doctor, huh kid? What kind, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Sports medicine, and I mean yes I’m a doctor, I’ve graduated from medical school, but I’m still finishing up my fellowship so I’m not employed as one yet per se.” You sat back on your heels, satisfied that he really was alright. His eyes brightened at your words.
“Sports medicine? What sport are you working with?”
“I’ve worked with a bunch of different ones through my fellowship but my dream job is hockey.” If you ever got a job that was.
His face split into a huge grin. “You don’t say? When do you finish your fellowship?”
“Two weeks… why?” You suddenly remembered that this man was a total stranger as his questions became more specific. It was at that moment that your brain finally exited doctor mode that you realized that he was in fact not a total stranger, not really and you recognized exactly who was sitting on the concrete not even five feet from you. “Oh my fucking god, you’re Pete Mitchell.” The words tumbled out of your mouth in a rush before you could stop them. He barked out a laugh as he extended a dusty hand to you.
“The one and only.” You stared at his hand like you were wondering if it was safe to touch, which is ridiculous. You worked with star athletes for a living and you’ve never gotten star-struck. But that was within the four walls of your job, where you were completely and totally in doctor mode, not squatting in the driveway of a gas station. You shook your head, unsure of how long you’d left him hanging before taking his outstretched hand and shaking it, introducing yourself. “It feels ridiculous to ask, but are you an Anaheim fan?” He asked, flashing his signature grin. You flush, embarrassed.
“They’re my second favorite but my dad’s a ride-or-die.” Pete laughed at your brutal honesty. “But, I mean, everyone who’s everyone knows you.” You sputtered. “You have one of the longest records in the NHL. 26 years is a long time, and with three cups on top of that? You’re practically hockey royalty.” He smiled, seemingly amused with your floundering.
He stood then, helping you up with him. “Could I get your information?”
“Oh yeah, of course. I’m so sorry about your bike, is it good to drive?” You gave the abandoned motorcycle a worried look. “I’m sure my insurance can cover whatever repairs you need.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.” He shook his head gently, laying a fatherly hand on your arm. “I actually wanted to offer you a job. Well, an interview, I’m not actually authorized to offer you a job, not my department.”
“I mean I did hit you with my car, WAIT WHAT?” The full effect of his words hit you like a truck. He laughed again.
“Sweetheart, I promise you I can take care of the damages,” giving you his best I’m a multimillionaire retired athlete look. “And as for the job? I’m serious. You’re clearly responsible, professional, good in a crisis, and the team I’m working with is looking for a physician. Unless of course you’re already committed to another job?”
“No! Uh, no, no I’m not.” Shame crept up your neck. “I really appreciate this, Mr. Mitchell.” You stammered as you fumbled for your wallet and produced a business card that you offered to him, doing your best to hold back the tears of gratefulness threatening to fill your eyes.
“It’s not a problem at all, Doc. I’ll be in touch, and please, call me Mav.” He handed you a piece of paper in return and you stared down to see his signature scrawled across it with a brief note Congratulations on such a talented daughter. - Pete “Maverick” Mitchell “Tell your dad I said hi.” He said with a wink before turning away from you to his motorcycle. You stood there, frozen in shock as he got the bike upright and drove away with a wave. The moment he was out of view, the tears escaped your eyes. You’d been desperate for someone to take a chance on you, but never in your wildest dreams would you have expected that person would be Pete fucking Mitchell.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
i'm dying, i'm deceased, your content is so satisfying, ramen! it's like having a good meal! also, with the amount of injuries the guys are getting, i imagine they're (hopefully) seeing a medic quite often. i wonder if in the process of being patched up by them, by being seen at their most vulnerable, after having the brain cells beat out of them, they would start feeling something for their medic? all gentle touches after a brutal fight~ i imagine gun and sammy would be seeing them the most, but feel free to add others. hope you've been doing well!! 🌺
Hi! Are you my flower anon? (Sorry new laptop - emojis look a bit different). I have been feeling... wild lately. Hope you are doing well too! Thanks for sending this in and AGAIN SO SORRY FOR THE SUPER LATE RESPONSE. My bio should really read day late and a dollar short.
Medic!Reader tending to Samuel Seo, Gun Park, Johan Seong
Word had gotten round that for the right price, you would tend to anyone.
Of course that's not the only reason you're the go-to medic for many of your seedier clients. You're quick and efficient, with some even describing you as a miracle worker. Along with your zipped lips and diligence for confidentiality-
Well. It's no wonder you've paid off your med school loans in record time.
"Again?" you sigh, arriving and taking in the scene before you.
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Samuel Seo
If surveyed, nine out of ten people would describe Samuel as hot.
The last person would no doubt have a terrible sight impairment. Shame. How sad. A tragedy indeed.
So when you, time and time again, go to work on Samuel's body, cleaning his wounds, stitching him up, seeing his exposed skin and naked body with a blank face and purely professional manner.
Well. Samuel doesn't know what to do with that.
You intrigue him and he wants a reaction.
So he's the one that talks to you. Small snippets of his life, hoping to impress you. He notices you're not moved by his strength, the power he wields, the people he commands. Even his penthouse, furnished with the best money can buy and his designer clothes does nothing for you.
You usually remain neutral until today, Samuel gets what he wants. You laugh a little at his response-
"Something about my face must be punchable,"
His heart flutters when he hears your laughter ring out. He's not sure if you're laughing at him or with him, but surprisingly, his ego doesn't seem to mind.
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Gun Park
Gun remembers the first time you attended to him, courtesy of Charles Choi and a benefit of his position.
You didn't flinch at his black eyes or the bleeding wound that sat between them. Instead, cleaning him up with a startling efficiency he couldn't help but admire.
Methodical and competent, Gun was deeply impressed as he watches your hands flying over him, dipping into your med bag for something now and then.
The speed should come with roughness but your touches are gentle. Grazing over his skin and leaving goosebumps in your wake.
When you lean in close, examining if there is anymore to be done or if it would leave a mark he would just have to deal with - you make a joke that it wouldn't matter anyway, the scar would add to his handsomeness; Gun's throat dries up at the intensity of your eyes staring at him.
Huh. And it's usually Gun that has that effect on people.
From then on, Gun likes to think it was by pure coincidence that his body began becoming more and more littered with scars. It absolutely had nothing to do with your words or how much he looked forward to seeing you.
At your exasperated 'again', he smiles.
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Johan Seong
Manager Kim directs Johan over to you. You've seen this type of patient before.
Cagey and prickly, like it's a show of weakness to be tended to by someone and annoyed to not be left to lick their wounds in private.
You remain quiet and professional until you're on the receiving end of one too many agitated huffs and impatient leg bounces making your job of bandaging this brat up so much harder-
"Sit still!" you snap with force and authority. Johan does, and looks at you with wide eyes.
Something about your tone makes him gulp and he fights back the blood rushing to his cheeks.
He thinks about your voice, commanding and sharp, juxtaposing with your gentle hands checking on him. The proximity of your body is slammed into sharp focus and Johan feels a rebellious urge to make you reprimand him in that strict tone of yours again.
Why is his shirt collar so tight, why is his tie so constricting? And why the hell is he feeling so hot and bothered?
Shit, the penny drops. Have I got a thing for this?!
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coffinup · 2 months
Writing tips for death/funerals/bodies from someone who has worked in the funeral industry for over 3 years
-Bodies actually feel warmer immediately after death due to a condition called postmortem caloricity. This briefly raises the body temperature as bacteria within the gut start moving.
-Rigor mortis has three stages: primary flaccidity, active rigor, and secondary flaccidity. Active rigor starts around 3-6 hours after death. Active rigor will make the body stiff, but not immovable. Secondary flaccidity starts around 30-50 hours after death. This is when decomposition will start to be visibly noticeable. In lower temperatures, active rigor may last longer.
-The first sign of active decomposition is a green tinge in the the lower abdomen
-Funeral Directors NEVER read out a will. This is the duty of a probate lawyer
-Hearses never pick up bodies from their place of death. Hearses are used to ceremonially transport casketed bodies from the place of the funeral to the place of final internment. Funeral homes and mortuaries will use unmarked mini vans or transport vans to pick up bodies from hospitals, nursing facilities, homes, etc.
-a dead person’s eyes shouldn’t be cloudy soon after death unless they already had cataracts. Eyes stay relatively clear until a few days after death. If a body was refrigerated or in cold temps, eyes might become cloudy sooner.
-Perfectly frozen bodies will tend to look essentially the same as they did in life, sometimes including having flushed cheeks and fingers. This flush will turn darker and more gray over long periods of time.
-The body of someone who died from asphyxiation (choking, hanging, suffocating, drowning) may appear blue/gray in color briefly after death.
-The body of someone who died from carbon monoxide poisoning will exhibit cherry read discoloration in their face and extremities, and sometimes their whole body.
-Often times people who were older, who had a liver condition, were obese, or were an alcoholic will be severely jaundiced (yellow) after death
-livor mortis is a postmortem condition that consists of blood settling into areas from gravity. For example, someone laying on their back during death will have a purple/gray/red “staining” in their back, butt, backs of their legs etc, parts of the body that are close to the ground.
-For the love of God, organs are not removed during embalming. This is not part of the embalming process. Autopsies may remove visceral organs for examination. If you search “modern embalming process” on youtube or google you should get a run-down on how modern embalming is done. Embalming in most cases is also NOT permanent. The body will start to decompose after about 2-5 weeks.
-“Clinical Death” is a term used for the cessation of hearbeat function, where life can still be restored through intervention. When writing about someone who briefly died but came back because of hospital intervention, you can say they were “clinically dead”. “Brain death” is when brain function has ceased but organ function is maintained through life support. “Biological death” is cessation of organ and brain activity due to lack of oxygen. This is irreversible. “Legal death” is when a medical professional has declared someone as dead and a death certificate is issued.
-NOT ALL STATES HAVE CORONERS. If you are writing a story in a particular US state, do some quick research to see if they have a coroner or a state medical examiner. Coroners are an elected position and don’t need a medical license, they examine evidence from crime scenes and autopsied. Medical examiners perform autopsies and do need a medical license.
-If someone dies under unknown circumstances, they will be subject to autopsy. This can be as benign as having a heart attack or slipping at home, or as malignant as being murdered.
-this is tangental but Cancer does NOT cause your hair to fall out. CHEMOTHERAPY may cause hair to fall out. Not everyone that has cancer or gets chemo will lose hair. People that have cancer in their upper body (breast, lung, throat etc) are more likely to lose hair than people with cancer in their lower body (genital, rectal, colon, intestinal etc)
If anyone can think of anything else let me know!
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monratarot · 3 months
Tarot tips and tricks - Pregnancy indicators
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
Tarot cards can be used to gain insight and guidance on various aspects of life, including pregnancy. When asking about pregnancy in a tarot reading, the cards can provide guidance on the potential outcome of the pregnancy, any concerns or challenges that may arise, and advice on how to navigate through this special time.
It's important to remember that tarot readings are not a substitute for medical advice or prenatal care. If you have concerns about your pregnancy, always consult with a healthcare professional. Tarot can offer guidance and insight, but ultimately it is up to you to make informed decisions about your health and well-being during this special time.
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The Empress is maybe the most significant card when performing a pregnancy tarot reading. Even when you’re not asking questions about pregnancy, the Empress signifies fertility, birth, and motherhood—she’s usually depicted as pregnant, after all. What’s more, she also represents acceptance, suggesting that you’ll be content and happy in your motherhood.
The Empress also signifies the cycle of motherhood and alludes to your own mother. The Empress often comes as a reminder not to make your own mother’s mistakes, so keep that in mind as you proceed with your reading.
Similarly, The Emperor represents fatherhood, and may come up in readings for men or those with husbands to suggest that he may soon become a father.
The Fool is often depicted as a carefree youth setting off on a journey, accompanied by a dog and usually walking close to the edge of a cliff. Despite its name and appearance, though, this is a favourable card to draw in a pregnancy reading. It suggests that you may have some anxieties about your current pregnancy or the prospect of motherhood, but your companions (your partner or friends) will help you every step of the way.
The Fool might also suggest that it’s time to set off on your adventure. If you’ve been waiting to conceive, now may be the right time.
The Sun doesn’t have direct ties to pregnancy, but it does signify that a hope or a dream you’ve had for a long time will soon come to fruition. When you’re doing a pregnancy reading, then, it’s likely that your dream is conception, and here comes the Sun to shed light on that dream. Or, if you’re currently pregnant, drawing the Sun suggests that you’ll have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
The Sun also offers solace in infertility. If you’ve had trouble conceiving, this card may be asking you to find relief and joy in the other aspects of your life.
The Moon governs the tides and the rhythms of life. Often, we’re unaware of those rhythms until they show themselves in an obvious way. In a pregnancy spread, drawing the Moon might suggest that you may be pregnant already and not yet know it. Or, it might simply be that pregnancy is in your future, when you hadn’t previously expected it.
The Moon also represents healing, but only when you’re ready to receive it. If you’ve recently experienced a tragedy regarding pregnancy, this card might indicate good energies coming your way.
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
Hi Lexi! I can’t count how many times I’ve told you how amazing you are, you’re probably tired of hearing it.
Have you ever considered writing professionally or just having your writing published by someone other than yourself? Not to brag(kinda but not really) but my older sister is very close friends with an omega verse writer who writes omega verse books and they sell very well.
I know you already have a job as a nurse (I know it’s something in the medical field, if I’m wrong I sincerely apologize) you work really hard at. I find myself enjoying your fics more than regular romance novels, and I know that other people feel that way too.
My sister’s author friend goes by a stage name which a lot of authors do to keep their privacy. She used to write fanfics in Highschool and she’s been writing for almost a decade now. She’s got a great selection of books and her husband along with her friends and some of her family are relatively supportive.
I know that’s not the case for a lot of people because the stigma around omegaverse and and even eroticas is that it’s “weird” and “perverted”. She done very well for herself as an author, which a lot of writers strive to do. Her novels have become her main source of income.
Again she does not share her real name or any personal information about her with her fans. I feel like I’m giving you a sales pitch 💀.
ANYWAYS just some food for thought, The authors name is Giovanna reaves, if you wanna check her out. Her books are amazinggg and I think you two have a similar writing style. Her most popular book “My One Night Stand: My Forever”, is really good but my personal favorite is “The Pirate and His Omega Thief”. It’s incredibly well written and soooo Steddie coded, I instantly thought of you when I read it.
Jesus, this got long but just throwing that out their. Do whatever you’d like obviously, its your life and you already have dozens of loyal readers on Tumblr and AO3.
Sending love ❤️❤️❤️ Toodles 😋
this is very sweet, thank you! i’ve dabbled with the idea before and it’s definitely something i’ve considered for the future. at the moment, it isn’t anything i’m pursing, however that doesn’t mean i won’t change my mind! nursing pays the bills but idk if i’ll be able to do it forever
i think the tricky bit about it is that my brain does not like monetizing fun things. i have a couple of side hobbies that i occasionally make money from (photography, singing at weddings/funerals), but i never wanted to pursue those things professionally because i know it would make me not enjoy them as much
i will for sure check out Giovanna’s novels because i have read some original omegaverse ones before and quite enjoyed them too!💕
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neonacity · 2 years
Blood Red | Ch.2 | Haechan x Reader
Summary: You’re a forensic psychiatrist assigned to one of the country’s high-profile criminals. You want to unravel him, but he’s set on catching you in his web instead.
Characters: Haechan, Reader, Jungwoo, Johnny
Warnings: crimes, blood, weapons, toxic dynamics, psychological themes, personality disorder, mental health disorder, dissociative identity disorder, alcohol use, smut (protected sex, humping, intoxicated sex). Please, please, please, do not interact if you are a minor]. This work is not meant to romanticize any personality disorders or toxic dynamics. Also, I am not a trained psychologist or medical professional so there might be inconsistencies on some of the scientific things here. Most medical references mentioned, however, are based on a book that I’ve always loved way way back, “The Minds of Billy Milligan” which is based on a true story. This is a work of fiction and I am not implying any likeness between the characterization here of the boys to their real life counterparts. I also reserve the rights to all my work—I do not post anywhere else other than tumblr. 
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"What exactly are you looking for again?"
You barely looked up from the pile of folders half-covering your face as you heard Jungwoo's voice from behind one of the massive steel cabinets in the room. The place was so badly illuminated—an almost forgotten area in the headquarters where old file cases are stowed away—that you had to squint just to read the small text on the browning pages. You sighed at another useless document you skimmed through and pulled out another folder to read.
"Lee Haechan's criminal history. His case files said that he has been arrested as a minor for juvenile crimes but I feel like there's something lacking," you tried to explain as you went from one page to the next. Jungwoo poked his head from the cabinet he had been rummaging around and frowned at you.
"What do you mean lacking?"
You clicked your tongue in frustration as you closed yet another folder with useless information. Everything in the files are exactly what you've been given already when you started the case, but somehow, you just can't shake the feeling that there's something incredibly important that you are not seeing.
"I don't know. A missing link. My gut feel says I am not seeing the full picture."
Your friend finally stepped away from his corner and went over to where you are, a pile of new documents now gathered in his arms. You didn't need to glance at him to read off the look he is drilling on the top of your head right now as he approached your crowded table.
"Don't you think that… maybe you are reading too much on this? The boy is damaged. A criminal. Maybe there is no missing link and he's just evil?"
You winced internally as you considered that. If you follow regular logic here, what he is saying could exactly be the truth. Your role in this case is not to unravel everything, but to simply try and give the boy a diagnosis. You've already done that, which means your job is almost done, but there is also something about the whole thing that still rubs you differently.
"When I talked to him, Haechan said that Donghyuck only started acting out when he turned eighteen. He only had records of doing minor offenses before, but after coming of age, his crimes escalated. He became violent. It doesn't make sense that someone would do that—even if they have dissociative identity disorder—unless there is a trigger."
"A trigger?"
"Yes. People like him usually have these situations that set them off. For example, the first splintering of his personality happened because of abuse he experienced as a child. The fact that Donghyuck, who has been 'protecting' Haechan since then, started becoming violent means that there must be something that set him off."
Jungwoo was quiet as he thought that over. As the assigned detective in the case, he believes that the two of you have already covered everything, but he is also slowly starting to see where you are coming from. On the other hand, he is also aware that this might be just another fixation for you. After being friends for years, he knows that one of your faults is that you can’t stop yourself from getting at the bottom of something once you've set your mind to it.
"Look, if you want to dig more, I won't stop you. But… make sure that you don't go too far, alright? I’ve personally met the boy a few times, and I'm pretty sure he's not like any you have handled before.”
You gave your friend a thankful smile. Reaching over the table, you wound your fingers with his before giving them a squeeze.
"Thank you, Woo. How about you let me treat you since you decided to spend your weekend with me? Anything you want.” 
The man rolled his eyes but stopped as if to consider your offer. Finally, he gave you a small nod as he decided on something.
"You said anything?"
"As long as it doesn’t involve drugs, yes."
"Let's go clubbing tonight then. Nobody goes home until one of us passes out drunk. Deal?"
You hesitated, but only briefly. Personally, you're not someone who is big on partying, but you've been stressed out in the past few days anyway with so many things on your plate. Maybe... this is exactly what you need. With a pointed move, you closed the folder spread out in front of you and slid out of your stool.
"Last man standing books an uber for the drunk one, okay? Let's go. Drinks on me."
You've never really been good at keeping promises every time there is alcohol involved.
You made a mental note to text Jungwoo back first thing tomorrow as your phone vibrated for nth time in your purse. Muttering a curse under your breath, you finally stumbled inside the foyer of the apartment after fumbling through the threshold of an unfamiliar doorway. Your head was spinning, but you weren't plastered enough to miss the warmth that circled your hips as you almost fell face first to the floor. Straightening up, you let your bag fall with a dull thud somewhere as you hurried to get out of your heels.
"Bedroom… Where—"
A low chuckle came from behind you in response. Before you could even lose your balance again, you felt a warm breath fan over the back of your neck before lips trailed up and down your sensitive skin there. Goosebumps rose on your skin at the feeling, and your lips parted slightly in a wordless gasp.
"Easy, sweetheart. Turn around. I'll carry you there."
Your world was tipping so bad that you didn't need telling twice. It lacked any grace, but you somehow managed to angle yourself correctly for the stranger to hook his arm behind your knees and lift you bridal style. The walk from the living room was quick, and soon enough you felt the softness of the bed cushion your already burning up form. You slightly rolled your head to the side then, your eyes landing on the man currently standing by the side of the bed, his hands fumbling with the buckle of his belt. His shirt was already discarded on the floor, revealing the hard planes of his lean form that the filtered light from the outside touched. How you got into this situation now with this stranger, you could barely remember anymore, but even in your drunken state, you couldn't fail to notice how the spot between your legs throbbed just by looking at him.
"Like what you're seeing?" His voice was low but teasing when he noticed you gawking at him. Maybe it's the alcohol, but you felt bold enough to look at him straight in the eyes without blushing.
"If we're going to fuck, you need to help me out of this skirt," you said plainly, almost in a matter of fact tone. He laughed in return, and soon enough you felt his big hands go over your hips and peeling your clothing off of you. You let him do the job, using the time instead to run your hands over his smooth skin. You dipped your fingers lower, resting just on the top of his jeans which he merely unbuttoned earlier. The same second he finally removed your skirt, you hooked your fingers on the loop of his belt and pulled him down so that the hardening bulge in his pants pressed directly on your growing wetness. Both of you moaned at the same time—your voice gasping and stuttering while he hissed broken curses—when you hooked your legs around his hips and started rubbing your still clothed wetness against his. The friction of his jeans against your soaked underwear was delicious, and you soon enough felt the start of a tightening knot at the pit of your stomach.
"Fuck, you're such a dirty girl. Look at you humping against me. You were acting like a prude  just an hour ago."
Your retaliation came in the form of a long winded groan, but you did bury your blunt nails into the skin of his back, a move that earned another low hiss from him. As if to punish you, he started rubbing himself harder against you, his hips rutting against yours. You gasped, the action making you close your eyes in pleasure.
"Are you going to cum, baby? Are you going to cum with just this?"
You were on the verge of an orgasm, but your body was craving for more than just simply reaching your peak. You didn't know what it was about tonight that was different, but you were sure it was just not the alcohol that was influencing the almost desperate need that has your core burning. It was almost like there was a part of you that was screaming to get out—a part you could only appease by having someone fill you up right at this moment.
"Fuck me," you whispered almost brokenly, your voice sounding almost alien to your ears. The gaze of the man above you darkened with desire, but his jaw also set as if he's hesitating about something.
"Are you sure? You're drunk."
If this was any other day, you would have found his consideration very gentlemanly. You knew for a fact he wasn't against burying himself in you right now with how hard he feels against you, but you also honestly couldn't care about manners at the moment. All your mind was zoned in was your need to release, something you know you can only reach with him filling you up to the hilt. To prove your point to him, you arched your back and grinded against him harder, a move that made him groan loudly and fall halfway on top of you, his weight supported by his arms on both sides of your head. You stared at him, eyes burning on his face.
"What's your name again?" You whispered as you rubbed your slit against his length. He cursed, but managed to push out an answer between his teeth.
"Believe me, Johnny. I'm not drunk enough to forget your name tomorrow. Now, can you just fuck me? Because I'm almost there."
The way he looked at you said that you've made your point clear. Jaw tightening, he pushed himself off of you again to reach out for something from his bedside drawer. You were still dizzy, but you managed to prop yourself up as well, hands grabbing and pulling at his pants while he unrolled the condom. His cock finally sprung free on your hand, heavy and hard with pre-cum glistening on his tip. He wasted no time slipping the condom on despite his pants and boxers only shoved halfway down and you temporarily busied yourself by pressing kisses against his chest and leaving marks there. The next seconds that followed had him slipping off your soaked underwear off of you, before turning you around so fast that you fell face first on the mattress as he lifted your bare ass up. You moaned against the covers when he slipped two fingers inside your dripping hole with no warning, scissoring them before pulling out again to spread your wetness all over your pussy lips.
"Shit, you're so wet. You're such a freak."
His words only made heat shoot up from the base of your spine straight to your head. As you managed to prop yourself up by your elbows, you felt his cock finally prod your entrance, the tip slipping between your folds with no resistance at all. Just when you thought he would finally bury himself to the hilt though, he pulled back again before slipping shallowly inside once more.
That continued for a few more moments, during which you would desperately try to push back against him so you could finally feel him in your guts. His grip on your hips stopped you though, his hold tight enough to limit your movements. His shallow thrusts were doing nothing but tease the orgasm that you could still feel at the tip of your tongue, close enough for you to almost tsste. His teasing was making you frustrated by the second, especially with your walls desperate to close in on something as you dipped in and out of the verge of orgasm. 
"Can you stop and just—"
Your words were cut off into a scream when he suddenly buried himself balls deep inside of you. Eyes growing round, you collapsed on the bed again at the sheer force of his thrust as you felt him fill you up completely. A low groan rumbled through his chest as your walls finally swallowed him whole, but you barely heard his hiss of pleasure when the cord of tension inside of you finally broke due to the sudden action action alone. You squeezed around his cock like a vice as you rode your orgasm, waves and waves of pleasure rendering you numb for a moment. The feeling of your velvety walls trying to suck him in deeper made Johnny whisper a string of curses behind you, his hips stuttering as he almost collapsed on top of you while you rode out your orgasm. His bare chest pressed against your back as he tried his best not to cum from your walls fluttering around his length alone.
You have barely recovered from your high when your eyes closed again and he finally started thrusting in and out of you. The moment he started moving, you realized just how big he is, his length filling you up so well you could swear he is rearranging your guts. The stretch was almost painful, but the discomfort slowly ebbed away when he finally started pounding into you at a faster pace. He was pistoning you so hard his hipbones rubbed deliciously against the curves of your ass every time he would bury himself balls deep into your aching cunt.
"You're so fucking tight. How are you so tight. When was the last time you got fucked, baby?"
You would have answered, but the pleasure that was running through your veins was so delicious that all you could do was to grab fistfuls of his duvet as you tried to match his pace. Slapping sounds filled the room, and you could feel the wetness from your earlier orgasm trickle down your thighs. Your head is still spinning, and you’re only half aware of the broken words and groans that left your lips as he pounded you at an unforgiving pace. When he angled himself a little lower, you could have sworn you saw stars when the new position finally let him hit that spot deep inside of you that always makes your toes curl.
You must have screamed, because he reached out to cover your mouth with his massive hand afterwards. He pressed his lips against your temple now as his other free hand slipped under you, his fingers moving your bra deftly out of the way so he could tug and play at your hardened nipple. The new angle had him crowding on top of you, his massive body covering yours as he planted his knees deeper on the mattress. His pace have gone brutal, that you almost felt like a ragdoll as his cock hit your sweet spot again and again and again.
"Squeeze around me more, honey. God, I want to ruin you so bad."
Maybe it's the alcohol mixed with the brain-melting pleasure you were feeling, but for a moment there, you thought his voice changed for a second. It sounded a little higher, almost breathy as the words rolled from his tongue. Just the sound of it alone made your walls squeeze around him again so hard he cursed loudly behind you. That was the last trigger he needed to finally lose control, his hips pressing down on you so hard that your legs finally gave way under you, leaving you pressed flat on your stomach on the mattress. Johnny didn’t wait another second to loop his arms under yours, his elbows propped on the bed to lock you under his weight. The new angle let him pummel deeper inside of you, your wetness leaking and ruining his bed covers. Everything was so messy, rough, and primal, that you know it wouldn't take long for you to finally reach your second high of the night.
"...So beautiful. You're so beautiful…"
Your eyes suddenly opened in shock. You were so lost in the heat of the moment, but the word still rang loud and clear to your ears that it broke through the haze of the impending wave of orgasm that you were about to go under. It was in the same voice you thought you heard earlier—the one that absolutely didn't belong to Johnny.
"I'm going to cum. Will you let me cum inside you? I want to do it raw."
No… What is happening…
"Mm… you're so close, too. You're squeezing me so hard. You want it just as much as I do, don’t you?"
You know that voice... But how could he… Why is he here…
"Are you wearing your red lipstick? Turn around. I want to see it when you cum around my cock."
Oh my god. Oh my god.
The last thrust hit the deepest part inside of you so hard that the tight cord in the pit of your stomach finally snapped. A wordless scream was ripped out of you as waves and waves of pleasure crashed against you again, making your whole body shake and your walls lock around the cock still pistoning in and out of you. You were so lost in the pleasure that you didn't even notice that you've been turned on your back again, your legs now spread wide open. You were still riding the crest of your orgasm when your gaze–that had almost gone white from your peak–finally focused on the face hovering above you. 
"Now, my turn."
It was like the breath was knocked out of you the moment your brain registered what you were seeing. Instead of Johnny, a pair of dark eyes peered at you now from between locks of blood red hair. You froze.
Haechan… No, Donghyuck smirked at you as he made one last thrust to bury himself to the hilt deep inside of you. It must be the shock and the feeling of his cock twitching as it kissed your deepest parts, but the last thing you could remember was his iron grip on your waist as your body was overtaken by pleasure again, before darkness swallowed you.
"Hey. You okay?"
The words traveled slowly from your ears to your brain as your consciousness slowly swam into focus again. You have no idea where you are or how long you've been out, but you groaned softly at the throbbing pain that shot like a needle at the back of your head when you tried to move.
"Easy there. You'll get dizzy."
Your eyes snapped open the same time your brain finally caught up with what was happening. Turning your head to the side, you felt your heart suddenly jump to your throat as you tried to look for the source of the voice. It was like your lungs stopped working for a good few seconds when your gaze finally landed on its owner.
The man smiled at you with what looked like relief from the other side of the bed. He was clothed, a fact that made you instantly check your own state. A big shirt clung around your form now which is currently half covered by the duvet. You feel warm and dry too… which means he might have cleaned you up as well. The look of confusion on your face must have been so obvious because Johnny chuckled beside you before speaking again.  
"You fainted earlier. I would have loved to say it's because I made you feel so good, but I have to partly admit that it might also be because of the alcohol."
"I… fainted…?" You asked slowly as you tried to sift through your thoughts one by one. So Johnny was the one who was there with you all along. Why then did you see what you just saw before you lost consciousness?
"More so collapsed," he answered before a slightly guilty look flashed through his features. "I was honestly worried, thought I pushed you a little too hard. You're not… feeling unwell or hurt anywhere are you?"
You slowly shook your head in answer. Yes, there's a throbbing dull pain at the back of your head, but other than that you feel okay. If anything, the one thing that you would chalk off as concerning is the queasiness in your stomach—though the source of it is not because of the alcohol, at all.
No, it's caused by something much worse. Nothing can wash away the bitter taste in your mouth at the moment, especially after realizing what just happened earlier.
You've hallucinated.
Saw Haechan in your head at such a vulnerable, intimate moment.
The thought of it alone made your stomach turn. You're confused, but most of all you feel disgusted over yourself. Even now, goosebumps are rising in your skin as you try to analyze the why and how of what just ocurred.
"You good?"
You turned to look at Johnny again who was now peering at you with a concerned look. Seeing him made you reel in your emotions temporarily and focus on the situation at hand.
"I'm—yes, I'm okay. Look, I am so sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to stay longer here than I should have. I'll just go pick up my clothes and then I'll—"
"Whoa, wait, it's fine. You're not leaving, especially at this hour."
"But I…"
He smiled.
"Don't worry about it. I don't mind you staying for a little bit longer. This might be a casual thing, but that's not a reason for me to not be a gentleman. Besides, I already put your clothes in the wash. You can just stay here until morning."
You would admit, the offer did make you relax a bit. The truth is that you are still shaken by what happened, and you would rather not be alone with your thoughts at least for now. Hesitantly, you gave the man a thankful smile.
"Thank you so much, Johnny, I really appreciate it."
"No problem. You did make my night really interesting anyway. And you do remember ny name," he said with a playful wink. "Why don't you go back to sleep? Your hangover will kill you tomorrow if you stay up more."
"Uh… yeah. I guess I'll try and rest more."
You gave him one last smile of thanks before easing deeper into the covers. It's a little bit strange trying to relax in someone else's bed since you have always preferred not staying the night over for situations like this, but you at least tried to cope by turning on your side, your back on Johnny, to give him his personal space still. He had just settled in too when he spoke again.
"Hey, I know it's not my place to ask this, but can I ask you something if that's okay?
You angled your head a little to show him that you are listening.
"Sure. What is it?"
There was a slight pause before he spoke again.
"Who is Haechan?"
You looked up from staring at your hands at the sound of a familiar voice from the doorway. A smiling Haechan half ran, half walked towards you, his eyes dancing as it fixed on your form sitting in the middle of the room. You tried your best to return the gesture as he joined you on the table, his expression clear and open.
In the past few weeks that you've started visiting him more for follow-ups, you've managed to build a different kind of rapport with the boy. You wouldn't exactly call it friendly, but more of a trusting type of connection, at least on his side. Outside of his case files and the fact that you meet in a literal prison, Haechan seems like a normal boy. A little shy at first, but easy-going and even charmingly funny at times when he really relaxes.
One thing that stood out to you, however, is how Donghyuck never seems to resurface during your sessions. You know he is still there because his lawyers and the police still interact with him for interrogations, but ever since the time you first met his counterpart, he has never talked to you again. You never asked why because it is not best practice to tell people with his condition to 'push' personalities out into their consciousness, so you simply assumed that Haechan's growing trust on you was the sole reason behind the behavior.
You have already learned to be more relaxed and casual around the boy, but you flinched ever so slightly now as he sat on the long bench beside you and grabbed your hand. You have tried to push back the unwitting thoughts from last night at the back of your mind on your ride here from Johnny's place, but you still can't help but feel a little awkward now that he is close. It was only thanks to your training that you were able to mask whatever discomfort you are feeling now, your smile remaining plastered on your face as you regarded him.
"Hi, Haechan. Good morning. How are you feeling today?"
"I'm okay. I started doing art therapy yesterday. They said you asked them to let me try it. I enjoyed it a lot! Thanks, noona."
You nodded and gave a slight pat on his hand before you surreptitiously pulled it away from his hold under the guise of writing something in your record.
"That's great. Tell me more about it. What did you enjoy the most while you're doing it?" You asked, your eyes dipped away from his face as you started scrawling on your notes. The boy paused for a bit, thinking over his words.
"I like choosing colors and just blending them together on the canvas. It's very relaxing."
"Oh, are you doing abstract painting?"
He leaned his head slightly to the side in answer.
"I think so? I don't use paintbrushes, just my fingers. I just put whatever color I find pretty on the paper."
"That's very interesting. What are your favorite colors so far?"
"I like the greens and blacks. And the cobalt blue. It reminds me of the sea. And then red… because I remember your lips."
Your hand froze in the middle of writing at what he said. Slowly, you looked up to him as a cold feeling started climbing your arms. The tone of his voice was the same, and you confirmed it was Haechan who was still with you when you finally met his gaze. He still had his easy-going smile on and he looked back at you with that open, friendly gaze of his. If not for his choice of words, you would have thought something had switched.
"I see…" you tried to smile back before tearing your eyes away and focusing once again on your paper. You tried your best to push it back, but something was trying to press against the edge of your consciousness again, like a bird beating its wings against its cage. It was the same feeling that you had last night with Johnny, the sensation of something wanting to escape from somewhere deep inside of you.
“Have you ever tried doing art before? We’ve never talked about your hobbies outside of this place."
“Not… really. I didn’t really have time to do anything for myself before. I was always working odd jobs just to make sure I survive and send money to my mom. I still support her even though I moved away from our home.”
“That’s very nice of you, Haechan,” you said, glancing at him to give him a smile. “Now that you’re here though, would you say you have more time for yourself to… gather your thoughts and focus on yourself?”
His lips tipped upwards as if he found something funny about what you said. “Do I like being here? Noona, it’s a prison. I don’t think my situation is any better. But then again…” he trailed off, his eyes slipping sideways momentarily. For a moment, it almost looked like he was listening to someone behind him. It was quick, and soon enough he was looking back at you, his smile back to normal. “If it means being here stops me from hurting people, then I guess I won’t mind staying here a little bit longer.”
You stared at him, processing that slowly. More and more you could see the awareness in him, which only worked to fan your hope that he could get better. Finally, you smiled back before turning back to your notes.
“That’s great, Haechan. I think we can get this sorted out as long as you want to work on yourself.”
“Mm… Besides, being here makes it easier for me to see you more. Otherwise, you won’t visit me that often. Right... noona?”
The way his tongue rolled over the last word made you freeze again in your seat. It was so swift and so subtle, but there is no denying the change of tone in his voice from the lighter one he used just seconds ago. Just like that, you felt as if ice was injected into your veins, your body reacting as if a switch has been turned on. When you slowly raised your head again to look at him, you felt your heart temporarily stop in your chest.
Donghyuck’s lips slowly tipped into a slight smirk, his eyes burning against your face.
“By the way... I don’t like the smell of your shampoo today. It's very… manly for my taste.”
Permanent Taglist:   @negincho, @jhornytrash, @aaasteroidsky, @huangberryyy, @marijmin, @ashkuuuu, @lostlovesoul11, @johnniverse, @traint0tokyo, @lilyinthewinter, @byunniebaekhyunnie​​, @ellatizw​
A/N: So... it’s my first time writing smut. I’ve always thought it was never one of my strongest suits, and I think that thought was proven just now. I did try though, but this is the most of what my creativity level could take me lol. Anyway, enjoy. 
Story Taglist (please let me know if I missed anyone!): @tyongf-sunflower99, @chelzinha26, @vaerinri​, @minshookie29, @grandmasterslickfox​​
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
request: yandere!shirabu with shy!reader
tbh any form of shirabu like school, doctor, eyc. works cause he’s amazing anf your writing is amazing so it will be great
My first request for Shirabu! *wipes happy tears* I can’t pass up Doctor Shirabu, now can I? And yes he is amazing!! And I’m so glad you think my writing is too!!!
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Title: Malpractice
Pairings: Shirabu Kenjirou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, medical malpractice, Shirabu is a terrible doctor
Summary: How far will Shirabu go to make sure he keeps his favorite patient by his side?
improper, illegal, or negligent professional activity or treatment, especially by a medical practitioner, lawyer, or public official.
Shirabu had always put his emotions aside in favor of logic and practicality.
Logic, he believed, was most important for a job like this. Cold, emotionless logic that detached him from his patients. That way, he would not mourn their unavoidable losses or empathize too heavily with their pain.
He would do what needed to be done. Nothing more, nothing less. Those that let their emotions take over were not fit to be doctors.
At least, that’s what he believed.
He had had patients like you before. Smiling through the pain, friendly to your doctors and nurses, kind in a way that no one ought to be. He didn’t care. Not at first.
You were planning to stay for just a few days for a pretty invasive surgery on your leg. You wouldn’t be here long and he wasn’t the one doing surgery. Just giving you some updates here and there. The nurses took the most care of you.
He shouldn’t care at all- he never did. You were no one special… so why?
Why was he giving you more updates than anyone else? Checking on your health obsessively after the surgery? Glancing furtively at your room windows to make sure you were doing alright?
As your time in the hospital drew to a close, Shirabu found himself becoming more and more panicked. He’d never felt this stressed at work and, at first, he couldn’t place where this newfound fear was coming from. When he’d realized that it had to do with worrying about a patient, about you?
He was disgusted. Irrational behavior, irrational thoughts, just irrational.
That wasn’t who Shirabu Kenjiro was! He was as rational and capable as they came!
But when it came to you, he was never really himself, was he?
On your last night, he’d pumped you full of pain and sleeping medication so you wouldn’t feel a thing. A scalpel was all he needed to insure you stayed longer.
“It’s rare for scars to split open like that, I’ll have to talk to the surgeon,” he’d say, come morning, “We don’t want it to become infected, so you’ll have to stay here so we can monitor you.”
But that would only keep you here for so long, wouldn’t it? He needed to look at your files, find out where you lived and everything he could before he let you go.
People got sick from hospitals all the time, didn’t they? He could keep you longer that way… but he couldn’t risk endangering your life.
A few clicks at the computer was all it took to get your address. He’d drive by after work, break in if it was empty.
He could hear your assigned nurse fussing over the incision in your leg, see her finally heading towards him to report what she’d found.
You looked so nervous, but he knew you’d understand. You’d smile and thank him for doing his job.
You’d thank him for being selfish and hurting you to keep you near him as long as possible.
Isn’t that illogical?
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itsohh · 1 year
Hate is a Strong Word
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A/N: Female reader
Day 3: Hate sex
Word count: 1134
Warnings: smut
AO3 Kinktober Masterlist
Perhaps it was the lack of sleep that caused the throbbing in your head. Or perhaps it was the pure amount of work you did say by day. No, you knew what it was. It was the loud boyish voice behind you that had you at the end of your wits. His loud laughter was joined by the giggles of a new nurse. It made you regret ever becoming a doctor. There was a scowl on your face only noticed by your co-doctor in front of you.
He let out a little chuckle and took the piece of paper that was in front of you. "Frown any harder and you might actually kill them with your mind."
"Really?" You gave him a hopeful look and he barked out a single laugh.
"No. Why don't you go chase the nurse off and then take a lunch break. Maybe when you come back you will have an element of life to your eyes."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright I'll take a break, you gonna be alright here by yourself Ravi?"
"Sure will. Take your time, I got this."
You started to pack up your gear and washed your hands decently before you turned to head towards the door. Håvard and the nurse still awfully flirted with each other as you approached.
"Nurse, how's the patient in room 6?" It wasn't too often that the Nighthaven medical center had occupants. Most of the time you were doing research but on the odd occasion people would get injured in the line of work or in training.
"Oh uh-"
"Please go tend to him. I shouldn't have to ask you." She sunk down into her boots at your harsh voice and practically sprinted away.
"Ah, why you gotta chase her off. She's not doing harm."
"The pair of you were in my way. Besides, I'll not have a patient neglected because the pair of you are making googly eyes." You pushed past him and unfortunately for you, Håvard decided to latch onto you.
"Ah doctor, come on. Couldn't you go check up on them?"
"I'm going on my lunch break."
"I'll come with you." He invited himself and you let out a small groan.
"Fine. Just shut up for a moment." The pair of you started to make your way to the cafeteria.
"You love my voice though!"
"No. I don't. You make it impossible to work around you."
Håvard paused his moments for a moment and you continued walking. He suddenly ran up in front of you and started to walk backwards so his face was directed to yours. Something had clicked in his mind. Håvard gave you a smug smile that your annoyed expression became confused at.
"You know, if I was such a distraction… You could have just said so."
"You're a distraction and a pain in my ass. Try to be quiet when people are working."
He let out a laugh and grinned. "You don't need to play it off. I know it's hard to resist these looks." You stopped dead in your tracks and stared at him.
"Are you fucked in the head or something?"
"It all makes sense! You were jealous, don't worry babe there's plenty for me to go around." His eyes sparkled for a moment. "But if you’re so insistent I'm sure we can-"
You grabbed his collar and pulled him into the nearby supply room. It wasn't too big but it did comfortably fit the pair of you inside. "Look I don't know what the fuck’s gotten into your head and I've tried to be professional about this but Håvard, I hate you. I despise you with every inch of my soul. You're the annoyance that keeps on annoying. I would rather die than spend more than two minutes near you. The fact that Kali keeps you around is beyond my comprehension and if it was up to me I would have fired your ass the second you first walked through those doors."
You shoved him against the shelves as you fired off at him, your finger prodded into his chest with every word. A light pant settled over you and you took a step back. Håvard simply stared at you.
"You're really hot when you're angry, did you know that?"
Sirens went off in your mind and you lunged to strangle the man but he intercepted your action. He caught your body, pulled you in close, and before you could realise it, his lips were on yours. At first you went to pull away but your body betrayed you. You melted into his warm and soft embrace
His lips bruised on yours and you certainly had the strength to push him away if you wanted to. But you didn't. Your lips molded with his, his tongue darted over yours as he held you in that embrace. Håvard's arms were wrapped around your waist which secured you against him. Your entire body pressed completely flush against him.
Only when the pair of you needed air did you break away with a small pant. "I hate you so fucking much."
"You know what they say about hate. It's the strongest emotion next to love. The deeper the hate the deeper the love?" He cocked a brow with a signature smile and you stared at him for a second.
"Stop fucking talking." You lunged forward and smashed your lips against his once again. Håvard pushed against you and suddenly turned you. It took one step for him to push you against the bare wall with ease. He hooked his hands under your knees and lifted you up into the air. Sandwiched between him and the wall you clawed into his perfect blonde hair with a groan. His lips danced over your neck and you couldn't help but tug his hair, despite it all, he knew exactly what he was doing.
"We will never talk about this ever again." You breathed and you could feel the way he laughed into your skin.
"Whatever you like babe."
"God I fucking hate you so much." You pulled him against you as he grind his pelvis into yours. The friction was well met and you couldn't help but wet your lips at the thought and feel of his cock. You could feel it so distinctively through your pants and his.
You didn't know what was worse, his horrible flirting that he serially did or the fact he could back it up. Your legs wrapped around his waist and it gave him the support to let go of you with one of his hands. It sunk up between the pair of you and pawed at your breast through your white shirt. It started to flick at your buttons and you made a pointed look towards the man.
"We don't have very long here and you wanna spend it playing with my tits?"
Håvards brows shot up and his mouth parted for a moment in shock. It quickly changed as a sparkle entered his eyes. He let go of you and placed you on the ground for a moment. Håvard was quick to undo his pants and free his aching cock from its restraints. Before you could really move, his hand cupped your cunt through your pants and pressed his lips against yours. Despite his rough action and rubbing with his hand, the kiss was rather sweet and tender. The type you would share with a lover or partner. Not a one night stand.
It was easy to lose yourself in it, to melt into his embrace. Warm and inviting, you could almost imagine yourself at him. Almost. His fingers pulled down the zip of your pants and gave them a decent tug. They fell to the floor with ease and he picked you up once again.
His cock was warm against your cunt, a welcome friction that had you moaning quietly against his lips. "Don't worry about marking me up, I'm pretty good at makeup." He winked the second the pair of your lips parted and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the man and your nails tug into his flesh.
"Oh if you want to give me battle scars to show off though.." He hummed at the thought and you pulled his face against yours again.
"Shut. Up." Your nails racked to the front of his chest and he aligned himself with you so he could easily push in. Håvard wasn't lacking in size and now that he had finally entered you, you could really feel the extent of it. His curved cock slipped into your wet cunt with ease.
You didn't want to make a sound, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction but then he started to move and that thought went out the window. In order to stifle your moans, you tore your lips away from his face and buried it into his shoulder. Håvard's strong hands bounced you on his dick with ease and you could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
"That feels good, yeah?"
Never had you ever felt so right, your mind grumpy with you but your body? In pure bliss. Håvard knew exactly what he was doing, he knew exactly how to fuck into you. That curved dick of his rubbing against that sweet spot just an inch inside yet gently caressing all of you at the same time. His hand pressed on your mound, his thumb on your clit making circles. It only made you tighten around you and whimper a little bit more into his shoulder. "Cum for me, do it. I've got you. I'm here." His voice is a little softer than usual. Not quite that usual brash and arrogant voice that you were used to.
A light gasp let your mouth as your legs trembled. His shoulder the cries of pleasure that left your mouth as your body came undone. You clenched down around him and his voice became a bit higher. Håvard bucked in and out of you as he came, panting in your ear, singing small praises that were surprisingly romantic and reassuring.
The pair of you stayed like that for a moment as your high slowly died down and the reality of what you just did dawned upon you. It was a heavy weight that came crashing down but for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to regret it. You tapped his arm to let you down and you slowly learnt how to stand again.
A couple of minutes later you had pulled your pants up and fixed yourself. Håvard had a dopey satisfied look on your face. "We will never speak about this again or else I will seriously hurt you. I don't want to see even a vague post on your Instagram, you hear me?"
"You follow my Instagram?" His eyes lit up and you mentally slapped yourself.
"Of course, someone has to tell Kali when you're posting shit you're not allowed to. I mean it. Post nothing-"
"Your secrets are safe with me babe." He winked
"And don't call me that."
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