#when we moved to the US my parents promised me a dog so i would go quietly lol. but that never happened
bloomfish · 7 months
When I was a child I was obsessed with cats after reading warriors and the only thing I wanted in the universe was a cat. My mother wouldn't allow it because she was a. Allergic (valid) b. An animal disliker (not valid) so to prove to her that I would be a responsible cat owner I did so much research and studied cats obsessively, I even drew diagrams of cat anatomy and different systems I would implement around the house to prove I would be a responsible cat owner. I was so dedicated to the feline agenda
I don't know why she never caved and at least got us a hamster or something. I would constantly beg her for a pet, like I would have been happy with any kind of animal even a fish. Unfortunately I was an animal-obsessed child born to an animal averse mother lol. When my brother and I trapped insects she would say in Spanglish "Este es tu pet!" (This is your pet) 😭 and that fills me with rage to this day lmao
To cope I pretended the various animals around the house like a fox or a hedgehog we saw in the garden were my pets. We even had a rat infestation when we lived in London and I considered them my pets, penning my first book entitled "My Rat" which I think my dad still has. I was obsessed with any kind of pet simulator like Nintendogs or neopets or tamagotchis. I think she was worried she'd be saddled with all the responsibility after I got bored which I can understand but also I was so dedicated to my imaginary pets for so many years that I don't think that would have been the case.
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auroralwriting · 3 months
the master heist
con artist!bucky barnes x reader
bucky wants you to help him get his money back from an old friend.
warnings: violence, light manipulation, kind of dark bucky, based off of seb's movie sharper!
word count: 2.5k!
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"What the hell do you want with me?"
You hadn't even learned the man's name yet. He picked you up off the side of the street after a very public and very loud fight and breakup with your now ex-boyfriend. He pulled up in a Mercedes, walking out, grabbing your duffel bag of personal items. He tossed it in the backset, waving you, telling you to come on in. So, you did. It wasn't like you had anywhere else to go.
"What's your favorite movie?" He asked, ignoring your previous question. He was making himself a drink, holding an empty cup to offer you some. You shook your head.
"Uh," You hesitated, "I guess maybe Jurassic Park?"
The man raised a brow, coming to sit next to you. You tensed at his presence. "Yeah, good plot. Stupid people,"
"Very," You mused softly. "Why would you even want to go to a theme park with real dinosaurs?"
"And that man who died at the beginning?" The man nodded.
You turned your body closer to him, "Yeah, it was so stupid."
"I wouldn't know, I've never seen it." The man suddenly said. Well, wasn't he just full of surprises?
The drink in the man's cup swirled as he set it down. "You've never seen it." Your words came out less of a question, and more in disbelief.
"I'm not really a movie guy," He hummed. "And that's what I'm going to teach you."
Your eyebrow dipped up in confusion. "I'm sorry?"
The man gave an annoyed sigh, "I make people believe I'm someone else to get whatever the hell I want."
"So," You paused, shaking your head in disbelief at the current situation you'd gotten yourself in. "You're a con-artist?"
"No," The man replied, "I'm like, an actor, you could say. I'm not hurting people or anything."
Well that was weird. "I never said you did," You argued back. The man rubbed his chin with a chuckle at your reply. "What? Did I say something funny?"
"You've got fire, I like that." He acknowledged. "What's your name?" You told him your name, he nodded, mouthing it like he was getting used to saying it. "I'm Bucky. Look, I need some help. I can't always get the.. customers I need. That's where you come in."
That made you wonder what kind of gig this was. "What's in it for me?"
"Free place to stay, share of money, someone to cook for you," Bucky listed. "Want me to carry on, or do you get it?" Bucky's tone wasn't condescending, nor was it full of malice.
"Why me?" You questioned. "You don't even know me. Also, how do I even know you're a safe individual? You could be, like, some murderer who wants to sell my parts on the black market."
Bucky chuckled at your words. "One, I don't murder or even consider the black market as a viable option for my work. Two, I'll give you every proof of identity I have, hell, I'll even let you run a background check." Bucky paused, giving you a smile. "But, let's be honest, where else do you have to go?"
He was right. You didn't have anywhere else to go. Bucky was your only option as of right now. Plus, you'd be making an income. "Alright," You sighed. "I'll help you."
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"My name is Avalon DeClain, I was born in Mississippi, moved to Pennsylvania when I was six for my dads work." You recited. "I majored in chemistry in college, Penn State, graduated top of my class. I have a dog, Sydney, a german shepard. I'm single and my parents died when I was in high school."
Bucky smirked, "What year did you graduate?"
"Class of '16," You replied. "Graduated college early by a year in '19."
"You're doing better than I thought," Bucky smiled honestly. "Really, good job."
You smiled at his words, a small rush of heat going to your cheeks. "Thank you," It had been a month and a half since you started living with Bucky. As promised, he took care of you. He was teaching you all he knew.
"What do you say we celebrate tonight?" Bucky offered.
"Celebrate what?" You asked, your knees pulled up to your chest as Bucky stood up to grab some drinks for the two of you. "Is it your birthday or something?"
Bucky laughed, "No, not my birthday. Just," Bucky sucked in a breath, "A celebration of your wild achievements. I'd say you're graduating top of my class."
"Well, I'd sure hope so." You teased as Bucky walked back over. He handed you a glass of champagne, his own filled with a dark wine. "I am your only student, after all."
"And still my best work," Bucky clinked his glass with your own as you both took sips.
For a while, the both of you talked and drank. Somewhere in the last month, you had gotten Bucky to actually open up. He told you about how he grew up doing this life with some friends. However, he refused to speak about one in particular; Steve. Tonight, things seemed different though.
"Look, we've been doing small stuff," Bucky started, his tone becoming more serious. "You're perfect at the small stuff. But, I haven't been honest with you, doll."
"What happened with him?" You cautiously asked, ignoring the burning of your cheeks at the nickname
Bucky's eyes widened for a moment, his face then relaxing as he released a breath. "I knew you were intuitive." Bucky sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. "Steve was my best bud. We did, well, everything together. Until, well, one big job we found." You nodded, urging Bucky to go on. "It was some old guy, Richard. We both decided to become his assistants until he passed; he was old as rocks, if not older. After he passed, Steve and I said we'd split the money. It was around ten grand each. I guess the old man also had grandkids."
The look on Bucky's face almost broke your heart. "He took it all,"
"Not just that," Bucky continued. "He tried to get me fucking arrested. Damn good thing I was friends with one of the cops."
"So," You began. "How are we getting him back?"
Bucky's face was a mixture of relief, joy, and passion. "I love that fire in you," He sighed contently. "Tomorrow night, Steve's going out on his annual celebration. Something to do with his work successes?" Bucky wasn't sure. "His actual job, conning is a side for him."
"All right," You reassured. "I'm ready for this. What's our plan?"
"You're gonna flirt with him," Bucky explained. "He doesn't have a type, just pretty girls with short dresses. You're gonna explain how you need money for grad school, and of course he's gonna give it to you. He prides himself on being some social saint or whatever."
This plan felt way too easy. "That's all?" You remarked. "That feels.. too easy."
"Steve's girlfriend, Natasha," Bucky sighed, "She's gonna be up his ass all night. You gotta find a way to get her out of there."
You internally cringed. Great, that was significantly harder than before. "What's she like?"
"I really don't have a single clue," Bucky huffed out. "That's the one flaw of this, which is why I need to be sure you can do this."
Bucky looked nearly defeated. It was obvious he needed your help, he couldn't do it without you. "I promise you," You grabbed Bucky's hands. "I can get you that money."
No, you thought. I can get you even more.
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Bucky had no way of checking in on you to see how things were going. He left his full trust in you to not fuck this up. You could see it in him all day; he was stressed. His hand kept running through his hair, he couldn't stop tapping his feet against the wood floor.
You walked into the bar, a smooth, tight, black dress on, red heels to match. You looked around for a moment, seeing if you could spot Steve.
It really wasn't hard to find him, bright blonde hair, a boisterous laugh that was actually really cute. That was definitely the man you were looking for.
Bucky gave you a script to follow. Steve once knew a guy, Howard, back from high school. The two had zero connection now, but good old Howard was your way in.
"Excuse me," You asked, walking up behind Steve. He and Natasha both turned around. "Are you Steve Rogers?
Steve gave a smile, "Yeah, that's me. You are?"
"Oh, I'm Avalon." You reached out your hand to Steve which he shook. You followed the same action with Natasha. "I'm good friends with Howard."
Steve slapped the counter with joy, "Howard! I remember that son of a bitch. How is he?"
"Great," You smiled. Natasha scooted over a seat, letting you sit between the two. "He's got a wife, good job."
"That's great. I always liked that guy, such a good man. He deserves a great life." Steve gushed as you awkwardly smiled in return. You ordered a drink as Steve rambled.
You shyly began to comb your fingers through your hair as Steve subtly checked you out. "He was actually the one to tell me about you. He thought, well, maybe you could give me a hand."
The bartender slid you the drink, one you failed to catch as it spilled all over the front of you. Both Steve and Natasha gasped. "Oh my god! Oh, that'll never come out." Natasha gasped.
Steve quickly grabbed napkins to help you try and sop some of it up. "Are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine, just a ruined dress. I just bought it, too." You whined. In reality, this was all a part of your perfectly made plan to get Natasha out of there.
"Sweets, I'm gonna run home and grab her a new dress. We only live fifteen away and there is no way I'm letting her spend the rest of the night in a ruined dress." Natasha fell for the bait. This was perfect.
You quickly feigned guilt, "Oh, no. Please, it's really okay."
"No, I insist." Natasha said as she stood up, grabbing her belongings. "I'll be back as soon as I can, Stevie." Natasha left a small kiss on his cheek and rushed out of the building.
"I'm so sorry about your dress," Steve said, eyeing places it did not spill.
"It's fine, really." You said.
Steve was not subtle with checking you out anymore. "So, what was that favor Howard said I could help with?"
"Well," You bit your lip in a fake shame. Steve was quick to use his thumb to remove it from your teeth. "I have a pretty lousy job. I have this shitty apartment and a dog to take care of. I'm still paying off student loans, and I need to get my masters to get a decent paying job," You falsely admitted to Steve, batting your eyes at him as you sighed deeply. "I just.. can't afford to live. I'm eating a meal a day to afford dog food and groceries. Howard said that maybe you could help me out?"
You'd never seen a man nod quicker than Steve in that moment. "I'll do you one better. I'll help you pay off those student loans and get yo you paid off for grad school."
A gasp left your lips. To Steve, it was shock of his kindness. In reality, it was shock your plan worked. "Oh, God no. I couldn't ask for all of that. I was just gonna see if you wanted my dog-"
"Anything for a friend of Howard." Steve shook his head. "How do you want the money? Actually, no. Let me give it to you cash. You don't need to pay more taxes from that." You didn't even notice Steve had a briefcase with him. He opened it, leaving you in shock. You'd never seen so many hundred dollar bills stacked together before.
Steve counted out some stacks, making a pile. "I'm just gonna spit this half with you. Should be, ah, about maybe twenty grand?"
Your eyes almost popped out of your head. "Steve, I really couldn't-"
"Please," Steve scoffed. "I could make this money back in a day. I insist, you deserve a beautiful life for a beautiful woman." Steve's hand rested on your cheek as he thumbed it over softly. For some reason, his touch made you uncomfortable. All you really wanted was Bucky.
"I appreciate this more than you know." You sighed, leaning into his touch. "Thank you, Steve."
"It's no problem, sweetheart. Here, use this to carry all that in. We don't need you getting robbed." Steve handed over a large pouch from the case, shoving the money in it. "Get home safe, and give me a call sometime."
You nodded with a smile, but deep down you felt disgusted. You couldn't wait to show Bucky what you got.
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"Bucky?" You called as you walked in. You walked in the living room to see Bucky jumping up from his seat.
"You look scared shitless, doll. What happened?" Bucky immediately rushed to your side. You hadn't even noticed how anxious you were, but it was a good anxious. "Did he touch you? I swear I will fuck him up if-"
Cutting off Bucky, you opened the bag to reveal the money. "He did some light touching, but I made it work to get you a little something extra."
"Ho-ly shit," Bucky breathed out, his eyes gleaming with disbelief. "Doll, how much is this?:
"Steve said twenty grand," You answered. "I thought I would play it up to get some more out of this."
Bucky looked to you, alarmed. "Did you let him-"
"No!" You cut him off again. "God, no. I just let him eye-fuck me and touch my cheek. That was enough for him. You're right, he is some social saint."
Bucky quickly scooped you up, hugging you tightly in his arms. "Fuck, doll! You're a fucking genius. You're actually fucking insane!" Bucky yelled as you laughed. "Why'd you do that? Put yourself through that for this?"
"It was for you, Bucky." You shyly admitted. "You gave me a second chance, so I wanted to give you what you deserved."
Bucky's hands came to rest at your hips as he drew you in closer. "Did you like the way he looked at you?"
"I only like the way you look at me," You breathed out, his face getting much closer to yours. "I just wanted you to be the one to touch me."
"Doll," Bucky muttered, his lips so close to your own you could almost feel them. "You're a fucking dream." Bucky pushed his lips against your own as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You sighed contently into the kiss. "Your dress is also fucking sopping the floors."
You gave a smirk to Bucky, "So take it off, then." He smirked wildly at you as he grabbed your hand, leading you to his room.
"Maybe I will,"
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Player yan and yan arranged marriage spouse seems interesting. What's their story? What's their deal? How crazy or sane are we talking about here?
Player Yan + Buff Childhood friend reader + Yan Spouse
Player Yan had a best friend once upon a time. Tiny - even for their age and sweet as can be. Back when they had a heart, they were head over heels for this friend and protected them from everything. Said friend eventually moves away and they're left heartbroken. They try to keep tabs over the years, but their parents get involved and warn them to stop chasing what never could be. Out of retaliation and grief at the lost of their only love, they waste all of mommy and daddy's money on partying and people to ease the pain. This entire time they were already promised to someone who they've never formally met. Two seconds alone with that person made them want to splatter their brains over a wall. They finally meet as their spouse moves back to their city after finishing college - bringing their bodyguard along with them.
"Hm?... Oh, hey - it's you! I've missed you like crazy."
What? Have you slept together before or something? Talking about awkward.
"You mean you don't remember me? You're wearing our bracelet right now. It's me - Y/n. They may be my boss, but I'll protect you too!
Y/n. They didn't recognize you looking like... that. After you moved away, you still got picked on for your height and without them to protect you it was all on you to defend yourself. A late growth helped too. As soon as you tell them that they're scouring your year books for ever bully you've ever had, but they've already gone missing or had their lives destroyed. You met their spouse in college and walked them back to their dorm one night after they had been tailed home after a party. They admired your puppy dog vibes and couldn't stop thinking about you days after. Early on in your friendship, you made vague comments about being strapped for cash and they offered to pay you to be their bodyguard. You joked about it being silly to pay for something you already were and they were in love.
You move in with both of them as it's the only way to keep them from butting heads constantly.v They shower you in gifts and hire random people so you can play hero and show off those muscles you worked so hard to gain.
Childhood Reader: Thanks for the new shirt, boss! Must've grown a few sizes since it's a little small on me, but I'll wear anything you give me once to show how much I appreciate it.
Player Yan: No problem. As always - there's more where that came from.
Yan Spouse: Fucking Pervert.
Player Yan: motherfucker - we both know those shorts you ordered aren't in your size
Yan Spouse: .... Fuck you.
Player Yan, holding a knife to their spouses neck: I'm sick and tired off you getting in my way. They were mine first and they're still mine. I doubt even your parents would care if I slit your throat if I put the right price tag.
Yan Spouse: You are such a fucking child. You think killing me will make them love you? You're too pussy to do it anyway.
[As player Yan raises their blade, you walk out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel]
You: Hey boss... I think I might've used up all the hot water..... what's going on?
Yan Spouse and Player Yan, brains short-circuiting: Foreplay
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Act two
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort but not really, Ophelia is trash, Larissa is bbygirl, lesbians being lesbians, awkward
Pt1: Andromeda
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Larissa awaited as the parents rolled in, she greeted each with a smile before she saw Andromeda and Wednesday walking. Her breath caught in her throat you were still just as gorgeous as you had been during your time at Nevermore.
You smiled softly once you caught sight of the blonde, the girls rolling their eyes Larissa was quick to make an appearance. “Y/n, It’s been forever but I’m so glad to see you again” her eyes sparkled never once dimming with Morticia’s side comments.
“Likewise Larissa” your voice was soft as your hands rested on the girl’s shoulders “It’s been too long” it was becoming awkward. Morticia cleared her throat “moving along with the pleasantries the girls had something they wanted to show us”.
Gomez nodded like a lost dog, “well I guess I’ll see you later” you nodded before Andromeda had dragged you off in tow of Wednesday. Larissa was surprised not to have Ophelia with you but she noted the wedding rings on your necklace.
You didn’t see much of the blonde during the day until after dark, you stood on the dock where you both would once sit watching the stars. “I see you kept your promise” Larissa called as she neared closer, her eyes shining in the dim light.
“I wasn’t going to name Andy that at first but Ophelia insisted it” you sighed not turning around “you never came to the wedding”. Larissa’s brows furrowed “Wedding? Y/n/n I was never invited to a wedding” she spoke softly as stood by your side “I wrote out the invitations and Ophelia sent them out” .
“I’m telling you that I never got an invite but maybe it’s best I hadn’t gone” she breathed out looking down at you “why’s that?” You asked almost sadly. “I probably would’ve tried to stop the wedding” Larissa shrugged, you didn’t know how to feel before the blonde pulled you to sit with her.
“You couldn’t have Morticia so would go after Ophelia?” You scoffed you were angry but you weren’t understanding the underlining of Larissa’s words. “It was never about them Y/n” her hand found your thigh “sure I had chased after Morticia at one stage but she wasn’t as gorgeous as you, she didn’t make my breath catch and words disappear she wasn’t you”.
You turned to face the woman “I was in love with you but I knew I would never stand a chance, I never stood a chance with Tish either but… it was you who I had wanted. Ophelia knew that hell everyone besides you knew, but I was a coward then and the night I asked you to the Raven I knew it was a loss and I was too late”
“Ophelia had won the girl we were both fighting for, while I took lessons from Morticia she buttered you up. I was scared of rejection because who in their right mind would even date me” she laughed but it wasn’t humorous. “Me” you stated looking at her with tears in her eyes “Larissa I had loved you and I told you that night but it wasn’t the same anymore, I thought I was- that you wanted Morticia because oh god” you cried. “I had hated myself and you were so gorgeous and Tish was stunning but now my life has fallen to shit Lissa” you sobbed breaking the blondes heart.
“What do you do when pretty isn’t pretty enough?”
“Ophelia didn’t love me at first but we made it work after we had Andy, we fell in and out of love for many years until she passed” Larissa pulled you into her side “I’m sorry for your loss” she whispered kissing your head. “It’s okay, I’m sorry for rambling” you blinked tears away “it’s nothing really” Larissa smiled before her eyes glimmered.
You both sat silently for a moment “would you like to go to the wethervane tomorrow? I believe I still owe you that date” you nodded softly as you leaned into her warmth.
The next day you both delved deeper into your lives from since you had left Nevermore, Ophelia had been a doctor and you were now a writer. While Larissa had gone to Cambridge and then set a new start at Nevermore, you had gotta married young and had Andromeda not long after. Larissa never married or had children, that was a life she only saw with you she told herself what a dream to come home every day to a family and you more so.
Larissa’s gaze never wavered the entire morning as you spoke “would you do it again?” She asked softly “I wouldn’t have Andromeda otherwise” you shrugged with a sad smile. “She’s everything to me, the good and bad. I wouldn’t know a life without her she’s my girl”.
The blonde nodded along “although I did often wonder what it would have been like if I never married Ophelia. If I accepted your request to the Raven would I still have Andy I was so hurt, Lissy. You really hurt me and I let you willingly carve my heart like it was clay, I love you Larissa I really do- did but it didn’t stop my fantasies”
"I often wondered too, if I had swallowed my fears and asked you from the start would we be here? sitting so closely at the wethervane as if the years hadn't passed us. would we have children of our own or would you become that famous ballerina you had dreamed of being, I paid attention even when you thought I wasn't like when you changed from glasses to contacts. I prefer the glasses they seemed more natural and I got to see your hands more as they adjusted them. I listened to every career choice you had over the years and although I want to change the outlook of normies and outcasts a very selfish part of me"
Larissa swallowed hard "Made me stay at Nevermore hoping that you would have a child it didn't matter who with as long as I would get to see you one last time". You looked at her with tears in your eyes but a goofy grin "You're the principal Larissa, you could've just held a reunion but you truly are the sweetest soul I have ever met and I'm sorry I didn't try to reach out my geeky girl".
"Do you think we could ever try again?" she asked with a light blush as she ducked her head slightly "Slowly but surely"
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 6 months
Good morning, as promised, my first of two Gaming requests. Please kindly consider this Gaming fluff request: Gaming with a childhood best friend Reader whose mother used to be a dim sum chef at Liuli Pavilion. Growing up, Gaming becomes Reader's test-taster for their creative dishes (much like Xiangling but nothing too over-the-top). So, imagine both Gaming's and Reader's surprise when both Gaming's and Reader's father announce their betrothal on Gaming's tenth birthday.
Please also kindly take as long as you need with this request; I have no qualms in waiting. Furthermore, by no means feel obligated to prioritize this request over your other requests.
If you're lost you can look and find me- Gaminx Gn!reader
Time after time T/w- Old memories summary- AS shown above
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The sun burned brightly in the sky and the smell of dim sums filled the air. You were cooking away humming lyrics while you gracefully moved around like in a dance. Gaming was sitting at a table near you thinking back to the memories of when they were younger. You had been married to each other for about 3 years now and the love had only grown stronger. He was remembering the day your parents told you, you would get married to get other, you were both only 10 at the time.
“Why would I marry him? Ew.” You pulled a face at your mum, you just wanted to help her cook and now you had to get married when you were 18?
Gaming on the other hand had taken the news quite well. He may have been young but It didn't take a genius to figure out he had more than just platonic feelings from y/n.
“Dad? Why do we have to get married?” He said trying to match your tone.
“Well, it's good for both the families Gaming.”
He felt himself smile at you, seeing how cute you looked with your face all squished in concentration. “Hey, can you come try this?”
Gaming snapped out of his trance and walked over to you, and wrapped his arms around your waist. You handed him a new flavour of dim sum and he took it gratefully. His eyes widened as he remembered the flavour.
“Hey Gaming can you come try this.” Gaming’s mum called out.
The small boy bounced around the corner bursting with excitement. He was always so excited to try what she had made.
“It's very yummy mum!” Gaming's bright smile couldn’t be contained.
“I think your mum gave me that recipe.”
“It tastes exactly like hers. It's beautiful.” Tears almost started welling up in his eyes. These dumplings were one of the last things Gaming had left of her.
You saw the tears forming in his eyes and offered to make more if he wanted them. He just nodded at you with the puppy dog eyes.
“Gaming Gaming! Look what I made!” You came running out of the kitchen holding a plate of… sad… looking dim sums.
He tried not to grimace at the sight of them, He still wanted to make you happy so he slowly reached out and grabbed one. The dim sum was almost at his mouth. It touched his lips. Then went into his mouth,
He was very surprised that they tasted good, by the way they were presented.
“They’re amazing y/n!” He smiled the brightest smile you’d ever seen.
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unchained-hound-dog · 2 years
Mommy? My Daddy Doesn't Love You.
Just a little something, I was feeling rusty so it isn't the best.
Nothing your 3 year old said ever shocked you, she had such an incredible vocabulary and her constant chatter had left you totally un-phased by anything she said. You often put her chatty-ness down to the fact she was constantly around different people, listening in on adults talking and picking up on words and phrases here and there. You often had to remind Jack and his friends to watch what they were saying around her, you'd caught her telling her aunts dog off once by calling it a 'bad bitch'. Jack found it hilarious how much she spoke, facetime calls lasting hours sometimes as she gave him and full detailed report on everything you'd done that day, who she'd spent time with and how many naps she'd had.
So as you're walking to the car after collecting her from pre-school, her words don't really phase you at first, a hum escapes your lips as you lift her into her car seat and start buckling her in.
'Mommy, my daddy doesn't love you' she repeats, looking up at you.
You watch her face, noticing how she is dead-serious and normally a statement as random as that would have you both laughing, but she seems almost concerned and it fills you with the same feeling.
'What do you mean baby? Of course daddy loves me' you finish buckling her in but stand at the car door, waiting her response.
'Brandon told me today that 'cause daddy is away all of the time, it must mean he doesn't love you. His daddy left him and his mommy because he doesn't love them anymore, that's what his mommy told him' her eyes never leave yours as she spoke, her fingers playing with the zipper on her jacket.
'Baby' your voice catches and tears fill your eyes for a moment before you swallow, leaning in and pushing some hair out of her face.
'Daddy loves me so much, and he loves you so much and we love him, right?' you wait for her to nod before continuing 'and daddy has to work away sometimes and we don't see him around the house but, that doesn't for a second mean he's left us and he doesn't love us' you watch as she nods, her face showing that her brain is working to think of a response.
'So daddy isn't going to leave us like Brandon's daddy did?' her little face makes your heart melt as you lean in and press a kiss to her forehead.
'No baby, daddy isnt going to leave us. I promise'
After being content with how she felt, you shut the car door and got in the drivers side. You started the car and began your drive home, eager to tell Jack about the conversation you'd had.
'Hi daddy!' your daughter ran through to the living room, diving on her dads lap and hugging him tight.
'Hi bug! How was school?' he pressed a kiss to her head before setting her down, her little legs running out to the kitchen where she knew you'd left a snack on her table.
'Glad it was a good day' he called after her, moving into the entryway where he found you taking off your shoes and putting your daughters book bag down.
'Hi babe' Jack's hands slid across your hips and to your stomach, resting there as he pressed soft kisses to your shoulder and neck, you sighed at the feeling and melted back into him
'Hi gorgeous' you turned in his arms, you both met in a soft and breif kiss before you pulled back.
'You'll never guess what she said to me when she got out today'
Jack went through a range of emotions, at first he was mad at this kid for telling his daughter that he didn't love her mom, then he was angry at the parents for telling their kid that in the first place, and now he was upset. Upset that your daughter had possibly accepted the fact that her parents didn't love each other, would she be questioning if her dad was coming home everytime he left for tour or for work? Would she spend her childhood worrying about her parents?
You both agreed to sit her down and talk to her. You'd spoken to her before about how Jack works away and sometimes you can both go with him but other times you both had to stay, but she was older now and maybe she'd understand it better.
'So you do love mommy?' she asked Jack after you'd both finished talking.
'So much' Jack smiled down at her.
Your daughter climbed up onto his lap, her tiny hands cupping his ear as she spoke in a whisper to him.
'More than you love me?' her brows furrowed slightly.
'Hmm not as much as I love you, no. But almost, don't tell her' he whispered back, causing a giggle to erupt from the small girl, the two sharing a pinky promise as you looked on in amusment.
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ijustwantogethigh · 2 months
Interview With the Cannibal
Interview with the Cannibal.IWTC.
chapter one: Survive to live and love to kill.
my eyes hurt so bad
i cannot hide my cannibalism
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this took me fucking 3 days and i wouldn't say i'am proud but work it's work! and yeah, maybe has a chapter 2..or more idk i hope you like it bc i fucking love it,, sunseeker btw, i love them
cannibalism, reg is the cannibal, walburga being a boy mom, therapist!remus and james, kind of neglective black family¿, sirius has a traumaa, well, we knew that duh. uh ah..peter is a straight guy yayy!
A crime was committed, someone was eaten and a hungry was saciaded, the black family,all conservative and very closed minded had a variety of persons, homosexuals, heterosexuals, feminists, misogyny man, racist and classist and indeed were like that, but never a killer never a psycho, never a cannibal.
 The day of the murder was a fight in a room, a very, desolate room, ‘’Why would I want you?!, I didn’t WANT to, you make me!’’ a woman shouted, at the top of her lungs, when a men, was manhandling her by her wrists ‘’Camila, you cannot be doing this! you were the one who wanted this!Now I am the one who needs to be saying why I would want you?!, understand he is my brother! he wouldn’t love you back knowing you betray him!’’ the man,hopelessly cried, handing her hips, making her look at him in the eyes, she began to cry when he told her ‘’if you aren’t mine… you wouldn’t be for anyone then’’ and he throw her on the floor of the room, and go out, but lock it, she desperately try to find a open window, after 12 minutes he comes back, but with a dagger, he made her fall, when she was on the floor he cutted her throat,, but with a missmovement he cutted part of his palm, but it didn’t matter.
 All the floor was described as a beautifully carmin path, he cutted her head, and putted aside, like it was nothing, he nuded the woman's body and start cutting it, ‘’ oh,, haha, mon cherie, do not look at me like that’’ he muttered under his husky breath ’’you didn’t want to be shut’’ he say to the now, unlived blonde head. ‘’I must say, that happens with the cheaters, '’  says in the air.
Sirius was worried, it’s been at least a week since he doesn’t sees his Girlfriend, Camila Riverwood such a smart and pretty girl, she has been disappeared a week, her parents thought he stole from her home, but when he say ‘’no, she isn’t here with us, i’ve been trying to call her but she doesn't answers!’’ The police were a lot late to search for her in the very weird places she assisted the past week. Even if Sirius was the first suspect, how hypocritical you need to be to kill her and cry for her…?
He couldn't keep depressed, so his mom made him visit a therapist, Remus Lupin, in mom words, ‘’you gonna be okay sweetie, just go, if you are okay, we are more than okay, what a liar.
and when the case as going to be achieved, surprisingly, in the same week, a trash bag, with burned human parts was founded far away from the town they were living, along with semi burned clothes and hair, they made a DNA test, from the some decomposed rest of the body, it was Camila Riverwood, but they funded extra DNA material under her poorly cutted hand with 3 fingers, one what, had a promise ring, and it was Regulus Black DNA. 
Everything proceeded too slowly to Sirius, his girlfriend was dead, his brother was going to jail, his mother now was angry and sad, and his Dad was just disappointed, but not about Regulus, about him ‘’why wouldn’t you just forgive him!?, you are selfish!’’ and he sobbed one more time ‘’mom, he killed my fiance!, HE LITERALLY ATE MY GIRL, MOM WHY I WOULD DO SUCH A THING,THINK GOD DAMN’’ his voice sounded like a sick old dog barking, he yelled so grossed out,his brother was a cannibal, such abnormal thing, he shouldn’t be alive he thinked.
after that night, he moved out with Remus,a very tall guy with curl hair, they connected more like friend than patient and therapist, and taking therapy at home, but he break when he heard regulus sentence ‘’he’s having fucking seven years of jail, what the…no no no…’’ Remus faster as possible make him feel safe, just like when dog hear *cohetes* well, it’s not like he didn’t get over about the fact that her dead girlfriend was murdered, no, it as because the **negligence and now, the little sentence for that sick fucker.
Three years had pass, since that incident,and people like Remus and now James, his Boyfriend friend, now his best friend, tall and tanned and a very energetic guy, with a very, very happy but fearful contagious Aura, and yeah peter, his half brother a chubby little guy obsessed with disney movies.
until now.
Regulus Arcturus Black was out, for good behave in jail, that make sirius not sad, but make him go feral, ‘’you don't understand he a killer, a literal sick minded bitch and they ugh!’’he pulled his hair making it messy, james was more than confused, even scared how sirius was reacting, over something he didn’t now ‘’sorry padfoot, what are you talking about?’’, that name, was too familiar to him, he has heard that exact same pronunciation in somewhere else, he turned around and then to Remus again and then to James again ‘’my brother is a cannibal James, he killed my ex girlfriend and ate her’’ he say it, in such a calm way that make James had goosebumps ‘’I didn’t expect that amount of information…’’ he only let a sigh out and sit ‘’take this, it’s good for the nerves’’ Remus say, giving him a piece of chocolate.
At noon, Remus was on the market and, sirius and james were alone, and James talked first ‘’so, i didn’t want to go further because i know how moony get when he sees you sad but, what your brother name?’’ he said out loud,he looked like he knew that name from another part. so sirius who was on his phone could hear him ‘’Regulus Arcturus Black, i knew he was out of his mind when he say he hated dogs’’ James laughed of the joke and with his always nervousness ‘’do you mind if i make him a literal episode on my true crime podcast?’’ the long-haired man looked at him ‘’you have a podcast?, that’s cool, why you didn’t told m-’’ ‘’sirius please, i need a yes or a no, and you can be there to explain way further if you want to’’ he tried to, but sirius sometimes was to childish ‘’you know something? me and reg use to be very very stick together until that happend, he was 17, and i was 18…do it, i want that fucker fell ashamed about he did’’ and James smiled, and runned to hug him and he new, James will be forever more brother than regulus could have been all his life.
It was a late, fresh summer night when James started investigating the case,it’s been a month since the conversation had happened and James needed to start now. and well in his words, there wasn’t a lot of information about him, or what he did , and that drove him crazy, so he needed sirius for that part, and he called him ‘’hey siri, how are you? yeah i'm calling, what exactly..happened that night?’’the other man greeted the same way, until he heard the question ‘’are you being serious about this?, i thought you didn’t care…’’ ‘’well I always care, but there's no information about your brother, and what happens,or everything is in french, and they do not show pictures of him’’ he say scrolling with his mouse ‘’James, remember he was a minor when he did what he did, i’ll pass you one, i think i have a selfie with him…i..i didn’t erase the photos with him i didn’t have the energy to look at him ‘’ about 2 hours passed, while both were on the phone making the script that james would base to reveal the case. until they hang the phone, james look at his messages to took the photo and look at them, sirius and regulus were hugging each other smiling to the camera, sirius hair was straight and regulus wasn’t, both looked happy, and he looked at the text ‘’this was a month before the incident he say if anything happens to you, i would kill for you, brother , i guess he did..’’ that make james feel nauseous and he stopped his screen time to make his eyes rest.
The weekend as arrived to james place and that was the day he should be filming the podcast, when he first gave a spoiler in his blogg everyone was utterly conffused who was Regulus Acturus Black and why IT WAS HE so important?, he did it, now everyone was talking about him the video go international, and some sick fuckers did what they like to do better, romantizice him, and now he was on Sirius and Remus departament, watching it ‘’i haven’t see him since that, i bet he looks like utterly shit’’ sirius say looking at his brother photo. ‘’he was 17 what when he did that, around 2 and 4 am, camila riverwood was killed and mutiladed by him, he grab everyting in a carpet and transladed it on his mother car, to his house in france, he called his friends, Pandora lovegood and Barty crouch jr, to help him cook, yeah, cook the body, obviously, both of them are now under contidional liberty, and regulus proceeded to eat him among 5 or 6 days until, someone noticed that someone was missing’’ in the television was heard, obviously sirius had a grosssed out expression for the details of her death, ‘’what does the comments says jamie?’’ ‘’uh.. they say: he is so handsome, being a cannibal does even better, oh other one says maybe they give him that sentence because he was too young and his ethereal beauty, what the heck are they thinking?’’ Sirius bit his lip, making a disappointed expression ‘’at least they find him cute, the next jefrey damher’’ and the day ended, eating apple pie and watching the news ‘’and in some other news, who could believe it! the passed week a young man called james fleamont potter published this video, relating a murder case about regulus black, the young cannibal, now the episode had more than 3 million views and has been go international,in here some pictures of the criminal, a very strange case, well, no one remember this guy, even if the case was relevant on the year  in another topic, his sentence! 7 years but he is now free for good behave, in jail, going with lisa telling us the weather!’’ everyone was shocked, more James than everyone but a notification make sirius scream in horror ‘’hey siri, it’s me,cousin Narcissa, can we talk?’’ ‘’Hell no’’ he said, turning off his phone.
‘’What you mean ‘’hell no’’ answer, narcissa is such a good woman, she hadn’t nothing to do with reg and your mother ‘’ remus tried to make him talk to narcissa, his cousin, that when she got married she move out and ended any type of connection with the black family. ‘’well she- give me that-’’ he grabbed his phone from his partner's hands and turned his phone on ‘’what should i tell her?, it’s been literal decades…’’ ‘’well, tell her what she wants to talk about, i think it’s very obviou-’’ ‘’shus, don’t make me look dumb james’’ remus just could look about it ‘’okay…umm what if hello cissa, how do you been? what do you want to talk about..?’’ ‘’yeah, very convincing!’’ james cheered him up, and that's what he send her, they texted along 2 or 3 hours, about everything and how they would love to see, or at least with very selected family members, and he sigh when she stopped answering ‘’what did she told you’’ ‘’she, she wanted to get dinner but i denied, my mother was going to be there and…she a homophobe, i don't want her to disrespect you’’ ‘’ahh, good i don't like to fight nannies’’ both laughed of the comment, those days were the best without people they didn’t like.
But for regulus wasn’t the same, after he get out of jail, he was refunded in a psychological clinic for people of his…type were his mother always visit him to yell at him and in sometimes, talk decently with him, in his visits as always sitted, on a very uncomfortable chair,in a tiny cabin, with a slightly light coming from the hal, with a force shirt, tied to the chair, and with a clear mask with little holes in the mouth zone to talk, and that time was one of those times but it was certainly, different ‘’hello mom’’ ‘’how you been reggie?’’ He said it with his lowest tone, almost intendeble like a direct message to his mother that he was tired of seeing pure white, but she spoke like she was seeing pure gold, even if his son, his own blood was practically dying there ‘’why are you so happy? did you divorced?’’ ‘’oh no, why would i do that?, and you are practically out now! you are gonna live with us baby!’’ she let out like it as nothing, the eyes of the boy open significantly ‘’what…I.. I mean yeah! i’am so excited mom!’’ now, he was incredibly happy, he laughed so hard like he didn’t since he was free ‘’since when? i mean, i am very excited, i really mean it’’ ‘’since tomorrow love, so, yeah, pack your things, or whatever you have’ she say , getting up from her seat’, walking to the exit door ‘see you soon’’ she say, walking out the room, letting him alone while the nurses help him to get up, and feeling excited, he pretended wanting to bite one of the nurses, he laughed when she flicked and get nervous..
The day begin’ with a really happy regulus, he ate properly, he took a long bath and make himself look decent for his mother, now she was driving to the black house ‘’wow, everything looks so colorful, it’s making my eyes hurt’’ walburga laughed of it ‘’put these on, haven’t you go out in your sun hours?’’ ‘’no, the bitch of umbridge denied me all my sun hours, that’s why i look so pale’’ he put the sunglasses on, looking like a drug dealer ‘’i would make you go out, and take vitamins, sun is very important, it makes everyone being happy, a life without the sun is so depressing ‘’ ‘’and..umm what kind of food they gave you..?’’ he needed to be prepared if he was going to have more friends to answer all those uncomfortable questions ‘’bread, umm salad and sometimes fruit’’ ‘’so, no meat? because umm, i should have ask you if you have a diet ‘’ ‘’why? mom let put something clear that i ate a human doesn’t make me a litteral cannibal’’ he was getting defensive‘’no no no, i understant but i ask because i don’t know what to do with all that whores i make fucking steak’’ she says, stopping in front of their house ‘’what? you…’’ ‘’I'm sorry Reggie, I guess that will be Nagini's food, I need you to tell me what you want to eat so I'll tell kreacher what food to give you for dinner’’ she will always be down for her son. 
Regulus was in shock, so his mother killed people to feed him, he yelled in the glory ‘’no mom, i…i want to eat right now, tell kreacher to put potatoes and Red Wine on in to marinate it and some carrots mm! w-with butter!’’ he feeled non culpable of what he was saying, he folded like a starved dog seeing ribs, or smelling fresh bunny blood, it was literal heaven ‘’oh i let him know’’ she say with a smile, he remembered when he kill camila, he feleed so hungry from nowhere, but he didn’t want caviar, he didn’t want ordinary meat, he wanted to eat her heart, and that in fact, his mother pay to every nottery to not make the case public, so that how he lived 6 months free, until sirius snitch, he missed sirius, but camila was way more delicious than him. he was in his room, seeing that everything was like before, his books, his bed, even the painted mirror with some constellations painted on it, almost magical.
Sirius wake up having a nightmare, he was in his house in france, remus and james where there, sitten in those fucking elegant chairs that his mom use to put in the garden to her tea parties, and yeah they were having a tea party until he saw him, he was like him, even to say he looked younger but his red-violet eyeshadow, with his pale skin,but the horror was he was blood stained, he have it on his clothes, mouth and face‘’siri, i missed you so much, where you been, i needed you!’’ and now he was awake, he reach his phone to see the hour, but there was a message from cissa ‘’hey siri, i just wanted to let you know that, you and your friends are invited to my Birthday party! but if you don't want to it great, but i would love to meet remus’’ he didn’t know what to answer, the messages was upload at 10 pm, he didn’t see it, it was 3 am, he was going ro denied when he remember, she hadn’t connection with the other black’s so, should be good, and it was time now ‘’yeah, thank you and we are more than happy to assist’’ he texted back.
The week passed as river water, an the black family was invited to one of her cousin and niece party ‘’oh, Lucius, thanks for the invitation’’ Walburga says, Lucious Malfoy, indimidating yet a gentleman, that married one of her nieces, Narcissa black, a very sweet lady. ‘’it’s always a pleasure having you as a guest madame black , and are you inviting lord black?’’ he speaked trough his deep voice, wanting to know if the rumors were real ‘’oh no, my husband is in a businnes trip in Ireland, i’am bringing regulus, my second son, you remember him?’’ her smile in her face mas horririficly beautifull, she really expressed her exitement trough her smile ‘’oh, regg! how could i forget about him, he was so little when i see him last time, is he home?’’ ‘’oh yes! you want to come in and see him?, he must be in the living room reading’’ ‘’it be a plasure madame’’ she walked aside to let the blonde man to come in, she guide him trough the living room but he wasn’t there, and in the kitchen dinner room, no sing of him, until they find him reading and drinking tea in the garden ‘’wow, it’s been a long time, he has grown faster like fire and gasoline!’’ he say, like he wasn’t see a boy of regulus age before, he was 20 and the blonde man must been in his 28 or 29 ‘’regg, i present you lucius malfoy, cissa’s husband’’ she say, making regulus stand up ‘’ she marry? she must be getting crazy then..’’ he murmured in french so him wouldn’t understant ‘’what did he say?’’ ‘’that he is happy of you, that she needs a man to handle her attitude'’ the word get out, almost immediately of his mother mouth ‘’thank you regg, well i need to go know, there's more invitations to needs to be personally delivered’’
‘’see you soon mr, malfoy’’ he wave bye with his hand, and ruining his lilis, he crossed the garden to reach his car ‘’he stepped on my lavender!’’ ‘’and i save you from getting his family hate, he invited us to Narcissa’s birthday party, so we are going, behave’’ ‘’i think you are missing something, i'm not a dog to ‘’behave’’  ‘’yeah you are right you are a Animal, an you bite. ‘’ and with those words, she start making calls so, she can gets a really good dress.
He feeled uncomfortable wearing a smoking at that time, he could feel the shirt touching his neck, back and chest, his jacket made him feel sophocaded and those pant, ugh those fucking pants made him think he looked like a damn pencil ‘’ i feel stupid…i dont want to go’’ ‘’well, you are going, i need yo to meet tonks, she is you niece and, yeah andromeda and cissa haven’t see you in a long time, i need everyone to see you’’ ‘’i think everyone hated dromeda’’ ‘’well, we do but it’s Narcissa decition if she invites that kind of people’’ ‘’we hate or you hate’’ he spitted alarging to o to sound more defensive‘’if you do not shut up i’am fucking letting cerberus and thanatos eat you’’ cerberus and thanatos, two beautifull dobermans that his mom adopted because she nedeed to feel ‘’secured’’ ‘’they’re like you, they eat people’’ ‘’mom’’ ‘’regulus’’ she smiled when she stoped brushing regulus hair to make him look decent, the tematic was elegant, from the 40’s, and his mom was brings 2 fucking letal dogs to a birthday party were theres anoying kids, and they think he is the dangers because he eats womans, what a joke.
Sirius, James and Remus were in his way to the party. At her cousin's husband's house,Peter didn’t want to go, he prefered to stay at home with his girlfriend watching Disney movies. The party must be important, because they were remembering the family tree. ‘’so she is your cousin, along andromeda and bellatrix’’ yeah, they’re sisters’’ ‘’but they hate andromeda’’ ‘’yeah because she married a older and poor man’’ ‘’hypothetical situation, you have a extra sister, i marry her, i’am a bad o a good guy?’’ james say at the back seat, sirius moved himself so he car look james and start hitting him and throwing his hands to him ‘’first, i wouldn’t let you not even talk to her!’’ ‘’i say, hypothetical situation, she doesn’t even exists!’’ he say,moving so sirius wouldn’t ruin his hair ‘’you now he always gets mad with the hypothetical questioning!’’ ‘’it as a joke!’’ sirius get back on hi seat, he fixed is hair on the mirror and say ‘’you are that bad that, even dromeda husband would fucking hate you’’ ‘love, that’s mean’’ remus say, trying to get his attitude down ‘’sorry mon amour, but it’s true’’ 
They were in, the house was big and the attention was marvelous, he feeled so spoiled again, there was no sign og sirius and his friends. Walburga was happy about it, and just in time when he was going to drink from a glass of wine ‘hey! what you think you are doing,’’ ‘’mom i’am 20, i can drink’’ ‘’you live with me, i say if you drink or no, go sit in the couch, talk to someone’’ and like that he was sitting seeing another young kids running on dresses and smokings, playing and some adults dancing and drinking while he was drinking apple juice, he talked to narcissa, she almost cry when he saw him, and andromeda too, he played with tonks and again to the couch, he as naive until he hears narcissa introducing someone to his husband ‘’lucius, darling he is sirius, regulus brother and walburgas first son’’ sirius had a uncomfortable expression being introduced like that, then remus his actual boyfriend and..james potter..? he get stiff a little until he remembered that familiar face, yeah! he was Dr.potter son, he saw him a lot during his **practiques, roaming the apartment or seccion where he was, bingo.
but he didn’t expect the having eye contact with sirius, it was proonged, mostly 15 seconds until he grabe the tall dude arms and make him a sign. he obviously cutted the contact, sirius was getting a panic attack, he feel like fainting ‘’we are so sorry narcissa, but i need sirius to calm down,’’ ‘’fuck, it’s okay want me to bring some water i-’’ ‘’no it’s completly okay’’ ‘’i’am going with you guys,’’ ‘’no, i need im to be alone, we are coming for you at’’ he saw his wrist clock ‘’in a hour, talk to a girl, i don’t know!’’ and remus, helping sirius to breath they start walking, they see a park, not to far from here,  they were going there, must be, but why he got so..damn, and jmes saw him, he was comfortable sitting in a carmin velvet couch, with a little juice box seeing everyone, and he straingtly walk towards him, he sitted by his side ‘’hey, you must be sirius brother a plasure, james potter’’ he stend his hand, making him salut him, and he did, ‘’yeah, i saw you with him recently, regulus black’’ and now, both were having the most uncomfortable trade of words that never have seen before ‘’you know he is terrifiend of you right’’ ‘’it’s not something that i enjoy young potter’’ ‘’how old are you? i’am 24, just call me by my name, james’’ he let his lips closed and he beggined again ‘’i know what you are’’ ‘’he doens’t like me but it’s not mutual’’ ‘’do you enjoy it?’’ ‘’excuse me? who you are to being this disrespecfull’’ he say in defensive, he didn’t like this guy like the other. ‘’i’am a doctor, and i study the psicological state of a cannibal, and i wanted to make you a interview’’ he didn’t feel like trusting this man, he looked all messy and clumsy, like he was a scamer or something ‘’what i won from this?’’ ‘’money, thats simple’’ ‘’lets talk about the details in the garden’’ well, for this not being his house he feeled like knowing it it like his palm, he standded up, and started walking, wainting for the Deer guy to folllow him.
Now, both were in the garden, talking about where and when they would meet to make the interview, sitting on the board of a big that looks like Eros statue ‘’can i have your number? in case something happens and yeah,’’ ‘’of course’’ before exchanging numbers they were still talking about other stuff.
Sirius was now calmed, and yeah he repeated himself that now tha regulus is out, he would see him sometimes, he needed to get over it, he called james but he didn’t answer, he was getting anxious again ‘’hey cissa, we are now going, i'm so sorry’’ ‘’no no, it's completely okay, i understant’’ she say with a big smile ‘’but next time tell your hubby to no be a metiche’’ ‘’a what?’’ ‘’a metiche, is like gossip, james teach me that’’ ‘’is he spanish?’’ ‘’no he is mexican, and talking about him i haven’t seen him’’ she couldn’t tell him that he and his brother were nowhere to be found in the party, ‘’umm, haven’t you called him? call him againg’’ and he did it, but this time he answered ‘’where the fuck are you at?!’’ ‘’u-umm what? are you here now?’’ The music was too loud to hear something ‘’we are leaving, now, where are you, whe are coming to get you’’ ‘’no no, i’ll go, stay there i'm coming’’ he sounded nervous, like he always sounded when he did a bad thing.
‘’I need to go now regg, you brother is waiting for me’’ ‘’it’s okay, go i’ll see you again right?’’ ‘’Of course’’ and both said bye with his hands, and on the way to the exit he heard his phone ring. It wasn’t a call from Sirius, it was a deer emoji, and he responded back with a bat one.
‘’where were you? kissing one o my cousins? what a whore’’ he wanted to say, ´´ not much better, being friends with your mentally ill brother´ ' '’i did not! I was talking all the time talking with one of your cousins, or i don't know’’ Sirius just huffed and they made their way home.
late in the night, he was staying with remus and sirius, he agended regulus name with the bat emoji and text him ‘’so, how was the party’’ to be answered with a ‘’very bored, i'm not drunk and..you weren’t there so, very bored’’ ‘’good night reggie, it's now 12:00 but i know vampires like you do not sleep’’ ‘’you wish deer ‘’.and with that, he only hoped that they would see again.
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WIBTA if I move into my own apartment for an internship instead of with friends like I initially said I (more likely than not) would for a while?
CW: kinda long but I don’t think I can put a readmore on anon :(
I (20sNB) have an opportunity to do an internship in spring of 2024. My friend (20sF) and her husband (20sM, we’re all within ~3yrs of each other) have been working on renovating a single-wide trailer in a trailer park in the same town as the internship, and it will be done with them living in it for at least a good few months before my internship. I’ve helped them with renovations whenever I’m in town and they’ve promised/shown me the room they’re reserving to be my space because they’re so sure I’ll move in with them.
I’ll be honest, I was planning to at first. But that changed with a variety of factors contributing, including but not limited to:
The trailer was reportedly full of black mold. Abandoned dressers would be opened and a puff of mold dust would emerge from the doors. It was also previously a hoarder’s house possibly due to the amount of junk in and around the trailer. Nobody wore PPE during renovations as far as I’m aware, and seem to believe they’re “in the clear” as they’ve shown no side effects yet. They’ve literally kept up only exactly what’s required to legally say they’re ‘renovating’ instead of tearing everything down and reusing the foundation, but it’s still a concern for me due to the casual way it was brought up and addressed.
My friends admitted that the neighbors don’t like them much due to the loud noises day in and day out from the renovation, resulting in the cops being called on them several times as a noise complaint. I have a rough time as it is being close to strangers, and that anxiety/paranoia? isn’t alleviated by hearing that and seeing people come out of their own trailers to glare at us whenever we work on the property.
My cat (20F) would be moving in with me. She’s indoor-only, but cats are bound to run around at some point. There are numerous unvaccinated and unfixed strays in the park and I’m concerned for her health; she’s having a hard enough time just keeping down food, a virus or infection would make me put her down.
My friends own a Pomeranian that does not respect other animals and continuously harasses them by barking and chasing after them. My cat does NOT like dogs, and my repeated warnings that having them in the same room would result in the dog getting blinded and possibly even more severely injured have been waved away with “The dog will learn soon enough to leave her alone!”. I would also have two relatively small lizards with me, both of whom leave their terrariums regularly for general holding sessions and to run around while I clean their tanks. There is a nonzero chance of them being beyond the safety of the glass and the dog eating them as the dog has a high prey drive.
Being with them would save me and my parents MASSIVE amount of money as rent is nearly nonexistent with how low it is in the park; I would mostly help with other bills (such as water, electricity, groceries) and general housemate things like cleaning up after myself and helping cook or chip in for takeout every now and then. Both friends know how restricted my ability to really develop is in my house due to my family (such as not knowing how to make anything more complicated than air fryer food) and have expressed that they are eager to help me learn and watch me grow into who I am.
But for a while I’ve been very strongly leaning towards an apartment instead despite rent being crazy (my parents are willing to pay half but with 0 guarantee of a paid internship and uncertainty as to whether I can hold a part-time job at the same time it would still be a blow to my savings). It’s gotten to the point where my language is full of “My future apartment will have….” “When I move into an apartment do you think I should….” when discussing the matter with my parents with zero verbal room for considering living with my friends. Advantages to the apartment include having my own space, being much closer to my internship location (though my friends weren’t all that far out themselves), and no concerns about my pets being around strangers or other animals. My parents and grandma agree that an apartment sounds the safest for my pets’ physical health and my mental health.
However, I have yet to tell my friends. The F is a friend of a decade now, and the M and I aren’t exactly close but regard each other as siblings. While she might be hurt but understanding, I don’t know if I want to risk him or both of them blowing up on me for my decision after at least 6mo of helping here and there and encouraging them to finish renovating their own place. The closest I’ve gotten to saying anything is warning them that it isn’t guaranteed I’ll move in with them when they use language suggesting it is and that I’m trying to keep my mind open to all housing options, including renting a space in a family friend’s basement. Neither of them seem to have caught on to what I’m doing, though. So, WIBTA if I finally break it to them that I’ve decided on an apartment and move into a space without them? This might seem like a non-issue to outsiders but it very much is to me :(
(For slight additional context: my friend is typically very understanding and we do our best to communicate our feelings about joint activities especially. Her husband is the type of guy to get mad at the ‘politics’ of the new Barbie movie and the joke made out of the Kens.)
What are these acronyms?
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magicbystarlight · 11 months
Venomous - Part Nine
Masterlist, Part One
Summary: A wife. A mother. A witch with someone else's name. That’s the life you didn’t want. So Tom offered you more.
Word Count: 3,386
Warnings: 18+, arranged marriage, age gap relationship, assault, a bit of ptsd, terrible parenting, war, sickness. Minors DNI.
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“I thought he knew—I’ve written him about it! Three times! I don’t understand why—you’re his best friend!”
The air in the room was thick, each breath laborious as you paced. Rick had been taken somewhere. Your mother and Abraxas’ parents had followed Theseus. You would have too, but Velena had shooed you into this room with Abraxas.
“Take care of your fiancé, dear.”
He’d been taken care of. Some witch had fixed his nose and cleaned the blood before you’d even made it to his side. Gods, the amount of people fawning over him should have given you some time to figure out what the fuck happened.
“In front of so many people! In front of his boss! At the Minister’s home! What was he thinking?” His entire career thrown away. For what?
“He wasn’t thinking,” Abraxas said. He was calm. So very calm. “He’s been away so long he only remembers you as the child you were when he left.”
“He didn’t give me a chance to explain—if he’d read a single letter, he’d have known!” Hadn’t Dumbledore seen him since? Would he not have told him? He’d been busy fighting the tyranny of a mad man, yes, but—
“You’re going to wear a path into the floor, Little Bird.” Abraxas stood in your way, taking your hands. “He’s been at war. If he felt even a sliver of what I did when I thought of you marrying someone, I can’t blame him for it.” His lips pressed against your knuckles. It brought little comfort.
Still, you let your head fall against his chest. "He threw away his entire career, Brax."
"I'm not pressing charges."
“It doesn’t matter.” Not to anyone else but you. “It’s going to be in the papers tomorrow.”
“It won’t.”
“Someone took a picture!”
“Keeping one measly picture out of the tabloids is nothing.” His chest rumbled with a laugh as he rubbed circles on your back. “Not when you’re a Malfoy.”
A knock on the door had you twisting out of his hold. Annoyance blistered at the sight of Azar. You hadn't even known he was at this godsforsaken party. "They're asking for you." His hand raised when you moved towards him, shaking his head. "For Abraxas."
He left with a promise that everything would be fine. And with Azar’s assurance he’d stay with you.
“What did Rick say?” you asked when the door shut.
“I don’t know. They wouldn’t let me in either.”
It was quiet for a while. Your pacing resumed without Abraxas to interfere. Five minutes passed. Then ten. How long did it really take to say he wouldn't press charges? Azar stood by the door like a guard. The walls shrunk as the minutes continued to pass, the air too thick. This was stupid. Waiting. You had a right to be in that room, figuring this out. It was your brother and your future husband.
You took a step towards the door and Azar moved in front of it swiftly.
"Oh come on, Az!"
He shrugged. "This is your own fault."
“Funny. I don’t remember decking my fiancé.”
“Tom offered you a way out of this,” he said cooly. 
“Cut the shit.” You shook your head, nostrils flaring. “If Tom had stayed the fuck away from me and if you hadn't been his little lap dog, there wouldn't even be a fiancé." The pent up anger seeped through the cracks. He was your uncle. Your blood. How could he not have protected you? How could he not understand? "You know what happens when we turn our backs on family. It doesn’t matter how great you think he is, he’s not one of us. I’m not risking my future for some teenage prick with a hardon. Especially not after he fucking tried to kill me.”
Azar flinched. A crack finally in the mask. “He what?”
Rubbing your neck, you forced yourself to breathe. “It doesn’t matter, Az.” 
“It does.”
You couldn't look at him. Not after his part in everything. “He cornered me. Tried to tell me that I was his. When I told him I wasn't going to be some Half-Blood's whore,” another breath had to be forced out through the tightening in your throat, “he choked me until I thought I was going to die.”
“He wasn’t trying to kill you.”
A half-hysteric laugh slipped out. Of course he was taking Tom’s side. You knew, you knew he wouldn’t believe you.
“I'm not saying he didn't hurt you, it's just,” you stepped back as he stepped forward, "he wasn't thinking. His family's a sore spot."
Your head shook. "You weren't there. You didn't—you didn't see the look in his eyes. He didn't hesitate." Swallowing down a sob, you tried to steady yourself. He wouldn't see you cry. You wouldn't let him. "You can make all the excuses for him you want, but I won't."
"Let me talk to him. It had to have been a misunderstanding."
A tear escaped before you could stop it. A misunderstanding.
"Do whatever you want, Azar." The Stunner hit him square in the chest before he'd blinked. "Just stay out of my way."
"So I'm an adult when it comes to getting married, but a child still when it comes to figuring out why my brother assaulted my fiancé?"
"Lower your voice," your mother hissed, eyes flitting to the end of the hall where Minister Fawley was in a heated discussion with Theseus. They'd seemed eager to pass off your mother when you'd arrived. It was doubtful that they cared much what you were saying. "This is sensitive. The fewer people involved the better."
You scoffed. "The entire party saw it! Don't you think I should have something to say when people ask?"
“It was a misunderstanding, that's all."
A misunderstanding. Everything gone wrong in your life brushed off as misunderstandings. Selene was as useless as her brother. It was pointless to continue with her. And you couldn't dispatch her in the same way you'd done Azar. You could only wait for the moment the door would open and you could ask Warrick himself what in the bloody hell he had been thinking. 
Only that moment did not come. For Abraxas and his parents had opened it alone, surprised to find you waiting. Warrick, they had said, had already left. Too embarrassed to face anyone else. 
The voice echoed again in your mind. Not yours, but someone else's who didn't know Abraxas. Because Abraxas had proven time and time again that he could be trusted. So when he told you that it had all been a misunderstanding, you'd silenced the voice and smiled.
The shortened Christmas edition of the Daily Prophet arrived a few hours into the early morning. It was a terrible discovery to find you plastered across the front. The picture had been taken only a few minutes after you'd arrived at the party, greeting the Minister with your engagement ring on full display. A grin plastered across your face, hair pristine, teal gown complimenting your skin. A picture perfect Pureblood.
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Future Mrs. Malfoy Stuns at Minister's Christmas
It made your stomach turn.
They hadn't mentioned your actual name once in the article.
Your father made his first appearance that afternoon, staying only long enough to be considered polite before leaving again. Warrick did not come to see you.
Letters came. The story hadn't made it to the paper, but gossip spread as it always did. Your hand ached from writing the words "it was a misunderstanding" over and over. Warrick still had not come.
The manor had never felt so small. Abraxas had never been so...overwhelming.
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We've decided to visit my sister in Sweden and won't return in time for New Year's.
~Elin Avery
You wondered what your mother had said to convince your grandparents to forgo the annual lunch that had been a tradition from before you were born.
Warrick never came. Abraxas insisted he would reach out when he was ready, but for now he didn't need to be guilted with letters.
"Are you sure I can't come with you?" Abraxas asked for the seventh time that morning. "I'd love to meet these mysterious friends of yours."
You finished pinning the last braid into place, turning to admire your efforts in the mirror. "They're not mysterious. We were in a fight and weren't talking. Now we're not and we are."
His presence at your side had been a constant following the Christmas party. You'd only left the Manor once, making a brief appearance at the Greengrass' New Year's party. Fashionably late and gone before the clock struck midnight. On his arm the entire time. 
The promise of shared time in his library had finally been fulfilled, but the disappointment of finding nothing soured it. He'd even sat with you through all your mothers' wedding talks. A date had even been settled. The sixth of July 1946. A little more than a week after you complete school.
“That’s the mystery,” he said. His immense figure took up the space in the mirror behind you. "What you were fighting over."
You smoothed out your skirt. It had been a gift from him. "It was nothing, just some silly little fight."
His hand fell to the nape of your neck, caressing the skin. 
"But like I said," voice higher at the familiar scene in the mirror, "we've made up. And I've been waiting to tell them all the horrid details of the old man who's laid claim to me as his bride.” 
Abraxas laughed, the tension falling out of your shoulders as his touch retreated. "Do your best not to turn them against me before we've even met, will you?"
It took less than fifteen minutes together, crammed in a corner of The Leaky Cauldron at a table meant for only two, to shed the awkwardness of the past few months. Abigail’s dry humor mixed well with Larissa’s animated storytelling. They’d been together since the day before New Year’s, Larissa coming down from Cambridge to spend the last few days of break in London.
"It is sad though," Larissa said, as she ended a story of their exploits in an unauthorized Muggle club the night before. "Walking around and seeing all the rubble and stuff."
You blinked at her, confused. "What rubble?" Were Muggles that bad at building things they just collapsed?
"From the bombings," she said matter-of-factly before finishing off the last of her mashed potatoes.
"Still? It's been, what, three—four years?"
Abigail shook her head, covering her mouth as she tried to quickly swallow her own food. "Since it started, yeah, but they're still going on. Manchester got hit Christmas Eve. Think it's nearing forty dead."
Nausea rolled over you. There hadn't been news of bombings in the Daily Prophet. You knew they weren't publishing much about the war with Grindelwald, but not talking about attacks on the soil of your own country? You still remembered the pictures they'd splayed throughout the entire paper the day after the first attack a week into Second Year. It had disrupted classes for more than a week, fights breaking out between classes over grotesque comments made to people with Muggles in their family. Abigail had been in a panic for a day not knowing if her family had been hit and only calming when she'd learned they'd gone to the country.
The news of new bombings had come less and less until after a few months stopped entirely. People stopped mentioning war in the corridors. Abigail's family had returned to London. You thought it was over.
Good friends that they are, they saw the gears turning in your head. "It's Muggle stuff," Larissa said too kindly. "We don't expect you to know much about it. Especially with, you know, your brother and everything."
Like the terrible friend you seemed to be, you only nodded and let the conversation turn to other less horrid things. Because one of your supposed best friends lived in the Muggle world. Abigail had a little sister that was only—Merlin, how old? She should be coming to Hogwarts soon, right? Was it her father or mother that was the Muggle? Could—could they still use magic if there was an emergency? Did she also have people she cared about fighting in a war?
The thoughts distracted you through Diagon Alley. You didn't feel like a normal eighteen year old witch. You felt spoiled and sheltered and selfish. 
You hadn't even gotten them Christmas gifts. 
"You know," you began, looking out the window of the sweets shop to Twilfitt and Tattings, “I’ve been meaning to have my measurements retaken. Mind if we go there next?” It took very little convincing to get them to have their own measurements taken. It was easier still to keep them distracted looking at fabrics while you ordered a few new robes, dresses, and sweaters for you all. Larissa wouldn't mind, but Abigail would object if she knew. 
"And will these be to the Selwyn or Malfoy account?"
"Selwyn," you answered quickly, pulling your hands off the counter. 
She scribbled something down on the order forms. "You are all set with these, Miss Selwyn. And if you would like, I could set an appointment during your Easter holiday to have Mrs. Wright come see you about wedding dresses."
The taut smile on your face ached as you declined, excusing yourself quickly and pulling your friends out of the shop. "If I hear another thing about a wedding, I may Obliviate myself."
"Like that would save you from your mother," Abigail chuckled, linking her arm with yours as you walked along the cobbled street. 
"At least I've been good today," Larissa said, mimicking Abigail on your otherside. "Not a single word about it even though I've been dying to ask!"
"And for that, I'm grateful."
Abigail, a little softer, asked, "Has your break been good though?"
"Warrick decked Abraxas in the middle of the Minister's Christmas party."
An echo of, "What?" sounded from them, pulling you to a stop just before the entrance of Knockturn Alley.
The story came out rushed beginning in the middle and skipping back and forth to parts, but it felt so good to just say it outloud again. It had been trapped inside for days. Their response made you feel less alone. They too questioned why. Why would he do that? Why wouldn't he talk to you after? Why wouldn't he write? Why didn't he know? Why? 
"I mean, you are his little sister. I get being upset about it, you know, the circumstances, but that's an extreme reaction."
"And shouldn't he be happy it's Abraxas? They were close, right?"
"Incredibly close. They were together all the time."
"Did they have a falling out or something?"
"I don't think so. I haven't heard about one."
"It's weird." Larrissa bit her lip, seeming to debate on something. "Do you think maybe," she paused again. Larissa very rarely thought through the things she said, more akin to speaking her mind than worrying about how it came out. "Do you think you're not getting the whole story from Abraxas?"
"I have no reason not to trust him."
"That's not the same thing as actually trusting him."
You didn’t know what to say to that and avoided looking into their eyes by watching the dark alley over their shoulders. A mistake. Or maybe a sign you had to be more observant of your surroundings. Because leaning against one side of the alley, just down the stairs, was Robert Goyle. One of Tom's lackies.
His hand around your throat. His lips against your ear. Malfoy isn't what you want.
You reached into your pocket, curling your fingers around your wand. It wasn't a coincidence he was here. It never was. “I trust Abraxas. He would never do something to hurt me."
"Maybe not on purpose," Abigail tried to start, but you were shaking your head.
"Rick's been at war. I can’t begin to imagine the things he’s seen there, the lies he’s uncovered, the people he might’ve trusted that turned out to be Grindelwald conspirators. Of course he'd be suspicious, a little violent even. And of course he doesn't have time for me right now." You crossed your arms, sticking your chin up."Brax is only trying to look out for me, keep me from realizing how in my own head I've been and let Rick have the space he needs. By time I'm Mrs. Ma—Malfoy, everything will be alright."
"I hope so."
"It will be. And I've realized that I do, in fact, need to set that appointment if I want my dress to be ready for the wedding. Did I tell you we set a date?" Your eyes shot back to Robert who still stood there watching. "Sixth of July next year." 
Child bride.
The nausea from earlier returned. The image of Robert unfocused. Heat prickled at your skin. The air was too thick to breathe. A whistle in your ear. 
"Is she okay?"
"I don't know. She was fine and then she just started swaying."
Your eyes tried to open, but it felt as if they were weighed down. When had they even closed? Something touched your face. You tried again. They opened this time, only to slam shut against the blinding light.
"Hey, come on, wake up, please."
You tried to say you were awake, but your mouth felt like cotton and the words sounded wrong to your own ears. Slowly, you opened your eyes again prepared for the assault of light. Ralph McLaggen was kneeling in front of you. Where had he come from? His face contorted in—some expression. You couldn't pinpoint which. Larissa was next to you, Abigail on your other side, both with their arms around you to keep you sitting up. 
You were sitting. Hadn't you been standing?
"Thank god," Abigail breathed, letting her other hand drop from your face. "What happened?"
You went to stand despite the protests of everyone, but couldn't lift your own arse off the ground without the world spinning. "I don't know."
"You fainted," McLaggen said.
"Yeah, no shit." There was a pounding in your head now. "I don't know why I fainted. I was fine.”
He smiled. He smiled? Merlin, were you seeing things now too? “Lots of things can cause it. Dieting, sickness. Stress. See that all the time before a game." His hand reached forward, the back pressing against your forehead. "Doesn't seem like you've got a fever, at least."
You flinched away from his touch.
"Stay here, I'll be back. You need to drink something before you go walking around again."
Abigail spoke before you could reject his offer. "Thank you Ralph, that's very sweet of you."
You watched him disappear around the corner, trying to ignore the curious stares from the wizards walking past. With a groan, your head fell into your hands. This was not how today was supposed to go. 
Abigail rubbed your back soothingly and you leaned against her. “So much for a normal day, huh?" "This might be the most normal thing she's ever done," Larissa disagreed with a laugh. She poked you in the arm, grinning wider when you turned your head to stick your tongue out at her.
Merlin you’d missed them. 
A familiar voice called out your name. Abraxas? He appeared from the crowd going through the street, nearly knocking Larissa over as he rushed to take the spot in front of you. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you assured him, leaning away from Abigail to let him press a kiss against your forehead. “What—um, what are you doing here?”
“Thought it would be nice to introduce myself to your friends, hopefully dispel any horrid rumors you’ve started on my behalf before they stick.”
You should have bantered back. All you could muster was an awkward laugh. Your friends were better, introducing themselves and saying they’d heard all good things. Abraxas was pleased with the praise, at least. But his pleasant expression faded. “Ralph McLaggen,” he greeted coldly, squaring his shoulders.
McLaggen had returned, four bottled Butterbeers in hand. His tone was equally contemptuous when he responded, “Abraxas Malfoy.”
The nausea finally bubbled over and the contents of your stomach ended up splattered across your fiancé’s shoes.
HP Tag List: @bamboozledflamplant @squishytomatoes @benonlinear @byelannie @itsccc @bluegiraffeplushie
Venomous Tag List: @pearlsofme @fck-this @ambria @sheeple @strangunddurm @weirdowithnobeardo @emberenchanted @iluvweasleys
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dannystattoo · 10 months
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Wedding Date Daniel
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Female Reader
Warnings: None, it's literally just tooth-rotting fluff
“Babe, are you sure I look ok?” You asked as you finished touching up your makeup. You’d originally planned to get into town yesterday for your cousin’s wedding, but Nashville had terrible storms the night before and no flights were getting in or out. You were now stressed about getting ready since you’d only been able to get in a few hours ago and the wedding was fast approaching.
“Sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you, you look incredible,” Danny told you. Admittedly, the backless black dress you’d picked was very flattering, but you looked so exhausted no amount of makeup could make you look more human.
“I feel like you have to say that,” you said. You were convinced you looked like a gremlin who had slept at the airport the night before (because you were), and it was incurable.
“10/10, would gladly bang? Is that better?”He laughed. You lightly smacked him on the arm, though you appreciated the compliment more than you wanted to let on.
“You’re disgusting, you’re lucky you’re cute”
“In all seriousness baby, you don’t have to worry, I promise. Now, me on the other hand-”
“We talked about this, honey, are you worried my family isn’t gonna like you?”
“I dunno. I’ve only ever met your brother, your whole extended family is quite the jump”
“And they’ll love you, I know they will”
Danny shot you a look, and you could tell that he was more nervous about meeting your family than he would ever say.
“Honey, you have nothing to worry about. My brother loved you, and we had a great time when he came to Nashville over the summer.”
“Yeah, but your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins…”
“Don’t forget the pets, my cousin’s dog will absolutely be part of the wedding,” you laughed. You could tell that hadn’t eased his mind at all, so you sat down next to him and grabbed his cheek so you could pull him to face you.
“Listen Danny, I won’t sugar coat it, my family is a lot. There’s a lot of us, we’re loud, we like to party, and I promise everyone will be all over you. Everyone is really excited to meet you though, they’ve been telling me since you agreed to be my plus one. It’s gonna be great, by the time we get to the reception, you’ll forget you were ever nervous.” You leaned your forehead against his and kissed him on the nose.
“I also happen to really like you and can’t wait to show you off to my family.” You kissed him again, and this time he laid down to pull you on top of him.
“I hate to cut this short, babe, but we should probably call our Uber soon. The ceremony starts in a little over an hour. Don’t worry, we’ll pick up where we left off when we get back tonight.”
“I’m already looking forward to going home with the best looking girl at this wedding”
Danny grabbed his phone to order the Uber, but thankfully it was within arm’s reach so you could keep him pinned to the bed until you absolutely needed to leave.
A few hours after and the reception was in full swing. The ceremony had been uneventful, save for a few of your family members accosting you the second they saw you. It was a huge wedding though, and because you arrived on the later side, you were able to be seated towards the back.
“At least you’ll have a chance to ease into this” you said as you both sat down. There was no need to be worried, though, like you expected. Danny fit right in with your family immediately and everyone would tell you later how much they liked him. You even lost him a few times throughout the night, finding him talking to various relatives.
“You having a good time?” You asked as the dinner and speeches were wrapping up and people were starting to move towards the dance floor.
“Yeah! Your family’s pretty great”
“I knew they’d love you. Now as happy as that makes me, come spend a little time with your girlfriend please”
“Of course, baby. Wanna go get a drink refill and we can hit the dance floor?”
“Yes please”
Just as you guys made your way to the dance floor, the bride was about to throw the bouquet. You never understood the hype of this tradition, but you played along anyway and stood to the back of the floor.
“What, don’t wanna catch it?” Danny laughed in your ear.
“Eh, I just don’t care as much as everyone else I guess. Do you know who many bouquets I’ve caught at weddings? People have certainly gotten married before me.” What you didn’t expect was your cousin’s new wife had an ARM on her. Despite being in the back of the crowd, she hurled it far enough it made it directly to you.
“Oh that was so on purpose” Danny pointed out. You had to admit, it did feel aimed.
“What can I say, I think my family already decided they wanna keep you around”
“Good, I’m not intending to go anywhere.”
The rest of the night was a fun, drunken blur. Your family really knew how to throw a party, and this had to be the most fun wedding you’ve ever been to. By the last slow dance of the night, your shoes had long since been taken off and you were leaning into Danny, partially because you wanted to be as close to him as possible (you were very affectionate when you drank), and also because the room was spinning just the tiniest bit.
“You ok, darling?”
“‘M fine, those cocktails were just a lot stronger than I thought they’d be. The first one tasted so watered down!”
“You wanna go sit?”
“No, I’m good, I promise.” As soon as the song ended, the room was filled with cheers as the opening chords of Don’t Stop Believin’ started playing. You were nothing if not a sucker for 80s music, and you suddenly felt much better than you had a few minutes ago.
After a couple of songs played and the bride and groom were sent in their way, you managed to catch a ride back to the hotel with some of your cousins. In an attempt to avoid the surged Uber prices, you’d squeezed five people into the back seat, and you’re pretty sure someone had also put themselves in the back hatch of the car. It was a good thing you didn’t mind squeezing onto Danny’s lap at all. You leaned back against the window and shifted so you were laying your head on his chest as best as you could in the cramped backseat.
“Hi” you giggled as you looked up at him, the fact you were shoved in this clown car the funniest thing in your still drunken state.
“Hi yourself” he pulled you as tight to him as he could. “You still doing ok?"
“Mhmm, just really tired.” You had a decently long drive back to the hotel, seeing as the wedding venue was beautiful, but kind of in the middle of nowhere. You made yourself comfortable and were out before the stuffed car left the lot. You’d drunkenly insisted on bringing the bouquet you’d caught home with you, clutching it while you slept. You guys hadn’t been together all that long, coming up on a year in a few months, but something changed that night. After meeting your family, seeing you interact with everyone (including the kids and the dog who was, in fact part of the wedding party), and surviving sleeping on the floor of the Nashville airport together, he knew and he couldn’t stop thinking about it as he watched you sleep. He wouldn’t ask for a while, but he knew that you were the one. He was more excited to see you get excited about the bouquet than he wanted to admit since it seemed both to you were on the same page.
Lost in thought, the hotel came up sooner than expected.
“Honey, time to go,” he nudged you gently. As you groggily realized where you were, everyone else was already discussing plans to go have a nightcap at the hotel bar before heading up.
“Danny you guys in?” asked your brother, who had become Danny’s biggest fan at the wedding.
“I don’t know, probably not? Babe, do you wanna go hang out at the lobby bar before we go to bed?”
“No, I wanna sleep” you tried to burrow your way back into his chest.
“Yeah, I think we’ll pass tonight, but we’re still here for another day if you wanna do something tomorrow?”
“Sure thing, man. See you guys tomorrow, I hope. She’ll be a mess.” Danny waved to your brother and went back to trying to get you out of the car.
“Babe, you’ve gotta get up, we’re home.”
“I’m too tired, we have to go all the way to the top floor. Stay here,” you slurred.
“We can’t sleep in your cousin’s car, sweetie. Tell you what, can you let me out and I’ll carry you up?”
“Fine,” you agreed as you shifted off his lap. You managed to take a few steps out of the car, regretting the round of shots you’d been talked into five minutes before bar close. You hooked your arms around Danny’s neck and he grabbed your legs, carrying you inside.
“God this is embarrassing” you laughed as you leaned into his neck.
“Babe, I’ve seen much worse at weddings, trust me, this is tame.” When you got up to the room he made sure you had water and ibuprofen, and he managed to find some vending machine snacks for you in hopes it would soak up some of the alcohol.
“Ok, where are your pjs?” He dug through your suitcase, astounded by how much you squeezed into a carry on.
“Um, about that. I kinda didn’t pack any?”
“Do you want the leggings you wore on the plane?”
“I can’t sleep in pants, you know that.” You started laughing “I might have bought a couple new lingerie sets and planned to sleep in those…well nothing, preferably. We can still….if you wanna”
“Babe, I love you so much and trust me, I wanna see them, but you’re so so drunk right now. Let me grab one of my shirts and you can sleep in it ok?” He grabbed his well-worn Church of Rock & Roll shirt out of his bag and helped you change into it. Once he’d gotten himself taken care of, he came into bed and you immediately clung onto him like a koala.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” you said into his neck.
“A few times, but I never get sick of hearing it. Go to sleep angel, i don’t want you to get sick tomorrow” he had a feeling he’d probably still end up waking up with you in a few hours to hold your hair while you puked, but he could hope.
“Ok, I love you, I can’t wait to get married”
“What was that babe?”
“Well, I caught the bouquet so we have to get married next,” you drifted off to sleep, and Danny already knew you’d have no recollection of saying that tomorrow. He agreed though, and hoped you meant it when you said you couldn’t wait to get married.
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varvaramitsuko25 · 6 months
Meet my AU Smiling Critters: New Life
It's actually my AU crossover (Smiling Critters + Danny Phantom)
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Now let me explain about what is it about..ehem..
In my AU Smiling Critters: New Life is about:
Dogday was 12 years old at the time, well, he was still little like Varvara (Angel “as he calls her now”), but she was 3 years older than him, he then promised her as a child that when he grew up, he would find her and then will already propose to meet. She, of course, thought that this might not happen, she said that we’ll see...whether we can see each other or not..
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a week later, the girl moved to another city because her parents quarreled and her mother took her to a quiet town where she could find normal friends, since her mother did not approve of some kind of dog being friends with her, and her father The girls were not against her friendship with him and others.
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The next week DogDay came to the house where she used to live, he wanted to call her, but her father came out instead and said that she moved to the city ahead of time... and all because of this quarrel, to be honest, he was upset that Varvara moved to another city without even saying goodbye.
Some time passes, DogDay did not forget about her and when he was a little older he noticed that CatNap had become somehow strange, CatNap began to look at people as if he was not happy with them, he became very silent and always says “The prototype is our god ...he must be worshiped...and whoever rejects him...will be punished." The smiling friends then also noticed this, one of them, of course, did not listen to him like the others, and after that... they began to disappear every day. DogDay noticed how his friends were slowly disappearing, he realized that something was wrong... and when he found out what happened to them... and as it turned out, Catnap was killing them in his house.
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Having seen the terrible picture, DogDay then began to be afraid of him, without having time to say a word, he felt the soporific red smoke and for that he fell asleep. CatNap didn’t kill him, but simply took him to his basement to tie him up there. But The next week DogDay tried to free himself from those ropes, and he did it, he also tried to get out of this place and find someone who will help him. So he did escaped from the window (in the basement was the window) and goes to Varvara's father to ask him for help, so Varvara's father saw him in very bad state and he treat his wounds..and after that he called the police and explained everything about what happened in CatNap's house. When the police arrived at the address where CatNap lived, they saw a terrible picture, but they did not find the killer himself because he fled the crime scene.
When 2-3 weeks passed after the murder of DogDay's friends, he was very tired, broken and very hungry, since he had not eaten anything since what happened, but he only ate food little by little. Varvara’s father temporarily sheltered DogDay so that he could receive treatment, if DogDay’s parents see this, they can definitely start moving to another city
DogDay grew up and CatNap disappeared somewhere. In one day Varvara's father talked to DogDay about he already grown up and he should move to the Amity park to find his daughter and live with her, he did accepted him when DogDay was a teenage boy who was in love with his angel.
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So Varvara's father explained about the city and about how dangerous with paranormal activity this city is, DogDay get it so in that day Varvara's father bought for him a train ticket to go there. In two days DogDay packed his stuff and moved to this city to find his angel.
+ When he arrives he thought "I can't appear to her like this...I need to practice...or I’ll walk around like this in a terrible state.." DogDay decided to stay at a hotel where there was a gym, and so another month passed.
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When he was completely ready, he decided to change his outer clothes. When he was ready, he collected his things from the hotel again and left there. And so begins DogDay's future in Amity Park.
His design and his form right now:
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CatNap's design:
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callsigndragon · 2 years
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Seeing Red | Ch.7: 📲 Little Mitchells ✍️
Summary: Who's gonna tell dad?
Masterlist on pinned.
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“They know, right?” Red mumbles, her eyes never leaving Liam’s figure. 
“Yeah. But don’t worry, they’re mad at me.” 
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t know. Not even I knew.” 
Jake's phone lits up, revealing the wedding photo he had kept as his lockscreen for years. He tries to hide it, turning the phone, but Red’s hand stops him. The feeling of her warm, soft skin almost makes him cry again. 
“You have our wedding picture as a wallpaper?” 
“Dada” Jake drops the phone and grabs Liam’s hands. He had been hugging him since he saw him in the parking lot. He didn’t want to let go. Jake didn't want to let go either. 
“Yes, buddy?” 
Liam’s hands move up to Jake’s face, squishing his cheeks and making the pilot laugh. He starts speaking in his own language, which Jake doesn’t understand. He turns to Red, asking for help with wide eyes. 
“He wants you to sleep with him tonight.” She whispers. 
“Oh well, I don’t know if I-” 
Charlotte parks in front of the house, gets out of the car, and opens the door to take Liam in his arms. “Come on, baby. Mom and Dad have a lot of catching up to do.” 
“Dada don’t leave!” Liam yells, already feeling anxious about being taken away from his dad. 
“Not leaving, promise. Look.” Jake takes off his dog tags, handing them to his son. “Dada can’t leave without these. You hold them, and Dada won’t go away. Okay?” 
“Otay,” he giggles. And just like that, he walks inside the house. 
“He likes shiny things.” Red comments, looking at her feet. “I always told him that you were far away saving the world and that you would sleep with him once you came back.” 
“Red, look at me, please.” 
She raises her head, tears welling up in her beautiful eyes. “I didn’t want to hide him I swear, you never answered my calls and-” 
Jake hugs her, for the first time in three years, he feels the world fall into place. “Don’t worry about that. I’m the only one responsible for this mess, Red. I just… I want to be part of his life.” 
“Jake, this isn’t like having a relationship. If you assume that role, if you want to be his father, you can’t back out. I’m not letting you hurt him as much as you hurt me.” 
“I won’t. I can’t explain why I did that, but I swear on my son that I did what I thought was right.” 
Red sighs, sitting on the car's hood. “It’s complicated to explain to a two-year-old that his parents are divorced.” 
“I can’t even imagine,” he sits next to her, smiling when he hears Liam’s voice from inside the house. “What does he think we are?” 
“He thinks his dad is a superhero, and he has to be away from his wife and son to protect the world but also to protect them from the bad guys.” 
Jake almost snorts. It’s like she knows the truth. “So in his eyes, we’re married and love each other.” 
“What’s the plan, Commander?” 
Red chuckles, a nervous laugh that ends up in tears. “I don’t know, I wasn’t prepared for this to happen. I feel like a bad mom, a horrible woman, and a bitchy ex-wife.” 
“Hey, it’s not that bad. I abandoned my wife and unborn son, never talked about her to anyone, missed two years of my child’s life, and just found out that I’m the biggest asshole this planet has seen.” 
They laugh at the same time. What a mess they’re in. 
“You are more than welcome in Liam’s life. But if you leave, I will haunt you and skin you alive.” There’s a fire in her eyes. The same one he saw outside Cyclone's office. 
A lioness protecting her cub. 
“I will gladly sit down and wait for you to kill me if I hurt him.” 
“Come on, he’s as impatient as you.” 
Red walks in front of him, but stops immediately. She turns, finger raised, and points at him. “This doesn’t mean that we are gonna end up together again. I made that mistake once. I will not make it again.” 
“This isn’t about us anymore, Red. It’s about him.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
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Tag list: @purplevortexx @shrimping-for-all @caitsymichelle13 @callmemana @abaker74 @starkleila @topgunmenbefinebruh @blue-aconite @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @smells-like-perfect-senses @dempy @djs8891 @indynerdgirl @countryclubswifey @lauenderhaze @avaleineandafryingpan @poppyalice2001 @emorychase @wildxwidow @agentwayne17 @shanimallina87 @khaylin27 @fudosl @rhirhikingston @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
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footprintsinthesxnd · 8 months
Empty Chairs At Empty Tables
So this is inspired by the song for my favourite musical Les Misérables ‘Empty Chairs At Empty Tables’ where the character Marius sings about loosing his friends during the French Revolution. I feel that this song fits a lot of characters from the HBO war fandom but I was just drawn to writing this fic for Eugene Sledge. Warnings: themes of war, loss, grief, death, death of a beloved pet, PTSD
Thank you so much @georgieluz for proofreading it.
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Deacon watched the couple, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as sat with a lopsided grin. Eugene never saw him move but every time he turned around he was right in his heels. Eugene reached down to scratch his dog's head affectionately, watching as he smiled up at him.
“The way he looks at you, sometimes I wonder whether he’s the love of your life instead,” Y/n joked, laughing as Eugene stuck out his tongue at them.
“You’re just jealous that he got the last sandwich.”
“Not at all, you know I’d do anything for him,” Y/n began scratching Deacon’s arm which caused the dog to flop down onto their lap.
“Which is exactly why I’m not worried about leaving you with him. I know you’ll both look out for each other,” Eugene sat down, a solemn look on his face.
“We’re gonna be just fine, right Deacon? Your Dad has nothing to worry about,” Y/n spoke to the dog and Eugene felt his heart swell for the hundredth time that day as he realised just how much he loved them.
“Gene, please don’t be sad,” Y/n reached over, cupping his cheek. “We’re going to be just fine.”
“I know,” Eugene mumbled, his lip wobbling as the tears began trickling down his cheeks. “I just don’t want to leave you.”
“I don’t want you to leave either, but I know you have to. It doesn’t make it any easier though,” they admitted, running their fingers through his red locks.
“I love you, Eugene Sledge. Come back to me.”
“I promise.”
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To my dearest Y/n,
How I wish I was at home with you. I want nothing more than to be back in that field, on the red-checked picnic blanket with you and Deacon. Those days were so simple. If only all of life could be that simple.
Today I saw a man have his whole leg blown off and he just stood there looking at us, it was as if he didn’t realise what had happened to him until the medics were trying to get him on a stretcher. How does that even happen?
I hope everything at home is going well. Thank you for visiting my parents, it means a lot to them when you visit and Deacon always loves your visits, he tells me so personally. I wish I was there with you. All I want is a hug. It seems silly really, childish even, but to just have your arms around me, even for a second would be enough.
I love you always my darling,
Your Eugene
My Eugene,
I’m sure by now you have received the news of Deacon’s passing from your parents. I am so sorry, my love. Just know that he did not suffer. His old body carried him well right until the end and I spent the last three days and nights of his life by his side. We sat out under the apple trees and I read to him just like you used to. He was comfortable when he passed. The house is quieter without him. Now that I am without either of you I do feel truly alone, not even Sidney is here to support me.
I pray every night for your safe return to me my love.
I love you forever and always
Your Y/n
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Eugene felt his legs shaking as he stepped off the train onto the platform, his hands shaking as he held onto his kit bag tightly. He could see Sidney, leaning against his truck, a cigarette hanging limply from his lips. It was the reunion he was excited for but not the one he had been yearning for. Sid talked all the way back to his house, talking of his fiancée, life since he’d been home, and his family but Eugene barely registered any of it, his mind too preoccupied with the image of Y/n.
“Drop me here, Sid,” Eugene spoke up as the view of the driveway came into sight.
“You sure, I can drive you up to the house?”
“No, it’s okay. I need the walk. I’ve been stuck on the train for hours.”
Sidney pulled up to the end of the driveway, cutting the engine.
“It’s good to have you back, Gene.”
“It’s good to be back. Thanks for the ride, Sid.”
Eugene slung his kit bag over his shoulder, leaving Sid behind him as his legs carried him up the driveway in long strides. As he approached the house he could see them, arranging one of the flower baskets by the front door, their sleeves rolled up and looking just as lovely as the day he’d left. Eugene felt his heart swell at the sight of them and he promised he would tell them every day.
He dropped his kit bag in the lawn chair, approaching them slowly so as to not disturb them.
“Y/n?” He spoke, his hands shaking a little at his sides.
Y/n dropped the flower basket, oblivious to the terracotta shattering across the decking.
“Eugene?” They squeaked, their hands coming to their mouth. “Is it really you? Are you really here?” Y/n stepped down off the decking, moving to stand in front of him. Their hand reached up to cup his cheek, Y/n’s fingers grazing at the soft flesh and Eugene sighed.
“It really is you,” they whispered, tears trailing down their cheeks to match Euegne’s.
“I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
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“It's so quiet, isn't it?” Euegen turned his head to look down at Y/n, as they smiled sympathetically at him.
“You'll get used to the peace again, my love. I promise.”
“It’s not that,” Eugene sighed, shifting to sit up on his elbows, “Deacon always used to snore on the end of the bed. He was so noisy when he slept.”
Eugene could feel the tears starting to trail down his cheeks being brushed away and a chaste kiss placed on his lips. “I miss him every day,” Eugene cried, a sob escaping from his lips as he was enveloped in Y/n’s embrace.
“It’s okay, Gene. We’re going to get through this together.”
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“NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOU WEREN'T THERE!” Gene screamed, throwing another vase across the room and watching as it smashed on the floor, glass shattering like icicles across the hardwood floorboards and the flowers cascading amongst the disarray.
“I know I wasn’t there for you then, Eugene but I’m here now and I am never leaving your side,” Y/n cried, “So don’t keep trying to push me away because I’m not going anywhere.”
“But you have no idea. They’re all dead, they’re all gone and I came back. Why did I deserve to come back? There are houses all around the world with empty chairs where they should be sitting right now,” Eugene slipped down onto the floor beside the smashed vase, his head hanging low as he sobbed.
Y/n couldn’t take it anymore and was by his side in an instant, cradling him close, comforting him. “Shh Eugene, please don’t talk like this. I need you. Your family needs you. I am so glad you came home.”
“But why did I deserve to come home and they didn’t,” Eugene glanced up at them, his large tearful eyes breaking their heart further.
“Because I love you, that's why. Because it wasn’t your time and quite possible because you deserved to come home.”
“And they didn’t.”
“No. You all deserved to come home. What you must do now is decide what you want to do with your second chance. You were given a chance to come home and you must live each day to the fullest for all of those who didn’t make it home. Okay?” Y/n looked down at him and Eugene nodded, resting his head against their chest. Y/n reached down, cradling their fingers through his ginger hair, soft, soothing strokes. Eugene’s breathing soon settled into a more normal rhythm as Y/n heartbeat calmed him.
“I’m glad I came home,” Eugene whispered, “because I have a very important question to ask you.”
“You do,” Y/n replied, looking down at the man they loved.
“Will you stay with me? Always?”
“Of course I will Gene. I’m not going anywhere.” The couple sat on the floor of Eugene’s room, no longer aware of the time or space around them. The only thing that mattered right now was that Eugene was home, and he was safe and with time he would heal from the horrors he had seen.
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @lena-basilone @sweetxvanixlla @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @samwinchesterslostshoe
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sirianasims · 9 months
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Chapter 27
Cover Me in Sunshine
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Had it been up to me, and me alone, I would have moved Cecilia in with me immediately. But I wanted to make sure Freya was on board with it. She had barely had time to get used to living with Conrad yet, and I didn’t want to spring yet another bonus parent on her without preparation.
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I still wanted them to at least meet as soon as possible, though. Cecilia and I had been spending every available weekend together, but I wanted her to be able to visit when Freya was here as well. Cecilia was excited to meet my daughter, and I hoped that they would get along.
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For their first meeting, I decided to take them both out to dinner. Neutral ground. It worked when introducing cats and dogs, so why not now? Cecilia was staying with me for the weekend as usual, but I asked her to go ahead and wait at the restaurant while I picked up Freya. Freya knew that we were going to meet my girlfriend, but I wanted a few minutes alone with her to make sure she was prepared.
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I didn’t have to worry. From the moment they met, Cecilia and Freya got along like a house on fire.
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I had of course proudly told Cecilia all about my daughter, and she immediately started asking Freya about her greatest interest, sports. Freya was ecstatic, and when Cecilia admitted that she had never played basketball, Freya solemnly promised to teach her how to play.
My plan had been to stay in the background to give them a chance to connect, but by the time our food arrived, they were so engrossed in a conversation about cats that I might as well not have been there at all.
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Freya was telling Cecilia about how we had found Zoe when Freya was very little. I couldn’t help but smile. I recognised my own words in the way she told it. There was no way she could remember the day that clearly, but I had often told her the story over the years.
She even told Cecilia how her comment about Zoe having green eyes like us had become an inside joke, and how we’d sometimes declare animals on tv as part of the family if they had green eyes. So far, our fictional television family consisted of many cats, a few panthers, one chameleon and a surprising amount of lemurs.
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She asked Cecilia about her tattoos, and Cecilia explained that the white cat on her shoulder was her first cat, Snowball, and the black one on her forearm was Mimi. She even talked about how she had come into my clinic by accident eight years ago to buy treats for them. Mimi was still a kitten back then, but she had lost Snowball to old age since.
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“So does that mean that Mimi is eight years old now, just like me?”
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“She is! And you know what? She also has green eyes, just like you!”
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As we were saying goodbye to Cecilia after dinner, she got down on one knee.
“Freya, I need to ask you a very important question. I love your daddy very much and I would really like to come and live with you guys. Would that be fine with you?”
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“Sure, then I can teach you how to play basketball! But why are you asking me? I mostly live with Mommy.”
“Because it’s your daddy and your house so I want to hear your opinion.”
“Oh, OK. Will Mimi come and live there too?”
“Of course! I want her to meet you, and she can play with Cooper and Zoe!”
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She hugged Cecilia, who almost fell over backwards.
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I looked at the two most important people in my world, and I wanted to cry with happiness.
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As we walked back to Conrad and Katherine, I asked Freya if she liked Cecilia.
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“She’s so cool! And she’s nice and funny and she has green eyes, and Mimi has green eyes, so they belong with us, like Zoe and grandpa! And Cooper, even if he doesn’t have green eyes, but we love him anyway because his eyes are brown like Mommy’s, right Daddy?”
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“That’s right, little monkey”, I said, staring across the harbour while trying not to tear up. For a moment we were both quiet. Then Freya started squirming.
“Daddy? If you and Cecilia had a baby, would the baby have green eyes?”
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“Oh… probably, although the baby could also get grandma Cora’s blue eyes or something from Cecilia’s family. You never know. But why are you asking about babies?”
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“Because I asked Mommy if I could have a little brother or sister and she said that she is too old and I should ask you instead.”
“I… see. Well, Cecilia is just going to move in for now, and maybe we will have a baby some day. But I can’t promise anything, maybe Cecilia doesn’t even want babies.”
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“I bet she does. Do you want me to ask her for you, Daddy?”
“Thanks, monkey, but I think I should ask her that myself. OK?”
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“OK. So when can I get a tattoo? I want one on the arm like Cecilia. Conrad has so many, they’re like everywhere, but he says they hurt to get so I only want a small one.”
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As I dropped Freya off, I quickly gave Katherine an update on how it went. She could hardly be against Cecilia moving in, seeing as she lived with Conrad now. She said she was happy for me.
I didn’t mention the thing with the babies.
beginning / previous / next
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jocelynmakenna · 1 month
It's time for my two cents to the umbrella academy season 4 clusterfuck:
Hey what the fuck was that?
Like I was perfectly fine with the time skip and even though there were some weird choices (cough Klaus) I was perfectly fine to see where it was going to go.
But what the fuck.
Every fucking episode was worse than the one before, finding new ways to trash the characters and ruin any chance at a character arc for any of them.
The lack of discussion of prior seasons (like are we gonna mention ANY of Allison's atrocious behavior?) was kind of odd but I can move past that seeing as they got a 4 episode cut. The season tried to return to a status quo that it implied existed but never defined, leaving it feeling empty.
But let's talk about the characters MY GOD. I'll start with the obvious. Five and Lila? Why??? WHY??? Like overall, the actors have great chemistry but ROMANCE??? Absolutely not. I think a dad/daughter relationship is much more fitting for them at minimum. If I were writing this season, my biggest change to the train arc would have been to have Five with like Klaus. Giving Klaus distance from his family could have served the story better than... I don't know BURYING HIM IN A DEAD DOG'S GRAVE AFTER A WOMAN USED HIS BODY TO HAVE SEX WITH A GHOST WHICH OF COURSE ONLY HAPPENED BECAUSE A GUY WANTED HIS MONEY WHICH JUST IS SO CLOSE TO SA IT MIGHT JUST BE BUT YK GOTTA MOVE ON GOTTA TALK ABOUT BEN NOW.
Because Ben!! Spends the first like two episodes bitching about how the umbrella academy folks aren't his family (because they're not) and then he dumps everything for a girl he happened to touch(???) and then starts the apocalypse. Like congrats man on being the most macguffin of a person ever.
Viktor was overall fine. I have nothing too harsh to say about him, but once again, his acceptance of Allison in his life after she KILLED HIS DISABLED ADOPTED SON is wild. Allison continued having her character ruined by being a "bad" mom which like. Why did you destroy the original universe to get your daughter back to be a bad mom.
Diego and Luther were just. There. They took up space and screentime with nothing important nor interesting. Everything about them and their arc sucked the fun out of the entire show. Luther being comedic relief could have been a fine choice if they bothered to have him DO anything important.
Ok the ending. Nothing pisses me off more than a show that decides to undo itself at the end (I'm looking at you Legion, you had so much promise up until the end). The cleanse was Fine. It definitely could have been done better, explained more, built up more etc. I will blame that again on a lack of episodes but there's SO MUCH that could have been cut to make the season flow better (perhaps like the 7 years of train problems!). And then the cowards move of just. Killing off all the main characters (or actually removing the characters from history. It reeks of lazy writing and just. Not caring.
Overall - 2/10
Crazy how this show ended on that season 3 cliff hanger!
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 1-Ice
(NOTE: This was inspired by the 'Elation' trailer only-IF you are avoiding Miraculous Ladybug trailers, DO NOT READ!!!!)
Marinette smiled as her partner took her around the city. She had a grown to have greater appreciation for him. Chat Noir was always there for her. He was steadily becoming her best friend, in and out of the mask. Even when everything and everyone seemed against her at school, she had Chat Noir and Damian.
Marinette had never been happier then when her Nona introduced them. Damian had needed a bit of help with a project for his rivalry with his brothers. He proudly stated he didn't need her assistance and to go back to playing dress up. She had sneakily set up a booby trap in his room and made his life a living hell for three days until he gave up and asked for her help.
Marinette smiled fondly at the memory.
"Beg me." She spoke.
"What?" He shouted.
"Get on your knees and beg me." She repeated, "You wasted three of my days when I could have been working. It's your own fault; you're too prideful. Your revenge probably would have been finished by now."
Damian had glared at her and sighed. He got on his knees and his cheeks tinted pink.
"Please," he growled out, "help me with my revenge."
Marinette smiled, "Of course. So, which trap was your favorite and who are we getting first? Also, are we doing irreversible damage that is seen as childish and petty or all out war?"
"How many siblings do you have?" Damian questioned.
"I'm an only child." She answered.
"How do you know about traps then?" He asked.
"Bullies. One of them said they forgot something in my room. My parents let them up without my permission and they tried to steal my diary. Their hand was trapped in a box until I unlocked it." She replied.
"Effective." He responded.
Marinette nodded, "I had moved onto trapping my school supplies and locker. Someone broke in and was splattered with a glue and glitter bomb. The school got mad and tried to expel me. So, I took it up with the school board about defending my property and there were no locks. Our principal had said he updated the lockers months ago. They weren't happy with him. He was fired; turned out he had been using the school's money as his personal piggy bank. Lockers were updated and the person who got bombed was suspended. There's an internal investigation going on."
Damian smirked, "All that from a glitter bomb?"
"What can I say?" She asked, "When I get creative, sometimes it's chaotic."
After getting his revenge, Damian Wayne asked her out.
It didn't matter anymore if her classmates apologized. She was sure there was going to be a lot of changes after the internal investigation. She couldn't wait for the can of worms that was going to be unleashed that had Lila's name all over it. Lila Rossi made her see that her feelings for Adrien were too extreme. She deserved better than someone who let her get bullied. He never had her back, like he promised. Adrien Agreste had become a coward in her eyes.
"We're here, Princess!" Chat Noir cried out, gleefully.
'Oh, right; Andre's.'
Andre looked between the two teenagers, upset.
'Why are they together again? It will never work.'
"Look who's here!" he spoke, "Marinette, Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"
"We're here for your ice cream." Chat answered, "Unless you sell hot dogs."
"What a joke, this Chat Noir." Andre commented, as the two laughed, "But I am the glacier of lovers! Not the ice cream parlor of pranksters and good friends. You, Chat Noir, are in love with Ladybug and you, Marinette, are madly in love with Adrien Agreste."
Marinette just blinked. She wasn't sure if she had heard Andre correctly.
'Did he just declare I was in love with Adrien, in front of Chat Noir?'
Adrien felt his cheeks warm up under the mask.
'Marinette is in love with me?'
"You're wrong." Marinette spoke.
"Huh?" Andre commented.
"I'm not in love with Adrien Agreste." Mari spoke again.
"Yes, you are." Andre smiled, before making her sweetheart cone, "Matcha for his eyes and almond for his skin."
Andre smiled, smugly, as he handed Marinette her scoop. Marinette smiled as she took the cone. Chat Noir watched as she took a bite, before smiling from the flavor combination.
"My sweetheart cone for Adrien was pistachio and peach, but this describes my boyfriend perfectly." Marinette declared.
Andre froze in shock. Chat Noir slowly turned and looked at her.
"You......have a boyfriend?" he asked.
"Yep." Marinette smiled, "It took me awhile to see how cowardly Adrien was."
"Cowardly?" Chat asked, hurt by her answer.
"Yeah. There's this liar at our school. She's been bullying me, threatening me, basically gotten me expelled twice. Adrien told me it was fine she was lying to everyone and that he would have my back." She spoke, "He never 'had my back' when the people I thought were my friends tripped me, spilled things on my homework or designs, or spread lies about me."
Adrien felt himself shrink under her words. He had promised her, but....He couldn't risk his father being angry at him with Lila around. He had just convinced his father to let him quit modeling.
"If anything, that liar showed me that he wasn't who I thought he was. After that, my feelings for him faded pretty fast." Mari continued, taking another bite of her sweetheart ice cream, "I liked him because he was honest and kind; just not to me. Honestly, he's not for me. My Nona introduced me to a great guy and he asked me out."
Chat Noir gulped, "You-You sound happy."
Marinette smiled, "I haven't been this happy in a long time. He doesn't mind my rambles about fabric and colors. I can bounce ideas for fashion off of him and if I can't seem to design something right, he helps me. He doesn't even like fashion; but he's there for me. He sends me pictures of all his animals. Whenever I get close to being akumatized, I talk to him and he makes everything better."
"A-Akumatized?" Chat questioned.
Marinette turned to the miraculous hero and nodded.
"What? When? How?" he growled out.
"I've almost been akumatized several times since that liar came to school. So far, I've been managing, but.......my parents have started to notice them. I feel like they're planning on sending me out of Paris soon. I don't know if they will send me to Shanghai or if I'd travel with my Nona. I doubt they would send me to live with my boyfriend and his family, but my Nona might." she concluded, "She thinks of them as a second family, a very chaotic family."
Chat felt like he couldn't breathe. He couldn't imagine going to school as Adrien and Marinette not being there. He thought the high road would make verything better. Now, it seemed like it made everything worse.
"Your ice cream is magical, Andre, but you expect too much." Marinette spoke, "You can't force people to be together. Our hearts know. It just takes awhile for us to see through everything that we hoped to be true."
"What do you mean, Princess?" Chat questioned, ignoring the Ice Cream Man's glare.
"I once saw a future with Adrien. A house full of kids; three of them, but it wasn't real." she stated, "When something makes us happy, we want to hold onto it for as long as we can. It's hard to move on. We're scared of falling for someone again, only to be rejected."
Marinette turned to Chat Noir.
"Like your love for Ladybug." Mari smiled.
Chat sucked in his breath. She hadn't realized he had been trying to take her out on a date.
"I-I'm trying to. I really am. She told me she was in love with someone else. I have to respect her wishes, even if it hurts." Chat admitted, before quickly facing Andre, "Can I have a sweetheart ice cream cone?"
Andre looked between the pair. They truly were different people from the last time they had come to his shop.
Andre nodded and smiled, "Blueberry for their hair and bubblegum for their bubbly personality."
Chat Noir took his cone and gulped.
'Please, don't let her figure it out. I already know I waited too long; she's already taken.'
Marinette looked at him and smiled, "I hope you find whoever makes you happy."
"Me too." he answered.
"Thanks for the ice cream, Andre." Marinette smiled as she took another bite and began to walk away.
Chat quickly trailed after her.
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