#when the garden is finished
puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 174
Despite what people complain and snark about, Bruce does in fact have contingency plans for pretty much everything. And while he doesn’t have an exact contingency for Jason apparently accidentally kidnapping the apparently prince of the Realms- some infinite space where the dead resided according to Zatanna and Constantine, he’ll have an existential crisis about it later thanks- he did have one for his kids accidentally kidnapping someone. 
He just doesn’t think that exact plan will work in this case, seeing as that plan had to do with civilians and not very large kings that could obliterate the entire world with a hand wave, nevermind the fact that they have so many armies. Not to mention what is apparently both the king’s second-in-command and brother. 
Well, if none of his usual contingencies won’t work and Constantine’s attempts at making a deal isn’t working, nor is the other’s attempts to talk the two down, then it’s plan Z time. Seduction it is. 
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bellpeppersand-beef · 27 days
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-“I think we’re gonna have to kill this guy, Jet.” -“Damn.”
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solstrix · 1 month
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Garden Reflections
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flowerakatsuka · 4 months
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denki!kuroba has plagued my mind for the past 24 hours so it's time to drop their design & lore. ( bonus + more lore under the cut! )
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( ya'll knew i had to find a way to shoehorn kurokara into this au SOMEHOW. )
while they don't meet during the events of six idol statues of taboo, kuroha does eventually get to meet chorosuke's recently reunited brothers afterwards. strangely enough, it seems that karatsugu knows who they are. kuroha's life before the accident was much like the one kuroba lives ; having attended college for horticulture and working at their grandfather's floral shop. karatsugu and kuroha had known each other for a long time, having become friends in high school and staying quite close into adulthood. because of this, he was absolutely devastated when they suddenly disappeared a year and a half ago while on the way to visit family in yokohama. there were no reports of any crashes or deaths, no missing people found, nothing. it was as if they were spirited away, never to be heard of again. upon learning this, kuroha is rather distraught. even though his face is so familiar to them, the past he recounts to them refuses to come back to them. something they had been keeping a secret from the others at the midorito estate was that they had begun to recollect some things, but what they remembered seemed more like strange dreams than any memories they should have. memories of traveling with mononoke, fighting in gang wars, fending off youkai, a life much like what karatsugu described but not exactly the same... and in all of those memories, the six same faces, so eerily similar yet unsettling different. the most prominent of them all being the faces just like karatsugu's. they aren't sure why these strange memories are all they can recall, perhaps they're finally losing it, but with the brothers' help, kuroha might be able to figure out the true meaning behind them and even remember their life in this universe along the way.
ALSO, a quick explanation of denki!kuroba's name!
( fair warning : my understanding of japanese is very rudimentary so i may have made some mistakes in my translation or how names are written. please let me know if that's the case and i'll correct anything i've gotten wrong! )
kuroba / クロバ -> kuroha / 黒葉 ( くろは )
kuroba's name is written in katakana while kuroha's is written in kanji ( with furigana written in hiragana. )
kuroba's first name comes from クローバー ( kurōbā ) meaning clover. when the dakuten from バ ( ba ) is removed, it becomes ハ ( ha. ) the equivalent of ハ in hiragana is は, which is used in the furigana for kuroha's name. the kanji used for kuroha is 黒 ( kuro ) meaning black and 葉 ( ha ) meaning leaf.
yotsubana / 四つ花 ( ヨツバナ ) -> shinigusa / 死に草 ( しにグサ )
yotsubana comes from 四つ葉 ( yotsuba ) meaning four-leaved, notably used in the japanese for four-leaved clover / 四つ葉のクローバー ( yotsuba no kurōbā. ) the kanji for ba in youtsuba is swapped for 花 ( hana, ) which can be read has bana like in the surname tachibana. as a result, their surname can be read as " four flowers. "
the 四 ( yo ) from yotsubana, which can also be read as shi, becomes 死 ( shi, ) meaning death. the adverbializer に ( ni ) replaces つ ( tsu. ) the kanji for hana is replaced with 花 ( kusa, ) which is lifted from a synonym for clover, 詰草 ( tsumekusa. ) kusa becomes gusa as an instance of rendaku. their surname can be roughly read as " dead(ly) grass. "
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fosermi · 2 months
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Out of context gem twins lore!! :D
OK I'm not cruel enough to leave you guys hanging without the context for this!! Basically, the idea came to me because me and @mismageus have been bouncing ideas back and forth for days now about a dark timeline. It all started out with the gem twins meeting their Auncle Solar the Darkling (really cool character BTW please go check them out) that eventually devolved into "how can we make this worse" via the introduction of the dark timeline.
TLDR of this dark timeline; Arrow became black doom's new host for a bit there and some drastic measures were taken to get Arrow back (aka Shadow using his chaos spear) and is now in a coma.
Now, because I'm a sap for angst, me and Fig made it so that Shadow had been the closer parent to Arrow who hates what he's done to his own child but does not regret doing it and will do it again if he has to. But oh boy that wasn't enough for me or Fig, we made it worse. Seeing Arrow hospitalised like this is giving Shadow flashbacks to the days he couldn't do anything to save Maria. All he can do is watch and wait and hope for the best. That plus secret garden is a really good song and was perfect for a scene of where Shadow heard Maria sing on the ARK, which he then sang to Arrow as a baby, and now to Arrow again in an attempt to reassure himself that it's all going to be alright.
Here's the sketches of this piece!! Took me a while.
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Because I needed something wholesome have this!! Arrow is definitely a dada's boy,,,
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badassindistress · 4 months
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I had a lot of fun frolicking around a museum in my silly little dress today~
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n1et · 21 days
I just got a cane and oh my god, my entire body is shaking. It's as if I was standing up for all my life and just sat down. Life changing decision to just go and get one, and it only costed 34 PLN, I could get like a single burger with no sides or drink for that. Solid oak, admittedly about 3cm too long but I'm gonna trim it in a sec.
And I never even had big issues with my legs, just a slight left hip joint problem, nothing painful, 99% of the time I didn't notice it. But I guess it was just overworked and stiff all this time? Even my tension headaches got slightly better.
If you feel like you have ANY issues with your legs just get a cane, or even go to a medical store and try it out for 10 minutes, you don't even have to buy it at first. The investment is so low and the difference is potentially massive.
I can't believe I waited over 4 years to do this.
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akuma-tenshi · 4 months
i made this in record time, guess that's just the power of being obsessed with something. but god did it take a lot out of me. this short less-than-40-second clip is the result of a lot of struggling with transitions and clips, a lot of stressing over getting the perfect timing, a lot of ranting about how much i love these skins, and a lot of begging my computer to just fucking run properly for fuck's sake
i won't say this edit's perfect, there are a few minor issues i have with it. but i do really love how it turned out and i'm very proud of it. i may remake it someday but at the moment i have no desire to; i just want to put this out there and let my obsession with these skins be known.
i may write a fic based off of this, tbh. don't expect it to adhere to the original song at all because it probably won't, but it's still got me in the mood to write.
song is capriccio farce; the original is by mothy, but i used @spontaneousglitterbees' absolutely phenomenal english synthv cover for the edit (which you can find here!!)
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seven-thewanderer · 6 months
Oki Imma start sharing some art that I planned to share, but I'm gonna split it up into sections
This first section will be: character designs (basically characters with my own lil design twist)
Im just gonna go in an order I think fits (cus I don't feel like trying to find the order of when I made em)
So firstly - I succumbed to drawing Banban characters (kinda)
I only drew Bittergiggle
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(and here's a version without the outfit and snake accessories) (by 'outfit' tho only the shirt)
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Since a lot of the Banban characters could be animals/creatures (bird, jellyfish, gorilla, fiddles, snail, toad, etc) I tried to think of one for Bittergiggle, and they honestly gave me Chimera-vibes :3
So ye chimera Bittergiggle
Secondly - I finally drew Bugbo
But I did like 4 versions:
Closer to canon
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2. Wings
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3. Tail
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4. Wings + Tail
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I also drew Hoppo!!
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(I couldn't draw her standing on all 6 legs like regular no matter how hard I tried, had to do the standing height, which I think was said to be "monstrously tall" or something like that)
Thirdly - SAMS/MGAFS
This one I just designed characters from the Sun and Moon Show & the Monty Gator and Foxy Show, with my own twists
Starting off strong with Jack 'O Moon (or as I'll call Jack'o to form a difference because somehow I made a SAMS Jack 'O Moon design before I could decide on my HW2 Jack 'O Moon design), who I also made a version of how they'd look in the dark!!
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Next, I finally found a Solar design!!
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(I kept trying to make my own look for Solar but I could never come up with one until now, and I really like it!! :3)
Next, I did Foxy and FC!!
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(fun fact: I based their designs on real foxes - mainly just their ears tho - so Foxy is a Red Fox, while FC is a Bat Eared Fox)
Finally (and probably the most confusing), I drew Vegeta
(not the actual canon Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, the one that's Monty's child on the Monty Gator & Foxy Show)
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Since I struggled too hard with his design I just said "screw it" and animaled him (honestly his model on the show kinda gave me penguin vibes, so I based him on a Rockhopper Penguin)
Anyways, that's all the designs Im pretty sure I did while gone!! (also, sometimes I call FC "Effcey" to make it look more like a name, and disguise the fact that his name is literally just "Foxy's Child", and I call Vegeta "Veggy" cus they call him that on the show, and also so it's not confused with the actual Vegeta)
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Society if they made more Turlough audios
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chronologiical · 7 months
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It was not love.
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moonwoodhollow · 3 months
my neighbours definitely have too much money; their gardener comes more than 3 times a week and no matter the season he's always using a leaf blower because apparently you can't have fallen leaves on the grass or anywhere else in the garden!!
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morrigan-sims · 1 year
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The Stables
Decided I needed to build my own stables for RTQ, because I can't help myself. The exterior is absolutely hideous, but at least the interior is at least semi-decent...
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months
I think I’m actually gonna write that long post-tfatws sambucky falling in love fic lads. they’re the only part of the mcu I give a shit about anymore and seems like we’re getting fuck all from the upcoming movies and bucky might DIE so I’ve got to take matters into my own hands
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Apparently I can meet my goal of roughly 400,000 words in 6 months if I just somehow write at least 2,200 words a day ghbjh... Almost 2,500 today... huzzah...
#Definitely not going to be able to stick with it just due to like... being realistic about my energy levels and etc. ESPECIALLY as we#enter the Evil Summer and it becomes hot all the time. But... one can attempt.. at least...#I'm also a very slow writer since I tend to re-read and edit while I write. and only move onto the next section once what I'm writing#seems okay. Which is easy for visual novel type stuff. since ''sections'' of a conversation are more clearly marked (like if you#have a menu option with 5 different dialogue choices. finish the character's response for choice 1 before moving onto 2. etc.)#Especially since when I'm done with a whole quest I always follow it up by playing through it and picking every option and making sure it#actually all works okay and etc. So I am already going to see it all a second time. Then I can go back and reorder a few words or remove#certain sentences that don't sound natural when I read them out loud (I always read it all outloud to myself since it is... just peple#talking.. it should sound like natural dialogue in their voice. etc). But my ''first draft'' is kind of not as first drafty since I pause t#edit a lot as I go along. So it also takes longer probably than it would take other people who I think treat a first draft as more#of a loose guideline or something. AANYWAY...#80F in my bedroom right now again... huzzah... I did end up finishing and recording that sims build video before the heat wave (or is#it really a heat wave if it's just summer..?? lol) came in.. but now... augh.. the editing... plus the costume photos and all else... Much#to do as always.. Often such a long todo list.. a giant scroll hung upon the walls of the evil hermit wizard tower..#Anyhow.. I hope I can finish getting ready for bed early in time to reward myself with a game of tripeaks solitaire whilst I snack on#cheddar cheese and some of those preserved artichokes in a jar. hrgm... I actually have nasturtiums (ultimate best flower) on the#deck again this year but I had to move them all into a corner today because the leaves were getting burnt by the sun lol.. Also am now more#cautiously weaving through social media to ignore all dragon age news. NOT bc of spoilers (I actually love spoilers/literally never play#any game until there's full guides on it I can read to plan my entire playthrough based on knowing exactly what I want to happen lol + mods#and etc.) but just because I'm so busy with my ownprojects I simply do not have the brainspace to dedicate... Yes I love to think#about elves and fictional universe lore. but no.. I pretend I do not see it. Does not exist to me actually. ghgj.. OHH also took som#cool pictures of flowers in the garden section of a store and I wanted to do like.. character designs based on the colors of the flowers o#something. but that might just be another unnecessary project to add to the pile.. I want to commit to the daunting task of dyeing my#hair again some time.. hrm.. this is all of the updates I can think of. As if a bunch of random tags make up for never posting anything for#weeks on end lol.. alas.. too warm to think properly I suppose.. .. I neeeeeed a long lost relative to leave me some million dollar#estate in their will so I can have the resources to move to a colder climate or something ..augh#.. but for now.. I shall toil away in my little wizard tower trying to write 2000 something words a day whilst sweating and such ghbj
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heronchild-haven · 2 years
Them: A line can‘t break you.
The line: “Whatever else happens, don‘t hate me, James. Please. I don‘t think I could bear it.”
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