#when the exam lasted a total of five
virmire · 1 year
I passed my exam!!
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finelinefae · 3 months
sick bug [tattooH x innocenty/n]
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synopsis: y/n works too hard and harry just wants her to be okay
word count: 3.5k
contains: fluff
a/n: hope u enjoy the first of many blurbs for flower !!
. . .
Y/N never ever, ever gets sick.
Ever since she was a little girl she had always had a strong immune system and even when she had the slightest hint of a cold, she’d gulp down a few pills and get on with her day. 
It was a trait within her family to never let anything stop you from working, not even a sick bug. She distinctly remembers the first and only time she had caught something during high school. She had been one of the last people to catch a bug that had been travelling around groups of students and it just so happened to be during exam season. 
Despite the hammering headache and the constant shivers, she went straight to school to complete her exams after her mother had given her herbal medicine she couldn’t seem to name- that she believed had some kind of magical healing properties- and a packet of ibuprofen. 
Now that she ran a flower shop most days of the week, getting sick was a total inconvenience. There was always too much to do and not enough days in the week, so getting sick would just be a waste of time that could be used to get things done.
That’s what she kept telling herself, over and over, as she blew her nose into a tissue for the third time in the last ten minutes and swallowed two headache pills to ease the throbbing in her skull. 
She was arranging flowers into vases as customers wandered around the shop. Her eyes could barely focus on the flowers she was cutting and arranging; she was constantly taking them all out and starting again. What was meant to be four vases of perfectly arranged flowers, was only one. 
She was uncomfortably warm. Even though she had layered herself with three jumpers, she did so only because there were moments when she would suddenly feel cold and shivery. The heating was constantly up and down despite the fact it was the beginning of spring. 
This was another reason she couldn’t allow herself to get rest. Spring was the busiest season, flowers were beginning to bloom and people were rushing to buy new flowers for the season to decorate with or send to loved ones. 
There was just too much all at once and being sick was not allowed.
The morning had gone by in a blur - literally. Y/N couldn’t seem to remember who walked in and out of the shop too busy thinking about not throwing up every five minutes. It seemed the only person who could gain her attention as he walked past the shop window, was her tattooed boyfriend next door. 
She quickly pulled out her purse and took out a pressed powder to powder her nose with, hoping it would hide the redness of it. She stretched her cheeks and forced the biggest smile she possibly could when the bell rang and Harry stepped in through the door. 
In his hand, he had her bento lunchbox that he had prepared for her the night before like he always did because she seemingly always forgot to eat whenever she worked. “Hi flower,” His voice was like warm soup that soothed her belly. 
“Hi Harry,” She walked into his arms and nuzzled her face into his soft, fuzzy sweatshirt. He smelt like pine and ink and all the things she loved that made her feel warm and cosy. Her arms wrapped around his middle as her eyes fluttered shut, she could have drifted off as his hands pressed against her back, playing with the ends of her hair. 
“Y’ tired sweet girl?” He murmured, “Working so hard?” 
Y/N squeezed him tighter, wanting to mould herself into him so she’d never have to leave the comfort of his warmth, “Not really,” She lied, finally looking up at him. 
Harry held her face in his hands and brushed the pad of his thumb along her cheekbone, “Remember we’re going out tonight so don’t work too much,” He warned her, knowing she was prone to working herself too hard and passing out once they stepped into his or her apartment. 
Y/N’s stomach plummeted. She’d completely forgotten that Harry had asked her to come with him to a birthday dinner down at a bar that evening. She had made a mental note earlier in the week to pick out an outfit but had completely forgotten about the entire thing. She felt awful especially since Harry had been looking forward to introducing her to some of his friends and just spending time together in general. It was all the more reason why she had to hide her sickness, just until the end of the night. 
“I won’t,” She forced a smile, “For the rest of the day I’ll sit right here and won’t move a muscle,” 
Harry chuckled, “Yeah? Sit there and look pretty? Tha’s not so hard for you m’love,” His lips pressed against her forehead. She hoped he couldn’t feel how warm she was. “C’mon flower, made y’ favourite for lunch.” 
By the end of the day, Y/N had hoped she'd feel a bit better, enough to join dinner at least, but she felt even worse than she did in the morning. 
Her movements were slow as she closed the shop for another day, trying not to move so much or she’d feel her stomach turn. The mere idea of going out, let alone eating something with her upset stomach, made her feel queasy but she’d push through for Harry. 
She had little energy to tidy everything completely so she pushed it all to one side and switched the lights off before locking up. Harry wouldn’t be finished with work for another hour which gave her some time to pick out an outfit before the dinner party. 
With laboured breaths, she ascended the steps to her apartment, each step feeling heavier than the last, until finally, she reached her front door and pushed it open. Marshall rubbed against her leg as she tried to kick her shoes off of her aching feet, “Hi Marshy,” She mumbled, stumbling over to her bedroom and straight to her wardrobe. 
She plucked a few things off of the hangers, none of them matched or looked fancy enough for dinner, but she wanted something comfortable. Her eyes glanced at her bed as she held the dresses up before the mirror. It looked so inviting, all made up and cosy. She'd been longing for a nap all day and maybe if she took one now she’d gain some of her energy back for dinner. 
With a sigh, Y/N dropped the clothes on the floor and succumbed to the temptation of her bed. She pulled out her phone and set a timer for twenty minutes, knowing Harry wouldn’t be back before then. 
As she slipped under the covers, the warmth and comfort of her bed enveloped her. It was what she had been seeking all day - to cocoon herself in blankets and fall asleep so she didn’t have to deal with being sick. Her eyes fluttered shut and it wasn’t long before she drifted off into a much-needed nap, hoping it would ease the discomfort she had been feeling all day.
. . .
“Flower,” His voice was in her dreams, “Can y’ wake up f’ me a sec?” 
Y/N frowned, feeling something cool and damp pressed against her forehead. Soft kisses press against her exposed arm, “Harry?” She mumbled, her eyes slowly opening only to realise she wasn’t dreaming of him at all.
He was right there in front of her, sitting on the edge of her bed and pressing a damp cloth against her forehead. “There’s m’ pretty girl,” He cooed. 
“You’re here,” She sighed, her eyes groggy from sleep and her head heavy against her pillow. She reached for the hand that wasn’t holding the cloth, clutching it to her chest. 
“M here, lovie,” He sighed, “I wish y’ would have told me y’ weren’t feeling good.” 
“I’m fine,” Y/N lies, her eyes falling shut again to block out the light in the room. 
“Y sure about that flower? Found you up here passed out when I came to pick y’ up for dinner,” The word seemed to trigger Y/N’s memory as she shot up in bed, ignoring the pulsing of her head and the way the room spun. 
“The dinner! Harry, we can still go, I set an alarm and we still have time, I made sure of it.” Her head whipped in the direction of the clothes she had left on the floor. 
Two hands curled around her wrists to pull her attention away from the thoughts that were whirring in her mind, “Baby,” He murmured, “The dinner started an hour ago. I told them we couldn’t go as soon as I found you lying here all feverish.”
Y/N’s lips parted, registering his words as he waited patiently for her to respond. Suddenly, her eyes burned until tears began falling from them, rolling down her cheeks. Harry’s eyes widened, cupping her face in his hands and wiping away her tears before they could even fall onto the duvet. “I-I’m sorry Harry,” She cried, “I know you were so excited to go to dinner with your friends. I never get sick, I don’t understand why this is happening.” 
Harry’s eyes softened as she clung onto him, “Flower,” His heart was hurting for her. He always knew she worked hard, he saw it every day with his own eyes, but not to this extent. He figured this was from more than just a sick bug and that she’d been over-exhorting herself to the point where her body was turning against her to get some rest, “Hey, what are these tears for hmmm? No more cryin’ m’love.” He kissed her tears away, tasting the saltiness on the tip of his tongue. 
“‘Course I was excited for dinner,” A fresh set of tears filled Y/N’s eyes but Harry quickly continued, “But only because I like spending time with you. M’ friends will still be there but you are always, always, my first priority in everything.”
“You’re not mad?” She whimpers, feeling more angry at herself than anything.
“Not about tha’ but I am a little angry y’ didn’t tell me y’ weren’t feeling good. Never seen someone so warm in m’ life flower, scared me half to death.” He was trying to be stern with her but he couldn’t help but also show his worry for her. “Think you’ve been working yourself a little too hard hmmm?” He stroked her head, pushing her hair back from her sweaty forehead.
“I haven’t been sick in so long,” She admits, “I was hoping it would go away by the end of the day but, honestly Harry, I feel terrible. M’ throat is all scratchy and my tummy hurts too.”
“Think y’ body jus’ needs a well-needed break from all tha’ running about you do. Honestly Flower, never seen anyone work as hard as you do.” He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “Gonna let me take care of y’ tonight?”
She nods, relaxing at his words of comfort, “Okay Harry,” She whispers. 
The corner of his lip twitches, “What am I going to do with you?” He sighs, completely in love with her. He leans forward, pressing his forehead against hers, not minding the warmth radiating from her in fact he welcomed it, “You’re everything to me. Can’t have y’ getting sick.” 
Her eyes fluttered shut feeling his cool breath blow against her lips like he was trying to breathe new air into her to get rid of the sickness, “I really am sorry for not being honest and for the dinner.” 
“S okay but y’ tell me from now on? Everyday okay? Tell me the truth about how y’ feeling,” He needed that from her and she promised she’d give it to him. 
He smiled when he received a quick nod in response to his request, “Alright then, are y’ hungry? Want something to eat?” He asked. 
“Not really,” Y/N pouts, the thought of food didn’t exactly appease her stomach right now. 
“Y’ don’t want soup? I make a mean cup of soup, flower. I hear it can cure even the worst of sicknesses.” Her eyes squint and he’s desperately holding himself back from rubbing his thumb over the dark circles under her eyes. 
“What kind of soup?” She questions, her eyebrows furrowing.
He leans forward, puckering his lips against her top lip, “S a secret.” He murmurs. 
“Can I help make it?” Her eyes round because she knows it will persuade him - it always does. 
“You can sit down and keep me company but I don’t want you up and about.” She sighs but accepts the answer and holds her arms open. Harry smiles and lifts her up, his arms under her butt as her legs wrap around his waist. 
He walks to her kitchen and places her on the kitchen counter, moving around to the different cupboards as though he owned the place. He knew exactly where she kept everything, gathering ingredients to create the delicious soup he knew she would love because it had all her favourite things hidden in the recipe. 
Once the soup is cooked, he pours two servings into pink, china bowls and places them at the coffee table in front of the couch. He helps Y/N, carrying her over and sitting her in her spot and tossing a blanket over her legs. “Want me to put on y’ show, love?” He asks, referring to her comfort show Gravity Falls. 
“Yes please,” She replies, politely. 
Y/N picks up the spoon that feels like it weighs more than it does and sips some of the soup she watched Harry make. “Mmm Harry, it’s delicious!” She hums, taking another spoonful.
“Yeah?” He grins proudly at her reaction.
“I already feel much better,” She nodded. He knows she’s feeding his ego but he accepts it all the same.
When they’re both finished eating, he takes both of their bowls and goes to tidy them up, leaving Y/N lying on the couch under a blanket he’d put over her. He hears her tired giggles when something funny happens on the small television, his heart aching at the raspiness of her voice but he’s happy she’s no longer upset. He also cleans up the dishes from this morning and does some of her laundry too, wanting her to rest as much as possible in the upcoming days. 
His phone buzzes in his pocket. A notification appears from the group chat he was in with the friends they were meant to go to dinner with. Pictures of them at dinner pop up, his eyes glancing over to his girlfriend as he sends a quick reply. He walks over to her and finds her no longer in the sweater she was once wearing but completely stripped down to just her underwear. Her eyes gaze up at him, “S too hot,” She sighs, her cheeks bright pink.
He tugs off his shirt and pulls it over his head, nudging her over to lie in the spot beside her. The couch was much too small so she ended up laying half on top of him, her head resting over his heart and her palm over his chest. His thumb slides under the waistband of her panties as it brushes the skin on her waist. 
She mindlessly played with the chain around his neck and his lips quirked every time he’d spot the small inking on her arm whenever she moved it a certain angle. “I love you,” He murmured, kissing the top of her head. He couldn’t remember if he had told her already but either way, he wanted to tell her. 
Y/N craned her neck to look up at him, his palm pushing back the hair from her face, “I love you too,” She puckered her lips and he leaned forward to kiss her. 
Halfway through the first season, light snores fell from the girl lying across his chest. Harry carefully manoeuvred himself to grab the remote control and switch the TV off. He gently moved her enough so he could stand up and hooked his arms around her to carry her to her bedroom. 
“Harry,” Y/N mumbled as he lay her on her mattress. She reached out for him, needing his close proximity to stay relaxed. 
“M right here, lovie,” He reached for her hand that she held out for him and kissed the back of it, “I’m just gonna get you a glass of water.” Y/N liked having a glass of water on her bedside table in case she got thirsty in the night. He remembered the first time he stayed around her apartment and she forgot to grab one before she went to sleep. She woke Harry up in the middle of the night to ask him if he could come with her to the kitchen because it was too dark for her to go by herself. 
“You’ll come back?” She pouts, half asleep.
“I’ll be back in thirty seconds, flower. Y’ can count if y’ want to.” He chuckles when she starts counting, whispering softly as he walks to the kitchen.
He comes back before she reaches thirty with a glass of tap water clenched in his fingers. He places it on her side of the bed - because they have those now and he was obsessed. Hers was always the right in both his and her bed and his was always the left. 
“Told you,” He says as he lays beneath the blanket in the bed beside her. 
“You did,” She hums, curling into his side once he’s settled, “How come you’re always right?” 
He cradles her in his arms as she buries her face in his neck, wanting to be as close to him as possible. “M not always right but I think M right about you most of the time. You’re all I know, flower, I know how to love you and take care of you.”
She sighs blissfully, he can feel her eyelashes against his neck as they flutter open and close like she’s trying to fight off sleep, “There you go again, right as always.” 
He laughs, “Rest now baby, you’ll be back t’ watering y’ flowers and being my noisy neighbour in no time.”
He knows she’s asleep from the lack of sassy responses he gets. 
. . . 
“This is pretty,” Harry tugged on her skirt as she walked past him sitting on the chair at the front desk holding a bouquet of flowers. She looked beautiful every day but after days of being sick and in bed, she was practically glowing with fresh energy as she moved around the shop. Her hair was in a high ponytail with a white bow secured around it, she wore a dress with puffy sleeves that swayed as she moved, and her heels clicked against the ground with every step she made. 
The flower shop had been closed during the time Y/N was sick. She was beyond stressed about it the first few days, worried that she would be so behind on her work the longer the shop was closed, but Harry made sure everything would be alright. He suggested she keep the shop closed for the whole week so that she could work on the things she needed to before opening it again.
 As much as he wanted to stay with her, Y/N insisted he go to work in the day, especially since the most she would be doing was sleeping. He worried about her often in the day, he couldn’t help it, and he hadn’t realised how big of a presence she was until she wasn’t there anymore. He couldn’t hear the chiming of the bell as people walked in and out of the flower shop and he missed the clicking of her heels against the floor as she walked into his shop to eat lunch with him or sneak around the back buildings to kiss him. 
“Thank you, I bought it online a few days ago,” She gleamed as he rubbed the fabric between his fingers. 
“Ahh,” He smirked, “So y’ were buying pretty dresses instead of sleeping whilst I was down here working?”
“Something like that,” She shrugged, biting her lip.
He yawned his head falling forward to rest against her stomach. She ran her fingers through his curls, “Are you tired?” She asks. 
“Hmmm,” His eyes flutter shut at the sensation of her hands in his hair.
“Harry?” She frowns, holding his face in her hands as she tilts his head back. Her hand cups his forehead, “You’re burning up.”
“I am?” He sighs.
Y/N’s eyes soften, “You are,” She replies, “Seems as though it’s my turn to take care of you now,”
Harry grins lazily, “I like the sound of that, Flower.”
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g1rld1ary · 3 months
unlucky ; luke castellan x reader
➻ synopsis: when clarisse mixes up her days, her physio appointment clashes with the exam she was supposed to drive you to. lucky for you, she's got a friend who owes her a favour
➻ word count: 2570
➻ content: swearing, anxious!reader, fluff
➻ not sure how i feel about this but it is written which is more than I can say about all my other wips so...
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You were going to ace your exam. There was no other option, you’d prepared for everything. Your flash cards were colour coded and worn thin from revision, your cheap printer had basically had a fit from how many practise questions you’d printed out, and your whiteboard was crammed with revision notes. There was no way you were going to do anything less than stellar, you’d planned out every last detail of the day.
“What do you mean your exam is today?” Clarisse asked you as you stood in front of her, fully dressed and bag all packed. You hadn’t planned on this.
“Clar, it’s Wednesday. My exam is on Wednesday. I need you to drive me or I won’t get there.”
“Oh, Gods. Dude, I totally mixed up the days, I can’t drive you, I’ve got that physio appointment I told you about, the one that has a five month waitlist. I’m so sorry,” Your roommate groaned and you bit your lip to stop yourself from crying. The Ubers around were hopeless, cancelling at the last minute and never actually picking you up — and it wasn’t you, your rating was perfectly high, for the record.
“Fuck,” You both cursed as you tried to figure out a solution. You wanted to be angry at Clarisse, but you knew you couldn’t. It was an honest mistake on her part, and she had to go to her appointment if she wanted to have any shot of getting back into the boat next semester and retain her rowing scholarship. Mostly you were mad at yourself that you didn’t have any backup plans, especially since you always had at least two. You were about to give up and start running across the city to try and make it in time when Clarisse’s eyes lit up, snapping her fingers excitedly.
“I’ve got it: I have a friend who I know for a fact won’t be doing anything right now and owes me a favour. I can get him to drive you?” You hesitated. On the one hand, Clarisse’s friend was probably the only way you were going to get to your exam punctually, but on the other, being in a car with some stranger would drastically heighten your anxiety and throw off all of your routines. With one more moment of thought you swallowed your nerves and nodded yes. Clarisse got on her phone, hurriedly dialling her friend. You watched in uneasy anticipation as she argued with the boy, referencing a myriad of situations you knew nothing about, clearly emphasising how much he owed her. You bit back a smile at that, Clarisse would always keep tabs on who owed her.
Finally she nodded at you and you couldn’t contain your grin. As much as the thought of navigating city traffic with a strange boy made your stomach churn — and not in the good way — your anxiety was completely outweighed by your desperation to get to your exam.
Waiting for him to arrive was a whole different story. Clarisse’s appointment was earlier than yours and so you had to wait on your own, frantically going over your notes again as you sat on the stoop of your apartment building, converse grinding into the concrete anxiously. To his credit, it wasn’t long before he pulled up, pulling into the parking space in front of you far too fast for your liking.
You observed the car skeptically. You didn’t want to judge when he was doing you such a big favour, but it was an integral part of you. The car was old and a bit worn down, but not so much in a ‘the owner’s a slob’ kind of way, more that you could tell it was well loved and had had its share of adventures. You could say the same for the boy inside it. He was beautiful, but you could tell he wasn’t really the type to think about his appearance too much. His shirt was clearly well loved, worn slightly thin from use, and he had a thin scar running down his cheek from his eye. You tried to smile sociably as you climbed in the passenger seat.
“Hi,” You said, introducing yourself quietly as you gripped your notes tightly.
“I’m Luke,” He replied, shooting you a quick smile.
The two of you sat awkwardly for a while, conversation at an uneasy halt. Luke had asked you a few polite questions, but your growing anxiety over the exam made it hard for you to think. At least until Luke had the bright idea of bringing up your roommate.
“So, how do you know Clarisse?” He asked, and you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your lips.
“She’s my best friend!” You grinned, “We were assigned to be roommates in freshman year and ended up getting along surprisingly well for, well, the type of people we are. When it was time to move out of the dorms and get an apartment together, it just seemed natural that we’d continue to live together. You must be part of her other friendship group, then?” Luke was glad you’d started to come out of your shell, the chatty version of you that Clarisse had inspired made the battle against traffic much more bearable.
“Yeah, we all met through the sports program. I was kind of a package deal with Chris, so when they got together she got the blessing of hanging out with me too,” He joked, “How come we’ve never met? I know Chris tells her to bring you all the time.” Your cheeks flushed at being caught out avoiding the group.
“I’m not really good at talking to people, I feel so awkward. Plus I need to study, I don’t have the fallback of sport that Clar does. The times that she’s hosted have been actual coincidences though! I was visiting family the last time you all came to the apartment — promise I’m not actively avoiding you all.” Luke smiled at your bashful expression, tapping along light-heartedly to whatever grunge rock he had playing.
You conversed more easily for a while, you wanted to learn more about him, and Luke was a good conversationalist. He talked about his course in a way which interested you like it never had before. You didn’t think it was possible for economics to sound so fun. Whilst it took your mind off the exam for a while, Luke returning the questions about your major made your anxiety return tenfold, foot beginning to tap incessantly.
“Hey, uh, do you mind if I go over some of my flashcards just before we get to campus?” Luke agreed of course, piping in with questions to make you expand on what you’d learnt. It was irritating, but only because you knew it was a brilliant way to revise.
You hadn’t expected Luke to be so helpful or so amiable. Although they’d been friends for a year or two, Clarisse rarely mentioned him. Usually the focus of her tales were Chris or Silena, Luke usually featured as the poor boy making a fool of himself through one stupid act or another. Maybe you really would start going out with them if all Clarisse’s friends were so nice.
The closer you got to your exam hall, the quicker you started speaking, words tumbling out so fast Luke could hardly understand them. You were whipping yourself up into a frenzy, and the boy next to you did not know what to do. None of his friends ever got this concerned about their academics, and he had little practice in comforting anxious girls.
When he pulled up to a parking space, you were borderline hyperventilating, shaking hands making the cue cards threaten to spill everywhere. Despite all this, you forced yourself to stop for a moment, making yourself connect your eyes with Luke’s.
“Thank you,” You said, voice surprisingly steady given the moments prior. Luke was admittedly slightly taken aback, but brushed it off much too casually. You weren’t so easily deterred.
“Seriously! You picked up a neurotic girl you don’t know with literally five minutes warning. You let me talk your ear off and basically saved my grade. You’ve got to at least let me, like, get you dinner sometime.” Luke looked like he was gonna argue with your praise but thought better of it, simply shrugging and revealing a smile that made your heart skip a beat. You hopped out of the car, pulling your arms around yourself tightly as you tried to mentally prepare yourself for the exam ahead. When you heard your name being called you turned back curiously, to be met with Luke sticking his head out of his passenger side window — how tall was this boy?
“Good luck!” He yelled, cheeky grin on his face. You gave an exaggerated huff, smile creeping onto your face despite your unease. You rolled your eyes, waving goodbye before rushing into the hall, running to catch up with one of the girls you knew from class. Luke smiled, laughing to himself as he pulled out of the park.
The exam was awful. Like, dogshit terrible. Hot flushes of embarrassment shot up from your toes, burning tears sitting in your lash line as you made inane complaints to some of your friends from your cohort, hoping desperately they couldn’t tell how devastated you were.
It all just felt like a waste. After all that revision, sleepless nights and study groups with people you didn’t even really like, the exam was still awful, and you were one more minor inconvenience from a full-blown meltdown. You said goodbye to your friends, and there came the inconvenience: with all the anticipation of getting to the exam, you’d forgotten to figure out how you were getting home.
God you wished you had your license. Or adequate public transport. Before you could talk yourself down from a frenzy you were crying, and sat yourself down on the steps outside the exam hall for a private moment.
The honking of a car made you look up, and the sight of Luke’s old Toyota had your tears turning to ones of relief. You sprung out of your seat, wiping your tears hurriedly as you practically skipped over to his car.
“What are you doing here?” You couldn’t help but laugh, embarrassed at your dramatics.
“Couldn’t let the academic weapon walk home across the city all alone could I?” You shook your head enthusiastically, smile erupting on your face as you hopped into the passenger seat.
You sat in somewhat awkward silence as Luke began the drive. Whilst you weren’t still actively crying, it was excessively obvious that you were distraught. Luke didn’t know what to do or how to comfort you, but he was never one to stop trying.
“You know what the best thing about Chris being pre-med is?” He said, and you looked up curiously at the random topic. You shrugged, using the mirror attached to the sun visor to wipe away some of your smudged mascara. “I now know for a fact that chocolate makes serotonin, and that makes you happy. So what d’you say we go get some ice cream?”
Luke took you to an adorable little ice cream parlour a few blocks from campus and bought you both cups of chocolate ice cream, calmly ignoring your protests. Sitting in a booth together it was remarkable how quickly your mood had shifted. Luke was shockingly charming, and seemingly knew exactly what to say to get you to open up, and before long you were chatting as if you’d been friends for years.
He told you dozens of stories of his and Clarisse’s friendship group, recounting all the wild nights and stupid adventures they’d had. You loved it, you’d heard most of them from your flatmate but an alternate perspective made you cackle all over again.
“How did you know when my exam finished? It was three hours long,” You said when there was a lull in conversation. Luke looked uncharacteristically bashful, suddenly avoiding eye contact with you and focusing intently on his ice cream.
“I’ve just been hanging on campus,” He confessed, “I took a lap at five past the hour to try and catch you.” You couldn’t help your grin.
“You are such a softie!” You squealed, shoving his shoulder lightly. He shook his head aggressively but you could have sworn that the Luke Castellan was blushing.
It wasn’t long before Luke was driving you home, the two of you scream singing to Kelly Clarkson (you’d taken over the aux, but Luke didn’t seem to mind that much). You felt a little betrayed that Clarisse had been friends with him for so long and yet you’d never crossed paths. You also wondered how you’d never noticed how hot the guy in all of her Instagram posts was, but that was neither here nor there.
As you pulled up in front of your apartment building you almost felt sad, but for a completely different reason than you were an hour before. All thoughts of your shit exam were gone, replaced by thoughts of Luke and the lightness in your chest he’d caused.
You sat in the car together, clearly hesitant to go. Finally, you knew you had to leave and reached for the door handle.
“Wait,” He said. You stopped. “Our group is going for dinner tomorrow night, uh, you should come. If you want.” Luke was looking anywhere but at you, and you felt your beam even if he couldn’t see it (he could, but for his sanity he was trying really hard to pretend he didn’t).
“Yeah,” You replied breathily, “Yeah, I’ll think about it.” You thanked him again for the lift and the ice cream before hopping up the steps into your apartment. Neither of you could control your giddy grins for an embarrassing amount of time.
When Clarisse got home that evening she was all apologies for her mix up, but when you of all people brushed off her disorganisation she figured something was up.
“So, how was Luke? Not too scary?” She asked as you both sat on the couch, Love Island rerun playing. You tried to answer noncommittally, eyes locked on the screen.
“He was nice,” You said, immediately forcing a laugh at whatever bullshit one of the boys in the villa had said. You could feel Clarisse eyeing you suspiciously, you would never be so vague — especially not when today was such a huge deal for you. Nevertheless she hummed in agreement, sparking a plan in her head.
“Hey, so the group are going to dinner tomorrow, you should come. It’ll be me, Chris, Silena, maybe a few others. Luke’ll be there too, I think.” She feigned innocence, counting them out on her fingers.
“Yeah, ok, I’ll be there,” You replied, trying to play it cool despite never having once agreed to go out with her friends. Clarisse’s raised eyebrow told you all you needed to know about your acting.
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doobea · 7 months
♡‧₊˚ i got my eyes on you ೄྀ࿐ˊˎ ─ MILESTONE MASTERLIST
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HI EVERYONE!! I hope everyone is excited to this milestone event hehe! It ended up being 10 reqs in total and I just wanna send everyone a HUGE thank you again for sticking with me throughout the months on this crazy site hehe. I tried to keep most of the tropes relevant to the original requests but I added my own ideas/flare to some of them!! any of the ✰'s you see are added hehe
For those who are out of the loop, please refer to this OG post about the event! Anyways, I hope you guys look forward to this!! I've been dying to write some new ideas hehe
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synopsis: you can see the red strings of fate holding people together, but no one is allowed to know that. that fact didn't stop you from using your knowledge to nudge soulmates together. of course, this led to you getting a reputation as the class matchmaker, which isn't an issue until your soulmate, Megumi Fushiguro, asks you to set him up with someone else.
tropes: soulmate AU, college AU
synopsis: upon graduating and landing your first job outside of college, you soon realize that being in your twenties suck. outside of working nine hours everyday, setting time for the gym, and making shitty home cooked meals, you have a new stressor joining your team on monday - your ex.
tropes: second chances, office romance
synopsis: your tycoon family has done you the favor of finding the 'perfect' bachelor, aiming to strengthen their connections and net worth. and who is your future husband? cold, brash, and down right dangerous. he is the definition of devastation poured and disguised in a suit.
tropes: arranged marriage, slow burn, billionaire!sukuna ✰
synopsis: when your friends urge you to take up a new hobby, you decide on figure drawing. you convince yourself that it'll be a good way to make friends, to let your hands and mind run loose for three hours, and maybe you'll find the passion for art again. what you didn't expect is to fall in love with your nude model.
tropes: slow burn, model/artist AU ✰
synopsis: the last thing you'd expect after moving to raccoon city is a zombie outbreak. but good thing you have a hot police officer to look after you, right?
tropes: zombie AU, christmas AU, police officer!gojo ✰, resident evil AU ✰
synopsis: satoru gojo is spoiled and arrogant. he's also the next in line to inherit his family's fortune. his father sends him far away in a small town for a week in hopes that he'll 'change' for the better. instead of the usual five-starred hilton hotels, he stays at a local inn and starts to befriend the owner's daughter.
tropes: small town romance, christmas au, golden retriever x black cat
synopsis: sae is great at a lot of things, his brother... not so much. when sae calls you up to tutor rin for his upcoming exams the first thought should've been 'yeah, sounds like easy money' rather than 'why does it look like he wants to kill me right now'.
tropes: best friend's brother, forced proximity, tutor!reader ✰
synopsis: new york city is always depicted as the place to be, known for its big hopes and even bigger dreams. but when you and rin reunite, after being apart for two years, you're both surrounded by broken promises and empty wishes. maybe coming here was a mistake after all. because exs can't just be friends, right?
tropes: second chance, hurt/comfort, college AU
synopsis: ranked number three on the top streaming platform, twitch, rin hides his secret identity pretty well for a college student. during the day, he's studying non-stop and, when night comes, he's getting headshots left and right while yelling into comms. he absolutely hates losing, which is why you're on his shit list - AKA the second top streamer and the second best sniper in all of asia. so what does rin do when he finds out that you're suddenly his new project partner?
tropes: esport AU, rivals to lovers, college AU, overwatch ✰ (i picked this game bc i know a lot of it lol i hope you don't mind)
synopsis: you don't do spontaneous and you hate it when things don't align with your routine. so when the school's hockey team messes up their rink and has to settle with the figure skating one, you'll do everything in your power to make sure you'll reach the nationals - even if it means distracting the hockey team's star player.
tropes: hockey player!isagi, figure skater!reader ✰, enemies to lovers
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© 2023 DOOBEA. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
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pedriscroquettes · 9 months
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warnings. p in v sex, public s3x (there’s no one around), jealous!gavi, & an annoying teammate
summary. academic rival!gavi makes sure you only have room for one nerd in your life
a/n. part two of comfort zone. tysm for the idea @gavisuntiedboot 🫶🏽
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the sound of your professor’s voice filled the room as he explained your next assignment. you simultaneously put away your notes and listened carefully as this next project would be worth twenty percent of your grade. you were already laying out the details of your work as the professor continued to describe the assignment.
“there is one twist to this project. you’ll be working with a partner.” his words made you freeze. “and before you ask yes i will be choosing your partner for you.”
the room was filled with groans at his last comment, many of your classmates upset that they wouldn’t be working with their friends. meanwhile your eyes searched the room until they locked with a certain brunette. gavi had been looking forward to asking you to be his partner and now he was simply hoping the professor had decided to put you two together.
“mrs. y/l/n and mr. moretti you’ll be working together.” your professor says as he crushes gavi’s hopes and dreams.
franco moretti had arrived last semester from turin when his father took over as head of the marketing department for sevilla fc. he was also the teammate gavi despised the most due to them playing in the same position and because he would always insult him in words he didn’t understand. you scan the room to search for the argentine spotting him all the way at the end of the room looking at something else on his laptop. you sigh in frustration wondering if this project would be the reason your grade goes down.
as soon as class ends you make your way towards the blonde hoping to introduce yourself and get the project over with. he instantly notices you offering you one of his flirty smirks.
“bueno…” he starts. “we’re partners right?”
“uh, yeah. i just came to introduce myself-”
“i know who you are.” he interrupts you. “well i only know you’re like the smartest kid in our class.”
“i wouldn’t say that.” your cheeks heat up at his words.
“no need to be humble. your face along with his-” he points towards gavi. “is plastered all over the school. i’ve got to say i am very impressed by how you manage to do sports and somehow maintain your grades so high at the same time. but you probably just want to talk about our project.”
“uhm, thank you?” you can’t help but laugh at the interaction. “oh, yeah. i just wanted to ask if you have any certain topics you want to make our project about?”
“well i’ve got to get to practice in like five minutes or else coach will make me run five miles around the whole school. do you maybe want to meet up at the library later to discuss it? say around four?” he says as he packs up this things.
“yeah, that’s fine. i’ll see you there.” you smile awkwardly not sure if you should look forward to seeing him later or not.
you stay behind a couple of minutes going over some of your notes with the professor making sure you got everything right. you couldn’t afford to risk your spot in the rankings for a small error. grabbing your stuff you make way towards the library hoping to get some free time to study for your next psych exam before meeting up with franco. although, you don’t expect to find gavi waiting for you outside the door.
“he totally thinks you’re hot.” he simply blurts out.
“nice to see you too pablo.” you say sarcastically. “why are you blessing me with your presence today?”
“i bless you with my presence everyday.” he says as he begins following you to wherever it is you’re going. “so, you and franco…”
“me and franco aren’t even friends if that’s what you’re wondering.” you roll your eyes. “why do you even hate him so much?”
“i don’t hate him.” you simply stare at him. “okay maybe i do just a little but it’s reasonable.”
“you hate him because his dad works for sevilla and he’s slowly climbing up through the rankings. i’m not sure i would call that reasonable.” you say as you open the doors to the library. you’re grateful there’s barely anyone in there, you don’t enjoy being around large groups.
“whatever.” he huffs. “do you think he’s cute?”
you pause in your tracks turning towards gavi. the top button of his dress shirt unbuttoned and his red tie on the verge of coming loose. he looked quite good and a part of you just wanted to go home already.
“are you jealous pablito?” you tease him.
“me? jealous of a benchwarmer? please. not only am i better than him athletically but also academically. there’s no reason for me to be jealous.” he scoffs at the ridiculous idea.
“okay so you won’t have a problem with me studying with him later in here right? you totally didn’t follow me to the library just to make sure i didn’t find him attractive right?” you ask him as you press the button on the wall to get an elevator. you loved that each floor was dedicated to a different genre of books.
“why would i have a problem? i’m the only one making you cum anyways.” his words catch you off guard. you look around making sure no one else has heard him.
“pablo!” you hit his chest and you expect him to just laugh but he only stares at you. his eyes darker than before. he pulls you towards the end of the nonfiction section where there’s barely any light and a bunch of books that haven’t been read in years. how romantic.
“but maybe he’ll get lucky and you’ll spread your legs for him. give him a good view and everything.” he drags his hand to the middle of your legs opening up your legs.
you can feel his breath on your neck as he moves your hand from your thighs to your core teasing you. you completely forget where you are as he leaves love bites all over your neck. the pleasure intensifying as teases you by running his hands along your core but not getting them under your panties to touch you.
“and maybe he’ll hear those sinful noises you make as he drags his fingers along your folds.” you whine as pablo spreads your wetness around your folds with his fingers.
“but maybe you’ll be desperate to have him inside you to feel full again. so you’ll simply move these to the side.” he moves your panties to the side giving him full access to your dripping core. “and take him in you like the good girl you are.”
you help him undo his belt eager to have him fuck you already. his button down shirt losing some of its buttons in the process. the two of you so needy to finally come together like a puzzle to care about what happens next. he finally manages to pull out his hard aching dick out and he doesn’t waste another minute as he brings it to your needy hole.
“and then he’ll drag it along your folds teasing you even more. but after a couple of minutes he begins to insert himself until he fills you- oh fuck.” he groans as he enters you. “and your walls squeeze him as he pleasures you.”
“please pablo.” you beg him as one of your hands digs into his soft brown hair and the other into his shoulder at the feeling of his slow sensual thrusts.
“please what princess?” his voice sounds so out of breathe.
“faster please. fuck.” his length hits you in spots you didn’t know were possible. you can barely contain your moans and pablo simply hopes you get louder.
then you hear it the sound of the elevator doors opening for the end of the long hallway. you think you’re imagining it at first since pablo doesn’t notice it kissing you as he fucks you dumb. then you hear the loud footsteps and you panic they’re heading right towards the two of you.
“pablo. there’s someone here.” he can barely comprehend a word you’re saying as he watches how you take him so well. almost like your pussy was made just for him.
“pablo stop.” then he listens scared he crossed some boundaries and hurt you. he immediately steps away from you the two of you groaning at the loss of contact.
“fuck sorry. are you okay? did i-”
“no, you didn’t do anything wrong it’s okay. there’s someone here though. get dressed.” you say as you fix your hair and skirt.
meanwhile pablo isn’t so lucky and he can hardly button his pants when franco himself shows up. the argentine tries hardest to stop himself from laughing at his teammate but he barely can as he looks at pablo’s disheveled hair. although, you look perfectly fine so he tries to figure out why pablo looks so messy.
“bro you look like you got dressed in the dark what happened?” franco stifles a laugh.
“caught him getting frisky with one of the librarians.” you blurt out wanting to tease him.
“no way? but they’re all over thirty- oh don’t tell me you’re into milfs. kinky shit bro.” franco somehow believes your lie.
“fuck you.” gavi directs at you before being invaded by his teammate with more questions.
the next couple of minutes gavi tries his best to get his teammate to shut up and convince him that you were lying. that he simply had fallen asleep during class because he’d already studied the topic at home which was quite believable. the three of you chatted before gavi had to make his way towards the field to make up for missing practice earlier. although he spends all five miles grinning like a little shit because he’d be willing to run them all over again as long as it meant getting franco the furthest away from you. he was hoping you’d only have time for one academically gifted athlete.
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 10 months
i absolutely love the prompt you have "I'm pretty sure we almost broke up last night" cause major swiftie and I will only read that like she says it in stay stay stay so can you pretty please to conrad x reader with that prompt when you get the chance tysm take ur time
Silly little one I forgot I started writing a week ago
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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The best relationship advice your mother ever gave to you was that you should never leave a fight unresolved or go to bed mad at each other. You and Conrad had been pretty good at doing that…until last night. 
To be fair, the whole situation had everyone on edge. 
After his exam, you and Conrad emptied his dorm and hit the road. He had slept less than five hours last night so you kindly offered to drive while he caught up on sleep. Everything was going well, until you accidentally took a wrong turn and ended up in a totally different place. You tried to get back on the right road, but panicked when you couldn’t figure a way…then Conrad woke up, grumpy and still tired, and started criticizing your driving skills.
To add to the situation, rain and thunder decided to join you. A little rain and thunder didn’t scare Conrad, but they decided to close the highway, forcing the two of you to stay at a motel for the night. 
You showered and changed out of your wet clothes, while Conrad did his own thing. When you came out, he was there, in his pajamas, taking out extra blankets from the closet and setting them on the floor. 
Getting what he was doing, you stopped him. ‘’You’re not sleeping on the floor. Don’t be ridiculous.’’ 
You had a fight, but you weren’t that mad at him. He just struck a nerve. 
Conrad's tired eyes met yours, but he didn’t say anything as he moved his pillow to the bed. He drew back the covers and laid down, his back turned to you. 
A knot formed in your stomach, hurt, and you turned off the lamp, plunging the room in the dark without exchanges of ‘goodnight’s. Rare were the occasions where you and Conrad were sharing a bed and alone, but instead of taking advantage of it, you were caught in an uncomfortable silence where neither of you found sleep. 
You tried to close your eyes, but couldn’t. So you listened to the loud rumbles of thunder and the tapping of the rain until your eyes couldn’t stay open. 
Just as you were about to fall asleep, Conrad spoke. 
‘’What I said earlier, I didn’t mean it,’’ he said in the quiet of the room, knowing you weren’t asleep either. ‘’I’m sorry. You’re not the worse driver I know.’’
A tired smile twisted on your lips...and you felt yourself drifting to sleep. 
When you woke up, the morning light seeped through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the motel room. The rain from last night had finally subsided, meaning you’ll be able to get back on the road and go home. 
Beside you, Conrad was still sleeping. You watched him for a moment, the gentle rise and fall of his chest, the way his dark hair fell over his forehead. It might sound dumb, but you missed him. 
You heard a muffled groan, getting excited as Conrad slowly stirred. His eyes blinked open, struggling to adjust to the daylight coming from the window, and you chuckled. You didn’t think of drawing the curtains all the way last night. 
‘’Morning,’’ you greeted with a soft smile, brushing hair from his face. 
"I'm pretty sure we almost broke up last night," he said, his voice a little deeper from sleep. 
You rolled your eyes. ‘’You’re exaggerating.’’ 
Conrad sighed, looking up at the stucco ceiling. ‘’We had this big fight over something so stupid—’’ 
‘’Real relationships are not perfect, Con. Even the ones who seem perfect aren’t. They fight with their partners and that’s totally normal. We’re not gonna break up because I didn’t pay enough attention and took a wrong turn. That’s ridiculous.’’ 
There was a silent pause, then Conrad laughed.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @Veescorneroftheworld @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise
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literallyalbertcamus · 4 months
okay literally god bless you for writing about angus tully 🧎‍♀️
angus and reader have a “study date” but its just an excuse for mr tully to admire and try and make out with reader :3
(if you’re comfortable writing ofc 🫶)
Can’t Take My Eyes off You – Angus Tully.
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(This is the first request for a headcanon i writte since i was twelve, a little short but i did my best. There where 910 words in spanish)
Going to the library that day had been his idea, you were stressed about a chemistry exam, twenty-five percent of your semester grade, which wouldn't have been much if it weren't for your normally deplorable grades in the subject. That's why Angus, being the attentive boyfriend that he is, proposed to help you study. So now there you were, probably the only two people besides the librarian in the building, at one of the back tables hidden behind shelves full of books, side by side with your books and notebooks open on the table.
You two had been in that situation for at least an hour, when you had finally begun to understand the subject matter so he leaned back in the seat with his arms crossed behind his head watching you write flash cards so as not to forget what you had struggled so hard to understand and what Angus had so patiently explained to you. Your hair was tied back but a lock of it fell over your forehead, you were wearing Angus' favorite mini skirt, a burgundy color that contrasted beautifully with your legs in his opinion, you were also wearing a new perfume your mother had given you that smelled exquisite, the last two buttons of your black blouse were undone and a third was threatening to come undone as you bent over to write on the flash cards. Practically a pleasure to look at in your opinion.
Sometimes it was hard for him to believe that you had agreed to be his girlfriend, and watching the sunlight fall on your face softly there in the library was one of those times.
“Do you have much left to write?” He asked you leaning over your shoulder.
“No, just three more cards” you muttered.
He stood in that position watching you write, your handwriting was curved and hurried, not very neat compared to his but he liked that, how authentic you were compared to his world and everything around him.
“Stop looking at me, i need to finish this”
At that he just smiled and moved closer to you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I like your perfume” he murmured into your neck and wrapped his arms around your torso, sometimes he liked to do that when you were together, just hug you and hide his face in your neck “ ‘s really nice... smells like candy”
Your fruity perfume represented exactly your scent in his personal opinion, completely sweet. The truth is that Angus absolutely adored everything about you, from your perfume to the way your hands fit his, or how good your lips felt against his, you were basically God in his eyes and could do no wrong.
“Enough! I need to finish this” you let out a giggle trying to get a little away from him to continue writing “come on, Angus I'm serious!”
“Nop, you’re just so sweet i want to eat you”
He began to spread little pecks down your neck, at first soft and not so close together, at first they caused you nothing but tickles and a slight blush because it was harmless, just his arms around you and his slender long fingers firm on your waist, so you managed to finish one of the cards, then when you leaned over to take another of the pink sheets of paper, Angus took the opportunity to move a little closer, and when you sat down the side of your back was on his chest now leaning towards your body.
“You're such a tease” you mumbled looking sideways at him, his smile bigger after your comment.
“Not my fault i have a total babe in my arms”
That made you stop writing and slowly turn around, his cheeks red as he tried not to start laughing.
“Oh my god! Stop it!”
“Only if you kiss me, doll”
Now the one who was red was you, trying to refocus on the sheet in front of you. Calling you nicknames like "doll" or "baby" had started after one afternoon at the pub where you two overheard a group of Barton boys talking about what girls liked, or at least what girls liked according to them, a group of teenage boys who had never interacted with a girl their age and who's only knowledge of the female body came from the hands of playboy.
You thought it was over when you were halfway through the important information, when you felt Angus' lips on your neck again, this time leaving wet kisses for every corner he had access to, you still weren't going to let him get away with it because that test was really important and you needed to learn that information at least until you finished it. That worked for a while until you were done with that card.
That vicious bastard bitted you.
“Come on, you've learned all that already! Let me take care of you” he whimpered against your neck, his hands roaming your waist and what he could reach of your legs “You're so smart, there's no way you're going to fail that stupid test!”
“Well... maybe, maybe i can have a little break” you bargained, letting yourself be tempted by the kisses that trailed up from your collarbone to your cheek and down again “But! If you leave a hickey its over” you threatened him seriously as you turned around to drape your leg over his and sit nicely in his lap.
“Yes ma’am”
“Now stop teasing and kiss me right, pretty boy”
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anton-luvr · 8 months
hi ! can i request bf!eunseok giving fem!reader special treatment and friend group!riize realising it and teasing him about it ? thank youu <3
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⚝ bf!eunseok x fem!reader | fluff | highschool au, secret relationship au ⚝ note ; im so sorry that this took so long anon T_T im also not sure if its what you were hoping for, so im sorry if its not :') but thank u for requesting! <3
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Along with the end of the year, comes final exams, last minute cleaning out your lockers, and of course - school parties.
And with your class being famous for throwing the best school parties, almost everyone in your year had crowded into your classroom.
Tables were pushed aside to make space, only leaving a few in the center for the best game of all - rock, paper, scissors.
But there was a twist, thanks to Sohee's genius but devious mind.
"Whoever loses has to drink my special drink!" he shouted across the noise, waving a plastic cup in the air.
It was definitely special with whatever the hell Sohee mixes in to it.
There was a combination of every soda in the room, along with a spoon of nacho cheese, a splash of chili sauce, dumplings stolen from Anton's lunch, pizza crumbs, and a concerning amount of pickles.
Not only did it smell disgusting, it also looked disgusting.
But hey, you only live once.
So here you were, up next after Wonbin to play the game against Sungchan, who had been winning five games in a row.
"Hey, are you sure?" Eunseok whispers, gently tugging you back towards him by the elbow.
"Yeah, why?" you ask, eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Well, don't get me wrong, but you usually lose in rock paper scissors." your boyfriend says sheepishly, laughing when you jokingly punch him in the stomach.
"I'll win this time, just watch." you boasted, practicing your skills by throwing random signs in his face to show just how prepared you were.
"Sure, you'll totally win." Eunseok teases, pinching your cheek lightly.
You'd punch him in the stomach again, but Sohee announces that it's now your turn.
"Wish me luck!" you squeal before walking up to the table, a determined smile on your lips.
"Ready to lose?" Sungchan asks, looking relaxed.
You scoff, stretching your hand out. "You should ask yourself that question." you retort, challenging him.
"Alright, Sungchan vs Y/N! Start!" Sohee shouts, making another cup of his special drink for the loser.
Things get intense the moment Sungchan starts the game off, the brown haired guy mumbling the chant before throwing out the sign of his choice.
You win the first two rounds, and sweet victory was just one more round away.
Until Sungchan won the following two rounds, the results of your game all relying on the final round.
Your lips are pursed together nervously, confidence slipping away as you try to focus harder.
"Rock, paper, scissors... shoot!" he shouts, and you throw a scissor sign.
Sungchan throws out a rock sign at the same time, instantly winning over you while everyone screamed in surprise and disappointment.
Dread fills your chest when you realize you have to drink Sohee's special drink, the boy already making his way over to you with the cursed plastic cup in his hands.
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" the crowd cheers as you take the cup from Sohee, shifting nervously on your feet.
You peer cautiously into the cup to see a marshmallow from god knows where floating above the greyish-brown liquid, a smear of chili sauce at the side while a bittersweet smell hit your nostrils.
"I added more things! Enjoy!" Sohee sings out before joining in with the crowd to cheer you on.
All you can do is sigh and take a deep breath, eyes closing shut to prepare yourself for the mess you got yourself into.
But the cup has barely touched your lips when you feel someone snatching it right out of your hands, and your eyes fly open to see Eunseok downing it all in one go.
The crowd cheers even louder, screams of 'That's so sweet!' and 'He's so cool!' bouncing off the walls.
You're still blinking in shock as he sets the cup down on the table, wiping at his lips with the back of his hand.
"Not bad." he says casually, shrugging.
The crowd just about loses it at this, and you see people shoving Sohee around and telling him to amp up on the next drink.
"No, no, wait!" he shrieks, waving his arms around for everyone to shut up.
"Why'd you drink it for her? She was going to drink it." he asks, eyebrows raised suspiciously at his best friend.
Eunseok freezes with an awkward smile, face slowly turning red as he tries to come up with an explanation.
"I-I just wanted to try it. That's all." he coughs, eyes glued to the floor.
"Really?" Seunghan butts in, smirking at the both of you. "You and Y/N are starting to look like the fire hydrant outside."
"Well, it's hot in here!" you protest, fanning at your flushed face.
"Yeah, and the drink might make her sick!" Eunseok adds.
The crowd lets out an amused 'Ooooh!' at this, and it's Shotaro's turn to say something.
"Don't you think the drink might've made Wonbin sick too? But you didn't drink it for him. What, are the both of you dating?" he teases, giggling.
"Well, so what if we are?" You blurt.
Eunseok turns to look at you so fast, you could hear a small snap go off in his neck.
Everyone starts screaming at this, the noise making you wince.
"You are?" Anton repeats, eyes wide with surprise. "You're capable of love after all!" he cheers, patting Eunseok on the back.
His face turns impossibly redder as he smiles, scratching the back of his head.
"I knew it! I always knew something was going on between the both of them!" Sohee screeches, running over to squeeze Eunseok in a hug.
"Alright, stop bothering them!" Sungchan hollers, knowing the unwanted attention was probably making the both of you slightly uncomfortable. "Who's next?"
He successfully diverts everyone's attention back to the game, and you let out a sigh of relief when the both of you are left alone.
"I'm so sorry about that, I didn't mean to shout it out like that and I was just surprised because you drank it, and I was-"
Eunseok cuts off your ramble with a kiss to the lips, strong and passionate.
"Don't worry about it," he whispers, smiling softly at you as he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. "It's about time they knew anyway."
His words make your heart race, and you can't help but avoid his intense stare.
"W-Wasn't the drink bad?" you stuttered, trying to change the topic.
He shrugs again, slowly backing you against a corner of the wall.
"It was fine." he says, so close that you could feel his breath against your lips.
"I'd do anything for you." he whispers, and he presses his lips right against yours.
The fact that there are almost a hundred of other people in the room with you fades out of your mind at the feeling of his lips, so warm and so soft but so aggressive at the same time.
It would be embarrassing if you got caught, but as long as it was with your lovely boyfriend, you wouldn't mind.
He'd do anything for you, and you'd do anything for him too.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart
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pompadourpink · 18 days
Hi, what is your best tips for someone who spoke French the last time was like five years ago (in the process of B2 at that time), totally stop learn it, and this morning impulsively enrolled for DELF B1 and will have the exam in two weeks?
In no particular order:
Read, read, read (France Info, Slate, Geo, le Huffington Post, Google News, etc.) about topics you enjoy and about the news (culture, society, tech - my DELF debate topic was tobacco usage on campus)
Read a paragraph out loud to your computer and see if it picks up what you're saying (speech-to-text)
Look up lists of ice-breaking questions and answer them (one orally, one in writing), with the help of Deepl and WordReference
Review the conjugations of être, avoir and aller (especially the perfect, present conditional, simple future and subjunctive - those last two are very similar)
Make sure to remember when to use the imperfect and the perfect and that French doesn't typically like the passive voice (I had my bag stolen: they stole my bag - on m'a volé mon sac)
Book me if you can - slight pronunciation corrections and pointers about grammar or syntax can change everything
Test yourself with a mock exam and make sure to read about the expectations so you know what to prioritise
Record voice notes on your phone talking about your day and listen to them the next day to see if you understand yourself
Good luck! x
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 months
May 9; Weed
Ship; Sirius x Barty (bitchkiller)
Sirius honestly couldn’t believe he was doing this. Going to Crouch for his much needed relaxation time. Honestly, Crouch and relaxation is the biggest oxymoron Sirius had ever heard.
But, well, desperate times desperate measures, and all that crap.
Crouch couldn’t believe it either, when Sirius came knocking out by the greenhouse, asking for some weed. It’s just that the Gryffindor guy got caught last month, slacking, smoking too much of his own supply or something. So Sirius hasn’t gotten high in over a month, and he just needs a break.
Especially from all that blasted studying Moony and Worms are doing, constantly it’s just scratch scratch scratch of quills on parchment, and flipping of pages, and humming. Oh, Sirius can’t stand the humming.
So yeah, he’s here now, getting high with Crouch because he remembered Regulus saying he delt. Because he didn’t want to get high alone, and James is on his date with Lily, and Mary’s on her date with Marlene, and Peter and Remus are studying (which Sirius would also like to dub a date since they spend all their fucking time together). And Crouch, whilst probably a psychopath, is actually funny sometimes.
Not funny in the way any of Sirius’ friends are funny. No, funny because he does dumb shit and says stupid things and Sirius can laugh at him. He honestly thought getting high with Barty would be amusing. Like a freak show or something.
But now he’s here, one and a half joints in, passing it back and forth with the bloke, and he’s actually enjoying himself. Somehow.
They’re judging people, sitting up on the stone wall and swinging their legs about, mocking anyone that walks past. They’re laughing together, not at each other, and surprisingly getting along.
At one point Reggie walked past and was instantly weirded out by them getting along, and so they both heckled the shit out of him and then spent five minutes laughing about it.
And Barty actually has some interesting things to say, and he’s much smarter than Sirius had assumed. When he popped the question as to why Barty wasn’t studying, he simply said he didn’t care, and that he didn’t study for his last exams and got full marks for all of them.
And a lot of the jokes he makes are actually quite intelligent.
And he’s not a total arsehole either. Maybe. Well, he’s definitely an arsehole, as they’re sitting here together making fun of people, but not a total dick.
He’s not being a dick to Sirius and that’s the main thing.
And he’s not bad looking. Okay, maybe that’s also a lie, he’s quite weird looking. But Sirius tends to like that. He’s captivated by his absurd lankyness, and his crooked smile, and knobbly fingers, and his scruffy eyebrows, and his hooked nose that he seemingly has had broken at least once.
And for some reason Sirius is wondering what he might look like with his clothes off.
It’s night now, and the castles dark, and everyone’s gone to dinner. Sirius is hungry, and he can hear Barty’s stomach rumbling too. They haven’t had anything to eat (besides that half packet of crisps Barty stole from a third year) since they started smoking, and are really starting to feel it.
But suddenly they’re alone, and the air is warm, and their inhibitions are lowered, and Barty’s looking at him.
He’s looking at him.
“Would you punch me if I kissed you right now?” Barty asked, catching him off guard.
“Do you want me to punch you, if you kiss me?” Sirius asked back.
Barty smirked, “Depends how mean your punch is. Promise to make me bleed?”
“I don’t want a busted knuckle.” He shrugged, leaning back against the piller.
“So you won’t punch me then?”
“I guess not.” Sirius sighed, “Are you gonna punch me for it?”
“I could.” Barty grinned, crawling over to him, “Maybe we could get into a bit of a fight.”
“You’d probably like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah, probably.” Barty grinned, licking up the side of his face.
Sirius smirked, grabbing his chin with rough finger tips, “Good effort, but it would take much more to disturb me, Crouch.”
“You’re more fun than I thought.” Barty smirked, “I expected you to be a party pooper like your brother. But you’re a little insane, aren’t you?”
“Darling, I don’t think you get to decide who’s insane or not.” Sirius teased.
“Piss off, fucker. Takes one to know one.” Barty waggled his eye brows, “And don’t call me darling unless you plan on wining and dining-“
“Oh, shut up.” Sirius groaned, pulling him in to kiss.
And yeah, maybe Barty isn’t so bad after all. Besides, his weed is pretty good, so Sirius is just going to come back for more, isn’t he?
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
Hii how are you today?
Could you write Millionaire Reiner that is obsessed with his wife and could she be plus-size?
hiiii my sweetness! I absolutely can (and I’m totally not living vicariously or anything)
themes: black plus size reader, fluff and some freaky stuff mentioned
so I am a firm believer that Reiner made his millions off of playing football. He was a star quarterback in the NFL for years, where he won a plethora of championships before retiring. The last thing he wanted to do was be far too broken down to function so he decided to bow out gracefully after ten seasons, five of which were winning Super Bowl ones. He went on to invest his fortune in several different businesses including farming, auto sales and even the cannabis industry. But his true and most priceless passion was his gorgeous wife of ten years, (y/n) (l/n). A woman who had been by his side since his high school and D1 days back in college. A stunning and equally smart young lady; a pathology major with a minor in physical therapy, whom he first met in his math class after getting your help to pass an exam. He was equally smitten then as he was now. Infatuated with your intelligence and looks, Reiner didn’t stop until you were his and it didn’t take much because you were crushing hard on the shy ball player. Many people would say that the two of you brought the best out of another, including your shells. When you were around, he never stopped smiling and when he was away at games, interviews..he couldn’t wait to get back! Now the two of you spend your days traveling the world, working on the farm and enjoying the perks of married life that you missed out on during his glory days. Picking up and taking trips, being spoiled endlessly and just showered in love and praise by your man. Your walk in closet looks like an entire boutique, your fashion sense is envied and all you have to do is bat those pretty eyelashes and he opens his wallet. He gets so happy to brag on you, tell everyone how amazing you are and that you are his entire world. Reiner is so in love with you, constantly posting you to his Instagram and showing off his girl! Granted, as a bigger woman, people have had their fair share of nasty insults, but none of them compare to the love that you receive for how hot of a couple you are. You’re so spoiled, it makes no sense.
or the even nastier things he does with you! When you’re on vacation, strutting around in your bikini with those thick thighs, tummy (stretch marks and all baby!) he gets so excited. Like big daddy can barely even contain himself (side note: he posts you with the vaguest yet freakiest caption, saying things like ‘my meal’ or ‘my beard warmer’. He definitely whisks you away from all those fancy dinners and hall of fame ceremonies to eat you out in the front seat of his McLaren or Maserati. Plunging those fingers right to the brunt of his championship rings. Laying his forehead against the fat of your tummy and devouring that pussy until you’re shaking. Keeping this man off of you is a full time job in and of itself but you don’t mind it at all because lord is he down bad when it comes to you and the feeling is mutual. Y’all will go rounds until neither of you can stand and the obsession grows more and more each day.
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faefictions · 2 years
Just the Way the World Works
Eddie Munson x Reader
Angst, fluff, friends to enemies to lovers, a little mechanic!eddie, alcohol consumption, not proofread
5.5k words
Summary: Eddie disappears from his best friend’s life after she graduates without him. After she moves back to Hawkins, she can’t seem to stop running into him, and she wonders what ever happened to them
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Graduating wasn’t meant to be so bittersweet. It was supposed to be a milestone. Leaving high school was supposed to be a “thank god I’m out of there” moment, but there was nothing happy about your ceremony. It had felt wrong being up there without your best friend, without him to hug right after you had both grabbed your diploma’s, him flipping the bird to the crowd just like he had promised. He hadn’t even shown up to support you, and you had understood why he wouldn’t want to be at a celebration that just reminded him that he had failed his senior year, but it still hurt. 
Eddie Munson, your best friend of 6 years at the time, had instead insisted that you come over after the celebration had died down. When you had reminded him that your parents were throwing you a graduation party, and that you weren’t gong to be able to leave the house until after your curfew anyway, he just sighed and quietly stalked off. You had hoped that he would surprise you by showing up to graduation, or even just made an appearance at the party afterwards, but he never showed. 
You had held on to hope that he would stop sulking sometime during the summer. You only had a couple months until you were leaving for college, and you had hoped that most of that time would be spent with him, soaking up every last moment at your favorite diner, in his trailer watching movies, or even just sitting next to him in silence while he worked on his next campaign. 
You gave him a month to get over it, but you were met with total radio silence on his part. You grew worried when you started to call, each time the line would go unanswered. You couldn’t help but feel like you had done something wrong, but all you had done was pass your classes. You had tried to help Eddie get on track to graduate with you, but Senior year had proven to be more difficult than either of you could handle, and you alone had barely made it out of there. 
The day you packed up the car, 2 months since the last time you had seen your best friend, you had hoped that he would show. No matter how petty he was feeling, you had just hoped that he could put it aside for five minutes just to say goodbye. Sure, you weren’t leaving forever, there would be plenty more opportunities to bust down his trailer door and insist that he has been acting like a child, but you had hoped that there would be no need to chastise him when you came back home for your next break. 
Eddie had never disappointed you in such a heart breaking way in the past. He had always been there for you, through every heart break, through every failed exam, even when you had just gotten upset over a fictional character in your favorite book not getting the happy ending you had insisted they deserved. He would never leave you hanging, so you had never even entertained the thought that he would actually not show up on your last day. 
The tears you shed in the car were to be expected as you drove away from the town you had called home your entire life. You parents tried to comfort you by telling you your room at their home would always be open for you to visit, but you didn’t have the breath to tell them that that wasn’t why you were crying. You had prepared yourself to leave Hawkins behind, but Eddie was an entire different story. 
Break after break spent back in Hawkins were spent with nothing but silence from Eddie. You had tried calling him to wish him a Merry Christmas, and the line had actually connected this time, but Wayne was on the other end of the line to tell you that Eddie wasn’t around but he would pass along your message. 
That was when you gave up. Trying to salvage the friendship you had previously viewed as an unbreakable bond was too exhausting when the other party refused to participate, and you weren’t going to waste your time. It had felt worse than any heartbreak you had experienced to date. Usually, you would go to Eddie in a situation like this, and the realization that now you didn’t have that broke you. 
By the end of your 3rd year away, Eddie was nothing but a thought in the back of your head, only surfacing to haunt you on a rare occasion. You barely even thought about the prospect of seeing him again when you had decided to move back to Hawkins and finish your last year at a college just 20 minutes out of town. 
Imagine your surprise when you went to run errands with your mother on your first day back and ran into Eddie in the bread aisle of the nearest convenience store. You thought you were over it by now, but the second your eyes met from opposite ends of the aisle, everything you had felt in that car ride 3 years ago resurface. The anger, the sadness, the pure disbelief that he could just disappear from your life without so much as an explanation. 
You did your best to avoid eye contact, which wasn’t too hard since he was doing the same. 
The next week, you started your first shift at you new job; waitressing at the diner which you had shared so many fond memories with Eddie. The thought of the awkward encounter that would ensue if he had decided to come in during one of your shifts had occurred to you, but it was the only place hiring within walking distance, and you needed the money to save up for a new car to get to and from school when the year started. 
What hadn’t occurred to you, was just how painful it would be when he sat in your favorite booth and waited for you to come take his order. That was the booth you would share every friday night, the booth that would be littered with straw wrappers and french fries that you had each thrown at the other, which you of course would always clean up on the way out. It took you a few minutes to muster up the courage to approach, but it was knocked right out of you the second you asked what you could get him and he looked up with an expression you read as a mixture of confusion and disgust. 
“Where Mary?” he simply asked, in the driest tone he had ever used with you. 
“She has Friday’s off now. Can I get you anything?” 
“Guess I’ll just have to start coming on Saturdays,” he muttered under his breath. You weren’t meant to hear it, but it shattered the last ounce of intact heart you had. 
“Well you’re welcome to just come back tomorrow,” you grunted as you turned on your heel to walk away, shoving the notepad in the apron resting on your hips, which nearly unraveled the ties and sent it to the floor. 
“I’ll take a strawberry milkshake,” he groaned, which made you pause. 
Chocolate had always been his favorite, he had insisted that any other flavor was a crime against humanity. Part of you wanted to laugh and make a joke, but you knew better, so you just went to the back to prepare the order. 
Despite his disgruntled comment, Eddie didn’t switch to coming in on Saturdays. Every single Friday night, you would find him in the same booth, at the same time, just as everyone else was starting to clear out. The interaction of taking his order never got easier. If anything it had gotten increasingly worse, as each time he would refuse to look up as he fidgeted with the sugar packets on the table as he told you what he wanted. 
Despite the animosity, he tipped well, so you tried your best to stay civil with him. 
The pattern continued for a month. He would come in, order his meal or his milkshake, leave the money on the table, and ring the bell on his way out all within an hour. You couldn’t help but wonder if your presence ruined the night every time he came in. The two of you used to sit in that booth until one of the ladies in the back would practically beg you to go home so they could close up. You wondered if he had continued to stay until someone kicked him out up until you showed up, ruining his weekly ritual. 
You hated that you cared. 
The tables turned a couple weeks before your classes were going to start. You had finally saved up enough to buy an old clunker, hoping that it would last you the year. Things weren’t looking so good less than a week into owning it. A strange sound started coming from the engine as you drove to work one afternoon, and you knew you had to get it checked out before you were required to drive it out of town everyday. 
When you pulled up to the mechanic, you barely recognized Eddie with his hair pulled back into a bun. He had always refused to let you comb his hair back into a ponytail, no matter how much you begged. 
“Ponytails are NOT metal,” he would always chuckle as you pouted, but not even your puppy dog eyes would make him cave. 
“But Eddie, your hair is too pretty to not want to play with,” you had told him once, and although it had caused a blush to creep across his cheeks, he had still said no. 
He pretended like he didn’t know you as you told him about the weird noise coming from your engine, as if you hadn’t spent 6 years telling each other your deepest darkest secrets, as if he wasn’t the single person to know you better than you knew yourself. 
“Describe weird,” he spoke calmly as he popped the hood. 
This calm hurt more than the annoyed way he would always order from you. The annoyance alluded to the history you share, but this? This made it feel like you were speaking with a complete stranger. 
“Uhm, it’s like rumbling and clicking I guess?” 
“You guess?” 
“I don’t know! I’ve had the thing for less than a week, I don’t even know if that’s how it’s supposed to sound.” 
“Ok, well why don’t you go wait over there? I’ll let you know when it’s ready.” 
He hadn’t even looked up as he pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the small waiting area next to the water cooler. 
You sat there for a couple hours, bouncing your leg as you tried to look anywhere but at him. The longer you waited, the harder it was to not stare and wonder what had happened to the two of you. 
You were torn from your thoughts as he slammed the hood closed and walked over to you, wiping his hands on a bandana he had pulled from his back pocket. You barely listened as he explained what the issue had been, and cursed at yourself when you realized that that may have been good knowledge to have just in case it happened again. 
“Thanks, uhm, how much?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
“What?” you furrowed your brow at him, not exactly understanding. 
“It wasn’t much work, and I had nothing better to do anyway. It’s always slow in the morning. Just bring it back if it starts making that noise again,” he dismissed you as he walked through a door and disappeared from your sight. 
You had been tempted to ask if he would let anyone else get out of here without paying on a slow morning, but you became glad that he had disappeared before you had the chance, knowing that it wasn’t a good idea to open that door. 
He didn’t come into he diner the following Friday, you had assumed that maybe he had finally caved and switched to coming in on Saturdays. The hole in your chest grew deeper at the thought of missing out on him yet again. And again, you hated that you cared so fucking much. 
You hadn’t made any new friends that summer. All your remaining friends lived hours away, still going to the school you had abandoned. Your high school friends had all dispersed after graduation, and none of them had returned to the cursed town of Hawkins like you had. They would have thought you were crazy for coming back if they had known. You had wanted to get out of there more than any of them.
You were counting down the days until classes started, hoping that you would find even just one person to give you the opportunity to leave your bedroom for any other reason than going to work. 
Your mother could sense your restlessness, and had found several various excuses weekly to get you to leave the house with her. She had even managed to drag you to the community pool with her and her book club a couple of times. each outing with her just made your more eager to get back to school and meet someone your own age. 
The last Saturday before classes, you decided to go out on your own to escape the darkness of your bedroom, and your mother’s persistence to go to the movies with her and her friends. 
You were freshly 21, a milestone you had always wished you could celebrate with Eddie. You had both planned on getting your first legal drinks together since his birthday was just a month before yours. He had promised that he would wait for you so you could experience it together. 
The beer you ordered felt bittersweet to raise to your lips felt bittersweet, knowing that you were ruining the chance of keeping that promise with Eddie, but you figured he had already broken it. 
As you were about to take your last sip, someone sat at the nearly empty bar, just a couple stool down from you. 
When he ordered his drink, you recognized the voice immediately. You couldn’t help but bitterly chuckle. Guess the promise hadn’t been broken completely. 
You had done your fair share of drinking in the three years you had been gone, so the one beer was barely enough to get you buzzed. A friend had joined Eddie as you asked for your third, he was still nursing the same glass he got as you had finished your first. 
The third beer had pushed your over the edge of tipsy, and you began to stew. The friend he was with, that was supposed to be you. If he hadn’t gone and fucked everything up, you would have been back much sooner to see him graduate, you would have heard all about his new job, would have known he even wanted to be a mechanic, or did he even like his job? 
Your thought began to race, and with each new once that passed through, you grew more upset. 
Three beers became 5, and you were fighting the urge to turn and yell at him for ruining your life. That sounded so melodramatic, even to your drunken brain, but he was the best thing about your life in high school, and he had just withdrawn from you without a word. 
You knew that confronting him while drunk in a public setting was the worst idea, so instead you settled your tab and stood to walk out, but you failed to realize just how drunk you had become. 
You tripped over your own two feet as you tried to take a step, but luckily caught yourself on the counter. You knew the sound of you nearly face planting would have gotten his attention in the nearly empty bar, and you refused to turn and check as you walked out. 
You hadn’t planned on getting too drunk to drive home. You had hoped to nurse one beer and sit there until you felt sober enough to drive home, which would have hopefully lined up with your mother going to bed so you hadn’t had to tell her what had been so important that you couldn’t go out with her. Walking home was the last thing you wanted to do, but there was no way you were getting behind the wheel, and you were even less likely to call either of your parents to pick you up in this state. 
The night was cold, and if you were going to walk the couples miles back to your house, you were going to need the jacket you had left in the passenger seat. You made your way to your car and unlocked the door, but before you could climb in to grab the sweatshirt that you were beginning to realize was too thin to keep you warm in weather like this, a hand grabbed your arm. 
You jumped and nearly screamed, imagining what kind of creeper could be grabbing you on the abandoned street at this time of night, but you were relieved when you turned to see that it was just Eddie. The relief quickly turned into annoyance when you remembered where you two stood. 
“You can’t drive home like this,” he spoke, almost in the same cool manner he had used back when he was looking at your car, but there more discomfort this time which was barely perceived by your drunk mind. 
“I’m not, just grabbing my jacket,” you spoke, a little slower than usual as you tried not to mess up your words. 
“Are you walking home?” his brow furrowed in concern, which only annoyed you. 
“Yup,” you replied simply. He had loosened his grip on your arm, and you took the opportunity to duck into the car to grab the item and return to lock the door before you made your way down the sidewalk. 
“Y/n, you can’t just walk. Your place is like 4 miles from here.” 
“Oh well.” 
You kept your head forward as you continued on your way, until he caught up to you and grabbed your arm again. This time you jerked away from him and turned to give him an inquisitive look. 
“C’mon, you’re drunk. Walking that far at night is dangerous enough.” 
“Yeah, well I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t care if I died anyway, so here I go.” 
You began to walk again, and he didn’t reach for you this time, but when he replied you could hear the hurt in his voice, which only fueled your anger. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh don’t act so confused, asshole.” 
“You really think I wouldn’t care if you died?” 
“Maybe you would care, but not in a sad way. By the way things are going, maybe you’d be relieved.” You let out a dry laugh, too drunk to feel the full pain of what you were saying. 
“Y/n, stop, please.” 
“Nah, I need to get home. And at this rate, it’s going to take me a few hours.” 
“Let me drive you. I’m sober.” 
“Like that could convince me.” 
A hand came up to rub his face in frustration. You had created enough distance between the two of you, so he had to jog to catch up. He grabbed your hand and dragged you over to his van, which was no easy feat as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp. 
When he opened the passenger door for you, you just stood and crossed your arms. 
“Jesus Christ, get in the van.” 
“Get in the fucking van, y/n!”
“God you are so fucking infuriating, you know that?” 
That was enough to make you start to tear up. In the old days, the second a tear would roll down your cheek, Eddie would melt. He would have done anything to cheer you up, but now, he didn’t budge. 
“Why don’t you just keep hating me, let me walk home and you can keep pretending like we never knew each other.” 
“I don’t hate you.” 
“Really?! You actions suggest the contrary.”
“Learned some big words in college, didn’t you?” 
“Contrary isn’t a big word, idiot.” 
“Just get in the van, y/n.” 
You actually though about it for a second, thought about the warm ride home, about pretending like everything was ok just for ten minutes while you sat in the same seat you rode to school in for 3 years. But there was no way you were going to get in that car until he had given you an explanation. 
“Why’d you do it?” Your words came out barely above a whisper, in an effort to not choke on them. 
“Do what?” 
He looked at you as if you were speaking a foreign language, which only infuriated you more. 
“I never left, what are you talking about?” 
“Are you kidding me Eddie? We haven’t spoken since the last day of school. You didn’t show up to graduation, didn’t show up to my party, didn’t come over for my birthday that year, and you didn’t even come to say goodbye.”
“And why would I have come to say goodbye?” He asked as if he was trying to get you to finish a thought, but you didn’t understand. 
“I was going to college Eddie. Why wouldn’t you come say goodbye.” 
“I never fucking left, y/n. You just said it, you’re the one who left. I was here the whole time.”
“God, do you have to be so literal?”
“You really don’t get it?” 
You scoffed and looked at him to urge him to continue. 
“Remember that night we jumped the fence to the football field?”
“Really, you want to reminisce now?”
“Try to sober up for a second and humor me.” 
You sighed and nodded your head. Of course you remembered that night. It was a Friday in the middle of your junior year. You had just gotten kicked out of the diner, but you were fighting with your parents, and you didn’t want to go home. Wayne hadn’t been working that night, so you couldn’t spend the night with Eddie like you usually would on a night like that.
Eddie had driven you to the campus, and when you had grown confused as to why he would drive you there in the middle of the night, after all of the lights in the parking lot and turned off, he asked if you trusted him. 
Of course you had, so you didn’t ask questions as he led you to the fence and helped you jump down from the other side. Turned out, the middle of the football field had been the perfect spot to stargaze. No trees to block to view, and minimal light pollution. 
You had seen your first shooting star that night, and when Eddie asked you what you had wished for, you refused to tell him, saying that it wouldn’t come true. 
You had wished that every night could be like that. 
You had no idea why he would bring up a memory that stung like that now. 
“Do you remember what we talked about that night?” 
“Eddie that was almost 5 years ago.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question.” 
It took you a second to jog your memory, how could you have forgotten? That was the night you had come up with your “plan” for the future. Eddie had insisted that after you both got out of high school, you should run away on a cross country trip in his van. 
“College will be around forever, but we’re only kids once,” he had said. 
You were going to see the west coast for the first time, and you had even convinced him to adopt a little puppy who could sit in your lap while Eddie drove. He promised he would get a bed to fill out the back, and the two of you could snuggle up in the puppy, who you had named Joey, every single night. 
Every time you got into an argument with either of your parents that year, Eddie would remind you that you just had to hold on a little longer. The two of you would be out of there together in no time. 
You still didn’t understand why he was bringing this up now of all times. 
“Do you remember?” he asked again, and this time you nodded. 
“We were supposed to leave together, y/n. It was supposed to be the two of us against the world.” 
“Three of us,” you added, insisting yet again that he can’t forget little Joey. 
“I’m not the one who left, you were.”
You began to process why he was bringing this up, what he was implying, and your cheeks grew hot with anger. 
“Wait, so you’re saying you fucking pulled away because I decided to go to college?” 
He turned his head away from you, obviously trying to reel in his anger so he didn’t shout, he knew how much you hated when he did. 
“Eddie! I… What did you expect? I graduated, you didn’t. Was I just supposed to sit around for a year-“
“I didn’t graduate until ’86.” 
You bit your tongue to not sympathize, now was not the time to feel bad that he was stuck in that shit hole without you for two extra years. 
“So you wanted me to just sit pretty for two years so you could live your little fantasy? Live moves on Eddie, I couldn’t have just waited for you!”
“Well you could’ve tried!” He finally gave into his anger as he shouted back at you, and you jumped back, which made him instantly regret it. 
“You think I should’ve tried to sit around for two whole years? Should’ve just sat idly by while all of our friends got their degrees? Should’ve just done nothing while I waited for you to play catch up? That’s why you decided to fuck up my life?”
“You’re the one who fucked up mine,” he stated as if it were a fact. Like you should have known you were the villain all along, but you weren’t having it. 
“Fuck this, I think I’ve sobered up enough to walk now,” he gave him a sarcastic smile and began to walk away. You almost made it around the corner before he finally called after you. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry, please just get in the van.”
“Yeah? You’re sorry? For what, exactly Eddie? For missing my graduation? For completely ignoring me all the times I tried to call you? Or maybe for yelling at me and suggesting that I’m the bad guy in all of this?”
“Please,” he began, but you cut him off as you quickly stomped back to him. 
“You don’t get to play the victim here Eds. You broke my fucking heart, you know that? I barely left my dorm for the first three months. I couldn’t talk to anyone without wishing I could call you and tell you what they had said. I could fucking experience anything without wishing you were there by me. I didn’t do anything wrong by doing what everyone else does when they graduate. It’s not my fucking fault that you didn’t graduate with me, and you know, I actually felt bad for you for not getting out of there. But I don’t think I feel very bad for you anymore. You were a real asshole, you know that?” 
“I know.” 
He totally abandoned his anger, giving in instead to the hurt he had been harboring all those years. Sure, he was at first hurt solely by your choice to leave him behind, he had felt abandoned, but he had dug himself his own grave when he pushed you away. 
“You know?” 
His sudden change in disposition had taken the wind out of your sails, had brought your voice down to the calm, sad tone that had matched his own. 
“Yeah, I knew back then too. I knew I was fucking up, but…”
“But what, Eddie?” 
How was he supposed to explain why it hurt so bad when he had heard that you had gotten into your dream school? He knew that he was being selfish when you were jumping up and down as you told him the news that broke his heart. He knew he was being selfish when he had chosen to change the topic every time you brought up anything college or graduation related. He knew that he was being selfish when he decided to just pretend like you didn’t exist rather than tell you the truth. He had thought that it was too late to fix everything he had done, too late to finally tell you the truth, but now was a better time than any. 
“I loved you. I just… I couldn’t handle you leaving me behind. I knew you were off to bigger and better things. And I wasn’t going to be a part of any of that. It was easier to just fade out than be constantly reminded that I was no longer going to be part of your life.” 
“I loved you too, Eddie, and of course you would have still been a part of my life. You were my best friend, and I was planning on getting an apartment with you when you moved out there with me. There was no way I was going to let us be separated for more than a year.” 
“Y/n, I don’t think you understand.” 
“What don’t I understand?” You sighed as you threw your head back, trying not to blow up on him in frustration again. 
He closed the gap between the two of you, resting his hands on your back and holding you as close as he possibly could, just like he had been so desperately craving for the past 3 years. 
“Y/n, I loved you,” he stared into your eyes, trying to force your drunken brain into understanding. 
It took a second, but your eyebrows suddenly un-furrowed and shot up as you realized what he had meant. He wasn’t talking about the platonic love you had thought he had been feeling all those years. No, this was much more. Much like the feelings you were hoping to confess to him when you had finally both escaped the town together. The feelings that had been ripped from your heart the moment you realized he hadn’t even come to say goodbye. 
“Eddie,” you began, pushing him away as you began to fell like you were suffocating in his grasp, “I—this is—“
“I don’t expect you to say it back,” he chuckled dejectedly, “I know I ruined everything that summer. If I ever had any hope, it went away when I didn’t say goodbye. I know that. But you deserved to know.” 
He didn’t fight you as you pulled away from him, didn’t look up to meet your gaze as you stared at him wide eyed just 2 feet away. He just stood in the silence and wished that he had handled things differently. 
“You, uhm… You said loved. So you don’t feel that way anymore?” 
He took a second to think, still refusing to look up from the crack in the pavement in front of your feet. It was already hard enough to tell you in the past tense, telling you that he had continued to feel that way for 3 years after you had left was another battle. 
“I’m just trying to get the full picture,” you chuckled quietly, allowing yourself to tease him just a bit, just like you would have back in high school. And it comforted him enough to continue. 
“What would you say if I said I still did?” 
“Probably call you and idiot.” 
“What, why?” His eyes finally shot up to meet yours, and joined you in your quiet laughter. 
“I mean the whole ‘If he’s mean to you it means he like you’ is so middle school, Eds. You’re a whole adult now, I’d say you should tell me like a man.”
You took a step towards him, closing the gap again, and rested your hand on his hip this time. He took the invitation and rested his hands in the same spot on your back and stared down at you. 
“How about I show you instead of tell you?” 
“Too much of a coward to say it?” 
“Oh shut up,” he laughed on more time, before closing the last gap, crashing his lips into yours. 
It didn’t even take you a second to match the passion he was pouring into you. All of the pent up frustration, longing, hatred, and love all combined into one kiss. And you would be lying if you said that it wasn’t the best you had ever had. But maybe that was just because you had been waiting 9 years for it to happen. 
When he finally pulled away for breath and rested his forehead against yours, he peered down into your eyes. You half expected him to finally say it, to say that he loved you, now, in the present tense, but instead… 
“You going to get in the van now?” 
You pulled away and rolled your eyes as you jumped into the passenger seats, letting out the word “fine” as a long groan. As if you weren’t ecstatic to be back in his passenger seat. Right where you belonged. 
@embrace-themagic​ @fanficparker​ @baconlover001 @chloe-geoghegan1​ @chonisberonica​ @heartbeats-wildly​ @saturn-aka-six​ @harringtonsbaseballbat @ghostofdrfluke @calum-hoodwinked-me​ @peterplanet​ @mischiefmanaged49​ @hrryhllnd @nicotine-sunshine820​ @itsjusttor​ @emistrash​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ @cosmic-mint-tea @suemesabby @sovereignparker​ @raajali3​
This was heavily based on a true story, and inspired by The Story by Conan Gray. Thanks for reading to the end! Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in any future posts :) 
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mazey-phaedra-enjoyer · 2 months
I keep thinking Ruben Hopclap and what his story so far might mean about how much the rat grinders aside from Kipperlily actually know. First off, Frosty Fair. Obviously Ruben can't be totally innocent because in the beginning of the episode he does seemingly try and frame them with the drugs while disguised. However, a lot of the events at Frosty Fair and behind the scenes don't add up with him being part of some mastermind scheme with Kipperlily.
Despite the fact that there is all the rage stuff and the wiring underneath the stage that definitely looks suspicious, Ruben seemed pretty caught off guard to see Grix going haywire. While that in and of itself could be explained by having a high deception or something along those lines there's also the conversation Gorgug overheard between Jace and Henry Hopclap as well as Fig's dream spell with Lola Embers. Henry confronts Jace out of concern for his nephew for some unspecified reason and Jace lashes out at him and then in Fig's dream spell with Lola it's revealed that Ruben was originally doing a concert somewhere else but after being pressured by Jace, it was Lola who made the decision to switch it to the Thistlespring tree.
What just doesn't add up for me is if Ruben was really totally in on this conspiracy, why would the venue be changed by the vice principle pressuring his agent into making him instead of just doing it himself? And of course there's obviously the fact that Buddy Dawn clearly could not have been fully in on it but theoretically you could dismiss that as him being left out of the loop as he wasn't part of the high-five heroes. Not to mention, a lot of their behavior just doesn't match up with then being sinister, world ending, maniacal cackling, evil villains.
Kipperlily from day one was very much characterized as having a very sinister vibe to her but the rest of them usually came off as just regular highschool shitheads at worst and pretty chill at best. Like sure maybe they've all been perfectly hiding their intentions and they'll heel turn in the penultimate episode and reveal their evil plot but I just don't buy it.
So my theory is this: most, if not all, of the rat grinders are in some conspiracy against the bad kids at least in the mundane highschool rivalry way but are somewhat unaware of, or at the very least not directly participating in, Kipperlily's (presumably though who knows if someone's pulling her strings) more extreme ideas.
As for the... incident at the last standard exam that Oisin was seemingly present for (and maybe I'm just being hopeful) but there's always the possibity he was dragged along by kipperlily, reluctant or otherwise, on the pretense of doing something mundane to screw them up and was caught off guard when Kipperlily did that. I'm not exactly very confident that he really is innocent cause it just seems too convinient for him to have been completely unaware but he hasn't been portrayed as very schemey so I don't know.
There's always the issue of Lucy Frostblade but there's just been so little information revealed about her life and death that it's hard to make any definite claims on how involved each of the rat grinders were in her death. ANYWAYS my point is I think the rat grinders may not be monolithic and I'm excited to get more information on all of them.
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
Sex Education P.3 | Steve Harrington
a/n: yall posting this shit was the most annoying experience ever and tumblr and I have genuine beef, but its okay because hopefully she’ll post <3. Also I decided that this series is going to be 5 parts, and this is the longest part thus far because it’s the “turning point” in the series :)
Summary: No one ever assumes they’d develop feelings for their childhood best friend who also happened to be their friend with benefits, nor do they expect to end up jealous over mindless flirting.
Warnings: SMUT, cussing, spelling and grammar errors, talks about kinks, mentions of: bondage, handcuffs, voyeurism, mutual masturbation, and gagging, actual P in V unprotected smut, creampie, rough sex, spanking, fingering, oral (f receiving, m giving), spitting, hair pulling, back shots, missionary, jealous sex, degradation, praise kinks, choking, overstimulation, Dom!Steve, Sub!(ish)Reader
Word Count: 12k
Series Masterlist
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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(I just really like this gif honestly, like it gives bestfriend steve vibes)
Friday came faster than expected, and of course, something had to go wrong the day of Y/n’s big exam. She’d made it to the college early-leaving thirty minutes prior to when she usually left. The forty-five minute drive filled with her loud sing-a-long to Blondie’s The Hunter album as she sped down the highway. Then she got to school, parking outside of her academic building then rushing inside-hoping to get some kind of last minute cramming in as she found herself running up two flights of steps-anxiety fueling her swift steps.
By the time she’d sat in her usual classroom she was slightly out of breath, opting to sit in the front row to the left side of the room. Immediately going through her bag-then realizing that the flashcards Steve helped her make-flashcards which included important vocabulary, structures, authors, and anything else she found essential from the past half-semester-were still sitting at home on her nightstand-right next to a sleeping Steve Harrington. 
The same Steve Harrington that had spent the past two days at her house, granted the two went to work together yesterday-then he found himself back at her house, helping her study until he decided that she deserved some ‘stress relief’ which in turn led to his head between her thighs for nearly two hours. Her thighs and calves were still store from the feeling of both curling her toes constantly and Steve holding her in place while she begged and whined for more.
She was currently in a state of panic, looking down at his watch that he insisted she take for good luck today-seeing that she had twenty minutes before the class started-then she rushed out, finding the nearest phone and dialing her home number-praying Steve would answer. 
“Hello?” She tried to ignore the deep rasp in his voice-he was clearly still sleeping-but it still sent a small shiver down her spine. It’s been happening a lot lately, he’d say things or give her certain looks and they’d somehow make her heart race. But now wasn’t a time to focus on whatever that meant.
“Steve! I left the stupid flashcards there and I’m taking this test in-” she glanced down at the watch “-in seventeen minutes and I’m literally about to vomit because I was gonna try and cram before but now I don’t even know what I’m gonna do or if I’m gonna pass-this class literally determines if I have to extend or not because the class I’m taking next semester is only offered in the spring and this midterm is worth more of my grade than the final which is total bullshit but holy shit-”
As she rambled Steve sat up in her bed-phone in his right hand held up to his face while he ran a hand through his hair-the comforter now sinking past his bare chest to his waist.
“Y/n! Y/n!” the silence on the other end of the line caused him to let out a sigh of relief “you’re gonna do great okay? You know everything from this class-you need to stop doubting yourself. Cramming was never going to help you because it doesn’t ever work for you-it hasn’t worked since like freshman year of high school. You need to take a deep breath-” he paused for a second-his gaze now focused on her messy desk-alongside the few photos pinned to her corkboard above it-a small smile on his face when he spotted a photo strip of the two of them from the fair in tenth grade.
She took a deep breath, leaning against the wall next to the phone-a hand on her forehead-thumb and index finger massaging her temples while she stared at the ceiling. 
“This is a big deal Steve-I can’t just relax-I’m like a ball of anxiety and nerves and-” he cut her off mid-sentence “-and nothing. It’s okay to be nervous about your exam but you can’t dwell on something like flashcards-you’ve been studying for this for like two weeks-you color coded all of your textbooks and notes Y/n-you know everything already-you’re overthinking it”
She groaned, and on the other end of the phone Steve smiled, shaking his head while rolling his eyes-she’d always done this. Everytime a big test was coming up she’d panic about it and rush to sit and study until there was nothing left-then she’d panic more until the day of the test when she usually aced it-occasionally getting a B-but even then she’d never failed. 
That was something he admired about Y/n, she’d go through hell and back if it meant being successful-and her version of success was always her own. She never compared her successes to other people’s because as she always said ‘Steve success isn’t measured by other assholes-it’s measured by you. How the hell are you supposed to be your dad’s version of successful when you don’t even like your dad-you’ll never live up to whatever he wants you to be because that’s not what you wanna be’. 
He found himself biting his bottom lip and smiling while she spoke to him.
“Okay-sure you’re right I might be overthinking it-but this shit is genuinely so stressful and what if my professor thinks my answers sound stupid? Then what? I can’t sit here and look stupid-God I’m gonna barf” he laughed at her, all the while she groaned again, staring down at his watch, seventeen minutes turned into ten and now she was biting her thumb nail-the leather band slightly slipping along her wrist.
“You won’t sound stupid, now go drink some water and kick your tests ass.” she sighed “if you say so Harrington” he nodded his head-the same dopey smile on his face “what time are you coming home?” 
His words made her smile, both eyebrows raised and she was positive if she’d been anywhere but here-or even if she was sitting down-she’d be kicking her feet back and forth. She felt like a thirteen year old getting called pretty by a boy for the first time.
“Home? So now you live with me?” he scoffed, of course she couldn’t see the blush on his face-thankfully “I mean this is your house isn’t it-and considering your parents don’t get back til Monday-I’ll stick around. Besides it’s better than Casa Harrington-home of the assholes”
She smiled, nodding her head while twirling the metallic curly phone cable in her hand “Guess you aren't asshole after all. Anyways, my class ends in two hours-then I’m meeting with my advisor so like another half hour-plus the drive back home-basically three or four hours” 
“You’re gonna crush your test, now hang up the phone Y/l/n” she scoffed, holding in a giggle-who the hell was she becoming. “Uh huh Harrington, I’ll see you when I get back” she bit her bottom lip “Drive safe baby, bye” with that the two hung up the phone. She couldn’t stop the heat enveloping her features at the pet name-of course she was used to it when they had sex-but outside of that-he’d never really casually called her that. But it made her heart race and she couldn’t stop her smile as she walked back to her classroom.
Steve however hung up the phone then groaned-two hands covering his face at the realization that he’d let the ‘baby’ slip out. Of course he started to overthink it the second he said it-mostly because she had no reaction to it-and of course it wasn’t like he could see her through the phone. Hopefully in the future they’d invent video calls or something for people.
He laid back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling decorated in small stars-the same stars he’d called childish the first time he’d gone over to her house when they were twelve. His parents had been late picking him up from swim practice-of course he said he’d just take the bus home or figure something out-but her mother insisted he came over and she’d call his parents for him.
By the time he got to their house he’d realized two things-Y/n’s mom was a lot cooler than he’d thought-granted she always showed up on time for practices, never missed a meet, and of course encouraged her daughter to speak her mind-which in turn led to a few altercations with other teams during the season. However she was genuinely nice to him and even as she drove-she still listened to him as he spoke-occasionally making eye contact through the rear view mirror and nodding her head.
The second thing he realized was that Y/n was really pretty-he’d never really gotten to see her sit in silence and just listen before that point-and as the golden hues from the sun outside hit her skin while she sat in the back seat with Steve-he found himself staring at her-the two holding eye contact while he spoke. He just assumed she’d always been confident in herself and a good listener based on the way she looked so relaxed and invested in his story-but even as a twelve year old she made him blush.
When they got to the house her mother called his mother’s office-leaving a message with their home address alongside the fact that Steve was there hanging out with Y/n and staying for dinner. She was quick to drag Steve down the hall to her room, forcing him to sit on her bed while she blow dried his hair-which she’d been wanting to do for some time-he even argued with her before she started. However, at the mention of Y/n’s mother making him dinner-he agreed.
Even at twelve he had great hair, his father always forcing the need to look presentable down his throat. She stood on her knees behind him-the bright pink blow drier in her right hand while she ran her left hand through his hair as she dried it-giggling at the way he protested. Then as she finished and turned off the blow dryer he laid back-purposefully pushing her backwards-nearly knocking her off the bed-which only made the both of them burst into laughter.
“Are you afraid of the dark? What's up with the baby stickers” she scoffed, sitting up and shoving him over while rolling her eyes “oh shut it poodle” with that she stood up, grabbing a compact off of her dresser-throwing it at him with a smirk on her face-which in turn led to his jaw dropping as he stared at his reflection-his hair overly voluminous and framing his head like a bad bowl cut.
The memory made Steve smile, eyes tracing each star formation-after she’d shoved him she eventually told him that she’d placed them in the shape of constellations-showing all of them to him before her mother called the two for dinner. That was the day he realized that he wanted to be her friend for a long time. She was caring, smart, she was honest-overly honest sometimes, she definitely had a nerdy side to her, her family genuinely cared for him, and she was the only person he knew he could be himself around.
After that day he started coming around more and more, her mother offering him rides home sometimes-the first time he slept over was during their eighth grade school year. The two had to do their science fair project together and once it hit nine o’clock her mother insisted he just spent the night-so he did. The both of them eventually fell asleep on the living room sofa after watching Star Trek-which Y/n had to explain to him.
He had no idea why he was reminiscing about their friendship-he also had no idea why calling her baby just felt right-granted when they had sex he knew she liked the pet names-a smile on her face while she bit her lip-the thought made his cock stir which only led to him groaning again. He’s her best friend, granted their relationship was starting to shift-he knew it was there and maybe she just didn’t notice it-or maybe she didn’t care-but there was something different now.
At first he summed it up to ‘well she’s seen my dick and I’ve fucked her so that must be it’ but the more he thought about it-the more he realized this wasn’t just about sex-actually it wasn’t about sex at all. She made his heart race in ways it hadn’t before-well ways it hadn’t in a long time.
He admittedly had a crush on her when they were in middle school, of course by freshman year he claimed it was gone-and then as he rose up the ranks in popularity because of sports-he dragged her along with him. Then by their junior year he was King Steve-he could get with any girl he wanted-so the crush on Y/n was long forgotten. She still argued with him in the hallways, constantly cursing him out and telling him to ‘humble yourself Harrington! High Schools not the real world jackass!.
She always stuck around though, she was there during his first genuine heartbreak-when Nancy Wheeler cheated on him after telling him she didn’t love him. He was at the Y/l/n household crying-which he would never tell anyone else about-and Y/n was holding him-rubbing circles into his back while making small sarcastic jokes and remarks to cheer him up. 
Ironically that’s around the time that a very broken and bloody Steve later showed up at her doorstep surrounded by Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Max Mayfield, and Lucas Sinclair-kids she thought he was babysitting-and as she was patching Steve up they all explained everything.
Of course the girl didn’t believe them-even when Steve told her that it was all true she simply scoffed and mumbled something along the lines of ‘Hargrove really beat the shit out of you huh?’ However, when they all took her to meet El a few days later-the girl with supposed ‘super powers’ and after seeing Nancy’s tape-she quickly learned that they were all telling the truth. The entire drive back to her house she kept rambling to Steve and asking him questions even he couldn’t answer.
She always did that, the girl had little to no filter-so anything that came to mind would be said. If it was a question, a comment, a concern, a rude statement, or an obnoxious opinion-she’d let it be heard. A lot of people hated that about her-it was the reason she’d gotten into so many arguments with Carol Perkins, always telling the girl that she was ‘an airhead with Daddy’s money’ alongside comments like ‘don’t be upset because you didn’t make the cheer squad Carol, I’m sure you can shake your ass for some dumb jock and he’ll pay attention to you’. 
Yeah, she was brutal. But he loved that about her. 
Then it all dawned upon him-he had a thing for his best friend-of course it broke the final rule of their ‘contract’ but he didn’t want to acknowledge it. As he stared at her ceiling he decided he’d just ignore it, hoping that things would be fine between the two-and that she wouldn’t catch on.
He spent the next few hours getting ready to face her-hell he’d even cleaned her room and did her laundry-blushing as he fumbled her panties into the washer and dryer, then he all but moaned at the sight of her vibrator in the back of her panty drawer-a rosy blush overtaking his features while he stared at the baby blue bullet-then at the sound of a car pulling up and parking he slammed the drawer shut-fumbling to fold the rest of her clothes.
She whistled as she walked into the house, a triumphant smile on her face because not only did she complete her exam early-her professor spoke to her after she’d turned it in-stating that she had the highest grade in the class. Then she met with her advisor who said she was on track to graduate a semester early-and traffic on the way home wasn’t bad whatsoever.
He walked out of her room, standing in the hallway with a clean shirt thrown over his shoulder while he held her basket-once she glanced at him she couldn’t stop the laugh.
“You look so domestic Stevie-it’s adorable. You’re just missing your six kids” he scoffed at that, rolling his eyes while walking back into her room once he realized she was heading in that direction.
“For your information-I got bored” she nodded her head as she placed her backpack onto her desk chair-glancing around at the now neatly organized room-her bed was even made-Blueberry sat in the very front. “So you cleaned my room? And did my laundry? Are you pursuing a career in housekeeping?” He rolled his eyes at her, watching as she pulled out the notebook their ‘contract’ was written in-followed by her pink pen.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something serious though” he nodded his head slowly, taking her folded shirt off his shoulder-tossing it in the basket before placing it on the floor then sitting down. His eyes never left her as she kicked her shoes off then sat on the bed criss-crossed across from him. She then turned the pages to the back of their contract page, placing the notebook on one of her knees as she uncapped the pen-his gaze shifting to her bare legs-spotting the bite mark on her right inner thigh from last night-he tried to hold in a groan at the way her skirt rode up.
“You look nervous-loosen up Harrington it’s not like I’m breaking up with you” he scoffed, craning his neck back slightly “as if you’d ever want to break up with me” she glanced up at him, brows raised “aren’t you just a catch” then the two started laughing at one another, Y/n reaching over and shoving him lightly before focusing on the notebook.
He watched as she wrote out ‘Kinks’ then two categories titled ‘Y/n’ and ‘Steve’, he blinked a few times, clearing his throat while licking his lips, catching her attention again.
“Steve-if we’re actually gonna do the whole ‘trying new things out’ part of this then we have to talk about everything prior to y’know having sex” he nodded his head, scratching the back of his neck-visibly tensing up at her words. “Can you stop overthinking for five seconds Harrington! You look so stiff, relax” 
“That’s easy for you to say-you’re you!” she scoffed “and what’s that supposed to mean Steve?” he shrugged “this doesn’t bother you-like you don’t have any reactions to us having sex-or like changes or anything” she placed the notebook to the side, getting on her knees and practically waddling towards steve before grabbing his face in both of her hands-his lips parted while he stared at her in awe.
“Just because I don’t act like weird or whatever because we have sex doesn’t mean I don’t have any reactions or whatever to it Steve-I clearly understand that our friendship is gonna slightly change because of the sex-you’re still my best friend jackass” she spoke slightly slower than usual, eyes widening just the smallest bit to emphasize her point while she held eye contact with him. “Now stop being a weirdo so we can talk about our kinks mister I wanna do anal” 
He blinked a few times, shoving her back slightly-causing her to let out a small ‘yelp’ as she fell backwards-her body hitting the mattress and a series of loud laughs and giggles left her lips as her head slightly hung off the bed. She was thankful that she had a Queen sized bed-otherwise even at the diagonal angle she was in-she’d probably fallen off the bed.
He was blushing, his entire neck was on fire-and he was blushing the same way that Dustin used to blush when Y/n would talk to him-the boys crush on Y/n was almost adorable, but eventually he told Steve that he’d gotten over ‘his girl’-which of course had Steve questioning everything the younger boy was saying in the moment-however now when he thought about it he knew that Y/n was inevitably going to look like his girl to everyone who didn’t understand their friendship.
But he liked that, he wanted her to be his girl-but that wasn’t happening any time soon, so instead of sitting like a statue he moved-placing his hands on her knees which were nearly eye level with him-then he parted her legs-looking at her while she awkwardly strained her neck to look at him-a goofy smile still on her face.
“You’re a weirdo Harrington-now help me up” he nodded his head, grabbing her outstretched hands then pulling her upwards. After she got situated-scooching closer to Steve this time-she grabbed the notebook and her pen. 
“So what exactly are your kinks?” she scoffed, glancing at him “uh uh-you can go first” he rolled his eyes, pursing his lips slightly “after I did all of this cleaning for you? I still have to spill my deepest secrets first?” she smacked his arm lightly “I already know your deepest darkest secrets-now tell me your kinks! Other than butt stuff-I already know that one” he rolled his eyes, stifling a laugh.
“Are you ever gonna get over that?” she shook her head “nope, I think it’s funny-as childish as that is” she now glanced at him, raising a brow expectantly “choking” she nodded, writing it down and in turn she wrote it down on her side too, earning a curious look from him.
“That’s good to know” she scoffed “shush-what’s next pretty boy?” he bit his lip “uh being complimented?” she rolled her eyes “it’s called a praise kink” he nodded slowly-watching as she wrote it on both sides-then she followed that with degradation before elbowing him-motioning for him to continue.
“Uh-well I er-I like to spit” she blinked a few times, brows knit together while glancing at him “elaborate” he bit his bottom lip for a second-feeling the familiar heat in his face “Like in girls mouths-and uh-on them” she slowly nodded her head, slightly confused but also intrigued “so like, you just do it? Is it like a heat of the moment thing? Or do you just-do it?” he shrugged.
“I guess it depends on the girl-you into that?” she shrugged “I dunno? Never really thought about it until now-I guess I’m always down to try something new?” he bit his bottom look-the two holding eye contact-his eyes flickering to her lips for a second before moving back up. Then he shifted his body slightly-to face her before bringing a hand to her cheek-gently caressing it before placing his thumb on her bottom lip-tugging at it.
“You wanna try it?” she felt heat rushing through her face-and she knew he’d be able to feel it radiating from her cheeks-his voice slightly dropped as his gaze was held on her lips. “Y-yeah” he smirked at her stuttering, moving his hand to her chin-tilting her head up slightly.
“Open up for me princess” the pet name sent a shiver down her spine as she obeyed him, parting her lips “tongue out-good girl” his praises went straight to her core-she was positive he knew exactly what he was doing-and truth be told-he did. He then leaned over her slightly-spitting in her mouth-and it was almost an instinct for him to lean closer-tongue against hers as he pulled her into a sloppy kiss. 
As much as she wanted to keep kissing him she pulled away for air first-she knew she was blushing-the heat enveloping her face had her biting her lip and looking away from Steve-staring down at the notebook. He smirked at her reaction, moving back the smallest bit-still in her personal space as he watched her write it on the paper-on his side she simply wrote ‘spitting’, on her side she wrote it with a few question marks. 
“You okay?” she shushed him “you know what you’re doing Harrington-quit it” he couldn’t hold in his laugh at her reaction “I just had to test a theory is all” she shushed him again, this time smacking his chest without looking up at him while she wrote ‘hair pulling’ on her side-and based on what she’d learned from their past experiences-it reflected on his too. She then followed her side with ‘overstimulation’
“So you’re into being fucked til you cry?” she choked slightly, her eyes widening and as she finished writing the ‘n’ she accidentally extended the ending of the letter. “Jesus Christ Steve” he nudged her slightly “oh c’mon you won’t even look at me? Really? Are you embarrassed again?” she scoffed.
“Shut up! Just tell me what to add to the list Harrington” he hummed, raising a brow “Finish your side first” the slight dominance in his tone made her eyes widened-and she finally looked at him-processing how close their faces were “Quit it Harrington” he bit his lip, tilting his head in faux confusion “quit what princess?” she clenched her jaw.
“You know what you’re doing!” he smiled “is it working” she shoved him back-pointing a singular finger at him while squinting her eyes slightly “we need to finish this you horndog!” he smirked, nodding his head “so it is working?” she scoffed “list first, then maybe if we have time we can fuck okay? Shit you’re such a perv!” he smiled “but you like it don’t you” she shushed him again-rolling her eyes while trying to hold in a smile.
“I was serious though, finish your side so I know what I’m working with” she scoffed “confident much? A little humility would benefit you” he nodded his head “you’ve been saying that for years at this point” she scoffed “maybe if you listened then I wouldn’t have to repeat it so often” he slowly nodded his head, a singular brow raised at that “eh-you’re right, now get to writing princess”
“Quit it!” she shoved him again “that one wasn’t even that sexual!” she scoffed, glancing at him “really? That sexual? You ass” he shrugged, pointing to the notebook with an expectant look on his face. She groaned, shifting away from him-trying to block his view-the entire time he moved behind her-glancing over her shoulders as she wrote ‘mirrors, rough sex (situational), breeding??, voyeurism, bondage??, spanking, edging??’.
“You have a breeding kink? That’s hot” her eyes widened at his question, heart practically beating out of her chest “shut up!” he laughed at her tensing up “You have to get comfortable saying things out loud y’know-that’s the whole point of us having sex” she groaned “that’s easy for you to say-you aren’t the one feeling like a whore writing this shit down” he laughed at her embarrassed tone.
“I mean-I’m gonna fuck you like a whore apparently-so it’s not far off?” she elbowed him “Steve!” he rolled his eyes “okay, okay I’ll cut it out” she nodded her head, before adding more things to the list-which only made Steve groan as he read them ‘gagging, crying??’ she shoved him back while she rushed to scribble the next one down ‘thighs’, although he still read it, his brows raised at that one-and he had to admit his cock was twitching in his pants.
“Finished?” she nodded her head, handing him the notebook-too embarrassed to actually face him. He quickly scribbled down ‘breeding, masterbating together, edging, blindfolds, handcuffs?? (sounds hot), biting, pussy eating’ he paused for a second “what’s voyeurism?” she groaned “when you like watching” his brows raised in surprise “learn something new about you every day Y/n” then he wrote it down on his side followed by ‘being in charge’, then ‘submissive shit’. 
With that he handed her the notebook-watching as she read through the list, brows raising and eyes widening. 
“So can we have sex now? Wait-first how was your exam” she placed the notebook on the bed between them-alongside her pen-her face now in her hands as she tried to calm herself down-she was both nervous and really turned on. He shifted on the bed, now sitting in front of her-gently grabbing her wrists and pulling them away from her face “you okay?” she nodded her head, avoiding eye contact.
“What’s wrong?” she scoffed “that’s my line Harrington” he nodded his head “I’m not the one nervous and stiff-y’know we don’t have to do it all at once-take it day by day-or week by week if you want” she bit her bottom lip, lightly gnawing on it “I’ve just never told anyone that stuff-y’know” he nodded slowly “not even Ryan?” she rolled her eyes “Ryan couldn’t even make me cum, and he was such an egocentric asshole-just cause he was decent at football” 
“So you're just into sleeping with assholes then?” he wiggled his brows when she glanced at him, she was quick to roll her eyes-smiling at his words “are you implying you’re an asshole Steve?” he shrugged “seems that way sometimes” she laughed at him “you’re not an asshole-anymore at least” he smiled at that.
“Okay now, we can focus on this-” he grabbed the notebook and closed it “-later, tell me about your exam pretty girl” she rolled her eyes, her smile evident while he stood up from the bed-placing her notebook on her desk before making it back to his original spot on the bed-scooting back against her iron wire headboard-which had pillows in front of it-then he extended his arms out-waiting for her to slide into them.
She grabbed her stuffed animal, holding it as she moved back-leaning against Steve’s side.
“I’m pretty sure I passed it?, found out I have the highest grade in the class-which was kind of shocking because I’ve been struggling my ass off.” 
She spent the next hour telling Steve everything about her exam, then about her conversation with her advisor and going into detail on her entire morning, all the while he nodded his head, listening to each and every word she said, free hand rubbing circles into her right thigh-which ended up being draped over his left leg. 
Then her alarm clock went off at one-thirty, signaling that the both of them had to be at work in half an hour-which only made Y/n groan, rolling her eyes while Steve reached over and turned it off. 
“I hate our job” he nodded his head “I mean-after we get off-we could always-y’know revisit the book” she bit her lip, glancing over at him “okay” with that he nodded his head-and without a second thought he leaned in-placing a gentle kiss to her lips-and when she kissed him back he felt like his heart was doing backflips in his chest-their moment cut short when she moved away, placing Blueberry down on the bed. 
“Can you drive today Steve? I really hate driving on days I have class” he nodded his head “that’s uh-fine-yeah totally fine” she smiled, grabbing her tote bag from her desk chair-switchin her wallet and keys from her backpack into that bag-all the while he stared at her, eyes tracing along her figure-staring like a lovesick puppy. 
Well that was until she put her vans back on, then turned to look at him, an expectant expression on her face “c’mon Harrington, shoes on-I wanna grab Robin something on the way since she’s been working the morning shift” he furrowed his brows “since when am I your taxi?” she shrugged “since you started eating my pussy on a regular basis” he choked on air at her comment-it was clear her confidence was back-but he hadn’t expected that one.
“Vulgar!” she scoffed “coming from you? You’re a literal perv, now hurry up!” he groaned, getting out of her bed. The two of them scrambled around the house for a few more minutes, then they were off. Y/n now sat in his passenger seat as she went through the different tapes in his glove compartment, raising a brow at the Madonna one while holding it up.
“Are you a material girl, Harrington?” he rolled his eyes “I got that for you y’know” she furrowed her brows, glancing at the tape-then back at him. “You always hum the songs on that album-and you always criticize what I play in the car-so I got that one to play when you’re here” she blinked a few times, trying to ignore the warm feeling in her chest while she popped it out of its case-then replaced the tape in his stereo with it.
He smiled when she played the tape, the upbeat tune of ‘Material Girl’ playing through the car while she looked out the window-based on her posture he knew she was trying to hide her smile-she always did that when people remember small things about her. It was practically the girl’s love language-granted he didn’t really understand the whole love language thing-but he knew nothing made her happier than that. 
He was falling deeper and deeper into his ‘thing’ for her, and he just wanted to push it away but the more he thought about it-the worse it got. So he opted to simply ignore it.
Which he later found was a lot harder than he thought.
Several hours had passed since they’d gotten to work, the two worked until close at nine tonight-close used to mean ten-however after a lot of arguing with their manager-they’d gotten it to nine. It was now closer to seven thirty and the traffic within the store started to pick up, Y/n worked the register while Robin worked on helping people with recommendations and going to the back to find any extra copies of tapes, and Steve worked on reshelving and talking to customers around the store.
It was their usual system-dividing and conquering as they went. 
However when one of her ex-boyfriend's friends walked through the front door Steve immediately stiffened up-eyeing him as he wandered through the new releases section-then the tall blonde made his way to the front desk where Y/n was currently on the phone.
He waited until she hung up, then from what Steve could see he started flirting with her-and he was laying it on thick-he was too irritated to even acknowledge the guy’s lame pick up lines and overused compliments-all he could focus on was the way Y/n laughed and smiled, rolling her eyes in a playful manner, twirling a piece of her blown out hair around her finger. 
She had a wide smile on her face as she rolled her eyes-clearly falling for his shitty flirting. Then he leaned across the counter slightly, closer to her-now twirling one of his fingers around a strand of her hair-the motion lighting a fire of jealousy in Steve’s entire body-to the point that he was completely ignoring a woman asking him for his help-too focused on the way Y/n let that douchebag touch her.
He finally recognized him-Richard Miles-it made sense that his name was Richard, he was a real dickhead. Steve mumbled under his breath about standards while gripping the tape in his hand so hard that his knuckles were whitening-the sound of snapping and a hand being waved in his face finally breaking his trance.
“Uh sorry-ya how can I help you ma’am?” the older woman nodded her head, a tight lipped smile on her face as she glanced over towards Y/n-then back at Steve “I understand that young love can be complicated, but please focus on your job kid-can you help me find a copy of Back to the Future? My grandson has been asking about seeing it” he nodded his head, motioning for her to follow behind him.
Meanwhile Y/n was still giggling at Rich’s jokes, gently swatting his hand away from her hair before leaning back, her hands now on the edge of the counter.
“Sorry Rich-no can do-Robin’s off limits” he scoffed, raising both brows “seriously? I’ve been trying to ask her out forever-she just doesn’t notice. Y’know I have English with her? She doesn’t even acknowledge me half the time-and we sit right next to each other!” she laughed at that, rolling her eyes, shaking her head.
“I can’t help you Rich, the heart wants what it wants-but sometimes it’s just not in the cards” he knit his brows together, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair. “I’m gonna act like I got that card thing-but you really can’t help me-not even for the sake of old times?” she sighed, pursing her lips inward while shaking her head-she knew why Robin didn’t pay him any mind-and it was never her place to tell anyone that. When Robin wanted to let her truth be known-she would. For now Y/n would be a supportive friend.
“Not even for old times” he sighed, leaning over again-toying with her hair. He’d always been a flirt-that was just Rich, he was a natural flirt and it was simply a part of his personality. She didn’t mind it, the two were actually good friends prior to her messy breakup-then he had to let her know that for the sake of his spot on the team-he had to distance himself from her. At first she was angry that her ex managed to break her friendships apart, but she knew how much playing football actually meant to the blonde so she simply accepted the fate of her friendship.
However when Ryan went off to play football at some D3 school across the country she easily found her way back to her old social circles, when she wasn’t with Steve, Robin, and the kids-she was with them. No one ever really questioned it because she didn’t give them the chance to. 
“Alright sweetheart-thanks for trying though” she nodded her head as he let go of her hair, offering a small smile-his gaze finding Robin as she walked around the store “you think if I go talk to her-she’ll listen” Y/n laughed at that, shaking her head “I don’t think so man-sorry” he nodded his head a few times, letting out a groan before handing her the copy of Risky Business
“Interesting choice” he shrugged “what can I say, my sister loves Tom Cruise” she laughed while scanning his membership card, then scanning the barcode of the movie with her hand scanner, typing a few things into the system. “That’ll be four-forty seven and it’s back in three days” he nodded his head, handing her a five dollar bill.
“Keep the change pretty girl” she scoffed, laughing at his terrible joke, however before Y/n could respond Steve was standing next to her behind the front desk, smacking a hand against the counter while grabbing his receipt and shoving it in his direction “have a great day Rich” the blonde slowly nodded while taking his receipt, walking away then turning back to wave at Y/n.
She glanced over at Steve-who was visibly annoyed “what the hell was that Harrington?” he clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath, now meeting her stare “nothing-just figured you could use a break from flirting with every guy within a ten foot radius” she blinked a few times, brows knit together-a wave of anger coursing through her entire body.
“Excuse me? What the fuck is your problem?” he rolled his eyes, nodding his head a few times “my problem? You-” before he could finish Robin cut them both off with a loud “Woah, woah, woah! Both of you calm down and go back to what you were doing! Argue later-we actually have to do our job today!” Y/n clenched her jaw-eyes slightly squinted as she stared at Steve-a look of pure anger on her face while he licked his lips, then offered Robin a tight lipped smile, his hands on his hips while he nodded his head again.
“Yeah-you heard that Y/l/n-we have a job to do so maybe don’t eye fuck any of our other customers” she scoffed “Are you serious? Fuck you Harrington” but before they could keep arguing Robin dragged Steve away-by his ear as if she was his mother. She smiled at some of the customers staring at the two while she dragged him to the far back corner near the Adult section partition.
She immediately smacked his arm “what is wrong with you?!” he rolled his eyes, shrugging his shoulders “nothing-nothings wrong” she raised both brows, staring expectantly at Steve “you’re joking right? You basically just called Y/n a whore? In the middle of our job?” he blinked a few times, finally unclenching his jaw and rolling his shoulders back.
“I didn’t call her a whore” Robin gave him a confused look “yes you did, you literally said she was eye fucking every male within a ten foot radius-your words not mine” she glanced back over at Y/n, who now forced a smile, but Robin easily noticed the way she angrily typed-fingers practically bashing into the keys-then she basically slammed the scanner down onto the counter while smacking the register shut. 
“Yeah-she’s pissed.” he looked over at her, now feeling a pang of guilt in his chest-he didn’t know where that came from-he was angry at her-or maybe at Rich-he didn’t really know.
“I just-I dunno” Robin scoffed “you got jealous didn’t you! Oh my god I knew it!” he knit his brows together, glancing back at Robin “knew what?” she rolled her eyes “you have a thing for her! I knew people couldn’t just have sex and not be into each other” he shushed her, blinking rapidly-tilting his head slightly before glancing at the customers around the store. “I don’t have a thing for her”
Robin slowly nodded her head “so why’d you get jealous when Rich was flirting with her-by the way he flirts with everyone-that’s literally just how he acts. He flirts with our English teacher-and she’s like fifty Steve!” he blinked a few times, a dumbfounded look on his face as he opened and closed his lips a few times trying to figure out something to say-he couldn’t just outwardly admit that Robin was right-and he also felt bad for calling Y/n a whore-granted he’d definitely call her a whore in a different context. 
“Are you gonna tell her?” he scoffed “Tell her what Rob? I-I don’t have a thing for her-she’s my friend okay-I just-I dunno” Robin slowly nodded, her brows still raised “well-whatever that was-figure your shit out because we have a job to do and I just wanna go home soon” he nodded his head.
For the next two hours Y/n ignored Steve-and even as the three of them were finishing closing she completely ignored him, walking right past him-taking the extra step away from him so their shoulders didn’t brush, taking the register key from his hands without even looking in his direction, organizing the desk while whistling to drown out the sounds of his forced apologies, and once Steve mumbled something about dropping Robin off she simply nodded her head. 
She’d gone as far as to sit in the backseat-shimmying away from his line of vision, only saying bye to Robin and blowing her a kiss before staying seated in his back seat. He tried to convince her to move to the front-however she simply stared out of the window-an emotionless expression on her face which remained the same as he drove towards her house. 
Once he parked the car she was quick to get out-slamming the door as hard as possible.
“Seriously y/n!” She flipped him off while she walked to her front door-pulling her keys out of her bag and unlocking it-she was planning on slamming the door in Steve’s face-however he managed to hold it open from behind her-following her inside despite her silent protest.
It was clear that she was still pissed. 
“Can you at least let me apologize?” she scoffed, walking down the hallway and into her bedroom, kicking off her shoes and placing her bag on her desk before turning to face him. “Apologize? For which part? Being a total asshole to Rich for no fucking reason? Calling me a whore? Or maybe arguing with me at our fucking job? Hmm how about accusing me of eye fucking random fucking people?” 
He blinked a few times-trying to ignore the way her irritation was turning him on, she spoke with an almost venomous tone-she hadn’t been this angry with him since their junior year homecoming-but good God was it doing things to him. He licked his lips while nodding his head.
“Maybe if you’d let me explain” she scoffed “explain what? Your bullshit fit of jealousy because oh wow I’m gonna go fuck any guy that pays any attention to me? What do you think I’m just fucking easy?” He tried to stay calm, but as she walked closer to him-her voice getting louder-he found it harder to keep himself calm and collected. He clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath.
“What the fuck do you even have to be jealous of? And don’t even try to lie to me Steve-I know you like the back of my fucking hand! You’re acting like I’m some precious little ‘off limits’ doll-you fucking asshole!” he scoffed, mumbling “you are off limits”-which only made her tilt her head, fists clenched at her sides as she stopped in her tracks-only a few steps away from him now.
“Excuse me?” he nodded his head “last time I checked, you’re not supposed to be fucking other people in the first place Princess” he walked right past her-grabbing the notebook off her desk-flipping it open “Huh-wow even wrote it yourself-what a smart girl you are” his sarcasm was pissing her off even more.
“I never even said I was gonna fuck him, you just assume that I whore myself out to anyone and everyone-huh maybe that’s why I even agreed to fuck you in the first place! How about I just call this off and go fuck Rich and everyone else in Hawkins over the age of eighteen”  that caught his attention-now staring at her-the pit of jealousy ignited again.
“Since I’m such a fucking easy whore, maybe I’ll start with all of my exes team mates-let them pass me around for fun!” Her sarcasm was actually irritating him now, and truth be told, the thought of her with anyone but him set off a fire in him that he hadn’t felt in a long time. She shook her head, rolling her eyes at his silence.
“Get the fuck out Steve” he licked his lips at her words “Do you ever shut the fuck up?” she scoffed “excuse me?” he nodded his head, “I said, do-you-ever-shut-the-fuck-up” he paused between each word, the evident shift in his tone brought heat to her cheeks-but she ignored it-she was mad at him and she had to remember that as she stood her ground.
“You’re such a fucking asshole Steve!” he bit his lip, nodding his head twice “yeah? I’m the asshole-course I am pretty girl-or would you like it better if Rich called you that-maybe I should just keep calling you a whore-I know how much you like that” his dominant tone was evident while he stared at her-glancing down at the notebook in his hands before flipping a page-looking at the list they’d made earlier for a few seconds before meeting her stare again.
“Maybe I should fuck you like a whore-maybe then you’d shut the fuck up” she swallowed, trying to ignore the heat traveling through her body, forcing a scoff “your ego isn’t helping the situation Harrington” he licked his lips again-a smirk on his face at the way her thighs slightly clenched together-the black miniskirt she wore did nothing to hide that. His eyes slowly trailed her figure-and she was trying her best not to buckle under pressure-she was mad at him-she needed to remember that she was mad at him.
He took a few steps towards her until they were inches apart, the same smirk on his face “you can’t even hide it can you” he tried to place a hand on her cheek-but she immediately smacked it away while rolling her eyes “you can’t fuck your way out of everything Steve” he nodded his head “you’re right, but I can fuck you so good you stop entertaining every asshole that looks your way” his confidence sent shivers down her spine while he held eye contact with her.
“Why can’t you just admit that you’re a jealous asshole” he nodded his head “yea would that make my girl happy? If I said watching that blonde dickhead flirt you-and touch you-made me jealous? That I don’t like people touching what’s not theirs” her face was on fire at this point-and as he placed his hand on her jaw-she let him-her heart practically beating out of it’s chest-her anger slowly fading into need. 
“If it’s too much-I want you to say peaches-cause they’re your favorite, isn’t that right princess” she nodded her head, lips parted as she stared at him-slowly forgetting why she was angry in the first place. The look he was giving her was enough to send her spiraling.
Steve on the other hand had a fire of jealousy running through his entire body-he was committed to making his point and solidifying it. He didn’t hesitate to pull her into a kiss, lips crashing together, Y/n easily melting against him-one of his hands now on the back of her head-hand in her hair while the other was holding onto her waist-pulling her even closer to him. 
She moaned into the kiss when he lightly tugged on her hair-giving him the chance to slide his tongue into her mouth-and as he deepened the kiss she gripped his sides-tongue moving against his while she felt herself getting pushed into that familiar pool of Steve Harrington. The hand on her waist slipped down-and when he opted to bunch up her skirt-his hand grasping her ass before landing a hard smack to her skin she whimpered.
He didn’t stop there-as he kissed her he repeated the motion, massaging the soft flesh, harshly grasping it, then smacking it-earning a moan as she pulled away from the kiss-eyes still shut-forehead against his-lips parted with heavy breaths falling from them. 
“Already desperate? Haven’t even gotten to the good part yet princess” she kept her eyes shut, now biting down on her bottom lip-she didn’t want to look at him-she felt the very familiar flush across her skin-heat enveloping her figure. Her resolve was so easily broken down it was as if she’d never even been mad at him. 
“Open your eyes” she listened to him-her gaze focused on anything but his face as she pulled back slightly-she was embarrassed by how easily he could wrap her around his finger-then he smacked her ass again “Look at me princess” she did as told, now meeting his stare-his eyes were usually dark-but they looked almost black-lust overtaking them as he stared at her-his cocky smirk evident.
“You’re such a desperate slut y’know that?” she nodded her head “You just need attention is all” as he spoke he trailed the hand that was on the back of her head along her cheek-tugging at her bottom lip for a second before he harshly gripped her chin-cheeks slightly smushed together-lips parted as rushed breaths left them. “You’re usually such a good girl for me, perfect little princess, all As, studying so hard, never late for anything, always so focused, so helpful, so eager, keeps those legs nice and wide for me, so sweet-but look at you now-a bitchy little whore” his degrading tone had her panties practically soaked, her thighs pressed together, her grip on his sides tightening.
“Is’ okay, m’ gonna take care of my little slut-remind you that you’re my girl-remind you of your fucking place” she tried to nod her head-his hand keeping her still. “You understand me?” she whimpered “y-yes” he gave her an almost sadistic smile “good girl” 
With that he all but threw her onto her bed, her back hitting the mattress-a loud creak from her bed heard as it hit the wall. He was quick to pull off his crew neck-tossing it aside then kicking off his shoes-all the while she stared at him, chest rapidly rising and falling while she pressed her thighs together-trying to get some type of friction-some type of relief. 
“So pretty like that-” he spoke as he got onto the bed-making his way between her thighs-easily spreading her legs wide open-a smirk on his face when he noticed the evident wet spot on her black panties. Her thighs still covered in marks he’d left the night before-she was his and it made him go crazy. She just needed to be reminded of that. 
He was quick to start rubbing her clit above her panties-the friction and much needed relief had her head rolling back, whimpers leaving her lips as her hands gripped the sheets below her-bucking her hips into Steve’s hand-on the verge of begging him for more. The tension between the two had gotten so thick-so palpable-that she was positive it was only making things so much worse for herself. 
“Haven’t even really touched you yet and look at you-” he finally slid her panties to the side-not bothering to remove them as his middle and ring finger found their place against her clit while he rubbed harsh circles against the sensitive pearl. “-Don’t think I forgot that you like it rough-you want me to fuck you like a desperate, whiney, whore? Make you cry?” she nodded her head-finally looking at him.
“Use your words princess” she moaned “y-yes” he smirked, fingers moving faster along her clit-the feeling had her whimpering-hooded eyes staring at him while she moved one of her hands-grasping his wrist “you’re already gonna cum aren’t you? That needy?” she moaned as he shifted his hand slightly, two fingers slipping right into her-his thumb against her clit. It was like he memorized her body-to be fair he hadn’t stopped thinking about her since the first time they slept together. 
Her loud moans and whimpers only motivated him to move his fingers faster within her, curling them against her g-spot over and over again-the motion making her toes curl-the familiar coil in her abdomen tight. As the walls of her cunt fluttered around his fingers he knew she was close-he loved it when he made her cum-she looked so pretty under him-face scrunched up slightly, lips forming a perfect ‘o’ while needy whines and moans left her swollen lips. 
“Aw are you already gonna cum? That quick-can’t even hold it can you?” she shook her head, brows knit together while she bit down on her bottom lip hard enough to nearly draw blood. “Fuck look at you-so fuckin desperate-fuck.” he groaned as he spoke, his eyes trailing her entire figure-her shirt rolling up slightly-skirt bunched up at her waist as her legs were spread wide-glistening cunt on full display just for him. 
“So pretty like this, spread wide open just for me” she nodded her head, head rolling back again, rushed whimpers leaving her lips while her back arched off the bed slightly “that’s it princess-cum for me like the needy bitch you are” that sent her right over the edge-hips bucking into his hand while her eyes were squeezed shut-loud moans leaving her lips.
“St-Steve! Oh fuck-Steve” her words dragged as she moaned, breaths slightly choked, her head felt like it was spinning-because the second she felt like she was coming down-she opened her eyes and Steve was already laying between her thighs-fingers still rapidly fucking into her. 
“Love how your pussy tastes-fuck can’t get enough of it” with that his tongue trailed along her folds-teasing her-and right as she let out a loud strung out whine-he started lapping at her clit then bringing it into his mouth. He sucked on it like a man starved, her hands now gripping his hair-tugging at the soft brown locks while her back arched off the bed-eyes screwed shut-loud moans, whimpers, and cries constantly falling from her lips.
When she tried bucking her hips into his face he moved his free hand-wrapping it around one of her thighs-holding it against his shoulder-using that as leverage to pin her in place. He moved back for a second “stay fuckin still” she moaned a slurred “yes sir” which only made him groan-mouth back on her pussy-sliding a third finger into her sopping hole-smirking at the way she gasped-his gaze now held on her face-watching as she tried to look at him-her eyes falling shut each and every time.
“Steve-oh my god-Steve-please-please-please” her begging had him moaning against her clit, his hips rutting against her bed-as he kept his motions up, slightly grinding his teeth against her clit-tugging at it-the motion pushing her right over the edge again-the overstimulation setting as she nearly screamed his name. Her whole body tensed, her hands tugging his hair harder and harder while he lapped at her cunt-sliding his fingers out of her-only to replace them with his tongue.
“T-too much-fuck, fuck, fuck” he licked one final flat stripe against her cunt before sitting up on his knees “Yeah? Too much? Pretty girls all fucked out already?” she whimpered “that’s too fuckin bad” with that he grasped her waist “you’ve got on too much clothes baby, take it off my smart girl” she nodded her head, vision slightly hazy as she sat up slightly-pulling off her sweater-tossing it elsewhere before she unclasped her bra-Steve pulling it right off-taking a second to drag his fingers along her arms-the soft motion a direct contrast from the way he was about to ruin her.
“So perfect-look at you-my perfect little fuck toy” she moaned at his words, her heart beating against her chest while his hungry eyes scanned her figure-and as she tried to close her legs-he pinned them down-holding them open-his stare held on her cunt-wet panties pushed to the side-leaving her open the way he liked. “This cunts all mine-all fuckin mine-you understand me?” she nodded her head. “Use your words”
“All yours-fuck Steve-all yours” he smirked, her raspy voice made him blush, but more importantly-her words lit a different fire in him-one that was consuming his entire being-he needed more of her-he needed to fuck her. He landed a harsh smack to her center-the motion earning a whimper from her while she stared at him. “Hands and knees-gonna fuck you like a whore since you love to act like one” 
The way he degraded her made her mind hazy, all she could do was nod her head-and with his help she managed to roll over-now on her hands and knees-head slightly hung. He groaned at the sight-but it wasn’t good enough for him-he pressed a singular hand to her lower back-his other hand holding her hip-pushing against her-deepening her arch until she groaned-the new stretch oddly satisfying while Steve worked at his jeans-the sound of his belt unbuckling sent heat through her core. 
She was positive that her cunt was leaking along her thighs-she’d never been this turned on in her life-her mind lost in the haze of Steve Harrington’s dominant side. She’d never been a fan of jealous sex in the past-but right now-she’d flirt with half of Hawkins if it meant he’d fuck her like this more often.
He stroked his cock a few times-moaning at the sight of her on all fours-face down ass up just for him-god he’d fantasized about this moment for what felt like years. She wiggled her ass slighty-swaying her hips and whining “Steve-please-fuck me” he moaned at that-smacking her ass twice “shut the fuck up and wait princess” with that he lined himself up with her cunt-sliding the tip of his cock along her slit-gathering her wetness while teasing her.
“Gonna fuck you so good, make you forget all about that fuckin asshole from earlier-remind you that I’m the only one allowed in this tight little cunt-only one allowed to have you like this-only one allowed to hear your desperate whines while I fuck you like a bitch in heat” she whimpered-looking back over her shoulder-craning her neck trying to see him-watching as he stared down at her cunt-gliding his cock along her slit until he found her hole.
“Oh and princess-I’d never assume you’d whore yourself out to anyone who looked your way” with that he slammed into her-bottoming out in one fast stroke-then he repeated the motion building a rhythm. Her arms practically collapsed-back arching a little bit more as her cheek hit the mattress, hands gripping the sheets below her while she moaned his name-over and over-in a chant. She didn’t even care about the burn of the stretch-she loved the way he was pounding into her. 
“F-fuck Steve-so good-so so good fuck” he smirked, smacking her ass again-then placing one hand on her waist-holding her bunched up skirt in place as he fucked into her. She was a moaning, whining mess under him as he fucked her-his head thrown back slightly while he kept his movements up. He couldn’t get enough of her-and the way she felt around him-he was thankful she forced him into going to the clinic-the feeling of her warm, tight, wet cunt swallowing him raw was a feeling he wouldn’t trade for the world.
“So fuckin tight-fuck feels so good baby” she whimpered, biting her bottom lip-the overstimulation making her body burn “too much-fuck Steve” her words had a continuos slur to them, all dragging together. It felt too good, she knew she was close again-her body melting into him-she really was his fuck toy-and she loved every second of it.
He leaned forward, snaking a hand around her figure-gripping her throat-the feeling made her whimper as he pulled her back slightly-her head leaned back into his shoulder while he pinned her to the bed-cock fucking into her sopping cunt-the squelching sounds alongside the sounds of skin slapping practically echoing in the room. 
Then he started licking and sucking marks into her shoulder blade, leaving a bite mark along her soft skin-earning another loud moan from her.
“Taking my cock so well-fuck feels like you’re swallowing me-so fuckin good for me Y/n-always so fuckin good-even when you have that fuckin attitude. Just needed to get fucked good huh? That it?” she nodded her head, moaning incoherent words and sounds, he felt her walls flutter around him-he knew how close she was-and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t teetering on that edge as well.
“M-more, n-need m-more Steve” he smirked “yeah? You need more? My smart girl needs more?” she whimpered “y-yes” which led to him moving the hand on her hip-sliding it under her body-between her thighs-two fingers tracing crescent moons into her swollen clit, her jaw dropping at that-a long low moan of his name slipping out of her lips, tears sliding down her cheeks from the intense pleasure coursing through her.
“Gonna let me cum in you? Fill you up? Make this cunt mine?” she moaned a quick “y-yes” while nodding her head, one of her hands moving from the bed below her to his wrist-holding on to him while he fucked her over the edge-a loud scream of his name fell past her lips, her eyes squeezed shut as she arched into him. 
“Just like that pretty girl, fuck just like that” he moaned as he spoke, keeping his rhythm up-fucking her through her orgasm before pulling out of her, taking a second to press a gentle kiss to her cheek before moving back. “Roll over for me baby” she lazily nodded her head-laying down then slowly rolling onto her back-the second Steve noticed the tears on her face he swiped a few away with his thumb before holding her chin “you’re so pretty when you cry” his words were almost sweet-but the degrading tone behind them made her whimper. 
The way she stared at him made his heart race-she looked so cock drunk, her eyes hooded, tears along her cheeks, a layer of sweat covering her skin, lips swollen and parted with a small smile on her face. “Can you handle another one?” she nodded her head “words” 
“Yeah-please Stevie” her voice was strained and raspy, she moved one of her hands to grip his forearm-pulling his hand from her chin to her throat all the while holding eye contact with him-and he lost all of his composure at the motion. Her mind was a haze, she was so high on pleasure that she’d practically let him do anything to her right now and it was driving him crazy. 
He stared at her for a few moments, taking every part of her in before moving, now leaning above her, perfectly slotted between her thighs while he traced the tip of his cock along her dripping slit-and in one quick motion he was thrusting into her, her head falling back slightly-a loud moan of his name leaving her lips while her hands easily found their way to his back-gripping against his shoulder blades as he pounded relentlessly into her.
“So-so good, fuck-swallowing me whole-taking it so well” she nodded her head at his praise, brows knit together in pleasure while her nails dug into his skin-scratching long marks into his back while she moaned below him-the tears still falling from her eyes as she felt herself practically drowning-it was so overwhelming. She knew she was close, it wouldn’t take much to push her back over the edge-her fucked out cunt and swollen clit so sensitive that the moment his fingers glided against the bud she was gasping and arching into him.
“C’mon princess, cum all over my cock-show me it’s all yours” His head now in the crook of her neck, lips brushing her ear as he spoke. her heart was racing for a different reason now-his words sending a shiver down her spine and even through the ocean of pleasure she was in-she still felt the butterflies in her stomach. He was so close that his shoulder was slightly brushing against her chin-his body enveloping hers.
“Good girl, just like that-squeezin me so good” she moaned again, and as her orgasm hit her-she bit down on his shoulder-earning a loud groan from him-the motion surprising him but also sending heat waves through his entire figure. “F-fuck, gonna cum-I’m gonna fill you up princess” his words were strained and all she could do was moan-too caught up in her orgasm to speak coherently. 
Then as she felt herself start coming down from her high-he kept fucking into her-hips slamming against hers for a few seconds before his warmth filled her-the motion feeling almost euphoric as she whined his name-all the while he was moaning incoherent phrases into her ear.
As they both came down from their state of euphoria he rested his head against her shoulder-both of them catching their breath as he slowly pulled out of her-mumbling apologies when she whimpered and gripped his skin again. Then he rolled off of her-ignoring the feeling of his pants around his hips-tucking his cock back into his briefs while he stared at her ceiling. The two laying in complete silence-the only sounds heard were their harsh breaths.
“Steve” he swallowed “yeah?” “Rich is into Robin not me” his eyes widened at that, brows knit together while he processed her words-then he finally sat up-looking over at her-watching as she pulled one of her bunched up sheets over her chest-gaze still held on the ceiling above them. 
“What? She’s gay-” Y/n rolled her eyes “we’re literally the only people in Hawkins who know that you moron” he blinked even more, an evident flush on his skin now because he had to bullshit some excuse about the way he just fucked her-or why he said the things he said-he couldn’t just outwardly say he was jealous because he wanted her to be his-in every aspect. No he couldn’t, so what was he supposed to say.
“Oh-uh-shit” she finally looked at him, shifting her body slightly-laying on her side as she met his stare. “Have you always been the jealous type?” he scoffed, rolling his eyes-the real answer was no-he’d been confident in most of his relationships and endeavors-of course his ex girlfriend did cheat on him but even before that he’d never been outwardly jealous when someone looked her way-so why was it different with Y/n.
“Uh yeah-guess so” she knit her brows together at his rushed response, but she didn’t want to press anything else out of him given the fact that it was late and her entire body was sore-and all she wanted to do was take off her soaked panties, take the skirt off, then lay down. 
“Help me with my skirt?” he nodded his head, gently pulling the sheet back-a loud audible moan leaving his lips at the sight of her fucked out pussy dripping with his cum-a wave of heat rushing through his entire body as he found himself struggling to pull her skirt off alongside her panties. His gaze focused on her cunt-and as she squeezed her legs shut-angling them slightly-just enough that he could see her leaking pussy he had to fight the urge to finger it all back into her.
She hadn’t even noticed-her eyes fluttering shut while he pulled her clothes off, however as his fingers gently grazed her inner thigh she whimpered-looking at him-realizing his gaze was directly on her center. “Harrington-quit it” he raised a brow-blinking a few times before looking back at her face “huh-what?” she pursed her lips slightly “stop staring at my pussy” he groaned “I can’t help it, looks so good with my cum dripping from it” 
She ignored the rush of heat to her face, opting to roll her eyes instead “take your pants off and lay down with me you jealous douchebag-and I still want that apology” he bit his lip, holding back a smile while nodding her head.
Then after a few minutes he was back next to her-pulling her into his chest.
“Sorry for flipping out earlier-I just-I dunno I didn’t like how he was flirting with you-then you kept giggling and I just-” she scoffed “you just what? Assumed I’d spread my legs for him in the middle of the store?” she was teasing him now, her light hearted tone made him roll his eyes, a smile on his face. “I mean-Rich isn’t exactly ugly-for all I know he could be my competition” she rolled her eyes “I agreed to have sex with you and literally said I wouldn’t have sex with anyone else-also if I wanted to fuck Rich I would’ve done it months ago. He’s a cool guy but he’s such an airhead, maybe if I was like you he’d be my type”
He scoffed “like me?-I’ll have you know my type is very diverse!” she rolled her eyes “pretty bimbos with big tits” he scoffed again “and what about you?” she raised a brow, now leaning up, looking down at him “so you’re saying i’m your type?” he started blushing-eyes widening at her words.
“It’s okay Harrington-you just might be my type too. Don’t think too deep into it-might actually hurt that pretty little head” he rolled his eyes “just because you have a nice ass doesn’t mean you have to act like an ass” she nodded her head “who knows-maybe next time you fuck me like that I’ll let you eat it-and don’t forget I have a great rack too”
With that she let out a few giggles, laying back down and shushing him as he tried to respond.
The both of them knew they were more than friends-however they’d do their best to avoid the conversation about that. For now they’d simply pretend nothing had changed-pretend that their sex mean’t nothing-that Steve’s jealousy was just a spur of the moment thing, and that Y/n’s heart didn’t race everytime he looked her way. 
What’s the worst that would happen? They’d fall in love? As if.
Taglist: @dmonchld​ @anxietyandtacos​ @radiantroope​ @wisdaemon​ @hearteyes-blog @mabelestell​ @totally-bogus-timelady​ @live-the-fangirl-life​ @asbisexualasitgets​ @prettyinpunk85​ @destielshipper88​ @godidontevenknowwhat​ @harringtonsbtch​ @madziekatfromao3 @postresdevainilla @k-k0129​ @little-pocket-rocket​ @darylssluttt​ @touchdeprivedwh0re​ @catpoopiekaworu​ @siriuslysmoking​ @renaroo123​ @clearbolts​ @blorp-bee​ @clacatbuc​ @bigbittiebitch @williamjzanders​ @misaamaneswifey​ @val-writesstuff​ @sunfairyy​ @inloveeith999fictionalcharacters @whoamads @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @niviiera​ @nearlypetrified @oneeggontoast​ @sparkletash​ @levylovegood​ @cali-888 @sinforsuccubus​ @aizensgf​ @watercolorskyy​ @zeusmyster​ @spiral-x @r0s3mm
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thegettingbyp2 · 5 months
I have a request for Jess Mariano! 😁
could you write something like fem!reader trying to help Jess study but Jess being who he is (lmao) doesn’t which stresses the reader out and he offers to massage her shoulders so she’s not so uptight (she likes him and he loves pretending to flirt with her and getting her flustered/getting a rise out of her)
I hope this made sense 😭
I Don't Need to Study
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You leaned forward in your chair, your elbows resting on the table and your head in your hands. You’d been trying to help Jess study for the past three hours and you’d gotten through a grand total of five pages. Every time he’d sit down, after about fifteen minutes, he’d be getting up and trying to convince you to do something else.
What made it worse was the huge crush that you had on Jess and the fact that he knew it too. As a result of this, he took great pleasure in trying to make you blush and playing up on your crush, something that he was bringing out in full force now.
‘Come on, (Y/N), let’s quit this and get an ice cream or something,’ Jess said, leaning towards you and putting on his best puppy dog eyes. ‘You know you want to.’
‘What I want is to study so I can go home. It’s late, Jess, and I’m tired,’ you replied, trying to hide the laughter in your voice.
Jess moved his chair closer to you until your knees were touching and leaned in so close, you could feel his breath brushing across your cheek. ‘Then let’s take a break, we can go and get ice cream, the cold will wake you up, I’m pretty sure that’s scientific fact. Then we’ll come back, I promise I’ll study and then you can go home and…go to bed,’ he said, finishing his sentence with a sly grin.
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, not believing a word he said. ‘Study. And we can go and get ice cream when you pass this test,’ you said, shoving him backwards lightly. You couldn’t stop the laugh from bubbling from your lips when he fell back into his chair, clutching his shoulder as if you’d hurt him.
‘Why don’t you just relax, (Y/N),’ he teased, laughing before standing up and walking behind you. You couldn’t help but be hyperaware of him standing behind you and it took everything you had for you to focus on the book in front of you and not turn around to look at him.
‘What are you doing?’ you asked, your voice raising in pitch nervously when you felt his hands land on your shoulders.
‘Helping you relax,’ he whispered in your ear, making a shiver run up your spine as he began to dig his fingers into your shoulders. You were trying desperately not to react but, you couldn’t lie, your shoulders had felt very tight over the past couple of weeks and the way his fingers were digging into your muscles felt incredible.
You let your head fall back, your eyes shooting open when you felt the back of your head brush against Jess’ stomach, not realising how close he was actually standing to you. He looked down at you and you saw that he was wearing that signature smirk of his that you absolutely loved. He quirked an eyebrow at you and you felt a blush quickly rising in your cheeks. ‘This actually feels really nice,’ you muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.
‘Oh yeah? Well, if we pack all this away and head upstairs, I can lay you out on my bed and really get to work?’ you knew from his tone of voice that he was teasing you but that didn’t stop your breath from hitching in your throat and your cheeks to heat up even more before you quickly snapped yourself out of it.
‘Uh,’ you began, clearing your throat and sitting back up, ‘we really need to study.’
Jess groaned, resting his forehead on the back of your head for a second before throwing him back down in his seat. ‘I don’t need to study,’ he protested, flicking through the pages of the book that was sitting open in front of him.
‘Jess, you failed the last three exams. Please, can we just study?’
Jess just sat and looked at you for a while before turning to the right page in the book and looking back down at the page. ‘Fine,’ he replied simply. ‘But as soon as I pass this test, I’m taking you on that ice cream date,’ he said, looking at you from the corner of his eyes.
Your cheeks flushed again and you fought to keep the smile off of your face. ‘Fine.’
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North To The Future [Chapter 1: Building A Mystery]
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The year is 1999. You are just beginning your veterinary practice in Juneau, Alaska. Aegon is a mysterious, troubled newcomer to town. You kind of hate him. You are also kind of obsessed with him. Falling for him might legitimately ruin your life...but can you help it? Oh, and there’s a serial killer on the loose known only as the Ice Fisher.
A/N: This is a work of au fiction utilizing characters from HBO’s House Of The Dragon series. It will have humor, drama, angst, danger, bears, bars, boats, boy bands, blizzards, dogs, 90s nostalgia, and lots more!
Chapter warnings: Language, lowkey sexual tension, alcoholism (obvi), poor life choices, minor injury to an animal but he’s totally fine.
Word count: 3.4k.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing): HERE.
*** I’m going to tag like a bazillion people since this is the first chapter of a new fic, but I WILL NOT TAG YOU AGAIN unless you ask me to. I hope you are all doing well, wherever you are in the world. 🥰😘 ***
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“He’s going to hit the mailbox,” Jennifer says. She’s peering out of the window with her hands cupped around her eyes like goggles. “He’s going to hit it…he’s going to hit it…” There is a snapping sound, a crunch, squealing brakes. “Mailbox down.”
It’s mid-November and nearly 4:00 p.m., so it’s pitch black outside except for the dim, sepia luminescence of streetlights. Blazing high-beams skate across the window. Jen steps back, blinking.
“Who is it?” you ask.
“I don’t know. Some guy in a green Nova.”
A Chevy Nova? Front-wheel drive? Not advisable. Almost everyone here has an SUV…or, better yet, a pickup truck. Outside, the high-beams die and a car door slams. Five seconds later, he bursts into the lobby carrying a massive golden retriever. There’s blood all over the dog’s head and chest, drying clumps snared in his fur; still, his tail is wagging. It starts wagging harder when he sees you.
“You’re a vet, right?” Nova guy asks frantically. He’s wearing a black turtleneck sweater, a red flannel shirt, light-wash Levi’s, and black Converses. Another bad choice; he should have boots. “I saw the sign outside.”
“I sure am.” You point him to the exam room. “Right this way.”
Nova guy staggers through the doorway and heaves the golden retriever up onto the high metal table. Jen follows you both into the exam room with a clipboard to record her notes. She is the all-purpose assistant and your sole employee. The veterinary clinic is otherwise empty; your last appointment—a routine and uneventful checkup of Mr. Sullivan’s cantankerous tomcat Biggie Smalls—ended twenty minutes ago. You begin to evaluate the golden retriever. He has a laceration on his muzzle, but seems otherwise unharmed. His tail is still wagging. Head wounds bleed a lot and can thus incite disproportionate panic. Oftentimes, they aren’t half as bad as they look.
“You can fix him, right?” Nova guy pleads. There’s a streak of tacky crimson blood on his cheek, you notice now. “A bear got him. Clawed him, I think. I let him outside when I got off work, and next thing I knew I turned around and he was chasing off a bear. A goddamn bear. Like a huge bear. A Smokey Bear bear.”
“Yes,” you say, amused. “We have bears here.” Then you add: “Your dog is going to be just fine.”
“Oh, thank God,” Nova guy exhales, clutching his chest. You numb the golden retriever’s muzzle with lidocaine and begin disinfecting the wound with povidone-iodine solution.
“What’s his name?” Jen asks. She is busily jotting down notes.
Jen pauses, pen hovering in mid-air. “Sun…fire…?”
“Sunfyre,” Nova guy repeats irritably. “One word. With a Y.”
“…Where is the Y…?”
“In fire.”
Jen frowns down at her form as she fills in the letters. “Why would you spell fire with a Y?”
“To make him more awesome, obviously,” Nova guy murmurs. He leans down to rub the golden retriever’s shaggy ears and wobbles as he does. Sunfyre’s tail thumps on the exam table. “You’re gonna be okay, buddy. Yes you are. You’re gonna be just fine, the nice vet lady says so.”
You catch a whiff of him, dark bitterness and sweetness and spice: rum, a lot of rum. “Did you drive here drunk?”
He narrows his eyes at you. They’re bleary and royal blue. “Maybe.”
“It’s like 4 p.m. on a Monday, why are you drunk right now?”
“I’m sorry, are you a people doctor? Because I thought I came here so you could fix my fucking dog.”
“He’s getting fixed,” you assure the man calmly. You’re accustomed to dealing with rather unhinged pet owners. To some people, animals are like children; and you wouldn’t expect someone to act rational if their kid was lying here bloodied from a bear attack, would you?
“How old is he?” Jen asks.
“I don’t know, like, young?”
“About five,” you say, checking Sunfyre’s teeth. Then you begin suturing. Nova guy moves to pet the dog’s side to give you more room to work; Sunfyre is so relaxed he’s nearly dozing. “Has he had his rabies shots?”
“Yeah, he’s had them, he…” The man pats his jeans pockets. “Oh shit, I mean I don’t have the paperwork with me or anything, but I know he’s good because he got vaccinations in San Francisco and that’s the last place we were. Less than a year ago. Like eight months tops.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Because this is important.”
“Look lady, I don’t even know if I’m up to date on my shots, but I know for a fact he is.”
“Okay,” you concede.
“What’s your name, sir?” Jen asks Nova guy, relieved in anticipation of a nice simple human answer: Jason, Michael, Daniel, Brian, Steven.
“Aegon,” he says.
He glares at Jen with a dreadful sort of resignation, as if he’s repeated this moment a thousand times in a thousand different universes. “It’s Greek.”
“You don’t look Greek.”
“You don’t look like a genealogist.”
Jen recoils and continues her notes. She has a point: Nova guy—Aegon, you mentally amend—has pale sunless skin, dark semi-circles under his eyes, hair so light a blond it’s nearly pure white. Jen begins her next question tentatively, like she’s afraid to ask. “Last name?”
“Targaryen.” And then he adds: “Also Greek.”
She stares at him. “Tar…?”
He sighs. “T-A-R-G…”
As they go back and forth—again, Jen is baffled by the placement of a Y—you instinctively glance up at the flier on the wall. The police have plastered them across every business in town: Report suspicious activity immediately! Beware of strangers! Help keep Juneau safe! The words are bright red beneath the sketch of a menacing, scarlet-eyed specter in a trench coat. The first body was found almost exactly a month ago. The second was found two weeks after that. You and Aegon catch each other looking at the flier and then pretend you didn’t.
You finish stitching and give the golden retriever an encouraging pat on the head. His tail thuds rhythmically against the table. “Alright, Sunfyre is good to go. I’d like him to stay one night so I can put him on an IV just in case. And he’ll have to wear a cone until his stitches come out. Your total is $300.”
“$300?!” Aegon exclaims. “What are you gonna put in the IV, cocaine?!”
“Antibiotics,” you say. “And they had to be shipped in from Seattle.”
“Jesus Christ. Okay, Pablo Escobar, hold on, hold on…” He pulls crumpled dollar bills out of his tattered leather wallet. “I’ve got…fifteen…uh…sixteen…” He starts counting quarters.
“Jen can write you up a bill,” you offer.
“Oh, yeah. Great.” He replaces his cash with palpable relief. “I can pick him up tomorrow?”
“Anytime after noon.”
“Cool.” He plants a loud smacking kiss on the crown of Sunfyre’s head. “I’ll see you soon, buddy.” Then he lurches out into the lobby. You tell Jen to put Sunfyre in one of the kennels and bolt after him.
“You can’t drive home like this,” you tell Aegon, horrified.
He whirls. “…Why?”
“Uh, because you’re drunk?!”
He drums his palms against the front door and groans dramatically. “I’m not gonna hit anybody. There are like six people in this whole town, I live ten minutes away, what’s gonna happen?”
“You can’t drive home,” you insist.
“I’ll go super slowly.”
“Don’t make me take your keys. I’ll do it.”
He throws up his hands, exasperated. “Fine. I’ll walk.
“It’s dark, it’s 30 degrees outside, you’re not even wearing a coat. You could get lost and freeze to death. Or eaten by a bear.” Or murdered by the Ice Fisher.
“Lady, what do you want from me?!”
You grab your parka off the coatrack. “I’ll drive you.”
“Seriously. Jen can watch Sunfyre and I’ll start his IV when I get back.”
Aegon considers this, considers you. He’s not suspicious; he’s more…how can you describe it? Caught off-guard. Out of practice. “Okay,” he says finally. “Oh. Also.” He scratches his chin, avoiding your eyes. “I think I ran over your mailbox.”
“That’s fine. My dad will fix it.”
“Your dad?”
“Yeah, he lives next door. He’s recently retired and always looking for new projects. You might have done him a favor, actually. Saved him from a night of Dateline and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.”
Slowly, cautiously, Aegon smiles. “Happy to help, I guess.”
Your Jeep Cherokee is brand new. It has grey upholstered seats, cupholders, a Starfleet Academy bumper sticker, and automatic windows. The license plate is blue and embossed with Alaska’s state motto: North To The Future. There’s a Sarah McLachlan tape in the cassette player. Heat blasts through the vents; Building A Mystery tumbles out of the speakers. Aegon tells you that he’s renting a place downtown near the harbor and gives you vague, generally unhelpful directions. You listen as he speaks, of course, but you study him too, as much as you dare to without being too obvious, stealing rapid-fire glimpses. He talks with his hands a lot: clasps them together, touches his face, gestures lethargically, runs his fingers through his hair. There’s a lock that keeps escaping from behind his ear to rest on his right cheek, the one with the bloodstain. You have this strange compulsion to tuck it back into place.
“Cupholders,” Aegon remarks as you pull out of the small gravel parking lot, banging his fist on them. He has a British accent, but it’s diluted somewhat, understated. “Nice.”
“Yeah. I hate to tell you this, but the Nova was a really bad idea. You’re going to be snowed in half the winter.”
“Fantastic,” he quips. “I just bought the cheapest thing I could find when I got here.”
You peek over at him. Streetlights illuminate the bruise-like shadows under his eyes, the height of his cheekbones. “Your people don’t usually stick around this late in the year. Tourist season is over.”
“I’m not a tourist,” Aegon replies with a crooked grin, and does not elaborate. And then, when your Jeep rolls to a stop outside his apartment building: “Look, I know this is super random and all, but…like…” He stalls. “Can I get you some hot chocolate or something? I happen to be an aficionado of truly exceptional hot chocolate.”
“Oh, really? Homemade?”
“Swiss Miss,” he says. “But I have a secret ingredient.”
“I’m really not interested in getting roofied this evening.”
He laughs. “The secret ingredient is not roofies. It’s French vanilla coffee creamer.”
You hesitate. The words from the flier blare in your skull like a neon sign: Beware of strangers! Help keep Juneau safe! “I really shouldn’t.”
“I’m not gonna murder you,” Aegon says with probably too much bluntness. He starts turning out all his pockets. “You can search me, I got nothing on me except my wallet and keys. I just…well…” He smirks guiltily. He is sobering up. “I feel like I made a really bad first impression.”
“You definitely did.”
“And I want to make up for that because you helped my dog and everything. And now you’re helping me. And I just don’t want you to think I’m a horrible person.”
“Are you?”
“What, a horrible person?”
“Yeah.” You’re only half-joking.
Aegon doesn’t appear to be joking at all. “I think I’ll let you figure that out for yourself.”
You should go back to work. You should definitely go back to work. You should definitely not follow this weird drunk man up to his apartment. “Okay, but I can’t stay long. And I’ll ask you to remember that Jen has your full and highly unusual name and is more than capable of telling the cops that you’re the last person I was seen alive with. So it is in your best interests not to murder me.”
“Deal,” he says, and scrambles clumsily out of the Jeep.
Aegon’s apartment isn’t even a one-bedroom; it’s a studio with a couch and tv at one end, a bed at the other end by the windows, and a practically microscopic kitchen. As he bangs around in the cabinets locating a pot and two mugs, you admire his collection of refrigerator magnets. They represent a kaleidoscope of American cities: a dolphin from San Diego, the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco, a blue crab from Baltimore, a boiled lobster from Portland, a gold nugget from Denver, a cowboy on horseback from Dallas, the Sears Tower from Chicago, a cactus from Phoenix, a pair of dice suspended in glittery pink liquid from Las Vegas, many more.
“You’ve been to all these places?” you ask, awed in spite of your explicit intention not to be.
“Yeah. I found Sunfyre in Phoenix. That was three cities ago.”
“Found him?”
“Wandering emaciated and terrified on the side of a highway.” He’s stirring the pot over a red-hot electric burner. On the counter wait two mismatched mugs: the blue one is bigger, but the green one is more opulent, gilded with tiny gold stars. “You ever been outside of Alaska?”
“I got as far as Colorado for vet school.” Not far enough, you almost add. “How long have you been here?”
“Seven weeks. No. Eight.”
“So you’re the Ice Fisher.”
He tosses back his head and cackles wildly. “You are not the first person to think it, but you are the first to ask.” His smile dies and he looks at you directly, deadly serious. “No. I’m not the Ice Fisher.”
For some reason, you believe him. “Why Juneau?”
“Because it’s really, really far from Miami.”
“What’s in Miami?”
“Beaches. Bikinis.” You stare at him, waiting for further explanation. He stares back, offering none. He returns his attention to the hot chocolate. “I’m here for the winter trolling. Chinook salmon.”
“So only six months.”
He nods. “Only six months.”
“Where are you going next?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet. Maybe I’ll let Sunfyre pick. I’ll dip a bunch of travel postcards in peanut butter and see which one he eats first.”
“So you just bounce around like that? Constantly? Perpetually?”
“It never gets lonely? You don’t miss anyone? Family, friends…?” A girlfriend? A wife? Five charming white-blond children?
“No,” he says flatly. He yanks open the refrigerator and pulls out a small glass bottle with a yellow label: 99 Whipped, Whipped Cream Liqueur, 49.5% ALC/VOL. He holds it up to show you, to offer it to you.
“No, I’m good, thanks though.”
“You sure? It’s whipped cream flavored.”
“I’m majorly sure.”
He unscrews the top with his teeth and takes a swig. Then he dumps the rest in the green mug. He flicks open a cabinet, produces a jar of French vanilla coffee creamer, and scoops a generous amount of the snowy powder into both mugs. He lifts the pot of hot chocolate from the stove and empties it into the mugs like molten metal into molds. He stirs the contents: separate spoons, oddly considerate. You move to take the blue mug, but Aegon stops you.
“Not quite yet,” he says. He rummages around in the refrigerator until he finds a can of whipped cream. He tops off both mugs with a fluffy white swirl. “One last thing…” He grabs a Hershey bar from the freezer and a flat metal cheese grater from a drawer. He leans over the mugs and—with startling, painstaking, somehow vulnerable care—shears just enough chocolate off the bar to dust the whipped cream with fine dark shavings. He passes you the blue mug and grins triumphantly. “You have to freeze the chocolate or it’ll melt when you try to grate it. A girl showed me how to do that.”
“Wow. You’re literally Martha Stewart.”
He is waiting for you to take a sip. You do. The hot chocolate is, in all honestly, ridiculously good: rich, creamy, smooth. He sees this on your face. “Told you.”
“Maybe you’re not so horrible.”
“Don’t be hasty. The roofies haven’t kicked in yet.”
You stand in the kitchen together drinking hot chocolate under dull, flaxen lights; Aegon doesn’t own a table or chairs. Your gaze roams around his apartment and settles on a jade green, extremely battered electric guitar propped against the wall by his bed. “Do you play?”
He turns to look. “Oh, that? No, no way.”
“Why do you have a guitar if you don’t play guitar?”
He grins, holding his mug with both hands. Steam curls up around his face like fog, like smoke. “Makes chicks think I’m more interesting than I am.”
“And yet you told me the truth,” you say. “You are really blowing this.”
“Yeah, that sounds like me.” He slurps his hot chocolate and licks the whipped cream off his lips. There is a deep, not entirely unpleasant silence that descends over the kitchen. Still, you feel compelled to break it.
“You seem to like green a lot.”
“I guess so.”
“Why? Because it’s the color of money…or trees…or Subway…or Heineken…or…?”
“Or…” He contemplates this for a while before he decides. “Camouflage.”
The silence reappears, less comfortable this time. “I really do need to go,” you tell him. It comes out like an apology, a regret. “Jen is supposed to get off work at 5:00 and I don’t want to make her stay too late.”
He replies with an unexpected question. “You ever go to Ursa Minor?”
Ursa Minor? The little bar beside the harbor? No, never. Your best friend Heather has been trying to cajole you into going—her brother Trent is always asking about you or something—but you have yet to succumb to her peer pressure. You aren’t really a bar girl. You’re a stay up half the night comforting sad animals girl. “Yeah, totally, sometimes. Why?”
Aegon smiles, a little dazedly, a little pleased. “No reason.”
All the way back to the veterinary clinic, your brains are wrangling with Aegon: everything about him, parts you wish you didn’t care enough to notice. When you enter the lobby—along with a gale of ice-cold wind peppered with snow flurries—an incredulous Jen is waiting for you.
“You drove him home? Alone?!” She jabs an index finger at the flier on the wall, one of so many. “While that lunatic is still out there somewhere?!” The cartoonish figure in the trench coat leers at you with red eyes. They call him the Ice Fisher because of what he does with the bodies. He goes out to Dredge Lake, drills a hole in the ice just wide enough for the shoulders to fit through, shoves his victim down into the frigid water to wait there in the dark and the cold until they are brought up. He leaves blood smeared on the ice. That’s how the police found the bodies, how they’ll keep finding them.
You shrug. “He needed a ride.”
“He needs an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, that’s what he needs.”
You sigh loudly. “Thank you for your sage advice, Jennifer. You are free to go.”
“Yeah yeah. I’ll give the cops his name when you go missing. Tell them to look for the drunk white-haired loser with the Nova.”
More forcefully, you repeat: “Thank you, Jennifer.”
“Take a chill pill, I’m going.” She pulls on her parka and disappears out into the night. You stand in the lobby—in the silence, in the solitude—staring at the flier for a long time.
In one of the kennels, you find your lone current tenant. “Hey buddy,” you say to Sunfyre, using Aegon’s nickname for him, and the golden retriever perks up. You pet his silky fur (well cared for, you observe), ensure he has enough food and water, get him an extra blanket, and start an IV: antibiotics with a light sedative so he hopefully doesn’t manage to wriggle out of his cone. You’ll set a few alarms and get up throughout the night to check on Sunfyre…although your dad will almost certainly volunteer to do it for you. This clinic used to be his, after all.
Before you leave, you spend fifteen minutes sitting with Sunfyre: brushing his fur, humming to him, letting him lick your knuckles like wordless little thank you notes. Not for the first time in your life, you find yourself wishing that animals could speak as well as we do, could spill secrets like blood or falling snow.
“Interesting human you’ve got there,” you say.
Sunfyre, peering up at you with his trusting umber eyes, only wags his tail in reply.
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