#when people start panicking i was confused. then i look at the projector and went ooooh. this bitch is a lunatic. okay.
indihome-suck · 2 months
bako do you mind if you. erm. elaborate more on what happened on the Tafakur at your school? that was insane holy shit
It was. Honestly not that crazy, but everyone was freaked out anyways. Oh also I still has the alumni's Instagram account blocked.
So at 7:30pm after Isya and dinner, we were supposed to attend a lecture to end the day. You know how it goes. A lecturer, typically an ustadz, tells you some sad shit about your parents until you cry and pray for them. Yada yada yada you know the drill.
Interestingly, the lecturer happened to be an alumni who also graduated from FH UI. Funnily enough he kept bragging about it at the start of the lecture. Us 10th graders at the time were like "okay is this supposed to be an inspirational lecture or something?" It's not!
It starts light with the parents stuff, with a video of some sad story about a parent and a kid (I remembered it's about a father who's blind.) And then he starts showing the graphic birth video. And then a brain operation video saying how "it's amazing how God makes all this"
The 10th graders were freaked out. Even the OSIS were freaked out. A kid got a panic attack. It was about 9pm and he still haven't stopped the lecture. The OSIS realizing they were running behind schedule told the alumni that he should end the lecture. He refused. Continues the lecture and yells at the OSIS saying how important this will all be when we grow up and how all of us will thank him.
The OSIS thinked fast and sneaked some of us out the lecture hall. The alumni was furious when he realized, and went on a rant about it and yells at everyone in the room. In the end the teachers (who were on a break quite far from the lecture hall) realized what's going on and deescalates the situation. The alumni got yelled at by our most brutal math teacher. Thanks miss math teacher.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || How He Proposes [Request]
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The door to the cabin slammed shut and you turned to look at Jin who was standing in the doorway shivering and covered in snow.
"Come on, we need to go outside. You have to see something," He mumbled as he began picking up your coat and scarf from the coat hook and walking over to you.
"What do I need to see?" You giggled at him as he helped you into your coat, wrapping your scarf around you tightly before he kissed your nose softly.
"You'll see when we're out there," He slid your boots over to your feet and waited by the front door for you, playing with the ends of his coat so much they were starting to frail.
He walked around in the snow while biting down on his lip, it was as if he'd lost whatever it was he was trying to show you.
"You okay Jinnie? You seem nervous..." Your boyfriend had taken you out on a spontaneous holiday to the snow cabin he owned the night before claiming it would be nice to get away from the boys. The truth be told Jin had been planning on proposing to you for weeks but could never find the perfect way or right way to do it. Whenever he finally got the courage to ask you something would get in the way. Monday night he was interrupted by the waiter at a restaurant, Tuesday he'd hired a plane to write in the sky but it started raining heavily, Wednesday came around and he was ready to ask you but the boys decided to drop in for a random visit leaving Jin to sit in the corner and complain about it to himself.
"You've been acting weird all week," You whispered to him as you moved closer to him to try and warm yourself up a little and he stood still as he realised he'd lost the patch of snow he'd written a message in.
"I've just had something on my mind but I'm okay," He promised you as he took your hands in his and looked down at you.
"I've been wanting to ask you something, all week I've had these plans and night after night they've all been ruined." He rambled to himself as he squeezed your hand, the snow around you was starting to pick up but he wasn't going to let it stop him this time. Nothing was going to get in the way of him finally popping the question to you.
"I had it written in the snow but it's gone but-" He reached into his pocket before getting down onto one knee in front of you, if it wasn't so cold you would have started to tear up.
"Y/n Y/l/n, will you do me the greatest honour in marrying me?" As soon as the question left his lips he had a giant weight of his chest and you began nodding.
"YES! Yes I'll marry you!" You screamed out as you jumped down into the snow in front of him, wrapping your arms around him as you cried into his neck.
"I-I'll get the ring on you later," He laughed as the snow was really starting to pick up in a blizzard, you both laughed as you rushed back to the cabin. Spending the rest of the day in front of the fire together as you kissed him over and over again.
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Yoongi smiled at you as he took your hand in his, just running his fingers over the palm of your hands. You'd eaten so much you were sure you were going to burst at any moment. 
"So what's the big idea? We almost never do this sort of thing." You whispered as you squeezed his hand in your own, smiling when you saw the blush on his face spread to his ears. 
"I wanted to do something nice for my partner, am I not allowed?" You smirked at him as you nodded, 
"Of course you are, I just never expect it baby." You cooed at him about to reach across the table to kiss him when a waitress brought a plate over to the table placing it down in front of you. Your eyes glanced down before you frowned, 
"I-I think you have the wrong table-"
"No baby, they don't." Your eyes went from the plate and over to Yoongi who was now holding a small black box in his hands, inside was a gold wedding band. 
"Yoongi I-I thought you didn't want to get married." You whimpered as you stared back down at the plate, written in toffee sauce was, 
"Will You Marry Me?" Yoongi had already told you about his disliking for marriage, he found it pointless and said he never wanted to go through with it. 
"That was before I met you before I fell head over heels in love with you." You began to tear up as you nodded your head at him, 
"I-I'll marry you," You almost screamed out as you got up from your chair and walked over to him to hug him, he chuckled as he brought your hand to his and slid the ring onto his finger. People around you who had been watching the display began to clap and cheer for you while you cried into Yoongi's neck.
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Hoseok had brought you into the studio with the promise of getting a sneak preview at some of the songs that were going to be on the new album,
"Am I even allowed to hear them?" You giggled as Hoseok nervously typed the password into his PC that was in his studio.
"I can do what I want," He mumbled as he got into his computer and found the song he needed,
"What's it called baby?" You questioned as he hit play and the small strums of a guitar came through the speaker, he sat down beside you on the sofa and took your hand in his.
"We Belong." He looked at you nervously before he turned on the small projector he had in his studio. The wall beside his computer screen flickered on and there were videos of the both of you coming onto the screen. Changing from videos to photos as the song continued to play, the lyrics relating to the both of you in every way possible.
As the song was coming to an end you turned to look at Hoseok with tears in your eyes,
"Hobi?" He got down onto his knees in front of you and smiled shyly bringing out a box with a small ring inside,
"Y/n, will you marry me?" You nodded at him falling down in front of him and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as you smashed your lips against his. Crying as you mumbled yes against his lips, kissing him deeply. The song he'd written for you and not for the album continuing to play in the background.
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Namjoon had woken you up at 5 that morning to go for a nature trail with him, he'd found it online months ago and had been begging to go since so you finally broke down and said yes. You loved hiking with Namjoon but only when it didn't include waking up at 5 am and driving for three hours to get there, luckily for you, you'd gotten to sleep for most of the journey there.
"Joonie," You whispered in awe as you stared over at the mountain tops, there was a fence around the top of the mountain so no one would fall but the views was indescribable.
"You like it? Was it worth it?" He chuckled as he walked up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, he placed his head in your neck just taking in the sights as he held you.
"I love it, everything is worth it if you're by my side." You promised him as you turned your head to the side to kiss him quickly. Your small words sent Namjoon's mind over the edge and he turned you around to face him,
"I don't have a ring, I don't have one yet but Y/n...Marry me. Marry me?" You frowned as you stared at him, the on the spot proposal making you confused and happy all at the same time.
"Marry me, I'll find you the perfect ring but I want you to marry me."  He repeated as he looked into your eyes, the fact that you would do anything for him and with him put it into his head that he wanted you and nobody else.
"Y-You're sure?" He nodded his head as he kissed your lips and then your hand where the ring would go,
"Yes...Y-Yes I'll marry you," You whispered wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and kissing him deeply
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There was one spot that you and Jimin had together that no one else in the world knew about, it was your very own private and special place you could escape to whenever you needed. Just outside your shared house and out of the back gate was a wooded area and if you walked through it far enough you would find a cute meadow which was filled with wildflowers.
"Jimin?" You called out when you walked through the meadow, you'd come home from work to find a note from him to meet you out there.
"I'm here," You followed his voice until you reached the middle of the meadow, he was standing there surrounded by the flowers, carrying a bouquet of your favourite flowers,
"What's this? D-Did I forget our anniversary?" You panicked but he shook his head and laid the flowers down on the floor as you walked closer to him.
"No, not at all." He knelt down in front of you and brought out a box for you to see. Inside was a silver band with a small version of your birthstone sitting on the top,
"Y/n, I've loved you for as long as I can remember, I know it took us a while to finally start dating but now we've done it I never want to be away from you...Will you marry me?" You couldn't even answer him as you jumped into his arms and began kissing him between your sobs.
“I’m taking that as a yes?” He chuckled as you nodded at him, wiping your eyes on your sleeves as you whimpered at him,
“A thousand times yes,”
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For the last month, Taehyung had spent every spare moment he could in painting classes, you loved that he was having fun but you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't miss him. He was refusing to show you any of the work he had been doing until the end of the month show as well so you felt a little left out but tonight was the night. His class were finally having an end of month show where they could display the work, it was an event where you had to dress fancy so you'd picked out the fanciest clothes you could find.
"Our final piece will be just in the next room if everyone would like to take a break while Taehyung gets it ready," His tutor said as they exchanged looked, you raised an eyebrow at Taehyung who took you through to a different room. The lights were out and you frowned as you waited for him to turn the lights on but he walked you inside, standing you in the middle of the room.
"Look in front of you," He whispered as he flicked the light switch on, once your eyes adjusted to the lighting you glanced around. The entire room was filled with paintings, each of them a stage of your relationship with Taehyung. The first time he asked you out, the first date, your first kiss and so on. You followed over them until you reached one you didn't know, two silhouettes were together in a room while one was on their knees holding something.
"Tae I don't know-"  You turned around to talk to him when you saw him in the same position,
"Will you marry me?" Tears welled up in your eyes as you stared at him and realised that the painting was of him and you in this exact position.
"Yes," You whimpered as you got down onto the floor and kissed his lips, he slid the ring on your finger and chuckled as you practically tackled him onto the floor. The door to the room opened and the tutor began explaining what everything inside of the room was.
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A hot air balloon ride was something Jungkook had told you he'd been wanting to do since he could remember so when he finally came home one night and told you he'd booked it you didn't say anything against it. You would do anything to make Jungkook happy even if it meant flying into the air on a hot air balloon ride. You could just hold onto the basket and Jungkook the entire time without looking down at the floor...or so you had thought.
"Baby look!" You winced as Jungkook moved quickly and pointed over at something in the distance, clutching onto his side you glanced over at what he was pointing at and smiled when you saw another hot air balloon only this one was in the shape of a heart.
"That's cute," You whispered as you went back to clutching onto Jungkook's arm as you tried to keep yourself as calm as possible. From the moment you'd gotten off the floor, you'd felt sick and wanted to get off but you kept reminding yourself you were doing this to make him happy.
"Baby you need to let go of me for a second." You shook your head at him and he frowned turning to look at you when he realised you seemed scared,
"Do you not like heights?" You shook your head once again in silence and he started groaning and laughing to himself as he realised his planning had gone off without a hitch but he'd forgotten about your fear of heights,
"What?" You whimpered as you realised he was laughing at you.
"Nothing I just- I brought you up here to do something and I figured you would love this side of it too and now I realise I-I've probably messed up my chances." Your eyebrows furrowed together as you tried to put together what he was saying to you but it didn't make sense.
"Jungkook-" He slipped his arm from your grasp and knelt down on the floor in front of you, pulling a small box out from his pocket to reveal a diamond ring.
"Will you marry me?" You stared at him with wide eyes and not just because you were scared of the heights.
"Yes! I'll marry you!" You screamed out as you shakily got down onto the floor and kissed him, the man controlling the balloon began to tear up as he smiled to himself.
"I love this job so much,"
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @kneel-begyourpardon @taestannie @bisexualmess007 @innersooya @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @agustdjoon @jin-from-the-block
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
First time in College: Suna x reader
College AU with the Haikyuu boys: Suna Rintarou x fem reader 🤤
Let me know if you want part 2 :)
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He is literally so fine I--
Art creds go to agatha123naruto
God, you should never have agreed to do this. Your laptop was calling you, Attack on Titan already pulled up and ready to watch...and yet here you were, shifting uncomfortably in a tight crop top and booty shorts your roommate had provided you with. You crossed your arms over your stomach, trying to hide yourself, but you only succeeded in pushing your tits up. 
“Hey, relax, it’s just a party.” Kiyoko smiled softly from her side of the room, applying some chapstick and holding a pair of sneakers. 
“Ugh,” you rolled your eyes. Yes, it was just a party...but it was also the first college party you were going to be attending. And a frat party at that. Ugh. 
The first few months of college had been perfectly well off without them, and you weren’t exactly sure why Kiyoko had been able to convince you to come along this time. Maybe you had felt a little like you were missing out when your roommate would come back giggling and tipsy late into the night every weekend, and maybe you wanted to put a bit more effort into socializing. You had friends, but not a huge group--which was fine. But also, college was a time to try new things...even if that meant frat parties. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll probably know some people. And if not, you can just stick with me.” Kiyoko finished putting on her shoes, heading towards the door. “We’ll get drinks as soon as possible.” 
You sighed, resigning yourself as you followed her out the door. 
The party was just as bad as you expected. It was packed in the house, the lights dimmed, flashing, and confusing as people pushed from all sides. You almost spilled your third drink as you searched for Kiyoko, pretty much impossible in the darkness. You had lost her a little while ago when she had started talking to a guy named Tanaka, and now she seemed to be missing. 
“OI!” You looked up to see a clearly wasted, shirtless guy standing on the table, a bottle of beer in his hand. He had blonde hair with a dark undercut, and you were pretty sure you recognized him as one of the frat guys...maybe Atsumu? You didn’t know him well enough to be sure. “We’re putting on a movie, if you fuckheads want to join,” Asumu yelled, practically falling off the table. 
Maybe Kiyoko was with them watching a movie. 
The crowd swallowed you up again as you headed towards where Atsumu had disappeared, but you managed to push your way into the living room. There were four couches stuffed into the wide space, but every seat was taken, including spots on the floor. 
You scanned the room for Kiyoko’s hair, but yet again, no such luck. The projector was set up to play a horror movie, and your stomach clenched unpleasantly as you realized what it was. You really, really hated horror movies--did they seriously have to pick this to watch?
You bit your lip, but the lights were dimming and you had to stop standing awkwardly off to the side. You spotted the arm of one of the couches that was free, but that same couch was also filled with frat guys with girls in their laps. Would I be weird for taking a spot next to them? Would they be ok with that? 
Shit, calm down. This isn’t high school, and I’m a bad bitch. Also, I’m sexy as fuck. I got this. 
Right. You straightened your shoulders and marched across the room, dodging random girls sprawled across the floor mixed with bongs and beer bottles. You barely even glanced at the occupants of the couch as you settled precariously on the arm, as far from them as possible as the movie began to play. 
Almost immediately, your heart was racing and fingers digging into the cushions, and you wanted to run from the room. Why, why, why had you done this to yourself? You could have just turned and left the living room to begin with. Fuck trying new things. 
You were considering how you’d make a subtle escape when a drunken kid with bright orange hair slammed into your shoulder as he tried to get past, causing you to lose your balance on the arm of the couch and fall directly into the lap of one of the guys to your right. 
For a moment, you were too stunned to move, and you could only stare up at the equally surprised face of one of the frat boys. He had dark brown hair and yellow eyes, the whites tinted red; presumably from the joint in his hand. The smell of weed rolled off him, and you were pretty sure that it wasn’t his first one. 
“Oh-Oh my god I’m so sorry,” you gasped, rolling awkwardly off him onto the floor. “I didn’t mean to--I mean--um--” 
“Look what you’ve done Suna.” You glanced over to see the same shirtless guy from before, the one you assumed was Atsumu. “You scare off all the girls.” 
The lap guy, Suna, just shrugged and took another hit. 
“No, that’s not...” you tried, your halfway drunken brain desperately trying to calm down. “I fell on him.” 
Atsumu grinned at you. “It’s ok, you don’t have to bother with him. He’s a piece of shit anyway.” 
“I didn’t say--”
“What, so you want to sit on his lap?” 
“What????” How was this conversation even happening? You wanted to punch Atsumu in the face, and you also wanted to sprint from the building and never show your face to the light of day again. 
Unfortunately, now Suna was looking at you, as were the other frat boys sitting on the couch and the girls on their laps. “I mean,” you cleared your throat. “I- I guess.” 
Idiot. IDIOT. 
“Ah nice. You see Suna, that’s how you get girls--”
“Fuck off, Atsumu. Stop pressuring her.” Suna glared at him, and you let out a breath...until his yellow eyes turned to you, and your lungs hitched yet again. “You can if you want, but we’re holding up the movie.” 
He was right; someone had paused the movie since Atsumu was standing right in front of the projector, which meant everyone was waiting on you. 
“Are you ok with that?” You asked as you stood up, trying to sound confident and bored. 
Suna’s eyes lazily trailed down and up, and he shrugged. “Whatever.” 
Ouch. “Uh, right.” 
He leaned back on the couch, his legs sprawled wide to give you room between them, and your heart began to pound. Jesus Christ. 
You awkwardly sat down, trying to give him space in the very limited area, but his thighs were still pressed tight up against your ass. 
The movie started again, and almost immediately every muscle in your body tensed up. At the first jump scare, you flinched so hard that you elbowed Suna’s knee, making him grunt in pain. 
“S-sorry,” you whispered, hands shaking a little. 
He shifted, leaning forward so you could feel the heat from his chest inches away. “Hey, are you good?” 
“Um, yeah. I just really hate horror mov--” The serial killer stepped out from behind the door and you gasped, turning your face away. 
Suddenly, you felt Suna’s hands pressing against your ears, blocking out the creepy music and the sound of people getting murdered in front of you. You looked up at him in surprise, and he shrugged, leaning even closer. 
“Horror movies are worse with sound,” he said in your ear so you could hear him. 
“Thanks,” you murmured, and he smirked. 
“You can relax. You’re so tense, it’s freaking me out.” 
You let out a breath, forcing your muscles to unclench. It was more comfortable, but it also meant that you were now flat against Suna’s chest, his hands still on your ears. 
You tried watching like that for a while, and it was better, but in the end you decided that sound or not--horror movies weren’t your thing. You ended up hiding your face in Suna’s shoulder, until you realized what you were doing and quickly jerked back.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to get in your personal space--”
“It’s fine. Be quiet.” He wrapped his arms around your waist, tucking you against his chest so you could easily bury your face in his shoulder. He smelled nice, mostly of pot, but with undertones of mint and almond or something. 
As the movie continued, he turned his head to press his lips against your ear. “Want me to explain what’s going on?” 
“So basically...ugh what is even happening.” You smiled a little at his annoyance. “So this idiot girl just went into the house when clearly she shouldn’t have, aaaand there’s the murderer. Damn she’s dumb. Honestly he’s kind of dumb too, why is he running with a knife? That’s a safety hazard.” 
You snorted, feeling a large part of your fear drain out of you at his stupid narration. 
“This is literal shit,” he muttered. “How does this scare you?” 
You huffed, annoyed at his condescending tone. “I don’t know, just the jump scares, and the creepy lead up, and the music...I just hate it.” 
“Do you want to leave? You don’t have to watch, you know” 
“I…” I clenched your fists, suddenly determined. “No. I can make it through.” 
“Why…? You’re literally not even watching.” 
“Just shut up. I’m facing my fears.” 
He laughed under his breath, and you felt it in his chest. “How admirable.” 
He patted your head, taking another hit of the joint, which was practically gone. “Want some of this?” He gestured to it. 
“Oh, sure. That’s fine?�� 
“I wouldn’t have offered it if it wasn’t.” “Right...” You took the joint from him and took a deep hit, and then another, just needing to relax. It didn’t stop you from almost jumping out of your skin when the murderer suddenly pushed someone down the stairs. 
Suna smirked at your terror, and you glared at him. “This isn’t funny!” 
“Kind of is.” 
It took another twenty minutes, but then finally the film was over, the lights were turned back on, and you were facing Suna again. 
“Thanks for doing that,” you said, a blush creeping up your cheeks as you met his pretty eyes. 
He shrugged. “Sure.” 
“Well, uh. I should probably go. Maybe I’ll see you around.” 
“Wait, hold up--”
You didn’t wait for his response as you rolled off his lap, awkwardly waving, before practically running from the room. 
You found Kiyoko sitting on the couch with your friends Suga and Daichi, and you must have looked pretty panicked because she didn’t protest when you dragged her from the frat house.
“So...how was it for you?” She asked imploringly as we made our way back to our dorm. 
“Um….” You weren’t sure how to answer.
Part 2
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Imagine being Lin Beifong's only daughter and developing a crush on your fellow officer Mako. You finally managed to get the firebender alone but your family keeps accidentally ruining your efforts making for a very awkward night. 
Being a part of Republic City’s elite defence you’d seen the avatar and her friends often and sure you’d noticed the handsome firebender she’d dated but that wasn’t all you’d seen. You’d seen the way Mako had treated Korra and Asami and it angered you but it wasn’t your place to judge. So you treated him as you did every citizen, formally and with respect, the few times you had to interact with him and it was all fine. Until Mako asked your mom for a job. When Mako joined the force you were determined he wouldn’t be able to use his good looks and celebrity reputation on the force and were extra hard on him to compensate any favouritism he might recieve. You gave him the hardest assessments, most boring shifts and worst cases and yet he beat all of your obstacles. It annoyed you at first until you realised you weren’t really annoyed. You were mad at him, for being such a redeemable guy when his previous actions didn’t indicate that. Sure he’d apologised and Asami and Korra had forgiven him but still that didn’t mean you had to trust him...but it didn’t stop you liking him. You struggled with your growing respect for the man and even more so with your admiration of him. On stake outs he genuinely seemed smart and sweet. You tried not to develop an interest in him but you couldn’t help it. Mako seemed to take an interest in you too and soon you were working cases together by choice. You were efficient and had similar thought processes so were a match made in heaven (detective wise atleast).  You were working on the new airbender case together when your mom told you she wanted you both to accompany the avatar on her search for airbenders and protect her together. You nodded your head professional and composed when on the inside you felt all warm and excited. The time spent travelling with Mako and his friends was the best tine of your life. The avatar and her friends were so nice and you’d quickly bonded with them all, especially Asami and Korra, which shocked you as you didn’t usually get on well with other people. Becoming friends with two intelligent women had it’s set backs and it didn’t take long for them to notice your interest in Mako. You thought they might be judgemental but they were so sweet and sometimes annoyingly infavour of your crush sending you smirks and grins anytime you and Mako interacted. Korra and Asami made it their mission to get you and Mako together before you returned to Republic City and you were on board, when it came to dating you needed all the help you could get...
Asami came up with the idea of you getting some alone time with Mako by organising a movie night. Bolin was always begging Mako to watch his movers and he hadn’t gotten around to it. So Asami bought them for you and told you to ask Mako to watch it with you. Her and Korra (mostly Asami) coached you on flirting and what to say until you felt ready.  Judgement day here and Asami hiding behind a wall after shoving you towards Mako you approached him nervously. “Hi Mako” you called and he smiled “hey y/n, what are you doing out here? I thought you were guarding Korra”. “No my mom’s got that covered” you explained and Mako nodded “ow good”. Silence fell and you resisted the urge to run away and carried on. "So" you said getting the speech you’d prepared ready "i recently bought Bolin’s mover to see what it’s like and i wondered if you wanted to watch it too, with me...". Mako looked at you and you felt your cheeks redden "don’t worry if not i just thought it’d get him off your back if you’d actually..you know seen it". "No that actually sounds like a really good idea" Mako smiled "thanks y/n". You blushed but nodded "no problem...so when do you wanna watch it?". "How about tonight?" Mako asked and you panicked. Tonight? That was so soon! You weren’t ready! Asami had only coached you up until this point not the actual date! "Or not..." Mako said seeing your reaction and you shook your head feeling brave suddenly "no tonight’s fine i’ll just have to move some things around and tidy my room cus it’s a bit of a mess". "Well we can do it in my room?" Mako asked "Bolin’s got a date with Opal so we'll have it all to ourselves" he smirked slightly and you felt your stomach dip. "Yeah that sounds great thanks" you blushed and Mako smiled again "great so i'll see you tonight". "You will see me there" you agreed and then cringed inwardly. How were you literally more cool in a chase or fight than chatting to a cute boy? Mako just chuckled slightly when he looked behind you and straightened "chief" he said and you jumped to see your mom right behind you. Your mom had turned up at Zaofu claiming to help but you thought she was probably just checking up on you and Mako. Needless to say your mom’s presence had not helped the situation with Mako. Reminding Mako not only was your grandmother the greatest earth bender who ever lived but your mom was his boss who could and would fire him for any mistake...such as dating her daughter for instance was not great romantically. "Mom...i mean chief" you saluted her and she looked at you confused. "Erm yeah hi y/n". "We were discussing official police buisness, can we help you with anything?" you said awkwardly and your mom narrowed her eyes "no i only needed Mako so you could go sleep or eat or whatever just fix what’s causing this" she said gesturing to your weird behaviour. You laughed awkwardly and hurried away to Asami who looked as mortified as you.
Asami and Korra told you sooner was better and so you tried to absorb all their tips on dates as they helped you dress and gave you a confidence boost. They left you with smirks and giggles outside Mako’s door and you sighed before knocking. Mako opened the door and you got the familiar warm feeling whenever you saw him. “Hey right on time” he smirked “come in!”. You walked inside cautiously and looked around. There were two beds, one very neat and one with lots of clothes and stuff piled on it. “Sorry that’s Bolin’s side of the room” Mako said following your eye “he’s not very...neat”. “It’s okay” you smiled and Mako nodded “so let’s get started”. He set the projector up against the wall and turned the lights off as you tried to act natural sat on his bed. Mako sat next to you and played the movie. “You know you don’t have to sit on the edge” Mako commented seeing you perched on the edge of the bed and you blushed “ow okay” and moved closer. You and Mako sat beside one another and it felt awkward at first but soon it felt more normal and you found yourself laughing and enjoying the movie, sharing popcorn with Mako, when the door went.  
You and Mako both looked at one another. "Are you expecting someone?" you asked and Mako shook his head "Bolin said he wouldn’t be back for hours" Mako said getting up to go open it when the door burst open. "So you are watching Nuktuk!" your cousin Wei cried "why didn’t you invite us?". Your counsins Wei, Wing and Huan all stared at you from the door and you looked to Mako awkwardly. You both just stammered you didn’t think to and they walked further into the room. "Of course we’d want to watch it cous!" Wing laughed elbowing you. Wing and Wei sat on either side of you and Mako forcing you to move closer so they could fit.  Huan followed but frowned "was it just you two in here? Alone?". You blushed not looking at Mako but nodded. "That’s not awkward' Huan sighed sitting down too and you were grateful Mako hastily played the movie. Watching a movie with your crush which was then crashed by your extended family was very awkward. You and Mako were sat so close he couldn’t move his arm without knocking you. Not to mention Wei and Wing kept leaning over to grab the popcorn pushing you into Mako or Mako into you. Huan critiqued the film so much you didn’t even hear most of it. You were completely lost in what was going on when suddenly it ended and you frowned. "Is anyone else lost?" Mako asked and Huan shook his head "it was a pretty basic film plot". "Well if i’d actually been able to hear it' Mako said under his breath and you smirked. Huan didn’t hear him as he’d gone back to arguing with Wei and Wing. 'Well the movers over we should go" Wei said jumping up and Wing and Huan nodded following him to the door. You sighed in relief thinking you’d be able to salvage something from this night when they all looked at you expectantly. "Y/n aren’t you coming?" Wei asked "it’s late" and Huan raised an eyebrow. "No of course I am" you nodded standing up too "goodnight Mako" you said formally and turned to follow your cousins who were practically escorting you back to your room. As soon as you were shut up in your room you slumped against the door and laughed. This was not how you wanted this night to go. You’d been so nervous about spending time alone with Mako when you hadn’t even managed to spend any time alone with him. This was your one excuse to get Mako alone and now it was ruined and there was no way Mako would ask you back for a second date. You jumped as there was a knock on your door and you snapped it open to see Mako stood there. "Mako" you blushed "what are you...". "You left your mover" Mako said holding out the tape to you. You nodded "ow sorry" and took it. "It’s fine" mako smiled "also i was wondering if you wanted to watch it again some time seeing as we both didn’t hear much". You smirked but nodded in disbelief "that’d be good". Mako smiled "good...y/n can i ask you something? I don’t want to read too much into this, especially because i really enjoy working with you and would hate to ruin our profesional relationship but y/n was this a date?". You froze and bit your lip "possibly i mean...it was just casual, it doesn’t have to be if you didn’t want it to be" you frowned but Mako shook his head "no i did want it to be...if you did". You blushed "you do?". Mako nodded "I’ve always respected you as a fellow officer but this trip seeing you away from republic city and actually acting like a normal teenager for once” he smirked at your frown ”well I started crushing on you but i didn’t want to read into something too much but if you want this to be a date then...". "Yes" you said cutting him off and then blushed how eager that sounded. "Good" Mako chuckled "i’m sorry our first date was so awkward i’ll make sure nobody bothers us on our second one" Mako grinned. You smirked "that sounds nice but tonight wasn’t all bad". Mako shrugged "true but I know something that will make it better". You looked at him confused when he kissed you swiftly. The guy was smooth which didn’t suprise you. What did suprise you was how confidently you kissed him back, how you didn’t feel nervous or vulnerable kissing him but confident and excited. Mako seemed suprised too but kissed you back undeterred. You seperated but Mako didn’t move away from you "now that was worth being sandwiched between your cousins". You chuckled and smirked up at him when someone came around the corner. Your mom looked from Mako’s arms around you to, to the way Mako was looking at you, to your close proximity to one another and sighed. You and Mako held your breath waiting for death threats, to be fired, a lecture or all three but none of that happened. "So this is why you were acting so weird" you mom said undetered "atleast he’s a good guy but really y/n a cop?". You went to argue but she smirked making you realise she was joking. "Just don’t let it effect your work okay?". You and Mako nodded stunned as you mom turned away. "Ow and Mako? You hurt my daughter I’ll break your face" Lin called "got it?". You cringed as Mako winced "got it" he called back awkwardly. "Still want that second date?" You asked only half joking but Mako grinned as soon as he looked at you "totally your mom can’t scare me away that easily". You blushed and mako smiled "it’s cute when you do that". You blushed even more and Mako grinned "so i’ll see you tomorrow night for the do over?". "Sounds good" you nodded and Mako smirked "it’s a date" and winked turning away down the coridoor. You blushed and felt the excitement in your stomach, your lips still tingling from the kiss. Tomorrow night couldn’t come quickly enough.
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hale-13 · 3 years
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 29 Prompt - Control
The only real drawback of the current iteration of his suit, Peter thought, was its lack of air filtration. With the tools and workshop space that Mr. Stark provided him with Peter was able to make a Spidey suit that was top of the line in every aspect except for the ventilation; for all intents and purposes Peter was really just breathing through high tech spandex. The tightly woven fabric did, minimally, protect him from inhaling smoke and other harmful chemicals but not enough.
Words: 2407, Chapters: 1/1 (complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & May Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker, Bruce Banner
TW: Medical Procedures, Panic
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
The only real drawback of the current iteration of his suit, Peter thought, was its lack of air filtration. With the tools and workshop space that Mr. Stark provided him with Peter was able to make a Spidey suit that was top of the line in every aspect except for the ventilation; for all intents and purposes Peter was really just breathing through high tech spandex. The tightly woven fabric did, minimally, protect him from inhaling smoke and other harmful chemicals but not enough.
Which is what landed him in his current situation of sitting with his mask pulled up to the bridge of his nose and an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth as he took shallow, wheezing breaths.
The apartment fire that he had responded to still had a surprisingly large number of people stuck in hard to reach places that left Peter exposed longer than he would have liked. His throat felt like it was on fire and his lungs felt tight the way they used to feel when he had an asthma attack. The fire fighter that had passed him the oxygen mask earlier crouched down in front of him with a worried look on her ash stained face.
“I still think you should let us take you to the hospital,” she said worriedly as she adjusted the flow of oxygen. Peter shook his head..
“I’m good,” he croaked, trying not to wince at just how destroyed his voice sounded and display as much confidence as he could. She still looked dubious.
“Is there anyone you can stay with tonight?” She pressed. “You shouldn’t be alone just in case.”
“I’’ll be okay,” he promised, removing the oxygen mask and pulling his own down to cover his face. It immediately became harder to breathe and he regretted giving up the clean air but he knew if he didn’t get out of there soon he would have a much bigger problem. “Thanks for the help!” He called as he swung out, his breathing becoming more labored as he webbed away.
His HUD fizzed out for a second before directing to the Tower and Peter rolled his eyes at Karen but obliged. May was working a late shift and Peter did feel pretty shitty. It probably wouldn’t hurt to hang around the Tower with its fully stocked and staffed MedBay for the evening. He had to stop a few times on his way to catch his breath but he made it to the landing pad with few issues.
“You stink,” Tony greeted him as he walked in, pulling his ashy mask off his face and letting it drop on one of the many end tables. “You committing arson now?”
“Ha ha,” Peter said hoarsely with a slight cough as he ventured into the kitchen to Fran a bottle of water to gulp down. Tony narrowed his eyes over his cup of coffee in judgement and concern.
“Karen said they put you on oxygen,” he said accusingly and Peter groaned and dropped his forehead to rest on the cool counter top, taking aborted breaths through his mouth. The smell of smoke still on his suit was making it hard to take deep breaths in.
“Only for a couple minutes,” Peter answered, coughing again and taking another swig of water.
“Go take a shower,” his mentor ordered. “Leave your suit in your room and I’ll send it down to FRI for deep cleaning although at this point it might be worth it to just toss it and start again from scratch.”
“But I just broke it in,” Peter whined, trudging off to the room Tony had set aside for his use. He may be right though – smoke was a notoriously hard stench to get out of fabric.
The hot water felt heavenly on his skin and Peter spent probably too long under the strong spray but, unfortunately, his chest still felt tight and heavy when he got out. He paused in front of the mirror, trying to take deep, even inhales and he squinted his eyes in confusion. He had helped out on a few burning buildings and had never felt this way before. Deciding he probably just needed some rest, Peter left the bathroom and joined Mr. Stark back out in the common room.
He only got about halfway through his soup and an episode of The Office before he passed out, head leaned back against the cushions.
The room was lit only by the glow of the projector when Peter woke up unable to breathe.
He gasped and flailed as he woke up, smacking Mr. Stark in the face and causing him to yelp as he tried to inhale through what felt like a straw. “Lights up to fifty,” Mr. Stark barked out and Peter snapped his eyes closed against the blue-toned overhead lights snapping on over him. “Fuck Peter,” his mentor said, scrambling of the couch and scooping Peter up in his arms.
Peter felt dizzy and his vision was spotted with black dots as he was carried to the elevator. He could hear his mentor yelling something but couldn’t comprehend what was being said as he lifted one shaky hand up to clutch at his, now swollen, neck and he could feel panic bubbling up in him.
‘Don’t black out,’ he told himself as he tried to calm down and even out his breathing. ‘It’s fine. You’re fine.’
“Bruce!” Tony shouted as he deposited Peter on, what must have been, a bed in one of the exam rooms in the Tower MedBay. “He can’t breathe!”
An oxygen mask was shoved over Peter’s face but it did little to help him but he gripped it with a weak hand anyway, gasping into it and squinting his eye open. “Hey Peter,” Dr. Banner said in his usual calm voice, raising the bed up so Peter was sitting and grabbing a light and a tongue depressor. “I need you to open your mouth for me.”
Peter shakily nodded and dropped the mask to open his mouth, gagging on the tongue depressor and swaying a little at the loss of the little oxygen he was getting. Bruce swore and placed the mask back over Peter’s face, pressing a blue button on the wall and lowering Peter back to lie flat. “His airway is closing!”
“What!” Tony said, panicked and grabbing Peter’s hand to squeeze as the room burst to life with medical professionals. A nurse grabbed him and bodily pulled him from the room as he yelled for answers. Peter could feel his own panic bubbling up in his gut but he also felt like he may pass out and didn’t have the energy to explore it.
“Peter,” Bruce said firmly and calmly from directly above him as a nurse cut off his shirt and another placed an IV catheter in his arm. “Your throat is full of soot from the fire earlier and is causing your trachea to swell and close. We’re going to knock you out so we can place an endotracheal tube to help you breathe. It’s going to be jarring when you wake up later but it will be okay. I need you to trust me.”
Peter could feel tears welling up in his eyes and spilling over his face from the stress and effort but didn’t get a chance to respond before his muscles relaxed like wet clay and his vision spun into darkness.
“I’m on my way,” May Parker’s wet voice said through the phone as Tony paced up and down the hallway outside the room where the medical staff was working with Peter. “God Tony fuck!” She said, sounding out of breath as if she were running.
“Happy’s on his way to get you,” Tony promised her, trying to control his own racing heart and tensed nerves. “He’ll be there in ten minutes and he’ll get you back much faster than the bus. I’ve got him May. I promise I’ve got him.”
May let out a sob into the phone and Tony felt his heart clench. “If anything happens to him,” she said and Tony nodded. He knew. He understood.
“Just focus on getting here safely,” he told her as he stopped to stare at Peter’s door. “I’ll let you know when I hear something.”
“The very second you find anything out,” she told him firmly before hanging up the phone. Tony rubbed a hand over his face and dropped into one of the chairs that were spaced throughout the hall, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and closing his eyes.
Waking up to Peter panicking, pale and with blue lips was probably going to be in the top five worst experiences of his life and would definitely haunt his nightmares for weeks to come. Bruce hadn’t told him anything before ordering him removed from the room and his imagination was, most likely, worse than anything that was happening to Peter but he didn’t do well not knowing what was going on.
“Update FRI?” He asked his AI hopefully, tapping on the comm link he kept in his ear basically all of his waking hours.
“Sorry boss,” she said remorsefully. “Mr. Parker’s condition is classified.”
Tony’s stomach knotted further and he stood back up to pace again, unable to sit down and needing to work out his restless energy as he waited for an update on the kid. About fifteen minutes of nail biting later, Bruce slipped out of the room and gestured to Tony to sit back down.
“He’ll be okay,” he started out, making Tony sag in dizzying relief. His throat was filled with soot from the fire earlier and it caused his trachea to swell closed. We knocked him out to place an endotracheal tube until the swelling went down but it was already to severe so we had to perform a cricthyrotomy to establish a viable airway instead.”
Tony felt the blood drain from his face and he felt a little faint. “Talk to me like I’m an idiot Bruce,” he said, desperate and hoping it wasn’t what he thought it was. “I need you to lay it out for me.”
Bruce looked worried and reached out a hand to grab Tony’s wrist to take his pulse. “I need you to calm down,” Bruce said firmly. “Yes, this is scary but Peter is fine. With his healing abilities he’s going to make a full recovery and he’ll probably be back on his feet in just a couple days alright? Peter is out of danger but it isn’t going to help his recovery if you have a heart attack okay?”
Tony nodded, making a concentrated effort to do his four-seven-eight breathing and calm down. It took a couple minutes but Bruce was patient. “Better?” He asked and Tony nodded, gesturing with his hand for the other scientist to continue. “We had to make a small incision in Peter’s neck and trachea and insert an endotracheal tube through that incision since his upper airway was too swollen to allow it to pass. He is able to breath on his own with this in but we have him on supplemental oxygen just to support him. He is on a ventilator just to give his lungs a chance to recover but he can breathe on his own – its just supplemental alright? We’ve started epinephrine and steroid therapy to reduce the swelling and we’ll probably be able to remove the tube in twenty-four to thirty-six hours.”
“He’s okay though?” Tony asked a little desperately. “He’s fine?”
“Yes Tony,” Bruce told him with an indulgent smile. “He’s okay and he’ll make a full recovery.”
“Can I see him?” He asked, staring at the closed door.
“In a few minutes,” Bruce promised. “The nurses and respiratory therapists are getting him settled but then you can go in. Do you want to call his aunt and I can update her in the meantime?”
“Yeah,” Tony agreed, passing his phone over to Bruce and feeling his muscles unclench just the smallest amount.
The kid was okay.
Peter woke to the clicking and popping of artificial air and immediately panicked at he felt his chest rise and fall against his volition and he grasped at the loose gown resting over him before a gentle hand took his and pulled it away. “Hey kiddo its alright, you’re okay. You can breathe the machine is just helping a little.”
Peter cracked his eyes open and made eye contact with his mentor who was seated beside him. May was loosely gripping his hand on the other side, her head resting next to his arm on the bed and soft puffs of air hitting his skin as she slept. The machine clicked again and it took everything in Peter not to fight it. Tony ran his fingers over his knuckles in a soothing gesture.
“We’re going to have to work on your suit,” the man said with a little smile. “It’s getting a full respirator and oxygen tank. It’s going to be a challenge since its so sleek but I think, between the two of us, we can figure it out.” Peter let his brows furrow in confusion and Tony sighed. “Your throat closed up because of the smoke,” he said. “You’re going to be fine though.”
The ventilator clicked again and Peter squeezed his eyes shut and tried to keep calm. He had never done well with loss of control and he could feel his Spidey sense making his hairs raise and his adrenaline spike. He wanted to panic but the artificial breaths wouldn’t let him and it just made it so much worse.
“Hey hey,” Tony said soothingly, rubbing his free hand through Peter’s hair in a calming gesture. “It’s alright.” He gave Peter a considering look then hesitantly offered: “Want me to have them put you out?”
A thrill of relief shot though Peter and he squeezed his mentor’s hand in desperation as he pressed the call button. Peter couldn’t see the nurse but he heard Tony ask for the sedation like he was underwater, not calming until he could feel the cool rush of drugs in his veins.
“I’ve got you buddy,” the man said, a thumb rubbing over Peter’s cheekbone once before settling back in his hair. “You just check out for a while.”
The darkness was welcoming as Peter fell into it; feeling safe with his aunt and mentor watching over him.
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anxiouslyfred · 3 years
Investor Presentation
Summary: Virgil has dreaded meeting his soulmate because of how much fear they must feel from him, and today is going to be worse than usual because he’s got to present in front of the investors of the company he works for. It doesn’t help when small things keep going wrong.
Warnings: panic attack
Virgil dreaded meeting his soulmate. He'd always dreaded it, certain that whomever they were must be fed up and worn out of having all his fears dancing through them constantly. He's scared of yelling, of crowds, of doing presentations, of so many things and worries about even more so the emotions he shares with his soulmate could only be annoying or upsetting to them.
Back when he was in school the only way Virgil could ever make friends or get through group projects was convincing himself as much as he could that it was reversed. That his emotions were the confidence, the simmering anger and flooding excitement that bubbled in the back of his head while the fear and need to escape that took over his senses actually belonged to his soulmate. The belief would never last for long, but imagining it helped at least. It got him through the interviews for his current job even.
Hopefully Virgil would be able to convince himself the emotions were the wrong way around today too. He needed all the confidence and energy he could to manage the presentation this afternoon. When his team leader had asked that he do it, Virgil had thought it would be fine, but with every thing he'd learnt since then his fear that this would be what got him fired had grown. After all, it was a presentation for the company investors to explain what their team did and how a new system would change their roles, both the predicted positives and his concerns for the functionality that might be lost while adapting to it.
Virgil knew it all perfectly and was completely confident in that, and not at all wanting to hide in the supply cupboard until the meeting would have been cancelled.
/Over to a Company Investor\
Remus was excited today. He'd only recently thought that perhaps he could try his hand at investing, and of course followed that by putting all his available funds into the first company that caught his interest and was open for investors. He hadn't thought that came with attending meeting and having a say in what happened but couldn't be more thrilled to join in.
Besides this company specialised in comfort items and stim toys so maybe whenever Remus found his soulmate he could help them. He could comfort them from whatever has them so scared so constantly through their life.
That was Remus's hope at least.
“Hello, can you just sign in here, and I'll lead you through to the meeting room the investors are all gathering in.” The man who'd opened the door was already carrying a thick folder alongside his laptop so just nodded towards the sign in desk.
Remus followed him through curiously, wondering if anyone would actually check the sign in sheet. He never included the right contact details on the sheet and sometimes got rather interesting responses when it was realised. Part of his mind was also distracted by growing nerves coming from his soulmate and the concentration on lying to themself. He'd wondered for a while what that lie was.
While thinking that he'd been led to a large meeting room that his guide was now holding the door open to. “I've been told you're the last of our investors to arrive so I'll leave you a while to get a drink and get settled before the meeting starts.” The man nodded, but placed the folder and laptop down near the front of the room before disappearing out of a side door quickly.
“And you must be Remus Nastys. I'm the manager of the company, Oliver Leband. Please have a seat or get a drink and some of the cakes we've provided for the meeting. Did Virgil introduce himself while bringing you through?” A relaxed man in a suit quickly came over, holding out a hand to shake although he blinked and immediately tried pulling it back when Remus essentially threw their arms up and down rapidly.
“Was that who the fellow was? He seemed to have rather a lot to carry and distracting him.” Remus glanced back towards the door Virgil had disappeared through. He didn't care for introductions either, if someone didn't want to introduce themself it just gave him more opportunities for nicknames.
Oliver nodded, “Yes, once of the best analysts we have. He's very thorough and was asked to give today's presentation.” He explained. “This will be your first investors meeting so can I ask what drew you to the company?”
“The products.” Remus readily replied, now hurrying away towards the cake, but certain he was being followed. The manager had that energy of learning everything he could about people's motives. “My soulmate seems to be anxious or scared a lot of the time, and I thought if I had stock in a company like this maybe I can help them whenever we meet.”
“A noble decision and one I'm sure plenty of my staff would agree with. Here we employ a lot of people who use stim toys and comfort objects to get them through the day, and often they've expressed additional pride in making the products more accessible for the people who need them.” Remus tuned out then, ignoring the clearly often repeated pitch in favour of getting a sliver of everything on the table onto his plate. It would be ungodly sweet which sounded perfect if everyone in this meeting was going to be so money focused.
Before Remus could confirm that by talking to anyone else a shot of anxiety almost enough to pause his breathing came from his soulmate and the door opened as Virgil came back in.
“Good Afternoon our esteemed investors and the leaders of our company. Welcome to today's meeting. Please allow me a few moments to ensure the technology is set up correctly for our presentation.” Virgil's confidence felt like a lie to Remus but he couldn't figure out how. It looked almost identical to how he felt when confident, minus the too wide for people to be comfortable smile.
With the meeting soon to be beginning Remus was free to watch as the smile Virgil had wore while introducing fell at the knot of wires he found while trying to link the laptop to the projector. The was another spike of anxiety at that point too and Remus was one step away from declaring them soulmates and stepping in. Over the years he'd learnt to wait for multiple evidences since declaring soulmates on the first had just caused a lot of arguments with people he'd only recently met.
Eventually though Virgil got the projector set up and working without any more emotional changes noticeably coming from either him or Remus's soulmate so there wouldn't be any interruption from Remus just yet.
“Good Afternoon Everyone. I welcome you to our offices. I am Virgil Fry, one of the product analysts of the company. Today I've been asked to give you all a presentation on the new programme that's being brought in for my team, along with the benefits it has for our-” Everything fell silent as not only the projector turned off but all the lights in the room as well. There were still large windows covering one wall so it was still pretty bright in there.
Remus watched as Virgil collapsed behind the desk, clearly panicking at the same time time the feelings from his soulmate went into panic attack levels. He'd had to describe the feelings multiple times to understand that was likely what was happening but was thankful he had.
Now that meant he could move around the table while Oliver checked on the other investors and kept the room calm to Virgil's side.
“Yo, can you breathe for me?” He asked, reaching out with one hand but pulling his arm back as soon as the other flinched and shook his head. “Okay, that's fine. How about you tell me 5 things you can feel?” It was one of the grounding exercises Remus had managed to memorise by imagining all the weird or specific answers you could give that would confuse people into being quiet.
“The certainty that I'm going to get fired for this mess up as soon as Oliver turns around.” Virgil muttered, head hidden in his knees.
“I doubt he's going to fire someone who's likely the soulmate of an investor, but that's a good start. Come on, 4 more things you can feel?” Remus commented when nothing more was added.
The comment had Virgil's eyes shooting up to look at him and hitting his head on the desk in the move. “Um, definitely feel the desk just there and the legs are digging into my back at a weird angle. That's 2 more right?” He mumbled.
“So 2 more things you can feel and then you can decide if we're finishing this grounding technique.” Remus encouraged, but reached out to start checking his head for any bumps automatically.
“The fingers of a random investor in my hair? And my nails digging into my knees. Why are you trying to help me?” Virgil wasn't moving away from the touch so Remus took it as permission to carry on while shrugging.
He grinned, meeting the presentors eyes for a moment. “Well when I've literally been able to match the emotions from my soulmate to your reactions since you came back in, I'm kind of going with, we're soulmates and I wanna look after you. Currently torn between stealing that folder to take over the presentation for you or claiming the soulmate rights to take you home so we can talk for longer.”
For a moment it looked like Virgil was going to argue before he paused. Instead a hand reached out and Remus thought he was about to get a hug, perking up a little, only to get shoved backwards. As he blinked up in complete shock he felt humour make it's way through the anxiety at the back of his head.
“Well my soulmate felt shocked at the same time so yeah, I think I can believe we're soulmates, but you're not doing either of those things. We're getting the emergency generator on and then figuring out what Oliver wants to do with this disruption.” Virgil didn't give time for him to respond, already jumping up and heading out from the desk.
When Remus got up to follow him, Virgil was already muttering to his manager in one corner, getting a nod before grabbing Remus's hand and leaving the room. “So we're likely soulmates and you're taller than me. That means you're flipping the switch on the generator. Oliver is going to reschedule the meeting now since I can't be away from the team, especially if work has been lost with this power cut. He's given permission for you to stick around and learn more about how I work for today.”
Remus could only nod along, feeling the nerves behind Virgil trying to make the decisions for the day, and fear he guessed was over how he might react to it. “Sounds like fun. Can I even have a go at doing it for you?”
“Literally only if you're prepared for me to correct you the second you do something other than the bits I show you.” Virgil cautioned, but at least seemed calmer than before now.
It wasn't as safe as Remus was hoping to make his soulmate feel, but calmer he could work with for now.
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onyourzeus · 4 years
• stress-free | kwp
ykcyj ➝ arskyh
title: stress-free pairing: kim wonpil (of day6) & you (she/her pronouns) genre: FLUFF, college!au words: 3.4k
author’s note: @pirimiritiddy​ requested a fic about wonpil, and here it is. it went on for longer than i previously planned, buuuuut. i hope it’s still okay aaaa 
(this is the 1st time i’ve written something for wonpil so if i get his personality wrong, i do apologize. i am also a baby myday huhu)
this dot fic (bullet style) is part of the falling asleep on the bus scenario that i intend to write for each day6 member. check out the others: dowoon (currently only 2/5 completed)
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
wonpil hates his schedule for this winter term 
who assigns a class that is only available at seven in the evening??
3 times a week
did he mention it’s a major lecture he’s required to take?? 
psychology of stress, more like
this class is giving him the kind of stress it is specifically warning its students about 
anyway, what can he say. he chose this major, there’s only 1 more term after this one and then finally: graduation
it’ll be fine, he’ll live
thank the heavens they didn’t need to attend the first two meetings, but some reading material was provided 
and was expected by the professor to have been read and reflected upon 
the class is really living up to its name because when wonpil opened the pdf 
it was 30 pages of tiny font sized sentences (for ants!) about the definition of stress and how it affects every part of the body yada yada yada
wonpil tried. he really tried 
that is to say he fell asleep on his desk while going over the same 20th page of the document 
if it weren’t for jae shaking him awake, he’d miss his first night class 
it would’ve been nice… if only the professor didn’t take attendance (something about being generous enough to make the first 2 classes “free,” so everyone has an obligation to come in for the remainder of the semester)
great, he’s stuck freezing his ass off just walking to the bus stop alone 
hopefully they turn the heater all the way up in the auditorium or else
the thousands spent in tuition would have literally been for nothing
overdramatic wonpil, can you blame him 
he thinks about reading the remaining 10 pages on the bus, even if he knows nothing of value will be absorbed
he wants to tries anyway, he does feel a little bit refreshed from that impromptu nap 
the bus has arrived, and it’s packed as usual; a lot of the students riding the shuttle are just yet to take off in the following stops
wonpil squeezes his way inside, 30 pages of stress psychology research gripped in both hands 
“excuse me, sorry,” wonpil mumbles, eyeing for a spot to sit to make him comfortable 
because once all the people standing up leave, it’s usually a race for the exit 
he’ll never understand college students
finally, he sees an empty seat way in the back. there was a girl on one end and two other students who seem to be ready to get off on the right side
wonpil doesn’t mind sitting next to someone, but once those 2 are gone he’ll just scoot over to give the girl on the left some privacy 
she seems very much in deep sleep anyway, wonpil wonders if her stop is coming or she’s riding to go to campus? 
wonpil doesn’t have time to think about other people, it causes him unnecessary stress
once sat down, his eyes focus on the last page he left off of 
the words register as gibberish in his brain, and with the bus moving so much it makes it even more difficult to follow along the paragraphs
wonpil takes in a deep breath, holds it in, and sighs very heavily 
his patience is usually the best out of his friends, but this class is turning more and more into the psychology of how to get you stressed tf out instead 
the bus nears its next stop, and the two people on his side stand up to leave, yes he can breathe normal air
hold on
his shoulder feels heavy 
turning his head slightly, for some reason once the bus had stopped its engine the girl’s head had flipped over to lean against wonpil’s shoulder instead 
oh no oh no oh no 
his shoulders suddenly freeze, as if blasted with a ray gun filled with ice 
it’s heavy and he can’t move, it’s numb and this girl’s hair is splayed all over his his sweater 
and she
she smells of coffee, and wonpil inhales it in
it’s not foul or anything, but it’s definitely exuding notes of espresso bean and freshly roasted coffee 
it makes wonpil feel a little more awake 
but he still can’t move his shoulders, and suddenly he’s panicking because the bus started moving again and even though capacity has lessened by 80%
someone decided to sit on the other end of the row he’s at
so if he even attempts to move, he’ll still be seated next to someone 
wonpil grumbles, lower lip jutting forward
something shifts
and he realizes he shook his shoulders a little bit with his frustration
“ah…” he exclaims inaudibly, panicking at the possibility that he had woken her up from her nap
wonpil tenses up, shoulders stiff and eyes peering at his side to see what she’s up to
she lifts her head just a few inches off of wonpil’s shoulder, and for a moment he’s relieved that maybe she realizes what’s going on
but wonpil only hears a soft yawn coming from her, and she returns to using his very rigid shoulder as her pillow during this bus ride
let’s just say that the next thirteen minutes was more stress-inducing than wonpil wanted it to be
right when the bus reaches the final stop (main campus), wonpil exerts any and all efforts he has to shake his shoulder, up and down, enough to elicit an awake response from this stranger 
the moment he feels her let up, wonpil dashes through that bus door like there’s no tomorrow
he is greeted with the coldest wind hitting his face, and his shoulder feeling numb from all the.. pillow roleplaying it did, if you will 
wonpil feels bad, borderline guilty for leaving her like that— what if she’s asleep until now?? he can almost hear soft snores from her end for a minute there, too, and it took so much of wonpil to resist chuckling at it while in panic mode simultaneously
suffice to say, he was not able to read the rest of the document
in wonpil’s defense, he had encountered it first hand — how stress overcomes one’s body and mind 
he forces himself to focus on what’s ahead, as boring as it sounds
he enters the lecture hall with a few minutes so spare, deciding to sit in the back
the projector screens are big and wonpil is not about to take his chances of getting called on today
luckily enough, he finds a row with visibly no other student sitting around the area 
shoulder feeling more alive, he comes back to his senses as well 
he takes off his outer sweater as it had become toastier inside. he still had a couple layers beneath his clothes
as the professor starts talking, wonpil finds himself yawning a few times
he doesn’t know if the video playing on screen is boring him or the girl in the bus affected his sleepiness
suddenly he remembers the smell of coffee, and how that’d sound real good right about now 
he slaps both of his cheeks lightly, trying to take him back in the zone of at least writing down important notes 
he’s on the fifth bullet point of his note-taking when the door behind him opens abruptly
it wasn’t loud or disrupting to the whole class, virtually no one even batted an eye
but thats because they’re far from the door
and wonpil is literally ten feet away, so when he feels the cold suddenly hit his back he had to know the source of the sudden hit in temperature
the class hadn’t been going on for less than an hour, and there have been students coming in on the other end of the auditorium
so wonpil isn’t that surprised that another student has just arrived 
he caught a glimpse of her hair, but that’s about it as wonpil goes back to his tedious notes 
until the very same person scoots herself in wonpil’s row
he huffs under his breath, the illusion of some privacy now shattered 
with a polite (semi-forced) smile, wonpil turns to the side to greet his classmate
again, wonpil becomes frozen in spot 
kind of like when you feel a magnetic pull somewhere, you follow it
and then suddenly you see it from afar, not believing your eyes if it’s actually real; if it’s actually there
in wonpil’s case, he’s one seat away from her
recognizing the flow of her hair, but more importantly
that distinct scent of coffee beans from her clothes 
this time, wonpil has a clear look on her face and he’s… speechless 
his polite smile has turned into a look of awe, eyes glued towards her 
she senses his gaze, turns to him and quickly bows down as a polite greeting 
“sorry, but has the class been going on for a while?” 
she speaks 
“oh, um, what— what?” 
“oh,” she looks confused, but rephrases her question, “what time did the class start? i had a hard time finding this lecture hall.” 
she’s talking to him, not just leaning her head on his shoulder
was all wonpil could say 
“it started at 7? cool, i’m not that late then!” she cheers, grinning shyly. wonpil watches the way she puts a strand of hair tucked beneath her ear. she’s pulling out her laptop from her bag when she notices a pair of wide eyes still on her person
“is… is this seat taken?” she asks, and wonpil hasn’t even taken in the fact that this is the same person from the bus 
tongue-tied wonpil strikes again, blinking back his own obliviousness to her question
“i mean— no, now it is, by you. you’re sitting there, um, i— feel free to sit wherever you want”
he’s scrambling for his words, flustered cheeks heating up amidst the warmth of the room
she just nods her head in understanding, and wonpil finally realizes he’s been staring at her direction for longer than he should have
the professor verbalized into her mic which causes wonpil to look to the front all of a sudden 
right, right. he’s at a lecture. what’s gotten him so fidgety and embarrassed and now all that he’s pretending to type on his google doc is
just so he looks busy next to the girl who fell asleep on him on the bus
was there any point in preoccupying his mind with thoughts of her, and her head resting on him? no it’s stupid, wonpil knows this. 
people do it all the time, by accident, due to exhaustion, they don’t mean a thing by it
but wonpil is curious, and this is going to kill him. for sure
so he peeks at her again, and like a normal, decent student that she is (compared to wonpil at this point let’s be real) her hands are busy hand writing whatever the professor was saying
meanwhile, wonpil continues to sdfjskgnglddfjs his way to a passing B in this class
even in this large, spacious lecture hall he can still take in her scent
maybe it’s a new perfume that’s up and coming, that’s why it smells so strongly on her
oh! he can ask that? hey, do you mind sharing what line of perfume you’re using? it smells really good
it sounds like a common question, right? i mean if you wear strong fragrances you’re bound to be asked a question about it
he’s about to ask, he really was so ready to ask, what was he gonna lose? his dignity? 
over a simple, inquisitive question? 
“and now before we go on a twenty minute break, it’s time to introduce yourself to the person sitting close to you”
why do college professors have to do this? 
wonpil bites his lip, at this point in time he’s a senior who’s fed up with ice breakers like this. if it were any other person sitting next to him, in front of him, behind him— he would just go with his usual introduction
“hi i’m kim wonpil, studying psychology and i graduate in the spring. i’m taking this class for a major requirement” 
then go about his merry way.
but with her? she and him have history
sort of, and it’s the kind of history that is recent and wonpil is unsure if she is even aware of the weird string of fate-like connection they have 
or, wonpil, hear your consciousness out
it’s not a big deal, and in the scenario she doesn’t remember she fell asleep on the bus on another person
then you can just say hi like usual, and cut the string of fate there and then
(but does wonpil really want that?)
oh crap she’s started it 
wonpil braces himself for whatever outcome this interaction comes out to. he’ll let her speak, and tailor his response from there
“i’m sorry, this might be really weird but that’s your sweater, right?” 
so she didn’t give her name, her major, anything substantial about herself but instead shoots wonpil a question
pointing at the sweater that’s draped on the seat in front of wonpil
wonpil doesn’t even check to look. he gulps, nods his head and squeaks, “yeah… why?” 
something in her eyes flash by, almost like a glint of recognition
she puts a hand on her mouth, and wonpil can make out the faintest shade of pink blushing its way to her ears
it’s kinda cute
“did someone happen to… fall asleep on you on the bus coming to campus today?” 
“... yes?” 
“that was me” she buries her face even further into her hands, almost lowering down to the chair 
wonpil thought she was gonna fall for some reason so he had to remedy the situation somewhat
“i.. i, um, did you have a good nap?” 
great comeback 
wonpil was so ready to leave the auditorium and never come back after the break
but he hears her giggle, and slowly come out of her shyness
and it’s a sweet sight, to finally see the way her cheeks look full of embarrassed laughter
as she twirls around a length of hair nervously
and taps the pen on the surface of her desk repeatedly 
it was endearing, and wonpil forgets about why he was panicking in the first place 
she then explains that she had work the whole day, and only had an hour to rest up before going to this 7pm class
wonpil listens intently, watching her mannerisms and the lilt in her voice when she continues to apologize for falling asleep on him without realizing it
“i’m not usually a deep sleeper, but work was exceptionally tiring today and i just needed at least a bit of shut eye” wonpil nods understandingly, almost worried about her health
“where do you work if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“at the coffee shop a few blocks away from campus,” she answers, head tilting to the side “i’m still wearing my uniform for it… is it too obvious?”
wonpil didn’t even realize her black long sleeves was a cafe uniform
but it did explain her strong coffee smell 
“something like that,” wonpil decided to say, curling his lips upward, feeling content and relieved at the turnout of events 
for the 20 minute break, wonpil thought they’d reconcile over what transpired between them and mind their own business soon enough— even if he thinks it’s hard to do that now knowing something about her
which intrigues wonpil 
and, quite frankly, he’d like to talk to her more
just so he has an excuse to watch her emotions paint her face beautifully
but there was a pause right after their short conversation 
and in real Awkward Wonpil Fashion, he shows her the 30 page reading material, in all of its flimsy glory and starts asking questions about it
“so uh did you read the whole thing? i thought it was interesting up until the part that i dozed off” 
and wonpil got his wish; he sees her eyes shine in surprise at his sudden attempt of an intellectual discussion
but she doesn’t deter him away
and actually, she’s read the whole damn thing. and wonpil was beyond amazed at the level of detail she explains to him about the parts he didn’t understand
he actually starts typing real notes while she was talking
this made her laugh in between her explanations, and wonpil didn’t understand what was so funny about
the fight or flight response
“it’s just. the way you’re typing this down so seriously, i’m sure the prof can explain it better”
wonpil shakes his head no, shakes it so much it hurt his temples
she laughs again, and he likes hearing that sound
“do you want to see what i’ve typed the past hour and a half of this class?’
“bet :p”
“actually nevermind” flashbacks of dsfkjsdjffdslkg ring true in wonpil’s mind as he quickly backspaces the nonsense in his notes
and the conversation continues from more psychology talks, to figuring out they’re in the same major but she’s a recent transfer student from last year 
and had been juggling work and school since the start of her senior year
wonpil wonders why he hasn’t seen her in the coffee shop yet
he would have done a double take the first time meeting her there for sure
“oh you’re too kind,” she suddenly replies??? 
wonpil had said his thoughts out loud 
without further embarrassing him, she says that she had only started working there since it’s more convenient for her; wonpil feels grateful she doesn’t dwell on the compliment any longer
alas, the break finishes and the droll of the professor’s voice reverberates throughout the room
this time, though, wonpil definitely feels more alert (awake enthusiastic) as the two of them exchange little comments about the class material
and before you know it, class is over and wonpil is an excited bunny. since they’re by the door they got to leave before everyone else
wonpil thinks it’s time to part ways… but this time they’re not fully strangers at all. they’re taking the same class, same major, they even know each other’s name. 
surely this isn’t the last time, right?
“hey, wonpil…” he didn’t even realize that they have started walking towards the bus stop together
“i think i owe you one,” she starts, stopping her tracks to face him. eyebrows up in hesitation, wonpil waits for her to finish
“you know, for taking over your personal space for my own comfort”
“oh that? haha that’s nothing :)” honestly if wonpil can do it again he’d volunteer in a heartbeat
“no, really. let me make it up to you. coffee? on me? i make a mean cappuccino” she winks 
it strikes through wonpil’s heart 
no need for resuscitation.. yet
“or a matcha latte? whatever you’d like it’ll be on me”
“anything!” wonpil exclaims, suddenly realizing the offer being given to him, the excitement bubbling up inside him again. “i mean, anything you’d like to have me try. surprise me,” he corrects himself
that manages to have her grin widely, eyes twinkling in excitement similar to wonpil’s and he thinks
they can get along
they can get to know each other better this way 
“would you be up to go for one now?” 
“oh— oh! now?” 
“yeah, that way none of us takes the risk of falling asleep back on the bus hehe” 
well, he really wouldn’t mind that happening a second time
“really now, wonpil?”
andddd he exposed himself again
it’s fine, she tugs his hand slightly to lead him to the bus that has arrived and wonpil follows in a daze
it’s a little full, so they have no other choice but to stand and hold onto the railings above
“guess no falling asleep here…” she teases, and now wonpil can’t use his hands to hide his blushing face
but the feeling of her just close by 
and the scent of coffee lingering in the air
in between them
just inches away from each other
it’ll do for now
25 notes · View notes
bichlordstories · 3 years
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3: class 1b
“...We will be seeing you at UA, (L/n)-san!” The white stoat/rat thing said before the projector shut off.
As expected, you passed UA’s exams, coming in at number 1 with 88 villain points and 0 rescue points. You did okay on the written exams, and you were the best one in the physical exam, but what bothered you was the rescue points.
Sure, you showed that you were great in combat, but rescuing people? Apparently not.
You’ll have to do better.
Your mother was thrilled, to say the least. Nervous but proud.
You stopped by the hospital to donate blood, briefly mentioning that you got in, which earned you a bunch of happy nurses, doctors, and patients congratulating you.
All in all, that day was pretty uneventful, and you were content with that. That day, you just quietly went on a walk, pet a few dogs that you met on your stroll, and best of all?
No green haired brat plaguing your thoughts.
It was the calm before the storm. The storm being the first day of UA.
Oh god.
You were admittedly a little nervous, but you were fine otherwise.
Until you weren’t.
In front of a large door with an A on it stood him. The green haired Bitch.
How did he get into UA????
You wanted to beat the kid here and now, but you didn’t wish to be late, so instead you walked his way and purposely bumped into him. He let out grunt in surprise and looked your way, wide-eyed.
“Move it, prick!” You said while continuing down the hallway.
You didn’t look back, but you knew he was staring at you. Either in anger or fear, you didn’t know, nor did you fucking care.
All you could tell yourself to calm your nerves was that you both weren’t in the same class, so you won’t be in the same room with him for the next 3 years.
“1B...” you said to yourself once coming across the classroom you were supposed to be in.
It was another big door with a large B instead of an A. You could hear chattering inside, mostly calm with some loud voices. Taking a slow, deep breathe, you slid the door open, quieting the room a bit. Seeing as you weren’t the teacher, everyone went back to chatting with some eyes lingering on your intimidating form.
A girl with orange hair got up from her chair and walked towards you with a friendly smile that held no malicious intent and waved her hand a bit.
“Hi there! My name is Kendo Itsuba, nice to meet you!” The girl said with a respectful bow.
You gripped your bag tightly for some unknown reason and forced your name out because you had manners.
“I couldn’t help but notice that you looked a bit nervous and want to help you settle in, you know, since you’re new and all?” She tilted her head as if to see if you could understand what she meant.
“We’re all new here, are we not?” You asked in a more rhetorical way.
She blinked at you in surprise, trying to process your bluntness.
“Ah, well, I mean everyone else is well acquainted with each other and you just seem-“
“Lonely? I’m sorry, but I’m not here because I felt lonely, I’m here because I’m going to become a hero. You can keep your friendship to yourself.” You stated bluntly and walked over to an empty seat in the back.
“Oi! What’s the hell is up with you punk!? She was just being nice!” A guy with what you assumed was some sort of crazy eye-lash/mask mix yelled at you.
You ignored him, simply sitting down in your desk and staring forward. The guy, not liking your silence, walked over to your desk and slammed his hands down, catching everybody else’s attention.
“TetsuTetsu-san, please don’t-“ Kendo started but was interrupted by the silver haired kid.
“Listen to me when I’m talking to you- AYE!!!! Do you think you’re better than me!?” He yelled in your face, spit flying.
Now this pissed you off, so you reacted.
You grabbed the guy’s index finger and pulled it really far back, earning a high pitched shriek from the guy. You grabbed his wrist once it lifted off the desk and held it in place while holding his finger back in an uncomfortable and threatening position. He fell to his knees, whimpering quietly and grabbing onto your arm with his free hand helplessly.
You leaned into his face, breathe tickling his nose and spoke in an eerily calm voice, eyes soulless and locked onto his own.
“I am not here to make friends nor enemies, but if you start something with me, I will end it. Am I understood?” You said.
When he didn’t respond, you pushed his finger back, earning a groan and a whine.
“Y-yes, yes! Please!” He almost cried out before you released, letting him drop onto the floor.
“T-TetsuTetsu!” Kendo said and rushed over to help him up along with two other kids.
One of them, a brown haired kid, muttered something to the effect of ‘psycho bastard’ to which he earned a side glance from you. The other one was a completely black kid, like, vantablack with white hair who elbowed the guy in the side to shut him up.
The guy, TetsuTetsu, didn’t take any of their help, opting to get up and speed walk away with his head down. Every single student in the classroom avoided eye contact with you after that and left you alone until the teacher came in.
It was a large man, I mean, large as in Endeavour large. The man wore a rather tasteless skin tight suit, which gave you the indication that he was a super hero. He stood behind the desk at the front and placed a hand onto the desk, seeming to glare into the souls of everyone.
“I am Sekijiro Kan, your homeroom teacher for this year.” He said in a gruff but calm voice before turning towards the door of the room.
“You all can leave your stuff here for the orientation, it won’t take an hour.” He said.
The rest was mostly unimportant Bs to you. It was just some sort of welcoming ceremony, something that took up 30 important minutes of your first year of UA.
Luckily, to make up for sitting and doing nothing, your teacher had you all go out to do a quirk apprehension test after lunch that day.
“(L/n)-san, you’re up.” He said, resetting the timer.
Before you walked toward the man, Kendo gave you a thumbs up and smiled brightly, acting as though you two were acquaintances.
“Good luck, (L/n)-san!” She said.
You side glanced her, wondering just what the hell she wanted from you before grunting in response.
You stood on the line where you seemingly would race some hairy kid that looked like a werewolf if anything. When Sekijiro told you both to start, he wasn’t exactly expecting a large sandy dust cloud to explode and engulf the both of you, er, well, Shishiba.
At the end of the line stood you, veins and muscles popping out more than usual. The whites of your eyes were red, as though all the veins burst inside your eyes, leaving just your strikingly (e/c) irises to stand out.
Blood trailed down your nose and you wiped it away, awaiting your results.
“0.5 seconds.” Sekijiro stated, hiding the fact that he was impressed.
“Eeeeeh!?” The class yelled out.
“That- that was too fast!”
“Is their quirk super speed!?”
“Their eyes! Why are they all red all of the sudden!?”
They would soon realize that you weren’t just fast...
You beat everyone in just about every test, making some of them question their own worth as a hero. The kid, Tetsutetsu look as though he could piss himself any minute just watching you crush the machine to death with just your left hand.
It didn’t help that you were covered in crimson, soaking your blue UA PE uniform in your own blood.
‘Damn it, this is definitely gonna stain.’ You thought in irritation and breathed in, only to cough out some liquid in surprise.
You realized that you couldn’t breathe right, your lungs were heavier than normal, and every breathe you tried to take, it felt as though there was water gurgling inside of your chest.
Instead of panicking from being unable to breathe properly, you simply got on your hands and pushed your bottom half off the ground, placing you into a hand stand. You closed your mouth, feeling metallic liquid gush down into your mouth due to gravity. While you did this, everyone around you stared at your odd display.
Vlad, although was impressed by your handstand, was confused as to why you were doing such a thing until you opened your mouth.
A waterfall of blood rushed out of your mouth and onto the ground below, forming a small puddle beneath you. After the last of the blood left your lungs, you slammed your legs back down, putting you in a bear crawl position and then got up.
You spat blood to your side and rubbed your bloody nose to relieve an itch while your classmates stood there, stunned, horrified, and disgusted.
Vlad almost went slack jawed before you looked over to him.
“I apologize, I had too much blood in my lungs.” You stated while brushing the sand off of your hands onto your blood soaked jeans.
“Heh!?” The class yelled once more.
At the end of apprehension test, you were placed at number 1, unsurprisingly. You wanted nothing more than to shower the sticky layers of blood off of you, and nobody stopped you.
That didn’t stop the class from talking about you however.
“Did you see what that kid did??? They are totally fucking metal!” A guy with his teeth showing, Honenuki, exclaimed to his new friend group.
“Yeah, too bad they got a shitty attitude to match.” The vantablack kid, Kuroiro said.
“You think they’re a tsundere?” A kid with a speech bubble for a head said.
“Tsundere??? Like as in an asshole that’s secretly a blushy school girl on the inside?” A blonde, Monoma, butted in.
The group began chuckling at the thought of you blushing and squealing “Baka!” While wearing some girly clothing.
“Guys.” Shiozaki said with her arms crossed.
They turned to the plant girl with eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, Shiozaki-Chan?” Honenuki asked.
“They’re sitting right behind you.” She said simply.
She was right. You were sitting right behind them in your spot, staring right at them with an unreadable expression, hands held together and elbows on the table.
Needless to say, the small group shut up for the rest of the day.
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You awake, dazed, vision blurry and head foggy. All you know is that it’s hot - but your skin is dry, and it doesn’t bother you. You sit up, rub your eyes to wipe the sleep from your eyes. You are still wearing the white cotton summer dress, but when you look up, you are no longer at the midsummer picnic with all of your friends. Instead you are surrounded by towering spires that stretch up into the red mist miles above you. Large creatures soar between these volcanic towers, letting out an echoing screech. 
“Welcome,” you hear.
Turning to face the voice, you see a tall and handsome man, holding out his hand. You take it, and he pulls you to your feet. 
“Where am I?” You ask, voice hoarse.
“I can imagine you’re quite confused. You’re in Hell. Allow me to introduce myself - Lucifer. You may have heard of me.” 
“But if you’re...and I’m in...that must mean I’m...”
“Dead. Yes. You...drowned. It was quite the scene. Would you like to hear more?” Lucifer answers.
You nod slowly, bewildered. Just moments ago you were in the sun, surrounded by your friends, your family not too far. How could you be dead? Maybe it’s all a dream...
Lucifer tucks your hand into the crease of his elbow and begins walking. “Well, this is going to be quite hard to hear, and everyone’s memory is always a bit hazy when they first arrive. But you were down by the river, cooling off from the intense sunshine whilst enjoying your annual picnic with your friends and your family and their families. You and your friends had enjoyed a few drinks, as you’re allowed to, and you went down into the water with that boy. The others can’t see you, and all you’re doing is...splashing around...but then you lose your footing-”
“And I go under the water...the current...”
“Yes, the current was strong. You hit your head, and with the drinks you’d had, you had no control. And that boy...rather than helping you, he...put his foot on your chest...pressed down until...well, I’m sure you know.”
“So...I was murdered?” You ask aloud, despite knowing the answer.
You stop, turn to face him. “But if I’m in Hell...where’s the screams of pain? The torture? The Seven Circles? Purgatory? Demons and...why don’t you look like all those, no offence, awful paintings of you?”
“I appear differently to everyone. Sometimes I do look like those paintings you mentioned, but usually only to those who know they’ve done the worst things. Despite knowing how awful they are, and how much they fear this place and, myself, they continue to do it. So they see what they expect. Others see the goat image, which is frankly my least favourite. Sometimes I’m a woman. But you seem to just see me as another generic man in a suit,” he begins. “As for the landscape, again it varies for the person. Some wake up immediately in their personal Hellscapes, others must be taken, and a rare few like yourself just appear in random locations, and I have to lead them to where they will reside. Does that make sense?”
You nod again, but your mind is far. 
“You still seem perplexed. Would you like an example?”
“No...I just...I don’t know what I did for me to end up in Hell...”
“Ah, I have something that might help you with that. Follow me.”
You follow him through a maze of volcanic rocks and spires, over a river of lava, past pits and locked doors. He brings you to a rather well-constructed...cave? He unlocks it, and inside there are shelves upon shelves of boxes; as you walk past them, you can see they’re alphabetised, spotting a few famous monichers. You both come to a stop, he searches, then pulls out a box. Your name is engraved in the top; you open it, and inside is a small glowing sphere. 
“Your memories. Sort of. Memories of all the sins you have committed, whether you knew they were sins or not. Hold on tight to that.”
He waves his hand, and you follow him out of the cave of memories, into another cave. Inside, a large throne-like chair on a raised podium; Lucifer takes you to a bowl filled with...water? He takes the box from you, takes the bead and drops it in the bowl. Suddenly, the room is illuminated with a projector screen, and images of yourself. 
“There are quite a few that end up here without an understanding of why. So they come to one of these projection rooms, and figure it out for themselves, once they know, off they go to their punishment.”
“Isn’t that your job?”
“Seven billion people on Earth, and millions dying every day. I can’t possibly deal with each one of them. Only particularly interesting cases I deal with by hand, like you.”
“Why me?”
“Find out, won’t we? Make yourself comfortable, all you have to do is touch a memory with your hand to watch it, or to stop it, I have other matters to deal with, as always.”
Lucifer leaves. You glance up at the projections, a pang of sadness as you catch some images where you’re smiling and laughing, surrounded by the closest people, their names flashing across your brain. You begin with the earliest memory, tapping on what seems like air. The picture expands, you’re still young, possibly around five years old. You take a seat, and watch.
- - - 
You spend days watching, re-watching, rewinding, repeating your memories, but none seem to show a clear sin. And each time, you reverse the mistake you made - apologies, honesty, helping, fixing. You don’t know, but Lucifer keeps watch over you from the door of the viewing room, also confused as to why you had landed in his domain. There must be something that damned you to Hell.
One day, you are rewatching a memory of yourself in your teen years where you make a passing comment about a friend that turns into a widespread rumour. There’s a human shriek not far from the room. You pause the video, rush to see the commotion. A newcomer had landed in the river of lava; you run, pulling him out of the current on to the ground, cradling his head and reassuring him that it will be okay, but his lower-half has disintegrated, and he cries in pain. You don’t notice them, but demons surround you both and watch in awe and shock. Lucifer arrives, and then he sees it.
“Help him!” You beg.
“It’s too late, the only thing he can do now is go down the River Lethe. Someone take him away.” Lucifer explains, sending him to the river of forgetfulness, so he can forget his pain and his memories on Earth. “From there he will receive his sentencing.”
The man is taken away by a group of demons. 
“That poor man...” You say, hands still resting on your lap as if his head is still there.
“It happens, most don’t make it. I think I know where you need to be. Come,” Lucifer says, and like that first day, he helps you from the ground. 
Once again, you’re following him through a maze of pathways. You have walked through the towers before, you know the routes. You don’t know how long it’s been, but you pretty much have the map memorised, but then, he takes you down an unknown route, darker, and...cooler. 
“Did you figure out why you’re here?” Lucifer asks, still walking.
“No! I have watched those memories countless times, but I...I still don’t know why. I made up for all of them.”
You’re suddenly walking through an open expanse, where a door stands alone. The air is colder, the colours bluer. Lucifer leads you right outside that door, then stops.
“I know why you ended up here.”
“Why? Am I...about to...finally be punished?” You asks, blatantly terrified.
“No. In the last moments of your life, you felt so guilty, convinced yourself that it was your fault, if you didn’t hide your relationship with that boy from your friends, or drink, this wouldn’t have happened. You even forgave that boy. You made yourself believe you deserved to be in Hell, so you did. From the moment you landed, I couldn’t understand why you were here. Hope the memories would help, but even then, I couldn’t see it.”
“So, what’s the verdict?”
“Just now. You helped that man, even though you didn’t know him and he probably deserved it. Usually those that end up in the River Phlegethon are some of the most abhorrent people. I haven’t seen it before, and certainly none of my demons have either.”
“What?” You ask, concerned and panicking.
“You aura. I can see everyone’s, they correspond with how sinful they are. But yours was bright white. It was partially evident when you arrived, but it was dim. But just now, it was blinding. You have never been a bad person, always fixing the sins you have committed, but you believed this is where you would end up,” Lucifer explains. “Of your own accord, you were misplaced.”
“So...where are we? What is this door?”
“Only I know where this door is, and only I can open it. It’s where you were meant to be,” he begins, pulls the door open to reveal a bright, blue-tinted light. “Heaven.”
Your mouth agape, and eyes wide and flickering to and from the light to Lucifer. 
“It’s time for you to go. Don’t worry, when his time comes, that boy will pay for his sins, for what he did to you.”
Without hesitation, you hug him. “Thank you. For giving me a chance, for helping me. You’re not as terrible as everyone thinks, and as you believe.”
He chuckles, you pull away, smiling.
“And that is why you shouldn’t be here. Sympathy for the Devil. Thank you, but off you go.”
Your smile widens, you nod, and in a few steps you disappear into the light, and Lucifer closes the door behind you.
gonna start posting my one-shots and ideas that pop into my head on my blog. tap the heart if you like it xoxo
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mooleche · 5 years
A Story of Ink and Venom - Chap. 7
A/N - A shorter chapter for once! There’s a needle reference and a little blood, just a fair warning! Also one french term near the end, it just means ‘stop talking’, haha.
Tagged - @master-sass-blast @leo-writer
If you’d like to be added on or removed let me know! Enjoy! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
Chapter 7 - Awakening
They say that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes.
This was, well, true. I only say this because I’d experienced it myself when I was 20. Every memory was like a picture and every picture felt like it lasted a lifetime. It was hell.
After what had just transpired I fully expected to have the same result play like an old film projector playing its last tape. 
Only that wasn't the case.
I no longer sat breathing my last breath in the back of Renato’s lab. I blinked and was now sitting amidst a flower patch in a valley of grass. In front of me stood a woman.
Her back was turned to me, covered by a cascade of flowing red hair that ran through her pale hands like water.
“Oh Peter, this spot is wonderful,” I heard her call to me happily, and I frowned.
‘I’m not Peter’, I want to say, but I don’t get the chance.
A flicker of static hits me and the world goes black.
More voices now. They’re followed by laughter this time before the sound of glasses clinks together and I find myself releasing a content sigh. Only, the sigh isn’t mine, it’s that mans again, Peter. We’re at a restaurant. I’m looking into the woman's face this time, bright green eyes that light up as I stroke my thumb over her hand.
“When are you gonna let me put a ring on that finger, Red?” I murmur to her before she hides her blushing face away from me and stares out of the window. It’s a black abyss outside, but I’m met with the reflection of the man. He’s tall, broad-shouldered and clean-shaven, yet still somehow still manages to look youthful.
I ponder back to those words.
I never said that.
And I certainly didn't remember this place.
What was going on? These weren’t my memories.
Another flash hits me, this time with loud voices following.
The woman. She’s holding a knife at me now, green eyes alert with fear as I attempt to take a step towards her with caution. Another woman, an older woman, stands behind her with the same look in her wide eyes. We’re in a house now, there’s a broken vase beside me and my body is covered in a black skintight substance that fights me, or whoever I’m supposed to be, with every movement made.
“Peter, stop! This isn’t you!” the younger woman, the woman I’ve seen in all these ‘memories’ yells at me as I clutch my head. The voice is louder now, the urge to do something to stop her accusations growing with each passing second.
I want to tell her I don’t know what’s happening.
Instead, there’s a final flash before a blood-curdling scream hits my ears and I’m ripped from whatever strange dream I’ve been stuck in.
I shot up and released a startled gasp, gulping down air like my lungs had never experienced breathing before. What the hell was that? Who were those people? Those memories? Most importantly, where was I now?
A shrill beeping beside me alerted my attention and I turned to see what I could only guess was a heart monitor whose lines were now fluctuating rapidly as it tried to keep up with my wild heartbeat. I trailed the wire to my chest and delicately tore off the adhesive, immediately greeted with silence only dulled by the soft tune of what sounded like Claire de Lune to keep me company as I tried to recall what happened.
More wires. My thoughts were like sifting through a heavy fog until my eyes fell on the IV needle that lay nestled in my arm. I gritted my teeth before I removed it as delicately as possible, not like I had seen so many people rip it on in films and shows. I was met with the sight of blood that trickled down my arm in response.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. 
Renato. Phobus. The gunshot.
That terrifying black mass appearing before I-
I shivered at that thought, or maybe because all the sweat I had produced was now as cold as the room around me was. All I knew was that right now I had to figure out where I was and get some answers.
My vision blurred briefly in the dark area only to clear as I began to look around. It looked like your typical medical room; various machines lining the walls with a very neat looking nursing station for what I assumed were for various special procedures. 
It only occurred to me then that I had been in a gurney myself. I slumped forward and rubbed my face haphazardly to wipe any remaining exhaustion from my eyes before swinging my legs out to the floor. Even with my socks, the tile was ice cold, and like clockwork, a series of overhead lights blinked on at the sudden motion. I winced at the sudden brightness and fell back against the gurney to adjust to the change.
The voice was deep and guttural in my head but so loud that I jumped in surprise. 
Who said that?
"Is someone here…?" I asked, voice dry and hoarse as if I hadn't spoken in weeks. I searched the room, even dared to wander to the desk nearby littered with papers and files. No one was there.
A menacing growl that faded into an ominous chuckle filled the air and I stumbled forward. My legs were a constant mixture of lead and jelly as I wandered through the large room before freezing in my tracks. Across from me in the reflection of a glass medical cabinet stood that creature's face where mine should have been. 
I released a panicked scream and stumbled back, falling flat on my ass as I missed the gurney and instead felt my mind grow dizzy with fear.
"This...this doesn't make sense...this isn't real, you’re supposed to be in jail…" I whispered to myself, hands shaking as the chuckle grew louder.
"And you're supposed to be dead! Funny how life works," it snarled smugly as I dared to stand and look at my reflection once more. 
The terrified face of a young woman stared back, black hair half matted to her dark skin while the other half fell in loose curls around her shoulders. There was no monster.
It was me. I was me again. 
I touched the fine black line that traveled across the bridge of my nose and sighed.
I must be hallucinating…, I thought loosely as I leaned against the counter for support, trying to ease my racing heart. I had to be, there was no other explanation to the sudden madness. This is crazy, I must be going crazy.
Not quite.
I gasped in horror, scrambling to catch myself as I jumped back from the counter like it was the culprit to the sudden voice. My eyes scanned the room desperately, settling upon the only door leading out to god knows where and I bolted for it, desperate to escape the memory of the creature that was haunting me.
Instead, it slid open to reveal Renato with a hand ready to knock, his mouth agape at me.
“Nina?” he gasped in surprise as my terrified appearance pushed past him into a brightly lit corridor. The flashes had returned, only this time I was not met with pictures but voices that overlapped one another. I clutched my head and closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on one but being met with many instead. I felt Renato grip my shoulders and call my name, worry in his voice. “Nina, speak to me. What’s going on?”
“Get off me!” I shouted, not because of what he said but because of what he now looked like when I looked up at him. He looked like that thing, that creature with its slick black skin and those long sharp teeth that snapped at me as I pushed myself away. 
I searched around me in a panic, trying to find an escape. The room was now spinning and I was losing my edge fast, unable to process everything happening. Renato called to me and I turned once more, seeing the face of a worried man I knew well and I grimaced. I felt like I was going crazy, in fact, I knew I was going crazy. Especially when I bumped into something hard and whipped my head around to see what it was.
Standing before me was a looming figure that stared down in what I could only guess was confusion. He was tall, taller than Ava or even Renato, but that wasn’t the strange part about him. It was everything else. He was covered in a fine blue fur that only seemed to end where his hardened facial features began and I gasped in shock.
“Miss, are you alright?” he asked me in a careful tone, but my hearing was muffled once more by those voices. Behind him, a set of doors similar resembling an elevator dinged open and I rushed past him, hearing both their voices call to me before fading as the doors shut and I was left alone once more.
“What’s happening to me…?” I whispered as I slumped against the cool wall of what was most definitely an elevator. Its slow hum confirmed this as it started it’s trek up and led me god knows where. I didn’t care, anywhere was better than where I had just been. My thoughts wandered back to Renato. Was that actually him? Was my mind just playing tricks on me again? 
Inside a dark chuckle rang throughout my head and I felt my heart pound once more.
What do you think is happening to you, Nina?
That voice again. I felt a chill run down my spine at it’s taunting tone and yet I couldn’t help but answer.
“I...I don’t know. What did you do? What are you?” I whispered frantically, feeling the elevator stop abruptly. Another flash went off in my head before it could answer, followed by a new voice, a calming voice.
Nina, can you hear me? He asked carefully. I nodded with hesitation before uttering a small ‘yes’ in response in case they couldn’t see me. This seemed to work as he continued.
Very good. Listen to me, you have to relax, he ordered, a voice that, the more I heard it, I swear I had heard before but just couldn’t place it. Another searing flash hit me and I found myself clutching my head in pain as the other tried to return. We want to help you, this is a safe place.
“A safe place…? I don’t even know where I am,” I whispered, pressing myself against the wall as my appearance took the form of the monster again. Its white eyes were narrowed into slits as it watched me, as if waiting to strike if I moved.
He’s lying, the other commanded. More flashes, little pictures of memories that I knew weren’t mine and yet they still invaded my skull like a hammer on wood. I had enough, I couldn’t take it anymore. He wants to hurt you, to use you-
“Get out of my head so I can think!” I shouted before bringing my fist to the metal door. I didn’t think it would leave a mark, I was never one strong enough for that. But I now stared at a heavy dent in the door that slowly slid open to reveal the outside and grimaced. I was greeted with silence, staring out into a room full of kids of various ages all staring back in shock at my outburst. There was nothing to say, what could I say after that other than ‘Where’s the exit?’ as I clutched my throbbing hand. A few lifted their hands to point to a corridor not far off and I uttered a small ‘thank you’ before booking it out of that room like a bat out of hell.
At any other time, I would have marveled the interior of this place. It was grand, filled with wooden architecture that even Ava would have gone gaga over. Right now it just looked like an endless nightmare of corridors that I had no escape from no matter how much I ran.
I struggled forward, my brain too muddled and my body beginning to grow too hot as I searched desperately for an exit. Anything to calm the chaos swirling around in my head. And just like that, the familiar voice popped in my head, this time stern.
Nina you have to stop, we can’t help you if you won’t let us.
“It’s too hot, I can’t...I can’t…” I whispered to no one in particular. Even if I wanted listen to him my flat out legs refused his request, desperate to escape this hallway of horrors. All I could focus on was making it outside. Outside would have cold air, maybe an escape to these voices. Outside was going to save me.
Don’t listen to him, the other commanded. I shook my head and rooted myself in place, suddenly unaware of where I was. In my hurry to run I suddenly found myself at a crossroads with growing panic spreading through me.
Nina, please-
“Arrêter de parler!” I shouted to no one in particular. My voice must have carried through the halls because more children began to poke their heads out to see who was causing the racket. The eyes, the whispers, the incessant orders being given in my head were all too much. The room was back to spinning violently now and I could no longer keep up with anything. 
With a quick turn of my heel, I gathered up what remaining strength I had to head back to where I had been, to confront Renato or who I thought was him, for answers or help. Instead, I found myself smacking directly into something very hard. The heavy clang of metal contact rang through my ears before I hit the ground, only the faint whisper of ‘Bohze moi…’, being heard before my world turned black once more.
Finally, the voices had stopped.
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ariadnelives · 5 years
Chapter 12 -- The Worst-Case Scenario
[Missed earlier chapters? Go catch up here! Otherwise, welcome back! Oh, and make sure to join our discord server! Chapter can also be found @ ao3”]
“Honey, we're home!” Ariadne shouted as she and Spacebreather disembarked from her shuttle. “We have information and we need some synthesis!”
Alicia, Tripwire, Lefthook, and Taryn were all waiting in the docking bay for them, looking somewhat concerned.
“Promise you won't be mad?” Tripwire offered nervously.
Of course, neither Pilar nor Ariadne would make such a promise, and it's a good thing they didn't, as Pilar had never been angrier than she was when she found out Sasha had spirited away from the station.
“Please,” Alicia said calmly as Pilar kicked a crate across the room in frustration, breaking it into three pieces, “don't blame yourself for this, there was no stopping—”
“I don't blame myself!!” Pilar shouted, picking up a rather expensive-looking vase from the crate she'd kicked apart, and smashing it against the ground. “I blame you!”
“Querida, that's—” Ariadne started reassuringly, but Pilar cut her off.
“That's what, unfair? She's the one who helped her sneak out! She's the one who disguised her as me! This is on her!”
“No, it's not,” Taryn insisted, “It was Sasha's decision.”
“It's okay, Taryn,” Alicia said flatly. “This was on me, I'm the one who helped her.”
“Well, then, it's on me too,” Taryn replied angrily. “We all thought she should be allowed to go in the field. We all saw how miserable she was in here, if she said she wanted to go, there isn't one of us here who wouldn't have helped her.”
This struck something in Pilar. She was still angry, but something about hearing how her sister felt like a prisoner snapped her back to reality and made her feel a pang of guilt.
There was silence for a moment.
“I'm willing to take full responsibility for this,” Alicia said calmly, “but I need you to remain calm when I tell you this next part.”
Pilar once again made no such promise, and almost broke her hand punching the wall of the shuttle when she found out the station had lost contact with Sasha and her rogue crew, who were now presumed captured.
When she calmed down a bit, she pointed at Tripwire. “You. I want the coordinates for Sasha's last known location programmed into my shuttle five minutes ago.”
Tripwire scrambled into the shuttle in the hopes of not making the situation worse.
Pilar pointed somewhat aggressively at Alicia. “You. We're going to need to put a pin in how furious I am with you. We have information on the life centers and we'll need all the help we can get in order to mount a rescue.”
Alicia bit her lip and nodded.
Pilar then pointed at Taryn. “And YOU. Took a lot for someone as young as you to stand up to me like that for the sake of your crewmates. Me and Ariadne will have to have a talk about your name.”
Taryn would have smiled under any other circumstances.
Pilar was, at the moment, too anxious to pilot the shuttle, and Alicia was poring over the information they'd retrieved from La Pesadilla, so Ariadne took the driver's seat. Of course, she was just as anxious as Pilar, but she put it aside because her hands were a little bit steadier and Spacebreather was much better at panicking.
“So, I think it's pretty obvious what the immersion pods and Cortex implants are for,” Alicia offered.
“Let's pretend it's not,” Pilar snapped, “Sorry, my brain is all over the place right now. I'm going to need you to assume nothing is obvious.”
“Okay,” Alicia replied calmly, trying to strike a balance between being accommodating and condescending in the hopes of not getting Pilar even angrier at her. “Well, it's a cult. In the old days, and I'm talking really old, they would prey on people who crave structure and ritual, they convince those people that they're better off with someone else making all the decisions for them, then convince them that any of their loved ones who've got concerns are actually the cause of all their suffering.”
“And how do the pods and implants factor into it?” Pilar asked, trying equally hard to be patient, as she did technically ask for a long-winded explanation.
“Well, see, eventually they tried to make it seem more rational and scientific. They introduced fancy-looking machines that they claimed measured mental stress, or the despair of the soul, or some other intangible quality that no court could technically prove they weren't measuring. They'd scare people into joining their practice by showing them hard data that seemed to prove they'd be better off in the cult. I think this is something similar. The pods and the implants would both allow the cult's leadership to do all sorts of things. Show them visions of their god, convince them their dead loved ones can't get into heaven unless they sign up, encode their brain with the irresistible urge to wear ugly orange robes. In fact, they wouldn't even need to go to all the trouble of exploiting a certain group of people. They could program the appropriate psychological profile, with the brainwashing already done, onto a disk and then just pop it into people's heads. Anyone who agreed to their audit would be clay in their hands as soon as the machine turned on.”
“That'd explain why nobody ever seems to come out of the Life Centers,” Pilar looked slightly confused, “but then, why both? You could do that with the just pods or just the implants, and since the implants need to be surgically installed, it doesn't seem all that practical, you know?”
“Again, I'm not sure this is what they're doing. I'm just saying, it's something they could be used for. I agree, the implants aren't practical for large-scale cult programming, but they could be used for a more direct form of mind control.”
“How do you mean?” Pilar asked.
“Well,” Alicia continued, “we've considered the possibility that maybe our impostor Ariadne might not be pulling the strings?”
“And the quantum shift generator?” Pilar asked.
“Still not sure. I'd guess it has something to do with the life centers. I mean, the impostor usually seems to be in two places at once, with the right tweaking, a quantum shift generator could make that possible. Or…” Alicia saw the look on Pilar’s face and instantly regretted beginning this sentence. “…some of the old-school cults actually had prison ships so they could detain people who wanted to leave. A quantum shift generator could be used to freeze a person in time so you don’t have to worry about supplying them with food and water.”
Pilar looked horrified. “We have to get my sister out of there…”
“We will,” Alicia started, “just—”
“Don't,” Pilar snapped. “You and I… we're not there yet.”
“That's it,” Alicia sighed, “I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but…”
Alicia pulled a small circular hologram projector out of her pocket and attached earbuds to it.
“I've made a call. Hopefully they can talk some sense into you,” Alicia said, placing the projector on the table. “She's on hold, just tap the crystal.”
Alicia quietly went up to the cockpit and took the controls from a very relieved Ariadne, who walked back to be with Spacebreather.
Spacebreather had the earbuds in both her ears, listening to the woman in the hologram that Ariadne recognized immediately.
She looked a lot like Alicia, although her demeanor was slightly more relaxed. Her hair was long and twisted into colorful locs, and she had a faintly visible scar that started on her forehead, crossed her left eye and eyebrow, and landed at the top of a prominent cheekbone.
She was talking quickly, and from having spent so much time with Alicia's younger sister Ariana Baltimore, that the speech she was giving was probably sarcastic and full of borderline irrelevant tangents.
Ariadne wished she could hear what Baltimore was saying. She was something of an expert in sisterly conflict. For some incredibly complex reasons that frankly don't need to be recounted again, Alicia was forced to fake her death and disappeared for ten years, and she and Ariana had spent the last several years working to patch up the damage this had done to their relationship.
Pilar was listening intently, shaking almost imperceptibly. Her responses to Baltimore's speech were mostly nods and quiet utterances of “mhm” and “okay.” At the beginning, she seemed angry, but her expression quickly softened until she looked sad, and then horribly guilty. By the end, both Baltimore and Pilar were crying.
“Thank you,” Pilar said to her.
Baltimore said something back.
“I will,” Pilar responded, and unplugged the headphones so Ariadne could hear.
Another woman walked into the holographic display. This was Marisol Beam-Spacebreather, Baltimore's wife and Pilar's adoptive older sister. Her brown hair was longer than the last time they'd seen her.
“Hi Pilar! Hi Ariadne!” Beam cheered. “We hear you're on a dangerous mission!”
“I wasn't super listening when Alicia described it to me but as I understand it, you're trying to help the President of Mars get his confidence back?” Baltimore asked while maintaining a totally straight face.
“Not even close,” Ariadne grinned.
“And Mars doesn't have a—” Pilar started, but was cut off by Baltimore.
“I know, I'm just being a jerk. Just be safe, okay?” Baltimore said. “And remember what I told you.”
“And come back alive,” Beam quipped, “I mean, ideally. We want to bring the twins out to the station on Halloween weekend and it'd probably be better if you two weren't dead, so please try to make it an easy mission!”
“We'll do our best,” Pilar smiled, and wiped away a tear.
“What'd she say?” Ariadne asked.
“She gave me a lot to think about, and thought about a few things for me so I didn’t have to,” Pilar did not elaborate, and Ariadne did not pry further.
Ariadne and Pilar both intended to fulfill their promise to remain safe when they stepped off the ship. They gave Alicia instructions on what to do should they not make it back in time for the rendezvous, and attempted to break into the Life Center closest to Sasha's last known location.
It was almost too easy to break into. Seemingly, whoever was in charge of activating the security system had forgotten to do so, and despite the late hour, there was not a night watchman in sight.
Ariadne and Spacebreather quietly scanned for some kind of dungeon or holding cell, and after observing two barracks where rows of acolytes slept in bunk beds, a small kitchenette that seemed to be devoid of all seasonings, a recreation room that consisted of a few card tables and uncomfortably religious board games, and three separate dark rooms that had very little besides a capsule resembling a refrigerator in them, they found a large vault with the door ajar.
They silently hoped that this meant that Sasha and her rogue crew had escaped on their own. When they got inside, they found little more than dusty wooden crates, statues covered by white sheets, and shelves of books that had been there so long that, while there was no way for Ariadne to notice this, the dust mites in the pages had evolved into their own subspecies.
The only person inside was a young white man, about Ariadne's age, with dark hair and a naturally punchable face. He was shoving various trinkets, scrolls, and volumes into a large duffel bag.
He jumped back when he noticed that anyone else was in the room at all, but when he saw Pilar's tattoos a second later, he recognized her immediately.
“They let you out?!” Prescott said in a tone that was somewhere between a whisper, a gasp, and a scream.
“Uh … what?” Spacebreather replied.
“Do we know you?” Ariadne asked.
“Ugh, I guess if you want a job done right, you've got to do it yourself.” Prescott tapped the face of his watch several times and suddenly the silence split open as alarms rang through the air. Emergency lights switched on with a loud clunk and the vault door swung closed behind them. As easily as he'd deactivated the security, he'd switched the system back on, and the open vault door had triggered a full lockdown. He spoke loudly and clearly into his watch. “Babe, I've got what I need. I'm gonna need that teleport.”
“You got it,” a female voice said from the watch.
Pilar, however, moved slightly more quickly than the woman on the other end of the line. She unsheathed two of the knives strapped to her thigh and, in one move, sliced the watch from Prescott's wrist with her right hand, knocked Prescott several feet back, pinning him against the wall, and placed the knife in her left hand against his throat. Ariadne instinctively drew her blaster and trained it on his forehead.
The watch fell onto the open duffel bag, and there was a flash of white light. The watch and the duffel bag were both gone, presumably now in the possession of whatever accomplice Prescott had been talking to.
“You blew our cover and I've had a really bad day,” Pilar growled at the young man who was suppressing the impulse to wet himself. “If you want to keep all your fingers you'd better be able to get us out of here. ¿Está claro?”
Prescott began to laugh nervously.
“Something funny?” Pilar let the knife press a little harder against his throat.
“You just flushed it down the toilet!” Prescott laughed wildly. “Unless you've got a teleport of your own, the only way out of this vault just poofed away with my nest egg.”
“Wrong answer,” Pilar shouted and, with the knife that wasn't pressed to his throat, severed his right pinky and ring finger. The resulting scream was loud enough to drown out the alarms. “Clearly you've shut the security down before, so if you want this little piggy to keep eating roast beef you'd better tell us how to open that vault door.”
“That's toes,” Ariadne shouted over the alarms and Prescott's continuing sobs.
“What?” Pilar asked sharply.
“This Little Piggy, that's toes, not fingers,” Ariadne explained. “Still, I'd do what she says, you're losing a lot of blood.”
“It only opens from the outside, someone has to let us out,” Prescott whimpered.
“Try again,” Pilar hissed, and with another scream, his middle finger fell to the floor. “You've got 17 fingers and toes left to give me the right answer.”
“And probably some other things you'd rather not lose,” Ariadne added helpfully.
When the screams died down, Prescott managed to push a response through the tears. “I set up the security system,” he was gasping between every few words, “they know me. When they come check the vault, I can convince them this was a— surprise security, uh, audit, that you two are consultants, and that the system malfunctioned and trapped us here.”
Pilar considered this.
“P… please… don't hurt me again,” Prescott begged.
“Right answer,” she said, and dropped him hard to the ground. He fell to his knees and attempted to wad his T-shirt around his bleeding hand.
“You… you fucking bitch…” Prescott whimpered, which prompted a flash of rage in Ariadne that manifested in her clubbing him in the eye with the butt of her pistol.
Prescott fell to the floor, unconscious.
“Sorry,” Ariadne said immediately, “Oh god, Pilar, I'm so sorry.”
“Don't be,” Pilar said back. “You just knocked him out.”
“But now we're trapped for real,” Ariadne was trying very hard not to panic.
“Would've happened either way,” Pilar shrugged, and slumped back against a crate, waiting for their captors to come recover them.
“How do you figure?” Ariadne asked, really hoping to make sense of what she was being told.
“You were faster than me,” Pilar replied, “which is the only reason he's unconscious and not dead.”
Ariadne sat down next to Pilar and waited for someone to collect them.
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zoeyandguys · 5 years
Pacifist Herny AU Fanfic (prequel to Aftermatch AU)
I made this awhile back on Quotev as a prequel to my Pacifist Henry Aftermatch AU (I know, I'm lazy with names) Sometime after chapter 5 came out and since Tumblr been on a "mercy route of batim" spree lately I decided to post it on some of my other social medias. Hope you like it. Warning, there may be some Grammer errors cause my phone was a jerk when I frist wrote this and I'm tried my best to fix them.
This is the Backstory to the au of my my @asktheinkandsteinfamily blog. Please check it out.
Fearing for his life, sweat on his face and hair blinding part of his eyes, Henry place "The End" tape into the projector player on the throne. He turned back to see the ink demon reaching it's giant claw to garb him, only to turn and growl and scream at "The End" playing on the screen. Soon it was evaporating as a bright golden light of what Herny wish was the sun filled the room. And before he knew it, he was back in the entrance of the studio again, as if none of that had ever happened, or in this case,  has yet to happen.
He used the looking glass to see the, to his now broken mind, uncountable number of tallies he knew were left by him. He tried going back out the door, that lead to his reality. Nothing. He garbed one of the nearby small glowing flouting balls of what he could only ever amuse was white-ish yellowish ink and made another tally in the wall, and looking at it all triggered a memory.
Herny, if he was being honest with himself, wasn't fully pleased when he got the letter form Joey. He hated recalling how Joey made him and others do all the work and claim it all as his own.  But,  knowing how times can change, and people can,  he decided to go.  Maybe Joey wanted to ask Herny for forgiveness of his mistakes. So he told his wife and daughter goodbye and that he be home that night, and if something happens that delays him,  he'll send a letter to let them know he was OK. 
When he had walked into the apartment, the first thing that caught his eye was the post bored flooding with what seemed like overdue bills notice on it, along with two letters form employees Herny remember working with, one of them seemingly married to another worker. One look at the electric bill for the house and Herny couldn't belive how high it was. "Joey must have Someone cross their lines with his so he have to pay for all the power their wasting" Herny thought. He then heard whistling and the sound of someone washing dishes form the next room. After a deep breath, he walked in, and was immediately met by the sight of a now much older Joey, wheelchair to the side of the little Table, as soon as he looked at him Joey spoke up.
"Herny?" Joey ask, back still turn to the person he was speaking too.  "So soon? I didn't expect you for another hour yet, now you're just trying to impress me "
For some reason,  the fact that Joey's voice was so different then he remembered shocked Herny, as his own voice hasn't changed that much form when he worked at the studio.  But he shook it off, staying silent to an old friend you haven't seen in 30 years would be very rude.
"Hey Joey" Henry said with a smile,  even due Joey's back was still turned. "It's good to see you after all these years. Due I do have to a-" 
"I know, I know" Joey cut him off, placing another dish on the clean dish pile. "You have questions.You always do." He turned to the side slightly. "The only important question is... Who are we Henry? "
"Huh? " Herny said as he moved closer to the table, his head tilting to the side. "What do you mean by that Joey?"  he asked. Joey then looked straight out the window on front of the stink.
"Well.... I thought I  knew who I was, but.... The succes starved me..." Joey claimed, earning a sad look form Herny. "Nothing left but lines on a page..."
Herny looked to the side. He heard that Joey Drew Studios had to shut down due to financial problems and because of "The next Big Thing ". It was a shame,  since he remember sending Joey a picture of the Bendy Cartoon's main characters with a sighed congratulations note when they were one of the most popular shows of the time.
Due he can't say he couldn't seen it happening at some point. Karma was gonna come some time.  He not only took credit for other peoples work and claimed it has his own, but he stole Bendy form Herny. He was his original creator, but by the time Herny realize Joey stole him,  since he had to stay home because of illness at the time, it was to late to do anything or prove it was his creation. That's why he keeped the first ever picture of Bendy ever on his desk for the rest of the time working at the studio, along with Joey's "rejection" note to remind him it was to late to do anything about it. He sighed and looked back at Joey, as said man raise his arms slightly up as he began to speak. 
"In the end, we followed two different roads of our own making. You... A lovely family " he said, which spook Herny slightly, not being well known excluding form family and friends, not understanding how Joey knew of his small family. "Me...... A crooked Empire, and my road burned...I let our creations...become my life."
Herny didn't exactly know what he meant by "Crooked Empire". Sure what Joey did while he worked at the studio and may have continue doing after he left was bad,  but he wouldn't exactly call it a "Crooked Empire". He Shrugged it off however, understanding it might just be how Joey felt about what he did looking back on the past. "I'm... .Sorry to here that Joey." he said.  Joey was silent for a moment.
"The truth is,  you're always so good at pushing, old friend" Joey said,  finely turning to face Herny, coming to the Table. "Pushing me to do the right thing." Then his tone change form clam, but saddest tone, to a bit of a more.... Slightly Sinister sounding tone. "You should have  pushed a little harder...." 
That sent chills down Herny's spine, due he didn't show it.  He let his blue eyes looked to the side slightly, slight shame shown in them as Joey land down slightly onto the table. "Maybe he's right...maybe I should have push harder or stay a bit longer to get him on the right path...." Herny thought as he looked back at Joey.
"Herny." Joey said,  breaking the silence. "Come visit the old workshop......there's something I need to show you" He then estures towards the door that seem to be leading to a wall, as Henry thought form the look of the building outside that would be where the building end.  
Herny opened the door and stepped back in shock, eyes widened. On the other side of the door was the entrance way to what appeared to be the studio, but it looked slightly more cartoonish then reality.  He also noticed some kind of slightly glitching, very transparent and almost paper thin, wall in the middle of the door, that seem to be separating both reality's from fuseing together. "Joey, what the-"
"I'll tell Linda and Luna that you never made it, but I'm sure you would have done everything in your power to get back to them."
"Joey what are you sayi-!?" Was all that he had time to say. And then he was pushed in and the door closed and locked itself, traping him.
Herny Panicked and try banging on the door, screaming for Joey to let him out. He wish this was some kind if sick dream or nightmare, but the pain starting to appear in his hands was proving him otherwise. After 3 minutes he garbed a rusty axe he found hidden nearby and tried to break through the door using it. It only got a small hole made before the end broke off,  falling and smashing into smaller pieces on the ground. To Henry's horror, the damage that would have went all the way through only made it half way through the wood, stoping at that froce fild form earlier. Then Henry noticed something written on the wood to the side if the door. It was really small and he had to get as close as he could to it and slightly squint his eyes to make it out.
"When All are not scarred, No Inky Blood marks a "Final Death", and truth of the true Creator is revealed, all by the Perfect Bendy in human skin. Only then can the one with "no soul" break everyone free form the ink of repeating time and again see the sun,  even due ink might forever filled their body's and souls." it read.
Herny was just more confused. What did that mean.  He rolled his eyes and looked around.  He realized Joey may just be trying to scare him and has the door lock, waiting for night to fall or he completes a small task before he let's him out, as some kind of sick joke.  Herny sighed. "Well Alright then Joey......Since I'm here..... Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see."
Herny collapsed to the ground, tears in his eyes as he lead against the wall. How could he have fallen for Joey's trick!? What did Joey even want?! He just wanted to be free!  He just wanted to see Linda and Luna again! He missed them so much.....he just.... Wished he could have gone back to when he first got the letter, or first walked into his apartment, or anytime before he walked into that kitchen and just go home! 
After a couple minutes he allowed himself to clam down. He had to remember that he wasn't the only one trapped in here. Everyone he used to work with and even some who he didn't were trapped in here too. But.... His situation was different. They couldn't remember any of the past loops. He could, at times. Sometimes he had the seeing tool with him with the reset,  other times it disappears and he has to get it form Allison near the end of that loop. Sometimes he remembers bits and pieces of past loops, other times he completely forgot. This time was something that only happen very few times before.  He knew and remember everything that happened in the last loop, and even some memories of him writing some messages to himself in the "future". He just,  wanted to go home. He wonder what he did wrong? What he must always be doing wrong? He recalled all he could about the past loops, trying to figure out what he must always be doing wrong. 
Then something hit him. In every loop, he always attacked those he knew by now were once human like him. Yikes, one time he just went full crazy and attack everyone as soon as he saw them, not of fear, but just of pure Annoying and anger due to these endless loops. Yeah, things didn't end to well for him. He still could swear his vision was slightly tainted with his own blood when he popped "The end" into the film player. That's when an Idea came too Henry's mind. "What if I don't hurt anyone at all this time... "
He chuckled softly. It was a pretty stupid idea. Not only would that just be asking for death, but that would mean not letting anyone else get hurt by anyone else. Yeah,  like he be able to stop Tom form taking an axe to Sammy's head. Then again,  It might just be wroth a shot. He like too have Brois a little longer in a loop. He sighed, meantly asking himself why he continued to call him Brois when he knew by now that it was really a memory lost, now near silent Wally.
That question in his mind decided it.  He was, just for a change,  going to try it. He didn't want to treat these poor lost souls like Monsters or just people he pretend he didn't knew any longer. He was going to try and set everyone free, and hopefully get them to remember themselves more while at it.
He got up and went to complete what he learn to call "Chapter 1" Of this endless loop in time. But hopefully now, it wouldn't be endless for long. After 15 minutes, he felled through the floor after he turned on the ink machine and ran form bendy. After he had his 3 or 4 flashbacks he lead against the wall as he was knocked out, ready to start "Chapter 2".
When he woke up, he garbed his axe, chopped down the wooded broads, and went on forward. Soon he was walking through the ink when he saw Sammy walking by with a cutout of Bendy. He quickly recalled Sammy's "Final death" and how he knew he may be helpless too stop it.  Agein the Question went through his mind. "Will I really be Able to Save them all? Or am I just living on false hope?"
Soon he got to where the first people he fought were.  This was it, The moment that would prove if their was the slightest chance this could work. After he turned on the light and and turn back into the room of the music department, the searchers appeard. He could already see them coming to him,  he had to act fast. He quickly drop the axe behind him,  silently praying it didn't fall down the stairs into the ink. This caused the Searchers too stop, the closest one to him tilting it's head to the side slightly.
"H-Hey guys,  I dunno if some of you worked with me When I worked here or not, but it's Me,  Henry. H-Henry Stein? " 
They just seemed to look at him,  confused. Probably didn't understand a word he said, or just didn't know who the man was . Or maybe they were just confused on what he was,  if they didn't have any memories of being human at all. However, they did seem to manage to understand that Henry meant them no harm due. But Henry couldn't be sure. He sighed and looked behind him to grab the axe, but then he faces the searchers.
"How about I make all you a small deal? I won't hurt, or let anyone hurt any of you while I'm around" he said,  picking the axe back up.  "If you don't try to hurt or kill me. Deal?"
The front searcher looked back at the others for a few seconds, then faced Henry and...... Nodded.....then they disappeared. Herny just stood in disbelief for a moment.  Did that really just happened? Was it always that easy? He felt the Guilt climbed up and dig into his back. Did he really hurt them again and again for no reason? He knew the first few times, and all the times he completely forgot the loop and didn't have the looking glass, it was just fight or flight. But..... He shook off the feeling. Feel guilty later,  get going now.
He continued on. After exiting Sammy's sanctuary he saw the man,  well... Former man,  himself starting down at him. Herny looked up with a slight smile. "Hey Sammy, I know your most likely not going to listen to me, I tried reasoning with you for a whole hour once before and at the end you still try to...you know. " Henry said,  not fully sure how to explain it. "I just want to let you know now that, unless you come to reason before you call for bendy to take your "Sheep", you and me are going to meet again where some of the lost ones and searchers live. And what happens if you try to cut off my head.... The Brois with a robot arm puts in axe in yours first. Just some food for thought.  So maybe when we both meet up there inst-woah!" He had lost track of his steps and now the searchers jumpscared him, causing him to fall backwards, just nearly missing his axe.
Gaining an idea as he saw the searchers coming closer, He quickly chuckled, getting up. "Good one guys, you really got me there, but give me a bit of a warning next time." Then he grabbed his axe and speed-walk out of the room, leaving some slightly confused searchers and hopefully a second thinking Sammy Behind.
Soon he got to where Jack's fate would have ended if he did want he did in past loops. But on the bright side, he should be easier to convince, or get him to leave him be. He neverd attacked Herny, he just had the vale Herny needed to move on, and would hide in the ink whenever Herny got closed. This always forced Henry to crush him under a box. But Henry wasn't even going to raise the box this time. He walked up to Jack slowly, not even to try and hide his presence, knowing it would just do him no good. He stopped at least two feet before Jack would go back into the ink. 
"Hey Jack,  sorry for bugging you, but I really need that vale." Herny said.  Jack just looked at him like the other searchers, and slightly tighted his hold on the vale. "It's me, Henry,  remember? We used to work together." Still that confused look.
Herny sighed, trying to think of what he could do to help Jack either remember him or at least trust him enough to let him have the vale. He thought about the audio recording form earlier and meantly facepalm himself for not grabing it while he could. Then he remembered what Jack had said about Sammy's song and why he often came down here before he was turned into a searcher. Then Herny saw Sammy's "Sing with me" Message on the wall in ink behind Jack.  That gave Henry an idea. He looked back down at Jack with a slightly sad smile.
"Sammy still Coming down into your turf and bugging you with?" He ask, bending down a little bit, feeling the ink go slightly higher up his pants and legs. That seem to struck something to the Searcher, as he seemed to back his body up for a second, like how characters sometimes do in cartoons. "Yeah, I remember when sometimes  I would walk into the music department to check on things for Joey, Sometimes it would get so loud form an argument between one of the workers and him that you have to litterly dorp anything you had and Lea just to get some peace" he started giggling a bit at the memory's, trying not to let any tears fall from missing those good old days. "But I Guess even turning into an ink creature you still can't manage to escape Sammy's rants afterwards."
That's when Jack seemed looked a bit shocked, in the memory recalling way,  for a second. He then proceeded to seemly attempt to say something in the moaning-like noises Searchers made, in a slightly questioning manner. After about a minute it hit Henry that Jack was trying to say a Name. Henry's name. 
He smiled again. "Yeah buddy. It's me, Henry." Jack looked down at the ground for a few minutes as it felled silent,  except for the raindrop sounds of the nearby ink. It quickly seemed clear too Henry that Jack was recalling all he could about when he was human. This was only for confirm more when what seemed to be an inky tear fell down Jack's face,  follow by another and another.  Herny bent down and place his hand on Jack's "shoulder" as he looked up at him, tears still slowly yet surely going down his face. "Don't cry buddy. It's going to be OK." he said with a soft smile, even due deep down he knew that might not be the case.
Jack proceeded to nod as Henry try to wipe some of the tears away. After a minute Jack proceeded to give him the vale.  Henry took it, and then Jack dissaperd into the ink. "Alright, see you later then Jack." Henry said with a smile as he left the room.  He was glad, still guilt-full, but glad. His hope of this working was increased.
He put the vale in and continue with the rest of the "chapter". As, sadly, excepted, Sammy stilled tried to sacrifice Henry to Bendy. But as always, Sammy got hurt but not killed and Henry had to outrun the monster version of his creation. He allowed himself to clam down a bit once he blocked off the door so Bendy couldn't get to him. He stepped forward and sure enough the can of bacon soup rolled out of the corner. He smiled and walked around,  to see Brois........to see Wally hiding. He looked a bit shocked and step back, a bit worried. Henry smiled slightly . "Hey Wally, Guess you never got outta here." The mute toon then processed to tilt his head to the side, seemly confused, before Trusting Henry and taking him to his safe house. 
Since nothing too exciting happen between when he ended "chapter 2" and when he started "Chapter 3", he decided to use the days between them to try and get Wally to remember himself. But before he did that, he found a book on sigh language in the safe house and made him and Wally learn and memorize their and others names, Wally still at this point not understanding why he referred to him as "Wally" Instead of "Brois", and other terms to make it easier for them to communicate, since they won't always have a piece of paper and something to more easily write with on them. He hope that if they do get out he be able to somehow find a way to talk. Then Henry started talking to Wally about his memories of when they worked together at the studio before he left and things went crazy. Wally did seem to slightly recall some memories, and when he lost when him and Henry played cards, he started pouting and seemed to mount the words "I'm outta here". But besides that, none of what Henry said of the past made any since to the toon, or it didn't stick with him for long. 
In most loops, The bacon soup started running low and Wally would go to look for more real quick. Lucky for Henry, this was one of those loops. When Wally wasn't looking,  Henry rush out and manage to garb two of Wally's recordings and head back. Later, When the two sat down while they waited for the soup to finish cooking, Henry played the recordings too him. The first one he did acted like he heard, or even remember, those words before, but not really too much change memory wise. It was the second tape that give him the shock look of realization and recalling the past. It may have also helped that half way through Henry remembered he still had Wally's keys and placed them on the table. About 25 seconds after that tape ended Wally surprise hugged tackle Henry. After he proceeded to "talk" at super speed, seemingly forgetting that he was now mute. Henry smiled slightly with a chuckle. "Good to have you back Wally.".
And then came the day.... The day "Chapter 3" started . Henry sighed as he got out of bed. He had two days earlier told Wally about them being in a time loop, just because he needed to talk to someone about it. He didn't go to into detail, not wanting to scare the former Janitor of his fate. But Wally did seem to understand and assured Henry that it will be OK and he has a feeling this may be the last loop, and even if it isn't he has already unlock more secrets to getting them out if their in future loops. Henry kinda didn't want to go, but he knew he had to go. Now that Wally knows of the loop, it's only a matter of time before he forced Henry to get going anyway. Better on time then later, he guessed.
When he walked into the main room, he saw Wally with two blows of bacon soup ready to eat. Henry smiled and sat down, then proceeded to eat his soup. After which he told Wally that it's time to get going. Wally nods and give him the switch to the door. Henry put the switch in, warning Wally that things were going to get messy while he still could.  Then they proceeded to leave the room and so they started the "Chapter". Henry made sure to keep Wally close. He wasn't going to lose him again.  At least, he hope he so. 
When it got to the part where Wally had to go in the vents to turn on the door, he sighed Henry to wait for him. He placed a small Huck of metal nearby in between the top and bottom if the vent and went in. When the vent's door came down it stop at the metal, and Wally manuage to get back to Henry Before it broke it and slam shut. They continue on,  Henry being extra careful of Wally. He had to hide him behind his back when Susie showed, and make sure he didn't stick into the ink when the went through the Demon path. Henry just felt safer on that path, for whatever reason. He could have sworn he was a human like figure watching them due...
When they got to where Wally in past loops prank Henry with the Bendy cutout, the town picked up a pipe and handed it to Henry. "Just in case we have no other option" He sighed to him, it almost sounding like he said normally in Henry's mind. Then Henry met up with Charlie, who he believed to be the toymaker Shawn, him bursting through the poster near the pipe and falling to the ground.  Acting quickly Henry dropped the pipe and softly grabbed ahold of the cartoon's arm, noticing a crack he never saw before in it.  It was only a small crack, so Henry teared off a small piece of his shirt, added a slightly layer of ink in the side that would face the arm, and wrapped it around the crack. "There you go, Shawn" he said with a smile. 
Shawn looked up with slight confusetion and shocked. Then he proceeded to go through the poster he came out of. Henry pulled the lever and headed back to Wally. Then he and Wally walked into the room where all the dead Brois clones were..... Wally showed more emotion then usual. He looked at Henry and while he didn't sigh anything, the look in his pie cut eyes said it all, "Is that going to happen to me?". 
"No Wally, I'm not going to let that happen to you." Henry said, placing a hand on Wally's shoulder, due he couldn't help but feel like he was lieing to him. Of course when the door open he tried to rush to Safe the other Charlie, but as he walked into the room,  he noticed that it was already long dead,  and the jerk movements he saw were just the electric still going through the body.  He really hope if being a Pacifist was the key to getting free, that the butcher gang member in front of him and Wally didn't count. Then he saw that one didn't have part of a shirt around his arm, meaning this was in fact a different Charlie. Then he also noticed something strange, Susie didn't seem to notice Wally, or was just plan ignoring his presence.  Guess she's trying to trick then before....Henry forced the thought out of his mind. Not this loop.  Not ever again. 
While waiting for Susie to finish her speak, Henry decided to lighten him and Wally's mode by using the seeing tool to show him the "Blah Blah Blah Blah" message on the ground Henry wrote once. If Wally wasn't now mute, you could have heard him laughing like a hyena. He did make a slight giggling sound due, due he had to keep it down so Susie didn't here him.  After,  Henry started his "Jobs" for Susie,  not wanting to get on her Bad side. Lucky it was easier for him. When he got to where he could have to fight a Charlie for a gear, It being the same Charlie who he helped, Shawn ran up and willingly gave the gears to Henry. And when he was froce too get ink form the creatures and the searcher and Barley...that Murry guy possibly... went to attack, the same Charlie came and stopped them,  amusingly telling them how he fix his arm and meant no threat. Henry was able to pick up a bit of a accent in his voice, confirming his thoughts. After which the two and some others allowed Henry to careful take some of their ink.
Then he saw Poor Norman though the glass.  Probably the most effectied memory lost wise of all. Henry knew it may be next "chapter" before he be able to save him, as that where his "Final death" took place. But he already had something in mind. When he went to destroy the bendy cutouts,  he sighed, it just felt worng destorying something that looked like his beloved character. When Shawn went up to him, Henry explain what he had to do and why he didn't want to do it. Next thing he knew the Butcher gang was destorying all the cutouts for him so he didn't have to in around 3 minutes and pushed him back in the elevator before Bendy could appear. When he got down to Norman's level he garbed his audio recording and went in,  staying out of his sight. Then.... A few minutes later...as he feared... He elevator dropped. 
When they crashed, Henry was struggling to stay conscience, going in and out of it. Wally was trying to wake him up...susie was on her way to take and turned him into that monster.  Henry tried to tell Wally to run....it was no use.  She was about to walked into the room when for a few seconds the world shooked. A large box or something,  His vision was too blurry to tell at the time, Collapsed to the ground in the entrance way, making it impossible for Susie to get Wally. Shocked,  Henry looked up slightly, to see the Butcher Gang by a lever he never saw before. They saved Wally.....Wally was going to be OK after all.  Henry cried of Joy slightly before blacking out,  finally gaining the happy ending to "Chapter 3". His last thoughts before going fully out were "This idea was the ture may all long, thank God I finally found it."
"You doing well, The deal maker Keanrots wouldn't be pleased, but they'll have to learn to live with it" he herad a voice in his head slightly whlie out. He was confused. Who was it? Why hadn't he herad it before. What was A Keanrot? Why did he felt it had something to do with Joey....
Those thoughts were cut off when he woke up in "Chapter 4" Wally was beside him asleep peacefully.  Henry saw a message written ink near another lever he hadn't seen before. "If you must continue on,  flip this to left the box - The butcher gang" it read. Henry smiled and pulled up the looking glass. He garbed the flouting ink bell and went over and written "Pacifism is the true key" beside it. He knew there was a still sad possibly of him having to fight and end someone, messing Everything up, and the loop will reset agein, so it was best to leave a reminder. Then he looked at the now awake Wally. He then told Wally about what normally happen when the "Chapter 3 and 4" ended. Wally was, of course, horrorifed, but was glad knowing that he should be safe.  After a few minutes of consideration, they pulled the lever and went on,  slightly excited to see wear this new "Chapter 4" will take him. 
For one, Susie didn't mention "Brois " at a the few times she spoke over the loud speakers. But Henry didn't let his guard down. He wasn't going to let Susie take Wally. Speaking of Wally, he helped Henry with the games he had to play in order to continue. Of course the butcher gang was as nice as ever when Henry went to where he normally have to distract them by throwing a can of bacon soup. The two small groups even took a few minutes to have some bacon soup together. It was long enough for him to confirm his thoughts that Balrey and Edger were Murry and Grant, even if they didn't say it drictitly. When they were done he took a small bowl into the room that had the cage where a lost one that he was sure was Lacie. She always seemed so sad and so worried. He manage to get it in through a hole that was a little bit bigger then the others, as some form of comfort.  He had Wally write in Normal ink "We'll be back for you in time." on the nearby wall where she could see it. 
He also had him do it in the room filled with lost ones when they were there. Reason being that even if they do manage to get everyone free,  they might still be trapped in their inky forms.  And whlie he did live on the country side of his town, and have lots of land to the back of his house, he'll need to find some way to buy it so he could get everyone free. While he did have some random guest rooms in his house, surely he wouldn't be able to fit everyone inside the house,  even if most of them are made of ink. Suddenly he felt something cold on his shoulder.  He looked and saw Wally placed an still slightly covered in ink hand on Henry's shoulder, snaping him out of the trace he was in for a few minutes. 
Then they got to where they needed to fight Bertrum, it Henry felt this was where it might get messed up. Of course they had some trouble,  not fully understanding how they can win the Pacifist way. Soon Henry was badly hurt and was starting to bleed. Wally quickly garbed and axe and got him and Henry into a corner, waiting for the next attack.  Henry felt all he could remember of his life flash before his eyes as he started crying.
"Please, just let us pull the lever and leave! I just want to get us all out of this prison! I need to see Linda and Luna agein. How long has it been since I've been trapped here. Maybe a year now? " He shouted-cry unconsciously. There was only so long he could keep all his emotions locked up in these type of situations.
That seem to make Bertram stop mid attack. He shooked his head inside the machine slightly before looking back at Henry in slight shock and slight embarrassment. He started apologizing, claiming that he had the habit of amusing whoever walked into the room was Joey and attacking them before realizing it wasn't. And Henry Brown hair and blue eyes (Joey's we're a bit of a darkish green) and just being a human in general made him think he had him for sure. After a few minutes Henry and Wally left to continue the chapter, letting Bertram know they'll come back for him when they can.
Then they got to where they have to save Norman. Henry told the plan too Wally. He knew it was going to be risky, but it may be thier only shot at saveing him. And he had to get it right, otherwise all they worked for will become hopeless. This had to work. They sat quitely in the miracle station. They saw Norman start to reach his inky hand to the door. That's when Henry and Wally made thier risky move, opening the door and pulled Norman in. Henry thought being cramped in thier with Wally was like being in a can of sardines or other fish. He was worng.
Before Norman could do anything in retaliation, they all fell silent as the ink demon apperd in frount of them. He knew they were in thier, but by whatever froce or logic, he couldn't just open the door and get to them. Soon he left. Once they were sure it was safe, they got out. Norman just looked at the man and wolf toon confused. Then Henry pulled out the recording and played it. Norman seemed to started recalling his own memories the longer the tape played. By the time it ended, Norman was poniting at it and back to him. Then he manage to dim his light so he could look at them in the eyes without hurting them as much. Then he seemed to try talking to them, but it only manuage to came out in staic-like sounds. Whlie they weren't sure whqt he was saying, one thing was for sure when tehy went to complete the "Chapter". Norman wasn't leaving thier side, staying beside them the whloe way too the huanted house, and the 3 got into the cart and went for a ride.
Since Wally was alright, Heny wasn't sure what would wait for them at the end of the ride. When they got to where "Brute 'Brois' "  would jumpscare him, the cart was flipback by the track itself. They heard Susie laugh like a demon (ironic) as Fire and weponds and spikes quicky filled the room. Norman pushed all he could back away form them whlie Wally made sure Heney wasn't getting hurt. He noticed a symbol on some of them. He wasn't sure where he saw it before, but it looked like the shape of a head of someone. It was like they were in the middle of a battle field, only without training and the battle being something out of a horror movie. Only God knows how they surived in the end.
Susie quickly came rushing out. Wally ran and hid behind Norman and Norman brighten his light and got into a fighting pose. Henry garbed Susie arm and pulled her Behind him right before Allison could stab her through the chest. Doing so nearly getting his nose cut in half but Allison stoped in time. Susie looked at where she could have died in shock. She looked at Henry. "H-How did you know she was there? And why save me?"
Henry looked at her and suruged. "When you been stuck in a time loop for you don't even know how long, you kinda know the exact mommet everything happens. And I worked too hard on this "Pacifist round" to give up now."
After some looks of confusion, Allison and Tom too the safe house and locked in the cell room. Frist Henry explain to them about time loop there stuck in. Susie and Norman, being saved before thier second of death, belived it. Tom didn't by it at all. Allison they seem to be unsure of wither she should believe it or not. Henry also did try to remind them of when they were human. They did seem to start remebering. Tom did seem to try and ingore the memories, still not trusting Henry and his little group, even if one of them was also a Brois clone. Allison did talk about her Memories with them when Tom wasn't around. But she herself was unsure if they were memories or vision. And before they all knew it, the Begining to the final "Chapter" came.
Henry woke up to Allison trying to get Tom to help her get the out of there before Bendy came in. And Susie yelling at them wasn't helping. He walked over to the window in the cell and gently place his hand on Allison's shoulder. "You two go on" he said with a slight smile. "We'll catch up" 
Allison was hesitant, then with the look of guilt in her eyes, left with Tom. "Are you crazy!? You just ruin our only chance of getting out of this cell!" Susie yelled at him. He just stared at her as he pulled the spond, got the hidden pipe, and smacked the broods down. "Oh right...endless loop in time..." Susie said, resulting in a face plam from Norman. Then they went to break the loop. Henry did have to keep reminding them that they couodn't hurt anyone. There was just 2 more main people they needed to save now.
After they manage to eascpe the ink river monster thing (he found out the hard way that it wasn't actually anyone, just a true creation of the ink), Henry quicky warn the lost one fishing of what would happen if they didn't mange to save Sammy, and that they mean no harm. Then Sammy came out, ready to attack. Norman and Wally both had to hold Susie back form attacking him with rage.  Henry tried talking to Sammy, but it wasn't working. After a whlie the pipe sliped out of Henry hands, Smaking the mask off of Sammy's face.
"No! Don't look at me! Stay away..." Sammy said as he coverd his face and ran to his usely spot. Henry approached him form behind and placed a hand on Sammy's shoulder, unaware that Allison and Tom were watching.
" Hey Sammy...it's ok...Your face doesn't look bad....what's the need to act all shy about it" Henry said, being carefully not to get to where Sammy could garb him. Sammy didn't seem to respond. "Come on, where's the Sammy the used to be a bit Gurmpy, yet still manage to bring a smile to our faces all the time?" 
Sammy looked at the man, the Same recalling look it his black-gray eyes. "Henry?" He ask. Henry noded slightly. "Oh god....I was just trying too...."
"Hey, it's ok! The ink just messed with your head and memories. Happen to these guys too." He said, estureing too the other Ink creatures. Then Susie picked up the mask and walked over too Sammy, handing it too him.
"Your face doesn't look that bad, but if you pefer to wear this, be my guest." She said. Sammy looked at her before smiling slightly, then putting the mask back on.
"Glad to see you finelly realize it wasn't Sammy's flaut you were replace. I supose it's kinda my flaut due" Allison said form behind them all, seemingly regainimg her Memories too. Susie gave her a look that said "Yeah, it is". Then when the serachers and lost ones didn't apperd, they contuied on.
When Henry felled, Sammy, Norman, and Tom fell down with him, leaving Wally and Susie with Allison. When they got to Tom's adiuo recording form when he was human and played it, Tom's eyes widened slightly when he herad his voice and how he was involved with the Ink Machine and Bendy. He collaspe to the ground, hands over his head like Wally did when he got scared. Only Tom was also crying. Henry could make out the words "It's all my fluat" form what Tom mounthed.
The there others covinve him that Joey tricked him and that it wasn't his flaut, and that things will be ok. After getting the stubborn guilty toon to agree, at least partly, they went on. When they got to where Henry would have to avoid the butcher gang, then just smile and wave at each other if they past by. When the two groups met up agein, Tom hugged Allison, trying to apolgize for getting them into these mess.
Then they got to the lair of Bendy. Still no way for the ink creatures to cross. Allison looked at Henry "I'm not sure how, but we'll find some way to catch up"
"Till then, go tell that false Lord who's boss." Sammy said, slightly makeing a fist.
"If you surive being an errand boy to me, the ink demon should be no problem." Susie said.
The 3 mutes noded, Wally sighing Henry "Go get us outta here."
Henry nodded as he walked through the ink river and into the machine. As he walked through the corrador to the throne room, he thought about all he regain. He just might finalely be able to break this loop once and for all. Suddenly, he recalled the Poem. This turely was the way all along, and he just have to get Bendy to set them all free. He could almost see something smile softly had him in the reflections of glass as he walked past them.
When he walked into the throne room he played the tape. However, he could only re-lestion to Joey's voice giving him flase hope, before he had to throw and smash it agesint the wall.
"Well well well, someone seems mad" Henry herad Bendy say. It wasn't as much of a suprise, he had herad Bendy talk a few times in past loops. He turned around to face the ink creature. "So.....your going to try and end me, Henry, was it?" Bendy seenerd.
"And have the time loop agein?" Henry asked.
Bendy tilt his head to the side, his grin fading to a frown. "What do you mean by that?"
Henry sighed as he looked to the ground. "We done this many times before. Froce to do the Same thing over and over agein, all becuase of Joey."
Bendy walked over to the side of the trone, but still keeping a bit of a distance. "I had have "vistions" before, so I guess we are. Not to surpiseing knowing my creator, why i outta-"
"He's not your creator"
"-What?" Bendy said surpirse. "I mean I always thought he looked differnt then my vision I had of my creation, even whlie the face was blurred." He paused and looked up at one of the screens, a slight sad smile forming.
"Oh Those good old days. Just me, Brois, Alice, the butcher gang, the REAL them. Even if I always knew we were just a show in the back of my mind, it was perfect for me....until I was froced here....to the body of a monster" he said, sounding like he was trying not to cry. Henry felt more sadness and guilt wash over him. This was the little devil darling he created, the real bendy, Joey was just to blind to notice it, only careing about looks. To be honest it seem Everyone else, including him, were blind to that too.
Bendy looked back at Henry, the same look as before. "But Joey was the owner of the studio, and I was it's star creation. And no one else clam to be my true creator, so who else could it possibley be?" Bendy ask, tilting his head to the side.
Henry looked to the side, not sure how to break the news to his creation. Then he looked Bendy in the eyes-er...where he amused his eyes. "Joey stole you form him. He pretended to reject you, but then when your creator got sick and had to stay home, Joey stole you form him And by the time he realize this, it was too late to do anything about it. He left the studio sometime before all this happen."
Bendy just stared at Henry, not sure of weather he could belive him or not. "You seem to know a lot of my creator, how do you? And if you knew I wasn't Joey's creation, why didn't you try to stop him?" Bendy ask, slight distrust hidden in his voice.
"Becuase I'm your true creator."
Silent filld the room as Henry could only amuse Beney's eyes widien. "Y-Your jokeing, trying to play a trick on me.." Bendy said as Henry walked over. Then Henry grabed Bendy's shoulders and pulled him down so they were face to face.
"You said you recalled seeing a blur verison of your creator's face. Whlie I am older now, you still should be able to recognize it. " He said, closeing his eyes and bringing thier faces closer togeter, just barely touching. "And if had known what Joey had done.......I would have come to get you sooner, promise. I would have love you the way you are, I wouldn't have cared how you look. You were mine and you always had a spot in my heart like my wife and child does, you know that, right?" he said, trying not to tear up.
After a small gasp, Bendy, as gently as he could, quickly hugged Henry, remembering him. Then the others, seemingly found a way across, came in the see the Creator-Creation mommet. When the two parted, there seem to be the sound of a finger snap in the background, they all had a vistion simmler to Henry's form "Chapter four". It showed chains all over the walls and trasparent ones around all thier neaks. But then the chains on the walls dissaperd and the ones around thier necks broke.
When it ended they all saw an evalor that waen't there before. The inside had a message written in white sparkling ink.
"Inky forms you may forever be trapped in. But now the outside with the sun is waiting. Go on, creation of the Perfect Bendy in human skin. Set everyone free once agein." It read.
When they head in, they saw a botton coverd in that ink. The pressed it and it lead to the begining of "Chapter 1". Henry saw the sercent poem was now also filled with that ink. Bendy walked over to the door and reached his claw out, ready to break through. Henry could already see him hugging Luna tight in his arms.
Bendy claw went through the whole door, not frocefiled to stop it. While the door muffled the sound, they could all hear the voice of the man that got them in this mess slight screams. That proved it. They we're finely going to be free.
Hope you all liked it. I'm sorry if it's rushed or kinda confusing.
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Katherine (class D level 7)
“In…out…it’s gonna be ok.” Katherine repeated this over and over again, taking deep steady breathes while going over her notes again. She’d memorised them last night, but it didn’t matter because this was the real deal now. Things could easily go wrong. This History presentation was crucial to her grade and this thought had been cutting into her all week. If only she could concentrate on her damn notes! Breathing was going all over the place as it so easily did nowadays. The neatly written words and colours were going blurry as her eyes lost focus and she saw the scene play out. She’s there in front of the entire class, filled with smart people, people who could do better presentations than her, who knew more about the topic than she did. Her PowerPoint starts up and she’s stuttering her way through the first few slides before someone points out a flaw. Something wrong with the dates. Or names. Really, anything could be wrong, even though she double-checked each bit of information. They question her, interrogate her, how could she have let such an error happen, that was so stupid.
Quickly, Katie whips out her laptop, and speed-runs through the presentation once more, mentally going through everything she was going to say, checking her sources, her images and dates. Everything looked in order. But then again, what did she know? Deep breathe… one...two…
The bell rings and it’s time to get to class. Everyone packed their snacks, still laughing over some new joke, and made their way to class. Of course, everyone else was relaxed about the presentations, they were sure about what they were going to say. They were probably going to get full marks too. A small part of her wished she could relax as much as they were able to. She’d be fine once she finished it, she knew that.
Class began, the teacher set up her computer, so each student could log in quickly and just “go for it”. Katie checked the list. She was the fourth one. Damn it. There was no point in waiting, you might as well go first since you weren’t allowed to work on anything while others were presenting. A real shame at that, not only because she wanted to check her notes again, but because it would be easier to talk to the class if none of them were paying attention.
She barely registered the first two presentations, Katie’s mind was simply repeating her own notes, over and over again. Around thirty minutes into the lesson, her ears strained to hear the teacher call her name. It would look dumb if she didn’t respond to that, so she mentally prepared herself for it.
“Alright, Katie, whenever you’re ready.” She stood up. Too quick, slow down a bit. She logged into her account, hands trembling no matter how she tried to still them. The ppt appeared on the projector and she slightly cringed, what was she thinking with that font. As she read the title again, Katie realised with a sinking feeling, she messed up already. The title is supposed to be a question. It didn’t matter that her real question was on the next slide, everyone else had the common sense to put their research question at the start. It was almost as if someone was squeezing her lungs tight, it was hard to get any oxygen in. A headache began forming, but she couldn’t complain now. It would seem like she was trying to get out of it. Katie tried to ignore it.
She laughed nervously, trying to ease some of the tension building up within her, drowning her. “So…um, t-today, I’m gonna…um…” the room spun slightly. She really needed to get her breathing in control but damn it, it was so hard. She can’t faint now, that would really screw things over. She was better than this. She had to be.
“So, when…when the troops were… were rebelling against the, uh, G-General and Commander in…in charge… they- wait no, sorry, question first. Um…” her mind raced as Katie mentally kicked herself for that screw-up. She went on nevertheless. Past the first three slides, somehow remembering everything. But she could feel the seventeen pairs of eyes, following her every move, noting every hitch in her breath, every stutter, every mistake she made, judging her silently. Katie’s mind wandered to the end. Naturally the teacher would point out the many mistakes and inaccuracies. Her friends would pity her and her low grade. The others would whisper when they thought she couldn’t hear them about how she blew the whole thing. How she was a failure.
Her headache was really raging now, a wild fire, spreading from her lungs to her head, burning pain as if ropes were being tightened. It was pushing her, further and further to the edge of the cliff. She had tears welling up now as all her senses went into over drive. The room was cold, freezing cold, but it wasn’t like she could leave mid-way and put her jacket. That was look dumb and weird. Not to mention probably get her mark deducted. She wasn’t sure how, but there must be something about leaving the presentation mid-way.
With all this going on, Katie struggled to remember her next part. She stared at the screen, hoping it would show mercy and give her the answer. Nothing. The longer she stared, the more blank she felt. Tears spilled through, she didn’t care. She needed to keep going. But her mind was taken over by the pain.
And it went over the edge.
It was like emerging from the depths, taking in the first gasp of sweet air. Her mind was abruptly cleared, and she could think again. Taking a few more precious seconds to get her breathing in control, she nervously smiled at the class, hoping to do some damage-control in the last 5 minutes of her presentation. But they only stared back in horror. Her smile fell as she realised what had happened.
She’d screwed up her entire presentation with that stupid break-down. How could she think everything would be fine, that she could do some stupid “damage-control”? There was no saving her grade now, as she looked at the same shocked expression on her teacher’s face. “sorry, can-can I try again? I don’t know… it’s just been a bit sc-scattered for me, I don’t know, I’m sorry.” She muttered quietly, smiling nervously, hoping the teacher took pity on her. But instead their expression of shock grew into horror as she spoke.
“Katie…? Where did you go?” she tentatively asked as she looked around the room. The rest of class was also looking around, almost as if she wasn’t right in front of them, standing perfectly still. Even her friends in the back row were in on it. just looking around, outside the damn window even, as if she had just jumped out the damn classroom!
Her breathing grew shallow as some of them began talking worriedly amongst themselves and the teacher even went to the phone. Even if this was just a joke, they seemed to be taking the whole thing a bit too far. “He-hey, I’m right here guys… come on, what’s going on?”
Everyone’s head snapped up in her direction and they all stared worriedly at her. “Oh my God, you guys heard, that right?” someone spoke up as everyone nodded and muttered in mute horror. The room was chilled as everyone began yelling and Katie slid onto the floor and curled around herself, trying to block out the noise. Nothing was making sense. This wasn’t right. What was going on?
It was only a month after this happened that Katie understood what had happened. From the point of view of the class, Katie had simply vanished from sight. They could only hear her voice as she panicked and cried in confusion. She reappeared ten minutes later, completely still, sitting on the floor, darting her eyes around the room. She naturally didn’t accept what they said had happened. It all seemed like a cruel joke. But eventually she came to accept that she was an what the scientific world called, an Atypical.
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
Muggle Observations by LittleRose13
Day 11, The 12 Days of Shipmas - Christmas play/nativity 🎤
In which Albus knows everybody’s lines and Lily gets far too excited. 
Words: 2,000
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
14th December, 2014
The school hall of Ridge Oak Primary was darker than usual, and packed with people sat on rows of chairs. Children’s artwork decorated every wall leading up to a stage set up at the front of the hall. Music played somewhere beneath the loud chatter and Arthur Weasley was bouncing up and down in his seat with excitement.
“Amazing, fascinating, ingenious these muggles.”
“Dad, shh,” Ginny reminded him. “You can’t keep saying that in here.”
“But look! That thing,” he pointed to the projector on the ceiling, “is shining light so brightly, it’s making a picture on that wall!”
He was speaking in the tone of voice one would expect from a three-year-old explaining what they could see around them. A man in the row in front turned around and gave Arthur a strange look. Ginny smiled and patted her father’s shoulder.
“Dad, write it down instead.”
Arthur nodded and withdrew a small notebook and muggle pen from his pocket. It was his Muggle Observations book which Ginny had bought for him for moments just like this. He used it to write down everything he noticed which interested him so that he could discuss it at length with whoever would listen.
Molly tutted and shook her head at her husband, but Ginny saw her looking at the projector in interested disbelief.
Ginny always brought her parents to anything the kids did at school, not only because Arthur was ecstatic to be in the muggle primary school, but because Molly also took great delight in watching her grandchildren grow up. The Christmas nativity was a particular highlight for her, although Ginny and Harry were apprehensive about it this year.
If they could just get through the whole thing without Lily doing accidental magic (which happened when she was excited), they could breathe easily.
“Look, Gin.” Harry tapped her on the shoulder and pointed down at a page in the programme they’d been given on the way in. It read Ridge Oak Primary School Nativity 2014 on the front and contained several photographs inside.
The picture Harry was pointing at was of Lily’s year two class sat in rows and singing. Every child was sat with their legs crossed, singing sweetly, until the very end of the row where Lily was. She too sat with her legs crossed neatly, but wasn’t looking at the camera and had instead thrown her head back with the exuberance of her singing.
“Thank Merlin they didn’t give her a solo singing part,” Ginny grinned at her husband.
“I thought they did? She told me she was Angel Gabriel?” Harry looked confused and flicked to the cast list at the front of the programme. Next to the part of Angel Gabriel was the name of a girl in James’ class; definitely not Lily Potter.
“And you believed our six-year-old daughter?”
“How can you tell when she’s making things up?” Harry looked crestfallen.
“How can you not?” Ginny was laughing at her husband, who their daughter had firmly wrapped around her little finger.
“I think it’s starting,” Molly said, shushing them and settling to face the stage.
The lights in the school hall had dimmed and a spotlight shone down on a microphone to the side of the stage. A child stepped up to it and started to speak. Molly looked around agitatedly.
“Where’s James?” she hissed. “I thought he was the narrator.”
“There are a few narrators, Mum,” Ginny gently leant over her father to address her mother. Molly pursed her lips as if it wasn’t at all acceptable for anybody other than her grandchildren to be on the stage.
The narrator who wasn’t James finished speaking and the show started. To the side of the stage, Lily’s whole class could be seen sitting ready to sing.
While the children were all singing and Mary and Joseph wandered around the school hall on a hobby horse designed to look like a donkey, Lily spotted her parents in the audience. She didn’t stop singing but she waved enthusiastically, nearly poking the little boy next to her in the eye.
“Ironic that Lily was cast as an angel,” Ginny whispered into Harry’s ear as he watched her singing in her little angel costume. (A generic angel, not the lead role of Angel Gabriel she’d told Harry was hers.)
As they both watched their daughter sing, there was a moment when they both froze. Lily’s tinsel halo had started to levitate above her head, slowly rising up and away from her red hair. Their biggest worry was happening right in front of them.
“Is she… doing magic?” Harry hissed in horror as the halo rose higher. A child sat behind Lily had their eyes locked on in wonder.
“She’s excited about singing, oh Merlin make it stop!” Ginny kept her voice at a whisper but was internally panicking. The song went on and Lily’s halo was still hovering, completely disconnected from her head.
A few seats down from Lily was her teacher, Miss Emerson, who through a surprising turn of events, was well aware that the Potters were magical. She too had spotted Lily’s levitating halo and reached out to quickly grab it and lower it back down to Lily’s head. With the halo firmly held in place by her hand, Miss Emerson scanned the crowd for Harry and Ginny, shooting them a grin.
Ginny gave her a grateful look and Harry mouthed thank you across the hall.
“That was a close one,” Ginny muttered, keeping her eyes firmly locked on Lily.
The song finished and everybody clapped. James stepped up to the microphone and sought his parents out in the audience. He caught Harry’s eye and grinned widely, pressing his lips just a bit too close to the microphone and creating a muffled sound.
“Mary and Joseph travelled many miles to Bethlehem on a donkey,” he spoke confidently, as if he were announcing the lineup of a show.
“Look at Albus,” Ginny whispered and pointed out their second son to the side of the stage, dressed as a shepherd and holding a toy sheep. He was sat with the other shepherds in what was supposed to be a freeze frame, except Albus’ lips were moving as he mouthed all of James’ words along with him. Harry grinned at her and shook his head fondly.
“They needed to find somewhere to stay, so they asked some innkeepers if there was room.”
“What is he doing with his hands?” Arthur asked from Ginny’s other side.
“Signing. There are two hard of hearing children in this school.” Arthur nodded and looked back at James, who was continuing to tell the story of Mary and Joseph being turned away by the innkeepers.
“A kind innkeeper let them stay in his stable, because he had no room.” James smiled around and stepped down from the microphone and back into his space next to the other narrators.
“Look, an angel!” Albus delivered his line perfectly, which was no surprise considering he’d practised it every night at the dinner table between mouthfuls. The child who had actually been cast as the Angel Gabriel started to walk onto the stage.
There was a silent pause.
The girl beside Albus was staring at him with wide eyes. Albus looked at her pointedly. Nothing happened.
Over to the side of the stage, Miss Emerson was holding a script and watching the girl on the stage, looking like she was ready to jump in with the line any second.
Albus whispered something to the girl and her expression cleared. “Something terrible must have happened!” the girl exclaimed, spoiling the sentiment slightly by smiling at Albus.
The children all started to sing While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night and thankfully, Lily didn’t seem to be as excited by this song and kept the accidental magic under control from what Harry and Ginny could see.
“Look, its James again!” Molly whispered unnecessarily loudly. “Arthur, get the camera out again.”
Ginny pointedly avoided the confused stares of the people further down the row who had been taking photos of their children on a mobile phone, and were eyeing the large and old-fashioned looking (secretly magic) camera with fascination.
James confidently approached the microphone and told the audience how three wise men from the east followed a star to find the baby Jesus. There was more singing as children dressed as wise men walked through the middle of the audience, following another child holding up a big, silver star. The star was handed to James, who held it up proudly to say his next line.
“Jesus was born, and angels sent from heaven surrounded the stable.”
Lily’s class filed neatly onto the stage and Harry waved at their daughter, who gave him a big smile but also an expression that made it clear she was far too professional to wave back now she was on stage. There was another song, which Lily sang enthusiastically and Harry and Ginny crossed their fingers tightly throughout.
The song came to an end, and James went to speak again, but as he did, the star he was holding began to sparkle and glow as if it were alive with fairy dust. James stared at it in surprise, indicating he wasn’t aware this was going to happen. Similarly, a teacher behind him was rubbing the lenses of his glasses and staring in disbelief at the ethereal star.
“What amazing special effects!” somebody in the row behind commented.
Ginny took one look at Lily’s beam and shining eyes and she slid as far down in her seat as was socially acceptable. Harry had his head in one hand, an anguished look on his face.
James, while still blown away by the object in his hand, continued to say his lines, sounding only a little bit uncertain. Albus was looking between the star and his little sister, having worked out what was going on. He nudged Lily lightly and she turned around to smile at him too. He mouthed stop at her but she didn’t seem to understand him.
Albus’ intervention seemed to have distracted Lily enough that the star’s glow slowly diminished. Ginny was more than relieved, as she’d been having visions of the star beginning to levitate away from James.
The nativity came to an end and everyone clapped until the hall became a bustle of chatting parents and teachers. Nearly everyone was commenting on the ‘impressive finale’, and even Molly and Arthur hadn’t instantly recognised it had been their granddaughter’s accidental magic. When they did, they were smiling proudly.
“Well done my babies,” Ginny stood up to receive James and Albus, who had reached them first. They allowed her to hug them both, even though James groaned at being called a baby.
“Did you see what Lil did?” Albus asked breathlessly. “Will she be in trouble? I don’t think she did it on purpose.”
“Oh! That was Lily!” A look of understanding passed over James’ face and he shrugged. “It was cool.”
“She’s not in trouble, it was an accident. Just unfortunate timing,” Ginny muttered to reassure Albus as Lily came running over to them, throwing herself into Harry’s arms.
“I did it, Daddy! I was an angel.” Harry picked her up.
“Was that very exciting, being on stage?” he asked his daughter.
“Oh yes!” Lily’s eyes were shining.
“We all noticed how excited Lily was,” Ginny said fondly, looking around at her family who were gazing at Lily in amusement.
“You dropped your halo, Lily.” Miss Emerson appeared at Harry’s shoulder to reunite Lily with her halo. She smiled round at the family. “That certainly livened things up. I’ll put Lily on props next year.” She winked and left them to greet some other parents.
“Did you see the star, Daddy?” Lily whispered into Harry’s ear. “Don’t tell anyone, but I think it might have been magic.”
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whatsanalec · 4 years
Weeks 9&10
It’s been hectic and stressful to say the least, and a lot happened.
Firstly, concerning the “ ‘ “ idea: I made a portotype for each version (window and crowd). However, the only one I went forward with was the window one, because I feel like it’s more striking and intriguing as an image and concept, and because the crowd idea (seeing image) - although it took a while to draw - turned out to appear a lot more creepy than I imagined because of the eyes. Although I should have seen that coming, come to think of it.
For the Window prototype (first image) I used leftover painted card from last year for the background. For the end product it needs to be bright colour that communicates the feeling of desire.
For both prototypes, I used a photo of myself for the silhouette (which I had to photoshop because my jaw was still very swollen from getting my wisdom tooth removed at the time). This is my way of putting myself in the work, semi-literally. Since this concept is half-inspired by personal experience, it just makes sense for me.
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Having decided to go ahead with the window idea, I set to work to get it done. I used another image for the background figure to avoid the same pixelation issue I had with the prototype.
This piece, initially inspired by the Imagine Dragons lyric, “I’m an apostrophe, I’m just a symbol to remind you that there’s more to see,” put you in the perspective of a person who, despite having someone directly in front of and facing them, decides to look through them and onto who’s behind. That person, however, is visually content without knowing or acknowledging you. And yet, you keep looking.
The top layer being plain white serves the purpose of blending into a white wall and emphasising the idea that you are looking straight through someone who is obviously right in front of you. Behind that, the black layer is to create stark contrast and amplify the white’s cutout, but invite you further into the centre of the piece.
The much more intricate application of the crimson and scarlet colours beneath are to communicate the feeling of desire and interest that you feel towards the figure in the back, who is maticulously detailed in contrast to the silhouette in front. This is to convey the idea that you, who is looking through someone that you see no detain in, look past them and onto someone whose body intrigues you so much more. The piece is sized so that the silhouette is life sized in order to make the concept more real to the viewer.
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In other news, remember that floating MDF idea I had? Yeah I did that. This was very unlike anything I’ve done before and was very stressful because I was working on this and ‘ at the same time for over a week.
This started with me stealing (with permission) - bunch of lasercut rectangles from the digital making space, and the idea of “strangers,” which I came up with after a conversation with my friend about my social anxiety. After a slow back and forth with Ronnie about how to suspend them, I painted them all white on both sides and we constructed the... thing.
As I mentioned before, my first thought was to create some kind of crosshatch design - either out of assembled wood or lasercut MDF - and attach it to my studio board so that the pieces could be hung in seemingly random places, because that’s what I wanted. What Ronnie thought of was similar. We screwed a couple long, thin pieces of wood coming off the top of my studio board and I was left to play with it.
We were going to do the same thing with another piece of wood and then attach some pieces across the ones already there, parallel to the wall, but after some experimentation with hanging the MDF I realised that it would be much better if the wood parallel to the wall was completely movable. That way, I could move and swap them about freely to get what I want without the hassle of untying the thread and tying it back on in a different spot. And if I wanted to change the position of a single MDF piece, I could shimmy it over thanks to the slack on the knots, or I could loop the thread around the wood to make the MDF higher. Foolproof.
But this contraption isn’t the whole thing. To communicate the aforementioned idea of anxiety, I had the idea of projecting a video of an eye looking around restlessly, with audio of panicked breathing. Luckily, I have three things that made this possible on short notice: a phone capable of filming in 4K, a clip-on macro lens for said phone, and a willing friend.
My idea for this video was to make it very eerie and anxiety inducing. So when it came to editing it, I used Davinci Resolve to desaturate the colours and lower the temperature to make it seem cold and absolutely not uplifting. I then took it into Premiere Pro. There, I made an identical video track but reversed it and lowered the opacity to 33% so it looks like two eyes of the danger owner moving independently.
For the audio, I added a recording of my heavy breathing and upped the gain to make it loud but not deafeningly so. I also added a slowed down version of it for a creepy bass layer, and I also added a track of room time but made it louder to amplify the feeling of something being off.
So, I got a projector and a plinth, and it turned out pretty great. Without further ado:
Strangers is an installation with the purpose of portraying my experience with social anxiety and difficulty communicating with proper I don’t know well or aren’t comfortable around.
The projected video aims to induce the feelings of anxiety and panic, which are communicated through many aspects: i.e. the lack of vibrance, overlap of visuals and collection of audio. The use of colour gives anything but a feeling of happiness and makes the viewer feel on edge just by that alone. The overlap of video shows constant rapid movement, and along with the sound of panicked breathing, plus the sounds beneath that, the feeling of being overwhelmed is emphasised so much more.
The MDF pieces are suspended by transparent fishing wire to give the impression that they are floating. They are positioned in a way that appears random and they take up all three axes. These shapes represent uncertainty and/or people, and their positioning gives the idea that there is no escape from threes feelings of anxiety - you’re surrounded by them. They’re everywhere. These objects onstruct the projection and leave holes in it, furthering the relationship between the two elements of the installation and bringing the video forwards into the third dimension.
To see the video, click here: https://youtu.be/tAJWmACRYbY
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Moving Image module
Editing this thing together was an experience but less tedious than I expected. I used Davinci Teeolve for the first time to colour correct and whatnot. It was a slow process because my laptop isn’t great but I got there. I tried to make it look like there was more sun, to give a warm feeling and emphasise the light-heartedness, but some locations are visually overcast so it was kind of difficult to make them seem sunnier while being realistic. In some cases I ended up just being able to boost the colour which will have to suffice.
When it came to making all the cuts in Premiere, I divided a method for including all the locations without the film being a confusing mess: start with 3 locations and cut between them. 3 minutes in, take one out and introduce a new one in the former’s place. Repeat until all locations are introduced. I had to write this down in a way that visually represented it in a simple way my feeble little brain could understand:
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This method was derived from Creature Comforts, which did near the same thing. The difference being that they had many more settings to cut between. After I developed the method, it was a matter of singling out the moray interesting parts/monuments with potential for the voiceover, and cutting them together. It came to about 11.5 minutes, which is respectable in my opinion, as long as we can keep the energy up during recording.
Speaking of which, I think the recording went well. We started with the traffic/weather track which was going well, considering we hadn’t had any practice, until Nathan forgot we weren’t doing voices yet. He realised after that track and we gained confidence through recording the others.
Being one take and in time with the video track, the audio was easy to implement. At first I lowered the sfx and ambiance tracks to give the speech one more prominence, but Nathan advised I boost all of them. This was alright, just meant I had to adjust the volume of some parts. Also, I only ended up using the direction track once, where the speech track peaked badly. If we did this again, I’d definitely speak more clearly during recording and be more cautious about packing the mic. But of course we couldn’t do a second take, because that would go against the whole point of doing a single take.
And that’s it done. I definitely believe we could have achieved something much more impressive if we went with my initial idea or something similar. But nevertheless, this was a fun process, especially the recording. At least I learned new software and hot more experience with editing. Link to the film: https://youtu.be/BoH4mZsXRac
Now all that’s left is assessment. Please have mercy.
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ordinary-blossoms · 3 years
I wanted to be a scientist. I didn't have time for romance. My mother told me boys my age should be dating but I disagree. I didn't have time to have the thoughts about another person flood my mind and take over the space I had reserved for studies. I had my life together, I was fine.
Then he came along. Like a meteor crashing onto the roof of my house, he came into my life suddenly. Brown hair, the prettiest pair of blue eyes I'd seen and freckles that went across his nose down to his cheeks. Arlo, I believe his name was. I saw him when he walked in the hallways, sat at lunch, talked to his friends. I took notes on him as if he were a subject I was researching, trying my best to get as much information as I could. I believed I was just interested in him, but not interested in being with him.
More and more, I thought about him. I drew him, I wrote about him, I even talked about him to a friend of mine once or twice. I was infatuated. But why? To anyone else, he was normal. Cute, but normal. Maybe it was the way his freckles were like constellations against his skin. Or his eyes like the ocean. Or his hair like the chocolate my Mother brought me whenever she was proud of a project I did. I think that was it. I wasn't sure.
5th block came around, meaning I had History. I would have been paying attention but I had to write down more information on Arlo. His favorite sport (soccer), favorite food (grilled cheese sandwich), and so on. I was so into writing, I didn't notice the teacher walk past me. She had been standing in front of me for a few before audibly clearing her throat.
"Mr. Izaiah, what's so important in that notebook that you can't pay attention?", she placed her hand on said notebook, startling me. Before I could close it, she picked it up and started flipping through the pages.
"Ma'am, please don't read my things-", I tried to get her to give it back but she was not having it. She stopped at one of my many drawings of Arlo, staring at it for awhile. Everyone was looking at me. Including Arlo.
"Since this is what's taking away from you paying attention to my lesson, why don't I show the class?", she started walking to her desk where the projector was. I panicked, not wanting the class to see. She turned the projector on and I knew I was done for. There sat my personal favorite drawing of Arlo, sitting in the grass by the school's front entrance, talking to his friends. Except, I didn't draw his friends, just made shadows of them. The drawing mainly focused on Arlo, laughing, being as happy as I've ever seen a person. The class sat in awe, then burst out in laughter. Arlo glanced over at me, confused and blushing.
I felt my cheeks become wet and I realized I was crying. She kept turning the pages, flipping to my notes on Arlo's eyes, hair, his freckles, his hands even. It wasn't until now I had realized how obsessed and creepy I looked. I felt my breath become labored, and felt as if I couldn't breathe. Asthma attack. More like an asthma-panic attack. I started wheezing, leaning over my desk. The teacher looked up from her publicly embarrassing me, her eyes widening.
"Can someone take him to the nurse?", she closed the notebook, sitting it on another part of her desk. To my surprise, Arlo offered to take me. I felt bad, I didn't want people thinking Arlo liked me. He took my arm and lead me out of the class, closing the door behind us. I struggled to get my breath back, but I knew my inhaler was in the nurse's office. Once we reached the nurse, Arlo let my arm go, going to get the nurse. I sat down, wiping the tears off my face. About a minute later, Arlo came back with the nurse, who was holding my inhaler. She passed it to me, then walked away. I took a few puffs of it, to gain my composure back and sighed as I felt air fill my lungs. Arlo had sat down next to me, watching me as I caught my breath. I looked over at him, blushing profusely.
"T-th-thank you for taking me to the nurse-", I stuttered, avoiding eye contact with him.
"No problem. Kind of felt like I had to after what happened in class", he replied. I realized this was my first time talking to him. His voice was just as soft and smooth as I had heard many times before. Then it dawned on me that he felt like forced to help me. I frowned inside my head.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I-"
"I have a girlfriend, Izaiah. And I'm straight."
I sat there dumbfounded. He stood up and waved before walking back to class, alone. I felt frozen. I had feelings for a straight guy.
Author: This concludes chapter 1 of "Maybe I Lied". I couldn't add a title to this chapter for some reason but the title will be there next chapter. Until next time :)
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