#was wondering the whole time how the teachers approved of this motherfucker.
indihome-suck · 2 months
bako do you mind if you. erm. elaborate more on what happened on the Tafakur at your school? that was insane holy shit
It was. Honestly not that crazy, but everyone was freaked out anyways. Oh also I still has the alumni's Instagram account blocked.
So at 7:30pm after Isya and dinner, we were supposed to attend a lecture to end the day. You know how it goes. A lecturer, typically an ustadz, tells you some sad shit about your parents until you cry and pray for them. Yada yada yada you know the drill.
Interestingly, the lecturer happened to be an alumni who also graduated from FH UI. Funnily enough he kept bragging about it at the start of the lecture. Us 10th graders at the time were like "okay is this supposed to be an inspirational lecture or something?" It's not!
It starts light with the parents stuff, with a video of some sad story about a parent and a kid (I remembered it's about a father who's blind.) And then he starts showing the graphic birth video. And then a brain operation video saying how "it's amazing how God makes all this"
The 10th graders were freaked out. Even the OSIS were freaked out. A kid got a panic attack. It was about 9pm and he still haven't stopped the lecture. The OSIS realizing they were running behind schedule told the alumni that he should end the lecture. He refused. Continues the lecture and yells at the OSIS saying how important this will all be when we grow up and how all of us will thank him.
The OSIS thinked fast and sneaked some of us out the lecture hall. The alumni was furious when he realized, and went on a rant about it and yells at everyone in the room. In the end the teachers (who were on a break quite far from the lecture hall) realized what's going on and deescalates the situation. The alumni got yelled at by our most brutal math teacher. Thanks miss math teacher.
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darkredehmption · 3 years
Class Is In
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#SL #ClassIsIn
Written by @DamagedBrother and @OfFeatherNFang 
I shifted uncomfortably. It wasn’t even the first time, but thank fuck, none of my new ‘students’ seemed to notice. As each of the Brothers filed in, taking various seats at the front of the room, I resisted the urge to up and fucking leave. Instead I clenched the black dry erase marker, my eyes straying to Zsadist, who watched me with a small, reassuring smile. My free hand absently brushed over the new scar beneath my shirt, reminding me of what I was doing, and why. 
My most recent hospital stay had ended only a few days earlier, and while I’d been approved to teach a classroom full of muscle clad, would-kick-the-shit-out-of-satan killers, I was still black listed from actually leaving the manse to go on rotation. So I had to take what I could get I guess.
As silence crept in with everyone settling the fuck down, I felt the even more uncomfortable weight of eyes on me, waiting for how I was going to wow them. I mean, this wasn’t a class on explosives, firearms, or the 52 ways you could kill a guy with your thumb. This was on the supernatural. Or, I guess, everything ELSE that was supernatural other than… well, us.
“Right, shit, well… here we go. Never been a public speaker, so bear the fuck with me while I figure this shit out,” I mutter, tapping the marker against my free hand. Rhage, helpfully, grinned and said ‘here, here’. 
“Well, let’s start by cutting straight to the why’s of being here,” I say firmly, looking to Zsadist and giving a small nod. “Z had a demon hitch a ride. He was possessed,” I say flatly. “And demons gossip around the lava water cooler worse than chicks in a high school. If we don’t start taking precautions now, we could be seeing more of them. Or more of what happened…”
I managed to keep myself from brushing the scar this time, but nothing could quell the furious fire burning in me to ensure Zsadist would never, ever have to go through that shit again. 
I couldn’t help but keep my eyes locked onto my male. I mean let’s face it, I always wanted my eyes on him. But even more lately with what had gone down recently. I could have lost him. Lost the most important person in life at the hands of myself. Well technically not myself, but still, this meeting was important. It was important for the Brotherhood to learn some knowledge on a new threat we had.
Shaking the thought from my head as I give my male an encouraging smile. He looked nervous as hell to be in front of the Brotherhood right now, about to teach them a thing or two of his enemies. Though I wanted to believe that my Brothers would behave and give them his full attention. 
I couldn’t help but notice Mal’s hand as it crept closer to the new scar that I helped make on his body. Yes, this wasn’t my doing completely, but my hand was the one wielding the dagger. I had to stop letting myself believe this was all my fault, because it wasn’t. 
The demons were another enemy that we needed to take down. So I made sure everyone was paying attention before my eyes landed on Mal once again. 
“I can honestly say I’ve never dealt with a demon possessing a vampire before, but then again, I don’t think the regular vampires they’re used to quite cut it…”
I frowned at that thought, but shrugged and kept going. 
“Anyway, we’ll deal with the other breeds of vampires in another lesson,” I say absently, shaking my head. “And ghouls… werewolves… wendigos… poltergeists… well, you get the idea.” I waved my hand as if it would dismiss all the other breeds of supernatural beasties I’d just thrown out there. “Demons are our most pressing issue. How to identify one…”
Turning to the white board, I popped the top on my marker and started to write as I spoke. 
“Flickering lights. While also a sign of a malevolent spirit, it can be an indicator that a strong demon is nearby. In their raw form, they look like dark black smoke. That smoke will seek access to your body through your nose and mouth,” I instruct, turning to look back at the Brothers. 
All of whom were staring at me, wide eyed and… damn, I wasn’t sure. Angry? Disbelieving? Incredulous? I couldn’t pin it. But this shit was definitely not what they were used to dealing with, and I was going to need to give them a minute to absorb.
“Uh… ask questions, if you want. If it… makes it easier.”
Whoa okay. That was a lot of knowledge my male just spilled. I was just accepting the fact that demons had entered our world, but all those other things? Hell no. 
As I looked around the room I couldn’t help but notice my Brothers with the same blank look on their faces. Vishous was the first one to recover. I watched carefully as he lit a blunt then leaned across his desk. 
“Well shit. Always figured there was more to life than just us and the humans.” Vishous said with a shrug. 
Rhage’s brows drew in as he raised his hand. I couldn’t help but laugh as he played the role as a student. Once called on, by the very sexy teacher, he drops his hand and unwraps a lollipop.
“So...like all those things you are saying is bad? But how can that be true? I mean...Hadrian is a shifter and he isn’t bad. Used for bad things, sure, but that isn’t his fault. I guess what I’m saying is, what is trying to come for us currently? Do the demons work with the other parties that were mentioned?”
Ah yes, Hadrian.
Even though we were connected, I had a weird feeling that Rhage was tight with the male as well. Rhage once told me that he can relate to Hadrian in some way and hopes that they would get the chance to spend more time together. 
Speaking of, I needed to check in with the shifter and make sure he was doing alright. We did manage to be on rotation together every now and then, but rarely did we have the time to chit chat. Maybe next time Mal was out fighting and I was at home I could see if Hadrian wanted to grab a beer. Couldn’t hurt.
“Not all shifters are bad the way not all vampires are bad,” I conceded, nodding my head. “Hadrian is a special example too. Even in his world, being able to shift into more than one creature is rare. Most shifters, like werewolves, are bound to one animal.”
Pausing, I took in a breath, trying not to let myself be distracted by thoughts of Hadrian. The shifter being metaphysically bound to my mate was still a raw point for me, but I was working through it. Y’know. Slowly.
“But back to demons…” Lifting a hand to my shirt, I tugged down the collar just enough to reveal the pentacle tattoo across my chest. I also tried to ignore the quick way Z’s golden eyes narrowed at my potentially showing skin to his Brothers, but in this instance he was definitely going to have to breathe. “There are ways of ensuring a demon can’t possess you,” I explain. “This symbol is a protective one that repels demons. They can’t possess me. You can also wear the symbol, or other various amulets and protective talismans, to prevent it.”
Letting go of the shirt, I start a list.
“So, symbols. Talismans. Holy water,” I add, my tone rueful as I figured some of them were, undoubtedly, rolling their eyes. After all, holy water was also a mythical vampire repellent. “If a demon has already possessed a body, you can sometimes provoke them into revealing themselves by saying the name of God in latin.” I glance back at all of them. “Their eyes will turn a complete and glossy black with no iris at all. If they turn any other colour… well. Run like hell while screaming my name,” I say dryly. 
My eyes narrowed dangerously low when I watched Mal reveal his chest to my Brothers. Sure, they’ve seen his bare torso, but that doesn’t mean I wanted them sneaking a peek. 
Quickly my head snaps in Vishous’s direction when he starts sketching in the notebook he brought to Mal’s class. Leaning over my desk to look over his shoulder only to reveal a drawing of the tattoo my male wore on his chest. Vishous continued to underline the shape as I leaned back into my seat. He probably had a plan of making some amulets for us to wear while out on rotation.
Everything Mal described sounded...insane. But I knew first hand that this was serious, and everything that he was saying was true.
“I can’t believe we are going to turn into demon hunters!”  Rhage chimes in with a goofy smile.
I hold back a snort, turning my attention towards Tohrment as he clears his throat. All heads turn towards his direction.
“So...do these demons have a main purpose? Or do they just run around trying to find people to possess. Like we know what the lessers want...I was just wondering if these demons had an end goal.” Tohr murmurs as he crosses his arms. 
“Woah, hold your horses dragon boy,” I snort, shaking my head. “I don’t want to turn the Brotherhood into hunters. Believe it or not, there are hunters out there ready to track down demons and the like when they pop up and send them back to Hell. The ‘only’ reason I am teaching ‘anything’ right now is because… well, me being here could bring more of the nasties into our radar, and I want everyone at least prepared to handle it.”
Yeah. Fuck. I ‘so’ did not need to lead these leather clad killers into metaphysical battles. They were all about the bang bang motherfuckers, and you couldn’t waste a ghost or half the things I’d fought with just lead and blades alone.
“Case in point,” I continue, arching a brow. “Half the shit I deal with can’t be snuffed out with a few bullets or a well placed knife to the heart cavity, yeah? Banishing demons requires the seal of solomon and exorcism chants and a whole whack of shit. In the case of possession? Prevention is so much better than cure, so I just want everyone able to avoid it. Depending on who excels at these classes, I may go further to teach exorcisms.”
My eyes flicked to Zsadist, then to Vishous, the two I’d already pegged as most likely to be taught an exorcism. If Vishous didn’t go ahead and research the latin for it without me I’d be shocked.
“As far as a demon’s purpose…” I trailed off, sighed then shrugged. “Really, they want mayhem. They want souls. They don’t want to be in hell. So, all of the above and then some. The better their vessel, the more situated they are to get other demons up and included. So, a breed of rich, powerful vampires with all manner of weapons at their disposal would be ‘very’ appealing,” I add dryly. “So, to reiterate… demons flinch at the latin name of God, burn at the touch of holy water, have dark eyes and look like dark clouds of smoke when they come at you in raw form. Any questions?”
 Everyone kinda stayed quiet, some shook their heads as Mal asked if anyone had questions. Which honestly I was a little relieved at. That means that my Brothers were taking this seriously. Then again after they discovered Hadrian, and learned about shifters, they must believe that anything is possible at this point. 
“Think this is a good starting point. We need to continue on and train to be able to handle the demons. Mal is right in a sense where we don’t need to go out and look for demons to destroy, but more so be equipped to handle them if they get in the way from our main goal.” 
I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly as Rhage’s face fell. Maybe one day Rhage could go on a mission if any of Mal’s hunter friends ever needs a hand. Then again Hollywood actually might cause more damage.
Snorting at the thought as I look up to watch them file out slowly. Vishous stops in front of my mate to show him some things he wrote down then bumps his shoulder before following out after Butch. Figures V would be all about this. I’m sure he would be up all night doing research. 
I lean back in my desk, keeping my eyes on my mate as a private smile slowly forms on my face. Something that my Brothers wouldn’t get to see. Slowly I move to get up, the wooden chair creaking beneath me as I shift my weight off of it. 
“Well, that went...well.” I rumbled as I made my way over to the very handsome teacher. “What do you think?” My arms cross over my broad chest. 
With everyone getting the basics down and with no further questions, class seemed to be dismissed. As Vishous stopped to show me his mockup of the tattoo on my chest, I nodded, agreeing with his ideas of necklaces and arm bands bearing the symbol to protect the Brothers. They needed things that were easy to put on or keep close that wouldn’t get in the way of the fight. 
Waiting for Z to come up, I felt myself relaxing the closer he got, until he was right there and I was leaning over to steal a kiss.
“You think it went well?” I murmur, grateful to hear it. “Could you tell I was nervous? Teaching classes is not really my schtick, but everyone seemed to… take it well.”
Sighing, I leant against the desk at the front and gestured backward at the board and the notes I’d made. 
“I know this is new to everyone, but… I appreciate the enthusiasm.” Pausing, I looked my male over and felt a familiar and welcome rush of affection. “You okay?”
The kiss was soft and I welcomed it by sliding my arms around Mal’s waist. Holding my mate against me as my hand lifted to graze his cheek.
“Yeah, now that everything's okay and you are healed.” I murmur as I avoid his gaze for a moment. Trying not to picture the moment I stabbed my own mate in the chest. 
Clears my throat. “This is good. We needed this done in case we came in contact with another demon. It seems like everyone took it serious for the most part.” I snort thinking of Rhage then shrugs. “Do you feel good about continuing the lessons? I want to make sure every Brother is well equipped to take care of a demon if we come across one. Scribe, don’t need anyone else getting possessed and stabbing people in the manse.”
Mal could have died. So we needed to take this seriously and make sure everyone in the mansion was safe at all times. To think that we let a threat in, that I let a threat in, was unsettling.
Nodding, I rubbed a hand down my mate’s arm reassuringly, looking at the empty classroom. I’d already started to take precautions of my own. The second I’d been released from the med wing I’d sought out, of all people, Fritz, asking for a layout of the grounds and every entrance. From there, I’d gone to each one and set up holy seals - wards to keep out demons and trap any that tried to enter. 
“I’ve spoken with Vishous,” I murmur, still thinking about the wards. “I let him know about the wards I put near the entrances - asked him to figure out more permanent solutions to my chalk and salt displays. I think Fritz almost had a coronary when I drew on everything, threw salt everywhere, and told him he couldn’t clean it,” I add ruefully, flashing Z a smile. “But at least that’s a start. I should’ve thought of that when I moved in…”
The admission tasted sour on my tongue, and I looked away from the intensity of that golden gaze to better process my guilt. If I’d had devil’s traps set when I moved in, Zsadist and the demon hitching a ride wouldn’t have got past the door. He’d have been trapped, but performing an exorcism at that point would’ve been a lot fucking easier. But instead I’d been naive, thinking the demons and all the beasties I’d hunted would never find me in Caldwell. And Z had almost paid the price.
“I’m good with continuing lessons, not just on demons,” I said finally, letting out a breath. “And while I was honest when I said I don’t want the Brothers going hunting if I can help it, there is a perk to knowing I have back up if something goes down in our backyard.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about that. Hell, I’m surprised this is the first time we have come in contact with them. With all the shit we dabble in you would have thought we would have seen them before” I shrug before reaching for my male. My hand cups his nape, forcing his gaze back to mine. 
“Hey. You can’t beat yourself up over this, just like you told me that I can’t even though I do.” I snorted. “It’s done and you are safe in my arms.” My voice cracks slightly at that, holding him a little tighter in my arms. 
“Everything is going well, and I’m grateful to have you teach us how to handle these demons.” I nod before slowly pulling away. 
“Now...come on, let’s head back upstairs…” 
My scarred lips turn up into a playful smirk as I start down the hallway. I couldn’t wait to have my male in our bed and to know that he was safe with me. 
#EndSL #ClassIsIn
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
ACITW AU one-shot - “Draining Pipes” (Rated M)
Summary: After Sebastian is accidentally exposed to Covid, Kurt convinces him to quarantine. While the rest of the city is slowly opening up, Kurt is returning to a life that resembles normal. But for Sebastian, home alone without his boyfriend, isolation is changing him. And Kurt has some concerns... (2063 words)
Notes: Yes, this is a pandemic fic, but I promise, it's funny XD
Read on AO3.
"Hi, honey! I'm home!"
"Nope. Try again."
Kurt's head snaps up so quickly he stutters a step, nearly tripping over his feet even though he'd already stopped walking. He glares at Sebastian from across the room as if the man had gotten up from his seat, strolled over, and, without a word, vomited rancid sushi all over his Manolo Blahniks. "What?"
In a tone reminiscent of one his NYADA dance teacher, Cassie July, used that made Kurt prickle from head to toe, Sebastian says, "Try. again."
"Try what again?"
"Walking through the door."
Kurt spins around to examine the doorway, searching for clues about what he could have possibly done incorrectly. "And what, pray tell, is wrong with the way I walk through the door!?"
"Every time you come home, you say, 'Hi, honey! I'm home!'"
"Yeah, and... ?"
"It's boring. Unoriginal. It harkens back to an era of television situation comedy that had no hand in influencing our generation and, frankly, regurgitating it is beneath you and your dramatic talents."
Kurt plants his hands on his hips and gawks. What the hell happened to his boyfriend while he was away? He was only gone four hours! "Have you been rifling through my old schoolbooks again? I told you, there was no Illuminati conspiracy going on at NYADA!"
"Why don't you try something different?" Sebastian counters, neither confirming nor denying Kurt's accusation. "Something a bit more, dare I say, exotic?"
"Exotic?" Kurt scrunches his nose with distaste when he says it. Of all the words in the English language, that's one of his least favorite. "What constitutes exotic in your twisted opinion?"
"I don't know. Think of something. You're the creative, not me."
"What? I... " A dozen arguments about how he's just gotten home, how exhausted he is, how travel between here and the theater was a pain in the ass because some people still don't seem to understand what 'over the mouth AND nose' means so navigating his way through the subway was like playing a game of human Tetris with potentially infected pieces and that he's never been all that good at Tetris anyway! die on his lips. 
It would be a waste of breath.
Still, Kurt doesn't know why he indulges him, but he turns on his heel and walks back out the door. After a few seconds of deep breathing in the hall to keep from screaming bloody murder, he storms back in and brightly declares, "Buenos dias, motherfucker! Como what's up?"
Seeing as the two of them speak fluent French, Spanglish is the most exotic thing he could come up with.
Sebastian nods in stoic approval. "Better. How goes life on the apocalyptic landscape?"
"I'm not selling my body for Cocoa Krispies if that's what you're asking," Kurt quips, wondering if this is how Sebastian acts at work and how no one has put the man through a window yet, partner or not.
"So what I'm hearing is you didn't bring home Cocoa Krispies."
"Nope. Sorry."
"Yeah, well... " Kurt removes his shoes and socks, then sheds his coat, his messenger bag, his slacks, and his dress shirt, carefully piling them on a chair by the front door - their staging area for decontamination. While he undresses, he eyes Sebastian, not paying him an inch of mind, sitting on what has been dubbed the convalescence corner of the sofa, dressed in a soft white tee and flannel lounge pants, his laptop open on legs covered by a quilt his mother made for him when he was ten. Sebastian knows for a fact that Kurt is undressing and yet he's not leering at him, wolf-whistling under his breath or licking his lips like he's watching an Outback Steakhouse commercial. He's simply sitting in his spot, eyes glued to his laptop screen.
And Kurt loathes it.
Sebastian's attentions have been waning more and more lately, and even though it's savagely bruising Kurt's ego, he can't blame him.
Depending on how they choose to look at things, this situation could kind of, slightly, sort of be deemed Kurt's fault.
"Thank you again for doing this," Kurt says, extending an olive branch. He's been doing this so often over the past few months, he's started buying in bulk. "I can't tell you how much you keeping your distance and staying home has put my mind at ease."
Sebastian doesn't look at him when he replies: "No sweat, babe."
"I know it was just one small cough... and the kid was wearing two masks... and a face shield... "
"Hey, like you said, no need taking any chances. Right?"
"Right," Kurt agrees. And he believes it. He believed it then and he believes it now. Had the roles been reversed, Kurt would make the sacrifice, more than willing to lock himself away for the sake of curbing this disease and keeping Sebastian healthy.
But it isn't him. 
And he feels like dirt going to work three days a week, returning to something that resembles normal knowing what Sebastian is missing out on.
"It's his mother's fault for not mentioning that her little plague rat has covid before I got stuck on the elevator with them," Sebastian says, possibly trying to make Kurt feel better even though his gaze hasn't shifted.
"But quarantining for six days longer than necessary? That's above and beyond! I mean it. You deserve a medal." 
Sebastian tosses him a wink over his shoulder but he doesn't linger, giving half-naked Kurt only a brief once over. "I got you, fam. Besides, time's up tomorrow. Then... " He thousand-yard stares in the direction of the flat screen "... it's rat-hunting season."
"It hasn't been all bad, has it?" Kurt asks guiltily as Sebastian's eyes return to his laptop. He'll admit that maybe he did go a tad overboard when he'd found out Sebastian had been exposed, banishing him to one end of the penthouse and the guest bedroom, keeping him at broom handle length for the past nineteen days. 
But they were almost in the clear! And that's the part that pisses Kurt off most. 
The disease hasn't been eradicated, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The theater started allowing small groups to return for socially distanced practices. That's a huge win for Kurt. Being away from Broadway and rehearsals and opening nights and curtain calls... it was becoming difficult for him to breathe.
Sebastian was on the brink of going back to the office a few days a week, too. It wasn't so much not being at the office that bothered him, but the peripherals - eating lunch at his favorite deli or hitting the gym before dinner. 
Sebastian had taken three tests after that fateful elevator incident, all of which came back negative, so he was confident everything would be alright. He was in the midst of planning his first in-person meeting, but Kurt balked, pointing out that there has been so much controversy over the accuracy of those tests. Sebastian offered to take three more if necessary, but regardless of the outcome, Kurt didn't feel it safe. And even though they had access to the vaccine (because money), being exposed, even minorly, pushed Sebastian's timetable for receiving his first dose back two weeks.
Kurt's father and stepmother have both received theirs, and Kurt was so looking forward to taking a trip to Ohio for a first hug in over a year. He's going to be damned if a four-foot-tall Petri dish ruins that for him!
But because of his paranoia, Kurt and Sebastian haven't touched, haven't kissed in two weeks. They tried the whole Skype sex thing from different rooms of the penthouse, aiming to recapture old college day thrills to boot, but it didn't work out the way they'd hoped. And even though they see each other every day, talk to one another, aggravate each other, throw popcorn and other food items at each other, Kurt misses Sebastian like the dickens. He misses his hugs, his warmth, his smell.
And yes, he misses the sex.
"Since I've been back to work, you've had the peace and privacy to watch those wacky pornos that your brother sends you."
"Yup," Sebastian says, typing something into his search bar that Kurt can't quite make out. "The wackiest."
"Didn't he say something about them being illegal in the contiguous 49 states?"
"Forty-eight. Tennessee turned itself around."
"It would be Tennessee."
"Always is."
"You probably haven't given your fleshjack a rest in two weeks," Kurt prods, worried over these short responses. 
"Mmph... mmm-hmm... "
Kurt starts circling the sofa when all he gets is a chuckle in response, curious if Sebastian is even listening to him. He comes up behind him, standing on a piece of painter's tape they'd put down to mark six feet so Kurt can peek over his shoulder.
And what he sees on Sebastian's screen makes absolutely no sense.
"What are you watching?"
"Drain clearing videos."
Kurt's eyes go wide. "Drain clearing? Wh-what does that mean?"
"This guy drives all over, and when he finds a street that's flooded, he takes out a rake, drags it through the water, and tries to find the blocked drain."
"Does he work for the city?"
"Nah. He's just some guy."
"And he's made a whole channel about... clearing drains."
"Yes, sir."
"And you're watching it?"
"It came up in my recommendations so I clicked one." Sebastian shakes his head, chuckling when stagnant grey water, punctuated by speckles of rain, turns into a whirlpool, rushing through thick iron bars embedded in the concrete and disappearing from view. "It's so satisfying."
"What on Earth were you watching before this that YouTube recommended it?"
"Car cleaning videos."
Kurt's left eyebrow slowly climbs up his forehead. "A-ha."
"Yup. I never realized how relaxing it is to watch a handsome guy Bissell Kool-Aid stains out of carpet. But now... it's my jam."
Kurt huffs, offended on behalf of himself and his own vigorous cleaning regimen. "It wasn't your jam when I was steam cleaning our throw rugs! And the curtains!"
"Yeah, well, things hit different when you're forced into isolation."
Kurt storms forward a step. But then he remembers. And he stops, foot hovering an inch past the sacred boundary that keeps him from venturing too close to infection. He teeters, determination creasing his brow while anxiety wrestles his shoulders back. All the while, a war wages inside his tired brain:
"Get him! You've been vaccinated!"
"It's only one dose!"
"He's not even sick!"
"You don't know that!"
"Yes, I do!"
"It's not worth the risk!"
"Yes... it... IS!"
"Come on!" Kurt demands, throwing himself bodily at the sofa. He grabs Sebastian's hand, a small voice screaming inside his head as if his tiny naysayer is being burned at the stake. "Come with me... NOW!"
"Where are we going?" Sebastian asks, rushing to move his computer to the side before he gets dragged off the sofa by his surprisingly strong boyfriend.
"This is an intervention."
"But you shouldn't be touching me! Or breathing my air! I have one day left!"
"You're fine! If you haven't gotten sick by now, you probably aren't going to! This is an emergency!"
"What emergency?"
"Quarantine has turned you into someone I don't recognize! Car cleaning videos? Who are you right now?"
"They're educational. It's good to learn a new skill."
Kurt barks a laugh that could shatter crystal. "Right. Like you'd ever. You'd pay highway robbery to have your ten-speed detailed!"
"Nope, because you'd do it for free."
 Kurt rolls his eyes, unwilling to entertain his boyfriend's mocking of him to ask whether or not that's code. "If you're going to ogle a man wielding a Bissell, Goddammit, it's going to be me!"
"So... are we going to clean some carpets?"
"We're going to take a shower and then have sex. A lot of sex. You're getting fucked and sucked until you're back to normal."
Sebastian snorts, delighted by his incredibly good fortune. "If you insist. But are you absolutely sure about this?"
Kurt stops short and faces Sebastian. He looks him over, making certain he doesn't seem particularly sick, and shrugs.
"We'll wear masks. Or three. I don't need to kiss you to make you cum." Kurt continues to drag Sebastian towards the bathroom as his grin grows to epic proportions.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? >> A beverage.
Do you like clowns? >> No.
Have you answered all of these questions honestly so far? >> There have only been two thus far, and I can't imagine lying on a survey question anyway.
What's the third text in your inbox? >> ---
Are you listening to anything at the moment? >> No.
Do you twitch when your falling asleep? >> Yeah, sometimes. Or I have that sudden falling feeling and jerk awake.
Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? >> The dishwasher is either still running or finished running, so, either clean or about to be clean.
Are you at home or with friends more often? >> 98% of the time, I’m at home.
When is the last time you were on a bicycle? >> A year ago? At least? I don’t know. I tried to ride for a while but I’m too out of shape to enjoy it and it was discouraging. And by now, I’m worried it needs maintenance from having sat in the garage through a full cycle of seasons and I’m afraid to ride it.
What have you eaten today? >> A veggie burger and chips, a sandwich, and taco mac with Nuggs.
Would you date someone 15 years older than you? >> ---
Do you own a strapless bra? >> No.
Does the person you like know it? >> ---
Do you care if people hate you for no reason? >> I care in some circumstances, but not all.
Did anything brighten up your day today? >> I’m not sure. My day was pretty okay, though. To my pleasant surprise.
How are you feeling at this exact moment? >> Chill. A bit tired.
Are you someone who worries too often? >> I get anxious about things, but I’m not sure “worries too much” is applicable.
If you could date somebody who would it be? >> ---
Do you ever wonder how other people see you? >> Well, yeah.
What is one good thing you're known for? >> ---
How about one bad thing? >> ---
Are you taller than most? >> Most children, yeah. LOL
When was the last time you sang an ENTIRE song? >> Hmm... oh, I sang along to a Journey song while I was in the shower.
Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home? >> I like to be home.
What time do you normally go to bed? >> Between 10p and 12a.
What is one thing that is currently bothering you? >> My neck is still kind of sore, probably from sleeping wrong the other night or something. It’s getting better, but I also keep accidentally twinging it.
What did you do today? >> Read some of the book I’m on, watched a few episodes of Avenue 5, played some Torchlight 2, browsed tumblr, browsed Reddit. Not in that order.
Do you consider yourself to be attractive? >> No.
What was the last thing that you drank? >> A shandy.
Is anything annoying you now? >> No.
Has anyone ever said i love you to you and not meant it? >> How would I know, unless they told me (and in my experience people generally do not tell)?
Do you regret going out with the last person you did? >> Eh. Not really. Like, it sucks and I hate that the trauma from those interactions is still haunting me and affecting my current relationships, but it is what it is. 
Do you realize it when you curse? >> I mean, more or less.
When was the last time you showered? >> This morning.
Who did you last talk to in person? >> Sparrow.
Do you ever have days where you just don't do anything? >> No. Even when I’m deeply depressed I will move my hands to put on Netflix (and then click “yes” when it periodically asks if I’m still watching), lol. That’s something.
Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? >> Yeah.
What is your favorite episode of True Life, if you have one at all? >> ---
Have you ever experienced something paranormal? >> Maybe.
What's the longest amount of time you've been stuck in traffic? >> ---
Best field trip experience? >> ---
Have you ever been to New York City? >> I used to live there.
If so, is it all its cracked up to be? >> What’s it cracked up to be, exactly? People say a lot of things about NYC, not all of it positive. It also depends on, you know... your socioeconomic standing. Wealthy folks’ NYC is a completely different place from poor folks’ or homeless folks’ NYC, despite being on the same patch of land...
What is the most amount of money you've spent on a meal before? >> I have no idea.
What museums have you visited, if any? >> In NYC: MOMA, Museum of Natural History; in Philadelphia: Franklin Institute; in Chicago: Museum of Science & Industry, Adler Planetarium (it’s also an astronomy museum); in Michigan: Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids Public Museum. Those are just the ones I remember, mind you. Might have been to a couple of others and just forgotten about them.
Have you ever had a group project and one of your partners bailed on you? >> Maybe when I was in school, idk.
What's your worst traveling experience? >> Probably every time I had to take a Greyhound from Colorado to NYC (or vice versa).
Sims 1, 2, or 3? Why? >> I’ve never played the first one. I like the vast amount of custom content resources for 2, the innovation of 3, and the continued innovation of 4. Otherwise, they’re mostly the same to me except the graphics just get smoother over the years.
Have you ever dealt with noisy neighbors or roommates? How did that go? >> Yes. Poorly, obviously, for me anyway.
Who was (or is) the teacher that gave you the hardest time in school? >> ---
Best muffin you've ever had? >> I don’t like muffins.
Have you ever taken a woodshop class? >> Once.
If so, was it required? >> No, it was an elective.
How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? >> Hardly any. I just check it every few days or whatever, for messages mostly.
What area of math are you best at? Worst? >> I don’t know.
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? >> I don’t care if people like the same music as I do, as long as they’re not rude about genres they don’t care for. I like talking about music with people, but it always ends up being this “this genre is better than that genre” or “this era is better than that era” circle jerk and that’s so fucking boring.
What is the strangest thing you've ever seen outside of your house? >> *shrug*
Do you believe in luck? Why or why not? >> It can be a useful concept.
How often do you "half-ass" things (put little effort in)? >> Whenever I don’t have the energy to whole-ass something, but I don’t want to just not do anything at all.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? >> No. I feel annoyed when I have to eat around other people, because then I have to hear other people eating.
Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? >> Probably.
How reliable is your internet connection? >> It’s quite reliable.
Have you ever missed a meeting/event that was required/necessary? >> Yeah.
What's something that makes you incredibly nervous? >> I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.
What's the latest you've ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? >> ---
If you don't have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? >> It wouldn’t bother me too much. Unless my vision started failing really badly, because, you know... I like seeing.
If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn't need them anymore? >> ---
How many vegetarians do you know? >> I’m not sure.
Have you ever considered going to art school? >> No.
Is there anyone in your life who consistently angers you? >> No.
How quickly can you write an essay? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? >> In high school, i was put on multiple psychotropic/anti-depressant drugs, none of which I actually needed, so they all had pretty adverse effects on me. Including making me fall asleep in class almost constantly.
Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? >> I usually was.
If you have a job, who is your least favorite coworker/manager? >> ---
Favorite episode of Spongebob? >> I don’t like that show.
Do you have any silly/odd emotional connections to anything/anyone? >> I don’t want to call any of my emotional connections silly or odd. Especially since I have a hard enough time making them in the first place -- I want to encourage and support those connections, not disparage them. :/
Are your parents supportive of you? >> I took this survey almost a decade ago, and my answer then was that he was supportive even if he didn’t always approve. I was really on some bullshit then, I guess... because that’s just not true. He only supported what he thought was appropriate for me to be involved in, and when I invariably wanted to do or be other things, he was dismissive and almost derisive. Being supported in my being and endeavours is not a common theme in my life and it starts with that motherfucker.
How often do you take the train to go places? >> I don’t take it much anymore; the last time I took it was to go to Chicago and back, as an experiment (Sparrow wanted to see if it was truly better than driving there and back). When I lived in the City, of course, I took a subway all the time. Really miss that.
Do you play with your phone in awkward situations? >> I guess I would, if I found myself in a situation I thought was awkward. I usually don’t.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 008: Capture the Flag
Previously on BnHA: Deku won his homeroom teacher’s approval by sending a baseball into outer space. Recovery Girl was like, “stop breaking shit.” All the characters got their superhero costumes revealed EXCEPT FOR DEKU because the mangaka is a fucking tease.
Today on BnHA: All Might’s first class! The kids split into teams of two to play Capture the Flag Nuclear Device! And, oh yes
As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 11 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.
hold onto your butts, kids, because we’ve reached the second volume, and judging from the cover it seems like this rivalship is about to heat up
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also this cover totally spoils Izuku’s about-to-be-revealed superhero costume, but that’s okay since I’ve seen it before already
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I’m at a loss for words at how wonderful and perfect this title is. just want to give it a round of applause
and I accidentally saw the title for chapter 9 while I was scrolling through the volume index and. !!!!!!!!!
(it’s “Deku vs. Kacchan” in case you were wondering)
SOMEBODY better have learned how to clench his butt more gently and visualize that damn microwave egg real good, that’s all I’m saying, because shit’s apparently about to hit the fan
ahhh there is a whole page of detailed backstory on how their costumes were made. I’m gonna cry they put so much actual thought into it
LMAO Bakugou helped design his own ridiculous costume
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this will absolutely ensure that everyone takes you seriously, Kacchan
real talk this is the most Gokuderaish shit he’s done so far. I knew he had some nerdiness in him somewhere
there is apparently a Quirk Registry where everyone’s quirk details are kept in some kind of national index. pretty sure this kind of thing was the impetus behind the conflict in the first X-Men film, as well as the first (comic-verse) Marvel Civil War. but I guess it’s not as controversial when 80% of the population has these powers. at that point you’re like “yeah okay let’s make a list”
in Horikoshi’s Wikipedia bio it said he was a huge Marvel fan and it fucking shows. in a good way
lol Izuku’s mom startled him and he hung up on All Might
what is he actually going to list as his quirk though, since the whole One for All thing is supposed to be a secret? what does AM have on his own quirk registry form?
(ETA: in chapter 11 it’s revealed that All Might has told at least 3 other people about his quirk, though. so there’s that. I wonder if he has a friend in the government, or if not, maybe the U.A. principal has some influence. or hell, he probably has a fair amount of influence himself, being the great symbol of peace.)
his mom is apologizing to Izu for her sad crying in his sad flashback. is this going to get emotional. Deku hasn’t cried yet in this chapter and the clock is ticking, so
sob Deku is wearing the costume his mom made him with love. I can’t
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also is this thing really going to hold up when he goes all out? last time he ripped the arm right off of his jacket. I hope he did tell them something about his quirk, otherwise this thing is not going to last
(ETA: lol he did not and lol it did not)
the good thing is that everyone else’s costumes are also so fucking ridiculous that not a one of them can say a damned word
except for this guy
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I don’t know his name. right now he’s Hot Guy in the Corner. but this guy knows how to uniform
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listen, I have heard people compliment my shoes as “really comfortable looking” enough times to know when someone is just trying to be polite and reaching hard. I appreciate the thought though
trying to figure out how those giant boots of hers could possibly be useful for her zero-g powers. especially since she apparently didn’t actually request them. maybe they’ve got magnets or some shit
All Might is embarrassed that Deku made derivative Victory Antennae for his own costume just like All Might’s
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statistically the most heinous villains are more likely to appear indoors. there could be a Heinous Villain standing behind you right now. it may already be too late. hide yo kids hide yo wife
now All Might’s going to split them into two-person teams and sic ‘em on each other
”this teaching thing is fucking easy.” [pats self on back]
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these kids are the best
oh damn he’s actually got a whole involved scenario for the thing. as expected of the man who so obsessively planned every last minute little detail of Izuku’s training
but actually this is just capture the flag
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it’s capture the flag my dude
in theory their partners will be chosen by drawing lots! in reality it’s the all-powerful hand of the mighty mangaka at work
lmao Iida questions if this is really the best way and Izu launches into a lengthy explanation about how it makes sense because it’s similar to what might happen in real life, and Iida fucking apologizes for getting ahead of himself. YOU’VE BROUGHT SHAME UPON YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY IIDA. HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE LOTS
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somehow I saw this coming
the guy on Discount Zuko’s right has such a flat head I didn’t register him as a person for a sec and was wondering why Discount Zuko didn’t appear to have a partner
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I’m 99% sure Discount Zuko’s name is Todoroki by the way, but WHEN. WILL. HE. get an actual introduction goddammit?!
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...am I really going to have to learn the rest of these characters’ names too?? there are 16 of them. this is like the goddamn Chuunin Exams all over again
Ochako is so happy to be paired up with Izu, while Izu is Having a Crisis
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yeah son you need to get over that
oh boy here come the ~RANDOM LOTS~
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*I know Yuri on Ice is a named character as well but I CAN’T REMEMBER WHAT IT IS and CLEARLY IT DOESN’T MATTER YET ANYWAY
my GOD those are some fortunate ~RANDOM LOTS~
so what do the other 16 people do, just sit back and watch?
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son of a
I suppose they’ll all take turns and the next four will go once these four are done, though. off-screen of course. fuck those guys
All Might is telling Bakugou to adopt a villain mindset and that it’s okay for him to go all out. All Might out here trying to get Deku killed
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this gon be good
meanwhile Ochaku and Izu are trying to memorize the building’s layout. Ocha isn’t stressed because this time they don’t have to worry about being expelled
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and it must be my birthday because here’s a whole page all about Izuku musing on his and Bakugou’s rivalship
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sooooo this is either gonna be a draw or Bakugou probably will actually lose to him. the latter is going to fuck that kid right up if it happens
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All Might thinks loudly at his son that he’s not going to show him any favoritism
All Might is a fucking liar but it’s cute so he gets a pass
Deku and Ocha are sneaking in through a window. I assume Ocha floated them up there or something. she’s so smart and talented
I wonder if she could just float Iida and Bakugou out of the building so that they wouldn’t have to actually fight them
Izu’s helmet makes him look like Sonic the Fucking Hedgehog and it’s really distracting me
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NOW he looks like the Izuku I’m always seeing on tumblr posts
this Momotaro-looking guy is complaining that Bakugou’s sneak attack wasn’t “manly” but dude he’s supposed to be playing the villain in this scenario
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heh. he’s off the fucking hinges
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”did he just read my moves?” wereeeee you thinking your movement was actually subtle...? let’s go back and take another look
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this is such an obvious attack a three year old could probably read it
not discounting Deku, though. son of a bitch really DID ippon seoi nage the shit out of him
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��Kachaan, you almost always lead with that right hook.” his lifetime of being bullied finally pays off! also, seriously, that was the most obvious right fucking hook anyone’s ever attempted. thanks in part to the always dynamic and interesting art style!
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is... this... actually a compliment somehow...?
no, seriously, he’s leading into a speech about how he’s not gonna sit back and take Kacchan’s shit anymore, but he also just analyzed his attack, and then said that this is something he specifically does with “heroes he thinks are awesome”
for now my verdict is that it is a compliment but it’s probably unintended and he might not be paying attention to what he just said
anyway, Deku’s getting seriously fired up now
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lmao this tiny panel of Iida looking around wondering where everyone else is
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darn him
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...one of these days. one of these days we’ll get there
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my takeaway from this is that some of these characters don’t actually have normal names and are only going to go by their superhero names, which makes me wonder if we’ll ever find out All Might’s name. I want to knoooooow but don’t spoil me please sob
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thekidultlife · 7 years
Reverence + high-school!seungcheol
Of all the four seasons, you’ve always liked it when fall comes around. Especially when you get to wake up early on the first day all the leaves fell, red, green, gold, and all colors between them. And, now, walking on a sidewalk covered with the glorious carpet of fall, you smile as the leaves got into your hair and got crunched by your boots. This is one fine day, you said to yourself, smiling, as you skipped along and relished the sound and the smell of leaves and the sun.
You found yourself imagining the scent of your
favorite brew, of beef stew and salted seafood. You found yourself imagining festivals and bright lights, and you thought of school and the project you were making. Then your phone vibrated, and you knew that your one fine day was not going to be fine anymore.
SIX: Hey, it’s me. Can we talk? I’m at the rooftop.
You closed your eyes and breathed deeply. What is it, this time? Whenever your boyfriend sends you messages like this, he either needs help for homework or wants to—
“I caught the first leaf that fell from our tree this morning,” a deep, bright voice said from behind you, breaking your reverie. You spun around and all the gloomy thoughts that Six sent with his message melted away. You smiled brightly at Seungcheol, who was holding out a beautiful red maple leaf.
“Seungcheollie,” you gushed as he tenderly placed the leaf on your palm. “This is so perfect!” “I made it a point to wake up early to wait for that leaf to fall,” he said nonchalantly, his beautiful large eyes gleaming and his smile infectious. “I almost gave up, but I caught the first leaf.”
He was talking about the first leaf that fell on the maple tree you’d planted when you were both nine years old, at the playground just across the street where you lived next door to each other. The whole planting thing had been an inside joke and a secret at the same time, because you and Cheol had only dumped some seeds one day while playing house but you guys never actually expected the tree to grow. But it did, and it got its own uniqueness, too: it was the last tree to ever shed leaves, come fall. The people in your neighborhood have noticed this, and they’ve always wondered how a maple tree grew in such a small patch of soil right in the middle of a cemented playground, but there you go.
You didn’t know how Seungcheol did that, but he always caught the first one. You had no cause to disbelieve him; you’ve seen him do it three years ago, when it was nighttime and you both were sitting on the rusty swing set facing the maple tree. He was talking about going to college and becoming a teacher, and you were looking at the way the streetlamp was illuminating his deep black hair and you were so engrossed with the mole on his cheek. You remembered thinking that you hadn’t noticed that mole before when Cheol’s eyes suddenly lighted up and he quickly went under the maple tree just in time to see it shed its first leaf, which was followed by a cascade of red and gold beauty. In one swift motion, he caught the leaf, and turned to you with his face shining with delight.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said now, tugging at your arm, “we should make our wishes.” Seungcheol tucked your hand in his and you both walked towards nowhere in particular, enjoying the swirling of the leaves around your feet.
You and Seungcheol have always made it a point to make two wishes each on the first day the leaves fell. One wish was to be spoken aloud; the other was to be spoken by the heart.
And you both did it again, as the leaves danced softly on the sidewalk.
You looked sideways at your best friend since you were six, and you made the first wish. “I wish,” you declared, “that Seungcheol would go with me to Seoul so that we could still be together.”
Seungcheol’s eyes widened, and he tackled you in a bear hug. “Y/N! Don’t tell me—”
“—Yep,” you said smugly, holding up the letter of approval you’ve received from your dream school. “I just got accepted! I’ll be continuing my senior year there, Seungcheollie!”
“You’re so amazing!” Seungcheol laughed with glee as he snatched the letter from your hand. His face scrunched up as he read the contents. “Wow. You’re getting a full scholarship all the way to college.” He looked at you with endearing eyes and gave a big thumbs-up. “I’m so proud of you.”
You elbowed him. “But you have to follow me there, you hear? I’m not going anywhere without you.” For a few magical heartbeats, Seungcheol just stared at you with an unreadable expression, the smile he had on his lips faltering for a fraction of a second.
Don’t look at me like that, you heart pleaded. Please don’t look at me like that.
But Cheol always does.
He has this way of looking at you like you were some sort of person to look up to, a girl to be revered, to be worshipped, adored. He always looks at you this way. You never did anything that special to make him so attentive, so doe-eyed frozen looking at you like you were all he sees.
Six never looked at me like this. And you had this tiny part of your heart that wished you could be something more, but you knew Six well enough to expect as such.
In order not to get flustered with the way Cheol was gazing, you continued, rather hastily, to speak. “Fulfill my wish, will you? You know I’ve always been the scared one when it comes to trying out new things and going to new places.”
Seungcheol recovered long enough to laugh again, shaking his head, as if trying to shake off the look he was giving you moments ago. “Yeah, sure. My turn!” He looked at you and said aloud, “Please let Y/N and I fulfill our dreams together just as we planned!”
You grinned up at him and held out your hand. “BFFs for life, eh?”
He grinned back, but his eyes didn’t follow his smile, and as you looked back at this moment later on, you couldn’t help but wonder why. “Of course. Best friends. For life.”
He said the words so softly, like a whisper, but it pierced through your heart so deeply that for a moment you were unable to return his smile. Then you caught yourself, and you nodded, smiling brightly for him. You honestly didn’t know what was wrong with you two, because lately, everything’s been too mushy between you and him. But you sort of didn’t think much about it; if anything, it just made the both of you closer.
At exactly that point, your phone rang. Hands shaking, you answered it.
As far as Seungcheol was concerned, Six was a sleazeball and a jerk all rolled into one pathetic human being. And even before you had been acquainted with the asshole, he’d been irked by the guy. Something about Six just rubbed Seungcheol the wrong way.
It probably started when Six began lording all over the campus with his good looks and playboy charm. But he found that he hated Six more when Six started dating you.
“That guy’s no good for you, Y/N,” he had said, scowling as you pulled your hair up in a ponytail and primped up for your first date. “I really don’t like the idea that you’re dating him.”
“Oh, please,” you had said as you put on some makeup. “I hated Seol, too, when you first started dating her. You’ll get over this best friend touchiness and love Six once you get to know him.”
But that day hasn’t come yet, and Seungcheol doubted that it would come anytime soon. He hated the fact that you hadn’t listened to him.
“I thought you were gonna break up with Six when he started playing around with Eunbi,” Seungcheol said as he followed you onto the rooftop where you said Six was
“I thought you were gonna break up with Seol when she started playing around with a lot of men,” you spat back as you went up the steps. Then you stopped going up and turned around to face Cheol. “Look, you didn’t have to come here with me.”
And now, he was even more pissed off that you’d gone home crying. Again.
He knew this was Breakup No. 7, with the Crying Encore that left him feeling even more of a jerk than your ex.
He shouldn’t have left you all by yourself. He should’ve waited for you, because he knew this would end badly. He was cursing himself as he bounded up the stairs to the condo unit where Six the Sonofabitch was staying.
He pounded on the front door, shouting out Six’s name.
And when Six opened the door, Cheol couldn’t help it. He knocked him down, relishing the moment when his fist made contact with the sonofabitch’s sorry little nose. The Crying Encore was forgotten; the crunch of Six’s nose was enough to send Cheol singing “hallelujah”.
He got a little more angry, though, when Girlfriend No. 2 came running out of the bedroom door wearing nothing but a thong. Cheol furiously pointed at the door. The girl left, half-naked, screaming.
“I don’t know why you had to fucking mess with Y/N’s head every fucking time, but I’m done watching you, you motherfucker,” Seungcheol fumed, his eyes flaring up with an intense anger. “And I don’t care about the cops taking me in for the night. I’d do this all over again if I had to.”
“You sonofa—” Six sputtered out, holding his broken nose. “You were one of the reasons she and I don't work out. You always had to butt in on our—”
“—she’s the most important person in my life,” Seungcheol swore, “and I’d fucking kill you if you ever come near her again. You made her cry for how many shit-days, you moron. That will not happen again.”
“I always knew you weren’t serious about Seol,” Six taunted. “I’m gonna make fucking sure—”
“—oh, spare me your threats.” Seungcheol slammed his foot down on Six’s stomach, and Six screamed with pain. “Don’t ever come close to Y/N again. Know your place, you little shit. You don’t deserve her.”
“And neither do you, fucker,” Six growled, his eyes daring Cheol to say otherwise.
But Cheol just smiled sadly.
“I know.”
- Admin Leanne
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lupienne · 7 years
Here’s Negan 13
Lup’s ramblings. I’ve been really lax on rambling about the comics and Here’s Negan, but I’d like to start again. :) Woe is you. Spoilers under the cut.
So, an indeterminate amount of time from leaving the hotel, Dwight tries to stop the group to rest for the night. Negan, however, says no, and that they should continue on a few more miles from the hotel to be safe. Sherry agrees with him.
That night, Dwight shows his furthering insecurity. “So I’m not the leader anymore?”
Sherry yells at him and tells him to quit feeling threatened, just because Negan (or anyone) pointed out a better option. She also ridicules the idea of there being a ‘leader’. LOL You just wait, honey.
Maybe this is one reason why Sherry flipped out in the last issue of TWD. Maybe she hates the idea of authority? And if there is authority, she wants to be at the top of it? Ie: she didn’t want Rick ‘controlling’ her group. IE: When Negan actually becomes a leader, she ‘climbs the ladder’ as close to him as she can get. She might be under Negan’s authority but she’s only one step under kind of thing. I don’t know... I do hope we get some kind of insight to Sherry’s fatal breakdown though...
Heh. I don’t know if Sherry and Negan did the nasty yet, but I like how we slowly are seeing Dwight’s resentment grow. He brings Negan into the group and then this guy slowly starts gaining the respect of the group. They’re listening to him over Dwight. And he probably suspects Sherry might have eyes on Negan too...
The next panel shows Negan and Dwight. Negan: ‘Not safe here. We should move on.” Dwight says: “Yeah. Agreed. I’ll have everyone pack up.” To me, I get the vibe Dwight is deluding himself that he still has some authority over this group. Yeah, agreed, he says...as if he’s just listening to a suggestion from an underling. ‘I’ll have everyone pack up.’ Still presuming he’s in charge. I have a feeling whenever Negan really puts his foot down and pulls a ‘Ricktatorship’ move, it’s going to be a real kick in the face to Dwight.
The group’s in a store, all stocking up on winter gear. Now, a couple of issues ago, Negan was commenting how they could maybe stay the winter at the old motel. And now it’s getting colder again, so I’m going to guess Negan has been with the group since the previous winter?
The leather coat is acquired! It’s hanging on the back of a chair XD It’s funny that me and others thought the bat and the coat might have been artifacts from Negan’s home or something... and both of them were just picked up randomly. XD
Dwight asks what Negan did before. Negan was a bad motherfucking gym teacher, hell yeah! We knew that. Can people stop saying he was a used car salesman too? Like even his wiki says that, and it was a fucking Kirkman joke.
“I was a bad motherfucker. And by bad motherfucker...I mean gym teacher. You care for the kids, you bark orders at them to keep them from getting fat...they may cry a little, but it’s for their own fucking good, y’know?’ XD
Oh great... Coach Neegs made someone cry again... lol.
Ok, so in my 8th grade, there was a gym teacher/coach named Mr V. I never had him for gym (thank fucking old gods and new!) But I had this guy for study hall. On the wall in his room was this handwritten poster that said: Mike V: Stud. (He was not a stud. Believe me.) Ok, so study hall was supposed to be quiet, but of course everyone would whisper and talk to their friends. Well, I talked to mine too on occasion but for some reason when I did I would get this epic evil eye from Coach V. Like, death glare. Totally unwarranted! Then one day he just screams my last name (blanked for internet creeper reasons): F****Y!! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE! And I go up and he’s just full-out yelling at me: ‘I”M TIRED OF YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT, F***Y!’ It was like being in bootcamp... hahahaha! I don’t even think I was scared because it was just so fucking over-the-top.
So he banned me from his study hall and made me go to this other teacher’s instead.. hhahahha. (But then me and my friends came up with this awesome idea to ask to be excused from our study halls to go to the library... and then we just met each other there. So suck it, Coach V!)
And dude, that’s is probably exactly the kind of epic asshole gym teacher/coach Negan would have been...
Anyway, enough with that boring-as-shit trip down my memory lane.
So Dwight then asks Negan if they should spend the night there. Ohh yeah, Dwighty-boy, I think you’re learning who’s the top dick around here.
It looks like in the background is that military truck thing the Saviors ride around in, but I imagine those things are abandoned all over the place.
A group of people suddenly strolls up towards Negan and Dwight. Our smiley Savior greets them and says there’s enough for everyone (I guess they’re at some shopping center)
The leader of the group, some scruffy freckly asshat points a gun at smexy, smiling Negan. Not cool dude, not cool. I’m going to call him McScruff from now until his inevitable death. Negan thinks it’s funny that McScruff is afraid of them. They've got all their teeth and they’re alive and they still have eyeballs firmly entrenched in their heads (ie: they aren’t zombies) Neegs... didn’t you hear the tagline: Fight the dead, fear the living?
Ok, I know who McScruff reminds me of. A genderbent Andrea. LOL
McScruff questions Negan’s trustworthiness.
Listen, asshole. I greeted you with a smile and you pointed a fucking gun at me.
Sounds like the customers at my job. Greet ‘em with a smile... they respond with a grunt and the stink eye of the century.
Negan says they have guns too, but they don’t aim them at the living. Well, his outlook on that sure changed in the AOW era. LOL When he was yelling at Rick for using guns on the dead when guns should be saved for the far less prevalent, but much more dangerous: the living.
McScruff declares his hard-on for Negan and apparently they join up with Neeg’s group.
So... the last page. Wahhh.
Negan approves of the growing group. He thinks they can go back now and clear the hotel or find an even better place to live. I noticed he’s carrying Lucille around. No wire on her yet and I doubt he’s named her. It makes me wonder about the beginning of Here’s Negan...where he’s all alone wrapping the bat while snow falls... Is he going to part ways with the group temporarily at some point? Are they all going to die (except for Tara, John, Sherry and Dwight of course)?
McScruff’s group is around a fire, but Negan notices one of the girls looks cold. It looks like it possibly might be Amber, but there's no confirmation yet. Our gentleman Negan offers his coat while he goes to find a blanket. Amber flinches and Negan reassures he doesn’t bite (and he doesn’t even work a sex joke in there? For shame. In fact, he doesn’t mention dicks at all this issue!)
McScruff has a nasty smirk on his face as he watches Negan. ‘You like what you see? You want to try the merchandise, you just let me know. Trust me, man...it’s a whole new world now. Anything goes.” Yeah yeah, you just want to see Negan whip his swinging dick out, McScruff. I know your fucking game. I see you eyeing Negan’s non-existent ass.
The issue ends with Negan invoking his murder face... lol
And fuck... because I really wanted to see McScruff get a knife shoved up his dickhole.
Anyway, I’m going to guess McScruff is going to be Negan’s first human kill because I have a feeling he hasn’t actually killed another living human yet, or he’s going to be the first to feel the burn of the Iron. Wohoo. Either works for me. ;) 
*sigh* So I’m still waiting for... sex scene with Sherry, hopefully a glimpse of little Negan (lol...right...), the first Ironing, and seeing how the whole Negan wife thing started. I really hope it doesn’t go the show route >< UGH. I’m hoping comic Negan stays untainted by that TV crap. So far, so good...
Ok...so that was this issue and thus ends my boring rambles. :)
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