#when math mode is on language mode is off in my brain
art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Some thoughts about prime factorization stuff and non-linear regression/progression, or whatever I would call that stuff.
(Sorry for the incoming word salad gibberish.)
A basic idea about encryption and decryption - and what makes them different in their kind/degree of difficulty (this also relates to entropy and why disorder rather increases than decreases in complex systems) [I might create a plain infographic or short article for that one later...]
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[^ignore the random scribbles of numbers at the bottom of that page]
The following stuff/photos depicts/expresses re-distribution of information, so to speak/per this interpretation.
It's mostly statistical inference.
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It tries to depict/express non-linear causal networks - or merely, some symmetries in the motion/dynamics of chaotic systems.
It relates to stuff I made earlier that year (march):
I drew a 3D plot of a fourier transform - Fraunhofer diffraction.
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^Imagine the z axis as the time axis: it depicts how it alters itself in course of time. (That's basically what a transform is, if we "translate it" into our imagination and basic language.)
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And somehow, I indulged in another conception of that plot. The height of each thingy depicted above, is now the radius of each circle in the depiction below:
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weolucbasu · 1 year
So, @da-proti-toku-grem kind of inspired me to make a lengthy post, sharing some positive vibes across the fandom, listing the reasons why I love each member of Joker Out and why I would go full mom-mode on them and cook for them and bake them gluten-free cookies.
A Joker Out, brain-rot, appreciation post
(members listed in alphabetical order)
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First up - as someone who had the chance to see them live, he is an insane performer
His ability to enchant the crowd is insane and you can tell really well that he has great acting abilities too
Watched him in Gospod Profesor too, spot on for someone who is a so-called amateur
His singing voice is... amazing to say the least, it feels really unique
Also, the way he talks, the sound of his voice, the words he uses, his pronunciation, if there were awards for talking he would get one
The languages he speaks, I want to study him, linguistically, he is truly a phenomenon
We of course love a bilingual king
He looks like he has his priorities straight
I also respect him so much for how open he is about his mental illness
I might relate to him a bit too much at times whoops
And the fact that he can somehow befriend literally anyone??? Love that
His friendship with Jere is the main one of course
Oh yeah and the fact that he literally helped people who collapsed at their gigs a few times
Bless him, he deserves all the rest he is hopefully getting
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First things first, I have a soft spot for math guys
And the way he talks about math is fascinating (but you still won't get me to like it Jan)
Cat dad???? We absolutely adore Igor and a man loving cats is such a green flag
I know people say he mumbles a bit and it's hard to understand him at times, but idk, he talks nice and slowly, so it's still really easy to understand him
He comes from my home region, so I am very biased haha
Also, every band needs a guitarist with luscious locks
He absolutely owns the colour red, that colour was invented specifically for him
The nose ring suits him so well too, this man KNOWS what fits him
And if that ends up being jackets with nothing underneath when he performs, THEN SO BE IT
I know people call Kris the lesbian icon, but from what I've seen lesbians are very drawn to Jan as well
Oh, and he gives me Klaus from the Umbrella Academy vibes (I blame the hair and the pink boa)
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Holy shit, sunshine in human form????
The most underappreciated one in the band imo
His surname literally means 'cat' and I am so normal that Jan has called him 'muca'
He also comes from my region haha, bias again
He's really good at filming, he actually shot a few things for RTV (national TV station) and edited them as well, god, talent
Also playing drums... I have sang, I have played guitar, played bass, but drums is something I feel like I could NEVER do, so hats off to you
As @da-proti-toku-grem pointed out, THE MOLE ON HIS LIP? weak knees, yes
He also reminds me of a good friend of mine and I vibe with him so much, I feel like I would vibe with Jure as well
I really don't like the fact that drummers tend to get ignored and I just wish there was more Jure performing content
Though I love it how every time, during Novi Val, he comes to the front and hangs with the others
His hair also looks so soft and fluffy aaaaaa
Again, biased but he resembles my bf the most out of everyone so hmmmm
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The baby of the band! (and the only one in the band I could actually call 'mulc')
In case you didn't know yet, he's half Dutch
And he speaks Dutch, which, as someone who speaks Dutch (in theory, not in practice) makes me really happy
I wish to study him linguistically as well
Also his parents' story feels very close to me, as I'm dating outside of my culture as well
According to him he was menace as a kid and I think we should normalise the fact that you can become a better person as you grow up
But pls don't honk at me on the road Kris, pls, I will cry
The songs he wrote??? NGVOT and Vse kar vem??? Oh boy, I love them, adore them
His holey sweaters are also a vibe
Dutch fans, if you don't shower him and the rest of the band with gifts at their Dutch concerts, I will be mad
Also gotta honorably mention Maks
They gotta be my fav nepo-but-not-really babies out there
Kinda like Maya Hawke?
I am ranting
He also looks like the only member of the band that I would fight, and idk why
Also, I must know if he supports Max Verstappen haha
Minus points for chemistry though, I cannot with that
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Okay everyone
Here we go
We have reached my beloved
I love all of them, but Nace just a bit more
It was love at first sight, I cannot lie
I have a soft spot for bassists and he might actually convince me to try and play bass again
He has been playing it for so long too??? like wow
I will always go feral about his tattoos
At every concert
I know he was the last to join the band but it looks like he fits in so nicely, it's beautiful
Strong mom-codded dad friend vibes
He kinda is the dad of the band haha
And he looks like he gives amazing hugs (lucky all of you who had managed to get one already)
A nice addition to the band
Oh and he's apparently shit at sports which is like... felt
Plus the fact that he wanted to be a vet?
Me too boo, me too, but neither of us is there now
Anway, I'll stop now. In conclusion, this band has my whole heart and they deserve every good thing that happens to them and so much more.
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beeatrixi-study · 1 year
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Week 2 of university done!! It’s been a pretty successful week, with 100% attendance and all caught up with work :)
Things I did this week:
Got my engagement up from partial to good! My lecturer keeps pushing the importance of engagement, and he is pushing it hard. He pretty much says that ‘if your engagement is below good, don’t bother coming to class or trying. You are likely to fail’. I understand that this is true, but the engagement algorithm that the university uses does not consider things like: students living off campus, being ill, downloading material beforehand and not accessing the learning environment, students taking the weekend off, etc. It is very demoralising to see your engagement only being marked as partial, just because its the weekend, and you have the textbook downloaded...
I don’t live on campus, so I don’t get the free points from just being connected to the university WiFi, but when I am on campus, my engagement hits the high level. I am, however, still consistently above average!
My daily planning is very useful! I plan out pretty much every moment of my day, and this week, as a part of my academic skills module, we had to hand in a time log, so I essentially got a free 10% on the module, because I do that anyway. I showed the lecturer to ask if it was acceptable to hand in, and he took a look at my work, safe to say, he was a little shocked. My planning comes across as a little insane, which, I guess, it is! I need a fairly rigid plan, otherwise my brain does not think of tasks as urgent, and will put them off till the last minute. For me, this includes things like: eating, showering, going to the toilet, taking medication, brushing teeth. I require a visual reminder of things (hence the reason I carry my water bottle everywhere, I am very prone to dehydration).
This weeks coding work was pretty easy. We use a language called processing (which is pretty much just Java). All we had to do was copy an image of a house using primitive shapes in the language. Took me about 40 minutes because I literally colour selected the proper colours from the image, and even found the exact co-ordinates. I’ve always found co-ordinates hard, something about them just doesn’t work in my brain, but processing works weirdly; it reverses the Y coordinate. Imagine a four quadrant graph. When faced with a co-ordinate with two positive numbers, you would assume the top right quadrant is where the co-ordinate would fall. But no, in processing it falls in the bottom right. As the Y co-ordinate gets larger, you move downwards...
The computing theory this week was difficult, simply due to the fact of how long the binary numbers were! We had to convert a string of binary sent in hamming code, find the error, and then convert the hamming code to regular UTF-8 binary code, then to UTF-8 hexadecimal code, and then find the character it referred to (which was an obscure Ethiopic symbol, might I add). This left lots of room in copying errors, which happened to me… twice… I got the methods correct, just issues copying down the initial number… My assessed theory problems were much easier, as the numbers ASCII and not Unicode! We have been assured that the binary numbers in the final exam will NOT be Unicode!
In my numerical methods module, we have been working on a quiz for the past 2 weeks, and mine finally got marked! 100% in every problem!! Woo hoo! I’m not so good at maths, but I’m working hard to get the top mark!
Finally, I bought myself some makeup as a congratulations for this week! People who know me from elsewhere will know that I ADORE a clear gloss, so I brought a new tube of my favourite Rimmel Oh My Gloss, and I am trying out some new products: The Revolution Pro Hydra gloss (Shade Mode; clear of course) which, I’m not sure I like, as it is a plumping lip gloss, never really been my thing. The applicator feels strange, and the texture is… unusual. And my new favourite Revolution lip oil (Shade Bitten Kiss; once again, clear)! I adore this oil so much. It’s from their Halloween range, so it looks like a vial of centrifuged blood! I migh have a look if they have other shades next week, and I’ll keep and eye out for the lip tint! I also bought a new Nyx Epic Ink eyeliner, in black of course. I adore the brush applicator, and I think this is my new preferred eyeliner. :)
Go check out my instagram for frequent updates through the week!
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Catching Rain
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Minseok x Reader
Summary: You were more than satisfied with your life. You attended a nice college, had nice friends, a nice boyfriend. That’s what your life was: nice. You weren’t looking for anything more, so what were you to do when this seemingly harmless boy walked into your life and turned your nice little world into one much more dangerous?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I Epilogue
The theatre was loud, opposite of its normally hushed nature. People were yelling back and forth, saws and drills screeching as they tore through wood. In the background, sewing machines could be heard, along with the occasional curse as the needle got stuck in the fabric. One person, however, was quiet, focused. The paintbrush in his hand was small. The hairs tightly pressed together in order to create the perfect details on the backdrop. Erik was hunched over, sitting cross-legged on the stage floor as he squinted at the distant forest he was perfecting. Setting your bag down in the second row, you headed up the stage stairs.
“Hey,” you said softly in order not to scare him. 
Blinking, he turned around. His glasses were on the very tip of his nose, having slipped from the slight bit of sweat that had conjured on his face from the glaring stage lights. With a green speckled finger, he pushed the frame back up to its proper position. “Hey! I thought you had a project?”
You shrugged. “I did, but… I kind of hit a wall and needed to give my brain a rest. I’m sorry, I guess I should have gotten lunch with you anyway.”
“That’s alright. If you want, I still have half of my sandwich left.”
Smiling, you ruffled his hair. “Thanks, I’m not really hungry.” Minseok’s dismissive response had ruined the idea of food for you. Later you knew you would be starving, but right now food sounded like a great way to churn your stomach and see what it had been brewing all morning. “I’m just going to go hang out in the seats, if that’s okay?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “No one will bother you or question it. Not that anyone would notice in the first place.”
“It’s pretty crazy around here, isn’t it?”
“You missed the big explosion when Dorothy couldn’t find the armchair for the second act. Turns out, someone just leaned a piece of wood for the set against it and hid it from view. Still took us half an hour to find it.”
You snorted. “Wow. I’m actually kind of sad I missed that.” You kissed his cheek, careful to avoid a smear that you were sure he had no clue about. That stupid guilt knocked once again.
The seat was only slightly comfortable, the cushion long ago worn down from a thousand performances. You stewed there in the second row. Though it wasn’t appropriate during shows, you didn’t think anyone would care if you set your feet on the seat in front of you. Folding nearly in half, you hid your face from those who might look your way as you cranked the handle to get the gears in your head to turn. 
Confusion seemed like too weak a word to describe what was going on in your head. You were angry, frustrated, sad, relieved. There had to be some language in the world that tied those emotions all together. You just didn’t know it. Perhaps that one word could be the pill you needed to no longer feel this way. If you could shove all of that into a single box, you would be fine. But is it ever that simple? When you closed your eyes and tried not to think of anything in particular, Minseok’s face faded into view. You’d shake your head to drive the image away. It came back anyway.
You felt powerless against this unseen pull, this innate desire to see him again, even after what had just happened in the courtyard. Your mind made excuses, told you that if you simply asked him to explain then he would. Looking up at Erik, you sighed. 
There was no comparison because they were two different people. Erik was the sensitive artist, the kind who went to coffee shops on Friday nights to hear a mediocre guitar player sing his “poetry” because he believed everyone deserved an audience. Minseok, on the other hand, was a strange combination of math lab nerd and soccer team captain. He was goofy and dorky, easily amused by corny jokes, but also had the physique of someone who ran five miles in the A.M. for the fun of it. What you couldn’t figure out was what drew you to him in the first place. In any normal, not-already-dating-someone situation, you wouldn’t have been interested in his type. Yet, it was almost… effortless, being around him. Even after all these years, you sometimes had to force yourself into conversation with Erik. Comfortable silences didn’t exactly exist in your relationship, but you always chalked that up to your own personality. Now you wondered if those moments would be better with Minseok. 
Was this a normal thing? You heard stories of college sweethearts all the time and for the last few years, you thought you and Erik would join that club. You hadn’t thought about marriage, per se, but you hadn’t seen an end either. The idea of coming to a fork in the road had never occurred to you. While logic and third party advice you’d casually picked up over your life told you to stick to the left, you were being drawn to the right. One road you could easily see where it led, signs, clear pastures, and everything. The other way wasn’t as clear, disappearing into thick woods that were both inviting and foreboding. You didn’t know if there was another side for the road to come out to. The only way you would ever find out would be to follow it. 
You were able to sit there in that second row seat for a few hours, surprisingly, with your phone and the internet as your companion. Only occasionally would you contemplate that fork again. Left, right, left, right. Easy, hard, easy, hard. In the end, you decided you needed to see Minseok again to really decide. 
The stage manager called it quits late in the afternoon. Erik washed up his brushes and came to meet you. “Hungry yet?” You nodded, more for something else to do before you were alone again. “Good. I’m starving.” Taking your bag like the gentleman that he was, he waited for you to stand up and then walked you out of the theatre.
Dinner ended up being a small burger joint that Erik had been craving all day. You gave no complaints as you started salivating at the thought of their fries. Surely they had to have some sort of secret, addictive ingredient to make fried potato sticks so incredibly delicious. The two of you ended up splitting a large basket of the side. It stayed equally in the middle of the table so no one could say that the other was hogging. Yes. Safe. Easy. Seeable. 
Erik offered a follow up to dinner, but you feigned exhaustion (though there might not have been any faking truthfully, as your mind was tired from constantly running throughout the day). He walked you all the way to the door of your room. As usual, he told you goodnight and leaned in for a kiss. But unlike your normal anticipation, you flinched back to avoid his lips. He stared at you in confusion. Clearing your throat, you made it up to him by kissing his cheek before running for cover in your dorm. From the light of the hallway, you could see that Erik stood on the other side for a few seconds, hesitating to understand what had just happened, before finally walking away. 
Teeth clenched down on your bottom lip, you pulled your phone out of your back pocket. Thankfully, Willa was still out so you were alone. The glare of your phone burned in the darkness. You squinted as you moved your thumb across the screen, unlocking it before opening the contacts. The number you wanted was easy enough to find. The pad of your thumb hovered over the little green phone. It accepted the slightest touch and switched over to calling mode. You placed the speaker to your ear. 
Rrriiinggg. Rrriiinnngggg. 
You sucked in air. He’d answered. You didn’t have a plan for this. You didn’t have any sort of plan after pressing call. You’d hoped that he was one of those people who didn’t have a voicemail set up. 
“Hello? (y/n)?”
You hung up. 
Minseok watched you stalk off in the exact direction he wished you hadn’t. Anywhere else; he would have been fine with you going anywhere besides the theatre where your boyfriend was. His wolf growled and clawed with jealousy. Why was he so stupid? Since when was keeping his mate a secret more important than being with you? Of course he wanted to eat lunch with you, to see how you got along with his brothers. But the idea of Baekhyun figuring it out had caused him to panic. As obnoxious as Baekhyun could be, he wasn’t stupid. At some point during the meal, Minseok would have done something a little overprotective and Baekhyun would have started to connect the dots. Unfortunately, he’d already picked up on something. 
“Oooo, breaking the rules, are we?” The brat even had the audacity to wiggle his eyebrows at the eldest wolf. 
Not holding back, Minseok swung, hitting a good target on the upper arm. 
“First, it's not a rule,” Minseok grumbled. “Junmyeon simply suggested that we don’t date. Besides, you’re one to talk. How’s Daisy?”
Baekhyun was hardly phased. He sported a cheeky grin. “She’s great.”
Bored, Sehun asked, “Can we just go eat now? Who cares who Minseok was flirting with?”
“I wasn’t flirting with her!” Minseok shouted. He explained in a lower voice, “She’s having trouble in her math class so I’m doing Sungkyu a favor and helping her out so she can pass. That’s it.”
“So why didn’t you want her to eat with us, then?” Jongin asked innocently. 
Minseok flinched. Jongin was more observant than anyone would give him credit for. Not that Minseok was subtle in any sense of the word. “I didn’t say that I didn’t want her to eat with us. Knowing you all, you would have let something slip about what we are.”
“Minseok, we all caught that she was willing to join us,” Chanyeol said. 
Huffing, Minseok grumbled, “Are we going to go eat or should I just go by myself?”
Shrugging off the odd behavior, Baekhyun turned and headed for the parking lot. Minseok was quick to follow, feeling smaller than normal surrounded by his pack members. In his head, he pictured himself running back towards the theatre, bursting through the doors, and - in true dramatic fashion - declaring you his. 
That would be a complete disaster. He should only do that if he wanted you to never talk to him ever again. 
Minseok hardly paid attention as Chanyeol drove them to his favorite pizza place. He was in a trance as the others took control of what to order. Physically, he sat in the booth next to Sehun with Baekhyun on the other side. His shoulder was pressed into the chipped wooden guard rail that ran along the wall but he hardly noticed the uncomfortable poke in his skin. His mind was still back at the campus. He was driving himself crazy trying to figure out how he was going to make this up to you, how he was going to explain his bizarre switch up to you. He hardly ate, which was fine since the others were more than happy to devour the three large pizzas with varying toppings. The others weren’t bothered by his quietness since it was nothing new. Minseok was always more of an observer than a participant. In a time like this, it worked to his advantage.
There was no consulting Minseok when the lunch was through. They all simply piled back into the car and headed out of town towards the woods. Vague mentions of going for a run were tossed around. Minseok didn’t voice any sort of agreement. He wasn’t in the mood. Ha. A wolf not in the mood to run wild among the trees? He really was turned upside down because of you. While the younger ones headed straight for the trees, Minseok headed up the porch and through the front living room until he came to the kitchen. Oh, thank god. There were still beers in the fridge. He grabbed one and immediately opened it, still chugging as he walked over to the breakfast booth. 
“Did you have fun?”
Junmyeon slid into the booth across from him. Minseok put the can down. “Yeah. At first. We had fun with the project. It was when the others showed up that things…  went bad.”
“What do you mean?” Junmyeon asked with a frown. 
“I… panicked. The others invited her to join us and I….” Minseok shrugged. 
“Worried that the others would figure it out?” Junmyeon guessed. The response was a nod. 
“Figure what out?” 
Baekhyun stood in the entryway, looking back and forth between the eldest and the alpha. Minseok gulped. He thought that all four of them had gone out on a run and he hadn’t heard anyone else in the house. Stepping further into the kitchen, Baekhyun asked again, “Figure what out?”
Minseok looked to Junmyeon for help. None was to be found. 
��You should probably tell them.”
“I’m not going to tell just Baekhyun so he can go running and tell the others and exaggerate.”
“I can always call a family meeting.”
“I don’t want to make that big of a deal out of it.”
“Too late on that. Besides, that’s the best way to get everyone here. Get it out of the way.”
“Or to get none of them here.”
“I’m still standing here,” Baekhyun scoffed.
Minseok looked at him. “I know.”
Junmyeon sighed. “Baekhyun, will you go get the others? Tell them it's important?”
He nodded. “Sure. Be back in a flash.” He left, already shedding the hoodie over his head. 
Slumping down in the booth, Minseok felt defeated. Junmyeon sensed this immediately. “It really won’t be that bad. And they need to be prepared.”
“Yes. Once a pack member finds the first mate, the others will slowly start to find their own. It won’t be immediate. It could take years, really. But it’s like a domino effect. They should be aware that it's their turn next.”
It made sense. The pack was always connected, both in mind and in instinct. But it had been just them for so long, the idea of bringing in mates to the fold was odd. Minseok wasn’t sure how the others would react. Fists clenched on the table, he leaned his head down. It took almost half an hour before the rest of the pack came back. Yixing had arrived first, coming back from a lab he was making up from earlier in the week. The rest came into the kitchen ten minutes later. They were knocking into each other as they yanked on shirts and pants. 
“Okay, Junmyeon, what’s the emergency?” Jongdae asked, very prepared to be his usual sarcastic, troll self. 
But Junmyeon didn’t reply, letting Minseok take the reins instead. Minseok didn't want to do this. He wanted to run, to keep his secret a little while longer while he figured this whole thing out. But Junmyeon was right. It was time.
“(y/n) - the girl that some of you met today… she’s my mate.”
It was pure silence in the kitchen. It was unnatural in this household. The only time it was ever this quiet was when the house was empty. 
“I’m sorry,” Jongdae said. “You said… mate? Right?” Minseok nodded. He growled.  “Fantastic.”
“You really found your mate, Minseok?” Yixing was more enthusiastic about the news. He looked elated, even. A small smile was creeping up. 
Despite the stunned silence, Minseok found Yixing’s energy infectious. “Yeah. I did.”
“Have you told her yet?” Chanyeol asked. 
“She has a boyfriend,” Jongin reminded him. 
“Oh. Right.”
“I’m working on it,” Minseok said. “I just-” His phone vibrated in his pocket. Pulling it out, his eyes widened at the name popping up on the screen. With sixteen eyes on him, he answered, frantic. “Hello?” A gasp on the other end. “Hello? (y/n)?” You didn’t answer. Two seconds ticked by and you ended the call. He stared at his now black screen in shock. Then his brain started again. “I got to go.”
“Was it her?” Junmyeon asked. 
“Wait, I have more questions!” Baekhyun whined. Minseok was out of the kitchen in a heartbeat, jumping into his car and flying down the road. He didn’t know if you were hurt or in trouble. Why had you called him? Why didn’t you say anything? He was determined to find out. There was only one problem. 
He didn’t know your dorm number. 
You’d briefly mentioned the shared campus housing with your best friend, but that was all the information he had. Looks like he would have to find it the old fashion way. 
As soon as he parked, he headed towards the dorms, thankful at least that the two large housing buildings were close in proximity. He headed for the smaller cafeteria located in the lobby of the first building. The kitchen was closed but there were still students taking advantage of the open seating. Okay. Here it goes. 
The first few groups that Minseok asked had never heard of you. He was starting to berate himself on what a stupid idea this was. He should have called you back and asked you to call him when you were ready because it most certainly would have gone to voicemail. But his luck soon turned around. He approached a group of three girls sitting in a corner. One of them had a camera. 
“Excuse me?” They looked up. Minseok cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, but I’m trying to find (y/n) (l/n)’s room. Do you happen to know her?”
One girl narrowed her eyes. “Why do you want to know?”
Minseok swallowed. “I… I have her notebook. She’d left it behind earlier at study group. She really needs it for class on Monday but I can’t get a hold of her.” Please believe his stupid lie. 
The girl who’d spoken made eye contact with her two friends. “She’s in room twenty-three-nineteen. If she doesn’t answer, just slide the notebook under the door.”
He could almost jump from elated joy. “Thank you!” 
Taking off, he headed for the stairs. Your dorm room was only on the second floor so it didn’t take long to follow the signs until he was right outside your door. Only now did the possibility that your roommate would be the one to answer cross his mind. What lie would he have to come up with then? He had to take the chance. 
After knocking, he waited, shifting from foot to foot in an attempt to release the nervous energy surging through his body. The door swung open. 
It was you. Thank goodness. 
You were not the same level of relieved. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Crap. He probably should have thought of that. “You called me.”
You looked back over your shoulder before stepping out into the hallway, letting the door shut behind you. “So? That doesn’t mean you can just show up here!”
“I need to talk to you.” 
You licked your lips. No, please don’t do that. It’s too tempting already to grab your face and kiss you against the door. Without speaking, you went back into your room. Well, that was a bust. But before he could walk away with slumped shoulders, you came back, this time with shoes on and your bag. “Let’s go.”
He gave no protest as you led him out of the dorm and into the dark. He had no idea where the two of you were headed, but he planned on embracing whatever came his way. The two of you were going to talk. His heart was thumping hard against his sternum. He was getting more alone time with you. Who knew what would end up flying out of his mouth in these next few hours. Would this be the night of truths and revelations?
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musicallisto · 3 years
I’ve missed you so much love!! I have many things to say;
1) if you’re feeling exhausted despite getting a good nights sleep, it’s probably a sign of a depravity of something else - iron, perhaps?
2) I agree with what Olive said on your accent post - your English is very good! And it is only on a certain words, how you choose to say things that would make me think “ok she’s not a native speaker” I am very proud and impressed, since I do NOT have a talent for languages at all
3) you’ve made me yearn to go get ice cream and walk down main street with you … perhaps we are all wearing floppy sun hats and twirly skirts, and gaze at the rivers and trees and flirt joyously at every cute boy passing us by, ruining it by our vivacious laughter??
4) I know this may sound odd - but what language do you think in? Do you think in French and actively translate everything you read/hear, and translate in your brain before you speak? Or is it as easy as breathing? (I hope I’m not being ignorant, I think you are beautiful and I am simply gazing at a work of art)
Anyways I miss you so much!! Literal oceans separate us and I want to hold your hand and kiss your cheek 🥺🥰
✧˖°࿐ Lindsay!!!! I'm so happy to be talking to you, it's been way too long and I'm consciously ignoring my math homework to answer your ask. (it's been so long that my laptop doesn't autocomplete 'tu' to tumblr anymore, I feel so betrayed) how are you lovely? i hope everything's fine for you and that you're having an excellent time 💜
it could be - I hadn't thought of that! last year I also had some difficulty sleeping and weird bouts of dizziness at random times of day, but it went away, so I attributed them to stress - but maybe there's an underlying cause because they're back now and I'm most definitely not as anxious as I was last year. idk though because I've never had any kind of iron deficiency or anything of the sort? I tried meditation and breathing exercises and stuff and for the most part it helped, so I'll see how it goes!
thank you very much! <3 Olive's post was super insightful and I loved having my accent analyzed like that, I felt like I was being reviewed by that dialect coach on the Wired youtube channel lol. it's definitely true that there are certain words I just can't pronounce the American way, no matter how hard I try, and it makes me cringe a little bit, but hey, if it adds charm and character to my voice, i'll take it!
oh my god please,,,, I want this SO BAD. the number one thing I need right now is a day out with friends and the number two thing I need right now is ice cream. combining the two? I'll SWIM over to Canada if I have to, because I want this to happen. Then we can go iceskating, and you'll teach me, because I never have, and I figure I'm probably dreadful at it because I couldn't even stand on rollerblades when I tried. i've been to Canada once but I would die to come back and hang out with you.
it's not a weird question! I've gotten it before, actually. it's kind of difficult to explain - but it's like my brain has different modes and I can switch them on and off. default mode is French because it's my first language and the one I use on a daily basis; when I think to myself 95% of the time it's in French. but sometimes the situation requires me to switch to Spanish or English, and it's like changing my brain's whole layout. French then takes a seat back and it's like I changed the language in my brain's settings, lol. taking the example of your ask, I didn't read each sentence and consciously translate it to French word for word - it immediately registered in my brain, like it would for any native English speaker reading normally. and as I'm answering it, my brain hasn't switched back to French, so every thought I might have now (even if it's totally unrelated, like what could be for dinner) will be in English. as soon as I hit 'answer' and see a word in French, it will switch back again. sometimes the switch isn't automatic, so it may happen that I'm lost in thought about something in Spanish or talking to my mom on the phone, and someone asks me something in French and I blurt out the answer in Spanish because my brain just goes ??? i have no idea what we're doing now ???? but basically, to answer your question, I read naturally and don't translate word for word, even more difficult sentences that may take me a few rereads to process. Thinking in English is a bit weird though, almost dissociative; it doesn’t feel totally organic, more like I’m talking to a friend rather than really... hearing the little voice in my head. but I object - you are the work of art here 💜 edit: rereading your ask you also wondered about speaking, so speaking is mostly automatic as well, but requires more effort than listening and comprehension. which is why you’ll hear me make a lot of pauses and use a lot of filler words - I am not as dumb as I sound, I’m just trying to find a way to express what is abstractly crystal clear in my head in a way that will not outrageously violate the rules of English I also get asked a lot what language do I dream in, lol, and the answer is mostly French but sometimes I'll have a dream that's entirely in English or Spanish for zero reason or there's just one character in the dream who speaks in a different language from the others and it's all just a big mess.
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bellalluvia · 4 years
“jack of all trades, master of none”
i’ve always been pretty good.
i’m not trying to brag—i hate bragging and pride and attention. but i’ve honestly always been a very rounded personality, pretty good at following directions, and pretty good at clearing every hurdle placed in front of me. *
pretty good at math, pretty good at science, pretty good at language, pretty good at research
pretty good at planning, organizing, and preparing, but also pretty good at improvising
pretty good at music, pretty good at sports, pretty good at baking, pretty good at art
pretty good at looking pretty, pretty good at getting dirty
i’ve had my share of pretty good successes and definitely had more than my share of pretty “good” failures
pretty good at being a leader when i need to, and pretty good at following along
i’ve always had pretty good intuition about people but also been pretty good at being the outsider
my personality type happens to be the one that most readily takes on others’ emotions, making me pretty good at feeling everything for everyone, and pretty good at not feeling my own feelings
i am pretty good at being alone, and at being a good and loyal friend. i am pretty good at logical thinking as well as emotional.
introverted and a people person, i’m pretty good at socializing and pretty good at closing myself off to the world completely
i’ve always dipped my toe into practically every body of water, and honestly tried to dive headfirst into most as well
so i guess it makes sense that my brain wants to try me on 5 different disorders at once
i’m pretty good at anxiously doing everything, and sitting alone and depressed doing nothing. i’m pretty good at obsessing over everything and acting on my compulsions pretending it’s necessary logic, and pretty good at losing all reason and entering panic mode. i’m pretty good at starving myself, and going through phases of “recovery” that looks more like orthorexia.
my brain’s been a jack of all trades, but a master of none. i succumb instead to the masters of my brain.
it’s made me pretty good at hating myself, and i’m pretty good at not hating anyone.
*not literally. hurdles is one of the things i’m very bad at. i have no vertical whatsoever unless you give me a pole to vault with or some bases throwing me lol
PS i also hate myself for writing such a long post all about me and feel incredibly selfish and weird—like nobody cares, bella! but ima post it anyway bc it was kinda therapeutic and maybe one of y’all out there will relate.
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Title: Big Brother- “The New Kid” Part 2
Pairing: Yoongi x OC aka Tessa Ft. Tae (Brother) Ft. Jin (Bros BFF)
Warnings: abusive language, slight bullying, fluff, angst, lots of cursing, slow burn/ build-up
Rating: 18 and over
“TESSAAAAAAA!!!!” I jump up at the sound of Tae yelling for me from downstairs. I leap out of bed and rush down to meet his call. “What’s going on?” I ask between breaths. “Check this out.” He waves me over, calmly now, from the kitchen window. I take my place beside him and peer out the window to see Yoongi in the backyard at Mrs. Mark’s place mowing the lawn. “Don’t be a creeper Tae. Is that what you hollered for? You scared me!” I punch his arm. “She hired help,” Tae looks over at me like a hurt kid, “Why? I was helping just fine. Maybe I did something wrong.” I roll my eyes. “Oh god Tae. He’s her exchange student. I saw her yesterday. He just moved here; he’s going to be staying here. She doesn’t need your help anymore.” I open the fridge and find nothing to eat. “We need to do a store run.” I say to the back of Tae’s head as he stares out the window again. “Hello,” I call out to him, “Earth to Tae!” He turns to me looking puzzled. “So, like, he’s gonna live with her? That’s weird no?” “Why is that weird? She’s doing something good for someone in need.” I cross my arms and stare at Tae who looks as if he is solving a math equation. “So, he’s some poor kid looking for a handout?” “No, you’re just some poor kid looking for a handout. He’s is an educated mind in need of a helping hand.” Tae scoffs. “We should go say hi.” He suggests. “I introduced myself yesterday. Let’s focus on eating. We need to do a store run.” “You’re right sorry.” “Cool, so let’s make a list and get some stuff done.” I pull out a piece of paper and a pen. I look up and see that Tae has left. “Shit, Tae!” I call out.
I head out the front and towards the back of the house. Tae is leaning on Mrs. Mark’s fence waving to catch Yoongi’s attention. I see Yoongi appear at the fence stone face and sweaty with a black cap on backwards. He dries his face with his sleeve. I catch up and jump in front of Tae. “Hey Yoongi!” He nods at bright wave. Tae shoves me over. “I’m Tae, Tessa’s brother, she was telling me that you just moved here and will be living with Kelly. So, what’s your deal man?” I shoot Tae a ‘What the fuck’ look. Yoongi looks at me and then Tae, not a wink of emotion on his face. I chuckle nervously. I look back at Tae whose eyes shift from me to Yoongi. “Well? What are you a mute?” Tae looks at me. Yoongi licks his lips looking rather annoyed. “Mute? No. I just have hard time understanding your dumb down slang. I have no…uh…. Deal as you say.” He gives a small smile and I can’t help but laugh at his sarcasms. Tae’s face shift and I straightened up. He reminds me of my father when he’s mad. “Well Mandu, I’d be sure to not have a deal. I’m not exactly the type of guy you wanna fuck around with, get me?” Yoongi scoffs. “Mandu? That’s good. I have never heard this one. So…. original.” He looks from Tae to me and walks back over to the mower, starting it up again and moving back across the yard. I punch Tae in the side. “What the fuck Tae? You’re such an asshole!” I say walking back towards my house. Tae follows behind me. “Oh, I’m the asshole. That kid is a fucking asshole, he seems like he can handle himself just fine. You saw how he egged me on.” “Leave him alone Tae, I’m warning you.” I shoot him a mom look. “Now get ready, we are doing a store run!” I shout heading up the stairs.
Tae and I drive over to the supermarket in our moms old Rav4. Dad fixed her up and gave it to Tae as a gift. “Why do you think Mrs. Mark’s didn’t tell me about this Yoongi kid?” Tae asks suddenly as we park. “Who gives a fuck Tae? She has other things to worry about. At least it gives you more time to focus on football and getting that scholarship. That is what’s important right now.” He doesn’t say anything as we walk into the market. We walk around and fill our cart with the essentials for survival. “Tessa, Tae, hi!” Mrs. Mark’s appears and waves us over. Tae seems to straighten up. “Hey! How are you?” I ask. “We met Yoongi this morning.” Tae blurts out. “Oh, yes! I spoke with Tessa about Yoongi, and I have been meaning to talk with you as well Tae.” Just as she goes to explain further Yoongi appears with an arm full of things and loads them in the cart. “Oh! It’s my new friend, Yoongi!” Tae says brightly reaching his hand up for Yoongi to high five. Yoongi chuckles suspiciously but obliges. “Tae my friend. They have Mandu here. In the frozen section, I hear you are big fan.” Yoongi says with a smirk. Tae chuckles and looks over to Mrs. Mark’s. “Maybe I should come by during the week and clear the gutters. We can chat and what not.” Tae says to her. “Uh. Well, Yoongi has been a huge help already so, uh, maybe we can grab lunch and I can say thank you for helping me so much this summer.” Tae nods.
I can’t help but feel the tension rise up in Tae, twin senses. Just as I go to interject in their conversation, I can’t help but feel watchful eyes on me. I turn to see Yoongi staring in his famous pose, right hand holding his left arm. I make my way closer to him. “I’m sorry about what Tae said earlier. He can be a jerk sometimes. He means nothing by it though.” I whisper. He nods and looks me up and down. “So, Tessa, what’s your deal?” He teases. I can’t help but appear taken aback by his use of Tae’s line from earlier. Suddenly he bursts out laughing. I can’t help but join in, it’s the most emotion I’ve ever seen on his face. “We should hang out tomorrow. I can show you around town.” I blurt out. He composes himself and looks over at Tae. “Big brother won’t like that.” He points towards Tae. “I’m older actually, by two minutes, and fuck Tae. He’s not the boss of me.” He looks at me again stone faced. “Twins,” He nods, “I don’t know. I will text you.” “Fair enough.” I say. “Tae,” I interrupt his and Mrs. Mark’s conversation, “Let’s get home.” He nods clearly annoyed and we all go our separate ways. We drive back in silence.
After putting away groceries, I hit my laptop and start writing. I am off to a great start when I hear the faint sound of music from my window. I walk over to the other side of my room and sit at my vanity. I lean down into the window sill to try and see into Yoongi’s window. I can hear the music better and immediately know it’s coming from his piano. “You hear Picasso over there?” I hear Tae from my bedroom door. I lift my head slowly and shake my head. “You’re an idiot Tae. Good thing you don’t need a brain for football.” I respond. “What? You don’t seriously like that kid Tess? He’s a weirdo.” He says, plopping down on my bed. “Why,” I shrug, “He is just getting acclimated to a new everything, you on the other hand, are a fool who has no clue that Picasso was an artist not a pianist.” My phone vibrates. ‘Ok stalker. Tomorrow.’ The unsaved number says. I look over to Yoongi’s window to catch him waving at me and then walking away. “I need the Rav4 for tomorrow.” I blurt out. “Uh. Uh. I’m meeting Jin tomorrow.” He shakes his head. “Ok, so tell him to pick you up in the morning.” I argue. “What do you need it for?” He inquires. “Do I ask why you need the car Tae?” “It’s my fucking car!” He shouts. I scoff. Suddenly an idea pops into my head. “Mrs. Mark’s asked if I could take Yoongi out tomorrow. I feel bad but I guess I’ll have to tell her no.” I sigh. Tae’s expression changes. “Really? Sheesh. Alright Tess. Maybe she needs a break from that kid already.” “Maybe,” I reply, “So, you’ll lend it to me? Have Jin come get you?” “Yes, Tess. You can borrow my car but just a few hours.” “Yay!” I exclaim and hug him. “Gross. Pay me back by making dinner, how about that?” He shoves me away.
The following morning, I am up and ready early, trying to sneak pass my drunk father, who once again is passed out on the couch. I head into the kitchen and grab a couple bottles of water. I make my way to the door. “Where you headed girl?” My father grumbles, sitting up and rubbing his head. “I’m going out with friends.” I say. There’s a knock on the door and my heart drops. “I have to go.” I say to him. He doesn’t object and I run to the door. I slide out and see Yoongi standing on the porch. “I didn’t know you were coming over here. I would’ve come to get you.” I tell him. “It’s not proper for the lady to pick up the man.” He says. I laugh nervously. “Well, let’s just go.” I whisper and hurry over to Tae’s car. “Why do you whisper?” Yoongi asks, looking around. “No reason.” I jump into the driver seat and he into the passenger seat. “So, where are we going?” He asks. I nervously move the gear shift and hit the gas and we careen towards the house. “Woah, woah! STOP!” Yoongi yells as I quickly hit the brakes. “Sorry.” I say and move the shift into reverse. “Do you know how to drive? Is this your first time?” He questions. He is in full panic mode, still bracing himself in his seat. “Like riding a bike.” I smile as we speed off. Yoongi eases now but side-eyes me the whole time. “So, tell me about yourself? You must miss your mom and dad?” I poke, curious as to his personal life. “I call my mom one time every week. To check in.” He replies. He opens his window slightly and the rush of wind blows his hair around.
“Only once a week. That isn’t a lot. She must be worried. New country, different language. New people.” I’m really prying. “No. She is a busy woman. I am getting older. She wants me to get a good education.” He states plainly. “How about you? Tell me about you. Most popular girl.” He quickly shifts the focus. “Well, I grew up here. It’s me, Tae and my dad. My mom passed away a year ago. It has been hard, but we get by. My dad owns the car shop in town. Tae is going for a football scholarship this year. He’s good, like really good. The school is whatever. Like most I’m sure. I think you’re gonna fit in just great honestly. It’ll be nice to get some fresh meat in this boring old town.” Yoongi doesn’t say anything. I continue. “I figure we can grab breakfast and walk around town. There are a bunch of cool spots to see and a shopping complex.” I look over to him and get nothing. “Earth to Yoongi. What’s going on in that big brain of yours?” I ask. “I am not so interesting,” He says, “Not much to tell. Not like you. So much insight.” “Look, if this is going to work, I am going to need a little more than clipped responses from you. I want to be friends. So, just be yourself. Tell me something no one knows.” I implore. “I like pancakes.” He says and I begin to worry that this may have been a terrible idea.
I grab a parking spot outside of Taylor’s Diner, a local spot in town that a lot of the school kids frequent. We grab a booth by the window and are given menus by Gladys, who’s been a waitress here since I was little girl. “Hiya Tessa. Who’s your friend?” She smiles at Yoongi, who gives her a small tight smile. “I’m Yoongi. Nice to meet you.” He says and I am shocked that he even responded. “Well, welcome Yoongi. It’s great to meet you. Any idea of what you’d like to eat or drink?” He looks down and then back at Gladys. “Iced coffee please and pancakes.” He closes his menu and hands it to her. “Perfect, and for you Tessa?” She looks at me. “Uh. I’ll have the same.” She nods, takes my menu, and heads off. “Wow, I think it’s the most you’ve spoken ever.” I say sarcastically. “It’s not polite to be rude to elders.” He says to me and looks out the window beside him. He swallows hard and begins to pull nervously at his ear. “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Big brother.” He replies. I look up and Tae and Jin enter the Diner. “Well, well, well. Tessa! You get more gorgeous every day I see you.” Jin says sliding into the booth beside me. Tae slides in next to Yoongi. “Jin meet Mandu, our next-door neighbor.” Tae laughs. He goes for a high five but Yoongi just ignores him this time. “Why don’t you knuckle heads get lost?” I spit at Tae. “I had to check in on my girl.” Jin says, putting his arm around me. I shove him away. “Not even in your dreams.” “Hey Mandu, I better not find out your messing with my girl. Got it!” Yoongi doesn’t say anything. He just stares at Jin as if he could kill him with just his gaze. “Fuck off Jin! Tae!” I look at my brother. “Alright, alright. Let’s get out of here. You two have fun. Don’t fuck up my car Tess.” They get up and Jin points two fingers at his eyes and then one at Yoongi.
Yoongi whispers something. “What?” I ask him. “I said they are assholes.” I feel my face flush. This is not turning out well. “I’m sorry.” I say. “Why you are always sorry?” Yoongi utters. I am taken back by his comment. “Here you go.” Gladys says dropping our food and coffee off. I take a deep breath to keep from crying. “My brother isn’t….” I go to respond. “Yeah, he is,” Yoongi cuts me off, “Maybe you don’t know your brother the way you think you do.” He shoves his plate away from him and stares out of the window again. “I can’t eat unless you do. It’s rude.” I quip, trying to turn this breakfast around. “I guess you will starve.” He says to the window. “I am really trying Yoongi but you’re not making it easy.” “Oh no, imagine a world not made easy for the most popular girl. Such a tragedy.” He looks at me with red eyes and I can see he’s hurt. “We can just leave then if you want.” “No, someone made this for us so let’s eat. Celebrate friendship,” He cuts and shoves a huge piece of pancake in his mouth, “I love pancakes.” He says sarcastically with a hard swallow.
After paying the check and leaving the restaurant, I point over to the end of the road. “The shopping complex is that way.” I say. “We should get back.” Yoongi says, pointing to the car. “Uh. Ok.” We head to the car instead. This time I successfully get on the road without trouble. “I hope that we can do this again. I know today was rough but I would like to get to know you better.” I say to Yoongi. He just nods. “Thank you for breakfast. I owe you.” I pull into Mrs. Mark’s driveway and let Yoongi out. “See ya.” I say. He hops out and slams the door, walking into Mrs. Mark’s house. I pull out of her driveway and into my own. Once up in my room, I get on my laptop and facetime my friend Alice. “Hey girl! How’s your summer?” She exclaims when she answers. “Good. Getting a lot of writing in. Can you believe this is our last year?” “Oh my god! I can’t wait!” She says brushing her hair out of her face. “How’s Italy?” I ask. “Gorgeous girl. I met a man.” She giggles. “A man?” “His name is Arnand. He’s tall, dark, handsome, ugh, everything you read about in the books. He wants me to move here next summer and live with him.” I bust out laughing. “That sounds insane. How old is Mr. Everything?” I inquire. “38 but that’s not really old.” “Oh my god Alice! He is way too old for you! What will your mother say? She’s gonna freak out!” “No way! She will give me shit for a week and then ask how much he makes in a year, which is a lot by the way. He’s some hedge fund guy. Besides, I don’t have talent. I need a sugar daddy. I’m not smart like you or athletic like Tae and Jin. I have nothing lined up for after high school. This face is my money maker.” She circles her face with a finger. “Still its creepy and you can do anything you want. You just gotta focus on one thing.” I try to assure her. “Ha-ha. Yeah right Tess! Why have one thing when you can have them all?” She twirls around with her phone making me dizzy. Alice has always had her head in the clouds. “So, how’s the shit town?” She asks me. “Uh, same ole. Mrs. Mark’s got a foreign exchange student from Korea to move in with her. He starts this year at the school. She asked me to befriend him and show him around.” “Is he cute?” She asks and I immediately blush.  “I don’t know?” I reply. “Yeah, he’s cute. So, what’s the problem? Is it Jin?” “What no? Jin and I are over, and you know that. He’s just, I don’t know, weird. He hardly talks and when he does, he’s sarcastic and dry. I don’t know. He’s hard to read.” “I see, so Tess has met her match and she uncomfortable.” My eyes pop open at her accusation. “Oh Tessa, my baby, my bestie, my love. Just get over yourself. You miss out on so much because you’re so stuffy.” I scoff. “I am not stuffy.” “Oh yes you are! You think because you’re smart and beautiful, people should just fawn over you. That works for some like Kim Seokjin, but you are going to meet people with actual brain cells that are going to force you to do some of the work.” “Whatever.” “This is constructive criticism Tess. Don’t get all offended.” “I have to go.” I blurt out. “Okay, well don’t tell anyone about Arnand and give that foreign boy your number! Love you Tess.” I smile and disconnect the call.
I pull my phone out after thinking about what Alice has said. ‘You are a puzzle, but I am going to solve you.’ I think for a second too long and start to delete it. ‘Don’t forget, you owe me!’ Before I think too much, I send it. I look towards Yoongi’s window from my desk. My phone vibrates. ‘Stalker.’ I start laughing. I finally save the number in my phone. Maybe Alice is right. I am used to getting my way. Jin made things way too easy. Maybe what I need is a challenge. Welp Min Yoongi, challenge accepted.
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86-was-his-year · 5 years
Ink and Rose Petals  | Lee Jeno | Smut
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Summary: The classical good girl falls for the bad boy but the bad boy is smart and she needs help with studying. He offers help and rewards you for every question you get right.
Warnings: Oral (Female and Male receiving), Orgasm denial, edging, dirty talk, hair pulling (female and male receiving), Swearing, Bisexuality? (Really isn’t a warning) all these peeps are 18 so yeah. (Such vulgar language fam), and a dash of Dacryphilia 
A/N: This boi is legal so don’t come after me or I’ll be sad. If you don’t like it just keep scrolling. Thanks, bros. <3 But like I listened to Stay Alive (Reprise) and It’s Quiet Uptown from Hamilton cause like I just found this amazing show and like it doesn’t fit the mood at all but I love these songs.
The beige halls were noisy and filled with the squeaking of shoes and conversations of other students. My friends conversed behind me and I couldn’t begin to care. After looking at my new schedule for the new term I knew I was screwed. All of my hardest classes were in this one term and I knew that I won’t get through this without help from someone. 
“Y/N are you okay?” Irene grabbed onto my shoulder and stopped me from walking straight into someone in front of me. 
“Yeah, it’s just,” I took a breath and ran my hand through my hair, “I can’t do any of these classes. I’m not smart enough.” I put the schedule back into my pocket and looked around the halls. 
“You can always go to the counselors and switch your classes.” Irene stopped talking and waved to her friends walking down the hall. 
“Then I’ll have to make that up next year and then I can’t graduate early.” I ran my hand through my hair once again and smiled at Irene before going to my first class. The classes were hard but went by quick and before I knew it I was at the last class of the day. Algebra 2 the one school subject that I sucked at. Math was the worst of my knowledge meaning I didn’t know anything at all. The teacher Mr. Kristy was nice enough but he always assumed that the children immediately knew what he was talking about 
“Good afternoon students. Good afternoon.” He smiled and we took random seats, mine being a row before the goons in the back. 
Na Jaemin, handsome and incredibly smart when it comes to academics. While on the other hand, his choice in friends is less than smart. They haven’t pulled down his grades or forced him to drugs as far as I know. They aren’t necessarily hurting him but I fear for his safety sometimes. 
Huang Renjun, Nothing particularly wrong with him he just eggs bullies on and keeps his mouth shut after. I have heard a few rumors about him beating people up and even a drug trade but those were just rumors, nothing has been proven yet. 
Lee Donghyuk, now this man is dangerous. He’s been with almost everyone in this school, boys included. Although he was open-minded and people liked that he broke the hearts of everyone he slept with, telling them that he would call them back or keep in touch yet, surprise surprise, he never did. 
And last but never least Lee Jeno, the baddest bad boy in this school according to legend. He’s notorious for kicking ass and taking names. His jet black hair looks like it was gelled with a concrete mix but most girls rumor that it is softer than a cloud. Many rumors go around about how he is a king in bed or how he truly was the best lay but then again, as I have said before. Those are just rumors. 
Their voices were loud and unable to be ignored as I got all the materials needed for the class. I looked around the room and watched as more and more obnoxious kids filed in to get a good seat. Thankfully no one was brave enough to sit next to me or the gang of Bimbos that sat behind me. Guess it’s my resting bitch face for the win again. 
“Okay then kids, You’ll find a syllabus on your desk, make sure you get it signed and return it by the end of the week. Failure to do so will be an F for that assignment.” I zoned out and watched him write different instructions on the board. Something about a review packet due at the end of the week and we have to have partners? 
“Which one of you lovely ladies or men would like to pair up with me?” Donghyuk leaned back on his chair and put his hands behind his head as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
“Thank you for the charity case Donghyuk but I believe your partners will be random. I want you fellas to meet new people. You guys never reach out and mingle with each other. I’ll have the ladies come to the front and pick one of the men’s names out of the cup!” Mr. Kristy shuffled the cup around and waved us forward. 
I rolled my eyes and stood up. I was going to get one of these hormonal, drooling, stupid boys as my partner and that would be no help to me. The only boy that would help me with the review is Jaemin. He was possibly the smartest boy in our class. He would most definitely help me understand the stupid concept that is math. 
“Donghyuk you’re my partner!” Some girl shouted from the front of the class and groans from the rest of the girls followed.
“Alright, sweetheart. Get up here.” Donghyuk grabbed his stuff and moved a couple seats down. I released a breath of reassurance as the girl grabbed her stuff and bounded up the stairs to his table. One less goon to possibly have as my partner. I stopped counted how many people were left and who they were after I heard Jaemin’s name being called. The hope for my math grade was dwindling by the second until I was the last person and there was only one more piece of paper in the cup. At this moment I wish I had kept track of who was left and I swallowed hard before putting my hand in the cup and opening the paper.
Lee Jeno
“Alright fantastic. I’ll hand out the packets and you and your partner can get started. The packet will be due on Wednesday. We’ll go through it in class then. The rest of the time is yours.” I threw the paper away walked back to my table to find Jeno already there with a pencil and paper in front of him. 
“Hi.” He said and his eyes smiled at me. His teeth were white and his skin was tan providing a look that was most pleasing to the eye. I shook my head and smiled back to him. 
“I’m Y/N.” I got out my pencil and grabbed two packets from Mr. Kristy and handed one to Jeno, flipping through the packet only to find that I knew none of these concepts. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose out of stress. 
“Are you okay?” Jeno’s voice is soft and quiet, not wanting to alert anyone of my issues. 
“Yeah, it’s just I honestly don’t remember anything from Algebra and I passed that class with a low D.” I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep shuddering breath. 
“Hey, don’t stress about it. I can help you if you want.” Jeno scooted closer and opened my packet. 
“I’m sorry but aren’t you like terrible at academics. You’re supposed to be like a ‘bad boy’ and can’t like do school?” I asked and looked at him with worried eyes. 
“Ha very funny. I’m actually amazing at school and passed Algebra with a high A. I can actually help you pass this class.” He smiled and his eyes turned into crescents again. He turned his own packet and looked through some of the problems, nodding to himself before beginning to explain it to me.
“Okay,” The hour of class went by and I still couldn’t understand much.”This comes from this number?” I pointed at the lone three in my paper in confusion.
“Yes. That’s right.” Jeno had taken off his leather jacket now and was in a plain white shirt, the least bit distraction while I was trying to concentrate on the equation at hand. 
“But where the fuck does it come from?” I closed my eyes and put my pencil down, cracking my stiff knuckles. “I’m sorry but this is hopeless.” I closed the packet and stuffed it in my folder, looking at the clock to find that there is only five minutes left. 
“It’s not hopeless. Here,” He tore a piece of paper from his packet and scribbled something on it. “Go home, try to relax and when you’re ready text me and I’ll come pick you up.” He packed up his stuff and smiled before going back to his original table to reconvene with his friends.  I sighed for the millionth time and grabbed my bag before walking out of class when the dismissal bell rung.
The halls were noisy once again, proving distasteful for my growing headache. I smiled at Irene and the rest of my friends as I passed them but didn't walk over, in fear that they would try to strike a conversation and my brain didn't feel like trying to converse with them so, I waved and kept walking.
I got in my car, taking off without a care in the world. I didn't want to wait for anyone, I didn't want to wait for my friends, and I certainly didn't want to wait for Jeno. I'm glad he didn't suggest going after class because I couldn't handle all that in a row. My headache would get worse and even thinking about it know caused a growing pain in the frontal lobes of my brain.
The clouds had covered the sun and I silently thanked the people above for this action. I flipped the radio on and turned it to CD mode, letting the sweet notes of 'It's Quiet Uptown' fill the once silent vehicle. I opened the windows and let the cool air cool me down. The song was more relaxing than I could have hoped and it seemed to ease my stress. I quietly began to sing along to the song, expressing my stressed feeling with the song.
Little did I know that Jeno was next to me in his shiny black car with his windows down, smiling ad he listened to me sing.
"You're pretty good." I jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to the side. He looked at the red light before looking back at me. "Where's that from?" He leaned closer to his right a little more, moving to hear my response.
"H-Hamilton. It's a musical." I nodded and watched as the light turned green, taking my foot off the brake, ready to get out of there as soon as possible. He disappeared in my rear view mirror as he turned the opposite direction, thankful for my escape I turned the radio up and listened to the song quietly.
The house was quiet after I let myself in, assuming my sister was out and my mom was busting herself at work. Sometimes she did a little too much despite herself. After setting all my things in my room I gathered everything for a shower and started the water. Before going to Jenos I wanted to really relax a bit so turning the water to a warm setting I stepped in and sighed as the water hit my aching muscles.
After washing with lavender body wash and rubbing my head lightly I got out of the shower, already feeling refreshed and ready for the ready of the day. The only thing left to do was text Jeno that I was ready to be picked up. I dug his wrinkled note out of my previous pair of jeans and entered it into my phone changing his name to 'Evil Jalapeno'.
'I'm ready to be picked up. My address is xxxxxxxxxxx."
I sent the message and continued to get dressed. Jeno wasn't anything special so I threw on a pair of black sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I packed everything in my bag and was scrolling through my phone when my phone beeped.
"I'm here."
His text was simple yet it was exciting. Never have I been picked up by a boy. Even if it was for school purposes it was nerve-racking. I walked out onto the porch while thinking all these thoughts and I locked up before turning to my driveway, finding Jeno in his sleek black car. His leather jacket covered arm was hanging out of the window with a cigarette hanging from his long fingers.
"Please don't dump that on my driveway. My mom will be pissed." At the notice of your arrival he opened his door and walked around the the other side of the car, sticking his cigarette in his mouth before opening the door, motioning you to get into the car.
You got into the car and he took his cigarette out of his mouth. Taking a puff before blowing it out into the air. The look of death never seemed more enticing. I knew it was killing his lungs and turning them to nasty black things filled with tar but I couldn't seem to care. He looked so amazing as he lifted the cigarette to his lips and I found myself begging him to take another puff of the cancer.
"Don't worry. I'll throw it out once we’re in the road. Your house actually isn't that far from my own." He stuck the cigarette in his mouth again and put his car into reverse, pulling it out of my driveway in one swift movement. I watched as he expertly put the car into drive and pulled away from my house.
The smell in his car was something else. Usually when I walk by someone smoking I cover my nose discreetly or I try to hold my breath, in fear of getting that nasty into my lungs but now in Jenos car I couldn't get enough of it. With his cigarette almost done he flicked it out if the car and I found disappointment in the action. The way it smelled along with his earthy, minty scent drove me mad. I wanted him to light another cigarette. I watched him for a while before turning to the road, afraid of getting caught checking him out.
"So, I took the liberty of listening to this 'Hamilton' soundtrack and I'm pleased to say that it was very good." He turned to me to gauge my reaction and I found myself smiling. "So good that I bought the whole soundtrack. You can pop it in if you want.” He handed me the yellow case and I opened it, finding the CD still in it’s case. I put it in the player and turned it up immediately going to my favorite songs, singing at a low volume.
I could feel his gaze on mine but I couldn’t get the strength to care. I looked out the window at all the different houses and kept singing. Lin’s voice flooded my ears and soon enough so did another. Jeno’s voice was almost as hesitant as mine and as he got louder I got louder causing us to be locked in a full on duet. Him playing Alexander and me Eliza, it almost seemed right for us. 
“I didn’t know you were into Broadway.” I smiled and turned to look at him. The World Was Wide Enough was playing in the background and we had both stopped singing, choosing to talk to each other instead. 
“I used to be into them a lot and I still am but I haven’t been to a musical in a long time.” He chuckled as if he was recalling a fond memory of his childhood. 
“Wow that a fact?” My utter disbelief was evident in my voice, he laughed and turned into his driveway turning off the radio and turning to me.
“You ready to get this over with?” He asked turning to me with a large smile on his face.
“As ready as I’ll ever be I guess.” I answered and he opened his door, jogging over to mine before doing the same for me. He grabbed my bag and slung it over his shoulder like it was nothing. Usually it takes good effort for me to even pick it up, he did it like it was the easiest thing in the world and for some reason that made my thighs heat up. 
“My room is the first door up the stairs and to the right. I’ll meet you there in a second.” He opened his door and his house wasn’t what I had expected. To be truly honest I expected a crack house. With the way he behaves and his over all look I’d say that his mother was a dead beat and his dad was out of the picture. This was obviously not the case.
His living room was right out in the open with a decent sized flat screen TV along with white fluffy rugs, and expensive looking coffee tables. The portion of the house that I could see had been all dark hardwood floors and the winding stairs had the fluffy white carpet that adorned the living room floor. I took my shoes off at the mat and followed his instructions up to the top floor, turning to the right and into his bedroom. 
His door was a nice thick oak wood and the fluffy carpet followed all the way to the room. His bedroom was also not what I was expecting. A couple of posters littered the walls but that was about the only abnormal thing in his room. His bedspread was white and had a hint of baby blue stripes at the end, his pillows matching the baby blue color, making it pop out. His desk was right next to his bed and it was filled with pictures and papers. 
“Planning an escape route?” Jeno asked from the doorway and I found myself jumping at his presence. I put my hand over my heart and turned to him. He had two sodas in one hand and two apples on a plate in the other. 
“Jeez, no. Just looking around, getting a feel for the place.” As I spoke I looked him over. He had changed into grey sweatpants and he kept the white shirt on he had before. Glasses also stationed themselves on the bridge of his nose and I mentally smiled to myself. My black backpack was still slung around his shoulders and I marveled at the way his biceps seemed to flex against it’s weight. Seeing Jeno this way was weird and unfamiliar but at the same time it was a fresh new look and I happened to like it. 
“Alright well have a seat then. I’ll cut these apples up and then we can start working. I already finished my packet so I can just help you with yours today.” He smiled and sat down at his desk. He pulled a knife from the plate and began cutting the apples. “You don’t need to stand the whole time.” He pointed to his bed with the knife and I found myself sitting immediately. I should’ve been afraid or at least the littlest bit anxious at the sight of him with a knife but it didn’t scare me all that much. 
“So, I don’t think I’m going to get any better with Math. In all honesty.” I broke the silence and looked down at my feet as they swung back and forth. His bed was quite tall and I couldn’t help but feel so small while sitting on it. 
“Alright before we start all the negative talk I want you to eat and drink this first. I’ll bet anything that you haven’t eaten today.” He gave you the plate of cut apples and then sat back in his chair. I shrugged and smiled, taking a slice of the fruit and putting it to my mouth. As if on cue my stomach growled like an angry animal and I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
“Sorry.” I continued to snack on the fruit and drink the sugary soda as I watched him work on his other homework for the week. Watching Jeno work was a privilege and shouldn't be taken lightly. His face looked so soft as he looked through his textbooks to find the answer. It was like he was finding the cure for cancer. 
“Aright Y/N are you ready?” Jeno took the plate and empty soda can and set them on his desk. “So, you kept saying that you will never get this math concept down but I think you can.” He folded his arms together and swirled back and forth in his chair, reminding me of an interrogation that the FBI would present. 
“But how? I can’t seem to get them to stick in my brain.” I brought my hands to my mouth and began to chew at the smooth fingernails that grew back. Another nervous habit of mine. 
“I’ve taught you most of what you need to know in class today. Do you remember anything from that time?” I strained hard and nodded. 
“I remember some things clearly but others I can’t remember well.” He nodded and looked at me with a mischievous gleam in his eye.
“So I was looking for things that might recall your memory and help you on a future test.” He smiled and looked up at me. His expression seemed unsure and in turn I found myself feeling unsure of what he was about to propose. “It’s a little wild but I thought you might like it. Now, you’re free to say no and we can just study a regular way but I think this will be exciting to try.”
“Okay, what is it?” I could feel my leg start to shake in nervousness. My mouth turned dry and my eyes looked around the room. 
“Have you ever had your pussy eaten?” He spoke right out and was not ashamed of his foul language. The words shocked me and my cheeks began to heat up heavily. I could feel the heat travel to my neck and ears, making it impossible to hide how I felt about his question. 
“Pardon?” I definitely heard what he said but I wanted to make sure it was real. Not that I’ve had dreams about these moments with him before but it just was a shock to hear a boy talk about me like this. 
“Have you ever had your pussy eaten before, Y/N?” The way he said my name had my stomach flipping with butterflies. I pushed my legs together as the severity of his question took place. 
“N-No. Why?” My arms came to my stomach to calm its unstable state. It was flipping and the pit of my stomach had an aching feeling that I didn’t hate but didn’t enjoy. 
“Well, I read an article and it says that oral helps as a reward system so when you get one wrong and you get nothing it causes you to work harder to get one right.” 
“And if I do get one right?” The question hung in the air like a noose. Daunting, yet inviting to the right person. 
“Well, I give you the reward of course. This is only if you want to though Y/N. You can most definitely say no.” His nature turned concerned and understanding, which I was thankful for. It made me feel like I had a way out if I wanted one. 
“Yes.” My response was quiet but my feeling were loud. I wanted this more than anything at the moment and if it would help me with math at the same time it’s like killing two birds with one stone. 
“What was that?” He put his hand up to my ear and leaned towards me. He was being cheeky and I blushed even more. 
“I would like to try this. Please.” He smiled and took his glasses off, setting them on the desk. He took my packet out of my backpack and set it on the bed along with a pencil and a calculator. 
“Now let’s get you out of those pants.” His words set into my mind and I forgot about having to be naked from the waist down to do this. “I can help you if you’d like.” He picked up his chair and brought it over to the edge of the bed.
“Sure. I can leave the shirt on though, right?” I pinched the fabric between my fingers, wanting it to stay where it was. 
“Yes, whatever you like.” He smiled and trailed his hands up my legs, stopping at my thigh. I could feel that they were lightly shaking and I guess he could too because he chuckled and rubbed them gently. 
His long fingers went under my shirt rubbed calming circles on my skin. His fingers were cold and soft creating a relaxing sensation on my taut skin. He hooked around the edge of my sweatpants giving a good tug, making my lift my hips for him to get them off easier. He pulled them off and let the fall to the ground without caring where they went. My black underwear were nothing special or pretty but he smiled at them and he looked at them like they were.
“Are you sure that you want to do this?” His soft hands were rubbing my thighs lightly and it calmed me down even more. My heart was still racing a little too fast but it was just the nerves taking over my body.
“Yes, please.” After his light touches and rubs I was more than anxious to get started, even though I’ve never done this before. 
“Alright, lift up for me.” His command was sweet and gentle, coaxing me to do as he asked. He pulled down the black underwear and tossed them somewhere else as well. I was on full display for him and he seemed to enjoy that. He grabbed under my knee and put my feet on his bed frame, my legs spreading due to the action. My consciousness told me to shut my legs and not let him see what awaited him but I kept them open, only twitching once or twice. 
He chuckled and held my legs open, “Aren’t you a brave little girl.” His praise had me swallowing thickly. The throbbing below my legs was unbelievable and I couldn’t wait any longer for him to get started. 
“Can you please do something?” I asked politely. My voice sounded desperate and we hadn’t even done anything. I didn’t even know if I would like this yet. 
“It’s all up to you my dear. Pick up the packet and work of the first problem. If you get it right you’ll receive a reward.” His hands took to rubbing my thighs to soothe me. His  veiny arms rested on the side of my legs as his long fingers drew random scribbles over the plane of my unmarked thighs. I huffed a sigh of anxiousness and picked up the packet laying next to me as well as the pencil. 
I cleared my head and looked at the next problem. I had done three already in class with him and I grabbed the calculator plugging in some number before working on the rest of the equation. His words from before seemed to come back to me in bits and pieces but with the promise of reward it had me working harder. I took form the first three problems and used them to help me solve the fourth one. I turned the packet around and showed Jeno my work. He took the packet from my hand and scanned the numbers before nodding. 
“That’s correct. Now,” I let out a sigh of relief and waited for his words. My heart was thumping and I could feel my face on fire. I was more that ready for this to happen. “you can lay back or sit up. It’s up to you but it feels better when you lie back and relax.” He flipped up my shirt a bit and spread my legs a bit wider. I could tell that I was wet and throbbing and by the way he looked at it he could tell too. 
His fingers ran down the length of my stomach and spread my lips to get a better look at what he was dealing with. The simplest of touches from him had me gasping for breath. I took his advice as laid flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling awaiting his next move. His soft lips came into contact with my clit and I gasped for air before holding my breath. He chuckled again before flattening his tongue to lick a broad stripe from my entrance to my clit. He kissed it and ran his tongue along it.
“Fuck, Jeno.” I looked down and found his black hair resting on my pubic bone, moving along with the movement of his face. His tongue was warm, wet, and felt like heaven on earth. My fingers would never compare to this moment right now and as he sucked my clit into his mouth I felt as if I would cum right there. 
“Alright, next problem.” He gave my clit on last kiss before sitting up in his chair. 
“What?” I was breathing fast and my heart was missing and adding beats to it’s new rhythm. “No, why did you stop?” I sat up and looked at him with desperate eyes. 
“It wouldn’t be much of a motivator if I let you cum just on the first problem, now would it?” He smiled and picked up the packet before putting it in my hands. I huffed and nodded before clearing my mind. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down so I could easily get the next problem done to get my sweet reward. Again, I recalled his words form previous hours and looked at the earlier problems to help me. 
I looked at him and he smiled. His lips were lightly drenched with my wetness and I found my thighs wanting to close to alleviate the throbbing pain that he put upon them. He shook his head and pulled them back apart. 
“I’ll give you what you want. Just be a good girl and finish the problem for me.” He rubbed the inside of my thighs and I began to focus again, like he asked me to. I finished the problem and gave him the packet, confident in my skills and ready to get what I wanted. He frowned and shook his head. 
“Why?” My desperation got the best of me and I found myself whining at the unfairness of it.
“Just a minor miscalculating error. Put the last line in and double check your negatives. It should be right then.” I huffed and erased the last line, finding that it was a simple error and I fixed it before turning the paper to him. He nodded and I laid down again. 
His tongue came down on me again and I relished in the pleasure it gave me. He wasn’t being gentle with me and sucked my clit right into his mouth swirling his tongue around me. I cried out and went for something to grab. My fingers tangled in his hair and planted there. I didn't want him to leave and it felt like this was the only way I could get him to stay. I was almost there, the edge ready for me to fall of but he grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand from his hair, taking his mouth off of me. 
We went though this process over and over again until we had the first page finished. I could feel my release right in reach, his tongue bringing me the satisfaction that I needed. He had his tongue on my once again, going a little longer due to the fact that I finished the first page with little to no help.
“Now, Y/n. I have a deal for you.” He sat up in his chair once more and smiled at my fucked out expression. “If you finish this packet in one go I’ll let you cum without stopping. Does that sound okay baby girl?” He was rubbing my thighs once more and I found myself nodding hysterically. I picked up the packet and sat up looking at the questions before picking up the pencil. 
After failing so many times and getting my orgasm denied I had a new-found passion for math. With the rewards I was getting it was making it all worth it and I found that the subject wasn't that hard if you paid attention and made an effort to understand it. Jeno just sat there licking my juices off his lips as if he actually enjoyed it. My thighs twitched and a fire shot through my body that had me shivering. 
“I know baby. Hurts doesn’t it?” He put his hands on my twitching knees and held them open, letting me focus on the problems in front of me rather than having me focus on keeping my legs open for him. 
“Yes, Sir.” As soon as those words came out of my mouth I knew my secret was out of the bag. I stopped scribbling and looked at Jeno with wide eyes. He was just smirking, something at made more heat roll through my core. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come out.”
“It’s okay. Desperation makes us do crazy things you know?” His hands made their way up my thighs and onto my pubic bone, drawing circles and other things occasionally going almost to where I needed him most before bringing his hand right back up. It was his way of giving me more of a motivation. Telling me that I was so close to what I wanted yet, so far if I took too long. 
As I did more and more problems I couldn’t help but breeze through them, quickly figuring out the pattern and knowing where to put what and where things came from which was my biggest issue when we started this. It turned to the third and final page, my clit throbbing even harder as I thought about the end of these four problems. After this he wouldn’t stop anymore and I felt my thighs shake with excitement. 
“Poor little girl, so excited for me to make her cum. But, what if these problems are wrong and you get nothing? Will you cry? Gonna show me those pretty tears?” Jenos words hit a different level and I actually began to think about these problems being wrong. After being so confident in what I’ve done there is a possibility that it could be wrong and then I would get nothing, my crappy hand would have to finish the job. I took a breath and continued working having a small doubt in myself that I didn’t have before.  
“What if they are wrong?” I finished the packet but held it up to my chest.
“Don’t worry princess. I’ll give you something for the ones you got right.Your pussy tastes too good to let it go to waste.” He took the packet with a little bit of resistance from me but he assured me that it was okay if I got some wrong. It was only my first time understanding the concept and he said he would be proud of me anyway.He flipped through the last two pages and shook his head. 
“How did I do?” The anxiety was practically burning a hole through my heart. He set the packet on his desk and smiled. 
“You are such a good girl,” He put his hand on my stomach and laid me flat on the bed. “You only got two wrong and for that I think you deserve to cum.” I felt tears prick my eyes and I exhaled.
“Thank you.” I felt genuine gratitude fill my heart and I spread my legs wider for him. 
“Now, I have one rule. We have this bid house all to ourselves I want to hear you.” Jeno grabbed onto my thighs and pressed light kisses to them as he began to start again. I guess he wanted to tease me a little longer but my impatience was getting to me and I felt my hips raise off the bed, trying to get something from him. 
“Please, Jeno. Please let me cum.” He chuckled and just got straight to work after that. He wasn’t holding back anymore and I grabbed at his hair instantly. He was sucking and licking and kissing as if he hadn’t found anything better in his whole life and it made me whimper and cry out for him. With the promise of being able to cum I felt as if I didn’t have to hold back anymore. I didn’t have to wait for that stupid packet to be done and he wouldn’t be stopping this time so I just let myself go like he asked me to. My moans sounded like cries and I tugged on his hair more and more the closer I got to my orgasm. He moaned into my clit and that was it, the feeling of heat washed over my body and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. 
I could hear my moans and it was unlike anything I had ever heard. They were so raw and natural that I couldn’t think of any other way to describe them than the product of pure pleasure. Jeno seemed to enjoy them too because he helped me ride out my high generously, not stopping until I was twitching and pushing his head away. Even then he was still trying to get every last drop out of my, enjoying the way I tasted. 
“Wow, fuck you’re beautiful.” Jeno looked at me in the bed and I smiled. I was breathless and sweating but the compliment felt genuine. like he really thought I was beautiful and that made me feel even better than I did as I was knee deep in the bliss he supplied me with. I sat up and immediately saw his tent in the sweatpants he was wearing. It was thick and large if I was being completely honest. And I was.
“What about you?” I scrambled on the bed and put my feet on the fluffy floor, my knees not holding me properly. I collapsed to my knees and just laughed. Jeno’s face was concerned but as far as I was concerned I was exactly where I wanted to be. The bulge in his pants looked even better than before when I was up close. My mouth watered at the thought I tasting him as he had tasted me. 
“I’ll probably just take care of it later. You don’t have to.” he shifted in his seat and I could tell that it was going to be a problem for the rest of the ride home so I decided that I would help.
“But, what if I want to?” I put my hand on his thighs and tentatively looked up at him It seemed as if I belonged here. On my knees for him as he was for me. Like we were two puzzle pieces waiting in the bottom of the box, just to touch and be right for each other. 
“Well, I’m not going to say no.” He yanked down his sweats and I was met with one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen, minus his face. The head was the same hue as his lips, just a little redder due to the lack of attention it was getting. The vein protruding from it gave it a beautiful natural look that none of the guys had in porn and it made me question if they had it this good. I wrapped my hand around it and found it was quite soft for looking so hard, I have it a light squeeze trying to test the waters when he hissed between his teeth. His head was back and he looked like he was relaxing.
“Did that hurt?” I asked shyly, taking away the pressure that I had just given. 
“No, not at all just be a good girl and suck me off, can you do that for me?” He looked down at me and his eyes were way darker than they had been a few minutes ago. 
“Yes.” I was gong to begin when he lightly grabbed my hair.
“Yes, what?” His words shocked me and I immediately knew what he was asking for. My little slip up earlier had caused him to figure out what i liked and he was using it to his advantage. 
“Yes, Sir.” He smiled and lead my head to his angry cock. I slid my tongue up a vein that ran up the bottom of it and he hissed again pulling my hair slightly, telling me how bad he wanted it. I finally decided that I could do this and put his cock in my mouth hollowing my cheeks before slowly moving up and down, trying to get a feel for what I was doing. The porn made it look so gross but looking up at him now, his head back and his mouth wide open releasing beautiful noises, it didn’t seem as gross as I thought.
I kept my teeth tucked under my lips and my tongue flat against his cock, like I had heard Irene say when she was talking about her recent sexual adventures. She said it drove a guy wild and I guess it did because not before long I felt him thrust up into my mouth making the rhythm I had built up move faster. 
“That’s it. That’s my good girl.” With his words I took him deeper causing him to take a big breath and his stomach started to shake under his shirt. He began to hit the back of my throat and although I gagged many times I couldn’t care. Tears and drool ran down my face and it felt disgusting to be honest but it was who I was with that was making it all worth while. 
“Can you swallow it?” His question was fast and breathy but I could hear was he was saying. I hummed and went a bit fast for him, non-verbally telling him my answer. He also went faster and after about four thrusts he unloaded in my mouth. It fell down my throat and on my tongue and I couldn’t help but taste it. The salty liquid felt creamy in my mouth but it wasn’t that enjoyable. I swallowed for him and whipped my mouth with the back of my hand. 
“Did you like it?” I sat back on my heals and waited for him to catch his breath. 
“Very much. You’re such a good girl for me.” He put his hand on my cheeks and wiped away my tears before tucking himself back into his sweats. He handed me my underwear and sweats before turning on the TV. He laid on the bed and told me to do the same and we stayed there all night just watching TV with each other. 
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amandaoftherosemire · 5 years
Bulletproof -- Part Seven
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Fandom: Marvel/College AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader, Platonic!Steve Rogers x Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Gamora
Author: @amandaoftherosemire
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 6,357
Format: Series (Complete)
Warnings: Language, angst, sexual themes.
Summary: Gamora gives her opinion on your current plans. You and Bucky get together, just the two of you.
Banner by @hellzzzbelle
Part Six here
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Part Seven
Based on the expression on Gamora's face when you entered, the kitchen floor had given you away. You were pretty sure you could have gotten around the rest as needing to wind down from a good night but scrubbing the kitchen floor by hand had been too much. Apparently Gamora thought so, too, as evidenced by her archly raised eyebrow as she lifted her gaze from the book in her lap.
"So," she said calmly, but with a dangerous kind of stillness, "what are you up to now?"
You opened your mouth without a clue as to what was going to come out when your phone vibrated in your hand. Steve:
Don't think for a single second that you're getting out of telling me what you're doing to Bucky. He looked fucking drunk when he walked in.
Your face spread in a pleased and wicked smile despite Gamora’s watchful gaze, but you knew you were going to give in there, at least a little. She was too observant, and you'd been too upset. You shot a quick text back, Sorry, Dad. I have to answer to Mom right now, before putting your phone in your pocket and shooting Gamora a winning smile.
"Funny you should ask," you replied as you walked forward to flop onto the love seat across from Gamora to tell her most of your thought process over the course of last night, this morning, and today.
You were only more certain you wanted to seduce Bucky after the day you'd spent together. You knew it could only be a one-time thing, because even going that far was going to break your heart. But since you also could not spend the rest of your life wondering about all the sparks you and Bucky constantly struck off one another, you were trying to minimize the damage as much as possible.
When you were done, Gamora sat staring at you in utter disbelief. It was an odd thing to see. Gamora had confided a lot about her life before you met her, telling you once that you'd been her first real friend. You knew her childhood had been not only deeply unhappy but also deeply weird. It was rare to surprise her.
"That is, hands down, the worst idea I have ever heard in my entire life."
Your voice was dry as the Sahara. "Come on, G, don’t sugarcoat it. Give it to me straight." You were a little insulted. Considering the things she'd told you about her father, you couldn't help it. The man had some seriously weird ideas and stupendously flawed math.
Gamora scowled and fixed you with her patented don't-fucking-start-with-me look. "You’re going to seduce Bucky." It wasn't a question so much as it was a wondering kind of disbelief. Now you were downright irritated. She only used that tone with Peter Quill and that dude was sometimes unbelievably stupid.
You pushed to your feet to pace, her attitude making you wonder if there was any way to get out of this situation even half alive; you didn't believe for a moment you were getting out of this unscathed. "To get him out of my system, yes." Gamora's expression shifted again, this time to one of exasperated disbelief. Infuriated by her attitude, you sneered. "Look, everybody wins here. He gets to have sex with me, which I know he’s wanted to for years, no strings attached. I get him out of my system, we stay friends, and I get to move on with my life."
Gamora tilted her head to the side, her voice softening. "And what about the fact that you’re in love with him?"
You stopped in your tracks, the quiet question cutting to the heart of everything wrong and yet inescapable about the situation. You carefully cleared your throat to make sure that the despair wasn't blatant in your voice. "What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him."
Gamora had grown up in a house where excellence was expected, and failure was swiftly and brutally punished. She was painfully attuned to the moods and emotions of others. She'd had to be; it was a matter of survival. You didn't fool her for a second. Her voice softened further. "It will hurt you. Why won’t you tell him? He’s as much in love with you."
You stared at Gamora for a moment, unable to answer, your throat locked closed in pain. Gamora was the best of friends. Loyal and quietly kind, she also had an amazing ability to cut to the core of the matter, to find what was important and sweep away the rest. You generally adored that about her.
Right now, however, you couldn't help but resent her a little for forcing you to face the ramifications of what you were doing. You dropped down onto the couch next to her, your eyes dry, but devastated. You'd promised yourself you'd never cry over Bucky Barnes ever again. You didn't intend to break that promise, regardless of how much it hurt. "He doesn’t believe he can be faithful," you replied finally, "and I can’t commit to a man who cheats. It’s as simple as that."
Gamora's surprisingly tender heart ached for you. She could hear the pain in your voice and would do almost anything to help, but she knew she could not save you from yourself. "I swear, it's like banging my head against a brick wall with you. How is anyone this stubborn?"
Your lips twitched, but you kept your expression and tone serious as you answered. "I grew up with Steve Rogers."
Gamora's lips twitched in return and she bobbed her head in a nod of acknowledgement for your point. The moment of levity passed quickly, and worry took over once more. "Please," she implored, setting her book aside and turning toward you on the couch, "since you listened to me about giving him another chance, listen to me again and talk to Bucky. Tell him how you feel."
Your head turned toward her with a grimace masquerading as a smile. "I don’t think I can, but I’ll think about it."
Gamora huffed out a breath and opened her arms. "Come here." Gamora's compassion always hit you harder than anything else, if only because it was so rare for her to let down her guard and show it. With a wry smile that was, if nothing else, a real smile, you scooted in and let her enfold you. Though you felt the sting of tears at the back of your eyes, none even dared approach your eyelids, let alone had the temerity to fall.
Though she was grateful you'd accepted her comfort, the rigidity of your body had Gamora staring with worried eyes over your bowed head.
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The following Friday morning, you sat at Steve’s kitchen counter while he made you breakfast, something that had become a routine since you started sitting for his art project. Swinging your legs around the stool you sat on, you bounced in your seat, delighted by Steve's news.
He'd spent most of this morning's sitting telling you all about his last week texting with Peggy, beaming and pink as his pencil flew easily. He was working on your form that morning, so you were allowed to beam back at him. You did so with gusto, delighted that they’d hit it off so well.
Steve was only a passable cook, but he was getting better. He’d almost succeeded at making you an omelet this morning, and when the school year had started he could barely boil pasta. You'd been happy to serve as both his guinea pig and cheerleader as he learned how the kitchen worked, unsurprised when he quickly got the hang of the basics. Steve's old-fashioned manners fooled some people into thinking he was simple, but his demeanor hid an agile and capable brain.
Steve was blushing rosy red as he set cheesy scrambled eggs and toast in front of you. “We’re meeting for drinks tonight,” he said quietly, his face crimson as he turned back to the coffee maker to grab the pot.
You paused in the act of raising a forkful of eggs to your mouth, having dug in immediately, starved and certain Steve had succeeded at making the eggs delicious, regardless of their form. "Really?" Your shoulders dropped and your expression shifted to full 'awwww' mode. Your free hand came up to your mouth so that you could bite your fist and quietly scream.
Steve turned around with a confused, yet amused, expression. He opened his mouth as though he was going to speak, then closed it, breathing out through his nose with an exasperated affection. He took a sip of his coffee while you shoveled in eggs. You'd been right; they were delicious.
"Did you just squee?" he asked finally, the laugh in his voice contagious and making you snicker around a mouthful.
"Yes!" you cried before you'd finished chewing and swallowing, dying with impatience at the delay. Quickly downing what you had in your mouth, you continued. “You guys are adorable.”
Steve groaned in laughing disgust at the sight of you talking with your mouth full. He shook his head at your cheerfully taunting smile as he retorted. “How would you know? You took off after five minutes.”
Demurely, as though you had never been crass in your life, let alone in the last sixty seconds, you patted your lips with your napkin. “I have an active and creative imagination. I can extrapolate with enough data.” At Steve’s snort, you fixed him with a haughty stare and went back to your breakfast, this time delicately to match your demeanor. “And it was more like ten minutes. Where are you guys meeting?”
Steve sipped at coffee and wondered how you could sound like you were interrogating him even as you grinned like a madwoman. "Howlie’s," he answered.
"That’s an okay start," you considered, "but if things are going well after you’ve had a couple drinks, you should ask her to dinner and take her somewhere nicer."
Even as his lips twitched, Steve's eyebrows were lifting at your bossy tone. "What's wrong with Howlie's?"
"Nothing," you shrugged as you bit into your toast, continuing around the bite, "as long as you get there early so she doesn't have to wait for you. It works for casual but it’s kind of a meat market on Fridays."
Steve was about to retort when your last statement struck him. "You may be right. It is one of Bucky's favorite places."
"Exactly my point."
Steve laughed before catching sight of the time. "Shit, I better hit the shower or I'm gonna be late to class." He drank the rest of his coffee down and set the cup in the sink.
"Stop by tonight before you head out. I need to approve your outfit."
Steve stopped on his way out of the kitchen to shoot you an annoyed sneer. "You know, I have been on dates before. I am capable of dressing myself."
You didn't respond, merely fixed him with a blank expression and a slow blink.
Steve snorted and rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll see you later."
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A half an hour later, Steve had already bolted, hair still wet and grin flashing. You were finishing your coffee and doing some of your reading on your phone before you headed back to your place when the sound of the apartment door opening startled you. When Bucky walked into the kitchen, following the smell of fresh coffee, you had hidden your pounding heart behind a calm façade, sipping and scrolling.
The sight of you sitting at his counter both thrilled and annoyed Bucky. Thrilled because the sight of you always thrilled him, but annoyed because you were once again wearing that damn robe. He hated that robe, fascinated with what you may or may not have on underneath it and obsessed with why you so often wore it when you and Steve were alone together. "So," he said as he walked to the cupboard over the coffeepot and pulled a cup down, "do you wear clothes when you come over anymore?" He turned to wiggle his eyebrows at you, but irritation rang in his voice. "Not that I’m complaining."
You frowned at him, confused by his changed attitude since you'd last seen him, a long warm smile in the hallway the night before. "Do you ever go to class?" you asked mildly, avoiding the question. You still weren't sure you wanted Bucky to know about the project until it was over.
Bucky scowled into his coffee. He couldn't help but wonder if you were here because he wasn't supposed to be. "It was cancelled; prof's out sick. I hope Steve was a gentleman and made that for you." He nodded toward the demolished eggs and toast on the plate in front of you.
"Well, he owed me." You were considering telling him the truth. You figured no one else would enjoy the story of your and Steve's initial discomfort with your nudity more than Bucky. And you hated keeping secrets, especially now that you and Bucky were reconciling.
Then his lips twisted in what looked like jealousy and you recoiled from the vulnerability. "I bet," he sneered and the mocking eyebrow he lifted in your direction had you baffled. "More coffee?"
Your lip curled in disgust even as you held out your half empty cup. "Don't be gross." You didn't know if Bucky was joking but the implication that Steve had made you breakfast because you fucked him was ruining that breakfast as it sat in your stomach.
Bucky frowned in confusion at you even as he refilled your coffee from the pot. Once more he was lost and unsure how to find his way. Then your face softened with affection and he remembered that he didn't care about anything but having you back, no matter what.
You set down your cup and got to your feet. Without hesitation, you crossed to him and slid your arms around his waist to rest your head on his shoulder. "You're looking sad again, Bucky-bug."
Bucky could not stop himself from wrapping his arms tight around you. He loved the feel of your body against his; he could not deny himself anything you offered freely. His body curved around you, his head bent over yours as he took comfort in the warmth of you. Clearing his throat, he answered flippantly. "I just need a cold beer and a willing woman, sugar." You smiled to yourself and turned your face into his chest, rubbing your nose in the skin at the base of his throat. "Maybe I'll hit Howlie's tonight." Bucky was now having trouble keeping his thoughts straight, the soft feel of your nose and lips against his skin scrambling his brains. With an effort, he dragged back the memory of his damned best friend. "You and Steve have plans?"
"No," you murmured against his skin, your breath raising goosebumps, "Steve's busy tonight. I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet."
Bucky's arms tightened around you reflexively at the thought that he could have you all to himself. "You wanna come with me, be my wingwoman?" The words were out of his mouth before he could think better of them.
You tilted your head back and smiled sweetly into Bucky's stunned face. "Maybe I will. Shoot me a text before you head out?"
He knew he was playing with fire. He knew he should care. "You got it."
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That evening, Bucky mounted the stairs to his apartment with his heart galloping in either anticipation or apprehension. Maybe both. Even as his heart raced, so too did his mind, confusion warring with a newfound freedom. He had you to himself tonight. He wasn't going to waste it.
Steve, apparently, had a date.
Bucky couldn’t figure out how he felt about it. His face and neck felt hot and chills were running up and down his spine. Was this relief? Was this rage?
He'd run into Steve on the street, the other man obviously carefully dressed in tan slacks and a bright blue shirt that you'd given him for Christmas because you said the color would bring out his eyes. You'd been right, but those eyes had also been bright with an excitement Bucky had never seen before. Whoever this girl was, she'd clearly knocked Steve for a loop.
But when he rounded the corner and spotted you sitting on the floor with your back against his door, he knew for certain how he felt. Righteous.
Look at you, he thought, in one of those sundresses you wore that made Bucky grateful for spring every damn year. Your hair was off your neck and your shoulders were bare and all Bucky could think about was pressing his lips to the tempting curve of your collarbone. He knew it was weird, but he'd always thought you had the prettiest shoulders.
How the fuck could Steve look elsewhere when you were right here? You lifted your head from where it rested against the door to lift the bottle that dangled from your fingers to your lips. Your eyes opened and warmed when you spotted him standing at the top of the stairs. Your face shone in a sparkling smile and Bucky decided to hell with Steve. He’d had his chance.
He couldn’t believe his best friend was wearing the shirt YOU gave him to a date with another woman. Bucky was done, wasn’t going to stand aside any longer. If you wanted him, he was yours.
Bucky didn’t know it, but the half-smile lifting that perfectly sculpted cheek was making your underwear damp. So perfectly wicked and astonishing in its ability to communicate, it told you that Bucky was in a reckless mood tonight. You could almost see the heated fantasies in his eyes.
Perfect. You were in an edgy, reckless mood yourself.
"What are you doing out here, babygirl?" The timbre of Bucky's voice took on a whole new tone on the familiar pet name. Hungry and rich with promise, it matched the heat of his eyes as they devoured your neckline, snagging again on the opal you'd put on that night with a wicked smile of your own.
"I'm an idiot." You didn't get to your feet as Bucky approached, but held your hand out for his. He took his cue and helped you to your feet. "I locked myself out of my apartment when I walked down to the store for pre-game beer." You weren't technically lying. You had locked your keys in the apartment. You knew because you'd had your eye on them hanging next to the door when you’d locked and closed it. "I'll give you one if I can come hang out in your place while you get ready."
When Bucky had pulled you to your feet, you'd come face to face and surprisingly close to him. He didn't immediately back off, and the warmth of his body had your skin heating in response. "Of course, you can," he replied as he stepped aside to put his key into the lock at your back. You eased out of the way to follow him in.
Once inside, you set the two six-packs of bottles and your purse on the coffee table and flopped onto the couch with a sigh. "Shit," you laughed. "I didn’t realize how tired I am until I sat down somewhere comfortable."
Bucky had dumped his bag in the corner of the room, determined to ignore everything but you from here until sunup. He snagged a beer and dropped to the couch next to you as he twisted off the top. Laying his head along the back and slumped down, he reminded you so much of when you were younger, when you'd first started to fall in love with him and thought there was a chance. Your heart twisted a little and you wondered if you should listen to Gamora and just talk to Bucky about everything.
Bucky saw the sadness around your eyes and wondered if you knew what kind of plans Steve had tonight. He hated the idea that you might be hurting. Bucky was determined ; if Steve and his mystery lady were going to be at Howlie's, you and Bucky wouldn't be. "Do you want to stay in tonight?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth his stomach tightened in anticipation and forced him to acknowledge that he had an ulterior motive for staying behind closed doors alone with you. So the fuck what? "Watch Disney movies, like old times?"
Your eyes softened and Bucky knew he'd made the right call, regardless of his selfish reasons for doing so. You'd always been the sort that needed quiet time with those you cared about, needed to connect more than a casual breakfast allowed with those that were most important to you. Offering that quiet time was the best thing he could have done to make you happy. "I thought you were after a cold beer and a willing woman," you teased softly.
Bucky grinned. "We have the cold beer." Contrary to what you expected, instead of taking the obvious set up and flirting back, his smile turned sweet. "And why would I settle for someone else when I’ve got my girl?"
You couldn't speak for a moment, because it sounded like Bucky was speaking the absolute truth, that he'd rather be with you than anywhere else. For the first time, against your better judgement, you started to have a little hope. "Lilo and Stitch?"
Bucky rolled his eyes, but affectionately, like he couldn't believe how dumb you were to even ask. "Like we’d start with anything else." You had called Bucky your Stitch for about three months after seeing the movie for the first time and hearing the line, "This is your Badness Level. It's unusually high for someone your size." Bucky leaned away to rummage in the end table next to him. Pulling out a stack of delivery menus, he fanned them out and offered them to you like he expected you to pick a card. "When are you going to be able to get back in?"
You laughed and grabbed for the one with the logo for your favorite pizza place. "Whenever Gamora comes home." You shrugged and gave him a questioning look. You knew he'd never throw you out, which is why you were engaged in the little 'locked-out' deception in the first place, but you figured you'd cover your bases. "Since I thought we were going out, I told her to take her time."
Bucky was relieved. He had you all to himself for hours. He was hoping for a chance to talk to you about everything that had happened. "You're more than welcome to stay as long as you like, doll."
At the pet name you most often heard out of Bucky for women he was hitting on, you lifted an amused brow. "Doll?" You weren't entirely certain what it meant, as you'd always assumed he called women 'doll' when he couldn't remember their name but still wanted in their pants. Your lips twitched and you said exactly what you were thinking. "Are you trying to fuck?"
Bucky's eyes widened. He'd internally cringed the moment the word had left his mouth. He'd never called you 'doll'. But now that he was allowing his thoughts to follow that path, his muscle memory had kicked in and he'd talked to you the way he'd hit on anyone else. Trust you to call him out on it. After a beat of shock, he tossed his head back and roared with laughter.
"For that," you said, as you pulled your phone out of your pocket, "I'm getting olives on the pizza."
Bucky's laughter half-morphed into gagging sounds as you pushed him off the couch with your bare foot.
Two demolished pizzas, most of a bag of mini donuts, Lilo and Stitch, and half of Tangled later, you were laying on the couch with your calves across Bucky's lap. His flesh arm was laying across the back of the couch, but his metal hand was resting on your leg, his thumb tracing dizzying circles into your skin. You could hardly believe how enticing that little motion was, but you were enjoying the slow burn so much you opted not to acknowledge it, wondering. How long could you stand it? How long without a response before he stopped? Did he even notice he was doing it?
You were keeping it light, chatting, joking, riffing on the movie, and it was everything you'd ever wanted. You'd never admit it out loud, but that's all you'd ever really dreamed of, to spend your life with your best friend. Not just the big moments, but the little ones, too. You wanted him for the everyday, the quiet times, the easy evenings at home with an old movie. You shivered and your throat tightened. Your heart aching, but for the first time truly hoping, you opened your mouth to speak.
Bucky noticed the shiver and asked, turning to you with a concerned look. "You want me to close the window?"
Your heart kicked oddly, a mixture of melting and racing and you pushed up into a sitting position but didn't move your legs from his lap. You smiled a little, your eyes soft. "Nah, I like the air."
The expression on your face had Bucky's heart skipping a beat. More than just heat, he realized there was warmth here. Maybe he could be better for you than Steve. Evidently Steve thought someone else could be better for him than you. He was welcome to her. Bucky would do whatever was needed to be the best goddamn consolation prize of all fucking time for you.
"Come here." His voice was gruff and raspy with what sounded like desire, but you thought you heard an undercurrent of bitterness to it. The sound destroyed what little courage you had and closed your voice in your throat.
Bucky pulled you close, wrapping his flesh arm around your bare shoulders and turning to tuck you against his chest. Feeling vulnerable, trying to figure out whether or not you wanted to risk talking to Bucky before you'd had a chance to give him a test drive, you snuggled in and let him warm you. "God, I missed you, babygirl." Bucky's voice was a low rumble, rich with an emotion you weren't sure you could name but sounded painfully familiar.
You didn't realize your voice matched his, as well as the one that whispered in your heart, when you answered. "I missed you, too, Bucky." His breath shuddered out. The sound of your voice had his heart leaping, but he wasn't sure why. He took his courage in both hands and asked the question he needed the answer to more than any other.
"Why did we stop being friends?"
Bucky cursed himself when your body went rigid and you slowly but inexorably pulled out of his arms to lean casually against the arm of the couch. He wanted to hold on, to comfort you until you were soft and relaxed against him once more. Only the look on your face stopped him.
Cold and tight, you answered with a disdainfully lifted brow and a slight sneer. "We're really gonna do this?" Bucky hated the look on your face, reminded of all the times you'd given him that look over the last couple years. Instead of letting you turn him away with the hard-eyed bitch he'd come to realize hid his girl away from him, he took the fidgety hand picking at the hem of your skirt, recognizing the woman he loved there.
You didn't want to think about it, didn't want to let it matter anymore. You tried to hold against the puppy-dog eyes he was giving you and asked a little more harshly than you meant, "Really?" He flinched, so slightly you wouldn't have noticed had you not been searching his face so intently, and you felt like a monster.
You gave in without any further fight, unable to deny him when he looked at you like that. You'd become able to withstand the patented Bucky Barnes puppy look, but you weren't totally immune. "Alright," you said, and Bucky frowned at the defeated warning in your voice. He understood when your lip curled in an expression so shockingly bitter he began to truly comprehend the depths of your anger with him. "Because I spent a week in the hospital, and you didn't even send me a fucking card."
Bucky's jaw dropped. Whatever he had expected, this had not been it. "Steve said you didn't want to see me." He answered without thinking, telling you the absolute truth. He had also been so ashamed of his behavior at the party you'd both been to the night before, where you’d walked in on him and someone else, he had taken the reprieve without complaint. The look of utter disgust in Steve's eyes when he'd coldly informed Bucky that he would not be allowed in to see you under any circumstances did the rest.
"I did not." Your voice was haughty, but he took comfort in the fact that you had not removed your hand from his. He toyed with your fingers, pleased to find them still relaxed as you went on. "I was already a little pissed at you when I woke up and everyone but you was there. Then they finally find you passed out in some bimbo's bed? Call me a drama queen, but I was feeling kind of bitchy."
Bucky opened his mouth to defend himself, but when he considered how he'd have felt had the situation been reversed, he'd have been heartbroken. He understood for the first time that you'd been pissed because he betrayed your friendship, not because he'd slept with someone else. He couldn't defend it. He closed his mouth and dropped his head, ashamed that he'd let you down, angry that he'd been such a coward.
You were a little taken aback to see the immediate understanding swiftly followed by remorse that flickered across Bucky's face. Pain flashed in his eyes as his gaze dropped to your hand where his thumbs were tracing gentle circles over the back. Your heart softened, as did your voice, though the hurt was clear for the first time even as you shrugged. "It's not like I said you were dead to me. I didn't see you for fucking weeks." Finally, you'd voiced the question you'd needed answered for years. Why had it been so fucking easy to push him away?
"Steve wouldn't let me!" It was true. He'd tried and failed at least a dozen times to sneak around your guard to check on you himself. He'd been nearly frantic, needing desperately to see you safe and sound with his own eyes but those who loved you had circled the wagons and didn't give a shit at that time about what he needed. He had been informed that you were okay and recovering and that would have to be enough, already.
Which is why the politely doubtful tone to your voice, rich with mockery and oozing with skepticism, "And you tried extra super hard, I'm sure," fired his temper.
He squeezed your hand, and the seriousness of his demeanor had the mocking sneer you wore fading slowly from your face. "You didn't see him. Even if," Bucky spoke sternly, "and trust me, that's a big if, even if I had gotten through Steve, Gamora and Natasha were right behind him." He scoffed a little. "God himself couldn't have made it through all three of them."
You nodded an acknowledgement of his point. All three had been very protective of you for several months after your little Jameson's adventure. Not only because of what had happened with Bucky, but because of the guy who'd helped you get so inebriated. They'd basically wrapped you in bubble wrap until… "And I tried. I didn't stop trying until I saw you myself."
Until you'd run into Bucky for the first time since you'd walked in on him fucking Gina in the laundry room during the house party where you'd had all the Jameson's. He had been walking up the stairs with some new bimbo under his arm as you'd been walking down. It had been long enough that the memory of his face in that moment was almost comical. You hoped someday it would be.
"And after that?" You turned your head and looked at Bucky for the first time. You saw the memory of that meeting in his eyes, along with pain, shame, remorse. In yours he found coldness harsh enough that his heart went faint at the sight, afraid he'd lost you by not being able to let go of the past, but he saw the hurt beneath the ice. It gave him the courage to answer with the truth.
"Cowardice. Guilt." Bucky lifted your hand to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss to the back. "You of all people deserved better from me."
You couldn't speak for a moment, utterly stunned by Bucky's answer. You'd never expected him to so thoroughly validate your hurt and anger. You had no idea how to respond. "I see."
Bucky's eyes lifted to yours and you found in his face so much more than you'd ever thought you'd get out of a conversation like this. Someday, after all of this was behind you and you weren't nursing the inevitable broken heart, you'd tell him that this was the moment you promised yourself you'd never let Bucky out of your life again no matter what it cost you. Then he was speaking again, and your heart was stumbling and hoping again. "It may be too late now, but if I had it to do over again, I’d change almost everything. I’m so sorry, babygirl."
You couldn’t speak, unable to decide exactly what to do or say now that you’d had this conversation. You were paralyzed, unable to let go of either hope or fear, when you saw it.
Bucky was retreating from you. He'd done that a thousand times in the last couple years, but you'd never really recognized it for what it was. He was offering a little of himself and when you didn't respond, he withdrew. His hand relaxed and you understood he was about to drop your hand and pull away. Reflexively, your hand tightened around his. "There’s no such thing as too late for us," you said, and the complete conviction in your tone, the fierceness of your expression had Bucky's smile flashing.
You grinned back and for a moment there was nothing between you, no yesterdays, no tomorrows. Only you and he existed in this endless moment, this singular eternity. You wanted now, and only now, wanted to climb into the moment with Bucky and try to never leave it. You wanted to pretend that you could.
"Tell me something, Bucky-bug," you said, your voice a sultry whisper as you turned toward him, lifting your hand to his shoulder to push him back into the couch. Confused, he didn't resist, but his eyes widened as you threw a leg over his lap and settled kneeling against him. "Is that why you never tried to fuck me? You felt guilty?"
You slid your hands into his hair and Bucky wasn't thinking straight anymore. He put his hands on your thighs, and no matter what his intentions were, as soon as he did his fingers were digging in. "No, I…"
You brought your mouth to within a breath of his. "Or did you not want me?" The pout on your lips and in your voice had Bucky's cock twitching against where you were pressed against him. He was hard as a rock and there was no denying he wanted you now, regardless of whether he had before.
Bucky's hands tightened and he shifted, rubbing against you, making your eyelids flutter. He'd never been so turned on in his life and he hadn't even kissed you yet. "I've always wanted you. I could be dead a year and still want you. The only thing I wouldn’t change was the night I finally got a taste of you. But you deserve more than-" He was babbling and cut off abruptly with a groan when you rocked your hips against him in a slow twist.
"Don't you think I deserve what I want?" You asked the question against his ear, thoroughly enjoying having Bucky at your mercy. You'd never known he'd be this easy, or that it'd be this much fun. He seemed to want you more than anyone ever had in your entire life, to hear him say it, to tell you he'd always wanted you, was intoxicating.
Bucky shuddered at the sensation of your breath on his neck, already drowning in you and cheerfully going under for the third time. His hands had made their way up to your hips and he was turned his face, nuzzling his nose and lips against yours in a way so sweetly seductive, your heart sighed a little even as you trembled with desire. "What do you want, babygirl?" he asked in a voice throbbing with longing, singing with promise.
You pulled back to smile playfully at Bucky, only to feel your heart stumbling again at the look of starstruck wonder on his face. He looked like all his dreams were coming true. You wanted to believe he didn't look at other women like that, but that was why you couldn't. You tucked your heart away, determined to enjoy the next couple of hours to the hilt. You'd already prepared to pay for it.
Your lips curved in the sexiest smile Bucky had ever seen. It was the kind of smile that could lure a sailor to his death, he thought. That smile made the next words out of your mouth the most exciting he'd ever heard. "What do ya got?"
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Part Eight here
@learisa @angieptt @mia-at-work @midnightdream83 @wwecrazed2010 @allandoflimbo @emaywhyayy @cheekygeek05 @lovely-geek @diinofayce @suz-123 @hellzzzbelle @olukewarmo @fairchild21 @thefridgeismybestie @fandomsstolemylife00 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @australianhorrorstory @buckybarneshairpullingkink @c-ly-g @wishingforahome @strangersstranger @whiskeyandwashitape @eyesfixedonthesun22 @ingenue-q @miraclesoflove @bibliophile1773 @rishlo @lbouvet
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complcatedfreak · 5 years
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in which peter makes a promise he is unable to keep. (aka my submission for @plushparker‘s wc).
peter started his day like any other; quickly getting his school things together, then sending a quick text to y/n as he attempts to shove an entire cream cheese bagel into his mouth. he, then, left the house and made his way to school. just like any other day, peter walked up to his locker and greeted his locker-neighbor. “hey peter,” the freshmen smiled at him. “hey, how are you?” he asked, knowing she wouldn’t reply. peter didn’t even know her name, but it felt nice to have someone greet him every morning. not that he didn’t also have y/n, ned and mj to do just that in the “ned x peter love fest” groupchat, as well as the cute “good morning bub” text y/n sends him every morning (which he always replied with “good morning <3” to). but his interaction with the freshmen who couldn’t open her locker the first two weeks of school was in person, it felt more real.
peter grabbed his books and made his way to the cafeteria, where they served breakfast for students. he wasn’t hungry, but he knew that’s where mj and y/n met to discuss last night’s reading of Twelfth Night, since the Shakespearean language tended to confuse y/n and she didn’t completely trust online summaries. ned might show up there too, if he makes it to school any earlier then a minute before the warning bell. peter made his way to the girls, ignoring flash’s, “good morning, penis”. mj was in the middle of explaining the role of cesario and the masterplan of viola’s disguise, so peter didn’t interrupt. he placed himself on the chair next to y/n and reached for his phone to see where ned was, and if he was even coming to school. “that makes more sense,” y/n laughed, reaching for her pen and crossing off something in the notebook that was laid out in front of her, “and is kind of genius.” mj nodded in agreement while y/n finished tweaking her notes. she put her pen down and reached for peter’s free hand, giving him a gentle squeeze. peter smiled, pressing send on the text to ned that instructed him to meet in the usual spot in the cafeteria.
“what’s the plan for tonight?” y/n asked, turning to face peter. mj got up to grab a fruit cup, leaving the couple alone. “not sure yet, i slacked last night so i’ll probably be out late,” peter recalled last night’s spider adventure, which was cut short as he went home early to facetime y/n. they had a math quiz today and peter needed help understanding derivatives. y/n was a math whiz, so she was able to not only explain it, but also teach peter how to use it. “be safe, please.” y/n instructed, reminding peter of the nights he had shown up to her apartment a little too beaten. “always,” peter answered, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead, “we should get to homeroom.”
the rest of peter’s day was the definition of normal. each class seemed to flow into the next, until he was sitting in mr. barnett’s last period calculus class. y/n’s seat was two rows to the left of peter, and he couldn’t stop staring at her. she seemed to be enjoying herself; breezing through the quiz. he wanted to be her in this moment, all he wanted to do was pass this quiz. it wasn’t even like this quiz was going to make or break his grade, but he just needed to feel validation in this particular unit. peter broke himself out of his trance and forced his eyes back onto the blank quiz sitting in front of him. he sighed, picked up his pencil and began to rack his brain for whatever little information he had about derivatives before attempting to answer the questions in front of him. it took him up until the final bell of the day, but every question had an answer that was circled at least twice, just so mr. barnett could tell peter put effort into each one, even if it was wrong.
“how’d it go?” y/n asked peter with a sweet smile on her face. she had waited for him to finish and turn it in, even though he was the last one out, about two or three minutes after class had ended. “it was rough,” peter groaned, reaching for y/n’s hand. she had a small frown on her face as she answered him with words of encouragement, “but you did it and it’s done. plus, you’re grade in that class isn’t bad, you’ll be fine.” peter knew she was right, but something in him told him he could’ve done better. “your locker first?” peter asked y/n, trying to steer the conversation away from his disaster of a math test. “yeah, sure,” she hummed out in reply, lightly pulling peter in the direction of her locker. she grabbed her things then headed to his locker, all the while discussing peter’s plan for tonight. it was friday, meaning y/n didn’t have to worry about being in at a certain time or having any homework done for tomorrow. honestly, y/n just needed a night with peter. it had been awhile since the pair had seen each other outside of school, unless you counted late night facetime calls when one of them needed help with homework. y/n was more than grateful for the help peter provided with the classes she struggled with, but she missed the late-night cuddles and conversations they would have.
“if i can’t come by tonight, i’ll make sure to see you tomorrow,” peter stopped, turning to look at her before they separated. he was taking the back alleyway so he would be able to change into his suit. y/n knew about this, as well as about spidey, so she always did her best to be understanding of his circumstances. yes, he was her boyfriend, but he was also an awesome, crime fighting superhero which the city needed. the least she could do was not badger him about how much time he spent with her. “okay, bub. just, please, be safe.” peter nodded at his girlfriend’s words, then leaned down to press a short kiss to her sweet lips. he backwards walked for a few steps, smiling at y/n and declaring how much he loved her, before he was breaking out in a run towards the alley he was going to change in.
peter swiftly changed into the suit he had kept in his backpack and made his way to the closest rooftop he could find. patrolling during the day was especially fun, as this was when people were the least weary, meaning he could connect with them more than he usually got to during the night. peter did a quick scope of the neighborhoods closest to midtown high school and made sure to end at y/n’s apartment building. he had worked out his schedule so that he landed here just a few moments before she made it, just so he would have the peace of mind that she was home while he was out doing his thing. following the usual routine, peter saw y/n approach her building, but stop to pet mrs. kinder’s french bulldog that was outside every day, before actually walking inside. now that peter knew y/n was safe, he made his way to the busier part of the city.
once he landed atop a rooftop, peter regretted not picking up food before he hastily traded in his normal school clothes for his spidey suit. however, the small growl of his stomach became less of a distraction when his eyes landed on an altercation taking place on the sidewalk beneath the building peter was perched on. an old lady was on her way out of a shop and a man began to approach her. peter didn’t like to judge people, but he seemed suspicious. he looked like he walked with a hunchback and had his focus set on the old lady. peter could tell the old lady was loaded, the way she dressed and the store she walked out of were high-end. he hesitatingly took a step toward the altercation. taking a second to observe, he launched his web towards the building across from him. the man reached for the old lady’s purse and peter immediately sprung into action. with a swift launch, peter knocked the man over, and webbed his hands to the ground. “that’ll keep you grounded,” peter smiled to himself, then reached for the old lady’s purse. “here you go,” he handed it back to the old lady. “is there anything i can do to repay you, sweetheart?” she asked. “i mean, i am kind of hungry,” he said with a soft smile and slight blush on her cheeks, even though she couldn’t see it.
once peter got his food from the nice old lady, and made sure to walk her home, he took a break. his legs were hanging over the edge of a shorter building in the center of queens as he opened the bag of greasy food. peter’s mask was pulled just above his mouth as he ate the greasy burger that the kind old lady had gotten him. he watched the sunset. he took a breath. he relaxed. his worries seemed to disappear, just as the sun did.
however, this sea of calm was short lived. peter’s next enemy swept in like a storm, his wave knocking poor peter off his very own surfboard.
luckily, due to his spidey sense, peter was quickly able to recover, but he didn’t know who -or what- he was fighting. peter launched himself to the building across the street, allowing him to have a few seconds to find his balance and get back into protector mode. but, this villain didn’t seem to be going after new york. no, he wanted peter. something about this fight was personal.
peter steadied himself and waited for the tall, human-looking villain to catch up. to peter’s own surprise, he was able to simply jump from building to building. it wasn’t quite flying, but he was able to make it across quickly. naturally, peter launched himself upwards, circling around the guy with his webs. it held him down, but only for a moment. “you can not beat me, peter,”.
peter froze. he knew his real name. this was personal. “that’s what every villain says,” peter quipped back, refusing to let this enemy know he had faltered. peter saw his enemy’s face turn into a devious grin, the action slightly moved the black and silver mask that covered half of his face. as he pulled out of the webs he was previously wrapped in, the man spoke: “not every villain knows you, peter,” the use of his real name made the hair on the back of peter’s neck stand up, “not every one knows your weak spots, peter.” the villain’s arm stretched out, pulling peter right off of the web he’d been swinging on and slamming him into the ground. peter landed with a huff, but immediately used the low angle to trap his legs, wrapping his web around him tightly, not stopping until he was struggling to move.
as the man’s grip on peter loosened, peter was able to wiggle out. only for a second, however, because he was immediately pulled back down. the villain retracted his arm, pulling peter closer to his body. as this happened, he was fighting against the webs wrapped around his legs, eventually breaking free. “not every one knows peter parker. they don’t know his aunt. they don’t his girlfriend,” peter swore his heart stopped at the mention of his two most important girls, “not every one knows the promises of staying safe that you always make.” he finished, moving to straddle peter. he immediately began to land punches on peter’s face and jaw.
peter was trapped. he didn’t know what to do. his mind was boggled. how did this mystery man know the conversations he had with y/n? was y/n in danger? was aunt may? these thoughts ran through peter’s head as he took punch after punch, before realizing his hands could probably slide from beneath the masked villain if struggled hard enough.
so, that’s exactly what he did. as his lip was split and he could feel his left eye begin to swell, peter flailed his arm. just as he thought, his arms were soon free, and he was able to push him off.
a new fire seemed to ignite in peter, spreading across the rooftop and allowing him to knock this new enemy over. without hesitation, peter webbed him, stuck him to the ground and, eventually, won the fight.
but peter wasn’t done.
“who are you?” peter demanded, feeling more anger in this very moment than he had for the rest of his life. “if only you knew,” he replied with a broken voice. with that, he seemed to dissolve. peter was stunned. he was gone. one minute he was here, the next he was gone. it wasn’t like he died; peter was not a murderer. peter was not a killer. there was no body. peter’s newfound enemy just disappeared. even though he had technically won, peter felt defeated.
with a weight on his shoulders, peter took himself to the only place he could think of right now: home. on his way, he wanted to stop at her house. he need to know y/n was safe. so, without checking the time, he made his way to her third story window. luckily, her light was still on, signifying that she was awake. peter lightly tapped his suit-clad knuckles against her window, feeling bad about the fear he knew was coursing through her veins from the sudden noise.
“peter?” she mumbled, pulling open her window. “can you come with me?” peter asked, still wearing his mask to hide his injuries. “i’ll have to ask my parents, but probably,” peter nodded. she moved to open the window more, before making her way to her parents’ room. peter crawled through the window and made himself comfortable on his girlfriend’s bed. he smiled at his midtown sweater that was thrown over her desk chair. he waited there for a few minutes as she persuaded her parents. it took a little while as she had to convince them that she could take the train to his house by herself, as they could not know he crawled through her window and would be escorting her to his apartment.
soon, she rejoined him in her own room. “they said yes, but i have to be on the phone with you the whole way and text them when i’m there,” she smiled, thinking it was ironic they said she’d have to be on the phone with him. “i guess i can stay on the phone with you,” he whispered, happy to be able to focus on her instead of the cuts and bruises adorning his entire body. “i have to go out the front door, you know, so they hear it, but i’ll meet you out front?” peter nodded at her question and made his way to her window. he did his best to move normally. he didn’t want her to know about his pain quite yet.
the couple met out front and it wasn’t long until peter had successfully webbed them to his apartment, and he was helping her through his bedroom window. once they were both safely inside, peter said he was going to shower. on his way to the bathroom, he popped his head into aunt may’s room, checking that she was safe and sound. as soon as he had that peace of mind, he made his way into the bathroom. he took the longest shower he’s ever taken, then went to rejoin y/n in his room. despite the pain that was striking his entire body, peter felt his heart flutter at the sight of his girlfriend pressed against the wall, cuddling his blanket as she slept. ignoring his body aches, he climbed into bed next to her.
the next morning, peter was woken up to a movement in the bed. y/n was climbing out of bed, and the slight rustle made a pain shoot through his entire body. “petey,” she gasped, finally seeing the cuts on his face, “what happened?” she asked, reaching out to touch his jaw, but quickly retracting her hand because of the bruise covering it. “it was a fight, i don’t want to talk about it,” he said, eyes glancing down to where his feet poked out from under the blanket. she was still against the wall, sitting up, on her knees. with a sigh, she moved to the bottom of the bed. she was leaving. she was mad. he broke their promise. “wait,” peter spoke up, reaching for her, “please stay with me. i need you,”. y/n looked at him with a soft smile, reaching to rub one of her small over his legs. even though it hurt, peter appreciated the gesture. “i’m not going anywhere, just to get what i need to take care of you. i don’t like seeing you in pain.” she said, finally climbing out of bed. y/n pressed a kiss to peter’s forehead before she disappeared out of the room.
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prorevenge · 6 years
High School Teacher bullied my dad, also bullied me, and in response, we nuke her.
XXL story, TL;DR at the end.
The town where this happened is a small one, and the school that I went to is a 70 year old school. My granddad and my dad are also alumni of this school. Let me just start off by saying this that the alumni of this school are really successful, and the school has had a long history of being very charitable and also offer amazing retirement benefits to teachers depending on how long they’ve worked here. My great granddad donated some of his property to the school when it was being constructed, and he was an advisor and a part of the school board in his time. The school was an all boys school up to 1996, when they had their first Co-Ed class, and is a full Co-Ed now. The school also has all classes, from kindergarten to high school, split in two buildings, the first one houses Kindergarten to Fifth grade, and the other has the classrooms for Sixth grade to Twelfth grade.
Part 1: Teacher vs Dad - The Incident
Said teacher (we’re gonna call her MD) was my dad’s Math teacher when he started High School. She was a young woman just finishing her teaching degree, and was a masters in math and Chemistry. At that point, she was the most qualified teacher the school had.
Unfortunately, MD was also a nasty person. She walked into the class and the students were expected to be sitting in ‘ready mode’ - backs straight, legs together, and hands on the laps, with only the needed textbook and a pencil to take notes on the margins. The class was expected to greet her with a ‘Good Morning/Afternoon’ when she walked in, and she assigned tons of weekend homework. She would simply stop teaching for the entire hour long class if one person spoke without having asked to speak. You couldn’t drink water without her permission, couldn’t go to the restroom unless she finally saw your raised hand and asked you to speak.
There were multiple cases of people complaining against that, but with her being the most qualified teacher there, the school board didn’t take action. Instead, they supported her by saying that this would help discipline the students.
But this is not even the beginning of it. Her exams were incredibly hard, and with the classes being full of teenage boys, they would talk and even one of them doing so would cause her to stop teaching, and not teach until the next class. She would then lecture on a different topic, completely skipping that part of Chemistry. Suffice to say, before the finals, the entire class was in a panicked state, trying to self study enough to at least pass the class.
My dad ended up getting 41%. Our education system said you failed the class if you had under 40%, so he was relieved that he passed. But when he went through his answer sheet, my dad noticed that his totaling was incorrect, and that he in fact had a 49 on that test. He raised his hand, and after about 5 minutes or so of him just sitting in his seat, calmly, with his hand raised, he was called on and MD asked what the problem was.
Dad told her that there was a totaling mistake in the final, and that he actually had a 49. This somehow offended her. Instead of calling him forth and checking his paper, MD decided that it was simply impossible for her, a Masters in Math, to make a mistake in something as simple as addition. She waved him off, and my dad was shocked. But she just calmly turned to the next person with a question.
My dad, on the other hand was not happy. He walked up from his seat, which was basically considered a crime in her class, and put the paper on MD’s desk, and started totaling his points loudly. MD incredulously watched him do that, and was at a loss for words. Though when he was done totaling, you could see her face was flushed and she was furious. She looked furiously from the paper to my dad, and then back to the paper, and the suddenly, a cruel smile appeared on her face.
MD: “Oh okay, I see the mistake. But that is no excuse for this behavior. This awards a subtraction of ten points from your final.”
The class that was amazed at the first sentence went back to having grim looks. And my dad stood there, jaw dropped, that he now had 39 points, and had failed this class.
Instead of responding and making this situation worse, he simply took his final, packed his backpack and left the classroom.
He went and spoke to his granddad, who was on the school board. But he said he couldn’t do anything since grades were completely in the hands of the teacher concerned. My dad took his loss, and decided that revenge was not worth the trouble, and switched classes. He dropped Chem and took up Econ, and that was the last interaction he ever had with this teacher.
Part 2: Teacher vs My Brother and I
My younger brother(B) is two years younger to me, and so, when I was in freshman year, starting high school, my younger brother was in seventh grade. We had an auditorium under construction, and the library was newly renovated, so a teacher was assigned to chaperone the younger class students at the library. My younger brother’s class, unfortunately had MD as their chaperone. My dad had specifically instructed me to be very careful around MD, and I was on the lookout, but my younger brother had no idea just who he was dealing with.
Before summer, our library allows students to take any two books of their choice, for the break. So, when my brother walked past MD to the librarian, and was stopped by MD, he was really confused. He had an Enid Blyton book and a copy of Backyard Science Experiments. Both my younger brother and I are really good at science related topics, and he had been waiting for summer break to do some cool science experiments at home with me.
MD: “Wait a minute, what book do you have there, B?’
B: “A story book and a Backyard Science Book ma’am.”
MD: “What are you going to do with that Backyard Science book! (Turning to the other library staff) I taught his father. No brains in there. You would have no idea what to do with this book. Leave it for someone who does.”
And with that, she snatched the book from his hands, and walked away, the library staff giving awkward laughs behind her.
When he came looking for me, crying, I was furious. I was a really popular guy at school. I won quizzes and debates, and represented the school in national competitions. My friends and I literally had an entire showcase of trophies at school, with our names embossed on it, and most teachers loved us. Man, the Vice Principal of the school and our group were on first name basis! (He chaperoned us on all the competitions we represented the school in).
But when he told me what had happened, I was dumbfounded. I had no idea how to react, but for the moment, I went to the library and got another copy of the Backyard Science book to console my brother. But then, we were out for summer vacation, and I didn’t think too much of it.
<Side note: In the summer, we attended a science summit, and my school friends and I won prizes for having the most efficient hydraulic-gear based pulley system, and the second fastest chemical fuel race boat. This was before I ever took a high school Chemistry or Physics course. This was announced in the school assembly the first day after summer break.>
When we came back for fall, I had a chem class with MD, the first day of school. This was also right after the assembly, where my group was given the award. So we go to the Chem lab, and MD is on the Lab Instructors desk setting up an experiment designed to liberate hydrochloric acid fumes in a gas flask. Some moments pass by, and we could see that some mistake had been done, and there was no reaction in the mixture (turns out the Zinc granules were impure and rusted). But MD somehow got the idea that turning on the Bunsen burner on full blast would help the experiment. After collecting the gas for about 3 minutes, which is 2 and a half minutes too long, since hydrochloric acid fumes are toxic if inhaled, she is satisfied. She then pulls up the flask to show the class how we do experiments.
Cherry on the icing, is when she opens the flask and brings it uncomfortably close to the girl beside me.
MD: “Does it smell pungent?”
The girl awkwardly smells it and jerks away. To someone who has no clue, that would be a plausible confirmation, but I knew that it was complete horse sh*t. I could see that the girl knew about pungent fumes and cringed away on reflex, and not because it was actually pungent.
I don’t know why I did it, but at that moment, I snorted. Loudly.
MD instantly zooms in on me. Walking toward me with her face contorting into an ugly expression, she goes, “something funny you’d care to share with us?’
I knew I messed up. But I was also angry. This person in front of me had bullied my younger brother, and my dad. I remembered that, and suddenly, all my verbal censors were shut down.
Me: “You and I both know that she didn’t smell anything pungent. That experiment you just did was a failure.”
MD: “Oh! You think you know more than me? (Turning to class) He knows more than me. You know what, I’ll step down. Why don’t you teach the class professor NicholasFiend.”
Me: “Oh absolutely.” To the absolute shock of everyone watching, I walk up to the podium, and while maintaining eye contact with MD, “First thing to remember class! Turn to experiment 1 of your lab textbook. Read the warnings. The gas is pungent, and poiso...”
MD: “HOW DARE YOU! Has no one taught you manners! This is no roadside shack, and you would do well to remember that. Else you’re gonna have a couple broken bones.” (This was in a different language, but if you want the exact translations, it was, ‘I’ll break your limbs and feed them to you’)
She is absolutely furious. Grabs me by the hand and proceeds to drag me to the Principal’s office. On the way there, we cross the Vice Principal’s office, and he sees MD dragging me away, and runs out .
VP: “What is going on here!”
Before I can say anything, MD starts ranting to him about how disrespectful and unacceptable my class behavior is, and is heaving by the end of her spiel. The VP gives me a searching look, and then responds with a, “Go back to class MD, I’ll deal with him.”
We head back to his office, and he offers me a seat, and a glass of water.
VP: “What actually happened in class, NicholasFiend?” He asks with a sigh.
I tell him exactly what happened. Once he hears my side of the story, he looks at me incredulously asks me if I really went to the podium and started lecturing the class.
I look up, and see the gobsmacked look on the VP’s normally reserved face. (Imagine someone who looks like a male Minerva McGonagall being completely shocked) I couldn’t stop myself. It started with a snigger, which turned into full blown laughter. I laughed till my stomach hurt and my eyes teared up. To my surprise, VP was also smiling widely at that.
He shook his head, and that reserved expression was back.
VP: “I know that what happened there had you concerned for class safety but that is no reason for such disruptive behavior. Aside from that, I’m personally going to investigate what happened in that class, and if MD is found to be intentionally forcing students to inhale harmful chemicals, she will be sacked immediately. Oh and you’re supposed to hand over a written apology to MD about this behavior. Now get moving.”
I sighed, and headed back to class. And I really thought that I had ended MD’s career.
Oh how wrong I was. She changed the story so it looked like she had purposely done the experiment wrong and was about to reprimand that girl for inhaling what could have been a harmful chemical. MD pulled one on me and had me look like I was just an insolent child who thought that he knew everything be reading a chapter of the book. And here, I stopped myself. This event was me just going in head on with the teacher who had been in the school for longer than 35 years.
Part 3: Pro Revenge Mode
Now I knew that to help my brother, I needed to get rid of her. My dad knew about what happened in school, and he wanted me to not engage MD. He said it was not worth it. But by now I was in the game. She had played her card. It was my turn now. I don’t know what made it so that she had such a problem with my dad and my younger brother. They were quiet and hard working students. I felt she had something against our family, and I was convinced that my younger brother would have to deal with the problem if I somehow messed up and got expelled or made a worse enemy out of MD.
This was war, and I had a new plan. I started to act really sheepish around her, and made it a point to stay back after class, and ask her questions in the most polite way possible. I was the kid who was guilty of not understanding the plans of elders. I portrayed myself as an amazing student who MD had succeeded in humbling. I slowly, but surely made my way into the category best described by the term ‘boot licker’. It hurt me inside to do it, but what I had planned, if this went well made me light headed with anticipation. I was in it to win it. I conceded defeat in a fight to win the war.
Two years later, I am in Junior year. My younger brother just started high school, and he was taking the Chem class with MD. I was the highest scorer in Chem, and was a pet to MD. She had started to like the NicholasFiend I had portrayed, and made me the Lab Assistant for that year. Two of my best friends knew what I had planned. Everyone else in class hated me for being the teachers’ pet and getting straight A’s when the next highest grade was a B-. Everything was going according to plan.
On the first day of class, I replaced her stool (one of the three legged ones) with a broken stool. This was supposed to be the first in a series of pranks that would hit her that day. She came to class and went to take her seat, and boy she fell.
Well, she somehow hit her hand on the wall and cried out. Yup that must have hurt. But she was definitely overweight. And it couldn’t be traced back to me. I smiled on the inside, as I rushed to her and helped her back up. I ran and fetched her another chair, while inside, the freshmen were trying their best not to laugh. When I got back from the room that had extra stools, I walked in to the sight of her screaming like a banshee. But what got me furious was that she was screaming at my younger brother.
Apparently, she had said something like, “Stupid stools and stupid Lab Assistant fools.” To which my brother had responded with, “It’s not my brothers’ fault you’re too heavy for the stool.” Though I loved him for it, he really needed to learn where to come to my aid. But then, I didn’t do much, and just replaced the chair silently, while silently trying to communicate to my brother to calm down.
Nothing else of concern happened that day, till the time when school was over, and the teachers were heading back. Stage 2 was in motion. We heard a loud bang, and immediately, the large crowd of students nearby all headed towards the teachers’ car parking lot.
We saw MD’s car smoking and her exhaust blown right off. Keep in mind it was an older car, and we had decided to block off the exhaust with clay, that had hardened over the course of six hours on a sunny day. Well, that car had to be towed, and she went home with some other students that day.
She didn’t show up to school for 2 days after that, but she did show up to school on the third day, which was a half school day, because our country celebrates Teachers day. It is tradition that students go to their teachers, current and old, and wish them the best, give them cards, gifts, etc. This was by far the most ambitious prank pulled in the school that I know of. The two days she was absent, we went around telling people to not visit her on children’s day. It helped a lot that my friends and I were some of the most popular people in school, and with the other ‘cool guys and girls’ agreeing to that, we spread the word and got confirmation that no one from the entire class in my year was going to go to her to wish her on Teachers’ day.
But the what actually happened was something no one could have expected. I guess it could have been because we acted so fanatical about it, that our classmates spread the word to all their friends and no one, not a single person in High School, went to her on Teachers’ day.
It was the most amazing feeling of accomplishment I have ever had. She had made this situation for herself. By being the nastiest person I’ve ever seen, it was no surprise that people were fine with doing this to her.
For the first time in 70 years, in our school, a teacher had not had a single well wisher on Teachers day.
Well things are never perfect, and as it so happened, word of what had conspired got to her. The next day, I had just set up the lab. The freshmen were getting settled in, and here comes MD, anger radiating from her in waves. She walks up to me, and I get the hardest slap I have ever gotten in my life, right across my face.
I’d hate to admit it, but that left a blue mark on my cheek, and my nose and lip bleeding. My younger brother, who saw that happening ran towards me, but my shock slowly subsided and I smiled a bloody smile that probably scared him. I told him to go get the Vice Principal.
Twenty minutes later, I was in the school emergency room, with a nurse wiping my lip and me holding a cloth to my nose. The Vice Principal comes in with the Principal and two cops in tow, and they inform me that my parents have been informed, and ask me if I would like to talk about it now or when my parents are here.
I say that I can answer their questions as soon as my lip is bandaged.
So I tell them about the cases of bullying against my brother and I, and also tell them that she is a really incompetent teacher. I tell the principal that he could check the school average in science subjects. And sure as I guessed, in the average scores in the National Exams, we had Physics and Biology come in at 92 and 90, with Chemistry at a surprising 79. Topping that off with assault charges, and she lost her license to teach, two years before she retired, and with that, lost amazing retirement benefits that the school offered. Her car also had no insurance. Huh.
That is not all though. One could ask what would be worse? Well, consider this. The fall she had off the stool, had her go to the hospital for an X-ray of her wrist and hip, that she suspected might have broken. Well, the wrist sure had a hairline fracture. The hip was fine. But well, the X-ray showed another thing.
I don’t think it is normal for anyone to laugh when someone is diagnosed with Stage III cancer. But I did.
Also, I later met with her only living family member. Her nephew, who had long cut all contact with her, but had been contacted by the police and the hospital. That’s where I found out the truth. Well I could never have guessed what I found out there. MD’s mom was my great granddad’s niece. Through my great granddad’s younger brother, who had stolen money from the family, and tried to kill my great granddad. Well, he was disowned. Good sh*t. And no one knew this entire time! Well, not that anyone would care. Happy that the nasty woman is out of our lives. For good this time. Apparently she died last year, with no one by her side.
TL;DR: Nasty teacher failed my dad for no reason. When my brother and I were in school, he got bullied by her. I made her regret it. Got her teaching license revoked, retirement benefits taken, destroyed her car, fractured her wrist, and she ended up getting diagnosed with cancer. Turned out to be a family member from a line disowned long ago for attempted murder, and she died alone.
(source) story by (/u/NicholasFiend)
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rabbitindisguise · 5 years
oooo my phone died, killing the possibility of me doing my Daily Assigned Task (I only have one because aside from staying afloat with food and stuff that’s all my brain can cognitively handle. Yes, I also do this doing the school year. Yes, I know that sounds absolutely bonkers) right this moment so while I have my boredom captive in this textpost, let’s ruminate over the nature of humanity some more ignore me I’m talking to myself 
it is also very extremely weird and by “very” I mean “not at all” and “extremely” I mean “minimally, if anything, actually not super weird in any of the senses of the word” and weird still just means weird because otherwise the previous things I just said would no longer be accurate BUT
let’s just say it’s totally expected 
that people find These Weird Things That I Do generally, absolutely fascinating in fiction. Like, my original works for example are steeped in weirdness. Rolling with abnormalities. Boiling with oddity. And so on. And I don’t pull this out of my ass! Oh no. This is all like . . . gosh, inspired stuff. From things I saw and liked and felt reflected my very soul in fiction. 
But they’re totally hated in meatspace 
I wonder 
Anyway, it’s also really strange to see posts about this Weird Things That People Do on tumblr and to read people complimenting them and to feel a warm glow of pleasant optimism about the state of humanity, and hear the very same audience of tumblr people absolutely go nuts over the strangest bullshit I have ever seen or heard or conceived of in my entire life. Like I get weirdly tense and fraught subjects. I get really tense and pissy if someone headcanons a character as binary trans when I headcanon them as non-binary when I’m a nb trans it literally doesn’t matter aside from my emotional attachment to the concept. I’m not proud of it! But I get it, is my point. I understand. It makes sense to me. 
But what just doesn’t quite click, doesn’t snap into the convoluted logic of my brain meats, is HOW exactly SO MANY people have the same weird gripes of this obscure stuff that should be totally okay if people are accepting the activist principles of ableism as nonsense and weirdness not being bad. Many others who are probably smart have said it is simply, nay, merely hypocrisy and I’ve met a human or two in my time alive, I can see the potential for that sort of thing to happen. However, considering that Herd Mentality is what it is, I don’t think it’s possible that the plague is actually “being widely inconsistent in the execution of your beliefs to fit in to society” when that’s so stigmatized but actually that being angry about the same things is good for some reason. 
This is important! It’s important because Reasons. Because if you say “hypocrite!” when there’s a fire, I don’t think anyone will understand or listen to the concern. If the answer is anything but hypocrisy, talking about it generally pisses people off and makes them yell at you- a near identical response of an actual hypocrite, confusing everyone further. So I don’t think it’s unfair to talk about hypocrisy, of course not, there is nothing I enjoy more than finding logical inconsistencies because it means the world can be improved etc etc that’s not the problem. The problem is most definitely that if the problem isn’t even hypocrisy than the solution isn’t the solution to hypocrisy.   
If my theory is right, or semi-right, or at least not wrong, then approaching a bunch of people yelling about a thing to encourage others to yell in tandem is not going to be won by yelling something opposing to that, especially if it makes them angrier and also makes them feel wronged. Instead, calmly being like “nah, dude, I don’t feel the same way, but it’s chill” is way better. Not only because it makes them look ridiculous for having an out of proportion reaction to someone being weird in public (the horror, whatever shall we do about ~being weird~ and doing it ~in public~) but there’s no defensive position to get on. There is no “debate tactics” to use. There’s absolutely not a disagreement about ableism or politics or intersectionality. Rather, it uplifts a contrary option that is confident and secure and this is exactly the same rhetorical device that Centrists or whatever they’re called, use all the damn time. People have talked At Length about jeez, idk, it being exhausting to constantly talk to a person that’s not as invested and doesn’t see it as the Serious Issue It Is- but from the perspective of when they’re actually talking about serious issues, rather than complaining that someone referenced a tumblr meme in public or plays mc and oh, no, how cringey 
This is of course blatant emotional manipulation but as the fairness complaint generally goes, they did it first. Multiple people weighing in on a topic with angry voices telling someone not to do something doesn’t work because they have secret actual good reasons and that shines through, it’s because there’s a number of angry people and they’re trying to subdue someone’s Weird with force. Emotional force, but there’s nothing about consent involved in this exchange. No personal boundaries. Shame is a mode of control. Power, even. Which is why I hate those second hand embarrassment fics and avoid them like the plague because it’s icky to me and makes me feel gross and I guess one of my personal triggers is someone feeling bad for doing something Shameful in public 
Which brings me to Weird Humanity Musings part II (III? I can’t do math) that have taken a weird non-activist and highly personal turn for the worst: 
I don’t think people notice how often emotional manipulation plays a part in subtle power plays that go on in human interactions every day. Humanity made dominance ffs. Humans are the ones that get upset and feel challenged with eye contact- not dogs. Dogs use sustained eye contact all the time for a bunch of reasons. Humans too. But it’s humans that recontextualized that behavior as exclusively dominance, a wholly human concept, and, whatever I’m not going to spend too much time on this because I don’t actually particularly care about it. But the point is actually just that humans went out of their way to create this thing, and it plays a part in social interactions. Mothers and daughters and siblings and friends all have scripts of code that basically go for the emotional center of the other person to get them to obey. Most people can’t recognize it because society has that whole “if everyone does it THIS must be the baseline of normal” be as well All Know, normal doesn’t even exist so that reaction is bullshit before it’s even analyzed in any meaningful sense. 
Example time because I highly doubt I can just say that off the cuff and actually get people to follow that train of thought to completion (unfortunately, I’d rather not have to write this post at all because it means one less problem in the world and that’s a good thing). 
Anytime someone says “I’m your mother!” it’s to reinforce the authority of the child that this person probably have financial, social, physical (such a medical) and emotional control over for almost two decades of their life, or however much it actually was. This is often used to make the child of the mother Do Something, like maybe they’re questioning her judgement or smth I don’t know I get this one a lot and it’s lost all meaning to me by now 
Whenever someone says “thank you” it generally plays into the social script where they do the whole dance of “I got this service from you, I say thanks, you say you’re welcome.” This works as a subtle manipulation (not necessarily negative! these examples aren’t Get Mad and Force Conformity examples, just How It Works examples) when someone doesn’t feel like they’ve done something for someone else, so saying “thanks” shows appreciation for the effort and can force an acknowledgement of that effort by expecting a “your welcome” or “no problem” from the other person. This gets shitty and creepy when someone doesn’t take silence aka “I’m not doing the dance because I don’t agree” to a degree where they’re like “oh? are you not going to say you’re welcome?” aka are you gonna be a conceited shithead that thinks they’re better than saying “you’re welcome” the most common social nicety that supposedly always costs nothing? Which does nothing to make the person to feel better and everything to leverage the situation and make them preform social interaction for the other person’s amusement. 
“Good morning” is another example. It doesn’t actually matter if the morning is good or not, but it establishes rapport and focuses on the positives- one of those things called “small talk.” (Never heard of her.) This is something someone can actually observe better at the cultural level- someone says “good morning” in english, in another language they say something else. Both show ideological underlying beliefs of the culture Because That’s How Culture And Language Work because it’s a sneaky not-liar that can’t hide its true feelings about things. 
I’m not actually all that good with the line between “what is acceptable emotional manipulation in a social context when the fundamentals of the english language rely on subtle power exchange to function [and holy shit would some people hate knowing That] and the unacceptable abusive emotional manipulation” and I generally err on the side of stuff that people seem to be explicitly asking for and prompting but I don’t always succeed and I don’t know that I’m doing the best method but that’s the most chaotic good thing I could come up with  
But it still remains that calling things emotional manipulation is both true and a misnomer because in some ways, they’re necessary to exist in society without being considered a jackass (as a self proclaimed “I was called a jackass using many different words that all basically mean jackass” that mostly doesn’t participate in these social nicety dances because I don’t like my brain yelling at me that I’m doing the same bullshit I hated as a Youth and I don’t like disappointing myself) and in others, they’re totally unneeded and artlessly cruel. I mean, heck, going through this internal debate every time someone says “good morning?” Who does that? (I do. This is why people think I’m a dumbass lmao. Jokes on them unfortunately,) 
Regardless of what people actually DO about it though, these things are the underlying mechanics of how emotional manipulation works. It’s a concoction of societal expectations, situational contexts, personal histories, selective pressures, and a bunch of other things in smaller amounts. Most of the time it’s “normal” social stuff but with a ton of exaggerated features (I almost used my own handle from a different Social Media and that my friends is having a lot of issues and self hatred due to abuse! and also anxieties over becoming abusive ofc but who doesn’t have those these days). Which is why I think it’s so important that it’s expansively defined so much because otherwise people are really thickheaded about emotional abuse specifically. They think it’s impossible to do in some cases and in others, think it’s exclusively the realm of insults and humiliation. 
Those exaggerate features are even harder to spot if someone doesn’t even recognize the interpersonal dynamics of language in the first place. It all just becomes nonsensical and no one can tell what came from where or what this particular question is abusive and not this other one. The logic gets poked with holes easier and abuse survivors get dismissed. 
Of course, expanding that definition to reshape thinking might just go along the same direction as representation, where even alluding to the truly abusive mechanics of actual, you know, emotional abuse, is seen as abusive. Everything, literally, would become problematic. There could be callout posts about any human interaction in any context with anyone ever. I’m confident in holding myself to a higher standard than the rest of society but I Cannot overstate that being bullshit to the nth degree that I couldn’t even put up with myself telling myself to keep to it as a standard. It just doesn’t work. I’ve tried it. That way lies the nonsense form of madness as in the non-nd kind. That, along with purity culture and censorship and doxxing and death threats and so on: I don’t fully want to release this theory out into the world in practice because I’m afraid society will just use it as fodder to be cruel to people but I’m also equally afraid that not saying anything will just cause people to, I don’t know, keep accidentally causing suffering to others. So I’ll stuff it under a read more and hope that keeps the impact minimal but not non-existent. 
But yeah this whole post is a demonstration that just because someone’s behaving weirdly doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re bad people. Even if they do something that seems downright mean. I read a post that was basically “there’s no such thing as asshole disorder” but there really is, and it’s whatever I have. I get so compelled to Do the right thing by my ethics and morals that I go through above *gestures* and take longer than neurotypicals do to respond to “good morning” and I don’t mean anything by it so I assume that people can tell because I assume the best in others, and others are free to assume the worst in me so they do. 
I’m not upset by it but I also wish that there were a better system to screen assholes than assuming that non-compliance with normality is a sign of evil, because that’s the system we seem to have. It might have a high reward in the brain via confirmation biases and whatnot, but that doesn’t seem worth the risk of basically knocking down any and every mental illness symptom that’s unpalatable. Because they’re all unpalatable to someone, somewhere. That’s what makes them symptoms. We don’t have any “glowing green hair” as symptoms because that’s just sick as fuck and I want some. People who have working with their symptoms and turned them into something beneficial have largely challenged societal ideas about what is “good” and “natural” to get there, and that type of work isn’t someone everyone is cut out for. 
Many physically disabled people are all medical model, all the way because they’ve been largely neurotypical their whole lives, and I’ve read their grieving posts like people recommend that I read and I just don’t see how I can help them empathize with me as a person that doesn’t give a shit if my clicking pen annoys people if it helps me focus. That’s an Asshole move if any has ever be determined by society, but at the same time, a common fundamental symptom of many disorders, and as such, I don’t feel bad about it and I don’t know that I could, ever, be made to feel guilty for existing. I’ve never seen myself as a drain on society. I’ve never felt like a freeloader. And I’ll never feel bad for being disable or neurodivergent. Does that make me the bad guy? Or the weird cool antihero from fiction? My impulse is to say “yes” to both ‘cause what people like in fiction is not always what they tolerate in real life 
It’s kinda weird and paradoxical that I can feel bad about not feeling bad but not feel bad about being disabled at the same time but w/e I’m an abuse survivor we, collectively, excel at stuff and things that most people may not understand so I guess that’s all the explanation I need 
#abuse#I'm laughing this is so long#I have this many thoughts in like actual conversations#my hands can't type fast enough and I end up deleting half the things I say because the time has passed#from which it would made sense to say them#anyway the long and short of this is: a complex analysis of why I agree largely with the criticisms I recieve#but not with their reasons#usually people mistake my mental illness as me being a bad person#and me being a bad person as me being a good person#do you see#the existential crisis#when I do things I know are unethical I get praise and approval for being neurotypical#because it's expected as normal behavior#while when I don't do it as the most neurotypical thing ever#which is like caring about other people and vying for their approval like the needy bastard that I am#then I'm weird!!#also I don't think I'm an asshole because that need some measure of conscious effort and thought#abuse doesn't need to be intentional#the only mean things I've ever done are generally in a self defense context#and vastly underwhelm in comparison to the other stuff that incited it#on purpose any way#the less on purpose stuff happens all the time and I hate it and I just want five minutes of#I don't know rewind and replay#so I can stop myself from saying and doing things#instead I have to move through life as a snails pace triple thinking things over and forgetting what I was thinking of and remembering#and starting over#jeez I'm tired just thinking of it#I got all burnt out last semester and I kept saying and doing rookie ass mistakes and getting overstimulated in public#which is probably the nail in the coffin and why I'm going to be filing for ssi#I've come to the decision with a mix of perpetual anxiety and hope that maybe
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Drink Me
BakuKami week day four (Part three) : Argument/Fight @officialbakukamiweek   Summary:  Bakugo didn’t talk through his feelings. He never had. He punched and he kicked and he fought. Why can’t the rest of his stupid friend group understand? Read on Ao3
"Fuck off!" Bakugo yelled his mug in hand with 'have a nice day' written in black characters, though a middle finger was drawn on the bottom of it.
"No, I've got as much right to be in here as you do," Kaminari rolled his eyes, pouring the boiling water from the kettle into the cup.
"You're getting tea for Deku, fuck off."
"If you have to fucking get him a drink, get him coffee. Tea's some fucking shit."
"Oh, that again." Kaminari sighed, grabbing a green tea bag. He'd been in a dual studying session with Midoriya--Turns out he needs desperate help in English and Language Arts, and Kaminari needed help in every subject except those--since his boyfriend had been reserved by Kirishima and Ashido for the day and 'he could only deal with tutoring two idiots per day'. So the least he could do was get him a drink.
"It's just leaves and hot water, Denki." Bakugo gave him one of those looks. The look Kaminari knew meant that something as stupid as the preference of drink in his presence would cause the silent treatment for hours.
Was it worth it?
"Tea has been a part of the world's culture for thousands of years, coffee has only been around for the last few hundred. Coffee is literally just beans steeped in water versus leaves."
"Kami," Bakugo glared, "It's. Fucking. Coffee."
"And tea is just as good."
Bakugo left with a middle finger in the air, and Kaminari knew that meant he wouldn't hear from him for the rest of the day.
This wasn't the first time they'd had this little skirmish, nor would it be the last. Tea or Coffee. Tea to help anxiety or coffee to energize.
Kaminari preferred hot chocolate with sprinkles.
One of the many small things in their life they could never agree on.
Hard bed or soft?
Hot or cold room?
Who would win in a fight?
Right, they were sparring tomorrow. That'd be fun. Bakugo had a tendency to pin him down and make him admit he was wrong, but he didn't particularly mind admitting it. He remembered the first big fight they'd had, shortly after they got together.
Kaminari had told him that if he wanted to be a hero, he should start acting like it. Bakugo hadn't taken to the insult well, responding by yelling. Like always.
"If you can ever quit being a pansy, maybe you could fucking be useful! Cause at the fucking moment, you're just a damn battery! If you didn't have your fucking quirk, there's no possible way you could've gotten into UA! You'd be better off going stupid and never coming back; at least then you can't talk!"
Kaminari still wanted to cry thinking about it. He'd confided in Bakugo about his anxieties, that his biggest fear was going into his drained mode without a way out. It hurt. It was scary.
He could barely control his body, everything was fuzzy, and he couldn't think. Could hardly see. The best he could manage was a thumbs up after so much electricity had gone through his head, frying not only his brain but his nerves. He'd run away from his boyfriend, locking himself in his room and crying his eyes out. Jirou had taunted him in the same way, but then he'd known she was joking as best she could.
It was so much worse, coming from someone he loved.
They didn't talk the next day, no matter how much Kirishima and the others tried. Kaminari didn't smile, either. He'd sat there with a blank face, answering in another language he knew Bakugo didn't understand if he had to talk since he had the know-how to do so. A favorite of his was eloquent English.
They'd continued on this way for two days, even to the point that Aizawa pulled him aside and asked if everything was alright. He'd told him what happened with Bakugo, and Aizawa sighed.
"Okay," He'd said with a smile, "We're gonna fix this."
At training on the fourth day of their silence, Aizawa paired the two up together for sparring. They'd been forced to fight out their emotions, no quirks allowed. Kaminari had no hope of winning, his skills paling in comparison to Bakugo's. Time after time he was thrown onto the mat, hands pinned over his head. They'd been sent off to a corner of the room, blocked by concrete dividers courtesy of Cementoss, saying they didn't want anyone to get distracted by other sparring partners.
"Fuck!" Bakugo had exclaimed, rather softly, after a particularly hard throw down.
"Why won't you fight back!?"
From where he lay on the mat, his back, shoulder, hip and head throbbing, Kaminari sighed.
"I just don't see the point. I'm going to lose anyway, what's the point in prolonging my suffering?"
"What the fuck are- Aw, hell," Bakugo sat down next to Kaminari's head, staring down the idiot blonde he was dating. "Is this about that. Fucking thing?"
"You're right, though. I'm just-" His words had been cut off by an explosion, which made him twitch.
"Every fucking time you say something negative about yourself, I'm going to get closer."
"Why? You've gotta be right, all the time. You said I'm only good for charging things, so I am."
The hand currently crackling with explosions got closer to his face.
"What the heck are you doing?" Kaminari glanced at Bakugo's amused face.
"I don't have a fucking dart gun on me, this'll have to fucking do."
"Are you trying to make me feel better by forcefully making me say good things about myself to keep my face from being blown off?"
"It's working, dunce face. You're learning."
Kaminari couldn't help but crack a smile, chuckling which soon turned into a proper laugh.
"Where the heck did you figure out how to do this?"
"Hound Dog will growl at you if you say self-demeaning things," Bakugo didn't move his hand away from Kaminari's face, the heat radiating off of it in low amounts mostly comfortable, "Figured it was worth a damn shot."
"So if I say good things about myself, you'll move your hand away?"
Bakugo's silence was all he needed, smiling as his chest shook slightly in laughter.
"Fine. I'm going to be a great hero, one who's going to help people. I'll get through school just fine."
Bakugo pulled his hand away, the firecrackers stopping and Kaminari sat up with a wince.
"I'm sorry for what I said, babe. I was mad and I know your heart is in the right place, even if your attitude can suck sometimes." He shakily smiled, his boyfriend reaching over and pulling him in for a kiss, rough and fast which left his head reeling.
"That enough of an apology for ya?" He grumbled, Kaminari nodding. They both stood, Bakugo stretching lightly. "Now, let's get back to sparring. I'm looking forward to kicking your ass."
Now, tea in hand, Kaminari couldn't help but chuckle. Bakugo wasn't good at having normal arguments, ever, but they always made up, and made out, in the end. Even if it was something small like having other preferences, or something as big as their first fight. He preferred to throw down, beat the living crap out of it if he could. If he couldn't fight it, he yelled and screamed.
The best way to combat it, as he'd learned, was to ignore him. He never took that well. It's how his mom dealt with temper tantrums when he was a kid.
So, he ignored the insults about the drinks, walking out and heading back up to his dorm room where Midoriya was waiting. No way he could study with all those All Might's staring him down, so everyone studied in rooms other than the green haired boy's.
Toeing the door open, he smiled and set the drinks down on his little table.
"What took so long?" Midoriya asked, glancing at the clock by his laptop.
"Oh, just an argument with Kacchan." Kaminari shrugged, sitting down and reopening the textbook.
"What about this time?"
"Tea or Coffee." He searched through for where they'd left off, vocabulary words Midoriya was having issues reading and pronouncing.
"How do you manage to have small arguments with him, without Kacchan getting really mad at you?" Midoriya had already translated the sentence that Kaminari had given him, a simple paragraph about All Might.
"He's kinda like a little kid on the verge of an angry temper tantrum, think of it like that; You ignore him and he just deflates." Kaminari grinned, "How've you not noticed?"
"I was a bit busy trying not to get bullied." Midoriya chuckled,
"Next time he starts yelling, just don't respond. He'll get mad for a bit, but he'll eventually leave it be. If he wants to talk to you, he can do it calmly."
"That's... Devious?"
"He conditioned me not to say self deprecating things, I'm conditioning him to not get as angry." Ah, there it was. "Here, translate these into English, and write a short paragraph with them."
"Okay, but you have to get your math homework done! Let me know if you need any help!"
Kaminari took a sip of his drink, and grinned. Bakugo could scream and rant all he pleased, they were equally devious to one another.
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pineforestwitch · 6 years
here's a little drabble of Fae post animagus transformation. A little of jealous charlie and annoyed big brother bill! And annoyed rowan
“This is so fun!” I grinned up at Talbott who was leaning against the tree in the court yard.
“Being an Animagus has its advantages,” he smiled then pushed himself off the tree and morphed into a hawk. He flapped himself up into the tree on the highest branch and looked down on me and squawked loudly.
He drew the attention of a few students who were still out and about but then looked away almost as quickly as they looked up. They most likely thought the hawk was just... a hawk. I grinned at him and stood up, moving myself behind the tree.
I did decide to register at the Ministry of Magic, I figured it was better than getting caught and then thrown into Azkaban.
I morphed into my cat form and stretched really hard before I leaped into the tree. It was such a weird feeling being a cat. But I now know how my black cat Lysandra felt. The world was smaller and that meant spying, hiding and sneaking became a whole lot easier. My vision was weird, and everything... smelled weird too. I didn't know Merula came here so often.
I jumped and climbed my way up until I couldn't anymore, I meowed at Talbott and head butted the tree... which is my cat language for I like this.
He cocked his head to look at me and then rustled his feathers before he took off; making the top of the tree sway back and forth little. I dug my claws into the bark as I watched him fly away high up into the sky. I envied him for being able to fly; to be free. Butthead. I watched him until he disappeared, then I made my way down the tree and landed on the ground without so much as a sound.
Making my way into the castle I pasted almost unnoticed by a few passing teachers and students. I was about to round the corner when I heard loud voices up ahead. I drew into a crouch and tried to blend into the shadows. Luckily it was getting dark.
“It's not fair,” a male voice fumed.
“Would you calm down?” another male voice said, but calmer... and annoyed.
“Ok sure,” the first one fumed again, I recognized that voice... oh it was Charlie! Why was he so upset? I listened some more.
“What do you want me to do hm?” Bill, I realized, snapped.
“I don't know but I don't like that Talbott kid, he's weird and she's been hanging around him a lot lately,” he said and then huffed.
“And? He's nice to her and that's all that matters to me,” Bill sighed, he was obviously tired of this conversation.
“Yeah I know that's all you care about but I'm the one who has a...” he hushed his voice down to a whisper, any regular person wouldn't have been able to hear what he had said next. But... I was able to hear perfectly, “crush on her.”
I held my breath, who did he have a crush on... I shouldn't be spying on him like this... but...
“Fae know's what she's doing and to be honest Talbott seems like a nice kid and you shouldn't be so aggressive towards him. If you want her to like you back then just support her and be there for her. He's done nothing wrong to her, as far as I know. So like I said earlier, calm down,” Bill's voice was harsh, like an older brother talking to his younger brother. A tone I had never heard before. But it was a tone that told Charlie that the conversation was done.
Charlie huffed in anger one last time and then dropped the subject. I heard them pick up their packs off the floor and start moving in my direction. At which I started to panic. Ok ok ok what do cats do? And right on cue my brain went into 'math test mode'... aka completely blank.
So I stood up like I was walked towards them, I don't think Bill knows that my Animagus form is a cat. It didn't matter now because I was about to find out. They shortly rounded the corner and stopped in front of me. My heart started racing, if Charlie found out that I spied on him...
“Aw what a cute kittywitty,” Charlie crooned and knelt to pet me.
Omgs it felt so good, I started to purr and headbutted his leg and rubbed myself on him... you know, just typical cat behavior. He scratched me behind my ear and I nudged my head further into his hand before licking his gross tasting fingers and walked away.
“What a nice cat, I've never seen it before!” He said and then they both walked away.
My regular paced walking turned into a full on sprint until I was in my dorm room where I pounced on Rowan, giving her a heart attack.
“Fae?! Don't do that!!!” she shrieked.
I morphed back into the my human form and told her everything before I gave her a chance to speak.
When I was done she just looked at me knowingly and then rolled her eyes at me playfully.
“You got all the boys wrapped around your finger and you're 14 years old?” she scoffed.
“Ok but that's not my fault,” I whined, “I need your wisdom 'O Great and most Nerdy Wise One!”
“You're terrible.”
“Tell me something I don't know,” I groaned and plopped myself onto my bed.
“I think you should just act like nothing happened,” she shrugged, “You know, play it cool.”
I started to take off my shoes and change into my pajamas, “You realize that when he looks me straight in eye he will know all of my deepest and darkest secrets.”
“Then you're doomed,” she shrugged plainly.
“You,” I tossed a shoe at her, “are just,” I tossed my other shoe at her, “a butt-load of help!”
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zoe-stewart-blog1 · 6 years
November 2, 2018: old lol
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It’s been a while since I made a substantial post, so here’s a long one :)
Because I was born March 13, 2000, I’m the second oldest exchange student out of the 48 in my host district.
Plenty of other students are here on gap years as well (most of them are Americans interestingly), so although I’m not alone in being 18, the people that I interact with on a daily basis are at least 2-3 years younger than me...
I figured I would make a blog post about this, because I’ve noticed the homesickness stage hit some fellow exchange students, and thought that this would be a good chance to explain my own experience.
I included this photo of marshmallows found in a Taipei grocery store because I definitely miss my Rocky Mountains.
My friends and I graduated high school, so the biggest reason why I’m not homesick is because we all left together. Each person is having their own unique experience away from home, and it’s difficult to feel left out because everything is new regardless of where they are.
I’m not invincible though, and definitely have my moments of irritation with some small and insignificant action from either my host family or exchange friends...
I communicate with my “natural” family (rotary uses this term which technically means biological parents... doesn’t exactly apply to me, but it helps to differentiate) once a week at the most, and once every two weeks on average.
Recently I went on a 2-day field trip with my class to Yilan. Although I didn’t understand much of the educational side, the views were beautiful and the English museum translations were good enough. The best part of the trip though, was all the time I was able to spend with my classmates outside of the classroom climate. We were able to bond better, and a week later the effects are evident as my classmates shyness has dissolved more, and they actually asked me many questions after this week’s presentation.
I know it’s different for every country and even every school, but for me I don’t have to worry about anything except learning Chinese. I haven’t had to take any tests, and if I take the occasional nap or read an English book during class, no one bats an eye. Honestly it’s pretty nice to not have to stress about typical school things, but I know that this means university next year is going to have a steep adjustment back to serious learning...
I am trying to study (via Khan Academy) so that I can more or less sustain my math skills. I’ve mostly struggled with the whole motivation thing, and time. Despite not having to worry about a lot, I haven’t actually had much free time other than the weekends. School and transportation to/from school takes about 9 hours of my day, and the rest of my time is spent eating dinner and practicing Chinese with my host mom, because they ask that I don’t go out on weeknights (other exchange students go out frequently).
well it’s going. I’m in the highest Chinese class, but I am not the best despite what my appearance says.
Listening and understanding is going smoothly, as I’m able to memorize the meaning of new words easily, because they’re said around me every day. I’m speaking more intentionally, and try to talk to people in Chinese if I can.
Writing is not too difficult to remember the characters, again because I see them every day... However the incredibly simple grammar knocked some points off of the presentation I gave yesterday. When I write in Chinese I still have to mentally translate from English first. The most difficult rule for me to remember is that the time of the sentence goes first.
“When I was buying candy I forgot to take pictures.”
“I forgot to take pictures when I was buying candy.”
Our presentation prompt was to talk about something we bought, and to show pictures. I translated the second sentence exactly as it’s read, aaaand my Chinese teacher asked if I just Google Translated my presentation... I’m trying hard, so no I did not, nevertheless I was a bit offended.
I studied Spanish for a lot of years and made it all the way through AP Spanish. This means that now my brain has flipped into “foreign language” mode, and both Chinese and Spanish are becoming thoroughly mixed.
Unfortunately though, I still can’t understand enough of the Spanish-speaking exchange students because they speak way too fast and use a lot of slang. As I type this though, I’m listening to a podcast in Spanish to try and jog my memory a bit. Podcasts in Chinese are difficult to listen to because I don’t know quite enough, and honestly their voices are not nearly as relaxing as the rhythmic flow of Spanish.
Back to Chinese though. I am absolutely noticing significant improvements. I actually noticed that when I hear Chinese, I don’t really need to translate it into English because it immediately becomes an image in my head. I translate it anyways and realize that I had already understood more than I initially thought. I’m really excited about this observation, and I’m constantly working to expand my vocabulary and thus my level of understanding.
There’s a couple more things I want to mention regarding the fact that I am an Asian... in Asia.
There are two American exchange students who are half-asian-- Filipino and Japanese. While all three of us are frequently asked for directions at bus stops, my experience is still a bit unique because I am and look 100% Asian.
Recently we had a Rotary-organized Halloween party, and it was a lot of fun, but afterwards I felt myself wishing I had dressed more dramatically than just a simple tourist... I almost felt like the event would have been more fun if I were also a white, or more foreign-looking exchange student.
When we were gathering, Rotex from previous years were sorting us into groups, and it took me forever to find mine because they had no idea that I was an exchange student, despite meeting me at orientation ( I don’t blame them; orientation was a while ago).
Later we did a scavenger hunt type activity where we walked around the streets to find people that fit a description (wearing a hat, man with long hair, etc.) and take a photo with them. Everyone we approached was so excited to take photos with all the dressed up foreigners, and asked to use their phone as well. It was definitely all in my head, but I felt a bit like I was a rude passerby photobombing the fun picture because I wasn’t dressed like anything incredibly funny, and I looked like a random person you could find on the street...
My self-isolation was not helped when we went “trick-or-treating,” and the rotarians with the bag of candy stared at me when it was my turn to say “trick or treat,’ and in Chinese told me “no you’re taiwanese. we can’t give you candy.”
Although I’ve made many good friends among exchange students, I sometimes feel the most isolated when I hang out with them. I’m always seen as the translator or the taiwanese friend acting as a tour guide...
Meh I’ll get over it though. Hopefully I’ll be good enough at Chinese that I will be able to more or less translate... we’ll see.
Despite these challenges, my time has been mostly spent in happiness, as I feel very settled and comfortable here. I am a little bit tired of always eating rice and noodles, but I can’t really complain about that.
I will continue to study hard and do everything I can to learn as much as my brain can handle.
As usual, if there are any questions, just ask!
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katzuyas · 6 years
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I’ve been tagged in so many things over the past couple of weeks that I honestly don’t even have much more bookmark space left in my browser RIP so I finally decided to do all of it at once, hence the title and the rest of this longass post under the cut
bc there’s a lot of the tag games down there and tagging a million people would be annoying, I’m gonna tag 10 of you to grab a dice and roll it to figure out which meme you’re tagged for ^u^)b if you roll the same number twice, count that meme as the start from which to count and roll again! I hope you like this idea, but it’s only a suggestion so feel free to do whatever you want tbh?
@sweet-vitya, @gabzjones, @and-then-yoi-happened, @etherealalchemist, @joeys-piano, @quadruplyyours, @yuliaplisetskaya, @dreaming-fireflies, @teekettle, @iwritebetterthanispeak, @chessala
enjoy, if you want! 💕💕
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thank you for the tag!!
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers that you want to get to know better.
1. Name: kat
2. Nicknames: same tbh
3. Height: 170cm
4. Orientation: who knows who cares (it’s pan)
5. Nationality: polish
6. Favorite fruit: mango, cherries, I love watermelon too but the seeds piss me off too much to fully enjoy it
7. Favorite season: anything that doesn’t make me sweat off my skin but isn’t also freezing my toes is more than fine with me ^u^)b
8. Favorite plant: I don’t think I have any favs here
9. Favorite scent: I have this yankee candle ‘sweet candies’ and I can just DIE wrapped in that scent holy sheet (when it comes to perfume tho I’m a sucker for the original chloe, but I also love calvin klein’s euphoria bc it’s just Fresh)
10. Favorite color: any pastel really
11. Favorite animal: MY SWEET PUPPER HINA (so yes, dogs)
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12. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee sometimes, TEA AND GREEN TEA AND VANILLA CHAI!!!!!!, hot chocolate is a nope
13. Average sleep hours: I always try for 8h bc otherwise I’m a zombie, but it doesn’t always work out so... I’m a part-time zombie anyway lmao
15. Favorite fictional character: victor nikiforov. that’s it. that’s all. we can all go home now
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 + a duvet bc I like being cosy
17. Dream trip: japan, always. but another one would be a trip to the harry potter universal store or the noble collection store I guess
18. Blog created: who even remembers this pffff (somewhen in august 2011 I think)
19. Number of followers: I’m just gonna say it’s a four number figure ;3c
20. Random fact: I’m currently rewatching lord of the rings and procrastinating writing so YES I’M A NERD AND A BAD PERSON AHAHA //sweats
tagged by @story-kat -- thanks love, I actually really like these so it was great fun to do 💕
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people
artist/band: one ok rock
what is your gender: stuck in the middle
how do you feel: jaded
if you could go anywhere: start again
favorite mode of transportation: mighty long fall
your best friend: wherever you are
favorite time of day: taking off
if your life was a tv show: liar
relationship status: hard to love
your fear: bombs away
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thanks again!! ahaha I feel like I’ll be saying this a lot today, but you spoil me /)u(\
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better or just because you feel like it.
Relationship status: taken ;3c
Favorite color: any pastels, really
Last song I listened to: still the lord of the rings ost
Last movie I watched: lord of the rings lol two towers ^u^)b
Top 3 tv shows: game of thrones (bc I love my fantasy shit), rein (bc I love my history shit), and american housewife (bc I love laughing and this show is Hilarious with the capital H)
Top 3 characters: victor nikiforov bc I adore him, hinata shouyou bc he’s my sunshine son and I gotta mention miyuki kazuya bc his smirks still keep me awake at night 😍😍😍
What I’m currently reading: honestly? my own writes bc I have no time for anything other than editing orz
tagged by @themayflynans and @endlesscloudsoftime, thank you both!! 💕
A - Age: 26
B - Birthplace: poland
C - Current time: 11:50am
D - Drink you last had: just some coke
E - Easiest person to talk to: nowadays it’s gotta be @saniika and @and-then-yoi-happened bc I know I can be as salty and upset as I feel when I talk to them and that it’s alright to just let it all out which is something I wish for everyone to have 💕
F - Favourite song: don’t have one tbh
G - Grossest memory: back in elementary school my class was in warsaw to see the big zoo there and one of the chimpanzees just projectile shat all over our teacher and it was simultaneously the most awesome and the fucking WORST bc she smelled like shit the whole trip back home ugh
H - Horror yes or horror no: depends on what kind of horror but generally? meh
I - In love?: no idea tbh but definitely comfortable in my relationship
J - Jealous of people?: you’ve no idea. jelly and bitter.
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: walk by and actually tell me you’re interested bc I’m a blind pan who is easily confused
M - Middle name: magdalena ;3c
N - Number of siblings: 0
O - One wish: Been keeping Salty’s answers here - yes, to learn to love myself.
P - Person you called last: my mom lol she’s the only one I call, really
Q - Question you are always asked: "so when will you start looking for a job?”
R - Reason to smile: VICTUURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S - Song you sang last: oh man I don’t even remember, I don’t really sing out loud
T - Time you woke up: these days? 6:30am
U - Underwear colour: sea green-blue, turquoise?
V - Vacation destination: I’m going to japan next year to see ice adolescence even if it kills me
W - Worst habit: biting the inside of my cheeks bloody
X - X-rays: my hand when I had a small accident playing badminton, my jaw for my braces
Y - Your favourite food: PIZZA HELLO
Z - Zodiac sign: gemini ;3c
tagged by @theexitgarden and @endlesscloudsoftime, bless you both and thank you for thinking of the old me 💕 
1st RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
we’ll be skipping this one bc of reasons //sweats
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo -I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory- I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concert
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling- I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
tagged by @story-kat and @endlesscloudsoftime (astea m’dude ur tagging me in everything and I love you for it)
I will most often hum or mouth lyrics when I’m writing and my brain gets distracted so it usually is some sort of acoustic cover of a rather popular song, like despacito? lol WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE FLOWER/TREE/PLANT?
I don’t have one tbh FAVOURITE COLOURS?
anything pastel!! WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS DOODLE?
I don’t anymore but it used to be some random squigglies??
2.5 teaspoon of sugar into both + 1/4 milk/cream into the coffee and 1/4 cold water into the tea FAVOURITE CANDLE SCENT?
sunrise bc I don’t even see sunsets anymore (I’m asleep then lol) WHAT PERFUME DO YOU WEAR?
the original chloe is what I like most but I would die for dior’s j’adore, it’s so nice 😍😍😍 in the summer I’m wearing masaki’s fluo tho bc it’s sweet and summery
butt wiggling? maybe? idk man I never really thought about it? lol FAVOURITE QUOTE?
“Because people don’t have wings, we look for other ways to fly.” -- somehow this one always sticks with me bc it’s so beautiful and vivid that you’d never say it’s from a japanese cartoon lmao
sleeping, kicking back and watching some dumb movie that won’t make me think of anything but how dumb it is
both? I like fuzzy socks in winter but in summer I go barefoot but sometimes u gotta have something between your skin and the floor so = slippers WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR EYES?
I don’t honestly care but blue eyes when they’re very light creep me out somehow FAVOURITE SEASON? WHY?
don’t have one but as long as it’s not too hot or too cold I’m good NECK, CHEEK, OR NOSE KISSES?
depends on what you want to achieve? neck kisses will have me melting, cheek kisses smile and nose kisses giggle and possibly blush so YEA THERE’S THAT
it’s my room. that’s it. this is my happy place
idk, I mean yes I’d like to be married one day but I’m not really in any hurry to get there? CURSIVE OR PRINT?
I don’t honestly care
cloudy but not too cold
tagged by @story-kat, thanks for the tag babe!!
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold (BOTH! BOTH IS GOOD)
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
Egyptian or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thanks for this omg I actually wanted to do this one!! 💕💕
869 938! holy sheet I’m so close to 1mil???? wowowow o.O
I try to write every day, but these days (with renovations going on and my sleeping schedule all fucked up) it’s really hard to find the time and focus to do it orz
I actually do! or I did when I was still regularly writing lol it was something like this: cracking open an energy drink, lighting up my fav scented candle, booting up itunes and my writing playlist and generally just spending 5-6h just writing 💕  
kinks: pet play, public or semi-public play, voyeurism, doggy style, also actually BOTTOM VITYA,      
tropes: reverse au, time travel, famous aus,
pairing: victuuri. no seconds. we die like man and only stan one (1) gay ship
I don’t necessarily have an absolute fav but a fic that I still remember fondly and am beyond sad that got little to no attention is: if there’s a will, there’s a way bc I worked my ass off for it and I love every bit of it so? give it a read if you want to?
dazzle me with gold which will be getting an update this weekend ;3c
recently? everything. I’m just broken and idk how to fix it bc I can’t even find a good moment to try so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how sweet and soft everything is when I’m in a good mood bc victuuri deserves this kind of love and I’m so happy writing it for them 🙏🙏🙏
tagged by @amaanogawa, thanks so much ems!!!
1) How many works in progress to do you currently have in progress?
one actual wip and like... 5 more that just sit and wait their turn? //sweats
2) Do you/would you write fan fiction?
rip that’s all I write too... tbh I used to write original fiction before but I find myself much less constricted by fanfic? I can explore the characters here more than I can in original fiction where worldbuilding takes most effort
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
oh definitely paper! if I could I’d buy printed out fanfic too!
4) When did you start writing?
I was about 12 I think? it all started with harry potter, like everything else has, and I regret not a second of it!
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
sometimes when i get very excited about what i’m writing i’ll tell my fandom friends about the specific AU that i’m writing about but in terms of reading the full length fic, i don’t have anyone that i let read before anyone else. it’ll be on ao3 for everyone at the same time.
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
my desk, my pc. I can write on my phone but I like to edit as I go and it’s hard to do on the phone.
7) Favourite childhood book?
do I even need to say it? harry potter
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
for fun, but with the aim of possible future publication maybe?
9) Pen and paper or computer?
always computer. i have only recently begun writing fics on my phone because i’ve been traveling a lot and i don’t always have my laptop on my person, but it’s still much more comfortable to sit down and type on a proper keyboard.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
at my uni, yes. and it completely sucked bc they didn’t teach anything, just had us write random shit for 3 years so eh
11) What inspires you to write?
everything? like, any random thing or thought I’m instantly trying to weave into my writing, turn it into a prompt. every new experience is just a basis for me to write on.
but if you’re asking WHY I write: I don’t even know, I’ve never thought about it? it’s kind of like asking why I breathe ahaha I just do? it’s a part of me? idk man idk
tagged by @themayflynans, thanks for this love!!
7/7/7 tag
The rules are as follows: Go to page 7 of your WIP, go to the seventh line, share seven sentences, and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
oh wow ok this is a difficult one bc I don’t think I even have a wip 7 pages long //sweats let me see... aha, okay, I found one! from back in march when I asked people to send me over some numbers for one of those writing memes and @theexitgarden I believe (??) sent me the prompt “I don’t think anyone could be as lovely as you” for victuuri and I kind of got a blind!victor au from it?? wELP here’s the fragment of it:
His music is vibrant in a way that he couldn't play on his piano alone and the clap of the blades that he can hear from the speakers of his TV makes him only more certain – this boy, Yuuri Katsuki, is skating to the sound of Victor's soul as if it's his own.
He never notices the tears that well up in his eyes until they roll down his cheeks and Makkachin presses against his side, whimpering in concern. Victor runs a trembling hand through her soft fur and takes a deep breath. And then, he decides.
"Yasha," he says when his former coach, his father in all but blood picks up Victor’s call. "I want to do this."
And he does it.
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime again, boy you spoil me ahaha
1. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
I have no idea tbh bc even the characters I don’t like wouldn’t be exactly boring, so??? I honestly don’t know
2. What problem or situation did TV / movies make you think would be common, but when you grew up you found out it wasn’t? (i’m lowkey taking a jab at hsm because thanks Disney for making me think high school would be awesome)
hooking up with people ALL THE TIME when you’re in your 20s bc wtf what a bold-faced lie omg
3. What would be on the gag reel of your life?
"how many times can kat click her tongue at random strangers who piss her off by breathing the same air?” and a manip of all the eyerolls I do bc let me tell you... THERE’S A LOT
4. What does “infinite” mean to you?
my love for victor nikiforov
5. If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?
definitely lots of acoustic vibes and harry potter tunes and I can bet your ass that I’d have the yeah yeah yeah ost from yoi bc it’s such a banger and I LOVE IT but also dramatic classical violin and piano bc they pull on my heart and I am weak
6. What item would be your top choice to make into a horcrux?
honestly? my phone probably. I don’t necessarily have other things close to me that I’d use with enough heart to be of any significance to me
7. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
??? no idea lol I’d love for it to be katherine mcnamara bc 1) we share names, 2) her red hair is gorgeous and I’m a redhead, 3) SHE is gorgeous and I’d love to be portrayed by someone that hot 😍😍😍
8. Most relatable scene from any book/movie/anime/etc.?
yuuri’s little gasp when he first saw victor skating bc HARD SAME MY SWEET SON HARD SAME
9. If you were shrunk down and somehow got stuck in a blender, how would you get out?
I’d jump from side to side of it to try and rock it a bit and see if I can flip it over and get out that way? idk man what is this question lol
10. Would you count manga as a piece of literature? Why or why not?
ofc I would? honestly, some manga have even better storylines than written fiction why WOULDN’T it be counted as a piece of literature
11. compliment yourself. (joey, you’re just to freaking good to at making up questions).
oh man... //sweats umm??? good job me on not breaking down yet bc the renovations keep being awful and you’re handling it well?? maybe lol
tagged by @theexitgarden, thanks love, once more!
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Three Fandoms:
Yuri!!! on Ice
Ace of Diamond
The First Character You Loved:
victor. he’s voiced by suwajun, do I really need to say more?
miyuki!! gosh I do love my asshole sons snarky and mean
hinata bc he’s a ray of sunshine and I even named my doggo after him 💕
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
I gotta copy you garden bc chris took me by surprise too! my love for him started from that little sad look he gave us in the kiss and cry and it blossomed beautifully over time ahhh
sanada omg?? he is literally baseball kuroo so I was not expecting it but I fully embraced it lmao
iwaizumi bc I’m not one to like the mothering types but he’s??? actually so kind and sweet under all that harsh Manly facade it’s so cute
The Character You Relate To The Most:
victor, I’d say, or so I like to think
honestly? miyuki. just look at my url lol
oikawa, probably...
The Character You’d Slap:
I wouldn’t actually, but yurio deserves a good kick on the butt
early tsukki bc he’s could use it tbqh
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
victor, yuuri, chris
miyuki, eijun, mei
hinata, kuroo, oikawa
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
no one like that in yoi tbh, my love is only growing
kataoka lol
umm???? idk
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
seung-gil, I’d say. he grew on me lol
raichi, I guess??
to say tsukki, I’d have to actually like him now but it’s more difficult than that bc I didn’t like him at first but now can tolerate him so?? does it count?
Three OTPs:
victuuri, phichimetti, and the third would be very problematic bc I honestly don’t ship anything else in yoi?
miyusawa, chrisawa, sanasawa
tagged by @sleep-furiously, thanks for the tag, love!!
post five facts about myself ❤
I have a sweet doggo who is the light of my life 💕
I write good shit sometimes
I believe I have good taste
I’m a snark machine when certain buttons are pressed
patience levels run at 0%
wow ok this was A LOT to go through and it took me like 3h to do this holy sheet but at least I had fun and now I have my firefox bookmark free so that’s awesome ahhh!! thanks so much again to everyone for the tags, you guys are amazing and I’m lucky to have you 💕💕💕💕
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