#when i go to ff.net i go to 'www.fanfiction.net'
do people not type "www." at the beginning of urls when they type them into the browser anymore??
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asjjohnson · 1 year
I joined the Danny Phantom Invisobang this year. :D
It's a oneshot with cute little scenes showing an older Danny helping people around Amity Park, but there's also something going on in the background that comes out during the last half.
Cracks Spreading in Tinted Glass
Summary: Grateful townspeople and stuttering admirers are part of Danny’s everyday life now that he’s in his twenties. He loves helping his town. However, Amity Park harbors a secret. One their resident ghost hero doesn’t know about.
Danny straightened up, letting the trash bag he was holding slip down to rest in the grass. A calm breeze brushed across his back and ruffled his hair as he surveyed the sun-dappled sea of green before him. A serene feeling swelled within him at the view. The large area of grass stretched toward a two-story house, its beige siding lit up in the sun. He’d helped achieve this.
Read on AO3 to see images within the text: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49811131
Read on ff.net to read it without the images: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14278133/1/Cracks-Spreading-in-Tinted-Glass
@paenling and @tytach drew the awesome art for it. :D
To see the art without wading through words: Tytach's awesome post with pic plus goodies! and Paenling's awesome post with multiple pictures! They're both so cool!
In March, I saw a pic on dA that @weshney colored for the Green With Envy event (lineart by @marzfartz) and it instantly inspired a ficlet idea. I was at the midpoint of the ficlet when I saw an ad for Invisobang and impulsively joined. So I started the fic over to make it longer and add more stuff to it.
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darlenicy · 11 months
At The Dungeons of Cloud Tower
- a driven ff
guess who's birthday it is? Happy Birthday to @evdizav !
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summary: Season 1, episode 19. The Trix are taking over the magic Dimension starting with Cloud Tower. Riven doesn't agree with these plans and finds himself locked away in the dark dungeons of the castle. Darcy however hasn't fully given up on him yet…
You can read it on:
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51171334
ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14292937/1/In-The-Dungeons-Of-Cloud-Tower
I might spoiler here a bit so please read the fic first and then return here if you like :)
I had the idea for this one already when I rewatched s1 earlier this year. Now I finally put myself together and wrote it. There will be another ff explaining the exact situation. As one can read in this version, it wasn't the Trix betraying him in the first place. It was Riven telling Icy that their plans would fail. And Icy is not the kind of girl who takes criticism easily. So she was: "Bye Riven, go to the dungeons and die there please" :)
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council-of-beetroot · 2 months
hngh i love your rusliet ideas🙈🙈🙈The one about Ivan changing Tolys's name? Incredible. And the one about making him sing patriotic songs/repeating stuff, you said you read it once in a fic... Is this based on a fic called Rise and Fall? Because that fic grabbed my attention when I first got into the Baltics and did not let go 😍
Oooh i forgot about that fic! There are so many good fics on FF.net so it's always good to be reminded of them. On chapter 18 as we speak
Yeah names have power. They hold your identity. I like renaming as a trope since it is basically like saying the former you has ceased to exist. Which can be used as a device in a good way as someone creating a name to mark a new identity or in this case giving a new name to mark you as severed completely from your old identity. And with Liet his name is distinct and it's his language. Even if Ivan assimilates him perfectly the name will be a reminder that he hasn't always been that way. that scene from roots comes to mind which I know weird but.
Of course there are other ways to accomplish this you could have him only use his human name and not his country name. Insisting that he use Litva instead of Lietuva. Or just force him to refer to himself with something incredibly demeaning. Fuck i love stuff like this
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thatfanfictiongirl76 · 3 months
Arrow Rec-- Argus Era Year Three
Year 3 of the island was honestly my favorite year. I just fell in love with Secret Agent Oliver, and was surprised by how few fics there are that are set during that time. But I did manage to find a few, so here is a rec of my favorites.
Mix Tape: Side A
By: KayleeThePete
Summary: Felicity ends up making a few less than clean hacks after Cooper’s supposed death and ends up being coerced into working for ARGUS, and Amanda Waller has the perfect partner for her…
My Comments: This fic is set during year three of the island, where Felicity is there for Hong Kong and she’s paired up with Oliver working for ARGUS. I have to say that I fell in love with this fic. Year three was always my favorite part of the island. And I love secret agent Oliver as well. Even though there are only five chapters (6th is an author’s note) this fic is to die for. Kaylee is doing a rewrite of this fic, of which there is only one chapter of, but even so I’ll link it down below. Also for the word count, I subtracted the author’s note from the one AO3 has, so that’s why it’s different. Also Kaylee has both the original and repeat posted on ff.net, so I’ll link those down below
Status: Incomplete
Last Update (Rewrite): 2/2/20 
Length (Original): 22,986 words
Rewrite: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22532464
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10854075/1/Mixed-Tape-Side-A-see-AN
Ff.net Rewrite: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13491817/1/Mixed-Tape-Side-A
Before the World Wakes   
By: ForeverFelicityQueen
Summary: Tommy Merlyn doesn't believe Oliver Queen is dead, despite his best friend having gone missing over two years ago. He needs proof, one way or another; so when he encounters Felicity Smoak, the witty computer genius, the pair criss-cross the globe on a mission to discover the truth about what happened when the Queen's Gambit went down.
My Comments: This is a good fic! I love the romance between Oliver and Felicity and Felicity and Tommy. The ending is okay, but I get that the Author was setting up the next fic in the series. I highly recommend this one, it’s sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Status: Complete
Length: 159,254 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/649364
In the Wake of Yesterday -- http://archiveofourown.org/works/11106885  
Wake the Storm -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/19084342
The Knight of Swords and the Queen of Cups
By: Sec982
Summary: In a world where everyone has a soulmark on their wrist, Felicity Smoak chooses to ignore her own. She's too busy starting her career and explaining to her mother that she doesn't want to read Tarot cards like her grandmother did. Then one night, while working late, she draws the Knight of Swords, a card of impulsive action. She takes it as clear evidence that the tarot cards do not work. She dismisses it and takes a memo up to the CEO's office, where her own knight of swords comes crashing into her life in an irreversible way.
My Comments: I absolutely love this fic. It definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat! I love anything with soulmates, so combining that with Olicity and year three of the island was just a dream come true. I definitely recommend giving this one a read. There is a sequel that goes into year 4 that is amazing as well. I will link that down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 63,738 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2804680
Sequel: Saving the Knight of Swords -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/37639039
Tomorrow Will Be Different
By: Schrijverr
Summary: Instead of managing to meet up later, Oliver has to keep running with Akio. The only way to keep them safe is to go public with Oliver being alive, leaving him back home in charge of Akio, while Tatsu and Maseo are still in the wind. Oliver has to get used to being back home where he doesn’t fit anymore, while also taking care of a child and getting caught up in a larger conspiracy that keeps the existence of the Alpha-Omega virus secret. In the meantime, his primary mission is to reunite Akio with his parents, something that isn’t the easiest when being back from the dead and in the spotlight.
My Comments: This is an ongoing fic that I absolutely love. I loved the bond between Akio and Oliver, and seeing it build and play out is just wonderful. I also love Oliver trying to adapt to life back home after everything he’s been through. The author updates this fic fairly regularly so be sure to keep an eye on it.
Status: Complete
Length: 69,221 words
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dancingdryads · 2 years
Narnia Fic Recs - Post LWW
This is part of a short fic rec series to spread some love for Narnia authors, they aren’t in any sort of order other than the really long ones are on the bottom.
A lot of these stories are on ff.net which I know is a pain of a site to use, however, I sorted through a lot of Narnia fics to find these and I think they deserve some love. I did check if anything was on ao3 and put that link instead if I could find it. Please give these authors some love, kudos, favorites, comments, etc. They’re all great and it’s always fun to find older fics!
If y’all have any fic recs you can send them my way, or if you know if any of these authors are on tumblr let me know. I’ll be releasing more rec lists sorted roughly by era so look out for those under #lillys fic recs
This list is more miscellaneous, one Prince Caspian fic, a few around VotDT, and a couple about Susan. There are also general author recs at the end with authors that have a decent amount of fics to look through. 
Passing Down the Crown by Elecktrum
Rated Gen, 4.5k words
Fic about how hard it is for the Pevensies (and Peter specifically) to help make Caspian the king of Narnia and only coming back for a short time. 
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by Elecktrum
Rated gen, 8k words
Fun fic with world building starting in VotDT but Edmund and Lucy describing the Golden Age. Dawn Treader was a real dragon and it’s an interesting expansion of star mythology in Narnia, it’s written to feel more like a myth retelling. 
Knight of Narnia by ElouiseBates
Rated K, 5k words
A short fic of Edmund knighting Eustace during Votdt, then a bit of his further adventures. Really great at showing his mistakes but also his growth.
The Difference by Ariyah
Rated K, 700 words
Eustace’s mom, Alberta, reflecting on her son and how he’s changed.
Of Knights and Butter Knives by Quecksilver_Eyes
Rated Gen, 400 words
Basically a cute fic of Eustace getting knighted by Peter when they’re all back in England. 
The Queen’s Return by HonorH
Rated gen, 4.5k words
A Problem of Susan fic that has some light shipping with an OC near the end and is generally positive rather than overly angsty while still dealing with the trauma. 
Never a Friend by Elecktrum
2k words
A conversation between Peter and Tirian in Aslan’s Country about Susan, (or the Problem of Susan) which I love because it shows that Susan doesn’t have anything to apologize for and her siblings definitely know her better than distant friends of friends.
I can’t lie or even try to hide it, Elecktrum is one of my favorite authors in general, and definitely one of the best Narnia authors I’ve ever found. I was so surprised that their work doesn’t have more love on Ao3, though that’s possibly because I think it might have been backdated so people just haven’t seen it. Overall the stories are non shipping fics, though there are some background ships that can be cute. Their stories and series are already on the list above, and 99% of their stories are connected to the same world, but there are very few that CAN’T be read as stand alone’s, so go read whichever ones strike your fancy. 
They’re on Ao3 and Tumblr and they have a bunch of drabbles and ficlets on a bunch of the Narnia ‘eras. Most of the fics have the Pevensies (but not all) and there are some shipping fics if that’s what you’re looking for. 
Adalet - https://m.fanfiction.net/u/94096/
Tons of really good fics, generally one shots but some good long ones too. 
Lirenel - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/241274/Lirenel
She has some long series that are interesting, and just a lot to read from if you’re looking to binge Narnia. 
These two don’t have current stories but it’s good to find older ones and I think all the long series are done.
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ludi-ling · 2 years
Chapter 15 of Crazy Eights is now up!
Well, the bit that I've written anyway!
On AO3:
On FF.net:
Just a note:
Don't worry - I AM planning to finish this story now. I'm currently also working on another abandoned fic, which is close to being finished. I'm going to concentrate on finishing that fic first, before I head back to tackling this one. During Christmas and New Year's I worked a bit on this fic, writing about 50 pages... but from the end of the fic backwards. Which means that there is definitely an end in sight!
I don't know when I'm going to get round to finishing this, but it IS my plan to get there sooner rather than later.
Thank you everyone for your patience, and for following this story and AU after so many years. It is truly a special thing to know that it is so loved. And thank you to @annalebeaus for prompting me to post this, and for bringing me back to writing this fic again.
In the meantime... love you all, and keep the Romy ship sailing! xxx
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justsomeguysadvice · 1 year
RIP FF.net: How to save your favourite fic as an epub.
So since FF.net seems to have been shut down, I’ve seen a lot of posts about backing up your favourite fics.
Just a quick FYI, m.fanfiction.net still works, for now. FF.net bookmarks on AO3 also seem to work. But get in quick to save your favourite fics because who knows how much longer those links will last.
EDIT: @kagenoneko​ has helpfully let me know that FF.net is not gone; to access the desktop version of the site all you need to do is add www. before fanfiction.net. So “www.fanfiction.net” instead of just “fanfiction.net”.
Now, the quickest and easiest way is to use AO3′s download epub option.
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But if you’re like me and you don’t like how the file is organized/laid out (theres no cover!), or you love a fic on a site that doesn’t have that option coughcoughLiveJournalcoughcough then heres some guy’s guide on how to turn your favourite fics into epubs.
First of all, a download list:
Calibre (yeah, you can convert files to epubs online, but Calibre lets you customise the e-book metadata that your device uses to organize files.)
Firefox add-on “Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy” (Don’t use Firefox? Google “Download Firefox”)
Microsoft Word or LibreOffice (LO is free and just as good as MW!)
But wait, random guy on the internet! What is the add-on for? Well, FF.net thinks it can stop you from highlighting and C&Ping text. FF.net is wrong.
Now that you’ve got your software, go ahead and C&P the fic into MW or LO. I recommend adding a page before the fic with some general information. This helps you remember all that useful information on the fic page. Below is what my first page looks like:
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(Am I using a Naruto fic for this guide? Yes, yes I am. I’ve reached a point in my life where I have no dignity and no shame.)
Save that bad boy to your documents. Do not change the fic, remember it isn’t your work!
Now, open up Calibre.
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Go to “add books” in the top left corner. Calibre accepts .doc, .docx, and .odt (LO’s file extension).
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Now, at this point, the information boxes should be empty of everything except the title and, maybe, the author. If the author is wrong, chill, MW and LO sometimes save you as the author. Just change it to the correct author.
Anyway, now you get the fun fun job of reopening the fic page if you closed it. (Or, if you’re smarter than I was when I was figuring this out, you left it open. Go you!) Go over one button from “add books” (Or hit that right mouse button and go to “Edit metadata” then “Edit metadata individually”).
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Most, if not all, of the information you need should be on the fic page. Some sites, like LiveJournal, will not have a lot of info, so you might need to wing it. You will need to create your own cover if you want one (look at my quickly thrown together one, they don’t need to be perfect. Mine has just enough info for me to know what fandom the fic is from).
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The comment section isn’t very important, whatever you add there doesn’t show on the epub. I personally like to had the quick summery from the info page mentioned above.
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Once you’re happy with the information you’ve added, hit “ok”. The row should look something like this (give or take whatever columns you have (I’ve personally removed some)):
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Still happy with the info? Sweet! Time to move on to converting the file. Two buttons over from “add books” is “convert books”. Clicky.
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One final chance to be really REALLY sure you’re happy with the info added, double check that the outcome format is epub (pdf is also there if you want it, but for e-books, epub is best. Reading something made of images like manga? I suggest pdf. But I also suggest a different program for pdfs.)
Still happy? Yay! Click “ok”. In the lower right corner, an arrow will appear over “Jobs: 1″. You can click “Jobs” if you want, but the conversion should only take a few seconds. If you click it, you’ll get this pop up:
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Hide your old jobs if you want, its not overly important. I do it to stop the list looking to busy.
Once your file is converted, it’ll be saved where ever you stuck your Calibre file. Mines in a book file where I keep my ever growing collection of epubs and manga pdfs.
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Upload that bitch to whatever your device is, however you upload files to your device. Personally, I rename the file to “Author - Fic Name” then drag and drop it into books on iTunes.
And boom:
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You can also now change the settings to your preferred reading settings.
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Now, enjoy your fic without worrying about it being deleted, or the site its uploaded to going down.
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zeroenchiladas · 1 year
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It’s that time of the year again where I remember, “hey, I should promote my fanfics on here, huh?”.
So as of this post, about like... a week prior or so? I fully concluded the Symphogear G portion of my Symphogear and Kamen Rider Saber crossover, Sympho-Saber: Song of Swords.
For those unaware or seeing this for the first time, Sympho-Saber is a fusion/crossover where I basically weave the world’s of Kamen Rider Saber and Symphogear together to make a fun interaction filled crossover of sorts while also working on some of the certain pacing issues from Saber. If you’re somehow interested then go ahead and check it out, I’ll drop links after all the explanations.
But yes, with concluding G came several different things. The first was a “movie” of sorts as part of the bonus uploads I do after each season.  As a result it didn’t have the usual thumbnail I put on twitter when I post chapter updates but a poster. And because we’ll be getting to GX soon, I’ve decided to once again share the visual for GX with the Tumblr crowd.
FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13938648/1/Sympho-Saber-Song-of-Swords
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33244396/chapters/82543267
Writing Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZeroEnchiladas
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quillium · 11 months
hi! uh... am I trapped in a very weird mandela effect or have you written a naruto fanfic before on ffn.net? because I have this clear image of your profile in my mind and the fic in question, I just want to make sure I'm not going crazy or anything
Nonny your memory is insane and absolutely correct. Do you eat a lot of fish? Get a lot of sleep? Those are what people recc me for better memory LMAO. My first two fanfics was actually Naruto fic from 2013 and I wrote on ff.net until 2017 when I migrated to AO3. I would not recommend reading any of it because I was 11-15 years old at the time of posting and it very much reads accordingly but yes, and please tell me how you have such an incredible memory.
My ff.net profile: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5055860/RebelzHeart
Remember to eat lots, sleep well, and floss when brushing your teeth!!
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fyrefalcon80 · 1 year
NaLu Week - Day 2
This one was finished faster than expected. I'm just going to say right now that when the prompts came out, I had a PLAN. I opened seven documents, named them all with corresponding day and prompt, put a basic outline for what I had in mind for each prompt... This goes against pretty much everything I've ever done when writing, and att his point only two of the days will be even close to what I had planned (hint, it's neither of the first two). Oh well, I'm liking this better, so here's hoping you all like it, too. Enjoy.
FF.net - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14260777/2/NaLu-Week-2023
AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/48906973/chapters/123430945
@thenaluarchive @allaboutnalu
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Been browsing your blog and can officially say I'm obsessed! Is your fic available to read anywhere???
*squee!* Thank you! I'm so glad to know someone else is as obsessed as I am lol.
The Opposite and The Mirror is not currently available to read anywhere because I'm not done writing it yet. (The movie version is still available on my ff.net page if you want to check that out: https://www.fanfiction.net/~completerandomalities)
I have decided that I'm not going to post it until it is 100% done because when I have posted my in progress stories in the past they ended up getting abandoned because I got new ideas as the story went on that were too late to incorporate, and so my inspiration to keep going fizzled out. I don't want that to happen again so, yeah, I won't post it until it's done.
(So sorry if this has been sitting in my inbox for awhile!)
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evilmuffinlord · 3 years
The Density of Acid 4- After School Analysis
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With Midoriya's feelings out in the open, Mina struggles to understand how she could have missed something so major
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29496132/chapters/87323248
Or on FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13821747/4/The-Density-of-Acid
Teaser below cut;
Midoriya had a crush on her.
Mina’s brain refused to process that fact, no matter how many times she repeated it to herself. It was just so out of left field that she couldn’t believe it. Yet, somehow, it sounded so right that she had to believe it, especially when he had been staring at her with a terrified earnestness that was impossible to mistake. 
It had also made her panic. What could she say, when her friend confessed to her out of the blue with a face like that? The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him, but she also had no idea what to do, and in her panic she had said that  “she’d like to, but would have to think about it.” He’d taken it surprisingly well, not looking completely crushed by the cliched line, but Mina still cringed whenever she thought about it.
She risked a glance over at the boy in question, trying to be as subtle as she possibly could. He was trudging along on the opposite side of Tokoyami and Jirou as they made their way back to the observation room, about as far away from Mina as he could get. Apparently that wasn’t changing anytime soon, though she at least understood why he couldn’t stand next to her. He liked her so much that even brushing up against her made him blush, which was crazy to her.
How had she missed this? She was the guru of love, the mistress of romance! She could spot a potential pairing at  twenty meters and help them along the way to a proper relationship with ease! She’d done it a dozen times, after all. How could she miss a boy crushing on her? Especially since it seemed to have been going on for quite some time, if what she suspected about Uraraka and the other's comments in the locker room were true.
It also made her wonder what else she had missed. Were there other relationships going on that she was looking straight past, in her class or otherwise? Between Midoriya and Uraraka, she had missed at least two so far, and it was honestly a little soul crushing to discover. She’d prided herself on her skill for so long. Realizing it was just luck and guesswork was a real blow to her ego.
With a start, Mina realized Midoriya and Jirou were talking and, more importantly, Jirou had just said Mina’s name. Abandoning her previous thoughts, Mina tuned into the conversation so that she didn’t miss anything relevant.
“—really, really sorry!” Midoriya said plaintively.
“You should be,” Jirou replied in an exasperated tone. “I got a cramp in my arm because you two couldn’t stop flirting long enough to untie me! Do you have any idea how many times I called your name before you finally remembered I was there?”
“We weren’t flirting!” Midoriya practically shouted.
“You literally asked her out on top of me. You were absolutely flirting, and nobody could have possibly missed it. Right Mina?”
Mina felt her cheeks heat up at that. She was used to being the one doing the teasing, not being the target of it. Even if she might have deserved it in this case. She really had forgotten Jirou and Tokoyami were there in the excitement and confusion after the battle, which made everything twice as embarrassing. Her only consolation was that those two were probably the only ones who had been listening in. Aizawa usually muted the microphones between matches so he didn’t have to listen to anyone celebrating their victory.
“C-can we just forget about what happened?” Midoriya asked plaintively.
“Perhaps that would be for the best,” Tokoyami said. “To allow dark words to cross one’s lips is the first step towards darkness.”
“I thought you were pro-darkness,” Jirou said.
“I am a proponent of the gentle dark, yes. Not so the false darkness of rumor that obscures the light of decency.”
“I’ve listened to death metal bands that were less emo than you.”
Tokoyami looked extremely pleased to hear that, even if he tried to disguise his preening as scratching an itch.
He and Jirou continued to banter the rest of the way back to the observation room, soothing their nerves from the battle. After this long in the hero program, they were all used to losing a match or two and didn’t take it too seriously. Even still, coming down from the post-battle adrenaline took a while and they had all come up with ways to deal with it. 
Mina liked to chat with her friends, trading jokes or friendly banter. She and Jirou often verbally sparred with each other, since Jirou liked to snark at people and Mina was more than capable of clapping back with the best of them.
But not today. Not when she was feeling so emotionally mixed up and drained. Today she just wanted to get done with class, get some snacks, and veg out at home in front of her favorite show for a while. Maybe after that she’d start feeling like a real person again. 
She reached the observation room first, and stepped inside to a round of applause. Kirishima was the loudest, shooting her a big smile and a thumbs up between claps. The others were less enthusiastic, but no less sincere. 
Mina did her best to respond in kind, but she must not have done a very good job since several people looked at her with concern.
"Is everything alright?" Yaoyorozu asked. "You seem a little out of sorts."
"Pssssh, totally fine!" Mina deflected. "Nothing weird happened at all."
"T-that's right!" Midoriya said quickly.
"Mmmmmhmmm," Jirou hummed noncommittally. 
"Naught worth speaking of has occurred."
"Midoriya asked Ashido out!" Dark Shadow gleefully cried, emerging from Tokoyami's cloak for the first time since the match ended.
There was a beat where no one said anything, just stared openly at Mina and Midoriya. Her cheeks were absolutely burning, and she could hear the high-pitched whine that Midoriya made when he was especially embarrassed.
The silence was broken by the last person Mina would have expected. Aizawa let out a long suffering sigh and rubbed at his temples.
“And there’s the disruption. I knew this was going too smoothly…”
His words opened the floodgates, and suddenly everyone was rushing forward to congratulate the two of them or to tease Midoriya for his timing. It was impossibly embarrassing, but Mina did her best to endure it without looking too upset. Thankfully Aizawa cut them off before too much longer, but it was still an ordeal and a half.
And Mina got the feeling that it wasn’t over. She could feel several pairs of eyes fixed on her, waiting to hear the full story from her perspective. The girls were hungry for a story, and Mina couldn’t quite blame them. In different circumstances, she would absolutely be part of that group, planning how best to ambush the new couple and pry secrets out of them.
She just hoped the other girls would be gentle with her.
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do you know any good long fics that aren't just an excuse to bash the show or chars (can either be pure rwby or crossover)
There are several
This one has Summer and Taiyang raising Ruby and Yang together, and Summer is the protagonist.
This one follows Taiyang and Summer recuperating from Raven's abandoning of them.
If you want a Jaune centered Fanfic that's respectful and actually good? This one also has taiyangxsummer...ARCADIA it's called.
This one is also STRQ
We're going for at least 25,000 words, correct?
This one is Raven Centric
Another good STRQ one that is pretty lengthy
Cut and Polish is a pretty good gemstones one
STRQ delights involves family
partially against this one as Qrow is Ruby's father in this one, HOWEVER the writer treats Taiyang thousands times better than most qrowxsummer shippers, so hey, give it a pass.
This was an old one made back in 2015
This one is Raven based. over 18K
This however? IF Cinder was adopted by the Xiao Long Rose Family
Kinda sad...30K fanfics in RWBY on FF.net, only 180 are TaiyangxSummer, while even more exist on AO3 but barely 350 are TaiyangxSummer.
Strange...so many good fanfics vanished...I still saved them before they got deleted.
SmilingSamurai is great for crossover fanfics..
They had more on A03...but its...gone?
I'll ask him...
Anyway...this one is Team RWBY-centric, and is over 300K
I wish I could provide my own...but they're only one-shots that I wrote to turn into comics.
Here is one last...Mallobaude...
Very touching Lancaster and Bumbleby.
I'm sorry I....so many fanfic writers I loved...they're gone....
It's...like the time I saw a glorious Soul Calibur fanfic of over 200K when I was a child...and I enjoyed it so much...and to see it gone.
Now so many that I loved are either vanished or...PDF Files in my Folder.
Well...I hope these help you.
Thank you for your ask.
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degenerate-otaku · 3 years
Child Of Mine
(FNAF fic)
(In case u wanna read on ff.net or ao3 instead:
(This is my first FNAF fic, exploring William's mental state early on and the challenges of fatherhood and how he came up with the idea for his creations)
“I'm leaving Michael with you tonight...is that alright?”
Clara passed him into his father's arms.
“You don't mind...do you?”
Of course he minded! He was a man on a mission of becoming a respected scientist! He couldn't have a baby drooling over his blueprints.
“No...not at all, my love.” William smiled.
He was always good at pretending.
“Thank you so much...It's been so long since I've been out with my friends.”
She kissed him briefly and bent down slightly.
“You'll be a good boy for daddy, won't you Michael?”
The baby giggled, reaching his hand out to his mother who had to let go, relinquishing him to William.
“Right...I'll see you later then, love.” They said their goodbyes at the door.
It would only be a few hours. She'd be home by half past 9.
Only 3 and a quarter hours from now.
'Alright. I can manage.'
William sighed and went to put Michael in his crib.
“There.” He put him down as gently as possible. It had already been a year yet he wasn't used to holding him. He was so fragile. Children's bones were easy to break, he knew that.
William tucked the boy in and placed the plushy he had embedded with a microphone close by, to watch over him.
“That'll do.” He said to himself before going back downstairs, into his office.
He was working on a robotic hand, currently. It looked so close to a real one, with the joints and gears being like knuckles and tendons.
William wanted to be known for something.
Admired. Respected. Worshipped.
His scientific advancements would surely bring him immortality, his name forever remembered, echoed in the same schools he graduated from.
He could see it now.
The Nobel Prize would be in his hands. He knew he was close to a breakthrough regarding robotics and his endoskeletons; just a little more time was needed.
He gripped the rubbery handle of the screwdriver tight as he put in another miniscule screw.
Then there was wailing.
The tool dropped from his hands and he could hear the baby's infernal crying from both the device that picked up the sounds from the toy's recorder and from upstairs.
William growled, getting up from his desk as he stormed upstairs.
Now, what did Clara tell him to do?
He picked the baby up, rocking him in his arms, but it still screamed, no matter how hard he shushed it.
Was it hungry?
No, Clara fed him before.
Nah, he also had milk today.
William noticed the foul stench and his nose scrunched up.
'Oh, fantastic. Of course when Clara leaves.'
He wanted to just leave it until she came back. She was good at cleaning up messes. Women were just better at that sort of thing, he decided. He knew that the infant would just never stop crying until he changed him so reluctantly did his best to.
The infernal thing just kept kicking his legs!
“You little cunt-” He cursed. “Stay still!" He commanded, as if it would understand.
He managed to do the deed and disposed of the waste.
As he did so he kept wondering how it had come to this: William Afton, brilliant scientist, now playing house, hardly able to change his son's diaper.
When did all this happen?
He recalled refusing that the baby was his.
Clara herself admitted she saw other men when he went to Oxford after that summer when they were a thing.
He denied Michael was his child up until the boy was born and then it was easy to see that they were related. He couldn't argue with those bright blue eyes and soft brown hair. Then he was trapped.
He married Clara, to avoid the harsh looks of judgy neighbours, and now he was here.
'At least you're a very handsome fellow.'
William put him back to bed, and went downstairs once again.
'Now...where was I?' He picked up his screwdriver once more and glanced at his blueprints.
Then there was wailing again.
He slammed the tool back on the desk and rushed back up.
”Oh, what now?!“ He yelled.
The boy was fed, clothed, clean, everything, so what more could he want?
What did he even have to cry about? He hadn't seen the world and its pain, like William had, even at the age of just 20, he knew that you had to focus on the bigger picture.
”Shut up!“ He ordered.
”J-just stop crying!“ He stood over the crib.
Nothing was working.
”Please-“ He begged. ”Please, Michael just stop it.“ He tried to reason with the child.
He scanned the room. Maybe there was something to entertain him?
He held the golden bear plushy Clara had sewn, waving it in front of him.
”Look! Look!“
It didn't distract him.
He switched on the spinning lantern he loved to watch, yet nothing still, he just screamed and wailed.
Then, William picked up a bunny ear headband that Clara jokingly bought during Easter. He put the yellow ears on his head and Michael looked at him, confused.
”Hey, there! I'm uh...“
He had to think quickly of a name.
”Bonnie, the Bunny!"
William put on a silly voice as he tried to entertain his son.
“Hello, Mikey!”
The boy finally stopped crying and even began to smile.
“You like me, huh, Mikey?”
William- no, 'Bonnie', asked.
“Well, I'm sure glad I've put a spring in your step!” He grinned, loving the way Michael could so easily be swayed by the tone of his voice.
“Bonnie thinks you should go to beddy-byes while your daddy works, alright, Mikey?”
'Bonnie' tucked the boy in.
“Don't you worry, my pal...uh...Fredbear will look after you.” He put the cuddly toy close to him, then turned to leave, the ears still on him.
Michael reached his hands out to him and whined softly.
“Oh...you don't want me to go?”
He realised.
“Well...don't you worry, Michael...”
He softly stroked the boy's hair.
“I always come back.”
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Supernatural/Criminal Minds Crossover Rec
This has always been a favorite crossover pairing of mine. I've been reading Supernatural/Criminal Minds fics for years now. So this is a list of my favorites. I do have some of these listed in my Supernatural Crossover rec, but there are quite a few new ones here as well.
No Way Out III
By: KelinciHutan
Summary: Dean and Sam are on the trail of a demon in Arkansas, that's behaving a lot like a serial killer. Enough that it attracts the attention of the BAU. Because more attention from law enforcement is, of course, exactly what Sam and Dean want right now.
My Comments: I did make some minor adjustments to the summary, nothing too major. Anyway, this is a really good fic. It's a continuation of the two Criminal Minds episodes "No Way Out Part 1 & 2." I really love fics when the BAU starts hunting the Winchesters. You do need an AO3 account to read this fic, but luckily it’s also posted on ff.net, which I’ll link down below. So if you don’t have an account you could just read it there.
Status: Complete
Length: 20,860 words
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11398069/1/No-Way-Out-III
Fanning the Flames
By: Mandraco
Summary: Someone or something is going after fans of the Supernatural books. The BAU think it's a religious nut. Sam and Dean think it might be a restless spirit. Only one team is right.
My Comments: This has to be one of my top five favorite Supernatural crossover fics. It's really pretty interesting how the author incorporated the Supernatural books into the fic as well, and having the BAU find out about them. This fic is cross-posted on both ff.net and LiveJournal, both are linked down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 19,102 words
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8250092/1/Fanning-the-Flames
LiveJournal: https://mandraco.livejournal.com/21960.html
Sour Cherry Pie Life
By: Faith Daria
Summary: Dean has retired to civilian life. Too bad no one told the serial killer currently stalking teenagers in Indiana.
My Comments: So this fic is a bit AU. It's set after the end of season 5 of Supernatural, but before season 6. Instead it's a few years after "Swan Song," and Sam never met back up with Dean, so Dean still thinks he's dead. What I do like about this fic is how Dean interacts with the BAU. I would recommend reading this fic though, it is really good. This fic is cross-posted on both LiveJournal and ff.net, both of which I linked down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 19,693 words
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7050961/1/Sour_Cherry_Pie_Life
LiveJournal: https://faithburke.livejournal.com/50588.html
By: AWomenofLetters
Summary: Emily Prentiss stops for gas and coffee, and finds herself face to face with a pair of notorious serial killing brothers.
My Comments: This is a really nice short crossover fic. I would highly recommend reading it.
Status: One Shot
Length: 2,834 words
Eat It Twilight
By: Lilaeth
Summary: The BAU has to deal with a serial killer who believes he's hunting vampires. The unsub's name... Dean Wincher.
My Comments: So, this fic was obviously written before season 6 of Supernatural, and you can tell why in the fic. But it is still a pretty good fic. I love that it has the BAU trying to interrogate Castiel, it's great. Not to mention Rossi's comments about Dean's "baby". This fic is set at the beginning of season 5 of Supernatural, when Sam and Dean are still split up. It's still a really good fic and I would recommend reading it. This fic is cross-posted on both Ff.net and LiveJournal, both are linked down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 47,401 words
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5610365/1/
LiveJournal: https://liliaeth.livejournal.com/343958.html
The Kids Are Alright
By: SeeEmRunning
Summary: What if, in Criminal Minds "Into the Woods" (season 6, episode 9), it was the Winchesters who were taken.
My Comments: A very interesting fic. The summary of this is what got me interested. This is a really good series, and I like how in the series "Sam Winchester" becomes the BAU's running joke in this series. I would definitely recommend reading this. You do need an AO3 account to read this fic.
Status: Complete
Length: 2,267 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/71333
By: kikkimax
Summary: Dean is captured by the FBI just as his time runs out. Sam is determined to make sure his brother doesn't go to Hell.
My Comments: So this is a pretty decent crossover written at the end of season 2 of Supernatural. I really like how they pull in all the characters. The link I have up above is the multichapter version of the story. Kikkimax has this story posted twice, once with it all in one chapter, and one with it broken down into different chapters. I link the one chapter series down below. There are two sequels linked in the series, but I’ll still link it down below. This was originally posted of fanfic.otherplaces, on her website there but that website has since been taken down, but I managed to find it on web.archive, so I’ll link that too. I also found the sequel Hell, and Back there too. Can’t seem to find The Hunt though, so you’ll have to read that one on AO3. Just a note, the Web.Archive links do take a while to load.
Status: Complete
Length: 39,694 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/963882
Sequels: Hell, and Back -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/13964355
The Hunt -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/13973778
Web.Archive Defect: https://web.archive.org/web/20141228045246/http://www.fanfic.otherplaces.net/defect.htm
Web.Archive Hell, and Back: https://web.archive.org/web/20150109142132/http://www.fanfic.otherplaces.net/hell.htm
Double Trouble
By: Practicalsome
Summary: The Winchesters have discovered a new demon, the serial killer known as George Foyet. Naturally, they decide the best way to hunt it down is to kidnap the agent Foyet is obsessed with, to see what he knows. They should have thought that plan through a little more.
My Comments: So this is a crossover that I just recently found, and I really feel in love with it. I think that the author really nailed down all the characters. I really loved seeing Sam and Dean’s interactions with Hotch as well.
Status: Complete
Length: 11,796 words
Three Years and an Eternity
By: Selador
Summary: Adam Milligan was found three years after his disappearance wandering down the I-696 in Michigan. The fact that his nephew was alive would be a miracle to a man more religious than Aaron Hotchner, who couldn’t see what he saw everyday and come out of it believing in any sort of higher power. Oh course, Adam’s Milligan’s return had nothing to do with a miracle.
My Comments: This fic is a pretty interesting take I found. I also thought Adam had so much more potential than in the show, and to see Selador explore that while drawing in the Criminal Minds universe was very interesting. Now Sam and Dean don’t make an appearance in this fic, although Selador said they will appear in the future, however this fic was last updated in 2022, so I do think that it has been abandoned. However it’s still a great fic and I do recommend reading it! You do need an AO3 account to read this fic. This is a rewrite of Selador’s previous fic The Open Wound, so I will also link that down below.
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 7/8/22
Length: 42,353 words
Original Work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8714635/chapters/19979170
By: AlbusCorvus
Summary: After the deaths of Agent Henriksen and a bunch of other officials, the BAU is tasked with hunting down the Winchester brothers. When they catch them an interrogation ensues to learn more about the mysterious (and frankly confusing) duo. But instead of answers, more questions appear. Things get even more complicated when a storm hits, power goes out, and the brothers get more and more agitated, warning of an incoming attack.
My Comments: This is a pretty decent fic set in season 3 of Supernatural. I’ve always loved the BAU getting involved in the hunt for the Winchesters and this fic checks every box. I highly recommend giving this one a shot.
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 9/20/23
Length: 47,761 words
The Usual Suspects
By: bluemoonsabo
Summary: What if the BAU was called in during the Supernatural episode “The Usual Suspects.”
My Comments: This is a pretty good fic. The summary just about says it all. The Usual Suspects is a favorite episode of minds, so having the BAU there in the episode was a pretty interesting spin. I recommend giving this one a chance. 
Status: Complete
Length: 20,925 words
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