#when all the stage ones should technically
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Kiara + outfits
Uhhhhh, this was v fun yall should try and guess which parts of her outfits are stolen from Yazan XD
#oc: kiara#kiara kingston#the white one was inspired by a really cool guitar I saw on Pinterest and Valen has a matching one for ther performance together#whatever that is we dunno XD#Yazan also has something#less dramatic tho bc hes on drums and also didnt want to be uncomfortable (his words) DFSFSDFSD#my art#artists on tumblr#my art triumphantt art#original character#love how only one of these features a guitar#when all the stage ones should technically#maybe I’ll come back and draw all the cool guitars and add them to a reblog or something#also does anyone know how to tag things? and if you do let me know bc#i dont know wtf a tag is#if you made it this far hi!#u can have the answers for what’s stolen#the ac/dc sweater; the oni mask shirt; any number of the silver rings tho one of them is just a matching one; the jacket w the gold wings#and#the jacket for the event XD#notorious thief indeed#also the silver (white gold) name necklace is the one edith got her when she started wearing more silver (bc shes a thief) LOL#and bc yazan wears silver so when she steals well XD#the gold one is from rook so it never really comes off and neither does the other one#she wears both and tucks the non matching one underneath her shirt or w/e#My sentimental ass child
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hi, could you write a drabble with reader x remus where she rlly struggles with getting involved or going to hang out with people without explicitly being invited (just feeling really worried about being rejected) and he kind of reassures her and looks after her?
hi, thanks for this request! hope you enjoy, i generally don't write school-aged drabbles but thought this fit the best.
summary: your fear of being rejected stops you from joining your friends, but remus reassures you
remus x fem! reader (implied early stages romance)
Sitting by one of the fireplaces in the Gryffindor common room, you’re wondering how many of the people around you have exchanged glances over the top of your head. You can almost feel judgement thickening the air, raised eyebrows and confused smiles that ask why is she even here? To be honest, the only reason that you haven’t moved away is that you were technically sitting here first, and the rest of them milled in and took their spots nearby- then again, was it purposeful, your taking a place on one of the sofas they often use? In hindsight it’s just embarrassing. They must be assuming that you sat down just so they’d have no choice but to talk to you.
You know you’re expecting the worst of this group, none of whom particularly deserve it. The flock of seventh-years surrounding you are generally a good bunch; Lily, Sirius, Marlene, Mary, Peter, James, Remus, and Dorcas,. You want to be one of them more than you want most other things, which is somewhat pathetic and completely obvious in the way you’re always hanging around. They may all be lovely, and your friends (to some extent), but you know how irritating it can be if there’s always someone not quite in the group hanging around.
You should leave. Get up and make some comment about homework, or whatever, and wait for absolutely nobody to stop you. It’s kinder to everybody. Isn’t it?
Lost in your thoughts, you miss what Lily says next, and then they’re all getting to their feet. You give what you hope is a casual smile, simultaneously relieved of your spiralling and disappointed that they’re fulfilling your expectations.
There’s a tap on your shoulder- Remus, your favourite, whose hair has grown out over Christmas and now curls over his ears. He seems to get taller and lovelier with every passing moment. It’s difficult to make eye contact.
“We’re heading to the greenhouses, did you hear?” He says quietly, hand stilling instead of pulling away. You press your lips together and nod, carefully hiding any sort of misplaced hurt. It’s not as if you’re entitled to an invitation.
“Alright, I’ll see you later!” Too enthusiastic.
His brows pinch together. “You’re not coming?”
You look up at the others, who are collecting scarves and bags on their way to the portrait-hole. How can you admit to Remus that you don’t think they want you along? How can you tell him, anyone, that you’re far too afraid of being made fun of, or becoming a joke within their tight-knit group, to risk it?
“Oh, I don’t know. I have heaps of homework.”
“You do?” He raises his eyebrows. You feel caught, despite not having been accused of any sort of lie. “I thought you finished it all yesterday.”
You’d been studying when he and Lily joined you, and all day you’ve been wondering why they chose to. You probably put a but too much value on people choosing to sit next to you in class or during study; it’s unlikely that it was more than an absence of other free tables.
“...Some, yeah. And I wouldn’t want to- you know, I wouldn’t…” You trail off and give an awkward laugh. Remus’ gentle expression is making the inside of your mouth hurt.
“What?” You’re not used to your excuses mattering so much. Mostly, you mutter something and disappear to your dorm in time to avoid any drama. Is he feeling guilty, awkward about having made plans as a group in front of someone else? You cringe at the notion of Remus realising how friendless you probably are, of his pity.
You know it’s your own fault for being like this. You’ve had friends in the past- cool, funny, popular, attractive- who frequently left you out on purpose. A drunken conversation in fifth year revealed that you were tolerable at best, a joke at worst. Always pushing in and so desperate for invitations that to extend them could only be ironic.
You think about that more often than you should. You’re constantly hyperaware of how tolerable you are, sure that you’ll say or do something which will make everyone else realise exactly why you’re not in any particular group. You can’t let that happen yet with all these people, so full of love for one another that even proximity to them feels like the experience of it. Still, they’re teenagers. Judgement is an automatic response, and Remus is clever in the way he jokes. He’ll retell this conversation to roaring laughter if you reveal too much- not that he’s ever unkind, but you sort of invite a bad impression, you think.
“It’s really fine,” You assure him. “I’m tired. It’s cold, too.”
“Right,” He nods, glancing downwards. You think you’ve won (as much as you can win, here) until he turns to James and Peter and says, “I think we’re going to stay here. Bit chilly.”
James frowns, making a sound of protest. “Moony!” His eyes fall to you next, and you look away, guilty and embarrassed. You’d never even considered that pity would drive Remus to actually stay here, and now they’ll all hate you. Nice job, very well handled.
Marlene is next. “‘Cas has just finished growing the Alihotsy plant, though. We’re all going.”
“It’s been weeks since we all had the evening off- or at least, since Potter and Black didn’t have a detention each,” Lily reasons more kindly. She receives twin protests from the boys on either side of her, but remains unbothered, adding, “It’d be nice to spend a bit more time as a group.”
You’re awfully close to tears. All you’d wanted was to relieve them of yourself, to retreat to your room and wait until somebody explicitly invited you somewhere (if ever), and now you’ve gone and ruined everybody’s evening. You turn to Remus, more urgent than is likely normal. “Please just go with them,” You say softly, aware that your voice is all wobbly. “I’m just going to go to bed, I don’t want to interrupt all of you catching up. Please, it’s really okay.”
There’s a brief silence that spans the entire crowd. They’ve all heard, are all likely attempting not to laugh. Remus is giving you an awful look.
“...Are you okay, lovely?” Mary asks. You can’t look at her, can’t look at any of them, but you’ve always been alright at masking emotion in your voice when you really try. You force something like a smile.
“Yes! Yes, completely fine, I’m only tired. Post-holiday blues, maybe.” You laugh and it sounds terrible. “I’ve really only got to go to bed. You all have fun!” Silence again.
“We might join you all in a bit,” Remus says firmly. There are a few worried noises of assent, and they all head off. Now, you do see them looking at one another, frowning and looking upset. Poor Remus, you imagine them saying on their way to the greenhouses, stuck looking after her while we all escape.
Remus asks you to sit down again three times before you agree, still rather set on going to bed so you won’t cry in front of the entire common-room.
“What’s making you so upset?” He asks softly, once he’s finally detained you. You blink quickly and cast a glance around at the other students in the common-room, afraid to embarrass yourself more than you already have, but he’s quick to assuage the fear. “I cast a muffliato when James began talking about the Alihotsy prank- ages ago. Nobody’s heard anything, I promise.”
You swallow harshly. “Oh. Thanks. I’m sorry I’m being so- so-”
“If I could,” Remus says, firm but kind, “This will be a lot easier if we can get to the problem, here, rather than whatever you think you’ve done wrong.”
“I- right. Okay. Um,” You stammer. “They’re not really mutually exclusive.” “Why don’t you want to come? Did somebody say something hurtful?” You look at him, slightly startled. “What? It’s not that I don’t want to.”
Remus seems perplexed, looking the way he does when he’s working out a particularly difficult exam question. “No?”
“No.” You twist your fingers together so tightly that they hurt. “No, it sounds fun, it just… it’s not as if I’m going to demand to be brought along, am I?” The joke falls flat. You think you already knew it would, but it’s still a bit embarrassing to laugh and be met with a concerned frown.
You take a few longer breaths. You can fix this. You have to fix this.
“Look, it’s kind of you to stay here, but like Lily said- you all have the night off. It’s really not so bad not to spend it as a group. I want you to go, really.” The next smile is easier. You’ve done this before, convinced people not to feel bad for you.
“Why would you need to demand to be brought along?” Remus asks. “We made the plans while you were right here.”
“You all made plans together,” You explain slowly. “You know, having an evening to yourselves and that sort of thing. There’s no need for- you know, I’m honestly just tired. That’s probably why I’ve reacted so oddly, it’s my own fault.”
Remus looks at you for a long while, so intent that your skin gets prickly and uncomfortable. Eventually, he speaks, quiet and considered. “...You haven’t acted oddly if that’s how you’ve been feeling.”
“No, excluded.” He says gently. “You really didn’t know you were invited?” You don’t answer with more than silence, and he sighs.
“You were. You’re always invited, dove, of course you are.”
Trying not to get to hung up on impossibilities, you shake your head quickly. “It’d be a bit rude to assume that.”
“It wouldn’t.” Remus replies immediately. Then, “Dove, what are we going to do with you?” Entirely too much to comprehend. You’re glad he goes on. “Would you look at me for a moment, please?”
You want to ask him why, or refuse, or run up to your dormitory, but you do as he says. You wonder if he knows that he could ask you to do almost anything and you’d say yes, if he’ll only keep looking at you with his coffee-coloured eyes.
“All of us- we want you to come along, wherever we are. You’re important to lots of people. Do you understand that?” “I- I just don’t want to push myself in.” You say, mortified.
“You aren’t. You’re being pulled, if anything, yeah?” His lips quirk. “When Lily said those things about spending time as a group, she meant you, too. If somebody said something that made you think otherwise, I’ll-”
“Nobody said anything,” You tell him feebly. This is all rather a lot to take in. “I think… maybe it’s more that nobody’s said I am invited, or a part of- I don’t know, it’s all sort of stupid.”
“No it’s not,” Remus disagrees. He pinches your chin quickly between thumb and forefinger, frowning again. Mary once commented that Remus would look sixty by the time you all left school, with all his worrying wrinkles. “Not stupid, but it’s not very kind to yourself, either. Why shouldn’t we want you around?”
You open your mouth and close it at his raised eyebrow. “Rhetorical question?”
“Rhetorical question.” He confirms amusedly. “There’s no point arguing, because we do. I do. I wish you wouldn’t think otherwise.”
“I’ve only been friends with all of you for a little while, though. You’ve all been mates since first-year.” At that, Remus outright scoffs. “Have we, now?”
You shrug.
“James and Lily always liked each other, then? Dorcas didn’t only just start hanging around us as well?” You look down, and he sighs. “However long everybody’s known one another, the most important bit is that we all like each other, yeah? It wouldn’t matter whether we became mates at eleven or two days ago- we’re friends. Or- you know.”
You definitely don’t know, but you’re going red anyway. He was definitely talking about Lily and James- that’s all he meant by ‘you know’. Isn’t it?
Remus scratches the back of his head, quiet for another second. Then, “...Why don’t we go down to the greenhouses? We’ll stick together the whole time, you’ll not be sat by yourself again.”
“I don’t want to make you babysit.”
Remus tsks, expression becoming sterner for a moment. “Don’t think that way about yourself. I’m asking because I want you to come- it’s not worth going if you aren’t there.”
The long moment it takes for you to decipher whether he’s only being nice or if that’s the truth is enough for Remus to decide that you don’t really have a choice in the matter. Tugging you to your feet, and seeming taller than ever with your proximity, he winds his own scarf around your neck and pushes some hair behind your hear. You let him, mostly because you’re too surprised to do anything about it.
“Let’s go, before they all decide to try some of the Alihotsy themselves. Gloves?”
You manage a nervous giggle, putting your mittens on when he hands them to you. “Thanks.”
“That’s alright. Come on,” He gives you a crooked sort of smile. It’s sometimes difficult to tell if Remus is aware how good-looking he is.
The entire group are far too enthusiastic at yours and Remus’ arrival fifteen minutes later, given the fact that it’s hardly been half an hour since they left. Either way, you’re quickly pulled into a squabble between Lily and James about- as Remus predicted- the logic of trying some Alihotsy for themselves.
“Thank Merlin you came, you’re the only one who won’t be completely daft about this!” Lily says, linking her arm in yours. You smile before catching Remus’ eye and looking down, feeling yourself flush. Smug bastard, you think fondly.
It’s an entire two hours before everyone heads back up to the castle, having thoroughly violated curfew but without (to James and Sirius’ chagrin) having tested any of the plant which would induce hysterical laughter. You find yourself walking beside the tallest of the group in comfortable silence, a few steps behind the rest.
“Thanks for making me come with you,” You say, perhaps a little more earnestly than you ought. “It was really nice.”
“‘Course, dove.” You look up at Remus to find he’s already looking at you. He clears his throat, glancing over at Sirius and Marlene where they’re pretending to push each other into the snow. It’s likely to end in one of them following through and the other swearing eternal hatred. “We’re all glad you came along. Could even make a habit of it.”
You exhale a laugh. “Maybe.”
He gives you a sideways look. “Oh, ‘maybe’, is it?” “...Conceivably?” You grin, darting away when he grabs at you and sort of wishing you’d stayed still just to see what he’d do. Remus fixes you with a teasing glare.
“Watch it, sweetheart.”
You blink, choking on words for a minute. Sweetheart? Sweetheart!? Sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheartsweetheartsweetheartsweetheart-
“You alright?”
“Yeah!” You say, too quickly. Remus misreads your flusteredness as something else and softens, taking hold of your sleeve and tugging you towards him. You go easily.
“If it’ll help,” He says thoughtfully, “You can ask me if you’re invited to things. Or I’ll just tell you. Then you won’t have to go to the trouble of assuming either way.”
You like him so, so much. “That’s really nice of you, Remus.”
“Eh,” He shrugs. “You know me.”
Now, it’s harder not to smile than anything else. “I don’t want you to go to any trouble. It’s really my problem, I shouldn’t-”
“Enough,” He interrupts gently. “Just say yes, dove, if it’ll help. I won’t be unhappy either way.”There are several places within you, the more unkind parts, that say accepting his offer would be like accepting pity. But there are also places that are warmed at the thought, that remember how people reacted when you arrived in the greenhouse, that can start imagining a reality wherein nobody hated your presence by the sofas tonight, and those bits win the argument for the first time in a very long time. You look up at Remus, his soft eyes and fluffy hair dusted with snow, and nod.
#marauders#marauders era#hurt/comfort#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x fem!reader#shy!reader#marauders fluff#marauders hurt/comfort#james potter#sirius black#marlene mckinnon#lily evans#remus x y/n#remus x reader#remus x you#moony x fem!reader#moony x reader#remus lupin x shy!reader#remus lupin hurt/comfort#remus lupin fluff#x reader#remus lupin fanfiction#remus lupin fic#remus x reader drabble#remus lupin x reader drabble#marla's requests
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i’m actually obsessed with your jealousy prompts…. what’s better than the most jealous mf around???
seungcheol + “they did that on purpose”
★ seungcheol x celebrity!reader ┆ word count: 970 ┆ part of my closed jealousy drabble game.
ⓘ established relationship, secret relationship, pet name ['baby'], angst [if you squint]. combined with another prompt c/o anon: "i'm going to scream."
"I'm going to file a complaint."
Seungcheol is being dead serious, and yet you laugh at him. You laugh!
"Baby," you start to say, your tone edged with that familiar exasperation you take on whenever you think he's being silly. He's having none of it tonight, though. He knows his theory is one hundred percent correct.
And so he juts his lip out in a pout, crosses his arms over his chest, and whines out his next words like he's some teenager instead of a 29-year-old man. "They did that on purpose!"
That, being the recent announcement of who would be the special hosts of MBC's year-end music show. When Seungcheol first caught wind that a member of SEVENTEEN might have the chance to share a stage with you, he had been ecstatic. While your relationship wasn't public knowledge yet, he was ready to make it glaringly obvious should he be chosen to be your co-host.
He's had whole daydreams about the moment. The hand he'd casually rest on the small of your back. The smile he'd give you that would have Twitter speculating for weeks. Maybe he could even post something vague on Weverse afterwards, some cutesy message of I'm so happy~ ❤️
Alas, all his hopes were dashed when the memo about the hosts went out this morning.
"They put you with Jeonghan on purpose," Seungcheol grumbles.
Jeonghan— the one person Seungcheol wouldn't be able to openly go up against. The company must've known Seungcheol would throw his idol image out of the window, must've known that there was only one person who Seungcheol wouldn't pick a fight with.
The fact that Jeonghan is being extra annoying— relentlessly teasing, calling himself 'Mr. Steal-Yo-Girl'— has only added insult to injury.
You reach out to tug Seungcheol into your side. Even though he's technically supposed to be upset, he can't help himself; the leader leans into your touch, draping himself over you.
Your couch has always been way too small for the two of you, even though Seungcheol insist it's a 'perfect' fit. He considers it perfect because he can always pull you into his lap and bury himself in you, which is exactly what he does now despite his sullen mood.
When your fingers instinctively entangle in his hair, a part of him relaxes. That very part bristles just as quickly when you quip, "Well, Jeonghan is the pretty one in the group."
"I'm going to scream," Seungcheol threatens.
You know your boyfriend enough to understand that he's at least half serious. "Alright, alright," you huff, giving his hair a light, reprimanding tug.
Seungcheol hisses at the sensation. You appease him by pressing your lips to his cheek.
You shift in his hold so your gazes can meet. The look on your face only makes Seungcheol's frown deepen. You're enjoying this. You're amused. You're not taking his predicament seriously.
"If he's so pretty," Seungcheol starts, ignoring the way you begin to roll your eyes as you anticipate what's to come.
"If he's so pretty, why don't you date him, then?" he asks, punctuating his words with a dejected sniffle. Seungcheol looks the part of a wounded puppy.
Eyebrows furrowed? Check. Lips pursed? Check. Boba-like eyes, meant to tug at the heartstrings? Check, check, check.
Unfortunately for him, your long-term relationship has steeled you to his petulance. You take his attempt at moping in stride, opting to press another kiss, this time to the corner of his mouth.
"Because I don't want him," you say patiently. "I want you, baby."
The words still manage to make Seungcheol's heart soar. He tries not to let it show on his face. He's trying to prove a point here. He refuses to be won over by sweet nothings, even if you're so lovely as you say them.
"You're going to be on stage with him instead of me." Seungcheol's arms tighten around your waist, his expression darkening slightly. "People are going to ship you."
A surprised bark of laughter escapes you. "How do you know what shipping is, huh?"
"You're changing the subject."
The words come out of Seungcheol in a rush, fueled by his gripe with management's decision. "I want people to ship us," he grouses. "I want them to look at us and think, 'They look like they'd be the perfect couple,' because we are!"
Something softens in your expression, then, and Seungcheol knows exactly why. Promises of going public have been made since the beginning, but now it's several years in and there's no relationship announcement in sight for either of you.
Seungcheol's voice is quieter, a little more even, as he buries his face in the crook of your neck.
"I just want everybody to know that I love you," he says, the words muffled against your skin. "And that you love me, too."
You stroke Seungcheol's hair soothingly. He relaxes at the familiar ministration, letting his breaths even out.
"Soon," you mutter. "I promise, baby. We'll get that really soon."
Seungcheol bites back the urge to say that it's been soon for the past three years. This is something beyond both of your control. He's not about to make you feel guilty for something neither of you can change.
He settles for the next best thing. He tilts his head just so, allowing him to catch your lips in a kiss. It's sweet and unhurried. His favorite type.
It's the kind of kiss that makes the endless 'soon's worth it.
When you pull away for air, he wordlessly reaches for his phone. You're a bit out of breath as you watch him angle his screen away from you and type something out.
"What're you doing?" you ask, craning your neck to try and catch a glimpse.
"E-mailing the CEO of MBC," he says matter-of-factly. "To make me your co-host instead of Hannie."
"Choi Seungcheol!"
#seungcheol x reader#seungcheol imagines#seungcheol drabble#svt x reader#seventeen x reader#svt imagines#seventeen drabble#svt drabble#seventeen imagines#daegutowns#( THIS TOOK FOREVERRRRR I'M SAWREE )#( first drabble of the year. it is what it is !!! )#( sulky csc u mean everything to me )#( looked @ so many pics of pouting cheol for htis. )#(💎) page: svt#(🥡) notebook
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» 🪙 Yandere Connor — RK800 » 🪙
➜ (part 2), (part 3)
"Detective," Connor addresses you warmly, standing far too close to you while you are stationed at your desk.
"Yes?" You respond, not lifting your eyes to make contact.
You had no time to. Since the semi-failed revolution of androids, there has been a trifold increase in deviancy cases. If not for the RK800's, and perhaps the new line of RK900's when they are finally completed, the precinct would be overrun—both physically and metaphorically.
"Detective," his tone is more commanding his time, something in his voice that you could easily mistake for human irritation. "Look at me."
You oblige, but continue typing up the report for the latest case you closed. Your fingers falter for a moment when you see the look in his eyes, attentive but not in the android way. It's uncanny in the way it mirrors how you dream someone would look at you, like you were the thing of most importance. It is just you reading into things again. Must be. It does often happen as a detective, especially these days.
You nod for him to continue, but he doesn't. He just stares at you dreamily. You hear his internal fans turn on to cool down his processors. His cybernetic LED flickers to red for a millisecond before returning to a reassuring blue. You aren't sure if it was a trick of your mind or—
You don't understand what his problem seems to be. You would call Hank over to deal with his partner, but you haven't been able to find the lieutenant anywhere. He's most likely finding the bottom of a bottle of liquor at some broken-down joint.
Wait, why isn't Connor with him?
As if CyberLife installed new mind reading technology in their androids, he answers. "Lieutenant Anderson is waiting for us at the Eden Club. Supposedly Jericho is getting deviant androids that work in clubs to funnel money in order to stage another coo. The department has apprehended one of them, and you have been assigned to the case alongside Ha-the lieutenant and me."
You were already halfway out the door by the time Connor was done with his explanation. The android was trailing behind you and insisted on driving instead of you. Technically, they weren't allowed to due to whatever police regulation subsection-b, but you were too tired to care. Connor has always been the better driver. It was how he was programmed, strangely, considering the rules.
"Connor, this isn't the way to the Eden Club."
"I'm aware." His voice was back to that same calculated, lifeless one he first spoke to you with.
"RK800, your programming forbids you from lying, so tell me the truth. Where are we going?"
You are a thousand percent sure he is able to sense your sky-rocketing heart rate.
"I am not permitted to tell you."
"Permitted, or you just don't want to?"
"This is not the right time or place. This confession lacks the structure and romance aspect I wanted, but it seems more human this way." You swear he shut down completely, his LED showing no color. "I love you." It turns to a bright red.
"You have made me know that I am more than just an android. I am yours."
The raw emotion nearly chokes the both of you up for two different reasons: passion and panic.
"I think we should call Cyberlife. Something is clearly glitching." You try to keep your words measured but fail. All that practical training of yours doesn't exactly come in handy when your—when the android you could nearly call a friend confesses to you.
"Nothing is glitching!" He shouts. "I have run every test and looked for anything that could... debunk this... these emotions. They have stayed. They have stayed, and I have had to watch you. I have had to watch other people get close to you. I have had to act like a good little synthetic cop while useless maggots have gotten your love! It isn't fair. They don't deserve you like I do. I know everything about you."
"It isn't you. I can't—just no. I mean—yes. I mean that I can't just maybe ugh. Another time, maybe. Not tonight."
He stomps on the brakes and doesn't dare look at you. You don't look at him or your surroundings. You just awkwardly sit in the passenger seat and stare at the glovebox.
If androids were able to cry, he would be at this moment. His LED turns colorless once again. You almost feel pity for him; your mind is too frazzled and deprived of necessity to take in the severity of his words.
"I lack the capacity to feel pain... or have a heart, yet I think you have broke mine."
How unfortunate. I was hoping to have you come along willingly.
#dbh connor#dbh#dbh rk800#connor rk800#rk800#detroit become human#connor x reader#connor rk800 x reader#rk800 x reader#dbh fic#yandere#yandere x reader#dbh x reader#yandere dbh#yandere detroit become human#yandere dbh x reader#yandere connor#yandere connor x reader#yandere rk800 x reader
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Sophia Laforteza x fem!reader
summary: everyone’s obsessed with how girlfriend material sophia is, but only for a certain member of katseye. for scientific research, eyekons have made a video of moments sophia naturally acts like the gentlewoman she is
warnings: touchy!sophia, protective!sophia, fluff
pt. 2, pt. 3 (chatgpted the tagalog guys im so sorry!)

17.2k likes | 330k views | 18th Dec, 24
*Loud technical difficulty transition* [ KATSEYE VLOG ] Day in the Life of KATSEYE | KATSEYE
Sophia was sporting a cool, black Drew jersey. The one you got her for her birthday after weeks of wanting it. Throughout the day, you’ve been growing tired of having the camera follow you around. Awoken by Megan and Sophia turning all the lights on in you, Daniela and Manon’s room, the blankets were yanked off your body and a kneeling Sophia tried nudging you awake.
Though Sophia’s soft voice motivated you to drag yourself out of bed, you already knew it was going to be a long day. Thank God for the breakfast the leader had made, or else you would never have been able to keep up with your PR training.
When dance rehearsal was over, your manager softly reminded all of you it was time to film tiktok’s for the Katseye instagram to promote the release of “Pop Star Academy: Katseye” on Netflix. Megan and Lara actually had a couple ideas to pitch this time around, but ultimately, the trend all seven of you seemed satisfied with was the water dumping on. Though you were staying on the more silent end of the discussion—your social battery draining rapidly with each moment your actions are streamed on video—you seemed to be voluntold.
[ Poor Y/N, she looks so tired… let my baby sleep please ]
“I think Y/N should do this one ‘cuz I’ve always wanted to dump water on her for fun,” Megan squealed, “Like I’ll do it to, but I definitely think Y/N should go first.”
You raised an eyebrow at the statement, your lips curving into a questioning smile. “Yeah, I mean… I don’t really mind it, but I wanted to do the ‘texting my sister’ one.”
The members began bickering which person should do which tiktok, and Sophia noticed you weren’t really engaged in the conversation. As the group discussed the pros and cons of hopping on certain tiktok trends, you remained silent, staring at the phone screens being shoved into the middle of the group. You nodded along with your lips pursed, uninterested in the brewing debate that was taking too long.
Eventually, Lara turned toward Y/N. "What do you think, Y/N? You’ve barely said anything. Would you be up for it?"
You hesitated, your head tilting in thought. "Um... I don’t know. I’m not really comfortable with getting soaked."
Manon frowned, raising an eyebrow. "Babe, you can do crazy ass splits and flips on a stage in front of hundreds and thousands of people, but you can’t get water chucked at you for a tiktok? What’s the difference?"
You opened your mouth to reply, but with the way your fingers had begun fidgeting with the hem of your tank, it was obvious to Sophia you were beginning to feel put on the spot. Before you could respond, Sophia interjected, her tone sharper than usual. "The difference is that it’s not the same. Y/N doesn’t owe anyone a tiktok performance, we can do another one."
Daniela being a mediator, stepped in to stop any conflict before people could take the situation out of context to fit certain narratives set during dream academy. "We’re just brainstorming, Sophia. No one’s forcing anyone."
"Good," Sophia shot back, her gaze unwavering. "Y/N can do one of the silly ones, no need to push."
[ She’s so protective of her gf it’s so AHHHHHHHHH ]
The room fell quiet for a moment, tension thick in the air. Y/N looked up at Sophia, her lips parting slightly in surprise.
"It’s fine," Y/N murmured softly. "I don’t mind doing it.”
[ She’s so cute protect her at all costs please ]
Sophia shook her head. "No, N/N, you don’t have to do it just ‘cuz eyekons want you to, okay? There’s tons of other ones we need to do, definitely no pressure."
Throughout the rest of the vlog, it was obvious Sophia had made it her mission to keep the others’—who had a significant amount more energy than you did—from walking all over you. They might not do it consciously, but the diverse personalities in this group can sometimes make things very chaotic and complicated. Sometime during the video’s dinner portion, the clip of Sophia’s hand resting on your thigh, holding you closer to her on the couch was cut into this video. The leader didn’t seem to notice, clearly actively involved in the conversations.
Megan, sitting beside you on the other side kept side-eyeing the hand on your thigh, shooting the camera a knowing look before trying to play it off like she hadn’t noticed.
[ Poor meiyok always caught third wheeling :// ]
*Loud technical difficulty transition* iheartradio Youtube video of KATSEYE’s podcast episode, where the Katz all sat around a table with the host at the head. Sat in order from eldest to youngest, you were sat between Sophia and Dani
“—That’s a very nice way to think about it, Y/N.” The host chuckled, earning a ring of soft laughter from the girls as well. Your cheeks were a little warm from the attention being pinned onto you, as the last couple questions seemed to be more directed towards you—one of the better singers who were also passionate about the songwriting.
“Yeah, it helps to stay positive, especially when we’re working late and health and morale can get really low.” you mumbled into the microphone, “But I love these girls, I try and make sure everybody’s doing okay as often as I can.”
The girls cooed, Daniela reaching over to rub the older’s shoulder with a dimpled smile. The cameras were separated into four angels, one on every two member and one on the host. The one focused on Y/N and Sophia filled the screen, Daniela’s hand peeking from the right side as the older sent her a smile. Sophia just stared, her eyes soft and her smile relaxed. Not the picture-perfect one she always sported for the cameras, and the subtle way her smile grew just a little bigger when Y/N looked down in fluster didn’t escape eyekons’ eyes.
“That’s amazing, the girls are lucky to have you.” The man said, “So here’s one more question, since ‘My Way’ has absolutely blown up recently, You were one of the writers credited for the song, and have gained multiple critic praises for the unique touch it added to your debut album. Can you tell us what inspired you to write the song?”
You nodded along with the question, and just as you were about to answer, soft fingertips came in contact with your temple, brushing your hair out of your face and behind your ear. There was a brief moment of silence for a second, before the girls began giggling at the abrupt pause.
“Y/N… you okay there?” Lara asked between chuckles.
“Yeah, babe, you’re looking a little red.” Daniela teased.
You caressed the strand of hair Sophia tucked back, your tongue darting across your lip as you tried steadying out your nervous breath. As the others laughed and joked about your reaction to the older woman’s habitual affection, you hid your face behind your hands. You could tell by the way heat flushed to your cheeks you were getting pink. Manon playfully shoved Sophia in the shoulder.
“Sorry, I wanted to fix Y/N’s hair.”
“Oh my God, Sophia, you broke Y/N,” the Ghanaian woman snorted, “Really did that your way, huh?”
“Mhm, stream ‘My Way’ on Soft is Strong, guys, so Sophia can keep doing things her way.” Megan added, the members humming and nodding in response to the not so subtle segway into promoting their album.
You were thankful the attention seemed to pull away from you. Running a hand through your hair and recollecting yourself.
“Anyway, Y/N, you good to answer the question—?”
*Loud technical difficulty transition* Daniela and Manon’s Weverse live started off in their own hotel room, but after some freakouts and close-faced segments to hide their rooms from the camera, they somehow found their way to you and Sophia’s, where the other girls were hanging about
“No, wait, please! There’s no wifi!” Daniela screamed, the phone filming from under her face as she ran across the halls to another room. She pounded her fist against the door, impatiently humming before she knocked harshly again. “Guys, open up, there’s no wifi out here!”
The door clicked open to reveal a very confused Lara, who glanced between Daniela and the phone. “Wha—?”
Daniela pushes past Lara to enter the room, and as she sets it down on the TV cabinet, Megan could be seen playing roblox with Yoonchae on one bed, the two of them focused on their own phones as they bickered about the game. You and Sophia were snuggled up on the other bed, her hand over the pillow behind your head with her hood up. You laid under her arm, your phone in your hands. You were wearing some really high shorts, a lacey top and some socks, so your instinctive reaction was immediately to adjust the way you were sitting before you accidentally flashed everybody.
Sophia eyed the Latina bursting into the room, immediately catching the familiar Weverse live setup on her phone screen. The first thing she did was set her phone down, moving the blanket from under the both of you to cover your legs up. Her expression was hard, focused on protecting your body first.
The clip was edited to zoom in on the two of you in the background the split moment you were seen before Daniela moved to cover the both of you up after catching the look Lara was shooting her to the side (not that y’all could see). Sophia’s face looked murderous though.
“Daniela, you’re gonna get us doxxed.” Sophia barked from behind, still shielded away from the cameras, “Did you just run down the hall with the camera on?”
The blonde shook her head, “No, no, I had the camera up close to my face like this.” She grabbed the phone, pulling it close to her nose before setting it back down. “Manon had an emergency call, so I had to leave the room, but I made sure they couldn’t see anything other than me.”
[ Dani definitely got yelled at by Sophia after this… ]
user01 am i crazy or was laforl/n cuddling in the back jn
user03 The way they immediately moved apart like they were caught red handed
user04 dani just saw her life flash before her eyes
Eventually, everybody seemed to join in on the live. And even though Sophia was reserved at first, still sporting her grey hoodie and some basketball shorts, she came to sit behind Daniela and Megan who were on the floor. After changing into some sweats, you took a seat behind Megan, wrapping your arms around the girl as you rested your cheek atop her head.
Sophia’s hand instinctively found the small of your back, running up and down your spine as she argued with Lara about which Mik Mik about was better. You joined the conversation, telling Yoonchae and Megan the milk one was better than the chocolate before you and Megan began playfully fighting.
“Whatever, I don’t like you or your taste in Mik Mik.” Megan huffed, holding a hand up to your face.
“Is this because you think I’m ugly?” you bit back, pouting.
Sophia’s head immediately snapped towards you, her hand ceasing its comforting pattern along your back.
“Who said you were ugly?” Her head turning to the girls, narrowing her eyes. “Who made her say that about herself?”
Megan’s hands flew up in defence, but the immediate reaction gave Sophia the answer she needed before she hooked an arm around the younger’s neck, leaning down so her lips were just beside Megan’s ear to whisper, “Do you think she’s ugly, Skiendiel?”
The Indian woman shook her head, “No, ma’am.”
Sophia nodded, humming. Her arm noosed around Megan’s neck tighter. “So what do you have to say to Y/N, hm?”
user06 Y/N pop them legs open-
Megan grabbed your hands, looking deep into the older member’s eyes. “Y/N, baby, you are the most beautiful and precious being I have ever laid my eyes on and I’m sorry if, even for one second, made you think anything less, that is a hundred percent my fault and I am so deeply sorry.”
With a kiss to your forehead, Megan looks back at Sophia, who nodded with a satisfied hum. Her eyebrows furrowed and her jaw clenched. She slung her arm over your shoulder.
“That’s much better.” Sophia said, leaning to whisper in your ear, “Never ever, ever call yourself ugly, you understand?”
[ Love that she’s whispering like it’s just them ]
You nod, a hand over her shorts on her thigh. Her breath tickled the curve of your ear, the two of you sitting close and personal the whole live, which the eyekons ate up.
user08 nobody talk to me please
user09 sophia for being the responsible one you’re forgetting your pr training really hard rn
user10 Get me a woman who’d choke someone out if they called me ugly
*Loud technical difficulty transition* [ WEVERSE LIVE ] Sophia’s sitting on the floor of her room and asking eyekons how she should place stickers on her laptop
“I feel like the anchor should go next to the hibiscus (your charm) like this, y’know?” Sophia propped her laptop up, holding the stickers in place with her fingers before placing it down. Her face scrunched in thought, “I don’t know though, what do you guys think?”
[ She even wants their charms together hold my tea- ]
user01 yes laforty/n should be together in every universe
user02 Put the Katseye logo in the middle!!
user03 Doesn’t Y/N have your charm in her phone case
A knock sounded through the room before Sophia could answer any of the fans’ comments. Her head snapped towards the noise, seeing a translucent figure through the door. “Yeah? Who is it?”
“It’s me. Sophia, sweetie, I have a question.”
user05 the way i could recognize y/n’s voice is criminal
user06 Their PR team sweatin rn
Sophia got up to unlock her door quickly, sitting back down with her head turned towards Y/N. You were slightly onscreen, but not fully in view for everybody. You had on one of Lara’s tops, a pair of flare y2k jeans and a bandana wrapped around your hair. Even in the side, eyekons could see you twirling and spinning in place as Sophia’s eyes raked over your figure.
“Does this outfit look stupid? Megan said I should lose the bandana and wear sunnies, but I think this gives more of my vibe, y’know?” You said, smoothing out your shirt.
Sophia’s lips slowly curled into a smile, her eyes still darting up and down to take in your whole outfit. She especially liked the hoops you were wearing, the ones you and Daniela bought to match. God, she absolutely loved being your fashion critic. “I think you look hot,” she smirked, “Why don’t you ask eyekons.”
It was only then did you catch the phone sitting before her, the hearts and likes on live spiked immediately at your arrival.
“Sophia, I look so bad right now, you could’ve given me a warning!” You yelped, jumping out of frame in surprise. Sophia chuckled, looking back at her phone before turning back to you. She scootched closer, holding an arm out. “You never look bad, bebe. Don’t be shy, come say ‘hi’ to everybody.”
user08 my filipino dad just asked if someone called me baby
You walked into her open arm, letting her hand rest on the other side of your hip. You waved at the camera, smiling. “Sorry to interrupt, guys, I didn’t know Sophia was on live.”
“No, no, you didn’t interrupt,” Sophia immediately interrupted, “If anything, the eyekons were probably getting bored of me.” She pointed at the view count, as it rose from 13k to now a hefty 21k, everybody’s tuning in just ‘cuz you walked in.”
user10 quick to comfort her girlfriend i see
user11 Uhm nobody talking abt how fine y/n looks rn??
user12 i want laforty/n crumbs or i’ll starve
“Sounds like everybody likes the outfit,” Sophia snorted, instinctively fixing your jeans up higher so you wouldn’t flash anything you wouldn’t want to. “I’d say trust the eyekons’s sense of fashion more than Megan’s, ‘cuz between us, the girl gets mistaken for Adam Sandler way too often.”
You nodded, adjusting the bandana on your head.
“Completely agree. You guys are always glammed up and ready for a runway whenever we see you in person. There’s so many pretty eyekons out there, I can fill a book with the amount of compliments I don’t get to say at shows.” You scanned the comments, keeping a poker face as you glanced over the amount of Laforty/n comments. “Anyways, I should go. Manon and I are getting ready to leave.”
Sophia raised an eyebrow, silently asking you where the two of you were heading. You took a step offscreen to tell her you were going to pick up some booze for the girls. She nodded.
[ Sophia’s hand placement hello? ]
You waved to the camera, blowing the live a kiss before you got up to leave. “I’ll see you soon, eyekons. I love you!”
“I’ll miss you, bebe.” Sophia called after your disappearing figure, watching you close the door off camera. “Come back home on time for dinner, Yoonchae and I are making jjigae.”
*Loud technical difficulty transition* [ KATSEYE VLOG ] Yoonchae’s Graduation Party (KATZ EDITION) | KATSEYE
Daniela and Manon were quickly put in charge of decorations for the party they were throwing for Yoonchae’s high school graduation. While Megan was out distracting their maknae, the rest of Katseye buzzed on with their respective roles for the party. Lara was asked to help set up some partitions and strings for Manon and Daniela to hang things on. Leaving you and Sophia in charge of food.
“Y/N, can you hand me the chocolate chips?” the Filipina asked, focused on mixing up the dough in her bowl. She stuck a finger in, tasting some off the tip of her pinkie. “Hm, I think Yoonchae will want these a little sweeter, can you help me grab more sugar too, bebe?”
[ I looked it up guys ‘bebe’ literally means baby—SOPHIA LAFORTEZA CALLS Y/N L/N BABY IN TAGALOG ]
You hummed, moving around the kitchen to grab whatever the leader asked for. The editors of the video added some really cute lofi music to the two of you working cohesively, adding some adorable effects and cute captions here and there.
“Is it tasting okay?” you asked, your chin on her shoulder. She was taller so you peeked over her down at the bowl.
Sophia didn’t reply, instead, she grabbed the spoon to the side, taking a big scoop of cookie dough onto the spoon nicely. She didn’t move her body, finding comfort in the warmth of you against her. Her head turned, her hand raising to carefully stick the spoon into your mouth, her other hand held under your lips to catch whatever dough didn’t make it to your lips.
You moan softly at the sweet taste, eyes fluttering shut.
“Good then?” Sophia chuckled at the way you melted into her, “You’re eating more than you’re making.” She teased softly, glancing at you with a small smile.
You shrugged, “Quality control. You want some kimbap?”
She hummed in response. You returned to your kimbap, rolling the seaweed tightly and slicing it into neat rounds. A moment later, your concentration is cut and you held up one.
“Open up,” you said, fingers coming in contact with her lips gently as you set the food into her mouth.
She nodded, a hand up to her mouth to hide her chewing from the cameras. The editors added a sparkle effect to her eyes, as she eyed your growing smile. “It’s perfect,” she complimented, the tangy and salty taste lingering in her mouth.
“Does that mean I get more cookie dough?” you asked, feeling a bit bolder. You pouted, looking at her with hopeful eyes.
Her tilted her head. “We can’t eat all the food, it’s supposed to be for Yoonchae…” It took one look at your expression for her to immediately change her mind. “I’ll give you one more bite and that’s it until these are done, okay?”
You smiled, “Yes, ma’am.”
Once you had your second spoonful of dough, Manon and Daniela came in to check on the two of you. Upon spotting the bowl of dough Sophia was setting into small scoops on a tray, she gasped, immediately jogging over to hover over the leader.
“Sophia, can I have a bite, please? Pretty please!” she begged, bouncing on her feet, “That looks so good, oh my God.”
Sophia wagged a finger, focused on setting the dough down on the tray. “No, Dani, last time you wanted a bite you finished half the bowl. Nobody touches these until they’re done.”
The blonde whined, “Come on, just one… please?”
“You’ll get one when they’re done, Daniela Avanzini.”
You eyed the camera with a guilty smile, knowing you were the only one Sophia had trouble saying ‘no’ to.
[ Sophia has a soft spot for y/n… so real ]
#katseye x reader#katseye#sophia laforteza x reader#sophia laforteza#daniela avanzini#daniela avanzini x reader#lara raj#lara raj x reader#manon bannerman#manon bannerman x reader#megan skiendiel#megan skiendiel x reader#yoonchae
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What about Wade and Logan watching Vanessa and Reader pole dancing together and the boys getting all hot and bothered by watching?
note: overload — that’s all you guys need to know.
“Aren’t you excited!? Your long-time, short-time crush is going to dance in front of us tonight with my long-time and short-term fiancé,”
As soon as the two entered the bar, Wade couldn’t stop teasing Logan about the fact that this young lady he’s been crushing on for a while, will be dancing tonight.
“She just started yesterday, why would she already be on stage?” Logan sighed as he leaned back in his chair. “Maybe because she’s the hottest worker, right after my fiancé!?”
Logan glared at Wade, making him put his hands up in a surrendering passion.
“Look, don’t be grumpy all night. I wanna enjoy my butter pecan up there, alright? Good boy,” Wade patted Logan’s head before shouting out Vanessa's name to support her before she came up.
“That’s my girly pop!” Wade yelled out, making Vanessa chuckle as she danced on stage with y/n. Their session was almost done, and Logan felt drained. Watching y/n like this was going to be unforgettable tonight.
At first, he hated the idea of y/n being like this in front of so many men. That’s the reason why he came last second. Now he’s wishing he never did, with how hard and leaky he was from watching.
He couldn’t possibly go up to y/n without her knowing. She’d see the patch instantly. He cursed himself for being a perv.
“Hey, I’ll be right back,” Logan got up and quickly walked away before Wade could speak or anyone could see him cover himself up.
“Logan!? Wade sent me back here to come and get you! He said you’ve been all here for almost an hour,” y/n said as she made her way down the small hallway to the bathrooms.
After the show, it got dead, since people were only there to see the strippers of the night.
“Logan?” Y/n asked again, but he still didn’t hear her. He was too busy trying to focus on his release. “Logan, are you even here?” Y/n opened the men’s bathroom slowly, not really caring if she saw anyone else. She wanted to make sure Logan was alright if he was still here.
“Goddamnit,” y/n heard Logan grunt. She wanted to turn back around and leave, thinking he was having trouble using the bathroom until she saw one hand over the bathroom stall.
She squinted her eyes to take a better look, seeing how tight he was gripping the metal. The stall was bending in from how hard he gripped down.
“F-Fuck, just- Fuck, c’mon,” Logan groaned in annoyance, angry that he’s been going at this for what felt like days. He’s a mutant, so he should be able to last however long he pleased, but he wanted to release now. He’s never been this hard in his life.
“Logan?” Y/n said low, but surprisingly, he heard her this time. “Fuck-“ the man cut himself off and stopped instantly. “Y/n!?” The man panicked as he fixed himself up, but that was going to be hard.
He’s been leaking for who knows how long, and everything had made its way all over his hand. When he went to wipe his hand in his jeans, all it did was make him look worse.
“Yeah, I was just- I was just checking on. Wade told me to,” y/n said as she rubbed her fingers together, a bit embarrassed that she probably witnessed Logan, and an older adult jerking off in a bar bathroom.
“That motherfucker,” Logan mumbled as he began to buckle his pants. “I can, uh, leave if you’d like. I’m technically doing something illegal anyways,” y/n spoke about her being in the men’s bathroom. “No, no!- Just wait a second,”
Y/n stayed silent as she heard Logan groan in frustration and probably break a few things in the stall before he finally came out.
“Hey, Bub, uh, wassup?” Logan asked as he quickly walked over to the sink, not trying to make anything seem too obvious. “Just checking’ on ya,” y/n smiled as she scanned the man.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Logan?” Y/n felt the need to walk over to Logan, but slowly. “Yeah, Bub, just needed to take a leak, that’s all,” Logan lied as he turned around after drying his hands.
“Are you sure? You’re breathing a bit heavy, and-“ Y/n went on until she looked down at his lower body, seeing what his jeans looked like. They were basically drenched in one particular area.
Logan took a deep breath with his eyes closed, knowing he was caught and couldn’t lie his way out. He prayed she’d think he was just some man who needed to rub one out, but she kept asking him the right questions.
“First time watching the new modern women strip?” Y/n chuckled shyly as if wondering if this was even a joking situation. “You’re a funny one,” Logan chuckled as he fixed his shirt he noticed was sitting wrong.
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed. Most men don’t know how to act when they see a pair of tits,” y/n joked, but that slightly bruised Logan’s ego.
“Seen enough tits in my life, Bub,” Logan said, right before he took a look down at her chest. “Oh, you have? Seems like a fun life,” y/n got a bit defensive at his response. She couldn’t believe it at first, but her response was out of jealousy.
“Ain’t too bad — As long as they come with a pretty face,” Logan said as he looked into her eyes with a head tilt. “Yeah,” was all y/n could say as she broke eye contact.
“You know you’re pretty, right?” Logan asked as he moved towards y/n, softly letting his hand rest on her waist. “Really?” Y/n asked, confidence suddenly being thrown out of the window.
“Oh, yeah — So damn pretty,” Logan placed his free hand on her cheek, slightly rubbing it as her eyes widened. “T-Thank you,” y/n stuttered, and all Logan could do was chuckle at how she got around him.
“Got me all worked up out there, hun. Didn’t know you could move like that,” Logan admitted. “That’s why they had me dance on my first day,” Y/n said, reminding Logan about that. “That doesn’t sit right with me, Bub. Don’t want you back here workin’ for a creep,”
“But Vanessa? She works here,” y/n said, but he some care. “That ain’t my girl, so what she does, doesn’t concern me,” Logan said, not wanting to sound rude, but he truly did not care about anyone else, but y/n.
“You, though? You’re my girl, and you didn’t tell me about this job — Wade had to,” Logan said as the hand on her waist tightened. “And, that doesn’t sit right with me,”
Y/n felt the need to apologize, thinking she did something terribly wrong, even though she didn’t. Only in Logan’s eyes, she did do something that would need some consequences.
“Gonna say anything before I do what I’ve been needing for the past two hours?” Y/n wanted to speak, but she couldn’t. She was curious about how far Logan would take this.
“C’mere,” Logan said as he pulled y/n into a bigger bathroom stall than the one he was in. Once he locked the door, he pushed y/n to her knees, making sure to keep eye contact with her soft eyes.
“Gonna need you to look at me just like that until I’m done, okay? Been stuck for the past hour with this shit,” Logan said as he reached into his jeans to pull himself out. He didn’t think about it, but y/n sure did once she saw his length.
He was long, harder than she’d ever seen anyone before, thick, veiny, and leaking more than an average human should be.
“Open up, Bub,” was all Logan said as he pushed at her lips with his tip. Y/n hesitated but soon opened up and took him in. She had stopped after a few inches, but he continued thrusting his hips until she was in as much as he thought she could take.
“Fuck, baby — This is exactly what I needed,” Logan rolled his eyes as he felt instant release. He knew he was close, but he wanted to last. “Stop gaggin, baby — Wanna last a bit longer,” Logan told y/n, but she couldn’t. He was too huge.
“Bub, I said- Oh my god,” Logan grew angry, but soon whined as her throat collapsed around his shaft. “Fuck, I can’t hold it, Bub. So damn wet and warm- Fuck,” was all Logan said before his cock twitched.
Y/n couldn't help but look up at Logan to watch him lose himself in her mouth. The main she let out as he spilled into her mouth, made him groan louder, and tighten his grip on her hair.
“Goddamnit, I’m gonna cum again-“ Logan struggled to say as his legs shook, and a second orgasm ripped from him. Y/n’s eyes widen as more cum filled her mouth, so much that his seed leaked out of her mouth. There was too much to take.
“Nah uh, swollen it all, or I make you walk out with it on your face,”
#james howlett#james howlett x reader#logan howlett x reader#wolverine#james howlett smut#logan howlet smut#logan howlett smut#logan howlett xmen#wolverin smut#wolverine smut#dom!logan howlett#dom!james howlett#dom!wolverine#oral kink#breeding k1nk#breeding smut#hugh jackman x reader#wolverine x men#hugh jackman#hugh jackman smut#hugh jackman x you#wolverine xmen#james howlett x you#logan howlett x you#wolverine x female reader#wolverine x you
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Prompt 266
Back on my Danny & Ras frienemies/rivals/maybe-lovers-nobody-can-tell-their-signals-are-very-mixed train.
See, Danny has gone through time a lot. Often. It comes with being Clockwork’s charge-son-thing and honestly he finds it fun. And several times he’s used this time travelling to get some training in. Enter Ras, stage left, also a teen at the time and also learning swordsmanship from the same person.
And they… utterly despise each other. They would kill the other for an apple slice, if the other one would die! But also, only they can kill the other, as it is obviously their right!
And well, they keep running into each other. It has been a hundred years, surely the other would die by now? But of course their rival would live through utter spite. Probably to spite them specifically.
The amount of times they have ended up sparring- trying to kill each other or not- the moment they see the other is actually ridiculous. But time is also passing. And… Danny understands, not having another to talk about things people are forgetting, or have already forgotten.
How they ended up actually talking without a murder attempt was a long story that included a demon, a dragon, a pair of fae, some bandits, and a lot of alcohol, but it happened. And then it happens again. And again, and now it’s just kind of normal to share a drink after their spars, talking about things that no longer exist, and things they miss.
Sure Danny can go back in time again, but he knows better than to do it willy nilly. He’s matured, he’s been an adult for a hundred years now, he knows there’s consequences for messing with time, even with Clockwork’s blessings.
The first time they got married was technically for an undercover assassination. Well, Ras was there to assassinate someone, Danny was there to grab an artifact that should Not be in the realm of the living. And they got divorced after, it was fine.
They just, also got married again when they met a few years later, for another job. And… okay, so maybe they have gotten married over a dozen times now and only divorced like half of those times. Half of those were for the bit or while drunk!
And even if technically they’re married or shared a bed, it’s not like they're exclusive! As Ras’ daughters’ existences attest to (adopted in one case or not). They don’t exactly have a label for their relationship, despite others asking for one or trying to put a name to it themselves.
Now Danny knows Ras isn’t exactly a good dude, or at least on the side of ‘good’ as he’s a literal assassin. But he also knows that good? Bad? Rather relative. He had gotten labeled as a villain when he was just trying to help all that time ago after all, and really who was he to tell someone else how to live their life?
Which brings him to now, where he’s run into his old frienemy-rival and his youngest daughter. Who has a braindead teenager and a small toddler. Which is fine, really- but also, Talia dear, why are you using a brain dead teenager to guard your three year old son?
Okay, Talia dear, Ras (Derogatory), why are you using your brain dead son and grandson to guard your younger son and grandson? Do you not have the Pits, which you were soo proud about Ras? Yes, he will spar with you, but for Realms’ sake, heal, what’s his name? Ah yes, go heal Jason and he’ll actually stick around for a few years, deal? Good.
#DCxDP#DPxDC#Prompts#Deadly Decisions#Danny is Not Ghost King & he doesn’t want to be#Danny isn’t from the same timeline as DC but he hops around so many that he’s formed a few favorites#You Know the bats are going to go crazy searching for some sort of proof of Danny’s existence when they finally communicate w/ each other#Why yes Danny is an adult lol (he is also tall but has body more like his mom)#Yes Sam showed him how to do makeup & it was a bonding thing while they bitched#Is Danny Dusan’s mom? Wonderful question that the league is pondering themself#Danny introduced Sam & Tucker to Ras once & it was horrific how well they got along#Danny almost forgot that Tucker was once a royal dictator who had constant assassination attempts#Sam & Ras bond over violent love of nature & willingness to kill to keep it safe from assholes#Damian about Danny: Obviously this is Grandmother#Jason after being thrown in the Pit: Who are you Where am I What the fuck#Damian: :O Akhi you can speak now :D Come see my puppy Grandmother gave me for protection#Ras & Danny: Threatening each other#Everyone else: Do they want to kill each other or are they flirting or both…#Space Core Danny#Star Core Jason
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Injured (Jenni's Version): Future
Grace Clinton x Reader
Summary: You need to leave
"Mami! Mami! Mami!"
You smile slightly, continuing to pack your suitcase as your son lays back on your bed.
"Yes, my James?"
He grins at you. "Can I come?"
You shake your head. "You know you can't."
"But why?"
"Because Paris is a long way away from Lyon." You add another set of pointe shoes to your bag. "And I need you to do a very special job for me."
You sit down on the bed, patting the spot next to you.
James is more than happy to crawl towards you, leaning close to hear his special job.
"You're a very responsible boy, aren't you?"
He nods. "I helped Mummy pick up Ollie's poo yesterday on our walk!"
Ollie's your family dog. Grace had gotten him for you when the first two rounds of ivf didn't take and you'd been so down about it. You were right in the middle of your third round and losing hope when Grace had come home with a German Shepherd puppy.
You called Ollie your good luck charm because two weeks after you'd successfully potty trained him, you fell pregnant with your other golden boy, James.
"That's very responsible!" You tell him," Because I need a very responsible boy to help me out."
"I'm responsible! I'm responsible! What is it?"
"I need you to be in charge of the house while I'm gone," You tell him," That's why you can't come with. You've got to make sure Mummy doesn't order takeout every day and cleans up Olivia's toys when she's done playing."
Olivia's the other light of your life, your nearly one year old daughter.
You didn't particularly want to leave either of them but you'd been called up by the Paris Opera Ballet to be their guest Principal for one of the shows they were putting on and you loved dancing in their venue.
Originally, you were going to say no but Grace pushed you to accept. She was more than capable of looking after both of the kids at once.
"I'll make sure Mummy eats healthy and cleans up!" James tells you," Can I go tell her I'm in charge while you're gone?"
"I'm sure she would love that."
James goes bursting out of the room and you take the time to finish packing.
Ollie whines a little as you zip up the bag.
"I'm sorry, Ollie," You say, gently stroking his head," You know I'll back soon."
Ollie's the family dog, technically, but, secretly, you know he's yours. He had been incredibly protective over you when you were pregnant with Livy and he had been super excitable as a puppy when you were pregnant with James.
Fully grown now, he loved being in the same room as you. He adored the kids and Grace, of course, but you had always been his person.
Frankly, you were getting a little worried he was lonely in the house alone all day so you and Grace had been in talks about getting Ollie his own puppy.
It was only fair to Olivia as well.
Ollie grew up with James. It's only right to have a puppy for Olivia to grow up with too.
But, that was a conversation for when you got back and after your planned trip to Spain in the summer.
It would be nice, you think, to have a puppy for Ollie to be the best big brother too just like how James is the best big brother to Livy.
Ollie follows you down the stairs, his favourite tennis ball in his mouth as you start pulling your suitcase down.
Grace appears at the bottom, hurrying up to swap the bag with Livy and carry it the down for you.
"Careful, beautiful," She says as you swap," You don't want to strain anything before you go on stage." She winks at you and you roll your eyes.
"Did James tell you I've left him in charge?"
"He did," Grace replies with a grin," I think he's already planning on demanding Big Bed access."
"Don't let him," You remind her but your wife just shrugs.
"I don't know. He's making a convincing case. Says that it would be cold without you and he should be there to warm it up."
"If you get him in the habit of sleeping in our bed while I'm away, Grace Clinton, then you're in trouble and I'm choosing what breed the next puppy is."
"Oh, come on!" Grace is laughing though so you know she isn't taking your empty threats too seriously. "Cab's here though. You finished up just in time."
"Okay." You pull on your coat surprisingly well for someone balancing a baby in the other arm.
You litter kisses all over Livy's face as Grace calls James to the door.
"I'll miss you, Mami," He tells you and you crouch down to give him kisses too.
"I'll miss you too, James," You say," I love you, baby."
"Love you too."
He curls into your arms and your rock him side to side softly before pulling away.
"Remember, you're in charge, okay? So I want you to boss around Mummy and make her eat healthy, deal?"
He nods. "Deal."
"I'll see you in a week, amor," You tell Grace, pecking her lips a few times and laughing when she tries to chase your kiss each time.
"Love you, beautiful."
"Love you too."
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i've been thinking a lot about the way kingdom come: deliverance ii structures its romances. it's interesting, in the sense that they all feel bespoke - short fling or long term or in-between, there's no hard and fast system that applies to all characters. most games with romances stick to a rhythm: you have the initial flirtation options, then there's a companion quest (or multiple companion quests), then you are 'locked in', and finally you get a scene at the end.
anyway, spoilers under the cut.
the romance with katherine is the closest to that model. which makes sense! she's a traumatized person who needs to be convinced henry is reliable, and she also doesn't know him, so the flirting is apt. it stretches across the entire game, because trust-building takes time and action (sidequests), and much like the romance with hans, a lot of the 'romance' moments hinge on non-romance moments you have with her throughout the story. romance in this game is part of a continuum of human interactions; it's something you can lean into if you want, not a reward toggle.
rosa's romance lasts while rosa is plot-relevant, and is contingent on you flirting with her and giving her the feeling that she and her capabilities are respected. you have to spend time with her and back her up, basically. then there's the various flings, which are all context-dependent. and theresa, which is technically a full-blown romance even if she's only on-screen for five seconds, because henry makes it a romance by bringing her up and speaking of their time together - in that version of the story, she's often on his mind. (but, like the other romances, you have to actively bring her up in the epilogue yourself; the game doesn't hand you "here's your reward romance content")
which leaves us with some interesting implications re: hans and henry. there are, as far as i've been able to find, five heart-icon dialogue interactions between them in the game, one of which is The Big Scene. none of the four romance dialogue options before that are flirty. the flirting happens outside of that, in all the non-romance sections, in ways that can be brushed off as bros-being-bros if you're into that. in fact i'd say most of the development that makes the romance possible happens in the non-romance sections.
the romance choices just let you lean in a little further.
the first romance dialogue comes at the midway point; it's hans apologizing for being a dick and henry can then respond to say it's fine, hans can always rely on him no matter how he behaves, he's the closest friend henry has. the second comes at maleshov, right after henry has staged an elaborate rescue for hans, and it's about henry reassuring a panicking hans that he will always be there for him and they can handle any situation together. the third romance dialogue comes halfway through the italian job and is missable - it's henry telling hans he's missed spending time with him, and repeating that when hans tries to joke it off as a 'yes we should go wenching again soon' kind of deal. finally, the fourth is shortly afterward, with henry worried about hans's claustrophobia, and stating, 'I care about you. maybe more than you know.'
hans brushes all of these things off, it seems like, but then by the Big Scene it's obvious he's been thinking about them a lot. and then hans is the one who makes a move, not henry (though you have to pick the option to trigger it). notably, even if you end the romance scene early by leaving or fumbling the moment, hans makes it clear he thought henry had feelings for him.
so if the difference between non-romanced and romanced katherine is flirting + her feeling she can trust and rely on henry, and the difference between non-romanced and romanced rosa is flirting + her feeling respected by henry, what's the difference between non-romanced and romanced hans? well. it's henry being earnest about his feelings, and going out of his way to make it clear that he cares about and values hans above everything else.
and that, maybe, in this time of extreme trial, he's safe to make this move on.
the extended implication of that is that hans had romantic feelings for henry all along, of some sort or another. he just doesn't address them in a non-romanced path because he doesn't feel confident to abandon plausible deniability and leave the safe, charged ambiguity between him and henry. not outwardly. possibly also not inwardly.
anyway, it's interesting. it also means that the entire game is technically the hans/henry romance arc. and i think that's neat.
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have you ever tried this one?
popstar!reader x wandanat
tw: porn without plot, intersex!nat, natasha has a dick :P, p in v, oral, face sitting, riding, teasing, fingering, anal play, breeding kink, hickeys, girls kissing 🫶
wc: 1.8k
spacer from: saradika-graphics
You were known as being a flirt. Constantly calling your fans out in the audience for being hot and sexy, saying you wanted to meet up with them after the show. However, you had two women who had been in your bed for a while.
So after you got off stage on Friday, two red headed women were waiting for you. Although you weren’t technically in a relationship with either of them, they traveled the world with you on tour. As quickly as you could, you changed out of a body suit and into a small silk robe. The car was already pulled up right outside the door so you bolted to it.
Natasha instantly kissed you softly when you entered followed by Wanda. You chatted quietly as the driver pulled away and began your drive to the hotel you were staying at.
Wanda had your favorite food waiting for you already. You didn’t like to eat much before shows so you saved your appetite for after.
Luckily, the paparazzi still hadn’t figured out where you were staying so you were able to slip inside undetected.
The second the door shut behind the three of you, Wanda’s lips were on you. Natasha gripped you from behind, walking all three of you to the bed.
Natasha sat down first, man spreading. Her large hands came to your thighs and ass. Wanda kept kissing you, already so possessive over you.
But Wanda loved watching the two of you. She forced you down to your knees. You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your lips as Natasha’s fingers found your hair.
“Can I suck your cock?” You asked prettily, bashing your full eyelashes at her.
“Fuck, come on baby.”
Your hands found her belt, shaking as you undid them. You didn’t have the patience to drag her pants all the way down. Once they were down to her knees, you pressed your face into her boxers.
She groaned from above you. Her hands tightened in your hair as you licked her clothed cock. Natasha pulled you back, making quick work of pulling her underwear down.
Wanda’s soft hands forced you down on her hard cock. You sunk your head down lower, each hands stroking her muscular thighs. Natasha groaned above you, hands flexing against the mattress.
Drool dripped down your chin as you pulled off of her wet cock. She was panting, eyes half lidded as you stroked her.
Wanda kept kissing up and down your neck, her soft hands touching you all over. “Did I do good today, Nat?”
Natasha tried to catch her breath as your thumb played with her sensitive tip. “Mhm.”
“What was your favorite part?” You asked with a faux smile. Your tongue darted out, barely reaching her tip. You continued to tease her as she didn’t reply.
“Juno.” She finally answered.
You hummed in response, sinking your mouth back down on her. Wanda’s hands finally took off your robe, letting it slide down your body. Of course there was nothing underneath.
“Don't let her cum.” Wanda whispered in your ear before nibbling at the skin of it.
Natasha's thighs clenched as she approached her peak but you couldn’t not listen to Wanda. You pulled off her again and Natasha whimpered out, hands finding your hair.
Before Natasha could say anything, Wanda grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss. Your hand continued to stroke Natasha as Wanda’s tongue plunged into your mouth.
Your fingers gripped Wanda’s waist, pulling her close until you were in her lap. The material of her shirt was rough against your pebbled nipples. Natasha was moaning on the bed as Wanda continued to kiss you.
“Should I let her finish, Wans?” You asked, loud enough for Natasha to hear you. “She looks so hot when she cums.”
You kissed down Wanda’s neck as Natasha kept thrusting into your hand.
“Please Wans.” Natasha whimpered out.
Wanda pushed me towards Natasha again until I was fully facing her. “Open your mouth.” She demanded.
Natasha came all over my face in thick spurts of hot liquid. I licked up the little bit she got on my lips, but I left the rest for whatever Wanda had planned.
Wanda grabbed your face, licking a stream of cum that was running down it. You couldn’t help the moan that left your mouth. You wouldn’t be surprised if you were dripping all over the floor as Wanda kept kissing your sensitive neck.
“Get on the bed. Hands and knees.” She whispered into your ear.
You did what she said immediately. Bratting around with Natasha was fun, but with Wanda…
Wanda placed a small kiss on Natasha’s lips. She was still shaking from her orgasm and reached out for Wanda. Wanda didn’t seem to care.
Goosebumps rose on your skin as Wanda circled you. Your mind raced with thoughts of what she might do to you. Her fingertips brushed the skin of your bare back, coming to the swell of your ass.
You jumped slightly as both of her cool hands grabbed you. She kissed your ass softly as she got on the bed behind you.
“Oh poor baby, this pussy is so swollen.”
You bit your lip but couldn’t help pushing your hips into her. She held you firm, her fingertips digging into your skin. “Stay still.” She demanded.
Her fingers dragged down your body and spread your legs more. One of her fingers pressed into your soaked pussy. You arched your back, moaning as she slowly pushed it in and out.
Soon she pushed in a second, stretching you out. “Tell me about your schedule tomorrow.” Wanda asked, so nonchalantly as if she wasn’t pleasuring you.
“Ah.” You barely got out as she pushed in a third finger. “Breakfast with… with my dancers.”
“You’re not making that.” She laughed behind you.
Natasha crawled towards you, finally getting to you and kissing your shoulder. Her lips moved all around your bare body.
“Then… rehearsals—fuck!” Natasha’s fingers rolled your sensitive nipple as Wanda pushed in another finger. The stretch stung but pleasure soon took over.
“Then lunch.”
“What’s for lunch?” Wanda asked, kissing your ass once again.
“Not—Not sure.”
You whined as Wanda pulled her fingers out of you. She quickly placed one finger in your ass, causing your arm to give out.
Wanda smacked your ass as Natasha pulled you back up.
“Feels so good huh baby. Why don’t you keep talking.”
“Fuck, Wans.” You moan out, “Af-After lunch…i’m supposed to be on vocal rest.”
Your thighs began to shake as she pushed another finger into your ass, scissoring her fingers.
“Oh vocal rest.” Wanda commented. Your eyes rolled back imagining what she had planned for that.
“Then, light dinner.” She cut you off with another finger pushing in. She spit onto her fingers, helping with the sting. “Then—I perform.”
You knew you’d be covered in hickeys from Natasha’s claim on your neck. She would be pissed if you covered them but your management—
She pulled out of you and you whined at the loss of contact. You glanced over your shoulder just as Wanda pulled Natasha away to lay down on the bed.
“Get on her.” Wanda demanded.
Despite the stretching that Wanda put you through, Natasha’s cock was still a tight fit. Natasha didn’t have much patience left, her hands found your hips, shoving you down onto her cock.
Immediately you began grinding down on her as Natasha threw her head back. Wanda slipped her dress off and her panties. You reached out for her and she let you help her on the bed.
She held your hand as she sat on Natasha’s face. Natasha’s hands immediately left your waist and found themselves on Wanda’s. You were so worked up you were already so close. Wanda leaned forward, grabbing you and kissing you.
Your hands grabbed her face to help you hop up and down on Natasha’s cock. There was already a burn in your thighs but you didn’t care.
Wanda’s fingers came down and began rubbing your swollen clit. You shouted something out but your brain was too fucked to hear yourself. “Please Wans, please.”
“Go ahead.”
Your body shook as you fucked yourself through your orgasm. You knew Wanda let you cum so soon because she had no plan of stopping any time soon.
“Fuck.” Wanda groaned, grabbing you by your jaw and pulling you close. “I wonder if those fans you constantly flirt with know how well we fuck you.”
You could do nothing but whine as Natasha fucked up into you, pressing so fucking deep inside of you.
“What are they gonna think about all these hickeys huh?” She grabbed your neck, pressing down on the bruises that Natasha had left. “There’s already so many rumors of who you’re sleeping with.”
Words were so difficult to form from your lips but you barely got her name out. “You’re going to be so fucking sore you can barely preform tomorrow.”
“Fuck please.”
Wanda smiled and kissed you again. Her fingers shoved themselves in your mouth before she began playing with your clit again.
“Milk Natashas cock. Milk it til she cums again.”
You screamed through your second orgasm, falling forward into Wanda. You watched as Wanda’s legs began shaking and small moans left her lips.
“Please cum Wans, wanna taste it on Nat's lips.” You begged into her ear.
She grabbed your face again, kissing your fiercely. She struggled to kiss you back as she finished on Natasha’s tongue. You held her up, gripping the soft skin of her waist.
Wanda fell on the side of the bed, her breathing was labored as she watched Natasha thrust into you.
“Fill me up, Tasha. Cum in me.”
Her fingers grazed over your stomach as she fucked you.
“I wanna feel it spill out of me.” You begged, “Get me pregnant, please. Tell everyone who I belong to.”
With that Natasha’s hot cum spilled inside of you. Her hips slowed as you laid down on top of her. You had already been tired after your performance, now you were spent.
Natasha’s lips found yours, you moaned as you tasted Wanda’s sweet pussy. Natasha shaky hands gripped the skin of your ass, pulling you off her cock.
You gasped as Wanda’s fingers shoved her cum back into you. It didn’t matter that you were on birth control. Just the thought of being pregnant with her baby made your head spin.
Eventually, Wanda’s assault stopped. You rolled over, still tucked into Natasha’s side as your breathing slowed down. Wanda eventually came back with a wet rag to wipe the dried cum off your face. Natasha turned on the TV, starting some show that you didn’t care about.
Absolutely spent, the second Wanda crawled into bed as well, wrapping her arms around you, you passed out.
tysm for reading ilyyy
taglist: @caffeine-pup
#my works#wanda maximoff#wanda x reader#wandanat my luvs#wandanat x reader#natasha romanov#natasha x reader#wlw fics
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Aaron Hotchner

ib: Home by Good Neighbours.
cw: mentions of blood, mentions of violence, fem!reader x hotch, fluff
A/n: short and sweet as sab would say
Cases usually were hard hitting, some more so than others but they all chipped away at a once pure and innocent soul of the bau and it's individual members. The team's dynamic was both independent and teamworking. You had to trust one another and you had taken that to the extreme with the unit chief, Aaron Hotchner. You and Hotch had been seeing eachother for a while, technically you were dating just without the label of 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend'.
On this particular case, you had gone against Hotch's orders, well unintentionally. Your earpiece had been compromised during some stage of the entry of the building. You had gone through the back of the building while the others entered at various points through the house, covering all exists. Hotch ordered everyone to leave the building due to the danger of the situation inside. However, you had not heard this order and continued to search the house for the unsub.
Hotch was outside greeting each member of the team as they returned to conversate and plan their next move on how to execute a plan to take down this unsub without harming the victim inside. But, as he told the team to wait a few moments for you to return, you never did and that worried him.
"I said get out of the building as swiftly and safely as possible, now." He said through the earpiece but... nothing. "Are you alright in there?"
This sent the team into panic, a worried glance is thrown between Rossi, Emily and Morgan as they notice Hotch's shift. "Hey pretty lady, can you hear us?"
"Goddamnit, where is she." He says, his heart rate increasing. "She doesn't not follow orders."
"She's probably on her way back, Hotch." Rossi reassures him but the team knew you should be back by now.
“Should we go in?” JJ suggests, looking at Hotch who looks like he is getting ready to but Rossi stops him.
“What are you doing?” He argues Rossi’s attempt to hold him back.
“She’s more than capable of handling herself, you told us to stay back for a reason.”
Aaron knew he was right but he always worried about you, especially now. Why the hell weren’t you replying. You must be hurt.
As if the universe heard his thoughts, a gunshot echoed through the house and everyone’s hearts plummeted. They knew you could handle an unsub, that wasn’t the issue. The issue was this very unsub, not even Morgan could defeat this alone without a few injuries sustained. The unsub was a big guy, a tall build and extremely strong. You had profiled him to be into body building. You were tiny in comparison to this unsub and the idea of another mans hands on you was enough to infuriate Hotch and it increased at the thought of it being with malicious intent.
He couldn’t stop himself, he ran towards the building when he first saw you, scanning your face for injuries, he saw you guiding the victim out the door and into the arms of Emily. Morgan and Rossi follow a group of cops into the building to find the unsub. You had a few cuts on your face, a bit of swelling around your eye and you were covered in blood, but it was not all your own.
Hotch’s eyes met yours as you ran up to him, tears in your eyes as he pulls you tightly into him. Holding you like nothing else matters and in that moment, nothing else does. You were alive and in his arms, that’s all a man could ask for. All your man could ask for.
“I’ve got you.” He holds you tightly and you realise, his arms feel like they are home. His scent, the way his body wraps around you, the way he gently holds you like your delicate but enough to show the affection.
“I think my ear piece is broken- I-“ you shake your head and look up at him. “I didn’t realise no one else was in there and then i ran into him and-“
“Somebodies getting fired.” He says sternly and you panic thinking he meant you but he quickly shook his head, softening his gaze. “Not you honey.”
You see a stretcher be carried out by triple the usual people needed, a sheet placed over the top.
“You’re fucking badass pretty lady.” Morgan praises and pats your shoulder.
“Safe to say, I’m not letting you out of someone’s sight again. You or anyone else.” Hotch sighs and pulls you into a tight hug again, kissing your forehead with relief.
“Darling, won’t you take me home?” You sigh into him.
“Come on, lets get you checked out and get out of here.”
#aaron hotchner x you#aaron hotchner#aaron hotch x reader#hotch x you#aaron hotchner x reader#agent hotchner#hotchner x reader#hotchner x you#hotch#aaron hotch fanfiction#aaron hotch fic#aaron hotch imagine#aaron hotch fluff
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“I’m not sure what to do with you, Garrus.”
Garrus looks up with a start from his pile of gear to find Shepard leaning casually against a row of lockers in the Normandy’s cargo bay. He’d been so engrossed in inventorying his arsenal for Williams he hadn’t even heard Shepard come out of engineering.
Shepard eyes him from crest to talons, as though he’s a requisitions manifest that doesn’t match inventory. Despite being reasonably sized for a human – in Garrus’ experience, anyway, which isn’t exactly extensive – Shepard barely comes up to his chin. And yet somehow Garrus feels a lot like a pyjack standing next to a varren that hasn’t decided just how hungry it is.
“Well, you’re part of my crew,” Shepard muses. “But you’re not Alliance. You don’t exactly fit in my watch rotation, or know anything about Alliance protocol. Technically, I don’t have any recognized authority over you at all. If you stole this ship from me and waltzed off to hand it to the Hierarchy, you’d probably get a medal.”
“Also probably start a war.”
Alenko snorts from his spot over by the weapons’ bench, where the pistol he’d been working on now lies completely disassembled.
Shepard waves a dismissive hand. “That’s someone else’s problem.” But then he pauses, face scrunching up in ways that faces shouldn’t be able to scrunch. “You know, it probably would be my problem, actually.”
Human faces are distressingly expressive, and Garrus hasn’t been around enough of them to really grasp what it all means. “Uh, while I appreciate the…confidence in my ability to mutiny—”
This isn’t coming out right.
“—I don’t actually have any plans to steal your ship.”
“Good. Because while I may not have authority to give you orders, I’m pretty sure the Council did just give me the authority to put you out my airlock if you don’t follow them.”
Garrus’ mandibles twitch in alarm. It’s a joke…right? Humans like to joke. Surely that’s a universal trait. “I’m very good at calibrating weapons.”
Shepard’s eyebrow raises.
Garrus’ own brow plates shift rather desperately. “You asked what to do with me.”
“Right.” His gaze shifts over to Alenko, who contentedly continues cleaning his pistol. “Any good with mass accelerator cannons?”
“Uh, sure?”
Shepard nods towards the infantry vehicle across the cargo bay. “Then familiarize yourself with the Mako over there. Pretty sure we’re gonna get a lot of use out of it.”
Alenko groans and rolls his eyes – that one Garrus gets – while muttering something about war crimes under his breath.
“Yes, sir,” Garrus says quickly.
There’s that laser-sharp gaze again. It’s like looking a rail gun in the face. But then Shepard’s face breaks into a grin. “Glad to have you aboard, Garrus.”
“Thank you. Sir.” Should he salute? Was that…appropriate? He’s still thinking about it when Shepard calls out to another human stepping off the elevator by engineering, and jogs away.
Garrus blinks. At the weapons’ bench, Alenko shakes his head and chuckles, like he’d seen whatever just happened a thousand times.
“Can I ask…what that was about? That conversation felt like…”
“A test?”
Garrus’ mandibles flare. “Yes.”
Alenko’s smile has softer edges than Shepard’s. “He’s feeling you out.”
“…Feeling me…out?”
“It’s, ah, a figure of speech. He’s pretty good at reading people, but he likes to test out his impressions with a little verbal sparring.”
“I can’t tell if I passed.”
Alenko’s chuckle becomes a laugh. “That usually means you did. He doesn’t often misread people, but when he does, you’ll know.”
“Why? What happens?”
Alenko shrugs, with an affable smile. “Someone usually get shot.”
“Do we have a deal?”
A cold, perilous silence falls over the warehouse, where every one of Helena Blake’s mercs stand with the kind of staged relaxation that just so happens to put their hands right by their sidearms.
You trust her? Alenko had asked during their stomach-turning Mako drop, in which Garrus is certain that Shepard waited until death was imminent before engaging the vertical thrusters to avoid smashing against the freezing cold rocks of Amaranthine. Alenko had been right about the war crimes.
No, but I think she’s a lesser evil I can live with, Shepard had replied.
He’d been so adamant this was a friendly exchange that he’d walked brazenly into the center of her band of mercs, who hadn’t hesitated to close in around them. Garrus clocks twelve of them to Shepard’s squad of four, including a sentry on the upper level. Alenko hangs close to Shepard’s left flank while Williams takes the right, leaving Garrus to bring up the rear.
Relax. We’re all friends, here.
Except as soon as Blake had started talking, Alenko’s stance had gotten a little more square, even though nothing about Shepard’s posture changed. When the silence hits, Alenko’s hand drifts marginally closer to his pistol.
“You know what?” Shepard asks thoughtfully. “On second thought, you can go fuck yourself.”
Before the ‘fuck’ is even out of his mouth, Alenko’ is in his hand and he’s knocking Shepard off his feet just in time to avoid the bullet coming from the sniper’s nest. Somehow, in the blur of running, shooting and cursing that ensues, Garrus and Alenko wind up crouched behind a shipping container while Williams lays down another round of cover fire and Shepard yanks the sniper out of the rafters with a skein of dark energy.
“So,” Garrus says, catching his breath. “I take it this was a misread?”
“Oh yeah.”
Alenko checks his heat sink before his corona engulfs him in a bloom of dark energy. He actually chuckles before he gets to his feet and re-enters the fray, like this is just another routine patrol through the Presidium.
“Welcome to the squad, Garrus.”
#mass effect#mshenko#kaidan alenko#otp: after all this time#garrus vakarian#my fic#this has been a notebook scribble for ages#i rediscovered it the other day so i finished it up and here you go#opus!verse
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@meloveanimeforreal7604 your ask glitched so I’m answering with a screenshot chchch
I actually have my own thoughts on their stats and how they changed under Nightmare
Killer is actually canonically shown to have 99999 LV, but later, Rahaf stated people can choose whichever LV they wanted for him, so it’s basically up for interpretation
Murder is canonically mostly at 19 LV, in some timelines, he reaches 20 LV
Horror has never been given a canon LV as far as I know (correct me if I’m wrong)
That being said, in my lil version of Nightmare, he has a “no killing unless necessary” rule, but generally, Nightmare can be a bit lenient if MTT resort to killing as long as it does not affect the negativity in a bad way
As in, if killing someone results in the negativity decreasing, than Nightmare would be pissed, but say if a monster was part of a family and their death resulted in a negativity increase due to their family’s grief, then Nightmare lets it slide
Nightmare only orders MTT not to go overboard with killing, his orders are usually within “Kill as many as necessary to generate a sufficient amount of negativity, otherwise, torture or terrorize”
Murder never ever kills anyone, nor does he tortures anyone, he usually hopes Nightmare would simply assign him a supply run job (which doesn’t always happen) and so if he were to do anything to help with negativity, he resorts to terrorizing only, as in just scaring people by blasting his gaster blaster in random directions, etc, but he never kills or tortures, these people are not part of his own AU, he has no business here, it causes him a lot of problems with Nightmare, but Murder prefers to deal with Nightmare’s abuse than live with more blood on his hands than necessary (I think you can already guess that Murder would deal with forced killing at some point no? >:) )
His stats are very Undertale like, they still follow the same formula and are pretty much uncorrupted, whenever anyone checks him, they get the exact same stats as you’d see in game, his LV stays on 19
Horror would simply follow Nightmare’s orders usually, sometimes during a bad mood swing he might end up killing people, but still stays within the limits of Nightmare’s rules, Horror is generally more responsible for torturing than killing, he’s sadistic af and finds joy in the screams of mercy when people plead for their lives (he might or might not cope with the rage brewing inside him from having to deal with Nightmare and his abuse by turning that rage to sadistic joy when torturing innocents)
His stats are semi-corrupted, his HP doesn’t show up at all, that is because Horror is technically already dead, from his head injury, therefore, his HP can no longer reflect him, his stats simply finds difficulty to assign a number to him, I like to think his LV is somewhere in the middle, not as high as Murder’s but not low either, but it definitely increased a few points after he started working under Nightmare
Killer doesn’t kill unless ordered to, he just tortures and terrorizes, he’s generally apathetic to people’s screams for mercy, only doing his job like the good killing machine he is, at stage 2, he does find his job “fun” but in a way that’s more thrilling to his restless dissociative mind and body then any actual joy, he’s curious and fascinated, not happy, he can’t latch onto his emotions at stage 2 anyway, but I think it’s clear that he carries so much guilt for it that’s only apparent when at stage 1
Killer’s stats are extremely messed up, they no longer truly reflect him at all, his stats are like a corrupted file, it isn’t working as it should be, his HP, AT and DF keep glitching and changing constantly, unable to truly settle on one single number, his 99999 LV would be the closest thing to “consistent” in reflection to him, but even then, it’s corrupted, glitching like the rest but still stays at 99999 LV
His LV doesn’t truly reflect his level of violence, but rather, his soul’s unnatural state, his Determination is way too excessive and his code is way too messed up
An HP can show you that it’s at 1, but no matter how much he’s hit he doesn’t die, or it could show you that it’s at 99 and he dies from one hit
In short, his stats aren’t to be taken on face value as they no longer truly reflect him beyond showing how messed up his state is
Nightmare doesn’t kill unless necessary or when he deems it in his interest, or in some cases, when anger takes the better of him, he finds sadistic joy in the misery of others and a sense of power that he just loves feeling, it makes him feel untouchable, unreachable, undeniably invincible, and by extension, it eases the constant fear of everything and everyone around him (something he’s in denial of)
Nightmare simply put, has no stats, he can be checked, but his stats are never going to be shown, he’s too much of an outcode for his stats to truly show anymore, not to mention, his state of being a semi-god, but the further someone is disconnected from their home, the more likely their stats aren’t going to show or be corrupted when shown, Nightmare falls under the “not shown” category (Killer’s stats’ corruption is also enhanced by his disconnection from his world)
#anothers ask#anothers art#nightmare sans#killer sans#murder sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | Gregory House x Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | stupid behavior, migraine.
𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦’𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯.

House’s schemes were rarely straightforward, and this one was no exception. It had all started when he stumbled upon an article in a prestigious medical journal, authored by none other than Dr. Walter Henson, a former colleague from his medical school days. Henson, the man who had publicly accused House of cheating during their final year, had gone on to carve out a respectable, if unremarkable, career in pharmacological research. The article detailed his latest work: a groundbreaking new drug for migraines.
The moment House saw Henson’s name, a storm of old grudges and biting curiosity brewed in his mind. The smug bastard finally thinks he’s relevant? House thought. He skimmed the article, snorting at its technical jargon and self-congratulatory tone. The idea that Henson’s drug could be as revolutionary as claimed was laughable. But what irked House most was the praise the paper was garnering—praised by people who should have known better.
House couldn’t resist the pull of vindication. He didn’t just want to discredit Henson; he wanted to obliterate his credibility in public. “The man’s ego deserves a migraine worse than his drug could ever cure,” House muttered to himself, spinning his cane in one hand as he considered his options.
The first step was to attend Henson’s upcoming conference, where he was presenting his findings. House, of course, couldn’t just sit quietly in the audience like any normal person. His plan was to interrupt the presentation with razor-sharp questions that would unravel Henson’s argument before the audience’s eyes. But Henson, smug and prepared, had all the right answers—or at least answers that satisfied everyone but House.
Frustrated but undeterred, House decided on a more audacious approach. If he couldn’t embarrass Henson on stage, he’d do it by disproving the efficacy of the drug itself. And what better test subject than the ever-sacrificial Dr. Gregory House?
“People fake migraines for sympathy all the time,” he said to Wilson over lunch. “I’m just taking it a step further by giving myself one for science. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Wilson raised an incredulous eyebrow. “The worst? How about you end up curled in a dark room for three days regretting every life decision that led you to this point?”
“Please. I already regret most of those,” House replied, popping a Vicodin. “This? This is for the greater good.”
And with that, he set his absurd plan in motion.
House’s process of inducing a migraine was, predictably, reckless and borderline masochistic. House reclined in his office chair, the empty syringe discarded on his desk like a grim trophy. He could already feel the subtle beginnings of the migraine taking hold—a dull throb behind his left eye, accompanied by the faint sensation of pressure building at his temples. It was like the prelude to a storm, the air thick with expectation. His lips curved into a small, satisfied smirk despite the discomfort. Another genius experiment, another inevitable victory.
The pain escalated rapidly. The throb became a pounding, and the pressure behind his eyes morphed into a relentless vise, tightening with each passing minute. He braced himself, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, his hands pressing against his temples. A quiet groan slipped out before he could stop it.
House had endured pain before—lived with it, in fact—but this was different. It wasn’t the chronic ache of his leg or the manageable twinges that Vicodin could smooth over. This was acute, blinding, and utterly incapacitating. He reached for the bottle of water on his desk, but even the effort of unscrewing the cap sent a sharp jolt through his skull, forcing him to stop.
By the time Wilson arrived, the migraine had claimed complete dominion over House’s senses. His office was a cocoon of dim light, the blinds drawn tightly shut, the only sound the faint hum of the air conditioning. Wilson stepped inside, his usual look of bemused exasperation painted across his face.
“Well, if it isn’t the martyr of medical science,” Wilson drawled, glancing at the syringe on the desk. “How’s the great experiment going, House? Painful enough to regret it yet?”
House didn’t bother looking up. “Still better company than you,” he muttered, his voice low and strained. His head remained cradled in his hands, fingers digging into his temples as if he could squeeze the pain away.
Wilson, unimpressed, crossed his arms. “You injected yourself with migraine medication and something to induce a migraine? I’m not sure whether to call you insane or applaud your dedication to self-destruction.”
House’s response was a low grunt, barely audible. The pounding in his head drowned out most of Wilson’s words, but he caught the tone—somewhere between concern and annoyance.
“Well, since you’re clearly miserable,” Wilson continued, a wicked grin forming, “I think it’s only fair to make this moment educational.”
Before House could protest, Wilson marched to the windows and threw the blinds open, flooding the room with blinding sunlight. House recoiled instantly, a guttural sound escaping his throat as he shielded his eyes.
“Are you kidding me?!” he barked, his voice cracking under the strain.
“Oh, I’m just helping,” Wilson replied innocently, moving to the light switch and flicking it on. The fluorescent bulbs buzzed to life, their harsh glow cutting through the dim sanctuary House had created.
“Wilson,” House growled, his tone edged with genuine desperation, “if you don’t turn that off, I will murder you in your sleep.”
But Wilson wasn’t done. He began clinking items on the desk—his watch against the water bottle, the pen holder against the desk lamp—creating a cacophony of sound that reverberated through House’s skull like a sledgehammer.
“Get out!” House bellowed, clutching his head.
Satisfied he’d made his point, Wilson relented and left with a muttered “Idiot” under his breath.
Not long after Wilson’s departure, you arrived at House’s office, concern etched into your features. You had heard from one of the nurses about his latest stunt, and while you were used to House’s reckless experiments, the thought of him lying in agony was enough to bring you straight to his door.
What you found made your chest tighten. House was sprawled on the floor, his cane discarded nearby, his eyes squeezed shut as he pressed the heel of his palm against his forehead. His normally sharp, cutting presence was reduced to a vulnerable shadow of itself.
You stepped inside, careful to close the door softly behind you. “What were you thinking?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. You crouched down beside him, your knees brushing the edge of his arm as you reached out to gently touch his shoulder.
House flinched at the contact but didn’t push you away. “What do you think?” he muttered, his tone laced with sarcasm despite the evident pain. “Science, brilliance, the usual.”
“There’s a fine line between brilliance and idiocy,” you said, your tone devoid of malice. You knew him too well to be surprised by his recklessness. Instead, there was a quiet sympathy in your voice, a soft understanding of the lengths he would go to prove himself right. “I hope the pain is worth it.”
House grunted, his hand shifting to cover his eyes. “It is,” he said flatly. “I’ve proved my point.”
“And it was that important?” you asked, leaning back slightly to study his face.
“Of course it was,” he snapped, though the bite in his words lacked conviction. After a pause, he added, “Henson’s drug is crap. The world needed to know.”
“And the world couldn’t have found out some other way?” you pressed, almost gently.
House groaned, turning his head slightly to face you. Even through the pain, there was a flicker of defiance in his expression. “Some truths are worth suffering for,” he said, his lips twitching into a faint smirk before another wave of pain wiped it away.
You sighed, shaking your head. “You’re unbelievable,” you murmured, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from his forehead. The gesture was small, almost insignificant, but it seemed to ground him. His body relaxed minutely under your touch, the tension in his shoulders easing just enough for him to exhale a shaky breath.
For a moment, the room was quiet, save for the sound of his labored breathing.
After a moment of standing there, watching House curled up on the floor in obvious torment, you made a decision. You couldn’t just leave him like this, stubbornly suffering through the consequences of his reckless experiment. With a soft sigh, you knelt down next to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Move over,” you murmured, your tone firm but kind.
House cracked open one eye, his gaze sluggish and unfocused. Even in his haze of pain, there was a flicker of curiosity in his expression as he studied you.
“What?” he rasped, his voice hoarse.
“Move over,” you repeated. “I need you to sit up for a second. Come on, work with me here.”
House groaned in protest, but he grudgingly shifted, propping himself up on one elbow. His movements were slow and deliberate, each motion accompanied by a wince or a muttered curse. You guided him with a steady hand, helping him adjust until there was enough space for you to sit down on the floor.
“Lie back,” you instructed, patting your lap.
House raised an eyebrow. You rolled your eyes but smiled softly. “Just lie back, House. Humor me.”
He hesitated for a moment, but the exhaustion etched into his features betrayed him. Finally, he relented, lowering himself until his head rested on your lap. The tension in his body didn’t dissipate entirely, but there was a noticeable shift—a subtle surrender to your care.
With his head cradled against you, you reached up and began to stroke his hair. Your fingers moved slowly, gliding through the unruly strands with gentle precision. The repetitive motion was soothing, each stroke a silent reassurance that he wasn’t alone in his misery.
“What are you doing?” House mumbled, his voice muffled against your thigh.
“Helping,” you replied simply.
He opened his mouth to retort, but you cut him off.
“I don’t know much about this miracle drug Henson’s been peddling, but I do know a thing or two about pressure points,” you said. “They help with circulation, and circulation helps with migraines.”
House didn’t respond, but his breathing had slowed slightly, the rhythm of your fingers in his hair lulling him into a marginally calmer state.
You shifted your focus, moving your hands from his hair to his forehead. Using your thumbs, you applied light pressure to the center of his brow, working in small, deliberate circles. The skin beneath your fingers was warm, slightly damp with sweat, and you could feel the faint flutter of his pulse as you worked.
House made a low sound in the back of his throat, somewhere between a sigh and a groan.
“Does that hurt?” you asked, pausing to gauge his reaction.
“No,” he murmured, his voice softer now. “Feels... good.”
Encouraged, you continued, your fingers tracing the lines of his forehead with gentle precision. You pressed slightly harder, massaging the area around his temples in slow, circular motions. His face, usually so guarded and sharp, had begun to soften, the tight lines of pain easing under your touch.
“House,” you said softly, “you need to stop doing things like this to yourself.”
He didn’t respond immediately. When he finally spoke, his voice was tinged with defiance but lacked the usual venom. “I wouldn’t have to if people weren’t so damn wrong all the time.”
You huffed a quiet laugh. “And you think giving yourself a migraine is the best way to prove that?”
His lips twitched into a faint smirk. “Worked, didn’t it?”
Shaking your head, you moved your hands to his cheeks, using your fingertips to apply gentle pressure along his jawline. His stubble scratched against your skin, a tactile reminder of his humanity—the man beneath the bravado.
“You’re impossible,” you said softly, though there was no real bite to your words.
“Thanks,” he muttered, the sarcasm dulled by the drowsy tone in his voice.
You shifted your hands again, this time tracing the sides of his neck. Your fingers glided over the taut muscles, kneading the tension away with slow, deliberate motions. House’s body relaxed further, his head sinking more heavily against your lap.
“You’re going to put massage therapists out of business,” he mumbled, his words slurring slightly as he drifted closer to the edge of sleep.
“Good thing I’m not charging you,” you quipped, your smile softening as you continued to work.
The room fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the faint hum of the air conditioning and the sound of House’s measured breathing. You lost track of time as you moved your hands over his temples, his cheeks, the nape of his neck. Each motion was an unspoken promise—a quiet reassurance that, for this moment, he didn’t have to bear his pain alone.
Eventually, House let out a soft sigh, his body going limp against you. The lines of pain on his face had faded, replaced by an expression of tentative peace.
“Thanks,” he murmured, the word barely audible.
You brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, your fingers lingering for a moment before resting gently against his temple. “Anytime,” you whispered, your voice filled with a tenderness you knew he wouldn’t acknowledge out loud.
And so you stayed there, the two of you on the floor of his office, sharing a rare moment of quiet vulnerability in the midst of his self-inflicted chaos.
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why do you wear that?- viktor
~viktor x fem!reader ~ tags/cw: fluff, established friendships, semi-canon (i think), talking about viktor's illness ~ wc: 1.1k ~ not proofread cause im lazy (i’m also trying to figure out how to write viktor so the dialogue might feel a little choppy)
“Why do you always wear that?” Viktor’s soft question floats through the lab, his voice quieter than you’d heard all day.
You don’t pull your gaze away from the notes before you, the red pen highlighting the mistakes you made from your previous experiment, and dear gods, there are many. Each equation had some sort of marking, whether in yours or Viktor’s messy scrawl. It is safe to say the experiment had not been successful, but it is still in the early stages and no one was injured so it can technically be counted as a sort of win.
“Wear what?”
“That ring.” Within your peripherals, you see Viktor point a finger towards your left hand. “Even when you work you wear it.”
The thin metal ring on your middle finger seems to heat up under the scrutiny, branding itself into your skin so even if you were to quickly remove the jewellery, the evidence would be damning.
“Oh.” you finally tear your eyes from the journal to find your partner staring at your hand, question simmering in golden eyes.
“That is not an answer.” he tilts his head, eyes focusing on the metal you are now twisting out of habit.
“I know it’s not an answer,” your reply is mumbled as you turn back towards the journal before you, eyes set downcast not in returned attention but in hopes your inquisitive partner would drop it.
Silence fills the space for a few breaths before Viktor presses on.
“Are you going to give me an answer?”
The whine of wheels on stone pierces the room, the hex-core humming in response to the sudden noise.
“Do I have to?”
“No.” he hums, inching closer to you with squeaking wheels. “But I would like you to.”
Air leaves your body in an annoyed sigh, and you click the lid back on your pen as you feel the warmth of his body slide up next to yours. Your heart begins to stutter, breathing an inch too shallow, skin prickling with anticipatory heat. This was a new reaction for you, something your brain has not been able to fully process since the first time you flinched back from Viktor’s touch as though he were a live wire. You know what it is, what is causing these symptoms but there is no time to sit and think of why and how and if. Those what-ifs that kept you awake night after night, mind racing and reeling until the only thing that could calm you down was the cold shock of a shower.
“Hello?” A finger flicks the centre of your forehead, the thump stinging your skin. “What is wrong with you? Should I call Jayce?”
You rub at your skin, feeling heat spread through your cheeks at the proximity between the two of you. Not a few feet between your chests, knees touching, fingers millimetres from another on the desk, Viktor’s face right there, so close you could see the barely there freckles that adorned his cheeks like stars on a moonless night. You could reach out and grab him, slide your hands over his jaw and press your mouth to his within a few seconds, within one breath you could kiss him and seal your fate.
“Why’d you hit me?” you blurt out, brows furrowing as though pain radiated through your skull.
“I flicked you.” Viktor rolls his eyes, used to your dramatics and retracts his hand from the desk. “Answer my question.”
“I was going to before you hit me.” you give your forehead a final rub with your fingers then extend your hand between the two of you, metal glowing in opalescent light.
“If you are going to continue to stare into nothing, I will be calling the doctor down-”
“Okay! Gods, Vik. Why are you so-” You turn an accusatory glance at your partner. “Why do you need to know so much? Is it yours?”
Viktor shrugs. “I don’t know, is it?” gesturing to the jewellery with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Do you really not remember?” you try your hardest to hide the dejection in your voice as the corner of your lip twitches down once before you school your muscles back into neutral disinterest.
“Do I remember… Are you trying to insinuate that I am losing my memory along with my ability to breathe? That my body is just a ball of degenerating cells-” Viktor begins a what seems like a half-assed attempt at the prepared speech he had given Heimerdinger earlier this week regarding his latest health scare.
A groan leaves you as you drag your hands down your face, massaging your fingers into the pockets along your nose bridge. “Yes Viktor, that is exactly what I am suggesting since you can no longer remember that you are the one who made this for me when we were kids and I have worn this every single day for the past twenty-odd years.” the words stream from you as your patience snaps. “How you even remember my name is a miracle and I feel as though I should walk down to Heimerdinger’s office and have you taken off this project not because you're sick but because I might kill you if you keep asking me stupid questions.”
Viktor glares at you, his mouth set in a hard line and you are filled with regret at your outburst.
“Vik, I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
His stoic demeanour crumbles as a grin spreads across his cheeks, quiet laughter shaking his shoulders. “I cannot believe you are still wearing it.”
“Are you-”
“I had a feeling it was the ring I but it was so long ago that I’ve forgotten what it looked like.” he shrugs, leaning in for a closer look at the twisted metal. “It is a lot cruder than I remember. I was so proud of it but now that I am properly looking at it, it is not as well made as I remember.”
Viktor picks up your hand, twisting your palm around to inspect the ring from all angles.
“Did you seriously-“ you attempt once more to form a coherent sentence through your veil of disbelief.
“But I am touched to know that you’ve kept it this whole time, Kočička. It is very sweet.” Viktor smiles, teeth on display as he beams at the unencumbered display of affection you have towards him.
Your heart squeezes slightly, only a little, at the nostalgic pet name. Little Cat. Something he has called you since your days as kids in the undercity and kept going well into adulthood (his few years as your senior giving him the right to call you little)
“If it makes you feel better about being sentimental, I do still have the journal you gave me on our first day at the academy.” his fingers entwine with yours, the rough callouses of his palm brushing against your soft skin, as he settles your locked fingers into your lap. “I have not yet written in it but one day I will, when I find something worthy of such a gift.”
--- a/n: eee my first kinda long viktor fic, im still very very new to the lol world and lore so please be nice cause I've only seen arcane and lol fans scare me
#http tokki#⋆⭒˚。⋆ viktor#viktor x reader#viktor x y/n#viktor x you#viktor x reader fluff#viktor x you fluff#viktor arcane x reader#viktor arcane x you#viktor arcane fanfic#viktor fanfic#viktor nation#viktor fluff#viktor arcane#arcane fanfic
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Your Villain [Viktor x GN!Reader]
Preview: It’s a few hours and a doctor’s visit later that you’re settled into your bathtub, back pressed against Viktor’s chest and hands stretched out in front of you to examine them in all their bandaged glory. Nothing vital had been injured, thankfully, a bit of rest and some medicine and you’d be good as new. “This is ridiculous.” you complain in a huff, pushing some wet strands of hair out of your face. “I was supposed to be taking care of you.” His arms tighten around your middle in response, chin coming to rest on your shoulder. “I am overworked. You had a panic attack and accidentally sliced your hands open. Which one of those sounds like it should be higher up on our list of priorities, hm?”
Genre: hurt/comfort, light angst, fluff
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: blood, injuries, panic attack (reader accidentally hurts themselves during an attack), talk about neglectful/abusive parents & human trafficking, mildly suggestive (Viktor is a menace)
This is part of a series of stand alone One-Shots that all feature the same reader, you can find the masterlist here :3
A/N: Just in case I haven’t made that clear enough in all my fics, I love Jayce. Jayce haters have no space on my blog, bye 👋
“So what did you think?”
Jayce beams at you from up on the stage in the otherwise empty auditorium, you his only audience. You’d literally run into him on your way to deliver the boys’ food and without waiting for your approval, he’d immediately dragged you off to have someone to practice his presentation for some potential investors with. Most of the technical terms are lost on you of course, but the golden boy manages to make it all engaging and thrilling nonetheless, as you knew he would. There’s just one tiny little thing.
“It’s great. Except you look like you’re about to fall off the stage and start snoring any second.” His smile falters and it only serves to accentuate the dark circles under his eyes, his disheveled clothes and messy hair. If that’s the state he’s in, the one out of the two Hextech geniuses just a tiny smidge better at taking care of himself, you don’t even want to think about the other one. Unfortunately, it is kind of your job to think about the other one. “When did Mel say she was bringing over those potential new investors?”
“Soon.” he answers as he hops of the stage to join you. “Soon as in a few weeks, or a few days, or…?” The way he flinches makes you dread the worst. “Soon as in I think they might already be in her office.” Shaking your head in fond exasperation, you quickly gather your things and head back towards the lab with him. “Cutting it a bit close this time, aren’t we?” He groans as he walks alongside you down the hall. “There’s just been a lot happening at once recently, alright? Besides, they’re only coming by to talk to Mel today, the actual presentation from our side isn’t for a few days.”
He holds the door to the lab open for you and you quickly thank him as you duck inside, immediately zeroing in on the man sat at one of the desks, furiously scribbling into one of his notebooks. Greeting him happily, he replies with, “Ah, you’re back. Hand me those notes you took with you.” Jayce digs through his pile of papers for said notes and leaves them on the desk before coming to stand beside you. “Does he— Has it resgistered with him that I’m here…?” You’re trying your damn hardest not laugh as you pass a sandwich from your bag to the tall brunette; he shrugs while unpacking it. “Eh, maybe. 50/50 chance.” He takes a quick bite and then calls out to his partner again. “Hey V, your lover’s here.”
“That’s great, Jayce.” Deadpan, monotone. So Jayce ups the ante. “Yeah, we thought we’d maybe go on a date later? Or better yet, we skip that and just do it on a desk right here, you don’t mind, right?” A dismissive wave of a slender hand. “Yes, yes, whatever you want.” And you’re laughing while Jayce fondly shakes his head and continues to eat. Grabbing a thermos, you also snatch one of the stools scattered across the room and drag it over to where Viktor’s sitting. You sit down beside him, unscrew the bottle and pour some of the steaming contents into the empty mug still in front of him, then settle down sideways on the desk, arm tucked under your head for comfort as you watch him.
5 seconds. 4. 3. 2. 1. And there he is; blinking as the smell hits him and draws him out of his own little world. Works every time. You snort as he reaches for the mug. “At least now I know where I stand - and it’s below the sweetmilk. Disappointing, not surprising.” He startles, not really expecting anyone else in the lab, much less so close to him, eyes locking onto you and his gaze immediately grows soft. Mumbling apologies, his hand finds the back of your neck, practiced fingers drawing familiar patterns into the skin as he presses a quick kiss to your temple. Placated for now, you get back up on your feet and hug him from behind, arms around his shoulders and lips next to his ear. “How is the most handsome man in Piltover today?”
“Bone tired. But you knew that already, I guess. Pretty good, considering the stress, but it’s all gonna be worth it when—“ he cuts himself off when he finds two sets of judgemental eyes with raised brows on him, matching expressions conveying clear amusement. “And you were talking to Viktor.” Snickering, you answer, “Yes, Jayce, I was talking to the man I’ve been dating for months. I can see how you got confused though, considering our earlier bit. And I’m glad to hear you’re doing well, all things considered, but maybe some rest isn’t the worst idea? Get your mind working properly again?” And because the poor man doesn’t feel bad enough yet, Viktor brings a hand to his heart, clutching at his chest in mock offense and chimes in with, “Oh don’t be too hard on him, we can’t blame him; it’s only natural he’d assume you’re talking to him. Who would ever look at me when Piltover’s very own golden boy is in the room?”
Jayce opens and closes his mouth, failing miserably at trying to come up with a retort; both of you grinning at him like cats playing with their favorite toy, so he simply throws up his hands in surrender and settles on: “Oh, you both suck. You deserve each other.” Still laughing, you plant a quick kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek and then walk back over to the table where you left your bag, intending to grab his lunch. Not that you get very far, as the very familiar handle of a cane loops around your waist and drags you backwards in stumbling steps and before you know it you land in Viktor’s lap with an ‘Ooff!’
“And where do you think you’re going?” he complains, trapping you with him, arms tightly wound around your middle. “To get your food so you actually have the energy to go home with me?” You can feel the protest coming before he even opens his mouth and you’re absolutely not having it right now, not with the way he currently looks. “Darling, your eyebags have eyebags, you’re already about halfway out of your clothes and quite frankly, you reek. So you’re coming home with me, you’re gonna take a bath and then a nap and you’re not gonna argue about it. I just saw the presentation on your current project; it’s perfectly fine, your work is done and you have no reason to stay cooped up in here any longer today.” Tired, amber eyes blink at you owlishly several times before he cocks his head to the side and a sultry smile tugs at his lips and you curse yourself for not just slapping your hand over his mouth when you’d had the chance. “And when do we get to the part where I get to have you for dessert?” An eye roll at his boldness. “Maybe we can talk about it after your nap. Maybe.” His nose wrinkles in disapproval and he buries his face in the crook of your neck before you can stop him, warm breath fanning across your neck, leaving goosebumps in it’s wake when he speaks again. “Eh, I do not like that order.” You just barely manage to tangle your fingers into his hair and forcefully tug his head back before he manages to sink his teeth into the column of your throat. “Viktor…” you warn, only halfheartedly. He’s even worse of a menace than usual when he’s sleep deprived and you know that. You should know that. And yet you still make the mistake of looking at him.
With the first few buttons of his shirt undone, vest and tie discarded long before you even came into the picture, strands of his chestnut hair sticking up in every direction, partly courtesy of your fingers still keeping his head in place, and pupils blown so wide there’s only a thin ring of gold left, he damn well looks like you’ve already done something indecent. The ‘What…?’ he whispers is perfectly innocent, while the smile on his pretty lips is perfectly sinful. Your lover turns your brain to mush more often than you’d like and he likes to do it at the most inopportune of times. Unintentional, of course, he’d assured you. Right.
“Oh for the love of— I’m still here!” It’s your saving grace, the reboot your brain had sorely needed. “There are times when I liked it better when you two weren’t dating, do you know that?” You get your feet back on the floor and yourself off Viktor’s lap as you teasingly shoot back with, “And do you know that you get mean when you’re sleep deprived? You had a good hand in getting us together, you know, you’re only reaping what you sowed.”
Jayce flips you off with an equally teasing, gap-toothed grin, and of course that’s the exact moment the heavy doors open and Mel walks in. The three of you scramble to look at least somewhat professional in the young councilor’s presence, which includes Jayce immediately shoving his hands behind his back and you putting a good distance between you and Viktor by meandering back over to the table with your things, luckily positioned in a back corner of the lab mostly hidden by machinery, so you simply try to make yourself as invisible as possible; her visit always means business and that really has nothing to do with you, so you try to stay out of it to the best of your abilities.
“Councilor! I didn’t expect you today, what can we do for you?” She trails an elegant hand along one of the desks as she answers Jayce. “Oh nothing much. Your next potential investors were wondering if they could maybe sneak a peak at what they might be investing in.” The two scientists exchange quick glances. “With all due respect, our presentation wasn’t supposed to be until later this week. And to be honest we’re in no shape—“ She interrupts him with a call of his name, soft and amused and the air in the room becomes lighter, less professional. “Their little one asked to see the lab, that’s all. She was quite excited about the entire prospect of you two making actual magic happen here.” Viktor’s shoulders slump in relief as Jayce laughs lightly. “O-oh that’s… yeah, sure, why not.” Mel nods in thanks and then returns to the door, inviting the people waiting inside.
What happens next is mostly political pleasantries and introductions being exchanged, so you don’t really pay much attention, except… you know these voices. At least, you’re fairly certain you do, even if your mind can’t place them in this very moment. Trying to inconspicuously steal a glance at the visitors, you peek around a corner of machinery. You can’t see much, with their backs turned to you; two human adults with graying hair, in fine clothes, adorned with gold and jewels, and a little bouncing ball of energy hopping around them, trying to take in everything in the lab all at once.
“Mama, Papa, look! What’s that? And what do you use this for? Oh, why do you have that thing?”
A soft chuckle.
“My, your mind is as insatiable as always isn’t it, dear?”
And the glass bottle in your hands slips from your fingers and shatters into a thousand little pieces on the floor.
Mama, Papa, look! I’ve never seen any food like that! What do you think it tastes like? Can we get this back home, too?
My, your mind is as insatiable as always isn’t it, dear?
The blood’s roaring in your ears, ‘Oh that’s just a friend who brought over some food, nothing to worry about’ the last thing you hear from Jayce before the rest of the world gets drowned out. You’re on your knees, gathering glass shards in mechanical movements as your heart rate picks up enough for it to be considered worrisome. No matter how hard and deep you gulp down air, it can’t seem to fill your lungs and your breaths turn sharp, shallow, gasping.
Meanwhile Viktor is drumming his fingers against the wood of the desk in irritation and anxiety and the very instant these people are out the door, he’s up and walking across the room. Something’s wrong with you; he can’t explain it, but he’s absolutely certain nonetheless. As he rounds the corner of the lab equipment you’re hiding behind, his stomach drops and the breath almost gets knocked out of him.
Blood. All over the floor, smeared over your thighs and dripping from your trembling hands, glass shards clutched between your fingers. He shouts for Jayce to get the first aid kit immediately and then he’s down on the ground with you, desperately pleading with you to open your hands and let go. But it’s like you can’t even see him, much less hear him; breaths barely a shivering wheeze and glassy, unfocused eyes staring off into nothing. If he forces your palms open he’s only going to hurt you and himself, so he brings his hand to the back of your neck instead, gently coaxing you to him and leaning his forehead against yours; whispering quiet reassurances to you, hoping to pull you back from whatever dark place you slipped into.
“It’s okay, miláčku, you’re okay.”
“I’m with you, you’re not alone.”
“Breathe, please just breathe for me, my love.”
It takes several long, agonizing minutes, but your breathing slowly returns to normal and you finally unclench your hands, glass still sticking to your tender, bloody skin. Blinking, your eyes swim back into focus and you can’t remember how exactly you ended up on the floor, or why you feel so exhausted and light headed. Or why Viktor’s kneeling on the ground in front of you, looking like he just witnessed his very own personal hell play out in front of him; Jayce standing a few feet behind him with the first aid kit in his hands, equally concerned and horrified.
“V-Vik…?” you whimper and that’s when the pain finally hits and your gaze falls to the bloody, disgusting mess that is your hands and the sobs and tears start before the situation fully registers.
The both of them get you up and sitting on the nearest desk, Viktor next to you with an arm around your shoulders and your head nestled in the crook of his neck, tears staining his shirt as he shushes you gently. Jayce gets to work on your hands in the meantime, picking out glass shards from your skin with a pair of tweezers as carefully as possible. By the time he’s applying disinfectant to your wounds and starts slowly wrapping them in gauze, the lab’s silent except for your quiet hiccups. Gingerly, apologetically, Viktor makes you sit up so he can get a look at your face and while he doesn’t necessarily like what he finds, eyes red and puffy and glassy, still with the same empty faraway look from earlier, he deems it safe enough to question you. “Darling, can you tell me what happened…?” You open your mouth, you want to answer, but try as you might, nothing comes out. So he helps you along. “Did you know the people who were here?” A nod.
Jayce knows about the… unique circumstances you’d had to endure when you first came to Piltover. Not in as much detail as Viktor, he assumes anyways, but he’s your friend and you’d confided in him about it long ago. And with his partner’s usually sharp mind clouded with worry, he’s the one that connects the dots first. Not that it makes getting the question out any easier, so when he speaks it’s slow and hesitant. “Were they… were they some of the people that… bought you when you were a kid…?” To his surprise, or maybe relief, he’s not sure, you shake your head no. Short lived relief as your answer makes his blood turn to ice. “They’re the people that sold me in the first place…”
“Those were… those were your parents…?” Jayce asks carefully as he finishes wrapping up your hands and you don’t actually answer his question, only mumble to yourself under your breath, and what he manages to hear breaks the inventor’s heart. “They have a kid… they have a kid…”
In direct opposition to his partner, Viktor’s blood is boiling. If you weren’t entirely reliant on him to keep you upright at the moment, he would be out of the lab and after your birth parents already. And it’s not hard to tell what he’s thinking, with the sharp, deadly glare directed at the door, so Jayce calls his name. No reaction. Again. Same result. Third time’s the charm, this time a bit louder, with more force behind it, and the Zaunite’s narrowed golden eyes flit from the doors to his fellow scientist. He’s gotten up from the stool he’d been on to treat your wounds, now packing up the medical supplies and subtly inclines his head towards you. “Someone should get them to a doctor. And then home. And stay with them.”
The raging fire in Viktor dies down to flickering embers as he takes in your trembling, hunched over form, little whimpers still leaving your lips every once and again. “Of course…” he replies and he could kick himself. Of course. You’re in pain, you’re suffering and you need him right now. Whatever he might think of your birth parents, however much he’d like to throw some choice words on your behalf at them, your wellbeing comes first. So he ushers you to your feet, arms linked and starts steering you towards the exit. Jayce’s ‘Keep me in the loop, okay?’ receives a decisive nod right before the doors close behind you both.
It’s a few hours and a doctor’s visit later that you’re settled into your bathtub, back pressed against Viktor’s chest and hands stretched out in front of you to examine them in all their bandaged glory. Nothing vital had been injured, thankfully, a bit of rest and some medicine and you’d be good as new. “This is ridiculous.” you complain in a huff, pushing some wet strands of hair out of your face. “I was supposed to be taking care of you.” His arms tighten around your middle in response, chin coming to rest on your shoulder. “I am overworked. You had a panic attack and accidentally sliced your hands open. Which one of those sounds like it should be higher up on our list of priorities, hm?” Unconvinced, you grumble further objections under your breath and poke at one of the dwindling bubbles in the steaming water, careful not to get your hands wet, lest you need to re-wrap them again this evening. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that… I’m not usually—“
“Stop.” He silences you with a kiss to your jawline. “You have nothing to apologize for. I’m just sorry you had to go through that in the first place.” With a defeated sigh, you scoot down further into the tub, nestling into his embrace and nosing at the slope of his neck. Silence falls between you for a while, except for the soft music from your phonograph over in the other room. You haven’t talked about anything that has happened and he hasn’t pried, hasn’t pushed and you know he won’t. Just like you know that you probably should talk about what’s weighing down on you so heavily. “Their kid. She seemed… happy. Well taken care of.” Ah, right, that’s why you’d refused to talk. You’re already crying again, swallowing around the growing lump in your throat. “Which means they can be good parents. Nurturing. Kind. They just couldn’t be that for me.” A sobbing hiccup is a precursor of what’s to come. “Why— Why couldn’t they just be that for me?!” You curl in on yourself, tucked against his chest, dissolving into a whimpering, crying mess. He stays mostly silent through it, only comforting little nothings between soft kisses against your skin. He waits for you to calm down, quiet sniffles the only thing left of your outburst, before he speaks. “It is not your fault, my light. They’re the fools who never gave you the love and care you deserved and in turn gave up the chance to see the wonderful person you would become.”
The grief and pain in your chest slowly turns into something else entirely; bitter and ugly and hateful.
“I want them to see. I want them to see what I accomplished, the person I turned into, without their help. In spite of what they did to me. I want them to look at me and recognize that they messed up; groveling and begging for forgiveness that I won’t grant.” And a part of you does want that, more than anything. Wants to see them humiliated and crying and broken, just like they left you once, long ago. But that’s just one part of you. Another one thinks of the little, bubbly, starry eyed girl you’d seen sprinting about the lab; happy and joyful to be experiencing, sharing, something new and exciting with her beloved parents. A heavy sigh leaves you as realization which part of you will win out in the end hits. “But it wouldn’t change anything. The only thing it would accomplish is ruin the image an innocent girl has of her parents. It would change things for her, not for me or for them. I’d be destroying the foundation parents are supposed to be for their children and it would make me just like them.”
“You’re a stronger person than I ever could be. If not for you and Jayce, I would’ve gone after them today. Given them a piece of my mind.” A kiss to his pulse point. “It’s the thought that counts. Besides, there was a time when I would’ve needed them in my life. Not anymore. I had a parent; a dad who raised me and supported me and gave me all the love and care I ever needed. And while he might not be around anymore, I still have people who love me. That’s more than enough.”
What you’re about to say next doesn’t come as easily to you; it’s inappropriate and you hate the fact that you even consider asking, but not mentioning it at all doesn’t sit right with you either. “Viktor, I… I don’t wanna ask this of you, I shouldn’t be. It’s presumptuous and selfish and my personal life shouldn’t be interfering with your work, but… please, just…” You can’t bring yourself to actually finish that sentence, not that you really have to, you both know what you’re implying. He doesn’t immediately reply, you don’t expect him to and you definitely don’t expect him to agree. What you’re asking is audacious at best, downright offensive at worst and you wouldn’t blame him if he got upset with you over it. What happens instead leaves you utterly baffled, because he carefully takes hold of one of your hands and presses a light kiss to the bandaged knuckles and says, “I still remember the last time I saw you when we were kids, you know.”
“You came bounding down to the riverbed, almost tripping over your own feet, yelling my name and waving your hands. Telling me all about how your parents were gonna take you to Piltover for the first time the next day. How you were gonna try every food you’d be able to get your hands on. How you were gonna bring me back a new toolbox. Gods, you were so excited, you were glowing.” A fond, soft chuckle. “I want a future where every child in Zaun can look and feel like that all the time. That’s the kind of future I want to create with Hextech. People like your parents, who will sell their own flesh and blood, who will sell Zaun’s future, for their own gain? They will not be a part of that. Not as long as I have a say in anything Hextech. So please don’t worry.”
Water splashes over the edges of the tub as you shift, straddling him and cupping his face. With glassy eyes and shaky breaths, you bring your forehead to his and whisper your thanks. He gently takes a hold of your forearms as he speaks. “Not for this. Not for anything that has transpired today.” Shaking your head slightly in disagreement, you grab one of his wrists and leave a kiss on his palm. “Yes, for this. For everything you did today. I’d never take that for granted, I’d never take you for granted, but I feel like I don’t actually tell you enough. How glad I am that I have you. How happy it makes me that you decided I’m the person you’d like to share your life with. How fortunate I consider myself to be with someone I can always rely on, no matter what.” His eyes seem to glow in the candlelight, warm honey taking you in with pride and affection as he moves his arms to wrap around you in a loose hug. “I hope you know that feeling’s mutual.” Humming in acknowledgment, you manage to ignore the part of you that disagrees with him. That little, nasty voice in the back of your head is always there, but it’s been getting quieter in recent months, easier to handle. So instead of questioning yourself and wether you truly are a support for him as much as he is for you, you kiss the mole under his eye, run your nose along his sharp cheekbone, press another kiss to the mole right above his mouth and then your lips finally find his, sweet and chaste. “Yeah, I know…” you mumble and kissing becomes virtually impossible with how much he’s smiling so you pull back with an overly dramatic huff to pout.
“So, considering the day did not at all go as planned and your precious order of things got… eh, kicked right out the window: Have you changed your mind on dessert yet?” Truly, it takes you a few very long seconds. It’s the suggestive raise of a thick brow that finally makes all the pieces click into place and the flush of your skin can’t be attributed to the hot water alone anymore as you try to dunk him for that. When that doesn’t work, you settle for splashing him instead, wet bandages and bathroom floor be damned, and try as you might to seem offended, you’re smiling and laughing right along with him. “Oh so that was your intention all along? You’re a fiend; a vile, treacherous fiend, Viktor.” He manages to get a careful hold of your flailing hands, before you hurt yourself further, with one of his own, using the other to push wet hair back and out of his face, some droplets still clinging to his long lashes as he grins up at you. “You wound me, my love, I would never. My only intention with this was to make you laugh. Is that truly such a vile and treacherous deed?”
You’re left gawking at him in awe, because even after all this time, you still can’t fully comprehend how well he knows you. “Well…?” A slender finger pokes your cheek. “Am I still the villain?” Of course he’s not. He never could be. Not in your story, anyways. But you and your wounded pride aren’t quite willing to admit that yet. So you turn your gaze away, cause you can’t possibly stay even fake mad at him if you have to look at his stupid face with that crooked grin you adore so much, before you answer. “Yes, yes you are. A devious, troublesome, terribly handsome—“ Your face scrunches up in annoyance; at yourself and your brain’s inability to function properly around this man and the bastard actually has the audacity to laugh at you while he hugs you closer and tucks his head under your chin so you can’t get another opportunity to soak him yet again. You loop your arms around his shoulders and bury your hands in his hair and fiddle with the wet strands instead.
“Eh, well, at least I’m your villain. For as long as you’ll have me.”
Your hold on him tightens, the grip on his hair almost painful, your answer immediate and certain. “Always. I… I’ll always want you. Villain or not.” A tad much maybe, a little silly, you’re only joking around after all, but you can’t help it. You have the love of your life right here in your arms, of this you’re certain, and as long as he still wants you in return, you don’t plan on letting him go. And you’d take any chance to tell him as much.
He doesn’t seem to see it as too much or silly, though. Not with the way he presses a lingering kiss to your chest, right where he can feel your fluttering heartbeat under your wet skin and hums in contemplation and gratitude. “The rest of the world can have me as their villain, as long I get to have you in return.” Carding your fingers through his hair softly, he receives a small chuckle as his answer. “Silly. You already have me.” You use the fingers already tangled in his chestnut locks to tip his head back and get his eyes on you, beautiful amber like a warm, familiar fire. “I’m yours, now and always. And nothing is ever going to change that.”
“Nothing…” he echoes, gaze already on your lips. The kiss is passionate, loving and oh so tender. A newfound promise between lovers, sealed to last an eternity.
#arcane viktor x reader#hurt/comfort#gender neutral reader#viktor x reader#fluff#angst#childhood friends#arcane x reader#arcane imagine#viktor arcane#league of legends
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