#lara raj x reader
maevebabyy · 2 days
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lara raj x fem reader
req! - “fluff and suggestive flirting and things like that(if your comfy with it obvi) , dream academy! contestant reader and dream academy contestant Lara”
a/n - i hope i did u justice 🩰 anon, I LOVE THE FIC IDEA BTW
wc - 1.4k
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you groaned out loud as you fell face first into the inviting couch of the dream academy’s shared household. the day had finally caught up to you after a long day of dance practice and rehearsals, the training schedule you had been following for a few months now had not gotten any easier.
you sighed contentedly as you feel yourself sink in the comfiness of the couch, melting in it.
“becoming one with the couch, y/n?” sophia giggles lightly.
sophia, your first and closest friend here, rolled you onto your back so that you were now looking up at her.
“gimme 5 minutes” you murmur out, closing your eyes once more as you feel your muscles relax after a long day.
“no, not 5 minutes. now, y/n.” sophia nagged at you, like a mother would. “apparently someone new is coming in tomorrow, and you have to clean your side of the room.”
you furrow your brows, someone new?
“what do you mean someone new?” you sit up slowly, finally opening your eyes. “didn’t they send naisha home recently?”
sophia shrugs, moving off the couch. “i don’t know either, y/n, but you need to clean your side of the room because i wanna leave a good impression.”
before sophia can leave to go join the other girls for dinner in the kitchen you quickly ask her a question. “wait, soph! do we have any info on her at least?”
sophia grins as she answers, “her name’s lara, and she’s your age”
meeting lara for the first time was definitely an experience.
you hadn’t been able to see her until it was almost the end of the day, whereas everybody had already met her earlier during their rehearsals/practice times. that’s why you almost dropped the iced matcha latte you had gotten from starbucks as you walked into your shared bedroom with sophia when you noticed your roommate and a stranger in your unkempt space.
this stranger was pretty– stunning even. she had long flowing black hair that framed her face effortlessly, complementing her symmetrical features. her eyes were dangerously captivating, making your heart skip a beat when you made eye contact. she had various types of gold jewellery on her, but it was her bindi and nose piercing that stood out to you the most. she oozed confidence, which was definitely intimidating, but you found yourself strangely allured to it.
striking, you thought.
“this is y/n!, she joined us a couple months ago, but she’s super talented! i’d say she’s our most well rounded contestant.” sophia grins brightly at the new girl.
your roommate shoots you a look, snapping you out of your thoughts as you introduce yourself. “uh, sorry, i’m y/n. i’m guessing you’re lara?” your gaze lingering on her just a moment longer than necessary
lara turned to you with a smile that made your heart flutter. god, you had just met this girl and you already found yourself feeling the butterflies in your stomach. “yeah, that’s me. nice to finally meet you, y/n!. i really like your room too, do you play?” she asks, pointing towards your guitar.
you smile awkwardly at lara, realising you really should’ve cleaned your room. “ah, yeah, sorry for the mess by the way.”
sophia clicks her tongue in response, giving you an ‘i-told-you-so’ look’, which you could only chuckle at.
“nah, it’s fine” lara’s smile was warm and genuine, and you felt your cheeks heat up as she extended her hand for a shake. “i’ve heard a lot about you from sophia.”
“only good things, i hope?” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. as she laughed lightly, the sound wrapped around you like a cozy blanket.
“definitely good things! she says you’re quite the dancer,” lara said.
“just trying to keep up with everyone,” you shrugged, smiling softly at the compliment though. “what about you?”
“i like to sing a little.” a smirk tugs on the corner of her lips. 
a little was an understatement as you and the other contestants sat on the side of the dance studio and listened to lara sing. how does someone even sing so effortlessly like that? 
you find yourself speechless as lara grins brightly as she finishes singing, heading off into the direction of daniela, megan, and emily.
“holy shit, sophia” you looked at your best friend, who swatted your shoulder.
“language!” she laughs.
“sorry!” you chuckle, shaking your head in disbelief, “but it’s true, she wasn’t playing around.
you watch as lara chatted animatedly to the three girls, her smile lighting up the entire dance studio in your eyes. a wave of admiration washing over you, and the same damn butterflies you felt from yesterday. unknowingly, a soft grin appears on your face.
sophia follows your gaze, eventually landing on the indian girl as well. “no way-” the filipina covering her laugh with a hand over her mouth.
you turn to your roommate in confusion, “huh?”
“you’re like, the gayest girl i know” sophia continued laughing. 
you roll your eyes at the girl beside you “it’s not like that–”
sophia quickly runs away from you and towards marquise, who was talking to manon, to defend herself from you.
the days turned into 2 weeks, and the initial excitement of meeting lara settled into a comfortable rhythm. you found yourself stealing glances at her during practices, each stolen look igniting that same flutter in your stomach. you’d caught her eye more than once, each time exchanging shy smiles that lingered just a bit too long.
lara had a way of weaving herself into your day, whether it was sharing a laugh over a missed step or playfully challenging you to keep up during practice. it was light and easy, but underneath it all, there was an undeniable tension—a connection that felt electric and yet so fragile.
one evening, you found yourself playing your electric guitar, the other girls leaving the house to go eat out. the house had settled into a comfortable silence, one that came rarely considering you lived in a house with about 10+ other girls. you picked at the fretboard absentmindedly, letting the distorted and amplified sound ring around the room. the soft vibrations of the noise echoed against the walls, blending with the fading light of the sunset outside.
just as you started to get lost in your music, you heard the familiar sound of footsteps approaching. looking up, you were pleasantly surprised to see lara leaning against the doorframe, her arms crossed, an amused smile playing on her lips.
“is this a private concert just for me?” she teases, looking the same way she does, never failing to make your heart beat faster.
“i thought you went out with the rest of them?” you chuckle, stopping your playing.
she giggles back, sitting on your bed beside you. “i did, got tired though so i went home earlier.”
a silence falls between you two as you take in the close proximity between you two. she smells good, you note. like coconuts and sandalwood.
you clear your throat, trying to focus on the moment at hand rather than the way your heart is racing. “uh, so, did you wanna try to play something…?”
lara shakes her head no, giggling lightly, “no, i just wanted to listen to you play. you’re really good y’know?”
lara wasn’t lying, you were good at the guitar. you had been playing on and off since you were 7 years old. 
your cheeks flush at the girl’s compliment, “thanks, i’m just messing around though.”
“messing around or not, you still sound good y/n” her eyes locked on yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter. “you must be really good with your fingers.”
her last sentence catches you completely off guard, a rush of heat flooding your face. “I, uh, yeah– i guess i am?”
lara leans in a little closer, a teasing smile on her lips– enjoying your reaction. “i’d love to see how good you really are, maybe you could teach me sometime?”
you don’t know when you two had gotten so close in terms of proximity, feeling her breathing on you. “s-sure?” 
lara giggles before pulling away, “i’m holding you to that, y/n.” she gets up from your bed as she stretches her arms above her head, the movement highlighting her graceful form. “but, for now, i’ll leave you alone, i’m still feeling a little tired.” 
you watch her as she moves, the way her hair cascades down her back and the playful glint in her eyes that makes your heart race again, eventually she leaves your room, closing the door gently.
what just happened?
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a/n - i should continue this me thinks 🤔🤔
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poeticjustice1010 · 2 months
Haunted by secrets Chapter 2
𖣗𖦆⊹🕷 Haunted by secrets
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Summary: A girl influenced by her best friend to explore an abandoned house with an unexpected outcome.
Word Count
Minors Dn
Smut, Ghost, death, some dubcon, and angst.
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Haunted by secrets
Characters - Hyunjin x oc, Lara Raj, Fatou, Seulgi.
Summary - A girl influenced by her best friend to explore an abandoned house with an unexpected outcome.
Word Count - 2222
Warnings - Fluff, Smut, Angst,etc.
“Genesis,” I hear my name as I regain consciousness. I wake up in my room, dumbfounded. " Who called my name?”  I think to myself  “Was it just a dream? I say out loud,
“No,” the voice answered calmly. I slowly turned around to see the figure sitting beside me, smiling at me. It turned out to be Hyunjin, but he appeared less transparent this time than last time. 
I began to hyperventilate. “Shhh,” he told me, grabbing my hand softly and looking into my eyes. He comforted me.   
“Who killed you?” I ask in a soft tone and shaky voice. He looked at me again, but this time with a sad expression. The room goes silent for a solid minute, and my heart begins to beat abnormally.
 “My friends.”
I wake up again in my room, but I observe the room frantically this time. Questions run through my mind: “What did he mean?” “Did his friends kill him?” “Who were his friends?” Why did they kill him?” The last question was 
“Was it just a dream?” 
“WHAT?” Seulgi looks at me, her expression a mix of surprise and disbelief. “Yeah,” I say in a soft tone. “HOW?” Seulgi asks, her face still dumbfounded.
I take a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. “I saw him again". Hyunjin. He told me that his friends killed him.”
Seulgi’s eyes widened. “That’s insane. How are we supposed to figure this out?”
I looked at her, determination growing within me. “We start by finding out who his friends were. They might still be alive or have left some clues behind.”
“We go back to the house to find answers,” Seulgi replies.
I thought momentarily, then remembered the paintings we saw in the house. “The paintings. There might be something we missed.”
Seulgi nodded, her resolve hardening. “Alright, but we’re not going alone this time. We’ll need Fatou and Lara with us.”
“Agreed,” I said, feeling a surge of confidence. “We’ll go back together and find out the truth. Hyunjin deserves justice.
The plan was set: We would return to the abandoned house, uncover its secrets, and piece together the mystery of Hyunjin’s death. A strange sense of calm washed over me as I lay back in bed. 
“Ready?” I asked, looking at Seulgi, Fatou, and Lara. They all nodded, determination in their eyes.
Seulgi comforts me by hand. “ We will get to the bottom of this Genesis.”
We made it inside the house, but something felt different. The house was much colder than before, and it was much creepier. “I have a bad feeling about this,” I thought to myself. Before my nerves took over, I began to remember what Hyun-jin had told me: “I will always be watching over you.”
“Ready?” I ask the three girls standing beside me
Our flashlights shined against every corner. As we navigated the house, we couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The floorboards creaked under the weight of our every step. We made our way to the basement, where this all had started. 
The silence was much more noticeable and pronounced.  My heart beats out of my chest we explore the area frantically.    
As we pored over the journal, everything began to make more sense. Hyunjin’s friends had been jealous of his talent and jealous of his success. Their Jealousy led to this mess. They covered it up, fearing the consequences of their actions.
“But who were they?” Fatou asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
I flipped to the last page of the journal, where the names of Hyunjin’s friends were listed. My heart skipped a beat, and my breath got caught in my throat. I recognized the names. They were the parents of my own friends: ” Bakshi Raj,”” Faatima Adebayo,”” Kyung Soo, and Hwan Kang.”
Our hearts dropped to our stomachs. We all stared at the journal in shock. Millions of questions flooded our minds. “What?” Seulgi said with a hurt expression on her face.
“I don't believe this,” Lara said in shock. Fatou was in disbelief. I glanced at each of the girls; my mind went blank, thinking about the possible outcomes of the situation. 
Once we had finished, tears filled my eyes. I kept trying to convince myself this wasn't real. Those were my friend's parents in that journal. “How do we know if this is true or not?” Fatou says barely above a whisper, slightly angry.
Once again, everything felt so surreal at this moment.
“What do we now?” Fatou says in a shaky voice, holding tears. 
“We confront them”
@nicoleparadas @stanskzot8
A/N " Make as many theories as you want! " Happy reading :D
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maevebabyy · 6 days
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change of perspective
push ‘n pull
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