#when I catch you kim rok soo's uncle
murasaki-cha · 3 months
Hi just wanted to drop by and say:
Cale acts mature and fatherly, always protecting and caring for younger children and teens because that's how he wished the adults in his life behaved towards him when he, Kim Rok Soo, was young and he doesn't want another child to go through that.
Meanwhile he acts spoiled, childish and bratty at times with people older than him because Kim Rok Soo had to grow up too fast and those same adults mentioned before would not let him behave as a child, but now he feels secure enough around these people to behave like a younger sibling/child.
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big19boss-blog · 2 years
Cale Cooking!
So, this a canon I have always imagined. It’s mentioned in the TCF that Cale knows how to cook Korean food from his Kim Rok Soo days. But I imagine Cale to be an excellent cook because he always undermines himself. 
It’s not always that Beacrox is ill but even he fell ill after the strenuous fighting season was over. The children wished to cook something for him and were creating a mess in the kitchen, so Cale decided to shoo them out and take over the cooking while Rosalyn and CH cleans the mess and Ron runs an errand in the village. 
So, Cale decides to take matters into his own hands. 
Cale: Enough! All children out of the kitchen, now.
Roan: Human NOOOOOO!
Hong: Yess we want to cook Beacrox Uncle!!!
On: We would really love to give him something homemade.
Cale sighs. 
Cale: Okay I will cook, and you all will help when I tell you too.
Cale got to work, he thought that a quick soup with some fresh bread and some hot coco would be enough. So he got to work, he kneaded the bread out of the left-over flour. He asked Roan and Hong to slowly control the heat around the melting chocolate, Choi Han to cut the vegetables and meat, Rosalyn to pre heat the oven with magic and On to get run to the underground house and bring some spice they got from the east. 
Over the course of the next 1 hour he collected all the food in enough quantities to fulfill the small town they house at here at the Black Castle. The loaves were baking, soup was simmering, the hot coco was being filled in glasses for everyone's easy access. 
Eventually he prepared one plate with all the food and told the children to give it to Beacrox. 
Roan: You are not coming with us Human?
Cale: No, I don’t want to get catch whatever bug he has.
He then turned and left the kitchen. But everyone knew that despite that rude response how carefully he has made each item. 
When Ron tasted the food, he knew instantly it wasn’t someone who has cooked for the first time. But the food was so healing, the rich but light taste of soup, the airy and slightly sour bread and the subtly sweet hot coco, that he didn’t question it much. He never knew his tiger young master could cook so well. 
But the fact brings him peace that when he is gone and someone forgets to feed his Young Master, he can cook for himself.
The Children enjoyed the food so much that they ran again and again to the kitchen to sneak multiple helpings even late after dinner was over. Choi Han was almost nostalgic for a second remembering the young, malnourished Kim Rok Soo. 
Cale after years of eating just enough actually ate more than necessary for once, enjoying the taste of his own food after years and getting a little lost in olden days. 
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blueteller · 2 years
The Beautiful Subtlety of TCF World-Building
I could write an essay about how magnificent it is. In fact, I probably already did. However, it always hits me again, every time I re-read it.
Just look at this moment.
-Human, do you want to loot these magic devices?
Cale was flabbergasted. […] Rather than trying out these gambling magic devices that resembled slot machines of his previous world, the Dragon instead wanted to steal the device and break it apart in order to see how it worked.
Cale did feel a sense of satisfaction, but feigned ignorance as he asked.
-What do you mean why?! We need to figure out how they work! […] And then I will be able to take all of the money from here! I will use 1 silver coin from my piggy bank in order to rake it all in!
Cale’s expression turned stiff.
A dragon really was amazing. Raon was thinking even more practically than Cale.
Cale seriously considered Raon’s suggestion before seeing someone put in 1 copper coin, which was 1 cound in the Caro Kingdom’s currency, into a machine and then turning away.
Resignation, anticipation, desperation, obsession, and despair. Cale didn’t want to take the money that was gathered through the collection of all of these emotions.
Wouldn’t it be better to steal from wealthier people if he was going to steal?
-Chapter 187
It's such a small moment, I didn't catch it at first. But did you see it?
Did you see how Cale considered Raon's offer, because it's in-character for him to like the idea of free money... then immediately turn away from it? Why would he? What is it about gambling that disgusts him so much?
Cale dislikes gambling because of his abusive uncle. And we don't learn about that until much, much later:
“Wow, really?”
It was at that moment.
Choi Han overheard a voice that made him stop on his way inside the mart.
Two women were standing by the discounted items located outside. They were frowning while chatting with each other.
“No, Mr. Kim really fell deep into gambling?”
Mr. Kim.
Choi Han couldn't help but stop whenever he heard that family name.
"Exactly! He's asking anybody he knows if he could borrow some money from them! Apparently his eyes look hollow and he reeks of alcohol!”
“My goodness. Unnie, then is Mr. Kim Seung Jong not working?”
“How can he work when he’s like that?”
The older looking middle-aged woman snorted and shook her head before lowering her voice.
“But isn’t there a kid in his house?”
“Ah! I, I heard that he brought his distant relative!”
The woman who was chatting with her covered her mouth with her hands.
“My goodness… then-”
“Ah. That is a bit concerning.”
-Chapter 736
We don't learn until Choi Han's indignity test that Kim Rok Soo grew up with an abusive uncle. We only heard about him being orphaned and spending time at the orphanage before that point. I'm not sure if his uncle was ever mentioned at all.
Cale is someone who obviously cares about family a lot. Clearly, his uncle is a memory he tried his best to suppress.
Because he is someone who can never forget, but is able to pretend to forget everything he doesn't like.
That is some excellent world-building, right there. The most amazing part is how far ahead the author was planning. Think about it!! The subtle moment about gambling happened over FIVE HUNDRED CHAPTERS before it became relevant to the story!!!
This author is incredible. I admire them a lot.
...Also, poor Cale. No wonder he didn't want to rob casinos. The idea of gambling is at the very least a source of minor trauma for him 😢
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weirdsht · 3 years
Adapt - Kim Rok Soo/Cale Henituse & Child!reader
a/n: me is no good in romantic stuff, but me has a knack for platonic fics and not only do i have a knack for them, i crave them. so here you go kim rok soo/cale x child reader
Warnings: platonic, reader is a child, talks of death, hints of dark thoughts, novel spoilers, spoilers for cale's backstory, an xreader but reader was barely there, can this be consired as like a mild character analysis?
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
If there's something missing in the warnings let me know so I can add it
Any form of interaction toward the post is appreciated <333
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Humans are creatures that are quick to adapt to anything. That’s how they survived for so long even though they’re extremely weak. They know that there are tons of animals that can dominante and exterminate their kind. Hence why humans focused on developing their intelligence and adaptation skills.
Still, some people adapted faster than others. Some still can’t catch up even though humans have gone through many years of evolution. It was an inevitable thing, it’s just the course of nature.
That’s why Kim Rok Soo just moved on forward and accommodated whatever the world throws at him. No matter how hard and taxing it is he just accepted everything and continued his life.
When his parents died he just moved forward and stayed with his uncle.
When his uncle started abusing him he just accepted it and waited for the day he could move out.
When the world was thrown into chaos he just adapted once again and did what he can to live.
When the two people closest to him died he merely put on a mask and moved forward into leading the team they left behind.
Although humans are adaptable creatures, everyone has a breaking point. Kim Rok Soo’s breaking point was almost when Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo died. But he can’t, aside from the team Soo Hyuk left behind there was also the child the three of them took in, ____.
____ was someone the Soos took in and cared for together. Rok Soo might complain, grumble, and deny everything but everyone around him knows just how much he loves his ‘main source of pain and headache’. That was why even though the world was in shambles and people kept dying left and right he could still adapt and move forward.
But of course fate was never on his side. No matter how hard he tried, the last remaining light in his life was still forcefully and brutally taken from him. All of them knew that their leader wasn’t at fault, that the odds were against them and there was no way the child would’ve been saved. Knowing those things doesn’t stop the effect and aftermath of what happened though.
Kim Rook Soo’s world became gray. His mask got thicker and he was only alive solely for the fact that he cannot die just yet. The man who found happiness in his life for a short while returned to being someone who just adapted and moved forward.
That was why, even though he would never verbally express it, he was grateful he got transmigrated as Cale Henituse and had the chance of meeting the people he is with right now. That was why even though he wants to be a slacker he works hard for his people’s peace.
So why? Why is it that the man who normally never stops couldn’t help but feel his world cease for a moment? Why is it that he who normally won’t let any major whammy affect him so he can adapt as fast as possible was now shocked?
Why are the words coming out of a reckless child, who's even younger than Raon, so important that it made him break character? Who was this child that made Cale stop his ability ‘instant’ and look back?
Just how important was it that merely one question from this particular child was enough to shatter Cale no, Kim Rok Soo’s entire being?
“Rok Soo-Hyung…?”
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icyteaa · 3 years
Fandom: Trash of The Count's Family
Title: Tangled with Them
Premise: Cale had a peaceful and quiet life until suddenly two jobless wraiths annoyed him and nagging him to do this and that like annoying uncles they are.
Tags: Reincarnation, Senior High School AU
Relationship: Kim Rok Soo | Cale Henituse & Lee Soo Hyuk & Choi Jung Soo, Kim Rok Soo | Cale Henituse & everyone
Rating: Teen
Part: 1/?
Part 0
That morning, after waking up so early than he did all the time, Cale felt his head hurt with migraine.
He doesn’t remember his dream, he doesn’t know either why he felt like something weighted tons of kilogramme hammer stomping his chest abruptly, making his heart beat widely with heavy and irregular breath.
He tried to think about his dream for minutes and there was nothing clicking in his head. He had no idea what made him like this. His mind comes blank and his eyes spacing out without knowing what he should remember.
It’s weird, he frowns deeply.
His eyes vividly show that he was crying. His chest felt stuffed. He felt something he shouldn't feel just because of a dream. But there weren't any remaining memories in his head about the dream.
He sighed after a long silence filled his bedroom. Cale tries to slide his concerned mind aside and wipes warmth liquid that is still lingering in his corner eyes. It’s not like he will remember his dream either just because he thinks hard enough, (and deep in his heart, he doesn't want to remember what was the reason he cried in his dream).
So he decided to focus on the fact that it’s just a dream. A weird dream that is not worth paying attention to. It’s not Cale style to think about something troublesome too much either and it is still six in the morning when he looks at the clock. It’s too early to think about anything at all for Cale's standard.
He sighed and plop his head to the pillow again. Even if he couldn’t come back to sleep for some reason, he decided to just lie down there, trying not to think about anything while closing his eyes.
“Orabuni, good morning!”
A young and small child runs toward Cale instantly when he approaches the dining table. Lily, his younger sister, reached out her small hands to the air with a bright smile and dashing out that she almost stumbled on her own legs.
Cale flinched and crouched down instantly to catch the child's body. He sighed when the tiny figure safely landed in his hugs with two hands surrounded his neck. Felt his heart beat widely for a moment when he imagined that Lily would get hurt.
“Dear, you shouldn’t run like that. What happens if you’re hurt?”
Their mom, Violan, gave the child a stern stare. Dissaprove with her daughter's behavior before. Cale heard some groans come so close to his ears before the child who was still clinging to his shoulders muttering some apology.
Cale just shook his head twice before letting her approach their mother with a more calm demeanor.
“Good morning, Hyung-nim.”
A young boy with a calm and small smile greeted him and Cale answered with a nod. His hand automatically reached out to Basen, his younger brother, and ruffled his head a bit when he realized that the child who was 3 years younger than him was already carrying a thick book in his hand on the first day of school starting today.
Cale sure today would not be filled with any lessons unless the opening ceremony and other useless things, but he did not despise what his younger brother did. Now he really can save himself from being cursed to be an heir of their father's company and give it to his clever and dutiful younger brother.
That sounds so good, Cale's smile gets wider. That alone makes his day better and he thinks he can completely ignore the fact that he had a weird dream the night before.
“The weather felt very nice as it welcomed all of you to have a great day on the first day of your senior high school period today. I welcome all of you, the new student who is filled with a lot of dreams—“
Bla. Bla. Bla.
Cale yawn, left hand reached up to close his mouth and hide it from others. This is the third greetings he heard today and he felt like it’s already years. He sat down in the chair amongst other new students, tried to make his hurt back to sit properly but failed repeatedly.
With a small sigh, he gave up trying and let his back lean back to the chair. Try to do it smoothly, so there weren’t any teachers who spot his lazy posture. His face turned down as he blanking out to not hear more the speech or the cheering teens—especially from girls—who had the opposite reaction than his.
Surely, it’s not because the speech was so aspiring or motivating. It was because the one who gave the speech had a handsome face. That’s what it is.
Cale shook his head once before closing his eyes. Blonde hair, blue eyes, also with such a prince's looks and smile—that was a complete package to be own for just one person, and certainly enough to be able to make a lot of students give their attention to him.
But unlike the other, it just gave Cale a sore in the eyes to saw him. Those radiant-like vibe his sunbae had illuminated so brightly and successfully made his eyes hurt with just a few seconds stare.
Cale could notice the smile that this School Prince gave was a fake and actually a sly smile with a single stare, but it looked like the other already blinded to its shining radiant and get fooled. He internally takes a note to himself to not go near this boy often.
It is so much hassle to always be noticed by everyone for someone like Cale. And surely, it is supposed to be a very easy thing to do, right?
After all, there is a 2-year gap in their class. And as someone as pasif like Cale, who had decided to live a quiet school life with a lot of time trying to skip class so he can have a good sleep and even didn't plan to get any extracurricular activities, surely will not often encounter such popular and model students like him.
He nodded his head, agreeing with his own plan. A small smile formed on his lip. Just imagining about it makes him happy.
He flinched after hearing the sound that broke peace in the school hall, the place they had an opening ceremony today. Cale looked up and scanned his surroundings. There were a lot of students that had already stood from their chairs, their eyes shook because of the shock and their gazes all turned to the right side.
Cale followed their stare and caught a figure black haired boy dragging someone with his left hand from the door he slammed before and approached the stage where all the teachers had gathered as he didn’t care about the gaze around him.
Cale’s eyes shook too after looking at the sight properly. That, is the one who that vicious boy dragging is death? Cale shook his head twice in denial.
That was impossible, right? After all, that vicious boy too wore a new high school uniform that was the same as him. Such a new high school student couldn't be very productive to beat someone to pulp in his first senior high school days, right?
Cale felt a chill in the back of his nape.
But different from the fact Cale wants to trust, he can see splashes of blood in the corner of both that boy sleeves, despite the other part of his uniform still neat, tidy and clean. Cale gulped. The teachers all had chaotic expressions on their faces as well.
The students had long gone to divide themselves into two sides; the one who crowded to the front to approach and saw more clearly what happened because of their curiosity, and the one who walked back down to the corner because they felt scared.
Cale, who was still in his chair, blinked several times. His brilliant but sly brain worked hard before he stood from his chair too. Different from his expression earlier, he has a wicked smile on his lips now. He unified himself with the student who was backed down and smoothly doing what he wanted to do from the first greet he heard; escape from this opening ceremony.
Cale had a satisfied smile on his curled lips as he walked away from the hall. Cale didn’t care what that boy's problem was. He didn’t want to know either. He just felt thankful to the vicious boy that made a perfect chance for him to escape and added that boy's face to the list ‘Someone Who I Shouldn’t Approach and Messed Up with’ in his head.
That day, he had a nice slacker day until the bell rang in his ears. Cale felt content. He didn't know that there were a lot of incidents that he would consider as unlucky fate had been waiting for him in the near future.
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
Hello! Do you think Choi Han would be updated of all the memes after having access to Choi Jung Soo's memories? If so, how likely do you think Choi Jung Soo would be the type to spout memes? And how likely do you think Choi Han would? And do you think Cale/Kim Rok Soo is the type of person to avoid memes, or insert himself into them?
AHAHAHA you guys really ask the best questions!
If inheriting Choi Jung Soo’s memories was like watching a movie, I believe memes would fly straight out of Choi Han’s head the moment they’re through - although, let’s be realistic, who has time to be keeping track of memes when there are monsters terrorizing your city? 
I doubt Choi Han received all the memories of Choi Jung Soo and probably only watched the relevant memories, and unlike Kim Rok Soo who has a record ability, information that isn’t important probably won’t leave a lasting impression on him (not when at the time of receiving his memories, they were in the midst of a battle and Choi Han’s only thoughts were ‘how can I return to Cale-nim’s side ASAP?)
Rather instead of evolving into a meme lord, I believe Choi Han has potential to spout dad jokes with a completely straight face. Obviously, this would only happen around really close family and during peace times. Honestly, when Choi Han met Choi Jung Soo and the two bonded, Choi Han radiated more of a nice, reliable uncle vibe. Tolerant of Choi Jung Soo’s shenanigans because he’s young but not so outdated he won’t be able to get in a rib or two.
Choi Jung Soo radiates chaos energy and would 110% meme if it was still a thing back in apocalyptic days. 
Meanwhile, Kim Rok Soo knows memes exist. Knows what they’re about. But he seem so disinterested and unamused when Choi Jung Soo’s memeing like a complete fool, everyone just assumes he’s not interested and just forgets about it. 
Until one day out of nowhere at the end of a meeting discussing the appearance of a new monster that can apparently split into two- “the one with the beard would be the evil one” it’s so smooth no one catches it first until ‘beard? what beard?’ Jung Soo’s ‘Wait a moment, was that a Star Trek referen-’
*all hell breaks loose*
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