#whatever story they are in. if they are too silly it can still detract from the character and story
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sssusuki · 1 year ago
The real secret to writing? Don't take your shit seriously. Oh! They are the destroyer of worlds? Well, they are also the destroyer of stoves and microwaves get them OUT of the kitchen! Ah, they were cursed forevermore till true love? Well, can they stop shedding everywhere I keep having to vacuum
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homestuckreplay · 15 days ago
d&d robot wizard named Intellibeam Laserstation
(page 1555-1572)
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It’s feeling so Act 2 up in here because we are seeing a couple of kids try to figure out Sburb mechanics while being equal parts competent and silly.
But first, a revelation that Jack Noir has ‘a policy of handing out a REGISWORD and a HITLIST to just about everyone who enters your office’ (p.1555). This is in my homestuck jokes hall of fame because it’s a sudden punch of absurdity that adds to the plot and characterization, instead of detracting from them. I think the jokes that don’t hit for me tend to be when a character uses a phrase format or SBAHJ reference that feels out of character for them to say, or when a joke replaces what could be a character moment (for example, p.444). This joke contributes to Jack’s amorality and clear-headedness while inciting disproportionate violence, and preserves PM’s character arc, since it’s significant if she’s the only recipient of this hitlist who actually carries it out.
It sucks that the Queen keeps Jack locked behind a desk watching other people when he has this much flair and style. He should be on the stage. Also I cannot imagine the damage PM would inflict upon Jack if she saw him open that package that isn’t addressed to him. That’s a MAIL CRIME and I for one am not even curious what’s inside until the package reaches its ADDRESSED recipient.
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Dave and Jade are a fun combination of Sburb players, because Dave has no concerns with playing the game ‘correctly’ and is willing to go with whatever makes things easier, while Jade has the inventor’s curiosity and wants to exploit hacks and glitches to advance as fast as possible. And Dave may have made fun of Jade for her ‘goofy modusses’ (p.382) but he is definitely benefiting from them now. Jade doesn’t play many games (p.442, 1400) but has spent her whole life engaging with Skaian technology, which is essentially ‘tech that functions on video game logic’ [sidenote: this definition made me decide that the sylladex is also 100% Skaian tech] so I think this helps her intuit how Sburb works.
The ability to alchemize the alchemiter feels right and correct. Alchemiter upgrades and add-ons allow for more complexity in the mechanics without needing more machines than would be practical to work with, just like how Sburb’s Atheneum (p.620) can store previously carved totems so that it’s not necessary to retain the physical objects. It seems like if enough machines are combined into one, the physical steps (moving around, handling and carving cruxite and cards) will be eliminated and the whole process will be automated. On a story level, it allows for power scaling as an upgrade can be anything, and there’s less concern for the time and space that a task takes – small developments like this and the suggestion of transportalizers between planets (p.1531) are still expanding the scope of the story.
I think a portable alchemiter would be a great next step. Gotta have a punch card for a little backpack and then Dave can carry this around while exploring his planet and he won’t end up like John, in a land of copper giclopses far away from weapon upgrades.
But what I love about Sburb is that it doesn’t care if an update is helpful. It lets the players make bad and nonsensical decisions and incorporates them into its logic. It’s open world and if you want a blender or a GameBro bust on your alchemiter then you can. It’s the difference between a game that makes an error sound if your strength is too low to equip the Ultra Greatsword and a game that lets you equip it and then just be a shitty fighter.
Dave struggling for space on page 1563 made me wonder about the smallest space needed to play Sburb. Its name suggests a full house, but a large room, like a well kept studio apartment, might have room. But a dorm room or houseboat or RV or nursing home or hospital simply would not work without modifications, and the idea of playing Sburb in unconventional living spaces is really interesting to me. Maybe if I write fanfiction it will be about that since it seems outside the scope of the comic at this point.
There’s no WAY we find out what the intellibeam laserstation does any time soon – this reveal is definitely getting saved, which leaves room for speculation! ‘Intelli’ comes from intelligence or intelligible, ‘beam’ and ‘laser’ both suggest a highly precise and advanced ray of light, and ‘station’ is a designated place for an activity (or a regular stopping point, and now I am imagining a train station for lasers). So, this is intelligent light, light that can shape and direct itself according to what it’s needed for? Or it’s light that can itself be used as a resource or material, a place for creating light or building with it? Light is a theoretically infinite resource, so could tie into Skaia’s ‘unlimited creative potential’ (p.422). It could even be involved in creating constructs – things with an intelligence of their own – giving lategame players the ability to alchemize their own light kingdom agents to combat the dark.
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mdhwrites · 2 years ago
You know, I think Dana didn't plan Belos at all in s1.
The whole eating palismen wasn't even a thing till s2. And what frustrates me about it the most is Lilith, most of her actions in s1 created a huge plot hole in s2 with that decision. He confiscates and eats all the palismen yet she's allowed to keep hers while Hunter is on a stress marathon at the idea of Belos finding Flapjack, and I couldn't care much since Lilith was right there. Same about the coven sigils, why does she not have one????? She was the freaking E.C head not just a regular.
And another plot hole about the sigils brands, one coven scout mentioned switching covens (Severine was her name don't remember the episode), was that meant to be a silly joke? Or considering that Dana voiced her, people assumed she did it to poke fun at Disney's decisions. It still creates a contradiction to the brands being permanent tho, people did consider a possibility that there's a way to debrand someone, and there should be in this case right?
Sometimes I feel like Dana cares more about hating Disney than writing sense in her story and I'm tired to pretend it's not like that, which pisses me off. Can you forget about that mouse for a damn second to consider that maybe you shouldn't write some things that make no sense? Or be aware of your time limit to not write certain things, like the freaking collector? But god forbid you'd be mad at her in this fandom smh🤦
So... I could talk about each of these subjects on their own. Belos/Philip as just a complete mess of a character and inconsistencies, Palisman and how they're a good concept that got fucked over by what this blog will actually be about and the EC/Coven system which... Holy fuck. HOOOOLY Fuck S2 fucks it up sideways.
And because I've talked some about some of these topics, here are three different blogs covering
Belos' asinine rise to power and TOH wanting to mirror historical fascism in his rise.
Talking about why people are mad about Stringbean is the closest I've actually come to talking majorly about Palisman.
And I did some talk about metatext and plain text to do with the magic tracks in TOH that is about to become VERY relevant to this blog.
It's actually your last paragraph I want to talk about though. Because... The problem isn't that Dana was too focused on hating Disney. That would only explain, realistically, the problems with S2B and S3 and the jokes at the Mouse's expense take very little time and don't really detract from the show. It is not a major issue about her as a writer.
Now before I get into what her biggest weakness, at least as you can tell from TOH, is as a writer: Don't attack creators. I am attacking her writing and criticizing it but I am not attacking her as a person or getting mad at her. Her creation does nothing offensive, nothing cruel, etc. like that. Are there problems with it? Yes. Do I have issues with how she has used excuses to shield herself and TOH from criticism? Yes. But we still need to be good people and I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone about that.
Anyways: I've talked at LENGTH about the fact that TOH has a focus problem. That it is effectively three shows at once. I even just yesterday talked about how this lack of focus damages its ability to have coherent themes because nothing is given enough time, attention or is actively contradicted eventually.
As the show runner, it's Dana's job to keep focus. To not let writers do whatever they want and keep the show consistent and in continuity with itself. Her job, effectively, is to follow a line I ADORE:
A great piece of art knows as much what it isn't as it knows what it is.
The problem is... Dana quite obviously doesn't agree with this. She appears by her writing to have a mentality that there is no idea she doesn't like. There is no statement, regardless of the contradictions it makes.
If you want to talk about how early this happens, just look at Covention. Dana, as the creative lead, should know that the covens are a very serious thing, that the nine covens are important to Belos' plans and she should know about glyph magic.
That is the episode that introduces there being potentially HUNDREDS of covens simply for the sake of a job fair joke and setting and also the power glyph EXISTS. Yes, the power glyph is used to make Amity more impressive in the fight, cranking up the spectacle, but notice how it has NEVER been brought back up? And Construction magic explicitly isn't what was described when we were first told about it? Almost like witches using paper goes against Amity's shock at seeing Luz use a piece of paper to cast a light spell.
Dana also should be the one most acutely aware of how dangerous it is for a witch to be a wild witch. How much deciding to use multiple forms of magic is hazardous to them. Well... Dana was on the writing team for First Day (linked in the metatext blog) and Reaching Out was SOLELY written by Dana. You know, an episode where Amity treats joining a coven like going to college, Alador has no objections about this and the twins both get a bad girl coven shirt like it's something to purely celebrate for them.
And if we look at what Dana hasn't explicitly written, she still doesn't appear to be willing to say no to anyone. Hollow Mind was written by other people and includes the line that the Titan was believed to be dead when Belos rising to power. In King's Tide, an episode Dana DID write, Belos talks about Luz must having been blessed by the Titan in order to have already gotten glyph combos despite Belos being the LAST person who should think the Titan is alive, especially since he's been in the things skull and made a fake religion around it.
Worse yet is that while Dana has never met an idea she doesn't like... She's never met an idea she likes enough to commit to. So much of the show is about presenting potential, even with what I've described above, but then doing nothing with it. In fact, more often than not, ESPECIALLY WITH THE COVEN SYSTEM, it will be discarded, ignored or changed for the sake of a different concept. Amity's parents are like this where Alador seems 90% on board with anything Odalia does in his first two appearances but then he's only a little neglectful but still moral come Reaching Out. We can have Luz and Amity try to have a healthy relationship and agree to not lie to each other but that would make the reveal of Luz's dad being dead so much harder so just... ignore that. It's okay that Luz is still blatantly lying and breaking her girlfriend's trust.
Remember: It was Dana's FIRST solo episode, Eda's Requiem, that setup how important the coven heads were for the sake of the Day of Unity. That even one going missing at this point would be a MAJOR problem for it.
Buuuut that is a problem that a lot of prophetic fantasy faces and usually doesn't have an answer to. It's a hard thing to have an answer as to why the heroes don't just keep one mcguffin away, let alone what TOH did with three of them being on the side of good. So what did other writers do with it when they actually had to deal with what Dana had written?
Throw that shit out in one line that implies replacing coven heads is as easy as replacing paper plates.
The show is, to put it lightly, a disaster. And you know a better show runner can do better than this because Amphibia doesn't have these contradictions. Gravity Falls doesn't have these contradictions. Hell, we go to less renowned media, to stuff like Randy Cunningham Ninth Grade Ninja or Danny Phantom and THEY don't have the same sorts of inconsistencies despite being about as serialized as TOH just not touting that as some sort of revolutionary aspect of it.
And the worst part? At least to me? It... It's a fanfiction writing problem. And in fanfiction, it's fine. Fanfiction is meant to use a piece of media to explore every potential part of the world and characters it wants. A professional piece of media, that takes so much money and effort to create, is meant to have greater focus and coherence so as to actually have a point to its story.
And if you want a comparable example for professional work, look no further than 50 Shades of Grey. I'm not saying TOH is as bad as 50 Shades but they both suffer from whenever the writer loses interest in an idea and just writes it out or has it vanish for no reason. Both go on tangents when the writer has some new idea that comes into their brain.
It reminds me of when people would ask while I was writing Crises Girlfriends, "What are Gus and Willow doing in this AU?" Because I am more of an original writer than I am a fanfic writer, and Crises Girlfriends was a story that I always planned to convert to original fiction, I'd never even considered them. Not for even a second.
Because... Could I have given them a role? Yes. But like TOH, it would have been performative, dilute the point and focus of the story and just felt like a waste of word count. So I didn't include them because they had no point.
But it was also fanfiction and Willow and Gus probably mean a lot to the people who asked. That's not their fault. That's part of fanfiction. I didn't get mad or anything, I just described what I just did as to why they wouldn't show up.
Because I knew what Crises Girlfriends was. I can make a one sentence pitch for it. It's about two girls who find love through the person they are with, but find help through the place they're in. It gets across how the two give support and care for each other but that love isn't the answer to mental health so within the story, you can actually expect some treatment of their mental health issues.
For Amphibia, you can say "It's the story of how another world helps bring light to the flawed friendship of three girls and makes them better people" and that works for explaining the main thrust of Amphibia.
What the hell is the main thrust of TOH? I can say what its main theme is, that self expression is king, but that's even an awkward placement when it clearly wants to be about reality versus fiction. But then it also is way too much wish fulfilment. It wants to be subversive of the fantasy genre but it uses too many of the tropes and excuses of it.
It doesn't know what it isn't, which doesn't let it know what it is. And that's such a shame. =======
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead,
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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prismatoxic · 2 years ago
for anyone who is not into metal gear, who is wondering how the fuck my queer military-hating ass got into what appears to be a military shooter series, allow me to explain:
the story of the games (i am mostly talking about mgs but the original 2 metal gears are probably the same) are very anti-military down the road, as in, "i trust and believe in the military, i am a good soldier, Oh No They Have Betrayed Me because the military is corrupt, i am now my own man fighting for my own beliefs"
on top of that, they take themselves seriously only about 50% of the time (mostly 2 and 3, but 1 and 4 have their moments and even 5 is occasionally a little cheeky). these games are very silly, and they know they are very silly. they also know how to deliver an emotional gut-punch that will leave you writhing on the floor. (looking at you mgs3, and side-eyeing you mgs4)
the plot may sound convoluted from the outside, and... well, it is, but probably less than kingdom hearts is. or maybe about the same. if you can handle kingdom hearts you can handle metal gear. either way, the 45-minute cutscenes are not just filler, they do genuinely try and explain everything. i'd say 4 is the most batshit, story-wise, but it also ties a ribbon on the story of the entire solid saga, so it's worth seeing if you like the other 3. (you are then free to disregard or fix as much as you want in fanwork, natch.)
the game does geek out over guns and mechs, i'm not going to lie. however it does not ask you to do the same. there is no mechanic wherein you must know the exact specifications of a gun to win the game. the game also uses a lot of military jargon, and also makes a bunch of shit up. however i personally found that context clues explained most things. suspension of disbelief is also wildly important.
the characters are good. that's it, that's the point of this paragraph. the characters are very good. they are over-the-top a lot of the time and the dialogue is often very hokey and the voice acting is sometimes particularly hammy, and i hear everyone but david hayter phoned it in for the gamecube remake of the first game, but it all spells out a cohesive cast of bozos whom i love.
are there issues? yes. david hayter was shitcanned for mgs5 and all surrounding materials because hideo kojima wanted a bigger name in his lead role, despite david hayter having voiced (almost) every snake in every english voiced game up until that point. (kojima claimed it was to make the game more serious, but the japanese voice actor did not change at all despite being equally hammy, and otacon's eng VA voices otacon's father in mgs5, so. make of that what you will.)
the series also does not treat women well. it tries to, sometimes, but it will still sexualize them in ways that feel demeaning, often detracting from the weight of whatever story they are trying to tell.
the aforementioned 45-minute cutscenes are also... kind of an issue. (they get longer, too, especially in 4.) like, some of us have things to do, kojima.
and of course, konami booted kojima from their company sometime during 5's production; say what you will about the man, but metal gear was his baby. (personally i'd have preferred they stop at 4 anyway, and kojima had tried to quit the series several times, but wiping his credits from 5's box and continuing to make the series without him feels scummy.)
there are other issues, things i've forgotten or didn't see fit to discuss at length, but at the end of the day none of this sours the series for me. (well, maybe everything post 4, but. not the rest of them.) i enjoy the story and characters and settings a lot, and... well, i watched my partner play them, so idk about the gameplay. but i was very enraptured watching, and have already written one fic and am working on another. (both otasune.) i will draw some things when i get my art mojo back, too.
so... i hope that explains it. i mean, i can see why it might appear to come out of left field from a storied fan of persona, but really, it's not that much of a stretch. i have a lot of reasons to be here.
...did i mention the overt homoeroticism? that's. that's there too.
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sixty-silver-wishes · 5 days ago
ADHD and not autism here, but that story about the English teacher hit me like a truck. It also didn't surprise me at all, because when I was in high school, that was my experience with several English and humanities teachers. They'd bill themselves as accepting and "quirky," and go on huge spiels about how "everyone is welcome." And the second you're the wrong kind of quirky, they immediately make it known how much you'll never fit in.
anyway I have a personal experience with that but it's long and emotional so uh. under the cut if you don't mind
this isn't to detract from the fact that the post is specifically about autism ofc. but this is something I can really relate to and I think is a familiar experience for many nd people
Growing up, I was super into English and literature. (Still am- it was my degree and is a huge part of my current career!) As such, I DESPERATELY wanted these sorts of teachers to like me. They wanted "inspired, involved, enthusiastic students who always asked questions and thought outside the box?" Well, that was me, I thought! I had a place where I could finally feel welcome, an adult I could look up to!
Except that wasn't the case. I could tell these teachers didn't like me. I saw how they treated me vs. the other students. I saw how they were silly and joking with everyone else, and dismissive towards me. I thought, if I was witty enough, if I gave the right answers, if I asked the right questions, then they could clearly see that I was exactly what they said they wanted. And it was never enough; if anything, it only made things worse. And because I looked up to these people, because I was obsessed with their approval, I decided to switch tactics. I HAD to be normal now. So I became obsessed with being quiet, with not speaking up, with sitting still and not being too loud when I did speak. Except it was hard. I had these impulses I didn't know how to control, and I didn't know where they were coming from. I kept wanting to speak up and talk about whatever we were learning about, because I was interested in English, goddammit. It didn't come from a place of pretentiousness or intellectual superiority; it came from the fact that I was an excitable kid who really wanted to be a writer at the time. And because I had to keep talking, and because I wanted approval so badly, I ruthlessly policed every single thing I said. I graded and evaluated all my questions and answers, all my interjections I hoped were clever or would score me friends. I developed really bad anxiety; I liked those teachers, and I knew they would like me too if I just acted differently- except I didn't know how to do that.
Fast forward to college. I was taking Russian classes for a few years, because I was hyperfixated on Soviet classical music history at the time and I wanted to read some historical letters in the original language. Once, I was trying to translate some letters I found online, and I came across a word I couldn't find a single direct translation for. I wanted to ask my professor what it meant, but I remembered what high school had been like. I didn't want to be the pretentious, disruptive kid who asked annoying questions in class and irritated the teacher. So I sent her an email to ask about the translation, and the next day, she announced to the entire class that I had a great question. I was MORTIFIED. I wished she'd just email me instead; now, she was telling the whole class about how I was reading Dmitri Shostakovich's letters and asking how to translate 'blagopoluchen.' That's like, two nerd points right there. She explained what the word meant and talked about how impressed she was with me, and i wanted to die right there. Which is weird, because like... wasn't that what I wanted? Didn't I want my teachers to be proud of me for years? My high school desire to be quiet and fit in was so deeply ingrained, I was terrified of praise, maybe moreso than I was of irritating my teachers as I had been before. No matter what, I always stood out.
My experience clearly wasn't as bad as the kid's in the above story. Nor is it probably as bad as many people's in the notes. I ended up having a great time in Russian class, and in college in general. But it took a while before I was able to feel that way. I don't think I can call myself traumatized, per se, but the way those high school teachers treated me while waxing about how "it's great to be different" had repercussions. I'm still dealing with the anxiety I developed trying to please them; that's why I told that anecdote about Russian class. What should have been a good experience for me was a terrifying one.
So, I guess my point is this. For all those teachers and authority figures who paint themselves as trustworthy, progressive, accepting people, we will believe you. People who need acceptance, who are desperate for validation, will believe you. We may let our guards down and maybe act a bit weird- and sometimes that's weird in a different way than you might want. And why shouldn't we let our guards down? Why shouldn't we view you as a sanctuary for our weirdness? That's what you said we could do.
By touting yourself as a safe space, you have a lot of power over the mental well-being of people like us. You have the opportunity to be the refuge you say you are, or you could cause lasting damage. So you'd better stick by your words, and use that power fucking responsibly.
every piece of ""autistic representation"" in hollywood sucks not just because of the infantalization and inspiration porn but because movie executives always fail to realize the real universal autistic experience: spending your childhood slowly and unfalteringly realizing all of your friends not so secretly hated and/or merely tolerated you at best and you've missed every social signal about it ever
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cielospeaks · 1 year ago
f h story spoilers
honestly shoutout to seithr for literally having the best protagonist arc/ending of literally all the protagonists. no shitty boss to be subservient to for no reason like peo + ash, no life debt to the order like literally everyone else. just "im free to live my life" and sora-ing her other universe selves into her own consciousness/heart/whatever and just thirsting over the person reading this together with them. you go girl.
overall i think this book was weird but it was not bad imo. the person reading this thirst was kinda silly, both in the story context and the unnecessary divide it had in the fandom. it was definitely a more provocative take on it than other characters just being like "i kinda sorta like you uuuu/////" which is fine when its one person imo. the characters were decent. i think the only one i didnt like so much was gull veig and thats mostly for the uwu sadboi stuff w her character that i think kinda detracted from a story where maybe she's a cold and calculating "this is the only outcome" force of nature/inevitability/whatever sorta thing. (and tbh a lot of that was from cyl which was sorta eh. too bad cant help that) as far as ner thus i think shes kinda a fun "interpretation villain". like im glad a lot of people see her as the true villain/manipulator of the book bc i def get that vibe, but i know if she wasnt a busty lady and instead was a guy that the same fans would see absolutely no faults with her :/ but take what you can get i guess.
i still am a njorthur enjoyer and i like his motivation, i wish theyd just fleshed it out more. like he sees humans wasting the seas, wasting the land, killing each other senselessly. hes a stickler for good conduct and he sees humans/mortals as slovenly and disgusting and having degraded (and maybe looks down on them extra hard for in his eyes corrupting his family members, like his sisters obsession w them as well as his kids/relatives its unclear). i dont mind that his motivations arent revenge and actually i think itd be funny if the twins are the children of another sibling of him and ner thuz, completely subverting that whole plot. in my fic i think it still works, bc hed see eitr as a family member who got corrupted by mortals and turned into a nasty kidnapper
i honestly dont mind the designs and actually compared to 5 and 6 with the same illustrator it was a breath of fresh air. i do think theres an unfortunate kinda "sameface" ey trend with a lot of character designs (poor elm) but i like the idea of the loose, kinda otohime esque robes of the vana characters. kinda wish theyd get a new illustrator for every book, it would make the character designs stand out more imo. tbh i feel like another person shouldve done b5. i can accept that 3 and 6 are same as 1 bc they all focus around askr + embla but i think 5's mech designs wouldve looked cool with a different artist, + the cringe meme faces would have maybe been less irritating
anyways i honestly hope that the next book isnt asgard, just like ive hoped for the last two book reveals. but give me some time to finish my fucking fanfic first. i guess ill give my thoughts on my fic when i finish it. honestly works been so bad this year i havent had as much time for it as id have liked rip
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laciefuyu · 2 years ago
(aka I am blasting my niche)
Apologize in advance for long text LOL
People who follow me before my new obsession aka Tears of Themis definitely know I keep using FFXIV quotes for my Jedi gifset (which I will willingly attest that it has some of the best writing in the media.) 
Anyway if I didn't make it my niche aka Tears of Themis x FFXIV that won't be me. So let's ramble about NXX members and what they will play (race and main jobs) and faves NPCs in the game and whatever popped up in my mind.
Main Character/Rosa
She was thinking of an idea for team bonding because they are friends and she wants to do something together
Luke proposed FFXIV because it's an MMO (so they all can play together) and has a good story.
She looked up and immediately agreed after seeing the glams of the various wol (warrior of light/playable character)l.
She was thinking of playing as a female miqo'te at first but she saw how jacked female roegadyn is, immediately steering to it with the speed of light.
She knows she wants to avoid tanks and healers because that is too much responsibility when she just wants to attack.
She ends up with arch/brd (archer/bard) for starters because 1) physical range means away from big mechanics 2) she just wants to shoot the boss from far.
Later end up becoming the main mch (machinist) because 1) cool gun 2) she is learning to shoot irl so it makes it more fun for her 3) she can PEW PEW in the game.
Always going blind to any dungeon, trial, and raid.
Because FFXIV can make you play all jobs if you will it, she tried it all eventually but she prefers being dps especially range dps
Sometimes she fights with people on forums because people keep saying mch is a useless job, and she will not stand for it!!!!
Likes to collect glams so she often drags NXX boys to farm a certain raid and dungeon to get variations.
Her favorites are Minfilia and Lyse. She really loves their characters.
She is also fond of Aymeric and G'raha. 
Used to dislike Emet-Selch but then she sobbed over him. After that, she will clown Emet-Selch whenever he shows up on the screen.
She loves Venat after Endwalker.
Artem Wing
He chose to play Elezen. He actually prefers duskwight elezen but seeing the psychiatrist stating he is going to play duskwight, he detracted from his choice because he doesn't want to ruin the mood.
Rosa casually mentioned isn't he want to play as duskwight because he was looking for the lore, and because Vyn has brain cells he put it together and gave Artem a dirty look. 
(It's just a feeling, but I think Artem in general is not sure where to put himself in a friend group especially when one of them previously had some kinda bad blood between them.)
They Have a Fun Talk™
Anyway in the end Artem still played as wildwood elezen but at least the air between the two is no longer silly and tense.
(The younger trio wanna know so badly what they talk about but neither is relenting)
Because Artem is Artem he is looking up the game stuff after the idea is proposed. He is not used to playing games all that much and feels the need to know how to do it correctly so he won't end up being a bother.
Funnily, he looked up the race lore and the twelve but managed to avoid spoilers because there is always a preface of warning when it reaches that territory of expansion spoilers.
He actually studies mechanics before they enter any dungeon, trial, or raid. 
Artem ended up playing tank as main because the younger trio preferred main dps and they needed a tank. Luke is an all-rounder but he avoids healer and tank roles when possible.
He chose gld/pld (gladiator/paladin). He studied the starter tank role and found that he would like to play that job the most.
He also played dps as either mch (because it feels right since he can use a gun) or blm aka black mage (he finds it fun to get a spot and to Not Move and deliver big damage)
Actually really into the story, and take notes while cutscenes play. 
(This left the other three confused while Rosa giggled to herself because she already knows it's his mockingbird self that is surfacing.)
Is actually a really good tank because he always does his rotation and mitigation correctly. Not without stumbles but he keeps improving to the point he can play tank with ease.
Multiple times saving a normal trial/raid because he got good mitigation and clemency (healing button) and finished the raid/trial or saving healer before dying so the healer can save the rest.
His opinion of Emet-Selch is sympathetic but ultimately the damage is already done, and his end is inevitable.
He really likes Aymeric. Find it admirable that the man is able to stay in his conviction even when the place and people he wants to protect would not always stand by him. He is glad to see Aymeric people in the corner no matter how few there are. Artem hopes that he could always stay true to his conviction too like Aymeric 
Is actually crying at Venat's famous monologue. (Flabbergasted the team)
His favorite scion is papalymo therefore it made him sad when he died.
Also loves watching countries' leaders growth, especially for Merlwylb and Nanamo.
Vyn Richter
He chose to play Duskwight because he finds them fascinating and also finds that they deserve better and should be given more fleshed-out lore.
He has a Fun Talk with Artem because they are friends now and Artem needs to understand that. (Albeit Vyn thought they would be enemies longer but they are friends now he needs to make it clear.)
(He would still annoy artem time by time but that's different vibes)
For him there was no other choice but play as a healer. This just makes sense to him because he in fact has an MD. Thank you very much, he would emulate this energy in a game too.
Vyn learned healing in the game very fast. 
His starter job is arc (arcanist) but immediately steers to sch (scholar) as soon as they get lvl 30, and he actually finds it funny when the fairy jank.
His main job is sge (sage) later on. It is interesting that the attack can heal, and he wants to master it.
He actually can play all healer but he finds whm (white mage) a bit mind-numbing, and while ast (astrologian) is fun with keeping up healing, cards, and attack he prefers something more reliable like sge.
He still plays because when there is a fairy jank, he finds it fun to play. It was also his first healer job, so he was kinda attached to it.
(And because he loves the barrier healer job. He will have to heal but he loves that he could mitigate or prevent the damages.)
He sometimes argues with Artem because of his use of clemency.
("Have more faith in your healer or play healer yourself, Artem." Vyn said in annoyance.
Artem sighed, "I canceled the clemency, Vyn.")
That said, sometimes he had to hand it to Artem because his decision to save or to mitigate the healer was usually top notch.
He only ever tells him good job and does not elaborate.
The only non-healer job he plays is rdm (red mage)
He sometimes studies the mechanic before entering the dungeon/trial/raid, but sometimes he trusts his ability enough to wing it. (He said 'I will wing it' usually when they all played in the same room instead of playing in their own place. He found it funny when Artem gave him an annoyed, yet fond look.)
That said, healing the younger trio is actually more stressful than healing Artem who plays tank.
Both Rosa and Marius play main range dps, and they are always somewhere in narnia (as in a far-off range of the heals) and Vyn either had to use a rescue button or adjust his range.
Vyn never does this to Rosa, but he sometimes uses the rescue button to drag Marius straight to the killing mechanic.
"Easier to kill you than healing you.")
Luke is a different kind of trouble for Vyn. He is always on range most of the time, but he is always trying to maintain uptime therefore sometimes he dies at the silliest mechanic.
Vyn, pulling a face: behave or else
(Never make your healer mad, folks)
His favorite scion ironically is Thancred.
He took a glance and saw a man full of contradictions and took it personally. He loves to psychoanalyze Thancred.
He actually hates Thancred. He is a Hater but Thancred is fun to analyze then he grows to like him as a character because the chara growth is unexpected and endearing.
He grows to love Thancred (bitter)
Vyn is also very fond of Cid. He can relate to Cid's story and how made the decision to step away from the Garlemald. Vyn hates Garlemald as soon as they are mentioned in the game.
He takes one glance at Ishgard and is immediately a Hater. Remind him too much of Svart. He thinks Aymeric is too soft and should take care of himself more instead of the ungrateful country.
He is pretty sympathetic to Yotsuyu albeit in the end, he knows there is no good end for her.
He hates Emet-Selch. 
He is very fond of Y'shtola because one sane person (in his opinion) and the sass along with intellectuals are fun to see.
He grows to like the twin.
He has a lot of Opinion™ on Venat but ultimately he could see it as a desperate gambit at the end of the world.
"This is why an ethical class is needed for scientists and the like. Also, Hermes needs therapy. His coping mechanism is to drag the world to hell."
Luke Pearce
He is the one who suggested FFXIV when Rosa suggested gaming as bonding time.
He is actually a veteran player but uses a new game+ mode so he can enjoy the game with them.
He has an alts which male sun seeker mi'qote but his main is a male midlander hyur.
He likes to say he plays all roles but he actually doesn't like healing as much even though he can do it very well and his habit as a melee player is always bleeding through when he is tanking which causes healers to get annoyed at him.
(He still gets healer annoyed at him as melee dps but he always delivers big damage so.)
His main from the beginning is pgl/mnk (pugilist/monk) and he is one of the few people who lament when the devs tried to remove some positionals. ("But that's the fun of playing monk!!!")
Is actually a melee jobs specialist, but his best damage has always been when he plays mnk.
Luke tried to not be silly for Vyn but his Positional Is Important™
("Sorry Vyn! But-
"-My positional is important."
"Yes." Embarrassed.
Vyn sighed.)
He is the one who calls out for extreme trials or savage raids.
He knows most mechanics, that's why he can clear things with ease, the only issue is that as melee, he is very greedy for more damage so all his dead usually is silly.
He knows the story is good, so he was looking forward to seeing all of them reacting to it.
Luke already predicted all of Rosa's possible reactions to it. There is something satisfying watching people reacting as expected in certain scenes
He is happy to know Marius also likes it, commenting on what he likes and also sobbing at some parts. He finds all of Vyn's comments either funny or very on point.
Artem was unexpected because Luke didn't expect the oldest to be very taken to the story, even taking notes and all. He provides thoughtful opinions that give him more insight into a game. Luke thought he already aced all the lore then there is Artem.
Luke is HELLA curious about what is written in the notes.
His favorite scion is G'raha, previously it was Minfilia. He likes their optimistic view, and he cried a lot over Minfilia's fate and G'raha's life during shadowbringer. Hope Punk all the way!!
He hates Emet-Selch's gut for a while but also pities him because Emet-Selch lost so many people he loves and Luke could understand the feeling.
The burden of memory, but he couldn't approve of the way Emet-Selch handled it either. It's complicated.
He is very fond of Hythlodaeus and thinks that kinds of people are needed in life. To not take life too seriously and enjoy it.
He loves Meteion and is very sad about her story. In the first playthrough to Endwalker, he cried at cutscenes before the Final Dungeon.
When he played the game again with NXX, he found he started to take Venat quotes to heart. 
He respects Venat as a character.
Marius Von Hagen
He was scrolling through the races and found the most perfect fit of the character he wanted. Male Viera.
He took forever designing his character to the point that Rosa and Vyn are actually bombing his dm to get faster. Luke uses his main, so he waited for them to finish and in the meantime does roulette for dungeon/trial/raid. Artem is already finished but also looking for mechanics and lore, and most gameplay. 
His starter job is arch/brd but it also became his main. His other DPS are dnc (dancer) and smn (summoner).
Marius always goes blind when doing dungeons/trials/raids. He and Rosa high-fived over this.
He and Rosa are also the most obsessed with glam therefore he always roped all of them to hunt ones. 
("Listen, I want this so badly, Artem!"
 "Me too! The phys ranger gear is so good in this one so please 🥹")
Both of them always roped Artem 1) Easier to convince (softie mode on) 2) Luke prefers to heal if he has to fill in either tank or healer 3) Vyn can be convinced but takes time.
Also the one who is most into PVP in FFXIV
"Killing people is so fun." About Frontline mode PVP
Payton almost had a heart attack hearing it out of context once. Marius has to explain it's about a game.
"C'mon let's play Rival Wing mode!!!" Marius every time they could have time to play together. Luke and he tries to outdo kills each other whenever they get on different sides.
He sometimes knew that he annoyed Vyn with his playstyle, but that only tempted him more. The result, ofc, the occasional dragged to killing mechanic.
("Worth it." 
Marius famous last words)
His favorite character is Guydelot. Rosa knows who Guydelot is because she also plays brd. The others find out of curiosity.
("He speaks to my soul you see."
"Being a drama queen?"
"Missy! How could you!")
His favorite scions are Alphinaud and Alisaie. He is really fond of their character growth. He also has a few things he relates to each twin (family legacy, finding his own path, unlearning some behavior) and he couldn't help but cheer for them. 
He loves Emet-Selch but will clown him whenever he is on screen.
("Making fascist empire to cope? Please be serious.")
Venat/Hydaelyn's last farewell made him really sad. 
He is also really curious about Artem's notes on FFXIV.
Also despite his first playthrough blunder, he is a really good brd. He always maintains his rotation if he doesn't die.
("I am a perfect support."
"Please fix your bad habit of going far off then.")
They sometimes end up using FFXIV as a reference for what they talked about and confuse people
Luke carries them through other contents such as Deep Dungeon.
Whenever Luke used the callout for the first time ex trial/savage raid, Artem was always confused about what even fisting the ground meant.
Vyn is such a good healer that it carries thru PVP 
Marius really loves giving ideas for group glams. Artem and Vyn used to resist it but now it is just a fact of life.
Rosa has tons of their gpose.
That’s what I have so far lmao. Anyone can agree or disagree, this is just my opinion after all but if this is actually a springboard for a fic where NXX finds out about Artem’s mockingbird persona? Hahaha… Unless? The NXX Idols AU is shoving guns to my temple now.
 Hope you all enjoy my niche LOL
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kittymaverick · 4 years ago
Mystery Case Files 21: The Harbinger commentary and review, part 2.
outSpoiler free review first: Holy SHIT GRANDMA studios, talk about knocking the ball out of the park. Not only was that a solid good MCF game to start off with, you’ve now set up the expectation for the next game so high, I’m honestly a little afraid for you. Like... do you know how high the bar is now that you’ve hinted about the content of the next game? Right, coming back to Harbinger for a second. Barring one tiny little slip up which I think was just something that got lost in translation (English is like that), the lore of MCF managed to stay intact, which needs to be applauded. At one point, I almost questioned if there might be almost too many references, especially with that happens to the references in the game itself. (Yes, I, the MCF nerd and fanatic, actually had that thought). I still flip-flop a bit on whether this was a good execution, or a good but shaky execution. For one thing, the way it’s executed... wow, that’s some heavy stuff emotionally. Which is why I’m questioning if that’s “good”, because I suppose there was a line of emotional heaviness I didn’t expect we’ll cross in MCF, but GRANDMA took it there. And so far... part of me is guiltily okay with it, but wow... The studio’s art style does suggest that a detraction from from MCF’s usual Elizabethan English Horror Story with a side of Soul Steampunk and Celtic Druidism would not necessarily be a bad thing. That GRANDMA chose otherwise though, and stuck with a very, very MCF story (albeit more limited to the Celtic legends part), takes guts. What I do wish we’ll get, after the next game, is a story line that’s a GRANDMA original, sort of like Eipex’s the Black Veil, because I think the studio has potential in creating something that’s more them without pulling away too much from MCF. Anyway, that’s the spoiler free review part. Back to my spoiler filled commentary!
Aisling: I know I act suspicious, but I’m just a psychic! MD: I know I’m just a detective, but people keep dying around me, so hey, we’ve got that in common. Aisling: James gave me this cube by the way-- huh? *Emblem of MD appears* ...I’m sorry, that ancient celtic emblem... has a bloody hat. It has a bloody hat. I’m DYING.
Realized I jumped back too far to do this retroactive commentary. Oops.
MD: Okay, well, maybe he isn’t dead yet. We could probably dig him out-- *Nigel turns to bone* MD: ...Never mind. He’s beyond saving. Someone get the coroner!
Six thousand mirrors in the room, and not one shows your face. MD: A technique I have perfected over the two decades of my career. Didn’t save you from getting married to a homicidal madman though. MD: ...I don’t think he picked me because of my looks to begin with.
...Hey MD, I know paper work wasn’t exactly involved and all, but did you actually divorce Charles, or did you just betray him? MD: *DEATH GLARE* You know what, pretend I never asked. MD: You’d better.
MD: Let’s see what skeletons Nigel has in his closet. You know, the last time you found skeletons in a closet, quite literally... MD: Shut up, I was trying not to think about that! (This happened in Key to Ravenhearst. The Skeleton was Charles and Victor.)
Okay, so James was a MCF fanboy, Marge you met on one of your American trips, Nigel was a Fate Carney, John worked on a restored Ravenhearst. I don’t want to say her Majesty might have under exaggerated the number of keywords there were going on here... MD: Oh no, she definitely made it out to be less important than it seemed. She also definitely sent me in because the report she’s going to get out of this is going to be spectacular. The idea that HRM might be the ultimate MCF fan in-universe tickles me with delight. MD: And fills me with utter dread.
Nigel’s shadow puppet theatre: I got fired from the carnival! Boo! MD: Nigel, getting fired from Fate’s Carnival probably saved your ass. Temporarily, until whatever is going on here got you. MD: .................... What? Oh... MD: Yeah. Oh geez I’m looking forward to the case after this now! 8D MD: Why is it that the more I’m tortured, the more gleeful you are?
*Telephone rings* MD: Hello? Marge: HELP ME SOMETHING IS HERE AAAAHHH Well shit. MD: Yeah, she’s done for. Let’s go see the body.
*Gibs collects collectibles before going to body* *I die laughing because that’s my priority too*
MD: Oh no Marge I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you in time... ...Yeah right, says the person who doesn’t want to get their hand on the black stuff. MD: Look, my sorrow doesn’t in anyway override my desire for hygiene, okay? Reminds me of that one time I called some detectives from the last century dandies for refusing to stick their hand into a barrel of rainwater...
MD can I point out how you’re making detailed sketches of MARGE’S BODY in your journal? MD: Look it’s this or pyromania, okay? Don’t judge me. Also, I’m starting to think people that meet you on your cases shouldn’t bother locking their diaries. You always manage to crack them open.
Marge: Oh James is such a darling, I should get him to marry my daughter, then I’ll be such a happy mother-in-law. .............................. MD: ...................... Well, um, I guess Marge was a cougar on the inside, maybe? MD: Yeah, let’s phrase it like that (Restrain desire to make crude NSFW jokes...)
Marge: DAMN THAT GIRL FOR STEALING MY BOY. Marge, seriously, there’s officer Davis. I’m sure he’s just as nice! MD: And not on anyone’s death list. For now. MD: Don’t say that...
Davis: Well, I guess that’s one more evidence against Aisling. HOLD IT! MD: This note here shows clearly that Marge intended to frame Aisling for an attack on her! And the diary entries clearly document how much she hates the suspect. Therefore, the evidence shouldn’t be permissible-- Davis: Yeah, but Marge is dead, and there really isn’t anyone else in town left. *Record scratch* MD: ....It could be... you? Davis: Harhar, look here’s the evidence, go talk to Aisling. MD: Urgh, fine. It’s okay, MD, I was rooting for you there at least!
Aisling: Death, death is all around us! *Flees* MD: Okay, Aisling, that’s really not helping and only making you more suspicious! But since you’re away, I’m going to rifle through your trailer. Um, now who’s suspicious???
Hm, you know, this place would have been great for a holiday spot. MD: I don’t know, given my records with holidays... ...True, you’ll probably end up doing exactly what you are doing now. MD: That said, I think I’ll take a slice of apple pie since no one’s looking. Does the agency pay for your food on your cases? MD: They’d better because I’m giving the recipes to Her Majesty if they don’t...
Aisling: I came here to save John but he’s locked upstairs, please help! MD: Um, if you had let me come with you... maybe some time could have been saved? Aisling: But what if I get killed first then? MD:........ She’s got a point. MD: Dammit, fine...
Hm, so John’s ancestor worked on the original Ravenhearst... We’ll probably need to open up the original game to see if that was the guy that fell from the construction site. (My guess is it’s not, because that carpenter was originally meant to be Rose Summerset’s husband, so it should have been Summerset. Plus Rose’s kids were the twins and Victor.)
Oh damn, a model of Ravenhearst-- MD: Hm, it’s missing a weather vane. ........... MD: Look, just because I burn the place down several times, doesn’t mean I don’t care what it looks like, okay? Can you point out the window that you escaped out of by any chance? 8D MD: *sighs* This one...
Aisling: John, NOOOOOO. MD: Right, gotta cut him down quick! He might still be alive. *Proceed to spend over minutes solving puzzles* MD: I swear, this happened very fast in actuality... Never as fast as the plot demanded though...
*Puts weather vane on model* *Model turns into a raven* MD: ???????????????? Okay, I need to take points off for THAT ridiculous transformation and animation. XD
Aisling: I can’t take this anymore! MD: I know this is hard, Aisling-- Aisling: Here’s the next slab, btw. ....This mood whiplash... I’m dying.
Um, so apparently the banshee wasn’t trying to destroy the world, but was trying to restore herself, which... you disrupted. MD: Look, Allison and her friends needed rescuing okay? I couldn’t just sit idling by. ...If that was disrupted, then how DID Aisling turn human then??? MD: .....Let’s save that mystery for another time because I feel a headache incoming... (Fix edit: It seems to imply that the ritual was only disrupted, not failed, so Aisling did get her skin back, though now she doesn’t remember being a banshee...)
Aisling: I’m a banshee? That’s... That’s impossible. MD: Well, I’ve been through a lot to say most impossible things are actually probable in reality, though if you somehow don’t remember me shoving you back into the cave, um, then I’m grateful. Once you do, please don’t kill me. BTW, your turn on the cube of mystery!
Aisling: Well, if I’m a banshee, I guess I should go back to Dire Grove. We can catch the next ferry. MD: You know that’s a really long trip right? It might take us the better half of a day-- Or a single puzzle’s worth of time. MD: ...Where was THAT kind of fast travel all these years??? I do like how it’s implied that you guys had a huge detour with picking people up and dropping them off though.
Ais: Okay, we’re here in Dire Grove-- AH! MD: Wow, even nature is saying NO to you. Ooooooor it could be a certain immortal druid-- MD: Please don’t. It’s fine! We have a banshee. MD: All she does is predict death! Oh yeah, forgot about that...
*Aisling gets “kidnapped” by green energy* Gibs: That can’t be healthy. MD: That’s honestly pretty normal at this point for us. At least she didn’t get dropped down a tube.
Um, what’s with the Chinese incense in a Druid’s domain? X’D (I’m going to pretend they traded that...)
(I honestly don’t have a lot of stuff to comment on in the section in Dire Grove, because there isn’t much to snark about. Which, I guess, comes to show that 99% of silliness comes from MD dealing with PEOPLE, alive, dead, revived, or otherwise not really a human.)
*Aisling goes back to banshee form* MD: First, no hard feelings about last time, right? Aisling: *stares* MD: Please, thank you, and I’m sorry??? Aisling: You did help me out, so I guess it’s fine. MD: *sigh of relief* BTW, four people technically did DIE though in the process. Aisling: Um, that wasn’t me, if you recall your lore correctly. MD: True enough, but STILL. Just pointing it out. You want her to scream in your ear? She’s still got time for that.
Aisling: BTW, this energy is still floating about. And I think I know why. Will you accept this energy and use it to save the world? MD: Oh hold ON a minute. You want ME to do WHAT? Aisling: Save the world. You heard what I said. MD: Okay, listen. I started this detective job mostly because I thought it was cool... (MD’s going to be at this for a while. Are you going to listen, Aisling? A: To be honest, I’ll probably stop around the part where MD apologized for shoving me back into the cave... By the way, want to hear my part of the story on how I turned back into a banshee? Sure!) *****************************************************************
HOW AISLING BECAME A BANSHEE, AGAIN. Aisling: To make a long story short, there was a lot of puzzles Puzzles which you had to personally solve, without MD’s help? Aisling: It really makes you appreciate how hard MD has had it for the last 21 years...
Did... did you just KILL four people to restore your spirit? Aisling: I just helped their soul cross over! I swear! Aisling, you’re being really SUS right now and I’ve practice how to spot a liar lately! Aisling: I only predict deaths! And then find the souls and tell them where to go. I swear that’s my task. EVERYONE VOTE AISLING AISLING IS THE IMPOSTER
Is one of your abilities literally “summon joyride”???? Aisling: it’s a carriage A carriage can be an awesome joyride if you use it irresponsibly Aisling: How does MD tolerate you? They don’t, they’ve just had worse company and I’m a lesser evil. 8D
Aisling (actually Gibs): *suffers through the last giant super puzzle* ...Yeah, REALLY makes you appreciate what MD goes through. Aisling: Is it always this bad??? Sometimes. I’ve seen worse.
Gibs: THAT CARRIAGE IS BADASS. See, I told you it was a joyride. Aisling: You know, I think I’ll float back to the MD. No joyrides. Awwwwwwwwwwww... Okay, now let’s rewind back to when MD started their rant. **************************************************
Aisling: BTW, this energy is still floating about. And I think I know why. Will you accept this energy and use it to save the world? MD: Oh hold ON a minute. You want ME to do WHAT? Aisling: Save the world. You heard what I said. MD: Okay, listen. I started this detective job mostly because I thought it was cool, and it was for the first couple of cases where all I had to deal with was bust the criminal organization STAIN and recover the Hope diamond for the Queen. But then that’s where all my trouble started because she sent me to this creepy manor which turned out to be a prison to not one, not two, but FOUR ghosts. What’s even worse is the first time I went, I thought I only had to rescue Emma. I was wrong, and for the longest time, I thought Fate Carnival folks were dying from my mistake. Turns out later it was completely personal. This was everything that happened before I met YOU. (Again, really sorry about kicking you back into the cave and getting you stuck in the situation you were in in the last who knows how many years...) Afterwards, I went to the Louisiana which got me on the bad side of a certain ghost pirate, who turned out to be the grandfather of the guy killing the carney folks from his mother’s side. Which was why he was killing them by the way. She sold him to Fate’s Carnival. Anyway, after figuring out that I’ve dun goofed, I went back to Ravenhearst manor, which turned out there was a WHOLE OTHER SECTION I didn’t discover last time, which was somehow a very personalized and twisted marriage proposal that I didn’t notice until too late. I burned THAT down for good measure before taking a break in some place near a lake. But then that guy’s FATHER took up issue with what I did, which I didn’t even started, to be honest. He tried to kill me for whatever grudge it was that he had. I had to stab his horocrux with my badge to get him to stop that time. But then it turns out that father ALSO has some offspring here in Dire Grove, and I had to come back to prevent THAT from going down in flames as well. Thankfully, I think they remained sane. I can’t say the same for the twins, who turned out to be the evil guy’s kids. They most definitely went insane, and REMADE Ravenhearst, which I had to burn down for THE THIRD TIME. All that plus the jump I took landed me in an asylum, which turned out to be the one where both the evil bald guy and his dad was imprisoned once upon a time. Of course, the guy’s father tried to kill me, AGAIN. Took care of that, and also removed the shard that was driving me bonkers. It only gets worse from here though. I got chased around by an woman with a clock for her heart who I had to defenestrate out a clock tower. She didn’t stab me, but then the guy who probably ENGINEERED MY ENTIRE LIFE did, because apparently he wanted to use my soul’s virtue to anchor death to the mortal world or something. I got an immortality feather out of that, I guess, so it wasn’t too bad, but I basically DIED. And then afterwards there was that undead guy who was really hung up about his biker jacket. Next was the evil guy’s ancient youngest son nearly destroying the world (4th wall break: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT) trying to revive him which thankfully DIDN’T HAPPEN BECAUSE OH GODS I WOULD HAVE DIED FOR REAL ON THE SPOT IF IT DID, FEATHER OR NOT. Then a creepy woman in a mirror had to be locked back into the mirror dimension. And that’s when my agency had a fucking SECURITY BREACH which turned out to have been in the making for YEARS. And then the pirate guy came back and nearly enslaved me. I had to blow up his ship and exorcise him from this world. And AFTER all of that, I was finally sent to Blackmoor, where I met YOU, and also saw a bunch of people marginally related to me die from a cause we still don’t have any answers for. *DEEP INHALE*
Aisling: Okay, so your point is.... MD: My POINT is.... out of ALL the sane and wholesome people in the world who don’t have ANY BAGGAGE whatsoever, why do I, the Master Detective, have to be the one to save the world here-- Charles: Hello. MD: *SCREEEEEEECH*
CHARLES IT’S BEEN FOREVER-- wait, you’re not here to serve the divorce papers are you? Charles: Of course not. I’m asking MD to come back home with me. MD: WHAT?! Charles: Where else would I welcome you back to? *Evil cackle* ......... 8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D Aisling: ........... :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| MD: .................D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< MD: Aisling, hand that energy over, I’ve a WORLD TO BURN.
I have to point this out... the last time we saw Charles IN THE FLESH in game, was Escape from Ravenhearst, which was NINE YEARS AGO, likely TEN by the time Crossfade comes out. Happy Tenth Anniversary of your wedding, Master Detective? 8D
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mimiorzea · 4 years ago
2, 7, 14, 21, 23, 24, 35, 40 for goth dragon dad (2/3)
(in reference to [this ask meme]!)
2) Who do they look to for guidance?
when Chiyo was still alive, it was very common for Khaizo to have sort of mental “conversations” with himself on what he thought Tama would do in a given situation. he wanted to maintain a sense of Tama's presence in Chiyo's life, so honoring what he thought Tama would have wanted with her was important to him; he also spent a lot of his time in those years feeling lost, especially in the beginning, so this idea that he might be able to "talk to her" and imagine her guidance on any number of things was something he leaned on a lot.
after Chiyo died, he felt (among countless other things) that he had failed Tama by failing to protect their daughter, which meant that he spent a lot of time instead feeling too ashamed to take comfort in or consult his memory of Tama for guidance the way he used to. thus, in the years since, that memory -- of what she might say, of her voice, etc. -- has slowly eroded and grown more distant.
on a less serious note, he also quite respects Percevains, his much older coworker, and even Walcher, an older local alchemist he knows. although his advancing age and reclusive nature means he interacts with increasingly less of his "elders," he still has a reflexive respect for them, perhaps ingrained by his upbringing. it's questionable whether Khaizo would ever go asking these individuals for life advice, but should they offer it to him, he will often at least seriously consider it out of respect for their greater experience.
(he also, in acknowledging Liloie's close relationship with her own daughter, eventually comes to consult her for guidance on navigating difficult circumstances with Yesugen.)
7) Any family scandals? Does your character know about them?
gosh. the answer here is "yes, probably," but i haven't thought of any specifically.
Khaizo got more exposure to his mother's side of the family, which also had some significant notoriety in his tribe, so any scandals he was aware of probably came from that side. his mother's decision to marry a man from the Ura tribe -- especially one who didn't stand out for his hunting proficiency, one of the Khatayin's most valued standards of excellence -- was shocking and likely talked about as a point of gossip, but wasn't necessarily a scandal. the fact that his uncle eventually took up the bow instead of continuing the family tradition of spear-hunting was a similar level of "scandal" in that it was also likely gossiped about but ultimately wasn't that big of a deal.
both of Khaizo’s male cousins were troublesome in one way or another. Munokhoi was something of a perpetual slacker in a family of intensely competitive hunters, and i can see him having gotten entangled in something silly, like somehow romancing the tribe khagan's daughter despite being very unlike their traditional idea of a model young man. Ganzorig was the opposite; hypercompetitive and always looking to prove himself by any means possible, he frequently accrued injuries or got on his tribemates' nerves by butting heads with them over just about everything, and when Khaizo was young he sometimes let himself get goaded into participating. for the most part Khaizo was well-behaved, so if he got in some sort of trouble, it was usually by association with one of these two.
the last thing i'll mention is that Khaizo's mother was initially quite unhappy about his choice of wife, thinking him uncharacteristically rash and short-sighted and childish for even considering leaving his home and family for a woman he "couldn't have known as well as he did half of his own tribemates" -- and a woman who Khasar was convinced could not be much more than a pretty thing to look at, at that. Khaizo, who otherwise deeply respected his mother, fought bitterly with her on this front; not from a place of disrespect, but a place of hurt, as he took her assumption that he would make such a decision so flippantly to be an attack on his own character, to say little of his very Measured and Seriously-Considered decision at the wizened age of 17.
up until the point he actually left the tribe, Khaizo threw himself whole-heartedly into garnering his mother's blessing. (it helped that Khasar herself chose to marry someone more unconventional outside of the tribe, who then left his own family to be with her; Chuluun, who was more sympathetic and swayed by the sincerity of Khaizo's devotion to the woman he wished to be with, had many private conversations with Khasar in which he helped to whittle her down by reminding her of this.) caught in the midst of entreaties by both her husband and her son, it still wasn't until Tama herself came to the Khatayin encampment and threw herself at Khasar's feet (to Khaizo's own appalled surprise), promising to do whatever it took to win her approval, that Khasar finally softened.
that was probably the biggest "scandal" applicable to Khaizo's family -- Khasar's only son deciding to leave the tribe to be with an ex-Doman Raen woman was a story to be told -- but it certainly wasn't spoken again after news came by the Khatayin that Khaizo was seized from the Malaguld for conscription, only for his wife and child both to vanish from the tribe shortly thereafter. Khasar never did look at her tribemates' children the same after that, becoming bitter and unapproachable on the subject in her hurt.
that ended up way longer than i meant for it to be. whoops.
14) What is something that never fails to make them excited?
boy i sure would like to know
probably younger kids, though he would be hard-pressed to admit it (and he makes an effort to hide it). he feels very strongly for them, intense "i want to protect it and see it grow up happy and healthy" vibes. this applies to young animals, too, most of the time, and sometimes even more grown ones. if they interact with him positively at all, it really melts his heart, and if you know what to look for you can tell (expression softening, crinkling in the corners of his eyes). he can be surprisingly energetic with them.
21) Do they prefer giving or receiving gifts?
giving. giving his loved ones things that they cherish or make them light up is rewarding to him, and one of the reasons he feels so fulfilled by having learned how to make things with his hands. providing practical gifts (a nice set of boots for keeping warm, a weapon for hunting food, etc.) is a way to make him feel as though his loved ones are safe and cared for, which is the ultimate reward, tbh. 
receiving things is nice, too, although part of Khaizo starts to feel uncomfortable any time he accrues too many things that could be seen as "memorabilia" of a person. he's seen several people that he dearly loves rendered into a token or two (or in Chiyo's case, a whole childhood of bits and bobbles that make up all he has left of her) of remembrance, and the thought of one day having to look at those gifts he received from someone and hurt over their loss in a similar way detracts from the moment sometimes.
23) What do they want most in life?
in truth, he just wants to live a fairly content, peaceful life surrounded by family that he helps protect and provide for -- he's very traditionally minded in that regard. he 100% would have lived a pretty standard and unremarkable life out in his tribe in Othard if he hadn't been picked up and forcibly conscripted into the Garlean Empire to fight in a war halfway across the world. like really, his entire life has just been him trying his Absolute Hardest to live a normal goddang life meanwhile the universe drags him off into some conflict or another; the only exception being that half a decade where he was so pissed that it (and particularly the Ishgardians) wouldn't stop ruining his life that he, like, murdered some people over it.
24) What do they think they’re good at, but aren’t?
being stoic and unattached and making completely objective / logical decisions not at all informed by a crippling fear of loss and failure.
don't tell him that, though.
(he’s actually always been kinda bad about this, as evidenced by his decision to leave his tribe to be with Tama. he tried to be reasonable and logical about it, as much as a love-struck 17 year old can be, but most anyone else could see that emotion played no small part. all of which is to say, he’s often very blind to how strongly his emotions influence his logic -- sometimes even, in the most egregious cases, as someone is actively rubbing his nose in it.)
35) What color would they paint their nails?
if you wouldn't paint your nails black are you even goth
also, it was brought up that he would let any little kids who wanted to paint his nails paint them whatever color they liked, which is completely true and valid.
40) Blanket fort or tree house?
tree house. those trees in the Dravanian Forelands look like they could make some pretty sick tree houses. great, now i want that to be a thing. (can that be a thing?)
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atopearth · 5 years ago
Shall we Date? Wizardess Heart Part 29 - Nox Noir Route
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So, Nox is a phantom thief that steals magical tools? Sounds like it might be fun~ Gotta love how traumatised Rex seems to be of Zeus (since he used to be a Night Class Prefect) that he wouldn’t have come for the mission at the academy if he knew Zeus was joining in lol. Ooh Nox was a Night Class Prefect too~ I love how Zeus doesn’t like Nox because he used to scold him all the time hahaha. Well, Nox seems like an assertive flirt lol! Chocolate cake is such a long name for Nox’s familiar lmao, call him chocolate or cake instead lolll. Well, the cat disapproved but it’s good that the heroine shortened the name to Coco lolll.
On the other hand, I dig Rex with the heroine more right now, his smile and laugh just seemed so sincere when she said she thought he was a cold person when he actually wasn’t lol. He even pat her head! Nox better up his game lol. I like the mystery version of the board game they play! It was really fun to see how both Rex and Nox were so good at deducing who the culprit was and how it happened etc, too bad for Rex that his partner is Zeus who likes to blab and say whatever comes to his mind so he totally lost because of that hahaha. Lmao, can’t believe they played the game all night and got yelled at by Klaus for not going back to sleep at their dorms lol! Omgggg, they can’t do something like a love triangle, I can’t pick!! It was so adorable when both Rex and Nox got so sleepy and fell asleep on the heroine’s shoulders. They’re so cute lol. It was so cute when they went around the academy trying to solve the riddle, and one part told them to talk to a mirror, and the heroine sees it in the painting so she literally talks to it to see if it works hahahaha. I honestly forgot about the Phantom thief thing hahahah. Anyway, I’m glad to see that Willem is really enjoying his new life in the heroine’s village, and I love how he’s just accustoming himself to normal everyday human life and is enjoying stuff like making his own tea! It just feels so cute haha.
It’s actually kinda cute how the heroine started laughing at Nox when he nonchalantly ate a super spicy fire pie lol. I think it’s one of the few times, if not the only time that just as the guy is entertained by how “unique” the heroine is, the heroine actually feels the same about the guy and is amused by him. It’s kinda refreshing to see that lol. Anyway, considering how when they were at the Tower of Memories, the guardian didn’t attack the heroine and Nox/Nightmare took her away so she wouldn’t get injured, it was obvious that he likes her, but I didn’t expect a confession that fast tbh lol. Ooh okay, he’s confessing but he just wants her to think about it for now since he doesn’t want to really go out with her until he’s “done with something”. Lmao at Rex and Nox being silly and arguing about whether the heroine looks better with her hair up or down loll. Honestly though, when Rex confessed to the heroine, I was annoyed, not because of Rex, but because of how the route is being handled. I hate the love triangle situation in the story because this is supposed to be Nox’s route, I want to see it about Nox and the heroine, not a love triangle with another guy. I know they want to present how much of a rivalry the two have and yet how similar they both are, but instead of showing how they’re like two sides of a coin or something, all I’m presented with is practically like a shared or split route with Nox and Rex but it’s not like I can really choose Rex even if I wanted to, because why would I?! He has his own route! Sigh. It just really detracts from the romance because they could have spent that time that they focused on Rex falling for her to add more time for Nox and the heroine to bond instead zz. I prefer it to be focused on one guy and the rest like the heroine as friends, just like the other routes, sigh.
Anyway, lmao when Nightmare sent a calling card saying he would steal the heroine and all the guys (except Nox and Rex) thought it was impossible that Nightmare would want to steal the heroine, and that he must be coming to steal something she possesses instead🤣 Ooh, so Roger Nigel (the guy who competed with Walter Goldstein in creating magical tools) is actually Nox’s father! So I guess he’s stealing back all his father’s creations? Mmm, the magical tools sunk along with the ship his father was on and was then later pilfered by pirates to be sold around the world. Although I’m surprised that his father actually made a compact magic core used in his tools way before the Goldsteins, it is understandable for Nox to want to collect them all and destroy them since apparently his father chose to sacrifice his life to destroy all the cores with his ship in order to prevent power greedy kings etc from forcing him to hand them over and abuse their use. And the memory vial he needs to steal contains memories of the blueprint of the magic core so yeah, that’s definitely high on the list of what he needs to steal lol. You know, even though Nox has his reasons to be a thief, I don’t see why he needed to be like a phantom thief and throw calling cards or be so audacious and kidnap the heroine to tell her the truth. Like, uh, can’t you do it normally without causing so much trouble? I feel like he just wanted to spite Rex by stealing the heroine away when he was the bodyguard. On another note, I’m so annoyed that at this point of the story (near the end), the game is still going on about the stupid love triangle. IT’S SO FRUSTRATING. Like, now I know I like Rex much more, but I could and would have liked to discover that in his own route instead, like seriously, was Nox that boring of a character that they couldn’t be bothered spending more time developing him and his relationship with the heroine that they had to instead deal with this cheap love triangle all the time where they literally both just try to pull the heroine to them or whatever until whoever yields? It’s like, if you’re going to do a love triangle, at least do it in a way that enhances their personalities more or better because honestly, literally nothing has changed since the beginning. They’re like kids fighting over their favourite toy and I’m losing my patience over this.
I knew Rex realised that Nox was Nightmare and swapped the memory vial, but it was nice to see Nox’s reaction. He totally deserved it for underestimating Rex, but it was nice to see that he was happy to go against Rex another time to try and get the real vial back. Overall, although I quite liked Nox in the beginning, a lot of his personality and everything is established in the beginning and doesn’t really “grow” or feel any different afterwards. His love for the heroine is pretty much the same and he teases her etc but his character never becomes any more than that, which is rather disappointing. I’d say the main problem with this route though is that they focused more than half of the route establishing both Nox and Rex as love interests and honestly, it was pretty distracting and annoying because I totally favoured Rex, which felt really unfair to Nox but I couldn’t help it. Which is why I quite disliked this route even though I didn’t mind Nox. I really wanted it to only focus on romance with the guy that’s “chosen” and not any other guy, so yeah it was annoyingly sad and unfair to Nox, sigh. I felt like they could have totally put more emotion in the Phantom thief reveal etc if they didn’t waste so much time on their rivalry that was already established from the get go. Oh well..he was still a nice guy, but it’s so unfair to Nox lol.
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trpg-dingusmaster · 6 years ago
+ 2 new DMs
The .... 13yo? Kid in the group wanted to try being dm. This is the second time.
The actual first time I’ve only heard about, but I guess it was very bad and honestly I’m not surprised because he was taking bad contradictory advice from the worst sources. Some of the advice was like... not even at all anything those guys even do? Like. “I give my players absolute freedom! I plan nothing!” Honey.... honey no you don’t. You plenty often rewrite every persons character backstory and then railroad us for 3 1/2 hours to accomplish what could have just been a 5 minute explanation.
Stuff like that.
So, you know. He followed this shit advice and the shit advice of overly complicated home brew mechanics and rules and nonsense and world building even though the game already has rules that mostly work. They were tested at least by people and not just a few dice roll generators.
He made up a complicated world and weird rules but didn’t plan anything and was shocked and frustrated when the players did what players do without direction (hell even if they do have direction??? Honestly???) and nobody ended up having any fun. Everyone was confused and annoyed and obviously it was a bad time.
He was actually banned from dming again until he had a solid plan of action and accepted that players will always make a mess SOMEHOW. Which is weird to me because that doesn’t sound anything different than some of the other games that have gone on and nobody stopped those guys from running games without planning or practice communicating. But whatever I guess.
For a couple weeks this kid was made fun of and bothered about this fiasco which.... I mean was only partially his fault. Like. He did exactly what he was told and surprise surprise it didn’t work out just like it doesn’t work for the guys who told him that shit but they do it anyway.
Then he comes in last week and says: I have a plan. I want to run this pregenerated adventure but you can make your own characters but only use stuff from the core 3 books for now. It’s an official wotc adventure made for learning how to play and I think it’ll be a good way for me to learn how these things work.
The response?
Largely negative. Though the one who initiated the ban of course allowed the game to happen and supported it. The guys who gave him the shitty advice though? Kept giving him shitty advice and were not understanding that: wotc content does not equal AL play. Like. They couldn’t grasp this at all for a weirdly long time.
While they puzzled this I pulled the kid aside and tried to assure him he was making a good choice with the premade content and to not listen to those idiots because what works (or “works”) for them isn’t going to work for everyone and sometimes different people just enjoy things differently and it doesn’t match up nice all the time “just take your time and try your best, figure out what works for you and whats important for building your style”
I think he appreciated it? I guess? I dunno. I really just wanted him to know that like, I was ready to support his creative growth. I think that’s important.
Eventually we get started and I have who is probably my most favorite character I’ve had, though I might scale back his stats because the stat rolling system he picked was very generous and I rolled very well on top of that. But I think some lower stats would be more fun to role play and more interesting to roll play instead of the almost obnoxiously high stats my sweet boy has. Almost obnoxiously high because that honor goes to the guy who usually has suspiciously high stats all the time. Oh?? You have a 19 str in this character too? For the 8th character in a row that that hasn’t been forced to use the standard array? .... interesting..... but it’s fine, it makes him happy I guess and it doesn’t really take away fun from other people so whatever.
And I know how this adventure is supposed to go, I think a few people at the table have at least skimmed through it- the lost mine of Phandelver. He’s played it pretty straight, though it was weird a bit because I was playing an aarakocra and really playing up the bird business. though of course I did my best to try and make sure things moved along but it wasn’t really needed because with clear directions and objectives like? Things just? moved along? On their own? It felt like that anyway to me. Which was a great change of pace. I don’t mind being left to my own devices of course but some kinda direction is be nice now and then. Often the games I get involved in feel like: sit here for 3 hours while I tell you a story and pretend you’re playing a game with me or sit here for three hours and find out something to do on your own I’m not giving you shit to play off of. Or there is shit to play off of but the group actively ignores it or the dm put it there but.... doesn’t want us to play with it? It’s just a one time talking point we are Supposed to then forget about?
Over all, I think he did a good job. He did get frustrated and a little overwhelmed in a few instances but in similar situations I have ALSO been overwhelmed and I wasn’t even the dm at those times. I think his biggest issue is he, being the 13 yo he is, has a curfew more strict than the other teens so he gets very annoyed when side conversation and silliness take time away from play, but rather than say: I have a time limit please pay more attention. He just gets angry. Apparently he did a lot of yelling the first time but has since figured out some restraint from then. Also doesn’t ever throw things or hit people like some of the other teen DMs have done.
He does have some things that need work of course but it’s hard to know what’s a technical issue with using a pdf on a phone instead of a book and what’s he just needs practice but I’m sure he has some ideas on this and I think werewolf dm surely would have given him her thoughts on the subject.
There’s another chick, she wants to try dming and she told me a bit about her ideas, she explained they were still kinda rough but she had a clear goal in mind of what the end results would be. They seem pretty straightforward, clear objectives but a bit of room to roam around in between, which is a great way to start. I told her I thought it would be great and she should absolutely give it a try when she’s ready. I also gave her the same caution I’d give anyone who wants to gm for this group, and some examples of weird shit my other groups have done (investigation of street lights for a weirdly long time even though they were literally just street lights). I’d hate for her first try to go super bad like the 13yos did because she thought the group would play differently than they usually do or because of bad advice that some of the guys like to give that they may or may not know is bad advice.
She told another person in the group about her ideas. It didn’t go so well. He gave her lots of bad advice and would not listen to what she was saying. “These things you are telling me are not helpful and detract from the core of the adventure.” ; “You don’t know that! I’m being very helpful and smart!” ; “I do know that because I’m writing it??? No you aren’t?”
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themjinterviews-blog · 6 years ago
22. Bitches, I like 'em brainless...guns, I like 'em stainless.
Are you better at telling stories or writing them? Writing them. I actually would venture to say I dislike verbally telling stories…too many variables outside my control…I could be interrupted, fumble over words, accidentally leave a part out, miss an opportunity to include a witty remark.
Name a band that you can’t decide whether you like them or not. Post Malone…sometimes I think I like him but he’s such an odd looking fellow I have a hard time pinning his face to his voice.
What’s one song you hate, but know every word to? The Daisy sour cream commercial.
Can you clap on beat and sing at the same time? Not for an extended period of time. I lose it.
Are you going to be or do you want to be a big star someday? Definitely not. I want to live a relatively quiet existence without being crippled by materialistic impulses or bombarded by fame.
Have you ever heard of the band Pax Romana? I have not.
Do you know the difference between an addiction and an obsession? I mean, they’re both mental fixations in a way but they’re not totally synonymous.
What one place do you absolutely have to go to/visit this summer? The NY Reconnaissance Faire. My sister and I always go every summer.
Are you already going to that place or still need to work out the details? …we ALWAYS go. Just have to wait and see what weekend.
What would be a clever name for a pet porcupine? Quillzilla?
Would you ever even consider keeping a porcupine as a pet? Nooo. I don’t want to get quill’d like Chance from Homeward Bound!
What’s one word that annoys you when people use it out of context? None spring to mind.
What fast food restaurant(s) can you absolutely not stand? They’re all about the same. I like most food.
Have you created any surveys that have been taken more than 1000 times? I highly doubt it. I don’t have a very large following/internet presence.
What’s your favorite magazine? I don’t read any because it’s 2019 and that’s what people’s stupid Facebook feeds are for.
Are there any holidays you feel are pointless, and if so which one(s)? Technically, all of them? But they’re opportunities to gather with friends and family to celebrate some common theme and I think society needs that shit to function.
If you could be an animal for one day, which animal would you choose? Squirrel. I have a well-documented fondness for squirrels…I even follow Squirrel Instagrams.
What band, musical artist, or song do you feel you’ll never get sick of? More than I can count… Muse, Volbeat, Chevelle, Marshmello, Chainsmokers, Eminem, Dashboard Confessional, Lindsey Stirling…
Have you ever wanted to be in the circus? No. I’d rather not be raped by the Tilt-a-Whirl operator, thanks.
Is it cool or annoying when someone blends two languages (I.e. spanglish)? No, be my guest. Speak Parseltounge for all I care.
Do people care as much about celebrity couples a the media thinks they do? I’m sure, for whatever reason, that some people seriously do. I don’t get it, but who am I to judge? I sit around on Adderall and answer surveys about myself.
Is it annoying when people use cliches when talking to or giving you advice? Ehhhh, it’s not they’re fault they’re basic.
What tv show(s) do you miss watching as a little kid? Lots. Of course, old school Nickelodeon, Gilmore Girls, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Cheers, The Croc Hunter.
If you could visit any other planet, what would be your first choice? If outer space happened to be exactly like how it’s portrayed in The Orville, I'd go. Pretty sure it’s not, though.
Does it annoy you when people say, write, or type “dat” instead of “that”? It’s of no concern to me if other people defy the laws of proper english. I use it sometimes in sarcastic contexts.
Type some of the lyrics to the song currently stuck in your head. Nothing is stuck in my head.
Do you think college parties are overrated? As a 30 year old, yeah, totally overrated in retrospect. In my college days, they were usually okay or entertaining on some level. & If I got invited to one right this second, for whatever reason, I would still probably stop by for a warm keg beer.
Does it annoy you when people say “omg” or “idk” in a normal conversation? No. It amuses me.
Are you the type of person who’s always asking questions or answering them? In real life or surveys? I guess about 50/50?
Are you good with analogies? *toot toot* That was me, tooting my own horn, analogies are my jam. I essentially communicate almost entirely in analogies. Helps tie thoughts and concepts together.
Do you think Twitter is getting too much hype or does it live up to it? I don’t have Twitter, never got into the concept.
In your opinion, what’s the most boring job or position a person can hold? Subjectively, anything that involves math or being cooped up in an office doing math. I’d imagine being a Walmart greeter is also pretty boring.
Do you prefer outdoor or indoor concerts/events? I like the whole outdoor all-day summer festival ones.
Which fast food/sit down restaurant to you live closest to? None and all of them simultaneously. I live on the road in a semi-truck..
Do you think athletes and actors get paid too much money? Probably. While yes, I think it’s absurdly excessive I also think it’d somehow detract from the elite-ness of the profession if they made $12.50 + 1 week paid vacation and company health coverage. They would seem just like us, negating their appeal, because we use celebrity lives to escape our own. This is definitely society’s fault.
Do you know anybody who doesn’t like chicken? Vegans/vegetarians?
Who’s one person that can always make you happy without even trying? Depends.
What was the last thing you got out of the fridge? Krispy Kreme donuts.
Have you ever heard a song parody that was better than the original? Probably. I love parodies.
Would you rather hear a lie to make you happy or the truth that hurts? Literally doesn’t matter. There’s no definitive way to know how true anything ever is. As humans, our narratives and perceptions are so prone to logically fallacies and undetectable biases that it'd be silly to assume certainty.
What is your least favorite color? I'm incapable of disliking a color. I doodle all the time and there honestly isn’t a color I’m just like “ewww” about.
Is it really possible for one girl or guy to “make your dreams come true”? I’d hope not. When I actually *do* dream at night, they’re always bizarre, scattered sagas of pure randomness. Better off staying dreams, I think.
What did you honestly think of this survey? A little too much garlic salt but it'd pair great with a robust pinot noir!
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fume-knight-of-shovelry · 6 years ago
Artistic Licenses
A sequel to Inaccuracies and Lights, taking place after both of those stories. You can also find them and my Gency week prompts, as well as any other stories I write, on my Archive page.
“Angela, have you taken a look at this?” Genji entered Angela’s office without knocking, hands enclosed around thin sheet of paper. He’d elected to keep his mask off for today’s visit. Sighing, she looked up from her work and rested her head in her hands.
“Genji, I appreciate you seeing me so frequently on my off-hours. But would you please knock? One of these days, you’re going to catch me at a bad time.”
“Whatever do you mean, Angela?” Genji grinned. “I imagine that you’d be more concerned that someone might walk in on us.”
“Very funny, Genji.” She rolled her eyes and drummed the corner of her pen on the edge of her desk, raising a questioning eyebrow. “Well, what did you want to show me?”
“I apologize, Angela. I’ll be more mindful in the future. But here, take a look at this.” He shuffled the stack of paper in his hand across the surface of her work table towards her. “Something of Brigitte’s. I think she got it from Reinhardt when she was much younger, and she gave it to me after our last trip to Sweden, and I thought you’d enjoy it.”
 His girlfriend looked the book over, flipping from page to page, chewing on the tip of her pen. “Die Walküre? This is...very old. In fact, I believe that the inaugural performance of this was over two hundred years ago!” She looked back up at her boyfriend, beaming with gratitude. “Thank you, Genji! This is a recent script reproduction, but it is still a wonderful gift. What about it made you think of me?”
 Genji reached out a finger and flipped back to the cover, pointing to the title. “Walküre. German for ‘valkyrie’. I thought you’d find it fitting, given, well, you know.” He began to circle around to the back of the desk, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Is something wrong, Angela?”
 She shook her head and turned to let him plant a quick kiss on her lips, tilting her chin upward to better face him. “Nothing at all, Genji. I merely find the idea that these valkyries have any similarity to me a little...silly. Do not get me wrong, this is a fantastic opera, and my quibble is not meant to detract from the value of your gift.”
Now it was Genji’s turn to raise an eyebrow quizzically. “What do you mean, ‘these valkyries are not similar’? Can you be more specific, Angela?”
“I mean, Richard Wagner was a theatrical and musical genius, I’m not disputing that. That his plays have stayed relevant for so long is remarkable.”
“Angela. The valkyries?”
“Right, sorry. He was good, but he took some significant liberties from his source material. Torbjörn would be able to tell you more, or Brigitte.”
“I’m not asking them, I’m asking you  .”
“Genji, I need to get back to work.” Angela made a shooing motion with her right hand, brushing against Genji’s forearm. “Later, I promise. Okay?”
Genji sighed, but he couldn’t argue with that. “All right, Angela. One more, for the road?” He leaned down and puckered his lips, and felt her return the gesture. With a light smacking sound, they parted, and Genji left her to her work. He had enough to do between now and the end of Angela’s workday.
“So, you were going to elaborate on your point earlier.” Genji prodded. Rather literally: as Angela stood in their kitchen in the sink, he poked the back of her shoulder.
“Oh, right. My apologies.” Angela shook her hands dry from the dishes she’d be doing and turned, leaning against the edge of the countertop. “I was talking about valkyries, correct? Well, as far as I know, the original mythical valkyries were servants of Odin.”
“Ah, right, you wouldn’t be familiar with that.” Angela tilted her head towards the book Genji had brought her, now resting on their table. “He was a Scandinavian god of poetry, wisdom, war, kings, and hanging, among others. Not a nice god, from what we know, even if he ultimately tried to act in the world’s best interests.”
“How do you know so much about old belief systems?” Genji crossed his arms over his chest, the gesture coming across less as “frustrated” and more as “self-conscious”. “You’re making me self-conscious about what I don’t know.”
“Please, Genji, that was not my intention.” Angela reached out to run her fingers over her boyfriend’s forearm, smiling calmly. “And if it makes you feel better, I really don’t know that much. Just the bits that stick out to me as the most interesting.”
Genji winced. He hadn’t meant to whine, but clearly he’d sounded aggravated enough to merit comfort. “Apologies, Angela. What else did you have to share?”
“Well, valkyrie literally means ‘chooser of the slain’.” Angela hadn’t acknowledged his apology verbally, instead communicating her understanding with a light squeeze on his arm. He knew what she meant. “And rather than being the angel-like figures that they’re often depicted as, they could be...somewhat sinister.”
“Well, their name isn’t a euphemism. They were literally choosing the slain: who lived, who died, who told their story. They could heal and act to save humans, but more often they might actually engineer the death of a particularly powerful combatant. The belief was that this was so that the bravest, strongest, most stalwart warriors would go to Valhalla to be at Odin’s disposal come Ragnarök, ‘the doom of the gods.’” Angela sighed and leaned into Genji, resting her chest against his shoulder. “In practice, though...not to be dismissive, but in reality this was probably an explanation for why many of the most valiant fighters died young, in their prime.”
Genji slipped one of his hands out from the fold in front of his chest and stroked the back of Angela’s neck, murmuring softly. “I suppose it’s easier to believe that everyone who perishes in battle does so at the will of a league of superwomen for some greater purpose , rather than due to chance or an uncaring world. If you find the appellation ‘valkyrie’ inaccurate, why not choose another?”
Angela leaned back, from Genji, resting one hand on his shoulder and the other on his arm. “Because our cultural consciousness has cemented valkyries as angelic figures. I’ve no illusions about the role the eventual Christianization of Scandinavia played in that a millenia ago.” Angela rolled her eyes, blowing a strand of hair out from her face. “Now, though, it’s another good way to market my technology, as cynical as that may sound. And it is not wholly inaccurate: the valkyries did supposedly have benevolent tendencies and healing powers, even if their primary function was to create and collect dead soldiers. Having an angelic-themed suit and naming it ‘valkyrie’ was too good to pass up.”
“Why not rebrand it as an ‘angelic’ suit, then? I know little of angels, but I’m sure you could find some way to incorporate their names into your suit’s name or branding.”
“Because, mein lieber, angels are even worse in that regard. At least the valkyries look like beautiful women. Angels in the Torah an be...very distressing in appearance.” Angela shuddered. “The hayyoth are essentially wheels with wings and eyes all over them, as are the ophanim. We hold the seraph to be winged snakes with human characteristics, although some view them as having human heads and six pairs of wings…”
“Enough!” Genji held Angela close, pressing his lips against the side of her throat. “You’re making them sound worse than some of the      yōkai     I’m familiar with, and given how bizarre      those    can get, that is quite an achievement.”
Angela patted the back of Genji’s shoulder, letting him lean into her. “Is my big, strong boyfriend scared of Jewish angels? Don’t worry, liebling. I’ll protect you.”
“Save me, Angela! You’re painting a vivid picture of angelic terror!” Genji cuddled his chin between her jaw and clavicle side of her jaw, then broke out into giggles, burying his face in her hair. “Sorry. I couldn’t keep a straight face. But yes, I understand. You’re willing to sacrifice a bit of accuracy for the sake of not driving your patients away in terror.”
“Very true, Genji. Although I won’t pretend it doesn’t bother me. And the caduceus staff and suit spinal design…” She scoffed. “Well, let’s just say that I felt rather silly when I remembered that the healing is represented by the Rod of Asclepius, not Hermes. Blame that on the United States and overworking myself as I was applying for the patent.” She grit her teeth audibly in frustration.
Hearing her aggravation, Genji couldn’t stop himself from bursting out into further laughter. Bracing a hand against the small of her back, the other on her shoulders, Genji lifted up and spun Angela in a poor imitation of a ballroom twirl, leaving him leaning against the kitchen counter with Angela on her tiptoes, resting against his chest. She whooped in surprise, hair mussed from the speed and slightly dizzy from Genji spinning her.
“What’s gotten into you, Genji?” Angela queried, blinking to stop the world around her from tilting. He’d flipped her with a bit more force than he’d probably intended, and now she was trying to keep her balance by resting on Genji’s body.
“Angela, I continue to be frustrated by how most ninja are portrayed. You have expressed displeasure with the inaccuracies your technology’s name and design has with respect to valkyries, angels, and healing symbols. Perhaps we are even more alike than we thought.”
“Are you suggesting that we bond over mutual irritation with inaccuracies?” Angela quirked an eyebrow, the world finally coming to a rest around her.
“No, I’m saying that we already are. There’s a key difference, Angela.” Genji didn’t give her a chance to respond, pulling her forward into another kiss, cradling her body against his. Angela started to speak around his lips, but thought better of it and sank into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist and neck.
Their relationship was healthy enough that they didn’t sustain it on petty spite. But it was a lot of fun to air their grievances together, however minor they might be.
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krokodile · 7 years ago
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movies watched in 2018
santoalla - this really suffered from poor sound recording/editing and lack of subtitles.  i feel like i missed a lot of details.  it’s an interesting story, but the film itself wasn’t terribly engaging.
my friend dahmer - a little disappointed in this one.  i feel like they changed a bit too much from the graphic novel to make us feel sympathy for him.  i’m not opposed to the film trying to remind us that jeff dahmer was once a person with potential to be good, and my issue isn’t so much with whether or not this “humanizes” him; it’s more that the book was from the POV of the best friend and a lot of this stuff didn’t really fit that narrative, so they kind of switched to...is there a visual third person omniscient equivalent? when necessary, and it made the film feel choppy to me.  the book is amazing and everyone should read it.  it’s not about making you feel sorry for the guy; it simply tells the story from the POV of a friend who knew something wasn’t right but had no way of knowing who this guy really was or would become.  the movie seemed more interested in just telling the early jeffrey dahmer story, which honestly i found a lot less compelling.  the kid playing dahmer was great, though.
insidious...4?  whatever the fuck number this is -  i feel like this was a cast of perfectly good actors who were constantly told “make it bigger!” by the director.  that’s the only way these performances make sense to me.  and the story was pretty stupid, but, i mean...it’s the insidious franchise; that was a given.
mom and dad - i wanted to like this more than i did, but i still enjoyed it.  horror comedy that had a little trouble balancing the horror and humor, but it features nicolas cage at his most nicolas cage, so for that alone, give it a shot.
father figures - why the fuck did jk simmons agree to do this???  it actually wasn’t as horrible as it could have been; just garden variety bad, unfunny comedy.
saturday church - really gorgeous, well-acted (and sung!) and creative.  the screenplay maybe could’ve used a little tightening in some spots and additions in others in my opinion, but really i have no complaints; it’s excellent.
ex machina - i’m not super into science fiction, but given the sheer number of people saying this movie needs to be seen, i figured, why the hell not.  and i really enjoyed it.  the existential crises it triggered aside.  it’s thoughtful, imaginative and looks incredible.
a quiet place - i managed to not pee myself once, so i’d consider it a success.  of course i did spill sprite in my lap so everyone thought i did anyway.  really, as much as my irrational loathing of john krasinski makes me want to deny it...it’s really good.  about as good as i’ve seen pg-13 horror get.  it’s got so many clever blink and you’ll miss it moments that show how much attention was paid to world-building, and there’s some faith in the audience to catch on to things themselves without needing a narrator explaining it all.  the only thing i didn’t like?  the music.  the fact that it HAD music.  the sound editing with the natural sounds was stellar, the way everything was amplified.  but the loud music there just for the sake of accentuating scares detracted from the movie for me.  a big part of what makes this movie works is that it feels pretty goddamn real.  the music takes away from that.  
besides being scary, it works as a post-apocalyptic family drama.  and again, it’s really fucking good.  there’s a scene where john krasinski is telling his son he needs to go off and do something alone to save a family member.  the kid is absolutely frantic and you can see him straining not to speak as he “yells” that he can’t do it, his gestures getting bigger and “louder” as the conversation wears on.  i was in tears during that scene.  not because i felt sorry for the kid, but because i was feeling his terror as if it were my own.  i felt like i was in that fucking field with a paul bunyan-looking john krasinski being told “go run headlong into a nest of deadly ear monsters.”  i wasn’t scared because of the images onscreen or waiting for the next attack; i genuinely felt like i was in the moment with them.  
that...is incredibly rare for me with film.  i fucking hate that fucking jim halpert made me feel that, but i can’t pretend it didn’t happen.  and this wasn’t the only time i felt that way, just the most dramatic.  i felt reagan’s i-will-fucking-punch-your-stupid-face frustration during the hearing aid scene to the point where i was fuming in my seat.  (i mean john krasinski often makes me feel that way, but still.)  i knew emily blunt was in labor, but my heart absolutely pooped its pants when i saw that field light up red; I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOING ON and i still reacted like i was there with them.  god help me, i felt the overwhelming love in the slow dance shot.  and that intro, holy fuck.  besides immediately feeling emily blunt’s exhaustion and the kids’ restlessness and generally shitty-feeling-ness in those first shots, i was 100% not expecting shit to get as real as it did so fast (even though part of it was used in the trailer).  
i hate that i loved it this much, truly :P  but i did.  it has its flaws for sure, namely the fucking music, and the creatures had a creative design (of course they’re basically giant sets of ears) but honestly they looked pretty silly.  some of the scenes dragged longer than they needed to.  but i did really appreciate it taking its time to let dread build rather than cramming in scares and action scenes on top of each other.  the waiting and dreading seems like it would be so awful in this situation.  again, put us there with them.  fucking hell.  pg-13 horror that’s good is so rare.  horror this good is so rare.  fucking jim.  
all the money in the world - i found the stuff with the family super-interesting; the stuff with the son and the kidnappers super-boring, so i guess i’m split on this one.
la fille inconnue - i loved how absolutely real this movie felt.  i loved how moments dragged awkwardly in real time; i loved the natural performances (i’ve forgotten the lead actress’s name but she’s absolutely brilliant).  i knew pretty quickly who’d killed the girl, but i’m not sure it was supposed to be difficult to figure out, either.  i do wish it had had more of an ending rather than just ending, but...i guess that fits in with its realism.
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storiesbyaya · 6 years ago
Story of A Hero- 23
{First}{Previous}{Mobile}{Next} Jazz was sitting on Will and the twins’ table monday at Lunch. She held a mysterious cardboard box on her lap and, for a moment, Will was confused…
Until he saw the familiar green lightning bolt logo. Instead of confused, he became excited, and nearly bounded over to the box. Jazz grinned at him, but continued to hold it close even as he approached. “So… Weird thing, but my sister came outta her room this morning. She gave me this. Made me promise not to let anyone but you touch what’s in it. And then, she ate breakfast with me and walked me to the bus. I don’t know what this thing is, and I don’t care. But I know you did something, and because of it, I got to see my sister, and hear her laugh and stuff. So whatever this is? You take good care of it.” She spoke with a serious tone, yet also seemed happy. Will was happy for her.
He nodded. “I know you said you don’t care to know, but… that box likely has my parents’ research,” he explained. “Oh,” Jazz said, understanding blooming on her face. She gave him a cheerful smile. “Explains why it’s so important… And why she’d only trust you with it.” Even though she didn’t know Will, as far as Jazz was aware. He held the box with the same care she had. “She trusted you with it, too. I think that’s a good thing?” “I think so too.” Their conversation ended when Percy and Lily arrived. She rejoined her table, and they ate together. It was hard to concentrate through the rest of the day, with the anticipation and fear all welling up at once. What could it contain?
The box contained an external harddrive, as well as a note, written in green glitter pen. William decided to start with that first.
“Fun fact,” it read “A friend of mine has ‘Anaesthesia Awareness’. Waking up during the herein described procedures caused damage to his Adex. (Read up on subject KX-023) This break is what allowed us to break free.
I believe in you, William.  Let the mistakes of our past become the tools to build a better future.
Tessa Nickols (xxx-xxx-xxxx. Let me know if you need any more help. Give my number to Kat too. I miss that brat.)
PS- For privacy reasons, many names and faces have been redacted. Hope you understand.
PPS- Hard drive password is your sister’s middle name.”
Diana. The password was Diana. William wondered if that was done by Tessa or by his parents, but he only wondered briefly.
The amount of stuff here was… Intimidating. He didn’t even know where to start. He had to take a deep breath and center himself to even try to tackle this. Maybe… weed out the unnecessary stuff? Grant applications. Letters to investors. A bunch of other money related things. That was irrelevant to his studies. It went into a special folder. Just in case. Facility descriptions… As the document began with nothing but maps of the facility, William was going to ignore it, until he noticed that there were several pages. The building only had four floors, if he remembered correctly. There should only be four pages, if it was nothing but maps.
“As this is a foreign field of research, much of our equipment has required upgrades, and some custom equipment has been needed to advance our research.”
The section below the maps continued on, describing what kind of upgrades and changes had been made to existing equipment. It was all incredibly fascinating to William, but one very specific section caught his attention.
It described, in great detail, a special instrument created to measure and observe resonance.
“Tests have revealed that Adex exude a special energy. It has been named “resonance” due to the way it reacts within human subjects. With this, resonance can be observed and measured. This advance has increased the success rate of forced symbiosis to 98.7% Forcing symbiosis with two subjects who’s resonances do not match almost always results in MEIR-Type entities, and/or loss of one or both subjects. Forcing symbiosis with a subject that exudes no resonance at all results in failure 100% of the time.”
“So resonance has… types. And this thing they made shows them in different colors,” he said to himself, and scribbled this fact into a notebook. To his surprise, Imshael hopped onto his desk. “Hello,” they greeted, before curling into a ball near the keyboard. “I want to help.” “You… want to… help?” William repeated, confused. The words themselves were not confusing, but rather the ‘who’ they were spoken by. Even after the first time he’d heard Imshael during training, they’d still stayed so quiet Will almost forgot they COULD speak. “Well, yes. Bayesh and I feel I may have answers to questions you might have. I am, after all, an Adex. You’d assume I would know a few things about myself.” “I think assuming that would be kind of silly. Humans have to learn about their bodies, I’m sure you guys do, too. But...unlike us, there is no school for adex.” “True,” they said, swishing their tail to and fro, “But you learn things with age. Like the fact that resonance’s color matches the color of the adex itself. The color of the thing within you. It also tends to dictate what kind of abilities we will grant. I’ve come to notice white adex mean white light, for instance.” William scribbled that down, and gave her a few small pets as thanks.
Then, he continued to read.
None of it was nearly as interesting as the resonance testing equipment, and most of it made him grumble in disgust. The schematics for Meir containment cells. The dampeners that kept the ‘subjects’ from using their powers. All kinds of resonance sapping weaponry.
“Oh. Hey, maybe that could be useful for… I don’t know, fighting bad guys?” Harley suggested. For a moment, William considered keeping the documents and then sending them to Angel. She’d know what to do with them, and how to make them into weapons that could be used to fight metahumans and meirs without the need for HeroNet. But William turned to Tessa’s letter once more, and sighed. “We promised we’d never let anyone else see this research, Harley. I’m not going to betray Tess’ trust…” William reminded her. Harley looked down, and would probably frown if her muzzle would allow. “Oh. My apologies. Shall I leave?” Imshael asked. William looked down to them, then back to the screen, and then to Harley. “Immy’s technically not another person… They’re an Adex.” While true, William gave a sigh. Technicalities didn’t sit well with him. But he had Tessa’s number, so he decided to ask her.
[Will] Hi Tessa, this is William Kray. We received the hard drive safely, but my father’s Adex wants to help. You said not to let anyone else see what’s on this drive.
[Peony] Oh! A wild Will! Right down to business, I see. Call me Peony, kay? Wow. She answered pretty fast. But Jazz did say that she never left her room, so she likely always had her phone.
[Peony] Would Kat trust this Adex? Knowing who your parents are, I would say there’s no one more trustworthy. But ultimately, I kept this stuff safe FOR your sister.
[Will] Right. Thank you, Peony.
Kat… She wouldn’t be angry if William let Imshael see the data. But she WOULD be angry if it was used to hurt anyone. So, ultimately, Wiliam chose to put a pin in it and continue to read.
He moved on to the folder that contained actual test results.
“KY subjects?” William read out loud. There were twenty entries, but no indication what the KY stood for. William had to examine them, and after a few, he noticed the pattern.
“These are… Older than me. The subjects were all adults… This must be the initial testing for forced symbiosis… Look, this person is deceased,” he pointed out. The other four sets of eyes looked to where he was pointing.
“Of course. Adults can’t fuse with us. The necessary changes can not be done to an already fully formed body. That it took them twenty people to notice,” Imshael grumbled. “Well… I guess… The good news is that they only resorted to using children because nothing else would work… Granted they could have just… Not continued their research on forced fusion.” “Not every question needs to be answered,” Harley agreed. “Like… I don’t actually want to know how many bugs I can fit in my mouth?” While Imshael and Harley continued to list off examples of things they did not need to know the answer to, William skimmed through the rest of the KY files, but they were ultimately more of the same.
He moved on to the KX subjects. Those he knew. “Kx-01 subject. 12 year old female. Volunteer, informed consent (See risk waiver) blah blah…” William read out loud, frowning. “This girl became their first Meir… But they ‘learned a great deal about Meirs, how to contain them, and how to destroy them’ thanks to her… I… Don’t…” William had to step away for a moment. Destroy. They meant kill. Murder. End a life, maybe even two. He couldn’t bear to read about the tests they did on the meir. He closed the file and moved on. More Meirs. More deaths. Some children saved at the cost of their Adex being destroyed. Few successes, until... “This one’s different. KX-14,” Will eventually said, his brow relaxing from the ever deepening frown he’d had previously. “Different how?” Imshael asked. “Successful symbiosis with ANB72… Result, the ability to mimic the abilities of other Adex. KX14’s ability has allowed us to predict the type of abilities an adex will have-”...Basically, this says she’s the reason we know Adex colors correspond to what kind of power they’ll give. She also… ‘claims to see a faint colorful glow’ coming from the Adex.’... She could… See resonance?” Though Harley was wagging her tail enthusiastically,  Imshael showed no sign of interest. Their tail just… swished lazily. “Immy, there’s people who can see Resonance! Isn’t that cool?” he asked, putting his hands near them, but they didn’t move. “I suppose?” they said. William frowned. “You knew already.” “Yes. Sorry. I see you’re excited. I do not mean to detract from your excitement.” Imshael’s apathy aside, William continued, noticing that there was a small note at the end of kx-14’s file. They weren’t the only person to see Resonance, but it took until subject 19 to realize that this phenomena was a real thing and not a stress induced hallucination or something of the sort. From there, there was a lot more successes. 22, however, was an outlier.
Succesful at first, the stress and isolation turned them into a Meir. “Dr. Evergarden decided to use the Meir to test out the powers of successful subjects, beginning project Nightmeir.” It linked to the project, but this William refused to click. He continued.
Kx-023. William picked up Peony’s note and looked again. She’s mentioned this subject, told him to look.
“Subject awoke during procedure. Panic caused a small scuffle until he could be sedated again. No lives lost, but Adex suffered damage. See Incident reports.” And dated later, a note had been added stating :”Subject releases small amounts of Resonance even with Dampeners. Without dampeners, subject can not control his ability and destroys anything he touches. (Re: Request- Wall repair in B2-B wing,)” And a little later still, “Subject experiences blackening of veins in hands (What??) Sent to medical examination immediately, but no medical reasons have been found. He is perfectly healthy. Maybe this is caused by the Adex damage? Continue monitoring.”
William looked back to the floor plan, on an inkling that this wall that needed repairs might be one that resulted in the collapse.
Unfortunately, he realized that he was not an architect and couldn’t really figure it out, so he returned to his reading.
There were few deviations. Meirs, successes… He could tell that it was around there that they’d managed to get the Resonance measuring machine working. Hell, even the number of consenting subjects rose the closer he got to his sister’s number.
There wasn’t much to learn, but he did notice a naming pattern for the Adex, and understood they were named by their color. From there, he compiled a list of Adex colors and their abilities… But there was one strange code he didn’t understand. Some adex codes started with an “A”, but they were few. 14, 24,72…
72? 72 was…
0 notes
selfshipwritingandstuff · 6 years ago
A Fairy like no other: How Evie met the Wizards
A thousand years ago, Earth was ruled by fairies, like most dimensions. The fairies ruled over the humans and all of nature, and they did so justly, so that Earth hardly knew anything but peace.
But from the darkest depths of this peace… they emerged.
A group of four men, the Wizards of the Black Circle, attacked the fairies, tore out their wings and stole their powers.
Their brutal campaign against the fairies lasted for over a hundred years. And during those hundred years, on the small island of Shalott, a fairy by the name of Evanora was born.
And this is where our story begins.
„I don‘t understand why Mother won‘t let me leave the castle“, Evanora complained while brushing her hair one morning. Noone replied, for she was alone. She had always been alone, save for the occasional company of her mother. The protective barrier around the island prohibited anyone from entering it. All Evanora could do all day was weave and spin yarn.
She got up from her seat and began walking up and down the room, her naked feet making barely any sound on the stone and carpet.
She was so occupied with her own frustration that she only noticed the ripple across the barrier when it had almost faded. But once she had noticed it, she halted her steps and walked over to the window.
Whatever it was… something interesting was happening.
There! Another ripple, caused by someone trying to break through the barrier. Evanora‘s wings twitched in delight.
The island was so small that she could make out four men in armor at the shore of the island. And they were casting spells hoping to break through.
„Evanora! What are you doing?! They could see you!“
Evanora‘s mother grabbed her arm and yanked her back into the room. „I need to uphold the barrier. You stay here and make sure they don‘t see you. They‘re like starving dogs. Once they see their prey, they will fight twice as hard.“
„Of course, Mother“, Evanora replied demurely, as it was expected of her. But as soon as her mother left the room, she stepped closer to the window again, wings twitching in excitement. She leaned over the railing in an attempt to see more details. But they were still too far away.
She quickly turned around, as if to see if her mother would barge in any second. Then she took flight.
She lowered herself in the wooded area close to the castle. From that point onward, she wanted to walk, to make sure the wizards couldn‘t see her. Treading carefully, she made her way to the shore, where a few trees and bushes still gave her enough protection, but she could still see the four men attacking her home.
And what she saw made her heart stop.
The first one to catch her eye was the leader. Tall and muscular, with shoulder-length, wavy hair of a blood red colour. He wore an armored robe and stood at the front of the attack, and everything about him, from his confident stance and the smirk on his face, spoke of great power.
Next to him stood a dark-skinned man in heavy armor, with his hair in a bun to keep it out of his face. His expression was stern and determined, and likewise powerful. A bit further back stood a scrawny young man with bright pink hair. His demeanor was cocky and almost cheerful. Like this was a game. And behind him stood the last one… a warrior whose helmet obscured most of his face. Just a single strand of blonde hair had snuck its way out of the helmet.
Evanora‘s heart leapt into her throat. While she could sense the danger from these men, there was also something strangely alluring about them. They were handsome, all four of them.
She clung to the tree she was hiding behind, her heart racing in her chest. What would happen if she stepped out from her cover now? Would they tear out her wings? Probably, as that‘s what they were here for. Wings… and magic. She turned her head back to the castle, her eternal prison, where her mother would wait… then back to the four men. Then she ran back into the forest, towards her mother‘s castle.
This repeated for the next few days. The wizards were persistent and always tried new ways to break the barrier, without success. And every time they tried, Evanora would sneak out of the castle and hide in the bushes along the shore to watch them, and take in their strength and allure.
The day that would change her life began just like that. She was sitting in her usual spot and watching them. Some silly, naive part of her wished to be on the other side of the barrier with them. To be free of her mother, free of this island.
Within a split second, her mind was made up, and she stepped forth, her long, wide skirt billowing in the gentle breeze of the day. Even if they saw her, they couldn‘t get to her… yet. Suddenly, the forest seemed abuzz with life. All kinds of animals came dashing out from between the trees to try and herd Evanora back into the safety of the castle. Undoubtedly at the behest of her mother.
Evanora just gave them a passing glance before turning her attention to the wizards again. They had ceased their attacks and stood quietly, watching Evanora‘s every step with growing curiority. The heavy-armored wizard smirked and remarked to the leader:„That‘s a pretty one.“
Evanora stopped, hoping to still be far enough away so he couldn‘t see her blush. Receiving a compliment like that from a handsome man made her heart jump. But she gathered herself again and then resumed her approach, finally stopping just a few steps away from the barrier that separated them.
For a few seconds, there was silence, as each party tried to make sense of the other.
Finally, the red-haired leader spoke up. „So, will the lady of Shalott surrender?“
Evanora‘s mouth was dry and she had to swallow hard before she could speak. „She won‘t. She never does.“ She took another step towards the barrier. „But I do. In fact, I beg you to take my wings.“
The wizards exchanged confused glances.
„You… beg us to tear out your wings?“
„Ogron, this has to be some kind of trap“, the blonde wizard growled, but the leader lifted his hand.
„Let her speak, Gantlos. I‘m curious as to why she is so eager to lose her powers.“
Evanora squared her shoulders and took another deep breath. „I wish to leave this island behind. But if I did so now, there would be no place in this world where my mother couldn‘t find me. She can easily track my magic. I do not want to be her prisoner anymore.“ She took another step forward, now almost touching the magic shield. „Please. I will do anything you want.“
The devilish glint in the leader‘s eyes caught her by surprise. But even the callousness in his eyes did not detract from how handsome he was.
„Anything we want, you say?“ He put strong emphasis on the word „anything“. „You should be careful with that kind of language, little fairy. One might get the wrong idea.“
The four men laughed, and then the dark-haired one beckoned her closer. „Come out then. We promise we‘ll be gentle.“
Evanora took a deep breath… and stepped through the barrier. „Well, here I am.“
The blonde one, Gantlos, grabbed her arms. „This might hurt a bit.“
And at the same time, she felt something tug at her wings. Then tear at them. She let out a pained squeal, which only grew louder as her wings were torn out, turning into a white ball of energy. She had never imagined that pain like this could exist. Pressing her hands onto her mouth to stifle her screams, she hoped it would end soon… whether by death or just by her wings being fully seperated from her. It didn‘t matter anymore.
She dropped to the ground, weak and still in pain, but looked up at the men and managed a small smile. She was free. After all of these years. „Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.“
„You really are a strange one. And quite gutsy, too. Not every fairy would just approach us like that, no matter how desperate.“ Ogron seemed quite pleased with the harvested powers. „So, what are you going to do now? Surely you won‘t go crawling back to your mother, will you?“
„Of course not.“ Evanora managed to get back on her feet, already missing the familiar weight of her wings. „I do not know where I will go now. There‘s so much of the world I want to see.“
Ogron looked her over and seemed to consider something. Then he nodded to himself like he had made a decision.
„Then come with us.“
Evanora gawked at him for a moment. „You want me to come with you?“
„Of course. You certainly don‘t seem to feel particularly connected to your fellow fairies, you‘re brave and you can handle a lot of pain as you have just demonstrated. And in addition to that, you are quite fascinating. So?“ He stretched out his hand. „What do you say?“
Evanora looked at his hand, quietly considering his words. Yes, she had nowhere else to go, and cared little for other fairies. In fact, after what the wizards had just done for her, she felt like they deserved her loyalty and affection more than any fairy.
So she took his hand. „Yes. I will come with you.“
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