#whatever point it that it’s a multiple page comic that I can’t send any progress screenshots for
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I keep making dnd art I can’t send in the group chat bc they’re spoilers but not sending stuff goes against everything I stand for
#I stand for sending never ending progress screenshots over and over until the piece is done#so far I got two full pieces#and a whole 6 page comic (I haven’t finished coloring it yet but it’s basically done)#wait I think it’s actually 5 pages#whatever point it that it’s a multiple page comic that I can’t send any progress screenshots for#point is*#when will the sorrow endddd#please I just wanna share with everybodyyyy#spyder’s chaos#dnd#dungeons and dragons
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I just made a post about Giant Size Zine, but in the process I decided I'm ready to do something I’ve been thinking about for a while: post some pictures of my actual offline collection tied to Polaris!
First, the highlight: my copy of X-Men #49!
It’s not in perfect condition, obviously. Yet even in this condition, I was incredibly fortunate to meet someone who was willing to sell it at a price I could afford at the time.
Next, a few collectibles.
Not pictured: my copy of Lego Marvel Super Heroes (having trouble finding it), and the Super Hero Squad figurine for Lorna.
Women of Marvel there is a calendar I bought solely cause Lorna was included in it. I’ve never even opened it. I just wanted to buy it for Lorna.
I’m not a big collectibles person. The only thing I’ve bought collectibles for besides Lorna was Final Fantasy IV, for which I imported tons of stuff.
I don’t count collector’s editions of video games. If I get those, it’s usually either cause I feel the price isn’t too much, or I really support what it’s doing (e.g. Wolfenstein II).
Now for a bit of where my fandom started!
I’ll retell the tale. I discovered Polaris by happy accident when link-hopping around the Marvel wikia. After I found her, I immediately went out to a nearby comic book shop for the sole purpose of buying stuff with Lorna in it. I grabbed anything I saw with her on the cover, because at that point, I had no concept of what depictions of her were good, bad, whatever. I just wanted to read her.
I honestly don’t remember when or how Jeff Parker’s Exiles volume came into my hands. Maybe I bought it at the shop. Maybe I got it later. Maybe I knew some titles in advance before I went, or maybe I thumbed through to see if this random green-haired woman was Lorna before I picked it up.
In any case, these were among the first things I read with her in them.
Next, progress!
I bought every issue of All-New X-Factor. I could swear I bought two copies of ANXF #14, but I can’t find my second copy.
I vaguely remember what happened surrounding X-Factor #243. At the time, I wasn’t reading X-Factor. I expected the worst from Peter David before I gave him a fair shot, so I didn’t want to give him any money. When X-Factor #243 came around, though, I... still expected the worst. So I didn’t preorder. But it did grab my attention.
When it came out, and people spoke well of it, and I saw pages and panels to back it up, I went out and bought a copy. I would’ve bought two, but it was the last copy. I know because I talked with the shop owner about getting a second copy. That convo led to finding out there was a lot more interest than usual, and maybe Marvel would put out more copies with a variant cover because of it.
Never happened, because Marvel doesn’t have the kind of respect toward Lorna needed for such a thing to happen. But I held out hope for such a thing back then.
I gots one last picture.
When Secret Wars hit with some version of Lorna in multiple places, I started buying double copies to really show my support for more Lorna. The cost for these right here alone is $24, and it’s not all I bought. I bought all of SW:HoM, all of the final Magneto arc, and stuff like Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde too. In most cases, I also bought digital out of pocket. Meaning I basically bought three copies of the same book just cause Lorna was in it.
Then Marvel put Lorna into forced limbo for two years. That ended me going out to buy physical copies of comics.
I saw no reason to do it because first I figured any appearance she had would be a minor cameo. Something so they could say they technically used her before sending her into forced limbo again.
Then she settled on Blue, but I didn’t want to go out and buy physical yet because of how she was treated in Blue #8 and #9. I wanted to see improvement before I went and did it. Improvement never really came. Either it would be far too little to justify going to buy physical, or it would be undermined by Bunn putting Havok on a pedestal and making any progress for her into just a footnote or a boost for Havok’s story.
I have more comics featuring Lorna since 2009, but these are the highlights for me.
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Darkland Crazy Hobo Blinky (AU) idea
(spoiler alert, from show and the tales of arcadia books)
what if Blinky fell into the Darkland instead of Dictatious.
(warn you now its long)
(Dictatious joins Gunmar after being discovered by him in the Darklands, but he changes side very quickly and is ready to hand Gunmar all the knowledge he needs, to one day be free and take over again)
unlike Dictatious I don't think Blinky would be willing to work for Gunmar. and without Dictatious helping him Gunmar wouldn't have progressed as fast as he did.
Blinky would probably have escaped Gunmar with his amazing climbing skills and speedy feet, and become a Darkland hobo. XD
in the interest of keeping the same characters present, somehow the changlings make the bridge and try and free Gunmar themselves .
as it probably took a lot longer for communication to be up and working. with Dictatious not there to supply how to make a fetch to Gunmar. maybe the Pale Lady helped.
also Gunmars changling adviser never gets replaced by Dictatious , so he’s still around to.
And so eventually Jim still goes in to save baby Enrique.
The battle of killahead
While the fight rages on, Argh saves Kanjigar from Bular, snapping of part of Bulars horn in the prosses. after which he flees from the battle confused. Bular also runs, either because he’s injured or to follow the traitorous Argh.
Dictatious sees this and goes to investigate the gum gums that are leaving the battle, suspicious of what there up to. as such, he isn’t near the bridge with the gum gums disappear into it, so whatever reason he was dropped into the Darklands the first time didn’t happen.
though instead Blinky had gotten to close, and was either in a gum gums grasp as they were sucked in or fell in by mistake.
In the Darklands after the bridge closes
Dayas just closed the bridge, Gunmars standing looking around him army. he starts asking where his son is, a general tells him he saw Bular flee and betray them. Gunmar yells " my son is no coward!" and uses the blade on his commander. telling him to " find the nearest abyss and throw yourself into it".
Blinky has stayed low on the ground, still recovering from the fall into the Darkland. but he sees what Gunmar did to his own general. he holds hands over his mouth, staying low. he can’t let that happen to him.
Gunmar walks forward saying to his changling adviser in a threatening tone " My son is no coward". the changling nodes and agrees with his lord as he approaches. As Gunmar steps forward, he steps on Blinky. Blinky covers his own mouth, muffling a yelp from being vocalized. Gunmar continues forward, not noticing the small troll at all, going to threaten his adviser and demand that their numbers are checked. to find how many had escaped Dayas trap. Blinky fights back tears of pain, Gunmars angry march forward having brock one of his horns.
Gunmar and his army march forth from the bridge, to create a sort of camp. he needed to find a way out of here and get his revenge on that trollhunter. as soon as the trolls around him thin, Blinky creeps back, away from the Gum Gum hordes, hiding among some rocks, he catches his breath and grips his arms. a broken horn causes excruciating pain, but he has no time for this. if he wants to survive another day, he must keep moving and find somewhere safe in this underground hell.
The Darklands afterwards
Gunmar and his army settle to their life in their new prison, Gunmar growing impatient over time. his changling advisor telling him to be patient, that the changlings still on the other side will be working to free them. eventually the changlings on the other side manage to find a fetch and communication is set up between Gunmar and the changlings under him, along with his son.
(thought dew to having to wait for the changlings to find the fetch instead of Dictatious telling Gunmar how to make one in the Darklands.
their progress will be less. though they have probably already started trying to find the parts to the bridge.)
as time passes Gunmar starts to build his army. and deals with the gum gums that decide they no longer want to follow him. though this fight probably results in more losses that originally as Gunmar has spent less time growing his army.
(in the books a faction of Gum Gums hate Gunmar and want revenge on him for getting them trapped in the darklands, and killing of their comrades with his blade)
Blinky over this time has found ways of surviving the Darkland. using his climbing skills and fast feet to avoid Gunmar and the Gum Gums. as well as the natural dangers of the Darkland. originally making a base in a cave high on a wall that he would climb to, that overlooked where the bridge once was. but as time passes and the gum gums seem more organized and have a plan, Blinky moves his cave to somewhere closer, hoping if the gum gums ever did find a way out that he could also escape.
Blinky would keep tabs on the gum gums actions and movements. wanting to prove useful when the day came that he would leave the Darkland and rejoin his troll brothers.
he would probably devise ways to kill of Gunmar’s solders or make then get in accidents. he would be unable to kill many without someone getting suspicions though. but he would do it if the opportunity arises. probably using the environment and the natural enemies of the Darklands to his advantage. he would also take to stealing any book that he could, that changlings would have passed into the Darklands. Blinky has always loved books and finds comfort in there pages, reminding him of the time before he was here. over the years he hordes more and more books, reading each and every one of them multiple times, till the point of being able to know every word on every page of the books in his collection.
as time passes, Blinky starts to go a bit crazy.... then really crazy. he has no comrades or people to talk with. resorting to talking to himself, even bickering with himself. he retells tales he remembers to himself. from books he no longer has. keeping up hope that someday he will have comrades and company again. and they will work with the trollhunter and stop Gunmar for good.
Blinky has to go through a lot in the Darkland, he is but a small troll, and weakened from the lack of life energy provided by a heart stone. he spends some of his time hibernating, but never for too long, as dangers are always moving in the Darkland. He also has to deal with injury and loneliness. and we cannot forget the constant fear of Gunmar finding him, and feeding him to his hordes.
Blinky eventually snaps over time.
after the bridge closes and the trolls take it apart, scattering it across the planet. the trollmarket trolls go in search of a new heartstone. Dictatious presumes Blinky has died in the battle when he cannot be found, remembering seeing him running from one of Gunmars generals during the fight.
the story would continue much like it did in the comic, Dictatious giving the new trollhunter wisdom and helping him and Vendel move the population of trolls. and being suspicions of Argh when he shows up saying he’s changed.
once they find their new home trollmarket. Dictatious sets up his library and takes on the role as the trollhunters advisor and trainer. and like last time Kanjigar befriends Argh and in part Blinkys older brother Dictatious. and later pushes them away with Draal.
But argh never befriends Dictatious , he is to serious and strict for the gentle giant. when he is pushed from Kanjigars side, he spends his time instead with Draal and Vendel. Eventuallyand a few funn becoming Vendels assistant.
Kanjigar's death
(in the books Kanjigar knows he’s going to die that day, the amulet seemingly warning him his time was coming to an end.)
Kanjigar goes around his dear friends before his end as well as Draal , as a final goodbye.
(in the books Blinky and argh find Kanjigars actions suspicions and follow him)
Dictatious doesn’t think its odd though, continuing his work, and putting it down to the trollhunter being tired. Argh however still finds it strange and follows Kanjigar. eventually watching him be felled. from the sewer grate.
Argh leans on the wall of the sewers, his eyes wet, having lost a dear friend. he stays that way for a long time, head down, not listening to the troll on the bridge try get the amulet despite the sun being out. Bular giving up after a while.
when Jim comes down that morning, and is called to and finds the amulet. and Argh is the only one that knows.
Trollhunter Jim
Argh goes to inform Vendel and Dictatious that a human picked up the amulet. "was Chosen". Vendel and Dictatious would argue if that was possible, and why would the amulet pick such a weak creature. Draal would come asking where his father was Argh having to tell him the unfortunate truth. shortly after Draal being informed that the amulets picked a human for some reason. Dictatious would go to find this human, bringing Draal incase Bular tries to get the boy first, as a human has no chance against a Gum Gum. Vendel sends Argh with them to, as he knows what the boy looks like and doesn’t want Draal and Dictatious to hurt the new troll hunter before he even gets to the forge. the amulets made mistakes before. but they should give this human trollhunter a sporting chance.
they wait till it gets dark going to the felled Kanjigar. Draal morns his lost father. and Argh picks up Jim’s sent, following it back to Jim’s house. They monitor the house, Dictatious does not believe Argh, how could a human be chosen its ridicules. Argh points Jim out through the windows. Jim getting things ready for the next day. Draal suggests just charging in and taking the human to troll market. Dictatious is against this idea as humans are small and weak. what if it died from shock or something. Argh has creeped closer to the house as the two argue over a plan. Argh looks threw the window, observing the human boy. he doesn’t look strong or a warrior like the previous trollhunters . but he seems somewhat responsible and quick on his feet. surly the amulet picked him for a reason.
Dictatious comes closer, annoyed at Argh, what if he was seen. as Dictatious tells Argh of, and Argh rolls his eyes at him. Jim however sees the two trolls out the window, he panics, running into the kitchen, possibly to get a weapon or to phone for help. but Draal see and decides to act, going through the back door of the house. Jim Yells, runs back through the house. Dictatious now coming through the front door, more yelling. then he runs into a door frame, knocking himself out.... the trolls would look over the boy, seeing the amulet on him. Dictatious decides that at least now they can take him to trollmarket. Draal bags the human, but argh takes it of Draal to carry him more gently.
so, they go back to trollmarket.
conveniently Barbra comes back home late that night, going straight to bed and not realizing Jims missing.
(as in the cartoon she never seems to notice Jim was in the basement the whole night. she doesn’t notice)
Jim doesn’t make it to school the next day, Toby tries cover for him, leaving Jim endless texts and messages. things like "dude where are you, if you’ve been kidnapped by aliens tell me. I’m only covering for you at school for one day, call me".
Back in trollmarket, Jim has been taken to Vendel. Jim lied on a stone table, Vendel looking him over, thinking he looks rather unimpressive, but not all trollhunters start of great. he pokes the soft flesh bag. "you haven’t killed him before he even found out about the position, did you?". Argh would confirm he’s just unconscious, having seen many humans faint before.
soon Jim would wake up, see trolls looking over him, scream again, crawling backwards and falls of the table. Draal would complain he screams too much to be a warrior. Jim tries hide from them. they would bicker among themselves. Argh would look behinds the shelves where Jim is hiding. Jim freaks out and runs. he dashes for the door. Dictatious yells for Draal to grab him. but Jim dodges. running out into trollmarket, freaking out more from the trolls everywhere, where is he?! running to somewhere more quiet to collect himself.
Vendel demands Draal, Argh and Dictatious go find that human before there’s a panic in trollmarket.
Jim figures out from the trolls talking earlier that the amulet he picked up is the reason for all this. this trollhunter thing. he finally finds somewhere quiet and with no trolls around, the Hero’s Forge. Vendel sees from the higher observation area ,this human child reasoning to himself what was happening, and looking at the amulet.
Jim looks at the amulet. how can such a small thing cause so much trouble for him. this is where he sees the text on it change, reading out the incantation and downing the armor for the first time. it’s amazing and he swings the sword around with his knife skills. that is till Argh, that had found him, and watched, says " amulet chose you".
Jim jumps, points his sword at argh, argh just smiles friendly at him.
"is ok, is friend"
"you kidnapped me!"
"needed bring here, tell about amulet" argh points at the amulet on his armor
Vendel would show up and help Argh explain to Jim . telling him about the position of trollhunter and its importance. and how skeptical they are about a human being trollhunter. but they still need him to fulfill the roll. he would also tell him he can’t tell other humans no matter what. and probably that Bular wants the amulet so don’t get found out, as, as long as they don’t know Jim has it, he should be safe.
Argh would escort Jim home after he panics realizing he’s missing school right now and was out all night. Vendel doesn’t wish for a missing child to cause a panic. and humans looking at things they shouldn’t.
Jim’s training
after that Jim starts his training with Dictatious. Argh is always present, partly so he can report to Vendel , partly to look over Jim.
I don't think Jim would progress as much with Dictatious as his trainer. Dictatious would be stricter, and not care about Jims human life. if he is going to be the trollhunter, he will be trained like any other trollhunter is. if the human dies then he wasn’t an appropriate choice and there will simply be another trollhunter chosen, a proper troll this time, hopefully Draal. he thinks humans are weak and need protecting from Gum Gums for a good reason.
Dictatious would probably encourage Draals talking down to Jim. and there "sparing". Jim would eventually get to stressed out by all the training and being talked down to, and back talk them. challenging Draal to a rematch. ( so that would still happen.)
Jim would look for a way to beat Draal, probably finding the answers in the troll books like the first time. looking for help from past trollhunters in some way. so, would probably still win. earning the respect of the trolls of trollmarket and Dictatious. though sparing Draal would make Dictatious think he’s soft.
Draal would then guard Jims house and help him train at home. he would also give him emotional support and probably gain more respect for Jim. balancing all this in his life. And becoming Friends
Argh and Draal would become Jims back up, helping him with missions. Toby wouldn’t be involved as Jim would have promised to not tell anyone. and Strickler wouldn’t know it was Jim until later when he sees him with the armor on or when at Jims house and sees it.
Jim would have told his mum a lie about why he was out late a lot, telling the same thing to toby. maybe say he joined a fencing club or after school tutoring. or both. when he has to go for a few days he says he has a fencing tournament or something. buys fake medals of the internet.
perhaps later on Toby might have found out, if Jim still gave everyone letters like before. but even then, Toby would secretly know. and they wouldn’t be able to go to trollmarket. maybe Toby would meet Argh and Draal at Jims house, but they would keep Jims secret for him. They can see how much letting another human knows helps Jim.
Going to the Darkland
Jim goes in to save Claire’s brother, he can’t leave him in there.
Dictatious and Vendel would do what they could to stop the tribunal. Dictatious probably pulling some scheme to get the bridge and set it up in the forest away from prying eyes. Dictatious knows troll kind needs a trollhunter, they have relied on one for far too long to keep the peace, and though Jim is just a human. he has managed to do things previous trollhunters never did. like felling Bular and Angor rot.
Argh was still turned to stone but from protecting Jim not Toby. and when the amulet acts up its Draal and Dictatious that turn him back. thus, getting their plan to save Jim. the amulet and past troll hunters know that Jim is the key to something big.
So, they go to save Jim, the plan would be a bit different from the different people present and Gunnar’s stage of progress, but overall it all ends with Draal and the gyre and driving out the Darklands.
What they don’t know is Darkland Blinky saw Gunnar’s underlings drag the trollhunter of to the cells. Blinky recognizes the armor, but thinks it’s odd, it’s like a dark version of the trollhunter. but everyone calls him trollhunter so he must be it.
as such Blinky, when he gets the chance, sneaks into the jail area. mostly using his climbing skills to avoid paths the Gum Gums often walk. he questions Jim from outside his cell, never actually being seen though. he asks if Jim truly is the trollhunter. then asks for details on Bulars death. then rambles a bit about assisting him, “don’t worry I can help you”. then having to scamper of as guards return.
Nomura has had Blinky try to talk to her also, she has no idea who he is either, as Blinky always stays hidden. she had started to wonder if she was imagining him. but Jim heard him to so, guess she has no idea who it is.
Blinky drops a few things and words of encouragement to Jim as time passes and he thinks of a way to assist the trollhunter in a escape.
But then he sees the construction of the bridge in a new location and sets up a small post to look over it. perhaps telling Jim of the movement. but as such he sees the group of trolls entre, overhearing their plan to save the trollhunter. Blinky sets a plan into action, he sets of a landslide, causing half of Gummer’s army to get trapped , unable to assist the dark lord as the trollhunters escaping. Blinky then grabs what he can (mostly books), having prepared to leave the last time Gunmar almost escaped. going through the bridge as he sees Draal go to save everyone on the gyre.
so Blinky steps into the forest, free for the first time in century’s. the world so much brighter under the light of the moon and stars. but he hears movement, going to hide, and he watches Gunmar and a few other trolls also exit the Bridge.
Free of the Darkland
The trollhuners group have escaped, closing the bridge behind them. all picking themselves of the ground or of the gyre. all glad to have gotten out.
Blinky looks over the group from the shadows of the trees, Draal, his old friend’s son, Argh the betrayer of Gunmar, His brother Dictatious, and the trollhunter, Jim was it?
Argh senses someone is watching them, turns to face them, growling. thinking it to be a Gum Gum or Gunmar that had escaped. But out walks Blinky, hands gesturing to Jim.
"Trollhunter!, Sir Jim, no Master Jim! you escaped also, I’m so glad."
Draal and Dictatious recognizes Blinky but are somewhat stunned by suddenly seeing the troll they thought was dead.
Jim puts a hand on Argh letting him know its ok, and walks up to Blinky.
"you’re the voice from the cells, you rely helped me out back there, but why do you *looks Blinky over* you look just like Dictatious"
" I’m glad to have been of assistance Master Jim"
Blinky tries give Jim a hug, but Argh stops him. Blinkys to forward , he’s been in the Darkland a long time.
" oh, you are The General Aarghaumont aren’t you. good on you ditching Gunmar, he is quite the bastard isn’t he"
Argh nodes "help trollhunter now"
" so do I, always have mind you. tried to do my bit even when in that horrible Darkland. who knows how long I’ve been in there. you know it’s really hard to track time without the movement of the moon or stars, or even a clock mind you. but I didn’t let that bother me I jus..."
and Blinky starts to ramble before Dictatious steps forward to Blinky
" you were trapped in the Darklands this whole time!, it’s been 300 years since the battle of kilahead bridge"
"my time does fly, oh there’s so much to catch up on, but first what is your plan to deal with Gunmar?"
"Gunmar? what do you mean, he’s still in the Darkland"
"or is he, Draal left his post"
" oh, dear I thought you knew, Gunmar left the Darkland with some crones, he went that way before you all got here, probably long gone now. that and from the looks of you all, you wouldn’t hold much of a fight against him right now"
" you saw Gunmar, why didn’t you stop him"
"im ONE troll, and not a very big one at that. What could I have done, become his puppet"
Draal pipes up
" if you were in the Darkland, what guarantee do we have you aren’t already one of Gunmars puppets"
" I would never, I’m not an idiot, I never whent anywhere near Gunmars blade, I saw what it did. besides I would never join Gunmar and his monsters Gum Gums. I’d rather turn to stone…. wait what if I am, would I know, someone cheak!"
Argh grabs Blinky as he panics, pats his head
" you ok, not look controlled"
" oh thank Daya, that would have been horrible, how could I assist the trollhunter if I was controlled"
Blinky leans on Argh relived
so, they conclude that they need to go back to trollmarket and tell Vendel what happened.
Back in trollmarket
first things first, they take Jim and Blinky to Vendel. Jim needs to report what happened in the Darkland and they need to think what to do next. Blinky needs a checkup, he looks rather banged up from his time in the Darkland, and there’s information he can share to.
Blinky is in aww of trollmarket, having never seen it, also it is a big difference to the cold, dark and lonely Darkland.
Vendel is also very surprised to see Blinky alive and ushered him into his room to give him a checkup.
Jim has a panic hearing he’s been gone for 2 weeks and all the trolls did was text his mum with his phone, that he was at a tournament, and then avoided all the messages she left after.
Jims probably in BBBBBIIiiiigg trouble with her.
Vendel has Blinky remove his clothing, to give him a full body examination, the Darklands has clearly taken a toll on the smaller troll. Argh escorted Blinky There and is waiting outside.
Vendel turns to get some kind of examination tool, and suddenly the awws over Blinky jumps up. runs out the room. “nope nope, not ready for this after all.”
Vendel calls after Blinky "Argh grab him!". Argh catching a naked Blinky before he runs out the heartstone, putting him over his shoulder, taking him back into the examination room.
Blinky will only have the examination is someone else is there to make sure Vendel doesn't do anything dodgy. so, Argh just sits there as Blinky complains about being poked and prodded. but then getting into long winded explanations of how he got various wounds or having forgotten how he got that one ect.
Blinkys Behaver/ scenarios
normal Blinky can act a bit crazy at times. well Darkland Blinky ramps that up to 10. all that time alone in the Darklands, trying not to potentially die has left him with a screw loses. (Jim was only there a short while and he was already talking to himself). though as time passes and he re adjusts to life outside the Darklands he will mellow a bit. but probably keep some unusual habits.
such as not liking crept up on , or surprised. probably resulting in Blinky punching you in the face.
he prefers to be somewhere high up, as in the Darklands it would be safer and allow him to see everything going on around him. And he’s small and was vulnerable at ground level. So it isn’t unusual for Blinky to stand on/ climb furniture to be the same height as other trolls . or read a book sitting on top of a bookcase.
Blinky had been in the Darkland a long time and had told himself that he would continue to work for troll kind and the trollhunter, despite being trapped. this motivated him to keep moving but as time passed, continuously telling himself that he becomes a bit obsessed with helping the trollhunter. so as soon as he sees Jim he would be like
" the trollhunter!, I fight against Gunmar to, comrade!"
and be obsessed with him. (Dictatious hates Blinky intruding on his training of Jim, but can’t find a way to get rid of him)
Blinky shows up and suddenly Dictatious hates training. Blinky would follow Argh and Jim to the training, and keeps saying his thoughts on the training and Jims progress, and if Dictatious was hard on Jim, Blinky would dislike it. probably reminding him of how Dictatious was hard on him as a young troll, and would throw rocks at Dictatious. Probably yelling taunts. pulling Dictatiouss attention off Jim and onto him.
" stop being such a bag of gravel Dictatious, how is he going to progress like that, you need to let him fight without you taking apart his technique. he has longer legs than you to start *sniggers*"
Blinky has climbed up the wall in the hero’s forge, and is leaning against Kanjigars statue, having a one sided chat with his old friend, talking to him as if he was still alive, but also asking him what if feels like turning to stone? or being a ghost ? also rambles on about Draal and other things.
I don't think Dictatious will be either happy or sad to see Blinky after everything. but he would want Blinky to tell him everything about Gunmars army, and secrets from the Darkland. but Blinkys crazy and just rambles useless stuff at him. Argh is the only one patient enough to listen to Blinkys rambling long enough to find the point of the conversation. this also bugs Dictatios. the great big green fuzz ball can get information from Blinky but he can’t, it hurts his pride.
Dictatious prides himself on finding answers but he don't have the patience to wait for Blinky to use three days to get to the point of a story.
I think Blinky would still befriend Argh, Argh would be the only one patient enough to listen threw Blinkys insane rambling to find the point of the conversation. Argh and Vendel would probably be giving Blinky therapy of some sort, and Blinky would feel comfortable with him. they have both been through Gunmars hell. Blinky has a habit of climbing things, feeling safe higher up . like a cat XD. and he’s crazy so who cares about personal space. he is probably constantly just found on Arghs back, rambling or reading a book. or just hiding in his fur so people don't see him. he probably also missed physical contact from being alone so long, and argh being close by, makes him feel safe. Blinky practically lives on Arghs back now.
Argh is Blinkys security blanket essentially, and about the only one able to calm him down if he gets riled up.
Blinky would treat Argh well, he was been trapped for hundreds of years, just talking to himself. the prospect of company and physical contact is thrilling to Blinky. anyone bothers his new pal Argh and Blinkys mauling you like a rabid gnome! but Argh also wishes to protect the smaller troll, he has so many scars and been through so much, Argh wants to protect him so he never has to be hurt again.
Jim will start coming to Argh and Blinky for advice and help, possibly also training. he would still be obliged to do official trollhunting training, but feels better about and progresses more from training with trolls that actually care for him .and learn his habits, structuring training around them. Dictatious finds out eventually , plans to ignore it and continue ,but probably gets fed up when everyone (Vendel , Draal) knows about it and actively is involved. and announces if the trollhunter wants to train with my crazy younger brother, let him. I have better things to do. if he dies from it don’t go blaming me later.
Blinky would be a good trainer, but perhaps a bit unorthodox with his methods. Argh would have to him going too far some times. but overall it would work out. (after all Darkland Blinky has far more Battle and survival skills from normal Blinky.)
(maybe Blinky would train Toby to, Blinky also doesn’t care about permission and would just talk him to trollmarket)
if Jim ever brought up his mum Blinky would want to go introduce himself to the human, she has a wonderful son, Argh and Jim would have to hold him back as he tries march to Jims house.
"oh! I must meet this human!"
" I don't see the problem, I will be polite. I promise not to climb her furniture"
I’m messing with the idea that perhaps there are times that Blinky forgets about the sun, he hasn’t had to deal with it in a long time. and everything’s very much brighter compared to the darkland. and Blinky is easily distracted by other things. argh has to keep an eye on him when they are out and the suns up.
Blinkys eyes would be so sensitive to light after so long in the Darklands, he would have great darkvision.
Strickler walking around at night scheming . Blinky would just jump out a bush and punch him in the face " this is for master Jim!"
Strickler 'what the hell...?'
Argh jumps out having to save the changling from Blinky
because changeling or not, there's no way Strickler is heavier than Blinky!
So Blinky just sits on him
And smacks him around
Until Argh pulls him off
Blinky might just bag him and bring him back to trollmarket, not tell anyone, just tie him to a chair and ask him stupid questions with no relevance at all. till either Argh, Vendel or Dictatious discovers Blinkys hiding place .
"changeling! Tell me what an Internet is? and why are you so much smaller than other changlings in troll form?! Answer me!!"
Strickler goes missing from school for a few days , Jim thinks he must be up to something, till he realizes "wheres Blinky?!"
suddenly all the trollhunters team is searching trollmarket from top to bottom. Blinky in some cave that's almost impossible to get to, just having a cup of tea , with Strickler, him still tied up, but Blinky helps him with the tea . Blinky talking about his many many problems, Strickler just talks with him, not much else to do, either the trolls or another changling will find them eventually.
maybe Strickler would pity the clearly crazy troll ,or somehow use the situation to his advantage?
When ever someone is looking for Blinky, they check he’s not on Arghs back first XD
Blinky still loves books, loves being able to read any book he wants, no limitation to what could make it into the darklands.
Blinky is still a fast wee troll, but now also super good and being sneaky. no one sees him coming, he just appears next to you. He just appears next to like batman .
Jims at home and then, boom Blinkys there somehow, Jim panics his mums latterly just in the kitchen, how did you get here.
"I’ve been here all day, your book shelves are quite sad to say the least, not one history book"
Argh is in troll market looking for Blinky, he lost him
Gets a panicked call from Jim
" Argh get here now!, hes trying to talk to my mum!"
'Jim, who're you talking to?'
Oh and he still talks and bickers to himself, or talks to himself, saying he’s talking to Argh but they both know Arghs not listening
I think as soon as Arghs queen and Gunmar takes over troll marked, Dictatious will just swap sides. like finally someone with a clear view of the future of troll kind. humans are weak and annoying, why should we be helping them so much.
also after a while... a long while,….years?, maybe Blinky would be less crazy, but still totally devoid of boundaries and totally kick butt. still very much attached to argh
if you made it to the end, thank you. and what do you think?
(Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I missed)
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@kazuma14 asked:
Hey there I’m the one who talked about writing multiple series of books whose second part of the ask didn’t go through. Sorry it took so long to reply again. I looked at the links you put in the original post and that helped answer my question some. I had basically been concerned about ‘pacing’ I guess you could say. While I feel that I have pretty good character development, even some good world building (I think) in the early books, and side plots that get focused on, even more than the “main” plot sometimes…I don’t know how to make sure that I’m stalling the main story too much. Like moving things along on the 'bad guys’ side or getting my heroes to fight the “big bad(s)” which I’m saving for the last book or two. They basically send out their 'minions’ and whatnot. I kind of work into the story that the main villains minions want to wear down the heroes before really straight up going to fight them.
I hope this kinda makes sense. I’m sorry I feel like maybe my ask kind of degraded. I was trying not to make it too long and without having to give specific details about my stories, not that I mind but it would’ve made this even longer lol. But I’d be more than happy to help clear anything up or give more information.
Also I was curious who, if anyone, in the script family would be best to ask about abilities/powers/future tech type of stuff.
Alrighty, I’ll include the text of your original ask because it has some context that I think is relevant at this point:
Hey! Just discovered your blog and love it! :) Basically I've created my own universe, I write mostly like superhero stuff and so have a lot of stories to tell and a lot of "history". I find I've kinda had to pick what I want to write and only write the "really main" events that happen since most everything is interconnected and whatnot. Which leads to the planned writing of series like3-5 books or more depending on the character/characters
So it sounds like you have a big ole superpowered world with a bunch of superpowered people all getting up to adventures and saving the day, this is great, it sounds like a really fun world to play around with!
It seems to me like you’re struggling with the size of the planned stories, as well as with how to juggle/ include all of the backstory and worldbuilding that you’ve put together for this series. As well, you’re having trouble with balancing the 3-5 planned books with the appearance of the villain and hedging this by throwing in minions in the earlier books to hold back the villain from appearing.
First up, I have some questions for you to think about, when you’re considering this approach of wearing down the heroes:
So your heroes are a well-established force in this world? If the villain knows them and their strength well enough to want to wear down their resistance before a conflict they must have some kind of reputation.
What development do the heroes go through over the course of the first book? The second book? How do they develop in the lead up to the final confrontation?
If the villain’s approach is to wear the heroes down, why wouldn’t the heroes simply take the fight to the villain? The implication to me would be that the heroes could win if they just had the initiative to do so.
Or is the villain very unknown? That they could hide and send out minions while not being terribly worried about being tracked down?
I do want to say, that I’m a little concerned about the length of the series and the sense that you seem to be delaying the villain’s appearance in order to squeeze in all your worldbuilding and backstory. Worldbuilding and backstory can’t carry a story alone, and if there isn’t much happening to go along with it, you’re going to lose a lot of readers.
My suggestion is that rather than saving the villain for later, you save some of the backstory and worldbuilding for later. One of the hardest things I learned during my writing course is not to save the good stuff for last -- use it up at the soonest opportunity. Got a great idea for a climactic battle? Great. Use it at the end of the first novel. Think of something EVEN BETTER if you actually finish that and get around to the second instalment.
As I said in my post about writing trilogies [HERE]:
think about how you can make sure that each book adds more on top of what the last one established
Similarly, you have to ensure that the first book kicks things off in the strongest way -- you can’t start off with a bunch of worldbuilding and no hook to get readers interested, and you can’t sell a series on ‘just wait til you read the third/ fifth book, all this build up will be so worth it!’ The first book needs a strong narrative arc, it needs to have a resolution at the end, and it needs to deliver on the main promise of your series.
A bit of an over the top example?
Harry Potter. The first book shows a full year of wizard school, it introduces a whole world, it has a confrontation with (a version of) the main villain, and then it concludes and has a happy-for-now ending. If the series had flopped and the second book and rest of the series were never published, it could stand fairly well on its own as a kids novel.
Now, there’s a hell of a lot of worldbuilding and backstory going on in the Harry Potter series, but it’s always brought in by the vehicle of the ongoing action and narrative progression. We do get to hear about the oddities that happened to Harry as a child growing up, but we don’t have much more than a few pages dedicated to them, as a part of the process of him discovering other things about himself and his world.
Imagine if the first Harry Potter book had been his childhood before the first book? Haircuts not growing back and teleporting on top of the school roof and lots of run-ins with school bullies. With the right treatment, all that could make a very interesting coming of age novel, but it wouldn’t fit as a Harry Potter novel in the structure that the series uses. All of it, undoubtedly, is very interesting and informative about character and setting, but it doesn’t, in itself, help the story progress.
Trying to fit every bit of worldbuilding into your story can, unfortunately, water it down. It can make a fun, interesting plot lag and it can lose a reader’s interest pretty rapidly. If at any point you find yourself delaying action or plot because you’re trying to squeeze in backstory, that’s a problem. Don’t delete the backstory or worldbuilding, but do keep it in another folder or document and think about where it fits in the story, if it fits in the story, and save it for a time when it’s going to make the most impact.
Now, I’m not going to tell you that you can’t write a 3-5 book series, you can do whatever you like! It’s your story!
But! As an exercise, I’d like you to think about what you would do if you could only write one book set in this world. You’ve got the space of one novel to write the most important parts of this story, how would you do that?
What would it look like?
Who are the major players in this story?
What’s the most vital narrative arc?
Is it a tragic story? Comic? Drama?
Backstory and worldbuilding are undoubtedly vital to creating a good story, but they’re also the first thing to cut out when you’re trying to craft a tight narrative. These things always inform the structure, tone, and themes of the story, but there is seldom the space or interest (to the reader) to go into them in detail for their own sakes. Backstory and worldbuilding are usually best included obliquely, as details that support the narrative and help to build a realistic texture for the characters and world.
From your asks it sounds like you have a lot of lore and worldbuilding worked out, and you want to cram as much of it as possible onto the page, and it’s great that you’ve got a wealth of material to work with, but one of the hardest parts of writing, in my experience, is judging what to leave out, as much as what to put in.
Thank you for being patient on this question, and if anything is unclear or of you have a more specific question, please feel free to ask (and I’ll try not to let it sit for so long).
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A deluge of bone hurting juice (2016-17 update)
Ahhh!!! *looks around* AHHH!!! *hides in a cave* Here. You can come in here and talk to me if you keep your voice down…
What’s been going on huh? We just finished up Rose City Comic Con. Numbers were significantly lower than last year, mainly attributed to the current local natural disasters (half of my state was set on fire) and the disaster that was this year’s layout��But that’s not what I want to write about today. Nah. We do conventions all the time now. I want to talk about ME. As some of my followers might have noticed, I’ve been a bit more…outspoken…some have even been so brash as to call me an angry woman. Well, let me tell you about all of the bullshit that I’ve had to deal with in the last year or so before you get your little panties in a twist.
I’ve been surrounded by death and loss since about April of 2016…
It was around that time that I had just broken off from an intimate relationship, and then about week after that, my mentor died in a sudden heart attack the week before my first gallery show. I was devastated from multiple angles. I thought I could handle it, but what I thought was letting go was really stuffing emotions down…That summer I got very sick when I stayed with a friend (see other update post) and fell into a very deep depression for a very long time….and then the elections happened. There were riots in the streets in my neighborhood. The protests are still going on and I no longer feel safe traveling alone sometimes, on my own streets.
Around November I had to face another fact - there were people in my life that were toxic and needed to be cut out if I were to progress with my own work, personal life and development. I found that some of my friends weren’t really my friends at all and that some of my male friends don’t know what the fuck consent is. I’m still recovering from what that implies.
In February we had a huge falling out with one of the larger shows of the year that we usually do because they lied to us and treated us like shit. We will never do a Wizard World show ever again. Fuck ‘em. They don’t give a shit about the people they work with, and they certainly don’t give a fuck about artists.
Then in April of this year (2017) I fell sick again. This time, while I was out of town at a show. Sakura Con in Seattle. I had to go to ER while I was out there. Do you know how embarrassing it is to be wheeled out through an audience of several thousand fans and cosplayers to an ambulance? Truly, a nightmare come to life! We had trouble with their staff too, but that’s posted elsewhere. As soon as I came back to Portland, I was still puking my brains out and had to go to the ER again. They did an ultrasound on me and I had a gallstone the size of a large marble that needed to be removed immediately. I barely even remember going to the hospital or being barely awake to sign the consent forms for the surgery. I was riddled with anxiety and exhaustion. And in all honesty, I was in so much pain that I just wanted to die at that moment. But I didn’t, and I woke up in the maternity ward because they were out of beds in the regular hospital so I had a nice big room with a window and a view. Silver linings I guess? I barely had time to recover as I was just getting through show 2 of 10 weeks of shows in a row. That month a friend of mine, of 15 years, totally fucked up and I had to let him go too. HOLY SHIT. Can’t get much worse, right? Riiiiight…
In May I had to deal with a creepy stalker but my friends had my back on that one so it’s resolved as far as I’m concerned. Bitches get blacklisted. If that idiot comes anywhere near me, I won’t be afraid to defend myself….which is why I’m lucky I wasn’t on this train…In late May, I did Furlandia. I was traveling via public transit. On Friday May 26th as the shuttle from the Sheraton pulled up to the airport, an alarm was sounding and a message played over the loud speaker. We were made aware that someone, no, two people had been stabbed on the train. Later on we found out that they weren’t just stabbed, they were slain. Some white supremacist crazy guy was harassing a Muslim woman and two men were brave enough to stand up to him. He slashed both of their throats, and as I would find out later on, it was never reported on news outside much of Oregon. Or at least the people from out of town I spoke to had no idea it had happened. I know that media blackout is a thing that happens, but this is just horrible. I’m so lucky to not have been on that train. Had I left when I had originally intended to, I would have been, but I stayed around another 10 minutes in the lobby to make a sale and so barely missed the death train…
Most of the summer was spent catching up on show stock arts and crafts as well as trying to recover while making sure bills and everything are taken care of. It’s been hard for me to eat. My stomach is still recovering and I’m dealing with mild to severe nausea. Going to doctor’s appointments and therapy to work everything out. Then comes this trip in Arizona…
I’ve just spent the last 2 weeks busting my ass, hand-drawing a 30 page comic just to say that I could do it and I’m looking forward to some relaxing time. However, I went far past the healthy work threshold, and between the stress, exhaustion, and mental anguish, my body freaked out again. This would be one of my worst battles yet.
I flew in, got set up, and the first day went smoothly for the most part. Then friday evening, I got sick. I don’t think I’d eaten enough…maybe it was the heat, maybe it was the reminders of where I’d come from up to that point…whatever it was, by body wasn’t having it. I won’t go into too much detail but there was multiple panic attacks and screaming/sobbing in the hotel room, uncontrollable vomiting for several days while my body wasted away, there were two trips to the ER, some people on suicide watch, a missed flight, half a week in a piss poor institution that I had no place in being, and severely lost faith in humanity. What I took from it is this - I’m never doing another show in AZ again. Their health care system is fucking garbage. I’m still getting bills that they never even sent to my insurance company because they’re so goddamn bad at what they do. And after all that? STILL NO ANSWERS. Not about me, not about my health condition. I had to FIGHT my way OUT in order to catch my flight back home in time for the Eclipse. And because I’m a sick mother fucker like that, I ended up cosplaying Griffith at RCCC because who doesn’t love getting locked up only to emerge on the dawn of the eclipse?
Coming down off of all of the meds they force fed me was hell. Trying to eat again while still vomiting for days after my return was hell. You know what eventually got rid of the nausea? Soaking. Soaking in a hot hot hot tub. Just soaking…and sipping lots of water….and not puking…and soaking…and cold showers, and soaking…oh my god, why is my body trying to kill me?
Then this month we did RCCC, and numbers are down, but that’s the least of my worries. You know what else is the least of my worries? Stupid people bullshit. For instance, man-children on Twitter telling me what not to say/post. A recently received a message from a youtuber. Not saying any names, but it rhymes with Yorgen Blundersound. The poor child had the audacity to tell me how I ought to speak. And that the regular gifts I send to my art friends were not welcome. Then he proceeded to accuse me of some sort of aggressive promo shit. Listen child, I’ve been running this shit for several years before I was even aware of your misinformed ass. I’m an award winning designer, bitch, I don’t need your help. As far as sending people things, I do that shit all the time. It’s part of what makes art life fun, giving. You know what giving back to your community looks like, right? From here you look like a whiny little kid that doesn’t have his shit together and I would never work with such a temperamental, unprofessional, arrogant little shit like yourself. Congrats on just kind of being an ass I guess. ‘\’o’y
If you’ve made it through this entire thing, thank you for reading and congratulations and understanding why I’ve given so very little fucks nowadays. My life has been full of bone hurting juice. I’m sure things will get better, but please be patient with me as I recover. And if you’re someone in my life who’s only around for the good times, be prepared to get dropped like a hot beat.
I missed the deadline for the Crafty Wonderland winter show, so I won’t be there. We will definitely be at OMSI next weekend for the Mini Maker Fair, and next month we have Portland Retro Gaming Expo. See you there!
ps. i’m adding more jewelry to the etsy shop this week and am looking for a gallery spaces to host my work. Contact me if interested. Thanks.
#portland art#portland artist#mental health#health issues#survivor#badass women#traveling artist#geek craft#health problems#stories from the road#psychology#health#az health sucks#inspiring#bone hurting juice#true stories#story from the road#illness#scary life#am I cursed#a series of unfortunate events#politics#common man#business#traveler#show time#working through illness#northwest#art life#recovery
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