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ayahtiicoree · 5 months ago
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thedepressionoftrees · 18 days ago
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I'm going to kill myself what the fuck does this meaaaaaaaaaan??? Why is this on a JOB INTERVIEW???
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deathsmilesz · 5 years ago
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paopao-co · 6 years ago
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avfrisk · 9 months ago
andwhyam i checking tumblr after sending this am i waiting for seeing reactions? is that what im doing am i just that shit of a person that iLl fake somethinglikethis and just....lookforeactions am i trying to return to ita again and agian until i delete it whatdoyouwantfromme. isthiswhatiwant in life is this.... holyfuck is this why, is this my fate do i want this? should i just. i dont even want to type 'end it' because i feel like that'll just panic everyone because its nothing IM FINE! I AM COmplelty... ujst faking it. im faking it! its lal fake... because i am fine, i am ok... so if im feelingthisway... im ust be faking it. sorry.forjusttyping my thuoghts like this i know no one wants to see this shit.
the thing im thinking: is... is it ok to write my emotions in my blog?
like obviously none of you guys want to see thissokokokfuckme not, this specifically but... people talking about their emotions in general, right? like... man thats just boring, you want to see- oh hey, marie's just gone online and liked 2 of my posts, does this mean they'll think im typing this specifically so they see it? (need to ask them about their pronouns later...) not like it matters since they'll NEVER SEE THIS! anyway, what i said before wasnt a jab at anyone. but... god why am i typing this uh- fuck... EFMAH... im spiraling hard guys. ...im spiraling hard. doesthissound fake? i hear me yelling at myself, tears as i type this, smiling at my own mind, im faking this, this is not actually happening im forcing myself to feel this way just for sympathy, thats whats happening thats what HAS to be happening that's something i could do the screen's getting hard to see through my tear's but nonones's going to see this because im either not going to send it or delete it before anyone can see because i dont want epopele to see me like this and distance me because of hwomuch of a trainreck i wam hfhhjjajajd...
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remusicals · 3 years ago
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Mr. Meowse would like to pass along this message: “EEEeEeoWwW! EeeEoOOWwwW! WwwEeEoWWwW!” 🙀 I’ve run it through Google Translate but came up with nothing. Does anyone speak Fuzz Gibberish? (I’m only fluent in Monkey…) #instacat #whatdoyouwantfromme #saddestcat #workinglate #randomencounters https://www.instagram.com/p/CgU8v2EPFHy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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helium-fox · 1 year ago
letmeinletmeinletmeinN0W (<that's a zero not an o, so does have #)
h3aLthcAr3buLLSHIT (<worth noting this account is to access to my medical records)
hv3ihreoaejkrgjkhAERGrgjeergoij (<a random keysmash I copied and pasted so i wouldn't lose)
i have to create a new password and there are the usual qualifications: upper and lowercase letters, one number, and at least 6 letter long, can't be the same as the old one
BUT it also wouldn't let you use a password that was "too easy to guess, e.g. Password@1"
So without further ado, here is a list of all the passwords I tried that are apparently too easy to guess
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rockfluffy90 · 6 years ago
"Do you want my blood?
Do you want my tears?
What do you want?
What do you want from me!"
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careerchangewhat · 4 years ago
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Pretty sure that's some good ol' fashioned ADD but who's counting? . Luckily I take diligent notes of my ideas for Career Change What so when my brain derails me, I have back up 😉 . Now that my workshop is in full swing (woooo) I'm working on some new stuff for you guys! . But then I got to thinking, why don't I ask you what you want that I'm not already offering. 💡😏 . So now's the time to chime in! . Is there specific career advice you are looking for? . Or maybe something you need help in particular when looking for a job? . A new guide you'd like to see? . Drop them in the comments below or feel free to DM me! #helpmehelpyou #whatdoyouwantfromme 😜 . . . . . . . . . . #careercoaching #careerchangewhat #careercoachnyc #careercoachingforwomen #millennialcareercoach #careerchange #careerhappiness #workinspiration #loveyourlifeorchangeit #makingmoves #workmeme #workmemes #resumehelp #careerhelp #workjokes #workhumor #linkedintips #jobsearching #jobsearchtips #jobsearchadvice #jobsearchhelp #funnytweets #funnytwitter #brainmemes #adhdmemes #relatable #relatablememes #adhdlife (at Alphabet City, Manhattan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNF2SBmjEEA/?igshid=pkz69aik7zbl
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pbbg · 5 years ago
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Whadda ya want from me ❓❓❓ #whatdoyouwantfromme #pomslife (at Astoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CClsoGTjD0l85Hti0AbmpQS0pvmnZeUXl4kfCI0/?igshid=1aa9mcl5x1i4r
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adominguezs · 5 years ago
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“Can you see your days blighted by darkness? is it true you beat your fists on the floor? stuck in a world of isolation while the ivy grows over the door...” #pinkfloyd #thedivisionbell #progressiverock #clusterone #whatdoyouwantfromme #polesapart #marooned #agreatdayforfreedom #wearingtheinsideout #takeitback #comingbacktolife #keeptalking #lostforwords #highhopes (en Iquique, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CChNJ2Nj4uKS3R9Qvrmy81rJdC6CXNwAbNZwHY0/?igshid=i1hz8dv3c9er
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leandrealarry · 5 years ago
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I’m writing again. Been sitting on this for the a few days trying to ensure that my words are conveying the right message. Not sure. #weshallsee #blog #blogging #blogger #blackgirlswhoblog #intention #intent #intentional #whatdoyouwantfromme #thatrelationshipthing https://www.instagram.com/p/B9RuRO9H4y--AaeArp3tUPOfvGrXDP7I144HxE0/?igshid=17zaepfytilnv
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paraphraze615 · 5 years ago
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So what purpose are you (YES YOU READING THIS RIGHT NOW) serving in my life? Because if you're just here to use me, you can cease all communication with me starting now. #Friends #MyFriends #MyFriendsBeLike #FakeFriends #FakeLove #FuckFakeLove #FuckFakeFriends #Purpose #WhatIsYourPurpose #WhatAreYourIntentions #WhyAreYouHere #WhatDoYouWantFromMe https://www.instagram.com/p/B3m8IFTAvDv/?igshid=x9hygu2y221i
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oliveinvisible · 7 years ago
“My greatest fear is that maybe you will notice, I’m not what you wanted after all these years”
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xp0sedpoetry-blog · 6 years ago
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Pieces of me -Xp0sed #instapoetry #sadpoetry #poetrygram #pieceofme #instapoet #poetryporn #lies #instapoetrygram #poetryisart #poetryclub #poetry_addicts #instapoets #fromme #poetry #greed #Whatdoyouwantfromme? https://www.instagram.com/p/BskxEbTBBf2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14xxm9cbbjh21
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the-wonder-kitten · 8 years ago
I don't know what he wants!!! . . . #cat #petey #catsofinstagram #loud #meow #wtf #whatdoyouwantfromme #petercat #furbaby #cutie #lovebug
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