#what's the mood mazzy
mazzy-rockstar · 11 months
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b4byblu3s · 1 year
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I've been a bad, bad girl
I've been careless with a delicate man 🍒
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jamminvroomvroom · 7 months
I absolutely adore your writing,
For the celebration, could you please do virgin reader first time with Oscar?
op x fem!reader - 4k celebration
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in which oscar arrives home to an unexpected guest…
hi hi hi! thank you so much anon, i hope this is what you wanted!! trying to get through requests, loving hearing from you guys! this one is so cute i think, let me know ur thoughts 😚😚
songs to set the mood: fall in love with you by montell fish, fade into you by mazzy star, like real people do by hozier
warnings: 18+!! minors dni!!! smut, fluff, friends to lovers, sleepy baby oscar, teeny tiny bit of angst, mutual pining, r’s first time, swearing
2.9k words
oscar’s exhausted, shoulders sagging beneath the thick material of his mclaren hoodie. he’s glad he left it in his carry on, the miserable london weather not even remotely living up to the warm glow of the middle eastern sun.
he craves his bed, dreamless sleep, entering the code to get into his building and slumping against the cool mirrored wall of the elevator. his eyes droop as the lift travels up, and the ding that sounds when he reaches his floor breathes life back into him.
the double header that kickstarted the season has knackered him, and he longs for alone time and silence to recuperate before he has to deal with the noise of going home and racing in front of a familiar crowd.
his key slides into the lock and he pushes the door open, throwing his bags by the door - he’ll deal with them later. the hoodie is shrugged off and dropped haphazardly on the floor next to the shoes he kicks off. his bed is calling. dazed, he trudges down the hallway, but he’s spooked by a faint sound coming from his bedroom.
as he primes himself to investigate, he hears footsteps, light and quiet against the floorboards. he goes to open his bedroom door, breathing heavy, but he just about jumps out of his skin when it swings open before he gets there. he yelps, and so do you, leaping into the air.
“you scared the shit out of me.” you shout, hand over your thumping heart.
“i scared you? what are you doing here?” oscar bites back, running his hand through his brown locks.
“sorry, sorry, i didn’t mean to be here without your permission but… it’s a long story. i didn’t think you’d be home yet.” you smile apologetically.
“sofa.” oscar mumbles, stalking past his bedroom and towards the living room. “what’s goi- are you wearing my shirt?” he splutters, finally looking at you properly.
your face heats up, and you cross your arms awkwardly.
“um, yeah? god, this is all so embarrassing.” you cover your face, falling onto the sofa. he plonks down beside you.
“tell me what happened.” oscar sighs.
“he dumped me.”
“why?” oscar asks softly. “ugh, i knew i hated him for a reason.” he wrinkles his nose.
“i don’t know how to explain this without wading into major tmi territory.” your voice is small, quivering slightly.
“you can tell me, love.” he encourages gently.
“he found it weird that i’m, uh, a virgin?” you squeak, your voice raising into a question. oscar goes as red as you are.
“oh. oh.”
“oh god, you’re freaked out too. is there something wrong with me? like, why has this not happened? i thought i was ready with him, but then when it came down to it…” you ramble, trailing off.
“there’s nothing wrong with you.” oscar states, firm and serious. “him, on the other hand.” he shakes his head, disgusted. “he wasn’t good enough for you.” he spits.
“do you mind if i stay here?” you whisper, leaning into his side. “or, keep staying here?” you laugh softly. oscar joins in.
“you know you can always stay here.” he smiles sleepily. you’re just about the only person in the world he can stand right now, and always, actually. “but i need a nap, you coming?”
you nod and follow him to his room. the tv is still on, the one with monica and chandlers wedding playing quietly. oscar smiles. he knows it’s your favourite.
he flops onto his side of the bed, dropping off almost instantly. you watch over him, enamoured and sympathetic, in awe of him and the life he lives. you slip into bed beside him, leaving a respectable distance between you and the aussie.
you pass out right around chandler’s vows.
you stir between two thick arms. pale, warm skin is wrapped around you, oscar’s soft breath fanning your face as he sleeps.
you watch him, scanning each and every mole on his face, trying to ground yourself. you combat the anxiety of being in his arms, choosing to enjoy the moment, while he’s still peaceful. it’s nice to feel wanted, even if he’s unconscious.
for the first time, you’re glad your ex broke up with you, because how does it make sense that you feel safer, more wanted in the arms of your best friend?
“stop staring, ‘m gonna blush.” oscar mumbles, clearing his throat. his eyes are still shut, but he just knows you too well.
oscar opens his eyes slowly, blinking away sleep. you stare at each other, comfortable silence eating away at the palpable tension.
you kiss him.
because why wouldn’t you? it’s oscar, your oscar, and he’s sleepy and cosy and gorgeous, and you’ve waited too fucking long. you can’t resist it any longer, free from the bounds of being someone else’s.
his lips are warm, and he’s startled, but the surprise doesn’t falter him; just as quickly as you kiss him, he’s kissing you back. his large hand finds your face, and the other finds your waist, pulling you closer. you melt into him, impossibly closer than you already were.
he’s gentle with you, tentative but firm and you part your lips, letting him lick into your mouth. his tongue strokes softly over yours and you keen at the sensation. he pushes you onto your back, balancing on his elbow half hovering over you. your hair fans out onto the pillow, his soft fingers running through your strands, pushing them away from your flushed face. oscar pulls away, scanning your face.
“sorry.” you smile up at him, breathless.
“apology very much accepted. i’ve been wondering when that would happen.” he laughs incredulously.
“what can i say? i’m irresistible.” he replies dryly, exercising his sense of humour that was a foundation of your friendship.
“yeah. you kinda are.” you giggle bashfully.
and then he’s kissing you again, pressing himself even closer to you. you welcome him in, wrapping your arms around his lean frame, feeling over his shoulders. he’s tense, restrained, groaning into you at the feeling of your hands raking over his back.
“we should stop.” he mumbles, noses bumping. you frown.
“because you said earlier, you’re not ready for this and i’m… well, things are gonna get real awkward if we keep going.” he chokes out half a laugh, glancing down at his-
“yeah, i just, i don’t want to make you uncomfortable. we can go slow.”
“osc, i wasn’t ready with him,” you pause, collecting your thoughts. “but you’re not him.”
“i suppose that’s true.” he shrugs.
“then you better do something.”
oscar lays you back, climbing over you completely this time. his trails over your jaw, taking your chin between his fingers.
“are you sure about this? we can stop anytime, just say the words.”
“‘m sure, oscar. i want to do this with you.” you coo, reassuringly.
his lips run over your neck, your collarbone, and he mouths at the collar of the t-shirt that you’re wearing. his t-shirt. his.
“gonna take this off, yeah?” he asks, whispering low, right by your ear.
“yeah, please.” you say, your own hands running under his t-shirt and up his muscular back. he’s relaxed now, no tension between his shoulder blades, and so you push the material up, and he slips it over his head. his warm digits peel your shirt off, too, and you’re warm all over when his eyes trail over your chest.
you’d forgone a bra, ditching it when you’d arrived at his place, and his pupils are blown wide, hazel hues sparkling with desire. his hands slide up your ribcage, thumbing at the underside of your breasts, while he plants open mouthed kisses down your chest. your eyes flutter shut, gasping softly as he skims your nipple.
“oscar.” you breathe, the light whimper sending his blood rushing south.
“does that feel good?” he asks, searching your face for answers.
“more.” you sound strained, desperate, and he aches.
his sucks your nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the swollen bud. he toys with the other one, massaging your breast with his skilful fingers, tweaking and pulling until you’re panting beneath him. he pulls away with a pop, licking over to the other side, deciding to test your limits when he nips delicately at the peak. you moan, bucking your hips, hypersensitive to his every move.
you can feel how hard he is, his grey joggers growing tighter with every passing second.
“want all of you, osc.” you plead.
“need to get you ready for me first, okay honey?” he rubs circles into your sides, warm and calloused. you relax fully, lifting your hips.
oscar mouthed over your belly, peppering sunshine-like kisses down your abdomen until he finds the band of your loose shorts. he mumbles something into you navel about taking them off and you nod, enthusiastic and frantic. you can feel his smile branding your sensitive skin. the material glides down your thighs, pooling at your ankles, and you kick them away. he parts your thighs, making himself comfortable on his belly, and thumbs at the crease of your leg, toying with your panties.
he drags his pointer finger over your covered slit, up and down slowly, applying more pressure every time he brushes over your clit. oscar can see where you’re starting to seep through your panties and he stifles a low groan, anxious to peel the cotton off of your body, the final barrier separating him from you, so he does, pulling them slowly down your legs. he studies your face as he does, keeping his eyes firmly on yours. your lip catches between your teeth, aching as you watch, helpless and wet.
oscar kisses your hip bone, sucking gently until he’s stained it purple, and then his warm breath is fanning your cunt. your eyes squeeze shut.
“look at me, baby. gotta keep your eyes on me.” oscar mutters. your pussy clenches around nothing at the tone of his voice. you pry your eyes open, just about managing to prop yourself up on your elbows. “that’s it, honey. has anyone ever done this to you before?”
you shake your head, no. he smiles to himself, like he knows something you don’t, and dives in.
his tongue works in slow strokes, dragging through your slick with intent, eyes locked with yours. you must look like a deer in headlights, pupils blown, shocked with pleasure when you collapse against the mattress. he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking, tasting, and your legs go weak, splayed open all for him. you whimper as he tugs your clit between his teeth, just enough to graze over the sensitive nerves. it sends your hips flying, bucking wildly against his face.
“osc…” you breathe, squeezing your eyes shut.
“‘m gonna give you some more, is that okay?” he asks, nose bumping your clit.
“yes, please.” you don’t know what more is, but you need it like air.
you feel a finger glide over your sodden flesh, rubbing over your entrance. you sigh out, oh, anticipation and bliss sending white heat down your spine. he circles his finger around your opening, coating it in you, and carefully slides it in, feeling out for any sign of tension or discomfort. when you grind your hips onto the single digit, he knows you’re okay.
it feels good, better than anything you’d ever felt on your own, and you writhe against his bedspread. he thrusts a couple of times, experimenting, seeing what makes you squirm for him the right way, and when his finger curls, hooking deliciously, he knows he’s struck gold. you arch off the bed, searching for more, more, anything.
“another one.” you cry, begging, and oscar’s not one to tease. not yet, anyway.
a second finger joins the lonesome first, and he finds some pace, fucking into you faster. he scissors the digits, stretching you out for him, enjoying the pretty view. he’s achingly hard now, rocking discreetly into the mattress, losing his mind as he watches how you drip around his fingers. he wants another taste of you, addicted already to sweet, salty honey, so he has to finish you off, lap your mess off of his long fingers.
“i think- i think-“ you can’t get the words out, they’re lost on your tongue, but oscar knows what you mean.
“that’s it, baby. so good for me, doing so good. cum for me.” he spurs you on, drawing it out of you.
you let go, crashing biblically, the high sending you to heaven and back, two times over. he grinds his fingers, softer, just enough to help you through it and you chant his name like you’re praying at an alter. you know that you’ll never be over this. your oscar.
“holy shit.” you giggle, smiling lazily as you return to the world of the living. he’s licking his fingers clean; you could black out so easily.
“did you enjoy that?” he punctuates with a kiss to your belly, crawling up your body until he’s hovering over you.
“maybe you should do it again, just so that i can really make sure that i did.” you tease. your hand rakes through his hair, pushing it back off of his face. he’s grinning down at you, eyes fluttering shut. “that was amazing.” you whisper. he’s blushing when he kisses you, and then you are too, when you taste yourself on his tongue.
he moans against your lips, making you pull back. your hand leaves his brown strands, joining your other, which is currently voyaging down his back.
“you’re wearing too many clothes.” you whisper, lips bumping his as your hands slide under the waistband of his sweats. something desperate emits from the back of his throat. you push them over his hips, fisting the thick fabric, eager to have him bare on top of you once and for all. oscar helps, kicking them away, boxers too.
you can feel him, thick and wet between your thighs, his breathing uneven. your nails graze his hip and he jolts, collapsing on top of you, his full weight covering your keening body. he kisses into the crook of your neck, frantic; you need him deep, immediately, his urgent change in form leaving you flushed.
“you want me?” he whispers into your ear, leaving you shivering.
“so bad.” you pant.
“i’ll be gentle.” he promises.
he guides himself through your folds, slippery and warm, all for him. he nudges the head inside of you, hips stuttering at the blinding tightness. you gasp, but he catches it in his mouth, softly moulding his lips to yours as he pushes further. you open up for him, pliant, and when he eventually bottoms out, he holds himself there, letting you adjust.
“oh, fuck.” your eyes roll back, nails leaving crescent marks in his shoulders.
“so good for me, so pretty.” oscar grunts. “say when, baby.” he breathes, rubbing soothing circles into your hip.
oscar rolls his hips, rocking you into the mattress. he hooks your knee over his waist, driving himself deeper and deeper with every thrust. you’re boneless, lost to the delectable stretch, to the way his cock seems to touch every part of you that makes you quiver.
“tell me how it feels.” oscar murmurs, grip tightening on your thigh.
“fuck, oscar, it’s so good. ‘m so glad it’s you.” your voice shakes, raw with emotion.
“me fucking too.” he mumbles, increasing his pace ever so slightly.
his thrusts lull into more of a grind, reaching your depths and revelling in the way you only get tighter for him. you’re spilling around him, already so close to meeting your end, and all it takes is the calloused pad of his thumb brushing your bundle of nerves to have you convulsing. you’re somewhere else entirely, on a whole other spiritual plane, utterly and completely his as he fucks you through your second orgasm.
when he spills, white hot and sweat slicked, he gushes endless hushed whines of your name. it sounds perfect when he says it like this, rolling off of his tongue with dire urgency.
his dampened hair falls over his darkened eyes, full of stars and total adoration. you’re smiling sleepily up at him like he’s made of sunshine. you always thought he was, and now you know that he most definitely is.
the most beautiful sunshine man.
“hi.” he whispers.
“hi.” you whisper back.
an intimacy, different to the one you’ve just shared, blossoms between you, encapsulating you here with him endlessly.
“i’m gonna clean you up, ‘n then we’re gonna order food.” he gazes fondly, stroking your hair.
“perfect.” you agree.
“put friends back on, i’m gonna run you a bath.” he begrudgingly stands from the bed, trailing towards the en-suite.
“you’re gonna join me in there, right?” you admire his naked frame as he disappears into the bathroom.
“obviously.” he pokes his head out once more to scoff, and you lay there, grinning like the worlds most lovesick idiot, your thoughts dulled by the sound of running water.
when the bath is full of hot water and too many bubbles, he gets in first, and you sink into the revitalising heat. oscar pulls you close, your back to his chest, kissing over your hairline as you mould yourself against him.
“thank god you broke in.”
oh i’m soft
@boysthatgovroomvroom @welld0nebaku @thegirlinthefandoms @mcmuppet @japanesekel @vinvantae @ggaslyp1 @dr3lover @smiithys  @rachstash @infinitebells @fizzpopsnap101 @gaily19 @icecoldtires @mysticalnightenthusiast @thatchickwiththecamera @oyesmendes @disneydaydreameralways @canyouseethesainz @ferrarifwendvale @fcbformulaeri @tony-stank3 @maih23 @soleilgrec @carolineworld @anthonykatebridgerton @allywthsr @iamasimpingh0e @ophcelia @lovelynikol16 @coffeehurricanes @jennx03 @blueflorals @lqvesoph @sidcrosbyspuck @better-dead-than-smeg @buendiabebeta @pjofics @kovalcin @wintergilmore3 @for-writing-shit @youdontknowmeshh @im-an-overthinker @jule239 @darleneslane @jazzy722 @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @therealone4r @pleasecallmeunhinged @theonlyadrienne
lemme know if you wanna be added or removed <3
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zeerohpunk · 1 year
a few milo headcannons:
he talks out of the side of his mouth. and he tilts his head ALL the time, hes such an animated speaker. he cant sit still fr
other people have said it but it deserves repeating, his accent gets so much thicker when hes feeling strong emotions.
he laughs when hes mad and its scary for everyone in the immediate vicinity bc it doesnt happen often, but when it does... run.
leans on doorways (with his arms crossed, OR just his thumbs in his pockets.)
this man is always flirting, doesnt matter if he and sweetheart have been together six years. hes the type to make the point that just because theyre at mate status doesnt mean hes "won" them, its a continuous effort.
milo and sweetheart are readers. (they read naughty stuff. one of the two will finish the book first and rate it on a scale they created and tell the other if its worth the read. then the other mate gets to read it.)
milo wears cosmetic eye contacts for special events. or just out to a nice dinner. something about matching his outfit etc.
he has so many specific mood playlists, its insane. his spotify has like 483 playlists, most of them several hours long, all for different moods and vibes. his favorite and most played playlist is his summer playlist for making dinner. fleetwood mac, etta james, mazzy star, the temptations. its there. (im making it an actual playlist btw.)
that being said, he also drinks red wine while making dinner if its appropriate for the meal (and he has the nicest set of wine glasses youve ever seen).
he has the largest collection of cologne/body spray probably ever. he routinely switches them out based on the mood and season. he keeps out the ones that are sweethearts favorites though + he has a signature favorite (and will wear it/any cologone no matter what, if sweetheart asks him to).
maybe ill add more to this one day! pt 2 eventually? 👀
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lowkeyrobin · 8 months
EVIL DEAD RISE ; what kind of music you listen to with them
includes ; danny, bridget, kassie (platonic), ellie & beth
warnings ; language, my kinda bad music taste tbh
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either stuff like sneaker pimps, gorillaz, and lil peep or quannnic, the cure, nirvana, paramore
he plays whatever makes you happy, especially if it's something he also likes
probably listens to music to sleep as well
like, hozier, phoebe bridgers, probably movie scores that are calm and kinda relaxing as well
sometimes you guys sit in silence with the music and relish each others company or you're having a dance party in front of hundreds cheering his dj skills on
religiously wears headphones, doesn't matter if they're wireless or not
he's very anti-earbuds bc they don't fit his ears properly LMAOOO
honestly same....
but he's scared it'll make him get hearing loss sooner bc they don't let the sound out a bit so he sticks w his muffs
keeps him warm in the winter 🤷‍♂️/🤷‍♀️
mazzy star, florence + the machine, hozier, blue foundation, seal, james marriott
I feel like she's into calmer kinda music, but not like basic calm music if that makes sense??
I don't think she's an arctic monkeys/tv girl indie/pop/idk fan iykwim
she likes just being in your presence when she listens to music cause she wants to have those songs remind her of you somehow
like if you're on the bus, in the car, she's the type to usually have her earbuds in, probably does the spotify party thing with you LMAO
that way you don't have to share earbuds or anything
danny constantly teases you guys bc your music taste differs but you're totally swooning for her so you always listen to her music lol
taylor swift idk
what do little kids listen to these days??? 💀💀💀
cmon she's like 10 at max gimme a break
she honestly just picks whatever she likes on your playlists if she needs something to entertain her in the car and whatnot
I mean I'm like that too sometimes I just can't stare out the window in silence I need my music lmao
she probably just has default pop radio music taste, she's too young for a phone anyways lmao
gets any actual music taste from her siblings and you though
probably listens to the pretty reckless and halestorm here and there, prefers more pop music though
probably like muni long, normani, hozier, taylor swift, only the plastic hearts album by miley cyrus, etc
mostly a female artist listener
I just get that vibe from her
her and Beth for sure went to a lot of female lead rock bands before her kids + Jay in general
like evanescence, halestorm, pretty reckless, in this moment, flyleaf
she'd still enjoy listening to rock though, just gotta be in a pumped up mood, like doing chores or working out yk
would enjoy dorothy, lacuna coil, etc
she strikes me as a person who plays music in the house/car but never wirh headphones or anything bc she likes to get shit done and when she's sitting down, she's just trying to relax and music gets her kinda pumped up lmao
loves when u show her new songs tho, she loves adding them to her mixes or whatever
she strikes me as a pandora mom
she for sure listens to spiritbox, megan thee stallion (she's a nicki anti I know it, me too), halestorm, pretty reckless, new years day, in this moment, september mourning, eminem, rihanna
a lot of like 2000s-2010s legends lol
I feel like she listens to Megan a lot to pump herself up bc real tbh
cobra ft spiritbox is her all time fav song
holy shit she rants about this song to members of her team for a week straight
gets like 300 plays on it by the time spotify wrapped comes out
she strikes me as a yt music user HELP
she loves introducing you to new rock bands, especially ones w female leads
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m-i-s-a-n-t-r-o-p · 11 months
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(drawing class is always so aesthetic omg!)
things i did for school today
- finished my still life drawing (almost)
- moved on with my studio project
- handed in my drawing homework and got good feedback
- tried to study physics and failed miserably
- also tried to do my 3D model but it didn’t work so i have to do it all over again :/
selfcare moments
- got wokin for dinner (MY FAV)
- went to get bubbletea with a new friend and talked about school which was great
- ate my favourite fruit
- laughed with my friends during workshop class and it was greaat
- made plans for thursday and friday
what i’m grateful for
- my friends
- fruit!!!!
- pretty cafes
- kind people
- my bed
- good coffee
tasks i’d like to do tomorrow
- study the last chapter of physics class
- take more notes about materials
how i felt today
I was so hungry the whole day so that was a bit of a mood killer but i had a really good coffee break today and found a new study place so i was pretty happy about that. also my drawing teacher finally said something nice to me so i was all over the moon about that too. i also started to feel like i belong in my class because i laughed with my classmates. it was a tiring and really hard day but i made it through and now i can finally sleep.
🎧 fade into you - mazzy star
✍🏻 if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more
peace and looove
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mazzy-rockstar · 11 months
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111starlight111 · 1 year
Teenage girl experience
Mood: Excited, hopeful for future 🪩🎧
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Art by maeziii on insta <3
I think the new generation wants to be older, mature, and not have a childhood
I’ve seen videos of 3 year olds dressing like they’re 27, which this is the parents fault ofc.
But what I wanna say is, I think being a teenage girl is amazing… though my mental health can be very bad and we have to watch our for things most people don’t have to, it’s really a special thing.
I think what I want is to delete a bunch of social media, except keep my blog. Delete discord, Snapchat, Twitter, and TikTok. I like insta bc I love posting pics, and I love tumblr bc it’s like a little diary for other girls to relate to.
Maybe deleting social media might made me closed off from trends and jokes but I think deleting it will help me grow and be able to just enjoy my life in the moment.
I want to go to the movies, go swimming, do self care, and meet people. I’m sick of being in my room watching tikok, I’m aging myself by worrying about what others are doing instead of caring about myself…
I just wanna be a teenage girl with no cares in the world, save my money and go shopping.
Be able to talk to a boy without him wanting me for my body
Make friends and see the world
Im only 15 and I only have 5 more years until I’m no longer an adult, it’s a short amount of time, starting from today on I’ll just live my teenage dream with no cares, but being responsible of course.
I’ll update my thoughts on my page as I have been doing
Xoxo, Starlight
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sometimess-maybee · 2 months
I love your smirk…
What’s your top 5 bands/singers?
How dangerous do you feel Project 2025 is ?
The band part is really hard because I’ve got so many favorites and I’m a really bad decider but:
The Velvet Underground is a long time favorite
Mazzy Star - a whole mood
Spotify says Portishead is my favorite
The Dresden Dolls
And I listen to FKA Twigs a lot
As far as Project 25:
it sounds absolutely terrifying to me
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lonelyfanboy48 · 10 months
Loud House Moon Goats Christmas Vacation
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After nearly a full month of performing, the Moon Goats are ready to enjoy their Christmas Vacation. Gig after gig, they outdid themselves with awesome Christmas songs they'd written the previous month. It was the time of giving people a new experience in the season of giving, not to mention a rockin 'holiday experience.
At seven am on Christmas Eve, Luna and her band, the Moon Goats arrived at the Royal Woods Mall. They promised Luan, her friends Ruby and Shannon from the Theatre Club, and Leni to help out on Christmas errands at the last minute. Leni took Lily with her to babysit on Christmas Eve with the whole Loud Family making the decision to celebrate Christmas in their own separate ways.
"So your dad was crying all night because this is your first time spending Christmas without your family?" Mazzy asked.
"Yes, you have no idea how many years he wants us to celebrate the holiday." Luna answered.
"But you do realize we haven't come up with an idea of what we can do during Christmas, right?" Sully added.
"Hey, it's not our fault our dad told us to reschedule until our mom gave us the opportunity a couple days ago." Luan said.
"I had to give up on the best Christmas outfit, because our Dad constantly wants me to drop it all because it was getting old." Leni groaned. "I just wanted to be in the Christmas spirit."
"Jeez, talking about sticking to the family tradition forever." Ruby added.
"We don't hate it, we just wanted to do something different for a change." Luna replied. "Though still, I really wanted to do something great with Sam since we couldn't go ice skating with all the skates sold out."
As the group headed their way to the food court, Luna saw Sam sitting alone, waiting. The sad part is despite the gigs she did with the band, she just told her family last night about her skipping family tradition which she's lucky they accepted, as long as she's being honest.
"Hey Sam." Luna walked up to her girlfriend.
"Hi Luna." She responded as Luna sat down. "So...any plans for us?"
"Sorry, but still nothing. To tell you the truth, it has been a busy month outside of our gigs."
"We really wanted to make this special for all of us but then again...this is our first Christmas together." Mazzy added.
"Well you can't expect to have a proper first Christmas for a band like us." Sam replied.
"So are we just gonna spend time in the mall?" Shannon wondered.
"No." Luna replied. "I gotta help Luan and Leni with their Christmas errands soon. And then maybe we can have lunch here."
"I had to work overtime at the Theatre club, so I didn't have time to buy Benny a Christmas present." Luan filling in.
"Were you planning to spend time with him?" Ruby added.
"I would if we had tickets to see a Broadway play of A Christmas Carol, but we don't."
"I gave Gavin his Christmas gift, but he headed down south to celebrate Christmas with his family so, babysitting Lily is all I got." Leni lifted Lily up.
"Lily wants a great Christmas!" Lily shouted.
Soon, Nina and Joey arrived at the food court, seeing the Moon Goats from a distance. "Hey Moon Goats!" She called their attention.
"Nina! Joey!" Sully smiled.
"It's great to see you two." Mazzy added.
"Well after she helped me with the tuba audition from the Christmas parade last week, I decided to help her pay for the Christmas Snickerdoodles." Joey replied.
"I'm in a snickerdoodle mood this year." Nina replied.
"That's nice." Sam smiled. "But we're trying to find our mood, since we have no plans for Christmas."
"We're not doing our family traditions this year unlike the last few years." Luna filling in. "Do you have any ideas?"
"We can do some Christmas carols." Nina offered.
"That'll take time." Joey said.
"Yeah, we all have been doing so many gigs, we didn't have time to listen to Christmas Carols." Sully replied.
"Don't you guys know you can do other activities during Christmas?" Shannon filling in. "Like sure, the Theatre Club does singing as well, but maybe there are other activities."
"She's right." Luan filling in. "How about when we do our errands, we find someone who could give us some inspiration."
"Yeah, you're right." Luna standing up. "But on Christmas Eve, it has to be a fast one."
Luna, Luan, and Leni left the food court, while the group stayed behind. They headed to the costume store to find Leni not only a costume for herself, but also Lily in her size. After picking a sparkling red and white Santa outfit and an elf costume for Lily, they paid for the two outfits as they headed out of the store.
"Why wouldn't you wanna see Sam in a Santa outfit?" Leni wondered.
"Because she told me I would look better in one." Luna answered. "The last time I wore a Santa outfit was when I was eight."
"Yeah, we remember that when you sang so many Christmas songs." Luan smiled. "Do you have Sam's Christmas gift?"
"Yes but it's in our bedroom. I didn't bring it with me because I was saving it for tomorrow. I know how thrilled she would've been if she found out what it is."
"Did she tell you what she likes?" Leni added.
"No, I picked up on hints during our time together, it's a surprise."
"Ohhh..." Luan, Leni, and Lily responded.
"You two would do the same, don't overdo it."
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with savoring the moment when it happens." Leni smiled.
"Yeah." Lily added.
"Though still, we really need to find someone to get an idea on what we're gonna do today." Luna looking around. She then noticed Lori's friend Carol hanging out with Becky after coming out from the camping store. She made her way to the two while her sisters followed suit. "Carol!"
Carol and Becky turned their attention to Luna but little did the rockstar know, they were planning to leave. "Luna?" Carol replied.
"I know this isn't really the time, but I want to spend Christmas with not only my band, but also Sam. Do you have any ideas?"
"Luna, we're actually on a strict schedule right now." Becky replied. "Nothing personal, but tonight is really gonna be special."
"What, does it have something to do with your families?"
Carol and Becky looked at each other and went back to Luna again. "No." Carol responded. "We're gonna be watching the stars tonight."
Upon hearing their plans, Luna just found the inspiration she needs. "Wait, there's gonna be stars tonight? Like real stars?"
"Yes, we're gonna go to the forest while the stars appear above the frozen lake."
"For the last few days, we've decorated the trees at the location and all that's left is for winter camping supplies." Becky said, showing the supply bag.
"Wait, what do you mean by winter camping?" Luan wondered.
"The stars only appear at midnight." Carol answered. "Once we get to our destination, we're gonna set up our camping tents and sleep out there after watching the stars."
"That's...really awesome!" Luna cheered.
"Shooting stars during Christmas!?" Leni squealed. "How I didn't think of that before!?"
"It's called the Geminid Meteor Shower." Carol answered. "Usually it only appears a few days ago, but after the forecast news earlier this month, midnight could be bigger than that."
Luna couldn't pick a better opportunity for the best Christmas on her own. Even if she didn't experience the Geminid Meteor Shower in her life, she wonders how Sam would react upon the stars from the sky.
"Luna, you need to understand this isn't gonna be easy, not even a bit."
"You see, the weather is getting colder and it's gonna be a long night." Becky added.
"Yeah...I didn't forget the time we got stuck in Burpin' Burger to find the winning wrapper for Lana. The snow was that cold."
"We would've been burping icicles if things got worse." Luan added.
"Well you better get the equipment if you really want to see the stars." Carol replied. "Here's where you need to be." She showed Luna her phone on the destination where she and Becky are heading. Luna immediately took a picture from her phone as she's ready to tell Sam and the others their Christmas plans.
"Is Lori and Bobby gonna be there?" Leni wondered.
"No. I did offer, but they already had plans but luckily, Lori told me she found a way to get two other people to come along."
"They're probably already there right now, they really love the location." Becky added.
"Well, Lori is literally missing out on the best midnight in years." Luna grinned. "I'll do whatever it takes to get there." 
"It's not that far away, it's just two miles from the road." Carol added. "I will say, I'm looking forward to seeing Sam. I've heard good things about her." This caused Luna to blush which Carol giggled. "Always the shy girlfriend who smiles especially during Christmas."
"She can't help herself." Leni replied while Lily giggled.
Carol and Becky walked past Luna and her sisters to head out of the mall. Luna took a deep breath, while focusing on her goal. "Okay, I'm gonna go to our band to tell them we're going winter camping tonight to see the stars at midnight!"
"You sure this is gonna work out?" Luan wondered.
"I'm sure, it's a once in a lifetime chance for me and the band. I promise I'll get back to you with the errands." Luna headed straight back to the food court while Leni, Lily and Luan looked at each other.
"I'm sure the stars are gonna be pretty like the New Year's fireworks." Leni commented.
"If Luna's taking her band, I'm taking Ruby, Shannon, and my boyfriend Benny along." Luan smiled. "Though it is sad Gavin isn't here to watch the stars with you."
"Nah, I can send him selfies with the stars behind me. He'll be impressed."
"But I am worried about Sam, I'm sure she'll enjoy the stars if what Carol said is true."
"If she is, should we give Luna a surprise from her girlfriend?"
Leni lidded her eyes while looking at Lily. If everything turns out great in the end, she'll make Luna and Sam's midnight the best Christmas ever. She heads back to the costume store to buy Luna and Sam outfits.
After Luna's band agreed to the plan, they began their shopping rush in the mall for the accessories, especially finishing Luan's errands. Upon leaving, the Moon Goats texted their closest friends to tag along on their journey. With one stop at Luna's place to pick up Sam's Christmas present, they made their way to the forest where Carol and Becky were heading. Chuck took the Moon Goats on the road through the forest. After the snowstorm, every tree in the forest is covered in snow to the point where Carol, Becky and others had to clear a pathway to head to the frozen lake, especially when the snow from the trees constantly fell on the ground.
Chunk parked his van on the edge of the road with the Moon Goats heading out, while taking out their accessories. "We're here." Chunk getting out from the driver's seat. "You sure this is gonna be worth it? It's still close to noon."
"We can do something by the frozen lake." Mazzy smiled.
"Then again, winter camping is like summer camping, but colder." Sully commented.
"It's still worth seeing the stars at midnight." Nina replied.
"It's gonna be awesome mate." Tabby hugging Nina.
Then Leni along with Lily, Luan, Ruby, Shannon, and the Moon Goat's friends parked Vanzilla behind the Moon Goat's van. When they got out, Leni and Luan headed straight to Luna who took out her camping gear.
"We're here!" Leni smiled.
"So this is where we're going?" Luan looked at the cleared pathway.
"It seems like it." Luna replied.
"I have to say, I'm mostly wondering what we're gonna do before midnight." Shannon walked up behind Luan.
"We could go skating, but we don't have ice skates." Sam answered. "Then again, camping in the winter is what's on my mind."
"The only thing we can do is make the best out of it." Benny commented.
"You're right." Joey added.
As Luna and the group head through the open pathway, a broadcast TV truck also parked at the edge of the road, revealing Katherine Mulligan, her niece Adeline in her baby leash and her TV crew. "This could be it." She got out of the truck. "On Christmas morning, it will be the best Christmas report any broadcast has ever seen."
As the TV crew took out the camping and broadcast equipment, they headed in the pathway to reach the frozen lake. The two miles Luna and the group took wasn't as stressful as they thought. Even if they had to carry heavy camping equipment, they made sure to put their full focus on setting up their camping spots. Nina, Tabby, Ruby, and Shannon were way in the back carrying food and drinks.
"Have you ever imagined what it would be like to see the Geminid Meteor Shower, but bigger?" Shannon asked.
"It'll possibly be a once in a lifetime event, if it's true." Ruby commented.
"Hey, once in a lifetime opportunities should always be taken." Nina smiled. "Who knows, we would probably be the only people to see that during midnight."
"Those people who rejected the idea don't know what they're missing." Tabby added. "You have no idea how thrilled I am right now!"
"So am I, and I'm wondering how Luna is gonna handle this with Sam."
In the front of the group, Luna, Sam, Luan, Benny, and Leni are leading the group with much of the camping supplies. With the rest of Luna's friends from behind, Luna knew she would make it as far upon arriving. But with so much time until midnight, she not only needs to keep herself occupied, but also Sam and the others.
"Sam." Luna spoke to her girlfriend's attention.
"Yes?" Sam responded.
"When we set up our tents, what do you think we should do during our spare time?"
"Well when you showed me the map, all there was a frozen lake. There was nothing close to it aside from the tents."
"Maybe we can ask Carol or Becky when we're there." Luan replied.
"They probably went somewhere other than staying by their tents." Benny added.
"The only thing we could do since we can't go skating is hiking, but during the winter with snow?" Leni blinked. "No fashion show would approve of that."
"I still want to make a snowman!" Lily said.
"Don't worry, I promised we would do it today."
"If we find a way to do something exciting, even at the last minute, we can do it together." Luna slightly smiled.
"Okay, no matter what it is, at least we're spending Christmas together." Sam smiled back.
"Yeah, I know."
In a matter of time, they arrive by the frozen lake with the tents set up with tons of open spots. During the summer, nobody swam in the lake with other lakes slightly farther away being bigger but during the winter, the ice is stronger in smaller lakes than the bigger lakes. As the whole group walked past the tents, they saw Carol and Becky right in front of their tent.
"Luna." Carol took notice of her group's arrival.
"We're here." Luna replied.
"Where can we set up our tents?" Mazzy asked.
"Over there." Becky pointed.
"Thanks." Sully walking past.
It took them time to set their tents up along with the supplies and Christmas gifts, but with the help from Carol and Becky, they followed on really easily. With all the tents, each being shared by two people, the rest of Luna's group relaxed while having some drinks.
"So you two sleep with your winter clothes on?" Joey asked to which Carol nodded.
"Sleeping in a winter tent that isn't necessary when a regular tent is more convenient." Becky replied. "But during a snowstorm, there's a reason why winter campsites don't exist."
"Technically we're making one, but we're not running a camping business." Carol added.
"Well, at least we have the right tools to go through the night." Sam spoked.
"Though we're wondering," Luna replied. "Do you two plan to do anything until the Geminid Meteor Shower comes at midnight?"
"Nothing at all." Becky answered.
"We've been focusing on this whole winter camp along with the whole tree decorating, we just want to make sure we don't miss the stars." Carol replied.
Luna felt speechless of the lack of activities Carol and Becky do aside from winter camping. Of course her hearing about how hard setting up camp felt exaggerated. "It's not even one o'clock and we have eleven hours from now until then."
"We weren't sure okay, just because this is all your first time doesn't mean we've done this before."
"Only a few families saw the Geminid Meteor Shower in Royal Woods." Becky said. "Anyone who denies it just prefers normal camping, that's for any season except winter."
"Well, it seems you can do more in normal camping but still, we can at least do something to use up all that spare time." Sam replied. "There should be something we can do that's close to us."
When Carol looked at the map from her phone, Luna and everyone by the frozen lake saw Katherine Mulligan and her TV crew making their way. "Katherine Mulligan?" Luna blinked.
"The Moon Goats." Katherine smiled. "Didn't expect we would meet again after you performed on Kat Chat." As the TV crew moved past them to set up their winter tents, Luan and Leni, who picked up Lily, walked up next to Luna and Sam.
"Looks like the tv broadcast might be capturing the moment." Luan said.
"Correct. And in the morning, we're going back to the TV station and giving families a great Royal Woods Morning News."
"Wow, talk about doing a service for missing Christmas just for an amazing Geminid Meteor Shower experience." Leni commented.
"They already show it on TV, just not the bigger one." Joey replied.
"Anyway, I'm planning on going sightseeing with my niece soon. It may not be enough in my mind, but my crew are still setting up the TV equipment, especially our broadcast camera." Katherine said.
"I don't blame you, we've all early here." Becky commented. "Then again, we made the choice to be here rather with our families so...this is our price we have to deal with."
"Wait!" Carol called as she headed back to the group. "There's a building close by but it's on top of a hill."
"On top of a hill?" Luna responded.
"I don't know what it is but considering we have a lot of time, we can check it out."
"Perfect! I can give Adeline great sightseeing along with capturing it on video." Katherine said happily, picking up her niece.
"Well at least it's still something." Sam turned to Luna.
"I'm mostly wondering what we can do on the hill, especially the building." Luna wondered.
"Then let's go already." Sully said, standing up from the ground. While the rest of the group relax by the frozen Lake, Luna, the Moon Goats, her sisters, Carol, Becky, Benny, Katherine along with her niece and a cameraman made their way to the nearby hill. After going through the forest from the other side from where they came from, they got out where they saw the hill by the open field. It wasn't as big as they thought so they couldn't see it by the frozen lake.
Upon heading up the hill, they noticed snow steps from two people who went up there. Luna remembered the size of the snow steps, she still remembers the time she had a snow day without school, spending time with her siblings, and remembering the sizes of their footsteps. She may not be an expert like Lisa but she still knows her siblings in some aspects when it comes to size.
"We're almost there." Chunk panted.
With Luna and her siblings reaching to the top, the building is a medium size cabin with a garage on the right. It wasn't the best cabin in the world, but the most cozy at this time of year.
"It's just a cabin?" Becky took notice after reaching the top.
"Well that's a bummer." Luan commented. "But I wonder who's inside."
"Let's not bother them." Sam replied. "If they're staying for the Geminid Meteor Shower, they really rented the money here and not wasted a cent of it."
"I would do the same to be honest." Carol said.
When Luna followed the snow steps from the left side of the cabin, she saw two kids on the edge of the hill, but one of them she recognized very well. "Bro?"
The kid turned around after hearing the B word from someone who calls him that everytime. "Luna?"
"Lincoln!" Luna smiled as she ran up to him. "I didn't expect to spend my Christmas to see you." She then saw Girl Jordan and was surprised to see her. "And your happy Christmas angel." She lidded her eyes, causing her brother to blush.
"Hey, I also didn't expect to meet you out here to see the stars." Lincoln reacted.
"Lincoln, everyone called me and my friends Christmas angels." Girl Jordan said, walking up next to him.
"I even heard when you and her were video chatting, she called you the Gildor Elf." Leni smiled as Lily giggled.
"Guys stop!" Lincoln continued to blush harder.
"Aww! You didn't tell me?" Luan looking at Leni. "I could've come up with a great pun."
"Okay, everyone give him a break." Carol chiming in. "Lincoln and Girl Jordan were the ones Lori talked about and they agreed."
"We were planning on just spending Christmas apart since we did a lot this month, but Girl Jordan wanted to see the stars with me tonight, so here I am." Lincoln presented himself.
"Geez, everyone has last minute decisions." Benny commented.
"It's still our first time watching the Geminid Meteor Shower together with it being bigger than normal. I can't imagine how breathtaking it will be." Girl Jordan replied.
As Katherine and her cameraman reached the top of the hill, her niece cheered from the view on all sides. "This is perfect!" She smiled. "Get the camera ready!"
Luna, Carol, and Lincoln walked up from the edge of the hill while looking at the view in the distance. Nina went past the group to see Luna next to her brother while Girl Jordan took notice. "Is that a new member of your band?" Girl Jordan asked.
"Well, temporary member." Sam answered.
"She looks really cool."
"Thanks, I don't usually get those compliments from fans." Nina smiled.
"Hey, even non-fans can give out honest gestures." Sully added.
"Though I'm wondering what's with the cabin here."
When the group turned to the cottage itself, they agreed with what Sam said but when Sam got close to the window, she noticed it's empty in the living room. "I don't think anyone's here."
"Really?" Girl Jordan seeing through the window. "Yeah, there's no one inside?"
"But it doesn't look dusty at all." Nina also joined in.
Mazzy reached to the front door to open it, but found it to be locked. "We still need a key though."
"What about the garage?" Joey pointed. "Because I don't think it's very heavy, we might push the garage door up."
"Yeah, let's give it a try." Tabby cheered as the group headed to the garage.
Back from the edge of the hill, Luna told Lincoln everything on why she and her band are here. Of course Lincoln would've been in the same position as her sister but his relationship with Girl Jordan isn't the same as Sam's.
"Luna, when you say this is your first time spending Christmas with Sam, did you expect more from it?" Lincoln asked.
"Everyone wants their first Christmas with someone more than better." Luna replied. "If ice skating was my option, I would still want more from it."
"Even me and Becky, which is why we decorated the trees by the frozen lake." Carol added.
"Well, I can't say I would've felt the same way. Girl Jordan wanted to do more before we came here." Lincoln looked in the distance.
"Hey, the only thing I remember from last year is you and her having turtle doves. Don't act like she missed Christmas when she was born."
Lincoln turned to his sister after hearing the complement. "It did feel like that."
"Hey, I didn't get a chance to sit on Santa's lap until I was seven." Carol retorted. "When do you get a chance to sit on his lap?"
"Four years old?"
"What? I wasn't rubbing it in your face."
This causes Carol to lean down face to face with Lincoln. "Kids do that when they get their chance. They're not like my friends."
"Was it a bad experience?"
"We all grew up thinking that Santa was real." Carol leaned back while noticing that everyone except Katherine and her cameraman were gone. "Where is everybody?"
The three headed to the front of the cabin and saw Nina, Girl Jordan, Tabby, Sully, and Mazzy push the garage opener up. "We got it!" Nina smiled while they witnessed the inside.
"There's tons of sleighs in here." Tabby looking at the stack of sleighs.
"We can definitely slide down the hill with these." Girl Jordan smiled.
When Luna, Carol, and Lincoln headed to the front of the garage, Nina and the others took one medium size sleigh and walked past them. "There's sleighs inside?" Luna reacted.
"Yeah, we can ride down the hill to pass the time." Sam replied.
"That's actually really great." Lincoln jumped in thrilled. "I'll help you carry the sleigh Girl Jordan." He heads to ad Girl Jordan as most of the sleighs, small and medium, are out of the garage.
"You're thinking about sliding down with Sam?" Carol asked while they saw Sam taking another medium size sleigh out. "It's not skiing, but it's still riding down the hill."
"I do, it's just..." Luna stepped into the garage. "It's not the Christmas moment I wanted with her. Midnight is the moment, but sleighing isn't really what I had in mind to pass the time."
"It's not like it's wasting your time." Carol walked next to her. "I make the best out of using my time on anything that comes my way."
"That's easy for you to say, all I have is my gift to her."
Carol turned around to see Sam nowhere in her sight, outside of the garage. "What did you bring her?" She turned back to Luna.
"A light blue and yellow rockstar guitar pendant." Luna answered. "I couldn't find anything better like a new guitar or something else, so I went to the jewelry store where I found the pendant."
"That's...really unlikely of you to do that."
"I didn't get the choice to go out of Royal Woods. The women who worked there stated that the pendent's rare and I was lucky that they had her name on top of the guitar." When she took a deep breath, Nina overheard everything while hiding by the garage door.
Just when Luna headed out, Nina got out of the way while heading inside. She wanted to make things better between her and Sam, but it requires a lot more for them to spend quality time. But when she turned around, she saw two pairs of ice skates that are the right sizes for Luna and Sam. "This is perfect for her and Sam."
She headed to Katherine who her cameraman finished setting up and preparing to record. When she slightly pulled on her winter jacket, Katherine took notice as Nina whispered into her eye. Katherine liked the idea so much, she was willing to have it included on television. "I like the way you think, kid." She smiled.
Nina headed back to the group who all set up their sleighs. She shared a sleigh with Tabby from the front and Becky from the back. Leni, Luan, and Benny all shared one with Lily in front. Carol shared hers with Lincoln and Girl Jordan with her right in front of them, Chuck had his own sleigh for himself, Sully and Mazzy all shared one as Luna and Sam sat on their own sleigh.
"Are we all ready?" Carol asked, holding onto Lincoln.
"I'm ready when you are." Mazzy responded.
"We can do this as many times as we want, we have a lot of time." Becky added.
"This is gonna be exciting." Sam responded. "I did this with my brother last year, but not on this high of a hill."
When Luna looked straight down, it was a bigger hill then expected. If people walked up here, they're would be no way of them sliding down. "Yeah, he'll probably be exhausted by going up the hill several times."
"Would you?" Sam turned to Luna.
"Probably, if the hill wasn't so big."
"You'll be like my brother, even though you're in shape."
With everyone in their sleighs, they pushed them down the hill with Leni and Carol's coming down first. Becky and Sully came second while Luna and Chuck's came down last. "See you at the bottom, mates!" He called while sliding down.
The speed of Luna and Sam's sleigh due to the height of the hill was beyond what they expected. The two tried to hold on with the speed of their sleigh being much faster. They went past Becky which took her and the others by surprise.
"Whoa!" Becky reacted.
"They're going down fast!" Tabby shouted.
Soon Luna and Sam went past Benny and the Loud sisters. "Luuuunaaa!" Lily pointed and just in the nick of time, she received a high five from Luna.
"Wow, they're going really fast." Benny reacted.
"They're coming up by Carol." Leni replied.
When Carol, Lincoln, and Girl Jordan are focused on the end of the hill, they didn't pay attention to Luna and Sam who went flying past them. Just when they saw them, they reached the end of the hill with their sleighs slowing down. Luna and Sam turned their sleighs to the right to stop as the others stopped their sleighs.
"You beat us!" Lincoln getting out of the sleigh.
"We thought we would've been the first to stop." Girl Jordan added.
"I guess we were lighter than all of you." Sam giggled. "It's disappointing, but it's still not a race."
"And it was still fun!" Luna said. "If Lana was here sliding with Bobbie Fletcher, I would love to see the look on her face."
"Hmm, confident are you?" Carol smiled while raising an eyebrow. "If you participate in the skiing event at the olympics, let's see who's the more confident one."
With the other people stopping, they were amazed to see Luna and Sam sliding past them. "That was amazing!" Luan getting out of her sleigh.
"I want to do it again!" Tabby reacted.
"Should we get the others to slide down?" Leni offered.
"Sure if you go get them." Chuck picking his sleigh up.
The group continued to go back up the hill and slide down. Leni went back to the frozen lake and brought more people to join in. For the next hour, they continued to slide down the hill while Katherine recorded them. Not long until she and her niece took a turn, sliding down with Adeline cheering in excitement. Luna and Sam were having a blast sliding down multiple times. When everyone took their final slide down the hill, they reached back up to return the sleighs in the garage while heading back to the frozen lake. However when Nina became the last person to put her sleigh back, she took the two pairs of ice skates and followed the group.
When they made their way back to the frozen lake, they decide to take a break with the amount of time they still have. Nina sneakily went into her tent to keep the pair of ice skates a secret from Luna and Sam. But after she got out, Luan, Leni, Lincoln, and Lily spotted her.
"Were you carrying something?" Lincoln replied.
"Yes, but it's a surprise." Nina answered.
"Oh, that's totes a coincidence, because we already have a surprise for our sister Lu-" Luan covered Leni's mouth.
"Leni, don't blurt it out loud." Luan said.
"You also have a surprise?" Nina blinked.
"What's this all about?" Lincoln replied.
With Lincoln being the only one not keeping secrets, the rock girl and sisters had to confess to each other. "We brought Christmas outfits for Luna and Sam." Leni answered.
"And I was carrying two pairs of ice skates from that hill we just went on." Nina answered. "It's mainly for Luna and Sam."
"As in, the two skating together on the frozen lake?" Lincoln asked as Nina nodded. Lincoln wanted to help out his rock and roll sister, but for how his sisters and Nina were setting everything up in secret, he wondered how Luna would react upon the moment's arrival.
"We've brought dresses for Luna being dressed up as Mrs. Claus while...it's a surprise for what Sam's gonna wear." Leni confessed.
"The Geminid Meteor Shower didn't feel like enough for her, so we wanted to make it better. It's almost a Christmas miracle she hasn't found out yet." Luan commented. "Then again, we didn't even prepare for the two at the last minute."
"Seems you didn't think of the idea of them skating together." Lincoln said, catching on to what was going on.
"If we did, we would've planned everything out. But I couldn't afford two pairs of ice skates." Leni said.
"If I took that opportunity alone, it would take me weeks, maybe even months to make it work between her and Sam." Nina commented.
When Lincoln looks at Luna who's hanging out with her band, including Sam, there's still lots of time before midnight arrives. Even with the trees decorated, he may find a way to make Luna's Christmas with Sam better.
"Be right back." Lincoln saw Girl Jordan hanging out Carol and Becky who were testing the Christmas lights. When he got her attention from behind, he whispered into her ear while keeping an eye on Luna and Sam not spotting him. Girl Jordan found the idea perfect as she joined in on Lincoln's plan. When they come back to the sisters and Nina, there's only one way to make Luna's Christmas better. "Let's do some more errands."
"Perfect." Nina agreed.
"Let's get this show on the road." Luan smiled.
"I can drive...but I'm low on payments." Leni added while Lily giggled.
Lincoln, his sisters, Girl Jordan and Nina, made their way to the exit from where they came from, only for Luna to take notice. "Hey!" Luna called as she walked up to them. "Where are you all going?"
"More sightseeing, since we still have lots of time before the meteor shower."
"We'll be back before night time." Luan said.
"We're mostly impatient, staying here isn't gonna occupy us for that long." Nina replied.
"I don't blame you, but I'm not risking the chances of missing the meteor shower at midnight." Luna looked up at the sky. "Hope you all get back."
"We will." Leni spoked.
The group headed back to Vanzilla to drive to stores outside of the forest. It took them to four separate stores to search for the stuff they're looking for. It took them all afternoon, but they managed to get everything that they needed. During their trip, Girl Jordan came up with an idea that'll make Sam more pleased when it eventually happens, just like what Lincoln did for her last year.
Nina managed to rent more pairs of ice skates for the people by the frozen lake for one night, but at the same time, she'll do more with them knowing that Katherine Mulligan wants her Christmas report to be memorable. Of course, she doesn't want everyone to stay off of the frozen lake, leaving Luna and Sam all alone before the meteor shower arrives.
By the time they headed back, it was starting to get dark out with the sun setting below the horizon. Even with only six hours left until the moment itself arrives, they still have enough time to set up the moment between Luna and Sam. Luan texted her boyfriend, Ruby, and Shannon on their plan for Luna, to which they accepted. Upon arriving back by the frozen lake, most of the trees around are lit up with each tree having one set of colors while some have multiple colors. It wasn't the best Carol and Becky set up, but for their first time, they at least contributed.
Luna and Sam both came out of their tents while taking notice of her brother, sisters and Nina coming back. They both walked up to them after five hours being away as Luna's becoming inpatient despite keeping on track of time. "You're finally back." Luna replied.
"I told you we'd be back by nightfall." Luan replied.
"Is there anything else you're gonna do until midnight?" Girl Jordan asked.
"Not much, we did spend time with the band performing songs...despite no instruments." Sam said.
When the group turned to the frozen lake, Luan and Nina turned to Benny who popped his head out of the tent. "That's good, hey Sam, is it okay if you can do an activity with Luan's friends?" Nina pointed at the tent just as Benny got back in.
"Sure, it'll keep me occupied for a little while." Sam made her way to the tent.
"Speaking of activities, me and the Moon Goats are all out of options. Then again the whole meteor shower is really testing my patience."
"Then how about we do something together in our tent?" Leni offered and Lily cheered.
"Even sisters need to keep themselves occupied." Luan smiled.
"Okay." Luna smiled as she and her sisters headed into their tent.
"Okay, you two tell everyone about our plan, but remind them to not tell Luna and Sam." Nina spoke to the preteens.
"We got everything under control." Lincoln smiled.
"Especially the unexpected moments." Girl Jordan lidded her eyes.
Lincoln and Girl Jordan reached everyone by the frozen lake, while Nina hid the surprises behind one of the tents when the moment arrived. For the next five hours, it's getting close to midnight, just thirty minutes away. It was a quiet time while Luna and Sam remained inside their tents. Carol and Becky looked up at the sky with tons of stars.
"The meteor shower should be coming in half an hour." Becky commented.
"The meteors from last week were smaller, but bigger?" Carol wondered. "Science and the solar system can be unpredictable."
"At least it's not an asteroid crashing into earth at unpredictable speed levels."
Katherine and her crew are at their tv set up, while Katherine is keeping her niece occupied. Everyone who's outside of their tents are waiting for the meteors to come past them, all except Luna, Sam, her sisters and Luan's boyfriend and friends.
"Wow, this Christmas outfit is perfect for me." Luna looking at her reflection from Leni's mirror.
"Does it take you back to your childhood?" Leni smiled.
"Yeah, minus the sparkles. And the ice stakes." Luna looked down at her boots.
"Don't worry, I've heard that the ice in the lake is really strong, thanks to the snowstorm." Luan added.
"You mean you want me to ice skate on the frozen lake?"
"It's not hard to get used to."
"What about Sam, is she also gonna ice skate?"
"Yep." Leni replied. "I bet she'll be surprised when she sees you in that outfit."
Luna can tell where this is going, but not catching on completely on her sister's plan. Especially since her girlfriend Sam is in the other tent hanging out with Luan's classmates. In the other tent, Ruby and Shannon took their time to put Sam in her outfit, but compared to Luna's, it was a bit harder to do.
"Is this really necessary? It's really cold outside." Sam said while shaking.
"It's only for tonight." Benny replied.
"Besides, doesn't it look great?" Ruby commented.
"I'm not gonna lie, it makes me stand out as a beautiful girl during the Christmas season." Sam looked at her outfit.
"If only we could rent them for Theatre Club plays." Shannon said, being mesmerized at the outfit.
"I'm still on the fence with the whole ice skating thing. I did take lessons, especially pairing with a partner, but on the frozen lake, aren't other people gonna ice skate?"
"In a little bit." Ruby answered. "Trust us, you won't regret this."
"It's just, I thought this would've been an appropriate time to do it earlier than thirty minutes before the shower starts."
"It's not like you're gonna miss it when you're outside like everyone else."
"I can guarantee that you won't fall when the meteors shoot past." Benny said. "If you're good at ice skating, you should be able to keep your balance with your partner."
Sam soon picked up the pieces with one more question in mind. "Who is my partner, by the way?"
"Take a wild guess." Both Ruby and Shannon smiled while Sam lidded her eyes. By the look on their faces, she won't jinx the moment of the partner she's skating with.
Back outside, Lincoln and Girl Jordan stand together in front of Luna's tent while Nina and Joey stand together in front of Sam's tent. fifteen minutes have passed with only fifteen minutes until midnight. With the people in Royal Woods sleeping until Christmas morning, people by the frozen lake aren't wasting their opportunity. A difficult night for first timers, but worth the wait. The Moon Goats along with their friends are sitting as a group, staying on time but also witnessing an ice skating show like from TV but by teenagers.
Luan popped her head out of her tent while Benny popped his head out of his. They gave each other a thumbs up while turning to Lincoln and Nina, giving them the thumbs up indicating that Luna and Sam are ready. Upon the signal, Lincoln and Girl Jordan lifted up a red curtain with pulls on each end to prevent Luna having eye contact with Sam. As for Nina and Joey, they have a white curtain to do the same with Sam.
Carol and Becky took notice of Luna coming out, they've heard about what Lincoln told them earlier and they're gonna join in on the view. "Would you be willing to give two of them an announcement? Like from an ice skating show?" Becky asked.
"Keeping them anonymous makes the show better, this isn't professional ice skating." Carol replied.
Luan and Leni helped Luna stepping on the frozen lake due to her ice skates. With Sam getting the assistance from Ruby and Shannon, the two groups reached the center of the lake and crossed paths. They remain still with Leni and Luan letting go of Luna. "You're ready for this?" Luan backed away.
"I think I can handle this from here." Luna grinned. "I'll love the look on Sam's face when she sees me in this." Sam quietly giggled with Ruby, after hearing what Luna just said. In the right moment, Lincoln and Girl Jordan moved out of the way with their curtain while Nina and Joey did the same. "Merry Christmas Sa-"
Upon seeing Sam in full view, she cut herself off, with her heart pounding. Sam wore an ice crystal sequin patterned outfit, being much more shiny compared to Luna's. Even without any make up, she still stands out more beautiful than Luna, who's the only person wearing a Santa hat. "Ha, Merry Christmas Luna." She giggled.
"That...outfit...is gorgeous!" Luna reacted. "I never thought I would ever say that!"
"And your outfit is adorable."
Luna was shaking, while Leni and Luan kept an eye on her in case she fell over. "Just stay in the moment." Luan leaned towards her sister.
"And backing out is the last thing people do during Christmas." Leni added.
"I'm aware." Luna responded.
"We should let them take it from here." Shannon replied.
"Okay." Ruby smiled. "The lake's all yours."
With the girls getting off the frozen lake, Luna and Sam stared at each other. With the sky filled with stars, Sam took Luna's hand as she moved herself, skating with Luna behind her. Luna saw the way Sam skated from the movements of her legs. She kept her balance as Sam turned to her right.
"It's not skiing, but it's still something." Luna is still distracted from Sam's dress.
"Don't worry, this is just for fun, I'm not expecting you to be an expert." Sam replied. "If we were skiing on a hill, I wouldn't want to see you do a flip of some sort, because you would end up crashing down."
"I've been thinking the same thing."
"Then again, I would've crashed if I was trying to save you."
"Still would do the same thing."
The two giggled while they continued to skate on the ice. With the tree lights glowing around the frozen lake, it felt like skating through a garden at a holiday light show. Even in staying in one place, Sam couldn't believe how hard Carol and Becky worked by decorating the trees. Luna may seem better when it comes to decorations, but she can't deny the place itself is beautiful.
"I want to know." Sam spoked. "I know we're gonna do well in the new year but...what do you bring me for Christmas?"
Luna didn't forget to bring Sam's gift, but on the other hand, she was planning to give it to her on Christmas morning after making the choice to sleep inside her tent. "Do you want me to give it to you now, instead of in the morning?"
"It's almost Christmas, besides, I'm willing to give you mine."
From the gesture of her girlfriend's holiday spirit, Luna made up her mind as she let go of Sam. She made her way to the Moon Goats with Sam stopping herself. "Go get my gift to Sam and hers to me, we're gonna open them tonight."
"No problem." Sully replied, heading into their tents.
"I'm gonna love to see this." Chunk crossing his arms.
"So do we all." Mazzy added as she gets Sam's gift. In no time, Sully and Mazzy got out Luna and Sam's gifts to each other. Upon giving them to Luna, Luna skated back to Sam and handed her gift to her. Katherine and her crew are recording every second of Luna and Sam's skating on the frozen lake and now, they're having the moment together. "This is gonna break ratings for teenage Christmas spirit!" Katherine cheered. "Zoom in on them!" The cameraman followed Katherine's order as the camera zoomed in on Luna and Sam.
"I want to open mine before you open yours." Luna replied.
"Okay." Sam smiled.
While standing still, Luna opened up her gift. Upon ripping the wrapping paper, they're Mick Swagger style headphones with Mick Swagger's face sticking out. "Mick Swagger headphones?" Luna smiled.
"I knew they were rare to find, so me and my mom searched outside of Royal Roods to find them. You can't imagine how hard it was to find them."
The appreciation of searching for a rare gift made Luna impressed, but at the same time, she couldn't do the same by going out of Royal Woods. "Speaking of Royal Woods, my gift isn't from out of town. But I did what I could to find something you'll enjoy."
"It's fine." As Sam looked at her gift, it's smaller compared to Luna's. She did receive smaller gifts in her life especially from her birthdays, but never expected one from Luna. Luna paid attention to Sam as she ripped the wrapping paper from her fingers. With the wrapping paper off, it's revealed to be a small box exclusive to necklaces which took her off guard. She took the top of the box off and saw the guitar pendant.
"Is that...a rockstar pendant...with my favorite colors?" She stuns in disbelief.
"It was mostly a last minute choice, I couldn't think of anything else." Luna slightly smiled. "I was thinking of picking out jewelry and I came across that."
Sam took the pendant out of the box and found it mesmerizing. Thanks to the Christmas lights all around, the reflections on the pendant were beyond beautiful. The guitar, while not the real thing, is fully detailed, as if there wasn't a single spot that was off. When she put the chain on her neck, it was better than how Luna imagined it in her mind.
"So...do you find it good?" Luna asked.
"It's more than good. It's perfect." Sam turned to Luna. "I'm not really into jewelry, but this really fits me."
Meanwhile, Nina checked on her watch that it was close to midnight, it was time for her to head behind the tents. With her running past Lincoln and Girl Jordan, it was also they're clue to do their own thing to make Luna's moment with Sam better.
"I'm glad that you like it." Luna smiled.
"I'll try to find one similar to this, but with your colors."
"I can help you with that, we don't have to wait until my birthday, that's still eight months away."
"Hey, it could be our new year's resolution together."
Little did they know when they looked above themselves, a mistletoe was hanging above them. Lincoln and Girl Jordan together were holding onto a very long stick that the mistletoe is attached to the end. When they both looked at each other, Luna blushed hard. She kissed Sam a few times, but only on the cheek.
Sam also blushed, but not as hard as her girlfriend. At the same time, she's been thinking about receiving Luna a favor for the good things she did for her, especially today on Christmas Eve. She placed both of her hands on Luna's shoulders which caught her attention, but she didn't lid her eyes. She only looked straight into Luna's eyes so she could pay attention to her. Luna slowly closed her eyes, staying in the moment without anyone in the way.
"Merry Christmas...Luna." Sam closed her eyes and pressed her lips against Luna. She wrapped her arms around her while lifting her leg up. Luna grabbed Sam's body, preventing her from falling but her body is in another level of emotions. She shaked with her heart pounding, but Sam placed her hand on her back to calm her down.
Nina then rushed out from the back of the tents after setting off the surprise. Fireworks flew above the frozen lake, to the sky and exploded. It was also around the time where midnight of Christmas had arrived with shooting stars of The Geminid Meteor Shower. With them being bigger than before, they're in colors of blue, yellow, and purple. Both Luna and Sam opened their eyes while containing their kiss, with the decorated lights, fireworks, and the shooting stars on Christmas, they looked at each other again, and closed their eyes as they savored their best Christmas moment of their lives.
Everyone adored the moment, Tabby whistled from the moment she's witnessing Carol was more impressed with Luna while Katherine found the jackpot of all jackpots for her Christmas report. "You're aware that lesbian kissing isn't allowed on news broadcasts, right?" Her cameraman replied.
"Don't bring in oversensitive censorship!" Katherine leans towards the cameraman. "The LGBTQ community deserve a wonderful Christmas moment from their eyes!"2
After a solid minute, Luna and Sam broke the kiss as the fireworks stopped. They were more satisfied than they thought as Luna breathed after holding her breath. Upon letting the air out, she and Sam made their way off of the frozen lake. "Best Christmas ever!"
"That was amazing!" Mazzy cheered.
"Best romantic Christmas moment ever." Ruby added.
"I'll never stop putting mistletoes above couples during the holidays." Girl Jordan lidded her eyes.
"You really pulled a deja vu from last year little bro." Luna rubbed on Lincoln's hair.
"Wasn't planning on it, but I wasn't just gonna stand here and just watch the stars." Lincoln giggled. "Man with a plan love's out of nowhere goals."
"And besides, this Christmas is all about you and Sam." Luan commented.
"True, but Christmas is all about all of us." Sam replied. "I wanted to thank all of you for this."
"Really appreciated." Luna added.
Carol walked up by Luna, clapping from her and Sam's moment. "If this was part of a movie, you two would win an award for best kiss." She smiled.
"Couldn't agree more." Becky added.
"Anyway..." Nina went past the Moon Goats as she showed everyone her rented box of ice skates with Joey helping her out. "Who's ready to ice skate?"
Everyone cheered as they got a pair out from the box. In no time, everyone got on the frozen lake as they all skated. It felt like ice skating from the big city despite having no buildings, but the holiday feeling is still there, untouched and unchanged. The people who didn't ice skate are Luna, Sam, and Nina, sitting together, watching the people skate while The Geminid Meteor Shower is still shooting meteors from above.
"Aren't you gonna join in?" Sam asked.
"In a little bit." Nina answered.
"Is it because you planned most of this?" Luna guessed and Nina nodded. "You and the others weren't sightseeing, were you?"
"You're already catching on?"
"The moment came and went uninterrupted, this isn't seventh grade knowledge."
"I kind of knew it was a set up, but I wasn't gonna spoil anyone's Christmas errands." Sam giggled.
"Then I'm ahead of seventh grade education." Nina said.
"You bet." Luna taking off her Santa hat. "Nina, for you being an honorary member of our band, you proved to me that you really enjoyed us when we were just enjoying ourselves."
"Well I know bands do more than just gigs."
"Isn't it really a surprise, you've been with us for awhile, you already knew that." Sam replied.
"It's still the truth of them all. It was more than an honor to join your band. And as a person who adores Christmas, an honorary member shares holiday cheer to their closest members."
This causes Luna to roll her eyes, while smiling after months of getting to know Nina. "You're my friend rock star rookie." She wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "I think your new year's resolution is to write one song that can blow me away. No matter how long it takes."
"You're really giving me that honor?"
"Who knows."
"Possibly." Sam commented. "If it's a hit, you could write more songs."
"I will listen to them until the day I die."
"Okay!" Nina cheered. "I also have something for you two." She stood up while opening her backpack. She took out two bags of Christmas Snickerdoodles and gave them to Luna and Sam. "I don't have a lot for everyone, but I wasn't gonna forget about you two."
"Christmas Snickerdoodles?" Sam receives the snack.
"I would've passed them out, no matter what Christmas dessert it is." Luna taking one snickerdoodle out, taking a bite from it. "Thanks Nina."
"You're welcome." Nina smiled. "By the way, I need to return those ice skates back to that cabin."
"We'll do it in the morning. Enjoy ice skating."
Nina put on her ice skates as she joined the others on the frozen lake. "Should we join?" Sam offered.
"In five more minutes. I'm still satisfied from...you know."
"I'm also satisfied, but Christmas has arrived." She stood up while putting her beg in her tent. "And I'm not tired of ice skating again with my girlfriend."
Luna blushed again, while standing up. "Okay then." She took Sam's hand as they both got on the frozen lake. Nearly everyone had the best experience from The Geminid Meteor Shower after waiting half a day to witness it. Less and less stars appear but no one misses the moment they can all remember. Especially when more people see it on TV.
"I love Christmas." Katherine smiled as she joined in on the ice skating with her niece. "I'm just waiting to see the news reporters all around the world jealous of my ice skating skills."
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coffivn · 11 months
what kind of music do ypu like
death metal and screamo, depends on the mood you catch me in. I listen to disappear by mazzy star
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vinmauro · 1 year
for the made-up fic title game, I’m basic as hell and going with a song lyric, but how about: “since I don’t have you”?
all of my titles are song lyrics bc why break a probably 20 year tradition at this point? (god. i've been doing this for so long)
i sat here for a while trying to figure out what would work best with this title. i thought about band au for this one but the ronance half.
since i don't have you
robin felt conflicted. for a multitude of reasons, worthy enough of a pros and cons list if she could trust herself not to let that list out of her sight. but being stuck on a bus with a dozen other people, it didn't leave much room for privacy. any sort of list she would create would have to be burned after reading, completely undoing the entire reason to make the list. to keep, to consult, to remind. just like her conflictions, the purpose of a pros and cons list contains multitudes. she didn't mean to feel this way. but the more you spend time with someone, the more you get to know them, and the easier it seems to toe that line between friendship and more. and god, did she want more. she wanted so much more than the label, than the idea. she wanted the whole fucking thing. on top of the goddamn world, she wanted something she couldn't have and couldn't be handed on a silver platter. fucking typical. she didn't mean to fall for her bandmate. another conflict, besides the fact that they're bandmates, is that one of her bandmate's exes is also in the band. the other one is their official photographer. another kicker is that robin isn't even entirely sure that nancy is anything but straight. sure, there were comments said here and there, something robin took as nancy being supportive of robin being more outward with her sexuality. it couldn't have meant anything. it shouldn't have meant anything. robin overthought it from every angle. she couldn't get nancy out of her head. the real gut punch to the whole mess is what happened in arizona. that hazy but vivid memory that keeps playing on a constant loop. that makes her heart squeeze every time she has to sing that cover of the mazzy star song and think about the person behind her. and how soft she felt. no matter how hard she kissed, no matter the callouses on her hands and fingers, she was somehow soft. the noises that came from her. constant. arizona is all she could think about and she couldn't talk about it. she couldn't tell steve because it was fucking awkward. steve dated nancy. that took jonathan out as well. eddie was in a shit fucking mood since arizona and robin weren't about to deal with that. argyle could work, he was chill and wise, but he had a habit of accidentally letting shit slip. this was a secret she couldn't let loose. especially since nancy hasn't been talking to her or looking at her since that night. if nancy couldn't think about it, talk about it, or even look at robin then she shouldn't be feeling this way. she shouldn't. she shouldn't have feelings for her bandmate.
send me a made up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write!!
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twinkboimler · 10 months
In regards to the writer wrap up ask:
6,15,16,27 :)
Thanks for asking!
6. Favorite title you used either yet to be discovered for my Undiscovered Country mcspirk fic or an upcoming wip title using some song lyrics that I won't share since I don't want to spoil a surprise :3
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Place Your Hand In Mine! I haven't been able to update since August, and while I'd love to update before the end of the year, realistically the update will come in January because of a bunch of exchange fics I've gotta focus on first
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? I was curious about this one too LMAO
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27. What do you listen to while writing? 60% of the time nothing, I write better in silence. But depending on my mood I either loop Into Dust by Mazzy Star or listen to a ship playlist for the ship I'm writing about!
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poetzproblem · 9 months
Do Rachel and Quinn have a sex playlist in the DB universe? What’s on it?
Oh, they have multiple playlists - some sweet and romantic, some sexy and dirty. It all depends on the mood they're in.
I can tell you that Feelin' Love by Paula Cole is definitely on several of them, thanks to that striptease that Quinn did way back when they were first dating. For similar reasons, post-wedding, Into You by Ariana Grande gets added.
And, of course, Never Stop by Safety Suit and How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding went on the romantic playlists after the wedding as well.
A few other songs are:
A Thousand Years, Christine Perri
Connect the Dots, The Spill Canvas
Criminal, Fiona Apple
Turn Me On, Norah Jones
Fade Into You, Mazzy Star
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Paste Magazine apparently made a list of the 50 Sexiest Songs of All Time, those should get a vote here I think! I just submitted what *I* listen to when I’m in the mood, but we deserve to honor the horny girls of the 50s too!!
I hear you anon, so here's the list:
50. “Too Much Love,” LCD Soundsystem (2006)
49. “Do You Remember The First Time?,” Pulp (1994)
48. “Stir It Up,” Bob Marley (1973)
47. “Your Legs Grow,” Nada Surf (2005)
46. “66,” Afghan Whigs (1998)
45. “Fever,” Peggy Lee (1958)
44. “I Hate The Way You Love,” The Kills (2005)
43. “Leave the Door Open,” Silk Sonic (2021)
42. “Sex With Me,” Rihanna (2016)
41. “Maybe I’m Amazed,” Paul McCartney (1970)
40. “Let’s Spend The Night Together,” The Rolling Stones (1967)
39. “You Really Got Me,” The Kinks (1964)
38. “Crimson and Clover,” Joan Jett and the Blackhearts (1982)
37. “Everybody Here Wants You,” Jeff Buckley (1998)
36. “Electric Feel,” MGMT (2007)
35. “Moments In Love,” The Art of Noise (1983)
34. “Turn Me On,” Norah Jones (2003)
33. “Pony,” Ginuwine (1996)
32. “I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You),” Aretha Franklin (1967)
31. “Let’s Stay Together,” Al Green (1972)
30. “Criminal,” Fiona Apple (1997)
29. “Fade Into You,” Mazzy Star (1994)
28. “Bloodbuzz Ohio,” The National (2010)
27. “Crazy Love,” Van Morrison (1970)
26. “Kiss,” Prince (1986)
25. “Bang a Gong (Get It On),” T. Rex (1971)
24. “I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl,” Nina Simone (1967)
23. “Night Moves,” Bob Seger (1976)
22. “I Just Want to Make Love to You,” Etta James (1961)
21. “Tom Cat,” Muddy Waters (1968)
20. “Adorn,” Miguel (2012)
19. “When a Man Loves a Woman,” Percy Sledge (1966)
18. “Voodoo Chile,” The Jimi Hendrix Experience (1968)
17. “WAP,” Cardi B feat. Megan Thee Stallion (2020)
16. “Untitled (How Does It Feel),” D’Angelo (2000)
15. “That’s Where It’s At,” Sam Cooke (1964)
14. “These Arms of Mine,” Otis Redding (1962)
13. “Whole Lotta Love,” Led Zeppelin (1969)
12. “Feel Like Makin’ Love,” Roberta Flack (1975)
11. “Tonight’s The Night,” Solomon Burke (1965)
10. “Je T’aime…Moi Non Plus,” Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin (1969)
9. “Love Serenade,” Barry White (1975)
8. “Love and Happiness,” Al Green (1972)
7. “Love to Love You Baby,” Donna Summer (1975)
6. “Use Me,” Bill Withers (1972)
5. “Wicked Game,” Chris Isaak (1989)
4. “Tell Me Something Good,” Rufus and Chaka Khan (1974)
3. “Darling Nikki,” Prince (1984)
2. “I’m On Fire,” Bruce Springsteen (1985)
1. “Let’s Get It On,” Marvin Gaye (1973)
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mazzy-rockstar · 10 months
Filmbros Galore: the full playlist
Another week of great music done. For those who didn't enjoy, I'm sorry. For those who did enjoy, here's the link to the full playlist! As usual, if you have songs you think would fit, let me know and I'll add them!
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