#what’s mobius gonna do now
skyguy-simp · 11 months
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yeah that’s totally not gonna haunt me for a while. and I totally didn’t lose my mind trying to sleep last night because of it. I wanted the god of stories but not like that man
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mobius-m-mobius · 11 months
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#the Nowhere Man who waits and the God of Stories who watches
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hansoeii · 11 months
did loki just compare thor falling for jane with what he feels for mobius?
"and when he came back, he was different. changed somehow. I thought it was weakness. I mocked him. said he'd gone soft."
He just said these words while actively defending mobius after sylvie hurt him. He said those words while thinking about mobius and while standing in the pie room where they had one of their most intimate moments.
loki is different because of mobius. he's become weaker and soft because of mobius. the exact same thing that happened to his brother has now happened to him, and he's completely aware of it.
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vincinder · 11 months
I still don't know if I like how they end season two or if I fucking hate it. I mean the heartbreak?? the tragedy that is loki sacrificing himself in order to save his friends... to save mobius. because he was focusing on mobius the whole time and that's not delusion it's a fact. he was fixated on giving him a chance to choose a life where they can stay together. he was saying fucking goodbye to him. mobius clenching his fists when they realised what loki was doing? mobius being absolutely miserable once they all get to have their own lives because loki was not by his side? and loki watching him, making sure that he, mobius, is okay and happy even though he can't be presently with him, but still is making him company and being there for him?? fuck that's just devastating in a whole new level. and I hate it because I wanted (and maybe with this I am being delusional) them to end up together being all domestic and cozy rising the children and jet skiing. but boy do I love the angst
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lunarpetrichor · 11 months
I just want Loki to rest, is that too much to ask? Can he be allowed to take a little break, a nap perhaps
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talesofesther · 11 months
what once was mine | ch 4
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: When watching what once was supposed to be the rest of his life, in an empty room in the TVA, Loki sees someone he can't recognize; a girl who's all tenderness and loose smiles, and most importantly, she was smiling at him.
A/N: Not sure if I'm completely happy with how this chapter came out, but I hope you still enjoy it.
Masterlist | Read ch 3 here
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Loki had watched through a checkered screen how you held onto his hand as if he were your whole world. He had watched the love in your eyes and the smile on your lips, all directed at him. And now, he watched as you, in flesh and bone right in front of him, walked away.
There was a foreign feeling consuming his heart the more you distanced yourself from him. It was akin to loss, but how could he lose something that wasn't even his?
He was about to make the mistake of going after you when Mobius finally returned from the storage room he had been talking to you in.
"What happened?" Loki asked with a hint of urgency, his brows furrowed.
Mobius took in a long breath and then let it go past his lips. "She said she wants nothing to do with you."
Loki's frown only deepened, his eyes shifting between Mobius and the place you had disappeared into. If anything, he looked slightly offended. "Why?"
"Well, it's pretty obvious that she watched her Loki die, right?" Mobius gestured around, sounding a little fed up with all of this. "So it's a delicate subject, give her time, don't get on her face, don't be obnoxious, and she'll likely come around and be willing to answer whatever it is you wanna ask."
Loki blinked at the words, chewing at the inside of his cheek. "I'm not obnoxious."
─── ·❆· ───
"Stop looking at me like a lost puppy," you grumbled with a scowl on your features, gripping tightly onto your food tray.
Loki, who stood right beside you, scoffed. "I am not. I'm looking at the rice you're standing right in front of."
You breathed in, slowly, holding yourself back from rolling your eyes. It's been three weeks since Mobius tried to reintroduce you two, and for the past two weeks, you've gained a new shadow. He doesn't talk much; or interacts much with you at all for that matter. But he's always there.
TVA's cafeteria was usually bustling with people this time of day, which was exactly why you always came by at least an hour earlier; but today you got caught up with work and there was no other option than to brave the crowds, otherwise, you'd stay without lunch.
When you'd picked up everything you wanted to eat, you turned around and surveyed the spacious room for any vacant tables. By the corner and near the railings that overlooked the city—or, what you would call a city here in the TVA, because to be honest, you still weren't sure what to name most of the things in this place—stood the only vacant table left, small and round, with two lonely chairs.
You closed your eyes and mumbled a curse under your breath. You made a beeline for the table, and you didn't have to look behind you to know that Loki was following your steps.
You settled into a chair and a few seconds later Loki made himself comfortable beside you. It was… strange, having him around. The racing of your heart every time he was near you was inevitable, but you were doing the impossible to dissociate any feelings from it. He was just another variant, that was it, nothing more. You just wished you knew what his obsession with you was all about, so what if he saw his would-be future with you? That was not yours or his life anymore.
"Your food is gonna get cold."
Loki's voice caught your attention, you glanced toward him with a frown, only now realizing that you'd been poking your food around with your fork for a while, lost in thought. For a heartbeat, you held his gaze, you allowed yourself to drown in those ever-familiar bright eyes that you'd missed so much. But before you could lose yourself in the ocean, you swam back up. This wasn't your Loki, no; you had to remind yourself of it, time and time again. For your own sake, you had to believe in that lie.
For the last couple of weeks that he'd been following you around, more and more you noticed the same glint in Loki's eyes, a mix between expectant and lost. You wondered if even he knew what exactly he wanted from you.
The only answer you gave to him was a low hum.
─── ·❆· ───
The days inside the TVA blend together easily, that was something you learned in your first few weeks here. In all fairness, it's what one would expect for a place out of time. Sometimes the day they captured you as just another variant felt like ages ago. Sometimes, it felt like just yesterday.
It had been difficult when you first arrived here, nearly unbearably so. In the blink of an eye, you had lost your entire life, everyone you still loved and held dear became unreachable. It was either starting a new life here, or ending your life altogether. For some reason, you still felt like living.
The TVA kept you busy then, enough for you to not succumb to panic. As days went by, it became easier; as time passed, or as Mobius would tell you, as time passed differently, you became almost numb to what you'd lost. Almost.
A sigh went past your lips as you ran your fingertips over the paper. Mobius usually had you go over each file reporting a possible new Loki variant. Finding patterns and creating connections they otherwise wouldn't have noticed. You tried not to dwell too much on the fact that you had to use your connection to the person you once loved as a form of work.
Your desk stood by the edge of the library, away from too much commotion, a cozy little space you'd given your own personal touch to over the time you'd been here. A few books here, a small cassette player there, a snack drawer, a sketchbook, a purple desk lamp; small things to remind yourself you were still human.
As much as you could, you made a new home here.
A shadow suddenly appeared over the paper in your hands, you straightened your posture on your chair before looking up.
Loki stood before you, in his dress shirt and dark jacket with the word variant on the back—you'd worn one of those too on your first days here, now that you recall. He held a fresh stack of papers in his hands that already had you internally groaning.
"Mobius sends his regards," Loki smirked as he dropped the papers on your desk.
"Great," you mumbled, sarcasm dripping from your words, "it's not like I wanted to sleep tonight anyway."
A beat passed and you could feel Loki's gaze still lingering on you. From the corner of your eyes you watched as his fingers nervously tapped the wood of your desk. You hated that you knew this habit of his oh so well.
"Maybe I could assist you." Loki pulled a chair from the empty table to your left, setting it on the edge of your desk so he could sit down. But before he did so, he said, "If you'd like."
He was giving you an out from spending time with him, even if that was clearly what he wanted. You nearly took it. Your lips hung open, ready to say something like; I work better alone, or go bother someone else. But your eyes suddenly had a faint burn behind them, your chest squeezing tight around your heart—the heart that still bled and missed him every day. "Knock yourself out," you found yourself saying, without looking up from your paperwork.
Loki sat down on his chair beside you, took a few of the papers in his hands, and for a good few minutes, the silence that lingered between you was, surprisingly, somewhat comfortable.
Stealing glances at you was inevitable. As Loki read the files in his hands, the words started to blur together, and he found his gaze drifting to you. He observed the way you'd frown slightly as you read over the lines, sometimes scoffing or mumbling something to yourself.
You were quite annoying, Loki had to agree with Mobius on that. Stubborn, closed off, and hard to read. If it were anyone else, Loki wouldn't even consider losing his time of day, but each time he saw you, his heart jumped and stumbled inside his chest, he grew short of breath, cold hands turning clammy. It was inevitable. His body acting against his will, as if his soul ached to touch yours.
He had to know why.
"May I ask," Loki began, hints of hesitance in his words.
Your eyebrow perked up a little, but you still refused to look at him.
Loki pursed his lips before speaking, "Mobius mentioned you've been here a while, that he found you could be useful. But he never went into detail." He let go of the papers in his hands, "how did you get here? Why didn't they prune you?"
You visibly tensed. Jaw setting tightly into place as you took in a short breath through your nose. For several moments, you kept quiet, eyes fixed on the same words in the file you held as you considered whether to humor him or not. You weren't sure why you answered, the words simply rolled off your tongue; a subconscious reaction to the sound of his voice.
"It was my fault, I tried to travel through time when I knew I shouldn't. They caught me pretty much immediately." You chuckled humorlessly, stealing a glance toward Loki only to find his eyes already focused on you. You nearly drowned again. "They kept me around because…" You hesitated, and then merely gestured to the scattered papers on your desk; "I know a lot about Lokis," you shrugged, "and they needed help with that."
A small frown came to Loki's features as he weighed your words. He twirled one of your pencils between his fingers. "Why would you travel through time if you knew you shouldn't?"
Immediately, Loki knew he'd touched a nerve. Your whole demeanor changed, it almost felt like a curtain had fallen over you and a whole new person sat beside him. What little you had began to open up, was back under lock and key.
You didn't raise your voice, you didn't lash out. You simply cleared your throat, turned away from him, and said; "I thought you wanted to stay to help me work. So either do that, or leave me be."
Loki's lips hovered, ready to retaliate with a quip of his own, but he bit back any words he might want to say. Give her time.
He nodded to no one in particular, and indeed went back to work.
Later at night, when the TVA was strangely quiet, and most people had already turned in for the night. Loki glanced beside him only to find you drifting into sleep; one hand holding your cheek and the other loosely holding a pencil that had scratched a weird, faint line into the file on your desk.
It felt unexpectedly intimate. Loki glanced from one side of the dim-lit library to the other, as if looking for a clue on what he should do.
Carefully, almost comically so, he took the pencil from your delicate hold and stacked the file you had with the small pile he'd created.
The desk lamp right beside you cast a faint glow over your features, shaping your cheekbones, nose, and lips. Loki couldn't help but notice, that the light also shaped a thin but rather deep scar running from your forehead to the beginning of your left eyebrow; from the look of it, it appeared to have been there for a while now.
Without giving himself too much room to overthink, Loki reached out and gave a single push to your shoulder. His fingers tingled from your warmth.
You stirred awake, gasping softly as soon as you opened your eyes. You blinked several times, willing your mind to focus back on reality.
"I suppose we're done," Loki told you, keeping his voice just an octave lower as he turned his gaze to the small stack of papers. "If you're quick, you can still grab a few hours of sleep before the new day starts."
"Right," you breathed, running a hand through your hair. Eyebrows still furrowed as you processed what was happening.
You tidied your desk in silence, and Loki put the chair he had borrowed back in its place. He turned to you then, half expecting you to simply turn around and walk away. You didn't, and maybe it was a trick of the light, or the fact that he could visibly notice your eyes dropping from tiredness, but your features were the softest he had ever seen them be. A quick glimpse of the girl he'd first seen from the life he was supposed to have.
Loki held his breath. He wasn't sure why, but he did.
"Thank you for the help," you gave him a tight-lipped smile, refusing to hold his gaze for more than a second, "see you around."
With that, you turned around and left. Loki's heartbeat kept the same rushed pace until he reached his own small bedroom.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 5 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist: @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @justaproudslytherpuff @justanotherkpopstanlol @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @lokihaha34 @levanneisdumb @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism @arunabrak @athenasproverbs @h-l-vlovesvintage @princess-ofthe-pages @daisy-the-quake @talesofadragon @rainbowsocks @alexandra-001 @mary-jinx @stevenknightmarc @falconxsoldier @ladymercury8 @shirukitsune @ladymischief11 @starkzdaughter @navs-bhat @creat0r-cat @cinnamonbambii @anundyingfidelity @creationcitystreet-em @or-was-it-just-a-dream
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charcubed · 11 months
Mobius is crouched behind something as bad guys move in. It’s not looking good.
Suddenly… an explosion of green magic. And then a familiar hand reaches down to help him up.
MOBIUS: Loki?!
Loki pulls Mobius to his feet and opens a green portal.
LOKI: Come on.
Loki leads Mobius through the portal to safety nearby — and keeps holding his hand.
LOKI: Hi. You okay?
MOBIUS: I am now. How are you HERE?
LOKI: Practice. But I’m still learning and can’t hold this for long. Mobius, listen, I—
Loki shimmers and disappears.
Mobius looks down at his now-empty hand as Wade runs by.
WADE: Wow, star-crossed lovers, huh? That’s rough, buddy.
WADE: He’s gotta talk faster next time. OR, better idea: less talking, more kissing. We’re rated R!
He brutally murders someone to demonstrate.
WADE (continued): Take advantage, baby!
Wade runs off.
Mobius processes. He still has a job to do, there’s a lot going on, but…
Yeah. He’s gonna be thinking about that.
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dilfmobius · 3 months
Do you know what absolutely kills me?
Mobius doesn't often let himself get rattled. He usually lets things roll right off his back, no matter how chaotic things get. Two out of the three times we see his calm demeanor crack, however, are related to Loki: Once when he feels as if Loki betrayed him for Sylvie, and the other when he figures out that Loki will be sacrificing himself to save everyone. Even during the time that Brad goads him, and causes him to lose his temper, Loki is right there for him, to help him calm down again.
Loki really is the center of Mobius' universe, and the one thing that is able to break his composure, is the thought of losing him. 😢
goddd yes thanks for this because it kills me too!!!
but okayyyy let's talk about it because wtf is this??
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he's so hurt!! betrayed!! look at his face!! owen wilson you owe me money!!!
and the jealousy fueled spectacle he puts on right after. "It's breaking my reality right now!" oh, baby, we know.
and this
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this look on his face?? literally brings me to tears. he's scared and confused and loki's out there!!!
and my personal favorite
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it's the clenched fists that really send me over the edge, because he's trying desperately not to break down, not to lose his cool. he just needs to hold it together until loki gets back. he'll make it back. right?
but godddd that look of pure anguish on his face. it's like his life is flashing before his eyes but it's all just loki.
(why yes i did make gifs specifically for this ask, i promise you i'm very normal about all of this)
another scene where mobius loses his cool (that i just really love) is when they get separated at roxxcart. mobius is energized by the fact that they're so close to finishing this, but also that he and loki were gonna do it together. loki was the one who figured it all out and mobius was so proud and just,,, "you're gonna take my job if i'm not careful." and why did he have to say it like that???
anyway, the last thing mobius wants is loki out of his sight and he has a conniption about it!
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"of course he's a threat [...] that's why i want him with me." and yes of course mobius knows better, because no one else knows loki like he does. but i'm also very endeared and amused by it. mobius please take a breath.
i also love loki's soft, "mobius, it's fine." just end me please.
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i will never be okay again and it's because of THIS EPISODE.
"loki's here? where?" "i need a loki who remains." the look of horror on mobius' face every time loki timeslipped "he'll make it back." "give him more time! he can still make it!"
season 2 really is where mobius just falls apart and the crisis of faith fully sets in. of course his worst nightmare is losing loki; he's the only real thing mobius has left. "everything you've been doing is wrong, and all your gods are dead." and poetically enough, not all of mobius' gods are dead. loki's there. loki made it back to him.
and they're whole conversation in the automat after brad chipped away at whatever was left of mobius' defenses. of course mobius doesn't want to know about his past life. his past life didn't have loki. he likes his life at the tva because loki is there with him.
it's why he leaves once loki is gone
ANYWAY, this kinda got away from me oops i'm done fhdgfjsdg
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tomboymikayla · 17 days
What sucks about the Sonic franchise is that people only seem to like it when the franchise isn't being itself
Sonic Colors is liked by non Sonic Fans because it's kiddy and lighthearted and not dark and edgy like the 2000s games, which is considered cringe to them and the only time people "like" the 2000s games is when they're talking about those obnoxious Snapcube dubs which they's been spamming for 4 years now
New Fans also praise the current voice cast, which sucks because a majority them don't fit the characters
New Fans also praise how Ian Flynn writes the characters, which also sucks because Flynn's version of the characters don't act like the actual Sonic Characters, (Sonic considering himself as a hero, Tails being Jimmy Neutron, Amy chooses to keep her feelings for Sonic secret and having Tarot Cards be her whole personality, Shadow being an edgy dick, etc) but the New Fans keep insisting that the new versions are better
Also to this day, misconceptions about the franchise and 90s boomers who refuse to let go of the US Lore still persist:
His name is Eggman, not Robotnik
Sonic lives on Earth, not Mobius
Sonic is not obsessed with Chili Dogs
Amy is not a stalker
Sonic has never fucking said "Gotta Go Fast"
Shadow is not an edgelord
People thinking the cartoons and movies are canon
People thinking the Snapcube Dub is canon
Majority of the characters are teens (For some reason people think every Sonic character is a grown adult, even characters like Charmy and Tails)
Also a lot of people seem to forget that the franchise was niche/hated during the 2010s, people didn't give a flying fuck about Sonic and even if they did, they brought it up just to shit on it, it was especially worse when Forces and the Ugly Sonic design came out, everything about Sonic in the 2010s was mocking it, nonstop memes and people saying the franchise only works in 2D (What's worse is that Sonic Mania indirectly proved them right)/was never good, etc
Sonic hate is a lot less common nowadays due to the movies, (mocking Sonic 06 is still brought up to this day tho), however i feel like most of it is people pretending to like Sonic, majority of Sonic praise nowadays comes from the Movies or Frontiers's vocal tracks (because of Kellen Quinn), it also goes back to my previous point with people liking the mischaracterised versions of the characters better
The big two Sonic content coming out this year are Sonic x Shadow Generations and Sonic Movie 3, which has a lot of people hyped because of Shadow the Hedgehog, but it also goes back to my previous point of people pretending to like Sonic, Shadow was heavily disliked by critics and the general audience for being a "edgelord" and looking like a Deviantart OC, so why are people switching up now?
Also from a majority of reactions I've seen, they'll say shit like "Shadow has always been my favorite character" but they don't even know his backstory and when see Black Doom, Maria or Gerald, they go "Who is this!?" (Or make an obnoxious Snapcube joke), I've even seen people ask for Silver, who is a character who was more hated than Shadow and know less about, I doubt they even know he's from the future
All this shit makes me scared that by the time both of these come out, that I'm gonna have to gatekeep the fuck out of this franchise, which is something don't wanna have to do, I just wanna live in a world where the franchise isn't a laughing stock and people actually the franchise unironically
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thankskenpenders · 10 months
There’s been some discussions on Twitter recently about if Blaze’s dimension is worth keeping around and expanding on or if it should be ignored/merged with Sonic’s world thanks to a Bumblekast clip. What are your thoughts on Blaze’s dimension as a story-telling hurdle/ alternate setting? I personally feel like it wouldn’t make a difference if Blaze was a princess from another dimension or a princess from the other side of the world, it would just be easier for her to show up if she wasn’t from another dimension, but I also think it’s be neat to expand on Blaze’s world as a parallel to Sonic’s.
I think there's a whole cottage industry of Sonic fans who just like to take things Ian says out of context so they can rile people up on Twitter, and the fandom falls for it every time, and it's extremely tiring
But also I think Ian is right
This isn't something I've really shared, but I actually have a document where I've kept ideas for what I would do with a hypothetical modern reboot of Archie Sonic where I'm allowed to start from scratch and change anything I want. (I might share some of this someday, perhaps with some character designs, but for now it's just a thing for me. It's not like I'm gonna do a comic or anything.) For Blaze, I immediately decided that all of the elements from the Sol Dimension should be merged with the regular Mobius. I would just say that Sonic and friends have all their adventures on one hemisphere of the planet, and Blaze is from the other. I mean, the Sol Dimension already has a heavy Australia/Oceania vibe. It'd be really easy. This way, there would still be some level of separation, and Blaze would still have her own territory where she gets to be the main hero, but it'd be WAY easier to actually use those elements. Characters can just show up on whatever part of the planet they need to be on for any given story
For some reason people seem to think that Blaze being from a separate dimension isn't a storytelling hurdle at all, and I really don't know what franchise they're following, because it sure as hell isn't the version of Sonic I know. Yes, in theory it could be as simple as just using a warp ring to hop over to the Sol Dimension whenever. There are ways to write around it. I'd love to see that happen so that we could flesh out Blaze's world some more. Give Blaze some more allies and villains of her own! Give her more to do over there, and more reasons for Sonic and co. to visit! But clearly Sega isn't down with that, considering the Sol Dimension has only ever been in one game and, what, two issues of the IDW comics for maybe ten pages total? Sega's just sitting on it, and it's impossible not to see the fact that it's a whole separate dimension as the reason.
Even if we were getting more stories about traveling to and from the Sol Dimension, it'd still be a hassle. You want to use the Chaotix in a story in the Sol Dimension? Wanna use Marine or Johnny or whoever in a story set on the main world? Well, you'd better think up an airtight excuse for why those characters are traveling between the dimensions and pray that Sega approves of it. And right now that seems to be one hell of an obstacle, given how little we see of the Sol Dimension even though I know damn well Ian and Evan would love to explore it more. It's gotten to the point that Blaze is now on an endless "vacation" on Sonic's Earth so that they can actually use her in stories. People have been acting like merging the worlds would completely take away everything that makes Blaze special as a character, when it would just make all of her personal story stuff infinitely easier to work with than it is right now.
"Oh but what about the Sol Emeralds?" There's no reason the Sol Emeralds couldn't exist on the same planet as the Chaos Emeralds. We've already got other magic rocks like the Time Stones, the Phantom Ruby, and the Warp Topaz. "But what about Eggman Nega?" I could not give less of a shit about what happens to Eggman Nega and Sega doesn't even use him anymore, but also he's already supposed to be from Silver's future, not the Sol Dimension. "But what about the plot of Sonic Rush where the whole point was that they had to stop the worlds from being merged because they thought it was a bad thing?" Yes, because Sonic has always been a series that treated canon as sacred an immutable, and Sega would never do something that contradicted a game from almost 20 years ago
Anyway, all of this is a moot point. It's not like this is going to happen. Ian just brought up the possibility on the BumbleKast as an "if I could change literally anything" type deal. Sega is not going to do this. He is allowed to have his own opinions on Sonic things without fans having to take it personally and scream and cry about it. You don't have to agree with him on everything. I've certainly had points I disagree with him on! It's fine! That's normal! He's only human. Yes, Ian is on the Lore Team, but he's just one voice in the room. He's not even the boss of that team. If Ian could get whatever he wanted, we'd have seen the Freedom Fighters and Sticks by now
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myymi · 9 months
i want to talk about the paradox prism for a minute because it's really interesting to me
[everything below is purely speculation / headcanon - please don't mistake it for canon. beware of spoilers for sonic prime part 3]
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similar to the master/chaos emeralds, the paradox prism has a level a sentience. not anywhere close to the same level as the emeralds, but there's still something there
the chaos emeralds tend to set up a line of dominos to cause a future event (ex; sonic taking tails under his wing and learning to become more responsible from it)
the paradox prism doesn't do anything close to that, but it does share something with the master emerald; it holds memories
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the prism was able to create more versions of the people it saw based on the emotions it saw them project (tails, knuckles, amy, rouge, and eggman)
the different shards / shatterspaces are made up from other major events. whether from this timeline or another is different for each shatterspace
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new yoke was created from the group's frustration with sonic + an ending where eggman's almost won (i believe this could be pulled from the events of forces, considering the enforcers)
i think the reason new yoke is the only shatterspace to have a version of eggman is because it's the only one that makes sense to have one
it's pretty well known by now that eggman will need a helping hand if he wants any chance at taking over the world
the only thing better than an evil genius is five evil geniuses, right?
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the new yoke group are, as i said, everyone's frustration
nine is frustrated with his past. reminiscing about his tormentors brings him more anger than pain, and living in solitude definitely does not help
rebel and knux are frustrated by the loss of their home (and the egg council in general). having watched their home be destroyed was more heartbreaking than anything at first, it eventually grew to an anger that spurred them on to fix it
rusty is frustrated with those who disobey/fight against the council, but her anger eventually ends up directed towards the council for the way they used her.
i could go more in depth about the new yoke group, but this post is gonna be long enough as is wefoefwof
the shard being red could simply be because that's the color that represents anger, but i'd like to think that-going back to forces-it was a bit influenced by the phantom ruby/infinite as well
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no place is formed by the underlying sadness + a devastating event that permanently changed the world (chaos' rampage)
im not connecting no place to chaos because of the fact it's flooded, im connecting it because of the way the stories parallelled
chaos' rampage begun when pachacamac attempted to steal and harness the power of the chaos emeralds for his own gain
dread seeks out the 'devil's ligthouse' solely to prove he is a legend, nearly killing his original crew trying to do so
both protagonists of these stories are selfish and caused destruction for their own gain
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dread's, well, dread comes from his failure of proving himself to be the most feared pirate to ever live.
him failing to collect the shard caused him to believe that he truly wasn't a good pirate, leaving him to spiral into a life of cowardice.
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the rest of the pirates' dread comes from their longing to be actual pirates.
because of his failure and cowardice, dread now leads a peaceful crew. they don't do any 'pirating', which leaves much to be desired
they enjoy the parties and all, but their true fun comes from being pirates, which dread deprives them of
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boscage maze comes from the protectiveness surging between everyone + a world where harmony between enemies is possible to achieve (possibly comes from a timeline where eggman simply doesnt exist, leaving mobius to grow peacefully)
boscage is the shatterspace with the most life. it's full of all kinds of plants because nobody there is destroying it (intentionally, anyways)
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thorn rose is protective over birdie and the green. she does what she can to protect both, even if it means hurting people she once called friends
keeping the jungle and birdie safe is her #1 priority, and nothing will ever change that (that's not to say something else can't join them in being her priority)
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the scavengers are protective over their belongings and, no matter how strangely they show it, each other
gnarly was nervous when sonic touched his house, immediately turning aggressive to make sure he wouldn't damage it
instead of hiding the berry, prim showed it to the others for a chance they could all share it
instead of running off on his own, mangey let the scavengers follow him as he sniffed out the berry (+ him fetching the one that fell off the treetops, showing it off to the group)
hangry allows mangey to crawl around him, which we can assume means it happens a lot off screen as well
they stick together and cover each other's backs, no matter how hard the fight gets
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while we don't know what this shatterspace was before it turned into the grim, it's pretty safe to assume that it was apocalyptic
who or whatever used to live here is long gone. the only thing standing are the purple crystal things.
my guess is it's a timeline where eggman won. he won, and the world died out because he ruined the ecosystem from building so many machines.
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while purple is usually associated with royalty or mystery, it's also associated with power, ambition, peace, and independence
whatever happened to the world before the grim, it's very probable that it was out of high ambition with a need for more power. eventually, the world found its peace and is now independent
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ghost hill is the blueprint. the time before sonic & co. make their mark on the world. a blank canvas.
maybe a timeline where they don't get a chance to make their mark on the world
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yellow is a very light, energetic color. the feeling of happiness at the chance to create something new and fun.
ghost hill and the grim don't have much in terms of characters and design, but i think the colors of their respective shards give us plenty of information about them
the paradox prism is nothing like the chaos emeralds, but is also just like them at the same time. it's powered by pure chaos with no sort of indication on how it was created or why it has the powers it does
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i wonder if eggman knew what the prism was exactly or if he only knew that it was powerful
did he know breaking it would cause the world to shatter? did he know how may memories it holds? how many lifetimes it's lived?
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i also wonder if the prism knew sonic would shatter it, and that it was already preparing the shatterspaces; hence why it glows brighter
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maybe it understood that sonic is a hands-on learner. maybe it knew he needed to experience the lessons first hand, needed them to-quite literally-slap him in the face
maybe it knew they all had their own flaws that they needed to be aware of. maybe it lived through the timeline where sonic never shattered the prism.
maybe the prism planned to be shattered by someone so it could share its memories. maybe there was some sort of pull that told sonic it needed to be shattered.
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percheduphere · 10 months
The dust settles. Kang has been defeated. Loki and Mobius, their clothes covered with soot and slashed with tears, stumble toward one another, surrounded by war's wreckage.
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Mobius stops a foot away from Loki, hands on his hips. They share a chuckle together. Finally, it's over. No more threats, only peace and the clean up to follow. When they quiet, Mobius looks at the ground, not quite believing this is yet another goodbye.
MOBIUS: So I guess this is it, huh? You gonna drop in on Sylvie?
LOKI: Sylvie?
MOBIUS: Yeah. I figured, y'know, you must miss her.
Loki blinks in confusion. He gathers himself and takes a step closer.
LOKI: I do, but ... not as much as I miss you.
MOBIUS: (flushing, looking away) Don't do that.
LOKI: Do what?
MOBIUS: Be nice on my account. C'mon. What're you waiting for? All this (he waves around at the fire and disaster behind them) mayhem and you're gonna stand up your girlfriend?
LOKI: Girlfriend?
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MOBIUS: What are we a parrot now?
Alarmed that Mobius could think such a thing, Loki grasps both of Mobius's arms, holding him gently.
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LOKI: Mobius. Mobius, listen to me. Sylvie and I, we're not together.
Mobius doesn't believe him. He laughs.
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MOBIUS: Not together? Loki, you were throwing yourself all over her! And I-I get it. I mean, she's smart and strong and powerful and ...
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MOBIUS: ... beautiful.
Pursing his lips, Loki cocks his head to one side and lowers his voice in worry.
LOKI: Maybe, but she isn't ... She isn't you.
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LOKI: Yes! Is that so hard to believe?
MOBIUS: Well, you're a god ... You're the God! And I'm just ... (he gestures vaguely up and down his own body with a disappointed sigh)
Shaking his head, Loki slides two fingers against the bottom of Mobius's chin. He tlits his head up until Mobius has no choice but to look at him, at his eyes.
LOKI: Mobius, what are you talking about? Who was it who saved me, that day I arrived at the TVA? Who listened to me? Who encouraged me? Who made me laugh, made me feel good about myself? Who forgave me when I ran away? Who helped me and got pruned for it? Who held me when I was afraid? Who walked out there, risking his own skin, on that gangway--just to bring me home? Who gave me not one or two but infinite chances? Tell me, Mobius, who was it?
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Mobius doesn't know what to say. It feels arrogant to answer, foolish to presume.
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Closing the distance between them, until they're chest to chest and Loki can feel Mobius's heartbeat through his ribs, Loki smiles and presses their foreheads together.
LOKI: It was you. It's always you. You're the most beautiful, stunning person I know. Will ever know. Mobius, you are wonderful.
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Loki turns his head. Their noses touch, and their lips ... they brush.
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in-my-loki-feels · 2 months
💆‍♂️ with lokius for the ask game? <3
I hope you don’t mind that I went down the au route for this one. 👀 Happy Yee haw Sunday, y’all! 
ETA: Now expanded to a 6k fic on AO3!
6.💆‍♂️ Massage
“Tough day, Sheriff?” 
Annie wasn’t putting much pressure into her touch as she ran her hands over Mobius’ bare back, but none of Miss Eleanor’s girls were trained like that. They’d been instructed how to release tension the old fashioned way. 
Still, her hands smoothing over his skin felt nice as he lay on his stomach, head turned to the side and eyes closed. It had been a long day and when Miss Eleanor, an old friend, offered a hot bath and a massage—“On the house, for all your hard work, Sheriff”—Mobius had no reason not to accept. The only thing else he had calling his name was an empty house and a bottle of bourbon. 
The water from the bath had drained most of the tightness from his shoulders. Annie wasn’t gonna work out the rest, only help him get closer to a good night’s sleep. And all the girls here knew Mobius well enough not to try tempting him for anything more.  
A light knock at the door sounded before he could answer. 
“Sorry, Sheriff," Annie said with a sigh. "That’s probably Miss Eleanor. I’ll be right back.” 
“Take your time, Annie,” he said, not bothering to open his eyes. If Eleanor needed to pull Annie away for an actual paying customer, he wouldn’t complain. 
He didn’t hear their conversation, but a few moments later the door closed and soft footfalls came back to where he lay. Instead of picking up where she’d left off, Annie laid a single finger at the top of Mobius’ spine, then slowly drew it down the center of his back. That alone was unusual, but something else felt off, something about the feel of her finger. Annie’s skin was soft, unblemished by anything like—
Calluses, Mobius thought. His eyes flew open but before he could push himself up, two hands—larger and stronger than Annie’s—pressed down, keeping him in place as the owner of those hands hopped up to sit astride Mobius on the bed. 
“Now, now, Sheriff,” a familiar, highfalutin voice murmured near his ear. “No need to get up.” 
“Loki Laufeyson,” Mobius ground out, trying to see over his shoulder. There was enough light from the candles to recognize the man pinning him down, even if he couldn’t fully see that telltale smirk.
Loki had been a thorn in Mobius’ side since he took over as sheriff. They’d been playing cat and mouse for weeks, but Loki’d never sought him out like this. Mobius looked towards his revolver, but it was in its holster on the nightstand, well out of reach. 
“What d’you want?” he asked. 
A low chuckle above him made Mobius suddenly aware of the position he was in. Facedown on the bed, unarmed and naked ‘cept for a towel around his waist, with the most notorious outlaw in the West straddling his hips. Mobius could feel the inner seams of Loki’s chaps through the thin cloth and when Loki shifted to lean his weight into his hands, his knees squeezed Mobius’ sides. 
A spark of heat lit in Mobius’ belly, a dangerous feeling. 
“Thought you might want some help relaxing,” Loki said, his tone nonchalant but his grin audible. 
The drag of his hands across Mobius’ skin was so different from Annie’s dainty touch. Loki swept his hands up to Mobius’ shoulders, squeezing with surprising strength for a man who looked like he was missing his three square meals a day. Loki’s thumb found a knot and dug in, causing Mobius to groan. He heard another chuckle above him.
“So tense, Sheriff. What could have caused this?” 
“You know damn well,” Mobius grumbled. 
Loki didn’t respond, focusing on the troublesome spot he’d found, until Mobius felt the muscle loosen under Loki’s touch. He let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and Loki’s fingers moved on to seek out the next knot. 
Loki worked with startling efficiency. There was no doubt what he was doing was helping, but as the tension in Mobius’ back released, a different kind was building low in his gut. He tried to hold himself still, even as the urge to rock into the bed grew stronger with each sweep of Loki’s hands up his back.  
Then Loki spread his knees a little, putting more of his weight on Mobius as he shifted his hips and pressed an unmistakable hardness against Mobius’ ass. At the same time, he curled his fingers to drag his nails down Mobius’ back. 
“Fuck!” Twin jolts of heat shot through Mobius, making his hips jerk. He pressed his forehead against the bed, hot all over, unable to ignore his erection any longer. 
What the hell were they doing? 
“Loki, what—” He made a strangled sound as Loki’s hands settled on his waist and squeezed. Loki bent down low enough that his hair fell forward to tickle Mobius’ skin. 
“Get some rest, Sheriff,” he murmured in Mobius’ ear. “Might have another long day ahead of you.” 
Then he licked a line up the back of Mobius’ neck, shocking Mobius so thoroughly, he didn’t react when Loki swung a leg over him, getting off the bed as easily as dismounting a horse. Mobius was still recovering his wits when he heard the door close. 
He scrambled up then, but immediately pressed a hand to his crotch, afraid that if Annie walked in just then, she’d see more than he’d like her to. Loki was gone, would be long gone by the time Mobius was dressed enough to give chase. Mobius stared at the door, trying to will his erection away, and wondered what kind of game Loki was playing. 
He could’ve killed Mobius easily while he had him down, slit his neck or put a bullet in his head. Instead, he’d used those clever hands to unwind the knots in Mobius’ back, then slipped away, but not before making sure Mobius knew Loki had been enjoying it just as much as he had. 
Mobius blew out a breath, running a hand through his shaggy hair before reaching for his clothes. He wasn’t going to find Loki tonight, but he wasn’t gettin’ no sleep either. Maybe the answers he needed would be at the bottom of a glass of bourbon, or maybe it’d all make more sense in the morning. Either way, he wanted out of this room before Annie or Miss Eleanor found him in the state Loki had left him.
Prompts are here. Other ficlets here.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 11 months
Hi! So at the end of Loki how he becomes part of the multiverse tree and everything resets. but what if the reader still remembers Loki so she goes to look for him and try to give him a happy ending.
It's so sad because Loki should have a happy ending and seeing what happens in the finale of the show I would like to see him not end up alone.🥺
A/n: I WILL GIVE LOKI HIS HAPPY ENDING, p.S…Wanda is also alive cause I said so. So yea obviously I changed a lotttt of things.
Side note: was gonna make Sylvie switch places for Loki’s but I didn’t want to be called stupid 😂. But if you want it as an alt end then I’ll write it.
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You didn’t understand, you couldn’t understand why people couldn’t remember him. Why? Mobius,Sylvie, not one of them remembered Loki.
You refused to believe this, he couldn’t be gone, you had to do something, you had to fix this. Ignoring Mobius calling out your name, you were determined to find him, you will save Loki and you had to go to the one person that would help, the one person that could help.
Your heart hammered as you came upon the home, the same little house you had found for the woman, one reality where she can finally be happy. You just hoped she would remember her love. You hoped that what ever Loki had done hadn’t reset this life.
Taking a deep breath, you made your way to the door. Your hand knocking on the door though relief flooded your body when the woman said your name, her head tilted to the side.
“You remember me?! Oh thank god…Wanda I need your help?”
Wrinkling her nose Wanda stepped side letting you come into her home. “Why wouldn’t I remember….what’s wrong?”
Patting your lips you ran you nervously bit your lip as you started explain everything to your friend. “And now he’s stuck in the Loom and nobody remembers him but us and he’s alone and I can’t.” Shaking your head you grasped the edge of your shirt. “Please Wanda! You’re the only one that can help me.”
Wanda hated seeing you like this, you were one of the kindest people she knew. You were the only one that helped her, the believed in her. Glancing over her shoulder, she nodded her head as she grasped your hand gently. “Of course, let’s just find a place that’s not my front yard.”
Giving one last look at her family she tugged you to her car. While she knew what this would mean, she was grateful for your friendship.
Stepping through the portal, you glanced over your shoulder spotting the woman struggling to keep it open. “It’s okay Wanda you can let go.”
Tears sliding down her cheeks, Brooke gave you a weak smile. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, and thank you.” Turning away from the closing portal you took a deep breath taking a glance at your surroundings. Did he really subject himself to this? It felt so lonely here, so isolated.
You didn’t care if people will forget you, it didn’t matter because you would have Loki, he wouldn’t be alone anymore.
A smile formed on your lips as you spotted the man sitting on a thorn. The once heart broken look on his face was replaced with a look of disbelief, your name spilling from his lips.
“It’s can’t, this must be a cruel joke.” This bad to be some illusion, something is mind made up to push back the loneliness he felt.
Giving him a teasing smile you stepped forward kneeling down in front of him. Your hands grasping his gently. “I’m not very good at jokes but I can assure you that I am very real.”
Clutching your hand tightly he was afraid that if he let go than you’d just vanish. “You must go back you can’t-.”
Placing your hand on his cheek, you let your thumb glide across his skin. “Well, it’s a bit to late for that now.” You then pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips then smiled resting your head against his feeling Loki draw you in close. “So now you’re going to have to put up with me.”
“Thank you.” Loki whispered holding you tight, hr might be stuck protecting all the time lines but at least he wasn’t alone anymore.
At least he had you.
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😴sleepy hug / falling asleep together for Lokius !
(I have no idea where in the series this takes place, just don't worry about it 🥲💕)
Loki and Mobius unceremoniously strolled back to their quarters, nary exchanging a word or even a glance.
They approached the elevator, Mobius hitting the button and waiting by Loki's side, hearing the subtle tick, tick, tick of the elevator approaching their floor.
It wasn't until after they entered the elevator that Loki shot Mobius a glance, to which the analyst returned the glance with a tired smile.
"We did good today," Loki said, trying to get Mobius to catch his eye.
"Yeah," Mobius said, eyes fixed to the floor.
"We did all we could've done."
"I could've done better."
"Just—" Mobius turned to Loki, about to snap at him, before taking a deep breath and letting it out. "—Don't. Please. Don't try to comfort me. I—" He sighed, exasperated. "I fucked up, okay? I almost got one of our guys killed, not to mention losing the variant without a trace."
"It wasn't your fault that the expulsion method backfired," Loki said, resting a hand on Mobius's shoulder. "I mean, who the hell could've known that this variant was immune to fire?"
"I could've known. I should've known."
"I should've checked his file, this is all my fault—"
"The responsibility of vetting our targets wasn't entirely on you. We had dozens of other agents that glossed over that. It was—" Loki paused, gathering his thoughts. "...An institutional failure, alright? And besides, beforehand, we were caught up in that surprise meeting with Renslayer, so you wouldn't have had time to check, anyway."
The elevator dinged, the doors opening. Mobius exited first, Loki following close behind him as they walked back to the agent's quarters.
"It wasn't your fault, okay?" Loki said, as Mobius fumbled with the keycard to his front door.
The agent nodded, staring into the door blankly for a moment before scanning the card and leading Loki in.
"Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?" Mobius said, shrugging off his jacket.
"I just need to sleep, I think," Loki said, slipping off his shoes and tie, watching Mobius as he did so. "Are you okay?"
"I'm— I'm fine. Just need to sleep, like you said." Mobius replied, struggling to keep the tremble out of his hands as he filled a glass with water.
Loki didn't believe Mobius's answer for a second, but decided not to pry.
"I'm going to go take a shower," He said.
"Okay," Mobius replied, absentmindedly.
Loki emerged from the bathroom, towel drying his curls when he saw Mobius. He was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, struggling to stifle his sobs.
Loki's heart sank. His first instinct was to rush over and comfort his friend, though he knew that the second Mobius knew Loki saw him, he would clear his throat and act like everything was fine.
Instead, he set the towel down on the floor and walked over to Mobius slowly, hoping that the agent didn't hear him, as that would immediately make Mobius panic and shut down.
Mobius only lifted his head as he felt the couch beside him dip, looking up to see Loki looking at him with a concerned expression.
Damn it.
"Loki, I—"
"Mobius. Don't lie to me. Please."
Mobius was left with his lips slightly parted, mid-dismissal. Loki stared into his eyes, his gaze sharp and determined, almost frightening. Love is a dagger.
"Tell me what's wrong. Please," Loki pleaded.
The agent sighed, resigned.
"I just...I can't shake the feeling that it's all always my fault, you know?" Mobius said, his eyes flickering back down to the floor. "I feel like no matter what I do, it's never gonna be enough, and I just— end up being a failure. Putting everyone at risk. Not accomplishing the one task I was set out to do."
He sighed, rubbing his neck anxiously.
"It makes me think I'm the problem. And I feel like I didn't used to be. I used to be good at this. I used to be sharp, and clever, with an impeccable track record. And now, I just can't stop...messing everything up."
Mobius felt his eyes well up with tears again, to his dismay.
"...I feel like all I ever do is let people down."
It was like a knife to his chest, Loki hearing that from Mobius, who was, in his eyes, the most clever man he'd ever known.
"Mobius. Look at me," Loki said, taking the agent's hands in his. "You are not letting anyone down, and you are not a failure. You're the smartest man in this entire godforsaken place. And I mean that."
Mobius smiled minutely, still struggling to keep Loki's gaze.
"I appreciate it, Lokes. I'm just..." Mobius sighed deeply, his shoulders drooping. "Tired. I'm so tired, Loki."
The agent couldn't keep the tears in his eyes from falling at that. Loki gently placed his hand on Mobius's cheek, wiping a tear away with his thumb. "I know, my dear. But we're here. We're okay. Everyone is okay."
Mobius nodded, his head falling forward in exhaustion.
"Let's get you to bed," Loki said.
Loki pulled the covers up over Mobius's shoulders. The god bit his lip, hesitant to leave, but he turned to do so anyway.
"Wait," Mobius murmured.
Loki's heart leapt. He turned back.
"Would you— Would you wanna stay for a bit, maybe?"
Loki smiled. "Sure."
Mobius returned his grin and sat up, patting the spot next to him.
Loki crawled in next to him, feeling uncharacteristically giddy, albeit a bit nervous as well, his heart beating a bit too quickly.
He turned to Mobius, both of them sharing a bit of laughter over the absurdity of the situation.
Loki couldn't remember the last time he'd shared a bed with someone, and was unsure if Mobius ever had.
"Sorry if I'm not the best company, I'm pretty exhausted," Mobius said.
"It's no trouble. I'm quite tired, myself," Loki replied.
"Well. Guess we best get some rest, huh?"
Mobius turned and switched off the lamp beside him, laying down and positioning himself so he was facing Loki.
"You know, you've been fussing over me all night, I feel obligated to ask—" Mobius said, his tone playful, albeit sincere. "How are you? You good?"
Loki felt the urge to respond as usual, with his typical "Oh, I'm fine," but Mobius had been so honest and vulnerable with him. It was only fair that he did the same, despite his instinctual reluctance.
"I'm, well—" Loki stuttered, "I've been— in an odd place, I suppose?"
"Yeah? How so?" Mobius asked.
"Well, when you found out your tormentor was at fault for your gory and untimely death, it makes one reexamine a lot about themselves," Loki said, trying to keep his tone light and joking, failing to hold back a nervous stutter at the end of his sentence.
"I can imagine," Mobius responded, concerned. "I feel a need to apologize for— well, the whole interrogation deal."
"Oh, please, Mobius, no apology needed," Loki said, dismissive. "You were just doing your job. And I'm fine."
"Are you?" Mobius said, returning the same sharp and prodding gaze Loki had given him earlier.
"...Maybe not," Loki murmured.
"That's okay," Mobius said. "You don't have to be. We can be 'not okay' together. How's that sound?"
Loki nodded, lest the tears in his eyes escape if he uttered a word.
"Hey," Mobius whispered, taking Loki's chilled hand. "It's like you said to me. We're alright. We're safe."
Loki nodded, squeezing his eyes shut at the onslaught of memories and emotions flooding his mind.
"Do you, would it help if I—" Mobius stuttered.
Loki looked up at him, inquisitive despite his distress.
Mobius lifted his other arm minutely, indicating his offer.
Loki nodded, moving to wrap his arms around the agent, his head tucked perfectly underneath Mobius's chin. He breathed in deeply, trying to replace the images in his mind with the agent's comforting scent.
Mobius smiled as he felt a sense of love and adoration flood through him, warm and syrupy sweet like honey. He wrapped his arms securely around the god.
"Thank you," Loki muttered, exhausted.
"Thank you," Mobius replied. "We're in this together, alright?"
Loki nodded, finding one of Mobius's hands and lacing his fingers with the agent's, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We are."
Mobius returned the affirmation, squeezing Loki's hand as he let his eyes fall closed.
"Sorry if I get your pillowcase wet," Loki said, indicating his still-wet hair.
Mobius chuckled. "Small price to pay."
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