#what to avoid after botox
spaandlaserctr · 1 month
Frown lines — they can make you look grumpy even when you’re feeling sunshine and rainbows! Want to smooth them out and see a brighter you in the mirror? Botox injections might be your answer. But, there’s more! This blog dives deep into everything Botox for frown lines: how it works, the benefits, what to expect during the process and what to avoid after botox. Ready to say goodbye to frown lines and hello to a more youthful you? This blog has all the info you need to get started! Don’t forget to contact us to schedule a consultation for Botox Injections in Virginia Beach, Suffolk & Norfolk and discuss if it is the right choice for you!
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novel-nook-blog · 1 month
Bridgerton, season 3
Today, on May 21st, I finally allowed myself to watch the first episode. I must say, I hadn't planned to wait this long, but I wasn't in the mood for a historical romance, I suppose.
I was initially excited to binge-watch the first part of the season as soon as I found out the release date. I even scheduled an exam for an earlier date to avoid stressing about finals on the day of the Bridgerton release. However, when the 16th arrived, I just… wasn't in the mood. Since then, my excitement never showed. Even today, I'm not as hyped as I had hoped to be, despite my love for the previous series and the Queen Charlotte season. Not to mention the books (I usually watch a season and then read the book afterwards, it's a tradition I have with my friends, we watch it and then buy a book with the film cover, so we can buddy-read it together.). But today is the date I promised to discuss the season with my friends because they've already seen it. That's what kicked my butt to finaly hit the play button.
But now to the first episode. (Yep, it's the only one I've seen so far because I still have to study for my finals, haha, so I allowed myself to watch one episode per meal, haha) The first thing that stood out to me was the glow-up! I mean, Miss Penelope Featherington had a princess transformation overnight and she looks STUNNING! When she went to that first ball of the season, I was in awe and then furious after Cressida (Eloise's new BFF) ripped Pen's dress with her heel. I mean the audacity to do that?! Like what? But there's also the famous Colin-glow-up, and I'm not sure if I'm here for it. I had a chat with my friend about him the other day, and we both think he looks like he got Botox, haha. We are big fans of Luke and his beard, but Colin? He looks so different, compared to the previous series. It's not horrible, I don't want you to think I absolutely hate the way he looks, but I'm not so sure if I love it, you know?
Except that, I feel I should mention the new friendship between Eloise and Cressida. I don't know what should I think… I've never liked Cressida, and I'm not sure I ever will. However, I believe she showed us her real self for a bit when they were walking through the garden and she shared her difficulty in making friends. Maybe I will change my mind about her, we'll see.
What do you think?
(the picture isn't mine, it's from pinterest)
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darklovecat · 1 year
summer essentials?
AHA 30% + BHA 2% peeling solution!
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This product is versatile and can be used for a variety of skin-related issues, like hyperpigmentation, acne, scars, and uneven skin tone. However, in the summers I personally use it for my daily underarm botox fix. By applying the serum on my underarms and leaving it there for around 15 minutes before washing it off, I'm able to eliminate unpleasant smells and excessive sweating for the rest of the day. I live in an area with high temperatures during the summer, and white clothes is a common choice for me and I want to avoid any unpleasantness, that's why this product is a must-have for me.
A summer workout routine!
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Exercising and working out is one of my favorite things to do, as it energizes me and gives me the results that I want. The first thing I do in the morning is get moving, and there's nothing quite like a good workout to start my day off right. During the summer months, I prefer focusing on building my glutes, toning my abs, and working on my overall physique, and I love some of Pamela Reif's videos. To achieve my fitness goals, I have curated a list of my favorite exercises and enjoy following videos along with my gym routine. Maintaining consistency in my workout routine is something I prioritize, I always focus on consistency and not results, which has helped me achieve all of my fitness goals.
A pair of hot girl sunglasses!
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I recently purchased a handmade pair of sunglasses from Karl Wagner, and they are oval acetate and smaller than what I usually go for but quite nice. As someone who has had laser eye surgery and hates making eye contact with strangers, eye protection is especially important to me year-round, but particularly during the summer when the sun's harmful UV rays are stronger. And because the skin around my eyes is very thin, excessive squinting can lead to wrinkles, so I take extra care to shield my eyes from the sun's rays by applying a generous amount of sunscreen and sunglasses.
White tennis skirts!
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Summertime calls for a wardrobe shift for me and I make it a point to switch out my darker skirts for lighter options in shades like baby pink and white. I find that these colors perfectly capture the essence of summertime and make me feel light and breezy. One of my favorite things about wearing white tennis skirts is that they go with just about any top, so I have endless outfit options to mix and match. To complete the look, I typically opt for white sneakers or sandals, both of which add a touch of freshness to the overall aesthetic. Whether I'm running errands, meeting up with friends, or simply lounging in the sun, these skirts provide the perfect blend of comfort, style, and versatility.
A deeper shade of foundation!
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Nowadays, whenever I desire a sun-kissed complexion, I prefer making slight makeup modifications, I adjust my foundations between seasons instead of exposing myself to the sun's harmful UV rays. I have very light olive skin so a slightly darker foundation makes me look a lot healthier and gives me the look I love, I draw on faux freckles with a light brow eyebrow pencil and I'm generous with my blush. I recall the one instance in my life when I tried to get a tan on a deck in the height of summer. I ended up getting burned and turned into a ghastly tomato-red shade. The sight of my terrified me, and I applied ice packs and slathered aloe vera gel on my face every hour. That experience made me promise myself to never repeat that mistake again.
White dresses!
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I have a serious addiction to white dresses, they're an essential part of my summer wardrobe. Every piece of item in my wardrobe tends to get boring after a while but not with my white dresses. They come in all sorts of styles, but nothing makes me feel more beautiful than a flowy white dress during the summer months. I love pairing it with a flowy chiffon hijab, cute earrings, and an ethereal makeup look. My absolute fave are empire waist dresses- they work wonders in emphasizing my waistline and elongating my legs. Plus, they give off a super chic and elegant vibe. The only downside is that these dresses are usually made of natural materials, so they tend to wrinkle easily throughout the day which drives me crazy but I'm trying my best to make peace with that.
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sevenrenny · 7 months
Having chronic migraine sucks, cause nobody took me seriously for years, telling me "Everyone gets headaches/I get headaches too!" meanwhile, without my medication, I'm incapacitated from the pain for four days a week on average, and everyone thinks I'm just being lazy when I physically can't get myself out of bed or even open my eyes, let alone feed myself without throwing up.
I go to work with ringing in my ears. I have to use a shower chair because the dizzy spells hit out of nowhere. I get blurry vision and sudden vision flashes. Even after the migraine episodes pass, I'm left with post-migraine where I'm physically drained and got massive brain fog.
And because of my GI issues (that's a whole separate medical issue that has landed me in the ER five times this year), I can't take oral medication because my body refuses to absorb most of it or it just decides my meds aren't on the guest list and activates the puke button.
The only medicine that seems to work is this autoinjector I take once a month... and it's the equivalent of about 600 USD per syringe. I have to jump through so many hoops to get it. It doesn't get rid of the migraines, just lessens their frequency and severity. (My current doctor has suggested I start Botox treatment but I don't feel financially ready for that.)
Even with my official diagnosis, hardly anybody believes me. "It's just a headache," "Ninety percent of people in the world get headaches!" "You need to eat vegetables more," "Try visiting my doctor. She's a gynecologist but she specializes in everything," "Have you tried meditation?" "Have you tried-"
I can assure you, whatever you're going to think of on the spot, I've already tried within the past 10+ years of my life dealing with this issue. This, and my GI issue and other chronic health issues.
I've also noticed people get uncomfortable when I explain to them what 'chronic' means. They squirm about it. They deny it's a thing, that there has to be a cure, I just haven't found it yet. They make up solutions on the spot. I kid you not, someone suggested I put a snail on my forehead for it to 'absorb' the migraine.
I have office workers telling me they know more than my medical professionals. I missed a few work days due to being in the ER from an intestinal issue, and had a coworker ask me what was I possibly doing to make myself sick, that- "You must have an unhealthy lifestyle, or you wouldn't be like this." Another coworker pitched in, stating that I must be doing something wrong. Family members insist on that assumption, too.
In other words: the chronic illnesses I was born with (the chronic migraine, gastroparesis, PCOS, chronic skin issues, other health concerns) are somehow my fault. I truly do believe this idea stems from how uncomfortable the thought of chronic illness makes them, and the belief that they can avoid becoming chronically ill themselves if they try hard enough, that you only get chronically ill if you did something to deserve it somehow.
I'm exhausted explaining myself to healthy people who believe I owe them my medical history. I outright say I don't want to discuss it. It just makes everyone prod harder. When I run out of energy and just want to rest and not speak anymore (because everything I say goes in one ear and out the other, anyway,) it's as if I've insulted them personally, scoffing that they're just trying to help.
This is not how you help. You're making me more tired than I already am. Literally, the things I do require help with (needing a ride home on occasion because I'm having aura symptoms and can't drive and there's no public transit, needing silence so the pain doesn't escalate, needing things to me repeated because the fatigue and brain fog made me miss what was said, needing time alone because I'm drained and can't go do the thing you want me to do, needing a ride to the ER) everyone refuses to do, which tells me this isn't about helping, it's about your curiosity regarding my health. It's about you needing to be right.
If you really want to help, just ask what can you do. That's it.
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her-reawakening · 9 months
Hi, bitches.
*Gossip Girl intro voice*
Her Reawakening is inspired by my very own frontal lobe developing. Let's give it up for her! (applause emojis)
I've found myself in a life long rut. For some reason, I'd thought my life would magically take a u-turn and everything would work out in my favor without my having to work for it. I don't know what kind of delulu I was in but to my shock life doesn't work that way, and it's much harder without a plan.
So let me hold myself accountable here. My future self will definitely read this, and then I'll feel embarrassed about not having done a gotdam fuck thing.
It might have to do with the poison of Social Media which I am apparently very susceptible to, but I have this immense pressure and anxiety to be HER. I want to tear my skin off and put a new one on overnight and reawaken as Her, She. It's so frustrating not being able to do that. You know? Hehe...
I know I can become that version. And you can thinkpiece as much as you want on the dangers of women's toxic and impossible beauty standards on social media but I don't care. *laughs evilly* This is the world we live in and I'd rather enjoy the benefits of being an Angel on Earth. I've only just accepted that I'm starting at a certain point to reach my ideal version, so we're off to a good start. Hopefully whoever reads this will be able to learn from my experiences.
And this is not just the embodiment of beauty, but physical excellence, mental wellbeing, mindfulness, spirituality, social experiences, academic achievement, financial stability etc etc. <3
I want to sleep like a baby knowing I am doing my best to create the life I ENJOY living. I want to be the cuntiest, most solid version of myself. Every breath I take will be proud of me just because I am so excellent.
I have a few goals in mind at the moment.
Eat whole foods 95% of the time.
I am a particularly sensitive person, inside and out. My organs won't accept heavily processed food without making me feel sick, especially with gluten and dairy included. In my experience I have to eat as close to Whole as I can so I will actually feel like a real and functional person. To put this in perspective, eating this way for me is like putting the most expensive oil made for your car and also deep cleaning and detailing inside and out and getting brand new tires and a new paint job. It is a truly incredible feeling and I highly recommend anyone tries it out.
Also, cut out caffeine. I don't want to shock my poor body by going cold turkey so I'm going to slowly cut down my dosages everyday, take it early in the morning (but after two hours of being awake) and drink a lot water with it as well.
Green juices are amazing and my go to for breakfast. They help me feel so revitalized and give me a serious buzz.
I will grocery shop on Wednesday and Prep on Thursdays to avoid feeling overwhelmed of doing it all in one day.
2. Exercise regularly
Workout out 4/wk and Yoga 3/wk
I'm starting out with running since I'm not familiar with the proper forms you need for weight training. I add progression to my workouts of course, one minute longer, .5 miles longer, etc. I also do stair masters, and some leg machines that don't scare me. The glow I get from combining exercise and eating well is insane. It does take a week of 100% commitment for me to get to this 'candlelit within look' but I've done it before so I know I can do it again! I'm going to work out Mon/Tue and Fri/Sat and do an hour of yoga Wed/Thur/Sun! :)
3. Gua Sha/Face massage
I hold all of my tension in my face and traps, so I plan on getting masseter botox for a softer face and TMJ, which is a huge pain for my jaw! In the meantime I will face massage deeply every other day, at 8PM. I eventually want forehead botox as well to help with my frown lines. As an alternative I stick with forehead stickies and it makes a difference.
This is all I want to incorporate right now. They are my most bother some insecurities so I'll do myself the favor and create habits that support them :) I don't want to overwhelm myself and give up completely by too many goals.
Cheers to an update by next Monday!
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sarcasticdolphin · 9 months
todolf conservatory au request.. can’t wait to see them scramble to deal with rudolf’s (and tod’s??) disappearance I’m like the yes ha ha ha yes meme
The beginning of the aftermath. Colloredo's POV. Under the cut for length and the fact that Colloredo has thoughts about Mozart that College Deans really shouldn't be having about students ....
The receptions after graduation ceremonies were Hieronymus’ most and least favorite events to attend, depending on the day. Who would say no to alcohol on the college’s dime? Then again the swill that was labeled champagne barely made the cut.
Normally he wouldn’t stay long - enough to offer a toast to the new graduates and not raise eyebrows, but no longer. That all went out the window when the Chancellor’s son was one of the students graduating. Hieronymus was now on his fifth glass of whatever was in those little plastic cups, and instead of a pleasant buzz, all that he had managed to grant himself was the beginnings of a severe headache. 
He wasn’t the senior administrator - what with the Chancellor here and all - but somehow that just made it worse. Awkward moments came and went. He congratulated students he’d never seen before, avoiding the few who he’d had the occasion to meet under earlier less joyful circumstances. 
The minutes felt like hours, but gradually the crowd thinned and Hieronymus found himself standing next to the chancellor, offering congratulations on the graduation of his son through slightly gritted teeth. He couldn’t say he was sad to see Rudolf von Habsburg leave, what with the whole mess with Tod. The mess Hieronymus had never really gotten to the bottom of. 
Franz accepts the thanks gracefully enough, but his brow furrows. It’s getting late, and the reception is almost over. Wherever has Rudolf gone off to?
Hieronymus glances around, not seeing the boy who had vexed him far more than most. Franz has his phone to his ear when Hieronymus turns back, waiting patiently through the rings, until it goes straight to voicemail. He tries again, but nothing changes.
“Odd.” Franz’s brow is furrowed more properly now. “I swear he’s glued to that thing most of the time.”
He tries once more to no avail before muttering something under his breath. 
The cold click of heels on the tile announces Franz’s wife. “Elisabeth.” Her arrival brings a smile to Franz’s face, even if the worry never left his eyes. Hieronymus felt the odd urge to duck his head before the icy statue in the shape of a woman. She always had that effect, or so his predecessor had said.
Franz’s wife was beautiful, or perhaps it was more that she had been beautiful. The Botox was well done, but the lack of lines in her face seemed to Hieronymus more unnatural than youthful. Franz had aged gracefully. His wife seemed content to spend obscene sums of money to avoid the same, but in Hieronymus’ view she was worse off in the end.
“Our son is being petulant.” Franz sounds resigned more than anything else. “Would you?”
The young woman who accompanied the Chancellor’s wife - Hieronymus had been introduced to her once, but he couldn’t recall her name - dutifully pulled a phone from the purse she carried and handed it over to Elisabeth. Even the simple act of carrying her own phone was evidently beneath the icy goddess that Franz had married. What he saw in her, Hieronymus would never understand. 
The rings came again. Straight to voicemail. 
“He hates this sort of social event. He probably headed back to the house, and his phone is just in another room. Or he can’t hear it over the piano.” Franz’s words ring hollow to Hieronymus’ ears, like the Chancellor is trying to convince himself most of all. 
The Chancellor and his icy Empress depart together, and Hieronymus for his part slips off into the night. He needs something stronger than the swill from earlier.
He dreams of his composer, of the pretty thing coming to heel. Accepting guidance. Because Wolfgang Mozart was a diamond in the rough, so incredibly talented but without the discipline to use said talent. No matter. Others - Hieronymus - could provide the needed guidance. And the young man would look so pretty on his knees.
Dream-Mozart was nothing like his real counterpart, all platitudes and doe eyes. So submissive, and so willing to learn. To please. 
So no one could blame Hieronymus for the storm of curses that erupted as his phone pulled him from his dream. 10 am already. He squints enough to see the caller ID. Franz. Fuck.
“Colloredo.” Hieronymus’ voice sounds hoarse even to his own ears
There’s not really much he can tell the officers. Yes, Rudolf had attended graduation. But the reception had been so crowded, and Hieronymus hadn’t seen Rudolf there. He’d been busy. The detective coldly scribbles notes. 
The questions are mostly generic, and Colloredo’s clouded brain gives automatic answers until the last one. Is there anything else they should know?
He swallows. Because there is. God on high, there certainly is. 
“He was quite close to Professor Tod.” An understatement if ever there was one. But that’s all his muddled brain can conjure for now. Thoughts dart back and forth - close wasn’t the right word. But he couldn’t think of another. 
The detective thanks him and Hieronymus offers a brief prayer that Rudolf is simply hiding out at his erstwhile advisor’s house and avoiding his father. It seems in character enough. 
Advisor. Because Tod had been Rudolf’s advisor in the end. Hieronymus would be lying if he didn’t find the circumstances more than a little suspicious, but there was nothing. Infuriatingly, there was nothing save perhaps the echo of smirk as Tod had ever so graciously offered to step in at the last minute, and as Colloredo had forced a thankful acceptance of said offer through clenched teeth, thinking all the while that it would be what the department head would have wanted. Of all semesters this would be the one the man was on sabbatical.
Arco emerges with a file for the officers. Tod’s address, hopefully. Then this can all be over. And perhaps Tod might even just step far enough over the line. The fraternization rules were stricter than most. And part of Hieronymus was all too happy to envision that conversation, much as he usually hated them and found talking to Tod more than a little unnerving most of the time. Because that was the sort of conversation that ended with a resignation if the professor had any idea what was good for them.
And then Hieronymus would be free of his accursed doppelganger. Yes, perhaps this whole affair, inconvenient as it was, would have a positive outcome in the end.
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byunbhyunz · 1 year
Lead and Gold 4.
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Pairing: Eunhyuk/Reader
Genre: mafia!au, smut and fluff
Warnings: swearing, blood, smut eventually
Word count: 3,114
There were a lot of gossips about your superior, Doctor Jung’s secret works, where he invited surgeon residents to his private clinic to help him out. Afterwards, no one talked a word about it. Then, your time came. He took you there too, and you did your best to do exactly what your job was in the hospital: saving people’s lives. You just didn’t know who’s life it was this time.
Previous | Next
Not looking in the mirror failed greatly, and you almost got a heart attack by noticing your reflection. Or rather by not recognizing yourself in it. You looked how you were feeling: beaten to shit. Well, yeah, you won’t be able to avoid questions in the hospital, doesn’t matter how much make up you’ll try to put on.
So you didn’t bother to cover your bruises at all.
When Shindong saw you after getting ready for your night shift, he simply scoffed and smirked as if he heard a nasty joke. You even heard him mutter something like ‘this will be interesting’ under his breath, but you weren’t so sure about that. You decided to ignore him. It became your habit lately; ignoring whatever disliked thing came to your way.
Coping with mafia stuff wasn’t something you could or wanted to get used to.
Shindong declared he would drive you to and from work, and he’d wait for you in the car. He made you put his number on speed dial in your phone, just in case of emergency, but you doubted you’d have time to call him if some thug attacked you in the hospital or somewhere else.
During your three-day long involuntary vacation, you missed a lot of gossips, and you were sure Ryeowook would fill you in on all of them. However, none of them seemed to be as big of a news as your bruised face.
Your sassy colleague got tongue-tied as soon as he saw you, only gawping at you openly. Other doctors, residents and nurses weren’t brave enough to do the same. They stole quick glances at you and then talked behind your back when they thought you were out of earshot. Most of the time, you weren’t, and heard everything they said.
Well, Ryeowook wasn’t that kind of a man. He stared at you with opened mouth and you could almost see the wheels turning in his head. It took him less than a minute to get over the shock, and pour his questions onto you. You just waved all of them off. What could you say to him, anyways? That you have got beaten up, because you involved yourself in some shady mafia business for money? Doesn’t matter how you looked at it, it didn’t sound good. So you sealed your lips, and shut his questions off with your own.
“Shouldn’t you be at the ER?”
“Not before you tell me what happened to your face. Have you got botched?”
“You know. You wanted some botox done and they botched you.”
You raised your eyebrows, but had to fight off a wince, since it still hurt. You never realized how many face muscles you used for the most simple things. Like cocking an eyebrow affected muscles even under your eye.
“For the love of god, I didn’t have botox, so don’t go and spread it around the hospital. Please, Ryeowook.”
He sighed, the joking manner leaving him completely, and a more serious look filled his face. You never saw him look like that. He was always goofy and snarky, joking around a lot, so it was a weird experience.
“I hoped I was right about the failed plastic surgery, because looking closely at your bruises makes me assume something worse. Even an idiot could tell that you were beaten.”
Pursing your lips, you turned away from him, planning to make a bee-line to the ER. Jung was on the same shift too, and he’ll probably make you assist him if there were some urgent cases that needed to tend to immediately.
“Tell me no one hurt you and I’m just misunderstanding your injuries,” Ryeowook spoke in a tight voice, and you didn’t have a heart to lie to him. But you had to.
“You’re misunderstanding it. I slipped and fell down the stairs a few days ago.”
“And you hit your face on every single step?”
“No. I face-planted into a pot of flowers. It wasn’t a pretty sight, trust me.”
Ryeowook’s gaze never faltered, the unbelieving shimmer never leaving his eyes, but if you kept up the eye contact long enough, then… Ah, yes, there it is!
He glanced away, before nodding to himself and going to the ER himself.
People could be tricked easily. They believed whatever you said if it was more convenient for them and you stated it confidently. In Ryeowook’s case, if you confirmed to him that your bruises was caused by someone hitting you, it would only disturb him. He would feel the urge to do something or help you, but deep down, he didn’t want to get involved really.
You two were only colleagues, nothing more, nothing less. It didn’t matter how close you acted with him or how he acted all sassy with you, still weren’t close enough to confide in each other.
So you lied confidently, and he decided to believe and not to pry any further.
And anyways, you would be dead in an hour if you told anyone about what happened. Or rather, Eunhyuk would get Ryeowook killed, too. It would look like an accident, a tragic one, so no one would suspect him or your ties to him.
Getting washed in for surgery, your mind was all over the place. Not only your colleagues stared at you strangely, even the patients did. They seemed to be uncomfortable around you, even after you told them the same fabricated story you told Ryeowook. Consistency was the key, yet they avoided eye contact with you, and gave you one-worded answers.
Lucky for you, Doctor Jung stepped in at the perfect time. You were feeling close to exploding with frustration, your hands were constantly in fists when you weren’t with a patient. The doctor asked you to assist him with a surgery. Then, in front of some nurses, he barked at you to leave your personal shit out of the hospital. You gave him a pointed look, but understood what he meant. You couldn’t loose focus during a surgery. It could cost you someone’s life.
So you shook yourself, hoping to get rid of your nervousness.
To be fair, it didn’t help at all. You could go on with the surgery without any problem, and your mind was focused on the tasks at hand, but you just felt out of it. What a relief that the patients was unable to stare at you from the operating table! That would be the cherry on top of all of today’s shit.
“Act professional,” you heard Jung’s whisper on your left. He was taking off his mask as well. His rubber gloves snickered as he removed them, and then threw them in the trash can. “I know, everybody gives you looks and they gossip, but not focusing on your job can end someone’s life. And I won’t be taking responsibility if you fuck up assisting on a surgery. Got it?”
You simply nodded, eyes fluttering in shame. Staring at the ugly linoleum seemed a better option then looking into the judging eyes of Jung.
He was right, you knew that. You were out of it during the whole operation, and you were lucky that you only got scolded by the Doc, not someone higher up on the hierarchy, or worse. You could have got an official warning for this. Hopefully, no one from the surgery will snitch you for this one time.
“Yeah. Just give me a minute.”
When you finally made eye contact with him, Jung opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the desk lady’s voice.
“Resident L/N is expected at the front desk. Resident L/N is expected at the front desk.”
You both looked up at the ceiling before he dismissed you with waving his hand. He avoided meeting your eyes now.
Reception wasn’t too close to the operating wing, but the walk helped you cool your head off, and you started to wonder why you were asked to go to the front desk.
Your parents would never come to visit you. Only you went to them, and all of you were okay with it. So what or who else could it be?
You got your answer as you turned the last corner leading to the reception. At the front desk, stood the man from your latest nightmares: the skinny guy who broke into your apartment and assisted with beating you up.
He had a five o’clock shadow on his jaw and with an almost pleasing smile on his lips chatted away with the desk lady. And she seemed to be swooned by whatever he was telling her.
But pretty words and nice smiles couldn’t trick your now trained eyes. You saw right through him.
His eyes were rather cold, the smile never really reached them. His hand – the one he didn’t use for leaning on the front desk –, were constantly moving, probably trying the steam off his nerves.
With every step you took in his direction, a lump was forming and growing in your throat. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. You should just call Jung or Shindong. Yeah, you should do that for real.
But you were too stubborn for your own good. And a little stupid, maybe. So you walked right up to them, not sparing a glance to the man, you spoke to the desk lady, after taking a quick look at her name tag:
“Who was looking for me, Joonja?”
“Ah, yes, Resident L/N! This lovely man has been looking for you,” she said while pointing and smiling at the man next to you. You had to give her a point for not flinching when she saw your bruised face. Only then you dared to look at him, your expression not changing from being nonchalant. “He said, you planned to meet up today, but you never showed up or called him.”
“Did I, now?” Your voice was painted with a cynical tone, which made him blink slowly, fingers drumming on the counter. “Silly me for forgetting.”
“It’s okay. Let’s go and talk somewhere more private about rescheduling it.” His smooth talking made you break out in a cold sweat. He really was a professional, huh?
Maybe should have texted Shindong immediately, you thought as you started to walk away from the front desk. One last look at Joonja told you that in only ten minutes everyone will know that a mysterious man visited you to probably scold you about standing him up on your date. These would be just allegations, but as people will spread it, the truth would be deformed to a bunch of lies. Oh, well, you reputation was already tainted by the state of your face, so what more harm could this man appearing at your work would do to you? Except for killing you here or beating you a little more.
You confidently led him to a rarely used corridor of the hospital, then walked into a storage room. Cleaning will only start later in that wing of a hospital so you wouldn’t be interrupted right away, you thought as you looked at the cleaning supplies.
“What do you want?” You turned to the man with vicious eyes, after the door clicked shut behind you. “Are you planning on threatening me more at my work place? Because you won’t get away with that so easily.”
“Just here to give you a fair warning. Don’t meddle with Eunhyuk and his business.”
The way his face scrunched up and he refused to meet your eyes made you uneasy. He was standing close to the door, seemingly listening if anyone was coming, but you could only think about how he was blocking your only way of escaping if things turn for the worse. He fidgeted with his belt, fingers time to time wandering near his armpit. You suspected a gun hiding there which made you even more nervous.
“And you had to beat me up just to come and tell me that?”
“You seemed like a nice and hardworking person, so giving you a heads-up seemed appropriate. Siding with Eunhyuk doesn’t get you anything, you’ll only gonna get killed.”
“And you care because of why exactly?”
He heaved a long and heavy sigh, eyebrows furrowing with frustration.
The whole situation confused you. He was trying to help you? Making you to get away from Eunhyuk before you were involved too deeply with everything? Well, it was already too late. You helped the mafia boss and accepted money for your medical services. They clearly stated from that point on the only way out of it would be by a bullet to the heart. Clean, and making it look like anything but intentional murder, so no one would be suspicious. Except for this man, maybe.
“I don’t care. I only want to get to Eunhyuk, and if it will be through your dead body, then so be it.”
One word contradicting the other; it was hard to decide how you felt about that man. He seemingly wanted good for you by telling you to get away from Eunhyuk, yet saying not to care if he had to kill you to get to the mafia boss. Who was that man, anyway?
You inhaled sharply, getting enough of talking to him. Ten minutes must have passed since you left Joonja at the front desk, so words should have spread. It meant Jung would have heard about it already. You could only hope that he realizes that something was wrong and would call Shindong in.
It’s not like it seemed that the man in front of you planned to kill you here and right now, but you could never know with people like him. For the record, he didn’t even look like a thug or someone from the mafia. Nice, dark hair, simple clothes that you could see on any other man on the street. A nonchalant look on his face. Except for the possibility of having a gun on him, and those cold eyes that flickered around the room before settling on you again.
“For your defense: are you planning to tell me where Eunhyuk is?”
You smiled without any happiness, then scoffed.
“Still a no, for me.”
“I hoped you would change your mind. It would make things so much easier for you in the future.”
His words rang a bell in your head, so you decided to play the idiot card. You widened your smile, and in your most innocent voice managed to say:
“Change my mind? I don’t know anyone named Eunhyuk. I’m only a surgeon resident, trying to do my job here, but you keep me from that.”
It was his turn to scoff at your words. They were faker than artificial flowers sold at the dollar store. But if you would be in shit and someone questioned what were you talking about, nothing could be used against you. Deny and get away with everything was your strategy at the moment.
“I just…”
A knock on the door disturbed the moment, and the man failed to finish what he wanted to say. He was standing close to you, chest almost touching yours, which you only noticed now, when you were kicked out of the tense atmosphere. You were so focused on the conversation that you didn’t know when did you step closer to each other.
You stumbled back a little when the knocking could be heard again, followed by Jung’s voice:
“Yah, Resident L/N, your break has ended eight minutes ago.”
None of you questioned how did the Doc know you were in there, but you will definitely ask him later. The man opened the door and was greeted with the sight of Doctor Jung and Shindong. Scratching his stubble, he let out a low chuckle.
“Not knowing who Eunhyuk is, yet his dog is right here, looking for you.”
“What a coincidence!”
He stepped out of the storage room, bumping his shoulders into both men’s, giving them a smug look. You already saw Shindong reach for his gun on his belt as the man passed by them, but Jung put a hand over his before he could pull the weapon out. The doctor’s eyes were on you and with the shake of your head you signed him that nothing serious happened.
“See him out, then meet us here.”
Shindong only nodded at Jung’s words, then followed the nameless man out.
The doctor came in, trapping you two into the small room. The serious look only softened when he saw your form shaking.
“Are you okay?” He asked after a long pause.
“I’m good. How did you find us?”
“Security cameras and that stupid gossiping Joonja. Not to mention that no one would ever ask you on a date looking like that.”
The little jab didn’t even bother you anymore, but still hurt slightly.
“He was one of those who broke into my apartment.”
“What did he want? Tried to hurt you again? Or threatened you?”
“No, he warned me not to get involved with Eunhyuk and get out of it while I still can.”
“You can’t,” he added right away.
“I know. But he doesn’t.”
“What was that babbling about you not knowing Eunhyuk?”
You laughed humorlessly, running a hand over your hair. Your ponytail was still intact to your surprise.
“I played stupid. He felt off somehow. I mean, why would the enemy warn me to save my ass?”
“Maybe he fancies you.” Looking at him questioningly. You tried to keep a straight face, wanting him to break first. It didn’t took him long, his lips twitching until a smile took over his face. Laughing out loud, you doubled over, hands on knees. It was so unbelievable. Even thinking that the man who beat you up was liking you in any way was ridiculous.
“Let’s go and take a smoke break before getting back to work. We both deserve it.”
“What about Shindong? He supposed to find us here when he gets back.”
He just shrugged and was already out of the storage room, on his way for a cigarette.
The last time you smoked was in high school, and your lung didn’t have a great reaction to you inhaling smoke after such a long time. You coughed and choked, but continued smoking until you finished the cigarette. At first Jung gave you a weird look, but never said anything about your struggling. Not even made fun of you to Shindong who just got to you after you texted him your location.
You reeked of cigarette when you got back to the hospital, but you didn’t care. Jung was right, you deserved a break.
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I'm sorry you're not feeling well. People underestimate how tiring and debilitating it can be when you have chronic pain. I saw that you're touch averse and that massages/acupuncture are a challenge. Have you ever tried acupressure cushions? I have one from Kanjo that I use for my back and my cervical spine. I get migraines bc of arthritis in my neck and back pain/sciatica bc of stenosis and a herniated disc in my lower back. I got approved for Botox to help with the headaches and neck pain, but it wears off after a couple of months. So, the cushion helps between appointments. That and I use Salonpas patches too bc I already take so many meds I try to avoid Tylenol/ibuprofen when I can. Maybe they can help with some of the pain. I hope you're able to get some relief soon.
I'm sorry to hear you've been through all that. I have salonpas, I take some tylenol but rarely bc it doesnt do much for me, I also do stretches and what I can to relieve it. Idk. It is what it is, I just vent here bc I get frustrated with the pain. Thank you and I hope we both get some relief.
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orowyrm · 2 years
being wxposed to television after spending all my free time avoiding ads and pirating shit is always so jarring. 90% of the time i’ve spent “watching” this hgtv show my mom left on has been sitting thru commercials that are all desperately trying to market a sense of identity to me and tying it to their product. lose 10 pounds in one week with our weight loss program and take your life back!!! buy this car and become a more exciting person!!!!!! this huge regimen of dietary supplements is SOOO empowering. this premium perfume will make your life beautiful again! have we mentioned our revolutionary new weight loss program???? oh and don’t forget to buy [brand] at [store] so you can be #sustainable #mindful #healthcore or whatever the fuck. our big chain mega franchise retail store is so community and local business, don’t forget to support us on our journey 😇 did you know for every billion tons of pollution we create, amazon plants One(1) tree? hey girl, your skin shows signs of a life lived! that’s disgusting!!! here’s fifteen different creams and concealers to smooth out all that horrid, repulsive skin. fuck it, you and i both know that won’t do anything, but you’ll try it anyway. also have you considered botox? OH AND BY THE WAY - are you suffering constant aches and pains from the multiple jobs you have to work to stay afloat? we gotchu girl!!! this painkiller will help you #girlboss your way through all that easily avoidable agony and maximize your slay so you can come home after a long day at the back pain factory and cook and clean for your husband and care for your children, because you’re an Empowered Woman who can do it all! are you stressed? do you have constant migraines? babe, that’s gonna impact your productivity!!! here, this pill will suppress that chronic health issue just long enough for you to power through your work day and not long enough for you to stop and consider looking into why you’re so stressed once you get home. are you having trouble sleeping because of all the STRESS??? oh honey, don’t you worry, this medicine will knock you OUT the moment you step foot into your home. gotta be rested for all your full time shifts at your multiple jobs!!!! uh oh, all that back pain finally catching up to you? cant find a doctor? our healthcare system is a nightmare! help shouldn’t be so hard to access— luckily we have just the app for you!!!!!!!! don’t forget to buy that luxury car btw!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, you’re having trouble managing your finances even after all the work you’ve been doing? bestie, we’ve BEEN THERE. this totally legitimate stock app is gonna CHANGE. THE. GAME. vote for this politician in the upcoming primary! no wait, that politician is evil. vote for THIS one! you didn’t forget about our new weight loss program, right? just checking. look at all these totally average healthy people— DISGUSTING!!! but look, they lost weight! now they’re beautiful and worthy of love again! don’t look at these pictures too long or you’ll realize the only difference is better fitting clothes and makeup. don’t you want to feel GOOD about yourself again? don’t you want to be HAPPY? aren’t you TIRED? shouldn’t you feel more FULFILLED with your life? buy our product! download our app! subscribe to our premium membership! shop at our store! eat this food! take these pills! still not happy? what’s wrong with you!!!! just keep buying!! money CAN buy happiness, because you’re a #bossbabe and you’re WORTH IT!!!
and then you finally make it through the hellish advertising psychological warfare gauntlet and you get to watch some annoying white couple buy a perfectly nice looking older house in a perfectly nice little neighborhood and totally strip it of all its unique and beautiful features to turn it into the worlds tackiest furniture store showroom with blank white surfaces everywhere and fake succulents glued into planters all over and one piece of wildly impractical ‘upcycled’ custom decor that cost them thousands of real life dollars to make and that you KNOW nobody’s ever gonna want or use and it’ll just rot in someone’s closet or maybe sell for 15 bucks at a garage sale and then they sell the poor mangled corpse of that house for 25x the value of every other house on the block to another annoying white couple and pat themselves on the back for ‘making this neighborhood more beautiful’ but that’s only on for like ten minutes before the next commercial break and then the cycle repeats
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jess-unkommentiert · 2 years
[4] She is probably engaged or married
-> Heartbeats 💕 Masterlist
June 2022 – Somewhere between New Brunswick and New York City in a taxi
Right after the party - Sebastian's POV He heard Anthony's voice talking about the evening, but he wasn't paying him full attention. His mind was settling around y/n and their talks and laughter this evening. Something in her green eyes amazed him and made him feel comfortable. She was so.. so normal. So honest. So authentic. But also so special – although she was not realizing that.
In his industry honest and authentic people are very rare. That's why he loves to be around Anthony, because he is also just himself. Sebastian hates small-talking to other actors and actresses, because most of them are lying and trying to look perfect all the time. They all want to look like they have no problems, no doubts and of course thanks to botox: no wrinkles.
But talking with y/n was different. She shared her honest opinion not thinking about "could that destroy any job opportunities" all the time. He admired that. He wished he had her self-confidence, because although he was a famous actor, he was very insecure most of the time. He avoided seeing himself on the screen, because he always notices the mistakes he made during filming: a wrong movement or a little late response on his co-stars. He saw every little mistake and he didn't like that these not-perfect-scenes are in the movie. He is too much of a perfectionist.
But y/n appeared to be very self-confident and she even caught him lying about the cocktail. She could read his eyes like an open book. That was exciting and frightening at the same time.
"Hey, Mr. Loverboy. Still thinking about that woman?", Anthony asked and laughed.
"What? No! I am just tired, sorry.", Sebastian answered and hoped Anthony would buy that. Thankfully he did.
"I still don't get why you haven't asked for her number. You two clearly had a good chemistry!", Anthony said looking straight into Sebastians eyes.
Sebastian shook his head and answered: "It was a very nice evening, but she had a ring on her left hand. She is probably engaged or married. So I think it would be impropriate to ask for her number. Besides you don't ask for someone's number just because you had one nice evening."
Anthony sighed but nodded in agreement. A few minutes later the cap arrived at Sebastian's apartment and both left the car. Anthony was sleeping on his couch – the first time ever by the way. Although he said something different in dozens of interviews during their press tour of Captain America: Civil war and Avengers: Infinity War.
When he arrived yesterday Anthony saw his apartment for the first time in real life and also the couch that he was talking about a few years ago.
June 2022 – New York City
They entered the building and arrived at Sebastian's floor. He put his key in the door and opened it. They were in a little anteroom with a door that headed into the real apartment. Both men took off their shoes, put their jackets on a coat at the wall and went to settle down on the couch. "I was right back then. It IS a comfortable couch!" Anthony said and laughed. Sebastian smiled at him and answered: "Well from now on you can tell everybody how amazing my couch is, because now you really know it."
As they had a few beers and cocktails on the party Sebastian opened more than usual. He was more of the "stand in the back and observe everything"-guy. But today he was very communicative. "It was very nice to see Christina again. We had some crazy times at Rutgers together. To be honest all men wanted to sleep with her, because she was even more beautiful than today." He said.
Anthony raised his eyebrow and responded: "All men? That included you?"
Sebastian laughed and said "No, not me. She was always a good friend. Actually a very good friend. We had a lot of crazy club nights and karaoke parties during college time. But when I decided to go to London as an exchange student she left behind and graduated before us. When I came back we were not able to stay in touch. That's why I was so surprised that she invited me to her party. So I rescheduled a few things to be able to be there. And I am glad I did."
"Because you met y/n?" Anthony said but he didn't get an answer - only a punch on his arm as response. Sebastian yawned, said Goodnight to Anthony and went upstairs into his bedroom.
"Yeah I met y/n. Kind of sad that she is engaged or married or whatever. I could ask Christina to be sure. But that would be very suspicious. And I don't want to be disappointed – again." He thought. His last 'relationship' ended a few months ago, but it was an arranged one. She was good-looking but they just didn't have any chemistry so that he could even think about having a real date with her. His team prepared a break-up coup with another actress. He didn't understand all the drama. He just wanted to make a public announcement that they split-up, but his team said that this wouldn't be good or whatever.
He just wanted to be an actor – he never liked the whole PR stuff. Meeting fans on the other hand was always fun. That's why he loved being at conventions.
"I would love to date a 'normal' person – someone outside the fake business. But all the bullshit that is going on here would overwhelm someone who is not used to it. It is even overwhelming me and I am an actor for a very very long time. Dating someone like y/n would be the jackpot. She knows all the struggle of the industry but is still an amazingly normal human being."
When he started thinking about y/n again he put both of his hands on his face and shook his head. He didn't want to think about that because y/n was engaged or married. No need to even think about whatever could happen between them. He decided that his weird thoughts are based on the alcohol and went straight into bed – trying to not think or dream about y/n. 
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rumblebumble22 · 2 years
I want to be old, and I explain why
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There are a lot of stereotypes about old people. Many of us think they are incompetent and unable to enjoy life, depressed and miserable. But is it true? I did a bit of research and realised that these people are one of the happiest and most fulfilled groups of the world population. It turned out that these people live a calm and joyful life. But why in our world is everyone so terrified of the prospect of becoming older? In my opinion, there are stereotypes which prevent us from seeing aging as it is — a natural process which no one of us can avoid. 
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Modern beauty industries sell us the idea that only youth is beautiful and only young people deserve love and care. On TV and on the Internet we see attractive models with thin waists, skinny belly and smooth skin. There is almost no representation of old people in the mass media, did you notice? There is only energy, health, and liveliness on the faces of teenagers and young adults. It seems like beauty industries associate these concepts only with youth. 
Anti-age. Doesn’t this word sound weird to you? What do surgery clinics and cosmetics companies mean by this word, actually? Does they try to convince us that the laws of nature are wrong and we should turn time back? I think it is ridiculous. It’s like when I am 29, I suddenly wish to be a 12-year-old girl again. Why should I want it? Why anyone should want something like this?
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But I can explain how it works. Beauty companies instill women with fear that nobody will love them if they become old. They told us that smooth skin is beautiful, whereas wrinkles and gray hair are ugly. I just wonder, does anybody really believe in that? Because seriously, these companies just make money this way. I searched how much surgery clinics earned on liposuction, botox and facelifting and goddamn, these numbers exploded my mind. Companies make money on women’s fears, and women obediently go under the surgeon’s knife or waste money on expensive and useless creams. Is it actually legal? 
After all these horrific facts I found old people’s opinions, where they explain their perception of life. It turned out for me that actually the older we get, the happier we are. Aging has some unique benefits which are unavailable to you when you are young. For example, when you become old you really don’t care anymore what people think about you. You can say what you really think, wear weird clothes or sniff cocaine. It's up to you and your imagination. No one will condemn you as much as if you were young. 
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Besides, you can relax more. Nobody expects you to join the gym, become a parent or build a career. Why? Because probably you already do some of these things and if you didn’t, who cares now? You are too old to start this kind of serious project. No one can tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, because it’s just not appropriate to tell things like this to old people.
Also, with age time became shorter, so you begin to comprehend life as it is. Stupid problems and unimportant concerns doesn’t worry you anymore. Sunsets, conversations with friends, walks in the nature: all these things become more precious to you. You simply start to appreciate everything around you more and understand that life is a treasure. 
Also, since with age you get more skills and understanding of life, you become wiser and calmer. Probably, you have more financial security and free time for hobbies and interests than you had when you were young.  Thus, you become more happy and can live as you like. 
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 I think we should give more attention to aging and get rid of our prejudices about old people. Firstly, the despair of aging is simply a lie, and secondly, it’s not fair in relation to old people. Old age might be happier than we actually think, and I am waiting with curiosity for the days when I become an elder. 
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drhayduke · 15 hours
Botox Palm Springs - Rejuvenate Your Look With Expert Treatments
In the beautiful and serene city of Palm Springs, achieving a youthful, refreshed appearance is easier than ever with the expert Botox treatments available. Whether you're looking to smooth out fine lines, reduce wrinkles, or enhance your overall facial aesthetics, Botox offers a non-invasive, effective solution. This article delves into the benefits, process, and considerations of opting for Botox in Palm Springs, helping you make an informed decision to rejuvenate your look.
Why Choose Botox?
Botox, a popular cosmetic treatment, involves injecting a purified form of botulinum toxin into specific facial muscles. This process temporarily relaxes the muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The results are often immediate and can last for several months, making Botox a convenient and reliable choice for many.
Key Benefits of Botox:
Non-Surgical Procedure: Botox offers a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures, with minimal downtime.
Quick and Convenient: Treatments are typically quick, often completed within 15-30 minutes, allowing you to resume your daily activities almost immediately.
Effective Results: Botox is renowned for its ability to reduce the appearance of crow's feet, forehead lines, and frown lines, providing a more youthful and refreshed look.
Versatile Application: In addition to cosmetic benefits, Botox can also help with medical conditions such as chronic migraines, excessive sweating, and muscle spasms.
What to Expect During Your Botox Treatment
When you opt for Botox in Palm Springs, you can expect a professional and comfortable experience. Here's a brief overview of the process:
Consultation: Your Botox journey begins with a consultation with a qualified professional. During this session, you will discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you might have. This step ensures that Botox is the right choice for you and that you have realistic expectations.
Preparation: On the day of your treatment, the targeted areas will be cleaned, and a topical anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort.
Injection: Using a fine needle, the Botox is carefully injected into the predetermined areas. You may experience a slight pinching sensation, but the procedure is generally well-tolerated.
Post-Treatment Care: After the injections, you might notice some redness or swelling at the injection sites, which usually subsides within a few hours. It's advisable to avoid strenuous activities, alcohol, and lying down for a few hours post-treatment.
Why Palm Springs?
Opting for Botox in Palm Springs not only ensures you receive top-notch care but also allows you to recover in a tranquil, picturesque environment. The city is home to many highly skilled practitioners who prioritize your safety and satisfaction, providing personalized treatments tailored to your needs.
Botox in Palm Springs offers a perfect blend of expertise and tranquility, making it an ideal choice for those looking to enhance their appearance with minimal disruption to their daily lives. With its numerous benefits, quick procedure, and effective results, Botox can help you achieve the youthful, rejuvenated look you desire.
If you're considering Botox, Palm Springs provides an idyllic setting to embark on your journey to a fresher, more confident you. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards rejuvenating your look with expert Botox treatments.
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newyorkonebeauty · 3 days
What is the proper aftercare routine for different beauty treatments?
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1. Facial Treatments: Basic Facials:  Avoid touching your face excessively.  Use gentle skincare products post-treatment.  Apply sunscreen if going outside.
Chemical Peels: Follow specific post-peel instructions from your esthetician.  Avoid direct sunlight; use sunscreen daily.  Moisturize frequently to prevent excessive dryness.
 Microdermabrasion:  Use gentle cleansers and moisturizers.  Avoid sun exposure; wear sunscreen daily.  Don’t use exfoliants or harsh skincare products immediately after.
 2. Hair Removal: Waxing:  Avoid hot showers, steam rooms, or saunas for 24–48 hours.  Moisturize the area to prevent ingrown hairs.  Exfoliate gently starting a few days after treatment.
Laser Hair Removal:  Avoid sun exposure before and after treatment.  Use sunscreen daily on treated areas.  Moisturize regularly to soothe the skin.
3. Injectables (Botox, Fillers):  Botox: Avoid rubbing or massaging the treated area.  Stay upright for several hours after treatment.  Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.
Fillers: Avoid massaging the area unless instructed by your provider.  Apply ice packs to reduce swelling if needed. Avoid vigorous exercise for 24–48 hours.
4. Laser Skin Treatments: Fractional Laser, IPL:  Protect treated areas from sun exposure.  Use gentle skincare products recommended by your provider.  Avoid picking or scratching treated skin.
5. Nail Treatments (Manicure, Pedicure):  Regular Polish:  Allow nails to dry completely before exposing them to water.  Moisturize cuticles to prevent dryness.
6. Gel Polish:  Avoid picking or peeling off gel polish; have it removed professionally. Moisturize nails and cuticles after removal.
Always follow the specific instructions provided by your esthetician or dermatologist at OneBeautyMedical in New York. They will provide tailored advice based on the treatment received and your skin type. Proper aftercare ensures optimal results and reduces the risk of complications.
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berlinbeautynj · 26 days
Botox Injection Treatment: Everything You Need to Know
Botox injections have become a popular treatment for a variety of cosmetic and medical conditions. From smoothing out wrinkles to alleviating chronic migraines, Botox offers a range of benefits. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Botox treatment, its uses, benefits, risks, and what to expect during and after the procedure.
What is Botox?
Botox is a brand name for a substance known as botulinum toxin, which is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. While it is a toxin, when used in small, controlled amounts, it has a variety of medical and cosmetic applications. Botox works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it is injected, which temporarily paralyzes or weakens those muscles.
Cosmetic Uses of Botox
1. Wrinkle Reduction
One of the most well-known uses of Botox is for the reduction of facial wrinkles. Common areas treated include:
Forehead lines
Crow’s feet around the eyes
Frown lines between the eyebrows
Botox can smooth out these lines, giving the face a more youthful appearance. Results typically last three to six months, after which repeat treatments are necessary to maintain the effect.
2. Lip Enhancement
Botox can be used to enhance the lips by creating a subtle pout and smoothing out lip lines. This is sometimes referred to as a "lip flip."
3. Contouring the Jawline
Botox can be injected into the masseter muscles to help contour the jawline and reduce the appearance of a square jaw.
Medical Uses of Botox
1. Migraine Relief
Botox is FDA-approved for the treatment of chronic migraines. It is believed to work by blocking pain signals and relaxing muscles, which can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.
2. Hyperhidrosis
Botox is also used to treat hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating. By injecting Botox into the sweat glands, it can significantly reduce sweating in areas such as the armpits, hands, feet, and face.
3. Muscle Spasms and Disorders
Botox can help manage various muscle-related conditions, including:
Cervical dystonia (neck spasms)
Blepharospasm (eyelid spasms)
Overactive bladder
Spasticity from conditions like cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis
The Procedure
Before the Injection
Before getting Botox, it's important to have a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. During this consultation, you’ll discuss your medical history, any medications you’re taking, and your treatment goals. Your provider will also evaluate your facial anatomy to determine the best injection sites.
During the Injection
The actual injection process is relatively quick and straightforward. Here’s what to expect:
The treatment area will be cleaned.
A topical anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort.
Using a fine needle, the provider will inject small amounts of Botox into specific muscles. The entire process usually takes about 10-30 minutes, depending on the number of areas being treated.
After the Injection
After the procedure, you can resume most of your normal activities, but it’s advisable to avoid strenuous exercise, lying down, or rubbing the treated area for at least 24 hours. This helps prevent the Botox from spreading to unintended areas.
Benefits of Botox
Non-surgical: Botox is a minimally invasive treatment that does not require surgery.
Quick and Convenient: The procedure is fast, with minimal downtime, making it easy to fit into a busy schedule.
Effective: Many patients see noticeable improvements in their condition or appearance within days of treatment.
Versatile: Botox can be used for both cosmetic and medical purposes, addressing a variety of concerns.
Risks and Side Effects
While Botox is generally considered safe when administered by a qualified professional, it’s not without potential risks and side effects. These may include:
Pain, swelling, or bruising at the injection site
Headache or flu-like symptoms
Drooping eyelids or eyebrows (usually temporary)
Dry eyes or excessive tearing
In rare cases, more serious side effects can occur, such as muscle weakness, vision problems, or difficulty breathing. It’s important to contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.
Botox injections offer a versatile and effective treatment option for a range of cosmetic and medical issues. Whether you're looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or manage a chronic condition, Botox can provide significant benefits.
However, it’s crucial to seek treatment from a qualified healthcare provider to ensure safety and achieve the best possible results. If you’re considering Botox, schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and find out if it’s the right option for you.
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laproscopicsuregon · 1 month
Anal fissure vs Hemorrhoid understanding the difference
In the realm of anorectal diseases, understanding the difference between hemorrhoids and anal fissures is consummated. Dr. Arun Nair a gastro surgeon in Thrissur emphasizes the significance of recognizing their unique symptoms similar to pain and bleeding — to guide proper care. Despite their similarities, these conditions demand different treatments. Dr. Arun Nair encourages people not to suffer in silence due to embarrassment; rather, seeking timely intervention can effectively address discomfort. Whether through lifestyle adaptations, over-the-counter medications, or medical procedures, relief from symptoms and an advanced quality of life are attainable. With Dr. Arun Nair’s guidance, people can confidently navigate their healthcare journey and find relief from anal discomfort.
First, understand what are hemorrhoids and Anal fissures?
What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids also know  piles  are blown veins located in the lower part of the rectum and anus, such as swollen veins that happen in the legs. They can develop internally, within the rectum, or externally, under the skin around the anus. Hemorrhoids can cause discomfort, itching, pain, and bleeding, making them a common but frequently uncomfortable condition. They can be internal or external:
Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum. They usually aren’t visible but can cause painless bleeding during bowel movements.
External hemorrhoids form under the skin around the anus. These can be itchy or painful and sometimes bleed.
What are anal fissures?
Anal fissures are small gashes or cracks in the skinny, moist tissue( mucosa) that lines the anus. These fissures can be due to numerous factors but are generally associated with trauma or injury to the anal conduit. Anal fissures constantly affect violent pain during and after bowel movements, along with bleeding.
What is the Difference: Anal Fissures vs. Hemorrhoids?
So, how do you tell the difference between anal fissures and hemorrhoids? While both can beget pain and bleeding, there are some crucial distinctions:
Spots: Hemorrhoids are usually located moreover inside the rectum( internal) or outside the anus( external), whereas anal fissures are fragile rips in the surface around the anus.
Symptoms: While both can affect pain and bleeding, hemorrhoids may also cause itching, swelling, and a lump near the anus. Anal fissures frequently affect sharp pain during bowel movements and may react in visible blood on the coprolite or toilet paper.
Causes: Hemorrhoids are constantly caused by swelled pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus, while anal fissures are usually the result of trauma or injury to the anal tube.
Appearance: Hemorrhoids appear as blown veins, either inside or outside the anus, whereas anal fissures may look like fragile slits or cuts in the anal lining.
Treatment Options for Both:
Dr. Arun Nair, a Proctologist in Thrissur, will now help us explore treatment options for both conditions:
Hemorrhoids: Treatment for hemorrhoids frequently starts with lifestyle changes such as adding fiber input, drinking plenty of fluids, and avoiding straining during bowel motions. Over-the-counter creams, ointments, and suppositories may also support relieve symptoms. In tough cases, procedures such as rubber band ligation or surgery may be necessary.
Anal Fissures: Treatment for anal fissures generally involves keeping the area clean and dry, taking sitz baths to promote mending, and utilizing untoward creams or ointments to ease pain and discomfort. In some cases, prescription medications or procedures like botox injections or surgery may be needed.
In summary, recognizing the distinguish between hemorrhoids and anal fissures is vital for tailored treatment. While they may have combined symptoms, similar to pain and bleeding, their distinct features bear specific interventions. Seeking timely medical assistance, including booking appointments and consulting with specialists like Dr. Arun Nair, can lead to effective relief and enriched well-being. With informed decisions and professional guidance, people can address discomfort and enhance their quality of life.
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