#what little scrunglies
gringlgrungl · 3 months
As he walked across the street, he couldn't quite escape the feeling that he was being watched. He turned down a corner, breaking into a light jog whilst thinking to himself
*crapcrapcrap is anyone following me?*
He turned to look behind him, and saw somebody he could've sworn he'd seen already behind him, going just fast enough to keep him in view. Panicking more, he began to look around as he jogged, trying to find someone, anybody he even vaguely knew, but to no avail. As he turned down another alley and got to the end, he realised with a drop in his stomach that it was a dead end, and behind him was the very same person, their face still hidden by a hoodie. He frantically looked around for something he could use to protect himself, but once again to no avail. In a panic he began to shout at the figure, telling them to leave him the hell alone and get lost, when suddenly they drew a knife, and his heart stopped in his chest.
"P-please don't kill me, I'll do anything!"
The figure ignored him, and kept slowly walking towards him. Right when they were almost in stabbing range, he whimpered
"Now I won't even get to know who Allie's kid's father is.."
The second he said that, the person stopped in their tracks, staring at him.
"....What the hell did you just say?"
He gulped, then mumbled
"W-well, my friend Allie had a kid recently, a-and a few guys are claiming to be the father, but t-the worst part is t-that she's married.."
They let out an extremely faint gasp, then glared at him a bit before saying
"....Well- how many guys?"
By now he was confused himself, why hadn't they killed him already? But, he thought it'd be better to buy some time, maybe somebody'd come down here.
"About five right now, but it was three yesterday so who knows if there's more."
".....Who do you think it was."
".....uhhM- if it isn't her husband, I'd say this dude called Ronnie, pretty tall and if I do say so myself quite handsome, buttt he's a bit of an ass so that's a dealbreaker to me."
The figure groaned, and put a hand on their forehead
"God, I hate it when you meet somebody like that."
"Right?? Hey- uh- Wanna hear more, or.. are you gonna.. y-yknow, kill me..?"
They seemed to ponder the options for a moment, before taking their hood off, revealing a woman with short, spikey blonde hair, and a grin on her face.
"...I kinda wanna know more about this to be honest."
"Uh... oookay then? Dya wanna stay in this alley, or go somewhere comfier?"
"Ehhhhhhh... I have some cold pizza and slightly warm takeout back at my apartment."
He gestured back to the road, a slight grin on his face as he said
"Weeeell then, lead the way! I'm.. Max, by the way.
She nodded slightly, then began to walk, but not before saying
A couple hours later, and they were in Dana's apartment, enjoying some microwaved takeout and gossip
"Okayokayokay, so then he said that he was only going out with ME to make another guy jealous!"
He said, still a bit pissed about that time. Meanwhile Dana looked utterly shocked, and whilst having a bite of pizza she said
"He shounds liyk a real peice of work"
Max nodded sagely, and took another slice before saying
"He definitely was, but don't even get me started on this girl I went out with after, It's a long story, and includes more bodyglitter and katanas then you'd expect."
She looked at him for a bit, trying to figure out if he was lying or not before shrugging, and asking
"Seriously dude, have you gone out with anybody sane?"
He grinned a bit, and said
"OH yea course! Forrr example the guy I'm going out with right now, Liang. He's the whole package if you ask me, infact right now he's preparing a dinner date at his pla-"
His eyes went as wide as plates as he frantically checked his watch, gasping as he yelped out
Dana stared at him for a moment, eyes almost as wide as his, then shouted
He nodded, and sped for his jumper, then put his shoes on at what was surely world record pace, and right when he was about to run out the door, he froze.
"Hey, Dana?"
He turned a bit, and nervously asked her
"W-were you actually gonna kill me?"
She paused, then broke into laughter, only stopping when he did not look in the slightest amused.
"Nahh dude, I was never actually gonna kill you. It was a stupid dare from my girlfriend, I had to scare the crap outta a stranger on the street, at MOST I would've conked you on the head a bit.
He let out a big sigh of relief, and smiled at her.
"Well that's.. good. Uh- let's try and catch up a bit next week maybe?"
"Sounds good, aslong as you bring something extraordinary unhealthy and supersized."
She broke out in laughter again, taking a few deep breaths before telling him
"You got yourself a deal, I still wanna know about Allie and the mystery father."
He grinned, and gave a small salute as he walked out her apartment as she copied him, then shouted out
He laughed, then shouted out to her
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suntails · 9 months
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200 years
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missmisnomer · 2 years
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just a scrungly lil guy
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
is charles chaplin a good scrungly guy?
if you can convince me in the submission form, then yes! he's in!
reminder that inclusion is based solely on the quality of your pitch of their scrungliness, and I only accept submissions through this form. don't send scrungly little guys to my asks.
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tired-demonspawn · 1 year
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a nightly stroll in the woods :)
a take on @oxblooddraws's feral belos au :) i did say i'd draw it when i got the time
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Doodles from class yesterday
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
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marclef · 8 months
a little art trade with @luc1a-th3-m11x3! hope you like how it turned out!
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man i have too much fun when i use lots of color 😅
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absence of color
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hearteyedbunny · 7 months
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AAAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!! I finally got my Danse/Arty commission from my very dear friend @frecklydork !!!! 💕💕💕 this is sooo so pretty I love these goobers so much
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stardust-falling · 4 months
I think one of SJ’s biggest problem is that he has bought into the idea that he’s inhuman from a young age. He believes in all the things people say about him and because people say bad things about him and lives down to expectations. If people are going to treat him like a monster anyway, he might as well lean into it to protect himself. I feel like deep down he wants to get better but he doesn’t know how and he’s unwilling to open up to anyone to learn. It would take an extreme shock or push to get him to change, it’s why the system just thought it would be easier to replace him outright.
Exactly, it’s that whole worldview of his that his circumstances gave him, which is basically impossible to change because it’s just how he sees things, and he’s been proven right in the past. His behaviors and perceptions are so deeply ingrained, it isn’t worth the effort for him to try to be a good person because a) he’s already too damaged and tainted (at least so he’s been told and so he believes) and b) it never works out right when he tries it.
Honestly, I can understand the system wanting to straight up replace him— SVLPO is hard to write because I want to give him a happy ending and let him grow, but no matter what there’s hardly anything that can shake his worldview!
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mxsticmess · 8 months
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wip of saeyoung during saeran’s after ending
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brainrottim · 2 years
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hehe the scrunglys
I want OTH to be real
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scuddmud · 1 year
this one, *points towards the most pathetic douchebag in the show* take them to the lab with haste.
oh, and dont forget to put holes and a stick with leaves in the jar, you remember what happened last time.
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why are people thirsting for kinito
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
(trembling on the floor, foaming at the mouth, trying very hard to sound Normal): this fanfiction from 2003 stopped updating before it was able to deliver on its promises of vivisecting my favorite fictional guy like a science frog . i am blowing up the hostages
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